#okay it’s like 00:30 gn i’m so tired
rainychaoloveshack · 3 months
hello >:3
AUAHA okay, uhhh. Continuation of the Night Owl!Reader X Silver?
What I had in mind was something about Reader passing out on him. Whether it’s in public, at home, etc., just something like that. Sorta like a parallel to the other one!
Idk, I’m not very specific just so you have a lot of creative freedom. Love your work!! <3
゚ ⋆ ゚ ☂︎ ⋆ ゚ 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞-𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐲. 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐠.
sleeping on silver seems to be the highlight of tonight, after an eventful day (with an unfortunate ending).
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⋆°•☁︎ content . silver x gn!reader, tooth rotting fluff, reader is mentioned to be a night owl (staying up late often)
☂︎ wc. 1k ☂︎ a/n. i think i got silvers personality more accurate then last time!! HERE is the prequel fic to this ^^ THANK YOU FOR YOUR REQUEST!! sorry this took a while to come out; i had trouble brainstorming up a scenario idea but i got it!
likes, reblogs, and especially comments are extremely appreciated!!! (i like chatting to you guys!)
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“The rain’s not dying down.” Silver grumbles, taking a look up at the sky as you both get settled into the train's waiting area, sitting down on a bench set aside to put your shopping bags on instead of the wet floor, along with some strangers huddled under the waiting area with you two, shielding themselves from the pattering rain. “And the trains are going to be late for another hour or so. Look.” Silver gestures to a digital clock above you two, a large announcement in bold letters flying across the small digital screen. “Ah, just our luck…”
“I would’ve just taken you in my arms and flew home,” Silver makes a small grabbing motion with his hands, chuckling at the very thought. “But with the rain and everything… We’d both obviously get soaked, huh? Plus, with the shopping bags and all.”
If you hadn’t looked so good for your date today, the flight home almost seems like a pleasing thought. Unfortunately, your shopping bags are also by your side today, so that wouldn’t even be a viable option.
Silver shifts around in his spot, his gloves emitting a soft, cyan glow that's clear in the dark, damp atmosphere as he messes around with his fingers. “Sorry.” Silver sighs. “I guess I should’ve checked the weather before we went out tonight, huh?”
Now, now, now, it’s not like the rain’s his fault. You tilt your head at his unwarranted, worried expression, wishing you could get rid of his worries with a snap of your finger. With your forefinger, you poke him in the cheek briefly, waiting for a smile to creep up onto his face. Luckily it doesn’t take you more than two before that lovable smile pops up onto his muzzle.
“Aw, come on. It’s not like I’m down in the dumps about it.” Silver chuckles. “We still had a good day here! Nice spots, nice food,” He bends over a bit in his seat, pointing to your shopping bags beside you. “I’m pretty excited to see you in the clothes that you bought…”
With a small nudge from you once he slips his little sentence out, his small chuckles are almost drowned out by every other voice around you, only the pattering rain staying to mix in with his laughter. It sounds so sweet as it always does, especially tonight…
A yawn leaves your parted lips, and you hunch over to rest your elbows on your knees, clasping your fingers together with each other as you check the time on your phone. It feels like time’s slowing down as you both wait for the train’s arrival.
“You’re tired?” Silver asks, almost surprised at your fatigue. “You usually stay up way later than this. What’s the deal with tonight?”
Usually on the nights you stay up, your day was filled with nothing but relaxing at home, maybe at most a small trip outside for groceries, or a short walk with Silver to the nearby flower garden.
But today you went everywhere with him; seeing every sight in the plaza and exploring every little store that caught your eye (evidence being your shopping bags themselves). 
Plus, his presence here is pretty calming, especially with the hustle and bustle of everyone else, with the tapping of their feet and complaining about the rain, the delays, or the time. Paired with annoyed protests about their now-drenched clothing, or their wet bags and whatnot, and calling family or friends to tell them about the situation. Maybe some people here are missing something? Maybe a late-night show? Or perhaps it's just the irritation of the day finally getting to them, now wishing to rest so snugly in their bed and fall asleep. You understand that feeling well.
While deep in your thoughts, you lean back onto the bench and stare down at the floor, watching the puddles ripple with water droplets from above and flow into the pavement. It’s a struggle to keep your eyes open.
“You can lay your head down on me, you know.” Silver says softly, the chattering from the strangers around you, along with the rain hitting the roof of the shelter area, almost drowning out his voice from the haze of your exhaustion. You lean in closer to hear him better, and the moment you do so, it's a breeze to tune out every other voice around you. “You don’t have to be so stubborn about it. I don’t mind.”
As soon as you’re given his permission, you set your bags down on the floor near his feet, settling your body down on the now open spot on the bench and laying your head on his lap, shutting your eyes, the soft fur from his legs and the heat from his body soothing your exhausted heart.
“That was fast.” Silver chuckles, the back of his fingers brushing across your cheek. “You’re reallll tired, huh?”
So soft. He’s so warm, and the rain’s so cold, but he’s here with you. Just you. So warm…
“[Name].” Silver says, brushing his finger across your cheek to draw your attention, yet you don’t fidget or budge at his touch. “You never told me what you bought for me at that store you went into. Er, mind if I take a peek?” Even with his words, you don’t respond to him; you can’t.
“Ah, [Name]?” Silver brushes his finger against your cheek, the fabric smoothing over your skin as you stay asleep, already deep inside a dream; a sweet one at that. “Awe, come on [Name], so soon…?” He whispers, his nose scrunching at your resting form, but it fades as soon as it comes, replaced with a small smile. He’s hesitant at first, but slowly his hand comes to pet your head affectionately, a bit nervous to wake you up, but you don’t stir around in the slightest.
“The train will be here soon. And once we get home, I’ll even tuck you in. Hehe.” Silver murmurs to the resting you. “I won’t look at your little gift, so show it to me tomorrow morning, okay?”
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donutdisturblivball · 2 years
why “why are we like this?” isnt cringe.
alrifht it’s like nearly midnight and i’m probably gonna conk out right after this but i felt the need to make one last post before bed tonight.
when heartstopper first came out, i was in love. this show was fuckin everything to me, from the fact that it came from one of my favorite webtoons to the fact that the soundtrack is an absolute banger.
however, for some friends of mine, the same could not be said.
“it was so good!” they’d say, “but there were so many parts where i just had to take a break from the amount of second hand embarrassment i was getting.”
of course, the absolute heartstopper fanatic i was, went, “second hand embarrassment? what didn’t you like about it, it was amazing!”
and almost every time, whenever i asked that question, the one scene that came up was the “why are we like this?” scene.
here’s a hot take: this scene isn’t cringe, and if you say it is, you obviously haven’t had a why are we like this moment before, and if i’m being completely honest? sucks to be you! (/lh)
to be completely honest, for a while, i didn’t get it. i totally understood what they meant by how embarrassing it was to watch and how cringeworthy it was. after you think about it for a while, it really seems like such a pick me thing to say.
and then recently, i personally had a “why are we like this?” moment.
to keep things vague for my friend and for myself, the long story short is that we got into this fight. a big one, and i’m pretty sure it was our first one, too. it was heart wrenching, it was aggravating, and i cried for hours over it. as cliche as it may sound, i really think that in that moment i got what all those breakup songs talked about, that feeling of your heart just aching for something that you’re about to lose or that you’ve already lost. i remember at the time, it certainly felt like i’d lost it. lost our friendship, lost them, lost everything. i didn’t know what to do. there was so much uncertainty, so many “i don’t know”s and it was absolutely terrifying.
and then they came back (they had an appointment), and sent me this long paragraph and told me they loved me and that they wanted me to stay, if i wanted it. and i remember thinking “you DUMBASS, of course i want to stay, i didn’t know if you still wanted ME!”
and so i called them and told them exactly that. and it was so hard to get out and communicate it with each other but we got there and in the end the entire argument transpired because of the fact that we wanted the same things and we were thinking the same things but we didn’t COMMUNICATE ANY OF IT, and thought the other person didn’t want what we wanted individually (which was just. not. true.)
i was so mad about it because personally i have this thing where i openly yell at my books and tv to reprimand characters for not communicating and that’s exactly what this friend and i did. and after we made up, we just kept laughing and crying (out of happiness this time!) and we kept repeating “we’re SO stupid!” and i don’t think i’d ever felt something more relieving than that.
later on, we stayed on call and a memory was brought up and we both thought of the same thing, and they said, in the most fond yet exasperated tone i think i’ve ever heard from them, “why are we like this?”
and. holy shit. i get it. i got it. this is not cringe or cliche or embarrassing, it’s. it’s everything.
it’s being so stupidly in love with someone that you aren’t logical anymore, and it’s that illogical-ness that’s driven by love that goes TWO ways so it’s not just one of you being stupid with love it’s the BOTH of you being stupid with each other and FOR each other.
it’s “wow we’re such fucking idiots” but thinking about the outcome and thinking you wouldn’t want to change a thing about what happened and how it happened.
it’s being selfless and unknowingly wanting the same thing, but being willing to give it up at the mere indication that the other person doesn’t want the same thing as you.
it’s just love making you stupid for each other and it doesn’t make sense, and you realize it doesn’t make sense so you ask one another “why are we like this?”
it’s that fond tone as you ask the question that indicates that it doesn’t really matter why you’re like this, because you’re like this together
it’s not individualized- it’s “we.” the both of us together, as a pair, why are we like this?
it’s doing embarrassing things for each other! it’s being dumb for each other! i may be dumb for you but you’re dumb for me and so it evens out. we balance each other that way!
it’s not depreciating, it’s not uncertain, it’s not giving up.
and most of all, it’s not cringe.
TL;DR: imagine being so gone for someone that your logic is stupid. how is that level of love and devotion cringe?
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socklessworm · 2 years
open your eyes
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pairing: spencer reid x (bau) gn!reader
warnings: paranoia and anxiety in the reader, suggestive themes at the end (R16)
genre: fluff!
a/n: based it off of ‘you belong with me’ by taylor swift >:)
It was a late Friday night and the team had just landed in from Louisiana. While the team had other plans at a local bar, you had plans with a Tinder date. Or so you thought.
It was cold, you were in nice attire, you thought this guy seemed legit. Nice job, in his late thirties, had a nice apartment. Everything about this guy seemed real.
‘Be there at 12, doll.’
The clock was at 1:00, time slowly creeping by, making your skin crawl.
“May I take your order?”
You jumped in your seat, causing the waitress to softly apologize.
“No, no, I’m waiting for my date. He was supposed to be here-“ You laugh a bit. “An hour ago.” The waitress gives you a concerned look but respects your decision to wait.
However, you sat there awkwardly. Your outfit beginning to seal in tight, you breath unsteady, your leg beginning to bounce. It was happening again, wasn’t it? Another guy ditching you for whatever dumb reason. Yet, soon enough, suddenly, it was 1:30. Shit. Your cheeks burned as you sucked in the feeling of disappointment and anger. You grabbed your stuff and walked out of that restaurant, head hanging low.
Your apartment wasn’t that far, just a few blocks down, but minutes felt like hours, and hours felt like days, so you called a cab.
Once the cab arrived, you sat in the back, holding in your tears, burning your cheeks even more.
“Oh, fancy date?” The driver was just being nice, she didn’t know what was happening.
“No. He stood me up, like every other dumb date.” Your voiced crack and a few tears began to slip down those burnt cheeks of yours.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” She smiles in the rearview mirror to reassure you, before asking where to go.
The drive to your apartment felt heavy. You knew that dating was never going to happen for you and that this fancy outfit would never be worn again. Just shoved into the back of the closet and dusted over. You sigh to yourself as your apartment came to view, and the driver slowed down.
“Thank you.” You slid out a fifty. “Keep the change.”
You awkwardly fumble with your keys as your eyes begin to cloud over, tears spilling over as you trudge up the stairs and into the hall of your apartment complex. You stifle a soft sob, gasping for air.
“Y/n?” A soft voice rang out. You looked up through your glassy eyes and realized it was Spencer, holding something. “Oh, oh love, what happened?” He ran up to you, dropping whatever he had in his hands.
“It’s nothing, Spence. Just some stupid guy and stupid dates and I’m tired and everything sucks. Men suck, women suck, people suck. Am I stupid?” You laughed a bit. “Crying over being stood up on a date. Well, this is the tenth date actually. I don’t know.”
Spencer pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head. “No, no you’re not stupid. Don’t ever say that okay? You’re bummed because a prick stood you up and that is a valid emotion.”
You softly sniffled. “But you know what’s not valid? Getting snot everywhere on you.”
“And? I don’t care. Just more worried about how you feel and getting your sweater that you left behind on the jet back to you.” Spencer picks up your sweater and hands it to you. “Would you like your sweater back? But if you don’t, that’s fine, I’ll just close my eyes and throw it randomly somewhere.”
You laugh and punch him in the chest softly. You hated how you were about to cry again, but he was making you laugh. He slides his hand into your jean pocket and takes out your apartment key. “What? Are you robbing me?” Spencer laughs. “Well, not successfully.” You two walk into his apartment, elbows interlocked, and a wobbly smile adorned on your face.
Spencer places your sweater down on the comforter and he offers you a seat next to him, arms wide open, like usual. This night was giving you déjà vu, lots of it. Too familiar and yet, too calming. 
“Are you feeling better? Feeling worse?”  “Just meh. Just also hate this dumb feeling.” “Dumb feeling of what?”
You awkwardly shift in your seat, adjusting to be closer to Spencer. He was one of your closest friends and you hated having serious conversations with him. But he listened to you and that’s what really mattered to you.
“Am I just unlovable? Will I ever find someone again? Does anyone really love me for who I am?” You rambled and mumbled angrily into his shoulder. Spencer looked at you, but you only saw him move closer in the corner of your eyes. “Just open your eyes y/n. They’ve been here all along.”
You softly laugh, thinking that he was being sarcastic. “Yeah right.” In response, Spencer sighs, dejected. “Well. I’m gonna take a shower, okay? Holler if you need anything Spence.” He softly nods and you take note of his suddenly quiet behaviour. However, you think nothing of his words as you slip into the warm shower, letting your thoughts and the water calm you down. 
“They’ve been here all along.” You hum softly. Who’s been here since the beginning? A lot people have, wow that really narrows it down. You become stumped, and soon after your shower, you sit on your bed, sliding on comfortable clothes. So in conclusion, you send a text to JJ, who’s the only one awake at the time. 
‘Spence told me something that’s a bit confusing.’ ‘“They’ve been here all along.”’ ‘It’s probably nothing, he’s probably just trying to comfort me because I got stood up.....again.’
Not even two minutes later, your phone buzzes and you look down. 
‘No, no, he’s right Y/n.’ ‘Open your eyes Y/n, he has been here all along.’
You quizzically look at your phone for a minute before the puzzle pieces start clicking together and you blush, smiling to yourself. Spencer. He’s been here all along. The way he loves you in a way you can’t really find in a person. The way you lean on his shoulder and he makes you laugh when you’re about to cry. The way he awkwardly stands in the rain for hours and doesn’t care how much you shut him out, he’ll still wait for you to open the door, he’s the one who’s been here all along. Spencer Reid. 
You hurriedly run out your bedroom door, into the living room where Spencer was still there (thankfully) making himself at home. He looks up and studies you for a minute and raises his eyebrow. “Y/n, are you alright?”
You smile to yourself, shuffling your feet together and you take a deep breath. “It’s you. You’ve been here all this time.” He puts down the magazine he was reading and smiles at you. Spencer then opens his arms on the comforter and you walk over to sit next to him. “How long?” He counts his fingers and you softly frown, when it exceeds past one hand. Spencer looks at you and frowns. “What’s wrong?” You sigh. “I feel bad now, I was-” He kisses you on the top of your head. “Shh, we’re here now and I will keep waiting for you until you’re ready.” You look at Spence and rest your forehead against his. “I’m ready. More than ready.” He tilts your chin up and quietly asks a question.
“May I kiss you?” “Yes, yes you can.”
And when you two did kiss for the very first time, it was sweeter than any moment you shared with him and you knew in that moment, that you belonged with him.
-- extra bc im a sap:
“Can you put on that fancy attire again? You looked really cute in it.” He asked softly. “Stop, no, I don’t think any restaurants are open at the moment.” You laughed. “.....7-Eleven is open.” You pretend to be shocked. “We are not doing what we did during our high school dance.” Spencer laughs. “But it was fun wasn’t it? And I did say that we were going to do it again when we’re older.” You got up and began walking to your bedroom. “You coming or not pretty boy?” Spencer looked up and stuttered. “Uh-uh, yeah! Yeah, if- if you want.” You laugh looking at his now equally flustered face.  “I’m just playing with you. See you later.”  “Yeah.” He smiles to himself. “See you later, love.”
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
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[ traffic jams ] 
pairing: suna rintarou x gn!reader
word count: 1.8k words
contains: ‘timestamps’ in a way, some shenanigans to pass the time, slightly awkward!suna, a bit too many ratatouille references, friendship with mutual crushing
a/n: i lowkey miss the traffic jams going home and one thing that struck me when reading suna’s bio on the wiki was that he doesn’t actually live near inarizaki so i thought it would be cute to have like a suna x reader commute fic
>> 5:45 pm: 
you sigh for what was probably the fifth time that hour as you stare at the road map on your phone. the highway you were currently on was marked with red, indicating a traffic jam that stretched for kilometers. ‘estimated travel time: 4 hours’ the top of your phone screen read.
‘great, and it’s a friday night on top of that.’ you rub the side of your temple and stare out the window of the bus. you already knew what going to inarizaki, a high school all the way out in hyogo, while you were currently living in tokyo meant when it came to travel time. you often had to wake up early and get home late with the long travel time to school and back. most days, it was manageable and a one hour commute meant a good day. however, there were days when a storm was raging outside, delaying the train and bus schedules, and road accidents that led to the kind of situation you were currently in.
after leaving at five pm, you spent the past hour doing some homework in the bus and now you were fresh out of things to do. you’re also avoiding using your phone too much and draining your battery. right before you’re about to put on your earphones, your bus seatmate stirs awake. 
aside from you, there is one other student who also commutes all the way to school from aichi, the prefecture where you live: suna rintarou. you know him as one of the regulars in the volleyball team and that he’s in the same year as you. neither of you ever really interacted much but took the same bus to and from school. sometimes you’d greet each other good morning and recently had this silent agreement to sit next to each other.
you watch as suna blinks sleepily before glancing out the window beside you. “where are we?” he mumbles.
“still in hyogo. it’s been an hour,” you answer. 
“damn, really?” suna groans when he realizes just how terrible the traffic is outside. “and it’s a friday too.”
“tell me about it,” you chuckle mirthlessly. “also, estimated travel time is four hours so there go my exciting friday plans,” you add sarcastically.
“sorry you have to spend them with me,” suna smirks at you. your stomach flutters and you smile nervously. despite not knowing him too well, you couldn’t help but find him quite attractive. in fact, the reason why you got up early in the morning and tried to leave school at the same time as him was because you enjoyed your daily commutes with suna so much. even more so when you two started sitting next to each other.
“well, i don’t think that would be too bad,” you clear your throat. “we could play ‘i spy’ for four more hours.”
“or,” suna grins, leaning down and opening his backpack before pulling out his laptop. you chuckle and pull out your earphones. “we could watch ratatouille.”
“of all the things to pirate. you really chose ratatouille?”
“fuck disney, am i right?” suna smirks.
“fuck disney.”
>> 7:46 pm
“good on you for making sure that your laptop was fully charged before leaving school,” you say, stretching your arms a bit as soon as the credits roll.
“hmm, yeah,” suna sighs and leans his head back. “though, i think i made the wrong decision.”
“how come?”
suna crosses his arms over his stomach and squeezes his eyes shut. “because we watched ratatouille, i’m hungry now.”
“oh...” you nod your head, just as you feel a rumble in your stomach. “oh,” you repeat. 
“yeah,” suna groans. “do you have any food on you?”
“i have...” you rustled through your backpack before procuring “a bag of peanuts.” 
“hmm, that’ll have to do,” suna said, plucking the packet out of your hand. “say, one nut each per two minutes? just to ration it out?”
you sigh. “it’s going to be a long night.”
>> 8:10 pm
“there it is, the last two nuts,” suna says gazing at the two peanuts in the palm of his hand before offering one of them to you.
“i really, really thought they would last longer,” you sigh.
“they would have if you kept them for yourself,” suna raises his eyebrows. 
“i’m too nice for that,” you giggle. “besides, i’d feel too guilty seeing you all hungry.”
“and i might guilt-trip you just a little bit,” suna says. “like, toss you mournful looks and everything.”
“no! not the mournful looks,” you cry and the two of you burst out laughing. you lift your peanut towards him. “toast?” 
“toast,” suna snickers. you toast your peanuts before popping them into your mouth. you’re both still far from home.
>> 8:30 pm
“i spy with my little eye... something red and blinking.”
“oh my god, it’s another car taillight isn’t it?”
“... it is,” suna admits, blinking lazily out the window. “i mean, it’s all taillights out there. anyway, your turn.” he nudges your arm with his elbow.
“i spy with my little eye... “ you blink and yawn. “some really tired passengers.” 
“i’m looking at one right now,” suna snickers at you.
you two share a glance before simultaneously sighing. 
“i want to be home,” you say. you don’t even have to look at suna to know he’s nodding in agreement. 
>> 9:00 pm
“chicken nuggets.” 
“suna, please stop,” you groan.
“it’s all i can think of,” suna shakes his head. the two of you are staring up at the ceiling of bus, trying and failing to forget your hunger. “when we get out of here, i’m going to the first fast-food restaurant i see and ordering chicken nuggets. also ice cream from the convenience store. you know, the soft-serve one in the cone.”
“yeah, you only mentioned that five times for the past hour,” you roll your eyes.
“how bout you? what’s the first thing you’re getting when we finally get to the stop?” suna nudges your ribs. you close your eyes, knowing that nothing good will come out of talking about food. but then again, not thinking about it wasn’t going to make you any less hungrier either.
“strawberry yogurt drink,” you answer. “i want that strawberry yogurt drink that they always have in convenience stores?”
“oh that one,” suna hums. “you’re literally the only person i know who likes that.”
“which is great because the vending machines never run out of them,” you add. “you what else i want?” you ask after a beat of silence.
“that mushroom remy cooked in the beginning of the movie,” you giggle. suna shakes his head as a smile blooms on his face. now that you think about it, you’ve never really seen that kind of goofy smile on him before.
>> 9:30 pm
suna wakes up for the second time during that bus ride after a short nap. it doesn’t surprise at all that he’s still in the bus. what does, though, is seeing you fast asleep with your head on his shoulder. you must have accidentally leaned on him while you two drifted off to sleep but suna was far from annoyed. 
he was never really one to approach random people to strike up a conversation, but he always enjoyed seeing you, wearing the same uniform as him, waiting at the same bus stop he took every morning. unlike suna, you were way more productive during your daily commutes by doing your homework in the bus. once or twice, he’d glance at your pretty handwriting or pick up your pencil after you accidentally dropped it.
suna noticed that sometimes, you’d pack cereal in ziploc bags to eat for breakfast. that it would take you less than five minutes to fall asleep in the bus when there are exams. that you rotated between the same five hairclips throughout the week.
the sound of the bus engine coming to a stop and passengers abruptly standing up brings suna out of his thoughts. with a start, he realizes that you’re both finally at the bus stop in your hometown.
“y/n. wake up,” suna nudges you softly. he only gets to appreciate your sleepy face for a few seconds before breaking the good news. “we’re home.”
“we are?” you wake up instantly at that and look out the window. “oh my god, we are!” you squeal. suna grins as the two of you quickly pick up your bags and leave the bus. 
“okay so the nearest fast-food place is the one a few blocks away from here,” suna says as the two of you leave the bus. god, he’s starving. he can already taste the chicken nuggets. 
“eat a whole bunch of them for me,” you laugh. suna stops and looks at you.
“i...” suna realizes with a hint of embarrassment that he was under the assumption you two would be going together. “if... if you’re hungry too you can come, if you want.”
“oh.” there’s genuine surprise in your voice and suna feels a bit of relief. “i... i thought.”
“of course you don’t have to if you really need to head home.” 
“it’s not that i just, rarely ever get invited to things,” you chuckle and hook your thumbs into the straps of your backpack. “so... shall we go?”
suna feels the corner of his lip turn up in a smile. “chicken nuggets are on me.”
>> monday, 6:00 am:
you sprint to the bus stop as fast as your legs could carry you. rarely were you ever late for your bus, especially with how quickly you went through your morning routine. but this time, your sibling hogged the bathroom for five minutes too long, thus leading you to your current predicament. 
the bus is thankfully still there when you reach the stop and you don’t hesitate before flinging yourself inside, only to be greeted with the seats full of passengers. ‘damn,’ you mentally curse. the next bus doesn’t arrive until twenty minutes later and you were surely going to come in to class late and--
you hear suna’s voice call out to your right. he lifts his bacpack off the seat beside him and gestures for you to sit. 
he had saved a seat for you.
“thank you so much,” you smile gratefully and slide into the seat while catching your breath. 
“sure thing, busmate,” suna smirks at you. “i, ah, also got you this.” he reaches into his backpack before handing you something. it’s a carton of your favorite strawberry-yogurt drink.
you have to press your lips together to keep the giddy smile off your face as you accept it from suna. “thanks... busmate.”
“so,” suna clears his throat. “i was thinking of what movies to pirate next in the event of another friday traffic jam. you got any ideas?”
“hmm, let me think...” 
maybe traffic jams weren’t going to be so bad after all. 
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
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btsxmalereaders · 4 years
Paper Hearts
Prompt: “Don’t yell at me like I’m a child!!” “DON’T THROW SCISSORS!”
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x male reader. (although it can be for gn!reader, again heh)
Word count: 1,3k (i guess i got carried away, oops) 
Requested by: @just-bts-trash-00​ ! Thank you :)
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You noticed how Jungkook came back from rehearsals very tired and stressed the last few days. Soon everyone would be starting promotions for their new comeback, and he was feeling the pressure increasingly difficult to handle.
That's why you have tried to make his days simpler;  you always tried to take time off from your work to go to the studio and leave food for them, Jungkook would feel relaxed enough with your presence and let himself snuggle in your arms, not caring about the comments his hyungs make when they see him acting so soft around you. But, sometimes it is not enough.
It was one of these days where he seemed to walk with a cloud hanging over his head, and since you didn't know what else to do, you decided to prepare some easy crafts; it was something relaxing and something you two would enjoy doing together. By the time your boyfriend comes back home, you receive him with his favorite food and lots of kisses, which he is thankful for and shows with a shy smile on his face.
"Finish eating, sweetheart. While you're done i'm going to run you a bath, alright? So you can relax," You stand up, caressing his hair and going upstairs as you see Jungkook is almost finished with his dinner. "Also! I brought some materials for us to do crafts, what do you think?"
"Oh? Crafts?" He asks with curiousity, turning to face you. "Like the ones I did back with Taehyung the other day?"
"Yeah! Doesn't it sound fun?"
Jungkook can't help but smile bigger, so his nose scrunches and his front teeth relying over his lower lip, making him look thousand times more adorable.
"I love it, I'll be with you in a moment."
After taking a bath (and basically making you join him), Jungkook is waiting impatiently on the sofa, seeing you gathering some materials such as colorful papers, glue, scissors, glitter and some of the art supplies that he used from time to time.
"Okay! so," you take a seat on the floor, right in front of the small wooden desk of the living room, and Jungkook doesn't hesitate to do the same, sitting right in front of you. "I didn't come up with ideas but we got a lot of material. Do you have something in mind?"
"Hmm, why don't we watch a youtube video of paper crafts and do some of the options?"
He takes out his phone and looks up for ''easy paper crafts" and finds a video with over 30 ideas, tapping over the title immediately and making you chuckle.
The first ideas were simple, but Jungkook stopped the video when a weird paper flower was showed and decided that he wanted to try that out.
"Really? That's seems kind of difficult."
"Easy peasy," He chuckles and picks up a bunch of green and yellow papers, replaying that fragment of the video to look carefully. "You want to do it?"
"I think I'll do the paper hearts, instead." You grab a pink paper and scissors to start. "I can actually decorate love letters with these."
"You have never given me a love letter, though."
"That's because i didn't know how to make paper hearts! So from now on, expect a bunch of them."
Jungkook selected the OST of the drama that you saw a few weeks ago, and which has become your favorite, to set the scene. Lee Juck singing peacefully to a slow song while you are moving your lips trying to catch on every word and cutting a perfect circle at the same time.
He started piling up the exact amount of papers to roll them as instructed, and then he had to make some cuts all over it; the other part was confusing to you, but Jungkook seemed very focused on it, moving his hands with caution and even sticked the tip of his tongue out. The problem was that the scissors weren't sharp enough to make a cut on the thick roll, so that stressed him out. He even changes the angle and the way he is holding the material, but nothing really worked, so Jungkook gets frustrated and groans. Not thinking it through, he throws the scissors away, almost hitting you on your arm.
"Jeon Jungkook!" You look at him more concerned than angry, "What's wrong with you?!"
"This sucks!" He pouts, grabs his phone and stands up, walking over to the stairs.
"Wait, where are you going?" Jungkook pretends he doesn't hear what you say, "Jungkook, I am talking to you! Come back here!"
He turns over his heels on the step, "Don't yell at me like I'm a child!"
"Then don't throw scissors and leave like this!"
He sighs again, but this time to calm himself down. You left the glue and glitter you were using on the desk and stand up, opening your arms. Jungkook gets it immediately, and doesn't doubt to walk to you, rest his head on your chest and put his arms around your waist.
"Sorry," He whispers a few seconds later. "I didn't mean to do that."
Caressing his hair and leaving small kisses on his forehead was a way to tell him that it's alright, "I know the comeback is making you feel frustrated, but try to take things easy, hm? Maybe crafts was not the best way to deal with-"
"No, it's actually perfect. I just need to rest now, I think." He smiles, still not breaking the hug. "I know it's no excuse. I am really sorry."
"It's alright, baby." You coo, slightly separating from him so he can now look at you. "Wanna go to sleep now?"
He thinks about it for a moment, squinting his eyes. "I could try doing paper hearts with you."
A big smile appears on your face. "Yeah? Okay, let's do it."
Jungkook found them easier to make. He started to cut the paper and glue it to hand it over to you, so you could add the glitter all over it. As minutes passes by, he ends up falling asleep on your lap. Later you'll find the way to carry him to the bedroom without waking him up.
i actually looked up for paper craft videos bc i didn’t know what should they do lmao, it was actually good
rules! :)
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hqmoonsun · 4 years
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i met you at 24, i lost you at 72.
genre: fluff, angst
pairing: angel!bokuto x gn!human!y/n
word count: 4.2k
warning(s): implied death, cussing
synopsis: freedom is something you heavily value, to soar and to fly. maybe, that’swhy you’re so fascinated with angels. beings that navigate with their wings, lifting them off the ground, using the air to control their course. you weren’t sure whether the rumors of them existing in the same planet as you are real. but one thing’s for sure, you want to encounter one. it’s just not the person you’re expecting at an unexpected time and place.
24 hours
summer break.
those two words alone bring students a sense of euphoria and freedom. it’s what liberates them from deadlines and stress. it signifies the time to be able to have fun at no costs. and of course, you sure as hell won’t take that time for granted.
you often fantasize of being an angel. they’re rumored to be roaming around the earth and a part of you wishes that’s true. creatures that are crafted filled with kindness and knowledge, you seek to learn from them. you want to learn how to fly, like they do with wings like theirs. to you, to be an angel is to be free.
that is why right now, you are standing in front of the subway at exactly 12:00 am on july 21st, the very first day of summer break. as expected, only a few are around and they are mostly foreigners who had just arrived for vacation.
this year, you plan to take the subway on the first week of summer break and let it take you anywhere. you like being spontaneous and this is exactly what it is.
the sky is still dark and the stars are still sparkling. you stand idle as you patiently wait for the train to arrive.
from the corner of your left eye, you could see a familiar build of someone’s back, yet you can’t place your tongue on who it is. a second passed and they finally turned around, revealing the one and only bokuto koutarou.
you furrow your eyebrows secretly, wondering what on earth is the school volleyball’s ace doing at the train station in the middle of the night. you can’t exactly ask him because well, it’s bokuto koutarou. there is no way that he would recognize who you are. after all, you’re just a nobody.
“hey, i know you!” he suddenly points at you. for some unknown reason, he sounds relieved.
“uhm, hi?” you awkwardly greet him.
“it’s midnight, what are you doing here?” he asks, cheerful as ever.
“spending my summer break, you?”
silence falls between the two of you and the faint rumbling sound of the train from a distance is all you could hear.
“so, where are you going?” he opens up the conversation again.
“anywhere the train goes,” you admit shrugging your shoulders.
“can i tag along?” he asks, pursing his lips after.
that definitely caught you off guard. but this is definitely spontaneous and who are you to turn down such an opportunity?
“of course you can,” you smile at him. for a moment, time seemed to stop. the train in the distance halted in its tracks along with the heels clicking behind you as the both of you got lost in each other’s eyes. if it weren’t for the train hissing loudly as its doors open to welcome passengers, no one would have looked away.
“after you,” bokuto lets you enter first, following after you.
“what an angel,” you let out a giggle at his gesture.
you point at an empty seat five rows after the entrance, perfectly situating you in the middle of the vehicle.
“next stop, shibuya,” an automated announcement voices through the train speaker.
“how long is that?” bokuto leans in to whisper. you could feel his breath tickling your neck.
“uh, don’t know, maybe 30 minutes?” you stammer. you could feel how close he is from the corner of your eyes. your pulse can’t help but race rapidly.
“wake up,” a voice softly whispers.
you slowly open your eyes to the view of bokuto’s reflection on the window. you planned to stay still for a while until you realize the soft object you’re leaning on is his shoulder.
“fuck, sorry i didn’t mean to sleep on you,” you break away, now fully awake.
“it’s okay,” he giggles while shaking his hands, “your snores were cute,” he adds.
your eyes widen in horror.
“i’m kidding,” he retreats, giggling even louder.
“i hate you,” you playfully roll your eyes at him.
then, the train comes to a halt. outside, the sky is still dark and the stars still glistening. in contrast to your city, shibuya is filled with tall buildings.
you two get off the train with no exchange. no one spoke, yet you both could feel the excitement in the air.
“the most spontaneous adventure of my life so far is here,” you exhale with a wide smile.
“it hasn’t started when i asked to come?” bokuto pouts.
you wanted to reply, but nothing came out. bokuto laughs it off and takes your hand. before you know it, you’re out of the train station and stand somewhere in shibuya, where only a few shops are open at this late hour.
“hungry?” bokuto points at a ramen shop. his hands are still intertwined with yours. his grip tells you he’s not letting go anytime soon.
“this is amazing,” you giggle with your mouth full, causing you to choke a little.
bokuto immediately hands you a napkin, so quick that he almost flipped the table.
“careful,” he scolds gently.
“my bad, i was too excited.”
“can’t blame you, this shit’s awesome.”
you stare into each other’s eyes, both of your lips curved into a smile. time seemed to stop again until the old lady working interrupts to serve you tea. she exchanges looks with the both of you and smiles.
“ah, young love,” she sings as she struts back to the kitchen.
you two make no noise. just your hearts racing faster and faster by the second. bokuto lets out a dry cough to lessen the tension and you two resume eating.
it hasn’t been long, but this is the second time you’ve gotten lost in each other’s eyes. you don’t understand why, but the moment both of your eyes meet, they can’t seem to lose each other.
when finished with your late meals, you step back outside. it’s still the same as before you went in. quiet and dark.
“so,” you start.
“so,” bokuto continues.
“where are we headed?”
“hey, i’m just tagging along.”
“are you tired?”
“no, i’m restless.”
“let’s go see the sunrise then,” you glance up at bokuto, who towers over you. he’s already looking at you with a smile. again, your heart does that thing, where it tumbles over and over again.
“you’re good with directions, right?” bokuto whispers behind you.
“are you scared of getting lost?” you turn around and raise an eyebrow.
“yes, it’s a waste of time.”
“no, we’re not lost,” you confirm, “but if we were, good thing you’re with me, i’ll make it worth your time.”
you’ve never been to sunrise course before, but you’ve read up on it for this moment. it was two months ago. ironically, it was when your friend took you to one of your school’s volleyball home game, which bokuto played in. halfway through the first set, you caught yourself yawning constantly. that was when you had the idea to search up places to visit during the summer break. one of your goals is to watch the sunrise and this course is the best place for it. it’s set atop a golf course facing east. it’s a public place often visited by many, yet only you and bokuto are the only ones present right now.
“it’s all to us,” you close your eyes and spread your arms to spin slowly.
“living the coming-of-age stories?” bokuto laughs as he watches you turn.
“yes,” you stop and look at him in the eyes.
“let me live it with you.”
as the sun shines, you exchange smiles with your eyes staring at each other’s. when the sunlight obscures your faces, bokuto stretches his arms and reaches for yours. the two of you have become two bodies connected into one, spinning slow enough to catch blurry glimpses of each other and the illuminating sky above. none of you made noise, just the sound of birds chirping and the air whipping from your turns. everything seems perfect, peaceful, and serene. you don’t wanna let go, but at the tenth one, you both get dizzy. you grab his arm for support, but since he’s also losing his balance, you two fall butt first on the golf course’s fake grass. the impact is so shocking, you immediately look at each other, eyes wide and in surprise.
then, you burst into laughter, throwing your head back to let your face feel the light. without you noticing, bokuto examines your pretty, illuminating face, the sunlight uncovering the glow that hid within. he’s never found someone so beautiful, so carefree, and so perfect.
“that was fun,” bokuto smiles, short breathed.
too tired to talk, you nod and smile at him as a response.
“tired?” he tilts his head with a face of worry.
“a little bit,” you reply before yawning.
“come on, let’s get you some rest.”
bokuto stands up and offers a hand that you willingly take.
48 hours
even with your eyes closed, you could feel the warmth and see the sunlight peeking from outside. the city is now awake. you groggily open your eyes and turn over to face away from the sunlight. to your surprise, the other side of the room greets you with a small kitchen against the wall of the bathroom. your eyes widen, realizing that the room you’re in right now is the only vacant room the hotel could offer. the problem is, it only has one bed, so where did bokuto sleep?
you quickly sit up from the bed to look for him. and there he is, sleeping peacefully right below you, cuddled in a spare pillow and blanket. as if he could feel your stares, bokuto’s eyes slowly open to meet yours. he smiles at the sight of you.
“good morning,” he greets with a husky voice, his morning voice.
you melt at his gaze and smile.
“i’m so sorry,” you shut your eyes as guilt overcomes you.
“for what?” you could hear him sit up.
“you slept on the floor!” you reply in embarrassment. “i’m so sorry,” you repeat with your face buried deep in your hands.
you peek at him in between your fingers, he blankly stares at you before bursting into a fit of laughter.
“what?” you raise your head out of confusion.
“it’s cute how you’re more upset about it than me,” he giggles while running his hands through his hair. it looks like cotton candy with its volume and messy ruffles.
“so, you are upset.”
“no. i don’t think i can ever get mad at you.”
“just admit it, i understand. i’d be mad too if i had to sleep on the floor after a tiring trip.”
“seriously, don’t get so hung over it. i’m not mad.”
“i’m so-“
“shh,” bokuto cuts you off with a finger against your lips. “let’s just get ready for breakfast and enjoy the day,” he adds before stretching his hands for you to take, lifting you up and out the bed.
“what’s the plan for today?” bokuto whispers in your ear as you two line up for breakfast. you could feel his breath against your neck, it’s cold and smell of mint.
“for the first half, i was thinking we could visit hachikō, maybe shop? then have a picnic at a park.”
“sounds fun, i’m totally in.”
“even if you weren’t, you have no choice but to come along,” you cheekily say, lightly bumping his chest with your elbow.
“why do you say that?” he lifts an eyebrow.
“because you changed my mind.”
“on what?”
“on doing this trip alone, ever since you asked to tag along.”
“rest assured, i never and will think of backing out.”
you hold up your pinky finger, signaling you want him to promise his words. without hesitation, he intertwines his pinky with yours, sealing the promise.
“there it is!” you excitedly point at the bronze statue of hachikō, a dog whose loyalty was so strong that it visited the station everyday for nine years, waiting for their owner who has passed.
“how is there so many people already?” bokuto mutters under his breath, his eyes scanning the crowd, a mix of natives and foreigners.
“let’s line up for a picture,” you grip bokuto’s wrist, dragging him closer to the statue.
“haven’t you seen this before?” he asks, pulling out his phone to visit your social media page.
“it just never gets old,” you turn around to face him with a smile. “don’t worry, no one from school will know we’re spending some of our summer together, i won’t upload it anywhere.”
he doesn’t say anything, his hands just make their way to pet the statue as if it were alive. you fight the urge to gently lay your hand on top of his, your fingers slowly intertwining.
“say cheese!” you yell to help snap out of your thoughts. it’s barely even a day yet, you cannot be forming feelings for him already.
the two of you hold up peace signs, wide grins stretching across your faces. bokuto sneaks another one with his phone.
“is it a good picture?” bokuto’s voice emerges from behind you.
“huh?” you lean closer to him, sneaking a peak at the picture he’s talking about. your heart jumps, so high it might just pop out of your chest. your phone vibrates in your back pocket, informing you about a notification. upon seeing the alert, you could feel your cheeks heat up uncontrollably. a picture of you and bokuto, uploaded to his feed, publicly seen and viewed by everyone.
“so many interactions already,” he gasps as if his other posts don’t get the same, if not, more attention.
“everyone’s gonna think you’re hanging out with a loser,” you turn away to examine the picture closer.
“you’re not, what the hell?” bokuto quickly retorts.
“calm down, it’s a joke,” you chuckle, scrolling through an endless amount of confused comments under the picture.
“do you not like it?” bokuto peeks out from your shoulder. he’s close, dangerously close. you could feel your cheeks heat up again.
“no, i like it,” you double tap at the screen, “i like it very much,” you bow your head lower, covering up your crimson cheeks.
for the rest of the afternoon, you’ve decided to practically visit every shop you could find.
“here’s a challenge,” bokuto rubs his hands together. you can tell he’s excited about something.
“i’m down, what is it?” your eyes widen out of excitement.
“at every store we go in, we have to buy one thing for each other,” imitating your actions earlier, he sticks out a pinky for you to seal.
“accepted,” you grin, sealing it at once.
for the thousandth time, your eyes meet again. the buzzing of the busy street declines and those who surround move slowly. you didn’t believe that someone could stop time for you, but there they are. effortlessly, bokuto freezes time.
what is it that you’re feeling? is it genuine? or merely an infatuation? secretly, you hope it’s the former.
“in three, two, one,” you count down the seconds you reveal what you got each other.
piles and piles of random objects clatter on top of the wooden table, some even spilling out the corner.
“how many did we visit? holy shit,” you laugh, astonished at the amount of souvenirs you bought.
“somewhere around uhm,” he scrolls through his camera roll, where snapshots of every store you’ve gone to are stored.
“never met someone so sentimental,” you rest your face on top of your clasped hands.
“about 17? shit, that’s a lot,” he bursts into a loud, contagious laugh that you couldn’t help but giggle along.
“let’s alternate, i don’t care if they’re from the same shop, there’s too many to match them up,” you propose as you try to sort out the clutter of objects.
bokuto eagerly nods at you. you can tell he’s excited and cannot wait to show off what he bought you.
“i’ll go first!” he volunteers, raising both of his arms. yep, he’s definitely excited. “first one is this sticker sheet,” he starts as he flaunts a glossy paper, marked with smiley faces.
you snatch it from his hands, sticking a smiley in each of your cheek.
“how is it?”
“i got you it because i love your smile, and you’re smiling right now, so i’d say very pretty,” bokuto explains, his eyes sparkling.
“if you keep complimenting me, i’m really gonna think i’m the hottest person to ever exist,” you lightly slap his hand.
“then so be it,” he quickly responds.
“okay, my turn!” you busy yourself, rummaging through the stuff you bought to hide your embarrassment. bokuto really knows how to give you butterflies. “ooh, this one, it’s very you,” you say as you pull out a volleyball figurinel.
“that’s so fucking cute,” bokuto’s eyes widen.
“right? when i first saw it, i knew i had to buy it for you.”
“aren’t figurines expensive?” he asks, closely eyeing it in your hands.
“there was a 70% sale, the store was trying to clear everything,” you boast proudly, handing it to him.
“i love it,” he takes it, handling it like it’s the most delicate piece to ever exist.
for hours, all you and bokuto did is exchange souvenirs to each other. not even a second did you feel bored. he knows how to hold a conversation so well. with bokuto, everything is filled with laughter.
next stop, some random park to have a picnic at. technically, it’s not random, since you’ve known about horizon square. it’s a popular spot, there’s no way you wouldn’t know about it. what’s great about it is that there’s a lake situated at the middle, making the atmosphere of the place even more serene. you can’t wait to visit it.
“how did i not know about this?” bokuto gasps next to you.
“not a man of culture, huh?” you tease.
“thank god for you, i have someone of culture with me,” he winks.
the butterflies that have dissipated earlier comes back, bigger in numbers.
“the sun’s setting again, y/n,” bokuto points out. he sounds sad and it’s not usual for someone extroverted like him to convey such a tone.
“lost track of time,” you collapse on top of the red gingham blanket you and bokuto share. he follows after you.
“every second with you feels like a movie,” he says with his eyes focused on the clouds.
“what kind? a slice of life? coming of age?” you question, listing possible genres. “don’t tell me horror?” you sarcastically gasp. a chuckle leaves his lips.
“romance?” he squints his eyes, avoiding you gaze.
as soon as you hear the word slip out of bokuto’s mouth, blood quickly rushes to your cheeks, tinting it redder than the roses that bloom across the lake.
“sorry,” he apologizes, then gets up to sit to hug his knees close to his chest. it’s an unfamiliar image, but he looks fragile. bokuto has a lean built, but right now, he resembles that of a fallen angel.
“for what?” your face has cooled down, so you sit up to get a closer look at him.
“i’m falling for you,” bokuto confesses, his eyes staring off into the distance.
you’re left speechless and all you could do is look at him with eyes in disbelief. no way. you never saw this happening, but again, just like he said, this trip was already spontaneous the moment he asked to come.
“if you feel uncomfortable, i’ll leave now,” his voice trails off and he stands up, getting ready to leave.
“don’t,” you reach for his hand, “stay.”
he stays still for a moment, conflicted whether he should listen or not. if he does, the pain will grow, maybe not for you, but definitely for him. but you’ve become his weakness and he can’t bring himself to reject you, so he sits back down, surrendering to love.
“you’re not the only one who’s falling, you know?” you bump his shoulder with yours.
he turns to you, surprised at what he just heard. no way.
“can i kiss you? for the first and last time?” bokuto suddenly asks, catching you off guard. you turn to him, not saying a word, just nod for consent. at that instant, his lips crash into yours. they feel exactly what they look like, smooth and soft. you could just kiss him forever.
“wait, did you say last time?” you pull away, realizing his wording.
“forget about that,” he pants for air, his tone desperate for your lips. you give in, melting at his soft kiss.
you’re lips have broken contact and the two of you are just peacefully laying on the blanket, stargazing, both eyes reflecting the night sky.
the moon and the stars have come out, glistening above you. right now, everything feels magical. no, it is magical. you hope everything stays this way.
bokuto then stands, dusting his hands after. he glances at the stars and then to you. you watch him in awe, pretty boy standing right before you.
“wanna dance?” he holds out his hand for you to take.
“of course,” you take it and use it for support to stand.
you wrap your arms around his neck and his hands find their way to your hips. in unison with each other, your bodies sway at the same time and rhythm. it’s slow, you could hear an old, love song playing in your head. the kind that’s played when the main couple at a romantic movie dances at night, candles encompassing them.
bokuto fully wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. like instinct, you bury your face into his neck.
“is it bad if i said i love you now?” you mutter without thinking.
“absolutely not,” bokuto replies, his hands running through your hair.
“then, i love you.”
“i love you too.”
you’re not one to admit feelings, in fact, you hated it. the thought of telling someone you love them irked you. but with bokuto, it’s so easy to say, like those three words only belong to him.
72 hours
the sunlight seeps inside your room, blinding you even with your eyes closed. you sit up, eyes scanning the room for bokuto. he’s nowhere to be found.
“where’d he go?” your furrow your eyebrows as you reach for your phone, expecting a message from him, but you’re greeted with none.
the bathroom is empty, his clothes are still here, but so is his phone. anxiety creeps inside you at the sight of it, but you don’t know where its roots are coming from.
a slip of crumpled paper is pinned beneath it, catching your attention. you take it, expecting a message, explaining that he’s going for a jog or buying some extra snacks. no, it’s a letter, specifically a long one.
“what is this?” you mutter under your breath, confused at why he left you one.
‘dear y/n,
i don’t know how to start this because i never planned on doing this in the first place. frankly, i decided on spending my remaining time alone. sorry, i asked to come with.
do you believe in angels? yes, like the ones in heaven. kind beings with wings desired to be acquired by many. it’s silly, i know. but do you? because i am one. i was sent here to study humans, your way of thinking and the way you hold yourself, it’s all fascinating. this study trip is three years, first year to third year of high school. at first, i thought it was too long. after you, i realized it wasn’t enough. again, it’s silly, i know. and no, you’re not going crazy.
i was built with the intent of giving love, platonic love. but as my days with you progressed, i found myself slightly, but surely transforming into someone that gave and craved the romantic kind. and you didn’t fail to receive and give.
actually, i take it back. i might sound selfish, but i’m not sorry for asking to tag along. i do not have any, not even an ounce of regret at all. with you, i watched the day start and the day end, our bodies swaying to imaginary music. it’s a great memory. i hope you don’t forget it.
so treasure this phone, it’s where our story is documented. at the very least, you have something to remember me by and that i was once real. an entity in the form a human, someone capable of knowing and be loved by you.
goodbye, y/n. i love you. i’ll love you in the form of stars, of the moon, and of the sun. forever and ever. until we meet again, y/n.
- bokuto
you hadn’t noticed it until you’ve finished reading. tears have fallen from your eyes, soaking the paper, slowly crumpling it even more.
“what the fuck?” you let out a laugh, denying of yourself the truth. “this isn’t real right? it’s a joke, right? bokuto you can come out now, wherever you’re hiding, come out,” you plead, hoping that he’ll reveal himself.
“i wanted to meet an angel,” you collapse to the floor, sobbing, hugging your knees close to your chest, “but i never wished to lose one.”
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bubbleteaa · 4 years
Ten Bouquets [Miya Osamu x Reader]
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art made by @sugawaras​! please support their work<3 
ten bouquets;; pairing: miya osamu x gn!reader fandom: haikyuu!! genres: pure fluff!! word count: 2.5K this is a gift for @writeiolite​ !! Happy birthday baby<3 I hope you had a great day, thank you so much for all the work you make for the fandom and for being an amazing person! I honestly simp for your works and for you c: I hope you like this, love you! <3
Summary:  You teach him how much you love him through bouquets.
*. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚  * . : 。 ✿ *
First Bouquet 
Gloxinia [Love at first sight]
There is something amazing in looks. The deepness in their eyes, how the eyelashes that protect the orb of their eyes beat from top to bottom in blinks. The way that their pupils scan something they are glaring at, how those irises quench your loneliness. It is something so wonderful that it’s impossible not to love those brown eyes immediately.
You don’t understand why you fell in love with the owner of Onigiri Miya while you were the owner of “L/N’s flower service”. You just do. The first day you arrive to the plaza, you meet his eyes and you can’t stop thinking on how you would love to spy in the softness of his ogle.
This, is the first time, actually, that you make a bouquet for someone that provokes your heart beat so fast by only his sight. It takes you all night to make a sweet, beautiful bouquet loaded of shy pinky flowers. Flowers then mean exactly what you feel: “Love at first sight”.
Next day, you meet him again, obviously. The blush that creeps your cheeks is buried in the smile that he gives to you. He stares at your face, and then, he just peeks the flowers with a soft, caring smile. 
The way that your hands extends the object in your hands is quite pretty, for him. You look foolishly beautiful being just as shy near him.
It enamores him, actually. 
“I hope we can get along, Miya-san” 
He smiles at you, receiving the gift.
“I know we will, L/N-san”
Second Bouquet
Zinnia; yellow [daily remembrance]
“Remember to close the door, Miya-san”
Daily talks in a young business person, includes the thread of stress and forgetness. With that said, Miya Osamu is one of the person’s that, even as serious as he is, can forget simple things in moments full of stress. Also, mainly to talk about how funny it is to start the days with the same oddly routine. Alarm at 4:30 a.m., (5 a.m., if you are really quick), showering, exercising, getting ready and grabbed some cheap homemade coffee to start the day.
Adult life can hit different, because it means you stop being a kid. It means you have your own bills and you have to rely on work to have a “decent” life.
Then, you are there again, with a bouquet of yellow-colored zinnias, waving at him with a grateful smile. The sun is burning between the clouds of a new day with the same routine. The same sun is glowering at the floweret in your arms.
“Who is that for, uhm?” he teases, looking at you with a small, yet recognizable bliss.
“Dunno, I think it was for Semi-san”
“I think it is actually for me” he finiquitates, smiling when you nod. He walks towards you, looking at you in your beautiful e/c eyes.
The sun and the flowers are opaqueted by your own shine. You gave him the flowers and kept opening your own store. He just laughs at your clear blush.
“Remember to do the laundry, L/N-san” he chuckles, looking at you when both just were opening your locals at 6:00 a.m., two hours earlier “And to pay your cable bill”
“Dang it, I forgot about the existence of that thing” you hiss, looking at him with a smile. By the moment you open the door properly, you call him one more time “Miya-san?”
“Remember to smile” 
Third Bouquet
Gardenias; [you are lovely, secret love]
It happens during a charity event on your floor. You are giving the little kids bouquets of rosebuds with a smile while Osamu is giving out tons of onigiris he made at 2:00 a.m. And yes, you both, awkwardly met at that hour.
“Isn’t it to early, L/N-san?” he is actually concerned. You were always so clumsy for your own safety “What are you doing here?”
“Have to do the bouquets, uh. And you, Miya-san?”
“Onigiris” is his simple response, staring at how you yawned while you open the door of your flower shop “Come do the bouquets here”
Finding comfort in an adult's life is not easy. Where you expect to find it is on your pillow at eleven o'clock, just arriving from work. But, the truth, comfort, security and wonder in the form of affection, is having another person who wants to spend the concintinio with you. It is about the feeling of warmth and a loveable way of not being tired of caring for that person, as well as seeing that person and talking with that person.
You nod in affirmation with a smile.
Early that morning, a domestic yet marvelous atmosphere filled the restaurant.
Now, by 3:30 p.m., the same male that offered you to pass time with him is currently drinking apple juice in a bank near his local. You meet his optic, and you can’t help but smile while you finish the bouquet with white petals ornamenting a lot of, - some kinda mess? But, love is a mess that you are willing to be part of.
He shakes his head with a noticeable smile when you come sit by his side. The bouquet resembling true to his meaning while he just stares at the makeshift bouquet of gardenias that, even looking somewhat messy, it looked just as beautiful as the others you had made all day.
“Is it just me or does that seem like, pretty?” he smiles at you, at the same time you put the bouquet by his side “You really have a gift, eh”
“Shut up,” you roll your eyes, clearly embarrassed of his compliment “Your onigiris were good”
“Just good, L/N-chan?” he laughs when you blush at his words. It is a really good feeling to be the reason of that rosy pink flush appearing on your face.
“Stop it, Samu”
He opens his eyes, without pause, smiling. It is really nice to have someone else.
To have you.
Fourth Bouquet
Aster; [daintiness, symbol of love]
Having time for yourself is really hard by that time. Is really hard because your “time” belongs to your dream. You don’t regret it though. It is amazing to be part of something as wonderful and as yours like the flower shop you own. 
It is beautiful as well because you enjoy seeing people coming and asking you about the meaning; you love what you do. You love to be part of people's happiness and help them to fulfill their goals.
That’s why, the same day that Osamu looks at you and asks you about your personal life, you can’t stop thinking about being part of his.
“I mean, I have some time for myself, on sundays” he says, preparing you some breakfast. Now that is part of your routine; you get up earlier, though. But you enjoy it. “You should have some time for yourself as well”
“No, I’m fineeee” you pout your mouth and he shakes his head raising a brow “Okay, don’t look at me like that,” you drawl on, pouting at him.
“Let’s go out next Sunday”
It seems so unreal. The time stops while he keeps looking at you with his damn, deep beautiful eyes.
It seems so unreal, and yet you feel it.
“Where?” you finally ask, a smile creeping from ear to ear. You can’t hide your happiness “I mean, I have to check my schedule-”
He laughs at your words. And you are happy.
So happy that you interrupt him at 12:00 p.m., with a big aster bouquet, the purple flowers shivering with excitement. A small note inside between your last adorn.
“I will love to go out with you, Osamu”
Fifth Bouquet
Camellias; pink [longing for you], red [you are the flame in my heart], white [You are adorable]
Miya’s hands weren’t soft. Actually, those big hard working hands were scratchy. You never minded, though. Osamu’s hands were Osamu’s hands; so it didn’t matter if his hands were soft, scratchy or regular. The only thing that you cared about was to hold those palms in yours.
Yours weren’t exactly soft as well, in fact. Sometimes, you pinched your own hands doing your bouquets. Same bouquets that carried stories, feelings and memories. 
The bouquets that you were giving to him.
“You know you don’t need keep bringing me these bouquets” his lips moved smoothly at your sight. He was really handsome. 
Since high school, you hadn't been out on a date, much less given time to think about yourself. You couldn't help but feel grateful that he was sharing his precious time with you. 
“I can’t help it” you answer.
He smiles before taking the flowers and taking your hand after.
You don’t need soft hands to melt someone. You just need to care about them.
“You are really cute”
Sixth Bouquet 
Myrtle; [love]
The sound of the wind near the October storms is refreshing. You cannot deny that you fall in love with cold weather whenever you knock on your door. You fall in love with the existing feeling of heat that a memory, situation or person can provide.
Especially, that one special person.
For this reason, when you arrive at their local, you cannot help but feel the heat that the environment emanates. 
He looks at you from the other side of the store with a warm smile, your hair is being lit by the monotonous light of the store. In your hands hang the small arrangements of myrtles that emancipate the birth of something else.
And he smiles at you, noticing.
Seventh Bouquet
Salvia; [forever mine]
It is the first time that he hugs you. In your shop.
"Are you going to close already?"
"Yes, I have to go do some things" your voice sounds sweeter to him at that moment. And, and really feel something, feel a force that calls you, that draws you to you like a magnet.
"... And you should go too, it seems like it's going to rain-"
You look at him, and your gaze connects with a softness in his that you would long for all your life. Your heart weighs on your chest, feeling the the air between you becomes closer and closer.
And it happens.
His big arms, workers join your figure and you feel warm. A warmth that runs from head to toe. A warmth that mixes with beautiful salvias that you gave him earlier.
“Let me drive you home”
“You are gonna get sick, Osamu”
He smiles at you and shakes his head.
“I never get sick”
Eight Bouquet 
Carnations; [I miss you]
He doesn’t listen to you, and he gets sick.
You feel lonely those five days that go by without him. His employees take care of the business as it should be, but it feels very lonely not to have it in the morning, making you breakfast -onigiri-. Or touching your hands after trying hard making bouquets. Or observing his eyes, which you love so much.
It feels sad, to tell the truth. Because, you would like to give him all your love in those five days you spend without him. You want to look for him and hug him again, you want to have him in your arms again.
You feel so alone, that you end up sending a bouquet of carnations to his address, with a little note.
"This happened to you for being a fool, fool"
The note responds when he returns the following week, with a smile.
"Did you miss me, silly?"
You did.
Ninth Bouquet
Daffodils; [new beginnings]
You were sitting next to him, watching a movie on a Sunday in November. One of his arms was covering your shoulders as he carefully brings you close to his chest. The Japanese dubbing of the film is as annoying as the fact that you are falling asleep because of how boring it is.
Osamu looks at you and raises an eyebrow; ignoring the fact that you are falling asleep, you stare at him taking your chin and guiding his face close to yours. Your sleeping eyes widen in amazement at his action and a crimson blush begins to color in your facial expression.
"Now you are paying attention" his hoarse voice was drawn in a curvilinear towards your lips; It was like a prayer heard by the gods. You feel the warmth of his mouth flood with yours, trembling hands caress his gray hair and he smiles in the middle of the kiss "You really are something else, Y/N"
"My sweet daffodil, my new beginning"
His words sow a feeling of excitement and nervousness within you. You laugh softly when you notice that he has done a little research and you kiss his lips again with immense softness.
"I love you"
“I love you too, flower girl”
Needless to say, next morning, you gave him another bouquet. With smalls and refreshing daffodils.
Your new beginning, your Osamu.
Tenth Bouquet
Red rose; [pure true love]
His love for you is so great that he makes you a bouquet of flowers this time.
He took advantage of the fact that you were doing a workshop on how to make them, he came to your florist and began to observe how you dedicated yourself to creating the beautiful works of art and immortalizing it in the form of bouquets. He was always amazed at you. Your courage, your heart, everything. You were something else.
And now you were his something else.
When it was all over, it was obvious that you were very tired. He looked at the bouquet of roses he had made for you and then turned his gaze to your relaxed figure, who was lying on your sofa.
It was not easy to say “I love you”, but feeling it was much more difficult. However, saying “I love you” was like saying "good morning" for him when it came to you; it was a need he had. It was something he was enjoying at his best.
In the months that have passed since you opened your business, he has only received by your part obvious messages of love in the form of flowers. And it's time for him to return them to you.
"Oi, Y / N"
"I love you"
Your eyes meet his as he extends the bouquet to you. A beautiful smile forms on your lips as you take it and smell it fondly.
His lips bristle at your skin when you feel the contact against your cheek. It's too much, and you love the fact that it's too much.
"I love you too, Osamu"
He smiles before taking your face with his hands and kissing your lips properly.
"Thank you for all the bouquets, my flower."
。・:*˚:✧。 C h e e s e  c u l t : @akaashichigo @drainedjaz @haikkeiji @annalyn-annalyn @mlkytobio @sosugasweet @cali-writes-sometimes @simping4ratsumu @shishinoya @ushiwakaa @from-left-to-write @akaashit-baeji  @kxgeyamasmilk @agaassi @hanibuni @cupofkenma  @kawanisshi @milkandc00kiez  @thiccbokuto @shinsukestan @sufiawrites @wakaitoshi @skyguy-peach @fern-writes-ig @briswriting @kawaiikraykray @miyuswriting @raevaioli @ouikarwa @hakueishirei​ @pineapplekween​ @estherwritess​ @keiji-n​ @achoohq​ @badlywritten-hq​ @mochibeaa​ @oinkanna​ @chxrry-wxne​ @spudicide​ @airybby​ @asranomical​ @karmasuna​
。・:*˚:✧。 G e n e r a l  m a s t e r l i s t: @trashys-things​ @softforshigi​ @groundzeroagency​ @edensxgarden​ @pm4gal​  @yams046​ @thatfanfictionwriter
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antiadvil · 4 years
5 times Dan and Fiona were not dating (and one time they were)
summary: Dan has been confused about her sexuality for a long time, and Fiona isn’t helping. Or maybe she is?
Labels are overrated. Having sex with girls is fun. Just as long as there aren’t any feelings involved. And there aren’t any, right? Right?
rating: M
wc: ~3k
notes: right so, halfway through outlining this fic I decided it would be fun to write little interludes that contain every message Dan and Fiona send between chapters. so... this is the result.
They're designed so that they don't have to be read to understand the upcoming chapters, and there isn't really an overarching plot or anything, just a collection of fairly random conversations, but I hope you'll give them a read anyway.
chapter 2/12- Interlude One
current chapter on ao3 | tumblr masterlist | first chapter on tumblr
October 20, 2019:
Fiona, 11:34 am: I woke up so late holy shit
Dan, 11:36 am: lol
Dan, 11:36 am: what time did you go to bed
Fiona, 11:36 am: …
Fiona, 11:37 am: Late
Dan, 11:37 am: i got up at 10
Dan, 11:37 am: ha
Fiona, 11:37 am: Look at Miss I Have My Life Together
Fiona, 11:37 am: Does she deign to share her advice with her loyal peasants
Dan, 11:38 am: no
Fiona, 11:38 am: :(
Dan, 11:39 am: suffer
Fiona, 11:41 am: I am
Fiona, 11:41 am: We’re out of cheerios
Dan, 11:42 am: why
Fiona, 11:42 am: I ate them
Dan, 11:42 am: so you see why this is your fault?
Fiona, 11:43 am: No
Dan, 11:43 am: hmm
Fiona, 11:43 am: Shut up
Fiona 11:43 am: Ok bye I apparently need to go to the grocery store
Dan, 11:44 am: wow that’s so weird i wonder why you have to go to the grocery store
Dan, 11:44 am: bye have fun
Fiona, 11:55 am: grocery shopping is never fun
Dan, 11:55: you’re never fun
Fiona, 12:06 pm: :(
 Fiona, 6:40 pm:
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 Dan, 7:02 pm: WHAT
Dan, 7:02 pm: female friendship is a very powerful thing
Fiona, 7:03 pm: sure lmao
Fiona, 7:03 pm: Glad to help you discover the power of female friendship last night <3
Dan, 7:03 pm: STOP
Fiona, 7:04 pm: have I
Dan, 7:04 pm: yes
Dan, 7:04 pm: be nice :(
Fiona, 7:04 pm: What if I’m not a nice person?
Dan, 7:05 pm: you are tho
Fiona, 7:05 pm: no u
Dan, 7:06 pm: 🥺
Fiona, 7:06 pm: bottom
Dan, 7:06 pm: fuck you
Fiona, 7:07 pm: lol that’s not how top/bottom works, dan
Dan, 7:07 pm: FUCK YOU
Fiona, 7:07 pm: ok maybe if you ask nicely
Dan, 7:07 pm: no thoughts head empty
Fiona, 7:08 pm: good thing I’m not attracted to you for your brain <3
Dan, 7:08 pm: …
Fiona, 7:08 pm: too far?
Dan, 7:09 pm: roast me harder daddy 🥺
Fiona, 7:09 pm: jesus fucking christ
Fiona, 7:09 pm: i hate you
Dan, 7:10 pm: :(
Fiona, 7:10 pm: ugh FINE I don’t
Dan, 7:10 pm: :)
October 21, 2019:
Dan, 10:31 am: wanna see my favorite tumblr post
Fiona, 11:42 am: YES
Dan, 11:43 am: … did you just wake up
Dan, 11:44 am: *JUST
Fiona, 11:44 am: SHUT
Fiona, 11:44 am: GIVE ME POST
Dan, 11:45 am: 
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Fiona, 11:46 am: That’s your favorite tumblr post?
Dan, 11:46 am: yes
Fiona, 11:46 am: Should I be concerned that it’s about murder
Dan, 11:47 am: it’s not about murder
Fiona, 11:47 am: Yes it is
Dan, 11:47 am: it’s about homiecide
Fiona, 11:47 am: I will kill you
Dan, 11:48 am: you’ll homiecide me?
Fiona, 11:48 am: NO
Fiona, 11:48 am: I will kill you
Dan, 11:48 am: :(
Fiona, 11:48 am: :)
 Fiona, 10:43 pm: How was your day?
Fiona, 10:43 pm: Kill any homies?
Dan, 10:45 pm: No
Dan, 10:45 pm: Come over, you can be the first
Fiona, 10:45 pm: 🥺
Fiona, 10:45 pm: I’m honored
Fiona, 10:46 pm: Can I though? I crave death
Dan, 10:46 pm: oh no
Dan, 10:46 pm: why?
Fiona, 10:47 pm: I did a procrastination again
Dan, 10:47 pm: now why would you do that?
Fiona, 10:47 pm: Because I’m stupid
Dan, 10:47 pm: 😔
Dan, 10:48 pm: what have you learned from this?
Fiona, 10:48 pm: Absolutely nothing
Fiona, 10:48 pm: I will do it again
Dan, 10:48 pm: we love to hear it
Fiona, 10:49 pm: 😔 you do maybe
Dan, 10:49 pm: how are u imply that i take pleasure in the downfall of others
Dan, 10:51 pm: really? that doesn’t sound like something i would say
Fiona, 10:51 pm: Stop gaslighting me
Dan, 10:52 pm: :)
Fiona, 10:52 pm: :(
Dan, 10:53 pm: go do your homework
Fiona, 10:53 pm: FINE
October 22, 2019:
Dan, 4:12 am: wake up i’m bored
Dan, 4:15 am: why can’t i sleep i hate myself
Dan, 4:20 am: haha 420 blaze it
Dan, 4:20 am: i’m kidding i don’t smoke weed
Dan, 4:20 am: i’m lame
Dan, 4:32 am: i have class at 9:30 am i’m going to die
Dan, 4:32 am: pray for me
Dan, 4:56 am: i think i’m finally tired
Dan, 4:56 am: i hate myself
Dan, 4:56 am: wait i already said that
Dan, 4:56 am: oh well
Dan, 4:56 am: good night 🖤
Fiona, 9:42 am: Oh no
Fiona, 9:42 am: Did you make it to class?
Dan, 9:44 am: im dying
Fiona, 9:46 am: Oh no
Dan, 9:50 am: i made it to class but i regret my entire existence
Fiona, 9:51 am: Oh no
Dan, 9:52 am: shut up
Dan, 9:52 am: i have never been this tired
Fiona, 9:52 am: When do you get out?
Dan, 9:55 am: 11 🤡
Fiona, 9:55 am: Why did you even go to class today holy shit
Dan, 9:57 am: I’m stupid
Fiona, 10:00 am: Can you leave?
Dan, 10:05 am: i’m already here i might as well suffer
Fiona, 10:06 am: D:
Fiona, 10:06 am: suffering bad
Dan, 10:11 am: whoa really
Dan, 10:11 am: thank you for letting me know
Fiona, 10:11 am: Of course
Dan, 10:12 am: where would i be without you
Fiona, 10:12 am: Class
Dan, 10:13 am: wait
Dan, 10:13 am: i am in class
Fiona, 10:14 am: Yeah
Fiona, 10:14 am: Without me
Dan, 10:20 am: u have a point
Fiona, 10:21 am: I have lots of points
Fiona, 10:21 am: Come hang out with me, I’ll save you from going to class at 9:30 am
Dan, 10:25 am: my hero
Fiona, 10:26 am: 🥰
Dan, 10:35 am: only 25 more minutes
Dan, 10:35 am: i can do this
Fiona, 10:36 am: Just so you know, falling asleep in class is completely valid
Dan, 10:40 am: i can make it
Dan, 10:40 am: i believe in me
Fiona, 10:41 am: Okay
Fiona, 10:41 am: Good luck!
Dan, 10:45 am: i don’t believe in me
Dan, 10:45 am: i’m dying
Fiona, 10:46 am: If I believe in you will that help
Dan, 10:47 am: no
Fiona, 10:47 am: 13 minutes, you can do it
Dan, 10:50 am: i cant
Fiona, 10:50 am: You can!
Fiona, 10:51 am: I will reward you if you do
Dan, 10:52 am: how
Fiona, 10:52 am: 😏
Dan, 10:53 am: 😳
Dan, 10:54 am: how
Fiona, 10:55 am: Live through this class and you’ll see
Dan, 10:56 am: it better not be socks or something
Fiona, 10:56 am: Oh no of course not, I would never
Fiona, 10:56 am: It’s sexual favors
Dan, 10:57 am: FIONA
Dan, 10:57 am: im in CLASS you can’t just SAY THAT
Fiona, 10:58 am: Oops
Dan, 10:59 am: i hate you so much
Fiona, 10:59 am: Shh
Fiona, 10:59 am: One more minute, you can do this
Dan, 11:00 am: don’t change the subject
Fiona, 11:00 am: Too late
Fiona, 11:00 am: Did you survive
Dan, 11:01 am: no
Dan, 11:01 am: you fucking KILLED me
Fiona, 11:02 am: Too bad
Fiona, 11:02 am: I was really looking forward to seeing you again
Dan, 11:02 am: well too bad
Dan, 11:02 am: you should’ve thought of that before you said things like that
Fiona, 11:03 am: I’m not good at thinking
Dan, 11:03 am: okay philosophy major
Fiona, 11:03 am: I never claimed to be a GOOD philosophy major
Dan, 11:04 am: …
Dan, 11:05 am: (can i have those sexual favors now or nah)
Fiona, 11:06 am: The prize was for surviving
Fiona, 11:06 am: I thought you said you died
Dan, 11:07 am: ugh
Dan, 11:07 am: i hate you
Dan, 11:07 am: i’m going to go home and take a nap
Fiona, 11:07 am: That sounds like a great idea
Fiona, 11:07 am: Sleep a lot you deserve it
Dan, 11:08 am: i will sleep so much
Dan, 11:08 am: gn
October 23, 2019:
Fiona, 7:14 pm: I did a cooking
Dan, 7:14 pm: I did too you’re not special
Fiona, 7:14 pm: Okay but did you bake cheesecake
Dan, 7:15 pm: no
Dan, 7:15 pm: did you?
Fiona, 7:15 pm: As a matter of fact, yes
Dan, 7:15 pm: can i have some
Fiona, 7:16 pm: No
Dan, 7:16 pm: :(
Dan, 7:16 pm: why’d you bake cheesecake
Fiona, 7:17 pm: Because I CAN
Fiona, 7:17 pm: idk, don’t you ever get the urge to bake cheesecake at 6pm on a Wednesday?
Dan, 7:18 pm: i have never gotten the urge to bake something in my life
Fiona, 7:18 pm: Okay, have you ever gotten the urge to *eat* cheesecake at 6pm on a Wednesday?
Dan, 7:18 pm: now we’re talking
Dan, 7:19 pm: yes ofc
Dan, 7:19 pm: are you sure i can’t have any
Fiona, 7:20 pm: Yes
Dan, 7:21 pm: :(
Dan, 7:21 pm: why not
Fiona, 7:22 pm: It’s not a large cheesecake
Fiona, 7:22 pm: … I may have eaten a large chunk of it already
Dan, 7:22 pm: and you didn’t save any for me
Fiona, 7:23 pm: I did not
Dan, 7:23 pm: i’m blocking you
Dan, 7:23 pm: never speak to me again
Fiona, 7:23 pm: D:
Fiona, 7:24 pm: but im cute
Dan, 7:25 pm: so?
Fiona, 7:26 pm: I’ll save some for you next time 🥺
Dan, 7:26 pm: really? 🥺
Fiona, 7:26 pm: yes 🥺
Dan, 7:26 pm: ok i guess i won’t block u 🥺
Fiona, 7:27 pm: 🥺
Fiona, 7:27 pm: That’s so sweet
Dan, 7:28 pm: i’m generous like that
Fiona, 7:28 pm: What would I do without you
Dan, 7:28 pm: eat more cheesecake because you wouldn’t have to save any for me probably
Fiona, 7:29 pm: When you put it like that
Fiona, 7:29 pm: Why do I even talk to you
Dan, 7:29 pm: You’re asking me??
Fiona, 7:30 pm: I guess so, yeah
Dan, 7:30 pm: um because i’m cute
Fiona, 7:30 pm: Hmmm
Fiona, 7:30 pm: Yeah, probably
Dan, 7:31 pm: cuter than cheesecake :)
Fiona, 7:31 pm: Now, I don’t know if I’d go *that* far
Dan, 7:31 pm: cuter than cheesecake :)
Fiona, 7:31 pm: … cuter than cheesecake
Dan, 7:32 pm: i’m glad we’ve come to a compromise
Fiona, 7:32 pm: I don’t think insisting that I agree with you is a compromise
Fiona, 7:32 pm: I think that’s just getting your way
Dan, 7:32 pm: it’s a compromise
Fiona, 7:32 pm: No
Dan, 7:33 pm: COMPROMISE
Fiona, 7:33 pm: FINE
Fiona, 7:33 pm: Compromise
Dan, 7:33 pm: see? another successful compromise
Fiona, 7:33 pm: … yay us
Dan, 7:34 pm: we’re doing great :)
Dan, 7:34 pm: communication is so important
Fiona, 7:34 pm: Uh huh
Fiona, 7:35 pm: I’m going to go finish my cheesecake
Dan, 7:35 pm: :(
Dan, 7:35 pm: as long as you save me some next time
Dan, 7:35 pm: see? i compromised
Fiona, 7:36 pm: Huh, I guess you did
Fiona, 7:36 pm: Good job
Dan, 7:36 pm: thank u
Dan, 7:36 pm: enjoy your cheesecake
Fiona, 7:37 pm: I will :)
October 24, 2019:
Dan, 4:09 pm: i literally can’t wait until the weekend
Dan, 4:09 pm: i want to die
Fiona, 4:15 pm: Will you stop wanting to die on the weekend
Dan, 4:16 pm: no but i’ll forget about it
Fiona, 4:16 pm: Close enough
Dan, 4:17 pm: i have written so many papers in the past week
Dan, 4:17 pm: i want to die
Fiona, 4:17 pm: Oh no
Fiona, 4:17 pm: When are you done writing papers?
Dan, 4:18 pm: never i’m an english major
Fiona, 4:18 pm: I’m so sorry
Fiona, 4:18 pm: Do you want to talk about it
Dan, 4:19 pm: … yes
Fiona, 4:20 pm: Is this a crisis about your major? I’m an expert on those
Dan, 4:20 pm: no, i love english
Dan, 4:20 pm: well i don’t really *love* anything but english is tolerable
Fiona, 4:21 pm: lol
Fiona, 4:21 pm: I think lots of people don’t *love* what they do
Fiona, 4:21 pm: There’s nothing wrong with that
Dan, 4:22 pm: I guess
Dan, 4:23 pm: do you *love* philosophy?
Fiona, 4:23 pm: idk
Fiona, 4:24 pm: I like it
Fiona, 4:25 pm: Honestly I probably won’t end up doing it long term anyway
Dan, 4:25 pm: Why not?
Fiona, 4:26 pm: Not a lot of people get paid to sit around and ponder the mysteries of life
Fiona, 4:26 pm: Unless you go into academia I guess and ick, that’s so much grad school
Dan, 4:27 pm: yeah i guess not
Dan, 4:27 pm: people don’t really get paid to sit around an analyze literature a lot either, do they?
Fiona, 4:27 pm: idk
Fiona, 4:28 pm: Do they?
Dan, 4:28 pm: i feel like probably not
Dan, 4:28 pm: should’ve paid more attention in english 100 lol i think they talked about that
Fiona, 4:29 pm: We all should’ve paid more attention in our orientation classes yet here we are
Fiona, 4:29 pm: Worst comes to worst I’ll just use my CS minor for something
Dan, 4:30 pm: you’re getting a CS minor?
Fiona, 4:30 pm: I had already finished like half the required classes when I switched to philosophy so why not?
Fiona, 4:31 pm: Also it was one of my parents’ requirements for letting me switch but we don’t talk about that
Dan, 4:32 pm: lol
Dan, 4:32 pm: unfortunately i don’t have a cs minor to fall back on
Fiona, 4:33 pm: It’s not too late to get one :P
Dan, 4:33 pm: no thank u!
Fiona, 4:34 pm: aww
Fiona, 4:35 pm: too bad
Dan, 4:35 pm: i am not willing to stoop to doing math to appease capitalism
Fiona, 4:35 pm: lol, have it your way
Fiona, 4:35 pm: English is a good degree, you’ll be fine
Fiona, 4:36 pm: Besides, you have a few years to figure things out
Dan, 4:36 pm: this is true!
Dan, 4:36 pm: i’m going to go forget about my problems and procrastinate dealing with them
Fiona, 4:36 pm: have fun <3
Dan, 4:37 pm: i will!
October 25, 2019:
Dan, 11:24 am: college is stupid
Dan, 11:24 am:
Tumblr media
Fiona, 11:26 am: You can still do that now if you really want
Dan, 11:26 am: it’s not the same
Dan, 11:26 am: you live with the constant fear of someone catching you
Fiona, 11:27 am: Okay but you admit that you *could*
Fiona, 11:27 am: You’re just a coward
Dan, 11:28 am: excuse me
Dan, 11:28 am: what did you just say to me
Dan, 11:28 am: i’ll fight you
Fiona, 11:29 am: Okay
Fiona, 11:29 am: To the death or just to giving up?
Dan: 11:29 am: i’d die before i’d give up
Fiona, 11:30 am: Death it is
Fiona, 11:30 am: It’s been nice knowing you
Dan, 11:31 am: you too
Dan, 11:31 am: okay bye i have to go write a paper
Dan, 11:31 am: it was nice talking to you
Fiona, 11:32 am: :(
Fiona, 11:32 am: It was nice talking to you too
Fiona, 11:32 am: Write fast and then return to me
Dan, 11:33 am: ofc <3
Fiona, 11:33 am: <3
October 26, 2019:
Fiona, 9:51 pm: Any fun plans this weekend
Dan, 9:55 pm: Writing more papers lmao
Dan, 9:55 pm: wbu?
Fiona, 9:56 pm: aww :(
Fiona, 9:56 pm: Same I guess, mostly just homework
Fiona, 9:56 pm: 😔
Dan, 9:57 pm: honestly
Dan, 9:57 pm: fuck homework
Dan, 9:58 pm: will you run away to the woods with me
Fiona, 9:59 pm: 😳
Fiona, 10:00 pm: That’s kinda gay
Dan, 10:01 pm: no it’s not
Dan, 10:02 pm: we will live in a cottage with two bedrooms
Fiona, 10:03 pm: But that’s less fun
Dan, 10:05 pm: 😳
Dan, 10:06 pm: that’s kinda gay
Fiona, 10:07 pm: I’m kinda gay
Dan, 10:08 pm: 😳
Fiona, 10:08 pm: 😏
Fiona, 10:11 pm: Can we move to the woods after I finish this paper
Dan, 10:12 pm: no sorry i’m leaving right now
Fiona, 10:13 pm: Oh well :( I’ll try to visit
Dan, 10:14 pm: thank you
Dan, 10:14 pm: just let me know when you’re visiting and i will make you the most mediocre stir fry you’ve ever had
Fiona, 10:15 pm: lmao sounds good
Fiona, 10:15 pm: I have to go work on my paper now :( but I will visit your cottage in the woods as soon as possible
Dan, 10:16 pm: appreciated
Dan, 10:16 pm: good luck on your paper!
Fiona, 10:16 pm: good luck on your move to the woods!
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