#ok thats my rant of the day
arytha · 1 year
AHH I saw someone in the tags of that post that says their optometrist doesnt do the glaucoma test?? why?? its a good thing! especially if ur diabetic! and the alternatives to the air puff are worse!
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definitelynotnia · 7 months
got a piece of glass stuck in my foot and my mother chose that moment to start yelling about how stupid and lazy i am like :) we're not taking customer feedback right now ma'am :) there is literally my blood on my hands can u please maybe wait :) and do this at another time :)
#for context the thing that broke was not even hers it was mine i ordered it for myself and she didn't tell me it arrived and just kept it in#her wardrobe#and then she asked me to fetch smthn from her messy asf wardrobe and she had kept it (made of glass) in the utmost corner of her very messy#and packed shelf#and obv one of the bottles in the shell was almost empty so when my hand brushed against it it fell and knocked down the glass bottle#bcz it was kept in the c o r n e r#but its ok it was an accident but still it was my accident so i just silently started clearing it up and she obv started yelling at me but#thats fine ive grown up in this household i know that when u do smthn accidentally its always bcz u are a dumb ho and when ur brown parents#do smthn accidentally then its fine bcz accidents happen and also that too is actually ur fault somehow bcz if u hadn't done xyz then 5 day#later this never wouldve happened#but wtv its fine wtv#and then i noticed the piece of glass sticking outta my foot and she watched me try to pull it out with my nails#and once i pulled it out it slipped from between my nails and fell onto the floor#and immediately she started yelling at me again saying i 'threw' it onto the floor on purpose like bitch I'm bleeding bcz of that thing why#would i risk bleeding again#and secondly i was literally picking up all the glass shards two seconds ago why would i throw this onto the floor on purpose when i litera#lly emptied the floor of glass two MINUTES AGO#and when i told her it just slipped and i didn't do it on purpose she's like dont argue with me i saw what happened like oh did u#im sure only u did its not like it was IN MY HAND I'm sure you had a better view than i did of what is in MY hand#this is such a stupid thing to rant about on tumblr but I'm just so tired#i literally had just woken up from a nap i was minding my own business trying yo make myself some coffee#this just irritated me so damn much like#if u really think im that much of a dumb lazy bitch then why did u ask me to do that thing for u in the first place ur literally sitting#in front of the wardrobe why didnt u just go and fetched that thing from ur wardrobe by yourself#ugh wtv this is ridiculous
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x-crowmancer-x · 24 days
I like Viv as an artist, shes inspired me since frickin middleschool with her animations, character designs, and now 2 shows holy crap. I just really wish she'd get off social media for her own mental health cuz good god it's not great to see a whole thread of tweets arguing with someone about the dislike of fanfiction having homophobic undertones its just... agdhdh Viv is a pretty controversial person due to unfortunate past events and having shows that present some darker subject matter. Honestly? I want to see Viv not just move past the previous controversy, but learn from it to be better. Its totally fair tho if you think the handling of certain topics arent done well, there are things people will have preference over. And I dont give a fuck about shipping, I dont wanna see it, frankly. If you're doin somethin shady with it and I see it I'm certainly not going to like it and I'll do my best to not interact with you, but I think we should make tagging things just a common thing? Keeps things organized and people can intake what they want while the stuff they dont want is not being shown to them. Same goes with headcanons they're someone imagining something, they arent holding the creators hostage to make it canon. Canon is silly anyways! Both the OG and a headcanon can exist because AUs and headcanons are just another version of the thing. Headcanons arent going to change the episodes, they'll still be the same way the creators made it. So like... chill.
Just as long as it has no mental or physical negative implications or intent against actual living people I will add.
Dont harrass actors because they play a villian you need to separate fiction and reality it's literally their job to pretend to be someone else.
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ya-gurl-emily · 2 months
order 86 Ratchet online to complete my tfp autobot cast*
shows up 2 weeks later, defective copy
have to mail it back (need a new box cause i don't have the actual one) wait for that to go through, then order him again from bbts at higher price
have to wait another month cause they hate shipping to ireland
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blue-madd · 4 months
Made an AU for Ian and Naïl where they're called Jack and Eden bc why not
After the "barista x vet assistant" version, here's the "bass player x influencer" version~ (+ their lil apartment)
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Plot was so simple : influencer finds himself at a concert and compliments the bass player for his skills who instantly becomes obsessed w him and casually starts crashing at his place
Also the apartment was made based on inspo I found on Pinterest so really no original idea for this one (I have never been so uninspired lmao)
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audliminal · 5 months
I stg if I see one more person call the goddamn honeymoon phase of a relationship "love bombing" I'm going to chew through the earth's crust
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girl-bateman · 5 months
Libraries save me.... 😩😩💗
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mainfaggot · 6 months
watching welcome to samdal-ri actually makes me so giggly and distracted bc of all the silliness and then I pause the episode to get water and feel like drowning myself in the local river again LOL
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
GORGEOUS case bro I've never seen one with a continuous design like that and the embossment itself is so tasteful... always happy to see Mr. Dunkulous too <3
ALSO AYO YOU WATCHED MONDAY? How was it? Either way you're almost done with the Sabu Tsutsumi catalogue then... that's epic... I'm glad you liked Destiny too, it really is such a cute movie
Also I'm pretty sure PS4 preloads are open too BUT I'm still salty Xbox gets it a day early </3
Its one of the first designs i ran into while looking up wallet cases LMAO lucky me me thinks…. Its very pretty <3 mr dunkulous here to stay and keep me company lest i totally lose my mind <3<3
AND I DID i mentioned so durin stream yesterday ! i REALLY loved it, sabu keeps putting ttm in terrible situations and it makes me giddy seeing him panic 🥰 AND DESTINY WAS ADORABLE it was so cute….. really wholesome and what my soul needed….
OH PS4 PRELOADS OPEN ? Ill check it out when i get home later……. Why does xbox get it a day early thats rude me thinks…..
#snap chats#cancelling a post i was gonna make to bitch in the tags of this one <3#anyway on this day this monday we remember the words of our king ryuji goda#A Real Man Oughta Be A Little Stupid DO YALL WANNA KNOW HOW MAD I AM.#HOW I JUST SPENT A FRACTION OF MY FOOD MONEY ON A STUPID CARD#WHEN MY FUCKING ID WAS UNDEE MY TABLET. CAN YOU IMAGINE MY RAGE. MY ANGER.#I TORE UP MY ROOM ALL WEEKEND BUT NEVER THOUGHT TO CHECK UNDER MY FUCKIN TABLET#its a lilfunny….. im tryna make the most of it ok GODAMMIT IM SO MAD THO I CANT#$20 is like $5 in todays society everything is twenty fuckin dollars i cant live like this#at least my deadnames not on my id anymore… and it doesnt look like its falling apart ig…#STILL HAVE THIS TERRIBLE PHOTO AND ID RATHER BE DEADNAMES AND HAVE $20 THAN NOT HAVE $20#NO ONE TALK TO ME ANYWAY kinda funny. hang on.#at least i dont have to get a new sticker… i just scalpe the old one from my oher card.. lol… knife came in handy…#was leaving to Waste Twenty Dollars when i ran into one of my roommate’s boyfriend for the ninth time this semester#and we both clamber into the elevator and he like ‘ive seen you a lot lol so uhh whats your name :)’#and the struggle i had… do i say Aforementioned Dead Name do i say my Thinking Of Changing First Name do i say Last Name….#the safe answer is always last name so thats what i did but god i floundered..i stared at him for a second longer than i shouldve#today sucks. at least i dont have a night class today…#i’d stream y0 but streams dont go well when i stream them at 5#plus i have to work on a comm… ouugg lemme cap it here before i rant for thirty tags straight LMAO#anyway. love my new case. destiny was cute. angry jealous frog ttms funny and sad at the same time. monday made me giggle 🥴#this was a good post to make while making sure my cars battery didnt die LMAO ok bye <3
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loveandlucky · 1 year
#ok rant moment#so for years now i have struggled with excessive and disturbing nightmares and i wake up often during the night#a month ago i finally decided enough was enough and i went to my doctor about it#i was scared hed tell me i was just wating the wrong thing or having too much caffeine#that i wouldnt be believed#but he was instantly so kind and cared about the issue and didnt blame it on me#he said with what i was describing and how it happens every night no matter what#as well as me confirming i had multiple accounts of trauma and chronic depression and anxiety that i go to dbt therapy for#that these were ptsd induced nightmares and my fight or flight system is not turning off even when i sleep#which causes vivid dreams and feelings of high anxiety causing nightmares and spiking my blood pressure enough to wake me often#i felt...so validated#he gave me a medicine that helps with them which i didnt even know existed#anyway i was telling my mom and aunt about it this weekend#just about my sleep problems and how i got meds#and they were just saying how they thought i just vape too much or drink too much caffeine#i was upset by this but i let it go.#they just wont understand and any time i bring up anything about my trauma to my mom she doesnt wanna hear it or believe it#which is really shitty but i guess ive accepted it#anyway ive been doing 1mg per night for 3 days and its helped a little but im excited to move on to 2mg tonight bc thats what the dosage#schedule is#ive been quiet about this problem that i thought was normal for so long and i cant say how good it feels to at least be validated and#helped by my doctor#thanks for listening wheee#♡♡♡
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guideaus · 9 months
and i think its so weird when other people are all like "mind your own business" when it does have something to do with you and its smth they should care abt anyways
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wri0thesley · 1 year
i know that the brain is not moved by nice words, no matter how much we wish it were, but... even so... i DO need you to know that your 2d anime man (& lady) erotica FREQUENTLY moves me, and has made a huge and marked improvement in my real human life.
TMI, but... as i'm sure you're aware: it sucks to be fat in a world that hates fat people. earlier this year, it was really rock bottom for me, the worst it's been in a while. "couldn't take care of myself" levels. sometimes i couldn't shower because then i would have to see me, and i couldn't bear it. any time i thought about or acknowledged my body in any way was just. agony. and i'm not going to pretend it got better magically (or solely because of your fics, lol-- therapy, etc) but reading about fat people being loved and beloved, with no qualifiers... it helps. it's the crack in the impenetrable wall of self-hatred. it opens up the possibility of what if and makes me able to imagine the possibility of being loved-- and through that door, maybe someday, loving myself. and there are so, so few places to find stories like that, about fat people, written with love and care and enthusiasm, that are sweet and elegant and hot-- nevermind stories written with skills like yours.
so, you know. fire that one back at the brain horrors.
anon, i appreciate you very deeply! i am feeling a little bit better today about my writing because i am having fun doing it and that is really what is important, but it also means a lot to me that other people are affected - no matter how little - by the silly things i post on my blog <3. i am glad you are feeling better about yourself recently and i hope that such a thing continues to happen to you, because you deserve it! <3
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mattynmarns · 1 year
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bumbleblurr · 2 years
blurr is so asian. To me
#ok to be clear to ppl who may nof know i am chinese sjhdkfjfk#mixed race asian actually but im not. discussing that on my robot blog this is not the place for that#i just think asian blurr humanformer is swag bc... heehee hes just like me fr :]#seeing white man blurr it just. it doesn't feel right to me#ESPECIALLY when they make his skin so pale its literally paper white like does this man ever go outside-#i understand that blurrs robot design does have literal white plating for his face but consider this. who give a shit#some of them have literal purple & blue faces we're not playing this game#besides the fandom already has this problem of considering white to be the default#legit saw. this exchange on twitter#abt someone calling out an artist for making the majority of their humanizations white while only. jazz was the only non white person#i think they even made windb1ade white which. :| ok#and another person defended them by saying there ''arent even that many poc characters''#like wdym theyre all robots how can u say theyre white . its you who is defaulting them as white bc u think thats the norm :///#anyway thats my off hand rant of the day#summary. blurr is asian bc i want him to be and i think its cool :]#other characters that have the asian badge of honor to me (that i can remember rn): pr0wl‚ j@zz‚ shocky‚ w1ndblade of course#dare i say. roddy also :]#OH wheeli3 too hes my little cousin who loves dinosaurs#(i actually have a little cousin who loves dinos so i think of wheeli3 in the same way)#my interpretation of him is largely based on my lil sis & my lil cousins so he has to be asian as a result. sorry i dont make the rules#ok ok thats all im going to say on this its already becoming incoherent#🐝 could you repeat the last part? 🟦
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emmys-writing-blog · 9 months
okk, I've been at a major blank for the castle infiltration chapters I had been writing. Normally I just write whenever I get the inspiration to, though it's been almost 2 months now and I still have absolutely nothing for that story. I do not think I'll continue that story; if I do, it probably won't be anytime this year. I do have a new hyperfixation and story idea though so that will probably become my whole blog. I'll start posting about that soon!
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scottstiles · 1 year
whats the mayors address i need to go park in her living room
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