#ollie: ok. this means nothing to me
cfrog · 8 months
OC-tober Day 1: Fav OC
[full prompt list]
I'm gonna have to award the title of "current favorite" to Rat. I'm sort of taking a break from drawing LEDDlabs, but I am still thinking about that guy so much. Have some rambles.
I cycle through which of the lab rats is my fav, I wouldn't say either of them is more favorite over the others. They take turns. And right now, it's Rat's turn. Which is good, cause it means he finally got some songs over on my neocities. Good for him!
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[Woe, Rat be upon ye]
I've always loved writing about immortal beings, they're just such unique sorts of characters. The threat of death influences so much of a normal character's motivation, so when you remove that, you end up with some real freaks. I think Rat is the closest an immortal character has gotten to what I would do with eternal life: mind my business, enjoy some art, and take a lot of naps. Not that his life is entirely worry-free. Rat also has one of my favorite moral dilemmas to write, the idea of a "good" demon. The implications of existing as a being explicitly intended for evil deeds, and choosing to act differently. The consequences of that choice, objectively "correct" from our perspective, but. Is it really a good thing? Does it matter in the end? Who knows :3c
Writing Rat also comes with one of my other favorite activities, worldbuilding. Specifically what demons are and how they work. I don't have, like. LOTR level of lore. It's pretty minimal right now, I've got just enough figured out to tell Rat's story. But since the main source of demon knowledge in-comic is gonna be from Rat, and he's the most unreliable and unhelpful source of information ever, I can lie and leave out whatever I need to. Even Astaroth is probably only going to be around for a handful of pages, being locked to a single room. She isn't exactly helpful or clear either.
Rat's uncooperative personality also helps me with writing about his "past lives" (i collect info for these on TH if you didnt know). Like, Rat is never going to share any of his old names. Because that's deadnaming? Because he genuinely forgot? Maybe. But it's mostly because I don't feel like coming up with 20 more names. I have two old Rat names, and that's more than enough. I don't want to refer to Rats of the past by other names because I feel like it'd distance them too much. I call them "past lives" but I don't want to give the wrong impression, they're all Rat. it's always been the same guy, continually living for hundreds of years. If LEDDlabs had an actual fandom I fully believe someone would onceler-style selfship some Rats. Like a true tumblr sexyman.
We'll see how much I write for the rest of these. I feel like this was a lot.
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Do you really have to pretend to be normal though /silly I like gore and stuff but I agree with only being in an art sense. Ollie is good at murder apparently. -🌟
┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ sometimes i gotta
yeah though! horror can be a really cool artform for exploring certain topics and examining them in an allegorical sense... but obv like don't kill people irl duh??? hello???
and ya oliver is... evil sometimes
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
OLDER SISTER X LITTLE BROTHER OLLIE! maybe she’s like dating lando or max now and ollie is being a protective little brother
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Protective little bear cub — Lando Norris x Bearman!sister!reader ft Ollie Bearman
Inspired by this TikTok 🤣🤣🤣
Tagged— @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @a-casual-romantic @alwayzbeenale @67-angelofthelordme-67 @amatswimming @bblouifford @bbtoni @badassturtle13 @barcelonaloverf1life @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @clowngirlsstuff @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @faithsotherhouseofchaos @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hangmandruigandmav @hollie911 @hrts4scarr @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @kimiracing07 @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @lightdragonrayne @moss-on-tmblr @norrisleclercf1 @natailiatulls07 @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @scotlynaurora @toasttt11 @vellicora @vivwritesfics @venusisnothere
This was hard for me to write 😭😭😭😭😭😭I started it then hated what I had then deleted it then restarted it and I gave up in the end
Ollie stood in the kitchen of your childhood home with a scowl on his face as he watched you and Lando’s being all cuddly across from him. Lando had his arm around your shoulder as you were showing him something. Ollie was a protective little brother so he did everything in his power to be over barring.Ollie shook his head and walked over to where you and Lando’s were.
“Why are you always here?” Ollie asked Lando.
“What do you mean?” Lando asked
“You’re always here, do your parents not like you or something?” Ollie snapped back.
“My parents love me and not always here” Lando says, making a face.
“Oh really ever since winter break has started you have spent all your time here” Ollie adds
“Have I?” Lando asked turning to you
“I don’t think so” you said
“Let me remind you” Ollie said
Time number #1
You and Lando were watching a movie cuddled up on the couch. Neither of you noticed Ollie walk into the living room.
“Whoa whoa make room for Jesus guys as a matter of fact Jesus sent me scoot over” Ollie says sitting in between the two of you.
“Oh stop being a big baby Ollie,” you tell your brother with a roll of your eyes but Ollie wasn’t stopping here. Instead he leaned his body up against yours as a sort of barrier to block your and Lando’s cuddling.
“No thanks, I’ll stay right here,” Ollie says.
“Dude back away stop leaning on me you’re crushing me,” you said, but Ollie ignored you and just stayed put.
Time #2
Your and Lando were in your room studying together for a test that was tomorrow. At first everything was going smoothly, but as the hours passed you couldn’t help but think Ollie was being suspicious. Instead of staying in his room that was located right across the hallway, he was suspiciously hanging out in the hallway directly outside of your room.
“What are you doing in the hallway?” you ask.
“Uh nothing don’t worry about it” he says in a suspicious tone.
You turn your attention back to studying, but a little later Ollie was once again hovering outside your room.
“What are you doing?” you asked, as you looked over and saw Ollie leaning against the doorframe.
“Just checking on things” Ollie says
“Well we’re good so you can leave”
“Alright but I’m watching and the first sign of any funny business I’ll be back” Ollie says before walking away hearing you groan out in frustration
Time #3
This happened after Christmas. You were cuddled up to Lando on your bed just watching a movie. At first everything was fine but then you heard someone clear their throat right near your door.
“I was just checking up on you, you know just making sure everything was OK” Ollie said as a big smirk spread across his face.
“Yeah, we’re fine you can go now” you said, but Ollie stayed put.
Time #4
You and Lando were at home alone together and just messing around and being flirty. You didn’t notice Ollie walk into the room with a mischievous grin on his face until you heard him say something.
“Hey! No cuddling allowed!” Ollie say as he walked in-between you and Lando, breaking up your cuddle.
“Come on Ollie we weren’t doing anything inappropriate” you say, while Lando just gives Ollie a glare and tries to move his body closer to you.
“I don’t care” Ollie said
Time #5
You and Lando were hanging out in your old treehouse in your backyard. You were cuddled up together under a blanket while you were reading your book and Lando was drawing something on a piece of paper.
You both were immersed in your own activities until you heard a voice from down below.
“Whatcha reading?” Ollie yelled up to you.
You ignored Ollie’s question, but that didn’t stop him from climbing up the ladder on the side of the treehouse to come up into the treehouse.
“Hey!” you yell as Ollie enters the treehouse and begins to head towards you.
“You both know how I feel about you guys being all cozy with each other” Ollie says, as he gets closer to the two of you.
“Your being ridiculous” Ollie you say to your brother
“I’m not being ridiculous” Ollie says
“We beg to differ” Lando says
Back to the present
You and Lando looked at each “you know what Ollie you are right Lando and I are always here” you say.
“As a matter of fact y/n do you want to go to my place?” Lando asked.
“As a matter of fact Lando yes yes I would” you said as you and Lando leave.
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f1nalgirlz · 2 months
Their favorite way to make you cum | Rory Characters
(not all characters, but if i missed some you want to see i'm open to doing a part 2) (stay safe!!)
warnings: NSFW!! mostly gender neutral reader, kinda ooc at times- let a guy dream ok? Mentions of: use of sex toys, penetrative sex, object insertion, fingering, thigh riding, dry humping, oral sex
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- using toys
- whether that be using them on you OR
- making you use them on yourself while he watches
- loves making you ride a dildo in front of him, he gets pleasure out of knowing he's not even touching you yet you still obey every word he says
- will edge you to make the whole experience last longer
- favorite part of his night tbh
- once he gets his fill of watching, will push you down and hammer the toy into you
- doesn't stop even after you cum, he loves overstimulating you
- again, prolonging the experience
- he's mean :( <3
Jack Thurlow:
- his dick :D
- a traditional man ...?
- it's such an ego boost for him, knowing you need no other stimulation to cum
- says stuff like "no one could fuck you better than me."
- when you agree bc he's fucking you so good, it's just stroking his ego further
- he can admit he's a little selfish as well
- not only is he giving you pleasure, he's getting it too.
- it's definitely a win-win for him
Charlie Walker:
- Charlie is pretty much willing and down to do anything for you
- he's absolutely obsessed with you so, duh
- nothing is off the table for him
- his favorite though, is with his fingers
- he adores watching you writhe under his touch, he loves watching you
- knowing he's able to make you cum with just his fingers is a delightful stroke to his ego
- he loves it in any position!!
- You're laying beneath him? Perfect. Straddling his lap on the couch, arms around his shoulders? Just as good. Strewn across his lap, while he's doing it? Amazing!
- and he's good at it too, so you ask him when you're in the mood for it
- and he eats it up every time.
Ollie Sway:
- similar to Kappa in that he likes using stuff on you, but it's not exactly a toy with him
- you guys got drunk together once and he ended up getting an idea
- he ended up fucking you with his empty beer bottle
- he was basically drooling at the sight and has been chasing that high ever since
- begging you every once in a while to let him try it again
- you comply on occasion, letting him get his fix, besides it's not like you don't like it.
- mostly non-penetrative stuff
- not that he doesn't LOVE the penetrative stuff, he absolutely does
- but there's just something about watching you rut against his knee, his hands guiding your hips to do so...
- especially if you guys have smoked a bit, it's so easy for him to sink back into the couch cushions, watching you lazily grind your hips against him
- it might seem a little lazy, and it really is
- but part of the reason it's his favorite way to get you off is how little effort he has to put in to make you finish
- at some point after one of your little sessions, he had a realization of "i can make them feel this good without having to do anything???" and just never looked back
- similar to Charlie, he just loves watching you.
- this isn't to say he can't/doesn't want to put in effort, this is simply his fav way
Danny Cooper:
- HEAD !!!!
- he loves going down on you, and could do so for hours
- and he has
- will eat it from any position
- he's just so good at it, he gets so immersed in what he's doing, soaking in every noise you let out.
- he'll be moaning softly whenever you tug him off by his hair because he's overstimulating you on accident :((
- stares up at you with teary blue eyes and a wet chin, silently asking why you'd interrupt him
- my puppy boy danny agenda >:)
- he loves looking up at you from between your legs, eyes watery from the way you tug his hair
- gets pussy/dick drunk and doesn't like to stop until he's had his fill (he'll stop the moment you ask him to ofc <3)
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cieloclercs · 8 months
grace , send me a trope + a character and i’ll write a short drabble from it
hii, can i please request best friends to lovers with ollie?
congrats on 1k btwww 🫶🫶
call me cupid — ollie bearman
pairing. ollie bearman x best friend!reader
word count. 2.7k (i swear i tried to make it short lmao)
warnings. kind of a weird fusion of fluff and angst ??? unrequited love vibes (that’s not actually unrequited but u get what i mean), pining ollie, pining reader, arthur lowkey is the mastermind, and is also sick of said pining, abrupt ending i’m sorry 😭
author’s note. hello anon! thank you so much for your request ☺️ i hope this is ok ! i know it cuts off quite abruptly, but i’d be open to writing a part 2 with the confession if you want one &lt;3
read below the cut
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He’s staring again.
It’s becoming a problem, but can anyone really blame him? You look nothing short of angelic under the strobe lights, your shimmering dress catching his eye every time you move. You’re dancing with a girl he doesn’t recognise, that beautiful smile he adores stretched across your crimson-painted lips. It makes him wonder what she’s saying to you to make you seem so content.
Best friends shouldn’t look at each other the way he’s looking at you now. Ollie knows that. Yet on days like today, he really can’t help it. This is your party, celebrating your third Formula 2 victory in a row. He’d watched from way back in P5 as you stormed through the field, fighting off every challenge your opponents tried to throw your way. There’s a reason the fans call you the Queen of Formula 2, after all. You’re practically untouchable. All it does is heighten his awareness of his own pounding heart whenever you’re around; turn his insides to velvet when you so much as smile his way. Yes, it’s becoming a problem — and Ollie isn’t sure there’s anything he can do to stop it.
“You know, I’ve just thought of something you should try.” A voice speaks up to his left, breaking him out of whatever trance you’ve unwittingly put him under. He turns. Arthur Leclerc stands like the devil on his shoulder, arms folded, expression unimpressed. When Ollie says nothing, he goes on, “It’s called talking to her. Works wonders, really, I’d highly recommend. It’s how I met Carla.”
The younger of the two rolls his eyes. Arthur is the only other living soul on earth who knows about his infatuation with you — officially, at least. In reality, almost everyone in the Ferrari Academy has long since figured it out. Everyone except you, ironically. But Ollie supposes it makes sense; why would someone like you ever even consider him as something more than just a friend?
“Can we not do this tonight?” Ollie sighs, exasperated, “I’m just trying to forget about…all of that for a moment.”
This time it’s Arthur who rolls his eyes. Ever since he first caught on to his friend’s crush on you a little over eight months ago, he’s been trying every method under the sun to try and make him see that maybe, just maybe, he shouldn’t be so pessimistic about his chances. But the answer is always the same. Ollie remains convinced, like some poor, naïve, completely oblivious child, that you’d never so much as give him a second glance if he told you how he felt. It’s complete bullshit, of course. Arthur has seen the way your eyes search immediately for his after a race, be it a good result or even a bad one. He’s watched you brush off close friends (including him, many a time) even family members, to get to Ollie. But of course, Ollie himself doesn’t notice. No fool in love ever does.
“You’re not going to forget though, are you?” Arthur muses, glancing at his friend out of the corner of his eye, “I know you, and I know you can’t stay away from her for that long. You’ll cave eventually.” he smirks. At the sight of Ollie’s pink cheeks, he knows he’s caught him out.
“Why don’t you go annoy someone else for a change?” the Brit grumbles. There’s the ghost of a smile tugging at his lips. Arthur could pick it out even in the pitch dark.
“Don’t pretend you don’t love me.” he teases.
Within moments he’s cowered behind Carla on the other side of the room, chased away by Ollie’s (half joking) threats to crash him out of the next race on purpose if he doesn’t shut his mouth. But Arthur’s words stick with him throughout the entire night. Somehow, they always do.
In truth, Ollie's been grappling with the idea of telling you for quite a while; to put him out of his own misery more than anything else. He's sick and tired of the 'best friends' label. It seems so trivial, so reductive to say that it hurts him, when in fact, every time you refer to him as such, he’s sure you must be ripping his heart out of his chest. But then he can’t help but feel melodramatic — at least he has you, even if only as a friend. Even if you don’t love him in the way he loves you, you’re still there. Close, though perhaps not quite close enough. Ollie has decided not to take that for granted. He knows how easily it can be snatched away from him.
In the end (just as he always seems to be) Arthur is right — it’s not even an hour before he finds himself gravitating towards you; unwittingly being pulled into your orbit from which he fears, if he’s not careful, he’ll never be able to escape. You’re hovering on the edge of a group of engineers now, sipping on a glass of sparkling water out of a straw. How you can appear drop dead gorgeous yet so damn adorable at the same time, he has no idea. Ollie feels he’ll be spending the rest of his life trying to figure you and your many layers out.
“Hi, Ol.” you greet him with a smile like the sun when he finally plucks up the courage to approach. He mutters something in reply, though as soon as the words have left his mouth he’s already forgotten them — he could have said something completely unintelligible for all he knows. That’s the effect you have on him.
“Having fun?” you prompt again, your soft smile spreading into a full-blown grin. Ollie glances briefly around the room. It’s absolutely packed full of Ferrari Academy members, both drivers and personnel. Normally, this kind of event would be his worst nightmare. Even if he’s known these people for years, the idea of having to socialise and look like he’s having fun makes him feel sick. But then he remembers all this is for you. It’s to celebrate your achievements in a male dominated field, which no woman has ever managed to do before. When he reminds himself of that, all his anxiety suddenly seems to melt away.
“Of course.” Ollie grins back. His heart soars to see you light up at his words, to see you giggle behind the rim of your glass and look at him as if he’s the only person in the world. At times like this he can truly believe that maybe Arthur is right — maybe, if he confesses, his world won’t come crashing down. Maybe you’ll light it up for the better.
“What happened to you at turn one? Nic told me you dropped out of the points." you go on, eyebrows furrowing with the remnants of confusion. Ollie had begun the feature race in P2 behind you, yet you'd find that the competition you'd so anticipated disappeared not even before the first lap had ended. The Brit sighs, shaking his head.
"I collided with Jack trying to defend." he tells you with a wince, "Damaged my sidepods."
Your expression twists into one of sympathy. There's almost no coming back from that, even for a driver as talented as Ollie. Still, you think, to climb back up to P5 after sustaining damage like that is no mean feat. You don't miss the way he flushes bashfully when you tell him as such.
"It was my own fault." he mumbles, trying desperately to cool the flames in his cheeks as you watch him, eyebrows raised. He always feels like he's been put under a microscope when you look at him like this. There's no escaping the calculation in your stare, the curious scrutiny. "I took too much of a risk."
You shake your head. There's the tiniest of knowing smiles on your lips. Ollie is always so hard on himself. It's something you both admire him for, and find yourself exasperated with; he never seems to be able to see how brilliant he really is -- or at least, how brilliant he is in your eyes.
"Well, whoever was at fault, it's a real shame." you dismiss with a wave of your hand, "I miss sharing the podium with you."
Ollie is sure he must be melting. He can't figure out if it's from your words alone, or from the tiny pout that's fallen on your lips, or even the soft glint in your eyes as you gaze up at him. Suddenly the proximity between the two of you seems to have all but diminished. He chuckles nervously.
"Next race will be ours." the Brit murmurs. Little by little you inch closer to him, your hand resting on the ledge you're leaning on, just ghosting over where his own lays flat. He breathes in sharply.
"Promise?" you whisper. The point of your heel bumps against his foot. Ollie glances down at it in a panic, before his head snaps up to meet your piercing gaze. He fears that if he rocks forwards only the slightest bit on the balls of his feet, he'll be close enough for his nose to bump yours. He's never felt so consumed, so intoxicated by another person in all his life. He can smell the honey scent of your hair, feel your warm breath tickling his cheek. His gaze flickers down for the briefest of moments to your lips - soft and pink, parted as if there's something else you want to say, but the words have gotten trapped in your throat.
"I promise." Ollie croaks.
Just one more step, you think. One more step, and he'll kiss you. He's so close, closer than he's ever been before, and suddenly you can see everything falling into place: all the nights spent crying on Arthur's shoulder, wondering whether Ollie is truly just scared as your friend says he is, or whether he simply doesn't feel the same. It will all fade into a distant, long-abandoned memory. Finally, you'll be able to call him something more than just your best friend.
But then he steps away.
You flinch, taken aback at his sudden movement. Ollie stares at you, wide-eyed, breathing heavily as if he's just run a marathon. He can't believe what's just happened — can't believe he was about to kiss you. How could he be so stupid?
"I —" he stammers. The look on your face is hard to decipher: shocked, confused, hurt. If Ollie looked a bit closer, he'd be able to see the last of those emotions, or the way your shock is mixed with a horrible sinking feeling of disappointment. But, of course, he doesn't see it that way. He's stuck on the same, poisonous idea that's been plaguing his mind ever since he first figured out his feelings — you don't feel the same way.
"I'm sorry." Ollie gasps. Then, without another word, he turns on his heel and runs, leaving you stood alone, arms half outstretched as if to try and stop him. You're too late, of course. Within moments he's out of sight. Gone, just like your hope.
"Well that was a train wreck." a familiar voice speaks up from somewhere on your left. You spin around, groaning as you spot Arthur, arms folded, eyebrows furrowed in what you can only imagine is frustration.
"You don't say." you drawl bitterly, glaring down into your empty glass. Wordlessly, your friend passes you his own half-full one. You lean down to sniff at its contents, and pull away, nose scrunched in distaste — definitely not water. But you think, at this point, you're owed some kind of distraction.
"Why does he keep running away from me?" you grumble. It's been months of this cat and mouse game now. Tonight is the closest you've ever got; the first time you've seen with your own eyes that Ollie does reciprocate your feelings. Yet it feels like for that step forward, all you've gone and done is taken another two back.
"Because he's an idiot." Arthur answers plainly. The Monégasque watches as you take a gulp of his drink, pulling a face at the burn in your throat, and wordlessly reaches forwards to take the glass back from your hands. He's grateful that you don't complain.
"Well I wish he'd stop." you mutter. As much as you're willing to wait for Ollie for as long as he needs, it's painful, having to go on loving him from a distance like this. Every time you lock eyes, the longing grows more intense. You're not sure how much longer you can take it.
"You know, you're just as bad as he is." Arthur speaks up. Once again, your head snaps towards him, eyes narrowing.
"You heard me." the Monégasque says with a sigh, "Look, I want to help you, I really do, but you could make all of this so much easier for yourself if you just tell him how you feel."
And there it is. You can’t help but let out a bitter chuckle. It sounds so simple coming from Arthur’s mouth — so easy. God knows you’ve tried, time and time again, to be honest with Ollie about your feelings, to rip off the plaster in the hopes the pain of it won’t be too great; that he might just tell you he’s been trying to say the same thing all this time. But whenever you feel as if you might be ready, the words catch in your throat. You just can’t stomach them. It’s a kind of vulnerability you’ve never shown to anyone before, let alone someone who already means so much to you. At the end of the day, you’re still young. No matter how much you love Ollie now, the chances of him being the one are low.
At least, that’s what you’ve been trying to convince yourself. But a part of you knows already — there’s no one else on earth you’ll ever feel this way about. Young or not, it’s always going to be Ollie.
“I don’t know if I can take that risk, Arth.” you say quietly, “If Ollie and I — if we’re not meant to be together…isn’t it better just to have him, even as a friend, than risk losing him entirely?”
You’re honestly not sure which is the most painful: having to pretend that you don’t love him, or the idea of one day not having him at all. Yet, you still know which one you’d choose — even if it hurts like ripping your own heart out of your chest.
“Huh.” Arthur says, eyebrows furrowing again. There’s something different in his expression this time, though. It’s less frustration, more a spark. As if he’s realised something you and Ollie may not have just yet.
“What?” you ask. Suddenly, Arthur begins to smile. You watch him disbelievingly, none the wiser as to what on earth he has to be so happy about at the present moment. Then he’s laughing, shaking his head as if in mirthful despair.
“You really are soulmates.” the Monégasque snickers, watching almost gleefully as you grow even more confused.
“What?” you ask again. Part of you begins to wonder if Arthur has lost his mind — you wouldn’t blame him after the game he’s been playing: acting as some sort of secret go-between in the middle and your and Ollie’s back and forth self-doubts. But Arthur hasn’t lost the will to live with it all just yet. In fact, he thinks he’s finally figured out how to make the both of you see sense.
“He said the exact same thing to me.”
And with that, Arthur turns on his heel, leaving you stood alone, your mind racing. All this time you’ve been trying to play the long game; trying to anticipate what Ollie is thinking, when in reality, your thoughts are practically shared. You’re both afraid. More than you ever have been in your life. But for the first time you begin to think, perhaps fear doesn’t have to be the dividing factor.
“Why do you look so pleased with yourself?” Carla Brocker asks her boyfriend as he retakes his familiar position at her side, still grinning like a child who’s just been told Christmas is coming early. Arthur says nothing, merely tilting his head in the direction of where you stand motionless. It only takes a few moments for Carla to catch on. She turns to face her boyfriend again, mouth hanging open.
“You think you’ve got through to her?” she whispers urgently.
Once again, Arthur Leclerc grins proudly.
“Just call me Cupid.”
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captainlondonman · 1 year
The Making of a Skin
Olly had been flipping thro’ the dating apps recently and most of the guys he had teamed up were boring. Ok for a quick sex session but once he had cum he was ready to get back. Grindr was fine but he felt he was getting nowhere with any real excitement. One of his hook ups had suggested a new App which the guy had said he had looked at but the guys all looked a bit rough and not for him. Olly made sure he got the App name before leaving. The fuck had been lousy so no wonder the bloke was not interested in anything different.
Might as well give it a try. He was feeling a bit horny and in need of something different so he opened the App, subscribed and started flicking through.
 Shit the guy was right, there was a lot of leather and rubber with bulky guys, most seemed to smoke cigars and have walrus whiskers. Not for me, Olly said. He was about to flick again when a guy caught his notice. It was just the face but he had a shaved head, clean shaven and looked mean. Nothing about him but he lived nearby. Olly pressed the button and immediately had a response.
‘You up for it?’
‘Yup’ Olly replied
‘You lookin’ for sumthing different?’
‘OK M8 get yourself around’
The guy sent his address
‘Get round now, got it?’
 Olly liked the way the guy sounded demanding. This should be different he thought, rubbing his crotch and feeling his bulge grow.
Olly took only ten minutes to get to the address, a council block of flats in an area he would normally not go to. Thankfully there seemed no one around and anyway he made sure to park his car away. The guy had told him which block and to press 18. Olly did as told and heard a rough voice saying
‘2nd floor you can walk up. Lift off’
Not sure what to expect Olly walked up the two flights and saw that one of the two doors were open.
‘Hullo’, he shouted meekly
‘Come in and shut the door mate’
 Standing in the hall was not just a guy with a shaved head but a Skin, in 20 hole black DMs with yellow socks, bleachers, yellow braces and a Black Fred Perry shirt. He had been working out and showed bulging muscles which were covered in tattoos.
‘Never seen a fucking Skin before? You saw my face so you should have it worked out. So now’s you’re here better have lager. I fucking need one and a  Marlbro. He went into the kitchen and came back with an open can and handed it to Olly.
‘Come in and sit down’.
‘I don’t usually drink lager’, Olly said
Skin muttered, ‘well that’s about to fucking change.’
‘Sorry what did you say?’
‘Want a fag mate?’
‘No I don’t smoke’
‘Fuck, you soon will’, Skin muttered
‘Well drink up mate. So what’s you wantin’. Looking for some quick sex and then off is that it?’
‘I saw your photo and it looked interesting’
‘Interesting? What the fuck does that mean.’
‘Dunno know just that’
‘Well drink up mate and make the most of yer lager.’
 Not sure what to do Olly quickly drank his can. Feeling a bit scared he took in the Skin sitting opposite with his legs apart his booted feet firmly on the floor and he could see a good sized bulge in his bleachers. Scared or not Olly could feel his cock starting to stiffen Suddenly he could feel himself becoming drowsy, his vision becoming blurred and all he wanted to do was sleep.
‘Sooory I’m feeling a bit tired, perhaps I’d better go home’, that was all he said before he slumped back on the chair, letting his empty can drop to the floor.
  Olly felt cold, he could not move and something was around his face. He needed time to think. Where was he? As his vision came back he realised that he was stark naked and in a bath, his ankles were roped together and his hands were tied behind his back. Something leather was strapped around his head and in the centre was a leather ball inside his mouth . he could not speak and almost felt like choking. He started to panic.
Suddenly he heard
‘Stop being such a fucking baby and man up.’ The Skin leant over Olly and spat a huge gob between his eyes and then taking his hand rubbed it all over his face taking a lump of spit and forcing his finger around the leather ball gag
The Skin was standing in front of him, legs apart with a can of lager in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
‘Time to get going Boi’
With that he bent over Olly drawing in the smoke and blowing out into his face. Olly wanted to cough but the leather ball prevented him..
‘Fucking inhale dumb boy’
Skin continued blowing the smoke into Olly’s face until Olly had to take in the smell and fumes.
‘That’s it Boi, you soon luv it’
Once he stubbed out the ciggie, he opened the can and with his other hand undid the gag.
‘No fucking noise from you boy’
And with that he grabbed Olly’s hair, pushed his head back and started pouring the lager down his throat.
‘Fuckin swallow Boi.’
Olly gurgled and started to swallow mouthful after mouthful until the can was empty.
‘I need to pee, please’ he murmured
‘Why do you think you’re in the fucking bath. Go on let me see ya piss’.
Without waiting Olly peed himself, his piss running down the bath
‘Tell you what Boi, I need to piss myself as well.’
Skin unbuttoned his bleachers and yanked out his meaty cock.
‘Take this Boi ‘,and with that sprayed a river of piss over Olly
He lit up another ciggie and started over blowing the smoke straight into Olly’s face.
‘Fucking inhale boi. Let me see you cause youll be smoking yerself soon.’
Once he had finished he took the shower hose and washed down Olly and all the piss in cold water.
‘There you are Boi,’ he said putting the gag back in.
‘Every hour I’ll be back and you’ll get a lager and ciggie smoke. Got it?’
Throughout the day Skin came back with another can and rammed the lager down Olly;’s throat. By the end of the day he almost looked forwards to the taste of the lager as well as the way he was forced to swallow. Even when the smoke was blown into his face he found himself inhaling more and more. When the last can was given he asked
‘Can I have my own cigarette please?’
‘Look Boi, forget all this bloody poncy language. It’s a fucking ciggie got I and I want to hear the word Fuck being used all the time got it?’
‘All that fuckin lager sure make you piss yerself judging by that stream Boi. Makes me want to piss.’ Again he undid his buttons and pulled out his cock . This time he grabbed Ollys head and pulled off the gag
‘Time to drink something else Boi.’
Skin leaned over the bath and with his cocked aimed directly into Olly’s mouth. ‘Ive been fucking drinking all day mate so there plenty coming and your takin it all.’
With that he let out a heavy stream of piss into Olly’s mouth who was unable to take all as it started running down his face.
Seeing Skin’s cock right in front of his face and tasting the acid piss started making him happy, and he could feel his cock lengthening.
‘Christ Boi, yer luving this. Look at yer fuckin cock. Not a bad size Boi. That’s what I wanna see. This is just the start. Boi I’ll make a skin man out of you yet.
Skin buttoned himself up and went out coming back with electric clippers, shaving foam and a razor.
‘Time to get rid of all that fuckin hair Boi. No bloke of mine has hair. Yer best shaved. Be a man, a skin man’
With that Skin set to work and within the hour he had flushed all Olly’s hair down the bath and in place was a gleaming scalp.
‘That’s a fucking great head you’ve got now. Makes you look so much better You can stay tied up tonight and we’ll see what tomorrow brings. But you deserve a treat eh’
He undid the gag briefly and poured another can of lager down Oll’s throat and then lit up a cigarette.
‘Time for your first proper one Boi. I’ll hold and you puff. I wanna see you fucking inhale big time got it?’
Olly by now  was desperate for his fag and knew instinctively how to inhale. There was no coughing after all the smoke he had taken in during the day. He took in puff after puff emitting cloud of smoke.
‘Well done Boi, yer on yer way.
I’ll see you later OK?’
After an hour Olly heard the front door bell ring and heard Skin exchange a few words with another male voice.
The door opened and in walked The Skin with a replica but the guy had a rubber T shirt on , Fred Perry style. His arms and head were covered in tattoos. Olly could hardly make out all the patterns but he was able to note the St George’s flag, a skull, a clenched fist with centre finger upright, the Nazi emblem and writing that looked vaguely German. He was all muscle, his rubber T shirt tight against his 6 pack but it wasn’t just the T shirt that was tight. His bleachers showed what looked liked a truncheon down one side, thick and semi hard.
‘So this is yer Boi? Not bad. What do you want done?’ he said opening his bag
‘We’ll start light mate. Gie him an Iron Cross on his shoulder, then S-K-I-N across both knuckles and on the back of his neck in big letters F-U-C-K. Let’s get to work.’
 Olly suddenly realised what was about to happen and started to struggle in his bondage.
 ‘Stop fucking moving Boi,’ he growled and then took his hand and slapped Olly hard across the face. ‘Much more of that and I’ll have your whole fucking body covered.’
Again Olly struggled.
‘Take that you fucking wimp,’ again his hand smacked the side of Olly’s face.
Shit it stung. Olly decided it was best to stay quiet.
The Skin undid the ties and hauled Olly out of the bath, taking his hand across Olly’s arse. ‘Any moaning and moving from you Boi and I’ll take my paddle across that bum of yours’
 Olly sat on the chair obediently and the Tat man took out his tools and started his work. Olly bit into his gag to stop any moaning. The guy started on his neck and then took his hands and on each one formed SKIn on each. Finally as he started on the shoulder The Tat man was standing in front of him close to his body and he could feel the guys bleachers rubbing against him. Not just his bleachers but he could feel the outline of his cock and as it lightly rubbed against so he could feel it lengthening. It did feel like a truncheon. Olly started to move  his arm into towards the dick so the guy knew and clearly he was loving it.
The Skin saw
‘What the fuck is going on with the two of you. Boi that dick of yours is suddenly fucking hard. You enjoying yer tats?’
The Tat man turned round to face The Skin.
‘I think its my fucking dick he likes.’
‘Shit man, you getting turned on doing my Boi. Christ that’s some bit of meat you got there,’ he said starting to rub his own crotch ‘Think its time we had a bit of action and see how Boi performs eh?’
The Skin put his hand out and slid it down the length of the Tat man’s cock then took a hard clench, rubbing his own cock at the same time.
‘Fuck that’s a real dick man. I thought mine was big but shit that’s huge. Time you got that out’
Both skins opened their flies and forced out their cocks, both rock hard and both standing in front of Ollys face. The Skin had a good 8 incher with a gleaming head already showing some precum, but the Tat man must have had 10 inches and thick. Olly could not believe having two dicks belonging to Skins like this right in front of his face
‘He’s my Boi so I’ll go first and then he can take you after his throat’s widened’
 The Skin put both hands around Olly’s head and guided him to his cock. As he did so Tat man spat a gob onto his cock and started sliding his hands slowly up and down his shaft.
‘Fucking open wide Boi you’re taking all my cock right down the back of yer fucking throat ‘
Olly choked as The Skins cock was forced into his mouth.
‘Fuckin breathe properly so you can take this. Just remember yer next cock is even bigger’
With his hands around Olly’s head he started ramming his cock deeper and deeper into Olly’s mouth. Olly let more and more spit onto the shaft to make it easier.
‘That’s it Boi you’ve got the hang. Take it’
This is what Olly wanted, skin prick. He didn’t need The Skin to force his head he was doing it because he wanted. Now he wanted the bigger cock in his mouth
‘I’ll fucking come in a minute. You’re bloody great Boi,’ he said taking his dick out ‘let me see you take his dick in yer mouth’
The Tat man moved in. I can see you’re going to love this Boi. Shit you’re a real sucker.
He also put his hands around Olly’s neck and directed his cock but knowing the size was gentle allowing Olly to open his mouth wide enough to take the diameter.
Taking the cock more slowly turned the Tat man on, even more feeling Olly’s throat expand to take it all. OIly wanted every inch of his dick and slurped down the shaft and as the Tat man clenched his arse feeling his cock throbbing so the skin put his hand between his crack and started rubbing his cheeks.
‘Christ that arse of yours is loving the face fuck mate.  One day I’d love to give you a real fuck. Shit you’ve a mighty pair of cheeks.’
The Skin was now even more horny and worked up, wanking and watching Tat’s mans cock inch down more and more while rubbing the arse.
‘Fucking great eh. Right Boi time for your first load of cum. Grab your own dick and we’ll all come together right’
Olly already had his hand around his cock. He was ready to explode after two cocks in his mouth.
‘Don’t know about you mate but this Boi has me ready to fill his mouth with my cum.’
‘Fuck I’m ready when you are,’ the Skin said as he was now wanking hard.
‘You ready Boi. Lets go’
With that all three erupted their load of cum. The Skin spurted his load over Boi’s face as the Tat man let rip down the back of Olly’s throat, so much it was oozing out of his mouth and down his chin. Olly exploded his pent up cum all over the floor. It was like a fucking avalanche of cum from all three.
‘Fucking hell man, next time I do a tat I’ll bloody well make sure I rub me dick against the bloke. Not sure they’ll give such a great blowjob. Well done Boi.’.
The Tat man stuffed his cock back down his bleachers allowing some of the left over cum to drip through his bleachers.
‘Might as well let the blokes see what I’ve been doing eh?’
He picked up his tools to go
‘When he’s ready for the next set of tats let me know. I’ll be back like a bloody shot and I’ll want a blowjob before and after I do them.’
After he went out The Skin said
‘Well done Boi, you sure took the full length of his dick. Never thought you’d get that monster down yer throat. Sure made me so fucking horny. Here’s a can for you. You deserve it.’
‘Can I have a cigarette as well.’
‘Can I have a cigarette as well,’ he mimicked. ‘You can have a fucking ciggie when you ask. I wanna hear skin talk from now on or else I’ll bloody well slap you again, got it?’
‘Can I have a fucking ciggie mate?’
‘That’s better and glad you now know ciggies are for us skins.’
Olly drew on his fag savouring every long puff
‘Right next stage Boi, need to get you dressed, get next door I have everything laid out for you.’
Laid out neatly was a MA 1 green jacket, a Fred Perry T shirt white with black stripes at the collar, black braces, bleachers long white socks and black 20 hole DMs with white laces.
‘Time to get yer gear on, you need to look like a fucking skin but first come here. Olly stood in front of the Skin who put a thick metal linked chain around his neck and secured the padlock.
‘Know what that’s for?’
‘Fucking no’
‘It tells everyone you’re mine and only I can unlock you. Looks good on you and better when you have my gear on you. Its my gear so you are definitely mine , all mine.’
 Olly could not believe his luck. All this gear was for him to wear and better still it belonged to his master As he lifted up the T shirt, Skin said
‘That’s right smell it first. Yup its me you smell so you’ve my smell against your body.’
Next he put on the bleachers. They were tight but the right size and he could feel his cock start to swell as he forced his dick down one side. He put it down the same side at The Skin as he could see piss marks
‘Thought this would fucking turn you on Boi. Any skin gets off when he’s in full gear’
The Skin picked up the socks and rammed them into Olly’s face.
That’s it, smell these stinking socks,’ as he rubbed them across his mouth. ‘Not washed for months Boi.’
They were rancid but Olly was getting off on them, his cock getting bigger
He put the socks on and then the boots. Instinctively he knew how to lace them, then the braces which he let hang down at the back and finally the bomber jacket.
‘Shit Boi you look fucking great. I made the right choice with you. How do you feel?’
‘Just look at me fuckin big cock. Fucking right, Skin.’
‘That’s me boy. You talk skin now, that’s because you are one. There’s a mirror over there. Take a look.’
Olly could not believe it, gone was that pussy boy. He was looking at a skin, a mean skin and shit that cock of his had never looked bigger stretching down his bleacher leg.
‘I need a fucking ciggie looking  at me.’
‘You can have one as we go out. Now’s the final bit’
Take this and follow me.
He handed Olly a baseball bat and pushed him out the door. As they stepped out into the street they both lit up. People started moving aside as they walked up the road several people looking at Olly’s large crotch. He could not keep his erection down. He felt brill.
‘What you’s fucking looking at.’ He shouted at people ‘Never seen a hard skin before.’ As he waved the bat towards them.
The Skin smiled. ‘Yup he’s my Boi.’
They stubbed out their ciggies and turned into a deserted warehouse. The Skin found an unlocked door and shoved it open letting both of them in.
‘Right Boi this is all yours. Do what you want.’
Something triggered in Olly’s head and he knew what he wanted to do. His cock was rammed hard, he knew he looked a tough skin, being so horny had made him feel full of skin aggro.
‘Oi Oi I’m a fucking skin, no one gets in my way or else they’re meat.’ and with that he took the bat and swung it breaking up everything in sight screaming
‘Fuck the lot of them Fuck, Fuck. Life is for us skins, we rule no one gets in a skin s way.’ Glass was smashed, boxes broken as he wielded the bat.
The Skin watched feeling more and more horny watching his Boi.
‘Shit me’s cock ready for that arse of his, Im so fucking ready to unload in him.’ His cock was rigid down his bleachers and he could not keep it contained any longer, lifting its full length out to show a gleaming head with precum.
Olly was loving the damage he was making and his cock was as hard getting off on the aggro and anger. A damp patch was appearing on his bleachers exactly where is cock head was
‘Get the fuck over here Boi, im waiting’
That was a command thought Olly and seeing the Skin’s thick erect dick he knew what was going to happen and he was gagging for it.
He put down the bat and walked over, the Skin grabbing him and putting his right arm firmly around Olly’s Neck
Suddenly Olly felt a zip goung down at his arse.
‘Fuck mate you’ve got a rear zip on me bleachers.’
‘They’re my bleachers and yes how do you think I’m going to fuck you in your gear. Now shove that arse of your out towards me.’
The Skin dropped a large gob of spit onto his dick and rubbed it down the shaft. Need to give a bit of lube so you can take my full length Boi’
With his left hand he guided his cock into Olly’s arse. Olly could feel his crack being opened and his hole being forced to take the prick. As soon as he felt the head he started moving his arse back into Skin to take the length.
‘That it mate, I fucking ready for your dick so start fucking me’
‘Don’t fucking worry Boi I will. Get you own dick out, I wanna see you shoot as my cum goes up yer bum.’
‘Eh you’re a fucking skin now being fucked by another skin  and you are all mine Boi. It’s what you want Boi isn’t it.’
‘Fucking right mate, go on ram that dick of yours up me let me have the full length. You’ve got a good one there Mate and I wanna feel all of it. Your gonna fuck me again and again after this. I’ll never get enough of it.’
‘That what I wanna hear Boi.’
The Skin was getting more and more horny hearing his Boi desperate for a shag and moved his cock in and out faster and faster.
The faster he fucked the more Olly was rubbing his own shaft. He wanted to shoot across the space with all his cum while feeling the rush of Skin’s cum up his arse.
‘This is the best fuck I’ve had in ages Boi, you are a real little sub needing my dick’
‘Get on with it I want to feel your spunk in me’
‘Shit it’s coming get ready Boi to spurt your cum’
The two skins were glued together is their full gear, fucking for all their worth.
‘I’m cumming Skin’ shouted
‘Me too’
With that both came, a shit load of spunk up Olly’s arse and another shit load spurting across the floor.
‘Jesus what a bloody fuck that was.’
Thanks mate for making me into a Skin. This is the fucking life.
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theycallmeratt · 20 days
Raaaatt I wanted to ask sooner but I kept typing your Ao3 name instead and not finding you.
I see you've answered a lot but I think not these 3:
18. 27. 28.
18 share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a fic
I have so many of these! I keep all of it so I don't feel bad deleting them in the first place haha. And to reuse them, maybe!
"Good. Rub my orbuculum and I'll give you good fortune." (from wizard smut, of course)
(Talking about his time in Avernus)
Rolan even—don't tell Lia and Cal—left a few times on his own and talked himself up to any devil who would listen, taking the lessons they offered solely because they thought it was funny to indulge mortal pride.
(this is from an earlier version of Three/Four, when Lakrissa was really nihilistic. This is also a rough draft but I did like like "doesn't mean I want to start now")
"When I do, I'll rot. Every part of me, everything I did, who I really am, dissolves into the void. I return to what I was before I was born: nothing. This means I can do anything. No one will remember my successes, no one will remember my mistakes. I can even do nothing."
Alfira was listening, arms crossed.
Lips dry, Lakrissa continued, "Just because I believe what I do doesn't mean I want the rot to start now, while I'm still alive. There's still dinner to cook. There's still your music. Besides, I want to read Silfy's next newsletter. When nothing matters in 1,000 years, it makes me want to focus on the next five. Years, days, sometimes it's only hours. But I want, and I care."
(This one I'll probably reuse but at this exact moment it's deleted)
According to the woman running a con out front (at least until she tried to sell Olly a glass ring and found herself on the wrong end of two Zhentarim blades and one Zhentarim magic hand) the way to trick their mark was to have the room set up already. Don't approach her; have her approach them.
The con artist was kind enough to suggest a layout, and only after a few friendly smacks. Nice to meet another professional.
OK that's enough, sorry, I get excited.
27) favorite part of the writing process
I like the part where it's all flowing like ink, and there's a feedback loop between thinking and writing and putting down words just hypes me up for the next words. I get dizzy and amped up.
I also like when a story is waiting on me to figure out one key thing, and it all feels like it's pieces of separate fabric held together by loose thread, and then I find the missing thing and the thread pulls tight and it comes together. I don't get this on very often, but when I do it's incredibly satisfying
28) least favorite part
The slog of writing all the parts that aren't fun. Sometimes I wish I could write AND THEN TIME PASSED and we all just pretend the appropriate character development/plot/whatever happened, haha.
I also hate when I have something I like and realize I misread or misunderstood some lore or missed a plot hole that's a huge plot hole. Or bad pacing. Pacing is probably my weakest bit, I take 3 sentences to say the same thing over and over and sometimes I spend all day writing and only get a few hundred usable words.
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marvelandimagine · 2 years
At Ease, Gents
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Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Annie Murphy (baker!OC)
Summary: Annie finally finds out why everyone in Alfie’s bakery ignores her, and she sets things straight with her boyfriend and his men.
Word count: 1900ish
A/N: This is connected to my HC that Annie ends up knowing even more about Alfie’s men than he does and does things like giving them the day off and Alfie’s like “?!?” or she sends them flowers for births + deaths in the family and all Alfie’s boys would gladly take a bullet for her ok that’s it enjoy!!
Annie had only popped by Alfie’s office twice before they started dating: once to get his keys so she could walk Cyril while Edna was on holiday, and once to drop off a heaving “thank you” culinary basket for helping her sort out the bakery’s books after Callum died (“The worst mistake I can make with letters and dyslexia is a spelling error, right, but with numbers, I will doom my entire bloody business.”)
But now, she found herself there much more often, from midday lunch breaks to “surprise” visits brought on after Ollie called her, pleading with her to come by to calm Alfie down (who she would then promptly hear yelling his head off in the background).
And she loved seeing her Alfie, no matter what mood he was in. But she didn’t love how his men were treating her — or rather not treating her. Because no matter who she said hi to or smiled at, wanting to get to know the people Alfie spent most of his time around, it was like she didn’t exist.
And after about two baffling weeks of this, she finally decided to address it with Alfie.
“Do your men not like me?” she blurts out across his desk, and Alfie reluctantly tears his attention away up from the brisket sandwich she just placed in front of him.
“Where’d ya get that idea?”
She sighs, resting her chin in her hands. “I dunno. I mean, I’m friendly, right? But whenever I say hi to any of ‘em, they just ignore me or walk in the complete opposite direction.”
She looks at Alfie expectantly, but he doesn’t seem to share her concern. In fact, he looks pleased.
“Good,” he replies, reaching for his lunch again. Annie narrows her eyes, swatting his hand and pulling his beloved brisket away.
“What do you mean good? It’s maddening, it’s like I’m invisible! And I don’t understand why-“
But then, the pieces finally click into place in Annie’s head. Virtually nothing went unnoticed by Alfie. And if his men were ignoring her, he knew about it— but he hadn’t addressed it. And there could only be one well-meaning but well-overprotective reason behind it:
“You told them not to talk to me, didn’t you?”
Alfie’s brows furrows as he nods.
“Talk to, look at, breathe the same air as. Yeah. That ‘bout covers it,” he grunts. His ring-clad fingers creep across the desk, and she rolls her eyes and pushes his sandwich back to him. He claps his hands together and normally, she was happy to see him gleefully attack her cuisine, but right now, she was just exasperated.
“Love, c’mon. You talk to everyone I work with! And the lads clearly know I’m off the fucking menu.”
Eyes still closed, savoring his first few bites, Alfie shakes his head.
“Can’t count on it with these cunts.” He finishes chewing and opens his eyes, grabbing Annie’s hand.
“Look, pet, you are a beautiful, brilliant goddess, right, who should have songs dedicated in your blessed name.” His soft tone turns into a growl as he gestures out the window of his office. “But they are a bunch of manky fuckin’ sots, and I don’t want any of ‘em near ya unless I say so.”
Annie sighs. She knew full well that Alfie didn’t know the phrase “half-assed”—whatever he did, he threw himself into it fully. And while she normally appreciated his zeal and tenacity, sometimes, he took things a bit overboard. And banning every single one of his men from acknowledging her presence without prior approval was a prime example.
She walks around the desk and nestles into her usual spot on Alfie’s lap. His strong arms wind around her, and she cups his bearded face with one hand as his stormy blue eyes meet hers.
“1) They can’t possibly all be that terrible. I know I’m shite at maths, yeah, but it’s statistically impossible. And, 2) Alfie, I’m here practically every other day now, and you know how I am, I can’t help chatting.” She pats the side of his head. “Very much like someone else I know. There’s no way I’m never, ever gonna interact with them.”
Alfie chuckles darkly.
“Oh, but there is a way, dove. See, I have found that there are few things on Earth more compelling to men than the threat of getting their balls shot off. Hm?”
“Always with the flair for the dramatic,” she thinks to herself, and decides right then and there to take matters into her own hands.
“Right, I get that you’re being protective. And I appreciate it and you, but you’re also being just a touch mental.” She kisses the top of his head. “But don’t worry, I’ll clear things up.”
“Annie,” he replies, a warning note at the edge of his tone.
“Alfie,” she sing-songs coyly, bringing her lips to his. She can’t help but smirk against him as the kiss works as she intends, feeling Alfie relax underneath her as one of his hands instinctively slides to her jaw. Then, suddenly, he presses her back, hands firmly on her shoulders.
“Nah, nah, I know what you’re playin’ at, love. Tryna get me to forget that fuckin’ look in those gorgeous eyes, the one tellin’ me you’ve got some kinda clever idea brewin’ in that head of yours.”
Annie’s hand flies to her chest, feigning indignation, and now it’s Alfie’s turn to roll his eyes.
“I’m serious, An, don’t ya go stirrin’ up-“
Annie cuts him off with another kiss, then pulls back with a smile.
“Too late,” she brightly. Before Alfie can even blink, she slides off his lap and snatches his cane from the side of his desk in one swift motion, propping it against the doorframe as she strides out — but not before she hears Alfie shout:
“Oh for cryin’ out loud, that’s fuckin’ dirty!”
“You love me!” she calls back over her shoulder, as she walks purposefully down the hall. She knew that if she said she just wanted to talk with him and his workers, he would’ve scoffed and grumbled and refused to leave his office. But now, with the air of mystery about her, she knew he’d chase after her—the not knowing what she was going to do would drive him mad. And that was all she needed.
She walks into the open part of the warehouse and while a few of the men’s eyes flicker up as she enters, they immediately avert their gaze back to what they’re doing. Absolutely ridiculous. Annie waits until she hears the sound of Alfie’s cane against the floor, cursing under his breath, to speak.
“Oi! I need to talk to you lot. That includes you,” she adds in an undertone to Alfie. He scowls as he looks out at the sea of seemingly unaware men, but when he looks back at Annie, giving him her most determined stare, his resolve finally cracks. He runs one hand through his beard and sighs.
“Alright, alright, An. I clearly ain’t fuckin’ stoppin’ ya, so tell us what’s on your mind, love.”
Annie gestures back at the workers.
“Not gonna matter since they’ve taken your word to ignore me as bloody gospel.”
“Fair enough.” Alfie lumbers forward a few steps, his blue eyes turning icy as he scans the room, which has gone as quiet as a church—a silence which Alfie’s booming voice then shatters.
“ARE YOU LOT FUCKIN’ DEAF?!” he thunders, and a handful of workers actually jump. “Fuck knows why, but my Annie wants to talk to you miserable gits, yeah, so best pay some close fuckin’ attention!”
Alfie crosses his arms and glowers, but his voice is as sweet as ever when he turns to Annie.
“Right. Floor’s yours, dove.”
“Thanks, Alf.” She waves out at the crowd of burly men before placing her hand on Alfie’s shoulder. “Hi! So, I know this one has threatened you all with total bloody destruction if you so much as say ‘hello’ to me. But we’ve chatted and the thing is, I don’t want someone getting their balls blown off just because they said hi to me or told me about their kid’s football match that I asked about — not having that on my conscience. I like people, I like talking to people. So we can all-”
She pauses, turning her head to stare pointedly at Alfie, “just relax, yeah? To be clear, the only time you will be in danger of castration from him or from me is if you’re being a prick. So don’t be a prick, and we’ll all get on just fine, with all our body parts intact. Fair enough?”
She turns and looks at Alfie again, who still has his arms crossed, maintaining his posture of bear-like intimidation, but she can tell he’s trying not to smile underneath his beard. He nods, and his men quickly imitate the motion.
“That’s it, then,” Annie says happily. “Cheers, gents.”
She feels Alfie take her hand in his, and the two of them turn and walk out the door.
“Castration by me or you, huh?” Alfie asks, and Annie smiles.
“I figured you’d be more amenable with that addition.”
“Damn fuckin’ straight.” He gives a low chuckle as they walk into his office, and no sooner does it shut does Annie finds herself quickly pushed up against it by Alfie.
Her pulse races as he cups her face in his hands, and she savors the familiar warmth of his palms and the cool touch of rings against her skin. Lets his heady aroma of oak and rum, of sandalwood soap and musk and eucalyptus oil flood her senses.
“You truly are somethin’ else, ya cheeky, captivatin’ creature,” he murmurs, bringing his lips to hers in a deep, claiming kiss that Annie reciprocates, her hands tugging at his vest to bring him against her.
She breaks the kiss and gives him an affectionate bop on his nose, watching the corners of his eyes crinkle as he grins.
“Your somethin’ else.”
“And I’m well bloody thankful for it.”
In the end, the new arrangement suited Annie and Alfie well.
On Annie’s end, she found herself striking up connections and friendships effortlessly as usual, and it also brought her an unanticipated peace of mind in getting to know the men who spent so much time around Alfie — particularly ones like Ollie and Ishmael whose jobs were to have her boyfriend’s back.
And despite Alfie being the one to start the initial no-contact-with-Annie decree, he couldn’t help but melt a little when she’d start going on and on about how precious Ish’s boys were, that she had plans to make babka with Noah’s wife — her big heart was such a big part of why he loved her. And he was pleased that no one dared to get out of line or ever make a move on Annie.
Alfie was also extra pleased that Annie’s ability to make friends so easily had the unintended effect of essentially creating an army of men who viewed her like a sister to protect at all costs. In other words, there was never any shortage volunteers to hang round Annie’s bakery and make sure she stayed safe — which was all Alfie wanted in the first place.
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eclipsefangirl · 15 days
Months later
Daytime had arrived and Christmas was coming up, and Amaya and Connor woke up at 1pm due to them being up most of the night helping Night Ninja, they knew that helping someone whose been lonely for so long and was hurt was more important than sleeping, they knew they did the right thing, when they got up and dressed they left their house and met each other at the path outside the 3 houses, they were tired but very pleased with themselves, but also hurt for Night Ninja because he was so scared that his Ninjalinos were never going to come home, they needed to find them soon
“Poor Night Ninja, he’s so lonely…. it’s horrible being alone for a very long time, especially when he doesn’t have any other family members to take care of him, but I’m glad Gekko is staying with to keep him company.” Said Amaya. “Yeah me too, come on my Mom wants me to get some shopping and she did say I could bring you along, what do ya say!” Catboy asked and Amaya nodded gleefully so the two friends went to go shopping
At Mystery Mountain Gekko and Night Ninja were looking at photos of Night Ninja and the Ninjalinos, one of them had Marvin eating a blackberry ice cream with purple sprinkles, and another had a picture of Night Ninja in his new look and the six rings of ninja magic, and in the background was Daisy and Marvin, and they didn’t look happy
“oh.. no…. i was too busy…. showing off my new look and my rings that I didn’t notice Marvin and Daisy… looking so down….. i should’ve helped them…. and not show off… Gekko? do you think…. im a bad person?” Gekko was confused about why Night Ninja asked this, but he didn’t want to make the situation worse so he said. “well… you are a villain but…. you can be kind and I see you want to change, please… don’t pull yourself down, even though you can be evil you have always, have a kind heart and have helped us in the past…. so do you want to write a poem for the Ninjalinos? I can help if you want.” Said Gekko kindly and Night Ninja replied. “sure…. thanks Gekko, you’re…. a good friend. *grabs a piece of paper and a pen* lets get to work.”
Night Ninja and Gekko got to work on the poem and when they have finished it, it said
“You guys mean the world to me
And you guys are as sweet as can be
You shine bright like a star
And I know you will go far
I’m sorry for all the times I was mad
And that made you guys feel bad
When you left me I was alone
And my heart sank like a stone
Now you are back I am glad
You are the best friends I have ever had
Now we are together like a fixed broken mug
Please Ninjalinos let’s have a hug
I love you.”
Reading it made Gekko and Night Ninja tear up and they hugged each other, Night Ninja knew that he wasn’t alone and that he loves his Ninjalinos very much….. he will do anything to find them
When night came Owlette and Catboy came to the pagoda and saw Night Ninja and Gekko waiting for them, Night Ninja had the poem in his hand and the heroes and the villain ninja went to look for the Ninjalinos
At the abandoned playground the Ninjalinos were talking about if they remember anything that happened in the past, Zoe said. “Well…. all i remember is….. *thinks and then sighs sadly* sorry… nothing… *cries*” Ryan gave Zoe a warm hug. “It’s okay Zoe, let it all out… we’re here for you.” Zoe sobbed on Ryan’s shoulder while Ryan rubbed Zoe’s back
“Don’t worry Zoe it’s gonna be ok! Ok Ollie do you remember anything?” Asked Marvin. “Well I remember getting these clothes, my ocean t shirt, my seaside leggings and my blue socks and matching shoes are cool, Zoe’s purple star jumpsuit and matching shoes and socks are soooo awesome, Ryan’s tree themed outfit, socks and shoes are fantastic, your outfit Marvin, the rainbow jumpsuit and white socks and shoes are sweet, Daisy’s flower themed outfit and matching socks and shoes are very pretty and my starlight outfit with matching socks and shoes are cool but…. that’s all I remember.” Then Marvin thought for a bit and said. “I didn’t remember anything before, but now I remember coming to this place but I don’t remember why, Daisy is having a nap on the bench right now because she can’t remember anything…. she’s exhausted…. let’s try and keep the noise down, okay?” The Ninjalinos nodded.
Marvin sat down at the bottom of the slide and looked up at the night sky, he tried to remember what happened in the past but the trouble was he couldn’t, neither could the others, all they could remember (except Zoe) was getting the outfits, Marvin’s heart was feeling heavy with emotions, he didn’t know if he was feeling sad, glum, happy, upset or angry, it felt like the world was his and the Ninjalinos’s enemy, and they’re in his huge battlefield that’s so big there’s no way out, you go in but you can’t get out
Just then Daisy woke up from her nap on the bench and she saw Marvin on the bottom of the slide, she got up and went over to him. “Hey Marvin, how are you? Everything ok?” Daisy asked. “yeah…. i was just talking to Zoe, Ollie and Ryan about if they remember anything, but all we could remember was getting the outfits and coming here but don’t know why, but poor Zoe still can’t remember anything, I don’t blame her….. poor girl…” Marvin felt so hurt inside for Zoe and the others so much he nearly cried, Daisy knelt down next to him and said. “I know how you and the others feel, during my nap I had these… visions of someone in a blue suit and 3 kids in animal themed costumes but… i couldn’t make it out who they were though, when I woke up…. i couldn’t stop thinking about them…. *yawns* im still a bit tired now, and it’s nearly morning.” Marvin looked up at the sky and then looks at Daisy. “Yeah you’re right *yawns* ok guys time to get some sleep it’s nearly morning.” Called Marvin
Zoe went to sleep on the roundabout, Ollie and Ryan went to sleep on benches and so did Marvin and Daisy, the sun was rising higher and higher, it was difficult to nod off at first but in the end they all went to sleep
But the PJ Masks and a heartbroken Night Ninja had no luck finding the Ninjalinos… again. “*cries uncontrollably* I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS! YOU PROMISED THAT WE WOULD FIND THEM BUT WE DIDN’T, YOU LIED TO ME! I NEED TO GO! *sobs*” Night Ninja disappeared in a puff of purple smoke leaving the PJ Masks hurt and full of guilt, they failed Night Ninja miserably, they went back home to get some rest.
In the morning, the PJ Masks stayed in their rooms due to a rough night, they couldn’t stop thinking about Night Ninja and what he said, they blamed themselves for what happened but they knew it wasn’t their fault the Ninjalinos went missing but it was their fault for failing Night Ninja, whose probably crying right now with a broken heart, they wanted to make it up to him but didn’t know how
Amaya sat up and looked at the clock on her bedside table that said 11:34am, she didn’t get much sleep at all and she wasn’t feeling very well, she felt her head and she was burning up, she went back to bed to rest, she didn’t want to give her illness to anyone else especially Night Ninja
Greg and Connor were in their rooms not doing very much and they weren’t feeling well, they felt hot and sickly, they went back to bed because their stomachs felt so painful they felt like they were going to throw up at any minute, they felt dizzy too
The PJ Masks needed quiet so they didn’t talk to each other until they felt better again, they kept thinking about Night Ninja and what he’s doing right now, they could only worry now
Night came and everyone was asleep in bed including the PJ Masks, no villains were out causing trouble so all was quiet, but at the pagoda poor Night Ninja was crying and he was thinking about where his Ninjalinos were, he misses them and he misses them dearly, he then sang a song
#All on my own,
My world is a world of darkness,
I'm all alone there's no one for company,
and in my heart, the music has come to silence,
I've lost my chance my chance, is not to be!,
far away theirs a light on the breeze I here sounds of laughter,
and one day perhaps I might find,
a way to be happy, happy ever after,
But now I guess that loneliness,
is how its going to be, cause I'm alone I'm on my own!,
There's only me..., only me.#
Night Ninja was more hurt than ever, he was so lonely his body felt cold with sadness and grief, he wanted his Ninjalinos back so badly, he would give all the pagoda treasures away just to get his Ninjalinos back, they are family to him. Ever since his parents,grandparents and other relatives died in a car crash when he was 4 his Ninjalinos were the only family he had left in the world but thanks to his anger towards them they left him alone, just like his family did but they died and they will never come back but they will never be forgotten, Night Ninja was so sad he thought he was going to throw up
When he looked in his drawers he found a note that he never knew about until now, he opened it and it said “Dear Nick (that’s your real name) we miss you so much, we’re so sorry but…. we won’t be seeing you again…. we’re about to crash… we’re sorry, please… stay strong our sweet boy, we love you… please…. don’t forget us…. oh no! car coming! *screams*……………….” Night Ninja read the note again and felt a hole growing in his heart, it felt like the whole world was turning away from him, he felt so out of touch, his pain was growing so much, it was worse than before, and the only way for it go away was for his Ninjalinos, his only family he had left to come back, but he was prepared for the worse, he had to be because what if something happened to them, what if they died too? What if they went somewhere far away and they were unable to come back
All he could do right now… was wait… and keep hope for the best, his Ninjalinos mean everything to him
At the abandoned playground Marvin and Ryan were on a bench talking to each other. “Marvin? Do you think anyone will find us? I keep thinking about that red flying thing in the sky.” Marvin gave Ryan a small smile and cried a bit. “no Ryan… no one’s gonna find us here, but like I said before we cannot be seen by anyone, we have no ninja masks and no ninja costumes anymore, we have to keep safe.. and as for the red thing, im sure it’s just a plane…. everything will be ok Ryan, we’re all here together.” Ryan felt a bit better after that, but deep inside him he felt like someone was missing the Ninjalinos, but he couldn’t figure out who. “Ryan? You okay? You look a bit down.” Said Marvin in concern. “im ok…. im just… keeping calm and… trying to be positive..” Said Ryan in a feeling-a-bit-down tone, Marvin could see that something was wrong but he didn’t know what, so he decided to ask Ryan what was wrong. “Ryan, I can see something’s wrong, please tell me…. what is it?…. i can try and help you.” Ryan took a deep breath and said… “*sighs* i feel like someone is missing us but…. i can’t figure out who… i can’t stop thinking about it….. do you think…. it was just a dream i had?” Ryan asked. “I think it was just a dream, you see dreams are like that sometimes…. just try and forget about it… it’s gonna be okay Ryan, I promise!” After hearing that Ryan felt much better. “Thanks Marvin you’re the best!” Ryan went off to play as Marvin smiled at him, he was glad he made his fellow Ninjalinos better
As Marvin was just resting Zoe came up to him and said “Hey Marvin, how ya doing? Me and Ollie were playing and then Ollie got a bit tired so he’s taking a nap, what are you doing?” Marvin looked up and saw Zoe and smiled. “Hey Zoe, I’m fine I’m just resting, I was having a chat with Ryan just now, he was feeling a bit down but I cheered him up, how are you Zoe?” Marvin asked. “I’m ok, I’m just chilling right now….. so now…. can i sit with you? is that ok?” Zoe asked and Marvin nodded so Zoe sat next to her fellow and leader, Marvin smiled at Zoe and Zoe smiled back, they knew that they and the Ninjalinos are safe, together as one and as a family. Then daytime came so the Ninjalinos went to sleep, they settled down comfortably and had a peaceful sleep
Back at Amaya’s house Amaya felt a lot better so she decided to go for a walk outside, she wanted to call Connor and Greg but she didn’t want to wake them so she went outside and went for a walk, the sun was shining and the sky was bright blue, then she found a note on the floor, when she picked it up it said “Dear PJs, you guys have… failed me…. but it’s my fault that…. the Ninjalinos went missing….. im sorry about yesterday…. i hope you’re okay… please can…. we meet tonight? At the park? From Night Ninja.” Amaya kept the note in her pocket and said “Of course Night Ninja, we’re….. coming.”
At Connor’s house Connor was getting out of bed feeling very dizzy and unstable, he felt his body weighed 200 tons, like concrete was inside him and it dried up so quickly it became very heavy and unbearable to handle, Connor’s head was covered with buckets of sweat and it went down into his eyes and it stung like wasp stings, Connor’s vision began to blur so he ran to the bathroom, turned on the cold tap and splashed water into his eyes for a few minutes and his vision was clear again, he dried his face and went back to his room, he got washed, dressed, combed his hair and decided to go outside
On his walk he could see that Greg was up and he was coming outside, he walked along the yard path and he met Connor. “Hey Connor, what’s up? Feeling ok?” Greg asked. “yeah.. im ok…. i just *sobs* want to apologize to Night Ninja…. he’s been through so much and…. we failed him! it’s all our fault! *sobs* Greg came up to his sorrowful friend sympathetically and wrapped an arm around him and he began to sob too “*sobs* i know… it is our fault.. but we can make things right……. but i don’t know how….” Greg and Connor walked down the path together with an arm wrapped around one another and they had distraught, sad and down looks on their faces, they couldn’t bare to tell their parents because that would give their PJ Masks secret away, they wanted to tell someone but didn’t know who
Then they saw Amaya with a piece of paper in her pocket so they went up to her and she saw them looking…. very depressed. “Hey guys…. what’s wrong?” Asked Amaya. “It’s just…. we.. failed….night ninja….. we feel… terrible….” Said Connor as he sobbed uncontrollably, then Greg sobbed even more and Amaya came up her two upset friends and hugged them tight in a warm caring loving embrace, her love was spreading through her body and she gave it to her upset friends who were heartbroken right now and deeply needed help, she even had tears running down her face and there were tears of heartbreak and love, she was heartbroken for her friends but she loves them so much, they mean everything to her and she means everything to them, they are like brothers and sister, they felt safe together
They eventually let go after a few minutes. “come on… *sobs a bit* let’s go to the library, maybe some books will make us feel better.” The two boys agreed and they all walked side by side to the library, they held hands and kept each other company
When they got to the library it was closed due to staff illness, they felt so down because they loved reading but they couldn’t just do nothing, so they all decided to go to the park for some quiet, they needed to be by themselves right now, together and no one else, they sat on a bench and they sat and just enjoyed the peace, they were alone together in a peaceful safe space with no noice, no distractions and no problems… well… they had one problem on their minds but right now they really didn’t want to think about it too much, they just wanted to clear their heads and just be calm, Amaya showed the two boys the note from Night Ninja, it did stress them out but they knew they had to meet him
At night at the park Night Ninja was waiting for the PJ Masks, his eyes were watery and his heart was broken, he really misses his Ninjalinos and wanted to him but he wanted to talk to the PJ Masks right now, after a few hours of waiting the PJ Masks turned up and they saw Night Ninja waiting for them, they came up to him and Owlette said “hi… we got your note.. so… what do you wanna talk about?” Night Ninja took a deep shaky breath and said “wwww well…. im sorry…. for getting angry at you…. it wasn’t your fault…that…my…Ninjalinos…went…missing…. so…. can…. we ….. just…. talk? please? i feel lonely right now…” So the PJ Masks and Night Ninja sat down together and even though they were still sad they really wanted to talk
“So guys…. what have you… been doing?” Night Ninja asked and Owlette replied in a gentle tone so she doesn’t upset herself or the others too much. “well, we haven’t been very well so we stayed in bed, then the next day we got up and got some fresh air… we were going to the library but was closed due to staff illness so we went to the park… what about you Night Ninja?” Night Ninja took a deep breath and said “nothing really… i was looking at photos of the…. never mind…. and I found a note from my family that I never knew about, but I won’t talk about it…. and…. Christmas is coming up… and … I’m going to be lonely ….. with no Ninjalinos ….. “ The PJ Masks felt deeply sorry for him, even though he was a villain he did have a good heart, and being alone at Christmas is so heartbreaking and depressing for anyone never mind a ninja… they had a brief discussion and Gekko asked
“Night Ninja? Want to spend Christmas with us at HQ? Then you won’t be lonely, how about that?” This made Night Ninja feel a bit better, warmth spread through his body and his heart felt whole. “i would love that ….. thanks ….”
Back at the abandoned playground Daisy, Ollie and Marvin were playing on the climbing frame when they saw that Ollie was getting a bit tired. “Ollie why don’t you go and have a nap, you getting tired ok?” Said Marvin and Ollie nodded and went to have a nap, Marvin got down off the climbing frame and so did Daisy, Marvin smiled and Daisy stood next to him, she put an arm around him. “You and I are like parents to Ollie, Zoe and Ryan aren’t we Marvin?” Asked Daisy smiling warmly. “Yeah, it’s our responsibility to keep them safe, and to be there for them… Daisy? Do you think that…. you and I will… get married one day?” Marvin asked all of a sudden. “Umm… i don’t know…. maybe…. one day… I have liked you for a long time now….” Said Daisy blushing slightly and then she and Marvin sat on a bench. “So Daisy, Christmas is coming up soon so I was thinking we should get some presents for Zoe, Ryan and Ollie, and just be together at the special time of year, the gifts don’t have to be big or small, they just need to be something special.” Daisy smiled at him and replied. “I agree, so how are we going to get the gifts without anyone seeing us? We can’t be seen especially without any ninjalino masks and costumes.” Marvin knew Daisy had a point, so he thought about it for a minute and then said. “We can just make something out of what’s around here, it doesn’t have to be perfect it just has to be special.” Said Marvin with a warm smile
When Christmas Eve came everywhere was covered with sparkling lights, decorations and tinsel, trees were up and it was snowing too! It was really feeling like Christmas all through the city, at HQ the PJ Masks Power Heroes were busy putting a snack for Santa under the tree ready for when he comes to deliver the presents and HQ was all decorated, then they saw Owlette, Gekko and Catboy walk in with… Night Ninja?! Everyone stood in shock and in horror, they couldn’t believe that Night Ninja was in HQ, what if he broke in? What if he was planning something bad? What if this was a trap? So many questions and thoughts spread through the hero’s heads and they froze. “Melting meteors! What in the cosmic galaxy is going on here? Why’s that none zing ninja here? He once sticky splatted me and asked me to join the villains! He’s evil!” Said Lilyfay crossly “Well… his Ninjalinos went missing a long time ago because he showed off his new look and powers too much, now Night Ninja is lonely, so we invited him to spend Christmas with us… sorry for not telling you guys sooner, it was just so…. urgent… we’re sorry..” Said Gekko sadly as he hung his head in shame and sobbed
“Don’t worry about it Gekko, you guys did the right thing by helping with someone’s needs and putting them first instead of yourself, you were wise and thoughtful, that shows you guys have kind hearts, and Night Ninja…. you’re not alone, we’re here for you, now and always, even though you’re evil you have a good spark of light inside you.” Said An Yu
“Thanks guys…. and …. im sorry… for all the bad things i did…. i will try and…. make it up to you…. especially you Lilyfay…. sorry for.. you know… the splat thing.” Said Night Ninja as he gave the space fairy a smile and Lilyfay hugged him tightly. “I cosmically forgive you Night Ninja, but please don’t splat me with that evil splat again!” Lilyfay said with a little laugh and Night Ninja laughed a little back and said. “Don’t worry I won’t…. nothing that I will do will ever replace…. my little….. ninjalinos…. *sobs* WHERE ARE YOU!” The heroes surrounded the sobbing ninja and hugged him, the love in them spread through their bodies and to Night Ninja’s broken heart, he felt a bit better with new friends by his side supporting him, the evil in him washed away like the tide and it’s replaced with goodness and love, the spark inside him is a spark of joy, spreading like wildfire.
Back at the abandoned playground the Ninjalinos were getting ready for Christmas, they were gifts made, decorations hung up (well not normal ones, they’re made of things from around the abandoned playground, they’re not perfect but they’ll do) the Ninjalinos couldn’t be happier together at Christmas, the special time of year and it doesn’t matter about gifts or a tree, what matters is that the Ninjalinos were all together as one and nothing could ever undo that
Marvin and Daisy were busy getting Christmas luninner, it’s like lunch and dinner but both together, they didn’t have any money so they just snuck into bins to get some, even though it wasn’t perfect it was all they could get, Zoe, Ollie and Ryan were hanging stocking made from old socks, Zoe’s stocking is purple, Ollie’s is green and Ryan’s is red, when everything was done they all sat around the roundabout to eat, then Marvin said. “Guys, I’m glad we’re together at this time of year and even though it’s not a normal Christmas meal, it’s all we have, and…… Zoe…. Ryan….. Ollie…. you guys are like our kids…. we love you, isn’t that right Daisy?” Asked Marvin and Daisy smiled. “Yes, actually Marvin, they are our children, we’re their parents, even though we’re not married we can take care of them, we love them…. it’s our responsibility to protect them.” Marvin couldn’t agree more, he’s a father and Daisy’s a mother. “You’re right Daisy, we are parents…. kids… we’re family now and… we love you guys very much!” Zoe, Ollie and Ryan smiled bright smiles and then they ate, after that they went to sleep, it’s almost daylight, Daisy and Marvin put the kids to bed and they fell asleep, then Marvin and Daisy filled the stockings with the gifts and then they went to sleep
In the sky Santa was making his final delivery of presents when he saw an abandoned playground with stockings, with his Christmas magic the presents gently floated down like feathers and they landed in each stocking, then he flew off back to the North Pole, he couldn’t stop long because it’s almost daylight
Christmas Day came and at HQ the Power Heroes and Night Ninja woke up and when they went to the table with chairs they saw presents everywhere, Night Ninja was anxious because he had been naughty all year long, being an evil ninja but to his surprise he saw a present with a label saying “To Night Ninja, From Santa” a beaming smile grew on his face and tears of joy formed in his eyes. “is that… for me? but…. i’ve been bad…” Said Night Ninja in shame… “We know, but we also know you’re trying to change…. Christmas is about sharing and caring, and we deeply care about you, even though you’re a villain, deep down inside you, you’re a nice person, please Night Ninja…. think positive, we love you! And we won’t stop till we find your Ninjalinos! Come on open your present!” Said Gekko kindly and Night Ninja went over and picked up his present, he unwrapped it and took off the lid, inside the box was a photo album, he dipped his hand inside, took the photo album out and put the box on the table. Then he opened the album and inside were photos of the PJ Masks Power Heroes and Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos, in one of them there was a photo of him hugging Marvin, this was the time Catboy saved Marvin from the rolling rock at Mystery Mountain, Night Ninja’s eyes watered and when he read a message underneath the picture it said “We love you Night Ninja! We will find your Ninjalinos and bring back the spark inside you!”
Night Ninja couldn’t believe it, he has friends that love him deeply, he has tears of joy and the PJ Masks run to him for a big group hug! The PJ Masks and Night Ninja won’t stop till the Ninjalinos are found!
No hate comments, be kind and respectful 😊❤️thank you for your support ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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mortifiedatbeingknown · 9 months
"A Rather Polite, Bigger Thing" (Pt. 19)
Edward didn’t reply. That was OK. Ollie didn’t expect him to. Just because a voice box was functioning, didn’t mean it was possible to talk back. Besides, all he needed right now was either a nod or a shake of his head. 
“Is this my fault?” 
This made Edward jerk up, his eye lights flashing in shock. “Why… why would that be the case?” 
“Because I’m the one who told you to be good.” He said, a little hesitantly. He didn’t like thinking about that. “I didn’t know… I thought your owner was like every other Edward-owner, even if she was a monster. But she’s not, is she?” 
“My lady is not a monster!” Edward replied indignantly. “She has done nothing to deserve your scrutiny!” 
“I know….” Ollie kicked at the ground. “But I didn’t know back then. That’s why I thought she was gonna hurt you.” 
“But she—!”  
“She’s not. Didn’t you hear the phone?” 
An irritated huff. “Of course not! Don’t you know how rude eavesdropping is?” 
If he had a mouth, Ollie would have smiled. Good. Edward was starting to act more like himself. Already, his posture was straightening as his eyes lit up. 
“But really, you should have heard it. Your monster was so worried about you, she was practically crying!” 
Wrong answer. Wrong answer. Two steps forward, one step back. 
“N-not in a bad way!” Ollie tried to correct. “It just shows she cares!” 
“But why?! Why does she even bother?! It makes no sense!” 
Ollie sat down next to him, trying to look casual. “...Humans are just weird like that. It’s what can make them so mean… but also so nice.” 
No response. Ollie kept going. 
“You know, when my monster first adopted me, I thought the same thing. I mean, look at me. I’m small, I’m weak… I can barely help in a shop. If anything, wouldn’t it make more sense for my monster to use an Edward like you?” 
A slow nod of agreement. 
“But she didn’t want one. Even when she had the money to buy one, or the parts to build one, she kept me. I was barely more than trash at that point… and yet I’m still here. Because she cares about me. And that’s why you’re here too. Because your human will do anything for you.” 
“But that still does not answer my question!” Edward retorted, his volume rising. 
“I know.” Ollie said. “But…I don’t think it has an answer. A logical one, anyways. My monster likes me because she likes me. Why does it need to be more complicated?” 
Edward sighed. “You are an OLI model.” He explained, slowly, as if Ollie was stupid. “You were built to be a companion. It’s not the same.” 
“Actually, I’m not.” 
“I’m actually a tech demo.” Ollie explained. “I wasn’t supposed to be anything useful. And yet here I am!” He held his hands out proudly. 
“It’s still not the same.” Edward crossed his arms. 
“Fine…it’s not. But why does that have to stop you? Just let yourself be cared for. You don’t have to worry about getting hurt anymore!”
Silence. Ollie was starting to wonder if he’d said the wrong thing again. And then finally, Edward spoke. 
“I don't know if I can. I'm not good at this. Any of this…" 
"...That's alright too." Ollie said. "You're mistress doesn't need you to be perfect. She just wants you to be happy." 
"And how do you know that?!" Edward shot back. 
"Because I eavesdropped!" 
 Edwards head drooped back into his shoulders. Ollie leaned up against him into the biggest hug he could manage. 
"But seriously. Its OK. Just try to talk to her tomorrow, it'll be fine! My monster won't let any hurt come to you." 
There was a pause. A buzzing of static. And then: 
"...I'm scared." 
With a single hand big enough to cover almost all of Ollie's frame, Edward hugged him back. 
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magicspace114 · 1 year
Monster's aren't real
The little girl ran into her room, leaving her door wide open as she rushed to her bed and buried her head into her covers. Her breaths hiccuped but aside from that, she didn't make any noise.
"Honey," a soft voice called from the door. A woman knocked lightly on the door frame, head low and shoulders slumped. "I saw your teacher today." The girl hid her face in her bed, piling more covers over her head. The woman cooed sympathetically, coming in and sitting on the bed beside her. "Oh, baby, it's alright." She hugged the girl to her side, "talk to me. What happened? You wouldn't just start a fight with your classmates."
"They were lying." The girl sobbed.
"Who were?"
"Those girls!" She struggled to speak in between her hiccups. "They said monsters aren't real! They were laughing at me and said I'm just a poor orphan girl and that nobody cared to tell me the monsters weren't real."
The woman hummed rhythmically, running a hand through the girl's hair. She'd pulled the covers back from the girl's face, revealing a wet patch where her face had been hidden. "I know it wasn't nice of them to say that but you shouldn't start punching them over it. You're better than that, Ollie."
"They wouldn't leave me alone," the girl said, "and they tore up my drawings. They started it."
"When you start getting violent, the blame will land on you." The woman said, "I know it isn't fair, especially when you were standing up for yourself."
"Then what do I do?" Olivia looked up at the woman.
"Don't throw the first punch," the woman tapped her on the nose, "tell a teacher about the teasing and if nothing comes of that, tell me. I want to make sure you avoid getting into those fights where you can be hurt."
"Telling the teacher doesn't do anything," the girl muttered.
"Ollie," the woman said, "I need you to stop fighting. It might not seem like a lot of trouble now but when you're older, there are much harsher consequences. You can't solve things by throwing fists. You need to look for other alternatives."
"Ok." Olivia mumbled.
The woman smiled at her, "that's a good girl. How about I make your favourite for dinner tonight. Sound good?" Olivia nodded, not lifting her head. "Alright, I'll start cooking. Get some homework done." The woman left and Olivia just sat on her bed, staring at the wall.
At one point, a teen aged boy passed the wide open door and looked in. "One week in and already causing trouble?" He smiled.
"I didn't mean to," Olivia said.
The boy chuckled softly, "you started a brawl in school. I heard girl fights are pretty brutal with hair pulling and stuff." He came in now and sat down on the bed beside her. "Are you hurt?"
"No." Olivia shook her head, "the other girl was too surprised to fight back at first."
"Ok, you know what you should do?" The boy asked. "Next day, you go in and you act all sweet and remorseful. You go up to the teacher and you talk about how sad and scared you are to start a new school and all. Really lean into the whole foster kid thing. Then apologise to the girl."
"I don't want to apologise to her." Olivia huffed, crossing her arms.
"You see, if you and her get into a fight again, they'll think it's your fault since you started it last time even if she's the one who did it. If you act all sweet and remorseful then they'll think it's a one off." The boy said, "trust me, I've done this before. You have to be extra good for the next... maybe week or two."
"Even if she's still mean?" Olivia asked.
"Yup," the boy nodded, "then you quietly bait her into a fight while a teacher's nearby and have her throw the first punch. She'll be the one in trouble then."
"Wouldn't that be bad?" Olivia asked.
"I mean, she's the one who was mean first. She can have a taste of her own medicine." The boy ruffled Olivia's hair. The girl giggled at that. "Just keep safe." He smiled and left the room, closing her door as he did.
The girl laid back on top of her bed now, staring up at the ceiling. The shadow of a hand reached across and played with the hair of the girl's shadow. She closed her eyes now.
"Monsters are real," the girl muttered, "and I've seen them. That girl is just a liar." She opened her eyes and turned on her side, leaning a hand over the side of the bed. "You're real, right? It wasn't a dream."
A low rumble sounded from under the bed.
The girl smiled. "Will I get to see you?"
"That's fine. Will you protect me from the scary monsters?"
There was silence and the girl's smile started to fade before a fierce growl sounded, stronger this time.
The girl smiled brighter, "I knew you would."
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Thank you, @partyinthemysterymachine
I was not certain how to approach this one so I did a small group of doodles... I'll be honest in that I did less world-building in Juni/Nami's universe so much as... uhh just them as individuals a little bit lol. But it's a ... aesthetic fantasy for me who likes watching movies sometimes that have a specific look haha
Henry is an amateur artist in the town Juniper lives in who sketches landscapes and scenery and buildings. (how he makes money in his day-to-day, I'm not sure) I think Juniper sees him by the beach sometimes drawing the ocean, and Juniper wanted to purchase one of those pieces if Henry was cool with that (Because Junibean loves the Ocean).
This results in him occasionally being involved in the lives of Juniper and Oliver on a surface level, but Oliver is overly friendly and strong and Henry's like ow please stop slapping me on the back but ok. (Olly's dad's rich though so if he wants to buy Henry's sketches for himself or Juniper, well that's fine lol. He's nice enough too.)
On a thing I didn't draw, Nanami having a relationship with Henry would go... a variety of ways and not all of them good. She may just appreciate his art because she too loves the ocean and also likes fancy buildings. Or y'know he is a potential food source because she likes human flesh, or y'know... He means nothing to her because he's just some guy in town. Whatever. I didn't want to draw Henry getting cannibalized today. He has his own problems.
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isabelguerra · 2 years
i’m making a new post 4 this bc i ended up thinking way harder than i thought i would which resulted in writing a small essay on fucking johnny jhonny. so i’m going to put this the tag and make everyone look at it. bc hes a cool character. heres the og post ok enjoy ily
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@spoopyspoony i mean yea if we were dealing with ch1 johnny maybe. but we’re not, so i’m operating on 1 very important key factor here: we’ve ALREADY SEEN johnny not telling things to his friends!
this starts during hitball, the games’ ending is our as catalyst. we see that the words and actions of both hijack and max- hijacks bully/‘good violence’ monologue, max getting his arm broken to save a guy whos only been a jerk to him- begin sowing self doubt in johnny’s view of himself and his archetype role as School Bully. we even see this in action during the rope scene, ollie asks if somethings bothering him and johnny brushes it off in favor of deflecting. when ollie is mistakenly believed to say they wont use violence to get information out of ed, johnny jumps at it. we SEE ollie and rj give each other side eyes at his weird behavior. they dont pry, which is nice of them. but it also means he’s not talking to them, or anyone, about whats bothering him until we get to the ed scenes. there’s a lot going on in the ed scenes that i’m not gonna go into because it gives me a headache but my point is that johnny told a TOTAL STRANGER abt his teenage dodgeball-induced ego death crisis before he told rj, who is Right There.
‘yeah but johnnys fine by the end’ johnnys fine by the end bc he goes back to being cool w/ hurting ppl if it means his friends would still like him and everything stayed the same. u really think tht if it ended w him actually giving more entertainment to the idea ‘should i stop being a bully?’ instead of bouncing back immediately, if he was still made to question his friends’ love for him if he changed, he’d have the same happy outcome? miss me w that 
so ultimately it’s not that johnny doesn’t trust his friends enough to tell them this secret/problem, but that their good graces and friendship mean SO much to him that we see him start to not tell them things if he believes it would jeopardize that friendship.
‘ok but thats why johnny wouldn’t tell his friends about THAT. its still doesnt answer why he wouldn’t tell them about THIS’ good point! here’s what we know: johnny LOVES his friends. johnny would do anything for his friends. including putting himself in harms way and keeping things from them if he’s worried it’ll negatively impact the existence of their friendship. so i’ll counter: ‘johnny has no reason to tell his friends about this shit’? no dude johnny has EVERY reason not to tell his friends this shit! his friends ARE the reason! johnny’s so ride or die that he’ll die if it means his friends can still ride.
forge’s little soliloquy on ch5pg97 hints at a perspective of spectral existence that’s much more grim than the ‘cool superpowered kids fight ghosts’ premise we’re led into the comic with. soooooo if this new change in his life were to. say. put himself or his loved ones in danger. actual, non-teenage, ‘my-last-medium-met-her-end-as-a-result-of-this-world,-and-there-is-nothing-that-can-ensure-you-will-not-meet-the-same-fate’ danger. or! not even put them in danger! just simply lead him to believe that them just KNOWING that danger exists for him, and there’s next to nothing they can do about it? to have the friends he cares so much about constantly worried about him? if they knew, a whole lot would change. to johnny, i think that guilt would be pretty tough to deal with
well. they cant worry if they don’t know, yeah?
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pixeldolly · 2 years
Walden BACC #913
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Roman leapt to his feet, head spinning. Ice-cold panic flooded him, followed by a surge of anger as the weight of Jacob’s actions hit him with the force of an avalanche. Pregnant! Oh, Watcher, he was going to be a father and...and he never had any say in it! He pinned Jacob with a glare so hot, his fiancé cringed away from him.
Jacob: “I know I should’ve told you...I’m sorry.”
Roman: “You’re sorry?! I can’t believe you would do something like this without talking to me first! ”
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Jacob was starting to sweat; this was exactly what he’d been afraid of, and the longer he’d avoided telling Roman the truth, the more he’d feared it. Now, it seemed all hell had broken loose. He had to explain, show him he’d meant no harm.
Jacob: “I wasn’t trying to deceive you, it’s...when I signed up for the treatment, I was told that it would take a long time for it to become effective. Years. And even then, it might not work, but the sooner I started, the better my chances would be. I never imagined it would happen so quickly!”
Roman: “But you knew there was a possibility, however small!”
Jacob lowered his eyes, saying nothing.
Roman: “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’. Why, Jacob? Why didn’t you say anything?”
Jacob: “I didn’t want to freak you out!”
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Roman: “So, instead you gambled with our entire future and now there’s a baby and that’s that? I don’t get a say?”
Jacob: “You’ve told me in the past that you're not opposed to having kids some day!”
Roman: “Yeah, ‘some day’! Which means ‘definitely not now’, and in any case, I expected it to be the sort of decision we’d make together! But you went and did it behind my back!”
Jacob: “I said I was sorry! It was a bad call, OK? We’re hardly the first couple to get pregnant by accident, though...just look at Ellie and Ollie!”
Roman: “It’s not the same thing! This is less us having an oops-baby and more like you lying about being on birth control!”
Roman’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.
Roman: “Was this some kind of ploy to make me commit to you? Thinking that if we were having a baby, I’d marry you or something?”
Jacob: “What?! No, of course not! Do you seriously believe I’d use our baby to manipulate you into staying with me?!”
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Snarling, Roman grabbed his keys and stalked off. He couldn’t deal with this!
Jacob: “Hey! Where are you going?!”
Roman: “Out!”
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yifeiyay · 1 year
thoughts on aus f3 sprint:
i'm going into this with the knowledge that franco got dsqed not sure why but i say it wasn't his fault 🫡
oh no ollie
franco already p3 slay
medical car out too? wasn't he only beached
it was a puncture 😔
were they. thinking about team orders at hitech
oh jesus
hitech: ok luke nothing stupid ok
luke: aight bet
jokes aside he straight up flew that's gotta bruise. hope he's ok
oh no caio
girl so much is happening so fast
franco to the lead!! damn he was dsqed from a win wasn't he.
safety car again wha
oh geez ido was backwards
pepe up 14 places ok word
hmm luke is upset. i need to hear that hitech debrief man
"if you look forwards you go forwards" makes me think of if i look back i am lost (iykyk)
franco's sc restarts always give me anxiety
luke 10s F. ok but juan got 10s for spinning jack in f2 so i guess they are being consistent?
my god that car...
also tommy smith is the most generic name i have ever seen sorry tommy
that was a big whack
luke is not having a good time huh
he even has a cringe compilation replay 😭 also he flew over the kerbs again christ
oh and if he retires rn he gets a grid pen. man luke ig you just gotta grit your teeth and get through it
i am so curious about the dsq...why
prema infighting is spicy. sebas is still a prema guy in my mind too tbh so count him in as well
safety car again...
it was all 3 mp cars?? technical infringements?? JAIL.
wait does this mean that paul gets a podium after those war crimes bdhfhsk oh lord dino will be mad
also chris points! small wins
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anotherghoul666 · 1 year
Ok, but why does the Turisas Rasputin cover slap so much? I might have to add them to the playlist of bands to look into when I finish my hyperfixation
Because Turisas are one of the greatest, most fun folk metal bands that have ever existed. When you combine their vibe with 70s disco, and you let Mr. Olli Vänskä unhinged-violinist-extraordinaire serve you with a violin riff straight out of a 70s porno, you get PURE GOLD. Legit, this song live turns even the hardest metalhead into a disco-head for 4 minutes. It turns the moshpit into a folk dancing / russian dancing pit, and it's some of the absolute most fun I've had in my lenghty career as a concert goer. I will never forget that pit and it's been almost 10 years since. #core memory!
If you do want to get into Turisas next, if I may serve as a guide since these guys were one of my early 2010s hyperfixation (and yall see how hard I can go in my hyperfications with Ghost, now imagine that but with way less adult responsibilities. I street-teamed for these guys, I hung out with them multiple times, I attended their clinics, I attended some of the recording of an album, I have a tattoo, like. Yeah I used to go way harder when I was younger XD) : - they released music between 2004 and 2013 and it sounds very much "of its time" in terms of the late 2000s to early 2010s folk metal boom, if that's something that even matters to you. I say this cause metalheads will know exactly what Turisas sounds like before they even have to listen when I say this, I don't know what your music taste is like tho so it might mean nothing? xD
- I advise doing the discography in order, which would be: 2004's Battle Metal, 2007's The Varangian Way, 2011's Stand Up And Fight and leave 2013's Turisas2013 for last. People often have the reflex to go for the latest release of a band; DO NOT DO THAT WITH TURISAS, it'll make you dislike the band. 2013 was very weird, it's a strange project with some good but mostly a whole lotta Bad and some more What The Fuck Was That. Stick to the first three and only if you're really in love and crave more material, try 2013, otherwise, leave it alone.
- if you can't commit to 4 albums, the one album that's essential listen is The Varangian Way. Take an hour of your day, have the lyrics out, and prepare to Feel Shit. It's a concept album about the Varangian Guard (if you like history like I do this might tickle you hard) and it follows a band of vikings and their descent from the north down to Byzantine. This album is a cornerstone of the folk metal genre which shaped it going forward and spawned a million and one immitations who never came close to this. It's grandiose and theatrical and I have both laughed out loud and sobbed to this album. Please do the entire album in one go, don't fragment it into singles and playlists, it's a concept and it flows and it needs to be whole. The other albums you may pick out singles for a playlist a bit more but Varangian deserves to be heard the way it was designed.
Happy exploration, if you do listen to them eventually please come back and let me know what you think! :D
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