#olicity hiatus fic
Unthinkable 10 Years Day 2: Season 2-3 hiatus fic rec
Between the Shadow and the Soul by @apinknightmare
A story about the "I love you" and everything that comes after.
Just reread this and love it so much. It absolutely captures that slow burn of the summer after that we were robbed of, with a good mix of angst and softness. Oliver is desperately trying to figure out how to be ready for Felicity in the way she deserves
Eight Ways to Say I Love You by RosieTwiggs
He loves her. If only he could get the words out.
Takes place (roughly) over season 2 and 2.5 with a fun bit of roommating
Collateral Damage by newbie93
Quick drabble regarding THE Olicity scene from Unthinkable.
Oof you want angsty Felicity POV? here you go
Irretrivable by SpicyPepper_SweetSugar
"Four things are irretrievable: An arrow in flight, a spoken word, a lost opportunity, a life already spent."
Wishful Thinking by DeeDeeCat
When Felicity has a really bad date, Oliver is there to wipe her tears... and wash the blood out of her hair.
Felicity tries to move on, gets concussed, gets taken care of, and nothing gets better.
Like a House in a Storm by CarrieAnn
Felicity asks Oliver to move in with her for a few weeks. Snapshots of their days as roommates.
I'm such a sucker for 2.5 roommate fics and this is so good
A Night Like Any Other by spyglass
Felicity doesn't think anything of it when Oliver asks her to dinner. After all, Team Arrow goes out for dinner from time to time. But starting the moment Oliver picks her up, she can sense there's something different about tonight. From the flowers to the restaurant, the entire evening is the most romantic non-date Felicity has had in months, but one thing she's sure of is this: it's most definitely not a date.
Or, she might have known that Oliver intended otherwise, if only he'd remembered to ask.
They're very dumb but they get there eventually
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happylikeasadsong · 6 months
"About the Blogger" meme
Thank u sm for tag @cruciomione!!
Star Sign(s): Cancer sun, Libra moon and Leo rising (i couldn't explain it i you asked, tho)
Favorite Holidays: Christmas and New Years i love how crazy people go about decorations and seems like there's no end to imagination. Also it's that time of the year i have the most delicious food and share quality time with my family. And New Years's so special bc i get to celebrate with friends and usually the parties are lit.
Last Meal: A strawberry delight crepe as a 'well done' gift from me to me or not dying during my exams and finishing them all, yayyy
Current Favorite Musician: i always find it hard to just mention one, so here goes my top three rn: coco jones, the maine and rbd (latin pop band).
Last Music Listened To: back to life by lawson. this one scratches my brain like no other.
Last Movie Watched: me and one of my closest friends do this list of christmas movies every year bc we love christmas movies, no matter how awful and cringe they are. last night i watched 'exmas' with leighton meester and robbie amell and i was surprised that it wasn't the worst, so it's a win in my book.
Last TV Show Watched: it was this week's episode of fellow travelers. jonathan bailey and matt bomer are breaking my heart in a million little pieces, but i think it worth it?? it's so so so sad and tragic but they do such a great job portraying hawk and skippy's story.
Last Book/Fic Finished: i wanted distract myself from my daily problems so i reread 'remember me, remebering you' by amiera_saphire on ao3 last weekend.
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: i prefer the term 'hiatus'. i have a jatp fic that i never really finished and the thought of it hunts me.
Currently Reading: a very boring article on managerial finance i have to write on by friday (my last assignment of the year, yay!). i hated it, so i came here to get enough endorfins to go back to it.
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: ships in the 1800's, also dresses of that time period so i can better my shitty description in my period fic. i only had an idea and a dream on that one.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: uhh i think it was back in the cursed years (2020, eww) and after i watched julie and the phantoms i found some really good people here and on twitter. our day consisted in checking every news outlet about the show and pics, videos about them. also the fics were so incredibly good!! those were fun times.
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: arrowverse when it was good, maybe? idk but olicity had a choke on me in a concerning way. but then it went bad, so bad, and i suffered through until arrow ended and stopped watching the shows.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: felicity. it's mainly bc it's such an old show and bc of that, no one is really talking about it anymore, but it was my shit when i 'discovered' back in college.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: i'll quote @cruciomione about the multi chapter fics, i feel you! one shots are better for me bc i can just write my idea down.
i've been working on a multi chapter about a second chance/lovers-to-strangers-to-lovers. i love the angst i have panned out in my head lol maybe during the break it could revisit it.
loved doing this!!
tagging some ppl to do this too, only if you want!
@imliterallyjustablackgirl, @ethxocore, @laryssamedeirss, @vacationship, @ruethrills
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intrepidmare · 6 years
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My muse got inspired! I thought it had moved like 3 galaxies away by the lack of ideas I've got lately, so this is quite a miracle. This a plot-less fic with really short chapters (around 500 words), and each one will be filling a prompt from Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon 2018, created by the wonderful @thebookjumper.
This story is silly, fluffy, and without much conflict in it. I hope you enjoy it, my dearies.
Read it on Ao3
1 - Wanting
Deep at the bottom of the sea and hidden from humans live the descendants of the great goddess Melusina. With their half-human, half-fish bodies, they are creatures that have inspired human legends for centuries. Some are true, some are not. The myths get three things right: how they called themselves, how beautiful they truly are, and how much melodious and hypnotic their signing is.
However, the mermaids don't use their attributes to lure ill-fated sailors to death, wrecking their ships. In fact, they seldom venture to the surface of the waves. They live happily in their great city in the deepest part of the ocean where no human is able to reach them. That's true for most. Except for a beautiful mermaid.
Her name is Felicity, as for she's the most spirited and joyful of all.
This is the day when she decides to change her life forever. Amongst all the mermaids, she's not the typical one. Her curiosity has no bounds, and the need to know what's out there above the immense ocean eats her inside. Living a simple life that her peers live isn't for her. Nothing in Argovia, the veiled homeland for the merpeople, holds real interest to Felicity. It exists a whole world to explore and Felicity wants to go where only a few have dared to go before.
None of the stories of those who have ventured beyond the veil ends well. They are tragic tales of misfortune and death. She has heard all of the speculations and heard them well, but Felicity has the hardest time believing in such pessimistic guesses. The fact the travelers never came back doesn't mean they had horrible deaths. What if what they found is a much better life than what they had here and that's why they never returned?
What if the life she wants for herself is outside the mystic bubble surrounding the city?
Today, she's going to find that out.
Felicity swims to the part of the city that holds a questionable reputation. Its dark alcoves and passages make her wary of what or who dwells in such places. Yet, she persists in her way to see a powerful sorceress. Rumor has it that her powers come from her hybrid inheritance. It's said she's the daughter of a demon. Felicity hardly believed that… until she meets Talia. The aura surrounding the sorceress spooks Felicity because of the sinister power in her is unmistakable. Her magic is so great that the black scales on her fin have an unnatural glow, making her more beautiful than any other.
"I've been waiting for you," Talia says, as soon a Felicity glides through the water into the ominous cave the scary mermaid calls home.
Unsure of what to think about that, Felicity stammers, "Y-You have?"
"Yes, and I know exactly what you're looking for. You want something that allows you to explore the world of man, don't you?"
With her heart racing with an equal measure of trepidation and thrill, Felicity says, "Yes." Her firm voice reflecting how steadfast she is on getting what she wants.
With a satisfied smirk that should've set Felicity instincts, the sorceress fetches a string of aquamarine beads with seashell-shaped pendant out of a chest and hands it to Felicity. "Wear this around your neck when you're in Terrafirme. It will allow you to become human, as long as you don't take it off."
Beyond excited, Felicity doesn't think it twice and stretches her hand to take the necklace. Before she can reach it, Talia pulls it back and warns her, "Magic comes with a price."
Felicity slumps her shoulders, thinking she has no much to give in exchange. All she can do is bargaining for it. "I-I don't have much…. But I can find pearls for you. I know of a place where nobody goes because is shark-infested and can get how many you wish." It'd be dangerous but worthy of the risk.
"No, no, child, I don't want treasures. My meaning is the talisman will demand a sacrifice from you."
Felicity frowns. "What kind of sacrifice?"
"I don't know, it's different for each wearer but it's bound to happen and it'll be great. Are you willing to pay?" Talia asks, offering the collar again.
Felicity nods and snatches the talisman out of her hand before the sorceress can rescind the offering. As she departs from the sorceress' dwelling, Felicity convinces herself that the sacrifice she has to make can't be worse than risking to be eaten by sharks. She swims as fast as she can, spurred by the sense of adventure and discovery. She goes through the veil's barrier, eager to start her new life.
Well, now that you have read it, I have 2 questions for you. Did you like it? An if you did, would you rather to be an historical au as well or in a contemporary setting? The decision is yours. Tell me, so I can write the next chapter
My dear readers below the cut  😊 (if you’re not in the list and want to be tagged, let me know)
@1106angel // @acheaptrickandacheesyoneline // @almondblossomme // @arrowlainie05 // @arrowolicity88 // @athena3291998 // @babblingblondegenius // @bitchwhwifi // @blackleather77 // @bleedundermypen // @blindspot-fanatic // @broken-canary // @bwangangelic // @callan52 // @calzonayfaberry21 // @ccdimples88 // @chachurka // @christinabeggs // @cinfos // @coal000 // @coryleanne // @cris101071 // @dcnmarvelgamergeek // @djeniiscorner // @emarasmoak // @emmaamelia95 // @evilelmo2383 // @felicity-said-just-in-case // @flowerandsunshine // @folly1977 // @geologistmom // @hollywoodkats // @hope-for-olicity // @imusuallyobsessed // @jaspertown // @jendiaz69 // @juliakaze // @krystal09 // @lalawo1 // @laurabelle2930 // @lemmyeatspeaches // @lovelycssefan // @lovethishealthylife // @magda1102 // @malafle // @marytagus // @mel-loves-all // @memcjo // @minny28 // @miriam1779 // @missafairy // @mochababychristy // @monetsmark // @morganashimi83 // @mrt2501 // @ms-jane-darcy // @mtb1002 // @muslimsmoak // @nalla-madness // @nathiawarrior // @nightkeepyr // @oliciteee // @olicity-sinceriously-melodiful // @olicityistruelove // @oliverfel4 // @omglovechrissie // @onceuponanolicity // @pattid1 // @pleasantfanandstudent // @queenlada // @scu11y22 // @smkkbert // @speechgirl41 // @sweetme86 // @sydneyhallers // @taurusclh // @tdgal1 // @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl // @thebookjumper // @thetaufactor // @tjmartinez98 // @turnupthemusicandscream // @vaelisamaza // @wanderingmmries // @wanhani // @wherethereissmoak
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laurabelle2930 · 7 years
Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon Week 2: Damn Eye Contact
Okay so here it is...per @diggo26 and @green-arrows-of-karamel this is worth reading so let’s hope they’re right! Warning I truly just went down the smut path with this one so yes it’s explicit for me...
Enjoy and you can read it here or on AO3!
Damn Eye Contact
Blue, textured with flecks of green, aqua, turquoise and, even sometimes a splash of tormented gray. That’s what she saw when she opened her own endless blue depths after the explosion on Lian Yu...that’s what she saw every time she even dared to close her tired eyes.
She’d begun to think of his eyes like they were an endless dream of hopes and, unexplored possibilities; and that was beginning to become a very distracting problem. Felicity growled internally with a confusing mixture of longing, annoyance and, pent up frustration. She stared out along the seemingly endless bank of windows that let the lights from the city below flow along the dark spaces of the wide open room. Her fingers danced along the black mug while the contents within grew tempered from the cold, recycled air that floated around her stately. She rolled her head until her chin was hovering above the half empty mug. Her eyes rolled until her lids shut, her back bowed and her toes curled along the stainless steel rod of the kitchen stool.
She sighed as her shoulders slumped and, her heart thudded quietly as she slowly filled with unexpressed disappointment. Her stomach curled when her tortured mind begun filling her heart with endless images of his grief stricken eyes...
She whimpered almost inaudibly as the images shifted; the way the blue hues of his pupils changed as his emotions rolled over them both in waves left her ruined in her stunned, wrecked heart. She would have gone on this way for hours had it not been for the innocent sound of lightly drumming knuckles upon her partially closed door. She breathed out in tortured defeat, “I can’t live like this Oliver...” she heard him softly close the door as she muttered, “I can’t live with endless regrets...”
His steps along the darkened floors sounded sure, confident and, steady as his scent peppered the room with hope instead of hurt. “Then let’s do something about it...” he stated gently with the sound of whiskey rolling along his dark tone.
She laughed ruefully, “You said that three weeks ago...” while she rolled her shoulders back slowly. She saw his feet shuffling along the edge of the counter before she felt the warm touch of his calloused fingers along the nape of her bent neck. She grinned coyly, “Hmmmm someone’s actually breaking his own self imposed rules...”
She felt his thumb brushing over the base of her spine slowly while his lips ghosted along the wavy strands of her blonde hair. “You’re the one that wanted to play this stupid game,” he muttered contritely before she frowned childishly.
“The magazine said it would spice things up!”
Oliver’s hearty laugh made her skin prickle with unspoken excitement, “Like we’ve ever needed help in that department!”
Felicity’s forehead fell downward while his calloused fingers danced easily along her coiled neck. She moaned softly when his index finger skirted along the edge of her earlobe, “Yeah okay....” she begun to admit, “that’s true but...”
His fingers stilled along her neck as his lips fell to her temple. She could feel the wrinkles of his dress shirt along her exposed back when he gently whispered, “but what?”
She shivered when her stomach rolled and her fingers tightened around the now ice cold mug, “But there is one thing I would still like to try...”
Oliver’s lips gently grazed her brow when he breathed out a whimpered, “Please not the eye contact thing...”
“Yes,” she grumbled ruefully. “I’m stilling having those damn nightmares and, this whole let’s spice up our life love was supposed to be a way to work through my regrets and our own mutual issues.”
She felt his body folding around hers as his arms began to close in around her slim waist. She pulled her fingers along the lines of his exposed knuckles while he pressed the the tip of his nose along the slope of her upper shoulder. She placed her cheek along his scuffed skin when he breathed remorsefully, “I’m sorry baby...”
She nodded until the soft skin of her cheek burned gratefully, “I need to feel you Oliver but, most importantly I need to feel us does that make sense?”
She felt his forehead rubbing along the slinky fabric of her spaghetti strap tee as he gently grumbled, “So the eye contact thing?”
She snickered at his verbal white flag, “Yeah baby the eye contact thing...”
The room around them grew dark, the candles she’d spent minutes littering around the room now flickered innocently along the darkly colored walls. The room grew warm as the tension between them grew. She sighed uncomfortably when he came sauntering, casually across the floor with the pads of his toes leaving small prints along the darkly colored wood floors. She curled her fingers by hers sides and broke the first rule of the aforementioned article. “I thought you bought like ten months worth of socks?”
Oliver’s quizzical brows lifted in easy amusement, “I did,” he chuckled lightly while casually beginning to loosen his tie.
Felicity scratched her nails along the inside’s of her palm’s delicately while she let her blue eyes concentrate on the playful skyblue of her lover’s wrinkled eyes. “So why aren’t they on your feet?” she finally asked once their bodies were merely feet apart.
He deftly undid his cufflinks and placed them on the side table by the first of the twin leather couches. She swallowed a low groan when she realized what Oliver was intending to do. His cheeks flushed making his once playful eyes churn darkly with dark green and gray overtones. She pulled seductively along her bottom lip when his mutters of conformation floated through the sexually charged air. “They’re in our sock drawer and, you’re breaking the no talking rule…”
Something in her own heated gaze shifted when the word “our” floated easily through the space between them. She murmured despite his verbal warning in shocked joy. “You said our…”
His turbulent eyes shifted back to reassuring when he mouthed back, “Ours…” with a slight nod of calming affirmation.
Felicity pulled the fronts of her cold toes along the base of her left ankle while she undid her clenched fists. Oliver simply stood there with his hands folded comfortably in his trouser pockets while she nervously debated on her chosen course of action. “So how are we going to do this?” she squeaked lowly with nervous energy flowing through her wanton body with ease.
He stood before her with heated eyes and, his feet shoulder length with the part. The top two buttons of his shirt collar were undone, his head was cocked to one side while his eyes roamed freely over her entire form. Felicity felt her stomach rolling from the pressure of his heated stare. She gulped loudly as her lungs begged for air, “The article said we couldn’t have sex Oliver…” she tried reminding him as she remained focused on calming her quivering form.
His stormy eyes fell down to her heaving breasts when her sentence was done. He licked his lips skillfully. She felt the slick, sticky wetness of her arousal beginning to warm the inner skin between her clenched thighs. She felt her knees buckle and, her body shudder when his velvet voice raced through her teeming skin. “You wanted to play this game baby, I’m simply making sure I’m getting something out of it…”
Her mouth fell slightly, “There’s no way…” she gasped in shock.
His handsome smile hidden by shadows and flickering candlelight stated otherwise. “What don’t wanna play?” he teased knowingly as her fingers began clawing along the fabric of her sleeping shorts.
She swallowed thickly then let out a trapped, “Game on…” just as Oliver began to inch dangerously forward. She remained frozen in place, she wanted the chase to feel authentic, she wanted her victory to be hard won and, she wanted to feel him coming apart as she watched his eyes shatter with endless waves of pleasure.
She wanted to feel his soul as he stared deeply at her own…
She felt his feet shuffling forward as the boards creaked lowly beneath her feet. The game had started...the rules were simple and, the winner if they’d did their jobs would be a well deserved tie. She tapped her fingers along her hips patiently while Oliver’s eyes slid up and down the length of her upper thigh. She shuddered when he growled delicately in growing frustration.
Felicity’s tongue darted out over her bottom lip when she accidentally gulped, “How do you turn me on without even touching me...”
Oliver’s low devious growl shifted into a moan of warning, “Remember baby we can only communicate with our eyes...”
Felicity mumbled apologetically while she kept her gaze lasered to his approaching steps. He seemed to ignore her nearly silent, “Sorry hon,” and instead continued to inch closer with specific intent.
She felt his eyes skimming over the delicate curve of her left hip bone when she finally began raking her own feverish gaze along the lines of his muscular legs. She swallowed roughly as her gaze extended past his slightly knobby knees and toward the hidden v of his hard, unyielding pelvic area. She flushed roughly imagining how it felt to feel him sliding past her engorged nether lips. She moaned darkly as her internal musings gave way to how her body nearly screamed when her inner walls clamped down over every inch of his hardened shaft. She sighed contently when her eyes skirted over the small wrinkled lines of his buttoned up dress shirt. She took time to examine how he moved each time he took even the smallest step. The hardened, rigid muscles rippled beneath his shirt deliciously as his feet finally came to a very abrupt stop...
Felicity gasped when she felt his fingers skidding down the smooth, long line of her toned right, outer arm. Her eyes flew past the few undone buttons of his collar until she had those deep blue eyes staring almost helplessly into her own. She felt her lips part as he used the pads of his fingers to caress the pulse point of her wrist. She smiled lightly before bashfully asking, “How do you do this?”
She didn’t see his lips curve...she didn’t have to because the small smile was evident in the sparkling blue of his calm, peaceful eyes. “I can do this because I love you...” he whispered while his fingers played along the skin of her wrist.
She saw the slight aqua tones mixing with the lighter green flecks of his pupils when his eyes began to dilate. She felt her heart stammer when she whispered back, “I’m hopelessly in love with you too by the way...”
She felt his thumb skirting down over the inside of her palm when he whispered back, “We’re really breaking the whole no talking rule...”
She grinned softly with a twinkle of mischief playing off her rosy cheeks. “Well then how do you suggest we fix our mistake?”
He brushed his index finger over the lifeline of her upper palm and stepped closer. Felicity raised her free hand until she had her fingers trailing down the sculpted line of his chiseled jaw. She swallowed a low, “Perfect...” as his whiskers bit along her supple skin. She took the time to memorize how his skin felt when his lips curved and his eyes crinkled into a confident smile of longing and unspoken lust. He in turn kept brushing his fingers along her palm until she directed him to move his roaming hands elsewhere.
His dark chuckle made her stomach burn when he gulped, “Okay your eyes are saying one thing but, you’re body is saying another...”
Felicity kept her touch deliberately light as she gently continued to trail her fingers down the line of his jaw. She felt the harsh rasp of his erratic breath over her thumb pad when she daringly dragged her skin across his bottom lip. She could feel his desire building along her wrist when she carefully leaned forward, their noses touched, as she lightly brushed her lips over the delicate corner of his mouth then murmured, “What part of game on didn’t you understand?”
Their eyes never faltered, their looks remained heated as they each became engaged in silent tug of war. Oliver finally used his free hand to lightly grasp at the curved line of her slightly exposed waist. Her skin bubbled with excitement when the ridges of his fingers traveled along the small sliver of skin that was exposed between the rising hemline of her shirt and, the waistband of her sleeping shorts. She cocked her head and brushed her nose along his upper cheek bone while their eyes danced quietly.
She giggled gently when she felt his fingers trailing along her navel, he smirked when she brushed her lips over his jaw. She stood on her tender toes when he began kneading along the knotted muscles of her waist. He moaned when she gasped as his hardening cock brushed roughly over her butterfly filled stomach. Her eyes darkened as the layer of cobalt blue deepened into an almost midnight gray. She grazed her teeth along his whiskered jaw then slightly whimpered, “I want you inside of me.”
Oliver’s fingers raked along the skin of her lower abdomen until his fingers were hooked beneath her elastic waistband. She froze as their eyes blazed, the words she needed to hear were etched across his devouring gaze. She gulped, “How didn’t I see this before?
He now whimpered his own masculine yet still desperate plea, “See what Felicity?”
She quivered while he slowly began pulling the fabric of her shorts down past her hips. She savored each lingering touch as his fingers gracefully dragged along the skin of her sensitive pelvis, her body arched forward until her pebbled nipples were brushing almost coarsely over the line of buttons along his soft shirt. Heat began radiating through her electrified body, her inner walls clenched angrily, her body screamed for his pulsating, strength filled movements along the smooth walls of her desperate core. His question hung between them until she felt more than heard her shorts falling softly along the floor. She toed them away with her tangled feet and brushed her forehead along his own before breathing, “How completely you’ve always loved me.”
She felt his fingers trailing between her slightly parted thighs, she could feel the gathering moisture as it slipped along his dexterous fingers. His other hand that once had been at her wrist was now anchored along her thigh. Her body ached for more than his simple exploratory touch. She tightened her thighs over his roaming fingers once they’d pushed past her outer lips, she nearly shut her eyes from the pleasure but resisted while she used her finally freed hand to unbuckle his belt.
Oliver’s fingers continued to toy happily along her slick lips while she deftly undid the few loops of his belt. She brought her other hand down to his popped collar and, put her other dexterous fingers to good use while he slowly began moving his roaming fingers through her tight walls. The buttons of his shirt popped easily beneath her touch, his fire like skin burned along her light touch, his gaze continued to blaze like the fire of a thousand stars as they teasingly brushed each other’s lips. She felt her knees buckle as his fingers met her core, she felt his shallow breaths along her quivering lips as his pants finally fell to the floor. She felt the harshness of his arousal along her bare skin as he brushed his nearly erect cock along her navel. Her body shuddered violently as their lips ghosted over the others. Their gaze never wavered, their endless words no longer seemed adequate as the physical nature of their love began to take it’s feverish hold.
She felt his fingers slipping downward as she felt herself sinking to the ground. His knees bent as his back curved, she matched his movements by following him down to the ground as her thighs now completely parted. He brushed his hand along her bare hip and, up until it was along the small of her back. She yanked at his boxers swiftly pulling them down. He cradled her between his graciously formed lap until her entrance was over his hardened shaft. She felt his tip moving softly over her sensitive lips. She felt how he craved her touch as his penis twitched along her deprived skin. He kept her anchored while she for once gracefully moved her legs to rest firmly along his sides. She saw his abdomen jerk when her knees began rubbing along the stiff bone of his pelvic crust. Smirking at how powerful she felt;  she very slowly began to lower herself down the impressive line of his growing erection. His eyes blazed once their bodies met. The darkened blues of his eyes now seemed almost black as the storm of his soul began to reach out for her own. Each small movement made her slick folds sing and her body weep while she carefully kept their eyes locked. She could feel every vein and, pore of his skin as she slowly let her walls fully envelop him.
His hand slid up her back until his fingers were trailing along her spine, she brushed her own fingers along his exposed chest before bending forward. She felt him twitching within her as she clamped down along his shaft ,she felt the tip of his penis brushing along her core aggressively as she wiggled her hips along his engorged groin. She placed a teasing kiss along his parted lips as she began to move. Their eyes remained locked, the moment was their’s now the only question was who’d blink first...
He pushed his palm along her spine, she felt his tip pressing along her core roughly as he used his outer leverage to push his way even further along her insides. She screamed as she dragged her nails along the hard, cold, unyielding floor, her rock hard nipples brushed along his heated skin through her thin shirt making her body burn for more than just this one encounter. She saw the flash of longing in his eyes as their foreheads touched, she felt the kiss of true love along her mouth as he pushed himself in further. She cried out against his lips as his body began to thoroughly consume her with more than just an innocent burning fire. All she could feel before was the fire, passion, longing, rage, tenderness, and even sadness as his blue eyes fell in sync with hers. Now as their souls joined and their secrets merged she realized just how lowly even one single ember could truly burn.  
Her body began to tremble as his slow, long, deep assaults began to quicken. She clawed along their floor as their lips brushed. She could taste his tongue along her bottom lip each time their lips barely met. Her chest ached, her shoulders burned, and body begged as he continued to slowly push her building orgasm to it’s final peak.
She rasped, “I’m not looking away...” as he continued expand her delighted inner walls.
He whispered along her lips as he gently drew her in for the first of many long, lingering kisses. “Promise?” She felt his gaze as he trailed his hand along the line of her spine. She kept her nails anchored to the floor as he surged toward the nape of her neck. She moved closer as their bodies met, she felt the small hairs along his perfect V brushing along her smooth skin as their bodies  began to join in complete harmony.
She finally whispered back once their lips were nearly joined, “Promise...”
She felt him twitch aggressively before he brushed her lips with his tongue. Her eyes nearly fell shut when she felt his seed beginning to spread through her very bones. She bit at her lips and muffled a harsh cry as he angled his tip along her core. His eyes blazed as he nuzzled her nose, she dug her nails further along the floor as his own fingers danced along her face. She screamed, “I’ll never look away…” as he pushed himself even further inside.
She nearly cried when he gasped, “Nor will I…”
With an endless gaze they finally kissed until her body finally began to sing...
“So....” he breathed a few hours later as the night around them began shifting toward the rising day.
She crinkled her brow and rubbed her forehead along his own, “So what?”
He kissed her lips gently as he replied, “So are we done with the damn magazine therapy or are you going to insist on one of these encounters every week?”
Felicity played with the collar of his shirt that now was residing on her otherwise naked upper half. Her fingers moved about the fabric with ease as his fingers gently scrolled along her sides. She was lying against his chest, they still were on the cold living room floor of the loft. His bare body was pressed along a random rug while her’s was perfectly aligned over his exposed upper half. She nuzzled at his nose while she trailed her fingers through his now close cropped hair in utter contentment. “What you didn’t enjoy how this experiment ended?” she quipped knowing how thoroughly he’d enjoyed this particular exercise.
With locked eyes and sated grins he chuckled softly making her belly churn with need, “You know what I’m asking Felicity...”
She nodded along their joined brows as his fingers skidded along her ribcage. “Yeah I do...” she finally grumbled in muted acceptance.
She could again see his smile through his bright eyes, “So you understand just how completely I adore you?” he asked with humor edging his tone.
She nodded and brushed his lips chastely.
“Then you also understand that I’m completely and, utterly in love with you correct?”
Again she kissed him chastely.
His blue eyes grew timid when he finally came to his point, “So now do you understand just how completely you’ve always loved me?”
She didn’t have to see his smile, or feel his body twitching beneath her to know just how profoundly he felt because as always his truth was right there in his eyes...
With one last glimpse she whispered against his smiling mouth, “I think you’ve just cured my nightmares...”
He whispered back as their tongues softly met, “I think you’ve cured mine as well...”
 Tagging: @emmaamelia95 @pleasantfanandstudent @coal000 @memcjo @lesanchea @mrsbubblelee @olicitylovemaking @miriam1779 @love2luvyyou @almondblossomme @diggo26 @rivaroma @vaelisamaza @befitandchase @pimsiepim @andjustforthismoment @anonymiss118 @thelockpickingvictorian @yet-i-remain-quiet @lexi9515 @kathrynelizabeth89 @marniforolicity @marytagus @myhauntedblacksoul @myuntetheredsoul @blondiegrl00 @independent-fics @felicity-said--yes @relativelyobsessedfangirl @i-m-a-fan-world @mel-loves-all @danski15 @green-arrows-of-karamel @malafle @emilyp05 @oliverfel4 @alemap74 @vicky-vale @charlinert @hope-for-olicity @missafairy @arrows-4ever @jaspertown @sweetzcupcake @captainolicitysbedroom @nalla-madness @smoakingarrow19 @bwangangelic @ccdimples88 @lalawo1 @ireland1733 @quiveringbunny @scu11y22 @detbensonsvu1 @tdgal1 @cinfos @xxliveyourlife @onceuponarrow @supersillyanddorky06 @wherethereissmoak @olicityinmyheart @all-things-olicity @bitchwithwifi @thebookjumper @olicityhiatusficathon 
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callistawolf · 7 years
fanfic: in her eyes (he found reassurance)
Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon Week 2: Eye Contact
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rating: general words: 1,075 summary: After the stressful events on Lian Yu, Oliver and his team fly back home but there's only one person he has eyes for at the moment.
credit on the beautiful banner to @alexiablackbriar13. Thank you, Lexi!! 😘
Read on Ao3
“You look smug,” she told him in a low voice as she settled.
“Not smug. Just admiring you, that’s all.”
Felicity gave him a dry look. “That’s never all it is with you, Mr. Queen. I recall that much about our relationship, at least.”
“Can I help it if I’m just so glad to have you here, safe, with me that I can’t hide it?” he asked her.
Her expression softened instantly. “I can’t even stay playfully annoyed with you when you say things like that.”
@olicityhiatusficathon, @thebookjumper
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cruzrogue · 7 years
Call back to season 2 when Oliver was dating Sara and oblivious to his own feelings. Felicity as his EA intertwines herself with the elder lady of a powerful conglomerate.
Prompt: Out of Place
Thank you everyone for reading, I am not the fastest to getting back to thanking each one individually so I want to say thank you so much now. Thank you!
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hoodiesandcomputers · 7 years
Complication with Pessimistic Outcome
“The woman glances at her companions before stepping forward. She swallows and takes a deep breath, and it is then when Oliver gets a better look at her. Underneath the makeup and black clothing, she is kind and caring, and for some inexplicable reason Oliver knows he can trust her.
'We know you’re compiling evidence of Malcolm Merlyn destroying the Glades one bad apartment complex at a time.'"
Oliver is met with an unexpected trio and realizes his crusade is a lot bigger than he anticipated. Prompt from @olicityhiatusficathon: unintentional discovery
Ao3 // FF 
Oliver shoves his hands in all four of his pockets before realizing his penthouse key is nowhere to be found. Swearing under his breath, he checks his coat pockets and freaks out a little more when his key is still MIA. He does one more round of checking his pockets until he feels something stabbing the side of his stomach. Frowning, Oliver lifts his shirt and sees his key stuck between his pants and stomach, which somehow managed to stay on while he took a subway and walked to his apartment.
Pleased by the turn of events, Oliver takes out the key and unlocks his door, but he can tell something’s immediately off – the lights are all open, some of his stuff has been moved around, and he senses someone watching him.
A rush of adrenaline hits him, but before Oliver can channel that energy into something, someone grabs him from behind and locks their hands over his chest. And every boxing lesson he’s taken in the past six months comes back with a vengeance – Oliver’s muscle memory takes over faster than he imagined, and he’s become the lethal adversary he’s worked on becoming.
He immediately jabs his elbow towards the intruder, intending to hit their chest with all of his might, but another pair of arms encircle him, this time stronger and intent on keeping him down.
Oliver tries to bring his right arm above his head so he can grab the intruder’s head, but before he can the other intruder grabs a hold of it and dangerously twists his wrist. Yelping in pain, Oliver does his best to shake off the two assholes but he’s outnumbered and physically outmatched. So much for those boxing lessons – he’ll need to have a word with Digg once he’s done with these jerks.
“Stop – moving – so – much!”
The person sounds male and definitely like the asswipe that grabbed him first. He desperately does his best to push off the guys holding onto him, but his efforts prove futile. Oliver tries to use his leg to break someone’s knee, but the person moves their leg back and promptly kicks him in the shin.
Crying out in pain, Oliver doubles over and stops fighting once he realizes he can’t get out the situation by punching and kicking.
“Oh my God, guys! Stop hurting him!”
Oliver immediately freezes when he realizes the voice is distinctively feminine, but he can’t look up because someone’s wrapped an arm around his neck. The hold isn’t tight, but a little more strength and Oliver will have trouble breathing.
Sensing how much danger he’s in, Oliver stops his movements altogether, but can’t resist saying a few choice words.
“Who the fuck are you, and what are you doing at my apartment?”
“Hey, hey – relax,” someone above Oliver says. The person loosens their hold on him, but their arms are still wrapped around his torso. Glancing down, Oliver can tell the person isn’t very strong – the muscles aren’t as pronounced as his buddy’s but Oliver can sense how tall the man is.
“There’s no way in hell I’m relaxing until your asses are out of here! I’m calling the cops –”
“That’s a really bad –”
“Just – Listen, Oliver, you need to hear me out.”
There it is again – the feminine voice from before. Oliver hopes her presence will stop the two guys from hurting, or worse, killing him. There’s a chance she probably got mixed in with the wrong crowd. If Oliver can plead with her to change her mind, perhaps he can leave unscathed.
Still, he can’t resist asking a stupid question, mainly because he’s genuinely interested, and he hopes he can throw these intruders off by pretending to be stupid.
“How do you know my name?”
“The whole world knows it, douchebag.” The voice is definitely coming from the guy putting Oliver in a chokehold. He hates him already.
Right, well– he is Oliver Queen after all. The arm around his neck loosens, as do the arms around his torso. Before he knows it, he’s been released all together, but the two men who grabbed him stand close by, ready to pounce if Oliver tries to escape.
Oliver looks to his right side and finds an ungodly tall man who looks sorely out of place. He suspects the guy is more used to sitting behind a computer screen than going after rich people like him. Once Oliver deduces he’s not a threat, Oliver glances over to his left and sees a shorter man with a stocky build. Oliver can see his muscles underneath his black coat, and annoyingly the guy’s got a smug look on his face. This man is definitely a threat but Oliver suspects he won’t do anything until the woman tells him to.
“Get the fuck out. All of you,” he growls.
“Or what?”
The stronger man to his left steps forward, not at all intimidated by Oliver’s physicality. He’s got a scar running down from his forehead down to his under eye, and a smile’s starting to creep up his lips. Oliver doesn’t like him – period. The guy’s too arrogant . . . but perhaps his arrogance might be his one fatal flaw.
Like any rich person, Oliver’s got a safe tucked inside his closet with a gun for situations such as these. If Oliver can convince these knuckleheads there’s a treasure chest full of money and Rolex watches in his room, Oliver can find a way to get to his safe and his gun. It won’t be too hard – only his fingerprint opens the safe, and it’ll take two seconds max to open it.
The arrogant prick laughs suddenly and eyes Oliver like a hawk watching his prey. “Bruh, you’re not gonna get to your safe and take out your .380, all right? We already cracked it, took out the gun, and presently it’s in much safer hands.” The man steps forward and jabs a finger on his chest. “So don’t try it.”
Shit. He’s not at all prepared for this. These people are smarter than he anticipated – no one’s supposed to be able to break into his safe, but whoever they are they’re not who they seem. And there’s a part of Oliver that knows these intruders aren’t here to steal from him.
It’s something worse.
“Oliver, you need to trust us.”
His eyes snap up to follow the sound of the voice, and he’s not at all prepared to see a woman decked out in clothing from Hot Topic. Her hair’s jet black with a few purple streaks, she’s small and petite, but there’s an air to her that convinces Oliver she’s the one behind all of this. His earlier assessment was wrong – she didn’t get involved with the wrong crowd. She controls the wrong crowd.
“Who’s ‘us’?”
The woman glances at her companions before stepping forward. She swallows and takes a deep breath, and it is then when Oliver gets a better look at her. Underneath the makeup and black clothing, she is kind and caring, and for some inexplicable reason Oliver knows he can trust her.
“We know you’re compiling evidence of Malcolm Merlyn destroying the Glades one bad apartment complex at a time.”
A chill runs down his spine and his stomach rolls in nervousness, coiling higher and higher until it’s lodged in his throat. He wants to scream, run, or laugh but none of those options seems viable.
For the past eight months, Oliver’s been investigating Malcolm Merlyn for his unethical and immoral practices against the residents in the Glades. Oliver stumbled upon it by accident – he wanted Queen Consolidated to work with Merlyn Global in order to revitalize the Glades, but when he began to talk to the residents Oliver found a very different picture. And before he knew it, he was gathering as much evidence as he could with the intention of releasing it to the public and bringing Merlyn down.
Oliver worked so fucking hard to cover his tracks. He would take different routes all the time, he wore hoodies and masks, he carries a USB with all the information with him 24/7, and he made sure he had an alibi for every absence, but in the end it didn’t matter. God, he was so stupid, and now there are three unknown people in his apartment who are most likely here to kill him.
“Because we’re doing the same thing.”
Same thing? Oliver’s mind runs in circles, desperately trying to connect the dots, but he quickly realizes these people aren’t here to kill him. They’re on the same side.
“Merlyn’s sending a group of men to your place in three minutes.” Three minutes? How do they know the exact time? He glances down at the woman and she stares back with a heavy look.
“They’re going to stage a burglary and pretend it’s a ransom kidnapping, but in reality they’re going to take you to Merlyn who will most definitely kill you once he has what he wants.”
Holy shit, this is . . . real. Malcolm Merlyn – his second father, his godfather for fuck’s sake – is trying to kill him. He’s a wanted man and no matter what happens now, his life is practically over.
He can’t handle this. It’s too much. One minute he was excited about getting a chance to lie in bed, the next he’s being manhandled and told his life is in danger. He’s in a weird state – numb but hyperaware of the fuckery going on.
“What the actual fuck. What is even happening right now.” He buries his face in his hands, using every bit of energy to snap out of this crazy dream. But it’s not a dream – it’s a horrible reality.
“C’mon Overwatch, we’re running behind.” The tall, nerdy man who grabbed Oliver first makes a motion to get out of his penthouse, while his partner watches with disinterest.
The woman – Overwatch, whatever that means – places a gentle hand on his arm, her fingers cold to the touch. He’s unprepared to feel a slight jolt from her touch and warily looks down at her hand before glancing back at her. He takes note of her soft blue eyes, and wonders how many other men have been lost under her spell.
“Look, I know you have a lot of questions, but you can ask them when Merlyn’s thugs aren’t coming here to kill you in about two minutes.”
She squeezes his arm in urgency and reassurance. “We need to leave – now.”
Despite the absurdity of the situation, Oliver knows how serious this is. Seeing how on edge everyone looks, he knows they’re not lying. He could be dead if he doesn’t leave with them and it’s the last thing he wants. He needs to take down Merlyn and he needs to protect his mother and sister. And if it means teaming up with a band of misfits and strangers, then it’s what he’ll have to do.
Gathering every bit of courage he has, Oliver stands a little straighter and takes a deep breath. He needs a few essential items before leaving for the foreseeable future.
“Wait, my clothes, my –”
His throat closes up when he realizes he might not be able to save the picture he has with his father, and a family photo with Thea and his mom. If this is it, if his old life really is over, he wants to cherish the memories of his family.
Thea and his mom will be crushed when they realize he’s disappeared and left without a note. He promised all those years ago he would be the man his father wanted and what his mother deserved. Leaving like this will hurt them beyond repair.
Closing his eyes, Oliver inhales deeply as he tries to control his emotions. This is too much.
“It’s already packed, and I . . . I put in a couple pictures in there, if you don’t mind. Figured you’d want that.”
The woman’s voice is soft and gentle, and he’s struck by her thoughtfulness. She could’ve easily left those photos behind, but she packed them without even knowing Oliver would want them. He nods in acknowledgement but can’t find the strength to say thank you.
She’s unfazed. Releasing her hand on his arm, she orders, “One last thing: gimmie your phone.” Oliver quickly pulls it out of his pocket and she drops it to the floor before breaking it with her foot.
Now it’s back to business as usual. The two men start to gather their bags and Overwatch steps back, looking around to see if they’ve missed anything.
“Okay, everything ready? Let’s go.”
The men immediately leave his apartment but Oliver finds himself frozen. He’s worked so hard to become CFO at his father’s company, and everything he’s done for the past three years is going to disappear the moment he leaves. Oliver should’ve known not to kick the hornet’s nest, but he cares, and he genuinely thought he could make a change.
He was wrong.
“I promise it’ll work out in the end. But you have to trust us.”
It’s the second time she’s said this, but he doesn’t want to believe her. “I . . . I don’t think I do.”
“Well, at least trust me.” She gives him an odd look before leaving, and Oliver quickly finds himself all alone in his home.
Taking a deep breath, Oliver tries to burn the memory of his home before he forgets it. The moment he walks out that door, it’ll be the end of a life he’s lived since he was born, and there will be no going back. Yet there’s a part of him that knows a different chapter is about to begin.
And losing everything he earned to take down Malcolm Merlyn is worth the sacrifice.
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It’s been 2 months since Tommy disappeared just days after his father destroyed downtown Starling City with the Markov device.  Two months of Felicity and Oliver not knowing where their best friend has been, or what has become of him since being healed by water from the Lazarus Pit.  After everything they’ve been through together, are they strong enough to survive what comes next?
Tags Under the cut- (If you’d like to be tagged, please send an ask to myself or  @holysmoaksoliver)
@geniewithwifi, @jaspertown, @tdgal1, @thebookjumper, @omglovechrissie, @cndyprfumegirl, @ranaahh95, @bettybee26 miriam1779 @sweetlysue​  @memcjo​
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
Unfinished Business
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This story was inspired by the season 7 sizzle reel but is definitely AU. I brought some people back from the dead - so not spec in any way (I’m kind of anti-spec). Oliver's in prison, Felicity and William are at a safe house.
This is my entry for Olicity Hiatus Fic-a-thon organized by @thebookjumper  - Prompt: Unfinished. Also available on AO3.
It was both sad and very useful how quickly Oliver was able to revert back to the man he was on the island. Trust no one. Think of everyone as the enemy.
Oliver knew in prison he was enemy number one.  He kept himself strong to defend, not to fight. He’d gotten good at ignoring the taunts of the other prisoners. He knew he’d make no friends here.
At night he’d lie in bed thinking about Felicity and William. Diggle managed to get him a photo of them. They looked so happy. He missed them more than he could ever express.
The moment the cell door closed he knew he’d made the wrong decision. He should have talked to Felicity. She would have found another way. He hadn’t spoken to Felicity since he started his sentence five months ago. He was sure she was still mad. She had every right to be. What he’d give to hear her loud voice again.
Prisoner 4587, that is what the guards called him but he would always be Felicity’s husband and William’s Dad. He would hold onto that sliver of identity.
“Morning 4587, breakfast time.” The guard opened the cell door. Oliver shuffled to the mess hall. He did his best not to make eye contact but he heard the catcalls from the other cells.
He got in line, took his tray of state paid for food, sat at the end of a table alone. Maybe it would have been smart to make friends in here but nobody was willing to be friends with the Green Arrow.
Oliver looked up when he felt the table shake as someone put their tray down across from him. It was Cooper Seldon. If there was someone who could tempt him into a fight it was this guy. He hurt Felicity.
“Oliver Queen, how the mighty fall. Felicity sure knows how to pick them. I’m sure we have a lot to talk about. She always was a whiny bitch. Wanting to do good...seems she got over that. What did you have to do to turn her to the dark side?”
“Go away,” Oliver growled. He really didn’t want to get sent back to the solitary confinement, especially not for someone as useless as Seldon.
But Seldon kept talking. “Oh, am I bothering you? Too bad. You have no power here. Besides, I was just reminiscing. Perhaps we could trade some stories. I can let you know what Felicity liked in bed…”
It took but a moment, the food trays were gone, the table overturned. Oliver pinned Seldon to the wall. The other prisoners cheered at the idea of a fight.
Oliver held him up against the wall by his prison shirt. “She is my WIFE. You do not get to speak that way about her. Your past actions against her are reason enough for me to kill you while you sleep. You dare to taunt me? Maybe I should crack your neck right now?”
Seldon seemed to be realizing he may have overstepped, sweat began pouring down his face. “Look, I was just trying to friendly. We both know Felicity. Common interest, you know? You didn’t need to get all bent out of shape.”
“You have no idea who you are dealing with. I’m not bent out of shape but if you ever so much as speak my wife’s name again, I will bend you until you break.” Oliver slammed him against the wall again. “Do you understand?”
Seldon began to nod as the prison guards arrived “4587 hands behind your head!”
Oliver lay on the bed in his cell. He knew he was lucky not to get sent to solitary. But no blood had been drawn, that seemed to be the deciding factor. He should not have let Seldon get under his skin.
Felicity might be mad at him but she loved him. She chose him. Seldon was irrelevant. He tried to think what she might say in this situation. He frequently thought of what Felicity would recommend. She was so much smarter than him. Oliver knew he didn’t always get it right but he was trying.
He also knew his wife wasn’t perfect. He chuckled to himself. Given how to feels about Seldon now she might not be against Oliver pinning him to a wall to protect her honour.
“Prison 4587, Warden wants to see you.” Oliver rose from his bed as the heavy clank of the cell door opening echoed through the cell block.
Oliver had yet to meet the Warden, so he had no idea what he was walking into. He suspected it wouldn’t be good.
Oliver shuffled down two long corridors, down one set of stairs, both his hands and feet cuffed, they made it to their destination. The warden’s office was a small room, it kind of reminded Oliver of a principal’s office. The guard told him to stand in front of the desk and wait.
Oliver stood for a few minutes before he heard the clicking of high heels. He stood facing the desk as he had been told.  He didn’t get to see the woman’s face for a moment. But she always did know how to make an entrance. Amanda Waller.
Oliver was shocked. “I thought you were dead.”
Waller grinned. “Rumors of my demise were greatly exaggerated.”
“You were shot in the head. That generally does the trick. How? I mean how did you survive? You’re the warden?” Oliver was flabbergasted.
“Of course, I’m not the warden.” She said with disgust. “How I survived, I am not at liberty to say. What I am here to discuss is you Mr. Queen. Such a valuable asset locked up due to the incompetence of Samanda Watson. That woman really has no clue.”
Oliver nodded. He really didn’t know what to do. He was still shocked Waller was standing before him but then she always did have a habit of showing up. “What do you want, Amanda?”
“What I want is world peace and a vacation. We know both of those things are highly unlikely in my case. I’m working on a plan to get you out of here. Your city needs you. I will be in contact with your people as I understand your city is in trouble and not just due to this Diaz character. Really, Oliver, I can’t believe you didn’t take him down.” Waller narrowed her eyes at him.
Oliver shrugged. If he was being honest with himself, he couldn’t believe it either. “So what do you want me to do?”
“Stay alive. No more petty fights. Be the bigger person. Ignore these..” Waller waved her hand. “These criminals, you are better than them. Act like it.”
“So you are going to get me out? You know about the deal Watson had me sign?” Oliver tried to keep the hope out his voice.
“Oliver, that document has already been destroyed. Your city needs you. Star City has a tendency to attract the world’s worst criminals, something about their shoddy police force. Anyway, I don’t have time to deal with Star City’s problems, I’m a busy woman. I need you to handle them. I don’t know what Watson was thinking. We saw what happened to Starling when Ras killed you, why would she want a repeat? Amateur. I will be in touch.” Waller began to walk away.
“Wait. Does Lyla know? I mean, does she know that you are alive?”
Waller raised an eyebrow. “What do you think?” Then walked away.
Knowing that Waller was working to get him out of prison gave Oliver knew motivation to stay out of trouble. For the next weeks, he was able to keep ignoring the taunts, jeers and pushing from other inmates.
He couldn’t lie knowing that Waller recognized that Star City needed the Arrow was quite the boost to his confidence. He had survived worse than prison, he would survive this, as it meant getting back to Felicity and William.
Oliver was lucky his shower time was later when there were fewer people around. He could handle one or two inmates but if a group decided to gang up on him things could get messy. Waller did not like messy.
He stood in the shower letting the cold water run over him. Oliver missed his family and friends. He was reflecting on happier times when he felt the air move behind him. Felicity always said he had ninja skills, he turned around to block his attacker, of course, it was Seldon.
Oliver continued to block his punches as he moved out of the shower stall. “Didn’t you agree to leave me alone? I’m three times the man you are! Do you want to feel pain?”
Seldon continued to attack Oliver. “You don’t deserve her, you know. She’s mine.”
Clearly, Seldon was delusional. “Seldon, go away!” Oliver really didn’t want to break his word to Waller.
“No! You think you are better than me?” He sneered.
Oliver knew there was no choice but to end this. Where were the guards when you needed them. With one swift kick, he put Seldon through a brick barrier knocking him unconscious.
Of course, this is when the guards rushed in. “Prisoner 4587 on the ground now! Hands behind your head!”
Felicity never missed Oliver more than now knowing Diaz might come for their son. Sure she was mad as hell at him but protecting William alone was hard.
Luckily, she and William agreed to be a team. William was a good kid, never causing her an undue worry. They created ways to let the other know there was trouble.
Digg moved them to a gated community in the midwest. The house was like a large cottage with a wooded area behind. The people in town were friendly but Felicity mainly stayed out of their way.
For the first few months, they spent their time grieving the loss of Oliver, watching Netflix and eating pizza. School started again, William began making friends so Felicity was on her own more. She missed her husband. She missed the team and her job. Basically, she missed her life.
She broke protocol, contacting Digg.
Subject: Help
I need to help you. My son has returned to school and I’m left with nothing but time. I want to help. All I have is a tablet but I can make that work...unless you want to throw in a computer. I want to come home.
Please approve for my mental health
Miss you lots and lots
She created a new email account just for the email. She so hoped the ARGUS server would let it through.
Subject: Re: Help
I miss you too. You can help. Put up some protection and stay in contact. Let me know if you find anything useful. No computer.
Squee!! Felicity quickly got to work putting some feelers out.
A few weeks went by, she was feeling like a failure. How did a thug like Diaz manage to hide so well?
She was putting away groceries when she heard the knock on her door. William was at a friend’s place. She wasn’t expecting anyone. She slowly made her way to the door.
“It’s John,” John called out as he knocked.
She swung open the door, falling into his arms. “John, it’s so good to see you! I wasn’t expecting…” She turned to see the woman walking in behind him. “Amanda Waller, nice to see you too. I hope.”
Waller’s eyes narrowed, “Ms. Smoak, you don’t seem surprised to see me alive.”
“Let’s just say, I never really believed you were gone.” Felicity withdrew from John’s hug, turning to Waller. “What are you doing here? Did you catch Diaz?”
“No, Diaz has proven elusive for reasons I’ll never understand.” Waller looked at Felicity and Diggle cooly. “But Diaz is just one of many problems facing Star City without the Arrow. I’ve come to tell you, I’m bringing him back.”
“You’re going to get my husband out of prison?” Felicity smiled for the first time in months. Oliver was coming home.
“Yes, Watson was wrong to make that deal. She will be punished accordingly. Oliver is far more useful to me as the Green Arrow. It was either that or sending in a drone strike.” Waller quirked her lips.
“Does Oliver know?” Diggle couldn’t help asking.
“Yes, for now, it’s just the paperwork to settle. As long as he stays out of trouble he’ll be out shortly. I hope that his team will be ready to act about his release.” Waller smiled.
“We are ready to act but there is one problem, this anti-vigilante law. Or have you fixed that too?” Felicity looked at Waller wondering if this was where she slipped up.
“The law is currently being repealed. Star City needs the Green Arrow and the Green Arrow it shall have.”
Oliver’s release was delayed according to John, no details as to why. Still, he was coming home, that was all that mattered.
Felicity put off telling William in case the release fell through but she knew now she had to tell him. She was bursting with happy.
She pulled into their cottage thinking William should be home from school by now. She knew something was wrong the moment she got to the front door, it was ajar. She hesitantly pushed it open to see toppled chairs, books and magazines. Clearly, there had been a struggle. She also saw the green cloth William had thrown - forest. William was in the forest!
She ran out back looking for the ARGUS agents that protected their home. Sadly, they were both dead, bullet holes to the head.
She called the emergency number she for Digg as she ran towards the woods, she had to save William.
“Felicity?” Diggle answered immediately.
“Diaz! Diaz is here. He has William! I’m heading for the woods. The agents are dead!” Felicity was out of breath as she was running and talking at the same time.
“Felicity! Wait! Don’t go in the woods. Wait for backup. That’s an order.” Diggle spoke sternly.
“I don’t take orders from you. I’m going to save my son. Send backup.” Felicity hung up so she could focus on finding William. She ran to the clearing where they agreed to meet if something happened.
She skidded to a halt still disguised by the bushes, Diaz had a gun pointed at William. Felicity didn’t think. She began to run again. “Don’t you dare hurt my son!”
She ran at Diaz tackling him, sending them both to the ground, Diaz lost his grip on his gun. Diaz flipped them over, wrapping his fingers around her throat. “I planned on killing Oliver’s son but his wife will also work.” He sneered.
Felicity tried to push him off but his grip was getting tighter. She was starting to lose consciousness when she heard the gunshot. The next thing she knew Diaz was gone.
Felicity struggled to get up, William rushed forward to help her, gun still in hand. “William, baby, did you shoot Diaz?”
William nodded, he dropped the gun, fell into Felicity’s arms and began to cry.
Felicity soothed him rubbing his back, pressing kisses to his face. “It’s okay. You did the right thing. You saved my life. Your dad would be so proud of you.”
William pulled back to look at Felicity’s face.“But I didn’t kill him. I just shot him in the arm and he ran away. Are you sure you are okay?”
“Yeah, baby.” Felicity held William as he cried. A little while later she heard the backup arrive.
Oliver spent the next three weeks in solidarity. There was a lot of time to think about how he screwed up. But no matter what way he looked at it, he had to defend himself from Seldon. He could only hope he still was a chance he’d be released.
“Times up 4587!” The guard shouted at him waking him up.
Oliver wanted to ask what the guard meant but he knew he’d get no answer. The guard led him out of his temporary cell, down a dark hallway with a flickering overhead light.
As they kept walking it became clear that they were not headed back to Oliver’s original cell block.  Soon it became clear that he was being led back to the Warden’s office. He shuffled in the room to see Waller behind the desk.
“Mr. Queen, I thought I told you to avoid trouble.” Waller pursed her lips.
Oliver shrugged his shoulders. “I really did try. It was self-defence.” He hoped Waller would believe him.
“You put a man through a brick wall,” Waller said gravely. “I saw the video, you had no choice.”
Oliver was stunned. “Video? I was in the shower.”
“I know.” Waller gave him a smile letting him know she saw it all. “Your little stunt has left Star City more vulnerable than ever. Ms. Smoak has returned to help your team after she and your son were attacked at the safe house. They have leads but need you to take down Diaz. I STILL can’t figure out why he’s so hard to handle. Let me know if you need a drone strike to deal with this.”
“So, I’m getting out? Don’t tease me, Waller.” Oliver really couldn’t wait anymore especially know that he knew Diaz attacked his family.
Waller nodded to the guard. They came in, removed his cuffs. “Your personal effects are in the bathroom, get changed. I believe Ms. Smoak and Mr. Diggle are here to retrieve you. Oliver, your city needs the Green Arrow. You have unfinished business there so don’t even think of retiring.”
Oliver rushed to the washroom to change as quickly as possible. His clothes were a little looser than when he arrived and there were still bruises on his face but he was ready. He left the prison uniform on the floor.
Oliver followed Waller down the hall at a normal pace. So nice to walk without shackles.
Waller stopped in front of a closed door. “This is where I leave you. Handle Diaz and whatever comes your way.” She turned her back, walked away.
Oliver opened the door to find Felicity and Diggle on the other side. Felicity rushed forward, throwing herself into his arms. She began to cry. He could hear her murmuring “You’re coming home, you’re coming home.”
When Felicity finally pulled back a little he cupped her face, gave her a gentle kiss. “You have no idea how much I missed you.”
He kept his arms around his wife, nodded to John. “So good to see you again.”
Oliver looked down at Felicity. “Come on let’s go home. I hear we have a city to save.”
As they walked out of the prison, Oliver shook his head. “I still can’t believe Wallers alive.”
“I know! You think Lyla would have mentioned it.” John shook his head.
“I can’t believe you both didn’t know!” Felicity chuckled.
Oliver’s eyes widened. “You knew?”
“Not officially, but let’s just say I wasn’t surprised.” Felicity smiled at her men. “Come on as Waller told us we have unfinished business to address! Oh and Oliver don’t think I didn’t hear about that shower fight, I need details, lots of details.”
Thanks so much for reading!
@memcjo @wherethereissmoak @green-arrows-of-karamel @mel-loves-all @spaztronautwriter @charlinert @tdgal1 @oliverfel4 @vaelisamaza @coal000 @miriam1779 @laurabelle2930 @onceuponarrow @cruzrogue @lageniuswannabe @blondeeoneexox
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mel-loves-all · 6 years
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Inspired by the Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon 2018 @thebookjumper 
Prompt:  Wanting: Is someone yearning for something?
“Talk about unthinkable.  You and me, I mean.  When you told me you loved me. You had me fooled for a second.  Maybe you might have meant it..What you said.  You really sold it...”
.......”We both did”.
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thebookjumper · 6 years
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Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon - Week 4: Closed Door.
Hello, everyone!  I know - I’m SO far behind.  I’m trying to play catch up over the next week or so.  Thank you for all your support these past few weeks - that’s why this fandom is the absolute best.   We had some awesome submissions for this prompt - so everyone should go check them out!
The fics for this week are:
(In no particular order)
On The Other Side by @geneshaven - Rating: Not Rated - Oliver comes home.
Open and Closed Doors by @hope-for-olicity - Rating: General Audiences - Felicity remembers all the open and closed doors throughout her relationship with Oliver.
Hidden Talents - Chapter 2: When One Door Closes Open A Window For Fresh Air by @laureningall - Rating: Teen and Up - Oliver is well on his way to taking over his family company after closing the door on his former playboy lifestyle. His new role would mean more trips to Palmer Technologies and he hoped, a chance to meet up with Felicity Smoak once again. He would bet that she was just breath of fresh air his life needed.
Kingdom Come - Chapter 2: Love Is An Open Door by @dmichellewrites - Rating: Explicit - Superheroes in a farmhouse combine with intriguing reunions.
Closeted Confessions (Made in a Bathroom) by @thatmasquedgirl - Rating: Mature - Oliver and Felicity come clean. Literally. They both take showers. More Pineapple Investigations, this time involving a towel, two confessions, and an awkward entrance.
Come, Tell Me How You Live - Chapter 4: Closed Door by @smewhereelse - Rating: Teen and Up - Oliver gets locked out, Felicity to the rescue.
Through a Closed Door by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Rating: General Audiences - An alternate way for Felicity to have found out about Oliver's plan to propose.
I'm Glue, Baby - Chapter 3: Save Your Heart by @felicityollies - Rating: Explicit - Oliver has hidden himself away from the world. He’s closed the door on his heart to keep himself from getting hurt. After everything that happened on Lian Yu and in Jurassic World who could blame him. But when his ex-girlfriend, Felicity, comes to ask him to help save the last remaining dinosaurs on the island, including his beloved raptor, Blue, he has some important decisions to make.
Lie(s?) No More by @mindramblingsfics - Rating: Mature - Life is great and then it's turned upside down. Oliver Queen thought he had a kush security job for the CIA, while spending time with the woman he loved, Felicity Smoak. The moment Oliver came across some key information, he was soon wrapped up in things way above his pay grade. To keep Felicity safe, he was forced to come clean about his real career previously keeping her in the dark. Ultimately, he sacrificed their relationship to keep her safe. After a year apart, they cross paths again.
A Queen - Chapter 4: The Queen's Shadow by @missyriver - Rating: Teen and Up - It's been six weeks since the attack; Felicity and Oliver are moving on with their lives. He is watching, waiting and soon he'll make his move from the shadows.
audere est facere, olicity by @effie214 - Rating: Not Rated - He dared, so they do, too. For six years, a man in a hood led a movement to try and save their city. Now it’s their turn to save him.
Don’t forget to let me know if I missed yours somehow - I try my best, but I’m only human.  If I did, let me know and I’ll send it back around!
@missyriver @almondblossomme @spaztronautwriter @wherethereissmoak @felicityollies @cainc3 @wanhani @dust2dust34 @cruzrogue @hope-for-olicity @babblekween @dmichellewrites @callistawolf @the-queenfamily @angelalafan @bokayjunkie @moonbebesworld @scu11y22 @jamyjan @crankyandbitchy @geniewithwifi @smoakingskye @some1foundme @xxlissaxxx @nerdyandturdy @imusuallyobsessed @leonie1988 @miriam1779 @diggo26 @amphoteros @tdgal1 @jedichick04 @walker-oliciter @squidbillybritt @green-arrows-of-karamel @uhhmanderrmitch @smoakmonster @ourwritinginvein @spacemomnephmoreau @gypsyfire1066 @creativelylisa @sharingmyworld @laurabelle2930 @overwatchandarrow @pennedbyv @dinzbinz @jlr1224 @crazycrystal10 @ccdimples88 @perfectlittlesoul @mariposablue9 @quiveringbunny @thearrowandhisgirlwednesday @mammashof @1106angel @onceuponanolicity @fallingmeleth @mel-loves-all @releaseurinhibitions @thatmasquedgirl @babblingblondegenius @bitchwhwifi @olicitysmoaky @lover4eternity @a-w-mouse @rynflo @charlinert @laureningall @madhaj @arrowfan437 @obibaldwin @smewhereelse @memcjo @pleasantfanandstudent @chachurka @truemyth @jemmaacarters @ivorykeys09 @mshellbrat @smoaking-greenarrow @greensmoak00 @bowsmoakandarrow @deathanddignitybedamned  @mje-thomas @lunaqueen-45 @lemmyeatspeaches  @onceuponanolicity @folly1977 @it-was-a-red-heeler @sovvannight @cinfos  @smoakmonster @lageniuswannabe @hollywoodkats @lovelycssefan @flowerandsunshine @wedoitallthetime @allimariexf   @ivorykeys09  @xghost-fox-goddesssx @erika-amber @jennonthewire @swordandarrow @devotedolicityfan @24karatgem @theshipsfirstmate @fellicityqueen @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl @effie214
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wrldtravler · 6 years
The Price We Pay (A 6.5 Fic)
Hello! So, I have this little thing for @thebookjumper‘s AMAZING Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon. I absolutely loved it last year, and it’s definitely much needed since our poor bb’s are stupidly separated, once again, by a finale (yes, I’m low key throwing shade at the former Arrow writers, because... just why??).
Consider this a 6.5 fic, but it’s definitely NOT speculative because, let’s be honest, it looks like we’ll never see a proper honeymoon for them. This is a little late, but it’s for the Week 3 prompt, Hidden!
Enjoy :)
The Price We Pay
Prompt: Hidden
Rated: M
"Is that what it will take?"
Samanda Watson observed her for a moment, those calculating, unforgiving eyes carefully noting every little change in her expression. "Yes. You do this for the FBI and I can give you what you want in return."
Her heart soared with hope that might be too premature. "You can guarantee we'll be alone?"
There was an unimpressed eyebrow raised in response. "I keep my word, Mrs. Smoak. And I trust you to keep yours because you know what you lose if you renege our deal."
Felicity pursed her lips, lifting a nervous hand to press her glasses back into place. She had never been a fan of Agent Watson or her condescending tone. "I can handle it." She retorted. "And William stays with me." She reminded, pinning her fierce eyes on the FBI Agent.
Leaning back in her chair, Samanda smirked. "Of course." She confirmed with a nod.
A soft breath left her. That was the biggest concern. She didn't care what happened to herself, as long as she could still look out for William... that's all she needed from this. "So, we have a deal?" Felicity confirmed, standing and holding her hand out across the desk.
Slowly, Samanda nodded her head. Rising to her feet, she met Felicity's hand with her own for a quick shake. "It seems we have ourselves a deal."
He didn't know how long he had been out. The moment he did drift back to consciousness, he knew he wasn't in Slabside anymore.
It was warm. Not oppressively hot, but that delicious warmth one experiences while basking in the glow of a beautiful day. His ears picked up on the typically annoying caw of gulls overhead. Now, it sounded like music to his ears. Stretching his achy limbs, his fingers brushed soft sand. Those same fingers closed around the pliant material moments later, savoring the soothing feeling. Then, there were the waves. The rhythmic push and pull of water nearby nearly lulled him back to sleep.
And, that might nearly have happened if it weren't for his mind going into survival mode.
His eyes popped open, but he was forced to squint them shut again at the immediately blinding brightness of the sun. Throwing his hand over his face for protection, his bought his eyes some time to adjust as he scrambled to his knees. His eyes didn't leave any corner of his immediate surroundings untouched. But, it was just endless beach and an equally endless tree line.
And from that very tree line, Oliver picked up the sound of unnatural rustling. His eyes immediately swung to the spot, just to his right, and then frantically searched his surroundings once more. There was nothing to use for cover. He had no idea what was in the ocean behind him, so that was a no-go as well. So, he got to his feet quickly, bracing his body for battle.
Moments later, his "assailant" emerged from the tree line, less than twenty feet from him, glowing as bright as the sun above him in her white sundress. The sight should have relaxed him, even been euphoric, but it was quite the opposite. He hadn't considered that he was still dreaming... or even hallucinating. It seemed, at first glance, to be another Lian Yu situation - maybe the FBI trying to discretely dispose of him, or they were pulling an Amanda Waller and send him on some suicide covert mission without his knowledge or consent. However, the sight before him certainly meant hallucination or dream. Maybe all the beatings he took from the other inmates were finally taking their toll on his brain...
Her breathless words were nearly carried away by the strong sea breeze, but he caught them. It was a single word, but it was broken, relieved, and full of so much love. It didn't dare to hope, but the emotions were too raw for his desperate brain to conjure on their own.
His own voice sounded foreign. Just as broken. The word, one he hadn't spoken in months, tasted foreign in his mouth.
From the way her face screwed up and her watery smile, she was clearly fighting tears. Something resembling a cough and a sob slipped from her lips, which she attempted to cover with a hand.
At the sound, his shoulders drooped. His own eyes teared up, and not because of the sun still cutting into his vision. Sucking in a shaky breath, he tried to open his mouth to say something else, but his lips only quivered around the words.
Even as she started towards him, tentative at first, he didn't move, still holding on to his last reservations. He couldn't let himself really accept that this was real because of the crushing disappointment that would likely follow if it wasn't. But, as she stepped into his space, her body nearly brushing his, he caught the glint of her wedding band against the sun as her hand came up to rest against his chest.
Like a dam breaking, his eyes only flashed back up to her loving gaze for a moment before he swarmed her. Wrapping his arms firmly around her waist, he pulled her close, burying his nose into the crown of her head. With a deep inhale, he hummed. Her smell. It was strong. Nothing like the faint memory he sometimes dreamt about. Somehow, she was here, in his arms again, nails digging almost painfully into his back through the thin shirt he wore. Yet another confirmation that this moment was real.
He wasn't ready to let go, but the urge to really look into her eyes again drove him to pull back. With the shift, Felicity lifted her face to his, her eyes now wet with happy tears. Her radiant grey-blue eyes clashed with his own piercing blues. Then, his lips were on hers, his hand sliding into the hair at the base of her neck.
Digging her fingers deeper into his back, Felicity pressed herself up onto her toes to meet him. It was desperate, filled with a need on both their parts to feel the human contact they had been deprived for so many months.
"How?" He forced out between heavy breaths when they parted. "How is this happening?"
Felicity stiffened in his arms. Lifting a hand, she cupped his now fully-bearded jaw. Quietly, she dropped her eyes to his chin, stroking her fingers through the soft hairs.
"Fe-li-ci-ty." He pressed, his stomach sinking at her actions.
"Oliver, I..." She started quickly but cut off with a sigh. Lifting her eyes back to his, they were hesitant now. "Come back to the house with me, then we can talk... about everything."
Oliver's brows pinched together with a quiet but frustrated huff. He needed to know what Felicity had gotten herself into to arrange this, but they needed to talk about more than just that and this wasn't the place for that conversation. "Lead the way."
Despite the tension of their looming conversation lingering between them, they made the entire walk hand-in-hand, never drifting far from the other. If Oliver weren't solely focused on what he was going to say to Felicity in a few minutes, he would have noticed that the hidden bungalow they entered was stunning – like something made for a romantic getaway.
Felicity led him to the spacious couch situated in the beautiful open space, the sea breeze swirling into and out of the bungalow through the open walls. Once seated, they were only inches apart on the count, bodies instinctively turned towards the other, Felicity's leg that was curled underneath her on the couch resting lightly against his thigh.
"What is this, Felicity?" He asked hesitantly.
Gulping, she turned her gaze to a random spot to their left. As she nervously curled her lower lip between her teeth, a familiar crease marred her brow. Reaching out, he placed a hand on hers fidgeting in her lap, drawing one of them away and linking their fingers. Turning her eyes back to him, she squeezed his fingers in hers with a small smile.
"We have 24 hours... well less than that now." She started, and now that the dam was open the words tumbled out. "I couldn't... The way you left, it wasn't right. I miss you, so much. We never got to really talk about all of this. We never got a proper honeymoon. So, I made a deal with the FBI, my services for 24 hours, totally alone, with you. To talk. To be with you. To do this the way it should have been done. I couldn't wait until your release, because there's no way of knowing that will ever happen..." She finally trailed off, fresh tears welling in her eyes at the thought.
Squeezing her hand comfortingly, he reached up to brush a stray tear that finally found freedom. He didn't want to give her false words – he'd learned recently that it wasn't wise to make promises he didn't know if he could keep. And, as always, Felicity was right. About all of it. "I'm surprised you want to see me at all." He offered weakly.
"No." She fired back quickly, her voice rising. "Oliver Jonas Queen, you are still my husband, so stop thinking like that, mister. You can't get rid of me that easily. But, you do have a lot of explaining to do before we continue."
He reared back, surprised by the sudden change. After leaving the way he did, hiding the deal from her the same way he failed to disclose that William existed, he feared she wouldn't wait for him like she always promised. Said fear kept him up most nights, so to hear her words now soothed his heart.
One thing still nagged at him, though. "Before we continue, what deal did you make?"
As quickly as her bravado came to her, it faded with the question. "I uh made my own deal with Watson. I traded my own serviced for the next year for 24 un-interrupted hours with you on this island. William will stay with me of course, that was non-negotiable, but we'll be under FBI protection now. I agreed to help them track down high profile criminals around the world..."
"Felicity!" He hissed, standing from the couch suddenly, breaking their contact. Quietly, he paced in front of her, hands flexing at his side. "Why would you do that?" He turned on her suddenly with desperate eyes. "You know you're in their custody now. You have no freedom. They say it's only a year, but there's no way they're going to let you go after this. Why would you give that up for this?"
Rising to her feet, she stared him down, chest-to-chest. "You're one to talk about making life-changing deals! And don't tell me that this isn't worth it. That's wrong, and you know it." She nearly growled, emphasizing her point with a firm poke to his just as firm chest.
"I did what I did to protect you and William. I didn't see any other way."
"How is this different?! I don't know if you're ever coming home, Oliver. I couldn't stand by, wondering what if, letting this thing fester between us. You, me, our love, your commitment to William. My freedom is a small price to pay to save what matters most to me."
Clamping his mouth shut, he huffed a frustrated breath through his nostrils. But, he couldn't argue her point since he did do the very same thing with his own choice.
"Why did you hide it from me?" She pressed on, not giving him any time to breath before diving back in.
"I was afraid." He murmured, dropping his gaze from hers, the fight quickly leaving him.
"Afraid of what?"
"I knew you would convince me otherwise. How many times have you told me we find another way." He reminded with a tired laugh. "We were outnumbered and if we didn't stop Diaz while we had the advantage... I couldn't risk anything happening to you and William if he was still on the loose."
Felicity snorted at that. "Ironic isn't it? That, after all that, we didn't end up catching him, and here I am." She remarked dryly.
Oliver was quiet, head drooped, pulling his ashamed eyes away from hers.
"But, that's not the point... You're not on your own, and you know damn well that you haven't been for a while now. Your decisions have consequences, and not just on me anymore. We have William, now. I know you meant well, but he just lost his Mom a year ago, Oliver, and then you took yourself away from him, voluntarily! He's confused." She continued.
Before Oliver could open his mouth to retort, she held up a hand. "I know. He has me. And, I love him, but I'm not his biological parent. He's known me for six months, and suddenly I'm his sole guardian. That was unfair to him, babe."
Those words hit home, making Oliver wince. "Is-Is he okay? How's he doing?"
"He's strong, just like his father." She said, a hint of pride lacing her weak smile.
Oliver took one of Felicity's limp hands in his, lacing their fingers together. "How are you doing?"
"I- I miss you. Some days are better than others. Adjusting has been... difficult."
It was subtle, but his face contorted with pain at her words. "Can you ever forgive me?"
"Yes." She responded instantly, but there were words left unspoken in her eyes.  
Despite that, his heart thumped with momentary joy. "But, not yet, right?" He ventured.
Folding her lips together, Felicity nodded. "I'm not going anywhere. I. Love. You." She reminded him with firm words, cupping his jaw. "Trust me, I am under no delusion that we're perfect, but, Oliver, we still have to work on being a team. If... no, when we get out of this, we're going to take time to be better."
Leaning into her hand, he nodded. "Anything." He breathed. "I thought I learned from all of the mistakes of my past, but I guess that isn't true. I want to be better for you and William because you both are the best things that have ever happened to me." Leaning forward, he pressed a soft kiss to her upper lip. "I'm sorry."
When he pulled back, Felicity's eyes were half-open now, a serene smile on her lips. "Hmm? I don't think I caught that."
That pulled a grin over his own lips. "I'm sorry." He repeated with another kiss, winding an arm around her waist to pull her close. "I'm so, so sorry, for all of this." He whispered against her lips.
She wound an arm around his neck, pressing herself against him. "Why don't you take me over to the bed, show me how sorry you are, and get our honeymoon started." She purred, nibbling playfully at his lower lip.
Deftly, Oliver slipped his hands under her thighs, lifting her off the floor which forced Felicity to wrap her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. "Anything for my beautiful wife." He smiled, pressing a kiss against her lips as he started for the bed in front of him.
This time, the kiss didn't end so quickly. Oliver took his time worshiping her lips, even as he sat down on the bed with Felicity in his lap, her dress completely bunched around her waist in the new position. Her fingers tangled into his unkempt hair. Tugging on the strands, Felicity pressed herself into him. He growled against her lips as his body immediately responded to her.
When he finally did tear his lips from hers, it with a new mission on his mind. His hands went to his shirt, tugging it off hastily with her help. He allowed her, for a moment, to explore, running her hands reverently over everything: his shoulders, chest, scars old and new. Oliver's own gaze watched her as she soaked it in, the fascination and hunger in her own gaze testing his control.
It snapped quickly. Wrapping his hands around her thighs that straddled him, he pressed them higher until he brushed the material of her dress. Before she knew what his intentions were, Felicity wiggled her hips against him, begging for his touch elsewhere. Pressing back against her, his grip around her dress tightened briefly, fighting the needs of his body as he forced himself to drag the dress over her head.
But, as soon as the dress was on its way to the floor, Oliver wrapped a tight arm around her waist and flipped them over, nearly throwing Felicity on the bed in his haste.
"Oliver!" She squeaked with a giggle as she settled into place in the middle of the bed.
"What?" He asked innocently against her lips. Through his grin, he placed a lingering kiss to her lips before rising to his full height at the foot of the bed. Quickly, he discarded the rest of his clothing. Felicity took the hint and discarded her last remaining item as well. Though Oliver would have been content to stand there and gaze upon his gorgeous wife spread out over the silky white sheets, his body demanded they complete their task, so he quickly crawled back between her legs as soon as she successfully removed the item of clothing.
The moment he re-joined her, her hand dipped between their bodies to palm him. Oliver's head instantly dropped to her shoulder with a groan. "Felicity, please... It's been a while, I don't think..."
She had the audacity to laugh but didn't stop her ministrations. "That would be such a shame, dear husband, because I've been looking forward to feeling you insi-"
He cut her off quickly, crashing his lips against hers as he reached between them to still her hand. Replacing it with his own hand, Felicity hiked one leg up over his ass just in time for him to line himself up and slide home.
"Oh... yes...." Felicity gasped, digging the heel of her foot into his backside as she pressed her hips up against his.
Oliver's hands curled into the sheets near Felicity's head. "Yeah." He laughed out with a giddy grin.
Craning her neck, Felicity pressed a kiss to his lips through her own smile.
That woke something in Oliver and he started to move against her. Their lips parted, but they remained close, noses and lips brushing with every thrust. As Felicity's pleasure rose, her fingers dug into his back, her body slowly arching. For Oliver, his pants turned into soft grunts and his thrusts became more urgent.
Sliding a hand down the thigh wrapped around his waist, Oliver dug his fingers into her ass, pulling her as close as he could manage. It didn't take long for his rhythmic thrusts to quicken. "Felicity, I..."
"Please." She urged against his lips, starting to writhe under him with the slightly new angle.
With that simple word, Oliver stilled over her with a broken groan as he finished.
Shifting his weight onto one of his arms, Oliver wasted no time in slipping a hand between them. The moment his fingers brushed her, Felicity gasped under him, throwing her head back. Dipping his head, he brushed his lips under her jaw in a particularly sensitive place for her. "That's it, hon, let go."
His fingers didn't have to work much longer because she tightened around him shortly after, her hands desperately grasping at his back as her orgasm slammed into her. "O-oh god, y-yes." She moaned, writhing erratically under him.
Removing his hand, Oliver curled it around her waist to hold her close, letting her ride it out as he peppered her jawline and neck with kisses.
As her spasms subsided, Felicity relaxed back into the bed and placed a hand on his jaw.
Lifting his gaze back up to hers, Oliver gave her a content smile. Felicity, with her shining eyes, returned his smile. They met in the middle, lips coming together in a tender kiss. When they separated, Oliver took a moment to slip out of her before rolling onto his back, taking her with him so she remained curled in his embrace.
"Am I forgiven?" He asked, only slightly teasingly, as he tilted his head down to press a kiss into her hair.
Felicity lifted her head, resting her chin on his chest so she could meet his eye. "I don't know. I think you need to apologize some more." She said, trying to keep her voice even, but the glint in her eyes had Oliver grinning.
"You said we're completely alone, right?" He confirmed. "Totally hidden away on this island?"
She nodded against his chest. "Mmhmm." She hummed, folding her lips together.
Placing finger under her chin, Oliver urged her closer until he could capture her lower lip between his. "How about..." He started between kisses, "I make us some food, and then we go for an evening swim." He offered, still peppering her lips with slow kisses.
"That's not what I meant, babe." She pouted against his lips, wiggling against him.
Reaching down, Oliver stilled her hips with a soft laugh. "Trust me, I don't plan on sleeping, but I think you'll like this, very much." He promised, nibbling on her lower lip.
"Well... when you put it that way." Felicity relented with an amused huff, placing a hand on his bearded jaw as she leaned in to meet him for a lingering kiss.
"Happy honeymoon, Felicity." Oliver whispered against her lips.
Pausing, Felicity pulled back just enough to look into his eyes. The contentment and love in his gaze pulled tears to her own. "Happy honeymoon, Oliver." She echoed, sealing it with another of the many kisses they would share over the coming hours.
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theshipsfirstmate · 6 years
Arrow Fic: You Always Knew the Melody, But You’d Never Heard it Rhyme
post-6x23. Felicity comes to terms with being a newly single parent.
“The diamond on her left hand catches the sunlight, and it reminds her how the right things can become beautiful under pressure.”
A/N: Hi guys! So I’m writing a post-s6 fic without having watched s6 and it’s pretty much @effie214’s fault. Forgive me if there’s anything grievously wrong (again, no idea what happened other than gifsets I saw) but all credit to her if you like it.
This was also inspired by the first Hiatus Fic-a-Thon prompt: “Revelation,” (thanks to @thebookjumper for that!) because I saw it and couldn't stop thinking about Felicity realizing that Oliver had turned her into her mother. And because I'm me, that became a few thousand words of angst. It's great to be back.
Title from “The Mother” by Brandi Carlile.
You Always Knew the Melody, But You’d Never Heard it Rhyme (AO3)
The rest of the day passes in a dull, aching blur.
Save for a few important moments that remain crystal clear in her memory, from the second Felicity loses sight of the armored federal van that’s taking Oliver away, it’s like she’s moving on autopilot. Digg says something that sounds reassuring -- even though she can't really make out his words -- and a uniformed man presses a packet of papers into her hands with an uneasy half-smile. When she looks down, it takes a few blinks before she can make out the forms, stamped with booking numbers and information on picking up personal effects
William stands at her side in the aftermath, stock still and quiet like always, and it takes her maybe too long to realize that he’s waiting on her.
She needs to get him fed. She needs to get him home. She needs to keep him safe. The routine isn’t that far out of the ordinary, but she’s hyper-aware that it’s just the two of them now. This could be their new normal, something that lasts for weeks or months or years, she realizes, and her heart breaks all over again for the boy beside her -- who lost the mother he's had all his life and the father he just got to know, one after the other. Now all he has is her.
Amid the storm inside, the revelation hits Felicity like a bolt of summer lightning, cracking wide and bright across the black, and illuminating something she's not sure she's ready to see.
She's a mother now. She had been before, in a sense, had warily made her peace with the “fun stepmom” role and found herself enjoying it more than she ever thought she could. She adores spending time with William, loves the family she and Oliver have made with a heart-rending ferocity and cherished every moment, despite how it all came together.
But this is something else entirely.
Now, she’s essentially a single parent, and there are so many terrifying added levels stacking up on that reality. She's someone else's whole world, and it doesn't matter that she didn't plan this, didn't even have time to strategize the adjustment. It doesn't matter that she never dreamt of this life as a girl -- or since -- never played “Mommy” to a doll with wide, unmoving eyes and floral-scented hair. None of that matters now. William is what matters.
Felicity thinks of her own mother, and then she thinks of strawberry ice cream.
She remembers knowing immediately that something was off that day, when her mother offered her ice cream right after school. It was the good stuff, too -- Häagen-Dazs, not the syrupy block of ice from the drug store case. Donna had plied her with a giant bowl of strawberry, her favorite, when she decided to break the news, and it took Felicity years to realize that it was probably to slow the inevitable deluge of questions about why her father had left, and when he was coming back. It was a way for Donna to keep her daughter from realizing how few answers she had to offer.
To this day, strawberry ice cream still makes her a little nauseous. Mint chocolate chip, on the other hand, has never reminded her of watching her mother’s mascara smudge off onto a pile of crumpled Kleenex.
She finds herself oddly comforted when she’s ordering takeout for them later and remembers there's a pint in the freezer -- but the feeling is quickly sunk by the memory of how Oliver had kissed her sweetly when she pulled it out of the grocery bag last week, shrugging his shoulders as she half-heartedly scolded him about sticking to the list.
“I want you to have everything you need,” he had whispered against her lips, “and everything you want.”
The food comes to the door eventually, and Felicity hopes William doesn’t see the way she jumps when the delivery woman knocks. It’s from one of their favorite places, but she barely tastes a thing as the two of them drift into half-consciousness in front of a Netflix show that pauses every few episodes to make them come to terms with their own humanity, in the form of an on-screen prompt that reads more and more condescending every time it asks if they’re still watching.
She gets up for more wine at one point, and realizes she should clear the dishes. That’s something a mother would do. It’s a battle against her ugliest instincts, a war against the way her broken heart is begging her to wallow in Oliver's absence, to sink into the couch and never stand up, to run as fast as she can away from the black hole of hurt that’s threatening to consume everything she loves about this life. But she doesn’t have that option anymore.
“We’ll get him back,” she offers, voice only cracking a little, when she realizes William’s watching her instead of the screen. They've had some version of this conversation before, but she doesn't know how else to reassure him. “I’m not sure how, yet. But he always comes back.”
The boy doesn’t offer a response at first, just leans forward on the sofa to silently help her stack up the plastic and foam containers and shakes his head in response when she asks if he wants any dessert. When she returns from the kitchen, though, he has a question that pulls the rug from under her.
“Is this the worst it’s ever been?”
“No.” Felicity answers on pure, base instinct, as her forehead burns with a flashback to a kiss that came with a declaration and her fingers twitch at the sense memory of the mottled patch of scar tissue just under Oliver’s rib cage. But then she considers. “Maybe.”
Looking into his son’s worried eyes, she knows that there are things more tragic than death. Especially for Oliver. “This will probably be the worst time for him.”
“Because of me.” Felicity forgets sometimes, because he’s so quiet, just how insightful William can be. She makes herself promise, in that moment, never to hurt him with an obvious lie.
Instead she just gives him a watery nod. “Because of how much he loves you.”
“And you too.”
“Yeah, and me too.” This time around, at least she’s sure of that much.
She thinks back to the moments that William is asking about without knowing -- all the times Oliver has died, or come within a breath, all the times he’s run, every tiny tragedy that forced him to sell his soul or sacrifice his humanity. They were selfless actions, ultimately, but that hadn't stopped the pieces of Felicity's heart from chipping away every time. Each hurt is a little different, she’s learned, warped in a way that makes it impossible to fully anticipate.
“Your dad has always been someone who would do anything for his family,” she finds herself repeating softly, flashing back again to the old bunker and the weathered longing of the girl she had been then. “I just wish you two had more time, before....”
Her voice is so close to cracking, and she doesn't want William to hear it, so she leaves the end of the sentence where it lies and reaches behind her on the couch for a blanket. But she freezes with the folded fleece in her hand when he speaks again.
“If you believe the team can get him back, then so do I.” They can still have that time, he's trying to tell her. There's still a future where Oliver gets the chance to be the father he was trying so hard to become, where he gets the family he's been longing for. They just have to find their way there.
It's a cautious but optimistic kind of faith that William has, endearing and trusting, and Felicity wonders where it comes from. Maybe it’s his mother’s, maybe it’s an echo of the pre-Gambit Oliver she never had a chance to know. That he’s willing to place that faith in her, however, she knows where that comes from just as surely as the blue in his eyes.
“I do believe it,” she tells him, tasting the words in her mouth and realizing that's they're true. “And I believe in your dad.”
“Me too.” He lays back across his end of the couch then, and pulls his legs up parallel to hers, sharing the blanket when she offers it. A few episodes later, his eyes are closed and the light, steady sound of his breathing echoes around her when the Netflix screen goes to black again.
Felicity stands after a long moment, and takes in the sight of Oliver’s son, sleeping on the couch, as a pang of domestic nostalgia plunges through her chest. He’s surely exhausted, but he looks peaceful in a way she knows is impossible, and her eyes offer up a fresh round of tears when she realizes that, if Oliver were here, he could carry him to bed. Without his strength, her options are limited to either leaving William to sleep on the couch or waking him and having to watch the day’s events wash over him again. There's not really a choice to make.
She tucks the blanket up a little higher, pressing a kiss to his forehead and switching off the TV and the nearby lights before climbing the stairs to her own room, where another heartbreak awaits.
Felicity slept alone for years before Oliver, but since they've been together, something inside her has shifted. The prospect of getting into a bed that doesn’t have him in it feels crushingly, hopelessly lonely in a way it never used to. But she's bone-tired too, so she washes her face and changes into one of his old hoodies, wrapping herself in the scent of his soap and favorite fabric softener, before curling around his pillow and crying herself into a fitful slumber.
It doesn’t last long. She drifts in and out for a while before she accepts that she's just too anxious to get any real rest. Instead, she lays there and thinks about what lies ahead. She wonders how long Oliver will be gone this time, how much he'll miss. She worries about his safety and agonizes over the likelihood that the person who will hurt him the most while he's locked up is already in that one-man cell with him. She considers how grateful she is that Thea wasn't here to watch her brother get dragged away again, even though Felicity selfishly longs for the support. And she thinks about the boy downstairs, who is now looking to her as his only parent.
Before she realizes it, she’s spent a few hours working herself into something of a frenzy. But even then, she has to wait a little longer until it's a semi-reasonable hour to make a phone call.
There's at least a half dozen well-thought-out questions on the tip of her tongue as she dials the number, but the second Felicity hears her mother’s voice, there’s only one thing she can think to ask.
“How did you do it?”
She sounds like a stranger to her own ears, but thankfully, Donna is with her immediately. “Felicity? What’s wrong?”
The tears start to fall immediately. Maybe they never stopped.
“How did you do it, mom? When dad left, how did you…” The words catch in her throat on an emotional trip wire that leaves her sputtering.
“Hon, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?”
“Oliver’s… Oliver has to go away for a while. You might see something on the news.” Her mother’s not one to spend much time on the internet, but Felicity cringes at the thought of Donna flipping channels and coming across Oliver’s perp walk.
“Oh baby,” her mother croons mournfully, “I'm so sorry.”
“Yeah. Me too.” Felicity feels a panicked stutter in her chest, and tries to will her heart rate down with deep, shuddering breaths. “I just… I’m so worried. For him, and for William.”
All her calming techniques are for naught, though, because there are tears in Donna’s voice now, and it's a contagious kind of thing. “That poor, sweet boy. How is he taking it?”
“He's as good as can be expected, I guess. But mom, I can't… I don't know how to do this by myself. Parenting, and everything. I’ve never done it without Oliver.”
“Well, you love him, right?”
“Yeah, of course,” she answers dumbly. “He's my husband.” It's as simple as that, or at least it should be. She’s loved Oliver since before she even knew what it was, and she plans to love him forever; she should be able to do this for him without a second thought.
But her mother interrupts her train of guilty, weighted thought before she can take it over the cliff. “Not Oliver, hon. William.”
“Oh. Yeah. Yes, of course.” It's the truth, and Felicity knows it, even if the veracity of it surprises her a little. Just a year ago, she had been shell-shocked at the boy's mere existence, and now he has his very own compartment in her heart. “Of course I do.”
“Then that's where you start,” Donna tells her, matter of fact. “Kids need a lot. But that's what they need the most.”
She wonders if her mother's always been this wise, or if this is just something that kicks in when your kid needs you. She wonders if that's something she'll find out on her own.
“I don't want to ruin his life. I don’t want him to think I’m trying to be his mom.”
“Oh, baby, you won't ruin his life.” Donna sounds so certain, still, and it might be silly but it helps. “You do your best for that boy and he'll be better for it. I'm sure of that. Hard times can make good people strong. Remember what Bubbe used to say about diamonds?”
Felicity makes a soft sound of acknowledgement, though she's fairly certain the metaphor was not unique to her grandmother.
“I hate that's it's true, but you're a shining example of that, my darling girl,” her mother says, with a different kind of ache in her voice. “And, for that matter, so is Oliver. I'd say William's got a pretty good shot.”
The words temper things a bit, but the mention of her own formative fatherless years stokes another kind of worry.
“Mom, you might start hearing some things about Oliver as all of this plays out. I want you to know, he…”
“Honey, I know everything I need to know,” Donna interrupts, waving her off with a casual tone. “That husband of yours is a good man with a good heart, and I knew it the first time I met him -- just like I know that it would take death or the devil himself to drag him away from you.”
If only her mother knew how many times they've actually contended with those threats exactly, Felicity thinks. Still, something in Donna's assessment soothes the feral bit of panic that's made itself a home in her gut until it feels almost manageable. “Thanks, mom.”
“As for William,” her mother adds, “you don’t have to love him like he’s yours, you know. You just have to love him.”
They say their goodbyes with a promise to talk soon, and Felicity pulls herself out of bed to make her way downstairs and start the first day of whatever this is going to be. William’s already up, standing on his tiptoes at the counter, dunking slices of bread into a large mixing bowl.
She stands for a moment on the stairs, watching him, and then suddenly, she's transported back to the tiny kitchen at her mother’s apartment in Vegas. She sees herself, boiling water for Kraft macaroni and cheese, tiny glasses fogging up because she's just barely taller than the saucepan on the stovetop. To this day, there's still a silvery patch of skin on the back of her wrist, from the handful of times she had overshot the colander with the steaming pot of boiling pasta.
But that won't happen to William. That kind of latchkey loneliness won't ever be his life. She will not fall to pieces in his father's absence and, mercifully, they have the resources to ensure that he won't have to fend for himself until he's good and ready.
Felicity gives her head a definitive shake, banishing the memory to the recesses of her mind, and continues down the stairs.
“Morning,” William says, with only a half glance up. She wonders if he knew she was standing there, watching.
“Morning,” she answers, then clears her throat, because that's a stranger's voice.  “French Toast?”
“Dad showed me how the other week.” He looks down at the open notepad again -- Oliver’s makeship recipe book, Felicity realizes -- and scrunches his nose up as he reads the longhand scribbles on the page.
That's another mannerism that must come from Samantha, Felicity thinks. She wishes there were a way to save these things for him to recall later -- when the wounds aren't so fresh. She hopes he'll be able to see his mother in himself as he gets older, to savor the memories of a woman she never got a chance to know.
“Is...is that okay?” 
Felicity looks up and sees William with an egg-soaked slice of bread in hand and a concerned look on his face, worried that her sudden silence is disapproval.
“Oh, yeah, of course!” she sputters, taking a seat. “Yeah, it smells great. Thanks.”
She does love him, Felicity thinks a few moments later, as he deftly switches off the burner and brings the plates to the kitchen island, sitting to her right on the stool she already thinks of as his. Fiercely, too. She’s not sure, exactly when it happened, or how. But she loves William for the boy he is, separately from her love for his father. And she believes her mother when she says that’s the most important thing.
They eat in silence for a few minutes, but she can practically feel William working himself up to ask her a question. When he does, it's not at all what she expected.
“Will you tell me the story of the computer?”
Felicity glances at him with a confused frown. “The computer with the bullets in it, the first time you met my dad. You said you’d tell me the story someday.”
“Oh! Yeah, I guess I did, didn’t I?” she laughs, a little bit in relief, dragging the last bite of her breakfast through the syrup pooled on the plate. “Well, there’s not much more to it than that. You know the Palmer Tech building? That used to be Queen Consolidated, Oliver’s family’s company.”
Felicity expects a reaction of some kind, but William just nods. This is either old news or an uninteresting detail in the tale he really wants to hear.
“I worked there, in the IT department, and one day, my boss’s boss’s son came to me with a laptop that was clearly riddled with bullet holes and a bogus story about how it wasn't working because he spilled coffee on it.”
“And you helped him?” William asks with a grin. “Why?”
“Curiosity, at first. I knew he was hiding something and I wanted to know what it was.”
“And that’s when you fell in love with him?”
She laughs at the incredulous tone of his voice. “Yes. Well, maybe.” William screws up his face again at the indistinct. Felicity remembers what it used to be like, to hear people talk about love before you knew exactly how it felt to have that kind of longing loop its way through your insides and pull.
“I think I probably did love him then, but I don’t think I knew it until I joined the team,” she admits wistfully. “I always felt like I was meant to be doing something… bigger, you know? I just didn’t know what. And I didn’t know how to get there.”
She thinks of the people she used to be: the lost little girl, the straight-edge know-it-all mathlete, the reckless daredevil hacktivist. She thinks of the bits of them that are still left in her, that shape the woman she is today.
“When I met your dad -- really met him, hood and arrows and raccoon eyes and all -- it was like... so many of the pieces of my life started to come together,” she tells William. “I started to see where everything fit.”
“How did you find out who he was?” She knows the boy is asking for the specifics of his father’s life as a vigilante, but it hits her like a heavier question. Maybe they’re one in the same.
“He was hurt, and he came to me.” She spares him the imagery of Moira’s gun and Oliver flatlining in the dingy old lair. “He had to take off his mask, so that I’d trust him.”
“And you did?”
“Yeah, I did. Still do. Always have.”
“But you also said he lied,” William remembers with a small frown. “That he kept secrets.”
“Yeah, he has.” Felicity nods solemnly. “And it hurts, but it’s complicated, because when he does those things, he’s usually doing it for a virtuous reason, to save someone else.”
“Just like yesterday.” Again, the boy's capacity to piece together the fragmented details of their jagged lives takes her by surprise.
“Exactly like yesterday,” she agrees. “I'm mad as hell at him for making that call on his own. And I'm furious that there wasn't a better way out. But he did it for us. And I can't hate him for that. If anything, some part of me loves him even more for it.”
William just nods again. “Me too.” But that soft reassurance seems to be the end of it, for now, as he stands to clear the dishes, insisting on washing up himself, despite her half-hearted offer to help.
Felicity knows there's probably some other conversation they should be having now, about family and responsibilities and who's taking care of who, but she's emotionally drained already, and that was only breakfast. So she puts that talk away in her mind for a while, retreating to her office instead and rooting through the desk drawers until she finds the keys to the storage locker garage with the shiny luxury fob attached.
It's worth it, because William cracks his first real smile in days when she asks if he's ever been to Vegas.
They pack a few days of clothes into small bags that will fit in the Porsche, and Felicity hazards a call to Digg, cursing her eyes for welling up at the sound of his voice, a familiar touchstone in a world that feels upside-down right now.
He doesn't like her plan. She hadn't expected him to. “Diaz is going to be coming for revenge, Felicity. Soon.” But she thinks he knows better than to try and talk her out of it right now.
“That seems like an okay time to get the heck out of town, to me.”
He can’t argue much with that, and after a lengthy rundown of the security precautions she’s already planned -- plus a few suggestions on Digg’s end that sound suspiciously ARGUS-influenced -- he sounds slightly more satisfied.
“Call me. Frequently,” he insists.
“You too,” she answers, eyes flooding again. “And if anything happens…”
“We got it, Felicity.” It's good that he says so, and quickly, because she can't even begin to consider the tragedies that could live in that ellipses. “You two take care of each other.”
“We will.” She grins just a little in spite of herself. “Hugs to Lyla and the Digglet. We’ll see you soon.”
The sun's just barely up as they head out of town, but William asks if they can put the top down anyway. It's a lucky thing, because the wind whips Felicity’s glassy eyes dry when they hit the stretch of highway where Oliver once turned to her and said "I'm happy," like he couldn't quite believe it himself.
The diamond on her left hand catches the rising sunlight, and it reminds her how the right things can become beautiful under pressure. She's done this before, built a home without bricks or mortar and held onto happiness with nothing more than her own two hands. She can do it again, she’s certain of it.
She reaches over to the passenger’s seat to ruffle William's hair and he gives her a cautious smile that looks so much like his father's it cuts right through her.
They had made it then, the two of them. They survived so much for their moment in the sun, and Felicity knows in her heart that those are only the first few chapters of their story. She can do it again, for Oliver, and for his son. She’s someone who can do anything for her family.
A/N: Sight of the Son, amirite? (That's a joke for the OG readers, but sure, newbies, if you're down for a Porsche-load of post-s3 feelings, go ahead and check it out.) I'll see myself out.
A/N 2: I cannot believe myself, but I actually have some bits written for a second part of this if anyone's interested.
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laurabelle2930 · 7 years
Olicity Hiatus Fic: A Boy and His Socks...
Okay so this is my first contribution to the Olicity Hiatus Fic-A-Thon organized by the wonderful @thebookjumper who honestly is a gem for thinking this up! 
Prompt Given: Summer Vacation
Read it here or on AO3
“A Boy and His Socks” 
The room around them was bustling with the sounds of buser’s carrying dirty dishes and, servers checking their tables. Felicity dragged her finger along the edge of her half empty water glass while Sara’s voice drifted softly around the space around her. 
“Hey if you’re going to ignore me then we can just skip the monthly lunches and go back to skyping when I’m in the calling area.” 
Felicity’s eyes slipped down to the wrinkled table cloth while she smiled shamefully. “Sorry Sara I was just daydreaming...” she admitted as Sara’s chest deflated before her downcast stare. 
“What caused the daydream?” she asked almost cautiously which made Felicity’s eyes snake upward. 
“You asked about my summer and, well I guess I just sorta got sidetracked,” Felicity hiccuped absently while Sara’s fingers inched toward one of her untouched French Fries. 
She giggled at first thinking her thoughts had swerved toward her once again burgeoning romance with Oliver. Felicity saw the sassy smile and, the devious wink displayed over her very interested face. “Oh so are you saying you were daydreaming about Oliver?” she finally managed to chuckle between her small swallows. 
Felicity’s head shook easily as her friend’s easy laughter filled her soul with happiness. “Oh sweetie my daydreams of Oliver leave me feeling far more than distracted...”
Sara nearly choked on her fry when she sputtered, “I can’t believe you just alluded to your sex life!” 
Felicity shrugged, “What I’m satisfied so sue me!” 
Sara giggled, “Okay, okay so what were you thinking about?” 
Felicity dragged her finger over the glass’s rim one more time as her chin dipped and her voice dropped, “You’re going to think I’m crazy but, I was thinking about socks...” 
Felicity narrowed her eyes when Sara’s half chewed fries came flying toward her scowling face. Sara’s choked, “Socks has you all hot and bothered?” made even Felicity sigh humorously at the carefree memory.” 
The lights from the city below flickered absently along the walls of a space that once had been their home. The green striped bedspread was rumbled, two shopping bags were tossed along the floor near the desk at the open, oval shaped window. Two figures were sprawled out over the bed lying there with their legs intertwined. The early morning breeze flickered along the windows making the pair jump slightly. He moaned first with trepidation while his partner nuzzled at his chest with the tip of her button like nose. “It’s been weeks and, I still jump at the slightest sound...” 
She nuzzled over the puckered skin of his once perfect if not slightly faded tattoo, “Yeah well that’s why neither one of us has spent the night alone...” she announced with a slight yawn. 
Oliver’s fingers danced along her spine making her skin prickle as the cotton of her tee shirt bristled along the pore-less surface. She brushed her fingers gently over each small rivet of his abdomen until she felt his skin jump against her touch. His lips brushed over her brow as she slid her chin along the outer aspect of his shoulder. “Yeah about that...” he mused while she slid her warmed feet along the line of his calves. 
“We agreed to take it slow...” she instantly shot back. “We agreed to take our time,” she giggled while her fingers danced along the fabric of his boxer’s waistband. 
Oliver’s toned body shuddered from his forehead and, down to his toes when he gulped, “Is that why you suggested sock shopping over sex this afternoon?” 
Felicity’s full bodied laugh vibrated through both of them as she swiftly replied, “We had sex...we just had it after we bought you some socks!” 
He nuzzled her forehead as she slid her chin over his shoulder and smiled, “I can’t believe you insisted on so many,” he chirped as her eyes flew to the shopping bags near the room’s corner. His suit was lying innocently on the floor while her dress was draped over the back of her vanity chair. 
She ducked her head into the space between his ear and shoulder as her cheeks rapidly flushed, “I can’t believe sock shopping became such a turn on...” 
Oliver’s chest rattled with amusement against her warmed chest. She felt her shirt riding up along her waist as his fingers swiftly traveled over the lines of her curved hips. She felt his lips over her temple as he snaked his arms around her sides. She trembled when his newly socked feet traveled along her own cotton bound toes. He growled seductively, “I told you I needed socks...” 
Felicity rolled her eyes quietly before anchoring her lips to his chiseled jawbone, “We’re you always this corny?” she mumbled while his whiskers brushed along the tip of her tongue. 
His massive fingers stretched along the small of her back until  she felt her back arc from the welcome pressure of his naked skin once again brushing against her own. Her stomach flipped as she slipped his boxers down past his hips. Her body teemed as her thighs parted, her blood raced and, heart thudded as he slowly closed the distance between them. He chuckled darkly once he was sliding along her inner walls, “Would you find it corny if I thanked you for my new socks?” 
She placed a soft kiss along the corner of his lips while her soft words traveled along his parted mouth, “Not if causes this response...” 
Felicity’s cheeks flushed as the memory turned from innocent and happy to one that would leave her feeling bereft and, in need of Oliver’s loving attentions. Sara just stared at her wistfully as she mumbled with slouched shoulders, “You’re really in love with him aren’t you?” 
Felicity smiled quietly as she dragged her finger along the water glasses rim once more, “What gave it away?” 
Sara grinned sweetly and, reached for another fry when she replied, “Because only someone in love would find a memory about socks so appealing.” 
Felicity pushed her hair behind her ears and, grinned widely with red cheeks and, a pounding heart. “You should try it so when I ask what did you do over your summer vacation you too can say...” 
Sara beat her to the corny punchline. 
“Oh nothing much I just bought some socks...” 
Both women dissolved into fits of endless giggles while the restaurant around them continued moving along. The rest of her summer exploits would be discussed and, even a few tears would be shed but; in that moment all that mattered was a boy and his need for a new pair of socks. 
Tagging: @emmaamelia95 @pleasantfanandstudent @coal000 @memcjo @lesanchea @mrsbubblelee @olicitylovemaking @miriam1779 @love2luvyyou @almondblossomme @diggo26 @rivaroma @vaelisamaza @befitandchase @pimsiepim @andjustforthismoment @anonymiss118 @thelockpickingvictorian @yet-i-remain-quiet @lexi9515 @kathrynelizabeth89 @marniforolicity @marytagus @myhauntedblacksoul @myuntetheredsoul @blondiegrl00 @independent-fics @felicity-said--yes @relativelyobsessedfangirl @i-m-a-fan-world @mel-loves-all @danski15 @green-arrows-of-karamel @malafle @emilyp05 @oliverfel4 @alemap74 @vicky-vale @charlinert @hope-for-olicity @missafairy @arrows-4ever @jaspertown @sweetzcupcake @captainolicitysbedroom @nalla-madness @smoakingarrow19 @bwangangelic @ccdimples88 @lalawo1 @ireland1733 @quiveringbunny @scu11y22 @detbensonsvu1 @tdgal1 @cinfos @xxliveyourlive @onceuponarrow @supersillyanddorky06 @wherethereissmoak @olicityinmyheart @all-things-olicity @bitchwithwifi 
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Fic: The Staggering Power of Carbs
Hi all! I still exist! I haven't written an Olicity fic in many months so I'm kind of rusty, but I hope you enjoy this one.
Written for the @olicityhiatusficathon​ prompt from @thebookjumper​ of "Wanting." Gifting this to @hope-for-olicity​ and @tdgal1​ because they are so lovely and could use a little sunshine in their days.
Not beta'd so I apologize for any typos. Read it on Ao3 or below. Enjoy! 
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The Staggering Power of Carbs
“I want you so bad.”
Oliver froze upon hearing Felicity’s voice when he entered the bunker. Was she on the phone? Who did Felicity want? Ever since their trip to Russia he had forced himself to shove his feelings for his favorite IT girl down deep. Because of the life he led, he could not be with someone he really cared about.
Still, the thought of Felicity wanting someone else filled him with a jealous rage he had not expected.
“I want you so much, but you aren’t good for me,” Felicity said, and Oliver immediately calmed down. He chuckled. Felicity had a love-hate relationship with snacks, especially when she was trying to get into shape. She was obviously talking about a snack, so there was no need to be jealous.
He rushed down the stairs, only to find Felicity standing in front of his Arrow costume. She looked embarrassed to see him.
“Oliver! How long have you been here?”
He saw no snack box in sight – who had Felicity been talking too. She didn’t have her phone either. Then he realized how close she was standing to his Arrow suit. Had Felicity been talking about wanting him?
Felicity wanted him?
Part of him filled with joy, and the other part filled with dread. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. How could he not be glad about that? But being the Arrow was dangerous, especially on loved ones, and Oliver could not be with her.
“I just got here, were you able to get the intel on the gang we’ve been tracking?”
He deliberately kept his voice as cold as possible. Oliver couldn’t let her know how he felt. It was better this way. Felicity’s eyes widened a bit at his tone, but she rattled off the information without skipping a beat.
Over the next few weeks, he made a concerted effort to avoid spending time with Felicity. Oliver also made a point to not do the salmon ladder without a shirt on, and he sent her home each night before changing out of his suit. He was trying to make things as easy on her as possible. She would look at him often in confusion, but never said anything about it.
Things did not improve for Oliver, however. Felicity had gotten a new wardrobe since she took on the EA position, and she was parading around him in short skirts and heels. It took everything in his power not to declare his feelings and kiss her senseless.
About a month after the first incident, Oliver walked in on her talking to his Arrow suit again. “I want you so bad, I can barely stand it. I’m trying so hard to resist you.”
Oliver couldn’t take it anymore.
“Dammit, Felicity, I’m doing my best here! You could do a little more on your end too!”
Felicity looked at him with wide eyes. “What are you talking about?”
Oliver sighed. “I want you, you want me. I’ve heard you tell my suit a few times now. I’ve tried to keep my distance. But it is getting so difficult. And you keep being all like this.” He gestured his hands over Felicity, from head to toe.
“Like what?”
“All sexy and smart and amazing,” Oliver said. He ran his fingers through his hair.
Felicity stared at him in shock. “You want me?”
Oliver nodded. “Yes, and no matter how much I love you, we can’t be together because of the dangerous life I live.”
Felicity’s eyes widened even more. “Wait…you love me?”
Oliver threw his hands in the air in frustration. “Of course I do, but you are missing my point.”
He didn’t have time to finish his explanation about how they couldn’t be together, because Felicity jumped him. She threw her arms around hi and started kissing him. It took a moment for his brain to catch up, but soon he was kissing her back.
They were lost in their kiss for what seemed like an eternity, before she finally pulled away. “I love you too, Oliver.”
“But Felicity, because the life I lead…”
Felicity placed a hand over his mouth. “Shut up, Oliver, we’ll figure it out.” She kissed him again.
Oliver went out into the field that night with a smile on his face. What he did not see is that after he left, Felicity pulled out a bag of chips she had been hiding in the back of his costume case.
“He can never know you were there,” she whispered to the chips, before breaking her diet and diving into the chips. “I wanted you for so long,” she told her snack.
Felicity didn’t feel guilty at all for indulging in her snack, because she figured she would burn even more calories kissing Oliver some more when he came back.
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lageniuswannabe · 6 years
Prompt wanting 2018 Olicity Hiatus Fic-A _Thon
Read here on A03
Wanting:  adjective,
Lacking in a certain required or necessary quality.
Walking out of the prison Oliver’s fingers began to twitch.  Felicity was standing beside the nondescript black SUV an agent waiting to open the door.  As Oliver walked out of the gate Felicity ran towards him he ran to her as well wrapping his arms so tightly around her.  Then the agent opened the door to the car and out flew William, God he looked at least a ½ a foot taller.  William barrelled towards his father.  Oliver opened his arms up and hugged him so very tight.  He didn’t even see John step around from the driver’s side of the SUV.
“As good as it is to have you coming home man let’s take this inside the car.” John said as he clapped Oliver on the back.
As they walked towards the waiting SUV Oliver then noticed the 2 news helicopters just outside the air boundary of the prison, vultures that they are. Getting in the car felt surreal after spending all those months alone not knowing what was happening if everyone was truly safe.  He was literally surrounded by everyone he loved the most.  He hadn’t been able to let go of Felicity even holding her hand all the way into the car.
Felicity pulled him close to her and whispered, “Oliver” as she leaned into his neck kissing him and taking in his scent.
He leaned into her kissing the top of her head and staying like that for a while.
“There is so much I want to tell you Dad, but we should wait until we are at the safe house I guess. I really need you to read every one of the letters. They actually made me feel so much more proud of you than I did before.” William was almost bouncing in his seat.
“I can’t wait I want to read every letter too. But mostly I want to be with you and Felicity and eat a nice dinner watch a movie, no TV and finally be able to relax a little.” Oliver pulled William in for a hug.  His boy is growing so fast and he missed too much of it.
The car made a serious of turns then went into a tunnel and then all of a sudden turned into a secret underground road the helicopters couldn’t follow. Then the SUV came out about 10 miles down at the beginning of a very tree covered dirt road.  Lyla did an awesome job with the house as they pulled into a small clearing it was a nice two story modern house with glass windows which probably framed the beautiful forest they just drove through. As they got out of the car Oliver heard water in the background. “Is there a lake or something near here?”
“Yes the backyard faces the lake and it is just beautiful. Lyla’s set the place up great and it is all tied into ARGUS’s systems so I have been helping track a lot of things for the team from here.  WiFi is amazing.  Best of both world’s techie stuff for me and the wilderness for you and William meets both in the middle.  He is such a good swimmer.” Felicity not wanting to let go of Oliver’s hand, led him inside.
The lay out was open you could see everything.  Kitchen was very modern no uppers so the wall facing the lake with a sink had an amazing view.  The one wall had full length cupboards surrounding a fridge and double ovens.  A long concrete countertop was the island with what looked like a raised counter of slate, he is sure a baker designed that space.  The living room had a large sectional and the TV was on the wall next to the kitchen. On the coffee table were letters surrounding the area were boxes of letters.  Oliver suddenly wanting more than ever to simultaneously be with his family and read every single letter, that he was literally glaring a hole in the boxes.
“Oliver, we will read every single one together I promise.  Right now have a look around honey.  Will and I tried to make it a home.  But without you here it still felt … I don’t know… empty.” Felicity lowered her eyes from his face.
Oliver lifted her chin to meet his eyes. “I know while I was in prison we talked a lot about everything and I know you have a lot more to say and I cannot say sorry enough but please Felicity I need you to always talk to me even if it’s nothing but your loud voice. William you too I need you to be able to tell me when your angry no holding back.  But I want you both to know no matter what I say I love you both immensely and want to be a part of your lives for the rest of my life.”
Felicity reached around him and hugged him tight. “Oliver all I have wanted is you home.  We have talked and talked with you, each other and Doctor Jonas, and we both know that we need to make changes in the way you and I do a lot of things.  I have made a lot of choices without you before and we now need to learn to trust and rely on each other.  You need to learn to be open with everything from now on no matter how scary or hard. So William and I decided that we are all going to keep seeing Doctor Jonas, she is so nice and she is with ARGUS so she already knows everything and Lyla and John use her.  Please tell me you agree with us?”  Felicity reached over and pulled William to them.
Oliver looked at them both and said “I do.”  He nodded. “I really do.”
“You won’t regret it Dad.” William looked at his father with something Oliver recognized as pride.
“Let’s show your dad everything else.” Felicity guided him through the house showing him where everything is their bedroom was massive with 2 closets even so Felicity put half her shoes in what was his closet.  But the deck and backyard was gorgeous. “I’ve spent a lot of time on this deck looking at the stars for the both of us Oliver. Now you get to look at them with me.”
Oliver pulled her to him. “I cannot wait.”
“Dad Uncle… Mr. Diggle …John… taught me how to fish, ummm maybe we can do that tomorrow if you feel up to it?” William stammered he had been calling John Uncle Diggle for the last few months which Mr. Diggle had told him to do but his dad always made him say Mr. Diggle.
“Uncle Diggle is fine William Felicity told me and so is Aunt Lyla.  I would love to go fishing but, first I want to really read at least one of those letters.  I don’t know why but, I do.  I can’t believe people did that.” Oliver turned to look toward the living room and as he did Raisa appeared from the door way.  Oliver turned and walked inside straight towards her and he hugged her just as he did when he returned from the Island.
“I am so happy to see you Mr. Oliver.” Raisa added as she stood back from him.
“Я рад видеть вас тоже (I am happy to see you too)” Oliver added.  Oliver then stepped around the couch and sat down he noticed Felicity left one letter open on the coffee table so he picked it up to read.
     Dear Madam President;
     I am writing to you today as a citizen of Star City. I have lived here all of my         life and I knew Oliver Queen all of it as well.  Oliver and I were never close          and were always at odds with each other about one thing or the other.  Our          mothers seemed to enjoy pitting us against each other.  Oliver from before he      returned from the island was not the same man that saved this city countless      times.  I have gained perspective since reading all the news articles on the          Green Arrow – Arrow – Hood over the years and realize how much he has          grown as a person and is the hero I never could have been.  I may be a             doctor and have written books but he gave of himself risking everything to           save a city that by all accounts would have been destroyed many times over.       I can only hope that you can see fit to look into your heart and realize all the         good he has done as this vigilante far outweighs any of the bad.  He has             sacrificed so much of his life to the citizens of Star City and I as a citizen             would hope you would give him his life back.
    Dr, Carter Bowen MD
Carter wow. “Carter Bowen really.” Oliver looked at his wife.
“Yes I thought you might like that one from the story’s you used to tell me.” Felicity smiled. “Come on let’s make dinner you can read more tomorrow.”
Oliver got up and followed them to the kitchen.  Oliver never wanted praise or thanks ever but that made him understand that he really didn’t need it but it was nice to be wanted.
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