#ok i need to do my math homework bye
aolyxe · 7 months
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Very low quality 😎😎😎😎😎😎
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translatemunson · 4 months
these days I'm restless, work days are endless • ttfd
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chapter three of the tortured firefighters department
previous chapter | masterlist | next chapter
cw: fem!reader, afab!reader, no descriptions of reader, banter (because i love it), reader is a math and science nerd, chris and eddie are here, mentions of food, hints of mental issues, proofread by my bye-lingual ass (let me know if i forgot anything)
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LA was less of a stranger now. Who knew going to that dinner at Maddie’s would slowly bring you closer to the 118 family.
Late night texts with Maddie to make her company while Chimney worked and Jee was nowhere close to sleep were standard. Night shifts were smooth as butter if compared to day shifts in any state, you found out. LA of course had more hits and runs, overdose emergencies, abuse situations, but you could type their info while waiting for your personal laptop to run the latest dynamical system you were analyzing. 
And now your agenda also included occasional brownie deliveries to the 118 and leftover food pickup you were sure Bobby wasn’t cooking as an accident; a few talks with Athena, Bobby’s wife, about how they could improve response time inside the LAPD with a small system you developed for your old local police; helping Chris over Facetime with his math homework — because Eddie called you one day looking like he just had the worst day of his life, but he couldn’t just understand the process to the results of a simple equation.
It was nice to finally have a life besides PhD and work routine. But that would always be brought up or come in handy for helping.
That’s how you ended up at Eddie’s place on a saturday morning. When he texted you that Chris needed extra help with a math syllabus — that could bring him some extra points that semester —, you jumped on your car and said would gladly help.
“How is it going, kiddo?” Eddie entered the dining room and checked Chris' progress.
“She’s really a genius!”
“And you are the most dedicated student I had.” And you weren’t saying that just to make him feel special. Chris was one of those kids that really put in the effort and dedication to understand things — when they wanted to, of course —, it wasn’t his fault the math problems were too complex for his age. Maybe you could talk to Eddie about it, so he could let the teachers know that maybe taking it easy with the kids was a good idea. They didn’t need to also be traumatized by mathematics. “C’mon, you’re crushing those equations, Chris!”
“Do you need a refill?” Eddie pointed to your empty lemonade cup.
“Yes, please.”
“Can you help me with science?” Chris asked, now that he was almost done with his math exercises.
“Not my forte, but I’ll try.”
In another universe, you would’ve stopped your studies once you had the basic requirements for being a teacher — maybe middle or secondary school. You’d always loved classrooms, and it was the safest option if your Masters ended up on a dead end. You were glad to be where you were, but your mind sometimes wondered the ‘what if’s of being a school teacher.
Chris brought his science homework, luckily just some questions about animals that, because of all of your free hours in museums and science classes you took for extra credits during college, were easy to deal with. Once you talked about seeing the dinosaur bones in real life, he was mesmerized, avoiding blinking at all costs just so he couldn’t miss a single detail.
“Dad! She saw the dinosaur!” He almost screamed when you pulled out your phone to show him some pictures.
The doorbell hung as soon as Eddie entered the dining room. “Be right back, buddy! Don’t give him any more ideas, Brains!”
“Won’t promise anything.” I took you one heartbeat to cover your mouth and whisper, “I will check if there is any dinosaur in town and take you there for a visit. What do you think?”
“That’s awesome,” he whispered back.
“But for now this is a secret, ok?”
“Ok. Pinky swear?”
“Of course, kiddo.” 
Chris got up to pick his books about dinosaurs. Your mind started to list all the museums in LA and how many of them had really good replicas of them — or the real ones, if possible. Maybe you could get the tickets for Chris and Eddie and tag along as their tour guide. Or maybe you could check with Eddie if he needed a babysitter someday in the following weeks, so you could help and also fulfill your promise at the same time.
“Buck!” Chris screamed.
You turned around just in time to see Buck taking him off the floor with a bear type huge and messing with his hair. “My guy! What are you up to today?”
“I’m studying dinosaurs.” He showed the books in his hands.
“On a Saturday morning? Where’s the fun? How about video games?”
“Are you done with your science homework?” Eddie asked, closing the door.
“Yes! Brains helped me!”
As your nickname has been brought up to the conversation, Buck finally noticed you. You heard Maddie saying, countless times, that Buck had a soft spot for kids. But had a huge spot for Chris, with all his heart. After the tsunami — you’ve only heard about it, still not in California to experience the disaster first hand —, their bond only grew even stronger.
“Oh did she?” He smirked.
“Yes. She even promised me she will take me to see the dinosaurs.”
“Chris! I thought you would honor our pinky swear!” you shouted playfully.
“Ouch! Someone call 9-1-1, I’ve been betrayed.” Buck faked having a knife to his chest, and pulling it out.
You pretended to have your earpiece on and changed your voice until it sounded like you were in your job, saying “Sir, calling 9-1-1 without being in real danger is considered a felony, and the authorities will investigate you. Hope you look good in orange pajamas.”
Eddie rolled his eyes and Chris laughed. Buck was definitely not impressed, and he took Chris with him to play some video games. You busied yourself with organizing Chris’ books over the table and checking his equations one last time. You took your lemonade glass to the kitchen, intending to wash it before going home for some deep cleaning.
“Just leave it there, I’ll take care of it,” Eddie entered the room and opened the cookie jar. “Are you serious about taking him to the museum?”
“I was gonna talk to you about it later. Maybe? Only if you’re ok with it, of course. I can take him on my day off, get him some pancakes from my favorite restaurant, bring him back by the end of the day, safe and sound. Or you could tag along, I can pretend I’m a VIP tour guide, I might be able to pull some strings at the Caltech museum, they don’t have real dinosaurs, but their exhibition on life on Earth is really good. It’s not much, but they have a few things about dinosaurs.”
“Does next Saturday work for you? I might need to take an extra 12-hour shift.”
“Sure! The Natural History Museum will do the job just fine. I’ll pick him up and don’t worry, we can stay at mine until your shift ends. Anything works for me, really.”
“Great.” He noticed how you held your bag and checked the door from time to time. “In a hurry?”
“I think my job here is done,” you pointed to the two kids playing and screaming over some stupid video game. 
Lately, you’ve been avoiding Buck like the plague. He was just so annoying towards you every time you met and it was getting on your nerves. Your small encounters when you were at the firestation to drop off some baked goods, or when you went to visit Maddie and he was just leaving the place, were messing with your thoughts. 
It was easier to give him the cold shoulder and keep your distance than sitting in a quiet room with your mixed feelings about the younger Buckley.
“Thank you again, Brains.”
“No worries, happy I could help.”
“You sure I can’t convince you to stay a little more and grab some lunch with us?”
“I really don’t wanna disturb the vibes, you know.”
“You know you are practically family, right? Catching lunch with us on slow days, having some beers, teaching math to the kids.”
“Yeah, but I just… Maybe another time, ok? I promise.”
“You have to stop acting like you’re always on the run, Brains. Someday you’re gonna run out of breath.”
“I appreciate the advice, Eddie. Text you soon?”
“He’s gonna freak out when I tell him about your plans.”
You left the house unnoticed. Before hopping on your car and driving to your favorite grocery store, you checked your messages, hoping to clear your agenda for next saturday — pretty sure you had a night shift on friday, but with enough caffeine, you could pull an all-nighter. Not ideal, but it was your plan B.
“Hey! Brains!”
“Tired of getting your ass kicked by a younger boy?” You were still too busy with your phone to raise your eyes to Buck.
“Why are you almost running to get out of here? Schedule’s too packed?”
“None of your business.” You opened the door of your car and threw your bag inside.
“Oh so you are still mad at me for eating the cupcakes!” Oh yeah, the cupcake incident. That was one of the reasons why you weren’t staying more than one minute alone with Evan Buckley.
“What did you expect me to do? I bought them for me and Maddie, and you thought it was ok to eat them all. Alone!” You faced him, your chin up high. “You have no fucking clue how long I waited in line before the store opened that day, I had a really messed up shift and I needed those!”
“I told you I’d get more cupcakes!”
“No! I wanted my favorites! Your sister wanted those specific ones, she kept mentioning them for days! And you ruined it!” You held the door open, hoping you could leave the place quickly.
“I’ve told you I’m sorry, ok? What else do you want me to do, hm?”
“How about getting out of my hair? Leave me alone, Buckley. I mean it. I was starting to grow fond of the 118, but you are making it impossible to enjoy some time with any of them!”
“I was there first!” Buck was much stronger than you, and he successfully closed the door. He wanted another fight.
“Great. Text me your schedule so I can avoid being in the same room with you.” You tried to push his arm out of the door.
“Now you’re just being dramatic! C’mon, Brains, it was just some stupid cupcakes, I got Maddie some of her favorite cake after you stormed out of the apartment. I texted you I was sorry a dozen times.”
“Maybe you should start asking before eating something that isn’t yours.”
“I don’t know what happened to you lately, but it’s unbelievable you’re holding the grudge for so long. Brains, really, I’m sorry I ruined your plans with my sister. Can we act as adults now?”
“Who are you to tell me ‘Let’s be adults’ now? You ruined the only free time I had with Maddie that week. And you know what? I had a shitty shift with some really bad calls that day, but, unlike you, I don’t go on messing with things that don’t belong to me.”
Your real name slipped from his lips and you knew it was time to leave. You took the chance to open the door and throw yourself into the seat.
“I’m tired, Evan. I really am. Give me some space, I’m still recovering from that shift. You could’ve bought us all the cupcakes in the world that day, and I’d still be mad at you.” You started the car. “I need to go home.”
“I’m gonna find out why you’re still mad at me after one million sorry’s!”
“I wouldn’t waste any more breath. But you know what, good luck.”
As much as you hated it, Eddie was right. You were running away. And you just didn’t want to admit who was from.
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author's note: and she’s back for chapter three!!!! you all were a little shy on chapter 2, but ok, i’ll forgive you. there is a small blurb coming up this weekend, so stay tuned. also, you can request blurbs from the tortured firefighters department or just talk about it via my asks!!! also i’m almost done with 9-1-1 lone star and i may or may not be working on a crossover in the near future hihihi kay love you see y’all next week byeeeeeee (actually this sunday ok byeeeee)
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amber-michaelson · 2 years
Fallen Angel
Yandere Bowers Gang x reader
-Headcanon here-
Summary: they are obsessed and decide to act on it
Read at own risk
Warning: swearing
Fm = favorite movie
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Yn pov
"Hello" I smiled sitting next the platinum blonde boy "I'm yn" I said and took out my books "victor" he greeted quietly before the teacher started speaking and through the lesson victor explained the previous lesson and showed me his notes which I gladly expected the help before the bells go "thanks so much victor how will I ever repay you" I asked packing up my stuff "you don't have to but whenever you need help just come to me" he smiled putting his bag over his shoulders "I'll make sure to keep that in mind" I murmured and went our separate ways, over my first week me and victor got closer and he's been helping me a lot "bye vic" I smiled and walked into my history class and sat at my normal spot in the back "good day class today we will be preparing a project which will be due in 2 weeks" the class groaned in disappointment "don't worry you will be able to pick your own partners" I looked around for anyone familiar but nothing "can I be your partner" I turned to the voice and see one of the people that hang around victor "of coarse I don't mind" I smiled and moved my bag to make room for him "yn and belch you will do ancient Rome" the teacher explained and did the rest of the groups and aloud us to go to the library "so yn I see you hang around victor" belch made small talk as we gazed for books on the shelves "yeah he helps me with my homework and tutors me" I smiled and started piling the books in my hand "let me carry those" he smiled taking the books out my hands "oh thank you belch".
▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎Time skip▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎
I smiled as me, victor and belch made our way down the hall "hey guys who's this" we paused as two boys stepped in front of us "oh hey Henry" victor murmured "hi I'm yn" I smiled at both of them "well cutie I'm Patrick" the one smiled licking his lips "I'm Henry" the other crossed his arms "well its nice to meet you two but I need to get to my maths class bye guys" I smiled and walked away.
And everyday day after that I was the new member of the bowers gang and over the time the boys became more and more disappointed if I talk to anyone but them or gave anyone my attention "guys come on it was one thing" I whined as they kept quiet as we made our way behind school to belchs car so we can get something to eat "but you could've asked us" victor muttered and opened the door for me I climbed in with victor and Patrick sitting next to me "why are you so protective" I asked but didn't get a response instead silence filled the car the only sound was the soft tones coming from the radio "belch can I have a water" I murmured leaning forward "yea here" Henry muttered handing me a bottle of water I slowly uncapped it and took a sip and closed it back up "this isn't the way to the has station" I murmured but slowly started to feel dizzy and my vision started fading "what did you do" I leaned forward and felt tired "it's OK now" Victor's voice turned to whispers before I blacked out completely 'this is where the nightmare begans'.
My eyes adjust to the darkness it had been a few hours since belch dropped of breakfast for me they'd lock the door to the room I was in except for the attachment bathroom, the room had no windows and was lit up by a flickering light.
"Babe we're home" I sighed in relief as Henry unlocked the door it was getting more and more boring when they leave I was starting to actually miss them "we were thinking how about we go into the lounge and watch a movie" victor smiled sitting on the edge of my bed "you mean leave the room" I was shocked I haven't left the room on months "yes since you've been so good we want to reward you" I giggle happily and jumped up and hugged them "come on tiger" Patrick murmured and lifted me up and carried me down stairs while the others got get the stuff ready "how was your day" I asked as he settled us onto the couch with me on his lap "it was good but missed feeling your but on my dick" I blushed as he slightly grinded against me "Patrick stop being a perv" Henry smacked the back of Patrick's head while giving me a blanket and setting beside me while victor brings the drinks and sits on the other side of me and belch brings the snacks and settles between my legs "what do you wanna watch" Henry passes me the remote "how about fm" I put on fm and snuggled into Patrick's chest 'maybe this isn't a nightmare after all'.
My other it works
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sugarsfics · 2 years
Worst Fear
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Summary: Your worst fear comes true public speaking. But no need to worry Eddie is here to save the day. 
Trope: Eddie x introvert!girlfriend 
A/N: These is for all of my girlies you needed an Eddie back in school 
Warnings: Use of Y/N, cussing, being picked on, kissing, Eddie being the best boyfriend, bad family dynamic. 
Word count: 1.2k 
You woke up with a bubbly stomach. Oh no, today you must present in class in front of the students. Your worst fear, public speaking. You got ready while reading your project in the hope of remembering some part of it, so you don’t look at the paper a lot. You always get docked points for not having eye contact, it was hard because every time you looked into someone's eyes you stuttered. God your stuttering problem was the worst it has gotten better over the years but still bad. When you were little, you used to stutter out every other word, now after many speech therapists, you only stutter when you are overly excited about something, say something too fast, or are nervous, in your books this was progress. You eat breakfast quietly as normal your brother was talkative enough for the both of you, he was the star of the family he was the “perfect” one because he plays sports and was outgoing. Your shyness definitely was your family’s fault, they overlooked you and talked over you. You never felt important till you met Eddie. He made you feel like the only girl in the world. When he talked with you, he talked at you he listens, gave feedback, those beautiful brown eyes hangs on to every word. Whenever you got excited and stuttered your family would shut you down and tell you Relax or just talk normal but Eddie watched you with love in his eyes he would let you finish then talk he was everything you could ask for. Beep Beep music to your ears Eddies horn, your brother rolled his eyes because he was in the middle of his story that he told 1000 times, but your family hung on to every word. “Bye” you mumbled your parents just waved you off. This was going to be a long day. 
Eddie knew that it was going to be a bad day for you. You have been stressing out all month, today you had to present a project. You hate public speaking; your shyness gets the best of you and the students of Hawkins high are the worst, they laugh and make fun of every mistake you make. But not today Eddie wasn’t going to let that happen. He saw you come out with fear in your eyes it had already started. “Hi my princess how was your sleep ”he cooed in hopes to keep you out of your head, but you were too far gone. “Hey” you mumbled as you stared off in space lips moving but no words coming out you were reciting your speech. He watched you in worry this was going to be a long day. 
“Why don’t you practice on me” “What” you said confusing “Practice your presentation with me I will say mine then you will say yours” he smirked “You did your speech?” “Well, no but I can tell you what I would have said” “Eddie you need to do your homework you are going to graduate with me and-” he got you your mind moved on. He got out the car mid of your rant and opened your door “Thank you and you need to work on your math too because I know you didn’t do it” “Nope I did not” “Let go then” he planned work you and talking to him and are not worried about the project. It was going great …. for 5 seconds “Hey Eddie, Y/N you ready for the presentation that shit is going to kick my-” Gareth said. Eddie hit Gareth’s arm “Ow what was that for” You froze shit you have you look at the clock 10 minutes. “I been trying to get her mind off of it” “Shit sorry” Eddie looked back at you great back to square one. “Sweetheart no need you worry I will be there” tears filled your eyes “But what if I mess up” you said worriedly “Hey” he wiped your eyes “Don’t think like that you are going to do great ok if you get scared looked at me ok” you nodded and held Eddie until the bell rang, here we go.  
“Alright class today we are going to do something different instead of volunteering to go up I'm going to pick name” every introvert's worst fear. “Ok first is” Your heart is pounding in your chest praying to any god out there please not me please “Y/N L/N you are first” Eddie looked at you in worry, he gave you a reassuring nod and mouth you got this. You slowly stood up and you felt everyone's eyes on you. You gulp “H-Hi” no stop stuttering ....THUNK everyone laughed Eddie prosperously fell out of his chair when you made eye contact with him, he winked. He was taking to embarrassment off you to him “Mr. Munson in your seat please” “Yep got it” he got up and mouth just breath. You took a deep breath. “My- my project is o-on Th-The-” “Sp-sp-SPIT out already” Andy yelled that had the class roaring in laughter suddenly a  spit ball landed on Andy cheek, only you saw Eddie hiding the straw or you thought “Mr. Munson one more thing out of you and you are out of here” he couldn’t leave you so unfortunately, he must protect you in peace. Tear welled your eyes as you finished your presentation “Thank you miss L/N next we have.... Mr. Munson” He got up and tripped on the way up to the front “Ok so my project is on nothing because I didn’t do it” he teased as he look at the teacher “Go sit” “Yep” “Next is......”  
The bell rang and you ran out of class Eddie hot on your heels “Y/N wait please” he caught up to you and brought you into his chest “It’s ok I got you” you mumbled something but he couldn’t hear what you said. “Come on lets go somewhere private” he cover you has he went out the school doors to the bench in the word he put you on his lap “Ok let it out” you continue crying for 5 minutes then you died down “ You better” he soothed “Y-Yea” you hiccuped “Hey it wasn’t that bad yea you stutter at the beginning but after you took a breath a look at me everything was perfect” “But Andy-” “Andy is a fucking jerk out he gets off on making people feel bad the rate you're going soon you will be the boss of him” “How if I can’t even due a speech on a book I love how can I be the boss of anyone” you wailed “Ssh ok ssh” as he brought you into your chest “It's going to take some time to get you out of your shell, it took you a good two weeks to look at me and now look at you look at us we are in love” a smiled spread across your face love. Last week after your date Eddie climbed into your room and told you he loved you and you said it back because you did but was too scared to tell him. “How about we skip, go to Benny's pick you some burgers and milkshakes then my place for some movies” “I would really like that” he takes you off his lap and stands up “Then your chariot awaits my shy girl” you blushed there it is, he kissed you then you sneak into his van. It was a perfect way to end a horrible day with Eddie. 
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cheesysoup-arlo · 5 months
Art Presentation
Aj Campos x Reader fluff/angst (hurt/comfort)
Aj had her first art presentation. She was so excited. She told her parents about it a month in advance so they would have no excuse to not show up. Right?
(Y/N): hey baby 🥰
Aj (my love)❤️‍🩹: hi bubs wsp?
(Y/N): what time does your art thing start? My mom is bugging me about it lol
Aj (my love)❤️‍🩹: 6 pm but do you think we could meet a little earlier?
(Y/N): yeah baby what time do you wanna meet up?
Aj (my love)❤️‍🩹: 5?
(Y/N): ok baby I can do that
(Y/N): I love you
Aj (my love)❤️‍🩹: I love you more 🥰
(Y/N): you’re so adorable 😘
“Mom Aj said to meet up with her at 5, ok?” you shout downstairs to your mom. “Ok honey” your mom said. It was 3 now so you decided to start getting ready. You finished getting ready around 4:30 so you decided to leave so you could get your girlfriend some flowers. “Hey mom I’m gonna head out now” you say coming down stairs. “Ok honey, do you need anything? Money for gas or food or something?” “Ooo yes please I’m about to use the rest of my allowance on flowers for Aj” “since this is something special I’ll send you some extra money, I know how happy she makes you” your mom says giving you some money from her purse. “Let me know if you need more and I’ll send it to your account, ok?” “Thank you so much mom” you say giving her a hug and heading to your car. “You’re welcome, bye honey” “bye mom” you leave heading to your favorite flower shop it was close to Aj’s house. You got Aj a bouquet of her favorite flowers and very carefully put them in your backseat so Aj wouldn’t notice them.
(Y/N): hey baby I’m here
Aj (my love)❤️‍🩹: ok I’ll be right out just gotta grab something
You sat in your car a couple of minutes until your girlfriend came out. “Hi bubs” Aj said leaning through the drivers seat window to kiss you. “Hi baby, get in” you say giggling. She gets in “how was your day?” She asks buckling up “pretty good I hung out with my mom a little and did my math homework, how was your day” you said driving to this small coffee shop you two always go to “oh I just worked on a few more art pieces for my portfolio” she said smiling down at her hands “I’m so happy that you’re coming to my presentation it means a lot” “baby I wouldn’t miss it, it’s important to you so it’s important to me” Aj smiled and blushed “I love you so much” “I love you more baby” you said giving her a quick kiss at the red light. You arrived at the coffee shop at around 5:00 it was less than five minutes away from the place for the art presentation. You two order your coffee and talk. It’s 5:30 and Aj wants to be there early just to make sure everything’s good so you two head over to the place. “Wow this is awesome” Aj says in awe of the building and the various pieces of art around her while heading to her table.
Mother: Aj sweetie your father and I can’t make it. Something came up with your sister.
Mother: I’m sorry
Aj looks at her phone and reads the messages about to cry. “They’re not coming…” Aj said on the verge of tears. “What baby? Who’s not coming?” “My parents, they said they would be here but I just got a text saying th-they’re not coming.” her eyes brimming with tears as you pull her into a hug “oh baby shh shh shh it’s ok I’m here I’m here” “but (Y/N) they promised” she cried while you cupped her face “baby I know you’re upset and you have every right to be but do you think you can still do the presentation or should we just-“ “I can do it” sniffled Aj as you wiped her tears. You gave Aj some water from your water bottle to help her calm down. The presentation went really well you were so proud of her. Aj finished and was trying to find you. “Oh there you are bubs I was looking for you” you pulled her in for a hug and squeezed her close “you did so amazing baby I’m so proud of you” Aj blushed, hiding her face in the crook of your neck. “We should do something to celebrate” “oh (Y/N) we don’t have to it’s ok” “AJ I want to do something nice for you, you deserve it plus my mom gave me extra just for today so please let me spoil you a little” you say trying to convince her “what did I do to deserve you” AJ says pulling you in for a kiss. You two hold hands and walk to your car “oh my gosh I completely forgot” you say reaching in you backseat and grabbing the flowers you got for AJ “aw (y/n) these are my favorite” “I know” you say with a big smile “you are seriously the best girlfriend ever” AJ says pulling you in for a kiss you blush when she says this “I love you so much, never forget I’ll always be here for you, ok?” You say holding her hand and giving it a small squeeze “thank you bubs, for everything” you guys head to the grocery store to get ice cream and some other snacks “sleepover at my house?” “Absolutely, I don’t think I can stand seeing my parents right now, wait are you sure your mom won’t mind?” “AJ, my mom absolutely adores you I can 100% guarantee she won’t mind at all” you two head back to your house and just chill in your room watching movies and eating snacks till you both start falling asleep cuddled up together. “I love you baby” you say kissing her on her forehead head “I love you too, good night bubs” she says sleepily snuggling closer to you. “good night”
A/N: guys don’t blame/hate Gaby I promise it’s not her fault lmao
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novaisntmyname · 11 days
made this in honor of tr*mp surviving another stupid assassination attempt 🙄
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It was early. 1am. Stars twinkle in the night sky. It was quiet. Very peaceful. My phone lit up to a text. It was from my best friend. I met her last year during my presidential term, now we're best friends, but I really cant escape from her. She needed help with her math homework. She called me. "Kamala, what do you mean what's the answer to number 15?" "JOE IM LOST OK? GEORGE WASHINGTON-SENSEI IS GOING TO KILL ME IF I DON'T FINISH THIS ASSIGNMENT!!! JOSEPH HELP ME!" "Kamala calm down stop screaming!" My eyes were still watery because I cried so much before the sudden call. 3rd anxiety attack of the semester. At this point it's normal. I'm not easily sentimental, or empathetic, but I'm not cold blooded or narcissistic, so I helped her. "I'm spending you a pic of my homework so you can copy. But make it different so it doesn't looking like you copied." After sending the picture of my awkward handwriting slapped on the paper Kamala scribbled the answers on her sheet. I desire to talk a little longer, but I know you don't wanna waste your time fan-girl ing over some random ex-president. "See ya at school! Bye-" I cut off the call and stare at a wall blankly. She needed help with her math homework, poor kid. "Joe, you have so much empathy to the point you don't have love for yourself…" I think to myself. "Fuck!" I whisper. "I really do…" I mutter. I tiptoe downstairs to eat a late night snack. I make me some instant ramen in the microwave, trying to make the least amount of noice posible so I don't wake up my brother. "Hello…" Said a deep voice. I'm shook. I turn around to see a man dressed in a blue suit with a red tie. A permanent grumpy old man look on his face. He was tall and had glowing hazel eyes. I activate my pretty pink princess superpowers to scare him away. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?" I exclaim. "Relax." He took a step forward and I took a step back. "I'm not here to hurt you." "THAT DOESN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION!" He took a deep breath. "My name's Donald and I'm no harm, princess." I felt my face turn red. "Don't call me princess." "I know you're flustered…" "Pervert…" I mutter. "Ok, if I leave, will you tell anyone?" "Maybe," I say. "Yes or no…?" "Only if don't hurt me or my bestie, Kamala, and my brother, Barack." "Deal." "Deal. No, I won't tell anyone." He puts his hands up slightly and takes a step back. Turns around and looks at me with his gorgeous eyes. "See you, princess." "LEAVE!" I exclaim. He leaves from the window. "God! That's a lot for one night!" I hear my brother, Obama leave his room. "What's wrong, Joe?" "A random ass dude just broke in the apartment and fucking flirted with me…?" I said still prosessing what just happened. "What the fuck." "What the fuck indeed." "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU SHOULD'VE MADE OUT IDIOT!" "Obama what the hell. I've seen that dude before on the news." "Is he hot?" "Hell yeah-" "Then why'd you not make out on the motherfucking counter." "I don't know, Barack, maybe because he's a random FUCKING STRANGER!" He's braindead when he freshly up from bed. "Oh yeah, you're right." "Bitch-" I go back to my room and as I finished my ramen and layed down in silence. "What a day" I sighed and went to sleep.
*authors note:
what the fuck*
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yrtcie · 2 years
Oh, the days when I used to ball my eyes out thinking of the day that I wouldn't be able to grow old with her. I was probably just around 10 at the time; little did I know that I would be the one moving in another city just because "I wanted a new environment". I remember her trying to stop me from transferring by saying that she needed someone reliable if ever an emergency happens. Why didn't I listen to her. I miss her so fucking much. Mama, I miss you po. I'm sorry for not reaching out that often. I'll try better po. Please forgive all of my shortcomings. I love you.
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Remember when I forgot to do my homework where I had to repeat writing the letter f in cursive and you helped me write them even though your handwriting is so different from mine. or or or when you taught me math and I think write my two's like that because I copied yours.
I've realized that I don't take many pictures of us together. Probably because you literally despise taking them so it's ur fault actually.
ok bye
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simonsrosebud · 4 years
Ok I love kalton so much I need to know: how does dalton take care of Kevin when he's being all moody like he often is? How does Kevin repay the favor when Dalton has a bad day? Kalton has legitimately improved my mood the past few days I love what you've been doing here <3<3<3
at first i read this as “how does he take care of him” as in like when they’re sick but this prompt is so much better
dalton has two sisters.  younger sisters.  that being said, he knows how to deal with moody children and teenage girls.
kevin isn’t either of those, but when he’s in a mood it’s not far off.
today, he’s pissed off.
he can’t help it.  they only have four freshmen this year, none goalies, and andrew decided to fuck with him at practice.  renee and neil had their appointments with betsy, and andrew refused to step on the court.
and since neil wasn’t there to get him back on, they had no goalie’s to practice on.
andrew knew kevin was leading today’s practice with reading goalie’s movements and shooting on the goal and he deliberately fucked it up on purpose.  by the time neil and renee rejoin them practice is already over.
dalton is picking him up from the stadium, and when he pulls up kevin is shouting at andrew, who looks unbothered.  “-here for!  you can’t keep pulling this shit over and over just because you’re fucking bored!  you think they’re going to tolerate it in ur pros?!  all i fucking wanted was one practice, andrew!  that’s it!”  and then neil says something he can’t hear, but it prompts a shouting match between him and kevin in french.  hands waving and balled fists at their sides.
and dalton knows better.  knows not to get involved and to just wait until they’re done.  so when kevin spits the last word and throws up his middle finger after turning away he starts the car up again.
kevin doesn’t talk the whole car ride, and when they get inside dalton cracks.  “i don’t know what happened today, but if you don’t want to talk it out then either go take another shower or put your sneakers back on.”
kevin looks over, and after a minute he sighs and laces up his shoes.
now he’s annoyed his boyfriend.  he doesn’t want to face andrew and neil yet.
except dalton doesn’t take him home.  he leads him to the ground floor of the building where the gym is.  he grabs gloves from a shelf, tosses them at kevin, and points to the punching bag across the room.
“i wanna spend my day with my boyfriend, not his alter ego.  the bag’s name is andrew.”
kevin huffs, and pulls his hoodie over his head.  he drops it to the ground to put the gloves on, and trudges over to the bag.  “come on, kev.  you’re pouting like my sister does when she’s not allowed to sleep over her boyfriend’s.”  kevin starts up and dalton goes to stand on the other side of the bag.  no one else is in the gym, otherwise he’d think twice before taking his shirt off.  “need incentive?  if you’re moody the rest of the day you’re not allowed to sleep over your boyfriend’s, either.”
kevin goes at the punching bag like it’s his job.  he hates to admit that it makes him feel better.  and when dalton pulls him away from it to kiss him it doesn’t hurt.
after he’s showered back at the apartment, he invades dalton’s space and lays his head on his lap.  “sorry for being a bitch earlier.”
it makes dalton laugh.  “you had a bad day, everyone has bad days.  so long as we know how to handle it.”
kevin shrugs.  “yeah.”  he tells him about why he was so mad, and takes a deep breath.  “i know he does it to get under my skin and it works.”
when dalton gets annoyed at something he tends to say so right when he walks in.  he drops his bag inside the door and toes his shoes off.  “some of my students are fucking dicks.”
kevin’s doing homework on the sofa, but discards it when his boyfriend climbs into his lap.  “what’d they do?”
dalton groans into his chest.  his voice is muffled by kevin’s hoodie.  “only half of them did the homework assigned last week, and one kid sent me an email today that said like ‘this class fucking sucks no one cares about blah blah blah do you wanna skip on wednesday’, he meant to send it to his friend in the class.”  he sits up.  “i try to make it fun for them.  it’s a gen-ed class so i know the majority of them are just taking it to get it over with, but i-i see so many of them wearing exy shirts from time to time and being interested in it so i try to talk exy- you know, oh, anyone go to the game this weekend and stuff like that, but they don’t care.”
kevin puts his hands on dalton’s cheeks and squishes them together.  it makes him smile for a moment, but he falls into kevin’s lap again.  “is there anything i can do?”
dalton shrugs.  that’s a no.
but kevin gets a little hung up on it, because he gets that those kids don’t like math but he also is on dalton’s side on principle.  instead, on friday, when the team all wears their jerseys to classes and such as per tradition, he gives dalton his away jersey to wear.  “i didn’t know the exy team did that.”
he shrugs.  katelyn wears aaron’s, and allison used to wear seth’s jacket over her own jersey.  “not really.  most of the relationships on the team are within the team.”
so dalton wears it, and ten minutes before his class kevin decides to use his clout and show up to the class with two coffees.  dalton lights up when he sees him walk through the doors.  “well this is unprecedented.”
kevin notices a few students perk up at his presence, and when more filter in they all kind of subtly stare at the two.  kevin just leans against dalton’s desk while he sets up.  when he goes to pass kevin, he grabs his wrist and pulls him back a little.  “hey.  some kids hate this class because they hate the class. not you.”
dalton’s smiling, but he raises his eyebrows.  “you know they’ll still hate the class even with you here.”
“let them, but as soon as i leave, they’re going to be kiss asses.”  and dalton wants so badly to kiss that smug smirk off his face, but his students are all here and waiting.
“i’ve got a class to teach, mr. day.”
“fine.”  kevin kisses his cheek, dalton sends him a look, and walks head held high to the door.  “you’re coming to the game, d, yes?”  dalton’s cheeks are furiously red.  he always comes to the games, he doesn’t even need to ask.
“bye, kevin!”
dalton jumps on kevin when he gets back to the apartment.  “you’re a pain in my ass.”
“i was right, though, wasn’t i?”
dalton mocks his words right back at him, and kisses him into the sofa.
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Lovely Noya
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❀ AN: I’m been trying to upload this since yesterday here’s hoping this works !!  This prompt is based off Lovely Complex, so yes Noya is Otani in this but the plot was changed to fit Noya’s personality. Reader is 5′8 and Nishinoya  5′2 or 4′10 with his hair down as Wiki states. 
✿ Warning: None fluffy goodness. Tall Fem Reader x Nishinoya
❀ Summary: Of all the different times Nishinoya saw you how was he suppose to know that you were leaving a piece of yourself inside his heart?
1 time.
 Nishinoya rested his face against the wooden desk as the sensei went on and on about how important 2nd year was going to be for graduation and eventually college. But really, he tuned it out, the defeat at Inter high still fresh in his mind. He opened his muted brown eyes to watch as the clouds hazily moved across the horizon. He jerked out of his musing when his seatmate next to him suddenly got up, the chair scraping across the floor, and in doing so creating such a horrific sound that he couldn’t help but wince.
“L/N, read the next paragraph please,” the sensei commanded.
Nishinoya couldn’t help but sit up straighter, did girls know how cute they sounded when they talked like that? He proceeded to pay attention as Y/N continued to read in accented but clear English so much so he couldn’t help feeling envious. Despite years of having English as a mandatory class he still sucked at it.
“And that’s why the Dutch succeeded in trading with a closed-off Japan where other nations failed,” Y/N finished and tucking her skirt, sat elegantly back down in her chair.
“Alright, who’s next to read?”
Nishinoya ducked his head and prayed silently it wouldn’t be him.
“Akira, read the next paragraph!” the gruff teacher barked.
Nishinoya let out a big sigh of relief and slumped over. He heard muffled giggles and he saw Y/N covering her mouth with her hand. When she finished, she looked over to see him staring at her. She jolted in surprise.
“Oh gomen, you just looked so relieved,” she said with a grin.
Nishinoya just grinned back at her. “Don’t worry about it. I’m used to girls laughing at me.” He realized with a depressing clarification and slumped even more.
Y/N blinked at him and leaned forward resting her face on her palm. “What do you mean by that?”
He quickly shook his head. “N-never mind that, Y/N. We should pay attention now before we get in trouble.”
She flashed him a quick smile showing off a dimple only on her right cheek.
“If you say so. And I’m glad I don’t have to correct you on my name! I don’t really like my last name, Noya-kun.”
N-noya-kun??! His cheeks flushed red and he tucked his head behind his textbooks so she couldn’t see the effect her simple words had on him.
L/N Y/N was someone he never shared a class with, and he wasn’t close with her either. Well, he wasn’t close with any girls, but still, the fact they were neighbors would mean they should at least exchange pleasantries, right? But she always arrived before he did and left later than him, so they never really got a chance to communicate. In fact, this was the first time they had an entire conversation since school started. Maybe he should make more of an effort to talk to her. She seemed pretty nice and he could always use more female friends since he had none.
He was jolted out of his thoughts as the bell rang and signaled the class had ended. Nishinoya leaped from his chair with a “yatta!” and quickly picked up his bag. Just as he was about to go rushing out of the classroom, he remembered his previous notions about making friends.
“Bye-bye, Y/N!”
Y/N looked up startled, just as she was putting away her books and a small smile blossomed on her face.
“Mata ne, Noya-kun!” And she turned back to her bag.
Just in time too as his face once again quickly felt hot and he ran off trying to reach the volleyball gym in record time.
4 times.
 Nishinoya sat glumly in his seat as everybody trickled in for the morning classes. Asahi, the ace of their team, hadn’t shown up again, not even seeing Kiyoko-san’s face had lifted his mood that morning. Their loss was even harder to cope with Asahi not showing up like a coward.
He glanced up when he saw Y/N pull out the chair next to him and sit down at her desk.
“Ohaiyo, Noya-kun!” she greeted cheerfully.
“Hey….” he replied and sighed.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing just some volleyball club stuff….”
“Oh! You guys had a tournament in March. How did it go?”
Nishinoya furrowed his eyebrows and asked, “wait how did you know about the game? Are you a volleyball fan too?”
Y/N waved off his inquiry. “No, I’m on the student council and I know pretty much all of the clubs’ activities for budget concerns.”
“Right well, we lost.”
Y/N’s face wilted and the smile on her face vanished. It looked wrong on her somehow, he wanted her to smile all the time.
“I’m sorry to hear that, but you’re in your second year! You have the tournament a few months from now on and even next year to do better.”
“I suppose,” he muttered and fiddled with the pencil on his desk.
Nishinoya peeked at Y/N from the corner in his eye and saw that she looked like she wanted to say something several times but stopped herself.
“Hey, can I ask you a question?”
Y/N perked up. “Of course!”
“There’s a teammate that took the loss really badly and he’s not showing up to practice anymore! And the thing is it’s not his fault we lost but he’s taking it personally. The team relies on him a lot and everybody’s down. I don’t know what to do.”
He didn’t know why he was asking her or why he was even opening to her, but it was a question weighing on him heavily. Sure, he was a boisterous guy that never let things like defeat keep him down, but Asahi was different. Nishinoya didn’t understand what the ace was going through, and he was kind of confused on how to make things right. Especially since he was harboring his own guilt. But it felt right to ask her. Especially since Y/N was a popular girl that many of their classmates relied on.
“Well, maybe you should start by talking to him and telling him how you feel.  Start with exactly what you just told me and eventually persuade him to come back,” she suggested.
“Are you sure it’s as simple as that?” He couldn’t help but be skeptical. Where were the dramatic crying and wholesome man hugs?
“Yup! Every time the student council members argue amongst themselves, I always act as a mediator being the Vice President. We always start by being honest with each other and then finding a compromise.”
Nishinoya nodded. “Alright! I’ll go talk to him right after classes are done.”
Just as he was about to ask her if she could help him with last night’s homework (more like copy), Mai-san, their class representative, had interrupted them.
“Oy Y/N-chan! I have a couple of questions about the upcoming spring festival’s budget,” she waved Y/N over to her desk.
Nishinoya watched as Y/N stood up and made her way across the classroom. He was startled to notice her height for the first time. How tall was she exactly? She made him feel like an ant underneath her heel. Furthermore, how the hell did he not notice until now?
He watched as all the girls and even a few guys in their class gravitated to Y/N’s friendly nature. She was a natural-born leader that reassured many by her presence. She felt like a gentler version of Daichi-san, to be honest.
As the morning bell rang, all the students made it back to their desk on time. When Y/N sat down at her own, he leaned over and whispered, “Y/N, can I see your math homework from yesterday?”
She didn’t even look at him as she replied while writing down notes, “you can’t keep relying on me, Noya-kun. Otherwise, you will fail your tests.”
He softly brought his hands together and bowed. “Onegaiiii! I promise I’ll make it up to you! How about a popsicle?”
She reached over and pulled one of the notebooks before passing it over to him.
“Try not to make it too obvious, ok?”
“Don’t worry! I’m great at copying we won’t get caught.”
Y/N shook her head. “I wish you would be just as good at math as you are at copying,” she muttered under her breath.
When Nishinoya finally finished he couldn’t help but let out a relieved shout.
“Oy Nishinoya! What are you doing? Pay attention or you’ll start failing before the semester even begins!” The sensei barked at the interruption.
The class broke out into giggles and Y/N couldn’t help the small smile at Nishinoya’s expense as his face crumbled from being scolded.
 6 times.
 Nishinoya blinked slowly as he laid on the couch watching another comedy rerun of some old comedy duo that were famous in the ’90s. He quirked his head when he heard another noise. This time the doorbell rang clearly and awoke him from his stupor.
He scratched the itch on his behind as he slowly made his way to the front door.
“Alright, alright! I’m coming no need to keep ringing the doorbell.”
He reached and unlocked the door before turning the knob. There stood Y/N on his doorstep still wearing her school uniform.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?”
She shot him an annoyed look and planted her hands on her hips.
“When I told you to go talk to your teammate, I didn’t tell you to start a fight and get suspended, Noya-kun!”
He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. “Gomen! But in my defense, it wasn’t a fight, and I didn’t mean to break anything.”
She tsked and reached in her bag to pull out some papers.
“Here, that’s the work for this week that you missed. I live close by, so I got the responsibility.”
He tried to sound enthusiastic as he thanked her, but her face gave him the impression she wasn’t buying it.
“You aren’t going to do it until the last minute, am I right? And you won’t even do a good job on it either because you would be in a hurry to finish it.”
“T-that’s not true and you know it,” he lamely defended himself before conceding. “Ok, fine you win.”
“What am I going to do with you?” she asked shaking her head. “Can I come in?”
Nishinoya was startled at her request for a minute before consenting. “Sure!”
He watched wide-eyed as her head almost touched the doorframe, she was that tall and he couldn’t help but stare up at her as she passed.
“Ne, Y/N how tall are you?”
“172 cms. It’s not that tall though. Chichiue’s even taller. He has to bend down so that he doesn’t hit door frames most of the time.”
Not that tall? Nishinoya wished most of the time he was able to at least reach the glassware on the lower shelves in the kitchen and she said 172 cms wasn’t tall! Genetics just aren’t fair, are they?
As Y/N collaborated to help him finish this week’s homework, he failed to notice the stars in Y/N’s eyes and the soft blush on her face each time their hands touched. And that would prove to be her undoing.
 10 times.
 Nishinoya cackled at Tanaka who was still lamenting tripping over a volleyball in the gym.  His shaved head still sported a nasty bump that was beginning to purple, with a mischievous grin Nishinoya reached over to poke it. Tanaka let out a yelp and smacked his hand away.
“Don’t do that!”
“Gomen Ryu, it looks like you have another head growing out of your skull,” he gasped out between his chuckles.
“Ah! If it isn’t Noya-kun!” a voice called out.
He turned around to see Y/N walking towards him. She was probably heading home as well.
“Yo Y/N! You’re going home early today?”
“Un! The President let me go since I finished my work early.”
Nishinoya turned around to see Tanaka pulling at his sleeve and looking at him eagerly.
“Oh, this is L/N Y/N my classmate and this is Tanaka Ryunosuke, my teammate.”
“Nice to meet you!” Y/N said cheerfully and bowed.
Ryu however just bowed in a hurry and turned away. Y/N gave Nishinoya a curious look which he only shrugged at. He had no idea why Ryu was acting weird.
Suddenly he remembered the favor he owed her from when she helped me finish his work. He fumbled through his pockets, pulling out a Gari Gari-kun’s winner popsicle stick.
“Here, Y/N! My treat for you!” he said eagerly and put it in her hand.
“Wow. A free popsicle when I took time out of my day to help you,” she deadpanned.
He only chuckled nervously and scratched his head. “I know. I know. I owe you.”
“Never mind I’ll just think of something later. I’m going to head home now. Bye-bye!”
Nishinoya just waved to her and watched as the taller girl left.
“Noya you bastard! How could you do this to me? How could you hide such a cute girl from me?” Ryu burst out dramatically as soon as Y/N left.
“Y/N? Cute?” Noya murmured to himself like he hadn’t considered the possibility.
“You’re joking, right? That’s Y/N, the vice president of the student council. Even third years think she’s pretty and you’re telling me you haven’t noticed? Are you feeling ok?” Tanaka placed his hand on Nishinoya’s forehead trying to check his temperature.
He just batted away Tanaka’s hand and shrugged.
“I guess I just didn’t notice because I don’t like her that way? She’s super helpful and always taking care of me, but she’s not someone I would consider a girlfriend material, you know? More like a friend or even a sister.”
He saw Tanaka giving him a look that he couldn’t decipher before it disappeared. So, he just brushed it off.
“I mean the only girl for me is Kiyoko-san! She shines brighter than any other girl in the school, so it’s not a surprise that I didn’t really notice Y/N.”
Tanaka gave him a nod in agreement. “That’s true! No one can compare to Kiyoko-san,” he said before slapping Noya harshly on the back.
“Ahh! What was that for?”
“For not telling me your friends with a cute girl like Y/N!”
The two best friends tussled with each other for a few more minutes before going about their way home.
 14 times
 Another one and another Friday gone, Nishinoya stretched happily and got ready to leave for home. Next week is the training camp and he was beyond excited to play volleyball once again.
“Noya-kun! Do you have a minute before you leave?”
Nishinoya looked up at Y/N and nodded with a huge smile.
She handed over a bag that she grabbed from inside her desk.
“Here, I’m not sure if your allowed to have snacks at the training camp so I grabbed you some.”
Nishinoya looked through the bag to see some potato chips, chocolate, and other variety of snacks.
Y/N was nervously twitching as she watched Noya look through the bag.
“Sorry if you don’t like them, I wasn’t sure what you liked besides Gari Gari-kun popsicles.”
“N-no!... No. It’s just no one ever has done this for me. I’m just a little shocked is all, Y/N” he said a bit emotionally.
Y/N’s raised her eyebrow. “You’re not going to cry, are you?”
“Of course not! I just have something in my eye,” he cried out while he wiped his eyes.
Y/N let out a giggle. “Well, make sure to train hard. I want to see Karasuno go to the Nationals, ok?”
“Yosh! I’ll do my best!”
She just waved happily and turned to leave the classroom. Nishinoya hurried to show off his goods to Tanaka in the gym.
He ran all the way there before finding his shaved friend just about to enter the gym.
“Yo, Ryu! Look what Y/N gave me!” Nishinoya proudly showed off his gift.
“Whoa, all of that? Did you blackmail her?” Tanaka asked teasingly.
“Nah, she said she wants to see our team at the Nationals and told me to train hard! It’s like I have my very own cheerleader.”
Tanaka looked at Noya tentatively again and Noya’s face dropped at the expression.
“What? You keep looking at me like that.”
“Nothing. I just find it interesting that Y/N’s so nice to you. Do you think she likes you?”
Nishinoya’s face burned at the accusation and he quickly denied it.
“No way! Y/N’s just nice like that and she’s helpful with all her classmates. I mean she and I have gotten close lately, but I don’t think she likes me like that.”
“But does she give snacks to other boys? Or help them study? Does she treat them the same way she treats you?”
The questions left Nishinoya a bit speechless and unable to respond coherently.
“S-still I don’t think she likes me, Ryu! There’s just no way!” He burst into nervous laughter and swerved around Tanaka to head up to the changing rooms.
As he climbed the stairs all he could think about was, ‘Y/N’s pretty and tall there’s just no way she would like me. Absolutely no way!’
 16 times
 Most of his class was heading out to their Thursday lab class that occurred in another building. He was sluggishly making his way to chemistry which he wasn’t ok with. Because no Friday should ever end with a class as awful as chemistry (still not as bad as literature though)!
He wanted to practice volleyball some more after their practice match with Nekoma. Next time he was going to receive all the serves headed his way. His thought process was broken by high pitched squealing.
“Ehhhh? Is that Y/N-san’s boyfriend?” a girl called out.
As soon as he heard the word “boyfriend” and “Y/N” in the same sentence, his head snapped so quickly towards the group of girls talking that he could feel a kink in the back of his neck.
He looked towards Y/N and what looked like a familiar boy. Wait, was that Tsukishima? Since when did she know him?
“No way! I think he’s a first year. Look she’s handing some papers to him. It’s probably student council business.”
Sure enough, Y/N handed Tsukishima a huge stack of papers to which he took and bowed to the older girl in thanks.
“Oh, that makes sense. But don’t they look so cute though? Look, their height difference is only a few centimeters. They match so well,” his classmate said eagerly to her friend.
Nishinoya waited to hear the group of girls disagree with a frown. Only for that frown to get deeper when he heard resounding approval. Did they not know how rude Tsukishima was or how crappy his personality was? Y/N wouldn’t ever be happy with a guy like that! She needed someone who could appreciate how caring she was, not someone who would take advantage of her kind nature.
With that in mind, he rushed to rescue his friend before Tsukishima could get his claws in her.
“Hey Y/N, aren’t you going to chemistry? It’s time,” he said as he budged into their conversation.
Y/N’s eyes widened and checked the watch on her wrist. “Shoot! You’re right. Anyway, Tsukishima-san make sure to deliver that to your sensei.”
Tsukishima only nodded respectfully. “Will do. Ja! Senpai and Y/N-senpai.” He threw a weird, confused look at Nishinoya who kept sending him hostile glares.
As soon as he left, Nishinoya grabbed Y/N’s wrist and pulled her away.
“Stay away from him, Y/N. He’s on the volleyball team and he has a very nasty personality.”
“Huh? Do you mean Tsukishima-san? Are you sure? He was pretty polite to me,” she replied as she kept up with his pace easily.
“Oh, that’s a façade trust me. He always has something smart to say sooner or later. I still can’t believe he had the nerve to talk crap about Rolling Thunder!”
Y/N let out a giggle. “Rolling Thunder? What’s that?”
Nishinoya’s face lit up as he proceeded to explain how cool his super-duper receive was. And how he was called the deity of Karasuno’s volleyball team.
Soon enough the two had arrived at the lab and sat down at their assigned seats. Chemistry passed by him slowly as the teacher droned on and on about molarity. Even the lab that involved freezing and melting water by a flame turned out to be boring. Finally, the lab ended, and he was just about to zip out of there to head to practice when he heard the same group of girls again.
“Ne Y/N-san, which one of those boys would you date? Mai here thinks you suit Nishinoya-san, but I think you would suit that tall blonde boy that you were talking to earlier.”
Another voice interrupted, “aren’t Y/N and Nishinoya-kun close? I think it would make sense.”
“Yeah, but he’s so short! How would they even kiss? Don’t they have like a 10 cm height difference? It would be too weird.”
The girls burst into laughter and his heart dropped.  He knew the idea of Y/N liking him was too farfetched and even if she did it wouldn’t work out. So, without hearing what Y/N had to say he left the area in a hurry.
 20 times.
 He could feel the pressure surrounding the court, suffocating him and the team. They had to defeat Aoba Johsai to get to the finals. Apparently, his team had beaten Seijoh before in a practice match, but it was without their usual setter. “The Grand King” as he was called by Shoyo. A competent setter really made all the difference, huh. Well, Oikawa was better than competent, but Nishinoya really didn’t want to admit that right now. He was annoying in middle school and he was annoying now.
He blew a breath through his teeth as he once again caught a serve by Oikawa. The power of the serve had struck his forearms making them alarmingly red. He could feel the spirit of his team dimming as the rally continued. What should he do? He was getting the serves, but they were still trailing behind Seijoh.
“Fighto! Noya-kun! Fighto!” a familiar voice called out.
He looked up to see Y/N cupping her hands and cheering for him. Nishinoya felt relief flooding through him. She had let him know that she would be a bit late and she had missed several of their matches already. But now she was finally here. His lips trembled and he could feel his vision get watery. Quickly blinking the moisture away, he felt his spirit rekindle.
“Yosh! Everyone don’t worry about the match! I’ll protect the court, so you guys make sure to get those points! After all, I got your back,” he finished off with a wide grin.
Immediately, he could see Daichi relax and let out a small smile. Hinata and Kageyama exchanged a look and nodded. Even Tsukishima’s tense shoulders seem to drop a little. Their spirits renewed, the team quickly readied their stance and faced Seijoh once again.
 21 times.
 The defeat weighed upon the team as they moved through the building to get to the bus. They were going to head back to Karasuno and go to a nearby restaurant afterward. The team was quiet contemplating their loss silently, each of them coping with it differently. As for himself, he felt disappointed and upset of course, but there was still a drive burning inside of him. Seeing the libero on Seijoh cross the line and actually set up the ball, was inspiring. He wanted to try it out for himself for future matches like in the Spring High. However, there was still the somber atmosphere and he knew it wasn’t the right time to talk about future training just yet.
Nishinoya looked back to see Y/N running towards him. Daichi placed a hand on his shoulder.
“You have five minutes. Meet us at the bus.” He nodded in reply and the team left without him.
“Hey Y/N, I’m sorry…,” he began.
“Why are you sorry?”
He looked up at her face to see it scrunched up in confusion.
“B-because we lost. You told us to go to Nationals and we couldn’t go.”
“Are you kidding? You guys were amazing! I don’t know much about volleyball, but so many people in the audience were surprised by Karasuno. Apparently, Aoba Johsai is an amazing school, and the fact you guys lost by two points? I’m-m. I don’t know what to say! I’m speechless,” Y/N spat out in a rush, giddy in her excitement.
Y/N bent down a little and wrapped her hands around his waist. She pulled him close and he could feel her body heat against his.
“I’m so proud of you. I had no idea you were so good at volleyball,” she whispered.
His heartbeat sped out of control and he started to feel dizzy from the smell of her sweet perfume and the feeling of her soft skin against his. Why was he feeling this way? Wasn’t this how he usually felt around Kiyoko-san and other cute girls? The realization hit him hard. Was he actually starting to like her? And not just in a joking, faux way he did with Kiyoko-san, but in a way that involved heart fulfilling confessions?
Nishinoya could feel himself panic and his body stiffened at the close contact. Y/N noticed right away his body’s reaction and stumbled back quickly.
“Oh gomen. I-I got too excited,” Y/N said as she blushed.
“It’s fine,” he trailed off watching as Y/N nervously played with her hair. He eyed the prominent blush on her face. Why was she acting like….. Oh. Oh. He wanted to immediately deny it like he had done with Tanaka all those weeks ago, but it was hard to when the evidence was right in front of his eyes.
He had to go. He had to go now!
“Listen Y/N, the team’s waiting for me. I have to get on the bus.”
She smiled and replied, “of course. I’ll see you at school tomorrow?”
School? Oh, hell he didn’t even think about that.
“Yeah, sure,” he got out before leaving her behind. He had a lot to think about.
 25 times.
 Nishinoya wasn’t trying to avoid Y/N on purpose. He still greeted her in class, but he was just no longer engaging her in inane conversation like he did every day. He had a lot to think about. Again, how he didn’t notice her feelings earlier; he had no idea. She wasn’t obvious but when they were alone her earnest gaze was hard to ignore.
As he tried to get himself together, Nishinoya knew he was making Y/N upset by ignoring her. But he couldn’t help himself. Sure, he was the definition of a man who was girl-crazy, but it was all in good fun. He wasn’t seriously pursuing anyone even Kiyoko-san knew that. But this situation was very real and very complicated. In the end, it could cost him the one female he managed to somehow befriend. Still, he wouldn’t have known that Y/N was going to use the opportunity to be honest.
“Noya-kun, can we talk alone?” Y/N asked one afternoon as he was readying to flee the classroom.
“O-oh, I’m not sure. Daichi-san might make me do laps for being late,” he replied flustered at her request.
“Please. It won’t take long,” she pleaded.
Hearing the urgency in her voice, he could no longer refuse. “Alright.”
They walked out of the classroom and she led him behind one of the older science buildings.
She stood in front of him, clenching and unclenching the grip on her bag before she hesitantly spoke.
“N-noya-kun, I have something to tell you.”
Nishinoya felt his eyes widened.
“I know we have become really good friends over the last few months. But I can’t help myself. I really like you! Please accept my feelings!” she said before bowing to him.
“I can’t, Y/N. I don’t really think of you that way. I’m sorry.”
Y/N stood up and looked a bit shocked. Her face that was previously flushed with nervousness drained and became pale.
Nishinoya bowed in return and said, “I’m really sorry. I hope we can still be friends.”
Still looking quite aghast she replied in a small voice, “I-I…. of course, Noya-kun. I just need a little time that’s all.”
He hesitated for a minute as he tried to explain why he was saying no. That he was confused with his own feelings, but before he could begin, Y/N ran off without another word.
“Y/N! Wait up!” He ran after her and caught her wrist, forcing her to turn around and face him.
Her face was wet with tears. “Please, I have to go.”
Stupefied at making Y/N cry, he let her go without another word.  He only watched as she got farther and farther away, he couldn’t help but think that he made a mistake.
 25 times
 He could distantly hear volleyball hitting the gym floor and the sound of someone saying, “nice kill.” But it all seemed to fade away.
Daichi hollered, “alright, let’s do another penalty drill.”
Nishinoya absentmindedly followed his teammates doing another round after they lost again to Fukurodani.
“Oy Noya, this way. We have to run up the hill now. Practice is done for the day,” Tanaka said as he dragged him.
“Right. Gomen,” Nishinoya muttered.
As he ran up the hill, he didn’t notice Tanaka looking at him worriedly. He approached Nishinoya after he was lying at the bottom of the hill and panting for his life.
“Let’s talk, me and you. There’s something bothering you,” Tanaka blurted out.
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine. Just the losses are getting to me that’s all.”
“Bull! I’m your best friend I know these things.”
Nishinoya looked around to see the rest of the Karasuno members busy trying to catch their breath or getting water.
He sat up and plucked the grass on the hill. “Y/N confessed to me before the training camp.”
“What?!” Tanaka yelled out.
Nishinoya got startled by Tanaka’s volume and crushed the grass blades in his hand by accident.
“Shhhhh! Quiet!” he ordered, “do you want everyone to hear?”
They turned around to see the rest looking at them weirdly before assuming it was just the duo being their obnoxious selves and going back to relaxing.
“Noya, you bastard! You got a girlfriend before me! I’m happy and sad at the same time,” Tanaka blubbered trying to hug Nishinoya.
“Ugh! Get off me, Ryu! You’re sweaty and it’s too hot.”
He sighed with relief when his excitable friend finally got off him. “And no, I didn’t. I rejected her.”
Tanaka burst out laughing. “I’m sorry I think I heard you wrong. I thought you just said you rejected a pretty girl asking you out.”
“I did reject her! And she ran off crying.” Nishinoya said desolately.
Tanaka ran his fingers over his shaved head, trying to pull his nonexistent hair in fury.
“What?! Why?! This was your chance and don’t give me that bullshit about not liking her that way! You do I can tell! When you and I talk about Kiyoko-san, you get all excitable. But when you’re talking about Y/N you’re actually quiet and serious for the first time.”
Was he like that for real? He had no idea. All he knew was that he had messed up. That day after he rejected her, Y/N was polite as if they were acquaintances. There was this barrier between the two despite being their desks only a few feet away. She never ignored him, but she kept this façade by ignoring personal questions and answering noncommittally whenever she could.
“But you still haven’t told me why you rejected her,” Tanaka continued.
“Because! Y/N’s 172 cm and I’m what 159 cm? Why would she want to date someone like me anyway?”
“Baka!” Tanaka hit the top of Nishinoya’s head. “Didn’t you say that height doesn’t matter and that you’ll fight with your life?”
He clutched the top of his head and moaned. “Ryu, you bastard! That’s with volleyball! You can’t apply the same thing with dating, dumbass!”
“Yes, I can! You think that if Kiyoko-san was over 190 cm I would stop pursuing her? No way! I would still build shrines to my gigantic goddess every single day if I have to! Who cares about height in volleyball or love? Besides, Y/N already knows about your damn height. She sees you every single day and she still confessed! Doesn’t that mean she doesn’t care in the first place?”
The words echoed in his head. Ryu was right! He was so caught up in his insecurities that he hadn’t realized that Y/N never cared about his flaws. Never once did she call him out on his height or even comment about it. The only time she did get annoyed with him was when he refused to study or asked to copy her work again.
“Ryu, you genius! You’re right!” Nishinoya said cheerfully pushing himself on Tanaka’s shoulders.
Tanaka put his hands on his hips and threw his head back as he laughed gleefully. “Of course! You better fix things with Y/N when we get back. Until then get your head back in the game, Noya. Karasuno needs our libero.”
He felt his spirits being uplifted, the rejection no longer weighing as heavily as before.
“Yosha! I want to practice some more. Wanna help me with something, Ryu? I have something I wanna try,” he asked thinking of the tactics that libero used during the Seijoh match.
 26 times
 He could hear Y/N’s tinkling laughter as she covered her mouth to giggle whatever dumb shit his classmates were telling her. She never covered her mouth with him instead laughing with tears in her eyes desperately trying to breathe while he laughed along with her. She never had to pretend in front of him. But the fact she would rather entertain whatever they were asking her instead of hanging out with him before morning classes began, hurt. But could he blame her? Why would she want to talk to someone who rejected her? Still, at the same time, he couldn’t help but feel that maybe Y/N’s feelings weren’t as genuine as he thought they were. Because there she was acting normally with other people.
He let out a sigh of relief as the bell rang not because he was excited about class. Rather it meant Y/N had to return to her seat and all the boys surrounding class president Mai’s seat also had to go back.
“Hey Y/N, how was your break?” he asked tentatively.
She spared him a glance and a muted smile.
“Good.” She reached inside her desk and pulled out her textbook.
He couldn’t help the annoyance bubbling up. School just restarted! There was no way she had any work to review, but Y/N was putting on an act like they were about to be handed their midterm exams.
Before Nishinoya could say anything, their gruff sensei had entered and started class. He honestly couldn’t say he learned anything that day. Too anxious rehearsing in his mind on what he would say to Y/N.
When it was finally lunchtime, he made his way to Tanaka’s classroom for some reassurance. Nishinoya was going to corner Y/N before she went home. Hopefully, it would end well and with Y/N as his girlfriend if he had anything to say about it. Again, too nervous to eat, he just gulped down some bread and headed back to his classroom.
He let out a groan when he heard those gossipy classmates of his again. Didn’t they have anything better to do with themselves? Maybe study like the responsible students they all pretended to be?
“What do you mean Y/N has a confession? In the courtyard? W-who is it?—”
Nishinoya didn’t even bother to hear the rest and ran out like someone just announced their volleyball club was being discontinued. He didn’t even bother apologizing to the students he was pushing through to get to his destination. His mind being preoccupied with one thought only.
‘There’s no way I’m losing her to anyone else!’
He arrived in the empty courtyard to see an unfamiliar boy and Y/N standing alone. An unfamiliar tall boy. Y/N and he were the same height.
Nishinoya scowled deeply and stomped towards the two.
“Oy! Y/N doesn’t like you get lost!” he growled out.
Y/N jumped and turned around to look astounded by his appearance.
The boy’s eyebrows furrowed, “um who are you?”
“The guy that Y/N likes and confessed to! So, she doesn’t need or want your second-rate confession,” he snarled as a dark aura surrounded him.
“Though, I would be happy to rearrange your face if you don’t leave right now.”
The boy paled and unceremoniously turned around, walking away at a fast pace. He could be heard murmuring, “what’s his issue I was only passing on a note?” But neither of the two particularly cared.
“Noya-kun! How could you?” Y/N asked aghast.
“Me? What about you? You only confessed to me about two weeks ago! How could you?”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed and Nishinoya’s own cheeks reddened in response. Neither of them had spoken about what happened since that day.
She fidgeted a bit before replying, “i-it doesn’t matter! You don’t like me anyway that means I’m free to date whoever I want.”
Nishinoya took a deep breath knowing it was time to tell her the truth about his feelings.
“You’re wrong. I do like you! In fact, I like you a lot! Probably more than you ever thought possible.”
Y/N’s eyes widened. “But you rejected me! Why did you do that if you liked me?”
“Because I was worried about what people might think of a pretty girl like you dating someone like me. I was insecure about my height. I didn’t think you and I would work out,” he explained quietly.
“Noya-kun, I knew about the short delinquent with the blond streak since first year. And I never cared about that. I like you because of how much passion and persistence you have. You think I didn’t notice the different pain relief patches on your arms? You think I didn’t notice how much you gave your all during your match against Seijoh despite losing? Or the fact that you’re horrible at literature but still study because I asked you to? I could go on and on-“
Nishinoya felt his heartbeat race out of control. No one had ever said something so nice about him and especially not a girl. A girl that had been on his mind for weeks. No, not weeks. But if he was being honest since the day he had met her.  
“Please go on. Tell me more about why you like me,” he said with a huge smile.
“I—no way! It’s too embarrassing!” she squealed and hid her face behind her hands.
“Oh please? I’ve never had a girl tell me she liked me twice!”
Y/N peaked between her fingers. “Did you mean it? Do you really like me back?”
Nishinoya motioned for her to bend down. Y/N, out of curiosity, did as she was told. He tugged her hand when she got closer, to connect their two mouths. She let out a noise when she felt his chapped lips against hers. He took her quiet sigh as a good sign and pressed harder. There was no earth-shattering moment nor was she suddenly the center of his gravity like people would say. But her soft lips felt warm and inviting so he discreetly asked for permission by sliding his tongue between her lips. Their tongues tangled and danced despite neither knowing what to do. It was messy and awkward, but they didn’t care as their enthusiasm and passion overcame their inexperience. When breathing became necessary, he reluctantly separated while she let out a small whine unable to disguise her disappointment.
“Now do you get it? I really do like you.”
Y/N nodded happily and gave Nishinoya a quick peck.
“Wait, what do you mean by short delinquent? Who called me a delinquent? What the hell?” he asked out of the blue.
She burst out laughing and laughed even harder at Nishinoya’s miffed face.  
 27 times
 Nishinoya marveled at the feeling of her soft hand holding his coarse callous filled hand.
“I’ll wait for you after your practice. We can get some Gari Gari-kun popsicles,” Y/N said.
“Are you sure?” he asked worriedly. She already came in early for the student council. She didn’t need to stay late too.
“It’s fine don’t worry.” She stepped down the staircase and looked back up at him. “What are you waiting for? Aren’t you going to be late for practice?”
Nishinoya looked down at her curiously and smirked. With him standing on the upper stair, now their heights looked equal for the perfect angle.
“To do this,” he murmured before pulling Y/N in for a quick smooch.
She didn’t hesitate to grant him entry and let him explore for a while before pulling away. Her eyes sparkled looking lovingly at him.
“Ja!” he called out before running down the stairs. Nishinoya only sent a haughty look to an embarrassed Shoyo and Kageyama who were looking at anyone but him. A hysterical Tanaka came running up to him.
“Noya! You became a man!” The two best friends hugged and thumped each other on the back.
Daichi and Sugawara came out of their gym only to see the second-year duo crying and hugging each other, while Hinata and Kageyama were suspiciously red.
“I don’t know what’s going on here, but I better see you in the gym warming up soon or there will be hell to pay,” Daichi said as he gritted his teeth. He headed back inside shaking his head.
Sugawara puttered over to Hinata and poked him.
The twitchy first year screamed and relaxed when it was only his senpai.
“What’s going on here?” he whispered to Hinata.
“O-oh. Um. It seems Noya-senpai got a girlfriend.”
“Phfft. Funny joke, Hinata. Seriously what’s going on?” Sugawara asked again.
This time Kageyama interrupted, “no it’s the truth. We saw them on the stairs just now. K—k-is”
The flushed dark-haired boy unable to finish his sentence just threw his milk carton away and walked off muttering something about “warming up” and “volleyball”.
“Huh. It must be the truth then,” Sugawara uttered disbelievingly watching as Nishinoya and Tanaka were now talking about double dates as they entered the gym.
 28 times
 Hinata got on his bike and was now ready to go home when he spotted a familiar boy with a blonde streak. He was about to call out for him when a taller girl stepped next to him. Noya-senpai’s face beamed with happiness and grabbed the girl in for a hug. The two then walked off hand in hand as the sun set behind them.
‘If Noya-senpai can get a girl like that there’s hope for me too!’ Hinata cheered. With that positive thought in mind, he biked vigorously home ten times harder.
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eeshahihihihih hiii eeeeeeshaaaaaa i am handing u an elaborate bouquet of tulips and pansies that look that they came from a flower shop but in reality i got them from my nonexistent garden and i am also sending kaju katli and jalebi and pani puri to wherever you are ok hi i love you i saw younon the dash and went ’EESHA JAAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ i really should STOP. rambling. i need to do my math homework. i need to finish it off. ok. im gonna go bye take CARE OF YOURSELF AND DRINK GODDAMN WATER please im going BYE ily <3
HIIIIIIIIIIIII LAILA HOW R U!!!!!!!!!!!! im taking the elaborate bouquet of tulips and pansies and handing you one of jasmines and lavender <33 AND YESSSSSSSSSSSS i LOOOOVE kaju katli im obsessed u with u PLEASE i also go OMGGG ITS LAILAAAAA on the dash whenever i see u <333 im not gonna tell u to have fun with ur math hw but hope u finished ur math hw!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE U DRINK SOME WATER I LOVE U!!!!!!!!
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tomholland20 · 4 years
Chapter 2: A beautiful evening!
Peter Parker: Tom Holland.
(Peter's aunt) May Parker: Marisa Tomei.
Y/n: You/ reader
(Y/n’s dad) Tony Stark: Robert Downey, Jr.
(Y/n’s mom) Kathryn Stark: Jennifer Aniston.
(Y/n’s brother) David Stark: Shane Harper.
(Peter's best friend) Ned: Jacob Batalon.
(Peter’s best friend) MJ: Zendeya
Warning: PG-13, bad language, violence, sadness, kissing, etc...
Credit: My best friend Anjali, who helped me with this story!
Before you start reading and you haven’t read this story from the beginning please go and read it from there it will make more sense!
Note: Hey guys, so I wrote this story for Marvel and Tom Holland/Peter Parker fans! I just want to say that this is just a fun story for entertainment purposes. I mixed everything up in this story, their love, action, drama, and more. And as you can see by the cast, I mixed it up. This is a story about Peter Parker and Y/n (your name) story. I hope you like it!! If you want a girl and a Peter Parker version tell me and I will do one........
Summary: You move to a new school where you find yourself falling in love with a guy named Peter Parker and can’t get over him... You and Peter knew each other for 3 years because he had an internship with your dad Tony Stark but you never really talked to him. One day during a scary fire that takes place in the mall. Spider-man (Peter Parker) comes to save you from the deadly fire. Later on in the story, You find out about Peter Parker being spiderman. This story is full of drama, romance, love and more, I hope you enjoy it!!
Chapter 2: A beautiful evening!
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After 2 weeks of going to school, you and Peter became close. You also became close to MJ Peter's best friend as she was in the same drama play as you. Peter and Ned both forced you to watch Star Wars, which you really liked. Everything was changing, you were finally smiling genuinely and you were getting over your ex. It was like a new beginning for you. People at school liked you, you were smart, good looking, and nice. You were kind of popular as you’re Tony Stark's son.
“Hey, Y/n!” Peter yelled across from the school hallway
“Hey” you replied. “What happened, are you ok?” You asked, Peter looked tired and he was out of breath.
Peter: "Yeah I'm ok, umm do wanna come over today? I have math homework and I was thinking maybe we can do it together?”
Peter was so timid when he started talking to you, even you were shy when he asked you to come over.
Y/n: Yeah sure... w-what time?
Peter: Is 5 good?
Y/n: yeah! Well, 5 it is then!
Peter: Sure! See you... bye.
Y/n: bye…
It was finally 5 pm and you were ready to go to Peter's house. Happy your dad’s assistant dropped you off at Peters place. “Ok, y/n I want you to take care of yourself and be in your best behavior.” You were a little curious as to why Happy had to say that but you agreed with him and went inside. You were in front of Peter's doorstep, you took a deep breath as if you were going on a date with him. You knock on the door and May (Peter’s aunt) opens the door. “Oh let me guess, you must be Y/n! Peter talks a lot about you." “Hi, Mrs. Parker, yes I’m y/n” you give May a big smile and she offers you to come in. “Do you want anything to drink?”
May: ok then, I’ll call Peter
“Peter y/n is here.” Peter runs out of his room and walks right towards the living room where you were. “Wow, are you ok? you look stressed.” “Yeah, I’m fine don’t worry! Wanna get started with math homework?”
Y/n: sure!
Peter brings you to his room. His room was full of Star Wars DVDs, there was a bed and a tv along with his table. Peter takes out his math homework and starts working. While working you notice a bad cut on his hand that he was trying to hide from you. Your eyes opened wide. “Peter, how did you get that cut,” you say in a tensed way. “It’s nothing I promise.” “do you have a first aid box here?” “Y/n don’t worry.”
Y/n: “tell me!”
Peter: “there is one in my bag”
You quickly run towards where his bag was and open it. You look for the first aid kit and as soon as you find it you hurry towards Peter. Without saying anything you open the first aid kit and taking Peter's hands and you start to clean the cut. “Ouch!!.”
“Sorry! Does it hurt?” You ask looking towards him with a worried face. This was new to you caring so much for someone that you cant even control your emotions in front of them, even though you had had a boyfriend this still felt new and you liked this feeling. “A little..” he replies with a little smile, ‘oof someone needs to tell this guy to stop smiling like that, that damn smile is going to be the death of me’ you thought. You smile back at him and keep cleaning the cut, finishing it with a bandage.
Even though you couldn't see, Peter has been busy trying to contemplate this weird feeling, attachment towards. Weirdly enough he liked how you cared about him, made him smile, made all his days feel fun and he even wanted to tell you something but didn’t. After a while both of you were quiet and were done with the homework. May comes running into the room saying “pizza is here!” she hands out your pizza’s. “Oh I have to leave soon.” “It's ok, stay for pizza at least” Peter requests you. You couldn’t resist it so you stayed for 15 more minutes. You and Peter both sat down and started to watch star wars. “Hey, if you don’t mind me asking, how did you get that cut?” Peter stopped chewing on the pizza and looked at you “Uh I was in a rush so I guess my hand cut into something.” He says “You should be more careful next time you know” you tell Peter with a little giggle. You and Peter finish eating and start talking about each other. “Since you moved here I didn’t get to know much about you, so why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?” You look at Peter and smile "sure! Well I was born and raised in New York. Umm do I have to continue I’m really bad at this...” you and Peter share a little giggle again. “You’re really nice Y/n, seriously the way you handled my cut I really appreciate it, so thank you.” “No problem” you answered back blushing.
You get a phone call from Happy informing his waiting for you outside. “Oh Happy is here, I got to go. Thanks for having me over Peter!”
Peter: anytime!
You rush to the door saying bye to May and head out *take that bread and that head then leave!! Oky sorry bye*. You get in the car and Happy drives you home. “So how was your evening?”
“It was so romantic.” “What??” You snap out of your dreamy self and Happy is just surprised. “Oh wait no sorry I didn’t mean to say that, I meant it was good.” “You got me worried there.” You roll your eyes as you are tired of hearing people say things like that homophobic asswipes. When you reach home your brother walks out of the house and looks angry. “Hey, David'' you say when your voice fades away. You walk in and you see your parents tensed.
Y/n: Hey guys!
Kathryn: Hey honey.
Y/n: David just walked out, and he looked really angry.
Tony: don’t worry about him, how was your evening with Peter?
Y/n: it was good, we got to finish all of our homework, we ate pizza and watched star wars.
Tony: sounds like you had fun! Didn’t you...
Before you answer your dad’s question David walks back in again ignoring everyone in the dining room.
Y/n: Ok what’s wrong?
Mom: Sweetie, there's nothing to worry about. I promise you nothing happened. He's just a little moody.
Your dad cracks a joke saying “girlfriend problems” with a laugh, you also laugh since your brother was not the best boyfriend. *like who are kidding he’s so annoying how does his girlfriend even handle him? aight bye* Your mom looks at you and Tony.
Tony: What? it's true...
Kathryn: Don’t worry about any of these things right now. Tomorrow is a big day, there will be a new girl coming to school. She is your Dad’s Friend's daughter. So I want you to show her around the school along with Peter.
“Yeah I can do that” you reply fast as soon as you hear Peter’s name. “Aww honey thank you” she looks at you in a curious way. “You look really into Peter I can see, are you gay for him?” Your dad asks. “NOO” you say really fast. “I just want to make new friends, that's all” your dad looks at you and with his glasses by his nose. “I’m kind of tired so why don’t I go to bed now.” “Sure sweetie, good night!” “Good night mom, good night dad!”
Tony: good night!
You go to bed not being able to forget about your beautiful evening with Peter and you want the night to pass by fast so you can meet Peter again. You were really in love with him *only if that asshole knew jeez like can he just propose to me and get done with this shit? Babe I'm waiting? You here?*.
Note: Hey guys!! Sorry it took us so long to post this chapter. School and all has been stressful so we are sorry to keep you guys waiting. This chapter is soo cute honestly. I hope you liked it. Chapter 3 is on the way maybe we will be done by next Friday and then I will post it! But there is a lot to come in Y/n’s and Peters life. Do you think Peter is in love with you? What is he hiding from you? To find out read the story love in the air!
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tortie-tales · 4 years
Friendship Ch. 3
I blinked.
"Uh... (y/n)?" Mokuba waved his hand in front of my face.
I opened my mouth and then closed it.
"Mokuba..." I began, my throat dry. "what is your last name?"
"Kaiba. Did you not know that?"
I rubbed my temples. Was Joey talking about Mokuba when he was telling those stories? I glanced at Mokuba, who looked concerned. Nah, he's too precious. What about Se-
My cheeks began to heat up.
God I can't even think his first name without blushing. Kaiba. What about Kaiba? The older one. Man this is going to get confusing.
"Anyone there?" Mokuba tapped on my shoulder. I continued to stare at the ground. "Um..." he whispered in my ear "do you have to use the bathroom?"
"What?" The question caught me off guard, snapping me out of my thoughts. "No, uh, sorry Mokuba. We already know each other, we have math together."
"Oh. Well, that makes things easier then. Let's sit down." he pulled on my arm and led me towards the couch.
"I'm still able to walk, Mokuba," I said, chuckling. I pulled my arm out of his grasp and followed him to the living area. There were two leather couches with a beautiful glass coffee table in between them.
Mokuba jumped on the couch. "I still have to do homework, and I'm going to," he looked at Kaiba, "but I will only do so while you two are conversing. Go on. Talk." he said, staring at us.
Geez, did he do crack or something today?
I sat down and looked at Kaiba. He seemed uncomfortable, remaining standing. He looked at me and then glanced away. "I should get back to work," he muttered, before turning around and walking away.
I jumped up to protest, slamming my knee into the corner of their glass coffee table in the process.
I kneeled down and softly punched the floor.
"Ooo, that looked like it hurt. You ok, (y/n)?" Mokuba asked, sounding more entertained than concerned.
"Yeah just give me a sec," I quickly whispered, still on the ground.
I took a deep breath and stood up, and smacked my elbow on the coffee table.
Why, Ra, why do you hate me?
"You—" I pointed at Kaiba with my uninjured arm "—sit down. Mokuba, shut up." I glared at Mokuba, who was snickering behind me.
I sat back down next to Mokuba, and Seto sat across from me.
The pain shooting down my arm began to subside, so I opened my purse.
"Mokuba said that you would want to see my deck? It's dragon stuff so I don't know if you're into that or what, but that's mainly why I'm here." I handed the deck to Kaiba and looked at Mokuba, who was staring at us intently. "Aren't you supposed to be doing homework?"
"Yeah, but I don't want to miss you hitting the coffee table again," he said, grinning. My cheeks became warm again.
"Listen here you little sh-"
"I'm doing my homework! See! Wow, numbers are great!" he quickly started scribbling words on a piece of paper.
I sighed and turned back to Kaiba. "Any thoughts?" I asked.
"It has potential. But too many weak areas." He carefully handed the deck back to me, not looking me in the eye.
What is his problem? Did I freak him out?
"Oh..." I put the deck back into my purse and stared at the ground.
So awkward...
"So, what do you do in your free time?" I asked, desperate for the silence to end.
"Wow, really?" I asked, sarcasm dripping off each word. "I meant outside of work." I laughed slightly.
"Go to school."
Ra help me.
"Are you messing with me?" I tried to catch his gaze but he looked away again. "Ok, let's try again. What are your hobbies?" I asked, trying to be more clear this time, in case he really wasn't messing with me.
Kaiba was quiet.
"What's your favorite color?" I asked.
"...blue," he mumbled.
"Hey! Now we're going places! Mine is (f/c)," I said, slightly excited.
Kaiba was sitting next to the ledge of the couch, looking to the side, his hand slightly covering his mouth.
He mumbled something.
"How do you know Wheeler?"
"Oh! Uh, I moved here last year, and I met him and Tristan at McDonald's. It's funny, actually, Joey and I walked up to the counter at the same time, and we started fighting over who would order first. Long story short, Tristan apologized for Joey's behavior, I offered to buy them lunch, and we've been friends ever since." I smiled fondly at the memory.
"You two seem.. close," Kaiba pointed out, now actually looking at me.
"Yeah, I like to think so. He's like the annoying brother I never had," I said, grinning. My smile fell as I thought of my own family.
Now is not the time for that, I thought to myself, forcing a smile to go back on my face.
"So—" my sentence was cut short by Mokuba slamming his book closed. I jumped, winced, and threw my arm up.
"Done!" he yelled excitedly.
I laughed at myself and lowered my arm.
"Why are you so jumpy?" Kaiba was facing me now, staring. It was slightly unnerving.
My thoughts trailed to my family once again, and I shook my head. "I guess it's just my personality," I said quickly. Kaiba squinted his eyes and I laughed nervously.
Calm down, (y/n). It was just Mokuba, you're not being attacked.
I looked at my phone. The next bus will be there soon.
"I should probably get going, I still need to study some more for that math test tomorrow," I said, tapping my phone. "Oh! That reminds me. Kaiba, can I get your number before I head out?"
The brothers looked at me, shocked. Mokuba's jaw dropped, and he looked like he would either start laughing or yell. Kaiba's mouth was slightly open, and he just looked surprised. His cheeks were flushed slightly.
Why is he blushing? All I want is his nu-
O h n o.
"WAIT, NO, THAT CAME OUT WRONG!" I yelled, embarrassed. "I don't know anyone else who knows math and I was just wondering if I could get your number, that way I could text you if I didn't understand something! I should've explained that first before just asking for your number I'm so sorry." I tripped over my words, desperate to explain myself. My hands had come up without my permission, ready to absorb some of the blow if I were hit. I realized the position I was in and quickly lowered my arms.
Kaiba stood up and slowly walked towards me. He gently took my phone out of my hands, added his contact, and handed it back to me. "Feel free to text me if you have any questions. That's my personal number, so don't give it out to anyone," he said, looking as though he were studying me. I nodded and put my phone in my purse.
"Ok. Um, bye. Bye, Mokuba. Thanks for having me," I said, my voice barely above a whisper, before walking towards the door and leaving.
I briskly walked to the bus stop, got on the bus, got off, walked home, and flopped on my bed. I stared at the ceiling.
Good job, (y/n). You are so good at making friends.
I screamed into my pillow.
I am not sleeping tonight.
I made myself a cup of coffee and pulled out my math book.
Time to study, I guess.
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Skyline Manor by GleefullyCaptainSwan
Chapter 1/13
Read on AO3: | Chapter 1
Or on FF
Stacy's Tortured Crew: @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @mariakov81 @qualitycoffeethings @zaharadessert @jrob64 @jonesfandomfanatic @natascha-ronin @tiganasummertree @xarandomdreamx @therooksshiningknight @batana54 @superchocovian @onceratheart18 @ultraluckycatnd @snowbellewells @karlyfr13s @the-darkdragonfly
Chapter 1: Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a time in the faraway land of Bostonia, lived a Princess named Emma Swan and her son, Sir Henry and while Sir Henry loved and adored his mother, he longed for adventure. Life at Skyline Manor bordered on mundane, and Sir Henry wanted to see the world, find buried treasure, or save the kingdom from impending doom. But most of all, the thing Sir Henry wanted most in all the realms was for his mother to find true love.
Princess Emma had many suitors, presently she was being courted by Duke Humbert of Rockport, a friend of her brother King David’s and an honorable man. Yet for all the dancing, flowers, and bold intentions, his mother had not yet settled for the Duke.
For Sir Henry knew that his mother was longing for her own adventure. He had observed her many times from her window, while glancing up from his place in the garden. She would sit, stoically, her gaze always looking outward, staring wistfully at the sea. But alas, adventure was frowned upon for the Princess, as King David wanted her to settle down and marry, forever giving up her chance at finding the one thing that had alluded her. A happy ending.
“Henry, dinner is ready.”
Henry dropped his pen and turned toward his door, shoving his notebook in his desk drawer as his mother entered his bedroom.
“Did you hear me? Dinner’s ready.”
“Yup, just finishing up my homework.” He closed his math book and stood from his desk. “We aren’t having meatloaf again are we?”
His mother tussled his hair and pushed him toward the kitchen. “No, mac and cheese tonight.”
“Oh yum.” He exclaimed before she grabbed him by the shirt.
“Wash your hands first.”
“Mom.” He whined. “My hands are clean.”
“Now.” She demanded. “Then come to the table. We won’t start without you.”
“Yeah, I told you last week that Graham was coming for dinner tonight?”
Henry smiled, “Oh yeah.” He turned away from his mother so she wouldn’t see the frown on his face. Graham “The Bore” Humbert and his mother had been dating for six months. It wasn’t that Henry didn’t like him; he just wasn’t interesting. He had been excited when he first met him, leather jacket, with a shiny gold badge, he couldn’t wait to hear all his stories about chasing bad guys or shooting a gun, only to find out that he wasn’t exactly a cop but more like a security guard for an old folk’s home.
He was a nice man, polite, friendly, and his mom seemed to like him, so he tried not to show his disappointment when his mother invited him along to things they used to do together. Going to the zoo, spending time at the park by the docks, or go-kart racing, all of the previous mother/son activities became, mother/son plus Graham activities. While it was disappointing, his mother deserved to be happy. She had gone through a rough time with her dad and though they had stopped yelling at each other, he knew that she had been unhappy for a really long time.
Seeing his mother laugh and smile was great and everything, but Henry just didn’t feel like Graham was the right man for his mom. Case in point, when he and his mom wanted to try sailing, Graham got seasick and threw up the entire trip. Or when they went to that new escape room downtown and Graham ignored his mother’s suggestion to enter the code they found in the chest on the cabinet lock and ended up wasting twenty minutes entering random numbers until time ran out.
Henry was sure that someone could be a nice man, just not the right man.
He spent many of their outings trying to find a better match for his mom. Every man they passed, or spoke to, became eligible options for Emma. So far he hadn’t found anyone worthy enough. He guessed Graham could do until he found something better. At least she wouldn’t be sad like she was before Graham had arrived.
“Goodness, did you wash off your fingerprints?” His mother asked as he sat down at the table.
“Sorry, I got distracted.” He said sheepishly as he sat down.
“How are you Henry?” Graham turned his attention nervously toward him.
He shrugged. “Good I guess.” Dinner was quiet, he dug his fork into the noodles, slipping them into his mouth as he glanced around the table. There was small talk that didn’t include him, mostly things Graham had dealt with at work, some man named Leroy fell and hurt his hip, the lady he always called Grans had gotten angry about the food in the cafeteria again, so he had to settle her back to her room. Not terrible things, but nothing that interested Henry and he wasn’t exactly a part of the conversation either. “Can I go hang out with Will tonight?”
“I thought maybe we could watch a movie.” She replied, looking between him and Graham.
“Will promised we could finish the Falcon tonight.” He whined.
“You’re building a bird?” Graham asked.
“The Millennium Falcon.” He corrected with an air of disappointment when the man shrugged his shoulders, not understanding what it was.
“Ok, what’s that?”
Henry’s mouth dropped and he turned toward his mother. “He doesn’t know what it is?”
“Afraid Graham doesn’t like Star Wars.” Henry blinked slowly. Another strike against you, buddy, he thought. “We were thinking we could watch “Paul Blart, Mall Cop.” His mother smiled toward Graham.
Mall Cop, he groaned internally. His mother hated that movie. He tried to fake a smile. “Sounds great.” He knew his voice must have sounded disingenuous when Graham cleared his throat and spoke.
“Emma, if he wants to build this Falcon car, I don’t mind, we can watch the movie some other time, or I can leave it here if he wants to watch it after we do, tonight.”
“Ok fine, but you have to go to bed at 9 tonight, you have school tomorrow.” Henry jumped up from the table. “And tell Will I said no bad words. I’m still getting dirty looks from the principle after you felt the need to use the phrase bloody hell when your teacher asked if you did your homework last week.”
“Got it, bed by 9, no bad words. Love you mom.” He kissed her cheek and ran out of the room, sticking his head back through the opening of the door. “Bye Graham.” He announced before running from the room toward the front door and sprinting across the hallway, colliding with something solid as soon as he shut his door.
He fell backward, landing on his rear and looking up to see a tall, dark haired man in a leather jacket staring down at him. “Sorry, lad, I fear I didn’t see you. I hope I haven’t injured you.” He held his hand out and helped him off the floor.
“Takes a lot more than that to hurt me.” He replied with a grin taking in the stranger’s appearance, wondering who he was and what he was doing here.
“Alright then lad, glad you’re not hurt.”
Henry looked down and picked up the item the man dropped, turning it over in his hand, it was a set of keys with a ship’s anchor hanging from a chain. “Cool anchor.”
The man laughed and took the keys from his hand. “Thanks, mate. I’m Killian Jones, I just moved in next door.” He gestured to the door on the other side of his own.
“My name’s Henry.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Sir Henry.” He stated and Henry’s eyes grew wide. “I hope you get to where you’re going safely.” He chuckled.
“Thanks, just going to visit my friend Will, he lives across the hall here.” Pointing to the door in front of them.
“Alright then, I won’t keep you. Be careful, I’m sure your mom and dad would be quite upset if you were injured.”
“I just live with my mom. My dad doesn’t live here.”
“You sure do give out a lot of information to strangers. You should be careful with that; I could be an untrustworthy person?”
“Are you?”
“Well, no, but you should still be careful, lad.” He said with a laugh. “Have a good evening, I’m sure I’ll see you around.”
Henry waved as the man retreated down the hall, his anchor keychain jingling from his back pocket. A smile grew on his face. A new player had arrived on the scene, he thought before knocking on the door in front of him.
Will Scarlet opened the door, smiling down at him. “Bloody hell, it’s already 7pm. You’re already late.”
“Mom says you can’t use that word while I’m here. And I couldn’t help it, Graham came over tonight and wanted to watch Mall Cop.” Will Scarlet was his mother’s best friend. They had known each other since before Henry was born. Will was Henry’s Godfather and Will’s place was his favorite place to be besides his own home.
“Oh God. He takes that security guard thing a bit too far doesn’t he?”
“He doesn’t even watch Star Wars. Who doesn’t watch Star Wars?”
“Loads of people, mate, loads of incorrect and ignorant people.” He teased as they sat down in front of the multitude of Legos spread out on the table in front of them. “But cut him some slack, he’s a good man. Your mom could do worse.”
“She could do better.”
“Henry!” He warned. “Just because he’s a snoozer, doesn’t mean your mom doesn’t like being around him. She seems to see something in him that’s worth having around to her, so don’t screw that up, kid.”
Henry rolled his eyes. “I know, I know, I was nice to him. I promise.”
“Good to hear, kid.” He ruffled his hair and they worked together to find the pieces they needed to continue where they left off. “Did your mom get the chicken for the barbeque next weekend?”
Henry’s favorite summer tradition was the annual Skyline Apartment’s barbeque. It was held every June on the roof of the building and all the residents attended. The roof had the best view of the harbor in town and was the main reason his mom chose this place when they moved here three years ago.
“Yeah, she got it on Wednesday.” He paused. “Oh yeah, there’s a new guy, we need to invite him too.”
“Which new guy?”
“The guy who moved into the vacant apartment next door, 4C, I ran into him on my way over here.”
“I’ll make sure Rubes invites him, then.”
When Henry returned to his room later that evening he pulled the notebook out of his drawer and stared at the page.
Sir Henry hoped that a new adventure would be revealed at the annual ball. Every year, the residents of Skyline Manor hosted a party, which was attended by the King and Queen of Bostonia. Perhaps this would be the moment that his mother would find her true love. As preparations for the ball were being set, a mysterious ship dropped anchor at Bostonia Harbor, helmed by the bravest sailor in all the lands, Captain Killian Jones.
Killian Jones dropped his keys on the counter, looking around the empty apartment in front of him. Stepping out onto his balcony he closed his eyes and listened for the sound of the seagulls. He smiled to himself as he drank in the smells of the fresh ocean air. He could barely believe his luck when a unit opened at Skyline Apartments. He had been on the waiting list for a year after scoping out the best apartments close to the harbor.
This was a rare find. Living near the harbor meant he no longer had to sit in traffic to get to his job each day. Killian loved the ocean. When he moved to Boston from Maine two years ago, he knew that he wanted to work on the water. It was by chance that an old Navy friend of his knew of a job for a charter company that needed a Captain to give tours of the harbor to paying guests and the rest as they say, was history.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he fished it out from his restrictive denim jeans to glance at the screen.
Belle: Want to get dinner tonight? I assume you haven’t bought any groceries for your new apartment and if I didn’t get to you soon, you’d have already ordered pizza and opened a beer.
Killian laughed; Belle knew him so well. He’d been seeing the lass for the last six months, but he tried to keep things light between them. Dinner and a movie, perhaps a round of pool at a nearby bar, but Killian Jones didn’t have a girlfriend. She never spent the night, they didn’t celebrate each other’s birthdays, and they never talked about their future.
He liked Belle very much, she was a friendly lass, very attentive, an excellent lover, and honestly a great friend. But he couldn’t afford to make attachments.
His last relationship, if you could call it that, had lasted two years. The woman he had been seeing wasn’t exactly up front on all aspects of her personal life. Perhaps he should have seen the immediate red flags when they met and her relationship status on Facebook was “It’s complicated.” Turns out complicatedmeant married, and not in the separated variety either.
An arrest from a bar fight and a restraining order later, it was over. Everything Killian had thought he knew about his life had turned upside down. He had lived with a friend for a few months while he tried to recover from losing the woman he had planned to ask to marry him. When he was finally determined to move on, lost in drink and terrified of having his heart broken again, he swore to his brother that he would never enter a relationship with another woman.
He had not broken that drunken vow since. He enjoyed women, in fact, he had enjoyed the company of many a lass after nights spent at the bar, carnal activities were something he found himself quite skilled at. But that was usually as far as things went. One-night stands, chance encounters, never emotional connection.
Sure, his one-night stand with Belle French had extended into six months. One dinner that turned into a string of dinners and bedroom romps, but Killian kept his heart out of the transaction. Belle was fun, she was safe, and she seemed to understand their arrangement.
Killian: Or you could bring sandwiches from that place we went to on 5th. I’ll provide the beer. As long as you don’t mind sitting on the floor. Furniture doesn’t arrive until tomorrow afternoon.
Belle: On my way!
Killian stepped into the hall, locking his door behind him. He knew there was a convenience store within walking distance where he could purchase some beer for the evening. Turning toward the elevator he saw the door to the apartment next to him open and a man step out into the hall. He believed it to be the one the young lad came from earlier when they collided in the hall.
“Tell Henry goodnight for me.” The man’s attention was focused on the occupant still inside the apartment. “Sorry he missed the movie.���
“Maybe next time.” He heard a laugh as he approached, nodding to the man in the hall and turning toward the open door. He made eye contact with the most radiant green eyes he had ever seen, almost tripping over his own feet.
“Good evening.” He offered the greeting to the couple with a nod.
“Hey.” The woman said with a gorgeous smile that seemed to cause the entire dark hall to light up brightly. He continued to the elevator, only turning back when it opened, and he saw the man turn toward him.
“Hold the elevator.” He leaned over and kissed the woman, running down the hall and joining him in the small space. “Haven’t seen you around here before.” He offered his hand toward him and Killian shook it. “I’m Graham. Do you live here?”
“Aye, just moved in to 4C. Name’s Jones.”
“Ah you’re neighbors with my girlfriend and her kid.”
“Ah, Henry, I believe? I think I bumped into him in the hall earlier.”
“That’s him. Great kid.” He said as he exhaled. Killian nodded, unsure of what else to share with the man. He hated small talk and found it completely unnecessary. He was relieved when he heard the ding of the elevator announcing they had arrived on the ground floor.
“Nice meeting you.” He offered as he headed toward the exit.
“Yeah, I’m sure I’ll see you around.”
Emma stood in her doorway watching her boyfriend and the mystery man enter the elevator. She’d never seen him in the building before. She wondered if Ruby had met someone new recently. Obviously if she had, she could understand why she was keeping him a secret. He was gorgeous in that sort of dangerous, don’t-take-home-to-mom, kind of way.
She closed her door, locking it behind her as she went about cleaning the cups from the living room. It was a lovely evening with Graham, even if the movie was on her do-not-care-to-watchlist. Graham was a really good man. He was friendly, had a steady job, and treated her well. It was more than she had with her ex-husband, Neal.
Neal and Emma had burned with a fire that she knew could never be sustained. They burned hot and blew up just as quickly. She had been married to Neal for less than six months before he got arrested for breaking and entering. She should have known things weren’t going to work out when their first date was to a club that turned out to be a target for a robbery that he had been scoping out. She tried to reconcile all the reasons he could change if they stayed together. But Neal never grew up.
As soon as the ink dried on their divorce papers, she found out she was pregnant because isn’t that just how life works? She had thought she would be done with Neal forever, and then they were forced to work together to parent a child. Henry being born did cause Neal to grow up at least a little, and he gave up his previous life in order to maintain joint custody of their son. Emma had threatened that the moment she found out he was messed up in anything illegal, she would take him back to court immediately.
Eleven years later, and Neal was still clean. Completely and utterly immature, but at least he had held down the same job for the last three months. And he was getting paid legally instead of under the table, which was a welcomed change. For the most part they got along, mostly for Henry’s sake, but she was happy that Henry had both of his parents in his life.
That had been the most important part to her, growing up in the foster system without knowing her real parents had led to a difficult childhood. However, when she turned six, she had been adopted by Ruth and Robert Nolan. They had a son that was only 2 years older than her, and Emma and David became best friends. She had been so grateful to finally have a home, and a family and she never wanted her son to go without either.
She had everything she could ever want in life. A beautiful son, a wonderful family, the best friends she could ever ask for, and a man who cared about her. For all accounts, Emma was happy with her life. Which was all the more reason to be frustrated when she found herself sitting on her balcony tonight, like she did most nights, wondering if there wasn’t something more out there for her. She had everything she had ever asked for, so why was she always looking for shooting stars or waiting for the clock to hit 11:11 to make the wish she made every night when she closed her eyes…
I wish something big and exciting would happen.
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riverdaleouat4432 · 3 years
Lost love
Jasper Hale x reader  Warnings: Heart break, swearing, suicide, death 
f/n - friends name 
m/n  - moms name
Summary: You have a crush on Jasper and you are in math class with him then over time ou become friends the become a couple. What happens when Jasper starts to fall in love with Alice Cullen? 
a/n: You are Jaspers mate by the way
no one pov:
It was any other school day and as every day you sat in the back of math class and admired Jasper. Little did you know that there was a seating chart. You were sat next to the one and only Jasper Hale.
As you sit down the teacher takes attendance. Jasper sits next to you and holds out his hand and introduces himself. “Hi I’m Jasper, Who are you?” “I know..... I mean well you are in my class and then you go to english...... I mean i don’t stalk you or anything” you stutter. “I am y/n” “Nice to meet you y/n” As class ends you walk over to your friend Angelia. Then you guys head to your next class. 
Skip to Lunch
You sit with your friends Angelia and you best friend f/n. You and f/n go to your last class which is science 
Skip to end of school day
a/n: I got lazy
Y/N pov:
I was walking home and also thinking about the thought of sitting next to Jasper everyday is a dream come true but then again he didn’t even know who I was and that hurt. I just reached my house and it is big. I moved to forks when I was in 6th grade a because my mom and dad got in a fight then they got a divorce and my mom got to keep me. We used to live in New York but my mom thought it would be better if we moved to a smaller and quieter town. I open the door “Mom I’m home!” no answer “Mom!” Still no answer where is she? Then I see a note on the counter. It says:
Sorry I am not home I have a really busy shift at the store and won’t be home till’ midnight snack is in the microwave and I ordered pizza for you should be there at 7:30 p.m. 
Love mom
“Well I was looking forward to movie night but I guess never get your hopes to high anyways I have homework to do.” You say to no one but yourself. The pizza came and I was hoping I would be able to see mom before I went to bed but oh well. 
I get up and get ready I put on a black jeans a white shirt and a red leather jacket with a black choker. I was running late again and accidently ran into some one and it was none other that Jasper Hale. Edward just glared at me “You should be more careful” “It’s not like I ran into you is?” He just scoffed and the others just walked away with Edward. “Idiot” I whisper to myself. 
Math Class
Jasper pov:
I see y/n enter and I wonder if she was trying to start a fight with Edward we all know how that would’ve worked out. She is my mate so maybe I should talk to her maybe not well I don’t know yet. “What are yo thinking about” she is human but very quit walker. “Not much just math” As class starts I wonder if she has feelings for me because I do her I watch her all the time when she walks home and I just want to know what she smells like. “Jasper” “Jasper” “Jasper’ “Jasper!!!!!” “What” “The teacher called on you to answer the question” As I answered the question I was also gathering up all my courage to ask y/n out. At the end of the day I walk up to y/n. “Hey y/n I was wondering if we could go out” “YES!!!!!!!!!!!!” “I mean yeah sure” She is adorable.
Y/N pov: 
I thought I would die right there and then. I have a date with Jasper I said as I walk home since it was a half day and I also did my happy dance.
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The neighbors were looking at me and I don’t care I HAVE A DATE WITH FUCKING JASPER HALE.  I am so happy. 
Date with Jasper
I am so excited wait what am I going to wear. I finally decided what to wear and I decided to wear a light blue dress with pink heals and a white bag.
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“Mom I am going on my date!” “Ok honey bye have fun love you” “Bye Love you too mom” As I exit the door I see Jasper waiting outside and he opens the car door for me. On the date we go to a fancy restaurant and I eat a Pizza, the weird thing is that Jasper did not eat anything. “Did you already eat” “yeah” “Oh well I am done you ready to go” “yeah just let me pay” “No I can pay I am the only one who ate so let me.” He drives me home and asks me the question: “Y/n will you be my girlfriend I...” Oh My God YES!!!!” 
Time Skip
It has been a couple months since I started to date jasper and he has become very distant from me I ask him if he is okay and if he wants to talk but he just gives me the cold shoulder. As I enter Math class early I see Jasper there talking to Alice. It has been a couple days since I’ve seen him with Alice at first I didn’t mind but now I am concerned. Now it is the weekend and I am waiting for Jasper because he said he wanted to talk to me about something. I hear a knock at the door and answer it. “Hey Jas you want to come in?” “No I am breaking up with you” “oh so soon huh?” “yeah” “How long?” “A while know” “Who?” “Alice, look I’m sorry I don’t love you anymore I...” “How long have you loved me for!?!?” “The second month we were together” “YOU DIDN’T BOTHER TO TELL ME AND EXPECT ME TO JUST SAY IT FIRST JASPER I AM DISAPPOINTED AND I TRIED TI KEEP OUR RELATIONSHI TOGTHER BUT NO YOU HAVE TO GO BEHIND MY BACK TO SOME OTHER GIRL AND I AM JUST SUPPOSED TO EXPECT THAT!!!!!!!!!!” by now we are both yelling the neighbors could hear us I’m pretty sure “WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DID TELL YOU” “NO YOU DIDN’T YOU JUST SAID I LOVE .... I LOVE YOUR HAIR STYLE TODAY” “I LOVE YOU JASPER AND you should be happy with whoever.” “Thank you y/n” “Wait Jasper” “Yes y/n” “Do you... do you love her.... love Alice?” “With all my heart goodbye y/n” “Goodbye Jasper” With the last goodbyes I close my door. I run up to my room and cry my eyes out how could he do that to me I finally got just as fast as I lost him. \
Jasper pov:
I am going to be happy with Alice I know that and I now can be with a vampire and not my mate a human. “Hey Edward, What’s going on guys” We heard you and y/n arguing” “She had a million thoughts in her mind like” ”She was an idiot to think you would ever love her.” “Well I have Alice and I can be happy” “Yeah me and Jasper will be happy forever” 
Y/N pov:
I am done with the world and I am done with being sad. I have been missing school. “Honey look you need to go back to school” I know” “sweetheart you need to also eat can you eat something please” “Yeah sure whatever” “Mom?” “yes sweetie” “does the pain ever go away?” “No the pain never goes away and that just means that you still love him and when you see him the pain just increases.”  As night came I decided one thing to do to make the pain go away and I must do it tonight. I wrote a letter to my mom. 
I walk out the door quietly and head to the cliff of La Push. 
M/n pov: 
I walk down the stairs to see a note on the table:
Dear mom,
I am so sorry but the pain is too much just know I love you with all my heart but the pain must go away. By the time you read this I will be gone already. Please say goodbye to the Cullen's for me and my friends and also my dear dog Peanut.
Love your daughter Y/n
No she no no no she wouldn’t would she I must find her immediately. I get in my car and head to the Cullen’s house. I bang on the door. Carlisle opens the door and his children come down to. “Is my daughter y/n here” “No Why would she be here” “I was thinking she would want to talk to Jasper” “look m/n she is not here how do you know she was gone” “Well I was walking down to the kitchen to get some water and I saw this note on the counter.” “I need help she is going to kill herself because of her heart ache” “We will help find her don’t worry” “Kids” “Yeah Carlisle” “Get you shoes” “Why” “Y/n going to kill herself” 
no one pov:
Y/n made it to the cliff she jumps. The Cullen’s and her mom are to late. “My baby girl she’s gone forever” is what her mom says. everyone looks over the edge and they see her she is floating on top of the water then she starts to sink to the bottom. 
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The funeral has come and everybody was there even Jasper and Alice.
Jasper pov:
Why do I have to be so stupid she was the best girlfriend I have ever had and I blew it and now she is gone. I have was the one who led her to do this and I have to live with that for the rest of my life. 
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towerfandoms · 4 years
You need better music taste
A/n: Ok so this idea is based off a tik tok I saw. It’s where you’re soulmate can hear what you’re singing. And yall know how catchy the yarichin opening is. If you haven’t heard it here it is on YouTube . Anyways this is really dumb but I wrote it at 3am while I was crying over maths so here 😌😌 also I know all the i’s are lowercase, I just have auto caps off on my phone 🤧🤧
Pairings: Oikawa x reader 
Genre: fluff, humour, mostly just crack tbh.
Warnings: very light swearing, Iwa constantly abusing Oikawa
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*not my gif*
Nationals were coming up and Oikawa couldn’t get that stupid song ouut of his head. Normally he loved when he could hear you sing. Sometimes he’d even bop along. Lately though, you’ve taken up a new song. You could’ve chosen any other song in the world but no you had to choose the opening for Yarichin Bitch Club. And it didn’t help that the lyrics were so vulgar.
He sighed and shook his head trying to telepathically communicate to you to please shut the hell up but to no avail. He could still hear the cursed boku wa yarichin osodayo~ Damn it, this was so frustrating. He would give anything to finally meet you and tell you to please get some better taste in music. It really didn’t help his performance that this was all you had sung for the past week.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, Iwaizumi could see Oikawa visibly struggling and he laughed to himself.
“Is she still singing that stupid song?” he called out, already knowing the answer.
“Yes!” wailed the setter, eager to complain for what felt like the 20th time today. “You know i searched up the lyrics cuz i was curious to see where it was from but now i really wish i hadn’t. I didn’t know my soulmate was into that kind of stuff!”
He shuddered, remembering the memory. He really thought the anime was just about a photography club.
“Just sing a really annoying song back,”
“Don’t you think i’ve tried? I even tried the Gummy Bear song but she just started singing that damn song even more,” he pouted.
“Well, you’ve got to think of something Shittykawa otherwise you’re gonna make us lose our one shot at nationals.”
“Hey! I thought we spoke about the name calling business. And don’t worry i’ll think of something.”
Thankfully by then your singing had stopped though Oikawa could still hear the God awful lyrics. But the lyrics were so catchy that the stupid song still played on replay in his head. Even when you weren’t singing you still consumed his mind. Endearing or annoying, Oikawa couldn’t tell.
After what felt like eternity, he finally finished practice without too much further nuisances so he was able to clean up and go home right on schedule.
However that night he laid awake thinking about you. In a world where you can hear your soulmate singing it shouldn’t be that hard to find out who you were and where you were. There was just a teeny problem though. He was scared. Neither of you had ever tried to contact the other person through singing. He at least knew you lived in their prefecture because you’d always be singing along to the songs from the local radio station.
Oikawa sighed, wondering if you two would ever meet. Maybe not. He was much too preoccupied with volleyball and you were too busy singing your,,, tasteful music.
Suddenly though, an idea hit him that shook him right out of his somber mood.  He quickly grabbed his phone from his bedside table and texted his best friend.
Oikawa: Iwachan, you up?
Iwachan: What do you want Stupidkawa, it’s 2am.
Oikawa: I have a plan to find my soulmate 😌 But I need your help. Meet me in front of A-33 tomorrow at the start of lunch.
Iwachan: Tch. Why do you need me there.
Oikawa: Please, I’d rather die than be seen alone in front of the anime club. What if people think i’m an otaku 🤮
Iwachan: Says the same man who cried watching Banana Fish 🙄🙄
Oikawa: SHUT UP! Just say yes please ;)
Iwachan: 🙄🙄🙄 Only to make sure you turn up to practice on time. Now i’m going to bed 👋
Oikawa: Thank you Iwa~
The next day, Iwa was waiting impatiently for Oikawa in front of the room used for the anime club. He was getting a few odd looks but he didn’t really care. Finally, he saw Oikawa rounding the corner.
“Yahoo~ Iwachan, sorry i’m late,” chuckled Oikawa, not looking the least bit apologetic.
Rolling his eyes, all Hajime replied with was a simple “Whatever, Shittykawa,”
The two men stood awkwardly outside the door unsure what to do.
“So…” began Oikawa, trailing off.
“So? Don’t look at me, she’s your soulmate! Is she still singing?”
“Yeah, she’s been singing for the last ten minutes. It’s rather cute actually.”
Iwwizumi had rolled his eyes so many times by this point he was sure his eyes were going to get stuck. But he wanted to get this over and done with so Oikawa could finally focus on practicing. Taking the lead, he grabbed the handle of the door and slowly turned it as to not startle anyone inside. The two boys took a peek in and were startled to see just you in the club room singing along as you did some work.
You were singing along to the yarichin opening-
“Damn, I didn’t know my soulmate could sing such dirty thin- agh damnit Iwa that hurt!” Oikawa was cut off before he could finish that sentence. However, you were very surprised to see two members of the volleyball team in the anime club. The two best looking at that.
“I- uh, huh?” you started, not really sure what to say.
“I think you’re my soulmate,” stated Oikawa confidently enough, though inside he was extremely nervous.
If iwaizumi wasn’t here he would’ve ran away so fast. He couldn’t help it, you were breath taking. He already loved your voice, but now your face too? Man, he was counting his blessings and praising the Gods above.
“Wait, how- oh.” You simply stated as realization hit you. He had to listen to this song on repeat.
“Damn, didn’t get annoying having to hear this song everyday?” you questioned aloud, your brain still malfunctioning because he was here! Your soulmate was actually here and he didn’t seem to be too mad.
“Oh believe me it did,” he replied deadpan, though not without a mischievous glint in his eyes. “However I did try to combat it by playing Dance Monkeys and Gummy bear  all day.”
“So that was you!” you retorted angrily. “I hope you realize the reason i sang this song all day yesterday was to pay you back for playing that awful song!”
Oikawa only laughed, his heart softening and how cute you looked angry. He had only just met you and already fell in love.
“Yknow, if you’ve got nothing better to do you can always come watch us play volleyball,” he offered with a cheeky smile, vaguely gesturing at the empty room.
“Oh shush you, the other members are out right now. But I guess that means I can come watch you. Let me just gather my stuff though.”
“Alright, alright. We’ll be down in the gym. You can sit on the bleachers and do your homework there. Ok bye bye now!” he quickly said as he was dragged out of the room by Iwaizumi but not before he also said a farewell of his own.
You smiled softly to yourself, feeling your face heat up at the thought of actually meeting your soulmate. He was so cute and funny, even if he could be a dick at times.
Once outside the room, Iwaizumi let go of the death grip he had on Oikawa.
“Happy now?” he asked.
“Very,” was all that Oikawa said though the light spring in his step and stupid grin on his face said all that he felt.
He couldn’t wait to get to know you.
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birdsandspades · 4 years
I Was Never Good at Waiting (Sugawara X Reader) Chapter 6
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- It was your last year in highschool, everything had been going smoothly until you got assigned the new teacher. Sugawara Koushi was handsome, maybe too handsome for his own good. Be he wasn't flirting with you right, teachers shouldn't do that....I guess we will see where this year goes.
Word Count - 5,459
It had been a few weeks since you last spoke to Sugawara. You weren’t really sure what words to say to him at this point. Sure you were still mad, he was after all a huge ass for talking to you the way he did. But you couldn’t help but feel bad for your actions as well. For all you knew, the sweet glances, the soft smiles, the entrancing conversations. Well maybe you had exaggerated his intentions a little. Maybe he was just uncomfortable, stuck in a situation he didn’t know how to escape. But god dammit, you were not going to ask him for help with your math homework. 
Your grade had tanked in the last few weeks. You did the work, put in all the motions. But your brain just wasn’t soaking up the sweet, sweet academic knowledge. This was the reason Oikawa was stationed at your dining room table, looking through your math book just as confused as you had moments before. 
You had tried to call Iwaizumi for the extra help instead, but he was on a romantic getaway with his significant other. “Call Tooru-sensei F/N, you know he would come if you asked.” Iwaizumi was clearly not interested in helping you, even if he was home you would have been out of luck.
“But you were the one who tutored him in school Hajime. Do you really think he's gonna be any help to me?” You groaned in response.
He knew you had a point. The boy’s brain only operated on three levels, volleyball, girls, and a very small sliver, an absolutely miniscule piece, was dedicated to harassing you.“Figure it out F/N, I'll see you at the spring tournament ok?” Iwaizumi tried his best to understand your situation, but that didn’t mean he wanted to actively continue this conversation. 
“Ok Hajime.” Your voice was soft, not wanting to press the matter further. You listened as the line died, your only hope fading out with it.
Now that you thought about it, you might feel worse for Oikawa at the moment. He was clearly about to blow a gasket trying to figure out where the X went in your problem. “This one has a typo, let's skip ahead.” 
You rolled your eyes as he turned to the next page of your book. “Senpai, you’ve said that about the last five problems.”You were getting annoyed now. He had skipped over almost every problem you attempted so far. These were only the warmup questions, what would happen when he got to the actual work?
He looked up, frowning at your displeased tone.“Well maybe they should have checked over the book better.” He shrugged slightly, lowering his shoulders in defeat. 
This man was no help. 
“Snacks incoming!” Your mom smiled, leaning over the table to set down the plate in her hand.
She had come home for the weekend with your grandfather to check in on you. They would make the trip maybe once a month just to make sure you were well stocked on food and the bills were getting paid. She had been pleasantly surprised to find Oikawa with you when she returned home from shopping. Giddy to dot on the boy while she had the chance.
She loved him, and always had. She thought of you two as inseparable, even now when his job took him across the ocean. Wherever you went, he was never hard to find. Whether it be phone calls, strange gifts that reminded him of you, or even visiting whenever he had the free time. She knew he would always be near. That was one reason she agreed to let you stay home while she was in Tokyo. Even when she was gone, you were safe with him. He would do anything for you, that was perfectly clear. 
“Tooru don’t work so hard honey.” She cooed, rubbing small circles into his back. 
 “Mom, what about me? It's my homework.” You whined at the lack of attention, pulling the book from Oikawa’s hands.
Wiggling a finger your way she shook her head. “You need to work harder! You're failing the class, not him.” She frowned your way as you sank into your chair.
You felt defeated. Between your useless cousin, the single brain cell Oikawa had, and your  grumpy mother it was inevitable. You slapped your hands together, bowing your head in prayer. “I know we don’t talk often, but please don’t make me have to ask Sugawara-sensei for help on Monday. Kill me instead, anything but talking to him.”
“F/N, don’t start praying! I’ll figure it out! I’m sure I can find the X...” He pulled the book from your hands, frantically flipping through the pages.
The weekend came to an end, and you were in no better shape for your class. Your mother and grandfather had left Sunday night to return to Tokyo, the trip home ending far too soon.  
“F/N, make sure you water the garden once a day ok, and don’t stay up all night playing video games. That animal island game can wait, Pudge, that's his name right? Well he can wait for your homework to be done, and please stop eating spicy ramen for every meal. Your tummy is gonna hurt.” She rambled on as she checked that all the bags were lined up at the train station stop. She looked back up at you, letting out an exaggerated sigh. She grabbed the sides of your open coat, pulling it together roughly as she zipped it up to your chin. “And wear your coat properly, you’ll catch cold like that!”
The train rumbled into the station, easing to a stop at the yellow lines in front of you and your family. The doors slid open, a small rush of passengers exiting as they continued on their ways.
“Ok mom, bye love you!” You hugged her tightly before spinning her around. You gave her a light push as she grabbed her bags, walking her to the open doors. You turned around, chuckling at your amused grandfather. You walked over to him, resting into his outstretched arms. You looked up, nose brushing his coat as you smiled. “Please don’t ever change grandpa, you're the only normal member of our family.” 
He smiled back down at you, giving you a reassuring squeeze.“I love you too peaches, everythings gonna turn out just fine, I promise.” He gave you a wink, his hand dipping into your coat pocket. “Don’t waste it!” He teased, as leaned over to pick up his bag. 
You watched as he joined your mother on the train, waving at you as he sat down. The train doors closed, pulling away from the station as it continued on to Tokyo. You reached into your pocket, pulling out a folded 2,000 yen note. You laughed as you put it back. “How does grandpa always know what to say, truly a man of infinite wisdom.” You waved the train off as it disappeared down the tracks.
You had snoozed your alarm one too many times Monday morning, finally realizing your mistake twenty minutes before your first train left the station. You would have loved to say you were up all night doing something fun, maybe beating Doom for the third time this month, or catching up on your manga. But you had woken up at the table in your room, drool sticking the homework you had used as a pillow to your face.
You were rushing to get ready, throwing on your uniform as you frantically stuffed your books into your bag. Before long you were out of time, tripping down the stairs as you pulled up your sock. You had no time for lunch, you didn’t even have time to fix your bedhead. You ran out the front door, relying on the auto lock as you sped towards the main road. You attempted to tie your hair up as you rounded the corner to the crosswalk, the red hand illuminated from the other side of the road. You looked at the pole, both hands occupied in your mess of hair. You lifted your leg, kicking the button a few times as you impatiently waited for your turn to cross.  Once it did you bolted across the street, shouting apologies as you pushed your way down the stairs and toward your approaching train. You barely squeezed past the closing doors, still attempting to catch your breath as the train pulled away from the station.
Collapsing into your seat you pulled out your bag to check that you had everything for your day. Homework (still kinda wet), text books, lunch (if you could call a bag of chips lunch), practice gear. Where was your practice gear? You attempted to recall your morning, thinking back to the last time you had everything in your sight.  
“So I woke up, got dressed, put on my sweater backwards, put my things on the table, made lunch, and then I….left it on the fucking table.” The train pulled into it's first stop, the doors opening for the waiting passengers. You stood up, pushing your way past the crowd as you ran for the next train home. This just wasn’t your day.
You couldn’t believe how late you were when you finally made it to the school. “It’s 9:30, i’m screwed.” You mouthed, taking your tardy slip from the office attendant. You rushed up the school stairs, trying to make it to your classroom as fast as possible. As if that would change the fact that you were an hour late to school. You ran a sweaty hand over your messy hair before pulling the classroom door open. You closed it quietly, turning around slowly to an empty classroom.
Sugawara sat with his feet propped up on the desk at the front of the room. His phone in his hands as he scrolled through emails. 
“Sensei, i’m sorry i’m late...” You mumbled, looking at the rows of empty desks. You made your way to the front of the room, setting the tardy slip on his desk.
“L/N-san, why aren't you on the bus? They are leaving for the field trip!” Sugawara’s eyes went wide as he looked up at you from his phone. He stood up from his seat, glancing between you and the piece of paper. 
“Field trip? Was the field trip to the science museum today?” Your face dropped as you realised just what day it was. Sure it was Monday, the first Monday of the month. The first Monday of the month when they take all the students to the 3M Sendai Science Museum.
“Maybe we can still get you on the last buses?” Sugawara wrapped a hand around your wrist, pulling you behind him as he ran down the hallway and out to the south gym. 
“How are they already all gone…” Sugawara knew the last bus had left at 9:00, but he had hoped to at least see some transportation left.
You looked at the empty lot, not a single bus in sight. What were you going to do now, they had shipped out the entire school for this field trip. 
“Is there any way we can get her to the museum, I could drive her?” Sugawara was now at the front office, nervously talking with the secretary. 
“I’m sorry, but she’s just going to have to spend the day in her classroom.” The woman gave you an apologetic look. She mouthed a few words to Sugawara, too quiet to make out before walking back to your desk.
Sugawara turned back to you, motioning for you to follow him back to the classroom as he walked past you.
 Once you got back to the classroom you made your way to your desk, silently sliding into your seat. You looked over to your teacher, shifting uncomfortably as your eyes met his.
“Well you can work on any extra work you have. If you have any questions, i'll be in my office.” He leaned back on his heels before turning to enter his office. The door clicked closed behind him, the only sound left being the ticking of the clock on the wall.
You nodded to yourself, excepting that again today was just not your fucking day.
You had finished most of your work by 11:00, but the day was far from over. You looked at your last assignment, the creased ends of the page sticking out of the end of your math book. You had saved it for last for no other reason then to not do it. But the day was moving by so slowly, and you were going to have to finish it eventually.
“I might as well ask, i’m not going to finish this by myself.” You pulled at the paper, sliding it out of the book inch by inch. You could see the mess of work etched into the white sheet, the ghosts of prior mistakes partially erased in the background. “Sensei, could you help me with this problem?” You squeaked out the question, holding your breath as you listened for movement behind the office door. “Maybe if he doesn’t hear me I can just give up and take a nap.” You weren’t quiet enough, the door opening as Sugawara made his way over to your desk.
Sugawara pulled a chair over from the adjustment desk, taking a seat next to you. He motioned for you to show him the question, looking down at the paper in front of you. You felt it was better for him to just see the whole paper at this point. You slid the work to him, watching as his face contorted in confusion. He picked up your pencil, marking spots as he attempted to work through whatever thought process you had had. 
“Oikawa tried to help me…” You added, hoping he wouldn’t think all the stupidity on the paper was you. 
Laying it back in front of you, he handed you back your pencil. “You're close, it's a simple mistake really.” He leaned over the desk, resting his elbow on the table and his head in his hand as he guided you through your missteps. 
You always loved how he would say that. “A simple mistake. ”Like it was easily fixable. It made your confidence skyrocket, that's probably why he was such a good teacher. You watched him work through a few, briefly stopping at each step to check back in with you. 
“Yeah, you got it, see I knew you could do it!” His brilliant smile made your stomach flutter. It was a fleeting slight, soon he had turned his attention back to the problems. 
“Thank you sensei.” You smiled to yourself, moving on to the next question on your sheet.
 After a few minutes Sugawara had deemed you on the right path, standing up to return to his office. He closed the door, leaving a small gap as he disappeared from view.
“And he’s gone…” You had liked the company, a pleasant change from the quiet classroom you had been sitting in for the past three hours. 
A few minutes later he emerged from his office, ,a stack of papers in hand as he walked over to his desk. Sitting down, he propped his feet up on the desk. He set a small pile of papers on his lap, pulling the cap off a red pen as he started to grade. He peaked up for a moment, giving you a quick smile before turning over the paper in his hand.
You watched him for a while, taken aback by his sudden change of mood. For weeks he had been cold and distant, avoid you like the plague. But here he was, choosing to sit in the same room, smiling at you. It was baby steps, but steps nonetheless. 
It had felt like you were a flower living under perpetual clouds, but the sun had started to return, and you were basking in it. 
“Sensei?” You called out, pulling nervously at your sleeves.
He looked up at you again, his eyebrow knitting together. 
“It was now of never, just fucking say it, get it over with and say it.” You straightened up in your seat, leaning towards the edge of your chair.“Sensei i’m sorry. What I said was uncalled for, I should have just told you I didn’t want to continue the tutoring lessons. I…my actions were uncalled for and I'm sorry if I put you in an awkward situation.” You looked down at your hands, fingers digging into the material of your skirt. You felt a hand on your head, gently patting your hair down. You tilted your head up slightly, blushing as you met Sugawara’s bright smile.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come off so harsh. You had a right to be uncomfortable talking to me about it.” His voice was soothing, his smile turning soft. His irises twitched, sadness washing over the brown hues as he pulled his hand away. 
“Could we maybe, start over. I really was grateful for you helping me.” You stood up, attempting to stand eye level with the person in front of you. 
Sugawara contemplated the question, uncertainty pulling at his lips. “I don’t know L/N-san, I’m pretty busy.” 
You frowned at his answer, he did have a life after all. Probably friends, pets, maybe even a girlfriend. Of course he would rather spend his time after school with them, not tutoring a student on a subject he didn’t even teach.
“But, if you can promise me you’ll show up. I can give you back your Mondays and Fridays.”He shrugged lightly, amused with your reaction.  
“Thank you so much Sensei, I-i’ll do anything to make up for it!” You bounced up and down on your heels, absolutely ecstatic.  
He cocked his eyebrow at the word anything, chuckling to himself. “Just make sure you make it to the Spring tournament.” He made his way back to his desk as you sat back down.
You had missed the sun.
The rest of the day came and went, the ticking of the clock no longer ringing in your empty ears.
You had finished your work right as the lunch bell rang, officially all out of schoolwork for the day. You and Sugawara ate lunch together in the classroom, taking the time to go over extra problems from your math book. 
“So, if you take away 47, add these totals together and...are you just eating a bag of chips for lunch?” He stared at you in horror as you pulled out the bag, his stomach hurting for you. 
“I um, didn’t have time to make a...yeah, this is all i'm eating. You're looking at me like my mom…” You shrank in your seat, pulling the bag closer. 
He shook his head at you before continuing the lesson. 
The rest of the day you spent in his office, looking over all his belongings as he typed away on his computer. 
“Hey, can you get out of my things. Don’t you have something to do?” He groaned, watching you pick through his book collection.
“Yeah, annoy you.” You rested your finger on a blue book, sliding it out of it's stop. You flipped through the pages, walking over to sit down on the couch.
“Comfy?” he laughed, watching as you rolled over. Your back now on the seat cushions as your head fell off the side of the sofa.
You let your feet rest on the windowsill, crossing your legs as your back sank into the couch. You looked up at him, tilting your head to see him peering down at you. “Yes, quite.” You giggled, laying your head back down.
Once school had officially ended he walked you to the front doors, waving a goodbye as he watched you walk down the courtyard and towards the school gates. The school buses wouldn't be returning for another two hours, but you had no real reason to stay past the normal school hours. Practice had been canceled for the day ,making your extra trip home useless. “But the day hadn’t gone to waste” ,you thought, smiling to yourself.
“Koushi, you're coming out. You’ve been so moppy for weeks. Get ready and i'll send you the address.” Daichi yelled into the phone, already at the bar. 
Sugawara ended the call with Daichi and sighed. He just wanted to spend his weekend relaxing, not at some dive bar. But his friends had been harassing him for weeks about not coming out. He was having a hard time coming up with excuses at this point.
 It was already Saturday, an entire week had flown by. You and him were civil again, but not completely the same. He wasn’t sure what to do. Should he leave things as they were, at least you were talking. Or should he press furth, see how close he could get to crossing the line with you. He just didn’t know, and being here tonight wasn’t going to help that.
Sugawara walked into the tiny dive bar, looking around for his friends in the crowd of people.  He found them at the bar, shoulders pressed against the other bar patrons as they attempted to wave down the bartender.Sugawara set a hand on each of their shoulders, turning them slightly to greet them. 
“You're here!” Daichi smiled, pulling his friend into a hug.
“We honestly didn’t expect you to come.” Asahi laughed, joining in the reunion.
“Well I wouldn’t have picked this place…” Sugawara looked around at the overly packed bar. “Why is it so busy, isn’t this place little dated for all these kids?” Sugawara looked around at the adolescents crowding the stage area, grimacing. He wasn’t much older, but he had never much liked his age group. 
“Some pop punk band is playing tonight, I guess they are big with the college students.” Asahi smiled, leaning against the bar to order. 
“So who’s the girl that has you so worked up?” Daichi questioned, shouting over the bar noise.
‘’No girl, just work.” Sugawara scowled at Daichi, a warning for him to stop prying. 
“I know that look Koushi, who’s the girl?” He had been friends with Sugawara for long enough to know the difference in his moods. Work made Sugawara grumpy, and girls made him moody. He knew the difference.
Sugawara sigh. “It doesn't matter, we're technically not allowed to be talking anyways.”
Asahi offered Sugawara a bottle, nudging him as he took it. “You got a crush on one of your coworkers?”
“Yeah, something like that.” Sugawara rolled his eyes, bringing the bottle to his lips.
Daichi laughed as the house lights went down, the crowd cheering.
“Hi, we're Systematic. We have some shirts and stuff for sale at the front if you're into that.”You turned to your drummer as he counted off for the song to start. “This is “Painkiller.”
He couldn’t fucking believe it, that was you, in a band, playing at a bar, right in front of him. 
“Hey, they actually sound pretty good. The singer is kinda cute!” Daichi laughed, pointing towards you.
“I'm being punished right? I did something awful in my past life and that's why all of this is happening.” Sugawara turned towards his friends, clasping his hands together. “Kill me please.”He pleaded to his friends, desperation in his eyes. 
“I can’t hear you!” Asahi furrowed his eyebrows as Koushi’s lips continued to move, raising a hand to his ear.
“You could hit me with your car, or mine, maybe throw me off a cliff.” It was useless, his friends were absorbed in the song. Completely ignoring his impending break down, too fascinated with the bubbly girl bouncing around onstage. 
As the first song came to an end, a stagehand met you with a guitar and a water bottle at the edge of the black curtains. You took the guitar from her, adjusting the strap as you walked back over to the microphone. “Today’s set is short, but we will be at Kyoritsu Kodo next month. Door price is set at 4,000, so show up and support Ryu’s bleach addiction.” You laughed as you threw a guitar pick at the bass player. 
He ducked out of the way, flipping you off. 
You counted off the next song and the band started, the upbeat tempo resonating through the crowd. 
He had to admit, you looked happy. The way you bounced up and down along with the drums made him smile. He would have maybe picked a warmer outfit if he were you, but the new look was refreshing to say the least. 
You had on a black sweater dress, one size too big as it hung off your shoulder. The purple of your thigh high socks peaked out from your equally high black boots. He could faintly make out a small bow on each side of the straps most likely connected to the garters further up your legs. He was trying to leave most of that to the imagination.
“This is all too much…” His face was growing hot as he watched you dance around the stage. Prompting the crowd to move along with you as you sang into the microphone.“At Least she dances like an old lady, that's helping a little.” 
You stretched out your arm, turning the microphone to the crowd. Beaming as they sang the chorus back to you.
He had seen that smile only a handful of times. He saw it when you were walking in the hallways with your friends, laughing as they argued. He saw it while setting yourself up for a serve. And he saw it now as you closed your eyes, basking in the crowd singing along. 
The final cords played as you opened your eyes again. “So that was our rendition of “Sports”, next is a song I wrote on the train last week. It’s the byproduct of a broken heart and shoujo binge reading.” You chuckled awkwardly as your band tuned for the song. “So this is “All I Wanted.” You slid the microphone back into the stand, adjusting it to reach your lips.
Sugawara pushed forward, moving through the crowd in an attempt to see you better.
“Hey Koushi is moving up to the stage, lets go!” Daichi grabbed Asahi’s arm, pulling him along as he fought to keep up with Sugawara.
Sugawara stopped a few feet away from the stage, worried you would see him in the crowd if he got any closer. Sugawara was losing himself as he watched you, your hands gripping the microphone stand for support as you sang. The song was different from the rest, sadder, full of emotions. It was you, more so than the rest. He started to wonder who you had written it for, who had given you so many different feelings. Maybe Yoshiki, you two seemed close enough for that. 
The band cut off, leaving you alone. He saw the tears lining your lashes as you belted into the microphone, eyes closed tight. “All I wanted was you!” The band came back on your last note, the full sound reverberating around the full room. Sugawara bit his lip, fighting back the emotions that flooded his mind. He could see the hurt you held as you opened your eyes, the glistening of forming tears reflecting the stage lights as you looked into the crowd.
The song ended too soon, the house lights rising. You pulled at your sleeve, wiping at your eyes as you waved a goodbye. “Thanks for coming out, I'm Kiko and we are Systematic.” You smiled brightly, trying to take in the faces in the crowd one last time. Your rotation stopped on a familiar pair of hazel eyes, your own growing wide as you looked his way.
“Did she see me? She looked right at me…” Sugawara thought. He stood still, like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming truck. 
Your face dropped as the realization set in, turning abruptly to make your way off the stage.
 “She definitely saw me.” Sugawara groaned.
You were trying to pack up and leave when you heard shouting from the stage. You grabbed a handful of wires, stuffing them into a bag as you rushed to finish. 
“Hey, you can’t go backstage!” A stagehand yelled from behind the curtains.
“Koushi, what the hell are you doing? Get off the stage!” You couldn’t pick out the voice from the dissipating crowd, turning to see what exactly was going on.
You watched Sugawara push through the curtains, frantic eyes scanning for you. Panic setting in when you saw him push past a stage hand, his heated gaze on you.
You tried to crawl through the clothing rack behind you, the exit in sight as you pushed through the other side. A rough hand grabbed the collar of your dress, yanking you back out into the open.“Hi, sensei...what are you doing here?” You awkwardly laughed, looking for someone to save you.
“What am I doing here?” He laughed as he grabbed your forearm, pulling you towards the emergency exit. He pushed open the door, forcing you through before slamming it closed behind him.“Explain.” He glared down at you, blocking your escape.
You felt like you were under a search light, people staring at you as they walked by the fence. 
He waited for your response, looking over your face as you avoided his eye contract. “Can you please just tell me what is going on, and why you're at a dive bar at 11 p.m on a Saturday night.”His tone was softer now as he crossed his arms over his chest, his heated gaze easing into a warm stare. 
You might as well just get it all out. You took a deep breath, finally meeting his eyes.“So freshman year I really liked this band called Bunny, and I would go watch them at the university all the time. But the singer quit last year and they started up Systematic with the remaining members, but they needed a singer and I like singing. But I was only 17 at the time and they were looking for someone older. So I kind of auditioned as Kiko, a 21 year old college student. I don’t drink or do anything illegal...like super illegal. Because you know that me being in the bar is illegal because I'm only 18, but that's probably why you're mad. It’s just bars are the only shows we can get, and we're working hard to get a venue show and we have one next month. Sensei please don’t tell them how old I am. This band means the world to me.” Your shrank into your words, confidence dying.
He looked at you in shock at the paragraph you had just word vomited out. His attention turned away from you as the emergency door flung open. 
“Koushi what the fuck?” Daichi spat, looking between the two of you as Asahi followed behind him, apologizing to security on his way out the exit.
You looked at Sugawara, pleading him not to say anything. 
“This is the girl.” He sighed, it was this or exposing you. At least only one person suffered with this explanation. 
“This is THE girl?” Asahi gave his friend a confused look, pointing back and forth between the both of you.
“Wait, that sad song. Was that about him?” Daichi pointed to Sugawara, holding in a laugh. 
You shrugged slightly, nodding. Things honestly couldn't be going any worse.
“Ok, ok we're done here, shows over!” Sugawara grabbed Daichis arm, tugging him as he walked to the parking lot. He turned around, scowling.
“Th-thank you Suga...Koushi!” You stuttered out, giving him an awkward wave.
He mouthed a silent “We are talking about this tomorrow.” Turning back around to yell at his friends.
You were in some serious trouble, maybe it was time to make that cake.
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*Hi, I just want make a disclaimer that I do not own any of the song's or art I used for this chapter or any others. Beach Bunny wrote Sports, and Painkiller. Paramore wrote All I Wanted ,and I wrote this mediocre fanfiction. I also want to say thank you for those of you reading this! It means alot that you would take the time to read it as the story unfolds! I hope your enjoying it, and if you have any thoughts, criticisms, or advice I would love to hear it! I am very much an amature at writing, but I want to give you the best chapters I can. So thank you again!*
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