#olan rogers deserves better
bubblesbenson · 2 years
I think about how we Final Space fans would have been gearing up for the new season about now or early next month.
Instead, Final Space is now just a memory because corporations decided to reduce Final Space to a tax write-off.
Olan Rogers is the walking definition of “deserves better”.
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It’s crazy to me that I live in a world where corporate conglomerates can just nuke entire shows from existence all because of a stupid tax write off.
Final Space doesn’t deserve to die like this, Olan Rogers and the rest of the crew put so much love into this project that it’s legitimately heartbreaking to see it turn into lost media.
You can argue over whether it’s morally right to pirate media all you want, but you cannot deny that piracy is the only thing keeping the show’s existence alive right now. The Blu Ray release of the first two seasons has been discontinued, season three never got a physical release and once the license expires Netflix is gonna remove the show from their international catalogue.
So like it or not, the only way to watch the complete series right now is via torrents or bootleg sites.
Piracy has become the only way to preserve media from corporate bonfires.
Oh, and fuck David Zaslav.
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nonconstories · 2 years
So Final Space is gone. Like. It's one of the shows getting Vaulted. I'm. Heartbroken? Yeah. That's the word.
Here's another link to Comedy of Interruptions. It makes me sad to look at it right now but it's cute and it's funny and this show was incredible.
Pour one out for a ship that made me remember why i love this hobby so much. They deserved better. And more importantly, Olan Rogers deserved better. Fuck Discovery. From the bottom of my heart, fuck Discovery.
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kikiaskingblog · 1 year
I can't believe I'm saying this but...Rick and Morty should have been cancelled instead of Final Space. Don't get me wrong, I still love both shows but Olan Rogers and his show DESERVE BETTER! ✨- Gary/Jules
For sure and considering whats going on rn, I think Olan and his beloved baby might get justice after all <3
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Amphibia Weekly Reviews and Analysis Mid-Season Finale!: Froggy Little Christmas: The Keith David Murder Santa We Deserve
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Happy Holidays all you happy people! I”m Jake, I review and analyize stuff and things and i’m in a heck of a christmas mood.. not the least of which because one of my dearest friends @jess-the-vampire​ bought me this lovely fanmade tuca and bertie merch featuring my boy
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But warm heartfelt gifts aside I just love Christmas, how it can bring out the best in people, the warm memories of christmas past, and relevant to this blog the sweet sweet ichor that is Holiday Television. We’ve gotten tons of great Christmas episodes, a handful of great hannukah episodes and far less Kwanza or Ramadan episodes than they deserve. Writers tend to break out their best stuff, so it’s fitting that much like last year we kick off full holiday hyjinks with a great chistmas episode that’s a capper to a great round of episodes in general... and one of the last hurah’s of the series before it enters the final stretch.  Last year Ducktales did the honors with it’s all time classic third christmas episode, this time it’s Amphibia’s. 
It’s also time to say goodbye to the show for now, and thus a time to reflect on how awesome this season has been thus far. Granted we have half a season left for things to go south and while you’d THINK a show couldn’t entirely botch things for it’s final season THAT fast... THIS still exists 
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But I also know my fears are likely unfounded: Season 3 is easily the show’s best, taking what makes the show great, it’s slice of life mixed with fantasy feel, great characters, gorgeous animation and top shelf humor, and added some new things in that make it better. 
For starters this is the series best pacing period: each episoe feels important, but it keeps the series slower pace to allow it to have fun with the new setting.  The resulting mix allows the plot to move at a steady clip, while still having the episodes feel like you aren’t wasting your time waiting for something good to happen. Given how much of a mess season 2a was this is a welcome change.  We get plenty of answers while still having some room for some one off fun. It’s perfect
Not only that but thanks to having a looming villian instead of having to wait for the finale, we get frequent conflict: Andrias isn’t sitting around anymore and our heroes are in constant danger from him or X and it adds a nice sense of tension: any slice of life episode could turn into a life or death struggle and has.
The next is the setting: Moving to earth was a brilliant move and a geninely shocking twist back in True Colors as I assumed, via standard fantasy tropes, that Anne wouldn’t go back till the story ended and if she did before then, it’d be in the endgame. 
Instead shifting to earth allows us to learn more about Anne’s life outside of her disfunctional realtionship with her girlfriends. The best part of this is meeting Not-Jeff and Mae, Anne’s parents. Yes we finally got a name if on Brian Sonaluth’s twitter. God bless him. But since i’td be weird to still call him Mr. B i’m calling him Not-Jeff, since Jeff turned out not to be his name, until we get one. The two just add tons with Not-Jeff filling the unlucky dad void in my heart left by Donald, and Mae being tons of fun. The two are just adorable as heck while still being hilarous and often the highlight of their episodes. Especailly not-jeff.  I also have to give props to On Braly: as far as I can tell this is her first voice acting role but she steps up to the plate with the rest of the main cast like it was nothing, as does Sonaluth though he has a tad more experience. Not EVERYONE can pull that off, only select few like Olan Rogers or Alex Hirsch have really stepped up to the plate that fast, and i’m proud to welcome Mrs. Braly to the club. 
So yeah, Season 3 is  excellent and I can’t wait to see where it goes... but before we can get to that next year and say a tearful goodbye, we have to say hello to the newest episode so join me under the cut for that! Full spoilers as always and happy holidays!
We open with CHRISTMAS! Mae is decorating up the place at a rapid place and is easily the happiest i’ve seen her since her daughter came back. She’s just so dang gleeful as she christmases the hell out of places and it’s so nice to see her just so happy given all the crap she’s been through these past 6 months. 
Anne and Not-Jeff are naturally compeltely stoked. The plantars.. are taking things less well...
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With this new tradition confusing them Anne TRIES explaining it, but it’s difficult as you’d expect. It’s also cut off by some big news as Mae gets an important call: it’s from the parade board. The downtown LA Parade wants her to take part at long last. Turns out this has been a lifelong dream of hers... and one she reluctantly turns down to her husband and daughter’s shock.
The explanation for this is the obvious one: She dosen’t want to risk exposing the Plantars, as having the three frogs in such a public venue, and one that will likely be recorded and threw up on youtube immediately by thousands of people, while their actively being hunted is just too risky. This is her lifelong dream sure.. but it’s not worth risking their lives over. And i’m sure some of you watching it thought: “Well why doesn't she just not include them?” And the answer.. is as obvious as it is so heartwarming there’s a tiny sun where my chest used to be (it itches slightly): She dosen’t want to do this without her family.. and the Plantars ARE family. She’s gone from wanting to get rid of them so she can forget about all this... to seeing them as so much a part of her world that leaving them out, even if it means her dream, just isn’t an option. Their part of this too. It’s all of them or none of them. While she’s visably crushed to be giving this up, if trying badly to hide it.... it’s worth it to protect the people she cares about. 
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Naturally Anne can’t let this slide and spirits the plantars off to her room. She uncancel’s the float, and explains why to her froggy family: Anne feels she’s already done enough to her mom with her absence, having to stash the plantars, and that porthole to hell she opened up last week. She’s not costing her her dream. So Anne’s going to sneakily build the float and unveil it as a suprise and the Plantars are naturally in. She even has a beautiful design ready to go that has the plantars incorporated in a way that keeps them safe by passing them off as just part of the show. And really the town buys the ninja turtle logic of them being just humans in coats so this is somehow MORE of a disguise than usual. 
Meanwhile at the Legion of Doom er... at Andrias Floating Castle, the three Newt Advisors are still working for andrias and unlike Olivia and Yunan seem to be fully on board with their bosses horrifying new ambitions. 
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Their also dressed as elves, having been told about Christmas by Marcy. You know the girl whose currently being used as a horrifying meat puppet, something you three Schmucks clearly have no issue with. And no i’m not letting them live that down: Oliva and Yunan may be MIA but at least they TRIED to do something instead of kissing Andrias titanic ass. 
Speaking of which they have a gift for him: a new dragonfly drone , complete with wireless controler and headset to send after anne. Andrias tests it out on them, as he should, and prepares to send it after our heroine. 
Meanwhile Anne is putting her plANNE into action. You can’t hate me for that pun on christmas it’s .. yule law... yeah. That’s it yule law..... .... just let me have this. 
So she gets help from their various allies. First up she needs tech support and Polly knows just the gays for the job so it’s time for a ROBOT PARTY!
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At the community college their apparently headquartered out of, the IT Girls are throwing a robot rager. Anne even hits on ... whatever this is
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Good to see her get a rebound while she waits to get her girls back. Good for her. The Gals naturally gladly agree to help, sweethearts they are. The Plantars are naturally even more confused as Christmas now apparently involves mechanical men, so they ask the Gals what Christmas is. The two try their best to explain it but at best get out that you shouldn’t light trees on fire and that you should get people you care about nice gifts..  and we get this as a result. 
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Well my heart just collapsed on itself from adorable.. it’s a dwarf star now. This naturally sends Sprig into a panic about getting his best buddy Anne a good enough gift. 
Onto their next stop Dr. Jan, who turns out is nuts about christmas and is intense about explaning it as I am about explaning marvel history. Fun Fact: Vision and Wanda’s wedding in the comics was a double wedding with Mantis, whose a space jesus in the comics, and the Swordsman, who was a bad guy who turned good then died then got reborn by fusing with a plant monster and the marriage was procided over by Immortus, one of the various kang variants. Why any of this happened.. I have no idea. No really I geninely don’t. 
Jan is naturally happy to help Anne and gleefully allows her young friend to raid whatever she needs for her float, which Anne gladly does. So while Anne pilfers valuable historical displays for her float, Jan tries explaining christmas to the Plantars.. but has the opposite problem of our technogays. Instead of underdoing it, likely not knowing exactly HOW to unpack something like christmas for someone who has no idea what it is, Jan OVERDOES it and goes deeply into the history of it so much it makes Sprig’s brain grow three sizes.  Thankfully Hop Pop at least finaally has SOME grasp on it as it’s like their own holiday, swamp hollow’s eve.. just without the ritual sacrifices. 
So with our heroes slightly less confused they set to work and we get a montage.. set to a minty fresh new song from none other than Rebecca Motherfucking Sugar. If you don’t know who that is first off...
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And secondly she’s the creator of Steven Universe, having run the show, written the vocal songs for it, and in general being a delightfully nice and thoughtful person. While she’s currently between shows because making a show is exausting and she needs a break before doing a new project, she gladly did a song here, showing up as herself casually singing an often odd but still heartfelt christmas song as the episode goes on. It feels perfectly fitting given this show has a lot of Steven Universe’s dna in it: it’s also a slice of life show that slowly builds to universe saving levels, while never loosing it’s focus on character growth or empathy. So I feel this is a wonderful way to tribute it by letting the show’s creator have a cameo. 
While rebecca strums Sprig struggles with gift anxiety and the Thai community helps Anne with her float because their just the best. With that Anne’s masterwork is finished, a loving wintery tribute to her culture. The next morning she shows it off to her mom whose brought to tears by it and her daughter’s efforts, with Anne also showing the Plantars in a crows nest, with Hop Pop as santa.. and a great runner about him forgetting the final ho. Mae hugs her daughter and graciously accepts the gift and they head out for the parade. 
A the parade, which looks downright gorgeous by the way, our heroes gladly celebrate and work the crowd... .and we find out WHY Mrs. B wanted this so long. We find out that she and Mr. B immigrated here and thus she’s always felt getting into the parade meant finally being accepted by this country. It adds a shocking and suprising amount of depth to the story, and as Anne points out she can relate having gone through the same in Amphibia, her trip there itself an allegory for Braly’s own trips to thailand. It feels like Matt is , through mae, letting his mother tell her story and it just warms my heart back up to supernova. It’s truly beautiful. 
So our heroes party on the float like their the joker. But since we have a chunk of episode left we can’t just leave it there. Andrias has been hunting them, but while he can now fly the drone properly, it dosen’t have the fancy scanners the annesterminator did so he can’t find them as easily. Lucky for him Anne just happens to be on a giant float, with her last name on it screaming her full name for the crowd for no reason, so it’s time for our big climactic fight. 
So Andrias finds a santa float and jingle jangle hey chris kringle’s now got nanites in his veins for a reason. So thus we get keith david piloting and voicing (since the drone has speakers.. despite not having a mic. ) a murderous santa claus. They say the best christmas gifts are the ones that suprise you and this proves them right. 
So after the giant santa attacks the crowd Anne has the IT gals book it as their driving.. once Polly snaps them out of their giant robot stupor because as we all know, Chicks Dig Giant Robots. 
So an awesome chase/fight insues as the nanites allow santa to have tree themed sheileds, candy cane lasers.. it’s just so wonderfully insane. Our heroes throw everything they got at it even the kitchen sink but eventually Anne realizes the way to stop it is a chekvos gun: light the tree on fire. Polly’s time has come. So they use the old video game standby of attacking it when it’s weakpoint is open and fire it into it’s mouth leading to the best two bits of the episode in rabid succesion. First...
Anne: Merry Christmas!z Andrias; (geninely and reflexivley) Merry christmas! .... wait OH NO!
This destroys santa which a young child sees and asks if santa is going to be okay to his dad... who says no reasuingly. Back on Amphibia, Andrias blames the controller.. before the Core gets him to compose himself. Once he has Andrias decides his master is right and that this loss dosen’t matter.. their army is almost complete... and is terrifyingly massive. 
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So with that our heroes escape and now it’s clear SOMETHING’S going on to the public, and everyone’s worn down.. and Mae STILL enjoyed it because they were together. And because let’s face it who WOULDN’T love killing a giant robotic santa. Anne finally explains the true meaning of christmas: it’s not the getting, i’ts not the getting, it’s the loving. It’s spending time with those you love most and the presents and trappings are just to celebrate that. Sprig gives anne her gift, a handmade action figure and she loves it. Awww. Our heroes go for cookies.. and clearly the fact the invasion is happening SOON isn’t enough of a wham for one episode as we FINALLY tackle one of the most obnoxiously hanging plot threads of the season. But I was patient since I figured Matt had some sort of plan for it.. and he did... as Anne writes anonomus letter’s to Sasha and Marcy’s parents, promising their okay , telling them about the other dimension thing.. and saying she swears to bring them back, singing it a friend.  Because SURELY four grown adults can’t spot the handwriting of one of their daughter’s best friends. Surely. Also we find out Sasha’s parents are divorced so that’s a thing. 
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We go out on some closing credits, as we see something fans kept bringing up even AFTER a christmas episode was announced finally also resolved: Anne gives her mom the pin she got her last season, to tears. Mr. B is just as generous giving Sprig a Tarantulaman figure, HP a book on directing and Polly a nerf machine gun because she apparently wasn’t terrifyign enough. Add in domnno perched on frobo’s head and it’s just.. so fucking sweet. Merry christmas, see you next year Plantar-Boonchuys. You’ve earned a break. 
Final Thoughts: This special is terrific: sweet, heartflet and featuring Keith David in the part he was born to play, this will be required viewing every year for me here on out. 
If you enjoyed this review consider jingle jangling a few bucks over to my patreon which has exclusive reviews and just ONE contributor means i’ll start covering the first season monthly, so you get a nice gift too. 
And if you want to talk frogs while we wait for the rest of the season, dash in a one horse open sleigh over to my discord, which is open to all
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missroguewerecat · 3 years
Thank you Final space
So I found out yesterday while I watching toonami that Final Space is cancelled... I didn't want to believe it but after seeing it with my own eyes it's like everything came crashing down.
Final Space is one of my favorite cartoons and to see it go is saddened. I got into it when I saw people talking about it, and then decided to watch it one day when it was on TBS. I fell in love with the characters, the story, the animation. Me and my brother got excited when season 2 airs and got even more excited when we heard the next season and watch it too when it airs.
The fact this show is left on a cliffhanger and won't get another season when it got good, made me pissed cause it deserve better, Olan Rogers deserve better. God I'm going to miss this show so much but I'm glad I watch it while it only had one season.
Thank you Olan Rogers for making this beautiful story, thank you for this amazing adventure and thank you Final space for making me laugh, smile and giving me so much feels. Most of all, thank you Final Space for being awesome. I'll love you and I'll miss you so much.
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chikkou · 4 years
What are your thoughts on Brad?
im assuming u mean brad from lisa, so i will respond with that assumption in mind LMAO
as a character, i think hes fucking fantastic. austin jorgensen did an absolutely AMAZING job making brad both empathetic and deeply fucking flawed, but flawed in such a way that it is really difficult to blame him for being how he is. he didnt get to choose any single thing that happened to him, except taking buddy in, and even that was something he managed to screw up. there is something very poignant about seeing a man who has been through so much pain and suffering struggle to do the right thing, to help those in need, to take care of someone and raise them with the love and kindness he never got... and fail. 
he fails completely in everything he ever set out to do. the daughter he swore to love and protect both fears and hates him. he kills scores of innocent people for naught. he never manages to overcome his addiction (but in fairness to him, this is largely buzzos fault as he forcefed brad enough pills to guarantee that he would overdose eventually). all of his friends, even TERRY, turn away from him at the end because he is doing the wrong thing. 
again, in fairness, SOME of the party members will reveal that they only agreed to help brad to get a “shot” at buddy themselves (rage is the only one i can think of rn, though i know there are others) - but there are also a sizable number of them (terry, shocklord, queen roger, and olan immediately come to mind) who were genuinely loyal to brad and cared about him, and only work against him because they sincerely feel he is morally in the wrong. and when brad fights those people, they barely fight back - they have unique, miserable-looking sprites for the final battle and spend most of their turns crying, being scared, or throwing out weak attacks that do little to no damage. they dont want to do this. but because of how far brad has fallen, they feel like they have no choice. 
as a PERSON, i am highly mixed on brad, as one is obviously meant to be. as i said previously, i do sincerely empathize with him. he has experienced an unreasonable amount of trauma, to such an extent that its difficult for me to judge any of his actions, but that goes right out the window the minute he chose to adopt buddy. it was his decision to raise buddy instead of taking her to rando, someone who he could trust and who had the resources to keep her safe for many, many years. brad wanted to prove to himself that he could be better than his father, that he could love and treat a child as they deserved to be treated. but he couldnt. he never recovered from what happened to him. he is haunted by his father and lisa, with no means of tackling it in a healthy way, and he never trusted anyone enough to share his pain with them. we even see it in the flashback where he tries to buy painkillers off of sticky - sticky point blank refuses because brad is clearly unhinged and needs HELP, not more drugs to mask the pain. 
he never should have adopted buddy. it was selfish of him to think he could simply fill the void in his heart with a child and that everything would be fine. by refusing to accept that he is broken beyond repair and in need of some serious help, he unwittingly perpetuated the cycle of abuse, and did unto buddy what his own father had done to him. its a very sad reality, but some people simply do not have the capacity to be good parents, and brad is one of those people. hed already adopted one child, and then abandoned him when the reality of parenthood hit too hard - why would he try to do the exact same thing all over again?
now, i wont be too harsh - i do believe that some part of him did sincerely love buddy. but his love for the real buddy was always overshadowed by his regret over lisa, and even up until the end, i know that when he looked at buddy, he only ever saw lisas ghost. that said, the boss battle that buddy has with brad in the joyful is so fucking perfectly written and full of love and sorrow that its making me emotional just thinking about it LMAO.... it was very clear there that even buddy, for all the resentment she felt toward him, knew how much he loved her and wished things had been different. it was a story that could never have had a happy ending. brad tried, that much is true - but perhaps things would have been different if he had accepted that he couldnt be the parent buddy needed right from the beginning.
tl;dr brad tried but he really shouldnt have
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
Top 20 BEST Animated Series of the 2010s-12th Place
As you may have noticed, most of the shows on this list are aimed at children. The primary reason for this is that most adult cartoons aren’t really that good, and the good ones weren’t made in the 2010s, so I don’t have to talk about them. However, one series I want to talk about is not only aimed at adults, but it’s also a good series in general. Partially for how it goes against what most writers consider to be “adult” in the first place.
#12-Final Space (2018-)
The Plot: After blowing up several space cruisers and a small family-owned Mexican restaurant, Gary Goodspeed is ordered to solitary confinement (alongside a few annoying robots) on a spaceship called the Galaxy One. One day, while making repairs, Gary comes face to face with an adorable alien named Mooncake. Little does he know that his new friend can destroy planets and is also wanted by a tiny dictator called the Lord Commander. Now Gary must protect his new friend, make even more new friends, and save the Earth-no wait-The Universe in the process.
So what separates Final Space from most “adult” animated shows? Well, I should first go over what makes other adult animated series not as good. Most “adult” animation relies on indiscriminate swearing, sexualized content, and treating death and gore as a joke rather than a dramatic tool. On top of that, most adult cartoons are comedies that revert to the status quo with each episode. Not to mention that the majority also have terrible/ugly animation to work with. While most of these things are not meant for kids, that also doesn’t entirely mean they’re mature. If anything, most “adult” animation can be suitable for kids over the age of 12, just as long as they know not to say certain words in front of teachers and family. As for Final Space...yeah, it’s pretty much the same thing. BUT it at least takes a step in the right direction for what most “adult” animations do.
The first and foremost thing to go is the indiscriminate swearing and sexualized content. And by that, I mean that there really isn’t any. The show rarely swears in most of its episodes, and even when it does, it barely counts as inoffensive (minus the occasional usage of the word “dick”). As for the sexualized content, the only thing close to sexualized is Gary’s little captain getting hidden by some object or another.  Final Space having the restraint that others seem to lacks amazes me, especially seeing how adult shows use these tactics to get the mature ratings that it needs. Or rather, wants.
As for the death and gore, Final Space actually treats it correctly. When a character dies, for the most part, it is treated with the respect that death deserves. It’s final and always gives the impression that they are never coming back. Death is also treated to show dominance and the strength that certain characters have over the people they’ve killed. As for the gore, there are times when it is treated as a joke, if anything else. For instance (kind of spoilers), Gary losing his arm-which should be a dramatic turning point for his character-is treated as a joke rather than an emotional weight (kind of spoilers done).
Speaking of jokes, while this show may be funny, I’d be more willing to call it a drama. This gives the show a chance to be in a genre other than comedy, which is fitting since there’s rarely an adult animated show that isn’t a comedy. And like most shows, Final Space tries to balance the darkness with the light by making jokes amongst the dramatic beats. That being said, there are occasional jokes that break dramatic tension, but the show does know when to take things seriously. For moments like death and essential character growth, Final Space treats these with the respect they deserve (most of the time).
The drama also helps the show from reverting back to the status quo in its episodes. In fact, there really isn’t a status quo in Final Space. Massive changes happen, and the odds of them changing back to normal are next to none. This does happen in most shows on this list, but it rarely ever does in cartoons for adults. But it impresses me with how different the characters are, both physically and internally, just after 10 whole episodes. That feat alone is admirable.
And then there’s the most impressive thing that this show does better than other “adult” animations, which is the animation/style. Take a look at most adult animations. Most of them are ugly, or they vote to have terrible/realistic animation. Final Space is different because not only does it look gorgeous and aesthetic at times, but its animation is phenomenal. Character movements are fluid, and their expressions are beyond...expressive (Look, there’s no other way to explain it, ok? Just go with it). And when the show attempts to have action, the fight scenes can be downright fun to watch. Even better, at times, this show can have animation quality that can be on par with film, something I can’t really say for some of my favorite shows on this list. Now there can be the occasional animation error (what show doesn’t have them), but that is nothing compared to how good it can look.
However, no show is without its complaints, and Final Space has two problems that need discussing. The most pressing issue is that the main character can be very annoying. And it has everything to do with his voice actor/series creator Olan Rogers. Rogers is clearly trying his best, and I can fully understand why he picked himself as the voice of Gary. Some creators feel that no one can voice some of their characters better than them, so the creator decides to do the job instead. However, because of how inexperienced Rogers is at voice acting, Gary comes across as annoying throughout the first season. Rogers can do a great job in the more dramatic moments (most of the time) but fails in his attempts to make Gary funny or a sincere oddball. This is something that drove most viewers away, and I can definitely see why. But the show at least offers a lot more good than I feel Gary is enough to forgive. Especially since Rogers promised to improve during the second season…speaking of season two. 
By the second season, everything I had just praised is practically gone. Death gets treated more and more like a joke, essential changes get reverted back to normal, and worst of all, there’s more filler this time around. There’s rarely anything that I would cut from the story in season one, but in season two? There are entire episodes. But there are still some improvements. The jokes are funnier, the animation is better, and the drama hits even stronger. But if you ask me, if you were barely a fan of season one, odds are you’ll find season two a bit of a step backward.
Overall, I feel as though Final Space is a series most adult shows should take notes on...for the most part. Keep in mind that it isn’t the best adult show on this list (there are three more after this), but if it keeps improving, then odds are it’ll easily be something better. After all, there’s enough space to go around on this list that it deserves the praise it’s given.
(Also, thanks, TBS, for proving that you’re not ready for original animation. Just keep playing reruns of Family Guy. I’m sure that will give you relevance.)
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monkey-network · 5 years
Mini Stuff of Good: Final Space S2E1
Welcome to MSG, a bite size way to provide first impressions. 3,2,1, Penguins!
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Final Space is a cartoon I respect due to its handling of tone and incredible visuals. While I shamefully didn’t put it in my 2018 Best Of, I’ll gladly say this is one of the better adult cartoons out here.
With that said, Season 2 premiered yesterday and my hype has certainly not waned. Starting immediately where things left off, Gary Goodspeed is thrown into a heist adventure with choadman Clarence and his minions Fox and Ash. With Little Cato, HUE, and the reunited Mooncake and Nightfall by his side, Gary steps into the shoes of a hero once again to save the universe.
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While it is a nice startoff episode that certainly provides a heads up on everything that happened beforehand, the emotional weight of that season isn’t given enough time to reflect in lieu of setting things up aside from the few reunions we get. I’m glad the characters are in better spirits, but it’s clear that Gary is not in as confident of a state as before. Though I understand that that can of worms will come later, as I hope that Mooncake’s history is explored more this season.
As for our new members of the team, Ash is the only character I like so far. Clarence is fine but nobody to write home about, same with Fox even though there’s a possible backstory to be had with him as well. Ash deserves all the love and protection and there will be a riot if “something” happens to her.
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All in all, hopeful is what I’d call this first episode, giving us a nice step back to the cosmic chaos that’ll soon unravel. Most of all, I’m glad Olan Rogers is clearly geared and pepped to give fans a ride to remember like before. Expect a full review by season’s end.
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howlindspiring · 6 years
PSA About Final Space
Hey guys! So I’ve seen a lot of pretty negative stuff being said about TBS’ new animated series, Final Space, and I kinda wanted to go over some stuff about it.
Final Space is an animated series created by Olan Rogers, who is a Youtuber who has had an online presence for about as long as any other big Youtubers, just never seemed to get as big.
Regardless, Olan is such a kindhearted and hilariously funny guy, who has some super great stories to tell and some even better sketches and short skits. Odds are, you’ve seen one of his most popular videos, Ghost In The Stalls, which is his story about his adventure in a Target bathroom on a Monday.
Olan has a very specific and pretty odd way of delivering his jokes, and it’s difficult to fully appreciate the jokes in Final Space unless you’ve seen a good amount of Olan’s other stuff. There are also plenty of times in the few episodes we have so far that his story videos are actually referenced too- so if you haven’t seen his videos, then you’re missing out on even more jokes.
So essentially, I just want to ask you to give Final Space a chance! Olan has been working on this series since 2012, and has basically poured his heart and soul into it. He absolutely deserves it to take off.
If you watch the first few episodes and still decide you don’t like it, that’s fine, but at least you gave it a chance!
Please support Olan Rogers in what he does! He deserves it! You can also check out the original pilot to Final Space here!
Thank you!
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bubblesbenson · 1 year
I just thought of this:
Is it possible for Olan Rogers and so many other cartoon creators to sue Warner Brothers Discovery?
He needs his show back.
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yannabooger · 5 years
what do you notice more in a song - the drums or baseline? the drums 
 favourite 80s music video?
who’s the first person your mind goes to when you hear a love song? who ever I’m fangirling over at the moment lol
how many languages do you speak? I really only speak English but i do know little tid bits of sign language and a few phrases in German
what’s the longest journey you’ve been on? I went to Germany when i was extremely little but don’t remember it, so if we’re talking remembering then probably California 
who was the last person you danced with? probably my dad in the kitchen
where did you spend your last friday night? in bed scrolling through Instagram watching ASMR videos and queen edits
what would you do if you found out your best friend was seeing your ex? well I’ve never had a boyfriend so I don’t really know how I’d react. I feel like theres a lot of different scenarios that could happen so it ll depends. 
what’s your home town like? well the one that I was born in was kinda boring and empty but I only lived there until I was 5 so I could have it completely wrong, the one that I spent the most time at was probably on Jamie lane, thats where i spent most of my childhood and while there wasn’t a lot around me and alex would play in the creek down the street and ride out bikes to the library down the block. 
relationship with your parents? difficult. it was really strong for a long time and then me and my mom had a falling out. ever sense then its been extremely difficult being normal around her. I’m closer with my dad. we have always been pretty close
opinions on the police force? I honestly don’t really get into those things so as to avoid arguments especially because i don’t see myself as a very political person and police are apart of government. I will say that i respect their authority but I do know that there is a abundance of cops now a days that abuse their power. anybody that uses power over someone just because they can and want to harm others for fun is not cool in my book.   how old were you when you joined the internet? I think i was 12. i could have been a bit older or younger honestly i don’t remember. but I remember how. I saw my aunt on the computer playing games on facebook and she told me all about it and I ran upstairs to ask my mom if I could get an account because it looked like a lot of fun. She said I could get an account if I was supervised and yeah. 
when was your first kiss? still haven't had one. waiting.
favourite musical? I like a lot. I’m a big Disney person so I guess Moana. but if we are talking not Disney then little shop of horrors.
do you like country music? Low key yes. there isn’t a lot of it that I actually like but the ones I do I LOVE. 
what makes a good rock song? I think there are a lot of things that make a good rock song. Skilled players, people who love their craft, use of multiple instruments besides just drums and guitar, but honestly I think the most important thing is that the group meshes well together. if you don’t get along as individuals then you won’t get along as a musical group.
are you sentimental? VERY. thats all I got to say about that.
what was the most expensive thing you bought in the last six months? I haven’t bought anything myself because I don’t have a job but my grandma bought me queen ticket and my parents bought me a hella dope coat that I’m absolutely in love 
are you seeing anyone at the moment? Nope.
favourite film genre and why? Indie. I think it encompasses a lot and can have almost anything in it, action, comedy, drama, and almost has its own quirky twist
chocolate or sweets? I can’t choose. it really just depends on my mood.
how far do you believe in the paranormal? I don’t believe in ghosts or stuff like that, spirits. nah. but I believe in demons and their ability to make us see things that we might consider ghosts. But I don’t mess with that stuff.
does true love exist? I think so. I don’t Soulmates really exist. maybe that certain people click better then others and maybe that there are multiple soulmates for people but yeah I think true love exists and its hard work. it doesn’t come easy.
what’s your crush’s favourite music genre? I ain’t got a crush at the moment but I remember sophomore year I got really into weezer because the guy I had it hard for was a huge fan of them. Turned out he was a douche bag so it kinda ruined some of weezer’s songs, not all of them though because I have memories of listening to weezer with mama when I was younger.
favourite song currently in the charts? I don’t really follow popular music or recently release stuff, I know I’m so cool because I don’t listen to mainstream stuff right? ew. anyway I would have to say thank u, next. thats one I’ve actually heard and added to my playlist so yeah.
if you could relive any ten minutes of your life, what would you relive? this is just a quick answer, If i put more time into thinking about it I would probably pick something else but just off the top of my head it would be going to Tennessee to meet Olan Rogers. 
how far apart do you and your best friend live? Probably a little less then 30 minutes away maybe like 20 or 25 depending on traffic.
do you believe everyone is deserving of love? of course! I think a lot of the problems in this world is because people don’t love each other. sure there are outliers, people with chemical unbalances and mental disturbances that can causes chaos even when shown love but for the most part if more love was shown I think so much of this worlds problems would dissolve
what’s been the biggest hurdle you’ve faced in your life so far? my self esteem, the way I view the world and my anxiety. Its a constant battle with myself and those who think I am wrong for what I believe. Between th two it can get pretty exhausting.
which was the song of your childhood? there was no specific one. my mom kinda raised me on oldies which is why I think I like them so much. It’s what made me so eclectic today
describe your perfect first date. Honestly just chilling and relaxing, maybe making a dinner together or watching a movie at home??? I’m not to sure, I just don’t want so much pressure put on the first date so i think it would be nice to make it low key.
is there anyone from your past that you regret cutting ties with? probably. there have been plenty of toxic relationships in my life, but I wont say that I didn’t play my part in them.
favourite 80s movie? uuuggghhh there are so many. I think for now I’m just gonna say Ferris bueller day off because its a classic and so quotable but I’m sure theres others that I like more 
give an example of a world event that occurred the year you were born. the Y2K scare. lol. although I just looked up other events from that year and it said it was the first year to have an air balloon go around the world without a stop. pretty neat if you ask me.
what would you value most: a relationship or a job? relationship!! without a doubt. my definition of success is a fulfilled life with people I love and growing relationships with family and friends
what do you like most about your appearance? probably my height at the moment. or my hips. there are always things I hate about myself that get better or things I use to like that that I don’t anymore. 
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bubblesbenson · 2 years
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Oh, so can these people get their jobs back???
I know Adam Conover mentioned that the AT&T merger screwed over Adam Ruins Everything, and I didn’t even know OK KO got canceled all because of the merger. Why couldn’t the merger cancel Rick and Morty or Teen Titans Go???
Bring back Final Space, Adam Ruins Everything, OK KO, and Infinity Train, you corporate hacks. (And probably bring back The Carbonaro Effect; I don’t know if that got canceled or not.)
Also, since I mentioned Adam Ruins Everything and The Carbonaro Effect, please don’t blame Impractical Jokers for this mess; Impractical Jokers is already in enough trouble anyway since Joe is now gone.
@edges-posts @neshatriumphs @niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian @alfairy @sophiathetrainwreck @colorkookie @demigoddessqueens
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bubblesbenson · 3 years
I just wanted to say that this man deserves the world.
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bubblesbenson · 3 years
Just throwing it out there: Olan Rogers wasn’t the one who made a video pretending to r*pe a babydoll. Dan Harmon of Rick and Morty did. Guess which show is still able to produce episodes.
Like what @laradoodle said, people slept on Final Space, but with shows like Rick and Morty, Family Guy and South Park, they get the undeserving praise and attention even though none of these shows should be around anymore.
Dan Harmon is evil. I don’t care if he made that babydoll video around 2009, that video is unforgivable.
Rick and Morty fans who defend Dan Harmon or bash me for hating their precious show because of what Dan did will be blocked on sight. This is not a threat, but this is a promise. Same with modern Family Guy fans and South Park fans.
@laradoodle @demigoddessqueens @sophiathetrainwreck @colorkookie @edges-posts @niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian @there-are-many-ways-to-smile
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bubblesbenson · 3 years
This guy is speaking the truth.
@edges-posts @laradoodle @demigoddessqueens @colorkookie @sophiathetrainwreck @there-are-many-ways-to-smile @niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian
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