#okay i have a hundred rick and morty shirts
cerritoburrito · 3 years
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It's not letting me get a nicer photo right now but still... Omg I am so happy with my new Lower Decks shirt!! I chose this image cause I still want a Boimler plushie and lmao Mariner has one!!☺
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pricklerick · 4 years
The acrid scent of fuel is the first thing Morty notices, and then the scorched smell of twisted metal. He looks at his hands dumbly, fluttering his fingers one by one, his thoughts muzzy and confused.
Reasoning kicks in all at once, ugly and sharp. The fuel line must have busted, Morty thinks, along with, oh fuck, oh fuck. He scrambles for the exit, thankfully the only part of the escape pod that isn’t mangled beyond recognition.
Morty drops to the alien ground and rolls, his left side giving beneath his weight. Something is wrong with his hip. There’s no time to investigate, though. The burning smell is even stronger outside the ship. Morty stumbles to his feet and half staggers, half runs to safety.
It’s not far before his body gives out again, a little over a hundred yards, maybe. Morty collapses to the ground, breathing like a freight train, legs splayed in front of him. Further away would be safer, he knows, but the escape pod he’d stolen is hardly the size of Summer’s ridiculous smart car. Besides, everything hurts, and he is so, so tired.
Morty decides that he will take his chances.
He leans back on his palms, burying his fingers in the cherry-red powder that makes up the topsoil of this planet, and watches the ship burn.  There’s something cathartic about the thick black smoke that rises from the hulk of stinking metal. Morty crunches the dirt beneath his palms. It compacts under pressure like snow, even though the atmosphere is dry and comfortable. The feeling is incredibly satisfying.
Maybe they’ll think I’m dead, Morty hopes. He doesn’t bother scanning the sky for signs of his captors’ ship. Nevermind that he’s torched his only shot at escape. Nevermind that he’s stranded on some desert planet in the middle of god-only-knows-where. Nevermind that nobody knows where he is, or where he could be. Morty doesn’t give a fuck. He was out of options before he discovered the escape pod, and he’s out of options now.
At least he’ll die free.
Something silver flutters at the periphery of his vision, and Morty startles. He’s lost track of time, playing in the sand and watching his freedom go up in flames. Adrenaline surges through him like electricity, and he whirls, body primed for action from months of captivity.
Morty would recognize that silhouette anywhere. Funny, for a ship made completely of garbage, Rick’s landings are absolutely silent. Morty hadn’t even heard him approach.
Morty must not be as exhausted as he thought, because he’s is already on his feet, fingers grasping at his hips for a weapon that doesn’t exist. Rick is standing with his arms held limply at his sides. He looks exactly as Morty remembers him, all wild hair and white lab coat flapping gently in the breeze.
His face is a storm cloud of disbelief and thunder.
“Rick,” Morty tries to say, but the word dies on his lips. His throat is dry, his tongue sticking awkwardly to the roof of his mouth. This is the part that Morty has dreaded for months, and now, Rick is here, and Morty hasn’t had time to prepare.
“Rick,” Morty tries again. He reckons he only has seconds left to live. He’s never seen Rick stand so still. “I - I-”
Fuck, Morty is fine with dying, has been anticipating it for months, but Rick needs to know. “I never meant to leave you!” he shouts. Finally.
Rick’s only response is a slight furrow of his brow, and Morty finds that the words, once loosed, won’t stop. “They, they made me. They forced me to say those things. They were watching us, for, for weeks, Rick, and they made me say… Rick, they were going to, to fucking kill you, and I couldn’t,  I…”
“Morty,” Rick interrupts him, and Morty notices for the first time that there are actual goddamn tears in Rick’s eyes. “I know.”
Morty deflates, says something stupid like, “oh,” and he can’t remember who moves first but it doesn’t fucking matter, because suddenly his world is consumed by Rick. Rick’s fingers, grasping bruisingly against tender skin. Rick’s voice, hot and rasping and breathless in his ear. The scent of vodka and soldering gun and coffee and portal fluid, the scratch of Rick’s sweater pressed painfully to Morty’s cheek.
“They took you from me,” Rick is saying over and over again. His body is trembling, rage or grief or some other pent up emotion, and it terrifies Morty. It elates him. At some point, Rick has collapsed to his knees. “They took you… oh god, oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck, fuck, Morty,”he breathes, pinning Morty to him in a way that feels more like a prison sentence than a hug.
Morty doesn’t mind. He says stupid shit to Rick all the time, and a backward part of his brain decides to bask in Rick’s incoherence. “It’s okay,” he soothes instinctually, curling over Rick’s body and awkwardly pawing at his shoulders. Rick shudders and presses his face deeply into the remains of Morty’s t-shirt. “It’s okay.”
And then, Morty tries something that he’s always longed to try.
He threads his fingers through Rick’s wild silver hair and tugs, ever so gently. “It’s okay, Rick,” he echoes softly. “I’m here. I’m home.”
Rick stiffens, then looks up with an intensity that sends Morty’s heart flipping toward his stomach. He holds Morty’s gaze, and no matter how much Morty wants to, he can’t turn away. It’s an instant and an eternity, and then suddenly, Rick’s eyes flutter shut, and the moment is broken.
Rick takes a deep breath, then stands, and it’s like nothing out of the ordinary ever happened.
“Come on, you little shit,” Rick rasps, guiding Morty toward the ship with a hand that grips just a hair too tight on Morty’s shoulder. “Let’s go home.”
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citrusrick · 4 years
Neighbors (Chapter One) - Rick Sanchez x Reader - Rick and Morty Fanfiction
Chapter One: Friends?
You woke up to a bright, green light illuminating your bedroom. You let out a cry of fear as you shot up into a sitting position.
“H-Hey, s-sorry, it’s me,” the familiar gravelly voice said. 
“Goddamn it, what are you doing here?! It’s the fucking middle of the night!” You attempted to rub the sleep out of your eyes.
“C-Come on. You gotta come with m-me, (Y/N).” Rick started pulling on your arm as he shot another portal. 
“Where?! Why now?!” You started to stand up, but remembered you’re not wearing any pants. At all. You were only wearing a soft t-shirt. 
“Just come on! Wh-why are you still sitting there?!” He started pulling harder on your arm.
“Shit, Rick, I need to get dressed!” You gone on adventures with him and Morty before, but never in the middle of the night like this. 
“Ugh, f-fine. H-h-hurry up.” 
You rolled your eyes at his impatience. He continued to stare at you.
“Do you mind?! Can you at least turn around...?”
“Oh-oh my, God. (urp) I-I-It’s n-not like I h-haven’t seen human female p-parts before like a m-m-million times. A-a-and I was under the i-impression that we w-were pretty good f-friends and I-I’ve seen my friends n-n-naked too f-fucking much, h-honestly.” He turned around regardless.
Friends? Wow, that kind of shocked you. Rick practically only had two other beings he called friends. 
You hopped out of bed and quickly threw on a comfy bra and panties set, along with some shorts to go with you t-shirt from earlier.
“O-Okay, l-let’s (urp) go.” He grabbed you by the arm again and pulled you through a portal. You stepped out right next to his ship.
He got into the driver’s seat and popped your door open for you. You rolled your eyes as you got in, luckily for you tomorrow was Friday and you didn’t have any classes or work.
“So...can you tell me what’s going on now?”
“W-well (urp), honestly, th-there’s this f-f-fucking amazing concert on this planet called Glopezorpian-Strumbon. A-a-and I wanted to-to take y-you and n-not Morty. H-He can’t handle h-how fucking sick this c-concerts going to be!” Rick was grinning ear to ear. It was a weird experience, honestly, he looked...giddy.
“That’s it...? You just wanted to take me to a concert?”
“H-hey, don’t f-f-flatter yourself, (Y/N). Y-you were j-just the closest thing b-better than Morty.” 
You rolled your eyes, smiling to yourself, “Shut up.”
“Wow! That was fucking amazing!” you gushed when you got back into the ship. 
“I-I told you!” Rick laughed.”T-Totally worth it.”
You flew off the planet and into the inky blackness that was space. You were still in awe of all of it: space, flying vehicle, the fact that the smartest man in the universe lived across from the house you moved into just a year ago. Even more surprising, when you came over to hangout with Summer, he took a liking to you and started taking you on adventures.
You were surprised Summer even invited you to hangout at all. She reminded you of the popular girls in high school that would never want to be seen with you. You were now a junior in college.
“H-Hey...why’re you so (urp) qu-quiet?” Rick’s voice broke you out of your introspection.
“Just thinking. I didn’t realize you’d want to be bored by my mere human thoughts and opinions.” You joked, smiling at him.
He shot you a soft smile back, which made you blush and turn to look out your window again. He rarely smiled like that. You may be naive, but it felt like you two shared some sort of secret.
“Sh-shut up. Y-Your h-human thoughts and opinions are s-s-some of the only ones I want to hear.” 
“Awe, I’m flattered.” You said, giggling. You didn’t giggle often. Especially not around Rick. What the fuck? 
“You sh-should be. Not every random c-college girl I meet gets the honor of being m-my friend.”
It sent a pang through you for him to have said “friend” so many times today. You loved being something special to him, but you wished it was a little more than that sometimes. Maybe that was just the dumb, childish crush you had developed on him and didn’t want to admit to yourself.
“Maybe I don’t want to be just your friend.” It was out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. You had never been this bold. You’d never even dated anyone before. Oh god, what have you done?
You tentatively turned to the side to see his reaction. He had stopped piloting the ship completely and turned his entire body to face you.
“You r-really mean that?”
You nodded timidly, meeting his eyes, but quickly looking away.
“Th-there’s no coming b-back from this (Y/N), i-i-if we start so-something.”
You nodded again, “I know.”
He got closer to you, placing a hand on your knee, “Are you s-sure? One-one hundred p-percent?”
You nodded, peering up at him.
“I-I need to hear w-words, v-verbal c-c-confirmation.” 
“Yes, Rick, I want this.”
He surprised you by grabbing you by the shoulders and crashing your lips against his.
 Hello, all! I hope you enjoyed this new story I whipped up! It was supposed to be a one-shot, but I almost always turn those into chapter stories...oh well! Chapter two is coming soon! Thank you so much for reading! 
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ramheavenandhell · 4 years
Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 10: What the heck!
AN: If this feels like a filler chapter to you, it's probably because it is. No really, I'm just using this to tie up some lose ends and to show a little bit of development in Rick's and Morty's relationship. So please lower your expectations and keep down your excitement. And yes, I do feel embarrassed that it took me this long to get it out (blame stupid writer's block). Warnings: Rick/Morty and some smutty (public) smut
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Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 10: What the heck! Morty ran as fast as his short legs could carry him, close on Rick's heels. They had just picked up something from the hardware store that Rick needed for the gadget that he was currently working on and on their way back to the garage they had been surprised by a sudden downpour. The brunet ducked quickly into the garage behind his friend, but the damage was already done. Both teens were drenched, small puddles forming underneath their feet from the water that was dripping off their clothes. "Gee, what's up with the weather? It was still sunny when we left. Pretty weird, right Ri—?" The words died in Morty's throat as he saw how the other teen pulled his t-shirt over his head. Letting the wet clothing drop gracelessly on the floor, the pants followed next. Heat rushed into the brunet's cheeks and even though he didn't mean to stare, he checked out his boyfriend's naked form as he stripped down to his boxer shorts. While his stature was short, Rick's frame was lean and had some muscle on it. Morty wasn't quite sure where those muscles came from since he had never seen the other work out. However, he then remembered that Rick was sometimes handling some really heavy equipment so maybe that had something to do with it. The memory of when he assisted his boyfriend with some components of the car resurfaced. Rick had been busy putting some reworked parts back into the engine compartment and Morty had thought that he could help with that. Confidently he had grabbed the car battery, but when lifting it up it weighed more than the expected 50 lbs. Whatever Rick had done to it, it was super heavy now and threatened to slip between his fingers and crash on the ground. Luckily, the other teen came to his rescue and took it off his hands before that could happen (and he knew that he would have never heard the end of it if he would have let it drop). The ease with which Rick had handled that metallic block had astounded Morty. Now that he thought about it, if the genius teen always lugged around stuff that heavy, he probably didn't need a workout program at all… "Hey, Morty! You should take your clothes off, too, or you're gonna catch a cold." The blue-haired boy ripped him out of his thoughts. His blush increased as he noticed the other's wolfish grin. Of course, Rick had caught him staring. Coming a few steps closer, his boyfriend added in a teasing tone, "Do you need my help with that?" "N-n-no. I-I'm f-fi-fine." Face changing to an even darker shade of red, Morty inched the slightest bit backwards. To his relief, Rick dropped the teasing and, albeit reluctantly, he slowly peeled the wet clothes from his own body. However, he couldn't help but feel shy about the entire situation. Sure, it wasn't like Rick hadn't seen him half-naked already, but that was before they had started dating. Also, this whole scenario was reminding him too much of a romance fanfiction that he had once read. In it, the two main characters had been surprised by a rainstorm in the middle of a forest and took shelter in an abandoned hut and they also took off their clothes and things had gotten really steamy then… And even though Rick had told him that he would take things slow, he sometimes did get a bit more handsy. They've been together for a few weeks now so he wouldn't really be surprised if the other considered that he had been waiting long enough. That thought only made Morty feel more exposed than he was. Shyly he wrapped his arms around himself, trying to cover as much of his body as he could. Of course, his antics didn't go unnoticed. "Oh come on, Morty. No need to act that way. We're all alone in here and no can see us." Those words didn't built up his confidence one bit and when Rick came closer towards him again, he felt like he wanted to hide somewhere. "And you don't have to be ashamed of your body." His boyfriend added and closed the last small distance between them. Then lips were on his and Morty wanted to melt into the kiss as he always did, but couldn't. His nerves didn't allow it. As Rick's hands wandered over his back, he only stiffened more the massaging motions failing to relax his tense muscles. Yet the other teen didn't give up and continued his stroking motions while his tongue slipped into the brunet's mouth. His body was quickly heating up even without the help of Rick's body warmth and his thoughts were tumbling, trying in vain to keep up with everything that was happening. It wasn't like he didn't want this, but he wasn't sure if he wanted it right now and right here… Rick's perfume and his natural scent were surrounding him, reminding Morty of their closeness again. Hyperaware, he noticed how the hands went lower and his eyes snapped open as they touched the waistband of his short. No, he couldn't! Quickly, he pushed the other away, bringing a small distance between them. "R-Rick, wait! I-I can't…I'm n-not ready yet…" "Huh? What do you mean?" Rick blinked at him for a moment. Then understanding dawned on his face. "Wait! You think that I want to—?! Jeez, Morty! We're not gonna do it in the garage. At least not the first time." He instantly moved away from the brunet and sat down in his swivel chair. "I don't know what rumors you've heard about me, but I have class, okay?" While Rick did sound a bit offended, he didn't look angry. Morty felt relief wash over him and his stiff body finally relaxed. "S-sorry. I just…I thought…I guess, m-my imagination ran away with me. Haha." He laughed nervously and rubbed his left arm, feeling once more embarrassed, but this time because he had been jumping to conclusions. "And then you're gonna claim that I have a one-track mind…" "I-I never said that!" "I know, I know. I was just making a joke. Chill, Morty." Rick began to unpack his purchase at the workbench and the brunet joined him, looking curiously over his shoulder. While, slowly drying off, both teens preoccupied themselves with tinkering again. However, Rick's still wet and occasionally dripping hair began to bother the genius. With an annoyed sigh, he tugged a stray strand back behind his ear. "Ugh! My hair's such a mess…" The complaint directed Morty's attention to the blue locks. Indeed, the spikes had been flattened from the wetness. "Actually, I think it doesn't look bad like this…" Daringly, he ran his hand through his boyfriend's hair, knowing very well that Rick was really picky about it and didn't just let anyone touch it. It was thick and despite the wetness still felt fluffy and the other didn't only allow him to continue, but even began to purr as he lightly scratched along the scalp. "Hmm…you really think so?" The other teen seemed to contemplate about a style change and pondered if he should try to slick his hair down a bit instead of keeping his usual spikes, which were funnily enough all natural. "Well, it's your hair, but I-I think, it suits you." Rick hummed again. "You're really starting to act your part, don't you Morty?" "Wha-what's that supposed to mean?" A blush sneaked on the brunet's face again since he knew what Rick was trying to say and his hands retreated again. "Y-you-you're acting your part pretty well yourself with going in-into protective boyfriend mode as soon a-as someone talks to me." That wasn't a lie since Morty noticed that the other tended to get easily jealous now whenever someone approached him. Even when they weren't flirting with him like Jessica had. "W-well, that's only be-because you need some protection. I-I mean, it's not l-like you're surrounded by the most reliable people anyways. And in the time I was s-skipping school, you were constantly beaten up. So, nothing wrong w-with someone looking after you, right?" The blue-haired teen was the one, who became flustered now, as he tried to defend his actions. After looking a little longer at Morty's face, he sighed. "Hey, you remember when you asked me if I put cams and mics in your house?" "Yeah…?" The brunet replied reluctantly. "Well…I might have bugged it…" "You what?! You lied to me! You said that you didn't plant any cameras or microphones!" "I never said that I didn't do that. I just said that it's a creepy creep move to do something like that." It was the truth. "Then—why did you do something like that?!" "I did it because I was worried about you!" "Worried about me?!" The boy didn't know how to take that. "Yeah. Just imagine what would happen if someone would break into your house at night. Your dad is such a coward, if he confronts the bugler, he'd probably tell him where all your money is including the combination to the safe and tell him where your and your sister's rooms are!" While Morty didn't want to think that his father would actually do that, he also couldn't deny that Rick had a point. "So, if anything happens, I'd be over there ASAP and safe your cute little ass." Rick continued with a confident smirk. The thought actually made Morty blush anew, thinking about the other coming to safe him as if he was some kind of knight in shining armor. That look somehow suited Rick. However, a sudden thought bothered him. "Wait! Did you put those cams and mics everywhere?!" He was embarrassed to think that Rick might have seen or heard when he was having his "private alone time" in the bedroom. Rick seemed to get where Morty was going with this. "Chill out, Morty. I didn't bug your room or the bathrooms. Your sister's or your parents' bedrooms are also safe. So, don't worry your little Morty head over that." Morty wasn't sure if he could trust what Rick had said, especially when he grinned at him like that, but he let it slip. He sighed. "Okay. That's good then." Rick's grin only broadened. Not knowing the truth would let Morty sleep better at night anyway.
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Morty was flushing bright red as he was dragged by Rick into the school's restrooms. The blue-haired teen quickly checked if the stalls were empty before he pulled his boyfriend into one of them. Being roughly shoved into the wall of the cubicle, Morty mewled into the heated kiss that followed. It wasn't the first time that Rick did this – just pulling him into the boys' bathroom for a making out session – but he still felt that he should protest that they'll be late for their next class. Not that Rick ever cared about that before…or right now, for that matter. However, he would never understand why Rick was so insistent on doing this. Not that he didn't sometimes feel the urge to be a little more intimate with Rick. But why did he always have to drag him off to the restrooms? It only served to make Morty more embarrassed because this was such a public place. …Though, he couldn't deny that the prospect of getting caught made his stomach curl in excitement. Oh! That probably was the reason why Rick liked to do this with him in here… A muffled squeak escaped him as the other pressed closer and something hard was rubbing against his crotch. His blood tried its best to evenly divide itself between his cheeks and his lower body. With how flush Rick's body was pushing against his, it was pretty obvious to Morty what that hardness was that he could feel rubbing against him – and his own member was reacting to it, very eager to greet its counterpart. The brunet whimpered into the kiss as the other teen's hands landed on his backside and pulled him more into the movement. "R-Rick…" His boyfriend stopped humping him and released his lips, but still kept the close contact between their warm bodies. Breathlessly, Morty continued. "Rick…we re-really shouldn't…n-not right he-here…" "Oh come on, Morty." Light pecks were placed on his lips and cheeks. "There's no harm in fooling around a little bit." When the other kissed his neck and then began to suck at his pulse point, Morty official lost the discussion and gave in. Leaning his head back in order to give Rick more access, he moaned softly. "O-okay. But on-only a little bit…" If Rick hadn't reassured him before that he wouldn't go all the way with him in a place like this, he might have been more reluctant to agree. As it was though, his erection was twitching inside his pants and clearly looking forward to continue this. The blue-haired teen pulled him into the movement again as he rubbed their crotches together and Morty almost yelped. Hastily he slapped a hand over his mouth, flushing in shame as the echoing noise reminded him again that they were in a public place and people might hear him. Rick seemed fairly unbothered by that though and only grinned against the now bruised skin on his neck. When he stopped grinding again and brought some distance between their bodies, he chuckled at the disappointed sound that the brunet made. With the contact between them lost, Morty could feel the cold of the room seeping through his clothes and shuddered. Still, he waited with bated breath what his boyfriend would do now. He stared with big eyes downwards as Rick's hands fumbled with his pants. Deft fingers quickly opened button and fly and pulled his straining dick free of its confines and Morty felt so embarrassed because he was sure that Rick hadn't actually seen it the other time when they had studied for the math test. "Well, look at that. You're quite packing something for such a small kid." "Y-you—we're the same height!" Morty pointed out defensively, but still sounded flustered. "Yeah, we are~ Comes in handy, but we'll leave that for another time." The genius teen drawled and undid his own pants, pulling his erect cock out now. "Oh god!" Morty breathed as he saw the thick and long length that was actually a bit bigger than his own, completely forgetting to ask what Rick meant with his last statement. "Heh, already impressed? I haven't even started yet, baby." Rick leaned forward again until their cocks were touching and the brunet gasped. It just felt so hot and hard and oh god, the other was twitching as much as he did. Unable to help himself, Morty ground against his boyfriend's length, positively humping him. Rick allowed him this for a while, focusing back on creating a necklace of hickeys on the few space of the brunet's skin that was still unblemished. Very few spaces left indeed. However, he soon stopped that and placed his hands on Morty's hips to keep the boy from moving. The brunet whined in confusion, mind in a daze from all the pleasure. Only to moan loudly when Rick wrapped his hand around both their cocks. Clamping a hand over his mouth again, Morty watched with wide eyes and rapt attention how his boyfriend was stroking them both at the same time. It felt so good. Rick's hand around his member. And Rick's cock pressed tightly against his own. So hot and pulsing and slick with their combined precum. Morty keened. It was almost too much. Just as he was about to get lost completely in the sensations, a sudden noise ripped him out of his lustful haze. Someone had entered the bathroom. Both boys turned stock-still and listened intently. They could hear whoever had walked in entering another stall – thankfully not the one right next to theirs – and then the telltale sound of a zipper. Morty almost accidentally squeaked when the hand that was still wrapped around his dick suddenly picked up movement again. His boyfriend only grinned at him, clearly unworried that they weren't alone anymore. "Rick…please stop…" The brunet whispered frantically, afraid that with how close he was, he wouldn't be able to keep his voice in check. Rick didn't listen to him. Leaning closer to his ear, he only whispered, "Why? It's so much more fun this way." Morty couldn't agree although his traitorous cock was twitching in clear excitement. Its counterpart that was still pressed flush against it agreed in a similar manner. When Rick picked up the pace and tightened his grip, it didn't make matters any better – or better said, it made it better, which only made things harder for Morty. Both in the literal and metaphorical sense. The poor brunet tried his hardest to keep silent, his sweaty palm pressing as tightly against his lips as it could. For some reason, Rick seemed to be doing a lot better at the keeping quiet department. He had no idea how he did that. In an effort to keep control over his voice, he tried to concentrate on the other noises in the room. The decidedly unsexy noises of their unbidden guest. Eventually, it made Morty wonder how long one person could take for using the toilet. Whoever this was, he seemed to be taking forever. Honestly, the brunet was growing frantic for the guy to finish up because he was slowly coming to his own finish. Rick was just touching him so expertly, moving just in the right tempo, using just the right amount of pressure and when he pulled at the foreskin— Morty threw his head back and screamed against his hand as he came helplessly just as the toilet flushing went off, thankfully drowning out his sound. Rick was quick to follow and bit into his shoulder to keep his own voice in check. For a moment, they kept still and silent again, intently listening to the noises that the other person in the room made. Only when he left did they began to move again and started cleaning themselves up. "What the heck, Rick!" Morty nearly shouted and punched his boyfriend in the shoulder. "We almost got caught!" "Just almost though." The blue-haired teen laughed. When his boyfriend still glared at him, he stopped laughing, but still smiled. "Oh come on, Morty. Complain all you want, but I know you still liked it." Well, Morty couldn't deny that. And so, he flushed and reverted to cute pouting. This drew another laugh from his boyfriend before he gave him a peck and then dragged him out of the restroom…and off the school grounds.
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AN: Next chapter will already be the last one, but don't worry, I'll try to make it a good one. Also you won't have to wait for it as long as for this chapter. Promise.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
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jcmadgirl · 4 years
Hmmm, idea: the pogues noticing JJ hates physical touch (we all know why) but allows JB to touch him and comfort him.
Hi!! Sorry it took me so long to reply, exam session has been real crazy and I haven’t had much time to write rip.
But anyway, I hope you like this, and thanks for sending in a request ❤
Words:  2604
Relationships: JJ&The Pogues, JJ&John B, JJ/John B if you squint
Warnings: Swearing, smoking, mentions of child abuse. 
Touch is a complicated thing. 
It's not that it's necessarily bad. 
(Not always, at least.)
(It's that JJ has trust issues the size of the Empire State Building.)
He hasn't been always like this. 
(He remembers flowy blonde hair and blue eyes like his.)
(JJ doesn't remember her perfume, or what her face really looked like, but he remembers her hands.)
(Soft hands, gentle hands, brushing through his hair.)
(Sweet fingers tracing his skin.)
But that was way too long ago. 
(Buried deep in his head.)
(It hurts to think about her, so JJ just doesn't.)
(He's great at not thinking, ask anyone.)
Now, touching has become a bit messy. 
(Angry hands, bloody and bruised, the sound of bones giving out under his fists, ugly words filling JJ’s head.)
(Pulling, grabbing, holding him down-
So yeah, he doesn't like when people brush against him, doesn't like when they come up from behind him, doesn't like unexpected touches, even the nice, harmless ones.
(It makes JJ’s skin prickle, tingling unpleasantly until he wants to rip it off from his bones.)
And it's really fucking messed up, because JJ was always better at doing than talking.
(It’s easier to show what he means than trying to talk about it.) 
He can't really do anything about it, and his friends have made peace with it a long time ago, so JJ just kind of lives with it and tries to ignore how hurt Kie looks when he pulls away from her, or that looks Pope gets when he flinches away from him when they're being a bit too rowdy. 
It's just how it is, you know?
“I can't believe you just did that!” Kie half yells. “God, JJ that was disgusting.” She continues, and JJ winks at her.
(He's drunk.)
(They all are.)
“It was a bet, what did you want me to do?” He slurs, hands flapping in the air. 
“You just drank a shot of vinegar and ketchup, Jesus.” 
“It really don't understand how you're still alive.” Pope comments beside her, and John B snorts, clapping one hand on JJ’s back. JJ smiles brightly at him, and he's got some ketchup on the side of his cheek.
She reaches out without thinking about it, wanting to wipe it away.
(It's a stupid move, and sober Kie would never do it.)
(JJ doesn't like being touched, she knows that.)
JJ flinches hard, pulling back.
(It's suddenly dead silent.)
“Shit.” She whispers to no one in particular, dropping her hand back to her side.
(JJ isn't looking at her.)
(He isn't looking at anyone.)
Then he materializes a cigarette out of nowhere, and he's grinning to John B.
“Dare you to close your eyes and eat whatever I make.” John B hesitates. 
(He's staring at JJ.)
(It really feels like Kie shouldn't be watching this.)
(Pope looks awkward as fuck as well.)
Then the moment is gone, and John B is smiling again and Kie watches JJ relax.
(It's subtle, the way JJ moves.)
(But it's how JJ and John B work.)
“That's not fair, you knew what you were gonna drink!” John B whines and JJ is still grinning.
“Sounds like you're afraid.” 
“I wouldn't do it.” Pope says, and JJ glances at him.
“How cowardly of you.”
“I'm just sayin’, I've seen the cabinets. There's only mold in there.” JJ wiggles his brows and John B groans.
“We'll have to take you to the hospital for food poisoning.” Kie says and JJ laughs again and it feels good.
(Kie can ignore the way JJ isn't looking at her.)
(It was her mistake.)
JJ ends up making a sandwich with mold on the bread, garlic and jalapeños. 
“Open up, JB.” JJ says. John B is sitting on the counter of the kitchen at the Chateau, his bandana tied over his eyes.
“Gross, it's so gross.” Kie makes a puking sound, which makes Pope snort.
“No, guys, is it that bad?” John B asks. 
“Nah, bro, it's haute cuisine, I'm telling you.” JJ laughs and John B flips him off. “Open up now, be a good boy.” 
“That's worse than the food.” Pope says dryly and Kie watches as John B takes takes a bite of the sandwich and starts chewing.
“Oh God.” He says around and a mouthful of food and Kie is so sure he's going to throw up, but he doesn't, instead he swallows and then rips off the bandana and glares at JJ.
“Fuck you.”
“You made me drink ketchup!” 
“That was so fucking disgusting.” John B says and JJ hands him and send glass of water. He drinks it rapidly and then takes the cigarette JJ is offering. 
(Kie used to be jealous, of the way they just seem to get each other.)
(Of how they just move around each other without even having to think about it.)
“Excellent performance, John B.” 
“I really fuckin’ hate you sometimes.” JJ winks, blows him a kiss, and then they make their way back in the living room.
“Want to watch a movie?” Kie asks, and receives a series of affirmative groans and sounds, and they all settle on the couch. 
She ends up between Pope and John B, JJ being on John B’s either side as usual. 
She opens Netflix and starts scrolling, as they try to decide on something to watch. 
(It's always a struggle, they all like different things.)
They settle for Friends, which is pretty neutral, even if Kie has seen it hundreds of times.
(It's still a good show.)
They watch four episodes, and then Kie shuts John B’s computer close.
“I should get going.” She says and looks over at Pope, who also nods. 
“Shhh.” John B says, bringing a finger over to his lips. Kie eyes him weirdly, then she spots JJ beside John B.
He's sleeping, mouth hanging open and head resting on John B’s shoulder. 
(And it's really an oh moment.)
(Well that's new.)
(Expect, that it clearly isn't, because John B doesn't look surprised one bit.)
“See you tomorrow?” John B whispers and Kie nods dumbly, eyes still on JJ.
(He looks peaceful.)
“Yeah.” Pope replies and then he gets up and so does Kie, grabbing her things quickly and silently.
(She pretends to not see when John B brushes JJ’s hair away from his forehead.)
She waves John B goodbye and then Pope closes the door after them.
(She definitely didn't hear JJ whispering a soft hi when he woke up.)
(And she absolutely didn't hear John B reply.)
(‘Let's go to bed, I'm exhausted.’)
Pope can tell it’s a bad day the second he enters in the Chateau. 
(He could hear JJ yelling from outside the door.)
“Can you fuckin’ believe those Kooks? They really think they can-
He stops midrant when he spots Pope.
Pope waves at them.
(Why is he so awkward?)
“Hey, Pope.” John B greets him, and JJ nods in his direction, busy lighting a cigarette.
“What happened?” Pope asks, and JJ scoffs. 
John B is sprawled on the couch, and JJ walks up to him, quite literally ripping his hawaiian shirt open to reveal a couple of bruises blooming on his side. 
“They jumped him.” JJ says.
(Pope can almost see the anger rolling off him in waves.) 
(JJ always goes full psycho when John B gets hurt.) 
“You shut up, John B, you didn’t even tell me!” 
“Yeah, because I knew you’d go fuckin’ crazy like this- 
“They jumped-
“I know, Jesus, I was there.” JJ scoffs again, and now they’re glaring at each other, and Pope really think he shouldn’t be here. 
(It feels private, for some reason.)
(Maybe it’s the way JJ and John B just keep staring at each other.)
(Like, Pope’s right there, hello?)
“You okay, JB?” Pope asks, and John B looks at him, and JJ is pacing now, fingers twitching. 
“Yeah, it’s not even that bad.” John B replies, and Pope nods. 
“Who did it?” 
“Rafe and Kelce.” 
“I’m gonna get them back, though, just wait.” JJ comments, eyes dark.
“JJ- Jesus fuckin’ Christ, will you stop? You’re giving me anxiety.” JJ stops dead in his track then, glancing at John B. 
“Fine.” He drops on the couch beside John B’s, on his good side and Pope follows him out of instinct. 
He sits on JJ’s other side.
(Pope’s careful to leave some space between them.)
(JJ shifts towards John B anyway.)
“Fuckin’ Kooks.” JJ grumbles, whipping out the necessities to roll a blunt. 
(Pope watches him work, practiced fingers moving quickly.) 
(It’s kind of interesting to watch.) 
(He also watches John B put an arm around JJ’s shoulder.)
(And watches JJ lean into him.)
(It’s subtle, but Pope doesn’t miss it.) 
“Where’s Kie?” JJ asks once he’s done, and Pope shakes his head.
“She has a shift at the Wreck.” Pope replies, and JJ nods, shrugging. He lights up and the smell of weed feel the air.
(Pope might be getting high just by standing close to JJ.)
JJ takes the first drag, then hands it to John B and they keep passing it back and forth for a while.
“Want some?” JJ asks at some point, and Pope shakes his head like always.
(JJ’s eyes are rimmed.)
“Suit yourself.” He replies, taking a long drag. “Want to watch Rick and Morty?” He asks, and John B nods, but neither of them move, so Pope figure it’s on him to go get the computer. 
He stands up.
“Bedroom?” He asks, and John B nods, eyes closed and head thrown back. 
He walks in the room, and then hesitates on the door for a second.
(JJ’s fingers are brushing through John B’s hair, now.) 
(Smoking always softens him a bit.) 
Pope clears his voice, but JJ doesn’t stop, though he does look up.
“Choking to death?” He asks, and Pope rolls his eyes.  
“Not yet.” He replies, going back to the couch.
(Maybe he should just go home.) 
(It feels like he’s third wheeling, which is really fucking weird, because this is regular John B and JJ.) 
“Well, are you gonna turn it on or are you just gonna stare at it?” JJ asks, and John B laughs beside him, so Pope blinks himself back in the moment and opens the computer. 
(It’s fine.) 
“Preferences?” Pope asks and his elbow brushes against JJ.
(Pope feels him shiver.)
“Gotta watch the last three episodes of the last season.” JJ says, voice loud.
(And he pulls back, shifting away.) 
(Closer to John B.) 
(JJ doesn’t look at him.)
(It’s okay, Pope understands.)
“You got it.” He says instead, and feels JJ relax again, leaning back.
John B is not surprised when he finds JJ standing on the door of the Chateau, blood trickling down from the side of his face, and a grin plastered on his lips.
(John B doesn’t buy it for one second.)
(JJ looks like he might pass out at any second.)
“Hey, man, what’s up? Thought I’d stop-
“JJ, what happened?” He asks and he lets JJ in. 
(It’s a stupid question, John B already knows.) 
JJ stumbles to the couch and falls on it like a dead weight.
“Oh nothing, you know how it, just got a bit roughed up-
“Jesus, JJ.” He says, running one hand through his hair, and JJ’s smile falters. 
“Let me see?” He asks before JJ can spew some more bullshit. JJ smirks.
(John B just wishes he would stop pretending for a second and just-
“At least buy me dinner first.” 
(It drives John B crazy.)
(JJ does.) 
(John B hates him.) 
(No, you don’t.)
“On God, JJ, just-
“Okay, fine. Chill, it’s nothing.” 
(It’s not nothing.) 
(It’s so far from nothing.)
“We need to clean these up.” JJ nods, then, smiles gone from his face, and he’s not really looking at John B. 
John B grabs a wet towel from the bathroom and some disinfectant and sits down beside JJ. 
(Leaves a space between them.)
(It’s a delicate situation.) 
“Can I?” He asks and JJ nods, a cigarette already burning between his lips.
He flinches anyway when John B’s fingers brush against him.
(John B can read in his eyes.)
(Instinct kicking in, telling JJ to run, the need to get away, to protect himself.) 
(John B can read it in his body, in the way JJ moves.)
(Tensed muscle, ready to sprint, the nervous tapping of his fingers, eyes shifting, alert, on guard.)
(John B wants to tell him that he can relax now, that he’s home, that he’s safe.) 
(He doesn’t.)
Instead he tries to not touch JJ, tries to be fast. 
When he’s done he pulls back, and some of the tension seems to leave JJ’s body.
“Water?” John B asks and he’s already moving to hand a bottle of water to JJ. He takes it with a nod, downing it all it one go. 
“Of course.” John B sits back down beside him.
(Tries to not stare too hard at him.)
(Tan skin under purples stains.) 
(His eyes are so blue.) 
(It’s really unfair that JJ still looks so good, even bruised as he is.) 
(Not the time, John B, Jesus.) 
“Want to talk about it?” He asks, because JJ has been quiet for a while, and it’s unsettling. 
“No.” JJ says, closing his eyes and blowing out the smoke. 
(John B watches his throat bob, watches his lips part.) 
“Okay.” He says.
(There’s no point in pushing, JJ will tell him eventually.) 
“Bed?” He asks instead, and JJ nods, getting up with a winch. He’s breathing heavily now, lips pressed together. “JJ-
“Don’t.” JJ’s voice is low, dangerous.
(Bad night.) 
“Yeah, okay, yeah.” 
They make their way in the bathroom, and it takes all of John B’s willpower to not scoop JJ up and carry him to bed as if they just got married.
(Somehow, he doesn’t think JJ would appreciate that.) 
They get under the blankets and John B turns off the light and really wants to reach out.
(Doesn’t dare to.) 
(Not right now.) 
So instead, he stares at the ceiling, and waits.
He hears JJ shift around for a few minute, then he curses quietly and John B looks at him, and JJ is curled on himself on the edge of the bed.
“JJ?” He whispers.
(He looks smaller than he should.)
JJ doesn’t reply, but he does turn around with another groan and a curse and suddenly he’s much closer.
(Even in the darkness, John B can make out the profile of his face, the gentle curve of his top lip, the strong like of his jaw, hair falling over his eyes.) 
JJ doesn’t say anything, but John B knows.
(They’ve been doing this for years.) 
So he turns on his side, and so does JJ and John B puts one arm around his waist, pulling him close, closer-
(JJ smells of smoke and blood.)
“You’re home.” He says, because that’s as much as JJ will accept.
(He wants to tell him that he’s safe now, that John B will protect him, that he’ll be okay-
(He knows it’s hard for JJ to believe it.)
(One day.) 
He feels JJ relax against him, a little sigh escaping past his lips.
(JJ is warm and tangible and safe.)
“Yeah.” JJ whispers back, and John B feels him fall asleep after that, so he closes his eyes too and lets the darkness pull him in. 
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rickssugarplum · 5 years
An Itty Bitty Problem Pt. 2
Here is the conclusion! I hope you guys like it! Click here for Part One! ❤
(Rick C-137 x Reader) SFW, Swearing, Baby Morty, Fluff, 2100+ Words
You take care of Morty while Rick makes the antidote.
“Here comes the airplane!” you chirped. You made airplane noises as you brought a spoonful of applesauce to Morty’s little mouth. He ate it up, enjoying the sweet flavor as he numed down his meal with glee. The little baby made happy noises and started bouncing in your lap, waiting for his next bite.
“Okay, buddy! Hang on!” You exclaimed with a laugh. “I gotta make sure we don’t make a mess here.” you told him, even though you knew he wouldn’t understand what you were saying. Luckily you covered his shirt with an impromptu bib made out of paper towels. It was a bit difficult keeping him still since you had no high chair but, you were able to make due. And Morty was eating. That was enough for you. Checking the bottle of applesauce, you saw that it was now empty.
“Alright, Morty! You finished the whole thing!” you beamed. Morty made a happy squeal at your praise. You stood up from the couch with him in tow, and walked into your kitchen. Taking the messy dishes, you placed them into your sink. He’d been in your care for about an hour now and so far it has gone smoothly. In fact, you could say that it was almost kinda fun. But it didn’t last as Morty was starting to fuss in your arms, sounding distressed.
“Aww what’s wrong, sweetie?” you asked, sad that he was now crying loudly again. His eyes were squeezed shut and his mouth wide open, wailing at his dilemma. You had to figure out what it was. And fast.
“Hmm.” Smelling nothing that would need assistance. “Well you don’t need changing....” you said. He certainly wasn’t hungry since he just ate. Wait a minute, you thought. The light bulb in your head lit up. Of course. He just needed to be burped! You placed him over your shoulder and started patting his little back gently to try to get any gas out of him. Immediately he started to calm down a bit. Within a few moments you heard a small but mighty belch erupted from the little tyke. You burst into laughter.
“Whoa! You definitely take after your grandpa!” you chuckled. Morty gave you an innocent smile as he giggled.
The initial worries you had before passed at this point. But the poor kid might get bored eventually. He had nothing to play with. Suddenly, you thought of something. In your room, you had a bunch of stuffed animals. Some from your childhood, some more recent. You decided to take Morty with you to your room to see if he wanted to play with any of them. As you entered, you walked straight to your closet, knowing you had a large amount of stuffed animals piled up. When you showed him your little collection. His little face lit up and let out a delighted squeal of interest. His chubby hands reached out to the pile of soft toys.
“Yeah! Pick one out, little guy!” you encouraged. Letting him down, you watched as he crawled closer to all the stuffed animals. In his tiny mind, he was in a treasure cove. Out of all the ones in the pile, he crawled towards a stuffed green little alien, and hugs it tightly. He really was Rick’s grandson. You picked him up bringing his new toy with you.
“Hey! Great choice, Morty!” you complimented as you were about to leave the room, until...
You stopped, Did he....just call out for Rick? For a second, you thought you were going crazy, just as you felt earlier. You looked Morty in his eyes.
“Wha-what was that, Morty?”
“Wick!” He yelled again. He pointed out across the room, where your nightstand was beside your bed. On the nightstand was a picture of you and Rick, the two of you looking happy. You smiled at the photo, reminiscing for a moment.
“Yeah...That’s your grandpa.” you said quietly as you walked over to sit on your bed. Morty looked at the photo in awe. Almost like, he did have some memory still with him. Maybe the better ones, you’d hope for his sake. Going on adventures with Rick was a dangerous territory. Just in story form, it was always terrifying to hear some of them.
“He talks about you a lot, you know...”
Morty’s wide eyes looked back at you and then back to the picture. You were pretty sure he wouldn’t remember what you’d say, but you think that would be better. You knew Rick didn’t want him to be cocky. At the same time, you wanted Morty to know what he meant to his grandpa deep down.
“He’ll say you can be a pain in his ass. But, with him, I take that with a grain of salt.” you chuckle. 
“Sometimes, he’ll tell me about some great things you accomplish together. Like how you help him get some fancy crystals and help him find some important things he needs...You know what else he’s said?” you ask as he lays comfortably in your lap, little arms clutching the little stuffed alien. His eyes look into yours, as if he was listening attentively. 
“He tells me how strong you are. That no one can do what you do. He knows he’s an asshole yet, you’re always ready to help him.” you admitted
“I don’t know if he ever told you. You know how stubborn he is but... he really does love you...”
You noticed he was starting to nod off. His eyes were closing then quickly opened. The kid was trying to fight his sleepiness. Laughing softly, you wanted to help him relax and rest awhile before Rick would return. You quietly started to sing.
Once there was a way to get back homeward...
Morty cooed softly, liking the music coming from you. Standing up, you started to walk out of the room, back downstairs, never stopping. Cradling his little head, you made sure he was snug in your arms.
Once there was a way to get back home...
Sleep little darling, do not cry...
And I will sing a lullaby...
When you two got back to the living room, you grabbed a blanket and draped it over the tiny infant. Back on the couch, you gently cradled him as you continued singing, keeping your voice quiet and light.
Golden slumbers fill your eyes...
Smiles awake you when you rise...
Sleep little darling, do not cry...
...And I will sing a lullaby...
You watched as Morty’s eyes finally gave in, closing themselves off into sleep. His breathes were even, and was comfortable as you held him. Your house was now quiet and peaceful. You were able to relax at least for a little while. All you had to do now was wait for Rick to come back with the antidote ready. 
The wait was short as you heard the portal return, with Rick coming through with a small potion.
“Alright, I got the an-” he paused when he saw the little bundle sleeping in your arms. It would not be wise to wake up a tired baby. You simply greeted him with a faint smile as he sat down next to you, watching his grandson’s sleeping face.
“Did he give you any trouble?” he muttered.
“No. He was great company.” you confessed with a smile, booping Morty’s little button nose.
“What’s he got there?” he asked, pointing out the little stuffed alien. You told him, “Well, I figured he needed something to play with so I let him pick out one of my stuffed toys I have. Naturally, he went for the alien.” you laughed. Rick sneaked in a smile at that. He was glad that Morty had a appreciation for space. 
“And b-before you ask, I tested the antidote on a rat, it should reverse everything, and he’ll be back to fourteen again.” he assured. He placed the potion into his coat pocket. 
“Well that’s good. Hopefully he won’t kick your ass over this.” you jested.
“Psshh. Like he could try.” he rebutteled, making you roll your eyes. You both sat there, just watching Morty sleeping. Rick broke the silence again.
“Hey uhh...” he piped up. Your attention turned to him, waiting for him to finish what he wanted to say.
“...C-can I hold him?”
Your heart leaped hearing his request. All you could do was simply comply.
“Of course, Rick,” you answered. You smiled wide as you gently placed Morty into his grandpa’s arms. Rick was oh so careful. Little noises came from the bundle, but he was still sound asleep.
You saw Rick’s entire face light up. It was a trip back to memory lane for him. He remembered the last time Morty was this small, so many years ago. You swore, you’ve never seen Rick look more at peace, but you didn’t dare tell him that. It would only cut this all short. So, you just kept quiet and enjoyed the moment.
“Heh...Feels like forever ago...”
You laid your head on his shoulder, listening in on what he needed to get off his chest. 
“I almost forgot how tiny he was...”
As he stared down at him, Rick thought of when he first met Morty. When he first held him and told him that he would be his travel partner. That it would just be Rick and Morty, forever a hundred years.....
Goddamnit. His head spouted. He thought he was past these damn irrational attachments. How it is that one baby can make you so emotional? Rick decided he might as well take it all in while he’s still asleep. One of his hands softly ran through Morty’s little tuft of hair and he held him close to his chest. His eyes...you swore they started to shine...
“Thanks for taking care of him for me...” he added quietly. You brought your lips to his cheek. 
“Oh course, Rick.” It was all you could say. He sounded so appreciative, oddly so unlike him. But, you knew how much Morty meant to him, whether he openly admitted it or not. Whenever there were doubts about his humanity, you’d think back to this. 
Slowly, Rick felt squirming in his arms as Morty started to stir. His wide eyes opened and looked into his. His chubby cheeks rising as he reached out to the old man’s face. Rick chuckled at him.
“Hey, little buddy...” he murmured. 
“I got the antidote for ya...You ready to be fourteen again?” 
The baby’s feet kicked up in excitement. Perhaps he could understand what was going on...or maybe he was just happy Rick had returned. Most likely the latter.
“Uhh Rick? ..Won’t he need regular sized clothes?” you asked awkwardly. You didn’t know how this “transformation” would work.
Rick pulled out a pair of jeans out of his coat. “Got it covered.” he said as he put the currently too big pants on the kid. Rick crossed his arms. “It’ll save wha-whatever dignity he has left...” 
Fucking smartass. You looked on as Rick fed the potion to Morty, whose little face winced at the taste. Now the moment of truth. You both hoped to God this would work.
Comically fast, Morty grew fourteen years in a matter of two seconds! 
“UghAGGHH!” he shouted in confusion. His hands went all over, checking for anything wrong. You were in shock with how screwed up all of this was. Rick sighed in relief. “Oh thank god, Morty I thought I’d have to have your mom raise you all over again!” he joked
Morty looked pissed. “Y-you son of a bitch, Rick! That damn serum turned me into a baby, Rick!!” he shouted.
“No shit, Morty.” Rick stated. “And now your back to being a whiny teenager. You’re welcome.”  he uttered, taking a swig of his flask.
Well everything was back to normal, well whatever they considered “normal.” 
“Rick, you owe him big time.” you noted. Rick sighed in annoyance. ‘Fiiiine, Morty, you wanna me to get you some ice-cream? Only the galaxy’s best huh??” He nudged the kid.
Looking at him, Morty still looked mad, but ice-cream sounded really good to him right now.
“Yeah...I-I’d like some ice cream.” he said, admitting defeat. You were delighted to see Rick try to make it right.
“Hey Morty. I know this whole thing was rough for you, but I wanted to say you were a great little guest for me today.” you told him with a smile, giving him the stuffed alien his baby self had picked out.
He looked confused. Guess he really didn’t remember. “Oh uhh, thanks! Hey Rick, c-can we bring them too? A-as a thank you?” Morty suggested. 
You were pretty moved. That was very thoughtful and sweet of him. Rick only shrugged. “Sure why not?”
You felt a burst of joy as he pulled out his portal gun and shot a portal leading to the garage. “Alright, into the ship.”
 All three of you got into the ship, feeling as it lifted off the Earth. The chaotic part was over. Now you were just excited to finally relax and enjoy ice cream that would be literally out of this world.
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elizaviento · 6 years
Manipulation (part 7)
Note:  They knockin’ some very sensual boots!
NSFW -- 4100 words
(FYI: This story is a sequel/companion piece to Assimilation, which can be found in the Rick Fic Masterpost link in my blog’s description along with additional chapters of Manipulation.  Or, you can click the #manipulation tag in this post, within my blog, to access all additional chapters.)
Before I could react, she’d dislodged herself from my body and scooted back to her original place in the backseat cabin – her face flush and her breathing heavy.
We had almost been caught.  But, somehow, I couldn’t bring myself to care; not even a little.  Something had shifted between us when she embraced me in the parking lot of that filthy bar and I would be damned if nearly being caught groping her in the backseat of my daughter’s car was going to shift it back.
Do you even know how ridiculous that sounds? my better angel spoke again as it tried to infuse its usual dose of guilt and shame directly into my brain.  Right now though, it was more concerned with sending every drop of blood in my body toward my dick instead of fueling my penchant for self-hatred.  Perhaps I’d feel differently once the high of our secret encounter wore off but, until then, I didn’t give a flying fuck.
“Jerry, you did this to yourself,” Beth chided, her voice pulling me from my inner debate. “Just hurry up and get it all out so I don’t have to stop again.”
As Jerry sat in the passenger seat, leaning just enough to puke outside and not on the floorboard of the car, the dome light remained on.  Settling my gaze upon her across the cabin, she began to fidget and I knew I needed to reassure her soon or risk her overthinking the fact that she’d just let her best friend’s father bring her to the brink of orgasm – while fully clothed, no less.
Throwing open my backseat door, I decided the best distraction was already underway.  I just needed to move it a little farther from the car.
“Hey – hey! Jerry!  W-w-would you mind closing the door so we – your sister and I don't have to smell your last meal?  I-I-I don’t want her tossing her cookies for dessert.”
“Dad’s right. Come on, Jer,” Beth instructed while hooking an arm around his waist to help him stand; his pathetic groans serving as the worst soundtrack to the additional moves I planned to make on his sister the very moment the door closed and we were, once again, bathed in darkness.
And, as soon as we were, I made my way toward her.  She had pulled her knees to her chest, hugging them tightly when I gently dislodged her arms and pushed her legs back toward the floor.  She was tense and I felt the overwhelming desire to melt all that tension away as I leaned down to press my lips to her ear and ask, “What – what’s wrong, sweet girl?”
Fuck, when was the last time I’d assigned that pet name to a woman?  Probably before she was even born; a thought which should have given me pause but, instead, had me smoothing one palm up and down her upper arm in an effort to soothe her while the other resumed its previous position and activities on her thigh.
“Do you even realize how close that was?” she whispered through her panic.  Forgoing a verbal reply, and without reservation, I pressed a kiss to her temple as the hand on her upper arm sought hers, interlocking her fingers with mine.
She seemed far away – lost in thought in what I assumed was her own internal struggle.  I only hoped that her better angel was as unconvincing as mine.  But, just as I was about to lose control and manhandle her fully into my lap, Beth’s voice – roughly instructing Jerry to get back inside the car – penetrated the haze of lust shrouding my rational mind. Releasing her hand, I scooted back to my original seat just as the passenger door opened and the dome light blinked to life.  Jerry flopped into the passenger seat with a dramatic groan and a moment later, Beth was in the driver’s seat, cranking the engine and pulling away.
The car was dark once again, but neither of us made a move.  We were much too close to the house to risk another near discovery, so I forced myself to remain in place while subtly adjusting my cock into a more comfortable position, away from the unforgiving teeth of the zipper.  All the while, planning how I would get her alone as soon as humanly possible.
The second Beth pulled into the driveway – before the car even came to a complete stop – I was opening my backseat passenger door.  And, by the time she’d gathered the mental capacity to exit the vehicle; I was already at her side of the car, waiting for her.  To my delight, she seemed to interpret my sudden chivalry for the guise it was and willingly looped her arm through mine, leaning heavily on my side as I guided her toward the front door.
Once inside, Beth immediately shoved Jerry up the stairs.  Then, certain we were finally alone, I tugged her toward my bedroom, when suddenly –
“So, like, how drunk were they, Grandpa Rick?” Summer asked, seeming to appear out of thin air.  She was standing in the doorway leading to the kitchen, sucking on a lollipop and staring absently at her phone.
“Well – uh – your dad may die.  Y-y-your Aunt here will probably live.”
“We’re both fine,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“That sucks,” Summer replied to her Aunt.  “You’re, like, really fun when you’re drunk.  Remember that time you took me and Morty to Disney World and starting hitting on Donald Duck after you had, like, six shots of Jack in the car?”
“I needed those shots to get through the afternoon, Summer.  You know how much I hate crowds.  That being said, it was very irresponsible of me and you’d better never tell your mother that story.”
“Al-alright, off to bed now,” I impatiently demanded, pointing toward the direction of the stairs.  If Summer didn’t leave right then, I didn’t know if I could stop myself from just dragging her Aunt to my room right in front of her.
“Okay.  It’s only, like 10:00 pm but I was going there anyway,” Summer responded, turning her attention back to her phone while walking up the stairs; taking each step slower than the last as the both of us watched her ascend until her feet disappeared from view.
Then, I tugged her toward my room once more and, finally, through the door – not caring who else we may encounter along the way.  My cock was literally throbbing for her at this point and I’d already imagined every way I planned to make her scream during the thirty second conversation with Summer.  But, now that I had her alone – all to myself – I grabbed the remote control from the bedside table and engaged the steel locking mechanism.
Turning back toward her, she stood there dumbfounded with her mouth agape in obvious shock as I closed the distance between us in one stride and pulled her in roughly by the waist.  Even in my haste, I sensed no serious hesitation on her part and took advantage wholeheartedly as I smoothly bent to slip my tongue inside her open mouth.
To my surprise, she reciprocated immediately, returning my kiss furiously while digging her delicate fingers in my hair.  Oh god, this was really – FINALLY – happening.  And, as I walked her backward and sank toward the bed, I was determined to make excellent use of the hundreds of hours I’d spent living vicariously through my counterparts.  Because, due to the inter-dimensional goggles, I already knew how she liked to be fucked.
I pinned her to the mattress, dry humping her like a teenage boy as I continued to probe her mouth with my tongue.  But, I was too eager; going too fast.  No, I needed to slow things down and make it good for her.  I needed to tease her.  Get her nice and responsive and wet for me.  Make her moan and then scream my name.
Finally breaking away from the kiss, I pulled back slightly and she sprang into action.  Her hands fumbled down my body, straight to the fly of my pants.  But, instead of allowing her to continue – oh fuck, did I want her to continue – I slapped her hands away like that of a spoiled child.  The look of disappointment on her face was so priceless and adorable, I nearly gave in.
“Eager, aren’t we?” I teased as I slithered one hand under her ratty t-shirt.  As my fingers danced along her ribs, she hitched a breath and arched her back into my touch.  “Mmm,” I breathed as my hands roamed higher to cup and pinch her nipples through the thin fabric of her bra.  I was rewarded with a throaty moan and her thighs wrapping around my hips in an attempt to pull me down.  But, I easily wiggled free, sitting back to admire this woman spread below me, completely flushed and breathless and glassy eyed with arousal.  “Shit, l-l-look at you.  So sexy,” I crooned while hooking a hand under each of her knees to lift and spread them wider.  Bunching the hem of her t-shirt above her bra, I felt a bit light headed at the sight before me.
Jesus, Sanchez, you don’t even have her naked yet and you’re already about to nut in your pants, I thought as I swallowed around the knot in my throat.  Even though I’d seen countless of her counterparts in more lewd positions than this, none of them were her.  None of them could even come close.
“I’m not,” she shyly replied, breaking my intense concentration.  Trailing my gaze to her face, I found it slightly flushed; her cheeks an enticing shade of pink.
“Shut – shut up,” I chided, placing my palms flat on her stomach before sliding them up to cup both of her tits once more.  “You fucking are, Jesus Christ.”
Unable to resist any longer, I hunched over her and trailed my tongue from her navel to the underwire of her bra while wedging a hand under her back to unhook the latch.
“Sit up.”
She did as commanded and I pulled the t-shirt over her head, slid the bra from her arms and tossed them haphazardly to the floor.  And, then, my mouth was latched to her nipple – the stiffened bud clamped between my teeth as I swept my tongue across its peak.  When she cried out and buried her hands in my hair, I clamped a bit harder and sucked.
“Oh, shit!” she hissed, ripping one hand from my scalp to clap over her mouth.  I understood her sudden reservation and freed her nipple just long enough to quell her fear.
“Th-the room’s sound proof,” I mumbled against the soft flesh of her breast before shifting to the other to apply the same treatment.  Her reply, a strangled laugh, quickly morphed into a moan as I rolled the nipple gently between my teeth.
Continuing my exploration of her body, I kissed my way from between her tits, down her stomach, until I reached the waistband of her jeans.  Reminding myself that patience is virtue, yet again; I dragged my tongue slowly, back and forth, right above the band before undoing the button and pulling down the zipper so slowly that the sound of each tooth disengaging could clearly be heard as it mingled with the steady pound of my heart hammering against my ribs.
Glancing up her body, I caught her peeking down at me as I hooked each thumb under the waistband of her jeans and tugged.  Taking the hint, she lifted her hips to allow me to shimmy them down her legs and discard them on the floor with her t-shirt and bra.  Now, only one small, visibly damp scrap of fabric remained.  I performed the same maneuver with my tongue and fingers on the waistband of her panties before locking her eyes with mine and palming her cunt in the same manner as in the backseat of Beth’s car; pressing down with my middle finger.
“You – you’re soo wet, baby.  Soaked right through, fuuuck,” I groaned.  “Is – is that for me, huh?”
Nodding her head, she whispered a breathy, “Yesss,” while lifting her hips for me to remove those soaked panties once and for all.  And, the moment she was fully nude before me, my mouth began to water as the aroma of her pussy assaulted my every sense and activated every last nerve ending in my body.  I needed to taste that pussy – right then.  So, I hooked both hands under her knees and yanked her ass to the foot of my cot while settling to my knees on the floor.
“Mmm, yeah. T-t-that pussy’s sparklin’ for me,” I cooed, pressing a kiss to her calf.  “I – I’ve been dying to stick – slide my tongue inside.”
“Oh fuck,” she moaned in response, never taking her eyes off mine as I spread her lips open with my thumbs and leaned in to slowly push my tongue deep inside.  Holy fucking Christ, she was sweeter than I ever could have imagined and I lost myself, sliding my tongue out only to push right back in, deeper than before.
“Oh, Rick, that’s so good,” she sighed, propping herself up on her elbows to watch.  Oh, yes.  All of her counterparts loved to watch as their Ricks tongued their wet pussies and I was so fucking glad she wasn’t an exception.
Flattening my tongue, I licked a wide stripe toward her clit where I stiffened the tip and set to work – flicking and circling and swiping without pause until her thighs quivered on each side of my head and her hands fisted and yanked at my hair and her soft moans morphed into strained whines of pure bliss.  Finally needing to take a short break to catch a breath, I quickly replaced my tongue with the pad of my thumb and rolled the swollen bundle of nerves at a slightly faster pace.
“Rick!  Oh my god!” she wailed, thrashing her head back. The sound of her crying my name in such a tone while I still had the taste of her cunt on my lips nearly unraveled me.  She was close.  And, I knew exactly how to shatter her into a million pieces.
“Yeah, sweetheart?” I asked, increasing the pressure of my thumb. “Tell me what – exactly what you need, baby.”  She only wailed again – louder; her back arching from the bed slightly.  “You – you want me to… slide my fingers in that tight hole, hmm?  Suck on that clit ‘til you cum on my face?”
Without giving her the chance to reply, I removed my thumb and replaced it with my mouth.  I wrapped my lips tightly around her clit and softly sucked while sweeping the tip of my tongue back and forth, like the pendulum of a grandfather clock, across the top until I was sure she was on the brink.  Then, I added my fingers – pushing two deep inside.  I moaned as they were immediately soaked and I sought the soft, thick and spongy patch of flesh that would make her drench not just those fingers, but my entire hand.  Finding and pressing that sweet spot in perfect harmony with the swipes of my tongue, I felt her cunt tighten around each digit as her thighs drew closer to my head in preparation.
“Press harder. With your fingers.  Please!”
Oh, fuck.  She was begging for what she wanted – what she needed – to make her cum.  Begging me to make her cum.  And, I complied.  Taking one of her hands fisted in my shitty blanket, I threaded my fingers through hers. I locked our eyes with my lips still wrapped around her clit.  I pressed her g-spot.  Hard.  And, when her cunt contracted once, I released her clit as the subsequent wave of contractions squeezed my fingers as I fucked her with them, fast and unrelenting, and she screamed – just for me.
“Thaaat’s it. There it is, baby.  Theeere it is.  Cum for me, sweet girl,” I encouraged and praised, pressing kisses to her thighs as they trembled and a gush of wetness coated my hand, just the way I intended.  It was fucking beautiful.
“You look fucking amazing w-w-when you come, you know that?  Got my dick so fucking hard,” I confessed when she finally came down from cloud nine and opened her eyes.  Pulling me in for a kiss, she swept her tongue in my mouth, as if trying to taste herself, while shoving my lab coat from my shoulders.
“You just made me cum harder than I ever have and you haven’t even taken off one shred of clothing,” she said in a tone so serious, I burst out laughing while assisting her by whipping the coat and my sweater over my head in one fluid motion. When she reached for my fly again, I didn’t resist, leaning back to grant her full access.
Obviously impatient, and not as concerned with pacing herself as I was, she immediately thrust a hand down my slacks and briefs and wrapped her hand around my cock.
“Ahh, fuck!” I spat, grabbing her wrist.  She had been stroking me slowly but, along with hers, every scrap of patience I’d had was now gone and all I wanted to do was fuck her completely stupid.  “I got – I gotta fuck you.  Right now.”
Removing her hand from my pants, she leaned back slightly to rip them down my hips and legs in the same haphazard manner as I with her clothing.  And, then, she just stared at me – at my cock, to be more precise.
“Come here, beautiful,” I coaxed, reaching a hand toward her.  But, she looked a bit nervous and I felt my bravado as well as my dick swell with the idea that she may be intimidated by its size. So, I scooted to the edge of the bed and planted my feet on the floor.  “Come on – come sit on it, baby.  Take as long as you need.”
Rising from the cot, she timidly walked toward me and straddled my legs, hovering above my lap for a moment before grasping my cock.  Then, lining it up like she were about to make the perfect docking maneuver, she lowered and lowered until we made contact.  And, holy Christ, it was perfect.
“Thaaat’s it baby.  Nice and – oh, fuuuck.”
My hands flew to her hips and held on for dear life as she sank that tight cunt on the head of my cock, hovering for only a moment before sinking further.  And, further.  I couldn’t stop the moans that clawed up from my chest and at this point, I didn’t particularly want to.  When she had taken about half, she rose all the way up and sank back down to that same point; shallowly fucking my cock until I felt I’d go insane.
“Christ, you – that pussy’s so fucking tight,” I growled, digging my fingers deeper into the soft flesh of her hips.  I dropped my head to her shoulder and moaned louder when she took me in even deeper, a little at a time, until her thighs were flush with mine.
Now that she was fully seated, I lifted my head from her shoulder and locked her eyes with mine as I attempted to convey something I couldn’t quite express with words.  Wrapping my arms around her waist, I trailed my fingers down her spine and felt her shiver under my touch.  When she shifted her hips forward and slid her tongue along my bottom lip, I opened willingly for her as she threaded her fingers in my hair, palmed the back of my head and kissed me; seeking and rolling my tongue with hers again and again as she shifted her hips to and fro.
“Baby – I can’t fight the urge to pound my cock up in – in to you much longer,” I mumbled against her lips while bucking my hips upward to punctuate my point.  Noting my sincerity, she braced her hands on my shoulders and slowly slid up the entire length of my cock and sank back down even slower.  We moaned in unison as her thighs settled on mine once more.  Then, she repeated the action and continued until we were both panting and pawing at one another desperation.
“Oh fuck, Rick.  Shit – oh god,” she whined as she fucked me agonizingly slow.  Each time she rose, her pussy left a trail of wet heat that cooled just enough to shock my system again when she lowered, engulfing me entirely.  
“Baby.  I can’t – I need to fuck you right.  Oh god, Just let me.”  I was on the verge of losing my mind and it didn’t faze me in the least that I’d been reduced to begging.  I’d beg for that pussy all day and night until the sun exploded and the moon crashed into the fucking earth.        
So, when she dropped her head to my shoulder and nodded, relinquishing control, I took it willingly.  Twisting my body, I pushed her onto her back, placed my knees on the edge and shuffled forward until we were in the middle of the cot.  Then, I lifted her legs, leaned forward over her and hooked her knees over my shoulders.
This angle – this deep, perfect angle – would make her cum for me again.  God damn, I needed for her to cum for me again.
“Oh, my sweet perfect girl,” I growled, brutally fucking her – hard and fast.  “Oh fuuuck!  You – you like that cock, baby?  You like how I fuck that tight pussy, huh?  Christ, you – you’re so wet and fucking perfect.  Such a good girl for me.”
Never taking my eyes from hers, I saw them roll back as I ruthlessly pounded into her.  This is what they – her counterparts – all loved. This is what she loved.  And, Jesus fuck, did I love giving it to her.
Hoisting her legs a bit higher and leaning over a bit further, I knew I hit that perfect spot when her mouth fell open and she screamed; each thrust hitching the tone as her tits bounced in time.
“Rick, oh god, that’s the spot.  Right there, oh fuck.  Don’t stop, don’t stop!”
“You gonna – gonna cum on my cock, huh?  Let me feel it – do it.  Fuckin’ cum for me, sweetheart.  Say my name.”
“Oh fuck oh god oh my god RICK!”
She went completely rigid, her body seizing as she came and she continued to chant my name each time that pussy clinched and released.  That – my name tumbling from her lips as wave after wave of pleasure pulsed through her – was my ultimate undoing.  My pace faltered as I felt my balls tighten and my dick swell, the pressure mounting.
“I’m cumming, oh fuck – fuckin’ take it!” I practically yelled as I tightened my grip on her thighs and thrust hard once, twice, and then one last time as it released in an overwhelming wash of immense pleasure and relief.  So.  Fucking.  Perfect.
Sweaty and absolutely spent, I released her legs and unceremoniously flopped down beside her with a satisfied groan.
“Holy shit,” she said, breathless, covering her eyes with her forearm.
“Mmhmm,” I breathed, words escaping me entirely.  Rolling over on my side, I pulled her flush against me – peppering kisses on her neck and shoulder.  I’d never felt so content and all I needed was to burn this memory in my brain while inhaling her intoxicating scent.
“Yeah?” I mumbled.  I had begun to doze and struggled to remain lucid as I awaited what she’d say next.
“I should probably, um, go clean up.”
“No – nope.  Just stay here.”  I pulled her closer.  No way was I letting her go anytime soon.
To be continued...
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ramheavenandhell · 4 years
Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 9: A new learning experience
AN: Finally, a (long-awaited) new chapter for this story. Luckily, I had most of this written already so it wasn't that hard to finish this chapter. Next chapter will take longer though since I've only written about half of it and my muse is still not back in working order. Anyways, this'll be a slightly longer chapter and top of that is also contains some smutty goodness, which hopefully makes up for it. Warnings: light Rick/Morty smut
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Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 9: A new learning experience It was dinnertime in the Smith household and everyone was quite focused on eating their spaghetti carbonara when Summer was the one, who suddenly decided to break the silence. "So, Morty. How you're holding up with your boyfriend?" This instantly got their parents' attention while Morty choked on his food. "Summer!" He hissed angrily. He hadn't actually told his parents about his relationship yet because he honestly had no idea how to approach the subject. Even though the entire school already knew about it after the whole talk with Jessica, this information hadn't reached his home…until now. However, thankfully – and also quite surprisingly – no one had actually bothered to tease Morty about being gay or whatever despite him worrying that people would make fun of Rick and (especially) of him for this. At the dinner table, the news were met with confusion though. "Boyfriend, huh?" Jerry was the first to comment on it. "I always thought you were a lady's man, Morty?" "Jerry! It doesn't matter if our son likes girls or boys. Just be proud that he finally found someone!" Beth instantly scolded her husband. The tall brunet was quick to defend himself, lifting his hands in a surrendering motion. "I don't have a problem with my son being gay. Just wondering…" Was this discussion really necessary? Morty felt so embarrassed right now that he wanted to be anywhere than here. His appetite at least was completely gone, so maybe he could excuse himself from the table now? He didn't get the chance though. His mom had turned towards him now and obviously had to ask, "So, who is the lucky guy?" Even if he had no food in his mouth right now, the teen had to swallow heavily. "…um…it's Rick…" he admittedly quietly. Beth was clearly surprised while his dad was outright shocked. "Now, I don't have a problem with you liking boys, but I have a problem with you liking that boy!" "Shut up, Jerry!" The blond elbowed him in the side before she turned with a smile towards Morty again. "It's nice that your relationship had developed in that direction and Rick is a really good boy." "Ouch!" The family father complained about the jab into his side. "How is that little punk and hooligan a good boy, Beth?! He's been nothing but a bad influence on our son and now he made him gay, too! That's not okay!!" "Can I leave the table? I'm full and I have to do some homework still." The smaller brunet took the chance to excuse himself before a full-fledged fight between his parents would break out again. "Of course, Sweetie." His mother allowed him to leave before she turned back to his father again to make a counter argument. Morty quickly got up, brought his plate in the kitchen before he scaled the stairs to his room, all the while trying to ignore the shouts of the two adults – though he couldn't help but overhear that his mother pointed out that Rick at least won't accidentally impregnate him, which made him cringe a little. As he closed the door to his room behind himself, he leaned with his back against it and took a deep breath. His heart was still racing from coming out of the closet and confessing to his parents. "By the way, Morty. It had been pretty obvious even before you and Rick got together." Summer's voice, dulled by the wooden barrier, reached his ears. Seems like his sister had also decided to flee the argument at the dinner table and went to her room. A light blush was on Morty's face, but a small smile joined it soon. It felt like a heavy weight was lifted from him and he was so relieved that his family mostly accepted his new relationship. Well, obviously his dad didn't, but that was actually to be expected and the boy decided that his opinion wasn't really that important to him. Having his mom and sister stand behind him, meant a lot though. However, his sister's comment made him think. 'Jeez, had it really been that obvious…?'
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Things were as usual again. Rick kept dragging him out of school to have him assist with his science projects and aside from an occasional making out session here and there, nothing had changed from how things were before their relationship had started. Unfortunately, this also meant for Morty that his grades were still as horrible as ever. Even when Rick had shut him out and he had attended his classes again, the brunet had been so helplessly lost on his subjects that he hadn't managed to catch up at all. Not only that, but also because he had been constantly worried and wondering what Rick was doing the entire time. So, he was still stuck being grounded and when he came home with his failed math test and showed it to his mother, it was obvious that that status wouldn't change for a long time to come. The blond frowned down at the test, probably wondering how anyone could get this many answers wrong. Then she sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Morty… I really had hoped now that you're attending your classes regularly again-" He tried to keep a straight face and not give himself away at the mention of his attendance record. "-and since you're still grounded that your grades would improve. But apparently that's not the solution here, so tell me what we need to do to make it better." With guilt written all over his face, Morty could only shrug. What did she expect him to answer? Was there even something that anyone could do to help him…? Oh! Maybe there was! "Um…maybe it would help if I would study with someone together?" He suggested. Another sigh. "Last time your father helped with your homework, you complained that it was all wrong and you would have done better without his help…" "Well, I wasn't talking about Dad!" Morty cut in. "It doesn't really help me when someone tries to explain something to me when they know even less about it." The blond nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that's true. But, Morty, I'm not sure if we can afford a private tutor for you…" "Well, I was actually thinking…about asking Rick to tutor me…" As his mother only blinked at him, he quickly added, "I-I mean, he's a genius and a-a-at the top of all of his classes a-and we have almost all the same courses together, too, so there's no-no better choice than him and I'm sure if-if I a-ask him he'll say yes and do it for free, too!" Morty was panting a little from rushing the explanation while Beth still looked at him with an unchanging face. It was honestly unnerving. Then, she finally responded. "That's actually a very good idea, Morty!" Maybe he just imagined it, but pride seemed to swing in her voice – or maybe it was just relieve that she wouldn't have to look for a cheap tutor. "Yes? You think so?" He almost couldn't believe that she agreed. "So, does that mean that Rick can come over?" He didn't entirely forget that his parents were reluctant of having him hang out with Rick outside of school – even though there had been a lot of exceptions like school prom and his double date, but his mother had such a hard time believing that her son even had a social life that she didn't have the heart to ruin it for him. "Of course, he can, Morty. Just remember that it's for tutoring and not something else." While she sounded stern, there was a smile on her face. Morty's face instantly heated up at the suggestion behind those words. "G-geez! O-of course, Mom!" "Well, this better works out, Morty." Beth looked serious again. "If this doesn't do it, we might have to send you to a special school because I don't see another solution here…" The brunet gulped, but nodded in understanding. He could only hope that his best friend slash boyfriend would cooperate, too.
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With things established and a follow-up math test coming next Monday, Morty was also able to convince Rick to come over on the weekend to help him study for it. The spiky-haired teen actually accepted the invitation quickly and without any complaints, which surprised the brunet a little since he didn't expect the other to be excited about the prospect of "wasting" their time cramming together. Pretty much like last time that Rick came over, Morty was waiting for him. Instead of pacing in the living room, he hung out in the hallway though, constantly checking the windows if he could spot the other as if he was afraid that he'd somehow overhear the roaring sound of his motorcycle and the doorbell. Summer only rolled her eyes and didn't even bother to comment on her brother's antics this time. Though, it was probably cute that he was acting like a loyal puppy that waited for its owner to come home. The moment, that the loud sound of an engine nearing could be heard, Morty flung open the front door and in typical fashion, Rick parked his motor bike, dismounted it and took off his helmet. Running a hand through his spikes, he walked with a grin over to his waiting boyfriend. "Hey, Morty! Missed me?" He asked cockily. A blush rose to Morty's cheeks and he smiled shyly. "Hey, Rick. I-I'm sure you know the answer already." He readily accepted the small kiss that Rick gave him in greeting. "Well, apparently not enough to throw on some fancy clothes for me this time." The blue-haired teen commented as he eyed the brunet. Somehow, the blush intensified. Sure enough, he just wore his typical yellow t-shirt and dark-blue denim pants. "We do-don't have dinner like last time you were over." Morty tried to defend himself. "A-and you didn't bother wearing something nice either." Truth be told, Rick just wore his standard attire of blue shirt and khakis. "Touché!" The spiky-haired boy replied. Finally, Morty remembered his manners and gestured for the other to come inside, who followed his invitation. He just wanted to lead him upstairs to his room when his mother showed up in the hallway. "Hello, Rick." The teen nodded in greeting. "Hi, Beth." "I hope you remember to do some actual studying and not just make out the entire time." She commented. Morty's cooling cheeks quickly heated up again. "Mom!" "Don't worry about that, Beth." Rick replied and didn't protest when the brunet grabbed his wrist and pulled him upstairs to avoid further embarrassment. As soon as he closed the door after them and noticed how the other teen was looking around, Morty realized that this was actually the first time that Rick was in his bedroom. "Nice room you have, Morty." His friend commented as he eyed his shelf, which was stacked with comic books and collectable figurines. "Th-thanks, Rick." He didn't know why, but for some reason, Morty felt nervous. It wasn't even as if it's the first time that the two were alone together. They were alone together all the time at Rick's workshop. Somehow, this still felt different from that though. He watched how Rick took the freedom to sit down on his bed, testing out a little how bouncy the mattress was. Then the other looked at him and patted the spot beside him. "C'mon, Morty. No need to be so uptight." A sly grin appeared on his face. "If you come over here, I can help you relax." His face seemed to be permanently stuck at looking like a cherry. "N-no, Rick!" He protested. "I was serious when I said that I need your help. I really only asked you to come over to cram." Rick only sighed and rolled his eyes. Apparently, he had had other plans when he agreed to come over to help with studying. Morty continued. "My mom is really upset with my grades and if I don't improve then it won't be "Rick and Morty forever and 100 years" anymore. There won't be any "Rick and Morty" at all." Another sigh. "Fine, let's just get to it then." Rick stood up from the bed and walked over to the desk now, looking at what Morty had already picked out in preparation. "Math, huh?" He already sounded bored out of his mind. "Yeah, we have the test on Monday, remember?" Rick sat down in the only available chair. "Of course, I remember that, Morty…" Then he looked expectantly at the brunet and patted his lap. "What are you waiting for? Hop on already so we can start." "Wha-what?" It was official now that he wasn't going to stop blushing today anymore. "No, Rick. I said we need to cram." "I know. That's why I want you to sit down so we can finally start." The other said matter-of-factly. Morty wanted to protest and say that he would get a second chair, but found himself obediently sitting down in Rick's lap. It was a little weird to be so close to the other. To be able to feel his body heat through their clothes. "…a-are you sure about this, Rick?" He asked quietly. The other's long arms reached around him and settled on top of the desk, caging him in. "Don't worry, Morty. Just trust in my methods. I'll guarantee that you'll learn this in a wink." Still feeling flutters in his stomach, Morty turned towards the desk and the sheet with arithmetical problems for practice. His heart raced when Rick leaned forward and he also looked at the paper over his shoulder, feeling the other at his back, neck and cheek. "Okay, so what do you have trouble with?" The other asked him and Morty tried not to focus on the vibrations he felt coming from Rick's body when he spoke. He swallowed nervously. "Um…all of it?" "Fine, then let's do the first one together." Morty was actually a little surprised that Rick did take it seriously now. With big eyes, he watched how Rick wrote down the solution process for him while explaining every step slowly. The way, he explained it was different from the way that Mr. Goldenfold had taught them and for some odd reason, it began to make much more sense to him now. "Oh, I-I think, I got it now." The brunet slowly calmed down again, focusing on the exercise and noticing that he actually felt really comfortable sitting in the other's lap – feeling safe and protected. "Good. Then try the next one on your own now." Trying to follow exactly the solution path that the other provided to him, he slowly solved the next problem. "Is-is this right?" He asked uncertainly. Rick hummed and Morty shuddered as he felt his boyfriend's hot breath against his ear. "Got it right, Morty. Good job. You deserve a little reward for that." The brunet squeaked softly as a cheeky tongue suddenly liked over his earlobe and teeth gently nibbled on it moments after. A small whimper escaped him as that hot mouth suckled on the lobe for another minute. "For every problem you get right, you're gonna get a little reward." Rick murmured after he stopped his ministrations again, sounding definitely sexy. "And you get something really nice when we're done. How does that sound, Morty?" "S-sounds good." A little out of breath, Morty winced at the high pitch that his voice had right now. Honestly, he couldn't deny that it was a great incentive. "Okay, then solve the next one now." The other teen's voice was still a low rumble that was making Morty's knees weak – good thing that he was already seated. Trying his best to focus on the next math problem, he solved it again. This time a little quicker than before. He smiled broadly when his conclusion was correct once more and keened when Rick rewarded him with small licks and kisses along the sensitive side of his neck. One after the other, he went through the problems, although he did find it increasingly harder to focus properly on them. A certain growing pressure that he could feel in his lower body didn't exactly help his case. And then he suddenly got an answer wrong, being stumped and feeling disappointed in himself. "Oh geez…" "Don't swat it, Morty. Just try again and let's go over your solution path together." The brunet went slowly over the process again, saying aloud all the steps that he went through in his head before. Rick suddenly interrupted him. "Hold on! See, that's where you made the mistake." Now that the other mentioned it, Morty noticed it, too, and corrected it. This time he reached the right solution. "Good. See, you didn't even need my help at the end there." The other teen praised him. His face was turned by a gentle hand and warm lips placed themselves on his own. Rick had given him a few kisses before, but this time an eager and wet muscle begged him for entrance, which Morty quickly granted. The brunet moaned into the kiss and as their tongues played with each other and he started to forget everything around him. "C'mon, Morty. There's still a few problems to solve." After they had separated again, Morty had stared at his friend in a daze and only after being reminded, slowly regained his thought process again. "Don't worry, there not that many left. And as soon as you're done with them, you're going to get that big reward that I promised you." Of course, this kept Morty motivated and even though he felt a little distracted by all of these ministrations, he was really looking forward to what Rick would give him. In no time, he was done and completed the math exercise. Now that he looked over the paper, it actually hadn't been that hard… "Good job, Morty." Again, the spiky-haired teen praised him. "Now for your price…" Rick's hands that had been formerly resting on his hips, suddenly began to wander towards his crotch. Barely avoiding the more than obvious bulge, deft fingers instantly began to work his pants open. The sudden motions caused Morty to sharply suck in a breath of air. "R-Rick? Wh-wha…?" Feeling overwhelmed by the turn of events, the brunet sat frozen in shock and could only stare down at what his boyfriend did to him. The spiky-haired teen didn't stop, but tried to calm him down verbally. "Don't worry, Morty. Just relax. You're gonna like this." Despite the words, Morty still tensed up as his erection was freed, his face feeling hot enough that you could fry eggs on it right now. With baited breath, he watched how long and slim fingers wrapped around his stiff flesh, a moan escaping him on contact and reflexively, he put a hand over his mouth to stifle the embarrassing sounds. While he lost some of his sensitivity due to masturbating very regularly, being touched there by someone else was a completely new and extremely arousing sensation. That it was the first time that it was happening to him, didn't really help either. Clamping the hand tighter over his mouth, Morty found himself unable to tear his eyes away as Rick's hand began to move. Slowly but confidently, it kneaded along the shaft, wandering to the tip and then back down again, gripping a bit tighter and pulling down the foreskin to reveal the already glistening head. Not knowing what to do with himself, Morty gripped his boyfriend's arm with his free hand – not to stop the movements. Only because he needed to hold onto something. He whimpered and moaned with each motion, feeling more than just overwhelmed by the current situation. Honestly, what Rick was dishing out today was already more than what he was used to. They hadn't really went past kissing before and the other was the one, who said that he would take it slow with him. How this was considered slow was beyond Morty. Rick's other hand meanwhile had snuck under his t-shirt, briefly caressing over the soft skin of his stomach until it rested on his chest, holding him securely since Morty had started to squirm around a bit in his lap. He was sure that the other could clearly feel the rapid beat of his heart right now. Following the light pressure, he obediently leaned back against Rick, yet he still watched what that skillful hand was doing to him. The grip had become a bit firmer now as those fingers moved rhythmically up and down. Stopping at the head, a lone fingertip glided over the slit a few times, slowly spreading the pre that had gathered there all over the sensitive glans. It made Morty's body tremble. The precum slicked fingers focused back on his heated shaft again, the pace slowly picking up and with each descend, Rick twisted his wrist in a certain way that had the brunet moaning loudly into his sweaty palm. Inadvertently his hips began to rock into his boyfriend's hand, trying to match the rhythm. Somehow, Rick was doing this exactly how he loved it the most and it astounded Morty. Sure, he knew that the blue-haired teen was no virgin and sexually far more experienced than he was. The talk around school about Rick's flings with the many, many girls was speaking for itself and no one made a secret out of him being a good lay. And while he had heard about Rick also having dated a few boys, Morty really had no idea that he was also this good with "taking care" of his male partners. Then again, he should have expected no less from the genius. The pressure in Morty's lower body had built up so much that he didn't know how much longer he would be able to last. Rick's hand was still insistently pumping his erection and when the fingers of the other one gently stroked over his chest and lips found his earlobe again, he became undone. Biting into his hand to avoid screaming aloud, he threw his head back, leaning it on Rick's shoulder. Only vaguely, he noticed that the other quickly moved to catch his cum with his hand – thankfully keeping him from staining the floor. While his mind was still pleasantly dazed from his relieve, soft kisses were peppered on his neck. "Tha…that was…wow!" Morty commented after he came down from his high again. A chuckle escaped the other and one last kiss was placed behind his ear. "You know, Morty, it's going to be even better when we do it for real." The promise sent another shiver through his body and Morty wondered how that was even possible. However, he wasn't going to question Rick on that. Suddenly remembering that his pants were still undone, he quickly tugged himself back inside and closed them. Still feeling a little embarrassed about the entire situation, Morty wasn't sure what Rick was expecting of him now. Did he want him to return the favor or something? What was the etiquette for after getting a handjob? His own inexperience with these matters made him feel only more self-conscious. He cleared his throat. "Um…do you—?" "Think this is enough studying or do you need some more practice?" Rick interrupted him. This wasn't what he had expected. "Oh…um…" Looking down at the solved sheet, he contemplated. "Maybe we could practice a little bit more, just to be sure? B-but I-I'm fine with doing it without any rewards." Not that he didn't like it, but Morty wasn't entirely sure if he could handle more of that for now. His poor heart was still racing like crazy. His suggestion wasn't met with protest and they continued to cram innocently, yet he still get to sit in Rick's lap the entire time. Come Monday, Morty passed the math test with flying colors.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
12 notes · View notes
ramheavenandhell · 5 years
The Lines Between Ricks And Mortys – Chapter 1: Getting into the Game
AN: I'm so sorry for the long absence, but I'm finally back (more or less). This is a fanfic that I had finished for a while already, but I hadn't posted it before because I wanted to add more visual stuff to it. However, I never really finished any of those plans and so I give this to you now as it is (I'll add the few things that I did manage to finish though). Still, I'm excited to finally be showing this to you. While it is a direct continuation to all the previous stories in the "Entricked Fates" series, I'll tried to write it in a way that you will still understand what's going on even if you haven't read them (of course, this will still be more fun for you to read if you have read all the other ones before). Also, if my "Entricked Fates" series has something like arcs this story could be considered the season 1 finale. Warnings: there will be Rick/Morty and Rick/Rick and also smut in later chapters, but for this one only mentions of trauma and past rape Summary: After losing his portal gun to the Council of Ricks thanks to Mysterious Rick, Rick C-137 is forced to participate in the Pocket Mortys game. At the same time, Rick C-133 is on the Citadel trying to find the Morty who had tried to kill and replace his Morty and Rick P-78 and his Morty help him in the search. All the while, organized Mortynappings that might be linked to an illegal Morty brothel ring are happening on the Citadel and Morty K-4872 is trying to find the root of it.
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The Lines Between Ricks And Mortys – Chapter 1: Getting into the Game ~Though they were born beneath alternated stars they will join in one battle and will fight under the same sky~
Rick C-137 scowled as he walked over the plaza with his Morty in tow.
They were now stuck on the Citadel of Ricks, with no portal gun and forced to participate in this stupid "Pocket Mortys Game" if they ever wanted to leave again.
He actually had to beat all of the council clowns' asses if he wanted to win his portal gun back and it was just rickdiculous.
They would regret making him do that and the only Rick who would regret this whole thing even more would be that Mysterious Rick that was responsible for this whole mess.
C-137 was going to pay this guy back, no matter what it took – not only because of his portal gun, but also for what he had done to his Morty.
"If you want to know about the rules and details of the game, just ask someone from the staff from Morty Inc." Riq IV had said with a smug grin. The rest of the council clowns wore a matching expression on their faces.
Apparently the Morty Day Care and the Morty Games Coliseum were owned by Morty Inc., but there was also Salesman Rick's (the official Pocket Morty Shop) and the Morty Healing Center and they would also be free to ask for advice at any of those places.
Those were all the shops that had been specifically set up for the Morty Trainers whether they were newbies or veterans in the Morty training business.
Rick looked around the plaza in the main atrium that they were standing at after they were more or less kicked out of the building where the Council of Ricks resided in, being surrounded by busy Ricks and their Mortys as well as some other alien folks and he couldn't contain his frustration any longer.
"I really fucking hate this place!" he groaned aloud.
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Rick C-133 and his Morty looked around the busy plaza that had Ricks, Mortys and some aliens roaming about. They had followed that ominous Morty to the Citadel of Ricks, but now what? How where they supposed to find one Morty in this mass? C-133 had to congratulate the little bastard for finding the possibly best hiding place for a Morty in the entire multiverse. It would be like searching for the proverbial needle in the haystack. The only difference was that finding that needle would have been far easier for Rick even if the damn thing would have been a toothpick. He didn't even know if that Morty was still on the Citadel, but then again this was the best hiding place that he could ever get so C-133 hoped that the boy was indeed still here. "Fuck! Finding the little shit here will take forever…" The Rick groaned out loudly. They continued to walk over the plaza, C-133 trying to look out for a Morty with a wounded arm since he remembered that the other seemed to have broken his arm before he fled from the scene. However, after seeing a bunch of wounded Mortys walking around and even almost running into a little group of Mortys who looked like they had several broken limbs led by one Rick who looked absolutely fine, he figured that even that wouldn't be a good enough indicator to find the culprit that he was searching for. "If I at least knew from which dimension that Morty was…" C-133 mumbled, getting quickly tired of the sight of hundreds of yellow t-shirts. He happened to overhear another Rick who was close by complaining loudly. "I really fucking hate this place!" "Tell me about it. This place sucks!" he agreed. C-133 wasn't one of those Ricks who frequented the Citadel, much less thought about staying here for a longer period of time or even come to live in this place. Actually, he pitied the Ricks who were stuck here a little, but then again they were responsible for their own misery and didn't deserve something like pity. "All of those stupid Ricks are nothing but dumb sheep that try to cling to their terrible ideas and idealisms, which are nothing more than poor illusions." C-137 continued. "That's exactly what I always say, too." C-133 agreed fully to that. It was nice to know that there were still some Ricks who had their head on right and saw this the same way that he did. However, this opinion also raised an interesting question. "Why are you even here if you hate this place so much?" He didn't want to sound like a hypocrite, but at least he had good reason to be here no matter how much he hated the Citadel. "Some Rick-asshole stole my portal gun and then gave it to the Council as a present who now force me to participate in this stupid "Pocket Morty Game" to get it back." Rick C-137 summed the story up. "And why are you here?" The question was warranted. Rick C-133 tried to give the short version of his story, too. "A Morty had hired a bunch of Mercenary Ricks to kidnap and kill my Morty and wanted to us me as his replacement Rick." Even though both Ricks left out some very important details in their stories, Morty C-137 could see how the other Morty became really pale. "Are you okay?" he asked the other boy, sincerely worried about the other brunet's health. He himself had been through a rather traumatic event just recently thanks to a Rick and he figured being kidnapped and almost dying at the hands of a bunch of Ricks was probably not less stressful than that. Morty C-133 kept silent for a moment and looked at the other Morty as if he was contemplating about something before he finally gave in. "Uh… could you… I mean could we… have a little talk, over… a-alone?" he asked. Seeing, as their Ricks were still busy discussing about one thing or another, he shrugged and quietly excused himself before walking over to the side of the street to an empty corner where it was a bit quieter. After looking around almost as if he was paranoid and making sure that no one would listen in on their conversation, Morty C-133 finally started to talk. "Um… actually… those Ricks that had kidnapped me… they—they… they raped me…" he confessed. Morty C-137's eyes widened in shock before his face took on features of sympathy. "You know… I was also raped by this Rick who is responsible for us being in this mess." He answered. Somehow, both boys felt as if a little weight was lifted from them by talking about what had happened to them and having something to share even if it was undeniably a very horrible experience. It somehow just felt good to be able to talk with someone who understood exactly what they themselves had gone through. Without really noticing it another Morty suddenly joined them and made himself known. "So, you were both victims of Rick-rape?" he quipped in. Both C-dimension Mortys looked at the newcomer with big eyes. While both of them looked like typically "standard Mortys" with their short brown hair, yellow shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers and having no significant features that differentiated them from another, the Morty that had approached them looked considerably different. At least he was dressed differently in that he wore brown pants, a green vest over his yellow t-shirt and a white and dark-gray baseball cap that had the letters "D'n'J" stitched on the front in a blue-green color. "Um… have you been, too…?" they both wondered aloud, simultaneously. "Oh, no. I'm not a victim of any Rick-crimes…" He instantly declined that notion. "…but I have just recently assassinated a Rick, Rick S-121, who put up a front of being a Morty-activist, but was actually a mortyphile. He had adopted Mortys from the Mortyphanage and raped them or forced them to work in illegal Morty brothels." The C-dimension Mortys looked pretty shocked at that information. To think that something like that was happening on the Citadel… well, after what they had just been through, it was not impossible to imagine it, but it was shocking to think that such organized crime was going on. The Morty continued, "I'm currently trying to investigate more about that since a lot of Mortys in other facilities have also gone missing. Even though this isn't an actual mission. I mean, I wasn't hired by anyone to do this, I'm just doing this because I want to put a stop to Ricks abusing Mortys like that and my Rick lets me be in charge for this investigation." "It's pretty cool that your Rick lets you be in charge." Morty C-133 said in amazement and C-137 also nodded his head to that. He knew that his Rick would never let him have the command unless he evoked his right to a Morty adventure, but even then he would constantly complain and give him a hard time. The other Morty sighed. "That actually just means that my Rick is gonna sit back and do nothing while I have to do all of the work. So yeah, it's not as amazing as you think it is. Anyways, could you tell me more about what had happened to you? I want to know if your cases could have something to do with these illegal brothels or the Ricks that are behind it." Morty C-137 and C-133 looked at each other at that before C-137 was the one to answer first. "I'm not really sure if the Rick that had kidnapped me has something to do with it. I mean, he had some weird dungeon underneath his hideout that was full of Mortys, but it didn't really seem to be a brothel…" Of course, he couldn't be too sure about that, but if it had been a brothel then there should have been at least other people – well, customers – too, right? "The Mercenary Ricks that had kidnapped me were actually hired by a Morty and they were actually supposed to "get rid of me" so I don't really think that it has anything to do with the incidents that happened to other Mortys." C-133 answered now. The investigating Morty agreed – at least to what Morty C-133 said, he still wasn't entirely sure about the Rick from C-137's story. "Do you guys have interdimensional mobile phones?" he asked. "I would like to add you to my contacts so I can maybe ask you for more information if I might need it. Also, I would inform you in case I hear anything about that mysterious Rick or Morty. By the way, I'm Morty from dimension K-4872." He finally introduced himself. "Ah, I'm from C-133. And yeah, I would like to add you, too." "Same. I'm from C-137." "Oh, you're the Morty from the "Rogue", huh?" K-4872 noticed. C-137 blushed a little at this, not aware that he and his Rick were actually that famous amongst other Ricks and Mortys. "It's funny that our dimensions are pretty close to each other." C-133 only commented towards C-137. The Mortys exchanged their numbers, actually happy that they were able to make friends with someone even if that someone was literally themselves, but they didn't mind that fact. Surely, it would be benefiting all of them if they would try to work on their individual problems together and the C-dimension Mortys also really wanted to help K-4872 clear up this case. Having just recently been victims of rape themselves, they wanted to prevent something horrible like that to happen to other Mortys. They were also very grateful that K-4872 would try to help them finding the culprits behind the crimes that were done to them, too. Not that they didn't have any faith in their Ricks, but you could never have enough help… The boys were so engaged in conversation that they didn't notice a Rick approaching them. He wore frameless, rectangular glasses, a black long-sleeved sweater with a blue short-sleeved and unbuttoned button-up shirt over it, brown slacks and black sneakers and he held a bag in his hand that smelled like burgers, fries and chicken nuggets. Apparently, he had gotten it from McSanchez – at least that's what was written on the bag in big, yellow letters. "Made some new friends?" Rick K-4872 asked his Morty. The boy turned around to his Rick and tried to explain that it was a bit more than just that. "These Mortys were in some incidents that might have something to do with the case that we're investigating." Well, the "we" was used very loosely here, seeing as Morty was the one bothered about this whole thing while his Rick acted as if he could care less – probably because no material award was awaiting him for their troubles. Figures… "I think that at least this "Mysterious Rick" sounds very suspicious since he seems to have kidnapped a bunch of Mortys and…" His Rick cut him quickly off. "Or, he's just a Morty trainer who wants a complete collection." He intervened. "I know that this is your investigation and all, but if you want some advice from me: you should stick to the leads that you have now, since they're more valid." Morty K-4872 huffed a little, but had to agree. So far, he only had vague assumptions about this Rick and those could hardly be considered a lead. Still, he didn't want to rule out any possibilities. Promising the other Mortys again that he would still keep an eye out for the Rick and the Morty that they were looking for, he left together with his Rick to go and have lunch while going over the information that he currently had again. He knew right from the start that cracking this case would not be an easy task, still he felt that it was something that he needed to do and he wouldn't back down until he exposed the criminal who was behind this illegal Morty brothel ring even if the authorities of the Citadel had failed in doing it so far…
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While the Mortys had been talking amongst themselves, the C-dimension Ricks had a conversation of their own.
Looking around and seeing aliens and Ricks alike being followed by flocks of Mortys, C-133 couldn't help but comment on it.
"This whole "Pocket Mortys" business is really weird. I didn't even know that this was a thing since I usually don't visit the Citadel. Makes looking for the Morty that I'm searching for even more of a hassle…"
"Well yeah, who would have thought that having alternate versions of our grandson fighting each other would become so popular? At least this lets me make good use of my newest invention." C-137 claimed.
"And what's that supposed to be?" C-133 asked skeptically.
With a little triumphant sound, C-137 held up his
great invention
"This is my Mortytector. It locates every Morty in the multiverse and shows me not only their position, but also their dimension. This little baby also helped me when that Asshat-Rick had kidnapped my Morty."
A scowl was instantly on his face again at the memory of that guy.
C-133 mused silently that he could certainly use something like that, too, even though he had been very capable of finding his kidnapped Morty again without it thanks to the implanted microchip.
Still, at the moment, it wouldn't be of any use to him because un-fucking-fortunately, he didn't know from which dimension that little fuck he's looking for was.
However, he should probably get around building a similar device just in case that another Morty would try to replace his grandson again…
After the two Mortys had returned to their Ricks' side, C-137 cut the conversation short. "Well yeah, better get going if I ever wanna get my portal gun back."
"Yeah, I'll never find that little shit by standing around here either." C-133 agreed.
"Let's go, Morty." Both Ricks said simultaneously as they each went their separate ways, off-white lab coat billowing behind them.
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Rick C-133 was a genius and he was a clever enough man to know that he won't be able to find that Morty just on his own. So, he actually called one of his acquaintances, Rick P-78, who agreed to meet him at one of the bars on the Citadel. Entering the appointed pub, C-133 didn't have to search long for the other. The P-dimension Rick easily stood out with his different clothes, – the gray, sleeveless lab coat and the black long-sleeved turtleneck shirt underneath it as well as equally black slacks that had emptied weapon holsters attached to them and a pair of brown boots – the scar that went vertically over the left side of his face, and that optical prosthesis in his left eye socket. Easily, he slid on the stool next to his acquaintance and ordered a whisky for himself that the Morty bartender quickly served up. His Morty took a seat next to him and only ask for a glass of water in his stuttering voice. P-78's Morty sat on another stool by his Rick's side and sipped something that looked like orange juice. "So, what's the big favor that you're asking for?" The Rick with the mechanical eye asked. "Long story short: I'm looking for a Morty." P-78 raised one side of his eyebrow and looked pointedly to the brown haired boy at his side. "Don't you already have one?" C-133 sighed exasperatedly. "Ha ha, very funny. I'm looking for a specific Morty, dipshit." The other Rick wasn't offended by the rude name-calling. He only waited for C-133 to continue. "H-hey, Morty? Why don't you go and play with that other Morty while I have a talk here, all right?" C-133 didn't need his grandson to overhear this whole thing. It was worse enough that he had been through it already so no need for him to relive the memory while he was retelling it to the other Rick. His Morty only nodded and slid a few stools over as he waited for the other Morty to join him. As Morty A-22β6 looked up at his Rick with a questioning gaze, the older man only nodded and the boy joined his fellow kind. While the Ricks were starting to talk in hushed voices, the Mortys started a conversation of their own. "So… you're Rick P-78's new Morty?" C-133 started a bit awkwardly. "Y-yeah. H-he's a-a really nice R-Rick…" A-22β6 stuttered. The extreme speech-impediment wasn't lost on the other, but he decided to not comment on it. "Um… why did you get a new Rick? I-I mean, what happened to yours— i-if you don't mind me asking?" Morty C-133 had hurried to add the last part, not sure if the other would be even comfortable talking about it. Even if most Ricks were assholes, many Mortys still loved their grandfather and would be very sad if he died. Especially if it was a very traumatizing death. It wasn't exactly as if Mortys were asking to get reassigned to other Ricks. Most of the time the Council of Ricks would decide such things over the boys' heads, often enough even taking Mortys from dimensions where no Ricks lived anymore just to have a few spare ones that they could redistribute to others whether those Ricks had once an affiliation with the Citadel or not. A-22β6 had been quite for a while and just as C-133 thought that he wouldn't answer, he began to speak. "M-my R-Rick is d-dead…" Even though that much was obvious even to Morty C-133, he still offered him his condolences "I'm sorry." "N-no. Don't b-be." A-22β6 continued. "I-I-I w-was the o-one, who k-killed him." "WHAT?!" C-133 quickly realized that that came out too loud even before he had the eyes of every Rick, Morty and alien in the near vicinity on him. "S-sorry." He apologized to the other patrons with a blush on his face. With wide eyes, he looked back at his conversational partner, silently urging him to continue. Aside from having a hard time believing that this extremely skittish Morty would have the guts to even do such a feat, he was obviously even more interested in getting to hear about the 'why'. Sure, Ricks were generally sociopathic madmen (some a little more and some a little less), but that didn't automatically warrant that they deserved to die – even if they had the talent to get their Mortys quickly riled up to the point that they wished to do it with all the bullshit that they were putting their grandsons through. "…H-he…" A-22β6 swallowed heavily before he seemed to find the strength in his voice to continue. "He was a-a r-really bad R-Rick. I m-mean r-really really b-bad…" The boy nervously stroked over the long yellow sleeves that were covering his arms. In a slightly squeaky voice he continued "…h-he abused me… a-and r-raped me even…" Sympathy immediately surged through C-133 at those words. It was certainly one thing to be abducted by some other Rick and have this happen to you, but having your actual Rick being such a sick bastard – having to endure that over and over again for who knows how long he had to live together with his grandfather – was an even more horrible fate. "Jeez, I'm really sorry about that…" he muttered, not sure how to respond to that. "Uh… you know… I kinda know what that's like…" The other Morty finally dared to look up into his eyes. He had turned his face away and stared at the ground after they had started with the topic of his original Rick. "R-really? Y-you d-do?" A-22β6 asked in surprise. It still wasn't easy for C-133 to talk about it even if he had told Morty C-137 and K-4872 just recently. The memory was still fresh in his mind and so far, his Rick hadn't given him a break so that he had some time to think about or even properly process it yet. The time that he had scrubbed his skin raw in the shower didn't quite count… "Yeah, just… just recently I-I was kidnaped by some Ricks and they also…" His voice trailed off at the end, but he didn't need to finish the sentence. It was obvious what he wanted to say and A-22β6 sincerely felt sorry for his alternate version as well. "You know, apparently this seems to be a weird "trend" among Ricks…" C-133 continued after a little bit silence. "Huh?" "Well, I heard from another Morty that a lot of Mortys are recently getting kidnapped and sold off in illegal Morty brothels." A-22β6's eyes widened at that. He seriously didn't know that something like that was happening at the Citadel at the time. His Rick certainly hadn't mentioned anything about that. Morty C-133 explained all the details to him and added him to his contacts while also giving him the numbers of the other Mortys. Since Rick P-78 would help them out, his Morty was also more than willing to do whatever he could to help. However, A-22β6 still felt like he needed to add something. "Y-you kn-know, not a-all R-Ricks are l-like that though… T-there are a-also s-some really n-nice ones who d-don't just u-use Mortys." He hoped that his words would cheer the other Morty up because he knew that it was the truth. Since he had met Rick Q-89, who was a Rick that did have sex with Mortys, he knew that this alternate version of his grandfather was very different and a really nice guy. Morty A-22β6 really liked him and the only Rick that he could ever like more than him was P-78. He tried not to blush at the thought, but he felt a definite warmth in his chest at the thought. The Ricks meanwhile were still whispering in their conversation, C-133 laying everything of what had happened down on table. "So, you see. I somehow have to find that little piece of shit." He finished his story. After taking another sip from his drink, he added, "I know that you're the only Rick who I can ask about this because you got some experience of your own how dangerous a Morty can be. Most Ricks wouldn't ever consider a Morty a threat, but this mysterious Morty is gonna mean serious business. All of us Ricks should always keep in mind that a cocky Morty means a lot of trouble…" P-78 had listened quietly through the whole story. With one last gulp, he finished his drink and put the empty glass back down on the counter. "'Kay. You can count me in. I'm gonna help you hunt that little shit down." He said. As he looked over at A-22β6, he thought that this wasn't only to help out an old friend, but also for the safety of his own Morty. He wouldn't know what he'd do if something like that would happen to his little boy…
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The C-137 duo made their way towards the Morty Day Care. Morty was honestly not quite sure what to think about that particular shop. However, after having been to a daycare that was full of alternate versions of his dad – the Jerryboree – he probably shouldn't feel surprised that Ricks would come up with the idea to do the same thing for Mortys. Still, he couldn't say that he didn't feel at least a bit offended about it… For Rick, any place to ask was as good as the next one and seeing that there was a long line at the Morty Healing Center and Rick somehow wanted to avoid Salesman Rick's shop, he picked the place that had the shortest line – and there the last customer just left and C-137 wouldn't even have to wait at all! As he approached the Rick, which had a permanent frown on his face and a toothpick between his lips, he could actually see some scribbles on his right arm. Rick C-137 recognized it as a formula that he had just come up with last week – it was a more efficient recipe for dark matter fuel. As he and his Morty came to stand in front of the counter, the other moved the toothpick to the corner of his mouth in a routinely manner to freely talk without obstructions. "Welcome to Morty Day Care!" Storage Rick said in a monotone voice from always having to say this same sentence a few hundred times a day, day in and day out. "What do you want? Store, Withdraw, Bootcamp or Combine?" "Wait? You can actually combine Mortys? Seriously?" Rick C-137 asked. Wow, what kind of Rick had come up with that sick idea? He was certainly a genius! "Yeah, if you have two Mortys of the same type, you can fuse them together to get an evolved Morty who is better and stronger than the two previous ones… You're a noob, aren't you?" he asked, eyeing first Rick and then his Morty before bringing his attention back to the Rick again. "Yeah, I'm new to this whole game. Care to explain the rules since the Council didn't bother with it?" "Sure. It's simple. You just go out there, using the communal portal gate at CentRick Square, which will teleport you to a random, registered dimension. There you can find Morty trainers who will want to battle you and Wild Mortys that you can fight or catch. Also, there is always a Rick who's like the boss of that dimension and who you will have to challenge to win a badge. And in case that you don't have a portal gun of your own, you'll have to beat him to get back to the Citadel." Storage Rick rattled the explanation down in a monotone voice as if he was in a hurry to get this whole thing done. Why did the noobs always have to ask him about the rules? There were many other Ricks to bother around… "Okay, that sounds pretty simple, but how do I do that whole Morty catching business? I mean, I can't just walk up and ask if they're interested in joining me or something like that." C-137 interjected. He was really trying to stay focused even though the rules were easy enough that a little kid could understand how it works, but he was quickly being bored with these explanations and just wanted to have this over and done with as quickly as the Rick behind the counter. Go through portal, defeat trainers, catch Mortys, defeat Ricks – got it! It wasn't that hard! "Of course not. You let your Morty fight against a Wild Morty to weaken them and then you have to plant a Morty Manipulator Chip on them. When the LED on the chip lights up green, you were successful and the caught Morty will think that you're his Rick and will follow you." "Okay and where do I get an injector and those manipulator chips?" "Are you for real? C'mon, you're a Rick." Storage Rick inquired with one side his eyebrow raised. "You can make these things yourself. Fortunately, you can find spare parts scattered across the dimensions and workstations are set up all over the place." Storage Rick suppressed the urge to sigh. Who knows how often he had these conversations already. "Really?! I have to handcraft all the stuff that I need by myself? That's taking way too long! I-I mean I have stuff to get done here, man!" C-137 complained. "Well, you can actually buy Morty Manipulator Chips from Salesman Rick, but he's only authorized to sell them to advanced trainers. I know, it's real tough for newcomers, but I guess this is kinda like, you know, sorting the wheat from the chaff. There are so many people, who think that this Morty training business is such a cool thing, but as soon as they find out how much work is behind it all, they just lose heart and give up. So, you know, all of the ones that are still participating in it are hardcore enthusiast who take this seriously." At least Storage Rick wished that would be the case, but he worked so long in this job that he knew better by now. "Well, at least you already have a Mortypad." Storage Rick commented at seeing the former iPad in the other Rick's hand. "This is a Mortytector." C-137 corrected with a crease in his eyebrow that showed his displeasure about thinking it was the same thing that every other Rick ran around with. Storage Rick looked unimpressed. The scientist from the C dimension continued. "Okay, fine. Anything else that is worth knowing?" Rick C-137 was getting annoyed and just wanted to get started so he could get this whole ordeal over with soon. "Not really. Oh, but one more thing: you can only have five Mortys with you at once. If you capture one more, a Courier Flap will get that one and bring it to me for storage. So, if you want that one in your team, you will have to come here first and exchange them…" It was kind of a stupid rule, but Storage Rick wasn't making the rules here. Before Rick C-137 had the chance to comment on that, his Morty suddenly interposed "Why five?" "What?" both Ricks asked back in unison and looked down at him with an equal, questioning, but also annoyed expression on their faces. "Why is it that you can only be accompanied by five Mortys at a time? That number seems pretty random to me." "It's not random. Everyone knows that you don't need more than five Mortys." Storage Rick replied dryly. "Exactly, Morty! Because it's enough to have five Mortys and-" Rick C-137 stopped in the middle of the sentence as he remembered the reaction that Morty had when he told him about his experimenting with five Mortys and a jumper cable – which was, of course, completely hypothetical! His Morty looked expectantly at him to finish his sentence yet looked like he probably wasn't going to like what he would have to say and so he quickly continued "Anyways, no one needs more than five Mortys. There never was a Rick who had or needed more than five Mortys and that's canon." "So, you mean to say that you would only need five to win our portal gun back?" "Yeah. That's what I said, Morty. And now shut up!" Turning back to the Rick behind the counter, he asked "Oh, by the way. Do you happen to know a Rick that is nicknamed Mysterious Rick? Black hat, red cape…" Storage Rick cut him off and was almost tempted to ask who didn't know this guy by now. "Yeah, I know the weirdo but haven't seen him since he withdrew all of his Mortys. Figures that he probably stopped playing and released his Mortys in the wild." Of course, Storage Rick was sure that that was not the case. There was no way that that mortyphile would actually do that, but seriously, it wasn't his business what that Rick did. If he had to guess, he figured though that Mysterious Rick must have rubbed the newbie  the wrong way and probably tried to get his Morty. His guess was pretty much confirmed as he could see how uncomfortable the little Morty looked about the current topic. "Well, okay. That's too bad then, 'cause I thought that I might meet him here. Whatever. Let's go, Morty." Rick C-137 had heard enough and just wanted to get into battle now. He actually had to collect a shitload of badges if he wanted to fight against the Council and he had to catch some Mortys to get himself a decently strong team so that he could beat them up properly. "No, wait, Rick. I still have some questions." His Morty interjected once again and turned towards Storage Rick. "I-I've heard that there is an increase in Morty abductions on the Citadel. Have-have you heard anything about that? I mean, do Mortys happen to vanish from here, too?" Storage Rick's eyes narrowed the slightest bit at the question and suddenly the Guard Rick that was stationed at the electric fence burped loudly and shifted a little in his stance, momentarily distracting the keeper of the Day Care and causing him to quickly glance over to the guard for a brief moment before he finally answered. "Don't worry. Morty Day Care is the safest place that any Morty could ever be at on the Citadel. I'm leading a proper business here and got nothing to do with that so nothing of the likes happens here. But, hey—you know, if you're looking for suspicious Ricks there are plenty around." Storage Rick started to gesture with his hands. Pointing over in the direction of the Healing Center that was literally next door, he continued, "Have you met Surgeon Rick yet? That guy's not quite right in the head. You know, I've heard that they won't assign any Mortys to him anymore and he's been degraded from his position as a Paramedic of the Citadel's Militia because of the same reason. I also think that he shows a little too much interested in Mortys." Storage Rick paused a little in his speech to make a face and shifted his toothpick from the left corner of his mouth to the right one. "I also see sometimes Mortys going in, but never coming out again, not even their corpses or whatever. It's also quite suspicious that there are bloody Morty clothes in the dumpster behind that place every so often. I don't know what you think, but I tell you that the guy has Morty blood on his hands and not just from healing wounded ones." Morty made a face at the mentioning of the blood, but Storage Rick didn't stop there yet. "He also seems to be in on something with that Rick from Morty Labs, so that guy is probably worth checking out, too. Those guys are not the only ones though. I think you should also check out Salesman Rick from the Morty Item Store. The guy's always all smiles, but I have a feeling that he's hiding something. And you know he's the only one that has free limited access to those Morty Manipulator Chips. For all we know these things could be used to easily kidnap Mortys." He seemed to pause a little bit in thought while Morty C-137 tried to process all the information that he received. His Rick was barely listening to all the droning. Why was his Morty suddenly interested in that crap that had absolutely nothing to do with them? Storage Rick seemed to remember one more thing. "Oh, I guess you should also check out Dirty Rick. I mean that guy has "Dirty" in his nickname and he certainly is a really shady guy. You can find him at the Morty Games Colosseum." "O-okay. Thank you." While all of that information was a bit overwhelming, it was a starting point. Since he doubted that his Rick would give him the time to check all of those places out, he would just have to contact the other Mortys and tell them about this. Maybe they could share the work and figure something out by working together. The thought made him a little excited. "What-what is this suddenly about? Morty kidnappings?" his Rick asked in confusion. Oh, right. He should probably let his Rick in on this whole thing that was going on. Morty could imagine that he probably wouldn't help out and complain that they don't have time for this crap, but maybe he would be in a good enough mood to allow Morty at least to investigate a bit on this. He just had to bring up that the others would also be helping out with looking for Mysterious Rick. It wasn't a completely one-sided thing – they would all help out each other! As Morty C-137 explained to his Rick what was going on, the scientist already decided that this thing wasn't really his deal and he would only focus on getting back his portal gun and find that Mysterious Rick to pay him back for what he had done. If his Morty wanted to play detective and help some of those other Ricks and Mortys then he could do that, but he shouldn't count too much on Ricks help for it. Since they were entangled in their own conversation, none of them paid any more attention to Storage Rick as they left. The Rick of the Morty Day Care waited patiently till the duo was out of sight, watching them with narrowed eyes. As soon as they were gone, Storage Rick called one of his Worker Mortys over. "Hey, Morty. Come over here." he called out. In an instant as if he could only mean one Morty in the entire Day Care with that, a Blue Shirt Morty was standing at his side. "Take over the counter for a moment. I need a smoke break…"
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Bonus: ***extra to the conversation between Morty K-4872, C-133 and C-137*** "So, what kind of facilities are you talking about exactly? I mean, what's that Morty orphanage?" C-137 asked now curious since he wasn't too well versed with the Citadel. "We're calling it Mortyphanage here." K-4872 corrected. "Yeah. What's up with those places?" C-133 also wondered about that. "The Mortyphanage is one of the three main facilities where Ricks can get new Mortys. Even if Ricks hate to admit it, they need us Mortys—" "Yeah, because of our brainwaves…" C-137 threw in. K-4872 looked at him funny now. "Well, that probably, too, but it's not the only reason. Ricks are very depressed and self-destructive so they need someone who looks up to them and cares for them. But like I said, they try to deny it, because of their stupid pride." Both C-dimension Mortys nodded. They understood now even if they probably haven't ever really thought about it like that. "Anyways…" K-4872 continued his explanation. "…the Mortyphanage is where they put obviously the orphaned Mortys. Those who not only have no Rick, but also no family anymore. Sometimes, they don't even have a home dimension that they could be returned to. Now, you would think that those Mortys are the first ones who would be reassigned to a Rick, but most Ricks think that these Mortys are "broken". Aside from that, there's very strict requirements that needs to be upheld by the Rick, not to mention the fee that needs to be paid. Many Ricks think that it's not worth it, so these Mortys are the least desirable ones and don't get adopted very often. Another facility where Ricks can get Mortys is Morty Academy. Mortys who have lost more than one Rick are generally being placed here because the Council thinks that if the Ricks, who these Mortys are assigned to, keep dying, it's somehow their fault. Not because Ricks are suicidal and self-destructive and can make mistakes sometimes that get them killed. So, they put those Mortys into a learning program, where they basically try to shape them into perfect companions for Ricks. And the only thing that Ricks need to do it is to register themselves there within a certain time span. Aside from that fee again, of course. Obviously, these Mortys are the most desirable ones and everyone who manages to graduate will definitely be assigned to a Rick. The assignment is determined by the time that Ricks need to show up for the waiting line and for the Mortys by how well they did on their graduation certificate. It's basically that the first Rick in the line will get the first Morty that gets called up and the first Morty that will be called up will be the valedictorian and the grades will go down from there. The only downside about it is that Ricks will only be able to get a Morty on graduation day. And then there's the Morty Reassignment Center. This used to be the first and only place where Ricks could get a new Morty – or receive one for the first time if they happen to be from a dimension where they never had a Morty to begin with. Even up to this day, it is the main facility where Ricks will go to get a Morty. This is also the only place where Ricks won't have to pay a fee if they happen to have a free Morty voucher that the Council sometimes hands out as a reward." C-137 emitted an indignant sniff at the mentioning of the voucher. K-4872 continued, undeterred. "The Center does have a storage place for Mortys that have been picked up after their Ricks died, but they also relocate Ricks to rickless dimensions where they integrate themselves into the Smith family as the new Rick of that dimension. However, most Ricks dislike the Reassignment Center because of all the paperwork and long waiting times. They can also not choose which Morty they are assigned to as you could at Mortyphanage or to a certain degree at Morty Academy. Some Ricks can also get a ban if they lose too many Mortys within a short amount of time. So that's that." Both C-dimension Mortys looked with big eyes at the other brunet as they let all of the new information soak in. They certainly hadn't been to the Citadel often enough that they knew anything about its inner workings. Knowing about all that made them also realize that Ricks were really serious in needing a Morty at their side if they put so much work behind assigning them. In fact, Ricks seemed to need Mortys more than Mortys actually needed Ricks…
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AN: This first chapter is more of an intro. The real story begins from next chapter onwards and you will see the structure of how this is all going to be told. Also decided to add these little bonus things at the end, because I've done that for another (later) chapter and thought "why not do it for every chapter of this story?" Sometimes they will be informative (like the one in this chapter) and add to the world building and other times they will be just funny. I hope you'll like this story so far and will enjoy what's later to come :)
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Part 11 of Entricked Fates
Chapter 2
Part 1 of Entricked Fates: Gotta Catch Me Some Morty
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 2 of Entricked Fates: Mortyfied and Rickfused
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 3 of Entricked Fates: Ricking the Routine
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 4 of Entricked Fates: Ricks will always be Ricks
Part 5 of Entricked Fates: The Morty-Lover
Part 6 of Entricked Fates: Second Chances AKA The Rick One For Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Part 7 of Entricked Fates: Rickvestigating the Morty Disappearances
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Part 8 of Entricked Fates: When the Morty’s away, the Rick will play
Part 9 of Entricked Fates: It’s Not His Ricking Fault!
Part 10 of Entricked Fates: I Ricking Hate My Life!
Part 12 of Entricked Fates: The Mortys and their Stories
Chapter 1
4 notes · View notes
ramheavenandhell · 5 years
Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 8: I didn't mean it
AN: My apologies to everyone who couldn't sleep peacefully after where the last chapter ended. Hopefully, this chapter will make it all better for you… Warnings: Rick/Morty, slight angst
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Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 8: I didn't mean it Two weeks. It had been two more weeks and Morty still hasn't seen or heard of Rick again. The other teen still didn't show up at school for the tests like he used to. He didn't show up for anything. Morty couldn't help but wonder if Rick had finished building his spaceship and left earth without him…but what about "Rick and Morty forever and 100 years" then? Would he really just abandon him here like that and start an entire new life out there? Never looking back as if everything between them had never happened? As if his entire life on earth never existed? …As if Morty never existed? The long absence made the brunet go slowly crazy. Not only insane with worry, but getting straight whack in the head. At this point, he actually started to wonder if Rick had ever been real and not just a figment of his imagination. After all, the strange inventions and just the entire story surrounding the other started to sound so ridiculous that it actually sounded more believable to think that Rick was no more than the imaginary friend that poor, lonely and bullied Morty had thought up to comfort himself. It just felt all so strange… However, he knew that it wasn't the case and that Rick was very much a real and existing human when he overheard none other than Brandon and Sammy talking about him in the hallway at school. "…and I agree, Rick has been acting rather strange lately." B.P. mentioned in his usual monotone voice. Normally, Morty wouldn't have the nerve to budge into anyone's conversation – even if he kind of knew Rick's friends, they didn't really hung out much unless Rick was there, too. However, he was so worried and intrigued that he quickly approached the two talking teens. "Ha-have you seen or talked to Rick?!" He shrunk a little back as he noticed that he was probably a bit too loud – and also rude for just walking up like that. Two pairs of eyes turned to him in surprise. "Hey, did something squanch between you and Rick?" Squanchy asked back, clearly curious now and hoping to get an answer for their friend's strange behavior. Morty nervously played with the hem of his shirt. "…kind of…" Honestly, he wasn't sure if it would be okay to mention the kiss to them. "I-I've tried to check Rick's workshop, but he changed the password for the lock." He continued. "And I've also tried calling him, but he doesn't answer. He also doesn't respond to any of my texts…and I-I'm actually too scared of his parents to check if he might have gone home…" Only when he noticed the others' shocked faces, did he realize that he just told them that he knew where Rick's parents lived – something that not even Rick's closest friends knew about. He worried his lower lip as the two looked at each other in disbelieve and hoped that telling wouldn't get him in trouble with Rick or his friends now. Brandon turned back to him and thankfully didn't address this as he told him calmly, "Rick has been residing in the garage the entire time. Morty, you should go there. He will open for you this time." Morty actually doubted that Rick would just miraculously do that, but then again, he wanted to trust the taller teen and figured that he might have planned something. "O-okay. I-I will go right now."
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True to his word, Morty skipped school and went straight to the garage park. He still had some doubts when he knocked on the garage door. However, this time it opened. Rick looked at him in surprise and the brunet realized that he was probably expecting B.P. or he wouldn't have opened it to begin with. "Oh." That was all that the blue-haired teen said in greeting. Morty almost expected that he would shut the door in his face again or tell him to leave. Instead, he just turned around and took a seat at his workbench again, his actions the closest to an invitation that the brunet was probably going to get from him. While Rick continued to tinker on something that looked like it might be a component for the space car, Morty let his eyes wander around the garage. The other teen seemed to have been working very intently on the vehicle over the past several weeks that he had been absent. It certainly looked quite different from the last time that Morty had laid eyes on it. Another thing that he also noticed where the many empty cans and food wrapper that were littering the floor. It made the boy wonder if Brandon had brought Rick food while he had locked himself up in here. Without stepping any closer, Morty cleared his throat. He had been waiting all this time to talk to the other about what had happened. It was now or never. "Rick, I-I've wanted to talk to you. I wanted to talk about the ki—" "Yeah, yeah. That." Rick interrupted him without turning to face him. "Just forget about it, Morty. It was a mistake. You-you know that I was drunk and you also know how drunks act sometimes. I-I didn't mean anything by it." He played the whole event down as if it was nothing while he continued to work on the mechanical part. "Hey, Morty. Hand me a screwdriver." A few seconds passed and when only silence greeted him, Rick finally turned around. His face quickly turned into an expression of shock as he was horrified to see that Morty was standing there and silently crying. When a sob wrecked the brunet's body, he suddenly bolted. "Morty! Wait!!" Rick was quick to jump up from his swivel chair and dash after him. Being the faster of the two, he quickly caught the other boy and turned him around to face him. However, Morty lowered his head so that Rick wouldn't be able to see his crying face. The spiky-haired teen put his hands on the other's wet cheeks and lifted his head, but Morty still avoided looking at him by squeezing his eyes shut tightly. He just couldn't face Rick right now. Slightly callous fingers wiped the tears gently away only for them to be replaced with new ones. "I'm-m such an idiot…" The brunet sobbed. "…because—because I ho-honestly thought that it act-that it actually meant something…" The other teen sighed. "No, Morty. I'm the idiot this time…" "Huh?" In surprise, the brunet finally looked at him. He could clearly see regret on Rick's face. "Morty, I'm sorry that I lied about it. I shouldn't have said that because it did mean something to me. Actually it meant a lot to me." Then he kissed Morty. Softly and briefly. Just a small peck. When he pulled back though, the brunet was the one who leaned forward and kissed him again. This time it was longer, but still innocent – just a closed-mouthed kiss. When they separated once more, Rick led him back inside the garage again. Even if the place was practically deserted at this hour, they really shouldn't just stand around out there, talking or kissing. It surely would look odd and frankly, it was no one's business. "So…" Morty began, still feeling a bit awkward about the entire situation. "Does…does this mean that you like me, Rick?" Even if they just kissed, he needed some verbal confirmation for what the deal between them was now. Hopefully, the other teen would start talking honestly with him about this. Rick stepped back over to his workbench again, but looked at the brunet. "Yes, it does mean that I like you, Morty… even if it's for selfish reasons." This again! "What do you mean with that?" His brows furled and he hoped that Rick would elaborate on it. However, the spiky-haired teen only shrugged and turned around to look at his unfinished gadget again. "Just means that I'm an egotistical bastard." That response was less than satisfying and the brunet still didn't understand, but the other's behavior made it obvious that questioning him more wouldn't get him any better results. So instead, he decided to overlook this and continue with the previous topic. "You know…after you kissed me—in the restroom I mean, I've been actually thinking a lot about it and about my feelings." The blue-haired teen's attention was on Morty again. "And I finally realized that I actually like you, too." He smiled shyly at the other, who also smiled back at him. It felt good to say it aloud. "Also, I think, I'm pretty stupid for not noticing it sooner…" He added with a blush. "Sometimes, you really are slow, Morty." Rick agreed, but there was no malice behind his words. "…but I guess, I should have told you sooner. Stupid of me to think that you would get a hint…" The brunet pouted. It hadn't been that obvious to him at the time…but the more he thought about some of those moments between them, the more he couldn't deny that the genius teen was right. "Um…so, does that mean that we're dating now?" Morty asked tentatively. "Sure. If you want that." The smile on the brunet's face was so broad that it was actually painful. "I would love that." His insides felt so warm and there was a fluttering sensation in the pit of his stomach and Morty just felt so happy right now that he wanted to hug the entire world…or at least Rick. Giving in to the urge, he crossed the short distance between them and wrapped his arms around the other boy. For a short moment, he almost feared that Rick would tell him off or something, but thankfully, the hug was returned. He almost began to purr when a hand rubbed gently over his back and the painful memories of these past weeks were slowly fading, Morty's frazzled nerves soothed and his slowly collapsing mind mended again. All in the matter of just a few seconds and through such a simple gesture. It was so comfortable that he could have fallen asleep just then and there if Rick's voice wouldn't have suddenly brought him back to reality. "Hey, Morty? You wanna help me finish building this?" The yellow-shirted teen drew back a bit and looked at the unfinished device on the workbench. "Sure." They separated and Rick took a seat in his swivel chair again, while Morty looked the mechanical part more closely now. "What is it supposed to be?" "Just part of the motor." The genius teen explained simply. While it didn't look like a component that you would find normally in a car, Morty didn't question it. After all, it was supposed to be a space cruiser and not a regular automobile that would drive on earth's streets. Over the course of the next hours, they tinkered together on it, Rick explaining a few things here and there whenever Morty asked, while the brunet handed him whatever tool he currently needed. To Morty it felt like it had been forever since they've done this and god, how had he missed it! Happily, he assisted the other teen, just glad that he could be in his presence again. While they continued to work together, Morty began to think about the new situation. They were dating now! That meant that he had finally a boyfriend! Rick was his boyfriend… The initial joy was slightly dimmed as he actually thought about Rick's previous relationships. He was known for dating girls for a few weeks and having sex with them before he dumped them again. Would he also…? "Morty? What's wrong?" "Huh?" The brunet seemed a little disoriented as he was suddenly ripped out of his thoughts. "I asked you to hand me the soldering iron, but you were spacing out. Is something the matter?" "No, not really…" Morty picked up the requested tool and handed it to the other boy. "…I was just wondering…are you…? Is our relationship going to be like your other ones?" The young scientist's eyes widened. "Morty, no! It's not…!" He sighed and took a moment to find the right words. "Morty, listen. All of the girls and the few boys that I had been with weren't really all that great and I usually figured that out really quickly after dating them for a few weeks. So that's why I was always so quick to break up with them again, too." He looked deeply into the brunet's eyes and Morty was sure that his words were sincere. "But you are different from that, Morty. I mean, we've been hanging out for a long time already and know each other pretty well. So please believe me when I tell you that it's not the same with you." Rick was right about that. They had been friends for quite a while already and they've both got to see the best and the worst of each other, so they knew what they were dealing with here. "Okay, Rick. I get it. And I believe you." After nodding in confirmation, a smile was on his face again and he felt like a weight had been lifted from him. The blue-haired teen returned the smile. "Oh, and just so you know, I'm going to take this slow with you. So don't think that I'm going to jump you right now or anything." That was actually unusual of Rick and it honestly surprised the brunet. "What? Why not?" No that he wasn't feeling a little relieved to know that the other wasn't going to try anything pretty soon, but he was curious to know why. "Because I know that you aren't ready for that yet." The spiky-haired teen's expression turned smug. "I would destroy you, Morty." Sadly, poor Morty didn't quite understand that explanation. "What do you mean with that?" "You'll see later when we're actually going to do it." The accompanying wink didn't fail to make the brunet blush. They focused back on Rick's project then, but Morty couldn't deny that he felt elevated now that they had cleared this up. He decided that he would believe Rick. After all, he had always been treating him differently than everyone else, so he was convinced that he would stay true to his word and treat their relationship differently as well.
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It was almost funny how fast things returned back to normal. Rick was attending school again – at least as long as they had a test – and dragging Morty off otherwise. The only difference was that the brunet wasn't complaining about skipping as much anymore and that Rick didn't just grab him by the wrist when he was pulling him along, but taking his hand. Also, there were the occasional exchange of small kisses. Usually as a greeting or as a goodbye, but also sometimes just in-between. In short, things were pretty great even if Morty's grades and record of attendance were paying the price again. However, while they were officially dating now, they hadn't really told anyone about it yet or attempted to shout it from the rooftops. That was most likely also the reason why Jessica suddenly showed up at Morty's locker when he grabbed his textbook and ignored the blue-haired teen, who stood right next to him. "Hey, Morty!" The brunet was surprised that she suddenly spoke to him because even though they had agreed to go on another date again, they didn't had any contact these past weeks, safe for being in the same classroom at times. "Oh! H-hey, Jessica." He greeted back, his stutter not as bad as it usually had been around the redhead. Rick looked anything but pleased about her showing up, but Jessica still ignored that and smiled at Morty. "I'm glad that you seem to be okay again. You've looked really upset these last days and I didn't want to bother you…" "Oh, yeah. I had a bit of a…rough time…" Sheepishly, he rubbed one of his arms, noticing from the corner of his eye how his boyfriend gave him a startled and worried glance. "So, yeah. I was thinking now that you seem fine again, you might want to hit me up on that offer and go on a date with me? Just the two of us." "A-actually…" Rick's angry glare at Jessica was almost feasible as he nervously tried to explain to her why he had to decline. "I know tha-that we agreed on this, but I-I can't…" "Why not?" The redhead was as oblivious as ever. "Be-because I'm already with…someone…" This took the girl by surprise. "Oh! Really? I wasn't expecting that. But that's cool, I guess…?" Before the conversation could go any further, Rick suddenly wrapped an arm protectively around Morty's shoulder. "Yeah, he's together with me now, so don't bother him ever again!" "Oh, oh…" Jessica turned wide-eyed, even more surprised about that reveal. "Yeah…I'll just go then…" Slowly she left and Morty felt really embarrassed about his boyfriend just throwing this at his long-term crush. Noticing the brunet's sudden abash behavior, Rick began to question him. "What? Are you ashamed about our relationship? ...or about me?" "NO!" Morty couldn't believe that Rick would actually think that. "I just…hadn't planned to c-come out of the cl-closet like this…" Well, it was out now and he had no doubt that Jessica would spread the word around school. There would be a lot of gossip and broken hearts if people found out that Rick was dating the all-time loser Morty, but hopefully, he would be able to handle it. "Hey, don't worry. If someone gives you shit about this, just tell me and I'll beat the crap out of them." A small peck sealed the promise. Morty smiled. As long as Rick was here, he shouldn't worry about rumors or anything like that. And that the spiky-haired teen seemed to quickly go into protective boyfriend mode now, was really flattering and charming. So confidently, he took Rick's hand in his and together they walked to their next class…
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
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ramheavenandhell · 5 years
Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 6: What a Surprise
AN: This chapter is dedicated to AwesomeMango7 because she suggested this idea :) Hope you like it ;) Also: @meaty_drapes on Twitter made precious fanart for this story. I'm still so excited, please take a look at it! Thank you so much again, I really love it *///* Warnings: Rick/Morty, Morty/Jessica, Tricia/Rick, Jealous!Rick and still slow burn
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Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 6: What a Surprise It seemed like good fortune was for once on Morty's side after the school dance because on the next school day, he happened to overhear some fantastic news. "So, Jessica. I heard you broke up with Brad again?" The brunet was standing at his locker again and listened in on the conversation that his crush had with her girlfriends. "Yeah, it's over and this time for good." Jessica confirmed that she was indeed single once more. Morty's heart sped up a little at the information. "So, what are you going to do now? Who are you going to date?" Another girl asked excitedly. "Actually, I thought I would go for a boy who's completely different from the guys I dated before. You know someone who I would have not even remotely considered before." The redhead began and Morty's hopes rose with every word, feeling like she was talking about him. "You know, just someone who's really kind and gentle and…" She stopped talking as Morty appeared before the girls, looking as awkward as last week when he had asked her if she wanted to go to the dance with him. The boy blushed, an embarrassed-looking smile on his face as he cleared his throat. It was now or never! The only chance he might ever get in his entire life!!
Morty dashed towards his classroom as if he was trying to aim for a new record. Luckily, he wasn't caught by one of the teachers, who would have scolded him for that. Completely out of breath, he came to a stop in front of his best friend, who again sat lazily on top of his desk instead in his chair. "Wow, Morty! Are you okay?" He asked as looked the panting brunet over. "Were you chased by Brad or one of the other guys that are always bullying you? I told you that you have to stand up to them and fight and not just run off like a coward. They'll never stop if you keep doing that." "No… It's nothing… like that…" Morty interrupted his best friend's lecture, still wheezing. After he finally caught his breath, he continued, his voice full of excitement. "You won't believe what just happened, Rick! Jessica broke up with Brad and I asked her on a date and she actually said yes!!" The yellow-shirted boy was so happy that he felt like he was standing on top of the world. Rick's eyes got almost impossibly wide at the news, disbelieve written all over his face before it was replaced by a not entirely genuine-looking smile, but Morty didn't notice that. "Congrats, Morty!" He congratulated his friend. "See, I knew you would get her one day. Ju-just took her a while to see what a great catch you are." "Yeah, but…" Morty's excitement dimmed for a moment. "…there's just one thing…" Rick was intrigued and lifted one side of his unibrow. "What is it?" "Jessica asked that we turn it into a double date together with her friend Tricia Lange…" "Well, okay. Nothing wrong with that." The blue-haired teen replied, not seeing the problem. "…and you." Morty finished slowly and flinched as if he expected the other to hit him now. "WHAT?!" All eyes in the classroom turned to Rick, so he quickly pulled the brunet out of the room. "You can't really ask me to go on a date with Tricia!" Of course, Morty knew that Rick would hate this suggestion. The spiky-haired teen had dated the ditzy brunette once in the past and it didn't last very long – technically like all of Rick's relationships. He also knew that Rick actually hated her. She might be pretty, but the genius student was bothered by her attitude. Morty honestly didn't understand why Rick had dated her in the first place if he had such a problem with her, but he's never dared to ask him about that. "I know, Rick, but could you please do it? Just this once? Just for one evening?" He begged his best friend. The other male was stoic. "No, Morty. You know, I told you that I stay away from Jessica so you can have her. And I even helped you out to get her. But this is where I draw the line." Of course, Morty knew that Rick had done so many things for him already. And he was so, so grateful for all his help and support in the past and would probably never be able to repay that. But, he really needed his help with this. Just one more time. "Please, Rick." He whimpered, looking like a kicked puppy at the other. "I already told them that it would be okay and I bring you along. Please. Just this once. I'll never ask anything of you ever again. I swear, Rick." Rick tried to keep a straight face, but it was hard to keep it up with how much Morty was begging him, practically ready to fall on his knees in front of him. He sighed and ruffled with one hand through his spikes, hating what he was going to say now. "…Fine." Hazel eyes brightened up. "Really? Oh thank you, Rick! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!!" "You owe me one for this though. Big time." The blunet added and turned his face, trying to hide a blush behind a façade of annoyance. "Of course, Rick. Whatever you want. Thank you so much." The yellow-shirted teen's joy seemed unstoppable now. He happily skipped over to his seat as the school bell rang and Rick less enthusiastically made his way to his own seat. Just what had he gotten himself into? 'It's for Morty.' He told himself. He would probably do anything for the other boy. Even endure one evening together with that dumb bitch…
Both boys could be seen sitting in a fancy French restaurant, one of them looking clearly more hyped about the situation than the other. The duo was currently waiting for their dates since Morty had reserved a table for four. While the brunet had tried to put some effort into his outfit, putting on a yellow button-up shirt – the same one that he had worn when Rick had been invited for dinner – and a nice pair of black dress pants, his friend showed up in simple jeans and white shirt, his leather jacket hanging over the back of his chair. The contrast between them was almost comically. Likewise, their attitudes were the complete opposite. Rick almost looked bored out of his mind, leaning back in his seat, while Morty sat stiffly and fidgeted with his fingers, looking clearly nervous. That flustered behavior was kind of cute. However, the spiky-haired teen grew more and more annoyed with each passing minute. Morty had insisted that they should be early at the restaurant even when Rick had told him that girls are always late and they'd still have plenty of time to wait for them. So, they had been sitting here for almost half an hour, sipping on their water and red wine – because there was no way that Rick would get through this evening completely sober – and doing pretty much nothing else. It was probably odd that they had agreed to meet at the restaurant, but the brunet was glad that Jessica made this proposal because he lacked a ride to pick her up with. There also wasn't enough space on Rick's motorbike. Sure, he could have called a cab, but that on the other hand would have left Rick stuck with picking up Tricia and Morty knew that his friend would have been anything but happy with that. So, they were currently waiting for their dates – well, at least Morty was while Rick was just waiting for the night to be already over – and the brunet's nerves were frazzled. This was his one chance at actually having a date with his crush and he couldn't afford to screw this up… "Cut that out, Morty." Rick said, sounding more annoyed than he intended as he pulled the poor napkin out of the boy's sweaty hands since Morty had started fumbling around with it. "You don't have to be so nervous. It-it'll be fine." The blue-haired teen sighed and sank further back in his chair, grabbing his wine glass and taking another sip. Rick thought that he was probably the one that needed to calm down since he was starting to act like an asshole towards the brunet even though he didn't deserve that. "Aw geez. S-sorry, Rick." Morty mumbled and put his hands in his lap instead, rubbing his sweaty palms against his pants. "You're right. I'm just a little nervous because it's actually my first date." He laughed a little and it sounded as awkward as he felt right now. "You've must been on so many dates already that this is probably normal for you. Geez, I must look like a complete dork or something right now…" "You're not a dork, Morty. And it's okay to be nervous on a date." Rick reassured him. "Even I get still nervous on dates." Morty looked with wide eyes at him. "You do?" "Yeah, I've just learned to hide it better." Well, at the moment Rick was trying to hide his bad mood even though Morty should know very well what he was putting him through…no, actually the brunet could not possibly know that exactly he was putting him through. "Just don't worry so much, okay?" Morty nodded shakily and was so grateful that the other was actually here right now and he didn't had to go through this all on his own. Who knew how much of a mental wreck he'd be if Rick weren't at his side. There wasn't much time to think about it though, as finally the long awaited company arrived. "H-hi, Jessica!" The brunet immediately jumped up from his seat, greeting his crush nervously and like a gentleman, pulled out the chair for her. "Y-yo-you look great!!" "Thank you, Morty." The girl giggled, obviously flattered. She wore a light-blue dress, which fit together with her light-blue hairband and the colors accentuated her hair and eyes. Morty was unable to pay attention to anyone else but her anymore, so he didn't really notice Rick's reaction to meeting his date. The spiky-haired teen didn't even bother standing up from his chair as Tricia greeted him. "Hi, Rick." "Hi…" He muttered to not be a complete ass, but also making sure to let everyone present know that he wasn't happy with this. The brunette didn't seemed fazed by his mood and took a seat next to her friend. In comparison to the girl beside her, her outfit was very provocative, the red top showing enough cleavage that you'd be worried that her tits would jump out at any moment and her dark skirt was also short enough to not leave much to the imagination. However, it didn't attract Rick's attention, whose eyes had drifted over to his best friend. The teen looked like he wanted to make a sarcastic remark about Morty's love-struck face, but bit his tongue to keep it to himself. Moments later, the waiter arrived at the table, asking to take their orders. The entire group agreed on a bottle of red wine, safe for one. "A scotch for me." Rick ordered. The teen ignored his friend's stare as Morty looked at him incredulously. Did Rick seriously have to order something this strong? Well, Morty shouldn't really be surprised that the only way that Rick saw himself getting through this evening was by being drunk. However, that didn't mean that he approved of that. He just hated seeing his friend getting drunk so often. Rick really had a problem with alcohol… Trying not to let that dampen his mood, Morty focused his attention back on his date again. "S-so…um…" He cleared his throat, fighting hard to make light conversation. What are you even supposed to talk about on a date? The weather? Hobbies? "W-what are you i-in-into?" He stuttered. Rick suddenly snorted loudly beside him. "Way to go, Morty! Good start of a conversation to ask for her kinks first." The brunet blushed fiercely. "W-what are y-you saying, Rick! I-I-I didn't mean—I w-was just a-asking about J-Jessica's hobbies!" He realized that he probably formulated that sentence poorly, but the redhead surely understood how he had meant it. Utterly embarrassed, he looked over to his crush, hoping that she hadn't misunderstood him. Damnit! Why did Rick have to do something like that? Sure, blame it on the alcohol, but his friend was supposed to support him here and not act like a complete asshole. Tricia was the one who picked up the conversation. "Oh, I know a few things that you're into, Rick." The way she talked sounded like she was really just trying to make casual conversation and not like she was flirting with him, but from Rick's glare it might as well have been all the same. "Well, I know for sure who I am into and who I am not into!" Oh god! It was just getting worse! Panicking, Morty tried to steer the conversation to a safer topic again. "Uh…so…any TV shows that you're interested in right now, Jessica?" It was probably not the best, but something that the boy figured they could work with. "I-I've just started w-watching Steven Universe. It's pretty g-good." "Oh. Steven Universe was that cartoon show, right?" Jessica asked. Clearly, she had heard of it, but never watched it. That sucked. It would have been a good topic to talk about. "Guess she's too good to be watching cartoons…" Rick muttered not exactly quietly. "…probably more a fan of The Bachelor or some other stupid reality TV show…" "Rick!" The brunet hissed loudly. Just why was he in such a mood right now? Again, the brunette from the other side of the table had to add to the conversation. "Oh, did you guys watch last night's episode. I didn't expect him to give a rose to Veronica…" "Not surprised that you'd watch shit like that." Rick only commented lowly. Despair was written on Morty's face but he sighed in relieve as finally the food was served. Hopefully, the conversation would be limited to a minimum while they were all busy eating. "Another scotch, please." The blue-haired teen ordered before the waiter left. "Actually, make it double." "Rick, I think you-you already had enough to drink." Morty wearily eyed his friend's empty glass. "Thanks Morty, but I decide when I had enough. And I didn't have nearly enough tonight." The brunet looked angry, but when Rick was like that, arguing with him was pointless. In Morty's opinion, the other had had more than enough already, but apparently, nothing was stopping Rick right now. So, forced to give up, the boy turned to his food, only nervously glancing up at Jessica, who thankfully seemed to be still in a good mood. It was mostly silent while the four occupants at the table ate their food, the entire atmosphere kind of awkward or at least it felt like that for Morty. "Th-this…food is really…um…good." Again, he tried to go for some light conversation even though he feared that he might regret it – and he honestly had no idea what he had ordered or what the stuff on his plate even was supposed to be. "How's you-yours, Jessica?" "Oh, it's fine. Thanks." The redhead smiled lightly while digging with her fork around in her salad. Morty smiled encouragingly back. "Tha-that's good." "I'm actually surprised that you've ordered that, Morty." Rick threw in. "Didn't knew you would really eat calf's brain." Face morphing into a grimace, Morty felt his appetite gone from one moment to the other and slowly laid his cutlery down. He wiped his mouth with the napkin, hoping to play it off as being sated by the little that he had eaten already. "Man, I-I'm really full." His best friend broke out in loud laughter, drawing the attention of the other patrons on them. Morty's slightly paled faced was heating up and he tried to make himself as small as he possibly could. God, this was so embarrassing already and Rick didn't make the whole thing any better!! Shyly, he dared to glance over to Jessica to gauge her reaction. Her smile looked a bit strained as she looked over at Rick. However, when their eyes met, it was replace by a soft and far more sincere-looking one. Again, Morty smiled back, glad that he hadn't completed screwed it yet and also a little surprised that she hasn't left already, but was still willing to stay and put up with all of this. "Hmm…this food tastes kind of weird." Of course, Tricia had to comment on her own meal, too, after the blunet had stopped laughing. Morty looked over at how she picked at the meat on her plate and thought, 'At least it's not calf's brain.' Further conversation ceased since Rick didn't bother to comment on his own dish – or grace the brunette with a reply – and everyone continued to eat in silence until they eventually finished. Dessert was ordered shortly afterwards and the spiky-haired boy ordered more to drink, which earned him another disapproving glare from Morty that was blatantly ignored. …or maybe not. "Don't look at me like that, Morty. The guy who claims that he's full after eating three bites and then orders a fucking cake for dessert should really have no right to judge." Morty was gaping, the reply that those two things were completely different sitting on his tongue. However, he wasn't given a chance for an argument to break out. "Hey, Morty. Would you mind if we talked for a little moment? I mean, alone?" Jessica whispered loudly. Cold sweat broke out, but the brunet answered in his stuttering voice, "S-su-sure, Jessica!" and hastily got up from his seat. He followed the redhead away from the table to a slightly more secluded corner of the restaurant and feared for the worse. Would she tell him now that she hated this evening and would never want to go on a date with him ever again? Would she say that she didn't want Morty to talk to her ever again? Sure, she could have said those things to him at the table, too, but maybe she was just trying to be polite about it and didn't want to say it in front of the others. "Morty, this is a really nice restaurant and you're a really nice guy, but…" She smiled as if she tried to lessen the blow, but Morty knew that it was coming now. "…this double date was probably a bad idea. I'm really sorry that I've been asking you to bring Rick along, but Tricia really wanted this and I should have known that after their history, it wouldn't turn out well. So, sorry for making that mistake and kind of ruining this evening for us." Hold on! Jessica was apologizing?! Morty couldn't believe his ears. He blushed and rubbed the back of his head as he laughed his cute little Morty-laugh. "Ha ha! It's not your fault, Jessica. Don't worry about it. I probably should have said something first because I also knew that Rick wouldn't like this and act out…" Neither of the two noticed that they were being watched the whole time. Blue eyes peered right through the aquarium that stood between them and their table and Rick looked anything but pleased as he watch his friend blushing and the two laugh. "Say, Rick. Are you actually dating someone right now? I mean, I noticed that you broke up with Patricia last month, but I haven't seen you with anyone else. You're only hanging out with Morty all the time…" Tricia felt the need for conversation and began to pry. Rick ignored her babbling, having no intention to answer her, but when the duo returned, looking really happy and laughing together, he began to snap. "I've really had it with you! First off, it's none of your business who I'm dating right now. And secondly, I have zero interest in getting back together with you if that's what all of this about! And it clearly is!" To emphasize his point, he slammed the now empty scotch glass on the table, hard enough for it to crack. Morty's eyes widened in shock. If Rick was this drunk, he became dangerous. Less because he was turning violent, but rather because he turned completely unpredictable. His date also seemed to notice that the spiky-haired teen was getting too much out of hand now. "I think it might be better if we leave now, Tricia." The girl thankfully got the cue and both quickly grabbed their things. "It was a really nice evening, Morty…despite this." She looked pointedly at Rick, who sat slouched in his chair and could clearly give less fucks about the fact that the girls were going to leave now. "Maybe we can repeat this another time, but just with the two of us?" "Yeah. Yeah, that would be great, Jessica." Morty smiled at the offer and waved after her as the redhead and her friend left the restaurant. He told the waiter, who walked past him, that he wanted to pay before he sat down in his seat again. Everything was silent between the boys for a moment. While Morty should be elated that Jessica wasn't angry at him and was even willing to give him another chance, he was still upset that this evening had been ruined like this. "Trust me, it's better that they're gone." Rick broke the silence. The brunet didn't answer him. Around a minute later, the waiter showed up with the bill and Morty gulped nervously, not having expected it to be that expensive. While he fumbled with the bank notes in his wallet, Rick suddenly slammed a wad of cash on the table. "Don't swat it. I'll pay for everything. It's the least I can do." 'The least…?!' Morty didn't even know what to say anymore. His best friend had ruined this entire date instead of being supportive and backing him up and he thought, it would be all good again if he paid?! He was so angry right now. And even more he was hurt that Rick had betrayed him like this – because that's exactly what it was in Morty's eyes. They grabbed their things and also exited the establishment, the night air outside a little chilly. "C'mon, Morty. I-I'll drive you home." Rick offered, not even trying to hide that light slur in his speech. This was the last straw for the brunet and he whipped around, shouting angrily. "I will walk home, Rick! How can you even expect me to want to drive home with you when you're this drunk?! You-you-you're such an alcoholic asshole, who doesn't really care about anyone, but yourself! And your mom was right when she said that you're a good for nothing!!" The moment those last words left his mouth, he instantly regretted it. That was a low blow and he knew that he went too far with that. Rick's shocked gaze was more than enough proof right now. Still, he felt too angry to apologize for it and instead turned around to walk off. He didn't turn around again or added anything to it and Rick didn't try to stop him either. The spiky-haired teen only watched after his retreating friend, shock from the harsh words that had been thrown at him still written on his face. "FUCK!" As soon as Morty was out of hearing range, he yelled and kicked a trashcan hard enough to leave a noticeable dent in it. "Stupid Jessica!"
While Morty was on his long way home, his head slowly cooled down again and he began to reflect on the evening and his own reaction towards Rick. Thinking about it at all made him realized that this whole situation was no one's but his own fault. He shouldn't even be angry at Rick for being himself. This outcome should have been obvious to him right from the start. Even Jessica realized that it had been a stupid idea to force Rick on a date with Tricia. It was bound to blow up, so the only person he should actually be upset with right now is himself. Morty decided that he would apologize to Rick tomorrow at school.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
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ramheavenandhell · 6 years
Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 4: There is a reason
AN: So, after much debating whether I should make this the next chapter or not, I finally decided to just post this. Also, sorry for the long wait. I'll try to get the next update out faster (even if I can't make any promises). Warnings: still Rick/Morty slowburn, a little angsty
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Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 4: There is a reason Morty felt, in one word, groggy this morning. After the mostly positive impression that Rick had made on his family – at least on his mother – he was able to convince Beth to spend some time with Rick outside of school again. Of course, the woman agreed to it under one condition and that being that he had to finish his homework before he would be allowed to go and see his best friend. Since this offer was a rare opportunity – and thankfully Rick's new call divert was surprisingly working and had kept his parents from finding out that he was still skipping school – Morty had worked the entire Friday afternoon and evening to finish said task even if he would have preferred to spend the time differently with watching a movie or something similar to that. Truth be told, he had pulled an all-nighter to get his homework done, seeing that Beth had insisted on checking it and Morty was sure that she would not be satisfied if he got it wrong. So, he was super tired and nervous right now, venturing downstairs to present his completed work to his mother. Needless to say that most of the time that he had spent on this was wasted on trying to catch up with the topics that he had missed in school thanks to being absent. He vaguely thought that he should have tried to ask Rick to come over and help him with this. After all, it was his fault that Morty was lagging behind in his classes and he was sure that his mom wouldn't have minded if he would have kindly asked in advance. The brunet nervously cleared his throat as he watched his mother read over what he had written without showing any changes or some kind of readable emotion on her face. "This looks okay." She finally said and smiled a little. "See, Morty. If you just put a little effort into it, you can do so well." Morty bit back on commenting that it was more than just "a little effort". "So, can I go see Rick now?" He asked excitedly. "Of course. Just be back before dinner." As he sprinted out of the parlor, he could hear his dad complaining again. "Beth! We really shouldn't let him see this hooligan again! Besides Morty is still supposed to be grounded! You can't just go and make exceptions whenever he asks! That way he's never going to learn—" The rest was thankfully cut off as Morty closed the front door after himself. If he could avoid listening to another one of his parents' arguments, he gladly took the chance. He practically ran all the way to Rick's garage, happy to see the other again even if he had just seen him yesterday. For some odd reason it always felt longer when they were apart though, but that was something that the brunet wasn't willing to ponder about now. "Hey, Rick!" He greeted his friend who was like usual hunched over his workbench. The spiky-haired boy looked up at him. "Hey, Morty. You're earlier than I expected. I thought you were supposed to finish your homework first." "I did finish my homework." Morty replied indignantly. "That's great, Morty." Rick replied absentmindedly, already turned back to his project again. The brunet huffed a little at the easy dismissal of his friend, but with curiosity winning out, he joined the other at his workbench. "You're still working on the design of your improved portal gun?" "Nah." Rick replied as if that was ages old news. "I've put that one on ice for now and am back on the space cruiser again…" Morty made an agreeing hum as he took in the blueprints that the other was working on. At the moment, the focus seemed to be more on the technical side than the design as Rick had only finished to draw the bottom part of the vehicle yet. "I'm still missing a shit ton of parts, but I've got at least something to work with here." The blue haired boy commented as he finished scribbling down some last notes on the margin of the paper. "C'mon, Morty. You can help me with this." The brunet perked up like a puppy and was eager to assist. Over the course of the next hours, the boys disassembled the car and Rick rolled on his creeper underneath it while ordering Morty to fetch him one part or another tool. This went on relatively smoothly until the yellow-shirted teen failed to fetch him one part that he requested. "Look harder, Morty. It has to be on the shelf." Rick's voice was slowly filling with frustration the longer Morty failed to get him that item. "I'm telling you that it's not here. There's all sorts of junk on your shelf, but nothing that looks like what you described me to get you." Morty fired back. "If you don't believe me, you can come over here and look for yourself." With a sigh of annoyance Rick rolled out from under the car and stood up. "How hard can it be to just—" The boy stopped mid-grumble as he saw that Morty hadn't lied and the needed object was indeed not where it should be. He began to hum in thought as he tried to remember where he could have left it. "Ah, fuck!" Rick cursed, as he finally seem to remember. "It's in my room at home…" With a heavy sigh, he walked over to the safe that stood underneath his workbench and opened it. While getting out a big wad of cash, he said, "C'mon, Morty. Guess we're gonna have to go shopping so I can build another one." "Why don't you just go home and get that one? I'm sure it's not going to take as much time as building a new one, does it?" Morty asked back. "Or, yeah, I could just do that, I guess…" The brunet blinked at the unenthusiastic response and noticed how Rick had averted his eyes. If he wouldn't know any better, he'd say that his friend was avoiding going home. After storing the cash in the safe again, Rick walked past the other boy and said, "You wait here, Morty. I'll make it quick." "Can't I come with?" "Uh, no." Rick turned to him and lifted one side of his unibrow as if questioning him. "I just told you to stay here and wait for me, didn't I?" "Oh come on, Rick. I invited you to my home last week so don't you think it's only fair that I can come over to yours, too?" Morty knew that he was kind of treading on thin ice here since no one was ever invited over to Rick's home or even knew where he lived. Not even his so considered besties, B.P. and Squanchy. However, the mystery was too intriguing for the boy to just back down now. After all, when would he get a chance like this again? "Well, my parents don't like me inviting anyone over, so…" Rick scratched at the back of his head. Morty was quick to reply. "Then I'll just wait outside!" "Why can't you just wait here for me?" "It's going to be boring waiting for you here." The brunet replied with a cute pout. Rick looked like he still wanted to protest, struggling with words, but nothing that made sense came out. Maybe he was just imagining it, but Morty thought for a moment that he could see a slight flush on the other's cheeks. "Fine." Rick finally give in with a loud huff. "But you're gonna have to wait outside." "I will." Morty replied with a bright smile, happy to have won the other over. Since Rick quickly turned around, the brunet wasn't able to see Rick's red face. "Whatever. Let's just go." He mumbled and sighed once more listlessly. Morty more skipped than walked next to Rick as they made their way to the genius's home for a few minutes. That was until the other rolled his eyes and told him to cut it out. With a slightly dampened mood, the brunet looked around to where they were going. The sight of clean apartment blocks in a slightly nicer area gave way to grey and dirt as they came to a shabbier district. As if that wasn't enough, the sun was covered by clouds and it began to drizzle before slowly turning into a heavier rain. Both boys began to run the last few feet until they reached the door of an apartment complex. Morty studied the structure that looked old and in need of repair as Rick unlocked the door. As he wanted to follow inside after his best friend blocked him. "We agreed that you're waiting outside." "Are you serious? It's pouring! Just let me wait inside. I'm going to stay down here. That shouldn't be a problem, right?" Morty couldn't believe that Rick would seriously let him wait outside in this rain. The other sighed before he finally gave. "Okay. But you gotta stay down here." "Yeah, I just said that I would, Rick." Morty watched Rick climb the stairs till he was out of sight. With nothing better to do, his ears followed the noises of his best friend, listening to each step that he took outside of his field of vision. The sound then stopped and morphed into a shuffled walk before it stopped once again and the jangling of keys could be heard. Even over the noises of the rainstorm outside, Morty could hear how the door clicked open. He was a startled as suddenly the questioning voice of a woman could be heard, which became muffled a second later as the door swung shut again. Had that been Rick's mom? For a moment, there was only the pitter-patter of the rain that knocked against the door as Morty continued to wait and look around the dirty hallway. He was jerked out of his boredom as he could hear that voice again, but this time it was sounding enraged and screaming even though he still couldn't tell what she yelled. Gulping heavily, he wondered if it was Rick's mother or just another tenant next door, but he was sure that this was the same voice that he had heard before and if his ears hadn't played tricks on him then it must have come from his friend's apartment. As he suddenly heard crashing sounds as if things were being thrown around, he became alarmed. Despite what Rick had told him, Morty's worry drove him to climb the stairs, his ears guiding him as he followed the sounds of the ruckus. At the third floor, he stopped and tried to pinpoint, which door was the right one. An especially loud noise coupled with the nameplate, which stated "Sanchez" above the doorbell, confirmed to Morty that he had found the right apartment. Nervously his index finger began to hover in the direction of the bell button, knowing that Rick won't be happy if he did this, but too worried for his best friend's safety to just stand around and do nothing. However, before he could reach it, the door was suddenly flung open and Rick almost ran straight into him. Probably more out of reflex than anything, the spiky haired boy pulled him down and Morty could only stare in disbelieve as an half-empty bottle flew over their heads to smash against the opposite wall, its alcoholic contents – if the smell was anything to go by – leaving a stain on said grey wall and floor. "I've told you to wait downstairs!" Rick hissed and dragged Morty with him, his hand holding tightly onto the brunet's smaller one. "Richard Sanchez! You get back here this instant!" The female voice bellowed after them. As Morty turned around, he was only able to take in a glimpse of the woman. She had long, red hair and from what he could see in that brief moment, she was actually very pretty. "I'm not done talking yet! You're a good for nothing just like your lousy father!!" Morty wasn't able to make out much of the rest of what she yelled as the echoing in the hallway and the noises of their hurried footsteps obscured it. As Rick abruptly stopped though, Morty almost face planted and threatened to fall down the rest of the stairs if it hadn't been for the strong grip of his friend. Only now did he even briefly stop to think that Rick was holding his hand and the thought made heat rise to his face. Finally looking up, Morty registered the reason why Rick had so suddenly stopped in his descend. A man stood across from him, wearing glasses, a light blue shirt, cravat and holding a briefcase. He looked like your typical blue-collar worker. The brunet was able to feel the tension in the air as the two males stared at each other. Then the man looked the other way and continued to climb up the stairs, moving past Rick as if the boy wasn't even there. "Rick? Was that your—" Rick didn't let him finish the whispered question as he began to pull him along again. "C'mon!" Morty had a feeling that this man could have probably been Rick's dad. His unnaturally looking light blue hair that matched the shade of his best friend's spiky mane, certainly led him to believe that. However, seeing as the other was unwilling to talk about it, the brunet decided to drop the subject. As they backtracked to Rick's garage again, the storm having calmed down to a light drizzle, Morty used the time to think about what had just happened. He always complained to his friend about how bothered he was about his parents' constant arguments and Rick had often reacted with understanding towards it or in the same way as Summer by stating that they should just get over it and divorce already. In all that time, Morty had never bothered to think that his friend could possibly be in the same position as him – if not even worse. It made him feel like a shitty friend. He should have been able to catch onto that sooner. Now everything made sense: the ratty mattress in the garage, Rick refusing to invite people to his home or even letting anyone know where he lived, Rick's avoidance to go home and pick up that thing which's name he had already forgotten again. Rick really was right when he always told Morty that he was slow and he felt so stupid for it now. By the time that the rain had completely stopped and the sun began to peek out behind the wall of clouds again, Morty decided to break the silence that hung between them. "Hey, Rick?" Rick hummed in acknowledgement. "Um, first of all sorry for not listening to you…" Morty began. "Yeah really, Morty? I told you to do one thing. Just to wait downstairs. Why can't you ever fucking listen?!" the other reprimanded. "I was just worried about you." Morty admitted in a small voice. He honestly had been and from the look of things not for nothing. Rick only sighed and decided to let the subject drop again. "Hey, Rick?" Morty started anew. "What is it?" Rick sounded annoyed, probably hoping that the other wasn't going to plan asking about what had happened back there at his apartment. "Why are you friends with me?" "Huh?" The question took the spiky-haired boy by surprise. "Why are you friends with me?" Morty repeated the question. "You're pretty decent at following directions, I guess." Rick replied without looking at the brunet. "At least most of the time." He added as an afterthought. "Wait! Is that it? You only see me as a good henchman?" Rick sighed and looked at him again. "It's more than just that Morty." "What is it then?" "It's for entirely selfish reasons, Morty." Rick said and averted his eyes again. Once more, silence accompanied them on the way back to the garage while the brunet tried to figure out what his friend had meant with that.
The teens were back to tinkering on the car and aside from Rick asking Morty to fetch him one thing or another again, there wasn't much conversation going on between them. Morty hated it, but whenever he opened his mouth to say something, he closed it a second later again. It was very apparent to the boy that his friend didn't want to talk about his parents with him and trying to ask about what Rick had meant when he asked about their friendship would also only lead straight into a wall again because the other wasn't going to elaborate on that. Morty had honestly just been wondering if Rick had seen some similarities between them and therefore decided to befriend the shy brunet that no one else was interested in. Maybe he just wanted to talk about his problems with someone that would understand him because they were in the same boat. "Hey, Morty. Get me a beer. A cold one." Morty sighed. As much as he wanted to tell Rick no or voice how much he disliked his friend's unhealthy habit, – or wasn't it actually a coping mechanism now? – he already knew by now that it was pointless and would only end with the genius blowing up in his face and then getting the beverage himself. So, the brunet complied and plucked a can from the mini fridge before handing it to Rick who wheeled from underneath the car and sat up on his creeper. Morty watched how Rick's long and nimble finger hooked into the lug and manipulated it as he opened the can in two fluid motions, the stupidly mundane task somehow a fascinating spectacle to watch, almost as if it was surreal. The small hissing sound of air escaping the container was like a start signal and the teen still continued to watch almost as if he was hypnotized how Rick's lips kissed the lid as he tipped the can and began to drink. Only the satisfied belch that was followed by bits of spittle dripping down the spiky-haired boy's lower lip, which was quickly wiped away again, broke Morty out of his stupor again. That was gross! Probably better though because his mind had started to drift in a weird direction, as he was just about to imagine what it would be like to be a can… "Ah. That's much better." Rick commented before he took another sip. Morty's brows crinkled. "Can you please keep low on the beer today, Rick?" The other almost spit out his drink. "C'mon, Morty! That's my first can today. You don't have to start acting as if you're my mom or something." That statement made the brunet's frown deepen. After today, he really couldn't appreciate that kind of joke. "Apropos mom, didn't yours tell you to be home before dinner? You should probably be going now." He motioned vaguely with his arm in the direction of the clock that hung on the wall. Morty's eyes followed that motion and also examined the time. "You're right. I need to go now." The boy was about to leave when a sudden thought struck him. "Hold on! How do you know that my mom said that to me?" Rick looked at him with big eyes as if he was shocked by the question before he covered it up with a grin. "You told me when you got here, dummy." "No, I didn't." Morty protested back, though he did rack his brain, trying to remember if he had said something to that degree. "Then how else would I know about it?" Rick replied cooly and took another sip from the can. "Rick? Did you—could—have you planted cameras and microphones in my house?" It was out in the open now. Morty's biggest suspicion laid bare for his friend to either deny or confirm. Again, Rick answered him with a bug-eyed stare. "What the hell, Morty? Dude, that's something that only a creepy stalker would do! What do you take me for?" For a moment, there was only silence as Morty let the answer run slowly through his brain, going through every winding and touching every single brain cell once. Rick lifted the side of his eyebrow as if nonverbally asking again if Morty was really serious about this. "Oh, okay…" The brunet finally answered and felt ashamed of himself again for making such accusations against his best friend. Of course, Rick wouldn't do something like that. He probably really just forgot that he had told Rick that his mother wanted him back home before dinner when he got to the garage. "See you on Monday then, Rick." He bid his goodbye in a still small voice. "See ya, Morty." The other replied. What Morty had completely failed to see though, was that Rick hadn't actually denied or confirmed his question…
AN: Hands in the air if you were jelly of Rick's beer can for a moment!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
2 notes · View notes
ramheavenandhell · 6 years
Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 5: Saving or Ruining the Evening
AN: Would you look at that! It's an update! And this time it didn't took me years. On another note, I finally finished the basic outline for this story, so I finally have a plan where to go with this. The bad news is that my muse got hyped over a different high school AU now, so prepare that that will be a thing in the future -_-' Warnings: Rick/Morty, a tiny bit Morty/Jessica, still slow burn (but we're getting a few moments in this one)
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Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 5: Saving or Ruining the Evening Morty closed the door of his locker and pulled his books tighter to his chest as his eyes landed on his crush. 'C'mon! Just go over there and ask her!' he mentally motivated himself. Swallowing heavily, he slowly approached the red head, who was currently chatting with her friends, two lockers down from him. Only when he came to a stop right next to them, did they stop talking and all of the girls' attention was suddenly focused on him. "H—" Morty quickly cleared his throat as only a squeaky rasp escaped him. "Hi, Je-Jessica." While the other girls fixed him with a look of annoyance, Jessica put a friendly smile on her face. "Hi, Morty." She kindly greeted back. The brunet swallowed once more, still feeling that annoying clump in his throat. "I-I wanted to ask if you m-might want to go to the dance? I mean wis-with me?" He laughed awkwardly at the end of the sentence, hoping that it would come across as charming or something like that…which it didn't. Jessica retained her smile when she answered politely. "Sorry, but I'm already going with my boyfriend. Brad." It should have been obvious that she already had a date for the upcoming school dance, so this answer shouldn't have surprised him. Still, Morty felt upset although he tried to hide it in front of his crush. "Oh o-okay." He stuttered with a nervous smile. Just in this moment, none other than Brad had to show up, wrapping an arm possessively around the red-haired girl. "Hey, babe. Is this guy bothering you?" He threw a glance at Morty that could potentially kill and made the smaller boy cringe. "It's okay, Brad. He was just asking me out to the dance, but I told him that I'm going with you." Jessica replied calmly. "Dude, how can you even ask her something like that? Don't you see how pretty she is? You should go and play in your own league!" The taller boy bellowed. Morty only shrunk further and wanted to stutter an apology, scared that the other might even go and beat him up now. "Calm down, Brad. I'm sure he didn't know that I have a boyfriend." Jessica threw in. That was actually a lie. Of course, Morty knew that even though it was sometimes hard to keep track with how often those two broke up before getting back together again. He still had something like hope though…but that was only meant to be crushed. "Girl, the whole school knows that we're together. There's no chance that he didn't know." The redhead only shrugged and let herself be steered away, her girlfriends following. Brad, who had still one arm wrapped around his girl, turned once more back to the brunet and gave him a look that promised that this conversation wasn't over yet. And it also promised pain. Morty didn't look forward to the continuation and mentally scolded himself for being so stupid at even attempting to ask Jessica out.
"Hey, Morty!" Rick greeted him in the classroom, sitting on his desk and looking like he had only waited for him. "What's up? Why're making that face?" The brunet slouched into his seat, not just his face but his entire posture spelling defeat. With a sigh at the beginning, he explained, "I asked Jessica if she would go to the dance with me. She said no. And not only that but Brad also showed up…and he's probably going to beat the shit out of me later…" "Then I'll go to the dance with you." Rick offered in a heartbeat. Morty did a double take, not believing that he had heard that right. "Really? You would go to the dance with me?" He was honestly surprised by the offer because he had thought for sure that Rick would actually ask a girl to go with him. A few of the popular girls were in fact just waiting for Rick to ask one of them, as far as Morty had overheard them in the hallways. Rick didn't seem to care about that at all though. "Sure, dawg! If you wanna, that is." "Yeah!! I-I mean, I'd like that, Rick." The brunet blushed at his way too exciting answer. After the rejection, he hadn't even been sure if he wanted to attend the school dance anymore, but now he was actually looking forward to it. It had him in such high spirits that even the biology test that they had to face now couldn't put a damper on his good mood. Or the most likely unavoidable run-in with Brad later on…
Morty tried to fix his bow tie for the umpteenth time in front of the mirror, convinced that it was still somehow wrong. It was finally the evening of the school dance and his parents had been kind enough to suspend his punishment just for today – though his dad quickly changed his mind about it after hearing that he would be going together with Rick. Luckily, Beth had shut him up again and said that it's fine as long as he was back before midnight. And he was expected to be back sober – not that Morty would have a problem with that since he didn't plan to drink anything tonight. Though, he wouldn't be able to say the same thing for his best friend. Said blue-haired boy would be here really soon to pick him up and Morty was unexplainably nervous and felt like he wasn't ready yet. So, he stood in front of the mirror in the hallway and fidget with his clothes, being in two minds about going back upstairs and re-dressing again. He wore a dark-grey suit, a white dress shirt and a yellow bow tie and had hoped that this assembly looked somewhat good, but he only felt really self-conscious about it. "You look fine, Morty." Summer suddenly appeared in the mirror and gave her make-up a last quick check. She wore a dark purple sleeveless dress and had her hair tied in a bun, held up by a beautiful hair clip that perfectly matched her earrings, necklace and bracelet. "Thanks. You look great, Summer." Morty smiled, his nerves a little eased after hearing that statement. "I know." His sister replied cockily and hurried to the door after hearing a car honk, only shouting a quick goodbye towards the parlor where their parents were and a 'later' to him. Her girlfriends were picking her up since they had decided to drive to the dance together. Well, Morty's own drive would also be here any moment now and gosh, why did he feel so nervous again?! He couldn't remember that he had even been this excited over a school dance. Then again, it was also the first time that he wouldn't go to one alone. The sound of a revving engine alerted him that Rick was finally here. "Mom! Dad! I'm leaving now!" He also yelled and stormed outside. Instead of waiting on the running bike for him, Rick had dismounted it and pulled his helmet off. Morty instantly felt self-conscious again as his best friend's gaze wandered him up and down once. Though Rick's appreciative smile relieved him. "Nice outfit, Morty. Looking real good." "Tha-thanks. You, too, Rick." The brunet couldn't help but blush a little. Rick actually looked amazing. The other teen wore a beige jacket and dress pants and a nice dark-blue button-up shirt and a white tie. Honestly, it's not what Morty would have expected, but then again, he really didn't know what exactly he thought his friend would be wearing tonight. The only thing that he was convinced about was that it really suited Rick and Morty wouldn't even been looking halfway as good as the other boy did if he were to wear the same thing. "Shall we?" Rick made a little bow and handed him the helmet, finally ripping the brunet out of his state of admiration. With a small smile and a shy blush, he accepted the offered accessory and put it on before following his friend's example and getting on the motorcycle.
The drive to school was short and uneventful. When they arrived, the parking lot was full and so was the gym hall. Music from the live band was blearing from the speakers and small decorations had been hung up to fit with some kind of festive theme while colorful lights illuminated the high schoolers that flocked on the dancefloor. As soon as they entered a few people greeted Rick and the teen greeted back, even shouting at some people to get their attention. "Hey, Gearhead!" He called out to one of the boys that stood near the punch table. The teen, whose actual name was Garry, wasn't happy about the nickname that he was given and instantly complained about it. "My name isn't "Gearhead", Sanchez. It is really rude to give such a nickname to a person who just happens to have a slightly unusually shaped head. Besides my head doesn't even look remotely like a gear! You don't see me going around and calling you Pillhead or Dorittohair or something like that either!!" Rick ignored him, not being bothered by the kvetching at all. Instead, he pulled Morty closer when he spotted Jessica and talked with him in a hushed tone that was still loud enough for the brunet to hear over the loud music. "Look, Morty! There's Jessica!" "Yeah, I can see that, Rick." The teen replied and his face fell at the sight. "And Brad is there, too." Indeed, the redhead was currently dancing together with her boyfriend. The sight was nothing to be excited about, though, she did look really pretty in her mint green dress. Before he could drift off in a dreamy state of admiring while imagining what it would be like if he could be next to her now, Rick continued. "Don't worry about that, Dawg! I'll give you a chance to be with Jessica by distracting Brad." "What?! How are you going to do that?" Morty couldn't believe it. Would Rick really do something like that for him? If he did, he would really owe something to the blue haired boy. Though, to be fair, it wouldn't be the first time that Rick bought him some alone time with his crush. This was going to be the best evening of his life if that would really work out! "Don't worry about that. Just leave it up to me." Without elaborating further, he steered Morty over to one of the tables and told him to wait there before vanishing seemingly into thin air. Not knowing what else to do with his time, he grabbed a red paper cup and filled some of the punch in it. After taking a sip, he could taste something bitter mixed in with the sweetness and his face instantly scrunched up. It was spiked! And this early in the evening already. With a sigh, he placed the cup on the table and decided that he wasn't really that thirsty. Taking another look around the gym hall, he suddenly noticed that Jessica was chatting with her girlfriends now and there was no sight of Brad anymore. How did that happen? Where did he go? He couldn't wonder for long as Rick suddenly returned to his side and nudged him. "C'mon, Morty! It's free rein now for you. Go over and talk to her!" Morty had no did idea how his friend did it or what exactly he had done, but he wasn't about to let that chance go to waste. He reached the girl when her friends scattered to dance with their dates and Jessica looked around in search for her own boyfriend. "Hey, Jessica!" He cringed a little at how shrill his voice sounded. She turned to him, looking surprised for a moment, but smiling friendly the next second. "Hello, Morty." "You look b-pr-gorgeous!" Damn his stutter! "Thank you. You look quite good yourself." She kindly returned the compliment. He laughed a little nervously, face turning even redder than after his little word tumble and he embarrassedly scratch the back of his head. "Would yo—" he had to clear his throat, "D-do you want to uh…dance?" "Well, I guess since my date left me hanging…" Her eyes roamed once more through the room. "Sure. Why not?" Morty visibly brightened up and eagerly made his way to the dancefloor with his crush, moving a little awkwardly, but clearly having fun.
Rick walked through the halls of the school. After seeing Morty dance with Jessica, he had some fun on the dancefloor himself with someone else, but suddenly the boy was gone. So he was searching for him now. After all, he would be a bad date if he wouldn't look for him and people could say many things about Rick Sanchez, but not that he was a bad date. Figuring that the boy was probably just using the toilet, he steered towards one of the restrooms when the door opened and the teen in question just came out. However, he looked anything but happy and his head as well as the neck of his shirt and jacket were wet. "Hey, what happened, Morty?" The brunet stared down at his feet when he answered. "Brad suddenly showed up. He saw me dancing with Jessica and didn't like it. So he beat me up and shoved my head in the toilet…" When he finally dared to look Rick in the eyes, he looked so pitiful, one of his eyes turning a purplish color and his cheek slowly swelling up. "Can we please just go home now?" The blue-haired boy's face hardened and he grabbed Morty's wrist. However, instead of dragging him to the exit, he urged the other teen back into the restroom again – much to the brunet's confusion. "Take of your jacket and shirt and then wash your face, Morty." He instructed. Despite still not understanding why he was supposed to do that, he followed Rick's directions without comment or hesitation and undressed before he went to the sink and splashed water in his face. Rick meanwhile had taken his clothes and proceeded to dry them using the hand dryer. After he was done with that, he helped Morty with drying his face and hair off as best as he could. After he told Morty to put his clothes back on, he handed him a comb that he handily had in one of his jacket pocket, fixed his yellow bow tie and lastly put some perfume on him that he also carried around. The brunet was actually surprised after all of the fussing was over and stared in the mirror. He looked presentable again (if you didn't count the slight bruising) and top of that, he smelled like Rick now. Actually, he had always figured that Rick would be using aftershave and not an actual perfume and the scent was an unusual one, but fitting. He needed to remember its name because it was actually really nice to be surrounded by that smell. "C'mon, Morty." Once more, Rick grabbed his wrist – something that he honestly did more often than not – and led him back into the gym hall again. The blue-haired teen dragged him all the way on the dancefloor just when a new and funky song started to play. It was the prefect opportunity for Rick to show off some of his cool dance moves again – like he always did at parties. The crowd quickly noticed that and made room on the floor, cheering him on as he moved gracefully. Morty actually felt a little embarrassed even though all eyes were on Rick right now. Still, he felt exposed with everyone standing around them and froze up, not wanting to make a fool of himself by attempting to dance alongside the much cooler teen. Besides, he really enjoyed watching Rick like everyone else did, so he was fine with this. However, the other seemed to have different plans as he kept making motions with his hands towards Morty, urging him to join him. Shyly the brunet shook his head, still refusing in fear of becoming the laughing stock of the school for the entire rest of the year because of this. Rick refused to give up though, dancing closer towards him and holding out his hand. As Morty kept looking at his expectant face – at that exciting smile – he slowly felt his resolve waning. He looked long enough into Rick's beautiful bright ice-blue eyes that he lost himself in them as well as the feel for reality and finally grabbed the inviting hand. Rick pulled him closer towards the middle and somehow the brunet fell easily into rhythm with him, dancing far more smoothly than he ever did before. For the entire time, he continued to look only at Rick and it felt to him like they were the only ones in the room. He didn't notice how the crowd around them kept cheering them both on. He couldn't even feel the pain anymore that he had thanks to Brad's beating. Everything else had just suddenly ceased to exist. Only after the song eventually ended, did he realize where he was again. The next song that came up was a slow one and Morty tried to leave the dancefloor again, when Rick stopped him. "Where do you think you're going, Morty?" the blue-haired teen asked. "Wh-wha—I-I th-thought—" The brunet poorly stuttered, convinced that his friend would actually want to dance with a girl now. Rick cut him short. "Everyone is entitled to one slow dance." With a grin, he pulled the stunned Morty closer towards him, putting his arms around him and began swaying to the music. The brunet felt once more distressed, although it wasn't quite like before. The crowd that had gathered around them had dissolved again as couples began to dance around them, so he didn't feel the pressure of hundreds of eyes on him anymore. Relaxing again, he went along with it, putting his own arms shyly around the other and following his lead. While they danced, Morty couldn't help but think about how kind Rick was tonight. Somehow, he had managed to make this school dance really enjoyable for him even after the entire fiasco with Brad. Dreamily he looked at Rick, his cheeks dusted with a cute flush and the other teen smiled gently back at him. Only when Morty realized that he was starring, did he avert his eyes in embarrassment. Still, he couldn't help but think that this was actually really nice…
The evening eventually came to an end and Rick brought him back home. Thankfully, the teen didn't had too much of the spiked punch and was still sober enough to drive properly without Morty having to worry too much about them getting into an accident. Rick stopped the motorcycle in front of the brunet's house and turned the engine off as he dismounted it. Like a gentleman, he walked Morty all the way to the door, which was almost silly since he never did that before. When they came to a stop at the front door, the brunet turned towards him. "Thank you, Rick, for the great evening and everything. I had really fun." It was true. For a moment, he had believed that everything was over and would be remembered as a horrible occurrence, but his genius friend had managed to turn it all around and made it into the best and most unforgettable night that Morty had ever experienced. "Don't sweat it." Rick waved him off with a grin. There was a brief silence between them and suddenly Rick looked as if he wanted to say something but stopped himself again. "Good night, Morty." With those words, he quickly took his leave and the brunet watched him till he was out of sight before going inside. For the rest of the night he wondered what Rick might have wanted to tell him…
AN: Kinda short chapter again, but you already know by now that consistent chapter length is not a thing for this story.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
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ramheavenandhell · 6 years
Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 3: Coming over for Dinner
Warnings: still keeping the Rick/Morty slow burn going, also some dissing Jerry (but who likes him anyway?) Summary: High school AU in which Rick and Morty are not related, but classmates in the same grade. Rick is the super popular kid in school. Morty is the kid that no one wants anything to do with. So how did they end up becoming friends? And is it actually a good or a bad thing that they are? However, the most important question is, could they maybe be more?
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Rick and Morty Forever and One Hundred Years – Chapter 3: Coming over for Dinner They were still inside the garage and Morty was still wandering around with a big trash bag in his hand, filling it with the empty beer cans that were strewn all over the floor. By now he had his emotions back under control and Rick had probably also calmed down again – or, at least, Morty hoped that he did. It was hard to tell with the other being so silent and busy tinkering with his portal gun. He looked over to the teen who was leaning over his workbench and staring down as the pulled apart gadget while also double-checking with his blueprints to search for the mistake. "Hey, Rick." Morty started. "Why don't you just let the portal gun be for now and work on something else instead? I mean, what about the space car. Don't you want to finish that one first?" The brunet's eyes drifted to the piece of machinery that was the leftover of a car that Rick had picked up from some scrapyard. This one had been already in the garage long before Morty had even met Rick and was one of his longest lasting projects yet. The first time that he had seen the car, which's model couldn't really be identified anymore, he had thought that it maybe was a DeLorean and Rick was trying to build a time machine. As Morty had told the other his thoughts though, he had commented, "This isn't "Back to the Future", Morty!" Rick didn't really see the point in building a time machine – though, he said that he probably could, if he really wanted to – and revealed that he was actually planning to convert this piece of scrap metal into a space cruiser. While a time machine would have been cool, Morty also realized that time travel came with all sorts of risks. Travelling through space – while also considered dangerous – sounded exciting, too, and the brunet had actually started to look forward to the completion of the space ship…uh, car. "I would continue to build the cruiser, but I started with the portal gun and had hoped to complete it so I can get the materials that I would need for the car easier." Rick began to explain. "You know, that I can't just use any material for it, right Morty? It would need to endure really high temperatures for the start but also for returning into the planet's atmosphere and I also don't want to have to build a new one after every landing, so it also needs to withstand the impact of that. But in truth that isn't even the biggest problem that I have. I mean, I know how to get those materials. At this point it just takes a lot of time and money…" He sighed deeply and threw the screwdriver that he held in his hand hard on the work surface before he turned in his swivel chair around to Morty. "You do know how NASA is sending their rockets into space, right Morty?" The boy nodded at that, having watched quite a few launches on TV or videos of it on the internet. "The method that they're using is just is-it-it's archaic!" The blue-haired teen sounded offended. "And do you know how long it takes for them to get to mars, Morty? It's taking them around 7 years! Seven long fucking years, Morty!! And that is when they time it with mars being in its closest position to earth. Mars! A directly neighboring planet!!" Rick stood up from his chair and began to walk around as he began to wildly gesture with his hands. To anyone, he would have looked like a madman now and would probably freak people out, but Morty was already used to his best friends antics and was only mildly worried. "You know, Morty, when I go out ther-to—into space, I don't plan to hang around on just a planet in the-the-the neighborhood. I want to be able to travel through our solar system and get to the next one over in no more than a single day." Rick continued and his eyes looked as if he was currently not in the garage but with his thoughts far, far away. "So the crucial thing that I need for the space cruiser is a new fuel. One that hasn't been invented on earth yet, that-that no human had even thought about yet!" He suddenly stopped pacing and looked at the ground. "But I'm afraid that there might not even be materials on earth that I could use to create such super fuel… So maybe, I need to focus on something else that allows me to travel off-planet—or, no! Even further than that! Maybe something li-like—that allows me to create a rip in space and time so that I can go to different dimensions…?" "Holy crap! How late is it?!" Morty's sudden yell completely ripped Rick out of his current train of thoughts. "What? Why do you need to know?" "'Cause I need to g-go—get home a-a-as soon as school's out, so my parents won't know that I skipped again. I-I-I'm still grounded, too, o-or have you forgotten that?" The brunet turned into full-on panic mode as his eyes fell on the clock that hung on the wall. "W-wa-wait! What if the principal called my parents again? I-I-I'm sure he called them again since I was skipping classes!!" "Calm down, Morty. I fixed the phone and also rigged Vag's mobile. His call went through the call divert earlier and I reprogrammed the AI to imitate your dad, so chill out. Here, take a—listen to that." With those words, Rick pulled out his mobile and dialed a number. He put it on speaker and held it up so Morty could listen with no problem as well. After a few rings, the receiver picked up and a voice that sounded like his father suddenly spoke. "Hello? Jerry Smith here. Who is calling?" "Hi. Am I talking to Morty's dad?" Rick asked. "Yes, I'm Morty's father. Jerry Smith. And I looove sucking biiiig, sweaty boners and licking disgusting, furry testicle sacks." Came the natural-sounding reply. Rick laughed loudly and hung up again. "See?" "That doesn't really sound like my dad! I mean, it's his voice but he would never talk like that!" Morty protested with a frown. "What? I think that this totally sounds like him." Rick argued back. "How can you say that, Rick? You haven't even met my dad yet." "Yeah, not in person…" the other drawled off. What was that supposed to mean? Could it actually be that Rick had…? Morty got a bad feeling as a certain suspicion was dawning on him. It couldn't really be that Rick had installed cameras and microphones in his house, or could it? Why would his best friend do something like that? And when should he have done that? Rick had never actually been over to his house…other than that one time when Summer had thrown a party on that weekend when their parents were gone, much to Morty's dismay who had to help cleaning the mess up again to avoid them both getting into trouble. However, it was impossible to think that his best friend had wandered through the house and planted this stuff without anyone else noticing. Also, he was pretty damn sure that his best friend had been too busy partying. No, it was impossible to think that Rick had bugged his house somehow. While it was technically possible for him to do something like that, it made no sense. Rick couldn't have done that! Morty hastily shook his head to get rid of his paranoid thoughts. "Anyways. When did you even do that?" "Last night, after we came back from watching the meteor shower." Last night? When had Rick slept then when he had been doing all that stuff last night? "I know that I messed up that one time. Even though that usually never happens. But I rectified it and I sure as hell won't make the same mistake twice, so stop looking at me like that, Morty!" The brunet shook his head again. "Still, I need to get home really quick or I get in more trouble than I already am!" "What can your parents actually do to you at this point? Lock you up in the basement that you don't have?" Rick joked. The humor was lost on the yellow-shirted boy and even if his friend might have a point, he still frowned deeply at the other. "Okay, okay. I'll give you a lift." Rick said and went to grab their helmets. The prospect of getting a quick ride home finally calmed Morty down and he accepted the helmet with a small smile on his face. Sometimes Rick was really a great friend…even though Rick was the reason why he was in all this trouble to begin with.
The drive towards Morty's home was a silent but not an uncomfortable one. "Rick? Please drop me off here. I'll walk the rest home." Morty suddenly spoke up when they were just a few streets away from his house. Rick stopped his vehicle as requested, but asked. "What? Why? I can drive you to your front door. This isn't like last night when you snuck out." "It's so my parents don't see you. I'm not supposed to hang out with you anymore." The brunet took off the helmet and stood up from the motorbike. "They think that you're a bad influence on me." Rick scoffed at that after he had also slipped his helmet off. "As if." However, his face said the opposite as if he knew exactly that he was not good for Morty. That being around the innocent boy was tainting him and Rick would eventually destroy him because he was toxic… "Hey! How about I ask my parents to invite you over for dinner on weekend or something, so that they can see that you're not so bad?" Morty tried to lighten the mood with this ingenious offer. "What good would that do?" Rick didn't see the point. "I doubt that your parents are going to agree to that." At Morty's crestfallen expression, he quickly added, "But if they're okay with it, sure. I'll show up." The brunet smiled brightly at that answer and maybe it was just a trick of the light, but it looked like Rick was blushing. "Great! I'll ask my parents and let you know when to come over. I'm sure when they see what a good guy you are, they'll let me hang out with you again. I'll still be grounded though, but at least you can come over to visit me or something." Rick looked a bit skeptical and if Morty was honest, he wasn't quite so convinced either. He knew that Rick wasn't really such a good guy – he was sometimes, but that was it. This would only work if Rick presented himself from his best side. But surely, he would manage to do that for one evening, wouldn't he? Well, Morty hoped at least that he would. He bid his best friend goodbye and hurried home, careful to get his timing right so to not arise suspicion. Apparently, that didn't matter though because shortly after he entered, his dad called him over into the parlor. Both of his parents were sitting on the couch and watching TV and they were miraculously not arguing with each other. "Morty? Have you hung out with your friend Rick again today?" Jerry asked skeptically. The question made Morty nervous. Did Rick's invention fail again and the principal had called even if his friend claimed that it worked perfectly earlier? Deciding that this might just be a trick question to make him confess something that they didn't know about, the brunet put on his best poker face and answered. "Well, we're in almost all the same classes, so I can't really avoid him at school, Dad." Jerry still bore with his eyes into him as if he was trying to poke hole in his son's logic. "He's got a point, Jerry." Beth spoke up. "We can't make Morty avoid his friend at school. That's ridiculous." "Sorry, that I don't want our son to hang out with that hooligan and end up becoming a criminal." The older brunet fired back. "Rick isn't a hooligan!" Morty protested before his mother even had the chance to reply something. Having his parents' eyes completely focused on him again made nervousness flare up in his gut once more, but now that he had their attention, he needed to pull through. "He-he really isn't such a bad guy. And you can't judge him because you don't know him. You've never even met him, Dad." "Well, I can't see how that's going to change." Jerry protested back. This was the perfect prompt that Morty had been waiting for. "Then how about we invite him over for dinner on weekend?" Beth was the one who was quicker to answer now. "Oh, that's a great idea, Sweetie! It would be nice to meet your friend Rick in person for once." "Beth!" Jerry protested and looked anything but happy at the prospect of inviting a potential criminal inside his house. "Oh, c'mon, Jerry. Morty had never a friend over at our house. And this also a good chance to see with who our son is hanging out with." She tried to give her husband an encouraging smile. Jerry only sighed and gave in. "Fine." Morty was glad that his parents had actually accepted his idea. And all of that without even breaking out into one of their big arguments like so often, which usually ended in both of them ignoring their son completely and leaving the issue that he brought up unresolved. "Great! I'll tell Rick! Uh, tomorrow at school!" He quickly caught himself on that one. If he let them knew that he got a new phone from Rick, they would immediately confiscate it again. After he hurried up to his room, he immediately texted his best friend the good news. The response he got didn't sound as enthusiastic as he felt right now, but it was good enough. Rick promised him that he would show up. Okay. Fine. I'll come over for dinner then.
On Saturday evening, Morty was so nervous and excited that he wasn't even sure that he could eat dinner without throwing up. Honestly, he felt like he might barf right now. He constantly glanced at the clock. Rick was supposed to be here any moment now and he hoped that he wouldn't give his parents a bad first impression by being late – because his parents didn't care if it was "fashionable" or not. Morty paced through the parlor and was driving his sister, who was sitting on the couch and trying to watch TV, almost insane. "God, Morty, calm down. This is just Rick who's coming over and not your girlfriend or something like that." The notion of a girlfriend threw Morty so out of his loop that he stumbled over his feet. Luckily, he still caught himself before crashing head first into the couch table. He didn't need another scar on his head or Rick making fun of him for it again. Before Morty could comment on what his sister just said, he was interrupted by the sound of a familiar engine roaring right in front of their house. It was Rick! Forgetting everything else, he stormed to the front door and swung it open to greet his friend. Rick just got off his motorcycle and pulled the helmet off, then ran a hand through his spiky hair to fix it, before he ventured over the brunet who was waiting for him like a puppy that had waited for his owner to come home. Morty noticed that the other hadn't bothered with dressing up. He wore basically the same blue t-shirt and khakis that he wore every other day. It made Morty feel a little silly, since he had actually pulled out one of his better dress shirts – a yellow button up shirt with the top two buttons undone – for the occasion. Thankfully, he had decided to stick to his simple jeans, or he would have felt completely overdressed now. "Hey." The other greeted him casually as he finally reached the front door. "Hi, Rick. C-come in." Morty invited overeagerly. "What's with the outfit? You're having a date after this dinner thing?" Rick snickered a little. A blush immediately worked itself up on Morty's face. God, he did feel overdressed now! "U-uh, no. Ju-just thought since you see me ina-in my plain boring t-shirt ea-every day that I could wear sum-something different for yo—for once." He quickly caught himself at the end there. "Looks good on you." Rick commented as he obediently followed the other teen into the parlor. "Tha-thanks, Rick." Morty stuttered to the obvious compliment and turned a tiny bit redder. No one had ever complimented him on his looks before… "Hey, Rick." The redhead that was still lazing on the couch greeted casually. Rick took a seat right next to her and they fist bumped. "Hey, Sum-Sum. What's up?" "Nothing much right now." Obviously, Summer and Rick already knew each other from school. While Morty's sister was usually someone who fawned about all the hot guys in school, Rick had been an exception to the rule. Or, maybe she had had a small crush on him and was over it already. Whatever the case, since he was one of the popular kids, she tried to stay in his good favors and they could probably consider each other as friends. At least they were cool with each other. It was at least one thing that Morty didn't need to worry about. His entire worries were focused on how his parents would think of Rick. "Wasn't there supposed to be dinner?" Rick asked, but looked like he already made himself feel at home in front of the TV. "My mo-mom and dad are still in the kitchen, but it should be done pretty soon." Morty hastily explained. "I-I-I should probably check up on them and see if they need any help." Without waiting for a response, he already made a beeline straight for the mentioned room. Both of his parents were indeed still standing at the stove and adding some last spices to the food – or rather discussing if and what spices should be added to it. In all truth, the sight of his mother cooking was such a rare one. Usually she was too busy with work and when she did cook something, it was always something microwaved or warmed up frozen food. Cooking wasn't her strength, but thankfully his father was pretty decent at it. This made Morty occasionally wonder if it was the reason why his mother had actually married him, so she wouldn't need to worry about that anymore. "I'm telling you, there needs to be more salt in the sauce." Beth argued. "Believe me, Beth, there doesn't. The roast is already plenty salted, so if you add anymore to the sauce, it would be too much." Jerry argued back. "Yeah, but if you eat the sauce together just with the potatoes and vegetables, it tastes too stale." "No one eats it that way!" "Um—" Morty dared interrupting his parents who were already salty enough from their discussion that no spice would be needed for dinner anymore. "R-Rick's here." "Where is he right now?" His father asked, not looking happy about the news at all. "H-he-he's in the den. Watching TV with Summer." Morty quickly added the last part before his dad would come down on him for leaving his friend unattended in their house. "This is great, Sweetie. Dinner is almost ready." Beth smiled, though it did look a little forced. "Be a darling and set up the table, will you?" "S-sure." The small brunet went over to the cupboard and got out the plates. "And be careful not to drop the plates." The blonde added in a chastising tone. She acted as if he let plates drop every day or something. Which was of course not the case! Even if he was a little clumsy sometimes, he wasn't a little kid!! "I won't drop them, okay?" He replied in a slightly annoyed voice. However, just after he said that, the tableware almost slipped from his fingers. He barely managed to catch the dishes again before they crashed on the floor. …that was a close one. Deciding to be a bit more careful and acting as if that hadn't just happened, he proceeded with setting up the table. After all the tableware and the food was placed and everyone was called to the table and seated, Rick was the one who began with the conversation. "I knew from Morty that you are a very intelligent woman, but he never mentioned that you are such a beauty, too, Beth." He directed at the blonde. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't even ask if first name basis is okay with you. I can call you Mrs. S. if you prefer that." "It's okay. You can call me Beth, Rick." Morty's mother giggled, obviously flattered by the compliment. Jerry looked horrified between his wife and the guest, not believing that this was happening. "Hmm. The food's delicious. Did you cook it?" Rick asked after he took a first bite. "I'm the one, who cooked it." Jerry interrupted rudely. "It was a combined effort." Beth said and threw her husband a warning glare for that. "Well, I can certainly taste your love in it, Beth." The blonde giggled again. "Oh, you." Morty swallowed nervously as he could feel the tension rising in the air around him like thunderclouds that were gathering overhead. Just what was Rick doing? It was nice that he got along with his mother, but his dad was throwing glances at his best friend that could potentially kill. "Hey, Morty. Could you please hand me the salt?" Rick suddenly asked. Morty's mother threw another glance over at her husband as she said. "I'm sorry, Rick, that the sauce is a little stale. I wanted to add some more salt to it, but someone else wouldn't let me." The yellow-shirted teen's mouth dropped and he stared in disbelieve at his best friend, who only grinned. Had Rick somehow overheard that conversation in the kitchen and did this purposely? But how could he have overheard that? Summer would have surely caught him if he would have gotten up from the couch to eavesdrop on them. Again, Morty felt paranoia settle in as he had the suspicion that Rick might have planted microphones inside the house. While he had no reason to do that, he certainly had the means… Despite the bad feeling in his stomach, the brunet followed the request and passed him the saltshaker. "Thanks." For a moment, there was silence around the table and only the typical noises that accompanied the devouring of a meal could be heard before Jerry finally decided to land his first strike against their guest. "So, Rick. I've been wondering what you have actually planned for your future? With skipping school all the time, the goals can't be really that high, right?" "What the hell, Jerry?" Beth hissed. "Dad?!" Even Morty was shocked at that direct approach of his father. "That's a low blow, Dad." Summer, who had been silent until now, threw in. "Nah, it's okay." Rick assured the people, who were clearly on his side here. "I know that I'm not attending school very often, but that's because I think it's stupid. As for what I'm planning to do in the future, I'll be a scientist. In fact, I already am one, which is also the reason why I'm so frequently absent from high school." "Morty mentioned that he's helping you with some projects." Beth's friendly demeanor was back. "Any breakthroughs yet." "A few, but nothing that I'm too proud of." "So, what? You've been winning a few school science fairs? What are the prizes for those? Hundred dollar or something?" The older brunet still sounded unimpressed. "Oh, I'm not wasting my time with science fairs. However, I do sell my inventions or the patents to them, so I make quite a sum on the side." The blue-haired teen was smug now. "I'm sure, I earn more with that then you do, Jerry. Oh, wait! You're unemployed, so that doesn't really sound like such a big feat. In comparison to you everyone makes more money." Jerry's facial features derailed, but the statement made Beth laugh loudly while Summer whooped at the comeback. Even Morty couldn't quite hide the smile at his father's epic defeat even if this was not how the evening was supposed to go and he should be rightfully worried now. The family patriarch shut up after that, however, he still threw occasional angered glances at the spiky-haired teen, who entertained the rest of the family during dinner with his charm, wit and funny jokes.
After Rick had left and Morty fell into his bed, completely exhausted from the events today, he thought that maybe it hadn't gone that bad. At least his mom seemed to like Rick and his sister had always been cool with him. Just his dad seemed to have a dislike for the teen, but that was also not completely unexpected after what had occurred. Deciding that it was more important to him what his mom thought about Rick, since she was always the one who had the last word, Morty decided that it was a success. However, as the voices of his arguing parents reached his ears, he sighed. It didn't particularly mean that they were quarreling about Rick right now. They always found something to argue about, but it was most likely that their current fight was related to the events of this evening. Morty decided that he didn't want to give a fuck about it this time and pulled his pillow over his head so that he could sleep in peace. This was how he dealt more and more often with his parents' arguing lately. Not that there was anything that he could do about it. He tried, he honestly did, by helping around the house, trying to be a good boy and acting responsible, but it didn't help. Summer kept saying that it would only stop once they would finally divorced, and while Morty did see her point, he didn't want that. He just wanted for his parents to make up and love each other as they used to in the past…they surely still did. They just needed to see past their disagreements and learn to be happy with their lives again. Morty didn't really know how his sister was able to be so calm about it. She didn't particularly care if they argued unless it involved her, which led to an even bigger argument that always ended with Summer storming to her room crying and claiming that she would leave – but she thankfully never did, because Morty could stop her every time – and their parents continuing to fight. She certainly didn't seem scared by the prospect that they might eventually "walk different ways". With uneasy thoughts and the dull voices of his parents in the background, Morty eventually fell asleep. Just across the hall, Beth and Jerry Smith were still in a heated discussion. And unsurprisingly it was about none other than Rick Sanchez. "I don't know what your problem is, Jerry! Rick is a decent kid. He's smart and he's already earning money and not by delivering newspapers. He's good for Morty and you should be proud of our son that he managed to find a friend like that." Beth was currently busy taking out her earrings as she looked angrily back at her husband through a small mirror. "I don't know, Beth! Is he really such a good friend?!" Jerry argued back. "Because if I were a decent teenager, I wouldn't be openly flirting with my friend's mother!!" "He wasn't flirting!!" "Oh, let's see here! Calling you by your first name. Making you compliments. To me that certainly sounded like flirting! And you were flirting right back at him!" "No, I wasn't! What are you even saying?!" "You were!! You were acting like a panther!" "Excuse me?" "I mean, uh…what are they called again…?" Jerry looked lost for a moment. "A cougar, I mean!" "You're being ridiculous, Jerry!" "Am I, Beth?! Am I really?!" The blonde huffed, crawled under the covers on her side of the bed, turned off the light and laid on her side, her back facing the brunet. For her this conversation was over. Jerry also laid down, but the male was still brooding. For him this conversation was far from over yet.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
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