#ok this is the last of the backlog of which i did last night as of writing this
lordofshibas · 5 months
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[oc] sigh i hate gay people (continues drawing them)
arthya (blue haired angel) belongs to @crimsonrain-spirits / @ghost-koix
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I made a mistake. Several actually. Several very severe mistakes. And this post isn't meant to make it all ok, I have accepted that many are rightfully mad at me, but I do hope that I can at least have some context to the mistakes I made and why I made them.
First let me say that I am privileged. That much is true. I am a white man in the american suburbs. I have the luxury of not only not being personally affected by many social issues but not even having to witness them. But I still want to be a good person. And part of that is learning about these social issues by talking and interacting with people online. But I'm still not perfect. I'm barely an adult and I have a lot of growing to do as a person. And hopefully with this in mind it will make some of the mistakes I will go over just a bit more understandable.
Back in mid march I made the submissions post for this blog, and did not expect to get as many as I did. I then spent a month taking as many submissions as I could and putting them in a list. All in all I ended up with over 2000 characters. From that alone it should be understandable why I couldn't research every one before releasing the bracket. I even ended up with many mistakes like incorrect labeling and duplicate characters.
However the first true mistake came later. I was making the poll posts themselves and I got to Lance. I knew I should have done something at the time but I didn't exactly know what. It was one poll and I was doing 16 polls per day minimum, but ideally double that so that I could have a backlog of posts. So I didn't spend as much time thinking about the issue as I should have and the conclusion I came to was that at the end of the day it was a fictional character, and if I properly content warning it it will be fine. Anyone who is sensitive to that imagery can block it. This is largely where my ignorance came in. While it may sound improbable to those who do know more I promise you I genuinely thought that I was doing no harm. And while I won't lie and say I am now a master in the topic now I do have a better understanding of the harm that this decision caused. Additionally my pride got to me. I am very proud of having "the biggest bracket on tumblr" but I had already had quite a few be disqualified for being duplicates or real people, so I didn't want to make the bracket any smaller and lose prestige. This was far from the main reason I kept him in, but it was morally wrong.
People's response to the original poll was mixed. There were people who immediately asked me to remove him, but others were on my side in saying that he should stay since he's a fictional character and his morals don't matter. So I defaulted to the stance I already had, and did nothing. This was a mistake. Above all else I should have prioritized everyone feeling safe and comfortable on my blog.
But the last night it was about an hour later then I should have been asleep and my brain was incredibly stupid, and things started to go down hill. I got the first ask in a while about Lance, and I decided to put an end to the issue. My way of doing this was doing a poll. In my mind this was my way of accounting for my ignorance. I don't know much about how severe this issue is, so I'll put it in the hands of people who did.
This poll also got mixed results. Some said I should just have the conviction to eliminate him myself, but others brought up things about that character I didn't know, like how he apparently has a character arc of learning fascism is bad, or that he has other visuals where he's wearing different outfits. I also got messages from fans of the series who thanked me for giving the character a chance. This made me feel comfortable in being a "neutral party". However with the notes I felt that I should "do this right" which unfortunately led to me doing the exact opposite.
I deleted the original poll, where 70% were in favor of disqualifying him. I didn't think it was a big deal since it had only been up a few minutes, but this was yet another mistake. I made a new poll, which included info that had been told to me since the previous poll. But the problem was that what I had actually written was not good. It was almost midnight at this point, so while I tried to remain a "neutral party" I ended up having the info show a very clear bias. And considering the character in question, people began to wonder why I was trying so hard to keep him in the poll. This led to many replies on the poll that began to overwhelm me. I was starting to realize the mistakes I had made and just how deep of a pit I had dug myself in. I panicked. I turned off replies and deleted all the ones on that were on the poll so that I could say everything I wanted to say interrupted. This backfired, and led to people going to the reblogs instead. And me deleting all the replies looked BAD. While I was trying to get the things I wanted to say out the post had spread. Spread even outside of the people who normally know this account. People who knew nothing of the history and structure of this blog, who thought that I had seen a character who was a Nazi and thought "sure come right in" and I was now trying desperately to keep him in.
This understandably made people very mad when that was their perception. Many many people were saying terrible hurtful things to me. Their heart was in the right place but even now I do not agree with the kind of harassment some stooped to. At this point I was in a full blown panic attack. Every bit of damage control dug me deeper into the pit. I decided that I needed to deal with this situation with a clear head so that I didn't make more mistakes in a panic. I deleted the poll about Lance's elimination and went to bed.
That brings us to this morning. I have announced that Lance is disqualified, and deleted the original poll containing him. I promise you all that I will try my hardest to prevent anything like this from happening again on my blog. I want to make things as right as I can. And I hope now you all will believe me when I say that I am not a Nazi, or an antisemite, I'm just a privileged idiot who made some dumb mistakes.
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Looking for some new AU Brio fic reccs, and you've got great taste so please share your thoughts with me
Hi Anon! Thank you for the ask. ❤️ I just feel that I’m one of the worst people to ask for AU recs because I haven’t read a lot of them. I’ve historically had such a canonic view of Brio that I had a hard time getting into AU. I’m working on it though! Slowly making my way through the backlog of AUs I missed out on.
I guess I can’t just keep repeating Both Sides of the Law and Delinquents, right? They’re just such rich worlds all in themselves. They almost don’t even need canon. Although, canon does lend them some additional color. But ok, if not these then…
I’m gonna keep repeating the Kingmaker series, which at this point is an AU. I was happy to see she updated a new piece in her series last night and thoroughly enjoyed the work, as I did all the rest. And I know, I keep saying it isn’t for everyone because this author really struggles with choosing what she wants Brio to be. But this work is SO underrated! This is such a beautifully written series of fics. If nothing else, read for the language and the author’s ability to world-build and characterize. I can SEE this universe. It isn’t just that she is able to emulate what the actors embodied. She is able to add value to her Rio character that has impacted the way I view canon. Her Rio is the Rio I see when I watch the performance. She understands her universe and her subjects on such a deep level that I believe who she’s made them be.
Another one I really loved was What a Sight to See. It’s a vampire AU where Beth is a vampire and Rio isn’t. What’s interesting is that the characters were still themselves. Their mannerisms, their speech patterns, their specific proclivities still made them very recognizably themselves. But the flipped power dynamic was perfection. Because Rio, as a mortal, was the vulnerable one in this scenario. And Beth had that quiet confidence of endless strength and power that was then challenged with something new to her — giving a shit about someone, loving someone. I found their relationship extremely emotional, and the outcome of it one of the most satisfying. The writing is always beautiful. “The inviting lift of her skirt, though, that's more of a revelation. All that pallid, pliant flesh; displayed for him. Rio can't not stride forward, grasp the opportunity…” I love this use of language to perfectly capture emotion with showing instead of telling. And how well it captures Rio’s inherent nature! “Grasp the opportunity.” Such a well-placed term.
The King’s Mistress is another good one. And smutty!! I don’t only read for smut, but I certainly love a well-placed pornographic scene. 😁 What I really love about this fic is the open vulnerability both Beth and Rio allow themselves in an AU setting. I don’t normally like too much openness from Beth in canonic works because I see that as OOC, but it’s certainly refreshing to see in a universe that has room for her that way. She doesn’t always have to be on guard. She can be soft sometimes.
I’m so not helpful with these recommendations. 😂 I just don’t have enough experience with the AU genre. In fact, I would be open to recommendations myself. I know several of you have given me some to try. I need to get to reading!
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Ok I want some opinions on this because I have this vintage camera that used to be my dad’s,. Recently I was inspired to get it fixed and to use it. I couldn’t find anyone locally that fixes those cameras, so I sent it to this guy in Michigan who fixes these types of cameras. Anyway, i sent it and didn’t hear anything from him for like 2 weeks. I wanted to at least make sure he got it and it hadn’t gotten lost in the mail. So I emailed him a couple times and didn’t hear back so then I wondered if it was a scam. Finally he got back to me and said he did get it, but his internet had been out for a like a week bc of a storm or whatever so that’s why he hadn’t responded to my emails. So I was like cool, ok I’m glad. But he didn’t give me any expectations of when to expect him to start fixing it- like his website said he had somewhat of a backlog, but I wasn’t sure what amount of time to expect him to get through the backlog. So anyway like 5 days later I emailed him and asked for a timeline to expect and he told me he had one camera he was currently working on and then a couple of others that were like warantee things and then he would get to mine that Thursday or Friday. Thursday and Friday came and went but I didn’t want to bug him too much since he said there were a few ahead of mine. so I think I waited another week and he told me he had a couple ahead of mine but to expect him to start working on it on whatever day. When I didn’t hear back from him I waited a few days and emailed him again. I figured he’d given me two possible dates and then didn’t at least give me an update when that day came and went. So he emailed me back a couple days later and kind of told me the same thing he told me 2 weeks ago, but that if I “pestered” him it might get done sooner. I still waited another day and then I emailed him and asked if he could get to it the next day (which was Thursday- one of the days he said it would be done anyway). I didn’t hear back from him. So I started to feel like he was just jerking me around. So finally I sent him more of a serious email last night saying that I felt like he was putting me off. Like I understand he had people ahead of me but it sounded like I was next in line for a while. I’m not used to sending those kind of emails. Like I wasn’t rude or mean, but I just told him the facts. So he wrote me back this morning sounding polite but slightly annoyed and said he’s had some cameras there for 6 months waiting to get fixed and that mine took longer than he thought it would. So he explained what he had to do in order to fix it and told me it was finished now. So idk if he got to mine ahead of those ones that he’s had waiting for 6 months because he had initially seen it would be a fairly easy fix, or if I had literally bugged him so much that he put me ahead of a lot of people. But I just had no idea what to expect as far as where I was in line, how long it would take for him to get to my camera, etc. You’d think he would be better at saying “hey, I have about a 3 month backlog and I will let you know the status on x date” or something like that. Then if I didn’t hear from him by that date then I might email him. But I had no idea what kind of timeline to expect so when I asked him for a timeline and he gave me some tentative dates. I should expect an update by then, right? Anyway the email worked because he said it is finished now. But I still am not sure if I was being too annoying by asking for updates. but at the same time I’m thinking that he should have been better at communicating a more definite timeline and giving me updates on the days that he said he would be finished. Right?
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kellanwrites · 2 years
1st DNF of March
I started, and DNF'd Tomorrow and tomorrow and Tomorrow last night. There were a variety of reasons. These are just my opinions and if you liked this book great, a lot of people did, I just didn't and that's fine!
I didn't like Sadie or Sam at all in their introductions. And then the flashback happened and as someone who was a "charity" case, I really didn't appreciate that the start of their friendship started on a disception, AND that after she got her mandatory hours, she kept getting her sheet signed, which ended up just made her come across as really unlikable.
It felt like the author literally took a thesaurus and looked for the MOST pretentious words she could find. Like, don't get me wrong, I love a good pretentious word here and there, but if you're using a word just to make these two characters seem smart or to make the book seem smart, it just doesn't work. There is nothing wrong with NOT using an obscure word.
So these two alone aren't usually something that would make me DNF a book. Roll my eyes, yes, maybe give it a low rating, yes. But characters can grow and change, and maybe this was just because they were college students, but I looked at reviews just in case because while this was for Katie Colson's Patreon book club that I am a part of I wasn't going to read it just because of that. And I specifically looked at that 3 star or lower ratings because I wanted to see what people who didn't enjoy the book had to say. Which leads me to points 3 and 4, which I'm putting behind a cut because there might be spoilers.
3. So I get it, there is misogyny in the video game industry, and sexual harassment, and I was prepared to handle some sexual harassment, etc. But I saw a few reviewers mentioning not only sexual harassment, but sexual assault, and that one of Sadie's professor's basically had an inappropriate relationship with her and it wasn't necessarily painted as bad, even though Sadie kept telling him to leave her alone. Just because they are two adults, there is a definite power differential there and I felt like that was ignored.
4. Sam is apparently possessive of Sadie, and some of his very problematic and stalkery behavior is written off as romantic, IE, he apparently makes a game just to intrigue her and starts a relationship in game with their two characters without him telling her its him and when she tries to call him out everyone tells her she's overreacting. He drives by her place all the time even though she told him she didn't want to see him again, etc. Like, ok, gross.
Not to mention there were a lot of people mentioning that the book is full of miscommunication tropes, toxic relationships both romantic and platonic, etc, and that just does not spell a good time for Kellan, so I was like, you know what, I have 13 books on hold at the library, ten books checked out and a ton of Book of the Month backlog to catch up on, I ain't go time for this.
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ezamevolni · 2 years
Rambling rants: money and freedom
Yesterday Hybe CEO announced that all 4 remaining members - Suga, Jimin, V and Jk will release solos next year and that Jk the youngest hasn't confirmed his enlistment date yet.
The article also stated that Jhope, Jin and RM have already released their solos this year (RM's one is upcoming).
I based my previous assumptions on them staggering the solo albums so that Jin wouldn't be singled out as the only one without an album before enlistment...guess I was wrong.
And the fact that they counted Jin's last minute single as his 'album'. Speechless. Are they really putting that on par with other members' solo releases including multiple songs, ample planning time and album promotions?
I'm not complaining about Jin's single, it's wonderful he got to do a song and release a physical for it before enlisting, but if they are taking this as his solo release for chapter 2... 🤬
Jin's promotion had included a few variety show appearances... yet The Astronaut wasn't even mentioned on Youngji's show.
And he was writing lyrics for the song the night before filming the MV????? And no one in the company was available to help confirm his lyrics, so he let Chris Martin hear them (the lyrics are Korean mind you) and Chris said they sounded ok so they went with it?
Jin came up with the cartoon character concept, chose the jacket photos, the poster... and wasn't satisfied with the stickers available to those who received the Wootteo plushie so he was going to discuss this more with the staff after he went back from Argentina.
Jin's single release also overlapped with their teasers and presale for the group 'Special 8 Photo Folio' which took away some attention and sales from Jin's solo.
It's more infuriating when I think about the reason behind why they decided to release the group photo book suddenly when not all of the members' solo photo books are out yet. It's right after the Busan expo so fan sentiment and interest is high = higher sales, and with Jin enlisting they might have issues with making a profit off the photo book once he's in the army (rule that they can't make money while serving and all profits go to the government) so it's best to begin presale before he enlisted. What about Jin's photo book? Not as guaranteed to make a profit so not as urgent?
I'm really disliking this new direction of money before artists. BTS built Hybe. Hybe is now like 'thanks guys, we'll do our best to distance this company from you so that if you fail, we won't. Meanwhile, you still have to listen to everything we say.'
I'm not going to impose my original opinions on their enlistment timings here since the timetable has already been set by the CEO's words.
I'm just disappointed in how they seem to have given Jin up from the way they dragged the enlistment announcement from BE all the way to Busan Expo (2 whole years), letting him take the bulk of the backlash and doesn't seem to care that he's the only one who wouldn't get a proper album before enlistment. They filled the guys' schedules with group activities until the last minute before Jin has to go, giving him no time to settle and work on his songs. Just look at the amount of backlog content they filmed during the past two years, they've also repeatedly said they had no time for their own work when doing group activities.
....so tired. I know some OT7 fans and non Jin biased armys are probably tired from hearing Jin stans complaining about his treatment but seriously, they don't even hide it well at times how they are so callous with Jin? I used to be more patient as I'm aware Jin wasn't that musically focused at the beginning and was someone who need to put in a bit more effort than the rest to keep up. But over the years, he's proven his worth as a singer, shown interest and initiative in making songs for fans, improved drastically in performing, did his best to entertain us during their variety shows... and yet you still see him being 'forgotten' on OT7 banners, excluded from group photos and even by some major fan accounts when they make group content. I'm so tired.
I'm holding my breathe until Jin comes back to see if they would give him a full album because as of right now I'm just done with the company.
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thelastevilregal · 6 months
oh my god you want hear about problems? i have SO many problems and my Work Therapist just moved to miami so i have a backlog
so .. back in october i accidentally. slept with my housemate uhh not realizing she had had feelings for me for like a year and a half and we ended up dating for like 2 months. i realized i wanted to break it off around thanksgiving but didnt work up the nerve until the new year partly bc i got hit by a car early december and had to get her to pick me up from the er and then she did a lot to take care of me after and. AHH.
im ok now also but. i broke up w her right after we both got back from visiting our families for xmas and i was like i HAVE to do it tonight bc we had scheduled a 'roommate mtg' w all 4 of us to confront our other bitch roommate over how shitty she was acting and i was like. if i dont do this now then our relationship is going to come up in this talk. and i cant sit and defend us while actively wanting to break up ykkkkk?? ughh i felt so bad for it but the straw that had broke the camels back with bitch roommate was that when i told her that me and ex were dating, the cunt had the nerve to pull a face and say "yikes" before slamming the bathroom door in my face. then 15 seconds later yank it open again and snark "you couldnt have said something before we moved to a new place?" i was like "bitch its been a week wtf are you talking about" and she slammed the door again. as though id been dating my ex in 'secret' for like 6 months since our last apt???? IM not the one whos weird and cagey about my sex life. bitch roommate is the one who lied to me about being a virgin for some reason and then actively hid her sex life from me for the next 4 years in order to maintain that lie, as though i give a single solitary shit who or if she fucks????
but so bitch roommate and i did not speak again until the roommate meeting. at the end of which i was like 'k ig lemme clear the air about dnd' (i had my dm kick her out of my dnd group—they are MY friends to begin with and we were starting a new campaign with a much paired down party specifically bc we didnt want roommate bs at the table. the morning after he did she TEXTED me at 6:22am like 'i know youre afraid of conflict but this is fucking weird if you have a problem say it to me' as though cheap jabs will get me to talk to you. obviously i ignored her). cunt had the nerve to go 'yeah what was that about?' as though she really had no idea what she couldve done. im like bitch wtfym what was that about?? have you not noticed we havent spoken in 2 months?? she gave a half hearted 'i guess im sorry' when i told her she had been so far out of pocket it was ridiculous.
but again. id also broken up w my ex the night before all of that. so she had been planning to micromanage the shit out of this conversation and then ended up being an emotional wreck. i felt so bad but i was like i HAD to yknow???? she said we could go back to being friends......
so that was 2 months ago now. i 'gave her space' for the first few weeks (p much avoiding being at the house like i had when i was actively avoiding bitch roommate) and its been several weeks since ive like. checked in with her emotionally. shes finally started acting more normal around me again, mostly at my queue. she watched alien with me last weekend. opposite end of the couch, where she used to lean her head on my shoulder before we dated. although actually maybe that was a romantic feelings thing?? fuck. i dont know how to know if im being like, callous by just acting like things are the same as before, or if i should be doing something different, and its hard bc we have opposite work schedules so i dont see her most days anyway and idk how to talk to her about it. we havent gone into each others bedrooms beyond talking in the doorways since breaking up, but like it feels like a conversation we need to have in private, no?? ughhhhhhh i hate this. idk how to prompt this, nor what i actually need to ask her to begin with..... just like, are we actually okay, yknow?
my old work therapist thought my problems were hilarious. like an american telanovela. i was like well at least someone is enjoying this situation :/
You know I don't think I can even give you any terrible advice for this situation. Sounds like you got that part handled. Just keep doing what you're doing 💯
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benjaminsblog · 9 months
Ben v 2024
Three days into the new year and so far I’m not liking what 2K24 is offering up! Got a cuppa in hand? Ok, let’s go:
I spent New Year’s Eve & Day at Cheltenham racecourse, which eventually panned out ok, but started poorly. The van I was scheduled to take broke down the night before, which meant I had to spend 3-and-a-half hours in the office on NYE morning with a colleague getting the replacement van up to speed before I could go. Normally it wouldn’t be such a laborious task, but horse racing is very different to most of our other jobs, so it wasn’t a quick plug-and-play situation.
I arrived at Cheltenham just before 2:30, which still gave Crofty and me ample time to get ourselves ready for the following day’s racing. Despite our backlog of work and a few more gremlins rearing their heads, we made good progress for a couple of hours before we were suddenly plunged into darkness - we’d been powered off! Some bright spark had told the chap in charge of power that the site was clear, even though we’d informed the unit manager we were sticking around. This was all the more baffling given that whoever it was that gave the order was not onsite themself!
That brought the day’s shenanigans to a screeching halt, and left us with more ground to make up the next morning than we would have liked. However, we managed to deliver a clean show against all odds, and I was able to breeze the 2-hour journey home fuelled by this little victory. For added fun, someone nearly careered into me on a roundabout, which resulted in a very different kind of screeching halt.
Day 2 also went heavily off-script - Dad drove down to mine to lend me his car for a month or two - mine is beyond saving, and wheels are gonna be very handy in the immediate future (read on, Macduff). We stayed long enough to jump start my old banger (in readiness for a scrapper coming to collect), before we hopped back in Dad’s car so I could drive him home to Oakham. On a good day, the journey is no more than 2 hours, and we were making very good progress until we reached the outskirts of town to discover that every single road had been flooded by Storm Henk. Dad had only left a few hours previously, so it must have absolutely chundered it down.
After a few failed alternative routes, we struck upon the nearest train station, which was giving no sign of issues. However, once we rocked up at Kettering station, it was clear that the rain had put paid to that idea, too. We debated our options for a while before deciding to deposit Dad at a nearby hotel and cross everything that the following day would allow him to complete his journey. Happily, he did indeed make it home the next day, ending that segment of drama.
I spent the majority of Day 3 in Luton looking for a new place to live after I received an early Christmas card from my landlord informing me that I had two months to make myself scarce - which is never welcome at any time of year - but the timing made the deadline seem a lot closer.
Viewing #1 was cancelled at the eleventh hour, #2 was the size of a shoe box (and a very grubby one at that), and #3 - although much more acceptable - was smaller than my current flat and pricier with it. I can at least say I got the ball rolling and got some viewings under my belt, but it was a bit of a dud day in truth. I consoled myself with the fact that I managed to fit in an impromptu blood donation while I was in town, so at least somebody benefitted from my efforts over the last few days!
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hollybell51 · 2 years
Welcome to what I regard as my little anthology of fanfiction, and I hope you enjoy your stay xx
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☆ = smut, ♡ = everything else
♡ Our treasure (Jim Hawkins x fem!Reader) - Treasure Planet [2002]
♡ A heart of ice (Jack Frost x fem!Reader) - Rise of the Guardians [2012]
♡ The other thing (Dean Winchester x fem!Reader) - Supernatural [2005]
♡ Five times the Corinthian didn't say what he was thinking plus one time he did (Corithian x gn!Reader) - on hiatus (sorry) - The Sandman [2022]
♡ ☆ Maze runner oneshots (various x fem!Reader) - Maze Runner books/films [various] {some works contain smut, but most do not}
☆ I promise (The Corinthian x gn!Reader) - The Sandman [2022]
☆ Too easy to love (Tangerine x fem!Reader) - Bullet Train [2022]
☆ Gentleman (Sam Winchester x fem!Reader) - Supernatural [2005]
☆ Last night (Dean Winchester x fem!Reader) - Supernatural [2005]
☆ Don't bet on it (Cas x fem!Reader) - Supernatural [2005]
☆ Last night on Earth (Cas x fem!Reader) - Supernatural [2005]
☆ It's ok {pt. I} (Adam Warlock x fem!Reader) - Guardians of the Galaxy vol. III [2023]
☆ It's ok {pt. II} (Adam Warlock x fem!Reader) - Guardians of the Galaxy vol. III [2023]
☆ If I don't have you (Ethan Hunt x fem!Reader) - Mission Impossible films [unspecified]
☆ Without you (Philip Pearson x fem!Reader) - Travelers [2016]
☆ In this timeline (Trevor Holden x Philip Pearson) - Travelers [2016]
Note: some of these links aren't working properly at the moment and are instead acting as filters for tags, which is weird because that is not what I made them to do, but I'm trying to fix it so if they're doing that to you I'm sorry and rest assured it's a me problem, not you xxx
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Join the tag list here (thanks @juniebugg​ for the idea to even start one)
Got something you wanna ask for? Remember to check out my rules first! (Note: requests currently very slow and severely backlogged!)
My AO3 (same as here, but if you’ve got a preference...)
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A bit about me
I’m a writer, a bit of a nerd, and totally besotted with the colour green. I’m Aussie, pretty big on knitting/crochet/books/music, fascinated by people and head over heals in love with learning. 
This blog is a safe space for everyone, regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexuality, religion, morality... you get the gist. Anyone who does not respect this will be blocked with no hesitation. 
Important: I do not automatically give my permission for any of my work to be reposted, translated, etc. anywhere. I do, however, appreciate every reblog, like and comment <3
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bomberqueen17 · 4 years
so i come in crazy early every day to get a bunch of work done before the retail store opens. last week the other person who does video transfers, the one who almost exposed me to COVID a month or two ago, was like "i should come in early one day this week to go over that order"-- an order I did, the customer complained she didn't like it, so we were gonna have the other one of us look it over to see if there's anything I missed, but since everyone but me is laid off to few enough hours that they can get the unemployment bonus money, I'm the only one who has time to look at the video transfer orders.
anyway she said “ok i’m gonna come in early on Tuesday to look that order over,” and I was like OK, and was thinking I should just not come in early today, but then I was like no what am i gonna do stay til 5 instead? no that’s dumb. So I figured, I’ll just come in mega-early like I always do, there’s no way she’s gonna be here at 6:30, and I was right about that.
But now it’s 8:30 and the order I’m working through is three big 7″ reels, which take like 35 minutes each, and these aren’t rewound so I have to rewind them off to the playback reel, and then play them back onto their original reel, so it’s kind of an involved process, and it’s not even that it’s me using the desk she’d need to be at for this order redo, it’s the actual machine she’d have to use too.
I texted her to ask if today’s the day she’s coming in early, and paused to do a different order from the backlog, but now I’ve finished that order and like. what now? ughghghghgh don’t make me waste time.
Bet you she won’t turn up before 10.
Maybe I’ll just redo the order myself. She’s literally never going to do it....
edited to add: sure enough 45 minutes after i text her she texts back “ah i turned off my alarm i slept bad last night” yeah whatever man. glad i didn’t change my plans at all. one thing being old and cranky has taught me, never ever expect other people to do what they say they will, and you’ll be much happier for it.
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gra-sonas · 4 years
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Interesting interview with CW President Mark Pedowitz. Roswel, New Mexico is not mentioned, but he talks about programming decisions, straight to series orders, the next fall schedule etc. Another thing he mentions is, that he's happy that The CW will air a few more "family oriented" shows (like the Kung Fu and Walker reboots, and Superman & Lois). If you squint, RNM's very much a "(found) family oriented" show - with aliens. ;)
Pedowitz also mentions, that they have several slots to fill for the upcoming fall, and the 2022 spring schedule, but they haven't made all the decisions yet. While we might not hear about a S4 renewal very soon, this gives me a fairly good feeling tbh. RNM's an established show, it's comparatively "cheap" to make, they have great tax incentives in New Mexico, and the show is doing overall well enough in ratings and international sales.
Mark Pedowitz, broadcast's longest-tenured chief, has no regrets about delaying the start of The CW's fall season.
His network (like Fox), made the decision last summer to wait until the new year to bring back scripted originals like Riverdale and All American. The late start afforded productions more time to get used to filming during a pandemic, where episodes take longer (and cost more) to complete. It also.
While the January fall launch gives the network a backlog of originals to air without interruption (provided the pandemic doesn't have other plans), it also delayed decisions like the network's traditional mid-January slate of early renewals.
Now, as The CW prepares to formally launch its fall season on Sunday with the returns of Batwoman and All American, Pedowitz talks with The Hollywood Reporter about how the network is plotting a return to business as usual, including more straight to series orders, developing shows with heart and, yes, the future of all things DC.
Let's pretend we're at TCA: When will you bring Supernatural back?
If they boys want to come back, we're ready to have them. (Laughing.)
The CW traditionally hands out early renewals during this time of year. Where are you in those conversations, especially since your season doesn't formally start until Sunday with Batwoman.
I'm just getting into those discussions. I came from a studio background and understand the importance of early pickups — it allows for better preparation. We're a few weeks away but I need to finish up some internal discussions.
ABC, NBC and CBS all returned originals late last year. In hindsight, any regrets holding the season start to January
No. Once we said it, we felt it was the right thing to do. It would have been too patchworky. At this point, it gets longer and longer and you're waiting to get back into some form of what's your finished product going to look like? I have no regrets. I just wish it didn't take this long to happen.
How much has The CW's late start to the season — originals return next starting Sunday night — impacted the way you conduct business, both in terms of renewals and the negotiations for pilot orders, etc.?
We did this strategically and made choice in the summer because we were concerned with misleading affiliates, the consumer and the ad sales community that we were going to have a fall schedule in the fall and felt that wasn't the right thing. We found some successes with some of the acquisitions, like Stargirl, Coroner and World's Funniest Animals. Some of those are good linear, a lot of them were great on digital. Our digital presence was kept alive because of that. That said, our fall had Supernatural. And once that came back, we were doing [ratings] numbers we were doing pre-pandemic.
We are interested in seeing how people react. It's not just a covid issue right now; it's also the uncertainty in the country with news being as much of a viewing choice as anything else. We're going to have to see how it all plays. We're getting a little colder of a start than we would have if we rolled out of summer. On a digital basis, we're fine. On a linear basis, it's gotten harder.  On the development basis, nothing has really changed. I think straight to series [orders] will be done again this year — just for financial purposes so people can get going as quickly as possible — by the end of January. That could change because the surge could change. But there is a bit more flexibility to it. We're still on the same schedule: we have to talk to advertisers in some form in May about what things look like for the following fall. We're hoping that the following fall is closer to a normalized fall — like 2019 was. Do I think it will be completely that way? No. Do I think it will be much more that than not that? Yes.
So, you'll be focused largely on straight to series orders instead of pilot pickups this season?
We haven't seen a lot of development yet. Lost Boys and Maverick [ordered to pilot last year], because of what occurred, are back in contention as development, not because they got picked up to pilot last year. They're in the mix with many other things, including dramas from Ava DuVernay, Black Lightning spinoff Painkiller, Wonder Girl, PowerPuff Girls, The 4400. The scripts are coming in slowly. Right now, I've seen just a handful of scripts and I'm waiting for others to come in so I can make some decisions. They're in contention for how we pick up pilots or direct to series.
Last year, you went straight to series on Superman & Lois and Walker largely out of concerns that there could be a WGA strike. Why is this an attractive model for some development this year?
A lot of is dependent upon what we're dealing with in terms of production needs with ongoing series in a sense. The other is what's the economic impact. Bypassing pilots is short-term less money than going straight to series. We look at the economic impact and if we believe enough in these shows and that will determine the decision.
With two veteran shows — Supergirl and Black Lightning — ending, how much more room on the schedule do you anticipate you'll have? You're making straight to series decisions based on a slate that will have just gotten under way.
We'll have space for three or four shows for next season, 2021-22. We're sorry to see Supergirl and Black Lightning go, but we're happy to have Naomi, Wonder Girl and Painkiller in the hopper right now. From The CW-DC/Arrow-verse — whatever we're calling it these days! — I think we'll be OK for the next generation. The Flash is new leader with Arrow gone and we're hoping Superman & Lois and Batwoman step up there for a new grouping of shows.
How much more life is left in veterans like Flash and Legends as you develop the next wave of the Arrow-verse? Especially when you have Greg Berlanti doing a big-budget Green Lantern and DC world at HBO Max and J.J. Abrams doing Justice League Dark for the streamer?
And they have Matt Reeves' Gotham PD there, too. It always makes me feel good when we're copied. (Laughing.) There's a lot of life left. Greg and I speak quite frequently. I'm not that concerned.   You recently passed on Green Arrow and the Canaries. Why? Timing. We couldn't quite figure out a model similar to Stargirl and couldn't quite get there. We were hoping to have it start at HBO Max and take a second run on The CW, but we couldn't figure out how to do it and couldn't make it all work.   Last year's pilots Lost Boys and Maverick are back in the development stage. What's the status of The 100 prequel?The 100 prequel is still in discussions at the studio level. I'd like to see it happen. I'm comfortable with where the prequel spinoff episode we did this past season. It's not a pilot; the earliest that would happen would be probably summer 2022, if that happens. We may end up deciding that we can't put the pieces together and it won't happen.
Speaking of the studio level, Warner Bros. is in the midst of a massive change as Channing Dungey is replacing Peter Roth. How does the changeover at Warners — which co-owns The CW alongside CBS Studios — impact the network? What kind of conversations have you had with Channing about their content pipeline since Warners is your main supplier?
Peter and I had remarkable partnership and relationship, and that will be missed. Channing worked with me when I ran ABC Studios and we've known each other for a long time. She's very supportive of The CW and the shows that go on The CW. There are shows she'd like to keep there and get on the air there. Obviously, her priorities may be a little different than Peter's. We are all working toward the same goal.
How has the pandemic and our current state of the world changed the types of programs you're looking to make? Can you do a show like Maverick, set on a college campus, during a pandemic? Do you still make dystopian stuff, especially if it's expensive?
Maverick is still in contention. I just had this conversation with our development team. I've come to the point right now about hope. About safe havens and a place where you can just ease your tension a little bit. One of the nice things about Superman & Lois, Walker and Kung Fu is at the end of the day — despite all the superhero/genre and Texas Ranger stuff — all three shows are about family, which is an important aspect going forward. You'll see Superman in a way you've never seen him before. And you'll see Jared Padalecki in a way you've never seen before. After watching all eight of Wentworth, I switched to Bridgerton because I wanted something light and fluffy. And I found Ted Lasso a worthy successor to Schitt's Creek — it gave me a hug and made me feel good. It made me remember that the human condition is not always bleak. That's where my head's at these days and I'm hoping development is more hopeful than it is dark and dismal.
Have you considered keeping production on your scripted shows going through the summer given the current covid surge that's happening this winter and the uncertainty in terms of vaccinations and new, more contagious strains? 
We work with the studios on episodic orders and when the shows would end, when they can revert back to a normalized schedule — some can do more easily than others — so we could be there for next October with a more normal schedule. We've sat with the studios and our production partners and have figured this out. Barring catastrophe, we think we're in good shape.
The CW is a joint venture between Warner Bros. and CBS Studios. Since both studios have prioritized their own studios, how much longer does it make sense for them to operate a linear network?
That's a question for them. for the moment, both parent companies are happy with how this is set up. They recognize the value of The CW brand for selling their shows in digital aftermarket.
Interview edited for length and clarity.
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shellyb04 · 3 years
A new week, a few more reviews. I'm working through a backlog now, so it is unlikely I will be posting this many so close together very often.
Thirty but seventeen(Korea): 17 year old girl is in a traffic accident and goes into a coma waking 13 years later. With no sign of her family she returns to her family home only to find it belongs to someone else now. The man now living there has emotionally cut himself off from the world. The two begin to heal together. 9/10 Overall, I really enjoyed it. I found some of the family stuff a bit contrived toward the end. But I love how the past intertwines with the present. Almost all the characters are great, which is a plus.
Emergency couple (Kdrama)- A divorced couple are reunited when they become medical interns at the same ER. 8/10 I love everything to do with the main couple but I find most of the side characters annoying, at least at first. I really don't like either of the moms all that much but they do have some great redemptive stuff toward the end of the drama. Overall, it was pleasant but if I watch again I will skip a lot of the side stories.
The Romance of Tiger and Rose (Cdrama)- A screenwriter fall asleep and wakes up on her newest drama, only she is playing the girl who is supposed to die in episode 3. The only way to survive is to befriend her would be killer...and forced husband. Can this writer live to the end of her own script? 10/10 I loved virtually every minute of this drama and even at 24 episodes I wish it was a little longer. I would have loved one more episode with the ML's family in their town. The characters are enjoyable. I cried, I laughed, I cried again. Seriously, just a fantastic and beautiful story. I heard this is getting another season and I am genuinely excited and curious to see what they do next.
My Girl (Cdrama 2020)- Woman with scar on her face and a problem with delusions falls in love with a makeup CEO who has his own troubled past. 7/10 Nothing really objectionable. I really like a lot of the things in it, especially that the girl I thought was going to be the annoyance became the best friend. All three couples were enjoyable. It was good, just not stupendous. I found myself a bit bored toward the end, even though it was a good story.
Noble Boys (Jdrama)- 4 wealthy heirs go on a reality show to marry "commoners." Naturally, they have no intention of actually falling in love with the three girls on the show. 4/10 Really not good, but it made me smile in places. Riku and Mugi (the leads) are cute and have ok chemistry. The background couples are nice but the plot holes in the story are bad. The plot itself is not very good. I mostly watched it brainlessly and even that was sometimes difficult.
Dalja's Spring (Kdrama)- A woman in her 30s hires a younger man to be her boyfriend for a month. 7/10 The first 15 or 16 episodes are actually way higher ratings for me. But they introduced a new character in the last few episodes. I thought a lot of the last 6 or so episodes were really really dragged out and then the resolution was really quick. I wish the last several eps had been condensed into like 2 with no ex girlfriend plot at all. It would have been better if the break up had been about following dreams and not fear. I did however love the main couple and the twist of Dalja's ex becoming her best friend was really lovely and fun.
Marry Me, Mary or Mary Stayed out all Night(Kdrama)- Mary's father is trying to force her into an arranged marriage. To get him to back off, she gets a lead singer from an indie rock band to fake a marriage with her. Her father, not to be deterred, says if she tries both relationships for 100 days he'll let her go with her choice. 9.5/10 This was a 10 up until the last two episodes. As with any romance there were misunderstandings and annoying side characters, but I loved the main three people in this and could legitimately see Mary falling for either of her husbands. It helps that both are really good guys. The last two eps all happen a bit too fast and are a bit too open ended. I would have liked a bit more closure. Also I could genuinely ship a thruple for this one. I wish the last half of the last episode had been more of the drama. There is something really endearing about the main couple that won me over very quickly. Also the bands music was stuck in my head for weeks afterwards.
Mr Queen (KDrama)- Head chef at the Blue House is framed for a crime. While running from the police he falls into a pool and hits his head. When he awakens, he is in the past in the body of a Queen of Joseon. What's a man to do? 9.5/10 I love everything in about this except for the last episode or two. It gets a bit weak. I like the show overall but for that ending to work I needed to see more of So-young's self coming through or have Jang Bong Hwan stay instead.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by mickey-mouse
When was the last time you spent over $10.00? On what? I bought dinner last night for my family; it was Friday, it was payday week, and I was feeling generous haha. I got two pizzas and a family-sized box of pasta.
Take a guess - do you have more pairs of socks or underwear? Underwear. I don’t even have to guess; I don’t spend on socks at all and the few ones I do own have all been gifts.
Create a holiday - what day would it be on and what would it celebrate? I’d just love a universal holiday promoting mental health/self-care where I can have a day off from work.
Have you ever smacked somebody's butt? Teehee... Yes.
Honestly, have you ever stolen ANYTHING? Think hard. The worst thing I’ve ever stolen was an umbrella, and I only did it because someone had stolen mine. But it still was not my classiest nor finest hour. But yeah, I’ve nicked a number stray ballpens in the past.
Who is one person who you love but never ceases to piss you off? My youngest cousin who I talked about in the previous survey. I love him, I probably would give up my life for him; but he needs to learn his goddamn manners.
Who is one person who loves you that YOU never cease to piss off? My mom.
Kids under the age of 13 with a cell phone; ok or ridiculous? In this day and age, I find it okay. But I will say that I got my first cellphone when I was 7, and this was back in 2005 when cellphones didn’t even do much yet and were mostly something to show off – in retrospect, I can say that that particular example is ridiculous.
Do you think you could you hop on one leg to your kitchen without falling? Yup, it’s only a few steps away.
Two wires - one destroys the Earth. You have 5 seconds to decide: blue or red? I’d say each color alternately in my head, then just ask someone to say stop.
What is the worst thing to drink right after brushing your teeth? I’m not sure. I don’t usually drink anything right after brushing my teeth because I feel like it defeats the point of doing the latter.
Are you careful with your money or does it burn a hole in your pocket? I’m careful for the most part. I can be a reckless spender whenever I want to have a great time, but I’m also good at self-control and not touching my money if I really want to start saving.
Right now, are you wearing eyeliner? Nope.
Are you better or worse off than you were two years ago? Worse, but at least I’m better than I was two months ago. That’s got to count for something, right?
If Justin Bieber was your brother would you be proud to admit it? I don’t like showing off in general, so if he were my brother I imagine that I’d be quietly proud, but it’s not something I’ll be bringing up with people all the time.
As a kid (or even now. ;)) what was your favorite playground activity? You can always find me on a swing or in the sandbox.
Who do you wish karma would bite in the ass? Any racist.
What are the colors of the flag for the country to the right of yours? That would be Palau, whose flag is yellow and blue.
Have you ever given yourself a Google diagnosis when you were sick? I’ve looked symptoms up, but never determined a diagnosis on my own.
Could you (willingly) go ten days without touching a computer? Yes. I would just dread the backlogs and emails I will inevitably be coming back to once I can touch my laptop again.
Have you ever dropped anything in a toilet on accident? I don’t think so.
BAM! Chocolate no longer exists. Do you miss it? I’ll miss chocolate-flavored stuff and will probably crave them as soon as they are gone. I can live without actual chocolate, like chocolate bars.
BAM! Dinosaurs are alive! Do you want one as a pet? No, they can stay in the wild where they belong.
What is the most annoying sound in your opinion? That high-pitched sound that sometimes comes out when utensils scrape against plates in a certain angle. Also, toddlers wailing.
Are you more mean to people when you're late for something? Yes.
Honestly, do you think you give yourself enough credit? No.
Pumpkin pie, vanilla ice cream, sugar cookies, cheese, apples - pick two. Cheese. I’d love to try pumpkin pie for the first time.
Have you ever been caught in a lie? Just small ones.
Congrats! You just won a $1,000 gift card to any store...which do you pick? The local grocery. HAHAHA P50,000 is already a lot of money, and I’d rather be practical with it.
QUICK! Fill in the blanks: I wish that _______ would kiss me right now. I’m not really seeking this at the moment.
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Went around with a flame sword and got me some ice lizalfos tails to fully upgrade the gerudo voe set. now i just need some sapphires...
welp. went to the edge of the map again. “You cannot go further” watch me. I’ll figure out how to clip out of bounds soon enough.
bozoi is obnoxious but wow you literally take the boots off his feet and leave him barefooted in the desert.
I did a lot of shrines today and ran into the usual problem of me missing some small but very important detail (like that not only do the platforms move but the door also opens/closes when the switch it hit). If this were dnd my perception would be like -5 which is especially funny since according to various internet tests I have a Wis of like 17.
after finally getting 14 hearts I tried to get into the korok forest again. Ok so I’ve noticed this a bit but the game often expects players to follow the roads and I almost never do because bokobins and yiga like hanging around there and there aren’t any cliffs for me to hide up on, but anyways this has caused me several problems including the lasted where I tried to fly into the forest from the woodland tower and promptly got yeeted right back to the tower. So this time I actually followed the road and brought a torch. It took me a couple times to get through, the margin of error is actually pretty small, I was maybe 2 link’s away from the brazer following the fire and it teleported me back to the start.
I get that they were trying to make the lost forest seem eerie (and they succeeded) but for a magical nature power forest there’s too many dead trees. There should be some dead trees and a lot more big trees. Like a the-forest-will-swallow-you-up type feeling.
Oh and the Deku Tree (I keep thinking of Midoriya... I know the Deku Tree is like a decade or 2 older than bnha but I can’t help the association) could have been like 3 times that height. His top got broken off, I wonder how that happened. My first thought was that it looked like an axe cut but that would have had to bee a huge axe. Maybe a storm?
I did a lot of waiting around trying to figure out where the dragons are. I looked up some farming tips but I want like 1 scale so backpacking out there and setting up isn’t worth it for me. here’s what i found
Farosh: Teleport to the Ubota Point shrine next to the Lakeside Stable. Sit at the fire until morning (5am). Run to the bridge and shoot the dragon
Dinaah: Teleport to the Shay Loya shrine next to the Tabantha Stable. Sit at the fire until night (9pm). Run to the bridge and shoot the dragon. Fun fact: if you don’t get on the bridge the dragon won’t spawn. Don’t know why, but I stayed on the cliff by the stable until like 1am and the dragon never came. There’s also a cooking pot next to a goron at the bottom of the gorge and you could maybe farm there??? I haven’t tried.
Naydra: I couldn’t find any other way than to run over to the East Gate of Lanayru Road and camp out there and then run up the mountain every morning ugg.
well now I have a defense of 80.
I finally. FINALLY went and did a lot of the minor and modest combat trials I had skipped (I had a backlog of like 12). I tried a major one as well. Prior to this I actually did try a major trial because I really REALLY wanted a full set of of climbing gear and wow that was hard. That time I blew through almost all my weapons, all my shields, and 2 pages worth of food (it was all food that healed me to full health but I also only had like 6 hearts at the time). This time went better and I was also able to clear out my melee weapon inventory.
also, can I just say how funny the woodland tower is?? So the tower was underground (how much stuff is hiding under hyrule?????) until Link activated the great plateau tower, and it just so happens that where the Woodland Tower popped up was right under a Bokoblin/Moblin camp’s skull fort thing. Like imagine how long it took them to hollow out a boulder like that and one day a diant tower just pops out of the earth and takes it into the sky! And then the kicker is that they go right back to living it up. The camp is active and lively when link gets there and acts as an obstacle for players to navigate (I just flew over all that and landed towards the top of the tower like I usually do).
I might do more exploring. west Faron, Gerudo desert, lanayru, parts of akkala, the east half of death mountain, the west half of hebra, parts of tabantha, and whatever is happening up at the top of the map. Oh and central hyrule but that place is crawling with guardians
you can cut the grass and get stuff in this game????
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twi-sight2020 · 5 years
Bella has a Nightmare....and I’m Drinking
Listen, it’s my birthday, so i can have as much cake and champagne as I want. I can also gift you-and myself- the pleasure of getting through one of the last slow chapters before things actually get into = OH SHIT territory. That’s right, we are so close to all the big reveals I can almost taste it but first....Bella gotta Bella. So, let’s get to it. So Bella goes home and listens to some music while falling asleep. And in it she has a dream about Jacob, Mike, and Edward. In the dream Jacob and Mike are trying to lure her away from Edward, Jacob turns into a wolf, and Edward has fangs. Now, clearly, this has to do with Jacob telling her the wolf and vampire legends of the tribe, but.....Bella literally sees Jacob turning into the wolf he later becomes in book two. Gotta say...this insight kinda goes along with some of the other “odd” things about Bella that often make me wonder if there were some dropped plot lines with her somewhere along the way. I know I keep saying this, but I promise in the next few chapters I’m gonna lay out what some of those things were or-at least in my mind- seemed to be leading to. Of course, these were just my personal fan theories, nothing more. Our girl takes a shower, makes her bed, basically does everything possible to avoid doing the vampire research that she knows she probably should jump to after knowing these legends. (as a fellow procrastinator, I relate, though in her case it’s probably more out of dread than the laziness of me) Also, “free internet service” omfg, the sentence that dates this book more than any other. Also, the Quote from Rev. Montague Summers Bella finds on her Vampire website?  Yea, this guy is real. Very very real. I have his book on Vampires and Vampirism. He fully believed in the existence of Vampires and Werewolves and....lemme tell you, if you think it’s impossible to make vampires boring and dry, boy have a I a book for you. It reads like the dullest of textbooks...and I LIKE musty old books, I live for them. Bella realizes that the majority of the Vampire myths don’t particularly match with what she’s been told by Jacob...or what she’s seen  and it pisses her off, not to mention makes her feel a bit silly because ...she’s researching vampires. So she decides to go for a walk. Now, we get some pretty prose here, but not much action. Bella is going over the facts in her mind. Could Edward be a vampire?  She thinks it’s ridiculous, but at the same time, things like skipping Blood Typing day do give her pause  Then she tries to decide what to do. She knows the smart thing would be to avoid the hell outta monster boy but....she’s drawn to him and it hurts her to even consider it. Now, I remember being a teenager, hell I know even now when I’m attracted to someone it’s hard to stay away but....Bella, honey, you’ve only talked a handfull of times and he’s been a creeper most of those times. I know he saved your life but....a bit of caution would be the smart thing. But, of course, if Bella were smart we wouldn’t have this story so..... Bella has made her decision-something she said once she does she sticks to it no matter what-something we see over and over in these books. She finally gets inside around noon, works on her paper, and has a nightmare free night. She gets to school early the next day- which is warm and sunny- and Mike is super happy to see Bella. She at first like it, but then he is an uber creep and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear making her uncomfortable. Mike, baby doll, she’s not given you any sign that it’s ok to to that so...no. She then says she is doing (or rather did since she’s finished) her essay on if Shakespeare’s treatment of women was misogynistic.I find this topic interesting, and wonder if Stephanie included it because she knew some people would make the same claim about her books..... Anyway, Mike seems to have no clue what this means, and then ask Bella to go out with him. Now, dude, she turned you down for the dance, encouraged you to ask her friend, and you are....going to the dance with said friend. Bella-helpfully- points out Jessica may be upset but...seriously, Mike, honey.....no. Just....no. Jessica ask Bella to go dress shopping with her and the girls and she thinks about it but...Lauren in coming so she’s indecisive. Then she agrees to go because...Edward isn’t in school and this makes her miserable. Now this...this makes me groan a bit, i can’t lie. Again, I know, teenagers,  I was one...I mooned over people like there is no tomorrow and yes, you always have a bit of disappointment when you’re crush isn’t around but...’Spiraling downward in misery”? Nah, Bella, that me because there is only one piece of cake left and my glass is empty before I finished this chapter.  Jessica cancels her dress shopping plans because...Mike ask her out  so Bella goes to respond to her mother’s emails. Her mother, who is her “best friend”, who she has barely spoke to gets a tiny paragraph in response to her “backlog” of letters, and then Bella goes outside to read. RUDE. Like, come on guys, just....get a long distance phone plan, heesh. Now, I have to say, I do like her taste in Austen, though-imo- the hero of Sense and Sensibility is definitely Colonel Brandon . He’s the good guy, he’s not flakey, he doesn’t have secret fiancees hiding around. But, you know, she’s fixating on Edward, so I’ll give it a pass. She ends up giving up because of all the Eddies in Austen and dozing off.Charlie gets in, Bella tells him she’s going dress shopping tomorrow night and will leave food out for him. The next day is sunny so Bella moans a bit because Edwards isn’t there, but is happy that Lauren isn’t going dress shopping after all and...then they are off to shop once school ends. So we get...dreams........Mike being weird....and learn Bella likes Jane Austen. that’s...pretty much it, but next chapter we finally get to her and Edward having a conversation and shit not being ...dull. Praise God, Parts i love coming up. Now, I’m going to eat and...probably drink more. Until next time,  Stay Safe.
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askshivanulegacy · 5 years
Get to know me tag thing!
1. Dogs or Cats? Dogs FTW! Though I could maybe have a cat one day, depending.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? I’m not sure YouTube celebrities count as celebrities, haha. And I certainly couldn’t name a single one, so normal celebrities it is. I have a hard enough time naming those. :P
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be? UGH it depends on the day and how I’m feeling, honestly. I live for the wide-open countryside, but I love the mountains and the forest, and I would love some small, historic old town where I could walk everywhere on cobblestone streets. It’s easier for me to say where I don’t want to live than where I do!
4. Disney or DreamWorks?  Disney (especially now that it has Marvel and Star Wars), but honestly DreamWorks has some real gems.
5. Favourite childhood TV show? MY LITTLE PONY. Especially those old movies and that original 80s character style??? A+++ the new My Little Pony honestly failed hard in the style department (didn’t stop me from getting a stupid amount of the toys tho because they were so cute). :’D Then there was X-men and Spiderman, and later on Pokemon, Digimon, and Yugioh. ♥
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
I’m a sap for movies, I love them. so RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON, probably on the top of my list next to whatever Star Wars is coming out then. Mulan, Artemis Fowl, Dolittle!! (omg that takes me back so hard) And probably some others I can’t remember.
7. Favorite book you read in 2019? I did not read a book this year. :sob: But there was some excellent fanfiction, some very excellent webcomics, and some very very excellent RPing <_<. Oh, there was a kids book, The Tea Dragon Society, which is super cute, highly recommend. Maybe next year I’ll get through my stash of backlogs. >_>
8. Marvel or DC? Marvel for movies, ANYTHING ELSE for comics.  Tho the Wonder Woman and Superman movies have been super epic too, hmm.  Anyway, I cannot stand these superhero comics, they’re convoluted and incoherent (and generic) as heck.  You can find so much better stories and artwork elsewhere.
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favourite Justice League member? G A M B I T
10. Night or Day? Day, except for the part where I work during it, and so most of my worthwhile activities get done at night. XD
11. Favourite Pokemon?  MEWTWO
12. Top 5 bands/artists:
Uhhh, there are a few country bands I actually like enough of their songs to recognize, except none of the names are coming to me OH WELL.  Celtic Woman, that’s one artist for you.  And Rockapella!  That’s it, all I got.  I just don’t pay attention to names.  XD
13. Top 10 books.
OK HERE WE GO have I got the books 4U:
The entire Star Wars X-Wing series.
The entire Star Wars Mandalorian series.
The Wolfwalker series by Tara K. Harper ( @dingoat <_< )
Dragon of the Lost Sea series by Laurence Yep
Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville
Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce
The Pit Dragon Chronicles by Jane Yolen
All the Pern books by Anne McCaffrey
The Dinotopia books by James Gurney
The Belgariad series by David Eddings (loved all his stuff honestly)
A lot of those I read long, loooong ago so maybe I would have different opinions now if I re-read them.  But boy did they influence me A LOT growing up.
14. Top 4 movies
STAR WARS especially Rogue One :sob:, How to Train Your Dragon, Sherlock Holmes (the recent movies), The Man from UNCLE (also the recent movie).  This list will change by the hour. 8)
15. America or Europe?  Europe.  I live in America and it’s comfy and all, but really Europe has all the cool places going for it, AND ALSO public transportation, get your act together America.
16. Tumblr or Twitter?  Tumblr FTW.  I will never understand the point of Twitter, tho Blakk does have a Twitter account that he rarely uses. 8)
17. Pro-choice or Pro-life?  What a great polarizing question for such an innocent Q&A meme; gotta wonder what the author was thinking. 8)  I’m pro-you-can-have-whatever-opinion-you-want-as-long-as-you-don’t-inflict-it-on-other-people because it’s not your f*ing business to run their lives, pro-this-isn’t-worthy-of-becoming-law, pro-act-responsibly-in-the-first-place-and-use-birth-control, and, failing that because people sure as hell like to manufacture fake issues, pro-choice.  Because just imagine thinking you get to determine what someone else gets to suffer (and literally pay for, $$$) for 9 months and then force them through the horrific physical ordeal of birthing a baby when they just. don’t. want. to.  I mean, you might as well decide someone should just take an axe and cut off their own arm just because you want them to; it really amounts to the same thing.  :/  (Please note, wanting to have a baby and being forced are two entirely different things. It’s an ordeal, regardless, and not something to approach unwillingly.)
18. Favorite YouTuber? No one, don’t care enough to remember usernames. XD
19. Favorite author ? I’m so bad with remembering names, but here are some I do, so they must be worth something: Timothy Zahn, Mike Stackpole, Kevin J. Anderson, and also the above listed authors, half of which I had to Google. 8)
Also ME, because I know I write well and I love the stuff I write!
Honestly also everyone I RP with (past and present) because yeah there’s a reason I’m addicted to this hobby. ♥
20. Tea or Coffee?  I mean.  Coffee, ok??  But like, also.  TARO MILK TEA and a hundred other teas especially with cream and sugar, and the concept of High Tea is amazing.  ... That’s mostly the snacks, BUT STILL.
21. OTP ?  Blakk/Saare (old ship, many of you probably haven’t seen it, but it’s also my canon ship).  Blakk also ships stupidly well with several other OCs ... you know who you are ... and also how much I wish they could also be canon ...
22. Do you play an instrument/sing ?  Piano!  At least I could, before we moved around 6th grade and I gave it up.  But it was the one extracurricular activity I stuck with for a number of years.  I’m sure I’m ridiculously rusty.  Probably I can still read the music. 8)  I can sing (mainly in the car), but it doesn’t mean I should.  XDD
Tagged By: @dingoat, thank you!!! ♥♥♥
Tagging:  @kaosstar, @princess-triton, @theanaideialegacy, @starrealis, @lhunuial, @empire-at-war, @ you!  (I’ve been pretty awol lately in terms of interacting a ton online so I’m not sure who’s still around, haha!)
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