#okay anyway goodnight lol
justsquibby · 5 months
All my gems gone.
Dried up.
Shii, iroha, and Kuroe took me to a back alley and beat me up, then Shii called Shizuka, Livia, Sayaka, & Shigure to all point and laugh at me and then left me on the ground, threw a singular slot for each of them and then they all left to go get sweets and tea with the gems they just got from me….
1 Shii, 1 iroKuroe, 1 copy of each respective memo
1, Shizuka, 1 Livia, 1 Sayaka, 1 Shigure. There were some other single repeat memos I already have MLB
But yeah… pretty bad. I would say kind of tied for IroMado. I mean at least with iromado I got 4 slotted with innocent gems and destiny crystals…
Idk I have two innocents gems I could use. I thought about using them on scene zero Madoka but now idk. But I sadly wouldn’t get their max EX bonus anyway so I may hold onto them until I get a third innocent gem.
And Shii is super cool and super good I’m sad they are stuck at one slot what the hell 😭😭😭
My pics are usually higher res. But I recorded my reaction, so these are screenshots from a video that was taken on OBS. I uh- don’t want to post the video cause I was mean to Sayaka when she showed up and i regret it lol😭😂😂 I was pretty sad and silent the whole video after Livia appeared. I accepted my fate that my gacha luck dried up with Historia yachiyo coming from a single 10 pull. Couldn’t let that slide could ya f4….
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yakny · 6 months
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who are you to change this world? silly boy! no one needs to hear your words, let it go.
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lacecap · 3 months
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song about something you'll never be forgiven for. beepbox link here, and a singalong under the read more :''-)
starting point "…so don't look back" i took your hand and led you astray into the light i fear i might have made a fatal mistake walk in a straight line walk in a straight line i couldn't ask i only hope that sinners are saved but in all honesty, my honor keeps me somewhat afraid walk in a straight line don't dare look behind ♫♫♫ i had a dream we tried to reach the finishing line but in the silence still the time we killed had come back to life walk in a straight line walk in a straight line the signs had merged into a single "end of the world" where every undead thing was damned to sing "esrever ni gnos a" walk in a straight line …tell me that you're fine ♫♫♫ walk in a straight line (walk in a straight line) don't dare look behind (don't dare look behind) tell me that you're fine (something that had died) you're still breathing right? (are you satisfied?) walk between the lines (how to save a life) don't dare look behind (change the ending line) reach the end this time (tell a little lie) bring me back to life… ♫♫♫ if i'd look back and held the hands that led me astray into the light i'd proudly cry "this is my final mistake" walk with me this time walk with me this time i should have asked i know the answer's somewhat cliché but was it worth the price and worth the pain? you're fading away— walk with me this time bring me back to life… if i'd look back… if i'd look back… if i'd look back… if i'd look back… if i'd look back… if you'd look--
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sleepgarden · 5 months
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new headdress I'm working on for my shop. Lambkin, the pet name varré gives us in elden ring, is such a cute word. The pink yarn is very light against the cream, it's hard to capture but it "blushes" in light, almost disappearing under certain angles and light! Accented with antique lace, and it'll have a gorgeous matching ribbon and bows.
I haven't posted any personal work in a while so here's something I'm taking time on for myself ^-^
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jinhyun · 9 months
hellooo, my lovies!
as you may have noticed i haven't updated either of my ongoing series since september, and before the year ends i would like to clear things up and set things straight when it comes to them.
back in june i began this mandatory 6 months long apprenticeship in order for me to get my law degree, and tbh i got exploited the hell out of me, to the point that i would only think about work 24/7.
up until like the beginning of august i would still daydream and stuff and i came up with back to december way before that and i was so excited for it, but then i just got more and more work in the middle of august and from then on it never stopped. i was in a constant state of stress and anxiety, and i reached a point i had only once in my life before reached, in which i no longer daydreamed lol. i still don't really daydream anymore nor do i make up scenarios before going to bed like i always used to. i finished the apprenticeship in december 7th but there's still paperwork i'm turning in and my mind is pretty much numb at this point, idk how to explain it.
the thing is, although i've tried to take off from where i left the stories since i'm not working anymore, i can't bc i feel nothing. i no longer feel that spark or get excited about writing. sure, drabbles and those silly ot8 texts i've posted i'm okay with and genuinely enjoy writing, bc they're simple and don't require me to get as emotionally involved as a series does. but when it comes to watercolor and back to december i try and try and i just can't.
regarding watercolor, i haven't decided what to do with it yet but i think it's no news that i lost my excitement about it a good while ago. there's only one part left and then the epilogue, but if i'm being completely honest i'm considering just leaving it there and maybe write the epilogue right away.
as in for back to december, i'm putting it on hold indefinitely, mainly bc i don't know when i'm gonna be hit with the inspiration i used to have again and i don't want to keep you guys waiting. i've tried to finish the third part but it's been months and i only get frustrated when the words won't come to me like they used to, so it's not good for me either. just think of it as if it was discontinued but if i ever feel like writing for it again i will.
i know these are very shitty news but i can't keep pushing myself when i don't feel the joy i used to when it comes to writing stories. i hope it goes away soon though bc i do love writing and it's been my escape from reality my whole life, so this is hitting me really hard lol.
i may come back to btd in the future or i may come back with a whole new story i'm excited about, but for now i'm gonna stick to drabbles (or one shots if i feel like writing something longer idk) and fake texts.
i'm really sorry. i used to be really excited about both stories but life happened, and i thought you guys needed an explanation. i hope you understand<3
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sentientsky · 8 months
i'm still only a few hours into bg3 (mostly cause i'm working with a laggy computer that screams at me every time i try to open the game), but i've heard stories about gale, and these are my conclusions thus far:
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elkkiel · 4 months
day 1 of relearning sketching/literally basic traditional drawing skills, here's a wonky little II for u
side note: I'm a lil tipsy (we are hanging out in the backyard around the fire pit tonight!) so my hands are extra clumsy lol, bear with me I just thought his not-quite-correctness was a lil cute pls be kind I am so so out of practice :')
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cha1cedony · 7 months
Btw I haven’t stopped thinking about Link’s most recent teen fact. I know it was funny silly! Lincoln sneaks in to clean his dads’ bedroom! But also. it made me SO sad 😭💔 I’m almost always sad when we learn more about the Grant and Marco’s relationship bc wow yeah the Wilsons never change :( For all of Grant’s efforts to communicate better with his son, to do a better job at that than Darryl and Carol did, he doesn’t communicate with his husband! He outright lies to his family! And now we know that Marco also doesn’t really communicate that well lol
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e77y · 18 days
The visceral and hungering loneliness is back. You know what that means! Bedtime
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merevide · 7 months
hiiiii i have returned from the depths of the underworld (self imposed hiatus) (3 week break that felt like 3 years)
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Meg hear me out for a moment. Your screenshot of your Eros x MC angst where he’s like “You’ll die like your mom, but no one will remember you,” hit me HARD (like I said in the ask, sorry for repeating) and my mind was like, “What if…MCs mom was alive instead?” Like she’s still working at HERA, soon to retire tho since she’s like 50 when MC starts working there (most likely 50 anyways). She’s still working there and I see her as the boss at work, but when she gets home she’s Mom™️. Like how Alex said it was hard for Aphrodite to come and be a mother AND a goddess when disciplining them in their S1.
So I imagine Agent Mom (the perfect nickname you gave her lol) being a little biased about the cases MC works especially since she doesn’t have her ring. However, something happens to where only MC can help further the case and she’s paired with Eros. And oh boy I can imagine her being very protective of her. Agent Mom knows Aphrodite, Hades, and a few gods have changed, but she’s still seen their nasty side and knows that a lot HAVENT changed, and she has a feeling that Eros is one of them.
And he is.
So that scene with Eros happens, but instead of it being about her mom being dead, it’s instead about how MC would never be a field agent on her own. She works under Alex (best friend background and forever in love with her), so they’ll have a bias as well to her and may (even without realizing it) help her up (like they said in their S1) and he says that she’ll only be living in her mothers shadow and never be her own person. Which, obviously, RUINS MC. She loves her mother and has admired her, and she won’t deny that she wants to be like her, but she wants to be w field agent by her own ability and not be seen as just a mini Agent Mom and not her own person so it definitely hurts.
I can see MC trying to keep her feelings hidden, but her mom just KNOWS. A mom always knows and she’s no different, and MC opens up about it and ohhh…she’s pissed. Josh said that Agent Mom stepped on many toes during her time at HERA, and she had another set of toes to step on: Eros. She doesn’t even go to Aphrodite, but instead straight to Eros (somehow).
Basically, she beats his ass but verbally and threatens him. She doesn’t even back down (like MC) and she’s willing to throw hands for her children, despite knowing he’s a god. Eros, really processing what he said to MC, kinda apologizes but not really. He still has development to go through, and Agent Mom isn’t having it.
When MC finally tells her mom that she’s having feelings for Eros, I can see her being conflicted as well. She wants her daughter to be happy, but she knows some of the gods past and how some don’t care about humans and will still use them for their own entertainment or will. That first interaction between Agent Mom and Eros is proof enough to her AND her time dealing with Ares and Aphrodite (when he caused a rift for them temporarily) and most likely seeing how he treated Alex when they were young, so she warns her daughter heavily, but she can’t stop her. She’s an adult and Agent Mom has raised her and Josh the best she can, and she knows she has to make her own decisions, so she respects it, even if she disagrees with the couple. At the time anyways.
And when they do get together and she tells her mom, her mom is like, “Aw I’m so happy for you!” And then talks to Eros secretly like, “If you hurt my daughter, I may actually kill you.”
Their relationship develops over time and becomes more positive, but still I can see Agent Mom being very protective of MC and being almost against her and Eros’s relationship for awhile, but she comes around after awhile. And when she does retire, MC gets her ring and is able to become a field agent when another world ending case happens and she’s working with Eros. AND eventually Agent Mom trusts Eros with her daughter and knows that they can do anything, even go against the gods if it’s demanded.
MC wouldn’t have the issue of being chased and threatened for being Hera, and I like to imagine Agent Mom wouldn’t either. Aphrodite and Hades kept it secret, and when she retires, she wouldn’t always be on Olympus anymore or involved with the Gods (other than seeing Hades and Aphrodite once in awhile, or Aphrodite more frequently since they had their situation going on), so it wouldn’t be a problem. Or maybe it’s just bc I like happy endings, I don’t know.
This idea isn’t too well thought out, but I just love talking about her mom because not much is known about her (other than the glimpses Aphrodite and Hades and Josh slip out every once in awhile) and I like to imagine what she was like. She loved HERA and some of the gods, but she loves her daughter and son more, and will do anything to keep them safe.
EDIT: On the topic of mentioning Alex and Ares, I may have a tiny fic based upon that with Agent Mom and Alex because she’s invaded my thoughts now and won’t leave until I talk about her enough.
EDIT 2: Omg quick addition I just thought of. If Eros and MC ever got married, I feel like Eros would literally be terrified of asking Agent Mom for permission (since he’d be old school why not) since how the relationship started, but he’d push past it and get her permission. He can see the warning and a little hesitancy when she agrees, but still he is grateful and swears to love MC as long as she wants and protect her with his life. Ah…..I love Agent Mom and her relationship with her kids.
She’ll definitely be a cheerleader for Josh as well and eat out at his restaurant frequently to talk with him (if he’s available) and just show her support😭😭.
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strangerhands · 6 months
ohmygodddddd i am a fucking genius...👁️ the fic idea i just came up with. the Specific Line i thought up. its such a random idea but its so so cute and sweet and ugh its gonna plague me forever. kinda proud of myself to be honest so lets just hope i can Actually write it soon🧎
#mmm brain isnt always bad sometimes i guess.#its some unapologetic jake fluff btw#bc he deserves it#also i forgot i cant really spend time on tumblr today bc ill be busy again lol so tomorrow it is (hopefully)#but its gonna be a good day bc me and my bestie are going to see love lies bleeding And immaculate together😋😋#and probably get some lunch and maybe ice cream too#excited#have been looking forward to today#and then after today im looking forward to finally crawling back into my little tumblr cave#hopefully i can Actually Read.#and yk. writing would be nice too.#also im goin back on sertraline today and apparently it can be used for ocd too so i will try to see if any of That feels different as well#raaaaaa#still havent fully researched ocd tho🧎ive been procrastinating🧎as i do🧎#anyways goodnight its 5am.#shouldnt have had that 8pm iced capp#i downed that shit fr#ok bye bye love yall#talkin shit#FUCK YES THIS POSTED LIKE ON THE VERY SECOND 5:15 WAS ENDING YESSS#sorry i actually like am distressed when the minute(s) of my posts arent posted on a 0 or 5 or like the same as the previous number#and when it is i feel like actual relief and joy#and when it isnt i contemplate deleting and waiting until the desired minute to post again.#anddd sometimes i actually do.#i also will just wait several minutes to post something when its not the exact minute i want yet#or ill queue it for like. literally a couple minutes in the future.#yeah i have many issues#okay gn thank you for reading if you read🧍🫶#i always either suck my own dick or beat my own ass.#rarely ever is there an in between
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duskgryphon · 4 months
oh i haven't mentioned it on here yet but i've finally started on a brc animation i've been thinking about for a while
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toastsnaffler · 5 months
I will say while I've loved most of elden ring I'm really glad I'm down to just 2 more main boss fights (malenia + maliketh) before I start the endgame boss fights... whew 😮‍💨
#really gorgeous world but frankly its unnecessarily long. theyre gonna kill me for saying that but its true..#some areas/bosses just become overly repetitive when the game is THAT massive like its unavoidable#they tried rly hard to distinguish every area + honestly its a great effort but it couldve been half the size and just as good#like i just did the elphael ulcerative tree spirit bc i wanted to finish millicents questline. and come on man we didnt need another one#the design is sick + loooove the animation. but its a bad fight not bc of the difficulty but bc its janky as hell#lock on doesnt work properly bc of its size and the way it moves. u cant see shit on ur screen fighting them melee its just hack n slash#and theyre always in the most dogshit arenas possible for them like spaces w no maneuverability. its just not fuuuun#especially after youve fought 5 or 6 already earlier on in the game..#and its cool to have variations like the scarlet rot ones but we already HAD one of those just before lake of rot!! the gimmicks worn off#i did everything except maliketh in farum azula today as well and again. it didnt need to be that long. killing beastmen gets boring#after like the first 20 combat is just mashing buttons.. even the platforming is getting dull bc ive done 120 hours of it now#and theres only so many combinations of ladders and hallways and so on that u can possibly cram in here..#i say all this with fondness like i truly do love it. but it couldve been a lot tighter! regardless ill still 100% complete it#and i get most ppl dont try to get every single armament and talisman etc so they probably dont waste time FULLY exploring like i am#ahhh. anyway ill probably do malenia and maliketh tmr bc im right outside both of their arenas. and then call it quits this weekend#ill get my first ending next weekend probably... and hopefully by june ill have 100% and then i can play something else 😭#ik the dlc comes out in june but ill probably take a month or two break before i get to that#it doesnt even neeeed a dlc.......its excessive as it is just make a new game by this point ahhhhh#anyway its like 1am i need to SLEEP. i said i would go out to watch for northern lights but its overcast and im tired and my roommate#didnt wanna come with.. so i was gonna go to bed early instead but i guess that didnt happen lol#gonna feel like shit tomorrow bc i have to be up early to take my meds and she'll wake me up anyway.. but cross that bridge#typing is getting difficult bc im so sleepy okay goodnight everyone#.diaries
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sucktacular · 1 year
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Hey y'all weed posting on main, hope u don't mind. So anyway, babies first weed plant is working away!!!
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shima-draws · 2 years
Reading Instagram comments on reels is like walking through a minefield. I know there are mines there that are going to blow up on me but I do it anyway I need to STOP lmao
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