#omega england
fireandspiceland · 10 months
post contains: cardverse, omegaverse, mention of mpreg, like… planned/allowed infidelity (?)
completely different concept than the stuff I usually talk about but alas here we go omega cardverse where Arthur is the omega queen and Alfred the alpha king of Spades, the people love them, the other royals and ruling parties of other kingdoms respect them, everything could be oh so nice and perfect if it wasn’t for the biggest hidden secret of the Spadian monarchs: their king isn’t the alpha they think, but a beta and hence unable to reproduce.
The only alpha anywhere close enough to the king and queen of Spades is the king’s younger brother Matthew, who had been rather shy compared to Alfred, always staying in the background and had therefore been presumed an omega, as opposed to his outgoing brother who everyone assumed to be an alpha who would lead the kingdom. With their roles having been drilling into the brothers since their early childhood there was no way their true presentation could be made public. So Alfred inherited the crown, married the queen,… but would never have the ability to properly deal with Arthur’s heats let alone gift the kingdom a heir.
And for these reasons the secret surrounding the rulers of the Kingdom of Spades is that Arthur’s broken cries for an alpha, the moans of pleasure filling the castle’s halls, and even the unborn life growing inside him aren’t Alfred’s, they all belong to Matthew.
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spicykat9 · 1 year
Just imagining an omega Arthur getting knocked up. Be it after a one night stand or him and his serious partner not using protection. Either way he's pregnant and his partner leaves him in the dust. But his siblings, all alpha rally around him. Because of biology they become very protective of Arthur and pampering as the pregnancy goes along and things get harder for him. Just them being supportive despite the tension between them all. Because their baby brother needs them.
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koolkat9 · 1 year
"Which is sometimes lovely for nations like Francis (though I usually make them a beta), but suffocating for someone as rebellious as Arthur who wants to prove he is as strong as any alpha. He'd rather be on the ground, getting his hands dirty than working in the background. "
This is my exact reasoning for Omega America.
I appreciate omega America tbh. America is one of those characters I can really see as fitting in with either and both are fun. But it's actually so fun to have him as an omega and have Arthur guide him through it.
Alfred is just like Arthur, not wanting his second gender to define him and Arthur is so conflicted. On the one hand, he gets it. Gets not wanting limits. Gets wanting to prove that he can do anything an alpha can do. But on the other hand, he wants his baby to be safe and protected. And following the societal norms, that would be ensured.
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royaltea000 · 2 months
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they should scissor
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ourladyofomega · 6 months
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aphspain-pure · 9 months
Alpha! England x Omega! Spain semi-AU: Sequel
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Sequel to my previous posts about young Alpha! England and Omega! Spain. This is about how England's mark affects the relationship of these two now both of them are adult nations.
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rosesandalfazemas · 1 year
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This is what I have learnt from @sorvete-de-pacoca today. Sorry I couldn't xD.
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guevaraobsessed · 1 year
i’m gonna need therapy before i ever watch omega vs ospreay again...match of the night match of the year...idek bro i can’t think thoughts rn.
can we get the third installment at all in at wembley?? PLEASE. (i say this, not sure if i can handle watching them fight again)
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mustela28nivalis · 1 year
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spicykat9 · 2 years
Better Than Expected
Rating: E
Paring: GerEng
Word Count: 2243
Author's Note: This takes place during WWI because I was very curious in exploring nations in the omegaverse dealing with their status during war periods. I understand if people need to pass because of that.
Arthur had been captured by the enemy. Wouldn’t be the first time and wouldn’t be the last. Except there was one difference. He was an omega and instead of using magic like he usually did to hide his status, his government had asked him to experiment with what they were calling “suppressants.” He had been very hesitant, but in the end, agreed for the sake of science and to make life easier for people like him. 
But he could feel his heat coming on. It wasn't supposed to be for six months according to doctors who were working on the suppressant. But it had only been three. He could already feel the cramps. It was only a matter of time before he started secreting pheromones and after that…He didn’t want to think about what happened after that. 
“I must speak to Captain Belischmidt,” Arthur demanded for the third time, rattling the bars of his prison. 
The guard only gave an amused huff. 
“Now is not the time for laughter. It’s an urgent matter…A…medical emergency if you will.”
“That’s what they all say,” the guard replied with an eye roll. 
Arthur began pacing. This wasn’t good. At this rate, he was going to get jumped by the guards, his fellow prisoners, or worst of all, both. He felt sick just thinking about it. Escape was becoming less and less of an option after days of trial and error. 
Two hours went by and Arthur was starting to feel feverish. The pheromones were starting given the way the guard and his cellmates kept stealing glances at him, but luckily their brains hadn’t caught up to their instincts. Arthur remained seated near the cell door, head resting against the cool bars. 
Finally, he saw a familiar face: Rodriech. He glided down the corridor, briefly observing each cell. An omega like Arthur, this seemed like a lifeline. 
“Roderich!” Arthur called, perhaps a little too desperately, “Roderich I must speak with you!”
At first, Roderich only gave him a passing glance, but did a double take and stiffened. “Leave us for a moment,” Roderich ordered the guard.
“But sir–”
“That is an order from your superior. Do I need to report you for insubordination? Captain Beilschimdt would not take kindly to it I’m sure.”
The soldier flinched. “Forgive me, sir, carry on.”
Roderich watched as the soldier departed, piercing eyes only softening once they were alone. 
Arthur rose to his feet, slightly wobbly. 
“What the hell were you thinking?” Roderich hissed.
“As if I chose to be captured.”
“You shouldn’t have been on the frontlines in the first place. Not with what you are.”
Arthur’s skin prickled. “Shut your fucking mouth. I am just as capable–”
“I know, but…” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “What if I hadn’t come across you like this? What do you think would have happened?”
Arthur remained silent, dropping his gaze.
“This is why you shouldn’t be on the front. There are plenty of positions you could fill where this…that…wouldn’t happen.”
“So are you going to help me or not?” Arthur mumbled.
“I should let you learn this lesson the hard way, but…” Roderich let out a weary sigh. “No one deserves to go through that…” He turned to the guard. “I will be taking prisoner Kirkland to the medical bay. I can’t have you catching whatever ailment he has come down with.”
The guard looked as though he wanted to protest, but he knew better. Roderich’s threat from earlier still hanging in the air. 
Roderich unlocked the door and began leading Arthur toward the medical bay. 
“Lean on me if you have to,” Roderich offered, still staring straight ahead.
“I’ll be fine…”
They made it to the medical bay without hassle, save for a few alphas who gave them strange looks, having picked up on Arthur’s scent. Luckily it wasn’t too strong to send them into a frenzy. 
Arthur took a seat on the bed, staring out the window that sat near it. 
Roderich popped it open for him. “I need to lock the door. Both to make sure you don’t escape, but also for your safety.”
“I understand.”
“I’ll let the nurses know and only betas will tend to you. I promise.”
Arthur nodded. When Roderich was about to leave, the Brit let out a small ‘thank you.’
Roderich gave him a firm nod and left without a word.
- - -
Arthur had nodded off at some point, but his little nap was cut short by the searing heat and the need to be filled took hold of him. He tossed and turned, hoping that maybe he could sleep through the worst of it (but logically he knew better). 
Then the door cracked open. 
“Shit…” A voice muttered, “Oh my god A-Arthur I’m…I just wanted to check–”
He smelt an alpha and given the voice…This was not good. Against his best wishes, Arthur sat up and looked at Ludwig standing in the doorway.  
Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me.
“Fuck that,” Arthur growled to himself. 
“I’m just…I’ll go,” Ludwig stammered, “I’ll have the nurses bring you something to…you know…”
Ah, there was the cute red face. The same one the young alpha had worn that fateful Christmas night a few years ago. For a big, scary-looking alpha, Ludwig was quite the gentle, sweet man. Arthur wouldn’t mind if he–
Arthur shook his head. He couldn’t ask Ludwig–his enemy–to do that. And he wasn’t about to become some whiney bitch begging to be fucked.
But it would make things so much easier. 
“Actually Ludwig…” Arthur said softly, “C-Could I ask…For both are sakes and to make this little problem go away as quickly as possible…Could I request your help?” 
He kept his look hard, though it was becoming hard to focus on anything other than the idea of Ludwig pounding him into the mattress. But he knew he had to keep his wits. 
Ludwig’s brows furrowed as he cowered behind the door slightly. 
“Either stay or leave, what is it,” Arthur gritted, glaring at the German who was only making his condition worse by standing there with his woodsy scent. He didn’t even wait for Ludwig’s answer, already pulling his pants off before his slick started to leak onto his uniform. 
“Are you sure?” Ludwig asked.
“Yes, now get over here. And lock the door.”
Ludwig did as he was told and joined Arthur on the bed. 
How obedient Arthur thought. 
He pushed Ludwig onto the bed harshly and straddled his hips. Arthur pulled off his uniform jacket, his undershirt, and every last article of clothing until he was naked. 
Ludwig just stared up at him in awe, eyes a little glazed over as their pheromones mixed in the air, but there were no signs of aggression. Perhaps this would be more pleasurable than Arthur had first thought. 
Slowly, Arthur began to strip Ludwig down, grinding against the other as he did so. But it wasn’t long before the head became too much and he just ripped the rest of Ludwig’s clothes off. 
Ludwig took in a sharp breath when the cool air hit him. 
Arthur took a moment to admire his partner. A strong, domineering alpha laid on his back for him, looking up at him with such a tender look. Arthur was no longer just turned on because of his heat. 
Slick gushed out of him. Arthur groaned. Well, look like they had to get on with it. 
Arthur inserted two fingers into his ass, stretching himself. He bit his lip, not far enough gone to dissolve into a moaning mess. 
But when he added the third and began thrusting in and out, inhibition flew out the window. He panted lightly, gripping Ludwig’s shoulder as he rocked his hips against his fingers. When he found his sweet spot he let out a breathy moan. 
Ludwig licked his lips, just watching and biting back the urge to shove him down on his cock. He wanted Arthur to be in control. 
"C-Can I?" Arthur asked breathily, staring at Ludwig's hard cock. 
"Uh... I-I guess--" Ludwig's words bled into a long moan as Arthur lowered himself onto his dick.
Arthur let out a groan as he felt himself be filled. Far better than any toy he had ever tried. It stung a bit, but he’d always enjoyed a bit of pain in sex. 
He took a moment to get used to the sensation before starting to rock his hips, this time on Ludwig’s cock. Little ‘ahs’ escaped his lips as he tightened and bounced himself up and down. 
He was on fire, burning with need and the desire for more. But for once, it felt alright. It was alright as long as he was in control–as long as it was Ludwig who he was connected to. 
Ludwig just laid there. He had a light grip on Arthur’s legs to keep him balanced, but Arthur seemed fine doing the work on his own. He was more than happy to just watch the Brit dance above him, red-faced, glassy eyes, lost in pleasure. And how wonderfully Arthur tightened around him. 
The earthy smell of the aftermath of rain filled the room, and Arthur’s moans became louder as he begged for more. Ludwig took that as an order to start meeting Arthur’s movements, thrusting up in time with him. 
That smell, Ludwig couldn’t help but lick along Arthur’s arm, wanting to see if he tasted as good as he smelled. Then he froze, coming back to his senses. 
Arthur shivered. It felt good to have Ludwig’s tongue on his skin. “Do it again,” Arthur whimpered. 
“I said do it again,” Arthur said more harshly. 
But before Ludwig could follow the order, Arthur slumped against him. It seemed as though Arthur was becoming worn out. 
Ludwig licked along Arthur’s neck, bucking his hips up at a faster pace.
“Yes, yes, yes,” Arthur whispered, “More, more.”  
Ludwig wasn’t quite sure how much more he could give. He let his hands and tongue roam Arthur’s body, with his hands eventually reaching Arthur’s neck. He rubbed gently at the Englishman’s nape. 
Arthur's whole body tensed and he came with a weak cry into Ludwig’s collarbone.
Once Arthur had caught his breath, Ludwig went to pull out.   
"Let me finish you off,” Arthur rasped, pushing himself upward. 
"I'll use my ass or my mouth," Arthur snapped, "Which is it?" 
Ludwig stuttered out an assortment of syllables. What could he say to such a blunt offer? His cock ached sure, but he felt like he had already taken advantage of Arthur enough. 
Arthur rolled his eyes and began rocking his hips once more, this time with more intent than just the random pattern he had set before in the haze of his heat. Ludwig on the other hand remained frozen in place. 
Arthur’s hands trailed down Ludwig’s chest and abdomen, causing the German to shiver. Arthur smirked. His hands came back up to Ludwig’s chest, brushing against his nipples. Ludwig took in a sharp breath. 
Ah, so that was Ludwig’s weakness. As an experiment, Arthur twisted both of the nubs causing Ludwig to moan loudly. Then, Arthur leaned down and took one into his mouth, and sucked. He repeated the motion with the other. And to close it all off as Ludwig shivered beneath him, Arthur grazed his teeth against the nipple. 
Ludwig threw his head back against the pillow coming hard. 
"Good boy," Arthur murmured. 
The German whimpered involuntarily at Arthur's words. He pulled himself off Ludwig before his knot could form and collapsed beside him. 
As nice as that fuck was, Arthur could feel the heat creeping in again. He grimaced, turning onto his side, away from Ludwig. 
"Arthur I'm--" 
"I'm fine,” Arthur snapped, cutting Ludwig off, “Don't say anything."
"I'm sorry. I-I didn't--" 
"Don't apologize. I should be thanking you. Better than getting ganged up on by some guards or other prisoners."
"Arthur..." His name was so soft on Ludwig’s lips. Attentive, like he genuinely cared. It made Arthur’s heart flutter.
"Sorry, I'm just being bitter. I hate when I get like that. This. So... Needy and... Whiny. Does a number on the pride."
"Then maybe you can top next time."
Arthur looked over his shoulder. "What?"
"Perhaps if you're giving you won't get so whiny. All you can do is try."
"With you?"
Ludwig's cheeks reddened as he realized what he admitted. "Uh... W-Well... I mean... Only if you want to."
"You are something else Beilschimdt," Arthur said with an amused huff. "Maybe when the war is over and we can have a proper date first."
"Yes. Really Ludwig? We just had sex and yet you freak out at the idea of a date"
"True... B-But I...I didn't think--"
Arthur turned back towards his partner, silencing him with a kiss. It was gently, slow, lips melding together. Instincts wanted Arthur to go deeper, but he still had enough control over himself to keep it soft. “Let’s discuss it once everything calms down,” he whispered as he pulled away. “Ready for the next round?”
Ludwig’s face burned a fiery red, and he gave a timid nod. 
Everyone stayed clear from Arthur's room for the four days his heat lasted. Even the betas could smell the mingled pheromones seeping out from below the door. But no one dared say anything. Not even when Ludwig finally emerged, face still tinted red and clothes wrinkled and disheveled. One glare from Ludwig shut them all up.
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koolkat9 · 1 year
For Comfort
Rating: T
Pairing: GerEng
Word Count: 1010
Author’s Note:  This is a loose sequel to "Better Than Expected," but you won't be lost if you don't read that fic. There are just a few lines of dialogue at the end that references it. Warning that fic is NSFW, but this one isn’t. 
Read on AO3 
He had just done laundry yesterday, and yet, somehow, half of his wardrobe was missing. Ludwig was completely baffled. But his clothes weren’t the only things missing.
Arthur wasn’t in bed when Ludwig woke up. Arthur rarely woke up before him. Ludwig tried not to think too much of it and carried on with his morning. Hopefully, his lover wasn’t coming down with something.
But alongside the clothes, Ludwig was getting suspicious. He turned to Aster who was still laying at the foot of the bed. “Aster.” The dog lifted her head. “Find Arthur.”
Aster jumped off and put her nose to the wood. She sniffed out into the hallway, and Ludwig followed close behind. She continued down the hallway, eventually sitting down in front of the closet door. Ludwig approached. The strong smell of wet grass after rain and the sweetness of roses attacked his nose. Some thumps came from behind the door. He knocked, and the shuffling stopped.
“Arthur?” Ludwig called.
“Don’t come in,” Arthur hissed. The shuffling started up again.
Ludwig quirked a brow. Arthur had a temper, sure, but he rarely ever saw it directed at him nowadays. “Do you by chance have something to do with my missing clothes?”
Running out of patience with this silent treatment, Ludwig threw open the door, and as he suspected, there was Arthur, surrounded by all of the missing clothes and a few blankets strung about so they encased him. Though… perhaps strung about made it sound too random. Like most omegas, Arthur was very particular about each part of his nest. Something Ludwig more than understood despite being an alpha.
Arthur bristled, face burning bright. He bolted from the closet and slammed the bedroom door.
Ludwig sighed and collected the blankets and clothes. Shifting the towering pile into one unsteady hand, he pushed open the door to reveal Arthur–surely pouting– perched on the bed, back to Ludwig. Ludwig made his way over slowly, plopping the pile down behind Arthur.
Arthur jumped, whirling around with one of the most inflamed glares Ludwig had ever seen. “You can’t just  dump  them like that,” he snarled.
Muttering bitterly to himself, Arthur crawled over to the pile and began to drape the blankets along the bed. He took some of the clothes and also draped them with the blankets. The rest was bunched up and shoved along the edges.
Ludwig smiled softly, heart fluttering like the first wisps of a flame. He was enthralled by the sharpness of Arthur’s eyes, the way he carefully placed and fluffed each item so meticulously.
“You’re nesting,” Ludwig noted.
“Is that a problem,” Arthur snapped back, not looking up from his work.
“No…You just…You said you don’t nest.”
Arthur sniffed, fingers freezing mid-fiddle. “Well…I changed my mind. It’s a natural thing after all. A-And it’s supposed to make me comfortable. Why shouldn’t I do it?”
“I’m glad you’re letting yourself be comfortable.” Ludwig’s gaze shifted to his feet. “Um…D-Do you want some help or…”
Arthur finally looked up, face unreadable, blinking slowly. “Sure…” He replied, stretching out the word slowly.
Ludwig climbed into bed, making sure he didn’t disturb Arthur’s nest.
“But you’ll do exactly as I say,” Arthur huffed, handing Ludwig a shirt.
Ludwig gave a little salute and waited to be given orders.
Under Arthur’s strict direction, Ludwig got into the pattern of bunching and fluffing until the nest was deemed perfect by Arthur.
“Thank you…” Arthur murmured before laying on the bed and burying his face into one of Ludwig’s sweaters.
Ludwig laid down beside him, combing a hand through his hair. “Any time. How are you feeling.”
“Weird…But comfortable. Cozy…”
Ludwig smiled once more, nuzzling Arthur’s cheek. “I’m glad. So I guess everything is prepared for Friday then?”
“Mhm,” Arthur hummed, sounding well on his way back to sleep.
“I won’t stay if you don’t want me to…”
Arthur snorted and pushed himself up on his elbows. He threw Ludwig a lopsided grin. “I’ve already told you. I want you here. And it’s not new. Not completely at least.”
“And I don’t want a repeat of last time. I only want to do it if you want to.”
Arthur pressed his lips against Ludwigs. “I wanted to last time. Sure it was more out of desperation, but you got to stop beating yourself up over it.” Arthur kissed him again, keeping his hand on Ludwig’s cheek this time when he pulled away. “And I want to do it even more now. Because I love you, and I know you love me. And even when we only did it for release all those decades ago, you still took care of me like I was your mate. So I know I’m in good hands.”
Ludwig looked away, tight-lipped and red-cheeked.
Arthur draped an arm over Ludwig’s waist and wiggled closer. He brushed his nose against Ludwig’s hot ear. “And if all goes as planned, we’ll really be mates,” he whispered.
“Are you sure?” Ludwig asked, turning towards Arthur.
Their noses brushed against each other, and Arthur giggled. “Of course I am. I’ve been saying so for over a month. You worry too much. It was endearing at first, but now I worry you’ll give yourself a heart attack.”
“Don’t be.” Arthur flipped onto his back, arms outstretched to Ludwig. “Now come here.”
Ludwig’s blush deepened, but he complied, snuggled up to Arthur’s chest, ear right over where his heart lay. Beating steadily, constantly, and not thrumming unceremoniously like Ludwig’s was currently. Arthur’s heartbeat seemed to steady Ludwig’s own, wrapping around it, protecting it.
Alpha, omega, it never mattered to Ludwig. But as Arthur’s lover, all he wanted to do was kiss Arthur all over until he realized he deserved to be loved and cared for. So if Arthur wanted him to be there during his heat, he would be there and shower him with the love he deserved. But for now, he'd let Arthur hold him and brush away his worries, safe in Arthur's nest.
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render-bomb · 1 year
So my impulsive husband decided to buy us tickets to forbidden door!!
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scandi-rose · 2 years
Low and Behold, Gilbert never until the moment Arthur had his blade pressed against his neck realised the strange feeling he got in his chest when staring into those glowing green eyes or the sweet pang of honey than hung around Arthur.
The feral blonde child is...a.....a....An Omega.
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aphspain-pure · 9 months
Hi! I have a question about your hetalia omegaverse au, if in that universe the characters were the 2p, they will be the same? 🤔I mean, 2pspain will be an omega and 2p england an alpha? I am curious about what kind of dynamic they could have, the same is for Portugal or france.
PD, really love your work and aus!!!!💙💙💙💙 You don't have any idea, about how happy i was when you continue your comic in the omegaverse au!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Thanks for not abandon it!!!! And take your time🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
ur so cute! Thank u very much about the comment, Im so stupidly happy u enjoy it! Anyway, hope this quick sketch gives u a response on that matter:
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luxury-factory · 9 months
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Where to buy Omega high-end disc flying men's watches?
@Omega Omega belt style black dial with side transparent dial, high-end disc flying men's watch 
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oldguardleatherdog · 2 years
Commonpigeon and friends follow me all over. I have fangirls doing the Highland Fling because I'm so dreamy! Sorry, ladies, I don't toss my caber that way.
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Yes, Carrie, it is!
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