#oh shit i forgot to tag sum stuff
cow-tag · 2 years
Almost there from the princess and the frog but it's rise mikey after buying an old run down paint factory
kicking my feet thinking about it maybe shellshocked au comes into play when like miles goes to the old factory to paint on the walls before it was bought and hes there they day mikey buys it
i would like to note that mikey sees the graffiti and does nothing to get rid of it. he actually paints next to and around them then finishes it off with sealant so it wont chip away and miles watches from a ways away like "holy fuck this dude is cool hold on"
shenanigans ensue
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geffenrecords · 1 year
I still would like to see your stuff about diary of a wimpy kid. hand it over 🫴🏽
oh boy um. okay. so i hauvent posted abt them in a long time but i imagine if youve followed me for long enuf you remember....and boy theres a lot to sayhere
so the context is that like when i was like 14..me & my at the time best friend became just like. obsessed with the diary of a wimpy kid movies. and im dead serious we were obsessed with them. we watched them all the time and talked about them for hours. like im straight up we loved these movies. my only possible defense for what was up with me is that i was really anorexic haha so i was really weird in the head. but anyways, obviously mostly people only talk about those movies because they like rodrick and well looks around yeah. but also ☝️ we were retired glee kids. my friend had previously been the biggest fan of the warblers from glee (who altogether have maybe 8 minutes of screentime) and we were retired newsies fans. we were really cringey fandom kids still & we were really really good at loving total nothing background characters. so !
if you pay attention. in the first movie rodricks band consists of 1 redhead kid on guitar, some emo kid, and some other random guy. in rodrick rules/dog days, his band is two guys named ben and chris (plus bill in rodrick rules and some random kid they found for dog days). chris doesnt have any lines i dont think but he is there a lot in rodrick rules. i dont have any evidence but im like 79% sure he was definitely high during the filming. and if he wasnt hes really good at acting it. ben does have lines though :-) in rodrick rules he and rodrick drive rowley and greg home and discuss what song theyre going to perform at the talent show and he says "dude we'll get to go backstage" at the party scene.
um. anyways yeah. we made them into what was pretty much our own characters and gave them a whole story which is so long and. in all honesty i just forgot so much of i make shit up all the time for it when i do stuff with it now. but its silly and long and to sum it up -> ben works at office max in a mall (i dont think they have office max in malls) and rodrick keeps coming in to print/copy band posters. one night he breaks the machine so he and ben talk and rodrick asks him to join his band. he says yes, so ben and chris join the band which is rodrick and matt (emo kid from the first movie, who guess what doesnt say a single thing. he just stands there and claps at the sorry women scene) also the big joke with matt was that he works at chuck e cheese and hes the guy who wears the mouse costume and ben rodrick and chris all keep going there and pissing him off and eventually he gets mad and yells at them and thats how they all meet. i think thats what we created him for basically. ben is rhythm guitar/vocals, chris is bass, rodrick is drums, and matt is lead guitar. they break up at the end of highschool and reunite after dropping out of college and get world famous haha. just think like really annoying music kids in like 2007 who actually have a successful band...(their song is rodrick rules is good...i promise go look it up).
but ya. its unfortunately such a personal story to me atp that i cant let it go even though im not even friends with that person anymore. and also i dont really care. its funny & i draw them so much now and also. rodrick rules is such a good fucking movie. i dont care its definitely in my top ten favorites im deadass. whatevs.
other noteable things from this is kitty. whos my oc completely but shes chris' girlfriend and we made her up because the whole joke was she pegged him to paramore. hides my face this is just who we were at the time. but i draw her more with my own ocs than i do with chris her boyfriend who is the only reason she exists. i think thats all. im sorry this is so long but ive never actually explained the whole thing. theres so much more but i literally wont stop if i start. go thru the doawk tag on my blog 4 further explanation or ask me...i love talking about them please please.... bonus drawing of them i just did for this👍
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stedewards · 2 years
wip tag meme
tagged by @181230 and @ulfie-by-osmosis thanks for the tag bestie <3
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
okay so i opened quotev after a while for this and here's what i found!
my main wips (aka the ones i think about most / have most focus on)
the price of war: this is a riordanverse fic. to sum it up briefly, it's got an overpowered mc who passes out as much as hearthstone, and not a lot of happy stuff
shattered: this is literally just a feel-good fic about a bunch of queer friends and overcomplicated storylines. (it's set in marauders era - i will address this under the cut if for some reason u want to know about fandom stuff)
goldfish (aka heather): the lily rosier fic, no description needed bc she is world famous actually
demons: a marauders/pjoverse murder mystery
????: set in the star wars universe, it follows one of my ocs who's present in every fic i write and i view as a personification of the timeline. it's a bunch of angst and just super fun for me
trans gwen au: @ulfie-by-osmosis beloved, title says it all
fate and time: a mattfoggy fic inspired by the themes of the starless sea. i love mattfoggy sm they are gay ok goodnight
the ones i am not as focused on / other wips include the following. some of them have 0 written fic content
broken world: this is literally my mcu brainchild fic. it's mcu-universe compliant except aos was canon and my oc exists. she's desi btw and married to daisy and i love them
whatever it takes: to be honest, i forgot this existed. it's set in the shadowhunters universe and spans like. all the shit to be honest. it's a universe at this point
broken blades: it's set in the same multiverse as broken world is, but it's set in the fox x-men universe and follows a different oc. (for eye ra, her name is cas)
broken space: this is the timeline lady from ???? except make it mcu. yes there is a theme i am aware. yes the stories overlap. no they are incredibly different and quirky and unique
unbroken: this is my game of thrones fic! that takes place mainly in my head! it has three main ocs of mine. one is the timeline lady (re: ???? above) and struggles between keeping a promise to a dead friend and her present loyalties, one is hellbent on revenge for her brother's death, and the last is trying to escape the war
saving grace (title is under works): four best friends. chaos. absolutely no content available. hp era
oh my god we're all gonna die (title is under works): four best friends. chaos. absolutely no content available. pjo/hoo era
roses of summer: this is marauders again and loosely based off august by taylor swift
the lucky one: this is set in the mcu (mine maybe, maybe not) and it. doesn't really have a plot tbh; still a wip
i'm pretty sure i missed a bunch of fics but this is all my brain could come up with so YEAH
tags: @dishaashitposts and anyone else interested!
RE hp fics - i do not support jkr and the things she's said about the trans community. at the same time, i acknowledge that the harry potter books and universe have been so important in my personal life and i do not want to separate that. i have had fanfics before the onslaught of transphobia, and to be honest, i don't really need to sit and justify my writing of fics to strangers on the internet. a shit ton of these fics are purely for my personal enjoyment. they are my brainchildren. they make me happy. if u read this for whatever reason, i hope u have a lovely day and take care <3
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theflyingfeeling · 3 years
So I don't know what you've already heard of the Lahti concert from other sources but here's my report anyway 🖤
The first thing I need to tell you is that in front of me there was this sweet sweet girl who needed a hair tie so I borrowed her mine because I wasn't using it and as a thank you she filmed me so many, long videos and she had an EXCELLENT view to the stage!!! 😭
I mean, I did too, holy shit they were close, my breath was taken away when Porko suddenly appeared what felt like mere metres away from me 😵
I could see all their expressions and omg 🥺 they were all so happy to be playing a show again 🥺🥺 I especially loved the look on Niko's face and in general I was happy to see him a little better, I feel like I didn't see much of him at the Tampere gig
Joel did lots of interaction with Joonas as per usual and 🥺🥺🥺🥺 sometimes he went up to stand next to Aleksi and just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 smile and look at him 😭😭😭😭
OLLI SANG!!! ........except that he didn't 🤡 They/we hyped it up and everyone was like omg he's gonna sing HE'S GONNA SING--- and then he fucking lipsynced to the opening of a Bon Jovi song 🤠 I swear to fucking god. This man is such a troll and I hate him 💞
Also, getting fucking rickrolled at a BC concert is NOT what I thought I'd ever experience, and yet 🤠 thx Porko <3
Aleksi had a little DJ solo of his own and everyone was happy 🥰 He also jumped around the stage during Sharks Love Blood 💓
Speaking of which, The Kiss was 💀!! It happened right in front of my salad and I died, I'm actually writing this from the grave
The setlist??!?! They played SO MANY SONGS I DID NOT EXPECT THEM TO, such as Giants and Enemy For Me 😵 Giants especially was a special moment to me personally, will post a video tomorrow 💗
And they STARTED with Balboa of all the songs, blasting my brain right to the back wall 👌
Niko/Joonas flirting, but what else is new (Niko @ the crowd: "I've been looking at you all evening." Joonas @ Niko: "I've been looking at you too 😏" Niko: "who's surprised, hands up" lmaooo these guys 🥰)
Tommi didn't say a single fucking word the whole gig lol go on give us nothing, #onsealfa
Probably forgot something, will add later
I've had a shit past two months due to work stuff, but this kind of made up for it all. I love this band so much and oh god I'm gonna cry
Anyone with whom I talked about the gig beforehand knows how nervous I was (thanks for all the nice words btw <3) but, as per usual, everything went perfectly fine, I had possibly the best night of my life so far, and I'm so so happy that I went. I wish it would never have ended.
Some time ago someone sent me an ask asking what's the best concert I've been to. Back then I answered Antti Tuisku @ 2017 SuomiPopFestarit and BC @ Tampere back in August. They have now been replaced, and only another BC gig will ever compare. They are amazing live, and if you are given the chance to go to their concert, TAKE IT AND RUN 🖤
But let me tell ya, one of my absolute favourite moments happened AFTER the gig at the merch stall 🙈 This is the interaction I had with Miki, roughly translated:
Miki: *struggles to find the size tag of the WANS hoodie I'm buying*
me: it's an S
Miki: S, got it. *tells me the sum of my purchases*
me: *hands him my credit card*
Miki: *takes the card and inserts it in the payment terminal* it's a busy night!
me: yeah, but it's good you got your hands full am I right
Miki: yes, it's a positive problem! *tells me how to navigate on the payment terminal*
me: *barely manages to choose debit instead of credit and then just stares at the machine when it asks for my pin code because 1) the machine looks completely different to those in grocery stores for example, and 2) I had not expected to get to do small talk with Miki lol)
Miki: ..did you blackout?
me: YES, the numbers are in different order, you know, from the ones they have in grocery stores?!
Miki: *takes out that exact kinda payment terminal I'm talking about* no, they're in the same order
me: *upon seeing the more familiar-looking machine, remembers her pin code, THANK HEAVENS, and the payment is accepted* Y E S
In conclusion, you are all invited to our summer wedding 🥰🤣
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Inspired partially by the twitter trend of The Face Vs. The Face Sitting On It and just in time for Valentine’s Day! 
Gender Neutral Reader Insert. 
Enjoy my masterlist!
Support me on KoFi!
While sitting in the car, you watch out the window. Folks buzz around you--some folks looking content, strolling about their day. Others are flitting around, a bit of crease in their forehead. And you feel for them. You know those days where there’s just not enough hours in the day to get it all done. Or it’s when one thing sets off a spiral of all terrible things. Or when you just don’t wake up on the right side of the bed. You know that crease all too well because currently you were having a bad sleeping week. 
You were getting tired when you were supposed to but the second you put your head on the pillow your brain was hot wired--keeping you up with all the things you needed to do, hadn’t done, all the appointments you had kept pushing off. It was finding the littlest things to find that anxiety and keep you staring up at the ceiling. Calum noticed the tossing and turning and tried his best to lull you to sleep this week, fixing you tea in the evening, getting you off your phone or laptop a couple hours before bed. He even started reading to you, but your ears picked up on the white noise of everything in the house. Your brain picked up the embarrassing memory that you hadn’t even considered in decades and now holding it in front of your mind’s eye for hours on end during the week. 
Like right now, you should’ve been at home sleeping. Your work was giving you a long weekend and you really could’ve used the time to catch some extra Z’s, but you were, admittedly, a little scared to stay home. Sure maybe you did fall asleep cuddled up next to Duke. But you worried that you’d stay up, worry yourself sick some more so when Calum told you he had some errands to run you immediately tagged along. The time running around would hopefully tire you out enough that when you got home you could actually fall asleep. 
So after Calum’s personal training session in the morning, which you sort of tagged along for, but mostly went through your own routine and getting a solid breakfast, you two were now buzzing around from store to store. Calum had gotten most of the grocery the other day, but he forgot a couple things so your first objective was to grab those and bring them back up. He then had to go to the post office to mail out his mother’s birthday cards and a few other things. 
While in the line at the post office, your head tucked into his back, Calum got a phone call from a guitar shop on the other side of time about a new model that had just come in. Calum had been eying it for ages, but he didn’t want to be reckless with his money especially after getting some work on his teeth and to the house. So he asked the guitar shop to keep an eye out for when more stock arrived in case it sold out before Calum felt comfortable spending a large sum of money like that again. 
The store agreed to set one off to the side for him and could keep it on hold until the end of the day. Which was perfect--still gave the two of you time to get lunch. You didn’t need to get anything, didn’t need to do anything. But even after lunch, Calum made one more pit stop. Here now at the gas station, you sit peering through the windshield and can see a mother with her two sons walking from the doors. They boys hold brightly colored icees in their hand, each clutching a bag field with goodies. 
You aren’t entirely sure whey Calum needed to stop here for anything. It’s not like he needed stamps, since he got those at the post office. He hadn’t pulled in to get gas. Lunch had been filling, though you tried not to stuff yourself too much just because you knew that on a long car ride, the last thing you wanted to do was be uncomfortably full. 
The door opens again, Calum strutting through with his glasses covering his eyes and resting comfortably atop the chubby cheeks. Barely hanging from the crook of his fingers is a brown plastic bag. The doors click open and he climbs into the driver seat. The guitar shop wasn’t that far, but today seemed to be a busy day on the road. Took you all too long just to get to the grocery store this morning. 
“Was craving something sweet after lunch.” 
You peer into the bag as he hands it over to you. Some gummy bears, gum, a bar or two of chocolate you can’t quite tell. You set it onto the floor at your feet. “Let me know when you want something.” But he’s already tearing into a Twix bar when you glance at him. “Or not,” you laugh. 
“The other stuff is for you--if you want to indulge. Can’t forget ya,” he pushes the glasses down for just a moment to wink at you and then looks into the rearview mirror. 
“Do you think you’re going to get this one?” you asks as the SUV rolls out from the parking lot and onto the asphalt of the highway. 
“Hmm, maybe. Gotta see how it feels first.”
You nod at his question, resting your head into the cushion of the seat. And it goes quiet for a while. The radio plays softly in the background, and every so often the packaging crinkles as Calum downs more of the chocolate and caramel treat. 
“Valentine’s Day is coming up soon,” Calum states, while paused in a bit of traffic. “Got any ideas on what you want to do for it?”
You think for a moment. Valentine’s Day has never been your thing--being perpetually single does that to a person. “Restaurants are going to be a nightmare.”
“Yeah, they will be.” Another crinkle comes from the right side of the car and then his arm reaches behind your seat, finding the small bag of trash you stash there--though you have to be careful when Duke sits in the backseat. Generally though, he doesn’t mess with too much. “My mom sent me a recipe of hers. It’s really good.”
“I’d be down for cooking.”
“Nothing else? Don’t wanna go sky diving? Give me another heart attack?”
You laugh thinking about the first birthday you spent with Calum together as a couple. “You didn’t die.”
“But I did almost shit myself.”
“You can play on stage to thousands of people, but no, jumping from a plane is a no-go.”
“Yes, because I am a sane human.”
You huff out a small tuft of laughter and turn to look at him. One hand on the wheel with the stainless steel linked chain dangling from his wrist. His other arm is resting against the door, gently tapping out a beat with his long slender fingers. “Do you want to do anything?”
“Valentine’s Day,” he scoffs. “How long have we been dating? When have I ever been dying to do anything on some random day in February.” His statement doesn’t fall venomously from his mouth. He even looks over to you with a smile. “I don’t need one day out of 365 to declare my love for someone.”
And it’s true. While Calum wasn’t super accepting of love from new people, while it took you months to show Calum that you were trustworthy and not someone to keep at an arm’s length, once he cracked open, he oozed adoration and love for people. And you knew it was a defense mechanism. You knew that when someone did care as hard as Calum did it wouldn’t always be an easy thing to win over. 
Calum, when he finally let someone one, loved hard. It could be a random Tuesday in July or a Sunday in February, and he would make sure his love was known. He never needed a special occasion to send flowers, to cook dinner, to offer to drive you to doctors appointments because he knew that sometimes you got too nervous or flustered by them to drive but did manage to push through if absolutely necessary. He’d easily pick up some gloves and an extra sponge if he saw you wiping down the walls in the kitchen or wiping through the counter. He kept fridge cleaning days marked on the calendar. And when you added reminders to wash bed sheets to the shared one, he also include rest breaks for you too. 
Calum had never needed someone to force him to show appreciation. 
“I mean, there is the option to literally do nothing on Valentine’s Day. Like treat it as any other day.”
“That’s still something,” he countered, turning on his signal and switching out from the middle lane. His exit was approaching in another mile and a half. 
“Oh fuck off,” you laugh. “We can’t cease to exist that day. Bare minimum we need to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.”
Calum laughs softly, showing some of his teeth too. “Fair, fair. There’s another Netflix documentary coming out, true crime one. I forget what it’s fully about, but I think it’s about a serial killer if you’d be down to start it then?”
“When would I ever turn down the opportunity to be a detective with you?”
“You haven’t yet,” he states with laughter in his voice. 
“And I never will.” The ramp takes the two of you down and down and soon you’re winding through streets and not too far you can see the shopping center coming into view. He pulls into the lot of the shop and the two of you step out in unison. 
The bell above the door chimes as he opens it for you and you smile often in your thanks. “Hey, Calum!” one of the guys at the register calls out. The store is fairly empty. But you’re not shocked on a Tuesday afternoon. 
“Hey, Derek. How’s it going?” Calum heads directly over to the counter and you look up to the left wall, at the records on display.
“Let me know if you need anything,” the second guy states to you, “or if you want to see anything.” He’s younger than Derek, both look to be equally tattooed from the pieces that peek out from the short sleeve work shirts, but his face is significantly brighter. 
“Thanks,” you return and go back to the displays. You can hear Calum and Derek chatting but slowly tune it out, make it background noise to the music playing through the speakers. 
You turn to walk towards the back where more instruments sit and you can see Calum leaning into the glass display of the counter. The palms of his hand pressed into the metal edge. The sunglasses sit on top of his head and you notice the younger guy glancing over at you again.
He nods again and then goes back to his computer. Nothing else is said. And you look over the stringed instruments, ukuleles, some violins and then you spin around again, done with that lap and go to head up to Calum. “See anything?” he asks. 
You shake your head. “You’re the musically talented one. I just nod and smile when you talk about it.”
Derek returns, a case in hand. He comes out from the hinged doors that separate the sales floor from the registers and back of the store. You scoot a little closer to the display as the case is transferred over. Calum takes it easily heading to the corner you just abandoned to sit and check out the instrument. It’s a beautiful deep green, almost reminds you of the thick Washington forest. The body is slender. 
“That’s a pretty cool color,” you note, watching Calum work his fingers over the frets. 
He grins up at you. “Think so?” You give another nod. He doesn’t inspect it long before you can see the desire to give in crosses his face. 
Derek’s standing close by and you turn to him and keep your voice as close to a whisper as you can while still being heard. “What’s a bass like that cost?”
He rattles off the price, one eyebrow slightly raised over the other. You know Calum will riot--he’ll pitch a fucking fit. But you reach into your wallet and slide out your card. You had been saving--for a year. You wanted to do something big for Calum. You just didn’t know what it was yet specifically though you had some ideas, a bass was top of the list.  But you didn’t want to try and go out and buy a bass without consulting him, without getting an understanding of what he liked. You thought about maybe a really good leather jacket and some more boots. He loved the ones he had, wore them as much as he could. 
And when you mentioned possibly getting him more, he told you the ones he had were still in good shape. Calum wasn’t the type to just buy clothes to buy them. He indulged here and there, but always made a point to wear something he had down before replacing it. You’d tease the subject a couple more times after that, but he never took the bait and you weren’t going to force him into a thing he didn’t want or need. 
But it’s clear to you that this is something he wants. But he’ll tussle with himself and never give in on it. It’s pricer than you thought it would be. But you too were being smart, having finally paid off the last of your car, you start moving those payments to savings and it helped a great deal. You were fine. You get insurance and the whole deal as Derek advises. By the time you slide the receipt back across the counter, Calum comes back to the registers. “I appreciate you holding it for me, man. But I don’t think I can right now.”
Derek looks at you and you look down into the glass. “It’s--it’s yours, dude.”
“What?” Calum breathes behind you. 
“They-uh, they paid for it,” Derek says, nodding at you.
You can feel the heat in your body now and spin around to face Calum in a rush. “Consider it a not Valentine’s Day gift.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Ever since I finished paying off my car, I saved the payments to do something nice for you. Didn’t know what it was going to be for sure. But I know you, Calum. You’d want something and tell yourself no. I mean you can treat yourself sometimes.”
“You-you didn’t?” His eyes are rapidly blinking, head shaking like he doesn’t want to believe you. Like he can’t believe you as his mouth mumbles out, “No,” repeatedly. 
“It’s yours,” you nod. “It’s really yours.”
If it weren’t for the weight of the bass, you’re sure Calum would’ve tipped over, maybe even rushed to Derek to hand the case back over, but instead he’s weighed down, chained to this spot in the blue speckled carpet of the store, still repeating, “No,” softly. 
“‘I hate to break it to you, but you’re gonna have to find space in your office for it now. Because I refuse to return it.” You step forward, find the handle and slip your hands around it taking it from Calum. A small grunt leaves you and then you start to the door, throwing a thanks to Derek. 
The lights to the SUV blink and you can hear the locks clicking open as you push open the door to the store. “Wait--what are you doing?” Calum asks. 
“Open the trunk please,” you ask. 
“Let me do it,” he demands, stepping in close to take the case with the bass now. “What the fuck did you do? Baby, this is expensive.”
“It’s not a Valentine’s Day gift,” you answer again. “Because I love you. On a random Tuesday.”
He gets the instrument safely into the trunk and then closes it, watching dumbly as you climb into the passenger side. He walks to the driver seat and climbs in, taking you gently by the chin. “That was absolutely reckless and unnecessary-- ”
“I am just absolutely reckless and unnecessary then,” you counter, “because I’m not returning it.”
“--but thank you. Thank you so much,” he continues as if you hadn’t interrupted him. “I love you.”
“I love you.” Then it’s silent, as the two of your gaze at each other, watching what could almost be tears well in his eyes, but they don’t fall. 
“I don’t know what I did to deserve a person like you, but whatever it was, I’m glad I did it.”
“I’m glad you did it too.” The two of you return home, Duke rushing to the front door as the two of you step through it. Calum safely places the bass in his music room/office and returns shortly after to help you decide on what to order for dinner. 
As the two of you settle onto the couch, Calum takes your hand and presses a kiss to teach knuckle. “I’m gonna teach you how to play.”
“You know we’ve done this before.”
“And you were good at it.”
“I was alright at it.”
“It’ll be your bass,” he whispers. 
“I bought it for you,” you return tossing your head back to look at him. 
He kisses your lips. “Yeah, but it’ll be the one that I teach you to play for real one and it’ll be yours--just as much as it is mine.”
“A true sap,” you laugh, but nod and return your focus back to the TV. 
In the week that follows, Calum makes sure to take an hour in the evenings to set you down and pick up on the lessons. They fizzled out as work for the both of you picked up. But now things are a bit more calm. He sits next to you, assessing what you remember from last time and correcting finger placements as needed, but they go smoothly. 
When Valentine’s Day does come, Calum pulls you back into bed for just five more minutes of sleep. And five minutes turns into half an hour. But finally you two pull yourself out from the sheets, figure out what to do in the midmorning that results in food being consumed and then you slowly gravitate towards different sections of the house. 
There’s still a bit of laundry to be done and Calum takes Duke out for just a little bit. The two of you migrate back together by mid afternoon. He finds you making a quick lunch and presses a kiss to your cheek. You turn to face him, squeezing at his. “I bought some face masks,” he offers. “Care to join me in doing the bare minimum of converting oxygen into carbon dioxide after your lunch?”
“Don’t see how I could pass up such a wonderful offer? You want anything?” He shakes head, mentioning grubbing on some of the leftovers earlier while you took a nap. 
With your lunch done and the plates cleaned, you find Calum in the bedroom and let him know you’re ready for the face masks. He shuffles to the bathroom. “I hope I got the right one for you,” he mutters. “I got them forever ago it feels, so who the hell knows what I got.” His laughter is soft as he rummages through the bins under the skin. 
“I’ll be in the office,” you tell him and he nods, still pulling bins out. You settle into the couch and spy the green bass still on the stand from yesterday. You pull it into your lap and sling your arm over it. The amp next to you is off, you know but you still pluck away at it as if it were on. 
Calum shuffles in a few minutes later. “Um, babe. It’s off.”
You don’t reply but do look up. He holds up three different packages. “Here’s to hoping one of these is worthwhile.” You place your bass back to the stand and take one that sounds like one you’re okay with using. Calum hands you a towel so you can wipe your fingers off after you get it placed onto your face. He helps get it right and then you help him with his and the two of you slip onto the couch, legs entangled and leaning into opposite ends of the couch.
You laugh at Calum’s story as you scroll mindless through app after app. In the boredom you snap a picture of Calum with the face masks on and don’t think too much of it, saving it to the album with all the silly and cute photos of him are--there are tons. 
“I mean the sun is a star. Though the ones we see have been dead for a long time.”
Calum taps your leg with his foot. “It was a simple question--to be the sun or the stars. I didn’t ask for this philosophical crisis.”
“Why would it not weigh in your decision! If you’re a star like the ones we see at night, you’re technically already dead. You wanna be dead?” You huff, sitting up. 
“I mean, no, but c’mon.”
“It’s a valid thing to consider, that’s all I’m saying!”
He laughs. “Okay, sun or the moon?”
“You first,” you return and just then your alarm on your phone goes off. The two of you shuffle back to the bathroom and take off the masks. 
“Moon, maybe,” he counters. 
You nod. “Fitting. When should we get started on that recipe of your moms? Is it super involved?”
“Nah, it’s pretty easy. Normal time should be good. I’m going to read outside if you want to join.”
“Maybe in a bit.”
Calum nods, grabbing his book as he passes through the bedroom and the patter of Duke’s claws follow behind him. You go back to the music room, turn on the amp and then actually play a little something. It’s nothing fancy--just the arrangement you put together with Calum as a practice exercise once. You play it for a bit, adding a little flair. When you phone rings, you pause to answer it. You wouldn’t normally, but the number looks semi recognizable so you answer it. 
It’s just a scam call and you hang up but then notice some other notifications. Before you realize it, you’re deep into Twitter. You’ve run across the trend of people posting pictures of themselves and their significant others with the caption, The Face Vs The Face Sitting On It. It made you laugh just a little bit at first. And then you kept going down the rabbit hole. Some are silly, most are good pictures. 
While it’s not exactly secret that you and Calum are dating, you two don’t post too much. Calum isn’t incline to post on social media in the first place and while you use it a bit more than him, you try not to post too much about him out of respect. However, as you look tap on quote retweet and bring up your photos you think maybe one silly post wouldn’t hurt. So you grab the one of him recently with the face masks and then one of yourself--it’s silly too, a little blurry too in the darkness that it was taken in. 
You hit post and watch the likes come in. Then keep scrolling. Eventually you have to put the bass away and peel yourself from the couch to find Calum and see if he’s hungry enough for dinner. Just as you round the corner to the office, you spy him stepping through the glass sliding backdoor. “Hungry?” you ask. 
He nods, “Yeah.”
The two of you, with Duke trotting ahead, make your way down the hallway and into the kitchen. “You’re funny,” he states, washing his hands first. 
“Thank you. I’ll be here until you kick me out.”
He laughs. “No, the pictures you posted. On Twitter.”
You’re shocked that he noticed it that fast. Normally it took him a bit longer to see silly stuff like that. “Hope you don’t mind.”
“Nah. What I hope you don’t mind is my reply.”
At first you’re nervous. Calum could’ve gone one of two ways--super silly and broke out even worse photos of you possibly not sober or he went super on trend with it and pulled out a photo of you done up for a date night. Not that you preferred one over the other, but sometimes you liked to keep your relationship light on social media. It was easier that way. There wasn’t any real pressure that way. Though the fans seemed to have enjoyed it when you posted more posed and serious content. 
You liked to keep it a bit more real. You and Calum didn’t do the whole nine yards a lot--you two were normal people who hated getting out of bed some days and went as well into the afternoon before showering at times and walked Duke and went to doctor’s appointments like everyone does. So you always opted for a bit of a joke, a silly Tweet or photo whenever you could. 
“What did you post?” you ask. 
He shrugs, taking up the knife to dice the onion. “I’m not telling you.”
You glance at the printed out recipe and get a pan on the aisle over medium heat before pulling out your phone. As you load the app, you listen to the snap of the knife fitting the wooden cutting board. You type Calum’s name and tap onto his profile. 
While there’s is silly--I do want to take a moment to show off my favorite person in the world. So here we go, The Face Vs. The Face Sitting On It. Below is attached a picture of him--you snapped while you two were out for lunch one day. The black t-shirt tight around his biceps as he slyly grins into the camera. The lights in the background are just barely in focus of the resturant and Calum’s glancing out of the window next to him. You remember that you were recording him, or at least you thought you were, and told him that he was handsome. Not the first time, but everytime he did, he blushed and turn away. And you captured it here too. 
The photo of you is actually one with him in it. The guys got together and did a big family dinner and the two of you posed at Crystal’s request in the slightly matching outfits. You hadn’t intended to match--though black was a staple in both your wardrobes. You were a bit different thanks to the pop of color in your shoes, but in the lighting of the street lamp, you had to admit that you did look hot. The first couple of  buttons on your shirt you were undone and with your hands tucked into the pockets, you looked like you owned shit. 
“While I hoped that you’d go with something more silly, I will take this,” you finally say. 
“That picture is literally my background for a reason,” he returns. 
You kiss his cheek and then trace over the stubble with your teeth to his ear. “Can I make a reservation for tonight?”
“The table is reserved for you literally at all times,” he returns in a breathe. 
“Good,” you laugh and then glance back to the recipe. 
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clocks-are-round · 3 years
it's donut november so.. donut for the character ask thing :>
This is all off the top of my head, so some opinions may vary upon rewatch.
aaaah sorry i got sidetracked for a couple hours XD
EDIT: Reading Z’s reminded me of things I was going to mention but forgot apparently rip haha
Why I like them: It’s fucking DONUT. What’s not to like? He’s a delight. While not my favorite of the characters, he’s gone through a surprising number of changes throughout the series. Even if most of it was due to the decision to lean more into gay jokes.
Why I don’t: Ok, yeah, NOT a fan of the homophobic shit in the early seasons. It was so obvious they were going for a stereotype… but he ended up growing on me anyways. Also, the in your face innuendos were very uncomfortable but I guess I got used to those too. I don’t like the default falsetto they were doing for seasons 16 & 17. It was so uncomfortably… “a voice” y’know? It wasn’t remotely natural sounding.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Wash and Donut repeating the moment when Wash shot Donut. Or the Donut and O’Malley fight. Both. They’re tied. Wait no— his little anti-drug tirade at Simmons?
Favorite season/movie: How can I not say season 17? It was so good to him.
Favorite line: that one super uncomfortable one in season 16 that basically summed up what his role had mostly been up until that point one sec lemme find—
“No, guys! I’m super duper sorry! This whole sticky mess--it’s on me! All over me! I’ve screwed each and every one of you deep, with no protection! And now, I’ve come to help pull out, before we’re all truly boned! From now on, nothing comes before my friends. They come first, and they come second. They come third, they come fourth--“
I hate (read: love) it so fucking much it’s great. Like holy shit, it’s just one after another!
WAIT— I take it back.
“I heard you needed to beat a guy off, so I came right away!” When he came to rescue Grif -w- Like me, I’m sure he had never been happier to hear an innuendo.
Favorite outfit: Hmm… maybe seasons 1 and 2? I dunno, I kinda liked the dull pink a bit more than the brighter ones. As for out of armor fanart, as long as it’s stylin’ and/or pink.
OTP: As many of you know, I am a fan of Washnut, Locnut, and Locnuttington. I’m chill with it never being canon, but I like the dynamics.
Brotp: Simmons and Donut have great sibling vibes. Wash and Donut have great untapped vibe potential. More of those please?
Head Canon: Aside from the obvious fan theories like burn scar, hearing aid, and his mom remarrying to a woman after his dad sent him to gay conversion therapy… Donut played baseball in high school. Why else would he be such a great pitcher? He spent a lot of time tossing to get that good. Gosh, he must’ve touched so many balls over the years. I’ll stop 🙃
Unpopular opinion: He’s as much of an asshole as everybody else. I have definitely written him too soft in the past (as i have many of the characters). He’s an obnoxious little shit and just five minutes with the guy is enough to know that.
A wish: Let the man say he’s gay. Or flirt with a guy without the guy recoiling in disgust and instead flirting back and Donut is taken off guard. Maybe it’ll be something more. That’d be cute. Please. More importantly, side effects from the Chrovos stuff? Or maybe not because “none of that ever happened” but goddamn would it be cool to include.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Don’t make him straight. And if you do, Rooster Teeth, only if EVERY OTHER character is stated to be queer. That is the only way I will find that “twist” funny.
5 words to best describe them: Flamboyant, Fabulous, Obnoxious, Gullible, GayAF (new compound word it counts)
My nickname for them: My tag for him is //*the clinking of champagne glasses* but it may change.
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
OC Music Meme
I was tagged by @raven-of-domain-kwaad​ , thank you! :D I shall tag (no pressure as always, only if you want to!): @mercurypilgrim​ , @mimabeann, @rainofaugustsith​ , @thelastenvoyyy​ , @a-master-procrastinator and anyone else who wants to do this one, yes, I promise I mean you!
Yaaay another music meme, I LOVE these, as any of my long-term followers/mutuals probably know :P Oh no, Raven what have you done! 🤣🤣
        List one or more songs that relate to the following
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*drags Rai and her three consecutive playlists full of songs in here and plops her down proudly* Now I’m not joking when I say combined her three playlists would run for ~10 hrs if I played them all back-to-back. Sooooo for that reason I will be trying to restrict myself to 3-4 songs per “question”, except for the last one which is annotated with an explanation there, ANYWAYS!
reminds you of them most:
Down To The Bottom - Dorothy :: This is a very new one to her playlist (discovered a few days ago), but it still vibes so well with Saarai’s attitude to love, and her need to have some sort of emotional closeness to other people, to love and be loved, or else she just doesn’t function quite right
Up The Wolves - The Mountain Goats :: This was one of Rai’s first EVER theme songs that made it onto her list as I gave the Ahaszaai the backstory that led to them becoming main characters, so it feels only right that I include it here. To me it perfectly sums up her character progression, from a frightened young woman with a lot of skeletons in her closet and no willingness to be a commander of anything or confidence that she could, to a strong and dedicated leader willing to do whatever it takes to protect the people she works with, and make sure that the person who once took it from her family will suffer the righteous justice he deserves for his actions. Oddly enough, Saarai never goes back to take over the Sith Empire as D’leah planned (in Subterfugeverse anyways), they do eventually “come home” and build something of their own with the other members of the Alliance <3 
Bruno Is Orange - Hop Along :: This song is very important too. It makes me feel a lot of things and as I developed more of Saarai’s backstory and began tying everything together, it became an essential part of her backstory. This is 100% a “Saarai Song” in my brain (and I’ve had the script for that meme planned out for over a year, I’ll get to it soon :3), summing up the chaos and her own feelings on what happened with Tsâhis (and her mother and sister’s reactions to finding out about what happened, and Ty, the baby which resulted from that clusterfuck of a relationship)
Someone New - Hozier :: Kinda supplements “Down To The Bottom”, Saarai was a character who puzzled me sexuality-wise for a long time, she has a lot to unpack and a lot of nuances in her attractions, and for a long time (because it is the default for modern media) I tried to shove her in the monogamy box, except...that doesn’t work for Saarai LMAO. I remembered this song existed one day (I think it came up on Youtube shuffle or something) and it was the lightbulb that went on in my head that finally clicked and told me she was actually polyam as well (though ironically I forgot to actually put it in her playlist until @darth-bagel reminded me it existed again a few months ago LOL).
reminds another character of them:
All The Pretty Girls - KALEO :: (Sash - Zephyrverse AU) This one had a few options too, but I think this is the best song that Sash would associate with Saarai. Their relationship was slow burn, although there was near-immediate attraction there, Sash struggled with self-doubt and her own insecurities for a long time, firmly believing that Saarai would get bored of waiting for her to be “ready” to take things further and explore other options (she didn’t. They’ve been married something like 20+, nearing 30 years now, you’re stuck with her sweetie <3)
The Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy :: (Lana - Subterfugeverse) “I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you, but not as much as I do.”  Lana wasn’t looking for Saarai when she found her, but Lana wouldn’t have it any other way. Though Lana is a big pillar of support for Saarai, and Saarai in turn is the social “glue” that holds the Alliance together, what many people don’t realise is that the feeling is mutual and Lana relies upon her just as much. Saarai’s dependable, and trustworthy, even if sometimes she makes Lana want to roll her eyes into the ceiling because of her antics, she wouldn’t want to change her for anything, it’s that part of Saarai that she secretly loves the most because it reminds Lana that it’s okay to unwind and have fun or be silly every once in a while, especially with the people you love.
Shut Up And Dance - WALK THE MOON :: (Koth - Subterfugeverse) Koth’s relationship with Saarai took a lot longer to develop into something openly romantic because Saarai had a lot of stuff to work through before she could accept her own feelings for him, but the cantina party at the end of KOTFE was the moment that Koth realised she was comfortable with him, because it’s the first time she really opened up to him, the first time she asked him to do anything together, and the first time she didn’t flinch or jump away from him when he touched her.
reminds you of a relationship of theirs, doesn’t have to be romantic, can be paternal, friendly etc.: I’m taking that as an invitiation to do a song for each of the main ones of any kind and that means this one has like six songs because...Saarai has a lot of influencial relationships in her character arc, I’m sorry (but not really) :’)
Broken Crown - Mumford & Sons :: Saarai & D’leah (Familial, It’s Complicated). This one is probably gonna be the “controversial” song of this post but you know what I’m gonna do it anyway. Saarai and D’leah have a very complicated relationship, because on the one hand Saarai does love her mother very much in spite of the horrible things she said and did, and on the other...the last thing that she wants is to turn out like her. And sometimes, sometimes you gotta call your mom out on her toxic shit. Hey Brother - Aviici :: Saarai & Ni’kasi (Familial Love). “What if I lose it all? Oh sister, I will help you out. Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you...there’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do.” The “brother” part does not apply to the twins, gender-wise, but the essence of this song is undoubtedly Saarai & Ni’kasi’s relationship. When Saarai thought she had no-one else, Ni’kasi was there to pick up the pieces and get her back onto her feet. They’re ride or die till the very end, wherever Saarai leads, she knows Ni’kasi will follow her.
Son of A Gun - Lord Huron :: Saarai & Tsâhis (Romantic ”Love”, though I’mma be very clear here that he was a manipulative abusive asshole, but Saarai loved him so...quotation marks. Y’get it yeah? Good.) “Well she fell in love with that son of a gun, but he was not the man that she took him for.”  This line in particular sums it up. Saarai was young, naive and a perfect target for someone like Tsâhis to take advantage of because she didn’t know any better and believed him when he said he “loved her”, only for him to pull the rug out from under her feet later on. (he got his tho, don’t worry 😈)
Youth - Glass Animals :: Saarai & Tyûk (Maternal Love). This is the closest I can find to a song that sums up their relationship, I have a lot of thoughts about it but there are very few songs (that I’ve found) that touch upon the essence of Saarai & Ty’s relationship. D’leah chose to blame Ty for his father’s actions, Saarai chose the opposite. She chose to love him in spite of what his father had done to her, and to make sure he grew up feeling safe, loved, and learnt to be better than that.
Curses - The Crane Wives :: Saarai/Sash (Romantic Love) Both Saarai and Sash have had difficult pasts, with a lot of emotional trauma, and they both had hurdles they had to overcome in order for their relationship to truly work and stay healthy. But with each others’ support, they’ve managed it and are all the closer for it. If you asked either of them where “home” was, they’d say the other’s name.
Sorry I Stole Your Girlfriend - Stereo Skyline :: Saarai/Lana/Koth (Romantic Love). Okay, I really really wanted to pick a more serious song from their playlist for them, BUT....this song is the song that started this ship in my brain so here we are. LMAO  Originally, this popped into my brain as an idea of  Saarai’s response to Koth’s attempt at getting between them in that scene of KOTFE on the Gravestone. Koth and Saarai’s moral compasses are very similar and I wanted them to sit down and have a proper, healthy discussion about their feelings instead of becoming enemies and sort of agreeing not to hold a grudge against each other, though I didn’t expect for that piece to get away from me and for Saarai to end up developing feelings for Koth too, I can’t say I’m unhappy with it. I love them and I will fight anyone who tells me I can’t make them an OT3, I can, I will, and I have. >:) (Healthy Polyam Good, Love Triangles Are Fucking Stupid (tm). No I am not taking criticism on this lmao) Though Saarai & Koth’s relationship isn’t sexual in any way, they love each other just as much as they love Lana, just express it differently. So even though the snideness of this song doesn’t really apply to them, I kept it in their playlist and it also became their ship name because it was too good to pass up, though “Stole” is in inverted commas as it’s definitely more of an inside joke between the three of them than actually seriously accusing them of stealing each others’ girlfriend. 🤣 (as always, Saarai & Koth thinks it’s hilarious, Lana rolls her eyes at the stupid pun but also secretly thinks it’s funny as hell)
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disslve · 4 years
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𝐲𝐞𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐰 & 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐝𝐲 ! this is nai and my cowboy ass is here to throw roxy @ u and also tell u bad jokes and cry over life is strange 2 because i’m still not over this game and I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT. just a heads up, i came up with roxy on a whim because this rp just looked so good,  so if it seems like i don’t know what i’m talking about ... it’s most likely the case whoops . ( this is an excuse for me bringing shitty muses ). anyway, my fake cowboy ass loves to ramble so if you’re interested in plotting feel free to LIKE this post or hmu. i forgot to mention that i’m also a fake grandma so idk anything about discord at all and i still need to set it up which will happen in the next few days dsdnsdsdn. 
ps: wanted connections/plots can be find in my wanted tag ( a link is on my blog ) and i’ll also list some below !
EDIT: discord name is nai #7158
 * [ kristine froseth + cis-female + she/her ] —— have you met roxanne ‘roxy’ bailey ? they are a twenty-two year old junior currently studying romance languages and literatures. they live on decker house and word around campus is that this scorpio is compassionate + dedicated, as well as impatient + dishonest. i wonder if they’ll make it out alive. 
full name: roxanne elise bailey
nicknames: roxy, rox
sexual orientation: bisexual
birth place: valencia, spain ( but only lived there for five years ) 
one could say that roxy had lived an easy life, though her parents weren’t distinguished by their social status, it didn’t mean they lacked money which was enough to support their daughter in whatever she wanted to do.
truth to be told, roxy was indeed a little spoiled, the type of kids who would try all kind of things on the expenses of their parents only to quit a new ‘hobby’ again. she could barely stick to anything. she was some twisted kind of golden child, good at many things but never had the patience to continue something for long enough to cultivate it. 
skipping over the part where she almost tried everything from arts, music etc. she finally found her passion ( and even roxy herself was surprised ). figure skating. she didn’t know what drew her in, she couldn’t explain it, she tried it and it felt right. roxy always describes the feeling as finding a soulmate if she feels extra dramatic that day. 
unsurprisingly, she was good at it. not that kind of good at something she was at all the other things she tried before, but that being good at which stemmed from genuine interest. maybe, that is why she managed to get so far. and it didn’t take too long that people even started to call her a figure skating prodigy. 
at this point at her life, she had it all, spinning the stars on her fingertips ( or warning bad pun ahead: spinning on the ice ). until, well, her parents company was in some crisis and they had to cut corners in the meantime. also oh so ‘conveniently’ roxy lived at the arse end of nowhere and getting to her practices was now even more difficult because as mentioned before they had to save their money for more necessary things. of course, there were more things , small and big, which totally threw her off ( which i am too lazy to list rn).
roxy tried to work part time, but a) the money wasn’t enough b) she didn’t want to cut more hours of training she managed to get. AND well, here comes the turning point and roxy thinking she was oh-so-smart without realizing that it would cost her career. oh-so-smart roxy came up with the idea to , well, just steal some stuff. after all, she trained with many other wealthy peers and she could just sell off their stuff or something. 
at the beginning she only did it to afford certain things she needed, but soon it somehow became an addiction. she felt in control when everyone else in her life was an utter mess. however, the more she took things away from others the more she felt comfortable, doing it more often and sometimes taking things which weren’t even worth that much. it was only a matter of time until she was caught. and as if she was lucky for too long, the person who caught her pressured her into either giving them a hefty sum of money (which she didn’t have) or to quit figure skating. she decided for the latter.
well, here she was and her sudden departure was quite a shock. but she had no choice and stated it was for personal reasons. 
skipping over her being devastated over it, etc. her parents managed to save their company (whatever this company is) but at this point it was already too late and roxy was accepted into holloway. 
right now she actually wants to pick up her figure skating career again, however, she’s too afraid that the blackmailer is going to expose her and also she doesn’t really know who they are (lets pretend they wrote her letters, txt messages >??) and also she’s kind of afraid due to the lack of practice she had .
okay i’ll keep this short bcs i wrote way too much for her background story. but to sum it up, roxy kind of has that perfect girl facade.  considering how many friends roxy has and how social she appears to be it is odd that no one seems to be able to describe her.  roxy doesn’t want people to know who she truly is, and she keeps her distance as she actively avoids conflicts that might cause her to say something wrong and exposes herself. 
she shields her feelings by only presenting polished version of herself, the facade of the perfect girl: kind, hard-working and polite. someone whose life is easy and someone who looks like she doesn’t have any worries. it doesn’t mean she isn’t anything of that, but it’s not as if her kindness has no bounds or that she doesn’t need to put effort into the things she does. nevertheless, she believes that she must be perfect in order to make people like her. and while, she is pretty good at masking her emotions and smile along, as soon as someone threatens to see past the illusion, she will become defensive and won’t hesitate to lie in order to preserve it.
best friends: although roxy pretty much keeps her distance from everyone else, this person had always stood by her side. maybe they knew about roxy’s sudden wannabe-thief phase ( which she is still in ) and well tried to talk her out of it ( which obviously didn’t work ). also adding some drama here and maybe they had a big argument over it and distanced from each othr because of it. however, my angst ass doesn’t want to ruin it and they’ll rekindle their friendship. they might meet again at holloway and it’s awkward at first, maybe they even have some arguments but they’ll get over it because everyone loves a good rekindled friendship story.
annoyance: someone who gets under roxy’s skin.seeing past the perfect girl face and constantly calling her out on it. maybe they just have fun annoying her and want to see what she really likes or they just don’t like roxy , thinking that beneath all of this act, she is a really unpleasant person. perhaps, they’re even doing it with good intentions and want to show her that she doesn’t need to hide who she is. whatever it is, they’re determined to expose to the world who she really is. 
pen pal ??:  muse a and roxy had been friends for a very long time, yet the funny thing is that they’ve never met each other nor do they know what the other look like. all they know is their name ( or maybe they only know each other by their usernames ) and their deepest secrets. maybe they already have crossed paths many times and perhaps even know each other but don’t like each other irl. or they never had noticed the other.
blackmailer: BECAUSE WHY NOT??? the person who forced roxy to give up on figure skating. maybe, they were a rival or just didn’t like her, or any other reason. they might as well, have noticed that roxy is secretly training again and might be back at their shit again. 
exes: GIVE ME THE ANGST, maybe muse a and roxy used to be in a serious relationship and as naive they were back then both of them thought this love would last forever. however, at some point roxy started to distance herself from muse a, constantly cancelling their dates because of their busy schedule. at first muse a tried to be understanding towards her, but as time passed things only got worse. roxy hating any kind of conflict just decided to ignore the problem instead about talking about it and eventually stopped replying to muse a messages. muse a never really got to know the real reason behind their break up and was left with unanswered questions. but anything works  
unrequited love: (this is just me throwing in my favourite way to make myself suffer) It doesn’t matter who is the one with the the one sided love because i just want some good angst.a)  muse a has a crush on roxy, yet they never told her about it. yet, muse a can’t hide it and it doesn’t take too long until roxy notices it. but instead of trying to talk to muse a about it, roxy just ignores it acting as she usually does and perhaps even give them false hope that she might like them back. maybe muse a even confessed to her and because roxy didn’t want to hurt them she told muse a she’d think about it.
b) roxy has a crush on muse a but doesn’t admit it. she doesn’t want to show their vunerable side and just plays it down. maybe they’re friends and roxy doesn’t want to lose another friend. but one day she confesses to muse a on accident, making everything awkward between them.
someone she stole from: idk i thought this would be fun ? maybe she confessed to them about it or maybe they caught her but decided to not confront her about it.
fan: someone who used to watch her perfomances on their tv and is still not over the fact that she quit.
i also have a connection page on my blog if these are too specific or none of these work 
i’m too tired to come up with more dsdsdnjsd but gimme everything !! THE ANGST, FLUFF, DRAMA PLS!!! 
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 253: That Good Angst
Previously on BnHA: The villain Ending, whose name in retrospect is hella melodramatic for a guy whose power is MAKING ROAD MARKINGS COME TO LIFE, kidnapped Natsuo and then deservedly got his ass kicked by three teenagers. Endeavor won the manga’s coveted Best Hug award, made up by me just now, and then gave one of the best monologues in the whole series, basically owning up to all his crimes and saying he doesn’t want or deserve his son’s forgiveness. And he didn’t get it either, which was excellent. Instead, he announced to his kids that he was building them a new home for them to go live in with their mother and without him. Meanwhile Katsuki was all, “btw I’ve decided on my new hero name,” and the ENTIRE FANDOM was all “!!!!” until he went on to say, “but I ain’t revealing SHIT until I’ve told it to Best Jeanist,” which caused everyone to collectively wince and awkwardly glance at each other wondering who’s going to break it to him. Uh.
Sorry, I forgot to turn my capslock back off. Anyways, so we return to U.A. and everything is all “HAPPY NEW YEAR IIDA!” and “STILL ON ABOUT THAT UNREQUITED LOVE THING, HUH OCHAKO?” and “LOOKS LIKE THAT SCAMPISH IMP BAKUGOU IS AT IT AGAIN!” and all the usual stuff. We then have a complete switch of gears, and I seriously mean like the GEAR SWITCH TO END ALL GEAR SWITCHES, as we cut to Aizawa and Mic driving to Tartarus! Why are they driving to Tartarus you ask? Well it’s because they got a call from Naomasa and he was all “hey, so you know your deceased childhood friend from chapters 59 through 65 of Vigilantes? Well IT TURNS OUT I HAVE A FUNNY STORY ABOUT THAT.” Anyway so the rest of this chapter can basically be summed up as (1) LOL SO KUROGIRI WAS REALLY SHIRAKUMO ALL ALONG, and (2) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
btw the whole reason I spoiled myself in the first place was because my dumbass id was all “WE SHOULD CHECK IF THEY MENTION THE HERO NAME” and I was like “YES” and just immediately lost all self-control. like it wasn’t an accidental click or anything; I was fully aware of what I was doing. lord knows what I would have done if I actually had been spoiled about the hero name lol. that would have been so much worse than the spoiler I actually got, so yeah. just stupid decisions all around. anyways how are you
no BnHA thumbnails on the Mangastream homepage today. must mean Kacchan didn’t make any good faces. ah well
lmao the chapter is literally titled “Shirakumo.” well I guess I wasn’t spoiled much after all. I did catch a half-glimpse (I was trying not to look; like, I had my fingers covering my eyes and was peeking through them. again, I’m not really sure what I was trying to accomplish in the first place honestly) of what seemed to be Aizawa with a shocked expression on his face though, so that’s why I was so convinced Kumo was somehow coming back from the dead or something. WE SHALL SEE
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lol I’m having one of those Berenstein moments. like. he didn’t always have those huge exhaust pipes running out from his sides and from either leg, right? those are just for this cover. or else something new and fancy he just added to his suit. right??
anyway so yes, Iida is the color page this week, just as we all expected from a chapter titled “Shirakumo”
“WINTER BREAK WAS OVER IN A FLASH” oh man. ain’t that always the way
wow I’ve really missed U.A. like, we’re cutting to these panels of USJ and the stadium, and it’s so fucking nostalgic geez. we weren’t even gone that long
Deku’s voiceover is talking about how they only have three months left in their “tumultuous” first year. ha. tumultuous. if Deku hadn’t met up with All Might, he could have easily fallen back on a career in PR; he’s got a gift for phrasing things diplomatically
Iida is wishing everyone a happy new year! happy new year Iida!!
he’s announcing that their class will be an action report meeting, which apparently means everyone’s gonna share what they learned over the winter break
but now he’s telling everyone to come down to Field Alpha, which Mangastream annoyingly spelled out with the Greek symbol α, forcing me to look it up because I’m sorry but I don’t speak math. ?? like what is this
now Aizawa’s sliding the door open all CRANKY because he’s MISSING HIS NAP
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but Mina is all smooth like,
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Mina could also have had a promising future in PR. well it’ll still serve them well in their hero careers too
oh my lord
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WHAT is that FACE, Iida. just what. is that an eyebrow waggle. what the fuck. he looks like the next words out of his mouth were going to be “sliding into people’s dms”
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jokes’s on you Horikoshi!! you think a panel like this will stop my “stupid sexy Iida” jokes? IT ONLY MAKES ME LOVE HIM MORE
oh? someone on the loudspeaker is calling Aizawa and summoning him to the faculty room. I wonder what this could be about. probably nothing!
now we’re cutting to the changing room and the girls are admiring Ochako’s new costume!
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I’ll add an ETA later where I actually analyze the changes in her costume. right now let’s just pretend like I’m aware of what actually changed. I swear I pay attention to things. by the way, why would the suitcase get heavy? her quirk can be applied to anything can’t it?
(ETA: so the costume changes are (1) an upgrade to her gauntlets, and (2) an upgrade to her headset. so anyway that’s pretty cool, even if it was really only brought up in this chapter so that we could get that SWEET YA ROMANCE DRAMA. which I know annoys some people, but at this point I feel like Horikoshi only throws it in because he’s expected to, and the way he does it is so adorably reluctant that I can’t help but enjoy it at this point lol.)
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okay but before we click to the next page, I just need to draw everyone’s attention to the background of that Jirou panel, where I’m pretty sure that is Ochako acquiring Hagakure’s quirk in a moment of transcendent desperation, much like how parents are able to summon incredible strength in times of crisis to lift cars off of their trapped children and shit. we are witnessing the next stage of human evolution over here
-- oh fuck me
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hello, Horikoshi? yes, this was supposed to be a cute moment of teens being teens and giggling over high school crushes. did you not get the memo. what are you doing here with this sucker punch of feels right to my fucking kidneys. why would you do that. why does this panel of Ochako make me want to fucking cry, I did not ask for this
(ETA: but like also, you see how he just instantly drops the subject less than a panel later lol. like “THERE’S YOUR ROMANCE PLOT, OKAY?? NOW BACK TO THE REANIMATED BRAINWASHED CHILDHOOD FRIENDS ARC.”)
meanwhile in the boy’s locker room! so apparently word has spread about Deku mastering Bloopwhip!
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so Ojiro is evidently fucking ripped under that karate gi. Ojiro, this one corner of a panel with you facing away from the screen is possibly the most interesting thing you’ve ever done. have you considered what a costume change might do for your image. I’m just saying
lmao Deku
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I have never in my life found the idea of Villain Deku even remotely convincing until this exact moment. jesus christ. Deku are you sure there isn’t a little piece of AFO horcrux soul in you right at this moment. just wondering. if it was Kaminari doing this, the headline for this chapter would be “KAMINARI 100% CONFIRMED THE TRAITOR” and even I would find myself hard-pressed to argue at this point
anyway, the hero we deserve is stepping in to bring him back to reality sob
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(ETA: I’m not even going to check the bnha tag to see if there is discourse about this, because I already know!! because clearly this is a very serious panel which should be taken 100% seriously!! anyway I’m not even going to go here lol.)
it’s okay kids I’m already dialing 911. Kacchan, honey, come here. listen, we need to put you in a time out. I love you but you can’t just go around throwing your spiky headgear at people like a fucking tomahawk, and also what the fuck is that thing even made of jesus christ
sob is Deku actually fucking dead
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and so, while the girls were having cute shoujo drama about a romantic All Might plush, over in the boy’s locker room an actual murder was going down
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I can’t. stop laughing. I
and the way they’re all just staring at him and clearly have no idea what to fucking do at this point. “so should we just... leave it in, then?” lmao Horikoshi what the fuck kind of substance did you ingest before you went and drew this. I need me some of that
(ETA: and now that I’ve mostly stopped laughing, I would also just like to point out that he is essentially saying “I just had to stop thinking so hard about it and just do it”, which I’ve only been saying SINCE FOREVER, DEKU, but sure go ahead and don’t listen to me then!)
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lol apparently it’s a pun. someone go over there and check to make sure this All Might isn’t actually a bunch of Mirios hidden underneath a trench coat
anyway so they’re completely unimpressed, because they’re all jaded fucking teenagers with no souls, and they’re asking where Aizawa is
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is this the part where we slide right back into the angst after our brief humorous interlude with the kiddos. because I am ready. bring it
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and look at Aizawa’s body language. arms crossed, fingers tapping anxiously, gritting his teeth. fucking Mic has to tell him to calm down. jesus christ. anyway so Aizawa angst is apparently MY DRUG you guys, and Horikoshi you can go right ahead and INJECT THAT SHIT STRAIGHT INTO MY VEINS
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OHHHHHH THAT’S GOOD. I might need someone to come and slap me in the face in another minute just to make sure I can continue here
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fuck me fuck me FUCK ME
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there is no fucking way it can really be Kurogiri, can it?? Kumo didn’t have a portal quirk. but All For One, though?? but no wait because we know he didn’t have that quirk because he had to use the other teleportation one instead. John’s or whoever’s
so then the only other option is the Noumu. could this be the start of the Noumu arc at long last?! oh my godddddd I’m about to get up out of my seat and just jump around for a second to get all my nerves out. ahhhhhhh
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Horikoshi knew full well what he was doing titling the chapter “Shirakumo” and then teasing us with this incredibly tense buildup, too. I have actual fucking chills
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(ETA: and also!! the fact that either Mic’s hand is shaking, or Aizawa is shaking so badly that it’s affecting Mic’s hand on his shoulder too! either way how the hell am I not literally dead after reading this chapter, I don’t even know.)
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(ETA: I know I’m just inserting random commentary all over the place at this point, but like, can we also talk about how Naomasa looks like he hasn’t slept in eleven years?? this is taking such a toll on his soul here and it’s heartbreaking.)
OH MY GOD!!!!!
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(ETA: so if they can trace quirk factors like this, they should be able to do it with the other Noumu they have in captivity, and also with any dead Noumus they’ve collected as well, yes? including the one that Stain killed a few months back? like, don’t mind me, I’m just sitting here trying to calculate the Six Degrees of Bakuangst for this plotline seeing as my brain, as ever, is focused on one thing and one thing only.
and so if they have managed to ID some of the Noumus, would that info maybe be on the Hero Network? meaning Endeavor would have access? would the interns then have access too? or if not, is his password something easily guessable, like Shouto’s birthday or something? will I ever stop running out of hypothetical scenarios along these lines? doesn’t seem likely as of now.)
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(ETA: yeah I actually have a lot of thinking to do about this one, because holy shit. I mean there must be a reason we’re getting this reveal directly on the heels of the Todoangst Arc with all of its talk about Touya and how dead he is, right? god I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all. this stupid manga!!)
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
On Your Side (Part 3)
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Summary: When Jared and Gen think about reconsidering their relationship, the reader steps in to set them straight...
Pairing: Jared x daughter!reader
Word Count: 6,500ish
Warnings: language, minor injury
“Is it my turn again?” asked JJ, your hands on your knees as you got your breath back a few hours later in the grass.
“Y/N, needs a break little guys,” you said.
“I think we found the breaking point,” laughed your dad as he wandered over. “Hey, shorties. Your moms have popsicles by the-”
They all took off without another word, your dad chuckling as you straightened up. 
“I figured that would work. You looked like you needed a reprieve,” he said.
“I’m good,” you said, waving him off. You took a step forward, your leg wobbling a little. “Maybe another minute.”
“Don’t hurt yourself. You’ve been handing out nonstop piggyback rides for an hour,” he said. 
“I’m fine,” you said.
“Y/N. I thought we don’t lie to each other from now on,” he said.
“This ain’t therapy stuff,” you said.
“Yeah, it is. It’s not just big stuff either, alright?” he said. “So you really okay?”
“My legs feel like jello,” you said.
“That’s what I thought,” he said. He squatted down in front of you and you climbed on, getting carried over to the deck and sat down in a chair, the kids off playing on the swing set with their ice cream. “Figured we better reprieve her before she passes out.”
“Give me some ice cream and I’m good,” you said. Jensen tossed you an ice cream sandwich from the cooler, the Ackles heading off to watch the kids.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean for you to end up babysitting them,” said Gen as she took a seat.
“No, it’s fine. I’m sure you don’t get a lot of free adult time to yourself,” you said.
“Not really, no,” she said, your dad excusing himself for a moment. “Your dad said you’re seventeen?”
“Mhm. Senior in highschool,” you said.
“Shep just started this year,” she said with a small laugh. 
“My dad’s not irresponsible or anything. I was a total accident if you’re thinking-”
“No, no, sweetie,” she said as she shook her head. “Don’t call yourself an accident either. You’re a saint in my book. Those two boys are pretty shy lately. It’s nice to see them act like themselves again.”
“Kids are shy,” you said.
“They’re very...protective of mom,” she said. “Like you and your dad.”
“He doesn’t need me to protect him.”
“No, but you do. I’m just glad I’m not the mean bitch that’s dating dad. I know kids get pretty defensive of their parents,” she said.
“You’ve made him smile. I don’t really know you but you guys seem like a good fit,” you said.
“Yeah. I’m hoping we are,” she said. “The boys may take some warming up.”
“Mind if I ask why?” 
“Shitty ex-dad,” she said.
“What do you mean?” you asked. “Like an ex-husband?”
“Ex-husband...and ex-dad. He paid a lump sum of money for child support so he could relinquish his parental rights,” she said. 
“Wow. Sounds like a dick,” you said.
“Yeah. He was. I don’t know...it was over a year ago but the kids took it hard. I think the third kid just made him snap. They thought they were bad and that’s why he didn’t want them anymore. I couldn’t tell them he’s a piece of shit and that’s what it was,” she said.
“Yeah,” you said with a swallow, pursing your lips before you took a bite of your ice cream.
“Jared mentioned you might understand that feeling with what happened with your mom.”
“I never had a mom,” you said, Gen staring for a moment. “Sorry. I just never had one is all. Always been me and dad. Always me and dad. No one really liked the fact he had a kid at home. Probably why it’s still just us.”
“I don’t mind that there’s a kid at home. Jared’s the first guy I’ve met that doesn’t mind that I have half of the brady bunch tagging along,” she said.
“Dad’s a good guy,” you said. “Something like that would never bother him.”
“Does it bother you?” she asked.
“What? No,” you said.
“I just wanted to know. This isn’t just your dad and me after all,” she said.
“You’re not dating me. Why do you care what I think?” you asked.
“You’re the most important person in the world to your dad. What you think is pretty important to me,” she said. “I get this feeling that you try to make other people happy. I mean, this is your Saturday swim party and you spent it being the responsible one while the adults got to hang around and chat. I get the feeling that happens a lot.”
“You don’t know anything about me,” you said as you stood up. You ditched your sandwich in the trash, catching your dad walking out from the house. “I forgot I had soccer practice at four thirty. I gotta run.”
“You don’t have soccer practice,” he said.
“Yeah, I do,” you said, brushing past him and inside. You got halfway through the kitchen before he caught your arm. You stared at it and then him. “Let go of me.”
“You’re upset and now you’re lying. Given your track record-”
“Oh you think I’m going to cut myself again? You going to keep bringing that up the rest of my life? A stupid mistake I made twice? It didn’t even leave a scar. But-”
“Come here,” he said, pulling you into a tight hug, resting his chin on top of your head. “Shhh. You’re alright.”
“Let go,” you growled, pushing against his chest but not moving anywhere. You took a few deep breaths, relaxing when he ran a hand up and down your back.
“Better?” he asked. You nodded, your dad stepping back and putting his hands on your cheeks. “What happened?”
“I don’t know,” you said.
“Yes you do. Come on. We gotta talk. That’s the rule,” he said.
“Gen said...she said she thinks I do things to make other people happy, but like, even if it’s not good for me. Like today. She said I was making sure you guys were happy while I watched the kids instead of...but I like watching the kids. I do,” you said.
“You do put other people in front of yourselves sometimes, kiddo. Sometimes it’s a good thing and sometimes, like today, you gotta let the adults be the adults. You have a right to have fun and play too,” he said.
“But I did.”
“Yes but you exhausted yourself so that I could spend time getting to know Gen. That’s not right, Y/N,” he said.
“I know,” you said, taking a deep breath. “You were just so happy today. You deserve to have a day of fun too.”
“Next time, can we tag team this thing and save ourselves the trouble?” he said. You nodded, getting another hug from him. You heard the backdoor open and saw Gen step inside, her face all kinds of worried.
“I am so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you,” she said.
“It’s okay. I’m...I go to therapy,” you said. “I just started two weeks ago. I’m still...learning.”
“Oh. Okay. I go too sometimes so…” she said, your dad raising an eyebrow. “I hope that’s not...a deal breaker.”
“I go too,” he said with a laugh.
“Oh. Awesome,” said Gen.
“You really go?” you asked.
“Yeah. Past year was…shitty,” she said with a sigh. “Sorry, are we okay?”
“Yeah, I think so,” said your dad. “Learning moment. So you still have soccer practice?”
“No. I’m gonna clean my face off for a minute,” you said, skirting around the corner and into the half bath.
“I didn’t mean to-“ you heard Gen say as you turned down the water. 
“It’s alright. She’s okay. You hit a nerve was all and she’s a little vulnerable right now so it scared her. She’s better. I don’t think she’s ever told anyone she’s in therapy now. I think somewhere in there, she feels comfortable with you,” he said.
“Yeah,” she said. You left the bathroom and gave them both a smile, heading outside before you jumped back in the pool.
Sunday Night
“Dad,” you said as you picked up after dinner, waving a hand in front of his face.
“I got that baby,” he said with a forced smile.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, setting the plates in the dishwasher. He stared at you before he rubbed the back of his neck.
“I don’t think Gen and I are going to be seeing each other anymore,” he said.
“Dad. Yesterday was not her fault. I was the one that freaked,” you said.
“I know, kiddo. And we talked so now that won’t happen again,” he said.
“Then why aren’t you gonna see each other anymore?” you asked.
“Y/N. It’s grown up-“
“Don’t give me that bullshit,” you said, crossing your arms.
“You do not use language like that at other people,” he said.
“No more secrets. Who was it that said that? Who was it?” you said.
“I do not tell you everything and I do not expect you to tell me everything either,” he said. 
“No but this is different and you know it,” you said. “You really liked this woman, dad. What, she an axe murderer on the side?”
“No,” he said.
“Then what?”
“She wouldn’t give a specific reason, only said maybe now isn’t the best time,” he said.
“Maybe she’s scared of a relationship again,” you said.
“She probably is. But I can’t hold her hand,” he said. 
“Why not?”
“That’s not how relationships work,” he said.
“Yeah it is. You’re just scared too,” you said. 
“Go to your room,” he said. You held up your hands and walked upstairs, listening to him grumble around until the back door opened. 
You looked down the hall towards his room and slipped inside, his phone on his nightstand. You found her number and pulled out your own phone, shooting off a quick text and jogging back down the hall towards your room.
“Y/N,” your dad said a few hours later, knocking on your door.
“S’open,” you said. You glanced over from your book, your dad crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe. “What?”
“Being a little troublemaker tonight?” he asked.
“You told me to go to my room and I went to my room,” you said.
“Didn’t make a pit stop anywhere before that?” he asked. 
“I don’t recall,” you said with a smile.
“You would make an excellent criminal,” he said.
“That’s so sweet,” you said.
“So you didn’t contact Gen?” he asked.
“I can’t really remember, you know?” 
“Answer the question,” he said.
“Bad cop don’t work on me and you know it,” you said. He walked inside and sat on the end of the bed, your eyes flickering over to catch Sam Winchester puppy dog ones staring right back. “Nope. Not happening.”
“But…” he said, starting to pout. “I wanna know.”
“I don’t break that easy,” you said.
“You spend too much time with Uncle Jensen,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “Out with it or car privileges are revoked.”
“Fine. I sent her a text,” you said as you crossed your arms.
“So you meddled in something I asked you to stay out of you.”
“You never said that.”
“You’re old enough to know better,” he said.
“And what’s my sentencing bad cop?” you asked.
“Please don’t do something like that again. Respect my privacy,” he said.
“Dad,” you sighed. “I’m sorry for going behind your back but you guys were being stupid. Both of you. I’m not sorry for trying to get you to see that.”
“You’re a very kind person,” he said, rubbing your leg. “And in this case, it worked out.”
“Worked out how…” you asked.
“I spent the past hour on the phone with Gen. She realized she was using yesterday as an excuse because she was scared and we talked and we decided we should be more like you and try this thing out, even if we’re both a bit nervous,” he said.
“So you’re back together?” you asked.
“We’re hoping for a third date sometime this week if Gen can find a sitter. That was something else she brought up. Depending on how this goes, she doesn’t want you to feel obligated to watch the kids if we want to have a date,” he said.
“Alright,” you said. “Anything else?”
“Don’t do that again...and thank you for butting in,” he said.
“Anytime,” you said, picking up your book again.
“It’s almost eleven,” he said, snatching it out of your hands. “You got school.”
“Dad,” you said, trying to steal it back.
“End of the chapter and then sleep,” he said, handing it over. 
“Deal,” you said.
“Good morning,” he said, giving you a hug as you groaned in front of the refrigerator the next morning. “Can’t words yet, huh?”
“Unh,” you said, pointing at the empty milk carton.
“Scrambled eggs instead?” he asked. You nodded and took a seat at the counter, finding his cup of coffee and stealing a sip. “I saw that. How late did you stay up?”
“One,” you yawned, flopping your arm and head down on the counter. “Why’s school so early?”
“Maybe next weekend you listen to me,” he said with a smirk. “Go to bed early tonight.”
“M’kay,” you mumbled.
“Come on. Wake up or I won’t let you drive yourself today,” he said.
“I’m up,” you said as you sat back, letting out a big sigh. “I’m never taking early morning classes next year.”
“Freshman don’t get to pick their schedule normally the first semester,” he said.
“Don’t remind me,” you said.
“So you still thinking of school up in the Northeast?” he asked.
“I decided I want to do early decision,” you said.
“Oh really? Where’d you decide you want to go?” he asked.
“UT,” you said. “It’s a big school. Lots of options.”
“I thought you wanted to get away from the heat,” he said with a chuckle, sliding a plate of food in front of you.
“I wanted to get away from you,” you said, risking a glance at him. He didn’t say anything, simply started to eat. “I thought if I was away, you could find someone. It’d be easier or something.”
“Still think that way?” he asked.
“No. It was silly,” you said.
“So UT?” he asked. You nodded and he gave one back. “Figure out a major yet?”
“Not yet,” you said.
“Well think about it some more. We can talk about it tonight, see if we can work it through some,” he said.
“What do you think about me living home and commuting?” you asked.
“I think you’re lucky enough to not have to worry about the money aspect of college and part of being an adult is choosing where you want to live,” he said. 
“Would I still have a curfew?” you asked.
“...do you feel like you need a curfew anymore? I trust you. Sure you may do some stupid things sometimes but I trust you. You just text me and let me know until you graduate high school and then...then you come and go as you please. Okay?”
“I’m okay with that,” you said.
“Good. You also have your shirt on backwards.”
You glanced down, getting a flick on the nose when you looked back.
“Seriously? Real mature.”
“I’ve never been mature,” he said.
“Very true,” you said.
“Also, that shirt is on backwards,” he said. You looked down, pulling at the collar and spotting the sizing. “Told ya so.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said, pulling your arms in and moving it around. “At least I’m dressed.”
“I don’t have to go to school. I’m going back to bed once you leave,” he said.
“Can I have your job?” you asked.
“I worked my ass off for years. A normal year, I’d be filming and you’d be staying here with somebody else,” he said. “I say I deserve a little break.”
“I know. When do you think you’re gonna get another job?” you asked.
“Not sure. I got enough going on right here,” he said. “I’m enjoying the time off.”
“It is kind of nice to have you home more,” you said. He put a hand on his heart. “Oh shut up.”
“I love you too,” he said with a chuckle. “Oh and there’s a con this weekend if you’d like to come.”
“Where’s this one?” you asked as you ate.
“Austin,” he said.
“You have a con this weekend?” you said. “I have a soccer game Sunday morning.”
“Crap,” he said. 
“It’s at eight,” you said.
“I don’t have my first panel until 9:30. We’re fine,” he said. 
“You’re not gonna make it,” you said. “You don’t have to go.”
“I’ll be there. Promise.”
Sunday Morning
“That was a great block, Y/N,” said your coach when the game ended.
“Thanks. I got…” you said, your dad grabbing your arm.
“Later Coach Hanes!” he said, giving her a wave as you he pulled you along, a lawn chair and your backpack under his one arm.
“Y/N, you want to go to the mall later?” called Ally.
“Next weekend Ally!” shouted back your dad. “You girls can have a sleepover at our house.”
“A team sleepover?” you asked.
“Sure. Team sleepover. No boys,” said your dad.
“I’ll text you later,” you called back as you were halfway to the parking lot. “Dad, it’s fine.”
“Uh, it’s 9:15. I was not expecting overtime,” he said. “We gotta move.”
“Shit,” he said at 9:45 as the two of you jogged into the hotel, someone giving you a dirty look for tracking dirt in on your cleats. “I think it was Room B.”
“Padalecki!” you both heard shouted, the two of you quickly jogging down the hall.
“You can drive home and change if you want,” he said as you stepped inside the ballroom.
“Well there’s the slacker. I’m dying up here man,” said Jensen, a little chorus of applause as he jogged up the aisle and hopped up on the stage.
“Sorry guys. Soccer ran long,” he said, giving you a smile. You threw up your hands, your dad staring at you. “What?”
“Keys?” you said.
“Oh, sorry,” he said, digging into his pocket. You wandered up the aisle, your dad patting his other pocket before he glanced at you. “I’ll be right back.”
“Where are…” you said before he ran off and you stood there looking up at Jensen.
“It is a miracle we ever got through fifteen seasons of this,” he joked to the room. “So today’s gonna run a little late if you guys couldn’t already tell. You win your game?”
You looked around, Jensen rolling his eyes.
“Who else is here in a soccer uniform. You, kiddo,” he asked.
“What?” you whispered.
“I’m stalling,” he deadpanned. “Come here.”
“No!” you said.
“I know a lot of embarrassing things about you,” he said. You narrowed your eyes but let him help you up on the stage, Jensen smirking when you got up there. “So while Jared’s off looking for his keys, why don’t we have little Pads fill in?”
“No,” you said.
“I have a question. Did you win your game this morning?” asked Jensen with a smile.
“Nope,” you said.
“Alright,” he said, pursing his lips. “Any other fun facts for us?”
“I know fun facts about you,” you smirked.
“And that was Y/N Padalecki,” he said, pushing you off towards the exit. 
“Oh no. I could totally stay for that,” you said, getting a laugh from the crowd. “So many things…”
He gave you a long look but you knew it was for show. You knew well enough to not spill any information about their personal lives to anyone they’d rather keep quiet.
“Jensen’s really good at baking,” you said. You heard an aw, Jensen putting his hands on his hips.
“You’re ruining my cool guy persona,” he said.
“You are so not cool,” you said with a smile.
“We knew that!” shouted someone, Jensen throwing up his hands. 
“He’s alright,” you said. You got a fist bump from him and you gave him a stare, Jensen nodding.
“Alright, alright, you can go and leave Uncle Jensen on his own,” he said. 
“See ya,” you said, turning and taking a step back before you jumped off the stage. Your cleat got caught on a wire though and you felt yourself stumble backwards. You fell back two or three feet onto the ground, landing on your butt and back, barely hitting your head. 
“Munchkin?” Jensen said, already jumping down there and helping you sit up. His hands were all over your head and you had to practically shove him away.
“I’m okay,” you said, glad you were facing away from everyone, your face getting hot. “I tripped. I’m fine.”
“Your dad tripped and he nearly split his skull open,” he said.
“I’m fine,” you said, wincing when he pressed the back of your head, holding up a finger with a dab of blood on it. “I’m-”
“Can I have a medic over here! Now!” he shouted. The room was dead silent as you heard someone head over, someone getting up from the row nearby and tapping Jensen on the shoulder.
“I’m a neurologist,” she said.
“Awesome,” he said as the woman knelt down, holding up a finger to your eyes. 
“Follow my finger,” she said. You did what she asked, Jensen frowning and looking at the woman. The paramedic plopped down a bag and she immediately pulled out a flashlight, shining it in your eyes. “Are you dizzy? Headache?”
“My head hurts a little I guess,” you said. 
“Prep her for transport to the nearest trauma hospital. Now,” she said to the paramedic. “I will be right back.”
She popped down the aisle as you scoffed at Jensen.
“I am fine,” you said.
“You couldn’t follow her finger,” he said.
“Yeah I could.”
“No, you couldn’t,” he said, glancing past you. “Oh boy.”
“What is going on?” you heard behind you, your dad immediately there and kneeling down beside you, keys in his hand.
“She fell,” said Jensen. 
“What do you mean she fell?” he asked.
“It was an accident,” you said, your dad blinking at you as the doctor came back.
“Fan and apparently brain doctor,” said Jensen as he pointed at her.
“It could be a mild concussion, it could be a brain bleed. She needs to go so we can confirm. Now,” she said to your dad, a quick nod coming from him. “You two I want her in an ambulance in two minutes. Move.”
“Sorry,” you said four hours later as you were driving back to the con with your dad and the doctor. 
“It’s okay baby. It was an accident. Let’s just be glad it was only a little concussion and that Dr. Budding’s daughter likes the show,” he said.
“Sorry,” you said as you turned back your seat towards her. “I know you probably missed stuff.”
“It’s fine, Y/N. It’s my job,” she said. “This was exciting enough for our first con. I’m just happy it was only a minor injury. I’ve seen plenty of kids come in with what parents think are minor things and then it turns into full on brain surgery.”
“Yeah, I’ll take the concussion over that,” you said, shaking your head.
“Dr. Budding, if you and your daughter wouldn’t mind sticking around for a minute at the end of the con, I’d like to get some contact info so we can hook you guys up with some kind of VIP treatment for the next con. My treat,” he said.
“Well I’d normally say no but my daughter will probably kill me if I don’t accept,” she said.
“Good,” said your dad with a chuckle. “We owe you one.”
“Jared!” you heard from the hotel lobby when you got back, Gen popping up from a chair. “Is Y/N okay? I got here not long ago for your afternoon panel thing and they said you had a family emergency and-”
“I’m okay. Apparently our family trips a lot is all,” you said. You gave Dr. Budding a quick goodbye, Gen giving you a hug. “I’m okay. At least I didn’t fall in the pool like dad.”
“You two need to stop falling, alright?” she said.
“We’ll try not to do it anymore,” he said, giving her a quick kiss. You smirked, your dad narrowing his eyes at you.
“I didn’t say anything,” you said, humming as you started to wander back, his arm catching you.
“No, no. You’re not leaving my sight,” he said.
“I have to go to the bathroom,” you said.
“I can go with her,” said Gen. “I can keep an eye on her during the panel.”
“Okay,” he said. “Thanks, Gen.”
“Do these things normally go this long?” asked Gen in the green room hours later. 
“No. They’re super late today. Dad wants to make sure everyone gets what they paid for. Normally he’d be done at like six at the latest. Today it’s more like nine because he was gone so long,” you said. “I do not want to go to school tomorrow.”
“You should stay home and rest,” she said. You nodded, giving her a smile.
“You don’t have to stay. I’m sure your babysitter-”
“It’s fine. Jared’s pretty scared and I want to stay until your dad is free to come back,” she said. 
“Alright,” you said. “Thanks.”
“There any water left?” asked Jensen when he popped in the room, Gen nodding over to the last bottle on the table. He grabbed it and plopped down on the couch beside you, taking a deep breath and chugging half of it. “Your dad’s almost done. Probably another half hour.”
“Sorry for ruining everyone’s day,” you said.
“You didn’t ruin anything. I was the dumbass that had you get up there,” he said.
“I didn’t fall cause of you.”
“I know,” he said.
“You wanted to freak earlier, didn’t you.”
“Mhm,” he said. “Sort of a parent rule though.”
“Don’t freak out in front of the kids,” said Gen.
“Yup,” said Jensen.
“Hey, you sure Danneel was okay with watching the kids for me tonight?” she asked Jensen.
“Oh yeah. She’s got it,” he said. “Shouldn’t be too long now.”
“Okay, baby,” said your dad an hour later, walking you into the house. “Let me say bye to Gen real quick.”
“Mhm,” you said. You took a seat on the front bench, your dad returning after a minute and shutting the door after himself. 
“Come here,” he said, picking you up and carrying you up to your room, setting you down on your bad. “Long day.”
“I’m okay. Just a butt bruise and a grade one concussion. I didn’t even pass out,” you said.
“I know,” he said, fixing your hair behind your ear. “Let’s make a deal and keep the head injuries to a minimum around here, hm?”
“Deal,” you said.
“Why don’t you go wash up and I’ll email school, get you a few days off to recover,” he said.
“Okay,” you said with a tired smile. You trudged into your bathroom and shut the door, ditching your smelly clothes on the ground before hopping in the shower. You hummed as you scrubbed yourself clean, careful of the small cut on the back of your head. When you finished, you changed into pajamas and went back to your room, crawling under the covers.
“Dressed, kiddo?” he asked. You hummed and he stepped inside, setting a glass of water down on your nightstand before sitting on the edge of the bed. “Need anything?”
“No. I’m gonna miss the end of soccer, aren’t I,” you said.
“Sorry, kiddo,” he said. “You can still have your sleepover with your friends next weekend though.”
“Okay,” you said, closing your eyes. “Can just Ally and Kara come actually?”
“Sure,” he said. “I’ll take three teenage girls over eleven anytime.”
“Those guys are my actual friends,” you said.
“I know I never made school easy for you,” he said. “You’ve always bounced around. You never once complained.”
“I never had a problem making friends,” you said.
“No, you didn’t. You find out later in life it’s not the number of friends you have that’s important. It’s quality,” he said.
“Mhm,” you hummed. 
“Sleep tight, baby.”
Thursday Night
“You sure you guys are going to be okay?” asked your dad.
“For the millionth time, yes,” you said, shoving him towards the door where Gen was waiting. “I can babysit three kids for a few hours. I will call the neighbors in an emergency. Go have fun.”
“Alright, alright,” he said.
“Tell her she looks pretty,” you whispered.
“I told her she looks pretty,” he said, Gen laughing to herself. “Let’s get out of here. Call in an emergency.”
“I will,” you said, locking up after them. You headed back to the family room, the kids all gathered around on the couch and watching TV. “So who wants mac and cheese for dinner?”
“Well if that’s not the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen,” you heard. You peeled your eyes open from where you’d fallen asleep with the kids after a movie, your dad and Gen standing in the family room.
“They were good?” she asked quietly, picking up Odette from the corner of the couch.
“Mhm. We had dinner, played some,” you yawned, your dad grabbing each of the boys in an arm. 
“Well thank you for watching them,” said Gen. You hummed and followed them to the front door, smiling as you watched the kids get tucked away in the car, Gen and your dad sharing a long kiss. They spoke for a moment before he headed inside.
“What?” he asked as he shut the door after himself.
“Nothing,” you said, heading for the stairs. “Dad?”
“Ask her to be your girlfriend,” you said. You saw a flash of blush on his cheeks, quickly wiped away. “If you haven’t already.”
“Yeah, we’re...we’re dating now,” he said with a smile. 
“What was tonight? Fifth date?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he said.
“Take her out on Saturday,” you said. 
“I was planning on it,” he said with a chuckle. “What’s all this about?”
“I like her,” you said. 
“Me too,” he said. “Hey, how was therapy today?”
“Good. Eric says I’m making a lot of progress. I’m getting better about not bottling things up,” you said.
“I’ve noticed,” he said. “Go on. It’s late and you got school first thing.”
“You’re blushing again,” you said.
“Go,” he said with a laugh. “Night. Love you.”
“Love you too, dad.”
Saturday Afternoon
“Alright, girls. Looks like we just have to figure out Y/N’s dress,” said Danneel as you walked into a store at the mall.
“I hate dress shopping,” you said.
“We know,” said Ally and Kara, giggling to themselves as they pulled you off towards the dress section.
“Maybe I won’t go to Fall Formal this year,” you said.
“Just because Chris is gone does not mean you are not going. It’s senior year,” said Ally.
“Besides, rumor has it Henry is totally going to ask you to go with him on Monday,” said Kara.
“Henry? I barely talk to him,” you said. 
“Oh you like him,” said Ally, Danneel smiling as she walked over to a rack. “Mrs. Ackles, has Y/N mentioned Henry before?”
“I don’t think so,” she said with a laugh. “I think Chris will be pretty hard to beat.”
“Thanks, De,” you said with a sigh. “Henry is not going to ask me out. He’s always quiet. He’s definitely not asking me out.”
“Sometimes shy boys make the first move. Just give ‘em an inch and see what they do with it,” said Danneel.
“Listen to Mrs. Ackles, Y/N. She like, literally married a model and he’s shy,” said Kara.
“Girls,” she said with a laugh. “Why don’t you go check out the juniors section and we’ll see what we can come up for Y/N?’
They took off and you gave her a smile, Danneel laughing to herself.
“Thanks for not saying anything,” you said.
“Chris was your first love. You two were very close. You don’t ever forget them. Maybe you need Henry to be the rebound guy though. Give him a chance to show it. I wouldn’t be with Jensen if I hadn’t shown that little bit of interest first. It gave him that confidence to go for it,” she said. “Only if you want.”
“I just really hate dress shopping,” you said, heading back towards the juniors when she caught your arm.
“Let’s get you a dress for a woman. Give the boys something to think about,” she said, pulling you further into the woman’s area. “What about black? Timeless, goes with everything. You could always wear it for one of your dad’s events too.”
“I don’t want to look old,” you said.
“I’m not talking something like that,” she said. “I’m sure we can find something you’ll like.”
“Wow,” said Kara when you stepped out of the dressing room an hour later, spinning around some.
“Yup. Definitely yup,” said Ally.
“You like it?” asked Danneel.
“It’s definitely grown up,” you said, looking back in the mirror. You turned around again, catching another changing room door open, Gen walking out with a few dresses on her arm. “Hi.”
“Hi,” she said, giving you a smile. “Having a girls day?”
“Picking out dresses for Fall Formal,” said Danneel. 
“Sounds fun,” she said. “Well that one looks very good on you, Y/N.”
“Thank you,” you said, spotting Gen put the dresses on the return cart. You glanced at Danneel but she was already smiling.
“If you got the time Gen you’re more than welcome to join us. Looks like we got another dress to find,” she said.
“Oh, no. I’m fine. I was just looking for something for tonight,” she said. “I don’t want to intrude.”
“Please?” you asked. You saw the smile on her face and she nodded.
“Alright. Girls, Gen’s got a date with Y/N’s dad tonight and we’re gonna make her look good.”
“I haven’t had a girls day in forever,” said Gen as you munched on a pretzel on a bench a few hours later, Ally and Kara headed off to soccer practice.
“I’m glad we ran into you. You gotta come with me and Y/N next time we go to the spa,” said Danneel. 
“I haven’t been to a spa in years,” she laughed. 
“Well then you’re overdue,” she said. 
“It hasn’t really been on the list of priorities lately,” said Gen. “Maybe things will slow down soon.”
“You and dad could go on a date. He likes the back massages,” you said.
“That’s a good idea,” said Danneel, Gen shrugging. “Jared is a good guy.”
“I know. Just...I didn’t mean to fall for someone,” she said.
“You never do,” said Danneel. “Jared’s head over heels for you, trust us.”
“The past year has been a nightmare,” she said. “Now that it feels like it’s finally ending, I’m scared is all.”
“Gen. I’ve never seen my dad like someone like this. I wouldn’t be so scared,” you said.
“I know. It’s not just us either though,” she said softly. “There’s kids to consider.”
“Well I like you and I know dad’s hanging out the little guys today so I don’t think you have to worry about that either,” you said.
“Y/N’s a bit blunt sometimes,” said Danneel with a laugh. “I suppose that happens when you spend your childhood with Jared and my dork of a husband.”
“Yeah but without Uncle Jensen, I wouldn’t get Aunt De,” you said, resting your head on her shoulder.
“How long have you two known each other?” asked Gen.
“Oh since this one was...four, five?” she said.
“De showed me a lot of stuff a mom would have,” you said. “Dad too.”
“I was impressed. He picked up the washing a bra thing way faster than Jensen ever did. He’s very good at braiding hair too,” she said.
“Your father is very kind,” said Gen.  “I bet having you had something to do with that.”
“Maybe. He’s always had a big heart,” you said. 
“You have one of those too,” she said. You shrugged, Danneel rubbing your arm. 
“Alright. I say we let Gen get ready for her date tonight,” she said with a wink. “Come on Y/N. We can talk about how it went tomorrow.”
“Have fun,” you said with a smile.
“If I know your dad, we definitely will.”
A/N: Read the Final Part here!
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Season 1, Episode 1: A Different Place
Where better to begin talking about a show than the beginning? Like most shows, Sítio do Picapau Amarelo has a pilot episode.
...Okay, in this case, “pilot episode” is just a fancy way of saying “first episode”. Much like Rick & Morty and DT17, SDPA doesn’t really have a pilot episode that isn’t just the first episode (unless you count Doc and Mharti as R&M’s pilot, which I’d rather not), so to begin the series, we kinda have to jump right into the mess of things.
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It’s like A Quiet Place, but not stupid.
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As the episode begins, we are introduced to a two men on a horse-drawn cart. The man in the red box is a book salesman who’s a little down on his luck in terms of profits.
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A little.
This guy isn’t really given a name, and I don’t want to call him “The Salesman” the whole time because that’s stupid. So I’m going to give him a name. Mr. Simmons will do nicely.
Anyways, Mr. Simmons falls out of the cart when it hits a patch in the road, and when he picks himself up, he sees a quaint little house on a farm, with an old woman knitting on the porch.
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Here, we are introduced to the first of our main cast, Dona Benta, a kind elderly lady who owns this little patch of heaven known as the Yellow Woodpecker Farm. Yeah, didn’t take us long to get there, huh?
So Mr. Simmons sees this old woman in the middle of (what he believes to be) nowhere, and decides it’s the perfect opportunity to make a quick buck believing that:
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Which, I dunno, man, she seems pretty comfortable just sitting in her rocking chair, knitting. Like, even as an outsider who doesn’t know a lick of what goes on in this farm, I’d say she’s content as she is, but anything to make some cold hard cash, I guess.
Also, I would not ever call this place a desert, even for the sake of exaggeration. There’s grass everywhere, bushes, trees, flowers, the works. If this where anything like a desert, I do not think this woman would be here, to put it simply. But, I digress. And I hydraulic press, but we won’t be seeing that.
So, Mrs. Benta goes inside to call for the kids, and here we meet 3 of our other actors:
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Here, we see Pedrinho (or Little Pete, the boy in the blue overalls) and Narizinho (or Lúcia “Little Nose”, the girl in the red dress), cousins and Mrs. Benta’s grandchildren. They’re playing tag, I think, but they’re stopped in their tracks with their Grandma in the way, and-
Hang on, I feel like we’re forgetting something.
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Oh, right. I almost forgot Emilia. She’s basically the reason I watch this show, no biggie.
Anyway, she’s in a race with the kids, when they’re blocked by Grandma. Emilia makes the smart move and cuts right under Mrs. Benta. It looks like this:
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Another reason I like this show so much, it’s rife with smears, which I feel like any good cartoon should have. Like here, where Emilia friggin’ nyooms right under Mrs. Benta like a comet.
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Emilia reaches the finish line at the bookshelf, where we see the Viscount of Sabugosa, a puppet made out of an ear of corn who’s very smart and polite. (His name is a pun, “sabugo” means corncob in Portuguese, and it’s a parody of the Count of Sabugosa, of which there were 9, the first being Vasco Fernandes César de Meneses in 1729- but everybody calls him Viscount and so will I because blah)
In this show, the Viscount is the actual size of an ear of corn, which makes sense, he is, after all, a puppet made out of one. I think it’s really funny that the cartoon is slightly more realistic than the live-action show it’s based on in this regard, because in the 2001 series, for whatever reason, the Viscount towers over everyone:
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And he has a sick mustache.
Like, I don’t get it, out of all the characters, you made the guy made out of corn the tallest one in the cast? I get that the technology to make him actually small probably wasn’t all there yet, Grandpa in My Pocket was still 8 years off, but you really couldn’t find a guy that wasn’t the same height as Shaq?
Yeesh, only 2 minutes in and I’m getting sidetracked this often. Well, I guess it’s better than having nothing to talk about.
Anyway, Emilia wins the race, but the other two kids run into her, smooshing her against the bookshelf-
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-and pwning her so hard she briefly grows fingers on her hand (and turning it into a left hand apparently, because the thumb is on the wrong side)
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Mrs. Benta explains that Emilia and the other mystical beings must hide from the impending salesman.
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Oh brother, I was wondering when we’d get to this guy. This is Marquis of Rabicó (Portuguese for Short-tail). Literally the first thing you read about him on the show’s Wikipedia is that he’s fat (which you think would be a given cuz he’s a pig), and his part of the Characters section isn’t much better, stating that he’s a “gluttonous, selfish, cowardly and lazy pig” and most of his episodes involve him getting himself and/or others into trouble by being a gluttonous, selfish, cowardly and lazy pig. He’s only ever onscreen to cause problems, either directly or by proxy. If I were to sum him up in one meme, it would be this:
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Now, I don’t hate Rabicó, I’m actually quite indifferent towards him, but he does bring down a lot of the episodes that he’s a major part of. Thankfully, there aren’t too many episodes featuring him in the first 2 seasons, but from what I hear, Season 3 goes ham with that shit (pun intended) and it brings down the quality of the season as a whole, so it’s a good thing that’s as far off from now as it is. I want to enjoy the lack-of-pig while it lasts.
But hey, at least he doesn’t look like this:
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Don’t do drugs, kids.
Rant over, Mrs. Benta explains that she wants things to look normal because the Yellow Woodpecker Farm is a very peculiar place, where all kinds of weird and wacky stuff goes on, and if word gets out about it, the place will be filled with tourists wanting to get a peek of the action.
Something that Mrs. Benta probably didn’t consider is that there’s a bigger threat to being exposed than just filthy tourism. That’s right, I’m talking about the GOVERNMENT.
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I mean, think about it. How many movies have you seen where the government tries to hunt down an unnatural being? E.T., the Sonic Movie, a third one I can’t think of right now, etc. (Lilo & Stitch does not count) Now, I can’t speak for Brazil’s government compared to the U.S., but I know there’s gotta be a division dedicated to dealing with unnatural things that would no doubt arrest Emilia, Rabicó, Viscount, etc. and run experiments on them. Then again, maybe this cartoon takes place in a world where the government doesn’t even exist. I mean, we never really see any urban settings in the show (aside from a brief mention of “the city” in the finale), so for all I know, the world of Sítio do Picapau Amarelo is run by Vermin Supreme.
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Real talk, you should all be ashamed of yourselves for not voting for this guy back in 2016.
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Initially, Emilia won’t go into her box, but then she gives in and is dragged there by Aunt Nastácia, the housemaid of the farm with a knack for making dolls (so she’s essentially Emilia’s mom). She doesn’t really do much in this episode, but the Fat Bastard does even less, and I still mentioned him.
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So Mrs. Benta lets Mr. Simmons into the house and he does this whole spiel about how great the books are, how they can take you to worlds you never imagined, fantasy and action, yadda yadda.
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Meanwhile, the kids are off to the side and they’re all like “Well, we met the actual Hercules, get on our level scrub”. And of course, Emilia is watching with them, instead of in her box.
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As Simmons keeps on rambling, Emilia is being a little peeping tom, not realizing that one turned head could lead to her being dissected like a high school frog.
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Apparently, Emilia thinks she’s a regular Bart Simpson, with shit like spitballs and pulling out the man’s leg hairs. She’s really pushing her luck here, and for little reason. Sure, Simmons called the place boring, but that’s how it’s supposed to be to him.
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Of course, Pedrinho and Narizinho are nice enough kids that they bail her out on this one and pretend it was them.
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And before Simmons can ask what the hell is going on, Mrs. Benta gives him the money for the books and sends him out the door. And once he’s out...
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I’ll give you a hint: it rhymes with go.
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Of course, they’re not out of the woods yet, cuz Simmons is getting a little suspicious.
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Busted. The truth is revealed, all laid out for Simmons to see. A talking rag-doll? Inconceivable! And yet, there it is.
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Come on, Viscount. I would expect you of all people to uphold what Mrs. Benta said and stay hidden. You’re smart enough, you should already know what’s at stake, or at least that something is at stake. I mean, I understand that the cat is already out of the bag, but you’re not helping.
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Also, you’re thumb is clipping into your bowtie, you should get that checked out.
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Rabicó, I hope you get turned into salami. Not out of spite or anything, but just because I like salami.
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Naturally, Simmons believes he’s struck gold and found the ultimate tourist trap. But when Emilia points out that if he tells anyone, he’ll sound like a crazy person-
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-he straight up Villager Neutral B’s her,
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hails a horse, and books it.
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Wow, Viscount. Dick move mangling Mrs. Benta’s glasses like that. And all for an impromptu magnifying glass, which is pointless-
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-because we can see the horse tracks perfectly fine without them.
(The Viscount isn’t this much of a jerk in the rest of the series, I swear.)
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So, the gang follow the tracks until there are no more, which leads them to a corn store.
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Wait, a... corn store? As in, a store that mainly, if not exclusively, sells maize and maize accessories? Compared to vegetables in general, that’s quite a niche market, I can’t possibly imagine finding a success in building an entire business around one type of vegetable. Corn is simply not as versatile as something like chocolate or cheese.
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Oh no, wait, it’s just a bar. I guess this cartoon takes place in the middle of Prohibition 2: Return of Jafar, and the whole “corn store” thing is just a set up for a speakeasy. (I mean, you could also argue that it’s a diner, but I’mma go with bar because it’s funnier.)
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And I’m guessing Simmons expects the place to put all of the meals on his tab, considering he’s going to get the money later with all the tourism. But then, why doesn’t he just pay with the money he got from selling Mrs. Benta those books? So he pulls Emilia out of his bag to show everyone that he has a talking doll and...
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Hm. Probably should have put some air holes in that bag.
Anyway, the gang comes in, and Mrs. Benta asks for the doll back, with Narizinho hamming up her Oscar-worthy performance:
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So everybody’s giving Mr. Simmons a mean glare:
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Including this gentleman who looks like someone just insulted his favorite MHA character (it’s probably Tsuyu):
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So Mr. Simmons desperately tries to convince everyone that the doll indeed does talk, and that she comes from a wacky place, but Aunt Nastácia intervenes and says that it’s just a normal doll.
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She just straight up roasts Emilia, who (big surprise) does not take it very well. To the point that she is very visibly angry, which you think the barflies would notice.
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I mean, look at that and tell me that you wouldn’t notice anything weird.
But anyways, they get the doll back and we get this cute group hug.
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So they leave with Emilia-
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as Mr. Simmons is beaten to death offscreen for stealing from a little girl.
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As the gang walks home, Viscount bends Ms. Benta’s glasses back to normal. Took you long enough, ya jerk.
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Not even close, my dear. This is only the beginning.
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Well, that was a very good first episode. It introduces the world and many of the main characters very well. And while there were a few issues I had with it, they’re really just nitpicks that don’t detract from the episode as a whole. Overall, a good effort, 8/10.
So, yeah, that’s the first episode down. Join me next time when we watch episode 2, and meet a very vile villain.
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Very vile indeed.
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theosymphany · 5 years
The Canary
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A short fic as Chris and Piers discusses more mundane matters as Piers settles in his team. One shot. Early days Nivanfield.
It was 1358. The new lieutenant to Alpha team had planned it to the minute. He had his lunch early, went over the notes he had made, reviewed the things he had on file and mentally went through every last conversation he’s had with the team and of course, his Captain. He checked over himself at the mirror too. Captain is relaxed on grooming standards, but his first lesson from meeting Chris was ‘Do as I say, not as I do.’
He took the longer route to the Captain’s office, not out of habit, but because there’s less chance he’ll be interrupted or run into someone. He wanted to be on time, and have his thoughts where he needed them.
He set off on a purposeful, brisk pace, folder of reports in hand, taking long, measured strides that pass off as confident and looking busy and important enough. Hazel eyes scanned around the perimeters for any unplanned incursions, but he knows deep down he needn’t worry. Staying hidden is his specialty he had mastered, in plain sight, if needed. That said though, he hadn’t been fully able to dodge the spotlight since his time at the BSAA. Being second to the legendary Chris Redfield, afterall, is a high profile role, and the Captain himself isn’t quite a man of subtlety.
He knew as he arrived that the clock had just ticked over to 1400. Captain’s door would usually be open, but he would give four unhurried but confident taps should it be closed. Has he got anything? Should he have brought a treat? Food can be an icebreaker, though the Captain must have a pretty strict diet regime to maintain his bulk…
Focus Piers. He told himself as he banished all irrelevant thoughts.
He could see now that the door was open, letting some rays of the afternoon sun into the otherwise slightly gloomy office. The captain sat at his desk, clawing his mouse, his thick brows furrowed just a little to bring out a few creases. This could be bad.
“Ah Piers.” Relief fell off the Captain’s face, the five o’clock shadow that usually forms by lunchtime had made him look slightly broody, but the smile was genuine. “Come. Pull up a chair.” He cocked his head to the guest chair beside him.
Piers nodded lightly. All his others commanders usually sat him across the table where they’d have feet up and arms back, as if to silently scream how important they are. Their desks though, usually afforded such luxuries, and the space for it.
Captain Chris Redfield’s desk would be, as his mother would call it, ‘a perennially rueful mess’ bereft of military rigour, but Piers had learnt by day two on base that Captain Redfield sets the rules. Or rather, breaks them at convenience for himself. Piers may never have to worry about an inspection, but also means he’s in that uncomfortable position managing what the enlisted men would consider ‘double standards’.
Regardless, he sat, back straight and attentive, being more than a little pleased that he’s so close to the Captain he could feel the heat radiating off his body.
“It’s our catch up isn’t it. Sorry, I didn’t prepare anything. Uh, did you send- no you must have, I know you would, sorry I didn’t read it, I just…”
Piers nodded and shrugged. Yes, he’d written a short one-page update just in case and emailed through but yet again Chris hasn’t read it, but that’s OK because he’d practiced the verbal brief anyway and knew he preferred that.
“Did you want the two-minute version?”
“Yep, go on- uh wait, oh, that’s right, I was looking at this when you came in. Can I get your thoughts on this first?”
Chris pulled up the email. As he did Piers glanced at the (8709) unread tag and flinched, but told himself to focus.
It was one of those reports, cc’ed for comment by all the team leaders. There must be thousands of those going around.
“Hmm. May I skim the report?” Piers asked.
Chris alt-tabbed and Piers glanced at the page count. Less than fifty. He let out the breath he held in. Trying not to lean in too close to Chris, he scrolled through with the keyboard, looked at the summary and the body, and then the conclusion.
“I think it’s bad, but not quite sure how bad.” Chris said, scratching his head.
“This got drafted by some ivory tower academic who never had a semblance of normal life.”
“How did it get that far then, command can’t actually be that serious about this shit?”
“Well you see when you brand yourself a ‘consultant’, whatever BS they sprout will suddenly became great gems of transformative wisdom that’s it a crime against the state to realise such theoretical gains and crafted rhetoric into action. The good thing is, however, at least it doesn’t read like there’s someone’s self interests in the way…”
“You got a plan of attack?”
“Whatever you do don’t let it be a recommendation. I’m sure every commander out there is fuming about this stuff. I’ll work up some comments on the template in uh, your style and let you review them, but you should go chew the fat with others and draw out their views, and put in a coordinate effort.”
“Mmmh, I like that approach. I can chat to Crosby and K-face. It’s the same crap that keeps going round.”
“So, that brief of yours. Anything important? Do you need me to get money again?”
“No. Nothing of the sort. We could use all kinds of upgrades, but we can’t ask for them willy-nilly, it must be thought out, strategic, have the whole cost, risk benefit balance neatly summed up—”
Chris threw his hands up in defence. “OK, OK, I’m just asking. You work out the details and brief me on what to tell our accounts man. How’s the team?”
“Overall we’re going to be fine. Our teams are much smaller than we used to manage, I’m still getting to know them of course, but they’re willing, have a good attitude and there’s a lot we can cover.”
“I mean, they’re no special forces but miles above army grunts fresh from boot. They’re here because they want to be, and that counts more than anyone realises.”
“Just what I wanted to hear. And how are you?”
“Me? Oh, uh. I’m doing alright. I guess.”
Piers was caught off guard. He’d prepared the brief about everything Chris could ask him about and left out himself. He never thought about himself. As in what Chris would want him to say about himself. Is it like a job interview? Does he stay professional or let out snippets of truth and emotion? No. He never thought about the fact that Chris would ask him about himself. This is the military. No one is your care bear. They want you to get the job done and not cause any problems. Don’t be smart and don’t be stupid. Conform.
“Well you’re doing a damn fine job.” Chris said, clapping a big hand to Piers’ shoulder. “Knew I’d pick the right man.” He grinned a somewhat boyish grin and gave the shoulder a squeeze.
Pier grinned to himself. Chris was a touchy man and he’d be damned if he ever forgot a moment where they connected physically.
“Oh. Another thing.” The squeeze turned to a slap on his shoulder. “What is this writing comments in ‘my style’ that you spoke of?”
Piers blinked. Oops.
“Uh, have you ever hear of ghost writers, Captain?”
“Uh, like the movie with the team with gear battling paranormal lifeforms?” Chris said with a twinkle in his eyes. “Sounds a bit like us, really.”
“Almost, except they fight with words. A ghost writer is like someone who writes for someone else. Like a speech writer, official emails and all.”
Piers feels nervous as Chris stroked his 5’o clock shadow and appraised him intently with his warm brown eyes. He thought about the 8000 unread emails and swallowed.
“Uh, I’m kinda terrible at it, but given the timeframes of the response I might just jot some notes and you can review them so it sounds like it comes from a seasoned… captain and not some fresh-faced rookie from West Point?”
“Seasoned huh?” Chris chuckled. “Medium with a hint of garlic, salt and pepper.”
Piers licked his lips.
“Well, I’ll leave it to you. Forget the style. The key thing is to shoot this thing down before it ever gets off the ground.”
“Yes Sir!” Piers was already plotting in his head. He still needs to write like Chris would, but not as Chris would, but how command would want Chris to, striking that fine balance between authority, reason and a hint of the non-conformant leanings the Captain is known for.
“I know who I picked. You’re not a spring chicken Nivans, even if you look like you belong on a recruitment poster. I see a bright future in you, ghostbusting or zombie busting or writing or whatever else. You’ve got a good package. Of skills and, uh that word…. Aptitude, attitude? Those things. Keep it up.”
“I will, Captain. Thank you, Captain.”
“I’ll send you the docs, no hurry, but if you get it in before 1700 I know there’s a steakhouse you might like.”
Piers raised his eyebrows. Chris is more than his match.
“Right away sir.”
Chris’s eyes followed Piers out of his office, with the golden rays of the sun on his back. He sighed in relief, pressing send on the email. He looked at the other 8000 unread emails, and the pile of reports awaiting read through, and he grinned like a cat who ate the canary.
26 notes · View notes
Chapter 55 - Wine, puzzles and spoonmen (Part One)
In the previous chapter: Eddie and Angie woke up at her apartment. It's the third time in a row they sleep together but, although Eddie is constantly teasing her, they haven't had sex yet. Angie starts to get worried about this too and believes something's wrong. Eddie, Stone and Mike go to Roxy's on that same morning, right during Angie's shift at the diner. Eddie cheekily jokes, teases her, sends her subliminal love messages through juke box songs, then follows her in the back and kisses her; she thinks he's doing it on purpose so that their friends will find out about their relationship. The two of them have a brief argument but they soon make it up. Meg tells Angie about her new project: becoming a tattoo artist. She also understands Angie's worried about something and has her friend spill the beans. Angie confesses she has doubts about Eddie's physical attraction towards her. Meg tries to talk some sense into her and suggests her to set up a romantic night for Eddie and her at their apartment.
“Ian, can you come here a sec?” I call my coworker as I look through the sketchbook my roommate has just slipped on the counter top together with her purchases.
“What's up?” I hear him answer from afar.
“I need your help”
“Can't you do it by yourself? That guy who dropped the jarred Bolognese sauce made a mess!”
“Umph if that's Bolognese sauce, then I'm Julia Roberts!” I comment right when Hannigan comes back from the storage room, probably because of the commotion he heard.
“ANGIE?” he gives me a nasty look and I'd want to sink into the ground.
“Err I meant that it's a sauce produced in our beloved America! Healthy American food, tasty and nutritious... which gets inspiration from an Italian recipe to... to...” I try and make up for that as I address my audience, that is basically Meg, looking at me as if she could burst into laughing any minute, my boss and two perplexed customers, a young man and a fifty-something woman.
“To give a new interpretation of it?” the guy suggests from the snacks department.
“EXACTLY! A new interpretation. Different from the original”
“But as valid as the original” the boss adds.
“Very valid!” I say through my teeth.
“She's half Italian.” Meg explains to the customers “She'll be fucking fussing about everything but the sauce is good” the guy snickers and the lady shakes her head and walks towards the frozen foods.
“I'd have liked for you not to use the F word but you perfectly summed up my thinking” Hannigan's face relaxes and maybe I still have a job.
“Anyway it's all Ian's fault” I point out as soon as I see my colleague show up behind the back of the boss.
“What did I do?”
“I called you and you didn't came”
“Well, now I'm here, what's wrong?”
“Now Hannigan's here, I don't need you anymore”
“Can you please explain what the fuck's happening? I didn't understand a fucking thing!” the boss blurts out in the middle of our quarrel.
“I thought you couldn't say the F word here” Meg chimes in raising her hand as if she was at school.
“Not to custumers, but to employees...  yes”
“Meg needs to buy some wine” I point at my roommate and the bottle she's placed on the counter.
“So what? Your shift ends at 13:00, you still have 10 minutes” Ian gives me a glazed look and right now I'd stick my thumbs into his eyes.
“It's not for the timing, it's that I can't sell alcohol...”
“Oh right! Well, you'll take care of that, right?” he asks to our boss.
“Yeah, sure Ian! I'll take care of that, I'm already here! By the way why should I have my paid personnel work when I can do everything by myself, right?”
“Uhm... ok, I'll go and put some more sawdust on that stain” Ian walks away and Meg can't resist this time and explodes laughing.
“Haha he's so dumb! Anyway isn't it funny that you cannot sell me wine, considering you're the one who'll drink it?” my friend remarks while Hannigan's ringing her items: red wine bottle, sliced bread, salmon, cheese, butter, various snacks.
“You're kind of dumb too, you know” I hide my face behind my palms.
“You could avoid telling me, at least...” mutters the boss and shakes his head.
“Who? Telling you what? I didn't say a word! Oops, I forgot the dessert, wait a minute!” Meg realizes the shit she just did and plays dumb, walking away towards the sweets section.
“She was just kidding anyway hehe” I say and I hope he doesn't notice I'm sweating.
“Of course”
“They're great!”
“Thank you Meg for grocery shopping for me and bringing all the bags up for four floors for me... that's what you just said, right?” my friend is putting everything into the fridge as I keep looking through her sketchbook.
“Anyway you don't have to tell me you like them only to make me happy, I want a honest opinion”
“I am honest! I must say I like the ones in black and white better”
“Right? I'm not confident with colors yet. I mean, it's not like I can't draw stuff in colors. It's just, whenever I draw something and color it and I think it'd be supposed to end on someone's skin, everything seems shit to me. I did very few drawings in color”
“The flowers series is perfect, also the one with the animals” she's really good at drawing, I've always known that.
“They're just doodles to get started, to try some themes and styles”
“They're not doodles... what about this?” I focus on something drawn on a separated sheet of paper, folded and stuck in the middle of the book, which falls down to the floor as I turn the pages.
“Which one?” Meg distractedly turns around then closes the fridge door shut and runs up to me, snatching the paper from my hand as soon as she sees what it is “Oh this? This is nothing, this... I did it last night at the salon, during downtime, it sucks”
It's a page made entirely of pieces of a puzzle, they're all different in shape and shade but don't create any image. They're all blank and fill the whole sheet of paper except for a small space, a missing piece. Instead of the missing piece, in the layer underneath, you can see something that looks like live flesh and muscle tissue, and it's the only colored part of the drawing.
“It's simple but of immediate effect. This could really become a tattoo”
“Do you think so?”
“Yeah, it also seems very realistic. It's disturbing but in a positive sense, I like it!”
“Oh, well, thank you”
“What does it mean?”
“That I thank you for your compliment?”
“Haha no, what does the tattoo mean?”
“There's always a meaning behind, right? What would such a tattoo mean?”
“Well but... but this is not a tattoo is just an excercise, there's no reason behind”
“No! Ok, now that you make me think about it, it could represent, I don't know, a missing piece in someone's life? I mean, everybody has their own void inside, right? Nobody feels 100% complete, there's always a piece of the puzzle we can't find or that we lost in the way. And it can be very different things: a person, a passion, a goal in life. What do you think?”
“I think it'd be the perfect matching tattoo for a couple”
“A couple? Hahaha I didn't know you were so romantic!”
“Not necessarily a romantic couple. Also between two big friends. Or brothers. Think about it, one person can have the incomplete puzzle tattoed and the other one can have the missing piece, which fits in it perfectly”
“That's an idea. It should represent a strong bond. Between brothers... or a parent and a child”
“Sure, also” the latter not necessarily being a strong bond...
“A mother... a mother could get this one, with one or more missing pieces depending on how many children she's got.And the children will be the missing pieces” and what if the missing parts are the parents instead?
“And they you'll inject ink in those chubby baby arms of theirs!”
“Hahahah shut up! They can have it done when they're grown up. OR... you can draw the missing pieces in the same tattoo, a little further” Meg takes the sketchbook from my hands and starts drawing as she speaks, taken from sudden inspiration.
“You can also put the name in it. Or initials”
“Which name?”
“Of the child. Inside the puzzle piece”
“Sure, if I knew the name”
“What do you mean? Haha how can a mother not know the name?”
Meg gives me a weird look, then smiles: “I meant, if only you could give me a name to have a try”
“Try with Angie” I smirk.
“A random one”
“Totally random”
“Don't even try, I'm not gonna get matching tattoos with you, forget it” she shakes her head as she starts sketching a cursive A inside the drawing.
“SHUT UP! I'm scared of getting my earlobes pierced, do you think I'd get a tattoo?! You're crazy”
“Oh, I see, you wanna get one with Eddie?”
“Come on, hurry up, we need to go shopping”
“Hahaha this enthusiasm from you surprises me, abstinence can be powerful”
“Do you really think we can find a slutty nightgown in a thrift shop?” Meg doesn't watch her tone as we stop in front of Rummage Hall.
“Shhhhhh! I don't wanna buy a slutty nightgown, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“You don't want to? We went out exactly for that”
“You said I should wear something nice but not too much. I don't wanna go too far or Eddie will understand...”
“Excuse me, isn't that the purpose of the whole thing? Make him understand?”
“Yes but...”
“Well, slutty it is, then!” Meg enters the shop and I tag along.
“Anyway we're not gonna find shit in here” my friend takes long strides towards the clothing section.
“Where did you want to go? Nancy Meyer? I've got no money for that stuff”
“No, but Fantasy Unlimited is a short walk away”
“BUT THAT- ehm... that is an adult shop” I raise my voice too without noticing, then shush myself up.
“And you're an adult, aren't you? Anyway they've got very cute things, I bought a lot of stuff there, that for the record I use also to go to clubs. Well, now only to go to clubs” she shrugs as she's examining a satin-like robe and then puts it back.
“You just need two triangles of fabric to be dressed and look nice, Meg, but for me it's slightly different”
“You just need triangles a little bigger, what's the problem?”
“The problem is there are no triangles big enough for me”
“Shut up!”
“And I don't know if Eddie would like that, I mean, I don't know his preferences” maybe he doesn't like this kind of seduction artifices, maybe he prefers a simpler style, a more natural approach. Why the fuck am I not naturally hot?
“He's a guy and he's heterosexual, what would his preferences ever be? The more skin he sees, the happier he is” it's Meg's very easy answer.
“My skin?”
“Yes, why?”
“There's too much skin in my case, maybe I'd better hide it” who am I kidding? You don't just put something cute on and turn into an attractive girl. You must be able to carry it around and feel confident in those clothes. I don't even feel comfortable now that I have a coat on. I'm never comfortable, except sometimes, with Eddie. Why ruin everything? I'll just show up like this, with a coat on. Or my fleece robe, I mean, he's used at my shitty outfits, this would be nothing new.
“Angie, what the fuck are you talking about?? He wants to see your skin because he likes you, I thought that had been already established by now”
“He likes me, altogether”
“No, fuck altogether, fuck mind, personality and all the other bullshit”
“Angie, he likes your body, you turn him on, he wants you”
“He wants me so much than I gotta dress slutty to have him notice me?”
“The point is not having him notice you, that's what you got totally wrong. He already noticed you, you're with him basically! The point is letting him know you're ready for the next step. And stimulate him a little, warming up the atmosphere”
“If you say so” warming up, uh?
“Fuck, Angie, you're gonna give me a nervous breakdown sooner or later!” Meg pinches the bridge of her nose and I'm afraid she's really about to explode.
“Don't yell! There's people here” I complain looking around in embarrassment and hoping no one is listening to our conversation.
“Listen, when you're together... don't you ever notice anything in him?”
“What do you mean?”
“Whenever you kiss or hug... I mean, when you make out and stuff”
“Well, he looks... invested, focused on me and always gives me those looks that-”
“Ok ok, the look of love. But apart from that? Nothing else? Can't you feel anything?”
“What am I supposed to feel?”
“You know, since you also sleep together... and stuff”
“Stuff and stuff... Couldn't you be more clear?”
“Have you ever felt... something knocking?”
“Hasn't mini-Eddie ever popped up to say hi?”
“Does he get hard? You must have noticed”
“Shhh stop yelling, there's people here” Meg chuckles and I'd kick her ass.
“You're to lock up” I grab her from the sleeve of her jacket and try to drag her out of the shop with me but she pushes me towards the books section.
“Jeez, you're such a prude”
“I'm not a prude, I'm just... discreet”
“Ok so have you ever discreetly checked if he gets a boner or not when he's with you?”
“Apart from the fact that it doesn't mean anything”
“Sure, now Eddie gets random boners with no reason, after all he's in his full pubescent phase”
“You're joking but it's true. Erections are not necessarily linked to sexual arousal only. Do you know men can get erections at the point of death too under certain circumstances?”
“Oh really? And how many times did Eddie die recently?” she smirks.
“Anyway, that said... it's none of your business” I turn the other way trying to look upset and as I look towards the clothing section, where we were until five minutes ago, I spot something I hadn't noticed before.
“I already know anyway!” Meg yells behind my back as I walk away towards the object of my interest, then she catches up with me “Come on, don't be mad. I'm sorry. I just wanted to prove my point! And tease you a little”
“What do you think about this?” I turn around showing the item I've just taken from the line.
“I think that... well, considering it's Eddie, we would never find something better to stimulate him, not ever at Fantasy Unlimited. Buy it!”
I'm halfway between the first and the second floor when I realize I took the stairs instead of the elevator. I stop for a second, contemplating how stupid I am and trying to remember the moment I put autopilot on. I probably lost some lucidity once I parked outside Angie's condo. Was the doorway open? I think so, 'cause I don't remember buzzing and I'd remember if I had heard her voice, even through that shitty croaky buzzer. It looks like spending more time together hasn't changed the effect that the idea of seeing her has on me. I hope it'll never change. I shake my head and start walking up the stairs, two steps at a time, to arrive sooner. I didn't exactly run but when I get to the fourth floor I feel flushed. I take a deep breath, pull up my backpack and walk down the hallway to Angie's apartment. The first weird thing I notice is a sound: the sound of a saxophone, which becomes louder and louder as I get closer. The second weird thing shows up as soon as I turn down the corner and see something's wrong in Angie's door. As I come closer I realize the hallway lamp casts a narrow beam of light on the floor inside the apartment and from that I notice that the door is half-closed. As far as I know Angie double locks herself up even in her bathroom when she's home alone, she'd never let the apartment door open. I walk up slowly and in the meantime I open my backpack and stick my hand in it to find something I could use as a weapon. I don't really wanna waste some good wine crashing the bottle on the head of an elusive burglar. But I also doubt the videotape of Harold and Maude would have the same effect. I grab the bottle from the neck as I push the door open and cautiously enter the apartment. And I immediately notice two things. First of all I see there's something on the floor and at first they seem parts of a colorful object that broke into pieces. But as I lean down to see better, I take some of these fragments in my hand and figure out it's nothing but flowers, abandoned on the floor. I grope my way looking for water or glass pieces of a fallen and then shattered vase but I can't find anything. Now that I think about it, there was no vase of flowers here, at least not until this morning. Almost at the same time, I realize it's not really flowers but only petals and they seem to form a path towards the living room. In that moment I figure out I can follow the path of the blue and red petals on the floor with my eyes because the entrance is not lit only by the external hallway light but also by some burning candles placed on the phone table and on the shoe cabinet.
I quickly stand up, feeling stupid for mistaking a romantic setting for a crime scene. I finally close the door behind me and follow the way led by the flowers, walking towards the living room and imagining the different scenes I could find, which have all the same main character. But she's the one missing when I get in the room, all that I find is more candles, the small table laden with delicious food and further away, between the two couches, a basket with a composition of blue and red flowers, just like the petals on the floor. Your love is king sings Sade in the background, that is not exactly background, since the volume is pretty loud. And I'm just standing here, wine still in my hand, waiting for Angie to magically show up, maybe with a little ambush behind my back, covering my eyes with her hands or in any other way she came up with. But that doesn't happen. Suddenly I think I hear a sound, more sounds, actually an almost regular sequence of sounds. I go and turn down the music a little and the series of dull thuds sounds clearer. Maybe a romantic setting doesn't exclude a crime scene... what the fuck is happening?
“Angie?” I call her and get no answer.
The noise comes from the kitchen and that's where I go, quickly but with caution. At first I slowly open the door to peep in, then I fling it open when I see Angie at the window, leaning outside, basically perched on the windowsill.
“Angie!” I call her again but she can't hear me. So I put the wine bottle on the table and reach out for her, shaking her by her shoulder “Angie what th-”
“AAH! Oh shit, Y'ALL WATCH OUT DOWN THERE!” Angie jumps and starts yelling outside the window, then I can hear a sharp noise, like something shattered into pieces and that's when I look out too to see what's happening.
What's happening is that there a small group of people on the pavement just outside the condo, standing in a sort of circle around a red expanding stain, while a guy curses and gives the middle finger in our direction.
“Angie... what did you do? What does it mean?” I ask as we both stuck our heads back inside the apartment.
“I've just lost a bottle of red wine and a boot” Angie sighs and replies as if it's the most normal thing, finally turning to face me.
And I finally focus for a moment and see what's in front of me: Angie, dressed in just a black The Who t-shirt that leaves her legs almost entirely uncovered, eye liner or whatever it is on her eyes, with those little wings on the sides pointing upwards that make her look more like a kitty, a glossy lipstick on her lips, vanilla scent. Maybe the burglar hit and killed me and this is heaven.
“Well, I can make up for the wine because I brought some too...” I walk backwards towards the table without taking my eyes off her, pointing at the place where I must have put the bottle “and I can go out and get back your shoe in no time. So, you see? Everything has a solution hehe, don't worry” why the fuck am I laughing? Do I think I'm funny? And why am I sweating?
“I'm sorry you have to go, you've just arrived” she replies with an irresistible pout, moving away from the window and breaking eye contact looking down.
“No problem, I'll be back in a minute.” I'm about to leave the kitchen, then I come back in “Oh wait, I can't”
“Oh ok... why? I mean, it doesn't matter Eddie, don't... don't worry” she starts stuttering and I smirk inside, trying to look cool.
“I forgot I have to do something first”
“What?” she asks puzzled before I get close and take her face between my hands to kiss her.
“This. I'll be right back, ok?” I whisper right after.
“Ok” she smiles and I kiss her again.
“And just so you know, when I'm back I got a bunch of questions about all this to ask you”
“Ok” her smiles widens and I kiss her once more.
“I'm telling you in advance so I won't catch you unprepared”
“Ok...” she repeats and I'm about to kiss her once again but she holds me back with her hands against my chest “Now go though”
“Uh is that so?” I try and get my kiss but she pushes me harder away.
“Hurry up”
“I'm going, I'm going. So bossy...” I let go of her and leave the kitchen, only to show up on the doorway a second later, only for a moment “I like it”
It takes me a while to find the boots, I mean, the boot, Angie's brown one, cause it rolled down the sidewalk under a parked car. When I find it, I instinctively look up, as if I'm expecting to see her still there, at the window, with her colorful hair fluttering in the night breeze. But she's not there and  I immediately go back inside. And during the whole way, this time using the elevator, I try and figure out the connection between wine and boot and the dynamics that brought them both out of the window. I walk up to the apartment and Sade is still singing.
“Thank you, Eddie. Do you want some?” I turn around the corner in the hallway and Angie's on the doorway with a bowl of chips in her hands and she holds it out to me as I get closer.
I want you I'd tell her but I just give her the boot and take the bowl and bury my hand in it.
“Anytime” I watch her quickly walking away into her room, quickly walking on her naked legs... GET IT TOGETHER MAN, YOU'RE SWEATING.
“Why are you standing there like that? Come in” Angie comes back and I'm still here at the door eating chips.
“I was waiting for you” I shrug and follow the flower path and her steps once again into the living room.
“So?” she asks when we're in front of the couch and I put the bowl of chips down on the small wooden table, since I believe we're about to sit down. Yet she keeps standing and smiles at me, with the tip of her canine popping up and diggin into her lower lip for a second as usual.
“So?” I repeat getting closer till my face is inches from hers, but without hugging her or kissing her, as if there's a game, a challenge between us, a challenge I'll surely fail.
“The bunch of questions... “ she looks down and, tugging the hem of her t-shirt down, she quickly takes a seat and I'm sure she's blushing even though she's not looking at me.
“Ok... Sade?” I point at the record player and sit down beside her, as I take off my jacket and throw it on the other couch.
“Hahaha of all this mess, the strangest thing to you is Sade's record?”
“No. But it's the first thing I thought of now”
“Don't you like it? It's... it's a good album” she turns towards me and subtly closes the distance between us on the couch at the same time.
“She's very good, it's just I didn't think you liked her. Can I ask the second question?”
“What the hell were you doing at the window with a bottle and a boot?” Angie's grin widens again.
“I was trying to open the wine bottle” she shrugs as if this is the most obvious explanation.
“By kicking it?”
“Hahaha more or less. My dad taught me”
“I sense a memorable anecdote is coming, I'm all ears”
Angie tells me about that time when she went on a camping trip with her parents to Lake Payette, her father's idea to celebrate his and his wife's birthdays, that I guess must be very close. On night one Ray pulled out a bottle of wine he had brought for the occasion but realized he forgot the corkscrew. He pounced on the cork with a knife but it seemed he couldn't open the bottle. Janis wanted to postpone the toast to the following evening, after going to the nearby shop and buying the bottle opener. There was no way to convince Ray though. So Angie's dad, as nothing happened, took off his boot in front of them, stuck the fuckin' bottle in it and, without saying a word, walked clumsily on a single boot up to the closest ponderosa pine and started slamming the bottle, protected by his shoe, against the trunk.
“You know, the pressure inside the bottle pushes the cork out, until you can grab it and take it off with your hands. My mom and I were doubled over in laughter” as she tells the story, Angie crosses her legs and moves on the couch and this makes her shirt go up little by little. I notice that and feel kind of an asshole.
“But it worked”
“And that was the first time I tasted wine: I was 11. It was good, although it had been shaken for 15 minutes”
“This means you got no corkscrew here at home?”
“Yeah... I mean, actually we had one, but I can't find it anymore. I guess someone took it at my birthday party or Matt or Chris borrowed it and haven't returned it yet. Sure it didn't seem wise to go there and ask them now, you know...” yes, I know, you didn't ask them because they'd have asked questions you don't wanna answer, at least by now.
“And you decided to use the Pacifico technique”
“And since I don't have any tree here, the only way to do it was beating the bottle against the wall. But I didn't want to risk getting the kitchen dirty so...”
“Hehe so you figured you'd do it out of the window?” I adore this woman.
“Yep. And it was working fine, until a certain someone scared me and made me drop everything. And I made a mess” she gives me a playful nasty look and scoots away from me.
“You're right, it's all my fault.” I scoot over on the couch to sit back close to her “But I know how to make you forgive me” ok, more than close basically glued to her.
“How?” she looks up at me amused, basically batting her eyelids against mine.
“Opening the other bottle” I stand up out of the blue and I leave her there, maybe a little disappointed? I go into the kitchen, take the bottle and open the window.
“With the Pacifico technique?” she asks as she shows up at the kitchen door.
“Nuh, with the Vedder one” I peer outside, remove the wrapper, pull out my lighter and start heating the end of the bottle neck with the flame.
“Isn't this dangerous?” I feel one arm circling my hip and for a minute there the red wine bottle was about to end the same way as Angie's one.
“No, I did it so many times” I answer as I rotate the bottle.
“Hey, it's coming out!” Angie exclaims behind my back while the cork starts moving.
At that point I tilt the bottle slightly as to prevent the cork from exploding like a bullet inside the apartment or into somebody else's window. Finally the corks pops out and falls into the street, where it looks like he doesn't hit anyone. Wine is safe too.
“See! Hot air expands inside the bottle and pushes the cork.” I close the window and triumphantly show the uncorked bottle to Angie, who arches her eyebrow at me “What? I can do science too, you know”
“So you also know you could have caused an explosion and get hurt?” she rolls her eyes and by the way is still hugging me.
“Not if you know how to do it and and to be careful. So, am I forgiven?” I ask, raising the bottle at her as if it was a toast.
“Sure!” she chuckles and looks at me in silence for a while. And I'm expecting a kiss but instead, she lets go of me and exits the kitchen, but not before addressing me again “Let's go taste you boiled wine”
The wine is not boiled at all and it's not bad. Angie and I are at the second round and, as I'm stuffing my face with chips and sandwiches, I realize it's getting hot in here. I mean, I can't be this heated for two glasses of wine. And neither for the half nakedness of Angie. Even though... And this is the moment I figure out my usually chilly girlfriend is dressed only in a t-shirt and I can't hear her teeth chatter for the cold, so there must be something going on here.
“My bunch of questions aren't over anyway...” I say and Angie makes herself comfortable on the couch, half laid and leaning on the armrest.
“It's fucking hot in here, isn't it?” I ask as I take off my flannel and she starts laughing uncomfortably and, as she tries to sit up, her feet get closer, touch my legs and push against me a little to leverage. But I don't move an inch.
“Hahaha yeah, you're right... as you can see, tonight's really the perfect night: just one disaster after another”
“Why? What happened?” I throw the shirt there were my jacket is.
“I don't know, it must... the heating system must be broken, and that's not unusual. The new thing is... this time, I don't know... they kind of broke the other way round and it's been heating non stop at full power since this afternoon”
“Do you want me to check your radiators?”
“No point trying, it's not just here, the whole building is burning basically”
“Do you want me to go down and check the boiler room?”
“NO!” Angie basically kicks me, then regains her composure “Err no, no worries. And then, I mean, the apartment manager is the one who's supposes to take care of this stuff and call technicians, that's what he's paid for! He'll do the work”
“And what if you can't solve the problem and maybe no one can and they blame you because you put your hand in there...”
“And by the way, at least it's not freezing, for a change”
“Well, yeah, still better than freezing but...”
“I know. Shitty building. Anyway, now you know the... ehm, you know why I'm dressed like... this” Angie goes on and pulls down her t-shirt again to cover her thighs.
“I wouldn't call it a disaster then” I smirk and rub the back of my hand softly against her leg, from her ankle to her knee. She stares at me in the eyes and for a moment I'm sure she's about to throw herself over me and kiss me, but I'm wrong again.
“So? Which movie do we watch first? Mine or yours?” she asks out of the blue.
“You decide” actually I even forgot about the movies, the heat, the wine, about where we are and maybe what year we are as well.
“No, come on, you tell me” my hand is still going up and down.
“It's the same for me, Angie”
“Same for me too”
“You're the host, you choose”
“You're my guest, so it's up to you” of course, as always: it's up to me.
“Uhm... alright! Let's watch yours first then”
“Ok! The tape is there under the tv, would you put it on? I'll get some water” in a fraction of a second Angie sneaks away into the kitchen and I find myself alone. I turn off the stereo then crawl in front of the tv to get the Goodfellas tape and as I do I think about one thing. Well, actually two. One worse than the other. The first thing is that I'd rather have gone to get the water instead of Angie, so I could come back here and see her on hands and knees as she fumbles with the videorecorder, and that it'd have made for a very nice view. My second thought is that the tv looked much better in Angie's room and it'd have been much more enjoyable to watch it with her from her bed.
Disgusting thoughts indeed.
“Did you find it?” Angie's question startles me as if I was caught red handed doing something illicit.
“Yep” I press Play, stand up and try to get back on the couch before her. I do and sit right in the middle of it. So she won't be able to sit far from me. I gloat for my smar idea.
“If you want to be more comfortable, just lay down. I'm gonna sit there. Hehe we have one couch each if we want to” is Angie even aware of her endless power? The power to leave me totally speechless with such statements?
“Actually... I don't want to”
“Are you sure?” well, I don't know... WHAT DO YOU THINK?
“Very sure, I don't want a whole couch for me, I wanna share it with you” I hold my arms out and grab her by her waist, pulling her gently towards me until I finally take her back on this couch. And I hold her and kiss her and touch her, pushing her delicately towards the armrest on her side. And at some point I feel her hand moving right under my body. I think I know what she's about to do and I feel euphoric all of a sudden. But Angie is able to surprise me again, because even if I don't see her doing it, I can clearly feel her gesture of grasping at the hem of her t-shirt and pulling it down for the umpteenth time. I internally laugh at my stupid X-rated delusions, although on the other hand I'm sorry Angie doesn't feel comfortable with me yet. I don't wanna hurry, really, I'd just like to know what the problem is. I give her one last peck on her lips and back away so we can both sit up properly.
“Ok. Let's fastforward all the commercials and advisories. Where's the remote? Oh there it is!” Angie, the one who was about to abandon me all by myself on this couch, the one who was coy and bashful during my approach like two minutes ago, it's the same girl that basically climbs on me to jump over on the opposite side and stretch out to take the remote on the other armrest. And then does the same thing backwards to get back to her place. And I'm not complaining at all.
We're almost at the end of my movie and this is the situation: we finished the wine I don't even remember when, as for food only a few snacks and two small chocolate cakes are left; I'm in my t-shirt and boxers because it's really hot, although we opened the window in the living room; Angie's smoking a cigarette, resting on the couch with her legs over mine and I've been genty stroking them for literal HOURS, something that contributes in heating the atmosphere even more. And I also feel kind of guilty, because Harold has just rushed to the hospital with Maude and I already know what's about to happen and the ending breaks my heart every time... and I'm here, basking in the softness and smoothness of Angie's skin under my fingers.
“It's so sad. But also beautiful at the same time” she remarks during the credits.
“Yeah. You really haven't seen it before?”
“Never. And now I see why you like it”
“Hehe right, Cat Stevens has something to do with it” I reply since I think she's referring to the soundtrack.
“Uhm yeah but that's not what I meant. What I wanted to say is that... well, this movie is like you” she takes one long last hit of smoke, then puts out her cigarette in the ashtray she placed on the floor. And she's amazing. Not because she's smoking but... I know it's not nice to say, and it's also unhealthy, a bad bad habit, but... there are times, particular times in which, maybe fuelled by excessive domestic heating and subsequent nudity, I see something extremely sexy in a woman who's smoking.
“Absurd, eccentric, thoughtful, bitter and sweet...” Angie slowly counts the adjectives on her fingertips and I can't say she didn't get them right. This means she knows there's something bitter, and dark inside me. Maybe that's why she doesn't trust me completely yet.
“Eccentric uh?” a devilish grin appears on my face.
“Oh well...”
“Said the girl who tried to open a bottle with a shoe outside the window”
“Ok this is gonna be another of those recurring jokes you're gonna use to take the piss out of me for the rest of my life, isn't it?”
“Yes... after all, I can't make fun of you for your nights out with Meg to pick up guys anymore, I have to find a substitute”
“Really? And why?” she adjust herself better on the couch to sit up and for a minute I'm afraid I'll lose touch with her legs, but she still keeps them over mine.
“Because you're not having those anymore” I hold her by the hips as she puts her hands on my shoulders.
“Are you sure?”
“You don't need to”
“So can I hang up my infallible pick up techniques now?”
“Sure, now that you picked me up”
“How I made it is still unknown...”
“With your infallible pick up techniques, of course”
“That are? Not doing absolutely anything?” as if she needed to do something to have me fall for her. I lay down on the couch and pull her with me.
“Being yourself and not doing absolutely anything, the best way”
“If you say so...” she mutters and she tries to sit back up but I hold her tight and prevent her from sneaking away. At this point, also not to slip and fall off the couch, she has to more or less straddle me.
“It worked with me, can't you see that?” I grab her as she tries to wriggle free, I hold her tighter and slip my hand under her t-shirt, to caress her back.
“Eddie! Come on, let me sit up...”
“Because I'm hurting you...”
“Shut up!”
“It's true and you know it”
“You can't crush me, I can feel you got all the weight on your knees and arms”
“Because I wanna spare you asphyxiation?”
“Cut.The.Crap.” I decide I'm gonna do this the hard way and my hand sneaks across her back towards her armpit so I can tickle her, but she gives up long before I get there. Mental note: Angie is very ticklish “Oh, that's better!”
“Hahaha stop it!”
“Much better” I repeat when we find ourselves basically nose to nose and then I stop torturing her, close my eyes and breathe in silence with her for five minutes, I think, waiting for something... that never comes. Angie removes her hands from my hair, where she had casually buried them in the heat of the moment. Then she holds on to the pillows, pulls herself up and backs away from me.
“I'll turn off the tv” Angie stretches out her hand to get the remote from the table where I put, then sits back down at my feet. I take a deep breath and sit up too.
“I'd better go” I'm about to stand up but Angie, with a quick move, grabs me by the arm and pulls me back down on the couch.
“Home, so I'll let you sleep” I pinch her cheek and try to stand up again but Angie doesn't let me.
“But I don't wanna sleep! Well, I mean... you can sleep with me, you know, you can crash at my place”
“Even tonight?”
“Yes, why? Don't you want to?” Angie's torturing the hemline of her t-shirt again and if she tugs at it some more, it'll become a tunic.
“Sure I want to. I thought that it may be a problem”
“A problem about what?”
“I don't know, because of Meg?”
“Meg won't be here, she's sleeping over at her friend's”
“But she'll be back tomorrow morning, right? What if she sees me again? What will she think?” I'm saying it for her, not for me. If she sees me and does the math, I'll be nothing but happy.
“What will she think? Nothing. Anyway, I already told her”
“You told her?” I ask, suddenly interested and full of hope. Did she really tell someone we're a couple?
“Yeah, I told her you'd come over tonight. And that maybe you'd sleep here” hope destroyed in ten seconds. Maybe.
“And what did she say?”
“She said ok” Angie shrugs and takes the last two cakes left from the table, biting on one and handing me the other one.
“Ok? Only ok?” I take a bite too.
“Sure, what were you expecting?”
“Nothing. But... I think Meg knows then”
“Sure she knows, I've just told you! Why all these problems all of a sudden?”
“No, I mean she knows... about us...” a second bite and no more cake.
“NO! I... I didn't tell her anything”
“Angie... it's the 4th time we sleep together in a week, I don't think you need to tell her. If she's not stupid, she'll understand by herself.
“She knows we sleep together but she doesn't know... what... ehm... what we do” Angie eats the rest of her chocholate cake and pours herself half a glass of water to swallow it better.
“She can assume it, I guess” seriously, Meg's assumptions surely go well beyond what actually happens between Angie and I in reality.
“Meg has no trouble to say what she thinks: if she had suspects, she'd have openly told me”
“You should do it”
“Openly tell her, about us”
“WHAT? WHY?” why the hell is she so scared?
“'Cause she's a friend to you and you have to start somewhere, don't you?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Listen, we already talked about it, do you wanna keep it secret? Ok, I'm in. But you could take things gradually, with no big collective announcements, just by telling it to one single person. And why not your best friend?”
“I don't know, maybe because she's totally incapable of keeping a secret?” Angie looks at me as if I was stupid and rolls her eyes.
“Well, that's so much better, isn't it. We only need to tell Meg, then she'll get the word out for us” I try and hug her and she slaps my chest in response.
“Fuck you, Eddie”
“Let's go to bed?”
“Mmm... ok”
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littlereyofsunlight · 5 years
i hope it’s okay that i’m just putting these all in one!
sevensneakyfoxes replied to your post “I know this is going to sound weird, but when I was watching endgame,...”
Yeah. Everyone is miserable. I got a really shitty ask last weekend from a steggy fan about sharon (also called me the c word - nice) and spoiled me for the ending while also just being really rotten. I wanted to be really angry, but I just hate ship war nonsense and decided I'd get over it by being happy for the gang who were decent after civil war. I think fandom would do a lot better if canon ships stopping being so shitty to non-canon and vice versa.
sevensneakyfoxes replied to your post  
“I know this is going to sound weird, but when I was watching endgame,...”
It gets treated like a zero sum situation and it isn't. But maybe that's just the multishipper in me. Anyway, you were always very decent about ships and I genuinely thought of you and the others when I saw the scene... so I'm glad this makes you happy.
sevensneakyfoxes replied to your post  
“I know this is going to sound weird, but when I was watching endgame,...”
Omg I forgot to mention... by badly executed I just meant the time travel complete lack of logic given how they explained the rest of how it was supposed to work. Yikes sorry didn't mean anything else by it.
Okay, I fell asleep before any of these came in, sorry for the delay! Here’s my long pre-coffee response:
A of all, what the fuck, why can’t people keep themselves out of peoples ask boxes if they’re not going to be civil? I’m so sorry that person spoiled the ending for you WHILE being a major jerk and trying to diminish you as a person, that makes me so angry.
B. Your level-headed approach to fandom is one of the very many things I admire about you, @sevensneakyfoxes. I try to avoid the small handful of folks out there who like to cause a ruckus after every film (but it’s been tough on this one, since a lot of that ruckus is happening in one of my ship tags). It’s fun to get caught up in what we’re passionate about, I wouldn’t be in fandom if this wasn’t the case for me! But, for me, there’s no use fighting over ships because the sandbox is in fact infinite, and there’s room for all of us. The ship I write (though, like my header says, I’ll ship Steve with pretty much anyone) was canon but until this movie it was really just Steve’s tragic backstory, and I was perfectly happy to see other people imagine him happy with lots of other people, you know? I mean, I’m also just not the sort of person to fight about this shit, but I do sometimes think that Steggy not being endgame canon until the 22nd movie has helped me develop more equanimity about the whole thing? I can’t speak for the others (who are also super awesome humans who don’t waste time fighting about this shit, imho) but that’s where I’m coming from. 
C. I’m with you on the time-travel. (And there are some pretty big things about the movie that do not sit well with me, but I try to keep stuff positive.) I would have been more comfortable with an in-canon explanation for it, but since we didn’t get that, I guess I’ll just have to read dozens of attempts at explaining it in fic. Oh no, I’m so sad about that. /s
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Gormless Ch. 8 - I’d rather these ball sacks havers had haverballsacks.
A well-meaning friend gave me a book series that is hilariously bad. The first book was Souless and my riffs were entitled brainless. This second book is entitled Changless and these riff are then gormless.
I mean to say I have entitled them gormless! Not that my riffs are dumb, and the effort I spend on them stupid since I’m the only one who enjoys them. HAHA!
The story is SUPPOSED TO be about how a badass lady wearing a rad-looking carriage dress hits baddies with her umbrella and bangs her hot werewolf husband.  In reality it’s mostly poor attempts at being witty, flirty, and superior.
For the last book check out the brainless tag.
If you want the TL;DR version but want to read these new riffs anyway?
This story is set in supernatural Victorian steampunk England.  Alexia is our NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS protag.  She is a soulless, which means she’s able to negate the abilities of vampires and werewolves by touching them. She’s recently married a big oaf, named Lord Connel Maccon.  He’s the manchild in charge of the supernatural police with a zillion dollars and he’s totes super hot too ok.  Their relationship is mostly arguments about how Maccon can’t tell her fucking anything.  Alexia has also recently become head of ~Soulless affairs~ in Queen Victoria’s government.  She has a dumb friend named Ivy, a gay vampire friend named Akeldama, a family who’s evil because they do the same shit as her but while being blonde, and most importantly Alexia is better than everyone cause…cause.
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Last time on Gormless:
There’s some mysterious force that’s turning the Vampires and werewolves into humans. Alexia is in charge of figuring out that deal, and she is doing a bad job at it.  Her husband is in charge of the Supernatrual Police (BUR) so he’s going to Scotland about it.
Alexia is also going north to help her husband with a crew crafted for a comedy. and oh boy I can’ts wait.
Chapter 8 – I’d rather these ball sacks havers had haverballsacks.
             The next day they touch-down on Scottish soil and immediately Maccon is there.  He was on his way, smelled her…what near 2,000 feet in the sky and just followed the dirigible until it landed. Yeah okay sure suspension of disbelief or whatever. You know what I’m not going to suspend my disbelief for? The fact that apparently all werewolves, including Maccon travel in wolf form and only bring a basic cloak to hide their nudity with when they transform.  Apparently all places just have outfits, for every conceivable body type and size, set aside in case they have werewolf visitors.  I guess they’ll all just have to never bring any food, weapons, paperwork, books, toothbrushes, gifts, or literally anything else when they travel. That seems highly practical. 
He could just hold a bag in their mouth or give him a doggy back-pack.  Hell, since this is a fantasy, I might suspend my disbelief if you told me that these ball sack havers had haverballsacks which were just infinity scrotums that they can literally pull whatever they felt like out.  I KNOW THIS IS A DUMB STICKING POINT BUT SHE PURPOSEFULLY MADE IT SUPER UNPRACTICAL AND FOR NO FUCKING REASON RRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!
So back to reality, Ivy officially rejects Tunstell.  Tunstell then starts flirting back with Felicity and being mean to Ivy.  Okay sure. LeFoux convinces the crew she should go with because the pack they’re going to see (Kingair) has a broken aethographor she says she’ll fix.   By broken aethographor she means women, and by fix she means fuck.
I don’t believe I said it in full yet, but the spanker ship I mentioned earlier was housing the Kingair clan of werewolves.  The humanization seems to follow these werewolves who can’t change shape, and it seems to have started when there Alpha mysteriously died. Maccon used to be Alpha of this pack but mysteriously moved over to his current pack by killing the leader there. So off to the center of the mystery everyone!
When they get to the big old dingy castle, there is a huge middle aged tough-ass Scottish woman telling them to piss off.  Maccon says he’s there for BUR (the supernatural police) and not cause he used to be the Alpha there.  She seems cool with this, despite having obvious animosity to him personally.  Her name is Sidheag.  Alexia instantly endears herself to everyone by remarking very loudly that the castle is filthy.  When Sidheag threatens to throw her in the rain again, Alexia says if Sidheag would mind if she would do some dusting.  This ~endears~ her to Sidheag.  I suppose anybody else would think she’s a rude spoiled little shit but its protags the best day here in shitty self-insert novel #84zillion.
Half the people in the clan seem to hate Maccon, while the other half like him. Also a weird moment where Maccon introduces his whole merry band but totally leaves out Angelique…and I’m pretty sure the only reason is that the author forgot.  She’s the slave of the group anyway HAHA!
We also learn that Sidheag is apparently Maccon’s great-great-great granddaughter.  Alexia is not happy that Maccon was previously married before he was a werewolf and had living descendants that she doesn’t know about.  4 things about this:
1.)    I couldn’t be less surprised. Maccon literally says nothing to Alexia besides, “You’re unbearable, let’s have sex woman.”   We’ve all known he’s a fucking sack of dogshit.
2.)    None of these relations attended Maccon’s wedding? Do they ALL hate him? That bodes well, and also isn’t surprising because I believe we have established he is a pile of puppy poop.
3.)    I can forgive it, but it’s irritating to me that Alexia had never got sexual tingles, or kissed another boy before they got married. However Maccon? 100s of lovers and his spawn litter the Scottish country-side. I don’t think it was the author’s intent to wave that huge double standard around but it just bugs me.
4.)    The reveal about how Sidheag is related to Maccon would have been a MUCH BETTER CLIFF-HANGER AND ENCOUNTER!
Imagine, if you will, the crew goes to the castle looking for Maccon, they run into a hostile Sidheag, Alexia introduces herself as Lady Maccon and it instantly sets off Sidheag.  Perhaps calling Alexia a trollop, and says that Maccon is HER last name as well.
We open up the next chapter with an Alexia/Sidhaeg scuffle, Alexia perhaps assuming that Sidheag is Maccon’s ex-wife or maybe even a current wife. That TRASHMAN!  AREN’T THESE BOOKS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN? MORE ACTION PLZ!  However before anybody is seriously injured Maccon intervenes after he heard a gun go off and settles the dispute with the truth.
So back to this sad reality. Maccon goes to talk with the Beta of the pack and the rest of the crew settle into their rooms.  Alexia overhears Felicity asking Tunstell if she’s ~safe~ since they have rooms next to each other.
Tunstell does probably what I would have done, GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE!
Alexia has the brilliant idea of hiding her bag (which was attempted to be broken in before) in Ivy’s room.  She convinces Ivy this is a good course of action by saying that she’s hiding a gift she got for Maccon in the bag. Socks, like really good socks that she needs to check on every now and again.  That’s dumb but fine.  
Alexia goes back to her room to get dressed for dinner. (God that sounds so annoying, why do people like this time period again?)  Maccon shows up and fails to seduce her.  They then have one of their OH SO DELIGHTFUL back and forths. Where basically Alexia tries to ask Maccon about why he leaves without telling her anything? (but tells Lyall) What is going on with the Kingair clan? What’s his history with the Kingair clan? Why he didn’t tell her he used to be married? Why he didn’t think it appropriate to tell her he has great-great-great grandchildren running around? And if he has other great-great-great grandchildren running around?
These are all great questions, and I wish the writer wasn’t such a hack that answering any of them would spoil this or future books.  So the most we get out of Maccon is, “I didn’t tell you because you didn’t ask and you were supposed to have children before you turned into a werewolf.  Also the person who is Beta wolf now, wasn’t Beta under me.”
HAHA GREAT!  Meanwhile Alexia off-handidly mentions she took a tumble (in a really forced way) so Maccon can get mad in turn for her not sharing everything with him.  Alexia does this really annoying thing of pretending to be demure and sweet in order to avoid telling him. Which like,
1.)    Ew
2.)    Maccon is clearly not into the wilting flower business I have no idea why you think acting all coy is going to make him forgive you or whatever.
3.)    Why are you hiding this from him anyway?  She puts herself in danger all the time and Maccon acts like it’s, at best an annoyance. He is shown to have gotten way more upset when she does stuff like ‘Not sit with him at dinner’ and ‘Want to know anything about him.’
But in the end Alexia tells him that she fell off the dirigible but is fine. You know the reason why Alexia tries to hide the ~tumble~ from him by acting like a ninny? It’s to make their two situations seem equivalent when they’re super not.
On one hand we have a woman who didn’t immediately tell her husband about a dangerous situation she was in, even though it only happened the day before, and she wasn’t injured.  She, when pressed, tells him about it.
On the other hand Maccon leaves her totally in the dark about a lot of relevant information about his past, present, and the current situation they’re in. Also Maccon doesn’t properly answer any of her questions. He just dodges it and shirks responsibility the entire time. Yet we’re made to believe that they are equals in the relationship with matching baggage. BULLSHIT! Like in all these dumb fuck titles, the man has vastly more power and we feign female empowerment because the woman pouts at this injustice even if nothing fucking changes. This is summed up best with the last lines of this chapter.
“Are you going to tell me the real reason you came back to Scotland Do not think you have thrown me off the scent so easily.”
“I never doubted you, my sweet demure little Alexia.”
Lady Maccon gave him her best, most fierce, battle-ax expression, and they went down to dinner.
THAT’S HOW THE CHAPTER ENDS!  He just doesn’t answer and the author just moves the plot forward on clumsy legs regardless.
Say something nice Faps:
Sidheag is cool. I hope she’s not ruined.
Castles are cool.
The sock back and forth between Alexia and Ivy was actually kinda cute and funny. Even if it was dumb as hell.
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hotdadlicense · 6 years
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ahh for my dearest zhenya @fapfapfashion lover! heres that bfu post i said id make for you like monnnnnths ago i PROMISE i never forgot! just :(:( life. but anyway this was FUN i love youuuu! disclaimer: im not rly in the fandom this is all stuff i see through like just some friends reblogging stuff every now and again and whenever i go to the tag to find stuff sometimes but ANWAY I HOPE its semi coherent <3<3<3 love YOU.
OKAY I FEEL LIKE i said YEH ILL MAKE YOU A MASTERPOST FUCK YEAH but now im like hmmm making a buzzfeed unsolved masterpost is.......not that much cos its like? all there on their youtube channels like its not like music or stuff where theres yknow albums! singles! unreleased songs! special live performances! music videos! documentaries! band info! like its all over on buzzfeed multiplayer youtube and buzzfeed unsolved network youtube but whatever i can ramble about dumb shit and link some stuff so ayeee.
heres the links to the actual videos:
+ season one // two // three // four // five
+ supernatural: postmortem
season one // two // three // four
+ true crime: postmortem
all eps in order (including postmortem)
personal favs
a vid that bab @chantillystars linked me and i watch it every time im feelin not fresh so i can smile
someone elses better done video round up master post! op ur incredible
now under the cut cos i realy did ramble :(
okay so THE HOSTS!
RYAN BERGARA (insta//twitter)
the fucking creator and inventer of bfu its his baby and im so proud of him and how far its come <3
when the season finale of the latest supernatural premiered it trended at number 1 over the fucking new lion king trailer and he got emo on twitter and insta about it and i cried a lil bit
fucking loves sports basketball or whatever themeparks popcorn and paddington bear
not scared enough of ghosts to not sleep in a haunted house but is scared enough that he absolutely will scream the whole entire time that he is in said haunted house
first ghost encounter was on the queen mary when he was a teenager. the ghost knocked his toothpaste of the shelf and he freaked. and now he has shat his pants at every bump in the night since. icon!
works his ass for to produce mass amounts of content for us like its fucking insane? all up there are like 9 seasons of bfu plus post-mortems and its only been going since 2014?? plus everything else hes got happening??
rly sweet and funny but like in a frat boi kinda way but like. a frat boi you could trust?
SHANE MADEJ (insta//twitter)
wasnt actually the original cohost!
(BRENT was the orignal host but had to beg out a couple episodes in cos he was juggling too many commitments so which fair!)
ryan and shane were desk partners and longtime buzzfeed pals that ? if i remember correctly? interned together back when they first started?
ryan turned to shane one day and was like ‘yo, wanna cohost this show with me?’ and shane was like 'sure.’ and honestly trying to picture it now without shane?? okay ryan and shane just bounce off each other so well theyre like a dream team. god bless them being desk buddies and work pals.
shanes a freak
does not believe in ghosts spirits orbs and all things that go bump in the night like he seems to genuinely want to but like. science and his big ass brain wont let him.
very smart! can rly work a patterned floral shirt! or plaid! kinda gives a dad vibe in glasses but then he talks and its like okay please never supervise a child!
v into history! so much so that he has his own lil show on buzzfeed aka:
stars him along with ryan and sara (his beautiful and smart and talented gf who also works at buzzfeed <3) with some other ever changing cohosts
hes also responsible for The Hot Dog Saga aka THE HOTDAGA and i know there are people that adore it but! in their own words! id rather walk into the sea.
ryan, too, hates the hotdaga and i feel like this was? about the hotdaga after shane sung something fuck if i remmebr
these gifs are from the ?second ep? i saw of them honestly it rly sums up the ryan/shane dynamic i guess
but like. the way ryan looks and laughs whenever shane says something mildly funny? hearteyes mutherfucker
above when i said shanes a freak? yeah.
ryan letting shane live as long as he has? true friendship
whenever theyre at the lil desk in their lil basement talking cases shane just talks shit and ryan just lets him and i fucking love them
oh one time they lucked out with a hotel that had a jacuzzi tub <3
yknow what? this was actually kinda sweet. like yeh bitch
shane madej: nations greatest tragedy.
i can hear this in my head just looking at these gifs and it makes me laugh everytime and thats BAD cos a child fucking died
shanes a freak pt.2
OH SHIT one time in postmortem they joked that brent was coming back and shane was leaving and fuck? they had to actually address that it was a joke fUCK
its not all shittalking and screaming there really is some fond and happy shit too
bfu most recognisable and iconic line.
shanes hottest pick up lines when hes on site
the comments on the video for this ep about this part are fucking hilarious please read when you watch that ep
okay its common knowledge that shanes a demon which ill tlak about in a sec but THIS SCENE RIGHT HERE? ryans the fucking demon. like the way hes just standing there, hands clasped behind his back, giving shane (whos acting like a CHILD) that Look? demon bout to kill the dumbass chillin at a haunted house on halloween. come to collet a soul or 10. magical!
OKAY SO SHANE TALKS SOME BIG GAME IN THE EPS but HIS love for ryan will always melt my heart like HE LOVES and cares about ryan so much and supports buzzfeed unsolved so much and whenever things get dumb on social media shanes ready to call it out and make a post or just like. praise ryan (like he rightfully deserves) and yeah im emo about it anyway hes shane being cute part one and heres shane REALLY FUCKING going all out (!!!!!!!!!!.meme)i LOVE him also being cute part two
‘id walk into the sea.’
shanes a freak pt.3
ryan: “Are ghosts real?” shane: *this dumb face*
i laughed for like 10 minutes the first time i watched this part thankyou shane
a real insight to shanes mind
ryan really puts up with this
shane got a bowlcut once just for funsies like okay youre no joba but good job i guess
shanes a demon
+ free real estate.meme
+ the office.meme
+ he aint right
+ ryan acknowledging that shane is a demon thankyou
+ like the good thing about having a guest fill in on the few times shanes been away has been ryan always being like okay so the demons not here so lets just acknowledge That
goatsman bridge
+ the video that started all this aka the one you reblogged hehhehe
+ what a fucking JOKE
+ an absolute JOKE
+ bridge owner fuck OFF
+ ksdjhfgjhsdkj.meme
sallie house
+ shane was insufferable this episode i fell in love for real how did ryan LIVE
+ like imagine trying to feel your heart beating while fucking shanes over there doing That
+ rock n roll buckaroo
+ swell has become apart of my daily vocal i hate
bobby mack
+ ‘hey there demons. its me, ya boi.’
+ ‘and frankly i dont believe in you, so i feel like im writing a letter to santa claus right now.’
+ tweet.meme
+ overall a great ep
+ can shane calm the fuck down okay i need ryan to make it out of this SAFELY and ALIVE
father thomas
+ ryans FACE also shane being that annoying sibling to ur parents
+ father thomas really went into this thinking he could help these boys to be fair shane was taking notes. ryan was just? dying inside
+ freak
+ imagine being like a 70 yr old priest hearing some dudes walking into ur congregation and overhearing ‘jesus said chill.’
+ ryan does not rly believe in bigfoot but shane does so like you win some you lose some
+ in the least shippy way possible this epsiode is ultimate soft gays going on a hike
+ like its just such a sweet domestic ep
+ <3
+ just happy babbey
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