#omfg band
xt0t4llys4n300x · 7 months
wh3n OMG s41d "womp UO wa ni ni oopta woo woo we" 1 f3lt th4t
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7grandmel · 11 months
Todays rip: 10/11/2023
Season 5 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume GS
Ripped by Expensive Dispenser
Sometimes when picking these out, I feel a bit worried that I'm overdoing the amount of Undertale/Deltarune content, but then I remember that the two games combined have over A THOUSAND rips on the channel - and it starts to make a bit more sense...
Either way, this wasn't really a rip chosen specifically for the Deltarune-iness of it, but because of the joke featured - Hello by OMFG. OMFG's very particular brand of electronic music is one which I closely associate with bands like the annoyingly-similarly-named LMFAO - a band whose songs practically defined the early 2010s. Be it Everyday I'm Shufflin' or Party Rock, the Smosh-age of online content was very much accented by that particular brand of cheesy, corny, yet undeniably catchy electronic dance music. One strange remnant of how long they've survived was with hit YouTuber Pyrocynical's now legendary 250K subscriber special from 2015, which weirdly began circulating as a meme in 2018. If you've ever heard the phrase "So guys, we did it, a quarter of a million subscribers!", then that's where its from - a quote said after a faux-MLG clip of Dying Light with the aforementioned OMFG song playing.
It feels...wrong, to call this kind of shitposting a product of "cringe culture", because while the meme is entirely about sharing how ridiculous that era of YouTube was, it has an air of...nostalgia, to it. I covered this way, WAY long ago with Super Paper Mario if it was a rhythm game for mobile, a rip whose joke I and many others initially falsely attributed to the Pyrocynical meme - that kind of video-making has, due to changing trends and overall mockery, just fallen out of fashion entirely, and its something we're somehow nostalgic over despite it not really being all that long ago.
Three years past even 2018 when the meme first took off, HELLO CYBER WORLD! is able to feel even more like a nostalgic tribute to OMFG's and company's very specific influence of the internet as a whole. In a way, I feel like Toby Fox's music has become a new kind of cornerstone for YouTubers - its widespread popularity along with its lack of risk for music copyright has made it a standard in YouTube videos from hugely popular creators. So HELLO CYBER WORLD!, especially with how overall well-made it is, feels like a marriage of those two times (weirdly prevailing theme recently, huh?). The rip sort of blurs the line between being a rearrangement and melody swap, changing core parts of A CYBER'S WORLD to recreate the most iconic parts of Hello, whilst still primarily using the instrumentation of the latter within the former's melody. Paired with the sort of conglaturatory, triumphant feel of both songs, and it's a mix that feels destined to have happened - executed damn near flawlessly, as to be expected from Expensive Dispenser.
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ringosmistress · 6 months
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vampstarions · 10 months
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★ velvet & vaneer ☆
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miasmaghoul · 2 months
whos the best ghoul cook? do you think they have any weird eating quirks (like water ghouls eating raw fish, mountain chewin on his terra cotta plant pots, fire ghouls needing to eat more bc of higher body temp, anything like that)?
Did I ever tell you guys that I earned a scholarship to culinary school? I couldn't go, but cooking and baking remain passions of mine that I do NOT get to talk about enough.
But now you've given me an excuse >:)
So here, a BUNCH of my cooking (and favorite food) headcanons for the ghouls and Papas alike!
(There's some murder ghoul content here, mostly in Alpha's section - couldn't help myself 😌)
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Aeon isn't one for cooking. Loves eating food, certainly, but not making it. He's more of a snacker, partly because it's more convenient but mostly because he doesn't have the attention span to do much more than microwave instant noodles. He's not picky though, will eat whatever is put in front of him as long as someone else has prepared it. Also doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, more of a salty/savory guy. Favorite foods include hot cheetos, thick cut beef jerky (good to gnaw), and whatever appears on his plate at meal times.
Aether is a ghoul of simple tastes. He'll cook when he has the time, but it's going to be one of his four go-to recipes every time. Always some format of protein + starch + veg, with a complementary sauce. He meal preps every weekend after his retirement so he can have easy meals to microwave and eat in the infirmary. Isn't the biggest fan of cooking with company, unless they're willing to stay out of the kitchen and not interrupt his routine. Has a weak spot for bananas. Favorite meal is one-pan roasted chicken, potatoes and asparagus with rosemary and garlic from Mountain’s garden.
Alpha does not cook, wouldn't dream of it. He doesn't even deign to eat human food most of the time, turns his nose up at it when offered. He likes his meat raw, and wants to hunt it himself so he can feel the blood run down his chin. Any prey is fair game - if he finds you in the woods, you'd better hope you can outrun him. (You cannot.) Favorite foods include the flesh and organs of anything with a pulse.
Aurora likes the idea of cooking, but in practice...well, she tries. She's impatient, is the problem - what do you mean simmer for 20 minutes? She's hungry now! She inevitably rushes everything she makes, no matter how much input she gets from the others, and has yet to learn her lesson. She also has a MASSIVE sweet tooth, they can't keep enough sugary snacks in the pantry as far as she's concerned. Favorite foods include spaghetti with butter and cheese (one of the only things she can always get right), boxed brownies and any kind of fruity candy she can get her paws on.
Cirrus can cook pretty well, if she says so herself, but it's rare that she does it for anyone but herself. She has very particular tastes, and doesn't want to have to adapt them for others. She loves organ meat and bitter vegetables, enjoys the intensity of those flavors while the smell alone keeps most of the others away. Oh well, more for her! She'll eat anything thats made for her though, especially if its served on a silver platter by someone on their knees. Favorite foods (aside from the aforementioned organs) mostly include healthy things like fresh fruit and veggies, steamed shellfish and lean meat.
Cumulus is more of a baker than a cook, but enjoys any time spent in the kitchen either way. She's the type to make a day of it, in her comfiest clothes with music playing while she dances in front of the stove. Her food is never the prettiest, but it's made with love and tastes so much better for it. Her favorite things to bake are cookies and pies, but she doesn't eat many sweets herself. Prefers seeing the others enjoy them. Favorite foods include homemade bread (she has a sourdough starter named Breadly) with lots of butter and flaky salt, anything citrus-forward and wants her proteins heavily spiced (not spicy, she has a low tolerance, but loves the fragrant flavors of herbs and spices).
Dewdrop doesn't advertise it, but he's one of the best ghouls to have in the kitchen. His precision and attention to detail are second to none, and while it doesn't make him particularly fun to share a kitchen with it does make him an outstanding cook. He likes very intricate, involved recipes because he can use them to showcase his skills (and earn a whole bunch of praise at the dining table as a bonus). Loves spicy food, which everyone assumes is due to him now being a fire ghoul, but he's actually always enjoyed a good burn. Favorite foods include any meat served on the bone, fermented foods (kimchi and sour pickles especially) and anything smoked.
Ifrit does not know how the stove works. He survives on protein bars and any leftovers he can pilfer from the abbey kitchens. Food is not a thing he's super interested in, just takes what he needs to fuel himself, and would rather follow in Alpha's footsteps anyway. He likes to hang out at the lake every now and then with Mist, though - she'll pop up from the water every now and then with a nice plump trout to toss his way, which he will roast with his bare hands. Doesn't really have a favorite food, but does like crunchy things.
Mist, if she isn't sharing her spoils with Ifrit, will keep her catch for herself. She's small enough that one good-sized lake fish will tide her over for the day. She does prefer them raw and whole, always a bit on the feral side, but she can be convinced to join the others for sushi if the offer arises. Favorite foods include anything alive and not poisonous in the lake, and cookie dough ice cream (don't tell anyone).
Mountain is overall considered to be the best cook amongst the ghouls, and definitely has the goofy apron to prove it. Naturally skilled and adaptable, he enjoys preparing meals for his pack and will do so with anyone that wishes to lend a hand. Usually it's Cumulus or Sunshine, but they all keep him company at one point or another. He grows much of the produce used in their kitchen himself, all of it fresh and delicious, but Mountain does not eat a bite of it. He's a total carnivore - the closest he gets to eating his homegrown goodies is including them in a stew but avoiding them in his own bowl. Favorite foods include rabbit, venison and this one Vietnamese style grilled beef and rice noodle dish that Dew makes.
Omega learned to cook by osmosis, if you ask him. Time spent under three Papas will do thay to a ghoul. He doesn't cook much, but he's excellent at crafting simple, filling pasta dishes that are good for the soul (so to speak). Also treats it as an excuse to drink plenty of the good wine stashed away in the abbey's cellars - blame Terzo for that habit. Favorite meal is fresh pappardelle served with roasted tomatoes, basil and spicy sausage.
Rain doesn't cook if it involves more than the microwave, not because he can't but because he prefers to be waited on. Breakfast in bed, charcuterie plates in the afternoon, specially prepared dinners to make sure he's kept happy - none of it is necessary, but Rain can't help how much he loves being served. Good thing no one minds giving him the royal treatment. He will also indulge in the odd raw fish during a swim, but only does it beneath the surface, away from prying eyes. Favorite good is soup, any kind, but he prefers brothy ones over thick or creamy styles. If he had to pick a single favorite varitey, it would be miso.
Swiss is only allowed in the kitchen because he's good with a knife. He can burn through prep work like nobody's business, but that's where his skill set ends. He's caused one too many greasefires to he trusted at the stove, and every time he's put something in the oven he's forgotten about it until smoke filled the room and the ghoulettes had to magickally air it out. But he can chop like a food processor, so he gets the knife pass. He's another one that'll eat anything put in front of him, with one exception: eggs. Can't stand them. Favorite foods include red meat served rare, really dark, bitter chocolate and anything with hideous amounts of garlic.
Sunshine is chaos personified in the kitchen. She loves to experiment with flavors and techniques, but has yet to have anything close to a success. Pasta with pesto and pineapple (alliteration is fun), chocolate covered avocado balls (with bacon, because why not), a tuna sandwich made with coconut yogurt instead of mayo (it's healthy!) - these are but a few of the food crimes that have lost her solo access to the kitchens. This girl could burn cereal, and no one wants to see that. She does love to eat though, and will frequently hang out when someone else is cooking so she can sneak bites whatever they're making. Favorite foods include cheese (all kinds), sour candy and all the orchard fresh peaches she can get her hands on.
And for the Papas:
Primo had to learn his way around the kitchen from an early age, thanks to the responsibility of raising his younger brothers falling onto his shoulders. He learned by watching the kitchen staff - a pair of elderly Sisters with so much skill in their gnarled hands that Primo couldn't look away. He never got very good at it, mostly sticking to a handful of reliable dishes that could be made cheap and easily for the three of them. His favorite of the bunch was also the one thing he was best at making - a simple mushroom risotto.
Secondo took to the kitchen like it was second nature, once Primo could trust him to not chop a finger off. Would spend hours poring over cookbooks and learning by doing, eating his own failures so his brothers wouldn't have to. He really enjoyed making simple but hearty comfort foods, lots of rib-sticking braises and stews filled with herbs and veggies from Primo's modest garden. He even cooked the last meal they ever shared together, on that fateful Uno night. It was his favorite, a lasagna constructed from fresh sheets of pasta, homemade ricotta, spinach and a simple tomato sauce, served with roasted garlic focaccia.
Terzo did not get the cooking gene, aside from being able to boil water for his tea. It wasn't a big deal since his brothers picked up the slack, and he decided there were other things that took priority - like music, history and how to retain a full head of hair after age 30. He preferred drinking over eating anyway, mostly saw food as something to put in his stomach to cushion the wine. He was a man of simple tastes, and his favorite thing was a humble sandwich of mortadella, provolone and spicy pickled peppers.
Copia never had to learn to cook, raised by the Clergy and doted on thanks to a not-so-subtle suggestion from Sister Imperator. More than a little spoiled in that sense, he would also go on to be the most worldly Papa in terms of his tastes. So much time spent traveling the world helped to expand his palate, and he got into the habit of sending pictures and descriptions of his favorites back to the abbey so the kitchen staff could figure out how to replicate them. It's impossible for him to pick a favorite, but thanks to so much time spent in LA he does have a real soft spot for Mexican food. Tacos al pastor in particular, but without the cilantro (he has the soap gene).
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rightintheghoulies · 9 months
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Feral feral feral feral feral feral feral feral feral feral
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clownmfxx · 4 months
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heeghe hiii @goldenstrwbrry >:0] throws this and runs
ive been getting random ideas and ended up with silly doodles of a band au ver of their kinito 🏃
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daethspells · 1 year
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I seriously cannot stand how gorgeous this man is
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ofbakerst · 10 months
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dogrotesque · 30 days
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dragon-necromancer · 2 years
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This image,,,, that’s it
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littlepissbabee · 6 months
John dory and guy diamond would be sooo interesting together because like their first interactions would probably be something like guy diamond yelling things like "YOU LET MY BABY DRIVE YOUR VEHICLE" at JD and hes just like "um her name is rhonda" and guy diamonds like "YOU LET MY B A B Y DRIVE YOUR R H O N D A" and its very wild and guy diamonds questioning why he ever liked brozone and then TINY DIAMOND pops uh like "daddeh stop yelling at uncle JD, i had my learners permit!!" And guy diamonds turns to look at his son so gosh darn quick and he yells out "W H O??!!??!!??!!" And its a whole mess
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daneol · 8 months
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I LOVE THESE TWO SM AHHH i attended a con literally yesterday and saw two cosplay duos COSPLAYING THEM IN MY CITY AND LEGIT ONE OF THEM PERFORMED ON STAGEEEE AHHHHHH it sparked my interest for velvet so baddd (and esp veneer)
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kindahoping4forever · 5 months
Ashton performing with Eternity Speedway @ Desert 5 Spot LA - 11 April 2024
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bloodied-dagger · 2 months
what if waterfall from undertale was a DCI ballad?
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fineanddandytimesao3 · 4 months
And why should I listen to some dude's "hey." when Vessel once said "I'll tear the fibre from the filament, I'll be the limit of your light again, I wanna taste you better, I wanna taste you better, I will be watching for your enemies to let them know that they contend with me"?????
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