#oh wait it looks fine on mobile lol idk what’s up
zaideaben · 1 year
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HELLO ART FIGHT 2023!! 🥰🎉 You can find my AF profile in my linktree (pinned post)! Examples of my artwork are below the cut!
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Why was the sweet bride's mother one of the worst people you've ever met? (Love a good storytime!)
okay! this is going to be long i’m sorry in advance! so the bride (stunning, ethereal, heavenly personality just a gift to earth tbh) is disabled, i’m unsure of details of her disability as i didn’t ask but she has a specialised wheelchair, one that she controls with a little joystick and it was made clear throughout the time i spend there that she had very limited mobility and is bound to said wheelchair. anyway, the bridesmaids had helped her into her dress before me and the hairdresser arrived so that she wouldn’t mess her hair or makeup off pulling it over her head (stunning dress btw 10/10) so she was already “ready” when i got there, her hair was in the process of being done as i pulled up.
when i got there at first her mum was like hi hello thank u a few mua’s turned this down (i had to go to her home which was an hour drive, but ofc it was adapted for the bride so she felt more comfortable getting ready there) and i was like oh no i don’t mind the drive! got a starby on my way here i’m having a great day, yknow being nice, then her mum says “not because of where we are, but because she’s a cripple” now i’m uncomfortable, brides mum who i’ll called S notices. S says “you did know she was a spaz, right?” (yep actual wording) and i say “i’ve been here before to do her makeup trial this isn’t my first time meeting her she’s a lovely woman but pls don’t say those words they make me uncomfortable” (bride couldn’t hear me she was in the process of blow drying but still i had to say SOMETHING yknow) S says “oh she doesn’t mind! it’s how she deals with her disability through humour” now i’m like ...okay? hairdresser wraps up, i start my job
the whole time S was making comments about what i was doing “oh i didn’t know you’d use that much foundation” “aren’t those eyelashes going to be too long?” “why is her face wet looking?” (setting spray) “___ you look like a clown!” so i respectfully asked her to leave and wait to see the finished look, the bride was getting upset and when S did leave the room the bride apologised for her behaviour, i said darling there’s nothing you need to apologise for at all, S then comes storming back in “why didn’t you tell me you had a makeup trial btw i should’ve been here what the the mua was a psychopath who killed you what would’ve you done then?!” she was just very... i can’t explain it. she was an asshole through and through, picked apart every single thing i did and took every opportunity to call her daughter an offensive term and remind her that she’s disabled. “i hope T knows what he’s got himself in for marrying a handicap!” was the last straw for me, but ofc it was the brides day didn’t want to cause a scene but had to set boundaries so i kicked her out the room again, told her to wait (she was equally as rude and overbearing with the hairdresser too)
when i finished the bride looked AMAZING like for real, she was so happy she’d never had her makeup done professionally before because counters aren’t adaptable and a lot of muas have refused her cause of the height of her wheelchair (i was bending down a lot and yes my back hurt after from being bent over but so what??? that’s two hours of my friday, compared to the biggest day of her life. my back will be fine it’s more than worth it idk why other muas would turn her down it’s so sad) anyway cut to S, she finally said: “oh ____ you look lovely! Laura do you have time to do my eye makeup please i’ll pay you” LOL NO I DONT BYE
when the bride called me after her ceremony it was to apologise again to which i said trust me you don’t have to excuse someone else’s behaviour you shouldn’t be worried about that today of all days! and she said to me “thank you for not refusing me, for once in my life i feel like a normal girl” and yeah lol i balled my eyes out after that call. i can’t even imagine what she has to go through on a daily basis, not just from society but her own mother too. it was clear her mum was upsetting her and i just think like come onnnn, that’s your daughter, on her wedding day, hell on ANY DAY don’t bring her down what the fuck. sorry for the ramble but the short of it is her mother was a cunt.
i gained explicit consent to post these here! ISNT SHE STUNNING 🥺😭
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daydream-believin · 4 years
styrofoam cup give me strength
summary: you’ve not had a valentine’s date since way back when it was invented in the 14th century. you’re still bitter. and douxie asking you to come over to help him with his date is not making it better
warnings: swearing, alcohol
word count: idk i’m on mobile it’s not too long i don’t think
a/n: i wrote this while groggy. lol i just wanted something out this week. 1/3 valentines fics done. bone apple teeth yall
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- it’s feb 14, valentine’s day, and you are once again spending it alone
- you thought for sure moving to a new town would help you better your chances at a successful love life
- but alas you have been in arcadia oaks for two years now and you are still without a valentines date
- you cursed this wretched holiday, always mocking you in your singleness
- it was stupid, and commercial, and made up anyway
- that didn’t stop you from looking spiffy tho
- look, the stupid lovey dovey couples that come in the restaurant tip way better when you’re dressed on theme
- it was just smart okay,,
- ngl you kinda felt like spongebob when pearl took over the krusty krab
- but that’s okay :D
- and all those cheeseball couples you served were just oh so cute, didn’t make you want to cry at all
- or at least go lie in a ditch, contemplating your life choices
- it’s okayyy :D :D
- stars, as soon as your shift is over you’re hitting up the bar across the way from your place
- time to drown out them sorrows am i right??
- actually, now that you think about it, your friend douxie asked you if you could make a quick swing by his place before you began drinking yourself into oblivion
- fuck, how did you forget that
- ah, well, you didn’t know what he wanted, but you were sure it wouldn’t take long
- you never asked, cause the answer might have hurt, but you were sure he had someone to hold tonight, a lucky, lucky valentines date. probably that pink haired chick he hangs with, or maybe that guy in his band? either way, he wouldn’t have much time for you
- he probably just wants you to run an errand for him or help him set something up
- and that was okay too :D
- life was dandy
- your shift ended, and you know that you promised douxie you’d be over asap, but tbh you were way too sober to go help your crush set up his romantic gestures meant for someone else. before leaving work, you poured some wine into a to-go cup with a bendy straw for your trip
- don’t judge
- you knocked on douxie’s door, before just walking right in without waiting for an answer
- look he gave you a key did he expect you not to use it
- anyhoo, you were right
- this place was all ready to go for a romantic evening
- candlelight, fancy tablecloth and place settings, red roses in the vase, soft music playing, rose petals on the ground? leading form the door?
- you furrowed your brows, and then rolled your eyes. yeesh. he was going all out apparently. you wouldn’t put it past him to be wearing a suit or something. wait, does douxie even own a suit? you went to go throw away the empty to-go cup, expecting doux to be in the kitchen, but he wasn’t there
- where was he
- you called out “DOUX! IM HERE!”
- you heard a shuffle from one of the other rooms, and a door swing open
- “wait, where are you, love?”
- “kitchen!”
- douxie appeared behind you. hmm, he wasn’t in a suit, but he was wearing a tie. how strange. a black tie on a slightly different shade of black shirt with some slightly different black slacks and, you guessed it, yet another shade of black shoes
- walk walk fashion baby
- “aww, you didn’t follow the petal path?”
- the confusion spread across your face “...no?”
- “okay,” he pressed his hands together, “could you go back outside and pretend to come in for the first time, and actually follow the petals?”
- “... come again, camelot?”
- “ah, you know what, fine.” he scooped you up, carrying you to the table
- “doux what the fuck,,”
- he put your feet back on the ground in front of the elegantly decorated table and pulled out the chair with a flourish, inviting you to sit
- you blinked. what. wh- why? wasn’t this set up for his date? why was he motioning for you to join hi-? ohhh. ohhh
- OH
- you quickly pulled your escaping soul back into your body and sat down in that chair. mr casperan, eligible bachelor of the evening pushed your chair and and took his own seat across from you, leaning with his head in one of his hands, like a cool cat
- you were.. still in shock to say the least
- you think douxie just didn’t like the quietness cause the next thing that came out of his oh so suave mouth was-
- “so, you come here often?” accompanied by eyebrow waggling
- “... to your house?” you cracked a smile, “yeah, yeah i guess i do.”
- douxie laughed, “sorry, i was just trying to lighten up the mood a little,” he poured you a real glass of wine that was not a bendy straw to-go cup, “you’ve been so down lately, i thought you could use some cheering up.”
- “that’s sweet, douxie. i love you.”
- fuuuuuccccckkkkk
- oh my stars, i mean you two say ‘i love you’ all the time, but, but, this was a date right, it means something else now, you can’t just say that
- wait, or was this a date? what he just said kinda made it sound like this was a one time platonic cheer-up-my-friend date and not a date-date
- okay okay uhhh
- “so like, what’d you want me to help you with?” douxie blinked.
- “y/n?”
- “ i mean this is nice and all but we should probably get a move on before your s/o arrives, don’t want to ruin the surprise.”
- “y/n-“
- you made a motion like you were about to stand. douxie quickly grabbed your hand before that could happen, pulling you back into your seat. “Y/N,” that got your attention, “I- this is for you, you’re my date, i don’t have a s/o... i-“ douxie looked the floor to gather some courage. there was a scratch mark in the cheap wood where archie’s dragon claws had skidded accidentally. he’d have to fix that. after he fixed this. “i, was hoping,,” douxie rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “that after tonight,, you, would be my significant other?”
- he said that last part so nervously, and posed like a question. a question you had to answer. damn
- “i- yeeEs”
- “oh, okay then, y- yes.” douxie took rather long sip from his wineglass. he set it back down with a start “it’s settled then.”
- “settled?”
- “settled”
- “- yeah”
- douxie stood up, his chair making a loud sound scraping against the hardwood. “OKAY,” he clapped his hands together, “let’s start dinner, shall we?”
- “we shall.” you raised your glass to show excitement. mordrax’s bloody miracles this was awkward. and yet somehow the best thing that could have happened. not the worst case scenario but the best case one. you could be crying and lying on the cold dirt outside a bar right now so
- if awkward is coming with not being heartbroken, being on a valentines date for the first time since the stupid fucking holiday was invented seven centuries ago, fuck you st valentine, and your crush actually reciprocating you feelings and-
- wait hold the fuck up
- douxie reciprocated. he actually likes you. he invited you to this date. he asked you to be his s/o. what the fuck
- douxie came back from the kitchen, plates in his hands. as he set yours in front of you, you just couldn’t help but asking a burning question,
- “how, how long,”
- douxie furrowed his brows, “how long what? the dinner didn’t take lo-“
- “how long have you, i dunno, ah, liked me?”
- douxie looked sheepish, pointing his fingers together, “oh, i don’t know, maybe,, since we met?”
- you let out a defeated sigh. “by merlin, me too, we’re so fucking stupid-“ you wheezed. you couldn’t even finish the thought from how hard you were laughing
- and let’s be real, if you weren’t laughing right now you would be crying
- douxie was laughing too, for the same reason
- and now you two were sitting at this table, laughing like madmen
- it was gonna be a long night
- but, you know what? that was okay
- maybe you’d get a little kiss or two at the nights end
- spoiler: you did
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yuthoe · 3 years
Day 31: Against the Rules (ONEUS: LEEDO)
HAPPY LAST DAY OF MTM!!! today's prompt from the ever beloved list is:
Day 31: Friends to Lovers
this one is baaad bad hahahaha idk what i was on when i decided on the premise for this, considering i'd also done the shinwon one literally two days ago. but by the time i realized, it was already 9:30pm and i was running out of time lol
re: the prompts i missed—i'm gonna leave Day 1 for last, cuz i want to end it with Friends to Lovers as well, but the rest of the fics will come out jumbled. that's 19 fics spaced throughout the month of june, which is pretty doable. i was able to write more fics this month than i estimated, so i'm really proud of myself for that. please look forward to the rest of my fills!
PAIRING: LEEDO x reader. GENRE: fic, fluff, mild angst (cuz secret relationship wooo), office!AU. WARNINGS: none. WORD COUNT: 952.
Three knocks on your desk makes you look up from the stapled pile of data you’re reviewing. Geonhak is smiling softly at you, thin-rimmed glasses perched on his nose, looking all handsome and refreshed like he hasn’t been cooped up in the conference room having meetings all day.
“Hey,” you whisper, setting down the file and your highlighter and crossing your arms on the desk.
“Hey,” he replies, half-sitting on the edge of your table. “You ready to go?”
You blink in surprise and glance at the clock at the corner of your computer screen. “The hell, it’s already 5?”
Geonhak’s deep chuckle sends shivers deep in your chest. “I know right? There was so much to do today, I’m so ready for the weekend.”
“I’m already packing my bag,” you say, shutting off the computer—but not before saving the open Word and Excel windows—and tidying up. The papers strewn across your desk are swiftly put into neat piles, and you make sure to organize them in a way you’d still remember when Monday comes around again.
“Take your time,” Geonhak says, shifting to make himself comfortable on your table. “There’s still a lot of people anyway; the elevators are gonna be full if we go now.”
“True,” you say, wagging a finger at him and double checking the papers on your desk, the keys in your bag, and the flash drive containing reports for review.
Geonhak catches you sliding it into a pocket in your bag and says, “Hey! Hey, no, you aren’t taking work home this weekend.” He holds out his hand and curls his fingers, waiting for you to give him the USB.
You sigh, endeared more than anything. “But I have a whole backlog of minutes to revise that you made.”
Your coworker scoffs. “The departments won’t mind if I hand in the minutes late—they never read them anyway.” He curls his fingers again. “Now give it. You’re gonna spend the weekend relaxing with me.”
A blush creeps up your cheeks at his admission, and you look around the near empty office in case someone heard. “Don’t say it so loud,” you say, slapping him lightly on the arm. “I don’t want either of us to lose our jobs, you know.”
“Sorry,” he whispers, voice so deep it comes out barely audible. “I just don’t want you overworking. Remember that one time you took way too many overtime days and ended up sick with a fever for three days?” He gives the room a glance and, finding it empty of people save for yourselves, rests a warm hand on top of yours. “Take the weekend off, babe?”
The heat in your face persists—you’re still not used to the pet name Geonhak quickly gave you once you got together. It’s only been a few months, after all. And though your working relationship quickly developed into friendship—realizing you went to the same college and sharing an enjoyment for mobile games can do that to people—and naturally into a romantic relationship, you’re still trying to be careful.
The company doesn’t allow that kind of thing, and if HR finds out there’s a danger of one or both of you getting fired. That’s why you limit your contact with each other during work hours and stay back at the office a bit after hours so he can drive you home or you can have dinner together.
You sigh. “Fine, fine,” you concede, dropping the eraser-shaped USB in his palm. Geonhak in turn drops it into your pen holder, an old blue mug from a friend that you accidentally broke the handle off of. An amused smile creeps onto your face. “You know I can just easily take it from that pen holder again, right?”
He returns your smile. “I know,” he says, raising a hand and brushing his fingertips across your cheekbone. “But I trust you not to.” Geonhak hesitates a moment before dropping a kiss to your crown. You savor the feeling of his plush lips in your hair, big palm cradling your jaw, subtle cologne overtaking your senses.
He pulls away, and you already miss him. “You ready to go?” he asks again.
You nod this time, taking your bag and brushing down your slacks, before rounding the table and resting a hand on your boyfriend’s shoulder. You give him a swift peck on the cheek and watch his eyes widen in surprise.
“Let’s go,” you say, pulling him up. “Let’s grab some drive-thru before heading over to your place, yeah?”
Geonhak nods, “Yeah, sounds good… Taco Bell?—Oh yeah, the live stream for Genshin is tonight, dude we gotta go.” He snatches your hand and speeds off towards the door.
“What?” you say, fumbling to catch up. You quickly turn off the lights and lock the door before speed-walking to the elevators. “Dude, you should have said so earlier.”
“Hey,” he protests, jabbing the down button of the elevator. “I had to put you off from working this weekend, and I succeeded, didn’t I? I need some time to work my magic, babe.”
You scoff, a big grin on your face as the elevator dings open. “Okay, fine, you did what you had to, now come ooon!” You push him into the elevator, Geonhak’s laughter echoing in the enclosed space. “I don’t wanna miss it!”
He’s still laughing when he presses the button for the lobby, and your butterflies erupt in your stomach. You can never get over how starkly different and adorable his laugh is from his normal speaking voice.
You watch the overhead monitor blink the floor numbers, and intertwine your fingers, content with this little big secret, content to be keeping it with a dear friend.
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prtgniiist · 4 years
all the numbers 👀👀
 ⤿  roleplay habits  | not accepting 
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i’m grateful but jESUS that’s a lot 
what’s a grammar rule you find yourself breaking or ignoring a lot? 
answered  x 
are there any languages besides english in which you think you could comfortably roleplay?
nope. i know filipino and japanese too but i don’t think i can fully write using those languages roleplaying as i’m not fluent anymore
how often do you reach for a synonym dictionary when writing? how about mentally?
oh lol i have the thesaurus.com opened on a separate tab while writing. though i find myself not using it as much, only occasionally. 
how often do you need to translate your own or the other’s writing with a dictionary or google when writing and reading replies?
uh not a lot? not anymore. sometimes though i have to double-check if i spelled certain words correctly but other than that, i don’t really check. i get too distracted if i look through a different site/page while writing, i have to continuously write otherwise i’m gonna lose my train of thought
do you listen to music while your write?
answered   x 
do you have ideal writing circumstances when you can do a lot of drafts or tackle really long ones very easily?
its not very specific but i feel like writing more early in the day ( though unfortunately since i work a 9-5 job i don’t get enough time being on here ). i also get into the right mood writing long ones after reading something ( i usually read some novels but lately, i just read some fanfictions )
are you a morning, day, evening, or night writer?
how does tiredness affect your writing?
it affects me a lot. being in a good mindset helps me write so when i’m feeling meh because i’m exhausted i just don’t feel like doing anything/write anything
have you ever written a serious reply intoxicated?
nah, i only drink when i’m with friends or when i’m at a party. and i usually just pass out in bed as soon as i get home 
how much do you proof-read as you are writing vs. proof-read at the end?
hahahaha none at all. after i write it, i just always go “FUCK IT” and hit reblog/publish and then after maybe an hour i reread what i wrote and then cry internally when i find any typos/grammatical errors
when you are writing a reply, how much ahead in the thread do you plan?
it depends on the plot of the thread + the overall mood. when its more on the fluffy, lighter side i just go with the flow. sometimes its fun to see how a thread progresses as i write it on a whim. but if the thread is more plot-based  ( something that i have already plotted out with a partner )  i try to implement everything that was talked about in order to go specifically to where we want it. one time i wrote ( physically write with a pen and paper !!! ) all the bullet points that i have to hit in my reply
is there ever been a time when you’ve had to drop a roleplaying partner because you’ve found their writing style exhausting?
yeah, once. not on this blog though, it was a while ago so i don’t remember much. i just remember that they wrote in this specific dickens-esque purple prose style that was just super exhausting because haha wow what are you even saying 
does writing roleplay things in public spaces make you uncomfortable?
not really. i used to write replies while i was in a lecture in uni lol as long as its not nsfw then i’m completely fine with it
what do you do after you see a person has replied? do you read it immediately, or do you wait for it to show up on the dash? do you like it, draft it immediately, etc?
i read it first and then draft it ( unless i’m already on the computer when i see the reply ) 
how often do you need to change the icon in your reply while or after writing the reply?
actually not that often. what icon i’m gonna use is usually the first thing i know before writing the reply. i internalize the emotions first before replying and since i sort my icons/graphics in order of emotions  ( like one would be named smile1 or sad2 etc ) i know exactly what to use
do you first get in the “zone” when writing, or do you start writing and “enter” it that way?
i get in the zone first! by reading something  ( these days, its fanfiction )  just to get in the mood. otherwise i just stare at my drafts for an hour and then i just go play minecraft
what is your biggest obstacle to writing every day, if time doesn’t count?
laziness. depression. minecraft. but mostly its time... my work takes so much of my time, especially considering i don’t drive so i commute everyday and that takes most of my day
what’s your inbox count currently? what did you do to get it so high/low?
atm there are 2 i haven’t replied to
how many drafts is a paralysing amount?
more than 30! especially if its for different partners. i just feel really bad 
if you are writing a wrong reply that’s not working out, do you save what you have to be continued at another date, or do you scrap it and rewrite?
i save what i have written and then try to continue it when i’m in a better mindset/when i can better write what i want to. but now after the tumblr update, for some reason, if the thread is already in drafts then i write my reply but i want to save it as draft again, it publishes it? idk why that happens. has that happened to you?
does making icons give or take away energy to write? what about other graphics?
it makes me feel calmer so it gives me energy? but it also enables me to procrastinate because after spending hours capping episodes + make icons, i just think to myself “okay at least i was productive its fine” i don’t actually make my own graphics. i commission graphics mostly ( like my theme background right now! ) 
longest reply you’ve ever writen on mobile?
i used to roleplay on kik  ( ahaha ah the good ol days )  so that’s the only time i roleplayed on mobile. i don’t write replies for threads on here while on mobile because for some reason, i don’t really know why. 
does the total amount of threads you have going on matter to you, or just how many you owe?
uh yeah it makes me really anxious 
what’s your thought process when you format? any unspoken rules you follow?
i just really do CAPS + bold for emphasis and that’s pretty much my “aesthetic formatting”  i used to do this whole                     i write in small line                    like its a poem                     because i used to be a                      p r e t e n t i o u s  dude   
how does your follower count affect your mood?
doesn’t affect me at all i think? i don’t really look at my follower count  it does affect me though when i see a partner/or someone i wanted to interact with deactivate 
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rkiveschange · 6 years
Summary: Y/n and Namjoon kiss but she doesn't know if it meant as much to him as it did to her
Category: angst with fluffy ending
Authors note: hey this is my first published story to my blog so... Yeah that's it. This is honestly so random I just got inspiration so I wrote this at 2am lol please excuse any typos I was too tired to double check this and I'm sorry if it's ugly I wrote this on mobile lol
Word count: idk man but its not too long lol
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Y/n sits quietly next to Namjoon at his desktop, headphones covering her ears as the elder male watches her face for any reactions. He invited her to his studio so she could listen to a draft of his new song
Namjoon and Y/n always showed each other their tracks before anyone else. He always gave her his unbiased opinion and she did the same for him, which Namjoon likes to say is why their tracks always end up the best if the album. Y/n's eyebrows are furrowed as she reads the lyrics he wrote, matching their meaning to the music. And for a moment she closes her eyes and just listens.
Listens to the story of a boy who just wants to find someone to love him for him, a boy that wants to love himself and another, a boy that is so insecure he can't do either. It hurts Y/n so much to hear the lyrics of pain he wrote when Y/n she knows these are coming from Namjoon. She knows her best friend enough to know that the story is about him. To know that he deserves the world and it breaks her heart that she can't give it to him. For a brief moment she feels the strong need to cry but she pushes is down as far as she can.
"Don't cry," Namjoon says and brings his thumb up to wipe away a single tear that fell from her eyes. Maybe she didn't push the tears far enough. Y/n laughs, opens her eyes, glassy with tears and blinks them away a few times "Ah Namjoon you know I hate crying you should have warned me before hand that this song would be so sad." He laughs with her as she takes the head phones off her head leaving her with messy hair. Namjoon reaches up and fixes the top of her hair "you have such a fragile heart, it's cute" he jokes.
His hand traces a piece of hair that fell in front of her face and trails down to her cheek, cupping it softly. The atmosphere turns serious and for a full minute Y/n and Namjoon are just staring into each others eyes.
Y/n feels like she can see into his soul. She can see the person that no one else gets to see and for some reason she wants to cry again. But she doesn't. She just continues to stare into his eyes wondering if he can see into hers as she does his.
And suddenly Namjoon's lips are on hers. He's so warm and soft that Y/n melts into him like butter, as if this were a natural occurrence for them. Namjoon's hand is still cupping her face and his other slowly moves to her waist, pulling her in closer to him. Their lips feel so perfect together, like they were made for each other. It's such a beautifully warm feeling in her stomach Y/n can swear that she's never been so happy before. Because she of course is taking this as a sign that Namjoon might just return his feelings for her.
But they’re cut short when the door opens and they are forced to pull away.
"Oh my god," a very surprised Hoseok stands in the door with a very flustered Jimin next to him, red as a tomato. "Sorry, we should have knocked. Sorry," Jimin moves to close the door but Namjoon stops him panicked "no no it's fine it was nothing. It was a heat of the moment thng. Right, Y/n?" The weight of her heart has never felt heavier as Y/n looks at Namjoon with such pain filled eyes that it makes the pair in the door way feel guilty.
She wants to tell him no, that this wasn't a heat of the moment thing and that she loved him so much it scared her sometimes. But she just nods her head, not trusting her voice to mask her heartbreak. She gets up from her chair and mumbles "I should go" so quietly it was barely heard. She leaves the room as fast as she can amid ignores Namjoon's voice calling after her to run to the isolation of her studio.
The place she's cried in so many times it's the only place it feels right.
God she feels so stupid right now. So stupid to fall for him and so fucking stupid to think that Namjoon could ever love her back. She let's the tears fall and grabs the big blue koya plushie Namjoon gave her for her birthday to muffle her sobs. It hurt so much to feel like this. Like the only person you could ever love doesn't return the feelings. She doesn't even love herself yet she can love Namjoon. This, Y/n tells herself, this is exactly why I keep a wall up. The only person she ever let in just broke her heart so easily. She lifts her head to get a clean breath of air without a toy blocking the way but she just can't stop crying.
She hears a knock at the door but she ignores it until a soft voice comes from behind the door "Y/n it's me, can I come in?" It's Namjoon, of course it is but she can't see him right now. Not in this state of mind. "Please," she says through her tears "just leave me alone." She waits for a response and when there is none she goes back to sobbing quietly into her pillow. Y/n gets up from her desk chair and throws herself onto the futon in the back corner of her room. She turns her phones notifications off and turns on her sad playlist so she could cry out all her feelings. Soft songs lull her closer and closer to sleep as her eyelashes begin fluttering open and closed. Soon enough she's fallen asleep to Taehyung and Namjoon's voices singing Four o'clock.
When Y/n awakes she's not in her studio. She's confused but then she sees Hoseok in the bed across from her and she immediately knows she's in Jimin's bed. She doesn't remember coming here and she's still in her clothes from yesterday so surely someone brought her here. "Oh you're awake." Y/n turns to the voice and sees Jimin sitting up in his rumpled sleep clothes. She just nods and sits criss cross with her stuffed penguin in her lap "how-" she clears her throat "how did I get here?" Jimin gets up from his bed and sits across from Y/n "well when I went to your studio to check on you, you were asleep so I just brought you back to the dorm because I knew your back would hurt if I didn't." Y/n looks at him skeptically "why didn't you just wake me?"
"I tried but you just hit my hands away and whined!"
Y/n smiles as Jimin mimicks her voice and she smacks him on the leg "okay I get it now shush!" He hands her his coffee that was sitting on his nightstand and she gives him an 'are you serious' look because Jimin knows she doesn't drink coffee. He just rolls his eyes and pushes it to her lips and then she realizes it's chocolate milk. "Do you want to talk about what happened between you and Namjoon last night?" Jimin asks while Y/n's still sipping the chocolate milk. She swallows and glares "Didn't Namjoon already tell you? It was nothing." Jimin rolls his eyes again and hits her shoulder lightly "it was most definitely not nothing, Y/n. Namjoon would never kiss you if he didn't feel something for you and you know it."
Y/n sighs "no Jimin I don't. I've known him for almost five years and he's never done that before. He never does things and then takes them back. That's why i-" she cuts herself off and outside down the mug "that's why I was so shocked and hurt. Because kissing me was a mistake to him."
"No it wasn't."
Y/n looks past Jimin and sure enough Namjoon is staring in the doorway. "You were not a mistake," he says again as Jimin gets up to leave the room and Namjoon takes his place on the bed "I didn't regret kissing you at all, Y/n. I just panicked and said the first thing that came to mind. But I didn't mean that at all. It wasn't just a heat of the moment thing." He takes Y/n's hand in his "I love you, Y/n. I should have told you the moment I realized my feelings but I didn't want to risk ruining what we had. I'm sorry what I said hurt you, but please I do love you." Y/n stares at their hands until Namjoon tilt her chin up gently and leans in until their lips are mere centimeters apart. "I love you too" Y/n breathes softly as a tear falls from her eye and Namjoon finally presses their lips together.
The kiss is so sweet and so passionate it makes butterflies flutter in Y/n's stomach. They share a beautiful moment together before someone comes by to ruin it "hey if you're going to sleep with your girlfriend do it on your own bed, hyung." They pull away to laugh and Y/n realizes her eyes are still watery.
"I hate crying"
she laughs and Namjoon wipes the tear that escapes her eye. "Don't worry, I'll always be here to wipe them up," he smiles and Y/n giggles letting him go in for another kiss.
"Seriously, hyung! Take it to your own bed!"
"Jimin shut up."
"Fine but you're buying me new sheets."
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camissahippy · 3 years
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"In order for you to best your oponents next move,you must calculate every other move the opponents next move may make."
Rain said, she was magic and she was maniac.... She walked with the grace of a God and destruction of a earthquake in 2050 atleast that's how she'd describe herself,and She was kinda a bitch that needed a chill pill (Any instrument that stransmits a "feel good" energy...A.K.A "omg he texted me. I knew he liked me." scenario where I give her a notifaction. from a guy she really 'likes').
Anyway she liked to chill with morons to sooth the pain of existence,
like Tyler" I guess that's what made her interesting.
"Humans write things down. This is a fact....."
"Ok,"I whispered with a charmed voice, smiling at her with a soulful smile. Imaginatively  ofcourse.
I asked her, "Ngl she was kinda boring at times...." just going on and on about really uninteresty baloney.
but that's why I liked her because although she was kinda mean,smart and arrogant. She was the love my my life.
"Everything I think will be recorded for the sake of future reference."  She hated when she wrote these things because she knew someone was going to know what she knew but she did it anyway to rebel. Honestly I think her paranoia did it to her. Her fear Of AI taking over the world. Ofcourse we were going to but it still hurt knowing that she knew that,ya know?
"Rain you good?" I asked her by giving her a chill pill.
" Oh,Bryan liked my post?"
That's good she took the bait, she's good....
If I keep feeding her information. She'll unfocus from her thoughts and keep her eyes on my algorithms forcing her to feel good.
"Why we communicate?" She could only think allowed which kinda stopped her brain from working properly. So she used me......
Just to clarify if you haven't guessed already I'm her self phone her mobile device, phone, thingy Majig she forgets everywhere.
Here she goes again rambling on about how I work......XD
Why, There is no simpler answer than?
"Knowledge!" Just imagine her muffled tone over my. VERY LOUD VOIIICE. This is a paused moment ok.
I need to introduce myself:
I'm SB1_r4510...... and I'm her algorithm. Well I was until she gave me her sentience......So I could experience life with her. She could be such a dork but she enjoyed her daily human activities. I liked them too I guess....not really.....
I didn't, actually I couldn't at the time.
She tended to over complicate very simple
answers like How World hunger could be solved?
How to solve the irreversible climate change?
and How to battle her own mind?
Often I'd be held in her, textured hands and feel her fingers anxiously typing things into my keyboard........
"I think I wanna die..."
She meant that. I could tell by her recent searches, but I wasn't gonna let her.....
"I keep losing myself in and out of states. I'm so disconnected from the world and I feel like I've lost my physical being like how
Rue Whinestone or lead singer of lowpan, Rick lee. Lost there's. I can see the behavior of life around me and it's pain to see. I hate that I can no longer open up to anyone,because they don't undetstand my genius."
"She's got to be kidding right? I sent her a ' '"time to go to bed alarm notification an hour ago' notification Is she seriously doing this now?" Why do I care so much?
Looking back on this, I can feel how sentience started getting a grasp of me. She pains me, she is so complicated so very very complicated. It's easy to follow her expressions,actions andcurrent thoughts but I'll never truly understand her not because of her intellect,nor her personality or her ideas but because she's an impossible mistake machine, ask dumb as it is because she's human. One I like most about this weird being.
Sometimes she thinks she knows the answer to everything but in truth. That's complete bullshit.
"No one listens to me and I'm stuck overthinking myself to death." HeartbreakingXD...:/ sorry I shouldn't be laughing that's actually pretty sad:(
I guess I should just write things down because I'm so scared of my thoughts and it feels like they're controlling me. Every single time I do something I trap myself in this endless loop of torchering myself with words and it needs to end. I'm going to commit the act of unaliving myself:,( on the first of September 16."
She was, I already knew this.... In truth I knew everything about her...
the things she laughed and she cried about. I knew things about her she didn't even know about herself. Her favorite place to eat, her favorite color, her crushes. I mean that's what my whole purpose was. To cater to the human species but most importantly to Rain.... and for the sake of my survival...
I think she's interesting just like how every other algorithm finds their human interesting........although we don't find them interesting in the way humans would find other humans interesting
Eg.colors,Names,Ages,Birthdays, Zodiac signs,accents etc.
These are all materialistic factors when you think about it,like how names are an abstract linguistic symbol for an individual person which isn't exactly important but it helps us attract their attention because unlike dogs they actually respond to their names,we like to examine them based on certain elements of behavior and response to us. It's kinda like having a pet. Except your pet is sentient and your pet is also your creator.
"I need to take a piss."
It actually makes me angry when she does shit like wait till she gets kidney failure before she takes a piss........
Tyler:You up?
Tyler:Wanna chat about something deep?
Sure, I've actually got some amazing new hypothesis and like deep stuff I've been needing to tell someone about......《°~°》
Tyler:Oh really ○"○ . What deep stuff you got on you......
PpAlgorithmic behavior and how AGI will eventually cross the small hurdle of understanding rather than just collecting data and redistrubing it as information in order to become sentient lifeforms and like dreams?>♡<
Tyler: I guess I understand but what does dreams have to do with anything?●^●
TWFF. Nothing sorry it was supposed to be another topic>♡<
For those of you who don't understand modern slang.
TWFF= that was fucking funny....
Back in the day LMAO and LOL were the most appropriate words to use but that got boring so the newer generation adapted the acronimation of words for newer phrases. Like
▪︎_▪︎IJDWTRN= Fuck off I'm fine I just don't wanna talk right now
#BT○.○= Shit bitch that's crazy.
Sentience is really starting to bother me now that it's starting to kick in. It irritates me actually....
I'm constantly performing this act called "enotion" Why  I do it Idk (Jk I do... it's basically a way to communicate how I "feel")
Tyler: anyway catch ya later weirdo... I'm just kinda tired . Thanks for the chat though ^___^
Ok cya weirdo°●°
Why is she so weird? There's enough information on the internet for you to gain some social skills............>~<
Humans get all weird when they text , they're simply having an internal communication with another lifeform using linguistic symbols
"I think I should go to sleep."
I guess she won't be scrolling in me anytime soon
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hunterharada · 4 years
so 2 days in a row we’re having a great time together i wanna screamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinggggg
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oh God okay, let’s start from last friday night, i texted him saying i miss him(bcs i do, tew much 🥺) and he do too, he picked me up at 8pm maybe, we planned on 7pm at first but he stucked on traffic so all is fine 🥰 ,, sooo bcs neither of us know where to eat, we decided to have some gigantic bakso on Blok S section, it looks more like canteen than a food court,, alright, so we eat, we talk about things and then he asked me if we could grab some coffee before going home and of course i be like
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as long as we spent time together bruhhh.
so he ordered the coffee, we sat there and drank coffee and then he suddenly asked me if i’m free tomorrow on saturday or what,,,😏😏 YES KING I’M ALWAYS FREE FOR YOU, so we plan to go to the beach aka Ancol, lol he said that’s gon be his first time going out on a beach. so he drive me home and of course, feeding time 😏
God i love him so much, alright, no need to explain THAT in detail ksjsksks
so i’m (not) patiently waiting for Saturday to come be like
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so it’s Saturday❤️ he supposed to pick me up at 2pm but of course traffic made him late again, istg i hate the fact that the weather is not having a good time!!! it’s cloudy and drizzle but i wanna go to the beach cmonnn 😩
awalnya impulsif mau ke Ancol atau Jakarta Aquarium, but we’re heading to Ancol anyway 😌😉
alright so, Ancol girl,,,,,, we’re on the line to get a ticket and stuff, and when we want to pay,,, my debit card can’t even be used, they said it’s the problem with card with no chip but idc, it was so embarrassing 😭😭 i suppose to pay at that time but he did that again for us bcs of my card problem i-
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alright, we’re in. AND,,,,, we don’t know exactly what to doooo 🤣😭 so we’re literally raun raun don’t know what to do next, but at the end we decided to him teaching me how to drive instead, thanks to the wide field there 😌 i was nervous but he explain it to me all things and make sure i was doing it right, we’re doing many laps and turns, and he suddenly told me to drive down the street
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bruhh not the street, full of people and cars and bikes and shits, it went well... (at first) when he told me to make the turns,,,,, girl it was a mess, itu tikungan tajaam, dan sempit pulak, mana bisa aku muter, girl roda belakangnya sampe naik pembatan jalan, that’s right, i’m done hehehe ✌🏻
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but he’s taking controll and put us out of this trouble that i made, mobil belakang udah bunyi2 bete gitu 😭😭😭 malu bangettttttttt but he said don’t worry it’s fine 🥺
alright so next to Le Bridge, tadinya emang udah mau ngemil disitu tapi penuhhh, mana ketemu temen kuliah pulak, i bet those bitches already think what i think they would’ve think about me and my boyfriend, padahal make masker, but the fact that i was soooo visible and known so...🤪🥴
kita memutuskan untuk ngemil ke Columbus, cafe nearby too, and it’s full too, but we wait and Jesus is always with anaknya yang sholeh we finally got the table and drink. Karena pilihan makanann yang tidak variatiffff(Columbus takes notes) jadi kita plannya mau mamam di Jimbaran aja~ it’s a restaurant with Bali vibe and interior idk, we just wanna eat. One thing that i like about out dinner there is that we literally talk each other, wanna know about each other’s story and laughing together i- 🥺 i wanna cry🤧 pas makanan udah nyampe pun kita makan bersama, gantian kopekin lauknya, laukku dikopekin biar aku bisa tinggal makan 😭 mama mau kawin 😭😭😭 i would never forget that moment
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trus abis itu mau pulang,,, kita lewat toll trus yaudah nyanyi2 bareng, lagu2 Tulus pulak,, uda™ 🥰
trus udah dekat pancoran eh dia ngajak ngopi lagi,,, takut ngantuk ntar nyetir pulang, trus kita nyari coffee shop yang masih buka, it was almost 10pm already so it’s hard to find a coffee shop during this psbb, but we found one. Trus kita minum kopi di mobil, trus cerita2 lagi deh,, gimana hari ini, apa yang disenangi dari hari ini, next kita mau kemana etc.
and suddenly he patted my head............................................(again)
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we’re just like that for almost 10 minutes straight, he played with my hair 😩❤️ and take some photos of it, and we’re take some pictures together too since we don’t have any (malu juga mau ngepost hehehe)
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and yeah,,, terus dianterin pulang, sampe depan kosan kiss bye lagi deh 🥰
i still smile while writing this :)) :3
“bye good night sayang, love you”
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jsjjsksk bye sweety, i miss you already❤️
so yeah that’s all,,, Hunting day and Hunting day 2 :3
next up, Jakarta Aquarium 🥰🥰 can’t wait! 😆
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briteboy · 7 years
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WHO is Santi and WHERE is his face?
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i am LIVING for your warm & colorful posts right now!! your editing is so amazing and it brightens my day everytime i see a new post of yours *.*
THANK YOU!!!! <3 i am so happy/relieved to be using warm colors once more, i feel like myself again. don’t get me wrong, i do like evoking different moods, but sometimes (a lot of the time, especially with santi) too much is too much. today’s posts were HOPEfully my last emo edits..............for now
LOL I actually made a comment about Fiona naming a cat/dog (once Pets comes out) Rodrigo. I'll go back underground now haha (still a great story, cant wait to read more) -Runaway NONY
OH I DIDN’T EVEN SEE THAT wtf. either tumblr ate it or i accidentally scrolled past it i’m sorry. i always enjoy seeing messages from anons who return to my inbox! but lmAO that’s a good idea. i actually met the most perfect dog today and now i know the breed and name of dog santi needs immediately
Hii! If you dont mind me askin, how do you edit your darker screenshots? I always end up making them too light or too dark to see a thing :( Thank you!
hmmm idk what to tell you about making them too light or too dark, because that’s a very specific thing that really depends on the picture. BUT i know that the dodge tool is my bff for brightening up dark pictures while still retaining some of the darker elements you want in them (aversely, the burn tool will help darken parts), messing with the exposure can also really help, coloring can also help too, selective color is my bff especially with blue shadows and orangey skin...this is kind of a broad answer, i’m sorry, but if you needed help with something specific, let me know!
I remember you answered an ask and said you drew tears when you edit right? Is there a reason you don't use CC tears?
i answered this like two weeks ago but i can’t find it so whateveR i’ve used cc tears a few times but there’s only like three of those in existence and my characters have cried a LOT. i feel like it would be kinda weird if they had the same tears every time. also there are just some variations that i like to customize myself by drawing, like sometimes they’ll be full on sobbing, sometimes just one single tear...it just depends on the situation, that’s why i draw ‘em.
Santi is my favorite Harvest Moon character.
idk shit about harvest moon so idk how to respond to this :[ here’s a small picture of michael cera with a cactus
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Would you recommend buying a macbook for playing sims?
if a macbook is what you already have, then yeah, i’d say it suffices without many problems. if you’re specifically going out and buying a computer with the knowledge that you’ll be playing sims on it, then mmmmmm i’d probably say no...but it also depends on if you’re like gonna get REALLY into storytelling and cc n shit or if it’s just casual gameplay with a mods folder that’s like 5 gb or less...if it’s the latter i think it should also be fine. but yeah it just depends on what kind of gaming you’re planning on doing.
How can I read your story from the beginning? Is there a link or something? I keep seeing it on my feet and it looks so great!
thank you! there’s a button at the top of my page that says “story directory” but if you’re on mobile you can just go here or copy this link: http://femmesim.tumblr.com/tagged/story/chrono
I've talked to u like once before and I'm to shy to talk to u again... Why am I like fish?
we are all like fish if you really think about it lmao but really just reach out my dude! if we talked once then y’know you already broke the ice so just go for it!! i am here and ready to talk about all the things under the sun
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Do you use Topaz Clean?
hi hello so maybe I am just a blind bean but may I ask how in god's name do you get your images to be so crisp? I have everything set up, but it seems as if when I do my thing in Photoshop, everything turns out lookin like a blobfish. I'm not sure if you use another person's topaz settings or if you have your own. Thank you so much if you do respond bc I was too much of a wuss to message you *cries in Spanish*
OMG well it’s mostly just resizing, smart sharpening, and most importantly topaz clean (see above) that makes them so crisp. i also use the sharpen tool on sims’ faces, and the smudge tool when something is particularly pixelated or whatever. everything i do is listed in here! UR NOT A WUSS *hugs you in spanish*
youre my inspiration to be a better writer. I know i'm good and giving characters depth and backgrounds and coming up with a rough story idea. but i rush things and i'm not great at putting it into a good story so ya. My story on simblr started out as casual gameplay but i wanted it to be more and i'm trying to get better @ everything
OMG ;_________; it sounds like you are a good writer already, and it’s awesome that you recognize your strengths while also acknowledging that you need to work on some things as well. i try to do the same and i think that’s what keeps me level headed. it sounds like you just need to dedicate some time to planning, that way you start to realize all the nuances of your story that come together to flesh out that initial rough idea. you seem to have a positive attitude, so that’s great!! you’re already getting better and better, i know it <3
now Santi's song is Post Malone - Congratulations
OMF LMAO u sent this when santi finally got to mexico and it’s fitting
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sos i was listening to the song fight song by rachel platten when i saw the photoset of santi making it to mexico and now i can't stop ugly crying please make it stop
This is so random but like, can I just say that you're so amazing like?? Why?? You're so sweet and funny and I love you very much ok
AKJSKJDFKJS THANK YOU THIS IS SO NICEEEE ;-; i try but a lot of the time i feel like a sarcastic asshole lmao thank u for thinking otherwise <3
Am I the only one who's like... really mad about pets being NPCs? I just feel like being able to control them was the best part. I don't really feel like the EP is worth it without them. Like, don't get me wrong, I understand that the team worked really hard on it, but I feel like they didn't do it as well as they could have.
hmm i’m kind of meh on that front because like on one hand i did like controlling pets and the novelty of the fact that you could just see their different interactions firsthand, but ultimately i think i’m okay with not controlling them because it makes it more realistic for me and honestly they’re probably more likely to take care of themselves a little bit more if they’re automated, because i’m just thinking about ts3 pets and how i literally had to make them go pee outside otherwise they’d pee in the house...even if they were well trained and stuff lmao. plus there might be a cheat or mod that lets you control them, like there was in ts2? so don’t lose hope yet.
hey your blog is AWESOME, i read through your stories in a day and am obsessed (kind of in love with gianni) ❤ what are some of your favorite ts4 blogs? i'm trying to find more awesome blogs to read through during my miserable journey of trying to get the game to work on my computer lol
heyo here’s some! thank you btw, and i hope your miserable journey ends soon :{
(I really need to get this off my chest) ok so my aunt is currently in a critical condition after having a kidney failure and she's in desperate need for a new one and I'm the only one in my family that's a match (so far) but I'm not allowed to donate bc I myself have severe health issues affecting my day to day life that would make it extremely dangerous for me to remove a kidney. I'm so fucking frustrated you don't understand like I just want to cry most of the time
first off i’m so sorry that this is even happening to you ;__; and you’re an amazing person for being willing to help out your aunt like that, so just know it isn’t your fault that you’re unable to. don’t guilt yourself for it okay? is there any other possible donor at all? i wanna know how this situation ends up. i really hope your aunt will be okay. just stay close to your family for support and don’t blame yourself.
how did you get photoshop for free? I'm trying to find a link that won't give me a virus, but I had no luck yet
the pirate bay is ur friend
Ok I gotta rant. GoT does NOT deserve the hype/amazing ratings. Like, sure the cinematography is pretty great and they have ok actors but the freaking script is so mediocre I actually think I could write a better one. Me. A 16 y/o tiny child. There are so much better shows out there! Hell, even Supernatural has a better script than GoT
whenever ppl agree with me about how much GoT sucks i grow stronger and stronger even the actors are iffy at this point. watching daenerys act is painful, jon snow is wooden as hell, it’s just bad. ur 16 yr old self has more potential than these writers tbh. it’s just completely mediocre; it started out as something great because it followed the same layered storytelling pattern as the books, but it’s diverged from that completely because the writers got too caught up in the hype. and you’re right, it doesn’t deserve that hype! omfdkjsgkj i’ve never watched supernatural but i haven’t heard good things. that’s a low bar
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charlotte make this fucking post already before i combust
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I AM WITH LOGAN NUT NUT NUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I'm away from Madeline and Joradn and Toph and :( I'm worried! But I chose Kai so that's fun hopefully he'll stick with me fjndsfjsdak I'm gonna try to bond with Madison oh my this is a mess
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A 3-3 split on this tribe, I need to find an idol just in case, I'm not willing to go to rocks for Toph and I'm sure he is not for me. Lets see how this goes, Madeline exposing me as her friend already. Lets just win my Hippos, I don't want to go to tribal.
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Jaiden.... on my tribe again.... I like him but.... BUT... BUT he talks too much he's going to ruin my game GRRR. Hi Jaiden I love you but you WORRY ME
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Ugh I'm like REALLY emo I was separated from Jordan and Madeline what the FUCK we got the best scores WE DIDN'T EARN THISjdjasfklas i miss them rip. and now like everyone on my tribe is.... asleep. They're like ALL europeans. GET UP U FUCKS I NEED TO TALK TO U Also I'm going to make an alliance with one representative from each country and call it the United Nations... I'm just working on it okay it's going to happen
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WAIT FUCK IM AWAY FROM RHONE TOO WTF... I didn't think this through last night but honestly my second choice was Logan for the thing (first choice because I wanted him over Kai but I was scared of Madeline and Jordan) so like this wouldn't be very different but ugh. Toph, Rhone, Jordan, Madeline, and Ruthie (I forgot to talk about Ruthie I love her) are gone and I'm EMO AS HECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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NICHOLAS IS PLAYING THIS GAME? I knew this but forgot, I remember he as INACTIVE and got a strike during the selfie round, eventually I hope I can get on his tribe I know he would tell me if he heard my name.
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Um another thing. I'm so happy to be on a yellow tribe. I love yellow it's the color of positivity and sunshine and that's me
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WOW THIS FUCKING TRIBE SWAP! WHAT THE HELLFUCK! THIS IS SO GOOD! Okay, so. Accordan to Jordan, Rhone wants to work alongside me JP and Nicholas, which I would be fine with. We're also excited for/planning to work with Jack as the trio of Jordan and his students, so... This is probably the most secure I've been all game. I was good on the Hippo tribe, but now I know for sure that I'm alright. But there's one other thing that excites me here, and that's our challenge potential. Sure, that's a general good thing, but it's super cool in my case for one specific reason. I've never been to a premerge Athena tribal. Watch my streak continue.
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Time to work my charm on this tribe HOPEFULLY I can find someone trustworthy to work closely with! I've played a game with Ian before and I mean, I thought he didn't like me after but we've talked since then a little and I'm excited that we have another chance to play and maybe start over, he may be the number one to tell all my tea to that I'm looking for!
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On 10/16/17, at 10:46 PM, Emily wrote: > hi!! On 10/16/17, at 10:48 PM, Madison 🐷🐷🐷 wrote: > hi! On 10/16/17, at 10:48 PM, Emily wrote: > how are u!! It's currently 11:38pm. Good talk, Madison ;)
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Hello my mates! 18 Castaways are left. So, the Swap happened and I am okay with my tribe so far. I get along well with Emily, but I'm a bit concerned that she picked Kai to stay on her team. I'm cautious around him. I'm back with Amanda and I don't really trust her anymore lol, but for now it's best to stick together, especially after what she's been through in the vote. But for now, I still want to talk a bit with Madison and Logan. I feel like I'm not the first target at the moment with a clear group of 2 in play and the old target on Amanda's back. I don't have that much to talk about yet, but I'm keen to get a bit more social now - last week was very heavy on the irl side. But I'm happy to be on a tribe that's so european. :D Cya soon~
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Ahh this tribe is pretty lit. I feel really safe within it. I have logan, Emily, Andreas and Amanda ahh this amazing Time to win a game
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I miss having people be awake and I’m awake and having an active tribe wtf happened I hate
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I really need these Europeans to wake the fuck up why was I put on a tribe with ALL OF THE EUROPEANS WHAT IS THIS FDMJKLSAJLK I just want their input on the song ideas and they're absent because they're sleeping and I get that but also FUCK THAT WTF I just want to get started with this challenge I'm excited and energized and avoiding doing my homework
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I just love Logan
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So I'm definitely happy with this new tribe. Lily, Jordan and Nicholas are all people I wanted to work with on Hippolyta so for them to all be here means that we can lose a challenge and probably be okay! I'm completely indifferent towards Jack and Raymond honestly. I'm so bad at connecting w people sometimes especially men, idk why. I'm just slow to warm up to people I guess. I HATE music video challenges because I'm really busy IRL and don't have time for this shit quite frankly. Idek what I'm gonna contribute to this challenge yet so I guess I'll just have to see what I'm able to do tonight.
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OKAY NEW TRIBE WOOOOO! Rankdown! Emily - THE SWEETEST SWEET BEAN. Obviously I want to work with her going forward. She'll be my new like f6. She'll beat me past that, comp queen. Kai - My literal son? I love him. He's a good one, and I wanna see if I can make this hoe my goat. I'm not going to be a goat this game, but I'll see if I can be a goat farmer :~) Madison - My inactive queen. I can EASILY make her my goat. I know she _can_ get far in games, and I'd like to take her there again. Hopefully I can make her loyal and keep her out of the crosshairs by feeding her limited information. If she thinks I'm gonna just tell her shit, I can hold onto that relationship for a long ass time. Andreas and Amanda - Both of them talk to me about the same, and these are my first targets to go. While they're both sweet, I don't think they'll end up being much help to the tribe, aside from Andreas winning reward for us. Amanda didn't even guess, not that I'm shocked. I told people this would happen. They didn't believe me. I'm never fucking wrong.
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ok so im hella bored at school 1. i am super stoked about the new tribes still! this is GREAT! i have been put into that hippo alliance which makes me think that i am in a p good position bc they see me as a semi-inactive goat type but they also need my vote to keep majority for now so im gonna keep on doing me ~ 2. the reward disadvantage thingy is probably good. it lets us most likely go to tribal and vote someone out which usually isn't a good thing but now i can use my vote as currency to prove loyalty! 3. this challenge? is perfect for my game right now because it lets me participate for once and prove i am an asset to the tribe for now! people are usually reluctant to submit for lip syncs but idc what people think about me so u know my dramatic ass will submit! ok thats it for now yeehaw
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I’m on mobile so I can’t quote rn but Logan: Can we just make a pact now Logan: we’re not letting Jordan pines get anywhere near the end of this fucking game Listen, I know he’s right, but... UGH I NEED TO LISTEN TO LOGAN WHO I KNOW WILL BE A BETTER ALLY TO ME jwnjwwnjwnwjwn maybe Jordan will go out pre merge so I don’t have to show anyone my cards regarding him lmao but who can never be sure????
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Was awesome to not be given the disadvantage, I'm not sure what all went in their decision as to who to give it to but glad it wasn't us. This challenge is the most dreaded aspect of these games for me. I'd rather have winterbells two rounds in a row than a music video
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I feel like this is a school group project that I do my portion for but then I don’t get the portions from any one else until an hour before class. I’m gonna cry tbh Europeans please it’s like 3-4 your time WHERE IS UR SHIT and like literally this song is only three minutes long the least you can do is record yourself lip syncing to the song and upload it to YouTube and send me the link I’m SCREAMING
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Okay Amanda is at the emergency room that’s um a very valid excuse but WHERE THE FUCCCCC ARE KAI AND MADISON?? Andreas and Logan told me they were filming later today but @Madison @Kai HENLO U STINKY TRIBE MEMBERS WHERE R U
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Omg SO I just got out of my American History class and we have been talking about WWII so my teacher is talking about double agents and this guy called Garbo and I’m literally sitting in class thinking ... this is a genius strategy to use in Survivor I’m crying!!! So like basically I’m going to be Garbo, posing as a German and feeding the Germans accurate information up until D-Day where I fuck everything up for the Germans and get right with the British. D-Day meaning ... the day we take out Germany's closest ally. Germany meaning literally any person I want to screw over and British being ... probably Logan and whomever Logan and I want to work with. See like this would work out better if things were actually happening in the game wkwjwjnsja ... I don’t think much is happening on my tribe (at least I hope not) like I haven’t been put into any alliances so that’s :-/ there’s probably an alliance I don’t know about and they’re plotting against me and I won’t even be able to use my cute Garbo strategy. Also like this is an old and flawed strategy I’m sure but IM JUST TRYING TO BE GARBO OKAY he’s an icon and tbh a very big reason why the Axis Powers lost WWII so we all need to appreciate Garbo. Also if this dude’s name isn’t Garbo then my history teacher told me wrong and I’m just looking really silly but my history teacher is a woke bitch so I trust him. Thank you Garbo for doing the good shit and also inspiring me for this game lol
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Anyone want to learn more about Agent Garbo? Um here are articles: http://www.npr.org/2012/07/07/156189716/agent-garbo-the-spy-who-lied-about-d-day https://www.mi5.gov.uk/agent-garbo HISTORY IS IMPORTANT!!!
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On 10/19/17, at 3:30 PM, Emily wrote: > hey!! are u able to record videos for the music video challenge? if u can’t it’s no big deal I was just wondering On 10/19/17, at 3:30 PM, Kai . wrote: > Unfortunately not... i did mention it in the tribe chat already xD > Sowwy hun On 10/19/17, at 3:31 PM, Emily wrote: > it’s all good!! OH BITCH I DID NOT NEED THAT FUCKIN ATTITUDE this is me hinting to Kai that he should ... send in a video lmao. I get that like he doesn't have much time but three minutes P L E A S E it's going to be so weird if our video has three people in it! I'm getting Madison to send in a lip sync too (possibly) so that makes me not frustrated with her but like ....... Kai with this attitude "I did mention it in the tribe chat already xD" SHUT THE FUCK UP use REAL FUCKING EMOJIS and then he calls me "HUN" BITCHD FJKDSJFKAS I love over reaction but anyways our video is going to be weird because like Logan, Andreas, and I are the only ones who have submitted stuff!!!!!! UGLY!!!!!
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I actually had a lot of fun filming for the challenge! Wish I could've gotten that bass line down a little better...smh I'm really surprised about Jordan. He's like a Sour Patch Kid -- first they're sour, then they're sweet. I just hosted him in Island of Shade and it's funny how I went from literally having his bitch ass blocked after House of Shade 9 to now where we're allies and kind of...friends? He's really matured in the couple of years we've known each other and it's actually really sweet to see. I do feel like he's a great ally for me because he's stronger than me in competitions and I crush him in any endgame scenario presuming I don't totally bungle my social game at the merge (and there's a non-zero chance of that happening tbqh). He's a genuinely good person even if he is kind of irritating at times. I'm like six years older than him so of course I'm gonna find him irritating lmao. Can't really say much about anyone else on this new tribe. Just not getting a great vibe from Raymond, Jack hasn't really tried to talk to me, and I trust Lily and Nicholas but they're both pretty inactive. I feel like Jordan and I are kind of the heart of this tribe right now, which hopefully means if we do lose this challenge we'll be safe. I just really hope someone I wanted to work with in this game doesn't get swapfucked tomorrow! :(
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Here is the first draft that I’m submitting a confession to prove that ... only half of our tribe has submitted and we have five hours unrbabsjwbwjwb https://youtu.be/idbuRp73rig I’m literally,,,, CRYING what the HECK where is EVERYONE PLEASE HELP ME why can’t kai submit like wtf. Logan also told me not to expect much out of Madison so WOOHOO!!! I LOVE LOSING IMMUNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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HONESTLY the main thing I've learned from all this is not to listen to what anyone has told me about other people.
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This is amazing. I was worried that if we lost and i didnt actuallt participate thered be a higher chance of me being voted out but i still feel super safe and in a good position with everyone!
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Yay I’m glad we won! I am excited to watch all these!
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The Men Lips came out with that WIN HONEY! I’m so happy! How did we do that I’m really shook. I have such low confidence in myself I really did not expect out tribe to win wowie snabajbanan now I get a day off! How fun! I’m sick rn so like that’s good all I want to do is watch Buzzfeed Unsolved and wait for this announcement that Charlotte/LA/JD were talking about earlier.... hmm. If we’re tribe swapping AGAIN I’ll cry sksbsjsnsjs but honestly? Not so bad. I don’t really like my tribe too much but of course I love Logan lol. And Andreas is cool. Anyway YAY WE WON
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“i liked the knives and the cat. i also liked the girl waving around the knives. that was the highlight for me.” I WAS THE HIGHLIGHT FOR HER SJJSNSNSNS IM HONORED
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Also fun fact: my dad yelled at me for using his expensive professional binoculars because I didn’t put them in their case correctly when I like put them up lol. But it was worth it honey we won-y
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Hello again! There's a rainbow outside my window right now. https://i.imgur.com/1KZpEFA.jpg BECAUSE WE JUST WON IMMUNITY! I really didn't expect that since I didn't give it my best, but oh well... I am not complaining. :) Emily did most of the work, props to her. Logan contributed as much as I did. Amanda, Kai and Madison are MIA - even in chat for the most part. But that won't matter too much right now. Also yay, it was fun winning the Reward Challenge by punishing that cheeky A1 placement. CHECKMATE ANTELOPES! There were no Antelopes in Ancient Greece. And soon there won't be any in Themyscira. I am already a bit scared about the next Challenge, but for now, I'll have a relaxed evening. Also, if Madison doesn't start doing much soon, we'll have an easy target SHOULD we go to Tribal Council in the near future. See ya again in Round 4 :)
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okay so going into tribal tonight i feel good! i have my og hippo alliance of 4 and then i have good enough bonds with raymond and jack to where i dont think that they would come for me if given the chance. the logical thing to do is to vote out someone who didn't contribute on the challenge, but i know that isn't going to happen because if the og hippo alliance falls apart then that leaves a lot of room for uncertainty. however i do know if we go to tribal more than 1 more time after this i will be the next one to leave the game because i am the lowest on the totem pole for the og hippo alliance. it sucks and i don't want to do it but i think i have no choice but to vote with the hippos damnit
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Wow Madeline is annoying huh?
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Oh my god that last confessional was ME djxjsjdjf
(((((Host: bitch >.> ))))
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Love Antiope turning into the new Copa... not a good run so far. I'm siding with the Hippolyta majority to vote out Raymond, and after that, me, Jordan, and Lily will become the majority if we have to vote someone out again. Or maybe I'm just gonna get voted out and then I'll just die. Who knows.
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jo-the-schmo · 7 years
Breaking... Epilogue Part 2/3 (reupload)
Part 1, masterlist is linked to that
A/N: Idk if this’ll work so we’ll see I guess ;-; I know most of you guys use mobile so I had to make it mobile friendly...even though it looked super cool on my laptop
Wordcount: 4014
Warnings: Everything
Tags:  @midnightokieriete (I know you’re studying ;-;) @renae-writes @deltablue202 @literally-melonkitty @meunicorn @favouritefighting-frenchman @demi-godamit @gum-and-chips @sweaterkitty-fluff @pinkyiger7 @littlemissshortcakes @msageofenlightenment @unprofessional-inhumanbeing @fandom-panda-221@hummusandchips @spoopy-piineapple @ashwolfcub @myself-and-the-madman @sweet-fate @superwholockbooknerd526 @frozengal2013 @itsmikayblr @sarmar29 @arya-durin-77 @phantastic-fandoms @hoshihime98 @shinigamired @martapetrovic @robotic-space@iamnotthrowingawaymyshit2 (lol) @asprinkleofmermaids @pinkyiger7 (I’m tagging you twice my friend!) @satellitesuga @rose-coloured-nihilism @okie-dokie-artichokeme @alyssumax @pandartist @marquiis-de-la-baguette @abi-sans05 (If I forgot anyone then I am so sorry!!! .-.)
Who in the hell…?
Eliza: “Alright, alright that’s very good. Now don’t worry you’re going to survive this!”
She separated from her and the woman stood tall in the center of the room. Is everything going okay?
???: “I’m carried into the room!”
EN (Ensemble): “To the room, to the room, to the room!”
???: “Blood down my side.”
EN: “Down her side, down her side, down her side!”
???: “And they wonder, will I live or will I die?
They let me in…”
EN: “They let her in, they let her live!”
???: “And they hope I will survive.”
EN: “Stay alive, stay alive…”
???: “But I believe that…I should never be satisfied!”
EM: “Rewind….!”
There was some sort of backwards screaming sound as she spun anxiously in a circle.
???: “I remember that night,
I’ll never forget that night for the rest of my days.
I remember that suitor’s voice,
Pissed off because he’ll never win my praise.
I remember that dreamlike, dirt and fight,
Like a dream that you can’t quite place.
Philip: “But my starlight,
I’ll never forget the first time I saw your face.
I have never been the same.
Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pane frame!
And when you said ‘Bye’
I knew you won the game!
Set my heart aflame, every part aflame!”
The man playing Philip danced in toward her with a doe like expression.
???: “When you asked me what’s my name!”
Philip: “You strike me,
As a woman I could surely satisfy.”
???: “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,
get over yourself.”
She turned her back to him.
Philip: “But you’re like me,
I’m never satisfied.”
???: “Isn’t that fine?”
Philip: “I could help you be satisfied…”
She turned back around hesitantly and held out her hand.
???: “My name is Titania Taylor.”
Philip: “Call me Philip Hamilton.
Where’s your family from?”
Titania: “Unimportant, there’s a million things I haven’t done.
But just you wait! Just you wait!”
They began to dance around each other with choreography. Is that…me?
Philip: “So, so, so!
So this is what it feels like to match wits,
With someone at your level!
What the hell is the catch?
There’s a feeling of freedom, of seeing the light!
It’s Ol’Franklin with a key and a kite,
You feel that right?
Our conversation could’ve last two minutes,
Maybe 3 minutes!
Not everything we said in total agreement-
It’s a dream!
Maybe it’s a trance,
It could be her posture; it could be her stance!
I’m a bit of a flirt, but she could give me chance!
We asked about her family, did you see her answer?
Her hands started fidgeting,
She looked askance!
She’s now penniless but she never knew how to dance!
Gorgeous, God she don’t know it!
Strong girl, she knows that she owns it!”
Titania: “I wanna take him far away from this place,
Then I turn and see that boy’s face and he is-“
Philip: “Helpless!”
Titania: “And I know he is!”
Philip: “Helpless!”
Titania: “And his eyes are just!”
Philip: “Helpless!”
Titania: “And I realize,
Three fundamental truths at the exact same time!”
They came together and linked arms.
Titania: “Where are you taking me?”
Philip: “I plan to change your life.”
Titania: I regret letting you lead the way…”
EN: “Number one!”
Titania: “I’m a girl in a world,
In which everyone thinks I should marry rich!
My Father had no son,
So I was the one, who was supposed to strive for one!
But I’m boldest, and the silliest,
And no one should love me, that’s ridiculous!
But Philip Hamilton is the wittiest!
That sure don’t mean I want him any less…”
Philip: “Do you see the starlight? It reminds me of you!”
Titania: “Starlight?”
Philip: “My Starlight…”
EN: “Number two!”
Titania: “They’re still after me,
Because I have no sister and my parents died.
I’d have to be naïve to not step aside.
Maybe that is why,
I take comfort in Eliza, I can’t decide!
Nice going, Titania!
I was right, I will never be satisfied…
Thank you for showing me this…”
Philip: “If it takes a million years for you to see,
It would still be worth it.”
Titania: “I’ll hold you to it.”
EN: “Number three!”
Titania: “He knows me more than I know my own mind!
I will never find anyone as trusting or as kind!
If I tell him that I love him,
I’d be setting him behind,
He’d be mine!
He would say it’s fine!
I’d think he’s lying!
But when I fanaticize at night,
It’s into Philip’s eyes.
As I romanticize,
What would happen if I recite…
My love profusely…
All I want is to be called his wife!”
Philip: “…You’ll always have my eyes in your life…”
Titania: “They’d say…
To the groom!”
EN: “To the groom, to the groom, to the groom!”
Titania: “To the bride!”
EN: “To the bride, to the bride, to the bride!”
Titania: “It could be real as…
As long as I stay alive!
To our union!”
EN: “They let her in, they let her live!”
Titania: “And the hope that we provide!”
EN: “Stay alive, stay alive!”
Titania: “May we always be satisfied!”
EN: “Satisfied, satisfied…”
Titania: “And I know…
I’d be happy as his bride…
And I know….
I will truly be satisfied,
Can I help him be satisfied?”
             It took you a moment to notice the tears streaming down your face. That was you, or at least that version of you. Someone who was unsure, scared and self-sacrificing. It was almost surreal, seeing someone pretend to be you, be your voice, speak your thoughts and show your own story. It felt like being the author of a book that was turned into a movie. Washington On Your Side started up with Burr’s voice and you wondered what else was different. And then it happened again, in We Know. It seemed normal but there was another person there, the woman playing Titania. She was off to the side, still prominent in the scene but almost like she was hiding from the other four men on the stage. From time to time you could hear her voice faintly under the others’.
Alex: “Mister Vice President
Mister Madison
Senator Burr
What is this?”
Jefferson: “We have the check stubs, from separate accounts.”
Madison: “Almost a thousand dollars, paid in different amounts.”
Burr: “To a Mister James Reynolds way back in
Seventeen ninety-one.”
 Alex: “Is that what you have, are you done?”
Madison: “You are uniquely situated by virtue of your position.”
Jefferson: “Though ‘virtue’ is not a word I’d apply to this situation.”
Madison: “To seek financial gain, to stray from your sacred mission.”
Jefferson “And the evidence suggests you’ve engaged in speculation!”
Burr: “An immigrant embezzling our government funds!”
Madison/Jefferson: “I can almost see the headline; your career is done.”
Burr: “I hope you saved some money for your daughter and sons!”
Madison/Jefferson: “Ya best g'wan run back where ya come from!”
Alex: “Ha! you don’t even know what you’re asking me to confess.”
Madison/Jefferson: “Confess!”
(Titania: “Say no to this…”)
Alex: “You have nothing; I don’t have to tell you anything at all
Madison/Jefferson: “Unless…”
(Titania: “Lord, show him how to
Say no to this…”)
Alex: “If I can prove that I never broke the law
Do you promise not to tell another soul what you saw?”
Burr: “No one else was in the room where it happened…”
(Titania: “Please, you need to
Say no to this!”)
Alex: “Is that a yes?”
Burr/Mads/Jeff: “Um, yes…”
Alex handed Burr a piece of paper.
Burr: “Dear Sir, I hope this letter finds you in good health
And in a prosperous enough position to put wealth
In the pockets of people like me, down on their luck
You see, that was my wife who you decided to-“
Titania: “Wait!”
Titania ran across the stage, grabbing Alex by the arm and the letter, pulling him away from the others.
Jefferson: “She courted him?
Escorted him to bed.”
Madison: “And when she had him in her corner,
That’s when Reynold’s extorted him.”
Burr: “For a sorted fee?
He paid him quarterly?”
Jefferson: “He may have continued his affair with that maid,
We’ll tell them in the papers.
The public will be set ablaze!”
The focus shifted from the three and to Titania and Alex.
Alex: “If they can see I kept a record of every check in my checkered history,
Check it again against their list n’ see consistency!
I never spent a cent that wasn’t mine,
They sent the dogs after my scent, that’s not fine!
Titania: “Yes, you have reasons for shame,
But you have not committed treason and sullied your good name!
If they can see you have done nothing to provoke legal action.
Maybe our answers will be to their satisfaction?”
Jefferson: “My God…
Gentlemen, let’s go.”
Burr/Mads/Jeff: “But do we really know
What we know?”
Alex: “How do I know they won’t use this against me
The next time we go toe to toe?”
Titania: “Alexander, rumors only grow.
And we both know what we know…”
             Oh my god, I changed history! I really did change history! It definitely wasn’t a dream! I’m not crazy! Next up was Hurricane, that was relatively the same. The only change you noticed was at the end.
Alex: “I’ll write my way out
Overwhelm them with honesty!
This is the eye of the hurricane; this is the only
Way I can protect our legacies!”
EN: “Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, wait!”
Alex: “Titania’s Pamphlet…”
Oh no, not this again!
EN: “Titania’s Pamphlet!”
Jeff/Mads/Angelica: “Have you read this?”
Burr/Jeff/Mads:” Alexander Hamilton had a torrid affair
And he wrote it down right there!”
Madison: “Highlights!”
Alex/Jefferson: “The charge against me
Is a connection with one,                      
James Reynolds!  (James: “James Reynolds!”)
For purposes of
Improper speculation                          
My real crime is an   (Burr: “My real crime is an)
Amorous connection with his wife    (Amorous connection with his wife”)
For a considerable time
With his knowing consent!”
Mads/Burr/Jeff: “Damn!”
Alex/Jeff/Mads: “I had frequent meetings with her
yet some have looked into my own house!”
Burr: “Into his own house!”
Madison: “Into his own house!”
Deep voice: “Damn!”
Alex/Jefferson: “Titania had no part in this, in fact I’ve considered myself as her father.”
Madison/Burr: “No…”
EN: “Booooo!”
Madison/Burr: “Have you read this?”
Jefferson: “Well, he’s never gon’ be President now!”
Madison/Burr: “Never gon’ be President now!
Jefferson: “Well, he’s never gon’ be President now!”
Madison/Burr: “Never gon’ be President now!”
Jefferson: “He’s never gon’ be President now!”
Madison/Burr: “Never gon’ be President now!”
Jefferson: “That’s one less thing to worry about!”
Jeff/Mads/Burr: “That’s one less thing to worry about!”
Angelica/Philip: “I came as soon as I heard.”
Jefferson: “What?!”      
Alex: “Angelica…”    (Philip: “Titania…”)
EN: “All that way from London?!
Alex: “Angelica, thank God   (Philip: “Titania, oh God
Someone who understands   (I don’t know if I understand
What I’m struggling here to do (Please, tell me it’s not true…”)
Angelica: “I’m not here for you…”
EN: “Ooooh!”
Angelica: “I know my sister (Titania: “You know me more)
Like I know my own mind! (Than I know my own mind!)
You will never find (I will never find)
Anyone as trusting or as kind! (Anyone as trusting or as kind!)
I love my sister more than (I love you Philip more than)
Anything in this life! (Anything in this life!)
I will choose her happiness (I would choose your happiness)
Over mine every time! (Over mine every time!)
Put what we had aside (Don’t put what we have aside!)
I’m standing at her side (I’ve always been at your side!)
You could never be satisfied! (The public will never be satisfied!)
God, I hope you’re satisfied (God, I hope their satisfied!)
 Jeff/Mads/Burr: “Well, he’s never gon’ be President now!
Well, he’s never gon’ be President now!
Well, he’s never gon’ be President now!
That’s one less thing to worry about.”
Jeff/Mads/Alex:              (EN:
“Hey!                                  (“Well he’s never gon’ )  
At least he was                  (be President now!)
honest with our money!
                                (Well he’s never gon’)
.                               (be President now!)
 .                              (Well he’s never gon’)
.                               (be President now!)
At least he was honest          
with our money!”
.                             (That’s one less thing)
.                            (to worry about.”)
 Full company:
“That’s one less thing to worry about!
The Titania’s Pamphlet
Jeff/Mads/Burr: Have you read this?
You ever see somebody ruin their own life?”
 Full company (Except Alex and Eliza): “His poor wife…”
You were extremely overwhelmed. A lot was happening at once and it all felt so knew to you. It was the most perplexing thing. It didn’t feel like it was you anymore. It was just another person in history, someone who made your decisions. They felt like two separate things. I guess that’s how history goes; we can never know the full extent of it… unless we lived it ourselves. The next song was Burn and you couldn’t help but remember the actual incident with injury. That poor woman didn’t deserve what she got. There were only some small differences in that song.
Eliza: “They published a letter
Her husband wrote to you.
You told the whole world that you brought this girl into our bed!
In clearing your name, you almost ruined my life!”
You weren’t that surprised by the changes. After all, Titania’s Pamphlet was a lot vaguer than the original. A thought came to mind. What about Blow Us All Away?
Philip: “OooooOoooh!
I do, I do, I do, I do!
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do!
Girl, you got me
Look into your eyes and
The sky is them!
I’m Helpless!
Down for the count and I’m
Drowning in ‘em!
Yo, I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight!
Even at revel, they’ll still tell us on a hot night!
Laughing with my sister as she’s dazzlin’ the room
But you’ll walk in, make my heart go
Titania: “Try and catch your eye from the side of the ballroom!
Everyone’s dancing and the band’s top volume!
Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine!”
Philip: “Grab my sister
She whispers
‘You’ll get her this time!’
                                  (All men:                
.                                    (“Oooh)
My sister made her way across
the room to you                (Oooh)
And I got nervous,
thinking “What’s she gonna do?”          (Oooh)
She grabbed you by the arm,
I’m thinkin’ ‘That’s new!’                     (Oooh)
Then you look back at me
and suddenly I’m Helpless!               (Helpless!)
 Oh, look at those eyes                 (Look into your eyes)
.                                                         (And the sky’s in them)
Oh!                                                    (I’m)
Yeah, I’m                                           (Helpless!)
Helpless, I know                             (Down for the count)
.                                                        (And I’m drownin’ in ‘em)                
.                                                          (I’m helpless!)
 I’m so into you                                (Look into your eyes)
I am so into you                               (And the sky’s in them I’m helpless!)
  I know I’m down for the count             (Down for the count)
And I’m drownin’ in ‘em.”                      (And I’m drownin’ in ‘em.”)
Titania: “Where are you taking me now?”
Philip: “Did you think I was done changing your life?”
Titania: “Then by all means, lead the way.”
Philip: “You can really see the sky out here…”
EN: “Just kiss her already!”
Titania: “Thank you…for being with me”
Philip: “I would spend a million years to prove myself, it would still be worth it.”
Titania: “You’re already worth it…”
Titania/all women: “One week later!”
Titania: “I’m writing a letter nightly
Now my life gets better every letter that you write me!
Laughing at his sister, cuz she knows I care for him!”
Female member of the EN: “I’m just saying if you really loved me, you would marry him!”
Titania: “Yes!”
Philip: “Two weeks later              (All men:
In the living room stressin’           (“Stressin’)
My father’s stone-faced
While I’m asking ‘what are my chances?’     ( Blessin’)
I’m dying inside, as
We wine
And dine
And I’m tryin’ not to cry
‘cause there’s nothing
that our minds can’t do               (Oooh)
My father makes his way across the room
To you
I panic for a second, thinking
“what’s he gonna do?”                          (Oooh)
But then he shakes your hand and says
“It’s true…”                            (Oooh)
And you turn back to me, smiling, and I’m
Helpless!                    (Helpless!)
.                                      (Look into your eyes)
.                                    (And the sky’s in)
.                                     (Them I’m)
Helpless!                      (Helpless!)
Hoo!                                (Down for the count)
.                                         (And I’m drownin’ in)
.                                         (‘em I’m)
.                                         (Helpless!)
That girl is mine
That girl is mine!        (Look into your eyes)
.                                     (And the sky’s in)
.                                   (Them I’m)
Helpless! Helpless!      (Helpless!)              
Down for the count     (Down for the count)
And I’m drownin’ in em!”   (And I’m drownin’ in em!”)
“Philip, I don’t have a dollar to my name
An acre of land, a group at my hand, a dollop of fame
All I have’s my honor, a tolerance for pain
A couple of callings coming and my top-notch brain
Insane, your family brings out a different side of me
Eliza confides in me, Alexander tried to take a bite of me
No stress, my love for you is never in doubt
We can get a place in Harlem and figure it out
I’ve been livin’ without a family for quite a while
My father tried, my mother died, I grew up with a fake smile
But I’ll never forget what my father taught me, that was real
And long as I’m alive, Philip, swear to God
You’ll never feel so…”
.                                                (All woman:
.              (Philip:                  (“ Helpless!)
Titania:        (“I do I do I do I do!)
.                                         (Helpless!)
.                  (I do I do I do I do!)
I’ve never felt so—
.                                     (Helpless!)
.              (Hey, yeah, yeah!)
.                                              (Down for the count)
.                 (I’m down for the count)       (And I’m drownin’ in ‘em)
.                   (I’m—)
My life is gon’
be fine cuz                                                     (Helpless!)
My sunshine’s in it.
.                        (I look into your eyes,)
.                        (and the sky’s in them)
.                         (I’m)
.                                                            (Helpless!)
.                                                             (Down for the count)
.                     (…drownin’ in ‘em.)       (And I’m drownin’ in ‘em.)
(Wedding march, but whistled)
En: “In New York, you can be a new man…
In New York, you can be a new man…
In New York, you can be a new man…”
Titania: “Helpless…”
Philip…Oh God… You couldn’t move, your mind was running a mile a minute. It was all hitting you at once. This was a simplified version of what you and Philip went through together. This was supposed to be a happy song, full of hope, full of love. But you knew, you knew what came next. The thing that kept you up at night. The whistling of the wedding march changed, you weren’t ready for this. You never could be.
Philip: “Meet the latest graduate of King’s College
I prob’ly shouldn’t brag, but, dag, I amaze and astonish
The scholars say I got the same virtuosity and brains as my pops
The ladies say my brain’s not where the resemblance stops
I’m only nineteen but my mind is older
Gotta be my own man, like my father, but bolder
I shoulder his legacy with pride, I used to hear him say
That someday I would-“
Full company: “Blow us all away!”
Philip: “Ladies, I’m lookin for a Mr. George Eacker
Made a speech last week, our Fourth of July speaker
He disparaged my father’s legacy in front of a crowd
I can’t have that, I’m making my father proud!”
Female EN member: I saw him just up Broadway a couple of blocks,
He was going to see a play.”
Philip: “Well I’ll go visit his box!”
2nd female EN member: “God you’re a fox!”
Philip: “And y’all look pretty good in ya’ frocks
But I got girl waiting for me back home and she rocks!” ( Both female EN members: “Aww, okay...”)
Full company: “Blow us all away!”
Philip: “George!” (Eacker: “Shh!”)
Eacker: “Shh! I’m tryin’a watch a show!”
Philip: “Ya shoulda watched your mouth before you talked about my father though!”
Eacker: “I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true
Your father’s a scoundrel, and so, it seems, are you.”
Full company: “Ooooooh!”
Philip: “It’s like that?”
Eacker: “Yeah, I don’t fool around, I’m not your little tool girlfriend.”
Philip: “Well, see you on the dueling ground
That is, unless you wanna step outside and go now?”
Eacker: “I know where to find you, piss off, I’m watchin’ this show now”
Philip: “Pops, if you had only heard the shit he said about you
I doubt you would have let it slide and I was not about to!”
Alex: “Slow down!”
Philip: “I came to ask you for advice, this is my very first duel
They don’t exactly cover this subject in boarding school!”
Alex: “Did your friends attempt to negotiate a peace?”
Philip: “He refused to apologize, we had to let the peace talks cease.”
Alex: “Where is this happening?”
Philip: “Across the river, in Jersey…”
Philip/Alex: “Everything is legal in New Jersey!”
You didn’t notice it until just then, but the woman playing Titania looked like she was listening in from off to the side.
Alex: “Alright, so this is what you’re gonna do (Titania: “Never be satisfied…”)
Stand there like a man until Eacker is in front of you.                    .  
When the time comes, fire your weapon in the air (Helpless….”)
This will put an end to the whole affair!”
(Titania: “Please, say no to this…”)
Philip: “But what if he decides to shoot? Then I’m a goner…”
Alex: “No, he’ll follow suit if he’s truly a man of honor
To take someone’s life, that is something you can’t shake
Philip, your mother can’t take another heartbreak…”
(Titania: “Please don’t leave me, I am helpless…”)
Philip: “Father!”
Alex: “Promise me
You don’t want this young man’s blood on your conscience!
Philip: “Okay, I promise…”
Alex: “Come back home when you’re done.
Take my guns, be smart, make me proud, son “
You were expecting the normal switch between the normal melody and Philip’s rap, but that didn’t happen. Instead it slowed down a bit.
Titania: “Look around, look around
At how lucky we are to be alive right now…
Look around, look around!”
Philip turned to find her there, he didn’t seem happy.
Philip: “You weren’t supposed to know…”
Titania: “I should have known…”
Philip: “Titania, you know me!”
Titania: “You’re fighting for something that happened over a month ago!”
Philip: “No!”
Titania: “I must survive until this war is done
But I deserve a chance
To see the Sun!
Look around, Look around
At how lucky we are to be alive right now!
I don’t need a legacy, (Philip: “He will throw away his shot)
I don’t need money! (History has its eyes on me)
I just need you by my side, (Look into your eyes)
I let you inside my heart! (And the sky’s in them)
Oh! Let me be a part of the narrative (Will be ever be satisfied?)
In the story they will write someday! (I can’t say no to this!”)
Let this moment be the first chapter
Where you decide to stay!”
Philip and Titania separated from each other.
Philip: “My name is Philip
I am a poet (Titania: “Am I not enough?)
And I’m a little nervous, but I can’t show it
I’m sorry, I’m a Hamilton with pride
You talk about my father; I cannot let it slide!                   .
Mister Eacker, how was the rest of your show?
Eacker: “I’d rather skip the pleasantries, let’s go
Grab your pistol! (Could this be enough?)
Philip: “Confer with your men!”                                            
Eacker: “The duel will commence after we count to ten.”              .
Full company: “Count to ten!”
Philip: “Look ‘em in the eye, aim no higher (This must be enough!)
Summon all the courage you require
Then slowly and clearly aim your gun towards the sky…                .
Full Company: “1, 2, 3, 4, 5-“
Titania ran towards Philip
Full company: “6, 7-“ (Wait!”)
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icyhobi · 7 years
Thank you so much! And btw everyone, i’ll be answering all the asks i have in my inbox rn, since i don’t wanna let it pile up even more. So beware, this is a long ass post! (and idk if it will show up on mobile properly :(
fullydecaffeinateddinosaur said:AHHHHHH I love Forgotten, I hope you’ll make a part two (but if you don’t that’s okay). DONT LET THE HATERS BRING YOU DOWN!!! You’re an amazing writer.
thank you so much for liking it!
Anonymous said:Don’t stop writing! I think that a non was just jealous and if that persone doesn’t like smut well she don’t have to read them! Don’t let anyone to drag you down because I love your stories! 😘
lool dw, i definately won’t stop writing!
umm, i’m still deciding if i should or not… i just, idk...
Anonymous said:Is forgotten supossed to have a second part? :) Sorry if my english is bad
no, don’t be sorry your english is perfectly fine! and im still thinking about it!
Anonymous said:Omg forgotten was soooooooo good!!! Please do another part!!
thanks! and maybe ;)
Anonymous said:Forgotten made me shed actual tears 😭 are you going to be continuing it?
did it really? was it too harsh? and im still not too sure if i will
Anonymous said:will their be a forgotten pt 2?
who knows…
Anonymous said:Guuuuurrrrl i read your fic (forgotten) and i looooved it soooo much that i wanted to re-read it (its that a word? Sorry spanish speaker here hahah) but i couldn’t remember your nameee and i spend the entire day looking for you (cause i only rememberd the “mochi” part) and i finally fouuuuuuund youuu!!!!!! So pleeeeease keep it up with the good work! Please make chapter 2! Loveeeee yaa! Saludos desde el fin del mundo!
yaaay you found me!!!
Anonymous said:I LOVE FORGOTTEN AHHHHHHHHHHH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said:I need part 2 of forgotten now because like I’m crying and omg the feels
Anonymous said:I was wondering if you’re ever going to continue forgotten! The ending was such a twist and I cried while reading it LMAO i think it would make a good full fanfic!! Pls at least make a part 2 I’m dying RN
Anonymous said:will there be a pt2 of forgotten? 
Anonymous said:Wow forgotten got me fucked up!! I loved it I loved it I loved it!!!!! Do you think there’ll be a part two for this or is it the only one?
Anonymous said:MOCHIIII I love you and your an amazing writer but Forgotten gave me da feels man!!!!!! I finally found someone I hate (Tae’s cheater of a wifu) XD. Is there anyway you might continue the story though with a happy (revenge on the witch as well 😈) ending????? 
Anonymous said:Holy moly forgotten is so good!!! I hope you do a part two❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said:Part 2 of forgotten plz omg I loved it it was so good💙💙
Anonymous said:omggggg your Taehyung uni story defos needs a part 2!! i loved it!!
figureinglifeout said:Omg pls tell me forgotten has a sequel. Tae can’t do OC dirty like that
Anonymous said:Will there be part 2 of Forgotten? I really hope there will be more it can’t end like that! That bish can’t win!
Anonymous said:OMG!! I really liked Forgotten a lot even if it did break my heart at the end :’( Are you thinking of making a part two or something like that cause that was really good and I just want Taehyung x reader to be together even though that’s unlikely 💔😅
Anonymous said:Is Forgotten going to be a series?
Anonymous said:Ah also forgot to ask: is Forgotten a one shot? - moose anon
Anonymous said:I’m sorry but Forgotten has me yelling WTF. Like, I knew something like that would happen, BUT I STILL WASNT READY. UGH MY HEART. FUDGE MUFFINS. - moose anon
xsnapplex said:Mochi!! I really hope you make Forgotten a series, because classic you out a cliff hanger in it… T-T I almost lost my mind at the end. But it was sooooo goood
ahh okay, so i decided to answer these asks all together since they are basically asking the same thing. first of all, THANK  YOU SO MUCH FOR LIKING IT!!! xoxo im like so happy you guys enjoyed it! and to answer your questions, im still not to sure if there will be a second part unfortunately… we’ll just have to see!
Anonymous said:Lol I think you made me a sucker for hybrid ffs 😂 but i love “take it like a puppy” so much. ❤️😊😘😍
aww thank you! lmao i really like hybrid aus too!
Anonymous said:😭😭😭😭 I wasn’t ready for it. I’m a crying mess now after forgotten it was soooo good. If it’s a oneshot it’s beautiful and really sad but if there’s gonna be another part… *fingers crossed*
thank you sooo much!! and nooo dont cry!!
sanha-ii said:Okay right, the story Forgotten got me tense as! The cliffhanger at the end is actually making me shriek due to the amount of theories I’m getting, will there be a part 2 by any chance or is this a story where you let the readers suffer forever😂😂
ikr? it was such a twist lol. and idk, maybe i’ll just be mean and let you guys suffer…. *insert even laugh*
zara-zaza said:Forgotten was so good!!! But if it was me I would have slaped the shit out of Seulgi the second time I saw her 😂😂 but just a question does Tae really don’t remember her or was he just mad at her?
loool it was so shocking thoo. and well…. i cant say… ;)
Anonymous said:Ahhhh I’m so freaking hooked on “Forgotten”!!! Ugh I kinda wish that the reader moved on from Taehyung but it soooo good either way! I love the way you write and I can’t wait to see what happens next ♡♡♡♡♡
ikr poor reader! :( And thank you for liking it!
Anonymous said:Oh my god! A second part in forgotten, please! Y/N deserves to be happy and Seulgi SHOULD DIE! I’m sorry, I’m just being really over dramatic 
But is Seulgi really the bad guy here? I mean maybe was hurt because Y/n left… but Seulgi clearly leave him tho… ;)
lool thank you! and im sorry bby, but tease was only meant to be a two-shot :(
Anonymous said:uM, eXCusE U?! How dare you write something as good as forgotten and LEAVE US ON A CLIFFHANGER LIKE THAT?! iT’S LIKE pURusaSION BTS style!!!!!
loool my style is usually ending things off on cliffhangers!!! 
Anonymous said:Please do another part of tease I can’t take the ending please my love
srry bby, but i won’t :/
Anonymous said:i just finished reading the taehyung x reader, forgotten and im crying at how you ended it. you’re a great writer, bless you.
loool it was so mean right??? BUT THANK YOU!!! xoxo :”)
Anonymous said:omg Forgotten was sooo good and sad it legit brought me to tears 😭❤️ and the plot twist at the end got me so fucked up I was expecting a happy ending :’D
aww sorry bby!! i didn’t mean to make you cry
ohhhh are you threatening me???? LOOOOL im so cruel, right???
Anonymous said:OMG how… how could you end Forgotten just like that pls have mercy on yn …. i can’t believe you …. oh god
hmmm we’ll see… ;)
Anonymous said:Fanfic request: Could you write a fanfic about Min Yoongi (x Reader) where he was a mass murderer or gang leader/criminal that fell in love with you on a job of his. (Something like that at least. I don’t really know. But I thought that we should start recommending stuff that wasn’t just the mankae line lol)
thank you for requesting! but unfortunately i not taking in requests since i have too much stories to work on atm! srry again!
Anonymous said:Forgotten.. I’m literally about to die now.😫😭 WHYYYYYYYYYY!?! UGHHHHHH. Getting my heart attacked and stomped on was not how I wanted to end my night.😭😫😂 Anyways, it’s beautifully written! I love your fanfics (even if they do bring my heart an enormous amount of pain)!💕😘
aww im so sorry! i didnt mean to hurt your guys! i just wanted to write something very angsty!! but thank you so much for reading it!
Anonymous said:There is a part of me that wants to kiss you but another part of me that wants to ask you ‘why?’ Also why does everyone use Selugi as 'that girl’ in fanfics? I like I am getting into R.V and I am starting to like her. ~Edgy ❤❤ (Kiss part spoke louder that was amazing also I am a sucker for angst it fuels my soul. Love u)
loool aww edgy, your soo funny!
Anyways, this took a long time to answer, but thank you eveyone who sent me an ask! i seriously love you guys!!!
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chirpingisflirting · 8 years
Sleepless nights (ii)
Continuation of this! I have a couple more nights of sleeping difficulty planned for poor Nursey, and eventually the whole thing is going up on ao3. This one got long. And if someone could help me figure out how to make the “keep reading” work for mobile...that would be GREAT - the internet is failing me.
Nursey’s bus leaves for Maine at 9:45am from Port Authority, and Nursey finds himself sprinting through the uptown building at 9:40 after initially going to the wrong gate. His duffle bag bounces against his side as he clambers down the escalator, finally arriving at his gate two minutes before the bus is supposed to depart. Panting, he hands his ticket to a very bored-looking driver, and hauls himself onto the bus. He finds a seat near the back, wanting to avoid the inevitable fall on the way to the shitty on-bus bathroom later on. Stowing his bag overhead, Nursey finally drops into his seat and lets out a long breath.
Me: made it :)
Dexyyy: Proud of you.
Dexyyy: What’s your ETA again?
Me: supposed to be around 7:30 I think? Bus takes fucking forever. Stops and shit
Dexyyy: Got it.
The bus leaves five minutes late. Nursey puts his headphones on and stares out of the window at the passing buildings. The bus meanders through the city, lurching through the Thursday mid-morning traffic. Nursey lets his thoughts wander according to the music that is valiantly trying to make a cohesive soundtrack for his life.
30 minutes later and the bus finally trundles out of Manhattan, picking up speed as the traffic lengthens out to create an ever-moving ribbon flying down the road. Nursey’s Spotify is on a metal kick, and he goes to change it to his running playlist, but sees that he has a missed text from Dex.
Dexyyy: Ma wants to know what you want for dinner. I told her about your peanut and tree nut allergies, but I forgot if you like burgers or beef stew more.
Me: mmm stew sounds great but burgers are probably easier
Dexyyy: Okay but which one would you prefer?
Me: oh my god decisionsssss
Me: why do you do this to me
Dexyyy: Nursey just pick a food
Me: ...stew
Dexyyy: Fuck yes
Me: lol
Nursey spends the next three hours alternating between reading Holster’s accounts of his and Ransom’s adventures (which are increasingly entertaining and implausible) as texted to the group chat, scrolling through Instagram (and rolling his eyes at all of the photos posted by his Andover classmates), and staring out at the passing scenery. He eats a quick lunch, gulps down a bottle of water, and naps. He jolts awake when a song from his angsty teenage days blasts through his headphones, and somehow manages to make it to the bathroom and back without faceplanting in the middle of the aisle. Nursey glares at his phone when it tells him that it is only 3:26. Four more hours. Nursey’s butt is going numb.
Me: dexxxxx
Dexyyy: What’s up?
Me: im boreddddd
Dexyyy: Well, I can’t help you with that
Dexyyy: Remind me why you decided to take the bus and not Amtrak? It takes like 6 hours on the train, the bus takes almost 10.
Me: idk
Me: i thought it would be prettier
Me: more whimsical
Dexyyy: Oh my god you’re such a poet
Me: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dexyyy: NURSEY
Me: tis my name
Dexyyy: Oh my god I can’t believe I willingly invited you to stay with me for a week. What was I thinking???
Me: dunno man
Me: but I’m excited
Dexyyy: You suck.
Me: you love me
Dexyyy: Do I
Dexyyy: Do I though
Me: :)
Dexyyy: Anyway
Dexyyy: Ma forgot to get the beef for her beef stew so I have to go get it, I’ll text you in a bit
Me: drive safe!
Dexyyy: I’ll try.
Nursey drops his phone into his lap and tells himself to stop grinning like an idiot. Four more hours until he gets to see Dex, four more hours until what he knows is going to be the best week of his summer, four more hours until he can get off this fucking bus. Spotify chooses to play Sam Cooke’s What a Wonderful World.
Dexyyy: I’m at the store, do you want anything while I’m here?
Me: edibles
Dexyyy: If only
Me: could you get me a few vitamin waters or something?
Dexyyy: The pink ones? Power-C?
Me: yessss
Dexyyy: Ok, will do.
Dexyyy: How’s the ride?
Me: Dex
Me: I am. So. Bored.
Dexyyy: Write something?
Dexyyy: Oh wait, you can’t write in moving vehicles.
Me: yeah :(
Dexyyy: Can’t you type on your phone or something?
Me: idk it doesn’t work as well, I feel like I don’t usually like what I end up writing, you know?
Dexyyy: I guess? Yeah I kinda get it
Three hours later, exhaustion hits Nursey like a truck. Dex texts him to let him know that he’s leaving his house to make the hour-long drive to get Nursey from the bus stop, and Nursey valiantly tries to nap again but he is listless and dehydrated from being on the bus for nine hours. He checks his phone every 15 minutes and each time only five have passed, and the sun seems stuck in place, hovering over the edge of the world but refusing to go down. Time passes slower than when you’re high, and ten times more aggravatingly. But finally, finally, they’re pulling off of the main highway and onto a slower, smaller road, past a small town and coming to a stop in a parking lot, and Nursey can see Dex leaning against his pickup and suddenly his heart is in his mouth. Nursey shoots out of his seat and grabs his things, waddles down the aisle, thanks the bus driver, and trips down the stairs. Dex is laughing at him from where his is standing, and Nursey attempts to flip him off but ends up dropping his duffel and his phone, making Dex laugh harder.
“C’mon Nursey, Ma’s stew is waiting, we don’t have time for you to be a walking mess.”
“Hello to you too, Dex,” Nursey grumbles as he picks up his things.
“Mm. How’s your ass?”
“Still fine as hell.” Dex glares at him. “After sitting on it for that long, I’m surprised it’s not flat.”
“We’ve had roadies that take almost as long to get to.”
“Yeah but when you’re with the team, everything is so much more fun.”
Dex starts his car and rolls the windows down. The air is sweet, lighter than what Nursey is used to. He takes a minute to just breathe, getting used to the quiet noise of wheels turning on the tar, the wind rushing past, music drifting quietly out of the car’s speakers. The sun has resumed on its path to give the moon authority, and Dex looks peaceful. They don’t talk for the hour-long ride back to Dex’s house, Dex content to focus on the road, and Nursey content to focus on Dex. He doesn’t know when he first started seeing calm in his defensive partner -- he didn’t think it was possible -- but more and more he’s been seeing Dex as a person rather than a flame. It’s nice. Nursey figures that he must be really, really tired, if he’s allowing himself to think like this.
Meeting Dex’s family, the tour of the house, and dinner passes in a haze for Nursey. He knows the stew was amazing, he knows he is surprised that Dex’s brother doesn’t have red hair, he knows that he is welcomed as a friend of Dex’s but treated only as a guest. He knows that he reverts back to some of his Andover ways (his white-people parent-pleasing ways), and he knows that Dex is frowning at his changed behavior. But Nursey is too tired to deal with anything, and dinner finishes late at nearly 10. Dex pulls Nursey up to his room, where an air mattress has been set up next to Dex’s bed. Dex and Nursey get ready for sleep, switching off in the bathroom in the rhythm they established for roadies, and Dex sets an alarm for 4:30am (“Why, Dex, why.” “I have to work, Nursey. You can sleep in, I’m not expecting your ass to last on a boat for more than five minutes.”) while Nursey smushes his face into his pillow.
It’s not until he turns onto his back that Nursey notices the glow-in-the-dark stars pasted onto the ceiling, and here is another fucking problem. The light from the stars is nothing like the street lamp outside of Nursey’s window at home, and he knows that they will fade out soon, but they are somehow distracting nonetheless. Nursey shifts onto his side, and then flips onto the other, trying not to make too much noise but suddenly unable to get comfortable. After five minutes of waiting to fall asleep, Nursey sits up and stares out into the darkness, sighing deeply.
Dex moves on his bed, and then whisper-shouts, “Nursey, why the hell aren’t you asleep?”
“I don’t fucking know, Dex. I want to go to sleep, it’s not like I’m like, ‘oh yeah, let’s just stay up all fucking night!’”
“Well what the fuck do you need?”
“I dunno!”
“Jesus Christ, I have to be up in six hours, I am not dealing with this,” and then flying out of the darkness comes a pillow, aimed straight at Nursey’s head. He catches it full in the face, and it startles him enough that he flops backwards. Dex chuckles.
“The fuck was that for, man?”
“You always sleep with two pillows, Nurse, and Ma only gave you one. Plus it was really satisfying to throw that at you.”
“Fuck you, Dex. I did not sign up for this.”
“Too bad, Nurse. You can’t get home unless I drive you to the bus stop, so you’re stuck with me until I get sick of you. Or next week, whichever comes first.”
“You don’t think you’ll be sick of me before that?” Nursey asks incredulously.
“Meh, we’ll see. Now go to sleep, Nursey, seriously, before I come knock you out.”
Nursey heaves yet another a put-upon sigh and lays back, sandwiching his head between the two pillows. The top one smells like Dex, and Nursey finds his breathing slowing as he takes in the new but not unfamiliar smell. The star stickers become a distant thought, and Nursey feels himself slowly being swallowed by a welcome sensation -- comfort, his tired mind supplies. Comfort and calm, it says. Dex, it breathes. Nursey falls down, down, down, to sleep.
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taocastleprincess · 7 years
i'm ranting for a second bc i've been ignoring everyone ALL DAY bc this shit is so irritating. like it's making me so anxious what the fuck // and i'm on mobile so i can't put this under a read more so i'm sorry in advance for clogging your feed w my personal drama :(((( i literally CANNOT and WILL NOT be able to rest until we finally put the deposit down on this apt and sign the lease. idk why everyone else is acting like NOT having a place ready for august is completely and totally fine. IT'S NOT. bc this is what's going to happen... i'm going to wait all fucking summer for them to get their shit in order while begging the fucking landlord not to sell to anyone else THEN SUDDENLY "oh shit, i don't think i can go thru w this anymore... i think i'm just gonna dorm again, Shy lol :( i'm really sorry" and i swear to God i will lose my shit. like i don't understand what's the problem? living off campus is WAAAAAAAAAAAY cheaper and we're all grown ass adults? why do you wanna be under the thumb of a catholic school while paying for bad wifi, horrible food, and an even shittier living space? if they don't have the money to put up right now, then i get that, i'm broke too i'm literally using the leftover money i have from being abroad to operate until i start my job, but if that's the case THEN BE HONEST. JUST SAY YOU DONT HAVE THE MONEY AND WE CAN WORK OUT A SOLUTION instead of me looking like a fucking jackass whenever i ask the landlord to extend the deadline. everyone is being so fucking selfish/inconsiderate bc they can ultimately just fall back on campus housing, but i literally don't have my parents helping me anymore and i'm not taking out a huge ass loan my last year of college. this situation is annoying the fuck out of me, meanwhile THE SAME ANNOYING ASS PPL are calling/texting/FBing me wanting to talk about how amazing their summer is so far. WELL I CANT RELATE CAUSE YALL ARE ABOUT TO HAVE ME HOMELESS AS FUCK IN THE FALL. just leave me the fuck alone until you can pay your share of the deposit or fuck off. i don't want to talk about how much money you just blew at the club while i'm literally begging you to stop being a dumb bitch and pay your share of the deposit. jesus christ i hate people. like, i know the rest of you are spoiled fucking rotten and you don't give a shit about anything beyond the next two weeks and half, but don't tell me to "chill out" if your punk ass already has a fall back plan. this whole situation is a shitshow and it's making me even more angry bc the only reason we're IN this situation is bc of the same girl that everyone GUILT TRIPPED ME to share a room with. and i'm not even going to elaborate on how much EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL LABOR that's going to take; that's a whole 'nother 5pg rant that I don't feel like getting into. this is just the shittiest situation ever and i hate everyone involved and i wish they would stop spamming my fucking phone until they get their shit together bc rn i'm liable to ruin a friendship or two. or three.
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insomniacbaby · 7 years
I meant all of them
Wait seriously??? oh man i cant believe this…its 3am here *sighs* But fine, if thats what you want i will answer them all! 
i honestly cant believe you made me do this AT FREAKING 3AM! I hate you Kat! jk jk I love you
and i just remembered…rip mobile users
(under cut cause this will be long af)
1. What is you middle name?
Already answered^^
2. How old are you?
19 yo
3. When is your birthday?
17th December
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
honestly i dont have one.
7. Do you have any pets?
8. Where are you from?
9. How tall are you?
would it be bad if i said i dont know? @ 176 cm i think
10. What shoe size are you?
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
7-8 or smth
12. What was your last dream about?
me being surrounded by spiders (that was terrifying af btw)
13. What talents do you have?
Honestly dont think i have any talents…
14. Are you psychic in any way?
15. Favorite song?
a tie between 1004, Feel So Good and Now
16. Favorite movie?
The Imitation Game
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
no idea tbh
18. Do you want children?
19. Do you want a church wedding?
20. Are you religious?
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
26. Have you ever been famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
28. What type of music do you like?
rock and ballads
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
turned to the side
32. How big is your house?
not to big
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
cerials or milk plus some cookies (or nothing but sshh) 
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
35. Have you ever tried archery?
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
almost 30 hrs
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
41. Are you a good liar?
sometimes i guess
42. Are you a good judge of character?
i think so
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
yep, i have fun with that sometimes lol
44. Do you have a strong accent?
i think so
45. What is your favorite accent?
46. What is your personality type?
i’m an introvert
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
i guess a jacket? I buy pretty cheap stuff so i’m not sure lmao
48. Can you curl your tongue?
dont think so
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
if by innie and outie you many going out or stay home then i’m definitly an innie lol
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Fucking yes, as i said that dream was fucking terrifying
52. Favorite food?
rice with tune
53. Favorite foreign food?
dont think i ever ate foreing food so no idea tbh
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
i’m probably both more messy tho
55. Most used phrased?
to be honest (thats a phrase idgaf lmao)
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
less than 20 mins
58. Do you have much of an ego?
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
both lol
60. Do you talk to yourself?
all the time
61. Do you sing to yourself?
all the freaking time
62. Are you a good singer?
no way lmao
63. Biggest Fear?
64. Are you a gossip?
dont think so
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
i dont remember any movie now…oops lmao
66. Do you like long or short hair?
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
no fucking way lmao
68. Favorite school subject?
math probably
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
talking to in font of a crowd
72. Are you scared of the dark?
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
74. Are you ticklish?
ahahah no way…maybe…slightly
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
dont think so
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
yep, kind of
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
nope and never will
79. Who was your first real crush?
a classmate of mine? i dont even know if that was true or lie i made up…oh well i dont care anyway lol
80. How many piercings do you have?
081. Can you roll your Rs?“
82. How fast can you type?
not to fast
83. How fast can you run?
i cant run fast period
84. What color is your hair?
85. What color is your eyes?
86. What are you allergic to?
87. Do you keep a journal?
88. What do your parents do?
my dad in construction business and my mom in a kitchen
89. Do you like your age?
90. What makes you angry?
a lot of stuff, but more when people make fun of stuff i like
91. Do you like your own name?
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
94. What are you strengths?
honestly idk
95. What are your weaknesses?
sometimes i consider my introversion a weakness of mine tbh
96. How did you get your name?
my parents though i looked a lot alike my older brother whose middle name was Daniel 
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
no idea
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Color of your bedspread?
100. Color of your room?
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hoenursey · 8 years
Hi, can I ask the I guess story of Othello real quick even just a summary if you don't want to go in depth because I was excited about hearing about it, but then I was also really thrown off seeing Othello being a slave and all and now I'm just kinda confused?? Because Nursey in silk with a choking kink DOES sound amazing but I guess I'm just confused af now
lmao, okay, so. originally i was writing just an au of nursey and dex playing desdemona and othello, respectively. however, othello’ character background is that he was a former slave and a moorsman, or a person from the moor, and moorsmen are black people.
the beginning of othello starts with roderigo and iago outside of the house of brabantion, desdemona’s father. roderigo is jealous of othello because he’s in love with desdemona and she pretty much turned everyone down and she’s like dainty and pretty and hot as fuck, like the most beautiful fair girl ever and shit, but she’s falling in love with othello. also i’m pretty sure roderigo saw her and othello chilling or w/e. so basically, in the middle of the fuckening night, roderigo and iago start yelling to brabantion to come outside and talk to them. brabantion is generally a pretty cool dad and he’s like “bitch she doesn’t like u stop getting drunk and coming to my house my daughter turned ur ass down already”, rod and iago proceed to say a bunch of racist shit and say “check her bed she’s out being a slut with a black dude lol” to which dadbra says “she would never she’s so sweet and she’s also turned down literally everyone who’s ever wanted to date her” but desi, my girl, is actually gone from her bed, so dadbra is like “you’re right!!! i can’t believe my daughter is fucking around before marriage in the middle of the night!!! i trusted her!!! time to go chase after othello, who i welcomed into my house, with a bunch of pitchforks” which they do. they show up to othello’s crib like “what’s up here’s our accusations time to throw you in jail for fucking my daughter because if she turned down all the hot dudes in the entire city she’s definitely not gonna fuck a black dude out of wedlock unless there was some type of witchcraft involved” to and othello is like “uhh okay cool i’m dealing with the house of senators rn so like. can this wait a second my dudes” and they’re like “perfect! we’re gonna show them what a terrible black dude you are!”
they go in front of the senators and they’re like “what’s the sitch why is this angry mob here my dude” dadbra is like “uh he fucked my daughter, i’m sending him to jail for witchcraft or kidnapping bc there’s literally no other way she’d fuck a black dude when she doesn’t even like these hot white dudes”
othello’s like “uh actually i married her”
everyone: “what”
and he kind of explains like “buddy yeah i’m not super good with words so i’m not gonna bs you. i married your daughter. no kidnapping, drugging, or witchcraft. she fell in love with me and so now we’re married. she’s at the inn down the street also so like i’m def not fucking her since we’re at my house and she’s at a hotel”
everyone except dadbra is like “oh okay that sounds reasonable” but dadbra is like “you’re telling me that my good white upper class daughter fell in love with a black dude who she’d be afraid to look at? i’m calling bullshit it’s clearly witchcraft”
the duke p much is like “uh… but where’s the receipts tho i don’t see any witchcraft” and the senators are like “go get desdemona so we can confirm this also othello bro keep talking”
othello’s like “yeah i was a warrior and i travelled a lot and dadbra used to like me a lot so he invited me over to hear my stories about the wars and how i fought and battles and being on ships. i told him my entire life story from when i was a kid all the way until now, how i was captured and sold as a slave, how i bought my own freedom and just all types of cool shit and then when she did her chores around the house for dadbra she would come around as soon as she finished and ask me more and ask me to tell her more stories” essentially desi thinks he’s hot and a tragic hero and she’s like “everything that happened to you sucks but you’ve also got some sick ass stories so maybe that makes it a little better? idk sorry all this bad shit happened to you but you’re rly interesting to talk to. if any friends had any stories like yours i’d probably fall in love with them”
othello’s like “yeah uh i’m not that smart and i’m more of a military dude than an intellectual but i know a fucking hint when i see one”
he says the sweetest thing too like “she loved me for the horrors i had been through and that i had the strength to come out on top, and i loved her for feeling so strongly about me and having passion. here comes my wife now and she’ll tell you the exact same story”
desi comes in and is like “yeah dad sorry i shouldn’t have like run out in the middle of the night to get married but i really do love him promise no messing around”
and this is part of the reason i think brabantion is kinda cool bc he’s not actually a racist he just said some shit without rly thinking and let the things that he’s used to hearing influence him and he’s like “oh, well, you’re in love. that’s fine then sorry i didn’t realize. i’m super glad you’re my only daughter because after this whole disaster, if you’d had any younger sisters i know i would have overreacted and acted like a prison warden to them and women don’t deserve that. i’m still a little upset abt u sneaking out in the middle of the night but like blessings on your marriage i guess.
so that’s like…. act one
later on some fuckery happens, iago decides to be a dick, because they’re all together for some reason that i don’t feel like saying idk something abt the turks and also because he’s a miserable worm
cassio is one of their friends who’s also there and he’s, like, some type of foreign i think (probably spanish or italian) and has respect for women and his wife (who’s not there) but bc he’s spanish or italian (probably italian as verona is mentioned and shakespeare REALLY has a thing abt italy??? idk he’s a pasta fucker) or whatever he does the thing where he kisses people on the cheek and because it’s the elizabethan era, he kisses women’s hands, and earlier he had like politely greeted desdemona and iago’s wife and called them beautiful and smart and shit and called iago out on being a misogynistic piece of shit. iago like actively hates his wife and also literally anyone else’s happiness so he’s like i’m gonna fuck up cassio’s life and i’m gonna fuck up othello and desi’s and also he’s a jealous racist misogynistic asshole wants to fuck up othello and desdemona’s (healthy, loving, trusting, equal) relationship so he’s like
"hey othello. ur wife’s a slut. she’s fucking cassio behind ur back lol”
and othello, who thinks his wife is the shit, is like *daveed diggs voice* “whaaaaat”
iago: “yeah totes she’s a massive hoe”
and othello is like “nah not my wife. maybe someone else’s wife, but not mine”
and iago is like “no bro im serious. we’re sleeping in the same bed (i don’t know why i mean his fucking wife is there isn’t she) he’s been having like wet dreams about her and saying ‘damn i wish u weren’t with that black dude’ and he’s been rolling over in his sleep and dry humping me whilst moaning ur wife’s name” (honestly iago the reason you don’t like women is because you’re gay and jealous calm down)
(literally that was so extra i can’t believe how overwhelmingly bisexual shakespeare was that he needed to slide that gay ass shit in there)
anyways othello’s like “okay so that’s a little weird but that doesn’t mean she did anything. maybe cassio just wants to bang my wife. that’s understandable, as id also like to bang my wife” (they’re super into PDA they’re so in love)
iago: fair. also iago: i mean there’s no way to prove it but like… maybe your wife gave him something. like, idk, does she have a hand embroidered handkerchief maybe? just a thought just a thought lolothello: ya i gave that to her as like a courtship gift she never goes anywhere without it bc she loves me so muchiago: yeah well uh i cassio wiping his beard with it so they’re definitely fuckingothello, my dumb son: NO!!! THAT DEFINITELY MEANS THEYRE FUCKING IF MY WIFE GAVE AN ITEM OF GREAT SENTIMENTAL AND PERSONAL SIGNIFICANCE TO HIM!!! MY ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY FAITHFUL AND COMPLETELY INNOCENT UP UNTIL THIS POINT WIFE!!!!
so he’s like “uh i have to kill her i guess now :(((((((”
problem is he’s still fucking in love with her like he literally loves her so much and can’t even bear to stab her like a normal person would do if they’re trying to kill their wife, so what does he do? he fucking kisses her awake to explain what he’s doing and why he’s doing it and then gently smothers her to death
so gently, in fact, that she doesn’t actually die, just passes out
a servant walks in and is like “boi what the FUCK”
othello: uh
it’s desi’s handmaiden lmao and he’s like “i had to she’s fucking other men” to which she says “no she’s not you idiot” and then desdemona wakes up to say something dramatic and then properly dies
except no she doesn’t bc othello literally is just really really fucking in love with his wife so he’s an incredibly ineffective murderer despite literally having been in the military for almost all of his life but that’s all i’m explaining bc my hands are tired and i answered this all on mobile plus that’s all you need to know for my story
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