#okay guys calm down i know this is everyone's favorite look but we'll have to take turns
papa-evershed · 1 year
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Rob James-Collier | Spike Island
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herslvtspeaks · 9 months
Ice Brady | New Year New Us
Ice Brady x Female! Reader
it's been a long time coming 😩 i been waiting for this one hope yall enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it
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Usually you spent New Years with family, but considering you were now in college and nowhere near home you couldn't spend the holiday with them this year. Thus leading you to opt for the next best option spending New Years in your bestfriends dorm.
Overtime you and Ice became friends after learning you both shared the same major. You also were a big fan of hers before you transferred to Uconn the previous spring. Ice would be lying if she said she wasn't a fan of yours herself. Overtime the two of you just grew closer and closer.
You were currently sitting on the floor in the living area of their dorm sandwiched between Ice and Aaliyah. Everyone knew you had a little crush on Ice which is why you weren't surprised when suddenly Kk got cold and made you trade spots with her so she could sit on the couch leaving you next to Ice. You would have protested the swap if Ice didn't practically latch herself onto you and beg you to sit next to her. She was impossible to say no to.
You and the rest of the girls had been so excited to watch the countdown in time square all day leading to all of you cooped up in front of the tv sharing blankets and snacks as you stared intently at the tv. Sitting next to Ice left your stomach in a knot. You were burning up from the inside out and the girl wasn't even doing anything. At some point her head ended up on your shoulder, your breath caught in your throat at the action. You just hoped she didn't notice.
After a while you calmed down and started breathing again. "Hey i'm kinda thirsty" Paige says getting up from the couch. She digs around in the fridge for a second before closing it. "And there's nothing to drink" Ice raises her head from your shoulder. "I could've sworn we just went shopping" she says garnering a kick in the side from Azzi. "I think Y/n and Ice should walk across the street and get us something to drink" Kk suggests. You turn around giving her the meanest mug ever. "Yeah that's a good idea" Aaliyah says agreeing. You look around the room as if these people were mad. "You must be out of your rabid ass-" before you could finish your sentence Ice interrupted you. "We'll go" she says getting up.
You look at her like she's crazy before finally agreeing. "Only because i'm thirsty too" you grumble getting up. The two of you grab your coats, you reluctantly putting your shoes on. It was like 5 minutes until the countdown and you knew the two of you wouldn't make it back in time. "You guys owe us big time" you say before walking out the dorm.
"Wondering why they sent the two of us instead of going themselves" Ice says breaking the silence. "Maybe they hate me or something" you laugh shaking your head. "I doubt that, but if it makes you feel better, i like you more than them" Ice says making you laugh a little more. You both continued to crack jokes until you looked at your phone and realized it was 1 minute until the ball dropped. "I hate that we're missing it" she says looking at the expression on your face. "It's okay, i'm still with my favorite person so i don't mind" you say making her smile.
You both look at the clock on your phone watching as the seconds counted down to the new year. "Happy New Year" you both cheer. Before you had a chance to think she leans in placing a kiss against your lips. You didn't have time to comprehend what was happening but you knew you wanted to kiss her back, so you did. You wrap your arms around her neck pulling her closer as her arms found there way around your waist.
You pull away looking at her. "Whoa" was all you could manage to get out. "I've literally waited so long to do that" she says. "You kissed me" you nearly screamed. "And you kissed me back" she responds laughing. You look up at her not knowing what to say. She still had her arms around you, how close the two of you were was causing that feeling in your stomach to return.
You couldn't explain why you were freaking out. Maybe because this was your bestfriend, the first friend you made when you got to Uconn and yes though you had a crush on her you never expected her to return your feelings. "I've literally wanted to kiss you for the longest" she admits. "If i knew you liked me i would've let you kiss me sooner" you mumbled in disbelief. This felt like a fever dream. "Can we kiss again so i know it's real" you ask making her laugh. She places a quick kiss on your lips. "You're so pretty you know that" she must be trying to kill you. You look up at her fighting the urge to take a bite out of her right then and there. "I literally am gonna explode" you say aloud.
She let's go of your waist opting to hold your hand now. You were screaming internally the whole walk back to the dorm. How could you not have noticed she liked you? You realized this whole time you probably were just in denial.
When you made it back to the dorm the girls were not happy to see that you returned empty handed. They chose to ignore the giant smile adorning your face. "You guys make me sick" Azzi says causing the dorm to erupt in laughter. They all assumed what had occurred, it's not like they didn't plan it. They'd been plotting all day to find a way to get this to happpen. "Now i can stop listening to the two of you talk about how much you like the other" Kk rolls her eyes. You look at ice who had yet to let go of your hand. You probably seen her smile more today than in the whole time you've known her.
The rest of the night you and Ice were stuck like glue. When it was time to go to sleep the girls thought they were going to have to surgically remove you from each other. Let's just say this was the best New Year's you'd ever had.
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Reblogs and notes greatly appreciated 🩷
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raphael-angele · 7 months
If Hades raised Bianca and Nico and took them to camp later-er
Bianca's Hair
Bianca's hair means a lot to her.
She's often told by everyone that she looks like her mother. And whenever Nico misses their Mama, he would go to Bianca and seek comfort because she reminded him of her because Nico was too young to remember what she looked like.
Bianca has vivid memories of their mother brushing her hair and styling it. Which is why Bianca's very protective of her hair; it's the last thing her mother had done for her and it was her favorite memory of her. It reminded her of something that was only between the two of them.
She used to decline Persephone whenever she offered to help her with her hair. As much as she loved and adored her, it wasn't the same as her mother.
Bianca froze at the sound of the snip of scissors
"There! Fixed!" The girl behind her, Chloe, exclaimed, unaware of what she had just done.
Bianca was having trouble detangling her hair again and it was worse than most. After failing, she gave up and asked one of her co-hunters to help her out.
Bianca turned around and looked at the girl and saw how much of her hair she had cut off. She looked at the chunk of hair then back at Chloe.
"Hey, I'm ba-" Thalia came in and locked eyes with them. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" She exclaimed.
"W-well her hair was really messy again so I helped her out" Chloe explained. "So you cut it off?! Did you even bother asking her if she was okay with it?!" Thalia yelled, marching towards them.
"She asked for my help"
"I asked you to help me detangle my hair. When I said to do whatever it took, I meant to pull really hard!" Bianca cried. She felt a somewhat familiar feeling in her stomach as she looked at the section of where Chloe cut. From the waist (almost hip) length she had, it had been cut to only reach midtorso. She wanted to scream and shout.
"You always had trouble fixing it, so, I thought that maybe I could help you out. I mean, even during quests, your hair always gets in the way"
Both Thalia and Bianca looked at her. "Excuse me?" She said it like she was being polite but you could hear how much she heard what the girl said and took offense.
"Your hair is always a mess, it's too long, it makes you look like you have a mop on your head and you always braid it wrong." Chloe listed.
"Chloe! What the hell?!" Thalia shouted. "I only did what was for the better. Bianca, trust me, this is for the best" Chloe said.
Bianca didn't know what came over her as she stormed out of the cabin. The moment she bursted the doors open, she saw black thorny vines creeping onto the cabin. They wrapped around the pillars, crept towards the entrance, climbed up the walls; they were everywhere. The violet veins that crept inside the vines and roots glowed. She stepped back at the sight of it.
Then she heard Thalia and Chloe coming up behind her and seeing what she did.
Thalia stared before grabbing Bianca's wrist and dragging her to the Aphrodite Cabin.
"Wait, Thal-" the older pushed the door open and bursted into the room, shocking the residents. "Any of you guys know how to fix this?" She points to Bianca. Still stunned (both by the door and Thalia's audacity), they just stared. Then Silena stood up and walked over to them.
"What happened?" She asked. "Something happened with one of the co-hunters and now her hair is ruined" Thalia explained. Bianca narrowed her eyes at her. It wasn't that simple.
Silena raised a hand to touch her hair but Bianca flinched away. The daughter of Aphrodite tried again and when Bianca didn't flinch away, she ran her fingers on her hair and examined it.
"That was a lot of hair." She remarked. Bianca blushed abd looked away. "I guess we can fix it. I'm guessing you want it to be as long as possible?" Silena smiled. "Yes, please!" The younger replied almost immediately.
"We'll see what we can do"
Thalia groaned. "Good. Now once you're done, you can clean up the mess you made of the cabin. For now, just calm down and trust them. I'll deal with Chloe"
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Jealous Hobie 2
Now we all know Hobie is the jealous type, he's not afraid to admit. He is always jealous when Miles is around anyone he sees as competition. Of course, his cute Sunflower had to calm him down a bit, so slowly Hobie learns to not get as jealous as he use to. However, Hobie does get jealous with one particular person and it's one of his least favorite person to be around with...
Everyone gathered in Miguel's meeting room/office to get ready for a mission. The best of the best goes to extreme ones. Miguel stood explaining the mission for today.
Gwen: Ugh, I hope this will be quick!
Miles nodded as he eats his pastry filled with Guava jam: Mmhhmm, I got a lot of homework to catch up.
Pav: For real, exams are a bitch!
Hobie slouches on his boyfriend: Luv, you can always drop out and live with me? -he opens his mouth expecting to get a bite out of his boyfriend's pastry-
Miles giggles: No, I want to go to college, bae. -he put his pasty in front of his boyfriend's mouth, and Hobie took a bite- Good?
Hobie: Delicious.
Pav: You two are so cute! I try to do that with Gayatri but she always eats the whole thing.
Miguel shouted: Morales!
The small group look over seeing Miguel standing on the platform. Miles stare at Miguel: Hm?
Miguel: Your with me! Come on, let's go.
Miles' eyes widen: For real! Ah, sweet! -Miles finished his pastry, putting on his mask as he about to go until Hobie's arm stops him from movie-
Hobie calls out at Miguel: Just you and Miles, eh?
Miguel: This is a level 8 mission, Brown. Miles got invisibility and will be a great help. We'll be done faster with just me and him.
Miles turns to Hobie: It's okay, bae. I got this. See you at lunch! -Miles gave him a quick peck on the cheek before going over to Miguel. The two had a few words exchanged then chuckles and Hobie did not like that at all-
Now, before Hobie didn't have to worry about Miguel. because in the beginning the large arse avoided Miles out of shame or pride. Over time, Miguel started to talk to Miles or say a few words to have that professional comfort between the two. That's where Hobie didn't like that. His jealousy had dark thoughts of his Sunflower and Miguel having a secret affair, after all Miguel is a handsome fellow and old. Very old man. The group are in their late teenage age around 18 or 19 depending who you ask. Now, he shouldn't be thinking of those things, Miles had been faithful to him from the beginning, but he couldn't help it.
Later, Hobie sat in lunch with his arms crossed and his leg shaking waiting for Miles. The group had done their own missions being excited to eat.
Pav: Finally some food -he ordered a burger with fries-
Gwen: For real -she order pizza-
Hobie said nothing still waiting for Miles.
Gwen: Dude, you gotta stop acting like dis. You're getting a bit possessive. So what he's on a mission with Miguel?
Pav chews: Yeah, It's not like they doing it in some weird universe and Miles is legal- -Hobie crush his milk carton getting mad-
Gwen roughly nudge Pav: Pav! -she turns to Hobie- He just meant it's weird. The whole thing is weird. Miguel is an old guy- he's the same ages of all our dads. So Miles would be getting with his dad- which is gross! Ew, no way! He loves you, Hobie!
Hobie merely grunts: I know. I can't help it, Gwendy.
Pav: Oh look, there's Miles!
Hobie quickly turns to find Miles bringing a smile on his face then his face feel when he saw Miguel behind him. The older Spiderman merely said something that made his boyfriend smile, then he patted Miles' back before going to get lunch. Miles happily walks over to his friends' table: Didja see that? Miguel thank me! -being happy he's getting noticed by Miguel. It felt like a dream come true.-
Pav: ye-yeah we saw. -him and Gwen saw Hobie merely staring-
Gwen: So what happen?
Miles: Well, we fought this anomaly and it was somewhere very cold. I had to warm Miguel up with my fast thinking...
Pav: By warming up... do you mean hugging?
Miles: Well, i did absorb some energy and be a heater. -he turns to Hobie- Nothing sexual happen. I know that look. I had too. We were in the cold and the anomaly had ice powers!
Hobie said nothing: It's just weird he just pick you, alright.
Miles hugs his boyfriend: We won. That's it. Nothing happen. Besides, Miguel thought I'm being a great Spiderman!
Hobie: And I always tell you how amazing you are. Doesn't my words matter, Sunflower? -almost sounding hurt-
Miles: Hobie, I never once deny you-
Hobie: But if Miguel said it, it must matter-
Miles pouts: I hate when you get like this, you know. -at first his jealousy was cute but now, it's just getting on his nerves- I just admire Miguel for his leadership the same way i admire Peter. I want to get noticed- I am Spiderman! Hell, remember a few years back they all thought I was nothing!
Hobie: And who do you think had your back, huh?
Gwen and Pav eat quietly as they watch their friends arguing. They know they're not in place to say anything.
Miles: Hobie, I'm always grateful for you! I-
Miguel's voice ring their ears: Morales. -Miles turns to their leader, seeing Miguel placed a container of take out on his hands- Great job, today. Here, they had the last batch of Azzor con Pollo y empanadas.
Hobie scowls, and Miles answered: Ah, thank you, sir!
Miguel rolled his eyes at Hobie: I will be expecting that report at the end of the week. Good luck with you mid terms.
Miles: Will do, tio!
Hobie blinks at Miles words. Miguel ignores the glares from Hobie before leaving to eat his own lunch in piece. Hobie: Tio? Since when you two are-
Miles scowls: Don't start. It's to show respect! Hobie, if you're gonna keep acting like this then I'm leaving.
Hobie: Whoa! Whoa, because i'm asking a simple question
Miles: No, you're jealous! You always get so Ugh when it's Miguel.
Hobie: Because he keeps doing weird shit
Miles: He's just being a leader and trying to fix his wrongs!
Hobie: Like every controlling arse does! Now, your here giggling and smiling when you see him
Miles: Oh and I don't smile at you? Or at Gwen or Pav? Or should I just stop smiling all together? Only for you, I just smile?
Hobie crosses his arm with a smirk on his face: Yeah! I like the sound of that!
Miles scoffs: You know what! I'm going to go home and study. I don't need this right now. You can come to me when you are ready to apologize. -He frowns almost wanting to cry- This hurts me, Hobie. You may blame on Miguel for some weird thoughts in your head, but you're also blaming me too. And I've been nothing but a damn good boyfriend to you. -he sniffs wiping his cheeks- bye!
Hobie was about to follow him feeling upset, but didn't: Fucking L, man! -he kicks his chair in anger-
Pav whistled: Dude, you fucked up
Gwen nodded: I'll meet Miles later and see how he's doing! But you should apologize.
Hobie: Is it just me that assume things?
The two: Yeah...
Hobie: Really?
Gwen: Miguel is a grown ass man, who is mourning the death of his daughter? You think he got time to hunt down a little boy like Miles?
Pav: And technically speaking we're teenagers. Miguel's daughter would've been a teenager by now so it's like he would be getting on with his kid. Pretty fucked up, weird and nasty!
Gwen: And Miguel is in a relationship with Peter and MJ.
Hobie eyes widen: What?
Pav: Shhh, no one supposed to know.
Gwen whispers to Hobie: Miguel is with Peter and MJ. They are in a polyamorous relationship
Hobie: You two could've told me this -he groans having to rub his face from frustration-
Pav: We thought you knew. Miles did... well me and Miles found out first.
Gwen: MJ always sent roses to Peter and Miguel on Valentine's Day too. Same with Peter giving Miguel box of chocolates.
Hobie groans having to bury his head in his arms: I fucked up!
Pav: It's that jealousy dude. It's only cute when its small stuff, but this was a big mess.
Gwen: Honestly even if Miguel wasn't in a relationship. You should learn to control that damn anger . It's not fair to Miles, he always been by your side through the good and bad. And this was a big moment for him and you just shat on it.
Pav: Real fucking wanker, mate
Hobie sighs: I deserve that! I'll go make up it up to him! -he got up already having an idea to apologize his boyfriend-
Later in 1610, it's late at night and Miles is busy studying for his mid-term. He heard a slight knock by his window knowing it's his boyfriend.
Miles grunts: What is it Hobie? Are you gonna claim that I'm sleeping with someone else -he didn't turn around-
Hobie: Ouch, i deserve that, luv. I came here to apologize...
Miles didn't turn around: Oh? -Hobie always did apologize but this time it has to be more than sorry-
Hobie pouts: Turn around, darling. Don't be like that. I've been a massive arse!
Miles giggles, good its working: Yes, you have. -He turns around to be surprised by Hodie holding a bouquet of Sunflowers, and new sketchbook with a big case of Copics- Hobie... did you steal this?
Hobie: You know me, luv. Don't worry they were from big corporations. I would never steal from small businesses, you know that -he handed them to his lover- I'm... I'm sorry. I mean it, I'm really really sorry.
Miles holds his gift being happy than his heart flutter hearing Hobie's apology: You are? -Hobie picks up his partner having to sit on the edge of Miles' bed, he wanted to show how much he loves him-
Hobie nodded: I am. I never meant to hurt you. I was so upset that Miguel would try to take you away from me. You always made me feel like I could be a better version of myself... or happier. -He hugs Miles tightly- I'm so sorry, can you forgive me? I promise I will be better. I won't get as jealous as before.
Miles listens: You know, I love you, right. Nothing will change that. -his hand caress Hobie's cheek- Right?
Hobie: Right.
Miles: And you know I love you and your flaws, right?
Hobie: Right.
Miles: I'me saying this because I really love you, Hobie. No one can change that. You're my boyfriend, mi alma!
Hobie: I know, and I should've just be better
Miles: I do like it when you get jealous, but not crazy jealous like today. Little jealous like when a random guy comes and you hug me or protect me. I like that. -he admits- I just want your to calm it down a bit and trust me.
Hobie: I will. I, Hobart Brown promise I won't get crazy Jealous. -he raised his hand up making that promise-
Miles: Your forgiven, baby -he kisses Hobie on the lips- And I mention Miguel to have you and him on missions together.
Hobie scowls a bit. Miles: Ah, don't do that. It's only fair.
Hobie: Fine.
Miles: And Gwen told me you found out about him with Peter and MJ, huh?
Hobie: Yeah, that's crazy, huh?
Miles: I know right. I thought Pav told you since he never keeps his mouth shut.
Hobie: No, he didn't. I'm surprised he kept quiet.
Miles: Maybe it's because we saw Miguel's tramp stamp of Peter's Spiderman symbol. -he laughs at his boyfriend's reaction-
Hobie: No way! Your pulling my leg, luv?
Miles: I'm being for real! -the two laugh being okay with everything-
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unluckyhoneybee · 1 year
Can i request for dad!Trevor Zegras or dad!Jack Hughes please. Where their 1 son years old is sick and like he cry everynight which make y/n so stress and he’s there to comfort y/n please. Thank u
Note: you may ask, why the name? It just made sense with Trevor
Trevor walked in the house and frowned when he heard his last favorite sound in the world.
"Is he not feeling better?" Jamie asked behind him.
"He doesn't have fever anymore, but the poor guy has that horrible cough"
Jamie sighed. "Just knock if you guys need anything" He said with a sympathetic smile.
"Thanks man"
Trevor walked to your bedroom and opened the door. You turned around and his world fell in pieces. You were pacing around with Buddy on your arms. He wasn't the only one crying.
"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" He closed behind him and walked to you, engulfing you and Buddy on his arms.
"I-I don't know what else to do. He cant sleep. He gets cough fits everytime I lay him down. He is really tired and... I don't know... I..."
"Okay, we all need to calm down. Can I?" He said pointing at the boy.
He was your son and you loved him for life, but you were so overwhelmed.
"Hey, Buddy. It's dad." Trevor said. "I'm back from the game."
The kid, that had the same mischievous look on his eyes, stopped to look at him for longs seconds. But soon he started crying again.
"Poor Jamie won't be able to sleep and..."
"YN. Babe. Jimmy is fine. I promise."
Buddy grabbed Trevor's clothes and he hugged him close.
You were sitting in the bed watching him walk around with the boy still crying on his chest.
"Do you think I'm not a good mum?"
Trevor stopped moving and looked at you. He walked in your direction and cupped your face with one hand while he kept Buddy on his hip with the other arm.
"YN. You are a great mum. Buddy loves you so much. This is not your fault, he just got a cold. Everyone does. You are doing so good and I love you so much."
Some people didn't believe you when you talked about Trevor's maturity around fatherhood.
He stepped closer and you laid your head on his belly.
"It's fine. We will be fine. I promise. This will pass." He said while caressing your back.
Trevor knew he had to calm you down first if he wanted Buddy to be calmer. And that's what he did. He held you and sang softly the song that was randomly playing on his mind until miracously, Buddy and you stopped crying.
He cupped your face and leaned down to kiss your lips softly. "I love you"
"I love you too" You whispered with tears in your eyes.
"Let's feed him and then we'll try to sleep, yeah?"
You nodded.
Twenty minutes later, the three of you laid in bed. Buddy was between you two, who were worriedly looking at him. He wouldn't stop coughing.
"I have an idea"
You frowned and watched Trevor set almost all your pillows against the headboard. Then, he laid against them and picked Buddy. "You are sleeping on Dad today."
Buddy got comfortable on Trevor chest and somehow, the new posture was the solution for the cough. "He coughs more when he is laying than when he is upright"
"You can't sleep like that. Your back and neck..."
"I'll wake you up and we will switch if it starts hurting. You lay here now and sleep for a bit"
You bit your lip and laid next to him, cuddled against his side on the pillow nest he had built. He smiled to himself and wrapped his arm around you. You touched Buddy's hair and played with the golden strands.
"Do you remember when you asked me if you would be a good dad?"
He chuckled lowly. "I was a terrified kid then"
Trevor had needed so much reassurance from you during the pregnancy. He was always worried of doing it something wrong, of not being good enough because of his job. How wrong he was.
"You are a great dad. The best."
"I have you by my side. You make it easy."
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Heethan reaction to y/n using his last name 😋
omg he would love it! he'd be soooooo tickled. i can imagine it going down this way.
you and the group decided to all link up together to try out a very popular restaruant. To avoid confusion and any mishaps, Mel makes the reservations for everyone attending. You get with Mel one on one and tell her something.....to which she smiles with a pleasing grin and says...
"that's cute....yeah...dont worry, i got you boo."
On the day of the meet up, you and Heeseung join hands, as always, and go towards the front desk where the hostess is aiding and seating a line of customers.
Standing at the end of the line, Heeseung in his usual fashion, stands behind you and wraps his arms around you. Normally he opts to hold you around your waist, though sometimes he'll switch it up a bit and loop them over your shoulders and cradle your backside against his chest while he rests his head on top of yours. he loves this position because when you reach up and grab hold of his forearms and tuck your chin into them as they link in a cross cross manner in front of your chest, he loves the feeling of you doing so.
Finally, when its your guys turn to get seated, the hostess asks for the name, you respond with "Y/N Lee."
Suddenly you feel his arms snap you to his body....it was harsh but you could tell it was just out of an instinctive reaction as he was so shocked.
"okay, right this way please." the hostess says as she guides you to your seating.
Once you both get to the area, everyone is already there seated and asking you what you guys want for drinks. Heeseung cuts in and says...
"Just get y/n (your favorite drink here) and get me a beer and water. We'll be right back ..."
He'll take you by the arm....kind of roughly, but again, hes not mad...you can tell.
He quickly, literally is dragging you outside the restaruant and as soon as he gets you out, he continues to drag you all the way to his car, where he pins you up against the door and presses his body up against yours....really tightly...to the point where you nearly find it a bit harder to breath because his chest is plastered onto yours, pushing your back up against the car tightly. he'll cup your cheeks and say.....
"look at me....."
once you look into his eyes, the shadow of his cap is lifted as he tilts his hat back just slightly, all so you can see his eyes.
"What is your name?...." he'll ask calmly while looking at you in a somewhat stern but calm....very sexy look in his eye. a very poised and composed expression, he ain't even biting his lip or gritting his teeth...none of that.
"......y/n....." you gently respond.
"No...your....name....let me hear you say it...."
his eyes will grow wide and he'll literally just stare at....literally....nothing but a....
and then he'll pull you in for a tight...a really tight...almost painful hug.
"......never leave me....y/n....."
"I wont...i'd never......"
"Good......because i'll find you.....you're mine....you'll always be mine......you're my girl....my wife.....MINE."
noting that he is having a moment due to the overwhelming happiness he's feeling, you return the embrace and kiss his cheek.
"I'll never leave i promise."
"I know......."
and with that, he'll kiss you sooooooooo damn deep and passionately, your throat is going to be sore. you guys carry out with dinner, but all throughout the night he was extra clingy and had his hand on your thigh the entire time. He orders a milkshake (your favorite flavor) and gets two straws and shares it with you while always staring into your eyes.
When you guys finally get home....he lets you go in first, as soon as you reached the center of the room, you turn back as you hear the door shut and he, while maintaining firm eye contact with you, tosses his keys to the side and just literally rams through you, pushing you to walk backwards and gets you to fall on the bed with him on top.
kissing you deeply, taking your breath away, you finally gasp for air when he decides to break it. Looking at you while he delicately cups your cheek, stroking his thumb along your lips, he'll say...
".....who is going to save you from me......now that you're my wife?...everyone knows, how WE Lee's,......do things.....we Lee-boys like it rough.....and we like to breed our women."
> : )
oh what a night....
-the end : D
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seldomscilence16 · 11 months
Whumptober day 30:
"It's okay just to say 'I'm not okay'."
Borrowed Clothing | Bridal Carry | "Not much Longer…."
Fandom: Bat Family
Prompts used: All
Ive been reading dpxdc but am not confident yet, so heres some OOC Bats, based mostly on Wayne Family Adventures, tried angsting some new people for once! I have only read Duke in WFA so hes probably the most OOC forgive me. But let me know, Id love to hear from ya'll on any of my posts :)
TW for blood and injuries, near death experiences
"I am never letting you talk me into this again."
Tim glares at the far wall, hanging by his feet, arms tied to his chest. He's in civvies, and his brothers WILL owe him a new outfit after this.
"Oh come on, you were the perfect bait!" Jason's voice comes through the comm, barely holding back his snickers.
"Hush Little-Wing. I'll take you to your favorite coffee place- at a reasonable time- to make up for it BabyBird." Dicks voice is far more sympathetic and even tinged with the anxiety that comes with seeing his brothers in harm's way.
"Then Jay owes me a new outfit." He murmurs a tad petulantly.
"TT, I still think we should have snuck in instead of this, convoluted, plan."
"That would have been fine if we had known where they were located, hence this plan." Duke yawns as he finishes his sentence, pulling a double shift for this case.
"Next time, someone else can be the hostage." Tim grumbles as a headache grows with all the blood rushing to it.
"Whatever you say Timmy." Jason placates mockingly.
"Is anyone else concerned about how long they've left Red Robin alone?" Barbara's exasperated voice comes through the comms, bringing everyone back.
"The lack of blood in my legs should definitely be considered." Tim comments, swinging slightly to try and look around.
"Well, it looks like everyone is-"
"Leaving the building!" Duke cuts Dick off, Jason curses,
"Looks like we got some rats to catch!" He calls, leaping from his hiding spot before the others could react.
"Hang in there Tim, we'll be back!"
"I regret my existence."
"TT is that all?" Damian is a millisecond behind Jason, Dick and Duke give each other an eye roll of comradery, before they are following.
They put up a fight. Seemingly desperate to escape- though it's not super odd- they seem more scared of not being able to leave than of the Bats themselves.
"Not much longer…" The anxious mutter comes from the goon closest to Signal.
He’s quick to pin him, nerves flying in his gut, telling him that they were missing something important.
“Until what?” He pulls his best Batman voice, tired gravel helping him hopefully.
Pinned against the building, Signal doesn’t really need an answer from the goon, the light gives him a glimpse of exactly what he needs to know, but the answer comes anyway,
“Guys, we’ve got a situation! I’m going in for T- the hostage!” Duke catches himself throwing the guy to the nearest Bat, “Find the bomb!” He dashes into the building.
“A bomb?” Tims voice groans, “I am owed several coffees, thank you.”
“Maybe focus on not blowing up first?” Duke's voice is strained, not yet so nonchalant with these types of threats.
“The goons are ready for transport, we’re headed to the device, just stay calm Duke.” Dicks voice is level, and Duke takes a breath to match it.
Tim is partway untied, having been working on it since he’d been hooked, his face is flushed but he gives a lopsided grin- likely to comfort Duke.
“Signal, my man, come to hang out?”
“Har har, let's get you down.”
He steadies him as his feet touch the ground, head spinning and body reorienting, they haven’t even taken a step yet when the whole building shakes, rickety floors and creaky walls groaning with the effort.
“Uh, guys?” Duke cautions, worry skyrocketing again.
“Time to move!”
Duke doesn't need to be told twice, he scoops Tim into his arms with a grunt and finds himself sprinting once more.
“Blushing bride was not on my list.” He mumbles, hand holding his head as the other tires to keep him stable.
“Don't worry, sure it doesn't count when the blood had no other option.”
“You’d be surprised.”
The floor is crumbling as another tremor wracks the old bones of the place. He makes the decision to find the nearest window, taking the Bat route out, and sending a prayer to whoever listened that they all made it out.
“You’re ok… ‘s good…” Blood is a second skin, Jason's jacket torn to shreds as glass and wood alike protrude from his body.
“Todd.. you're…” Damian looks up at the unhooded vigilante, minor damage to himself as he see the crushing weight his brother keeps off him.
“Relax kid… Won't die frem the same ting twice.”
“Jay! Damian!” Dick coughs, the bloody hero shoving at the beams across Jays back until the two can get free. “Are you guys okay?”
“S’fine, lets get baby brat outta here.” The slur comes and goes from his tone, whether from a given effort or otherwise they can't tell. Shifting nearby has them tensing, before a light shines at them,
“Oh thank the Gods.” Duke is dusty but unharmed, moving debris ever so carefully to give them a path out.
“M’place s’closest.” Jason murmurs, leaning heavily on Damian who hadnt moved from his side.
“I can not carry you Todd, stay awake.” The youngest mutters despite his stance.
“It's okay just to say ‘I’m not okay’.” Duke interrupts quickly, taking the lead as Dick takes the rear.
“...could be better.” He concedes.
“You are not this much bigger than me. How?” Tim swims in the borrowed shirt and sweats, as does Damian, but neither seems keen to take them off either as they plop onto Jason's couch.
In the kitchen, Duke, Jason and Dick patch each other up carefully, channeling Alfred as best they can until they decide the trip is worth it. Jason grits his teeth as another stitch pierces his skin, Dick muttering a thousand quiet apologies in several languages. Duke keeps his eyes on his own job, if for nothing else than to keep from cringing and hurting Dick.
“We’re bringing the girls next time. This never happens when they're around.” Tim grumbles, ice pack on his face.
“I beg to differ.” Dick mutters.
“Is night shift always like this?” Duke ties off his last bandage and goes about cleaning up.
“Meh.” He gets several, so so hand gestures and a tutt and groans to himself.
“We’re alive, goons apprehended, I'm calling it a win.”
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gracethyomen · 9 months
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"Loose Tongue"
Hello again. It's me. The prophet. Welcome back to two idiots dancing around each other. We're getting into some violence so watch out. This bit is mostly Matt's point of view. I'm not a man and I'm not blind so I'm doing my best here, but please bear with me. Also, my favorite canon character in this series has finally arrived. Mommy Claire, I love you.
Warnings: Emotional instability, violence, mention of violence, catholicism, mentions of blood and injuries. Matt being a major simp. Injuries, blood, sewing wounds, wound care, medical procedures, Matt being a little obsessed with Natalie.
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"Daddy!" A small voice, a little boy's voice. Punches being thrown, the squeal of tires around a corner. A knife in his side.
The smell of a garbage dumpster, the numbness spreading from his legs up...
He woke with a sharp gasp, arms flailing at the hands holding him down.
"Hey, it's okay." A voice told him, soft, female. She was calm, she's done this before. She smelled like latex and antiseptic. There were dirty scrubs in the next room. She's had medical experience, a nurse if he had to guess. "We have to get you to a hospital."
"No." He repeated, trying and failing to sit up. He was lying on a hardwood floor, no, a rug between him and the wood. He was probably bleeding all over it at this rate. "They'll kill everyone."
"Who?" She asked, leaning over him to try and keep him from moving.
"They'll kill everyone in the hospital to get to me." A sigh but she put the phone away, sitting back on her heels. "Where am I?"
"You're in my apartment."
"Who are you?"
"I'm the lucky girl who pulled you out of the garbage." She said snidely and confirmed when he asked if she'd seen his face. "Your outfit kind of sucks, by the way." She moved back to grab something.
"Yeah, It's a work in progress." He said, trying to sit up again.
He was stopped by a firm hand on his chest. "Okay, I really wouldn't try to move too much." She scolded, "You've got two or three broken ribs, probably concussion, some kind of puncture wound and that's just the stuff I know about." He felt her pull his eyelid up slightly followed by the near-imperceptible warmth of a light on his face. "And your eyes, they're unresponsive to light, which isn't freaking you the hell out, so either you're blind or in way worse shape than I thought."
"Do I have to pick?" He tried to joke but was cut off by a cough. Damn, his chest hurt.
"You mind telling me how a blind man in a mask ends up beaten half to death in my dumpster?" She asked, poking at the wound in his side.
"The less you know about me the better." He insisted around a groan of pain, stiffening a little on the floor.
"Knife wound?" She asked, shining her light on it to get a better look. He nodded in confirmation as she tended to it, trying not to move too much while she worked. "I think I got the bleeding stopped, but I can't tell how bad it is internally without a series of x-rays, so-"
"No hospitals." He reiterated.
The woman sighed. "This is my night off. I'm really not looking for some guy to die on my couch." She sighed. "You got a name?" Silence. "Yeah, I didn't think so. All right, I'll call you Mike." when he raised a brow she forced a laugh. "Guy I used to date. He liked keeping secrets too."
"Thank you..." He waited and she murmured her name. "Claire."
"Rest." She tapped his chest gently and stood. "We'll figure out the other stuff after." He didn't bother to nod in agreement. Not as the darkness started to take him.
He woke to the feeling of sharp tugging on his side.
"You opened some of your stitches in your sleep. You tried fighting me."
"I'm sorry." He murmured, stopping his pained shifting to let her work."
"I didn't take it personally." She reassured distractedly, focusing on the stitches. "Who's Natalie?" Claire whispered, not looking up from where she was stitching him back together. Matt immediately had to fight the urge to tense up, feeling his mouth go dry with nerves. 
He coughed a little, scrubbing a hand over his face. "What do you mean?" He murmured, thoughts going to the scent of jasmine flower and ginger. The smell of her shampoo that always clung to her hair. The feel of her skin under his fingertips when goosebumps raised at his touch. He stomped that train of thought, closing his eyes to try and clear them.
"You were calling out in your sleep," Claire replied, still focused on her task, but undeniably curious. "You woke up a little and asked for Nat, too."
"She's..." He sighed, at a loss. "It doesn't matter." Lie. That was a lie. Of course, she mattered. She always mattered. She mattered the most. But he never let that train of thought get too far along. Even if his heart turned a little at his own words. 
"I see," Claire said coyly, smirking faintly. "So she's the girl." He heard her giggle a little, tugging a little too hard on the stitches, making him wince. "Let me guess," She continued. "Tall... dark hair... pretty blue bell eyes..." 
"Hazel eyes." He blurted without thinking, fighting the urge to kick himself. Instead, he let out a shaky breath, fidgeting with the blanket draped across him. "Her eyes are hazel." 
"So you're a psychic now." Claire joked. "Fascinating. But I was right about the rest?" 
Matt shook his head. Unsure of why he continued talking. "Her friend told me. I wanted to..." He swallowed. "I wanted to buy her a scarf. For her birthday. I didn't know what color." He fought a smile at the memory of asking one of the shop attendants which colors would go best with what Foggy had described her as. "She's short." He said flatly. "Her hair's not dark either." 
"And what is it?" Claire snickered, and he felt her tie off his stitches before wiping away the excess blood. 
His lips quirked in the beginnings of a smile, eyes turning fond as he answered. "Strawberry blonde. Too dark to be true blonde but not quite fully red either." He admitted. He didn't want to tell her that he'd pictured Natalie in his mind many times. Trying to arrange features he thought would fit her voice... Her movements... Her. Just her. Vague guiding touches and friendly descriptions only gave a few pieces to put together.
"Does she know..." Claire paused. "About your-" She broke off. "Hobbies?" He laughed lightly at the word, groaning as it pulled at his fresh stitches. 
"No." He said firmly. "No, she doesn't know." He sat for a moment, trying to close his mouth to no avail. The tiredness and the pain made him weak. "I'll make sure she gets home. Stay on the roof of her building until I hear her keys in the lock." He confessed, remembering many nights atop the bricks of her apartment building, waiting to hear her distinctive footsteps on the stairs. "There's a bistro right across the street, Marquette's, the owners know her by name, I bring her leftovers when she forgets to stop for dinner the night before."
"So..." Claire interjected, hands clearing away the mess of her makeshift E.R, tidying the space. "What's the deal? Relationship? Situationship? Burning passion?"
Matt tilted his head back against the sofa, reminding himself why he kept his distance in the first place. Engraving those reasons into his mind. 
"It..." He shook his head. "Nothing would ever work between us." A sigh blew out from between his lips, only to be cut short by a quiet realization.
Claire noticed his change in demeanor and carefully sat back, brows furrowed. "Mike?"
"Someone's coming." Matt whispered. "There's someone in the building, a man, going from door to door."
"How do you know that?" Claire asked incredulously.
"Ssh." He hissed, sitting up with a soft groan. "He's on the third floor already. Smells like Prima cigarettes and discount cologne."
"You can smell a man on the third floor?"
"He really likes that cologne." He said by way of explanation. "You'll smell him soon enough." He paused, smiling softly. "You're looking at me like I'm crazy, right? Seems the appropriate response. There are some things I haven't told you about me, Claire."
She snorted shakily. "You haven't told me anything about you." She crossed her arms, the squeak of her gloves on the skin of her elbows hitting his ears. "All I know is you're very good at taking a beating."
"That part I got from my dad." He nodded his head thoughtfully. He tilted his head, then indicated the knife set on the counter behind Claire. "This all you got?"
Claire sighed but grabbed one of the bigger ones, studying it. "Yeah, it's for vegetables, not a knife fight."
He carefully lifted it from her hands and started limping towards the door, snatching his mask from the sofa. "He's at your neighbor's door."
Claire sprung into action, "You kidding me! Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!" She stepped in front of him, blocking his way. "You can barely stand up right now."
"That's what the knife is for." He reasoned.
"Wait!" She pushed at his chest gently, trying to put distance between him and the door. "Don't do this. Not in my home. Okay, nobody has to get hurt. Just stand over there on the side and be quiet. I'll get rid of him." Matt pressed his lips together, but nodded in agreement, slipping behind where the door would open.
He listened carefully as she lied to the dirty officer, putting herself in the line of fire for him in a way similar to how Natalie often did. Unbidden, he found his thoughts wandering back to her. Fuck, Claire reminded him so much of her. A little more free, a little more quick to speak, but cut from the same cloth nonetheless.
"See?" Claire sighed, closing the door loudly behind her. "No reason to get all stabby." She wrinkled her nose as she walked past him. "Boy, were you right about that cologne."
"He didn't believe you," Matt growled, slipping his mask on and entering the hallway, snagging a fire extinguisher from the wall and walking to the banister, dangling it over the edge.
"Mike!" Claire whisper-shouted. "What are you doing?"
He held up his free hand to stop her, listening carefully to the heavy footsteps on the stairs before letting the extinguisher go, colliding with Foster's head and knocking him unconscious.
"Shit!" Claire gasped, "What do we do now?" She groaned, gripping her head with both hands.
"There's someone else," He tilted his head towards the floor up from them. "One floor up, watching us. He's young. He's scared."
"Santino?" Claire peeked up around the banister at the teenager, swearing under her breath. "He's the one who found you in the alley."
"He's seen my face too?"
"Claire." Matt said gently, "Go upstairs and get him. We're gonna need help carrying Detective Foster to the roof."
"This is way past what I signed up for." Claire sighed, pacing back and forth on the rooftop and intermittently glancing at the tied-up man near the edge.
"What exactly did you think that was?" Matt shook his head, hands on his hips.
"Do you really want to get into this in front of him?" Claire snapped back, pulling on her makeshift mask.
"He's out."
"He could be faking?"
Matt tilted his head towards the detective, counting the space between his heartbeats. "No. He's not."
"Okay, that's what I'm talking about." Claire pointed at him accusingly. "Okay, I find a guy in a dumpster who turns out to be some kind of blind vigilante who can do all of this really weird shit like smell cologne through walls and sense whether someone's unconscious or faking it." She flapped her hands around as she talked, finally letting some of that pent-up stress get out. "Slap on top of that, he can take an unbelievable amount of punishment without one damn complaint!"
"That last part's the Catholicism." He listened carefully. "He's awake now. Stay back and don't do anything unless I tell you to." He instructed, "Please. It's safer that way." He turned away from her to stalk towards their prisoner, dropping his shoulders and readying his fists.
"Here's how this is going to work." He started, voice low and dangerous. "I'm gonna ask you some questions. You're gonna answer them. If you're lying to me, trust that I will know and I will be unhappy." He leaned into the detective's space, pinpointing his heartrate and measuring it carefully. "Where's the boy?"
"Dead." Without hesitation he shot his fist into the man's stomach, aiming for that soft spot where the last few floating ribs lived. The satisfying crack was music to his ears.
"This is what unhappy looks like." He snarled, feeling the blood start to roar in his ears, adrenaline taking over. "Where's the boy?"
"What do you care?" Foster groaned, squirming in his binds uselessly. "If he's not dead yet, he will be."
Matt ignored him. "Why did you take him?"
"Figured you'd come running."
"And after I was dead?"
"Sell the kid. Like all the others."
Claire's breath hitched at Foster's words, and Matt's jaw clenched. Without pausing, he landed two quick punches to the man's jaw, drawing a scream out of him.
"I was telling the truth on that one!" The man gasped, blood pooling in his mouth.
"I know." Matt panted, holding himself back from landing more blows just yet. "Where's the boy?"
"So you find him. So what?" The man laughed darkly. "We'll take another. Kill me, somebody takes my place. As long as people are buying, we'll be selling. Nothing you do tonight can change that." The man spat blood onto the asphalt of the roof. "But go ahead. Keep hitting me. Let's see who drops first." He sneered menacingly, and Matt opened his mouth to respond but was stopped by Claire tapping his shoulder.
"Try stabbing him in his trigeminal nerve." She offered.
"Where is it?"
She guided his fingers to the space between his eye and his eyebrow. "That's the supraorbital foramen. You want to go in right under there." He nodded and leaned in close to Foster, pulling a knife from his belt with one hand and holding his head still with the other.
"Hold still," He warned with sinister pleasure. "I might do some serious damage if you squirm." He turned back to Claire for a moment. "How will I know when I find it?"
"He'll tell you." Claire said, and her voice had taken on something darker than was there before.
Screams erupted around the rooftop, feeding that ugly monster in Matt's belly. The monster that thrived on listening to a man who inflicted untold harm on children voice his unending pain.
"You're right what you said before." He taunted, digging his finger into the wound he'd created. "I kill you, somebody takes your place, but they'll all end up back here. Just like you. And sooner or later, one of you is gonna tell me what I need to know." The man thrashed madly but Matt held him fast. "Ssh! Listen, I need you to know why I'm hurting you." He hissed. "It's not just the boy. I'm doing this because I enjoy it." With that, he wrenched the man from his bonds and marched him to the edge.
"No, no, no!" The man pleaded, blood dripping around his eyes and nose. "No, no, no!"
"Where is he?" Matt shouted, shaking him over the edge so he felt the air beneath him.
"Underneath the Troika restaurant!" Foster cried. "Eleventh and forty-fourth!" The man took a few deep breaths and then continued. "If you're lucky, they'll kill you before they start in on the boy. It would be a shame for you to watch what they do to him!"
Matt tipped him over the edge, cherishing the sound of his screams.
He had a little boy to find.
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a/n: Hefty dose of plot for this chapter. We're getting to the point where the one-shot I posted earlier comes into play, and as both parts are part of whole chapters, you'll likely see them reposted in the larger storyline. We finally got some Daredevil Daredeviling.
Thank you to everybody leaving notes on the various parts of this story, I love you guys.
As always this story is dedicated to @abucketofweird, without whom this story wouldn't exist.
If you enjoy this story please consider leaving a note or following for more! It means a lot to me when you do!
-Sybil :)
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biggerbetterbat · 1 year
Daryl Dixon x OC (Charlie Reed)
Summary: Together with Rick comes more problems. When the group leaves to find Merle Dixon, Charlie finds out she's not meant to be a housewife and gets herself into trouble.
Warnings: language, violence
Song: Power Little Mix
A/N: Hello! This bad boy took me a while...I'm glad that I can post it finally. Like I said, I'm watching season 10 and I'm already writing chapters to that season. Anyway, hope you enjoy this one and see you tomorrow
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Charlie was standing next to Glenn, her arm around his shoulders patting it from time to time. He was standing with crossed arms, holding his tears as two men were clearly destroying his car.
"Look at them," he said. "Vultures," Glenn whispered. "Yeah, go on, strip it clean."
"Generators need every drop of fuel they can get. Got no power without it," said Dale and shook his head. "Sorry, Glenn."
"Thought I'd get to drive it at least a few more days." Asian boy said.
Charlie bit her lips and nodded, trying not to burst out laughing. "Maybe we'll get to steal another one someday."
They turned their heads to the sound of a car. Shane was back from his trip to the lake. That was probably the furthest he left the camp, and today he wanted to leave it more than any day, because of the unexpected comeback.
"Water's here y'all!" Shane called. " Just a reminder to boil before use." —— The sun was high on the horizon, shining bright as no cloud could be seen on the sky. Amidst the hustle and bustle of survivors going about their tasks, Charlie knelt next to a little girl, offering her a bottle filled with water that Shane brought earlier that day.
"Here you go, Sophia."
"Thanks," she smiled up.
"So, Sophia, tell me more about your life before all this craziness," Charlie said. "Carl always brags about what he was doing before."
"There's nothing to talk about," she shrugged, looking away.
"What were you doing for summer breaks? Any favorite games? Cartoons?"
"I don't know."
"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
"It's just...I'm different than Carl," she said.
Charlie reaches out, squeezing Sophia's hand gently, her expression softens, understanding dawning in her eyes. "It's okay. Everyone is different."
"I guess," she nodded.
"Hey, guys! What are you up to?"
"Just talking and resting. Join us,"
Carl plopped down beside them, his energy infectious. "You're doing exercises?"
"Yes, she does. So should you," Charlie said and gave him his book.
"Why? The world ended, there's no school, right?"
"Just do it, Carl."
Her eyes moved to Sophia's movements with a mixture of admiration and sorrow. Despite the harsh realities of their world, Sophia persevered, her determination evident in every stretch and bend. She was so obedient and calm, doing whatever she was told. Meanwhile, Carl's energetic antics contrasted sharply with Sophia's focused demeanor. He joked and laughed, his carefree attitude a stark reminder of the innocence they had lost.
"Do you want to hear a joke?" Carl's question was addressed to the little girl. "What do you call a walker with no legs? A crawler!"
He chuckled at his own joke, but Charlie's expression darkened, her brow furrowing in annoyance. "Seriously, Carl? Jokes about walkers right now?"
"Carl," Sophia gasped. "Show some respect. Those were people once."
Carl's grin faltered, realizing his mistake. "I just wanted to make you smile. I know it's hard around here."
"It's not just about what you meant, Carl," Charlie said. "It's about how you think. We're living in a world where every day is a struggle for survival, and you're making jokes about the dead."
Carl's face fell, his guilt evident, so he didn't say anything but turned around and walked away.
The group was scattered across the clearing, each engrossed in their own tasks. Despite the ever-present threat of danger, there was an air of cautious optimism that permeated the camp, a stubborn refusal to surrender to despair in the face of overwhelming odds. And then, in an instant, everything changed. Everyone's attention was turned towards the woods and their hearts stopped at the sudden scream "Mom!"
"Carl!" Lori screamed and began running towards the source of the noise.
The little boy ran into her spread arms and she hugged him, before examining if he had any scratches.
The rest of the group walked past them to see the horrific picture. All of them were armed in case there was something dangerous. And there was. Dead deer with three arrows in it, but the most disgusting sight was a Walker. It was kneeling and eating the deer.
Charlie grimaced her face because besides that it looked like it was from a horror movie, and the smell was even worse. Her heart started beating faster as fear overcame her lowly. She wasn't safe here anymore. None of them were.
The creature got up as it felt fresher meat, still alive with hot blood in it. He turned to them and started to move towards them. But they were quicker, simply cutting it head.
"It's the first one we've had up here," said Dale. "They never come this far up the mountain."
"Well, they're running out of food in the city, that's why," replied Jim, and hairs raised on her neck.
They heard rustling in the bushes and everyone was expecting more of the Walkers coming from behind them. So all the men got ready, holding up their weapons.
He looked surprised, with squirrels around his body. Dixon didn't expect to see all his camp waiting for him like that, so he stopped. His brows furrowed as he saw the deer with half insides gone.
"Son of a bitch." he cursed. "That's my deer. Look at it. All gnawed on by this filthy, disease-bearing, motherless poxy bastard!" he was yelling and kicking the dead, rotten, headless body.
"Calm down, son," said Dale. "That's not helping."
"What do you know about it, old man?" he raised his head and walked to Dale. "Why don't you take that stupid hat and go to On Golden Pond?" he asked and then turned around pointing at the animal. "I've been tracking this deer for miles. Gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison. What do you think? Do you think we can cut around this chewed-up part right here?" he asked, looking at the damage that Walker did.
"I would not risk that," replied Shane.
"That's a damn shame," he said. "I got some squirrel, about dozen or so. That'll have to do." Daryl looked at Shane who nodded his head at that.
Then the head started to move its jaw, eyes moving in search of somewhere to eat.
"Oh, God," said Amy, holding herself from vomiting.
"Come on, people." huffed Daryl. "What the hell? It's gotta be the brain. Don't y'all know nothing?" he asked while shooting the Walker dead.
"Well he's already angry," said Charlie, when Daryl was gone. "Good luck," she whispered looking at Rick.
Daryl Dixon was going to the camp, looking for his brother. He was already angry, so telling him about Merle would be a clear shot in the knee. Charlie felt sorry for whoever would have to tell him.
Stupid Walker that killed that deer...
"Merle? Merle! Get your ugly ass out here. Got us some squirrel. Let's stew 'em up."
Charlie was looking at him and guilt washed over her. She once had brothers too, and she was close with them once, too. She wasn't supposed to do it, it was not her job. But when she saw him looking around, waiting for his brother to show up and say something stupid, she felt sorry for him. Glenn's words echoed in her head.
"Daryl." Charlie walked up to him before anyone else could. She stood in front of him and lightly touched his shoulder. "Hey." She smiled and tried to look as honest as she could.
He was looking at her with furrowed brows. Not sure why she was touching him, talking to him, and smiling like this at him.
"We need to talk," she said.
"About what?"
"Merle," she said, still looking for the right words. "There was a, uh...tiny itty bitty problem in Atlanta."
"Is he dead?" he asked immediately.
"We're not sure," she answered.
"He either is or he ain't." Daryl raised his voice, clearly angry.
"No easy way to say this, so I'll just say it." Rick made his presence known.
"Who are you?" Daryl furrowed his brows.
"Rick Grimes."
"Rick Grimes." Daryl mimicked the way that a cop said his name. "You got somethin' you wanna tell me?"
"Your brother was a danger to us all. So I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal." Rick explained. "He's still there."
"Hold on, let me process this." Daryl turned back to Rick and made a few steps. "You're saying that you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there?!"
"Yeah," Rick said.
Daryl launched his sting of squirrels and attempted to tackle Rick. Shane got involved by shoving Daryl from the side and knocking him down, where Dixon gripped his knife and got back up. Grimes caught Hunter's arm while the other cop grabbed him behind and dragged Daryl backward.
"You best let me go!"
"Nah, I think it's better if I don't," replied Shane.
"Chokehold's illegal!" Daryl groaned as his air access was limited.
"Hey, file a complaint," said Shane, strengthening his grip, who was still fidgeting. "Come on now, we can keep this up all day."
"I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic," said Rick, looking Daryl in the face. "Do you think we can manage that? Do you think we can manage that?"
Shane forcefully let Daryl go, as he panted heavily.
"What I did was not on a whim. Your brother does not work and play well with others," said Rick.
"It's not Rick's fault," interjected T-Dog, who saw the scene as he came back with the wood. "I had the key. I dropped it."
"You couldn't pick it up?" asked annoyed Daryl, still panting for air.
"Well, I dropped it in a drain."
"If it supposed to make me feel better, it don't," he said as he finally got up.
"Maybe this will," said T-Dog. "Look, I chained the door to the roof so the geeks couldn't get him...With a padlock."
"It's gotta count for something," added Rick.
"Hell with all y'all!" Daryl yelled and wiped his face to not show tears. "Just tell me where he is so that I can go get him."
"He'll show you," said Charlie, looking at Rick. She couldn't care less about Merle, but seeing Daryl who was usually cold and never showed any emotions, was something that just moved her head."Isn't that right?"
They were sitting around the fire, cooking the squirrels that Daryl prepared. He was angry and his moves were nervous, but apparently there was a person in the camp that couldn't cope with his emotions even more.
"Could you just throw me a bone here, man?" They all heard Shane's voice as he followed Rick. "Could you just tell me why? Why would you risk your life for a douchebag like Merle Dixon?"
"Hey, choose your words more carefully," said Daryl.
"No, I did. Douchebag's what I meant." Shane answered Daryl's comment. "Merle Dixon...The guy wouldn't give you a glass of water if you were dying out of thirst."
"What he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me." Rick shook his head. "I can't let a man die of thirst...Me. Thirst and exposure. We left him like an animal caught in a trap. That's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being." he explained.
"So you and Daryl, that's your big plan?" asked Lori in a skeptical tone.
Charlie could see how mad she was and how annoyed Rick made her. Minutes ago she was so happy that her husband was back and then, suddenly when he didn't want to do what she told him, she just stamped her feet.
Rick, on the other hand, turned to look at Glenn. He knew what he wanted without even telling. Asian boy closed his eyes.
"Oh, come on."
"You know the way," said Rick. "You've been there before...In and out, no problem. You said so yourself." Rick tried to convince Glenn. "It's not fair of me to ask, I know that...but I feel a lot better with you along. I know she would too."
And Glenn sighed, looking at Charlie by the corner of his eyes. She sighed heavily.
"That's just great," said Shane. "Now you're gonna risk three men, huh?"
"Four," said T-Dog.
"My day just gets better and better, don't it?" asked Daryl, who was focused on cleaning his bows.
"You see anybody else here stepping up to save your brother's crazy cracker ass?" asked T-Dog, annoyed by Daryl's comment.
Archer didn't even look at the man. "Why you?"
"You wouldn't even begin to understand. You don't speak my language."
"That's four," said Dale.
"It's not just four." Shane snapped back. "You're putting every single one of us at risk. Just know that, Rick." he turned to his friend. "Come on, you saw that Walker. It was here. It was in camp. They're moving out of the cities. They come back, we need every able body we've got. We need them here. We need them to protect the camp."
"It seems to me what you really need most here are more guns," argued Rick.
"Right, the guns." gasped Glenn and everyone's attention turned to him.
"Wait, what guns?" Shane asked.
"Six shotguns, two high-powered rifles, over a dozen handguns. I cleaned out the cage back at the station before I left," answered Rick. "I dropped the bag in Atlanta when I got swarmed. It's just sitting there on the street, waiting to be picked up."
Shane's eyes light up at the information. His posture changed. From being defensive and angry, he relaxed.
"Seven hundred rounds, assorted."
"You went to hell to find us. You just got here and you're gonna turn around and leave?" said Lori, who saw that she was losing Shane too.
"Dad, I don't want you to go," said Carl.
"To hell with the guns. Shane's right. Merle Dixon? He's not worth one of our lives, even with guns thrown in." Lori said again, getting up as she saw that Rick still hadn't changed his mind. "Tell me. Make me understand." she huffed.
"I owe that debt to a man I met and his little boy," he said. "Lori, if they hadn't taken me in, I'd have died. It's because of them that I made it back to you at all. They said they'd follow me to Atlanta. They'll walk into the same trap I did if I don't warn him."
"What's stopping you?" she asked.
"The walkie-talkie, the one in the bag I dropped. He's got the other one. Our plan was to connect when they got closer." Rick said, a little ashamed that he lost something so precious.
"These are our walkies?" Shane asked.
"So use the CB. What's wrong with that?" Andrea made her idea known.
"The CB's fine," Shane said. "It's the walkies that suck. They're crap. Date back to the '70s, don't match any other bandwidth, not even scanners in our cars."
"I need that bag." he almost whispered to Lori, then he kneeled before his son. "Okay?"
Carl nodded.
"All right."
Daryl was already ready, waiting for a sign so he could get in the car and go find his brother. He was still angry, but the hope that they would find him made him a little bit calmer.
So Charlie walked up to him and leaned on the hood of the car. He gave her not the nicest looks, but softened a little when he realized it was her.
"Be careful, okay?" she asked.
"Because your brother is just not worth it," she answered. "You think he would do it for you?" she asked but didn't get the answer. "You have to come back here in one piece alive."
He looked at her suspiciously. "So I can bring back Rick Grimes and you lover boy?"
"No," she answered. "I mean yes. I mean no." she furrowed her eyebrows herself. "What I mean is...just come back. All three of you, okay?"
He shrugged.
Something warm spread through his body, making him feel bad that he snapped at her. At the end of the day, she was the one who came up with the idea of sending Rick with him to find Merle.
He watched her back as she was walking away from him.
Charlie huffed as she felt her trousers getting wet and her arm going numb from washing someone's shirt. She absolutely hated the situation and honestly would like to be in Atlanta, saving Merle Dixon, but no...she was here, playing housewife.
"Can someone explain to me how the women wound up doing all the Hattie McDaniel work?" she asked throwing the garment into the water.
"The world ended," said Amy. "Didn't you get the memo?" she smiled at her friend.
"It's just the way it is." Carol shrugged, focusing on her task. "But I do miss my Maytag." she smiled at Charlie.
"I miss my Benz, my sat nav," said Andrea.
"I miss my coffeemaker with that dual-drip filter and built-in grinder, honey." Jacquie closed her eyes as if she tried to feel the coffee on her tongue.
"My computer...And texting." sighed Amy.
"I miss my bathtub," said Charlie. "And I miss my Louboutins."
She sighed.
"I miss my vibrator," Andrea confessed.
"Oh!" Jacquie gave her a surprised look.
"Oh, my God." Amy gasped.
They all burst out laughing after quiet and shy Carol looked behind her and said: Me, too. It was the first time they talked like that together.
But the fun didn't last long as Ed approached them and killed the light atmosphere with his presence. "What's so funny?"
Oh, how Charlie hated this man. He was disgusting and thought he deserved everything, just because he's a man. She would kill him in his sleep if she was in Carol's place.
"Just swapping war stories, Ed," said Andrea. "Problem, Ed?"
"Nothing that concerns you," Ed answered rudely. "And you ought to focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club."
Charlie rolled her eyes, not feeling like a housewife even more.
"Ed, tell you what..." she got up and looked at him. "If you don't like how your laundry is done, you're welcome to pitch in and do it yourself. Here." She threw a wet shirt at him.
"Ain't my job, missy," he said and threw the shirt at her.
Amy was quick to put an arm on her friend's shoulder. "Charlie, don't."
"What is your job, Ed?" Charlie asked anyway. She wasn't afraid of him."Sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes?"
"Well, it sure as hell ain't listening to some uppity smart-mouthed bitch." said Ed straight into her face and turned to Carol. "Tell you what...come on, let's go."
"I don't think she needs to go anywhere with you, Ed." Andrea stepped in.
"And I say it's none of your business," he said and once again turned to Carol. "Come on now. You heard me."
"Carol." Andrea looked at their friend.
"Andrea, please. It doesn't matter." Carol whispered.
"Hey, don't think I won't knock you on your ass just cause you're some college-educated cooze, all right" Ed threatened Andrea and she gasped at his insult. "Now you come on now or you gonna regret it later."
"So she can show up with fresh bruises later, Ed? Yeah, we've seen them." Jacquie said, entering the discussion.
"Stay out of this. Now come on!" Ed snapped. "You know what? This ain't none of y'all's business. You don't want to keep prodding the bull here, okay? Now, I'm done talking. Come on."
Carol started following her husband, but Charlie stepped in front of her. "No, no. Carol, you don't have..."
"You don't tell me what! I tell you what!" Ed screamed and pushed Charlie to the side.
Carol was taken. aback at how strong the slap was, but she couldn't focus on that as she saw Charlie was hit too.
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kaneaken · 2 years
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author's note; title's a bit fancy, but essentially, it's just some scenarios based off my favorite moments with my classmates and friends twisted just a bit :D new banner for my genshin works for no particular reason, just felt like it. enjoy, everyone!
content notes; gn!reader, use of (name) for reader, established relationship, possible ooc characters, school au, some kinda specific reader scenarios (reader participates in a performing art, reader is scared of public speaking), some hurt/comfort, possible pt.2 if you guys are interested :D
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you aren't prepared. it wasn't entirely your fault anyways. the teacher had forgotten to remind you that the project came with a presentation
" (name), you're next after kokomi "
you take a deep breath and look over your presentation again.
you've got this, (name)
you keep repeating it as you wait for kokomi's presentation to finish.
you feel a tap on your hand and you flinch. turning your head, your eyes meet itto's.
" hey, (name), you okay? "
you give him a weak thumbs up and turn your head back to kokomi as she finishes up.
you still feel his stare on you as you prepare to go up. you keep reminding yourself that you were fine and you'd do great.
one more deep breath escapes you before your teacher calls you up to present. the second you find yourself in front of the class, your nervousness punches you in the gut
oh, boy
you open your mouth, but before anything can escape, itto raises his hand
" teach, d'ya mind if me and (name) step out for just a sec? "
your teacher gives you a glance before giving itto a nod. itto gets out of his seat and drags you outside the classroom
" heya, sunshine, look at me, " itto says, once you've exited the classroom
you let out a breath before looking at him
" you're okay, okay? deep breaths, deep breaths. you've got this "
he grabs your hands and swings them around to calm you down
" you're super smart, okay? you don't need to worry if you mess up. they'd probably believe anything that you say 'cause you're just that smart! "
he gives you a big smile that helps your nerves
" whenever you're ready, we'll head back in! "
you weren't sure what you were expecting when your teacher said she had a fun idea for an activity. maybe a game? a crossword puzzle?
nope, she wanted you guys to write about what you appreciate about some random person in the class. you would be on board with the idea if it was for your friends, but there was a chance you were going to write for someone random
what if you got someone you've never interacted with? or maybe someone who didn't like you?
you silently hope that you grab one of your friends' names while you dig through the bag of names
opening up the paper you grabbed, you sigh in relief as you read a familiar name
your teacher gives you about five minutes to write your appreciation note before you have to hand it over to the person you got
five minutes pass by relatively quick and you hand over your note to your chosen person
you sit back down and spot the note you received placed on your desk
taking your seat, you open up the note and read it
' (name),
hi, thoma here :D there's so much i could say that i appreciate about you, but i wouldn't want to trouble you in reading it all. so, here's what i mainly appreciate about you:
well, to be honest, it's you. just you bring you :) it sounds quite cheesy, but it's true. you really are the light of my life, (name) and i hope it can stay that way ♡
your love, thoma ♡ '
your eyes gloss over the crowd once more before the performance was supposed to begin. once again, you weren't surprised to see that no one you knew was in the crowd
you mentally scold yourself. you were supposed to focused on doing your best, not worrying if anyone bothered to show up
although, it stung a little knowing that all your efforts would only be acknowledged by unknown people
shuffling and small 'excuse me's catches your attention. you look up again and see paimon leading the twins to their seats
once they are seated, they wave to you and you give them a small wave back
you guess you have to do your best now
once your performance finished, you go out to find the trio
" (name), over here! "
you follow the voice to the trio and once you arrive, you give them a smile
" thank you so much for coming. i really appreciate it "
" we wouldn't miss it for anything, " lumine tells you, giving you a hug
" paimon thought you were the best one up there! " paimon says
" you really were, " aether says, hugging you from your side and placing a peck on your cheek
" wow, aether, not in front of paimon, " lumine jokes, covering paimon's eyes
" hey! what not in front of paimon? let paimon see! "
you all laugh as paimon flails around to get lumine's hands off her eyes. the laughter dies down and aether speaks up
" well, let's go celebrate my amazing sunshine's performance with some food "
" paimon agrees! "
" of course you agree, paimon "
" hey, what's that supposed to mean!? "
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kpop-kitkat · 2 years
Happy Halloween | Lee Jaehyun
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pairing | boyfriend!lee jaehyun x f!reader
genre/cw | angst, slight fluff, non idol au, mafia au???, slight hurt comfort, slightly suggestive, mild sexual content, moderate language, violence, minor character deaths, crying, slight horror themes
wc | 1.9k
notes | none
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ 
 "Are you sure about this?" Y/n wondered, holding onto her boyfriend's arm.
 "Of course baby. I wouldn't bring you here if I wasn't," Hyunjae reassured. But yet, something was a little off.
As they stepped into the grand mansion, scary music and extravagant costumes welcomed them. They were dressed up a bit as well. Y/n as an angel, and Hyunjae as a devil. But they didn't that far, as to change their whole entire face with a weird makeup look and change their demeanor.
 "Happy Halloween!" The host, Sangyeon, greeted.
 "Nice party Sangyeon," he chuckled nervously, and Sangyeon gave him a look that Y/n couldn't quite decipher.
Sangyeon walked closer to Hyunjae and whispered into his ear, "I told you not to bring her. She is going to find out about everything and we'll be shut down for good," he explained.
 Hyunjae sighed before whispering back. "I had no other choice. She was already suspicious, and it is Halloween after all. You know what crazy shit goes down. Besides, I'll get her out before she can discover anything."
 "And you really trust she'll listen to you and stay away from here?" Sangyeon raised an eyebrow.
 "Of course. I mean maybe. Well, I hope," Hyunjae replied, making Sangyeon mentally facepalm. 
 "Alright. But be careful," he warned. "I don't want to have to do anything that I don't want to do," he stated, going to greet his other guests.
 "What was that about?" Y/n piped up.
 "Oh, nothing baby. Just stay close to me, okay?" He smiled and took her hand.
 "Okay," she nodded. But she couldn't smile back. Everything in this place was giving off weird vibes. She hated how the atmosphere made the hairs on her arms stand up.
Hyunjae took her over to where the drinks were and poured her a glass of her favorite. "For my lovely girlfriend," he winked, instantly causing her to blush. How did he always mange to get her flustered?
She accepted the drink. "Thank you my handsome boyfriend," she giggled, taking a sip.
When a decent song for dancing began to play, Hyunjae set his drink down and offered Y/n a hand. "May I have this dance?"
 Of course she nodded, and he led her to the dance floor. Although a bit tipsy after a few four drinks, she still danced well enough to surprise Hyunjae.
 "I didn't know you could dance so well," he awed. 
 "Same goes for you," she smiled.
The next song was quieter, and slower. 
 "You know," Hyunjae began. "You look a little too good to be left alone tonight," he whispered, his breath tickling her neck, sending pleasant shivers down her spine. "Wait until we get home baby," he smirked, knowing how much of an effect he had on her. "And I'll show you what I mean."
 As if she didn't already know. She could even tell before he said anything when he was in the mood. They'd been together for three years after all. Since high school graduation.
A tapping of a wine glass drew everyone's gaze.
 "Attention everyone!" Yelled Sangyeon, and everyone quieted down. Y/n was confused when Hyunjae stood in front of her protectively, his head on a swivel. "The voting for the best costume has began! Vote at this table over here and we will reveal the results in fifteen mintutes!" Hyunjae sighed and looked calm again.
 "Jae, what's wrong?" She asked, genuinely worried and confused.
 "Nothing is wrong, trust me," he waved her off. "I just think we should leave soon. I'm getting a strange vibe."
 "You feel it too? I've felt it the whole time," she admitted.
 Hyunjae mentally facepalmed. The guys really weren't being discreet, were they? They had all the partiers on the edge of their seats.
 "Yeah," he simply replied. "Stay right here, I'll be back," he assured, leaving to find Juyeon, who was on the other side of the room. "You are being way too obvious. Everyone is getting scared," he crossed his arms.
 "Don't worry. It's not like they can go anywhere," Juyeon explained, seemingly unbothered of Hyunjae's concerns.
 "What do you mean they can't go anywhere?" 
 "Chanhee locked the doors from outside," Juyeon replied.
 "Juyeon, Y/n is in here!" Hyunjae whisper-shouted. 
 "Then give her a mask and she'll be fine," Juyeon rolled his eyes.
 "No you don't understand. She doesn't know anything about this operation!" He admitted.
 "What?!" He shouted, accidentally drawing attention to himself. Once everyone looked away from him, he continued. "Will she tell anyone?"
"Maybe," Hyunjae shrugged.
"You don't even realize how bad you've messed up. The gas is about to fill the room in two minutes," Juyeon warned.
Hyunjae's jaw dropped. And I'm less than a second, he was running to Y/n. "Y/n! You need to follow me right now," he begged.
 "Hyunjae what is-"
 "I'll explain later!" He yelled, taking her arm and rushing her upstairs.
He quickly opened a door and shoved her inside, locking the door behind them. He rummaged through the closet before finding a mask and tossing it at her. "Put it on."
She began to cry, despite her will. "What's happening?"
 "Please don't cry," he said, going over to her and caressing her cheek. "I'll explain everything. Right now, you need to put this on. This mansion is about to be filled with poisonous gas."
Her eyes widened as she quickly put the mask on. "What do we do now?"
 "Get in a bathtub and just try not to breath too much," he instructed, leading her to a bathroom and getting in with her, his mask now on as well.
Soon enough, a fog-like gas leaked into the air. Horrifying shrieks were heard from the floor below. Y/n let out a small whimper as Hyunjae pulled her close, one hand around her back and the other covering her ear. Once the gas reached them, they slowed their breathing. After about ten minutes, the air was clear and safe to breath.
Y/n ripped off her mask and began to breath ten times faster than normal. "Hyunjae-"
 "Not now. We need to get out of here," he interrupted, standing up and offering her a hand. But she didn't take it.
 "Not until you tell me what the hell is going on!" She screamed.
 "Don't make this difficult baby," he sighed, pulling her arm gently.
 She pulled away from him. "Hyunjae you're scaring me!" She admitted. "Were you and your friends planning this? To kill everyone here?"
When he fell silent, she had already gotten her answer.
 "You're a murderer," she whispered, her face emotionless.
 "Y/n please-"
 "You knew this was the plan all along!" She shouted.
He hastily pressed his hand against her mouth and pressed her back into the wall. "If you don't keep quiet, you could be in real danger," he warned. "You have to come with me. They might do something to you."
 She tried to resist and yell for help, but he overpowered her. She truly didn't understand that he was just trying to help her.
 "I don't want to hurt you," he stated more calmly. "Look, I got myself into a really bad situation five years ago. I should've told you the day I asked you to be mine, but I was afraid you'd reject me. I really just want to protect you and get you out of this mess. And I would never trick you. I love you," he smiled, removing his hand from her mouth and instead caressing her cheek with his thumb. "Do you trust me?"
 She looked at the ground and sighed before looking back up. "Of course I do. I always have."
 "Okay. Then come with me. We need to leave," he took her hand.
 She nodded and they made their way downstairs.
Dead bodies were spread across the dance floor. Y/n refused to look as she clung to Hyunjae. They were about to exit when they found the front door locked from the outside.
 "Someone tell Chanhee to unlock the doors!" Hyunjae yelled into the air.
 "Not so fast Hyunjae," said Sangyeon, in a sickeningly sweet voice. "I'm afraid I can't let you leave."
"Sir I'm not sure I understand," he tilted his head.
"The girl has seen too much. And I can't trust that she'll keep quiet about it. Nor can I trust that you'll keep an eye on her. I know love can make you do crazy things," he chuckled darkly.
 "Get behind me," Hyunjae whispered to his girlfriend. "What are you trying to say Sangyeon?"
 "Either she joins us, or you're both dead," he simply stated.
 "Sangyeon I can't involve her in this," he argued. "I don't want to be involved in this either. What we're doing is wrong. It always has been."
 "Well unfortunately for you, you walked in on us when we were doing the same thing years ago," Sangyeon clicked his tongue.
 "What is going on?" Y/n asked, scared for her life, as well as Hyunjae's.
 "Your boyfriend here is a member of our gang. All of us work under a bigger underground company. Care to explain Hyunjae?”
Hyunjae sighed before turning to Y/n, hands on her shoulders. “Look… when I started dating you, I accidentally got involved in this underground company Sangyeon is talking about. They kill people to use them for scientific research, supposedly,” he explained.
”I think you mean ‘you’ kill people,” she whispered, teary eyed.
”Baby please-“
”I’ve seen enough,” Sangyeon interjected, aiming a gun at Hyunjae’s head. “Any last words?”
Y/n shut her eyes and clung to Hyunjae, waiting for death’s cold embrace. But unfortunately for Sangyeon and his gang, they had lingered there too long. Enough time for the S.W.A.T. team to arrive.
”Hands where I can see them!” Their authorities voices rang out. 
Knowing he was dead if he was caught, Hyunjae grabbed Y/n’a hand and rushed out of there. And nobody but Sangyeon noticed their absence.
Hyunjae locked the door behind them as he and Y/n entered the apartment. They were safe now. 
“Tell me the truth,” Y/n panted, hands on the kitchen counter as she caught her breath, slowly meeting Hyunjae’s gaze. “Are you really innocent? Were you forced to do these things? To lie to me all these years?”
Hyunjae felt a wave of guilt wash over him, ultimately bringing him to tears. “I tried,” he began. “I tried to get out. I never wanted to kill anyone. And I never wanted to lie to you. I just,” he choked on his own sobs. “I didn’t want anyone to hurt you if I told you. I couldn’t do that. I’m sorry.”
Y/n walked over to him and crouched down beside him. She lifted his head up. “You don’t have to be sorry,” she smiled. “I should be sorry. If I would’ve known, I wouldn’t have been so inconsiderate. You did the right thing all along, I just want you to know.”
He smiled a teary smile before embracing her. “Thank you.”
She smiled and hugged back. “It’s all over now,” she sighed, pulling away. “I love you Lee Hyunjae.”
”I love you L/n Y/n,” he replied, kissing her cheek. “Now, how about what I promised you earlier?” He smirked. 
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I'm Never Gonna Dance Again - Eddie Munson X GN Reader - November 22nd
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Title: I'm Never Gonna Dance Again
Eddie Munson X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Steve, Dustin, Robin, Nancy, Erika (Mentioned), and Vecna (Mentioned)
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WC: 892
Warnings: Death mentioned, sad, angst, and fluff
"We need to think of something quick," Steve began as you all sat around the room. "We have to go down there again."
"Oh, no. I am not going into that lake!" You exclaimed, Eddie quickly wrapping his arm around your waist in a comforting way.
"Right now that's the only way in." Robin explained, only making you sigh.
You hated going into that lake. If Eddie didn't jump in after them, you would've stayed in that little boat. Or back on the shore with Dustin and Erika. You hated swimming, especially in that lake. And, knowing that portal to the Upside Down was in there, you'd never want to go near that lake again.
"We're going to have to fight Vecna. That's a given." Dustin spoke up, sounding grim.
Eddie nodded his head in agreement with him. "I agree with Henderson."
"I'm not sure how we can defeat him." You murmured, looking at everyone. "He's like a freaking demon for crying out loud."
You couldn't help but look away from them. They all looked so worried about this whole thing.
"Don't talk like that, Y/N." Robin began, taking your hand in hers, "We have to stay positive about this."
You shook your head, "How can I stay positive if we're gonna get killed?"
Steve frowned, "Y/N..."
Robin sighed, interrupting Steve, "It's okay. I understand what you're saying. We'll figure it out eventually."
You leaned against Eddie, "No, you guys should just go without me. I'd either slow you guys down or end up killing you."
Dustin shook his head in disagreement, "We're not leaving you, Y/N. We're a team."
Eddie nodded in agreement, "And there's no way I'm letting anything happen to you." He pulled you closer to him, holding you tight.
"Ditto," You smiled sadly, leaning up and kissing Eddie softly on the cheek.
Steve sighed, running a hand through his hair, "Well, we should get ready. Grab and make weapons and whatnot."
"Yeah, we should start doing that now, we don't have a lot of time." Nancy finally spoke up, as the six of you got up from where you were sitting.
Grabbing your bag, you tried to figure out what you could bring to try and stop Vecna, your mind racing as you thought you might have a panic attack. Suddenly, you heard it. The chime. Looking around, you didn’t see any clocks. You froze, your body running cold as your eyes widened in fear. Eddie paused what he was doing, turning to you with a worried expression on his face.
"Y/N, babe, are you okay?" He asked, slowly placing his hand on your arm, turning you around. Eddie looked at your face, "You look like you've seen a ghost." He tried to joke, the rest of the company turning around to look at you, also worried and confused.
"I heard it." You whispered in dread, eyes watering.
"Heard what, baby?" Eddie asked, eyebrows raising as he held you by your arms.
"The chime." You whimpered, shaking slightly in Eddie's grip.
Eddie frowned, "The chime?"
"Yes," You replied, "It's... It's the chime."
Eddie took your hand, "Oh god, Steve!" Eddie exclaimed, turning to the ex King of Hawkins with horrified eyes.
"What? What's wrong?" Steve questioned, rushing over to you and Eddie.
Eddie's own eyes began to tear up as he spoke, "They heard the clock."
Steve's eyes widened as he stared at you as you began to hyperventilate. But, quickly, Steve got into action. "What's your favorite song, Y/N?"
Your mind tried to think, but you couldn't as your heart beat faster and your breathing grew heavier.
"I- I don't know. I don't have a favorite." You stuttered, trying to calm yourself down.
"What about one that you play more than others? One that you just jam out to a lot?” Steve urged, taking your hand in his own.
"Please, Y/N! Think! I don't want you to die!" Eddie begged, tears running down his cheeks and down his chin.
Your heart sank, you didn't have a choice here. If you wanted to survive, you had to pick the right song to use. But, which song? There were so many songs, and you loved every single one of them. But, you had to choose. Shutting your eyes tight, you quickly thought, mind racing as you felt your tears rush down your cheeks.
"Come on, baby. Think." Eddie softly pleaded with you.
You suddenly opened your eyes, "Careless Whisper by George Michael."
"That's a good song, Y/N." Eddie smiled wetly, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
"I have that song!" Robin quickly exclaimed, and Steve nodded.
"We're going to go grab it. Stay here. We'll be as fast as we can." Steve spoke before turning to Dustin, "Stay here with them."
Dustin gave a salute before rushing to you, sitting beside you for support as Eddie held you close.
"They'll be back soon, Y/n. You'll be fine." Eddie assured you, kissing you on the forehead and squeezing your hand.
Dustin looked to Eddie and back to you, looking concerned, "We will, Y/N. No worries."
You looked at each of them, forcing a small smile on your face as you heard the bell chime again. You hoped that they would come back soon. You didn't know how long you'd have left.
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Imagine Being In The Hospital and Rooster Wants To See You
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw X FemReader
Warnings: Angst, descriptions of a vehicle accident, blood (Seriously folks don't pull out in front of semis. It's not worth it!)
Rating: T+
Word Count: 850
Taglist: @mads-weasley @the-marshals-wife
(A/N:) Thanks for the idea/request @the-marshals-wife I had a little too much fun writing the angst parts!
Rooster was in a hurry. His heart was hammering in his chest and he couldn't seem to get where he needed to be fast enough. He had just landed moments ago when his superior officer met him outside. The news that passed his lips froze Rooster's blood. You had been in an accident and taken to the local hospital and your condition was unknown at the moment. Despite trying to leave in his Bronco several Top Gun pilots kept him from leaving in the state he was in.
Now with Maverick driving him as fast as legally possible with Bob and Phoenix in the back Rooster calmed down some knowing he'd be there soon. While Maverick weaved through traffic Rooster held tightly to the console cursing every slow driver in the way. Maverick barely had the car parked before Rooster was out and sprinting across the parking lot.
"Rooster," Maverick yelled giving chase. He knew Bradley was in a state that was going to make the situation much worse. And he was right. With Phoenix and Bob right on his heels Maverick finally made it inside to see security trying to calm down a shouting Rooster.
"Where is she," he demanded trying to shove his way through.
"Sir," one of the guards spoke keeping a hand onto Rooster's shoulder, "we understand, but this is no way to find out where the woman you're searching for is."
"Bradley," Maverick barged in grabbing the younger pilot. "We'll find her but you can't cause a scene."
"I wouldn't if they weren't standing in my way," he shouted trying to lunge forward. That's when Bob and Phoenix stepped in to help Mav.
"Sorry," Maverick apologized for his inconsolable trainee. "He's worried but can you please tell us where we can find (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)."
The guards nodded towards the receptionist before keeping their eyes on Rooster.
"Ms. (Y/L/N) has been in a vehicular accident where she was unconscious when first responders arrived on scene. She's in room 307 on the third floor. According to our records she is awake now and though visiting hours are over and she doesn't need any excitement I think I can get permission for you to see her. If the young man can control himself."
The pilots looked towards Rooster who immediately agreed. The pressure of not knowing what shape you were in was finally relieved. All tension left his body and while Maverick held a comforting hand on Rooster's shoulder everyone began to relax. With a nod the receptionist gave them permission to go see her. Taking the elevator to the third floor and finding her room Rooster choked back a wail at seeing all the machines and the dried blood on the wounds on her face. Bleary pain sedated eyes focused on her favorite people before cracked lips split into a smile.
"Hey guys," you whispered. "How's it going?"
Phoenix's chuckle broke into a sob, Rooster collapsed at your bedside, Maverick clenched his fists fighting tears, and Bob played with his shirt hem.
"What happened," Rooster demanded his voice hoarse with emotion.
"Semi swerved to miss a car that pulled out in front of him and got me instead," you explained. Your voice couldn't get louder than a whisper. "He knocked me off the road and I was going too fast that when I left the pavement onto the grassy edge I lost control and my car flipped twice. I have a slight concussion and a few broken bones and I'm not winning any beauty contests with my battered face any time soon."
"I think you're still the most beautiful thing I've seen," Rooster kissed her hand.
"Thanks babe."
"We're just glad you're okay," Maverick spoke up coming to your bedside.
"Me too," you joked. You finally noticed Phoenix and Bob. "Hey I didn't see you two. Come on over I'm in too bad shape to beat you up and I don't bite too hard. Just ask Rooster."
"Your charm certainly survived the accident," Phoenix chuckled.
"I'm guessing by the outcome the semi won," Bob teased.
"The semis always win Bob. Always. And I wasn't even doing anything!"
"Okay," Maverick stepped in. "Remember they said no excitement."
"Sorry," you said easing back down. "I don't want y'all to wind up getting in trouble. I'm just glad I was able to see everyone."
"The others will most likely be by tomorrow to see you too," Rooster said while still holding your hand. "I'm staying though."
He looked at Maverick daring him to argue. The older man held his hands up in surrender. They visited for a little while longer before leaving. Rooster stayed though not wanting to leave your side. You were exhausted, just the little time with company had drained you. Now you wanted to sleep and enjoy the nothingness for a little while. Rooster drug a seat next to your bed and promised to stay as long as you needed. So now as you drifted off to sleep you felt safe and protected knowing that everything was going to be alright.
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michu-writes · 2 years
Bathing headcanons with their s/o <3 | Ninjago
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A/N: Not a request but I came up with this while I was taking a shower so!!!! Also this is completely sfw, I just thought it would be cute to share these headcanons with you guys!!
Also I skipped writing for Lloyd because I was tired and wrote this at 2am, but lmk if you want me to make another one of these for him!
Warning: Nudity obviously (no nsfw tho, this is just fluff)
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Cole Brookstone
I'm starting off with him because you know why <3. Imagine a long day of training with only 2-4 breaks, must be exhausting right? So in the evening when everyone was mentally and physically drained from all the training, you decided to treat your boyfriend, Cole, into a nice and warm bath. I mean, he smelled and was sweating really bad, so you really didn't have any choice. You just had to drag him into the bath even if he didn't want to.
"Nooooo..... I don't wanna go, I'm tired and wanna cuddle." the master of earth whined as you dragged him by his arms to the bathroom, but he was way too heavy.
"Cole, babe, I'm not gonna cuddle with a stinky sweaty man. Come on, we'll cuddle after, okay? I already prepared it all, and I can join you if that makes you feel better."
"Okay!" He immediately jumped up and ran to the bathroom as if he just regained all his energy back.
Anyways, now to the headcanons!!!!
This man would be smiling the whole fucking time. He's just so happy he gets to be so close to you (not in a weird way) and he's just really fucking touch starved- Massage his shoulder, he'll instantly calm down and melt into your touch after a tiresome day like this. Also he'd probably just wrap his big arms around your body as you both talk or rant about the day. He'd even maybe sing to you if he feel like it <33333. He'd kinda go into panic mode or he like really nervous when you wash his hair because,,,,, he's not used to being taken care of like that? Especially when his mother died? He absolutely loves it and would probably cry because he miss his mom and just <333. He loves taking his time to be with you, so expect the two of you being on that bath for at least an hour or so 💀. But after that you both go changing, and then cuddle and sleep <33333333. Taking baths with you is probably his favorite thing to do, he finds it so comforting. You guys don't even have to do anything, not even talk, he just wants to enjoy your presence, that's all that matter for him <333333.
Kai Smith
Kai's probably the one to initiate it, unless it's in one of those days like in Cole's. Like maybe he's just missing you and feels like he haven't given you enough affection and love that day so he decides to do something special for you. He's very extra about it and tries to be romantic. You know with all the flower petals, candles, bath bombs, etc. You'll of course thank him for all that, and his confidence boosts his 100% lmao. He probably asked Nya to help him because she's a girl and knows way more than him on how to do these things (which almost led to her to do all the work). He insists in joining you (if you feel comfortable with doing so) and if you said yes, he'd just quickly strip off naked and hop into the small bathtub, causing a quite big splash and a candle or two to fall down, but you luckily caught them both. "Whoops...." You gave him a look and which he gave an innocent smile in return.
So with that out of the way, instead of you massaging him, it's the other way around. I headcanon him actually being really good and skilled at massaging, and would probably heat up the tub a little if it starts to get a little cold. Kai just wants you to know how much he loves you <333. Also you'd both start doing stupid things out of boredom like playing Rock Paper Scissors or would you rather or whatever. He'd wash your hair for you, but ends up accidentally either putting soap in your eye or using the wrong shampoo 😭. Give him a 10 for trying though. He's a sweetheart but an unaware dumbass like <3.
Jay Walker
Okay Jay is very similar to Kai, except he's an aware dumbass <33. He's probably too shy to initiate it himself, but he does try though. He'd be so awkward about it, and would also get Nya and ask if it's enough with all the flowers and candles and shit, and she responds with "Yeah... More than enough I think." But at least he knows it's good. Again like I said, sometimes he's shy with initiating all this, like he's only good at kissing or hugging or maybe hand holding unprompted. It's so cute <33.
"Awh, Jay, you did all this for me?"
"Yeah, I'm glad you like it."
"I love it! Thank you, I really needed something to get my mind off of."
And just as he was turning around to walk out the door, he fisted the air with a small victorious "Yes!!!!!". That was until you stopped him and asked if he cared to join you. He never thought you ask, and got even more happy.
"Are you sure? I don't wanna invade your privacy."
"I know you want to, come on! It'll be fun." You reassured and gestured him to come in as you were already inside the bath tub.
Now that both of you were in it, you sighed and leaned onto his body, allowing him to wrap his arms around you. He has never been this close to you before, to anyone really, so you could tell he was a bit hesitant. But the longer you both were there together, the more comfortable he became. You'd both just talk about random shit, laugh at some jokes, and it'll soon escalate to both of you splashing water all over the place and at each other, so there was a lot to clean up... But you both still enjoyed it !!! He'd definitely ask to do it again sometime, and hopefully it doesn't get that messy again.
Zane Julian
Zane is a nindroid, he can't take baths 💀. But you can still clean him up! Like maybe clean up with a damp towel on some scratches, marks or stains to keep him shiny and new as possible. Let's just take the same context as Cole's. He was a mess as soon as he walked into your room you just had to clean him up. You could tell he was tired to do it himself so you offered him to help. You'd call Nya or Pixal if there was some minor injuries in his system (it's always Nya smh /lh). He felt bad for having you to assist him, but you just have to reassure him one way or another. He'd probably guide you a little though just incase you stumble upon something important or sensitive, he's a nindroid after all and should be taken care of with caution.
After all that, he'd probably make you a treat or a good meal even if he's tired as a reward, he doesn't care if you protest about it. He just loves you okay???? <333 kiss him too, he'll explode. Literally.
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My Best Friend's Family: Chapter 1
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Christopher Herrmann x Teen!Fem!Reader, Herrmann Family x Teen!Reader
Series MasterList
Series Summary: When everything seems to be falling apart your best friend, Lee Henry, and his family are there to help.
Chapter Summary: Truck 81 goes on a call that will end up changing the Herrmann family's lives.
Series warning: Warnings: Single parent, death of a parent, foster care system, adoption
Chapter Warning: Hospital, Car accidents, horribly explained hospital mumbo jumbo.
Reader's Age: 16
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The shift has been pretty calm. Only a few calls nothing big or exciting. Which was their favorite kind of shift. One where they were at the house most of it and not watching people's lives change forever. No one knew that their next call would be one that would change Christopher Herrmann and his family's lives forever. It all happened so fast. It was around 6:30, every one was eating dinner
"Truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61 car accident-" everyone stands up abandoning their dinner. They make it onto the scene in no time. Herrmann recognized the Sedan that was upside down. It was an old Honda civic that had seen better days but still ran. It was also your mom's car. He hurried over peaking, it was only her in the car but she wasn't conscious. He checks for a pulse very relieved to have found one
"What do we got Herrmann?" Casey asks walking over.
"One passenger, she's unconscious but has a pulse. Lieutenant, I know the victim, her daughter is friends with Lee Henry." He tells his lieutenant worry on his face. You are a lot more than just Lee Henry's friend, you a part of the family so is your mom. He knows all you have is her besides his son and his family.
"Okay, we'll get her out." Casey begins shouting orders out to his crew. Dawson hands Herrmann a C collar to put on Sarah, your mom while everyone begins their work. Soon she was out of the car and being loaded into the ambo.
"Go with them we'll meet you at med." Casey told his friend.
"Thank you." Herrmann climbs into the ambulance. The second they get to the hospital he calls Cindy. You shouldn't hear about this from a stranger you should hear about it from someone you know. He wanted to stay with your mom.
"How is she?" Mouch asks. Fire House 51 came by to comfort their friend. Most of them have met you or your mom at least once but none of them were that close with you or her.
"She's in surgery... Cindy is going to pick Y/n up right now and bring her here with Lee Henry." Herrmann says looking at the ground. No one said anything as they walked by squeezing his shoulder before sitting down. Mouch took the seat next to him, with Dawson already being sat on the other side of him. It takes a couple more minutes for you to come running in, Lee Henry close behind you with Cindy not much farther behind him. Herrmann stands up looking at you.
"Christopher? Where's mom?" You asked him tears in your eyes.
"She's in surgery. We don't have an update yet." He says softly as you hugged him crying into his shirt. "She'll get through, this so will you." He says softly. Mouch, Casey, and Boden who were sitting in the row that Herrmann was sitting in stand up to give you, Cindy, and Lee Henry a place to sit. Cindy and Henry took a seat but you and Herrman stood there hugging for a little longer before you sat between him and Henry.
House 51 found themselves in this waiting room more than they'd like. Whether it was for someone on their team or to comfort someone on their team it was always hard. Even when they barely knew the person who was hurt.
"Does it always take this long?" You ask.
"Yeah. She's going to be fine kiddo. She's strong where do you think you get it from?" Herrmann wraps an arm around you.
"Yeah." You mumble resting your head on his shoulder. It doesn't take much longer before Dr. Halstead walks in. Everyone stood up, Lee Henry took your hand as you guys waited for Dr. Halstead to talk.
"She's out of surgery, and she's stable but she isn't out of the woods yet these next couple hours are vital. It is looking up though."
"Can I see her?" You ask.
"Yes only a few of you at a time so she can rest." Dr. Halstead says. You nod before leaving the group and going to her room.
"Hey, mom." You sit down in the chair next to the bed. "There's a ton of firefighters here. Chris, Lee, and Cindy are here too. Chris saved you mom, him and his friend." You look at the monitor and back at your mom.
"You've got to be okay mom, you're all I have." You cried taking ahold of her hand. You sat in silence until Herrmann walked in with Cindy.
"Hey kiddo everyone is leaving. Lee Henry is in the cafeteria getting you something to eat. Visiting hours end soon but immediate family can stay.. I talked to Halstead he said me or Cindy can stay with you it's up to you who." Herrmann tells you taking the other seat.
"Uh Christopher can you stay?"
"Okay I'll come by tomorrow after I take the kids to school." Cindy says, sitting on the arm of the chair that her husband is in.
"That works.
"Okay." You nod looking over at your mom. "What will happen to me if she doesn't make it?" You ask them.
"Oh kiddo I am gonna go back to the firehouse and get out of my turnout gear before coming back here, but Boden is letting me leave shift.
"Sweetie don't worry about that. We'll deal with it if it comes to that okay?" Cindy says from the opposite side of the bed.
"Yeah okay."
"I got pizza!" Lee Henry says walking in with two slices of pizza.
"Hey, Herrmann we're leaving." Otis says peeking his head in.
"Okay coming. I'll be back in a little bit." Christopher looks at you, you nod as you take your slice of pizza from Henry.
Henry sat on the floor next to your chair while Cindy sat in the chair her husband was previously sitting in. Normally they wouldn't have brought Lee Henry to the hospital or any of their kids. But this time Lee Henry insisted on coming because you're his best friend he couldn't let you go through this alone. Okay so you wouldn't be alone because his parents would be there but that's different then him being there.
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TagList: @i-spaced-sorry @aaliyahsinger @roseelone @slutfortaylorswiftandzendaya
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alj4890 · 2 years
Choices: A Red Carpet Diaries Fan Fic
(Thomas Hunt x OC) inspired by Top Gun Maverick and taken from my A Second Chance AU
A/N: LOL! Okay. Everyone who looks at my fics/moodboards/etc knows that Jon Hamm is my FC for Thomas Hunt. Blame my eternal love of Mad Men, smh. Anyway, due to the violence and sadness going on in my current TRR Dark AU series and that bit of angsty fluff fic with Drake and Olivia and this last angsty one with Riley, I need some fluff, humor, family life, jealousy; all the stuff I normally write for a breather. And now that my husband is out of the hospital and well again (and life has finally calmed down, LOL) I needed a Thomas Hunt fic! I adore the action, romance, and cheesy 80s aspects of the first Top Gun. And yes, I will confess that I saw Top Gun Maverick twice the week it came out. But this sequel knocks it out of the park storyline wise. And maybe because they added a certain Mr. Jon Hamm to the mix makes it even better 👀 So in this fic of mine, it isn't Jon given the role of Admiral Beau "Cyclone" Simpson. It is our beloved Mr. Hunt much to his wife's delight. And yes my OC, Amanda, is given my love of Top Gun and my own personal embarrassing story of what I used to do when playing the original's love song when single and dating as a teenager 🙈 Those poor guys never understood why I insisted on playing such an old soundtrack each date.
@hopelessromantic1352 @krsnlove @trappedinfanfiction @sophxwithers @twinkleallnight @aworldoffandoms @tessa-liam @flyawayboo @moodyvalentinestories
Song Inspiration: Take My Breath Away
Going Method
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"Cut!" Joseph yelled out. He had a big smile gracing his lips. "That is exactly the reaction I was looking for."
Thomas tried to be grateful for the compliment. It has been nearly two decades since he had stepped back in front of the camera. He knew the reason for deciding to act just this once was because of a desire to work with Joseph Kosinski. His fellow director impressed him with many of his previous films.
He'd also looked forward to finally being able to work with Tom Cruise. The two Hollywood icons tried for nearly fifteen years to find a free moment to collaborate on a film. Each time Thomas had a new project, it seemed that Tom was in the midst of filming a new sequel to his Mission: Impossible franchise or there wasn't a part right for the actor.
Everything about this should be perfect.
Though this was a sequel, and Thomas typically detested such, there was something about the script that drew him into the storyline. This wasn't your typical action movie. It had heart. It touched emotions he hadn't thought possible for a story about a bunch of hotshot pilots.
Thomas should be having the time of his life, instead of fighting a burning jealousy that could only be sparked by one person.
His wife.
Amanda had no idea how badly he wanted to punch Tom Cruise in his still too handsome face. Her reaction to hearing there was not only a sequel to, unknown to her husband, one of her favorite films but that Thomas would be taking part had taken him completely by surprise.
As Thomas made his way back to his trailer, he could still picture his wife's face when he told her he wanted her to come on location with him.
A month earlier...
"I want it to be just the two of us." Thomas slipped his arms around her. "Rachel and Stephen agreed to watch Kathleen and the twins." He smiled softly at her. "We haven't had a vacation of sorts alone since our honeymoon."
"You know I would love that." Amanda leaned in to kiss him. "But we can't be away from the children that long."
"We'll have them visit." He responded. "If they miss us too much, then we will have them stay."
Amanda's smile twisted into a playful grimace. "We both know once Rachel and Stephen are here that you and I will be easily forgotten."
He snorted, shaking his head. It was true. Kathleen, Ian, and Elizabeth adored their aunt and uncle. Nothing made them more excited than getting special time with them. Most of the requests when they came by for a visit were for their parents to stay home while they went out with their fun loving relatives.
"Perhaps time away will make them remember they love us too." Thomas teased, pulling Amanda closer. "And give us a chance to show each other our own feelings."
"Don't you dare give me that look!" Amanda playfully scolded.
"What look?" His lips skated down her nexk
"You know very well which look." She met his lips in a long heated kiss. "That look plus kisses like that got me pregnant twice."
"Must be powerful." He mumbled, kissing her again.
"Very." She sighed softly as his hands moved along her curves. "You never told me what type of movie you will be starring in."
"Costarring." He reminded her. "It is actually a sequel to one of Tom's old movies."
Her fingers stilled in unbuttoning his shirt. "Oh? Which one?"
"Top Gun." He tugged her shirt up over her head.
"Top Gun!" Amanda squealed, pushing out of his arms.
Thomas stared at her in surprise.
"I love that movie!" She continued, smiling even more at the notion. "Are you his new wingman?"
"No." His eyes narrowed somewhat over her slight pout hearing that. "I play an admiral over the pilot school, Admiral Beau Cyclone Simpson."
"Really?" Amanda sat down at the foot of the bed. "Does your character, Cyclone, like Maverick or do you disapprove of his actions and attitude?"
Thomas folded his arms. He could tell that all thoughts of romance had left by her simply sitting there being unusually inquisitive during his attempt at seduction.
"I disapprove." He grumbled, meaning it in more ways than one.
"I knew it." She nodded. "With your personality and voice, you would be serious and against Maverick."
His eyes narrowed. "Let me guess, you like his character?"
"Of course I do!" Her laughter over what was clearly a ridiculous question turned into a deep, heartfelt sigh. "Who wouldn't love him?"
So like is now love, he thought to himself.
"Do you think he will wear the outfit?" Amanda asked after a few moments of staring off into space.
"You know?" Amanda prodded. "The Maverick look: blue jeans, tight white t-shirt, brown bomber jacket, and those aviator sunglasses." Her sigh was even louder than the one that came before it.
Thomas frowned while buttoning his shirt. "I don't know what he is wearing in the film."
"If I see him in person wearing that and riding his motorcycle..." Amanda shook her head with a dreamy smile as her voice trailed off.
"I take it you like this particular look." Thomas said with a sarcastic edge.
"It was my favorite look on a man for years." Amanda cut her eyes to her husband. "Right up until I saw you for the first time in a tuxedo."
Thomas stilled in his actions. "Really?"
She nodded, rising off the bed to wind her arms around his neck. "You made every other look and man fade away once I saw you."
His frown eased hearing that.
She pressed a long, tender kiss to his lips. Her hands slid down to start unbuttoning his shirt once more.
"Will you, by chance, be wearing any navy uniforms in this movie?" She bit down on her bottom lip when his kisses traveled along her neck and shoulders.
"I will." He cocked an eyebrow at her.
Her smile turned flirty. "I can't wait to see how you look in them."
His smile reappeared as her lips crashed back against his.
He should have known when he first saw Tom in the stupid white t-shirt and blue jeans that his wife would be thrilled. He heard her slight oh the moment the actor pulled out the leather jacket and made his way over to them.
"You must be Amanda." Tom held his hand out, a big smile popping up.
"I am." Her own matching smile irritated Thomas. "It is so nice to finally meet you."
As the two talked, Thomas could only stand there both grateful for his own aviator sunglasses hiding his glare and cursing the eyeware to perdition because Tom slipped his on. Then he felt heat flare over him as the two walked toward a motorcycle, leaving him to trail behind.
"I know this isn't the GPZ from the first movie." Amanda said, eyeing the new bike. "Is it still a Kawasaki?"
"You know your bikes." Tom replied with a smile.
"I don't." She laughed. "I only know the one you rode in Top Gun." A blush crept up her cheeks. "When my uncle showed me the movie, it became a dream of mine when I was thirteen to ride on one."
"Would you like to try this one?" Tom asked.
"She doesn't know how to drive a motorcycle." Thomas quickly spoke up.
"Then how about I give you a ride?" Tom put the bomber jacket on, then swung his leg over the seat. "We've got some downtime before the next scene."
Thomas was already shaking his head while his wife was nodding hers.
"I'd love to!" She quickly got behind Tom.
Thomas stood there with his jaw dropped. His wife was asking where to put her feet and then where to hold on for safety.
"Just hold on tight to me." Tom told her, starting up the bike. "And lean into the curves."
"Wait!" Thomas struggled to speak. "Doesn't she need a helmet?"
They didn't hear him over the roar of the engine. Amanda wrapped her arms around Tom's waist, scooting much too close in her husband's opinion to the actor's back, and with a quick nod, they took off down the road.
Leaving Thomas fuming.
Later that evening...
"That was the most thrilling ride I've ever been on." Amanda continued to gush. "I've been on motorcycles a few times in my life, but nothing will ever top that!"
Thomas blew the candles out at the table he had made certain was set for a romantic dinner for two. Their bungalow at the beach couldn't have been more perfect for a second honeymoon. Dinner with the waves hitting the shore in the background should have been pleasant.
If only Tom Crusie was not a part of it.
Amanda began to collect their empty dishes while continuing to talk about her teenage fantasy becoming a reality.
"To have him dressed like that while he drove me around was perfect." She sighed softly. "If only my sixteen-year-old self knew it would one day happen."
Thomas eyed her over the rim of his glass. "Sixteen?"
She nodded. Another blush covered her cheeks. "I used to fantasize that I could be the girl Maverick falls for. Takes on rides at night." Her smile turned a tad self-depreciating. "Kiss."
Thomas took a needed gulp of his drink. He welcomed the burn to keep his jealous words from tumbling out.
"I know what I'm about to admit sounds awful." Amanda tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, eyes averted from her husband. "But do you remember the love song in the first Top Gun?"
"Yes." Thomas cleared his throat. "Take My Breath Away."
Amanda's lips curved somewhat. "Gah. That song used to give me chills. When it plays in the movie, and Tom and Kelly start to make love..." She shifted nervously, "I used to play that when on a date."
Thomas frowned somewhat. "The film's love scene?"
"No. Take My Breath Away." Amanda finally looked up at him. "Remember, I was sixteen and well, I used to close my eyes and pretend the guy that was kissing me was Maverick."
Thomas didn't know how to respond. How had he managed to somehow end up in a movie with the one actor his wife not only fantasized about but also felt the need to tell him every detail of it.
"It makes me sound horrible." Amanda mumbled when she noticed the look of disbelief on her husband's face.
"No." He managed to say. "Like you said, you were young and most likely the young men you were dating at the time could have used an upgrade."
Amanda shook her head with a laugh. "It's true." Her smile was warm once again. "I suppose they too imagined I was someone else."
He doubted it.
She wound her arms around his neck. "So..."
Thomas quirked an eyebrow in silent question.
"We are all alone." She threaded her fingers through his hair. "No twelve year old or seven year olds knocking at the door." Her lips found his earlobe. "Whatever shall we do with this freedom?"
His arms locked around her. Eyes closed tight with the way she kissed him.
Thank God that song isn't playing somewhere, he thought to himself.
Her hands drifted down his body.
And then he couldn't think at all.
The next few weeks went quickly. Thomas found himself gritting his teeth anytime his wife and co-star interacted. When it came time to perform his scenes, he had no trouble at all displaying the struggle of keeping his dislike at bay.
Tom and Joseph praised him for somehow conveying that dislike just below the surface.
"I gotta say," Tom patted him on the back after once scene, "that look you gave me was one that made me pause in wondering if you really can't stand me." He chuckled as he parted from Thomas and went into his trailer.
Thomas had to bite back that he wasn't acting, at least not in the sense he used to.
He was going full method for this role.
During Thomas's last week to film for his scenes, a party was given in Tom's bungalow.
Amanda seemed more excited than usual on the days leading up to it. Thomas didn't ask why she was. The last thing he needed was another reason to be jealous. But the night of the party, he was unable to remain silent.
She was actually humming to herself while putting her makeup on. He couldn't remember a time she was this giddy to go out for a night of supposed revelry.
"You seem happier than usual." He grumbled as he stepped out of the shower.
"I do?" Her eyes found him in the reflection of her mirror. "I suppose I am."
He wrapped a towel around his waist, dreading to hear her reasons.
"I know that tonight marks our final days here." A smile played about her lips as she searched for her powder. "I've missed our home and daily routines. Having the children visit us was nice, but I can't wait to get back to them." She lifted her eyes to her husband's. "Though I have thoroughly enjoyed our alone time."
Thomas felt his dread disappear. It wasn't the fact she was about to see Tom Cruise or anything at all to do with her feelings for his character. She wanted what he wanted. To go home and return to the life they had together was still a shared dream.
He came up behind her, tilted her face up, and gave her a tender kiss. He felt her smile against his lips as her fingers tangled in his damp hair.
"You're making me want to be late to the party." She teased.
"You're wrong." He kissed her again. "You're the one making me want to forget about what time we should arrive." His hands grasped her waist, urging her closer as their kisses became more heated. "Hearing you say that you want what I long for in returning home makes it impossible not to kiss you."
She reluctantly stepped back with a frustrated moan. "We better stop while we still can." Her half-smile revealed how little she wanted to. "It would be rude of us not to be on time."
His hands slid inside her robe, pulling her closer than before.
"We'll be fashionably late." He whispered against her skin.
Perhaps it was the talk the two had or the fact that his skin still tingled from making love to Amanda an hour earlier, but Thomas was doing better at observing from across the room his wife in deep discussion with Tom Cruise.
Seeing Joseph as part of the conversation also helped him keep his jealousy at a low boil.
When she was pulled away by some of his costars, he decided to find out what they had been talking about.
"I bet your ears are burning." Tom teased.
"Burning?" Thomas asked.
"I think you married your biggest fan." Joseph explained. "She was just telling us how much she loves watching you in the scenes you were in."
"She did?" Thomas couldn't stop his smile from forming.
Tom shook his head with a laugh. "My feelings would be hurt if she wasn't married to you. She was blind to the rest of us as soon as you showed up in a scene." He winked at Thomas. "Thank God you weren't in every scene or else she wouldn't have been able to critique my own performance."
"I'd say that you are a lucky man," Joseph added with a grin, "but then that would mean we aren't as lucky as you."
"And we can't have that." Tom teased.
"No, I suppose not." Thomas mumbled, searching the room for his wife.
"She stepped outside in case you are wondering." Joseph pointed toward the patio door.
The two watched in amusement as Thomas hurried off without another word.
He found her near the water. After all these years, he still loved how she would leave a party to get off by herself to think on things and the people she interacted with. He also loved that she never insisted they remain at said party until the bitter end.
He wrapped his arms around her, smiling as she immediately relaxed back against him.
"I was looking for you."
She pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Looks like you found me."
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming out here?"
"You were talking to Tom and Joseph. I didn't want to interrupt." Amanda turned in his arms so she could slide hers around him.
"You," Thomas leaned down until he was barely brushing her lips, "are never an interruption."
She started to laugh when he drily admitted that she was a distraction though.
"I'll try to stop that." She said once calm.
"You better not." He muttered, finally kissing her.
"I'm going to miss this." She mumbled, once more barely brushing his lips with hers. "No interruptions while we sneak away."
"I thought you missed our three interruptions." He pressed her closer to his body.
"I do, horribly." She captured his bottom lip with her own causing him to suck in a surprised breath. "We will have to find a way to have both them and these rare moments alone."
"Agreed." His mouth slanted over hers, drawing a soft moan from her. "We'll have Rachel and Stephen over more often."
"Perfect." She stepped out of his arms.
He cocked an eyebrow at her when she held her hand out to him.
"Where are we going?" Thomas asked, allowing her to tug him further away from the party.
"Back to our bungalow." Amanda cast a coy glance towards him. "I have a very strong desire to be with my favorite actor from Top Gun"
"That better be me you're talking about." He yanked her back into his arms.
"As if there can be any doubt." She looped her arms around his neck. "You were the only one I visited the set for." Her eyes drifted down. "The one I found the most handsome in his uniforms." Her lips curved when she felt his body respond to her words. "The one I couldn't take my eyes off of whenever anyone else spoke."
"What about Tom?" He couldn't stop the question from tumbling out.
Her lifted back to his. "What do you mean?"
"He was playing your favorite character." He reminded her.
Thomas grimaced somewhat. "Wasn't he able to steal your attention away from me?"
Amanda tilted her head in a manner that made him squirm as she silently studied him.
"Nevermi--" he started to say.
"Not once." She replied at the same time.
His eyes widened. "What did you say?"
"I said, not once." She returned to her former position of being close against him. "He doesn't even come close to holding my attention like you do."
"But you love Maverick." He reminded her
"True." She turned her head when she heard music begin playing. "Is that..."
Thomas felt his heart drop when he heard the familar song, Take My Breath Away, playing. He'd forgotten that his other costars were planning on using it to tease Tom. He could hear the laughter of the cast mixed with the melody.
Don't kiss me, he silently pleaded. Don't kiss me and think of Tom Cruise while you do it.
Amanda looked up at him with a playful, flirty smile.
"We should go." He mumbled as she inched closer.
"I'd rather have a kiss." She pressed her lips along his jaw. "Beau."
He stilled. "What did you call me?"
"Beau." She muttered between kisses along his neck. She leaned back to meet his shocked gaze. "Or would you rather I call you, Admiral, or your call sign, Cyclone?"
Thomas merely stuttered until her lips met his. He clutched her close when he realized what was happening.
The song, the very one her younger self used as daydream fuel of Tom Cruise while kissing, was now being used to think of his own character. Thomas didn't know he had anything left within him to fall more in love with his wife, but in this moment he could feel it happening.
He took over the kiss, determined to give her one that she would never forget. He tried to imagine how his character would react to having the woman he loved more than anything in his arms. Completely his. He used that inspiration to draw moans from her, glorying in taking her breath away.
How lucky could a man be to not only have his own dream girl to kiss in both real life and pretend?
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