#omega verse 2021 au
russilton · 2 years
can we have more snippets of the omega George sitting in Lewis' car in 2020 and Lewis going crazy over his smell? I need smtg to cheer up my sunday lol thx
Seems you triggered something in my writing hind brain anon bc I ended up writing about 1.5k of the start of the fic last night in bed. It’s UTTERLY un researched AND un edited, but that’s the bargain you make requesting snippets. Hope you feel better soon.
As he stifles a cough trying to rattle its way out of his lungs, Lewis debates if getting back in the car this week is really the best idea. His whole body aches, a soreness worked bone deep across all his muscles, even ones he didn’t know could hurt, and it still feels like there’s a persistent band around his lungs, cinched just tight enough he can’t quite get a full breath in. In short, he feels like shit, but the fog over his mind had started to clear around Tuesday, and after some cautionary light safety drills with Angela to make sure he could still get himself clear of the car in a crash, he’d bit the bullet and decided to at least show up tor free practice one and try.
None of that matters now, of course, he's got work to do, brain already rolling over to settle into the well worn space he needs it to be in when he races. He’s got just enough time to try to stretch out his muscles before he should be heading down to the garage to find out what his engineers need from him. There isn’t normally a whole lot of set up to do for the final race of the year, they just have to keep it running. But normally, he’s the only person who sits in his car.
George. George was the last person in his car, the thought made his head spin slightly. It’s not the first time George has been around their cars of course, he’s their reserve and test driver, but a race is a new beast. One, that by all the second hand accounts Lewis has been given, George tamed without a second thought.
He hasn’t watched the race yet himself. When it was happening Lewis was so neck deep in fever he could barely keep his eyes open, let alone focus on a race. After he’d regained use of his brain, he’d still avoided watching the race, something churning in his gut whenever his finger hovered over the play button.
There will be time for that later, he thinks, checking he has his phone and tugging his mask on securely over his nose before slipping out of his driver room. Antibodies or not, he’s not taking any risks.
The walk to the garage from his room isn’t a long one, Angela pops up alongside him valmost immediately, the shorter beta keen to tease him about being a workaholic. He manages a tired smile for her he hopes makes it through his mask, but it falls away quickly as he spots a pair of red bull mechanics without theirs on, hanging near the neighbouring garage entrances.
A glare at them both has them scrambling to tug them up, but Lewis already feels edgy heading into an enclosed space. It’s an odd blessing that at least he only has to deal with his nerves today, the clinging remains of the virus leaving his sense of smell practically non-existent. Combined with the high quality masks Mercedes had bought, he can only get the faintest hints of scent from the team. It leaves him feeling slightly off balance, an Alpha trying to navigate their surroundings without scent feels a little like trying to drive with an arm behind his back. But he’d won a rookie championship doing that before, he’ll survive this.
The team seems to know what he needs without having to ask, welcoming him back whilst keeping their distance. Toto is the only one that leans close to check how he’s doing as he appraises the car from a distance, but his boss’s warm, heavy hand is a comfort on his back.
“Good to have you back, Lewis. How are you feeling?” The older Alpha rumbles at him, voice calm and comfortingly paternal.
“Honestly? Awful. But I’ve driven through worse, Hockenhiem-“ Toto cuts Lewis off before he can even finish the thought, nose wrinkled beneath his mask at the mere memory of the 2019 German Grand Prix
“Eurgh, I thought we agreed to never bring that race up again”
“Point stands, Man. How’d she do while I was gone?” She, being his car. He runs his hand gently along the W11’s rear wing, following the curve and ignoring the twinge in his gut at the thought of another driver touching her.
“Wonderful, it’s a shame you couldn’t see George in her. The poor boy was so in love I thought we’d have to pry him out after the race.” It makes Lewis snort, the idea of the thin, brown haired omega whining at them to let him stay in his car. Something in his gut rolls again, and he chalks the nausea up to lack of smell.
“Have you spoken to him yet? He could use your advice” Lewis eyes Toto out of the corner of his vision as he shakes his head. He isn’t sure what exactly George might need him for, but Lewis hasn’t spoken to anyone yet, only focus on ignoring the itch in his chest to cough, so he can get back to the thing he knows best.
“Send him over some time. Until then, let’s see if anything needs fixing” He ends the conversation with Toto via a warm squeeze to his shoulder, hearing, rather than smelling, Totos pleased rumble. Lewis has always been grateful for the Austrians' no nonsense approach, even when he was on the receiving end of it.
The mechanics part like a school of fish around a shark when he steps up to the car, working away diligently at the little details that no one outside their garage will see. As he waits to get an approving nod from Bono that he’s okay to climb in, something tickles at his nose, a scent slipping beneath his mask. Weird.
When Peter gives him the go ahead, he climbs into the car, moving more muscle memory than thought, an action so practiced that he’s settled in his seat within seconds. That’s when a wall of scent hits him like a brick.
What had been faint but noticeable from a distance even with his hampered senses, is dialed up to full within the cockpit of the car. It makes his head spin for a second as it washes over him; his inner alpha knocked sideways by it all. He has to take a few deep, slow breaths before his overstimulated mind finally kicks in and starts to assess what he’s smelling. Coffee, salad, citrus, sweat, lynx body spray and something distinctly sweet that blankets it all. Omega, not just any omega, there’s several of those among his engineering team, none of them smell like this, George.
Of course his car smells like George, he’d been the one sat in it last week, but after a week of transport and repair work the car shouldn’t smell of much of anything anymore. For Lewis, he would swear George was inside the seat with him, scent settling like an aura around him. He hopes his mask is hiding whatever his face must be doing, tries to set his shoulders and look like he’s naturally assessing to feel of the car, all while trying to draw deep, measured breaths into his nose.
He know this may be one of the weirdest reactions to a scent he’s ever had; but he can’t stop himself from picking it apart like breaking down a qualifying lap after missing pole. For the most part the smells blend beautifully, earthy and sharp, fresh with a natural warmth. Sweat is expected, Bahrain even at night has him sweating through his fire suit most races. That, he realises distantly, is probably why he can smell anything at all. It’s generally accepted Paddock policy for Alphas and Omegas to wear scent suppressant patches, it keeps everyone around the same level and prevents any underhanded manipulation. Lewis’ own patch is adhered firmly to the back of his neck. Between the external heat and adrenaline George probably sweated through his, which is why Lewis’ car smells so intense a deeply possessive part of him wants to grumble at all the engineers around him touching the car.
Pulling the fragrances apart like a puzzle, he starts to notice changes to them. It’s subtle, for the most part Georges scent is fresh and excited, laced with adrenaline and drive. It’s understandable given George had been stepping into the most powerful car in the grid, a universe away from his Williams. But something sour and bitter creeps in around the very edges of the car, blood, coffee turned burnt, vinegar.
Valtteri had told him about how George’s race had turned from triumph to nightmare, the Finn looking self blaming as he describes a pit stop fuck ups and a puncture costing George a win that would have been monumental. Lewis can smell how angry and frustrated George was, scents turning acrid with anguish. His heart aches for George. The pain in his sweat, blood from the cramped seat and all for 9th? Lewis wants to find him and tell him his time will come. Soothe his fear till all that’s left is the intoxicating drive Lewis had smelled first.
There’s a loud noise to his left that makes him jump so violently he slams his elbow into the wall of the car. The noise is explained as a mechanic picks up a large wrench they must have dropped, the beta giving Lewis an apologetic nod before going back to work. It snaps Lewis out of his reverie, he should be glad for that, he needs to focus on his own practice session, get himself in order so he can do his job for the team. He tries to block out George as he goes back to working through his set up tests with Bono and Shov, but every now and then a hint of something sweet creeps under his mask and settles in his mind. George.
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stoookes · 16 days
thinking of writing an omegaverse meta fic (set in my version of your 'verse). like, it's 2056 and a coffee-powered college student is doing their essay on the history omegas in sport, and this is the section for cricket. it mentions virat kohli, the first out male omega, and (?) betty wilson, the first female. mentions how meg lanning's captaincy, 2014 through '23, changed the way omegas were looked at in women's cricket, mentions the 2021 ashes as a turning point for male omegas.
idk just thinking about this!
Oooo I love the idea! And I LOVE it when people write things inspired by my works/worlds so please please PLEASE go ahead :D
Really like Betty being the first female omega (might nab that for my own :P). Obviously women omega players are more common and more accepted in the sport, even during a time where omegas are very 'second rate citizen'. Yes, VK as the first male omega (openly so, we have plenty who were omega before but hid that information). Importantly for my version of events VK is the first Indian (no hidden there) and the first openly out omega player. It starts a trend (AUS and ENG are very quick to want their own omega not thinking they've had one before)
So, in terms of a 'change for female omegas' I actually think it's minimal. Because omegas are more common, having omega teammates is quite common, so the alphas on squad will always be very protective of their omegas. When the bets first come in it's trialed as playing omegas first with the women (probably around 2010? 2014 is when we see the first playing male omega traded) but, at first, the women are a bit ??? about the whole thing. Perhaps some of the older ones take the gift willingly, but the younger ones never really get on board or want to get on board (hence why male omegas are always sent with stims to really make sure the alphas are interested).
On this, I'll probably follow very similar to what @idk-im-weird did: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55858714 (also just go read it because it's amazing 🥰)
Turning point for the male game is actually a lot earlier than that (I'd say 2016/17) slow burn but certainly by 2021 omegas are much more accepted in the playing group (boards a different story but, as like in real life, until the old, stuck in their ways, resistant to change fucks leave nothing at the top changes)
I hope this is helpful and please let me know if you do write something! Always open to DM as well if you want to talk more detail (or keep sending asks I love answering them) 🥰🫶
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deckerstarblanche · 3 years
This is my entry for the CSSNS21 challenge!
It's a Modern College AU set in the omegaverse, and the gang attends Storybrooke University's Annual Beltane Festival, a springtime celebration of nature and fertility. Killian’s keeping a big secret, and it’s about to change Emma’s whole world… (warning: extra steamy)
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I couldn't have done this without the help of two wonderful ladies: @spartanguard , for her beautiful artwork, and @kmomof4 for being the most generous 11th hour beta in the world! xoxo
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epicstuckyficrecs · 3 years
Weekly Recap | October 4th-10th 2021
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Sorry it's a bit late, I had a three day weekend and I was very very lazy :P ALSO this week is the Preview Week for the Marvel Trumps Hate auction!!! The Preview Week is when you can have a look at all the offerings, spot the ones you're interested in, and even sign up and save your favourites in a watchlist before bidding week starts! You can find my auction listing on Tumblr and on the MTH website. This year, I will be offering one fic cover/banner and one typesetting auction - turning a fic into a book! 😃 If you're interested in any of those, make sure you head over to my offerings page and add me to your watchlist!
The Buck Stops Here by theemdash/ @theeemdash (Canon divergent, Presidential Candidate Steve Rogers | < 1K | Teen): The presidential campaign trail has been tough on Steve Rogers, luckily his campaign manager and best guy is along to take care of him.
serpentine serenade by thiccbuckybarnes/ @thiccbuckybarnesfic (Naga AU, PWP | 3K | Explicit | Warning: Rape/Non-Con): Bucky returns from a long mission and finds Steve in rut. (Part 4 of Kinktober 2021)
i'm gone in such a blaze by thiccbuckybarnes/ @thiccbuckybarnesfic (Shrunkyclunks, PWP | 1K | Explicit): “C’mon, Stevie, I know you can do better than that.” (Part 2 of as you seep on in 'verse, Part 6 of Kinktober 2021)
💙 a rocky heart for breaking teeth by thiccbuckybarnes/ @thiccbuckybarnesfic (Hunkyclunks aka Modern Beefy Steve/Winter Soldier Bucky, Dom/Sub AU | 25K | Explicit): Bucky takes a sip of his drink, his gaze still locked with the sub over the rim of the glass. He sees the curiosity in those forget-me-not-blue eyes, that flash of interest, of attraction. It makes Bucky’s blood set ablaze under his skin, like a match striking a dry surface, igniting from friction. It’s a feeling he hasn’t in a long time—decades, even, considering he’d been chemically castrated during his imprisonment as the Winter Soldier and is now pumped up with enough suppressants to—well, to abate the intense needs of a super soldier that happens to be a Dominant. (Part 5 of Kinktober 2021)
💙 a shrinking violet no more by thiccbuckybarnes/ @thiccbuckybarnesfic (Historical Royalty AU, A/B/O | 7K | Explicit): He drinks up everything Bucky says as he promises himself, commits himself. Steve aches to touch him, to undress him and reveal that sweet body, to bring his omega pleasures that he cannot fathom. He wants to open this flower, take his body like no other ever has, to hoard every moan and tremble. His blood sings at the promise of it, the certainty that their bodies will be joined as one in mere hours. Steve simply cannot wait to devour his omega whole, to make him his forever. (Part 7 of Kinktober 2021)
💙 a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning by voxofthevoid / @voxofthevoid (Vampire Bucky, Werewolf Steve | 13K | Explicit): How to Cope When Your Werewolf Soulmate Tries to Kill You With Sex: A Beginner’s Guide by James Buchanan Barnes. (sequel to your smoking gun's the tip of your tongue)
Reheating by fandomfluffandfuck/ @fandomfluffandfuck (Uni AU, Hockey | 20K | Explicit): Steve Rogers, center, first line. Bucky Barnes, right defenseman, first line. Steve cannot possibly make it through this year with his roommate being fucking Bucky. It’s not that the guy is too messy or stays up too late or anything as simple as that, it’s something that Steve can’t possibly approach him about… right? Like, saying, “hey can you stop being so fucking attractive for a second because it’s driving me insane,” is not the same as saying to someone, “hey could you quit leaving your clothes all over our floor so I don’t trip and die?” Good thing Bucky will end up beating him to punch, huh? (Part 2 of On Thin Ice)
💙 5 times Steve was Bucky’s Prince Charming (and 1 time he was a frog) by kocuria, kocuria-visuals (kocuria)/ @kocuria (Shrunkyclunks, Musician Bucky | 20K | Mature): It starts like this: Boy meets boy. Or, to be more exact: boy meets Captain America. Boy decides trolling is absolutely the way to go about his crush. Since, clearly, there’s no pigtails to pull. What the boy does not realize is: while trying to troll Captain America might seem like a sound plan, trolling Steve Rogers? Oh, that is bound to backfire.
💙 Falling Back on Forever by ftmsteverogers/ @transbucky (Canon Divergent, Winter Soldier Steve, Winter Soldier Bucky | 24K | Explicit): Bucky falls from the train in 1945. Steve jumps right after him. The Winter Soldier and the Midnight Patriot are the world's most feared duo, serving HYDRA and leaving a trail of bodies a mile wide behind them. But then they remember.
A Tapestry of Two by BlueSimplicity/ @bluesimplicity73 (Post-Winter Soldier, Mute Bucky | 2/? | 9K | Explicit): Ever since DC, things haven’t been easy for Bucky Barnes. HYDRA stole everything from him, even his voice, and two months later he’s barely surviving as he struggles to pull the few scraps of himself left into a cohesive whole. Until he gets his hands on a blanket and everything changes. Fascinated by its color and softness, he begins a journey he never would have imagined. Taken in by a stranger who teaches him to knit, Bucky slowly discovers he is so much more than a dropped stitch in the fabric of life. With time, patience, and the help of a few who have had their eyes on him for a long time, Bucky begins to turn himself into something stronger, softer and more beautiful than before, weaving a tapestry of friendship, laughter and love warm enough to embrace the entire world, fix old wrongs, and wrap around the only other person who never stopped believing in him.
💙 Give the Devil His Due by kocuria-visuals (kocuria)/ @kocuria, thiccbuckybarnes/ @thiccbuckybarnesfic (Historical Fantasy AU, Demon Steve | 2/4 | 16K | Explicit): "What is your name?" is all Bucky can think to ask, even though there are a million other things that should probably be said. Those curious blue eyes seem to consider him, his head tilting slightly in thought. He holds out his hand, and it's only then that Bucky realizes that it isn't stained with blood. Or at least, it can't be blood. For blood is not black. "Steve," the man says, but his voice sounds strange when he says it, like he’s asking a question rather than saying a decided fact.
💙 Read, White & Blue by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel (Shrunkyclunks, Librarian Bucky | 3/16 | 14K | Teen): If Steve was certain one thing would have stayed the same during his sixty-something years in the ice, it was that libraries were still the place to go if you needed information. And Steve needed information. Lots and lots of it. aka Librarian Bucky helps freshly desfrosted Steve learn how to use computers and catch up on everything he missed whilst he was in the ice.
💙 happily ever after has bite marks in it by voxofthevoid/ @voxofthevoid (Canon Divergent, Werewolf Steve, Winter Soldier Bucky | 29K | Explicit): In which Bucky is aggressively okay with his self-imposed exile from society, and Steve is a werewolf who’s nothing like the Brooklyn boy Bucky still dreams of. (Part 1 of in this story, you have claws)
💙 there's a light at the crack that's separating your thighs by voxofthevoid/ @voxofthevoid (Werewolf Steve, Winter Soldier Bucky, PWP | 26K | Explicit): Three times Steve and Bucky almost get caught having sex, and the one time the Avengers walk in on them. (Part 2 of in this story, you have claws)
💙 series: Sugar Sugar by geneticallydead/ @geneticallydead (Shrunkyclunks, Sugar Daddy Steve, Daddy Kink | 3 works | 19K | Explicit): The first time Steve sees Bucky Barnes, he knows he is so fucked. He can’t be older than 20. He looks up when Steve comes into the lab – summoned by Tony to check out the latest suit redesign – and bites down on his plush lower lip and smiles shyly at Steve. So, so fucked. OR Bucky wants to be Steve's sugar baby, and isn't exactly shy about it.
💙 series: Werewolf? There Wolf by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)/ @leveragehunters (Werewolf Steve, Modern Bucky | 5 works | 65K | Teen): After the car accident that cost him his arm and the endless rehabilitation that got him his shiny metal Stark Industries replacement, Bucky's happy for a break from people. The house in the forest is peaceful, town's a fair distance away, and he's got no neighbours...except maybe a blue-eyed wolf and possibly a naked guy named Steve.
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allwaswell16 · 3 years
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{Recently Read 1D Fics}
August 2021
These are all the One Direction fics I read and enjoyed in August. There are 16 recs here in all and are in order by word count and organized by pairing. You can also listen to my podcast to hear me talk about each of these fics as well as an overview of what was posted on ao3 in August including the fics on this month’s fic roundup which you can find here! Please let the writers know if you liked the fics by leaving kudos and comments! Happy reading!
Fanfictional Podcast #28 | ko-fi | fic recs
Memory of a Dream by tomlinvelvet / @afterglowslouis
[E, 64k, Sleeping Beauty au, a/b/o, alpha Harry, omega Louis, royal, fantasy, fairy tale, dark magic, angst with a happy ending, witches, violence, arranged marriage, hurt/comfort, no smut, wow this was such a cool take on this fairy tale, really enjoyed how the story was adapted and changed]
a Sleeping Beauty AU.
Caught In Your Gravity by @lululawrence
[NR, 62k, footie au, coach Harry, football player Louis, Ted Lasso au kind of, friends to lovers, misunderstandings, secrets, secret relationship, pining, coming out, homophobia, humor, no smut, the footie fic of my dreams]
an AU inspired by a 30 second trailer of Ted Lasso that doesn't actually have much in common with the show at all.
Home Again...Winter Harlow by dandelionfairies
[T, 27k, small town au, chef Harry, holidays, winter, Christmas, injured minor character, strangers to lovers, light angst, a lovely Hallmark-esque movie fic]
While Louis is basking in the glory of the holidays and everything new to him, Harry is walking into everything he once loved but now hates.
I'm Hot for Teacher (series) by phdmama / @phd-mama
[E, 14k, doctor Louis, med student Harry, semi public sex, hand jobs, masturbation, flirting, professional ethics, library sex, office sex, smut, holy shit this was so hot whew]
You cannot fall in love with your professor, Harry admonishes himself sternly as he exits the building and heads home. You just can’t.
Moments by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom
[E, 10k, fake exes to lovers au, strangers to lovers, particle physicist Louis, event manager Harry, banter, smut, hand jobs, anal sex, bl, so funny and cute!]
Looking back, Louis should’ve known that the universe likes to fuck with idiots like him who think they’ve got it all sorted.
i know i've grown (but i can't wait to go home) by LiveLaughLoveLarry / @loveislarryislove
[T, 7k, royal au, time travel, historical, Prince Harry, time traveler Louis, fantasy, violence, assassination attempt, humor, this plot was so cool]
When Louis falls down a hill behind an old castle, he wakes up and finds the castle new and full of life.
Climbing The Swells by @cyantific
[E, 5k, surfing au, surfer Louis, surfer Harry, California, strangers to enemies to lovers, minor injury, hurt/comfort, smut, so hot and so much fun especially if you love surfer fics like I do!]
The one where a clumsy Harry and a stubborn Louis reconcile their grievances on the beach with a heartfelt apology from Louis on his knees without saying a word.
We Go Together (series) by cherrylarry / @beelou
[G, 3k, Grease au, Harry as Sandy, Louis as Danny, summer romance, high school, such a cute adaptation!]
the movie Grease as a larry au. Louis is still the one that he wants.
As Good As Scone by SunTomato / @sun-tomato
[NR, 3k, meet cute au, baker Harry, Louis can't cook, humor, flirting, first meeting, minor injuries, this was so much fun and I loved the snappy writing and dialogue]
The one where Louis tries and fails to impress a first date. Luckily, there is the 'Sweet Creature' bakery, and they deliver.
Eco-Friendly by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose
[T, 3k, uni au, roommates, pining, green living, humor, this was so cute and funny and relatable lol)
the one where Harry just wants to get through one college year with a good roommate
Thesis Management by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
[T, 2k, werewolf au, wolf Louis, human Harry, grad student Harry, uni, established relationship, crack, humor, full moon, fluff, where does she come up with this stuff? lol]
Harry's got an assignment due and it's the full moon.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle by skipper / @skipperxao3
[T, 2k, break up au, angst, drama, saving the world, ouch, this hurt so if you're in the mood for heartbreak this one is it]
the one where Harry wants to save the world but loses sight of who’s been right in front of him all along
Wordplay Poems 2021 by @kingsofeverything
[NR, 381 words, poetry, clumsy Harry, clumsy Louis, this was such a cool idea!)
Week 1: Diamanté Week 2: Couplet Week 3: Idiom Doggerel Week 4: 2 or 3 stanza poem Week 5: Free verse poem
Getting a Head for Heights by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
[T, 3k, Louis/Greg James, uni au, size difference, pining, flirting, sharing clothes, kissing, I could scream I loved this so much! so so cute!]
The problem is, Louis thinks Greg would be quite good to date, so it would really help if everyone would stop reminding him of that fact so he could unthink it.
Long Shot by @fallinglikethis
[G, 816 words, Zayn/Nick Grimshaw, strangers to lovers, pub, Nick's birthday, drinking, well Nick's friends are crap but love how Zayn pulls him heh]
When Nick's friends throw him a birthday party in a pub and invite his ex, Nick wants nothing to do with any of it.
Reduce, Recycle, … remove? by @reminiscingintherain
[G, 611 words, Zayn/Louis, neighbors, teacher Louis, artist Zayn implied, open ending, this is the rare pair jackpot tbh]
When someone’s nicking recycling out of the rubbish bins, who’s going to take them to task?
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kaisooficrec · 3 years
Ultimate Top & Dom Kim Jongin Fest : Round 2 (2021)
Mmmh (don't you worry) Don't just sculpt me, please    
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The ULTKJI Fest is back again with delicious top/dom Kai fics. We have selected the KaiSoo stories for you here, but you can check more on the fest’s Twitter account! 
#1 : Kiss Me Meow
Genre: Smut, Friends-with-benefits Length: 11,131 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : Dirty talk, Daddy kink, Begging, Semi-Public sex Summary:  Kyungsoo and Jongin agreed on being fuck buddies. While Jongin is such a dominant taking him apart in the sheets, every time he comes to his flat he becomes a fluff ball cooing and petting his cat who seems to like him a lot. Maybe so much they meow for attention and sadness every time he is about to leave and Kyungsoo is beginning to question his own feelings.
#2 : I Heard You Got Lucky
Genre: Rom-Com, Age Swap, College!AU, Virgin!Kyungsoo, Smut Length: 27,369 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : Dirty talk, mentions of fisting Summary:  What started as a small lie in order to save himself from his friend’s wrath led Do Kyungsoo to be shoved into the spotlight when rumors started popping out that he slept with Kim Jongin, the campus heartthrob. Things, of course, escalated to where he was no longer in control of his own narrative. To top it off, he didn't even know who Jongin was!
#3 : Loving you softly
Genre: PWP, Established Relationship, BDSM (heed the tags!) Length: 5,392 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : Soft BDSM, Sensation play, Featherplay, Riding crops, Prostate milking, Sex toys, Shibari, Flogging, Restraints, Rimming, Aftercare Summary: To say that Kyungsoo is excited is the lie of the century. What he feels is beyond that. It’s been too long since they last had a whole afternoon free to spend solely on each other.
#4 : Fixing a Broken Fairytale
Genre: Depression, Mental Health Issues, Angst with happy ending Length: 12248 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : Depression, mental health issues, mentions of molestation and rape Summary: Jongin is the tall and handsome prince Kyungsoo has always dreamed about. He may not be perfect but they balance each others weaknesses. To Jongin, the elder is his superhero and strength, to Kyungsoo the younger was his happiness.But what if one day the beautiful dream for Jongin and Kyungsoo fall apart, will they be able to fix the broken fairytale?
#5 In The Middle
Genre: Royalty, kinks Length: 10105 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : Jongin/Kyungsoo/Kai, twins without twincest (Read the tags!) Summary: Day after day Kyungsoo is subjected to suitors asking for his hand. Usually he doesn't spare them a glance But it isn't until he meets twin Princes Jongin and Kai that he finds himself taking another look
#6 : Lil.O.Lait
Genre: Omega verse Length: 8103 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : Lactation kink, nursing kink, omega/human Summary: Got Milk?
#7 :  Falling In Love (Is Hard On The Knees)
Genre: Light BDSM Length: 6946 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : Sex club, innocent character Summary: Kyungsoo is a sheltered only child who’s never had any experience regarding sex before. That is until Baekhyun convinces him to enter a club—one which turns out to be sex club where he meets a stranger named Kai. The thin line between pleasure and pain seems to disappear as Kai brings both to Kyungsoo’s bedroom.
#8 : flight of the stars
Genre: Daddy issues, Roommates Length: 17880 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : Homophobic slur Summary: Kim Jongin, born January 14th, 1994 in Seoul, South Korea. Stuck with a hopeless crush on his childhood friend - all because he was born one year too late.
#9 :  Don't just sculpt me, please    
Genre: Friends with benefits Length: 3269 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : Flexible sex Summary: Jongin is an artist working mainly with clay and stone to create an explicit homoerotic art. He needs a model for his new collection.
#10 : Lean On Me
Genre: Strangers to lovers, roommates, camboy!AU Length: 13019 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : crossdressing Summary: Kyungsoo is a popular camboy who enjoys doing cross-dressing during his live broadcasts. Now that he has a new roommate, he doesn’t know when to do his streams. What Kyungsoo doesn’t know is that Kim Jongin, his new hot roommate, is a fan.
#11 : How about your vocal cords on my cock.
Genre: A/B/O dynamics, Enemies to lovers, Rockband Length: 9418 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : Summary: Omega Kyungsoo is the flirtatious vocalist of his band The Dolls while Alpha Kai is the hottie guitarist of the rival band Skin. During a festival, both bands attended and they couldn't contain their hate any longer, until ...
#12 : Mmmh (don't you worry)
Genre: Canon, Roleplay Length: 7197 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : slight exhibitionism, spit as lube Summary: Kyungsoo has his own reasons for staying up late just to pratice the choreography of "Mmmh" in the solace of EXO's dance practice room. However, his plans for the night did not include Jongin himself unexpectedly barging in.
#13 :  A Reason, A Season; and A Lifetime
Genre: Alpha/Human, Soulmates Length: 15845 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : threesome F/M/M, armpit kink, slight dubcon Summary: Sometimes things do not make sense until the very end.
#14 :  Bulletproof
Genre: Enemies with benefits, Assassins!au Length: 3427 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings :  Summary: One minute they're shooting bullets at each other, the next they're shooting cum together. Jongin and Kyungsoo are enemy assassins who found pleasure and love between gunfire and blood.
#15 : take your time with this love (say you're mine forever)
Genre: Alpha/Human, High school!au, College!au Length: 25768 w Rating: R Kinks/Warnings : A/B/O verse, virgin!Kyungsoo Summary: jongin is his best friend. at the age of 17, jongin is destined to be an alpha, while for kyungsoo, he is neither alpha nor omega.kyungsoo realizes he isn't really envious of jongin for becoming an alphait gets painful for him because he catches feeling for his best friend.and that he realizes, he would watch jongin gets an omega partner for himself, getting the one --- that would never be him.
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lathalea · 3 years
Writer's Month 2021 Masterlist
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Here is the list of my fics written for the Writer's Month 2021 event.
word: protective | setting: high school AU (Thranduil x Reader)
word: cold | setting: coffeeshop AU (Bard x Bofur)
word: outside | setting: wedding (Thorin x Yrsa [OC])
word: play | setting: historical/modern setting (Thorin x fem!Bilbo)
word: secret | setting: pirate AU (Thorin x The Silver Sorceress [OC])
word: amnesia | setting: science fiction world (Thorin x Reader)
word: feather | setting: time loop (Gandalf & Daisy [OC])
word: water | setting: social media AU (Thorin x Reader)
word: darkness | setting: criminals/mob AU (Thorin x Yrsa [OC], part 2)
word: sunshine | setting: aged up/deaged (Haldir x Reader)
word: glass | setting: royalty AU (Thorin x Reader)
word: time | setting: superheroes/villains AU (Fili x Eiris [OC])
word: night | setting: flower shop/ tattoo parlor AU (Dwalin x Reader)
word: duck | setting: utopia/dystopia (Thorin x Yrsa [OC])
word: edge | setting: soulmate AU (Thorin x Reader)
word: photo | setting: college AU (Kili x gn!Reader)
word: dream | setting: angel/demon AU (Thorin x Yrsa [OC])
word: key | setting: role reversal (Thorin x fem!Bilbo)
word: movie | setting: genderbend world (fem!Thorin x fem!Dwalin)
word: dog | setting: cops/fire fighters AU (Fili x Reader)
word: pizza | setting: vampires/werewolves AU (Thorin x OC)
word: house | setting: Alpha/Beta/Omega-verse (Thorin x fem!Bilbo)
word: truth | setting: arranged marriage (Eomer x Lothiriel)
word: letter | setting: fake relationship (Thorin x Mila [OC])
word: obnoxious | setting: fairy tale (Thorin x Yrsa [OC])
word: depth | setting: ghosts/medium AU (Thorin x OC)
word: sword | setting: Western AU (Aragorn & Boromir)
word: fire | setting: winged AU (Haleth x Caranthir)
word: bed | setting: snowed in (Thorin x Yrsa)
word: tree | setting: band AU (Thorin x Reader)
word: purple | setting: merpeople AU (Thorin x Reader) Thank you for reading and reblogging!💙 My main masterlist is here.
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russilton · 2 years
thank you for gifting us the omega verse new snippet! story is getting more and more intriguing, pleeease give us more whenever you feel like it! As an addendum, do you think when George gets his out of sync heat (or maybe in a former heat?) could be approached/harassed by older alphas from other teams thirsting after him (this horrible idea is thanks to N&wey feeling George's side up on the podium), and Lewis maybe has to intervene/step in? anyway, waiting also for any RB au news lol.
Hello I am finally back to answer this ask haha
And guess what, George getting felt up by Red Bull staff is not a unique 2022 experience!
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I get the urge to cup his waist guys but you have to ASK before you Princess code a guy. You should really start by staring affectionately into his eyes as you fist bump him.
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Anyway, 2021 A/b/o AU returns, because I don’t have time to write it currently but I do have time to ramble about it so I have to put ideas on my timeline
2021 a/b/o au spoilers below the cut. 3.5k of them. You’ve been warned
Anyway, since this post had me looking for photos of George and Lewis, and thus came across the above image, of George once again being fondled by redbull staff, I am going to delve into the 2021 a/b/o au (working title: Bonds and Blinding Lights), scent bonds, how they affect hormone cycles, alphas wrestling and the 2021 Belgium Grand Prix. The race that was, but wasn’t but also kind of was.
Anyway, since this post had me looking for photos of George and Lewis, and thus came across the above image, of George once again being fondled by redbull staff, I am going to delve into the 2021 a/b/o au (working title: Bonds and Blinding Lights), scent bonds, how they affect hormone cycles, alphas wrestling and the 2021 Belgium Grand Prix. The race that was, but wasn’t but also kind of was.
So, let’s get started, first of all, we all know how silverstone works out (I talked about it here) but what I didn’t really go into is how it triggers a pre rut for Lewis. Why? Well George and Lewis are “scent bonded”. In the context of this au what that means is that George and Lewis give off scents that the other can smell strongest, because they are highly compatible. This is of course why Lewis manages to scent George in his car even after a week between him last touching it, and through his stuffed up weak covid nose.
Scent bonds are a pretty big thing in this au. Everyone comes with a unique scent, it’s not dissimilar to a changing fingerprint, the scent you have as an adult will depend on your likes, your personality, your designation etc. For instance, George is primarily Coffee, Salad leaves and Citrus. Lewis is coconut, breakfast tea and almonds. Valtteri is Gin, Espresso and Oats. Not everyone is as strong as others, but alphas and omegas tend to end up with stronger scents, whereas beta scents are often less complex but more broadly appealing. It’s also not a universal experience to smell everyone around you. It requires some level of proximity, and bonds will grow and weaken scents. For example, in his garage Lewis can’t differentiate the scent of every person there, because he’s not close with many of them. But he can smell Bono from a distance, because Bono falls into his smaller informal “pack”. Scent compatibility also exists.
It Functions a bit like soulmatism lite. Generally, scent bonds exist to guide compatible partners together. It’s not 100%, a person may have multiple potential scent bond partners, and since scents change with a person, someone you may not have been drawn strongly to before, you now will. It’s not a strictly alpha and omega thing either. Toto and Susie are a scent bonded (and then mated) alpha/alpha couple. James V and Bono are Beta/Omega but also scent bonded (then mated). The more compatible someone is, the stronger they smell, platonic and familial bonds all exist in this too, but they can be summarised a lot easier because it’s less complex and more about finding comfort in someone else. Lewis and Valtteri have 0 romantic or sexual draw to each other, but they have a low platonic level of bond. It basically just means Lewis and Val tend to go to each other for a bit of comfort. It’s very brotherly.
We’ll come back to that later, the reason it gets brought up is scent compatibility can have a heavy effect on cycles. Rut and heat cycles are a given part of life in an a/b/o au, generally spread out over every few months, Both Alphas and Omegas experience cycles. Betas don’t, but can end up feeling the urge to herd and manage their packs when mates or others around them are having cycles. For example, while George isn’t mated, when he goes through his heats, his teammate Nicky tends to feel the urge to check on him and stick by his side when he returns to the track, because he’s a beta. There are some differences between cycles, Omega heats are more regular but tend to be unavoidable and can have an effect on any unmated folk around them attracted to omegas. Alpha ruts don’t have the same kind of pungent effect on others, aren’t as regular, and can be delayed. But the more they’re delayed, the worse they’ll be.
Both ruts and heats tend to be lighter and easier if spent with someone else; especially a mated partner. A heat might only last a couple days for a mated omega, for an unmated one it could last a week or longer. Ruts can go for even longer, Lewis has an awful habit of delaying his ruts; and since he isn’t mated, they can last around a week and a half. After silverstone? His Rut lasts two and a half weeks. It’s brutal. Why is it so bad? Well because Lewis has George now.
When people end up finding compatible scent bonds, it’s often common for their cycles to begin syncing. Evolutionarily It makes sense, it drives compatible people together, encouraging mating bonds between compatible partners. Which is all nice and such, but it also makes their ruts and heats more intense and lengthy. Much the way a period is the bodies way of punishing uterus Owners for not being pregnant, an intense heat or rut is the hormonal way of saying ‘hey, this is what you get for not spending me with that other person’
So, Silverstone rolls around, at this point Lewis knows he’s scent bonded with George, and George has just gone through a heat. He shows up flushed and tired looking, and Lewis wants to do so many things to him it makes his head spin. He can smell George right through his scent patch. He doesn’t even realise he’s tipping into pre-rut until after his clash with Max. He manages to hold off till after Hungary, it takes a metric fuck tonne of supressant patches and nose plugs he hates, but he gets there. Hungary itself is slightly brutal for Lewis; he wants nothing more than to bundle George up proud and protective after George scores his first points at Williams. Instead he stays busy and slightly distant, never enough to make George feel ignored, but the poor guy just assumes Lewis has a lot going on and doesn’t have time for him.
It’s worth noting George doesn’t really know how Lewis feels about him. Lewis is hyper-conscious about not making George feel pressured or uncomfortable about the scent bond. After all, Lewis hasn’t been with anyone in years, he’s kinda like a stumbling teenager. He thinks it’ll be best to let George come to him. This solid plan would work if George knew he and Lewis even had a scent bond. Bless him, George doesn’t have the strongest nose, and while he can smell Lewis very strongly, he just chalks it up to hero worship, his mind drawing him to Lewis because he thinks Lewis is such an impressive person. They’re both oblivious idiots
Then comes the summer break, where Lewis has a very bad not fun time. His body wants George, and he held it off, and he’s alone. He basically spends 2 weeks feverish, miserable, and getting hard at the slightest breeze. At least Roscoe gets plenty of cuddles because Lewis can’t leave his flat. It wears off just before the end of the break, but Lewis gets stuck in a longer post rut than he’s used to. Post rut just kinda makes alphas protective and possessive over their pack. Lewis still has all his cognitive function when he rocks up to spa, he just feels a little more impulsively about making sure Bono is wearing a coat in the rain, that Angela isn’t too close to any of the Redbull engineers, and he even gets caught rumbling under his breath when he sees Valtteri talking with Daniel outside their garage. Val catches him doing that last one and raises an eyebrow at him. He’ll tease Lewis for being prickly over him, an alpha, hanging around a beta, but Lewis will remind him that in val’s own post ruts he makes coffee for anyone who doesn’t stop him.
It doesn’t help Lewis that it pours in spa all weekend. Scent suppressants tend to almost always come in the form of adhesive patches for the F1 paddock. As athletes most of the drivers won’t touch the pill forms, because of the side effects. But as with most skin safe temporary glues, they tend to wear off when wet. And spa is _incredibly_ wet. It drives Lewis a little harder and higher into the impulsive emotions of post rut. George is around their hospitality a lot, thrumming with happy emotions and smelling sweeter than ever as they celebrate signing him for the 2022 season. Lewis would never want to ask him to leave, he’s honestly happy George got the seat. Lewis adores valtteri beyond measure, but they’d both talked it over at the start of the season with Toto. The pressure of performing beside Lewis is taking a toll on his races, and Toto needs a seat for George. He can’t make him stay at Williams. On top of it all they have the new regulations coming in, they want to be able to build the car around Lewis and his teammate. Val deserves to be a first seat driver and he won’t get that at Merc, but what he will get is the chance to have a car tailored to him at Alfa Romeo. So, they watch George’s performances through the start of the season, and Val gives the final go-ahead in the summer break.
But all the rain and loose suppressant patches are making Lewis feel itchy and hormonal, so he ends up doing something he hasn’t in a while, and asks Val to wrestle with him. Omegas have nesting instincts to help settle emotions, betas have hearding, alphas? Alphas can wrestle. It’s a long holdover from times where alphas competed for mates, showing dominance and strength to compatible omegas and betas, but in the modern age it’s more like when puppies play fight with littermates. Or for some alpha/alpha couples, foreplay.
For Lewis and Val it’s stress relief. Val is Lewis’ platonic best friend. He’s always believed strongly in supportive friendships between alphas and Val fits that perfectly. They support each other, tease each other, and talk each other down from starting fights. He’d probably call Val like his non family brother. He’s right in the circle of Lewis’ personal pack with Bono, both james,Toto, susie, Angela, Michael, riki, shov and a few more. People Lewis goes to for comfort on the grid. When his rumbly, grumpy emotions are running high, he asks Val to wrestle, and they find an unused pack lounge to tackle each other and fight. It’s never really very serious, all laughter and trying to get one up on each other before one pins the other, and they collapse into a cuddle pile and talk it out or just soak up some quality time. Lewis normally pins Val, he’s bigger and quicker on his feet, but it doesn’t really matter who wins.
Except for the sauna incident. Val won that. Lewis won’t talk about the sauna incident if asked. Val quite happily will.
So after fp2 when Lewis is feeling itchy about all the smells and adrenaline from driving? Wrestle time. A free minute after FP3 before quali? Wrestle time.
When George preforms his incredible qualifying at sets p2, Lewis is so fucking proud he wants to burst, he doesn’t care at all that George beat him. But George clasps his hand and grins at him when Lewis goes to congratulate him, and Lewis is hit with strong coffee, sweet summer citrus, and freshly washed salad greens. George’s patch had worn off with sweat and rain, Lewis’ barely hanging on, and his excitement over his performance made him smell irresistible. Lewis barely manages to tell him how impressed he is and make it through his interviews before he almost tackles Valtteri back at their motorhomes. His body is flush with the need to pin George to a wall and scent him, to not let anyone touch him, and the post rut makes his skin itch. Val knows the drill, though this is the most intense he’s seen Lewis since silverstone. He even ends up pinning him, Lewis so distracted and off kilter he doesn’t see Val readying to sweep his legs. It helps, and they end up sat against a wall with vals arm wound round Lewis’ shoulder so they can press their temples together and rumble comfortingly.
Val knows about Lewis and George, and had pried it out of Lewis after last season ended. He thinks Lewis is a bit of an idiot and should just talk to George, but Dan and Tiffany have both told him to let Lewis work it out on his own. Fuckin Australians. Instead he just holds Lewis close and rumbles with him till Lewis’ shoulder relax. Val then jokes that Lewis is going to have to learn to talk about his feelings next year when George is his teammate, and he won’t have Val around to talk to. Lewis grumbles that Val is just going to Alfa; he's not leaving the paddock. Val says he won’t be in the Merc pack tho will he.
Then Lewis is wrapping an arm tight round his waist and tugging Val into a tighter hug and rumble growling right against his temple. He tells Val he doesn’t get to leave the team and the pack. Val is Lewis’ pack until one of them stops breathing. Or if he joins Redbull. Val fakes a gag. Lewis presses their foreheads together and tells him he doesn’t stop being pack when he leaves, fuck you.
It gets them both back to something nice and level, and Lewis feels ready to go back to his room and sleep till it’s time to race and he can blow off hormones with adrenaline in his favourite way possible.
Then the race doesn’t happen. Which he kind of hates. He hates that they fucked up organising so badly that people had to sit for hours to watch them get soaked. Hates the pantomime of the laps to get them to half points, especially since he has to sit in freezing rain to do it, just long enough to feel bone cold and his patch peels right off. But then he’s pulling into third and he remembers that this is George’s first podium, and he feels bittersweet sadness and pride that he didn’t get to fight George, but he has the honour of sharing the celebration with him.
He tries to show George how proud he is with his eyes, grins behind his mask as they bump fists and he watches George climb up to his place on second. He lets George’s happy scent wash away any pain of the rain, though it’s interrupted when max joins them.
Lewis and Max have never got on, especially so after silverstone. The other alpha smells sour and terrible to Lewis. He doesn’t know how Max smells to others, rivalry and dislike tend to sour smells, like the reverse of what he has with George’s compatibility, Max smells incompatible, his body trying to push him away. His nose wrinkles behind his mask as he sets his jaw and tries to instead focus on George, searching for citrus past the acrid unpalatable smell from Max. Then comes the redbull constructor, and that pisses Lewis off.
(Fun fact, a two minute google search didn’t tell me who the guy on the podium is, and so I don’t care. Anything I say here has nothing to do with the real guy, cause I don’t know who he is)
The staff member is an Alpha, and Lewis can smell him so strongly he knows he’s not wearing a patch. His damp hair says he probably was out in the rain, but that’s no excuse, Red Bull should have picked fucking anyone else. They have a garage full of dry, patch intact staff, or at least they could have sent a fuckin beta. It makes his hackles rise at the idea they cared so little about the comfort of omegas and betas around the podium they send someone up without thinking of it. Fuck it, Lewis can just get through this, toast with George, and then he doesn’t have to think till zandvoort. They get through the anthems, catching George with the spray of champagne and hearing his laughter makes him feel lighter; then he’s being gestured up for the photo.
Lewis clasps his hands behind his back. He’s not touching max, he can’t make himself do it post rut. Max doesn’t seem to care. Good. Fine. But then Lewis is hit with acid, burnt coffee and vinegar. Distress and discomfort. George
His head whips over and the red bull staff alphas hand is peaking round George’s ribs and slipping down to squeeze his waist. He clearly didn’t ask, George’s eyes look pinched tight and uncomfortable above his mask. Lewis can smell it too, he’s trying his best not to react but Lewis can smell it so strongly. It burns his nose and makes his shoulders stiffen. How fucking dare he, he’s touching George without his permission. Lewis is livid, it seems even max can smell it as he raises an alarmed eyebrow and steps back before Lewis storms over to put himself between the alpha and George.
Luckily for that alpha he lets go as Lewis moves and Lewis can slip between them, wrap an arm over George’s shoulder and look to the cameras like he’s just congratulating his team's junior. Even in anger Lewis is careful not to make it an event that may make George feel worse, just carefully gets between them and guides George to safety. George seems grateful for it, leaning into Lewis and going with him without a fight.
Lewis doesn’t stop till he’s lead George off the podium, down a hallway and into an empty room. He’s moving on instinct, alpha hormones telling him he needs to get rid of the smell, get George somewhere safe. He finally stops when the door clicks shut behind them and his brain comes back online. He realises he’d touched George without asking too, and he drops his arm immediately, so worried he hadn’t done any better than that Redbull alpha. But George smells sweet again, back to normal, with a hint of grateful as he turns to look at Lewis with a smile.
Lewis panics a little, tries to apologise but George cuts him off and tells him he’s glad Lewis did it, he was feeling horribly uncomfortable and Lewis looked like he scared the shit out of max, which they both giggle at and Lewis relaxes finally. And he can tell George how proud he is.
George looks shocked frankly, and admits he thought Lewis might have been mad he didn’t get the points to get past Max and that’s why he avoided him yesterday. He doesn’t know how utterly amazed Lewis is? It’s at that point Lewis finally realises he should probably tell George that he’s not avoiding him out of anger, just so he doesn’t make George uncomfortable.
He doesn’t include all the details, George doesn’t need to know how he feels, but he does tell him that he’s been struggling with a post rut come down, and just didn’t want to accidentally go too far with George when he’s been feeling touchy and possessive.
Even now he’s shaking slightly, his body coming down from the rush of protectiveness, he still wants to touch George, he’s going to have to bowl Val over when he gets back to Merc just to work off the energy. George spots that and offers a hug, he knows that alphas can sometimes need contact specifically from omegas after their ruts, another evolutionary thing, and well, George could kinda use it too.
Lewis probably shouldn’t accept, but he does, then George is tucked into his arms, both in still soaked suits and hats, masks tugged down over their chins, but it’s perfect. He keeps his arms around George’s back, tight but respectful, and tucks his head into George’s neck when George does the same. Up Close his scent is overwhelming, but so so good. Lewis feels calmer than he has in weeks, finally settled. He’s rumbling before he can stop himself, and George responds with a purr he wants to record so he can hear it whenever he’s alone. It’s wonderful. When they part he feels relaxed and happy, and George looks warm and bright too. They don’t talk about it, but he gives George a shoulder squeeze and tells him they need to head to their interviews.
When he gets back to Merc after, Val teases him for the podium behaviour, his best friend able to tell what had happened, but he also offers to keep an eye on George when Lewis can’t. Lewis shoves him but admits it would help. Val always has his back
There you go, a metric fuck tone of bonds and blinding lights notes. Now have a look at these photos of Val and Lewis Brotp and protective brother in law Val
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ficrecsbybu · 3 years
WinterIron fic rec 2021: Part I
Note: this fic rec consists only of Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark fics. the only Stucky & Stony you might see is as past relationships but that’s it. it’s also complete works ONLY. also - no underage stuff 🔪.  if you have any requests for Winteriron fic recs (for e.g non-superpower au, only one shots, series, hardcore smut, post-tws, college au, not team cap friendly fics, bodyguard au etc.) you can send me requests ^^. anyway... enjoy 😉 
✨ The Guiding of Death by RayShippouUchiha
“That whole Merchant of Death thing,” someone off to the side faux whispers, “makes a lot more sense now.”
It echoes across the bridge like a gunshot. 
Rated M, Hades & Persephone AU, Canon Divergence, always female Tony Stark, not Team Cap friendly. word count: 41391
(note: listen... I know het pairings and/or gender bend is not popular and I never really read those in general BUT this is straight up one of the best fics I have ever read so I NEEDED to share this with y’all...✌️)
✨ Forms of Love by bear_bell
Tony's the bad guy, after all. He's used to it. He's fine with it. He's good at it.
Only now, there's something far worse loitering around the tower - The Winter Soldier. No one notices the guy at first, but when they do, Tony figures that he should have the soldier's back.
Birds of a feather should flock together, and the bad guys should start a book club.
Rated E, Post-CW, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Different Personalities, Team Iron Man. word count: 33591
✨ Looking at You by NotEvenCloseToStraight
Bucky looks for so long that now all he wants to do is touch and hold and fix everything. But Tony can barely be in the same room as Bucky, cant even look him in the eye. So Bucky doesn't know what to do about Tony, but he is determined to do something. Because all he wants is to look at Tony, and see Tony looking back with a smile.
Rated E, Post-CW, PTSD, team heals, mental healing, forgiveness, angst with a happy ending. word count: 28,168
✨ I'll Be Your Bodyguard (If You'll Be My Security Blanket) by NarutoRox
When one of Loki's pranks gone wrong leaves the team with a young Winter Soldier in their care, they know they're going to have their hands full. Especially since this newer, tinier version of Bucky seems to have a bodyguard complex - and a particular attachment to Tony.
Rated T, kid fic, age regression/de-aging, de-aged Bucky, tiny bodyguard Bucky. word count: 4,993. 
(note: finally something CUTE. Im so sorry for being such a slut for angst and heavy stuff 😅)
✨ Fate Strings Not Required by Akira_of_the_Twilight
Tony took the hint.
Tony wrapped his hand around the new guy’s elbow. He kept his touch light and breakable in case he’d misread the cue.
“Just some guy claiming to be my soul mate, babe.”
The new guy’s eyebrows rose to his hairline in surprise. He chuckled and gave the first guy a smirk. “Strange. Last time I checked we were soul mates.”
Rated T, AU - no superpowers, AU - soulmates, Bodyguard Bucky Barnes, age difference. word count: 7,032.
✨ Shameless  by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
Tony isn’t actually sure which of them starts it—he’d like to take credit, but if he’s learned anything it’s that Barnes is by no means a wilting flower. Besides, the start doesn’t matter as much as figuring out who’s going to actually finish it.
rated M, flirting, dirty talk, sexual tension. word count: 2,560
✨ Winter Wooer by salytierra
Winter may not be the most pleasant guy to live or share your body with, but he isn't nearly as destructive as everybody expected him to be either. He likes to brood in the corners, watch British TV, and freak people out. And Tony. He really, really likes Tony Stark. There's just one problem – Bucky's pretty sure he doesn't feel the same way about the guy.
Rated M, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Different Personalities, team as family. word count: 8,726
✨ Even Darkness Must Pass by Finely Honed (jaqen_hgar)
“Fake it till you make it,” Bucky whispered to himself, swallowing around his panic. Sam had drilled the idea into him, and it had become a mantra of sorts, something to hold onto when all he wanted to do was blend into the shadows and disappear.
“You’ll be fine.”
Steve placed a warm, strong hand on Bucky’s shoulder and squeezed, his super soldier ears having picked up Bucky uttering the now familiar saying.
Bucky nodded, tried to believe his own words, and followed Steve onto the common floor, a wall of sound hitting them as they entered.
rated M (but mild sexual content), parent Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes recovering, team as family, of love and hobbits 🧝🏻‍♂️. word count: 15,289
✨ Paths Are Made by Walking by Potrix 
The road to recovery is long, winding and a different one for every person walking it. Bucky chooses to help himself the only way he knows how; by doing what he does best.
Or, alternatively; the one in which Tony is a mess and accidentally kick-starts Bucky’s protective mother hen instincts.
rated T, post-TWS, fluff, humour, getting together, idiots in love. word count: 4,744.
✨ Rise In Perfect Light (Be Not Fearful Of The Night) by RayShippouUchiha
At first, the new element singing in his chest, Tony doesn’t understand what he’s done.
Doesn’t understand the full consequences of his actions.
But, to be fair, there’s no way he really could have.
Not even a futurist like him could have ever seen this coming.
rated G, post-CW, past Stony, angst with a happy ending. word count: 3,589.
(note: this fic is SO BEAUTIFUL. lemme just asjkdjnsjkdm)
✨ and amidst the ruins, there was you by TheKitteh
With everything resolved - post the Berlin conflict, Siberia and the rogue Avengers' return - Tony relishes in the clarity of what the team is now. He can finally see the well-defined lines, he can rely on solid rules and the chain of command. He's settled into his life like never before.
That is, until one day, an unhinged sorcerer with no grasp on his magic shatters that new-found balance.
As a result, half of Tony's soul is now gone, but he's willing to do anything to get it back.
rated T, post-CW, canon divergence, au - Dystopia, Dimension Travel, magical accidents, slow burn, getting together. word count: 36,976
✨ and so we unfold by TheKitteh
Senbazuru. Thousand Cranes.
An ancient Japanese legend that promises anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by the gods. Some stories believe you are granted happiness and eternal good luck, instead of just one wish, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury.
Bucky’s not big on believing in any legends, not after all that has happened. He just wants to create something for a change, not destroy.
He needs to prove himself that he can be trusted to handle something delicate. He doesn’t need a promise of a wish come true. He just,- needs to do this for himself.
He doesn’t need noticing how sad, tired Stark looks. Doesn’t need to want to do something for the man, when he can barely do anything for himself.
rated T, CACW canon divergence, getting together, reconciliation, POV alternating, Bucky Barnes recovering. word count: 14,449
✨ Spilt on the Ground like Water by tisfan
Tony has been black-bagged and illegally held at the Raft. Steve has no intentions of going to rescue him.
But the Winter Soldier isn't going to leave him behind.
rated E, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, implied/referenced torture, frottage, dub-con, mention of part non-con (HYDRA trash party), not Steve friendly, suicidal thoughts, touch-starved. word count: 10,853
✨ Norns, Save Us (From Ourselves) by phlintandsteel
It’s been ten years since half the universe was dusted.
rated E, post-IW au, A/B/O verse, Omega Tony, Alpha Bucky, Soulmates, Peter & Harley playing matchmaker, still recovering Bucky Barnes, not Steve Rogers Friendly, angst with a happy ending. word count: 37,324.
✨ Change You Like A Remix by ficlicious 
No one ever said Avenging would be easy, but Bucky could have really used a memo about the weeks where the hits just didn’t stop coming. He’d probably still have signed his soul away to the gods of spandex and paperwork, but a heads up woulda been nice before he nodded and smiled and took up residence in the house sanity fled when the Avengers moved in.
---- Soulmates, misunderstandings, snark, genderswap and sleep-deprived Avengers abound. Tony's a woman. Must be Friday.
rated E, AU - soulmates, established relationship, temporary gender swap, jealous Bucky Barnes, misunderstanding, miscommunication. word count: 10,494.
✨ Getting to Know You by orbingarrow
It had been an adventure, navigating the sweetly apologetic Bucky Barnes, who haunted the tower most days, and the the Winter Soldier, who occasionally inhabited Barnes’s body. The Winter Soldier was not apologetic; he was scary. And he was currently chilling out, uninvited, in Tony's lab.
“Leave,” Tony said, because Tony was either a dead man or not, and there wasn’t much he could do about it before coffee.
“Or you could give me permission to be here,” the Winter Soldier suggested.
“I don’t let strangers poke around my stuff,” Tony grumbled, as he walked past the Soldier to take a seat at his workbench.
“Easily solved,” the Soldier deflected. “Get to know me.”
-This is what happens when Tony does.
rated G, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are different personalities, fluff, Clint Barton is a good bro. word count: 9,470
✨ Safe House by ali_aliska
For years, Tony had successfully kept his secret. Neither the world nor his team knew he was Iron Man and as far as he was concerned, everyone was better off that way. On his best days, Tony Stark was not someone people liked and trusted, so the last thing Tony wanted was to tarnish Iron Man’s good reputation by revealing the truth.
But then SHIELD falls, the Avengers face disarray, and a stray Hydra assassin forces Tony to go into hiding—and where better than the safe house he had just crafted for the Avengers and their own ex-assassin ready to come in from the cold?
Tony plans to hide away from everyone in his makeshift workshop until the coast is clear and he’s safe to go home. No one would care to spend any time with the reclusive, arrogant billionaire anyways, right? Iron Man is the one everyone wants around.
Bucky Barnes, on his own journey to reclaim his life and identity, seems to disagree with that sentiment.
rated T, post TWS, canon divergence, au - Secret Identity, mutual pining, team as family, slow burn, misunderstandings. word count: 89,533
✨ Versace on the floor by withered
The modern man’s armor is his clothing, and Bucky wants Tony out of his.
rated T,  post CW, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Separate Personalities, Barnes & Soldier & their hard-on for Tony, not team cap friendly. word count: 2,127 
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 3 years
Buddie Fic Masterpost
Prompt😂Updated 06/13/2021!
I can’t believe I’ve written enough for this fandom that this actually seems warranted but here we are!! For those who want to keep track, here are all the Buddie fic I’ve written in one spot, and I’ll update as I add more: 
NEW! All My Buddie Drabbles In One Places
This is where I put my short buddie drabbles for when you need just a quick Buddie bite, no commitment, no long stories :) Enjoy! <3
The Best Wingman
Summary:  In Josh’s first date since being attacked, Buck and Albert come along, each bringing a date of their own for a big old triple date of mutual support and fun. Of course, now that they've offered, they both need to go find dates...
I wrote this as part of a larger idea and also to indulge my deep love of Shy!Buck. 
Summary: A glimpse into Hen, Eddie, and Buck’s 20-hour road trip to Texas in the fire truck during the crossover.
This moment had such potential for fluff and funny road trip hijinks, so glad I got to give it a fic treatment :) Contains season 4A spoilers
The Way To A Man’s Heart
Prompt from @agentmarymargaretskitz​ and @justsmilestuffhappens​: Eddie & Christopher move across the hall from Buck and Buck is smitten. The 118 tell him to bring over baked goods.
This was pure fluff. Tooth-rotting cotton candy. 
Have You Ever Heard of Scrabble?
Prompt: Can someone write me a Buddie with Christopher fic continuation of them having a family night while playing Scrabble? With fluff. I believe that would be an adorable fic.
You were 100% percent right, it does make an adorable fic! Contains season 4A spoilers
Prompt from @the-wardrobeintocamelot​: ABO-verse, Chris snuggling and scenting omega!Buck whenever possible because he smells like love/home/family. ❤️❤️
My very first ever ABO fic ever, also first for the Buddie fandom. I’m so happy with how it came out and I’m even more happy with how many people love it! Y’all are the best!
A Good Friend
Summary:  The missing scene when Eddie comes to pick up Chris from Buck's place in 4x08 because we were so robbed!
I renamed this “Missing Scene--Eddie Comes To Pick Up Christopher” on AO3 so don’t be confused when a different title comes up. It gave me a cathartic chance to fill in this missing scene as well as air a bit of grief for how harshly Taylor dealt with Buck, telling him he’s a shit friend, despite teh fact that three seconds later she calls him for help which is something we all do to shit friends, right...? Contains season 4A spoilers
The Damned Disgrace
Summary: When Maddie is kidnapped by the infamous Commodore Douglas of the Royal Navy, Evan Buckley and her lover Chimney Han enlist the help of the only crew that dares to go against him: The Damned Disgrace, led by the fearless and terrifying Captain Robert Nash.First impressions are leery though. Captain Nash's first mate, Eddie Diaz, takes an instant dislike to Buck, doubting his motives and his ability to be of any use to the Disgrace's crew.
There aren’t a huge amount of us Buddie Pirate AU lovers, but this is still my indulgent fic for that AU because it works really well, and I truly believe that the firefam and buddie fits well in most scenarios like a ship (lolz). It also gives me a place to indulge my love for an au where Sharon hasn’t died, where Lena is still around and they are both in love with each other. I’ll update this one as often as I can!
Prompt: ABO-verse: Omega Buck not having his safe space at his loft, starts hanging at eddies more, nesting there. Eddie buying softer blankets, etc for buck. But doesnt comment on ti, not to freak or embarrass buck.
My second Buddie abo fic! I started to write this and then writing did that thing it does where the story spirals out of control and it deviated ever so slightly from the prompt. So glad to see how many people enjoyed it!  Contains season 4A spoilers
Eye of The Tiger
Prompt from @agentmarymargaretskitz: Buddie + “Your hair is really soft.”
Eddie Diaz realizes that Buck is the exception to yet one more rule... This one kind of popped out of my head onto the keyboard in a big PLOP. One moment I was looking at the prompt and the next I was looking at the fic, just like that! Please enjoy! Contains season 4A spoilers
Prompt from @justsmilestuffhappens :  But- but what happens when Buck or Eddie say I love you to the other and not realize what they said until the conversation is over or they're in another room or leave huh?
This is what happens 😂 Enjoy!
The Other Two Halves of My Heart
Prompt: Okay but that surfing gifset is so goddamn cute... any thoughts on a sweet buddie + christopher ocean outing??
I loved this prompt! And I decided to write a fic where Ana and Taylor do exist, but aren’t dating buddie. Seriously when they aren’t trying to be shoehorned into romances that just don’t work they can breathe so much more as characters. It also gives them the leverage they need to shove these two oblivious assholes together. Featuring surfing and Soft Eddie Diaz. Enjoy!  Contains season 4A spoilers
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tomurasprincess · 3 years
WIP and Request List
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Here is my absolutely crazy idea to make a full list of my inbox, WIPs, and upcoming fics. This was part of “Operation: Clean Mari’s Inbox Out 2021.”
Mostly everything left in my inbox should be on here, although I may have missed a few things. Please see my Rules and FAQ page if you have any questions on how I answer asks/why an ask hasn’t been answered or isn’t on here.
Under the cut so it can be updated occasionally.
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Updated: July 25th, 2021
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☆彡 Toji Fic
☆彡 Naoya Fic                                                                                                                                
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Upcoming Thirst Posts/Drabbles/Possible Fics
☆彡 Yandere Ghost Hawks
☆彡 Mermaid Bakugou who wants to make human reader into a siren so that she can be his mate.dsfasdfsdfsd
☆彡 Among Us AU: Kirishima as imposter with a married reader, kills off reader’s husband so that they can get reader instead.  
☆彡 Bully Hawks and Dabi cornering reader at a party
☆彡 Manipulative marriage counselor Shouto convincing patient to leave her husband and be with him instead.
☆彡 Reader is part of a cult of All for One who runs away, only to be found years later
☆彡 Mr. Compress training pro-hero reader and showing her off on stream once he’s broken her 
☆彡 LoV forces Aizawa to fuck a former student on camera.
☆彡 Bakugou getting caught fucking his little sister and simply continuing.
☆彡 Omega who hasn’t presented yet, until her bully corners her and she goes into heat.
☆彡 Overhaul taking advantage of his quirk to trap you with him
☆彡 Overhaul punishing a cute assistant who finds him getting himself off
☆彡 Incubus Dabi corruption kink with Shouto and his twin sister.
☆彡 Overhaul punishing reader for being an undercover agent
☆彡 Kirishima being obsessed with Bakugou and his little sister
☆彡 Being left as a present for Overhaul to pay off a debt
☆彡 Kirishima having an unrequited crush on Bakugou’s sister, goes delusional and fucks her anyway
☆彡 Half goblin Shigaraki, reader accidentally gets lost in the forest. Goblin Shigaraki decides he wants to keep her and pulls her into his cave to fuck her.
☆彡 Forest God Shigaraki who leads reader off the path in the forest and uses his aphrodisiac powers to fuck reader and beg to be bred by him
☆彡 Fantasy AU where reader is a creature that needs her pelt to transform, gets her pelt stolen by Shouto, Kirishima, or someone else who forces her to be their wife.
☆彡 Fox hybrid Shigaraki who goes into a rut and breeds you
☆彡 Peppered Moth Shigaraki finding a land inspector and making her his mate
☆彡 Shinsou’s daughter is a camgirl and he watches the streams
☆彡 Vestal virgin reader with god Dabi or Shigaraki
☆彡 Dadzawa helping his daughter through her heat
☆彡 Minor goddess reader of purity being blackmailed by another god into sleeping with them
☆彡 Aizawa somnophilia with his daughter and Hizashi
☆彡 Orc Kirishima having reader strapped to his chest as you cockwarm him
☆彡 More Giran’s daughter lewd
☆彡 Sleep paralysis demon Aizawa
☆彡 Yandere demon Dabi fucking reader who summons him
☆彡 Sea witch Dabi
☆彡 Reader sneaking into daddy Enji’s room every night
☆彡 Shigaraki fucking Aizawa’s girlfriend
☆彡 Kirishima and his little sister
☆彡 Vlad King 
☆彡 Bakugou turning his rival from an alpha into an omega and fucking her
☆彡 Vampire Shigaraki
☆彡 Sequel to secret admirer Kiri incest
JJK Requests
☆彡 Yandere Gojo stalking reader until he sees someone touching his darling, kills the person and fucks reader right there around the body.
☆彡 Itadori falls in love with reader and Sukuna takes over to fuck her
☆彡 Gojo kidnapping his darling and breeding her
☆彡 Sukuna takes over Yuuji and fucks reader who has a hard time resisting because she had a crush on Yuuji
☆彡 Angel Yuuji and Demon Sukuna, fucking reader in a competition to get reader to side with heaven or hell
☆彡 A/B/O verse, Sukuna takes over Yuuji and fucks Yuuji’s little sister.
☆彡 Reader is a weaker curse who accidentally gets eaten by Yuuji, ends up in Sukuna’s domain and gets punished for being there
☆彡 Stuck in a wall with Gojo
☆彡 Toji and Gojo threesome
☆彡 Sukuna corruption kink with Yuuji and his little sister
☆彡 Himbo Yuuji not knowing that Sukuna fucks his darling every night
☆彡 Gojo using curse techniques to pleasure reader
☆彡 Sukuna bribing reader with letting Itadori go if she fucks him 
☆彡 Gojo and Nanami tag teaming their underling
☆彡 Inumaki using his cursed speech on reader
☆彡 Mahito monster fucking 
☆彡 Sugar daddy Gojo
☆彡 Big brother Sukuna getting jealous of his little sister flirting with someone else
☆彡 Yuuji and Megumi drugging Yuuji’s little sister with an aphrodisiac 
☆彡 Big brother Inumaki using his cursed speech as an aphrodisiac on his sister
☆彡 Nanami fucking his kid’s babysister and breeding her
☆彡 Nanami fucking you on your period
☆彡 Naoya punishing you for refusing to do chores
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haruhi1087 · 2 years
2021 Year-End Fic Collection!
All the fics I wrote in 2021! It’s a little late, but here’s the compiled list!
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Error Undefined: I continued the villain chapters! Zero: Other Sides: I wrote more side stories! Zero: Rise of the World’s Best Hero Duo: I finished part two of Zero-verse! Zero: Fate will start Jan. 18!!
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Other BNHA Series:
Who Will Keep the World from Death?: Hotwings a/b/o where the Commission kicks out Hawks bc he’s an omega. Villain!Hawks, please mind the tags. Clouded Vision: Hotwings soulmate quirk swap! I wrote this for the soulmate bang. Adventures of a Vamp Cat and his Master: I started a Vampire au series! These are mostly one-shots, all from Hawks pov as he meets various vampires and is stuck with Dabi. Friends of Mineral Town: A ShinKami Harvest Moon/Stardew Valley au that I wrote for the Shinsou Bang.
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BNHA One-Shots
Home for the Holidays: A telephone fic I made with my server. One Black Ring: An Ace!bkdk one-shot for bkdk pride week A Warm Jacket: Hotwings alternate ch. 264-267. Mind the tags. A Touch of Deliverance: TodoDeku soulmate one-shot Promises Kept: Bkdk one-shot where Dk is hit with a de-aging quirk
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Other Fandoms:
Peter Parker and the Precipitous Portal: Spider Man/BNHA crossover one-shot that I did as a gift. Mind the tags! Blessings from Fire: I wrote a few more chapters in my HQ/HP crossover, but have decided to leave it unfinished. The last chapter contains the remaining fic summary.
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samsaintjames · 2 years
fic recs
So, before I forget, for international fanworks day, some fic recommendations. I already wrote a post in september containing quite a few stories that I absolutely love (mostly Sylvaina) and I'll list my favourites again, but there's more behind the cut.
Just as I wrote back in my original post: if you're only ever going to read one fanfic in your life, go read the incredicble Increments of Longing. Even if you don't know anything about World of Warcraft, you'll enjoy it (well, if you're into femslash and fantasy that is).
Another Sylvaina story that I have also read and re-read multiple times now is Worth The Trouble.
A World of Warcraft Dragon Age Inquisition crossover - not yet finished, but I have high hopes - and absolutely lovely to read in terms of characterisation and development between Jaina and Sylvanas is To love what is mortal.
Another Sylvaina entry here is the Heart of Ashes Verse, which gives us a alternative (Legion)/BFA storyline.
And as far as unfinished stories that hurt you just the right way go check out Waystation Four and Never Smile at a Sabercat.
And a real interesting take on elves and how they work in this AU of WoW is found here (sadly unfinished too): What's in a Name? (This one is totally not safe for work from start to finish though :D, most other stories that I recommend here, while featuring some sexy times, start slower.)
One of the most interesting and realistic takes (and very much wholesome Bering and Wells and nicely fitting into the Warehouse 13 world) of the A/B/O trope is Mind Over Matter (Hearts Over Minds). [Though I have actually no clue what I'm talking about because 2021 was the first time I ever came in contact with that trope - I've been living under a rock apparently and was hella confused, because I read a few entries of an urban fantasy series once that also had alpha and omega, though they were actual wolves/shapeshifters and lets just say the fanfic stuff was not what I expected when I clicked on the first story tagged with alpha/omega lmao - and while that was in different fandoms, most of it was from the same author too, so take my recommendation however you want.]
One of my all time favourite Bering and Wells fanfics is Wings.
Also another all time favourite Bering and Wells is "Timeless" by Anik LaChev. You could say it's a timeless classic :D. (You'll have to scroll down a bit on the site to find the link and password, but it's absolutely worth it. It's amazing!)
A really fascinating (and so far sadly unfinished) Historical fiction AU with eldritch horrer elements and pirates with femShep/Liara (and crossdressing - and look, I know it's probably silly, but ever since I watched Prinzessin Fantaghiro as a kid I really love that trope) that I cannot recommend enough is Shepard of the High Seas.
Another repeat - for combining my favourite videogame with my favourite tv show: that SG-1 femShep/Liara crossover New Beginnings.
On the Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak side of things, I can only repeat what I already wrote: absolutely check out the Felicitas series. It's amazing (it's a Highlander/Raven Crossover with Arrow). I've been following that story for more than six years now.
Another thing: most of the authors of those fics have written not just one but several amazing stories in their respective fandoms and you really might want to check them out too (like, I skipped over pure PWP stuff for these recs, but it is readily available)!
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nntssy-old · 3 years
my Writer’s Month 2021 masterpost
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(prompts from here)
protective | high school AU - Garou & Metal Bat, One Punch Man (1709 words): tumblr
cold | coffeeshop AU - Zoro / Tashigi, One Piece (2801 word): tumblr | AO3
outside | wedding - Shirahoshi, One Piece (318 words): tumblr | AO3
play | historical/modern setting
secret | pirate AU - Doflamingo / Viola, One Piece (1767 words): tumblr | AO3
amnesia | science fiction world
feather | time loop - Franky / Robin, One Piece (386 words): tumblr | AO3
water | social media AU - Lauren & Kieran, Purple Hyacinth webtoon (398 words): tumblr | AO3
darkness | criminals/mob AU - Kieran (& Lauren), Purple Hyacinth webtoon (321 word): tumblr | AO3
sunshine | aged up/deaged - Mutsu (& Sakamoto & Kaientai), Gintama (305 words): tumblr | AO3
glass | royalty AU - Doflamingo, One Piece (636 words): tumblr | AO3
time | superheroes/villains AU - Hijikata / Mitsuba, Hijikata / Tae, Hijikata & Gintoki, Kondou & Sachan, Gintama (4396 words): tumblr | AO3
night | flower shop/tattoo parlor AU - Housen & Hinowa, Gintama (643 words): tumblr | AO3
duck | utopia/dystopia - Itou, Gintama (490 words): tumblr | AO3
edge | soulmate AU - Hijikata & Sougo, Gintama (715 words): tumblr | AO3
photo | college AU
dream | angel/demon AU - Doflamingo, One Piece (710 words): tumblr | AO3
key | role reversal
movie | genderbend world
dog | cops/fire fighters AU
pizza | vampires/werewolves AU
house | Alpha/Beta/Omega-verse
truth | arranged marriage
letter | fake relationship
obnoxious | fairy tale
depth | ghosts/medium AU
sword | Western AU
fire | winged AU
bed | snowed in
tree | band AU
purple | merpeople AU
14/31 prompts filled , 15 595 words written for 4 fandoms
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I’ve always felt like August was a pointless month-- like it’s not really summer anymore but also, not really fall and too early/hot for pumpkin baking, but I have to start wearing a light jacket in the evening even though I’m still getting sunburned during the day . What even is this month? 
Fic Updates: 
Did you finish IN FROM THE COLD? Check out the final fluffy chapters of our Stuckony CACW fic! 
Coming Up! Sugar Seeking Sugar, a Stony ABO Sugar Daddy AU I’ve been waiting and planning a whole damn year to write, this thing is going to be SO GOOD I’m super excited to get it started. 
Broken Wings Verse: We are getting a Ace!Bruce-Centric Bonus Chapter this month ft. a more in depth look at our favorite red-winged Beta-Alpha for our favorite family. Tune in to see just how much Sam looks after the family, how he and Bucky grew closer after Baby!Maria and how he’s doing now that yet another Omega is pregnant. 
Coming Up!
2022 Commission Spots will open up SOON. I had mostly full length fics on the waiting list, so now that those are scheduled, I have spots for shorter stories! Gather your ideas and stay tuned for more details! 
Also, 2022 is really shaping up to be Year of the Bucky y’all, I think I’ve only scheduled one fic that doesn’t feature him as a starring character! SUPER fun!
If you missed the 2021 Commission list but don’t want to wait until 2022 for a fic ft. your favorite pairings, I’ll be doing Snack Sized Holiday Commissions this year too. More info about that closer to Halloween. 
KOFI Supporters! If there’s a fic you’d like to see on there or a prompt you’d like me to feel be sure and drop me a note! I’m hoping to start posting at least 2x a month on there again! 
Cheers to a New Month! 
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russilton · 2 years
Hi, I just saw your WIP/PLANS List and wanted to ask if you have any more details on the panic heat and rut fic as this sounds so promising with Valtteri as care taker. Only if you are up for it and also have a lovely evening :)
I can give you a few! It’s a bit of a new idea I’ve been kicking around thanks to @engineers-curry who I think I can credit for the idea originally, but here’s the gist:
Alpha Lewis and Omega George as a bonded couple, Alpha Valtteri and Beta Daniel as a bonded couple. Vaugely ‘22 seasonish, Gewis both drive for Merc, Val at alfa, Dan at Mclaren. Honestly it wouldn’t be out of the realm to say this could be a future addition to the 2021 a/b/o AU I’ve talked about before.
Because it is my favourite, even if he’s no longer his Teammate Lewis considers Valtteri his second in command. Merc has a pretty fluid pack structure, Toto is kinda pack alpha but Lewis isn’t far from that top rung, and since he has a lot of responsibility leading the pack it’s natural most Alphas have a trusted other alpha they want to take over for them in times or Rut or sickness etc.
When it comes to Merc, George and Lewis are equal, Lewis insists on it, but when it comes to pack, Lewis trusts Valtteri to act as a leading alpha in his place. When he left for alfa Val doesn’t leave the pack, it’s just not what you do, and Lewis has snapped and grumbled at him for even considering it. That’s his best friend don’t you dare go leaving just cause you’re in a new team (Zhou would probably also be invited, he’s got his own space at the alfa pack that’s a lot smaller, but they don’t want to pull Val away entirely), Dan is a new edition to the Merc pack, but he and Val get together and George is delighted because now he can drag Dan into his nests with Bono and shov? Fuck. Yes.
Whoops, went on a Val & Lewis tangent again huh… well anyway, THE IDEA IS, that much like Monza 21 Lewis has to bolt after a race to an event or something, either way he’s out the country, when George drops into a panic/surprise heat for some reason.
It’s not scheduled, nobody knew it was coming, neither George nor Lewis could smell it, and now George, a young, bonded Omega, is without his alpha when his body is used to getting one. Heats without an alpha before you’re bonded can be painful, but when you are? It’s awful, and George is nervy, panicky and in pain bc he wants Lewis and he’s not sure how to get him. He’s not fully in his right mind bc it’s a strong one (something something, we’re leaning into tropes here), and when the team call Lewis frantic to tell him what’s happening, that’s when Lewis makes the call to ask Val for help.
It’s not something they’ve ever had to do before bc bonding is new to all of them, and Valtteri’s role as Lewis second is mostly ceremonial? Toto makes most major pack choices, alphas don’t rlly pull rank at Merc since nico bc they don’t believe in it (and lbr Bono could kick the shit out of any alpha who tried), and there’s no other reason for Lewis to need another alpha in his place usually, until now, as Val is confronted with a sweaty, slightly feverish and close to tears George in the Merc pack room.
So, George drops into heat in the Merc pack room -> Merc calls Lewis -> Lewis calls Val, who heads right over to look after George till Lewis can get on a return flight and take over. Val brings Dan with him, because George likes Dan, Dan is a beta and thus pretty immune to all the hormone shit going on, and Val is kinda terrified of possibly doing something wrong. Between them they get George picked up, and hustle him back to his and Lewis’ hotel room where there’s going to be less overstimulation and eyes on him, and it’ll smell like Lewis and help a little.
Merc could in theory look after George, there’s alphas there, but it’s not ideal and Lewis doesn’t trust them like that. Lewis does trust Val, and so for the next 24 hrs till Lewis can get back, Val looks after George, with Dan by his side to help George stay calm when he’s more delirious, and help Val from panicking. Idk if this will be sexual or non sexual in the fic, depends on what calls to me when I’m writing haha, but for now it at least means lots of cuddling, scent marking, rumbling and restraining.
And angst. When he’s at his deepest George doesn’t really know it’s Val, he just knows it’s not his mate and he’s upset. He wants Lewis and there’s some unknown alpha lying on top of him trying to make him calm down. That’s where Dan also comes in as a calming helper, running his fingers through George’s hair and telling him to breathe, it’s okay, Lewis is coming Russell, just let us help. He also provides snacks and water cause Val is so focused on George he forgets to eat himself sometimes.
Val is no nonsense and often tight lipped most of the time, but he finds himself being softer and more open than normal bc George needs it, he needs the comfort. Dan teases that he’s never like this with HIM VB, what the hell. Val points out that all he had to do was ask, Ricciardo, he’s just busy right now (busy with George whimpering into his shirt bc Val stopped rumbling gently for him)
Eventually Lewis does rejoin them, and he drops into a sort of stress induced mini rut of his own, cause his body needs to know George is safe, his, cared for. Needs to remind George that Lewis is his alpha and he’s here to care for him too. He ends up reaching out for Val who’s assuming it’s time to leave.
See Lewis is worried he’ll hurt George, he’s dropping deep and fast, and he doesn’t want them both to crash together when George can’t stop him (Lewis would fold like paper if George so much as whimpered, but he doesn’t know that yet). So begs Val to stay, Dan to stay too, stop him if he hurts George. And they do. Cause Val is the only person that can push through when Lewis is in rut, the only person that he trusts could pull him off George if he had to.
Lots of angst and hormones later, they just end up in a big cuddle puddle. Lewis wrapped round George, reaching a hand out for Val. Dan pressed between Val and George wondering what weird little micro pack he’s become apart of and when exactly did it become that he would rather die than be without it.
Would it be a bit much to watch your friends fuck? Probably but this is a/b/o baby! Rules are off! It’s all hormones!
There you go, that’s a long ramble about an idea that’s basically ‘Val looks after George bc Lewis is away’
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