#ok now kidnapper is my fav character
oneshlut · 10 months
Ok, ok ok… Can I request Yandere!Dr. Flug x Fem!Reader, please? You describe the reactions of the characters so interestingly that I wanted to write to you, but already about the yandere doctor. Thank you in advance, you are amazing.
A/N: oooh yesyes!! thank you sooo much for the compliments, they mean so much to me !! yanderes are some of my favs to write, thanks a bunches for requesting! (also, whamo! mitski ref in the title!)
Bag of Bones (Yandere!Dr. Flug x Fem!Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Mentions of bl0od, d3ath, lethal injections, execution, and t0rture, Subjects like toxic relationships, kidnapp!ng, posessive/obsessive behaviors, and toxic worshipping and degrading(on his part), General dead dove contents.
Summary: Yandere headcanons for Dr. Flug with a Fem!Reader. General hcs for kidnapp!ng, crushing, etc.
Someone like Dr. Flug definitely seems harmless. Pathetic, wimpy, and afraid. Labels that have been given to him all his life. Labels that only you never assigned him. Well, he's never lived up to those names. Not completely. Underneath his trembling form hid a dangerous man, who could kill you at the snap of his fingers if he really wanted to. Not like he would! You do have to remember, though, that he still is a villain. For plenty good reason.
But, yes. I'm sorry, but the moment he realized his murderous lovesick tendencies, you've immediately set yourself up for danger. Flug would never hurt you, but he's not saying he wouldn't hurt anyone to have you.
With the baseline of knowing he is sick, twisted, and much more than he seems--lets dig more into how he behaves, shall we? He's quite tame with you at first. If you didn't know any better, Dr. Flug would be as normal as ever in your eyes. He's pretty good at bottling up his obsession. This definitely comes into play as his obsession with you grows stronger by the day.
He's unsure of his feelings towards you at first. Dr. Flug soon recognizes it as love, and he can't get enough of you. He begins with small signs, such as asking you for help in his lab when he really doesn't need it. You also notice that he just happens to show up in the same room that you'd walk into. You viewed it as nothing but coincidence.
Flug grows increasingly worried for you as weeks pass, him still relishing in this new feeling. Unfortunately, this feeling did come with a bit of.. protectiveness, on his part. He still wanted you to visit his lab, yes, but.. maybe he could make his lab a bit more safe? Dr. Flug didn't want you to get hurt by something of his creation. The only thing worse than that would be if someone else hurt you. Which wouldn't happen. He hopes so, at least.
One day, though, he made a mistake. Flug had let you go on a mission with him, and a hero had hurt you. Whether it was a major or minor injury, he didn't care. Someone hurt you--your soft, delicate skin, your sweet smile, the sparkle in your eyes.. your eyes seemed dull now. And something in him sparked a fire that was trying to burn for weeks now.
Suddenly, the normally panicked mood that hung over his mindset completely disappeared. He didn't have time to overthink ever little thing he does--not now. But he didn't want to.. strike, not.. yet.
When Dr. Flug gets mad, he gets scary. Not in the way he was almost constantly angry with Demencia, no, this was a.. spiteful anger. That's the anger that made him the most dangerous. As mentioned before, he could choose when he wanted to be dangerous at any moment. And that moment was now.
Euthanasia could work, but it was too.. painless. Maybe something a bit more lethal would be better. He decided to create his own serum. If he injected the syringe with it in just the right spot in the neck, the hero would be suffering for hours. Perhaps days.. They would be gasping for air they couldn't receive, practically chugging their own blood, yet forced to stay awake during the whole process. Perfect, was it not?
Okay, he may have gone a little bit overboard. But in the end, he knew it would be worth it. You never found out. Why would you? He was much too careful for that. Dr. Flug simply played along, hearing the hero's name announced dead on the news with you. He played a fool, acting surprised. And it was enough to fool you.
Afterwards, though, he felt amazing. To completely get rid of someone's existence.. it was freeing. And the hero deserved it, anyway. The only obstacle in the way now was the challenge of having you to himself. With Dr. Flug's self-esteem, this goal was made generally impossible.
Though, a new idea came to him. A horrible, new, great idea. If Flug wanted you to himself, there was only one other way that came to him. There's no way you'd like him back, he was probably still pathetic in your eyes. So instead, he chose the more obvious choice of just whisking you away. Chloroform should do the trick, right..?
Waking up in Flug's dimly lit lab, tied to an office chair, not remembering the past 12 hours of your life was.. an experience. A horrifying one, at that. What did you even do to him that would make him want to kill you? You were nothing but nice to him, and.. part of you was actually starting to grow attached to him. You started to regret ever becoming a villain in the first place..
That was, until Dr. Flug tried his best to calm your nerves, explaining how he didn't want to hurt you. You could almost hear the sorrow in his voice, almost like he was hurt that you would even think that he would ever want to harm you. Noticing you were now significantly more calmer than before, he began relishing in the fact that you were now his.
Off the bat, he begins overloading you with compliments. Now that you know he likes you, he starts treating you like some sort of goddess. Ignoring the fact that he's holding you hostage, he treats you pretty well! He brings you in 3 meals a day from outside, gives you a warm bed to sleep in at night, all so that he makes sure you know he loves you. Another thing Flug does is make sure 5.0.5. doesn't see you. This portion is a bit difficult, but he gets by, and 5.0.5. just thinks you must've moved away. How peacefully ignorant.
For now, he intends on keeping you here until you gain some sort of stockholm syndrome, or until he finds a better place to keep you without the risk of you escaping. You find yourself wondering how long you're gonna last here.
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Could you do Pantalone yandere with a darling who got themselves kidnapped (perhaps as an adventurer, they're not entirely helpless/regular helpless civilian but got overwhelmed)? How would he react and what would he do to avoid that in the future? :)
aaaa i love pantalone so much, definitely one of my fav unplayable genshin characters rn (the others are dain and capitano <33) personally i think he's one of those characters that's 'looks like a cinnamon but will kill you' vibes while also being the opposite with his beloved, like he is so sweet to his partners i just know it ok <333
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including implied being held against will, being kidnapped, delusional behaviors, implied violence and murder, and other potential topics. Please reader at your own risk!
Yandere!Pantalone would be furious because the only way for this to happen would be either someone snatching you out of Zapolyarny Palace or someone nabbing you off the streets. In both instances, he’s always around or someone of capable protection is around so the chances of getting kidnapped are incredibly low. Let’s say it did happen though and obviously it would have to be someone very skilled to get past the many armed guards and manage to sneak off with you, who put up a damn good fight. He would go berserk, he doesn’t pay ransoms but he does level cities so he’ll certainly stop at nothing to get you back.
Pantalone didn’t care about ruining his reputation, about losing business in certain cities or regions, he was going to find you. Despite wreaking havoc at every spot the kidnappers demanded he bring a ransom, he had yet to find you, searching high, low, left, and even right inside every nation as he looked for you. There wasn’t a corner this man hadn’t checked, a closet he hadn’t opened, a bed he hadn’t all but crawled under as he tore down city after city, block by block looking for any trace of you. He would find you, and he would bring you home if it was the last thing he did. And he’d make sure the last thing those kidnappers ever saw was his smiling face as he personally dealt with them. No one pulled one over on him, not in the many years he’d crawled his way to the top. When he does get you back and brings you back home, safe and sound, he’ll be sure to increase the guard presence, requesting more and stronger men be stationed at every entrance and exit to your private chambers where you would now permanently reside unless escorted personally by him. He may only be 9th of the Fatui Harbingers, but anyone who couldn’t even handle the 11th would be fated to fall even by his hands.
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qshara · 3 years
Ok ok so for Ikemen Vamp with Gen Z I feel like if they had there phone the absolute chaos that would happen in the mansion
just imagine there on Spotify and Kiss me more comes on *ding*
Or literally any song about sex, murder, or suicide the concern for humanity would be real for them lolol
Ikemen Vampire but with a Gen Z MC (Part 5)
I can't believe this got this far lmao
Now let's add a cell phone to all the chaos
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Comte: Thanks to Leonardo and Isaac, we managed to turn on MC's cell phone
Mozart: And now we can listen to the music of the future. I must admit that I am somewhat excited about this-
Spotify: I feel like fuckin' somethin' / But we could be corny, fuck it / Sugar, I ain't no gummy, dummy-
Mozart: What the-
Spotify: It's my problem, it's my problem / If I feel the need to hide / And it's my problem if I have no friends, and feel I want to die-
Comte: MC...
Spotify: -recording of nonsensical screams-
MC: Oh I love that song
MC: What’s your favorite color?
Kidnapper: Stop asking stupid questions. Ask me something logical and mature
MC: How many moles of sodium bicarbonate are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of sulfuric acid at STP?
Kidnapper: My favorite color is pink
Theo: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Comte: >:O language!
Vicent: Yeah, watch your fucking language
MC: Okay, who taught Vicent the fuck word?!
Leonardo: 'The fuck word'
Isaac: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Arthur: Oh my god he censored it
Dazai: Say fuck, Isaac
Arthur: Do it, Isaac. Say fuck
MC: You know what I’ve realized?
Kidnapper: Some thoughts are better left unsaid?
MC: Nice try, anyways-
Sebastian, texting: Answer your phone
MC, texting back: Wait a minute, I can't find my phone
Sebastian: Understood
Sebastian, 5 minutes later: Hold on-
Kidnapper, with a knife to MC's belly: What happens if I stab you with this? Heaven?
MC: Bold of you to assume I'll go to Heaven
Kidnapper: -sick of MC's shit, stabs her- Finally~
MC: So...Are you gonna want the knife back or can I keep it?
Dazai and MC: Welcome to our very first vlog, in which we try different hair products
Dazai: -sprays hairspray in MC's mouth-
MC: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good
Arthur: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...
MC: -pulls out card from deck- Now, was this your card?
Arthur: Holy moly-
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 14-20 thoughts!! I finished up s1 :D these last few eps were actually really really good!!!
-did. did tucker really just say esperanto was a dead language only spoken as a secret code between geeks. google says around 100,000 people actively speak it. oh my god...it being an auxiliary language doesn't mean its 'just for geeks to speak in code' ...it helps bridge gaps between people who don't have a language in common...
-danny really isn't pulling punches when it comes to fighting the ghost-cop possessed people huh. like he SLAMMED KWAN INTO THE CONCRETE SO HARD. HE THREW PAULINA INTO A BILLBOARD. will that...I mean it WOULD carry over to their bodies non-possessed, right? like if the ghost piloting their bodies gets hurt?? itd be so upsetting to be possessed, lose time, then wake up covered in bruises (and possibly, broken bones??) real horror movie stuff im sure wont be addressed in any way
-tuckers parents seem nice! I like them :)
-WULF IS CUTE AND I FEEL BAD. im so glad the gang realized he was only causing trouble bc of the shock collar walker put on him and helped. also, him wearing that big hoodie with the hood on, and thinking its subtle. we can tell youre still a giant wolfie :) THEN GETTING SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL AAAAH :( anxiously waiting to see Him Again....
-DANNY BLASTING HIS PARENTS THINKING THEY WERE OVERSHADOWED LMFAO GET THEIR ASSES. maddie marking how many ghosts she gets with lipstick tallies on the side of her portal gun? kindaaa iconic tho. (ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE, 2 FT AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. HOW DO YOU NOT RECONINZE YOUR OWN SON??? like sure, he might have diff hair/eye colors. but like, if one of my family members dyed their hair, and was wearing contacts, its not like id be like 'wHO IS THIS STRANGER!!!' ...he still has all his facial features!! same everything!!! I hate it here)
-paulina being #1 girl realizing danny's a friendly ghost immediately. smart queen. lancer and kwan ran away right after he made this sweet baby face at them:
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which is hilarious.
-ok. im not saying his bullying is JUSTIFIED, but. dash looked so pleased with the (cute!) poster he just painted, and danny comes thru the wall and spills paint on his nice letterman jacket. his anger is justified maybe 65% of the time so far...(not the way he handles it, but STILL.) at least lancer is stepping in!! and them making a silly little bet was...cute?? until dash pulled out his GROSS UNDERWEAR AND SAID DANNY WOULD HAVE TO EAT THEM???? WHAT THE FUCK MAN. TUCKER WAS SO RIGHT ITS FUCKING WEIRD TO CARRY THOSE AROUND EWWW. THIS KID IS UNWELL. lancer was right, his animatronic setup was SUPER IMPRESSIVE?? hes actually pretty creative. danny meanwhile is stealing the fright knight's design...I hope dash is taking art classes or smth with his sports
-fright knight is the most bestest ghost so far i LOVE THAT DESIGN. I am biased towards knights, and characters with swords, but he fucks so severely. and should sue danny for copyright infringement for stealing his design for his haunted house. if some 14 yr old broke into MY house and stole MY sword, id also be pissed. his evil winged unicorn rules too with its FANGS. and he just CAN SHOVE THE PORTAL OPEN WITH HIS HANDS??? is he the strongest ghost weve seen so far? idk but hes my fav. SOUL SHREDDER IS SUCH A COOL SWORD NAME TOO. ANY NAMED SWORD ALSO FUCKS. 'flaming bedsheets of DEATH' funny king. ALSO he was polite to dash and tucker when just asking for directions and telling tucker 'oh maybe, just a suggestion, maybe be nicer to me and be more respectful :)' I LOOOVE HIM.
-I noticed this in the Ember ep, but jazz has an electric guitar in her room!! talent musical queen!! its cool to see hobbies just in the bg.
-fright knight's murder castle reminds me of the booby trapped murder castle in zexal!! another supposedly 'for kids' show with murder/trap castles! we love that. if you are a dp fan reading this, give yugioh zexal a try. its also got 13-14 year old protags and involves (alien) ghosts. the cardgame is just a vessel for the plot, which is really good. (I just want more people to watch my fav yugioh, man)
-danny. with a SWORD.
-danny doesnt NEED TO WIN this contest, dash didnt STEAL HIS DESIGNS AND STEAL A SWORD. he also got excited to hear lancer got sent to a dimension with his worst fears too just so he could win the contest? DANNY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! BRO MAYBE YOURE 14 AND HAVENT FULLY DEVOLPED YOUR WHOLE BRAIN YET, BUT...THATS FUCKED. this kid casually says the most deranged things, I do worry for my spooky son. once again, therapy needed. that judo toss was great tho. I wonder if he actually did pick up some martial arts stuff from his mom?
-danny can fly 112 mph!!! thats so fast! I love the lil montage of him and his friends testing his abilities and stuff, very cute and a good way to showcase what he can do by now and how much more proficient he's gotten from ep 1!!! I'm sure he's going to get more abilities :)
-im glad...maddie's at least TRYING this ep. I do feel for her because her husband is a man baby. but the fact it took 16 episodes to get a kinda semblance of any kind of real concern or attempts at bonding. hmm. jack's 'BACK OFF SHES A MINOR' @ the ghost trying to attack jazz. also was very funny. and him wanting to make an action figure of her? are the parents redeeming themselves to me? slightly. they gotta Work Harder
-fenton machete. but she doesnt carry a PHONE??? ???
-I mean I expected vlad when you namedrop him earlier in the ep, and also the title card picture, and dalv corp being fucking vlad backwards. but seeing him just pull up on a golf cart made me bust out laughing. WITH the gift baskets prepared. why wouldnt you at least be suspicious. also, if he wants danny to be his lil sonboy, why is he so fucking malicious?? dude you are going about this in such a bad way. stop it. get some help.
-maddie not even hesitating to drag danny out. fucking good. danny is so right, go on the internet to date. get a cat. how do you spend...how many years?? has it been since college?? at least 20, right, since the parents/vlad are in their 40s? hung up on ONE girl. my god, man. incel drama queen. her kung fu IS impressive, but dude. 'we both know hes a creep' SO right. it sucks but they do need a phone and shit being in the middle of NOWHERE. also, just stealing his helicopter was great. <3
-'you must be exhausted carrying the weight of that mistake you made years ago' 'well we all make mistakes. maybe I'll make one now!' WHY DID THIS EXHCHANGE SEND ME. AND VLAD WITH THE BREATH SPRAY EWWW BITCH. 'OLD BAIT BREATH' SOO RIGHT. both danny and his mom playing him HAHAH hes so dumb. or rather, I think he thinks with his emotions too too much and is...actually pretty gullible? lmao he believed danny was ready to give in SO fast. (which is sad hes that hopeful, like you have SO MUCH MONEY YOU COULD EASILY GET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HAS A KID. AND WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND BE SUPPORTED. GET OVER THIS (1) WOMAN ALREADY IM GETTING SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAH)
-GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR. it was also in the title card, but I still got very excited. we love bears here
-SAM'S BAT SWIMSUIT COVERUP!!! her outfits are simply iconic.
-'i'd tell you to go to the mens room, but I don't think you qualify' top paulina transphobic moments. :( and him wearing a tanktop to the swim park? hmmm! (actually I think she was overshadowed by then, so, KITTY top 10 transphobic moments??)
-kitty just piloting paulina around makes me feel SO bad tho, paulina's gonna wake up and be like 'wtf do you mean I was dating this rando' like youre leading danny on to make johnny jealous, and also just POSSESSING POOR PAULINA. dude take your relationship problems ELSEWHERE. last time we saw them, they seemed like such a cute couple!! wtf johnny!! I mean, she sucks for trying to make him jealous, he sucks for looking at other girls...maybe they need a break, but Not Like This. or, you know, just. better communication...
-and the A-listers having a full packet and a stamp system. who organizes this. kwan fucking owning being the new danny though, this is hysterical. THE TUCKER/KWAN FLOWER FIELD TWIRL. UNIRONICALLY ADORABLE. and him giving it his all for the poetry slam. bless his HEARTTTT.
-Star owns. actually, all of the extra characters are shining this ep and I love it.
-johnny and danny bein friends and staging a fake fight (which danny takes too seriously, once again this child has aggression he NEEDS TO WORK OUT) I hope these three stay friends, I said it before but danny needs more friendly ghosts to hang with.
-at this point, Danny's ghost enemies are a lot like, I dunno, batman's rouge gallery is the first thing that comes to mind. they all have their own gimmick and unique designs, but most of them are easy to beat after learning the Moral Lesson. I still get excited when any of them show up again, though. 18 is another valerie episode!!!! :D skulker really said you two will get along if I have to handcuff you together <3 and the gym teacher really said, youre married now, have a flour baby! ngl, I'm not really watching this show for the shipping stuff (which I am very scared to look at the fandom for after I finish this watch through- I feel like there's probably discourse/arguing about ships...) but. I'm gonna put my opinion out there. valerie/danny > sam/danny. maybe I just really love the enemies to lovers trope. And the secret identity stuff adds Extra Flavor.
-SKULKER JUST HAVING THE BOX GHOST AND DANGLING HIM BY A STRING. HILARIOUS. and him watching them with binoculars and making his silly little commentary. AND MAKING THE SACK BABY CRY. LMAO. THIS DUDE IS A BABY KIDNAPPER. skulker is super fun
-danny, you just...collapsed the water tower. and then attacked the nasty burger machine...mascot thingy...out of anger..I KEEP SAYING HE'S GOT ANGER ISSUES BUT. HE REALLY NEEDS A LESSON IN MANAGING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! So does valerie!! They're both pretty focused on each other. I mean it's good of Danny to say he's trying to make sure PEOPLE don't get hurt, but... (I mean I guess it's not something 14 year olds WOULD worry about, but as an adult im like, who's going to fix that? how much money will that take??)
-TUCKER MAKING BANK. and sam and tucker being super emotionally attached to their flour baby and being pretty good parents. that's cute...also him just straight kissing her and being like. WAIT. O_O JDSKAFHD. his mom baking them into cookies was the funniest possible result. tbh I dont feel like this is on tucker, if anything the other kid's shouldve been more responsible! He was just taking an opportunity to get that $$ which I respect
-Danny being more understanding of Valerie's situation in the end (helping her at her job, too, and trying to keep that a secret for her!!!) And seeing them work together this ep, and also her letting phantom get her out of the ghost zone...was very sweet. LOVE that. more valerie eps pls
-me when I realize vlad's big stupid house exploded because of his own carelessness with changing the ghost portal ectofiltrator or whatever: *pointing and laughing*
-me when I realize it means he's gonna go make danny's life hell for it somehow: >:(
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-SCOOBY PARODY!!! I feel like there's gotta be some scooby doo/danny phantom crossover stuff, right? also, 'guys in white' men in black wishes
-'oh, that's right! dad married the love of your life! you're bitter and alone!' DANNNNNYY GET HIS ASS ONCE AGAIN WE ARE POINTING AND LAUGHING AT VLAD
-'jack, you captured the ghost boy!!' UMM. he did nothing <3 'we have a weapon's vault??' YOU HAVE A WEAPONS VAULT??? and jack didnt put a handle on the inside. of fucking course he didnt! why would you leave that to your son!! or expect him to clean YOUR LAB when its where you work with probably dangerous chemicals and weapons and hes 14!! give him normal chores, like, I dunno, vacuuming, laundry, dishes...CMON. I hate it here. But I'm glad Jack is more chill about danny while he's a ghost, and willing to work with him for this ep. AND. I DID ENJOY JACK PUNCHING VLAD IN THE FACE. AND GENERALLY JUST OWNING HIM. the ghost punchy fists are actually amazing. like yeah, just punch a ghost in the face. that rules.
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-ep 20 opens with the coolest fucking ghost lady design. her tattoos can come off and fight. MA'AM. I like ur nose ring and your cape maam hello 👉👈😳
-sam's grandma is hilarious and the most valid member of her family and I love her. thats my grandma now. and tucker covering for sam by dressing as her. thats true friendship <3 also skipping school to go to a goth circus. just bestie things! sam's parents are haters but for all the wrong reasons.
-'my family has controlled ghosts with this for generations!' WAIT. WAIT FREAKSHOW /ISNT/ A GHOST? I didn't expect that...he's just a fucked up guy controlling ghosts? anyway watching danny shoot at police cars and rob banks while mind controlled. its like, the most stereotypical 'bad' things lmao. (tbh an evil ghost circus troupe is a sick concept)
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this gives off big deviantart emo edit vibes
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(I'm going to assume evil circus reaper danny has a lot of fan content. people love an edgy au, except this one is canon (even tho its via mind control...having the protag go evil otherwise might be hard, I guess?) but au where he stays with the troupe...that has to exist, right?)
ANYWAY. excited to start s2!! lowkey surprised by how many notes some of these posts have gotten. I've gone back and tagged them all with 'dp thoughts' so they're easier to find on my blog! ^^ and I will probably possibly do (more) fanart on my art blog after I finish the watch of the whole show, so like. @sanchoyodraws follow my art blog :)
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princess-peregrine · 5 years
Long post, just keep scrolling
ok watching booksmart, this post is tracking me watching it
Okay movie is open
word doc is open
not going for tabs here I guess
so anyway
was on a site, found this movie called book smart and the cover caught my eye, so now i'm watching it. Also I googled if it was gay and it is so that's the main reason
okay first scene is odd
lol fuck them
omfg I love her already
hehehe, ass president
fuck samantha
so the principle is very smart and doesn't like any of them
omfg teacher crush girl I love you
everyone loves this teacher! And so do I!
Jared you are nice, but why
rood, her outfit is a solid six out of ten
OMG the head tilt! She leaned on her and and gazed!
When does the super duper gay happen
skateboard girl
oh that was a guy? I really can't tell, the adrogony is strong on this one
ryan is a girl so yes the lesbian
ryan's nickname is avril lavigne
“well with her there'd be more, vagina involved.”
omg the way the music cuts out is so odd
I love her car
I want that car, it has flame paint
I am the girl with the scarf, she is me, like for real, that is me
is she in the wrong, yes she is
this bathroom scene is the kind of conversations I would sit in the middle of and not talk like for real it is so nostalgic
their dick drawings are terrible
I love the hippie, he's nice, he's understandable, fuck the government man
omg shit got darker and more grainy
I love the side character hope
she is just upset other people that care less are smart wtf
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HALL PARTY!!!!
ok I think I see where this movie is going
i'm gonna guess, their gonna have a day to make up for being, stiff, and unloose
yeah that's where it's going
“Who's they?” same
omg the clothes change scene, they are so cute
“i wish, that wouldv'e been a secret, but, you said it anyway”
the parents omg do not deny the mushrooms omg the parents faces
omg the car
“absofruitly” omfg
what, vitamins, the meth was just vitamins
no one is there, wh, how doe, whe, how could, how tf did he do this
the party girl I love
she was the one on the car earlier
she is high
for sure but I love her what the hell is doing on
oh yeah she admitted, ln drugs
he's wearing a scuba helmet like a daft punk
omg no pls stop
he was so consent talk earlier and now he's nice guy
she lost her virginity in a graveyard and she said her eggs are haunted, I love it
I love her
who is lu an
jump off the boat
oh shit
oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit is she ok
pls lovely haunted rich girl be ok pls
“please don't do your lecture voice”
they got the address
i'm calling malala
she only gets one malala a year omfg I love them
the principle is the uber driver omg
i'm smiling so hard and it hurts bc my cheeks and gums aren't healed and I am in such pain, that a good thing
wtf that book idea sucks
so awkward
“neck deep in ryan” “neck deep, in, what direction?”
omg she's never watched porn
omg sharing earbuds while watching porn for educational purposes
omg omg omg omg the aux porn noises
“is that cardi B” OMASL;KDFADHLKAJSH
they got the wrong address again
how did she get here
gigi I love you
I finally learned her name it's gigi, I love gigi
gigi why are you not at nicks party
the strawberries hit by now?
one time I threw up in my moms hand and she caught it because she loves me
omg omg omg omg barbie scene
they're dolls I love this movie
“where is my chub” I feel the same
what is the real life equivilant of this
they're naked
“uh molly I have no genitals”
omg is there going to be barbie porn, spread eagle
gigi is amazing I love her
gigi you are wrong on this, and I still love you
omg just say you're bi
“i can't like him because he's a jock” same
slaps molly “how dare you say that about my best friend” so relatable
library studying to find the party omg
the pizza delivery that's how they'll find the party
omg kidnapper pizza delivery movie now pls?
“that's your private information” I love this pizza delivery guy
“don't trust people oh my god” he's great
she left her phone omg
“why is my battery so low?” “The porn, we streamed a lot of porn.”
who is it
Sentinel if you read this the teacher reminds me of you, she's banned from juice
“lucky for you two, i'm a single woman living in los angeles”
they are so great to eachother
ok they're here but there is still half of the movie left, so, what's gonna happen now
oh I know, romance drama hopefully
crush vision
oh pls no, crush vision has made everyone dissappear pls no, don't
it's done
still love the hippie
gigi how the fuck
gigi you are perfect and I love you
the teacher is here? For real? Is, that really what's happening?
Ryan is not who I would have had a crush on but I seriously love her rn
everything is going too well
how tf did he get from the murdermystery to there
probably the same way gigi did
he deepthroated the microphone and that is not ok
the hippie is going to try to seduce the teach
he called her mrs. fine. Also his name is theo
I don't think he's 20
uh oh kareoke pls don't
i'm afraid
this is causing me stress
what Is going to come of this
ok that was a stress fake out
this is going too well for too long what the hell is going on here
oh I know this song
swimming in the pool
um, so ryan is jacked
oh so ryan is either bi or straight but this does not bode well
oh shit doesn't bode well for either of them
she's using malala and you just say no bitch
molly you're being a bitch
omg yelling during a party and now everyone's staring
molly you are kind of a bitch now I like you less
molly was totally in the wrong
I love the cowgirl
omg cowgirl is a bitch too wtf
is everyone a bitch
kiss, which I saw coming but, still, get it
so rich kid is there too
gigi I love you
he wants to do airplanes I love him
ok so virginity loss first time scene
black bra
I forget what movie but there was a scene that they said “no one has a black bra if they don't want someone to see” and i'm like bitch black is my fav colour
OH SHIT, she puked, oh crap oh no oh pls god no, this is awful oh poor amy
oh no oh shit oh no oh crud I wanna cry I feel so bad for her she puked oh goodness I feel so bad for her why
oh that's what the scene earlier about her mom catching her puke meant
they didn't hear the clap?
Gigi I love you, also why do you take airplane kids car if you have your own
gigi's real name is annabelle
“Wait where the fuck do you live” omg
twenty minutes still left, what is happening here
but did the teach bang the kid
omg she rolled her r at a kid
she did bang him
teach what the fuck
gigi is at the piano the talented bitch
i'm gonna bet they'll still be late
THEY MADE IT, broke the fence, BUT THEY MADE IT, also his car is f'ed up
omg why is everyone cheering was everyone at the party?
Maybe cause they just crashed a car through
ok so molly was not gay
this kiss was terrible and they should do a reshoot until they take a not ugly kiss
neat speech
her mom is kissing the jilling bear
oh no
oh pls thank god molly
they were kissing the sex panda oh god
omg omg omg omg
cowgirl you are valid
she has stripped sleeves I love
she has a volvo and that adds like, plus twenty aesthetic
gone forever now
not forever, just a year
harmonizing for the ending song, good choice I guess
oh no, now it's sad
omg I love the ending
the ending wow
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nice shit
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lordeasriel · 5 years
hey can you do the character meme for marisa and asriel
ok, i’m rolling with marisa coulter, fashion icon & terrible role model
Why I like them: she is a very well-written character, who resonates as real as possible. it’s very compelling how rich her personality is, how vibrant and remarkable she is. she’s also pretty lol
Why I don’t: she’s a child murderer and kidnapper. also when she goes full motherly mom i just go like: “nope, miss the old you”. the golden monkey too, big yikes.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): nothern lights’ ending, oh boy. oh my fucking boy.
Favorite season/movie: season one equals book one, which is my fav, so that’s that.
Favorite line: “Lyra, if you behave in this coarse and vulgar way we shall have a confrontation, which I will win.”
Favorite outfit: the movie’s white dress, oh boy.
OTP: pftt asriel, please, anything else is blasphemy.
Brotp: she and the golden monkey, there is only one person who is cool enough to befriend her and that is herself lmao
Head Canon: she was fairly inconspicuous as a scholar, avoiding to be too known because smart women scare feeble man and she wanted to marry a feeble influent man. she’s also split from daemon (in a similar way lyra and malcolm did) hence her cold, distant relationship to him.
Unpopular opinion: i was going to say nicole kidman, but truth be told, she is actually quite praised for the role. so, i tend to dislike marisa after her maternal awakening because i think it makes me relate less to her, and it weakens her character. after being so complex and rich, she becomes a basic mother trope which is bland and boring and very overdone.
A wish: more of her life before NL, in the secret commonwealth, tho it’s unlikely.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: that implication that bonneville r#ped her. it makes me grit my teeth. also, giving her good reasons for being wicked.
5 words to best describe them: sadistic, ruthless, glamourous, scholarly, ill-tempered.
My nickname for them: i’m stealing ruth wilson’s mrs c from now on lmao
give me a character and i will rant about them!
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