#oikawa cant stop moving when hes studying
iwaoiness · 7 months
Iwaizumi likes to study in libraries because he can isolate himself more easily and pour all his admirable concentration into his notes and textbooks. Oikawa, on the other hand, doesn’t like it. While Hajime is the type of person who studies in silence, Tooru needs to move around and even speak loudly to memorise information. Their dynamics are completely opposite yet attracted; they adapt to each other's disparate ways and make it work, as in every aspect of their shared lives.
Oikawa has mastered the art of surviving in libraries. Instead of speaking loudly, he articulates with his lips silently and even gesticulates, ignoring the curious stares of the students. Moreover, Iwaizumi bought him a fidget cube to keep his restless fingers amused, and when it’s his leg that begins to jerk restlessly, Hajime makes a point of putting a hand on his thigh every time the librarian passes by to avoid being scolded again.
(If he then doesn't remove his hand and absently strokes Tooru's thigh with his thumb, amused at how nervous that makes Oikawa, well, no one says anything).
Iwaizumi has mastered the art of surviving in their rooms during their study sessions. Instead of resorting to his old tactic of kicking Tooru's side when he used to pester him during homework as kids, he simply lets Oikawa lean on his back (or his legs or vaguely stroke his arm with his long fingers or fiddle with the hair on the back of his neck or curl up next to him or entwine their legs or start rolling around on the floor) while he memorises aloud. In addition, when Hajime’s faced with a complicated subject and really needs to concentrate fully, he puts on his headphones and listens to the playlist Tooru created for him with his favourite ambient sounds that help him focus.
(If he noticed that Tooru's voice reciting in the background soothes him like more than the playlist, well, he's not saying anything either).
another iwaoi hc that lives rent free on my head
u can find me on my ao3 🍉
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kyovtani · 4 years
(🥨) OIKAWA AUF PLATZ DREI EINFACH EHRE!!!! ok hello love !! it's been so long im sorry 😭 how have u been??? hows life??? are u feeling christmassy??? how do u feel abt the strengeren corona regelungen? also another thing omg i hope this isn't too much to ask or anything but... since u always say ur basically bokuto like personality wise.... are there any specific hcs u have for him? or any traits/ behavior whatever u think he has?? bc im absolutely IN LOVE with him like. it's crazy. but i often see ppl writing him very one sided? bissl oberflächlich yk? so yeah i thought id ask the expert hihi !! love u lots !!
OMG PRETZEL BABY !!!! ive missed you SO much, i hope you're doing good and taking godo care of yourself :((🥺🌩 ive been slowly getting better and no, i dont really feel christmassy bc of the new corona restrictions but it's okay 🥺 i hope you're safe and sound MWAH
also, about the taro-part...that's a good q
a few of my personal hcs, which do include mentions of anxiety and toxic family relations, are: (these made me cry haha) ANGST INCOMING
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– his parents aren't divorced but they basically hate each other and fight all the time; and bc of their noises he can't fall asleep without the sound of rain in the background
– he's always been the guy everyone loves and wants to be friends with but he struggles to open up to anybody which is why he only has one (1) close friend
– his sisters are his other besties, but he didn't get along with them very well growing up but as they got older they knew they had to stick together to survive in their household
– he cried when his oldest sister moved out and had a mental breakdown when the second one did and he was all alone
– he always talks so loud because nobody at home listens to him and he always gets told to be quiet
– he's a lot smarter than people picture him to be, he just struggles to stay focused which is why he can't really study
– he gets attached really fast but never fully trusts people
– him and kuroo bonded over their toxic family households
– he struggles to put his thoughts and emotions into words so most of the time he says "i dont really know" after every sentence when he's talking about himself
– he's had his heart broken multiple times but always smiled it off and told himself to just be better and maybe he'll have someone love him too
– he has that one teacher he feels extra close to bc they remind him of his personal ideal of a parental figure
– he lost the dog he grew up with in middle school and hasn't even dared to think about getting a new one because the loss hurt him so much
– bokuto is the type to call his friends at random times and tell them to have smth to eat and a glass of water bc he forgot it himself all day long
– "text me when you get home so i know you're safe"
– quite broke most of the time but still doesn't hesitate to offer people money even if that means he has to give up his own meal
– loves and is loved by children
– he overthinks a LOT to the point where he has to call kuroo and talk about the things he cant stop thinking about because he can't sleep
– struggles with anxiety but never shows it to anybody so when it really hits him, he goes to the bathroom and tries to calm himself down
– he hides his vulnerability with his humor
– heavy parental issues
– always tells his friends how jealous he is of the fact that they sit down with their families for dinner bc he hasn't done that since he was a child
– and lastly, he always carriers extra waterbortles with him in case one of his friends hasn't had any water yet <33
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liberolove · 4 years
Testing the Waters (pt. 2)
Summary: youve finally graduated high school and now youre moving on to college. youve decided to go to sendai university. its summer and youve become curious about checking out the dating pool in miyagi, so you download a dating app. you figure you might as well have fun before delving too deep into your studies
Part: [part two] out of ???
Pairings: nishinoya x reader / kuroo x reader / oikawa x reader / kiyoko x reader
A/N: theres tons of ships here, just me living out my hoe phase lmao please dont judge me. let me know what yall think
Genre: fluff, smut, crack
Warnings: flirting, college shinanigans
It’s been three days since the last time you saw Yuu. Gosh, even saying his name to yourself gave you goosebumps. You two have been texting non stop and honestly, it felt so refreshing. You were a pretty bad texter but he knew how to keep the conversation going. 
One of his favorite things to do was play 21 questions with you. He wasn’t like those fuckboys who would use this opportunity to ask you if you were a virgin or what your favorite position was. Yuu was different. He came up with the craziest scenarios and judged you on the way you answered. One time he asked you how you would escape a 300 lb lion that just broke out of the zoo you were visiting. You honestly had no idea how to respond but eventually you replied, 
“I’d make sure to run with a crowd and ‘accidentally’ trip a slow runner so that the lion could get distracted and probably (most likely) attack them. This would buy me some time to get the hell out there.”
This response caught Noya off guard but he loved the way you thought. You continued to come up with barbaric schemes to survive all the scenarios he would throw at you. He kept you guessing and that was what you liked so much about him. He was wild and so were you.
You were getting a little impatient over your next date so you took a deep breath and eventually asked him.
Y/N: Heeey, Yuu. I was wondering when you’d like to go out again. I’d really like to go out with you again.
Nishinoya Yuu: hey cutie! I’ve been wanting to see you again but I haven’t had any days off from work lately.. (; ・`д・´) IM DYING!! I just wanna see yoouuuuu
Y: Aw man.. :( That sucks. When do you think you’ll get your next day off?
N: idk tbh but hopefully it’s soon!!
Y: no worries, just let me know.
N: will do!!
Well, that was that. Now you wondered what you should do to pass the time. You were bored again and needed something to do. “Oh wait. I should check the app. I haven’t checked since I messaged Yuu on there. Maybe I have more matches.”
You opened up the app and you had 10 notifications. You had gotten some likes on the selfie you posted and several people viewed your profile. You checked who looked at your profile, and it was mostly ugly, older, men. “Gross,” you thought to yourself. Besides this, you noticed some new messages. 
You opened up the first message. 
“Hey sexy! Wanna come see me play? Click my link https://…..”
“Damn bots. So annoying.” You deleted the message. Next message:
“I mean like yeah, but you could’ve been less forward in your message. What a turn off..” You had one last notification left. Maybe it wouldn’t be a let down.
“Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon? 'Cause you are F-I-Ne.”
To be honest, this pick up line did make you giggle a little. You checked out the profile of the mysterious stranger who sent it and you were surprised that it was a bulked up biker. And damn, was he hot as hell. 
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His hair stood up in an organized, weird bed head kind of way. It made him look like a rooster. Rather than smile in his photos, he smirked. And his eyes looked like he could undress you solely with his gaze. He looked like your typical bad boy, but that didn’t make sense. Why would he use a chemistry pick up line?
This made you become even more interested, so you replied back with another cheesy pick up line.
Y/N: I wish I were adenine because then I could get paired with U.
Kuroo Tetsuro: Hey, kitten. I thought you’d never reply. You had me waiting.
Y: umm??? calling me kitten already?
K: What’s wrong? Are you flustered already? We haven’t even met up yet.
Y: woah there cowboy! hold your horses
K: I’m not a cowboy, but I’ll gladly have you ride me instead.
Y: skskskks i cant even-
K: Sorry. Too much?
K: Alright. Let me start over. Ahh, a fellow chemist, I presume?
Y: yeaaah, kind of. I have a love/hate relationship with chemistry.
K: Is that so? Maybe I can help with that.
Y: oh really? how so?
K: I am a chemistry major after all. I go to Sendai. Do you go to school?
Y: uhhh i’m going to start there in the fall. I still haven’t decided what to major in, just yet.
K: Maybe you’ll end up being a chemistry major like me and I can give you private one on one lessons? 
Y: I highly doubt that, but nice try. 
K: Have you gotten a tour of the campus yet? Or are you waiting for freshman orientation?
Y: nah, I haven’t seen all of it yet. 
K: Would you like to?
Y: um sure! When are you free for my private tour? (:
K: How about tomorrow in the morning? Maybe around 9am? I can pick you up too if you’d like.
Y: Sounds good and no thanks. I’m not riding on that motorcycle! Looks scary :(
K: Don’t worry, kitten. I’ll drive safely and make sure nothing happens to you.
Y: there you go again.
K: Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. No, but really. I don’t mind picking you up. Have you ever been on a motorcycle before?
Y: nope
K: Then, let’s change that. Send me your address tomorrow morning. And get some rest.
Y: alrighty it’s a plan then!
K: No. It’s a date.
Y: sksksk omg
After that conversation, all you could think about was how the hell did you get into this mess? Motorcycles are dangerous, yet this rooster convinced you so easily to take a ride with him.. 
It was an understatement to say that you were nervous for tomorrow.
You set an alarm for 7 am the next day and went to bed.
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Your alarm woke you up and you immediately remembered why you were awake so early. You rushed into the shower and once you were out, you spent 30 minutes deciding on what to wear. You opted for some black, ripped skinny jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt. 
At 8am on the dot, your phone’s notification bell went off. It was Kuroo.
“What’s your address, baby?”
You sent him the details and continued getting ready. You put on some light makeup and brushed your hair. You checked the time, and it was already 8:55 am. Then, your phone went off again.
“I’m outside.”
Your heart almost beat out of your chest. You grabbed your purse and put on some chapstick. You know, just in case..
You locked up your apartment and walked down the stairs. You were greeted by the biggest shit eating grin on the sexiest man you’d ever seen. You never went for the bad boys but college is a time for experimenting. 
“Hey, Y/N. You ready to ride? I brought an extra helmet for you.”
“Hi, Kuroo. And yeah, I guess,” your voice shook as you replied. You were really nervous but you tried to hide it.
“Don’t worry, baby. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’ll keep you safe.”
His words made you melt and you had just met him. The way he cooed at you and looked your way made you blush. You felt your cheeks get hotter by the second.
“Alright. Hop on and hold on to my waist. Hold on tight or else you’re gonna fly away when I take off. Okay?”
“..okay..” you managed to mutter. You were shaking but you put on the helmet he gave you and lifted up your leg to sit on the metal machine. You slowly hugged Kuroo from behind and held on as tight as you could. Your head was smashed right up against his large, broad back.
“Ready?” he asked.
“..yeah,” you squeaked.
Before you finished saying this, he had taken off like the devil was chasing him. If this was his meaning of safe driving, you didn’t want to find out his meaning of reckless driving.
The ride to Sendai University only took about 5 minutes, when realistically it would take 20 minutes by bus. You arrived and Kuroo teased, “are you going to let go, kitty?”
You hadn’t realized you were still gripping onto him for dear life. You released him from your hold and your hands still tingled from the amount of force you applied to his shirt. “Sorry!”
“No worries. Hey, look! I brought you here alive. Aren’t you glad?” he cackled. 
His laugh sounded like a dying hyena but it did sound a little cute at the same time. “Yeah. Thank goodness. Your driving is insane, dude.”
He showed you all over campus, from the administrative buildings to the gymnasium, to the fields. Sendai was a pretty big campus, and it made you glad that you had a personal guide to show you all the different buildings. 
After your little tour was over, he asked, “wanna grab a bite to eat? I’ll be a gentleman and pay for you too.”
Of course, you couldn’t say no to food. Much less, FREE FOOD! You nodded and got ready to ride the devil’s machinery again.
He took you to a nearby sushi bar. “Order whatever you’d like, princess. Today, I want to spoil you rotten.”
You melted at his words and also at the variety of rolls on the menu. You didn’t ask him if he really meant that you could order anything. You just kind of went for it. You ordered everything from shrimp tempura, to octopus, to eel. Sushi was your favorite and being told that you could order everything was a dream come true.
“Damn, girl! I had no idea you had such a huge appetite!  I didn’t know you’d take me seriously on my offer. You’re gonna run my pockets dry.”
You blushed and looked away. “Sorry, Kuroo. I really couldn’t help myself. I love sushi so much.”
“I’m just teasing you, baby. You deserve to be treated like this everyday.”
You had no idea how to respond so you just kept stuffing your face with sushi.
After you finally had your fill, it was time to go home. It was getting late. Kuroo took you home and you were definitely more relaxed this time on the bike. 
“I hope you had a great time today, kitty. And I hope I met your standards.”
“Yes, I did! Thank you so much, Kuroo! This was honestly so much fun. Thanks for everything.”
“Of course. Nothing but the best for you. I just need one little favor from you, baby.”
“Oh? What is it?”
“Can I get a kiss from your soft lips? I know you want to. I saw the way you kept staring at me, today.”
“Oh.. uhh.. Y-yea-yeah. Sure, of course.. Yeah,” you stammered. 
You looked at him with soft, shy eyes and before you knew it, he leaned in quickly and kissed you on the lips. Your eyes were wide open in surprise but as he deepened the kiss, your eyes slowly shut.
The kiss felt like electricity coursing through your body. You didn’t know what it was, but this man definitely already had you wrapped around his long, slender finger. 
As soon as you realized his hold on you, he backed off, and left you wanting more. He was such a tease.
“I can’t just let you have everything today, kitten. I need you wanting more.”
You didn’t know what to respond so you looked down at the ground shyly. 
“I’ll message you later, y/n. Don’t make me wait too long, again.”
You waved and muttered, “Thank you, Kuroo.”
He revved up his bike and was gone in seconds.
You remained in a daze as you walked back up to your apartment. Once you got inside, you plopped down on your couch and released a long sigh. “Who knew that college was going to be so exciting..”
[link to kuroo pic i found]
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fluffshisuga · 4 years
3 am apologies (Oikawa x reader)
Warnings: angst, it's basically angst
Another vent fic?? I'm sorry
Song i listened to~ 3AM Apologies- Mark Redito
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You looked down at your phone, watching the dots pop up and disappear every minute. Even if a message went through, would it mean anything? He hurt you. You saw him with another girl that day, and she was all over him. He didn't even look like he was trying to stop her, and his eyes grew wide when he saw you standing there. Before he could say anything you left, and never texted him back for the rest of the day. You had stayed in your room all night, silently crying and staring at your phone. You had seen Oikawa typing and leave again all night, like he didn't know what to say. Was there anything for him to say? He cheated, there was no excuse, right?
That night, you couldn't sleep. Your tear-stained cheeks were red and hot, and your eyes were puffy. Your mind just couldn't wrap around what happened that day. Maybe you were dreaming. You looked at your phone again, reading the time. It was 3 o'clock, one of the saddest times to be awake. You turned your phone off again, and placed it next to your body on the bed. You contemplated on whether or not to listen to some sad music, just to get all the tears that were still hiding, out. But you decided against it. You didn't know what to do. You stared at your ceiling, small tears still rolling down you cheeks. A light went up in the darkness, and you followed it down to your phone. A message appeared on screen.
It was Oikawa, he was finally able to send you a message. You were scared to open it, afraid of what it contained. You thought it over. It took him the whole night to send a message back, would it mean anything anymore? You stared at the screen some more, thoughts running through your mind. Maybe there was an explanation for what happened. Or maybe its just excuses. There was no way to be sure unless you looked at it. This thought lead you to unlocking your phone and reading his message.
Y/N, I'm so very sorry. I didn't mean for it to look like i was with another girl. I wasn't thinking, i swear! I cant bare the thought of seeing you in tears, and i wish you wouldn't cry. I want to make it up to you, seriously. I love you, and only you. There is no one else, and anyone who gets between us isn't worth your time. Maybe I'm no longer worth your time, but i want to be. I broke your heart into pieces, and I regret every minute of it. Id never want to be with anyone else, and I don't know what id do without you by my side. Please, text me back to let me know what you think. I don't think I can sleep until I hear your answer. Just know that I love you, honestly and truly, with all my heart.
Reading the text brought even more tears to your eyes. You didn't know what you wanted. You wanted to believe him, you really did, but was he telling the truth? He could be lying, just to keep you around. You thought back to what you saw, the girls arms around his torso and soft giggles as she traced shapes into his arm. You remember seeing what he did, how he kept a straight face and paid her no mind. Maybe that is what you were missing. Maybe you were sad that he didn't stop her, but you were glad he didn't engage. Maybe that was the misunderstanding. You read through the message again, the tears in your eyes slowly fading away. You slowly typed your reply.
Can you come over?
That was all you sent, and he read it immediately. The three dots showed up again, signaling that he was typing. Your heart swelled up, waiting for his answer.
Of course.
A few minutes later, you heard a knocking on your door. You slowly walked over to the door, unlocking it in the process. You looked up to see Oiawa's face, his eyes puffy. You knew you didn't look any better, but the fact that he was also crying surprised you. Maybe he wasn't lying? You stared at each other for a few moments, taking in each detail of the other persons face. His face was as beautiful as ever, but he had tear stains on his cheeks and his eyes were red and puffy. His hair was a mess as well, it looked like he ran his hands through it multiple time, either in frustration or anger. Even when sad, he somehow looked amazing as always. He looked down at you as well, studying your features as you studied his. Your hair was a mess, tangled at the ends. Your eyes were very red, and still very puffy. Your cheeks were red and wet, stains showing through the wetness. If he could hold his hand to your cheek, he'd feel the warmth radiating from them. He wanted to, god he really wanted to pull you to his chest and tell you that everything was ok, and how sorry he was for hurting you. Your face made his heart break, he couldn't believe how much you had cried in the time it took.
"Can I come in?" Oikawa asked, softly. You slowly nodded your head, and he walked in. You closed the door behind you and locked it back up, following Oikawa to the couch. He sat at one end, and motioned for you to sit on the other. You followed, and sat down. You sat in silence for a few moments, just glancing at each other. There was a slight tension in the air, but not enough to cause any fights. You looked over at Oikawa, watching as he rung his hands together, foot shaking. Without thinking, you scooted over to him and rested your head onto his shoulder. He stiffened at the touch at first, but eventually relaxed to your touch. He moved his body towards the side and wrapped an arm around your figure. He drew you closer, and tighter, never letting go. His other arm found its way to your body as well, and he burried his face into your neck. There, you could feel warm tears drip onto your exposed skin. You brought your arms up and wrapped them around Oikawa, tightening the hug. Your tears fell onto his shoulder, but that didn't matter. As long as you had each other, you were fine.
The rest of that night was spent cuddling and whispered apologies, until you eventually fell asleep in each others arms.
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adavenhaikyuu · 4 years
If The World Could Stand Still
Painfully familiar green eyes stared at him from across the hall. For a moment, Oikawa felt like he was dreaming, like one of those nightmares that’d leave him waking up in a cold sweat even as he mourned losing them to the daylight. Why was Iwaizumi here? And why did he have to be Oikawa’s new roommate?
“Hi, I’m Daichi,” the words broke him out of the green-eyed spell he’d been under, Iwaizumi looking away.
“Iwaizumi,” he bowed his head in greeting, eyes sliding back to a still frozen Oikawa. Daichi shifted next to him, shoulder gently bumping into his. “Do you two know each other?”
“We’re childhood best-”
“Yeah, we used to live near each other,” Oikawa cut Iwaizumi off, ignoring the frown his words earned. It wasn’t a lie and it’d been too long for them to still consider each other their best friend. Even if Oikawa’s heart ached at the thought.
Pairing: Iwaizumi/Oikawa
Chapters: 1/~
Word Count: 2238
“Don’t be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you meet again. And meeting again, after moments or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends.” - Richard Bach
“Yeah, Tooru?”
“Why does the sun have to rise?”
Rain drizzled from a dreary sky, splattering against the foggy window panes. Oikawa’s head lolled against the slightly chilled glass, his eyes flickering open as the last tendrils of sleep slipped away. A fuzzy haze still clouded his mind, the hour-long bus nap not nearly enough to make up for two sleepless nights. He groaned and pushed himself upright, shuffling his feet until they hit the duffle bag on the ground.
It wasn’t like he’d meant to stay up for so long. How could he have known a new hero would move into town? And the bastard had been such a pain too…
Oikawa huffed and pulled out his phone, swiping through the series of texts and social media updates in his notification bar. Clicking on the one from Kuroo, Oikawa leaned his head back against the glass, ignoring the way his ribs ached.
[Kuroo:] Sure ya dont need me to come today? You took a beating last night so I wouldnt mind helping you move your stuff in
[Oikawa:] I know better than to let your mangey paws get on my stuff
[Oikawa:] I lost two hats last time! Two!
[Kuroo:] You said you didnt like them!? I was helping, you cant still be mad
[Oikawa:] I can and am.
Snapping the phone closed, Oikawa let his eyes slip shut. That alley cat was dumber than he looked if he thought Oikawa would fall for that trick again. They’d been partners in crime for too long for it to still work. Besides, it wasn’t like Kuroo had gotten away from their encounter with Anzen, or whatever he was called, injury-free.
The damn bastard had already joined up with another hero when he'd confronted their infamous selves in a jewelry shop, ruining two weeks' worth of planning and leaving them both roughed up. The whole incident was made worse because half his injuries were a result of Oikawa getting distracted by how hot the new hero was. It wasn’t fair!
The bus squealed to a stop, ending any hopes he had of getting more rest. It was a good thing he’d already lost his roommate for the semester so he could crash after getting all his stuff in the dorm. The school had attempted to make him room with someone, something he highly opposed.
Oikawa didn’t want anyone else sharing his space, especially not the rando the university initially tried to stick him with. One text conversation with the guy and Oikawa was convinced he’d only ever used three-in-one shampoo and body wash. That wasn’t the sort of environment Oikawa needed to be living in, it’d be bad for his skin.
Plus having a roommate wasn’t exactly conducive to keeping his nightly escapades a secret.
Convincing his no-longer roommate to request a room switch had been child’s play compared to what he usually convinced people to do. The next two roommates the university had tried to throw at him had been similarly dealt with. Thankfully, they’d stopped trying after the third person requested out within the month since room assignments were sent out.
Oikawa had already sent most of his items to the dorm and he hefted the one duffle bag he’d brought with him as he stood, waiting his turn to exit the bus. Fresh air from the open doors swirled around him, clearing the mild ache in his head as he breathed in the damp wind. Slipping into the aisle, Oikawa held his duffle close and shuffled off the bus.
Rain dripped onto his head and a shiver passed up his spine at the chill. It was far colder than it should be for the end of summer. Looking up, Oikawa narrowed his eyes and breathed out, daring any more rain to fall on his perfectly styled hair.
Naturally, the rain obeyed.
Campus bustled with activity despite the rain. Students huddled under umbrellas with maps while their mom hovered over their shoulders and their dad held the boxes, slowly getting soaked. He grinned at the girls he passed, catching their reddening faces as he threw them a wink and a wave before carrying on toward his dorm. It never hurt to start the fan club early. The suspicious glares from their fathers made it all the funnier. One last bit of family drama before the child and parent parted ways.
Coming to a stop outside his new home, Oikawa fished out his phone. Throwing up a peace sign, he smiled and snapped a photo. It needed a filter, but it’d work for today’s Insta post. Typing up a quick caption, Oikawa posted the photo and re-pocketed his phone as he turned back to the stairs.
A shoulder knocked into him and Oikawa stumbled forward, hissing as it jostled his bruised side but catching himself before he could hit the stairs. The other guy wasn’t so lucky. Books tumbled out of the box he’d been carrying and spilled onto the wet stairs.
“Sorry!” The other guy said, already scrambling to pick up his fallen items. Rain continued to fall on the books, soaking into their pages despite the guy’s best efforts. Crouching down, Oikawa picked up the books nearest him and let the faint breeze dancing around him ruffle the damp pages.
“Oh, uh, thanks,” the guy said, coming to a stop in front of Oikawa. He was kneeling on the wet pavement (wasn’t he worried about his pants?) with his unboxed books filling his arms, not an umbrella in sight. Water dripped off his dark brown hair into his matching brown eyes making him look quite similar to the many dads he’d passed on his way here. Instead of handing the books back, Oikawa took a few more off the precarious pile, earning him a confused look which he repaid with a dazzling smile as he stood.
“Need some help?” he asked as the other guy also got to his feet.
“Yeah, thanks. I’m Daichi,” the guy bobbed his head in greeting, his own smile lighting up his face. Oikawa tilted his head, eyes taking in the rest of the fairly plain-looking guy.
“Thanks, Oikawa, but I can take it from here." He gestured to the books Oikawa was holding. Glancing down at the wet cardboard box on the ground, he raised a brow. He really doubted the guy could handle it all. Well, his mother had always said one good deed would be repaid with another.
"I'm on the top floor anyway, so I can carry them if you want," he shrugged and readjusted the books so they were easier to hold. Daichi's eyes widened.
"That's where I'm going too. Maybe we'll live near each other," Daichi grinned and started up the stairs again in lieu of accepting his offer, Oikawa trailing behind him. A drop of rain hit his shoulder, an icy shiver crawling across his skin. Breathing out, Oikawa let a few more drops of rain fall on his clothes, a warm breeze dancing around him to keep out the chill.
He couldn't exactly walk in completely dry, could he? That’d be suspicious now that someone was paying attention to him. He already regretted offering to help.
The rain still didn't dare touch his hair.
“So what’s your major?” Daichi asked as they entered the lobby and made for the elevator. Pushing the button, Oikawa leaned against the wall and shrugged.
“History, you?” It’d been his best subject in high school, something Kuroo always complained about, and it gave him plenty of time to dedicate to research without people getting suspicious about what he was looking up. Plus, it didn’t require a lot of math classes. Even thinking about that subject made Oikawa shiver.
“Biology, I want to get into Vet school in a few years,” he smiled and Oikawa realized many of the books they were holding had to do with animal anatomy. Maybe he could convince Daichi to get him some medical supplies. That might make getting his jacket wet worth it.
The elevator dinged and slid open, both of them shuffling inside along with three other students, pushing Oikawa to the back corner near the window. He watched as the ground slowly fell away, the elevator bringing them higher and higher. They stopped two times before reaching the seventh floor, Daichi and Oikawa stepping out into their new shared hall.
“What’s your room number?” Oikawa asked. Daichi fumbled for his key, nearly losing several books off the stack.
“Seven-twenty-nine,” He said, reading off the tag attached to the key and straightening out the pile. Oikawa’s eyes widened.
“I’m seven-thirty,” they wouldn’t be suitemates he noticed while walking down the hall, odds and evens were on opposite sides, but they’d still be across-the-way neighbors. What a coincidence.
Their rooms were at the far end of the hall next to the smallest of the three study/recreation rooms on this floor. Oikawa recognized his boxes piled next to the end door on the right. A door that was suspiciously open.
Kuroo wasn’t moving in until tomorrow and he hadn’t told the alley cat his room number. He could have asked someone for help figuring it out but something in his gut told Oikawa it wasn’t Kuroo he could faintly hear moving around in the room.
Had the University really given him another roommate? So much for good karma after helping Daichi.
“Looks like your roommate is already here,” Daichi commented. Oikawa hummed and set the books down next to Daichi’s door. Readjusting the strap of his duffle bag, Oikawa whirled around and came face to face with the absolute last person he’d ever expected to see again.
“What do you mean?”
“Why does the sun have to rise? Why can’t we stay out under the stars forever?”
“Aren’t you afraid of the dark?”
Painfully familiar green eyes stared at him from across the hall. For a moment, Oikawa felt like he was dreaming, like one of those nightmares that’d leave him waking up in a cold sweat even as he mourned losing them to the daylight. Why was Iwaizumi here? And why did he have to be Oikawa’s new roommate?
“Hi, I’m Daichi,” the words broke him out of the green-eyed spell he’d been under, Iwazumi looking away.
“Iwaizumi,” he bowed his head in greeting, eyes sliding back to a still frozen Oikawa. Daichi shifted next to him, shoulder gently bumping into his.
“Do you two know each other?”
“We’re childhood best-”
“Yeah, we used to live near each other,” Oikawa cut Iwaizumi off, ignoring the frown his words caused. It wasn’t a lie and it’d been too long for them to still consider each other their best friend. Even if Oikawa’s heart ached at the thought.
“Ok-ay, well, I’m going to let you two talk. Thanks again for helping with my books,” Daichi smiled at the both of them and escaped inside his room. That’s all Oikawa wanted to do right now.
So much for his plan to catch up on sleep.
Oikawa ignored Iwazumi and picked up one of his boxes, moving past the other boy to enter his new room. It was decent sized, nothing extravagant. Two twin beds sat against opposite walls, dressers situated at their ends and two desks nestled side-by-side between them in front of the double windows. To the left of the door was a closet and to the right, a sink next to the door leading to the bathroom.
Iwaizumi’s things were already scattered on the right side of the room, so Oikawa made his way to the left dresser and set his box and duffle on top. He’d have to reevaluate where to put his gear now that he had a roommate. Especially since he didn’t think Iwazumi would be as easy to run off as the other guys.
Turning around, Oikawa once again found himself face-to-face with Iwaizumi. His heart leaped to his throat. Two boxes of his stuff were in Iwazumi’s arms, something Oikawa tried very hard to not look at. He knew his type and he knew who his type was based on. No reason to torture himself. Brushing past Iwazumi, Oikawa went to pick up the remaining box and bring it inside.
“Too-” Iwaizumi paused at the glare Oikawa sent him, “Oikawa...how’ve you been?” The question came out rushed like it wasn’t what he really wanted to say. Not like Oikawa cared what he wanted to say, his mere presence was enough to bring back the memories he’d buried long ago.
It wasn’t fair. Was this karma for his extracurricular activities? Why couldn’t he separate Iwaizumi from those thoughts? Why did it have to hurt looking at him and remembering everything that’d passed?
“I’ve been great, how about you?” Oikawa said, setting the box next to the sink, a bright and oh so fake smile lighting up his face. The green of Iwaizumi’s eyes dimmed as he easily accepted the lie as truth.
Oikawa didn’t know if he should be relieved or cry.
“You make the nighttime safe, Iwa-chan.”
“But the sun still needs to rise, Tooru, you know that. Why don’t you want it to?”
“It’s not the dark I’m afraid of anymore…”
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9ineine · 4 years
❝ J U S T A K I S S . . . ❞ T. OIKAWA
— PAIRING ; oikawa x artist! reader
— SUMMARY ; oikawa catches you drawing him after practice.
— GENRE ; fluff ig ? sum crack if u squint
✁ — — — — — —
— WARNINGS ; playful teasing
— TIME TAKEN ; around an hour
— WORD COUNT ; unsure
✁ — — — — — —
— AUTHORS NOTE ; reminder: never steal an artists sketchpad they will end your life then and there
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Oikawa had invited you to volleyball practice afterschool. You were surprised to say the least.
“Really?” You said, looking up at him with confused eyes. “But why?”
“Why not?” He shrugged, putting his hands into his uniform pockets. “If you came, I’d be way more motivated to play at my best, you know,” Oikawa shot you a wink and you huffed.
“Fine fine, I’ll come, but only for a short while. I have a test tomorrow in English and you know I suck at it,” You started walking to your locker and Oikawa followed beside you.
“Jeez, you’re so focused on studying and stuff, Y/n. Loosen up a bit, maybe you could join the girl’s volleyball team,” He chuckled. You grabbed your wrapped bento box from your locker and looked up at him with unamused eyes.
“Whaat? It’s just a suggestion.”
You shook your head. “You know sports aren’t my thing, Tooru. Thats your profession. Im not into that stuff.”
The two of you walked outside and sat at one of the benches beside the school. “No lunch?” You said.
He shook his head. “Nah, not that hungry.”
Oikawa rested his head against the side of the building and looked up at the sky. “So, I’ll see you at practice?”
You shoveled some rice into your mouth, then waved your hand at him. “Yeah yeah whatever. Sure. I’ll see you there.”
You sat in the bleachers silently, leaning forward in anticipation as you watched Oikawa and his teammates practice their spikes, sets, etcetera. You weren’t even sure if Oikawa knew you were there from how focused his face was.
“Woo! Go Oikawa!” You cheered and saw him look up at you for a split second, send you a smile, then go back to practicing.
You pulled out your notebook from your bookbag and a pencil, then started doodling mindlessly. Seeing Oikawa practice was nice to watch and all, but after a while it got a little boring.
You kept stealing glances of the brune, specifically when he was in the air spiking the ball. And soon enough your pencil glided a certain way across the paper to recreate that same image. The way his shirt lifted just a little, the way his hair moved, the power in his jump, everything. You made sure to do your best to capture all that power and emotion in your drawing.
“Whatcha got there, Y/n?”
You jumped and almost threw your notebook at the speaker, only to realize it was Oikawa himself. You sighed and let your body loosen, shaking your head. “Dont scare me like that.”
“Sorry. Were you drawing the entire time?” He smiled and looked over your shoulder to get a peak at your drawing. But you held it close to your chest to stop him.
He pouted. “Why cant I see?”
“I wasnt drawing the entire time,” You huffed, ignoring his second question entirely. “Only after like...10 minutes in.”
“I got bored okay!!”
He laughed heartily. “Well can I at least see it?”
“No. You cant,” You shook your head and brought your notebook down to your side. Oikawa’s eyes followed it in curiosity.
“Why not?”
“Because..” You started, your cheeks flushing as you thought of an excuse. “Whatever! You just cant see it, okay?” You turned away from him just as he started to smirk.
Swiftly, he snatched the notebook from your hand and held it high above your head. It took you a moment to realize what happened.
“Hey!! Tooru, that isnt funny! Give it back!” You whined, getting on the tips of your toes and outstretching your arms.
“My my, is this me? Were you drawing me, Y/n?” He looked down you with a grin, pointing at his face like a dork.
“You did a very good job at capturing my attractiveness.”
As if things couldnt get any worse, your face flushed even more. “Tooru, stop playing around! Give me my notebook back!”
He pointed at his lips and smiled. “Gimme a kiss. Maybe I’ll give it back.”
“You heard me,” He puckered his lips and got down in front of you tauntingly. “A kiss. Cmon.”
You crossed your arms and clenched your jaw, sending the boy such a spiteful glare you were sure that he would crumble under it. But to him you just looked like an angry puppy.
Your want for your notebook back was greater than your pride, so you took a deep breath in and pecked Oikawa on the cheek, taking him by surprise. Right as you pulled away his jaw dropped and so did your notebook from his hand. You caught it midair, closed it, and shoved it back into your bookbag.
You hugged your chest tightly, grunting and walking away from the boy. “Clown ass bastard..” You mumbled.
Oikawa’s shoulders slumped, and his hand reached for the spot on his cheek you kissed.
“Damn, didn’t expect she’d do it.”
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matsinko · 7 years
"wow, i didn't think you could make me smile this big" OR "you were a big piece of inspiration for this, honestly" with EITHER; iwaoi (obviously gotta have the Fave), tensemi (do you like this ship? i cant remember), bokuaka (🙏🏻), OR if you're up for a CHALLENGE!!!! S4!
5 times Iwaizumi can’t make Oikawa smile and one time he does.
(or alternatively: 5 times Iwaizumi doesn’t have his shit together and one time he does)
1. Oikawa’s smile is beautiful when it’s genuine. It’s more uncertain than his 24-karat of white teeth that he shows his countless of fangirls and the curious news reporters who started flocking around him since he made starter in the second half of his first year of high school. When it’s genuine, his eyes smile too, his cheeks dimple and he looks radiant; Iwaizumi always felt the need to look away. Look way before he falls in a hole so deep he can’t get back up.
Oikawa isn’t smiling at him right not, hasn’t smiled at him in that genuine pretty way in more weeks Iwaizumi can’t count.
Oikawa is frowning, his lips are pressed shut, pulled downwards, and there is a little crease between his eyebrows. He seems tense, every muscle on his body pulled tight like a spring. Iwaizumi stopped asking after the fifth or sixth Oikawa avoided answering.
Fukuhara clicks his tongue, “Earth to Iwaizumi!”
Iwaizumi’s attention snaps back to the girl in front of him. She’s leaning way into his personal space across his desk with curious eyes peeking from behind her bangs. “I lost you there for a second.” She smiles easily, prettily, and pushes a strand of hair behind her ear.
Fukuhara sits at the desk right in front of Iwaizumi. She’s friendly and carefree and the moment they’ve discovered their mutual love of action movies and ancient seinen manga, they’ve fallen into an easy, breezy friendship.
And somehow, the more she smiled, the more Oikawa frowned.
2. The locker room is buzzing with post-practice energy. It smells like sweat and deodorant, familiar and somehow not unpleasant. Too many years spent in locker rooms with guys, Iwaizumi figures.
Hanamaki slaps Matsukawa with a towel across his bottom, Yuda wolf-whistles, and Matsukawa makes a lewd comment, accompanied by his signature smirk. The way he makes his voice low and mock-flirtatious just to fuck with Hanamaki never fails to make him cringe.
He laughs despite himself at their silliness. Yet he feels oddly hollow as his laughter dies in his throat. Because he cannot hear the loudest of voices, the silliest of jabs, the brightest of laughs.
Oikawa is changing at the end of the room, away from the third years. He’s quiet, too quiet, almost invisible. He pulls his sweaty jersey over his head and Iwaizumi’s eyes follow the strong taunt of his back muscles as he works a clean shirt back on. He seems tense and Iwaizumi wants to kick his ass until he talks but he feels weirdly reserved about it.
He isn’t used to talk to Oikawa who doesn’t want to talk.
So he turns around and quietly finishes changing, trying to stuff the worry that nags at him deep down.
3. They all squeeze into a tiny booth of their favourite shabu-shabu shop, a cheap old thing just 15 minutes away from their school. Iwaizumi is squeezed between Fukuhara and Matsukawa on a seat for two while Hanamaki and Yuda share the opposite one. Sawauchi drags a chair from god knows where while talking on the phone that he has squeezed between his ear and shoulder. Probably Shido, Iwaizumi thinks, the other second string 3rd year.
Shido often skips those outings because of his strict parents and the others never fail to give him shit about it.
Fukuhara keeps adding beef and vegetables to the hot pot, not bothering to cook the meat first, until it’s basically overflowing with ingredients. Matsukawa and Hanamaki seem to be having some kind of an under-the-table kicking contest, which Iwaizumi feels first hand when Hanamaki manages to kick him instead of Matsukawa.
“Fuck,” Iwaizumi curses with a flinch and Matsukawa laughs at him, then mocks Hanamaki for being a douche to their vice-captain.
Hanamaki rolls his eyes with a snort. “He’s a resilient motherf—”
“Jesus, Makki, you have such a filthy mouth,” Fukuhara squawks loudly, cutting him in, and pushes forward to slap him across his head.
“Iwaizumi, put a leash on your girlfriend,” Hanamaki mumbles sullenly and holds his forehead where she slapped him with mock-hurt. Iwaizumi swears the guy’s gonna start crying if it makes his acting game stronger.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Iwaizumi says, “and you deserved it.”
Fukuhara raises both of her eyebrows in the perfect I told you so facial expression then she checks the meat, deems it a good colour for eating, grabs some with the longer table chopsticks and transfers it into her ponzu sauce.
Iwaizumi goes for the tofu first, gathering a bunch of pieces on his own dish.
“You need to let it cook and soak the juices from the meat,” Fukuhara scolds him before she puts the well-pinked slice of beef in her mouth and chews thoroughly.
Hanamaki snorts. “He always does that. Only Oikawa manages to—,” his voice trails off and he scans the table. “Where’s the fuck’s Cap’?”
All people on the table, including Fukuhara, turn to stare at Iwaizumi.
A couple of seconds of silence stretch uncomfortably between them before Hanamaki breaks them, “Call him, you dick!”
“Why me?”
Hanamaki’s eyes gives him a look that would have been are you fucking kidding me, if Yuda didn’t actually say it out loud.
“Today, Iwaizumi,” Matsukawa says from his left.
He takes out his phone and dials Oikawa gingerly, a selfie Oikawa himself he took and set as his contact photo flashing briefly before Iwaizumi lifts the phone to his ear.
He waits.
And waits.
And waits.
Oikawa doesn’t pick up.
“You guys fighting?” Yuda asks over a mouthful of meat. Iwaizumi is a pro with deciphering what Yuda is saying with his mouth full now. He had some years of experience down the line.
“No,” Iwaizumi answers but he isn’t really sure. Are they? Did he do something wrong? Because Oikawa is avoiding them and he can’t continue denying it.
Oikawa loves shabu-shabu. He loves adding extra noodles when the vegetables are cooked thoroughly and eating them along with a full, rich soup. He has always been patient like that, waiting until the very end to eat. It’s because I have a refined taste, Iwa-chan, something you wouldn’t understand, he’d say and wait.
Oikawa keeps Iwaizumi from eating all the tofu before it’s cooked and makes sure everyone else have a share of it too. He always sits next to Iwaizumi and his hair always gets in the way. Iwaizumi likes brushing his bangs back under a murmur of idiot, you’ll go blind that has no bite to it.
His fingers curl around his chopsticks until his knuckles go white. There’s this distinctive tightness of his chest again, a pang of pain, a feeling he’s growing to associate with missing Oikawa. It’s coils inside his body, strong and unpleasant.
And the thing is - no one even questions him, as if he’s some kind of an Oikawa expert. No one else calls. Yet Iwaizumi has the sinking feeling that if someone else does, Oikawa will pick up.
4. Iwaizumi worries his lower lip between his teeth as he hits send.
hey, you ok? his text reads.
“You won’t manage any studying done if you keep worrying,” Fukuhara says from where she’s sitting cross-legged on his carpenter floor, hunched over the small wooden table. She’s working on their maths homework and Iwaizumi gets the fleeting thought of Oikawa copying his homework despite the fact he’s more than capable of doing it himself. Iwaizumi would always grumble of how undeserving Oikawa is to be in the more advanced class and Oikawa would always laugh.
Iwaizumi misses his laugh like how he’d miss sunlight if he’s in a room without windows. He never knew how much it uplifted him until it was gone. Making Oikawa laugh felt like a victory, it warmed him from the inside and never failed to make him smile.
But he’s afraid - he’s afraid to poke and dig because he isn’t sure he’s ready to acknowledge what he finds.
He startles when the door of his room is suddenly thrown open and his twin brothers barge inside with conviction.
“What did I say about knocking, you little—?!” Iwaizumi roars but they seem too busy looking at Fukuhara to be intimidated by their older brother.
“Huh?” Kenta says, perplexed.
“We thought Tooru’s here,” Kouji adds, or more like, whines in a very childish, very disappointed manner.
“Even Oikawa wouldn’t be able to save you from some good ol’ ass-kicking,” Iwaizumi says slowly and cracks his knuckles to prove a point.
Kouji is the first one to step back, moving to glare at Iwaizumi from behind his twin brother’s back. “Where’s he?” he asks with suspicion.
“How should I know? Do I look like a seer to you?” Iwaizumi says.
Kenta gives him the stink eye. “Good for nothing older brother,” he grouses with his chin held high like the little brat he is.
Iwaizumi swears that’s all Oikawa’s doing.
“What did you say?” he asks, voice every ounce of intimidating, which seems to finally startle the two 12-year-olds. All he needs to do next is just get up from where he’s sitting on the bed and both of them are squawking and running away, leaving the door of his room wide open.
“Kouji! Kenta! Shut up!” He can hear his mother yell from downstairs.
Iwaizumi shakes his head and chuckles. They’re running down the stairs and he can almost feel the echo of their steps. Two elephants in a glass shop, those two.
“Mom!” Kenta yells back, “We’re getting Tooru!”
“Careful when you cross the street,” their mother warns and next thing he hears is the front door being slammed shut.
His stomach drops. Will Oikawa actually come? He has always been weak to his brothers’ boyish charms. Oikawa loved those kids and never failed to indulge them.
“They seem to love him,” Fukuhara says good-naturedly as she twirls her pen between her fingers.
“They really do,” Iwaizumi replies simply.
He hears Oikawa’s voice carry from downstairs just a couple of minutes later and his pulse picks up instantly, like his heart is attuned to Oikawa’s presence.
He gets up without thinking and heads for downstairs.
“Kenta, Tooru isn’t a horse!” He can hear his mother’s fond but strict voice, “Stop trying to make him piggyback you!”
“It’s okay, Auntie, I promised the little devil I will if he finishes all his homework,” Oikawa replies over a laugh.
“And I did, mom! All of it!” Kenta says enthusiastically.
“I want too! When’s my turn,” Kouji whines loudly.
Iwaizumi walks into the living room and their eyes meet. Oikawa’s smile drops.
5. Matsukawa and Hanamaki corner Iwaizumi after practice. They lock the changing room door behind their backs after making sure no one’s left but Iwaizumi.
“So, what’s the deal?” Hanamaki goes straight to business.
“Am I held hostage?” Iwaizumi asks instead, glancing at the locked door behind their backs. They look like some night club bouncers that take a law course part-time.
“Told you he’s gonna deflect,” Matsukawa tells Hanamaki matter-of-factly.
“I’m right here!” Iwaizumi says and crosses his arms protectively. Not that anything can protect him from Matsukawa and Hanamaki once they’re on a roll.
“Look we can do it the hard way or you can tell us what the fuck is happening with you and Oikawa?”
Iwaizumi sighs. It was only a matter of time until they notice. They’re their closest friends.
“Wait,” Iwaizumi tries to avert again, “what’s the hard way?”
“Yeah, ‘Hiro, what’s the hard way?” Matsukawa snickers.
Hanamaki kicks him, “Focus!” Then he turns to Iwaizumi. “The hard way is me kicking you damn ass, then becoming the ace in your place, you shit. Now spill. Why are you avoiding him?”
“He’s avoiding me!” Iwaizumi says, defensively.
“We all love Fukuhara-chan, but we’re also not blind. She fills up that Oikawa spot fine for you, huh?” Hanamaki shakes his head in this wise-men-in-movies way.
“We never took you for the guy that ditches their best friend when he gets a girlfriend,” Matsukawa adds. Devil’s advocate, this guy. Iwaizumi wonders if it’s the universe doing God’s work or whatever bringing those two together.
Iwaizumi feels annoyance settle under his skin, hot and thick. “She isn’t my girlfriend. And I haven’t ditched him!”
“You kinda stopped hanging with him for lunch,” Matsukawa points out.
“And you started doing your disgusting study groups only with Fukuhara-chan,” Hanamaki adds.
“She actually does work!”
“Uh-huh,” Hanamaki says with raised eyebrows. “And what’s your excuse of not sitting next to him on the team bus?”
Matsukawa pretends he’s wiping tears, “We thought the world was ending when you sat next to Kyoutani.”
“I wanted to talk to him about his off-speed spike!”
Hanamaki ignores him. “Is it because we take photos of you two cuddling?”
Iwaizumi’s blood rushes to his face. “We are not—”
“You’re avoiding him, Iwaizumi,” Hanamaki cuts in, “You stopped leaving space for him where he always belonged. That’s why he stopped tagging along” His light-brown eyes study Iwaizumi for a second, searching, then he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. “You haven’t figured it out really, have you?” Hanamaki’s voice comes mellow, carrying a certain degree of careful tenderness he isn’t used to hearing from him.
Iwaizumi’s throat goes dry. Has he done all this? Was he so afraid of letting Oikawa in that he shut him out completely?
Iwaizumi feels like an overstuffed box, sealed with old, faded tape. And Oikawa is so good at picking up the edges, at peeling off the tape. He has been doing this for years — peeling — leaving just one stripe of yellowed, old tape. And Iwaizumi’s afraid, he’s so afraid that when the last piece comes off, everything is going to start overflowing; everything he has carefully stored away, out for everyone to see. For Oikawa to see.
His eyes burn, the pain of suppressing his emotions overwhelming him.
“Jesus Christ, Iwaizumi,” Hanamaki says softly, carefully. He nods to Matsukawa who unlocks the door. They leave him alone with his thoughts.
This night he dreams of middle school Oikawa with his big heart and big dreams. They’re sitting in Oikawa’s backyard trying to count all the stars in the sky, as if that’s possible.
“I love the stars!” Oikawa says with his big, stupid grin and Iwaizumi hums back, warmth spreading down his chest.
No one talks for a while which makes Iwaizumi nervous, antsy. He shivers, telling himself it’s because of the chilly night not the unusual silence. He hates when Oikawa is being quiet.
“But you know what I love more, Iwa-chan?” Oikawa’s voice is a mere whisper, that carries with the night wind.
Iwaizumi thinks he can capture it in a little jar, like it’s a firefly. It’s a stupid thought.
“What?” He croaks. He doesn’t want to know—is afraid to know.
Iwaizumi startles awake, shaking and drenched in sweat.
This isn’t just a dream, he thinks as he rubs his face with a groan. It’s a memory.
+1. Iwaizumi’s palms are already sweaty when he knocks on Oikawa’s door.
“Hey, it’s me,” he says, “can I come in?”
“No,” is the reply he gets before he presses on the handle, opens the door, and walks in.
Oikawa is half sitting, half laying on the bed, his hair pulled back with a headband, his glasses perched low on his pointy nose. He’s wearing an old, ratty t-shirt with a muddy-green alien stamped at the front and faded maroon shorts. He looks endearing, Iwaizumi thinks, so painfully endearing.
Iwaizumi’s stomach clenches and his heartbeat goes louder and annoying in his ears. He was so stupid, for so long, that everything he planned to tell Oikawa suddenly feels small and insignificant; like whatever comes out of his mouth isn’t going to be enough.
Oikawa raises an eyebrow at him but doesn’t speak. He closes the book he was reading and puts his aside, his eyes never leaving Iwaizumi as he does. He doesn’t look mad or upset, he looks guarded, which, Iwaizumi concludes, is worse, because he isn’t being trusted.
“I’m so stupid,” Iwaizumi says, deflating, “and I am so sorry.”
Oikawa’s still looking at him without speaking, eyes intense and calculating and Iwaizumi can’t look away. It’s been so long since Oikawa looked at him, properly looked at him, giving his undivided attention, that he feels weak under his gaze, his knees going soft and wobbly.
“Look,” Iwaizumi croaks and moves to sit at the edge of the bed, the closest he can manage without actually combusting, “I got scared.” He lets the words sit for a while before he continues. “You’ve always been so certain about what you want, so unapologetic in—wanting. God, Oikawa, when you want things, you just go for them and I—,” he waves his hands when his throat clamp up around his words.
His eyes sting. Jesus, he’s pathetic. He should have kept the box shut and here he is, standing by the person who peeled the tape bit by bit.
He presses on. “I thought if maybe I didn’t acknowledge your feelings, they’d not be true and I—I hurt you and—,” he takes a sharp breath. “Fuck—I want to play volleyball with you. I want to talk to you in the locker room after a game and I want to walk home with you. I want to laugh with you during lunch break and I want to study with you, even though you copy my math homework all the damn time.” Oikawa laughs at that—his beautiful, beautiful laughter—and Iwazumi takes the chance to inch closer and take Oikawa’s palm in his. “Who’s going to distribute all the tofu equally when you’re not there, you idiot?”
“Isn’t that good?” Oikawa murmurs, “You get all of it.”
“Fuck the tofu,” Iwaizumi says, “I—,” his voice cracks and he takes a deep, stuttering breath, “I want you.”
“You do?” It’s almost a whisper, small, uncertain and it makes Iwaizumi ache.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “Oikawa—I want to count all the stars in the sky with you.”
Iwaizumi palm is sweaty above Oikawa’s and his heart is trying to beat right off his chest.
“Iwa-chan—,” Oikawa’s voice voice catches and he sniffs.
“Don’t cry,” Iwaizumi says and his own voice cracks and wobbles.
“Hypocrite,” Oikawa says back then smiles and all of Iwaizumi’s whole world narrows to this exact moment, to Oikawa’s beautiful, earnest smile, to his painfully endearing dimples, to the way his eyes shine and his heart fills with love to the brim, helplessly so.
And as he falls forward, taking Oikawa in his arms, it all fits together, it all makes sense. “I’ll let you peel off the last piece of tape,” he says.
“Huh?” Oikawa asks. “Tell me, Iwa-chan!”
Iwaizumi just laughs
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