#oh what he had a voice record of her saying uncle help me? YOU KNOW HE'S A COMP SCIENCE GRADUATE HE CAN EASILY FAKE THAT SHIT
navramanan · 7 months
no this show is pissing me off this shit doesnt make any sense
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strawberryspence · 2 years
Listen, it’s been a hard few days.
From the day Eddie— his new friend— got pulled into this shit show called The Upside Down, to when he literally had to watch Max float into the air as the evil wizard from the other dimension tried to kill her from the inside. To today, in which Eddie’s in the hospital— after Steve miraculously carried him on his back to the hospital— and where Max is also in— broken and in a coma, but alive.
It’s natural to feel confused from fatigue and emotional distress. But this? Dustin doesn’t even know what to do with it.
It’s been a long morning. After a lot of suffocating, but well deserved, smothering from his mother, he then got another suffocating but again, well deserved smothering from Steve when he finally picked him up.
Steve looks tired, dark circles under his eyes, his hair is… a mess. It’s flat and not styled. It looks like he didn’t even go home? Did he stay by Eddie’s side the whole night? For someone who hates someone, that’s a lot of effort. Dustin opens his mouth to ask or investigate, but they arrive at the hospital in a record time. Steve probably ignored every street sign.
What Dustin doesn’t understand is why Eddie’s room is jam packed so early in the morning? In the room, there’s Erica, Lucas, Mike, Robin, Nancy and Wayne, Eddie’s Uncle. And now there’s him and Steve.
“Why are you all in here?!” Dustin asks the room. There’s too many people in the small hospital bedroom.
“The doctors said he’s waking up anytime soon.” Nancy informs him, not taking her eyes off Eddie.
“And you’re all here to just watch him?” Dustin pushes in distress, “You guys, we might overwhelm him when he wakes up. We should do it one at a time.”
“I am not leaving.” Erica voices out at the corner of the room.
“Guys.” Dustin says, his voice wavering with anxiety and worry. He meets Mr. Munson’s eyes, who softens at the expression on his face.
“It’s okay, kid.” Wayne rasps, “Eddie would love to wake up with everyone just watching him. Ya know how dramatic he is.”
This earns a few snickers and chuckles from them. Dustin looks around to see if Steve stayed, only to see him exiting the room with Robin. Robin’s softly rubbing his hand with her hands, like she’s comforting him. There’s a look on Steve’s face. It’s— concern? worry? But they’re already gone before Dustin can study it further.
After all of this, Dustin will put it on top priority to get those two together. Why they won’t just date, he never understood.
Eddie groans and silence overtakes the whole room. Dustin stares at him, quietly praying for his friend to finally wake up, for him to be okay. He just wants Eddie to be okay, he never intended for him to get dragged into this.
Eddie moans as he slowly moves, his eyes fluttering open and squinting at the bright light. Dustin can hear everybody holding their breath.
Eddie turns to Wayne. Stares at his Uncle for a second before he smiles. Suddenly, Dustin can finally breathe again. He watches as Eddie looks at every person in the room. Smiling and waving a small wave to everyone.
But his smile drops. Oh no.
“What’s wrong?” Dustin asks, as he moves closer to Eddie. The fear is already cruising through his veins.
Eddie turns to Nancy in alarm, “Steve?”
Nancy blinks back, confused, “What?”
He ignores the question. Turning to Wayne instead, “Wayne?”
Wayne nods, leaving a kiss on his head, “Calm down, boy. Give me a second.”
Wayne stands up and jogs out of the room.
“What’s wrong, Eddie?” Nancy asks, as Mike comes closer too. Dustin doesn’t know how to help but Eddie’s hand is shaking.
“We should call a doctor.” Lucas announces.
“No!” Eddie immediately answers, “No! I just want—“
The door springs open. It thuds against the wall with force. Steve moves closer to the bed, breathless as Robin and Wayne follow him in the room.
All the tension— They just— They just vanish from Eddie. He visibly melts into relief. His shoulders sagging in content, and he has this smile on his face. It’s… It’s a smile Dustin has never seen on his face. It’s small, but bright and full of adoration.
Eddie whispers something. Which Dustin thinks he hallucinates, or maybe he heard it wrong. But he turns to the others, and from the look on their faces he might’ve actually heard it right.
Eddie lifts his hand, beckoning Steve closer, and then he says it again, clearly and louder.
Steve blinks and in a surprising turn of events, he— he starts crying. Steve Harrington starts crying. Dustin didn't even see him cry after he was tortured by the Russians.
“You fucking idiot!” Steve glares at Eddie, “I told you not to be a hero! I told you not to be cute! I asked you for one thing! And you did it anyway! What if I didn’t get back in time? What if I wasn’t able to bring you to the hospital? You could’ve died! You almost died!”
Dustin gasps in anger. How could he do this? Eddie saved him! “Steve! Shut up!”
“No!” Steve turns to him. There’s tears streaming down his face. “This is between me and him.”
“Sweetheart.” Eddie calls out again, and his hand is still in the air waiting for— whatever he’s waiting for.
“I’m so sorry about him, Mr. Munson.” Dustin turns to Wayne, who shrugs at him. He looks entertained. Which is weird.
Steve sniffles, shaking his head, “No. Don’t sweetheart me, Edward fucking Munson.”
Eddie groans, “I did what I had to do.”
They stare at each other for a few more minutes as the room fills with uncomfortable silence.
“I am sorry.” Eddie finally whispers and Dustin wants to interrupt. He doesn’t have to apologize about anything. He did what he had to do.
Steve sniffles, “Good.”
Eddie does something he has never done in the entire time Dustin knows him.
Eddie (Edward apparently) Munson pouts.
“Now?” Eddie lifts up his hand again.
“Okay.” Steve whispers before…
Before intertwining their hands together. Steve sits on Eddie’s bedside, sweeping Eddie’s hair off his face. They’re acting like they’re the only people in this room. Maybe they think they are.
“I am glad you're okay, sweetheart.” Eddie says, a smile dancing on his face.
“Me? Of course, I am okay.” Steve replies. There’s a softness to his voice that Dustin’s never heard before. “Do you want me to call you a doctor, baby? Are you okay?”
“No, I just wanted to see if you’re okay. Just needed to know.” Eddie stares up at him, it comes out loopy but there’s a real spark of joy in his eyes.
Woah, alright. Steve moves closer and kisses Eddie— On the lips. Oh my god? Is Dustin dreaming? Is Vecna still alive and showing this to him?
“What the hell is happening?!” Mike demands, breaking the glass of peace they have, and making Steve pull away from Eddie immediately.
“Oh.” Steve breathes out. Like he’s just realizing that they were there. Dustin frowns as he sees Steve’s face contour from fear to sadness. Fear for what?
“Uh.” Steve stammers, looking back at Eddie who looks like he’s about to bite Mike on the arm.
“Steve and I are dating. Since the starcourt mall burned down.” Eddie finally explains, and Wayne immediately moves closer to them like— like he’s trying to protect Steve and Eddie. From what? From them? Instinctively, Robin moves to follow Wayne.
“Oh.” Someone says, maybe it was Nancy or maybe Mike.
Dustin blinks. He tries his best to absorb the news, but he can’t think straight with that devastated look on Steve’s face or that defensive look on Eddie’s. What’s wrong with them dating? Well, Dustin takes offense over the fact that Steve didn’t tell him but there’s nothing really wrong. Two boys—
Oh. Oh.
“Alright.” Dustin finally says, making everyone turn to him. He tries to make it sound as casual as possible, “Listen, congratulations. But I am angry that you both hid this from me.”
Lucas is nodding his head beside Dustin, “Dude. Really? Our dungeon master? Come on now, Steve. You could do better.” He teases, making Steve finally cough a tiny laugh.
Mike scoffs, “If there’s anyone that could do better, it would be Eddie. Really, Eddie? Steve? I can’t believe you fell for the Harrington Charm.”
Eddie sputters a response, but he’s too busy blushing to say anything.
“Instead of ice cream, I want insider information for the next campaign.” The room erupts into noises as Mike argues that Erica can’t do that, Eddie relaxes and says no one can have insider information. In the corner, Dustin sees Nancy hug Steve and say something into his ear.
Dustin lets his eyes wander and he meets Eddie’s eyes. Eddie smiles at him, nodding. It’s his way of thanking him.
They’ll talk later, and Eddie will get his own lecture from Dustin. Maybe a shovel talk for each of them. Not that they really need it, Steve looks at Eddie like he’s the creator of the universe and Eddie looks at Steve like he holds all the answers of the world. Perfect.
But he lets it be for now. Again, it’s been a hard few days. There’s nothing wrong with letting himself bask in this sliver of happiness and safety.
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ariisheresstuff · 11 months
THIS is SOOOO Richie when he’s watching yours and Camry’s daughter. Like y’all are out for a small date night and Richie is watching her maybe with Sydney to keep more company by and they are just joking around until she starts crying 💀
Richie and Sydney were babysitting Kennedy while you and Carmen were out on a little dinner date. Kennedy ALWAYS loved when her Uncle Richie would watch her. Kennedy was sitting on Sydney’s lap while Richie was sitting across from them by the dinner table. Now with Kennedy being around Richie so much she does inhabit his traits (mostly the cursing).
“Uncle Richie you’re a bitch!” Kennedy said out of nowhere with a smile making Sydney gape at Richie who just had wide eyes. Sydney tried to hide in her laughter as Richie started to smirk.
“You’re really gonna take that Richie?” Sydney said making Kennedy laugh.
“Well jokes on you kid because I’m telling on you! I’m telling your mommy and daddy when they come back! HAHA! You’re going to jail! Put your hands up!” Richie said in a deep voice like he was commanding Kennedy like a police officer. Sydney couldn’t help but laugh, but Kennedy’s smile dropped.
“J-jail? No! I-I I don’t w-wanna go to jail!! WAHHHH!!!!” Kennedy starting to wail making Richie wheeze in laughter while Sydney started to panic not thinking this was gonna upset poor Kennedy.
“Richie! Okay, it’s okay! Hey, Richie was just joking Kennedy, you’re not going to jail. I promise you. Your Uncle is just being stupid.” Sydney cooed to Kennedy who was still crying.
“Oh come on Kennedy, I was just teasing with you.” Richie joined in on the comfort but only for the front door to open.
“We’re home!” Carmen announced making Sydney and Richie freeze. Kennedy still crying.
“D-daddy! Mommy!” Kennedy said between sobs as she got off of Sydney’s lap to run to her parents.
You and Carmen smiled seeing your daughter only for them to drop once you noticed she was crying.
“Kenzie girl, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Carmen immediately picked her up trying to comfort his daughter, he hated seeing her so upset.
“Did you hurt yourself baby?” You asked her as you searched for any cuts or blood. She shook her head as she hiccuped while Carmen wiped away the tears on her face and kissing her damp cheek.
“U-Uncle Richie told me I-I was going to jail!” She said with a pouted lip, you can Carmen looked at each other with a small smile.
“Oh did he? That’s not very nice, is it bubs?” You said as she laid her head down on her father’s shoulder while Carmy rubbed her back. Just out of nowhere Richie and Sydney walked into the living room.
“Cousin, she told me I was a bitch so I told her the cops were coming to get her for saying that but she knows I joke like that!” Richie said with a frown making you laugh a bit but making Carmen roll his eyes.
“Did you say a bad word Kennedy?” He asked her as she looked at you before hiding her face clearly meaning she did. You sighed with a smile before looking at Carmen who shook his head with a light smile.
“Kennedy, me and mommy aren’t mad at you. But you know you can’t say those things especially to Uncle Richie.” Carmen said that last part while glaring at Richie who gave him the bird.
Kennedy put her head up as she looked at Richie, she sniffled. “Uncle Richie, m’sorry I said that to you.” You couldn’t help but awe at that. Richie smiled before walking up to her and taking Kennedy out of Carmen’s arms and into his .
“Oh I could never stay mad at you Kenz, the best niece in the world.” He threw her up in the air making her squeal as she smiled and laughed with her Uncle.
You and Carmen smiled before walking over to Sydney who had her arms crossed, you looked behind you making sure Richie and your daughter weren’t paying attention.
“So did you record it by any chance?” You said in a whisper making Carmen look at you with a frown.
“I actually did.” Sydney smirked before pulling out her phone to send it to you.
Tag list: @otomefan @chunnies @slasherstories123 @avengersfan25 @th3h0nkz
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winniemaywebber · 5 months
It's Been A Long, Long Time • Part 3
🌹 Uncle Rosie 🌹
read previous part here
taglist: @sagesolsticewrites @ginabaker1666 @archival-hogwash
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“Goodnight, you two!” you say as you watch your friends leave the room, Harry's arm wrapped around his wife. The look on their faces as they realize they get to share a bed for the first time in weeks because you're there to help sends a warm glow through your body. Happy to be here, yet missing home, you decide to call your Ma before it gets too late. The baby is dozing softly in the bassinet next to Croz's armchair and you tiptoe out of the room to ensure he isn't woken.
Dialing the number on the phone in the hall, you wait patiently.
“Rosenthal residence,” a voice says.
“Ma,” you reply, happy to hear her. “It's me. Just wanted to let you know I got here safe.”
“Well, I'm glad to hear it, Robbie. How are the Crosbys?”
“Oh, they're great, Ma. Being excellent parents just like I knew they would be. I'm helping em out tonight, making sure they get a good rest together.”
“That's wonderful, son. I'm glad you're there to help.”
“Me, too. Now, Ma,” you begin nervously. “If the baby wakes up…what do I do?”
“Robert,” she sighs, instantly exasperated. “Did you make your poor, dear friends think you had it handled?” You pause, nervous to respond.
“Y-yes,” you finally stutter out. “But they need their rest and I couldn't leave them exhausted like that and I–”
“Son, it's easy. Change the diaper, heat the milk.”
“R-right…easy,” you pause again, shifting from one foot to the other. “How do I heat it?”
“Leave it in the bottle and put that in a pot of boiling water on the stove. Keep an eye on it. Not too hot, you don't want to burn the little fella's mouth, now. You'll be fine. It'll be good practice for you when your time comes with Josephine.”
At the mention of her name, you hear a cheeky cackle in the background. You smile at the sound, your heart suddenly beating ten to the dozen at the thought of her beautiful smile, how her eyes crinkle whenever she laughs at one of your terrible jokes. 
“Did she come for dinner?”
“Yes, son. She's spending the night, too. Nobody to take her home and I don't want her getting a cab at this hour.”
“That's sweet, Ma. Thanks for taking care of her.”
“Hold on just a minute…” there's a pause on the other end of the line until you hear your mother attempting to whisper.
“He's with the baby…yes, he seems to be in over his head,” you hear her laugh.
“Ma!” you shout over the line, eyes squeezed shut. “Don't tell her!” With that, the baby begins to wail from the next room and you sigh. “Ma, I have to go. The baby.”
“Good luck, Robbie. Josephine sends her love.”
“And I send it right back. G'night.”
Placing the phone into its cradle, you rush along the padded carpet to tend to the baby. 
“Hey, hey buddy,” you say as you reach him, hands going to lift him from his bed. “How's it goin’?” You coo, hoping you're able to calm him easily. Stroking his head with your gentle hand, he seems to relax instantly. “Huh,” you say, carrying on the movement. “Piece of cake.” 
Not quite asleep yet, you carry the baby in your arms over to the record player. Flipping through the Crosby record collection with your free hand, you find one that catches your eye. “Now this,” you murmur to the small child in your arms, his big brown eyes - exactly like his father's - gazing up at you as you place the record on the player one-handed, “is good jazz, little Croz.” 
The sounds of Artie Shaw softly blare through the room, you sitting down in the armchair. 
“Did you know,” you begin, looking at the baby's sweet face. “Now, I dunno if your Pop told you this yet. But there was a mission where me and my crew were completely alone. I don't mind telling ya, kid, I was petrified - who are you gonna tell, after all?” You muse on that for a moment. “Okay, maybe you'll tell your father, but that's fine by me. Anyway, completely alone, nothing but blue sky in front of me and my co-pilot. All I could think to do was to hum along to this.” You carry on telling the story as the music swells, rambling on about how all you could think of was getting back to base in one piece, being able to be back home for your Ma and your sweet Josephine. 
“That's Aunt Jo, by the way, kid. The second I marry her, I'm bringing her to see you. She's dying to see you, pal, and your sweet mama. So was I. We best buddies now? What d'ya say? Uncle Rosie pass the test?” At that final sentence, the baby's eyes close and he's softly snoring on you, his head burrowing into your chest. You feel your heart swell, tears suddenly pricking your eyes. You think back to that New Year during the war, where you'd written to Josephine, promising her the world, whatever she chose. Holding your friend's sleeping infant in your arms makes you realize that you want life to look like this with her.
You lay the baby down in his bassinet, the music softly playing in the corner of the room helping to soothe him, and you make your way back to the telephone. Dialing the number for home, you wait as the line rings. 
Hello?” A voice, thick with tiredness and hoarse from laughter. “Robbie?”
"Darling,” you breathe out, the sound of her sweet voice almost making you fall to your knees. Composing yourself, you carry on. “I just wanted to say goodnight.”
“How's our nephew?” she coos, her voice up an octave. 
“He's fine, my love. Has eyes just like his Papa. Hair like his Mother. Angelic face just like his Aunt Jo.”
"Oh, stop,” she teases. “How did you get on in the end? Your ma said you sounded quite panicked.”
“It was fine. Pretty easy, actually.” You take a deep breath in, preparing yourself for what you're about to say next. “I just wanted to reiterate what I meant in that letter, that new year. Being here has made me realize it more. Jo, I want to give you everything. A family, a herd of kids. Anything you want.”
“Darling…” she murmurs. “Then hurry up and marry me. I'm impatient.” You laugh, switching the phone to your other ear. 
“Besides,” she carries on. “Judging by your panic, I think we should wait a little longer to talk about having kids.”
You sigh, playfully. “But we can still practice making ‘em, right?”
“Robert, your mother is stood right next to me.”
“Oh–uh…uh oh.” Luckily, you hear your sweetheart giggle as she struggles to come back to normal.
“I love you, darling,” she whispers. “Goodnight.”
“I love you, sweetheart. I'll be dreaming of you.” 
“And me. Bye, Robbie.”
The phone clicks as you hear a tiny cry from the living room, the record having ended. Putting the phone back in its place, you walk back to the room, excited to share more anecdotes with your new best friend. 
thank you to @ginabaker1666 and @sagesolsticewrites for reading this over and over to make sure it was PERFECT 🥰
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Hi! Was wondering if I could request headcanons about what It'd be like to be best friends with either Percy Jackson or Leo Valdez? If possible gn or m reader, thank you!
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  ੈ✩‧₊˚ FANDOM: riordanverse
  ੈ✩‧₊˚ FORMAT: headcanon
  ੈ✩‧₊˚ WARNINGS: swearing, angst because i can’t help myself, ttc spoilers, tlo spoilers, tlh spoilers, moa spoilers, hoh spoilers, boo spoilers, toa spoilers
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୨⎯ percy jackson⎯୧
oh my
so you guys probably met at camp half blood during his first year
he was NOT having a good day and you just came and sat beside him and started rambling about random shit
and he was like “okay….”
after that you randomly came up and started talking to eachother
and soon you were inseparable
you get invited on quests with him!!
they let you come as a 4th person for emotional support
he forces you to eat blue food
once you meet sally blue food is all you eat
speaking of sally she loves you
istg she’s atleast once referred to you as her other child
she’s really glad you came up to percy and started rambling about anything and everything because now he has lots of friends
do NOT blame yourself for what happened to bianca and zoë, even if it WAS your fault, or he will shove blue pancakes down your throat until you agree that it wasn’t your fault
also i have a headcanon that bianca and percy were best friends so you three have your own little trio until she dies
if you got hurt during the battle of manhattan (in the first series) my guy would be going insane
demanding to know what happened
anyway then he goes missing and now your going insane trying to figure out what happened
while he’s gone you become good friends with leo and come with them on their quest as a distraction to the fear you feel every minute of everyday of not knowing if your best friend is okay
when you guys find him you laugh while annabeth judo flips him
then judo flip him yourself
you and annabeth are a platonic power couple
Y/N, in a high voice, holding barbie: hey ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career!
Percy, in a deep voice, holding ken: nonsense, barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids
Annabeth: what the fuck are you guys doing?
Y/N: playing systemic oppression
i feel like if you’re part of the 7 he’d be a bit annoyed because he knows being part of a prophecy like that means you’re gonna get hurt a lot
but like he can’t stop you from coming along because you’re in a prophecy
it’s impossible (probably)
when they get out okay you and him go for like a night in the city to catch up cause you’ve both been busy
it was… chaotic
so for dramatic affect let’s say gaea destroyed your house so you have no place to stay and he’s like “you can live with me!!!”
you do then lester shows up and you terrify him with your… well your everything basically
if percabeth has kids your probably the wine aunt/uncle/relative
you go to the same high school
and take almost all the same classes
you randomly storm into eachothers classes to tell eachother the most random things
the chaos that you two would cause accidentally
you buy recorders together and annoy EVERYONE
annabeth breaks them eventually
in conclusion: being percys best friend is: chaotic, fun, and also dangerous. he’s protective but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing because like he’d fight for you if anything were to happen
10/10 best friend would recommend
Percy: it’s dark in here
Y/N: don’t worry i got this
Y/N: *stomps feet*
Y/N: *sketchers light up*
୨⎯ leo valdez ⎯୧
for my own sake i’m gonna say you met at the boarding school
you, jason, leo, and piper were all VERYYYY good friends
you had your own little squad
you were closest with leo though because of your energy matching
anyway when the whole thing at the grand canyon happens you two are tryna work together to do whatever you can
spoiler warning: IT DIDNT WORK
you tried okay
when the chariot crashes at chb you’re both like “wtf”
you probably pointed out the thing above his head
when he learns he can do fire powers you guys have fires every week where you make s’mores and yell at people from afar
funniest duo
probably forbids you to do random stuff
if you’re part of the 7 hes probably happy because:
b) you can do your pranks together and make everyone angry at you
so help me god if you fall into tartarus with percy and annabeth he will jump in after you
no he tries but jason doesn’t let him
if you don’t fall in but are restless and worried after he’ll stay by you the whole time
even though your kinda freaking him out he’s not gonna leave you like this
when they come back alright hes so happy to see your tense shoulders relax and you fall asleep easily that night
you’d probably propose at restaurants to get free food
or if someone’s bothering you or him the other will come and flirt and act like your/his partner to scare them away
i’m pretty sure leo has canonically read the hunger games so he rants to you about it while sobbing his eyes out
when you find out what’s he’s gonna do it’s too late and he’s already gone 😨😨
another 6 restless months
you lose hope then your sibling comes in and says “HES BACK”
you judo flip his ass so hard
then you meet calypso and become friends with her too
she’s like you and leo’s gaurdian
*Y/N and Leo sitting together in jail*
Leo: so who should we call
Y/N: i’d call calypso but i feel safer in jail
comforting eachother after jason dies
okay back to the not sad stuff
Y/N: *holding perfume bottle* is this whiskey or perfume?
Leo: *chugs entire bottle*
Leo: it’s perfume
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huffle-dork · 11 months
IF you are taking requests... could I get a sick Henny Schneeplestein/silent actor Schneeplestein. Maybe with the stomach flu. It can be a sickfic or a drawing. Which ever you'd prefer! Or both. 😄
(I’m working on some Henrik and Dr.jj related stuff! Mostly how Henny first found himself in this time! So this was before Dr. J meets Alt, and before Henrik meets Bro and Alt! Dr. J doesn’t know that magnificent exists either or the existence of magic- well except whatever the well brought Henrik to this time. so wahoo! Also I got a lot of sick fic requests for Henny so I just lumped a bunch together and then made it worse~ >:3c)
Dr. J had his phone pressed between his head and neck as he bent down next to the actor’s bedside. “Yes… Henrik is poorly again-“
“Again?” The surprised voice of Jackie echoed on the other line. “Damn… that’s been like what… 3 times already? It’s only been a few months since you found him, right?”
The good doctor frowned as he draped a cool wash cloth over Henrik’s forehead. The brunette’s eyelids fluttered and he mumbled something incoherent out in German but he seemed to relax some.
“I suppose the poor boy just has a weak immune system…” Of course, Jameson knew it was a bit more than that… Henrik came from a different time… he was more prone to sicknesses and Dr. J was still scrambling to get him records and vaccines and shots… but he wasn’t going to spill that out to Jackie. He didn’t know- and well… Jameson always kept his patients’ secrets.
“Poor guy…” Jackie sighed. “What do think it is?”
“I think it’s the flu this time unfortunately…” Jameson checked the actor’s pulse then temperature then frowned more. He was very warm… “I’m worried I might need to take him to hospital… but maybe if I’m early I can just take him to the urgent clinic…”
“I mean- how out of it is he?”
“…this morning he tried to make coffee and help me make breakfast for Alice… but he poured milk in the stainer and coffee grounds in her cereal.”
“… maybe urgent care is a good idea-“
Jameson gave a weak chuckle but then sighed, pushing Henrik’s damp hair away from his eyes. “I suppose… I’ll keep a close eye on him… if his temperature rises anymore I’ll take him straight away.”
“Sounds good, dude. Just- if it’ll cheer him up, tell him the kids miss him. They keep asking when they can see Uncle Henny and his puppets again!”
Dr. J smiled and nodded, “That would make him very happy… thank you, Jackie.”
“Anytime Jem! I’ll catch you later.”
Jameson hung up the phone then looked back to check up Henrik.
He was still so pale and thin… thick bags under his eyes and veins so stark they looked almost… purple. Especially around his wrists and neck. If Jameson didn’t know any better- he might could say they even glowed. But, that was impossible.
Henrik’s eyelids fluttered again and he finally opened them enough to see Jameson. He smiled dazedly, despite his fatigue.
“Oh… hullo doktor…” He muttered weakly.
Jameson smiled weakly. “Hello, Henrik. How are you feeling?” He signed to him.
Henrik looked up at the ceiling and knit his eyebrows together as if trying to think.
“Not… good- mmm weak and… and… wackelig-“ He pressed his eyes shut and bit back a whimper. “Is hot… and- my head is super hurting and my… Mein Magen…”
Damn the hardest part of Henrik being delirious was him switching to German… Jameson knew some but he had to rack his brain to remember. “Okay… shaky and- and your stomach hurts-“
Henrik nodded, “Ja.”
“Alright… anything I can get you?”
Henrik slowly shook his head. “I am… just tired I think… thank you, my friend.”
Jameson smiled and nodded, “of course, Henrik… if you need anything just shout and I’ll be there.”
It was only about an hour later when Jameson was startled from his paperwork, hearing screaming coming from Henrik’s room.
He raced down the hall and threw open the door- finding Henrik tossing and turning in the bed, sobbing out in German.
“nicht mehr! nicht mehr! Ich möchte nach Hause gehen!”
Jameson’s heart sank as he quickly walked in and then gently tried to rouse the actor awake. It took a second but slowly he started to quiet, breath coming out in shaky weak bursts. He struggled to open his eyes to look at Jameson. His irises were glazed with fever.
“Doktor…” He wheezes, “careful- Vorsicht mit den Saiten…” He gritted his teeth then gripped at his head. It was pounding so bad- it felt like his skull could break in half. “…hurts… s’hurts…!” He quietly sobbed, curling up in the bed.
The good doctor just watched Henrik thrash with worried eyes. He has no idea what to do…! He quickly went to take his temperature but… it wasn’t worse.
He hummed in thought then resigned to do what he did best. He found Henrik’s hand and started to lightly tap a steady rhythm as he pulled out his pocket watch. The actor’s tear filled eyes looked up and caught onto the sight of the watch almost instantly. He relaxed quickly… maybe too quickly. That was also concerning him. But, the least Jj could do was try to calm Henrik down.
“It’s okay Henrik… you are safe… just breathe with me and try to relax okay? I won’t let anything hurt you…”
The rest of the night went by in a flash. Always busy, the good doctor was. The nanny brought home Alice and they made dinner together. Alice helped him take in some soup to Henrik- but he didn’t seem all there. Jameson was just glad he ate… then Jj spent the night with his little one, reading her stories and sending her to bed. Shawn was out at a gig so- the house was quiet as the tired doctor flopped onto the couch and leaned his head back. He felt exhaustion weighing down on his limbs- and that force pulled on his eyelids before he could even fight it.
He woke up in a dark living room to the sound of a huge crash. Thunder. Jamie started awake and then fumbled for his phone- turning on the flashlight.
Caught in the light, like an animal caught in infrared was the ragged body of Henrik. Even his eyes seemed to glow green in the dark. The sight sent shivers down Jameson’s spine, especially as lightning crashed behind them, lighting him even more in an eerie glow.
He fumbled for the lights and then looked at the sick actor. “Henrik… what are you doing out of bed?”
Henrik didn’t answer. He was still in his sick clothes, hair ruffled from sleep, glasses missing, barefoot. He stared blankly at the doctor as if he couldn’t understand what he said.
Then, Jameson could just faintly hear a sound. It sounded like… static. Something Henrik wouldn’t be able to hear. He could hardly hear it himself over the distant sounds of rain and thunder.
He walked closer and spied something in Henrik’s tight grip. A… a phone- showing nothing but the offending static.
“Henrik- where did you get that? I… I hadn’t gotten you one-“
Again, the actor didn’t answer- but this time he pushed past Jameson, roughly clipping his shoulder. He staggered slightly but then continued on, despite his shaky limbs and ragged feverish breath. Jameson was thrown off guard and was about to shout out- just as Henrik threw open the door to the storm outside.
He walked out without even hesitating, shambling mindlessly through the rain.
Jameson’s feet moved quickly as he dove after him, pausing just briefly to guard his face from the harsh falling droplets. But then he’s roughly grabbing Henrik and struggling to get in the actor’s face, trying to get him to read his lips.
“Henrik! This- this is insane! You need to get inside right now!”
Henrik blinked sluggishly at the doctor then tried to move out of his grip. “Got… to… h-have… have to….” He’s mumbling, almost too quiet to hear.
Jameson lashes out, going to grab both sides of the taller man’s face so he can focus on him. His eyes burn with concerned anger. “No! Henrik please- wake up! You’re only going to make this worse!”
For a scary few seconds, Henrik’s expression remains blank and empty. But, slowly, that sickly glow seems to fade and his bright blue eyes gain some clarity.
“…d…doktor… Jackson…?” He slurs in confusion. Jameson slumps his shoulders slightly in relief. The actor pushes himself out of Jj’s grip to look around- noticing now where they are.
“We are… outside…” he breathes, as it confused. Then he looks up at the sky and laughs distantly, “it is… raining-“
He shivers and then shuts his eyes. “Mmm… it… fühlt sich gut an…” He sighs. Then, he starts to pitch forward, face and body suddenly falling limp- making Jameson scramble to catch him. They fall into a heap on the wet grass.
Henrik almost immediately starts to wheeze again as his head falls against Jameson’s legs, painful gasps of air coming from his throat. His face is scrunched up in pain. Jameson fumbles to feel his forehead- and even with the cooling rain he startles back from the burning warmth. Jameson frowns then sighs and starts to load up Henrik into his car. It was time to see Dr. Doom again…
Henrik briefly stirred and blearily looked out at Jameson as he was sat up and buckled in. “Doktor… juwel?“ He mumbled.
For a second, Jj smiled. He adopted Jackie’s nickname for him it seemed. “Yes, Henrik… I’m right here.”
Henrik reached out and Jameson was quick to find his hand and give it a gentle squeeze. Through, his fuzzy vision and soaked bangs, Henrik found Jameson’s eyes. He looked terrified, which sent a spike through the good doctor’s heart.
“Bitte, Juwel-lass nicht zu, dass er mich mitnimmt…”
His grip in Jameson’s hand then fell limp again as he slumped back against the window in the car. Jameson’s heart spiked- because he now knows that phrase too well… Henrik had mumbled it over and over in moments like these.
‘Please… don’t let him find me…’
The strange phone that Henrik held was left in the rain- the static flickering with green light.
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Irony Poisoning Chapter 4 (Chapter 1)
"Who's there?" Enid squinted against the sudden influx of light from the hallway. She was still only half-awake, but that silhouette was unmistakable. "Wednesday?"
"What are you doing here?"
"You were having a nightmare."
"Oh, my god, I'm sorry. You heard me?"
"I think Uncle Fester heard you down in the dungeons," said Wednesday, sounding almost impressed, "but you don't want to share a bed with him. He still convulses in his sleep."
"Share a- you-"
Wednesday retreated back into the hallway and presumably her room.
She left the door open.
Enid still knocked as she entered Wednesday's room. "Are- Are you sure?"
Wednesday was already lying on her back, arms crossed. Her bed was a single, but she had still managed to turn down exactly half of the covers.
"I would not say something if I did not mean it. Unless I was trying to extract information from a potential killer, and we both know you don't have it in you." After a moment, Wednesday added, "I meant that as an insult."
"I know," said Enid, happily. The bed was so small they couldn't help knocking elbows and hissing at each other's cold feet.
Enid lay on her stomach, arms folded under the pillow. She was normally a stomach-sleeper anyway. It had nothing to do with preserving her new braids.
She turned her head to face Wednesday. "Is the reason you never hug people just because you're afraid of getting visions?"
"No," said Wednesday. "It's because I disapprove of superfluous physical contact."
"But some physical contact is un-superfluous?"
"Not a word."
"Living language."
"Do you ever get visions about me?" asked Enid.
"If I did, would you want to know?"
"No. Yes. No," said Enid. She kicked at Wednesday's feet, which were somehow still cold. Of course they were. "Why is there an octopus painted on your bed?"
"It's a hand-me-up from Pugsley who had a pet octopus named Aristotle," said Wednesday. "As long as we're speaking in non-sequiturs: I couldn't help overhearing your mother mention summer camp during Parents Day at Nevermore. I mean it. I tried. Her voice… carries. Did she take issue with your change of plans?"
"We may have exchanged a few growls."
"I thought she would be pleased that you transformed."
"That's… not the only kind of conversion camp she was threatening to send me to," said Enid, in a voice so small she wished it weren't her own.
Wednesday didn't say anything for a few moments, but Enid was getting better at reading her silences, and this definitely seemed like one of the more homicidal ones.
Enid wasn't worried. Wednesday was a lot of things, but she wasn't a bigot. She hated everyone equally.
"I assume you don't want her dead?" asked Wednesday.
"Not particularly," she answered lightly.
"How do you feel about emancipation? Father has a very good lawyer. Mother made sure of it after what happened with Tully Alford."
"Do I want to know what happened with Tully Alford?" asked Enid.
"Yes, but Uncle Fester tells it best, as long as you keep him on topic. Remember to ask him about Abigail Craven."
"Okay," said Enid, not really understanding but trusting Wednesday enough to file the advice away for future reference.
"You can also talk to me," said Wednesday. "If necessary. I can't promise to respond appropriately, but I can promise to listen. As long as it's not about boy bands."
"My Chemical Romance is not a boy band," said Enid, fully ready to fight Wednesday Addams over something for the first time ever. "Just because they abandoned their spot-color palate for Danger Days does not make their music any less prolific. Also, Gerard Way uses he/they pronouns."
"I stand corrected and humbled," said Wednesday, sounding neither.
“You would love Sweet Revenge.”
“It’s been known to happen.”
“I mean the album,” said Enid. “Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. Your dad has a record player, or a... phonograph, or something, right? Of course he does. I’ll have my cousin overnight me the album. Luke owes me one. You have simply got to listen to it on vinyl.”
"I will take that under advisement."
"I know you will," said Enid, who couldn't help if it came out a little haughty.
Wednesday's face somehow blanched and darkened at the same time. "What else has my mother told you?"
"Oh, nothing…. Just that you might still have… the snood."
"It returned on its own," Wednesday said stiffly. "Like a monkey's paw."
"You wore it at home."
"There was a funeral."
"Sure there was."
"It's not too late, Enid."
Enid laughed, giddy in the knowledge that she was being threatened by someone truly dangerous who would never lay a hand on her.
"So you and Ajax are no longer romantically involved?" asked Wednesday, and Enid thought she was fluent in non-sequiturs as a second language, but...
"Wha- Oh, uh, no. We broke up."
"Do I need to get my staple gun?"
"No, no, no! No. I broke up with him. Because- you know- I'm…"
"You can say it," said Wednesday. "You won't get struck by lightning. Well, in this house, you might, but not because you're gay."
"I prefer queer," said Enid, in that stupid small voice again, but Wednesday was right. No lightning.
"Good girl," said Wednesday, and she had to know that would do something to Enid. "Are you ready to go to bed, or do you want to talk about your dream as well? I know it wasn't about your family."
"You were calling out my name in your sleep. I'm flattered that you would have a nightmare about me."
"Not that kind of nightmare."
"Buzzkill," said Wednesday.
"It's okay," said Enid, hiding a yawn in her pillow. "I don't think I'll have any more nightmares now that you're here."
"Now you're just being cruel."
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vandal-flower · 2 years
Hi, can I ask for aresxwife!goddess!reader from record of ragnarok where Ares told their 2 daughters about how they fell in love and how the reader(their mom) saved him from the giants that tormented him? Could you perhaps make it as cute and fluffy as possible?
The reader is Norse Goddess of war, justice, glory and victory and the daughter of Odin and Frigga.
I apologize if it’s too much to ask.
Thanks :)
Ooh this one is sweet!
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The Love Of My Life
Ares x Wife!Goddess!Reader
Warning: Ares was tormented, though not said how.
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It was a normal day in the Greek Pantheon, until the 2 daughters of Ares asked him a question.
"Pa, how'd you meet Mom?"
"Yeah, we wanna know how!"
Out of all the questions he had been bombarded with, this was the most difficult to answer.
"Why would you want to know about that, don't you want to know how I fought in the Gigantomachy?", he questioned.
"We've heard stories from the other kids about how their parents met, so we wanna know how you met Mom!"
"Yeah, it's only fair!"
They looked at him with big pleading eyes, knowing well their father could not refuse at the gesture.
He could help but sigh to himself.
"Well, if you insist.", he answered.
Not as if he could say no.
"Years before the Gigantomachy, I was constantly tormented by the Giants in various ways.", he said in a solemn voice.
"How?", asked one of his daughters.
"I'll tell you the details when you get older, but all I can say for now is that it was a terrible period of my life.", he replied.
"Anyway, such torment stopped the moment your mother saved me.", he continued.
"Saved you?", both asked.
"Yeah, your mother,(Name),daughter of Odin and Frigg, Norse Godess of War, Justice, Glory and Victory. She saved me from those giants.", Ares said, smiling to himself.
"Did she beat them up?", asked one of his daughters, her eyes gleaming.
"She sure did, gave them a piece of her mind. She was so beautiful, saving me from my torment.", he answered, with a tint of pink on his cheeks.
"At that moment, I knew I fell in love with her. She was and is the love of my life.", he finished off.
"Wow, Mommy's super strong!"
"Of course she is, she even beat uncle Thor in an arm wrestle!"
"Beat who in an arm wrestle?", a voice asked.
Ares and his daughters turned around to see (Name), smiling at them. The two girls ran up to their mother hugging her tightly.
"Mommy, you won't believe what happened today!"
"Papa told us how you saved him and fell in love!"
"Oh, did he?", (Name) asked, smiling at the flustered Ares.
"Yeah, I did, but I had no other choice.", Ares said, walking up to her.
"I see, want to hear a story how I saved your father again?", (Name) asked her daughters with a smile on her face.
"Another story?!", the two girls asked with bright eyes.
Ares couldn't help but smile, happy with his daughters and the love of his life.
Reblogs help, so thank you.
My inbox is open!
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 17, "Dead Uncles and Vegetables”, Part 4
There are about 7 minutes left in Dead Uncles and Vegetables, let's wrap this up. Emily got swept up in Sookie's wedding planning because she never had the opportunity to plan a wedding for Lorelai (of COURSE. why didn't that click for me? It's so obvious.) Emily lays on the passive-aggressiveness thickly, "I gave up on you having a wedding a long time ago", "If you ever do get married you're just going to have the wedding in this diner and serve burgers and fries to the guests", "Let me tell you about the wedding that I had always envisioned for you" yada yada yada, typical Emily shit. Despite this, Lorelai is still being unusually patient and reasaonble with her mother. I'm still not convinced she's feeling well.
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And there it is.
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Dirty. I mean, she did just leave work in the middle of the day to help him look at coffins. And apartments. Just gonna go on the record that the Luke/ Lorelai build up until the point they started going out was SOO GOOD (Teen Girl Squad voice) and then shortly after it finally happened, the magic quickly deflated like a popped balloon.
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And then what, they broke up in season 6 and didn't get back together for good until the final 30 seconds of the last episode of the series? Am I remembering this correctly? It's been 3 years since I've bothered with the Yale/Logan/Insufferable Rory/Garbage Seasons. Sadly this is pretty typical in many tv series, the will they wont they is infinitely more satisfying than watching some boring couple have a relationship and get married and wash dishes together and shit. Lorelai is like "Luke did you feed Paul Anka" and he's like "Yeah" and she's like "Okay, can you pick up more dog food at Walmart? And don't forget to take the garbage out.". and Luke is like "Tomorrow's Wednesday, garbage day is Friday." I know you don't want to think about it too much, but the same thing would happen if Rory and Jess got married.
Don't get me started on the precious little I still remember from a Year In the Life.
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Friends leave work in the middle of the day to help friends look at coffins for their uncles. Just friendly friend things.
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Friends, friends, friendly friends, time to meet my friends!
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Oh pity my dear Lucas. What kind of Therapist's Wet Dream did you just walk into?
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A crystal clear #TomatosSign and a face that says it all.
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Luke: "Whatever you say, mother of one of my customers."
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LOL, that squint. You're thinking about killing her right now, aren't you Lorelai?
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God help me, I love these two. In the conclusion of the episode, Lorelai is the only person to accompany Luke to Dead Louie's burial, which was awfully nice of her.
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Stop! This is so tender. Luke worries that like Dead Louie one day he's going to die alone and nobody will come to his funeral. You're mind is clouded with grief Lucas, that's not you, you must be thinking of Dean Forrester. His own family won't come to his funeral. Clara might but she will kick his coffin. You'll be fine. Just had the thought that Jess is definitely going to be the one to plan his funeral but eh let's not dwell on that.
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So am I. You're fine. Lorelai runs down all the ways Luke has showed up for her : Making Rory's birthday cake, helping her around the house, building her a chuppah, taking in Jess. Ugh I'm getting a misty eyed. I'm not used to this show inspiring such sappy feelings in me. The Convention of the Male Karens/War Re-Enactors who just spent several minutes yesterday reminding Luke that his uncle was a piece of shit and that they were happy to see him croak have shown up to send him off. Welcome to Stars Hollow where everyone you meet is a two faced phony. The sign welcoming you into the town says "Welcome to Stars Hollow. Trust no one." This must be the longest weekend ever because Rory has not gone to school in like 4 days.
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Hippie has packed up his farmer's market. He tells Taylor he just grows the vegetables in his backyard as a hobby. He sold them off to make money for traveling. Taylor: If this was only temporary, why did you put me through all that hoo ha at the town meeting? Hippie: You bought it on yourself, Taylor. *calmly walks away* If we can't end the episode with Jess taking Rory down a peg over her weird power trip, then fine, I'll take someone humbling Taylor.
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I love it when Jess bears his naked forearm like such a saucy strumpet. Good little vegetarian loading his plate with bread and beans.
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Jess organized the wake himself? is that what I'm hearing? Is that the reason behind Rory's power trip? Just so in the last 2 minutes of the episode she could be like "Even though you're 17 years old and your work ethic is so ridiculously solid that it will eventually cause you to drop out of high school, a work ethic which surely violates some child labor laws in the state of Connecticut and Luke should be investigated, a work ethic which has arisen out of sheer survival because your mother is an unemployed alcoholic and you had to help pay her bills, and even though I'm Miss Rory No Job Gilmore, you took some breaks, so I thought you were a slacker. But I see you put together this wake, so I guess you're actually capable of doing stuff."
She said it in fewer words, but you know.
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I know that voice of unflappable modesty. He claims he only unlocked the door for Miss Patty and then he went back to sleep. Is sleeping code for jerking off now? He's been doing a lot of sleeping.
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Baby, you did such a good job unlocking that door. I love you. Have a cookie.🍪 And my hand in marriage.
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NOOOOOOOOOOO. Do not assimilate!!!!! DANGER. DANGER.
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Milo told AmyShermanPalladino he wanted Jess to die after getting stabbed in the neck so I wouldn't be surprised if he floated the idea of a botched liquor store robbery. I actually had to google it because I will swear up and down I read that "killed in a botched robbery" was one of his ideas, but I only found "stabbed in the neck" or "hit by a bus." This episode was so nice. It was funny. It was sweet and touching. There was no Dean. Rory was a pest to Jess but everyone else left him alone. I honestly didn't even recall that this episode existed before I started this rewatch, but now that I've seen it again, I'll stick it in my top 10 episodes (which I should post soon). The end.
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rachaelswrites · 2 years
Meeting Peggy
Howard Stark x Daughter!reader
Word Count: 454
Requested By: Anonymous
Ooh would you write for Howard Stark x daughter? and then the first time she meets Peggy is when she comes home from a mission beat up, and !r is staying with her Uncle Jarvis? Thanksss luv ya <3
A/N: Thank you for this request! Hope you enjoy
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While your dad was out gallivanting with women or doing whatever he was doing with his inventions, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis took you in. They didn’t mind so you were a perfect house guest and they already saw you as their own daughter. You didn’t go to school since your dad taught you everything you needed to know so you stayed and helped out around the house once Edwin began leaving the house more often.
Your dad kept you off the record so no one knew you existed which was helpful in this current time. He had to disappear as he was wanted for selling his weapons or, as he liked to call them, his Bad Babies. You had been with the Jarvis' since the news broke and you had no idea where your dad was but you knew he wasn’t in New York but Jarvis was out too much for your dad to not be up to something.
Since you were a naturally curious person, one night when Edwin left home late, you stayed up waiting to see when he’d get back. He came home a few hours later but you heard another female voice. It was Anna since she was asleep so you went downstairs to the kitchen to see what was up.
“What were you doing out so late?” you asked him, eyeing him and the woman next to him.
“Miss Stark you should be asleep right now,” Jarvis said, surprised that you were awake at this hour.
You shrugged and looked at the woman. She looked familiar but you couldn’t place her, “Who’s that?” you asked.
“This is Miss Peggy Carter,” he said, introducing her.
“Wait, the Peggy Carter? The one that dad worked with alongside Captain America?” 
Jarvis nodded.
“I’m sorry did you say Miss Stark?” Peggy asked, “As in Howard Stark? As in, you’re his daughter?”
“That’s me,” you said, “Don’t feel too bad. He doesn’t mention me to anyone. Likes to keep me a secret.”
Peggy nodded slowly.
“Are you alright Miss Carter? You look a bit beat up,” you pointed out, noticing the bruises on her face.
“Oh yes I’m quite alright,” she said, quickly looking over to Edwin, “Just need to get patched up and I’ll be good to go.”
“I can do it,” you said, heading to the kitchen where you knew the first aid materials were held, “Mrs. Jarvis has been teaching me a few things.”
“Well then, if you two are okay here, I’m going to go to bed now. Goodnight,” Jarvis said, heading upstairs.
Peggy sat down on one of the chairs and you began your work. You two went back and forth talking and getting to know each other more.
@i-writes-things @thatsamericasass24
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ur-local-demon1 · 4 months
Uhm so, I wrote this Amanene fankids ficlet to de-stress about my exams and also cuz I'm sick and I needed to do something simple to occupy myself. I'm sharing it because "the human connection will make me feel like a human again- what?"
Fic under Keep Reading. If this does well, I might post it to AO3
For the first time since their second child was born, Nene finally got a whole day with the house and bed to herself. Meanwhile, Amane owed Tsubaki a daddy-daughter date - albeit, with Tsugumi in tow - that was long overdue. However, before they could do that, Amane had to explain that they needed to make a quick stop to get groceries to acquire the food that kept them alive along with other products that made them not stink. It was still a difficult concept for Tsubaki to grasp but as long as she got a strawberry icecream for her troubles, everything was fine.
So here they were; Amane was walking through the aisles, and crossing things off the list. While Tsubaki was sitting in the cart’s baby seat, kicking her feet and looking around curiously, Tsugumi was strapped to his father’s back, sleeping soundly as he was being rocked by all the walking around. Unlike his older sister, Tsugumi was a calm newborn who didn’t act up too much and loved his beauty sleep; much to Amane and Nene’s relief. They got through the list pretty quickly, but reached the dreaded item, as per Kou’s request. Amane steeled himself and headed into the toy aisle. As he tried to choose a good gift for his niece/granddaughter  - Kou and Sousuke’s daughter, Ageha - he could see in his peripheral vision his own child’s eyes move to every single toy on the shelf. 
“... Baba?” 
Oh for the love of- “Yes, sweetie?” he said, forcing his voice to remain neutral. Tsubaki pointed towards a doll Amane could have sworn she already had. 
“Can I have this pleeeassseee?” She asked, giving him her best puppy dog eyes that had a track record of making her poor father break on multiple occasions. 
“I don’t know, is it on the list?” He asked rhetorically. Tsubaki, being only five years old at the time, just stared at him and shrugged. Amane smiled affectionately and ruffled her hair. “It’s not, baby. We’re only buying something for your cousin. Uncle Kou and Sousuke are coming over next week.” He reminded her while he kept looking through the toys in front of him. Tsubaki seemed to think long and hard about something. 
“Why can’t I have things that aren’t on the list?” She asked. 
“Cuz we only buy things that are on the list.” Amane responded immediately, remembering the long lecture he and Nene got from all the 3 grandparents for ‘spoiling Tsubaki too much’ after they had helped them sell the thousands of toys that she had grown bored of in the span of two weeks.
“It’s not like the earth would blow up if we bought something that wasn’t on the list…” Tsubaki mumbled under her breath. 
“Who says it couldn’t?” Amane reasoned. Tsubaki stared at him confusedly. 
“It could do that?” She asked. 
“I mean, it exists because of an explosion, so… Maybe?” Amane was multi-tasking; he worked on distracting Tsubaki while also trying to choose between two purple barbies. He eventually put them both down when he remembered the last conversation he had with Kou a few days ago where he told him that after years of purple being her favourite color, Ageha woke up one day and suddenly decided that it was the worst thing to ever exist. 
Tsubaki looked like she was struggling to understand what her dad meant by that. “... What?” 
“The big bang, sweetie.” He clarified, finally turning to face Tsubaki as he had found a gift: a pair of turquoise fairy wings. “There was an explosion a billion years ago and it made the earth. Well, I’ll explain that better when you’re older.” 
Tsubaki tilted her head to the side. “Did you see that happen?” 
“Of course not!” Amane exclaimed. “Hold on- how old do you think I am?” It was in moments like that that Amane was grateful that Tsubaki still struggled to count over one hundred.
“Seventy eight! Mommy said so!” She recalled proudly. Amane paled and hurried to mentally calculate if Tsubaki and Nene were wrong or if he really was a decrepit old man. 
…“...I’m physically thirty two.” He muttered before walking away and going back to explaining the big bang to a toddler, which was much easier than thinking about the fact that you were physically forty six years younger than you were supposed to be.
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snezfics-n-shit · 1 year
Sicktember Day 11: Beginner's Guide to Faking Sick
Fandom: Ace Attorney Characters: Larry Butz, Apollo Justice, Trucy Wright, Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth Notes: Despite an ill-fitting reputation as a slacker, Larry has never faked being sick in his life. There are over a hundred good excuses out there, should he ever need one. Pretending to be sick was far too risky, anyway. However, as the time for his visit to his boyfriends grows shorter, and his boyfriends’ work days grow longer, Larry may just have to step out of his comfort zone with help from two unlikely sources. Post-SoJ, one mention of Apollo’s whereabouts following the game, but he’s in Japanifornia focusing on the here and now, so assess how risky you personally find it if you haven’t finished SoJ. You know the drill, married Wrightworth mutually dating Larry, and Trucy is in college (they grow up so fast!)
“Another one!?” 
Even if the phone couldn’t hear him, it felt good for Larry to shout his frustrations at his latest received texts. 
“What’s up?” A muffled form of Apollo’s voice came from inside one of Trucy’s magic boxes. “Is it a good enough excuse to get out of this box?” 
“No,” Larry groaned as he rested his cheek on Phoenix’s desk, “Edgey just had to call in another witness, so he and Nick are gonna be working all day again.”
“Damn, I guess you’re stuck here with us, then.” Apollo helped himself to opening the top of the box to climb out, provoking merely a look of disappointment from Trucy once she entered the office just in time to catch him in the act. “Funny how even after I’ve been gone for a while, the boss still hasn’t given Athena her fair share of cases.”
“That’s not true, Polly!” Trucy eagerly corrected him. “This was actually Athena’s case originally, but,” she couldn’t help but giggle, “she’s playing hooky to go on a date!” 
“What?” Apollo raised a brow. “I could’ve sworn I heard you tell everyone here that she had the flu, and in graphic detail at that.” 
“That’s what I told you, yes.” Trucy blew a quick, playful raspberry. “She needed a good excuse to take time off, so I came up with one.”
“Jeez, I wish an excuse like that could be enough to get someone else to stay home,” Larry lamented, “then the days leading up to my next book fair appearance wouldn’t be so lonely.” 
“Who said they couldn’t, Uncle Larry?” Even though Larry was now dating both of Trucy’s dads, the ‘Uncle’ part still stuck. “When I got my appendix out, Daddy and Papa dropped everything just to stay with me.” 
“Well, yeah, they’re your parents and you had a major surgery.” Larry countered. 
“Didn’t the boss and Mr. Edgeworth take a week off when you had the flu, Larry?” Apollo wondered aloud. 
“Yeah, but I was actually sick, and it was awful.” 
“Who said you have to be actually sick?” 
The cogs in Larry’s brain needed a moment to turn.
“Oh, no! No way!” Larry refused the potential suggestion adamantly. “I have never faked sick in my entire life. It would be too risky to start now.”
“But that would make you more believable!” Trucy insisted. “Didn’t you say Papa used to get away with faking sick all the time because he was so well behaved?” 
“Yeah, but I’m not.” 
“Sure you are! You have, um,” Trucy pressed a finger to her cheek, “a record of credibility! Yeah! Daddy and Papa would never suspect a thing!” 
“But I don’t know the first thing about faking sick!”
“Polly and I can show you the ropes!” Trucy giggled once she saw Apollo’s reaction to being volunteered. “Polly pretended to be sick so we wouldn’t find out he got backstage passes to–”
“Hey!” Apollo interrupted, even though it was obvious those backstage passes were a privilege earned by being the boyfriend of Klavier Gavin. It wasn’t even that big of a deal, since everyone and their mother already knew that, but Apollo liked pretending his relationship was still a well-hidden secret. “I’ll help, just… Just be quiet in exchange!”
“Alright, alright.” Trucy needed a moment to settle down. “First thing’s first: looking the part!” 
. . .
The makeup was so itchy. 
Sure, it helped Larry look like he was at death’s door, but why did it have to be so uncomfortable? This was the stuff Trucy wore for every magic show? This was the stuff Nick wore for Ivy University’s theatre productions? Larry was so thankful that despite his very long résumé, such heavy makeup was never required; even the Steel Samurai live shows just needed the costumes and that was it. 
“He looks like a zombie…” Apollo muttered. “I thought we were going for a few days of bedrest, not the walking dead.” 
“That’s because I haven’t applied the blush yet, Polly!” 
Oh god, there was more. 
“How much longer is this gonna take?” Larry didn’t mean to sound like he was complaining, but it did feel like forever. 
“Just a few finishing touches, aaaaand… We’re done!” Trucy presented a hand mirror for Larry to assess the results. 
“Wow, I look like shit.” If it had been any other situation, that wouldn’t even be close to the compliment it was right now. 
“Perfect!” Trucy bounced on the balls of her feet. “That means Polly can help you with the next part!”
“What?” Why me?” Apollo pointed to himself, almost hoping there was somehow another ‘Polly’ in the room. 
“You lose your voice all the time from yelling stuff like,” Trucy took a deep breath, “‘I’M FINE!!’” She cleared her throat. “You know, like that.”
“I don’t do it on purpose.” Apollo retorted. 
“Well, how else is he going to sound sick?” 
“Um,” Larry chimed in, “I could just take a nap with Pess and get congested that way; that’d make me sound pretty sick.”
“Nope! Not allowed!” Trucy was quick to dismiss the decision. “You’ll ruin all my hard work on your makeup if you do that!” 
“Alright,” Apollo conceded with a sigh, “let’s get shouting.” 
. . . 
It took until dusk for the excess yelling to do a number on Larry’s vocal chords, but what mattered was that it worked. Even when Apollo suggested he just give up, Larry kept going. 
Now he looked, sounded, and honestly kind of even felt sick enough for even the most perceptive of lawyers to fall for his performance. 
Trucy and Apollo had opted to leave the office and grab something to eat, mostly because Trucy couldn’t stop giggling and Apollo feared she would give everything away. For a girl who took the art of the poker face so seriously, Trucy sure had a difficult time maintaining one whenever her dads were involved. 
All Larry needed to do was just wait for just the right moment to pull the thermometer from the mug of hot water that Trucy had prepared, and all would be right. His boyfriends would immediately take pity on him, call in some substitutes, and spend all their newly gained freetime pampering him. 
Life would be so good. 
As soon as the door creaked open, it was showtime. Larry quickly plucked the heated thermometer to slide under his tongue, wincing as it slightly burned the inside of his mouth. 
“Sorry we’re late.” Phoenix spoke mid-yawn as he and Miles hung their coats on the office coat rack; surely this meant yet another late night of going over case notes… that is, if it weren’t for Larry’s brilliant ruse. “Good news, though: the trial wrapped up today.” 
“It actually wrapped up earlier today, but we needed to run some more errands.” Miles explained.
“Miles and I were actually–” Phoenix’s attention was soon grabbed by the sound of the beeping thermometer. “Larry?” He gently pulled the device from his boyfriend’s mouth and sighed at the numbers it displayed. “A hundred, on the dot.” He kissed Larry’s forehead. “Pretty low, so that’s probably why you don’t feel very warm…” 
“If you’re feeling unwell enough to need to check your temperature, I’d say that alone calls for getting some rest.” Miles propped Larry up on his shoulder. “Let’s get you home. We can postpone tomorrow’s plans for a later date.”
“Wha–” Larry tried to ask what plans Miles was referring to, but his voice was just completely gone. 
“Oh, geez.” Phoenix made a noise in sympathy. “Yeah, it wouldn’t be much fun riding a rollercoaster with that nasty case of…” He started to snicker. 
“Darling, don’t.” Miles advised.
Larry instinctively glowered. He forgot how much Phoenix loved that pun whenever he lost his voice. First missing out on a roller coaster, and now this. Good grief!
“Of course, it could be something that will pass fairly quickly, like a 24-hour bug.” Miles speculated, much to Larry’s relief. “We’ll just have to see how you’re faring tomorrow.”
“Yeah, now that I think of it, it did come on fairly quickly.” If Phoenix was saying that out of suspicion, given the new circumstances, Larry would not have minded at all. “Maybe what you need is a nice hot cup of tea with lots of honey.”
That sounded so nice, to be allowed a night of pampering and an amusement park date with his boyfriends. It would be like that one saying, having a cake and eating it too, even though Larry didn’t quite understand what the point would be to have a cake and not eat it. 
All he had to do now was hope his voice would be back in shape in the morning, and all would be well. 
. . .
Alas, Larry’s voice was, in fact, not back in shape in the morning. 
Well, at least he’ll have his day of pampering, which, he would have to sullenly admit, was not nearly as fun as a date at the amusement park.
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bayisdying · 2 years
How They Met...Kinda
A/N: Drunk!Lucky is the best and we love her
Tagging my Valentines: @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @gracespicybradshaw @cycbaby @callmemana @breadsquash @kloofspeaks @notyoursbutlewis @milesdickpic @callsignthirsty @likelyrowdy @askmarinaandothers @starlit-epiphany
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Every holiday was a reason for the Chaos Squad to party. Even Valentine's Day. Which is why on Feburary 13th, the Hard Deck was closed to the public, and it was just them.
Fanboy watched as Lucky knocked back quite a bit of alcohol. She had just had another appointment with her OBGYN, but still no good news. He knew she was trying to forget, but he had Spicy bring her waters with every other drink.
"Is she going to be okay?" Whiskey asked.
"She's going to hate herself in the morning."
The night was going well when the topic of Valentines came up for real, everyone discussing their plans. That's when Lucky gets the idea in her hazy mind. Nobody suspects a thing as she gets up from the table. They all figure she's going to pee for the 100th time.
Instead, two seconds later, she is standing on the bartop.
"Lucky, please get down from the bar." Ice said.
"No, I have an idea."
"Oh, this is going to be great." Jake muttered.
"Have you guys ever thought about how amazing it is that we've all met our better halfs?"
"Lucky, honey, please get down from the bar." Ice pleads again.
"Like you! You met Dragon, and you two are amazing together."
Dragon laughs, "thank you sweet girl."
"And I'm sure your first meeting was adorable. In fact, I can picture it now." Lucky gets off the bar, super gracefully by the way, "I can see Ice looking so cool, leaning up against the wall." She leans aganist the bar and puts her aviators on before lowering her voice, "I'm Mr. Ice Cold, No Mistakes."
Ice had been holding in a laugh, but he let it out because, unfortunately, she wasn't wrong.
"Then I can just imagine this gorgeous woman, Dragon, obviously walks by and Mr. Ice over here just melts." She puts her hand over her heart. "That's the girl for me."
"That's pretty accurate to how it happened actually." Slider interjects.
"Thanks, Uncle Sli, and I'm sure it was similar for you and Whiskey. You are just standing there like a Greek God when she rolls up." Lucky says, getting a laugh out of the couple.
"Oh Mickey, come up here and help me."
He groaned but got up anyway, not knowing what to expect.
"Okay, so pretend Mickey is Slider, I know he's too short, but bear with me."
"Wow, so sweet of you."
"Shut up and be a himbo.".
Mickey just stood there, and Baylie huffed but got back into character as Whiskey.
"Heyyyy Slider."
"Hi Jade." Mickey playing along.
"You know you're like really cute." Lucky says twirling her hair. "and I'm like super into cute men with no brains."
Mickey breaks character to laugh at the way she's trying so hard, and he's not the only one.
"Hey, I have some brains!" Slider says, feigning hurt.
"Shut up, Ron. I'm enjoying the show." Whiskey said, patting his thigh.
"I'm just saying you guys met at Top Gun, and that's so cute!" Lucky says. "I'm sure you two big men saw two gorgeous women who were mean to you and fell in love."
She turned to Goose and Scarlet, who were both laughing so hard that they had turned matching shades of...scarlet...
"Then you two!"
"Oh no." Scarlet hid her face in her hands.
"I can picture it, Goose at the piano playing some old ass song." She paused, and the group watched as an idea washed over her leading to a devilish grin. "Kind of like this." She says as she walks over to the piano.
"Does she know how to play the piano?" Spicy asked.
Mickey shakes his head.
"Someone should be recording this." Jake says, "this is the best thing ever."
Lucky hits a few random keys, making everyone wince. "You shake my nerves, and rattle my brains." She sings, her voice not bad but definitely off beat.
"So he's sitting there playing this stupid song, and this gorgeous redhead walks in and sees this tall drink of water sitting on the bench."
"Ew." Rooster whispers.
"Grow up Rooster, anyways knowing Goose he probably tells her to take a seat in his lap and despite not knowing him she takes the invitation. He serenades her with old songs all night long, and from that night forward they were in love."
Scarlet wipes an actual tear from her eye.
"Then a few years later, they had a son and named him Bradley even though Dumbass was more appropriate."
"She's not wrong." Spicy playfully elbows Rooster in the ribs.
"And that dumbass found his perfect person much in the same way as his parents. In this very bar. Penny hired this gorgeous woman and she was behind the bar." For added effect Lucky jumped over the bar, Ice damn near chokes on his drink with worry.
"So imagine Spicy behind the bar, learning from the amazing queen herself, Penny. And this tall, porn stached, idiot walks in with that walk. Y'all know that walk. She looks up, completely ignoring her new bff trying to get a refill on her jack and coke." Lucky pouts. "And in that moment, I lost my wife to the biggest dumbass I know besides Jake."
"Bay, it wasn't that dramatic."
"We could have been so good together Spicy but nooooooo."
"Cariño, we'd already been together for years."
"This isn't about you Mickey."
Mickey just nods, knowing better than to argue with his wife.
"And then, then my other wife finds us and drops us for Jake. Like come on Spicy and I are both much hotter than Jake Seresin."
Cin snorted, "yes honey."
"Um excuse you?" Jake asked.
"Shut up Jake, and let me finish." Lucky said and despite wanting to fight Jake obeys. "so anyways, Jake takes one look at my gorgeous bestie and decides to stop being a man whore and nail Cin down. And somehow she looked at his big head and said yes."
"I don't have a big head." Jake pouted.
Lucky looks around, "I guess that's it really. We know how Maverick and Penny got together after like a billion years. And I still don't know how Cyclone got a hot ass bitch like Venom."
The group laughs as Fanboy helps Lucky back to her seat.
"You're forgetting someone Lucky." Whiskey points out.
Lucky looks around confused, "no I didnt."
"Honey, you forgot you and Mickey." Spicy points out.
"Oh we fucked in the closet of the cottage before it was mine." Lucky blurts out and most of the group laugh at her bluntness. Rooster and Ice look less than thrilled to know this information.
"Cariño that's not how we met." Fanboy points out.
Lucky looked him right in the eyes, "no but its when I realized I was totally, completely in love with you and I stopped fighting it."
Mickey smiles at her like they are the only two in the room.
"I'm going to vomit." Rooster says matter-of-factly before getting up from the table and heading to the kitchen, followed by his father and Jake.
Penny, Cin, and Spicy start clearing the tables. Usually Lucky would help, but after her big show she was laying her head on Fanboy's shoulder. She tries to reach for his Bud Light but he pushes it away.
"Mickeyyyy." She pouts.
"Oh, you're cut off, big time child." Ice says taking the bottle away from both of them.
"That's so mean."
"You'll get over it."
"Okie dokie."
Mickey shakes his head, but picks up his wife bridal style.
"Let's get you home Bay."
"I love you Garcia."
"I love you more."
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kleoyeager78 · 2 years
10 things I hate about you| ch 6
You had Mr.Ackerman for your next class so you and Annie made your way there.
You were the only ones there when you arrived, and you noticed a tall man pacing back and forth.
He stopped pacing when he noticed you and came over to greet you.
“Hey babydoll,” he said to you.
“Hey uncle Kenny”
(Y’all thought it was Levi? 🫵🤣)
You knew Kenny because he was Levi’s uncle and you and Levi were pretty close.
“Can you help me read this?” He asked while handing you some type of paper.
“It says you need to pick up something from the office
“Oh” Kenny said, sounding like he realized something. “Thank you sweetheart I’m going to go handle this. That bastard still owes me money”
Kenny walked out the door leaving you and Annie just standing there.
“Um” you said, still shocked at what happened.
“That was awkward,” Annie added. “Anyways, let's find our seats.”
“We’re sitting in the back so that I can sleep”
“There’s no way you’re still tired after sleeping in mr. Smith's class”
“Well , gym class always leaves me exhausted. And plus Kenny will probably be gone most of the time anyways so why not take a good nap.”
“Fine.” Annie said, rolling her eyes and making her way to the back of the classroom. You followed behind her.
After sitting there for a while you began to drift off to sleep.
But then you heard loud laughter coming from the entrance which woke you right up.
“He totally likes you,” one voice said.
“You think so?” Another voice said.
“Of course!” The first voice responded.
As the voices got closer you realized it was Hitch and her friends. And as your mind began to start functioning again you realized they were coming into the same classroom as you.
“Y/n’s in this class”you heard one of them say.
“Let’s go mess with her”
They giggled and started walking towards you.
You internally groaned because you really didn’t want to deal with this. But you sighed and kept your cool as they made their approach.
“Hey y/n” The girl who you heard talking earlier said.
Now that she was in front of you, you recognized her as Reagan. Although Regan wasn't as bad as the others, she didn't have the best track record, and her name didn't ring any good bells.
Regan, like the other girls in that group, was obsessed with Eren. Because of this, she bullied you throughout elementary, middle, and high school. She'd treat you like shit just to get a little praise from him, and she'd even beat you up just to get him to look at her. But when he got in her pants and tossed her to the side, she came to a halt. She no longer bullied you because she didn't see the point in it since he didn't want her. But that doesn't mean she's grown fond of you. Even without him in the picture, she was as rude to you as she had always been.
But you could care less what she said to you. Because as long as you weren’t coughing up blood and crying yourself to sleep every night you were fine.
“Hey Regan,” you said with a fake smile.
“I was just coming to see if the water Abby gave you helped any but obviously it didn’t” she said with a chuckle.
The other girls giggled at her rude comment. Including Hitch. Making you want to cry.
���Oh yeah that. Silly Abby, always tripping on her own two feet. It reminded me of that time we did a play and she tripped on that can of paint. Poor girl was on crutches for a week.” You said with a fake pout.
In truth you had a smart ass mouth but you never showed it. That’s why you always told Annie she didn’t have to defend you because you knew you could defend yourself if you wanted to. You just didn’t see any worth in it.
“It was only 5 days actually.” Abigail said, trying to defend herself.
“Oh was it? I must have forgotten since a lot happened that week” you said, giving an all knowing smile.
“Oh yeah wasnt that the same week she tried to baby trap a guy who told her he didn’t want her several times” Annie said
“Yup Annie I think that was the same one” you said giving Annie a sinister smile
“Wow so you had a week full of embarrassment didn’t you Abby” Annie said with a big smile on her face almost matching your own.
“Not as embarrassing as your best friend sleeping with a guy who bullies you and then leaving you for new and not to mention better friends” Abigail said
You had no idea that Hitch slept with Eren so when she said that it completely caught you off guard.
“Oh don’t tell me you didn’t know y/n, the whole school knew”
You couldn’t even say anything. So you looked at Hitch. But she just rolled her eyes.
“So it’s true”your voice cracked.
“You can’t be that stupid, have the drugs messed up your mind that badly y/n?” Hitch scoffed. “Of course I did”
“But what about us?”
“What about us? Y/n all you were was a burden to me and as soon as I let you go my life only got better”
“That’s not true, what about all the times you told me we were best friends?”
“ Listen y/n I was only your friend because you were the pretty girl and I wanted boys to recognize me. But now all you are is an addict.”
Her last sentence made Annie want to punch the living shit out of her. But she didn’t because she knew you had to hear this or you would never move on from this.
“Y/n we aren’t friends so stop acting like it. Get that through your head.”
That was the last thing Hitch said before she and the rest of her group walked back to their seats giggling.
Lucky for you no one was in the room so they didn’t have to see one of your most embarrassing moments.
You felt like crying, throwing up and screaming all at the same time so for the best outcome you decided to go to the bathroom.
When you got there you ended up going to a stall and bawling your eyes out.
While you were in there you heard a knock on the door. Which you obviously didn’t answer because anyone could tell someone was in here.
“Hey y/n let me in” you recognized the voice because it was Annie’s but you made no moves to let her in.
So she took it upon herself to slide her backpack under and crawl under the stall door.
“Annie what the hell” you stopped mid cry to give her a look.
“Are you okay”
“Oh” Annie sat there waiting for you to go on a big rant like you always did when she asked that question.
And sure enough.
“I mean I know you told me and all but like damn I wasn’t expecting that but of course I always have to be stupid an-“ Annie cut you off mid sentence.
“Your not stupid”
You just looked at her. “Ok?” You sighed “Anyways what I’m trying to say is, it hurts, everything hurts Annie
and I don’t know what to do. The only person I thought I had thinks I’m a burden and I know it’s true because everyone thinks of me that way but damn her too?”
“I don’t see you that way. And besides it doesn’t matter how anyone else sees you. All that matters is how you see yourself.”
“That’s the thing Annie, I hate myself. I hate me so much that I relied on Hitch to like me so that I could feel decent about myself. That’s why it hurts so bad”
“Y/n I need you to look at me” Annie said in a stern voice. “You are worth so much more than Hitches or Anyone else’s opinion” Annie was very serious and you could tell she meant every word.
You just looked at her trying to make yourself believe anything she just said. But you couldn’t.
“I know you can’t believe me right now but you will.”
After that Annie got up and unlocked the stall door.
She grabbed a paper towel from the sink and dipped it in water to assist you wipe your face.
You took the paper towel and wiped your tears away. “Thank you Annie. I know I don’t show it but I’m grateful to have you”
Annie just nodded and watched you collect yourself.
After you collected yourself Annie and you walked back to class.
And to say you felt empty was an understatement.
For the rest of the day your mind was just somewhere else.
You sat through all of your classes mindlessly. Truthfully, your body ran on autopilot until the end of the day.
When the school day was finished, you packed your stuff and began making your way out of the building.
You were in a hurry because you didn’t want to be forced to ride with your step sister.
You would rather walk home than be in the car with your step sister and her friends or really just Hitch.
So that’s what you did.
As you were walking you started to think.
Think about where it all went wrong with you and Hitch.
You were shocked by her actions to say the least but to sum everything up you were hurt.
Y/n’s POV
I mean I gave her everything.
I did everything she wanted me to and still I wasn’t enough.
I did drugs like she told me to do so that I could be cool but still I wasn’t enough.
I was with a boy who treated me like shit so that she could get closer to the guy she liked but still I wasn’t enough.
I changed everything about myself because she told me to but still I wasn’t enough.
Looking back, I worry if I will ever be good enough for someone to love me, cherish me, or at the very least perceive me as more than simply a burden.
You got overwhelmed halfway through your walk because of all of your thoughts and decided to stop by your friend's workplace because you were close and hoped he'd give you a ride so that you wouldn’t actually have to walk all the way home.
When you entered you were met by the sound of men yelling.
“You cheater, I want a rematch” one said.
“Hell no I won fair and square” the man replied.
The other man then got up and you could tell that things were about to get physical.
But lucky for you a certain someone could also tell and wasn’t about to let anything happen.
“Tch, sit your ass down or get out”
“Bu-“ the man was about to make up some excuse but of course the man wasn’t buying it.
“You say the same thing everytime you lose I don’t want to hear it”
“Levi you’re no fun I don’t know how you’re any kin to Kenny”
“Me either,” Levi replied.
After that he made his way back over to the bar and started taking someone’s order.
And you made your way over to him.
“Leviiiiiiii” you shouted.
Levi rolled his eyes as he turned to face you and walked over to the bar's drink area to make his customer a drink.
“Come on, not even a hello” you said with your head turnt to the side and a pout.
“I’m busy,” he said, sounding aggravated.
“When are you not?” You said with a smile making Levi let his guard down a little.
“Look I’ll be on break in like 3 minutes we can talk then okay”
You took a seat at the bar and waited for Levi to go on break.
When Levi was done he came to you.
“Oi brat what do you want.”
“To talk with my best friend”
“I thought Hitch took that title.”
His sentence made your mood go down and even though you tried not to show it he still figured it out.
“What’s wrong kid”
“Tell me”
“Hitch isn’t my best friend Levi. I’m not sure she ever was let her tell it”
“Oh” was all he said.
“But anyways” you put back on your smile from earlier. “How is life for you”
“Same as always”
“Great to hear.” You said disregarding what he said. “We should hang out Friday” you randomly said.
“Why?” he asked, obviously confused.
“Well I have to take my mom to rehab and she’s giving me her car! So we should definitely hang out while we have the chance” you announced.
“Is your dad going to let you?”
“Uh I didn’t think that far”
“You never do. Anyways if you can escape that house I will be more than willing to hang out with you.”
“Okay deal” you said, holding your hand out waiting for him to shake it.
Levi didn’t shake your hand but he did agree.
“Alsoooo” you said, dragging out the word.
This made Levi scoff because you only did this when you wanted something. “What kid”
“Can I have a ride?” you gave Levi your best puppy eyes.
“I don’t get off till 9”
“I’ll wait”
“We both know your folks won't let you.”
“I'll get violet to cover for me”
“You know she won’t”
“Ugh Levi”
Your aggravation and determination made Levi chuckle.
“Furlan” He called.
And some blonde boy came from the back.
“Yes captain” the boy said.
“Tch. My break is almost over; could you take her home for me?”
Levi pointed at you causing Furlan to look your way.
“Of course I would love to take a pretty girl home.” Furlan winked at you.
“Oi don’t try anything brat”
“You know I won’t boss,” Furlan said with a smile and made his way over to you. “Hi”
“Hello,” you replied.
“Ready to go”
With that you and Furlan went to his car.
After you told him your address and he began driving everything went silent.
“So how come I've never seen you around.” you decided to break the silence
“Oh I just moved here”
“That's shocking considering how you are with Levi”
“What do you mean by that”
most of the time, Levi is like someone's grumpy father." Furlan laughed at your sentence. "No, seriously, it took him a few months to open up to me, and that's because I'm lucky." Others typically take years."
"He does give off a distant vibe, but I guess I make it work."
“You must be really good with people then”
This made Furlan giggle.
“So how do you know Levi,” he asked.
“Oh he’s like an older brother to me. I met him in highschool and he’s just always been there for me”
“You went to the same highschool as Levi?”
“Paradis High.”
“Yeah. why?”
“That's the school i'm going to “
“Wait when?”
“I was suppose to go today but my dad forgot to sign me up so I guess i'll be there next monday”
‘So how is it there’
“Well I'm the most hated person there, so not so great. But for you it may be better”
“What? Why are you hated?”
“Because a very popular guy who goes there doesn’t like me and since he’s so popular he gets other people not to like me.”
“Yeah and what sucks is I don't understand why. The only thing I've ever done was be kind to him and yet I get shitted on because of it.”
At this point Furlan was just listening to you vent.
“I'm sorry I didn’t mean to vent”
“It's fine it sounded like you needed to get that off your chest. You can continue if you want”
“I'm sorry it's just that he’s made the happiest part of my life a living hell.”
"Don't be sorry; I understand how you feel. People in my hometown used to pick on me until one summer. I did a lot of yard work to improve my appearance and got a job to afford decent clothing. They were all over me at the time, but I wasn't interested in any of them. All I wanted was to be comfortable in my own skin and not be mocked."
“That sounds terrible Furlan” you reached out your hand to hold his.
“It was but i'm a whole lot happier now and one day you will be too”
“Thank you”
“It's no problem at all”
After a while Furlan finally arrived at your house and you were about to get out of the car when he stopped you.
“We should hang out sometime,” he said.
“Sure, I'm free whenever,” you said with a big smile.
“How about Friday”
“sounds perfect.”
With that you closed the door and made it inside your home.
a/n- Long time, no see. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but we're moving and staying at my grandmother's house, which means I don't have my own room and I'm constantly bothered, so I haven't had time to write. Also, school has been difficult lately, but I just got coursehero, so that shouldn't be a problem 😏. Also, I decided to speed this up a little because we are literally on chapter 6 and the first day of school just ended, and I know you were probably thinking "it doesn't take 5 chapters for the first day of school." 😭 Also, I apologize for the numerous "-" symbols; I never know how to address the next topic, so I skip it and make it time leap.
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mad2001-4 · 1 year
"Children! The mail!" Cain called from the bottom of the stairs. Mina heard doors and chatter as all the other sins as they went to collect whatever their uncle had for them. She was surprised, however, to see Lux not eagerly getting up like he normally would. The crown adorned sin always seemed eager for any chance to go racing down the stairs, but this time he was oddly still and tensed, looking down at the Legos he'd been building with beforehand trying to seem distracted but Mina knew that look. He was simply trying to avoid whatever mail there was.
She opened her mouth but before any words could come out, Cain's voice rang out again, easily more annoyed, "Greed. Mail. Now!"
Lux gave a whimperish-whine, rolling his head back in frustration that his little plan was foiled. Mina frowned slightly, brow arched, still she gently tried to encourage him, "Hey, it's alright. You can keep playing in a moment, ok? Just go get whatever your uncle has for you real quick. We don't want you to get in trouble."
Lux whined again, ducking his head in attempt to hide tears, "I don't want to! I already know what it is and what it's going to say!" he groaned, "I-I just wanna build..."
"Well, he won't be happy if you don't come down. You don't want to get in trouble, right?" Mina coaxed, "Cmon, I'll even go with you."
"No!!" Lux cried out right as she was going to stand up, the blonde jumping to his feet, "I-I'll go! Just don't go too. Please don't go too!"
Mina furrowed her browser gently but she sighed softly, "Hey, it's ok. It's alright. I won't go. You go get the mail and I'll be right here when you get back, ok?"
Lux sniffled slightly nodding a little bit, as he turned to go to the door but before he could reach it there was an agitated knock, "Greed. I know you can hear me, little boy. Open the door and get your mail. If you need help reading it and understanding it, I'll help you," the last part of Cain's words had an almost mocking, condescending edge to them. It made Mina arch a brow further and Lux's face to flush deeply signaling he heard the tone too.
Lux whined again softer, but obediently made his way to his door opening it, a defeated look on his still red face.
"There he is," Cain chuckled, holding a letter out to the blonde sin, "these came in. Be sure to let us know what it says, surely even you can handle that, hmm?"
Greed's face flushed deeper, condescension still obvious in Cain's voice, "Yes Uncle Cain..."
"Oh there's a good boy," he snorted, ruffling Lux's hair, "keep an eye on him, Mina dear, and please do make sure he doesn't forget to tell us what the letter says, it's important for our records... though I'm sure we all know what it'll be," he chuckled, offering a dismissive wave as he walked off.
Lux gripped the letter, tight enough that it wrinkled in his grasp, slamming the door shut, he marched towards the desk tossing the letter down before plopping onto the bed, abandoning the Legos in favor of hugging a pillow to his face. Mina sighed softly knowing this as a good old fashioned Lux temper tantrum, the silent kind (the loud kind easily resembled the kind a toddler threw and was a kind she was just as accustomed to by now).
She got up sitting next to him on the bed, "You not gonna read the letter?" she hummed softly.
Lux hiccupped slightly into the pillow shaking his head, "Noooo!!!"
"Your uncle wants to know what it says," she gently hummed.
"Already know what it says! There's no need to look!"
Mina sighed, realizing she wasn't going to get anywhere with him acting like this, she stood up and walked towards the desk, while she wouldn't go open the mail, she figured she'd at least look at the envelope to see if there was any suggestion to why he was in such a mood. She picked it up, scanning before frowning in confusion 'Classification Co.'
She glanced to Lux, surely with him being immortal he would've already been classified, she brought the letter with her, sitting back on the bed, "It looks pretty important, Lu, I think you ought to check it out..."
Lux whined peeking his head out, green eyes widening as soon as he saw that she had the letter. He immediately sat up, snatching the paper from her, "No!! No!!! I know what's it's going to say!! I don't want it! I don't want it!! I don't!!!" he yelled, arms flailing up in down in a fit, "I want to burn it! I want it to disappear!! Disappear from my life!!"
Mina easily had a guess what it said too, it was a thought that hadn't ever occurred to her though, classifications being the least of her concerns. She never even dwelt on her own for long, she gently furrowed her brows, "Lu, are you a little?" she asked gently.
Greed's lip trembled at this, a wail leaving him as he tossed the letter aside, collapsing into his pillows once more to muffle the tantrum. Mina frowned gently, feeling the more caregiver side of her classification take over, sighing as she scooted over, closer, rubbing his back gently.
"Hey, hey.... shhh.. it's ok..."
"Its not!!" Lux wailed working himself up further, swinging his legs now with only caution to avoid hurting Mina, "Its awful! It's terrible!! I hate being a little! I try and try and try and try to change it and it doesn't work! It never works!! All the others got theirs changed overtime! But mines always been little! Just little! I can't even g-get like an alpha little or beta little!! It's not fair!! Not fair, not fair, not fair, not. Fair!!" he sobbed into the pillows.
Mina winced realizing now that he ranted he'd either settle quickly or be next to impossible to console, but she knew she at least had to take a shot at the former option.
"Hey..." she cooed gently, "You're working yourself up, love bug, can you look at me?" Greed hiccupped but obeyed, lifting his head a little bit to look at her, tears rolling down his awfully red cheeks, Mina offered a gentle smile, "Aww, there he is, a sweet little one..." she soothingly cupped his cheek, rubbing the tear track gently, "being a little really isn't that bad..."
Lux hiccupped, "I-Its annoying a-and childish a-a-and you aren't gonna wanna be my fr-friend no more!!"
Mina chuckled softly, "And why wouldn't I want to be your friend anymore, little one?"
Lux hiccupped again, followed by a pitiful sniffle, "'Acause... w-who wants to friends w-with an annoying baby?"
Mina smiled gently, "I've managed it this long," she lightly teased, "plus, you want to hear a secret?" contrasting his miserable and embarrassed expression, Lux nodded with a little twinkle in his eyes, to make it feel more special to the blonde boy, she whispered, "I'm a caregiver..."
Lux blinked sniffling slightly, then he started to giggle a little bit, "S-sounds like Mr. Destiny had a play in our meeting!"
Mina snorted, relieved to see him calming down, "Maybe he did," she murmured, "so I'm curious... how do your guys classifications work..? You mentioned being able to change them and... all sorts of things, surely you'd been classified before this, you had to have been...."
Greed sniffled, rubbing at one of his eyes, "I have.... it's a lot like the mortal classification... but since we're immortal, they redo it every thousand years or so, since a person can change a lot in that time.."
Mina nodded slightly, she supposed it made sense, "So like... how often do you slip?" she asked softly.
Lux's face turned red again, knowing why she asked, he fought against tears wanting to swell up in his eyes again, reminding himself that Mina already said she still wanted to be his friend despite his class, "Um.... a lot... usually just try to stay in that middle space.."
Mina hummed, "And when you fully slip, how old do you usually get?"
"Th-three to five, usually.."
Mina nodded, watching Lux who was avoiding her gaze like the plague, face still glowing bright red. She chuckled softly, "Hey.." she murmured, kissing his forehead gently, "I already told you there wasn't anything wrong with being little... I don't mind, ok? I'm not going anywhere," she promised.
Lux slowly brought his gaze up to hers, then suddenly flung himself at her, hugging onto her, "Thank you..." he whimpered, "everyone else just teases me for it or takes it as an opportunity to dismiss what I say.." he mumbled.
Mina hummed, wrapping her arms around him in return, "Of course bud... you got nothing to worry about with me," she promised softly.
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nel-world · 17 days
You know, I’ve always been known for being impulsive, which is probably why I ended up trying stand-up comedy. But before stand-up, I was really into music. When I was new to this country, I was glued to MTV, BET, and YouTube music videos all the time. I’d watch those videos and think, “I want to be like those rappers and pop stars.” They were my superheroes. So, there I was, this brown kid on a college campus, but my inner voice was blasting, "I listen to Drake, Jay-Z, I got 99 problems!” I’d be breakdancing down the hallway like I was auditioning for a music video. Naturally, I decided to try my hand at rapping. I got my friend Chris to help—he had a free copy of FL Studio, and we started recording music. We’d take popular songs and turn them into rap remixes. I remember one time we took "You Raise Me Up" and added a rap verse: When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary When troubles come and my heart burdened be Then, I am still and wait here in the silence Until You come and sit awhile with me. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas I am strong, when I am on your shoulders You raise me up to more than I can be… Yeah, you can imagine how that went down.
another trait of mine is i misplace stuff im like looking for where r my car keys , where is remote control my wife is like u need to b organized..
as a kid i remember losing the bicycle key
It's been three days since I lost the pool key, and now my mom is mad at me. It feels like she has a superpower that keeps her angry without a break whenever I mess up, which is why I try my best to never do anything wrong.
It's like there's a flashing neon sign on my forehead: "HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, GOOD-FOR-NOTHING KID WHO LOST THE POOL KEY. $50 DOWN THE DRAIN!"
I try to explain to her that Cindy and I put up twenty flyers all over, and I understand that fifty dollars is equivalent to three hundred and fifty tomans in Iran, which is a lot of money to flush down the toilet. That's what it'll feel like if we have to pay the landlady.
"Why don't you check the clothes dryer and all your pockets?" my dad suggests, im filled with hope. I search through all my clothes, inspecting the washer and dryer, even go through the vacuum cleaner bag. I c heck between the sofa cushions and manage to find twelve cents.
But still, no pool key. The following day, my dad suggests praying to Saint Anthony, claiming it always works. "Saint Anthony, you mean?" I ask.
My mom , suggests we ask Saint Anthony to come over and look for the key instead. "He's a saint, so he's been dead for a long time," I tell her. "If you think a dead man is going to help you find the key, good luck," she retorts.
but I decide to pray, and, my prayers are answered when a neighbor finds the key gives it to the apartment office.
But then, there was my uncle, who I was staying with at the time. Now, this guy, he was all about food and clearance sales. Anytime I’d order a plain pizza, he’d show up with a mountain of toppings and say, “They have 32 toppings on sale today! You didn’t come to America to eat plain pizza!” He’d drive all over town for the best deals, rebates, and coupons, all while blasting country music in the background. I’m talking George Strait: “Amarillo by mornin’, up from San Antone…” “Lost my wife and a girlfriend, somewhere along the way…” And then one day, my uncle got this bright idea to open a restaurant. He found a spot where the owners were divorcing, so he signed the lease right away, convinced he was going to discover "secret recipes." He’d talk about his restaurant plans for hours, and it was like listening to a Spanish radio station you didn’t quite understand. He named the place “Nimo's Restaurant” after himself, of course, and he went all in with this crazy fusion menu: spicy lasagna, butter chicken pasta, paneer parmigiana. You know, keeping it authentic! But then, he orders a vacuum cleaner for the restaurant and doesn’t get the $10 rebate he was promised. This becomes his new mission. He’s on the phone with customer service like, “I sent in the form, the proof of purchase, the UPC code, my birth certificate, and I still didn’t get my rebate!” He couldn’t let it go. He was writing letters like it was 1942, while I’m telling him, “Uncle, it’s just $10.” And he’s like, “It’s not about the money; it’s about the principles of life!” Finally, customer service tells him the rebate expired. But he’s not done. He’s like, “I’m going to fight for this rebate!” For him, it was like a battle anthem playing in the background: “From this moment, life has begun From this moment, you are the one… And I'm gonna fight for the rebate!”
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