#okay stef if u say so
jrueships · 8 months
looooool lololololol
#sorry im pondering over the thought of diggs/allen afters*x sorry#they have very much opposite actions after doing it#josh loves his naps and his cuddles so he will want to call it an early night night after one handjobbie even#unless hes angry or frustrated. then diggs is gonna be on for a long. aching haul#but stef could go literally 700 rounds in the same night and still try to get up and wobble around the house doing whatever#his strange mind is set to#even with *** still dripping out his ***#obvs hes gonna clean it soon or just lick some of it off like hes a dirty h*e but hes not a dirty h*e u know#but when u have to make sure the singleperson chair is tilted just enough to capture ur good angle when u lay down like a cat in it#u have to make sure t(im not rewriting all that. i forgor)#u know!!#and ok maybe some of the wandering stems from diggs hating to display uncontrollable neediness/beauty in front of the people he cares about#MAYBE HE GETS A LITTLE EMBARRASSED ABT THE WAY HIS THIGHS TREMBLE AND THE MUSCLE JIGGLES THEN TENSES FROM CONSTANT CHANGE#MAYBE HE HATES THAT HE LOVES HOW HE HATES THE WAY HE LOVES WHEN ALLEN'S STUPIDLY BEAUTIFUL BROWN EYES ARE OVERTAKEN BY BLACK#FROM HIS PUPILS BLOWING AND HIS LIPS PARTING IN NOTHING BUT ADORATION AND ADMIRATION OVER HIS WR#and the bliss he's been put in OKAY MAYBE ! MAYBE !!#AND MAYBE BY GETTING AWAY FOR A BIT LIKE AN APATHETIC BLACK CAT SLINKING AWAY INTO THE NIGHT HELPS#KEEP STEF FROM COMPLIMENTING JOSH OVERANDOVERANDOVERAND- AGAIN. BCS HES JUST SO. UGHH. AND HE GETS SO. uGh#when stef compliments him and stef LOVES complimenting him bcs stef LOVES speaking the truth and what he says IS the truth#and josh LOVES hearing it and . UGHHH it's so MUSHY it's GROSS!!!!!!!@! grosser than the *** still in his ***#... even grosser than the fact that stef will sometimes hold off on cleaning up while walking away bcs he knows josh#as tired as he is.. will make the bed heave a great strain of spring and coils from the owner's devoted departure#following stef with blankets towels some freshly brewed tea and wrapping him into a big hug#as he breaks the singleperson couch from trying to cuddle like a giant dog that doesnt know it's a giant dog#MAYBE THEYRE GROSS AND SICK AND STUPID AND DOMESTIC OR WHATEVER! AND MAYBE DIGGS HATESLOVESHATESLOVESLOVES IT???#THATS THEIR BUSINESS !! AND IM UP PONDERIN IT 🗣‼️‼️ SORRY#ted sus#diggs/allen#ted redacted#it's late so ihope noone sees this LOL it's embarrassingfr 😭😭 IHATELOVE
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closetednobody · 2 years
Are u a Leco hater? Everyone says he is good for Stefania, but I think he is just riding on her popularity.
I don't hate the guy. I mean... i don't have the rights to hate him - i don't even know him 😅 i am just not a fan of his photography/aesthetics. But i bet there are people who like it. So... yeah. Good for them.
Maybe he is good for her? I sure hope he is good TO her. I just think whatever happens between two people in a relationship, should be theirs to figure out and not ours to judge. Of course when you are dating a celebrity, it is different and it could be profitable. But if Stef is okay with it, why do we want to waste time thinking about it. And if someone likes Stef so much, that they would buy the photos that he took - that's their choice 🤷🏻‍♀️
Do i think that guy is a potential red flag? Maybe. But so does everyone else 😌
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salvatoraes-arc · 3 years
klaus or katherine
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send two names & see who he'd rather kiss.
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" hm, klaus i think. he doesn't make me as mad as katherine does."
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weirdcharacter · 3 years
A Chaotic List Of Songs I'm Listening To Rn Because I Want To Talk About 🎶 M u s i c 🎶
@loth-wolffe @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @dusk-dawn-and-stars
Very cool, nice vibe, love that band even tho I listen to 2 songs (this one and Too Late To Say Goodbye)
Sad, cool, love the chorus and the drums it's super cool. I love drums. Like I love instruments in general but drums are super cool they give the rhythm to your song it's super cool
I've been binge-listening this song for the past week. It's dope and my friends and I made it our anthem. Also dedicated to Moony girl you know why (if u don't it's fine, lemme give you a hint: ram'ser)
I'm low-key addicted to the "aaaaaaaAAhhhhhAhhhh hAaA" and the "olease don't go please don't go, I love you so I love you soooo" part. It's just so Weirdly Vibing with me so yeah it's pretty dope
It reminds me of Bucky Barnes because of an edit I watched once - a painful one obviously - but it also reminds me of Crosshair now and it's sad and painful and maybe I'll write a fic about that
Love that band, LOVE that album love it imlove it LOVE IT
Space vibes y'all, like for real if you want some Space Vibes songs this is the band you need to listen to. It's so so so good i love it
The original version is already chilling, but the stripped?? Man i am so weak for stripped version of songs it's like. It's so addictive and good and raw-
Anyway watch me fall apart because of this song it's absolutely perfect.
✨ V i b e s ✨
Starting when we had no names or words
Finishing each other's sentences...
I'm in love. In love. I just love it okay. Addictive, 100/10 would recommend.
*head bopping* lonely~
Idk that's the part I vibe with the most I just have a love/hate relationship with being/feeling lonely so that sentence alone is great *thumbs up*
Can I add more songs? Yes I can add one let's keep going then
I vibe a lot she has a very nice voice I love it dkebfiebd
And I could use some good news TOO GIRL YOU DON'T SAY
Okay one good news: I am going to print pics and out them on my wall with drawings and notes from friends so I'll always see it and be happy about it
That's chaotic as usual hope you'll enjoy these songs, again no pressure to listen or anything him just rambling love y'all 💙🌊
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mcneyhoney · 3 years
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also babies i’ve been meaning to say that while stef exists gaga simply cannot lmao which means in my magic lil universe gaga’s music n lyrics n all are technically stef’s so YES if u catch me saying stef wrote a gaga song about someone then mind ur business bc she just did okay. i am not a song writer idk how to be cute about things so let me have this. if u listen to any of gaga’s music u owe stef money
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candaceparkers · 4 years
love this detail really making me think, i like the leila-alexia-mariona point you make. okay i get that defense problem. it seems like they’re weakest when in transition and that’s bc they push so high. once u break their lines they’re just scrambling back but that’s a price to pay when u play that aggressive. what else do you mean when defense is their weakest point?
i really like watching these three playing together. they understand each other's movements so well.
yeah, i agree. our defense in transition is a mess tbh. if you get one of our centerbacks out of position, it's pretty much over lol.
well, lack of depth is one of the reasons. before barça signed amc, we didn't have another right back and with stef having such bad luck with injuries, mapi and pereira have to play pretty much everything. unfortunately lluis ignores codina most of the time. there were so many chances this season where she could've (and should've) played but lluis wouldn't even call her up :/ really the only position in defense where we have depth is at left back.
and then, imo, when you compare our defensive line to our midfield or attack, i think we don't have as many world class players there as we do in the other lines. pereira has been really great this season, she's saved us in several games. and torrejon and leila are having the best season of their careers. but still, when i think about playing big teams, the only one i trust 100% is mapi, who is the only player in our defense that i would personally say is world class.
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bubblellop · 4 years
26 for literally any of your characters, as many as you want just give me the goods
26: What is your favorite headcanon for your character?
My god ive already said so many of them im running out of the interesting ones, so pardon if i repeat myself lol. Anyway have a BUNCH of them. Have fun
Has set the forest on fire before, a lot of times actually, still does it.
First time she met Rhett and Olivers family, she just....decided to sit in the fireplace. Just, chill in the fire, in front of their family. A lot of explaining had to be done.
Never showered in her life.
Likes singing! Its a GREAT and healthy alternative to screaming and setting things on fire!
Canonly says fuck. This isnt a headcanon its just a fact-
This one is already known, but Lily likes sleeping in the bath. She really likes the bathroom in fact, even tho for her it serves no purpose. Just a small water room, she loves it.
Once said fuck infront of Rhett, leaned next to him and said "Go on. No one will believe you."
Knows sign language.
Likes dissapearing every once in a while. As a treat. (This really stresses Adalia and Oliver tho Lily please :(((( dont do that, even if its for a couple hours) (also by disapearing i mean she just takes long walks unanounced like the rebel she is)
Stole a spoon once and felt really bad about it.
He plays the ukelele uwu
Has anxiety, things just stress him out alot sometimes, but he's gotten better at controlling it :)
As he knows Adalia and Lily's diet is...weird, he takes it as a challenge to make dishes they like AND is healthy for them!!! (If all fails tho, just give them hot sauce and ice cream am i right)
Him and Adalia have their own weird adventures sometimes!!! They come back home all scratched up and no one even questions it after a while. Their dinamic may not appear much but their both great together adfh
*swears in spanish* *swears in spanish* *swears in sp
The hoodie he wears is for comfort and emotional support :) even tho he will never admit to it but its okay hes a coward and a b-
Jams to old p!atd song along with Stef. Ah they both hate to admit they are scene kids at heart.....
Canonly punched Lilyana in the face. Man chapter 5 is wilding lol
I like to think there are times she forgets to take off her glasses, hides it when shes with the others, and just be legally blind for an entire day.
"Sophie i cant read that" "oh well then you could just get your-" chokes Sophie with a pillow
When shes not with the twins, she spends time in a smoothie shop she likes :) the girl just tries to avoid going home huh
Is more of a bi mess if were being honest. She straight up looked at her two most bitter friends and went "hey how about i just try to flirt with them to see their reaction lol" but they both dont realize it/ignore it.
Has a shit ton of sketchbooks!!! If u dont know shes really into fashion and wants to persue that as a career :)
When shes bored with Sophie, she will try to annoy the hell outta her, shake her, hug her, play with her notes, moan and grunt, you name it.
This girl has so many talents such as piano, violin, ballet, art, singing, designing, writing and much more!!!
Ansskdks stef will paint rhetts nail black because emo rights skdkdksf
She and her older brother are really cool!!! They both just VIBE with eachother and id say they have the best sibling bond!!! I live for their foolery!!!
Very composed and serious, but when shes excited you WILL know, she acts like a child its adorableee.
Canonly the shortest, shes shapped like a friend and i wanna hug her okay-
She insisted on having a laboratory for her "research", so they just keep giving her the basement skddksc (both in the twins house and sophs home)
She has a garden :) where may you ask? The entire forest is her garden if you think about it.
Liv is actually older than the twins. (I dont know why the idea seems cursed, shes too baby)
Literally has the best dinamics with everyone, shes just so nice and patient no one can hate her...
She hisses at humans, this is normal to the rest.
I like to think they all went and stole their clothes, and id say skyle just went to a costume shop and picked the coolest thing she saw (a pirate costume).
She sleeps in a tree branch
The strongest of the guardians, she likes training, she almost never has to fight anything tho, so she will go and find a bear or smth and just go feral ya know (there are no bears in that forest, sam probably summons a fake one so Skyle doesnt go mad)
Has read EVERY BOOK about bugs Samantha has.
Have i mentioned they loves bugs. They likes ladybugs the most.
"GUYSS IM ALMOST 10 I CAN HANDLE THIS" - them every time. Doing anything. The rest care alot about her okay.
If all the guardians (adalia, lily, liv, skyle, sam and themself if your wondering) were to be left alone, they would be most likely to survive, just sayin
Only lets Jamie in her library, the rest are allowed ONCE a week. Get out of her sight.
Very tall, pale and skinny, shes a vampire is2g-
May not show it but she doesnt like humans either, just finds them a bit gross. Doesnt say anything out of courtesy tho.
Doesnt like cutting her hair, she will SCREAM if you try to.
Aaaand im tired its 12 ive spent half an hour in this and im DEAD. God i hope at least 2 of them are interesting.
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lifesizehysteria · 5 years
Journey to You - Chapter 16 | An AdamsFoster Fic
A/N: We are almost at the end you guys! I can’t believe it! The common sentiment after the last chapter was frustration with Stef’s stalling and I get it! We just want to see them happy already! But Stef’s got a lot of work to do and a lot of things to process. This is a big chapter for Stef and I think you’ll all be much happier with her by the end. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say! Thanks for sticking it out with me! We’re almost done!
After the excitement of his first day of school, Brandon was so tired he was barely conscious by the end of his first bedtime story. There wasn’t a word of complaint when, instead of starting the second book, Stef kissed his cheek and stood up from the edge of his bed.
“Goodnight, baby.”
“G'night, Mommy,” he mumbled back, eyes rolling closed.
“I love you,” she whispered. When he didn’t answer, she gazed down at him with a soft but troubled smile. She combed her fingertips through his brown hair and couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt knowing that this was going to be the last day before his life changed forever. He might not know it or understand it for a while but it would never again be like it had been that morning, just the three of them, one family unit. It was all she could do to hope that, eventually, however different, his life would be just as good. She wasn’t willing to hope for better but just as good would suffice. It had to.
With a heavy sigh and a determined heart, she flipped off his lamp and crept from the room, heading for the kitchen.
She retrieved the phone from the kitchen and dialed as she went to the living room. Her courage was more tempered than it had been that afternoon and waiting for an answer on the other end was almost enough to make her change her mind. Perched on the edge of the couch, her heart raced and she had to tighten her grip on the phone as sweat covered her palm.
A rush of adrenaline shot through her when she heard the line connect.
“Hello?” Mike’s familiar voice came through the phone.
“Mike. Hi.”
“Yeah, sorry.” She gave a nervous chuckle.
“Is everything okay?”
“What? Oh, yeah, no everything’s fine.”
“That’s good.” Mike paused after an unsure laugh. “So, what’s up?” he asked.
Stef cleared her throat and picked at her jeans.
“Well, I just, y'know, was thinking about this morning and about us and I thought…” She paused and took a breath to unlock the muscles tightening around her chest, “How about that raincheck?”
“What? No. No, I’ve got Brandon.”
A light chortle came through the phone. “I thought maybe you were gonna spring for a babysitter. Take me out on another date.”
The laugh she returned was strained and uncomfortable. “No, I just thought maybe… we should talk about us.”
“Yeah, sure. I’ve been thinking about us, too, actually.” Mike’s usual laid-back manner, colored with a hint of brightness was so far from the bleakness settling in Stef’s bones. How was she going to get through this? She slumped back against the couch, deflating with a quiet sigh.
“You’re working late again tomorrow, aren’t you?” she asked.
“Sure am.”
“Okay, how about, uh… Can I meet you after I drop Brandon off at school?”
“Sure. Coffee at our usual spot?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Great. How’s nine-ish?”
“That’s fine.”
“Alright. See you tomorrow. Love you.” The sentiment was so casual, so habitual, just the way he’d always said it and Stef was glad he wasn’t there to see the way it made the blood drain from her face.
After too long, she said, “I love you, too, Mike,” because she did, even if it wasn’t the way she was supposed to.
It would have been too much to ask for the next morning to go as smoothly as the last. It started out with Stef spending twenty minutes trying to dislodge a mysteriously clogged toilet, only to eventually fish out a sock filled with toy army men. When the only explanation offered by her son was something about lost treasure and a submarine, she stopped listening. By the time she stripped out of her clothes that were covered in toilet water, washed her arms up to the elbows, and got changed, they were thirty minutes behind schedule, Brandon was still in his pajamas, and neither of them had eaten. Stef ordered Brandon to get dressed while she dumped cereal into a bowl and didn’t bat an eye when he came out in a striped red button-down shirt with neon green basketball shorts. She chugged a cup of coffee while Brandon ate like it was a lazy Sunday morning, spurred on only by gruff encouragements flung over Stef’s shoulder while she threw together a snack for him to take to school. By the time they were headed for the door, they’d only made up five minutes of their time which were then lost, along with three more, when Brandon couldn’t find his left shoe and refused to wear a different pair. Stef was at her wits end when she found the shoe in his sock drawer. Socks in the toilet? Shoes in the sock drawer? This was all very uncharacteristic of her tidy, meticulous son. Maybe they had a poltergeist. Or maybe the universe was already punishing her.
After rushing out the door, she pushed the speed limit as much as she could without the benefit of her police cruiser. She made up a few minutes on the drive but they were still late. She walked Brandon down to his classroom, helped him get his backpack put away, apologized to his teacher, and kissed him on the cheek before slipping out of the class. She then did a walk of shame down to the office. It was only his second day of school and she was already that mom who couldn’t get her kid to school on time. She kept her head down, signed him in late, and booked it out of there without making eye contact with anyone.
The morning had been so hectic, Stef had forgotten about meeting Mike. She was halfway home before it hit her while sitting at a red light.
“Fuck.” When the light turned green, she made a U-turn from the center lane and headed toward the cafe she and Mike always went to.
When she pulled up ten minutes late, she didn’t know if her heart was racing from rushing or from anticipation. What she did know was that she didn’t have time to sit in the car and worry about what she was going to say or how she was going to say it and that was probably for the best. She took a moment just to breathe, trying to settle her nerves but the quiet only made her more jittery so she groaned and shook her head.
“Just get it over with,” she muttered to herself. Then she grabbed her purse and got out of the car, rushing like she had all morning. And this time she was headed right for the eye of the storm.
Rounding the corner, Stef saw Mike sitting at one of the little tables, his hands already wrapped around a cup of coffee.
“Hi,” she breathed through the sickening flutter in her stomach, waving a hand as she strode toward him.
“Hey.” Mike stood to greet her. When he took hold of her waist and kissed her cheek, she didn’t know what to do with her hands so she patted his arm and tried not to pull away.
“I, uh– Sorry I’m late,” she said as she sat down. She hung her purse over the back of her chair and turned to face her husband, licking her lips and adjusting her shirt before running out of things to do but look up at him. The warm grin and a calm air coming from him were like a balloon pressing against her grating energy, waiting to be popped. A silence stretched between them. She needed to talk, to say something, but her tongue was all tied up in her mouth and her brain was nothing but empty echoes.
“Look,” Mike finally said, “the separation’s been good. I mean, bad…” That familiar, charming smile broke through as he laughed at himself. “But good. It’s made me realize that I have not been present in our marriage for a while, and I’m sorry.” The longer he talked, the harder the words stuck in Stef’s throat. Her head was screaming at her to interrupt, to stop him before it got any worse. Just tell him. But she was frozen, watching this scene play out as if on a screen and it didn’t matter how loudly she screamed. She couldn’t hear herself through the glass. “Our family’s everything to me, Stef. I’m gonna spend more time with you and Brandon. I’m gonna communicate. Hell, I’ll even go to counseling. I just.” Mike shrugged and smiled. “I love you.”
Stef’s blood ran cold. Everything after counseling went unheard because that had been her final condition. He had to get sober and he had to be willing to go to counseling. She realized that this was him stepping up to the plate and she couldn’t believe the irony. That he had chosen this moment to do exactly what she was doing – making that last push to prove her commitment. To someone else. She couldn’t let this go on any longer. She had to tell him and she had to do it now.
She took a deep breath, then exhaled as she gathered the courage to take the final leap. “Counseling can’t fix what’s wrong with us, Mike.”
“I thought that’s what you wanted.”
“Look, you’re a good man and you’re a really good dad…” Her chest was tight as she spoke, her heartache wrapped around every word. “But I haven’t been happy.”
Mike sat back, confusion on his face. “Yeah, lately. Me neither.” He leaned toward her, taking hold of his mug. “But things were good before, Stef.” He spoke as if he just needed to jog her memory. Like if she remembered, she would realize her mistake and take it back. If only it were that simple.
“Because I tried to make them good.” Stef wet her lips and looked away from him, trying to gather her thoughts. “But–” Stumbling over her words, she sighed, and tried to restart, only to sigh again. There was no way to soften this blow. She knew that. Yet she couldn’t help but try. Closing her eyes, she tried one more time. “But something was missing because I was not able to love you the way you love me.”
“I don’t understand.” Mike was hunched over his coffee, a deep crease settling between his eyebrows that were drawn low over his eyes. “Why not?”
Stef’s cheeks burned and the knot in her stomach twisted until it hurt to breathe. She had to say it now or she would never get it out. Fighting her instinct to look away, Stef swallowed and pushed the words out of her throat. “Because I’m gay… I’m a lesbian.” It still felt uncomfortable in her mouth, like a foreign word she could never pronounce just right. But she had managed to get it out and she felt a rush of relief at having been able to say it at all.
Mike’s face fell as he stared at her, his eyes unreadable except for the bewilderment in them. When he didn’t say anything, she barreled on.
“And I’m so sorry… For you, and for me, for…” Stef looked up, searching for the right words through the adrenaline, unable to think with Mike staring at her. Tears pricked at her eyes, making them burn red, but she refused to let them fall. Her voice trembled when she continued, each word clunky as she dragged them out from the swirling fog in her brain. “For it taking so long to be able to say that, and to… accept–” she took a shaky breath, “before now. I…” Though her explanation felt inadequate, she let it trail off when there were no more words to say, nothing else that would make it any better.
“Why now?” Mike asked.
Stef looked down at the table between them. Telling him would only complicate things but in that moment, she didn’t feel entitled to keep anything from him. If she was going to do this, end her marriage, try and convince Lena to be with her, she couldn’t do it half-way and as much as she wished it didn’t, that meant complete honesty with Mike. She took a slow breath and wet her lips again before bringing her eyes back up to meet his.
“Because I met someone.”
The hurt in his eyes was instant. She could see it even as he looked away, tensing his jaw to try and hide it.
“You met someone?“ he said slowly, like the words didn’t quite make sense. There was a moment so silent Stef was convinced everyone around could hear her heart pounding before he spoke again. ”That’s great, Stef.” He laughed but there was no humor in it. “Here I am, trying to do everything I can to make this work and save our marriage while you’re out, just, screwing around. With a woman! God, I’m such an idiot.” He slumped back in his chair, shaking his head as he scrubbed his hand over his mouth.
“No! No, Mike, I’m not. We haven’t–” she rushed to correct him. “I’m not having an affair. I just… I have feelings for someone,” she admitted, looking away from him and feeling stupid. How had she not assumed that’s what he would think? Why would he think anything else?
There was a brief silence before Mike looked at her and scoffed.
"I guess that’s supposed to make me feel better?”
“No, it’s…” Stef sighed. “I just don’t want you to think something’s going on that isn’t.”
Mike stared down into his coffee, his jaw jutting forward as he worked his anger through it.
“Who is it?” he demanded.
Stef stared at the trembling hands in her lap. “Does it matter?”
Mike crossed his arms over his chest. “Yeah, it does.”
“We’re not together, Mike. We’re not anything. She–”
“I think I have a right to know who turned my wife into a lesbian.”
“That’s not–” Stef took a breath that did nothing to settle her nerves. “She didn’t turn me into a lesbian. I’ve always been one. I just… didn’t know. Or didn’t want to know, maybe. I don’t–”
“Okay, fine, sorry.” The word dripped with insincerity. "I have a right to know who made my wife realize she’s a lesbian.” There was a harsh bitterness in his tone that nipped at Stef’s nerves. “Do I know her?”
Stef closed her eyes, inhaling as she wet her lips.
“You’ve met, yes.” Her words were quiet as she worked to control the tremble in her voice.
“Dammit, Stef. Just tell me.”
Stef swallowed as she continued to study her hands. “Lena Adams.” Just saying her name made her cheeks flush with heat. Mike’s face remained blank as he stared at her. “The Assistant Vice Principal of Brandon’s school,” she clarified, her airy voice catching in her throat.
Recognition bled across his face and his eyes narrowed.
“Wait a minute. Is that why you wanted him to go to that school so bad? So you could get close to her or, or have a reason to see her? Or whatever you do when you’re ‘not’ having an affair with someone?”
Hurt blossomed in Stef’s chest and her eyes met his across the table.
“C'mon, Mike. You know me better than that.”
“I thought so but obviously I don’t.”
Guilt churned in her stomach and Stef cast her eyes back down toward the table.
“I’m really sorry, Mike. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”
Mike leaned forward again, resting his arms on the table. “Then how did it happen?”
“What do you mean?” She didn’t know what kind of explanation he was looking for. It all happened so fast, she didn’t really even know.
“I mean, how did this happen? Something must have gone on between the two of you. Or did you just wake up one day and decide you’re a lesbian?”
“No, I…” Stef trailed off, still not sure how to answer. Her whole body itched to leave, to just run away and not have to face his pain and his questions. She had told him. That’s what Lena had wanted from her and that’s what she had done. But she knew at the very least, she owed him whatever answers he wanted.
“Then how, Stef?”
With a shaky breath, she brought her eyes up to meet his and found them hard and cold.
“I, um– We were…” Her heart pounded so hard it was a struggle to get a full breath. “We became friends. After meeting at the school. And then we just, kind of, developed feelings for each other.” Her shoulders were up by her ears by the time she finished, the explanation feeling flat and empty compared to the way Lena made her feel. But that was something she didn’t know how to explain. There were no words to describe it and it wouldn’t be fair to Mike for her to try.
“Oh, so the feelings are mutual? Did she seduce you?”
Dropping her shoulders, Stef shook her head. “No. She didn’t seduce me.” Though she still spoke quietly, a bite made it into her words, defensive on Lena’s behalf. The accusation was so far from the truth it was damn near laughable.
“Okay, then how exactly do you know she feels the same way?”
Stef’s eyes slid away and she chewed on her lip, her heart racing as her cheeks flushed.
“You are sleeping with her, aren’t you?”
“I’m not sleeping with her,” Stef sighed, shaking her head.
“Then what is going on, Stef? Either I’m really stupid or you’re not telling me something because this doesn’t make any sense.”
There was no way she could explain everything that happened between her and Lena. It was too complicated, too messy. She didn’t understand why he wanted to know everything. Wouldn’t that just make it harder?
“You know what, if you can’t even be honest with me, what’s the point? I’m just gonna go,” Mike said when Stef remained silent. He was getting ready to stand when Stef found her voice again.
“I kissed her,” she blurted out. “I know she feels the same way because she told me after I kissed her.”
Mike lowered himself back into his seat. During the long silence that stretched between them, Stef studied the artificial grain of the laminate table.
"But you’re not sleeping together?” he finally said.
Stef shook her head.
“Then how do you know you’re a lesbian?”
She sighed and brought her eyes back to him. “I just do.”
“‘You just do?’ That’s it? You want to throw this all away, our marriage, our family, over one kiss and 'you just do’ is all you’ve got? I mean, help me out here, Stef.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“I want you to help me understand how you can suddenly know you’re gay, after all the years we’ve spent together. How do you know this isn’t just some fling or, or an exciting forbidden romance or whatever because we’re going through a hard time?”
Stef let the question hang in the air. She knew the answer but she didn’t want to say it. She didn’t want to hurt him any more that she already had.
“C’mon, Stef.” It was somewhere between a command and a plea and Stef wasn’t sure her heart could feel any heavier. She closed her eyes and took a slow breath.
“I’m in love with her, Mike.” Forcing the words out around the tightness in her chest, they were a breathy and fragile confession.
“You’re in–?” Confusion swallowed his words as he stared at her for a moment before dropping his gaze down to his coffee mug, nodding his head as he worked it out. “And you’re not in love with me,” he finally said.
“No.” Stef’s confession was little more than a whisper.
“Were you ever?”
Stef’s eyes pleaded at him across the table. “I tried to be. I wanted to be–”
“But you weren’t.”
Looking down again, she swallowed hard. Mike’s stare drilled into her and even though they both knew the answer, Stef knew he wouldn’t relent until she said it.
“No.” It was barely audible but she may as well have screamed it for how it echoed between them. She had delivered her final blow and, defeated, Mike looked back down into his coffee.
“I guess that’s it then.” His words were short, the bite back in them, and when he looked up at her, his eyes were dark. She knew him well enough to know the anger was a cover for hurt and humiliation, though she wished that he was just angry. He certainly had every right to be and it would have been easier to take. “I mean, I’m assuming you want a divorce.”
Stef didn’t answer. She didn’t need to and anything she could have said would have just been more salt in the wound.
“Right. You got it, Stef. You can have your divorce. You can have your affair, or ‘not-affair,’ or whatever it is you’re doing. Everything you want and I’ll get out of your way since I’m the only thing you don’t want.”
“Mike…” Her stomach hurt and her eyes were wet with the tears she was still refusing to let fall. She couldn’t bear to look at him but she forced herself to anyway. “I wish things could be different. I… I’m so sorry.”
“You know what, I just– I can’t.” Shaking his head, Mike waved Stef’s words away with his hands. “I can’t do this. I need to go.” The scrape of his chair against the cement as he pushed away from the table made Stef jump. He pulled a bill from his wallet.
“Mike, wait,” Stef pleaded, though she didn’t know why. What else could she say? There was no making this better.
He looked at her, the hurt unmasked in his eyes for just a moment. When she said nothing, he huffed and shook his head.
“See ya around, Stef,” he sneered before tossing his money on the table and walking away.
Stef watched him go until his retreating back disappeared between two cars, then turned back and stared at his empty seat. Emotions crashed through her, one after another like an unrelenting ocean, unaware of the burden of its waves. The guilt for hurting Mike, for the unfairness of what happened between them and for wasting so much of his life. The sadness and finality of ending her marriage. Even though she knew it would never have been enough, she was still grieving the life she’d lost and the future she’d clung to that she so desperately wanted to give her son. The inevitable discomfort that comes with change. Then, at the end, after she’d started to process the disbelief that she’d done this at all, there was an unexpected wave of relief. Even with the grief, the pain, the regret, there was a comfort in knowing that no matter what came of it, it was done. No matter what Mike did or what the world thought, for the first time in her life she had no secrets. She had spent her entire life stuck just below the surface of a black ocean, her lungs constricting, slowly drowning. She hadn’t even known until just now, when the sun appeared above her, guiding her upward until she finally broke free from the denial that anchored her and thrust her head beyond the surface to inhale for the first time. It was painful going from being empty to bursting with the fullness of it. But it was the most incredible, freeing pain. As she sat alone at the table, she swiped a few stray tears from her cheeks, allowing her body to get used to feeling full and her mind to being free, hoping that someday it would start to feel like peace.
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latinalesbi · 6 years
Why do you think Teri's voice cracked like that ? Especially as well as it did , since that was acting ? It was cracked in Honeymoon when (she) woke up with Lena , but it was nothing like this time around .
I think she lost her voice due to illness or work. It just depends when during the shoot that scene was shot. I think when she raised her voice it was more noticeable.
It reminds of the first wedding episode and in HD you can see a scar on her chin but only on some scenes.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Since Ximena kissed Callie, I would like to see how she feels about it. Did she like it or feel anything ? She didn't seem to not like it but she didn't really react.
Reading the scene, Callie didn’t respond. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen but there are reasons I believe she won’t respond to her feelings. But who knows? I do feel like there’s a bit of replacing the old ladies with young ones. And you know lesbians will respond to that because they are just as ageist as anyone else. And Racist.
Anonymous said:                                                                      wow i can’t believe you know EVERYTHING that happened behind the scenes!!!! you’re just sooooooooo knowledgeable!!!!!! also teri didn’t unfollow the cast you just love drama and anything that proves your stupid points. kinda like donald trump            
I’ll just let this sit here. It speaks for itself. I also lost 2 troll post in a crash and it makes me sad.  Also, lol about Teri. Talk about fake news my friend.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Yeah I saw that too. They directly asked if Teri was in the summer series and he deflected the question. Eek!             
Are they shooting the show right now? Joanna said they are. Maybe they’re going to scatter the stars and only some people are shooting. Who knows. Cierra already said everyone would be there. Hayden is a troll, usually.
Anonymous said:                                                                      While I enjoyed the ending scene in bed, it seemed incomplete. Thoughts?           
I felt like there might have been some cuts. I mean they had really excellent screen time but most of it was apart. So they might have cut their scenes together of course. My biggest problem was how brief it was and the weird angles on it. I think it was to increase the anxiety but it left me wanting.
Anonymous said:                                                                      You said „Teri is shooting“ how do you know that?! And do they not start this week or next week with the 3 episode thing?!            
Joanna said they already did start. It might be that they are shooting all 3 eps concurrently and only some people are working right now.  I mean, I believe Joanna over Hayden. https://twitter.com/JoannaJohnson31/status/953798613703974912
and she also said that the moms would play an important part in those 3 eps so...  https://twitter.com/JoannaJohnson31/status/953828047370600449
I am honestly not worried about it. Teri will be in it.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I mean there was a lot of stef and lena in this episode but not together. Ugh!!  but the last scene tho. Broke my heart. Wish it was longer..             
Yes to all that. If a lesbian can’t get a nice kiss in a birthday episode. I just don’t know. I get Stef was stressed, but lena has been noticing this, it was more important that she make a nice gesture.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Maia is doing damage limitation, which I understand they got called out on their bullshit and are not enjoying the heat. It doesn’t matter when they found out they still blindsided the rest of the cast with the spin off. No one knew. Teri is obviously angry. Why did she unfollow you Maia? As for the episode i adore Stef, Teri was amazing. The scene at the end was beautiful. As for the party, awful! Finally, Callie- dear god is there anything that girl won’t experience, but it is the Calli show.             
That’s exactly it. Damage control. There was a clear blindside. Sherri is to me the fairest person. And she was still tweeting out to renew the fosters in January. Imagine thinking you had a chance when 2 of your cast mates already know it’s done and are making side deals for a spin off. Seems wrong, really wrong.
I want to know, is there anyone who won’t fall for bland ass Callie? So ridiculous.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I know people are praising Mariana for being independent and playing off the three guys at the same time...but actually, I don't think it's right. If a guy was playing me with 3 girls I would be pissed off. You don't need to play 3 guys in order to be a strong independent female             
It’s not my kind of empowerment. There are some behaviors that one shouldn’t imitate, just because those in power behave that way.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I don't understand how out of all the characters to go on the spin off, they choose Aaron?? Like transgender representation is important, but it almost feels like they just want Callie and Aaron together to be "ground breaking" despite it not being a healthy relationship. Like what about Cole??? That would have been so cute. But this whole spin off is such a sell out and it angers me!             
We don’t know for sure but I wouldn’t be surprised. Aaron is an ass. He is a canonnical controlling bf. Girls beware and stay away from guys like that. Cole would have been sooo much better.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I wish AJ had more of a part in Ximena's storyline. He was a part of it in the first half of the season as he attended one of the protests and supported Callie and Ximena in the prom episode, and the episode after that. But all of a sudden he's not a part of it and Aaron's taking his place. I have a feeling it's because they're preparing for AJ to leave, since Tom is living in England. But I like it when AJ is a part of it because his interest always seems more genuine than Aaron's.             
I think the actor chose to go with a surer type of envirornment but unfortunately we lost out. AJ should be the one involved. Aj always got callie, plus he gets that foster kid side of her.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Im starting to feel like jude will be the third star. Do u think David sold them out too? I hope not becuse i really like his personality.             
I don’t think any star signing now would be selling out. The part that hurts is that signing that spin off played directly into cancellation and we just can’t know the timing. Plus, it was done behind people’s back. That’s the selling out and betrayal. The show is happening now, no matter who else participates. So either of these two joining would not really be selling out. I wouldn’t like them for doing it, but it’s not the level of betrayal the 2 girls showed.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Clearly Stef's blow up at Jenna has to do with guilt about stupid Mike right? I don't care about that storyline one bit. Fuck Mike and that guilt. Ugh I hate this show so much.             
Yep, that’s exactly part of it. It’s also her job, that job is stress inducing. It’s too much for Stef, she has too much heart. With Lena making more money, maybe she’ll go back to being a beat cop. or maybe she can work in homicide. Stef is too much of a mom to stay in sex trafficking.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Of course Sherri and Teri work together the best but some of Maia best acting is with Teri and Sherri. Sadly we don’t really get that anymore.             
Mariana/Lena ain’t bad either.
Anonymous said:                                                                      The two older women of the cast are now out of work whilst the young folk get to continue, of course many of us are upset. They’ve been dumped without a second thought, when they were and still are the heartbeat of the show. If people do not like the comments on your page, simple just don’t come on here. Many of us are grateful to you that we can vent somewhere.             
Thank you. I am glad it’s useful and cathartic. I am not sure why they would dump these wonderful women. And I am not sure how they can go back on, there’s no the fosters without Sherri and Teri. And people can just accept that and not look back. Woo hoo, people have no integrity. I hold people to their word, even when it’s hard (I sound like Lena).
Anonymous said:                                                                      Why did Teri unfollow you Bradley, Peter, Cierra, Maia? That should be the question they get asked until the answer. Won’t be able to spin that one!!             
I wouldn’t want more drama for Teri. I think we all know what it means. And they know what it means. The ones that can’t are the ones that think everything is honky dory. You see I have someone who is still in denial about this fact. Teri unfollowed these people, this is a fact.
Anonymous said:                                                                      God it’s sad it’s all ending like this. Bradley doesn’t give a shit. Peter and Joanna I think do, I hope. As for the two girls, I hope someone asks them about Sherri and Teri. Make them address it. I’ve no problem them furthering their careers but they negotiated behind the backs of their fellow cast members, and now instead of being sensitive to the fans feelings they are talking up their new show before the old one, that made them is even over! That’s what I’m pissed about!           
Those girls are all about how stef and lena are their favorite and they have their favorite scenes. Bullshit. And yes, the worst thing is that they haven’t even buried the show and they’re already pissing on it. Every single promo from now on will be about Callie or Mariana. It’s gross. They had to take them out of the artwork for the show. Why? Just be hurtful.
Anonymous said:                                                                      okay, so i just happened to be clicking through channels and inadvertently landed on the movie that's playing on ff right now - the fosters is next. guess what? they've played two commercials for the show and both of them were *old* promos for the season premiere, saying "the farewell season begins tonight". they can't even be bothered to play the right commercial for tonight's episode, apparently. they aren't even pretending to try anymore.             
That’s really sad. They can’t bother to pay an editor to put some non spoilery scenes together.
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mondxs-blog · 7 years
Fandoms: One Piece, Resident Evil and Evil WIthin
Meme || Accepting!
Give me a series and I’ll tell you.
// I’ll put this under a read more for obvious reasons lol.
One Piece.
❤ Favorite Male: Zoro! :3c He’s actually my all-time favorite character.❤ Favorite Female: Hm… Robin, I suppose. I haven’t thought much about that tbh.❤ Favorite Pairing: I don’t really have one in particular. Tbh One Piece is more of an adventure for me rather than finding a favorite pairing, but well. Zoro and Perona are cute together. :3c❤ Least Favorite Character: That’s sooo hard for me to choose cause I love EVERY character and how they’re portrayed. I hate Doflamingo, but not cause he’s just a bad guy, but because he’s such a complex character and I’m hating him for all the right reasons. He’s one you love to hate, you know? ;u; Oh wait, I know. Akainu, that fucking bastard. He can go burn in hell. ACE DIDN’T DESERVE TO DIE, OKAY?! FUCKING PRICK!! >:V❤ Who’s most like me: Zoro! Or so a friend of mine says. ;w; He’s told me that we’re alike cause we’re both loyal, honest to the point of being rude, lol, we don’t take shit from anybody, helpful whenever we’re needed and really, the only other thing we don’t have in common is determination, I suppose. And our gender of course lol.❤ Most attractive: Zoro duh. He’s got them muscles and I love his scars too omg.❤ Three more characters that I like: Sanji, Ace and Bon-chan.
Resident Evil.
❤ Favorite Male: Leon, duh. XD❤ Favorite Female: There’s not really many to pick from… but I guess Sherry. She’s cool. uvu❤ Favorite Pairing: Leon with any other woman BUT Ada.❤ Least Favorite Character: Ada cause fuck her and her playing around. LEON DESERVES A BETTER WOMAN THAN YOU, ADA. HECK, I WOULDN’T CARE IF HE EVEN GOT TOGETHER WITH A MAN. JUST… SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOU, PLS.❤ Who’s most like me: I don’t even know.❤ Most attractive: Leon, obviously, pfff.❤ Three more characters that I like: Jake, Albert and Chris.
The Evil Within.
❤ Favorite Male: Sebastian~ He’s the one I first liked even though I could obviously see that he was a Gary Stu. But I liked him nonetheless and I have ever since. :3c❤ Favorite Female: Again, not many to pick from… but Torres cause she’s such a badass.❤ Favorite Pairing: Seb and Myra. ;u; JUST LET SEBBY HAVE HIS FAMILY BACK, PLS. LET HIM BE HAPPY. ;3;❤ Least Favorite Character: Hm… none really come to mind.❤ Who’s most like me: Who effing knows.❤ Most attractive: ………….THAT’S A TOUGH ONE HELP. I LOVE RUVIK’S LOOK, I LOVE STEF, JOSEPH IS SUCH A CUTIE AND SEB IS LIKE THE HANDSOME OLD MAN WITH THE RUGGED GOOD LOOKS. H E L P.❤ Three more characters that I like: Joseph, Admin, Ruvik.
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ficdirectory · 7 years
The Fosters: Our Thoughts on Episode 5x03 “Contact”
Time for another twin recap of The Fosters.  As always, check out @tarajean621‘s thoughts on Jesus and brain injury representation in italics below:
You Could Have Told Me You Were Out on a Date/It’s Not a Date. Sorry/This Isn’t a Date?!  Hahaha!  How awkward.  Mariana, just along with Callie and Aaron to watch Ximena roller derbying...
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Maybe We Could Go Out Sometime Without Your Sister?  What Do You Wanna Do?/Anything/Okay.  I’ll Make the Plan:  Callie, maybe you want to be a bit more specific with Aaron here.  
It’s Not Like I’m Asking You to Get Someone Out of Prison or Prostitution.  Or Maybe You Just Don’t Care ‘Cause You’re Graduating Soon:  Mariana!  Settle down.  Callie can’t help you distribute the underground school paper.  She can’t get in more trouble.  Find someone who can.
Thanks for Helping Out/Unlike Some People...  Mariana.  Just because Moms are thanking Aaron for helping doesn’t mean you need to get all unnecessary with Jesus.  Seems like there’s a lot going on in the kitchen, and sometimes, when that’s happening it’s easier (and safer) for us to just stay put.
I’m Sure They Miss You/I’m Sure They Don’t/I’m Sorry.  What Was That?  Oh, I love how Mariana’s comment to Jesus went unchallenged but his jab at her was immediately called out... <-- Sarcasm
Jude.  Jude.  Jude!/What?  Hahaha!  One of my favorite parts.  Also I love how Jesus is waving to get Jude’s attention.
I Have to Do a Self-Portrait/How About We Take Candid Photos of You and You Can Decide Which Looks the Most Like You/That’s Actually a Great Idea/Thank You.  I’m Full of Great Ideas:  Of course you are, Mariana.
I Have an Idea, Too.  What If Everyone Writes My History Paper, and Then I Pick Which One Will Get Me the Best Grade:  Hahaha!  I miss your hilarity, Jude.
Five Hours Chained to a Deep Fryer/At Least You Weren’t Chained to the House All Day/I’m Sorry.  Were You Actually Talking to Me Just Now?  That’s Amazing:  Oh my God, Brandon, LOL.  Also Moms, please tune into this portion of the conversation...Jesus is really over being at home all day every day.
Moms?  Can I Go Back to School?  ...Seriously.  When Can I Go Back?  I’m Bored and I’m Missing Out on Everything/We Understand, Honey, But.../Honey, Let Us Talk to Your Doctor, Okay?  Okay but Moms seriously need to stop dodging this conversation.  Jesus is entitled to an education.  (Seriously.  It’s the law.)  A brain injury does not preclude him from that.  And to have Lena in particular, who is an educator, not already on the ball about this just seems out of character and irresponsible.  I would think she would be all over this, and his biggest advocate, having experience within the school system for so many years.  Can we stop with the educational neglect, please?
Stef and Lena have been back at work for weeks now, leaving Jesus essentially unsupervised all day at home.  (Unless you count Gabe, but I do not think Moms do.)  The fact that they deem Jesus stable enough to not warrant constant supervision from a health standpoint along with the strides he has made in all areas of his recovery should at least mean that school should be seriously considered and discussed.  
We Invited the New Neighbors Over for Dinner/You Invited:  Ooh, Stef and Lena.  A little tension?
You Bought the Tickets?  You Didn’t Ask Me What I Wanted to See/’Cause You Told Me to Plan Everything/So, What Are We Seeing?/You’ll Find Out Tomorrow:  To me, it’s just common courtesy to run things by your date, even if you’re the one planning it.  It’s not just a date for one.  I’m totally with Callie here.  If she’s asking, point blank, what the movie is, the polite thing would be to tell her.
Why Are We Inviting the New Neighbors Over? We Never Did That With the Old Ones/Well...Mom Went to High School with Tess.  [She] Was Mom’s First Girlfriend:  Wow, Lena, TMI for the children...
Maybe We Could Talk to His Doctor But After What He Did to Brandon’s Room?/We’re Going to Keep Him HOME Until We’re Sure He Can Handle School:  Mothers.  What even is this conversation?  An education is not a privilege.  It’s a right.  (Not just for the rich and white and nondisabled!)  Jesus shouldn’t be denied the opportunity to go to school because he destroyed Brandon’s room.  
I would understand, “Jesus doesn’t get to do [something he enjoys] until he helps pick up the mess in Brandon’s room.”  But to withhold school?  Literally makes zero sense.  Give him consequences that make sense, Moms!
For the record?  Cutting off a person’s social interactions, activities and education as an attempt to control their behavior?  That’s abusive.  Also, this is not 1974.  Being disabled in public is no longer a crime, and disabled students are afforded a free and appropriate public education as of 1975.
He’s Still Not Talking to Brandon.  What Are We Gonna Do About That?  Um, Lena, were you not present at family dinner where Jesus did speak to Brandon?
Gabe Is Entertaining.  How Do We Feel About That?/I Borrowed the Garage for 30 Minutes:  Well, let’s consider this.  Gabe lives in the garage.  You let him live there.  Was this with the understanding that he would never have people over?  (Also, how are you gonna feel when you realize it’s Mariana and Jude in their secret newspaper meeting, and not Gabe at all?)
Wide-Wise or Long-Wise/Do You Mean Vertical or Horizontal?  Are You Stoned?  Noah.  Seriously.  But I am glad to see that Jude seems to be over his desire to get high.
Don’t Have Much to Compare It To, But I Liked It:  Brandon, your love life so does not interest me.  But it was interesting to see a girl (who’s a bit older) on TV without a ton of sexual experience.
Jesus is Having Trouble with His TBI.  He Gets Angry and Kind Of Explodes/Are You Still Playing For Him?  Okay, what universe am I even in right now?  First of all.  Jesus is having trouble with you, Brandon.  You guys need to stop blaming every legitimate reaction that you don’t like on his TBI.  And secondly, I don’t even know what to say about Grace asking if Brandon’s still playing for him.  Music can do a lot of things for people, but it cannot magically heal brain injuries.
Sounds to me, Brandon, like you do not want to own up to the actions you took that led to Jesus “exploding.”
You’re Installing Security Cameras in the School?/Some of the Students Don’t Feel Safe.  This Will Reassure Them:  Drew, forgive me if I don’t take your word for it on how ‘reassuring’ security cameras are.
Mr. Turner, Your Vote Was Not Valid/If Ms. Porter Won’t Resign, She’s Fired:  Wow.  Glad it’s not a sure thing yet.
Why Are You So Dressed Up?/I’m Not/Why Are You So Dressed Up?  Twins!  Also, Jesus and Callie spoke for like the second time ever!
It Wasn’t My Idea.  Aaron Told Me to Wear a Dress:  Sounds like Aaron’s making a lot of decisions for you, Callie...
Miss You.  Can U Video Chat?/Sorry.  Working on Bot:  Ouch.  And Emma’s not even keeping Jesus in the loop about World’s at all...
The truth is, people can and do pull away after you become injured.  This is realistic.  And it sucks - especially as Emma seems to be the only person outside of his family that Jesus has been able to see, given Moms’ nonsense school ban.
That’s Right, Your Ex-Girlfriend’s Coming to Dinner/Dressing for Tess, Are We?  Okay Brandon and Lena, back off of Stef a little bit.
Can You Put That in the Dishwasher?  Because Brandon was right there, and it’s his plate, but Mama needs to put it in the dishwasher.  
Didn’t You Guys Steal a Car?/And I Get Grounded for Stealing a Garden Gnome/You Stole a Garden Gnome? That’s Hilarious!  Oh, we’re learning all kinds of things at this dinner party, aren’t we?  Stef and Tess stealing cars.  Logan stealing garden gnomes. (That sure was a knee-slapper, wasn’t it, Mariana?  LOL.  I love her.)
You Like Seafood?  We’ll Start With the Shrimp Fritters and Patatas Bravas:  Wow, Aaron.  You ordered for Callie, too.  
I’m Sorry.  I Didn’t Mean to Scare You:  Though I definitely did appreciate him apologizing to Callie for taking her picture without her knowing.
I’m a QB/It’s Good You’re Tall.  You Can See Over Your Lineman:  Hahaha!  OMG, Mariana, so awkward, but so funny!
You’re a Big Guy.  You Ever Play?/I Used to Wrestle, But--/We Didn’t Encourage Football:  Seriously, Lena.  Can Jesus get a word in?
It is so frustrating that Moms will not allow Jesus to complete a thought.  And the way it is playing, it seems as if it is because they are constantly worried that Jesus will flip the table over and rip his shirt off in a rage at any moment.
I wish they would attempt to respectfully hear him out, however Moms seem prone to dismiss his concerns or shut him down.
As a Doctor, You’re Not Concerned About Concussions?/Absolutely:  Valid concern.  One of our brothers got three in a row playing high school football.  Doctors still cleared him to go back and play.  He made the decision on his own to quit for his own safety.  But perhaps not dinner conversation, Lena?  (Also, I’m mildly annoyed that that Tess keeps being addressed as if she’s a neruosurgeon instead of an orthopedic surgeon.  She works with bones, Moms, she’s not an expert on the noggin.)
Why Are Girls Always Left Out of the Contact Sports?/Because Girls Channel Their Aggression Through Tweeting/Jesus:  Oh I love how even this back and forth comment to Mariana earns another warning from Moms.  <-- Sarcasm
Moms are seriously monitoring every single word that comes out of his mouth.  Let him speak.  
Oh. My. God. Does Your Girlfriend - Who’s on the Wrestling Team - Know How Sexist You Are?/I Was Joking/You Better Be.  She’ll Dump Your Ass:  But Mariana threatening Jesus that Emma will dump him just skates by unacknowledged.  
Mariana knows Jesus has been feeling vulnerable about his relationship with Emma, so this comment was extra crappy.  Made more crappy by the fact that no one called her out for it.
We Like Football/We Just Don’t Want Our Kids to Get Hurt/You Don’t Have to Play Football to Get Hit in the Head and Screw Up Your Life, Right?  Watching this now, it’s obvious that Mariana’s comment about Emma touched a really raw nerve and has Jesus feeling insecure all over again about the state of his relationship with Emma.  He can already tell she’s pulling away, and she likely wouldn’t be if not for his brain injury.
This is a legitimate statement.  Why must it be treated as an outburst?
Can I Be Excused?/Yes, You May:  Tell me again how Jesus is so irrational and angry.
Well, I’m Sure Your Neurologist Told You That Damage to the Frontal Lobe Can Cause Sudden Aggression.  Sometimes Unprovoked:  Okay but you’re not a neurosurgeon, Tess.  So you really don’t need to keep feeding into this idea that Jesus’s logical reactions have no basis.  And also, Moms, what is up with outing all of Jesus’s private medical info to the brand new neighbors?  Whatever Jesus wants them to know, he’ll tell them himself.
I’m so over this Aggression Is A Symptom storyline.  Make it stop.
He Seems Like a Sweet Kid/He Is.  He’s Such a Sweet Soul.  He Just Can’t Control These Outbursts of Anger:  Thank you, Dean!  But seriously Lena, what outburst of anger?  You weren’t dismissing Mariana’s reaction to Jesus talking about her tweeting as an outburst.  Or Stef’s reaction to being teased about dressing up for Tess.  Just because Jesus has a brain injury does not negate the validity of his feelings.  (And I wish Jesus could hear Lena say he is such a sweet soul, instead of what he overhears later on...)
Why does Jesus need to stuff his feelings in?  To spare yours?
From What You Guys Have Told Us, His Physical and Cognitive Functions Have Improved and That’s Huge:  Holy God, Moms.  Just how much have you overshared with Tess and Dean???
I’m assuming that Stef also shared every excruciating detail about her double mastectomy as well - Tess is a doctor, after all... <--- Sarcasm
He Really, Really Wants to Go to School.  Just, We’re Not Sure/I Think He Should:  Except feel free to give advice here, Tess.  Seriously.  Jesus deserves an education.
[School] Can Create Added Stress as Well/Have You Thought About Getting Jesus an IEP?/Yes, Of Course, We’ve Thought About It.  We Will Have Him Evaluated When We Feel He’s Ready:  Lena, you can’t keep Jesus in a bubble the rest of his life.  He needs to go to school.  Yes, there’s going to be stress there.  But the point of an IEP is so that he’ll have the accommodations he needs in that environment.  No, it’s not a cure-all, but that is literally what it exists for.
And when exactly will Jesus be “ready” for school, Lena?  When his brain injury magically goes away?  When he acts the way you want him to act?  You can’t use school as a bargaining chip.  It’s just gross.
If, at the beginning of the series, we heard that Jim Pearson was not allowing Jude to attend school?  The viewing public would overwhelmingly see that as abusive.  This is abusive as well.
One on One Classroom Aide/Definitely Something We Can Look Into/Yes, I Know:  If you know, Lena, then what the heck is up with all of your defensiveness?  Sorry these words aren’t coming from someone you’d prefer them to come from, but you and Stef need to hear it.
(And while I know aides serve a purpose in school settings, they also do a heck of a job alienating a kid socially.  I speak from experience.  I hope if Jesus does get one, that they’re respectful.)
Lena, you do not get to use Jesus’s right to an education as an excuse to be petty.
I’ll Make You a Deal.  One Week.  You Don’t Play Video Games.  I Don’t Get High:  I did like this scene between Jude and Noah, though.  They have some good chemistry together.  (Though I wonder if they still will when Noah’s not stoned?  Has he ever not been high when he and Jude are together?)
Look at Jesus’s Photoburst.  He Didn’t Even Bother to Narrow It Down to One or Two/That Sounds Like Jesus:  Maybe he wanted you to have a lot of options, Callie.  But my gut says it’s probably easier to hit a button and send them all at once than it is to look at each one and try to narrow it down...
Wish I Was This Girl/You Are/Wow.  Harsh/You’re That Girl, Too.  You Have a Lot of Layers.  That Other Picture is Just You With Some of Them Peeled Back:  Brandon, so nice of you.
So Resting Bitchface Callie is Just One of My Many Layers?/It’s Not a Bitchface:  Hahaha!  I loved the commentary on resting bitchface Callie.
Is That Why I Haven’t Heard You Playing Music?/Well, For One, Jesus Smashed My Keyboard, So.../We Have a Real Piano:  Tell him, Callie.
OMG Brandon! I’m glad Callie finally stated the obvious!
We Find No Grounds on Which to Fire Ms. Porter.  She’s Still the Principal of Anchor Beach:  Thank goodness...
You’ll Never Get Another Job in Education.  And You?  One False Move?  And You’re Next:  Wow, that’s bold, random school board lady.  Threatening Lena...
What the Hell is This?/Vive La Résistance:  Yes, Lena!  (And yes, Mariana!  Fly your drone and drop those papers!  So cool!)
Property of ABCC STEAM Club:  Oh no.  So sad your drone crashed, guys!
I’m Sorry I Didn’t Want to Jam/So I Got All Weird: OMG Brandon and Grace, look at you two dorks, hahaha!  Clearly you’re made for each other the way you sing to each other about your feelings.
We Can’t Do The Paper Anymore/Why?/Because Drew Will Cancel Prom and Everyone Hates Me Enough as It Is:  I’m loving getting to see more of Mariana and Jude’s sibling dynamic.
I Don’t Like Surprises.  I’ve Had Too Many Bad Ones.  So I Need to Know the Plan, Even If You Make It:  I loved this conversation between Callie and Aaron.  I love how respectful it is.  And I love that Callie did mention that Aaron took a bit too much of the control, telling Callie how to dress, what to eat and picking the movie.
Hey.  Thought You Were Gonna Call Me Today?  Totally been there.  Where you want to send the text, but you’re not ready for the response you’ll get...
I Was Wondering if I Could Try Out For the Team?/Is It Cool With Your Parents? Yes, if cool means I’m Mariana and I foraged my mom’s signature, then totally.  (Also, I love Mariana’s green nail polish, and I really am hoping for a strong friendship / mentorship between Ximena and the Adams Foster girls.)
Have You Given Anymore Thought to What Tess Suggested?  Getting Jesus an In-Class Aide?/Suddenly You’re Ready for Jesus to Go Back to School Now That Dr. Tess Medicine Woman Thinks It’s a Good Idea?  Every time this scene starts with Lena on the phone, I always think, “Oh, good!  She’s talking to ABCC about what needs to happen to get Jesus evaluated for an IEP!”  But nope!  I get that the timing of Stef changing her mind about Jesus going to school is suspicious.  (It is.  She’s shown zero indication that Jesus going back to school was even something she would consider prior to this conversation.)  But the bottom line is?  If Jesus were in any other minority group, holding off on sending him to school would be ludicrous.  Why is it okay here?
It is not okay.  There is no reason he should not be enrolled.  Lena (apparently Jesus’s official caregiver) has been back at work since roughly 4x15.  About a month has gone by since then by my calculations.  A month of Jesus sitting at home alone all day - apparently so stable medically that he does not need constant supervision.  
Jesus’s visual disturbances subside enough that he is able to read in 4x18.  It has been close to two weeks since then from what I can gather.   I can see putting off school up until this point, but after that?  I can see no reason that school is not part of an ongoing conversation.  Accommodations and IEPs take time to be drawn up and put in place, but they cannot be utilized until the appropriate meetings and appointments happen.
I Honestly Don’t Know What to Do About Jesus.  We Can’t Be in Denial About The Fact That He Is Unpredictable.  He’s Potentially Dangerous.  And We Don’t Know If He’s Gonna Get Any Better.  I Mean, He May Be Like This For the Rest of His Life.  Stef, Sometimes, I’m Actually Afraid of Him:  Wow, Lena.  Seriously?  I can’t tell you how many ways this devastates me.  First of all, because Jesus overheard the whole thing.  Secondly, because your ableism knows no bounds!  Jesus literally was not out of bounds in any way this episode.  So I really wish the harmful brain injury representation would stop already.  
Because you know what that leads to?  Fans commenting with remarks like, “I’m scared of him, too.”  Comments like, “He’s violent and scary.”  “He’s a monster.”  “IDK why they ever messed up his character.  This isn’t the real Jesus.  He’s like a whole new person now.” “Thank God Emma loves him,” and “Jesus is going to think he is better off dead.”
How does a portrayal that constantly dismisses the legitimacy of a person with a brain injury’s feelings help that part of the population?  It’s only alienating them more and putting them in more actual danger, because if people are going to watch this show with zero experience with a brain injury themselves or as a family member or friend, they’re going to see a stereotype (that people with brain injuries are violent and need to be put in their place or handled violently before they can become violent) and a damaging disability narrative (which is that when you become disabled, you become a burden to your family.  And the only validity your experience has is how it effects them, because all of your own feelings are “just a symptom.”)
Please let Moms and the family become aware of the harm they are doing.  This is beyond damaging and has real consequences for real people.
Your son has a brain injury.  His brain is altered.  He will make improvements, but yes, he will be “like this” for the rest of his life.  So start seeing him as a human being, not just a list of symptoms.  Start talking with him, and more importantly, start listening to him.  Network with other TBI survivors as well.  Send him to school.  And please, check your ableism.  Because your harmful disability attitudes will hurt him far more than the injury has.
For more: Fosters Recaps
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lesbiankoby · 7 years
do you have any fic recs? I Have A Need To Read
ahhhh ill try and avoid the obvious fics but i dont keep track of what i’ve read very well lmao (also im assuming u mean for ace attorney because that’s my current Thing)
like seriously there’s a bajillion other fics i Really Like but can’t find right now................anyway. 
would you smooch a ghost?
Regular people can't see ghosts. Fortunately, there aren't many regular people here.
(A baby AU of the original trilogy where spirits stick around a lot harder than before, depending on how they died and what's left to be done.)
/// ahhhhhh i love this one. belle played with syntax in really interesting ways and also killed me
A Portrait of the Artist (After He's Sold Out to The Man)
A very annoying day in the life of Phoenix Wright, defense attorney to the (B-list) stars.
/// sometimes. i think about this fic. a lot. written in the first person, but.......written well in the first person, which is rare. 
Backup Vocals
Klavier Gavin is a prodigy prosecutor holding auditions for his band. Apollo Justice is the son of an accomplished guitarist who he can't get out of his head after he tries out. 
/// if you follow me you probably also follow stef so whether or not i need to rec this is debatable but you know what. recin’ it anyway. ALSO please read stef’s other fics!! they’re good!!
Five Counts of Perjury
AU. Phoenix's arguments can be supported by a deceptively simple case: the tale of a jealous boy's actions, of questionable parenting choices, and the price the truth can cost. Proving the significance of the precedent to Edgeworth, is much more difficult in contrast.
/// i scream whenever this updates!!! literally!!!!!! please read it!!!!! its kid fic with the lunchmoney trio.....i love those children. also a general rec for all her other aa fics, especially the sebastian one. there’s never too much sebastian fic. 
The Dark Day of the Law
In which Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright take a day off and unwittingly plunge the Californian legal system into the depths of insanity.
(No birds, guitars, or dignities were harmed in the making of this story.)
// so i also think about this one......a lot. 
The Heart in the Hearth
Although it had so much love to give, Phoenix knew he had to be careful with his heart. 
// this one is soft. 
Thirty-Eight Dollars
In which Phoenix finds out why Miles had thirty-eight dollars in lunch money on that fateful day. The answer is a surprise, but in hindsight he should have seen it coming.
// OKAY SO THIS IS. absurdly short. but i am...terrible at saving fics i’ve read, and it’s on my phone so i can just link it, and i laughed. these guys. 
The invitation says BBQ AND POOL PARTY in big block letters at the top. In slightly smaller block letters underneath, it says TO CELEBRATE PHOENIX WRIGHT GETTING HIS BADGE BACK.
// :)
When it becomes clear that he's going to die, Blaise calls in a hit on Sebastian, trying to punish his son for all his betrayals. Klavier, Kay, and Edgeworth race to save him.
// sebastian centric and, uh, very fucked up??? like holy fuck. this poor kid. anyway uh, mind the warnings in the tag? 
a lily for your salvation
"And thusly so, under the guiding light of the Goddess of Law - - may you be blessed."
Justine Courtney, and a faint recollection of when lawfulness became human.
// justine!!!! 
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hauntedromantics · 7 years
Prob shouldn’t post Stef , do -post if u like , but I just wanted to say I agree with u on so much u have replied , and I shipped TNT just like u did. I remember when the GQ interview came out I sent an anon saying “if they weren’t still together it was a really odd one to give” and I still feel that way. I’m like u though social media has ruined my love of Tom , even though I was a fan before him n Tay, I just can’t with the pedestal he is placed on, or how he is babied.
It’s okay to post. We were all a bit silly over thinking they were together. But honestly everything has works out for the best for Taylor. And I couldn’t be happier. As a fan the best part is getting rid of his crazy fans and how they act and treat Tom.
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multiples of 1
I’ve already answered 8, 9, 10, and 19!!! Thank you for the ask renbug I love you so much!! I’m putting these under a cut cause its long!! o:
1. describe your idea of a perfect date
Anything with my beautiful love Kieren!!
2. whats your “type”
3. do you want kids?
Yeah! Only once I’m very steady in life and both me and my partner are ready if we ever are and if not thats okay too!
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?
Hmm I’m not entirely sure I would most likely adopt though!!
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on
fdjhkgfjhkg It was the most recent one where we went to that cute little town with all of the lights and walked around the park and jumped around on rocks on the river and then shared pecan pie and got coffees at a cafe and then walked around beneath the lights and went to a little flower shop and then drove to a different park and sat by a different river and stargazed and ran around and played on the really cool wooden fort themed playground and just listened to music and talked and it was all really cute but like also every single date you’ve taken me on?? ur just cute I love you
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?)
uhhh I’m gonna skip this cause its nsfw and I assume you just didn’t see it jhfgjhkd
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone
uhh probably im just more cautious about if my friends dont like them because of a really shitty ex who i never wouldve been with if i had noticed how awful they were to my friends
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?
i thought u were either gay lesbian or straight and thats it. I didn’t understand the gender spectrum or sexuality spectrum or the difference between sexuality and romantic orientation
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self
i would be cheesy and write a well thought out message rn but im tired so just hey at little lee dont let those people make you numb yourself and distrust others. be fully urself and love others fully and with no barriers i know its difficult but please you care so much about others and you need to care about yourself too and let others in or you wont make progress and be the happy and loving person you were always meant to be
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?
Not really!!
16. who is an ex you regret?
17. night club gay or cafe gay?
18. who is one person you would “go straight” for
uhh im nb sooo uhhh but ill just say a girl i would “go straight” for since im not attracted to girls and im somewhat masc aligned. I’d probably say Kesha or Zendaya they are both beautiful intelligent funny and amazing but more than anything id just love to be friends with them
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not)
Killua and Gon they are in love and even though its not directly said in canon there are so many hints dropped in how dialogue was written and other things so uhhh its canon
21. favourite gay youtuber
I don’t watch many LGBT centric channels but I like Stef Sanjati I think shes a sweetheart and shes so cool. I usually watch lets players though and one of my favorites is Cryaotic even though he can be iffy sometimes thats pretty much just true of… all youtubers especially lets players but hes pansexual so i think that counts
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?
haha no. im very open about my gay so i would know if someone was straight before i became friends with them and also just… gay people are more fun I don’t think I’ve ever had a crush on a straight person
23. have you ever been in love?
Yes I am right now
24. have you ever been heartbroken?
Yeah but I’ve gotten past it and I’m glad I went through it because I wouldn’t be who I am now without it
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone
I’ve never had trouble with that! Those two feelings are very distinct to me!
26. favourite lgb musician/band
I really like Lontalius!! I really need more lgbt+ musicians to listen to so like if anyone has suggestions pwease
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays
Just find strength in yourself you will find your people and there will be so many people who support and love you you just have to hold on and be strong because you are not unlovable or weird
28. are you out? if so how did you come out
Yep I came out to my friends first and then my mother asked me if I was trans and then she outed me to my dad before I was ready (she has learned from the experience and is a lot better about these things now and has always been very supportive) and then when I joined high school we just asked my counselor to email all of my teachers about my preferred pronouns and name and we got permission for me to use the male bathrooms which was a first in my high school! Now basically just anyone I come across kinda either know or just eventually find out or weren’t around long enough to know
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have
When I had just gotten out of the mental hospital and my mom asked me if i was trans but like that wasnt the bad part its just when we got home she immediately told my dad infront of me and it doesnt help that the last time i had seen him was a week before when he started yelling at me and left our last family visit in the middle of it and then he cried in his car for literally 8 hours but its all fine now hes come to terms with it and tries sometimes but most of the time its just ignored
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality
Just explore it with yourself and find a community online or outside of the house even if you can there are people who you are going to meet who will make you feel safe and loved so just be patient with yourself and with life and everything will be okay. The bad times do not last forever and will not be your entire life I promise.
0 notes
3one3 · 7 years
The Sequel - 892
Is Bosz Fired?
André Schürrle, Juan Mata, other Chelsea/BVB players, and random awesome OC’s (okay they’re less random now but they’re still pretty awesome)
original epic tale
all chapters of The Sequel
Did she cut her hair? How does she have bangs? She didn’t have them this morning. Or is- Is that just the ends of her hair sticking out of the knot thing on the top of her head? Is it supposed to hang down like that? And why didn’t she eat her pie? What sort of pie is it, anyway? I didn’t know we had pie. Can I wake her? I want to wake her. It’s 3 in the afternoon. I’m gonna wake her. First I’m gonna kill this Sam Smith music. What kind of terrible mood was she in when she put it on? Oh it’s quiche, André realized disappointedly about the nearly untouched crusty wedge of food on the black plate next to Christina’s laptop. He reached over both to get her phone and turn off the music playing in the office. She was sound asleep in her desk chair, with a fork in her hand in her lap. The computer was asleep too, so she’d been out for at least 10 minutes.
“Chris. Time to wake up, Prinzessin.” Time to pay attention to André, the player added just to himself. “Chriiiis?” He patted her thigh and rubbed her shoulder until she stirred, and then bent down to kiss her head when her eyes slowly opened. “You didn’t eat your quiche. What kind is it?”
“Spinach, artichoke, and egg whites,” Christina replied, her little tiny voice very sleepy. Why is he waking me up to eat quiche? Go away. Tired, she thought. She didn’t even know the fork was still in her hand.
“No, no- don’t close your eyes,” her partner urged.
“Is Bosz fired?”
“Then I’m sleeping.” She yawned and started trying to turn over onto her other side in her chair since she was fairly curled up in it. André interceded. He literally held her head up for her so that he could kiss her nose and try to wake her more fully. His girl stayed up late with him after Borussia Dortmund’s second consecutive embarrassing Champions League performance. They couldn’t beat lowly APOEL in their own once fortress-like stadium. It ended 1-1. Their performance wasn’t as tragic as Chelsea’s, and they were denied three pretty clear-cut handball penalties. They created plenty of chances and just couldn’t finish them. André played for about 10 minutes including stoppage time. His first involvement in play was a decent shot on goal. The ball flew just over. Nothing really came his way after that, so he had little impact. The heat of the entire world was on the manager. Christina’s scrutiny was perhaps the hottest. She wanted him gone. The player struggled for a believable defense. He wasn’t sure Bosz was the right man for the job anymore. That kind of feeling could be really destructive in a dressing room, and his wife usually would have tried to talk him down from there, and remind him of the positives, just to keep him from that mindset. The situation was so dire from her perspective that she didn’t bother. They bitched and moaned together about the tactics and his teammates half the night. Complaining made them both feel better, temporarily at least.
“Is this some new Disney princess story? The princess remains asleep until the trainer is sacked?” He smiled at the unenthused looking face between his hands while she tried to nod. “At least go nap in bed,” he relented, her sleepy eyes winning out. “Or the couch. Or something. I’ll lay with you.” Christina stuck her arms out. She was agreeing to continue her nap elsewhere, but she wanted to be carried. It was a textbook Lukas move. André frowned and pursed his lips at her, and then did in fact collect her in his arms. The sleepy girl hugged his neck and closed her legs around his middle, tight. He just stood there and received this very clingy hug instead of starting for the living room or stairs.
“There’s a couch in here you know,” she mumbled in his ear.
“It’s not good for napping.”
“K.” There was one more yawn, and then the squeezing lessened and the footballer felt a cheek arrive atop his shoulder. Off we go, he decided. I’ll take her to the living room. Mausi isn’t around to be a pest, and there are dogs there who probably want to nap with her too. No one told me that marrying a very small girl would mean having to carry her everywhere. I have to carry this whole family. Mausi is going to need to be carried until he’s like 10. The dogs need a ride when the walk is too long and they get tired. Was I supposed to carry the team last night too? How about giving me the chance, like letting me play more than- “I want the other side,” Christina requested, butting into his internal monologue when they got to the big U-shaped living room sofa. He was going to put her down in his corner, and lie next to her. She wanted to lay the other way, at the other corner. André shuffled over a few steps and set her down there. The rider immediately captured a pillow for her head and curled up into a tiny blob. Both Toy Fox Terriers showed up to greet her.
“Why are you so tired, pretty girl?” André questioned because her eyes immediately drooped shut. He tugged a Berkshire blanket from the back of the couch to cover her.
“I unno.”
“Do you feel all right?”
“Yeah. Don’t leave the quiche. Puppies will get it.” The puppies were busy sniffing around to see if they wanted to stay with her.
“When should I wake you?” I give up. She’s too tired to keep her up, and I’m not fitting there with her.
“Never. Watch TV. I won’t hear it.”
André went back for the neglected quiche and grabbed her glass of water from the desk too. One thing went to the kitchen and the other went to the coffee table. He was going to just sit in his usual spot and relax, rest his body after the rigors of training, with some TV. They were supposed to pick up Lukas from his playdate at 6, and he figured his wife would be awake long before that, but he set an alarm on his phone just in case he fell asleep too. He channel surfed for a while, checked the box for some saved or on-demand NBA games, picked one, and then spent some time browsing social media. Christina posted an Instagram story of Calvin literally snoring in a mound of shavings while he waited for his turn with the blacksmith. She also included a picture of the vomit puddle she made in a towel in the gym before heading out to the barn. It was largely obscured by three giant vomiting emojis, but there was no mistaking what it was, and in case one managed, the rider added “overdo it Thursdays” to the image. That partially explained why she was so tired, though getting sick during a workout wasn’t entirely rare for her and wasn’t always a result of pushing too hard. Sometimes she just got her timing wrong, or her menu wrong, and her tummy got upset about being asked to digest something while she was jostling it around or keeping her heart rate up. Her body chemistry never quite got back to normal after pregnancy, or age was just changing it and making her system’s responses less predictable. She also just never got enough sleep.
André recognized that as explicitly as she did because he found himself alone in bed more often. If they went out some night to have a good time together, and stayed up late after, then she made a point of waking up early to do the morning routine with Lukas because she missed the evening one before. If she spent the morning with Lukas, she rode later into the evening so as not to infringe on the horses’ turnout time, hurried home to do dinner and bedtime with the baby, and then had to shower and feed herself or do whatever personal things she wanted or needed to do, like reading or writing or watching her shows, which meant staying up late again. He wished he could turn down the knobs for her guilt reflexes once in a while. Then she wouldn’t feel bad for not spending enough time with their son, or for the horses missing out on standing around doing nothing outside, or for her commercial partners having to wait for things, or even for all the things he made her feel guilty about. Spending time with him was a priority for her too. She wanted to make him dinners, or prepare snacks for him to take with him, or go out and do things with him, and it wasn’t always because she actually wanted to. Sometimes it was just because she felt he deserved the face time with her, or was owed it.
Christina slept for about half an hour, and then stirred for a minute or so before sitting up and then crawling to the other end of the couch with her blanket, collapsing back down, and making herself comfortable with her head on his thigh. He asked her if she wanted to take Lukas out for dinner after they picked him up from the group playdate at Roman Weidenfeller’s place, which was much closer to Dortmund proper and tons of restaurants. It would be pretty early to eat, but he figured that might be a good thing. It would save her having to cook or clean, and would get them home in time to hang out and do nothing as a family before Lukas’ bedtime. She was also probably hungry anyway, he reasoned, since she’d recently endeavored to eat a piece of quiche and failed to actually ingest it.
“What were you doing in the office before when you fell asleep?” André inquired curiously.
“Nothing in particular,” Christina replied. Writing a love letter to Juanin, she clarified internally.
“Did you ride?”
“They all had their feet done. Stef and Kyle had lessons. I made quiche.”
“I saw,” the player chuckled.
“It’s for lunch at the barn.”
“I see.”
“It’s spinach and artichoke dip in quiche form.”
“How’s your thigh?”
“How’s the squad?”
“Stressed out. Are you sure you feel all right? Your head is warm.”
“I’m just hot. Sweatpants and blanky.”
“Okay.” André went back to playing with her hair instead of touching her forehead. The long ends sticking out of the elastic reminded him of a feather duster. “Are you happy it’s getting cold now? You’ve been saying for weeks that you couldn’t wait for sweatpants in the house, and heavy coats outside. It’s going to be cold and raining on Saturday. You can bundle up for the match.”
“I have to clear my outfit with Marco so we don’t end up in matching jackets like last night.”
“You looked like a pretty Eskimo last night. Your big furry hood made me smile when I first saw you, and it was weird because I was prepared to be grumpy.”
“You didn’t tell me that,” the rider pointed out with a questioning lilt.
“Well the game was crap, obviously, and when I was getting dressed and thinking about whether I wanted to eat there or have something at home, I remembered you spent the day with Juan, and how annoying I thought that was. So I was going to be grumpy so you knew I didn’t like it. But then you looked nice, and you were so full of rage about the match,” André laughed. “I wasn’t upset with you anymore.”
“I couldn’t not spend the day with him,” his wife argued defensively. “He just showed up! I told you I had no idea.” Not that I didn’t like it. Sigh.
“I know. It’s fine. It was just another thing for me to be heated about while the performance and the result had me so frustrated. I’ll admit, I was tempted to go back to being grumpy when I got home though,” he rued. “You changed the bed sheets. I could guess why.”
“It’s fine. I said it’s fine. And I didn’t care anymore after we had our time in the sheets anyway. It’s more important to me that you want to stay up and listen to me, or complain with me. What you do with me matters more to me than anything you do with him. That’s how it should be, and how I want it to be, and how it is.”
“That’s good. Why is your beard so many different colors right now?” I can’t get into that stuff right now. I’m really glad that’s how boyfriend wants to think about our situation, but I don’t have a serious heart to heart in me right now. I’m tiiiiiired. I’m...blah. I’m not in an emotional state like that. I was before. I was going to write to Juan. But I was too tired for that too. I don’t want everything I do or think about to be about them, and the arrangement.
“It’s like the leaves. Transitioning from summer color to winter.” The footballer didn’t mind that she was punting. He just wanted to let her know that he was trying not to be aggravated by her and Juan.
“Does that mean you’re gonna shave when it’s winter and the leaves are gone?” she asked, hopeful and bright eyed even though he couldn’t see her face.
“I’m growing out my hair for the cold.”
“I’m going to let my pubic hair get so long you can’t find the hole.”
“How’s your butt? Does it still hurt when you poop?”
“Stool softeners, pretty girl. They work.”
“Did you eat too much fiber to try to make it hurt less? Is that why you were sick this morning?” André teased. He poked at the side of Christina’s behind a couple of times and then patted it too.
“Do you want me to put something on it?”
“No.” See, Schü understands marriage perfectly. He knows being married is offering to put wound-care ointment on your partner’s asshole. He’s well trained. “Thanks though.”
“Maybe soaking in the Jacuzzi would help it.”
“It doesn’t hurt that much. It’s getting better.”
“I decided what I want for my birthday.”
“Is it a Longines watch? I hope so. I need to get rid of some, still,” Christina yawned.
“I want to kidnap you Saturday night after Bayern and check into this 5-room hotel I found in Paris. It’s a little mansion, hidden in a garden near Sacré Coeur. It’s really romantic, Prinzessin.” Her partner laid on the persuasion straight away, for fear that he’d need to bargain or negotiate to get what he wanted. “We can go eat all the baguettes and extra-fattening French butter you want on Sunday, and do some shopping, or sight-seeing. I promise to roll up my sleeves and flirt with my eyes a lot. Then we come home after early dinner.”
“In,” his girl confidently, if unexpectedly, replied.
“Absolutely. You want to take me to Paris and be handsome and romantic and watch me eat all day and buy me stuff from Dior for your birthday? Why would I not be in?” She rolled over onto her back and looked up at him like he was crazy. Her nonchalance about the proposal was at least 35% put-on though, because a 24-hour field trip was totally not in her pre-Doha plans. But it did sound wonderful, and it was André’s birthday, and she had been fresh out of ideas for how to celebrate it anyway. It was easy to say yes. She was sure BVB was going to lose that match to Bayern, and that she’d need something really big or really clever to help pick him up after that- after watching his club’s clear lead at the top of the table shrink and revert to a major deficit in third place in just a few weeks. A romantic mini-getaway was perfect. Plus, his smile up above her head was awfully happy.
“Great. I’m going to call the hotel right now then.”
“Kiss me first, stupid boyfriend. You’re supposed to kiss on the deal.”
“Oh right,” he nodded, going along with this new made up rule. He also bent down to give her a quick smooch. “I’m going to need you to get up actually so that I can get my wallet.”
“Ugh. Fine. If I have to. It’s going to cost you a Lanvin cape though. I’m going to start dressing all Game of Thrones full time.”
“Yeah, we’ll see if I can pry you away from the good cheese long enough to go shopping.”
“Oh god, the cheese. I can’t wait for the cheese. Fuck, I love cheese.” Christina fanned herself once she sat up, and made an Agony and The Ecstasy type face to show her longing for the best French cows and farmers have to offer.
“If you’re going to orgasm, wait until I get off the phone, yeah?” André commented as he headed for the kitchen to get his wallet. He put it down with his keys by her bag on the counter when he relocated the quiche since he hadn’t been upstairs yet. He dressed for comfort that morning, in sweatpants. That was normal after a bad game, and it spared him having to change before transitioning into being lazy around the house.
“I’m too tired to have an orgasm. Maybe later though. Hey- can you get me a new vibrator for Christmas? And not give it to me in front of your entire family.”
“What happened to the one you have?” What was that hotel called, he asked himself once he had the American Express card out and his phone in his hand. What did I search for the other night? “Most romantic Paris hotels”? It was like Hotel Peculiar something.
“Nothing, I just miss the black one. I liked the texture. It was so sleek and like...like the silicone equivalent of microsuede. And it was way quieter. Do they have adult toy stores in Paris? That could be fun...” The rider’s remarks totally halted the hotel search.
“Who are you and where is Chris?” André asked the head sticking up from the back of the couch.
“I’m a grown up now. I can shop for vibrators in person instead of just on Amazon.”
“Now she wants expensive shoes, a cape, and a vibrator. I thought birthdays are for receiving gifts, not buying them for someone else,” he mumbled, eyes back on the iPhone. The search result he was looking for was in purple, so he knew it was the right one. The hotel he liked was Hotel Particulier Montmartre, a 19th century home set in a jungle in the hilly part of Paris, literally hidden from the street. A review called it something out of a Wes Anderson film, and he knew his girl loved the aesthetic of those movies. The chances of one of the 5 suites being available on no notice were slim, but it was sort of out of season and André was hopeful.
Meanwhile, Christina got up and went to get her phone so that she could let everyone at the barn know there would be a change to her schedule. Even if the ideal hotel wasn’t available, they could definitely find some acceptable room or suite in Paris. In truth, she didn’t see the point in staying anywhere special if it was just going to be for one night and they would check in very late anyway. Missing Sunday in the saddle wouldn’t be too much of an imposition. Stefanie was at a show in Lyon with Isandro, so Tom didn’t take the weekend off as he usually hoped to before traveling. He’d have to do a bit more work on Sunday if Kyle was going to ride some horses for Christina instead of doing hard labor all day. The boss decided she’d make it up to them by leaving a big container of fried chicken wings in the refrigerator for them. She already had the ingredients on hand with the intention of making them for herself and Lukas on Sunday anyway. Her recipe made for really delicious, crispy chicken.
“All right, pretty girl, we’re staying in the Tree With Ears suite, which sounds weird but isn’t. The manager said it’s inspired by an Asian legend about confiding secrets under a tree or something. Everything is gold, velvet, or Japanese silk, Baroque, and “fairy tale”,” André explained after a couple of “ciao’s” on the phone. “It has an antique library. The rate includes champagne and breakfast but we can find your fantasy cafe or whatever, or that can wait for lunch. The hotel restaurant is very popular so it might be good. I imagine the free breakfast is just pastries and coffee and the like though.”
“Good job, boyfriend.” Christina patted his hands when they arrived on her shoulders from behind the couch.
“You should bring the outfit Mausi’s dead fish ruined the other night,” he told her, kneading at her shoulders in a way that made her think of all inappropriately behaved men and boys she’d encountered who somehow thought they could unsolicited-massage their way into her pants, or at least to getting her number in their phone. Why that was such a seemingly universal medium of sexual harassment, she knew not. It was fine when it was André, of course, but because he was talking about lingerie, it rang that bell for her.
“Mkay but I was going to try to bring as little as possible since we’re going to have to carry our stuff with us on Sunday, no? Or do you think we can go back to the hotel to pick it up? It might be really out of the way. Where are we having dinner?”
“I don’t know. You can pick a place and book a table if you want, but I thought we’d just find something. We’ll explore. There might be some small place the websites don’t know about that has the best classic Parisian food,” the player shrugged. His girl squeezed his right hand once it stopped moving by her neck. It meant a lot to her that he decided, all on his own, that they should go explore a distant city together. That was the thing she most wanted to make time for after the Olympics. She envisioned doing her explorations with Juan, but not because the other midfielder was an undesirable partner for adventuring. He just usually had less appetite for the unknown and unremarkable. He was the guy who usually did like to look up the best place and make a reservation. That a short roam around Paris was what he wanted for his birthday meant something extra. It wasn’t as if he threw the surprise together for her, for a holiday, or to celebrate a result. It was for him, so it had to be what he really wanted.
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latinalesbi · 7 years
I'm glad Callie and AJ are cool again. But I hope they don't start dating again. Sadly she will probably make up with Aaron. I just hope if she has to choose between them she should choose herself. I wish the writers would give us that. Of course I hope AJ and Callie friendship last. No dating. Just caring about each other and being there for each other.
I would like Callie to not date. That would be ideal. It sounds like they want to fix callie and aaron but honestly, realistically speaking, controlling boys can’t be fixed.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Bradley loves to boast about realism and ebb and flow and all that other bullshit, but show me one real life couple that would be okay with their spouse hanging out with, working with, or whatever with a person that kissed their significant other with the intent to seduce and I’ll call you a fucking liar.  Monte just needs to get the fuck off my screen.  Seriously.             
Absolutely. There’s no realism here. In what world would Stef invite monte to lena’s 40th? Like seriously nope. And Peter used to say how important it was to show Stef and Lena as a sexual couple and now Brad tells us to watch porn. All their jumping down people’s throat sounds like the lady doth protest too much to me. They know it’s true. It wouldn’t bother them so much otherwise. Brad recently has been posting pics of Teri and Sherri and how much he loves them, the great irony is that he doesn’t have newer pictures with them.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Why are so many people against Kamar? He’s Sherri’s husband. Leave him alone. He has never done anything to them or you and all y'all do is bash him. If she ever reads this stuff, all she sees is how horribly y'all talk about him. She loves him and cares for him and that’s all that matters. He likes his body, so what. He supports her in the way that they both understand that he cares, it doesn’t have to be up to your standards. It just ticks me off.(all of this isn’t at you but omg people chill)
Anonymous said:                                                                      I understand some lowkey want Sherri & Teri to be 2gether but they aren’t. She has a husband that she really loves&also his whole life can’t be about his wife. Sherri barely posts about his shows so why should he do the same. I highly doubt he’s jealous, it’s his wife for goodness sake. I hate seeing y'all talk bad about him. It’s his Instagram/ Twitter let him do what he wants. If u don’t like it, unfollow him but y'all obviously follow him to see Sherri & their boys. Stop complaining. @evryone      
I assume both of these are from the same person. I don’t think it’s that many people, I think it’s one anon I have. I think you can love Sherri and not love everything she loves or does. It’s like with Teri, i love her but I am not watching that movie she made. I hate rape in movies, period. And, I don’t follow him, so I don’t see him unless someone tells me something. As long as people don’t tweet to him or Sherri about it, I don’t see what the issue is with people expressing an opinion on tumblr. I think if you have issue, you should go and tweet everyone who says inappropriate things directly to them on twitter. I am not going to be so ego maniacal to think that Sherri or Kamar read my tumblr anons. come on.   The only thing I have liked about him is that mostly he stays out of it. I hate how in another fandom, the actress is always saying the husband picked the love interest, the hubby this and that. I don’t need to hear that crap.
Anonymous said:                                                                      if the writers can write a kiss like that between Emma and Mariana then they can do the same for Stef and Lena. The actual married lesbian couple of the show. I’m done with this nonsense.
I don’t blame you. After this happened, I said that I can’t defend this show anymore. There’s no argument that makes sense. They can’t write a stunt like that, a kiss created to impress men, lesbianism as a joke, for a laugh and then completely erase the healthy sexuality between two married women. It’s absolutely insulting.
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