#olicity endgame
d3sertdream3r · 2 years
Me when amazing characters get garbage storylines from writers that don’t deserve them
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sarah-cam · 6 months
You're brave for admitting that in THIS fandom 😂 Tim and Lucy will be back together in no time!
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jbuffyangel · 4 months
The Love We Deserve: Arrow 2x06 Review (Keep Your Enemies Closer)
This is the episode I knew the writers were going THERE with Olicity. I wasn’t sure about endgame. I certainly did not know how Oliver and Felicity’s story would unfold, but “Keep Your Enemies Closer” confirmed we were in this, fam. We were in this all the way.
2013 Jen's live reaction:
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Let’s dig in…
The first scene immediately sets up this juxtaposition between Felicity, Oliver and Isabel and it carries through the episode. It’s not a love triangle. Isabel doesn’t matter enough to warrant a point on a triangle, but they use her (quite effectively I might add) to show Oliver and Felicity are anything but “just friends.”
Isabel is bitching at Oliver for whatever-he-failed-to-do-this-week and Felicity is trying to get his attention for some arrow (Roy Harper) related business. Initially, she tries using “Mr. Queen” in a very boss/employee way, but ultimately is fed up with being ignored and yells “Oliver!”
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Isabel barely tosses Felicity a glance, but Oliver ends the Co-CEO argument to leave with Felicity. Trust me when I say, Isabel clocks this decision.
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Source: @okmcintyre
Oliver and Felicity join Diggle in his search for Lyla Michaels. She went to Russia to search for Deadshot and now she’s missing. Oliver uses a Queen Consolidated subsidiary in Moscow as their cover story and use of the company jet. Unfortunately, Isabel tags along. She believes Oliver is meeting with their overseas partners behind her back. Once she discovered Oliver didn’t have any meetings planned with their subsidiary in Moscow, her accusations shift to Felicity.
Oliver: I’m not this person you think I am.
Isabel: That depends.
Oliver: On what?
Isabel: On if I think you used the corporate jet for a weekend of fun with your assistant.
Oliver: Excuse me?
He does his very best to look incredulous at the idea of hooking up with Felicity while on a romantic weekend in Moscow. I really wouldn’t put Russia on my Top 10 list of romantic getaways. Tahiti made a lot more sense, but whatever. The point is – Oliver’s feathers are immediately ruffled. Did I see him blushing? Oliver lies all day every day both professionally and personally, but this line of questioning has him quite tongue tied.
Isabel: A blonde IT girl all of a sudden gets promoted to be assistant to the CEO? There are only two ways that happens. One is nepotism and she doesn’t look like your cousin.
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Source: Paigeota
It absolutely should be happening, Oliver.
Isabel: What were her qualifications aside from an abundance of short skirts?
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Source: Paigeota
This scene is incredibly important because A) it’s hilarious and B) this is the first time Arrow has addressed OUTLOUD Felicity Smoak as a love interest for Oliver Queen. Everything up until now has been gazing, fervent glances, shoulder touches, soft tones, sexual innuendo and the electric chemistry between Stephen Amell and Emily Bett Rickards. But Isabel puts her money on the table and flat out accuses Oliver of sleeping with Felicity.
We, the audience, know Oliver and Felicity are not having sex (much to our horror and disappointment), but Isabel presents the one question we’ve been dying to ask Oliver – does he WANT to sleep with Felicity? And his answer is… glorious.
First he laughs, uncomfortably, like this is the most INSANE line of questioning to ever take place. Keep in mind this man was tortured on Lian Yu for information about bombs, planes, the location of a Chinese archer and Japanese soldiers bones from WWII. But nope, Oliver is shocked – SHOCKED I TELL YOU – that anyone would ever think he’s having sex with Felicity. Methinks he doth protest too much.
But Oliver trips up at the mention of skirts. He stutters his way through defending Felicity. It is damn near gallant of him to argue they are an appropriate length. No ma'am, the skirts are not too short. Not for Oliver Queen!
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We can chalk this up to Oliver being a flesh and blood heterosexual man. The day they stop looking is the day they die. But this is the first time anyone has asked Oliver if he is sexually attracted to Felicity. He blushes, laughs, protests and stammers his way through his answer like a 13 year old boy.
Also, it’s extremely important to remember one episode prior Oliver was rejecting Laurel Lance in her apartment hallway after she tried to kiss him - his primary female love interest. Then the very next episode, the writers are crafting a scene forcing Oliver to address a romantic relationship with Felicity.
Is it a funny scene? Yes, but the real win for Olicity shippers is the question is being ASKED. The answer is even better. Yes, Oliver has noticed the skirts and the spectacular legs that go with them. You don’t say that about a character who is going to remain a platonic, comic relief Girl Wednesday.
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We are so far from done. Diggle infiltrates the Russian prison where Lyla is being held while Oliver and Felicity meet up with Anatoly to purchase a Russian police car as part of their escape plan. Felicity is extremely anxious about Diggle, so Oliver offers her some witty banter and a shoulder touch as reassurance.
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When the Russians try to fleece Oliver he threatens to make their children orphans in Russian.
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It’s all very Bratva Oliver and menacing, but with Felicity he makes a little joke and winks! One could say his demeanor is quite light hearted – dare I say flirting?
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Source: Paigeota
Oliver returns to the hotel and has a drink with Isabel. Bizarrely, he brings up Felicity again – unprompted. He couldn’t wiggle out of this line of questioning fast enough and now he can’t stop bringing it up! Pick a lane, my dude.
Oliver: Does everyone really think that Felicity and I are…
Isabel: No. Just everyone who works at Queen Consolidated.
My kingdom to hang out by the water cooler in that office.
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More with the loud chuckling. Nothing to see here but friendship. Look at all the friendship. Hardy har har.
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Isabel: You don’t seem like the kind of man who has female friends.
That’s the understatement of the century. Putting Oliver’s sexual partners aside for the moment - Felicity is in a unique position. Oliver doesn’t have a lot of friends let alone female friends. Felicity is also the only female in his life who knows he’s the Arrow. Has he told her everything about his past? No, but relax. We’re only on Season 2. 
Oliver has shared quite a lot with Felicity in a relatively short amount of time. He trusts her (as much as he's capable of) and Oliver does not trust easily. Felicity is the only woman Oliver can be completely and authentically himself with. This makes her more than unique – it makes Felicity special. I think Oliver understands that and he approaches their friendship with reverence. He toes a very strict line with Felicity – for a very good reason which he will reveal later on in the episode.
Isabel: Underneath that swagger, I see you pretty clearly. You’re intelligent, driven and lonely.
Isabel reveals she doesn’t buy Oliver’s bad boy routine and instead believes she shares a lot in common with him. We can take this conversation one of two ways – 1) two people connecting over vodka and a shared ability to speak Russian or 2) Oliver is working Isabel to keep the real reason for this trip a secret. Bonus? He gets laid in the process.
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Clearly, I’m going with option 2. He feeds her a line about loneliness in Russian and Isabel practically races Oliver back to the hotel room.
Mercifully, we don’t have to watch them have sex. Oliver is pressed for time because they need to save Diggle, but Isabel is fine with the wham bam thank you ma'am. Oliver thinks he left enough time, but as he opens the door to his hotel there stands Felicity just about to knock.
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Oliver left Isabel undressed and in his bed, but the woman finds her clothes with lightning speed when she hears Felicity at the door and purposefully makes her exit then.
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If Isabel bought Oliver’s “we’re just friends” speech then doing this would not be necessary. Isabel wants Felicity to know they slept together. Regardless of what people at Queen Consolidated think, Isabel knows there’s more going on between them than Oliver will admit. She wants to hurt Felicity. Isabel is marking her territory and I would encourage you to listen to Stephen Amell’s thoughts on why. #Cosigned.
However, this is NOT information Oliver wants Felicity to know. He is so embarrassed he can’t even look at Felicity as Isabel walks out the door.
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Felicity is stunned. She’s actually speechless. Oliver tries to offer up some feeble explanation, but he doesn’t get very far. 
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Felicity immediately makes a joke to alleviate the tension, but as she turns we can see her hurt and anger.
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She cannot fathom a reason why Oliver would sleep with this woman. Whether or not Oliver heard Felicity’s remarks – he grimaces because he knows he screwed up. BIG TIME. It is so awkward and painful.
But again, the viewers must ask a fundamental question – why is this scene being written like Felicity caught Oliver cheating on her? Oliver is single. Isabel is single. Felicity is single. Nobody is dating anybody. And yet, the Arrow writers make it clear Felicity is hurt by this encounter – like she’s been betrayed.
As for Oliver, he absolutely did NOT want Felicity to know he slept with Isabel. He knows it will hurt her. This shows Oliver is somewhat aware Felicity has feelings for him. Congratulations, Oliver you’re not a total pine tree.
What’s more telling is Oliver’s reaction. He acts like Felicity caught him doing something wrong. If he didn’t return Felicity’s feelings then her opinion wouldn’t really matter. It’s never stopped him from dating or sleeping with other women before. And this is just a one night stand. Not even – it was a quickie. But Oliver is ashamed. This makes him look bad. Generally speaking, when you have romantic feelings for someone you don’t want that person to see you hooking up with someone else. It sends a very mixed message.
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Felicity Smoak wears her heart on her sleeve. She can’t let it go. It’s not just that Oliver slept with someone. It’s that he slept with ISABEL. The woman who is trying to steal his company. Her bitchiness is embedded in her DNA, so Felicity’s work environment probably less than fun. Felicity cannot stand Isabel and Oliver slept with her. HER. 
Felicity: Over 64 million women over the age of consent in Russia and you sleep with her.
But this time it is Oliver’s turn to make a joke to deflect. The entire vibe is couple’s fight.
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Source: Paigeota
But Felicity is not joking when they get home and she’s tired of the mixed messages. So ask the question point blank. God bless her. No sexual innuendos, stammers, deflections, furtive glances or unspoken truths.
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 Source: Paigeota
Oliver’s initial response is kind of flippant to be honest.
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 Source: Paigeota
He gives Felicity a very generic “It just happened,” which is the exact non-explanation cheaters use. Sex doesn’t “just happen.” It’s a decision. Oliver made a choice and Felicity is trying to understand why because maybe if she understands then it will hurt less. Even worse, he says it didn’t mean anything. The problem is it meant something to Felicity. Take it away Willow Rosenberg.
Xander: We were just kissing. It doesn't mean that much.
Willow: No. It just means you'd rather be with someone you hate, than be with me. - BTVS "Innocence"
Truly one of the most devastating lines in television history delivered by an equally heart wrenching performance by Alyson Hannigan. What Felicity is truly asking Oliver is not, “Why her?” but rather, “Why not me?”
Felicity’s disappointment in Oliver’s response is palpable and feels very similar to their scene in 1x12 when she asked Oliver if she could trust him. She didn’t want a flip answer then and she doesn’t want one now.
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Source: Paigeota
Oliver lowers his voice into his gentle Felicity tone and says, “Hey,” so she’ll look at him again. The real intimacy between them is revealed in a single word. He cannot wiggle out of this, so Oliver is approaching her question, and pain, with the reverence she deserves. Felicity closes her eyes for a moment before she meets Oliver’s gaze again, like she’s steeling herself against whatever explanation is coming next. This time the answer will be honest, but it will hurt more.
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Source: Paigeota
Oliver speaks hypothetically of course, in an attempt to discuss what he feels for Felicity without really discussing it. It keeps their friendship in this little protective bubble as Oliver takes an infinitesimally small step over the strict line he has drawn between them. Oliver feels life as The Arrow, and his proximity to danger, prevents him being in a loving relationship. He slept with Isobel because he doesn’t care about her. Oliver won’t be with Felicity because he does care about her.
What is MONUMENTALLY IMPORTANT about this scene is Oliver acknowledges the elephant in the room for the very first time. He feels more than friendship for Felicity.  Does Oliver Queen love Felicity Smoak? Yes. Is he ready to admit that to himself - let alone to her? No. Oliver believes his love endangers Felicity. He cannot lose her, so he will not allow himself to love her. As frustrating as Oliver’s answer is it’s not difficult to understand why he feels this way - especially after losing Tommy.
Felicity gives a little nod like this was the explanation she expected, but still needed to hear. Despite the hypothetical, they both know Oliver is speaking about her. Rather than a meaningful relationship, Oliver has resigned himself to a life of loneliness. He may have hook ups and one night stands to fill his bed and relieve an urge, but he withholds access to his heart. This is not just about Oliver’s refusal to truly love someone. It’s also about his refusal to allow anyone to love him in return.
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He's taken bullets that hurt less than this.
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In the end, it’s Felicity’s response that truly packs the emotional punch. She believes Oliver deserves better, regardless of his way of life. He deserves more than empty affairs and lonely, dark and violent nights.
There is so much this man cannot forgive himself for and the guilt is overwhelming. Oliver believes he has no right to happiness. Loneliness is his penance.  When all you experience is pain and loss it can be difficult to imagine a life without it.
"We accept the love we think we deserve." - Perks of Being a Wallflower
Oliver hurt Felicity deeply by sleeping with Isabel.  They both know it. He continues to hurt her by drawing this line in the sand between them. Yet, in the face of that pain, Felicity dreams a life for Oliver that’s more than the one he’s resigned himself to. It is forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love in action. He does not feel worthy of Felicity Smoak, but those are the lies Oliver’s guilt tells him. She knows the truth.
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Source: Paigeota
The stunned look on his face says it all - no one has ever told Oliver Queen he deserves to be loved. 
John Diggle
Contrary to the previous six pages, this is actually a John Diggle focused episode. And boy, does he drop a bomb on Oliver and Felicity.
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Oliver didn’t immediately recognize Lyla’s name, which is fine because I don’t think they’ve shared a scene. Felicity reminds him Lyla is John’s ARGUS girlfriend and I had whiplash at that status update. Girlfriend? When did we get to girlfriend? I feel more comfortable with super spy sexy time friend.
Diggle lowers the boom. Lyla Michaels is his ex-wife. SAY WHAT??!
Felicity: Explain that sentence.
Honestly, how do Oliver and Felicity not know this yet? What do they talk about in the bunker? It can’t always be about crimes and arrows. Sharing is caring OTA – embrace it.
Diggle: We couldn’t figure out how to stay married without a war to fight.
Diggle and Lyla were married while on tour in Afghanistan, but divorced shortly after returning home. Lyla joined ARGUS and Diggle went back for another tour.
Diggle and Oliver hook up with Anatoly (!!!) and he informs them Lyla was trying to break into the worst prison in Russia on a tip that Deadshot was being held there. Unfortunately, she was captured. It hasn’t been a pleasant stay given how battered Lyla is looking.
The only way in Gulag is to be a prisoner, so Diggle volunteers. Oliver balks at that, but Diggle needs him on the outside make the moves necessary for an escape. Also, Lyla is Diggle’s woman and he's going to save her, damn it. SWOON. Find you a man with a hero's complex. They make divine husbands. I speak from experience.
Anatoly provides enough drugs to land Diggle in prison for 400 years. Oliver and Felicity are nervous about this plan. In one of the sweetest moments between Diggle and Felicity, she gently kisses him on the cheek and wraps his scarf around his neck. It’s a good luck kiss, but everyone is clearly worried it’s a goodbye.
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Of course, once John is inside he runs right into Deadshot. He sure is easy to find for a globetrotting criminal mastermind. Deadshot knows where Lyla is being held and wants in on the escape plan in exchange for her location. After Deadshot kills Anatoly’s guard, John has no choice but to team up with him.
Lyla: You came for me.
Diggle: I always have and I always will.
This is what stellar ships are made of folks. This is the content we're here for.
Of course, Oliver and Felicity rescue Diggle, Lyla and Deadshot, but the pinnacle of the episode for John is when they dump Deadshot on the side of the road. They’ll help him get out of prison, but not out of the country. John holds a gun on him – ready to pull the trigger to avenge his brother’s death, but he can’t do it.
Deadshot: That’s the thing about honor, John. You can’t turn it on and off.
What a great line! I love that line!!! It’s so fully encapsulates John Diggle’s character. I’m sorry I know he’s a killer, but between Deadshot bringing Olicity together with the ridden computer and this moment with John– I’m really starting to like this guy.
Deadshot offers John some additional information about his brother’s death. A thank you for not killing him I guess. He asks John how he thought Andy was killed.
Diggle: You shot at a client that Andy was protecting and you missed.
Deadshot: I don’t miss. Your brother was the contract.
Diggle: Who would want to kill Andy?
Deadshot: I don’t know their names, just an alias. H.I.V.E.
The plot thickens! I’m sure all the comic fans were excited about the introduction of H.I.V.E. I was clueless, but with a quick Google you’ll discover H.I.V.E is a terrorist organization. So, this means one of two things, John’s brother was an honorable man who ticked off a terrorist organization or Andy was not as honorable as his brother and ticked off a terrorist organization. This adds a layer of complexity the Diggle vs. Deadshot storyline desperately needed. It was running a little stale.
Diggle: You know me and Carly broke up because I couldn’t love her and hate him at the same time.
Lyla: I’m honored to be the exception.
Diggle: Lyla, you were always the exception.
Ok, I’m onboard the SS Dyla. Let’s get remarried. I’m ready.  
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We go from the Dyla love scene directly to Olicity’s final scene in the office. This is not a mistake. John guides Oliver on his path. This also includes his romantic life and one of the ways Diggle guides Oliver is by example. Dyla always points the way.
Stray Thoughts
This is the first episode we meet Amanda Waller. She’s loyal to Lyla Michaels and knows about Oliver and Diggle’s vigilante operation, so she’s arriving on the scene as a fully formed bad ass.  
Diggle refused Anatoly’s vodka. Based on the look Oliver gave him I’m guessing that was a very bad idea. Drink the vodka, John.
“I wouldn’t mind a drink.” I mean honestly the boys could be so sexist sometimes. Felicity likes booze too!
“I will take care of her.” Snort. Yeah, I’ll bet Oliver.
Isobel immediately jumps to the conclusion that Felicity is sleeping her way up to the top. Way to be supportive of your fellow female coworkers and fighting that glass ceiling together, Isobel. This just makes her more evil in my opinion.
Sara left town. That’s fine I need a break from the Lance drama.
Quentin lets Roy go because he's working with the Arrow too, so I'm counting Lance as part of the team.
No Laurel. Hallelujah. Did you even notice she was gone? Nope. This character lifts right out.
There’s this whole weird subplot where Moira’s lawyer wants Thea to dump Roy because he’s a felon and it makes Moira look bad. Sure, Roy Harper is the problem. Not the 500 people who died. Even Moira thinks this plot line is ridiculously stupid and gets these crazy kids back together. Can we be done with the Theroy breakups? I’m tired. Find these two an actual storyline.
Slade: I will not be the reason something happens to you.
Shado: When I care about someone there's nothing I won't do for them.
Slade is in rough freaking shape after being burned over half his body, but he gets snuggle time with Shado so it isn’t all bad.
Never trust a Russian woman. Has Oliver ever seen a movie?
Flashback Sara betrays Oliver and gives Ivo the location of Slade, Shado and the soldier bones. Let's go with Stockholm syndrome to explain this insanity. Or she's just completely terrified of Ivo. Either works. But still - dick move Sara.
Why does David Ramsey wear shirts? It’s really a crime against humanity.
Listen to the Watchover podcast reaction to 2x06!!!
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harkeepitreal · 6 months
I have no faith left in this show. I feel used, manipulated and lied to by the Writers, Actors and Alexi.
First the writers say they are not breaking up Chenford what do they do break them up. Then we find out through an interview that Melissa did that Eric was pushing them to break up and he has been pushing it for awhile. Yet here is some one who the whole time has been all about Chenford and their relationship, now he wanted them to split up. Let's not even get started on the lies Alexi told about how they are supposed to be endgame, and we are doing their relationship justice, how they will face obstacles etc...screw all of you. How can you do this to the fans that you are supposed to "love?" So when do we get the I am sorry it went this way, but there is a chance for things to change interview from Alexi? Where are you hiding? Why don't you do the interview/apology/groveling in person? That way you can get the ear full you deserve. You asshole.
This was the best relationship on the show and you blew it up for what ratings? I am DONE!!!! I don't even believe Mel when she said that there is a nice Chenford scene in the season finale. I call BS
They gave this slow burn for 5 seasons only to rip it away. I just am DONE!!!! You lost a fan yesterday/today and I am sure I am not the only one. I may watch again once they are back together. I did that with Olicity on Arrow I still to this day have not watched the end of season 4 or season 5. I will do the same with the Rookie. If at all. Since I feel the way I do. I really hope that the fandom is letting Alexi, the writers have it on social media. Because they deserve it. Not so much for breaking them up (which they said they were not going to do). But for lying, manipulating and using us to get their ratings up. If we as a fandom own this relationship then why did you destroy it? You know what we wanted.
When Hallmark did the same thing on When Calls the Heart after they killed Jack off in season 5 and did not tell fans that the actor was leaving the show. They made us wait 5 years for Jack and Elizabeth to get married then an episode later they killed him off. I felt the same way and I didn't caught up on the show for 3 years. Because I was so hurt that I was lied to, manipulated, and used. Still don't watch it since it has gotten dumb.
I don't want to see them date other people. If they were supposed to be a strong couple Tim should be leaning on Lucy for what he is going through. No the writers are being lazy and doing a cop out a break up. FU all!!!
I personally do not see them getting back together at all this season if at all period. If they do it will be a long way off like next season if there is a 7th season.
SO PISSED!!! Thanks for ruining our show and our favorite couple.
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kitkatt0430 · 3 months
5, 10, 26?
5.) Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
So my first thought is no and I think that's how I usually answer this. But it may actually be a bit more complicated in a 'no but yes' sort of way.
So. Oliver/Felicity was not the original plan for the Arrow. Felicity wasn't even supposed to be a main character. She wasn't even supposed to be there beyond that one episode she first showed up in. But the actress made such an impression on the cast, show runners, and the audience that she became more important. And while a lot of people - including myself - assumed she was an original character for the show, it turns out she was supposed to be just another comics cameo shout out to a character not even Green Arrow comics adjacent. Apparently comics Felicity Smoak was Ronnie Raymond's antagonist and step mom.
O_o The more you know, huh?
Anywho, presumably the original plan for the show was Oliver/Laurel endgame. Like in the comics, where Dinah/Oliver - with Laurel being Dinah Laurel Lance, after all - being Oliver's partner both in vigilantism and romance. It... obviously didn't go that way with Laurel being brutally and unnecessarily killed off for shock value in S4. And that may have happened in part because of the popularity of the Olicity ship.
Backtracking a bit here, but Felicity's actress and Oliver's actor had great onscreen chemistry from day one. I can understand why the show runners chose to pivot to this ship, given that chemistry and the sheer popularity of the ship with the fans.
Oliver/Felicity pretty quickly became the most popular ship for the fandom and it still is. Not even Oliver/Barry - the second most tagged ship for the fandom over on Ao3 - has even a quarter of the fics that Olicity has. 12,600+ fics as of this moment and no doubt it'll continue to steadily go up. (for comparison, Olivarry has 1,600+ fics tagged)
Honestly, I shipped Felicity/Oliver pretty quickly while watching S1 too. I liked their dynamic, that she was the sunshine to Oliver's grumpy, she was willing to call him out even when he still scared her, and she - at the time, anyway - was willing to respect that she wasn't entitled to his secrets.
But time marched on. The show began to flanderize the characters to some degree even as they fleshed them out in others. Felicity lost her willingness to respect Oliver's boundaries, Oliver proved incapable of keeping character development from one season to the next... and as Felicity/Oliver moved from interesting chemistry to ship tease to official couple, they began to bring out the worst parts of each other. And my enjoyment that they were finally together soured.
How much of them being the official couple was because of the show runners picking up on the actors chemistry independently of the fans and how much was them seeing how much the fans wanted it so why not... we'll probably never really know for sure. But I suspect that fandom's shipping of the characters in the early days before Oliver/Laurel had a chance to truly be cemented was what both contributed to them being the official couple and thus killing my enjoyment of the ship.
(I suspect that Laurel/Oliver were meant to follow the path that Iris/Barry eventually did. Both Laurel and Iris were dating someone else in S1, a someone else who died in the finale after a reveal that they were related to the main villain in some way. In S2 Iris and Laurel are both learning to move on and find themselves without that relationship. But in S3 of the Flash, Iris and Barry finally hook up, but Laurel begins her vigilante arc in S3 that puts her at odds with Oliver while Felicity gets a love triangle with Oliver and Ray where Ray 'dies' at the end of the season... a little familiar sounding am I right?)
So fandom did not directly ruin the Olicity ship for me, but there is an argument to be made that it did so indirectly. So no... but also yes.
10.) Most disliked arc? Why?
It's so hard to choose because, sadly, there are so many.
It could be Mark Blaine trying to kill Khione to get Frost back, throwing a hissy fit when he's told no, and then creeping on Khione like she's Frost's replacement goldfish.
It could be the promise that S6 would give us an important Iris plot that turned out to being Iris side lined in the mirror world, stuck there while the real plot was going on else where, being forced to watch a duplicate most likely rape her husband, be about to break out of the mirror world herself only to be immediately turned into a damsel for Barry to rescue, and the creepy way she doesn't speak at all between waking up after the 'rescue' and going to kickstart the modified ASF to wake the original Speed Force back up... (Okay, yeah, this is probably arc I hate the most but...)
It could be how we were promised an important plot line for Cisco in S7 before he left the show and got what looked like the show runners forgetting about that until the last minute, giving us what could have been a fun episode if it were not completely ruined by Cisco's massively out of character decision to tell his besties he's leaving for ARGUS at the last minute. After making Cisco the one who stays at STAR Labs in the bad Savitar future and showing again and again how important his friendships are to him... to have him treat his friends like that was kinda shitty, tbh. Hell, most people treat bosses and coworkers they dislike better by giving the optional two weeks notice.
Armageddon. I think I've complained about that enough that my reasons for hating it are well known by now.
26.) Most shippable character?
Oh this is so hard to pick. I'm a multi-shipper so all the characters are imminently shippable to me, whether it's romantic, a QPP, or close friendships.
But if I try to narrow it down, it's either Cisco, Barry, or Hartley. I've written the most for a search on Cisco Ramon/* of my works, but Barry's a close second when I do Barry Allen/* but I think Hartley's got the most crossover ships that I ship regardless of whether I've written for it or not, such as Tommy/Hartley, Rip/Hartley, Ray/Hartley, etc. (Mick started on the Flash but he's primarily a Legends character. Does he count as a crossover ship? Yes but also no. And no but yes.)
Though of the ladies, I think Iris is probably the most shippable to me though Caitlin is a close second despite my arospec headcanons for her. Iris has a lot of chemistry with a lot of characters and while the number of romantic ships I enjoy for Caitlin is narrower, I'm more likely to contemplate different types of ships for her such as QPPs.
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Unthinkable 10 Years Day 1 - Memory
I vividly remember watching Unthinkable for the first time, in a way I don't remember most other viewing experiences.
It was most likely end of May or June of 2014, some point after Season 2 made it on to Netflix. I had started watch the show with my brother, but only the first few episodes. I don't remember choosing to pick it back up, only that I got through the end of season 1 and all of season 2 without much effort once I did.
The 3-part season finale caught me a little off-guard, I think I probably watched City of Blood the night before and Streets of Fire with Unthinkable, but I can't say for sure.
What I remember more than anything is sitting cross-legged on the floor of my childhood bedroom, laptop on the floor in front of me, having to pause and take a break to scream when the fake-out confession happened and then again when the truth was revealed. After that I dove headfirst into the fandom on Pinterest & ff.net then soon enough on Tumblr & ao3, firmly entrenching myself for the next ~5 years.
The whole time watching up until that point, I never actually thought that Olicity would ever get its moment in the sun. Oliver and Laurel had been set up from the beginning, and for most shows, what the writers decided was endgame when the show started was guaranteed to work out, regardless of natural storytelling progression or chemistry. So for the writers to see what had happened and lean into it, rather than shying away, excited me (almost) more than the event itself.
Arrow seasons 1&2 were good, but Unthinkable is what made me realize this show could be great
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talkingtea · 1 year
Eh...depends how you look at it. Marc pandered towards the Olicity fandom, but in comics, Laura and Oliver were basically soulmates who didn't end up together. We got the short end of the stick. On the bright side, at least you can take comfort in knowing that Iris and Barry will still be endgame despite the shitty writing. I say this as a Lauriver fan.
It’s no much comfort getting endgame when the couple has been completely dismantled and ruined up until that point. 😒 With that being said MG did still do Lauriver dirty
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sudumal-arrow · 1 year
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And Finally Dc confirmed that Grant Gustin's Flash is the best one and better one than ezra's Flash ⚡🙏 So this means Grant will be Dc universe Future Flash and more impressive flash also Oliver Will be one only The Spectre in Dc universe ⚡🏹❤️ At the End everything is connected ⚡ Also check out the Bio 😉 (Follow @sudumal_arrowverse for more daily posts )🌹🔥🌹❤️😎 #arrow #theflash #supergirl #netflix #olicity #galgadot #blackcanary #hbo #batwoman #arrowverse #wonderwoman #aquaman #justiceleague #teentitans #dc #gotham #marvel #karadanvers #oliverqueen #thecw #dctv #avengers #endgame #stephenamell #theflashmovie #cwarrow #supermanandlois #benaffleck #cwarrow #mcu #thebatman https://www.instagram.com/p/CrqmOe0MS68/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I posted 574 times in 2022
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536 posts reblogged (93%)
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I tagged 572 of my posts in 2022
#arrow - 331 posts
#felicity smoak - 285 posts
#emily bett rickards - 243 posts
#olicity - 205 posts
#oliver queen - 166 posts
#walker independence - 114 posts
#walker: independence - 102 posts
#katherine mcnamara - 69 posts
#kat mcnamara - 66 posts
#matt barr - 50 posts
Longest Tag: 28 characters
#green arrow and the canaries
My Top Posts in 2022:
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75 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
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139 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
55. Oliver and Felicity Arrow
As most DC Comics fans know, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), a.k.a. the Green Arrow, and computer genius Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) shouldn't have been endgame on Arrow. In the comics, Oliver is romantically paired with Black Canary, and the show did explore Oliver's connection with Laurel (Katie Cassidy), who would eventually become the black leather-clad vigilante, in season 1. However, it eventually ignored the canon and Olicity became the main love story because of Amell and Rickards' undeniable chemistry, on display from their first scene in Arrow's third episode, and the two characters eventually got married. "They're such opposites. I think that's what draws everyone in a little bit," showrunner Beth Schwartz told EW in 2018. "You don't see the [love story of a] super intelligent woman and the sort of hunky, athletic man very often. She's obviously a gorgeous woman, but what he really loves is her brain." Meanwhile, Amell attributes the couple's success to the fans of Rickards' performance. "She's supremely talented and awesome and carved out a space that no one anticipated," he told EW ahead of the final season. "I don't know that the show works if we don't randomly find her." —C.A.
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147 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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211 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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252 notes - Posted December 22, 2022
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joeey-dee · 1 year
I don't get people.
Why do you read a fic you obviously won't like because you don't like the main couple and then leave a rude comment. And just to be a complete asshole, block the author of said story so they can't reply to you.
People seriously suck sometimes. Why read something you don't like? Why comment if you have nothing nice to say? And why not even giving me a chance to reply to you? How miserable and cowardly does one have to be? Seriously!
What is so difficult about the concept don't like don't read and don't be an asshole for no reason.
Write your own damn story instead of bringing down the mood on my stories.
Seriously the one thing I can say is the Canarrow people are all really nice, positive and encouraging people. While my limited experience with Olicity people was rather negative, except for one who's a complete sweetheart and loves my Canarrow fic and doesn't mind my frequent rants and criticism about Olicity even though she disagrees with most of it. Which is how one should be. Or if you can't handle someone criticizing your OTP don't read stories that clearly state that they are not going to be the end goal.
Just move on. Don't read, don't be rude in the comments and if you are incapable of doing that, at least have the guts and give the author a chance to reply. It's the least you can do. Especially when you are too deluded to admit that Oliver loved Sara and Sara loved Oliver and claim Sara is gay and that is why she and Oliver can't be endgame. WTF?! 
There would be no Green Arrow without Sara. Their affair is the reason the Arrowverse even exists. If Oliver and Sara hadn't been involved, Oliver and Felicity would've never met.
Sorry, for my rant but this person just pissed me off and I can't even let them know because they have the audacity to block me and then comment on my fic.
Joke's on them, I let AO3 know and made a harassment claim. Should've just let me reply. Also this is not the first time they left rude comments simply because they don't like Canarrow and some of my fics have both the Canarrow and Olicity tag, because those are accurate for those stories, the main couple is always obvious though. At the beginning I could reply and they ended up deleting their comments, now they blocked me and still leave rude comments.
It is very hurtful behavior, I always get excited when get the notification from AO3 that someone commented on my fic, only to then get a very rude, unnecessary comment from someone who seems to enjoy just being mean and tearing people down. It takes a very long time to write a fic, and then to get comments like those… I don’t mind criticism, it helps me grow as a writer, but I hate the comments people make just to ruin someone’s day for no apparent reason.
I’m sorry if the reason is that the Olicity writers in general aren’t that good, because most of them are teenage girls, no offense, they are still learning and need to do it somewhere, the stories I wrote as a teen were pretty bad too, but I kept at it and have grown as a writer. It can be frustrating if the only stories you get about a couple you love are badly written ones, but that still is no reason to attack the author of a not badly written story simply for not writing the couple you want. Write your own fic if you don’t find what you are looking for. It is one of the main reason why I write, there are almost no Canarrow fics out there, which blows my mind, they are by far the best and healthiest Arrowverse couple out there.
Okay, I think I’m done, lol.
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jbuffyangel · 5 years
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jules85 · 5 years
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Felicity walks through the portal and then...
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Reunion kiss...
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Oliver and Felicity get to live their lives in Ivy Town. Peaceful. Happy. The End.
This is my 7x22/Arrow/Olicity Endgame headcanon.
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olicity-love-always · 5 years
I am in a crumbly mess but I will give this a go….
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What an ending and what a way to go out for both Felicity, Emily and Olicity.
Firstly what a performance by the cast, I do not believe there was a dry eye watching those last 10 minutes and I have cried so much re-living those moments.
Emily, what a way to leave us wanting more. I truly believe that in another realm/universe somewhere, Oliver and Felicity are both alive and making up for lost time 😉.
OTA, thank you for being the bedrock of this show and all the shows that followed. The teamwork and friendship is unrivalled and it will be sorely missed.
And last but certainly not least….
Olicity, it will be forever and always endgame. Their passion and love has brought something truly beautiful to a show with so much darkness. Watching them grow from a billionaire’s son and an IT girl into this power couple and now this family unit has been a joy and an honour to see.
I honestly dont know where I go from here. I only hope that this is not the end.
I truly believe we will see them find each other again, and I cannot wait to witness that too!
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caelestis1989 · 5 years
Review: Arrow 7x22 “You Have Saved This City” Season Finale
Depois do 7x19 eu desanimei totalmente de continuar escrevendo meus pensamentos sobre os episódios. Fiquei extremamente descontente com a trama principal. A única trama que conseguiu segurar essa temporada foi a do futuro. Era a única coisa que prendia a atenção. A pergunta sobre como a cidade chegou a esse ponto. 
Agora em relação a Emiko, eu achei um tremendo erro transformá-la em vilã da temporada. Ela tá no topo da minha lista de pior “Big Bad” da série. Eu nunca vi nenhum sentido dela se tornar líder do Nono Círculo, essa história inteira foi tão atrapalhada e mal escrita. Cheia de furos! Fora a maneira ridícula que eles lidaram com o Dante, e eles desperdiçaram um personagem que poderia ser um vilão incrível. A motivação do Dante para matar a mãe da Emiko foi ridícula. Nem acredito que a Beth perdeu a chance de fazê-lo trair a Emiko só pra tomar o lugar dela na organização criminosa. Que desperdício! Essa foi a minha maior decepção na temporada. Eu esperava mais!
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Dito isto, não estou mais interessada em abordar sobre algo que nem vale mais a pena ser mencionado. 
Sem mais delongas...
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Oliver & Felicity
Os únicos momentos que salvam esse episódio são os últimos momentos da família Queen tanto no presente quanto no futuro. 
Os dois se despedem do bunker. Foi a última missão dos dois juntos. Já é a hora de aposentar o capuz, mesmo que o Oliver precise abrir uma exceção para o crossover. Pela primeira vez em muito tempo ele prioriza a família, e não tinha como ser diferente, ainda existe a ameaça do Nono Círculo. Eles precisam proteger a carga preciosa. 
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A única equipe que eu respeito pra ter esse momento de contemplação do fim de uma era é OTA. 
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Crédito: @arrowdaily
John com a ajuda dos recursos da ARGUS, consegue arrumar uma casa afastada de tudo num lugar reservado só para ex membros da CIA e DEA. Felicity sabe que não é nenhuma Ivy Town mas vai servir. O plano é que essa residência seja uma coisa temporária, até o Nono Círculo não ser mais uma ameça para a baby Mia. Eles dizem para John que vão ter uma menina. A cena é linda, o John é o único digno dos aliados que merece saber, só que eu não acho que a gravidez da Felicity esteja avançada o suficiente pra eles já saberem o sexo da criança. 
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 Crédito: @seeing-red-arrow
John diz que eles estão fazendo o que é certo. Priorizando a família. Não tem como discordar sobre isso. A temporada começou com os membros da família pagando o preço pelo auto-sacrifício do Oliver. Nessa brincadeira, os dois perderam o William. A verdade é que a vida vigilante tem tirado muitas coisas dos nossos heróis Oliver e Felicity. Eles merecem um pouco de paz. Infelizmente, essa paz não dura mais que alguns meses. 
Felicity fica muito emotiva ao se despedir de John. Pelo que sabemos, é a última vez que veremos esses dois juntos. Eles merecem uma despedida especial.
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Crédito: @supagirl
Felicity pede para John cuidar do seu bunker, e que ninguém coma nada em cima dos seus computadores. Segundo ela, não há nada pior que farelos no teclado. Concordo totalmente, ainda mais quando se usa um laptop. 
Eu não consigo lidar com a forma como o Oliver fica olhando para a Felicity enquanto ela fala com o John. A forma como ele olha pra Felicity nunca vai mudar. 
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Crédito: @lucyyh
Ela pergunta o que eles farão agora. Oliver diz que não é nenhum paraíso tropical mas eles nunca tiveram a chance de ter uma Lua de Mel. 
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Os meses passam. Vemos o nascimento da Mia mais uma vez. 
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Não tem como não babar assistindo o Oliver segurando sua doce garotinha. Esses momentos precisam ser apreciados porque não vão durar. Acredito que o Oliver só conseguiu ter sua filhinha por 2 meses antes de ser recrutado pelo Monitor. 
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No momento em que o Oliver levantou a baby Mia eu lembrei da cena em que o Simba é levantado pelo macaco e apresentado para todos os animais do reino de seu pai Mufasa em O Rei Leão. 
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O momento mais adorável de todos é esse. Não tem como não suspirar com essa cena.
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Baby Mia é tão fofa, e quando ela vê sua mãe é como se tivesse olhando para o sol. Nem os bebês estão imunes a adorabilidade de EBR. Ela até desvia o olhar quando percebe que a atenção de sua mamãe está em outro lugar. 
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Crédito: @olicitygifs
Oliver diz a Felicity que está pensando em pedir aos avós do William a guarda compartilhada. Esse era o plano! Felicity adora a ideia, Mia precisa do seu irmão mais velho. Infelizmente, isso nunca é concretizado porque o tempo do Oliver está esgotando rapidamente. O Monitor aparece para levar o Oliver com ele essa noite. É tão triste saber que essa é a última noite do Oliver ao lado da sua família. Isso não é justo!
Oliver recepciona o Monitor com uma faca apontada para seu pescoço, isso me lembra da cena em que Mia faz a mesma coisa quando chega em casa e não vê sua mãe em lugar algum. Felicity responde com um sorriso e elogia a filha por seus bons instintos. 
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Tal pai, tal filha!
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Crédito: @ebett​ @felicittysqueen
Pobre, Oliver! Ele achou que tinha mais tempo até a Crise chegar. Eu compartilho da mesma tristeza. 
Eu não entendo muito bem o tipo de barganha que o Oliver fez ao Monitor. Pelo que eu vi da cena, parece que ele pediu pra esticar um pouco o tempo. A parte confusa é qual o lado do Monitor nessa barganha, porque pela passagem de tempo, eles já chegaram em novembro de 2019. É o momento do crossover acontecer. Pelo que o Monitor disse, parece que ele queria que o Oliver o auxiliasse com os preparativos da Crise. Mas pelas informações das outras séries, o Oliver não foi o único a ser recrutado naquela noite. 
Oliver desconfia que o Monitor não está contando tudo a ele. O Monitor diz que viu o futuro dele. Oliver vai morrer na crise, isso é inevitável. É como um soco no estômago. Felicity entra na frente do marido e diz que não vai permitir que ele leve o Oliver embora. Oliver diz que o que está vindo é maior que os dois. O universo está em grande risco. O Monitor diz que não está ali pra machucar nem ela e nem a filha dos dois. Ele diz algo importante. O mundo precisa dela. Eu só me pergunto que papel a Mia vai ter no futuro. Pra salvar tanto ela quanto a Mia o Oliver precisa ir com ele nesta noite. 
E Felicity faz o maior questionamento do Arrowverse.
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Crédito: @blackelivey
Por que tem que ser sempre o Oliver a se sacrificar por todos? O que mais o Oliver tem que provar pra ser reconhecido como o herói que ele é? 
E o pior disso tudo é que nem mesmo depois do seu sacrifício pra salvar o multiverso aquela maldita cidade ingrata reconhece o seu valor. Nem sua família é bem aceita em Star City. Não me conformo com isso. Não é à toa que a cidade terminou dessa forma. Uma cidade que é incapaz de reconhecer seus heróis merece ruir. 
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E chega o momento mais desolador. O tempo da despedida. 
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Crédito: @littlegirlinvisible
É tudo tão triste. O Oliver nunca teve a oportunidade de ver sua filhinha crescer. Que justiça há nisso??? Essa família merecia muito mais do que deram a eles. Oliver foi pra guerra e nunca mais voltou. E ainda teve seu nome manchado pela propaganda anti-vigilante anos depois. 
Felicity diz que é por isso que eles nunca terão uma vida normal. Sempre haverá uma ameaça lá fora. Seus filhos nunca terão alguma normalidade. Oliver quer que Felicity prometa que fará tudo o que tiver ao seu alcance para proteger William e Mia, independente do que acontecer com ele. Fico me perguntando o que passou pela cabeça do Oliver para precisar pedir que ela prometa algo assim. Acho que no fundo ele sabia que seria um peso enorme que ela carregaria sozinha. E nada disso é justo. O plano era os dois criarem seus filhos juntos. E sempre haveriam consequências por suas atividades como vigilantes, não existe mais anonimato. O coelho saiu da cartola. 
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Crédito: @plotbunnyshipper
Ela relembra os votos do Oliver no casamento dos dois, ele disse que ela era a melhor parte dele. Felicity completa dizendo que eles são as melhores partes um do outro. 
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Crédito: @olicitygifs
O que os dois tem é muito maior que a droga do universo. 
Nem o tempo, nem a distância vai mudar o quanto o amor dos dois é eterno. Felicity carregou a aliança com ela todos esses anos, porque ninguém  poderia ocupar o lugar do Oliver em sua casa e em seu coração. Ela não estava brincando quando disse que iria esperar por ele.
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Meu coração não aguenta. Ele repetiu as mesmas palavras de quando ela declarou seus sentimentos ao Oliver em Nanda Parbat (3x20). 
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“Quando voltei pra Star City pra começar a minha missão, eu não achei que era capaz ou digno de amar... Meu único arrependimento é não ter dito Eu te amo mais cedo” 
Sim, foi por isso que ele demorou tanto pra se dar uma chance de levar seu relacionamento além da parceria team arrow. Ele se odiava, por todos os erros que cometeu com seus entes queridos no passado. Ele achava que no máximo poderia ter um relacionamento casual, seria o máximo que ele conseguiria em sua vida. Ele nunca imaginou que formaria uma família. Porque ele sempre achou que tudo que tocasse seria destruído. Também foi por isso que ele desistiu tão rápido depois que o primeiro encontro dos dois explodiu. Era como se aquilo fosse uma confirmação dos medos que ele tinha. 
No 2x06 ele disse que com a vida perigosa que ele levava nunca poderia estar com alguém que ele realmente se importasse. Porque era inevitável que essa pessoa pagaria o preço por estar conectado com ele. Ela sempre carregaria um alvo em suas costas. 
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Acho que foi nesse momento que ele se deu conta do quanto ela era importante pra ele. 
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Talvez esse tenha sido o momento que ele percebeu que a amava. O medo que ele sentiu só pela possibilidade de perdê-la. 
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E ele acaba comigo quando pede pra ela dizer a Mia que a ama todos os dias. 
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A Beth não estava exagerando quando disse que sempre quando assistia essas últimas cenas chorava. Toda vez que assisto os últimos minutos desse epis��dio derreto igual uma manteiga. 
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Crédito: @olicitygifs
O último beijo e o último toque. Ele se afasta e ela ainda tenta segurar sua mão até o limite. Quando a conexão do toque é quebrado e ele se afasta ela desaba no chão. 
Esse momento de pura emoção é o que faltou na última cena dos dois no 6x23. Stephen e Emily arrasaram nas suas últimas cenas juntos. E a música The Other Side - Ruelle (Link da música aqui) encaixou perfeitamente com essa despedida. 
No 6x23 ainda tinha a esperança de tê-lo de volta, agora pareceu tão definitivo, ele nunca mais voltaria, por isso, essa despedida de todas as formas é a mais triste de todas. Ela teria que viver sem ele, ela teve que se virar sozinha para criar a filha deles. Acho que se não fosse a Mia na vida dela, ela já teria desistido. Foi a Mia, foi a promessa que ela fez ao Oliver que a segurou. 
E no momento em que ela viu que os filhos não precisavam mais dela, foi o momento em que ela decidiu ir encontrar o Oliver, depois de 21 anos de espera. 
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Crédito: @plotbunnyshipper
Mesmo agora, eu não consigo controlar as minhas lágrimas.
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Vai levar um tempo pra eu superar isso!
Não era esse final que eu queria para o meu casal. Eu queria que eles tivessem uma vida plena e feliz, que pudessem aproveitar a aposentadoria e passasse o manto para os seus filhos. Esse é o legado!
Mia - William - Felicity
Para proteger a filha, Felicity decidiu apagar o registro do seu DNA Smoak-Queen dos registros do programa Archer. Em teoria, ela acha que se a Mia usar seu DNA no programa Archer pode servir como um vírus e destruir o programa. Eles tentam isso só que o programa só foi reiniciado. O que me lembra que ela já chegou a passar pelo programa e teve o acesso negado no ém importante  fosele7x16. Eles só conseguiram se safar porque o Connor apareceu como agese algunte da Knightwatch (a versão boa da ARGUS), isso porque ele alegou que o DNA dela não estava registrado por eles estarem sob disfarce, mas não vejo como isso pode ser uma explicação boa o suficiente para o DNA dela não está no registro. Pensei que eles já tinham sacado que o DNA dela foi apagado naquele episódio. 
E obviamente que tanto a Mia quanto o William tiveram a resistência da Felicity em participar ativamente da missão. Mesmo com a informação de que a Mia seria essencial para salvar o mundo a Felicity tentou ao máximo afastá-la da vida vigilante. É claro que não deu certo, porque era o destino dela. Não tem como um membro Smoak-Queen levar uma vida normal. 
Mesmo o William que na adolescência preferiu se afastar dos pais por causa dos perigos da vida que os dois levavam não conseguiu se manter afastado definitivamente. Acho que na vida adulta, ele entendeu que talvez essa era a única forma que a família poderia se manter unida. 
Eu entendo o ressentimento do William com tudo isso. Quando ele decidiu morar com os avós, em momento nenhum foi estabelecido que ele não queria mais o contato dos dois. Faz sentido ele ter se sentido rejeitado, porque a Felicity nunca tentou entrar em contato com ele novamente, mesmo depois da “morte” do Oliver. Acho que ele começou a duvidar que ele não era alguém importante pra Felicity. Lembrando que ela vivia isolada naquela casa na floresta. Eu acho que ele deve ter pensado que se ela quisesse encontrar ele já teria feito. Caramba, se passaram 20 anos, isso é tempo demais. 
Eu até entendo que a intenção da Felicity era protegê-los, eu só não acho que isso explica o fato dela não ter dito ao William que ela tinha uma irmã. Ele tinha o direito de saber disso. Ela acabou cometendo o mesmo erro do Oliver quando ele escondeu que tinha um filho, e por isso ela terminou o noivado. Só que no caso dela esse segredo durou quase que uma vida. Não acho que ela tinha o direito de esconder isso dele. Por isso entendo a revolta dele quando ele a acusou de excluí-lo da família, mesmo duas décadas depois. Ele trocaria o dinheiro que ela investiu na empresa dele, só pra ter a presença dela na vida dele. 
Pelo menos ela reconhece que cometeu um erro ao não contatá-lo antes. Mia merecia ter conhecido seu irmão mais velho há muito tempo atrás. 
Felicity se despede dos filhos em frente a lápide do Oliver.
William e Mia a encontram ali. William pergunta porque ela decidiu ter aquela conversa naquele lugar. Felicity quis reunir a família uma última vez. Foi a maneira dela de incluir o Oliver naquele momento. Mia fica confusa, mesmo que a mãe seja considerada uma fugitiva, isso não quer dizer que o contato tenha que ser cortado definitivamente. 
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Crédito: @feilcityqueen
Felicity diz que dessa vez vai ser diferente porque eles não precisam mais dela. 
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Mia diz: “Você é nossa mãe! Nós ainda queremos você nas nossas vidas.”
Felicity: “Eu prometi para o pais de vocês que eu protegeria vocês dois até que não precisassem mais de mim...
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Mais um motivo pra eu odiar que o Oliver tenha que fazer esse grande sacrifício. A Mia nunca teve a oportunidade de conhecer seu pai. 
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Mesmo crescendo sem o pai, Mia é igualzinha ao Oliver. Acho que esse deve ter sido um alento para a Felicity lidar com a ausência do Oliver todo esse tempo. Ela tem toda razão. Uma parte do Oliver sempre vai estar nos filhos. LEGADO. 
E Felicity se despede dos filhos da mesma forma que o marido. Ela quer que os dois prometam que vão cuidar um do outro. 
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Crédito: @felicitysmoakgifs
E a sua nova jornada é se reunir ao marido seja lá onde ele estiver. 
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Crédito: @feilcityqueen
Aonde quer que o Oliver está, não parece que esteja morto (literalmente), já que a Felicity passou pelo portal em carne e osso. 
Minhas teorias para a última temporada:
Acredito que a maior parte da trama da season 8 irá passar entre 2040 ou 2049. Acho que li em algum lugar que os FF da última temporada terá uma passagem de tempo para 2049. Eu tinha toda uma teoria que Mia, William e Nora iriam se juntar para trazer os pais de volta, só que essa teoria caiu por terra quando descobri a pouco que a Nora acabou apagando sua própria existência quando destruiu a adaga do Cicada. E por consequência o Flash Reverso acabou se libertando da prisão. Só não entendo o que a adaga tem a ver com isso. 
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Outra teoria é que talvez o Monitor se dê conta que o mundo é um lugar melhor com o Oliver nele, e decida dar uma segunda chance para o Oliver poder voltar pra sua família e continuar protegendo a cidade. 
É que tudo isso parece tão previsível, desde o Elseworlds todo mundo especulou que o Oliver iria morrer. E se os escritores estão brincando com o público? Até agora sabemos de fato que tanto o Oliver como o Barry não voltam depois do crossover. Eu não acompanho Supergirl, então não tem como eu ter certeza, mas eu acho que o único destino que não foi traçado tragicamente foi o dela. Sem contar que ainda tem o Superman na equação. 
Na quarta temporada os escritores jogaram um monte de sinais enganosos pra um monte de gente acreditar e temer que a personagem que estaria naquela sepultura era a Felicity. E no 18º episódio quem morreu foi Laurel Lance. Muitos fãs da personagem ainda acreditavam que ela seria ressuscitada. O poço de Lázaro foi destruído justamente pra que essa morte fosse definitiva. 
Enfim, eu só acho estranho que a Beth tenha entregado o final da série no último episódio da penúltima temporada. Arrow nunca foi o tipo de série que mostrava algo sobre o futuro. E é interessante ver no que a cidade se transformou sem o Oliver. Será que todo esse cenário distópico não é pra mostrar que a morte dele é um grande erro? 
E mais, a série sempre pareceu que seguiria o caminho de no final fazer do Oliver um herói realizado. Só que o futuro mostra justamente o contrário, depois de todo o caminho espinhoso, ele ainda não tem nenhum reconhecimento da sua cidade natal. Ele ajudou a salvar o unverso, pelo amor de Deus!
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Quando eu tento montar o quebra-cabeça a última peça não encaixa. 
Se esse é o fim da série, qual a necessidade de ter mais uma temporada? Já que é como tivesse “confirmado” a morte do Oliver, algo que o próprio Monitor queria deixar bem claro, que sua morte era inevitável e inexorável. 
Isso não estragaria a experiência do último grande crossover do Arrowverse???
Os escritores fizeram um baita suspense sobre Crisis on Earth-X. 
Só não faz nenhum sentido eles entregarem de bandeja as baixas (”mortes”) da Crise das Infinitas Terras com tanta antecedência. 
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A não ser que seja proposital. 
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Ou isso é só eu em negação!
E quando eu acho que finalmente vou me libertar de Arrow apesar de algumas decepções, eles acabam me atraindo novamente. E eu achando que não teria nenhuma esperança. Acho que sou meio masoquista. 
Lá vai um resumo da minha vida!
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Pior que nem posso dizer que isso só se resume a séries ou filmes. 
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sudumal-arrow · 2 years
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Okay they have their own toys So Now Run Barrys Run ⚡😌❤️⭐ . Also check out the Bio 😉 (Follow @sudumal_arrowverse for more daily posts )🌹🔥🌹❤️😎 #arrow #theflash #supergirl #netflix #olicity #snowbarry #blackcanary #hbo #batman #arrowverse #wonderwoman #aquaman #justiceleague #teentitans #dc #instagram #marvel #tvseries #oliverqueen #thecw #dctv #avengers #endgame #stephenamell #theflashmovie #cwarrow #supermanandlois #dccomics #cwarrow #mcu #thebatman https://www.instagram.com/p/CotX0_AKROJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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