#some advice
ferlost · 1 year
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esuemmanuel · 11 months
Déjame darte un consejo, no seas como yo; no sientas con el alma ni leas con el corazón; no escribas bajo la influencia de los sentimientos ni de la verdad que palpita en tus entrañas, porque, la gente... ésa que se atreve a mirarte, no lo entenderá y, aquellos que dicen que lo hacen, algún día, por lo mismo, se irán, diciendo que vales lo poco que das, que no eres lo que escribes, que mientes... y nada más. ¡No seas como yo jamás! No te partas el corazón con el cincel del amor que enmarca las palabras cuando se dan sin esperanza, tampoco transcribas los versos de tu alma ante los ojos prejuiciosos de los que señalan con el vilo de la envidia barata. Guárdate las manos, amárrate los dedos, muérdete la lengua y calla... ¡No seas como yo, camarada! Mejor llénate de pretensión, de ostentación, de realidades vacuas... y mata, así como son capaces de hacerlo los que desbaratan al que vuela por los aires cuando tiene fe en el alma; así serás capaz de ganarte sus favores y ser el héroe de sus sinsabores. No acabarás solo ni roído, como yo, por haber sido franco y haber amado con todo lo que el cielo te dio.
Let me give you some advice, do not be like me; do not feel with your soul or read with your heart; do not write under the influence of feelings or of the truth that beats in your guts, because people… those who dare to look at you, will not understand and those who say they do, one day, for the same reason, will leave, saying that you are worth the little you give, that you are not what you write, that you lie… and nothing more. Do not be like me ever! Do not break your heart with the chisel of love that frames the words when they are given without hope, nor transcribe the verses of your soul before the prejudiced eyes of those who point with the vile of cheap envy. Keep your hands to yourself, tie your fingers, bite your tongue and keep silent…. Don't be like me, comrade! Better fill yourself with pretension, with ostentation, with empty realities… and kill, just as those who thwart those who fly through the air when they have faith in their souls are capable of doing; thus you will be able to win their favors and be the hero of their sorrows. You will not end up alone or gnawed, like me, for having been frank and having loved with all that heaven gave you.
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amusingmusie · 2 months
HIIIIIIIIIII, i LOVE your writing style. I was wondering how you draft / structure your chapters? I really like writing but i have a hard time structuring chapters. Yours truly is a big inspiration to me, and i'd love to see the creative process behind it!!!!
How to Make Chaos Work For You (Aka The Muse Method)
So, the whole basis of this method is making disorganization work for you! I struggle with executive dysfunction and this is what I've found works best for me. This might not be your cup of tea, but I'm putting it all out there. Alright, so here we go!
Storing your writing: I have all my future chapters sitting in ao3 and also stored as backups on google docs, because if ao3 goes down, all my drafts go with it. I keep them in ao3 so that they're already sitting there and ready to go when it's time to begin fully writing them out. I find it also gives me structure since I'm able to see my "entire" fic sitting right there.
Drafting: Something I've seen other writers struggle with is this idea that they have to have the entire chapter drafted down to every last detail. You don't! Honestly, I've found that over-drafting can suck away a lot of the fun of writing. Also, I don't know about anyone else, but my characters tend to want to do their own things, A LOT. So instead of putting them in a box, I use my plot points as a roadmap for them to follow. Using chapter 27 as an example: I had my 3 scenes- the chase, the start of the biting, and the night. For the chase, all I officially drafted was Nel running, finding the pocket watch, and tripping. Of course, I had other ideas of what I wanted to do but I also didn't want to put constraints on myself to use them. The same applied to the other two scenes; I had my "big ideas" that I had to use and then let my weirdos fill in the rest.
Adding in details: I can't tell you how many random notes and lines and ideas I have sitting on certain chapter drafts. This is because there are times when I'm hit with a good line for a plot point 10 chapters away. Instead of hoping that I remember it when the time comes, I go type it out on that chapter's draft so it's waiting for me when it's time to write! I also have SO MANY notes on my phone of random lines that come to me randomly. Embrace the times you get your lightbulb and write them down for later.
Have fun: Seriously. If you're not having fun, don't do it. Put it away and come back later when your brain worms are worming. The fastest way to burn out and hate your writing is forcing yourself to engage with it when you're not mentally ready.
I hope this helped! Happy writing :)
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artsywitchling · 1 year
Just a tip from me to artists who struggle with perfectionism (like me):
Don't mirror your art while working on it. I know most people say do it, so you see the flaws, but honestly, it fucking kills me, everytime I see the face I drew is not symmetric and looks wonkey if mirrored. If it looks good in it's original state then it's fine! You'll get there eventually. Just keep drawing. Maybe try not to tilt your head too much. That's usually the reason for it. Also try to keep your distance from the screen. That's also one of the reasons this can happen.
But mostly, just have fun and don't take it too seriously. Your art doesn't need to be perfect. Love you all xoxo
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Dean Winchester: Tough Act
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Platonic!Teen Reader
Pov: Reader
Warnings: Anger Issues, damsel in distress archetype, Dean being supportive, hugs, advice from someone older, teen reader, easy target, copying Dean's actions and his attitude, Reader is a Nephilim.
Summary: Tried of being the easy target Y/n takes on some of Dean's more rage endured attributes.
Word Count: 1.7k
A/n- firefly-graphics for dividers
Main Master // Dean Winchester Master List // Requests Master List
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The Winchester brothers tend to make some people feel smaller than them. Maybe that's simply because they're bigger than life, and dealt with everything that chuck has decided that they need to deal with.
Long before Jack was brought around the bunker it was me. The first Nephilim that the Winchester had ever met. I was constantly told to be in the back. To stay away from the danger, rather than being able to stay and fight I was forced to stay in the back seat of the Impala.
When I was with Dean and Sam it usually ended with the two of them having to save me. Save me like I was some damsel in distress. According to almost every monster that I got caught by I was "The rarest of types" and "The best to add to their collection."
Just like that, I was forced to be saved by Dean and Sam. I was too soft and was always forgetting where I was, and what I was trying to do. It caused me to have to be saved by Dean, or Sam. Tall lumberjacks trying to come and save me from monsters that were more into figuring out how to use me to reach the top of their social ladder.
"When we tell you to stay in the car we mean it, Y/n," Dean yelled at me from the front seat of the car. I rolled my eyes biting my tongue from saying anything. Being a young adult made things harder to try and get around. I was nearly half the age of Dean and Sam, so there was some disconnect, but they were the only examples I had in my life. I had only had them in my life for the past few years.
I wondered why Dean never saw it coming.
"Dean, let it go. At least we got her out safely." I heard Sam whisper to his older brother. But regardless of Sam's words, or his soft eyes looking back at me through the rearview mirror. The anger was boiling up. I was tired of being treated like a princess, like a beautiful set of very breakable china in a store. I wanted to just be a hunter with Dean and Sam.
I was mostly just tired of the way my life was leading. I was tired of being saved, tired of getting yelled at by an over-protective Dean. I was tired of getting looks from Sam that were always so pitiful.
"No, I'm serious Sam. This has to stop, when we tell her to stay at the bunker or stay in the damn car she just needs to listen." More yelling from Dean as he talked about me like I was wasn't even there.
"I mean for real it's as if she wants to get hurt every single goddamn time. Like she wants to be saved. Like she's some damsel in fucking distress Sam." With a frustrated sigh, I looked up into the rearview mirror.
"You do know I'm here right?" Anger was starting to boil over, a tipping point of no return. "I'm right fucking here Dean. You don't get to be a dick all the damn time just because. And Sam you don't help at all. You're just… you I'm not fragile. I can fight for myself." I rambled on. Wide eyes looked on, whether it was from the cursing or simply because I was right I won't ever know.
From that point on I decided that the only way to not be a loose link between the three of us was to become more like Dean. Dean was calloused, and strong, shot first then ask questions. He didn't take a shit and I really never saw him get caught off guard by anything.
The next hunt. It was vampires, something that took skill and a strong person to deal with. I had been doing some work on my ability to stay focused on the plan at hand. Dean wasn't going to bring me along with him and Sam. As always Sam was a loving person and convinced him that they would need me regardless.
I listened to the plan. Then followed through. Splitting off to make sure that we were able to corral them into a more manageable area. I worked hard and fast, beheading vampires as I went along. Not caring, blood splattered across my face. I moved forward with a hot rage behind my movements.
When I finally managed to get to the center of the old ran-down barn that they were using as a nest. Dean and Sam were there, looking identical to me. Blood across their faces, and weapons. Sam gave me a small nod seeing that I had made it through my section. "Oh look she made it through," Dean said, a little too rough and loud.
I wasn't trying to gain anyone's respect… well maybe I wasn't. I'm honestly not sure anymore. I just wanted to prove myself to Dean that I was strong and just as capable as either one of them was.
So I took the chance. Sam had gotten the last two vamps tied up. We just wanted information on where they were hiding the partners of the deceased we had looked at in the morgue.
Trying to get information out of these assholes was trying to pull teeth. It was like watching paint dry, and I was getting more and more frustrated with how neither Sam nor Dean was making the process go any faster.
I took my chance here.
While Sam and Dean were talking about how to make 'the vamps talk' I moved in front of the half dead, and half-alive vamps. They were the scum below the king of hell, nasty horrible monsters. With my knife in hand, I went up to vamp. "How about this. When those two come back they're not gonna be nice, but if you tell me where the girlfriends are I'll let you go right now." offering a deal that had a death date they didn't know about.
"What makes you think we believe that you'll let us go." The vamp spits out into my face. I swallowed my pride and anger. "Because I'm not the Winchesters." Confidently the two started to rip out names. Once they were done with the long list of names, and locations they looked up at me with eager eyes of being able to make it out alive.
"Hey what are you doing so fuckin' close to them Y/n." I heard Dean yell in front of the doorway. "Oh, nothing." With that, I lived through each other heads. Mouths move as they hit the ground with a loud thud. I left to shocked men in the barn and walked out of the car. Grabbing onto the map.
"What the fuck was that?" another loud yelling moment from Dean. "Oh shut it, Dean. They told me where the girls are we don't need them after that right? Or would you rather play with your food some more?" I questioned him.
It was still after the incident there with the vampires and a few more incidents that the importance of my own life was starting to fly through the door. I was turning into Dean, a true killer. One with a solid plan, but with nothing afterward. I was becoming different, so I half excepted Sam to be the one to knock on my bedroom door in the bunker.
But when opened the door it was Dean. Slumped shoulders and a little bit of sadness written on his face. "What do you need, Dean?" Keeping my words curt.
He sighed heavily and looked into my room. "Why don't you just come in instead of peering in." I offered. The silence between Dean, I, and the walls were growing on me. causing me to freak out more. A quiet Dean was scarier than anything.
"Hey Kiddo, I think we need to talk about something." Kiddo that was new. I thought as I sat on the edge of my bed, and Dean stood akwardly in the middle of my room. "Go sit down you're giving me the fuckin' creeps," I mumbled. Talk about what? I thought to myself.
"So what are you here to talk about? I haven't been annoying you guys with having to save me recently. Tired of not being able to yell at me?"Attitude thick between my words. Dean's face didn't change, not anger fluttered passed.
"I've noticed that, but it was never annoying. I was… I was just worried about your safety that was all that was ever about Y/n." Dean said softly into the thick air between the two of us. "I think and so does Sam that maybe you've become too calloused. You aren't being very respectful of your own life anymore." Dean continued on. "respectful of my life?" I repeated back to Dean.
"Let me rephrase. You're starting to act a litt… a lot like me. It's worrisome to both of us. You're starting to do things without any real evidence for doing so, shooting first and then asking questions. You must know that doesn't work Kiddo." Dean said looking at me.
"You do that all the time though Dean. I was tired of being treated as if I were a delicate flower. I was tired of getting yelled at by you. I just want to help and this way it works. I just do the damn hunt, and we save the people we're supposed to save." I said with a mumbled breath.
Dean got up quickly moving to sit next to me on the edge of the bed. "Y/n that's not the right way. I shouldn't have yelled, I'm not good with the whole parenting and protecting thing. I just wanted to make sure you were safe, but I never… we never showed you how to protect yourself. I'm sorry that you thought that the only way you saw through did t become more like me." Dean apologized, opening his arms up to a hug.
There were tears brimming at the edges of my lashes. I fell into the hug, the relief of knowing that I didn't have to act like this anymore. Felt like elephants had just been lifted off my shoulders. "It's okay Y/n. We can work through this. We promise we won't treat like you can't do the job, I promise to be better and teach you." Dean said hugging me harder.
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Completed on: 03/21/2023
Posted on: 03/21/2023
Deanie Beanie Girls: @kazsrm67 @deanswaywardgirl @ijustlearnedtolove-beep-bop-boop @mrspeacem1nusone @dilfloverr @akshi8278 @fofisstilinski @band--psycho @wonderfulworldofwinchester @doctorlilo @flamencodiva @samsgirl93 @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27 @fanfic-n-tabulous @silverose365 @winchestersbitch-dm @alexxavicry @gabrielasilva1510
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urv3nicebitch · 9 months
i like going to bed looking like how i would want to look on my death bed
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
I need some advice. I feel so lost and behind compared to my friends… how do I compare?
Never compare your journey to others. You’ll destroy your self esteem that way. Some people are late bloomers in life and that’s okay. You’re allowed to take your time and be a little lost. There is nothing wrong with that.
Life isn’t some race to win. We’re all going to die one day and that’s an undeniable fact. So you might as well enjoy your time on this earth and do what you can to enjoy it. Find a hobby you like and dabble in it. Go on walks in nature. Workout. Do whatever sets your soul ablaze.
If you feel like your close group is pressuring you for a different lifestyle or pushing you towards a goal you don’t want, drop them. You should never feel pressured to be a certain way because of what society or your peers tell you that’s how you’re supposed to be. If something isn’t for you, then it’s not for you. Don’t waste your life trying to fit into a mold that’s not your size. Don’t cut of parts of yourself to fit in. You’ll be miserable in the long run.
I cut almost my entire family and ‘friends’ off. I surrounded myself with people of similar mindsets. I went back to my old hobby of writing because it brought me joy. I went back to body building because it made me happy. I deleted some social medias until I was in a good head space to see them again because of the urge to compare my life to others. I travel whenever I can and I spoil myself. I’m happy.
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sourcherrygirl3 · 22 days
The way some FICTIONAL characters hold such a place in my heart, I don't think is even normal,
Like I know they're not real and they'll never be but Idk how to feel about it :( if it's bad or concerning :((
I've been wanting to share this with someone.
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melonlthawne · 2 months
anyway reblog people’s art and leave silly comments on it
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cepheusgalaxy · 10 months
Step-by-step: how to write a character
Step 1: Give values and principles to your character
Step 2: Put these principles down and have them learn new ones
Step 3: Now, completely break down these new principles and have them questioning everything they know and end up with them having new morals and values
Step 4: Yay! Now you have not only a character but a character arc, because that's it! Ppl and characters need to constantly grow and change.
Step 5: Done.
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mrs-happy-go-lucky · 1 year
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fashionfotorecccluse · 6 months
When you've sprayed your knickers with seven shades of brown ... DO wipe your arse thereafter!"
Some advice.
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evansbby · 6 months
Bestie are you able to see the responses to Steve and Ari on the survey ? Cause. Might have wrote I want them to eat my ass. 😂
Yes I can see them 😂😂😂 they’re so entertaining I’m gonna post screenshots here in a bit 😂😂
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tootern2345 · 7 months
One thing about “crazy” animators like Jim Tyer, Rod Scribner, and Manny Gould to name a few is that all of them drew solid at first, had their training, and (especially manny gould) advocated for artists to practice their drawing skills first. They didn’t just animate “crazy” from the beginning. As if they did, it wouldn’t be good at all! Timing also was important to the scene as a “crazy” animation with poor timing isn’t interesting as that with good timing. That’s all I have to say on the matter and I do advice ya’ll to practice and draw/animate solidly.
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bugdogg · 10 months
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Post where I talk about my thoughts on what I want relationship wise cause no ones around to listen rn, I’ll probably delete this post later cause I’m a coward, warning for complaining, I complain a lot. Also uhh I like this picture I took, these flowers are very pretty, love seeing them
I hate feeling desperate, I hate having little needs that can only be fulfilled with another person, it sucks. I went through a whole thing of being someone’s caretaker, trying so hard to make them happy and thinking I could fix them despite being so messed up myself. I know how it feels to be so relied on, I don’t like being in a relationship because of it, I don’t want to feel needed but at the same time it feels nice (using a lighter word for it)
Ik neither is bad, independence and codependenc , if its balanced between the two, but I think the thing I get caught on a lot is that you don’t need one specific person, there are so many people out there why just stick with one for your entire life. It works for a lot of people and I’m happy it does but idk why it feels like it won’t work for me. I think of it like friends, I love my friends, I like being close with them and like helping them and feeling wanted as a friend. But I’m not gonna have just one friend, one person isn’t gonna meet my needs, at least that’s what it seems like.
I considered polyamory but the issue is I don’t wanna feel like I’m tied to anyone, I don’t wanna have to run my life by anyone, I wanna freely be close with multiple people and it wouldn’t bother them if I worked like that. And Ik there’s people who just hook up and all that, buddies who you may be intimate with once in a while but I don’t know how to go about it and the only real way to experience it and experiment.
“We’ll if you wanna have that then go find people who-“ I know that, Ik I should just go looking but it’s scary as hell. I’m young, inexperienced with wading through the safe and dangerous people, I have a hard time finding people like me in the first place, and I’m easily overstimulated by everything so going out to meet people is a little hard.
“Well why don’t you just use an app to hook up or something?” … idk 😐 (I’ve run out of steam lol, I keep calling myself pathetic for my wants but Ik having them doesn’t make u pathetic. I’m just hard on myself ig…)
Anywayyyy, i think I should sleep…. Cause I’m supposed to wake up in 6 hours to go paddle boarding.
Don’t fuck up ur sleep schedule like me, beee betttterrrr
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
You don't owe anyone shit. And they don't owe you shit. The sooner people understand that. The better our lives will be.
Just let people be.
I'm sorry but controversial as this sounds.
Strangers dont hive a fuck about you. They may care in the moment. But unless you actually get close to someone. They wont care beyond maybe decent human decency. (Thats if you actually find someone with empathy and respect)
Im saying this as some cold truth. Im being real. Yes there are good people. I believe that. But im being also real that honestly,humanity? They are nothing but assholes. And will be till the day this planet implodes.
There is nothing we can do anything remotely about it.
All we can focus on is being a decent human being ourselves. What isn't ourselves is beyond our control.
And that NEED to control others needs to stop. This includes. That need to say "you owe me an apology" or "i owe you an apology"
Thats my wise words for today.
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