#omg they were d20s
lunairka · 1 year
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birdb1tch · 2 months
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i was gonna fill out the whole thing, but if im being honest i only made it to make the evil polycule joke about zara, jace and porter
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hamiltonforpowerpoint · 4 months
I just finished ACOFAF believe y’all think RueHob is toxic? Is it perfect? No but y’all placing all the blame on RUE. Saying that they only love this idea of Hob is crazy
Some things I want to touch (To my understanding this is what I perceived)
Rue didn’t choose to serve the court of wonder like it was some planned decision. Rue was an orphan who was kidnapped and forced to stay in the fae relem no? I think it makes sense for Rue to take the place next of the ppl who raised them.
So Oscar/Rue took the love at first sight route. Doesn’t inherently make it selfish, unreasonable, or shallow. I’ve heard plenty of stories of ppl getting together within days/weeks/months of meeting each other. Some people feel differently
Just because Rue lived in a place of lavish doesn’t mean they can’t be sad. Idk maybe it hit me more personally bc I saw it as yk yt parents non-black kid adoption. Rue being an OwlBear just trying to fit in in the society around them. We always say money doesn’t buy happiness why can’t this apply to Rue?
The love Rue wanted was romantic love. They may have had the love of the people, court, Wuvy, etc but it wasn’t the love they WANTED. Is Rue not allowed to want love? Love that is of kissing and holding and not making face and contracts?
It’s almost like the Bloom is made to make connections of any kind 💀 Again I don’t understand why it’s wrong for Rue to want to love somebody/love them. Rue didn’t force Hob to fall in love. Rue didn’t feed him a love potion or pushed him till he breaks.
I feel like we are a being harsh on Rue for being more emotional/dramatic but at the end of the day this is a dnd game. These characters actions rely on the descriptions provided by the player. If they add in a sigh here or a tears in the eyes there I don’t think it’s fair to fully put that on the character without the context of performance.
Wuvy Wuvy Wuvy. I love Wuvy but it’s clear that their relationship was platonic .l. I think Rue has felt that everything Wuvy has done (sort of) was due to responsibility of position/duty. Ofc Wuvy denies that but we don’t know how long Rue felt this way. I don’t think we see any evidence that says Rue told Wuvy to To change herself and make herself smaller I think Wuvy did that out of the love of her heart. If I had to take a major guess I would assume Rue made these changes to themselves first and Wuvy followed so that they wouldn’t be alone. While Wuvy may follow Rue command her actions are of her own. Did Rue do Wuvy wrong from time to time. Yes!
To imply that Rue is selfishly satisfying this hunger through Hob is crazy to me. I feel like y’all are babying this man. Hob was major and was set to be married. At the end it was Hob who went after Rue not the other way around. If he wanted to he could’ve atleast cleared the air with Rue then continue his duties. No one told him to hold on to Rue token. No one told him to dance with Rue. No one made him give Rue his badge. No one forced him to quit. He decided those things bc of his own heart not Rues.
Ig my question is if Rue only loves Hob bc of what he “represents” (like this idolization I suppose) why does Hob love Rue. He had his court, his honor, his goblins. A big chunk was Hob being to loyal to his court.
P.S The thing with the goblin court was f’ed up. Just makes Rue flawed not horrible.
TLDR: I’m more trying to fight I’m just RueHob number one defender. I’m not digging on anyone or being like “I’m right you’re wrong”. I’m just expressing my feelings after being on an 8 episode rollercoaster
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albanarthan · 1 year
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renegadeontherunn · 1 year
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figaydarights · 3 months
Do you think the Ratgrinders are evil? Possessed? Both? Neither?
OMG ITS SUNNY! HOWDY! thank you for the ask 🫶🫶 (AAA ITS NICE TO MEET YOU, I said so in the tags hours ago but I'ma say it again : 3)
Honestly this is a good fucking question, I feel like they were kinda just fucked up high schoolers who became even more morally fucked up by adult/maybe a gods manipulation, or maybe that's just me wanting to hope there's good in them. (Especially Ruben, what's his deal? Could an emo teen boy be good at heart? I say yes.)
Also I feel like in this season specifically but also sophomore and freshman year there's an overarching theme of adults letting down the kids around them, it could be a story where the rat grinders have just the worst adults surrounding them that have just influenced them or put them in a situation where they have to do these evil things.
(barking at the cage door ask me more about overarching themes and morals regarding d20 it's my favorite topic I get to let my inner English kid out.)
That or wouldn't it be funny if kitchenpot coppercat was just full on evil?
I hope its either one of Brennan's famous poetically philosophical moments or just "yeah they're just fucking assholes, for fun!"
All I know is next Wednesday is going to go crazy, Kipperlily must either have crazy manipulation skills for a 17 year old OR has some crazy connections to get Aelwyn (forgive me if i misspell elf names are really hard) to work for her
Thank you for asking : 3
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sugaldean · 2 months
"what have you done today"
Well I wanted to train my linework (I'm not an artist so idk why)
So I put on d20 while I do lines
The they talked about the into the woods play
And I was like "I've only seen the movie maybe I should watch the play"
So I went on YouTube
And saw a recommended video of Kate and Anthony
So I watched it
Then saw "pride and prejudice but everything is explained by John Mulaney"
So I watched it
Then I wondered if John Mulaney was problematic or if I was mixing him with another highly memeable brown hair comedian
I went to look for the info, didn't see a "Controversy" section on Wikipedia, thought it was a great start. Went to political view and just died laughing cause I learnt that Joe Biden's wife is named Jill. And a married couple named Joe and Jill is hilarious
So I went to look John Mulaney problematic but when typing it "John Mulaney Porstate exam" was a suggested search
That I search and ofc it's a stand up thing
So I watched it
It was a bit funny I closed the page
Look if he was problematic (he did a show with a renown transphobe apparently)
And I started closing tabs
Found my pride and prejudice video again
Finished it, it was very funny
Saw the YouTube search bar "into"
Found the original cast play absolutely immediately
STEPHEN SONDHEIM? The d20 character?
Started looking what play this man wrote
Jesus he made a lot
I wonder how many got a glee version
Quickly gave up that search by getting lost in the west side story Wikipedia page
Shakespeare was married to Anne Hathaway which is very funny
Our Anne Hathaway was my age when she played in the devil wears prada
Thought about the fact that both Emily Blunt and Meryl Streep were in into the wood and the devil wears prada
I wondered how many movies they did together, 3, those two plus the return of Mary Poppins
Other actors/actress she did 3 movies with (Emily Blunt) : Amy Adams, John Krasinki, Jason Segel
The actors/actress Meryl streep worked the more with: Mamie Gummer, Kevin Kline, Margo Martindale, John Rothman and Stanley Tucci
Oooh Mamie is her daughter
Nepotisme comes from the word "nipote" which is Italian for Nephew
Just learnt the concept of Clientélisme, don't know if there's an English word
Closed tabs
Omg Saturday Night Fever and Pulp fiction are not the same movie
It's been an hour and half and my dad asked what I did. Well. Nothing and everything.
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urei1031 · 5 months
Time to once again do D20 again
How much did I miss in the live shows??? I thought they weren't canon :0
They really launch right intothat combat, I love that
I stg if Kristin abandons Casandra imma lose it
Gorgug's mini looks rad
Lou once again rolling trash, Fabian cannot develop more at this point (Gilear-core)
The Red Wastes is so rad
Zac and Ally should trade tbh
They have so many teammates holy shit
SO many callbacks I love it
Buff Kristin is WILD
The editing is on POINT
^THey're blank on the wiki???/??
Oh its a fucking bit omg I feel so sillay
"I Stab him, uhhhh Hard!"
they were so afraid of a mirror gaslighting them
the email omg
Yass queens
poor casandra :(
"Fix me Brother"
Balthazar's shadow runs into the desert at the speed of light
I hate this mirror
the fucking beans
oooooooo the towerrrr!
Ah poor Adaine :(
What the fuck did Fig doooooo???
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brennan-lee-mother · 5 days
Do you have a favourite character currently? If so, then them please for the bingo?
Otherwise the oldest or youngest character you like the most maybe?
Sorry, no pressure to answer either of these I just haven't seen enough dimension 20 to choose and name characters but it'd be cool to see your fav!!
I have so many d20 characters that I adore omg. I’ve already done Riz and Tula. I went insane about Kipperlilly this last season so I did her.
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The latter half of the season I was really frothing at the mouth over this girl. There were some god awful takes about her and the discourse was so rancid I had to avoid the tag for a while at the end there.
I wrote a super angsty super depressing fic about her and Lucy because I literally love them so much and like to make myself (and others) suffer I guess.
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02511213942 · 4 months
omg this took me back to deviantart/livejournal back in the day hehe, thank you for the taaag @moistvonlipwig 🎈
Last song: alarm - wise blood (sp) (yt) – ON LOOP!!! it makes me feel fizzy and euphoric
Currently watching: breaking bad (finally), jjk (with gull), d20's fantasy high sophomore year actual play (catching up!!)... youtube videos about arthropods. and lots more movies lately :))
Three ships: andreil. uuuuhhhhmmmm... davekat will always be famous to me. and phan has been back on my radar lately if you can believe it! i'll never forget them 😌
Favorite color: i just realized it's not orange anymore 😳🍊 but i still choose accessories in orange! this is actually so shocking to me im going to need to process it more later..... i think it’s a soft lavender or a hot red-grapefruit color now.
Currently consuming: 2024 is my tinned fish adventure! also i thought this meant media at first so i also wanna say i’m playing in stars and time with gull!!!
First ship: don't remember but formative definitely were neji/tenten from naruto for some reason, and kurogane/fai from tsubasa reservoir chronicle 🥹
Relationship status: nursing a returning crush… aiiee
Last movie: saltburn! which i loved
Currently working on: learning mandarin! some gifts for friends! fanart of andreil kissing
➡ tag yourself !!!
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greenteaanon · 2 years
Dungeon Master Reader
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Summary: You get Somehow Isekaid with your player party of 3 to a game you also love playing Genshin Impact.
GN!reader, semi imposter AU, also Semi Self Aware AU.
Part 1 > Part 2
No one read the tags
When suddenly someone who bares a resemblance to a familiar character ran up to you. “HALT IMPOSTERS, YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR IMPERSONATING THE GLORIOUS ONES” You all looked at each other. “Man that’s Bullshit” Angel said, that’s the 1st time she cursed in person.
"Psst Psst" Angel kept whispering to you. You look at her with a face that says 'What?'. She goes and whispers "What if sneak us away from here" her binder starts glowing. You pull out a d20 dice from your pocket which you always conveniently had from last session before you got Isekaid. "Roll for Stealth, you need a 10 or higher" you whisper back. She rolled it discreetly in her palm. "A nine with my modifier of 1 makes a 10" she looks at you with hope in her eyes. Your binder and hers glowed green.
Both of you see a distressed soldier looking worried. You grabbed the boys attention and you all huddled closer just enough so it doesn't look suspicious but all of you can hear your whisper. "The guards that are cornering us are distracted. Angel what do you do" everyone looked at her with anticipation she was going in her Tippy toes looking for an land mark. "I...uh....lead you to a waypoint east of where we are" Angel looked towards the small blue glow behind a tree it was a waypoint indeed where there was a abandoned camp.
Eyes are on you now "Ok you do that....." Angel starts leading the way. When Ben stepped on a branch "—bitch the sound of the snapping branch is covered by the sound of nature around" you all turn back to look at the guards and start watching if they notice. Once you were far enough, you all ran to the waypoint. Tired. Is what you felt but omg did it feel nice being free again.
"What do we do now?" Jake asks. "Well...We let the Binder decide i guess" you open it up to the page of the story. Alot of scratched out parts of the story you could make out some of them. "Reach the temple—" "—Blood" "—Weirded out"
"So do we try to find this temple thingy" Ben said. "If we wanted to go to the temple thing we would've just stayed put" Angel said. But you chimed to say "What if we reach the temple figure out what's happening then end this? Sounds good?" Hesistently they agree. And that was a stupid idea. A Cleric, A Wizard, A warlock, and And a sorcerer. This was not the best idea.
Somehow all of you snuck inside, safely, without alerting anyone. Gigantic stained glass of a group of 4, one up in the sky, one in the land, one in the water, and one in the stars. Silently walking through you made eye contact with a painting of someone holding a floating prism, weird. It felt familiar. Further inspecting the area you found 4 podiums and other paintings that also felt familiar.
Walking around more you found what looks to be a "throne" room but what makes this different is because the 4 thrones are sorrounding a fairly large table. "Like a DND table, Cool!" Ben said running his fingers through the engravings.
When you guys suddenly heard marching "Bro What do we do now?" Jake nudged you to get your attention. You hold out your binder, "We fight in DND Style"
As a army walked in with an entorouge of vision holders and the gaurds you have escaped from chained, and People who looked like you? Walked in!"
"What the fu—" You were stunned when the person who looked like you spoke "So this is where you filthy imposters went!" You well the other version of you snarled.
"First of all Rude, Second thing, Let's settle this." You opened your binder started glowing as well as you dice. A maniacal grin was on their face. They had their staff out.
"Alright Dear Dungeon Master, your cue" Angel handed you her and the others character sheets. You looked back at them and reversed to get behind them. "As the final battle will the true identity be revealed, who is the one truly worth of the throne? Roll for initiative!"
Your clones and the other people were strugglingg cause they couldn't move as you guys threw your dices up, "12!" 10!" 7!" "14!"
"Jake you're up!" "Permission to use fireball on my clone?" "You're gonna need a 15 to pass!" He immediately starts rolling "5! With a modifier of 2"
Needless to say he was upset about it he missed. It was your turn next when you saw a peice of paper slip. Your homebrew mimic, a mutated version of the original mimics, but they gained the ability to mimic humans but not the original human's personality.
"Guys! Don't rely on your sheild! They're My home brew mimics!"
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grasslandgirl · 23 days
cause you were one of the only people who posted about jingle jangle on this website and was delighted to discover you're also into my primary interests: d20, isat, rambling in the tags, and anguished desperate bloodied yearning, and also ruby cruz
awwww omg... our synergy <33 jingle jangle is SUCH an underrated movie and I'm SO glad to meet another ISAT fan !!!!! game of the year for every year <333
[tell me why you followed me if you remember, or why you stick around now!]
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jununy · 26 days
oh my god i adore your art- i stumbled across two of your works separately and went omg i need to find these users on tumblr but THEN THEY WERE BOTH YOU! anyway i hope you have a lovely day and i am so glad someone else is freaking out about both d20 fhjy and dead boy detectives :)
oh gosh thank you so much!! so glad to see another d20 and DBD fan out there as well!!
i know my art style is wildly inconsistent cause sometimes i do lineart, and other times i dont, so they look like theyre drawn by two different people LMFAO
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spoonsandsporks · 1 month
my god you're so cool, you like skills and knights and classpecting and tarot cards too?? going WILD about this, you're SO COOL <333 hkjhf
Omg thank you????? That's so sweet of you asfdghdhd <333 (Sorry for the late reply I was busy playing a non-neurotypical frog in pf2e)
I love the skills! Tbh I've always loved the concept in fiction of like voices/personas in a character's head that give advice in the interest of helping the character live a good life but each persona have a wildly different idea or scope of what 'a good life' is asfdgebdjeh (examples other than disco elysium is like, inside out I guess? But the one's I like are de (duh), sanders sides, d20's mentopolis campaign). I actually explored this concept in a DND character of mine I posted on my art blog! His name is Al, he's a minotaur with a LOT of angels in his brain <3
I love knights hahaaaaaa I love Arthurian legends, I love knights in fiction I want to BE a knight like the aesthetic truly fascinates me. Now if only armour wasn't so hard to draw wahhhhhh
And yeah homestuck was one of my very first fandoms! I was dragged into it by a girl in secondary school who first introduced me to anime and while generally I left most of my interest behind when it ended, I'm still obsessed with classpects and just the game mechanics of a game of sburb in general haha. I have some godtier (re)designs lying about somewhere of my OCs and DND characters and some land introspections if you're interested but that's all I do about it nowadays haha
And finally tarot! Tarot fascinated me initially through a video game that used them and I've always loved the idea of fortune telling and it's use in witchcraft and such. I'll admit I'm less of a..... Devout believer in magic, but I do believe card readings can provide perspective and are a chance for introspection. Plus the decks are all so beautiful! I prefer rider waite tarot personally, but I'll use any deck that uses the hierophant and magician. Honestly? If you're curious I could do a quick reading for you through asks for fun! Like a reading game of sorts, like the cards were originally used for haha
And I think that's the topics you mentioned?? Sorry for using your ask as a platform to ramble about some of my interests asfdgdv but I so appreciated your kind words!! Especially from YOU like damn pot and kettle over here calling me cool when YOU post such cool and interesting art!!!!!!!! You have so many awesome interests too like your vibes are immaculate and I am grateful for your time <3333
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angeloncewas · 5 months
hi angel i remembered you were into d20 (maybe still are..?) and i wanted to tell you that ive recently started watching fantasy high :D !!! and im like. OBSESSED. i like it so much. im only 3 episodes in but i really really like it!!
Still am omg !!! I haven't been posting about it but I'm very excited to live(ish) blog the newest season (I will tag it. Spoilers)
Anyway I'm SO glad you like it I'm trying to get everyone into FH honestly. It's sequel season is some of my favorite media of all time and if you have any thoughts as you go through I'd love to hear em :D
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okay so, since i don't see requests with this topic often, I wanted to request Eddie teaching his partner (gn) how to play dnd. If you need some more information: reader doesn't know shit about how to play dnd and they are interested in learning how to play from watching the Hellfire Clubs campaigns, and they ask Eddie to teach them how to play :D
((OMG YESSSSS! I love the idea of Eddie teaching the reader DnD!))
Learning from the best.
Eddie Munson x GN! Reader.
Warnings: fluff (mostly kisses and pet names)
Summary: See request above!
You were always excited for the Hellfire meetings even though you didn't know anything about DnD. Eddie always let you sit beside him so you could watch, you may not understand most of what was being said during the campaign but watching Eddie DM and watching how the party played always interested you.
Tonight Hellfire was meeting at Eddie's trailer for a major boss in their campaign and of course Eddie invited you, knowing how much you enjoyed watching them play. You got to his trailer at the same time as Dustin, who looked just as excited as you
"Hey, Y/N! You here to watch us kick some Boss ass?"
You nodded with a soft chuckle "Hell yeah! But don't get to confident, Eddie's got a verrrryyyy creative mind, he might just surprise you" you warned with a cheeky smile.
Dustin let out a laugh as he knocked on the door "Hah! Nothing can best us! You've seen us play!"
"And you think I understand what's going on? How do I know if you guys are good or not?" You nudge him playfully "I don't even know what Skill points are."
Dustin gives you a concerned look "You should really learn, it'd make watching Hellfire a hell of a lot more fun! Eddie might even let you join the campaign! Mike might have an issue with that though."
You were about to respond but the door opened to reveal a grinning Eddie "Ah! Henderson! Any word from Sinclair?" He moved to the side to let the two of you inside, catching you as you pass by, pulling you into a tight hug "Heya Sweetheart."
Dustin shook his head as he dropped his bag beside the door "Not coming. Again. Said he'd rather practice for his upcoming game."
Eddie shakes his head, reluctantly letting you go "I swear if he misses one more meeting-"
"Relax, Eds" you grab his hand, squeazing it gently.
Though Lucas couldn't make it that didn't stop the rest of the group continuing the campaign without him. Mike, Will, Erica, Gareth, and Jeff got to the trailer on time and Eddie started where they left off from the last meeting. You were sat right beside Eddie, watching the group figure out a strategy before entering the boss fight.
Every so often Eddie would hand you a dice with 20 sides ( a dice you later found out was called a D20) and tell you to roll for damage done to the party (also I'm sorry if some of these terms are wrong, I'm still a beginner myself)
You'd reluctantly roll and much to the dismay of the party the dice would always land on a fairly high number. You were never really sure why you were rolling the dice or what happened when you did but Eddie always smiled and gave you a hug when you rolled a high number.
It took several hours but the group narrowly defeated the boss thanks to a critical hit from Erica.
Eddie smiled brightly "Excellent work boys and girl, you've defeated the Lich, now you may claim your treasure and we will continue our campaign next week."
You stayed behind to help Eddie clean up, thinking about what Dustin said earlier while picking up all the trash. Could you possibly learn to play DnD? It looked like so much fun, and it would be cool to play with Eddie.
"Hey Eddie?" You looked over at him nervously.
"Yes, Sweetheart?" He looked back at you curiously "something wrong?"
You shake your head "Not really... but... can you teach me to play DnD?"
He froze, hoping- no, praying that he heard you right "You... want me.. to teach you DnD?"
You nodded with a sweet smile "Yup! That is if you're willing to..." you were about to go back to cleaning but Eddie stopped you by pulling you into a near bone crushing hug "Oh my god I thought youd never ask! I was hoping you'd want to learn! I can teach you and we can do some solo campaigns to bring up your levels and such!" He was talking so fast you could barely understand him. You let out a soft giggle as you returned the hug "clam down, I don't want you fainting from being too excited!"
He insisted on starting that night even though it was already late. He helped you fill out your character sheet, explaining what each thing was and how everything worked. "I'd start as a half elf since that gives you the ability to speak different languages, usually I'd suggest starting as a fighter but you'd probably do better with a mage."
He helped you pick your first weapons and come up with some starter spells, then is was on to rules and game play. There weren't many rules and the game play was a little confusing, but after a few practice runs you were actually getting the hang of it. This went on until the early hours of the morning when neither of you could keep your eyes open any longer. You both falling asleep on his bed as soon as you closed your eyes.
((Sorry this took so long! I had a really hectic week and I just got to writing again.
On another note I've been thinking about recording some Eddie × Listener stuff for YouTube if anyone would be interested, I just have to figure out what stuff I need XD))
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