#ok that initial YOINK got me
cluescorner · 7 months
Randomized Robins, names and character work
I figured out what I want everybody's superhero name to be and wrote out their explanations for why they chose their names to try to figure out how I want to write them going forward.
Steph (Spoiler, then Clue): I named myself Spoiler because I was going out to Spoil all my dad’s plans! And now I’ve named myself Clue, because after my father’s death I want the chance to turn his name into something good. Plus I’ve changed my goals for why I’m doing this whole vigilante thing. Instead of being someone who ‘spoils’ the plans of villains, I want to help people and show them the true way the world can be. It’s not enough to just stop the bad guys anymore, I want to protect people who can’t protect themselves or just need a push in the right direction.
Tim (Spoiler, then Paradox): After I was brought back, everything about me felt wrong. I was Tim, yet I had another ‘self’ crudely shoved in me…literally. I was supposed to be dead, yet I was alive. I was supposed to be a ‘good guy’, yet all I could feel was an onslaught of awful emotions (not to mention that I broke Bruce’s rule, I’m a murderer now). I was supposed to be Jack’s kid, yet whenever I pictured ‘dad’ two people who weren’t him came to mind. I was Bruce’s son and Steph’s boyfriend and Cass’s friend, yet they left me with him for so long…and I suppose I betrayed them back. I had friends who could literally hear my goddamn heartbeat and protect me from bullets and race to me from across the world, yet when I screamed until my voice was raw begging for them to help or free me from that hell or to kill me and get it over with they never showed up. *Sigh* So yeah, I was basically a walking contradiction. But Pierrot and I needed to agree. And he thought ‘contra’ was both too basic and that nobody would get it. So we compromised and now we’re Paradox. 
Pierrot (He’s just Pierrot): Ok, so I got to name MYSELF! Which is AWESOME but also a lot of pressure. I mean, I started existing 2 weeks ago and now Ra’s was asking me for a name?! Like, I just spawned, can I have a bit longer before I have to make a lifelong commitment? But he was an efficient man and wanted to initiate Tim and I into the League and he couldn’t do that if I didn’t have a name. I had 3 hours. So, I went to Talia. She had just had a kid and she named him, maybe she could name me! She wouldn’t do that, but she did give me a baby book. It was useless and I hated all of those names. I was down to the last hour when Tim suggested that I just take his middle name, which is JACKSON! And I thought, “Like I’m gonna name myself after his dad!” But then it got me thinking…what if I name myself after my dad?! The Joker TECHNICALLY wasn’t my dad, but he did make the chip and the chip made me! So I had it! I would name myself ‘Jack’ and trick Tim into thinking I did it based on his advice! The perfect plan. 
….Then once we left the league I decided that I hate my dad and also his name. So I changed my name to Pierrot. It fits into my whole ‘tragic clown’ bit and I like how it has the name first letter and amount of syllables that our ‘vigilante’ name has. Plus it makes me sound sophisticated!
…….Ok fine I also like Hatsune Miku and she had a song about a puppet clown named Pierrot and I went ‘hey I like this song! yoink’. Plus there’s also another Vocaloid song about a kid named Pierrot who kills people at the behest of their parental figure and like…hello?? That’s literally our whole thing. I thought that it would be a fun if I could use that as a reason to code Vocaloid sound-banks into the mask so I could sound like Miku whenever I felt like it. Tim is still vetoing that idea. But I think the idea of getting chased by Batsy and singing ’The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku’ while he overanalyzes the lyrics of what we’re singing and guilts himself even more would be SUPER FUNNY. It’d probably mess him up for WEEKS! I mean, we have the voice modulator and it can speed our voice up, why not use it for something besides sending coded messages to Bart! 
Dick (Spoiler, then Twist): I really don’t think that Bruce wanted any more kids. It’d been a few years since Tim died and everybody could tell that Bruce Wayne was a mess afterwards. The only times he really went out were for official appearances and to go places with Cass. He hadn’t made any new friends or even kept up with his old ones, everybody thought that any chance he had at moving on was caput. So when he adopted me after my parents died, I think even he was surprised. And I just kept surprising people, first by finding out about Batman and then by becoming Spoiler and then by being really good at it! So I guess my name kinda reflects that. It’s a way to remember my parents too. Some of my best memories of them were of us flying in the sky and having fun, twisting up and around in the air. 
Damian (Spoiler, then Hoax): When I first arrived, everybody figured that I was some ploy my grandfather had dragged my mother into. In reality she was trying to get me away from the mess that was the league, but they were all paranoid enough to run plenty of tests. To the surprise of everyone except me, and Paradox perhaps, I was as real as they come. But this did not mean they trusted me. In their defense, I probably would not have trusted me either. Mother had hidden a lot from Father, for good reasons but these were still betrayals, and everybody was already on edge after Timothy’s return. The mantle of Spoiler was withheld from me until I stole the costume and went out on my own. But everybody could tell I wasn’t quite like the other Spoilers, I was too good for a kid just starting out and far more brutal than any Spoiler ought to be. Thus, I was dubbed the ‘fake Spoiler’ until Father finally let me join him officially. My name spawned from these memories and the emotions that came along with them. And after Dr. Thompkins helped me with my ‘death’, it only became more relevant.  
Jason (He’s Spoiler! So what does the name Spoiler mean to him?): Steph picked a really funny name in retrospect. I mean, the phrase ‘No Spoilers’ took on a whole new meaning in Crime Alley after she started showing up! I’d be asking people not to tell me the endings of books and they’d think I was doing some funny business that I didn’t want the capes showing up to. We got more used to Spoiler over time and most of us kids actually started liking her. It was probably because she seemed…like us. She was a normal person, not some looming rich jerk like Batman. She could relate to us when we talked about our parents and gave us advice that came from experience, not a guy repeating the same canned advice we could find on the internet. Our feelings about the Spoilers changed depending on who had the mantle, but we always trusted Spoiler to help us out without also ruining our lives. They were kids and they understood us. So…I guess to me Spoiler is someone who understands people when Batman can’t. They’re a symbol that we can all make a difference in somebody’s life, we don’t have to be some meta-human or really rich to do what we can to help each other. …I really hope that I can live up to that.
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starlight-lesbians · 12 days
pls yell about service top gb more
hehehe ok
nsfw warning ofc, adults only n all
a/n: this won't really be in like story format, just THOUGHTS in no particular order
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Well to talk about service top Greasey we kind of first have to talk about Dinah LOL
Dinah is the most "Independent older sister type" person to cross the planet okay
Drives GB absolutely insane because she just wants to take care of her girl okay?
So she figured out the easiest way to get Dinah to let her help was just to make her cum so many times that she couldn't think about whatever she was worrying about anymore
That's at least how it started, but then Greasey remembered exactly how much she likes eating girls out, and now she's just constantly fiending to get under Dinah's skirt
To her credit, it does help Dinah's overthinking, and she eventually gets comfy asking for it instead of waiting for GB to notice she's anxious and initiate
Literally everything Dinah does turns her on, it’s becoming a problem. Dinah will be cooking or reading, and then suddenly she finds herself getting scooped up by her girlfriend and carried to the bedroom
They never make it to formal events on time, Dinah just looks so pretty that Greasey has to get her off a few times before they go
After races, she’ll just lay down, tug Dinah onto her face, and go at it for hours until they’re both about to pass out
Guys she’s insane and feral over her gf and just wants to make her feel as good as possible!
She’s entirely good with not being touched, she honestly prefers it that way. Dinah tugging at her hair is way sexier to her than anything else anyway
Greasey’s sooo possessive? Like Dinah’s thighs are always just covered in hickeys because GB needs to remind everyone she’s hers
Dinah knows her power, like really she’s such a tease lmao. She’ll drape herself over GB’s lap or just walk around the shed in Greasey’s clothes because she knows that’s all it takes to get her going
Literally “I know what you’re doing babe.” “Whaaat? Lil ol’ me? I could never have ulterior motives!” (she could and she does)
Greaseball is almost annoyingly into how easily she can pick Dinah up and throw her around, I’ve mentioned how she’ll just scoop Dinah into a fireman’s carry and walk off with her when she wants attention, that also applies to sex lol
Dinah just grinning and waving to whoever she was with before she got yoinked because she knows she’s in for a good time
idk yeah ideas lemme know if you want more
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Sorry, was just musing on something & skimming a season 1 episode list and like, OK now I get why you have Princess Perfuma so late in the game XD But two main things:
1: While many Akuma are laid at Chloe's feet (& some were like Reflekta, Perfuma and Kung Food) some really feel more like a group effort, circumstances or her being targeted unfairly, IE:
Ivan/Stoneheart was initially just straight up Kim and then nearly everyone in class being on his back about Stoneheart. Mylene was the situation, most of the class was getting irritated and Chloe just seemed to be the last straw. (Also Nino inviting someone he described as a brat to be in his movie. Again, Chloe may not have been beloved but she wasn't reviled at first) Then there's Nathanial where it really feels like he should have gone after the teacher unless he was trying to nice guy Marinette by murdering Chloe which... Well either way its off putting XD
2: I do think the season 1 sequence of events struggles to make some sense, given you'd think Rose would know Chloe's not liable to be particularly nice after what happened with Juleka.
Unless Chloe hands out apology gifts/baskets in-between some episodes XD
"Sorry for locking you in the bathroom so I could be next to Adrien in the picture. Dad always said anything to win & well, you becoming an Akuma certainly gave you a win, so even? No... OK, how about if I give you this obsidian dagger ne- OK we're cool then!"
"Sorry for ripping up your letter to Prince Ali, I mean I'm not sure why you were so upset, Mama throws away, destroys or rejects all my gifts, but I guess if you got AKumatized over it that it was serious or whatever. So, here's like, a pile of plushies?"
Yeah like.
Okay first off I love the name 'Princess Perfuma' better than 'Princess Fragrance' like damn the English dub was robbed there.
But also yeah its.
I go over this a chunk in LL but there's a lot that either Chloé's actions were only exacerbating a situation that was already happening, or she was entirely in the right.
Stoneheart? She actually didn't cause that one! Yes she did upset Ivan at one point which. Yeah given they don't know what's happening/why he went monster I can understand her skepticism. But Mari calms him down. The first Stoneheart was Kim's bullshit, and the second Stoneheart was the confession going wrong.
Lady Wifi? Alya was 100% in the wrong here. She was breaking into, rifling through, and taking pictures of Chloé's locker. All Chloé did was demand that she be given the proper consequences for doing so. If the tables were turned and it had been Chloé who was caught going through Alya's locker but the principal had said 'eh no harm done go back to class' you can bet everyone would be pissed about it.
Timebreaker? None of these idiots figured out how to put a pocket watch in a pocket. Yes Chloé yoinked the watch to look at it, but breaking it was a genuine accident.
Rogercop? Chloé reported a crime to a cop, the cop was like 'the fuck do you want me to do about it?' and got fired for not doing his job.
Horrificator? Mylene was scared and getting overwhelmed and everyone on the production was getting frustrated at her. Chloé might've been the first to snap, but someone would've eventually and with the same result.
Dark Cupid? While her rejection was harsh, any kind of rejection could have set Kim off in that moment. She is not obligated to return his feelings nor is she responsible for his emotions.
Vanisher? That one kinda is her fault but also friends fight! Sabrina did something that upset her, no matter how small it was, and she had a right to be upset. Just as Sabrina had a right to be upset in turn when Chloé started ignoring her. While technically in the wrong on this particular argument, the kids shouldn't have to walk on eggshells around each other and pretend things don't hurt them just because some butterfly bastard might give them magic powers.
Evillustrator? The teacher was far harsher than Chloé had been. Hell Chloé's comments were actually /complimentary/ and just outing an obvious crush. While the teacher had screamed at Nath in front of the class, told him his art was worthless and ugly, and that he was failing his classes.
And yeah Reflekta, Kung Food, and Princess Fragrance are more her purposely being a dick. And I'm not pretending that Chloé is 'nice' at any of these points. But things aren't black and white.
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blackjackkent · 9 months
I hoped going into the barn behind Mattis would reveal the other tiefling refugees but instead I got yelled at by a Flaming Fist.
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"Halt, citizen! This is a restricted area! Explain yourself!"
Hm. Well, might as well pursue the Arfur toy questline while we're here, since apparently that's an option. (This area is labeled "Requisitioned Barn" and I think is being used by the Flaming Fist as a storehouse for supplies for the refugees.)
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"There's something dangerous in the donations. I need to investigate."
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"And I'm the Duke's bedwarmer. Follow me, please - Manip Nestor'll know what to do with you."
We immediately get ported across to the other end of the building, where another surly dwarf yells at us instead.
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"The hells are you doing in here?"
This, presumably, is Manip Nestor (Manip being a Flaming Fist title for a sergeant). He's not happy to see us.
Hector, ever-honest, decides to just press forward with his original explanation.
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"I was investigating a crime," he says. "I think some of the donations might be dangerous."
"What? Dangerous?" the Manip scoffs. "Is this a joke?"
Hector shakes his head earnestly. [PERSUASION] "Please - go and check. It won't take much of your time, but it could save lives."
The dwarf scowls. "Fine. I'll look. But I'm doing it for the refugees. Not for you."
He wanders off, leaving Hector and company standing awkwardly on the barn's balcony and waiting. I initially assumed I was supposed to wait for him to come back, but he walked into the barn and just kind of stood there, so I guess we're supposed to follow him?
Hilariously, as soon as Hector talked to him, he turned around and demanded, "Are you gonna search the barn or what?"
Oh. I thought you were gonna-- OK, fine, I'll do it, not a problem.
(The quest is also updated to indicate we should search the donations. So there you go.)
There are a lot of crates to search in the vicinity of the quest marker. It does seem as if we could possibly yoink a bunch of camp supplies from here without taking a hit for stealing, which is odd, but we won't do that.
Eventually, however, we find a crate that Shadowheart, once again, detects is trapped.
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Upon disarming the trap, the teddy bear on top immediately squealed, "CAN YOU PLEASE GIVE ME A HUG? BET YOUR ARMS WOULD BE SO SNUG!"
I'm pretty sure Hector jumped about a foot in the air when this happened.
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Well, that's fucked up. Let's go tell the Manip.
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"You were right. Explosives. Now give me some room. I need to make sure the rest of these donations are safe." He points at Hector. "You try and find whoever is responsible for this."
I mean we were going to anyway, but also that seems like your job, my dude. :/
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silentmoths · 2 years
Moths very big ultra long thoughts on part III of the archon quest (with pictures!)
Ho...hoo boy that was a lot, we finally got nahida out her damn bedroom and I have things to say.
All of it below the cut so no spoilers for those who dont want em. I will begin with one picture above the cut because HELLO SAILOR
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With that note: I dont know how to feel about the majority of the plan being revealed to us as the quest progressed, I get it's a lot of dialouge to put at the beginning but personally I found it frustrating.
The whole alhaithem being a double traitor tho? Liked that, seems very on brand. and it also means we get treated to this lovely shot of haithem bent over a table presenting ass as he should
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Everything w nilou's scene happened so fast, but ye olde switcheroo? smart idea.
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I, personally, am not a cyno kisser, but I have an OC that I have that does, in fact, kiss him, hello sir what them claws do but also hell yeah protect our girl please and thank.
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honestly the fact that rukkhadevata had initially made the barrier in the sancturary so she could meditate in peace, only to have it reverse engineered so the sages could use it to keep Nahida in as opposed to keeping outside forces out?
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I've hated the fucking sages since the start I've never been fond of overly snooty academic types like chill the fuck out and touch some grass you pompus dicks.
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honestly as you should girl. cut their fucking dicks off.
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Hoyo I am begging you to make this a pet
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look, before all this, i was NOT fond of scaramouche, to me he was a dinky little twink boy with mommy issues, but then after seeing the parts of his past from part II, yeah ok my heart hurts for him, boy's got abandonment issues and while we didn't see anything about this anemo vision he gets, Im hoping hoyo isn't gonna just yoink it out like rabbit out of a hat.
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Helluva boss stolas goetia is that you
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Honestly fuck this thing, I have no idea how to fight it, i spent the entire time floundering, zhongli is the only reason I live and breathe thank you for my life geo daddy.
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Ok no cap this scene was hard to watch, he's so desperate, clung so tightly to this gnosis and him being a god that to have it ripped away is honestly very painful to watch, you see that vunerability for a brief moment, the actual Kuni that's still in there somewhere and its so sad. I didn't get a shot of him falling from the robot but it's clear losing this gnosis and ripping himself from the machine was not good for him and im having an emotion about it.
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somehow...yeah the giant boat isnt even a fucking shock
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Im glad we got some closure but also can nahida and rukkhadevata do the creepy twins thing and cause some chaos please and thank you
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When the words 'world forget me' started coming into play, i was afraid of this.
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I remember when the teaser came out and everyone was ready to throw hands at whoever made Nahida cry
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moogey-likes-things · 3 years
Ok, ok, hear me out,,,how would they react if you just. Randomly started holding their hand while walking alongside them or smth
Warnings: None, FLUFFY
Situation: What's this?! You're holding their hand?! This is so sudden!
(HC 10)
Freddy – When he feels the warmth and pressure of your hand he will stop in his tracks, probably accidentally yoinking you in the process. He'll look down at your clasped hands with wide eyes. When he looks back up at you he'll be a flustered, stuttering mess. Poor Teddy Bear! He will be happy to keep holding your hand for as long as you want, and won't mind much if people notice. When you let go he'll count the moments until there's another chance to do it again.
Chica – She will take notice immediately as long as there's no pizza distracting her, but even then, wow! Your hand is so soft, so warm! How cute! She will lock her fingers with yours and swing your arm back and forth, giddy as a school girl. Even when she waves at the others, your hand is going along for the ride, you shall be shaken, not stirred, lol. From then on if you two are walking together, or even just chilling, she will offer her hand for holding and be giddy each time you accept.
Monty – You threw him off whatever he was doing, that's for sure. He'll try to play it cool, but your small hand in his big, dangerous one is both adorable and surprising. He's not used to anyone being willing to get so close, and holding onto the second most dangerous part of him in public view does wonders for his ego! He will be careful not to walk or move to fast, so he doesn't yank you around. He will also be very careful of how hard he holds your hand. He wants to do it again as much as possible, and breaking your fingers is no way to start.
Roxy – She will initially pull away, surprised by the sudden touch and embarrassed by it. She will retake your hand with a little encouragement, and hold it snugly in her own. She won't say much about it at that time. She does love it, though. It's so comforting and flattering. You want to hold her hand? The next time she will want to take your hand, and will likely do so in a slightly demanding way. “Gimme!”
Bonnie – His first reaction is to pull your hand up to see that he's really holding it. He will grin like a dork and lock his fingers with your, maybe even giving your hand a small kiss. There will be an extra bounce to his step, and his mood will improve no matter how he was feeling to begin with. He'll tow you along gently, and pull you close to his side, always holding your hand in his with great glee.
Sun – This guy is soused to kids grabbing and pulling him about that it will take him a little bit to realize what is going on. Your hand is bigger, after all, and you are far more polite than little kids wanting attention. When he looks to see that you are at the other end of the hand he's got in his, he'll just about short circuit in joy and embarrassment. He'll ask if there's something you need or want, but when you just want to give him this sort of affection, he'll melt and offer his other hand for holding, too!
Moon – When little ones nap they have a tendency to grip onto toys, blankies, or even his hands for comfort while they dream. He will note the difference between your hand and theirs right away. He'll pick your hand up and look at it, sort of making sure you aren't in need of a bandage or anything. When you let him know that you just want to hold his hand, just for the heck of it, he'll hold your hand a little tighter. He's not letting go until he has to, and as soon as your hands are near and he is able, he's taking them back!
DJ – Holding his hand is a task, sure. If you're up for grabbing that massive mitt, though, he'll do all he can to make it work. He does have plenty of hands, so even if you're tucked behind his booth, he could hold onto you with one and support himself with the rest. He will offer up a single finger at first, but if you want the whole hand, well, you can have it. Have a seat, hug it, snuggle, have a ball! He will be very gentle and careful as he uses his huge thumb to caress your head or back.
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jackalspine · 3 years
nomu au? 👀
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I have a whole block of information sitting in my drafts but uh here’s a smaller version with drawwindgs ::)
Heeheehoohoo ok so either i havnt ever talking a bout this au on tumblr, I didn’t tag it, or it was eaten. Whatever the case nothing with nomu au shows up when I look it up on my blog but whatever
Bare bones: izuku was yoinked by AO3 via the doctor when he was young (middle school) as a part of his initial experiments with Nomu. Was part of a test group of a mix of quirked and non quirked people, but was the only one to be considered a success. AFO happened to catch a bit of izuku comforting younger subjects by rambling about their quirk and potential application.
Capitalizing on izuku natural talent for analysis, AFO thinks to modify him more for recon,, but they’ve already got so much progress on the combat nomu.. hmm
Proposal: make big nomu. Put gently mentally modified izuku in the nomu EVA style… now we have smart brain.. in a meat suit. Oh yeah it’s all coming together…
I lied this is not the bare bones version wtf I’m on a rambling ROLL
Oh and the newest meat suit nomu is made out of all the test subjects izuku met and lived with.
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They’re all squished together. It’s terrible.
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Idk what the nomu looks like. It doesn’t matter. The Actual driving force of this AU for me is actually just (1) scene I want:
USJ incident> the Villains forces dwindle to the point of having to call the recon Nomu for defense> bakugou goes Feral on it> the nomu is fucking Weird instead of taking the many opportunities it had to swat at him, it tends to stick its head real close his face which is Stupid cause it’s muzzled. > while blasting it, it takes an unexpected lunge forward and the brunt of the explosion is taken by the muzzle> oh god it’s got so many teeth.> it has bakugou pinned with his palms towards his body> it’s mouth creaks open> a terrible- flayed voice is pushed out of its throat> “k̵̠͇̤̯̘͎͚̬̱̮̝͈̳̫̳̫͚̙̫̰̒̑̓̊̆͛̑̌̎̔͒͛̊̚͘̚͜͝ͅa̶̗̬͎̼̲̳͖͓̬̟͓̩̓̑̏͋̇̆̾͊ͅc̷̢͙̫̖̹̖̋̅͐c̷̡̛͎̲̻͕͙̠̯̘̼͚̫͔̱̲̦̊̇͋̋͐̆͗̽͐̽̇̈͜͝͠͠ͅh̵̡̛͇̼̰̮̤̥̫̣̮͈̞̙̗͇͎̼̲̘͖̳̯̞̜̦̤͎͆̉̆͊̐̎̈́̀̈́̀̃͜͝ͅä̴̡͇̫͓̜͔̗̙̮̝̝̩͉͔̮͔̳̘̻̣̾̂̀̏̔̈́̾̽̔̓̎͗́̋̀́̄͌̈̔̆͌͛͒͝ͅņ̵̻̤̝̘̘̙̟͉͓̮̝̫́̐̓̏̈̊̉̓̇̑̋͊̏̅͘͘̕̕̕̚͠͝͝?”
That’s all.
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Bonus: me walking home from school as my brain feeds me bits of Thoughts and AUs to keep me from spacing out too hard and getting hit by a car
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junicai · 4 years
Aria + Dreamie Hugs
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clingy babies
wrap around each other like koalas
he likes to circle his arms around her waist and rest his head in the crook of her neck
loves it when she runs her hands through the hair at the nape of his neck
pls let her rub his back :(
head pats head pats head pats head pats 
mark, pulling aria into his chest and gently stroking her hair? more likely than you’d think 
he’s always got one limb on her at all times, be it resting his head on her shoulder, her lying across his lap, just holding hands - 
aria has really cold hands, so mark holds them to “make sure she doesn’t get frostbite” 
there is a reason why aria has so many blankets on her bed and its because of mark and his incessant need to burrow himself into soft fabric when he’s sleepy and wants to cuddle 
half of the blankets on her bed are actually mark’s and she’s just stolen them off his bed
he’ll fight against her hugs at first, square up-
no touchy no touch
but then he’ll just melt and go soft and boneless when she tugs gently at his ear
will come up behind her and hug her gently
especially if she’s working herself up? renjun will come up behind her and rest his hand on her shoulder to let her know he’s there before tugging her back into a backhug
sways slowly side from side
not huge huggers, but handholding? thats the stuff
honestly they never hug on camera just because it isn’t natural 
renjun only accepts her hugs when he’s A: tired of fighting her off or B: sad but unwilling to admit it
aria likes to playfully kiss his hand when she’s teasing him 
the first time the dreamies won an award, aria chucked herself at him, and he caught her with the brightest smile 
to this day, its the thumbnail of Many renjaria shipping videos
oh he’ll pick her up and swing her around by her waist while she buries her head in his shoulder
rests his head on top of hers 
he uses hugs as an excuse to discreetly fix her clothing 
pulling her skirt down or fixing buttons on a shirt
just envelops her entirely, big stronk hug 
when they walk together jeno always has a hand on aria - mainly just holding hands, but several photos have been posted of jeno holding onto aria like a bodyguard in the airports 
aria’s teddybear = jeno
jeno is Very Proud of the title
when she complains that his arms are too hard to lie on now, he will kick her off the couch though
jeno isn’t allowed be insecure about gaining weight or anything of the sort because aria will immediately come to lie on his stomach and tell him all the things he tells her when she gets insecure 
“see? pillow. 10/10.”
aria withhold her hugs when she’s mad at him and he whines 
poor baby just wants his best friend’s cuddles :(
tightens his grip when she tries to roll out of his grasp 
“no! no i’m not done recharg- COME BACK”
any and all limbs captured 
she may die in one of his hugs after being suffocated 
aria sticks her icy hands up the inside of his t-shirt when she wants him to let go 
but asides from that
hyuck is the one aria goes to when she wants to cry but doesn’t want to do it alone
she doesn’t like people seeing her cry, but if its hyuck its,,,, kinda ok
will still bury her face in his chest though because then he can’t see her
when that happens hyuck makes sure to hold her super tight, incase her legs go and they both fall
he always complains that aria never hugs him first 
she DOES he’s just dramatic
you think jaemin with jisung is bad? ohhohoho-
aria has to physically fight him off every time he approaches 
“jaemin...” “yes?” “no.” “😢” “no! i’m doing my hair- jaemin! no!”
likes to wrap his arms over her shoulders and rest her head on his chest
bby just wants to protect his babie 
will and has used hugs to restrain her from murdering someone (donghyuck)
piggybacks? piggybacks. 
he just hoists her up with literally no forewarning 
and then proceeds to complain that she’s too light 
omg he pulls aria into hugs sometimes
just, grabs her by the waist or her arms or whatever’s in reach and 
she is trapped now there is no escape
aria likes to snuggle into his jacket when they’re filming outside and it’s really cold 
not for any other reason apart from jaemin’s the most likely to let her
and he has a fluffy coat
a lil side hug moment
or a rugby tackle 
no inbetween
again, not super affectionate but that’s only because aria doesn’t want to make him uncomfortable 
although that hasn’t stopped her from holding onto him like he’s a kitten she’s expecting to wriggle out of her arms
no seriously
aria will catch him by the nape of his neck and hold him if she has to
you’d swear they smoke together they’re so chill 
they do not don’t get the wrong idea it’s just the vibes
when he wants to congratulate her on something though
he will throw himself at her and wrap all four limbs around her like an octopus 
no forgiveness aria must understand the level of Proud he is 
and that means Hug
he only likes his noona’s cuddles, everyone else can go away
likes to lay across a bed and rest his head on her stomach to allow her to play with his hair
playfully struggles out of her hold before giving up after a minute and settling 
when he was smaller, he liked to lay on her chest, and he still does but he has to curl up his legs to make himself fit in aria’s hold 
he lowkey goes to aria for comfort if he’s feeling unsure about something 
will rest his chin on her head and his elbows on her shoulders 
aria only puts up with it because its jisung and she knows that he’s probably doing it as an excuse to get her to hug him without him having to initiate the hug 
u aint slick jisung
its rare that aria will go to jisung to like, bury her face in someone’s shoulder or smth
but when it does happen jisung goes
( ´・・)ノ(._.`)
poor boy is a little confused but he’s got the spirit 
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
OK. Moving on, slowly but surely, Episode 2 of Word of Honor.
For anyone only just peeking inside my door, this is a re-watch, so there are SPOILERS not just for this ep, but possibly for the ENTIRE SHOW. Scroll away and come back later if you haven’t seen all 36.5 eps and want to watch it unspoiled.
So, the major thing that hit me during this episode: On re-watch, with context, Wen Kexing’s thirst is now super-complicated by the fact that he thinks he’s recognized the Siji Manor Swift Moving Steps™ from A-Xiang’s throwdown with Zhou Zishu at the end of Ep 1. He gets his confirmation in this ep when he goads ZZS into their first fight, in Chengling’s (badly green-screened) peach-blossom front yard. This complicates the stalking and the flirting, particularly the poetic references WKX uses here to talk about ZZS’s footwork, giving it a level that ZZS (along with the audience, back on our first time watching) simply doesn’t have the context to understand yet. (Well. ZZS not getting all the info that WKX has. That’s the start of a pattern. I mean, at this point, WKX certainly doesn’t owe this random guy a peek into his deepest traumas - EVEN THOUGH it would make things about 10000x less complicated, which is also part of the pattern - but I’m just sayin’. It sure is the start of a pattern.) So ZZS blows off WKX as a PUA asshole with an apparent kink for rough trade with appalling facial hair - just like all of us, as the audience, at this point, were beginning to watch open-mouthed at the speed and intensity of WKX’s thirst for some apparently random dude who he spotted tits out, drinking himself to death in the gutter. Don’t get me wrong, WKX is still thirsty as hell, and he was out to tap that even before he saw the Siji Manor Swift Moving Steps™, but now it’s all mixed up in memories of his shixiong that we won’t see, and ZZS won’t know about, for several more episodes. WKX’s still not sure this is the same guy, but it’s at least an associated guy. So our additional context from later episodes now makes it look like all the stalking isn’t just about having the hots for some rough trade who keeps flashing his collarbones, it’s also about regaining a kind of emotional intimacy that WKX hasn’t had for umpty years of trauma and abuse and killing his way up the ladder. This specific flavor of emotional intimacy isn’t something he can get from A-Xiang, even if she saves his heart – this random drunk dude is triggering some memories (that we won’t see for several more episodes) of feeling protected and cared for, unconditionally, and this guy is literally the only person left in the world who could/can make WKX remember those kinds of feelings. And WKX chases it like he’s starving, because he is. Because anyone in his position would be. Prince Jin will eventually do the same kind of thing to ZZS, grabbing onto him like a drowning man at the only thing he thinks will keep him afloat.
Also, WKX may have had slightly more home training than A-Xiang, but he’s had a lot more – and more recent - grooming by a psychopath. I remember reading somewhere that Zhou Ye talked about how A-Xiang seems slightly off, not quite right in the way she acts, at the beginning of the show, and this was a deliberate acting and directing choice because she was raised in the Ghost Valley, literally doesn’t know how to act right in normal society, and has to learn how as the show goes along. I feel like we see some of that with WKX, too, not just in the hard sell with ZZS, but also in some of his mannerisms and reactions – less so than when he’s playing it up in the Ghost Valley, but still noticeable. I think you can see this in the aftermath of the fight with the ghosts, when both WKX and A-Xiang are watching the reactions from and interactions among ZZS, Chengling and Boat Man, and they both seem kind of ... baffled? Occasionally taken aback? At normal reactions that the other three are having to events. When you set them together in that scene, it’s noticeable, particularly with the way A-Xiang keeps checking in with WKX as if to say, really? This is how humans act? It’s little things that on my first time watching, I initially wrote off to …. not necessarily bad acting, but to overacting, to Gong Jun maybe not being quite settled into WKX’s skin yet, that smoothed out as Gong Jun got more comfortable with the character and with playing off of Zhang Zhehan and seemed more ... natural. NOW, I wonder if this also was deliberate, if this is WKX not being quite settled into a human skin, which smooths out as he gets more comfortable in acting human again and in being around ZZS and Chengling. But meanwhile, he’s like a starving feral dog who’s spotted a piece of meat, and I chose every bit of that metaphor specifically, because psychologically and emotionally, that’s what’s going on, and it’s the way ZZS reacts to him, too.
ZZS is already gun-shy and touch-averse at this point (see the moment he jerks his hand out from under WKX’s hand at 31:20, while they’re both transferring energy to Boat Man) – he just wants to be left alone to die, is that so gd hard? - it’s clearly a trial for him to have to even be around this many nattering idiots. But I also have to think some of the instincts that made him so successful and kept him alive for so long in Tian Chuang have to be screaming at him, every time this rando approaches him, that something is not right about the guy. And even when you’re as suicidal as ZZS is right now, instinctive behavior is hard to overcome, and we see how quickly he steps back away from WKX, at 12:58, when WKX steps close enough to invade his personal bubble. At the same time, everything in WKX is screaming at him to plaster himself to this guy. And so, we set up the constant WKX push, ZZS retreat that we’ll get for several more episodes.
Other thoughts:
Chengling got the spirit I guess, but my lord. He gets beat down and gets his sword took about 5 times in the space of a minute and a half. Good thing his Xiang-jie is there. (Have mentioned how much I love A-Xiang? I just want to be sure everyone knows how much I love A-Xiang. Already. She is a fierce, feral, ray of brightness in every scene she’s in.) Here’s the thing, though – knowing what we know now, I can’t believe not a single one of the Ghosts says “WTF, Amethyst Fiend, why are you making this difficult for us to get the Glazed Armor your zhuren wants us to get our hands on?” They MUST recognize her. Or is this a set-up that the ghosts are in on, to make Chengling and whoever’s with him trust WKX and A-Xiang? But who knew Chengling would even escape? And that seems unnecessarily convoluted when they could just kill him and Boat Man. Did the plan get tweaked when ZZS showed up? If so, I can just imagine what these rank-and-file ghosts are thinking about what WKX wants this kid and this guy alive for, given they don’t know he’s trying to destroy the Ghost Valley – maybe that WKX’s going to do the same thing to Chengling that was done to him by the previous Ghost Valley Master. (Oh. Oh, although - here’s an AU thought – what if ZZS hadn’t turned up at just this particular moment? And what if WKX had intended to kill Chengling, too, along the rest of his family (I mean, presumably this IS what was supposed to happen)? But what if this Ghost Valley Master - whose heart has been fatally compromised by A-Xiang – sees this little soft-hearted soft-eyed dumbass, with his parents and everyone else he knows and loves dead and on fire around him? What if he does end up collecting another kid, at that point? THEN WHAT HAPPENS? Complicated by the fact that WKX’s got emotional skin in the game from jump, in this scenario, but Chengling knows up front about WKX’s part in the Mirror Lake massacre.)
OH MY GOD. I had to watch the same four seconds of footage about five times to try and figure out what’s going on, but there’s a point during the fight with the ghosts when ZZS is still having his Seven Nails Torment Moment, and Boat Man is busy dying, and Chengling is, well, Chengling has been beat down and had his sword took, and meanwhile A-Xiang is dealing with one of the ghosts, and another one’s coming up behind her, getting ready to brain her with his sword. And then at 29:01, it looks like he gets yoinked backward, and he goes crashing through a door, but then there is – I swear to god, y’all – a shot of two walnuts (remember those?) falling on the ground near him, and I guess the implication is that WKX, still hidden in the shadows, knocked him backward by throwing a couple of Walnuts of Death at him? Who knew Wolong’s Famous Nuts were crispy, delicious, and good for self-defense?
Oh, WKX. “Zhou Xu.” It’s so close, isn’t it? So close to “Zhou Zishu.”
Second ZZS/WKX physical fight happens over ZZS insisting that WKX leave Chengling tf alone and stop trying to see his injury. Well, there’s the beginning of another pattern.
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chaoticspacefam · 3 years
The Lana Shipping Meme!
This is a meme made by @swtor-legacy-sitcom​ who very kindly tagged me to fill it in, thank you! :D This was super fun, I’ve been in a bit of a writing rutt lately so this was a nice way to sort-of dip my toe back into it :P I TOTALLY forgot this was in my drafts and forgot to schedule it to post, I’m soooo sorry it took so long lmao 😳😬
I’m not sure if we’re supposed to tag other people with this one so I’ll just leave a general, open tag here: if you have a Lana ship and want to fill this one out, feel free to yoink the meme and say I tagged you! Yes, I promise I mean you <3
Spoilers for KOTFE/KOTET, and slight spoilers for the Subterfugeverse “version” of said events, will be discussed below, so be aware of that before proceeding! There’s also some midlly nsfw questions so you might wanna skip those if they’re not your thing! :D Under a cut because it’s long, but no trigger warnings need apply.
Is Lana Beniko absolutely done with their shit?
Oh yes, absolutely. Nearly always. At any given time, BUT Lana wouldn’t have it any other way. Saarai may be a reckless, overly-heroic idiot with seemingly no self-preservation, but she’s Lana’s reckless, overly-heroic idiot, ya know :’D
Do they make jokes together?
Fairly often, yes! Theirs is very much a flirty/fond banter type of relationship. Lana tells her she’s insufferable, Saarai rolls her eyes and snarks back, so on. See:
Saarai: Well this was a stupid idea Lana: Considering it was one of yours, I’m not surprised Saarai: Why didn’t you say something? Lana: I did and you did it anyway. And what have we learnt from this? Saarai, quietly: I’m a dumbass and I should listen to you more.... Lana: Good. I still love you, though. Saarai: :’D
Lana, two minutes later: You’re going to do it again, aren’t you? Saarai: Yeah, probably.
as well as that little cutscene “You’d better come back blah blah blah” “Well I have you to rescue me, that’s all I need~” is their default pre-dangerous battle banter :P
Who’s hornier? (who initiates)
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Saarai is definitely hornier, and while she’s not always the one to initiate, she’s definitely the one to ask more often. (if I had to give it a number, prolly something like 65/45 lol) One of these days, Lana’s going to buy a spray bottle /jk
Kinkiest they’ve been?
Not awfully. Saarai’s a biter (Lana likes it, don’t worry 😏) and she loves it when Lana pulls her hair, but other than that, and making use of connections within the Force to heighten the sensations during such activities ;) they’re pretty vanilla
There was a post going around a while back about an alternative to a praise kink that was like, a “reassurance” kink, instead. I can’t find the actual post to link to it and I haven’t pinned down any specifics for them yet but I definitely think that’s a Saarai thing to look into later 😏
Has Lana ever covered up something your OC did as Minister of Intelligence?
In a roundabout way, yes. Technically, Saarai’s entire existence on Rishii. Since, teeechhnically, as far as the Empire’s concerned at that point, Rai’s supposed to be dead. Lana doesn’t know the technicalities of why that is (and Saarai isn’t comfortable telling her, even now), but she knows it’s important, so she does it for her even if she doesn’t know why.
Favorite non sexual downtime activity?
Cuddles! Saarai is a cuddlebug, and while Lana enjoys them she’s definitely not the “if I don’t get cuddled x times a day I can’t go on” type (in my headcanon, ofc, I’m not saying she can never be that way!) but, Saarai’s also very warm and cuddling her is cozy, so it’s something they both enjoy, whether Rai’s the big spoon, or - and this is Rai’s favourite thing ever - Saarai putting her head in Lana’s lap so Lana can play with her hair, it’s something they always do at the end of the day when they’re both done with work.
Mushiest thing Your OC has ever done for Lana?
So, I’m too impatient & lazy to do the actual HK missions in-game, but I know you can technically get another HK unit, so because ✨it’s my fanfic and I get to make the rules✨ Saarai sent Aria (my DS! Jedi Shadow, very good at stealth) back to Zakuul and though it was a bit battered up, she managed to retrieve HK’s processor. They had to get him a new chassis, but Koth and Ty managed to salvage the rest of his “important” bits and they rebuilt HK for her after they settled on Odessen :’3
Most Embarrassed Lana has ever been because of your OC?
In the middle of an important meeting, in front of everyone on the Alliance High Council, including Theron, Senya, Ni’kasi, Vano, etc.
Lana, sarcastically, after they’ve been disagreeing on how to handle a particular matter for ~1 hr: hahaha bite me.
Saarai, dead serious: Okay, where? 😏
Lana was mortified, to say the least XD
That thing that happened that they vow to NEVER speak of?
Saarai’s reaction when they went to Nathema. Rai’s psychometric, and in hindsight she realises putting her hand on that wall as she ducked into the building was a mistake. She was bombarded with flashback after flashback of what had happened on Nathema when it was still Medriaas, the planet where she was born and where most of her family died, it was not a pleasant experience for her and Rai actually collapsed at one stage because it was all too much for her ;w;
Lana had to bring her back around and herd her back on the ship, where Rai had to wait because she just couldn’t go any further, and Lana and Vano had to go on alone. Lana agreed not to tell anyone else about what had happened, because Saarai didn’t want any of them to worry about her, or think she was “weak” because of it.
The Angriest they’ve ever been at each other?
There’s actually two instances that come to mind for this one
1) Koth’s betrayal/stealing of the Gravestone, Lana was pissed at Koth and wanted to take it out on him, Saarai was pissed at the situation and got between them and chewed Lana out for taking it out on him. (Subterfugeverse is kinda complicated, there’s two Commanders calling the shots for different parts of the Alliance, Koth took issue with something Vano did and made the reckless, kinda stupid decision to still steal the Gravestone even tho Saarai didn’t do anything. (also for anyone new to the blog, all three of them are dating, they’re polyam ;)) Lana took it personally, Saarai was more upset that he was upset and didn’t say anything before he did something stupid. Rai and Lana butted heads about how to deal with it, Lana got salty cause she got yelled at, but they ofc fix it later :3)
2) Torian’s death. Saarai had tried to warn Lana what would happen if they split Vette & Torian up during that fight, Lana brushed it off and told Rai to “stop overreacting, it will be fine”. Obviously, it was not fine. Rai was very angry at the result because, I quote, “I WARNED YOU! And you wouldn’t listen to me!” Saarai refused to speak to Lana for a few days after that, it was kinda a rough time for Lana, she’s only seen Rai get that angry a few times, and only once at her so it shook her a bit. 😢
How does both Lana, and your OC initiate the ‘fade to black’ ;)
For Saarai, the “indicator” is usually when her kisses start to become 50/50 between kissing and biting/nibbling. That’s the universal “ok I want to” signal for Rai. Usually very quickly followed by a soft “yes?” or “are you sure?”, either against her skin or into her ear, depending on where she’s kissing at the time; because she’ll always check first, and if Lana says “no”, it’s off, because Lana’s consent is more important than any of her feelings.
For Lana, it’s when she’ll let Rai pick her up and/or usually to pin her to a wall. There’s a decent height difference, Saarai’s 6 ft 3, and I headcanon that while Lana’s not necessarily “short” at around 5 ft 8, she’s considerably smaller than Rai, as well as being more “reserved” with PDA, she’ll hold hands, or kiss her on the cheek etc. in front of other people, but otherwise Lana tries to keep somewhat “professional” while they’re at work. So when she starts climbing her like a tree, Rai knows she’s about to get some. XD
Do they have kids?
Kiiiinddd of? It’s complicated. Saarai has a son, Ty, from a previous relationship. Lana & Koth both sort of step up to help co-parent, but since Sith Purebloods age differently (i.e. they’re adults at ~20ish the same as humans, but after that they’re more like elves and their physical aging slows down, so they’re more long-lived), even though Ty’s very young by Pureblood standards, he’s still 60 years old, so he’s technically older than Lana and it’s kind of awkward for him to actually call her mom even if she kind of acts like one. He accidentally called her “mom” once, it was very awkward for both of them XD
What has been the most protective Lana has ever had of said kid?
I sat and scratched my head for ages trying to think of something to answer this question with, but I’m very sad to say that right now at the time of answering this meme, I don’t have any specific scenes planned out to tell you about! :( But rest assured that Lana absolutely would rush to help Ty if it was ever necessary :D
House pets? Is your Lana a dog person, or Cat person?
Funnily enough, they don’t actually have any pets! I’d like to think of Lana as more of a cat person than a dog person, in my personal opinion. But they have yet to get any pets of their own, maybeee later on, I dunno. Haven’t hit on any solid ideas for them yet, but I feel like if they happened upon a cute kitty they definitely could adopt one at some stage :’3
Do they get freaky on the Alliance Base or in the Shuttles?
They’ve done both, to be honest lol. Thankfully, Saarai’s sneaky enough that they haven’t gotten caught doing it, yet. Thank the Force.
Are their Sparring Matches Flirtatious? Hardcore?
They could go either way, it depends on what kind of mood they’re both in. If Lana’s particularly annoyed (usually not at Rai, but sometimes) then it’s more likely to be a hardcore spar, Rai’s a pretty tough cookie so she’ll often offer to be Lana’s punching bag in order to spare them some repair bills so she doesn’t rip apart the training dummies irrepairably, it’s okay, Rai can take it ;)
But if they’re both in an otherwise good mood and are just sparring for practise sakes, then yes, they often very quickly devolve into flirtacious banter and some of the classics, you know, “okay you win, you can let me go now” “mmm, nah” “I thought we were sparring” “do you want me to stop” “...don’t you dare.” etc. :’D
Class Specific things that play into their relationship?
Saarai’s a Juggernaut, and I headcanon Lana’s probably some sort of Sorcerer, so they tend to fight as such. They cover each other in more ways than one, if you want to get to Lana you have to go through Saarai first (and good luck to you, that woman can take and give a fucking beating lmao). Lana picks off whatever Saarai’s saber misses, usually with Force attacks but sometimes with her saber, too. Saarai takes bullets for Lana so Lana doesn’t have to get hurt. Lana yells at Rai for doing that and then fixes her up with Force healing afterwards, rinse and repeat. :’D
When they do argue, Lana tends to spontaneously manifest Force lightning, Saarai’s used to it and doesn’t bat an eyelid, she knows Lana’s not actually going to throw it at her and she’s more than prepared to dodge any stray bolts that do come her way.
Lana’s the tactician and the ground support, Saarai’s the battering ram/the bigass hammer used to clear space when Lana needs a bit of extra “oomph” (and trust me, they’re usually never far apart. The other one will be there and then you’ll be in trouble lmao)
Describe a time your OC went ‘Full beast mode’ to protect Lana, instead of the other way around?
"Kriff. Koth, what happened?” Three words was all it took, and everything made sense: “They hurt Lana.”
That scene in the Endless Swamps on Zakuul, just before they pull the Gravestone out of it and Lana and the Commander get ambushed. Saarai went with Lana & Koth to break Vano out of carbonite (since Saarai was still on Rishii at the time, she doesn’t get frozen, only Vano) so when they split up, Saarai goes with Koth to look for ship parts while Vano goes with Lana to look for water.
Lana and Vano get ambushed by the Knights/Skytroopers, and Lana’s hand gets busted. It takes Saarai and Koth a little while to rush over there to help them, but when they do
Saarai. Goes. Fucking. Feral. It’s the scariest she’s ever been in front of Lana and Lana will never forget it, they almost didn’t really need Senya’s help for that part, Saarai basically had it covered. I imagine Lana later described it as “kind of hot, but also kind of terrifying, actually”
Saarai’s considered Chaotic Good, so generally speaking if there’s a peaceful, non-violent solution to a problem, she’ll opt for that, but she has a few buttons that you just do not want to push, ever. And hurting her partners is one of those buttons. She will go apeshit and that’s exactly what happened in the swamp lmao
Little things couples do to annoy each other. What does Lana do? What does your OC do?
Saarai likes to wake up early and hide Lana’s kaf mug in increasingly ridiculous places. Once, she even got Koth to help her stick it to the top of the Gravestone’s hull. It took Lana half the morning to find it, Lana was not amused. XD
Saarai and Koth also have an ongoing “terrible puns” contest where they basically see who can annoy Lana with the most ridiculous puns possible, see this post for an example :P Lana wonders where/how they keep coming up with these puns, she really does.
Does Lana get jealous in your headcanon?
Not really! In Subterfugeverse, both Rai and Lana are polyam, so generally speaking, jealousy isn’t a problem for them, and when it is it’s more of a case of “hey. Hey. Hey, I’m not getting enough attention, pay attention to me.” and then it’s usually dealt with and all is well ;)
When Lana meets Anri, the only thing Saarai does is tease her about “when she’s going to make the move”. 😜
Story that is prominent in their relationship?
I was gonna draw a little doodle for this but the poses kept not coming out right so I gave up, sorryyy qAq
I haven’t gotten very far into planning the SoR onwards+ segments of Subterfugeverse, just bits and bobs like this, but I’d say for now the most prominent is probably their first meeting on Rishii. Basically, meet-cute but with a lightsaber involved too hahaha. There was a lot of posturing and flirty subtext right from the get-go with these two, even if Saarai was particularly suspicious at first (see the earlier question about her being technically dead to the Empire). At first, when she noticed Lana tailing Ty (because Lana was extremely confused about why a Pureblood was so far from Sith space ;)), Saarai assumed that something had happened to her twin and the Empire had A) found out she and Ty were still alive and B) Sent Lana to track them down and kill them for good. Several tension-loaded hours later and Lana managed to convince Rai that actually, Ni’kasi was fine and speaking of, she was trying to avoid being killed too so maybe, actually, they could help each other. And that was all she wrote <3
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omenapologist-moved · 3 years
I mentioned earlier my roommate went mask off abusive on me today, so here’s a post about that.
here’s a link to a post about their prior abuse of their ex
tldr our ISP gave us the “stop torrenting or we’ll take your internet away and you could face fines or going to jail” and my roommate responded by claiming I threatened their job, their brother’s job, and both of their livelihoods, and that they could’ve gone to jail and had their life ruined for my actions (of internet piracy.) They threatened to take away my access to the internet, which is currently the only way I am able to socialize, check important emails and messages, make doctor’s appointment visits, have therapy, have psychiatry, make income via art commissions and sales, etc, and the only reason I am going to be allowed to continue having internet access while here is because they are coercing me into signing a contract about it.
My roommate had, apparently, received multiple notices in the mail from our ISP to cease torrenting, but they threw out every notice in the assumption that it was a scam. They never called Mediacom to verify the legitimacy of these, just into the trash until today when they finally got a call from Mediacom, our ISP and the only ISP that services our area.
I’ve torrented maybe 3 things the whole time I’ve been here, most recently, I tried to yoink The Sims 4 DLCs. Thus began today’s saga.  For context, I DID buy the base game of TS4 a while ago totally legitimately, and was installing a bunch of mods. Some of them required the DLC so I thought fuck it, I’ll .tor it.
I’d had really shit sleep. I had repeated PTSD and stress nightmares because even before this unfolded things have been bad. I woke up to the sound of my roommate, F, banging on my door- something they do not do and have not done before, because I have explicitly told them waking me up like that triggers a panic attack because it is what my parents did.
When I told them I just woke up and what’s going on, they asked if I’d torrented anything, because apparently it had been caught and our ISP was threatening to shut down our internet. I was confused, the only thing I’ve done recently was that DLC bundle, but knowing even confessing to downloading anything illegally will make them lose their shit (tldr they went to law school, I think wanted to be a cop at one point, very All Illegal Actions Are Immoral type) I told them I’d downloaded a mod but it should be fine. They were still on the phone with the ISP who I could hear through the door, and I was instructed to stop the torrents that were seeding and uninstall the torrenting software from my computer. I did so, apologized, and thought maybe that would be the end of that. It was not.
Note that they had sent the first messages while I was asleep. I responded to them after the initial debacle of uninstalling the software was completed. 
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I’ve talked to other friends about this and they said this behavior isn’t ok and is in fact extremely fucked up. I’ve had some people unfamiliar with the situation at large agree that this message in and of itself is enough to show the abusive behavior. It’s like no apology or explanation of understanding the consequences was enough to them, let alone the fact that people get these messages all of the time and it turns out fine. It’s a scare tactic. They wouldn’t have it. I had to repeatedly flagellate myself and even then it seemed like it wasn’t something they cared about because “you’re leaving anyway”, and now they’re coercing me into signing a contract with them when I’ve already said I won’t do that shit again, because I suppose they just view me as a malicious force now.
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 12: Pharaoh, a Well Known Magician of Darkness, Swears he Has Never Done That.
I just had the most disappointing cheesecake cup of my entire life, so lets talk about Yugioh. From weird dessert to weird desert. ha.
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I mean OK. Sure. I mean they gotta do something while they look for Yugi in a desert that isn’t really known for it’s off-roading, but it also isn’t known for it’s card game scene so...
But then the show decided to fill even more empty time with Rebecca sharing this piece of info when I least expected it. Now. In S4.
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Y’all I was SO surprised.
I know that the show is doing this for the people just tuning into Yugioh for the first time but...Man, I’m having flashbacks to that time Yugi didn’t tell anyone that Bakura freakin died for over 40 episodes until Marik had to do it for him.
Yugi never told the girl he gave the friendship card to, that his best friend is ACTUALLY a 4000 yo ghost that haunts his every move. (5000 yo? I forget how old he is)
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Tea just patiently reveals all of Yugi’s deepest darkest terrifying occult secrets to Rebecca with a smile on her face the entire time.
That’s girl talk. Can affirm--this is what girl talk looks like.
(read more Girl Talk under the cut)
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Her explanation on the show actually did not point out that there is a separate entity with a completely different personality, so I think that people watching the show for the first time would still be hella confused. Instead it was more “this is Yugi’s strong and handsome side which I clearly like WAY MORE, and this is the other one”
Like she kinda left out the part where one is a ghost.
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So this scene basically takes away any tension that a 4-way love square would have brought to the table.
And that’s fine. I really didn’t need a love square that involves both a 12 year old and a ghost. For me, as a person who is immune to shipping, it just seemed wildly too complicated for the same writing team who have been trying to bury Kaiba and his relationship with that that paper card since they brought it up in S2.
But apparently no one in this square cares they all kinda like the same person and that this particular person is two people. And as they go on about what they like about Yugi, it’s clear that both girls have made kind of a perfect dream Yugi who...just doesn’t exist at all. Maybe if either of them actually went on more than one date with the boy, they would separate the dream from the reality and realize fully that, in actuality, Yugi and Pharaoh both are a human version of that “hang in there!” poster with the struggling kitten on it.
TBH I think the women in this show forgot they like Yugi, it was a very friendzoning style of conversation.
Meanwhile, Rafael’s giant arms only continue to grow even more muscular with every scene as he tell us the vague deep lore behind this necklace. It’s sort of like watching a webcomic written by a teenager. The muscles keep growing, and growing, but the characters have to keep getting distracted by lore, and then midway the lore drop, the writer goes on a hiatus because of finals and just never comes back so it feels like you’re stuck in lore limbo forever.
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I do like that Pharaoh’s like “your necklace is evil, take that off” when he has also been wearing the Oricalchos necklace the entire time.
Maybe because it was just waaay too tempting for Yugi to look at that jewelry and NOT wear that jewelry? Yugi has kind of a magpie problem with accessories, as we all know, and I can’t believe this magpie problem has put him into mortal peril so many times.
And then the show finally does us the favor of explaining why some people go cray when they wear haunted jewelry, and others do not.
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Which does not bode well for Ryou. Not like we ever hang out with Ryou enough to find out his personal balance between being a meek little Brishish(ish?) kid that likes to eat cookies and his demon form that likes to stab things. Like seriously, would have liked to know more about Ryou ever at all, but since Season 1 ended, he’s only Ryou for like...2 minutes at a time before he’s back to being wonderful, scene shredding, serial murderer asshole Bakura.
Also, unrelated note, WHAT THE HELL, ART TEAM.
Is that turtleneck just spray painted on??? Why does this guy ever bother with cards? He can just do some punches and probably accomplish the same damn thing and a lot quicker. This man is larger than...any other human that has been on this show.
And so it’s at this point that Rafael’s decided like “ahaha my master plan, I will make Pharaoh doubt himself” and it’s like...
...you actually don't need to give Pharaoh a push, he and Yugi doubt themselves so often they’d list it as one of their hobbies on their edgy Livejournals (because they would keep two)
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This fight with Rafael was kinda frustrating, because while most villains make points where it’s like “oh, you were tortured underground your whole life because of something I did in my past life, yeah that checks out.” all of Rafael’s points had so little to do with Pharaoh and were...so easy to debunk...
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Like I made the joke about Flat Earther’s the last recap but you know what? I can see Rafael being a Flat Earther. Straight up. You can tell him the sky is blue and he’ll start going off about how all of humanity needs to die because the sky is actually made of Meyer lemons.
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Darts even decided to say this line.
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Which I thought was mostly funny because Pharaoh still has no idea that thing around his neck can shoot lasers, but also funny because the only reason Yugi has friends is because he initially cursed them to like him in Season Zero. And that wasn’t even Pharaoh, that was YUGI. Rafael is just SO very late to this party.
So, he decides to give Pharaoh an Oricalchos card, and like...
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And I don’t believed I capped this part of the last episode, but before they even started this game, Rafael was like “yeah I let Arthur go.”
So...there’s no reason for Yugi to be here anymore other than the bridge is out. There are NO stakes in this game. Other than...Pharaoh’s pride?
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I guess it’s one of the problems of sharing a soul with a King who we’re 90% sure did some pretty effed up stuff at some point because he’s a King. That’s just what they DO, I’ve played Fire Emblem, I know how Kings work.
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Like we could just sit down and make a list of things that Pharaoh and Yugi did that ended up really screwing him over. (And hearing that nitroglycerin air hockey happens somewhere in the manga does make me want to take a peek at it eventually but I have too much on my to do list)
Like for instance, there was that time he took a fireball for Mai thinking she was a decent person and she ended up killing over 20 people with a gas station and is now a Mad Max Style serial murderer racing down the 101, and actively trying to kill him and more specifically Joey Wheeler.
Or that time he took the ultimate bullet and died but left his tomb to the most asshole tombkeeper family cult known to man who like to carve tattoos onto children with old ass hot butcher knives for thousands of years.
Or that time he thought Namu wasn’t Marik when Marik had insane tattooed eyeliner and a millennium item sticking like 8 inches out of his back pocket the entire time. Could’ve saved him like...2 seasons of content if he just yoinked that item right then and there.
Or that time he actually tried to murder Seto Kaiba. Like actually tried to push his own classmate off of a steep ledge and would have done it if Tea hadn’t intervened.
Or that time he did...a lot of the things that Yugi did in Season Zero and the Manga.
I just feel like...this is our boy. He’s meant to be this gray area protagonist who is trying to do the right thing but at the same time does enjoy his dark tendency towards revenge. Yami is sort of like having the best of both worlds where you can be both villain and hero. He doesn’t need to be a polarizing force like Superman or something.
And...it feels a little bit like the narrative is trying to say he has finally stepped over the line of gray area and it’s like...he’s been here kind of a while, bud. But honestly, if it makes Pharaoh go a little Zero I’m here for it. Why not? It’s been a while, I want to see him go nuts again.
And I mean Yugi hasn’t had a meltdown in kind of a while, we were overdue. I assume that’s all of next episode is just Yugi freaking the hell out.
Anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to take you to the first episode where you can then read the entire epic in chrono order.
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I would like to hear about the punny girl
hnng thank you
i present you: kanon fukuda the ultimate filmmaker. do you get the pun?
kanon is my best girl. her backstory isn’t anything too like. angsty bc i know some can be angsty but her’s isn’t supposed to be about that. she grew up as the only child in a middle-class family with two parents who were confused by her hobbies and love of film but very supportive. also they grow to feel bad they gave her the name kanon bc all the jokes but it’s ok she kinda likes it kinda hates it. she actually got into filmmaking because she had an older cousin who acted as a sibling figure, and they would make home movies together. kanon would throw herself into her movies and kept producing and producing as fast as she could. eventually, she started entering them in both national and international youth film competitions and began winning titles. it’s at this point when she was scouted and started making professional short films. she had just finished working on her first feature-length film, which early reviews were calling her magnum opus to date, and exciting work from an up-and-coming filmmaker. 
the reason why kanon chose to attend hopes peak is that her older cousin died in the tragedy. she doesn’t know they died. she just knows they went to school and never came back, and the family keeps it hush-hush. besides the promise of success, she mostly wants to find out what happened - she assumes it was a bad accent or suicide but oop! additionally, kanon chose to attend because her feature film is to release to the public soon, and she wants to be occupied during this time to take her mind off of the reception. 
while kanon’s family backstory is pretty angst-free besides the missing cousin, kanon is still suffering p bad. she is diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety. but! (unlike p much every other character in the series, it seems) she treats her mental health through medication and regular therapy (until she’s trapped at school). she’s very open about her struggle with mental health and enthusiastically tries to get better. 
as a director, she specializes in dark comedy, parody, and farce. she likes irony, and can always see the twisted humor in a situation, no matter how dire. this issss about where you might start seeing her fatal flaw. 
kanon thoroughly subscribes to the idea that comedy is born from tragedy, and that the rawest types of humor come from pain. she is known for going off her medication during the production of films and making a martyr of herself, taking pride in her horrible sleeping and eating schedule for her art. basically, every film student i’ve ever met. 
she enters the killing game very upbeat. when she finds out the truth, she is very defiant, confident in their ability to escape. she is constantly cracking jokes about the situation and observational humor, and her ideas during the trial are generally very….original. she is known for monologuing and speaking in paragraphs. during trials, she creates elaborate example situations that might seem like they’re unrelated or inconsequential but morally always tie back in. queen of the non-sequitur. early game free time events/island mode would mostly be about movies and genre, with the occasional mention about working hard to be healthy again.
she’s pretty friendly with monokume, subscribing to the philosophy that if you’re kind to him, he’s more likely to do what she wants. she’s often the student who will ask monokume clarifying questions on school policy or for access to supplies. for example, i like to think she asks monokume to provide another student needed insulin. when monokume initially refuses, she goes into a tangential scenario where if this student dies, then isn’t monokume the culprit? he’d have to be executed for harming a student. and what’s this? monokume has been harmed? the person who harmed monokume must be punished. and go round and round in a helpless circle while the students figure out a way to escape. at this point, monokume provides the insulin.
 however, after watching the first punishment, she begins to be filled with a deep despair. she is already dispositioned for despair, given her incredibly unhealthy habits regarding her mental illness and success, but she tries to resist. she remains upbeat, but after the first punishment, her dialogue takes a sharp turn towards dark comedy and macabre. from this moment on, she’s also a lot more skittish and easily startled.
after the first trial on, she will always make a point for thanking the group for being a good group of friends and making the time in hopes peak as tolerable as possible, in case they end up choosing the wrong blackened and all get executed. at the third trial, she follows this speech up with, “but if i die, you are all fucking idiots, way to let me down.”
most of her dialogue is biting, and despite the horror and despair she is filled with after every murder and execution, she can still find ways to crack a twisted joke. occasionally she will have a moment of clarity where she is candid about her feelings. 
- one free time event could feature her talking about her feelings towards actions speak louder than words. her example is couples who say they’re dark and twisted like bonnie and clyde, but really they’re two losers into bdsm. if they’d just say they’re two losers into bdsm, she could respect them. she then explains how the statements of personality are more to convince themselves than anyone else. towards the end, she laughs to herself and explains how she totally screwed herself over because Kanon prides herself in her sense of humor, but if she ever says it aloud, she’s not funny.
- another free time event could be explaining her relationship with death. she’s not afraid of it, but she wants to die on her own terms. she admits to never seeing herself growing old, and that’s she’ll probably be a part of the 27 club if she keeps on the path of a celebrity. 
her condition keeps devolving as the game progresses. more dialogue can include wondering why she is still alive and trying to cover it as a twisted sick joke. she stays upbeat, but as time goes on, you can see she’s slowly getting tired and beaten down. she’s also starting to take pride in her unhealthy lack of sleep, eating, or bathing. 
it’s after the third execution does she actually show a true moment of despair. after the execution and the classmates are silently riding in the elevator back, she announces how she does not plan to live through the game. she does not see any possible reality where she will escape hopes peak. she does, however, make it clear that she will be dying on her own terms. she gives her blessing to the group that anyone can try to kill her, but be aware she won’t go down without a fight.
her free time events are filled with more raw emotion and despair with tinges of humor instead of humor with tinges of despair. 
- she elaborates on what she meant in the elevator as to die by her own hands. she does not want to kill a classmate because she knows her disposition could never handle the trial, let alone the killing part. but she also doesn’t want to die by her classmates without a fight. and she doesn’t want to commit suicide because she has too much pride while also being too much of a coward…
- she explains how this story could be a great script, really, if it weren’t all so real. this generation’s battle royale. she actually gives kudos to the design of each punishment and admits they are inspiring if she ever wanted to do a genre flip and become a psych thriller director.
- just. asking why she isn’t dead yet. why not her? why not?
i want her to be a pretty late game survivor because i think it’s impactful to show her fall into despair, which she uses to harm herself instead of others mostly. it is also after chapter three you truly get to see her martyrdom come out. she has slowly shifted from less of a friend and more towards an antagonistic role, not because she’s a threat, but because she’s literally so full of despair.
anyways. you see her talking to monokume while the rest of the group arrives. before the fourth trial, she does her normal thanking of her classmates and pulls the protag over to thank them personally for the good times and making it the best they could. the protagonist is suspicious of this behavior and wonders if she might be guilty, but the evidence points she is not. the class correctly votes for the blackened. while everyone is waiting for monokume to go forward in the punishment, they’re confused by the delay. monokume is fuming, and it’s revealed. there’s a miscount. one student purposefully chose not to vote, which is a punishable act. the student? kanon.
she always insisted she would die, and she would die on her own terms. she had created a narrative in her head where if she dies a martyr, she will always be remembered lovingly by her fans before any unfortunate career downfall. the director ahead of her time, and gone too soon. she became obsessed with this narrative around chapter three, and the third execution sealed the deal. by the time of the trial, she figured out she could die a death fit for a star while also dying on her terms if she willingly triggered a punishment. 
ive kind offfffff figured out what her last speech could be before her punishment? she explains how “comedy is derived from pain, right? and if i intend on being the greatest director of my time, i need to go through the most suffering. i was born to die a martyr, i was just hoping one of you would do the hard part. but since no one has the balls, you can all suffer with me. see you in hell shitheads” she then asks monokume if her cousin who attended here, were they killed or executed? (was it kill or be killed?) monokume thinks for a second and responds. she smiles and says, that’s all she needed to know. gives a wink to the protag and flicks everyone off as the collar yoinks her off to her death. 
punishment would probably be something with “light camera action” or “ready steady shoot” and be a LITERAL pun on the camera shoot. bc, she’s shot. alternatively, if i were to decide that instead of a generic dead body in the tragedy, she could be related to an actual main game character pref someone who was executed, she could have to play that part in the execution and die the same death, but this time with like. monokume film crew everywhere and actual monokume in the director’s chair with a beret. either is a fun idea.
i’m a film major, and her character is heavily based on the kind of students and filmmakers i see and work with. there really are people like this who believe suffering for art truly makes them better than others and will purposefully put themselves through psychological torment. additionally, i wanted to see a more realistic portrayal of mental illness and show a character who (at one point at least) treats and is trying to maintain health. in the end, kanon is a narcist who lets her ego get in the way of her wellbeing and success. 
also, kanon’s outfit is so stupid she has strawberry blond hair in a bob with like a widow’s peak, silvery-blue eyes, and wears a big flowy short sleeved button-up shirt, and olive-colored shorts. she has a big pair of aviators she wears tucked in the collar of her shirt, statement earrings, a pop watch, and lots of rings. and she is def not straight ut it’s not like she’s pursuing romance she’s pursuing death
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enderoftheend · 8 years
5 Things Thing
Tagged by the one and only @five-foot-a-b1tch​! (I’m stealing your number symbols, they look fancy.)
5 things I keep in my bag ① Laptop: Windows 10 Acer laptop in prime breaking down condition! This thing is a few years old. I hope it lasts until I get a new one, lol. I’m a bit attached to it, though... I have fond memories of me playing games in class when I’m supposed to be working. (I’m a high school student, okay? It’s what we all do.) ② 3DS XL: Okay, not ALL the time, but... I do bring it a lot. I take my Pokemon very seriously. All I need to do to have caught ‘em all is to finish the Alolan Dex and then gotten a Diancie. One day, I’ll be a real Pokemon master... ③  Sketchbook: I try not to think about the fact that it has my sister’s ex boyfriend’s name on it. I’m pretty sure it was his when he was in year 9 art, but... he left it here, so yoink. ④ Books: Lots of books. My bag is heavy... ⑤ Laptop charger: The battery on my laptop is warped, so the charger is like a lifeline for it. Well, it has crappy battery life, basically.
5 things I keep in my room ① Birb statues: My dad bought them for me. One of them is a macaw that’s drilled into my wall. The other is a bald eagle that’s sat on my shelf... my bird sits on the eagle, sometimes. He has no fear. ② Plush animals: Most of them are different types of birds... I have an elephant, cheetah and Fennekin one as well though. I also have a really old robotic cat toy, which has been out of battery since forever. It’s furry, though... and again, my bird likes to sit on it. I’m still a kid, so I have a bald eagle plush that I still sleep with. I love bald eagles, y’know? They’re my favourite animal. ③ Assassin’s Creed Special Edition boxes: More specifically, the Notre Dame edition of Unity and the Buccaneer edition of Black Flag. I used to be obsessed with Assassin’s Creed, but now my love for it is more nostalgia for how much I used to enjoy it. I still stand by my opinion that Connor’s the best character, though. ④ Merchandise: Of the Attack on Titan and Undertale variety. I have a Survey Corps uniform, and though... poorly made, I still very much so enjoy it, because I’m a freakin’ nerd. The Undertale merch I got a few days ago from Fangamer. It came with two shirts, one of which is too big for me, but that’s not gonna stop me from wearing it. ⑤ Feather box: I collect feathers. Most of the feathers I have in there are from my bird, since he’s... usually the bird at closest proximity to me in most hours of the day.
5 things I’ve always wanted to do with my life (oh god) ① Concept Art: Getting the obvious stuff out of the way. I enjoy digital painting moreso than doing lined art. It’s just fun to work with colours and lighting and shapes more freely. ② Animate: Probably not gonna happen... especially compared to my art skills, my animation skills are subpar (I know because I tried, I have a YouTube channel with crappy WMM animations in it), and I’m not patient enough to spend days upon days animating a 5-minute video. I have immense respect for animators. Not to mention, every good animation program costs like $500??? What the hell???? ③ YouTube personality: Again, probably never gonna happen, but I want to feel important to a wide range of people. ④ Make a game: It’s not just Undertale that makes me like Toby... Everything he says and does inspires me in some way. He’s my biggest role model at the moment, and I’ve had an idea for an original story for quite a bit. What made me sure that I wanted to do this eventually was a quote he had on his (inactive) Tumblr, when Undertale had its first Birthday. ⑤ Cosplay: Yes. 5 things I’m into  ① Attack on Titan: AoT AoT AoT AoT AoT (it’s always been my most favourite thing ever. I have a place in my heart specially dedicated to it.) ② Undertale: Coming second only to Attack on Titan. I love this game so, so much. I joined the fandom a little late but was immediately charmed by the game the moment I met Flowey. It didn’t take me long to start obsessing over it... by the time I stepped out of the Ruins, I already lost myself to this world. Look at me now. Haha. Ha. ③ osu!: osu! is an Australian-made rhythm game where you click the circles... to the beat. (No, it’s not Japanese, like I initially thought it was. It was actually made by some guy in Perth.) I’ve only been playing for about 9 months and I’m ranked 46k globally out of over 9 million players. Something about seeing you grow out your skill in such a short amount of time is so rewarding. It’s great for improving stamina in my arms (which I’ve always had trouble with, thanks to a certain disability that I was born with) and perhaps the greatest thing about this game is the culture surrounding it. There’s kind of a poetic balance between beauty and elegance, intenseness and frustration, and just... utter weirdness. I love it. ④ Touhou Project: I only recently got into it, but boy, did I get sucked into it. It’s just so damn difficult that it’s impossible not to play it over and over. And, I’ve watched Memories of Phantasm, the fanmade anime... the only good thing about it is the animation quality. And that’s not just me complaining like a hipster... it actually sucks so badly it’s funny. My favourite character is Cirno, in case anyone’s curious. ⑤ Warriors: The one and only book series that I actively follow. The writing’s horrendous in some books, but I love the ideas in it anyway. Plus, Jayfeather is to live for. My favourite book would be either Bluestar’s Prophecy, which was the first book I’ve ever read, Tallstar’s Revenge, which made me shed a manly tear at the end, or Path of Stars, which ACTUALLY made me cry, because that death scene was so emotional. I loved Gray Wing, man...
5 things on my to-do list ① Improve my art: ok. ② Get on top of my schedule: I swear I love my comics... ③ Catch ‘em all: You don’t get it... I take my Pokemon VERY seriously. ④ Actually beat Touhou 6: IT’S. HARD. ⑤ Become a 4-digit player on osu!: Because the community gives 5-digit players like me enough smack for being mediocre... 5 things you may not know about me ① Well, I guess you know NOW, but I was born with a disability. Low muscle tone, AKA Hypotonia. It’s not actually that bad, I think... it does get in the way, but it’s liveable with. ② My earliest memories involved me being a selective mute. This was when I was 4 years old. I only felt comfortable talking at home, and even then I didn’t do it much. I also had OCD, apparently, which I think I can remember a little bit of at the back of my mind. Not too sure, though. ③ I like flowers. For symbolism, partly. But picking flowers has a sort of childish innocence that appeals to me, as well. I don’t think I have a favourite flower. ④ I interacted with Markiplier before I knew who he was... Everyone else on the server at the time knew, though. I was one of the few people on who was very confused. My exact thoughts were, “Who the Hell is this loser?” I was like... 12 or 13, maybe? It was back when he still played Minecraft. And I’m preetty damn sure it wasn’t a fake, seeming as I recall him typing in the chat with words that correlated exactly to what he recorded on his first episode of Drunk Minecraft. I didn’t say anything until after he finished recording and hung out for a bit because I practically just got on the server. ⑤ I’m half Italian. Have you ever been to an Italian Christmas family reunion at midnight? Because I have. It’s loud.
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survivorelara · 6 years
Episode #7: “Bon Appetite Bitch” - Dani
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Merge time baby, this is where the game starts. My first job is to figure out who flipped in that last tribal, I'm betting on Loris, but if it's John I'd probably understand as well. Regardless it's disappointing because as far as "OG Tribe Lines" it's now 5v5v2, which sucks.
I think I've likely got an ok position at the moment, the real move is trying to make sure I've got an in with a lot of people, and to make sure I find myself in the majority.
Here's hoping my first tribal council doesn't turn out to be my last due to social misplays.
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We merged woo, my streak of never dying premerge continues :D. However, it does feel like an early merge. There's still 12 people left, I have a strong feeling someone ain't gonna make the jury... 👀
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I just noticed im the only Aquarius left woot woot. Game wise, hello, it's merge. I'm finally messaging  people, introducing myself and what not. I'll check in later to list all of the people that don't like me, but for now let's go into this hoping that I'm charismatic
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Ok sooooo...... tribal did NOT go as planned but it still was good because I could’ve gone easily but drew t saved my ass because I saved his last week. we love good karma. Roxy literally forgived me without asking her to and we have merged so I don’t feel that at risk anymore. :) I just gotta keep talking to everyone so my name doesn’t get raised.
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oh lord. You know idk what I’m gonna do yet Because I don’t want to work with pre friends but i don’t necessarily like my tribe either So that leaves me with loris Idk I’ll figure it out
For now, I'll do a hot or not and comments Roxy- NOT. I have to talk to her almost continuously or else she'll think we aren't allies and vote me out. (not that we are allies rn but still) Ci'ere- DECENT. He's nice but replies are sporadic and idk if he wants to work with me. Loris- HOT AS FUCK. my #1 right now, he's p cool <3 John - STEAMING? He is so nice and so cute but he seems close to purple drew. Purple Drew - LUKE WARM. Love the dude, but I am semi trying to avoid pre game friendships. Little Mix Drew- STRAIGHT FIRE. only bc of LM. in reality, more SEMI WARM. it may turn out that each side has a little mix supporter? Drachus - WHO TF KNOWS. I cannot tell if this man is playing me or not. He tells me he can't vote him out, but is that true? We havent been to tribal and he seems to be lying to me about how much he knows. If he really doesnt know all that... he seems like someone I can maybe work with. We've been loyal to the end for each other before. Just keep in mind- I'm not playing for 8th. Emma- queen? She's inactive but a great number for me. We tell each other stuff and she's just precious. Kori- challenge threat, and someone who I want to be my shield. Dani- shes so inactive bruh like what even Dylan- also inactive.
so its 5 revati, 4 auva, 3 zosma. Zosma and Auva have 2 a piece of people who I loved pregame and would consider working with. So who knows? I have a double majority, so lets not be surprised when I'm first out.
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Well, I THINK I'm in an ok-ish spot. I've talked with a LOT of people, IDEALLY the next one gone is Sam just so that I can get Dani more on my side and make it clear that I wanna work with her.
I'm a little salty Altager didn't beat the basic tribe name of Orion... but I'll get over it... eventually...
In other news, I ate a burger today... it was adequate.
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MERGE BABIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm elated to make the merge AND get to name the tribe! Like that's fucking sickening! I'm excited to see what the merge holds for me because that was a rocky pre-merge phase. Like obviously I wasted my idol, blah blah. And like I was an emotional mess like the entire way through. It sucks being the one that has to blindside people and like break hearts- but in the end, that's the way it is. I just love that I'm getting to play IN THE MERGE. Like I rarely ever do that because I am too much of a physical threat (in most ORGs) to be allowed into the merge. So I'm super glad that I get to play in the merge and I just have to put myself in a mindset where I can be carefree and not let the stress of the pre-merge weigh me down!
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Well, The challenge went pretty well I think, not sure if I won or not though, we'll see.
I'm getting frustrated with Ci'ere though. Everytime we talk they take hours to respond, even when they initiate the conversation, and I respond within 4 minutes. My patience is definitely getting tested.
Well, I didn't win the challenge, I was closeish, got all the right constellations. I just kinda, didn't math correctly in calculating my Tiebreaker number... not sure what I even did to reach that number anymore.
Regardless, I just gotta keep the target off of me, get a feel for what others are thinking, and go from there. Ideally Sam or Ci'ere since Dylan who I'm still not a fan of won.
Ci'ere has been making a bit more effort with me, which has me a bit suspicious, so Sam is ideal just to make it clear to Dani that I DO wanna work with her.
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What do people do when they merge? Like this concept is so foreign to me that this laziness is actually nice. Its peaceful and serene. Like my god. If this is the case, why the fuck do I not try to make the merge more often? Honestly, this revelation is so beautiful, I may ugly cry just thinking about it!
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ok no offense but the conflict between dani and ci'ere seems literally so beyond fake i can't even comprehend it. maybe im wrong but like it feels so planned, like dan's funeral or smth.
also ci'ere just like formally asked to work with me which was really sweet so hi. they also spilled some tea about roxy/drew/drew2.0 and how theyve been working together without me so. yoinks. glad i won immunity because i wouldve been so lost
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Man i'm finna make that bitch dani leave, im working my ass off to save ciere and get her outta here since she's HELLBENT on getting us out. No no, you don't do that. Hope you enjoy merge boot and hopefully just missing out on jury :)
So yeah, the main name floating around has been ci'ere. But the thing is, I've been talking with people and dani seems disposable to a lot of people. So i'm tryna convince the people i'm close with to vote her out instead of ci'ere. Because here's the thing, if dani survives until next vote and ci'ere leaves, she's going to be after me. What i'm saying to my crew is that if ci'ere survives, he'll be with us while dani isn't close with like anyone, she just talks to throw names out cuz she sucks at this game. so like, if people really want ci'ere out, it'd be so much easier to simply blindside him next vote if we wanted, because he'd feel so safe. Esp since im 95% sure one of those 2 have an idol, so i'm gonna try my best to either flush it from ci'ere, or blindside the fuck outta dani sending her home packing with it
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suprise bitches after a boring pre merge i am actually playing the game i just need to see which side everyone is on i may use my idol to have my side be on control i could probably be first merge boot before i play yikes! also me and loris are powerful... he has the legacy advantage his mind omg
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I hate this cast. Yell at me for a short confessional if ya gotta.
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Deadass probably setting myself up for failure this vote with going after dani so hard but fuck it idc, didn't have a chance to get rid of her after louise had left and she told toby to get the fuck outta here, and now I do and she's going and hopefully joins him in the vl :) toby this one's for you homie, miss ya lots <3
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W e l l, things have went left here at the Orion camp 😄 I woke up to Andrea & Loris letting me know that Auva 2.0 was after me & that I should play an idol if I had one. Apparently the Auvacados are getting bad vibes from me? However, Dani was the one that made a move against y’all so why am I getting getting ya knickers in a bunch? I previously started laying down the groundwork to have people turn on Miss Dani, but I decided to toss that plan out the window. Last night, Loris told me that John Coffey was the Revati that flipped last round and it’s because he’s friends with Drew H. I’m certain that the Drews, Roxy, & John have an alliance that finalized right before the merge. So that needs to be broken up right away. I went to Dylan, an OG Auva, to let him know that his old tribemates said he was on the outs and they made an alliance with Louise, Dani, & I. He seems to be interested in voting with me, and if he isn’t, then he’s a flop.
Sam called me “babe” earlier & I really cannot with this flirting strategy, but I’m not opposed to it! I guess I would consider him my final 2, but I’d say he’s playing well so I might need to cut him before that hehe.
I don’t like this back and forth running around nonsense, so I’m laying it all out on the table. I exposed the Auvacado 2.0 alliance. I hinted that I have an idol that I really don’t want to use, but I probably will just in case they think I’m bluffing & people don’t target me in the future for it. Apparently this caused people to start scrambling which I’ll have you know is my favorite type of egg. Deviled eggs are good af too 😈
Sam says that we shouldn’t go for Roxy because he has an in with Drew T. & that we should keep Dani the target because she threw out our name. Dani says that John & Kori threw out my name to her. Do I believe her? Not exactly. In the tribe chat when I asked Dani to vote for Roxy, she says that she likes her & would rather do someone else. This is a mess. So right now it’s looking like myself, Sam, Andrea, Loris, Emma, Dylan & Drew T.?
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Why is everyone always going after me what the shit. Its drew t and h fault im like their fuckin scategost I jk I love them but im so annoyed why is the fall out if the shit theyfor do, gets blamed on ne when I havent dine anything loll fuck off
I love u drews tho
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I knew going into the merge that I wanted Ciere out sooner rather than later; and when an alliance with Dani and kori was formed I thought I’d be able to get him out right away. Dylan won immunity which is awesome because he’s easily my favorite right now. Idk what it is about him but we just vibe really well right now. I’m not sure where I stand with old revati other than kori who asked me to be his final 2 the other day. I’m a wannabe puppet master and nobody was taking my bait to vote ciere. Well it seemed like they were until little rat decides to announce that I had an alliance with the Drew’s and Roxy. I went telling everyone the chat is barely even active and we voted together once. As of now the majority is seeming to want Dani and Kori isn’t answering aoooo idk who I’m voting for I kinda still want to do ciere cause I swore to Dani I wouldn’t vote for her, but I also don’t like her attitude all that much tonight. Same old Dani from unifinished business, but I actually was going to have her back. I’m a mess!!!!!!!!111
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WELL BITCH I MIGHT BE GOING. These motherfuckers REALLY want me gone huh? WELL IM NOT GOING OUT WITHOUT A FIGHT. Roxy will rue this day. ROXY WILL RUE IT. She just fucked over her whole damn alliance.
Dani is voted out 9-2-1.
0 notes