#okay here ends the tea ☕️
clouds-of-wings · 1 year
Sometimes I'm happy that every time something horrific comes out about a metal band, it's never one of my faves.
Then I remember that most of my faves have like 5 fans including the singer's grandma, and that I probably wouldn't know if they were terrible people because no one would write about it and for the most part I don't know them personally.
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markiemelon · 7 days
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆☕️
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genre : fluff
pairings : jaehyun x reader
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[ 8:30 pm ]
"do we have to go?"
"yes jaehyun, it's her birthday. we don't have to stay for very long though.” you ran your fingers through jaehyun’s hair, trying to make him look more presentable. "let’s go inside." you headed for the door and your whiny boyfriend slugged behind you.
you walked straight into the chaos of your friend's birthday celebration. jaehyun always pretended to be the life of the party, but in reality, he would much rather be lazy with you at home. he greeted some people he knew, and told a few girls that he wasn't interested in them… leaving you to wander off with some friends while he did whatever he was doing.
a little later, jaehyun found you sitting on the couch by yourself. he approached you with half-shut eyelids, crashing next to you on that little sofa.
he leaned his head onto your shoulder… you were careful not to bring attention to it, if you did, you know he'd get embarrassed and lean away. making the most of this sleepy jaehyun moment, you rested your hand on his back and traced lines along his spine.
"do you wanna go home?"
"mm" he hummed in response, meaning yes.
“okay, let’s go.” you patted him gently.
you guided the drowsy jaehyun to the front door while he followed right behind you. even in the car ride back, he kept his proximity, leaving a hand on your knee as you drove. “yn, i told you im okay to drive!” you laughed at how stupid he sounded, especially since he fell asleep right after saying that.
jaehyun’s 15 minute cat nap came to an end once you pulled into your driveway. “jae,” you rubbed his hand. “we’re here.” you walked inside, jaehyun following and closing the door behind him. he stood in place, squinting his eyes that hadn’t yet adjusted to the lights.
you shuffled over to the kitchen. "do you want some tea?" you asked while reaching for something in the cupboard.
"sure." he said softly, approaching the kitchen counter. he stood tall and still, watching your every move with wide, fixated eyes.
as you watched the hot steam shoot up from the kettle, you felt jaehyun's chest press up against your back. his arms hugged your waist closer to him. butterflies flew around your stomach, all the way up to your throat.
"jae," you broke the silence. i have to get the sugar from the cabinet."
jaehyun released his embrace, but his eyes stayed glued to you, admiring you for even the simplest things through each of his slow, careful blinks.
as soon as you set down the jar of sugar, jaehyun lifted you up to set you on the counter. there was a moment he looked into your eyes before closing any distance there was between you and him. his lips wandered over yours. every move of his laced with passion and intention.
on either side of you, his arms pressed into the counter. his fingertips reached for your hand and he held onto it under his own, his chest gently heaving. hovering you, he fell even deeper into your lips.
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thank you for reading! have this in the meantime while I get to your requests lol
perm taglist: @i03jae @regularsuh @sol3chu @yurikudon @onionhaseyoareumm @lexeees
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now wait, now im curious, Cathy hcs?
so she was reportedly close to all the Tudor kids
-So naturally she’s amazing with kids
-Like genuinely something about her makes them flock to her
-She’ll never admit it but Jane’s kinda jealous of how kids aren’t afraid to share their cringey stuff with her
-Like if Jane’s the mom Cathy is the “cool” (actually also a nerd) aunt who buys you ice cream and you two go dork about something after
-She’s also ambidextrous! (Maybe one day I’ll go over body HCs like scars and stuff who knows)
-Will be writing with one hand and typing with another, chaos trio fears her efficiency, Cata happily endorses it
-Will plan dates with Anne or group activities 4-7 months in advance and then forget to even ask
-On that note, very forgetful and down right clumsy at times
-Fuck being organized!! Lina makes sure every step is perfect, Cathy saves perfection for the end. If the job is well done then it doesn’t matter how we got here!
-The shortest for silly goofy purposes
-Also probably the first one to find out about gay people
-Probably very confused as to why the community existed at first but through research educated herself and then the queens
-Which led to Anne jokingly flirting with her and woopsies now she’s writing 10 pages worth of describing Anne Boleyn
-She probably had a crush on each of the dead cousins at least once, Jane and Kat were short lived but Anne kept fanning her respective flame and it hit Cathy HARD
-this entire blog is just “parrlyn rights” so you already know
-Cathy has a journal that she originally tried to make all aesthetic and Pinterest like Kat’s after she had shown Cathy her’s. It eventually just became a diary and a show log
-Anna and Kat look through it for blackmail and tea ☕️
-Based on this on fic I forgot the name of, Cathy likes to boil things down into one word because it’s satisfying to her (okay maybe projecting a bit with this one)
-So each queen is lovingly referred to by one word / phrase in her mind
Lina - Royal
Anne - Impossible (Affectionate)
Jane - Daunting
Anna - Mega bitch (Affectionate AND derogatory)
Kat - Glass Canon
-Now, each of these “nicknames” are all very layered in of themselves and I won’t explain all of them in this post but she has been considering these words and they are ever changing.
-These are just their current incarnations, it’s always possible that Cathy will find a better more descriptive word to describe them
If you asked her to describe herself, she could never come up with an answer for that
Okay done ^^
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mitsuri-chan333 · 1 year
Shinya x Reader fluff
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Fireplace, crackling, the smell of fresh pine tree wood burning. I walked down the estate hallway of the Hiragi’s.
How I got in? Well that’s another story. But currently I was off sneaking around looking for a certain silver haired young man.
My eyes were led to the site of a partly cracked door leaking orange lighting into the hallway. Curiosity called my name, so I followed it and peaked over the door slightly.
The room was empty. A book gently placed over the red couches plump cushions. I looked from left to right and swore I saw no one. My tippy toe barely entering the unoccupied room, before I felt a presence right beside me.
My head cocking swiftly to the side, my nerves tightened and my adrenaline kicked in anticipation to who I had run into. With the Hiragi’s you never know.
“Wow, y/n it’s just me relax a little.” Shinya spoke in a playful voice. I was flustered.
“You scared the hell out of me Shinya. Are any of the others around in here?” I asked scoping behind and around me.
“No, it’s just me. Why you worried?” He asked me in a joking manner as usual.
“No, I’m not worried. What are you up to anyway. At this time of night?” I curiously questioned.
“I was just catching up on my light novel. I took a break to go boil some tea though. It’s just about done. Do you want any?”
“Hmm, I don’t know. You got milk?”
“Hmm, do I? I wonder?” Shinya was joking around with me again playfully.
“Don’t joke with me Shinya. You’ve got some don’t you?”
“Yes, I just love your reaction. Plus why wouldn’t I have your favorite available?” He closed the gap of distance between us and whispered in my ear.
I blushed and backed away a bit. He looked at me in amusement, before walking back to where he was boiling the tea to turn the stove off, signaling for me to follow him.
“You tease, don’t do that!” I scolded him as my feet went to where Shinya was on their own.
I swear this man. He’s going to be the end of me, but Shinya’s a sweet guy. He loves joking around, but I actually really like that about him. He’s very sweet and overprotective and I, well I actually really…..
“Y/n? What are you so busy thinking about?~ Got a case of the love bug~?” He jokingly asked me through slurs.
“I think I…” I cut myself off realizing I was responding automatically with thoughts. I forcefully shoved my hand sober my mouth.
“What was that?” He teasingly questioned me as he leaned closer to me.
“Nothing! Nothing! Nothing!” I childishly chanted as I covered my face. I felt as he gently started to try and peel my hands off my face.
“Oh really then why’s…..” he stopped mid sentence as he studied my tomatoe of a face, he had a bit of a blush on his face at this point now as well. All I did was stare at him.
“You really do have a case of the love bug, don’t you y/n?”
“What………. No I don’t you Idiot!” I just teased him frantically and almost slipped, but he caught me.
“Careful there.” He looked genuinely worried for a second there. I looked up at him and quickly changed the subject.
“U-um! What about the tea?! We need to drink it before it gets cold!” I whisper shouted. He store at me in a highly confusing manner before he smiled.
“You’re changing the sub….”
“What! Um tea! How I love tea.” I scurried my feet over towards the kettle and quickly lifted it up and poured two cups of Black Tea ☕️.
“Okay then. The milk is in the fridge if you want any for your tea y/n.” Shinya played along with me as he took his tea cup and went to sit by the fireplace where I assume his presence was taken with before I arrived.
“Okay, thanks.” I just said before walking over to the fridge. I carefully opened it. The cold sensation tingling onto the tips of my fingers.
Embracing my entire hand before the cold wind from the fridge hit my peachy skin. I reached for the milk and shut the door behind me. I unscrewed the cap and gently put it down next to the milk carton.
I watched as the Black tea went from a clear black substance to a nice powdered gentle brown. I went to the cabinet and opened it, praying that the honey 🍯 wasn’t on the top shelf.
It was.
I just store at it.
Damn my 5’6 ass. I mentally swore to myself as I eyed the honey suspiciously.
I put my knee up and tried climbing the counter. Shinya must’ve seen me out of the corner of his eye, because before I knew it.
He was behind me holding onto my arm.
“You know you can’t reach it y/n. Let me get it down for you.” He just smiled sweetly at me.
“Hmm, fine I guess so.” I just bubbled out my cheeks and looked down. He put his arm around my waist to try and help me down. I felt as my feet had finally made contact with the ground beneath me.
“Here you go.” He kindly handed me the honey and I took it happily.
I felt our fingers gently brush over each other and could hear my heart start pitter pattering along.
“Thanks.” I took the honey back to the counter. I carefully unscrewed the lid from the top. Taking my spoon, I scooped it in and waited till all the honey ran down to take the spoon and stir it in.
I carefully stirred it into the milk tea. Shinya still stood there. I took my tea cup and walked over after closing the honey jar and handed it back to Shinya.
It seemed like it took him a second to process that the jar was in his hands which was unusual for him.
“Oh thanks, I’ll put it back where it was.” Was all he spoke, but I swore he was entranced or something.
“No problem.” I just leaned over the counter with my milk tea. I eyed Shinya as he carefully took the honey and put it back into the cabinet it was previously occupied in. He then turned to me and asked me something.
“Hey y/n, do you want to come sit with me, it’s a pretty big couch so they’re should be room for you.”
Shinya inviting me to sit with him? Usually on nights like this where I snuck in, he would peacefully just sit reading his light novel and I’d lean on the counter and admire the moon from the little windowsill. I store at him in confusion.
“You don’t have too. I was just asking.”
“Umm, no that’s fine. The couch sounds nice.” I decided to take him up on his offer.
I carefully walked over with my milk tea and sat next to Shinya on the red sofa which seemed as if it could seat at least three. It was silent, but it was a peaceful kind of silence.
I also came today though for another reason. It wasn’t just to sit in peace like this tonight like every other night.
Tonight was the night before Shinya had to go on a very important mission. This mission would probably be the most dangerous yet. So I wanted to tell him something before it.
Parting my lips, I broke the silence.
“Hey, Shinya?” Every word, despite it only being two simple words, caused my heart to skip at an even faster tempo. My stomach to conjure little butterflies.
“What is it y/n?” He looked up from his book.
“Um well,” I looked down, shutting my eyes tightly I forced myself to point my face towards him.
“I really hope you come back from tomorrows mission! I really enjoy these nights that we spend together and I don’t want anything to happen to you, so I just wanted to tell you to make sure you come back idiot or I won’t forgive you!”
I did it.
I kept my eyes shut, my face flushed by now. I slowly opened my eyes. There were a few tears in the corners of my eyes that I barely even noticed.
Shinya looked kind of shocked. Did I say something wrong? Oh no? What did…
Then, I suddenly felt warm arms around me. I widened my eyes, entirely shocked. I love him, don’t I? My dumb heart went & fell for him.
“Y/n. I’ll try my best to come back. I can’t promise I won’t die, but I will give it my all! After all! I also want to come back to you. I don’t, I don’t want to leave you. Not ever. So I’ll, I’ll come back.” I could feel him shaking just a bit.
Did he really care that much? About me? I felt myself relax at his heartfelt words and melted into his warm touch.
“Thank you Shinya. I trust you. And well I have just one more important thing to tell you.” I looked up at him and before I could say what I wanted to,
I felt his lips on mine. They were warm, soft and tasted like raspberries. His scent resembling that of an ocean breeze that you’d only catch a whiff of as you walked the coast line across the beach of the Atlantic Ocean.
My peachy lips melting into the coast line of his heart, till parting for air was heavily needed. I looked down in embarrassment. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look deeply into his sparkling silver eyes. Their was a different gleam in them. It wasn’t lust, it wasn’t desire, it was pure, pure love. Pure care & compassion. Pure bliss & kindness. I softened my gaze and embraced him. Snuggling my head into his chest as he laid down onto the couch. Kissing the top of my forehead before he said.
“I’ll never leave you y/n. I love you.” My heart fluttered at a constant harmony.
A constant harmony being played on Allegro.
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unisnake · 1 month
Will Wolf choose to stop pulling crazy stunts completely after what he just went through?
Wolf: YES! YES! Just please Piranha! Save me!
Piranha: Save yourself Wolfie. You remember your training right? 😯
Wolf: Okay, okay... Okay... Haze up the mind now.
Drillaargh: Isn't it supposed to be "clear up the mind"?
Wolf: Grrrr...
Drillaargh: Oh my goodness...
Nursie: 😧
Wolf: Red eyes. 😡
Alright. I think I'll be leaving now... Unless you want to end this here?
Drillaargh: Nope... I'll enjoy this vacation in peace thank you. ☕️ Drinks tea.
Nursie: Opens the door for Wolf and Piranha.
Wolf: Thank you.
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kedsandtubesocks · 6 months
Hi Erika!! Sending some asks right back at you!
Hope you’re having a good day 🫶🏻💕
MY LOVELY KATE omg thank you for swimming by I’m making you some sweet tea we can share ☺️☕️💖
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
It’s such a boring cliche answer but I’ve always been writing ever since I was little & then when I discovered the little stories on quizilla (I’m aging myself so much omfg) is when I officially started writing fanfic lol
But writing for the Pedro fandom found me because honestly I just wanted to connect with y’all 🥺 mando season 3 had just started and I loved seeing everyone react and create together & I just wanted to scream giggle with everyone too! So I took the plunge and posted fic and here I am getting to talk with you!! 🫶💕
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
OOO!! Okay so because I’ve gotten back into charmed I’m giving you a HC about Leo/Piper cause they’ve been my ship since I was a young gal lol!!
Leo’s 1940’s sensibilities come out when he goes to open the door for Piper at restaurants and of course he holds it open for the ladies that come in after because he’s a gentleman, but then he ends up getting stuck holding the door for EVERYONE and Piper gets exhausted and just leaves him to sit down lol
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Oh this is so lovely! So the one personal wisdom that’s really helped me and I’ve kept it with me for so long is -
“this too shall pass”
my mom tells it too me whenever I feel down and it’s just this reassurance that even if you feel bad today, or even tomorrow, it won’t last 🩵
Your ask just made my day and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day too 🥹🩷💕💘
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Confession time! 1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? 19. Have you had sex today? 24. What do you want right this second? 28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? 43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? 81. Tea or coffee? 91. Best room for a fireplace?
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1. Fuck yes I would jump their bones right this second if I could (it was my boyfriend *insert one of the discord penis emojis here*)
19. Maaaaaaaaybe 😏😏😏😏😏 (okay yes I did)
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24. I could murder a bag of peach gummy rings right now
28. You not being ready for my mommy post even though I told you I was going looking for one 😝
43. Oh my god yes! In middle school my friend dragged me along while she talked to my crush. When we got close to him I tripped over someone’s backpack and fell on my ass in what I’m sure was an unflattering manner 😆 in typical Sarah fashion I layed on the floor and laughed at myself so hard I cried for probably five minutes afterwards. He ended up laughing too then walking away, bastard didn’t even offer to help me up!
81. I actually hate coffee ☕️ soooo yeah, gonna pick tea 🫖
91. Look, I live in the south, they’re kind of useless in every room imo
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okamirayne · 1 year
Hello, my angel of words! Here I am yet again (told you I'd be back hehe), this time with a shorter ASK.
Pretty sure Kakashi and Genma have decided to turn my brain into their permanent residence and BtB has given me a burst of writing-motivation.
My own original story is still just vibes and nothing else (with a few loose plot points that probably are the results of loose screws in my head... 😂) and I can't for the life of me figure out what the hell is happening in there yet.
There's a few scenes containing Genma and Kakashi that my brain came up with though and so I was wondering the following thing:
Are you okay with people writing their own little stories set in the BtB universe? Basically fanfiction of fanfiction, if you will 🤔
Me personally, I'd probably just use it to get some practice in (god do I need it 😂) and wouldn't publish it anywhere
I hope you're doing well 💙 Also, I gotta know, what's your favorite kind of tea? 👀
Aw! Hello, my lovely! 💜 Always a pleasure, @sunlightrays. 🥰🩵
Pretty sure Kakashi and Genma have decided to turn my brain into their permanent residence and BtB has given me a burst of writing-motivation.
😆 Glad to hear it! No freeloading for those two. House rules! Raidō did attempt to teach (beat into) Genma some semblance of tenancy decorum. 😉
My own original story is still just vibes and nothing else (with a few loose plot points that probably are the results of loose screws in my head... ) and I can't for the life of me figure out what the hell is happening in there yet.
Ah! All good and great things in their time, my fellow wordsmith! May it all percolate deliciously. I hope that it comes together in that magical way when Time and Flow do their alchemical dance. 😍
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Wey! All those loose screws are good! I’m convinced. 😆 No creative chaos should be sane or contained! ✨
Are you okay with people writing their own little stories set in the BtB universe? Basically fanfiction of fanfiction, if you will. Me personally, I'd probably just use it to get some practice in (god do I need it) and wouldn't publish it anywhere
Meta-fanfic! I shall re-direct you to my answer for this question which resides in this post, sweetheart. 👍🏼
I hope you're doing well.
Why yes…just randomly screaming from my hellpit at my muses…you know…
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Or staring into my own cleaved brainpan like..
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Yep! I’m Happy to report that I’m still bug-fuck nuts and routinely courting madness, so the End Days are not yet upon us 😆.
Also, I gotta know, what's your favorite kind of tea?
*addict-twitching grin* Oh my…just the one all-time fav? I enjoy different brews for different levels of sorcery. Being a homegrown Brit with mixed heritage, I oscillate a bit. But my everyday go-to cuppa is a UK black tea brand called YORKSHIRE TEA.
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Very popular here. It’s a good strong brew. My favourite overall (which I practically inhale 99% of the time) has to be masala chai (and here comes my Eastern roots) which can be made in various different ways according to spice-preference. For convenience, I blasphemously use a pre-ground spice combo that I shove into the Yorkshire Tea. That’s my everyday cuppa ☕️🥰☕️
I’m also a huge fan of ceremonial Matcha 🍵 🤩 And, on occasion, I enjoy a good Genmaicha. ☕️
Thanks for the ASK(s), my luv! I wish you inspiration a’plenty for your original works, with rampant and most randy plot bunnies 😆💜✨
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daisyvisions · 1 year
I ended up reading through some more of your works (it's how I noticed the reply 😅) and I really do love it! I hope writing can always bring you joy because you really are so good at it (in my unprofessional opinion) 💕
I'm looking forward to your juyeon pieces as well as what you have planned for the other members! and the lack of juyeon content really ie criminal 😭 so we all appreciate the efforts you're going to to try to bring out more of him.
the juyeon thoughts are bringing this convo to a 180 😭 but we all know how juyeon has massive hands (they are absolutely gorgeous). we also know that he doesn't really get mad mad a lot. he's sweet and easy-going for the most part. but what if you're acting up in front of some of the members and juyeon is really fighting to stay in control but soon, he's had enough.
imagije if he just shoves his fingers in your mouth in front of everyone. "since you seem to have trouble keeping that bratty little mouth of yours from running, let's put it to good use," initially just the tip. he knows you're a whore for him and his hands. you're whining around it, trying to take more but his other hand grabs your cheeks, stilling you. "now dear, let's not be greedy. you take what you're given."
the others don't know whether to stay or leave, especially not when Juyeon says "show us what else that mouth of yours can do" either way, it stirs something in you and you're sucking his fingers like it's his cock. you must appear starved but that couldn't be further from the truth. saliva is dripping down your chin. and whilst you're doing your best around his fingers, juyeon appears to pay you little mind, continuing his casual conversation with the others (who are clearly affected by the display). and so, you're left to clench your thighs to try to relieve some kind of tension in you.
juyeon's fingers are probably long enough to reach the back of your throat so when he's feeling... generous, shall we say, he'll suddenly push further in just to keep you on your toes and to enjoy the sweet startled gagging noises as you choke on his fingers.
when he's satisfied with your work (or even if he decides you're enjoying yourself too much), he'll pull out. you probably won't be surprised if his fingers were pruning. he'll draw his fingers carelessly along your line of drool, probably chuckling as you mindlessly chase after him. "where did my brat go, hmm? acting up because we have company. so good when you want to be, arent you?" he'll pull you in close and mumble a promise in your ear, "I'll deal with you properly later"
anyways, that was just a juyeon thought I had recently 🫠😅 idek if it makes sense 😭
i hope everything is good with you! and there's no worries about the response time!! I understand that everyone has a life offscreen-I'm just glad I got to express my joy for your writing 💕
i think for emoji sign off, I might pick the tea/coffee emoji ☕️ though I don't know if I'll be extremely active
thank you daisy!! I hope you have a lovely day 💕
Thank you for your kind words and supporting by reading the other fics 🥺 really means a lot esp nowadays when I feel like I've lost my touch huhu
babe.... that was absolutely hot and it's giving ideas... like seriously that would be so hot omg 😩 I might even consider using this as a reference to a fic too (if I may ask for your permission ofc hehe)
everything's okay (I hope), work lately has been so bad mentally I honestly need a break soon huhu but trying my best and trying my best to be more active again here too! hop you're having a lovely day/night!! 💕
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PREPARE YOURSELF, HERE THEY COME: 👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
🍼 BABY BOTTLE - what are their thoughts on children?
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
All these for the loveliest bard of our hearts, Ravonna!!! <3 <3 <3
Thank you so much for these! I love this ask game so much!
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
Not really. She generally resorts to violence only in self-defense or if someone pissed her off really bad. She loves to talk shit and destroy someone with words, in true bard fashion, be petty or write a song/poem about someone who really angered her and spread the art throughout all of Tamriel so that everyone knows that person is a jackass!
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
As a nord, she does prefer colder drinks. She doesn’t mind hot tea or coffee, but nothing compares to the beautiful simplicity of nord mead, and its effects upon her! Sujamma also always comforts her, reminding her of simpler times at the inn that she grew up in, back in Morrowind.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
The very first think I decided about her was that I was finally going to make a mage character after modding Skyrim thoroughly so that the magic system would be cooler. I made her and played around with the racemenu until I got exactly what I wanted, which was a sarcastic black-haired, green-eyed nord! It was also the first time playing Skyrim as a nord, and it felt so right to make her my canon Skyrim oc, which was going to end up with Miraak anyway, because I could never kill him! I got the Lucien and Inigo mods and was absolutely obsessed with Rumarin at the time! It was also at this time that I made my tumblr account to consume even more TES media :)). I was reblogging lots of stuff and then someone tagged me to make a picrew of her, and I did! And when I tried to describe her my hand slipped and made an entire backstory for her! After that I got tagged in another tag game, I believe it was a wip Wednesday sort of thing, but the problem was that I had no wip! So I opened a word document and started typing, and I couldn’t stop! I was listening to this song and I kept imagining stuff and banter with the fellowship and them singing the song! I love sea shanties and decided to project this love of mine onto her, so then I made her a bard! And I thought that she has to be funny and jolly and not very serious! And so the very beginning of my fic came to be! With them singing, drunk in a dinghy searching for treasure, at the dawn of a new day, because it marked the dawn of this wonderful adventure I’m having right now, writing and sharing it with you all and meeting other wonderful, wonderful people in the TES community! This is already a huge block of text, so I should stop, but I’m very emotional and nostalgic about this question because I love my Ravonna and everyone in this fic dearly! So the bottom line is... tag people in stuff, make your own tag games, you never know what kind of spark you might start in someone!
🍼 BABY BOTTLE - what are their thoughts on children?
They’re okay I guess… from afar, and when they already grow up and aren’t children anymore… yeah maybe she doesn’t like kids that much. She grew up in a tavern, surrounded by adults, and only left for the guild of mages in Vivec when she was a young adult herself. It’s not that she hates kids or anything, she’s just not that kind of person. She definitely doesn’t want kids of her own. A mother is the last thing she sees herself as.
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
OOOH BOY, I LOVE THIS QUESTION! In a modern AU? She would definitely be a metalhead. In the world of Skyrim? She has a whole notebook that is split in two: one half with favourite collected songs. I see Tamriel bards sharing songs with each other so that more people get to hear their compositions, so long as you give proper credit. But if you don’t give credit, you’re considered dishonorable, and you’re not worthy of the ‘bard’ title. She hates people who don’t give credit with a passion and is sure to rat them out every time. The other half is with her own songs, written and composed by her! She’s definitely that person who would stop in a fight and scribble something in there if that’s when inspiration strikes! It’s not easy being a bard and saving the world…
Her favourite artist, or bard is, of course, Hjaldir. She grew up with that man. She fell asleep to the sound of his singing voice, she learnt to play so many instruments from him, she listened to so many amazing and captivating tales from his pirate days, they sang together so much! She looks up to him and wishes to be as successful of a bard as he is! Being an ex-pirate, he is very well known throughout the whole continent. His shanties are sung in countless inns! And people know of his tales and shenanigans. Something tells me that she will be just like that by the end of the fic, even more than that 😉
I’ve associated my girl with lots of different songs! From 'This Wandering Day', to 'The Wizard', but lately this song (I also imagine her voice sounding something like this) has stood out, because I’m thinking of incorporating this song in my fic, as if she wrote it! The lyrics make lots of sense with what I want to do in the story, but essentially, she had a bit of a warning, or a spoiler, if you will, about the whole ‘Dovahkiin’ prophecy when she was little and had a weird dream. Akatosh works in mysterious ways, but you’ll see what I’m talking about when we’ll be several chapters deep in this fic!
And since I’ve already rambled so much, what’s a little more? Especially when talking about music. I associate ‘Follow You’ with the whole fellowship, as they would follow her through hell and back, no matter what. I also see ‘So What’ as a Ravonna song! She is a rockstar.
Thank you so much for the ask, and sorry for the HUGE block of text that turned out to be my answer! I'm always extremely grateful for these, and you have no idea just how helpful these are about the whole writing thing!
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fanartsofliliput · 2 years
Aww darn! Well, how about the anthropomorphic OCs? Specifically the one with the yellow green apron, the white deer(?) in blue, and and the lion-like one in green/grey sweats?
Emoji’s: �� 🍟 ☕️ 🌙 🌌🎭
With pleasure >:3c
deer creature isnt here because they are not thought trough at all but i did both of my girls :
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Left is Damira(she/her), right is Lamiga(she/her)!
🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast?
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Lamiga's comfort breakfast is charred potatoes!
Its not the best in the world, but it was her usual morning food in the journey through vast desert. And, well, it was always her little sister cooking, and she loves her siblings to bits.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
Damira's comfort breakfast is fresh baked bread with various toppings! She's a baker, so her pantry is always full of different pastries and loafs of bread - and its easier to make something so simple as some slices of bread with cheese/meat/vegetables. Sometimes she makes a version her mother liked - bread with butter and cheese <3
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L- Her greatest wish is to make something of herself, grand enough to make a mark in the history. Its not the biggest her concern, though - she'll be okay with never achieving anything if she and her siblings will live a long and happy life.
D - She wishes with all her life to end the current regime in her town. Living through it and being unable to do almost anything is a torture for someone like her, and the lies she's continuing to recognize in their history doesnt help. Considering that she's one of the leaders of still hidden revolution, i would say she's pretty passionate to her dream.
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
L- considering the era she lives in, preordered food is not an option, but she will give anyone else the task of cooking - her skills in this field is not really good.
D - other of making pastries for her bakery, she's pretty lazy, so she likes to order food at home. She an cook something delicious if she has the energy for it, but it's rare.
L - Lamiga loves hot drinks, despite living in the deserts all her life. That feeling of being warmed up all the way from the inside is her favorite. Her favorite beverage is red tea! She had it only a couple times, but the taste has captured her heart.
D - Damira loves all temperatures, though warmer drinks has more use in her eyes. Favorite drink - tomato juice! She even has some of tomato plants in her garden and keeps a close eyes on their ripeness through the seasons.
🌌MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
L- Her first inspiration was from the dream i had! Both her siblings were from that dream,too. From that point she had changed many,many times and will probably be changed some more. Lamiga's first character trait was her love for botany and, at the same time, her distaste for learning the academic way.
D - she was an adopt that i got long ago, and i really loved her design. She became a baker through my brain seeing an apron and going !!! she makes food!!! and that was one of the first her traits. Afterwards, i decided that being only a baker in that story is a little boring and added a revolution plot. Now she mathes with her partner <3 they are doing a revolution plot in their own city <3
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🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
L - She is pretty straightforward with her emotions and has been very bad with pretending to feel otherwise. Her being unable to fall in line with being a proper student lead to her being mostly on her own in terms of learning, so she is very good in some fields and obvilios in other. Lamiga is very warm towards her family and friends, and loves being snappy in affectionate ways. She mostly regards strangers with some distrust, being the one protecting her siblings the most.
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D- Living in all-controlling country leaves some marks, so she cant really put her walls down even with her favorite people. She always tries to do her best "customer" voice and smile, and it tires her out so much, that she goes nonverbal when alone with herself. When she can be comfortable enough with a friend to trust them, she mostly nonverbal, talking in sign.
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
A Step Closer : BoXiao in 2017. 🍬🍭
you all know i’m a sucker for pre-filming cql galaxy brain theories / connecting dots that don’t necessarily connect type of posts. so here’s one of those. same drill. this is not real and nothing but clownery.
• Joker, Batman & Legos. 🦇
The reason why this post was made in the first place was because I was reading about this— which led me to look into all the 2017 things. So. We are all familiar with Web’s “Joker” Dance back in 2017. No surprise. He likes the character. They both do. It’s the kind of villain I think they wanna portray someday. So, what happened was, you have him playing “Joker”. Then days later, GG posts with the emoji of Batman. Why Batman? because of the shadow and his whole look? This is taken from Metersbonwe 2017 fashion show. It’s such a coincidence that days before Web was all Joker and then here comes GG as batman.
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(caption of GG’s post is : Walking in the dark night)
Then 12/13/2017, in this recording, he described the facemask as Batman.
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Now let’s move on to a few years later, they have already filmed. They know each other and are really good friends. ya know, brotherhood and all that. 2019, posted the Joker Manor Lego set. Clearly showing it off and that joker emoji. At this time, it’s the set with most pieces he had assembled. CPN is, GG gave this to him as a gift. ( apparently a 🍤 once said they saw GG buying this specific set, but just treat that as ff cause there is no screenshot )
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Why is Batman cooking a shrimp? Lol. He is also watching a movie, and is that a book? Who do we know is associated with 🍤. Loves to watch movies and read books. 🤔
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We’re not done, let’s move a bit further to 2020. In an episode of TTXS, he was showing off this one he built. He said he’s been building legos during quarantine and there was a specific car that he built for 14 hours. What???? BXGs speculate that it’s a special edition bat mobile that has 3k+ pieces. it features Batman and Joker as characters too. Then add into the mix the CPN that they quarantined together. Did they build it? 👀
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• them being featured in the same GQ Magazine back in January 2017. More on that here.
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• posting selfies on Children’s Day— and this famous one ( famous in cpn world ) that Web is copying GG’s style. and the third photo is winter solstice post talking about eating tangyuan. ( disclaimer : i mean copying what your crush is doing to make it seem like you have more in common with them and to feel closer w/ them )
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• In the process - In 5/26 episode of TTXS, the bros where at it again with clowning Bobo.
( The subject was dating and falling in love )
WH : Yb is the most serious .. Because he is in the process right now... And look at Yibo’s face omg!
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This is months after XNINE’s appearance on the show. It could be WH was just saying this to tease Bobo and he is in that age where most people are into dating. but like, coming from the same show that used a minion emoji ( something yb likes ) on a reply to GG? hmmmm. Plus, I wouldn’t put it pass WH + the bros + select crew to know the actual tea on Bobo’s love life ☕️.
• 5/29: GG posted a video diary, he talks alot but what is 👀 , so he says this message to his fans.
FYI, he is very sweet and interacts with fans back in the day. Especially since boy groups are required to that + he’s nice. A combination of both. So anyway, towards the end of that video he goes:
And finally, I want to say, I miss you very much, I really miss you, we will meet soon, look forward to it!
Okay. Really sweet. Then he comes back again with almost the same message? Lol. Who is this for?
then the last the last the last the last, and then I will tell you, byebye, and then, look forward to our meeting.
Huh? You said that already! Which leads me to the next item in this post. 👇🏼
• 621 & 622 & 623 & 624- On 621, Web came to Beijing after filming in Changsha. The next day 622, GG posted about cooking, with a caption of : “In the days with no schedule, I transformed into Big Chef Xiao’s Time and made pepper chicken!” Hmmm. He also has a selfie that had a moto in the background, which I doubt is Yibo’s. but there you go. Who is he cooking for? Who just recently came back to Beijing?
Next day 623, GG posted selfies and there is someone behind him in black. Caption was “No filters can beat iPhone’s built-in camera, ahahahahaha face yourself bravely! I’m not really used to seeing myself without the moustache” ( moustache = he had it filming the wolf )
624, Web posts a car that he finished building. Alluding to him having a time off as well.
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Then add GG’s message to his fans (same day 624), which is actually really sweet but the CPN 👀 ones are emphasized below:
It's raining here, how about for you guys? Running in the rain feels good, but don't try it, you'll catch a cold!
How is my life going? Ok, I'll stop saying fulfilling. In the days I have no schedules, I really, really don't leave my house, I read and watch movies I like, and I also sketch. The people around me all think I need toget out more, what a headache....
How are you guys doing?
Actually we're all scared to become people we hate after we grow up, that's why we have to do our best to live! ll leave with you a quote that I used to really
Work, like you don't need money. Live, like tomorrow is the end of the world. Dance, like no one is watching you. Love, like you've never been hurt!
I miss you guys a lot, goodnight!
In case you can’t tell what I was alluding to, they were spending time together. Lol. and just the whole message of his 624 post about living your life and making the most out of it. Not caring what other people say. Very interesting.
The cute selfie - This was shared by GG on his weibo 07272017, the same one we saw Web show off. Did he save this? Was he already following GG before? Did GG send it, the big question is WHEN.
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That’s all for now 🤍🤍🤍
Note: I did not include the day they officially met in TTXS cause we all know how that went already + posted in my 2017 timeline 🤍 I’m trying to include unpopular cpns from that year. Also, excuse the ugly insta stories collage cause i’m on mobile and we can only add a few photos.
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dawninlatin · 3 years
My reactions while reading HOSAB for those who are interested😌
OBVIOUSLY major spoilers below the cut!
-The Hind: *does literally anything*
Me: *laughs nervously* am I attracted to this?😳
-Hunt cut his hair?! I mean he’s still hot, but the mental gymnastics I have to do to change my image of a fictional character-
-I never learned the difference between Flynn and Declan, and at this point it’s too late😬👉👈
-«Remind me why you guys still need to wait for solstice to do the deed.�� Because they have like three brain cells combined, June
-Alriiiiiiight Ruhn, we’re off to a good start😀
-I don’t like this Cormac dude😑
-We finally know the Autumn King’s name!!! And while it might sound exotic, it’s also hilarious, as it is the Norwegian equavilent of like Richard or something💀
-I hate this Cormac dude🤢
-SYRINX😍✨😁🤩 i missed you my boy🥰😍💛😩
-Hypaxia?! The HIND?! Tea has been spilled☕️
-Hunt and Syrinx is my favourite duo:) They remind me of a dad and the pet he absolutely didn’t want to get:):)
-Not me forgetting about Lehabah😭🤚
-Of course Danika had something to do with this😩
-While I am desperate for Bryce and Hunt to just get over it and fuck already, I love seeing them so domestic🥰
-The Hind is making me feel things. Weird things.
-If evil why sexy?😩
-Hunt is such a bro i love him
-Yay sleepover💅🏻
-Omg Adidas is back👟
-The woman was too stunned to speak
-Now I understand why everyone freaked out over chapter 15:)
-Bryce, basically: He might be an alphahole, but he’s *my* alphahole🥰🌸
-Sarah, I’m giving you a big goldstar for really improving your diversity👏 Like Bryce thinking it was wrong to assume Hunt’s sexuality? Who even are you??
-Damn Bryce👀🥵
-Ithan, please, kindly FUCK OFF
-I’m calling it now, the Star-Eater is Hunt’s father
-Oh no he’s licking feet again🦶
-Hi Under-King🥰🌸
-Bye Under-King🏃‍♀️💨
-I know I should be worried that the Hind is here but SHE DOES WEIRD THINGS TO ME OKAY
-He’s Danika’s WHAT? Once more, the woman was too stunned to speak-
-That was a fucking jumpscare
-Go Sabine tho👌👈
-Bryce I love your sense of humor😭💀🍆
-Baxian just wants fwiends🥺👉👈
-Jk he’ll probably betray them…
-Celestina wtf?!😠
-THANOS?!?! What in the MCU
-Omg I feel so sad for Baxian🥺🥺🥺🥺 I can’t handle it if he ends up being evil
-Awwwwwwww they’re basically playing fifa together😍🥺 Just two bros, broing🤜🤛
-This agent Daybright….I am onto something😑 I don’t know what, but it’s definitely something…
-There’s something hot about Hunt getting all psychotic whenever Bryce is in danger🔥😩
-Ahahahahhahahahah Flynn is hilarious
-Just three boys trying not to get yelled at by their dad😌
-Is now a good moment to admit that I’m also weirdly attracted to the Viper Queen?😩
-She got him a family😭🥺
-Though I feel like this is a kinda bad idea that’s gonna end with me crying because someone just tragically died
-THE SMUT😩😩😩😩😩😩
-If I ever see the Autumn King I’m gonna 🤜🧍‍♂️🕳
-The guys basically adopting Ithan🥺😭
-Omg roomies🤜🤛
-THE HARPY?!?! She’s not even the sexy kind of evil, just evil evil😳
-Oh nevermind I just had a mild heart attack
-Wait, wait, wait, wait
-THE HIND?!?😩🥵💦
-I’m probably an idiot for thinking it’s her but Sarah always makes them hot for a reason🧐
-I am shooketh-
-Tharion, even I can tell this is a bad idea
-If Day really is The Hind-
-My girl deserves better🥺
-You deny it, Hunt, but I know you🧐
-I still think Apollion is Hunt’s father🧐
-Bryce is a #girlboss
-I knew I could trust you🥰 (I think, I still have 100 pages left)
-Him and Danika?!💔😭
-This book keeps shocking me and I👏am👏here👏for👏it👏
-I feel so bad for Bryce tho🥺
-Oh, this is a bad idea…
-Not the only Fendyr heir?!? My head is gonna explode
-I’m actually glad I got the ending spoiled, because I don’t think I could’ve handled a shock that big after this
-Pierced nipple?? Um, hello🥵
-«I want it real» 😭🤚
-Could Bryce be the seventh Asteri????
-I’m so nervous my heart is racing
-Not able to form thoughts at the moment
-But fuck the Asteri🖕🖕🖕
-Wait are they talking about illyrians now???
-After this, I’m gonna need a nap
-If I’ll ever be able to sleep again
-And are we also talking about Throne of Glass fae now?!?
-If so, Bryce, can you just please take a detour to Erilea to check in on manorian on your way back?🥺👉👈
-I don’t know why I get so surprised when everything goes to hell by the end of each book…
-Rip Cormac😔
-THE HIND👏😩😭😍🥰✨
-also….i knew it
-«His enemy was his lover.» THAT’S THE BEST KIND BABY
-Rigelus you little bitch
-I’ll read a whole book of Hunt describing Bryce’s feet if you let them live Sarah, I swear😭🦶
-Nevermind we’re in Prythian now🥰🌸
-Jk I’m in so much emotional pain😀
-Az….how kinky🥵
-The gang’s all here😌💃🏼
-Ahahahhahaha Nesta yelling at Cassian is so iconic
-Once more, the woman was too stunned to speak👁👄👁
-I’m gonna need 5-10 business days to process this
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☕️ people calling the beatles overrated 👀 (and even specifically paul and songs like hey jude/yesterday/let it be)
okay okay okay. there is much to discuss here and i’m going to try and organize my thoughts without sounding like a beatlemaniac okay!!!!
first off, to call the beatles overrated is really and honestly just wrong. are all of their songs/work the cream of the crop, flawless, etc.? absolutely not, but it’s impossible to deny their influence on pop culture and history at this point; a lot of songs and styles and whatnot wouldn’t exist without the beatles!! which brings me to my point that it’s simply impossible to “overrate” an entity like the beatles that extends its roots so deeply into so many facets of what we consider to be a given in modern life (i made them sound like a creature…) i mean in the end the beatles were just four guys creating a LOT of music at the right time and in the right climate and were talented + good-looking + revolutionary enough to bring about a massive culture reformation in a time that was desperately seeking it! and because of their massive popularity and longevity, it’s become somewhat popular to act like they actually weren’t good at all, which opens up a different discussion on how people don’t like to examine why they find things dated and why they think it makes them interesting to act like such staples of pop culture aren’t staples for good reason! it’s just frustrating because it doesn’t make you a better person for hating something so popular, and it doesn’t give you some moral superiority over people who do listen to them- which is the majority of the world btw. and like i said, they were creating a LOT of music, so if “hey jude” isn’t your cup of tea, i guarantee you’ll be able to find at least one song with a completely different vibe and story to fit your tastes; people just don’t want to take the time to like. open their view a bit? and this is speaking strictly on the terms of listening to beatles music; to cover the actual beatles would be opening one hundred cans of worms at once let’s be real! and again coming back to the hits like you asked- you can’t deny that THE hits are hits for a reason! they are musically good songs with good lyrics and good care put into them, and they just so happened to once again come out during a time of change, hence why “yesterday” is the main reference point for both beatles influence (most covered song of all time?!)
okay now i won’t open up those worm cans but you asked about paul so i will speak on paul(‘s music). i love paul’s solo stuff and i love his beatles contributions- i definitely don’t make that a secret, but as an ex-beatle he definitely got the short end of the stick after the breakup. i think people expected him to be putting out more beatles songs but you can’t put out beatles songs without the beatles so he put out paul songs and the world was too wounded from the loss of this pop culture monster known as the bee-ah-tles to really even care. and critics were really harsh for this reason as well! in the present, a lot of paul’s early solo work is being seen with fresh eyes, but for most of his career in the 70s and 80s he was left trying to outrun his former legacy- while still outputting an insane amount of music, most of it of exactly as high quality as the stuff he put out with the beatles. i really do think that the massive hate he got from the critical world + public, as well as his “overrated” reputation because he could only write “silly love songs” stems from the massive impact of beatlemania and how as a beatle, he took on a part larger than himself, and not entirely human- and man, how could anyone live up to a heartbroken expectation of millions of fans? so that’s my stance on the public reaction to paul’s solo stuff (stream RAM stream wings etc etc)
but overall to wrap up! a lot of the reason why the beatles/paul/the biggest hits are considered overrated are because they’ve been such a constant influential presence in pop culture for so long; people are bound to want to try and find issue with something that has maintained popularity for as long as the beatles have. and the fallout from beatlemania and the fact that the beatles story has largely turned to myth has to do with all of that- a lot of the world is still worshipping these random four guys from liverpool, a lot of people are still heartbroken that their body of work didn’t extend into decades past the 60s, and a lot of people don’t know much beyond that. and i think it’s easier to recognize this than to blatantly criticize on either side, or try to psychoanalyse people because their beliefs don’t line up. like c’mon people! listen to some groovy tunes, have an open mind, and do a little music research :) you may come out of it happier than you were before
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goldenfharry · 3 years
Hi! I guess you’ve all nicknamed me the “the tea anon” lol. The moral of what I shared was Harry is at a point in his career where he’s a MAN not a BOY. This has been established with this relationship. After this relationship ends he will no longer be dragged through the mud with the playboy mentality that’s followed him for years. This was a planned effort to get him taken more seriously. Acting, Grammy award winning and producing. That’s all grown up stuff. Harry is officially in his (and you all have to bare with me on this one) his Dad era. Hear me out!!!! When I say dad (look at 3/5 original band members have kids) understand Harry has exclaimed he’s wanted a family since he was 16. He’s getting ready to settle. That’s what this whooooole thing is about. They’ll break up, sure, but he’s not going to stop dating at her. He’ll start dating to marry.
OH HI TEA ANON! ☕️ you're famous around here now 😌
Okay, so let me get this straight (and correct me if im wrong): you're saying that this was a way to create a more serious image for him career and also personal wise, so that the whole playboy past stays right there, in the past. I mean, I think it's a logical way to think. And I think it makes sense for him to start dating to marry, because, why not? Since the beginning he showed that he loves the idea of having his family, so it wouldn't surprise me that he would find his soulmate sooner than later. I just hope that they can be someone worthy of his love and devotion <3 dad era sounds nice, for sure
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Game of Thrones 8x01 - SPOILERS AHEAD
Ok, so here’s something I gotta say: I don’t dislike Sansa. I wanna like her. She is smart. She is. She learned a great deal from Cersei, Littlefinger and every schemer in King’s Landing. She would kick some asses out there and hell, she would handle Cersei pretty well, the way she is now she would be a winner in King’s Landing. BUT THIS IS NOT FUCKING KING’S LANDING! And we are not talking about ruling and crowns and titles. That shit should not matter right now because, and I will repeat Davos’ words, it won’t matter whose skeleton will sit on the Iron Throne if they can defeat the dead. Sansa is fucking petty and Northeners are fucking petty. I get that they’re scared and unsure about Daenerys. It is to be expected. But they are judging her without trying to get to know her. For them she’s just a Targaryen and all they know is that Targaryens are crazy and one Targaryen long time ago burned their Lord. Why Daenerys should pay for her father’s (whom she never met by the way) crimes??! When do they stop judging a person based only on who’s their family? Get to know her maybe? Talk to her maybe? If Sansa talked to Daenerys like woman to woman she would find out that they have a lot in common actually. They don’t have to be friends, like Daenerys said. But Sansa have to respect her. Sansa just wants power and god forbid there’s another woman out there with more power than her. Jesus! And yeah Sansa good luck with fighting the Night King without Daenerys’ army and dragons! Maybe they should put titles aside and worry about that fucking thing after they defeat the army of the dead. I’m mad because I want to like Sansa but the way she’s acting, like a spoiled child, is making me not care for her at all. Change your attitude girl. I hope they’ll resolve some things maybe next episode, I hope they’ll talk. I stan one queen and that queen is Daenerys of House Targaryen! 👸🏼🐉
And that’s a fucking tea ☕️
P.S.: on the other note I do hope Jon will defend Daenerys. She made a mistake with Tarlys. Not with Randyll, there was no hope for him and no other choice. But with Dickon. And I believe she regrets that. And I hope Jon will see that and be above that. They have other worries and past is the past. I also hope he won’t be suddenly all “I am the true king”. The Jon we know doesn’t care and will gladly give the crown to Daenerys. And probably both of them are thinking about marriage, so for both of them to rule side by side should be okay and it shouldn’t matter who’s the rightful ruler
the end
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