#and i was like ‘the next warriors game for sure!’ :
hookhausenschips · 19 hours
Prequel: The Decision To Go
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Summary: If you received an invite to Singapore for the Grand Prix, not as a regular fan but VIP do you accept?
WC: 1,051
Warnings: none
• you DO NOT have my permission to copy my work, upload as your own, translate, or repost on any other website •
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The streets of Bridgetown at night were like a second skin to me—familiar, rough, unpredictable. The air was thick with salt from the sea, and the warm breeze carried the scent of asphalt and exhaust. This was my world. The dim glow of streetlights, the low hum of engines waiting to roar to life, and the tight-knit circle of racers who treated every corner like a battlefield. I’d spent the last five years living for this—late nights, fast cars, and the constant chase for that rush.
Tonight was no different. I leaned against my car, a 1996 Nissan 240SX that I’d rebuilt from the ground up, its engine purring low and steady. My fingers traced the door’s smooth metal absentmindedly. This car had seen more than its fair share of races, its engine a beast, and its body a warrior. This car was my pride. My life. My street racing world was exactly where I wanted to be.
Zane, my long-time friend and racing partner, strolled up beside me, a grin on his face. “You ready for tonight, Y/N? Lookin’ like a good crowd tonight.” He motioned toward the small group of racers gathering at the far end of the street.
I glanced at him and shrugged, a smirk playing at my lips. “Ready? Always. You know that.”
Zane chuckled. “You sound bored, though. Same streets, same people, same game?”
“Nah,” I said, rolling my eyes. “You know me, Zane. I love these streets. Ain’t nothing out there for me but this.”
He nodded but didn’t say anything else. He knew better than to question me when I got that look in my eye. The truth was, street racing was more than a hobby, more than a thrill—it was my life. I’d built a reputation here, earned my respect, and there wasn’t a damn thing about professional racing that appealed to me. Sure, F1 was glamorous, but it lacked the soul, the grit of the streets. I had no desire to give up the freedom, the rush, or the independence that came with running my own game out here.
Then my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw a message from Naia, a friend I’d met a few years back during a trip to London. She was connected in motorsports, always keeping me in the loop about the professional world. I scanned the message quickly:
"Singapore F1 Grand Prix coming up. Got a VIP pass with your name on it if you’re interested. Let me know—this could be your way in."
I raised an eyebrow. Zara knew me well enough to understand I wasn’t looking for a way into professional racing. But I could sense there was more to the invite than just a flashy weekend at the Grand Prix.
Zane peered over my shoulder. “What’s up?”
“Zara,” I said, holding up my phone. “She’s offering me a VIP pass for the Singapore Grand Prix.”
His eyes widened. “F1? Ain’t that the big leagues?”
“Yeah, but you know I’m not looking for that.” I shrugged. “It’s just an invite to check it out. Not like I’m jumping ship to the pros.”
Zane smirked, leaning against my car. “I wasn’t sayin’ that. Just surprised. You gonna go?”
I was quiet for a second, turning the idea over in my head. I wasn’t interested in F1 as a career, but the idea of watching the race up close, seeing what all the fuss was about, and getting a taste of that world for a few days? That could be fun. “I don’t know. Maybe. Could be cool to see it, get inside the garages, meet some drivers.”
Zane nodded thoughtfully. “Could be an adventure. Not like you’re signin’ up for the circuit. Ain’t nobody pulling you outta these streets.”
“Exactly,” I agreed, meeting his gaze. “This is my life. Street racing is what I live for. But there’s no harm in checkin’ out what F1’s all about, right? It’s not like they could tempt me to trade in the streets for their clean, polished tracks.”
He let out a low laugh. “Yeah, that’s true. They ain’t got what we got.”
I slipped my phone back into my pocket, feeling the weight of the decision settle into my chest. "I’ll think about it," I said. "But for now, we’ve got a race tonight."
Zane’s grin widened. “That’s what I like to hear.” He stepped back as I opened the door to my car and slid into the driver’s seat, the leather familiar against my skin. “You’re a street racer, through and through, Y/N. Don’t let nobody forget that.”
I smiled, firing up the engine. The 240SX roared to life, the sound reverberating in my chest, grounding me in the present. F1 might be glamorous, might be the pinnacle of motorsport to some, but to me, it was just another spectacle. The streets were real. The thrill of racing under the radar, with no rules but your own, couldn’t be replicated anywhere else.
As the flag dropped and I launched forward, the tires squealing against the asphalt, the thought of F1 slipped to the back of my mind. This was where I belonged—in the heat of the streets, pushing my limits with every turn.
Later that night, after I left Zane and the others celebrating another win, I found myself alone at home. The quiet was a stark contrast to the noise of the streets, but it gave me time to think. My phone buzzed again, and Zara’s message glowed on the screen. I stared at it for a moment, chewing on my lip. I wasn’t going to trade street racing for F1 or any other professional circuit. That wasn’t the life I wanted. But maybe seeing it up close, getting inside the world of Formula 1 without any strings attached, wouldn’t be so bad.
I typed out my response, keeping it simple:
"I’m in. Just for the weekend, though."
As soon as I hit send, I felt a flicker of excitement. I wasn’t leaving the streets behind, but I was ready to see what F1 was all about—on my own terms, no compromises. Street racing was in my blood, and nothing could change that.
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greyspirehollow · 3 days
Vesuvia Weekly - Hear me out !!
Pairing : Julian Devorak x Liam (my mc) - very implicit
Fandom : The Arcana visual novel
Warnings : very stupid. May be inaccurate regarding the characters’ dynamics. some swearing.
Summary : the group, bored of their usual conversation topics, decides to spice things up with a little game ; little did they know, they were about to be faced with others' peculiar tastes...
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The main six had agreed to meet at the Rowdy Raven, for a little bit of friendly banter. It was important to take time to unwind and let go of daily matters, even for a short time. They’d struggled to make Muriel come along, the mountain man looking around warily and sitting close to Asra, if not on him. It took time for him to relax, but as the conversation went on and laughter echoed around their table, his shoulders slumped back to a normal stance, and his expression became more neutral as well. Julian had brought Liam as well, and despite the initial slight unease some felt around him, they quickly relaxed as he joined in with the banter.
After a few drinks and the usual chat about family life, daily life, palace life, love life... The group found themselves a little awkardly silent. No one knew what to talk about ; since everything had been talked about already... But then Julian grinned, throwing a mischievous glance in Asra's direction before speaking up :
"Asra... The Magician, smash or pass?"
The whole table fell silent, confused. A little 'what' slipped past Asra's lips before they answered, grinning at Julian :
"What? Pass for me-" Liam chimed in, shaking his head in slight disbelief "too much fur."
"Pass as well. I've always been more of a bird guy." Julian said, still with one of his signature grins.
"Pass." Lucio said, shaking his head.
Muriel didn’t answer.
"Mmh... Smash, actually." Portia replied.
"Smash." Nadia agreed.
Then began the first round of the game, covering the major Arcana. The only character to make everyone unanimous was The Hanged Man, despite Lucio's passionate efforts to convince everyone The Devil was a smash.
Nadia frowned as she heard a few of her sisters' names, and so the table mutually agreed to shift the topic for the second round of the game. Not without a little tease from Asra :
"Morga, smash or pass?"
Liam and Julian had a hard time conraining in their laughter, while Lucio pouted and frowned. Surprisingly enough, Muriel blushed and answered, very quietly : "...smash."
When everyone looked at him, baffled, making him redden even more, he was quick to justify himself :"S-She's a ... Strong warrior and... Looks like a good leader f-for... Her tribe and... I'm sure she could protect me."
Some let out a few 'aw's, and overall the reaction from everyone was pretty positive - even Lucio conceded he was somewhat right -, making Muriel relax a little.
Then came the question of who to debate next... The table fell silent as they tried to think. Portia slightly cringed as she hesitantly proposed : "the courtiers...?"
Everyone seemed to think about it.
"I mean I think it's going to be pretty quick, so..." Julian said, shrugging. "I'm pretty sure we have the same opinion about them so... Alright, Vlastomil"
The group agreed and shook their head. A hard pass for everyone. Except Portia : "Pass, but if he knew how to garden I mean why not. I wouldn't marry him, just be friends"
The rest nodded as they moved onto the next courtier : Procurator Volta. Everyone smiled and chuckled, commenting on how sweet she was, and how she'd be a good partner despite her insatiable hunger and the sheer quantity of food each would need to make to be able to keep up. Overall, the group agreed it was a "marry" rather than a "smash". Liam grinned mischievously as he brought up the next courtier :
"Valerius, smash or pass?" he said, eyeing Lucio mischievously. The ex-Count shifted in his seat, red in the face. Before he spoke up, Liam commented : "Well we already know the answer for you, Lucio."
The blond man scowled : "Shut up !! I do what I want !", causing the table to erupt in laughter.
"I mean why not." Nadia said, "He's a little easier to deal with than you ever were."
Lucio huffed. "That's not true ! He's just like me !" Nadia rolled her eyes as the others answered :
Liam : "Pass - To be honest I couldn't deal with him"
Julian : "Smash. He should be some fun...."
Asra : "Pass. I couldn't deal with a rebranded Lucio either..." Portia burst out laughing before giving her answer : "Smash. If only to braid his hair-" Muriel stayed silent, like he had for most of the game ; which was fine. Nadia spoke up again :
"I'll be announcing the next few, because I have a feeling you guys wouldn't : Vulgora, smash or pass?"
Everyone shook their heads and denied with slight awkwardness, giving reasons such as "too intense" ; "they scare me" ; "I'm just not into that"... Except one.
Liam was nervously nibbling on his lower lip.
"... Hear me out."
Everyone looked at him, shock and confusion on their faces.
"Hear what out...?" Julian said, blinking in confusion. Liam was quick to justify himself :
"I mean... I don't know, I guess it's the way they're shaped? They look soft and... and plush and-... cuddle friendly...? And I mean- don't you want to... I don't know, see what they're like when they're softer or... Or more... I just want to hug the shit out of them ok? I just wanna lay in bed all warm and soft and domestic and cuddle." Only Portia and Asra seemed to understand, the Devorak sibling giving a small acknowledgment nod and thoughtful pout. "I mean I get where you're coming from..." Asra added : "But uhm.... It's Vulgora we're talking about." Meanwhile the others looked dumbfounded, although less than before the explanation.
"I knew you had weird tastes-" Lucio teased.
"Says the guy who tried to convince us to fuck an evil goat-" The necromancer replied. Before Lucio could reply, Nadia spoke up again :
"And last but not -maybe a little- least : Valdemar."
The whole table fell silent. They looked at each other and shook their heads, letting out awkward chuckles and "no thank you"s, "they scare the shit out of me", "I'd rather be executed" for Julian, "No, just no" for Asra... Nadia's gaze silently fell on Liam who looked tense and solid as a rock, almost sweating nervously. She couldn't help but smile knowingly before she spoke up :
"On a purely factual basis, they are attractive." The statement seemed to garner mixed opinions.
"I mean you're not wrong..." Portia said, "But that's the only thing about them, really. And I don't think that's enough to try and get involved with them in any way." Asra agreed "I wouldn't even want to be in the same room. Hells, on the same continent." Julian shuddered "Pass, pass - I don't care if they're pretty I'd rather die than have them smile at me again !" Lucio shrugged "I mean... I can't say I am scared to the point I want to evaporate but they sure make me uneasy." Muriel didn't even bother answering, but it was quite obvious what his answer would be. Nadia nodded and spoke up again : "They have a little something. I can't say I'd willingly approach them romantically or any other way, but they are pleasing to look at still." she shot a glance towards Liam, who was still trying his best to stay still as a statue. She gave him a knowing smile as the others looked at him again, awaiting his answer. He could feel himself decompose as he spoke up :
"Guys, hear... Hear me out -"
He couldn't even finish as a bunch of shocked and confused noises escaped his friends while Nadia smiled and sipped her drink.
"No- shh- come on !" Liam continued, trying to calm the noise down. "Listen- first of, I don't... Like thinking about them romantically or even sexually because they did say this didn't interest them in the slightest. And well, if I were in their place, I wouldn't... Want people to think of me that way - so that's not about that !!"
"What is it about then ???" Lucio asked, baffled and confused.
"I mean I-" Liam sighed, chuckling awkwardly "I just- you know, we're friends, kinda, an-" Asra's eyes nearly popped out of his sockets. He shot a confused and worried glance at Julian, who only wearily nodded in confirmation. Liam went on : "What Nadia said is true- they are factually attractive - I can't deny I love looking into their eyes - (that statement earned a few other noises around the table and a "come on, Liam !" from Julian) but like-!! Who here took their time to even try and get a little closer to them ?"
Lucio threw his hands up : "NO ONE in their right mind WOULD ?!" to which Asra replied : "I don't think we can say you're in your right mind, Lucio." Before the ex-count could answer, Liam crossed his arms and continued : "WELL, at least I can talk necromancy with them without being berated for it !! I just... I mean I guess I just need a friend with... I just need a friend who's a little different !"
"Just say you're into demons, Liam" Portia said, looking at him deadpan. Liam looked back at her with the same expression. "... Ok fine, I guess I have weird penchants." he replied.
And on that really weird note, the group tried to come back to a normal conversation. Which they succeeded in doing, surprisingly enough, despite the slight feeling of unease and disbelief still hanging in the air.
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Later that night, Julian lay beside Liam in bed, looking at the ceiling. The silence was both uncomfortable and at the same time none really wanted to speak. But Julian did nonetheless :
"... so do I have to grow horns to turn you on or...?"
Liam's cheeks flushed red and he playfully threw a pillow at him, drawing a genuine laugh out of the doctor.
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sieglinde-freud · 4 months
they were so insane for this
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deadgrantaires · 1 year
just learned engage IS apparenlty a mainline FE game. just fucking. drop a rock on my head already
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hanafubukki · 8 months
Happy Birthday Malleus Draconia 💚💕
Summary: You kidnap Malleus Draconia.
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Sebek knew it would be a tiring day when he saw a letter placed on his wardrobe table.
It had decorative little crocodiles and squirrels all over with his name written in your writing.
He could already feel a headache incoming.
He’ll wonder how you snuck into his room to place said letter later, he was more interested in the message you had to say.
“Dear Knight,
Your Lord has been kidnapped. He is mine for the day.
Sebek rushed out of his room, running to the Diasomnia waiting room where his lord would sit and enjoy tea at this time.
…only to be met with a giggling Lilia and a napping Silver.
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“Did you have to tease Sebek?”
“It’s all in good fun Tsunotaro.”
“I see.”
While Malleus ponders your answer, you plopped down right next to him on the couch.
“What does this…kidnapping entail?”
You could tell Malleus was humoring you. He found this whole situation funny and yet intriguing.
“For you? Just sit there look pretty and enjoy all the snacks, games, and movies I have.”
Malleus laughed lowly, “YN, I do have duties to fulfill. I can’t just sit here.”
You shrugged, “One day without work won’t bring down your dorm. Besides, all work and no play make dragons go cranky.”
Malleus laughed freely and you joined him this time, “Is that so? Then I shall join in this activity with you.”
You laid the nearby comforter over you and Malleus before starting your T.V.
It would be a good day; you would make sure of it.
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“This warrior does not speak?”
“Kind of. He talks he’s just not voice acted, but he does make sounds when you attack with him.”
“Interesting. A silent and courageous warrior who will save his kingdom and the princess.”
“Reminds you of someone?”
“This Link reminds me of Silver. They share many similar qualities.”
You joked, “Are you the princess then?”
“I am a prince, am I not?” Malleus replied, before softly continuing, “and Silver has saved me, from myself.”
You bumped your shoulder with his, “That’s love for you.”
“Yes, it is.”
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“That crocodile and that pirate…”
“Funny, isn’t it?”
“Yes, especially as Kingscholar dressed as one during Halloween.”
“Does the crocodile remind you of Sebek?”
The glint in Malleus' eyes answered your question.
You can only imagine Sebek's reaction if he knew, “Well with the way Sebek is always barking at Leona, I can't blame you for thinking it.”
Ah, you were going to hold this over Sebek's head forever.
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“Those fairies should have never been given the child.”
“They haven’t properly fed her, even Lilia knew to feed a baby!”
“She almost fell off the cliff!”
“I know. They suck.”
You tugged at Malleus’ hair, “At least she had someone to take care of her, two of them in fact.”
Malleus calmed down knowing exactly to whom you referred, “Yes, those days were filled with laughter and warmth even amidst the chaos. How…nostalgic.”
Malleus leaned towards you; a mischievous glint in his eyes, it reminded you of a certain pink-streaked fae, “Want to hear an embarrassing story grandmother told me about Lilia?”
“Yes! I’m all ears!”
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You watched as Tsunotaro enjoyed Toothless and Hiccup's adventures.
You knew he would like this series.
You wondered how Sam had the trilogy.
…you would question him thoroughly later.
You were content to watch Tsunotaro be happy.
His family is never far from his thoughts as he is never far from theirs.
You felt happy to be part of his family.
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“YN, is there a reason to why we are making cupcakes this late at night?”
He didn’t know.
You hid your smile as you put the tray of goodies into the oven.
Malleus must have enjoyed his day if he forgot why tonight would be special.
“Anytime is a good time for cupcakes, just like how you can have ice cream even during winter.”
“I thought it was easier for human’s teeth to decay due to late night sugary treats?”
“We’ll be fine! Just make sure to brush your teeth and don’t tell Trey -senpai.”
You went over to the nearby drawer. The confetti poppers were there as planned, just a few more minutes before the time came, so you snuck them into your pocket discreetly.
“Let’s go play more Zelda.”
You and Malleus moved towards the lounge; you eyed the hallway clock on the way.
Less than a minute.
You took out the poppers from your pocket.
You pulled the poppers out just as he entered the ramshackle lounge.
“Happy Birthday (Lord) Malleus!”
Malleus was shocked as confetti rained on him from all sides.
Lilia, Silver, Sebek, and you surrounded him as the day turned over.
His surprised face broke into a wide smile before an unrestrained joyous laughter filled the lounge.
What a beautiful start to today.
The day Malleus Draconia was born.
A day filled with endless love.
Happy Birthday Malleus.
Resounded affectionately in all the hearts of everyone present.
May you always be filled with happiness and love.
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Silver came to you as you watch Lilia bear hug Malleus. It was funny how someone so petite wrapped all four limbs on someone so tall.
Silver hesitated.
You knew.
“He baked a cake, didn’t he?”
Silver sighed, “Yes. We tried to stop him.”
You laughed and shook your head.
“It’s okay. Toxic waste it might be, but it is something Lilia made with him in mind. Malleus will love it nonetheless.”
You bumped shoulders with Silver, whispering, “We made cupcakes.”
Silver’s grateful smile had you hugging him.
No one will get food poisoning today, not on your watch.
You hoped.
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zwei-rhunen · 2 years
-crawling thru the Thanalan deserts like a parched creature -
I've finally done it.. I've finished Hildibrand 2.0 (and leveled MCH to 50) ....
Now I can work on the rest of Heavensward (and try out BLU) 😋
#ik its optional kinda but i didnt want it to just SIT there in my journal yk? i like keeping quest logs clean lol#zwei writes#but also also MCH is kinda important bc the only other usable class i have for msq is warrior#and i really dont wanna be tanking lmao. so now i have smth i can run in msq dungeons/etc lol#i mean technically i have arcanist but i still dont feel like having 'arc 50' disappear from my character sheet lmfao#i think i have all the melee and physical ranged dps that i can do rn all done so thats kinda cool ngl#and after BLU ik ill probably go for black mage next... then paladin... then white mage or maybe AST#i want to do WHM more but im leaning towards AST just bc i think it starts right off at lvl 30 lmao#i also want to round blacksmith over the hump bc im like 10 levels away from 50 on that... and then get armorer up#AND THEN I CAN FINALLY GET RID OF THESE RANDOM INGOTS/WOOD FROM MY INV LMAO#like itll free up half a page of space and its gonna feel so goooood but DAMN that GRIND tho lmfao#ugh i have 8 diff foods in here too but i dont just wanna toss em bc idk itd be a waste yk? i remember going thru all the#effort collecting the ingredients and putting the thing on autocraft while leveling culinarian... like idk#i have a lil over 1000+ food items or 22ish days straight of 3% exp boosts looool#ill prob just end up selling half now that i rrally think abt it bc it really is taking up space#and my chocobo bags are filled with like. random event stuff/furnishings/misc lol#eventually after getting armorer to 50 ill unlock and work on goldsmith. not sure if ill unlock fishing#its either i leave it locked or get it to 50 with everything else. and i hear fishing takes alotta time sooo it might just be one#of the few things ill leave to do until after i get the full game lol#oh my god and then i can get an apartment and dump all my event furniture and all the reclaimed SPACE... fantastic!#speaking of quest logs i gotta get all the DOL/DOH to 50 too. idk why everythings gotta be 50 but it just feels right#i dont like dealing with a char with scattered stats everywhere ranging from the moon to the bottom of the ocean lol#its gotta be NEAT and ORDERLY otherwise its just gonna be annoying and nag the everloving shit out of me lmao#ill loosen up on the numbers after theyre all to at least 50 lol
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v5hadow · 2 years
So I got my switch recap results of the year.
It's skewed real bad to not be quite right. Mostly that the top three aren't right if we included the last 2 weeks.
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And yes, I played Animal Crossing for at least 2 hours every year since it came out. What of it?
But anyways glad to know like less than 30 hours of my 110 hours so far in Persona 5 Royal were before December started. Also 89 is a very typical number in a single month to play a thing that is long. Because I know my DQXI file is at least at 100 hours as well.
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(I love you omori, I'll come back when I'm ready to go the hikikomori route, that won't be until next year I'm guessing)
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froggibus · 1 year
Got Me Up All Night - Ramattra
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Pairing: Ramattra x fem! reader (reader uses female pronouns + has a pussy)
Genre: smut/NSFW
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Ramattra is used to putting you to sleep when you can’t, but he’s found a far more effective way now…
CW: slight somno (consensual), size difference + size kink, thigh riding, overstimulation, edging, fingering, Ram has a cock, spanking, dom! Ram (that rhymes lol), sub!reader, possessiveness, insomnia, unprotected sex (but he’s a robot so idk how that even works lol), creampie but not really (^)
guys I am so down bad for this guy rn it’s not even funny…trying to focus on my comp games but he’s standing there being this sexy and ugh
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It’s well past three am when you’re rolling out of bed and padding down the halls of the monastery. It’s been a while since you went to sleep at a reasonable time, most nights you tossed and turned until you gave up and resigned to wandering around until you found what you were looking for. Or rather, who you’re looking for. 
You find him in his office, legs propped up on his desk while he studies a map. Though he doesn’t acknowledge your entrance, you know he knows you’re there. He says nothing even as you approach him slowly and climb into his lap. 
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and nuzzle your head into his neck. 
Ramattra freezes at your touch. He’s not an affectionate being by any means—he’s never really understood why humans are so caught up on it. But having you drape yourself across him, your warm body against his cool metal, he almost understands it. 
He wraps an arm around you, large hand settling on your back. “Another restless night?”
You hum in agreement, nodding your head. The skin of your cheek brushes his and if he was capable of blushing the way humans did, he would. Something about you just gets into his head, and while he’s never cared much for humans and their antics, he cares for you. 
“Do you want to discuss it?” His thick fingers tangle in your hair, gently tugging on the strands. 
“Just wanna sleep,” as if on cue, you yawn. 
He nods, going back to studying the map on his desk. Still, even as he concentrates, his hand still plays with your hair and rubs your back and brushes your fingers. 
You can’t help but stare at how much bigger he is than you. Ramattra, the omnic warrior who could crush you with one hand, but he’s being more gentle than anyone has ever been with you in your entire life and a part of you just melts. Ramattra, who you thought hated you and your kind until he lulled you to sleep in his office and carried you to bed. Ramattra, who can’t communicate his feelings for the life of him—but why would he want to have feelings for you? You’re just a human, after all.
As soon as he notices your heart rate steady and your breathing soften, he’s scooping you up in his arms and carrying you down the hall. He’s as careful as he can be, supporting your body with just enough strength so that you won't wake up. 
He lays you down in your bed but your arms don’t loosen from around your shoulders. A quiet whimper leaves your lips. He tilts his head in confusion. You were asleep a second ago, and he was so careful. 
It doesn’t seem like you’re awake though. 
He sighs and lays on the bed next to you, letting your body weight drape over him. It’s a good thing he finds your sleepiness endearing. 
You subconsciously wrap your arms around him, slinging one of your legs over his muscular one. You’re completely draped over him, and though the omnic could remove you at any point, he thinks it’s a good excuse to stay the night with you. 
He relaxes with you, letting his thoughts wander from Omnic supremacy for a minute. He thinks of you, laying like this underneath him, showing him things he’s always been curious about. Of course, it doesn’t last long. Not when you’re suddenly whining and rubbing up against him. 
He can feel your heart rate pick up too, the steady thumping growing uneven. He’s not sure what to do—are you having a nightmare? Are you in pain? 
He scans you over, looking for any reason for your sudden change in attitude. He grips your shoulder and gently shakes you awake. 
Your eyes flutter open, squinting to adjust to the dark. “W-what?”
You try to gather your bearings. You were having a dream, a really good dream. It’s then that you notice the dampness in your underwear and the way your legs are wrapped around one of his. 
“S-sorry!” You stammer, and go to pull away your leg, but he grabs your hip and keeps you in place. 
He’s so big, so strong—his fingers reach almost to your belly button while his palm is on your hip, and he effortlessly holds you still. “What’s happening? Are you in pain?”
You bite your lip and shake your head, trying to keep your eyes away from his. Your pussy is still gushing and you fight the urge to keep rocking your hips against him. 
“No. I’m not hurt, I—I just…had a weird dream.”
Ramattra looks at you curiously. Your body temperature has gone way up, you can’t look him in the eye, and he can feel a warm wetness in the crotch of your pants. He’s heard of these symptoms before but he’s in complete disbelief. There’s no way you’re aroused, is there?
He holds you still with one hand while he slowly trails the other one down your side, slipping it into the waistband of your shorts. His fingers brush your swollen clit and you whine, trying to clench your thighs around his thick fingers. 
Your reaction confirms all he needs to know, and then he’s withdrawing his hand from your pants and rubbing circles on your thigh. 
“R-ram,” you whimper. 
He finds your pleas endearing. You’re so frail and desperate beneath him, straining your hips against his grip to try and get the friction you’re so desperate for. Still, he holds you in place. 
“Tell me what you need.” 
You whine again, looking at him with desperate eyes and trying to rub your hips against his thick metal thigh. “P-please, let me just—” 
He releases his grip on your hips and you let out a whine as you get the friction you’ve needed. You roll over so you’re somewhat on top of him, gliding your hips up and down his leg. He keeps a hand on your hip to guide you along, occasionally pressing you into him in a way that makes you lick your lips and roll your eyes. 
He’s in utter disbelief. He never thought he’d be close to a human, let alone having sex with one. But you look so fucking cute, and he loves how he has complete control over you. How he can give you so much pleasure or take it away at will. 
You look up at him in utter want and he knows what you’re trying to say—you need more. He rips the fabric of your shorts and underwear apart in one fluid motion, discarding them somewhere on the bed. The cold night air hits your aching pussy and the skin to metal contact is delicious. 
You go faster, rolling your hips up and down in waves, the knot inside of you building. You know you won’t hold out much longer, and all you want is to finish. 
Ramattra considers stopping, lifting you up and ruining your orgasm. But he’s not that cruel. At least, not for the first one. He wants to see you come undone, he wants to see how fucking pretty you’ll be when you cum for him. 
It only takes a few more seconds before you’re clenching around him, muscles spasming and pussy gushing. He holds you still during it, large hand stroking your head, trying to keep you calm while you thrash around wildly. 
You let out a sigh of relief, rolling off of him. “Sorry,” you say sheepishly. “I wasn’t really thinking straight and—”
Ramattra is on top of you, caging you in to the bed with his body above yours. “Who said I was done with you?”
You swallow hard. “I-I don’t think I can take another one.”
“You can,” his hand trails down your stomach, thick fingers starting to work on your clit, “and you will.”
You suck in a breath, your legs spreading against your will. You’re so wet and warm and waiting for him, your pussy practically begging to be opened up by him. He circles the tip of his finger around your entrance, admiring the way you clench the air in anticipation. 
He slips his finger inside of you. Just one of his fingers is so thick, so long. He reaches places you could never dream of reaching on your own, filling you up so damn good. He works you open, watching you writhe beneath him and whine from the sensitivity. 
It doesn’t take much to stretch you out enough to slip another finger in, the omnic pumping in and out of you at a brutal pace. You’re thrashing around so wildly that he keeps a hand on your stomach to steady you, pushing down and creating a pressure against the fingers he has inside of you. 
He can feel your muscles starting to tense again, hear it in the way you’re whining. He knows you’re not going to last long. He curls his fingers inside of you, trying to get you closer to your orgasm. 
You’re so close, you can taste it. You thrust your hips into his hand, desperate to finish. You can feel it, your whole body is begging for it. 
And then he pulls out.
You don’t waste a second in trying to shove one of your hands between your legs. Ram catches your hand before you can even touch your oversensitive clit, grabbing both of your wrists in one of his hands and pinning it above your head. 
“Do you want to finish?”
You nod furiously, looking at him with your messy hair and pleading eyes. “Y-yes, god, so fucking badly.”
He trails his other hand up your thigh, going so painfully slow. You arch your back, whimpering. Just before his fingers can slide back into you, just before he touches you, he pulls back. 
He squeezes your wrists in warning, reminding you who’s in control here. “You finish when I say you finish. You want to be good for me, yes?”
You nod. 
“Good,” he sounds pleased with your answer, and trails his hand back up your thigh. 
His finger barely grazes your clit but you shiver, arching your back off of the bed. He can’t help but laugh at your desperation, the way you’re so whiny and needy for only his fingers. The way you’re so desperate to be fucked by an omnic almost double your size. It’s so dirty, he loves it. 
He finally shoves two fingers back inside of you, returning to his earlier pace without letting you adjust. That burning need to cum mixed with your sensitivity from earlier and the way he’s so lost in your pussy is all too much for you. It only takes a few thrusts before you come undone around him. 
This time is way more intense than the first, walls spasming around his fingers. He releases your wrists, letting you arch your back and whine beneath him. 
He waits for you to catch your breath for a minute before leaning in close to your ear and whispering, “do you need more?”
You shake your head. Your skin is already feverish and sweating from cumming twice, and your pussy is so sensitive you’re not sure you can take much more. 
Ramattra slaps your pussy hard, staring at you expectantly. “Do you need more?” He emphasises each word with a slap, admiring the way you gush with each one. 
You like pain—he’ll have to remember that. 
“Y-yes!” You gasp out, clenching your thighs together. “I need more. I-I need you.”
He hums in satisfaction, happy with your answer. “That’s the slut I know.”
His words fluster you, making your head even dizzier than it was before. It’s so brash, so unlike him, but you love it. You love how he’s treating you like an experiment. 
Ramattra gets onto his knees in front of you, messing around with the plate just below his abdomen. Omnics aren’t built for breeding, they aren’t meant to procreate. But through years of the evolution of technology and omnic-human relationships, modifications have been made. 
You’re shocked to see Ram remove his plate, revealing a tentacle like cock made of the same organic metal as his body. It’s long and thick, and it’s bigger than anything you’ve tried to take before, but all you want is to feel it inside of you, stretching you out. 
Ramattra laughs at the size difference. He’s already much bigger than a human, and he knows that extends to every part of him. He knows that by fucking you he’ll be ruining you for every human man after, but he doesn’t care. Those human men can’t have you—no one can. They don’t deserve you. 
He lines up the tip at your entrance, rubbing his cock through your folds and gathering up your juices on his length. It’s such a funny feeling for him, you feel nothing like he expected but he loves it. 
He slowly pushes his way inside of you, feeling your gummy walls stretch around him. You whimper, desperately wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He pushes his way deeper, his cock stopping just past halfway. 
He frowns. “You can take more than that.”
You shake your head, toes curling. “Too deep,” you protest. 
He pulls out and slams back in, trying to force more of his length inside of you. He’s so much bigger than you, so much bigger than anything you’ve taken before. He completely stretches you out, reaching places you never knew were there. 
He picks up his pace, slamming his hips against yours in a way you know will leave bruises tomorrow. He’s so deep inside of you, you can hardly take it. Regardless of the pain and the stretch, you find yourself lifting up your legs to give him easier access. 
Ram uses this as an excuse to force himself deeper, hips colliding with yours with every thrust. He trails his hand down your stomach, squinting when he feels the slight bulge in your abdomen. He looks at it in shock—is he really that deep inside of you? Are you really that much smaller than him?
It only drives him to fuck you harder, throwing your legs over his shoulder in a mating press. You’re a moaning mess beneath him, crying out so loudly he’s sure half the monastery can hear you. Good, they’ll know who you belong to. 
You’re almost sobbing from the pleasure, alternating between squeezing his shoulders and burying your head in his neck. Everything is so hot and sensitive, and he’s so big and so deep you can feel him everywhere. But you want more. You need more. 
You moan out his name and please like a prayer. You’re not even sure what you want, what you need. Your brain has practically turned to mush at this point, and you’re getting close to the edge. 
Ram can feel it too, and his cock vibrates in response. The feeling makes you shiver, only begging him to fuck you harder. You’re so close, so so close. All you need is a little more…
His cock pulses again and you come undone, tugging him close to you while you cum. Everything is so hot and wet and the faint feeling of him fucking you through your orgasm only drives you even more. 
Your orgasm is enough to bring him close to his, cock vibrating steadily as he thrusts into you sloppily. He’s so desperate, collapsing on top of you in an attempt to get as deep as possible. 
Finally, he lets go. There’s a hot warmth spreading through your stomach, and you look up at him through teary lashes. “Did—did you just…?”
“Organic nanites,” he explains, smoothing your hair back. 
You nod slowly. It feels so good you don’t care, he could keep fucking his nanites inside of you all night as long as he makes you feel this good. 
It’s not long until you’re starting to drift off to sleep again, your head on his chest and a leg around either side of one of his. Ram strokes your hair, admiring how fucked out you look. There’s still more that he wants to try with you, but there will be plenty of sleepless nights for that in the future.
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felassan · 2 months
Snippets. 🐺💜 DA:TV spoilers under cut.
Carly: Lucanis is "pretty average [height] everyone else is ridiculously tall" [source]
John: "getting absolutely dummied by an encounter in the game you work on as your day job is a uniquely humbling experience" [source] Trick: "Me desperately doing side quests to bulk up before the next big critpath beat because I KNOW I am not currently good enough at Rogue to beat that meat grinder at my current level and gear without dropping the difficulty back down." [source]
John: "hands up if you’re in game dev and have ever caught yourself searching Google for a guide to the game you’re working on that’s not even out yet" [source]
Flaming greatswords? ^^ [source]
Jay: "God, I remember the concept art for this scene" [source] (the scene in the gameplay reveal when Solas sheds a tear when it fails)
Kala: "Thinking back to playing Dragon Age Veilguard with the Council and all the fun we had, the crying (mostly me) and the shock at some of the surprises (especially Caitie) and I can't believe that's gonna be the entire fanbase soon. I can't wait to experience it with everyone" [source]. "I genuinely cannot wait for everyone to see Veilguard. I *know* for a fact there is going to be things people will freak out about, just like we did. There's A LOT people will love. Everyone will have stuff they don't like, which is inevitable, but there's so much to love" [source] Caitie: "Holding hands and sharing headphones because i unlocked the [redacted] scene first ❤️ Fond memories 😭😭" [source]
Trick on some of the chairs in the Lighthouse library group screenshot: "As much as I ADORE the idea of Solas sneaking out of Skyhold with a U-Haul packed to the brim with furniture and all the good mage gear you gave him, I expect it's likely just a common Fereldan style." [source]
Caitie: "If it helps- ive also seen silly ‘head canons’ and jokes thats will end up true haha" [source]
Caitie: "I'm not sure if we can say where we ended up in the story- but we got farther than the GI guy did it seems! By quite a bit. Did not get close to finishing it, however." [source]
Kala: "Pssst… we saw the companion rooms and the Lighthouse and it was really something amazing 👀👀" [source]
here are some more snippets which were posted by the Dragon Age official YouTube account in the livechat on one of the videos last month:
"There are lots of hairstyle options, we’ll have much more to share on the character creator in the coming weeks!"
"It wouldn’t be a Dragon Age game without a visit to the Deep Roads!"
"Our team spent a lot of timing refining combat and making it feel fluid and fun whether you play as a Warrior, a Mage, or a Rogue"
"It wouldn’t be a Dragon Age game without consequences! Your choices will influence the world of Thedas, as well as relationships with your companions"
A user asked "Are you a Fen’Harel spy?" Dragon Age replied "👀"
268 notes · View notes
inuyashaluver · 6 months
can you write a jessie x hockey!r, where r gets into a fight during one of her games and jessie is watching from the stands with some of the chelsea players? thx
cheeky - jessie fleming
jessie fleming x reader
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description: in which your girlfriend brings her friends to her cheeky girlfriend’s game
warnings: jessie still plays for chelsea!! let’s pretend ucla offers women’s hockey 🫠 swearing, mentions of a fight, suggestive
a/n: you guys don’t understand how much this request has infiltrated my tiny brain, thank you you so so much, my love, enjoyyyyy
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you and your girlfriend, jessie were quite literally some of the nicest people alive. every time someone was around the two of you for either a short or long time, they came out feeling lighter, happier and all round just more positive.
you and jessie just radiated love, a special bond between the two of you that was just undeniably beautiful.
you and jessie met at a college party years ago. you both went to ucla yet never crossed paths until this party. you weren’t really a party goer and neither was jessie, you both found refuge in the backyard of the house you were at.
both of your friend groups had unknowingly ditched you and you both wanted some air, away from all the drunk frat boys and sorority girls.
“sorry, do you mind if i sit here?” you ask the brunette where she sat on a small bench. her head snapped up from her phone at hearing a familiar accent. canadian.
“oh, yeah, go ahead!” jessie stutters, scooching over a little and patting the spot next to her. you smile at her gratefully, sitting down with an exaggerated huff.
jessie lets out a laugh when you sat, both of you looking at each other with bright smiles. you both thought the other was breathtakingly gorgeous, feeling like the party was a little worth it at this point.
“you sick of seeing people basically fucking each other everywhere too?” you ask her with a shake of your head, your eyes falling on a couple making out in a way that should definitely be behind a closed door.
jessie chuckles, looking down at the cup in her hand and nodding while taking a sip of it. “that and my friends ditched me” she rolls her eyes, you nudge her shoulder with yours, “mine too, don’t worry” you grin, making her return one shyly.
“i’m (y/n) by the way” jessie smiles, repeating the name in her head that she would surely never forget.
“jessie” you smile at her, pink cheeks a little evident on the both of you when you made eye contact again.
“sorry if this is weird but are you from canada?” jessie asks nervously, your eyes widen comically, your face brightening at the girl's question.
you didn’t really have many friends from back home who came to the states for college. sure there was a bunch of canadian girls at college but none of them were this pretty. or this easy to talk to.
“i am! don’t tell me you are too?” you question, jessie smiled at your excitement, her heart beating quickly at your glistening eyes. she nods, making you start rambling with where she was from.
you both continued to chat and it was scary how much you had in common.
the conversation was full of laughter, shared jokes and most definitely a shared attraction. “so, jessie, what do you do besides being an environmental warrior?” you say cheekily, the girl scoffs, slapping your thigh gently and rolling her eyes,
“i play soccer” she mocks, you give her an impressed smile as she explained how good she really was, “mhm, i should come and watch you sometime, superstar?” you flirt, giving her a charming smile that had butterflies swarming in her stomach.
you’d both gone far from friendly conversation, the flirting taking over after about 2 hours of you familiarising yourself with each other.
“yeah, maybe you should, and you? miss number solver?” she teases back, referring to you doing an accounting degree.
“i play hockey” you move a little so you could face her better and she does the same, although, her face has a shit eating grin on it.
“what’s so funny?” you narrow your eyes at her, “you’re so canadian” she laughs, you shake your head as she throws her head back in laughter, clearly enjoying how you’re not even defending yourself.
she encourages you to talk about your sport and to say she fell in love with you there was an understatement. you spoke with so much passion she really loved to see and hear it.
you also admit you fell in love with her when she talked about her sport, but even more with how intently she was listening to you, soaking in every word you said and clarifying things she didn’t understand.
you both felt something bubbling under the surface as you talked, so much so, when the party started to filter out, she asked if you wanted to get some ice cream and who were you to decline?
the teasing and the flirting throughout the whole night was so unbearable, you asked her out on a date without a second thought, smiling brightly when she accepted without any hesitation.
you both began to date after a few months, becoming one of the ‘it couples’ around campus when everyone could truly tell how much you were in love with each other.
you went to each other’s games with bright, adoring smiles, wearing each other’s jerseys with pride.
you had study dates together, most of the time getting distracted but neither part was complaining.
you were there for each other throughout all the ups and downs, talking and listening to one another for hours and somehow feeling not enough when you were with each other every second of the day.
you’d both established a career before you even graduated college, star athletes in the making in your respected sports.
you’d do anything for each other, so much so you moved with her to england when she signed her contract to chelsea.
while jessie played for chelsea, you still continued to play hockey in england also. it was hard being away from home but jessie made it all better.
your continual support for each other offering a sense of security that nothing else could. it also helped that you both represented canada nationally, often getting the opportunity to go home together.
the chelsea girls knew you too well, you came to every single game without fail with a bright grin on your face in the ‘fleming’ jersey that was almost worn as much as your own.
“your wife’s here” niamh teases as she warmed up with jessie before a match, the two of you weren’t married, or engaged even, not yet at least but this didn’t stop niamh from wishing you were, knowing how much her best friend adored you.
“where?” jessie grins, stopping all movement and frantically looking for you, niamh directs her head to where you were sitting in the friends and family section and her heart swelled with pride.
you wave at her brightly and she returns it instantly, her face growing warm at the smile you sent her, snapped out of her trance at niamh’s laugh. “such a sap” she smiles, jessie just gives her shoulder a little shove, continuing to warm up.
when the match was over after an easy win, jessie bounded over to you without a second to waste. “hi, baby” you smile as she walked into your arms, the barrier making it a little difficult but you both didn’t care.
“hi, gorgeous” jessie says breathlessly, pulling you into a sweet kiss with her hand on your cheek. you smile against her, your own hand on the side of her neck, your thumb brushing against her skin gently.
“my superstar” you say as you pull away, brushing away some stray hairs from her face before pulling her into a tight hug.
“gotta impress my wag, baby” she says cheekily, kissing your cheek repeatedly to make you giggle, working successfully like it did every time.
“i’m definitely impressed, baby canada” you smile, pressing another quick kiss to her lips as you pulled away slightly.
her hands make her way to your waist, rubbing up and down gently as you chatted, only lasting for a couple of seconds before you ushered her to interact with the fans.
“i’ll see you at home, beautiful” she winks, pecking your lips before running away, shouting a quick “i love you” over her shoulder that you quickly returned before leaving to drive home.
you had an upcoming game, an important one at that. you’d been nervous about it all week, jessie frequently having to calm you down so you could breathe. you were the captain, both for this team and the canada team so a lot of pressure fell on your shoulders.
the only reassurance you had was knowing jessie would be there, even inviting some of her teammates to come and watch you since they had the day off.
jessie wasn’t one to miss an opportunity where she got to ogle her talented girlfriend and show you off at the same time so she was extremely excited.
the morning of, let’s just say it was extremely difficult to get you out of the house.
“what if i fuck up?” you whine, turning from the door and walking back to jessie who was watching you from the doorway. “you won’t” she assures, pinching your cheek softly before turning you around and giving you a soft push to the door.
you turn back around, “what if something goes wrong?” you say nervously, “baby, you’ll be fine, we can deal with it” jessie chuckles, you throw your head back in annoyance.
the people who only knew you from hockey would be shocked to know you did this before every game. they’d be shocked to know how soft you were when it came to your girlfriend.
“i don’t want to go” you groan, jessie draws you in by your waist, her arms wrapped around them securely, “baby, you’ll be amazing, like always” jessie says earnestly, her brown eyes looking directly into yours so you knew she wasn’t lying.
“but you don’t know that” you pout, jessie quickly smiling before pulling you into a sweet kiss.
“i’m your girlfriend, i know everything” she says cheekily, pecking your lips a couple of times and managing to pull a small smile out of you.
“you go do your best, that’s all i want from you” she smiles, her hands now cradling your face as your arms wrap around her. “okay” you breathe out, determined.
smiling before pulling her into a breathless kiss that made both of you feel dizzy, sharing a quick i love you before she had to physically push you out of the house, knowing you’d convince her to stay.
jessie made her way to the arena in your jersey, your number written neatly tiny on her cheek. she was accompanied by niamh, zećira, aggie and hannah.
to say jessie got teased the entire time was an understatement but she didn’t care, she had no shame with the amount of love she had for you.
when you skated out on the ice with the ‘C’ over your heart, you had no ounce of nervousness at all. a complete contrast from the morning.
the truth is, on the ice, you were ruthless, completely contradicting how you were off the ice.
you carried yourself with complete confidence, expecting nothing but the best. you were a little rough but one of the best players and everyone knew it. you didn’t take any bullshit.
you were strategic, smart and calculated. you knew what you were doing and you were the captain both in this league and nationally for a reason. a team leader without fail. a role model, a borderline legend.
jessie and her friends cheered loudly for you when your name was announced on the loudspeaker. jessie watched as you waved around the arena before locking back in, skating around the ice in preparation for the game.
jessie was on the edge of her seat the entire time watching you, scoring 2 points in a short amount of time. you were playing exceptionally well, jessie’s heart swelled with pride but she was extremely nervous how this one player kept trying to rile you up.
she knew you didn’t take any disrespect and knew this girl was about to get her ass handed to her.
the girl was being overly physical with you and you would counter it every time. she was the other captain and knew she’d get thrown into the box if she tried anything too much. her behaviour was surprising.
but the girl continued, having the nerve to be near you every time with something to say every two seconds.
you’d ignore it, having dealt with people more annoying than this but it flipped when she started talking about jessie. your jessie.
she started with the insults about you until she said, “is your girlfriend some sort of puck bunny?” you fucking lost it.
you dropped your stick and both of you break out into a heated fight. fists flying before you grabbed her by her shirt, slamming her into the glass and spitting out words that we’re definitely not family friendly. jessie’s eyes were so wide in shock, never really seeing you in a fight like this before.
“talk about my girlfriend like that again and i’ll shove the puck down your fucking throat” you exclaim, getting pulled back by the referee and getting told to go to the penalty box.
you send a glare to the girl and she falters almost instantly before you skated to the box. you sat down with a huff, arms crossed over your chest as you watched your team dominate the other.
jessie shook her head while she looked at you, niamh and zećira cheering you on throughout the fight and even more now that you were in the box.
when your ten minutes was up, you played the rest of the game with passion, finishing with an easy and well deserved win. jessie ran down to where the change rooms were, her teammates waiting nearby.
jessie watched as you skated off the ice, catching your breath as you quickened your pace to jessie. her face was etched with worry as you approached, watching as you took off your helmet hastily and took out your mouth guard.
“hey, baby” you say brightly, bounding over and wrapping jessie up in a hug, your face instantly tucked into the crook of her neck, your cold nose brushing against her warm skin.
“for someone that just beat the shit out of someone, you’re very happy” she says amusingly, her arms wrapping around you without hesitation.
“she deserved it, trust me on that” and jessie did. you pull away from her at arms length, a cheesy smile plastered on your face as you looked at her.
“are you okay?” she asked, her voice clearly laced with worry, you nodded, kissing jessie’s cheek tenderly as you drew her a little closer.
“i’m fine, love, especially since my biggest fan is here” you grin, “you should see the other guy” you laugh as jessie slaps your shoulder lightly, “cheeky” she chuckles, pulling you into another tight hug in absolute relief you were okay.
you could tell she was on edge because of the circumstances, the hug telling you everything you needed to know. you hugged her tightly, letting her find solace in you and honestly calming you both down.
you wave over at her teammates when she pulls away and chat with them excitedly. you held onto jessie’s hand the entire time you all chatted, thanking them for coming and watching.
“what does that say on your stick?” niamh questions, you smile, moving your hand to show that you’d written jessie’s name with a little heart next to it on your tape, a tradition for you ever since you’d started dating.
“good luck charm” you grin, both of you getting teased for your bright pink cheeks. you say goodbye to them before they leave, turning back to jessie with a sweet smile. this is the side of you she knew the best. an absolute softie.
before you get changed, you draw jessie into another kiss, unable to stop yourself from smiling against her when she whined against your mouth.
you give her an amused expression, seeming as though she was a little riled up about the whole situation. “shut up” she groans, pushing you away by your chest slightly but you came right back, pressing a sweet peck to her lips,
“i didn’t say anything” you mumble against her, squeezing her hips gently before you ran to the change room, wanting to get back home as quick as possible.
let’s just say violence is never the answer but is excusable only for the way your girlfriend reacted to you when you both stepped through the door of your shared apartment.
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liked by niamhcharles17 and 44,232 others
_jessflem: you wouldn’t know she beat someone up 10 minutes before this but here we are
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yourname: so worth it
↳ _jessflem: really was actually
niamhcharles17: your girlfriend’s got a crazy fist on her but is SUCH a softie
↳ yourname: watch it niamhy
↳ _jessflem: biggest softie ever
↳ yourname: you’re supposed to defend me
↳ _jessflem: i love you?
↳ yourname: yeah. whatever. i love you too.
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fantasyworld4ever · 6 months
Thranduil NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Gentle and sweet. He’d caress you and assure you he loved you and that you were absolutely perfect. Maybe just a little smug though
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your waist, he loves to rest his hand on your waist as it is a subtle motion and he’s able to comfort you without it being seen as “overly affectionate” as he is a king.
His hands, he loves to see how much pleasure he can give you just from his fingers alone and he enjoys the way you tremble beneath his touch.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He WILL cum inside you. He doesn’t want a drop to be wasted. He’ll last a few rounds, at least 3 rounds but he can go longer if you wish it. His cum is a milky white and there’s a LOT of it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He loves when you ask for gentle and tender sex. He feels honored you feel that safe with him to allow him that.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Very experienced. He had a wife so he obviously knows what to do. He knows exactly what to do to get you begging for more.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. He loves to look at you as he fucks you. Loves to wrap his hand around your throat and watch as you come undone beneath him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Serious. He wants to make sure you realize that he’s present and there for you. He can be goofy at times but he is mainly serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Hairless everywhere (except for his head ofc, he loves his elegant, long hair)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Praise. Just praise. He loves to praise you. “Look how good you’re taking me.” “You’re so beautiful like this” “You feel so good, Meleth. You take me so well.”
He’ll degrade you as well, a smirk on his face as he does so, knowing you love it. “Such a pretty little slut for me, only good for this.” “That’s it. Such a good whore for your king, hmm?”
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t do it often. He doesn’t like to unless you’re watching then he’ll gladly do it. However, unless he’s away on a long trip (war etc.) he won’t do anything.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He loves to degrade you. He definitely has a bit of a choking kink, watching you submit completely to him really gets him going.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He loves to take you on his throne, gives him a bit of a thrill to see you lain across his throne, moaning as he thrusts into you.
His chambers would be his top place though. He loves the privacy of his room, it creates a certain intimate atmosphere unable to be found elsewhere. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Piss him off. Challenge him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would never share you. Never. Not once in a million years. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers to give, he loves to please you and watching as you lose yourself beneath his tongue increases his smugness. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Rough and hard. He’ll grip your hips so tight until there’s bruising the next morning. He wants to hear you scream his name. He wants everyone to knows who you belong to.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not fond of it. He wants to pay proper attention to you. But, if you really want to, he’ll do it, for you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Open to experimenting as long as he isn’t the one in submission.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Quite long. He’s a warrior, what do you expect? He does love to drag out the foreplay though.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t like them. He wants to be the only one pleasing you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not too much of a tease as he doesn’t have the patience for it nor does he particularly see the appeal in teasing for too long.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Loud. Just loud. Moans, growls, everything.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If he’s away for a long time, he’ll write you letters detailing every single thing he dreams of doing to you.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Larger than average length with a nice thick girth. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Not too horny but if you ask he’s immediately in the mood for it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He always makes sure you fall asleep first. No exceptions.
{As always requests are always open! Hope ya’ll enjoyed!!}
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yourlittlebunnyy · 2 months
fawn -tamlin x reader
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summary: Y/n is the youngest Archeron sister. The Cauldon trasforms her into a fairy, and there's only one certain thing in her life: she doesn't belong in the Night Court.
warnings: slightly suggestive, Tamlin (haters step back🙏🤺)
wc: 5,5k
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The Cauldron made you a fairy. A fairy. You scoff at the thought. Nesta has become death itself, Elain a seer. You a stupid, little, useless fairy.
That day, when Fae warriors came into your and your sisters' home and forced you into that place, you never thought you would end up with pearl-colored wings and be able to talk to flowers.
You've always been shy, you've always made yourself small in front of others, and when they threw you into that pile of magic, the Cauldron was generous, in the telling of your sister's lover.
"You went in last. It could have given you nothing, as it could have killed you, but it gave you wings. And flowers, plants, and everything a fairy possesses. You shouldn't pout." But you never asked for that.
When they pulled you out everyone's eyes were on you. How could they not? They had never seen such a thing. Sure, the Cauldron could turn a mortal into a Fae, but a fairy?
You didn't look anyone in the face that day, or the weeks that followed.
"I would like to learn to fly," you once said to Azriel. He replied that he could not teach you, that the fairies belonged to the Court of Spring and that even there they were so rare and secretive that no one knew anything about them.
"But you have wings, too. You just need to teach me how to move them. Please."
Azriel shook his head, a neutral expression on his face.
"I can't. Besides helping you support its weight, your wings are shaped differently from mine, they are smaller and more fragile. I cannot put your life in danger." The authoritative tone makes it clear that the conversation is over. You would have hoped to find a friend in him. Instead, every time you try to talk to him, his gaze has only coldness to offer. Perhaps all his warmth-which doesn't seem much to you at this point-is reserved for Elain.
So, for you, the days go on with no clear meaning. You are not allowed to leave the house, and you can only afford to observe Velaris, such a beautiful city and full of life, from the balcony of the house.
When Feyre returns, you thought for a moment that things would finally change. That she would convince someone to help you get to know your new form, your new being. But you were okay, sure, you were a little confused, but you were living. Elain was much sicker, and all your sisters' priorities belonged to her.
You found comfort in Lucien instead. A charming, red-haired Fae who had lived in the Spring Court for years. That's how you became friends: no one would take you into consideration, and you were desperate for some information, some help. And Lucien fortunately seemed to have answers to your questions.
"I remember you. That day, I mean." You and Lucien are playing chess. It is rare that you talk about that day, but sometimes it happens. You don't care much, talking about it with him has helped you in the past, "Actually, I don't remember much. I remember what Tamlin reminded me of."
Now that's new. Never once had the Fae told her about his High Lord turning his back on her sister. She knew something about it, but she didn't know the whole story.
"Did Tamlin recall to you about that day?" She asks a little incredulously. Lucien nods and tightens his lips, makes a move with a chessman, and a feline smile lights up his face.
"I think...," he freezes for a moment, as if to think carefully about his next words, "he's playing some kind of double game, with Hybern. To get information. He's a good male, only sometimes he struggles to show it."
You feel a twinge in your heart. You don't know why, you should be furious with the man who took your life to give you this. The man who hurt Feyre so deeply. But the way Lucien talks about it, with so much regret....
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You are sitting on the armchair in your room, already wearing your nightwear. You have a book in your hands and are completely immersed in reading, so much that you don't hear someone's footsteps outside your door. You gasp when they knock. You place the book in the small coffee table, and you don't bother to fix yourself: Lucien had told you he would come by and deliver a few things before he leaves Velaris for good. You get sad at the thought.
When you open the door you find not the familiar face, but Feyre's.
"Hey." She greets you. You return the greeting and wait for her to tell you why she is here. Although your new life started off on the wrong foot, feeling ignored by your family and useless, everything healed over time. Now the relationship between you and Feyre is closer than ever, Nesta is doing well, Elain is working on it. You have also learned to accept your sister's Fae friends. You even talk to them from time to time.
"I'm sad that Lucien is leaving. Especially for you" You nod, you know there is something else she is not telling you, "You know how much I told you about the High Lords meeting? I'd like you to come too, if you feel like it." You don't hesitate when you say yes. Your sister told you that not everyone had confirmed their attendance, of whom Tamlin. And she did not tell you about what happened with him. But something inside you urges you to go and meet him. It's for my being, you think, I just want answers, that's why I'm so impatient.
That night you struggle to sleep. At dawn you stop tossing and turning in bed and start getting ready, by now you give up: you won't rest that night anyway.
"You look wonderful" Feyre's words make you smile. She takes Azriel's hand, and in the blink of an eye they transmute into the palace of the Court of Dawn.
After greeting the others politely, you realize that Tamlin is not coming. You do not understand the reason for the disappointment you feel. Perhaps it is even better, so you avoid any awkward situation that might arise with your sister and Rhysand.
The meeting begins, and it is just as you start to disassociate yourself from the High Lords' boring talk that Tamlin appears.
He is alone. You don't remember him from that day in the Cauldron. But he is as you always imagined him. His blond hair reaches a little below his shoulders, clearly unkempt. His green eyes remind you of the blossoming plains. His skin tone is a rosy tint, his facial features delicate, almost princely. He is the very definition of spring, you think. He is a beautiful man, and you understand why his sister was once in love with him.
The silence in the air is tense. Tamlin looks at each person and takes his time with each one. And when he gets to you -- you feel his gaze run through your body, but you ignore him. You make a mistake, though. You look up too soon and meet his eyes. And now the thing is clear as day to you, what you feel in the center of your chest.
A bond.
Tamlin is your mate.
His expression turns surprised, his lips tight and his jaw contracted. He doesn't say anything. He moves on to the next person as if he hadn't heard it himself. But you can't contain yourself, and before you can stop it, a gasp escapes your mouth and tears cloud your eyes. You back away, stumbling back in your chair.
"Are you all right?" Feyre asks you, visibly concerned. You do not answer, but it is Beron, High Lord of the Court of Autumn, Tamlin's friend, who answers for you.
"A bond." He says simply, his tone both haughty and amused. Feyre sniffs the air, looks at you. Then she looks at Tamlin. And then back at you again. The look in his eyes... Rhysand says something, but everything around you is a blur.
First the Cauldron made you a useless fairy. Next the Mother punished you by tying you to Tamlin.
You listen to no one, with hurried steps you leave the room. No one follows you. Good, you think, I don't have to explain myself to anyone for a while.
With one exception, someone has followed you. Your body recognizes him before you do, your heart beats wildly, and you could cry from how wrong this all simply is. Your sister was going to marry this man. And she didn't, she ran away because he did something terrible to her, and now it was going to be your turn.
You stop in the middle of the hallway, and Tamlin grabs your arm gently, leading you into a small room. You try to ignore how such a soft touch puts a pleasant twinge in your stomach. No, you would never do that to your sister.
When you enter, no one says anything for a while and you feel his gaze on you, making you blush. He doesn't even know your name, probably.
As if he hears your thoughts, the Fae speaks to you. "Y/n." His serious tone makes you set your eyes on his. This is so wrong, yet looking at your mate feels like the right thing to do.
"How-how do you know my name?"
Tamlin smiles at your words. An expression so different from the one you saw on his face when he first walked in. It fits him, you think, and fear invades your senses because of the things you realize you would do, because of that smile...
"I remember it ... from that day, with the Cauldron..." Your body stiffens, as if remembering who the male in front of you really is. What he did to you. What he has done to your family.
It doesn't matter that he is your mate, you think. Your body may react to his look and touch, but you will not be betrayed by it.
Tamlin probably feels your emotions through the bond, and with a step forward he grabs your arm gently. He needs to touch you, and you don't realize how much you needed him to touch you, too. You welcome his warmth without fighting back.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n. I'm not just saying this because you are my mate, " Both of you seem to feel satisfaction when he says such words, the bond in your chest seems to glow and sing "I... had to do terrible things to protect my court. To protect Prythian. It was not in the plan to do such a thing to you."
You think about his words, his eyes shining with sincerity. Lucien has told you things that would explain Tamlin's words, that actually make him a good male.
"Tamlin." To the sound of his name on your lips, the man suppresses a growl. "I... Lucien has been telling me things. And I believe you, and I believe you are good male. But the thing with my sister..."
The look in the Fae's eyes becomes embarrassed, and the emotions you feel through the bond are a mixture of shame and remorse. You don't know what happened between the two, but it must have been really difficult if it causes him such a reaction.
"I regret how I behaved. What I did. I was broken, as was she, and I didn't know what to do. I just wanted to protect her, and to this day I realize my mistakes."
You study his face. You find nothing but honesty and pure feelings, and he is really putting your instincts to the test. He's so handsome that you want to jump on him, but on the other side of the coin-you still don't know if you can trust him. But he's your mate, and he deserves at least a chance. There's such a battle inside your head.
"I forgive you. For the Cauldron, I mean. I don't know if she has forgiven you, or will but..." Your hand moves to his where he still holds your arm, both of you smiling. "I think you deserve a second chance, Tamlin. And I -- I'd like to try."
The smile he gives you, so genuine that it makes his eyes sparkle with brightness, makes you realize deep down that you made the right choice.
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You have not made the right choice.
Neither you nor Tamlin ever returned to the meeting.
When you see your sister and the Inner Circle again, they are all furious with you. As if you chose the bond. You scoff at their looks.
"You disappeared all day with Tamlin. Do you realize that? What was I supposed to think you were doing with your mate, huh? Do you realize who we're talking about?" Rhysand yells at you. Feyre, who does not look angry but grieved, lays a hand on his arm, and after what seems like a brief mental conversation, the High Lord comes out with one last murderous look directed at you. Tears sting your eyes.
"Y/n, he didn't mean to be so mean, it's just that they have so many unfinished business..."
"What about you? What unfinished business do you have with him? Why do you all hate him here? And I'm not talking about the alliance with Hybern."
"None, Y/n. I have none. I have had my revenge. In all sincerity I wish him the best. And I want the best for you, too. So if you-if you've talked to him and he seems to-you seem to like him I won't have anything against you, or him, if you accept the bond." Saying these words seems like a great effort for her, but you appreciate it very much. Mor grimaces.
"No one? That male locked you up - no, he let you drown locked up inside his house. Don't you remember what condition I found you in? Well, in case you don't remember, I'll remind you, Y/n. That male after she was turned into a Fae locked her up in a room, denied her every single space of freedom until she went crazy and we rescued her. So don't-"
"Enough, Mor." Feyre says annoyed.
"You want the best for your sister, and you send her into Tamlin's arms without warning her what he would do to her?"
You are speechless. Tears wet your cheeks.
"But he told me-he told me he regretted it. That he was just as broken as you and that he just wanted to protect you..."
"Those are just words, Y/n. But in actions--what do you think is keeping him from doing the same thing to you? We will have no right to rescue you and bring you back here, because you are in fact his. Think carefully about what you want to do with such an individual." And with these words, Mor leaves the room, leaving you whimpering and afraid. Feyre approaches you and wraps you in a hug.
"Everything will be all right. I know you are afraid, honey. You just try, never stop trying, okay? You don't have to accept the bond right away. Even when you move in with him, if you decide to, you can wait and see if it's worth it. And in case it's not worth it, you can always come back as a free woman."
"I thought you hated him."
"No. Everyone deserves happiness, honey."
Before you can even consider your sister's words, war breaks out. Tamlin takes Hybern's side, but as you expected, it actually turns out to be all a double-cross.
You can feel his emotions through the bond, and you know he can feel yours, too. Sometimes your dreams come together and you are able to talk. If you were uncertain about trying before, now you are convinced.
Once you even woke up in the middle of the night. The bond in your chest overflowing with emotion - lust. Excitement. Pleasure. It didn't take long to realize that your mate was pleasuring himself. Just the thought of it was able to make you damp between your legs, and you discreetly slipped a hand under the sheets and touched yourself fantasizing Tamlin in front of you, rubbing his hard cock with one hand, while his eyes were fixed on yours. You reached your climax in the same moment he did, and you could have sworn you heard his laughter on the other side of the bond.
It was also the first time you tried to touch that bond, pulling on that sort of golden thread that connects the two of you. Tamlin responded by doing the same, and when you went back to sleep, you fell asleep with a smile. That night you dreamed about how your mate taught you how to fly.
The next day you were not able to look anyone in the face, though.
But that was a long time ago.
Now you are not in the comforting warmth of your bed. You are in a tent in a war camp and you are freezing. Your body shakes as you try to rub your hands together. Your wings are sore and have taken on a worrying purple tint, you are almost tempted to go to some healer's tent and ask for an extra blanket, but surely they would be full of injured people, and they would need it much more than you do.
A wave of warmth through the bond radiates through you, and you are grateful to have Tamlin right now, but it doesn't stop there. He touches the bond, like he did all those nights ago, and you find yourself out of your sleeping bag, but not to go to the healers. You meet no one as you head to the Spring Court camps. Your heart pounds - you haven't seen Tamlin since that day at the High Lords meeting. A slight blush covers your cheeks. How will you look that charming male in the face after what you did that night?
You don't know which tent is his, but your body seems to know. The bond takes you straight to him. You can smell him - citrus and spice - even before you see him. You enter without even knocking or warning of your presence, aware that he is able to feel your closeness just as you are able to feel his.
"I've been waiting for you." The male offers you a mesmerizing smile. He is different from how you had seen him. He has cut his hair, and it now reaches just below his ears. He no longer has such dark circles under his eyes and looks decades younger. He is now the living definition of spring more than ever. The mere sight of the man could bring you to your knees.
"Hey." You greet him softly, still a little embarrassed. He notices, because his smile now turns feline. You're my little prey and I want to play with you, he seems to say. Only now do you notice a pungent note in his scent - blood. Your worry fills the bond. Yet you have felt no pain through it lately.
He seems to sense the direction of your thoughts, because he shifts his gaze from your figure to his chest. That's where he bleeds. He has been wounded in the chest.
"Tamlin... You're bleeding." He nods, then offers you a reassuring look.
"Oh, don't worry, it's just a little scratch. You, on the other hand, looked very cold earlier." He cannot hide his concern.
"It's already better here, much warmer." You still feel the tips of your wings sore, though.
"To get to such a situation you must have been freezing for a long time, Y/n. Didn't they teach you how to take care of your wings in this situation?"
"Not really-I tried to ask, but I never got an answer." The anger on his face is impossible to mask. He takes a couple of deep breaths before speaking again.
"'Brute bastards." He hisses through his teeth. You feel in awe at his words; they are still your sisters' family.
"No, Y/n. I'm fine, but you...fairy wings are different from Illyrian wings. They should have done some fucking research. You could have lost them, and do you know how painful that is? You could still be losing them." He finally realizes, and jerks around to get his blanket from his sleeping bag. It's thick and woolen, and as he wraps it around you, it smells of him in the best way.
"You're taking care of me." He looks at you surprised.
"Of course I'm taking care of you, Y/n."
"I want to take care of you, too. These days I've treated the cuts of the wounded, I can help you." Tamlin lets out a low growl, then shakes his head. He sits you down on his sleeping bag and positions himself next to you. Shoulder to shoulder. Even this small contact, divided by several layers of fabric, is capable of making your heart race.
"Please, mate. Let me take care of you." Tamlin sighs, then murmurs an unenthusiastic consent. You get up with the blanket still tangled around you, leave the tent without a word, and return a few minutes later with gauze, alcohol, and a clean bandage. You freeze in the doorway when you realize the man has taken off his shirt.
A shirtless male body was no stranger to you. You had often accompanied your sisters to see their males working out. You had gotten to appreciate the muscles. But Tamlin... seeing your semi-nude mate activates something in you, something similar to that night when you came with his name on your lips. You blush and approach slowly, he still has his back to you, as if he didn't hear you come in.
"Didn't they tell you it's rude to stare?" You know he's only joking, yet you still get embarrassed. Yes, you are used to a shirtless male. But to a shirtless male flirting with you? Absolutely not.
You take a deep breath to calm yourself, but the thing that cools your blood is the wound you see ripping through his chest as he turns around. You look at him surprised, anguish and disquiet flow freely through the bond.
"It's nothing, Y/n. I'll live." You find it ironic how he is the injured one, yet you are the one being comforted. You approach in silence, your eyes fixed on the injury, and let him rest his back on the sleeping bag. You kneel beside him, the blanket now forgotten on the ground, and soak the gauze with alcohol.
"Put the blanket back on, Y/n. It's cold." You ignore him, focused on wetting every last millimeter of the fabric. Tamlin is about to get up, but you place a hand on his chest, blocking him. The contact with his warm skin makes your cheeks warm, but the blood on his chest freezes them.
"What is it?"
"The blanket. Put it on."
"No, I'll be uncomfortable while I medicate you." Tamlin growls when you answer him. You snort a laugh, protective males. "Do you find my worry funny, fawn?"
"Fawn?" You startle at the nickname.
"Don't change the subject, put it on."
"But I'm uncomfortable, Tam."
"Then sit on my lap and wrap it around both of us." You don't let him tell you twice. You do as he says and start dressing his wound, which reeks of Faebane. That's why it didn't heal. You notice Tamlin clenching his teeth from the burning and as if on instinct, you reach down to kiss his chest above the wound. At the level of his heart. You both smile, but do not utter a word. When you finish bandaging his cut, you give him another gentle kiss, this time over the bandage.
"So you heal sooner and feel better." You smile at him.
"You are such a little fairy."
"Is that an insult?"
"No, fawn, how could I ever."
You don't converse much longer, the fatigue of battle preventing you from doing so. You get off his lap and lie down beside him on top of the sleeping bag. You remove the blanket and he seems to inspect your wings. A satisfied expression appears on his face and without needing a word, you remove the blanket and use it to cover yourselves. Just five minutes, you think, then I go back to my tent or I'll risk worrying my sisters.
Five minutes turns into the whole night.
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When you wake up, Tamlin is not there. You are under the sleeping bag, though. You smile at the thought. His side is cold, and you wonder how long you slept for. You get up and stretch, and take some time to poke around his tent, something you didn't do the night before. There isn't much there, but you were expecting it. You find a blanket with a note.
Take care of your wings.
You smile like a little girl under her Christmas tree. You leave the blanket there, but take his instead. It smells like him.
A little alarm bell rings in your head. Oh, God. Your sisters must be worried sick. You quickly grab your new blanket and run through the camps until you get to your tent. God, why did they put the Night Court and the Spring Court at opposite ends? It's an almost 10-minute walk.
You enter your tent panting where you find a very, very worried Feyre.
"Are you crazy! Where have you been!" She shouts without even looking at you. But then she does. She smells Tamlin's familiar scent on you. His blanket in your hands.
"Feyre...I can explain, I swear-" She turns a mocking smile on you.
"Ooookay. Maybe next time you warn before you leave. You gave us a scare!" She says without even time for you to respond, leaving you standing in the middle of your tent like a fool.
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You and Tamlin have a kind of unwritten agreement. In the evening he pulls the bond slightly and you join him in his tent. The Inner Circle knows this, but says nothing about it. It's better that way. Once Nesta even came to call you, making Tamlin chuckle and you die of embarrassment.
He never tried to do anything more than cuddle you. And you are fine with that. You don't want your first time with your mate to be in a war camp, on a sleeping bag, with the screams of the wounded in the background. One time he even took you to the top of a hill and you stayed and watched the stars until dawn, then he had to go back to fighting, and you had to go back to helping the healers.
You are afraid to admit it to yourself, but you are falling in love with that wonderful man. And you are afraid of not knowing what will happen once the war is over.
The fear of not knowing doesn't last long, though. Because the war is over. Hybern has died by the hands of your sisters, and Rhys has even died and risen again. You meet Tamlin as the camps are being shown.
"Hey, fawn." He says, smiling at you.
"Hey, Tam." You return his smile, but a motion of sadness contorts your lips into a grimace. Tears are quick to stream down your face. You don't want to cry in front of everyone. Tamlin seems to understand this, because he grabs your arm and within moments you are on the hill where he took you to see the stars a few nights ago.
"It's nothing, it's just ... I don't want us to be apart." Tamlin can swear he feels his heart break and recompose itself at the same time at your words, at your tone. At the emotions you are sharing with him.
"Neither do I, y/n. Neither do I."
Tamlin kisses you. It's sudden and unexpected. It is not a real kiss: he simply lays his lips on yours. His hands caress your face gently. After a few moments, you relax and respond to the kiss with just as much sweetness. Just as much love.
"Come home with me, Y/n. Come stay with me at the Spring Court." You think about his words. The words of the male you are in love with, your mate. Your heart tightens with happiness at those words. You will think of your sisters later: for now you just want to be in Tamlin's arms.
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Communicating this to Feyre was easier than expected, and since you had nothing significant in Velaris, you went straight home with Tamlin.
The Spring Court is... beautiful, breath-taking even. You can't hide the warmth in your chest, the feeling of home it communicates. And seeing your mate in the place where he belongs enhances the experience.
It is warmer than the dry cold of the camps, and you begin to sweat under the layers of heavy clothing. Tamlin notices, and invites you to follow him inside his palace until you reach a bedroom.
You take time to look around. The house seems full of life, smells of flowers and nature, and glows with gold. It is different from what you expected: Rhysand had mentioned, years ago, that he had paid a visit to the High Lord of the Spring Court, and found him in a miserable condition. And like him, so was his house. But to you that sounds like a far definition from reality.
The room he takes you to is beautiful. It is very different from the typical ones in the Night Court. There the wood is dark, the floors are rough, and everything looks like it's been through a battle. They're not ugly, they're just - gloomy.
While the Court of Spring is full of light and warm colors. The bed frame is made of a light, delicate wood and is carved with flowers and leaves. The room does not have much besides the well-prepared bed. There is a closet that echoes the pattern of the headboard, and Tamlin heads straight there.
He opens it, revealing a surprising amount of clothing.
"You can choose whatever you like, I'll wait outside." He smiles at you and you smile back.
You leave the room wearing a new dress. It is the one you liked most. It makes you feel like a fairy, but positively. It is definitely better than what you wear in the Court of Night. The fabric is softer, the pinkish white of the skirt is a color you've never seen before but already love. Tamlin's face lights up as soon as he sees you.
"You look beautiful in my Court clothes, Y/n." Your cheeks take on a rosy hue as you whisper a vague thanks. He holds out his hand to you and you immediately take it. Without a word, he begins to drag you through the corridors you admire all the way to outside. Into the gardens.
As soon as your eyes meet such beauty ... your breath catches in your throat. Your mind immediately wanders to your sister, Elain. How she would love it.
Your mate looks at you smugly.
"Do you like it?" You can do nothing but nod. Tears well up in your eyes at the relief you feel, and you realize you have lifted a burden, the opression of the Night Court.
The words come out of your mouth before you can even think them, let alone stop them, "I want to accept the bond."
Tamlin looks surprised. "What?"
"I-obviously if you want to. But-"
Your mate interrupts by kissing you. You are surprised the first few moments, but you quickly recover, responding to the kiss. The bond in the center of your chest seems to sing with joy.
"Now?" He asks when he pulls away from your lips, a gentle blush covers his cheeks and he is short of breath. He has never looked so good. You nod.
"A little further on there are some fruit trees. If you want we can go there."
You nod, and he takes you by the hand, fingers interlocked with yours, and once again leads you to some fruit trees. You take the opportunity to admire the beauty of his court again. Which will now become yours as well.
You stop in front of a loquat tree. In a comforting silence you turn to pick a fruit. You have nothing with you, and you struggle a little to peel it. You split it in half and offer it directly in front of his lips. He bites into the loquat with his eyes on yours. He finishes the whole fruit.
The bond seems to rejoice and shine and seems to unite your two souls even more than before. His gaze communicates to you that you have a long day ahead. A long night, too.
He kisses you fervently, his hands gripping your hips making you moan in the kiss. You didn't expect to feel this way. Sure, your sisters told you something about the frenzy ... but experiencing it firsthand is something else entirely. The intensity of what you feel is almost overwhelming.
You pull away from the kiss with a heavy breath. Tamlin's predatory gaze, the lust in the look, is impossible to mask.
"Fawn... tell me no now, or I won't be able to stop later." You don't even think about saying no. You desire him as you have never desired anyone. You want to feel him all over.
"Please, Tamlin. I want to be yours."
You spend all afternoon making love on the fields, careless of who might see you. You return only when it begins to get dark. A huge smile on your face.
You made the right choice.
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estell-allary · 7 months
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Pairing:Clarisse La Rue x fem!aphrodite!reader
Warnings:fighting,mentions of blood,reader getting injured,swearing pls tell me if I missed any<3
A/N-this is my first time writing,also this is just a fluff about Clarisse and you loving each other AND you are like the past Aphrodite the fighter and warrior that she truly is,not this soft weakling that people preseve she is just because she is the graceful goddess of love~(it is also 00:30am and this is heavily inspired by the song Salvatore by Lana)
Shocked.That’s what you would say you (and most of camp half-blood) were when you found out that your mother-Aphrodite-claimed you,especially in the middle of capture the flag! No it’s not because you’re not pretty-hell your one of the prettiest girls in chb,but because everyone was sure you would be claimed by ares or even Athena.
Everyone had no doubts to you being one of there children because you were strong,quick witted, intelligent and understanding you also had an undying loyalty towards the ones you loved, but after you were claimed people started to relate you to your mother more-or well who your mother used to be,Aphrodite Areia.
When you were unclaimed you would hang out with the ares kids and a few other people,but there was only(not even)a hand full of people you talked to in the Aphrodite cabin-them being piper,livia,Valentina and silena
I mean you were only claimed a few weeks after you arrived at camp half-blood that being in that years game of capture the flag..that’s also when you met her.Clarisse La Rue,honestly you didn’t really think of her to be all that before the incident,sure people told you to stear clear of her because she was a bully and would not hesitate to flush your head down a toilet,but you just saw her as a normal teenager who had anger issues.
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You’ve only been at camp half-blood for 3 weeks and the date of capture the flag was today,everyone has been preparing and training extra hard for a few days now and you still haven’t even found out who your godly parent is yet,tho everyone’s already assumed who they are,ares or Athena,because your a natural for sword fighting and one on one combat or because you are wise and patient-most of the time.
You were placed on the blue team with the hermes cabin until your claimed same goes with the rest of the unclaimed kids,Chiron did his speach and then the red team let out this loud monstrous war cry that made you flinch,“um Luke,is that normal”you asked in a hushed voice to the black haired boy that was standing next to you “yep,they do it every year,don’t worry you’ll get used to it”he pated you on the shoulder biding you goodbye as the blue team departed.
Stumbling through the woods trying to get to your spot was..difficult to say the least let’s just say you got lost a few times,when you finally get there you lean back against a rock,it was smooth and rough at the same time,just right.You could feel the sun levitating off of your now warm skin,this was sure to give you a light tan.
‘Catch me if you can,working on my tan Salvatore’
You heard a twig snap behind you and you quickly jumped up and grabbed your sword,turning around to see no one,“hello?..”you said confused but keeping up your fighting stance “annabeth?..Luke?” You called out knowing annabeth was close by but Luke wasn’t you were just confused…that was until you got tackled to the floor by non other then..someone? it was a boy and he smelt vile but you had no time to think about that before you panicked and slashed your sword at the side of his amour and flipped him off of you before quickly getting up and taking a step back.
He lunged up and swung at you but you quickly dodged and bolted for the woods, running,in hopes he would head for the flag instead of following you,but he didn’t..it was strange he was going after you and not the flag, “ow!shit!” You cried out as you were tackled to the floor again this time with him stabbing at your amour.
You pushed yourself backwards and kicked him in the stomach sending him back a few meters,you jumped up again and so did he this time you lunged at him stabbing at his chest but he kicked your legs out from under you and pushed you back making you fall of a small ledge and land on the small,damp rocks of the beach.
‘Dying by the hand,of a foreign man,happily’
He jumped down on to you and held his sword to your neck,he was about to open his mouth to say something but you kicked him in the shin making him fall and his sword pierce your skin,not enough to properly injure you but just enough to draw blood,he yelled out as he hit the damp rocks “ah!you bitch!”you both got up again and started clashing your swords together “why the hell are you still trying to fight me!”you grunted out.
Before he could respond you heard yelling and both the blue and red team came running out the woods the blue team with the red flag,the person holding it was annabeth but she faltered for a few seconds seeing that you were is a fight.
Then you caught her eye,for the first time you both looked at each other and gods she was gorgeous.Clarisse La Rue.
But you got distracted.“HEY!”luke yelled out as the boy stabbed with full force at your chest.
‘Calling out my name in the summer rain,ciao,amore’
You huffed out a breath,gasping for air as you grabbed the end of his sword cutting your palm and two of your fingers but kept your grip on it strong,you raised your foot and kicked the boy in the stomach making him stumble and lose his grasp on the sword.You threw the sword into the water and just as he was about to punch you,you grabbed his fist and flipped over above him landing behind him (thank god for you being able to do gymnastics)
Just as annabeth got the red flag to the post you punched him in the back making him fall on his front and he stayed down..OH GOD YOU KNOCKED HIM OUT!!
You looked up panicked and everyone was staring looking shocked at yo-..wait why were they looking above you?You looked up and gasped,
Suddenly you were tackled into a hug by silena who was laughing “oh my god” you heard annabeth say,your gaze went from Silena to Annabeth to Clarisse..she was looking at you with a puzzled expression before saying the thing that everyone was thinking, “how the fuck are you a daughter of Aphrodite?”she said your eyes grew wide before you furrowed your brows “HEY!are you calling me ugly!?”you yelled out looking offended even tho you were thinking the same thing.
“Well no bu-!”Clarisse started before she was interrupted by Chiron “Aphrodite areia..you take after your mother’s original origins from being a warrior”he said with a kind smile on his face.
“Well that’s enough for today everyone go get some rest get fixed up and carry on with your day!”Chiron declared.
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A/N:sorry that there was like no Clarisse x reader in this I promise there will be way more in my next one this one was just a tester btw😃
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rupeenotruby · 2 months
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I see all this discussion of who should pair up but may I suggest who should not pair up. (continued below)
Sure Hyrule has done dungeons but his puzzle solving techniques are:
kill thing(s)
push block
get key
bomb wall
walk through wall
maybe set something on fire???
Like there are a few unique puzzles (like the one with food) but in general... Yeah. And don't get me started on dungeon items. Very few of the items in loz1+2 are even necessary for completing the dungeon you get them in. (this is especially pronounced in aol as only the handy glove is used to complete a palace?? (I think??) The other ones just let you get to the next palace.)
Thus Hyrule would not be the best Link to pair with the one who's never done a dungeon. All he really brings is knowledge of dungeon monsters and the ability to kill them but I think Wars has the killing part covered. Might be a funny though...
Personally the most interesting Link to pair with Hyrule would probably be Wild as Wild doesn't have much traditional dungeon experience (and even less with dungeon monsters) but he does do a lot of unique puzzle solving. They balance each other out with Hyrule being able to kill things and navigate and Wild being able to better solve the puzzles. I mean Hyrule isn't stupid (or has at least 6ish years of Triforce of Wisdom radiation in him) and could probably solve a new-fangled puzzle but they are a team for a reason! Also Wild has infinite bombs. Which is very important.
Frankly the I'd like to see paired up the least are Warriors (for above reasons) and Legend. LOOK!! here me out. I like the downfall duo as much as the next guy. It's just when it comes to dungeons Legend outclasses Hyrule in every aspect. There's no puzzle Hyrule's done that Legend hasn't and there is no item Hyrule has that Legend doesn't (or doesn't have an equivalent to. Ladder my beloved). I feel like Hyrule wouldn't really have anything to do? Legend is just to op in this scenario. I mean if they do end up together I trust jojo to make it work. But right now... I think there are better options.
I also think that Sky and Twilight would work well with Hyrule (though I want to see Sky go with Time) as from my impressions of the games (still working on SkSw though) is that their dungeon items are used really well in the dungeons (I've heard that SkSw does it better though) which would contrast nicely with Hyrule. Plus Twi owes him one.
I don't think I'd mind Wind or Four either I just don't know much about their games and thus their dungeons.
(Also not the best text art I've done. This was supposed to be quick. Still took me two days. (lol))
Back to our regularly scheduled stuff after this!
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arc-misadventures · 18 days
Pyrrha marry bang enslave. Choices rusted knight jaune , normal Jaune and girl Jaune.
Pyrrha: MFE
Nora: Pyrrha! I give you the ultimate game of, MFE!
Pyrrha: I don't want to do this. I mean, I'm against slavery, I can't enslave someone!
Nora: You will once I tell you who people are you'll be choosing from!
Nora: First off, we have good-boi, Jaune Arc!
Jaune: Hi, Pyrrha! Has. Nora been hitting the syrup again, she's acting... weirder than normal.
Pyrrha: Possibly? It's hard to tell.
Nora: Next, we have with withered old knight, the Rusted Knight, Jaune Arc!
RK Jaune: Hello, Pyrrha. It's... It's nice to see you again...
Pyrrha: H-H-Hi, Jaune...
Nora: And, last, but not least! We have our leader from another universe, Jeanne Arc!
Jeanne: Hey, Pyrrha! Whoa... Jaune aged like fine wine...
Pyrrha: That he did.
Nora: So, are you ready to make your choices, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: I am. I will fuck... normal...? Jaune.
Jaune: Wait, what?! Why me?
Pyrrha: You are the, Jaune Arc I fell in love with in, Beacon. You are the first man I ever fell in love with. If I have to give my first time to anyone, It would be to you, Jaune, and only you, Jaune.
Jaune: Oh... I'm honoured you seem me in such a light, Pyrrha.
Nora: That was beautiful. Who's next?
Pyrrha: Next, I will marry, Rusted Knight, Jaune Arc~!
RK Jaune: Oh? And, tell me, my noble warrior; Why do you seek my hand in marriage?
Pyrrha: Noble warrior~? Ahem! Well... as much I love, Normal Jaune, and hope to marry him one day...
Jaune: Wait, really?!
Pyrrha: But, good gods~! I've never be more aroused in my entire life just looking at the man~! I mean, just look at the beard on that man~! And, can you imagine how he will look once he takes off that armour~? If I marry him, I will have him all to myself~! And, we can do whatever we want together, whenever we want~!
RK Jaune: Oh.
Nora: Need a drink, Pyrrha? Cause damn you are thirsty girl!
Pyrrha: Quiet. Now lastly, I will have to enslave, Jeanne.
Jeanne: What?! Why am I being enslaved?!
Pyrrha: Because you need to be punished.
Jeanne: Punished? Punished for what?!
Pyrrha: For hurting my. Jaune so much.
Jeanne: What?
Pyrrha: Granted, it wasn't you hurting my, Jaune so much. But, since I can't punish those fools for hurting my, Jaune. I will hurt you, I will punish you, and make sure you learn the pain your friends wrought upon, Jaune. I will break you, and make you beg for my touch! I will make you understand the pain I felt for the man I love. And, you will enjoy it in the end. Won't you, Pet~?
Jeanne: Y-Y-Yes, Mistress...
Jaune: ...
RK Jaune: ...
Nora: ...
Nora: Fuck that's hot...
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rosemaryblossomworld · 3 months
Reaction. That throne belongs to me!
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The characters' reactions to Y/n's phrase, during the hearing, "Go to hell! That throne belongs to me! Not some drunken half-blood! I am the purest blood of the Targaryen line!" (The reader is the daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon, but she is introduced as Laenor's daughter).
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✧.* Y/n: She's tired of being treated like a bastard. And they forget that she is the pureblood heir to the throne. She knew Laenor wasn't her father, and the whole court knew it. The older she gets, the more she resembles her own father. Now it's her turn to defend herself and her family!
✧.* Rhaenyra: She didn't expect the argument over Driftmark to turn into an insult to her children. The princess thought it foolish of Vaemond to draw the court's attention to her children's appearance. Her boys might not have taken on her features, but here was her eldest daughter! Rhaenyra was happier than ever, rejoicing that she had slept with her uncle that night and that they had a beautiful child. She stood behind her daughter and felt protected.
✧.* Daemon: He smiled. He had seen his daughter lose her temper for the first time, but the way her eyebrows furrowed and her jaw clenched, her posture and her clenched fists reminded him of himself as a teenager. His little princess had become a warrior, ready to repel any attack. The prince gripped the hilt of his sword tighter, preparing to cut off the head of anyone who dared to harm his child.
✧.* Alicent: She squirmed and tried to hide her excitement, but she chewed her lips and discreetly peeled the skin off her fingers. She looked at Aegon and realized that she could only brag about the fact that he had white hair and light eyes, the same as Y/N. She closed her eyes, trying to escape the situation.
✧.* Otto: gritted his teeth. For long months he had planned Y/n's death; she was a true heiress, just like Rhaenyra, and she had interfered greatly with his plans. The man was just glad that both heiresses were women! No one would choose them! But when he looked into the eyes of the young princess, glowing with dragon fire, his courage slowly faded.
✧.* Vaemond: He remained silent, realizing that he had said a foolish thing, directed at all of Rhaenyra's heirs, forgetting the young white-haired beast!
✧.* Rhaenys: She just nodded and smiled in agreement. She knew that Y/n wasn't Laenor's child, but he had raised her and she saw his words afterwards as 'her granddaughter'.
✧.* Jace: grinned contentedly. He watched the faces of the nobles change, and it made him want to laugh! He panicked as he noticed Vaemond looming menacingly over his sister. He looked over to see Daemon clutching his sword, so he followed suit, ready. He wouldn't let anyone hurt his sister!
✧.* Luca: pressed his lips together, he didn't like this 'event' from the beginning. He was unsure of many things. The boy feared for his older sister who had moved away from them and was already in the middle of the throne room.
✧.* Baela: clenched her fists and was ready to come out and stand next to Y/n, but Rhaena grabbed her under the arm at such a bad time.
✧.* Rhaena: She just held her sister back and looked at Y/N to make sure she was okay.
✧.* Aemond: Only a blind man would not notice his smile. He was looking at this doting figure standing opposite the great, angry Vaemond, ready to attack the old man. In all the years he has known this storm, she has never ceased to amaze him. Maybe that's why she's his favorite.
✧.* Aegon: He was only smiling drunkenly and wanted to end this "game" quickly. A jug of good Dornish wine awaits him in his chambers, and perhaps a meeting on Silk Street. If Y/n became the heir, he would be doubly happy, since he had no interest in the throne. He had talked to his mother about it and was ready to give the throne to his younger brother, but for some reason he refused.
✧.* Helena: She felt uncomfortable. There were too many people and too many emotions, so she blinked a lot and made a face. And the situation itself didn't bother her much, she had lost the point of this meeting long ago and was somewhere far away in her thoughts. She often dreamed about Y/n, but until now she couldn't understand the meaning of her dreams.
୨⎯ ୨⎯ 𝒷𝑜𝓃𝓊𝓈 ⎯୧ ⎯୧
"Or is the problem that I am a woman? Or the fact that your significant other, Otto Hightower, will not be on the throne?" Y/n glared defiantly at the man sitting on the throne.
"I would ask... "The man pursed his lips unhappily.
"What if I told you something that could close those two points?" the princess smiled.
"What could it be, silly girl?"
"Let's see... I spent the night with Prince Aemond Targaryen!"
The court erupted in shouts of indignation and surprise.
As Y/N stood next to her mother, she looked into eyes full of surprise and fear.
"What are you..." Rhaenyra couldn't get her thoughts together.
"What? You're the one who said we should team up with the Greens, I found a quick way" Y/N hummed and shrugged.
Daemon couldn't help himself and laughed all over the hall.
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