#omg sams mum especially
onceuponaoneshotfanfic · 11 months
hi i’m so in love with the way you write roy omg!! i was wondering if you could write something where the reader is maybe the team physio and she has a daughter like around phoebes age? just like fluffy pining roy <33333
Take Your Daughter to Work Day
Roy Kent x Mom!Reader
1.9k words
Warnings: Language
I'm such a sucker for pining Roy!! And potential step-dad Roy? Oh my heart 😫
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“Good morning, Mister Roy!”
Roy wasn’t expecting to see your daughter sitting in the corner of the treatment room when he walked in with your morning coffee. Despite his surprise, he offered her a smile as he handed you a to-go cup.
“Morning, Bevs,” he responded, deciding that your kid was the politest one in Phoebe’s class. He turned to you. “Didn’t know it was Take Your Daughter to Work Day. Would’ve brought her a hot chocolate.”
With a sigh, you shook your head, making sure Beverly had turned back to the book in her hands. “School was out today and tomorrow for some conference the teachers have,” you explained in a low voice. “And my mum’s still recovering from her surgery, and I couldn’t get a sitter, so Bee’s with me today.”
Roy couldn’t help the way his eyebrows flew up. “Her dad wasn’t able to help out? Thought he worked from home. It’s not like Bev needs constant supervision.”
Your grip tightened around your cup as you rolled your eyes. “It’s not his day,” you whispered, your voice full of annoyance. “Which apparently means he’s not a parent until Friday afternoon.”
“Fucking twat,” Roy snorted. He immediately remembered that there was a child in the room. “Shit. Sorry.”
The laugh that flew out of your mouth sent a shiver down his spine, especially when it was punctuated by your hand touching his bicep. “You’re fine,” you assured him, giving his arm a squeeze before letting go. “It’s completely true, anyways. Even Bee knows that, although maybe in less colorful language.”
Roy returned your smile as he watched you bring your coffee to your lips. “Right, right.”
He wondered if you knew he fancied you. You had to know. He brought you coffee every morning, was always on time for his sessions with you despite his reputation for chronic lateness, he somehow always managed to be the one to bring Phoebe to playdates with Beverly, even when his sister was available, and he knew the way he looked at you was rarely, if ever, professional. In most cases, he’d have asked you out already.
But he knew that, as a single mum, your situation was different from most cases. He saw it with his sister. You had to prioritize the wonderful little human that sat in the corner of the treatment room who called him “Mister Roy” and always gave him a hug and thanked him for rides home from school on those days that you were desperate for help. He also knew that asking you out meant more than drinks and straight to bed; it would be something real, something he’d have to commit to. And he definitely was interested in that; he just didn’t know if you thought so.
Sam Obisanya poked his head into the room, interrupting the silence. “Good morning.” His eyes found your daughter. “Oh, hey there, Beverly!”
Your daughter waved. “Good morning, Mister Sam!” Roy found it adorable the way she always called adults “Mister” or “Miss”.
“Hey, Sam,” you sighed. “Ready?”
Sam nodded and plopped himself down on your table. Roy saw your eyes shift over to Beverly. He could see it on your expression: She’s going to be so bored.
Without a second thought, Roy approached your daughter, taking his time to crouch down in front of her in spite of his knee. “Oi, Bevvie.” She looked up. “I know you’d probably rather read your book, but I’ve got all these papers in my office, they need to be put in alphabetical order. Think you could come help me with that? And maybe after you could come out on the pitch, help us with training. Then we could grab some lunch with your mum.” He looked over his shoulder at you. “Would that be alright?”
For a moment you thought you were going to cry. Fuck, Roy Kent was such a nice guy. If he wasn’t a gorgeous retired professional footballer, you’d have wanted him to ask you out ages ago. Or hell, you’d do it yourself. He was better with Bev than her own dad sometimes.
“That would be great,” you managed to choke out as you got started with Sam. “Bee?”
Beverly was already out of her seat, taking Roy’s hand in hers, book forgotten on her chair. “Can I really go out on the pitch?” she asked Roy, eyes glittering with excitement.
“Fuck yeah,” Roy assured her as he led her to the door. “You can even yell at Jamie Tartt if you want.”
As the pair passed by on their way out, you shook your head at Roy, smiling. “Thank you,” you mouthed.
With his free hand, he gently touched the small of your back. You wondered if he could feel you shiver in response. “Anytime,” he whispered in your ear. He turned his attention back to Beverly. “Let’s grab you a hot chocolate first, alright?”
After a morning of work, you made your way to the coaches’ office, where Beverly was sitting at Roy’s desk, drawing a picture while Roy talked with Nate and Beard. He lit up when he saw you.
“Ready for lunch?” he asked in place of a greeting.
“Sure.” You walked over to Bev and looked over her shoulder at her artwork. It was a drawing of her and Roy on the football pitch. You ruffled her hair, taking note of the whistle she wore around her neck. “Bee, did you thank the coaches for letting you hang out this morning?”
She jumped out of Roy’s seat and approached each coach, giving them a hug in turn. “Thank you, Mister Beard. Thank you, Mister Nate.” She gazed up at Roy with adoration on her little face. “Thank you, Mister Roy.” Instead of a hug, she offered him her drawing. “This is for you. For being so nice to me today.”
He blinked rapidly as he took the picture. “This is fucking great. Thanks.” Immediately, he went and pinned it on the corkboard behind his desk, where there were already several pictures made by Phoebe hanging up. He looked at you as the other coaches made themselves look busy. “Called my sister. Phoebe’s at my mum’s, said Bev’s more than welcome to hang out there this afternoon. And I can drive her home when I pick up Pheebs. She can go over tomorrow, too.”
“Oh my God, thank you.” Without thinking, you threw your arms around Roy’s neck, pulling him into a hug.
After his brain stopped malfunctioning at your touch, he let his arms wrap around your waist, returning the embrace. Over your shoulder, he could see Beard eying the two of you with raised eyebrows and offering him a cartoonish thumbs-up while Nate watched with a wistful smile. Despite Roy never saying a word, the other coaches were painfully aware of his crush on you.
Once Roy recovered from the joy of being hugged by you, he drove you and Beverly to a nearby chip shop, where he insisted on treating the two of you.
“Come on, Roy,” you pleaded as he shoved your hand away from the credit card machine. “It’s the least I can do after you helped with Bev.”
He shook his head. “Fuck no. My mum would kill me if I let a woman pay for a meal that I invited her to.” He offered you a smile as the machine read his card. “When you invite me to lunch, I’ll let you pay. Deal?”
Your heart skipped a beat. Did that mean he wanted you to ask him to grab lunch sometime? “Fine. Next one’s on me,” you conceded, hoping you didn’t sound too excited at the thought.
As the three of you sat at an outside table and ate your lunch, you couldn’t keep your eyes off Roy. The way he looked Beverly in the eye when she spoke to him and gave her his full attention wasn’t something you were used to seeing. You didn’t date too much, and you very, very rarely introduced men to your daughter. On the couple of occasions where she did meet the guy you were dating, it was never like this. Sure, they were polite and nice to her, but you could tell it was only because they were trying to make a good impression on you. None of those men stuck around much longer after meeting your daughter. And you didn’t really want them to.
But Roy was so genuine. He asked her questions and was fully invested in what she told him, and he even let her steal some of his chips after she’d finished her own. You know most of this came from his own experience as Phoebe’s devoted uncle, but you knew it was also because he was just a genuinely kind person under his gruff surface. And it only made your silly little crush grow.
As the three of you climbed back into Roy’s giant car after lunch, Roy showed you a text he’d just gotten on his mobile. “From my sister.”
Does Bev want to sleep over? I can take them both to mum’s in the morning.
“Oh, that would be great,” you said. You turned around in your seat. “Bee, d’you want to sleep over with Phoebe tonight?”
The squealing coming from the backseat gave you your answer.
By the time you arrived at Roy’s mum’s house, Beverly was so excited she barely looked at you as she leaped out of the car and sprinted to the door, where a bouncing Phoebe waited for her. You and Roy followed and said quick hellos to his mother. You gave Beverly a goodbye hug and kiss, thanked Roy’s mum, and followed Roy back to the car.
Roy opened your door for you before climbing in on his side. The short ride back to Nelson Road was much quieter without an eight-year-old chattering away in the back seat.
“Thanks again,” you finally said. “I really appreciate you helping out.”
He shook his head. “Don’t mention it. Figure this way you can focus on work, and Bev can hang with Pheebs.” His fingers drummed on the steering wheel. “Plus, now you’ve got a free evening.” He glanced sideways at you. “Got any plans?”
You shrugged, wringing your hands a bit at the interest in his voice. “Probably just take myself out to dinner. Don’t usually get to do that during the week.”
Roy nodded. “Don’t suppose you’d want some company?”
Surely, you’d heard him wrong. “Company?” you echoed.
“Only if you want,” he quickly clarified. “I know alone time’s important; my sister really likes relaxing with a glass of wine by herself, but I mean…” He shrugged, fingers tightening around the steering wheel. “Might be nice. Sharing a meal together that doesn’t come in a Styrofoam box.”
“Are you going to let me pay for this one? Since I let you pay for lunch?”
A snort flew out of his nose as he pulled into his spot in the parking lot. “Fuck no. I never let a woman pay for a first date.” He offered you a small smile as the two of you climbed out of his car and met behind it. “Pick you up at six?”
In spite of your racing heart, you folded your arms coolly, returning his grin. “Sounds good. Just anything but fish and chips.”
The sound of his laughter made your heart dance. “Deal.”
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parkers-gal · 3 years
omg i love your styles!reader fics (and your writing in general, you’re so talented) !! can you do blurb where tom and styles!reader have been married for like a year or two and they tell their families that they’re expecting and then maybe flash forward to when the baby is born and harry cries meeting them?
combined requests: hi can u do a dad tom and reader. and they have a baby shower for the reader. I love all your story’s btw:)
wc: 2k
requests are open (love you // hope u like this)
“Are you excited?”
“I’m nervous.” You let out a measly laugh while Tom’s left hand moved from gripping your thigh to hovering above your lower abdomen.
You weren’t showing yet, of course. It had only been a few weeks since the two of you had found out. Two years into your marriage and the two of you had discussed to start trying for a family. You’d never told anyone that, so you expected the announcement to be quite a surprise for everyone.
Tom was a very private guy, especially growing up in the public eye. His family was off limits, and the minute you came into the picture, that trait only amplified. Now that you were married, he’d been a bit more private about his marriage life, especially around his family. It was a weird dynamic at first, because Tom is a very open man who loves his family very much.
But he also knows his family isn’t a private one when it comes to the media, and involving you would mean every aspect of your life would be outed. And he didn’t want that, so the two of you weren’t ridiculously close with either of your families.
It was a weird detail, really. One you didn’t really notice until a year after your marriage.
It was even weirder, however, that there happened to be an entire week where both your family and Tom’s family were available for a lunch date. Harry was usually writing an album or prepping for a tour, and you were glad he kept himself busy. Tom and his younger brother would usually be working on a project together, so having everyone home was exciting and nerve wracking.
“They’re all gonna know we’ve had sex.”
“I think they knew before,” He chuckled at your reaction, mouth ajar while you slapped his upper arm playfully.
“Who’s fault is that?”
“Sure, blame the guy who knocks you up.”
“Okay, mister.” You shuffle his curls, which are arranged messily for a Saturday.
Fifteen minutes later and the two of you are walking into the Holland household. You can already hear your brother’s minged shouts and hollers about whatever conversation he must be having with Harry, Tom’s brother. You’re quite certain you’ve never seen such a British interaction.
“The all-star couple is finally here!”
“Hey!” Harry drags out the end syllables while he brings you into a sloppy hug. “Baby sis.”
“Don’t ever call me that again,” You laugh at his tone, the words foriegn for him.
“Yeah, that was weird as fuck the minute I said it.”
You glanced over to Tom, who was hugging his brothers and his mother. You grinned as you made your way over to them, embracing them just as he had before linking your hand with Tom’s and sitting in a patio chair beside his.
“How is everything in your married-life?”
“Low-key, really.” You admitted, it was true. The first few months had been exhausting yet fulfilling, but now you felt yourself settling down for the long run. Tom could feel it too, especially with the unannounced baby Holland on the way.
“Yeah, mum,” He bit into a snickerdoodle. “Not much going on for us.”
“Didn’t you just wrap that upcoming film?”
“The London one, yeah.” He nods along and you get lost in conversation with Sam and Elysia. They’ve been together for quite awhile, and you suspect their own wedding might be within the near future.
You’re about an hour into the lunch when you make eye contact with Tom, communicating without words. He stands up, wiping his hands off on a napkin before pulling you up.
“We have… some new to share.”
Eyes glance up to the only two people standing at the table, and Harry (your brother) swallows a bite of bread before encouraging you. “Well, get on with it then.”
Your mom whips the back of his head, and you laugh. Gemma chuckles at them before glancing at you inquisitively. You’re very open with her, but from the look on your face, she knows this is something nobody else knows of.
“We are very happy to announce….” You start it, but urge Tom to finish what you cannot.
“That the newest member of the Holland-Styles clan will be coming by the end of this year.”
You watch as mouth’s drop open in the final realization at what this means. Gemma sits back in her chair, left hand above her chest, against her shirt with wide eyes and mouth ready to catch flies. You smile in excitement, and Nikki and your mom stand quickly for hugs, pushing their chairs back as they scrape against the concrete of the backyard patio.
Tom’s hand is linked to yours still, and when you momentarily let go, you feel almost abandoned and lost without him.
After a few rounds of accepting ‘congratulations!’you realize your brother has yet to move from his seat. When you glance at him after everyone’s settled back down, he’s looking in his lap. Gemma catches on, and so does Sam. Eventually, all eyes are on the Styles boy.
“Har?” You speak hesitantly in the tense situation. “You okay?”
When he picks his head up, he sniffles and you notice his red eyes. You jutt a lip out as you hear a few of the girls vocally “aw” at his state. He stands quickly, chair scraping just as everyone else’s had, and he makes his way over you.
You get lost in his embrace, hugging him tightly. He’s still crying slightly as he whispers a few words into your ears. He’s emotional upon realizing he’ll be an uncle in just a few months, emotional upon realizing you’ve grown up so much from the little girl that used to rub frosting on his nose and dimples.
You rub his back soothingly, and when you separate he gives you a weak smile. He maneuvers around you to hug your husband, who chuckles when he’s embraced roughly, tightly. Their hands are each on each other’s back, and a memory flashes in your mind, one of your wedding, when Harry cried so much you had to ask someone to buy more tissues.
You’re nostalgic about today’s encounter, and you don’t know what to expect when the baby really does come.
You’re seven months along, baby bump big as ever. Tom’s almost as protective as Tessa now that you’re so far along. As far as cliches go, you’ve just arrived to a basically surprise baby shower. You know it must’ve taken Tom weeks to plan something like this, and it must’ve been even harder to keep it a secret from you.
You kiss his forehead when you finally see why you’re at his mom’s house. Both yours and his moms are conversing in the corner after greeting the two of you. There’s a table of presents beside a snack area. You can see a few of your craving-snacks, and you hug Tom as best you can. He kisses your temple.
There’s not many people here, only your closest friend circle and your family members. You see Harry and Gemma in the corner, and make your way over to your siblings with a smile. You're swollen with the baby bump, so you’re not moving as fast, but you’re just as excited.
“Baby on the way,” You announce as you hug them. “Thanks for doing this, guys.” You blush as you gesture to everything around you. Harry shrugs with a cocky smile, and Gemma smiles lovingly. You see Sam and Elysia heading towards you, and Gemma makes her way to the snack table for some lemonade.
“Y/N!” Elysia drags out your name in excitement, hugging you carefully. “How is everything?”
“Ugh,” You groan jokingly, a hand rubbing up and down your bump. “Exhausting, really. She’s a handful.”
She smiles, and Sam’s hand stays on the small of her back as she leans into him. He excuses himself momentarily, and you lean in close to Elysia when he’s gone.
“Are you two engaged?”
She looks at you with a blush before shaking her head. “No… but I feel like he’s going to propose soon.”
You squeal and try your hardest not to cry. “Man, these hormones are crazy.” She laughs, nodding along. Unbeknownst to you, Sam had made his way over to the two older brothers of the Holland family. They’re sipping beer by the patio sliding door.
“Hey, guys.” The boys look up at the sound of Sam’s soft voice. He’s almost hushed, and they use context to realize he looks a bit serious.
“What’s up?” Harry’s hand pats his shoulder as if to comfort his anxious state.
Same turns his head to look at Elysia, who’s across the yard talking to you. “I think I’m going to propose soon.” Tom nearly chokes on his drink. “What? Man, that��s amazing!” He’s whispering out, breathing erratically from excitement.
Harry stares out, blinking in surprise. He’d seen in coming, but that would never amount to the realization that the Holland boys are growing up. “Do you have a ring or something?” They huddle close as Sam brings them closer in response to Harry’s question.
He pulls out a velvet box from an inner-jacket pocket. When he opens the case, they gasp in awe.
“Man,” Tom pats his back again, lovingly. “I’m happy for you.”
“Thank you, man. I’m nervous.” He wipes his hands on his thighs as he hides the ring in his clothes again.
“Don’t worry.” Harry glances over at the two of you. “She loves you so much. You’re gonna get the happy ending.”
They continue talking until your mum, Anne, announces it’s time to open a few presents. You reunite with Tom for the first time since arriving, trying not to come off as too flustered, but you know you are. You know you’ll cry — and dramatically too, because your hormones are off the radar — if anyone gives you a really meaningful present.
You open a few, some just basic cleaning supplies for diaper-care, others range from cute clothes to bedding sheets. When you open Harry’s gift, it’s a CD case with a picture of the Styles family on the cover.
When you open the case, you see a message in print. He’d written you a few songs, for Tom and the baby too. You nearly burst into tears as you stand up as quickly as possible. Tom helps you stand while you make your way over to your older brother, hugging him as if your life depends on it.
“You’re gonna be a great uncle, Harry.”
When they said the birth process was painful, they didn’t mention how much. Tom fainted about an hour and a half into it, after glancing where he shouldn’t have. You laughed while the doctors got him standing again. He was by your side for the entire time, and when you finally gave your last push, the two of you heard the wales of your sweet baby girl.
“Did so well, love.” You’d heard him whisper while he kissed your sweaty forehead.
Seven hours later, you were sitting up after having just slept for a good amount of time. Scarlet was sleeping calmly in your arms. Tom was squeezed onto the bed next to you, arms carefully wrapped around your exhausted body. He’d cried four times already.
“Ma’am, your families are here.” A nurse had come into the room with a small smile before opening the door wider to allow visitors in.
Harry and Gemma were first up. They’d been here the longest, having received a call when they were closer to the hospital than everyone else.
You glanced up when you heard Harry gasp. “She’s beautiful.” He whispered, tip toeing over to the bed, seating himself in one of the chairs.
“C- can I hold her?” You nod, handing him the small child. He graciously takes her in his tattoo covered arms, holding her head cautiously while he coos at her. She wakes momentarily to giggle at the new arms. He visibly pouts, and when you notice water on Scarlet, you grow worried.
But all of that is washed down the drain when you see Harry’s red, teary eyes. He smiles happily, even through the tears, and you breathe out a laugh through your own cries.
“She looks just like you.”
You wipe a tear away, reaching out to hold one of his hands.
“Just like you.”
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ughgclden · 3 years
bee, love, i am so happy you had a good first day, you deserve calm and loving days, and you deserve people, deserve friends. i’m so happy for you.
as for apologising, i’m a terrible hypocrite every time i tell you not to worry about it, as i also apologise for anything, most notably existing, but i want you to know you don’t have to apologise to me, i understand the impulse but there’s no obligation or anything.
i’m glad you’re feeling better, and that it was just a little ick, well not glad that you were ick but glad it wasn’t too bad.
when it comes to being in welton, i fantasise a lot about these things, i think something especially about boarding schools is appealing to me. being away. that’s why my plans are new york or wales or if my friend is to be believed, quebec. sometimes though, those realities all feel more and more like tissue paper soaked in water, just waiting for a reason to fall apart
i read really quickly, it’s probably an issue, i read red white and royal blue in about an hour and fifteen minutes. neil and i. kindred spirits. today at lunch i watched the last thirty minutes of dead poets society, going back to rewatch “i was good, i was really good.” like ten times.
imposter syndrome is slowly getting the better of me.
i actually dressed up as leia for the midnight premiere of the force awakens. i’m that person. if i’d been with you in the cinema i would have cried too, you’re not alone there, i cried watching it on the floor.
i don’t deserve the nice words you give me, but i’m happy i make you feel comfy and cosy, and ironically enough, writing with a quill or fountain pen never ends in pristine and unsmudged ink, you can thank my being left handed for that. i think there’s something nice about writing with fancy pens, maybe that makes me seem pretentious as well. oh well.
as for dps tattoos, if i can ever get any tattoos, i want the neil crown, “i was good, i was really good.” somewhere, probably my wrist who knows, and some art that alludes to the first unmanned flying desk set. among others. the “and still we sleep” thought, and the outline of meeks and pitts both sound so lovely. so so lovely. i really hope you can get every tattoo you wish. although your bank account may hate me for saying so /j i want more piercings, mainly on my ears, i have something of an earring addiction, my favourite pair at the moment is probably my howl drop earrings that look like howls from howls moving castle.
honestly the outfit/hair colour distraction rule is dumb. it’s dumb. i just don’t get it. abuse of power ig. and yeah. we were like hugging and sorta just leaning on each other while talking and the administrator got angry, for whatever reason. the straight couple making out behind us, she didn’t seem to mind, however. it’s dumb, and im glad i don’t go there anymore.
im clearly very articulate today (sarcasm) my mind is ehhhhhhhhhhh and feels like a squirrel laying on its stomach.
maybe i will call you ramona flowers, bee /j did you know the original name for pac man was puck man… /j hiding in the back of the music room to avoid a maths test sounds like something i would do. i say this, knowing full well that i’m such a neil kinnie that i end up feeling like a teachers pet because i want to do well, both for myself and simply to avoid trouble with my mum.
a new york times best seller, huh? well if i ever publish anything i’ll dedicate it to you, both for being the only person who thought i could be a storyteller, but also for being a lovely person in general.
sometimes one day after another feels impossible. tomorrow feels impossible. but oh well. i think younger me would be disappointed, to some degree. on the other hand, i think they’d think it’s cool how much i know. if nothing else, they’d love that i have a typewriter. also, i’m sure young you would be proud of you, i am. i’m so proud of you.
i mean bee, i could teach you to shoot a bow /hj YOU CAN WIELD A SWORD????? here i was thinking you could not possibly get cooler or hotter omg i’m in love /hj
thank you for being proud of me, really bee, thank you. and thank you for being the only one. i’m hardly changing the world, but i guess if i don’t burn out and lose this fight, changing a few points of views in the process of growing wouldn’t be terrible.
p.s. it’s certainly something, i feel bad because i always pull away from people when i get numb and it’s so new that me doing that could be detrimental to everything, but me forcing myself not to could have a bad effect on me. who knows what’ll happen. i’m just gonna try and keep them happy no matter what.
p. p. s. bee you brought this upon yourself /lh
all my love, bee, and that pun was the out of this world part of that sentence. you’re so cute omg.
that quote is beautiful, and since i, once again, had to translate french and smile about it, i’ll leave you with this
no importa que nos separe la distancia, siempre habrá un mismo cielo que nos una.
p.p.p.s. thank you for saying what you do, and i know that i don’t owe you anything, but writing to you is easy, and makes me happy, when i manage to get myself to sit down and think about it. i’m sending you back hugs, gentle forehead kisses and mugs of tea, a soft blanket and a narnia movie marathon, where we argue about how i am definitely not better than susan pevensie, but you almost certainly might be.
i’m so happy uni is going well thus far, love. and i hope you love your classes. learning.
thank you for everything bee.
yours, always,
star sweetheart, thank you so so much, honestly. i can't tell you how much that means - i know you said not to apologise, but an apology seems in order for the lateness of this message- im terrible i know /lh thank you sm though.
i'm writing this whilst listening to one of my favourite albums (hypersonic missiles by sam fender, if you were curious) and curled up in bed, so this really adds to the comforting vibes.
i'm with you on that, boarding schools do have a certain something about them, don't they? i hope you can get to one or all of these places in your life - i can speak from experience wales is especially beautiful, but i can really see you in new york, too. wherever you end up star, i truly hope you're happy there.
an hour and fifteen mins?!!? the fastest i've read something was a clockwork orange in two and a half hours or so- you are so strong star, i've watched that film 20+ times and only watched the last half an hour maybe 4 /lh
that is SO CUTE oh my god- i will admit, for it chapter two i did channel my inner bill denbrough and wore some flannel (i luv that limbo <3)
you deserve all of these words and more, i promise you. you deserve something a lot less clumsy, but i offer you my best. left handed.. you rly are neil huh? /j
all of those ideas; absolutely lovely. the i was good tattoo breaks my heart in the best way possible. im hoping you get all of these tattoos, love. you'd suit them more than anyone, i'm sure. those earrings sound like the coolest fucking things ever? i did have a pair that had a little vodka bottle on, but i lost one in a club and haven't gotten round to replacing them. i definitely want more piercings too,, my conch is looking pretty bare as of late...
that is just. so disgusting? im so- god that makes me so angry i can't even explain. i think i should punch all homophobes straight in the mouth, actually /hj
love, i bet younger you would be so so proud of all you've achieved. from only what you've told me, i am. they'd be over the moon at how intellectual, kind and strong you are, i know it.
I CAN!!! ITS ONE OF MY MOST ESTEEMED TALENTS!!! lets make a deal. you teach me to shoot a bow, i teach you to wield a sword.. we're giving very narnia power couple if i may say.. /hj
i will always be proud of you star, for even the smallest of things you achieve. you're actively making a difference and a change, take bringing this positivity into my life for example. you've got this, star. i know you have.
ps; im wishing you all the best my love, seriously. take every day as it comes, and listen to your mind and wellbeing. im sending you so much love
pps; that quote. is so fucking cute. god im breaking down,, its so pretty and so DHJHFJKNFKKN yeah.
this is me, making you a cup of coffee and your favourite comfort meal, with a kiss on the top of the head. we will have this argument - as much as i love susan, she's no match for you <33
all of my love and happiness, star. you truly are one of a kind.
if i may, i'd like to leave you with an excerpt from a poem i saw earlier that i fell in love with;
"and you laugh. / loudly- / head tipping back. / and while your eyes / are on the ceiling, / i am mouthing / something too heavy even / for this steady night to shoulder. / "this is not a joke." i mouth. / "love me. love me." - letters from medea, salma deera
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Baby Love
Tom and y/n have a baby boy
Request: Ok after crying at 4am over 'Healing' I need some happy Dad!Tom. How about the baby meeting all their uncles in the hospital (especially Paddy) ♡
A/n: Omg especially Paddy
I realized that all of my dad!tom fics are with baby girls. I’ll make this one with a boy👍🏼
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After nine months of preparation and eleven long hours of labor, your baby boy was finally lying in your arms. He was so beautiful, and you were already obsessed with him. Tom was sat on the bed with you, looking at his child as he lay on your bare chest, your gown draped over his back.
“What’s the name?” The nurse asked as she watched the sweet moment in front of her.
“Kaiden,” you said, thinking of the name you and Tom had chosen. “Kaiden Thomas Holland.” It was perfect.
“That’s really cute,” she replied, writing it on a paper. “Enjoy your boy.” You heard the nurse walk out of the room, the door closing with a click, finally leaving you alone with your little family.
“He looks a lot like you,” Tom said softly as he studied the small features of the boy’s face.
“You think so?” You smiled at the thought. You never really understood, or even liked, when people had to point out who their baby looked like, but it did warm your heart to know Tom recognized your features on Kaiden’s face.
“Yeah,” he confirmed with a small laugh. “He definitely didn’t get my fucked out nose.” You laughed softly at his words.
“And he does have an upper lip,” you joked back, your finger lightly touching the small baby lip. “I just really hope he gets your mom’s red hair.”
You and Tom stopped talking when you heard a knock at the door. “Do we have a baby yet?” Harry’s voice asked through the wood. You couldn’t help but laugh. Tom was very adamant that he would get them when you were ready, but the three boys were so excited to meet their first nephew.
“I can tell them to go away if you want,” Tom told you.
“Nah. I think we’ve made them wait long enough,” you told him with a head shake. “But swaddle him first, you know they’re going to want to hold him.”
You sat up, holding the baby to your chest as Tom went to tell them to wait there for a second and came back with a blanket. You handed the baby to him while you pulled your gown back on yourself, seeing Tom look between you, the blanket, and the babe in his arms. “I don’t know what to do.”
“I got it,” you giggled. “Go get the boys.” You positioned the blanket and swaddled Kaiden, tucking in the end as the three brother’s approached your bed.
“He’s so tiny,” Paddy whispered as he looked the baby lying on the bed in front of you.
“You want to hold him?” You offered, Paddy quickly nodding his head. “Jump up,” you instructed, picking Kaiden up as Paddy followed your instruction. You showed him how to position his arms before placing the baby in them, making sure his head was supported properly.
“Hi, Kaiden,” Paddy began to speak. “I’m your Uncle Paddy. I’ve been waiting to meet you for a really long time.” Kaiden let out a small cry making Paddy’s eye go wide and looking to you, scared he’d done something wrong.
“He’s just saying hello,” you reassured him, placing a hand on the side of Kaiden’s head, instantly calming him. Paddy sighed a breath of relief and turned back to his little nephew.
“When do you guys get to go home?” Sam asked as he moved to stand beside you, Harry talking to Kaiden alongside Paddy.
“Tomorrow?” You answered unsure, looking at Tom for confirmation.
He nodded, “tomorrow or the next morning at the latest. Just want to make sure she and Kaiden are both healthy before sending them home.”
“Then Kaiden will get to meet Tessa and see his amazing room his uncles set up for him,” Harry began to coo to the baby in front of him.
“And his father,” Tom scoffed.
“I mean yeah, but we’re cooler,” Sam shrugged making Harry and Paddy agree.
“I’m cool too.”
“But none of you are cooler than me,” you chimed in. “And I dare you to challenge me on that.”
The boys all laughed at your comment. “I’m definitely not challenging the woman that gave birth mere hours ago,” Harry said, making you point to him, gesturing that he was right.
“Right, can I hold him now?” Sam asked Paddy, almost whining.
“No, I’m not ready yet,” Paddy said. You laughed at Paddy’s answer, and Sam began to argue that it was his turn. You looked at Tom, a soft smile on your face as you listened to the boys arguing over your new son.
“Paddy, you’ll have plenty of time to hold him again, give Sam a turn,” Tom told him. Paddy pouted for a second but let his older brother take Kaiden from him, Sam walking over to the couch to sit down.
“You are so cute, you know that,” Sam said as he finally got a good look at him. “I can’t wait till you grow up, and we can teach you how to surf and snowboard and golf. I can teach you how to cook and play piano. Harry and Mum will probably take pictures of you all the time, but that’s okay. Your mum will probably love them for it.”
“It’s true,” you whispered to Tom.
“And I don’t know if they’ve told you yet, but your dad is Spider-Man. He’ll definitely think he’s the coolest dad at your school.”
“It’s true,” Tom whispered to you making you laugh.
Sam let Harry hold Kaiden after a while, him having his own sweet conversation with the baby. You looked at Tom, patting the bed for him to sit with you. He sat down and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, you leaning into his side.
“I think they like him,” you told him.
“Yeah,” Tom said with a light chuckle, feeling content as he watched his brothers interacting with his son. “I feel like we might have a hard time getting him back from them.”
“I won’t- if I want my baby, I will have my baby,” you told him, a sassy tone in your voice. Tom smiled and lowered his head to yours, placing a kiss to the top of your head before looking back at his brothers ogling over Kaiden. He couldn’t wait to see what was in store for your new life as parents.
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xfanfics · 4 years
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Destiel Fic Rec List Part 2
Last Updated in October 2014. Posted in May 2020 for posterity.  Listed in no particular order - the total rec list will have ~250 fics. Header graphic used with permission.
This part of the list contains: 35 fics.
Other Destiel Rec Lists: [1]. [2]. [3]. [4]. [5]. [6]. [7].
Kiss and Make it Better by annehiggins E | 9k
Both the forces of Heaven and Hell are after Dean and Castiel, but sometimes a kiss really does make it all better.
Sweet little loving and bonding fic.    
Retreat into Silence by annehiggins E | 16k | Fluff,  Angst,  Alt!Canon
Written for this prompt by deceptivechasm on the no longer exists LJ simon_says_dean: “Something very traumatic happens to Dean while he's with Sam (or Sam was away) which causes him to stop talking, *again*. Sam didn't know about the first time, and has to ask Bobby (or John) about what happened after his mum died.”
Sweet, adorable, and really schmoopy with added angst.    
I Know What You Like by JinxedAmbitions E | 4k | Pornstar AU, Bottom!Cas
Castiel agrees to help Gabriel out by being a production assistant at his porn company. However, when porn star Dean Winchester comes onto him on set, who is Cas to say no, especially when Dean seems to know all the things that turn Cas on most?
Consort by Valyria E | 139k [WIP] | Angst,  Medieval AU, bottom!dean
When King John of the West Saxons forms an alliance with a neighboring Christian kingdom, his eldest son Dean ends up playing a role he never expected.
Valyria's fabulous (currently WIP) Medieval AU is a must-read. Definitely a slow burn fic--includes very bad/painful sex, but with a great payoff.
What Was Lost Still Leaves Its Mark by shieldmaiden_of_celestial_intent E | 4k | Hot, Alt!Canon, Sub!Cas, Demon!Dean, Dom!Dean, Praise Kink
Demon Dean captures Castiel and tries to force him to play out a few of his fantasies. Cas soon finds himself willing because Dean still retains some of the good qualities of his human life. It starts out with dubious consent but consent is given later. There is a confrontation where Dean makes Cas strip. If you love Dean's panty kink this figures prominently. This is from Cas' POV and gets romantic and hopeful toward the end. This is canon compliant up to the season 9 finale. Castiel is powered down and has human drives like sex and sleep. Dean dominates him but does not hurt him.
I'm not usually a huge fan of subby!cas because it usually feels ooc to me, but this is. I'm. This is just... Yes. Really hot. Warning for dubious consent at the beginning.    
Words with Friends by betty days E | 22k | Human AU, Sub!Dean, Dom!Cas, BDSM |
"Dean Winchester is as straight as an arrow. He’s a lady’s man of epic proportions: the king of the one night stand, the messiah of the friends with benefits paradigm, the emperor of perpetual bachelorhood. Except, apparently, when it comes to his best friend, Castiel Novak. Wherein a longstanding acquaintanceship leads to friendship, then best friendship, then sexting, then dirty talk, then mutual masturbation, then, inevitably, fucking.
Smoking hot and full of feels.  
Little Motels by Lovely_Phrase E | 238k | Human AU
After John's death, Dean must travel to California to find his estranged brother and deliver the bad news. He takes Castiel with him, despite the newness of their relationship, and finds himself falling in love while staying in a series of little motels. What he discovers after arriving at Stanford is enough to destroy what's left of him, but Dean isn't willing to give up what they have together that easily.
Wow. This was RIDICULOUSLY long and I can't really believe I finished it. Regardless of the intimidating length (heh), it was a captivating story. Though it edged near soap opera levels of drama at times, the plot was sure, the characters grew and developed, and the writing was excellent. Very good read--highly recommended. Perhaps not for the sensitive (in regards to Drugs or abuse). Also not for john!stans.  
Dragon Healing for Pleasure and Profit by whelvenwings G | 6K | Fluff, Wizarding World AU, wizard!dean
When Cas, a zoologist and aspiring author, moves into the house next door, Dean can't help but go over and say hi. He hadn't reckoned, however, on Cas' determination to discover whatever it is that's living in the nearby woods. Dean should follow his instructions and send the guy away, and yet there's always something stopping him. After all, whoever said a muggle couldn't heal a dragon?
OMG AMAZING!! Wizarding World AUs are the best, and this muggle/magical person romance is super sweet.  
A Fine Frenzy by the_gabih E | 8k | A/b/O AU, omega!dean, alpha!cas
The rest of Dean's family have these romantic, almost fairytale stories of how they first met their mates. Dean? Not so much. But he's okay with that.
Super hot. Apparently an abandoned WIP, but it's mostly porn so that doesn't really matter.    
The Vessel by chellefic E | 7k | Alt!canon, body sharing
When his vessel goes missing, Castiel turns to Dean for help.
I love this fic! Vessel fics/sharing bodies is always a fun and sometimes sexy trope. This definitely delivers on both of those fronts.    
There's Only One Sure Thing That I Know ❤ by leah k E | 20k | Fluff,  Alt!Canon
Dean doesn't even get halfway through explaining before Bobby starts laughing. When he lets himself think about it for more than five seconds, Dean can almost see Bobby's point: he's faced down demons, witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, angels, and Satan himself and now he's been defeated by the God damn Midwest.
This fic was AMAZING. I want to wrap it up in a blanket and cuddle it. Maybe hump it or something. Idk, I'm flexible.    
Unusual by Yosei E | 12k | ABO AU, omega!dean
Now that Sam was in college half-way across the country, Dean needed a roommate in order to keep the spacious apartment (with his own room!) that he'd come to love and call home. With Sam's non-stop worrying, he finally convinces Dean to meet a possible roommate. Who knew that it would be the beautiful dark-winged archangel with a PhD., Castiel Novak?
Come a Little Undone by  FagurFiskur E | 3k | Fluff, Teacher AU, Bottom!Dean, Top!cas
"Well?" Cas prompted, turning his face to the side to look up at Dean. "Are you going to get started?    Something about the annoyed tone in Cas' voice, as if he were the one doing Dean a favor and not the other way around, pissed Dean off enough so that his better judgment took the backseat for just a moment. Unfortunately, that moment was long enough so that by the time it ended, Dean was already straddling Cas' thighs. Written for this prompt: Cas and Dean are teachers. It's the end of the year. Cas is stressed out with grading. How does Dean help?
Short, sweet, and hot. Pining!dean and massages yay.    
Sex 101 by betty days E | 50k | Hot, Dancer AU, Alt!Canon, Slow Burn
or: That Time Castiel Asked Dean to Teach Him How to Have Sex. "I want to have sex," Castiel announces suddenly. Dean chokes on his gulp of Baha Blast. Wherein Dean teaches Cas how to have sex, and Cas teaches Dean why to have sex. This fic is filled with music, literature, fluff, angst, smut, feels, and glitter. Lots and lots of glitter.
This AU will just suck you in. God, I love dancer!dean. It started out with some super hot vouyerism, and progressed to self discovery and more super hot things. Yay.    
Dean Winchester Is a Gay Virgin by betty days E | 79k | Hot,  Angst,  College AU, Mafia AU, Gay Panic
"Dean Winchester has a grand total of two big secrets: Secret #1 is that he’s a virgin. Secret #2 is that he’s gay. Dean Winchester is a college junior, a full-time mechanic, and a baseball superstar. He's so far in the closet, he can't find a way out. Then he meets Castiel Krushnic, the totally dreamy President of the LGBTQA Alliance at school, and finds out that Cas has some dark secrets of his own.
Wow. This is not what I thought I'd be getting into by the title. I was expecting a nice college AU and then there was unexpectedly the mafia, gritty angst, and family feels. What a ride. If this were a book, I would buy the fuck out of it.
Learning to Breathe by underneathitall E | 114k | Fluff,  Angst,  Hospital AU
Dean Winchester was just admitted to the Psychiatric Ward for minors at Lawrence Hospital after a car accident that killed his father but left him alive. When he finds out his roommate is a kid he used to go to school with, Castiel Novak, they start to make a hesitant friendship. At first, Dean's only focus is to get out as fast as he can without any attachments. Soon after that, he discovers that making friendships with other patients in the hospital and developing feelings for Cas might be what he really needed to get through this all along.
ahhsgahahhHhhh I loved this so much! It manages to be weirdly fluffy and feel-good even though it deals with majorly angsty stuff (mental ward, hello).    
Just Kisses by tiptoe39 E | 2k | Hot, PWP
Castiel's not ready for anything beyond kisses. So Dean just kisses him. Everywhere.
Hot and sweet.    
Tales from the Bunker of Domesticity by teaandjumpers M | 17k | Fluff,  Alt!Canon
Moments of domesticity between Dean and Cas (and occasionally Sam) in the Men of Letters bunker. Essentially, this is a story about the boys building a home together.
NnoOoOooOoOooo this was so domestic and lovely!    
The One With Dean's Anal Beads by triedunture E | 1k | | Hot,  PWP, bottom!dean
Complete PWP: anal beads, multiple, dry/painful orgasms, & dirty talk.
Landing by ladyzanra T | 3k Angst,  Canon!verse
“You think in terms of days, Castiel, but there are no days in Heaven,” Hannah tells him, before he leaves. This, Castiel understands, is the reason she does not stop him.
Fuck everything I'm in PAIN.  
Simple As That by ashwinchester4 M | 2k | Canon!verse, First Kiss, First Time
Dean Winchester is not very good at doing things in the proper order. That includes his relationship with Castiel. After Cas becomes human, things begin to change slowly, simply, easily. Until everything is different.
Gorgeous. Simple as that.  
Let Your Grace Guide You by angel_kink E | 24k | Alt!canon, wing!Kink,
After Castiel heals Dean at Stull, the hunter finds himself with unexpected abilities. He becomes determined to use his newfound powers, with Castiel’s guidance, to rescue Sam from the cage. In order to ensure that their venture to Hell is successful, they are forced to team up with Crowley, who has his own agenda regarding what’s locked up in the pits of Hell. During the course of their alliance, secrets come out, feelings bubble to the surface, and Dean finds himself once again facing an impossibly dangerous situation in an effort to save his brother.    
Napoleon in Rags by linzeestyle E | 42k | Alt!canon, fallen!castiel
“So,” Dean says eventually, breath ruffling Castiel’s hair. “You gonna tell us about this place? “I don’t have to,” Castiel says, pushing himself up on his elbows. “If I’m right, it’s nearby. Near something called Tucson.” Dean looks at him incredulously and Castiel scowls. “I was hiding an invaluable relic, not purchasing real estate. There's no such thing as a hunter retirement plan.
Amazing!! Canon compliant from 8x17 and diverges from there :D    
Kryptonite in Shades of Blue and Green by Annehiggins E | 12k | Superhero AU
Dean is the only member of the Winchester family without super-powers and has lived with the threat of being used against him all his life. When Dark Angel finally makes threat reality, Dean ends up trapping them together for two months. A lot can happen in two months. Written for this prompt on the spnkink_meme. Technically Dubcon.    
Chasing Cars ❤ by ratherbehere E | 45k | Fluff,  College AU, Stripper!dean, demisexuality, Slow Burn
After an awkward accidental encounter at a local strip club, Castiel discovers his college roommate, Dean, has a secret career as a stripper, and their relationship begins to change and a bond begins to form. They face the joys and challenges of life together and discover along the way how deeply they've come to care for each other.
THIS WAS AMAZING! So much UST, Demisexual Cas, which is my favorite, and a long, slow burn romance where they are best friends primarily. Love it.    
A Weekend Project by narrativeimperative E | 16k | Lawyer AU, a/b/o, Omega!cas, alpha!dean,
Castiel Novak is a lawyer for an important firm. He’s also, to his chagrin, an omega. With the help of heat suppressants and some serious denial, it’s not a problem ... until he meets Dean Winchester. And then it’s very definitely a problem.
Literally the best.    
Viva by crowleyo E | 38k | AU, Stripper!Dean, doctor!cas, accidental marriagE |
Dr. Castiel Novak swears he will never let his sister talk him into a surprise trip again. Now he has just woken up in Las Vegas with a hangover, an unknown ring on his finger and a beautiful man next to him. It gets even better, though, when Castiel's last memory from the night before is seeing this man up on a stage in a skimpy cowboy outfit. Now, Castiel has to learn to live a cliche.  
Hush by Braceyourself & dresden E | 105k | College AU
He'd heard all he needed to know about Dr. Novak, really. Straight-laced academic, prioritizes punctuality, favours the smartest students; it doesn't bode well for Dean.
Wow, so great! Dommy!Cas, teacher/student AU. There is rape in it, but not between Cas and Dean.    
The Seraph by Hywar E | 135k | Creature AU, Dub!con, Dom!cas, Sub!dean
Ever since the seraph were discovered, there's been one rule society has had to adapt to: stay out of open water. Powerful, determined and aggressive, the octopus-human creatures are in a league of their own and have no qualms with taking what they want and attacking what they don't. Now, children learn to swim in man-made lakes and beaches are deserted save for researches and the fool-hearted. Dean Winchester is neither of those things. But a hunt has brought him and Sam, his brother, to one of the many abandoned beaches, where Dean is left with no choice but to take refuge in the water. He should be safe, he thinks, he doesn't go too deep - just deep enough to hide himself and to deter his pursuer. He forgot just how fast the damn things could be, and how determined they were once they had their eyes on something.
AMAZING. Love love love! Dominant!Cas who just wants to take care of his willful, human mate. Also tentacle sex. Be warned for dubious consent (because Cas is very convinced he's doing what Dean wants/needs but Dean is not so sure).    
Contact by clotpoleofthelord E | 16k | Alien AU, Tentacles
When aliens land on Earth the first time, Dean ignores it. When they land a second time, he's a little curious. When the third landing happens in his back yard, his life gets very complicated, very fast.
Taking Wing by riseofthefallenone E | 44k
Dean frowns around the cave, his head spinning as he tries to make sense of what he’s seeing with his eyes and his echoes. The smell doesn’t hit him until he’s already staggered to his feet, claws clicking on the stone floor. It’s the scent of another bat; different than any kind he’s smelled before. It’s not exactly unpleasant, but it does strike home a realization that turns his stomach inside out. This place belongs to another bat and Dean has pretty much just basically invaded their home.
This is adorable. I didnt know I could get so attached to two gay anthropomorphic bat people.   
Rain by The MigratoryLane E | 2k | | Hot,  Canon!verse, PWP
The fact that Dean Winchester was a strikingly handsome man had not eluded him. But the low burn of arousal that now flowed through his veins was entirely foreign not a month ago. Where as an angel the mere sight of Dean’s neck elicited no greater response, now Castiel found that he wanted nothing more than to trace his lips across the stubbled flesh beneath his jaw—to lick and kiss and suck at it until Dean moaned with the sensation.
Cheers, Angel Eyes by wannaliveindeansdimples E | 20k | AU, bartender Dean, Cop Castiel
Dean Winchester is a bartender. He's noticed a new semi-regular and even given him a nickname. Pretty soon he and "Angel Eyes" become friends. Dean wants more, but is secretive, awkward Castiel ready to give it?
As the author's tags say, no matter the universe or circumstance they always find each other and act all schmoopy.    
A Little Slice of heaven by authocracy E | 5k | AU, bottom!cas, wing!Kink
Welcome to A Little Slice of Heaven, where angels stationed on Earth can come, relax, and enjoy themselves. Dance your cares away at our nightclub, or treat yourself to our world-class spa treatments with staff specially trained in the art of wing maintenance. Let our experts turn your stress into pure pleasure. The War is over, and Castiel finds himself bored and lonely in Heaven. He runs into Gabriel, who remembers him from the battlefield and offers to give him a tour of the best places on Earth. The archangel introduces him to his friend Dean, a masseur with magic hands. Castiel, a little self-conscious and shy, doesn't know what Dean means by "extra services" but is eager to spend extra time with him regardless.
Long Time Coming by authocracy E | 13k | Hot, genderswap au
For the prompt: Okay, so in my head, girl!Dean likes her anonymous hookups, likes her slutty biker look and her oversized flannel shirts and skinny jeans. Granted, she's getting a little old for the club scene, but she's always been more of a bar girl. And maybe Sam kind of despairs of her because he's all "RESPECT YOUR BODY AND YOUR MIND DEAN(NA?)" but Dean's never really bought any of that - she likes feeling close to people, and it's hard to with her lifestyle. Plus, there's something powerful about being hot enough to attract as many guys as she does. Thing is, she's not that easy to get off. It takes her time and effort when she's on her own, let alone when there's some guy expecting things of her. And let's be real, a lot of guys in the kind of places she goes to don't really know how to get a girl off. Maybe she's never even come during sex with a guy. Enter Cas.
I love my genderswap fics, and this one is um... really hot.    
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creepweirdo · 4 years
i started tgcf again, still struggling tbh but im pushing on! xue yang yi city angst is too much for my weak heart but i’d be down for some happy xue yang recs if you’ve read any! omg i love that you thought so many iconic scenes were made up by fic writers haha that’s amazing. as for cap i always say he has a lot of love to give. you can ship him with anyone tbh, i prefer him with sam but peggy and bucky are all valid! make them poly, idc. i think my proudest moment in the shadowhunters fandom
was when the author blocked me on tumblr lmao she’s such trash the show wasn’t amazing all the time but i love me some bi rep. i love your change to wwx’s parents. imagine that fam is they actually had some self worth. jyl shoving zixun into the bushes. jc and wwx more badass than the twin jades. i mean wwx’s mum went to cloud recesses so she could’ve sent baby wwx to learn still, but i like repressed lwj exploding when he met adult wwx too haha. i think for my change i’d have madam jin kill
jin guangshan as soon as he started womanizing. stop him being power hungry for the stygian tiger seal, removing jiggy (and mxy sorry baby) and a lot of the mess that follows. the jin being against the wen might stop their advance and save gusu/lotus pier as well. house cat is smart! sleeping and eating sounds like me during quarantine. well and pretending to work while watching kpop mvs. as for animals i’d be a mantis shrimp if you don’t know them google mantis shrimp oatmeal and
prepare for their punchy rainbow glory. i aspire to that level of badass! ok q's! which character would you want for your (platonic/romantic) cultivation partner! what place would you want to visit once the world gets back to normal and why? (if you had infinite money/travel options) /your talkative cc! 💜
HAHA hi my talkative classified cultivator!!
omg yes push through! you can do this ahah ❤️
yi city didn’t have to be as heart breaking as it is 💀 i read on the wiki that the yi city plot was a story that mxtx came up with when she was in high school?? and ahhhh imagine that as a fleshed out 400k heartbreaking story 💔 omg happy?? xue yang fics 😳 i’ll see what i can do LMAO i’ll put them at the end
OH MY GOD THAT IS AMAZING! that’s such an achievement!! put that on your resume: blocked on tumblr by cassandra clare (that’s her name right? she doesn’t deserve a google search ❤️)
jc and wwx had so much potential 🥺 they so would have been more badass than the twin jades ahaha!
oooo i like your changes! very smart and gets rid out our bestie’s existence 😼 nice
lmao pretending to work 💀 so true. omg the mantis shrimp!!! i’ve seen that comic 😭 they terrify me! they way that they could kill me instantly 😭😭😭 ahhh very badass and scary 😳
oooo hahaha so for my platonic cultivation partner - even though i said i would like to be from the lan sect, i think i’d want my platonic cultivation partner to be nie huaisang HAHAHA. for the reasons you said a couple of asks ago!! it would be just vibes. chilling all day and gossiping ❤️ life goals. and my romantic cultivation partner 😼 wen qing - i just think she’s neat. she would treat me right LMAO.
omg if i could travel anywhere in the world!!!! and with unlimited money! i would LOVE to do a like 12 month long art/history tour throughout europe 😭 it would be so amazing to see all the iconic classical artworks - especially artworks from the renaissance. i’ve actually been to italy before on a school exchange for like three weeks back in 2017 😁 (i went to a catholic school so the only language offered to learn was italian hahaha). we spent about a week and a half in rome/florence/venice and then spent time with our host families. and omg i would LOVE to go back to florence and see all the galleries 😭 i would love to go back to the sistine chapel bc i feel like i didn’t appreciate al the artwork and historical significance. last year i did a renaissance history unit and i learnt all this cool stuff about the things i saw in italy, but didn’t appreciate it at the same level as i would now 💔
ahaha so yeah i would love to travel all across europe and do detailed tours of all the historical sites and galleries and ahhh it would make me so happy 😭
(next year i’m doing two chinese studies unit and a japanese history unit at uni so i bet my answer to that question next year will be me being like “i want to visit china/japan and see all the historical sites” LMAO)
but a place i wanna go to which i think is possible for me in the near future is tasmania, australia! there’s this really quirky art gallery called the museum and old and new art and i’m pretty sure they have this huge wall of painted vaginas  💀 so yeah i would like to see it ❤️
wow i didn’t mean to talk to much about travel ,,, such a covid mood ahahaha.
lmao who would you want to be your platonic/romantic cultivation partner(s)? and what about travel for you? i’m still not 100% sure WHERE your from ahaha. your asks always come through when i’m asleep so you’re definitely in the northern hemisphere hahaha 🤨🤔🤔 also just did an analysis of some of your previous asks and you spelt favourite as “favourite” (like a normal person) so you’re definitely not from the usa 💀💀
ahaha yeah, that was a lot 😳 thank you for your questions! it’s friday for me rn so i hope you have a good friday when you get there lmaoooo!
here are the “nice” xue yang fics i have ,,, just a warning like all of them are horny 💀😭
okay so fine line is really good! it’s a modern au and they all come to love each other ahahha
and samsara is really good as well - it’s a character study groundhog-day time loop fic. i guess it can be described as happy ... catharsis and character development can be happy
this one was kind of sweet (and horny whoops), the beauty of your repair
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Rules: tag 10 people you would like to get to know better
Tagged by: @daloushar 
(thank you so much for tagging me btw, everytime I get tagged in something like this I am like: OMG people know I exsist and are interested in me! O_O  Is that normal or is it just me? lol :D)
Name: Not sharing my real name on here but I use Persephone for writing and fandom stuff
Birth year: 1996
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 160 cm
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first four songs: 
Promises by Sam Smith & Calvin Harris
Purple Rain by Prince
Let’s spend the night together live covered by BAP (original song by The Rolling Stones)
Ohne dich by Münchener Freiheit (English Version: Everytime)
Nearest book, page 23, line 17: 
Dann reagierst du nicht mehr instinktiv auf jeden einzelnen Gedanken, sondern betrachtest sie wie Wolken, die am Himmel vorbei ziehen. (from “Yoga für dein Leben” = Yoga for your life by Dirk Bennewitz & Andrea Kubasch)
Ever had a song/poem written about you? 
Yes, my dad writes poetry and he also wrote a poem for/about me. (He also wrote one for my brother and my mum in case anyone was wondering :D)
When was the last time you played air guitar? 
I think on New Years Eve. :D
Celebrity crushes? 
Ezra Miller, Adelhaide Kane... just the first two names that came to my mind :D There are so many more but in the moment somebody asks about it my mind just goes blank. :D
What is a sound you love/hate? 
I am kind of addicted to ASMR videos (any ASMR lovers here?), so many sounds I love are ASMR triggers (like tapping, whispering, fluttering fingers etc.) but I also love the sound of a chrackling fire or rain. Oh and I also love the chirping of crickets, it relaxes me. :D 
Sounds that I hate... the sound of styrofoam (I feel already uncomfortable thinking about that awful noise :D), high-pitched beeps, loud noises and the noises of many electric devices when it’s quiet can definetely freak me out. :D And I hate deep basses, because they make me sick. :D
Do you drive? 
No, still don’t have my drivers lisence.
Last book you read?
Do Fanfictions count? :D Otherwise the last book I’ve read (for like the 10th time because I just love it :D) was Hummeldumm by Tommy Jaud
Do you believe in ghosts?  
Let’s just say that I do not not believe in ghosts. :D
Do you believe in aliens? 
I think it’s bold to assume that humans are the only living beings in the universe.
Do you like the smell of gasoline? 
No I don’t think so, but I did when I was a kid though. :D
Last movie you saw: 
Pirates of the Caribbean (all of them lol :D)
Or do you mean at the cinema? Then it would be “Wackersdorf”
Do you have any obsessions right now? 
I fell head over heels in love with Ringsy almost a year ago and it’s still not over. (it probably never will be) :D But of course I will also always, yes always, obsess about Harry Potter and Skam, especially Evak. :D And recently I discovered Tom & Julius from the german series “Herzensbrecher - Vater von vier Söhnen” sadly there is not much content to obsess over (the series got canceled in 2016) but they are still my most recent obsession. You just can’t fight obsessions. :D
Do you tend to hold grudges? 
Kind of, like I easily forgive most of the time but I never forget and it’s really hard for me to let things go, so sometimes I am lying in my bed thinking about a fight I had with someone five years ago, thinking about what I should have said or what I should have done differently. 
Are you in a relationship right now? 
I’ll tag: @dq-dramaqueen @xstrangesoundsx @puniiflash @hannah-banana2013  tagging 4 people is more than enough  
Please feel free to ignore this!
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fille-lioncelle · 6 years
Finally watched the last three episodes of Druck and aaaah ;___; They did Jonas and Hanna so well. ;____; My babiiiies. I really liked their breakup sex conversation scene, it was so great. I genuinely cried, which I did not expect. And the fact that the scene ends with Hanna exhaling was such a great touch! Yes, baby, you can exhale now. It’s over.
(I still want them to get back together eventually. Even more than I did Jonas and Eva. Hanna’s Jonas seems to get what went down and wrong and what his part was in that a lot more than Eva’s Jonas seemed to. BUT ANYWAY.)
The girls are all GREAT and I love them and I want to see so much more of them. Mia and Kikis relationship is already wonderful and starting to form and Sam is just about the most adorable little party girl?! I love it.
I also really, really, really like the change that Jonas and Hanna both already know that Matteo’s mum is Not Okay. And I liked that Matteo’s dad wanted to take him with him when he left and he refused? I’m really intrigued about how that’s gonna Influence Things. (If it is.) (I did always think it was at least Hinted that Jonas and Eva knew things with Isak’s mum weren’t Good but. It’s more explicit in Druck.)
I am really fucking not even a little bit interested in how Axel clearly doesn’t even believe that Mia isn’t into him cause she’s a lesbian though. Which, “I don’t think in those categories” and whether or not she IS aside, is what she’s telling him in that scene. Fucking toilet-Sam is putting his hand on his shoulder all commiserating smile like “bro, you’ve been barking up the wrong tree sorry” and Axel fucking GRINS like it’s A JOKE. Fuck that guy. For that, and all his other fuckery. Please, please, please, @druck-serie don’t pretend there’s a sobstory sad enough to redeem this asshole. Especially not without him doing ANY WORK TOWARDS REDEMPTION.
My one glimmer of hope is that he’s graduating, like, now. So theoretically, if they do a season 2 and they do the film-while-airing thing again then he can’t be in school anymore??? And maybe that’ll lessen his stalk-Mia opportunities?? Though I have no idea how he got Mia’s number (and or whether you need that for whatsapp anymore? wasn’t that the point of whatsapp? maybe I’m just too old for this.)
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spideys-hoe · 6 years
sub Sam drabble
.p.s sorry about shitty spelling a grammar
Okay so. Right now I’m working on a proper fic for sub Sam but it may take me a while so for now enjoy a little sub bad boy Sam drabble (warning shitty writing);
Okay so Sam is a little hoe and he’s always horny for you. So when he comes home from a bad day at school, all he wants is to be fucked by his mistress. So he comes stomping into the house, pulling you off the couch and running up the stairs with your hand in a tight grip. As soon as the door shut he doesn’t even let you get in a word before he’s on his knees, begging you. “Please miss I’m so hard for you right now, all I want is for you to touch me, oh please. I’ve been a good boy I promise miss. God please miss” you would run your hands through his hair “on the bed baby boy” and oh god would that boys face light up like a Christmas tree. He would stand up and strip himself to his boxers, lay on the bed with his hands at his sides. Just how he knows you like him. “Now tell me baby boy, what do you want from me?” Sam would whimper “anything miss please” you would shake your head. “That’s not good enough baby and you know it” he would let out a whine arching his back off the bed, balling his hands into fists. “Please miss, can I have your tongue?” you would slowly walk over to the bed palming his hard on through his boxers “hmm I don’t know Sammy? Do u really think you deserve my tongue? Especially after that stunt you pulled earlier. I was having a nice conversation with your mum before you dragged me away.” Sam would moan out as you traced his cock with your fingers. “I’m sorry miss, please oh please can I have your tongue?” you would smile before pulling down his boxers, freeing his hard cock. You take hold of him pumping him slowly. Sam would moan out “oh miss” you shush him looking over to his door. “You have to keep quiet Sammy. You don’t want your family to know what we are doing in here, do you? “Sam would shake his head promising to keep quiet. You would lick a stripe from his base to his head. Sucking hard on the tip. Sam throws his head back buckling his hips and whimpering. You would push down his hips “Sammy you know the rules, keep being bad ad ill stop” taking him fully into your mouth Sam groans moving his hands from beside him to run them through his hair. Slowly you would start to bob your head up and down looking Sam in the eyes as you do. He would be trying so hard no to buckle his hips, but you just feel so good with your mouth wrapped around his dick sucking and licking. Salvia would be running down your face and Sam swears his never seen a hotter sight. He could feel himself getting closer and closer by the second. “Miss I’m gonna cum” you would look at him taking his dick out of your mouth, pumping him slow before saying “not yet Sammy” he would groan placing a fist into his mouth to keep himself from being too loud. You would keep sucking and pumping him for another 10 or so mins before baby boy can’t take it anymore. He’s whining and sobbing begging to cum. hips buckling so much that you have to hold him down with an almost bruising grip. He’s panting and hiccupping when he finally begs “miss please can I cum” you take him out of your mouth pumping his at a fast pace. Leaning up to his face u say “cum Sammy” he stomach and thighs would clench and he would let out a loud moan as he cums all over his stomach. He would be panting and whimpering still and you get up off the bed to receive a towel to wipe him down with. Dressing him in a new pair of boxers you crawl into bed with him cuddling him and running your hands through his hair. Whispering in his ear about how much of a good boy he is.
omg I’m sorry that was actually so shitty I'm sorry guys       
send me fee back?
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Hey Liz, question: why do you think this fandom got so protective of terrible women? Both Mary and Rowena are awful, selfish people with exactly 0 character development, and yet they somehow became precious protect at all cost? Are we so starved of representation? I don't get it. For me it's Jody and Donna all the way.
Heya. Well first of all “the fandom” seems to haaate Mary so you must be thinking of the weird narrow circle of people who actually enjoy her character like me and all the peeps I filtered out in season 12 who weren’t being awful about her to follow and support. >.> Aka “the fandom” if I had to generalise my impression of raw numbers, IS the reason why the people who like Mary are protective of her. Because there’s stuff like spnconfessions posting someone saying “I want Mary and Kelly to be stabbed hundreds of times at the end of the season” which… yiiiikes.
Rowena is more popular in my impression but then she has a charismatic actress who embedded herself in fandom immediately (she liked some of my Rowena meta and spec back in season 10!), and was always presented as a “villain” (although she has NEVER been a big bad of a season, always just along for the ride and almost ALWAYS in chains or captured) so at least it was not like she was living down anyone’s expectations except Crowley. 
ALSO it’s not a competition or an either or. I love Jody, and Donna, and Linda Tran, and Mary, and Rowena and Kelly Kline, and all the other characters who’ve passed over our screen. People probably get bored of me saying this but I *like* the show and its characters and its storylines until they give me strong reasons not to like them, and I don’t approach fictional characters with hostility or unless there’s a very strong personal aversion, a reaction as if I knew them in real life or they represent things FROM my real life. 
Even when they are written to be dark or messed up or bad people, if they’re fleshed out and there’s a good reason or a point to it all in the story, then I like it. I don’t need characters to be good and pure all the time for them to be worth my love, or why the heck would I like the Winchesters, right? 
I’m just trying to say, I think I have a different attitude to these characters than you do, because I see that the show has done some great things with them, including developing them a LOT, and they’re really interesting characters to me. 
I now have 3 fics on my Ao3 which have or are entirely from Mary’s POV because I find her a fascinating mess. I feel like I grew up knowing the mythology about her and only got to meet her as a real human last year, and I loved that she was human and real, as promised in the flashbacks but never given a chance for us to SEE. 
And Rowena is not a character I think anyone needs to DEFEND (except in the sense of omg stop putting her in chains or killing her off when she’s inconvenient) because she’s utterly in control of herself, her image, her goals, and yet she has a vulnerability and a pain to her dark past which makes her interesting. The more we learn about her the more we learn about how she became what she is when we first meet her, and 12x11 for me did some AMAZING stuff with Rowena that finished the process of making her softer and more friendly in that she’d forged a better alliance with the Winchesters and we saw her and Dean utterly vulnerable around each other, which makes for incredible character development. We were only just starting to get a real idea of the woman behind the appearance she makes of herself, but it’s been hinted all along how hard she had to fight to get what she wanted, and how she gravitates towards comfort and being looked after and using her power to get it because of how poorly she was treated? She’s much easier to sum up in a paragraph, while I’ve written pages and pages and pages about Mary in both meta and fic, but that doesn’t mean she’s less developed, she just has a smaller overall legacy in the show as when she comes back it will only be her 4th season to Mary’s overarching importance to *13* seasons.
And… UGH. I just rewatched 10x09 recently and it’s SO INTERESTING. I remember all that meta from the time, about Rowena paralleling John, her bad parenting to his, and she comes back now almost as a precursor to Mary, trying the waters with bringing Crowley’s mum back into his life to see how that all goes over, his disappointment, the way she DELIBERATELY manipulates him, makes him need her again, until he casts her out, their back and forth, their conviction to the end that they should have been the one to kill the other… Their revenge story… Crowley just wanting to know WHY she was such a bad parent, Rowena loving another boy but not him as a son, so it’s the utter opposite of “family don’t end in blood” - that their only tie IS their blood and they mutually loathe each other because of it. Because they can’t be rid of each other because of it… I mean it’s the dark mirror to Mary coming back in the sense that Rowena is absolutely unapologetically a bad parent when she returns. That Crowley, softened up by the last couple of seasons, seriously struggles with her return… The Crowley and Rowena stuff in season 10 is actually really interesting, even if some of it is pretty ridiculous in execution, the point of having it there is fascinating, especially when you marathon through and then join it up to season 11. 
None of that is meant to say Rowena is good, or stanning for her is, like, advocating her awful parenting as a pinnacle of goodness. It’s just saying, she’s a terrible person but a fascinating character, and why wouldn’t we enjoy her being fun and evil and unapologetic for that on our screens, just as much as we might like Jody being patient and kind and the sort of gentle, understanding motherly pinnacle of “good” mothers on the show. 
And Mary is WONDERFULLY in the middle of that. I don’t know if people are having issues with her just because they have issues with their own mothers or because of expectations that the show was deliberately subverting that people just didn’t gel with and so came at her all from the wrong angles expecting her to be domestic and to bring peace rather than conflict, but Mary is a *startlingly* good female character on the show, and she exists in the space between Jody, the pinnacle of being a “good” mother, and Rowena, the blatant “bad” mother, but as soon as Mary strays from being the pure saintly victim image that we had for 11 years, even the flashbacks never changing her position as a victim of the narrative despite trying to give her some more personality and just making her spunky on top of being pure, rather than deepening her… 
I mean one of my BFFs who hasn’t been watching the show so much lately really hated the idea of Mary coming back because she sees the boys as too old to be treated as “the boys” and Mary’s purpose to only be to heal and to protect them, and why would the show bring her back to deal with their mommy issues, it’s just too late, too little, how can you ever patch her back into their lives and fix everything? They’re too OLD to deal with their mommy issues.
And that’s literally the antithesis of what season 11 was doing: what it ACKNOWLEDGED was the issue with bringing Mary back, that she can’t be a nurturer, can’t do a fresh start on their issues. Can’t just make it all better by being there and putting band aids on their knees and tucking them into bed. They weren’t raised with that. They can’t RETROACTIVELY get it from her because it’s not age appropriate and they have developed as people.
And for the first time, Mary is allowed to just exist and wander around the Bunker and cut her hair and wear hunter-y clothes instead of that freakin’ nightgown, and UPSET them by not fitting in because there’s the way it feels like she SHOULD have been aka kissing boo boos, and the way they know she CAN’T be that because it’s weird but they still missed out on it, and the way she is how she is for real after only ever having images and dreams and conjured djinn versions or fake Heaven versions or people wearing her face, and so on and so on. Just a real flesh and blood woman who was manipulated literally to heaven and back by outside forces, trying to deal with losing *everything* over and over, and being presented with her weird family of adult sons and attached angel, clearly nursing depression and a total lack of direction and connection… 
I mean people connect with Mary for some pretty obvious reasons about motherhood and loss and depression all of which are represented in her weird situation with metaphorical links to real life feelings. Imagine she had post natal depression about Sam and look at season 12 again and *bam* she’s 100 miles deep and it huuuurts. I haven’t even had a baby let alone this entire analogy but I can see it right there in her story. I don’t need to RELATE directly to find it interesting? And there’s so much more about her beyond this one random thing I just picked up as an example. Imagining being in her shoes and then imagining how Sam and Dean have talked about her and seen her as the casual viewing audience is a STARK way to put her story in contrast to make sense.
Like, if you just allow Mary to be her own person with her own story and motives, there’s so much in there, that you don’t get if you just look at her like she could have been something to Sam and Dean that she wasn’t and immediately write her off as just as bad as Rowena - who is also far more complex than just a bad mother. If it’s these characters not living up to idea motherhood that makes you hate them that’s something you have to get over to see WHY people might like them, for the same reasons people can like flawed messed up non-mother characters. 
I mean Mary in season 12 functionally has a similar arc/intro to the story as JACK does, the same conflict about finding themselves in this world, the same drive to make it right, and Mary’s dealing with the PAST she’s fucked up, and Jack’s dealing with immediate present fuck ups and the weight of expectations of his FUTURE fuck ups that everyone wants him to do this that and the other… But Jack immediately got a ton of adoring fans and I would say fandom seems to lean pro-Jack, while it’s generally anti-Mary, despite the fact they have had very similar, parallel struggles to integrating into the world and dealing with expectations/problems.
But Jack is a cute as a button baby son for the fandom who can be easily forgiven for everything, and Mary is its flawed, messy mother. And you clearly seem to have the same knee jerk reaction that Good Mothers are characters to be rewarded and loved for their kindness and strength and flaws in acceptable amounts that do not harm their ability to parent well and be supportive and present. And Bad Mothers apparently can’t even be enjoyed as an interesting villain-but-not-bad-guy like Rowena who is out for herself unapologetically - a confidence trait that people CAN and should admire in obviously less “murder a bunch of people because they’re in the way” quantities to aspire to if they need a just a pinch of Rowena in their lives. And Mary who was a VICTIM in the narrative until 12x01, I have to repeat, and on earning her narrative freedom, aka not doomed by Heaven, and seen only through Sam and Dean’s eyes but allowed to be herself, abruptly goes in others’ eyes from sweet mother mary to being utterly ruined and the worst character. Because she couldn’t parent her ADULT sons while *grieving* her baby sons and husband, who not only is dead but she has to come to terms with what her death, her fuck up, did to him and did to her sons.
Season 12 HAS to be viewed through Mary’s POV when the episodes are about her, and she HAS to be given full compassion as a POV important character like you would do for Sam and Cas and Dean and now Jack, and Jody and/or Donna when they’re on screen, or Claire and Alex in their episodes. I mean 9x19 is from Alex and Jody’s POV. There are a couple of Winchester scenes but the emotional storytelling is ALL on Alex and Jody, to the point of them having all the opening and closing scenes, while Sam and Dean appear like outsiders to them. This same thing is used on Mary a few times - making us look at Sam and Dean from her eyes. 
12x03, also by Berens - because he’s amazing at this sort of thing - makes us look at them this way. It sets up how Sam and Dean *are* to Mary with the horrifying baby in the crib and the little ghost boy. Her lost children. And Sam and Dean blanking her out of working the case by accident because they’re so much more efficient with modern tech. Letting her solve it with old fashioned tech and application of heart. We see Mary’s entire process in this episode that leads to her leaving. It’s *beautiful*. Please go watch that episode from Mary’s POV.
(And enjoy Rowena being an unapologetic badass in the background :P) 
I am literally begging if you don’t understand and hate Mary in season 12 to try it again from her POV and be less precious about Sam and Dean and how much value she has determined only by how well she mothers them. 
I mean dammit I’m just gonna rec my own fic I wrote after 12x14 because I think it explains how I view Mary sympathetically and as a complex character without apologising for or defending her, just caring about her story and trying to understand her, more effectively than any meta I could write.
But also just rewatch 12x01, 12x03, 12x06, 12x09, 12x14, 12x21 and 12x22 from Mary’s POV, even just her important scenes. Pause the episodes after she does stuff you struggle with and ask yourself how SHE would feel based on HER history if you’re having trouble getting into it. Remember how she saw Dean and Sam in 12x03 in the metaphors of the cursed burnt out baby boy and the lil ghost child because that DIRECTLY links to 12x22′s dream sequence. You’re going to see her suicidal, lost, confused, desperate to fix the mess she made… And ultimately in 12x23 she is vindicated for her deal with the AU being based on it NOT happening, and she’s the point from which it all came. Remember 4x03 Mary at that point, how she was an innocent victim as much as anyone else, being funneled into being “John and Mary, husband and wife” JUST because Heaven wanted it. How she’d already been raised as a hunter by her strict father and wanted to be FREE. How she has been un-free, how even her idea of freedom was all a manipulation by both heaven and hell, that she was a baby factory for the both of them. That her deal was for that freedom, but as poisoned as everything else that ever happened and her death in 1x01 is the punishment for trying to be free.
Remember that bringing her back sets her free but also takes away *everything* from her, including Sam and Dean, and leaves her with only her identity as a hunter to fall back on. And then they take away that too. 
Remember that Mary is as messed up as her boys, who we LOVE for being messed up, complicated human beings, and that her goodness as a mother is just one aspect of her character, but not the defining one we’re supposed to like her for.
Remember that all the images of Mary we see between season 2-6 are manipulations and lies and extrapolations in 2x20 of how DEAN feels about what Mary is/what he WANTED her to be, and the only real Mary we saw that whole time was the one in 1x09, who was as defensive of her boys as she was in season 12, and whose only real words were to APOLOGISE to Sam for what she’s done, a character arc she can’t pick up again from her POV until SEASON 12, even if it’s been thrice resolved for Sam. That her dying thoughts were knowing she’d doomed Sam. That she only understood her deal when it was too late and she was pinned to the ceiling. 
Remember that the reason she seems to be a bad mother in the story in season 12 is because they WANTED her to be that way, because they’re FREEING her of the image of what she was for 12 long years. They’re turning her into a real character. That it’s a calculated breakdown and DEVELOPMENT of her character beyond being a 1 dimensional saintly dead mother, whose fleshed out backstory made her more and more a tragic victim of circumstance and took away all her agency, her memories, and the last time we see her in 5x13 she is parroting the “angels are watching over you” line in a way that gives you the sickest dread of dramatic irony, as in that context it is about how her sons are about to DIE for this if the angels get their way. She’s helpless. She’s the buttmonkey of the apocalypse. 
Whatever else you feel about season 12 and Dabb and all, there was a huge effort from all the writers who touched her story - ALL of them - to free her and take this weight from her, to tie her into the current arc while respecting how the past would CRUSH her. And they DID crush her. And within that crushing, when exactly was she, the most emotionally scarred and messed up Winchester on the playing field that year, supposed to be a good mother to Sam and Dean when that definition seems to include selfless sacrifice and giving more of yourself? She thought that’s what she was doing with the BMoL, and it destroyed her all over again. It literally carved her out and left her empty. More people got hurt because she tried to do something to make it right. And she lost herself in the process. It’s not a subtle metaphor. Or how it was resolved with honesty and bringing the family back together. 
… You can probably tell we got an esspresso maker for Christmas by the length of this reply. Just… Argh, no. Mary is one of the most fascinating female characters and fuck the idea she has to be a good mum to be a good character or that we can only like the most pure characters. If she had been a good mum in season 12 she would have been PAINFULLY boring and flat and under-used. What would you have DONE with her? installed her in the Bunker to do nothing more than provide comfort at the start and end of each episode, and sometimes come along on safe easy hunts? Need to be rescued in all the dramatic moments because she couldn’t fuck up and cause something herself ever? She can be rescued NOW because she fucked up enough last season it’s a different aspect of her character to be in this position. Which she kinda got herself into by PUNCHING LUCIFER IN THE FACE. 
And if you can see Mary how I see her, then suddenly all her heart and kindness is there, she’s wonderful, she’s complex, she’s just fundamentally broken and messed up and had her own issues with Sam and Dean that came from this, that were explored and addressed FROM HER POINT OF VIEW, and helped her from HER OWN PERSPECTIVE to overcome the first hurdle of being reintegrated into the story. 
Just… give her a chance to be human. Everything you say you can’t see in her is right there when you do.
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mxdmax · 7 years
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It’s been a year knowing you all and I can’t believe I’ve been able to stick by your sides this whole time. We are trash, a pile of garbage collectively. So now it’s time to let each of you know how much I love you and how grateful I am for Stranger Things to have changed my life.
@the-weirdo-on-maple-street: Em, my wife and life. Oh how I can’t believe how long I’ve been able to know you and appreciate you for. I am not lying when I say this but every time I see your username I get comforting nostalgia. I’m so grateful you were my first every friend on here and I can’t believe how supportive and beautiful you were (and still are) inside and out. Such a kind, caring and amazing girl. You always pop in to say hi and it feels like you were never gone because that’s how much you mean to me :) Thank you for all you’ve said and done for me. I love you! @eddiekaspbraks: Aimee, another one of my many wives. I don’t actually know where to start but i’ll spin a mental wheel and land on.... HOW AMAZING YOU ARE!! Legit I am so amazed by your talents, ability to speak up about what matters to you and stand strong. You inspire me in many ways :) I’m am always in so much awe of you and how you treat everyone of us. You are such an important person and no matter what happens I will always love you <3 I can’t stop smiling when I read what you talk about or say especially when you talk with allo. You two just joke around so much and it’s nice just reading it all even if I’m not a part of it. I and the group would be a mess, an incomplete puzzle without your beautiful self there.
@stevenrogers: omg Marvin, literal source of the title gain train (what a legend). Thank you for making every laugh, smile and relate to your memes and reactions in the chat. I don’t actually know how you do it so well. Thank you for putting up with me not understanding when you’re joking. Thank you for giving me insight into what it truly meant to ‘gain’. I know we don’t talk much with each other but when we do it’s all good things or me just being mortified. But legit man, you have such an amazing heart and I feel bad that I didn’t realise how truly truly caring you were until you talked to me that little bit about my aspergers and just let me know you understood on a unique level. You were the first person who i’ve told who looked back and was like ‘oh that makes sense now’. You gave me a very special moment in my life and that was one of understanding and pure friendship. So thank you for helping me grow as a person and thank you for being who you are, my best friend :)
@flea-and-the-acrobat: Sam! The man of the singing talent, fire jumping skills and already hopeless romantic even when you give up it’s still in there someone!! Honestly thank you for being my best friend, talking trash with me, lifting me up and just being so kind and caring. I know sometimes my advice sounds like an annoying mum or whatever but you make me feel appreciated when I say things like that. It’s been so wild getting to know you and um well know a bit too much about you .. *cough* but uh yeah. I know you will go far places my pal, keep pursuing what you want and I know that you will reach all that is meant to be reached for you. Thank you for always wanting to have conversations with me in it and asking questions and just caring about me. Not even just me, everyone. I see how logically you think about things and situations and you motivate me to try and be clear headed. 
@reallylikeseggos: Alli!!!!!! my native weeb speaking, kpop loving little french fry of a wife. (I love french fries). Thank you for being you. Like I’ve never met anyone as beautiful as you. Like I could go on and on about how I think you came out of some butt kicking fairytale. I love how you do you with your interests and hobbies. You always bring so much life to the conversation and I can’t keep up or relate sometimes but it makes my heart so happy to see you happy. Sometime I feel like wrapping you up in a blanket, building you a fort and giving you all your lame as kpop stuff and protecting you from this cruel world. But I also feel like you wouldn’t need it because you are such a strong person. Yeah you have ‘flaws’ and all and may not see what I mean by you having such a strength but genuinely you stand up for what you believe is right. You stand up for your friends, speak to us all in such a kind and caring way when we are all down. I can’t believe that you exist and that you are my actual best friend. I love you so much Alli <3 @protectmike: CAITLIN (also known as caitsin when the party gets wild™) Girl I legit can’t handle you. But in a good way! You are so full of so much goodness that no one could be able to contain. You just burst out and hit us all with how amazing you are. You are drop dead gorgeous my girl. Your makeup skills art on a whole other level and I know you will succeed because what you do and who you are is unique and the world needs more of that in the industry you’ve created a hobby in. I’m so proud of you for every achievement big or small. I admire how you are so well spoke for like especially in discord, I swear I could listen to you talk about anything for ages. I love how the part never dies when you’re there because you just bring so much to the table. I really hope I can meet you one day. I know I’ll be beyond shy but I know you’re someone who’ll make me feel comfortable :) I love you more than anything cait!! Please never change ever. You’re too precious for this cruel world to make a mark on.
@richies-tozier: KYY!! Oh wow Kyy I just could write a book about you my love. Honestly thank you for being one of my best friends in this world. You are ethereal to me, a fairy in the form of a human, a princess without her tower. You are just so magical and mystical to me and I am in awe of you. I can’t believe I get to be your friend and love you so much!! There’s so much in this world that I wish I could hit away from you so you can live in peace. I hate seeing you hurt or upset because I can’t be there to give you a hug, buy you presents and make you happy. I also bet you make some amazing cupcakes despite the work part being a butt. I genuinely would go and do your work for you and still have you be the one who gets paid. Thank you for supporting me, caring for me and making me feel like I can always grow and learn and be a better person. You inspire me in so many ways and I wish you actually knew your worth. You are priceless. I admire you and love you so much <3 thank you for being you and thank you for being my best friend, my wife.  @shesavedus: SYD! Hello my lovely angel and wife and best friend and over all just non existent, too aesthetic and cool 4 me. Seriously you are soo inspiring to me. I love how far you’ve come in this year. Seeing your photos, outfits, posts on tumblr, the words you speak etc is just leaving me always in a state of  ‘wow’. Your voice is asmr legit :’) I could listen to you for ageeees!! I genuinely can’t wait to meet you one day and hang out with you. You are so important to me and I love you so so so much. I genuinely don’t think I can handle seeing you down or upset because you don’t ever ever ever deserve to feel that way. The world won’t always treat you right but we will always be here to talk serious stuff and dumb stuff with you <3 Thank you for all your amazing selfies, tutorials, hacks and overall A+ personality. You my friend are such a beautiful soul and I love you so much and it’s ridiculous. 
@themikewheelers: TORI! I have such a special place in my heart for you. I know sometimes I just stare at my screen and just question everything you’ve said and if you’re okay haha but seriously you’re so amazing to me. I genuinely forget you’re not my age. I can’t believe I’ve been able to be your friend for a year now! And you better have it drilled into your heart C <3 T :D I am so so so proud of you for how far you’ve come in life despite all the struggles you face. I just want you to remember all you go through is temporary, you won’t always be stuck in this certain place in life and I can assure you it’s always worth fighting for. I don’t know where I would be without you. I adore all that you are. You are such a beautiful person. Seeing you on my dash makes me so happy. I am of course jelly about the amount of asks you get but I sit here and I think ‘wow she deserves all of this, yes you go talk about theories and make people imagine and get excited about such an amazing show’. I wish I lived close to you because I would constantly want to go places with you and take silly photos. One day I hope. I LOVE YOU!! @bill-denbroughs:  SHELLY!! Oh wow you are one good looking woman and I just adore how beautiful your smile is. You can light up the room with a simple hello and everyone is just so excited and happy to know you are there and ready to bless us with your words. You’re so kind and caring to everyone. I am honoured to be able to call you my friend and I hope that never changes. I dream to adventure disney land with you one day. I know if I ever go I would want to be with you the first time :) You better know that I love you so so so so much and I adore everything about you!! You’re so supportive of everyone and you make everyone feel wanted and loved no matter what. I hope you never stop sending selfies and updating us on what it is you’re currently up to. To me you are such a down to earth and level headed person and I am so proud of you for just being who you are in this world. So don’t you ever stopo being you okay <3 I love you!!!
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agent-ches · 7 years
hell yea so here are my thoughts it’s really spoilery because the show came out here yesterday and i watched it just now (at night) so i may be incoherent bear with me!! 
- starting from the ending, ADAM WARLOCK WILL BE IN THE SERIES. so fans speculated he’d show up in this movie because of the after credits scene in the last Guardians movie depicting a broken cocoon. that was a good guess but it was incorrect. he didn’t show up in the movie at all he actually came up in the post credits scene! ‘She’ (or Ayesha) supposedly created him and decided to give ‘He’ the name Adam aka Warlock. 
- in the comics Warlock is given the Soul Stone and currently that’s the last Infinity Stone so it��s going to be amazing to see whether or not he comes into owning it (theories are that Heimdall possesses the last stone, it’s going to be interesting!!) 
- i hate Peter’s dad. screw him HOW DARE HE PUT A TUMOR INTO PETER’S MUM’S HEAD WTH????? die you prick die (though Peter with the cool energy thing from being half celestial was rather amazing, pretty sad he doesn’t have that power source anymore unless the marvel creators decide on a new source) also Ego (his dad) having thousands of children just to find a compatible one to rule the universe (aka destroy it) with him is just awful ew 
- BABY GROOT IS PRECIOUS I WILL KILL YOU  IF YOU COME NEAR HIM (the flipping part where Ego the arsehole was trying kill the Guardians and Groot was being squished and he started crying oh my god my heart) also him not understading crap is adorable (PRECIOUS BABY OF THE GROUP) also the post credit scene with teenage Groot going through puberty was hilarious i’m dead. ALSO HIM DANCING WHILE THE REST ARE FIGHTING A MONSTER AND THEM CONSTANTLY HAVING TO TAKE CARE OF HIM aka GAMORA WAVING HI, ROCKET STOPPING MID WAY TO TELL HIM TO SPIT OUT A BUG AND HIM BEING ANGRY AT DRAX FOR DESTROYING THE STEREO PLAYING THE SONG HE WAS DANCING TO LMAO 
- Mantis is precious and innocent and oh my god Drax going “you’re ugly” and then going “that’s good cause if someone loves you then you know they do.” beautiful people don’t know who to trust - absolutely true. and at the end when he went “you’re beautiful, on the inside” #yes 
- Peter and Gamora are my first hetero ship in years. #thisunspokenthing (them dancing to Sam Cooke was just awwwww) 
- Peter being a precious bean and carrying around a photo of Hassleholf all the time to pretend that he’s his father and all he wanted was to play ball with his father and the first thing he did with Ego was play with a ball of energy. it’s a sweet moment despite how dubious the whole thing seemed. 
- Nebula character development was one of my favourite things ever because she went for “i will kill you Gamora” to “I just wanted a sister” gosh the feels, such a good movie. 
- Gamora, Drax and Rocket referring to the  Guardians as a family #best
- Groot making Yondu an honorary Guardian 
- Yondu being the best father figure to Peter ever and him dying and me sobbing horribly in the theatre (my awesome friend was crying with me and she was handing me tissues bless) 
- okay symbolism time, Peter had his Sony WALKMAN to listen to his mum’s Awesome Mixes and when Ego destroys this, he eventually receives another device from Yondu to listen to over 300 songs on. The WALKMAN is akin to his old family (his mother and Ego) and his new player is a representation of his new family (the Guardians and Yondu) 
- Ayesha (’She’) is pretty cool but christ she is scary. The Sovereignty armada is pretty cool, it’s like a giant arcade where the people are shooting their targets virtually through drones. Pretty interesting stuff (especially with the video game noises) 
- Rocket being referred to as a “triangle-faced-monkey”, “raccoon”, “fox” etcetera. and him being a giant softie inside because of his beginings (also him referring to Ego as a one-inch-tall man and winking with his wrong eye HAHA) 
- i laughed too much during this movie bless me 
- Sylvester Stallone !!
- 700 jumps and face warping #priceless 
- Howard the Duck cameo 
- horrendous inneundos everywhere help 
SUCH A GOOD SHOW IM SO HAPPY GUYS GO WATCH IT SOON OKAY edit : omg i typed this at 3am and wrote Arnold Schwarzenegger instead of Sylvester Stallone oh my brain HAHAHAHA 
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pegasusdragontiger · 7 years
another get-to-know-me meme
Was tagged by @dizzy-redhead 
Nickname:  Jo or Joey Zodiac sign: Taurus Height: Hmm well not sure lol when I was in High School we had to put down our weight and height one of the teachers measured me and she said 5’5 but at home it say’s 5’4 so One or the other!? Last Thing You Googled: Lordy as it is Easter Saturday was at my brothers place for Easter lunch and so haven’t really been online today  but I think the last thing I googled was Feud: Bette and Joan, about their feud in Hollywood soooo good. Favorite music artist: Really, I have to choose that’s like trying to pick between Chris or Seb or Bucky and Steve I just can’t I love so many manly from my parent’s influences like Beetles, Abba, Rolling Stones, The Animals, Elton John, Billy Joel, Mine Led Zepplin, U2, Linkin Park, Adele, Coldplay, Good Charlotte, Fleetwood Mac. I’ll end it there before it gets too long. Song stuck in my head: “The Only One by Adele  Last Movie you watched: Lol omg this is funny as I just watched it today with my nephews The Lego Movie, I liked it but as they were talking couldn’t hear some parts of it but so scattered and I had know idea what was going on? What are you wearing right now: Hahahhaa lol really? I just got home at it is now 5.08pm an had a shower so in my PJ’s. Why did you choose your URL: Oh this might be a long one, So my Dad loves Fantasia which made its way to me with the music and the cartoon stories that go with it my all-time favourite scene from that is the Pegasus/Greek theme as I am like an Ancient History nerd like I love watching doco’s and what not my favourite Pegasus was the black one oh so pretty. I was only like what 9 or 10 when the Disney Hercules came out and Pegasus his flying horse loved him! So that’s where that one came from. Dragon because I love HP, and got into GOT and just love dragons also seeing all the awesome pictures of them, another reason is because I was born in the year of the dragon and Chinese New Year fascinated me and been nerdy about them since. Tiger because I love and adore animals especially big cats watch a lot of Sir David Attenborough docos and reading about the big cats and they are so cute and adorable which my mum can’t understand why? So majestic! Do you have any other blogs: Um!?!?!?!?! I do have Twitter but I am hardly on there at all, on fb though does that count? What Did Your Last Relationship Teach You: Never been in one came close but I didn’t want to ruin my friendship with at the time one of my best friends and it was her brother and as another friend was dating him that friendship soured and I was like I can’t do that to her so yeah nothing came of it. So currently single and bloody getting nagged by relos because I should be the next married by their charts and popping out kids! Religious Or Spiritual: This is a toughie as I was raised Catholic but haven’t been to church in like 4 or 5 years so yeah a bit of both but so loose and not strict in anyway. Favourite Colour: Dark Blue like Royal Blue and a British racing Green and Dark Forest Green. Average Hours Of Sleep: Bahhaa I don’t know sometimes I think I sleep 8hrs but It could be more like 7 or 6. Depends as I suffer from Sinuses which makes me not sleep as well and also when I get the flu or cold I sleep even less with the coughing and the breathing, and all that yucky stuff. Lucky Number: Ummm!?!?!?!?! I have no bloody idea?? Favorite characters: Okay crackles knukles here we go, Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Elizabeth Bennet, Mr Darcy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Belle, Samantha Stevens, Legolas, Aragorn, Eomer, Arwen, Thorin, Goku, Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshomaru Thor, Tony Star, Jane, Pepper, Nat, Clint, Sam, Jarvis, Logan, Rogue, Remy, Draco, Blaise.  How Many Blankets Do you Sleep With: 0 in Summer as at night the temp is 40 degrees or over or 39! Winter 2 plus my Doona and on really cold nights a rug on top of that!. Dream Job: Would love to own or work in a bookshop where they sold homemade Chocolate! Having a full time job, not to worry about bills, taxes. And debt and all that stuff!
The rules say to tag 20 people so lets hear something from the new followers! (If you want to! If this makes you anxious, I’m super sorry, just ignore it)
@cevansnews @mcgregorswench @dresupi @littleplebe @ariallane @allaboutevans @avaalons @pinkpandorafrog @phoenix-173 @purplepingupenguins @wahwahwaffles @aenariasbookshelf @chrissihr @steeleholtingon @bitchsince1976 @glynnisi @hollyspacey @holdmecloseandfast @hushhorizon @its-sweet-jade 
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overboss · 7 years
2, 5 and 8 for lennox and lukas!!
afsjfh ily em thank you for asking about my kids :’)
LENNOX - 2. Can’t always wear Initiative whites and blues, Whats their dress style like? Do they prefer casual wear, or being in armor? Is it the same as it was in the Milky Way? How, if applicable, has it changed since arriving in Helius?
Okay so Len has such a jumbled fashion choice ( i’ve just realised that she wears pretty much the same sort of clothes as i do.).
Len dresses comfort wise over style and the girl practically lives in shorts (her leggys no longer feel the cold or anything. She wears shorts on Voeld and the angara think she’s crazy.).
She can always be seen wearing this really old, really ugly moss green bomber jacket - she loves it to pieces and is never separated from it. Another item of clothing is her bright yellow knee high socks she stole from her brother lmao. (She steals his clothes a lot especially whilst he’s in a coma because she misses the dork.)The team put up with her questionable fashion choice most of the time but when she tries to leave the tempest in her shorts and socks they literally want to die TM.
Len doesn’t have a large variety of clothes since she was only aloud a certain weight to the stuff she brought to andromeda so she reuses stuff a lot. Like the andromeda initiative shirts she was given were refashioned into crop tops immediately since this girl is most comfortable when 80% of her skin is showing.
5. What’s their preferred profile, or class? Were they naturally inclined towards combat or technical skills? Were they a developed biotic, or did they first experience it with SAM?
Lennox is a natural born biotic and uses the adept profile! Since her mother was exposed to a shitload of eezo Len is a super duper powerful biotic - more so than Cora (maybe she’s around Jack’s power levels.)
For the pathfinder team since there are now two biotics Len specialises im offensive biotics and Cora specialises in defense e.g shields.
Len also gets really fed up of Cora saying stuff like “oh it’s not contagious.” Whenever people find out that Cora’s a biotic. Like Len herself could probably like squish a bus or smth with how strong her biotics are but she’s literally only here for animal crackers lmao. (Dont get me wrong they’re besties but it does get on her nerves.)
**also added note: i hate how liam is like “omg ur a biotic 👀?!” To cora when i have been punching enemies in the face with biotics for the last hour so cheers liam thanks for noticing
LUKAS - 2. Can’t always wear Initiative whites and blues, Whats their dress style like? Do they prefer casual wear, or being in armor? Is it the same as it was in the Milky Way? How, if applicable, has it changed since arriving in Helius?
God please help this family because his fashion sense is almost - maybe worse than his sister’s. He LOVES funky patterned shirts and his greatest joy in life is his trusty old pair of bright orange crocs. Okay so the easiest way i can describe his style is that your weird uncleTM crossed with a hipster adsjsfgh
Lukas also wears skinny jeans but his general LookTM is that someone flung him into a wardrobe, shook him around for a bit and then pulled him out dressed in a hawaiian shirt, crocs n socks and a fedora??
Lukas has has has to wear his yellow-tainted glasses all the time 1. Because he has a form of dyslexia and they help him read 2. The yellow of the lense helps destress his eyes since he’s around blue light a lot and 3. Because they’re prescription and he can’t fuccin see without them.
5. What’s their preferred profile, or class? Were they naturally inclined towards combat or technical skills? Were they a developed biotic, or did they first experience it with SAM?
Lukas uses the engineer profile (+ backlash in-game because shield.) and he’s the resident combat engineer of the pathfinder team. He has absolutely no biotic powers because his sister was a greedy little shit and sucked them all up in the womb lmao
He loves to tinker and build things and his favourite ability is flamethrower
(I havent really played him yet so idk what sort of stuff/abilities is in the tech tree rip)—-FAMILY -
8. Its all in the family. Explain their relationship with Alec, Ellen, and their sibling. If you changed anyone’s names or added a different sibling in your canon, explain why.
Lennox and Lukas are partners in crime and are pretty much inseparable! They have a really strong twin bondTM and love each other loads okay?? Their relationship with their dad was pretty distant but they love him and he loved them - they have very fond memories of their childhood when he would take them stargazing :’)
Both parents were workaholics and weren’t really around for the kids as they grew up so Lennox and Lukas learned to rely on each other and their bond has grown stronger over the years.
I havent really thought about their mum but i’m thinking she’s going to harvest some guilt for exposing her kiddos to eezo (she loved them loads tho dont get me wrong)
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londonparker · 3 years
Cloud 9
part 6
tom x reader
My heart stopped as I waited outside right next to Tom just standing until the anticipation was over and Tom’s little brother opened the door in shock to see me standing there.
h-oh my god! This is y/n?
t-yeah! She is a little nervous so don’t-
And just then Harry leaped forwards and lunged onto me squeezing me really tight
Tom’s face went emotionless and finished his sentence from before
t-make her feel pressure...
t-nothing the time passed
y-I..uh....HII! I’m y/n and It’s so great to finally meet you
Harry lay off me a bit putting his hands on my shoulders scanning my face and showing an amused face as he looked directly at Tom
h-she is really pretty!! Damn Tom
I then turned to face Tom with a curious look on my face
I think he panicked because he stuttered in response
t-oh uh...please...don’t mind h-him...that’s h-harry for you
He then let out an awkward yet uncomfortable laugh
y-so you don’t think I’m pretty?
I then smiled at him
t-WhAt? NO, NO that’s not what I meant!! 
y-I’m kidding Holland, don’t take it seriously
t-oh right
he replied while rubbing the back of his neck with his hand
s-oh my soul! Tom you’re back!! And you brought company!
t-yeah Sam this is y/n!
s-woah! Even better in person 
y-thank you
Sam also then embraced me with a warming hug
We eventually got inside and Tom helped me place my bags down just for now
I waited downstairs in the lounge with the boys ready to greet Nikki and Dom I was so scared but I knew they were lovely people
The three of us chatted for a bit before we all heard Nikki excitedly exclaim Tom’s name!
n-Darling! You’re finally home, I missed you love, how was your trip?
t-hey mum! It was great, I did bring someone along!!
n-omg yes y/n right? Where is she?
Just then Nikki caught my eye and of course I awkwardly waved at her and smiled
n-aww come here love!
Nikki out of all gave me the biggest welcome as Dom came in the room as well!
d-it is so lovely to finally meet you! Tom has told us so much about you!
y-he has?
d-oh yes! He always talks about you and how you are so-
t-ALRIGHT! THANKS DAD...what do you say we go make some tea?
y-yeah sounds good! 
He dragged me out of the lounge and into the kitchen as Harry and Sam followed 
I boiled the kettle while the three of them got the mugs, teabags and essentials for making tea
I placed the mugs on the table and made my way over to Tom who was looking in the cabinet for the sugar. I lay my back against the counter and leaned my arms behind my back for support. I was shorter then Tom being 5′5 I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. 
t-what’s wrong?
y-nothing! I was just wondering who made the better tea?
He then went wide eyed knowing I may have started a battle, Tom stayed silent not knowing what to say....the only thing he whispered was ‘crap’
h-well for starters it definitely isn’t Tom
s-hey buddy you’re not much better yourself
h-excuse me I might be better then you actually
s-I don’t think so mate! 
t-guys please calm down...
s-damn harry....WAIT!...why doesn’t y/n judge??
h-we’ve done this so many times mate is it necessary again?
y-listen people...first off I don’t think I feel like judging, secondly I guarantee I can make better tea then all three of you boys
h-I like her
s-yeah me too! Friendly competition for another day hey...
y-friendly?? Oh no....you got me all wrong if it’s tea we competing against I go very hard mode
h-well then....let the games begin y/n and may the best tea maker win!
y-better watch your back that’s all I’m saying
t-y/n are you sure about that? 
s-yeah listen to him!
y-no I’ll stick with the competition. And we can get your parents to judge and they won’t know whose teas are whose
h-sounds good to me!
We then made our way upstairs to his room so I could kind of see how he grew up and oh my word. Was it not a Spider-Man mess but at the same time the cutest thing ever!
y-aww man! You truly weren’t joking but this is very cute!
I then plopped myself on his bed laying down letting out a deep sigh. Tom sat himself next to me laying down to get to my face level. I smiled and hid my face with a pillow
y-so uh have you thought about Paris fashion week at all?
t-oh uh not particularly, I thought we could discuss it during dinner just to give me time to think about it
y-oh yeah no rush you still got loads of time!
I then rolled off the bed back onto my feet, I looked in the mirror just to fix my hair and neaten out my outfit before going back downstairs
y-one last question...where do I sleep?
t-oh yeah right! You’ll be sleeping in one of the twins room if that is okay?
y-I’m not picky! Sounds perfect
t-great follow me then this way
Tom took me to one of the rooms and left me alone to have a few minutes to myself. I started to unpack my clothes and started hanging them and packing them in the cupboards. When I finally finished unpacking I took out my laptop and set it up on the lovely long desk Harry had in his room along with a few note books that I set up to continue with my writing.
I updated my Instagram story by posting a quick mirror pick with a London location in the photo. As soon as I was ready I headed back downstairs to see everyone Around the table. I made my way down and saw them setting the table in time because they were about to make dinner
n-hey y/n! 
y-hey can I please help with something?
n-we just finished setting up...can you cook?
y-me? of course! I can make some mean Greek dishes as that is my nationality
n-oh great! maybe you could cook us something tomorrow night? Sam wanted to make you our favorite dish we have as a family especially on special occasions as so today
y-aww no of course! Can I at least make a salad?
n-that would be perfect thank you love
y-no problem! 
I made my way into the kitchen setting up my little station where I would work with a cutting board, knife, bowl, seasoning and of course the ingredients. I washed the lettuce, cut it and put it into the bowl same for the tomatoes, cucumber, spring onions and sprinkled feta on top! I then made the dressing to go on top with olive oil, oregano, lemon juice, salt and pepper and added it in a little container to add to the top if wanted. As I was making my dressing Tom came to check up on the chef and me
t-it smells delicious Sam as always
y-it truly does! Thank you for taking the time to make it it looks amazing
s-no problem I’m in my element
t-and how goes the Greek cuisine?
I laughed as I corrected him
y-well it isn’t a Greek salad it has lettuce, Greek salads don’t
t-oh well it looks great!
y-wanna taste my dressing?
t-sure why not 
I then offered him a little spoon of it as he tasted it and seemed to enjoy it
-that’s actually quite refreshing it isn’t to heavy
y-exactly, anyways I’m going to take this to the table then come clean up!
I took the salad bowl and placed it on to the table along with the dressing to go along with it, I went back into the kitchen and cleaned up my work space and washed everything straight away. I had made Sam a little plate and left it in the kitchen because the family had already started dishing out salad as a started I’d assumed. 
y-here you go! Just a little something while the others eat it to and uh I also left some dressing so you can try it before you add it
s-aww thanks y/n that’s really sweet of you! 
I gave him a smile and made my way to sit with the others
Dom sat at the head next to Nikki and Paddy next to Nikki the same side opposite them sat Tom and then me with Harry at the other head of the table. They all plated some salad and seemed to enjoy it because after a few minutes it was gone
d-that really was great y/n thank you so much! 
y-of course it s the least i can do for you guys. After all you are letting me stay here a few days until I settle in my place
n-right we did hear about it from Tom
y-yeah when my parents passed they left me the house I just haven’t been yet so Tom offered me to stay here while we start a new journey I guess
h-aww that is so sweet
y-it truly is! 
t-yeah I was thinking tomorrow we could go past and starting opening it up, spend the next two days working on it?
y-don’t you have things to do I mean I can go and start while you spend time with your family
t-no it’s okay
y- I insist you haven’t been with them for long! I’ll start tomorrow then you can join me the next day
t-alright then
We heard Sam yell from the kitchen as Paddy had a little laugh. We made our way there and dished up some food it was Holland’s shepherd's pie, his moms recipe and it was Tom’s absolute favorite
t-aww mate I am so happy you made it!
p-y/n you have to try it
y-of course I will it looks amazing! 
t-it is my favorite food ever! My mum makes the best pies
I laughed as he got really excited explaining how much he enjoyed this recipe
y-ok ok Holland I’m trying it
He wasn’t wrong my expressions showed it all. The pie was absolutely amazing
y-wow this is flipping amazing! 
t-right I knew you’d love it!
y-oh have you decided if your going to Paris fashion week?
t-I’ll go on one condition?
y-hey I don’t want to force this on you
t-no you’re not but I’ll only go if you are my plus one
y-WhAt? nO. What about your mom or Sam or Harrison or..
t-but I want you plus my family have been to so many events and my friends are busy 
y- I feel so honored I’m in shock, I’m literally shaking Tom! THANK YOU!!
I could contain myself I've dreamed of being on those carpets to be noticed for my roles and books!. I hugged him so tight and when I let go I forgot we had everyone else with us
y-I’m so sorry! 
n-no need to be! 
Dinner went on for another hour or so just getting to know more about them after a while I had said I would clear the table and help Tom wash the dishes
t-thank you for making them laugh today and just being yourself
y-of course! Thanks for so much I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you’ve done so much for me
We finished off with the dishes around 9pm. I grabbed myself a glass of water before making my way upstairs now outside Harry’s bedroom. I turned around to see Tom
t-so uh tomorrow I’ll come past we can start working on it
y-yeah but you do what you need to first before me! I am not the priority ok first sort yourself out! promise?
t-I promise
y-thank you
t-goodnight y/n
y-goodnight Tom
I reached up for a hug and gave him a quick hug before closing the door and into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take out my hair before landing straight on to the bed and falling asleep
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oneyoungexcuse · 7 years
I was going now to say just odds, but then some even questions seem fun too. So ALL. If you have time of course. 150 is a lot. But it would be nice to get to know Ellie. 24. London. Rubbish gay human being ... a bit better. 🍻
I love the fact that you put 🍻 love a good pint so you must know a little about me but here you go keen bean 😊 Please if you wanna talk go right ahead!
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? Someone who had to attend to the animals of London 
2. Are you outgoing or shy? A bit of both but mostly outgoing 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?Not sure really. A few peeps :) 
4. Are you easy to get along with? Sometimes I can be a right difficult fucker 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? Probably but I haven’t got drunk like that for a very long while so they wouldn’t have to. 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Honestly I don’t think I actually know now but as long as you’re kind, funny, not a Tory and drink. We’re good 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I highly doubt it. 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? Erm …probably my dad because he called me last night 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Depends with who but no not really anymore. I love sex.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? My Counsellor and her dog she looks after 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “Well you gave me an open door” 
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? 1.) Get it together- Drake 2.) Deeper- MNEK 3.) Anyone Else - Pvris 4.) Bedroom Floor- Liam Payne (don’t judge me) 5.) Burning- Sam Smith but also his whole album which is absolutely sublime 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? I love it. But you have to do it properly. 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Not anymore 
15. What good thing happened this summer? I had the best birthday ever 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes…
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? There must be 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Yeah I see them around and about
19. Do you like bubble baths?I’m actually not allowed them because of my skin but I miss them terribly 
20. Do you like your neighbors?They’re very sweet except when my older neighbour catches squirrels or smokes too much it goes into my room 
21. What are you bad habits? I tend to ruin things, I bite my nails, bite my lip constantly, swear too much, say stupid shit when I’m drunk 
22. Where would you like to travel? Asia, Canada, America, Caribbean, Mexico again. 
23. Do you have trust issues?I especially do now after this weekend. I can’t believe it. I think it’s better if I don’t for a while. 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Going back to bed. 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My stomach, fingers, hips and teeth. 
26. What do you do when you wake up? “Erugh why is it not the weekend!” Then put some music on, feed my cat and get ready for work. 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? I wish it was clearer! No either. 
28. Who are you most comfortable around? Friends and people who are close to me. 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Nope
30. Do you ever want to get married? Maybe.
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?God no and thank goodness I can’t do that shit anymore.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Lynn Gunn Alycia Debham Carey Kristen Stewart 
33. Spell your name with your chin.Wokie ….OMG chewbacca?!?! Are you kidding me ! 
34. Do you play sports? What sports?I play rugby and run. I should get back into swimming though 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? Live without TV 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?Yepppppp. She will never know because it’s soooo embarrassing. 
37. What do you say during awkward silences? “So…how about those dolphins?!” (Watch ‘The birdcage’ 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?I don’t know anymore really. Just someone who wants me.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Vans, TK Maxx, urban Outfitters 
40. What do you want to do after high school? Lol that was years ago but something better than what I’m doing now 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Depends but most people yes. 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m sad, tired or so angry that I’m scared if I say anything I’ll seriously regret it. 
43. Do you smile at strangers? Occasionally yeah 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Even though I would hate going in a rocket, Outer space
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? That I have to go to work…otherwise I wouldn’t. 
46. What are you paranoid about? What people really think of me and just always not being in the know sort of thing 
47. Have you ever been high? Indeed. 
48. Have you ever been drunk? Me? Drunk? Never ;) 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Jesus Christ yeah 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Black and grey 
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Everyday. 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? I wish I would stop overthinking, over analysing and not have such bad anxiety? …so pretty much everything 
53. Favourite makeup brand?…I actually couldn’t name you one 
54. Favourite store? Pets at Home 
55. Favourite blog? 
56. Favourite colour? Blue, Maroon or Purple
58. Last thing you ate?Chocolate orange biscuit 
59. First thing you ate this morning? …chocolate orange biscuit 
60. Ever won a competition? For what?I won 2 swimming races, front crawl and back
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?Nope…nearly for stealing a dinner ladies walker talkie and bunking maths 
62. Been arrested? For what? Nope but again nearly for underage drinking and jay walking 
63. Ever been in love? Yes…So how about those dolphins 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?It was a dare and it was in Greenwich Park and it was terrible hahaha 
65. Are you hungry right now? Not really feel a little sick 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? I haven’t met enough Tumblr friends to make that judgement I’m afraid 
67. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook 
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr. 
69. Are you watching tv right now? My work colleges are 
70. Names of your bestfriends? Pebbles, Bryn, Gabby 
71. Craving something? What? Sleep. Cuddles. Sex. Lying in bed all day with cold pillows watching a shit loads of netflix , cup of tea, a roast, long make out session, tattoos. All that jazz. 
72. What colour are your towels? Blue 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?2
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?…yes. My bear and lion. Don’t judge me. 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? Only 3 at mums 
75. Favourite animal? Lion 🦁 
76. What colour is your underwear?Star Wars Print …geek I know 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Bubblegum, Caramel chew chew Ben and Jerry’s or baked Alaska 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?My work uniform which I hate 
80. What colour pants? …haven’t we discussed this…Star Wars 
81. Favourite tv show? That’s too difficult! But I’ll name a few parks and recreation, the walking dead, stranger things, sense 8 and crap like goggle box 
82. Favourite movie? Are you serious that’s too hard again I’ll name a few. Moonlight, city of god, little miss sunshine, a load of Disney films, the bird cage and some Tarantino 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?Means girls 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Mean girls cmon 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?Damien 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? I like the singing school teacher sting ray quite a bit otherwise the little octopus that says “he touched the butt!” 
87. First person you talked to today? I can’t remember someone fromWork probably 
88. Last person you talked to today? It’s not over yet but probably just the cat, I’m a lone wolf this week. 
89. Name a person you hate? Donald trump. 
90. Name a person you love? Does Lynn Gunn count? Or does it have to real people because I have too many 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? Someone from work or Donald trump 
92. In a fight with someone? Not so much as a fight but we aren’t talking because I’m not ready yet 
93. How many sweatpants do you have? Not enough! Only 2 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? Like 11? 
95. Last movie you watched? The Hunger Games 
96. Favourite actress? The girl from 12 Years a slave those nameI have forgotten but she is unreal. 
97. Favourite actor? Not sure actually. 
98. Do you tan a lot?Easily but not a lot 
99. Have any pets?1 my poor old sick cat 
100. How are you feeling? Tired, a little sick, a bit blergh and want to get this week over with. 
101. Do you type fast? Too fast I make so many mistakes 
102. Do you regret anything from your past? We’d be here all fucking day if I went through all of that 
103. Can you spell well? Nope I’m terrible 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?So so much
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Yeah but not for a while 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?I hope not but they were upset. It’s usually me though so it’s fine 
107. Have you ever been on a horse? Indeed but not since I was little 
108. What should you be doing? Sleeping or replying to text messages 
109. Is something irritating you right now? Work, lack of sleep, some people, lack of other things that I’m craving and life in general but all gravy :3 
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? So how about those dolphins?!
111. Do you have trust issues? We been through this haven’t we? 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? My cousin, she unloaded a hell of stuff on me and it upset me 
113. What was your childhood nickname?El
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? My borough in London yes 
115. Do you play the Wii? Not really I don’t own one :( 
116. Are you listening to music right now?Yes, I’m listening to Pvris 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?I haven’t tried it to be honest. 
118. Do you like Chinese food?I love a dirty Chinese 
119. Favourite book? To kill a mockingbird or potter 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?When walking home yeah 
121. Are you mean?Not really but I can be …I straight away regret it though 
122. Is cheating ever okay? Depends on if that person has been hurt so badly to do so 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Never. Carnival killed my other ones but it was worth it 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? No
125. Do you believe in true love? …yeah I suppose 
126. Are you currently bored?A bit more entertained now I’m doing this 
127. What makes you happy? Some certain people, cosy beds, good food, going out to have drinks, music, walks in parks, concerts, being in a mosh pit, when people call me babe , museums, rugby, spontaneous days, lazy days, board games, Christmas, hand holding, hair playing, animals, sex, wearing a good outfit, photography and cooking for people. 
128. Would you change your name? No I quite like Ellie 
129. What your zodiac sign? Leo 🦁
130. Do you like subway?It’s alright but prefer a proper good maccies 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Wait …aren’t you gay? I’m gay? We’re gay…no! 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? My counsellor …we’ve been through this!! 
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Cause I could touch a hundred thousand soulsBut none of them would ever feel like homeAnd no matter how far and wide I roamYou are the only one that I’ll ever know- PVRIS ‘Anyone Else’ 
134. Can you count to one million? If I get really bored with my life I’llLet you know 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? First time I got drunk I said I got food poisoning hahahaha 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Closed 
137. How tall are you? 5’7 
138. Curly or Straight hair?Don’t care
139. Brunette or Blonde?Don’t care 
140. Summer or Winter?Summer 
141. Night or Day?Day 
142. Favourite month?December 
143. Are you a vegetarian?Nope but I am eating wayyyyy less meat than what I use to 
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?Shit …i love milk but white chocolate is buff 
145. Tea or Coffee?Tea
146. Was today a good day?It’s not over yet but I have got rugby later which I’m sort of looking forward to but it’s cold …
147. Mars or Snickers? Mars 
148. What’s your favourite quote? “Growing old is compulsory. Growing up is optional” 
149. Do you believe in ghosts? I don’t think 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “Later, at night, she would say a prayer for the tainted soul of Senor Barcelona, who had a good heart but who’s brains had rotten away due to excessive reading” - The Shadow of the wind
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