#okay mb anyway i love this art so much
diabolikpersonals · 2 months
I would like to hear your thoughts on the DF diaboys routes you have played at this point.
yessir!! under the cut:
Shu: Shu's DF route is an exercise in meeting him where he is. We know Shu loves his family, but we have to understand it isn't easy for him to show it. We're right at the precipice of a big change in Shu and Reiji's relationship, but we have to accept that acting the way Reiji wants him to just isn't what's best for Shu. Yui wants confirmation of Shu's affection for her, but she has to learn that he shows his affection in other ways. It's kind of like this route is showcasing Shu's flaws and you're going, "That's okay! I like Shu because he's Shu!" so I think it's sweet. Take your time, Shu! ...If I had to complain about this route, I'd say that we spend so long away from the other characters that it gets lonely. I guess that's the point, though...I just don't really find all the "hiding from everyone else" scenes very exciting after a while. We could've spoken to Reiji more, and I honestly feel like Shu and Reiji have bigger breakthroughs in other routes, so this one feels like it's missing a big scene with the Beatrix bros.
Ayato: If you had asked me when I had just played HDB and MB, I would have told you, "Never in a MILLION YEARS will I feel anything other than hatred for Cordelia," but well!!! Surprise!!! This one will make you feel things other than hatred for Cordelia, whether you like it or not. I truly understand how the triplets felt when they said they loved and hated her. The situation is too complicated for me to get into it very much here, but in short I'll say that I really liked the direction they took with the plot of this route, and I came out of it feeling like Ayato and Yui took a well-earned step forward. Absolutely loved this one. So proud of both of them. Whenever I play through the DF Sakamaki prologue, it makes me feel cruel if I don't pick Ayato's route lmao
Laito: If you are an angst lover like me then you will eat this shit up. It's an extremely bad time for every character involved. It hurt so good. I had to spend 70% of this route convincing Laito not to kill himself. In this route, Laito discovers a fact about his father that changes his outlook on his entire life, like every single thing about his life, and the performance that Daisuke Hirakawa gives is like.. It's pure art idk what to tell you. Reading this route is not good enough, you need the audio. I was scared, I wanted to cry, and as a triplet lover there were high points too, but my heart ached for the entire route, even through the good ending! I like that even the obligatory fanservice scenes don't let you forget how terrible the situation is! Strongly strongly strongly recommend
Yuma: Alas, I can only give you a super biased review of this one. It's my favorite route because it has so many good Shu/Yuma scenes. This route is our last bit of "Shu avoids Yuma and keeps secrets from him for his own good!" drama before Yuma finally gets the whole truth about his childhood. We get the cute flashback scenes, Yuma gets some awful nightmares and has some panic attacks, there's a little of everything! :D Even Zweig is there and he and Yuma are super cool, and if you know anything about Lost Eden then you know how hilarious that is. Anyway, this all culminates in THE YUMA BEST FRIEND MONOLOGUE which is one of my favorite dialovers scenes, period, because it makes me so happy. It feels soooo good to watch the arson recovery trio...recover from the arson. 10/10. Shuuma shippers, this one is required reading.
Carla: I'm definitely not shaming you if this route is to your taste, but it certainly wasn't to mine :') Most diaboys talk down to you, but Carla talks down to you to such a degree that I started getting offended over stuff I've never been offended about before. Like, "What do you mean you don't like the taste of my blood?! My blood is fucking delicious!" lol. I am not into all the forced pregnancy stuff, I am not into the demon racism stuff, I am not into how often Yui is reminded that she has no family and no one will come save her. I personally found Carla to be unbearable until he collapsed and started the process of dying. Then he got all sensitive and lonely and I was like "ok I can deal with him now." The ending isn't very satisfying either (What do you mean sucking Yui's blood will stop him from dying for now? He's been sucking her blood this whole time and his symptoms got way worse.) and Carla's blood sucking noises made me want to take my headphones off and throw them away (sorry toshiyuki morikawa I respect you so much toshiyuki morikawa) soooooooooo.........I didn't like it. I grew to like Carla around CL so don't be sad if you like him, ok? He's my friend now, but this route is still just unpleasant to me hgfghsdf
Shin: I know I said I hated the forced pregnancy talk and the demon racism plans and I did hate them, believe me, but Shin's route was successful in getting me to like him. I love that they put him in jail and beat the shit out of him, that was such a good scene and I really feel like my tastes are finally being represented lmao. Because it's his introductory route, he's pretty rough around the edges (true for every diaboy—everyone is a huge jerk in their introductory route) but there was still a lot to enjoy! The flashback scenes were fun (dare I say...he was...cute?!) and when put together with Carla's, the Tsukinamis have a super interesting story & dynamic together, and it fits the themes of dialovers really well. The differences with Carla's route, to me at least, are that Shin's scenes feel more like "playing with a diaboy" even when he gets mean, Shin has the added appeal of being teasable and of being a BIG FLUFFY DOG, and of course, Shin's blood sucking scenes didn't make me want to die. I'm clearly in the minority here, though, because Shin is at the bottom of every popularity poll I see lol...Anyway, it didn't make me LOSE MY SHIT like some other routes did, but I had fun playing this one!!
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so i still haven't learnt most their names [i have a shitty memory-] but theres 3 that i remember being frens with in 7th grade and 1 i remember from grade school [she's part of the 3], she lowkey forces me to study but it's because she cares methinks and she doesn't want me to fail, so thats okay, she's the only one i call a nickname because yes [yaya], i think she might be autistic [the vibe detector], either that or she grew up too fast, also her sister is autistic so theres a higher chance for her, she's kind of emotionally unavailable but i think it's cause family problems [gotta love that arab upbringing], eitherway then theres another girl, she legit matches my energy and she's super nice, kind of like you, except she is also out of pocket and lowkey a bad influence [yaya is 90% of my impulse control and moral compass], eitherway girl 2 is easily distracted liek me and the vibe check says she got adhd except i feel like i project onto people too much so maybe im delulu except she's even more distractable than **me** so it's canon. anyways the third girl *was* kind of a rival/enemy but we chill now, she likes cars and she's actually really talented in art so woa, i still dont talk much to her but she makes a huge effort to talk to me and be nice so im trying as well, she's really improved so im proud of her People used to ship me and yaya in 7th grade and they thought we were dating [????????????????????], nwo that im back in 9th grade it's coming back :'], the thing that is kind of bad abt her is that she is homophobic but that i feel is internalized homophobia cause she is ace/aro [mb both] but she said she didn't want to put that label cause then she'd be 'part of that community'
then theres a bunch of other people who i think like me but i dont *know* know them yet but apparently they remember me and now they're part of the group
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needlesandnilbogs · 3 months
I guess art is going on tumblr instead of on blogspot today lolll cause I’m lazy. half the high school au crowd goes to see a movie. that is all. (If I successfully did this then there will be a read more bc I put the fic here and it got long)
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Image ID: two digital drawings. One is of high school versions of murderbot characters dressed in costumes and standing in front of a movie poster: from left to right, Rin (high school au murderbot), Bharadwaj, Overse, Gurathin, Pin-Lee, and Indah. Rin has dark curly hair and dark brown skin. It is not dressed in a costume, just a blue hoodie and gray pants, and is standing behind and apart from the group. Bharadwaj has dark brown skin and her hair is under a light purple hijab which extends into a cape behind her; she also wears a long dark blue dress belted at the waist and a silver circlet. Overse has light skin, shoulder-length dirty blonde hair, and glasses; she wears a light blue dress with pink trim and sleeves, pink shoes laced up her calves, a Magen David necklace, and a small pink crown. Gurathin has the lightest skin, brown hair cut unflatteringly, and big round wire glasses; he is wearing a red shirt and leggings with gold armor over it, and he has a silver flute hung over his shoulder. Pin-Lee has lightish skin, black hair in a bun, and wears a green bodysuit half covered in green and pink feathers. Indah is the tallest except for Rin and has medium skin and light brown hair; she is wearing a turquoise shirt, purple leggings, a skirt in a different shade of purple with gold trim, and yellow shoes.
the other image is the poster that is behind them. It is for a made up movie called “Sunshine Warriors: Day of the Second Sun” and features an orange and yellow stylized sun on a blue background. On the sun there are images of a pink crown, a red eighth note, a green bird, and a purple butterfly. Under the movie title, at the bottom, it says “Ten Years Later…”. End ID.
anyways this is for chatfic I am deciding whether to post to ao3 or not, I wrote the fic last year and it’s part of the hsau’s summer between Mensah and mb’s senior year of high school and going to college. The relevant bit of the fic itself is as follows:
DM: Lee (Pin-Lee), bhara (Bharadwaj)
[10:01] bhara: Hey, wanna go to the river w me this afternoon?? I need out of the house and my aunt won't let me take the car
[10:03] Lee: I'm down, want me to pick you up?
[10:03] bhara: That'd be great \o/ I have no agenda lol I just really need a break
[10:04] Lee: Also, want to come to the movies tonight with Indah and me, too? We're making plans to see the Sunshine Warriors film in full costume tonight, possibly with Gurathin and Overse and Rin too.
[10:05] Lee: I was actually about to ask if you wanted to come when you texted me!
[10:07] bhara: I CAN GO \o/ \o/ \o/
[10:07] Lee: Great. Pick you up in ten for river time, at 4 for the movie?
[10:07] bhara: o7 but also changed my mind, let's go see how much of a costume we can put together in the time between now and 4?
[10:08] Lee: I'll make a group chat so we can coordinate costumes!
New Chat: Pin-Lee (Pin-Lee), Bharadwaj (Bharadwaj), gurathin (gurathin), indah (indah), Overse (Overse), Rin (Rin)
[10:10] Pin-Lee (Pin-Lee) started chat
[10:10] Pin-Lee (Pin-Lee) changed chat name to Sunshine Warriors Assemble
[10:11] Pin-Lee: So. We are doing this, okay? I call dibs on being Feather, he was always my favorite.
[10:11] indah: I'd forgotten how much I loved this show
[10:12] indah: I want to be Color, if possible, I have the most clothing I could use for her.
[10:15] Overse: Arada isn't interested in going but she says she'll lend me her floofy skirt so I wanted to be color
[10:15] indah: I'll duel you for it. Swords at 2 am on the 29th?
[10:16] Overse: wow rude
[10:16] Overse: whatever happened to reasonable sleep schedules? [10:17] gurathin: Not to interrupt but I want to stake a claim on flute, the least terrible warrior
[10:18] Overse: omg Gurathin just be sun lord, you're already that pompous <3
[10:18] Bharadwaj: So we have Flute, Feather, and two people who want to be Color, who wants Princess and what do the rest of you want to do?
[10:20] Overse: well, I can be princess instead, i do have good high heels for it, but what do you wanna do?
[10:20] Rin: I'm not coming in costume.
[10:20] Bharadwaj: I was thinking Queen Midnight but only if everyone else is down for going with the villain?
[10:21] Pin-Lee: I am *always* down for going with villains. I'll be over in 5 minutes and we can hit your closet and the thrift store, okay?
[10:22] indah: The plan is meet at Pin-Lee's house at 4, carpool to the movie theater, see the 4:45 showing, get dinner, see the 9:50 showing, go home, unless anyone can't stay out till midnight.
[10:30] Bharadwaj: I just checked and my aunt says that's fine
[10:30] Bharadwaj: She also says if we want to come over after and watch the documentary that came out a couple years ago about the making of the show we are welcome to do so and then sleep over!
[10:31] Bharadwaj: It's SUCH a good documentary, it's a beautiful letter of love to the way the show was made and the choices the writers had to make to make it socially acceptable
[10:31] Bharadwaj: I know I just like documentaries in general but I really love this one and not just because it's about fiction I enjoy
[10:35] Overse: omg perf
[10:35] Overse: I have to be princess then bc I loved her voice actor in the show
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roseadleyn · 1 year
if u truly like diabolik lovers (according to ur fandom list anyways) then any diabolik lovers ocs that you like and/or love?? and do you have any dl ocs of your own?
OH MY GOD. i have another ask like this. should probably stop procrastinating and answer all 87 of my asks but procrastination is life 😍‼️
btw this list is not in order at all‼️i love you all the same <333
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1. helen harrison, aurora, and lae'la by @/nutaella-kookie
laila isn't around on tumblr anymore (deactivated) but i actively stalk all blogs that contain helen posts. she's my favorite oc ever created and i genuinely love and fantasize about her all the timeeee
aurora is the BEST person in the demon world alongside devyn and gilbert. shut up. u don't get to argue because omg i love this woman
and lae'la... she's so objectively wrong but oh my heavens she looks good while she's at it. girlboss, love her.
2. keiichirou seong by @gingerall
okay but i am so in love with this man u do not understand!!! he's written well, he's drawn well, and he's so pretty 😭💞 yes he's a red flag but red is my favorite color so what are you going to do about it huh 🙄🙄
(@gingerall's art SLAYS btw. go check it out. i dare you. rn. )
3. devyn kang by @secretarykang
devyn is so beautiful???? so girlboss???? like, genuinely, this is the rare female oc who's a compelling female character who doesn't need to beat everyone up to be empowering and i just. hhhh ma'am i love u pleaseee
4. maya by @summercreolefanfictioner
BABIE!!! mentally traumatized, but babie!!! i found maya a while back and read her ENTIRE masterlist in one setting. istg i love her, she's so complex (in a good way!!) and deserves the world for putting up with kanato like she does
5. gilbert by @summercreolefanfictioner
SIR??? MY HAND IN MARRIAGE IS HERE??? literally simp over him as a hobby he's too well written and way too handsome for me to not do that okay??? and also he didn't need to die miss summer he deserves a happy ending with devyn!!!
6. cyra by @mariicake
is she single??? because i am (/j)
okay but like come on. this woman is so. wjsjd she makes me feel things she's so pretty and she slays literally every interaction with those mentally ill vampires and whatever else cooks in the dl abyss
7. asa, akemi and amaya by @crookedherringcolorclodthe2nd
(i'm unable to tag your original blog, my apologies!!)
my go to ocs if i need to laugh??? these girls. i absolutely adore their dynamic and the way they're written, a definite 10/10 for character building
8. malorie by @whitechocolatemochaasblog
MALORIE IS THE PRETTIEST NAME EVER OMG. also i just love how cute she is???? she's so baby, i love her with my whole entire heart and soul
9. makoto by @kirua9
poor girl </3 she just wants some love 😭 come here makoto i can treat u better than he ever could‼️
she's so hurt that it makes my heart ache
as for whether i have my own dl ocs... i have my own ocs, but not dl ones!! i'm considering putting my ocs in dl but i'll probably do it after i've organized this blog a little bit, you know???
currently, the ocs that are out are xander, raymond, roselyn, and caelia, and i'm working on emma (that's her old moodboard) rn <333 seven of my ocs have moodboards but i hated the mbs so i obviously had to remake them all; currently four have been remade, fifth is abt to be done‼️
lots of my mutuals have ocs but none of them are dl, so they weren't mentioned here. they slay nonetheless!!!
...and i've rambled way, way too much again, bye bye 😍
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underaverageheight · 1 year
Archive 01 - limbo
i found an old piece i wrote when skz-replay came out
LMH x gn!reader angst with a little bit of fluff at the end (mb guys i wrote this with 'limbo' in mind haha) Warning(s): profanity y'all know i dont proofread
You were going abroad. Leaving for school, making you leave behind your current life. Making you leave behind Minho. You were already having a hard time taking in the fact that you were leaving for 5 years to a foreign place with no one you knew.
Minho knew how much you wanted to learn the arts, encouraging you to leave, saying, “5 years isn't too long. It's okay. I'll be here.“ Already ticked off, you retaliated, screaming that he only wanted you gone and that he won't be waiting when you come back.
“Fuck this, I'm going. I might not even come back. Maybe I'll find someone that wants me to stay.” With the slam of a door, you quickly scrambled to finish packing.
“I- fuck. fine.“ Heavy footsteps tread away from the door. Packed, you set out the house key and all the pictures of Minho. Tears threatened to fall but you pushed through and left. It was an hour to the aiport. All throughout the ride, you were quietly sobbing, making the driver uncomfortable.
Minho sat with his head buried in his hands at his desk, a few tears falling. He was so confused. “I only encouraged you to chase your dream, as you did to me…so why, why is it like this?“ He stopped, looking towards the office door, hearing the front door slam. Shit. He jumped up, grabbing his coat and keys.
Approaching the front door, he saw the pictures and keys, scattered all over the floor. He picked one up. It was a picture of you and him, after his first concert. Minho's heart clenched as he left to chase his lover, his best friend, his motivator.
It took an hour and a half to the airport. You dabbed at your puffy red eyes, pulling your hat down even lower. You sat, waiting in the terminal. 1 hour til I can forget and start anew. Looking around, you saw families, couples, students leaving and coming back. I am so sorry. What if he's not actually going to wait? Are we already done? God, I'm so stupid.
Remembering that you bought the tickets on a shared account, Minho found the terminal for the flight as he raced through the airport. 30 minutes. Don't leave me just yet love.
With 15 minutes left before boarding, he made it to the terminal. Staring blankly, you broke your concentration to look at the guy who ran to the chairs, looking around for something or someone. He was covered up, wearing a certain dark navy jacket. The one you gifted him for his birthday.
He's here? Eyes wide, you ran up and hugged him tightly from behind. You sniffled, “Looking for someone?“
“Yeah, you,” a soft chuckle rippled through his body. Minho turned around and picked you up. “I…I didn't mean that I wanted you to go. It's just- when I wanted to give up training, you encouraged me. You pushed me. That's why I fell in love with you. I just want you to chase your dream now,” his voice cracked at the last part.
“Min, I'm so sorry for yelling. I was just stressed- and scared. But that is no excuse for what I said. I am so so sorry.“ You buried your face into his warm chest. Gentle hands traced patterns and softly pat your back, a quiet comforting motion.
“Last call for boarding!“
“Are you going?“ Minho asked, breaking the embrace. “Will you be here when I come back?“
“Of course, love” with a kiss, you left.
A/N: as i said before, i found this when i was organizing my files, decided to put this out there since i haven't posted in a while, i am beginning to progress a bit on Love w/ felix but anyways feel free to reblog w/ or w/out feedback/comments (this is a sub-blog so i can't return comments ㅠㅠ) have a great day and stay tuned ^^
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plusultraetc · 2 months
I am literally scheduling this to post at like. 11 pm my time but I NEED to talk about the Murderbot AU like I need to. There are so many things about it that are so chefs kiss perfect.
I'm going to put my (very disorganized) little ramble under a read more bc of brief, sci-fi typical discussions of injury & cyborg body modification.
Aizawa as a SecUnit in the vein of Murderbot just. Makes so much sense to me??? Not only do I think he'd vibe in particular with Murderbot's snarky, deadpan internal monologue and hacked governor module (icon behavior. legend behavior), but I Love MB's focus on the differences between a security unit vs a combat unit--i.e., its priority is protecting people, not necessarily fighting/being the strongest/doing the most damage. That being said, as a SecUnit, Murderbot has a self-sacrificial streak several miles wide, not unlike someone else I know. Why bother maintaining the integrity of all your limbs when you can just hop in the repair cubicle, right?
SPEAKING of the repair cubicle. That's his sleeping bag. All of the standby/recharge cycles are his naps. ANYWAY.
I think I've also mentioned Aizawa & Kurogiri having a Murderbot & ART dynamic, and that's where my brain ventured a little (a lot) farther away from the canon Murderbot universe. We know that SecUnits are constructs and have both organic and inorganic parts. What if a research transport like Kurogiri, this AU's ART, was so advanced because parts of a construct had been repurposed to build its 'brain?' And what if that construct was Shirakumo? And what if I cried?
ALSO. Instead of hacking his governor module to watch crappy television, Aizawa would 100% have hacked it to watch cat videos. OKAY THAT'S ALL.
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ilaikyuu · 2 years
How many characters do you take at once? I was gonna ask for Yuji Gojo Nanami Megumi toji and geto for flirting HCs but idk if it’s too much?? Err— maybe split this into a two parter if you can’t do it all at once, but yeah basically how do they “romance” a crush and show that they seriously like them 💐
It's mb I'll post rules at some point, but anyway ill split it into 2 parts!!
💔Hcs: "love can be found in the smallest acts of kindness"💔
Featuring Megumi, Nanami and Gojo
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m.e.g.u.m.i ajbfhas
okay, this pretty boy totally seems like someone who has no game at all, hate me if u want
 buuuuuuut…..for what he lacks in flirting and showing his feelings, he makes up for in his actions so pls don't get mad at him
 he is a goofball that smiles at you almost at any given time, even when u make shitty jokes or weird faces, he just appreciates it from afar bcs he doesn't want to ruin the moment 
 Megumi mastered the art of not showing his emotions to anyone fight me on this
for him it's in the little things - he gives you from his favorite snacks or in an argument comes around just to drop a cold remark towards the person arguing with you
u know i feel like he does that thing where when there's a car too close to you he just pulls you closer to him for a second so you don't accidently get hit or hurt
“Please be more careful”
“Megumi the car is 10 meters away, even a plane cant get hit by it
“shut up”
when it comes to compliments and romance….oh boy, ur in for a one
terrible flirting, 3/10, he picks one of these shitty pick up lines from quora and forgets it by the end of the article
“Y/n, uuuh, ummm"
“Are you okay?”
“Uh, oh, do you know CPR because,tc wait, because I cant breath wait…oh my god-”
no no, maybe not this bad, but…eh
tbh if u came this far, i don't think this will be a problem in my opinion shy boys are best boys
u get it, let's skip to the confession part 
honey, sorry to break it down to u but no.
Megumi Fushiguro won't come to you, say “Marry me” and live a happily ever after with you and your 3 kids named Samantha, Barbaba and Jessica
he will wait for u 
the best possible outcome, for him at least, is you being the first one to confess your feelings
i mean
if you don't confess, he will do it but
the poor guy will tell u “meet me at the exit by 6” and just leave.without.saying.a.single.fucking.word
so u go there, ur a nervous wreck he is a nervous wreck and the only thing happening between the two of u is him looking u right in the eyes and just just
“I like you”
“I like you”
jokes aside it won't be that bad. when megumi is serious, he is serious. he will patiently wait for your answer
whatever u tell him it will be a bit awkward but he tried his best so!!
won't tell anyone that you're his gf and everyone will find out a month after 100%
in conclusion megumi fushiguro may not be the best at these kind of things, but he will do anything just to see that bright smile on your face never disappear
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totally more of an action over words person as well
for him flirty lines and sweet talk aren't what being in love means, its more of a toying around
he takes flirting and turns it into physical contact
light touches
u get hit by something, his hand is instantly on your shoulder rubbing it
“Are you okay?”
the more he sees that u dont feel uncomfy the more he uses touching to his advantage
when u are sitting his hand is always behind your back, sometimes playing with your hair, moving a few strands in between his fingers
the next thing you know his hand is on your thigh, his thumb drawing small circles on your soft skin
just to be sure, he will give you the “is this okay” look
oh god how can it not be okay
when it gets late he will always drop u home, doesn't matter the time or the location
he isnt a child so no confession will happen, the moment u feel his hand around your waist u are his, right then and there
he just knows how to treat a woman, thats it 
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opposite of the two i was just talking about
oh my god just the way his voice sounds is enough to make u fall in love i cant im-
he has a patented, pathetic tactic
at first he throws shit at u, he teases you and annoys till u go absolute apeshit
in the beginning u just laugh it off or go with it and try to annoy him as well
it has been 2 weeks of nonstop bullying
“Ah ah, I spilled my drink, is there anyone with napkins?”
“I said is there anyone with napkiiiiiiins?”
“And who is me”
“Ohoh didn't hear you, my hands are full can u clean this for me?”
“Y/n how can you say no to something like that when a vulnerable man asks u to? My hands are full i might slip accidently on it and i can't clean it myself”
“Y/n….u know…i don't want to interfere between u and the coffee puddle but…I think you just missed a place right there.”
but it's okay, its okay
everything is a part of his plan 
when u are in between hating him and wanting to smash his head with a stone he'll call u to meet him for important work and try to apologize
he will put his hand on yours, moving and caressing your skin, asking for your forgiveness, telling you he didn't know how angry his bullying made you, how he crossed the line
he will get close, start murmuring sweet nothings into ur ear, telling u how much he is sorry, how he wanted your attention
he will comfort you, take you home, apologize once more and-
“Tomorrow maybe I’ll start with a compliment, going to be angry again?”
he will whisper it slow and quiet into your ear, curl a few strand of your hair with his hand and just say goodbye with a smirk like nothing happened
yes he is a dick, but once u are his even god will struggle laying a finger on u
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awhst-alt · 3 years
it's so long (literally 2k words) so im gonna put it under the cut haha <3
so basically this would take place after mike and will start dating or something, idk exactly the time frame (i picture them being like 18 or something and this is the summer before college) and will goes to this summer arts program for like 2/3 months (i dunno how long american summer is but something like that) and its all the way far from home so there is dorms and stuff and he's "not in hawkins anymore" (no pun intended)
mike and will decide after will finishes his school they'd go to college together (cuz they're gonna be comic book artists together bc thats boyfriend shit) so throughout these months he's practically just waiting for will (<333333)
so one specific scene i remember from my dream involved will and mike getting off the bus to the school and then they hug and then mike grabs wills hand and brings him behind the bus and then he gives will a biggg kiss bc he won't be able to kiss him for 3 months. then they say they love each other and will gives him another quick kiss and is like "two kisses". they agree they'd call each other every day.
so will goes inside and mike goes back on the bus and goes home.
and basically the whole day is a whirl, until the end of it, in which mike is sitting in the kitchen near the phone waiting for like 3 hours for will to call, and will doesn't end up calling.
so meanwhile at the arts program will asks like the front desk or something if he can call mike and they say phone is offlimits and they don't let him call mike
so then will goes to sleep and he's paranoid that he thinks mike is gonna hate him or something like that
mk than the next day in class there is this girl (they didn't reveal her name in the dream, ill call her stella) so stella is basically looking at will the entire class but will doesn't know it
so when they exit the class stella's like "hi" and will says "hi"
then stella says "i like your painting."
will is like rlly weirded out so he goes "thanks?"
"i um- hope this doesn't sound weird but i have no friends, do you want to be mine?"
and then end of scene (this does not sound like a normal conversation but it's my dream so it doesn't have to make sense"
so BACK AT HAWKINS mike is still sleeping even tho it's like 3 pm because yk depressed boyfriend shit but then the PHONE RINGS and mike gets out of bed frantically and goes to the phone and he picks it up and is like "will?" and then it answers "it's el, idiot"
i feel like this is important for context but el speaks english very well now and hoppers back and she lives with hopper and not the byers anymore. ANYWAYS
el says "how's will?"
mike says "idk he didn't call"
"he didn't?"
"no, he didn't"
"okay. well maybe he will call later"
"yeah mb"
"wanna come over"
so mike hangs up and gets changed and goes to el's house bc they r a couple o' besties and when he gets there it's like a therapy sessions bc mike usally talks to will every single day and he can't for like 3 months (unless will calls, but he's not going to) so he accepts he's gonna be depressed for 3 months and he's just talking to el about how he's gonna miss him so much and no be able to see his face and that shit
so el's like "well do u wanna do something to take ur mind off of him"
and mike's like "no im not gonna replace will" (I SCREAMED IN MY DREAM SRSLY)
but than el says "okay. guess im gonna go to the mall by myself" (ig starcourt is rebuilt by now)
and than mike bolts up and is like "fine"
"we can by something for will"
"okay yay"
so then they go to starcourt yasss!!
anyways back at the art school will is having lunch and stella is with he friends (even tho she said she doesn't have any friends) and one of her friends is like "omg did you see _____ he's so hot"
and another friend says "YESS! but ____ is cuter"
"what abt u stella? who do u have ur eyes on"
and they say "ew that kid who came back to life"
she says "yea. but he's cute, and shy, and once i wrap them around my finger i can get them to do anything"
so then she goes to sit down next to will at lunch
"hi will"
"im good"
"okay. good." and she gets upset because will goes ask how she is but she keeps her urging rage inside. and than they have this weird conversation and will is uncomfortable the whole time bc shes all like flirting with him and will is seeing someone obvi
but then she puts a hand on will's shoulder and he's shaking and then says something (idk what it is it wasn't explaining in my dream) then will stands up and runs to the bathroom. so he's just sitting in the stalls crying.
okay back at starcourt this part wasn't shown in my dream but im just gonna make up that mike and el go looking around starcourt for something for will (sort of like the mike/lucas/will montage where they were looking for stuff for el) and then i guess they find something for will and i don't have the slightest idea what they could have got for him BUT THEY GOT HIM SOMETHING GOOD
so mike's all happy but they'res still that depression inside of him lol
so fast forward a week, it really isn't explained but ill just make up that will still hasn't called mike, and he's super sad and all sleeping in but decides to look through his good ol binder full of will's drawings and in the arts school will and stella have a few more interactions im sure which are still very uncomfortable
okay so it's lunch again in the cafeteria and somehow will and stella are talking again but somehow it ends in stella kissing will and will like pulls away immediatley and is like "what is wrong with you!?"
and she says "what?"
"i'm seeing someone!"
"oh i uh- i didn't know."
the whole cafeteria is staring at them
so will's freaking out almost on the verge of a panic attack "idk what to do, he's gonna hate me and-"
will has the look on his face like shit shit shit oh fuck no
"you're gay?"
and will runs off once again. and everyone in the whole cafeteria knows that he's day and ofc with everybody being homophobic will knows it's not good at all bc everyone's gonna bully him
so then the next day he goes to class and the teacher is like "does anyone care to tell me where ___ is?" (it would be like a math question like 'where x is' but in art idkkk) and then the teacher calls on "will? can you tell me where ___ is?" and they'res a pause and then the teacher says "or perhaps you'd want to find your boyfriend instead?" (giving me anne with an e vibes prolly cuz i did a rewatch last weekend but i won't explain more in case some people haven't watched it but) anyways will stands up from his seat, everyone is looking at him, and he's shaking and so concerned but then he goes "fuck. you" badass will yeaaaa thats my boy
so then he runs out of the classroom and out of the school in a really cool montage way but then he realizes he's like 2 hours away from home but he runs and runs and he goes to a random bustop (it's not even garanteed if it takes him to hawkins but whatever) he gets on and tries to go back to hawkins.
and soon enough, he gets there, and immediatley goes to the wheelers because he needs to see mike and apologize for everything. so he's at the wheelers, and rings the doorbell, realizing he's still in his uniform lol but karen answers and mike is upstairs in his room sulking (i picture it would be 8 pm by now) so will asks for mike and karen calls mike. mike groans obviously because he doesn't know it's his boy, but he comes down, karen gets out of the way and as soon as he sees will they have a really big hug and it's super sweet and my heart UFHEIOSKA
mike says his usual "are you okay?" and mike is still confused as shit but will says "i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry" and mike says "you don't have to be sorry for anyrhing" but will says "ill explain"
so then they go to will's room, side-by-side on his bed and will starts explaining everything
(this is mostly improvised by me but it's still pretty similar to the dream)
"i hated it."
"the school?"
"yeah. there was no you, (mike blushes lmao), everything was terrible, i felt so lonely, they didn't let me call you-"
"they said the phone was off limits. i wanted to talk to you so bad and i thought you'd hate me"
"i could never hate you, will, even if i tried." will smiles
"and then there was this girl, and she hit on me and i didn't know what to do bc i'd be the face of the school if i told her i was dating you and was gay and today she kissed me"
"im sorry im sorry i didn't kiss back and i was so scared bc i never was in a relationship before and i was so scared it was considered cheating-"
and mike LAUGHSS
"what? mike? what's wrong?"
"if you don't do anything back, it's not considerd 'cheating'"
"oh. good. are you mad at me?"
"what? no! no never!" so mike opens his arms and says "come here" so will and mike hug or something like that and then mike says "do you need me to beat her up?"
and will says "you can't even beat eggs. besides, your noodle arms wouldn't be able to do harm to even a fly"
so mike laughs and says "i'm glad your home"
so will blurts "i cursed out a teacher"
"you? cursing?"
"might have to start calling you a bad boy now"
will just smiles and says "i love you"
and mike says "i love you too"
edit: i have no idea what mike did with the present him and el bought for will but i guess they ended up giving it to him lol
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
Let’s talk: BTS decorating their BE photocards (BangtanB)
by Admin 1
Today BH posted a Bangtan B*mb of the members decorating their BE photocards and honestly, it was just too funny of a video to not post some comments about it. If you haven’t seen it yet, please do since it’s an amazing happy boost, and also showcases the differences in the members personalities really well in the way they approached the decorating and the final results.
Before I get into it properly, can we please talk about Namjoon for a moment? His duality? The way he can be so cute and silly and cover his photocard almost completely in cute glittery stickers and then turn around and look like this? I wasn’t ready. For those who saw my post yesterday about the LGO videos, yes, I still haven’t recovered lol.
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Okay, now, lets talk about the video and the cutest/funniest moments.
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(Not to be me but gotta love how Jimin’s and Tae’s photocards are stuck togetehr/connected through the pink sparkly squiggly line sticker, cute. Also it looks like Hobi turned himself into a cute cat boy haha.)
The first duo were the 94 liners, Namjoon and Hobi, and right off the bat it made me smile and laugh so much. Hobi started out trying to make it at least somewhat neat, complained about how he’d stuck the J a little crookedly onto the photocard, but sooner rather than later escalated into just going all out with different hearts and squiggly lines to the point of giving himself heart shaped purple space buns and a pink tail.
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Meanwhile Namjoon’s plan seemed to be just covering the entire photocard in stickers, except for his face. He added flowers and squiggly lines, even at one point tried to scratch off one of the stickers to adjust its placement which, I mean, is very Namjoon. Also, the sheer size difference of their hands and those tiny stickers? And Hobi’s proud smile?
Next up was Jimin with Seokjin and they were my faves in this hands down. The way they work off of each other and make each other (and us) laugh is just so fun and entertaining to watch. Their dynamic is amazing! I love how Jimin wanted to stick an A in hangul onto Seokjin’s photocard (turning Jin into Jan) and at first Seokjin told him not to do it, not to touch other people’s art, but of course he has the worlds biggest heart and soft spot for the members so he allowed Jimin to do it in the end. 
Three times.
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And like that wasn't enough, Seokjin discovered one of the pink squiggly sparkly lines and called it ‘pink poop’ deciding he wanted to stick that onto Jimin’s photocard right above his head. Which, in the end, Jimin also let him do. Adorable.
Their themes were also just so...them. Jimin sticking to flowers (with Seokjin suggesting that he should add a stem below his face so he’d literally be a flower, which Jimin didn’t accept) to match the photocard itself while Seokjin went for “twinkle twinkle little human star” and literally added a yellow star onto his face and surrounded that with even more stars. If that doesn’t scream Seokjin, I don’t know what does, and I mean that in the most endeared way possible.
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Even more so when we think back to the BE Unboxing in units (11:55 onward) where they were supposed to add star stickers as rating along with a review right onto the cover of BE. There, too, Seokjin covered most of the cover in stars, the amount most certainly exceeding any rating system for albums. 
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Then we had Tae along with JK, the only duo that was relatively quiet as they worked, their section less filled with laughter. This isn’t a bad thing, of course, just means they were focused at their task which makes sense in the context of their personalities. Both are visual artists in their own right, JK usually sticking more to videos and photography (though he also draws), while Tae also dabbled into painting, so it was interesting to watch how they approached the task, both of them ending up with results that were far more minimal and neat than those of the previous pairs.
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Tae even made a joke about how their photocards decorated with their names alone simply have name value and would sell for five billion won at an auction. I mean, he’s probably not wrong about that...
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And lastly we had Yoongi on his own, his segment likely having been filmed a while before the other members judging by the background and when his surgery was. He also worked relatively quietly, though that was likely due to the fact that he was on his own. Looking at how many options there were, I thought to myself that I’d simply be overwhelmed by too much choice. 
The cutest thing about his decorating though was how in the end he concluded that he’d want to give his photocard to Hobi so he can keep it in his wallet. Which is even cuter when we think back to FESTA 2020 and how Yoongi had won a Hobi photocard which he’d put in his own wallet. Those two are so soft for each other.
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And like all of that wasn’t cute enough, we got this adorable Hobi selca.
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Overall it was a really, really fun Bangtan B*mb full of laughter and the members having amazing chemistry with each other. Such a simple idea, having them decorate their photocards, and yet the result is so good! 
But, speaking of decorating photocards, could you imagine actually doing that with any of your own? Because honestly I can’t. I’m not necessarily one of those ARMY who collect all the photocards etc and yet I still value mine too much to attempt anything like this out of fear that I’d just ruin them. Same with my ARMY B*mb. Even though I’d love to have the handle covered in rhinestones to match Namjoon’s sky blue mic, Seokjin’s pink one, Yoongi’s black one, or JKs purple iridescent one, but I’d never be brave enough to even give it a try. After all my ARMY B*mb permanently lives in its box so it won’t break or fall or something could happen to it in general.
Anyway, sorry for going on a tangent. The point though is that this was a great Bangtan B*mb with perfect timing for a Sunday. 
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pranpat · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works. I was tagged by @yibobibo aamna thank u so muc and I’m so sorry this is so latenfkskkfd
@yibobibo aamnaaaaa!! You’re always so so wonderful and nice esp when you send me cute little messages I completely adore you and how you’re always tagging me in stuff! Thank you so much and I’m sorry I’m so lazygnskd but I appreciate it all so so much! You’re so talented as well i love everything you post and all your wonderful cql/yibo content makes me so happy esp when ur going off in the tags! I love this (it’s just so jc and wwx and it makes me so so sad) and this (ur tags said it well it’s very sexy) and lastly, this one (it’s just?? So powerful and I love that scene so so much) I’m sending u lots of love for the new year and I hope u have a wonderful year ahead 🥰😚
@gremlinmetawin ayeshaaaaaaaa!! Despite what you may thinkhjdkdkd I do actually love u very much 🙄 even when ur being mean to me. I love everything you put on my dash and when ur watching stuff, despite how long you take, I always love that you flood my dash with gifs bc it makes me feel like I’m watching right along with u. Also I know I make fun of u for tkaing so long to watch stuff but I love hearing your thots on everything and you always manage to pick up on the little details that I always end up missing. I also love how extra you can be gjskkfkdd your font for ayeshas thot still makes me laughfjkskd Anyways I’m so so glad to have gotten to know you this year and I appreciate you so so much and I just love screaming about all the shows we’re watching together 🥺 I Ioce u and appreciate u and I hope that next year is rlly good to u 😚😚🥰
@teh-ohaew taayyy!! Like I said with Ayesha despite what guys think i do actually love u too even tho you favour Ayesha over me sighhh but seriously I’m so glad we’ve gotten close over the few months (2gs impact huh) and that we get to scream over the same shit to each other. I also love how u don’t post shit for days and then u comeback and rb everythinggnsmmd and ur thirsty tags 🙄 always interesting to read. Oh and I’ve told u this multiple times but this this and this all of the edits are so good and all the detail you’ve put into them?? I love it so so much I also rlly love this all of the quotes you chose and the scenes?? To quote you, Britney gif yeah 😩 okay that’s it I love u and appreciate u and I hope next year is really really good to u 😚😚🥰
@yioh yuraaaaaa!!! I always feel so warm and happy whenever I see your stuff on my dash. I love hearing your thoughts on every show you’re watching or reading and I always find myself adding stuff to my recs. Also I love how you’re always so energetic and kind to everyone and you just excude love and warmth. You’re so talented I just love all of your artwork so so much esp this (the concept is just so good? What we could’ve had 😔) and this (bc obvs they’re both happy and living together) and lastly this (ngl I’ve gone back and read this so many times bc it just?? Hurts so much??) hope u have a great year ahead and u get to be surrounded by cats and everything u love!! 🥰😚😚
@metawwin aliiiiiiii!!! I’m so happy that we’ve gotten the chance to get to know one another this year and I absolutely adore you. You’re always so so kind and give off such positive energy and I just feel so happy whenever I see your stuff on my dash. And I’ve said this before but I love your gifs and it shows how much work you put into them and I love everything about your blog. I esp love this (ngl I lost my shit bc hands??? It’s such a pretty set and I always come back to it) and this (god I love this quote so much and I just love the scenes you’ve chosen and just everything is just so them) and lastly this (i love how u pick up on the smallest details and parallels and this set.. I just appreciate it so so much) I lov u and miss u I hope u have a great year ahead , sending u lots of love 🥰😚😚
@taytawan nuriaaa!! you’re so kind and you and your blog just give off such warmth idk how to explain it. I love all of your content, you make some of the prettiest gifs ive ever seen they’re always so warm and so clear and pretty. I esp love this one (idk how to explain it but it’s just?? So pretty and it’s one of my fav gifs of Tine out there ugh he just looks so good and the colouring just makes it so so much better) and all of your heart-eyes sets (ahhvhdjjdd they’re all just so nice and they just sum up their relationship so well??? These sets always make me so so happy) and lastly this (ngl I sat there for 5 minutes just being in awe bc?? I’ve never thought about this and I about lost it because???? Yeah it was never about the phone 😩 and that just adds so much to the show) I hope you have the best year ahead, sending u lots of love! 🥰😚😚
@morksuns sumaayaaa!! You’re so wonderful and kind and i just love how much you love the handmaiden?? And you have such great taste in shows and movies and I just love when you rb it on my dash. I absolutely love this mb it’s just so pretty and so soft?? And they’re girlfriends and everything about it is just so so warm and nice and the quotes.. yeah 😩) I also really love this mb (all of the pictures you’ve chosen are just so wonderful and they just fit?? That yellow sweater? The headphones? Scrubb? “Hi I’m bi” jfkskfk I just find so much comfort in it) and lastly this mb (it just screams home to me and it’s just so soft and wonderful? & the soulmate definition? Yeah ..yeah ) I hope u have a wonderful year ahead, sending u lots of love🥰😚
@fushiguroo lasyaaa!! You’re so so kind and lovely to talk to. You just give off so much warmth and you always seem so positive. I also really love all the sky/landscape pictures you post they’re always so pretty and ur just so talented. You also make such pretty gifs I just love all of your itsay gifs esp this (all the yellows and it just looks so warm and pretty?? And you giffed some of my favourite scenes from the episode 🥺) and this (once again you’ve chosen some of the prettiest scenes the first one in the water?? God it’s so pretty and the last gif from that set of the sunset???! It’s just so nice??? I love it so so much) I hope you have a great year ahead, sending u lots of love!! 🥰😚
@gigiesarocha cataaa!! I want to say thank u for putting Jeff satur on my dash because?? He’s so beautiful?! and I’m always tempted everyday by your ingredients gifs but I don’t have the patience so I’m waiting till it ends but your gifs of the show are always so pretty I can’t wait until I can sit down and watch it all and go through ur tag fjskkfd And I love all the kdramas you put on my dash bc I always end up adding more stuff to my watch list bc of it. I love this set so so much you have no idea it’s just so pretty and I love flowers so much and the flowers you’ve chosen to describe them both is just so spot on. I also really love this thank u for making this and blessing us all!! I hope you have a wonderful year ahead sending lots of love 🥰😚😚
@brightwin jelllyyyy!! You’re one the warmest kindest people I’ve talked to. You’re alway so kind to everyone and always spreading positivity and it’s just so nice to see you on my dash. Your gifs are always so so pretty esp the colouring you always manage to make them look so warm and clear and it just makes them so nice to look at. I love all of your content but I esp love this the scenes you’ve chosen are so wonderful and the quote is just.. so them it’s just so pretty. I also love this it just makes me miss them so much seeing how far they’ve come in their journey?? And ugh your colouring is always so beautiful. Also this is so pretty so basically all of ur lyric/quote sets because they’re so wonderful and you always make them look so beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead, sending you lots of love! 🥰🥰😚
@tichawongtipkanon diraaa!! You’re always so so kind and everytime I see you on my dash it always makes me so happy just reading your tags. Even tho I don’t think I’ve ever seen ticha in anything (I think?? I don’t rmr gkskkfkd) I always love seeing your gifs because she’s absolutely gorgeous?? I also really like this gjskkfkskkfd it always makes me laugh bc yeah he rlly is a mess and the fact that these gifs can capture him just being an idiot is so funny and I also really like this the quote and the scenes you’ve chosen??? Yeahhhfnskkd sarawatine soulmates!! I hope u have a wonderful year ahead sending u lots of love!! 🥰😚😚
@b-iconpearl roseee! youre so so kind and I appreciate you messaging me just to wish me a good day!! I also love all the pnd content you put on my dash even tho I haven’t had the chance to catch up but all of ur gifs of esp Pearl?? And Alex? Yeahhhh I esp love this bc Pearl is just??? So beautiful I just love this set of her sm she looks so good and also this I gasped out loud when I first saw this??? Alex looks so good and the gif is just so pretty and warm. Also I really love this the movie is just so dear to my heart and I love it so much and your set is just so so so beautiful and the lyrics yeahhhh so good! I hope you have a wonderful year ahead! Sending you lots of love 🥰😚
@pangwave dawnnn!! I love seeing you on my dash you’re always so kind and I love hearing your thoughts on the shows ur watching. Also ur gifs are always so pretty esp the recent morksun au you did, it was so interesting and I just loved it so much. I also really like this it’s so pretty and I love all the scenes you’ve chosen and the quote... yeah and the colouring is so warm and lovely. I also really like this god it’s one of my fav scenes from the show and I just love it so much. I also really like this it was such a small moment but handholding is just so...good and the set just looks so soft I love it I hope you have a wonderful year ahead! 🥰😚
@khaotungthanawat sammm!! Idk if I’ve mentioned this before but you make some of the best sets ever especially when it comes to finding parallels between shows. And you’re so creative and it’s so clear that you put so much work into ur gifs and they always look so so good! I especially love this it’s just so creative and looks so beautiful and how each weather just perfectly describes them? Just amazing and this one bc I had no idea there were so many reflections and I saw ur set and just had to take a moment and this one the colouring is just so pretty and it’s one of my favourite scenes ever and I just love it so much. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you!! 🥰
@teepakornaekaranwong orthyy!! I love how ur still keeping the 2g tag alive and that you’re always rb them on my dash. I esp love this you really combines the show scenes with the song and just made it so much more impactful?? And i just love all the scenes you’ve chosen it’s so beautiful. I also really like this and all the other ones in the set because they’re so funnygkkskfd and also this + all the other ones they always make me laugh bc you really did choose such perfect text post for each scene/character! I hope you have a wonderful year ahead!! 🥰
@asianmelodrama faizaaa!! I think this goes without saying that your content is always so beautiful and wonderful. And you have such a way with words as well, I just love reading your answers, posts and tags and it just feels so warm and safe . This has to be one of my favourite posts ever because there was so much potential?? So many hints?? And we could’ve had it all and I just love this set so much. I also really like this because their friendships were really so beautiful and I just wish we’d gotten to see more of it but what we did see, it was just beautiful. I also really like this (it’s so beautiful and I love winteam so much)and this bc jackzhaozi were so good. I love the character studies you did on tine and sarawat they were so raw and beautiful, like I said you just have such a way with words it was just so beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you!! 🥰
@toptaps zeeyyy!! You make some of the prettiest content ever and you’re just such a nice presence on my dash and you just seem so kind and warm. This has to be my favourite thing out there because when I heard that like, all of their scenes were just playing in my head and this set just captures everything we could’ve had :(( I also really like this the way you’ve morphed the gifs, the text and colouring of it, it’s all just so pretty. I also really really love this once again it’s so beautiful?? The way you’ve morphed them together and the quote you’ve used and the font and earnpear really is superior. Especially that first gif it looks like earns so taken aback by pear :((( and it’s so nice. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead!! 🥰
@soulmatelines jo!! You’re so kind and it’s always been so nice to see you on my dash even though I know you must be busy rn I hope you’re still taking care of yourself. You also make such amazing content, I especially love this everything about this set is so good we go from tender to raw feelings and it’s just so so beautiful. I also really like this bc I love love all of kurosawas thoughts and all the little insecurities he has about himself god it just makes him that much more real. I also really like this it’s just so pretty and I just love the whole concept of it it’s so well done. I hope you have a great year ahead of you!! 🥰
@gunsatthaphan Doreeennn!! you’re so so nice and lovely and I lose reading your thoughts on things. Also thank u for always tagging me in stuff and im so sorry im always late to it. But you’re always a delight on my dash and I just love all of your content. I especially love this parallel just bc of how significant this line was in the whole show and I just love the coloring on it and everything about it. I also really love this bc OhmFong are so cute and I missed Fong’s little jumps when I was watching it but them I saw your gifset and cried over how cute he is. Lastly, this one... i love this one so so much bc it was just so powerful and beautifully said and it was just so so good and its one of my fav scenes. Oh and bonus this one because I love wyel so much and tht quote.... just adds everything to that scene and ugh everything about that set is just so wonderful. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead, sending lots of love!🥰😚
@wjmild kyliieeee!! anytime I think of you I always think of tsoa or lee thanatnfkkfd which thank u for always putting him on my dash bc I love looking at him. It’s always so nice seeing you on my dash and reading your tags and thoughts on things and you’re such a great content creator. I love this so much thank u for compiling all of their little moments together, they’re just so cute. I also really love this wyel is so superior and I just love them both so much and this scene was just so cute. I also really love this even tho I haven’t seen all the shows, i love handholding and you just hit the spot with this and this set is just everything it’s so beautiful. I hope you have a great year ahead of u, sending lots of love! 🥰
@cherryysundae monicaaa!! I absolutely love all of your content and you’re so kind and such a wonderful presence on my dash. you also make such pretty gifs. I especially love this everything about this scene was just so so beautiful and you made it even more beautiful with your wonderful colouring I just love how the shades of flower reflect on wwx and lwj (idk if that makes sense but gjskkfkd). I also really love this ngl made me really really sad especially with all the wwx and yanli scenes :(( but this trio was literally everything and you just compiled all of their beautiful scenes together and heartbreaking scenes. I also really love this that gif of jc smiling?? So precious and just all the purples and the zidian? I just love it so much. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead!! 🥰
@leoyunxi ashiraa!! your content is always so so beautiful and I especially love your colouring it’s so beautiful and just gives makes the gifs seem so warm. I especially really love this wwx looks so pretty here and the colouring just makes it so so much better. I also really like this, this scene was just everything?? And the way they just glance at each other and I just love how warm the gifs look. I also really like this one of my favourite posts of them, you managed to gif all the wonderful scenes of them that I absolutely adore and they just look so good?? I can always tell that it’s your gifs because you have such a distinct colouring style and it’s always so so wonderful to see on my dash. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead!! 🥰
@bright-vachirawit mariii! I hope you’re feeling better now and that you’re staying safe! You’re always such a wonderful presence on my dash esp bc I find we’re more or less usually watching the same shows and I just love all the content you create for it. I especially love this it’s one of my favourite scenes and it came out so clear and just I love how vibrant the red is and it’s just so pretty. I also really like this I also really love this scene and just the colouring is so so pretty and I just love that you added the caption because it just ties it all together and it’s just so wonderful. I also really like this it’s really pretty and I love the fond you used. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead! 🥰
@sarawatine nicoleee!! it’s always a delight seeing you on my dash and I just love all of your content. I especially love this that you paired up each of the lyrics with the scenes from the mv and it’s just so so wonderful and it looks so pretty. I also really like this Idk how many times I’ve screamed over this but this post just confirms that sarawatine soulmates honestly and yeah that last line I could cry. I also really like this I’m a sucker for parallels and this one was just so cute and I just love how soft this set looks. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead! 🥰
@brightwinfilm nath!!! I love all of your content, all your wonderful 2g/bw content and it just makes me so happy. I really love this that you’ve giffed all of their scenes at their home and they’re just being so domestic and cute together it’s so wonderful. I also really like this one gjskkfkd it makes me laugh because they’re so dramatic and your caption just makes it so much better but yeah this was really nice. I also really like this the tension in this gifset but they’re also colored so nicely and I just love everything about it. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead!!🥰
@kimmonv violet!! I absolutely love all of your gifs and all the content you put on my dash. I especially love this honestly a whole ass mood and it made me really excited for the special!’ I also really like this i love the handholding and this scene was just... so beautiful and the dialogue and oh’s surprised face? This scene was everything and I just love this so much.and lastly this this scene was so funny gjskkfkd and I love how you adding the bonus scenes it makes it so much better!! I also love all of you gen y gifs!! They’re always so pretty and always look so clear and colourful. I hope you have a great year ahead!!🥰
@vihokratanas meeel!! You’re always such a delight on my dash and I love seeing your content. I especially love this it just looks so pretty and and I love this scene as well! This definitely is one of the best locations just look at the beach. I also really love this the scenes you’ve chosen just go with the song so well and it just ties it all together. It’s all just so wonderful and I love it so much. I also really love this this scene was just so good and the way you’ve coloured it just makes it so much warmer and prettier and the gifs are so so clear!! Absolute favourite! I hope you have a great year ahead!! 🥰
@atpgun doraaa!! I love your content and I absolutely love all of your itsay gifs. I especially love this one, the colouring is so so pretty and this scene is just so good and so underappreciated. It’s just so clear and I love how warm the gif looks and their relationship is just so good. I also really like this one bc I’m a sucker for parallels and these two?? And I love that you decided to include vlads little thumbs up so cute 🥺 I also really like this one it just makes me laugh bc pp looks so evil jfkskfkskd and I think ur one of the few people that giffed the documentary so thank you! I hope you have a great year ahead!! 🥰
@jbums kaaaay!! I hope ur doing well I haven’t seen you around in a while but I still absolutely love all ur content. I loved loved ur wyel gifs they were always so warm and you made them look so beautiful with your colouring. I also really like this like I said your colouring is always so so pretty and this was just so funny and their matching shirts so cute. And I also really like this one sangha looks so cute it reminds me of that gif you made of tae joo where he slams the spoon downfjskjdd but I hope ur doing well and I hope you have a wonderful year! 🥰
  @musicdramalove hiii we recently became mutuals but I’m so glad we did. I love all your saifahzon content and your gifs are always so wonderful. I really like this one I haven’t watched it yet but this set really knocked this up in my list and I cant wait to watch it bc it loooks so lovely. I also really like this one, two of my favourite shows paralleled ugjjdks I love it so much and yes hugs.. the hugs I love it so much. I also really like this one the two of them just talking about the others smile and just admiring the other?? These scenes were just so good. I hope you have a great year ahead! 🥰
@planthusbands (cass -I absolutely love ur writing and thank u so much for writing me the wonderful fic I absolutely adore it and it had everything I liked in terms of tropes. I hope you have a wonderful year! 🥰)
@itoldsunset (dawy -thank u so so much for ur wonderful translations for itsay interviews god all of them just add so much depth into the show and I just love them all so much. I hope you have a wonderful year!! 🥰
@wirapong aishi!!! I absolutely love love this set of yours, pear looks so beautiful in it and your colouring just makes her look so so lovely. This set just makes me so happy bc look at her jumping with joy ah I love it. I also really like this one god this quote... was so impactful and I just love how you used all the scenes of them dancing with each other it’s just so so good. I also really like this one you cna really see the wonder and awe in Karl’s face and I love this scene so much and them. I hope you have a wonderful year ahead 🥰
@kurosawadachi angeeel!! i absolutely love this little set of film please she is so cute and her little smile ahhh!! i love it so much and the coloring in that set?? beautiful. I also really like this it just sums up itsay and oh man.. i just love all the scenes you’ve chosen and the gifs are just so so pretty and wonderful. I also really love this one im a sucker for food scenes and this really was one of the most wholesome scene in the series oh it was so wonderful. I hope you have a great year ahead!! 🥰
Other mutuals that I admire: @earthkatsamonnat (Bea) @janeramida  @gooseras (kay) @gunsmiles (Amanda)@thaitheseries (Lisa) @87s-main @87s (min!! I’m tagging both just in case) - I hope all of you have a wonderful year!! 🥰🎉
This is alrdy too long so I’m just going to skip on tagging my own work 
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shattersstar · 4 years
aight im sorry if uv gotten this like 8 times my computer just hates me but in the off chance u didnt get anything: ur mb is just. love and yearn grip right on my heart im not strong.. pls talk about it all I want to know ur thoughts behind the mb and why those specific pieces :')
thank u maam i really was like okay time to pine after this vampire and then this mb spilled out aksfhs (its a bit long so yeah) since i got another ask imma talk abt like half of them here. i was gonna do it in order of the post but yeet i do things how i want teehee
the lovers sketch was the first piece of art i knew i was gonna add to this bc i saw a bunch of gustav klimt sketches and thought this is how adrian draws (to me at least) the art itself is also very romantic and soft which is the vibe i’m always going for when it comes to this series. lover by zhang yidan also worked well with this because it holds a lot of similarities to the klimt sketch, reminded me of aches and arches. the pressed flowers also reminded me of bluebelle bc..flower lmao  
the line from tears and saints was the first piece of poetry/writing i found for this and i almost didn’t used it but the ideas of nature and soul (in turn humanity) reminded me a lot of the themes and settings for castlevania itself and the line “the human heart, god’s open wound” slapped me in the face and said this is literally alucard and i was like yeah. his wound is across his chest but his heart is also wounded, its broken and burdened by so many hard choices. its constantly bleeding over loss and love yknow 
both pieces from phantom thread are more future influences in all honesty i saw it after i finished evergreen and the proposal scene really stood out to me bc its very similar to the one in evergreen (and i was like damn everything really connected anyway) the way the scene visually plays out in the movie is interesting bc its a turning point but theres not a lot happening/movement. just a camera slowly moving in on two people being in love and thats how i want this series to feel. a snapshot of adrian and the readers romance. my notes on it dont really offer much anyway ive been annotating scripts lately and i was like this makes me look smart lets use this version afkhssk
and the last line in evergreen being used was more for connection to the series and sorta tying these ideas of marriage, softness, and want together.
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“Finding the Captivating Dialogue for You”
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- - ——— ꒰ An article by Nicole “Nikki” Elaine S. Chua ꒱
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Cure your boredom by finding something new! Enter the world of art and stories combined! Find the story to obsess over, only here on WEBTOON! Hold on, let me just shake out all the interpretative literary devices I had from my previous articles... There, much better! Welcome back to your favorite bunny—Nikki’s Tumblr blog! It feels a bit different here compared to when I am on Amino, to be honest. Yes, when I formally write without too many literary devices, my blogs smoothen like this, like it was polished with sandpaper or something. Anyway, I loosen up in order to display my love for something I’d like to offer to this world—one of those precious gems that have not been excavated in the realm of fandoms. Today, in this article, let’s enter the world of Webtoons and figure out 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙣 𝙒𝙀𝘽𝙏𝙊𝙊𝙉 (𝙇𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙒𝙚𝙗𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙨) 𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧!
Oh, hold on your horses! You’re asking what do I mean by Line Webtoons? My apologies for not explaining that before I bring you along this own carpet ride. To begin with this sudden class session, webtoons are webcomics that have a vertical reading format. In Korea, “manhwa” is often something you’d hear when the locals there refer to comics. These webtoons originated from South Korea, and now, they are rebranded by different companies with their hit titles. One of those brands is Naver Webtoon, and internationally, it is known as Line Webtoons. In 2019, it has now become WEBTOON, for short! Korean webtoons that are from Naver Webtoon have been officially translated into English, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Thai, Spanish, French, and German languages in the present. At the same time, all these countries of the world wide web get to also be webtoon creators, too!
Comics are a mix of art and writing in multiple panels. Though unlike those readable from right to left, or the complete opposite of that, webtoons take advantage of vertical scrolling to reveal shocking key plot points and add more aesthetic in the blooming & stunning art they provide to the audience. They don’t upload once a month or year—in WEBTOON, there’s always something to read daily! Most WEBTOON series upload once a week, depending on its creator. As a reader, you’ll surely enjoy the vast options of webtoons to choose from reading at your own pace. There are many interesting genres, art styles, character designs, pairings, story lines, and themes to look forward to. The best part is, 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙭𝙥𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨, 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙚! There’s a perfect story to dwell into for all kinds of people, so if you’re curious in knowing how to begin reading, let’s go ahead and jump into the app!
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𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓵: 𝗗𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗘𝗕𝗧𝗢𝗢𝗡 𝗮𝗽𝗽 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗘𝗕𝗧𝗢𝗢𝗡 𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲.
The first step to get started with WEBTOON is approaching its services, first! You If you haven’t encountered WEBTOON yet, you could either take a little peak behind its digital pages online. I recommend downloading the app to enjoy the WEBTOON experience to the maximum level. If your first language is not English, perhaps a more comfortable version of the app made for your location fortunately exists! Search for WEBTOON on the playstore, and you will spot the application in a flash. It is only 21 MB or megabytes big, so it is not painful to the phone storage.
However, if you want to save space, you can always take the other route and access the WEBTOON site here. You can search for WEBTOON on your device’s browser, and the link you see immediately will lead you to the destination you desire to land onto. The site is mostly used by personal computer users and those who cannot download the app. It functions the same way as the app, but not all the features, events, and other cool activities can be done here. So, I still suggest to head over to your device’s playstore to get the application!
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓶: 𝗦𝗶𝗴𝗻-𝘂𝗽 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗘𝗕𝗧𝗢𝗢𝗡 𝗮𝗽𝗽.
Any app would instruct the user to create an account to use its services. For WEBTOON though, this is very worth it, for it gives you a chance to use your account to comment on WEBTOON episodes you adore, or subscribe to the series you want to follow and support. You can create an account using your email address and the password to access it personally. Just the same as any other process in signing-up for an account, you will type your own username. You could also your very own Facebook, Twitter, Google, or LINE account to enter, and your name on the site you’ve chosen to log-on with will become your name on WEBTOON.
It is editable, so don’t worry if your username so happened to be humiliating, and you absolutely must change it! Though, if you don’t want to create an account just yet, users can view webtoons with a press of a finger without signing up for anything, if you’d press the return key on your phone or if you’re browsing on the site. Once you submit your approval that you’ve read and understood the Terms of Use & Privacy Policy of WEBTOON, you can finally set foot on the real fun of webtoons!
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𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓷: 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 “𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀” 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗲.
Okay, do not get confused! We’ll get to the rest of the areas of the app in a little bit! There’s a lot of things to do, now that we’ve finally arrived on WEBTOON platform itself. Though before being hyped at the things you are seeing right now, I’d like you to scroll down to the bottom of this “For You” section, and dig up the “Find your series” questionnaire to answer it. This is so that you can have an idea of what to expect here on WEBTOON, as well as what to read first. This is a questionnaire that will also introduce you to stories that you’d enjoy, without getting totally overwhelmed with content to stretch out into. No pressure in choosing, it will not affect how your account is set-up! Don’t worry about the results either. Answer as natural and honest as you can! This step is only applicable to those who are on the WEBTOON application. It is also optional to the reader, specifically if they are already used to reading webcomics and know what to expect.
Once you enter, it’d ask what are the genres you like. There is horror, comedy, thriller, fantasy, drama, romance, superhero, slice of life, action, and sci-fi. To clarify, slice of life does not literally mean a splitted life! It is a genre for stories that showcase the everyday life of a person, that are either relatable or engaging to read about. Choose as many genres as you want—it’s totally fine to check everything, or to choose one specific genre. Then, you can choose which art styles you prefer from the choices you see in front of your screen. Again, don’t worry about picking art styles—this is not a critical survey! Go ahead and pick many art styles you find pleasing to the eye. Then, you’ll get a list of webtoons recommended to you by the WEBTOON management! Easy, right?
You can take note of these titles given to you, or you can press on the webtoons you find interest in, and you will be taken to the webtoon’s contents in a jifty. That’s where you can read the description of the title’s plot, and you can instantly start reading if it strummed your heartstrings. You can continue discovering more stories to read from here, since the freedom is yours. Even so, there are still parts of the application to discuss that may give you an extra hand later on. Stick around this article for more of that, especially when you need an enthusiatic tour guide like me!
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓸: 𝗖𝗵𝗲𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 “𝗢𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹𝘀” 𝘁𝗮𝗯.
If you’re still following me, you may exit the questionnaire that you entered into a while ago. Now, if you scroll up, we’re back seeing graphics moving sideways at the front page. Oh, did you something catch your eye there? These graphics that WEBTOON fans usually call as “banners” (or, for me, personally—anyway,) are another way to gain interest in choosing stories to read. Long story short, when I became a WEBTOON reader, my all-time favorite webcomic from WEBTOON was first shown to me on a banner. (A very epic one, too!) Most of the webtoons shown here are in the “Originals” tab! From “For You,” press the Originals tab next. These are the tenths of webtoons that you can also read here on WEBTOON. The image is just one section of that. If you can observe, there are the seven days of the week stated at the top of these webtoons, under the word, “Daily.” You might be asking why is this section called, “Originals.” All these webtoons found under this tab are in partnership with the WEBTOON management, and these stories release new episodes weekly!
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That simply means that the creators of these webtoons are working together with WEBTOON to share their stories with us, and what’s the best thing? They get to tell their stories, while fulfilling their dream full-time job as a paid webcomic creator! Their work is now known as “WEBTOON ORIGINALs,” though before, they used to be “Featured Webtoons.” Everyday, various webtoons of different genres update with new parts to continue the story from where they left off previously, so there’s definitely something to look forward to from Mondays to Sundays. There are also more choices here than those in the questionnaire, so if you weren’t contented with what you got from answering questions, you can also come here to pick out stories. There are also webtoons under “Completed,” and we’ll get to those in a bit. If you’d ask me what I usually do on Originals, I read everything in general, so I never run out of things to read, but I’m more fond of fantasy genres. You can also choose webtoons from all days of the week, so you can keep reading something everyday before going to school or work, or perhaps, when you’re about to sleep.
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓹: 𝗘𝘅𝗽𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 “𝗖𝗮𝗻𝘃𝗮𝘀” 𝘁𝗮𝗯.
Now, there must be another question in your head. “How are these webcomic creators chosen to be featured, or have their work included under WEBTOON ORIGINALs?” There are a couple of ways, though, we’ll focus on this canvas of ideas for this article. Usually, creators are discovered on the fan submissions area of the application. Yes, you heard me right! If you are someone who loves drawing comics as well, then you can give this opportunity a shot and meet other aspiring creators here on “Canvas!” So, let’s move from the “Originals” tab and head straight into the “Canvas” section. The webtoons here are under the word, “Spotlight.” It’s simply because these webtoons are uploaded by other webcomic creators who are not affiliated by WEBTOON, yet. So, you could say that this is the wider scope of webtoons to look through. The best thing about “Canvas” which used to be “Discover,” is the fact that we can support these writers and/or artists by reading their stories.
WEBTOON is a platform perfect for people to test the waves of being a webcomic creator. At the same time, they are given the chance to gain a community of a readers that you could also be a part of! However, since these webtoons labeled as “CANVAS WEBTOONs,” are not fully paid by WEBTOON, there is no guarantee that they’ll upload episodes every week. They are free to upload on their own running schedule, but in return, they are also free to create any story they like, as long as it follows the WEBTOON guidelines. Just a brief heads-up, you must have a computer or laptop, in order to upload your own webcomic on WEBTOON. For us readers, it’s a big chance for us to find stories we’ll fall in love with—the one that will make us invested and devoted to how the story continues. If you give the CANVAS WEBTOON more support, who knows? You might be a part of their life accomplishment journey to doing what they love for a living. Very heartwarming, I see.
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓺: 𝗜𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱, 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝗴𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗽𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀.
We’ve already seen all the webtoons that the app has to offer to us. Despite that, there’s a chance that you still don’t know what stories pique the elements you like in a plot. Now that you know that there are more webtoons to search for on the WEBTOON app, you might need a guide or factor to know what’s the best story to try out. This is why the rankings and genre sections exist on the app! You can view the rankings of WEBTOON ORIGINALs and CANVAS WEBTOONs in their respective tabs. For ORIGINALs, you can click on the badge-like icon to the top right, while in CANVAS, you can see the rankings immediately. If you want to see the complete rankings list for CANVAS WEBTOONs, pressing the arrow at the right side of the rankings preview will do the trick! This step is for users who cannot decide based on what gem of a webtoon preview has caught their attention. If you'd like to find out what webtoons are popular overall, or in their corresponding genres, be sure to use this feature to weigh the odds. We are people who are influenced by whatever is loved by many, after all.
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If ten genres weren't enough choices during the questionnaire, well, thankfully there is more to play with! In the genre sections of both types of webtoons on WEBTOON, which you can see alongside the rankings, you can also view webtoons listed under the supernatural, mystery, sports, historical, heartwarming, and informative genres! So, in total, there are 16 genres to step into, and that's a plenty! In that said area, you can tell which genres have the best stories based on how many people read each webtoon. You can also sort these webtoons by interests, likes, or date. Just press the "Genres" button next to the "Daily" or "Spotlight" text on either tabs. The "sorting the webtoons by interests" option would depend on what your account has read, so far. These features are really handy to introduce to you new webtoons to take your eyes on or pay attention to.
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓻: 𝗨𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 “𝗠𝘆” 𝘁𝗮𝗯.
I suppose you've already chosen a webtoon to read, or maybe you're already into collecting webtoon titles to remember reading. Regardless, let's make things a little easier. You'd need your account, first! If you haven't created one yet, head to the log-in page and go back to Step No. 2. Catch up here when you're done, alright? If you’re already here, let me take you a stroll around this “My” tab. This section has list of features that are for the account’s convenience and personalization. It tells you what webtoons episodes have you recently read, downloaded, commented, and unlocked. It also states what webtoons have you subscribed to. Oh, yes, you can do all these things for your favorite stories on WEBTOON! To try that out, go to your chosen webtoon to read. As a reader, you are given the chance to rate the webtoon from 1 to 10—whether it is an ORIGINAL or CANVAS-type. That also makes heads turn away or stare closer at the stories, to see if they are worthy of their time.
Just like how subscriptions work on Youtube or any other platform, subscribing to a webtoon with your account means that you’ll get notifications whenever it uploads. It’s also easier to access subscribed webtoons through the “My” tab, instead of continously searching for your favorite stories all over the application or site as if you’re in a never-ending maze. You can track down the episodes you’ve downloaded for offline use as well, which comes in great situations where wifi is not available. Be aware that downloaded episodes will remain on your account for 30 days only, however. After 30 days, you may download the episodes again. Commenting on episodes can give you interaction with other readers’ ideas—those reactions, arguments, discussions, and, well! You could even talk about romantic pairing wars and all that’s fizzling in the premise of the story. With this section of the app, your account will be able to be fit and active, while it gives access to more parts of WEBTOON—including the possession of fast pass coins to unlock episodes for early reading! Wait a minute. Why must we, and how do we do that?
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𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓼: 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮𝗱𝘃𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘀 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁.
Fast pass on WEBTOON allows you to read episodes before they are publicly released. In other words, you can gain early access to your most awaited ORIGINAL WEBTOONs’ episodes, especially when they get on that gripping cliffhanger that makes you want to go crazy with what happens next! The question is, how can we use fast pass? We can do that with coins called, “fast pass coins.” This in-app currency will permit you to avail one fast pass episode every five coins. In order to get coins, however, there is real money transactions involved. Though, do not fret, because you do not need to spend a dime or a single peso over buying fast pass episodes! WEBTOON offers users to gain five or more fast pass coins through events in the app.
These vary from having to log-in in 7 days, or read similarly themed webtoons that are featured per event. It’s free to do, though, they do not come by all the time—events do not run forever, after all. So, take on the challenge when it arrives, and get yourself some fast pass episodes to enjoy! One benefit in taking part in fast pass coins events is reading new stories that you’ve never tried peaking into before, because who knows when will it become your top webtoon choice in the future? Take it for me—one webtoon became my favorite when the first fast pass coins event entitled, “Climb the Tower challenge,” occured. I participated and had climbed 100 episodes, and now here I am chilling with floors and betrayal!
If you haven’t asked, all fast pass coins given to each webtoon will have a part of its value given to the creators of the said stories. In other words, it’s like directly supporting the artists, writers, and creators of the stories you love! This step can only be done to ORIGINAL WEBTOONs. CANVAS WEBTOONs do not have fast pass, though its creators can provide Patreon accounts where fans can donate or give thanks for their eloquent and awesome stories to tell.
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓽: 𝗗𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗲𝗯𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗳𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲.
Remember when I mentioned “completed” webtoons prior to this step? It’s interesting that there also webtoons that have ended, so there is a section for WEBTOON ORIGINALs that have ended in the “Originals” tab. Here, you can still binge-read completed webtoons for as many times you want to, and you can also gain a collection of read finished webtoons on your proud wall. The satisfaction is there when you finish a story—but, wait a minute. We are familiar with fast pass, now, what’s up with this daily pass? For some completed webtoons, they are readable with the daily pass feature. This makes a webtoon’s episodes first episode public for reading, but the twist is, to read the next episodes, you must come back everyday to continue. Episodes in the middle until the end of the story are locked, and can only be carried on if you’ve lended a daily pass entry for it to be opened for a limited time. Then, you can access the next episodes in the following days. Tedious as it may be, you could also pay for fast pass coins to read these specific completed webtoons quicker.
However, if your route is free reading, it is also a fulfilling experience to follow a story as if it was still uploading everyday, instead of reading it in one sitting. This is the patience, yet satisfaction, that can be acquired from daily pass. That is also the goal of WEBTOON for implementing such a feature to their application. You don’t have to pay for anything if you don’t want to speed up your time in reading. This step is definitely for you, if you’re already reading ongoing webtoons, but want to find more stories in the completed section. Trust me, the stories we got here with the daily pass feature were real hits back in the day—somehow, the dust on their covers will be swept away when you touch it. It’s worth it, so why not give it a shot? I heard that one completed webtoon here was recently adaptated into an anime, another has been published physically, while the other was given a live-action K-drama on Netflix! Let’s see if you can figure out which stories these are!
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗽 ⓾: 𝗞𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘄𝗲𝗯𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗻𝘀!
So, once you’ve found your beloved webtoons, fully invested into them with your account, made use of fast pass, and indulge into daily pass, the only thing left to do to begin on WEBTOON is to stick to it! Keep being a WEBTOON reader, and enjoy as many webtoons as you’d like. As you keep being on the application or site, you will encounter more features of WEBTOON, and maybe, as you stick around, more surprises & stories will be coming your way. There’s the fan translation area to explore, where you can translate the webtoons you’d love to support and be a contributor to its spread to other languages. There are thousands of CANVAS WEBTOONs being promoted in the front page for explorers to uncover reading. Spotlights at the bottom of the front page compile webtoons together, and you’d get to see more webtoons that may be under the spotlighted theme you adore!
You will be a part of this passionate WEBTOON community, and I’d like to thank you if you keep engaging into this craft as a reader. WEBTOON is a group of people who loves comics, and webcomics alike. It’s a place where creators and readers get to connect, at the same time, reach for their dreams. This is where their imaginations sprint wild—the happiness, sadness, anger, fear, worry, doubt, cheer, and excitement at every panel scrolling down your devices. You will be joining along with its growth, as well as all webcomic creators trying out on the platform, that WEBTOON sincerely cares for, wherever or whoever they are. You can witness how its stories will not only become panels and dialogue, but also animation, live-action, physical books, and other media types all around the world.
Do continue finding the captivating dialogue for you in WEBTOON, because for sure, it will become the message you will hold onto for life. Dramatic Nikki aside, thank you very much for reading this article! I had a blast—almost like I was going to be blasted on a rocket ship to Mars, while I was writing this feature. I hope my steps were able to help you get started on WEBTOON, and I’d like to bid you all the best on your personal voyage here. I believe each story of how we became attached to something is very significant, so take this moment to make it a memorable event in your life. Once more, thank you for reading! Come back again in another blog in the unknown future, where my fantasies become realities! A Nikki reminder: don’t just be ordinary when everyone is doing wrong—be unORDINARY, right & just, and continue to climb without holding back!
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ㅤㅤ﹙dedication. ﹚ ୨˚୧ ˚ ༘♡.↳ ₊˚‧
This blog is dedicated to you who is like me, and him who is like her. Both webtoon characters that I salute the most—and that beautiful set of panels that has become my lifestory. May you be in work for ten years or five years, I will cherish you, with this shining sword—diamond, ADAMAS.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ﹋﹋﹌﹌﹌「 🗼 」﹌﹌﹌﹋﹋
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➥ Cover Edit
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➥ First Blog Dividers
➫ Soara Academy
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➥ The Rest of the Blog Dividers
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➥ Source of Information
➫ Webtoon Wikipedia page
➫ WEBTOON (Line Webtoon) Wikipedia page
➫ My own knowledge as a WEBTOON reader
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...Are you asking me if I wanted to be a WEBTOON ambassador...? Yes, but I have no social media influence. I'm just a small bunny in a burrow who loves talking and helping people get to know more about WEBTOON. Also, thank you for liking this, cheezbot. You're such a cute Tumblr bot, indeed.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ⭆ Back to Homepage ⭅
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6 notes · View notes
cruciblle · 5 years
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                 *・゚゚・*  𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚘 .
UNREDACTED  CASE  FILE  NO.  663762-XDL.  records  show  that  agent  bellitudo,  given  name  SANNE  SAEDI  SONG,  was  last  seen  in  reykjavik  on  october  1st,  2019.  psych  eval  describes  them  as  hubristic  and  incensed  but  otherwise  fit  for  service  at  the  maenads  agency.  at  twenty,  they  have  been  recruited  as  a  junior  agent  for  the  nine  months.  associations  include:  the  most  sinister  intentions  hidden  behind  the  prettiest  works  of  art,  plucking  an  ant  from  its  safe,  isolated  community  to  give  it  a  life  it  didn’t  ask  for  &  crimson  covered  palms  from  digging  sharp  nails  into  the  flesh.      -      kim  doyeon,  cis  female,  she  /  her  .
okay  ,  hi  everyone  ,  i'm  lit  rally  so  excited  for  this  i  have  no  other  words  to  say  .  i'm  cc  from  the  cst  tz  &  i've  been  dying  to  play  sanne  for  months  now  ,  but  i've  never  found  the  correct  place  to  bring  her  ?  anyway  ,  this  is  really  long  &  winded  &  dramatic  &  stuff  so  pls  ,,  if  u  wanna  skip  to  the  tl;dr  pls  do  .  like  this  &  i'll  slide  into  ur  messages  ,  but  love  u  all  !
𝓲.     𝚊𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚐𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝   .
full   name   :   sanne   saedi   song   /   성 새디 age   :  twenty gender   /   pronouns   :  cis gendered   female   /   she / hers sexuality   :  pansexual  /  panromantic hometown   :  unknown codename :  bellitudo   ,   beauty   in   latin position :  junior  agent  faceclaim :  kim  doyeon 
fun facts : knows  five  languages  (  english  ,  korean  ,  swedish  ,  arabic  &  chinese  )    &   is   in   the   process   of   learning   more  ,  spent  a  few  weeks  on  the  fbi’s  most  wanted  list  after  performing  solo  heists  &  building  b*mbs  for  a  few  people  ,  didn’t  have  a  name  until  she  was  six  shhh  ,  has  really  thick  glasses  &  is  as  blind  as  a  bat  ,  has  a  genius-level  iq  but  doesn’t  utilize  it  often  .
aesthetic : the  most  sinister  intentions  hidden  behind  the  prettiest  works  of  art,  plucking  an  ant  from  its  safe,  isolated  community  to  give  it  a  life  it  didn’t  ask  for  ,  learning  things  on  a  whim  that’ll  help  later  in  life  ,  creating  a  wicked  name  for  yourself  among  the  lowest  reputables  ,  escaping  with  a  singed  cape   &  crimson  covered  palms  from  digging  sharp  nails  into  the  flesh.
𝓲𝓲.     𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢   .
BEFORE , blood & general criminal activity tw !
a  beautiful  baby  ripped  from  her  mother’s  womb  ,  unwilling  to  turn  the  right  way  to  be  born  &  forcing  her  way  out  with  blood  already  on  her  hands  .  her  parents  ,  two  unwanteds  with  a  rap  sheet  longer  than  the  great  wall  of  china  that  have  her  on  accident  –  the  young  mother  unaware  of  her  pregnancy  until  her  husband’s  cutting  into  her  stomach  &  pulling  a  child  from  her  .  she  doesn’t  survive  &  the  first  time  she  sees  her  mother  ,  she’s  left  in  a  puddle  of  blood  in  a  hotel  bathroom  .
she  doesn’t  remember  ,  obviously  ,  but  her  dad  does  .  he  reminds  her  of  it  every  chance  he  gets  ,  that  she’s  a  murderer  .  five  years  old  &  one  body  underneath  her  belt  .  he  taunts  her  ,  chides  her  into  thinking  there’ll  be  more  unless  she  obeys  him  .  she  stays  under  his  thumb  ,  afraid  to  leave  or  speak  out  in  the  fear  that  she’ll  become  what  he  says  she  is  .
when  she  grows  ,  she  starts  to  capture  the  attention  of  people  around  her  .  she’s  beautiful  ,  stunning  ,  a  visage  comparable  to  aphrodite  –  an  old  woman  told  her  once  .  her  dad  doesn’t  like  it  ,  reminding  him  of  a  woman  who  bore  him  a  child  &  left  without  naming  her  .  he  teaches  her  how  to  weaponize  her  beauty  ,  how  to  use  it  against  the  ones  that  praise  her  so  much  for  it  &  how  to  get  the  most  out  of  venus’s  gifts  .
she’s  six  when  she  finally  gets  a  name  .  sadie  ,  the  first  guess  from  an  elderly  woman  who  found  her  wandering  along  the  side  of  the  road  .  she’s  never  had  a  name  ,  her  dad  refusing  to  call  her  anything  except  ‘you!’  or  ‘hey!’  .  she  takes  the  name  sadie  &  proudly  wears  it  ,  taking  it  back  to  her  dad  who  laughs  &  bitterly  tells  her  that  she’s  not  american  &  to  remember  it  .  they’ve  only  arrived  in  the  country  weeks  ago  ,  she  doesn’t  belong  here  .
after  she  becomes  a  woman  ,  before  she  can  call  herself  an  adult  ,  she  runs  away  from  a  dad  that  never  wanted  her  in  the  first  place  .  she  leaves  the  country  after  she  gets  on  the  radar  ,  spotting  a  wanted  poster  with  her  face  on  it  when  she  winds  up  in  a  cell  for  driving  without  a  license  .  it  lists  her  crimes  &  her  skills  ,  wanted  for  the  theft  of  millions  of  dollars  ,  for  building  bombs  to  aid  criminals  ,  for  creating  fake  passports  for  kingpins  ,  the  list  is  endless  ,  as  are  her  skills  .  they  underestimate  her  abilities  the  way  everyone  in  life  underestimates  her  &  she  flees  the  country  undetected . in  sweden  ,  she  chooses  a  different  name  to  go  by  ,  a  different  life  to  lead  .
sanne  chooses  a  quiet  life  in  the  country  side  ,  a  small  village  offering  a  home  to  a  beautiful  young  woman  who  just  needs  a  little  guidance  .  she  turns  eighteen  there  ,  keeping  to  herself  &  learning  everything  she  can  with  her  free  time  .  the  people  there  love  her  &  she  loves  them  .  she  can  finally  see  a  life  for  herself  when  there’s  a  knock  on  her  door  one  day  ,  asking  her  if  she  wants  an  opportunity  of  a  life  time  .
initially  ,  she  says  no  .  she  says  no  for  an  entire  year  before  she  says  yes  ,  because  since  she  was  found  by  them  ,  she  was  found  by  the  ones  who  want  her  to  answer  for  her  crimes  .  she  doesn’t  have  much  of  a  choice  ,  she  can  go  with  the  maenads  ,  or  she  can  go  with  interpol  .
that’s  ten  months  ago  &  since  then  ,  she’s  been  studying  with  the  agency  .  she’s  fit  &  she’s  skilled  ,  though  she  knows  a  lot  of  people  see  her  as  nothing  more  than  a  pretty  face  .  her  dad  taught  her  one  thing  &  that’s  to  use  it  to  her  advantage  ,  so  she  plays  the  role  people  want  her  to  play  .  
in  the  agency  ,  she’s  not  proven  herself  to  be  much  more  than  a  beautiful  girl  .  she’s  not  a  hardcore  field  agent  trainee  ,  or  a  smart  biomed  agent  ,  to  the  agents  in  the  legacy  filled  agency  ,  she’s  somewhat  of  a  mistake  .  she  flips  her  hair  &  purses  her  lips  &  studies  in  private  ,  keeping  her  head  down  &  succeeding  without  letting  anyone  know  .
sanne  knows  she  can  go  in  whichever  branch  she  wants  ,  but  she  only  finds  passion  in  research  –  because  as  good  as  she  is  as  kicking  in  someone’s  face  or  finding  a  cure  for  cancer  ,  she  enjoys  learning  .  she  works  toward  her  goal  in  secret  ,  keeping  up  the  one-woman  show  &  she  pretends  she’s  really  nothing  more  than  agent  beauty  .
TL ; DR .
born  somewhere  overseas  ,  sanne  is  born  to  criminals  .  her  mom  didn’t  know  she  was  pregnant  &  her  dad  had  to  unfortunately  perform  a  shoddy  c-section  which  killed  her  .  she  was  then  raised  by  a  bitter  dad  that  dragged  her  with  him  through  his  crimes  &  stuff  ,  idk  .
she  never  had  a  name  until  she  arrived  in  america  ,  where  she  got  lost  &  an  old  woman  picked  her  up  &  asked  what  her  name  was  .  sanne  was  like  ‘  guess  !  ’  &  the  woman  said  ‘  sadie.  ’  &  sanne  was  like  ‘  yep  !  ’  &  she  was  so  happy  .  when  she  told  her  dad  ,  her  dad  said  she  wasn’t  american  so  sanne  has  always  gone  by  saedi  instead  (  새디  )  .
at  about  sixteen  ,  she  finally  steels  up  &  runs  away  from  her  dad  .  they’re  somewhere  in  america  &  she  manages  to  live  on  her  own  while  she  racks  up  a  criminal  career  until  finally  ,  she  finds  out  she’s  somehow  on  the  fbi’s  most  wanted  list  ,  so  she  manages  to  flee  the  country  &  settles  down  in  an  isolated  town  in  sweden  ,  where  she’s  chosen  to  go  by  sanne  now  .
in  sweden  ,  she  stays  in  this  little  town  by  herself  ,  falling  in  love  with  the  town  &  the  people  .  she  spends  her  spare  time  learning  everything  she  can  ,  from  languages  to  cooking  to  singing  technique  &  she  genuinely  enjoys  her  life  until  the  maenads  agency  shows  up  at  her  door  to  recruit  her  .  she  says  no  for  an  entire  year  until  she  gets  word  that  interpol  has  now  found  her  ,  so  she  finally  says  yes  to  the  maenads  agency  .
at  the  maenads  agency  ,  she’s  met  with  a  lot  of  the  same  stuff  she’s  met  her  whole  life  –  that  she’s  just  a  pretty  face  &  there’s  not  much  more  there  ,  except  she’s  got  a  lot  going  .  BUT  she  decides  to  just  go  with  it  ,  accepting  the  codename  bellitudo  &  playing  dumb  &  flirty  while  she  studies  &  succeeds  quietly  on  her  own  .
𝓲𝓲𝓲.     𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗   .
despite  her  quiet  life  in  a  quiet  town  ,  sanne’s  been  nothing  but  angry  her  entire  life  .  she  resents  herself  for  killing  her  mom  ,  she  resents  her  dad  for  resenting  her  &  she’s  angry  at  the  world  for  being  nothing  but  cruel  to  her  .  she’s  very  angry  ,  but  she  excels  at  hiding  it  .
she’s  extremely  hubristic  ,  truly  believing  always  that  she’s  the  smartest  one  in  the  room  at  all  times  .  she’s  been  on  her  own  pretty  much  all  her  life  &  that’s  how  it’s  affected  her  ,  by  making  her  think  that  it  should  always  be  her  way  &  her  plan  ,  otherwise  everyone  else  is  stupid  .
extremely  gifted  .  she  loves  learning  &  here’s  why  :  she’s  good  at  it  .  equipped  with  a  photographic  memory  &  a  genius  level  iq  ,  she’s  extremely  quick  when  learning  new  things  ,  able  to  change  and  adapt  like  a  chameleon  with  her  knowledge  .
also  extremely  stupid  though  ,  in  the  sense  that  she’s  gotten  away  with  a  lot  and  she’s  gotten  by  a  lot  of  the  time  because  of  her  beauty  .  she  chose  the  codename  bellitudo  &  as  a  junior  agent  ,  she’s  been  falling  in  the  middle  of  the  pack  .  she  hides  her  skills  &  gifts  behind  a  dumb  smile  &  her  looks  because  she’s  secretly  hoping  she  can  escape  ,  but  i  mean  –  she  kind  of  enjoys  it  ,  so  at  this  point  she  might  just  be  pretending  because  it’s  Fun  .
𝓲𝓿.   𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍    𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜   .
i  really  want  a  mentor  that’s  also  her  confidant  ?  like  i  might  submit  this  to  the  main  if  i  don’t  get  it  ,  but  any  kind  of  agent  who  sees  through  her  pretty  girl  act  &  genuinely  wants  her  to  survive  &  pull  through  .  she’s  not  had  much  guidance  in  her  life  ,  so  this  figure  would  be  a  huge  thing  for  her  .
like  ,  a  one  -  sided  rival  ,  the  one  -  sided  being  your  muse  because  sanne  genuinely  doesn’t  care  enough  yet  ?  she’s  just  starting  to  fall  in  love  with  the  idea  of  becoming  a  secret  spy  ,  but  she  mainly  just  wants  to  escape  &  find  another  small  town  &  get  another  new  name  ,  uk  ?  but  probably  rivals  because  sanne’s  still  succeeding  despite  putting  zero  (  0  )  effort  into  this  thing  .
someone  who  she  spars  with  /  trains  with  physically  .  she’s  by  no  means  unfit  &  she’s  been  in  her  fair  share  of  fights  ,  but  it’s  probably  nothing  compared  to  the  other  agents  here  .  please  give  me  someone  that  kicks  her  ass  &  then  helps  her  wrap  her  sprained  wrists  &  fingers  afterwards  pls  ,  uwu  .
someone  she  studies  with  ,  even  though  she  technically  doesn’t  ever  study  .  when  she  does  ,  it’s  extremely  low  key  but  imagine  her  studying  in  private  &  ur  muse  walks  in  &  suddenly  her  secret  is  exposed  :  she  does  try  &  she  swears  ur  muse  to  secrecy  &  it’s  this  whole  thing  .
the  agent  who  recruited  her  ?  that  somehow  found  her  in  this  small  village  in  sweden  &  knew  about  her  criminal  tendencies  &  somehow  thought  she’d  be  a  great  fit  as  a  spy  so  here  she  is  .  she  probably  holds  a  lot  of  resentment  toward  them  for  leading  interpol  to  her  but  honest  lee  ,  i  just  want  a  begrudging  enemies  to  fine  ,  i  care  about  you  to  that’s  my  family  thing  ok  .
a   senior   agent   that   she’s   a   significant   annoyance   to   pls   .
a   junior   agent   from   the   firebird   agency   that   she   ??   links   up   w   &   does   general   bullshit   antics   with   because   i   think   that’d   be   super   fun   .
a   regular   agent   from   the   firebird   agency   that   she   links   up   w   or   annoys   in   general   because   i   like   that   .
a  research  agent  who  she  looks  up  to  ,  since  it’s  what  she  wants  to  go  in  .
another  junior  agent  she’s  sort  of  friends  with  ?
someone  who  she  lets  her  untapped  anger  out  to  .
flings  pls  !  the  more  angst  &  drama  ,  the  better  !
skinny  love  !  
lit  rally  anything  ,  pls  i’m  so  excited  for  this  .
𝓿.   𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗   .
if  you're  still  here  wtf  ,  thx  for  reading  i  love  u  all  sm  !  &  i’m  sorry  it  was  so  insanely  long  !  i’ll  message  everyone  who  likes  this  !  if  you’d  prefer  to  plot  on  discord  ,  i’m  @  brain  not  there#0044  !
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fearofaherobrine · 6 years
Roleplay Server Log #386
“Octagon and Enix, Spleef, Bird Dad”
[CP] Is holding his no longer flaming baby and is letting Notch visit with the others when he feels the shift in the mainframe and he shudders a little-
[Fangbo] Notices his reaction. - Did Aether pull your hair or something?
[CP] - No...- He looks over at the mainframe- The seeds have shifted...
[Fangbo] Oh? You're sensitive to that? Maybe one of the big multiplayer servers changed host sites or something.
[CP] - Maybe...- He takes Aether and hands her back over to Notch- Just give me a moment
[Notch] Any reccomendations to keep her from getting cold again?
[CP] - Keep her out of the way of the vents and if she does catch on fire again, well, you know it wont hurt you yet
[Flux] Digs through the diaper bag and finds an extra blanket-
[Notch] Got it. Where are you headed?
[CP] - The main frame
[Notch] I'd say be gentle but you know how to conduct yourself.
[Jeb] He does????
[Flux] - He'll be fine
[CP] Ignores Jeb and touches the servers letting himself be pulled in and he looks to see what happened-
-There is now a very big server next to the one he's been calling home-
[CP] Snickers and goes to inspect the new bigger server-
-It's already super overbuilt. There are a faintly ridiculous number of players running around and the chat is full of random emoticons and leetspeak. There are quite a few large sculptures with just random words and pixel art from various 8bit games. There's a spleef dome rising over part of the town as well. The spawn is a sort of open waiting room with the basic server rules posted on a series of white colums in a circle. People are hustling in every direction but the spot he's standing in is relatively quiet.
[CP] - Oh joy, fresh prey
-He's immediatly struck with the feeling of being scrutinzed-
[CP] Focus' on the feeling to see what it is-
-There's a bit of a cough from above him-
[Octagon] You look lost friend. I hope you're not here to make mischief. - The figure is unmistakably a NOTCH, but he has a full long beard plaited like a dwarf and a name floating over his head like a player.
[CP] - Oh fuck off
[Octagon] Now that's not very nice. And here I'm being super polite too.
[CP] - I just  came to find out what had been placed next to our server and if it were a threat
[Octagon] Then we're neighbors! How wonderful! You can see my name, what's yours? -Chuckles- Though I can probably guess.
[CP] - The others usually refer to me as CP
[Octagon] Hops down from the pillar and stands next to him. He's average height for a NOTCH, so shorter then Cp- Pleased to meet you then! I wouldn't have a player name, like this- he indicates the floating bar- but my brother tagged me.
[CP] - Your brother?
[Octagon] Yes! Let me see if I can get his attention. I think he'd be more your speed anyway- He does some whisper typing and then waits-
-A Herobrine basically steps out of his shadow and makes a show of stalking and menacing the NOTCH from behind before tickling his ribs with a gigantic grin-
[Octagon] Dissolves into wild laughter - BRO!
[CP] - Oh joy- He's dead pan
[Enix] Speaks with the most sinister voice Cp's ever heard outside the mansion, it's practically an oily sound. - What? No sense of humor?
[CP] - Only when it comes to murder or teasing my wife
[Enix] A brine with a mate? Did you wed an Alex? Lucky man.
[Octagon] You have a wife? That's so sweet. Is she nice?
[CP] - Another brine, and it's none of your fucking business
[Enix] Shrugs- Suit yourself.
[Octagon] He lives next server over!
[Enix] Lounges against a pillar. - So how's the neighborhood around here? Our admin changed hosts.
[CP] - Well it was quiet, but don't expect to be able to just hop over, it's a private server
-There's a bit of commotion as a few players spawn in and stand for a moment. The native NOTCH and brine make a show of stiffly waving at them and doing a few player hops-
[Octagon] Sounds quiet.
[CP] - Again, it was, but I suspect we'll be picking up a fair amount of noise from your server here
[Enix] Not much to be done about that. This is a kids server.
[Octagon] Little players really liven up the place!
[CP] - Ours is a sanctuary for brines
[Octagon] So you don't have any players at all?
[CP] - Occasionally a few that we trust explicitly will come on, but otherwise, no
[Octagon] But who pays the bills?
[CP] - We have our ways
[Enix] Clever, and close with secrets I see. Well we're set up decently well too. The head admin thinks we're both players.
[Octagon] Snickers-
[CP] - Pathetic
[Enix] Scoff if you want. It's a good gig.
[Octagon] Some of us like kids you know. He and I keep the griefing and hacking to a minimum so everyone has fun.
[CP] - We're brines!  We're supposed to grief!
[Lie] Slips into the server, having been wondering what was taking CP so long and so had traced his path through the office.  She appears right behind her husband-
[Octagon] But they're just kids. It would be mean to grief them. They'd just cry.
[Enix] Hides a growing smile behind one hand - You wouldn't burn down some little kids clubhouse would ya?
[CP] - I have in the past
[Lie] Sighs- CP...
[CP] Stiffens and turns around- Lie...
[Enix] Laughs- I think someone just got busted!
[Octagon] All smiles- Hello miss! Welcome to our server.
[Lie] - Hello, I apologize if my husband has been harassing you
[CP] - Why are you here?
[Lie] - You were taking a very long time checking on our daughter so I figured I'd see what was taking you.  Oh, and you also griefed your father, she pooped right after you left apparently and Jeb had to show him how to change the diaper
[Octagon] You have a daughter too???
[Enix] Scoots closer- You're a Herobrine! A female Herobrine???
[Octagon] Gets closer as well- My stars!
[Lie] Hesitates a little- Yes, a newborn, and yes I am a female brine...
[CP] Growls as the other two get closer to his wife-
[Octagon] Congratulations! I had no idea that was even possible!
[Enix] I hope she didn't inherit her dads temperment. He's a bit rude.
[Lie] - He's better than he used to be
[CP] - Speaking of our daughter, we should be getting back to her
-There's a bit of commotion and a player with a silly skin runs up to Octagon and places a sign before typing on it-
[Octagon] Oh dear, that's not allowed. I'm sorry I have to tend to this. It was nice meeting you.
[Enix] Watches his brother rush off. - Yeah, likewise. Sorry about the noise, we have so many players, this place is like a madhouse. Even the Nether and Aether are noisy as all get out. Only the End is quiet.
[Lie] - Our Aether is noisy sometimes too
[CP] Groans at his wife's joke-
[Enix] Stares at her for a long moment and then lets out a rather evil sounding laugh- That's excellent! You named your child after the NOTCH realm mod didn't you???
[Lie] - Yes, we did
[Enix] I love it! What are your thoughts on players? Your hubby seems none too keen on them.
[Lie] - It depends on the player themselves, although I really have no room to judge since I used to be one
[Enix] Oh now things start to make sense... this means someone in your circle can get out. How intriging. I spend most of my time with players.
-A few players are creeping around a little watching them-
[Enix] Hang on- He turns quickly and gives them a freaky grin-
-There's some excited jumping and the avatars sprint away merrily-
[Enix] I save my A-game for more adult multiplayer games mostly.
[Lie] Motions at CP- He's the one who dragged me in initially
[CP] - Lie!  Let's go!
[Enix] Something on fire Cp?
[CP] - You're being annoying!
[Lie] - Adult multiplayer?
[Enix] Gives her fingerguns- I slay at Overwatch, TF2, COD, I know how to do remote logins.
[Lie] - Okay then
[CP] Flumps on his wife a little-
[Lie] - Really CP?
[CP] - I would think you'd want to get back
[Lie] - Why?
[CP] - So we could finish what we were doing~
[Enix] Ah, is it adult playtime?
[Lie] - It was until the baby figured out how to set herself on fire
[Enix] You don't sound panicked so I'm going to assume it's a normal thing for a child brine to be on fire.
[Lie] - Considering it's one of her father's powers?  Yes
-Another small group of players spawn in and wave -
[Enix] Just play it cool.
[Lie] - Well we should be leaving soon anyways, but I'll be sure to let our head admin know about you guys
-messages in chat-
-Whoah Pretty hair! O-O-
-Red Herobrine! Super talllllllllllllll-
[Enix] Thanky. Come back and visit if you want. Just walk stiff and follow the rules.
[Lie] - We will- She stands near CP and he lets both of them out and back into the office
[CP] Helps Lie out and both of them can hear Aether getting fussy-
[Notch] Back again? How did it go?
[Fangbo] Is making faces at Aether to make her giggle-
[Lie] - Well the new neighbors have a brine and a NOTCH
[Dofta] oh dear... do they get along at least?
[CP] - Their relationship is brotherly
[Lie] Goes to take her fussy baby from Notch-
[Dofta] Oh good. [She's still upset about the incident with Mb and Echo the other day]
[Notch] That's a relief at least.
[Lie] Picks up on Dofta's emotions- Hey, it wasn't your fault.  It was actually the NOTCH's fault that MB was up for deletion
[CP] - Yeah, and they are way too cheerful
[Fangbo] Cheerful is bad?
[Yster] Well I can think of worse things.
[Jeb] Is looking at a screen on the mainframe - that's a big server...
[CP] - The head admin just thinks that they are players, they hit each other with name tags
[Notch] That's actually kinda clever. They're just living there?
[Jeb] Is looking up some info on the server. - Oh man...! I found the stats for it.
[CP] - Yeah well can you move it farther from ours?
[Locklear] - Are you really being territorial over a digital space?
[CP] - Yes!
[Jeb] The owner is a rather sweet-looking little old lady. And no, I can't move it. The placement is decided by the hosting service. They just got a packet near yours.
[Yster] I got the impression he was territorial about everything in general.
[CP] - Then I'll find a way to move it
[Notch] Just leave it be please, it sounds like they might be decent allies.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Lie] - Should we be heading back?
[Notch] I think so, Aether looks sleepy too.
[Lie] - Yeah, I think it's nap time
[Lie] Once back home they say goodbye to Notch and go inside. CP lays down on the bed with their daughter and Lie watches as he falls asleep with her, taking a screen shot as her daughter sleeps soundly on her father's chest. With a giggle she decides to check on CN and looks around for the child-
[CN] Is digging around in the food trunk for a snack-
[Lie] - And what are you doing CN?
[CN] Yelps and quickly turned around- Lie!
[Lie] - Are we getting a snack?
[CN] - Yeah...
[Lie] - I see, well after your snack, do you want to go for a ride with me?
[CN] - Sure! Where are we going?
[Lie] - Just to Docs place, there's some stuff I need to tell them
[CN] Quickly eats an apple- Okay! I'm ready to go!
[Lie] Smiles and follows CN out to the stable where he selects a horse and then follows her to the front of the house so she can get on Beau. The stallion is happy to be getting out and prances a little- Easy there, we're just going for a short ride
[CN] Climbs on his horse and follows Lie towards Docs house-
[Doc] is dozing in the sun near the spawn, hir dragon tail is draped over a few of the headstones and the small wall-
[Lie] - Guess we won't have to go so far- She trots over to Doc- Hey Doc? I've got some news...
[Doc] blinks sleepily- mm? Oh. Hi lie, Cn - Xe yawns - I didn't sleep worth a damn last night...
[Lie] - Because of the server shift?
[Doc] You felt it too huh? It was that, and the noise...
[Lie] - CP felt it from out in the office. He also went to investigate and it's where I found him
[Doc] Groans- please tell me he didn't already piss everyone off?
[Lie] - Not yet, but there is a brine and NOTCH over there
[Doc] Hunkers down into a tidy, alert crouch- Now you have my full attention.
[Lie] - They have taken on a brothers relationship and the server admin just believes that they are players.  It's a server for kids
[CN] - For kids?
[Doc] No wonder it's so noisy. They must have a lot of players for all the activity I've been picking up on.
[Lie] - It looked like it too.  Jeb looked up the stats for the server and said it was massive
[Doc] Interested tail flick - and the brine and the NOTCH? They're just living there? Are they really into babysitting or something?
[Lie] - I'm not sure, CP talked to them longer than I did.  But he's currently napping with the baby.  Their names are Octagon and Enix though
[Doc] How odd. Well at least it's nothing bad. I'll make my way over with a welcome cake or something, but not right now. I'm so tired... - They lay their head down with their chin in the grass. - I can't even sleep in my bed right now. Buff decided to evict my cobweb collection and it's annoying as hell listening to him whistle and bump around cleaning stuff.
[Lie] - I'm sorry to hear that
[CN] Nudges his horse closer to Lie- Lie?
[Lie] - Yes?
[CN] - Could...  Could I go over there?
[Lie] - Well, I don't see why not, but you'd have to move stiffly like the players
[Doc] Thanks Lie. They might be suspicious of you too since you're smaller then a player.
[Lie] - That's true, but they just seemed awed at how large CP was.  They're kids, they might not think much of it
[Doc] Perhaps. And if their Herobrine doesn't shade his eyes, they might be used to a few anomalies... - They sneak their tail fluff over their eyes and shift to a more comfortable pose. Like a balled cat.
[CN] - Could we...  Go now?
[Lie] Hesitates a little- Are you sure you want to CN?
[CN] Nods his head-
[Doc] You guys have fun then, and be careful. Cn, you're not used to being around players, they can be impulsive and even destructive.
[CN] - But they're kids!
[Lie] - And they don't realize we're real and can feel pain
[CN] - Oh...
[Doc] They're just playing from behind a screen. Dying is a minor inconvenience. And they can't talk except in the chat and passing stuff like signs or books back and forth.
[CN] - Okay
[Lie] - Lets put our horses in with the skeletal ones here CN, then we can go
[CN] Nods in agreement and jumps the horse over the low fence-
[Lie] Does the same with Beau before creating an opening- See you in a bit Doc
[Doc] -is already asleep again-
[Lie] Makes the opening and guides CN through, both showing up at the spawn of the other server-
[CN] Looks around and bounces a bit in excitement-
[Enix] Runs by playfully chasing some players and stops- You came back so soon, and you brought a child? I thought your little one was a newborn? - He leans down to get a better look at Cn-
[Lie] - This is my NOTCH, CN, he heard their were other children here and wanted to come visit.  CN?  This is Enix
[CN] Takes a step back and moves a bit behind Lie-
[Enix] He's a bit timid huh? - He realizes the kids he was chasing have snuck up on him and are peeking at him from behind a pillar- Excuse me for a sec- He turns quickly and teleports right in front of them with a pickaxe in one hand. The kids leap and run like the dickens- Hehehe. Works every time.
[Lie] - And not just on children
[CN] Is looking up and around at everything there-
[Lie] - Go on CN, if you want to go explore then go.  I'm sure Enix or Octagon can teleport you to me when you want to
[Enix] Perhaps I can show you around in the meantime? We've got quite a community of budding pixel artists.
[Lie] - Sure, I'd love a tour.  Go have fun CN
[CN] Doesn't need to be told twice as he rushes off-
-The town is full of people rushing back and forth, some of them are even running little shops to trade things with other players. The chat is full or random talk as well, mostly about school and gossip. The houses are laid out on a basic grid and they vary in quality and materials-
[CN] Wanders around and checks everything out, reading the chat and getting confused about some of the things being talked about-
-A few avatars stop to look at him and there's some activity in the chat-
-There's a little guy LOLz.-
-Mini Notch wtf?-
-Neat skin!!!!11!!1-
[CN] Tries to figure out how to talk in chat without being too obvious- THanks?
-Wanna play with us???-
-Agian? OMG. -
[CN] - Spleef?  What's that?
[FollyCloud] You run around on snow with a shovel and try to cut the snow out from under other people!
[CN] - Sounds easy enough...
[BlockofFred] We have our own big stadum! Octagon keeps it set up!
[SilverMilk] We need one more person though....
[CN] - Okay, I'll play
[CaptainPurple] I call little guy!
[BlockofFred] I want Folly!
[SilverMilk] I'll message RobbinTime and meet you there.
[CN] - You can call me CN
[CaptainPurple] Cool!
-The others are all bouncing and sprinting ahead-
[CN] Follows, forgetting to move stiffly-
[BlockofFred] Watches him curiously- You move weird...
[CN] - Uh, it's...  Mods
[BlockofFred] Oh! Neato1!
-The group approaches a board covered in game rules and a button in the center.  The group hits the button and CN follows suit-  The end up in a lobby where the players are partnering up and going to the designated areas for a match.  As they cross a line of purple blocks, it sets their spawn point for the arena-
[CN] - Whoa...
[SilverMilk] Comes back with another player, their nameplate is RobbinTime - ready!
[CN] - Okay, so how do we do this?
[CaptainPurple] Nods at RobbinTime and they each hit a button on the wall-
[CN] Follows suit and the trio are teleported to an arena.  Their inventories have been cleared and they now only have an iron helmet and a diamond shovel-
-The other three are facing them from across the snowfield-
[SilverMilk] Just use the shovel to knock the snow out from under them, and don't fall, okay?
[CN] - Got it- He gets ready and his vision is briefly obscured by a countdown timer and when it's time to go he races forwards with the others
-There's a lot of scurrying and jumping, snow is flying everywhere and BlockofFred is the first to fall-
[CN] Jumps over a gap to try to get behind the other team.  He manages to knock RobbinTime down- Yes!
[CaptainPurple] Shoves Cn out of the way just as FollyCloud swings to knock the ground out from under him-
[CN] Stumbles and falls- Oof!
[CaptainPurple] Is now chasing FollyCloud around and they're swiftly  running out of blocks to stand on-
[CN] Shakily stands and starts running to head FollyCloud off-
[FollyCloud] Manages to drop CaptainPurple and turns his attention to Cn-
[CN] Is having a bit of a stand off, not sure how to proceed and is looking for a safe route-
[FollyCloud]Chases him into a corner and takes a swing at the block under him-
[CN] Falls and it's at this point that he realizes that there's lava beneath the snow.  He panics and without thinking he shifts into his bird form and flies up-
-How did he do that??????-
[CN] Panic and flies to the far side of the arena where there's still snow and he shifts back, pressing himself back against the door-
[Octagon] Tps into the arena and looks around with his hands on his hips and his black eyes narrowed in annoyance-
[FollyCloud] Jumps around- He did something weird! He's cheating!
[CN] Starts breathing hard- There's lava down there!
[Octagon] Stalks over to him- well yes, that's kinda the point of not falling. Who are you?
[CN] Is trembling a little, looking for anyway out- C...  CN...
[SilverMilk] He was moving weird...
[FollyCloud] He turned into somethign small!
[CN] Is really wanting Lie right about now-
[Octagon] Very quietly- I'm not sure what you're playing at, but you've thrown the gauntlet down now. If he knocked you down and you cheated back up, then the game can't end until you fall.
[CN] - But...  That's going to hurt (String of numbers)
[Octagon] I'm aware of that, but you won't be deleted.
[CN] - But...  But...
[Octagon] Just swats the block out from under him-
[CN] Falls with a yell and doesn't manage to transform quickly enough this time, hitting the lava and screaming in pain before popping back into the Spleef lobby.  He immediately takes off at a run to try and get out with tears forming at the corners of his eyes-
[Octagon] Reassures the other players before tping to his location. Or course Cn is moving but he's close by- Wait a minute!
[CN] Stumbles and turns quickly terrified-
[Octagon] Easy there little NOTCH. That was nessesary.
[CN] - It...  It hurt...  So much...- CN leans up against a wall, they are mostly hidden from sight
[Octagon] Sorry, but once you start a Spleef game that's the only way to end it. There's no way out of the arena except to auto tp when all the opposing team has dropped and hit respawn.
[CN] - I didn't know that!
[Octagon] I hear that a lot. Most of the players here are children and they tend not to read rules carefully.
[CN] - I...  I just wanted some new friends to play with...- He's still shaking and a couple of tears roll down his cheek
[Octagon] Kneels down and pats his shoulder- Are you lost? Did you wander in from the void?
[CN] Shakes his head- My brine brought me because I asked her...
[Octagon] There's another Herobrine on the server????
[CN] - She visited earlier...
[Octagon] Blinks- The white-haired brine?
[CN] Nods- Yeah, she's my brine
[Octagon] Would you like me to find her for you?
[CN] Nods-
[Octagon] Reaches out for his hand - then that's what we'll do. I'm Octagon by the way.
[CN] - You already know my name...- He cautiously takes the offered hand
[Octagon] Uses his free hand to try and get Lie's attention in the chat-
[Enix] Notices and pauses from pointing out different types of planes someone has built high above the harborside- Oh dear... it seems your NOTCH had a bit of an accident.
[Lie] - Is he okay?
[Enix] He respawned, but Octagon says he's okay. Just a bit shaken up. It seems he decided to join a game of Spleef with some players.
[Lie] - Oh dear, take me to him?
[Enix] Of course. - He takes her hand and tps her to Octagon and Cn. The two of them were passing through a small park when the others appeared.
[Lie] - CN...
[CN] Runs for Lie and hugs her-
[Lie] - Shhh, it's okay, I know it hurt
[CN] Is sniffling-
[Lie] - Thank you for helping him Octagon
[Octagon] Well... I didn't help much. I kinda had to drop him to end the game...
[Lie] - I see, I'm going to guess he shifted forms to avoid the lava?
[CN] Hugs Lie a bit closer as she rubs his back-
[Octagon] Yes. He set off several accusations of cheating and hacking.
[Lie] - Oh CN...  I'm sorry, he's never really interacted with players before and he's never died before either
[Octagon] Well he's welcome to play, he just needs to stick to safer things.
[Enix] Wait, he's not lava-proof?
[Lie] - What games would be alright?  And no, he's not
[Octagon] Makes an expansive gesture, - this is a good place to start. - The park around them has several groups of kids playing. Some are doing parkour on little obstacle courses, and others are clearly playing tag or hide and seek- There's a hedge maze too, people like to see who can solve it the fastest.
[Lie] - Alright, maybe next time.  I think somebody has had enough excitement for now
[Octagon] I understand. Kids get overwhelmed.
[Enix] One's first death is also no small thing.
[Lie] - Yes, I remember my only death so far, I'd never wish it on anybody.  Thank you for letting us visit- She creates a way home and the other two get a brief image of spawn as Lie passes through with CN
[CN] After a couple of hours he flies over to Firebirds tree-
-Firebird's sitting in one of the higher spots writing in a book, His tail dangles down like a brightly colored banner,-
[CN] Spots the tail and make a beeline for it. He turns back mid air and barrels into Firebird, pulling him into a hug-
[Firebird] Woah CN! -Nearly falls backwards as CN slams into him, but doesn't. He hugs CN back with one arm- What's up with you?
[CN] Looks up, his eyes still red from crying- I... I died...
[Firebird] Oh dear... I'm sorry you had to experience that.. I don't like it either..
[CN] - I was playing a game with some... With some players and beneath the snow was lava! I tried to fly away! They all started calling me a hacker!
[Firebird] Players can be like that... It's alright... -pets CN- Players don't see us the way we do.
[CN] - It hurt so much, and that other NOTCH made me fall into it...
[Firebird] He did what? -Angry bird? Angry bird-
[CN] - He said that was the only way to end the game...
[Firebird] I doubt that...
[CN] - That's what he said! He's on the server next door if you don't believe me!
[Firebird] I'll have to have some words with them...
[CN] Snuggles in closer to Firebirds side- Can I stay here tonight?- He's still a bit shaken up
[Firebird] Of course you can. Do you want to stay up here with me? Or do you want a bed?
[CN] - I'll stay up here...
[Firebird] Alright. -Shifts around so he can keep writing with CN in his lap-
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nanstgeorge · 3 years
daisy & billy + being the same person at a different stage of life
basically this is me being obsessed with the fact that so many things billy goes through at the beginning of the story serve as almost a precursor to what’ll eventually happen to daisy. like the lessons daisy goes learns concerning love and sobriety and addiction are so similar to what billy knows bc of his family and marriage. but while billy seems further ahead on his journey than daisy is, he can still identify with her due to his fear of relapsing, temptation, and losing everything. also they both learn and grow so much just from being around each other??? like what makes the ending work is bc they are both finally on equal footing in a way and at a place where their stories are lined up
on children:
That song isn’t … it’s not about Billy. If that’s what you were thinking. It’s about wanting to have a family, kids. And knowing you’d be awful at it. Feeling like you’re too much of a fuckup to deserve anything like that. But wanting it anyway. And I look at you and everything that you are and I know it’s everything I can never be.
I just kept thinking about walking into the hospital and looking at my kid and knowing that I was the shit deal she got. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be with her. I wanted to be with her so bad. You have no idea how bad. I just … I didn’t want my girl to have to meet me. I didn’t want … that early into her life, I didn’t want my kid to have to look up and see this man, this drunken, strung-out, piece of shit and think, This is my dad? That’s how I felt. I was embarrassed to be seen by my baby.
on love:
I wish someone had told me that love isn’t torture. Because I thought love was this thing that was supposed to tear you in two and leave you heartbroken and make your heart race in the worst way. I thought love was bombs and tears and blood. I did not know that it was supposed to make you lighter, not heavier. I didn’t know it was supposed to take only the kind of work that makes you softer. I thought love was war. I didn’t know it was supposed to … I didn’t know it was supposed to be peace. And you know what? Even if I did know that, I don’t know that I would have been ready to welcome it or value it. I wanted drugs and sex and angst. That’s what I wanted. Back then I thought that the other type of love … I thought that was for other types of people. Honestly, I thought that type of love didn’t exist for women like me.
I’m not saying that I didn’t care. I cared a lot. I’m saying that when you really love someone, sometimes the things they need may hurt you, and some people are worth hurting for. I had hurt Camila. God knows I had. But loving somebody isn’t perfection and good times and laughing and making love. Love is forgiveness and patience and faith and every once in a while, it’s a gut punch. That’s why it’s a dangerous thing, when you go loving the wrong person. When you love somebody who doesn’t deserve it. You have to be with someone that deserves your faith and you have be deserving of someone else’s. It’s sacred. I have no tolerance for people that waste other people’s faith in them. None at all.
on addiction:
When Teddy died, that was it. I’d decided there was no sense in getting sober. I rationalized it. You know, If the universe wanted me to get clean, it wouldn’t have killed Teddy. You can justify anything. If you’re narcissistic enough to believe that the universe conspires for and against you—which we all are, deep down—then you can convince yourself you’re getting signs about anything and everything.
Like an idiot, I said to myself, Okay, I’ll just take until November 30 and get all of this out of my system. Do it all now. So I don’t ever have to do it again. Sometimes I wonder if addicts aren’t all that different from anybody else, they are just better at lying to themselves. I was great at lying to myself.
on each other to jonah berg:
“Daisy says you spent your first tour cheating on your wife and dealing with alcoholism and drug addiction, possibly a heroin addiction. She says you’re in recovery now but that you missed the birth of your first daughter because you were in rehab.”
Billy and I were walking down the hall and as we got to my door I said, “Do you want to come in?” I was just enjoying the conversation we were having. We were finally getting to know each other. But when I said it, Billy looked down at the floor and said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” When I shut the door behind me, alone in my room, I felt so stupid. It was so obvious that he thought I was hitting on him and that made me so sad. - The Numbers Tour
I was embarrassed that Simone has offered it to him because I knew he already felt like I was a scummy boozehound drug addict. And if Billy thought I was going to knock him off the wagon, I was going to do everything in my power to make sure that wasn’t true. - Aurora
I woke up and Nicky was there with a toot, right there. I just had this fleeting thought, What if I didn’t? So I said, “No, thanks.” And Nicky laughed and said, “No, c’mon.” And he put it right in my face and I snorted it. And as I turned my head, to look down the aisle, I saw that Billy had stepped onto the bus for some reason, was talking to Warren or something. But … he saw the whole thing. And I caught his eye for a moment and I just got so sad. - Aurora World Tour
“How about this? I can’t fucking stand Daisy Jones. She’s a selfish brat who’s been given everything she wants her entire life and thinks it’s because she deserves it.”
Everything was happening so fast. And I was … You’re an underdog for so long and then one day you’re not. And when you start to feel real success, when you start to live large and all that, you have to stop and ask yourself if you think you really deserve it. Anyone that isn’t a complete asshole will come up with the answer “No.” Because of course you don’t. When guys you grew up with are working three jobs. Or they’re lost overseas like we lost Chuck. Of course you don’t deserve it. You have to learn how to reconcile those two things. Having it and not deserving it. Or, you do what I did, and refuse to think about it.- Debut
nicky vs. camila with acceptance:
Over the next few days, I told Nicky everything. I bared my soul to him. He loved the music I loved. And the art I loved. And the pills I loved. He made me feel like he was the only one that could ever understand me. I told him how lonely I was and how hard it had been to work on that album. And how I felt about Billy. I didn’t hide anything from him. I opened up and just let it pour out. And he listened to it all. At one point, I said, “You must think I’m crazy.” And he said, “My Daisy, everything about you makes perfect sense to me.” It seemed like there wasn’t anything about me, any truth that I could tell him, that he wouldn’t accept. Acceptance is a powerful drug. And I should know because I’ve done ’em all.
I think I just refused to accept that he was as low as he claimed to be. I’m not saying it wasn’t real, what he did. Oh, it was very real. All of it was real. I’ve never been so lost and scared. I was sick over it, every day. And I couldn’t have even told you what part of me felt the sickest. My heart hurt and my stomach felt like it was gonna turn inside out and my head throbbed. Oh, it was very real. But that didn’t mean I had to accept it.
0 notes
morganshayz · 8 years
I have struggled with true happiness for most of my life.  My childhood has some good parts, but if I really think about it, I can make myself see it for what it truly was.  My father caused a lot of pain for my family.  I don’t talk about it much because when you tell people they don’t realize how bad it actually was.  They weren't there.  I had a very brief moment of actual happiness for I don't even know how long.  It’s really just a small group of memories.  Sleepovers at the air force base with my friends, sneaking to the playground after base curfew to talk in the tunnels and slides, writing stories together, all reading the same books at the same time, me being introduced to anime, car washes with my best friend every Wednesday, youth night at church, and going to the movies together.  Then everything just got bad.  
All of my friends became very close with each other and formed mini groups out of our single group and some got boyfriends and I tried so hard to keep all of it together.  I was the glue.  I made sure we all still met up for movies and sleepovers.  All of junior year to the beginning of my senior year in high school was hell on earth.  Three of my closest friends became their own little group and kept secrets between the three of them.  One of the girls within that many group entered into an abusive relationship.  She is now moving in with him this summer.  I got into a fight with one of the other three girls at the end of my first semester of high school because I told her that I could feel her pulling away from me and that I really missed her.  She got angry and we just decided to agree to disagree on the subject. Things are still different between us.  The last girl in that group was never that close with me in the first place anyways.  My best friend “fell in love” and changed religions for the guy and that caused a HUGE shift in our relationship.  She quit talking to me and pretty much left me for dead.  We are roommates now, but EVERYTHING is different now and it will never be the same again.  Another friend graduated the year before us, he is at the same college as most of us, but he has a girlfriend now and every time I try to plan something with him he either won't answer me or says he can't because he has other plans.  
All of these people are so very precious to me.  They were my family when my real family couldn’t be.  I will always love and care about them so much.  They are still great people.  MA (the girl moving in with her horrible boyfriend) is so sensitive and sweet.  She always tries to listen to everyone’s needs and help in any way possible.  She also tries really hard to not rock the boat.  She is trying to get into film school to do animation.  NG (the girl who pulled away) is so extroverted.  She loves people.  She’s loud and obnoxious at times.  She is the most frugal person and also one of the most beautiful people on the planet and she is currently studying to be a nurse.  MB (the girl I’m not close with) is very logical and has a very different sense of humor.  She can get stressed and overwhelmed pretty easily, but she’s pretty in tune with other people and gives amazing advice.  She (finally) got her first job.  HS (my best friend) is a hopeless romantic, she loves art and journals and wash tape.  She is hella organized and just always has her shit together.  She can also be pretty negative and has a sense of entitlement.  She loves movies and Maroon 5 and the idea of being in love, marriage, and sex.  JW (the guy friend) is one of the most emotional and caring guys I have ever met.  He feels so much and tries so hard to make sure everyone is okay.  He is very practical and realistic.  He wants a very mediocre life. He says so all the time.  He can take jokes a little too far on occasion, and be a prick to girls he isn't dating (because we become like guy friends to him).
In between all of this, I met two of my very best friends my senior year of high school.  They showed me what friendship is actually supposed to be like. I was always giving for these people because of how much I cared about them, but they never gave anything back.  They left me empty and alone in the long run.  No matter what, I will still be there for them though.  It’s just not in me to leave people that I love so much.  Even if it is toxic.  TN (friend I made senior year) has been one of the best people I have ever had the honor of knowing.  He has blessed my life in so many ways.  He cared about me when no one else did.  He saw me when I was not okay.  He actually listened. He didn’t try to offer advice or tell me how easily fixed all my problems were.  He just sat there and listened even when I talked about things he knew absolutely nothing about. I will always view him and the best and healthiest friendship I have ever had.  KS (the other friend i met senior year) is a lot of things.  She can be a little bossy and opinionated, but it was because she cared.  Every once in awhile advice she gave came off as more of an insult or a demand, but she was still there for me when others weren't.  She had her good days and bad days and no one can really blame her for that.  She would send me pins and text me at 4am just to say something completely random and ridiculous.  She was just a breathe of fresh air in my life.  She really helped me start to move out of being a doormat for others and for that I will forever be grateful.  Both of these people have since fallen in love and have wonderful lives they are building for themselves and trust me they deserve it more than anyone else I have mentioned.  They made me come up out of whatever I was stuck in for a year.  
But now that it’s back to just me, I have gotten so much worse.  I can’t even bring myself to shower most days or do my homework.  I sleep in most of my classes no matter how much sleep i get even though I've taken out thousands of dollars in loans for college.  I binge eat every single meal I eat.  I don’t do anything productive ever.  I just sit and stare and lay in bed doing nothing.  Life doesn’t feel worth it.  Everyone around me has found their thing whether it’s a career, major, significant other, whatever and I have found nothing.  There is no reason for me to be here.  I do have a major but I won’t make much money doing it and it makes me question whether I can actually do it.  The only thing I have to look forward to right now is AKon.  That’s it. I don’t know how I'm going to pull myself up this time.  I just can’t do it.  I don’t know what its like to look forward to my own life.  Every year it just gets worse and worse.  I thought going  to college would make it better, but it has made everything way worse than it was.  I have made no new friends, I am drowning in homework, I make barely enough money to feed myself on days the caf is closed and to get gas.  I don’t even own any jeans right now because I can’t afford them.  I gained like ten pounds in a month.  I can’t replace my makeup so I can’t even get ready and practice self care.  The caf has no healthy food except salads and canned fruit.  I don’t have enough time to do laundry.  I can’t go to bed on time.  My libido is all over the place all the time.  My roommate won’t let me turn the a/c on and I am dying.  I am also incurably sad.  All of those things stress me out and then I feel like there’s no point.  Why am I even here? I have nothing and no one.  I don’t know what to do or how to fix all of this.  
       I never wanted this to happen
       Never wanted this to die
       But I’ve pushed myself down so far
       I couldn’t come back if I tried
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