#oh yes and I need to make a mag tag hold on. okay here it is->
transsexual-divinity · 5 months
Hey losers and losettes,
I’m in the very early stages of starting a little diy zine about horror movies! I have no experience in this so advice is appreciated lol. But I’m hoping to have it out by July. I’m calling it PHOBIA and the theme of this one is summer horror, so not strictly ones that take place in summer but they got the vibes. Along with the horror theme there’s also gonna be a smaller section about upcoming music/concerts/etc too. Going to attempt to have it in print but it may end up digital if that’s easier for me. And I’m having open submissions!
I’m open to all things, art, reviews and rantings, movie recommendations, original fiction or horror poetry, even your urban legends (got a story about a evil ice cream truck lol I’d love to hear it!). The subjects so far are:
House of wax 2005
Sharp objects 2018
X 2022
Texas Chainsaw 3d 2013, though I haven’t watched it yet..
Hopefully Maxxxine 2024 if one of my local theaters plays it when it comes out
Music, so if you want a shameless plug of your band hit me up!
And anything else I (or you) can think of
So if that’s something your interested in email me at: [email protected]
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jeeperso · 2 years
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I posted 591 times in 2022
56 posts created (9%)
535 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 106 of my posts in 2022
#dungeons and dragons - 46 posts
#dnd 5e - 46 posts
#quotes without context - 38 posts
#ravenloft - 24 posts
#treasure island - 14 posts
#muppet treasure island - 9 posts
#dracula daily - 9 posts
#dracula - 9 posts
#barovia - 6 posts
#the power of friendship and this gun i found - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 58 characters
#blogging and tagging so i can find the blasted thing again
My Top Posts in 2022:
D&D Quotes Without Context
Ravenloft edition, Barovia Arc, part 2
"Look I know you're a homicdial maniac, but it's after nine and we got kids!" "I'd ask if the sun ever shines in this misbegotten domain, but I'd say the answer is a resounding No." "No, vitamin D deficiency is.. common here it seems." As you say this, you hear a loud thump as something lands on top of your wagon. Looking up you see a large fat black tabby cat with one bad eye. It stares at Nyx, then lets out a loud meow before leaping off into the brush. “Fucking Ravenloft.” "I was worried it was raining corpses." "Right, so let's get this stupid evil box, deliver it to the stupid evil temple, and get the hells out of this stupid evil domain." “Yeah, the undead really need to step up their drama game.” "Well they can't all be the Duchess." "DID THE COUNT SEND YOU?" "Yes. Yes he did. We are here to move the Coffin." "OH GOOD. PLEASE DO. TAKE THAT ACCURSED THING OUT OF MY CITY." “HOW ACCURSED ARE WE TALKING?” "ITS... HARD TO EXPLAIN. I DON'T THINK THERE'S A PROPER WORD FOR IT. ITS LIKE... THE EARTH ATE THEM." Edmund looks back to the pit curiously. GM: It's still there, still being a pit. “If he’s coming down I’ve got money he dies before he gets here or soon after.” "It's Barovia, that's a suckers bet." “Honestly, it’s Ravenloft, the missing being dead is a best case scenario.” “I’m getting a Junji Ito vibe here. I say we burn the village, salt the earth and get this thing where the only thing it can hurt is the lord of the dead.” “Start with restoration, I’ll start my detect magic dance. Hot tip to the newcomers, the top comes off for this.” “Okay, I got a plan. We make a sled for this while Eddie takes a nap and asks his nerd god for curse breaking, then we get the fuck out of here.” As you are sitting there, you suddenly hear a loud thump from the coffin. "No, you shut the hell up. I don't care who or what is in there I do not want to deal with your bullshit." “Marsh, don’t lean on the forth wall too hard. They don’t like that.” Gorbash calls out: "Guys! Curse Coffin is making noises." Jonni storms around and points at the coffin, “And no bullshit from you, or I’m telling Strahd!” GM OOC: The rest of you don't hear a thing by the way. OOC: Jonni still tell it off. She knows better. Jonni starts doing her Naruto hand signs at the coffin. “Do you need a timeout?” Gorbash: "You think you can throw my inner scars at me and get me to fall for your trick like a sucker! Up your game! I survived fucking mindflayers." “Oh, hey, free titty mags!” “Guys, either I avoided the cursed cart, or there’s a burning dude around here.” Marshal stays with the coffin. You can practically hear him thinking of chaining it to himself once you find out if that won't kill him instantly. Irost: *writing a travelers guide* <Hammerlocke, It's the pits.> "Watch the Hole, Watch the Coffin, Watch the Road. Paranoia is only wrong when the world ISN'T out to get you." GM OOC: (You turn and see the hole is now chasing you in a truck.) OOC: Jonni polymorph the truck into a turtle. OOC: Gorbash: "Damn it turn off that gettaway music." OOC: Can’t sleep. Turtle van’ll eat me. The coffin bangs a few times, sometimes you hear whispering from it, but it mainly behaves. Marshal:
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"Hold. State your business." Jonni: “Cursed box disposal.” Jonni: “Also I am here to pleasure as many of your women as are willing and time permits.”
“Yeah, you don’t wanna go near the coffin. It ate a town last week.”
One of the men gives you a curious look, they reach into a pack on their back and produce a wooden lamb mask, holding it up to you so it overlays your face. Jonni: “Oooo… new local kink culture.” The guy puts away the mask and pulls out a wanted poster. For someone called "The Lamb." Jonni: “Nah, I not a furry.”
“Marsh, she’s a furry. I know her type. I can handle this one way or another.”
Nyx is practically bouncing with excitement. "Werewolves, you say. My daggers would love to meet them."
"The Lamb is a fiend. A devil in human form who murders without conscience." Jonni: “Hot.” The captain rubs his brow. "Fucking adventurers." Gorbash: "In Jonni's case, very literally."
“Riverboat murder mystery sounds fun, but road might lead to better fun. I’m good with either.”
"Okay, road and if we encounter this "The Lamb" we let Jonni talk to her first. Maybe she is Jonni's type."
“Man, there are a lot of tittle mags in this domain…”
As you are riding through town, you see something horrifying. “Oh, no… they have The Big Bang Theory in play form…”
"Where was he gonna go, Detroit?"
“Well if he doesn’t wanna know what Super Hell is like he’ll mind his own business.”
"We may have to deal with VLAD once more... Or the Lamb... Or the Burning Orc.... I really have missed traveling with all of you."
As you draw near, the back cart suddenly pitches violently. “Don’t make me come back there!”
"We're on a tour of famous taverns and historical sites of Barovia. We heard Rose Brook has a charming B+B, we are heading there next." Jonni: “I’m doing something similar but with gorgeous ladies of the Domains of Dread.”
Gorbash: "If this turns out like the the maids at the ball, you're paying for clean up."
"Just as well you sprung for a room." The goblin says, "We're storing Jumbo here in the common room, and he takes up most the space himself." The ogre scratches his neck and yawns. Gorbash: "I'd hate for Jumbo to be cramped."
Of course you're currently fixing to be the meat in an Elf sandwich so you are a bit distracted. OOC: True, being drugged is just gonna make the night more interesting.
"If she wants to be struck by lightning in this weather, that's her choice."
"Fork it. I cast Gun."
Jonni shoots up awake at the sound of gunfire. “Huh, wha, boobs?!”
18 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
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Uncommon Wondrous Item, requires attunement
An animated figurine hewn from magical wood, a Palisman is both friend and focus to the one who bonds with it. while typically acting as a familiar (per the Find Familiar spell), a Palisman can additionally be used as a Spellcasting Focus or Broom of Flying
19 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
Your Legion of Superheroes Reboot
So, out of the blue, DC puts YOU in charge of a new Legion series. You can have a core team of 10 members; any version of any character from any era. (How do they all fit together? Uh, Hypertime, or something.) Who do you pick?
its a question I saw asked a couple of years back, and now I pose it to you, with the request you show your work and WHY said Legionnaires make your cut.
And, to get the ball rolling and show I ask nothing of you I cannot do myself, my picks and reasoning, plus a handy cheat to pad the numbers
of the core trio, I think we can get by with one or two of them, and Saturn Girl makes a perfect straight woman to the rest of the antics. Cosmic Boy's off doing, I dunno, something, while Garth's sudden leave of absence is an ongoing subplot (probably looking for Mekt) Up next are the mainstays, and while Brainy's the obvious pick, so too is Bouncing Boy, who often feels like the heart of the team and the most 'grounded' of them. There's some very Spock/McCoy banter between them I also pick Lightning Lass and Violet ("just Violet, thanks"), who gets her PHZ upgrade of being able to go giant, giving us some muscle. Ayla is one of the viewpoint characters, tying into the Garth plot by being asked to "fill in" while he's away. Turns out in the field, Ayla's so much like her brother that people outside the immediate team think Garth's transitioned via profem and is just being shy. that she and Violet quickly develop a will-they/won’t-they romantic tension is going to be an active subplot Actual Asian Karate Kid next, and to the delight of Nemesis Kid, yes, Val's 'space karate' ("that's the closest Interlac gets to translation") is a supernatural martial art, so in the event magic creeps into the plot, at least one of our heroes knows what's going on without having to call up the White Witch. Unluckily for Nemesis Kid, Val also knows the rumored Earther martial arts style known only as "Batman". Chameleon also makes the cut, and why yes, they ARE the adopted progeny of googolnaire R. J. Brande, thank you for asking. Reep's outgoing, genderfluid, and understandably full of themself as a celebrity turned hero. think 80's era wolfman/perez Gar Logan, and my apologies to Cham fans who think I'm butchering his personality. As apparently one of the few people who liked what I saw/heard of the Abnet/Lanning era of LoSH, we'll add Shikari/Dawnstar as the proud & scrappy angry bug lady. 
I was going to add Wildfire, what with the duo practically being a matched set, but Ultra boy is such a legion staple, so Jo Nah gets in as the other viewpoint character ("It's this or Space Juvie"). 
And we’ll round things out with XS, because its always nice to have an optimistic, go-getting speedster, even if she can by a little stuck up about her part in the Flash legacy. That's the core cast. now for my promised cheat, this being "they should be on the team, but they're supporting cast for now", so... Luornu Durgo is the seemingly overworked support staffer. Our active cast have twigged that it's like there's two or three of her, but have yet to grasp the numbers of the future Duplicate Girl Tenzil Kem is the Legion's definitely overworked Lawyer/PR guy, whom Cham regards as "My incredibly boring but actually kinda awesome big brother figure, not that I'll admit that... you aren't recording this, right?" Princess Jeka Wynzorr Wilimena Morgana Daergina Annaxandra Projectra Velorya Vauxhall of Orando (scaly lamia, because I liked that look). while not a member of the Legion, often calls on them for help. Karate Kid is seriously crushing on her. Tinya Wazzo, "unofficial liason" to the UP, in that her mother, UP president Wazzo, put her there as an internship for 'work experience', and heads will literally roll if word gets back that Tinya was anywhere near the actual action The "White Witch" of the Sorcerers' Planet is both ally and antagonist to the legion, depending on the plot, rarely seen without her trusted bodyguard Blok. Is trying to get ahead of some particularly nasty prophecies of her people, which range from "eaters of the sun" to "return of the sorcerer king" and even "The Great Darkness". Drake "Wildfire" Burroughs. Friend of Jo's from his troublemaker days. but the incident that got Jo eaten by a space whale also turned Drake into living energy. Angry and bitter, especially because he was pressganged by Leland McCauley onto his Workforce of indentured superbeings while Jo's a full on superhero, but deep down wants to be a good guy.
so, that’s my legion plus supporting cast, who’ll you put in the roll call?
31 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
The Boiling Isles
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The following is a writeup for the setting of the Owl House for use in the Dungeons & Dragons setting of Ravenloft. For those only just discovering Owl House, please be advised that MASSIVE spoilers for the entire series are below the cut
The Boiling Isles
A realm of everyday Witches & Demons Darklord: Emperor Belos Genre: Dark Fantasy, Horror Comedy Hallmarks: Conformity, lies and betrayal Mist talismans: Broken Palisman, Coven signet ring, Hexes Hold'em deck The Boiling Isles is the name for the cluster of islands formed from the impossibly huge remains of a being known only as The Titan, the largest of which being the torso, floating on a vast, boilingly hot sea. Architecture is as much hewn or grown as it is built, and the Isles are populated by exclusively nonhuman races. By Domain standards, The Boiling Isles are surprisingly no more or less dangerous than most planes in the Multiverse. Adventurers from all walks of life face their occupational hazards, but the average citizen goes about their day in peace and order. All under the watchful eye of Emperor Belos and his Imperial coven. Under his rule, 'wild' magic is strictly outlawed, and recognized magics are just as strictly regimented. Those deemed 'unsuitable', or unwilling to conform to the expected norm are threatened with anything from imprisonment to petrification, and even loyal servants of the realm are subject to sudden tests of 'moral purity' or  'unfortunate accidents’. Treachery is a constant in the Boiling Isles. Empty promises are given out by the rich and powerful to exploit those under them, monsters disguise themselves as kindly wizards to lure in their next meal of unsuspecting adventurers, and otherwise rational people are frequently led on by predatory schemes that bleed away everything they have. Even professional competitions have suddenly introduced or obscure rules that serve only to hand out immediate victory to one player and invalidate the efforts of everyone else. Noteworthy Features - Magic runs rampant in the Boiling Isles, to the point that there are no non-magical races. Islanders who resemble humans are witches, those who don't are Demons. - Many magic users in the Boiling Isles have a Palisman, a familiar made from magical wood (uncommon magical item, requires attunement), but these are of escalating rarity as they're confiscated by the Emperor's Coven. - the Emperor's rule began in living memory, in the wake of a terrible disaster, and recognized by his ability to speak with the Titan itself - Magic is strictly regulated under the coven system, and each Coven can only use that form of magic. Settlements & Sites - Bonespurough: The largest and cosmopolitan of the communities in the Boiling Isles. - The Conformatorium: The central prison complex of the Boiling Isles, the Conformatorium is a massive fortress and literal dungeon where those whose will is not in lockstep with the Imperial norm are sent - The Schools: Hexside, Glandus and St. Epidermis are the three primary learning institutions on the Boiling Isles, each one tasked with teaching students in the use of magic under the imperial coven system, by whatever means the current headmaster deems necessary, up to and including mind-manipulating 'detentions' and other artifacts of dubious morality - Imperial Palace: home and stronghold to the emperor and his elite Imperial Coven. Those who enter as prisoners are often only seen again as statues.
Emperor Belos
See the full post
40 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Today, on Dracula Daily
Like a lizard
(Image taken from Overly Sarcastic Productions review of Dracula)
80 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I posted 2,901 times in 2022
That's 2,844 more posts than 2021!
166 posts created (6%)
2,735 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 769 of my posts in 2022
#taz ethersea - 105 posts
#the adventure zone ethersea - 103 posts
#ethersea spoilers - 103 posts
#not taz - 37 posts
#taz balance - 24 posts
#ask game - 12 posts
#starry's skies - 11 posts
#sunshine - 10 posts
#yeah - 8 posts
#the misadventure zone - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#everyone it can and that's probably the best way to do it! sure some may die but that's a necessary evil isn't it? some for the good of all?
My Top Posts in 2022:
5 and Davenport and Magnus for the fluff prompts? :3
5. "How many cats did you bring home?"
The human freezes, having just passed Davenport. The gnome is sitting at a table with a cup of coffee, not bothering to look up from his current report.
"Uh. Yes, Captain?"
"What do you have in your coat."
"My hands," Magnus says.
"What else."
"Uh... My keys?"
Davenport raises an eyebrow, pausing in what he's writing. He likes to keep the crew thinking he's a lot stricter than he actually is; based on the muffled meowing obviously coming from the human, Magnus has stumbled upon some cats. Bleeding heart; though Davenport isn't one to talk.
"I - you can't get mad at me," Magnus pleads.
Davenport sets down his coffee, finally looking at Magnus as he hides a smile. "How many cats did you bring home?"
"Just two," Magnus says immediately.
"Only two?"
"...and their little families," he admits.
Davenport holds his stern expression for a moment before he can't keep it up, dissolving into laughter. "Mag-Magnus, we can't - we can't keep that many cats on board," he manages.
"But Captain!" Magnus gives him the biggest puppy eyes he can muster, but Davenport shakes his head, still laughing.
"No, sorry Maggie. I'm sure they're adorable, but I don't think Taako could make enough food to properly feed them."
"He won't have to! I'll do it myself," Magnus says eagerly.
"You've burnt pasta, Magnus," Davenport chuckles. "Listen, we can't keep all of them. You'll have to take them back to their homes. Don't even think of keeping just one."
Magnus perks up at the wink that accompanies the gnome's words. "Hell yeah!"
"Don't make me regret it," Davenport adds, still smiling as he returns to his coffee and reports. Magnus dashes to his room, presumably to decide which cat he's going to keep around.
Taako doesn't need to know yet.
57 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
Based on this post by Gab!
Listen, alright - listen. Barry isn't usually up in the middle of the night, and especially not in the Starblaster's kitchen. But tonight he couldn't sleep and he's hungry. So sue him, he wanted to make a sandwich! It's not his fault he couldn't really decide what kind of sandwich. He was able to narrow it down to at least two, he should get a gold star for that. That said, Barry can't choose between the two, so he's here in the kitchen making two sandwiches. And that's perfectly fine and normal.
Except Taako walks in as he's spreading the Nutella on the second sandwich, and Barry freezes. So does Taako, who looks at him, then his sandwiches, then back at him.
"Taako?" He can already feel himself turning red, but tries to keep cool about it.
Taako presses his hands together, inhaling and slowly exhaling. "Barold. Please, for the love of god, tell me you are not making a fucking chicken-Nutella sandwich. Like, I know you have shit taste but that's a crime, Barold, and I will have to call the food police."
"No! God, no, Jesus that sounds awful," Barry blurts. "They're separate sandwiches, I swear!"
"That's - somehow that's worse!" Taako cracks, breaking into guffaws. "What the hell, Barry!"
"I - I couldn't decide!" he says defensively.
"So you made both? Like a lunatic?" Taako cackles.
"Listen, I just - I'm - I'm hungry, okay," Barry says. "Please don't tell Lup?"
"Oh I'm absolutely telling Lup, homie," Taako laughs, holding his side and already halfway to the door.
Barry sighs, putting his face in his hands as he hears Taako dash to Lup's room. There's no way the crew is gonna let him live this down.
66 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
Why is there a polar bear in the jungle Griffin. Griffin they're polar bears. Griffin please tell me this is just an in universe thing. Griffin please tell me you know where polar bears live. Griffin please. Griffin -
76 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
OK now that I'm remembering again, my current theory:
Cambria made the sallow. Reasons I believe this:
The music is the exact same. Could be a coincidence but I doubt it. Griffin knows what he's doing
Balister Hermine said they were certain the sallow was made, specifically to change them. If I'm right, Cambria thinks that the sallow is the best way to save all of them.
The current with the bodies. I mean, come on - that with the fact there are so many twins and triplets etc. etc. etc? Reeks of experimentation! I'm 100% betting Cambria uses the community that's there to test the sallow.
In conclusion,
I don't fucking trust Cambria
91 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Magnus nearly crashes into the doorframe in his haste to catch Lup before his stone stops buzzing, holding it in the air with a grin as he makes eye contact with her. She grins back and gestures quickly for him to answer, which he does.
"Oh, uh... I think I have the wrong number?" Lup hears a voice say. "I was uh. I was looking for Lup, but I guess -"
"He- hey!" Magnus interrupts, trying to sound angry and not like he's holding back laughter. "That's not funny, dude."
"It wasn't supposed to be? I'm sorry, man, I probably just put in a number wrong."
"It's not funny, dude, Lup died fifteen years ago today," Magnus insists. Lup has to use both of her hands to muffle her cackling as the line goes awkwardly silent.
"Uh - I'm sorry?" the guy finally stutters.
"You should be! I have half a mind to find out who you are and come show you t-"
"No! No, no need for that!" the guy says hurriedly. "I - uh, I'm sorry for your loss and I'mgonnagonowbye."
The line drops and Lup bursts into guffaws, followed quickly by Magnus. She holds up a hand for a high five and says, "Holy shit that's the best thing I've ever heard. Gods, I love you, Mags," she giggles.
"You're welcome," he grins. "That was fucking hilarious, deffo keep giving freaks my number."
"After that, you fucking bet."
(Based on Ise's Peri's tags in this post!)
262 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
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niiicedave · 1 year
The Pharcyde - 4 Better Or 4 Worse (1992) (DJ Nu-Mark RMX) (2008) 
Uh, do you take, Rhymealinda Do you love me Tre, do you really love me? To be your lawfully, wedded, wife?
Uh, uh, I do, I do, no I don't, I do
Ah roomie zoom zim, I'm all to be wed To Rhymealinda I remember um, when we first met In eighty-two back in school used to play up all the fools Sometimes you'd be my number fives sometimes you'd be my twenty-two But um, screw the dumb shit, 'cause little Rhyme's true I can't wait to say I do and oh yeah honey there's no due I got my chariot, rolling, now I'm mic controlling Got some spunk in my funk, I can't wait to put some soul in We're rolling all strikes, we're having little tykes One is little Mike the others Ike I'm sure that you would like To hold em, or maybe stroll em on their little bikes When they're born, I've sworn, to bring 'em up right You know, dope is how I breed em, beats is what I'll feed 'em They'll be healthy like a health nut I'm sure you shake your butt (Kick the verse preacher) and I won't disperse Here's my life Rhymealinda for better or for worse
Well it's done she tagged me, duck duck goose I'm batter up I can't sleep the fly brotha must produce The power pack and I'm stacked like a forty-five Mag Straight up tennis shoes in my pants there's a sag Dropping so much grammar gotta slam it down my mouth Shup? I met a slut she, put me in the rut G With the dip that was down with me from the whole front Now front me never too cool how-ever I gotta get the bread, gotta get the butter Fix it up eat down throw it in the gutter (Gutter dreamed it) sour, (creamed it) gotta Skinny-dipped into her ass as if it was a pool of water Now the water's getting hotter so I bought her a new ring Maybe a love ballad is the song I sing I gotta kiss her ass my tongue I hold before I curse If you really want me bitch, take me for better or for worse
Well this is the final chapter (hello?) Of me, we're going to rack up (who is this?) In tune, in tune, in tune, a button (why are you calling my house?) A button, a button! Oh come on, honey (who is this? What?) Would you come along with me down (Mike is that you?) The lane and I will pick your brain (oh my God, who is this?) I won't be good like you think I will (I'll fucking call the cops) I'll take a hammer and start to drill (don't call my house) Your skull, and then I'll really start (oh my God, what is this) Picking, your brains cells, I will be (what? I'm gonna call the cops) Licking, mm mm mm mm! okay? (quit fucking around) You taste so intelligent, ah (hello, who is this?) Yes yes yes, you trusted me, now (help, who is this? What) I busted thee, top of your skull (are you doing? Why are you) You thought the day was going to be dull (calling me?) I'll make it very exciting I took your fingers then I started (who are you? Why are you) Biting, and then I scraped the meat (calling my house?) Off, the bone, of your leg (stop calling here!) Ah, you tried to make me beg (don't call here anymore) But I had to insist, I had to insist I, run up your pussy with my fist Okay, I think we've gone a little bit (I'm gonna call the cops!) Overboard, don't stop it yet (fuck you don't call my house!)
Like this ("like what like what like what")
Yo, I'm Audi Gee No doubts manufactured No ah copies, we can't ah, do the copies No copies, okay Oh, so you expect me to do some type of freak show? That's what it really is huh? Is that what you want? What you talking about? What you talking bout nigga? What you know bout the problems of L.A.? I'ma tell you what's wrong with the problems Of the people in the L.A. See the brothers needs some type of education And you know, some type of foundation, in the, uh Community, cause the mute-co, duh, the community Grows like seeds, and the seeds will not fall from The tree if you don't water the grass So nigga get off your rusty black ass Like this, like this You can get with this, or you can get with that I think you get with this because Fat Lip's fat Fat Uh, okay um, okay uh, keep going keep going keep going Keep going, hey Romye Romye, come here come here come here come here come here Come here come here (ok ok hey yo yo yo yo) come here for a second Hey Rhasaan, Rhasaan, Imani, Imani I think you should Oh, duh!
Songwriters: Derrick Lemel Stewart / Derrick Stewart / Emandu Imani Rashaan Wilcox / Emandu Wilcox / John Martinez / Lou Donaldson / Trevant Jermaine Hardson
4 Better or 4 Worse (interlude) lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"....So I Married A Monster" *Part 9*
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Chapter 8
Chapter 10
[I imagine this is him being a 'dad', lol]
Sorry this took so long ya'll. I love you.
I did my best!
Tag List
“Ma’am, you really need to calm down--” A nurse pulled you back into the bed while you continued to scream and cry.
“No, I need to know where they’re taking that man!” You screamed as you wriggled from her grasp.
“Most likely to surgery, ma’am,” The doctor explained. “He did just get a GSW to the chest--”
“Oh God,” You wanted to vomit. “But the-- the man who just left, he--” You suddenly had an epiphany of where Billy was headed.
“You have to get officers to 5237 Lakeview Shore Drive,” You said in a panicked voice. “He’s going to grab my children,”
“Aren’t they his children as well, ma’am?” The nurse gave you a look.
“He has NO right to them!” You gave her an exasperated look. “And seriously? You think a man who just murdered two--” No, you couldn’t think that way. Rafael was still alive, he had to be.
“Shot, two men,” You corrected yourself. “Deserves children?!”
“No, ma’am,” She shook her head. “Sorry, ma’am. He was just so kind and charming the last time he was--”
“Jesus Christ, are you really that starved for affection that a psychopath flirting with you is the highlight of your career, idiot?” You sneered at the girl who couldn’t have been more than 19. Just a candy striper-- of course Billy would go for her.
“Alright, Addie-- out,” The doctor pointed towards the door. “Make yourself useful and call 911,”
“But there’s already--”
“OUT,” The doctor barked once more. Addie rolled her eyes and stomped out of the room.
“I’m sorry ma’am,” He apologized, patting your shoulder. “You need to stay calm, we’ve stopped your bleeding and stitched you up, but if you become hysterical you could rip them out,”
“I just watched my ex-husband shoot the love of my life and then storm out of here to go kidnap my children, and you expect me not to get hysterical?”
“At least try, ma’am--” He pleaded with you.
“If you call me ma’am one more time I swear to God--” You growled.
“I’m sorry, Miss Y/N,” He corrected himself.
“Doctor you’ve just sewn up my literal anus, I think we’re on a first name basis,” You rolled your eyes.
“Right,” He chuckled nervously. “Listen if you promise to at least attempt to stay calm, I will go check on your boyfriend, alright?”
“Fine,” You sighed.
“Alright then,” The doctor gestured to two male nurses. sending them to find out information on Rafael.
Rafael was indeed being rushed into an operating room, his chest bleeding profusely. It had missed his aorta, but just barely. One wrong movement by a scalpel and he’d die right on that table.
“...He’s lost a lot of blood already, doctor,” One nurse warned.
“Put him on bypass, I need more time to cauterize this wound!” The doctor barked as he sweat through his surgical scrubs.
“Yes sir,” The nurse nodded to someone who brought forward a machine and began hooking it up to Rafael.
“Alright people, we don’t have a lot of time,” He looked around the room.
"Pray for a miracle,"
At Your House
Lewis rushed into your house, trying to think of what to do. He’d need to get the girls and run-- it wouldn’t be easy. He’d need a good excuse. God, what would be a good excuse?
Lewis first went to Maggie’s room, gently waking her up.
“Mags? Maggie, wake up baby,” He cooed.
“What’s wrong dad?” Maggie asked while still half asleep.
“We-- we need to go,” He told her.
“Right now?” She turned her head to the side like a confused puppy.
“Yes, right now baby,” He began to grab her things and shoving them into her backpack. “Mommy’s in trouble,”
“In trouble?!” Maggie suddenly shot straight up in her bed.
“It’s fine, I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Lewis tried to keep her calm. “I just don’t want that bad man to get ahold of you and Kylie,”
“He has her?!” Maggie suddenly had panic in her voice.
“Maggie calm down, okay sweetie?” Lewis put his hands on her face. “We can’t let Kylie know, okay? So we’re going to tell her…”
“We’re going to the beach!” Maggie suddenly finished his thought. She was a great liar, quick on her feet. Just a chip off the ol’ Lewis block.
“Great idea baby!” He nodded while she pulled a jacket over her pj’s.
“And-- And we can go to the beach house, the one we used to go to?” She made that adorable little puppy dog face he couldn’t resist. He didn’t exactly “own” that beach house, but whatever his baby wanted, she got.
“Yes, yes of course Mags. Whatever you want sweetie,” He kissed the top of her head before they went into Kylie’s room.
“Kylie, wake up,” Maggie shook her awake while Billy began packing her a bag.
“Where are we going?” Kylie asked sleepily.
“We’re going to the beach baby,” Billy told her as he finished with her suitcase.
“In the middle of the night?” Kylie rubbed her eyes while Maggie helped her put some clothes on.
“Well, we want to be there as fast as we can!” Maggie continued to spin her web of lies, just like her daddy.
“Where’s mommy?” Kylie rubbed her eyes while Billy slipped her shoes on and they headed to the car.
“She’s uh…” He looked at Maggie.
“She’s still a little sick, so she’s going to meet us there later,” Maggie told her while giving her dad a thumbs up. He could cry in pride right now if he wasn’t worried about the cops finding them before he could escape.
“Okay,” Kylie just went along with the story, no questions asked.
Billy went to your key ring and grabbed your keys to your SUV, shooing the girls out into the car. He did a quick look around to make sure he had everything. Well, he had everything that mattered. His girls.
He glared around the room for a moment, pissed off that you had taken away your chances at happiness in this place. It would have been a great life; just him, you and the girls. No cops, no dumbass ADA, just you and him.
Well, soon enough it would be. He was sure Barba was dying right now, if not already dead. Then once he was out of the picture, you’d have no choice but to come back to him. He had the girls. He had your car. He had your happiness.
And soon, he would have you.
At The Hospital
The nurses had been forced to knock you out with some morphine when you began to get hysterical over not knowing what was going on with Rafael and your girls. So here you were, waking up groggy and disoriented in a regular hospital room. Soon enough you were alert and back on the anxiety train. You pushed on the CALL NURSE button rapidly until an older woman in green scrubs came rushing in.
“Y’Know that button is for actual emergencies,” She crossed her arms once she noticed you were fine.
“This IS an emergency,” You crossed your arms right back at her. “I asked to hear about my family, and all you people did was knock me out. That has to break some sort of law,”
“Really and what law would that be?” She raised an eyebrow.
“I...don’t know, but I’m sure my boyfriend could find one,” You huffed.
“Highly unlikely ma’am,” She shook her head.
“Why?” Your eyes went wide. “Why wouldn’t he? Is it because he’s dead? Brain dead? Paralyzed and unable to speak?!”
“No honey,” She rolled her eyes at your dramatics. “It’s just an insane notion,”
“...Whatever,” You muttered while she checked your IV’s and stats. “So are you going to tell me how he is? Or are you just here to shoot me up with more morphine?”
“Well, that depends,” She said while inputting your information in her iPad. “Can you keep calm, make sure you don’t rupture any of your stitches?”
“....Not with that tone I can’t,” You didn’t like it one bit. “But I think I deserve to know what’s being done about my children at the very least,”
“Well…” The nurse looked at the door nervously. “See, sweetie here’s the thing--” She walked over and made sure the door was fully closed.
“Oh God,” Your voice trembled.
“It seems your ex-husband has...taken them” She grimaced.
“Oh god,” You repeated. “Oh GOD,” You were going to be sick.
The heart monitor and machines began to beep as your blood pressure skyrocketed, bells and whistles went off as you started to have a panic attack. The nurse instantly started turning all of them off, not wanting to alert anyone of what she had done by telling you.
“Okay okay but LOOK, honey--” She grabbed you by your shoulders, forcing you to take a breath and look at her.
“....If I bring you someone, will you promise to calm down?” She asked.
You weren’t entirely sure you could make that promise, but if it was Rafael she was going to bring you, you’d say anything she wanted to hear.
“Yes,” You nodded vigorously. The nurse nodded back and walked to the side of your bed that had a curtain separating you and another patient. When she pulled it back, you saw Rafael laying in a hospital bed hooked up to wires and tubes, a breathing apparatus on his face. She pushed the bed over so that it was touching yours, almost like it was one big king bed for the two of you.
“Oh my god…” You whispered, barely able to hold it together. “Can I--?”
“Be gentle,” She warned you. You nodded softly before very cautiously stroking the side of his face, whispering to him.
“Baby, I’m here…” You pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I’m here and I’m okay, so you have to be okay, okay?”
“How bad is it?” You looked up to the nurse.
“Well he made it through surgery,” She gestured to his still living body. “That’s always a good sign,”
“Give it to me straight...Marla,” You read her name tag.
“It was touch and go for a while, I won’t lie to you,” She sighed. “But...he’s been stable long enough I convinced them to let me bring him here to you,”
“....Thank you,” You gave her a small smile.
“If it were my Jonas in that bed, I’d never want him out of my sight either,” She smiled at you.
“Nurse Nightingale,” A doctor popped his head in. “Your husband is on line 1,”
“Speak of the devil,” She chuckled, heading towards the door. “I’ll be back to check on you later, I’ll-- see what I can find out about your children,”
“God…” You shook your head and muttered under your breath again.
“I’m sure they’re fine honey. They’re with their daddy at least, right?”
“True,” You nodded with another small relieved smile. If there was one thing you could bet money on, it was that Billy would take care of the girls. He was using them as collateral for sure, but he wouldn’t hurt them.
Would he?
Hours and hours had passed. Billy had made it to the Hamptons with the girls. Luckily for him the people he was ‘borrowing’ the house from still hadn’t made an appearance. Given that it was the beginning of fall and the season was over, he was pretty sure he wouldn’t have to kill anyone to keep them staying there a secret.
The girls were in the living room watching Moana while Billy scrolled through his phone at the latest news blurbs and trending things on Twitter. Obviously “William Lewis” was out in the open again-- shit. People would be looking for him now. But nobody knew where they were-- they’d never find them. Right? He couldn’t go back to prison, not after the hell he went through to get out. He would never go back again, no matter what. Nothing was going to stand in his way, or slow him down. He intently watched Maggie and Kylie-- they were laughing and eating cereal. Maggie could hold her own for sure, but Kylie was just a tot. Could she handle being shuffled around the state? The country?
He seriously began to ponder if the girls were slowing him down.
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thebookreader12345 · 4 years
Friendly Parenting
Pairing: Natalie Manning x Best Friend! reader
Summary: Y/n moves in with Nat to help her through her pregnancy and promises to be by her side through everything life throws at them
Requested: Yes, by anonymous
Warnings: light swearing and mentions of pregnancy/birth
Word Count: 1,232 Words
Pt. 2     Pt. 3
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“And this is the last one,” I state and bring in a suitcase from my car.
“Thanks again for doing this, Y/n,” Natalie told me.
“Nat, I’m your best friend. I will do anything you ask. Besides, I don’t think anyone is more excited than me for you to have this baby. Except for Helen,” I point out.
Natalie laughed. “Okay, so, what do you want for dinner?”
“Whatever the baby wants is fine with me,” I answer and drag my suitcases farther into the house.
“Pizza it is. I’ll be up to help you unpack as soon as I call the food in,” Natalie spoke.
“Gotcha,” I respond and bring my bags up the stairs and into the guest room Natalie had set up for me. I set my bags on my bed and opened them before starting to put my clothes in the dresser. It was weird seeing all of my clothes laid out in front of me because I wore scrubs on most days. I loved my job as a doctor in the ED, and don’t get me wrong, it did take up a lot of time, but it was worth it. Getting to help people was something I had always wanted to do, and being able to actually do it was a dream come true. Natalie joined me a few minutes later, and together we unpacked the rest of my clothes. Clothes were pretty much the only thing I needed to bring. My parents had put the rest of my things in storage so that when it was okay for Natalie to be alone, all my stuff would be waiting for me to move back into an apartment. “And of course, the room would not be complete without this,” I say and place a picture frame on the nightstand. The picture was of Nat, Will and I standing in front of the new ED after it had to be rebuilt. Will was another close friend of mine, and he had the hugest crush on Natalie, which everyone knew about except her. Once we were done unpacking and the pizza had arrived, we sat in the living room and ate.
“Y/N, that patient you had last week was totally into you. You should text him.” Natalie told me.
I shook my head. “No. No way. That’d be so weird. What would I even say? ‘Hey. This is Dr. L/N. I was just wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me.’”
“That’s exactly what you should say,” Natalie said.
“Your hormones are making you crazy. I’m not doing that. Besides, I’m perfectly happy being single,” I state.
“And I know that, but I think there’s a guy out there who could make you very happy. Oh! What about Connor?” Natalie asked. I almost spit out my water, and ended up choking on some of it as it slid down my throat.
“Connor?” I cough out.
“Come on. I see the way you guys look at each other. There’s something there,” Natalie accused.
“Nat, Connor just started at the hospital. I barely know him,” I point out.
“Liar! You probably know everything about him,” Natalie spoke.
I waved her thought aside. “Enough of this. You should not be worrying about these stupid things. It’s not good for the baby.”
“He’s been kicking like crazy today,” Nat admitted and rubbed a hand over her swollen stomach.
“Maybe it’s because he’s excited that I’m here,” I suggest jokingly and take another bite of pizza.
“I actually think you might be right. He seems to like the sound of your voice,” Natalie confessed.
“Because I’m going to be the one to spoil him when he gets older,” I respond. “Now, lets see whatever stupid cheesy romance movie is on TV.”
1 Month Later...
“Look at that. My two favorite women,” Maggie said as Natalie and I walked into the ED together.
“Hey Mags. Hey Will,” I greet my two colleagues. “Any incoming traumas?”
“You missed one. A big trauma came in earlier,” Will informed me.
“Damn. Nat, if you make us late one more time,” I joke.
“Hey. It’s not my fault that this baby slows me down,” Nat retorted.
“Mmhmm. I will talk to you guys later. Right now, I’ve got to help Nat get to the lounge,” I tell Maggie and Will.
“Have fun,” Maggie called out as we walked away. A few hours later, while I was doing some charting, I was informed that Natalie’s water had broke, and she was in a room upstairs. So, when I went up there, I made her walk a little bit around the floor.
“How much longer do we have to do this?” Natalie asked me. 
“Ten more laps,” I reply. 
“You know, I am seriously regretting this whole thing,” Natalie exclaimed and gestured between us. 
“Good. I guess that means I’m doing my job correctly,” I state as we continued walking. At that moment, we passed Natalie’s room, and standing by the doorway was Will. “Hey, Will.” 
“Hey. Sorry I took so long to come up. I had to bribe Fromson to cover my shift. What do you need me to do?” Will questioned. 
"I need you to walk with her for now, and I will be back as soon as I can,” I answer.
“Wait, you're leaving?” Natalie asked me. 
“I’ve got a few cases to close up. You’ll be in good hands with Will. I promise,” I assure her. After leaving Will and Natalie, I headed back down to the ED to finish up discharging my patients. As I was finishing my last chart, Maggie called out for me.
“Y/N! Incoming!” Maggie shouted.
“Mags, I’ve got to get back to Nat,” I tell her.
“You’re the only doc in here right now. I need you,” Maggie spoke. 
I sighed and set down my tablet. “Fine. But this better be quick.” It was anything other than quick. By the time I had finished with that patient, hours had gone by. As soon as I finished the paperwork, I rushed up to Nat’s room. When I entered, I found Natalie holding a baby. Her baby. “Natalie, I’m so sorry. I wanted to come right back, but I got stuck with a case and-”
Natalie cut me off. “It’s okay. Maggie told me everything, and she was here for me. Now, would you like to hold Owen?”
“Wait, Owen? You took my suggestion?” I ask.
Natalie nodded. “Yeah. Here,” she said and passed me the baby. I smiled down at the baby in my arms and took a seat in the chair next to Natalie’s bed. Owen cooed at me as I held his tiny hand with my fingers. He was amazing.
“He’s beautiful, Nat,” I announce to my best friend. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you for being with me through everything, Y/N. I really appreciate it,” Natalie declared.
“You’re going to appreciate me even more when I help you take care of this little rascal. If you thought being pregnant was rough, wait until we have to sleep in a house with Owen waking up every hour of the night,” I explain.
Natalie laughed. “Well, I’m glad I’ll be doing it with my best friend.”
“I’m glad I’m doing this with you. Now, enough of all this talking. I just want to squeeze Owen’s chubby cheeks,” I exclaim.
Tag List: 
@prettypyschoinpink​ @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13 @king-crockett
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bibbawrites · 4 years
Going Home - Single Dad!Charlie x Owen
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Request: none
Word Count: 1630 words
Summary: Part 7 of Single Dad!Charlie and part 2 of Oklahoma, Charlie and Margaux spend their last day with Owen, but it doesn’t go exactly as planned
Warnings: swearing plus i think everyone knows at this point but this does include romantic (pining idiots) chowen, remember this is fictional, if you dont like that just dont read :)
A/N: time for a little bit of angst? i think so! literally wrote this in about 2 hours last night so if it’s not great that’s why hahaha anyways heres part 2 of oklahoma, enjoy ! 
Tag List: @happinessinthedarkesttimes​​​​​ @littlemissaddict​​​​​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​​​​​ @headheartbellarke​​​​​ @lovesanimals​​​​​ @bartok-the-magnificent​​​​​ @juliefromaustralia @multi-universe21 @rangerelik @kaitieskidmore1 @katrina765​​​​​ @fandomxreaders​​​​​​ @ifilwtmfc @yagorlemmalyn​
Charlie and Margaux’s four days in Oklahoma passed quickly, and before Charlie knew it he was waking up on the morning of their last day. 
And like every morning for their time in Oklahoma, Charlie woke up curled into Owen’s chest, the taller boy’s arms wrapped around him tightly. Charlie didn’t know how he was going to be able to sleep without Owen beside him.
“Owen.” Charlie whispered quietly, brushing a stray strand of hair off Owen’s forehead and placing a soft kiss on his jaw. Owen’s eyelids fluttered as he stirred.
“Hmm?” He mumbled. Charlie kissed his cheek.
“Wake up. We leave in a few hours.” 
“Stay.” Owen squeezed him tighter, placing a sleepy kiss on Charlie’s forehead. Charlie sighed at the contact.
“You know we can’t.” He said softly. Owen opened his eyes for the first time, giving Charlie his best puppy eyes.
“Please?” He begged.
“O...” Charlie hesitated, wishing he could say yes but he knew they had to go home.
“It’s fine.” Owen sighed, shutting his eyes. “Go back to California and leave me here.” 
“Why don’t you come with us?” Charlie questioned.
“To LA?” Owen asked, his eyes opening again. Charlie nodded.
“Yeah. We can get an apartment together, just like in Vancouver, so that way you’ll be with me...” He cleared his throat. “I mean, with Margaux, all the time. Or you could just stay at our current place and share my bedroom, I wouldn’t mind. I kinda really like waking up with you.”
“I'll have to think about it, if that’s okay?” Owen replied. Charlie smiled softly.
“Of course it’s okay.” He agreed. Owen smiled.
They fell into a comfortable silence, before Charlie spoke up again.
“I did actually have something to ask you though.” He said, and Owen raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah?” He prompted.
“Mags and I are staying in LA for Christmas this year, just the two of us, and I was hoping you’d join us? Margaux would love to have you there... Fuck it, I would love to have you there too.” Charlie explained. Owen stared at him for a few moments, and Charlie could practically see the gears turning in his brain.
“You want me to spend Christmas with you?” He asked after a moment.  
“Only if you want to of course.” Charlie said quickly, and Owen bit his lip. 
“I don’t know Char, I’ve never celebrated Christmas away from my family before.” He admitted.
“Oh, then in that case, don’t worry.” Charlie gave him a small smile.
“Charlie...” Owen said softly, but Charlie shook his head, silencing the younger boy.
“It’s fine, I just thought I’d offer.” He said. Owen frowned.
“Sorry.” He mumbled.
“No need to apologise.” Charlie told him, trying to ignore the stinging feeling of rejection in his chest. He knew that if he was in Owen’s position he probably wouldn’t want to spend Christmas away from his family either. But Charlie was in a different place to Owen, he has his own family, and as long as he was with Margaux for Christmas it didn’t matter where he was. Maybe they should come back to Oklahoma for Christmas...
“Should we, uh, should we get breakfast?” Owen questioned, shaking Charlie out of his thoughts and Charlie realised they had been laying in silence while he thought. He cleared his throat.
“Sounds good.” He answered.
Owen rolled out of his bed without another word, stepping over Margaux’s sleeping body to leave the room. Charlie sighed, watching him go.
Once again he’d overstepped and freaked Owen out. Great way to end their trip.
Two hours later Charlie was fully packed, and had agreed to let Margaux take Bindi for one last walk before they left. 
He put her padded coat on, since it was quite chilly outside, and with a glance towards the kitchen to see if Owen was joining them, Charlie ushered Margaux and Bindi out of the house. 
“Daddy, will Bindi forget me?” Margaux questioned as they left the driveway. Charlie shook his head, holding tightly to Margaux’s hand, her other hand holding Bindi’s lead.
“Of course not baby. How could she forget her bestest little friend?” He reassured the four year old. Margaux nodded, satisfied.
“Will she miss me?” She asked.
“I bet she will.” Charlie agreed.
“I’m gonna miss her.” Margaux pouted.
“Me too. We’ll come back and see her soon, okay?” Charlie told her, once again considering a change of Christmas plans.
“Okay.” Margaux agreed happily.
Charlie laughed slightly as Bindi tugged Margaux along the path, the four year old struggling slightly to keep the large dog from pulling her over. 
“Daddy?” Margaux spoke again as they reached the end of the street.
“Yeah?” Charlie replied, checking for cars before leading Margaux and Bindi across the road.
“Can we get a puppy?” Margaux asked, and Charlie hesitated.
“We don’t really have room for a puppy baby.” He told her. She pouted for a few seconds before a new idea hit her.
“Oh. What about a horsey?” She asked, eyes wide, and Charlie grinned.
“I think horseys need a little bit of room too. Why don’t we think a little bit smaller?” He suggested, already knowing that the second they arrived in LA they would be making a trip to the pet store.
“A pony?” Margaux frowned and Charlie laughed. 
“Bit smaller. And if you say a baby pony I’m gonna tickle you so much.” He teased and Margaux squealed. 
“No tickles.” She giggled. 
“What about if we get a fishy? Does that sound good?” Charlie suggested, and Margaux considered it for a few seconds.
“A blue one?” She asked, and Charlie smiled.
“I’m sure we can find a blue one.” He agreed.
“Yay!” Margaux cheered. “Bindi, I’m getting a fishy.”
They stopped at a park, Margaux and Bindi running around together until Margaux got tired and came back over to Charlie, Bindi trailing behind her. Charlie picked her up with ease, Bindi’s lead in his other hand, and started the walk back to Owen’s parents house.
“Let’s go back to Papa’s house and get ready to go home.” Charlie said as they walked. Margaux whined.
“Don’t wanna go home.” Margaux mumbled, her face pressed into Charlie’s shoulder. Charlie sighed. 
“Me neither baby, me neither.” 
The ride to the airport was quiet, the only sound Margaux happily singing along to the Julie and the Phantoms soundtrack that she had requested Owen put on for her. They pulled into the parking lot and once the car was stopped Charlie took a deep breath. 
“I guess we’ll see you around then.” He said, his voice sounding flat. Owen frowned. 
“You don’t want me to walk you in?” He asked. Charlie shrugged. 
“Figured you didn’t want to, since you haven’t spoken to me since this morning.” He replied and Owen’s eyes narrowed. 
“You didn’t make much effort to talk to me either. You left on a walk without even asking if I wanted to join.” His tone was cold.
“I’m not fighting with you in front of...” Charlie trailed off, glancing in the rear view mirror at Margaux, who seemed oblivious to their argument, too busy peering out the window to see the planes. 
“I’m coming in.” Owen stated, unclipping his seatbelt. Charlie rolled his eyes. 
“Fine.” He grumbled.
“No need to sound so fucking enthusiastic.” Owen muttered, and Charlie shook his head as Owen climbed out of the car to grab the bags. 
Charlie opened his mouth to reply but shut it quickly, not wanting to cause more drama. When he had thought about leaving Owen again, he really didn’t picture it going quite like this. 
They sat at the gate in silence until finally the announcement came that it was time for Margaux and Charlie to board the plane. 
“Okay baby, say bye to Papa.” Charlie instructed as he stood up. Margaux wrapped her arms around Owen from her position in his lap. 
“Bye Papa, I love you.” She said. Owen hugged her back, placing a soft kiss on her head. 
“Love you too darling. I’ll see you soon, okay?” He replied, and Margaux looked up at him with big eyes. 
“Promise?” She asked. Owen nodded. 
“Promise.” He replied. 
Owen stood up, placing Margaux on the ground and she looked at her father expectantly. 
“What?” Charlie asked, seeing the look on her face. 
“Say bye to Papa.” She prompted and Charlie shook his head at her bossiness.
“Bye Owen.” He said simply. Owen sighed. 
“Bye Charlie.” He replied. 
“Don’t forget to hug.” Margaux said, and Charlie couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on his face. He pulled Owen in, wrapping his arms around the taller boy. 
“I’m sorry.” Owen mumbled into his neck. Charlie shook his head. 
“No, I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have overreacted.” He replied. Letting Owen go, Charlie gave him a sad smile. 
“I’m gonna miss you.” He admitted. 
“I think I’m gonna miss you two more.” Owen replied. His eyes flicked to Charlie’s lips for a second, and with a quick glance around to see if anyone was watching them, he lent in, placing a quick kiss on Charlie’s lips. Charlie’s eyes widened, but before he could respond Owen was pulling away. 
“Ew.” Margaux mumbled and Charlie chuckled. He took her hand, knowing that they had to get on the plane before he either decided to stay or jumped on Owen to kiss him senseless. He figured the airport probably wasn’t the best place for that. They made it to the flight attendants who scanned their boarding passes. 
“Charlie!” Owen called, just as they were about to head down the tunnel to the plane, and Charlie turned back around. Owen gave him a massive grin before speaking again. 
“I’ll see you for Christmas.” 
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adnauseums · 5 years
Soldier On - Prologue
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Title: Soldier On - Prologue
Word Count: 1906 words (oops)
Description: The first eight years of Elizabeth Carter’s life are filled with happy memories but despite the joy felt, Lizzie can’t help but regret the words she never got to say to her mother and the dread she feels directed towards her impending, world-shattering, life change.
Pairings: Avengers x Barnes!OFC, Bucky Barnes x daughter!OFC
Warnings: Mentions of violence, childbirth, unplanned pregnancy, labor complications, character deaths, Infinity War spoilers, Endgame spoilers, explicit language, and violence.
A/N: Hello all, Bella, here! This has been brewing in my head for a long, long time and I’m finally putting pen to paper and writing this shit! Let me know if you’d like to be on the tag list for this through an ask and I will certainly add you!! OH AND BY THE WAY: STEVE AND SHARON WERE NEVER A THING IN THIS. The series was inspired by the song Soldier On by The Temper Trap, however, the chapter was inspired by the song Words by Skylar Grey. Jenna Coleman is my play-by for Maggie Carter, and Elizabeth’s play-by is Summer Fontana as a child (from 4-11) and Danielle Rose Russell as a teenager (12 and on) And lastly, translations!
ангел = angel
моя сладкая детка = my sweet baby
Tag List: @papi-chulo-bucky​​ @viktordrago And open for more!
“There we go, easy does it, darling!” Peggy encouraged, laughing as the contraction, the final contraction, ended. Eighty-eight years old to the day, and she was still alive and kicking, and she’d be damned if she’d miss this event of all the days and weeks. The birth of her great-grandchild. With one last, drawn-out scream, Maggie collapsed onto the bed behind her, chest heaving as Peggy’s face changed from that of happiness to one of concern. Sharon gently wiped her cousin’s face with a cool cloth, and Maggie tried to sit up.
Maggie Carter was in unbearable pain. From her first heartbreak to her horrendous torture in the hands of HYDRA, the crippling anxiety and fear possessing her at that very moment. The baby wasn’t crying. “W-What is it? W-Why isn’t she crying?” Maggie asked. Sharon gently forced her to lay back down and looked to her great-uncle. He looked just as concerned at the unresponsiveness of the newborn as everyone else was, and he shut off the video camera, placing it on the bedside table and hurrying to his wife’s aid. “Why isn’t she crying?” Maggie repeated, more firmly this time.
Peggy made quick work of the situation, opening the small infant’s mouth and clearing the airway, putting her mouth to the baby girl’s, gently blowing five quick breaths into her, and by doing so, into her lungs. She repeated it, before calling for the midwife on hand, who was about to take the baby when, like a miracle, a wet, pitchy wail sprung forth from the newborn’s lips.
A wave of relief passed over the room, and Peggy begrudgingly handed the newborn to the midwife looked back up to her granddaughter, who was struggling to sit up, “W-Where are you taking her?”
Maggie’s grandfather held her shoulders gently, but firmly, ensuring that she couldn’t go anywhere. “She needs to be taken to the NICU, sweetheart,” Peggy said softly.
Maggie dissolved into tears, gripping the arms of her grandpa, shaking her head, “I-Is she going to be okay? I-I-I- n-need to h-hold her,” She sobbed.
Steve smoothed back his granddaughter’s brown locks, plastered to her forehead with beads of sweat. He took the wet cloth from Sharon and wiped her forehead, “Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay, Maggie,” He said softly, kissing the top of her head, “She’s gonna be just fine. It’s in her blood. She’s a fighter, just like her mom.”
- 2010
This first year seemed to be a rollercoaster of firsts, and of course, it was, it wasn’t as though Maggie was impervious to the constraints of time, but she didn’t like how quickly Lizzie was growing. Maggie loved having a baby, but with Lizzie’s health problems the first few months were trying and terrifying, but, like Pops said, Lizzie was just fine. And, like always, he was right. After all, he was and his health conditions growing up were tenfold the severity of Lizzie’s.
Balancing a one-year-old and a stack of unopened plastic plates, Maggie made her way to the dinging doorbell with an exasperated sigh, “Just a minute!” She called, walking in from the kitchen and into the living room, making her way over to the front door. With one elbow and her rambunctious infant tugging on her hair, Maggie somehow managed to open the door. She grinned, dark circles under her eyes in preparation for today’s festivities. “Oh, Margaret, I swear,” Peggy exclaimed, shaking her head. She moved to take Elizabeth from Maggie, which Maggie allowed with a groan. Steve followed his wife, giving his granddaughter an apologetic look.
“Nan, I’m an adult, a mother even, I can manage myself quite we-” Peggy interrupted her.
“-You look exhausted, Maggie,” She stated. “I told you your granddad and I would help you set up. You’re working yourself into the ground.” Elizabeth squealed, clapping her hands, and Peggy laughed, kissing the infant’s forehead, “Yes, she is,” Peggy cooed, kissing Lizzie’s cheek three times before looking back at Maggie. “I just wish you’d let others help you, dear, that’s all.”
Steve chucked, “In all fairness, doll, you weren’t much different than Mags at your age.”
Maggie gave her grandmother a look, “Ha! See? It’s not my fault, it’s genetic,” She said with a triumphant smirk. “You have the video camera, Granddad?” Maggie asked him as he moved to take Liz from Peggy.
Elizabeth squealed once more, gently hitting Steve’s chest in the only way a baby could get away with, and Steve laughed, patting the infant’s back with one hand as he dug the camera out of his jacket pocket, “Always.” He stated.
“Maggie,” Peggy started, smiling brightly at Elizabeth, “Did I ever thank you for giving me the best birthday gift in the world?”
- 2011
“No, no, no! Elizabeth Margaret Carter, stop that this instant!” Maggie exclaimed firmly. The toddler paused momentarily to spare her mother a glance as Maggie stood from her place on the couch and made her way to the kitchen to stop her. Arms outstretched with her bowl of spaghettios, Elizabeth looked from her mother to the bowl in front of her, giggling as she threw it onto the ground with all her might.
- 2012
“Mommy?” The auburn-haired girl squeaked from the doorway.
Maggie sat up in her bed, lightning cracking from outside. It illuminated the dark room, revealing Elizabeth’s tear-stained face, “Oh, Liz, come here, darling.” She said softly, prompting Elizabeth to toddle forward. Maggie reached down and picked her up, placing her next to her on the bed. “What’s wrong, my love?”
“Th-The wightning.” She muttered, burying her face in the crook of her mother’s neck.
“Oh, my sweet love, it’s alright,” Maggie soothed, rubbing Liz’s back as she rocked her back and forth. “You can sleep with me tonight,” She stated, pulling back the covers, “Go on then,” Maggie kissed Lizzie’s forehead, “Wriggle down in there. Nothing’s gonna hurt you while Mummy’s here.”
- 2013
Ordinary days were few and far between for the Carter girls. They’d go visit Maggie’s grandmother and Lizzie’s great-grandmother, Peggy, in her home, where her Alzheimers seemed to worsen with every week that passed, however, today hadn’t been one of those days. Nan had been fine and happy, visiting with her great-granddaughter, and now, tired out, Elizabeth was laid down for her routine nap, sucking her thumb as she clutched her blanket to her face. Maggie sighed and smiled contently, cracking the door to her daughter’s bedroom door before swiftly exiting. And that’s when the knock sounded at the door, sending a chill down Margaret’s spine.
She grabbed the pistol from her purse, a million thoughts surging through her head. They moved for this reason, every year without fail. So they couldn’t be followed or found by HYDRA. Maggie had narrowly escape the Winter Soldier’s fate herself, and from their dalliance and his aid in her escape, she’d begot Elizabeth. Her sweet, sweet Elizabeth. Maggie cracked the front door open slightly, peeking out and resting her eyes on a slim redhead, “May I help you?” Maggie asked sharply, gun at the ready behind the door. She looked familiar, and of course, she would as the redhead’s face frequented the news, but Maggie wasn’t taking any chances.
“Agent Margaret A. Carter? My name is Natasha Romanoff. Can I come in?”
- 2014
“Go on, ангел, it’s okay.” Natasha said with a sigh. Elizabeth rocked back and forth on her heels, clutching the straps of her little backpack as she looked up at her.
“But I’m scared, Aunt Tash. I don’t wanna.” She said softly. Natasha smiled softly, kneeling to Elizabeth’s height and encasing her in a hug.
“Listen, моя сладкая детка, I know you’re scared but you’ve gotta be a big girl for Aunt Tash, okay? I promised your mommy I’d get you safe and sound to school.” Natasha said softly.
“Mommy said that she was gonna be here,” Liz stated with a pout. Natasha smoothed her hair and kissed her forehead.
“I know, honey, but she’s gonna pick you up after school. This is exciting! It’s your first day, aren’t you excited too?” She asked brightly.
Elizabeth quickly shook her head, “Nuh-uh.”
Natasha sighed. She needed to pick Steve up, but with Maggie working the graveyard shift at the hospital she’d begged Nat to take Elizabeth to her first day of school. But she would be late picking Steve up, and he definitely didn’t need to know about Elizabeth or Maggie. “Okay, listen to me, squirt,” She looked around before whispering into Elizabeth’s ear. “Ten bucks if you’ll go inside.”
Elizabeth shook her head, crossing her arms, “Twenty. And ice cream after.”
Natasha kissed her head, standing back up, “You’ve got a deal, little miss.”
- Now
When did Maggie ever get her way? When she thought that 2017 was supposed to be a great year. Maggie couldn’t believe that Elizabeth was starting the third grade, and she was so excited about it, too. It broke Maggie’s heart that Elizabeth wanted her Aunt Tash to be there with her, but Maggie had to explain that it just wasn’t possible, not because of�� well grown-up stuff (which is how Maggie explained it). Maggie refused to tell her anything other than the truth: that Natasha wouldn’t be coming back for a while.
They had a new apartment, a large apartment with three bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms in upstate New York, thanks to Nat’s friend Tony. He didn’t seem all too keen when he came to check on Maggie and Elizabeth, and Maggie didn’t know why that was and she certainly wasn’t about to ask, not even Granddad. She hadn’t spoken to Granddad in forever, not since Nan had passed per his requests. She sent him updates on herself and Lizzie on the regular, but something about the timeline was too delicate as it was. He needed to stay away, no matter how much he wanted to be there, and Margaret would adhere to his wishes and keep her mouth shut. After all, there was a reason she was Margaret Antonia Carter and not Rogers.
This was supposed to be the perfect year, but here she was, held at gunpoint by some agent as they waited for Elizabeth to get off the bus and trudge up to their apartment, happy as a clam. The lock jingled as Elizabeth undoubtedly unlocked the door. “Don’t make a sound or I’ll blow your brains out.” The agent hissed into Maggie’s ear. She knew her fate in that moment.
The door opened.
Elizabeth screamed, “Mommy!” and ran forward. The scream and movement of the young girl threw the agent off and he faltered in her grip. Maggie used this lack in the grip to kick the man in the gut, throwing the gun to the ground.
“Elizabeth, no! I need you to run!”  She yelled, the man beginning to fight back. She managed to yell out, “FRIDAY, activate Emergency Protcal: H Y Delta R Alpha!”
“Shut up!” The agent yelled.
Elizabeth had started to cry, refusing to leave, “Mommy, what about yo-”
“Elizabeth, run! Don’t stop, no matter what you hear! Just run!” Elizabeth remained still.
“Run!” Maggie screamed at her. And she did. Elizabeth, sobbing, ran out of the front door and down the hallway, down the flights of steps of their apartment building and she didn’t stop.
Not even when three gunshots echoed throughout the building.
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manrocket-mo · 5 years
You and Mo adopting a puppy together in Toronto
Ya’ll I know we’re all mopey and really sad and I hope this helps even a teensy bit.
When the Leafs’ community relations team reached out to you and the other wives and girlfriends to ask you to be a representative at the Toronto Humane Society adoption event pre-game, you knew that you should’ve sat this one out. It wasn’t that you hated animals, it was quite the opposite.
You wanted a puppy so bad, you and Morgan but you both always kept a level heads about yourselves. With Morgan’s schedule in-season and you being in your last semester at university, it just wasn’t a good idea. But every time you went back to Vancouver with Morgan and you saw him with Maggie, and every time you went out and you stole some puppy time away from strangers, the part of your heart that wanted a puppy grew and grew.
But who were you to turn down an opportunity to not only steal some more puppy play time but also do good in the community on behalf of your boyfriend? So you stupidly agreed, your Rielly jean jacket slung over your shoulders and a bag of treats ready to go for the good boys and girls awaiting you.
“Have a great game, babe,” you smiled readjusting Morgan’s lapels before pressing a kiss to his lips. He smiles into your peck and before you could pull away, lifts you up.
“Mmm, don’t be late,” you mumble, cupping his cheek. “I don’t want Babs mad at me.”
Mo chuckles before setting you down on the counter.
“As if Babs could ever be mad at you. He loves you!” You roll your eyes at him and place your hands on his broad shoulders. “Mmm, you’re wearing your jacket.”
You grin at him. “I have this thing today and I have to represent this guy, so I have wear this little thing.” You shrug your shoulders but the smile ripped across your cheeks told another story.
His grin matches yours. “I love seeing you wear my last name and my number,” he whispers seductively against your skin, his hands tracing the 4’s along your sleeve. “But more than anything, I love knowing that you’re representing us in the community. It means so much to me.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek, sweetly.
“Of course. Anytime.” You press a kiss to his lips once more before you shooed him, jumping off the counter. “Now, you really gotta go! You’re going to be late by your standards.”
Now it’s his turn to roll his eyes at you and leaned down to give you one last peck on the lips.
“Wait!” You yelled after him before he could walk over to grab his keys. “Don’t forget your pin!” You grab the blue Leafs paw print pin off the counter and moved back to your boyfriend.
“I got it.” You stood there in the foyer of the home you shared with Morgan and pressed the backing into the pin so that it hung perfectly on his suit. “Perfect.”
You caught Mo giving you the heart eyes again. “Thanks, babe.”
“You’re welcome! Now go get, ‘em. Score me a goal!” You teasingly swatted at his butt, directing him to the door. “Come on, come on.”
Mo laughs and leans back before you could close the door on him. “One more?”
You giggle, pressing your lips against his once more before pushing the door shut.
An hour later and you were on Maple Leaf Square out of treats and completely in love with the pup in your arms.
“Y/N,” Aryne chastises. You stick your lip out in a pout and give her puppy eyes, similar to the ones the little chocolate lab in your arms had been giving you the entire time you held him.
“Aryne…” you whine. “He’s sooooo cute.”
“Mo is going to kill you,” Steph sings knowingly.
“Yeah, but he’ll have a little friend to comfort him once they lower me into the ground,” you mumble stroking the pup’s soft fur.
“Ma’am, I think that family over there is going to sign up for that puppy, if you want to let them..” one of the humane society representatives said reaching out.
You panicked, clutching the puppy to you, your eyes searching for Steph’s. She giggled at you, knowingly. She knew from the very beginning how this would end. Truthfully, so did you.
Morgan would surely kill you. That was for sure.
You looked down to the good boy in your arms, so warm, so content and once he looked up at you, it was over.
“That won’t be necessary. I’ll adopt him.” You were determined and moved toward the sign up sheet for the little devil and picked it off the table. “Where do I sign?” you ask, one arm holding the dog and the other a pen.
Steph laughed loudly from behind you, earning an elbow to the ribs by Christina. “Wait til Syd hears about this!”
You roll your eyes but sit at the adoption table where you begin the paperwork, smiling for a photo when you finish up.
“…can we not post that til tomorrow? I need to tell my boyfriend what I just did.” This time the circle of wives and girlfriends surrounding you laugh in unison at your expense.
“And here you go… here’s his crate, some puppy food, a couple of toys and some treats. And not to forget, his first little bandana. Mac with the number 44, is that right?”
“Aww, MAC!” Steph cooed as she grabbed the crate for you.
“Yes, thank you.” You grabbed your belongings, slinging your purse over your shoulder while clutching to your new puppy.
“So what are you going to do?” Christina wonders as she reaches over to give Mac a scratch between the ears.
“I’m going got go home and figure out how to explain what I just did to my boyfriend when he gets home.
You get another phone call, your third that you send to voicemail out of pure guilt. You watch as Mac runs around the office and can’t help the shame you feel as your phone buzzes with another text.
You pick up your phone and send him a text without looking at what he sent.
I’m okay. Don’t worry.
You put your phone down. You knew Morgan would be home at any time with the game ending almost an hour ago, even sooner now that you weren’t there to greet him post-game.
When the front door opens and slams shut, you get off the floor and creep toward the door.
“Y/N!” Morgan yells, looking for you.
You push the door of the office open and shut it softly behind you.
“Mo, I’m here.” You watch as he turns to you and in three long strides pulls you into his arms.
“I was so worried! You didn’t answer my calls and my texts and Steph said you never made it to the game and you weren’t there waiting for me and—“ he was panicking, he was worried.
You grabbed his face in your hands and spoke to him. “Morgan, I’m here. I’m okay. I’m here, okay?” You nod with him. “I’m here.”
“Why’d you leave?” Morgan asks confused.
You shake your head and you’re sure it does nothing to relieve his worries. “Morgan, you’re going to be mad at me and that’s okay. I deserve it.”
Mo’s blue eyes grow. “Y/N…”
“Morgan, you need to be calm when I tell you.”
He nods quietly but before you could build up the courage to spill what you did, there are the sounds of little paws on hardwood, little puppy barks.
“Morgan, please don’t be mad.” You lean down and away from Morgan to pull your new little pup to you.
“Momo, meet Mac…” you smile sheepishly, looking up to take him in giving you a look of relief.
“That’s it? This is why you thought I’d be so mad that you didn’t answer my phone calls?” He’s skeptical.
“I thought you’d be so mad you’d break up with me for being irresponsible…”
Morgan lets out a breath and puts his arms around your waist. He can’t help but laugh at the look that must be on your face.
“I’m not mad, okay?”
You nod and pull Mac to you. “Look Mo, he even has a 44 on a Maple Leaf on his bandana! You can’t be mad! Look at that face!” You angle Mac’s little face up so Morgan can look at it and as soon as Morgan leans down, Mac takes a lick at his face.
“Mac, eh?” Morgan reaches over and pets his soft, chocolate brown fur. “Mac is going to make Maggie a very jealous girl when we get back to Vancouver for the summer. She’s not going to be happy with me.”
You smile, your heart and ovaries bursting as Morgan takes hold of Mac and nuzzles his fur.
“How old is Mac?” He wonders.
“10 weeks and he’s all up to date with vaccinations and has had a full work up by the vets and I’ll take care of him, you won’t even have to worry—“
Morgan silences you with his lips.
“I’m not mad at you,” he promises.
Suddenly Mac yelps and starts wiggling out of your boyfriend’s arms, prompting him to be set down on the floor.
“Oh, you wanna play, Mac?” Morgan gets down on his knees and calls for Mac when he turns around and goes to the other room where he knows he has toys.
“I’m glad we got a little gremlin of our own, even if you pretended you were strong enough to go to this event. I was really starting to miss Mags again and I want you to have someone when I’m away.”
You settle down on the floor next to Morgan hearing the jingle of Mac’s tags against his collar as he ran back a toy almost the size of his body being dragged from his mouth.
“So the right call?” you wonder, bumping shoulders with your boy. “Because this family was eyeing him and..”
“Ah, right call? Still out there as questionable,” Morgan teases, his arm going around your shoulders, pulling you to him. “But good call? I’d say so.”
He quickly presses a kiss to your temple before patting the floor in front of you both with two hands, signaling for Mac to jump into his arms.
“I’ll let Maggie make the final decision when she meets our little guy in a few weeks.”
Mac lets out a little bark and you and Morgan laugh pulling him closer to both love on him.
Toronto, ON
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Liked by morganrielly and 2,927 others
Y/IG/H Mags has a baby brother and @morganrielly didn’t kill me! Everyone meet Mac Rielly! #Bub
View all 392 comments
morganrielly How could I be mad with that face on Bub??
marner_93 Mo daddy and Mac daddy
stephlachancee STILL laughing but cuteeee 😍
sydneyesiason Steph wasn’t kidding! 😹Can’t wait til he meets Jax!
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arcanesupern0va · 5 years
Rick In The Water; Ch2: Snap Out Of It
A/N: I'm still working on trying to find the right voice for Rick, so if you had any advice or feedback, I would appreciate it so so so much. Anyway, thanks for reading. 💜 CW: Still references to abuse, that’s just like an ongoing theme tbh, let me know if I need to tag it better, please Pairing: Rick Sanchez/Reader Words: 5768
My ao3
|Ch1: Second Chance|
I had only been asleep for an hour or two when my alarm went off. I climbed back out of bed, dressing quickly and touching my makeup up before heading downstairs to start breakfast. The little bit of sleep I had managed seemed to take the edge off of the pain in my arm but I popped a couple of ibuprofen for good measure. After every fight, I’d grown accustomed to serving up chocolate chip waffles and eggs, Ryan’s favorite meal, trying to win his favor back. I started my usual routine, mixing the batter and cracking the eggs but this time felt different. I wasn’t making him breakfast because I wanted to stop the fight and “make it up” to him, he had expected it. Like it was a reward for beating the tar out of me. Right as I was plating his waffles, he nuzzled in behind me, murmuring good morning in my ear before eyeing the plate in my hand hungrily. 
“Smells great babe,” he said with a self-satisfied smile, heading to the front door to grab the newspaper to read over with his breakfast. By the time he returned to the dining room, his spot at the table was filled with his plate of food, a glass of no pulp orange juice and a piping hot cup of coffee and he smiled at me, causing my skin to crawl. I quickly excused myself back into the kitchen to grab my breakfast, a small bowl of yogurt adorned with berries and a cup of coffee. I dawdled a moment, trying to avoid having to be in the same room with him for as long as possible before he called for me. “Hey, are you going to be joining me?” he asked sweetly, though I could hear the undercurrent of annoyance in his tone. I scurried back in with my bowl, apologizing and we sat down to a silent breakfast. My phone’s ringtone for Madison broke the silence, earning me an irritated glare as I quickly extracted the device from my pocket to read the message.
“Madison was just letting me know she made it to school okay,” I told him, returning my phone to my pocket.
“Tell her to come straight home after school today,” he ordered. I obliged, quickly typing out his demands. I nodded as the message sent and he returned to his breakfast. The silence returned until his alarm on his phone started to blare, telling him it was time to leave for work. He stood up quickly, briefly kissing my cheek before heading to the front door and disappearing on the other side of it. Once the door shut behind him, I finally was able to breathe a sigh of relief, tears streaming down my cheeks once my composure had been dropped. I gathered the dishes, listening intently for his car to start and speed down the road, signaling that he was well and truly gone for the day. I had buried my face in my hands, trying to stifle my sobs when I heard a sound that I could only describe as utterly sci-fi. I looked up to see a tall, slender, blue-haired man standing in my kitchen wearing a look of concern on his face with his back to a green swirl that seemed to appear and then disappear out of nowhere.
“H-hey Nova. I was waiting for Dipshit to leave so I could come over here and check on you- m-make sure you were o-okay. A-are you okay?” he asked, disguising his concern as disinterest. Once the surprise of suddenly seeing him wore off, I quickly reverted to my anger from last night and greeted him with a look of disdain.
“I’m fine Rick, you can leave,” I told him coldly, turning to continue cleaning the dishes from breakfast.
“Y-yeah, the cry-crying I walked in on is what every housewife does. It’s to*uuuuuurp*tally normal,” he said, rolling his eyes at me. He stowed a white device back in his jacket before approaching me, grabbing my chin to force me to look up at him. My heart raced for a moment, going back to those vulgar thoughts from the night before coming to my senses. It was like Ryan said, he didn’t want me and I had to be kidding myself to think he would.
“W-what are you doing?” I blushed, trying to pull away before he saw through my concealer.
“J-Jesus Christ Nova, what did he do to you?” he demanded. I moved away from him quickly, trying to catch my breath again and fight back the tears burning my eyes.
“Nothing, I told you I’m fine. I want you to leave Rick,” I told him coldly, turning my back on him completely.
“M-Morty told me he overheard that piece of shit telling you you weren’t allowed around the house anymore. D-don't tell me you’re going to let that dipshit control you like that,” he demanded.
“It’s not controlling. He just wants the best from me. I disrespected him last night,” I explained.
“Dis-Disrespected him how?” he scoffed. “You were the p-perfect li-little housewife last night.”
“He said I was paying too much attention to… you,” I admitted sheepishly. I watched his face move from confusion to realization and settle on smug pride.
“Oh, s-so he’s threatened by me?” he marveled darkly. “That’s just, that’s just excellent.”
“You would say that,” I said rolling my eyes and grabbing a towel to dry my hands. “I don’t understand why. You’re my best friend’s dad.” He raised an eyebrow but remained silent. A sly smirk tickled his cheeks as he all but stared at me as though the answer to that question was obvious. “What Rick?” I demanded, growing frustrated with him. 
“He’s c-clearly threatened by my animal mag*uuuurp*netism,” he gloated, wiggling his eyebrow at me. Despite myself, a watery chuckle slips out and his look of pride is replaced by relief. “N-Nova you need to leave, like get the fuck out of here now,” he urged, dropping all humorous pretense and looking me over seriously. I realized I had been unconsciously holding my wrist delicately and my attempts to play it off were too late to stop the realization dawning on his face. 
“It’s nothing Rick; I’m fine.” I tried to assure him, tucking my hand behind my back causing me to wince.
“I’m gonna kill him,” he murmured darkly, his eyes going wide as they darted around maniacally, avoiding my gaze.
“N-no, Rick, please,” I plead weakly moving closer to him. “It would kill Maddy.”
“Well that i-it going to kill you!” he exclaimed, moving closer to inspect my wrist. I winced at his touch, the area still incredibly tender. Embarrassment flushed in my cheeks, trying to figure out the quickest way out of this conversation. 
“O-oh so you’re back for less than a month and suddenly you’re so concerned with my wellbeing?” Venom laced in my tone, as I tried my hardest to resist tears. “You don’t get to leave and come back fifteen years later and suddenly decide how much of a shitshow my life is. New flash fuckwad, it’s kind of your fault I’m in such a fucked situation.” I knew I was lashing out, that I was just trying to hurt him but I couldn’t stop myself. The anger I’d been sitting on for all these years started pouring out.
“M-my fault?” he hissed. “How the fuck did you get there Nova?”
“You fucking left! You knew everything I’d been through with my fucking parents and you still fucking left!” I had to admit, it felt pretty good to finally confront him for what he’d put me through but I still couldn’t stop the wave of guilt I felt building, waiting for the perfect moment to drown me. “Your family accepted me and cared for me and I was dumb enough to think that when I was under your roof, I was finally loved. Silly fucking me.”
“Nova, you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about,” he growled. 
“Oh what Rick? You just leave the ones you love all the time? That’s how you get your kicks? Maybe next time, before you come barging into my home telling me how much my life fucking sucks, maybe, just maybe, you think about your own part in making that happen,” I told him coldly. A tense silence filled the room as I watched him process my words, seemingly refusing to yell back, to even say anything. “Rick, get the fuck out of my house.”
“N-Nova, wait-“ He dismissed my demands, and I could feel the heat of my rage flush against my cheeks. 
“Get. Out.”
After Rick finally left, I grabbed a bottle of wine from the refrigerator, sunk against the countertop and sobbed. I lost track of time, and before I knew it, the wine was gone and I could hear Summer and Madison climbing out of Jerry’s car, saying their goodbyes before the front door swung open.
“Mom? I’m home,” she called out. I quickly picked myself up off the floor, tossing the bottle in the trash and stumbling over to the refrigerator to look for something to make for a snack.
“Hey honey, I’m in here,” I responded. “Are you hungry?” I could feel myself swaying where I stood, opting to just grab the plastic container of strawberries from the crisper and start slicing them. Madison plopped herself down at the kitchen table, pulling out her agenda to start on her homework.
“Oh my god, yes Mom I am starving,” she said gratefully. I slapped a smile on my face as I walked over to the table to deliver her bowl of strawberries looking over her shoulder to look at the homework she’d been assigned. It honestly looked like gibberish to me, but she seemed to be breezing through it quite easily. That was her father in her. Even though he was a complete monster, he wasn’t a dipshit as Rick called him. He could pick things up incredibly quickly and had the decency to pass that trait onto his daughter.
“So what is this? Math?” I asked hesitantly as she dug into her strawberries.
“It’s a scientific equation,” she explained at length the point of the equation which just left me to sit there and nod in response. Not only did it look like gibberish, but it also sounded like it too. I was watching her work for a while in silence when swearing erupted from next door. We exchanged glances briefly, her giggling in response. “Morty’s grandpa is funny,” she snickered.
“Oh really?” I raised an eyebrow in response. 
“He asks a lot of questions about you and Dad though. I don’t think he likes Dad.” Her face flushed with embarrassment as she quickly looked to the door, relieved that he wasn’t about to jump from the other side.
“What’s not to like?” I remarked absently, standing up to peer out of the window to investigate the source of the swearing. Rick was berating Morty for messing something up, and rage swelled in my gut. Before I even realized what I was doing, I was flinging the front door open to go confront the crotchety old man abusing my godson.
“The fuck- the hell do you think you’re doing Mor*uuuurp*ty? Can’t you do one fucking- anything right?” Rick was shouting as I approached the garage. Pausing to take the scene in fully before bursting in, I sussed out that Rick was working on some new invention and Morty was supposed to be holding something steady while he worked. A childlike fascination overtook me and I resigned to pressing myself against the outer wall of the garage, opting to listen in closely. “Look M-Morty, I just want to make sure your Aunt Nova is safe- is okay, just keep the damn thing still. Do it- do it for her.” He sounded frustrated, but also a little desperate.
“Aw jeez, Rick, Aunt Nova- Aunt Nova’s strong. She’s been with Mr. Dawes for a long time now, I think she’s used to it.” I heard the sound of metal on metal as Rick slammed whatever took he was holding in his hand down onto the metal work table. 
“And w-what? That makes it okay- that makes it acceptable?” Rick seethed with anger. “I-I don’t understand why I-I’m not allowed to just kill him, but your mom said that’s strictly off the table so the next best thing is this m-mental dampener. But look, Morty, it’ll nest itself in his brain, Morty a-and it’ll neutralize his angry thoughts towards Nova, Morty. I-I-It won’t work forever but maybe we can talk some sense into her, g-get her away from him-“
“You know Rick, I don’t understand why you suddenly care so much,” Morty said angrily. “F-f-first you were avoiding her and now all of a sudden you-you're concerned for her safety?”
“Yeah, well, I care Morty. I’m not going to try to explain it to you b-because I just do,” Rick blew him off and the sounds of welding started up again, seemingly without Morty’s assistance. 
“And wh-what’s in this for you?” Morty asked scathingly, and I was surprised to hear such anger coming from the timid boy. “A-a-are you trying to sleep with Aunt Nova? That’s sick, Rick. That’s fucked up, even for you.” Morty accused his grandfather. 
“W-what? No! Even if she were interested in that, that would be n-none of your business, Mor-uuuurrrp-ty.” I was frozen in shock against the side of the garage, trying to ignore the part of me that was hoping Morty would press his grandfather for more. 
“Oh gross, you’re into Aunt Nova? Wasn’t she like, a second daughter to you?” Morty sounded horrified and I could feel my cheeks burn.
“She was Beth’s friend in high school. T-that’s all she was- is to me,” Rick tried rationalizing to his grandson. “She’s a b-beautiful girl, but that’s not why I’m trying to help her. Is it so hard to believe- so hard to comprehend that I’m not the biggest fan of domestic abuse?” It was Rick’s turn to equip a scathing tone, albeit it sounded a lot angrier and more vicious than his grandson’s.
“I just know you don’t do stuff without there being a benefit for you.” Morty’s voice was growing closer and I knew if I stayed here, I would be found out. My only option was to head toward the back of my house where their voices were too faint for me to hear. I quietly opened the gate to the back yard, slipping around it and closing it as silently as I could behind me.
“What’s going on out there?” Madison asked when I finally made it back in the kitchen.
“I think Rick and Morty were arguing over something,” I dismissed, omitting the topic of their argument because I truly didn’t know how I felt about it, and I certainly didn’t know how to explain it to her. 
“Did you talk to them when you went outside?” She asked, closing her textbook and storing it back in her backpack. 
“I didn’t want to get in the middle of it,” I told her, lost in my head trying to process everything that had happened today. “I’m gonna start dinner soon. What are you in the mood for?”
“Ooh, can we have spaghetti and meatballs? With garlic bread?” She asked eagerly. I looked over to the clock, knowing I’d have to make a quick trip to the store but since Ryan wouldn’t be home for another hour and a half, I nodded quickly. 
“You wanna go to the grocery store? If you can be quick you can bring Summer too,” I offered. She practically squealed with joy at the suggestion, finishing cleaning up her homework before running over to Smith’s house to fetch her best friend. I followed her out the front door, locking it behind me as I made my way out to the car. I was only in the car for a moment before the girls had re-emerged, followed by Rick who stood in the doorway watching us regretfully as I backed out of the driveway, turning up the radio to drown out the sounds of endless teenage girl chatter and hopefully my own thoughts. 
When we returned home with grocery bags in tow, Madison and Summer disappeared up to Madison’s room, leaving me alone in the kitchen to start dinner. I put on my favorite playlist and filled a pot with water and started the meatballs. I fell into an easy routine, breaking noodles into the pot when it came to a boil. It was barely enough of a distraction to keep my mind off of Rick though and in idle moments, I found myself zoned out and staring at the wall trying to even begin to process it. I was concluding that I wouldn't be able to, not without a high price therapist. 
I was moving everything out to the dining room when I heard Ryan pull up, quietly proud of my timing. I called upstairs for the girls, asking if Summer would be staying for dinner and receiving an “Uh, duh!” in response. My body tensed at the sound of the front door opening and closing, my husband groaning as he took off his suit jacket and stored his briefcase in the closet. For a moment, I couldn’t believe this was my life, it all felt… wrong. Nonetheless, I moved to greet Ryan with the usual peck on the cheek and smile and called the girls down for dinner, earning a distrustful eye as Madison and Summer galloped down the stairs to take their place at the table. We discussed our days, leaving me to lie about mine as I couldn’t tell my husband I had spent the morning and afternoon drunk on kitchen wine in the kitchen after I’d gotten into a heated argument with my best friends dad about the years of psychological damage he’d inflicted. I allowed myself to slip into a quiet contemplation about the conversation I’d overheard in the Smith‘s garage, taking a knock at trying to figure out how I actually felt about it, as Madison and Summer told Ryan about their days. A sudden knock on the door broke me from my reverie and Madison excused herself to answer it. 
“Summer!” she called from the hallway. “Your Grandpa is here.” She reappeared in the doorway with a surprisingly calm and collected Rick in tow, although that didn’t save me from the distrustful look Ryan was watching me with from across the table.
“Ah, Rick,” I greeted him casually, using a napkin to clear my face. “Were you here to collect Summer?” I asked politely, standing to greet him properly. Ryan’s eyes bored into the side of my head, but I knew as long as non-family members were present, I was safe from his ire. When he shook his head quickly, I raised an eyebrow, acting confused but he tore his gaze off of me to look over at Ryan. 
“Hey, Ryan. I just wanted to come over to apologize for last night if I did anything to upset you. Beth was upset that Nova wouldn’t be coming around anymore and she demanded I come over and apologize.” Rick’s tone appeared to be perfectly apologetic, but I knew it wouldn’t be that easy. I knew why he was here and I was stunned at how long it took me to come to the realization. The dampener. 
“I - well - how’d you know that?” Ryan stumbled and I silently motioned at the girls to return to Madison’s room. Rick smiled widely, a hint of a manic hysteria lurking in his smile. He rested his hand on Ryan’s back holding out his hand to make peace although not answering his question. 
“I just wanted to make sure that any disagreements or perceived disrespect between the two of us wouldn’t stand in the way of my daughter’s happiness,” he said coolly, disregarding Ryan’s question, opting instead to check out the spread for dinner. To my quiet surprise, Ryan didn’t respond and when I looked over at him, he smiled serenely at me. 
“Of course not Rick, I think I overreacted,” he admitted genuinely, much to my surprise. “I misinterpreted the situation.”
“That’s great Ryan, I’m glad we got to have this talk and clear the air,” Rick smiled at Ryan, lacking the genuine nature Ryan had.
“Would you like to stay for dinner, Rick? (Y/N) made spaghetti,” he offered, standing up and shaking Rick’s hand as if they’d been friends for years.
“You know, I’d love to,” Rick said, moving around the table to take up the seat right next to me. Realizing I was still standing, I sat back down, my eyes flicking between the two men sharing the table with me. Still stunned at my newly docile husband, I couldn’t bring myself to react or even look at Rick as he moved his chair closer to me under the guise of going for some noodles.
“(Y/N), you should serve our guest,” Ryan reprimanded me but his usual disdain was absent from his voice, replaced instead by a gentle urging. I quickly shook my head to come back to reality as I quickly stood up to start ladling food onto Rick’s plate. I stole a glance up at Rick, who gave me a small eye roll before returning to watch Ryan intently. I slid the Parmesan cheese over next to him, returning to my seat and quiet disbelief.
Rick and Ryan chatted amicably over dinner, allowing me to disappear into my head while the two talked about Ryan’s job, or more accurately, while Ryan talked about his job and Rick put on a very convincing listening face. When dinner finally wrapped up, Ryan adjourned to his office, surprisingly leaving me with Rick as I cleaned up the dishes. Once Ryan was occupied in the other room, Rick’s casual demeanor was dropped and he quickly grabbed the dishes out of my hand, opting to carry them into the kitchen himself, mumbling something about making my sprained wrist worse. 
“What did you do to Ryan?” I asked cautiously as I followed him into my kitchen, keeping my voice as low as possible. I watched him load the dishwasher, trying to ignore how bizarre just… everything was becoming. 
“Hmm?” Rick asked, peeking around the corner, keeping an eye out for Ryan himself. 
“You did something to Ryan,” I told him flatly. “He’s being docile. He left me alone with you.”
“I-I’m not going to do anything to you,” he said, his eyes narrowed up at me before opening the cabinet next to the sink, looking for dishwasher soap. “And now, neither will he,” he added darkly.
“You didn’t answer my question, Rick.” My patience was wearing thin but he continued to ignore me as he busied himself with gathering more dishes from the dining room. Running my hand through my hair, I could feel panic starting to set in. Sure, I knew what he’d done on a surface level, but I also knew that this would be way too easy of a fix. 
“Tell me what you did, Rick,” I demanded again, my tone threatening the established volume limit of our conversation.
“I just made him… nicer,” he said, frustrated as he shut the dishwasher and finally looked at me. “You and Beth seem to think that he should be allowed to keep living and while I fervently disagree, I had to go with the next best option.” I had no idea how to respond and I could feel him searching my face for any kind of reaction before continuing. “Y-you don't mind if he's dim, right? I-I'm not quite sure how much this is actually going to affect him. It’s only been used on sentient slugs. Th-this is more of an inaugural test on humans.”
“So what happens now?” I asked him, my voice trembling as I rubbed my face in my hands.
“W-well, I guess I just wanted to make sure you wouldn’t - that Beth wouldn’t lose her best friend,” he scratched the back of his neck with a shrug before turning away. “She seemed pretty pissed about it, so I figured I should fix it for her.” 
“Hmm, is that so?” I asked, still suspicious of his motives.
“Well, I mean yeah. I’m living under her roof. Pissing her off- making her mad doesn’t exactly work out well for me.” 
“I just know you don’t do stuff without there being a benefit for you.” Morty’s accusation echoed in my mind, but it was pushed away when Rick’s face lit up with an idea.
“You wanna go for a ride? I told you I’d take you out on my ship,” he asked eagerly.
“Oh yeah, Ryan would love that,” I replied, my eyes narrowed at him. He brushed me off with a wave of his hand and left the kitchen. I followed him to Ryan’s office, where he held a finger up, signaling me to wait here.
“Hey, do you mind if I steal Nova- (Y/N) for a little bit?” It was weird to hear my real name coming from Rick and to think back, I don’t think he’d ever called me by it. 
“Sure,” my husband said in a pleasant tone that I had been pretty sure he was completely incapable of. “Where are you guys going?”
“I, uh, I was just gonna take her over to see Beth. Shouldn’t be too long, I won’t have her out too late,” he lied smoothly, and I swore I could hear him winking.
“Oh, okay, cool,” Ryan replied genially. “I’ll see you around, Rick.” Rick returned, pulling me gently by my arm, heading directly to his ship.
As we climbed in the ship, Morty appeared at the doorway to the garage. He eyed Rick suspiciously as he approached the driver's side door.
“Where, uh, where are you taking Aunt Nova, Rick?” he asked angrily and I could feel myself blush at the memory of their earlier conversation. He looked at me remorsefully, and I had to quickly avert my gaze, biting my lip to resist the urge to giggle anxiously as the young kid watched me nervously. "A-Aunt Nova? Are you okay?"
"I'm great, Morty," I assured him, although the words came out strangled. My nerves were in overdrive, partially at the thought of going up even twenty feet in this enormous potential death trap and partially at the realization that I was going to be alone with Rick.
"See-see Morty, she's fine. I-I-I'm not going to do any-anything to her,” he spat at his grandson, offended. 
"Rick, don't be mean to Morty, he's a good kid," I reprimanded him, earning myself a raised eyebrow but no retaliation, something I didn't even realize I was expecting until the opportunity passed and I relaxed slightly.
"We'll be back soon Morty. She just wanted to see the ship," Rick told Morty plainly, turning the engine over. Morty's suspicion seemed to not be subsiding but he said nothing as the ship began levitating and Rick smoothly backed it out of the garage and up toward the sky. 
Before I knew it, I found myself glued to the window, taking in the beautiful sights of the city below, only blobs of light to me now. I watched as the lights slowly faded and became a wooded landscape. Rick lowered the ship slightly so I could get a better view.
"Wow," I murmured, mesmerized by sights I never thought I would be able to see outside of pictures. "It's so beautiful out here."
"It's alright," Rick smirked. "Y-y-you wanna see something truly incredible, let me take you out into space sometime." My eyes widened at the thought, tearing my eyes away from the window to look at him.
"This thing can go into space?" I asked, awestruck.
"Can it go- of course, it can go into space! What good is a SPACEship if it doesn't go into SPACE." He shook his head in amusement as my cheeks flushed pink.
"Rick, the headlights are flashlights. Excuse me for not expecting a lot from it." I told him flatly, trying to stop the smirk that was playing at my cheek.
"You keep making fun of my headlights…" he grumbled, "Y-y-you want me to show you or not?" he asked grumpily.
"Yes," I replied breathlessly. He pressed a couple of buttons on the dash before shifting and grinning wildly at me.
"Yooou're gonna want to put your seatbelt on,” he told me. I quickly belted myself in as the ship began building up speed as it headed for the sky. As we approached the atmosphere, he pressed another couple buttons and he pressed the gas even harder, pushing me back into my seat as we finally broke through. He started slowing the ship down, turning to me to watch my reaction as I took in the inky dark that now surrounded us. He wasn't kidding, it was beautiful out here and I didn't have the words to even react to the astounding view. "L-like I said, incredible huh?" he smirked at me, and I looked over at him, mouth hanging agape.
"No wonder you never came back," I murmured. When he sighed next to me, pressing a button to stabilize the ship and hover, I immediately regretted it.
"That's not- it wasn't like that,” he told me, exasperated. "I mean, i-i-it was kind of like that, but it wasn't because I didn't like- didn't want to be around you. You were an incredible kid and I wanted like hell to stay, but I just… couldn't." 
"I really don't want to talk about this right now Rick," I told him, exhausted at the thought. "I just lost my space virginity, and I kind of want to have this memory be a pleasant one." He opened his mouth to speak, but seemed to think better of it, he closed it again and we fell into a comfortable silence. We existed in that silence for a while, before an alert in his pocket went off. He pulled out a high tech looking device and sighed as he read the message on it.
"We should be getting back,” he informed me regretfully, pushing a button on the dash to take us out of the hover mode keeping us in stationary.
"R-Rick, if Ryan is going to be acting docile, do you think we could come out here again?" I asked nervously, averting my eyes to take in the last bit of the view as we broke through the atmosphere yet again. Rick was quiet for a moment, considering my question.
"Maybe we could take you with us now and then," Rick answered finally. 
"M-Morty and I go out on adventures from time to time, you could come with us on the less dangerous ones,” he explained.
"The less dangerous ones?" I asked incredulously. "What are you doing to my godson?"
"N-nothing bad!" he contested. "Sometimes, shit just goes wrong."
I sat in silence for a moment, really thinking everything over before responding, "I want to go on adventures, but I want to also go on the ones that are considered dangerous." I declared finally.
"I'm not going to take you somewhere you might die," he told me, rolling his eyes. "I didn't neutralize your husband so he wouldn't kill you so I could take out and get you killed myself." Going out into space had pushed Ryan so far out of my mind, even briefly and anxiety washed over me again at the thought of going back to my house. Before I could voice my fears, my house was coming back into view and I pulled my phone from my pocket to check the time. 2:30 am. I was so dead.
"You won't have to worry about it because it's way too late and he's going to kill me for being out this late," I panicked. My breathing quickened and suddenly it felt as though I needed to get out of this ship as soon as possible. Rick looked over at me as he landed the ship to find me hyperventilating.
"H-h-hey, Nova, hey- c-calm down, i-it's gonna be okay," he tried to soothe me. As soon as the ship touched down, I wrenched the door open, pouring out on the floor as my legs had become no better than noodles. Rick hurried around the ship with a groan, picking me up off the ground and resting me in his workshop chair. "N-Nova, it's okay. He's not going to hurt you." He dug through his labcoat before extending his flask to me. I took a grateful swig, grimacing at the harsh liquid within. 
"You don't know that. You said yourself that you've never tested that dampener on a human. You don't know what he's like, Rick," I croaked. He groaned angrily, digging through some of the boxes that now filled the garage before producing a small disc-shaped device. He pressed it against the back of my hand and after a light pinch, he removed it and tossed it away.
"If anything happens, if he starts getting angry, tonight or any other time, press into that spot and I'll be there immediately," he explained. "Be warned, if you push that, he's probably going to die, just, uh, full disclosure." 
"Why are you doing all this Rick?" I asked tearfully. He turned his back to me with a shrug.
"I just want you to be safe," he murmured. We sat in silence again, passing his flask back and forth as my breathing slowly returned to normal. I finally resolved to face my husband when my head was finally feeling nice and foggy and he waved goodbye from his bench, leaving me to walk back to my house alone. 
As the front door shut behind me, I expected a light to flick on and my husband to greet me in a drunken stupor, but he wasn't there. As I crept through the quiet house, I waited for him to pop out at any moment but it wasn't until I entered our bedroom that I found him sleeping peacefully. I quickly showered and carefully climbed into bed to avoid waking him. As I closed my eyes, I was treated to a recap of everything I'd seen today, and my dreams were filled with ideas of adventures at Rick's side.
+Ch3: Neon Moon+
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insane-control-room · 6 years
If You’re Joey Drew and he’s Joey Drew, Then Who’s Watching all these Children?
Johan’s hands get quite full when he decides to babysit for a bunch of artists in the making.
[TAG TIME! Magenta is @halfusek‘s, Magician is @lady-lampblack‘s, Gingie is @pipesflowforeverandever‘s, Snowy is @aceofintuition‘s, Egg is @greenghostlyjekyll‘s, Joy is @jovialdrew‘s, and Hyde is @startistdoodles‘s. Johan is mine :>]
“I don’t wanna study the civil war anymore,” Joey whined, pushing away the heavy textbook. “It’s boring, and it happened so long ago!”
“It might be boring,” Johan reprimanded, “But it’s also your grade, Maggie. Now, let’s try again, what happened when the south lost Savannah?”
“Um… Sherman’s March?” Magenta suggested. He relaxed as a smile bloomed over Johan’s face. “That was from Atlanta to Savannah, and it made the south lose supplies and morale.”
“Good job,” Johan grinned, ruddy eyes glinting at him. Magenta grinned back. “I think it’s been enough studying, eh? An hour and a half, seems good enough.”
“It’s only been an hour and ten minutes, though,” he commented, tilting his head in confusion. Johan got up with another grin, packing up all their supplies and materials, holding his hand out to Magenta. The young boy shook out his sweater to take it, following after his tutor’s long strides. “Where are we goin’?”
“Thought you might want some ice cream for getting that B plus, hm?” Johan prompted with a wink. Magenta beamed at him and picked up his speed with a skip in his step. “Any questions? About anything.”
“Why do we always learn about the winners?” Magenta’s grip tightened on his for a moment. “In history. What about the people that were doing things that they thought were right?”
“Well, usually we learn about what the old white men up top want us to learn,” Johan rolled his eyes. “And sometimes it’s not the full story. Usually it has half of the right story, and the rest are embellishments. We don’t learn about the bad Columbus did because we don’t want to believe or acknowledge our society is formed on genocide and theft.”
“Weird,” Magenta muttered. Johan smiled at him. “But you’re not that old, and you’re not white either. Or on top of anything, being honest, Jo. What do you want us to learn?”
“The truth, I suppose,” Johan hummed after a moment of thinking. “It’s always good to know what’s true and false without painting either side in a good or bad light.”
“Ah, ok.” Magenta nodded. They neared an ice cream truck, Johan pulling out some cash while Magenta decided what he wanted. Eventually they settled on a park bench, Magenta happily devouring the chocolate cone he picked out. Suddenly he perked up from his snack, chocolate smeared all over his cheeks, and vigorously waved another child over. “Magician! Over here!”
“Magician?” Johan rose an eyebrow as the lab coat wearing kid began heading toward them. “May I ask why you call him that?”
“He does magic!” Magenta explained with wide eyes. “Also he’s also Joey. So he’s Magician.”
“Mhm,” Johan replied, bemused. The other lad approached, looking over him suspiciously. Johan smiled at him. “Hello. I’m Johan. And, I’ve heard, you are Magician? That seems quite mysterious and incredible.”
The young boy instantly warmed up to him due to the flattery, grinning broadly.
“Of course! My experiments are mysterious and incredible!” he boasted gleefully. Johan chuckled softly to himself. So self centered and confident. “That’s why I’m Magician!”
“Indeed,” Johan agreed. Magician and Magenta picked up a lively conversation about how learning history was unnecessary and should be removed. Magician stated something that may or may not have offended the slightly older boy, Magenta staring at him in a struck silence for a few moments before blinking. Johan’s watch beeped. “Aw, sh… come on, Mag, time for you to go home.”
“Aw man…” the little boy pouted. “I don’t want to go home….”
“I know, buddy, but you have to,” Johan looked at him with some sadness, kneeling down to him and pulling a wipe out of his pocket to clean his face from chocolate. “Don’t worry about it, I’m picking you up after school tomorrow, got it?”
“Yeah!” Magenta exclaimed, then blushed, trying to hide his enthusiasm over such a small thing. He turned to his small companion. “Wanna meet us here?”
“Sure,” Magician grinned. “I’ll be prompt.”
Magenta made sure they took their time in getting home. Johan allowed him to.
“See you tomorrow?” he asked with hope in his eyes. Johan nodded, ruffling his hair. “Okay. Promise?”
“I promise,” Johan affirmed, and walked up with him to the house. “Hello, Mr. Drew.”
He received his payment without a word being spoken in his direction, and his heart ached when he watched Magenta get steered into the house, the door slammed in his face.
“Son of a bitch,” he muttered disdainfully on Magenta’s father, counting the money, trying to make sure he was not being underpaid again. He hated watching Magenta go home. Still, it marked the time that he had to pick up “the free spirit”, as he nicknamed the Joey nicknamed Gingie. The baby, or young toddler, was not much of a troublemaker, but tended to run wild, finding every opportunity outside of Johan’s sight as another sign to go on another adventure of sorts. Typically that included dashing off.
Unless Snowy, yet another Joey, was around. Snowy and Gingie were like peas in a pod from two different planets. Snowy had the habit of habit, sticking to the way things were and disliking too much of any change. Gingie, bless his rambunctious and bubbly soul, brought out his curious side, and he eased Gingie’s… radical… expressionism. He knocked. “Hello, ma’am.”
“Oh, please, Mrs. Drew is fine, Johan,” she smiled, he returning it sheepishly. “Thank you again, dear.”
“No problem, ma’a- Mrs. Drew, ma’am,” Johan knelt as the red headed boy peaked around his mother’s leg. He extended his hand for him to take. “Ma’am, we’ll be back the same time as always. We’ll see you soon, ma’am!”
She waved them off, before vanishing back into her home. Johan was almost certain she did not need his help, her being more ethereal and mysterious than a faery or an angel or a hooded figure from his hometown. He hardly knew what she did, and he hardly minded. She was wonderful all the same.
He was ninety nine percent certain she only employed him because she somehow knew he needed it to survive.
She was wonderful.
Just as her son who was eagerly dragging him off to wherever he desired. Unlike his previous watchers, Johan allowed him free reign. That path happened to be leading them directly to the park again. Magician was still there, and he squinted at Johan before reapproaching with another two youngsters trailing behind him.
“Weren’t you just here?” he inquired, raising an eyebrow. “And with Magenta?”
“Yes, but now I’m here with Gingie,” Johan explained with a smile, sticking a hand out to gently grab the wild child’s shoulder as he attempted to dash off again. Gingie frowned, but it was just for half a fraction of a second. He then looked at the two younger children with curiosity. “May I ask who are you two wonderful beings?”
“Egg.” one replied obstinately, lofting Johan’s lithe hand and examining it before taking it in his own. “Or Stripes. He’s frog.”
“No! I’m Joy!” the other protested, lightly shoving the other. He pointed at Gingie. “I saw you before! Hello again!”
Gingie grinned and stepped to them and started up a conversation.
It meant he would not suddenly run off.
Johan relaxed as he watched over the children, letting out breath he was not aware of holding. He was so pent up, but at least he had something to distract himself with. He loved kids. In addition, children tended to like him or at least be comfortable around him. Most of them had very robust and pushy (almost) personalities, a soft contrast to his nervous calm.
Egg seemed wary but sweet. He constantly would pause just to contemplate, saying his little observations one at a time. He wore a striped shirt, and Joy wore suspenders. Joy was very much like his namesake, however, he also seemed to be able to get quite sad from small things. Johan cheered him up every few minutes.
Gingie was a center of attention, but the other children were showstoppers of their own sort.
Despite only knowing them for less than an hour, Johan knew that he would do anything for them, for each of them.
“Where are your parents?” he asked each of them. He received shrugs from some and points from others.
“Ron’s over there,” Joy explained.
Egg pouted.
Magician frowned.
“Don’t like being at home much, huh?” Johan inquired, more to the air, not expecting an answer. He did not get one. He snapped his fingers. “What do you all think of a… hm… club?”
“What kind of club?” Egg, now intrigued, tilted his head and asked. “Like a dance club?”
Johan had to stop and look at the boy again to affirm that yes, this was a child.
“No, I meant like… a hangout club. One where you all can get together and just have a good time, and I guess you can dance if you’d like,” Johan reinstated. Magician made a thinking expression Johan nearly exploded in laughter at. Joy looked interested, and Gingie was smiling with excitement. “What do you guys think?”
“Yes.” Egg answered.
“Sounds like a good idea,” Magician hummed, still ponderous. Gingie nodded. “To me at least.”
The little boy perked up when Ron called him. Johan followed after (with Gingie), wanting to talk to him.
He exchanged a few words with the young man. It turned out he was Joy’s older brother.
He joined them on a brisk walk home to talk to their mother, who apparently took care of the two boys.
She seemed a sallow and sad woman, but with a bright inner strength. A full schedule was marked behind her, with appointments and med reminders. Johan quietly requested to speak with her, and proposed his idea.
She seemed reluctant at first, but then he pulled down the calendar and pointed out a few dates and times. Relief seemed to fill her. She thanked him.
He and Gingie returned to the park. Magician’s parents were there already, there to pick him up, so Johan quickly spoke with them as well. Egg’s were just as simple.
Johan smiled to Gingie, the lad grinning back.
A week later, they were all at the park under Johan’s watch.
By the end of the week, Johan almost had enough money to purchase a small studio. He frowned as he counted over the money. Two hundred short.
He looked over at Gingie, who was playing kitchen with Egg and Magenta.
Well, he hated asking for money… so he waited another week.
By then, he also had enough to not only purchase the place, but also childproof the place, which he did over the weekend, selling his apartment and moving into the back room of the studio turned daycare. He stood up from the carpeting he finished installing, wiping his forehead, smiling at the almost finished handiwork. He would paint the walls with the kids, as well as put together the furniture he bought.
That would be fun.
When his parents heard that he had a building, Snowy joined them, much to Gingie’s delight.
The first day they were there, Johan smiled and said he had a surprise for them.
They loved the studio.
Though Egg complained that the white walls were droll.
Johan grinned as he set up the paints and told them to go wild. The walls were their canvas, and they could paint whatever they wanted.
They did.
Robots and candy and wolves and shapes and smiles and scenes bloomed on the walls. It filled Johan’s rainbow heart.
The name Joey Drew was written too.
All of the boys were named that, so Johan painted their dominant hands and they all made a handprint on a blink segment on the wall. Then he wrote Joey Drew(s) Studio in big letters and wrote their nicknames under their handprints.
“Nice,” Magician beamed, his fisted hands on his hips, his hands dripping with red orange paint. “This is a great creation! Our great creation!”
“Yes! Absolutely!” Gingie exclaimed, gold and orange paint splattered somehow everywhere on him, incredibly even on his back. “We’re the kings of the world!”
Egg continued painting after, the others watching him, enraptured. He was a wonderful painter, the walls being covered with pastel patterns and designs.
Most of the boys were quite artistic.
Johan noted to buy canvases and more paint, questioning if he should buy other materials in addition to all that.
A bang brought him out of his thoughts. Gingie and Snowy looked at him from the door that they had forced open with large innocuous eyes. Johan swiftly got up, but Gingie was already gone. Johan quickly scooped up Snowy, rushing out the door to wrap an arm around Gingie.
“Don’t do that Gin!” he huffed, carrying him back to the building. “We can go out to the park soon, but don’t just run off like that!”
“Park now.” Gingie demanded.
“We’ll see,” Johan yawned, looking over to the clock. “Maybe tomorrow, it’s getting late, Gin.”
A small playground would make a good investment, too.
The next week was filled with fixing up the old place while the kids were not there, and when they were building and putting together furniture and the such.
Hyde joined them. It was a rushed thing, the young child entering their ranks as a Joey Drew.
“Hello, Johan,” Snowy’s mother, beside Gingie’s, greeted, looking flustered, distracted, and bewildered as they dropped off the two best friends. “I hope your hands aren’t too full, since, well… this is Joey ‘Hyde’ Drew. His mother and father needed to go out of town and he’s been staying between myself and Mrs. Drew.”
She gently pushed forward the little boy. He seemed perpetually grumpy, clutching at her skirt in a tired grip.
Johan knelt and held out a hand to him. He blinked at him and then consulted the two women by looking up at them. Gingie’s mother nodded to him. Hyde grabbed his hand.
“Hello,” Johan softly smiled at him to meet him. “My name is Johan. Can I call you Hyde?”
“Fine.” was the curt reply. “Johan.”
“We’ll be good,” Johan mouthed to the mothers. Then he hesitated and bit his lip. “But… about payment? I don’t want to seem selfish….”
“No, don’t worry dear,” Mrs. Drew, Gingie’s mother, waved off his concerns. “This was discussed with his parents.”
“Good,” Johan smiled. Hyde tugged on his hand. “Well, I’m sure he’ll be just fine.”
Hyde was the sleepiest thing to grace earth.
Johan did not even know something could just fall asleep so often and so sweet.
Hyde tugged his hand at one point and pointed at the wall with their hand prints.
“You want one?” Johan asked, passing Joy to Magenta. Magenta grinned at the little boy in his lap, bouncing him happily. Hyde nodded. A rouge brown joined the prints, Johan carefully writing Hyde’s name beneath it. “Is that good?”
Hyde joined the other boys in much happier spirits.
Magenta and Hyde, incredibly, got along wonderfully. Hyde liked leaning on the oldest boy’s arm, and he liked especially to watch him draw. Magenta was talkative around Hyde, bubbling over as he shared things with the lad.
Snowy on the other hand, almost had a personal vendetta against Magenta. At least it seemed like it, with the amount of times Magenta got injured around the little swoopy haired boy. Snowy just seemed to be an omen for Magenta to avoid, but he continuously shoved his hand back into the foxhole.
Joy constantly found himself in precarious situations, and Johan had learned from trial and error how to preoccupy the boy to prevent him from ending up on the roof or something of the sort. Blueberries, though messy, where a good precaution.
Egg continued to paint on things. You could find the child by following wet the paint splats that would trail behind him.
Pastels were his favorite color scheme to use, and it was so soothing to Johan’s sore eyes.
Magician loved storytelling, and he was (excuse my french) damn good at it. He knew how to enthral an audience, he knew how to pull them in and he was funny and clever.
The boys all had a brilliance to each of them, shining brightly within them and only glowing brighter around the others. They tended to bring out the best in each other, even if they thought otherwise.
Except on the days they brought out the worst.
It was havok.
Johan did not really figure out what triggered the mayhem, but it broke out anyways.
Hyde had just woken from a nap, and so Johan had handed Snowy over to Magenta to go and pick up the whimpering bab. Egg latched onto his arm when he knelt to hold him, gripping him tight, a koala in the rain. He whipped around when-
“NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Magenta hollered with a bright grin on his face, holding Snowy above his head, giving Johan a miniature heart attack. A creak snagged Johan’s attention and he watched as Gingie ran out, Johan nearly tripping on Joy who somehow managed to find the one place Johan would have stepped. Magician shrieked as something he set on fire combusted. Egg refused to release Johan’s arm, and Hyde squinted with displeasure (and sleepiness) at the noisiness, gripping Johan’s shirt. “Ow!”
Johan nearly died a second time when he watched Snowy fall, and he leapt to snatch him out of the air, twisting to land on his back for the child to land on his chest, knocking the wind out of him.
“Why did you drop him?” he wheezed with alarm to Magenta. The boy was holding his nose, red seeping through his fingers. Johan set down the three children latched on him, shimmying his arm out of Egg’s grip, rolling over the fire Magician set to put it out, then rushed over to Magenta and carefully pulled away his hands from his face, sighing with relief. “Oh, it’s just a nosebleed. What happened?”
“He kicked me,” Magenta explained as Johan washed his face, handing him tissues. “Maybe I shouldn’t’ve held him so high up.”
“Maybe,” Johan huffed, looking out the open door. Gingie was in the doorway, staring with wide eyes at Snowy. Johan smiled at him. “Come on back in, Gin. Come on.”
He entered back in, going over to his best friend who was sitting on the floor where Johan left him.
“You okay?” he asked him, wrapping his little arms around his shoulders. “Too scary?”
“Too high!” Snowy explained, hugging him back.
Hyde came over to Johan and tugged on his ripped jeans.
“Sleep now.”
“Again, Hyde, is it not too soon?” Johan asked gently, smiling and raising an eyebrow. The boy shook his head and tugged on Johan’s hand, pulling him to the cushions he bought for napping, making him sit first, clamoring onto his chest. “Well… I suppose.”
More gentle pressures formed around him. He looked to one side, Snowy, Gingie and Magician there, and on the other, Magenta, Joy, and Egg.
Johan felt himself drifting off as each of the children surrounding him dropped off into la la land.
His limbs, pinned to himself by the young ones, felt so heavy, and so did his head….
Giggling woke him.
“Shh, shh, he’s waking up!” Magenta whispered, his voice bouncy and excited. “Mornin’ Jo!”
“‘Ello, Maggie,” he slurred. Hyde, still on his chest, was beaming at him. “What’s with all the smil-”
He had reached up to rub his eyes, and collectively, all the boys quickly leaned over to stop him, taking his hand and pulling it back. Gingie laughed in delight and rose a mirror.
Johan stared at himself.
A beard and a moustache were painted on his face, along with glasses (in addition to his real ones) and patterns and crescents. Pastel marked Egg’s territory on his face, and he noticed it on his neck and arms. His long hair had been plaited by them as well.
“Well?” Magenta asked, grinning. “What do you think?”
“I think it’s great,” Johan chuckled, running a hand carefully over the paint, making sure not to smudge or smear it. “Who’s idea was the moustache?”
“Mine!” Magenta eagerly answered. “Hyde thought of the beard!”
“I picked the glasses!” Magician beamed, “Snowy did half of them and I did the other!”
“Very good job, boys,” Johan grinned. “I look great.”
It eventually was time for the boys to go home.
Gingie’s mother was picking up almost all the boys, having invited the families for dinner.
She stared at him for a good minute when he opened the door.
“You’re looking,” she held in laughter, “Good?”
“Why thank you, ma’am!” he bowed slightly. “I got a makeover.”
She bid him farewell with a trail of children.
That left Magenta.
The boy was sitting by the table, swinging his legs.
“Hey,” Johan nodded to him with a wink, sitting beside him and pouring for him some chocolate milk. Magenta smiled at him, but it was tinged with sadness. Johan steepled his fingers and studied him. “You doin’ alright, kid?”
“Yeah! I’m really happy that all the other Joeys are here and we all just hang out!” Magenta commented. He continuously glanced at the clock with some nervousness. His shoulders slumped, and he pulled his arms into his oversized sweater. “Jo?”
“Yeah, Mag?” he answered, heart aching from the sad look that filled the young boy’s face. “What’s up?”
“I don’t wanna go home,” he whispered. Johan felt his breath stop. “Can I stay here?”
“Oh, Mag… I can’t, I’d get in so much trouble and then you won’t be able to come here at all,” Johan told him gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. “But…” he looked to the clock, “We still have an hour and a half.”
“Can we learn history?” Magenta inquired, looking at him hopefully. “Then ice cream?”
“Yeah,” Johan smiled at him. “For both. That way we’ll be doing what the old white man up top wants and what we do.”
Magenta grinned as he took out the textbook.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 6 years
Broken Like Me (Part 14) - Christmas
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Summary: The reader spends Christmas with the Winchesters...
Pairing: Model!Dean x reader
Word Count: 1,700ish
Warnings: language
Christmas Eve
“We’re here. Again,” called out Dean when you stepped inside his parents house after the third trip back to his place. “All presents and bags accounted for. If I lost anyone, I blame Michael.”
“How many cousins are there?” asked Michael, poking his head around a corner, eating one of the cookies you’d made over the weekend.
“Ten,” said Dean. “Two little ones.”
“Well we got the two little ones. Everyone else can fend for themselves,” said Michael, grabbing one of the bags you had. “Nice job on the cookies by the way. Uncle Bobby’s had like fifteen so far.”
“I have not ya idjit,” said Bobby, slapping Michael on the back of the head. “Go help your mom.”
“With what?” asked Michael.
“I don’t know. Get,” said Bobby, Michael holding up his hands as he left. “You two are supposed to set the table.”
“What are you doing?” asked Dean, cocking his head.
“Supervising,” said Bobby, taking a sip of beer and heading into the family room.
“I like him,” you said with a laugh.
“He grows on you,” said Dean. “Totally covered for me when I snuck out once.”
“Really?” you said.
“Yeah. I mean, I was totally forced to work at his salvage yard for an entire summer with no days off or breaks so he wouldn’t tell my parents but eh, I’m glad he did it,” said Dean.
“Oh sweetie,” said Mary, coming down the hall giving him a hug. “We always knew. We figured that would be a better punishment than grounding you.”
Dean rolled his eyes, Mary giving you a hug as well.
“You loved that summer and you did not work the whole time, mister. You and Charlie were thick as thieves,” she said.
“Charlie was five, stuck living with Uncle Bobby. Of course I took her to the park and swimming and crap,” said Dean, turning to you. “Charlie’s actually adopted.”
“She’s always looked at Sam and Dean as more of big brothers than cousins,” said Mary. “Dean always liked cars. We thought maybe he could learn a thing or two about them.”
“I learned a whole lot that summer,” said Dean. “I’d probably be a mechanic in another life.”
“Well you didn’t sneak out again after that, did you?” asked Mary.
“Not that you know of,” said Dean with a smile. She dropped her smile and crossed her arms. “I’m kidding...maybe.”
“Some things, I do not need to know, Dean,” she said. “After you two wash up, can you help set up the table? The big meal is tomorrow night so tonight’s a bit more laid back, Y/N. We’ll do stockings and everyone can open one gift.”
“Sounds fun,” you said, Dean pulling you along to the kitchen. It didn’t take long to put together the table, Dean having you pull on your coats and boots again once you finished. You followed him outside to the street, a few snowflakes floating on the air. He shoved one hand in his coat, brushing the other against yours, lacing your fingers together. “You okay?”
“Mhm,” he said, giving you a smile. “I wanted to go for a walk was all.”
“You have a big family,” you said.
“Yeah. It gets a bit hectic,” he said. “You hear from your parents at all?”
“Just a card yesterday. I didn’t open it,” you said.
“Maybe they’re trying,” said Dean.
“I’ll look at it later,” you said, walking around a small pile of snow.
“I have to talk to you about something. It’s pretty important,” he said.
“Okay,” you said, taking a deep breath. Dean stopped you on the street, turning to face you.
“I got you something,” he said, phising a small wrapped up bundle from his coat pocket. “I want you to open it.”
You let go of his hand as you peeled the green and red paper off, laughing as you opened it up.
“You like it?” he asked.
“I love it,” you said with a laugh. Dean ripped off the tag and took the trash from you as you pulled off your gray wool hat. You put the redish orange one on, complete with small pointed black ears. “It’s a fox hat.”
“You really do look like a cute little fox,” he said, bopping your nose with a smile.
“Thank you for the new hat,” you said, Dean pecking a kiss on your cheek. “It’s nice and warm. If not a bit ironic.”
“How so?” he asked.
“Uh, not to spoil or anything but you might be getting a similar present in the not too distant future,” you said.
“Is it a wolf?” asked Dean. You shrugged, Dean nodding his head when your lips started to curl up. “I knew it. Great minds think alike. Plus it just makes sense.”
“What does?” you asked.
“Well I’m bigger than you and a whole lot scruffier,” he said. “It just makes sense I’m a wolf.”
“And I’m a fox?” you said.
“Hey, you could have picked out any animal at the zoo,” he said, bumping into your shoulder. “I knew it was my super manliness that gave you the idea.”
“Oh, yeah, that was it,” you said rolling your eyes.
“What did?” he asked.
“I don’t know. Wolves are cool but you know, soft and loyal,” you said.
“Well I just thought you look cute like a fox,” said Dean. “Plush your hair looks all floofy in a ponytail.”
“Dork,” you said, bumping your hip against his.
“You’re the dork, dork,” he said, bumping you back, wrapping an arm around your waist when he nearly tripped. “Whoops. I guess I don’t know my own strength.”
“Shut up,” you said, wrapping your arm around his, Dean chuckling when you leaned your head against his shoulder.
“Y/N,” said Dean after a few minutes. He was walking slower, the snow sticking on the ground now as you continued around the neighborhood.
“Hm?” you hummed.
“I have a confession to make. I...I sort of want to get it off my chest,” he said. His tone was different this time, definitely not another little gift ahead.
“S’okay,” you said, Dean pausing. “I promise.”
“I posted another photo of you on instagram this morning. I didn’t ask your permission,” he said.
“Dean, that’s okay. When that happened before...you know how insecure I was about my appearance. I’m still insecure about it but you know I’m trusting you with it more and more,” you said. “I think you know by now what I am and am not comfortable with you showing of me.”
“I looked a little while ago...there were some comments on it,” he said.
“Were they mean?” you asked.
“I think you should take a look,” he said. You pulled out your phone, prepared for the worst.
You smacked him on the arm, Dean laughing when you saw it only had a few likes.
“You made your instagram private, didn’t you?” you said.
“Well, just for a while,” he said. “My actual friends can see that.”
“You know...” you said, looking at the black and white picture of you in bed, your messy hair covering your forehead perfectly, giving Dean a sly and sleepy smile. “You can post that. You don’t have to make your instagram private either for my sake.”
“You sure?” he asked.
“Positive,” you said. He fiddled around on his phone for a minute, tucking it back in his pocket. “Is that what was bothering you?”
“Mostly,” he said.
“What’s the other part?” you asked.
“Overthinking stuff in my head,” he said.
“Lay it on me, buddy,” you said. Dean pursed his lips. “Boyfriend-girlfriend confidentiality.”
“I’m not overwhelming you with my family, right?” he asked. “Like as soon as the holidays are over, you aren’t going to run for the hills?”
“No. Dean. I know I had an iffy morning on Saturday but I love your family. Yes, they are sort of insane but I really do like them. They could be assholes but I’d still suffer through them for you,” you said.
“I uh, I just worry,” he said.
“I noticed. I promise. Everything between us is great, Dean.”
“You survived your first Winchester Christmas,” said Dean, back at his place late that night. “What’d you think?”
“Well I loved my stocking full of new hats and headbands,” you said, Dean chuckling as you crawled into bed with him. “I liked my new flannel and my handy dandy new tool box. Also, thank you for not getting the pink one.”
“Well I figured that wouldn’t be the smartest move. Now you got a good sturdy box to keep your stuff in. Maybe next year I’ll teach you how to change your own oil,” he said.
“Oh yeah. It’s every girls dream gift,” you teased. “You liked your car stuff?”
“I loved it. Plus you got me my awesome new wolf hat and that classic rock book. No one went too overboard,” he said.
“Good. I know we were both a little...nervous about that,” you said. He hummed and tucked himself in closer to you, letting out a soft sigh. “Early night?”
“Yes please,” he mumbled. You turned over in bed, just enough to get the light before Dean was rolling you back to him. “Night.”
“Night, Dean.”
A/N: Read Part 15 here!
@homeorbust​ @team-free-gallagher @waywardrose13 @dean-winchesters-bacon @deansgirl215 @booski91 @spnskinnyballs @gh0stgurl @newtospnfandom @hunterswearingplaid @jayankles @mlovesstories @roxyspearing @mirandaaustin93 @laceyn-1201 @rahma29417 @extreme-supernatural-lover @mrswhozeewhatsis @gallifreyansass @closetspngirl @ms-mags @jen-tiamo @atc74
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boarix · 6 years
Wraith in the Ruins: A Fallout 4 Story Part XI
Gathering Lemons
Trigger warnings: canon language/violence/gun, drug and alcohol use. Suggestive/mature content.
Bloody mess warning!
Game spoilers!
Please enjoy
 “Data unavailable.”
“Wait… does that mean you don’t know or that you can’t tell me?”
“The age of agent designated ‘Deacon’ is not on file.”
“Query. Why is this data relevant?”
Wraith spun around on the bar stool she had dragged into P.A.M.’s office, “I just wanna know is all. He won’t tell me cause he knows it frustrates me that he knows everything about me and I know… possibly jack, about him. Thinks it’s a big tickle.”
“Query. What is the definition of ‘big tickle’?”
“He finds it humorous.”
Walking to her office, Desdemona heard Wraith’s voice and stuck her head in to frown at her, “Deacon is not here General. He won’t be back for a few days…”
“Yes, thank you. I’m dropping some holotapes off for Hancock…”
“He still has you running errands for him, huh?” Desdemona’s face held a superior look as she walked away.  
“Rude… ass…”
“Query. Why are you interactions with agent designated ‘Desdemona’ increasingly confrontational?”
Wraith spun around a few more times, considering, “I suppose she’s pissed that I quit and yet I’m still hanging around. She’s probably worried about exposure and it’s manifesting as bitchiness.”
“Query. Why did you quit? Your mission success rate was near one hundred percent. Higher even than agent designated ‘Glory’ and agent designated ‘Deacon’.”
“P.A.M, you can just say Glory and Deacon.” Wraith had winced at Glory’s name and stopped spinning to blink tears away while looking at the floor. “I quit so I could focus on Minutemen operations.”
“That phraseology is not accurate.” P.A.M walked over to stand next to Wraith. Bending slightly at the waist, the modified assaultron seemed to be trying to make eye-contact, “Query. Do you blame yourself for agent designated ‘Glory’s’ termination?”
It was a strange question, considering the source and Wraith was momentarily speechless. “I… I’m very sad that she died. I… I might have fallen for her, had things been different. Oddly enough, no; I don’t blame myself. For once. Her death I blame on Maxson. She has been avenged but I’m still going to miss her.” She stood up and watched P.A.M closely. She was acting strangely. “That was a rather emotionally orientated query, missy. Where did that come from?”
“Since my assistance in its repair, the unit designated KL-E-O has frequently entered my office and engaged me in conversation. Some of the topics would be beyond your capabilities of understanding. Some have been filed under personal developmental data. The topic of a recent discussion was loss and personal accountability.”
“Personal… P.A.M, do you like KL-E-O?”
“Insufficient data.”
“Also, pretty sure KL-E-O is a ‘she’ and not an ‘it’.”
“Logic error. Unit designated KL-E-O has no biological data and does not possess gender-related chromosomes.”
“I’ll let her explain it to you. Do you look forward to your conversations?”
“Temporarily unable to process verbal input. Still processing.”
 Once topside, Wraith waved MacCready over to her and the two headed toward the Minutemen offices. Despite all the positive experiences with synths, he still found himself uncomfortable at Railroad HQ. As such, the former merc had been amusing himself by reading comics while Wraith had run her errand. As they crossed the street he gave her a recap on Grognak’s latest adventure, hoping to elicit a conversation. It didn’t take long for him to realize that she wasn’t paying attention and that she was lost in her head.
“So right about then I slapped Danse across the face and told him ‘No! Bad can! Very bad tin can!”
“Mmhmm. Is that right?”
Sighing loudly, the young man picked up his pace; positioning himself directly in her path so she stopped. Locking eyes with hers, he was clearly annoyed, “I’ve been standing around in the cold waiting for you and now you’re ignoring me. You off somewhere else, or what?”
“I told you to wait in my office, Mac. You chose to stand down here instead.” His pout, as adorable as it was, needled her, “Don’t be a baby. I’ve got a lot on my mind.”
“Oh, yeah? Like, what’s so important?”
“Northern expansion… and asexual synth love.”
“Ugh. Gross.”
“Don’t be like that. You like plenty of synths and robots!” Wraith side-stepped around him and set her hand on the doorknob, “You get along well with Codsworth and Sturges. You and Val have played dart and Horseshoe tournaments as partners! You have always been sweet to Curie.” Wraith, in a bad mood, turned the screw, “And Mags; I’ve head you and her have gotten along really well…”
“Magnolia is..?” MacCready stopped in his tracks, his face turning tato-red.
“And I thought you said synth love was gross. Oh, well I guess lust is something different, huh?”
That hurt him. She could see it. Clenching his fists, he turned and walked away from her.
Oh. Over did it. Stupid, stupid, stupid!
 Wraith tortured herself reviewing their conversation for the rest of the day. Unfocused and irritated she muddled her way through various meetings, embarrassing herself and wishing like crazy the dim, winter sun would hurry to bed. She flip-flopped between being angry with MacCready and his prejudice, to being angry with herself for her lack of patience.
Hancock had been busy with meetings himself and she really didn’t want to run to him with this. Complaining about one boyfriend to another, who also happens to be his boyfriend… It all seemed so grade school.
Shuffling papers around in an angry huff, she willed herself to stay seated when someone knocked on her door, “Enter, please.”
MacCready crossed the room to her desk. Arms folded, he had a determined and grumpy look, “I went to talk to Mags…”
“Didn’t believe me, huh? Like I would make shit up…”
“Let me finish!” Unfolding his arms he whipped his hat off angrily and ran a hand through his sandy brown hair, “Please stop thinking the worst of me! Over and over I’ve watched you be kind, not just to me but to people that I would never even look twice at. Because you took a chance on me, ME of all people, I have looked twice.” He stopped with his hands out toward her, “I’m not saying this right…”
“It’s okay Mac. Take your time. I’m sorry I interrupted.”
Sitting on the edge of her desk, he reached for her hand. Pulling her to her feet, he led her around to stand between his knees. “I went to talk to Mags because I really like her. We were… are friends. I bought her a drink and asked her about… being a synth, I guess. The time we… spent together, wasn’t just mindless… I needed… I’m trying to see if…” Faltering again, he stopped and shook his head. “I’m sorry. I’m trying to be a good guy, so don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m sorry too. I got shitty with you and it was uncalled for.” She wrapped her arms around his head, bringing it to her chest, “You are a good guy, Mac. I love you.”
There was another knock on her door and Wraith could tell by the cadence that it was Hancock. “Come on in, Mr. Mayor.”
Looking uncharacteristically exhausted, Hancock smiled at his lovers and their embrace, “Can I get in on that? I really need some friendly human contact right ‘bout now.”
“Rough day at the office, man?”
Hancock sighed contentedly as they settled into a group hug atop Wraith’s desk, “Ever have a day that seems to have it out for ya?”
The desk collapsed, sending all three into a pile on the floor.
“No dear. Please tell us all about it.”
 Two days later found Wraith and MacCready in Diamond City. Hancock had been expecting to join them but found his responsibilities to his city too pressing to leave.
“I’ll do my best to tag along with Bossy’s next run. Course, that being weather dependent…”
The cold had been intense, especially at night. So much so that many provisioner caravans, depending on their routes, had been delayed or temporarily cancelled.
Wraith made plans for dinner with Piper before heading over to the agency to check on her favorite detective. Valentine was sitting and shuffling papers in a frustrated way that was very familiar. He seemed to be searching for something and pushed his chair back to look under his desk while tsking and muttering to himself. Wraith giggled when he crawled head-first underneath. Her chortle made him jump and bang his head, causing several items to fall to the floor.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, Val!”
Rubbing his head, his cheeks burned scarlet, “Oof! That smarts.” He smiled at her abashedly, holding his arms out for a hug.
“Can I help you find something? Where’s Ellie?”
“Believe it or not, I’m not completely helpless without her… not completely. John and MacCready with you?”
“No Hancock but Mac’s along. He’s up with Shaun. We were supposed to leave tomorrow but Mac says he smells snow so I might be in town for a couple of days. Is there anything that you’re working on that I can help with?”
Valentine shrugged evasively and turned back to his desk, “Nothing too heavy right now, kiddo.”
“Oh nonsense, no job’s too small, right?”
Valentine pursed his lips and folded his arms, “Eustace Hawthorne is a missing cat… statue.”
“Cat… like a figurine?”
“Just like.”
“Oh… Val…”
Despite a reduction in height, Valentine’s appearance and body language were still reminiscent of his gen 2  form and as such were uniquely his own. The Railroad had even managed to tint his eyes amber. Tilting his head to the side he offered her a trademark, self-mocking smirk, “What was that about ‘no job too small’?”
“Well, I mean it’s not exactly grand larceny or a kidnapping…”
“It’s nothing less then what I should expect. After all that has happened, I’m lucky the good people of Diamond City haven’t burned me at the stake.”
Her frustration boiling over, Wraith dropped the bright-side pretense, “What the hell?! I thought that we had moved past this. I came and worked that burglary case with you this fall! I… we… Piper…”
“It’ll be fine, sweetheart. I’ve been here before. Things are slow right now but they’ll pick back up. I can blame some of it on the weather. Apparently it’s too cold to get into trouble.” Removing his hat, he ran a hand through his jet-black hair and smiled at her. “Hey, since I have you here there’s something I’ve been wanting to run past you.” Holding his hat in both hands, Valentine looked at the floor, “I want to ask Ellie to marry me. Would you stand with me? Do you think John would too?”
Wraith burst into tears.
“Oh! Don’t you start cause I’ll get going and Ellie will come in to a flood!”
Wraith looped a finger through the fine chain she wore around her neck. Valentine knew that Preston had given it to her after rescuing his group at the Museum of Freedom. Reaching forward she gently grabbed the detective’s hand and brought it up to chest height. When she dropped the necklace onto his palm, Valentine could see that it held two simple gold rings.
Wraith and Nate’s wedding rings.
He tried to pull away as if she had handed him a live grenade, “No! I couldn’t possibly…”
“Please, Val. Nothing could make me happier. Think of them as my wedding gift.”
The detective relented and the two embraced. When Ellie returned she found them both puffy faced but smiling.
“Uh oh. Now what have you two gotten into?”
 Wraith could tell there was something wrong with Piper. All through dinner she had been distracted and quiet. As the children, MacCready and Ellie settled in to play Euchre, Valentine and Wraith joined her in her small kitchen. Valentine rolled up his sleeves to wash the dishes and Wraith grabbed a hand-towel.  
“What’s up Pipes? I can see something is eating at you.”
“Oh Blue, I didn’t want to bother you with it but it’s a disaster!” Piper threw her hands in the air and began pacing back and forth. “The long caravan to Megaton is missing! I had the Radio Freedom operator contact Murkwater and they said that they passed a week ago. A week!”
“This is perfect!”
Piper shared an alarmed look with the detective, “Jeez Blue, that’s not very sensitive…”
Wraith waved her hands at the misunderstanding, “No, no! I don’t mean I’m glad the caravan is MIA. Valentine don’t you think this calls for a master detective and his faithful sidekick?”
“Where are we going to find one of those, kiddo?” Valentine smiled at her, “I guess in a pinch, we’ll have to do. What about weatherman MacCready? Slogging through snow has lost some of its appeal since I’m now subject to cold and damp.”
MacCready sensed that he might be being left out and came into the kitchen. “What’s this about snow-slogging?”
“It hasn’t actually started to snow…”
“Wraith has voluntold us to go looking for a missing caravan, last seen ‘round Murkwater way.”
MacCready’s face was the picture of disgust, “In the swamp?!”
“You don’t have to come if you don’t want, Mac. I wouldn’t force you.”
“What I’m I supposed to do? Sit around here with my thumb up my as… butt? You didn’t even bring a rifle with you!”
Knowing full well she could simply pick up a rifle from the Minutemen armory, Wraith gave him a sappy smile, “You’re my rifle, Mac.”
Managing to look both dejected and proud, MacCready sighed, “Oh goody.”
 “It’s snowing!” MacCready’s voice was muffled as he grouched at Wraith through his scarf. “I told you…”
“It’s just a flurry; don’t be dramatic.”
“It can go from a dusting to a full blown Nor’easter at the drop of a hat, sweetheart. We can’t be caught without shelter if the weather turns on us.”
After checking in with the settlers in Jamaica Plain, the trio had elected a rout that circumvented most of the swamp that surrounded the Murkwater settlement. Even so the going was cold, slippery, slow and damp; something which MacCready felt the need to mention as frequently as possible.
“Wraith, I am cold. I can’t feel my toes…”
“I’m sorry it’s miserable out fellas but we’ll be there soon and we’ll be inside and they’ll have a warm fire and it’ll be great. So hang tough.”
“Oh, thank GOD YOU ARE HERE!” The village head, Margaret, looked completely done in, “We lost power this morning! My engineer is missing, we are all freezing and all the food in the walk-in is going to spoil!”
MacCready started sputtering and making incoherent noises. Wraith was almost certain she heard a few things that sounded like profanity.
Valentine kept a level head, “Can’t you just open the freezer doors? It’s cold enough to freeze the Dead Sea out here.”
“No, Val that’s a bad idea. There are probably a lot of animals that will smell the provisions and likely come to investigate.” Wraith cocked her head to the side, “Hey, do yao guai hibernate?”
“They do and mirlurks are dormant this time of year too. Deathclaws however…”
“Yeah, but aren’t they cold…”
Wraith set about organizing the settlers into teams: one group to cut ice as a temporary solution for the walk-in, another to build fires from emergency logs and a final, smaller group to help her work on the generators. Valentine moved from group to group, helping where he could and asking about the missing caravan as well as the missing Murkwater engineer.    
Working as quickly as possible, Wraith and her team had the generators back up before dark. In thanks, Margaret put together a large celebratory dinner in the common house. Sitting slightly apart from the rest of the settlers, Valentine broke the news to Wraith and MacCready.
MacCready spat his food, “You have got to be kidding me!”
“What’s the big deal Mac? Should be easy to spot and then…” Wraith pantomimed taking a shot, “Easy.”
“This is just like with the deathclaw…” MacCready held out his rifle, “This caliber will not penetrate through the armor, hide and bone of a behemoth.” When Wraith opened her mouth to protest, he held up a finger, “What I mean is, not like what you want. It’ll be small wounds that will take time to bring it down. The best I could do is blind the thing and we all know how well that works.”
“We have a Fat Man.” Margaret had been walking by and overheard, despite their hushed tones, “Only have one mini but ones enough, right?”
“Oooo. MacCready like big boom!”
“Easy, killer.” Wraith smiled at the village head, “That’s kind of you to offer but I left that here just in case another mirelurk queen decides to drop by. We’ll find another way.” She could feel MacCready’s eyes boring into her head, “Something to add, Mac?”
“MacCready like… grrrr… ruiner.”
“And another thing, the locals seem to think that there might be a chance their engineer is still kicking. Would be bad form to blow the thing to kingdom come, if it has a captive.” Valentine steepled his fingers, “Locating it will be a trial; despite its size we’ll have to track it through the thick of the swamp. That’s no mean feat.”
“…keeps getting better and better…”
“There’s a between zero and none chance this will be resolved without a clear, concise plan.”
“I wish Hancock were with us; he’s a better strategist than I am. All my plans go straight to shit.”
“…and better…”
 It took the better part of a week to locate the behemoth. The Minutemen had encountered the humanoid earlier in the year when they dispelled a super mutant group. Wraith recalled the report that Preston had shared with her: it had been the only survivor and had fled south. The decision to stop pursuit was mostly an act of the soldiers own self-preservation, as changing the creatures instinct from “flight” to “fight” seemed unwise. After the Murkwater engineer went missing, a long patrol had been organized but to no avail. There wasn’t a correlation drawn between the super mutants and the current dilemma so when they found several empty mirelurk carapaces and a large game trail, they chalked it up to a “very large animal”.
The massive super mutant had been foraging north almost to the Suffolk school, to far south of the settlement in a fairly straight line, in its quest for dormant mirelurks. Once the trio found the well-stomped path, they followed it to small shack where the humanoid kept its stash. There they found the remains of the missing caravan.
“Well, that’s really too bad.” Valentine wasn’t naive enough to believe they could find the provisioners alive but he was hoping their end could have been quicker, less gruesome.
“I don’t see any of Henrietta’s gear here… she might be in its basket still.” Wraith was getting teary-eyed, “Poor kid.”
“There is a rise with a tree over there.” MacCready pointed west, “It should give me a good angle. I don’t like the light this early… I want to see… to make sure before we use the frag mines.”
Valentine gave MacCready a knowing smile, “Well, well. I see hanging out with a do-gooder has done you some good.”
MacCready blushed and rubbed his nose, “Yeah, I’m a real philanthropist now. Gave all my caps to charity ‘n everything.”
Set-up was rather simple as was their plan: a blind in MacCready’s selected tree would give him the opportunity to verify if the engineer had somehow survived her abduction. It was highly likely that she had not and to that end, the trio would use a combination of grenades and mines to eliminate the threat.
Once MacCready was safe in his perch, Wraith and the detective hunkered down separately and waited.
And waited.
“Damn. Should have brought walkies. Stupid, stupid… Boy, I hope Mac remembered his night-scope.”
He had. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, the former merc swapped out his equipment. He had been having a hard time keeping his hands warm and so found it to be a challenge despite his expertise. “None of this is fun. This flippin’ sucks! I’m a good guy. I’m a great guy! Wraith needs a good guy. Whelp, I’m that guy. Goody, great guy.”
Wraith felt their enemy even before it showed up on her Pip-Boy. The sound of a behemoth as it makes its way through the world is unmistakable: as if they were the resulting offspring of a union between a great forge-bellows and an elephant. As the creature moved toward its shack, Valentine and Wraith tensed and got themselves into fleeing/attack position. In the event that any of the three of them were sensed or seen, Wraith would engage until the other two were clear and then disappear. Both of her companions had been very vocal about her trying to bring the monster down herself.
“Here we go…” MacCready raised his rifle and took a deep steadying breath.
“Someone, please! PLEASE HELP ME! OH GOD, PLEASE!”
Henrietta was still alive. She was crying.
Wraith fought hard to stay in cover. Her berserker instinct told her she needed to run at the behemoth and tear it apart. With her teeth if she had to.
Calm. Stay calm. Breath. Gotta fall back, gotta regroup… No we can’t. We have to do something now!
Leaping to her feet, Wraith ran at the humanoid while yelling at the top of her voice, “MAC, WE HAVE TO BRING IT DOWN WITHOUT HURTING HER! IF I CAN GET IT TO THROW SHIT AT ME, THE ARMOR IS WEAK AT THE NECK AND UNDER THE ARMS!” She ducked and dodged as her surprised foe attempted to flatten her.
“I’M ALSO BEING A FOOL AND RUNNING AROUND SCREAMING!” Valentine had a borrowed shotgun and would occasionally shoot at the monster’s feet. This was more to drive it to a greater fury than to cause damage. After all, he didn’t want to accidentally kill the person they were trying to rescue.
It was a rather ridiculous scene: two grown adults running around a giant monster in the dark, shouting nonsense and firing their guns at the ground.
As predicted, the beast began to find things to throw at its tormentors. MacCready kept his focus despite the shenanigans, waiting for the right angle. Unable to predict the flight path of such a chaotic development, the trio had a collective “oh no” moment when a rather large rock narrowly missed MacCready’s blind and crashed into the tree’s trunk.
Things were rapidly heading toward shit.    
The tree groaned ominously and the sniper knew his precarious perch would not hold him for much longer, “Common ya big dummy, pick up a BIG rock. Show me what you’re made of!”
As if the behemoth had heard him, it stooped low and using both hands ripped an enormous bolder from the swampy earth. Raising it far above its head, it turned to zero-in on a target; presenting MacCready with a perfect view of its armpit.
“Oh, why thank you.”
The humanoid was so startled by the bullet’s impact that it dropped the bolder squarely on its own head. There was a terrible squishing sound and an enormous gout of blood. It stood that way for several seconds before pitching forward and crashing heavily to the ground. The impact caused MacCready’s tree to fall as well but the young man was able to avoid serious injury by bailing out at the last moment and rolling to safety.
Henrietta was in pretty bad shape. In addition to being malnourished and dehydrated, her left foot had been crushed between the behemoth’s back-cage and the various detritus it contained. Despite the competency of the medics, her foot was amputated.
“It’s going to be fine General.” The engineer tried to reassure an obviously guilt-ridden Wraith, “I will still be able to do my job and it’s amazing that I survived at all!”
Doing her best to school her features into a poker face, Wraith congratulated the young women and told her how proud she was to have someone of her caliber in the Minutemen.
The kid’s trying to make me feel better and she was just kidnapped by a literal monster, held captive for almost two weeks in the freezing cold and then had to have her foot cut off! Jeez!
“What in the Sam Hill possessed you to wander around in the swamp by yourself?”
The young woman blushed at Valentine’s question and mumbled at the floor, “Patrols had been seeing carapaces out there and I wanted some. I wanted to see if I could use them for something and I was too embarrassed to ask if they would bring some back to me.”
 Piper was grateful despite the unfortunate fate of her caravan. “You and Valentine… oh and MacCready… I guess… really came through for Diamond City. I’ll make sure everyone knows it too.”
“I don’t know Pipes; the caravan was lost because I never went out after that behemoth. Preston had even made a point to show me that particular report.” Wraith leaned back in the chair in Piper’s office while running her hand vigorously through her short-cropped hair, “I didn’t follow-up and so people and brahmin died.”
Piper smiled sadly at her friend, “Your hair is getting long. Are you growing it out because of the cold or do you want me to trim it for you?”
Bemused by the change in subject, Wraith nodded stupidly.
“Well, which is it Blue?”
“Umm, trim… please.”
The two women moved to the mayor’s washroom and Piper busied herself washing and trimming Wraith’s hair. The radio was softly playing and Wraith found herself relaxing as Pipers fingers massaged her scalp.
“Blue, do you remember what I said to you when you told me to run for mayor?”
“Mmm, hmm.” Wraith sat up and smiled as Piper leaned against the sink, “You said ‘you’re nuts! I can hardly keep a teenager in line, let alone an entire city!’.”
“And that’s when you said, ‘you care enough about the welfare of the citizens of Diamond City, that you were willing to risk your life!’. You went on to say how my dogged pursuit of the truth wasn’t just to get some scoop. It wasn’t just for notoriety but the most noble of quests; for justice!”
“I don’t know if those were my exact words…” Wraith knew what Piper was driving at, “I appreciate what you’re trying to do but it’s not the same thing. I dropped the ball.”
“You can’t hold yourself accountable for every bad thing that happens, Blue.”
“Watch me.” Wraith stood up while stretching. There was a slight twinge in her left arm and she rubbed it absentmindedly as she stooped to kiss Piper on the top of her head. “I’m not quite ready to make lemonade yet but thanks for the pep-talk.” She smiled disarmingly as she changed the subject, “Did I hear Val right, that he wants to cook dinner?”
Piper adopted her best Nick Valentine impression, “I want to be the sort of man who can cook for his girl! After all, she works hard all day too.” Laughing, she waved her hand dismissively, “Don’t worry. I’m going to help him make sure it’s edible.”
“You want some help?”
“Why don’t you go rest? No offence but you look pretty tired, Blue.”
“I am fine! I guess I’ll go bug Mac and Shaun for a bit…”
  “…the difference between the caliber. Got it?”
“Yes, Mr. MacCready. Hi grandma!”
Wraith walked into Home Plate and offered a wave to her boys, “Don’t let me interrupt. Is there something I can help with?”
MacCready shrugged, “Davidson said we could load clips and magazines; thought that might be good practice. You can help if you want or you could go rest… for once.”
“I’m fine, Mac.” Wraith reached to grab bullets from a shelf slightly above her head. As she took a step back with her hands full, she felt lightning flash through her left arm. Her hand spasmed and opened, sending the box to the floor and bullets everywhere. “Ow, crap!”
“Are you okay?” Shaun came running to help clean up.
“Yeah, kiddo. I’m okey dokey.” Embarrassed, Wraith crouched to grab some of the wayward ordnance out from under a table. Misjudging when she was clear, she clunked her head as she stood. “Ow! Fu…heck!”
MacCready, exasperated, had his face in his hands and proceeded to drag them down his cheeks to expose the pink of his lower eyelids.
“Gross, Mac.”
“No, what is gross is that despite all,” He swept his hands out as if reveling the room, “this; I know you can still whoop me.” He laughed a little even as he started to help. “What happened?”
“I don’t know. My left arm is being… I’ll talk to Curie when we get back. No worries.”
They both looked very worried.
“Why can’t I come with you, grandma?”
Wraith slung her right arm around Shaun and pulled him to her, “It’s still too dangerous, weather wise.”
“Yeahbut, you guys are going…”
MacCready sat in a chair and leaned back with his arms behind his head, “Hancock should be in Sanctuary by now and we said we’d meet him there. I miss Dogmeat too. I want to go home and hug my ghoul and my dog.”
“Oh, I see how it is! I’m not enough for you, huh.” Wraith walked over and gave her lover a kiss that he returned with gusto.
“Ugh, you guys are both gross!”
 “Wraith… SEE… right in front… NOSE! WE HAVE... STOP!”
The shrieking wind tore MacCready’s words from him and flung them around to mingle with the snow. Wraith could make out enough to understand and agreed that they needed to find cover. However, the blizzard made it almost impossible for her to see her Pip-Boy and without the map she was completely lost.
We could be wandering in circles for all I know!
Frustrated and tired, she stubbornly plowed ahead and ran face first into the side of a building. “OW! FUCK ME!”
MacCready’s lips were at her ear, “Can you at least wait until we’re inside?”
Wraith felt a shudder of need pass through her as she found the door. Relieved to see a partially obscured Minutemen insignia, she undid the padlock and let them in. “I don’t know Mac; it’s pretty cold in here. You think you’re up for it?”
He caught her arm and pulled her to him, “Wraith, I could be on fire and get it up for you.”
“Clothes off… I’ll get the fire going.”
“That… wasn’t…”
 Breathing hard, Wraith collapsed on MacCready’s chest. Her head swimming in the high of release, she listened to his heartbeat as it slowed back to a normal rhythm. When she tensed to stand up he wrapped his arms around her to keep her atop him.
She smiled as she laid her head against him. He would often hold her like this after making love. It seemed as though he was reluctant to end the feeling of “oneness”. When his grip relaxed she propped herself up to watch his face. That moment when he opened his beautiful eyes and smiled at her; she could live and die for that moment.
“I’m so lucky.”
“Funny… I was thinking the same thing.”
Thank you so much for reading! Like what you read? Looking for more? Please see my master link post under my bio. Any questions/comments/concerns, my ask is open. =^..^=
13 notes · View notes
ivadeshin · 6 years
Five Soda Maximum (High School AU) pt 15
(need to start from the beginning?)
“What do they do in Germany for dates?”
Caleb laughs and opens a bag of chips. “I would not know.”
“C’mon.” Molly’s tail flicks behind him, amused. Caleb shrugs and tries to think.
“Same thing as Americans, I guess. Kids go to movies. Adults go to restaurants with the lights at... hmm. Medium lights?”
“With the lights dimmed?”
Caleb nods. “With the lights dimmed.”
“And a single tea light in the middle of the table,” Molly adds in a serious hush, pretending to cup his hands around a tiny candle between them. “To roast... your tiny fancy restaurant marshmallows on.”
Caleb snorts. “On toothpicks?”
“Yeah,” Molly agrees. “You could use the ones that come in hot chocolate mix.”
“Nein, those are... too hard, they are like sugary American cereal pieces. What is that brand Jester tried to - oh, Lucky Charms. Those are not marshmallows!”
“They’re... marshmallow... inspired?” Molly pulls out something wrapped in foil, and it turns out to be half a meatball sub. Caleb makes an interested sound, tugging the bag toward him and rummaging for the other half. “Is your stomach thing getting better?”
Caleb feels a mild rush of embarrassment, but it’s more minor than it would have been several weeks ago. The entire group seems to have settled on offering to share what food they’ve got, happy when he eats full portions and not pressuring him when he can’t. It’s a lot less confrontational than what he gets at home, and he feels a little silly for expecting outsiders to treat him the same as his parents. “Yes,” he says honestly. “I think um, just unpacking... knowing my school schedule... understanding more English...”
“Being settled,” Molly finishes for him. Caleb nods.
“Yes, good word. Settled.”
“Is it that new things, um, stress you out, or was it specifically moving from Germany to here?”
“Much more the second thing.” Caleb tucks some hair behind his ear, taking a deep breath and looking around a little. He can smell faint tobacco smoke from the alley they went in - it seems like the employees take their breaks there instead of up here, and so it’s unsurprising that they haven’t seen anyone else come up. That’s probably why Molly picked it.
“Did you move for work?”
Caleb blinks, a little too lost in thought to make sense of the question.
Molly shrugs. “I mean, your dad, or your mom, did they have to move here for a job.”
“No.” Caleb laughs softly. “Their jobs here are... are not better, I think they are, they, they are much worse, actually.” He unwraps his sub and takes a few bites.
“I’m not making the best conversation to get you hungry, am I.” Molly rubs his horn and looks away.
Caleb wants little more in life than to keep Molly from being sad. “S’ok,” he says around a mouthful of meatball. “Did... you... mag...dese?”
Molly laughs. “Yeah, my own secret recipe. I wanted us to have some hot food but I can’t make much.”
Caleb shakes his head and makes a thumbs up sign, glowering at his thumb when he sees that it’s already got a streak of red sauce on it.
“Oh! Here, hold on.” Molly sorts through the bag, pulling out a large plastic chip clip that’s holding on to a small stack of paper napkins. He pulls a couple out and then sets the clip on the table between them. Caleb’s just finished cleaning himself up when his phone chirps.
Nott (green fist emoji): sup
Caleb grins at his phone. “I am going to take a picture and send it to Nott,” he says, and stands up to take a top-down photo of the items spread out on the table. Molly starts to lean back, getting his folded arms out of the shot. “No, it is okay, you are part of the...” Caleb blushes and Molly laughs, leaning in further and crossing his eyes at the camera lens. Caleb takes the picture.
“We should take a selfie later,” Molly is saying, as Caleb clicks through the options to send the attachment to Nott. “My Facebook profile picture is super old.” He stops when Caleb freezes. “Friends take selfies together here, guy friends, it’s-”
“I cannot go on Facebook,” Caleb says too quickly. “I mean, I can. I can look at it but I cannot, no pictures.”
Molly blinks. “Even if I don’t tag you?”
Caleb shakes his head quickly. “I’m sorry, it’s, it’s complicated.”
“How would your parents even know? I’m not trying to be an asshole, I just...” Molly gestures with the remains of his sandwich. “You filled out that form to not be in the yearbook, and it’s like, there are parts of it I don’t get, I guess.”
“Those two things are not about my parents, exactly.” Caleb looks down at his sub, sitting up a little straighter and making himself finish it before he says anything else that’s going to send him into stomach cramps. He’s almost done when he realizes Molly hasn’t said anything, is waiting on him, aware that there’s more. “I cannot have my face show up on the internet. Neither can my parents. We came to America because we could not hide well in Germany.”
Molly’s voice gets quiet. “Are you serious?”
“Yes.” Caleb crumples up his tinfoil very carefully, turning the corners inward and then the corners made by that, over and over. “It is not, we are not terrorists or something. The German government is not mad at us.”
Molly doesn’t say anything.
“It is hard to explain and I have not told anyone yet. I do not want people to know. I had to... there is a queue you must wait in, they decide if you can m-move to the U.S. and we had to go quickly so, so I made up, I.” Caleb takes in a shuddering breath and realizes he’s trembling a little. He tries to complete the sentence, but his mouth opens and nothing comes out. The table shifts a little as Molly gets up, and Caleb looks up and sees Molly rushing around the side to scoot in next to him, grabbing his hand on the table and squeezing it.
“Are you having a panic attack?”
“I do not know,” Caleb says, and laughs a little desperately. “I am sorry... this... it is all very...”
Molly shakes his head several times, then tilts his head so his left horn is resting gently against Caleb’s right temple. “Um. I can’t remember anything from before I was fourteen.”
Caleb inhales slowly. “A... again, please?”
“I can’t remember anything from my life from before I was fourteen. I only remember things from age fourteen to now.” Molly’s face isn’t visible to Caleb right now, but he sounds like he’s smiling and also like he’s kind of hurt. “Does that help? I’m not trying to one-up you, I’m just. Trying to make sure you don’t feel weird.”
That certainly wasn’t what Caleb was expecting to hear. “You... hit your head? Something hit your head?”
“No.” Molly’s thumb strokes over his fingers in slow, gentle sweeps. “They did a bunch of scans because that’s what everyone figured, but there was no, you know, internal swelling, or skull damage, or any brain damage...”
“Are you sick?” Caleb sounds about as scared as he feels.
“No, there’s no reason to think so.” Molly pulls back and frowns at Caleb’s expression “I think I scared you worse. Shit.” He laughs and shakes his head. “I’m sorry. I kind of panicked.”
“But that is real, what you said.”
“Yeah, it’s really real. I don’t remember anything. They think it might be psychological but that’s, like, impossible to rule out, so it’s always on the table? If that makes sense?”
Caleb tries to reach into his mind, searching for what he knows about memories and brains and... “Trauma, sometimes it gets locked up and you cannot ... think of it?”
“Yeah.” Molly shrugs. “Like, to be fair, I was in a city famous for runaways and gay homeless kids who got one-way tickets from their families, so if something awful happened to me, I was in good company.”
“I’m sorry, one-way tickets, I do not understand.”
“Like, if your shitty family finds out you’re gay, they give you a one-way ticket to a big city and tell you to never come back...” Molly nods at Caleb’s disgusted expression. “Yeah.”
“That is awful.” Caleb tries to imagine this. “My parents would never...”
“Yeah, mine maybe did.” Molly shrugs. “Or maybe they were great and died! Or, I don’t know.”
“What,” Caleb tries to digest this. “What is your first memory?”
“Like, a haze of a few days where I was lost and trying to find a familiar street, and then I gave up on that and begged, but that wasn’t getting me much money...” Molly peeks up, maybe gauging Caleb’s reaction so far. “Some, um, some working girls found me... wandering around lost, so they sort of adopted me.”
“They were like, ‘You’re a kid! It’s not safe out here!’ They yelled at me and told me I was a fucking idiot and I could get hurt and... and they took me to a Waffle House and bought me like all the food I could eat.” Molly sniffs. Caleb watches his face, the sad sort of calmness of it. “I stayed on one of their couches for a few weeks. I hung out with them a lot and one day they got busted and, um, and the cops thought I was, you know...”
“...also working?”
“Yeah.” Molly laughs. “I busked, sure. Other than that I was in their apartment. One of them had been making me watch educational tv to make up for the fact that I wasn’t going to school. Like... yeah.”
“Did you get arrested?”
“At first? Sort of? They couldn’t process me because I didn’t have any ID or anything, and the cops, um, were mostly human, it was one of the tiefling girls that finally convinced them I was a young kid, and they did some blood test and were like, ‘oh, shit, you’re a minor’, and then my case changed departments like seven times... finally most of the girls got out by giving up dealers’ names and I went into the foster system.”
Caleb frowns. “So your name is...”
“Made up.” Molly shrugs. “The girls called me ‘Empty Stomach’, and then just ‘Empty’, and that sort of sounded like ‘M.T.’, and so by the time the sting happened I was M.T. It’s sort of dumb.”
“It is not dumb.” Caleb turns his hand awkwardly under Molly’s, wrapping his fingers around Molly’s hand and squeezing it. “I like it a lot.”
Molly snorts and ducks his head a little further. Caleb doubles down, switching his left hand to hold Molly’s so he can reach out with his right hand, initiating a hug across the other boy’s shoulders.
“Do you ever remember more pieces? Or is it just... not there?”
“Just not there.” Molly pulls his hand free, standing up - but it’s only to pull his food to this side of the table, so he can resume eating without moving away. Caleb smiles. “My memory of things now is pretty normal. There’s just, you know, nothing before a certain time.”
Caleb ruminates over this for a while, taking a drink from his water bottle. “Do other people know?”
“Gustav knows. Yasha knows. Tova knows. Bosun and the twins don’t.”
Caleb nods. “I will not say.”
“It’s not bad, I’m not embarrassed, it’s just... weird.” Molly shrugs. “Like yours, I guess.” When Caleb laughs hollowly, Molly hesitates. “Yours... is bad?”
“Remember the ‘huge mistake?’”
Molly frowns. “That you texted about? It’s that? You did -  what the hell could you have done to make your family have to move?” He pales a little and goes quiet. “Did you kill somebody by accident?”
“What!? No.” Caleb slouches on the bench. “I... my friends, we liked computers, and... we thought we were, you know, big shots.” They were so stupid, Caleb thinks. They were kids. “We had, you know, a computer club at school, we would use proxies and do whatever we wanted... we got dark web browsers and decided we would take down one of the little empires on there. They sold, um, very awful videos. And we tricked them and got some information on some of ... of the people who made the videos, and leaked it to the police. They were busted. Nobody...”
“You were like internet super heroes?”
“No!” Caleb hits the table, making it reverberate. “We were idiots. We could have died. They were criminals and they did not care, and, and, and they, they did not all, they were not all there, they were all in different countries. So some were arrested, the rest were very mad... they traced us, they started calling our houses, watching us on security cameras, they wanted us to pay.”
“Holy shit.”
“We had to tell our parents what we did. Local police could not do anything, these men were in other countries, using spoof phone numbers, hiring...” Caleb buries his face in his arms and shakes.
“Caleb.” Molly’s hand is light between his shoulder blades. Caleb tries to take full breaths, but he can’t, so he just gasps for air as quietly as possible, over and over, until he feels an insistent swatting feeling on his thigh. When he moves his arms to see, it’s Molly’s tail, giving him the gentle little friendly smacks like during their lunches. In spite of himself, Caleb chokes out a brief laugh, and Molly tilts into him and covers his body with his.
“I do, I do not think I make much sense,” Caleb mumbles into Molly’s shirt.
“You tried to stop some shitty people and they tried to get back at you?”
“And they wouldn’t stop and the cops wouldn’t help?”
“Yes.” Caleb hiccups. “They said they would poison my friend’s family. And burn my house down. They had plans for all three of us.”
Molly holds him tighter.
“I am sorry I am a big mess.” Caleb can feel the perspiration covering his skin getting Molly’s shirt damp. “I think maybe I am not good for dating.”
Molly is still for a moment, then tucks his head in carefully, pressing his lips to a spot on Caleb’s neck. “We’ll just have to keep trying until we’ve both run out of crazy fucking stories.”
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Summary: You came into a small town wanting to help people, that was it, hopefully having a good life. The small town you found, Four Corners, was unsuspecting. A town you never expected to have the impact on your life as it and it’s resident Conman would have.
Pairing: Ezra Standish/Reader (Rein in your horses. It’s slow burn)
Words: 1486
Warnings: There is a brief description of hanging other than that there is nothing. 
A/N: Welp...This is not Star Trek...Nor anything else I’ve written about. This story is dedicated to the small fandom of the Magnificent Seven Television series. I have fallen in love deeply with seven gunslingers. I hope you enjoy it. Even if you do not watch Mag 7 I: 1, highly suggest you do. and 2 would hope you read it just to validate me I have put a lot of work into this. 
A/N 2: Yes I did tag most of you on my list just so you are aware what is happening. If you want to remain tagged let me know. I won’t tag you all in the second chapter and forward unless you ask
Why did you ever come this far out west? You hadn’t been in town more than a few days and you were already in a horrible situation. Tied up, being threatened, and now you were having a rope tied around your neck. “You let my buddy Jonathan die.” You looked into to the angry eyes of the man in front of you.
“It was a severe infection. I did all I could.”
“Bullshit. You killed him and you should hang. Unless” he grinned as he brought his face closer to his breath reeking of strong sour liquor. “You wanna have some ol’ fashion fun.”
“Oh come on Billy just let her hang!”
A hand was placed on your leg, “Give me a minute Michael!”
“Burn in hell you bastard!”
“Come on now sweetheart, don’t be like that.”
“Billy, come on,” another man spoke as he shifted uncomfortably on his horse with the rest of the men with him.
“Joel shut up!”
You should’ve stopped yourself, but, You took the opportunity to spit in his face which earned you a slap. “You bloated white liner, yellow bellied son of a -” This time it was the back of a pistol and you nearly fell off your horse, which was keeping you alive
“Hey,” an unfamiliar voice called. “Is that any way to treat a lady?” You glanced up and saw seven men on horses at the top of the small hill.
“This ain’t a lady! She’s a snake.”
“Let her go,” another man shouted.
“My pleasure,” you capture laugh and he slapped the horse's hindquarters that was supporting you. It bolted and you felt rope tighten cutting off your air flow. You failed in attempting to catch a breath. You could hear the pounding of hooves or maybe that was just the blood in your ears. Maybe gunfire or your heart pounding. Your vision started to go as you struggling started to slow.
Suddenly there was a mass beneath you and an arm was around your waist easing you into a lap. You could suddenly breathe, taking gasping breaths as you heard a stream of comforting words. “Alright now, ma’am. You’re alright, let me get this,” there was a grunt of exertion as the rope slipped off your neck, “damn thing off you.” Then suddenly you were moving from the noise of gunfire, and you were pressed into the chest of your savior with your hands still bound in your lap. As soon as you were a top of the hill he reached his hands around you to untie your hands. You finally turned to look up at the man and God, he was handsome. “There you are, are you alright?”
You quickly looked down and nodded numbly trying to process what had happened. “y-yes, thank you, Mr-” you trailed off.
“Standish. Ezra Standish, no need to thank us,” He tipped his hat as the other men rode up beside him. “And the rest of these men are Josiah, Vin, JD, Chris, Nathan, and Buck,” he pointed to each man, in turn, and you followed his hand.
The one that Ezra had pointed out as Vin maneuvered his horse closer, “How are you feeling?”
“Okay,” you rasped, your throat sore.
“I’ll take a look at you back in town, you do live in Four Corners right?” Nathan asked and you nodded unconsciously leaning back into Ezra’s chest. “You just opened up a doctor’s office, came to town a few days ago?”
“I-I think that is enough questions for now gentlemen, let's just get this young lady home,” Ezra spoke urging his horse forward
After a few minutes you started to feel your chest get tight, and then tears started to fall. Ezra, who was in the middle of the pack pulled his horse back a bit wordlessly to the back of the pack. He reached into his breast pocket of his bright red jacket with one hand and pulled out a white handkerchief, gently he placed it into your hands.”It’s alright. You’re safe. Here dry your eyes.”
“I’m sorry,” you murmured unable to stop crying.
“Ma’am, not to sound rude, but you are being ridiculous. You have nothing to apologize for. You’ve had a close brush with death, I’d be a bit worried if you didn’t have some form of emotional reaction.” You dabbed your eyes, turning the handkerchief over in your hands. You ran your thumb over the embroidered, ‘E.P.S’.  You hiccuped and more tears fell, you felt him sigh, was it annoyance? “Now now,” he hushed, dropping a hand on your hands holding the hanky. “You’re okay. And I promise you will be okay. You’re safe with us. If those men ever come back we’ll protect you”
You looked at his hand on top of yours, it was such a soft gesture. You started to cry a bit harder, the people were nice enough but you had been rather alone. Not really making any connections.
“I think you were brave,” Ezra’s voice was soft, even softer than before. You started to laugh, a laugh tangled with a sob.
“I think you mean foolish.” You tilted yourself to the side and tilted your head up to look at him, finally taking the chance to examine your savior, there was no doubt the man was handsome. Sturdy jaw, bright snapping green eyes, as he started to smile, it was a wild mischievous one you realized, which was only enhanced buy a gold tooth that caught the sunlight.
“Well in most cases you be right. But it took a special kind of gall to call a man who has a rope around your neck a- a- what was that I heard you yell?” He tilted his chin down to look at you and your breath caught in your chest.
“Well before I was rudely interrupted I was going to call him, uh, a bloated, white liner, yellowed bellied son of a bitch.” one of the other men nearby started to laugh with Ezra.
“Wooo nelly, you certainly have grit little lady.”
“Buck don’t be a vulture. Excuse him, ma’am. Oh!” Ezra exclaimed suddenly, “We have been very rude, very rude indeed, ma’am. My apologies might I ask your name?”
“Y/N,” Buck tested it out, “what a lovely name.”
The ride back to town was a fairly quiet one, there was some idle chit chat, but nothing past that. The feeling of a warm body, the gentle sway of the horse, and the exhaustion after the stress caused you to doze off in the arms of your savior.
You were not sure how long you were out but you were being awoken by gentle shake and whispers. “Come on now,” Ezra whispered, as you came too he placed his hands on your arms, “Nathan’s going to help you down. Okay?”
“Alright,” Nathan reached up towards you to grab your hands to help you hop down from the horse.
“Let’s get you up to my clinic so I can look at you.” Nathan took you by the arm and lead you up to his space above the livery.
“This is a nice place here. Nathan tell me if I am stepping on your toes but how would you feel about us combining our clinics?”
“Well, I think that be a fine idea,” He smiled as he helped you sit down. “Let's take care of the details later, I want to clean that cut on your face.”  You nodded as he kneeled before you, touching a rag to your face, you winched and tried to pull away from the stinging pain. “Sorry, it’s going to hurt for a while, and it going to be a nasty bruise.”
“Figured,” you hummed as he moved his attention to your neck. “Thank you. You have very gentle hands.”
“Thank you,” he smiled, “I do my best to make my patients comfortable.”
“You do very well.”
Nathan nodded and stood up, “You seem alright, just take it easy for a few days. Rest you’ve had a rough day. You are welcome to take a short rest here if you want.”
“I think I’ll just head home,” you stood and shook his hand. “Thank you, Nathan, I look forward to working with you.”
“And I you.”
As you exited the building and headed down the steps you ran into the other men, who were just waiting there, supposedly for you. “Can I help you, gentlemen?”
“We just wanted to see if you were alright,” Chris spoke up.
“I’m fine. Thank you again for saving me.”
“Ma’am it’s our job. No need to thank us,” Vin raised his hand to stop you.
“I sure hope this doesn’t scare you away,” Chris started to smile, “I think going back home would be a waste of your fire.”
“No. I’m staying, especially now I know I have you boys to back me up.”
TAGS: @outside-the-government @kaitymccoy123 @starshiphufflebadger @mccoymostly @bkwrm523 @youre-on-a-starship @thefanficfaerie @sparkedupsilver @pinkamour1588 @captainbabysitter-blog @make-me-imagine @7men @dumbcowboys
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So How Did You Two Meet?
For the Eruri Valentine’s Weekend. By @ladymacbethsspot and I!
When they arrived at the sperm bank, Hanji went into the reception area with him to be sure Erwin didn’t chicken out. There was no way, after all this, they would let Erwin off the hook.
 Hanji had done all the legwork--and there was a lot of it. Twenty-five pages of questions. Hanji even had to call Erwin’s mother for some of them. In retrospect, she was a very nice woman. At first it was difficult to get some of the more personal information (family medical history, a photo of Erwin as a child), but once their bet had been explained she was more than willing to oblige.
 It was no surprise that Erwin was nervous, but Hanji’s death-grip on his arm ensured that they marched directly up to the front desk. Up to the serious-looking dark-haired man staring angrily at his computer screen.
 Hanji took charge, reading that man’s name tag. “Levi! This man needs to give you his seed.”
Erwin gasped, the blood draining from his face, and tried to clamp a hand over Hanji’s mouth, only to be expertly batted away. The man turned to face them slowly. He looked at Hanji, shaking his head silently. He looked at Erwin, up, then down, and shook his head again.
 “Do you have an appointment?” Levi drawled, turning back to the computer screen.
 “Yes, for one, Erwin Smith. That’s S-M-I-T-H.”
 “I gathered that, yes.” The man poked at his keyboard, “Ah, okay, here you are. Wait, you said that was S-M-I-T-H, right? No silent Q or anything?” He arched an eyebrow, chuckling to himself. Erwin stared intently at his shoes.  
 “Nope!” Hanji said happily.
 “I’ll get your file. Meet me by the door to your left.” The man stood, disappearing into the office.
 “Hanji,” Erwin said. “Do you have to make this the most mortifying day of my life?”
 “Of course. I won the bet.” Hanji turned to look up at Erwin, smiling widely. “He’s cute, don’t you think?”
 “Now is not the time to think about how cute someone might be.” Erwin dragged a hand over his face.
 “Remember what we’re here for, Erwin.” Hanji jabbed an elbow into Erwin’s ribs, wiggling their eyebrows.
 “Jesus Christ.”
 The door to their left opened. Levi stood, holding a binder. Out from behind the desk, his small stature was much more obvious. The short sleeves of his top reaching almost to the elbows of well-muscled arms. Hanji gave him a quick once-over, jabbing Erwin painfully in the ribs again.
 “Follow me,” Levi said wearily, turning to lead them down the hall.
 Hanji looked over at Erwin, ready to offer words of encouragement. But he looked distracted- his eyes fixed firmly to the perky form of Levi’s ass moving beneath thin fabric. Hanji leaned close to Erwin, whispering loudly, “He’s got a nice butt, huh?”
 “Shut up!” he said, shoving them.
 Levi turned at the commotion, glaring at them both, and continued to walk. He opened a small door and ushered them into a room with three uncomfortable-looking metal chairs, and a small desk, motioning for them to both take a seat as he took his own place behind the desk.
 “Do you have any questions?”
 Hanji inhaled, ready to unleash a torrent of weird questions.
 “No, Hanji,” Erwin added quickly. “I’m okay.”
 Levi looked at them both. He took a deep breath before beginning, rattling off a series of quick instructions. “Okay, well I’ll go over it quickly then. It’s really not hard. Until you make it hard, then it’s easy. You’ll go into another room. Don’t be nervous, you won’t be thrust into anything, it’s very private. There’s a, let’s say, package, of reading material and videos you can choose from. So, just have a ball, or two. Now, when you’re doing this, don’t get too cocky. We’re just looking for a sample at this stage, so pull out your best effort but don’t be a jerk off and leave a big mess.”
 “That’s a lot to take in,” Hanji said.
 “Good one!” Levi answered, tapping a pen on the binder for emphasis.
 “Oh,” Hanji responded, giggling.
 “If you’re ready,” Levi said, “the room is just across from us. That’s where the magic happens.”
 Erwin got up quickly. He stepped into the hall, getting as far as his hand on the doorknob of the room Levi had indicated before he was interrupted.
 “Wait!” Hanji said. “Are you sure they’ll have…” they lowered their voice, “stuff you’ll like in there?”
 “Hanji…” Erwin sighed in exasperation.
 “Because I brought stuff!” They reached into their bag, pulling out dozens of male porn mags.
 Hanji saw Levi’s eyes widen.
 “I wasn’t sure which you liked best so I got an assortment- do you want to start with Oklahomo or Bat Dude and Throbbin?”
 “Oh, God,” Erwin said, reddening. He started opening the door just to get away from them.
 Levi chimed in, “Oh, also, looks like there’s one question that I was meaning to get answered.”
 Erwin closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “What. Is. It?”
 “Circumcised or uncircumcised?” Levi asked, fixing Erwin with a blank stare, pen poised over paper.
 Levi nodded, but made no move.
 “Are you going to write that down?” Erwin prompted.
 “What are you talking about?”
 Hanji hooted, slapping their bag of porn.
 Erwin shook his head. He was about to turn the doorknob.
 “Oh. One more thing.” Erwin turned to face them both, a pained look on his handsome features. Levi pulled a small plastic jar from his pocket, slamming it on the desk.
 “Alright,” Levi said. “Fill ‘er up!”
 There was a long silence.
 “What, do you need another one?”
 More silence.
 “Bad joke,” he said, not looking the least bit sorry.
 Erwin reached out, snatching the jar up as quickly as he could and hurrying to open the door to the other room. As he stepped in he heard Levi comment to Hanji, “Over under on how long he’s in there?”
 “Ooh,” Hanji said.
 Erwin slammed the door.
 Once Erwin had left, Levi and Hanji sat in silence for a few moments. Levi sat writing something. When Hanji peeked, they saw he was drawing dick after dick. Very detailed renditions.
 “So, uh, you learn a lot about male anatomy in this job, huh?” Hanji asked, attempting to break the awkward silence.
 Levi looked up slowly. “I guess- learned that pee is stored in the balls.” Hanji snorted, covering their mouth.
 “But seriously though,” they continued, scooting their chair over and crowding close to the desk, “I have questions! Where do you keep it all? How do you keep it fresh?”
 Levi blinked, leaning back. “We freeze it.”
 “How do you decide who gets which sperm?”
 “That’s above my pay grade.”
 “How many little swimmers are in those samples?”
 “Well…” Levi paused, leaning forward conspiratorially, “you know there’s actually somewhere between 15 and 200 million sperm per milliliter of semen.” Hanji’s eyebrows shot up.
 “Really?! That many?”
 Levi nodded, a satisfied smirk on his face.
 “How do you put it in the woman?”
 Levi grew serious. “That’s not my area of expertise.”
 “How much sperm do you use on each egg? Is there someone who counts them out? How do you count sperm? Will Erwin’s load make 200 million babies-”
 “Alright, that’s enough,” Levi interrupted, his eye twitching.
 “Aw.” Hanji deflated. They sat for a few moments. Levi shifted in his seat.
 “So, what brings you two here anyway? I usually just see guys come in alone.”
 Hanji looked over. “I won a bet,” they answered with a wide smile.
 Levi whistled. “That’s some bet. What if you’d lost?”
 “No coffee for a month! There was no way I was going to let Erwin win, this was way too important. So anyway...you think Erwin’s hot?”
 “Where did that come from?”
 “That doesn’t answer my question,” they said coolly.
 “Hmm, Blondie?” Levi said. “Yeah, I’d climb that big ass tr--”
 The door to the private room opened. Erwin stepped out, looking noticeably calmer, holding the closed plastic jar.
 “Put it here,” Levi said, pointing to the desk.
 Erwin set it down. There was a long moment where all three of them contemplated it. Finally, Levi stood from behind the desk.
 “Well, I think we’re all finished here. I’ve got everything I need.”
 Erwin held out his hand for Levi to shake. Levi stared at it, unmoving.
 Erwin and Hanji started to leave. Before they’d gotten out the door Hanji dashed back up to Levi and whispered in his ear, “That number I wrote on the form is Erwin’s cell. He likes men. He’s single.”
   Levi called the next week. “Is this Erwin Smith? It’s Levi. From the sperm bank? I’m gonna need another sample. Say my place? Friday night?...Sorry. Bad joke.”
 Erwin choked on his coffee. Spluttering for a moment before responding with a raspy, “Excuse me?”
   Sliding into the booth opposite Erwin, Levi picked up the menu.
 “It’s good to see you Levi.” Erwin greeted him.
 “Yeah, you too.” Levi stared at the cocktail list. “Oh, by the way, I got your text. Don’t worry, there was an issue with your paperwork, we ended up destroying the sample.” He looked up, winking at Erwin.
 Erwin breathed a deep sigh of relief.
 “Thank you.”
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