#omg also i forgot
aho-dapa · 10 months
Tamlin x king of hybern
i dare you to make a ship fic out of this XD surprise me! Take me off guard! Make it sad, or toxic, or a surprise fluff! Go crazy!
TW: uh dark themes like corruption and what it takes to get there, vague dddne vibe
Okay okay so like any villain flavored ship, it can go three ways: horribly, tenderly, or both.
Let's see, could go really dddne the way it could would Amarantha, mind break flavors, or even the slow corruption arc that's only painful (meaning Tamlin looses his sense of self completely)
This is still a mind break corruption route, but if we used canon: since we never actually see the KoH until ACOMAF and he's described as someone plain in the books (please sjm I'm gonna start a petition to allow your villains to hot fr)
Let's have KoH infiltrate the Spring Court during ACOWAR as Just Some Guy who gradually gains the trust of the Spring Court and integrates himself pretty well in their daily life. Maybe he went there to see the situation and maybe even take down the Spring Court, but guess what? Hilariously, he doesn't even have to lift a finger. Feyre destroys it herself and not just the Spring Court, but also deals a devastating mental blow to Tamlin. This leaves him open to manipulation even especially if Lucien leaves with Feyre. Especially if he spirals into what we saw in ACOFAS where Rhys eluded to Tamlin not even protecting himself by keeping the manor unguarded.
Meaning that this gives the KoH plenty to time to literally be the sole person by Tamlin’s side especially if he can glamor himself or even has some new ability like the ability to possess people (which could explain his age and why he might be older than Beron).
Maybe it even goes so far that Tamlin begins to rely solely on the KoH and falls for him because he just wants to be cared for rn and no longer have to push himself to be someone he's not as the High Lord of Spring
Plot twist?? Maybe (in sjm's all fae but villains are carved by the Mother herself) the KoH was actually human and was the first to use the Cauldron to become fae and that's why he knew he could change Nesta and Elain. And that's why he just knows how to use it.
This would definitely add more layers of complication towards how Tam would eventually grow closer with him because I honestly think he could get to a point where he just wants to rest and be treated kindly so he could ignore what the KoH is doing in Prythian, but that he would have difficultly if he had to live with cruelty surrounding him (given that he's already moved to Hybern). So he would definitely hate it if the KoH didn't rule fairly or reinstated slavery.
Then again, KoH motives for this can be fleshed out into a manipulation tactic or wild, maybe the KoH still actually sees himself as human and is trying to destroy all the fae as like a weird moral excuse. Or it could be that the KoH had the Cauldron before this and actually had slaves as a cover where maybe all the slaves in Hybern are actually a super secret saiyan humans and are undercover to infiltrate courts and all lands because back during his time, humans couldn't move freely in the world without being a slave or subservient to the fae. But at that point, it's getting very conspiracy and ends up trying to excuse a lot for him so that Tamlin can actually have a relationship with him. Tbh, if the slavery thing isn't addressed, I could see Tamlin snapping out of it and in a very climatic battle where everyone thinks Tamlin's basically become the co-ruler of Hybern, he kills the KoH and just sobs over his body
Extra tragic if Tamlin doesn't feel like he can be forgiven and dies with the KoH
Okay so this would rework the KoH and give him an even more tragic backstory. Given that I already mentioned human KoH, what if it's actually where Amarantha and Clythia have been ruling Hybern for over a millenia. And using the KoH as a puppet king they crowned long ago after turning him fae in their Cauldron experiments. And then that neatly explains why Hybern killed all their human slaves before setting them free. They wouldn't want evidence of their world domination plan using human turned fae magically bound to them to get outside of Hybern.
The slave bargains they use on humans still goes over when they're Made fae, similar to how Feyre's bargain with Rhys is still intact after becoming fae. The only way to be free of the bargain is if the ones who made it die.
Of course, there's a limit to how many people they can control and they limit it to a very small group in Hybern.
That also means that they can put themselves in positions of power in their court without having the same risks as a ruler would. Like imagine the multiple assassination attempts and general inhumanization (hah) the KoH would have to go through for what seems like a literal eternity. And their the ones actually starting wars in Prythian and the reason why Hybern surrendered is because Clythia died and Amarantha is the younger sister and she definitely relied on her in their impossibly immortal lives (not before getting personal revenge on Jurian tho who definitely learns about the KoH)
Or Amarantha surrenders after Clythia's death because Jurian found out about the Cauldron and destroyed it into three pieces (like in canon but with it actually being broken not that it needs to stand on three legs) and the humans hid it from her
But Amarantha only discovers this after she kills Jurian and tries to bring Clythia back, effectively killing off the few people that know about the Cauldron
In this, Amarantha would be the main antagonist and she does eventually collect the othe pieces but conquers prythian and utm to find the last. She resurrects Clythia and Jurian (so that he can be tortured more) and they go back to their plan of world domination.
Maybe feylin happens or something else does but Tamlin does eventually takes sides with Hybern and becomes Amarantha's High Consort as the High Queen of Prythian while Clythia goes on to fulfill her childhood dreams of becoming Empress of the Continent.
(Also, kinda nice that the evil sisters always have each other's backs and will never betray each other and that's also what makes them a threat because no one can shake that foundation)
Eventually Jurian does tell Tamlin that the KoH is literally the oldest Cauldron Made Fae outside of Amarantha and Clythia. They scheme to set him free and they eventually kill Amarantha (with the help of literally everyone else).
But before that it plays out that Amarantha sends Tamlin back to Hybern after their wedding ceremony so that she doesn't have to worry about him (both for his life and so that he can't conspire against her) and so that she can secretly move the Cauldron back to Hybern where it's kept safe
But because Clythia and Amarantha are both not at Hybern, the KoH has a little room to act as he wishes. He acts on their orders and can never reveal his true personality but he does strangely enough do his best for Hybern and ruling its people because they've also been living under years and years of tyranny (through him). So when their not watching he can take steps to express some of his desires.
He married only once a long time ago to have a heir but Amarantha killed his child as punishment because he started doing little things that made the court question him. Basically the KoH has no hope for freedom and just lives like an actual puppet and has become somewhat desensitized to his surroundings.
But because Clythia died, Amarantha now is the only one who can actually control the KoH, so now the bargain that was placed on him forever ago is weakened. (Meaning Clythia needs to remake the bargain with the KoH to reinstate her control over him. But because neither Amarantha or Clythia have died of old age, they don't know that the bargain has weakened)
Cue the suspicions Tamlin begins to have about the KoH and Tamlin actually exploring Hybern and learning lore until he eventually finds the Cauldron slowly discovers the truth
He learns that Amarantha and Clythia are the oldest fae alive and can actually steal the powers of others but can only manage one at a time and they have to learn it again once they relinquish it. Amarantha used daemati abilities to literally take complete control over Prythian and even a young Rhys. That's also how she's able to completely control the KoH without anyone knowing because she can command him through her thoughts. She's fully had a leash on the KoH for so long that she feels okay with leaving him be because she can also harm his citizens (who he has somewhat grown attached too)
This would be a great way to actually flesh out Hybern and not have it just be a place of misery and oppression. Even Amarantha and Clythia know how to rule in ways that gives them power. Amarantha uses fear tactics but eventually plans on letting up when her rule stabilizes (even the Romans enjoyed brutality when it wasn't them actually experiencing it). Basically, the people are willing to suffer through a cruelty if they are content and will not endure someone incompetent with their needs. Meaning that the KoH's (forced) cruelty is not just because, it's about gaining and keeping power. Clythia had a great balance of this, while Amarantha prefers more violent tactics (which is also why she had all the slaves be killed instead of giving them up).
It's during this time that the KoH and the other puppet fae begin to hope for the first time for freedom, and the KoH eventually breaks a rule that set up by Clythia and Amarantha.
During this time, Tamlin and the KoH get close. Also, guilty pleasure, but they also have an affair because Tamlin is technically married to Amarantha but neither of them care about that (but they do have to hide it which is honestly the best part).
Eventually, Amarantha dies and Hybern stages a revolt as the KoH is no longer bond in a slave bargain.
Clythia is killed as well after more plot and the KoH eventually explains everything publicly utm. Amren can confirm he's a Made fae and he does eventually get redipped in the Cauldron to become human again. Maybe he stays immortal or maybe not.
Also maybe, to tie a little plot hole, they Made his appearance different as the original KoH (if he was an imposter instead of just a puppet king) and he changed back to what he originally looked like as a human once they both died??
Or it could even be that Hybern was originally a human kingdom before it was conquered by the Fae and the KoH was made a slave after Amarantha and Clythia conquered it with their father (?) the original KoH forever ago. And then that would add another layer that they basically deposed their dad.
This could tie into different endings where either the KoH abdicated and goes with Tam to the Spring Court, or they both fuck off and become wanderers, or the KoH stays the KoH (in a different body) and rules over Hybern peacefully (or enacts a council or does something else) and reclaims Hybern for humans (especially if we're going with the HC that the Treaty only works between Hybern and Prythian and the only current free lands for humans is below the Spring Court).
I'm personally biased to that the KoH was a human king who was conquered by the Fae and then Made Fae (which was forgotten to history) by Amarantha and Clythia after enslaving him into a bargain. That means that the KoH doesn't change his appearance and then reclaims Hybern for humans. And Tamlin rules with him while Lucien OR Feyre (or both who knows) can look after the Spring Court. Especially if it came down to the fact that the KoH can't leave his kingdom to anyone rn but Tamlin can.
It could also be a nice breather for Tamlin especially if he found the Spring Court to hold too many bitter memories for him and/or he doesn't feel like he could go back to the Spring Court as the same person he once was. Also Hybern could just feel more freeing to him personally because he's no longer has to play the part of High Lord with all the expectations of it. He doesn't have to contend with nobles about his status as a bastard that had been conceived on Calanmai outside of wedlock (which would actually make more sense than that all the nobles left because he was a warrior) and never feeling like he could mold himself into the fancy trappings of the spring court.
It would be interesting to have Tamlin see Spring as something eternally stagnant because the seasons don't change. Eternally beautiful and eternally brutal. The Spring Court could be filled to the brim with nobles and there fancy clothing and how Tam sees it all as a farce, as an excuse for cruelty (since i often base my Spring Court on France during the revolution). Maybe because he's spent centuries trying to change it but he never feels like he's making progress. Especially if the succession system is like canon. He couldn't refuse his title, and the nobles were stuck with him and he had to live in paranoia that someone would test the family magic he had to the Court itself and see if they could replace him. (They don't because of their potential fears).
I also like the idea of Tam being demi and genderfluid and just feeling stagnant like the Court itself with their expectations of him. And since I'm petty, I like to think evil Hybern is actually more nuanced and feels more free to Tam. He can remake himself there where no one is looking. He finally gets privacy to be himself. And that's what he found even while as Amarantha's High Consort.
Imagine he was given many of the expectations a woman would be given because his roles were switched with Amarantha. Even if she bears him children, he will be the one to raise them and with how he would have limited say on most things in her High Court.
I'm also a personal fan of soft Tam and just letting him become even softer. In this way, he likes helping the KoH but he doesn't want to rule. Of course they're equals, it just tastes different because Tamlin no longer has to be forced into those expectations. He likes the idea of raising his children instead of spending his days debating with nobles on policies. He likes the idea of tea parties and gossip and things typically feminine in comparison to his peers. Basically, he's just very genderfuck.
basically I wanna see Tam in some historical irish dresses and running barefoot in the rain
Uhhhhh, so I rambled there uh
Hope you enjoyed me spiraling because now I'm definitely planning on writing the tender part of this journey
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humans-are-tasty · 5 months
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tomatoart · 2 months
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i can imagine anything reaction image
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jacazull · 5 months
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It’s time to do something fun to thank y’all for being here! If any of you follow my sister @vi050iv then you might be familiar with the band au doodles she posted a year ago on insta. Casey, Junior, and April are in a band managed by Sunita, and they sing about triumphs and rising against odds. They’re called The Underdogz 💥I referenced the cover of an idw issue I really like when drawing this~ (pretend I drew a z instead of an s in their banner)
Anywaysss I will doodle some prizes, so there’ll be a deadline (I’ll give plenty of time). Of course you’re free to keep doodling for the band au long after the date passes.
- Please use the hashtag #jacazull1kdtiys and tag me
- MUST HAVE Casey, Junior, April, and Sunita doing something band related (signing autographs, costume fitting, practicing, battle of the bands, posing for an album photoshoot etc)
- You’re free to add other characters or ocs as long as The UnderDogz are there
1st: Fullbody of any character
2nd: Halfbody of any character
3rd: Bust of any character
All prizes will be lined and colored in flats!
As an additional gift, I’ll be sharing the spotify playlists my sisters and I made for Rise over a year ago. Some songs may be a bit silly or out of place, but we had to compromise a lot LOL. Songs are taken out and added every now and then, but I hope y’all can enjoy them.
Casey: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2cxt5JGKkv5bziUFWF6JAE?si=hU-A4oBoRzqy1Pl6zcsHKQ&pi=u-BT8s5FrWT3CU
April: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6g850asOOGeF4OsPi1Bb8J?si=lEa0b6aASMi7P5OdvApR8Q&pi=u-fq7uj8oLSZGf
Junior: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1j6Rf7mt7Yl5TfMpBRwTOw?si=cBxlZ3KhQxmEQ2aBKxhPqQ&pi=u-ATNIY-fKSwez
Raph: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7Kt2htp2OpXDQgEFiRZnih?si=8q-kCtnBTTmCRQSJLNnMWw&pi=u-aToiW0YOQcSv
Leo: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ZAWkn0QDysAXZgX7KqNuM?si=JYrB-Dx2Qoqnas-FEl4rUg&pi=u-240kik8DTgO_
Donnie: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5LaxNqoN451ErZQTAb0GUu?si=cdTNkIvjThe_2X15c1aKvQ&pi=u-uR1PkEe4QrSc
Mikey: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/08dBF9Eq6Ouj7yI0NB9zUQ?si=jxkXATyeTB-8bUGrIamR4Q&pi=u-C_fx-iF2TJeB
Okie I think I covered everything. Have lots of fun!!!
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choccy-milky · 13 days
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seb vs. clora's Childhood Friend™️ 😇🥰 ((from my new chap! ao3/wattpad))
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intotheelliwoods · 4 months
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You guys wanted to see some Raph, heres some Raph!
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tiffycatblog · 4 months
plotting out the timeline of some of the horrible things that happen to Tim and my god the 2000's fucking had it out for him
Batman #618, Oct '03 - Jason comes back and slits Tim's throat
Robin #129, Oct '04 - Tim's friend Darla gets shot in front of him
Identity Crisis #6, Jan '05 - His dad dies
Batman #634, Jan '05 - Bruce tells him Stephanie's died
Teen Titans #29, Dec '05 - Jason beats him up again in Titans Tower
Infinite Crisis #6/7, May/June '06 - Conner dies
Batman #657, Nov '06 - Damian shows up and tries to kill him
Flash The Fastest Man Alive #13, Aug '07 - Bart dies
Final Crisis #6, Jan '09 - Batman dies
Red Robin #1, Aug '09 - Dick makes Damian Robin
Over the course of 6 years irl, and almost certainly way less time within the comics, Tim just absolutely gets his shit rocked and I'm positive theres stuff that I've left out or forgotten
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fruit00 · 3 months
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squibo · 6 months
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*♡೫̥*・:.·˖*✩⡱Here’s the finished pompompurin columbo i sculpted! Ain’t he cute 。:°ஐ♡*゚*✩‧₊˚
Under the cut is some collage work in progress and a size comparison next to a sonny angle
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hoonclub · 4 months
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Been rewatching fma with the fam and I love this gremlin child
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juaneloriginal · 2 months
This is the story of a woman named Mariella
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aaaand a couple doodls
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ignorance is bliss
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son1c · 1 year
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i sketched a boscage maze shadow to complete my set. this version of shadow takes several... creative liberties... with boscage maze, but i think it works? maybe? let me explain.
so, i like the idea that boscage maze is the result of a science experiment catastrophe. the fallout of the accident mutated all life on earth, creating mega fauna (such as thorn rose’s giant flicky), and killer plants. i’m talking humongous venus flytraps that capture and consume people, vines with minds of their own, etc. obviously, this made earth extremely hostile to regular humans... so they left.
the survivors of the catastrophe boarded the ark and left for space. they had plans to return-- but at the current time, it was simply too dangerous to do so. and they needed to make something that would be able to combat the violent mega fauna. enter... shadow. aka halcyon, as he’s called in this au. halcyon has the ability to drain shard energy, thus un-mutating the corrupted plants and animals, and returning them to their natural state.
unfortunately, the people on the ark thought that the world was still too dangerous for him to return to shortly after his creation, so they put him on ice, waiting for a better time to start their restoration project. before that, though, halcyon grew up hearing all kinds of stories about the way earth used to be... a beautiful paradise, a safe haven in a vast, uncaring universe. his best friend on the ark, maria, also instilled in him one wish: save earth. so that’s what he intends to do.
his bitter enemy is thorn rose, whose goal is to protect the horrible mega fauna. but she just doesn’t understand the harm it’s doing to what was once a peaceful planet. and how could she? she never knew what it used to be.
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jellophoid · 5 months
they’re like twins to me…
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cyellolemon · 4 months
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Obsessed over their hand size difference it's so cute..
LOOK AT THEM... their meeting was the cutest thing ever
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junkanimate · 9 months
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A piece of time
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