#omg ur so cute!!!
atompalace-official · 2 months
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
DPxDC AU: Tim receives an interesting email from DalvCo explaining why the CEO is not to be trusted- It's an internal email and suddenly Tim is experiencing supernatural phenomena. He knows that the two events are absolutely related, but he's going to let the cutie stumble his way through data points and vague threats anyway.
(Sorry this got long lmao)
Tim is exhausted after a long night of staking out a new drug cartel with Hood (which in itself took a lot of energy from both of them to have the patience for the other- things are good, not great)... so right now he's logging into his WE email on the train to his office because he's incredibly late. And while he scrolls and contemplates the failsafes he has to make sure Tam doesn't murder him outright- he sees an unexpected email from Vladimir Masters.
Tim's curiosity is piqued, he'd thought that Vlad would have gotten the hint after Tim dismissed him at that Christmas gala a few years ago. Most people took Tim's snubbing as a fatality in the Gotham socialite scene- Most knew him to be 'an agreeable young man', and Tim's reputation had paid a small price for making Vlad's failed vibe check known to the room. The tabloids blamed it on the champagne glass he had in his hand- Has he mentioned how much he hates Vicky Vale lately??
Tim has a few stops to go and he's pretty sure that he's going to delete the email, but in sleep deprived inspiration, he decides it might as well entertain him while he waits. The letter isn't at all what he expected.
"Hello Wayne Enterprise's CEO Tim Drake, I'm sending you this letter on behalf of the entire Midwest to advise that you, under no circumstances, come into contact with or speak to the CEO of DalvCo Vlad Masters. He is underhanded and utilizes untraceable tactics to procure deals. We have reason to believe you may be targeted in the next few days and hope that you are able to take steps for your own safety to avoid Vlad Masters at all costs.
Sincerely, 👑"
Tim feels bewildered for a moment and then... Like a cat with a new toy mouse. A game was afoot! He needed to track down these hackers, he needed to be their best fucking friend (find out their secrets & Vlads) and he needed to apprehend Vlad ASAP! Untraceable tactics? Tim scoffs, but the challenge excites him.
Arriving at WE, Tam looks ready to throw a knife his way (he reminds her that Pru does it better) and states that if Vlad Masters tries to make an appointment- accept it but give him the run around. Make an appointment and continue to contest it, change it, delay it until Tim is actually ready for him. The lights start to flicker, both of them notice it.
Everytime Tim gets a second to investigate Vlad in his office, the room's temperature drops. Tim notices it, and having experienced a number of supernatural phenomena, he knows it has to be related.
Tim decides not to beat around the bush. He comes back to the office that night equipped with a Ouija board, candles and a bag of other occult accessories. He quickly finds, upon setting up, that there is now a groaning Teenager in front of him- lambasting his efforts and chastizing him for taking a meeting with Vlad. Did he not get the fuckin memo??
Tim quickly begins to ask his questions, grateful to not have to deal with the party game board, and takes diligent notes.
"Right, so, you're just a concerned citizen ghost who knows what kind of nefarious deeds Vlad gets up to, how?" ---
Danny is losing his shit. Here he is, having done all the ground work to tell this guy not to meet with Vlad and he's already got him on the schedule! Danny took a page from Technus' book and transported himself alongside the short email. He didn't get this guy at all! Tim was like, basically the same age and clearly super fucking smart, why was he acting like this was a fucking birthday gift? Scratch that, the dude has a Ouija Board- it's like a lame ass birthday party in here!
Danny cannot help himself but return to the visible spectrum and give this guy a talking to- Which, the atmosphere of a birthday party still doesn't change, for ancient's sake this guy is taking notes with a megawatt smile! He's smiling! Danny just described Vlad taking down like, three American dynasties and the dude is nodding his head along gleefully.
Then suddenly, Danny realizes that he might be on the chopping block. Tim asks his first question and it's not about Vlad at all.
"Er, yeah. Just a concerned ghost citizen." Danny cringes.
"Right, and that's why you hacked into the Mayor of your town's email... Right Tucker?"
Danny blanches, not because the guy knew about Amity Park, but because apparently Tucker's online persona had been compromised. SHIT.
"Uh, I'm not Tucker." Danny attempts to lie- why was he so bad at lying again?!
"Of course you aren't, he's currently playing doomed, but it would have been smart to take the out I offered you. Do you want to tell me your name or do you want me to throw out another random guess? You should know that I've done my homework."
"...It's Danny."
"Certainly not Danny Fenton? Who is, sorry to say it, heir to DalvCo? The same one who totally doesn't have a school record of absences equivalent to well documented town hauntings?"
"Yep." Danny cringes, and giving up the goat, transforms back into his human self, "But seriously dude, you can't meet with Vlad. He'll just... take it all."
Tim blinks at him a few times, and his cheeks flush. Danny desperately tries to ignore that response as well as his own (he knows his ears are red, sue him).
"Right. Well, how would you like an internship? First order of business would be meeting with me and my PA Tam and helping us play ball." The guy has a feral grin. The grin kind of scares Danny, it definitely annoys him and a small part of him is curiously charmed.
"Dude you're not hearing me-" Danny tries before being cut off.
"Yeah yeah, supernatural bullshit is involved, Got that." Tim waves him off. Okay never mind, not charmed at all, Danny is completely annoyed.
"I swear to all the ancients-" Danny has to stop himself to calm down, "Dude consider yourself fucking haunted. I'm not helping you with a suicide mission to talk to the creep and I will be making your ass miserable for deciding to go down this path."
"Is that a promise?" Tim is basically batting his eyelashes at Danny and Danny is desperately trying to ignore that.
"Bet." And then he goes invisible.
"That's cute, pretending to leave me." Tim smirks and Danny can't help but let out an exasperated groan.
As it turns out, Tim is incredibly difficult to spook and his normal haunting methods are not fucking working. Has this guy just, like, seen every single horror movie?
Tim knows this is going to be fun, even if it means not going out as Red Robin for a while... Maybe he should get back into his night photography and give the guy a chance to enhance the creepiness of Gotham? Maybe start going to restaurants alone and get the guy to join him at a secluded two person table? Tim has plans on plans on plans.
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bennizone · 6 months
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sketchbook spreads ^3^
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chumbyy · 2 months
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Made more fanart for u:3
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oceanwithouthermoon · 11 months
remember how when saiki was crushing on satou and wanted to talk to him, instead of yk.. actually talking to him, he found out all of his interests and displayed his own interest in those things in front of him to try to get him to notice him??
yeah, now imagine him doing that when he has a crush on anyone else..
hes such a silly and awkward teenage boy i love it, like buddy you CAN just talk to your crush, you dont have to try to get him to "notice you.." but hes too silly and awkward so thats like the most he would ever do and would still probably think that that counts as flirting
im just... wondering about how saikis terrible silly flirting tactics would translate if his crush was on one of his FRIENDS.. like someone he could actually be around and would see and talk to him.. would he just like be trying to impress them ?? moving toward them more ?? adopting more of their mannerisms and interests maybe ??
imagine that like EVERYONE in the group would notice it, but it wouldn't be like "omg saiki is flirting" it would be more like "omg why is saiki being extra awkward and talking more" because hes so painfully unclear about his intentions but hes usually so quiet and unassuming that this would be such a stark contrast to his usual behavior...
#hey buddy maybe you should just idk maybe TALK TO UR CRUSH#saiki k#the disastrous life of saiki k.#saiki kusuo#tagging ships this would work with#kubosai#<-obviously my favorite so this is what i was thinking the whole time#that would be so cute everyone shut up#but he would prob accidentally end up for real flirting with kubo since hes trying to pertain to what he likes and he loves romance#saisai#<-i actually also like thid one a LOT for this scenario it would be so silly#saikis god complex accidentally starts manifesting visibly a little more since he's imitating pretentious rich boy#saikai#saikaido#saidou#<-saikis dark reunion jokes accidentally become so frequent he starts saying them out loud by mistake and it's embarrassing as hell#nensai#<-not actually totally sure how this would work in this situation but idk maybe hes more open to having ramen every day#and trying to get over his bug fear omg that would be so funny#imagine him starting with like one bug at a time so he starts with the least scary ones like butterflies and ladybugs#but by the end of it hes prob only a little more okay with things like butterflies+stick bugs+caterpillars cuz they move slow+are easy 2 see#haisai#<-ohohoh haisai he would prob join a club+always be trying to prove to him he takes things seriously#mostly schoolwork but in gym/sports he would always be pretending to enthusiastically participate and break a sweat lol#merasai#<-he takes up baking/cooking as a hobby and is always bringing extra food to school and acting like it was an accident and giving it to her#going to her workplaces and pretending he didnt know/forgot she works there and 'accidentally' ordering an extra portion for her every time#saikechi#<-he already knows a lot about random stuff but he takes an interest in saying his silly facts out loud and sounding like a nerd#meows post
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idkanna-more · 4 months
Im crazy- Im crazy! La-lalalalalala
Also bc I remember is Pride Month so uh- this post will be bc of that Ig, idk-
Simple drawings I did in less than a hour! yeaahh :D enjoy!!
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thing I have sketched for MOOONTHs aaaAAAAAA
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seeing EVERYBODY doing this stupid meme so here I am, like- I have seen this meme A LOOOT and we are just in the third day of the month WHAT THE-
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this 😗💛💛
btw yeah I like doing the kisses like hearts shaped hshsh also is just a visual thing I like to do it are technically not visible!
and quick headcanon thing bc yes
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Yeh I dont have much headcanons hah- I dont rlly burn my head w this type of headcanon ig?? and also I dont rlly know much Im more of make backstory headcanons! hhahshshs is fun tbh ◉⁠‿⁠◉
JEEZ OK- Officially, I am kinda exhausted of Drawing (not rlly hAh-) so I'll not post in some days, maybe a week who knows, I FEEL like I need a quick rest??? hshsh
but also school so aaaAAA
but dw I might share random thoughts or just write sometimes hah
just that
This boy/girl (idk it depends on how u see me hahA) says Happy Pride to all the LGBT community around this app!
and and, idk I dint rlly have much to say about it LMAOO
Bye!! hahshs
im obsessed w this guys is- is rlly worrying to me tbh /hj
💛(⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ
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sieglinde-freud · 4 months
they were so insane for this
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
annabeth aka the daughter of the goddess of weaving learns to crochet and makes the cutest pink tops for piper which she wears proudly around camp pass on it
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stunie · 20 days
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causenessus · 3 months
he's so pretty
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calix-amini · 5 months
can u pretty pls draw darry feeding me with a baby bottle plspssls
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(u dont have to!)
any way here u go!!! (he witerawwy wuvs u)
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spaciebabie · 11 months
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he asks your hand in marriage
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OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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anambermusicbox · 4 months
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Excerpt from 2024 人物 interview, found here:
Zhou Shen was born in Shaoyang, Hunan in the early 1990s. At that time, his home was the "stereotypical rural home": a mountain, a flat piece of land halfway up the mountain, and a wooden house. Push open the door and everything in the house was in front of you: a wooden bed and a pot of rice. Zhou Shen recalls that there were no cupboards in the house because there was nothing worth putting in them; there was no TV, so if he wanted to watch television, he had to go to the neighbour's place. The nights in his childhood memories were always pitch black. After watching TV, Zhou Shen would come out of the neighbor's house and walk home alone. There were no lights in the village. In front of him the road was dark, and further up the mountain was pitch black and huge. Looking up, he saw the black starry sky, but the stars were densely packed. In that moment, Zhou Shen's entire body seized up with fear. Many years later, he would hear others say that the starry sky is so beautiful. His first reaction wasn’t that of agreement, but surprise. Thinking back to the dark nights of his childhood, he had no memories of 'beauty', only that ‘it was terrifying.’ At that time, his parents were out working year in and year out. His dad hardly ever came back, and his mom came back once a year---this was the one time every year they would buy meat, and they would cure it so it would last a long time. One summer, his mom came home and worked with Zhou Shen to make cement and build a toilet. This is how their home was gradually improved. Later, the tap water was repaired with the neighbour's help. Before that, Zhou Shen had to fetch water every week. With his parents away and his grandparents gone, he only had himself to rely on his entire life. On the day of the interview, Zhou Shen sat on the sofa and leaned over, cracking his knuckles. Like a coin-operated children's ride playing a song, he began to run through the titles: "Is waipo the same as nainai? No, mom's mom is called waipo, and dad's dad is called yeye, right?" He laughed. "It's funny, but I really can't keep them straight. I never used them before, because growing up I never had grandparents to take care of me." Nowadays, looking back his life seemed very hard, but the Zhou Shen of that time did not have any concept of it. "That little Zhou Shen, he wasn't sensitive. He was very clumsy, or rather, very blunt. [*laughs*] He didn't feel those things---he thought his childhood was the same as everyone else's," now grown up Zhou Shen says.
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mosses-gate-3 · 9 months
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sxfterhearts · 2 months
jiung new tattoo?! im losing it rn wtf
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he's so cute but then when u zoom in on his fingers....???!???!!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!!
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cr to owners :)
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robotpussy · 1 year
i wish ppl would just shut up when ppl say they're afraid of something i don't care if you think it's stupid or unnecessary or the thing they're afraid of is already widely disliked by many people you don't understand where ppls trauma is coming from and even if there isn't any trauma causing the fear just shut up and move on
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