#okay but that doesn't mean we won't get a second season some time
akikos-tribble-army · 5 months
So, the worst case has happened. MAPPA canceled YOI: ICE ADOLESCENCE.
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Funfact: YOI made MAPPA big. Cancelling the movie of the anime that got them where they're now... Wonder what went on behind the scenes and how much of the movie is done?
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luveline · 11 months
hiiii jade!!!! could i please request something with peter with reader who’s maybe put on some weight recently and is insecure about it?? (totally not self indulgent at all) i totally get it if you’re not comfortable writing that stuff though so no pressure
hi lovely! ty for requesting. fem, 1k
cw for negative weight talk/ weight gain
Everybody gains weight during the holidays, you think, tracing your figure in the mirror. Though it's not strictly holiday season yet, it's edging toward the end of the year. Maybe my new year's resolution should be losing a few pounds. 
There's a thunk of the bedroom window being yanked open and footsteps across the floor. You tense until your hear Peter panting for breath, likely having swung to you at high speed, or fresh from a fight with an usurped criminal. 
You rush back into your t-shirt, knowing exactly what path he'll walk. He barrels into the bathroom, sees you at the mirror and smiles so wide his cheeks look fit to burst. "Hey," he says, peeling the suit off and exposing his boxers to you without shame, "hey hey hey. Can I persuade you in with me?" He nods toward the shower. 
"Not this time, Pete." 
"Too bad," he laments. 
You look away as he strips out of his underwear. The shower turns on and he takes you by the hips to move you out of his way with a murmured apology, near lost to the drum of the spray. Peter has moments where he doesn't know his own strength, but the majority of the time he treats you like you're something precious. 
"Stay in here!" he demands as he pulls the curtain shut. 
"I'm not going anywhere." You close the toilet and sit on the lid. "Tough day protecting the people?" 
"Apart from tripping into a deceptively large pothole, it was fine. Why won't you come in here with me? I wanna rub your shoulders." 
"You want me to wash your hair." 
"Exactly. So get naked and get in here. Don't make me beg." 
You really don't want to, and you're not going to, but it's not a big problem. Peter doesn't truly mind, he just loves you. "What do you mean, deceptively big? Like, knee height? Higher?" 
"Mid thigh, I'd say. The people of New York are never gonna let me live it down. One guy was recording me and said he was gonna put it on YouTube for the ad money." 
"Anything else?" 
He gives you the rundown, describing what perps he faced and an older man he helped use an ATM machine. You hum distractedly, pinching at the fat where it spreads on your thigh, sitting down as you are. 
He sticks his face through the curtain gap, hair slicked to his cheeks. "What're you doing?" 
"You told me to stay, so I'm staying." 
He's nervous for a split second, glancing back into the shower as though there's an answer there waiting for him before angling himself toward you fully, his naked chest dripping and shining in the bathroom light. "Okay, fine, we need to talk about something. But I want you to know that you forced my hand here. Okay?" 
"Okay." You nibble the inside of your lip, used to his theatrics. "What have I done?" 
"It's not something you've done. It's something you are. I can't even say it. I," —he pulls the curtain in front of his face, moves it aside again– "just need to tell you. Lately it's like you don't even realise how beautiful you are and I'm tired of it. You're radiant. Like, glowing." 
Your recent internal debate must show on your face, that doubt, because he gives you a steadying smile. "Really, really beautiful," he says more seriously.
It's easy to smile at him. "Thank you, Pete." You scoop his suit off of the floor. "I'll go scrub the tetanus out of this in the kitchen sink." 
He can't just get out with suds in his hair, giving you the perfect escape plan. You have ten minutes to yourself filling the sink with soapy water and steeping the fabric before he's out of the bedroom in pyjamas, trousers tucked into his socks and hair damp from ferocious towel scrubbing. "You're such a– such a– thing," he decides. "I'm telling you you're beautiful and you walk off so you don't have to hear it? What's wrong with you?" His voice slips into a kinder register. "You do know you're pretty, right? I'm not just saying it to say it." 
"I'm just feeling icky," you confide. 
"About what?" 
You want to tell him, you find. "You know how I've gained weight?" 
He doesn't need any more explanation. Peter knows you've gained weight, you've mentioned it to him, and it's visual, and he can likely tell whenever he decides to flex his strength. "What, and you think that makes you less pretty?" He puts a damp hand behind your neck to bring you forward. "Seriously?"
"Yeah, a little." 
He kisses you. His nose bumps your nose, his lips crushed to your as he holds you in place. Despite this, it isn't an overly rough connection. It's definitely not shy. "You're beautiful," he says in the space between your lips. 
"It doesn't suit me–" 
"It does. It really fucking suits you. Have you seen yourself? You couldn't look better." 
"Even when I was thinner?" 
"You look just as perfect then as you did now." His intensity fades and he encourages you back enough to see your face, his thumb rubbing a short line into your neck. His brows are furrowed, dark eyes darker for it. "Weight isn't a factor." 
"No, but you have to say that." 
"I don't. Not really. I'm sure there are a thousand shitty guys who'd tell you something different, but I'm not– I love you, the whole you. I like you like this." He grins. "Which should be obvious." 
You tsk at him, to his delight, his laughter boyish as he buries his face in your neck with a hug, kissing a messy circle up and into the soft line of your jaw. You trap him there without thinking, chin hooked down, squirming as he blows hot air into your skin. 
"I've been putting it on too," he says. "It's happy weight." 
"It's not happy weight for you, Pete, it's just more muscle." 
"It makes you happy, doesn't it?" he jokes, smiling and kissing and hugging you all at once. "Just like it does on you for me."
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theminecraftbee · 11 months
Also, shoutout to Impulse for getting stuck in two of those worlds in ONE DAY. Joe revealed that the recording for what we now know as vault hunters was also last monday. Impulse is really going through it.
Impulse sweats. For the past several minutes, Iskall has been staring at him and "hmmm"-ing for some reason. His only solace is that he's also doing it to Etho, but it's still making Impulse feel like he's got something weird on his face. That, or Iskall has suddenly and unexpectedly transformed back into his original villager state. One or the other.
He glances at Etho, who shrugs awkwardly at Impulse. He looks back at Iskall, who is still 'HMMM'-ing, increasingly furiously.
"Do you think he wants us to say something?" Etho asks.
"I mean, I guess?" Impulse says. "He could just ask."
"He's just going to keep humming at us, though," Etho says. "That's scary."
"Scary?" Impulse says, blankly.
"HMMMMM," Iskall says with an irritated expression.
"Scary," Etho confirms. Impulse sighs.
"Okay, I'll handle it. Hey, Iskall," Impulse says.
"Oh, I didn't see you there," Iskall blatantly lies.
"Right. You're, uh, sounding a bit concerned, buddy," Impulse says.
"Right, yes. Very concerned. Did you know you and Etho are already claimed? And, like, super cursed."
"Uh, I got a divorce with Cleo, you know," Etho says, completely straight-faced. "I'm a bachelor now. Not claimed by anyone."
"I'm not sure Bdubs and I ever got a divorce," Impulse says.
"No, no, not claimed like that! Claimed like--I did warn you all, yes? That my patrons would not like it if you came with other gods all over you? They get jealous of each other, let alone whoever you have... doing that to you."
Impulse and Etho glance at each other again. Impulse looks back at Iskall. "Yeah, I think I'd remember if I were claimed by any gods. I don't really... worship any, these days."
"If I worship any gods, Iskall, they're not the kind yours can do anything about," Etho says.
"What?" Impulse says.
"I mean, I'm old! I'm old, Impulse! I've met a lot of gods! Some of them I have opinions on!" Etho says.
"No, I've met yours too, they won't cause problems, yeah?" Iskall says.
"Thank goodness," Etho says.
"Sometimes I forget how old you two are," mutters Impulse. "That doesn't answer the whole... already claimed?"
"Yeah, like, it stinks off of you to me. It's like... you've got... someone's already claimed you to kill players, not mobs. And your health is all wonky. And you're keeping secrets or... kept secret? And don't even get me STARTED on how much time you have. All wrong. Who did you even find to do that to you?"
Impulse freezes.
"...the time was last season," he says, finally.
"Last season? What?" Iskall says.
"Yeah, that was--you know what, tell your gods not to worry about it," Impulse says. "I'm sure it's. Fine? Hey, wait, how can you tell?"
Iskall shakes his head like he's trying to knock something out of his ear. "They're annoying about it. Make whatever curse you're under go away while you're here or they're going to make it my problem. Mine! As though I can do anything about it. Go to the mortal world, they say. Bring your friends back here, they say. We want to meet them, they say. They're so annoying."
Etho, without skipping a beat, says: "Yeah, are those gods or the mother I saw last night?"
There's an ominous roll of thunder.
"Oh, definitely your mom," he says. There is a second, even more ominous roll of thunder happens, somehow entirely focused on Etho's location. Impulse decides to ignore it.
"I'll bother Grian about it," Impulse decides. He somewhat doubts Grian is a god--man, he really, really hopes Grian isn't a god, actually--but maybe he knows that Secret Keeper guy. That feels like the kind of guy who probably did this to them.
"Do that," Iskall says, and he wanders off to bother Stress.
Etho watches him go. "You know, maybe we should worry about the fact we're cursed because of the Life games. That seems, uh, bad," he says.
Impulse thinks about it and shrugs. "Eh, what's the worst that can happen?"
A long silence.
"Don't answer that," he tells the silence, before it can ominously thunder again. He knows the kinds of things that will lead to gods mocking him, after all.
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roosterforme · 1 year
Batting Practice Part 18 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Tee ball season is almost over, and the Tiny Eagles are still undefeated. You are starting to feel bolder in your personal life, like you are ready to claim everything you are entitled to. And Bradley is subtly letting you know he's along for more than just the ride.
Warnings: Smut, fluff, angst and swearing
Length: 3800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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"Only two more weeks of tee ball left," Molly murmured as she sipped her coffee next to you on the bleachers. 
You paused to think about that. It was only two months ago that you met Bradley, and a lot had changed since you caught yourself stuttering in his presence that first day. After he brought you flowers and lunch to work on Wednesday, he'd met you at your house that night. One thing led to another, and now you knew Bradley loved being called Lieutenant Bradshaw in bed. 
"Two more weeks," you agreed. You'd be sad when tee ball ended, but Bradley had been telling you for the past week since the Phillies game that he'd work on some skills with Everett during the summer. 
"Go Ev!" Molly shouted when he hit the ball really hard and scored a run against the Tiny Robins. It was Crazy Socks day, and Everett had talked you into ordering him a pair from the Phillies website. You had a second pair stashed away for Bradley's birthday, which you found out from Bob was a week after Everett's.
You clapped along with your sister as you watched Everett run the bases in his red and white striped socks, but your mind was wandering elsewhere. 
"You know what you said about Danny last time we talked about him?" you asked, and Molly scoffed. 
"You mean how I called him an incompetent man-child? Or how I told you he doesn't deserve to lick the bottoms of your shoes?"
"Neither," you replied, smiling as both Bradley and Bob waved in your direction at the same time. You waved your fingers at Bradley and smiled. "I'm actually talking about child support. And the fact that he never pays it."
"Ohhhh, you wanna have that conversation now?" Molly asked, giving you a bland look. "Ev is almost seven years old."
"Yeah," you replied softly. 
You could see the fire in Molly's eyes, but she took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You've paid for everything. Take him to court. Seriously. Please, take him to court. I would love nothing more than to help you pay for it. Who's your lawyer? I'll send them a check today."
"I don't need your money," you told her firmly for the hundredth time. But now you were finally feeling like you wanted to do something about this. Why had you been okay with letting Danny get away with so much shit before? Everett deserved the whole world, and you were going to try to give it to him. "I'm going to give him one more chance to either be more involved with Ev or start paying for support."
Molly set her empty cup down and said, "Look at me." You met her eyes, and she looked much more serious than she usually did, which gave you a chill. "What are you going to do when Danny won't do either of those things?"
You pressed your lips together to keep the tingling sensation of tears out of your eyes and nose. "I'm going to stop being a doormat."
Molly kissed your cheek and pulled you against her side just as the game was ending. 
"Still undefeated!" Everett cheered as Bradley carried him on his shoulders up to the parking lot after the game against the Tiny Robins ended in a victory for the Tiny Eagles.
"Hey, Coach Bob," Bradley called, and Bob turned around, still holding Molly's hand. "You better start writing your speech for when you win Coach of the Year. The team is undefeated with two games left!"
"You'll have to give a speech, too," Bob said as he adjusted his glasses. "The award goes to both coaches, not just one."
"Undefeated! Undefeated!" Everett chanted. You were walking next to Bradley shaking your head and smiling. 
Bradley looked at you as he said, "Ev is the best on the team, Kitten. He's really good." Everett continued to chant as Bradley added, "I'm going to plan out the whole summer with visits to the batting cages, pitching in the park, and learning more about all of the different positions. He'll be ready for baseball next spring. No more tee ball." Bradley couldn't remember being this excited about baseball since he was a kid trying out for his first team. 
"He's really that good at it?" you asked. "Thank goodness I signed him up for tee ball."
"Yeah," Bradley agreed, "for more than one reason."
You opened the back door to your car, and Bradley deposited Everett into his booster seat at the same time that Molly climbed in through the other door and tried to buckle herself into the seat. Bradley chuckled while Everett practically screeched with laughter, and then you wrapped your arms around his waist.
"I'm going to buy tickets for the Pittsburgh Pirates game on Everett's birthday," you told him. "Molly and Bob are coming, too."
Bob perked up when he heard his name. "No, Molly and I are going to buy all the tickets. For his birthday present."
"I thought I'd get them for everyone," Bradley said with a frown. "My treat, again."
"I already bought them!" Molly shouted from inside the car as Everett tickled her until she was wheezing. 
"She's so annoying," you said, resting your head against Bradley's chest. "She wants me to save my money for my lawyer."
Bradley jerked his head back and coaxed you to look up at him. "A lawyer for what?"
"Don't worry about it," you whispered before you returned to snuggling against him. 
But he wanted to know what was wrong. "Are you okay? Is Ev? Is this about Danny? What can I do?"
"We're okay, Bradley."
"Kitten. You can talk to me about it."
"I know," you replied, squeezing him tighter. "We're okay for now."
"Well, that's settled then," Molly said as she climbed out of the car with her clothes all dishevelled. "Everett defeated me in the tickle fight, so I owe him a movie. I'll pick him up tomorrow after lunch."
You looked up at Bradley with a smirk on your face. "Any chance you're free for a little bit tomorrow after lunch?"
Later that night, you called Danny after sending him texts throughout the day telling him you needed to talk to him.
You were happy you had waited until Everett was in bed to make the call, because as soon as Danny answered with a bark of, "Yes?" you felt anxious. 
"Danny," you replied, gripping the edge of the counter so you wouldn't lose your resolve. "Hi."
"What do you need? I'm trying to work."
You squeezed the counter harder and took a deep breath. "Let me know when you have time to spend a day with Everett. I think you need to make that more of a priority."
You were met with silence. 
"I'm here. You know I don't have time for this."
You pressed your lips together and held back your tears. "He is your son, Danny. You need to make time for him."
More silence spread out before you. Honestly, you wanted to start screaming into the phone, but you knew you shouldn't. Nobody could upset you with just a small handful of words the way your ex husband could.
When you got no response, you took a deep breath and said, "If you're not going to give him some of your time, then you need to start making up for it by paying us child support."
"Child support?" he asked with a laugh. "You know I don't have a steady income like you do." 
You took a deep breath. "I understand that, but providing for Everett shouldn't solely land on my shoulders here, Danny."
"Listen," he replied smoothly. "I have a huge gallery event coming up next month. I'll probably have some more spending money then."
He was trying to manipulate you the way he always had. You'd spent years listening to him try to validate his excuses, and somehow he always got you to agree with him. You didn't need to fall into these traps any longer. Not when you had Molly in your corner. Not when you knew Bradley cared about Everett's happiness.
"Taking care of your son doesn't fall under the same category as extraspending money." You said it before you gave yourself a chance to process your words, and somehow you felt a little stronger. "So then I guess he can come spend a day with you instead?"
"Fine," Danny snapped immediately. "But I'll probably be working, so he's going to have to play on his iPad or something."
His iPad that you paid for. "Sure," you agreed, knowing this was probably too good to be true. "He's going to love to see you no matter what. So how does next Sunday sound?"
And then you ended the call feeling better than you ever had after a conversation with Danny. You poured yourself a glass of wine and carried it up to your bathroom. You filled your tub while you removed your makeup, and then you sank down into a delicious bubble bath. 
You texted Molly about your conversation, and she wrote back saying SLAY YOU QUEEEEEN BITCH. DO NOT FUCK WITH MY SISTER. 
You were still laughing when Bradley texted to ask what you were up to. He had gone out to that aviator hangout bar with his friends, so of course it made you feel even giddier that he was texting you while he was there. 
When you told him you were in the bath he wrote back while you sipped your wine.
Bradley Bradshaw: Pics or it didn't happen
You snorted into your wine glass and took some strategically posed selfies. Finally you took a good one where the swell of your breasts was pronounced above the bubbles, and your knee was peeking above the water next to your glass. You sent it to him, and you did not have to wait long for a response. 
Bradley Bradshaw: Kitten, please baby, you're teasing me. I can only take so much.
You laughed and sent him a second photo where he could see your nipples.
Bradley Bradshaw: You are so fucking hot. And now my dick is hard. In the middle of a game of pool. 
You sent teasing texts back and forth while you finished your wine, and he reminded you that he'd be there tomorrow afternoon. And then he sent you a list of all the dirty little things he wanted to do to you. You dreamed about his mouth and his mustache all night long.
And the next day, as soon as Molly picked Everett up to take him to see the movie, you ran up the stairs, two at a time and dashed into your room. You dug around in the bottom drawer of your dresser and pulled out everything you needed. Bradley would be here in just a few minutes, and you'd been wet and worked up for him since last night.
You shimmied into the tight black bodysuit and fastened the choker around your neck before securing the ear headband in place as well. Then you found some sheer black socks that went up over your knees and added them to your Kitten outfit. When you looked in the mirror, you squealed with delight. You turned and checked yourself from different angles. Not bad. Not bad at all. 
You were thinking about how Bradley barely even got a chance to touch you the last time you wore this kitten costume that day at tee ball. You were thinking about how you bought this outfit just for him in the first place. When you heard the Bronco pull into your driveway, you were practically squeezing your legs together to keep from moaning. 
When you made it to the bottom step, you heard Bradley's key in the door, and somehow that made you even hotter. You were afraid you were going to jump on him, so you kept your hand wrapped around the bannister as he opened your front door. 
"Hi, Coach," you said, your voice laced with need as you waved your fingers at him. 
"Oh, god." His groan was so deep and loud, you clenched around nothing as he blindly slammed and locked the door. He let his keys, wallet and hat fall right to the floor as you whimpered. 
"Coach." Your voice quivered as he approached you slowly. "Bradley."
You almost matched up to his height as you were still standing on the bottom step. He was close to you now, licking his lips and breathing faster. He let his knuckles trail slowly up and down over your bodysuit between your breasts, and soon you were panting for him. 
His grin was smug as he asked you, "Did you wear this for me?"
You nodded your head as he stroked your hard nipples through the thin fabric. "Just for you, Lieutenant Bradshaw."
And then his head tipped back as he groaned, and you felt so powerful. You guided his hand down your belly and between your legs, and he met your eyes again. "You're already wet."
"I've been wet since we were texting last night," you admitted. And then you were draped over his shoulder with his big hand on your butt while he hauled you back upstairs. 
Bradley had been thinking about you in your Kitten costume for weeks, but he hadn't been expecting you to be wearing it today. It was even filthier looking this time, as you paired it with black socks that hugged your thighs instead of your jeans. You skipped the whiskers, but you were wearing your choker. Your collar.
As he took you up to your bed, you were whimpering his name as he stroked his fingers along your ass and your thighs. You were soaking wet. He could feel it when he dug his hand between your legs to tease you as he reached your bedroom.
When he set you down, you crawled across the bed, showing off your ass for him before you settled with your back against the pillows. Bradley was tearing his shoes off followed by his clothing as he watched you run your hands over your bodysuit, squeezing your tits. 
"Do you have any idea what you look like right now?" he asked, crawling across the bed to get to you.
"A Kitten?" you asked softly, fingers skimming over your taut nipples. 
"My Kitten," he growled. "You look like you're mine. My own personal Kitten with a wet pussy and filthy red lips." He kissed you hard, pushing your head back against the pillow while he ran his fingers along the strip of fabric that was barely covering your slit. 
When you moaned into his mouth, he released your lips in favor of running his nose and tongue along that sinful red choker on your neck.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw, sir," you whined, and his cock ached with need. "Please."
He was sucking on all of your exposed skin, tasting every inch. You were grinding up against his hand as he palmed your core through your bodysuit. "I'll take care of you," he promised, kissing your choker and your necklace chain at the same time. "You keep your claws tucked away like a good girl, and I'll take such good care of you."
Then he released the snaps between your legs that were keeping you concealed, and the bodysuit was open. You rubbed yourself against his knuckles, and his fingers slid right through your slick slit. You shook your head against the pillow, and your headband with the ears went a little crooked. 
"I am so turned on," you gasped. "I don't think I have ever been this turned on before."
You were whining for him and rubbing your stocking covered leg along his cock. But your eyes were still alert, and he wanted them glazed and fucked out. 
"I'm gonna eat your pussy," he told you, nibbling your nipples through the fabric as you gasped in agreement. "But I'm not going to stop until I'm ready to. Does that sound okay?"
"Yes sir, Coach Bradley, sir!"
"Kitten, look at me," he said, still stroking your clit softly with his knuckle. "That means I decide when you're done."
And then he put his mouth on your pussy, and it was exquisite. Just like last time. But maybe even better, because he was going to make you lose your mind for him. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and spread you open wide, kissing your hole as he buried his nose in your wetness.
He started off slow, teasing and licking, and then your fingers were in his hair. Your little gasps and words of encouragement made him smile, but as soon as he took your clit between his lips, you got loud. Really loud. Bradley was delighted that you could be as loud as you wanted to, because he was addicted to the feel of your smooth pearl, your perfect clit under his tongue.
You were thrusting up against his face, and he dipped his tongue inside you as your wetness coated his chin. He loved this. He loved eating pussy. He knew he was good at it. But you were too perfect. Everything he liked. Everything he wanted. He needed you. He released your left leg and shoved two rough fingers inside you as he eased himself up your body to kiss those pretty red lips. 
"You taste so fucking good. Like a damn kitten in heat," he told you as you ran your tongue along his chin. You kitten licked his face and whimpered while he finger fucked you harder. Your hands wound tight up in his hair were a little painful, but it just made him go harder. 
Your eyes were already starting to drift closed and he kissed you, smiling against your mouth. "Remember. You're done when I say you're done."
His words made you keen, and he could feel you starting to squeeze his fingers as he put his mouth back on your clit and sucked gently. That first orgasm came screaming out of you as your hips bucked and shook against the mattress. But Bradley was already working on the next one as you gasped his name over and over again.
With his tongue moving in languid strokes as you started to calm down, Bradley managed to coax you close to the edge again. This time you released his hair in favor of wrapping your hands in your pillowcase. 
"What the fuck," you gasped, gaping at him and meeting his eyes as you rode his tongue to another orgasm. Your forehead was scrunched up in disbelief as you gasped, sounding scandalized that he did it twice.
But he wasn't done yet. He ground his cock down into your bedding, bucking for some relief against the delicious show that all of his senses were being treated to. Because now you looked truly exhausted, and your fingers were unable to get purchase in his hair. He kissed and nibbled on your inner thigh as he ran his calloused fingertips over your sensitive, overworked clit until you were whining softly. 
"It's okay, Kitten. I love you," Bradley promised, and you nodded wordlessly. And sure enough, after several more minutes, you hiccuped a few times as you came again for him. Your pussy softly pulsing around his middle finger as you gasped had him palming his cock. 
He was about to cum. Quickly, he positioned himself so he was on his knees with your left thigh between his legs. He never removed his middle finger from inside you while he stroked himself a half a dozen times. And then he was spurting his cum all over your pussy and your belly and your bodysuit. 
You didn't even seem to know what was going on as you shook your head against the pillow and wiped at your tears. 
"You okay?" he asked softly, and he smiled. Because your eyes were glazed, your face looked fucked out, and your body was limp, connected to his by his one finger inside you. "God, you're fucking glorious."
A soft laugh escaped your lips while Bradley stroked your cheek with his thumb, and you nuzzled against him like a kitten.
You had your arms draped lazily around Bradley's neck as he showered with you. For a split second, he had been nervous that he might have ruined your bodysuit when he came, but you assured him you could always buy another one. Honestly, you thought the splashes of his white cum on your skin and the dark fabric looked sinfully good. 
"You gonna wear that outfit again for me?" he asked, running his fingers along the little paw print charm he got you where it rested next to your collarbone. 
"Do you really need me to?" you challenged. "You just took a bunch of photos of me half wearing it with your cum all over me. Shouldn't that be enough?"
He kissed you, gently pulling your bottom lip between his before he said, "No way. Those are for when I'm deployed. I'm gonna want the real thing again and again."
You felt a jolt of reality. "Do you know when you're getting deployed again? Do I need to start preparing myself to miss you?"
"No," he murmured, kissing along your neck as the spray from the shower calmed you. "When I find out, you'll be the first to know, Kitten. And I must admit," he added, pausing on a deep inhale that left you with bated breath, "I do love the idea of being missed. By you. And Ev."
You didn't know what to say as you snuggled up against him for a few minutes before you eventually turned off the water. You'd been in a relationship with him for a week. One week. And you already daydreamed about when he'd move in with you. You were already thinking about where all of his stuff would fit in your house. But it was too soon. And you didn't know if he'd want to permanently be here at all. 
But you did say, "Everett and I already miss you when we're not with you," and he smiled. 
"Speaking of Ev," he said, drying off his legs. "It's getting late. Do you want me to be here when they get back?"
You only had to consider that for a beat. "Yeah."
Bradley met your eyes as he pulled his underwear on. "Can I help him with his homework? Or do something else to make things easier for you?"
In that moment, you wanted to tell him everything that had happened on the phone with Danny. You wanted to tell him that you and Molly had talked about a lawyer. But all you said was, "I love you."
Kitten dressing as the kitten again. Kitten making demands of Danny. Kitten getting what she deserves from Coach! Love to see it. Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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racingcore · 3 months
like he did in sprint today, Charles can do a good start again tomorrow dont worry you all!
of course he can. he is a great driver, unlike some "other ppl" who just have fast cars. he just needs a GOOD car. ferrai is going to kill me at some point. I just know.
he is a great driver. honestly, i dont know why people are slandering Charles. the thing is many wouldn't even dare what Charles did today. they just wouldnt! im gonna rant, bare with me for a second.
same goes for Lando asking Max why did he go again in Q3 even though he had a unbeatable time. Both Max and Charles are always trying to find that extra tenth they can have, all the time. Its that hunger to be the absolute best, the maximum they can do that drives them. Its a win okay, but Charles is like 'multiple wins' if you get what i mean.
But car is important too. Fastest car does need a great driver to extract everything out of it or we get Perez's and Lando's. Same goes for if a great driver doesnt have a fastest car or a very highly reliable good car, there is no use. There is only so much a driver can do about it, over perform, over push. It pays or it doesnt. Charles is the living breathing frustrating example of the latter type and has been for years now.
but the matter is that if they have it in them to push them. And Charles clearly does.
Just know that if Charles wouldnt have been pushing today like crazy, the people who are complaining "bottles p3" now wouldnt even have to chance to dream of p3 in today's quali in that sf24. he was fast in his last push lap cuz he pushed like crazy.
as DC said on F1tv, "bravery definitely 11/10 but doesn’t matched by the balance of the car"
and as @thearchercore said in this post about Charles and Max:
they're both pushing their cars to the limits to catch up on that gap that they can't control - while max's car can handle it, the ferrari car fails and won't deliver the same results.
its so on point. Things have been like this for Charles for seasons now.
Don't forget that he is over performing even when his car has problem. others would stop or put it into wall, but Charles dares to do more and it pays more times than it doesn't.
Ferrari can kill me after they have given Charles is lost race wins and his lost WDCs back. Even then, even if im all forza ferrari i am frustrated with them. They can do better, much better. I just think they gotta stop being cowards is all. Own up to your mistakes! Own up and be an absolute cunt. Your star driver is going to drive only so much for you if you cant give back things to him in return.
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thefrogdalorian · 5 months
I know there is this widely held perception that Season 3 of The Mandalorian had silly moments and made some comically strange story choices, which I can totally admit myself. I mean the bit in 03x04 where they all scatter to eat, but Bo is allowed to remain sitting by the fire was kind of hilarious and blatantly just because they wanted a helmetless scene in that episode.
And I won't complain too much because more Katee Sackhoff on my screen is never a bad thing.
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But come on! The Mandalorian has always had goofy, unserious moments that if you contemplate for more than a second, your head threatens to fly off because of how daft it can be, at times.
For instance, in 1x04 Sanctuary, when Din removes his helmet on Sorgan in froNT OF AN OPEN WINDOW?!!?!
I know they did it for dramatic effect, to demonstrate how long he has worn his helmet, but if one of those kids looked around it would've been CURTAINS FOR HIM. Okay it might have been dark, sure, whatever but I cannot imagine someone as devout as Din would even take that risk! The Creed is everything to him.
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Also, this man who we have seen for an entire season being such a competent and capable warrior has apparently never had a jetpack before Chapter 8. The best bounty hunter in the parsec cannot fly?! Then, immediately after getting it from The Armorer, with no training, he conveniently uses it immediately to blow up a TIE fighter and (seemingly) defeat Moff Gideon?!!?!
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Not to mention how silly it is Gideon survived that initial skirmish... and probably survives in Season 3 too but we'll deal with that when it comes to it.
It isn't just Season One, either. There are also some parts of Season 2 which leave me scraching my head slightly, like in The Believer when the terminal needs to scan a face. Not a specific face, just any face. It doesn't make much sense. Again, not complaining, more Pedro Pascal on my screen is never a bad thing.
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Not to mention how convenient Din getting the beskar spear was right before his duel with Gideon for the Darksaber. A weapon which is coincidentally one of the few which can parry the sacred blade!
Anyway, I don't hate any of these moments at all, I just feel like fans used to be so much more lenient.
Of course season 3 has some hmmmmm moments too, but there have always been questionable decisions right from the start. Star Wars fans are always going to nitpick and it mostly comes from a good place. I just wish there could be a bit more of a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ attitude sometimes.
Nothing is perfect, but this show has had so many enjoyable moments and such compelling characters that I can let some silliness slide. Star Wars should always be a little goofy and silly and for me, long may that continue!
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zegrasdrysdale · 10 months
Hey bae I have another request for Jamie. Reader goes home for thanksgiving and Jamie wasn’t able to go with her. Long story short he ends up surprising her at her family home, and proposes
[ your last name ] j. drysdale
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paring : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : Jamie surprises (Y/N) for Thanksgiving, in more ways than one
warning(s) : none :)
author’s note : happy thanksgiving my loves ! grateful for every single one of you ! don't forget to fill out this form if you want to be added to the taglist !
Thanksgiving this year feels different because Jamie isn’t coming with her to dinner at her parents’ house.
Jamie said that his family wanted to see him so he flew home to see them two days ago. He didn’t know if he would be back in time to go to Philly with her for dinner. They've been together for four year now and this is the first Thanksgiving since they started dating that he won't be with her for dinner.
He told her to go without him because it's one of the only times during the year that she gets to see her parents, her siblings, her in-laws, and her nieces and nephews. She wishes that Jamie could've come with her but she understands that he can't be with her this year.
(Y/N) loves her family, but every year they ask her when Jamie is going to marry her. Especially after the second year she brought him with her. This year, she gets to face those questions all by herself.
She Ubers from Philadelphia International to the Fishtown section of Philadelphia when she flies in the morning of Thanksgiving. She's staying only one night so she has a duffel bag with her.
Traffic on 95 is insane, which is understandable considering people are traveling. It takes her nearly an hour to get from the airport to her parents' house. She's texting back and forth with Jamie the entire time to make the ride go faster.
jd ♡ - 10:23 am i know. i wish i could've come with you too. tell everyone i say hi and that i wish i could've been there. i'll see you when we both get back to anaheim, okay?
i love you
She writes back an "I love you too" as the Uber pulls up to the house.
There are already a bunch of cars parked in the driveway and up the street. Some she recognizes and some she doesn't.
(Y/N) thanks the driver as she gets out with her bag. He drives off to pick up another person and she stands outside of the house with her bag over her shoulder. She sighs and walks up to the front door.
Footsteps sound on the other side of the door after she knocks. Her mother stands in front of her when the door swings open.
"(Y/N)!" she exclaims as she throws her hands around her daughter. "My youngest baby. Come on in. Everyone is already here. They're all very excited to see you."
Almost on cue, her oldest niece comes running to the door. "Aunt (Y/N)!" she yells as she wraps herself around (Y/N)'s waist. She looks around her body. "Where's Uncle Jamie? Is he coming?"
She frowns and shakes her head. "Not this year," she tells her niece. "He went to go see his family up in Canada this year. He sends all his love though and wishes he was here. He misses everyone."
"Okay," her niece sighs. "Can we call him later though? So we can say hi to him?"
"Of course we can," (Y/N) tells her. "Wanna help me unpack my things? You can get your cousins too and we can all go upstairs to my room to unpack."
Her eight-year-old niece happily nods and goes running back inside. She yells the names of all her cousins that are in the house. (Y/N)'s mom still stands beside her. "It's going to be weird without him here," she comments. "Will you see him tomorrow before his game?"
"I don't know," she admits. "I hope so. It feels like he's been gone for a while when it hasn't even been a week. It sucks when he isn't around but it's his job and he never gets to see his family so I get it, I guess."
"It sounds like it's starting to get to you," her mom tells her. "Him not being around a lot, I mean. Especially during the season."
"It doesn't matter if he isn't around a lot," (Y/N) sighs. "I love him and he loves hockey. Jamie and hockey come as a package deal, and I knew that going in. Sometimes I just miss him, especially around the holidays."
(Y/N)'s mom rubs her arm. "It'll be okay," she says. "Go get settled. I'm going to start making the cake soon and I know you like helping with that."
Her heart falls into her stomach. She and Jamie always make and bake the cake when they get to her parents' house. It's the reason they fly in extra early on Thanksgiving.
Without another word, (Y/N) heads upstairs to her bedroom.
Over the years as she's grown up, her parents have updated the furniture in her room but have kept the same decorations. The bed got bigger right before she moved to California for college. They got her a bigger vanity while she was in high school because she decided to wear makeup starting in her junior year.
She adds a few pictures to her wall collection every time she comes home. Mostly of her and Jamie, but her and her California friends and her and her friends from home are all over the board too.
This year she adds two pictures of her and Jamie on their four year anniversary. They went on a little vacation together to celebrate since it was during the offseason. She took a lot of pictures but the selfie she took of Jamie kissing her cheek and the selfie of Jamie kissing her make it onto the wall. She smiles a sad smile and wishes he was here to watch her put the pictures up.
As she's unpacking the toiletries she brough with her, a child's voice downstairs yells, "Uncle Jamie!"
His name immediately catches her attention.
(Y/N) drops her hairbrush after the shock wears off and runs out of the room. She nearly slips down the wooden stairs to get to Jamie.
When she turns into the hallway that leads to the foyer and front door, she sees Jamie in a black Ducks hoodie and grey sweatpants. A suitcase sits at his side and he's bent down as he hugs the children that went to the door to greet him.
He has the biggest smile on his faces as he says hello. She can't help but smile behind her hands, which she brought up when she saw that he was here. Her eyes burn with tears that threaten to fall at any given moment.
"You're here!" (Y/N)'s oldest niece says. "Aunt (Y/N) said you weren't going to be here."
Jamie glances up at her and replies, "I wanted to surprise her. Can I go say hi to Aunt (Y/N)?"
Her niece nods and all of the kids back away. Jamie stands up and walks over to (Y/N).
The tears fall when Jamie wraps his arms around her neck. She buries his face into his chest and lets out a quiet sob. (Y/N) wraps her arms around his torso. "I didn't think you were going to be here," she tells him. "I thought you were still in Canada with your family and I wouldn't see you until tomorrow when I got back into Anaheim."
"I'm here, baby," Jamie says into her hair. "I'm always here."
She looks up at her boyfriend and smiles. Jamie uses his thumbs to wipe away her tears and dry her cheeks. "Sorry I'm such a mess," she says. "It's been a few days since I've seen you and I've really missed you."
Jamie presses a long kiss to her forehead. "I've missed you too," he mumbles. "Let's go make that cake, yeah? You think I'd miss out on doing that with you?"
She laughs and walks into the kitchen with Jamie. Their fingers are laced together when they walk into the room. Her mom is standing with her back to them with all the ingredients on the island counter and says, "(Y/N), did you want to make vanilla or choco- Jamie! I didn't know you were coming."
"I wanted it to be a surprise," Jamie says as he wraps an arm around (Y/N)'s shoulders. "We can take over baking the cake, if you don't mind."
Her mom smiles at the two of them before nodding. "Not at all," she says. "I know this is the thing the two of you like to do together so I'll keep the kids busy so you can bake away."
Without another word, (Y/N)'s mother leaves the room with a smile on her face. "Let's give Aunt (Y/N) and Uncle Jamie some time alone since it's been a while since they've seen each other," she says to probably the kids.
(Y/N) goes over to the counter where the cake ingredients are lined up and looks over them to make sure everything they need is ready to go. She's making a note of everything they have when Jamie comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.
"Missed you," Jamie mumbles against the swell of her ear. "My family asked about you the entire time I was with them. I told them that you send your love and that we'd visit them over the All Star break in a few weeks."
She smiles when he begins to press soft kisses to her jaw. "I do miss mama Drysdale," she tells him as she leans back against him. "I can't wait to go see your family."
Jamie lets out a light laugh. "Let's get this cake done so I can go get a shower and get ready for dinner," he says. "I don't think your family would be very happy if I sat down at the dining room table for dinner tonight smelling like airport and dressed in a hoodie and sweatpants."
The (L/N) family sits down at the dinner table a little before six that night. (Y/N) sits between her older brother and Jamie, who has since changed into a button-up shirt and one of his suit bottoms that he'd wear as part of his arrival suits. She's wearing a short black wrap dress with a pair of matching heels.
The thing about (Y/N)'s family is that there are a lot of them.
(Y/N)'s parents had four kids, and she is the youngest at 22. Between her three older siblings, they have eight kids and three spouses together so there are nearly 20 people at the table.
There is also a lot of food because of how people there are. The cake that she and Jamie baked is sitting in the kitchen and even that is big because of how many people there are in the house at the moment.
They say grace before they start passing bowls and plates around the table so everyone can grab a serving.
The kids all sit at one end of the table while the adults sit at the other end. (Y/N)'s mom sits at the head of the table since she was the one that mostly cooked. She helped a bit when Jamie was showering and changing.
Jamie takes a bite of the turkey and groans. "Mrs. (L/N), the turkey is amazing like always," he tells her when he swallows his bite. "Thank you for cooking."
"You say the same thing every year, Jamie," her mom laughs. "But thank you."
She looks over at Jamie as she chews her bite of stuffing, who shoots her mom a smile. "I mean it every year," he replies. "It's really good."
(Y/N)'s siblings and their partners nod in agreement. She just smiles and takes a bite of her turkey then a sip of her wine.
Small conversations break out as the food begins to disappear from the plates and bowls. (Y/N) treats herself to several servings of the stuffing and mashed potatoes. The kids eat up all the mac and cheese that was made specifically for them. A couple of them even dabble in the turkey.
Jamie is laughing at something (Y/N) said when her mother decides to ask the looming question that is always asked at Thanksgiving.
"So, Jamie," she begins to say. "Have you put any thoughts into putting a ring on my daughter's finger?"
Her eyes widen and she scolds, "Mom! If Jamie is going to propose to me, he'll do it on his own time. I'm 22, he's 21. There is still so much time for us to get married."
Mrs. (L/N) blinks at the two of them and says, "You've been together for over four years, (Y/N). You live together and travel together when you can. He traveled probably overnight to surprise you at your family home for Thanksgiving. If you're going to spend the rest of your lives together then you should know by now, shouldn't you?"
(Y/N) opens her mouth to say something when Jamie puts a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, (Y/N)," he tells her before turning his attention to her mom. "You'll be the first one to know when I do put a ring on your daughter's finger, Mrs. (L/N). We promise."
She seems content with that answer so she goes back to eating what is on her plate. (Y/N) lets out a soft sigh before she takes a bite of her mashed potatoes.
"Actually, I do have something for you, (Y/N)," Jamie says after a quiet moment. It gets the attention of everyone at the table. "I mean, as long as you don't mind if I gave it to you right now."
A surprised (Y/N) swallows her bite and nods. "Depends on what it is," she tells him.
He smiles and says, "It's actually why I was a little late today. I wanted to be here before you got here but I had to go pick it up so ..." He digs in his pocket for the gift he has for her.
Her jaw drops when she sees a little velvet black box in the palm of his hand. There are several gasps from around the table and the smile on Jamie's lips grows when he sees what must be shock on (Y/N)'s face.
"Jamie, what are you doing?"
He slides down off his chair onto one knee beside her. "Putting a ring on your finger," he tells her. "(Y/N), you have accepted every part of me and my chaotic life, including me being on the road for over half the year because of hockey. I know it's rough but you have loved me through every single second. Nothing. including distance, can get in our way. I want that for the rest of my life, and I hope you want too. I want to love you every single day until I die. So, (Y/N) (L/N), will you do me the biggest honor and marry me?"
The box is pulled open and a beautiful diamond ring sits in the center of it. A hand flies to her mouth and tears prick her eyes. Her eyes don't leave a kneeling Jamie Drysdale.
She can't believe this is happening. She thought she was years away from a proposal, yet here she is. Jamie is on one knee in front of her entire family with a ring in his hand.
It is rough loving Jamie when he's so far away, but knowing she is the one he comes home to makes it a little easier. She loves that he has included her in his hockey life, and even gets her to a handful of away games every year. He doesn't try to separate her and hockey like she know a bunch of players try to do.
With tears rolling down her face, she moves her hand and says, "Yes. I will marry you, Jamie."
The entire room breaks out in celebration. Jamie takes the ring out of the box and slides it onto her left ring finger. She looks at it for a second before she cups his jaw and presses a long kiss to his lips. He breaks it and wraps his arms around her waist.
(Y/N) looks at her mother, who is holding her father's hand and crying. There are smiles all around the table as she pulls back from the hug.
"I was very worried you were going to say no," Jamie admits. "I know I'm away a lot and I hate that I'm away from you all the time but coming home to my fiancée after a roadie sounded really nice."
She smiles and runs her fingers through his hair. "Wearing my fiancé's last name on my back while he's on the ice sounds really nice," she tells him.
"It's going to eventually be your last name," he replies. "That's kind of hot."
She laughs and kisses him one more time before everyone begins to hug the two of them and congratulate them on their engagement.
have a request ? check out the guidelines !
wanna be added the taglist ? fill out this form !
taglist: @fanboysfangirl @dancerbailey3 (if you're crossed out, it means i can't tag you !)
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
-> mc is back in the human world but didn't pick up the phone, so the brothers leave a voicemail
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read also kind of trying out a new style hehe
content warnings: kind of angsty maybe, alcohol use, gambling mentions
'good evening, mc. it is a fine evening here in the devildom, I hope it's the same case with you. I have just returned from a meeting with diavolo, we've had... quite the demonus. however I am by no means drunk. anyways I have actually been listening to the record you got for me, a thoughtful gift indeed. I just have a feeling that... it would sound lots better with you in the chair next to me. (he chuckles) well, there's no helping it. perhaps I have to bring you back to the devildom myself?'
'I was hoping to hear your voice, too bad you didn't pick up the phone. are you perhaps asleep, mc? in that case I shall leave you be. sleep well, mc.'
'yo mc, why are you not picking up your phone? I just snuck away from home with mine to talk tp you, you know? ugh... that cocky lucifer and his stupid rules. like what do you mean we gotta take turns calling you? no way, I ain't waiting so long to talk to you! just cause he's the eldest he thinks he's all high and mighty!'
'okay anyways, on with the important stuff! so listen up I called because I scored HUGE at the casino today and you know how I won so much huh? I bet on your favorite number, y'know... cause I miss you and all... (he suddenly coughs) ah wait no what I just said ain't true! I bet on your favorite number cause... well... that was my battery percentage or something...'
'okay anyways mc, you better visit the devildom soon! bye bye! have a good day!'
'um hi what's up? how's the human world? did you get the games and anime I asked you to get yet? I totally can't wait to see what kind of stuff you got over there! oh and I can't wait to show you the newest releases here in the devildom! the latest season of 'I went to the fair a 6km distance from my house with my best friend and pet dog but the manager turned out to be my online gaming buddy' came last week and I binged it all!'
'um (pause) but look I kind of called to tell you... well... you gotta come here fast so we can share the stuff you know? ahh it's no good I can't say it! um well look, I miss you!' (he hangs up suddenly)
'hello mc, I see you're not picking up your phone. are you busy? listen to this voice message any time you'd like then. I hope the human world is treating you well, it's so different from the devildom after all. well at least you won't have to worry about anyone stealing your soul.'
'exam season at rad just ended, I'm satisfied with most of my scores. I am a little disappointed because of my spells and potions grade, a 83 isn't good enough to me. could it be I was distracted because I miss you? (he sighs) well, one more reason for you to hurry back here. everyone's been fighting over who gets to call you first and all that, it's pissing me off. but I get it, I love hearing your voice. well mc I guess this is it, goodbye for now.'
'hi mc! finally it's my turn to talk to you, but what's up with not picking up hm? well as long as you promise to call me back later, I don't mind leaving a voicemail for you! did you do anything fun recently? I attended some parties but well, they were kind of boring. or was I just... not feeling it? whatever that doesn't matter, I just wanna see you again! how much longer are you going to stay in the human world? I miss you so so so much!'
'I hope you miss me too. do you miss me? when you call me back you have to answer that question, deal? and if yes you have to visit. there's so much I want to talk to you about, so much I wanna show you! like I made into a magazine, you just have to see it! call soon, okay? I love you.'
hell's kitchen is having a sale. when you but a cheeseburger you get a second one free. of course I took advantage of the deal and got a lot of cheeseburgers. you should visit soon mc, I want to share my food with you. it tastes better like that.' (you can basically hear him smiling through the phone)
'anyways, everyone misses you. sometimes my brothers get really sad, it's kind of hard to watch sometimes. of course I really miss you too. I think about you every time before I fall asleep. it makes me have good dreams. also my team won another game last night, I wish you could have seen it. well, next time right? bye mc, I hope to talk to you soon.'
'hi mc. how are you doing? I hope you're good. listen I'm on the balcony right now and there's stars in the sky. ugh I hate to be that one cheesy guy in your average romance movie but... the stars look like you. I can see your face in them. nevermind just forget what I said that was really sappy.'
'anyways please call me back, I get that you're probably busy or napping right now but I want to hear your voice. I want to hear how you've been there in the human world, hopefully your weather is nice.'
'well I'm running out of stuff to say, bye mc. call me back.'
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eerna · 1 month
I came across one of your posts about tdp (they're great btw I really like reading them) and one of the tags talked about how the show writers treat Callum like a vile character whose done evil things when he hasn't. Can you elaborate on that? And do you think there's a huge difference between on how the show and fandom treat Callum and rayla?
Aww thanks~ Sure, I don't mind elaborating!
So Callum. This show has a problem where the characters have no logical progress, they just do whatever the plot needs them to do, and Callum is a great example of this. Callum is meant to be an awkward average guy who feels like he doesn't belong anywhere. He's the adopted son of the royal family, which means he's not a peasant who is born into a career, but neither is he a real prince, since he is passed over in the inheritance line. He's not good at being a warrior, or a leader, or any other things that might guarantee him a place in court. Things change when he discovers he has a talent for magic, but since he is human and can't connect to an arcanum, he is forced to choose between letting this one useful thing he's good at go, or doing the "evil" dark magic. An interesting character setup: will he go against what he believes is right to realize his full potential? I wonder where this arc will go! The answer is nowhere, he becomes the first human in history to be able to connect to true arcanum magic the way magical creatures do. Okay, so here is his second character setup: the one and only creature in the world who can connect to EVERY arcanum at once! He will spend each season learning how to connect to different arcanums, and through him, we as the audience will understand the world better. That is exciting, as it's something the magical creatures can't do! Except THAT'S also abandoned right away, and his THIRD setup pretends it never happened and we return to a continuation of the first setup: will he join the dark side and become a vessel for the evil guys to use, will he fall into the same trap of "I would do anything for those I love" as the villains? This could be interesting, but it is now over halfway through the story, so the writers have to resort to cheap writing tricks to make the stakes higher and the tension more real. You see, Callum's "downward spiral" relies on him making bad choices for the right reason, but those bad choices aren't truly bad because the writers are scared of writing a hero who messes up for real. Those bad choices are using dark magic twice, but both times he used it out of selflessness, as a personal sacrifice to save Rayla. He used an already dead ingredient to turn some chains into snakes to save his friend... twice. Both times Rayla reacts as if he'd just slaughtered a whole herd of adorable magical baby deer in front of her. The Starscraper elves say his soul is dark and he has been consumed by evil. The only logical reprimand is given by Sol Regem, who just says "I can smell you've done dark magic before" and gets upset bc Sol Regem is a racist asshole character so it makes sense a single whiff of human magic would anger him. But these other characters are meant to be 100% correct in their assessment of Callum's morality. There is no discussion of whether the end justifies the means, there is no nuance or suggestion that maybe a dead bug is worth saving a life, Callum has done something objectively wrong and should never repeat it again. Here it all dissolves into the age old "is dark magic as presented in TDP morally ok" discourse, which I won't rehash here bc it is well discussed and the TL;DR is: no, TDP didn't do a good job setting dark magic up as an inflexible evil, but the story still acts as if it is one. And it is dumb, because Callum doesn't need to do dark magic to make mistakes! Several times throughout the season I thought they were gonna put him at odds with the rest of the cast, and maybe mess up and "fall into darkness" that way. For example, I thought that when everyone disagreed with him on the topic of destroying Aaravos' prison, he was going to defy everyone out of paranoia (since he is the most sensitive one about this subject) and accidently cause Aaravos' escape that way. But no, they don't even argue over it before finding a solution that makes everyone happy and it turns out that Aaravos was freed by a series of contrivances that tell us nothing new or interesting about any character involved in it, which is CLEARLY a much better story.
This third storyline gets even more muddled by Callum choosing to do the Starscraper Morality Challenge or whatever it's called to try and fix the damage dark magic did to his soul. Okay, so we've established that Callum's love for Rayla makes him act in morally questionable ways, which led to his soul deteriorating, and now this ritual will help him find his way back from it. And so the ritual reveals that he can redeem himself if he focuses on... wait. Am I reading this right? The answer to his issues is RAYLA????? So this means that somehow, loving Rayla is both the reason for his evil deeds, and a way for him not to do evil deeds??? I suppose the story could be saying that loving Rayla doesn't mean doing whatever it takes to save her, but listening to her advice and trusting her when she says she doesn't want to be saved by dark magic, but that is just such a dumb character arc that isn't about Callum or his character arc in the least. His way to deal with his issues has nothing to do with his realizing his potential, it has nothing to do with his journey of connecting to the arcanums. It is a "man needs a woman to act normal" story, and that is just plain dumb and boring and no proper character arc.
And here we transition into your second question. I am not sure what exactly you meant, so feel free to clarify, but I will do my best to answer as is. I think that Rayla and Callum are treated by the fandom EXACTLY the same way as by the show, but sadly this means they suck (it is no secret I was super duper into shipping them once upon a time, so no one is allowed to call me a hater over this opinion). The first two seasons were fine, but from s3 onwards their relationship also faces a lack of a proper arc. In the beginning it seemed like the emotional, gentle Callum was going to de-radicalize the cold, emotionally constipated Rayla and teach her the joys of having people who care for her as a person and not just a weapon. However, this was quickly abandoned for reasons listed in my Runaan family post - Rayla needed a quick escape from her emotional issues to remove any bad parenting responsibility from Runaan and Ethari's backs. From then on their writing problems are a mix of the previously mentioned "characters doing what the plot needs them to do" issue and playing into fan shipping expectations. And thus when they start dating in s3 it is in the blandest, most boring way possible. They are super happy together, they have no friction, Rayla is suddenly more than happy to be emotionally open. Then the plot needs them separated, so she remembers she is supposed to have emotional issues and leaves. Then the plot needs them back together so they start dating. None of this is supported by a logical arc. S3 and onwards reads like a fanfic in the most negative way possible. The "frozen ship" monologue from s6 made me feel like my brain was actively trying to escape my skull, so I KNOW the crew working on the show is aware of the fan perception and are actively playing into them on purpose. Fan tropes are perfect in the context of fanworks, but they also make canon material worse.
Whew. This was long. But Yeah that's basically what I have to say about that.
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double-o-donut · 2 months
Double O Donut
transcript under cut cause i couldn't figure out how to add subtitle file AND trim the full season length video at the same time with the programs i have RIP me if i figure it out i'll reupload i guess
Cut to Red Base
Sarge: It's very simple. We use a flea flicker maneuver with a run and gun two by two approach, tactical ops will be... aw hell, who am I kidding? Grif, Donut, just go stand in the way of their bullets while me and Simmons 2.0 sneak around back to grab Lopez.
Donut: Sounds like a plan!
Grif: No it doesn't! How about this time we try something that doesn't involve me being shot at or run over.
Simmons: Would electrified be okay?
Grif: No!
Simmons: Well, I'm out of ideas.
Grif: Look, instead of running straight into enemy gunfire like we usually do, why don't we try some reconnaissance this time?
Donut: You mean like spy stuff? That would be cool! I could wear a spy tuxedo-
Sarge: No.
Donut: -with a hidden spy camera-
Simmons: No.
Donut: -inside a tiny spy bow-tie-
Grif: No.
Donut: -or, I could wear a flower on my lapel-
Sarge: I said no!
Donut: -that sprays water in people's faces-
Simmons: Shut up Donut.
Donut: -no, a secret spy liquid, that would be awesome. (he chuckles, everyone stares)
Sarge and Simmons: No!
Grif: Maybe! Uh, I mean, no.
Donut: Oh, come on! I could be Double O Donut.
Simmons: You mean like, Doonut?
Donut: With a license to thrill, or be thrilled!
Sarge: Alright, since you're both so into the idea, Grif, Donut, you're on recon. Find us a way to break into their base, and report back on the double.
Grif: Great, more time alone with the idiot.
Donut: Grif, Grif, Grif, Grif, Grif, Grif! Lets pretend we're wearing super spy jet-packs! (Grif groans) No, no, no, no. Like this. (he makes jet-pack sounds as the scene transitions to a cliff while Donut continues to make jet-pack sounds)
Grif: Hey, can you not stop that for two seconds?
Donut: Come on Agent- (he clears his throat to speak with a lower voice) Come on Agent Grif, we've got to hurry if you want to save the princess from the evil goblin.
Grif: What princess? I thought you were pretending to be in a spy movie.
Donut: Look, my secret spy character gets to marry a beautiful princess in a castle, alright? Deal with it!
Grif: Donut, can you go find some higher ground or something?
Donut: But we're on higher ground now.
Grif: Why don't you use your jet pack to get to the highest ground?
Donut: Good idea! I bet the Blues won't think of that.
Grif: No, if they were that stupid we probably would've won by now.
Donut: Secret Agent Donut, to the rescue! (he makes more jet-pack noises as he runs off)
Grif: I could just shoot him. No one would ever have to know. No one.
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sweetshelluvaau · 9 months
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Finally, I finished him!
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So here he is, the King of Lust himself, Asmodeus! I wanted to take a break from the main cast plus hyperfixation came into play so if I didn't draw Ozzie my brain would have exploded so here we are. I'm putting this under read more because there's a lot of ranting before I get to the notes on the redesign plus pictures to address my points:
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To be honest: I don't mind Ozzie's design/outfit in the show. It isn't horrible by any means and there was a time where I could say I even liked it. But when Oops dropped and seeing him without the suit happened, disappointment sunk in.
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Are you telling me this man, is a beefcake under that compression suit? The embodiment of lust is jacked and his outfit doesn't show that!?
Seriously Viv, where's the beef?
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And while I did say that I did at one time like his design, I never found it really 'sexy' (his voice on the other hand...) and after seeing his beautiful chest all I can do is cry about it.
Also: what is it with Viviziepop and top hats? It's if half of her male cast wears them. It'd make sense for some characters, notability sinners who died in their era that they were popular but it makes no sense for other characters. In this case, I just think Ozzie looks better without one.
Ahem, yeah okay, right, soooo notes:
I noticed one of his earlier looks before the final design he had a longer, thicker and fluffier neck and kinda sad they didn't keep that being it worked with the rooster motif he's suppose to have. I decided to incorporate it back into my design just because I can. Plus, ya know it's fluffy:
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I also decided to give him bird feet/chicken legs and make him a bit thicker thighs because excuse me he's part rooster have you seen the meat on those things?!
Because my obsession with his chest, I decided that the outfits should show it off more because, um...chest. Also: FLUFF. idk why I just really wanted to make him fluffy.
The outfit on the right was the one I drew first but I felt it was lacking the regal feel I wanted to go with being he is one of the Deadly Sins and I wanted to show that (along with his chest and fluff but shh). I decided to keep it as a secondary, causal outfit on days off when all you want to just lay on the couch and chill/cuddle with your boyfriend. (likely gonna get rid of the neckless being I mostly just added it because I thought it was funny. If you know, you know.)
After going back at it a second time I decided to go for a burlesque style (Not sure if I nailed it or not) considering his club sorta had that theme going for it and while I'm more than likely going to revisit and change a few things later on, I overall love how the outfit came out.
And of course, a crown. I may get rid of the fire/flaming top in later drawings but I thought it was cool at the time.
I may still revisit the design to maybe add a bit more bull, goat and possible dragon to his design outside of the heads but I think I may save that for when I cerate his full demon form where I'll have those features stand out more. Likely won't have him have his tiny form in my au, no matter how cute it is.
not really a design note persay but kinda want to mention it because it bothers me: I drew/inked and colored both of these at different times which is why the anatomy and coloring is so different from each other. I'm still playing around with clip studio paint tho I think the shading style on the right is the one I'm gonna go with for now on.
As for character/lore notes: I really don't like how it feels as if Ozzie (along with some other characters) was defanged in season two plus how they made him, a deadly sin, not feeling all too threating. Granted, Ozzie being nice isn't the problem (being nice doesn't necessarily mean you're a good person plus I do like that the sins do have some virtues like believing in consent being ya know, complexity and what not suppose to be full on evil) and I even have him being one of the nicer Sins in my AU but still can have his dickish moments and hell, he and Fizz are gonna drag your corpse with the amount of roasting they're dishing you about your sex life because god they were so much fun when both them had more bite. Please bring back my chaotic asshole jester gremlin and his rooster boyfriend tag teaming about how much you suck in bed and just being a general nuisances to society plzthx. (plus ya know, Fizz is a Jester his job is roasting people. Not to say he can't have some kindhearted moments. His friendship with Blitzo gives me life and I love the moment with the deaf kid even if you have to question why a kid is doing at a 18+ event to begin with but that's a whole other can of worms.)
While I'm not going with the circus theme that Viv claims she's going for with each Deadly Sin being based off a circus act (which is a fun idea in theory tbh if that idea expanded on outside of a poorly done aesthetic), I kind of like the idea of a magician motif for Ozzie due to his use of fire plus one of his infernal correspondences happens to be illusions, which we kinda saw him do in Ozzie's. I thought it was a cool touch, regardless if that was intentional or not.
Also, apparently it's canon that Fizzarolli is his first romantic relationship and idk that kinda bothers me. Asmodeus is over thousand years old and in biblical lore he's been in a few relationship (plus what happened in the Book of Tobit with Sarah). Why not play around with that? In my AU, he's been in at least two (Lilith and Mammon respectfully, and I'll talk about that at a later time) before but they were all failed relationships, which soured his view on love for a long time until he fell for Fizz. I also headcanon Ozzie being/use to being a bit of a hopeless romantic, as much as he tries to hide it (poorly).
Hey, I drew some half decent hands for once.
Anyways, yeah, here's my version of Ozzie. Next up with be either Stolas (which is less of an rewrite and more of a damn overhaul because holy shit I really had enough of this guy in canon) or perhaps Beelzebub being I got some ideas for her too.
Made with Clip Studio Paint and Photoshop CS6 for final touches. Okay to reblog, Feedback is encourage.
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alicent-vi-britannia · 7 months
Why was Lelouch's manipulation effective on Rolo?
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One of this year's "resolutions" I set for my Code Geass page was that I was going to give more space to Rolo. Rolo is my favorite secondary character in Code Geass, even above Shirley and Euphemia, but I haven't talked about him much and I wanted to rectify that. This Monday I published a survey to my followers in which I invited them to vote for the analysis of Rolo that they were most interested in me doing. There were three options:
⭐Why was Lelouch's manipulation effective on Rolo? ⭐Why did Rolo kill Shirley? ⭐The parallels between V.V. and Rolo
There was a close competition between the second and the winner, which is what you can read in the title of the publication. Don't worry if you didn't win the analysis you wanted because those analyzes will come gradually. Furthermore, there is an important point in common that we must take into consideration in the two most requested analyzes: Rolo's background.
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So who the fuck is Rolo? He is a trained assassin who works for the O.S.I. which, in turn, is in connection with the Geass Order and both organizations answer to the Emperor and V.V. (the devilish brothers). Episode 3 of R2 gives us an overview of him and how he normally acts if Lelouch is not with him (yes, being Lelouch's shy and devoted brother is Rolo's mask, but, as a professor told me in a class a while ago, masks are not necessarily fake and this mask is actually a side of him that not even Rolo himself knew). At the same time, episode 3 drops some seeds (problems) that will bloom over the course of the season:
His extreme loneliness: Rivalz casually comments that Rolo does not talk to anyone at school and, additionally, we see that it is difficult for him to work as a team (there is a scene with Villetta in which the members of the O.S.I. complain to her because Rolo has killed some of them for stupid reasons). All of this results in his poor social skills and him distrusting everyone (and himself). I won't use the enneagram right now, but Rolo is undoubtedly a 6w5 one-to-one subtype and with that information, a connoisseur of this tool can get a general idea of the motivations behind Rolo's strange behaviors.
His budding interest and need to understand the meanings of "having a family" and "birthdays," which tie into the heart-shaped locket that Lelouch gave him (and for which he killed a member of the O.S.I. just for touching it). It isn't until we reach episode 4 of R2 that we are introduced to Rolo's past that we understand this curiosity he has.
Rolo and Mao are similar in several ways. They are both orphans, given a Geass that was too powerful for them at a very young age, and are amoral as a result of their particular lives. Specifically, Rolo wasn't raised as a human, but rather he was trained from birth to be a killing machine. Therefore, he has no social skills or moral codes, he has no notion of what is right and wrong, he has never had a family, he doesn't know how to make friends and, of course, he has no idea what love is nor does he know how to love (this last part is important because that's what his narrative arc is about, by the way).
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Rolo was taught to follow orders, solve problems and repress his social, emotional and affective needs. Rolo has convinced himself that it was okay for him to live as he has been because he has focused on the present by completing the missions assigned to him. It's Lelouch who motivates him to think about the future and find meaning in life: "Rolo, what is the future? The future is hope. Without hope, your life is empty. And you have no hope beyond your mission. Rolo, if you capture C.C., what kind of future will it open up for you? Things will remain as they are and nothing will change." It's more or less the same situation that Kallen goes through in the first season since she also has to define her objectives and motivations and, in fact, the mental breakdown that Rolo suffers is similar to the one that Kallen had on Kaminejima Island because both they see how the lie that they believed to be true crumbles before their eyes. In Rolo's case, after all, Lelouch does care more than the mission (or, in other words, that his emotional ties are real).
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The difference between the two is that Rolo isn't mentally healthy and here we find other parallels with Mao. Both are, first and foremost, victims of child abuse by people who should have protected them, but decided to use them for their benefit (C.C. in the case of Mao and V.V. in the case of Rolo) and both are hungry for love for their loved ones (C.C. and Lelouch respectively). I would add that they are also children who didn't grow up well. That's why Rolo's locket is shaped like a heart: it symbolizes the love (of Lelouch) that Rolo desperately wants.
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Even if Rolo sees himself as a weapon because he has been dehumanized by the Geass Order, he is human and, like every person, wants to be loved (C.C. literally wants to die because she believes there is no love in her life). This need combined with Lelouch's search for meaning based on his agenda (being his little brother) leads Rolo to turn such meaning into his reason for living. "I made you a promise. I promised you a new future. Your future is with me" (or, what is the same, "your future is me").
Of course, there is a difference between Mao and Rolo (which is the same difference between V.V. and him) that I won't reveal now. I will say that, although the relationship between Rolo and Lelouch will evolve into a dependency on the boy's part that will aggravate his mental state, it constitutes a turning point in his narrative arc since, in addition to giving him a goal and motivation, this is the first time that Rolo thinks about himself and what he wants for himself, which is good for Rolo since he begins to value his life and Lelouch won't face consequences for manipulating, lying and using an amoral young murderer with strong emotional deficiencies who has been indoctrinated by a malevolent organization, right? RIGHT?!
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No, forget it. Shirley dies.
But I'll reserve that for the next analysis. Honestly, I'm glad this analysis came out first because when I release Shirley's I'll be more direct in touching on Rolo's background and focus on Rolo's fears and feelings and explaining something nonsense called "anxious attachment." React and share, if you want to see it soon, as well as other analyzes of Rolo (I need to analyze his death scene because it is heartbreakingly beautiful and meaningful, even more so with the music).
Thanks for reading me.
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inchidentally · 8 months
Why do I feel like Oscar is intentionally keeping Lando at a distance because he assumes it would never work out? And Lando kind of wishes Oscar would show an interest but he isn't so Lando pulls back too? Maybe I'm totally crazy but feels like they're doing a double fake out. If not then why not just be friendly the way they are with other guys?
@twinkodium helped talk me through this ask so a huge thank you to her <3
gonna put below a cut and include some other asks that aren't necessarily of interest to everyone and are kind of in the same vein (note the tag)
okay so "why not just be friendly like they are with other guys" is a pretty good thing to focus on bc when you actually break it down, Lando and Oscar define themselves as being pretty shy and they conceal a fair amount their lives and closest friends from the public. and truth is that it seems to take both of them at least a year of knowing someone before they open up - and even longer before they're as friendly as we see them with guys like Logan, Zhou, Carlos or Daniel. Lando lists the guys he's known since as far back as karting as his closest friends. so after just one season together, what we already have in terms of friendliness between Lando and Oscar is pretty damn good!
but honestly we can't say that either of them are really holding back at all when we've got Andrea and Zak constantly emphasizing how in sync they are and then of course how big they both show up for each other's wins/poles etc. whatever we don't get in terms of fun fandom content, we've got them showing each other mutual respect and support and sharing the same priorities. that's... really good imo.
it's what cracks me up abt everyone who went all 'planetf1 angry white dad in oakleys selfie in a truck comment section' over that recent Oscar quote. Lando's literally had everyone saying the same thing to him, directly and on social media ?? did they also decide that Martin Brundle, Natalie Pinkham, Lawrence Barretto and Jenson Button all despise Lando and want to take swipes at him by saying that his public flagellation feels of no use and worse, that it's probably a hindrance to his mindset? did Lando suddenly became loathed by all these people who SEEM to openly like or love him bc they said that ??
or did they expect Oscar to respond to that question with "oh no yeah it's cool that my teammate who I actually like shits all over himself and gives his haters ammo y'know to each their own whatever man" bc that WOULD actually be incredibly cold and hurtful asgajsgfljasf
I know fandom can go way off track and start expecting these men to talk like fan fic but the truth is that they view each other as professionals and fellow drivers first and friends (if they are) second. I won't repeat myself bc I've posted about it enough but none of the grid are a significant part of Lando or Oscar's life outside F1. Lando and Martin did a stopover in Perth (and apparently Martin even had work there?) for one day to ride dirt bikes at Daniel's ranch and Lando went to Carlos' sisters' gigantic state wedding lol. doesn't compare at all compared to Lando's time spent with Max F, the quadrant folks, his family, his Monaco friends and definitely not Martin Garrix. it also doesn't mean that they're not still friends with those guys on the grid - it's just not the same.
so the fact that Lando and Oscar aren't out here dishing out bromancey stuff where fans can see and hear definitely doesn't say that those bromances mean the drivers are actually any closer. Oscar relied on extroverts like Robert and Arthur to give him something to play off and Lando relied on Carlos and Daniel for the same. so when they're left without a gobby extrovert they do that cute thing of giggling and handing back and forth to each other. to me personally it's always kind of sweet ?? that Lando and Oscar do the thing of looking at each other for support to get through the cringey and awkward to camera stuff. sometimes when Lando is really feeling himself Oscar can just kick back and watch him. and as we saw w that helmet design video, even when Oscar isn't filming w Lando he hangs around offers support.
wow apparently I cannot stay on track today anon but idk I just personally think that it's the opposite of a mutual fakeout and they've bonded pretty well over both being shy, both being equally focused on their careers and also needing to switch off sometimes. finding out they spent the night after Lando's crash in Vegas together sharing "commiserations" is like, one in a long list of us hearing that they chose to hang out alone together and not publicize it.
all of us are on the outside of their friendship and as much as that suuuuucks for not getting as much content as we want, it's also really sweet and kind more likely to be genuine and lasting since they consider a lot of that relationship as private <3
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askgfka no prob!! tbh a lot of the stress and anxiety in other Lando ships is down to ppl getting way too comfy w the idea that real life partners either aren't "real" or that they're the only thing standing in the way of their ship becoming real.
and bc for some reason landoscar makes me want to write all of these essays I feel like it's kind of my responsibility to be like yeah, there's even more than just assuming ppl's sexualities and their real life partners stand between two ppl we like to imagine together actually getting together. rpf is heavy on the f and mostly what we're all actually enjoying are friendships. and as someone who is lucky to have them, I personally wouldn't be one of those ppl who said romantic partners and friendships are on some sliding scale of importance. they're just different!
ever since landoscar became a thing, Lily's been in Oscar's life and Lando's been pursued by every man who sees him and burning through baddies on Raya on a literal global scale. it's important to come back from rpf to that fact so we don't end up attraction those legions of people calling real life girlfriends "PR beards" or that Lando's dating app horniness is some front for him meeting up with Carlos or Daniel or whoever lol.
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oh I am so not the person to answer abt this since I can't relate to wanting couples to get married or thinking that it's all that significant! I'm a huge romantic and I theoretically enjoy the idea of weddings/marriage but all the ppl I know who've gotten married out of college are already regretting or cheating it so it's put a real damper on it for me.
but that's as much as I want to speculate abt them bc I don't want to put anything out in the universe for ppl I'll never even know !!
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thatsmybook · 5 months
The Fleabag/Young Royals reference of the emotionally unavailable father in Young Royals and Fleabag. Fleabag and Young Royals spoilers ahead.
After hearing Linnéa talk about how Ludvik the Duke is a man of his generation who doesn't talk about feelings, made me think about Fleabag and Clare’s father in Fleabag. Also a man of his generation. Stunted in his emotional engagement with his kids, even though he loves them. There were some painful scenes where Fleabag really tried to reach her father, and he was just cruelly absent or dismissive of her strong emotions and 'dark side'.
Linnéa talks about how Wille and Ludvik talk past each other in their phone conversation about Erik. How the Duke thinks he's having a good conversation with Wille, but Wille is crying on the other side, sarcastically talking about a perfect Erik.
Other Fleabag references: main one is the fourth wall breaks that have such heavy meaning, especially in Fleabag season 2. She is constantly performing for us the audience. Wille is constantly being watched by the public.
The end scene where she looks at the camera and non-verbally tells us not to follow her - she'll be okay now. WIille does the same with his final look to camera.
The time that she deliberately pushes the camera away as she's finally having an intimate moment with the priest that she doesn't want us to witness. When Wille closes the curtains in Season 2, and we don't get to see anymore of his and Simon's intimate scene.
The second one is Sara telling August, "It'll pass" when he says that he loves her and can't accept that she won't take him back. Just as the priest says to Fleabag.
And third, not a reference but a casting: August's step dad and lawyer is the same actor in Season 2 of Fleabag who was Claire's (Fleabag's sister's), love interest and was also called Clare!
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marksbear · 2 years
How about dom famous athlete reader who is dating Steven/moon system. But then he gets asked by a interviewer if he has any good luck rituals to which he says he does but won't say to break the magic. But it really is that he gets his pre game jitters out by fucking the system before every game and since the first time he fucked them it has worked every since and won't stop changing habits now. It's kinda short compared to my other ones sorry about that.-🐻‍❄️
Don't be sorry about that. I don't mind that it is short a request. I'm just glad that you're even requesting anything from me.
Warnings! Famous reader, sportive boyfriends, nosy reporters, detailed SMUT, flashback sex, blowjob, throat fucking/ skull fucking, A bit short but still good.
It was a post game interview with some of the star players in the league today including Y/n L/n, Lance Reid, and Matt Evans. The big three that most fans of the sport would call them.
Y/n was the one who stood out from the trio. He was currently undefeated this season. He carried his team to victory. Winning world records, MVP of the year and month back to back. Y/n L/n quickly became the face of the sport. Honestly if anyone disliked him they wouldn't be normal.
So everyone had the same two questions in their mind. "What is this kid doing before games?" And "How is he this lucky?"
Currently Y/n is listening to his teammate Lance rant about "Being healthy." And all that when suddenly he gets cut off by an interviewer interrupting him. "Excuse me! Y/n. I have a important question that the entire world is wondering.
Y/n gives his teammate a quick look to make sure hes okay before leaning closer to the mic. "Well what is it?" Y/n responds back with a slight groan imaging it is another question about his love life.
"Do you have any good luck rituals? Your career so far is outstanding like talent we haven't seen before in the game. So what do you do before a game?"
Flashbacks hits Y/n remembering all the times he fucks his boyfriends before a game.
Y/n snaps his hips back and forth and he bruises Steven's waist holding him still. Steven lets out loud moans as hes bent over on some random table in the empty lockeroom as Y/n fucks him like theres no tomorrow. "Y/---n!~ oh fuu... harder plea-se HaRder!~ ngh!~" The table is shaking from the two lovers. Y/n throws his head back fucking Steven at a faster and a rougher pace. Moans and wet skin slapping against each other can be heard throughout the lockeroom. "Gonna cum Steven! Fuck I'm bout to cum!" Y/n lets go of Steven's waist slamming his hands down on both sides on the table trapping Steven under him. "Cum inside me! Please give it to me! I-I have been a good boy!~" Steven begs dropping his head down on the table with a loud moan as he shoots his own load. "I'm cumming! ohHh god I'm cummin~!" Y/n shouts letting out a few moans cumming deep inside Steven. "Thanks for the good luck wish." Y/n says pulling out of Steven giving him a quick kiss before hurriedly cleaning himself and Steven up before heading out to the game.
Y/n snaps out of the flashback with a light laugh and sorry. "Uhm yeah I have a few things." Some of the "few things" he does are with one of his other boyfriends Marc.
Marc holds onto Y/n's thighs bobbing his head back and forth deepthroating Y/n's cock looking up into his eyes as he does it. Y/n moves his hands through Marc's hair giving it a few light tugs and pulls it from time to time. Marc gags and choke on Y/n's cock as Yn thrust into his mouth drool coating his chin and the taste of precum inside of his mouth. Sometimes it was hard for Marc to breathe but he couldn't care. He wanted to please Y/n by all means necessary. Letting Y/n throat fuck him as if he was just some whore on the street. Marc pulls away from Y/n's throbbing wet cock gasping for air. After he caught all his breath back he doesn't waste a second pushing his head down to the base of Y/n's cock sucking his cock and gagging onto it. "Marc!~ Marc I-i'm gonna cum! I'm about to cum!" Y/n warns pushing Marc head down even lower as he snaps his hips deep inside Marc's throat cumming deeply inside of his throat painting it white. Y/n pulls his cock out of Marc's mouth watching him swallow all the cum that was inside his mouth with no problem. "Fuck Marc... We gotta keep doing this."
"I would tell you all but~ It would only break the magic." Y/n answers in a teasing tone. "I mean it wouldn't work any more if I told you anything." Y/n answers a bit more properly.
"But I can tell you this much. The ritual isn't going anywhere soon."
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anniepb05 · 1 year
Part 4
"WHAT?" Crowley steps back. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? She won't listen to us!" He sighs and looks away. He thought Aziraphale had changed his mind about Heaven. Why is he so headstrong? Can't he see what they've done to the world, to humans, to HIM?
Oh, no. Crowley thinks he still has hope. Of course he thinks so, after all, that's the reason why he left him, right?
"Crowley, I know what Heaven has done to us, but I've discovered some things that-"
"What is it now? 'She's not that bad'?", Crowley interrupts him. He's obviously hurt and angry. He hates him, the angel is sure.
"It's not that, but-"
"She wants me DEAD. You heard the Metatron!"
"I heard him, but-"
"And you think we can talk to Her and She'll say 'Oh, you're right, sorry about that. I'll forget about my plans of destruction'? Really, Aziraphale, I thought that you-"
"CROWLEY, LISTEN TO ME!" The demon is shocked. Aziraphale never shouts. But it's not the moment of patience, they need to save the world. No, the universe. And if Aziraphale has to shout to be heard, he will. "She doesn't control Heaven. Heaven has NO idea of what She wants. Not since the War."
The demon takes a few seconds to process that information. "What do you mean? Heaven has been doing whatever they've wanted to do for...6000 years? But that's- That's INSANE. How-?"
"Listen, I don't know how. The only thing I know is that The Metatron has been controling Heaven. God hasn't spoken with anyone since the War."
Crowley sighs, visibly tired of all this Heaven and Hell shit. And, honestly, Aziraphale feels the same way. "Okay, let's suppose that's true. What, then? We can't talk to Her. You said it: she hasn't spoken to anyone."
"I know, but we have to try. As an Archangel, maybe she'll listen to me- to US." The demon stares at him in silence. Aziraphale wishes he could see his eyes, but his sunglasses won't let him see them. All he gets is his reflection. "Can you please say something to me?"
"Well, yeah. I mean- It's not like we have more options, so... Let's try it, talk to Her."
The angel nods and gulps anxiously. This has to work. It's their only chance. God has never answered their prayers, but this time has to be different. She must be aware of all that's happening, and She couldn't possibly ignore this...right?
I know this doesn't reach much people, but idc because the only options I've got are:
->Part 1
1. Going insane about go2 (actually doing it)
2. Getting into a madhouse
3. Write this
4. Sleep until season 3
5. Cry to my mom (already been there)
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