#ominis' dad has them
weirdraccoon · 10 months
MC: Tom? What are you doing?
Tom 6yo *looking up from where he was conecting the beauty marks on Ominis' face*: Look, Mom! It's a snake!
MC *chuckling and running a hand through Tom's hair*: I can see that. You have the same marks did you know?
Tom *awed eyes*
Sebastian: Wow. This is a weird party.
Tom *with his beauty marks conected, grinning and eyeing Sebastian's freckles with glee*
Ominis *confused. No one had told him he had ink on his face*: What?
MC: Tom, what if we look for more figures in your Dad's face? He must have lots more than us!
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Hi!! I absolutely LOVE your writing, you do such an amazing job!! I was wondering, if you have the time and are taking requests, could you do how each character cuddles with MC? Can be platonic or romantic, and I was wondering if you could also add professors. Thank you so much, I hope it's not to much to ask!! Have a great day/night!!❤️
A/N: romantic cuddling for the friends, platonic cuddle/hugs for the professors :3
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: This boy is a snake. Full body wrapped around MC like a python. He won't let go easily, either. But he's warm and gives many kisses, so the entrapment is worth it.
OMINIS GAUNT: Physical touch has rarely led to good things in his life so MC will need to be patient with him. Once their relationship is to the point that he feels safe with them, he cuddles with his hands constantly mapping their body. He will have every part of them committed to memory.
ANNE SALLOW: She likes laying on top of them with her face on their chest. She finds their heartbeat soothing. She also likes hearing it speed up when she's feeling cheeky.
IMELDA REYES: Physical touch isn't one of her love languages, so she doesn't go out of her way to cuddle them. She doesn't reject it, She finds MC's affection cute, but she'll be reading or messing with her wand while she lays there with MC attached.
NATSAI ONAI: She is the big spoon. She must protecc. She whispers all sorts of sweet nothing's while she's holding them and gives little neck kisses.
GARRETH WEASLEY: Cuddling him is dangerous because MC never knows what he'll do. This goof can't help but make MC laugh. He loves hearing it. He'll boop their nose, lick their face, even tickle them for a reaction.
LEANDER PREWETT: Long boi with long limbs. MC is tangled in him with little hope of getting away. He has quite the wingspan, so even if MC is on the other side of the bed, he can just casually reach over and yoink them to his side.
AMIT THAKKAR: Hope MC likes his voice, cause he's a talker. MC is his captive audience and he will go on and on and ON about just about anything. Mostly astronomical topics, but he goes off on tangents.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He's the little spoon. Doesn't matter how tall MC is compared to him. They could be the longest mfer or just a little backpack, he loves them either way. He feels held.
POPPY SWEETING: Smol. Turns into a ball like a little hedgehog. Might get lost in the cushions or blankets, so hold tight. Also a bit of a squirmer, sometimes struggles to get comfortable. She'll settle down eventually.
ELEAZAR FIG: Dad. Hugs. Like, sit on the couch under his arm, dad hugs. Warm and comforting and loving. MC will likely fall asleep.
MATILDA WEASLEY: She's not too much of a hugger, but she won't deny one if MC asks. They'll be short but comforting.
CHIYO KOGAWA: She's not much of a hugger but if MC really needs one, she'll oblige. Might be a bit awkward, but she means well.
AESOP SHARP: MC will have to be strategic. First, gain his trust. That's the hard part. Second, catch him in a good mood. Third, MC must ask ONLY when no one else is around. His affection is very private. Fourth, (optional step) liquid luck.
ABRAHAM RONEN: Favorite Uncle vibes. Playful bear hugs that crush ribs and pick MC up off their feet. Best hugs for when MC needs a laugh.
MIRABEL GARLICK: Very much a hugger. MC can hold her as long as they need to. Let all their worries and stress melt away in her genuine embrace.
MUDIWA ONAI: She gives the best Mom hugs MC could ever experience. She'll go so far as to hug MC in her lap and rock them like a child, even if MC is tall.
BAI HOWIN: If MC needs affection, she suggests they seek out mooncalves or puffskiens.
DINAH HECAT: She is more affectionate than she lets on. If MC is stressed and needs a hug, she offers one without prompting.
CUTHBERT BINNS: He's a ghost. Move along.
SATYAVATI SHAH: She's not an affectionate person. MC will get more warmth from a glacier.
PHINEAS NIGELLUS BLACK: If MC knows what's good for them, they won't touch him. Ever.
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girl-named-matty · 4 months
Things I learned about Andrew Larson
So, I decided to listen to Andrew Larson voice lines after Divination class (because I just found out you can do this) and here are some things I found out about him!
PSA: Because he shares the same VA as Ominis and Eric, the two of them might have said these same lines although I haven't heard these ones from them. Andrew and Ominis' voices are slightly different so I only wrote down the ones that sounded different than Ominis'. So take all of these with a grain of salt because they may just be random NPC lines!
-Enjoys potions a LOT. Talks about it constantly. -Has a toad, loves the toad, but wishes he had and owl. -Has three older sisters, all of whom used the same wand that he has now. -He ran into Adelaide Oakes by accident after being distracted by Peeves and sent her books flying everywhere. -His dad wanted him to be the Ravenclaw Seeker. -His great-aunt was a Hufflepuff. -The way he speaks is very interesting. He uses slang, shortens words unlike Ominis who shares the same VA, and has pretty long voice lines. Which is the biggest way to tell their voices apart. And his is slightly deeper. -Didn't meet any of his cousins until he attended school and they were all sorted into Ravenclaw. -Loves helping others with their homework.
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(also I was supposed to post this months ago and didn't OOPS. Hope you enjoyed <3)
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oneofafew · 5 months
Fanfic idea
(An appropriately aged) FMC, Sebastian and Ominis engage in … activities they probably shouldn’t engage in together.
MC finds out she’s pregnant
She doesn’t have a clue which one of them is the father.
Seb has always wanted to be a dad, he wants a chance at having a family of his own and sees it as a way to redeem himself
Ominis however is determined the Gaunt line is to die with him. He doesn’t want children. He knows it would be incredibly dangerous for someone like MC to bare a Gaunt heir should his family find out.
Queue angst and fluff and jealousy and trauma from all parties.
That’s all I’ve got folks.
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fierymiasma · 1 year
〖 A Poetic Misunderstanding〗| Ominis Gaunt x Reader
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Summary: The last thing that Ominis expected from their ten year class reunion was to end up in the middle of Three Broomsticks kissing the savior of Hogwarts.  He only wished he was able to see just how beautiful she had become.
Ominis and female reader reconnect at their class reunion after 10 years of being apart.The AgedUp! Reunion of Ominis Gaunt x f!MC.
Content: Fluff with some angst, flustered Ominis, Victorian Era Flirting, Happy Ending, Kissing
Word Count: 3k
|| Masterlist || AO3 || | Reunion request with Sebastian x f!MC
Ominis had begun formerly courting her in the middle of the fall of their 6th year.  It became commonplace to see the 'new student' and him strolling along the Black Lake.  They would find a secluded area, set a blanket, and lay comfortably with their favorite books.  Ominis liked it especially when she read out loud to him, despite being perfectly capable himself.  He claimed, "the words just sound better coming from you."  She wasn't sure if that was entirely true, nevertheless, she indulged him in the late night reading.
They didn't talk about what life would be like after graduation.  It was one of touchy subjects in which neither party wanted to think too hard about their futures.  In which Ominis would no longer be shielded from the chains of his family name and in which she had to rise up and take her solemn duties as a Keeper of Ancient Magic.
Unfortunately, the passage of time did not stop for them. It wasn't long until Ominis got that ominous envelope from his mother that sealed their fault.
He had sent an urgent owl to her, asking to meet at their usual spot next to the Black Lake.  When she had arrived, Ominis was faithfully standing next to their favorite tree by the lake, just as he had for every day.  His back was turned, facing towards a lake that he could not see. Although she could not see his face, she could tell from the heavy weight on his shoulders, that he did not bear good news.  
"Ominis, you wanted to talk to me?"  She asked, approaching him quietly.  She gently brushed her fingers on his right shoulder, as a guide for him to see where she stood next to him.
She finally got a glimpse of his ashy expression. Her heart stopped.  Though it was spring, the lake brought an cold front, freezing the pair that was standing next to it.
"I just received a letter from my mother." Ominis said quietly.  His hand was clenched on his wand, its red tip seemingly duller than usual.  "She told me what my family has in store for me after I graduate Hogwarts."
"What did she say?"
Ominis turned his shoulder away from her, as if unable to face his lover.  "Mum and dad found me a betrothed."  His expression was angry.  "Someone who've I've never met that I am to marry by the end of the summer."
The air left her lungs, only to be replaced by the icy wind surrounding them.  They did not keep their relationship secret from Ominis's family, though they did not openly advertise either.  Still, it was not unknown to them that the girl Ominis had been seeing was a Muggleborn. Despite her ability to control a magic that few purebloods could even fathom, Ominis's lover was still of inferior origin.
"Is your betrothed Pureblood?"  The Keeper of ancient magic couldn't help but ask.
Ominis's brows crinkled in pain.  "Yes."
The two were silent for a bit, standing in the cold.  She couldn't stop herself from wringing her hands, afraid of the question she wanted to ask.
"Ominis, do you plan on going through with the marriage?"
The sharp-tongued man was utterly silent. His lack of words spoke volumes.
Something fiery in her clenched heart exploded.  "So, that's it?  Just like that, you acquiesce to their demands?  You, who had no love lost on your family, finally bend the knee to their wishes?"  She scoffed at Ominis's stony expression, willing him to say anything, to do anything, to deny these allegations she was making.
Before Ominis could speak, she felt herself being pulled back as if there was a hook in the middle of her gut dragging her elsewhere.
With a gasp, the Keeper of ancient magic returned from the memory in the pensieve.  She was now back in her research chambers, transported back to her reality from her days as a Hogwarts student.  She took a shaky breath, trying to even her respiratory rate.  It was far too painful to continue with the rest of the ten year old memory, too agonizing to hear Ominis's sad reply.  Wiping her nose, she looked at her reflection in the pensieve.  The makeup around her eyes were smudged with her tears.  She couldn't help but marvel.  It has been ten years since their 7th year.  Ten years since she last saw Ominis in person.  Ten years since they had lost what was once theirs.
Feeling tired as she often did, she turned her back to the pensieve, sliding down its column to sit on the hard stone floors. She rested her head against the cool pillar, lost as to what to do.
Poppy and Natty had arranged a ten year reunion of their closest classmates at the Three Broomsticks tonight.  It would be fun to catch up with old friends.
It would also be devastating to see what Ominis looked like now, no doubt with his wife hanging off his arms.  Merlin she hasn't seen him in ten years.  She couldn't even stomach going to their wedding (not that the Gaunts even wanted to invite her).
Thunking her head against the pensieve, she wondered if it was worth it to go to the reunion.
Ominis worried at the cufflinks to his dressrobes for the millionth time that night.  He had arrived early to the Three Broomsticks to help to set up.  He only found however that he was quite useless with decorations and that sort of things, and Natty and Poppy gently (but very firmly) sequestered him away from the various party assigned tasks.  So he sat in the corner nursing a butterbeer, alone with his thoughts.
He wondered how his old flame was doing, having not seen her in all this time.  Their departure was a painful one.  Ominis never went without a day regretting how they separated.  He spent many hours thinking of how different it could have been, had he made other choices that day.  
In their time apart, he had wrote to her frequently, as he did when they were still in school.  He filled the letters with familiar poems, just like the ones they used to share together.  He would pour all of his regret, his sorrow, and his love for her into those stanzas.
She would sometimes, on the rare occasion, write back.  Her letters provided him a terse update on her health and a polite inquiry as to the well-being of himself and his family.  If Ominis was lucky, she would tell him what recent adventures she was on, though they were never more informative than those written in the Daily Prophet.  
He wondered what she looked like now.
Funny enough, it was Amit who kept in touch with her the most.  Amit, the clever, hard-working Ravenclaw, had quickly ascended the ranks of the Ministry and was now the new Ministry-appointed ambassador between Goblin and wizardkind.  Amit and the hero of Hogwarts often worked closely together, solving wars before they could even start with well-placed diplomacy.
Amit had also arrived early, punctual as he had been in their youth.  Spotting Ominis by his lonesome, he eagerly approached the other man, sitting down on the unoccupied stool next to him.
Perhaps if Amit were someone who cared more about romance and settling down, Ominis would feel a tinge more jealous about the time they spent together.  Instead, it gave Ominis ample opportunity to ask, "What does she look like now? Has she changed?"
As obtuse as Amit could be sometimes, the Ravenclaw instantly knew who Ominis was talking about without having to ask. "Um, I guess she's taller, maybe? And doesn't wear school robes?" He shrugged.  "She wears these really fancy real-proper robes now."
Ominis sighed.  Well, it was a poor choice to ask Amit of all people to describe the beauty in people instead of dusty tomes.
Poppy grinned having overheard the conversation. She was always the other Hufflepuff's closest confidant while they were in school together.  Poppy was the one always pushing the shy Hufflepuff to be more bold and daring when it came to matters of the heart.  Patting her hands dry, she approached the two former students, eager to join in some light-hearted gossip.  "Well, Ominis, if you're asking about our savior of Hogwarts, she's doing quite well.  She grew her hair out.  It's super smooth and long now, though she has these beautiful braids that she puts it in when she goes out for any business.  Whenever, she visits my creature sancturary, she's always dressed in colorful robes like royalty, like a noble from some old Pureblood family." Her voice took a rather teasing tone. "She's very pretty if that's what you're asking."
Ominis flushed, "Um, thank you, Poppy."
Poppy giggled.  Before she returned back to her tasks around the tavern, she threw a wink behind her shoulder.  "Good luck tonight, Ominis."
Ominis flush deepened.
It was well into the night, after the rest of the crew had long arrived and gotten themselves well acquainted with the bar, that she made her entrance.  Ominis knew the second that she arrived when he heard the boisterous applause and cheering flood the small tavern.  Pausing his conversation with Everett, he turned, hoping that she would approach him.
It was in these moments, where Ominis was frustratingly reminded of his lack of sight.  He wished he was able to see what she looked like now.  If Poppy's words were able to hold a candle to the true beauty that she must be.  He wondered if her voice was unchanged, enchantingly mesmerizing.  He remembered falling asleep to the sound of her melodic words as she read from their favorite books.
His wand, almost like his a sentient companion, was able to map her movements as she made her way around the tavern.  It took no effort for it to follow her footsteps as she introduced herself politely to all the party members.  It wasn't long until she arrived right in front of him, coming to a standstill.
Even amongst the crowd at the Three Broomsticks Ominis could pinpoint her unique scent.  Honeywater, lavender, with a hint of ivy.
"Hello, Ominis."  She shyly greeted.
"Hello.  It is a pleasure to be with you again, after all of this time."
Her eyes roamed greedily over his appearance. He had grown so much since their last meeting, now a good head taller than her.  His cheekbones were sharper now, giving him an air of an aloof aristocrat. His blue eyes somehow never lost their dull, instead they were more piercing.  He was wearing black dress robes, freshly pressed, and accenting the long angles of his torso.  He had on black gloves that hid his long skillful fingers.  To her shock, there was no waifish, beautiful woman at his side. Ominis's wife was probably getting herself a drink.  Or she hadn't even bothered to show up for this whole silly affair.  
"So," the former Hufflepuff started awkwardly. She wasn't sure how to make small talk with the boy she once shared her deepest fears and secrets with. "What are you up to now?"
Ominis chuckled.  "Well, finally decided to listen to you and Sebastian for once and use my words for something other than yelling at the two of you.  I'm with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement as a lawyer.  I prosecute dangerous dark wizards and witches who commit crimes of hate towards Muggles."
She blinked, not expecting that answer. "Ominis doesn't that mean…people like your family…"
Ominis nose crinkled.  "Yes, I prosecute Pureblood extremists like my siblings and the rest of the godforsaken lot." He shook his head.  "It hasn't been an easy journey."
She couldn't help but smile.  "Well, if you were anything like how we first met, I’m sure you give those dark wizards a run for their money.  Merlin, I still remember almost being brought to tears when you first shouted at me, I can't imagine you in the courtroom!"
Ominis flushed.  He apologized for his lack of manners back then, and he'd continue to apologize for them now.  "We did have a bit of a rocky start didn't we?  Still, as awkward as it was, I am glad you came to Hogwarts, and came into my life."  He frowned, "Though you haven't been in my life much recently."
She felt off balance.  She cradled her drink in her hands.  "Ominis, please do not be mistaken.  I cherish every single letter you have wrote to me.  Especially the beautiful poems.  But��" she started nervously, something like jealousy building in her gut.  "what would your wife think?  I hope she is okay with you writing such provocative words to an unwed, single woman."
Ominis' browns wrinkled.  "Wife?  I'm not married."
She blinked rapidly.  Ominis, unmarried?  The room was spinning, and the floor rocked beneath her.  Her heart was pounding.  "But…after graduation…your parents…the whole betrothal."
Ominis scowled.  "Oh, they tried to marry me off.  Tried to make sure I produced little Gaunts as quickly as possible."
She choked on her butterbeer.
"But as soon as I came back home after graduation, I could see how my family were trying to sink their claws into me, trying to get me to do their bidding.  I couldn't stand for it.  I left immediately."  Ominis snorted, crossing his arms.  "My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner."
Her hands covered her mouth in shock.  Had all this been just a silly misunderstanding? "So, you and your family are no longer speaking?"
He snorted.  "Hard to be on speaking terms when you've been estranged and put away your cousin in Azkaban."  He touched his chin in deep thought.  "Not sure if I can even call myself a Gaunt anymore. Probably not even allowed to use the family name.  I most likely would take my wife's last name, if she would allow it."
Again, she coughed into her drink.  The butterbeer kept going down the wrong pipe. Trying to recover with as much grace as possible, she asked quite forwardly, "So, you aren't with a wife currently, are you seeing anyone now?"
He had a small smile on his face. "Now, not now.  Though, I do hope that changes for me in the near future."  Her face burned at his words.  Ominis did not relent.  "I must confess, I had asked the others to describe how beautiful you were to me. I seem to recall you being the most beautiful girl in all of Hogwarts.  I'm sure you look even more lovely now."
"Ominis!"  She gasped, scandalized at his forwardness.  "You're not too bad yourself."  She admitted.
He laughed.  "Nothing, compared to what you must look like I'm sure."
She felt bold.  "Would you like to see?"
Ominis frowned.  Although his guiding wand was helpful in assisting him to see the rough hazy outlines of people, it was by no means perfect.  "Sorry, I'm not sure I entirely know what you mean."
She set aside her glass on a nearby table. Nervously fixing her hair, she approached him.  She was much closer than she should be for someone having a mere cordial conversation with an old friend.  She anxiously bit her bottom lip, "Do you trust me?"
"With my life." Ominis replied without a wasted second.
She stepped closer, small hands slowly moving into his larger ones.  Delicate fingers started taking off his skin-tight leather gloves.  He jumped at her unexpected behavior.  The sudden skin contact between their joined hands felt like electricity between.
"What, what are you doing?"  Ominis blushed, incredibly flustered.  While he didn't share the old-fashioned ideals of the Gaunts, some traces of social etiquette still lingered.  Merlin, doing…whatever it was she was doing… between two unsupervised, unwed young people?  In public?
She giggled, her lingering touch felt like scorching hot fire on his hands.  "Muggles don't have wands to help them around.  This is how blind muggles see: with their hands."  
In Ominis's opinion, muggles were entirely too improper.  
She continued taking off his gloves with no future protests.  His hands had not changed much since their childhood.  They were still cold and pale with long piano-player fingers.  Though all she wanted to do was lace their hands together and press kisses to his palms, she refrained.  Slowly, she guided his hands to her face.  Her eyes flickered upwards, looking at Ominis face to gauge his reaction.  With her hands on top of his, she gently pressed the pads of his fingers along the curve of her jaw, giving him permission to explore.
Ominis felt faint, unsure if what was happening was a dream.  Enraptured by this new form of sight, his fingers followed the soft curve of her jaw up to smooth transition to her cheeks.  He felt her flutter her eyelashes at the sensation and marveled at how long they were.  There was much he could do to learn from muggle kind.  The formalities fell away and social graces were entirely forgotten. He traced the contours of her face, eager to see what she looked like.  
"None of my poems ever come close to describing you," He concluded.  "Merlin, you transfix me."  
With his hands still on her cheeks, he could feel her sharp intake of air.  One of her trembling hands reached up to meet his.  She held his hands in place on her cheek, begging for him not to stay. "Ominis, I've missed you."
His thumb brushed her cheek in a soothing manner. He was unwilling to drop his hands away from her, less he let her go.  "I've missed this.  There isn't a day that goes by when I'm not thinking of you reading me your favorite books next to the Black Lake."
She slowly steered Ominis's hands to the one last place he still had not dared to touch.  He could feel the edge of his thumb meet the soft creases of her lips. "Ominis, what if we were to go back?  Go back to how it used to be, when we used to spend our days walking around the lake."
Ominis pulled himself closer to her face, his thumbs brushing the cupid's bow of her parted lips.  Before his eyes fluttered shut and before his lips met hers, he whispered softly,  "I would very much like that."
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Can you do where yn is strong and picks up Gareth, ominis,and sebastion like there nothing and yn plots them down to bed to cuddle?
Hehe I love this~
Sebastian Sallow:
This man loves a partner who can kick his ass anyday, so imagine his DELIGHT when you don't even flinch when picking him up.
It has him blushing like you wouldn't believe.
Like Okay. He's noticed you were stronger than people tended to believe, and of course you had to have a little strength if you play wrestle with the mooncalfs all the time. So it doesn't surprise him when you can pick him up but when you can just BE SO CASUAL???
Gets him so flustered he gets giddy when looking at you.
Will absolutely ask you to carry him short distances. It makes him so happy!
Just saying. If you could pick him up while snogging, this man would die. Right then and there.
However he still likes to maintain his strong unbothered persona so expect to be the little spoon still, and DONT mention it to Ominis!!
The day he was being stubborn and refusing to come cuddle you was the day his life changed man.
You just picked him up and sat him down, flopping your weight on his chest so he can't get up? He's turned on. Like no joke being lifted like that just does something to him
Ominis Gaunt:
Ominis is a stronger kinda guy. like he's not muscular but he has some lean muscle to him. Yet he has never picked you up in fear of hurting you because he can't see.
So when he's sitting at his desk, stubbornly writing and denying you cuddles because of a late essay, he is SHOCKED when he's lifted off the ground.
He hasn't been picked up since he was a baby so it is definitely odd for him. At first he does NOT like it.
But then he realizes that while weighing less than most boys in his year, he was still too heavy to be tossed around,. AND YOU DID IT WITHOUT MUCH EFFORT??
my boy is impressed. He definitely tells Seb in the morning.
This leads down a weird black hole. Suddenly Ominis is thinking about your arms, if they have muscle. He likes the thought.
He wouldn't ask for it again because he finds it sort of embarrassing. Yet his boyish grin when you pick him up occasionally makes it easy to tell.
Garreth Weasley:
What a nuisance. (Affectionate)
Man's knows your strong and adores it.
He grew up with a bunch of rowdy brothers per usual Weasley style. It doesn't matter if he's absolutely head over heels for you, playful wrestling matches will happen. Finding someone who is strong works well for this.
But he never thought you were stronger enough to just...manhandle him?
and he is AMAZED
like mans asks you to do it again just because holy hell this is awesome
Unlike Seb it's not a turn on, its more of a "wow, can you lift this crate?? YOU CAN??? INCREDIBLE"
Garreth keeps a mental list of the best moments in his life...things that make him happy and such. Of course he has the moment he got his Hogwarts letter, his dad teaching him what wood to get for the fireplace, your first kiss, but he also has the moment you first picked him up.
He's wrestling you because while he loves you more than anything, his obscure love language is wrestling and roughhousing with you. And you just kinda, pick him up and plop him down on your bed to snuggle?
you looked so nonchalant and he PRAISED you because wow. He's laying on your chest while you stroke his hair and he's just mentally wondering what else you can pick up.
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metal-mouse · 1 year
Dad!Ominis is the best fucking thing ever.
Crying, screaming rolling on the floor
What about Seb?
You know what, I have a lot of opinions about this one.
Under the cut because mentions of pregnancy and childbirth <3
I want to start this off by saying that Sebastian Sallow would be an amazing father.
When MC reveals they are pregnant, he goes on a roller coaster of emotions.
At first Sebastian would be over the damn moon that he's going to be a father. Like, MC has never seen him this happy in the entire time knowing him. He's excited, he gets started on a nursery right away, he tells the neighbours before you even have a chance to tell any family.
However, as the weeks go by the doubt starts to settle in.
Perhaps Sebastian doesn't deserve to be a father. Not with his past. Not with the things he has learned and the things he has done.
How could hands that have taken life hold new life? It seemed wrong. Sebastian was certain his touch would taint someone so new, innocent, and pure.
MC notices that Sebastian withdraws a little bit. He goes from constantly touching her belly and talking to his child, to just straight up avoiding her and avoiding talking about the baby.
Sebastian starts working more, taking on more cases and staying longer at the office in some attempt to buy his redemption. He had become an Auror to try and make up for what he'd done, and to try and prevent others from doing the same thing he did - why not try a little harder.
MC sits him down one night when he gets back from work very late and finally coaxes him into confessing his fears. MC reminds him that she too has killed, and she asks him if that would make her a bad mother. Sebastian is appalled at the notion, insistent that MC will be an amazing mother.
MC reminds him that the past is the past - it's not possible to undo what had been done - all she and Sebastian can do is learn from their mistakes and become the best people they possibly can. Sebastian is crying. He loves MC so freaking much.
Anne is happy for Sebastian. Five years after Solomon's death, the twins had spent a long time talking and had formed a tentative relationship again. Despite a lingering rift, the two were quite close again.
Or, if Anne has passed away, Sebastian visits her grave and lets her know she's going to be an Aunt.
He visits Solomon's grave as well.
Sebastian is convinced it's a girl. MC thinks it's a boy. They're both right. It's twins.
He reads to MC's belly, and MC is amazed that the baby always seems more active whenever Sebastian does so.
Cries the first time he feels the baby kick. It embarrasses him so much, but he's just so so so happy.
He'd be so obnoxious during the pregnancy, insistent that he'll do everything and MC should just sit there and look pretty and make their child. It drives MC insane, and it takes some sharp hexes to get him to relax a little bit.
Pre-parental panics like he's a sim in the Sims 4 when MC goes into labour.
Obviously they have twins. I'll play into that cliche so hard. A boy and a girl. Sebastian has a mini crisis over this. They name the twins after Sebastian's parents and Eleazar and Miriam Fig.
As they grow, the girl looks exactly like MC just with Sebastian's eyes and freckles. The boy is literally just Sebastian. MC wants to know where the hell her genetics went - until he gets an attitude and she understands that the poor boy has her temperament.
Sebastian is literally the most fun dad. He helps the twins play pranks on their unsuspecting mother. He takes them to Quidditch games all the time. He teaches them to fly on those mini-brooms.
He continues reading to them, this is something he does well into their early adulthood. The twins find it very relaxing.
Still has his doubts. Still has his bad days. Still is uncertain every step of the way, but he tries as best as he can - and to be honest, he's a wonderfully supportive and patient father.
I'm sorry but he's the stereotypical introduces himself to any of his daughter's male friends with a threat and always asks their intentions with his daughter.
Splits discipline with MC evenly, neither of them are the good parent/bad parent. Also helps with EVERYTHING. Often takes over and tells MC to go sleep because raising twins is a lot of work.
They're such a happy little family.
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radical-ghostface · 1 year
Missing Time Chapter.4
Summary: It had been 10 years since Sebastian Sallow was sent to Azkaban for the murder of his uncle, Solomon Sallow. He was finally released and was intent on getting revenge against MC and Ominis for turning him in, but upon arrival at their tiny house, he made a shocking discovery. MC had a daughter, and the child was his.
Warnings: Mentions of Dark!MC, Depression, PTSD, and a whole boatload of angst.
Pairings: Dad!Sebastian Sallow X F!MC, Ominis Gaunt X Anne Sallow
(Alright ya'll this one is definitely lengthier than the last 3 chapters. I wanted to go more into MC and her life and how everything has affected her, and may have gotten carried away. Sorry I keep leaving you all in suspense 😬 lol anyways! I hope you all enjoy 🙂)
MC sighed absent-mindedly as she took pieces of her daughter's hair in her hands, swirling them around each other until they formed braids. Ominis sat across from them, smiling happily.
From the outside looking in, she probably seemed so content with her little life, happy even. 'What a beautiful family', people would think. What those people would never see was that her heart was heavy—filled with a deep despair and longing for what could have been and never would be. She had never quite been the same since the.. incident.
Most days, when she knew no one was watching, she would just lay there, not eating or speaking to anyone—lost in her own mind, in the painful memories of the past.
On these days, she would reach into her bedside table and pull out the only picture of him she had left, the one thing she had kept hidden, just for herself. She would cry for hours upon hours as she allowed herself to drown in the sea of emotions and pain. Her heart longed for him in ways that nothing else could possibly ever remedy.
MC never forgave herself for being absent the day Sebastian was harshly ripped from her life and thrown into Azkaban. See, what most people didn't realize was that she had no part in his imprisonment.
After everything had happened with Solomon, she was almost immediately thrust into her confrontation with Rookwood, preventing her from fully processing what had just happened.
"Children should be seen and not heard."
Hearing Rockwood utter the words she'd heard from Sebastian countless times set a fire inside her, and she was out for blood. This man was responsible for everything that had happened to the Sallow twins, and she would have vengeance for that.
MC was more vicious than she had ever been. The loving and childish spark was gone from her eyes, a cold murderous look replacing them. She was almost unrecognizable.
He crumpled over in pain, screaming at the top of his lungs.
She found she took great joy in his pain, watching him writhe around like a helpless little muggle.
She knelt next to his screaming form, taking it all in.
"You don't think I'm finished with you yet, do you?" she laughed coldly. "You have a great deal to pay for, and I'm going to make sure you pay for it with your blood."
Perhaps she had taken it too far because, by the time she was finally finished, he was a bloody babbling mess. Begging for it to end, for her to award him a small amount of kindness and just put him out of his misery. These pleas were ignored.
With every curse she cast on Rookwood, a flash of Solomon's last moments in the catacomb flooded her mind. Rookwoods curse on Anne had destroyed who Sebastian was as a person—taken away his innocence, pushed him to become a murderer. She was never going to let that go.
"Oh, I would love nothing more than to use the killing curse on you right now," she snarled, "but think I'll just settle for taking your wand and leaving you here to die. Slowly. Suffering"
She picked up his blood-soaked wand, taking one final look at his gasping form before apparating out of there.
When she had finally returned to Hogwarts to tell Sebastian the news, he was gone.
She refused to speak about it with anyone, resulting in several people assuming she had been the cause of his imprisonment or, at the very least, involved.
Shortly after this, she was forced to confront Ranrok in an attempt to save the school. She succeeded but also lost Fig in the ensuing chaos.
Her efforts earned her the title,
She loathed the name. Hero? She couldn't even save the love of her life from a fate worse than death. She was no hero.
She had found out she was pregnant shortly after that; Ominis and Anne gave her their full support and vowed to keep her and the baby safe.
Regardless of everything that had happened, this was a piece of Sebastian. A piece of the boy that they had tried so desperately to save from himself.
They had failed him, but they wouldn't make the same mistake with his child.
MC had to live with the knowledge that if she hadn't tortured Rookwood nearly to death that night, she might have made it back in time. She could have saved him. Instead, she let her bloodlust take over. She had allowed the darkness to win, and it cost her the most important thing in her life.
Not a day goes by that she doesn't think about him sitting in that cold cell, alone in the dark, dementors sucking out his very essence.
Then suddenly, she can't breathe, and Ominis is kneeling next to her on the floor, trying to help her regulate her breathing and rubbing small circles on her back.
This was almost a daily occurrence.
Ever since Sebastian had been sentenced, she would get regular flashes of their last time together in the catacomb. She would see his face clear as day, the pain and utter defeat etched into his features as if she were standing next to him. She would see Solomon's dead body and Anne's flames destroying the Inferi.
She could feel the flames on her face, and she swore if she stretched her hand out far enough, she could reach him. Pull him out of this painful memory and into her life, but every time she tried, the air was sucked from her body all at once, and she was on the floor, gasping for breath.
This was the main reason Ominis and Anne had invited MC to live with them after they had gotten married. The other reason was that Anne wanted to be there for the birth of her niece. It was no surprise how attached she felt to this baby; it was essentially the only family she had left.
Anne's deep devotion to the baby led to MC picking the perfect name.
Anne Sallow.
She absolutely cried over that for a few hours.
They all knew Anne's time was short, having never found a cure, but that didn't stop Ominis from insisting on making her his wife. He was determined to give the woman he loved a happy life while he had the chance.
If anyone deserved happiness, it was Anne, and when MC gave birth, they made the perfect little family.
Little Anne was about five years old by the time her aunt finally succumbed to Rookwoods curse. It took a significant toll on the family, with MC falling into an even deeper depression than before. She could barely get up or do any basic housework. She couldn't even get her daughter dressed in the morning or feed her breakfast. She felt like a failure, like she was the worst mother in the world.
That's when Ominis stepped up to take on most of the responsibilities, all the while assuring her this wasn't something she could control, and both he and little Anne knew she was doing her best.
By the ten year mark, she had finally felt more stable, like they had figured out their little routine.
Despite that, the images of Sebastian never ceased to plague her mind. She didn't think she would ever truly be happy.
The sound of a question directed her way pulled MC out of her thoughts.
"I said, now that you've finished braiding my hair, is it okay if I go outside and play for a little while?"
She looked up and saw Anne's braids freshly done. She hadn't even realized she'd finished. She must have been caught up thinking for a while because Ominis was now asleep on the couch opposite her.
"Yes, of course, sweetheart. Just be safe."
Anne jumped up excitedly and threw on her coat.
"Of course, Mommy! I always am," She said, giving her that little sideways smirk she inherited from her father.
MC rolled her eyes and smiled.
"Yeah, yeah"
Anne rushed out the door with a little giggle.
MC smiled fondly and glanced out the window after her, and that's when she noticed something.
It was Sebastian.
Sebastian Sallow was at her front door talking to her daughter. His daughter. Was she dreaming? Was this a cruel trick? Had she finally lost it? It couldn't be him. Sebastian was in Azkaban. He was gone. But- but he wasn't gone. He was here. He was here after all these years.
Taking a good look at his face, she finally felt she could breathe for the first time in ten years. Her mind was clear. She closed her eyes and felt herself race towards the door, ready to wrap herself in his arms and kiss him breathless.
But when she opened her eyes, she found herself in the same spot, terrified to move. It was as if someone had cast petrificus totalus on her, as her body refused to obey her brain.
Soon after, she saw him turn to leave, bidding goodbye to Anne.
She mentally screamed at herself to move, to run after him, and never let him go. Instead, she just watched him walk away, her heart breaking all over again.
Tears freely flowed down her face as she sobbed into her hand, trying her best to be quiet so Ominis didn't hear her. She didn't want to explain what she had just seen, and she had no idea how Ominis would react. She herself wasn't even sure what to think or how to react.
All she knew was that for the few minutes she had just observed him, she felt things she didn't know she could feel anymore. Seeing him felt like home.
When Anne came home telling her about a strange but friendly 'family friend' she had met, she urged her daughter to keep it a secret from Ominis.
"At least for now. You trust me, right?"
It didn't take much convincing; little Anne was more clever than most people realized, just like her father.
This continued on for the next two weeks. Sebastian would show up, hang around, talk to Anne, and leave. Never once attempting to knock on the door and talk to her.
This made her heart break a little more every time, but when he would return the next day, her heart would be healed again. It was like a vicious cycle of hope and despair.
She had figured by the first week that he would never actually walk up those steps and back into her life.
If Sebastian were as clever as she thought he was, he'd have figured out Anne was his by now and supposed that's why he kept coming back. She felt comfort in her heart at the thought of him wanting to be there for his daughter, even if he didn't want her anymore.
So she just observed them together, day after day, while keeping Ominis in the dark about it. She knew it was wrong; Ominis had been there for her throughout everything. He was her best friend. He was Sebastian's best friend, and he deserved to know, but she had no idea how to tell him.
She was also enjoying being able to observe these little father-daughter moments and just take them all in; seeing Sebastian get to be the father he always should have been made her happier than she had ever felt in her entire life.
She had just arrived home from one of her usual trips to the market. Unfortunately, they were all out of Dirigible Plums, Ominis' favourite, so she'd had to settle for real plums. She knew he would be whining about that for a few hours, but unless he wanted her to grow them herself, he was out of luck.
Ominis didn't complain much, but he was a little particular about the food he chose to consume.
"Okay, so I'm back! Ominis, they didn't have the fruit you like, so I just got-"
She stopped dead in her tracks, her heart beating out of her chest at the sight before her.
Sebastian Sallow was inside her house. He was crying while Ominis looked on regretfully, and Anne held his hand, gently comforting him.
She felt the tears spill over at the sight, and her throat tightened, squeezing so hard she wanted to gasp for air.
They all looked in her direction when they heard her words, and she felt Sebastian's eyes lock onto hers.
She felt so overtaken with emotions that all she managed to gasp out was a meek, breathless "Sebastian..."
Finally, he was home; he had come home to her.
They had a lot of lost time to make up for, and she was going to make sure to savor every moment.
Alrighty, you already know the drill. Tagging some lovelies 💕 thank you so much for continuing to support this series. If it weren't for you guys, I never would've made a part 2.
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blueseachelle · 1 year
Ominis Gaunt x MC! Reader
Warnings: Smut
Summary: Ominis and Y/n have been through everything together. They slowly fell in love and as time went on, they started to date. Now, they are ending their 6th year and starting the 7th year. Ominis decided that he would spend the Christmas holiday with his beloved with her family in London. Ominis is finally ready to tell her something.
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Ominis met Y/n outside of the castle.
"I almost thought you got lost for a minute, Omi."
She kissed the male's cheek and intertwined hands with him. The blonde blushed and chuckled,
"Yeah. I'm just a little nervous to meet your family for the first time. Then, Sebastian stopped me and... yeah..."
The (H/c) colored girl just giggled,
"It's okay, Ominis. My family already knows a lot about you. You are family in their eyes and they know that you need your wand to guide you. There are wizards as well, remember? Purebloods who decided to spend their off time in the Muggle world. You're going to fit right in and sense new things. Don't be nervous, okay?"
Ominis nodded and kissed her the back of her hand,
"Okay. I'm ready to go."
With that, they apparated right outside of the grand doors of the L/n manor. Y/n opened the doors and led Ominis inside.
"Mom! Dad! I'm home!"
Ominis stood in slight shock. She addressed them so... so informally. What shocked him more was the response.
The fast clicking of heels rushed towards them,
"Y/n! Ominis! Welcome home!"
Y/n's mother hugged Y/n first and kissed the top of her head. The younger lady chuckled and gestured to Ominis,
"Ominis, this is my mother, Alice."
Ominis did his standard bow to her mother,
"It's a pleasure, Mrs. L/n."
The lady let out a laugh,
"No need for formalities, Ominis. Call me mom!"
Alice pulled the blind boy into a warm embrace while looking to Y/n and saying,
"It seems your going to be ushered into our family at the rate I see it."
Y/n blushed along with Ominis,
The older lady giggled and released Ominis,
"Come along, you two. Alex is this way!"
The red-haired lady led them into the den. A man sat in a lounge chair reading a newspaper. He looked up as his wife entered the room. His face then turned into a smile as he spotted his beloved daughter,
"My little Viper!"
Y/n smiled back and made her way over to her father.
"Hi, Dad."
The older man pulled her into an embrace and kissed her cheek,
"How has been Hogwarts been treating you?"
The girl hugged him back,
"It's been wonderful. I brought Ominis with me."
Said blind boy stood rigidly, unsure what to really do in this situation. Alice gently guided him closer to Alex,
"He is a sweet boy. Be nice, Alex."
Alex chuckled and released Y/n, who stood next to the blond.
"Well, son. I'm Alex, Y/n's father. I heard a lot about you and... I already like you. So, just treat my daughter right and we'll be alright, Okay?"
Ominis nodded and stuttered out a 'yes sir'. The brunette man stood and clasped his shoulder with a chuckle,
"We're gonna get along swimmingly. Y/n, something new is going to happen this year. The whole family will be gathered to feast on Christmas Eve and open presents on Christmas Day! So, to accommodate everyone I hope you don't mind sharing a room."
"Who will I share it with?"
Alice smiled at her daughter's innocence before continuing for her husband,
"Why Ominis, of course. We know he won't be comfortable with the rambunctious boy cousins so, we decided that would be the most comfortable for all of us."
Y/n's eyes widened and she looked to her mother, who winked back in response. Ominis heard her father chuckle again and squeeze his shoulder,
"Go ahead and show Ominis to your room. Dinner should be ready in an hour and a half, Okay?"
Y/n nodded and gently grasped Ominis's hand with a gentle tug, she led him up the stair case to her room.
She opened the door to her room. Home. Her room wasn't as large as her parents but it was the next largest one. She had a king sized bed and light blue bedding. To the left of the entrance, was a private bathroom with a shower and separate bath.
Y/n closed the door behind Ominis once they entered, she led him to the bed and they sat together.
"Are you okay with this, Omi? I can convince them to give you a room if you are uncomfortable."
Ominis shook his head quickly,
"No no no. I'm okay with this arrangement as long as you are. I can trust you and you can trust me. I love you, My Dearest."
Y/n smiled and kissed his cheek,
"I'm okay with this. Now, I'm going to get changed into some more... Familiar clothing."
She walked to the closet and opened it to reveal new clothes for her and... clothes for Ominis? The closet was halved. On the left side was Y/n's dresses and on the right side was male clothing. She shook her head with a smile,
"My parents have clothing for you as well. The put them in my closet. Would you like to change as well?"
Ominis felt a warm feeling come from his chest. What was this? Familial love? He felt cared for, other that Y/n's care. This was something he never had. He actually... enjoys this.
"Yes. I would. You can pick out my outfit, of course."
She giggled and pulled an outfit from the closet,
"I'll describe the outfit and you say yes or no."
Ominis nodded.
"So, the outfit I picked are black slacks, a white button down and dark blue vest. There is a dark green vest as well. Which one?"
Ominis smiled in the girl's directions,
"Which ever one you would like me to wear, Love."
"Hmmmm. Okay, you are going to where the green vest because I want to where my green dress and then, we'll match! Sound good?"
Ominis nodded with a smile,
"It will be an honor to match you, Y/n."
Y/n walked over to him and set the outfit next to him on the best. She gave him a kiss. Small, sweet, and passionate. She broke the kiss and walked back over to her closet,
"Okay, Darling. I'm going to change in the bathroom. You change in here. I'll knock before I come out, Okay? Call for me if you need me."
With that, the door shut, leaving Ominis alone with his thoughts. He slowly started to remove his Slytherin robe and moved to the buttons on his shirt.
He thought about how his family welcomed him with such open arms, much like how Y/n welcomed him into his feelings for her. He loved her dearly. After the whole Sebastian incident and so forth, she was so strong in the face of it all. He was there to comfort her in her dark times and she did for him as well. They have been together for about two years and only started kissing 4 months ago. She was so patient with him. Whatever boundary he set, she respected it no matter what.
She deserved more. He wanted to give everything to her to prove to himself he was one hundred percent in this relationship like she was. He decided he will do it when the time was right.
It's Christmas Eve.
The first night Y/n and Ominis slept in the same bed together was slightly awkward at first but, when Y/n cuddled into his chest when she was sleeping, he was comfortable. He held her close every night from then one. He loved her presence so close to him. He couldn't help but think about how much closer they could be by the end of Winter break. The thought excited him.
Y/n scrambled about the house in her Christmas Eve attire. A dark red adored her frame. The gold accents only seems to make her more beautiful from what Ominis could detect with his wand. He wore a matching vest to compliment her outfit and to show that they were together. Ominis took pride in that fact that she always chose to match. It made his heart swoon.
Her H/c locks were curled and styled to taste. She looked ethereal to him. She helped her mother decorate the house and helped the house elves and maids with preparing the meal along with her mother. They always treated there helpers as equals. Ominis admired that fact.
"Ominis. Come, join me in the den. It's better than accidently getting tackled by the perfectionist."
Ominis chuckled along with the older man and followed him into the den. He took a seat in the arm chair across from Alex.
"So, Ominis. I know it's a sensitive topic for you but, I have a couple questions for you. Is that okay?"
The blind boy nodded,
"Yes. I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability, Alex."
The older male chuckled,
"Just call me Dad. I already see you as my Son-In-Law. You won it over in my eyes."
Ominis could only nod and let out,
"Of course, Dad."
Alex cleared his throat,
"I know how the Gaunt family is. I know how purity oriented they are. I had a family the same way. They only wanted me to marry a pureblood Slytherin girl but, I chose to be with Alice. It was by luck she was a Pureblood Gryffindor girl. I truly didn't care if she was a 'mudblood' or not. I loved her. Now, with that said, my concern is that your parents won't accept Y/n for who she is. Yes, a pureblood but, we both know she doesn't act they way they want her to be. Are you ready to be disowned if, and when, this happens?"
Ominis sat a slight shock. He related to his family problems? He looked up at Alex,
"I don't know if Y/n told you this but, when she was dealing with the discovery of her magic abilities, we were there for each other every step of the way. Through thick and thin, we survived Ranrok and Dark Magic. I am prepared to sacrifice myself for her if be needed. I love Y/n. So, to answer the question directly, Yes, Dad, I'm ready for that day to happen. I know what my family do and I hate the Gaunt name that I'm stuck with. I want nothing more than for it to be nothing. Y/n means the world to me. I will do anything for her if need be."
Alex nodded, leaned forward, and rested a hand on the younger boy's shoulder,
"My feeling was right about you. You will treat Y/n perfectly. One more thing, Son. I would be more than happy if you take the L/n name. It's there when you are ready for it."
Before Ominis could say anything, Y/n walked in,
"Boys! Time to greet the family! They should be here any moment."
Ominis felt Y/n gently take his hand to lead him and the hand on his shoulder give him a reassuring squeeze as it departed. The four stood by the door as it opened. They greeted the extended family with warm smiles. Y/n made sure to introduce Ominis to everyone. Soon enough, voices filled the large house. All warm and friendly. Ominis felt happy as he wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist as the stood by the door, watching the rest of the family chatter and the kids play.
Y/n rested her head on his chest. He looked down and kissed the top of her head. For once, he felt accepted. He felt at home.
After dinner ended, the younger children surrounded Ominis on one of the many Living Room couches. Y/n was helping her mother clean up so, she wasn't there to save him from the barrage of questions of the rambunctious children.
"How do you see your outfits?"
"How do you know if your hair is bushed correctly?!"
"I Usually-"
"How do you not trip up the stairs all the time?"
"How do you know who is who?"
The questions kept coming. He didn't have a chance to answer because they just flew by too fast. He felt his cheeks warm up. He was almost at his breaking point until,
"Hey! Ya'll stop bothering my Boyfriend! How about this? Take some cloth and tie it around your head and try to navigate the world, hm? Put yourself in his shoes."
The children scrambled and went to bother their parents for cloth for there new game. Y/n gently sat next to Ominis and rubbed his back. She kissed his cheek gingerly,
"I'm sorry I wasn't quicker. They can be a little much at times."
Ominis rested his hand on her covered thigh,
"It's okay. Curiosity of children are overwhelming at time. I'm just happy to rescued me before I exploded."
Y/n giggled and rubbed the back of his hand that rested on her lap. He sighed, "I'm feeling a little drained. This is the most interaction I had in a long time."
Y/n nodded,
"Same here. You can retire for the night. I'll join you shortly after I make sure no one needs anything else."
Ominis smiled and kiss her gently. She kissed him back as she slowly stood up in front of him. They locked eyes for a few seconds until they heard a thump and a child cry out with an 'Owwwwww'.
They both let out a laugh as Ominis stood up. He hugged her and kissed the top of her head,
"I'll see you when you retire, My Dearest."
He then departed to their shared room. His mind racing with thoughts of how he was going to approach Y/n when she comes to him in a few.
Y/n finally caught a break to excuse herself to her room. She walked in with a sigh of relief. She looked so see Ominis leaning against the bedframe with his wand over a book. His eyes flicked over to her at the sound of her entrance. He wasn't wearing his normal night attire. He wasn't wearing his night shirt. Here he was, waiting for her shirtless in her bed. She blushed at the sight.
"O-omi? Did I keep you waiting long?"
The blond shook his head, closed his book, and set it aside,
"No. Not at all, My Love."
She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and moved toward her closet, trying to undo her corset in the process. She muttered angerly to herself as she accidently tightened it,
"This damned thing."
Ominis chuckled, his keen hearing hearing her struggle,
"If you don't mind, I could do it for you if you like."
Y/n's face heated up. She stuttered out a quick 'yes please' and moved over to the side of the bed he was sat. His hands gently felt along her shoulders down to the corset. With skilled fingers, he undid her corset. The girl pulled if off of her body. The top of her dress fell forward, exposing her breast to the cool air.
Ominis's hands met with the bare skin of her back. He felt a shiver run through her. He moved his hands to her waist and gripped gently. He felt her look over at him. He smiled,
"I've been doing some thinking, Y/n. I... I think I'm ready to take things farther with us. You have always been so patient and respected my boundaries. I think I'm ready to take this new step. I love you. So so much, My Love."
Y/n's eyes widened and her jaw slacked. This was sudden for Ominis. Usually they have a thought out conversation about the topic and take it from there. Now, here he is, telling her he is ready for her. She instantly let her dress drop, pooling around her feet. She stood in nothing but her lace panties. She turned her body towards him, his hands still holding her naked waist.
Her hand caressed his cheek,
"Darling, I love you so so much. If it gets too much, tell me, okay? We'll go at your pace, Darling."
Ominis couldn't help but smile. He loved how kind she is. It only fueled the fire in his chest for her. He moved his hands to her hips and pulled her close and kissed her. She let out a little noise of surprise before melting into him. Her hands moved to his bare shoulders.
As the kiss intensified, Ominis threw off the blanket from covering him from the waist down, revealing him in his boxers. Y/n took the hint and moved to straddle his hips. After parting the kiss, she moved and kissed down his neck. His breath quickened and his heartrate as well. Losing himself in the feeling, he titled his head back as he let out a groan.
Y/n smiled against his neck and moved her hands to his. She moved them from her hips to her breast,
"You can touch as much as you would like. I'm yours, Ominis."
His hands squeezed her breasts, playing with her nipples as she kissed along his shoulder. His mind went blank. He couldn't think, only feel. When he pinched her perky tips, she let out a moan into his skin and grinded her hips against his hard on. He gasped at the friction, his hands gripped her lace covered hips and panted out,
"A-again. Please."
Y/n did it again. Ominis let himself fall back against the bed. His beloved perched atop of him. She connected the dots quickly. This was his first time. She wasn't a virgin, much to her dismay. Firewhiskey and being alone with Sebastian don't mix. It never happened again, much to the brunette's dismay, and she regretted that it ever happened.
She smiled and ground against him, resting her hand on his chest for leverage. His hands gripped her hips tightly. She knew it was going to leave bruises by morning. Y/n kissed his neck and continued to kiss down his body.
Ominis drowned in the pleasure he was receiving. He felt his abdomen twist and tightened. He wasn't oblivious to sexual activities. He heard other males in his dorm brag about there experience. He did jerk off once in a while and have dirty thoughts. He didn't have these thoughts until Y/n came around. Once she showed up, his brain decided to start thinking about her in those manners. He gripped her hips and stopped her movements. He panted out,
"I don't want to cum without you, My Love."
Y/n giggled and slipped off her panties as she spoke,
"You are sweet, Omi. This night is all about you. So, I'll lead you though the actual event as his is your first time."
Ominis face heated up and flushed into a bright red. Her hands tugged his boxers off. He shuttered as the cool air hit his heavy cock.
Y/n watched as precum beaded up on his tip and dribbled down his cock. She gently took it into her grasp. He gasped at the touch. She stroked him a couple times before positioning herself over his. She rubbed her dripping slit along his cock and teased his tip.
Ominis's body started to shake with anticipation. His hands gripped the sheets below him as he let out a shuddering breath. Y/n looked down at him,
"Ready, Ominis?"
The boy could only nod. His breath caught in his throat.
Y/n gentle lowered herself onto him. His cock stretched her perfectly. The (H/c) colored girl let out a moan and moved her hand to his chest after fulling taking him. Ominis groaned at the new sensation. She was hot, wet, and tight. His mind went blank as his hips subconsciously thrusted up into her. She took this as a sign to start moving.
She lifted herself up to his tip and came back down. Ominis groaned again with a whimper. He shut his eyes tightly as she started to move. He wasn't gonna last long. She felt to good.
Y/n closed her eyes as she chased her high. She leaned forward and kiss the pleasure bound male beneath her and whispered,
"I love you, Ominis."
Ominis's hands instantly moved to grip her waist. He desperately thrusted up into her chanting 'I'm gonna cum' over and over. Since Y/n hasn't done anything in a while so, she was close as well. She rested her forehead to his,
"I'm close. Cum with me, please."
The desperate tone in her voice pushed him over the edge. His grip moved to her bare hips and sheathed her fully on his cock as he came. His head threw back into the pillows and hers threw back into the air. Her hands gripped his forearms like a vice. As they came down from their high, their foreheads came together again. Ominis kissed her gingerly,
"I love you, Y/n. I want to be with you for as long as I am able. I have a gift for you."
He pulled a box from the nightstand drawer next to them. He held up the box gentle towards her,
"You know how my Aunt Nautica raised me until her passing. Well, she gave me this before she left. She said to give it to the person I want to spend the rest of my life with."
Ominis flipped the box open, revealing a diamond set in a white gold ring with a vintage vine design. Y/n gasped. He continued,
"This was her engagement ring that her muggle lover gave her before my family disowned her and... well... killed her love. With this ring, I want to ask you, Y/n L/n, will you marry me?"
Tears poured down Y/n's face as she accepted. Ominis slipped the ring onto her ring finger and kissed her. She held him close as they kissed. The ring fit perfectly. Ominis made sure that it would before revealing it.
The rest of the night was spent holding each other and exchanging 'I love you's' back and forth. Ominis felt his heart swell. He felt at piece for once. Everything was going to be alright in the end. No matter what he has Y/n and her family to support them. He finally found something he searched for in her.... home.
The family gathered in the living room. Presents stacked under the tree. Everyone looked around and made sure if everyone was here.
Alice looked around,
"Where's Y/n and Ominis?"
They then appeared in the doorway, hand in hand. Y/n smiled a bright smile at her family. Everyone could see the happiness radiating off of them. Before anyone could ask, Y/n cleared her throat,
"I have an announcement to make about a new development. As a gift to everyone, Ominis and I would like to announce that.."
Y/n held out her left hand adored by her engagement ring and continued,
"We are engaged!"
Her mother instantly rushed to the duo and hugged them close with tears of happiness pouring down her face. The room buzzed with congratulations and cheers. Ominis smiled and felt Y/n look over at him. He knew he made the right choice. This is home and this is his new family now. He loved every minute of it.
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Just found your account and spent maybe a little too much time scrolling through the content here (i dont have a problem what are you talking about)
I was wondering if you could do the students (and possibly teachers) reaction to MC accidentally calling Fig dad?
A/N: awwww yes! Father Figure Fig is best Fig!
MC was having lunch with their friends in the Great Hall. Professor Fig stopped by to give them a library book they needed for study. He had checked it out before them and promised to give it to them at the earliest convenience.
He sets it down next to MC and gives them, and their friends, a polite wave before walking away. He did not want to interrupt their conversation. As he steps away, he hears MC say "Thanks, Dad." behind him.
MC: They had a mouthful of food when they noticed the book and Fig. They wanted to thank him and hurriedly swallow their food to say so before he was too far away. They don't know where the dad part came from. They don't call anyone dad. It was entirely accidental. Their cheeks flush red with embarrassment and they wanted to disappear.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He raises an eyebrow. "Didn't know you two were related. Isn't he a bit old to be your dad?" He laughs at MC's fluster.
OMINIS GAUNT: "Shut up, Sebastian. It was clearly an accident. They've never mentioned parents before." He goes back to eating.
ANNE SALLOW: She kicks Sebastian under the table. "Fig can be their dad if MC wants him to be. He's one of the nicest professors at Hogwarts."
IMELDA REYES: She snorts at MC's freudian slip, and joins Sebastian in the taunting. "Bet that's not the first time they've done that."
NATSAI ONAI: She doesn't get what's so funny. If MC sees Fig as a father figure, they should be free to express it.
GARRETH WEASLEY: "Ha! You called Fig, dad. That's funny. Are you going to tell your real dad about it? ... Do you have a real dad?" He realized he never asked if MC had parents. The subject just never came up.
LEANDER PREWETT: He actually did a spit take from how unexpected MC's response was. Don't get him wrong, Fig is a good professor, but dad? Seems a bit much.
AMIT THAKKAR: "Out of all the professors here, Fig does make the most sense as a father figure. At least to you specifically, MC. He was your introduction to Hogwarts, was he not?"
EVERETT CLOPTON: He takes off his glasses and wipes off the pumpkin juice from Leander's spit take. He completely missed what MC said, so he's just annoyed that Leander sprayed him.
POPPY SWEETING: She laughs at Leander and Everett more than MC and the Slytherins. The whole situation didn't really phase her, she was just enjoying the vibes of the friend group.
ELEAZAR FIG: His heart. Oh, sweet Merlin, his heart. He didn't want to make a scene in the Great Hall so he kept walking like he hadn't heard them. When he thinks he's out of line of sight, he clutches his chest and nearly cries. Even if it was just an accident, he was overcome with emotion.
MATILDA WEASLEY: She and Mirabel were in the Great Hall's antichamber when Fig came out and clutched his chest. She thought he was having a heart attack. When he explains, she sighs with relief and shakes her head with a smile. MC and fig were practically inseparable, so this didn't surprise her too much.
MIRABEL GARLICK: She was ready to run to the hospital wing with Fig when he explained his situation. She's so happy for him. It makes her happy when a fellow professor does such a wonderful job with the students that they truly see the professors as parental figures more than just teachers.
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girl-named-matty · 4 months
Introducing HL boys to your family/parents and how the boys would act 😚🤭
I want to adopt ominis into my family he'd be so happy with us 😫
sorry that this took so long and may not be my best work, I've had a long week! LOL
He’s nervous. Extremely nervous. 
What if they don’t like him? What if they think he’s not good enough for you? Basically making every excuse ever. 
It’s not like he doesn’t want to meet your parents but he’s just nervous they’ll be disappointed in you for your… interesting taste in men. 
He’ll go through random mood swings that consist of being confident enough to go right in there and immediately steal your parent's heart and then going through terrible anxiety that they’ll hate him. 
Eventually, you just have to tell him to stop worrying because he was just doing too much. 
But then he meets your parents and just as you said, everything goes wonderfully. 
In fact, they love him a lot. Your dad obviously gives him the “Are you good enough for my child” rundown yada yada but after that they are practically glued at the hip. 
And then when you two are going home you give him the whole “I told you so” talk because you just can’t help yourself.
Ominis is extremely hesitant at first. He’s always had a rough time with family relationships in general because of the family he came from. 
But he would like to meet yours, especially since he knows that’s the gentlemanly thing to do. 
He tries to hide the fact that he’s nervous but you can see right through him. But instead of teasing him, you comfort him and tell him everything is going to be okay and that your parents are going to love him. 
And unsurprisingly, they do. 
Some long, meaningful conversations were shared between him and your parents that night and after, they kept telling you how much they loved him and how much of a gentleman he was. 
And when you told him this, he felt like he could cry. But in a good way, of course. 
He’s a keeper :)
He was actually the one to bring up meeting your parents first. 
He has a big family and he knows how important it can be to someone. And he was completely calm about it. 
Which was ironic because you were the nervous one. 
Garreth has… Well, zero to no filter. And you were nervous that he’d say something in front of your parents that’d get you into some hot water. 
But when he did meet them, it went wonderfully. They talked the entire night and they fell in love with Garreth and his personality. 
Little did they know he was much more chaotic than that but they’d see that side of him once the two of you were married and he was officially part of the family ;)
An absolute nervous wreck. 
He was overthinking absolutely everything and it was making him sick.
You tried your best to comfort him, telling him it'd be okay and that they'd love him. I mean, how could they not? He was sweet and was always trying his best to make a good impression.
When he met your parents he was stumbling over his own words while just trying to have a conversation. Which then led him to overthink it some more. 
But your mother actually thought it was adorable and quickly took to him. 
He still over thinks things sometimes, but that’s okay. He’s felt like he’s truly found a place in your family and that’s all that matters.
(Again, sorry that it was short and maybe not the best but thank you for requesting anyway <33)
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orobaxis · 2 years
meeting ominis gaunt in hogwarts (the slytherin silver quartet)
ominis gaunt x reader (hogwarts legacy)
-platonic (for now)
beware of spoilers in the comments/tags/reblogs!
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okay so imagine being a halfblood living in one of the little hamlets around hogwarts
your parents sell wares, your mother put up a little table outside your house while your father is a travelling merchant
and sometimes you would beg your father to take you with him as he travels to other hamlets to trade and hawk wares
this is where you meet the twins from feldcroft, sebastian and anne
they took to you immediately, playing on your little brooms, trying to sneak past the scarecrow and giggling when it drives you away from the pumpkins
you three became fast friends, tearful goodbyes every time your father told you that it was time to leave
you make the twins promise to send you an owl, and they do! you exchange letters and gifts during birthdays and christmas, and you all go to hogsmeade together to shop for your school supplies when you got your owl from hogwarts
you three were nervous when you arrive at hogwarts--sebastian and anne were afraid of being separated, and you were afraid of being separated from them
so it was to everyone’s joy that you were all sorted to slytherin!
you happily sat across the twins in the great hall, beside a quiet boy you remember was called “ominis”
he hasn’t said a word to you, but you three introduced yourself to him
slowly and surely, he begins to hang out with you three, first just because you all had classes together
but eventually, you had somehow gotten him to hang out with you three!
you all especially liked to hang out in the DADA tower, listening to the quartet music, or have tea while you wait for your classes
ominis was quiet, doesn’t say much, but has really taken to sebastian and they became best friends
almost making you and anne jealous with their rapport
“they fight like old married couples!” you and anne giggle to each other, watching as they exchange snarky remarks
you basically do everything together, and when curfew sets in, you four are in the common room, by one of the large windows
anne has convinced people that if they look closely, they can spot mermaids swim past the windows (a blatant lie that you vouch for)
sebastian says nothing but ominis rolls his eyes, but they dont tell the other students otherwise
also imagine if ominis’ family hear about you being a half-blood
one of your parents is a muggle (let’s say your dad), but only blinked twice when your mother informed them of her magical powers
your dad took to the magical world so well that none of the other merchants even questioned it
they sent ominis a very strongly worded letter, reminding him of his last name and what it means, reminding him that he is salazar slytherin’s legacy and the importance of blood purity blah blah blah
ominis didnt have the same views his family have even before meeting you, and it certainly didnt change after that
if anything, he began to despise his family even more
how dare his family think so lowly of you, despite you being one of his best friends
how could you be any less than him when you take the time to answer all his questions and make sure you all sit down in the common room and work through several inches of parchments for your homework
why would he think any less of you when he finds you poring through dozens of books in the library, trying to see if there was any way to improve the spell he uses to navigate the castle
or when you would painstakingly and patiently describe to him the play by play of every quidditch match
if anything, ominis has the utmost respect for you
and eventually, it’ll grow into something else entirely...
not done playing hogwarts legacy yet but i love sebastian, anne, and ominis so much!! the true slytherin representation we deserve!!
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hazyange1s · 7 months
1901 (Sebastian Sallow x F!MC)
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so. I generated the middle photo with midjourney months ago and people on tiktok seemed to like it 😂 probably because we are desperately in need of some happy endings….
which brought my aching little heart to write a painfully self-indulgent one-shot based off of said picture (ft. my two brainchildren). this is from October and I’m cringing; I feel like I’ve improved a bit since but we’re here for vibes so who cares.
Synopsis: the year is 1901, and after a lifetime of dealing with the turmoil he became so accustomed to, Sebastian has finally gotten everything he could ever want. a night with his wife and best friends reminds him exactly how lucky he is.
Warnings: slightly suggestive reference (but still keepin it SFW), dad!Seb and Ominis, tooth-rotting fluff, aged up characters, alcohol use, pregnancy, not edited just raw word vomit
The stone and wood that made up Hogsmeade had hardly weathered since the first year Sebastian could remember coming, when he was a sprightly six year old boy with his parents. Back then, the buildings had looked larger than life. The people seemed wonderful and strange and extraordinary; their wands aloft to float signs or move merchandise. He had tugged on the folds of his mother's skirt upon staring with rapt attention, whining, "Mummy! When do *I* get to make things fly?"
"Soon, sweetling." His mother had smiled, the most beautiful sight he could comprehend at that tender age. "Soon, you yourself could be flying above the clouds."
Now, Sebastian found himself doing just that.
Cold wood bit into the callouses of his palms, which gripped the handle of his broom securely as the biting October wind tousled his dark hair into knots. He might have already frozen solid where he sat, had it not been the warming charm on his coat and the heat of his wife's smaller body pressed up against his back.
She shouted something just then amidst the roar of the wind in his ears. Sebastian turned for a split second to get a glimpse of the wide grin on her flushed, freckled cheeks.
The most beautiful sight in the world to him now.
"What?" He chuckled, turning back around as they neared the stone path leading into the quaint village.
"I said; they're going to have our heads for being late, so you better take full responsibility." Raegan repeated with her lips grazing Sebastian's ear.
Another laugh was dragged from his dry throat. Raegan had a special ability that when beyond just her fire-wielding, ancient magic, and skills on a broom. She was also one of the only people in the world who could make him laugh without really trying.
"I don't suppose you want me to tell them WHY?" Sebastian replied wryly as they landed and climbed stiffly off of the broom. The feeling of solid ground beneath their feet was a certainly a relief after miles of dark skies above the Highlands.
Raegan gave him a taunting little smirk that he'd come to understand was one she reserved especially for her husband. "Doubt you'll have to. It's hard to hide anything from those two. Ominis will probably sniff us out the moment we enter the pub."
She smoothed down the wild, russet tangle of waves Sebastian had run his hands through just an hour ago as they walked hand in hand over the bridge. He smiled at the memory as if he could still feel the softness of each lock between his fingers.
"I have considered the theory that he's part bloodhound."
The pair came to the familiar, flickering facade of the Three Broomsticks, pausing just outside when Sebastian tugged on Raegan’s hand to bring her to a stop beside him (a feat in itself, really).
“You know…” he mused, eyes crinkling at her questioning look. “Technically, we had our first date here.”
“If you call nearly getting…what were the words you used? Pulverized by a troll a romantic outing.” She laughed.
“Don’t forget the bar fight you nearly got me into. Honestly, it’s a wonder I managed to stick around for so long, with all the trouble you bring.”
The words were made in obvious jest and followed by an affectionate press of his winter-chapped lips to her temple. Because they both knew damn well that trouble was Sebastian’s middle name (it could replace Alexander for all he cared), and that chaotic whirlwind of a fifth year when they’d met was precisely what had him falling head over heels for her in record time.
“Well, as much as I love a good troll fight…the only thing you have to be scared of tonight is Ominis.”
A half-hearted scoff had Sebastian’s breath clouding in the air. “I wasn’t scared.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t wet yourself.”
“I was not scared!”
Raegan grinned indulgently at her husband, who rolled his eyes at the all-too-familiar teasing. Still, Sebastian found himself imitating her expression as he pulled her flush against his side and leaned down to fit his mouth to hers.
How many times had he enjoyed the saccharine taste that clung to every bit of her skin? It was far, far too many to count, surely, and the proof was in the way their lips moulded together like two pieces of a well-loved puzzle.
A rush of warmth hit their wind-chapped skin once the couple had finally broken apart, Sebastian opening the door for his distinctly kiss-drunk wife.
The Three Broomsticks was just as he remembered, too. Sirona, ever the dedicated businesswoman, spotted them instantly and offered a friendly wave. That was almost certainly Mr. Pippin and Mr. Hill chatting jovially over pints, and that blasted portrait of Ferdinand Pratt that had somehow withstood the ire of the patrons.
Raegan breathed the smallest of fires into her cupped hands before rubbing them together to generate more heat. It was not needed, though; for their friends had clearly planned ahead and already snagged the table just adjacent to the roaring hearth in the back center of the first floor.
Ominis's corn silk hair seemed to reflect its golden light, acting as a beacon for the Gyrffindor and Slytherin alumni to meander their way through the crowd and plop down eagerly at the round mahogany table.
"I was just about to send a Patronus if you hadn't shown up in the next five minutes." Diana gave them both an exasperated look, her brows shooting up as she took in their disheveled appearances. "Did you fly here?"
"Of course we did. It's a gorgeous night." Raegan leaned in to give her lifelong friend (sister might have been a more accurate term) a hug, despite the smaller girl's grumbling.
Ominis, who had his arm slung casually against the back of his wife’s chair, shook his head at Sebastian and Raegan like a disappointed father. It was a gesture so familiar to them both that it had been permanently seared in the back of their minds.
"Well, while you two were wasting time doing god knows what and flying fifty miles instead of Apparating like reasonable people, we've already been through half a flagon of wine." Ominis held up his half-full goblet as evidence.
The Hogwarts Professor was usually not one to indulge so heavily, but with the start of a new school year keeping him busy and his youngest daughter clinging to the chaos of her terrible twos, Sebastian supposed he had more than enough reason tonight.
"Well, you know me. I'll catch up in no time." Sebastian said with a roguish grin as he poured the rich, sweet-smelling liquid into a goblet that had clearly been waiting patiently for him.
Ominis, ever the gentleman, waved his wand to take serve Raegan from the flagon next, its contents tipping into a fourth cup.
"Oh, er...none for me, Ominis; thank you." Raegan said politely, the flush from the cold now returning for an entirely different reason.
His eyebrows furrowed into a mask of disbelief, as though the very fabric of the world had suddenly been torn open. "Are you ill? Or has someone taken Polyjuice Potion and replaced your wife, Sebastian?"
Raegan couldn't help but pair her laugh with an eye roll at Ominis's over dramatic display of surprise over her refusal to drink. Though she supposed it was true, there were very few times in her life she'd turned down a casual drink.
"Oh my-"
Diana's soft gasp broke the suspenseful silence, her pale, delicate fists causing ripples in their goblets as they collided with the table's surface. "I knew it! I told you that dream was a vision, Ominis!"
Now it was Raegan and Sebastian's turn to look confused, their shifting eyes replacing the self-indulgent grins they'd donned long before they'd arrived in the village.
"What dream?" Raegan asked, grabbing her friend's hand to recapture the raven-haired Seer's attention. "What did you see?"
Sebastian could see the tension in her grip, the light reflected by the fireplace that shone in her brilliant amber eyes. She had been dying to share this news; and if he knew her at all, Raegan was nearly bursting to deliver it herself before Diana could answer.
But it appeared her curiosity had won out over her flair for the dramatics at the present moment.
Diana beamed when she met Raegan’s imploring stare. Her voice had lowered, as if sharing an important secret.
"Last week, I dreamt of a little girl. She had the most beautiful auburn hair. Plus these adorable freckles and big, brown eyes. She was playing outside your house with a boy who looked exactly like Samuel, if he were ten years older."
Sebastian and Raegan both sported round, awestruck eyes that flickered to each other before they returned to Diana.
"Wait, I'm having a girl?" Raegan squealed, getting miles ahead of herself while Sebastian put the pieces of the puzzle together in her head.
"It's a girl?!" He gaped at the same moment.
Now, his other two friends were forgotten; his gaze solely on his exuberant wife, tears brimming despite himself.
A girl. It seemed all too perfect. A daughter and a son. Just like him and Anne, and Raegan and her brother Ronan.
"Oh...sur...prise?" Diana smiled sheepishly. "So, are you going to say it, or not?"
"It seems pointless now, since you’ve stolen my spotlight," Raegan raised her brow playfully in the beautiful Seer's direction. "But yes...I'm pregnant!"
Ominis's face broke into a huge smile, its brilliance so rare the honor was rarely bestowed upon anyone , save for the three people seated at the table now.
"Congratulations, Raegan. And you, Sebastian."
Diana began to gush as she hopped up from her seat, throwing her arms around her best friend once more. "This is amazing! How far along are you? Do you have any names picked out yet? How's your morning sickness? Mine was positively awful with both of the girls, I couldn't-"
Ominis chuckled affectionately at her elation. Gently, he placed a guiding hand on her arm to bring her back down to Earth - which was usually her least favorite place to be. "Darling, you're doing it again. Let her breathe for a moment."
To her credit, Diana looked positively pink as she relented and settled back down in her chair without losing her grin.
"Sorry, Rae. I'm just...so happy for you two."
"To answer your questions as my poor wife gathers herself, Di," Sebastian echoed Ominis's affectionate sound with his fingers intertwining through Raegan's. "She's seven weeks along, which is why we weren't sure about telling you just yet. But i suppose now is as good a time as any. And, for names, we were thinking-"
"Kassady Anne." Raegan jumped in for him, squeezing his hand as if she could pour all the love she had into that one gesture.
Diana almost teared up at this revelation, as Ominis let out an uncharacteristic, "aww". The namesakes of Raegan's late mother and Sebastian's only sister. It hadn't been a very difficult decision to come to. Though Sebastian had tried to insist on Anne as the first name in their hypothetical discussions.
"Fair warning," Ominis broke in, a knowing grin stretching his pale face. "Your second child will be your undoing. Little menace; our Gwen."
"Hey, I'm a second child." Raegan retorted, though her offense was clearly falsified. Nothing could break through the bubble of pure joy that seemed to radiate from her like the rays of the sun.
"I think you're proving his point, my love." Sebastian smirked. He barely dodged the well-aimed elbow to his side with a soft sound of indignation.
Ominis raised his glass once more after happily listening to the familiar sounds of his friends' excited chatter. "To Helen, Gwen, Sam, and Kassady-may they leave their own remarkable legacy on the world under our expert guidance."
The four of them all laughed, the sound like a chorus of church bells signifying the end of a long, fulfilling day. Three glasses of wine and one filled with water were raised in celebration, connecting the circle of lifelong friends with a resounding clink.
It had been over ten years since they'd all first sat in this pub together. Back then, the topics of conversation had centered around the goblin rebellion, Professor Black's latest warpath, and the homework that had led to countless sleepless nights.
In a way, things hadn't changed all that much. Except the rebellions now came in the form of arrests made by Raegan at the Auror's office or the tantrums of Ominis and Diana's three year old daughter. War was still in the backs of their minds, but for the most part their arms had been laid down in favor of peace.
And the sleepless nights, well...
Sebastian's mind again wandered back to the blissful visit of his youth. How he'd been unsatisfied with his feet on the ground, longing to soar above the rest.
Now, he got to feel like that every day of his life. No broom required.
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Meatball on the run
@voxophile sent me this idea and it was HYSTERICAL so I wrote a little drabble about it. I made myself laugh writing this one. Enjoy!
“Do you have Meatball?” Ominis asked, coming into the dining area.
“Um, no, I thought YOU had him.” Melody replied.
“I thought YOU had him!”
“Uh oh, mom and dad have lost their child!” Sebastian teased.
“Shut it!” Melody jumped up.
“If someone finds him and they don’t know he’s harmless, they might kill him! We have to find him!”
They all turned their heads as they heard screaming coming from the staff table. 
Professor Garlick was screaming as Meatball slithered into her lap. Professor Ronen attempted to grab him with tongs and Meatball slithered down his legs. Ronen began jumping around on one foot, trying to shake him off. Meatball went flying and began slithering away and Professor Howin dove towards him. 
Professor Sharp had just entered and saw the chaos and began running. He saw Meatball and his eyes widened. “NO! NO, IT’S OK! HE’S A PET!” 
Ominis and Melody ran towards Meatball just as Professor Black was entering. Ominis heard Meatball gasp.
“HE’S THE BIGGEST SNAKE I’VE EVER SEEN!” He made a beeline for Professor Black who, upon seeing him, let out a blood curdling shriek and jumped into the arms of the closest person, which happened to be Madame Kogawa. 
“MEATBALL NO!” Melody dove towards him but Meatball was zooming towards Black and Kogawa. Kogawa threw him off of her and bolted. 
“FRIEND FRIEND FRIEND FRIEND FRIEND!” Meatball was enamored with the headmaster. 
Black was still screaming as Meatball reached him, and slithered up around his neck. 
“PHINEAS IT’S ALRIGHT, HE’S A PET!” Sharp screamed as Black rolled across the floor shrieking and trying to pry Meatball away from his neck. 
Meatball, upon seeing the group of people rushing towards him, attempted to hide. Unfortunately the place he chose was inside the headmaster’s jacket. 
Phineas’ screams went up an octave and Sharp ripped his jacket off. Meatball was terrified and disappeared once more.
“WHAT IS GOING ON?!” Professor Weasley screamed. 
It looked like a renaissance painting. Black was on the floor in the fetal position, with Sharp kneeling beside him holding the torn jacket. The staff table had been flipped in the chaos, Garlick and Ronen had ended up covered in food. Madame Kogawa was standing on a chair, Melody and Ominis had slipped in the spilled food and were on the floor, and Sebastian was trying to help them up. 
“SNAKE! THERE WAS A SNAKE!” Black screamed. 
“It’s alright, he’s harmless! He’s a pet!” Melody explained. 
His eyes snapped over to her. “YOU! Of course you’re involved in this! You’ve done nothing but cause trouble since you’ve gotten here! You are-“
“HE’S MINE!” Ominis shouted. “And as a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin, I’m entitled to have a snake as my pet! YOU upset him! I should call my father, and-“
“No, no, Mr. Gaunt! My apologies! He startled me!” Black was backpedaling. 
“Now you’ve frightened him and my beloved pet is missing!” 
“My sincerest apologies Mr. Gaunt!”
Melody snorted beside him and Black glared at her. 
“I’ll have you know Meatball wanted to meet you, he could tell you were a well-to-do Slytherin, and then you with your screaming and wailing scared him away! If my pet is not returned to me, I will-“
“We’ll find him right away, Mr. Gaunt! STAFF! FIND THE SNAKE! Find…Meatball?”
“Marinara. Meatball Marinara Gaunt.” Melody added.
“Right. We’ll find Meatball and return him to you at once.” He left the dining hall and Sharp stomped over and yanked Melody and Ominis off the ground with ease.
“Are you INSANE? Why would you let him do that?!”
“He escaped!” Melody protested. “We didn’t know where he was!” 
“I did hear him say that he liked Black. He said he was the biggest snake he’d ever seen.” Ominis smiled. 
“HA!” Melody laughed.
“ENOUGH!” Sharp shouted. “You’re lucky that Mr. Gaunt has an esteemed family or you’d both be expelled!” 
“Ha, you sounded like a spoiled brat.” Melody laughed.
“How about a you’re welcome for saving your ass?!” 
“Go. Find. The snake. NOW!” Sharp barked. 
“I’ll go see if he went home.” Ominis said. 
“I’ll check this floor.” Melody replied. 
“I’ll check my underwear because I laughed so hard I may have pissed myself.” Sebastian snorted. 
“I’ll check the dungeons. Now go.” Sharp demanded. 
“Phineas, it’s alright, they said he’s harmless!” Matilda was attempting to calm Professor Black down in his office. “Everyone is looking for him, we’ll find him in no time. How about I fix you a relaxing cup of tea?”
“Thank you, Matilda.” Phineas sighed and sat down at his desk. He had an extreme fear of snakes. His heart was still racing. He rested his head in his hands and closed his eyes, breathing deeply.
Then a small tongue flicked across his hand.
Matilda dropped the teacup she was holding as Phineas let out a glass shattering scream. She sighed and cleaned it up. It was just another day at work. 
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superconductivebean · 26 days
#1222: ranty
currently im sitting at the high keep quest and i remembered that one too many peapol mention natty traumadumping at mc
to which i have the single one question:
can you follow alright?
natty mentions she has a story to be told from the very day you first meet her, quest The Girl From Uagadou. she doesnt tell you what it is about yet, as it's not something you'd tell to a stranger. you can only suspect it's personal and perhaps, hurtful
unlike of seb, who dumped his info, ominis' secrets, distate for solomon, etc etc etc, he also showed his uncle's usual demeanour too and gave you access to the undercroft as if these things are something you'd normally offer to a stranger just after you'd met them.
but no, the one dumping anything is natty who had warned and hinted thrice prior the dad story occurs and tells that story seeing creatures that invoke thoughts of death and the dead, and she's obviously hurt telling it because of how exactly the dad died.
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Can you do when yn treats the house elves like their her children and the boys (ominis,sebastian, gareth,and amit) or the girls (poppy,natt,imelda, and Anne) get jealous or you can put whatever reaction!😊 please do this I'm begging 😭
A/n: I love this!! Some of them are shorter because I didn't know how to expand on their general opinion. I tried so hard to not repeat myself!
Characters: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Garreth Weasley, Amit Thakkar, Poppy Sweeting, Natty Onai, Imelda Reyes, Anne Sallow
Honestly, he's kind of annoyed.
Like the treatment of Elves is infuriating, sure, and he agrees with being kind obviously. But do you really have to cancel a date because Ticky the Elf wants to perform a dance for you?
And why do THEY get forehead kisses every day and he only gets them when he's sitting down? Maybe it's because he's just tall but HEY.
At first the elves are scared of him, and he hates it. He goes out of his way to show he means no harm but didn't intend to get roped into the mess.
Why do they want him to come see the room MC had them decorate in the room of requirement?
Why the hell is one asking him what MC prefers: Vanilla or Chocolate? They want to make her a cake? Okay...but he expects a piece.
Slowly he comes to love them as MC does, like a dad with a kitten.
My boy is...confused? But delighted.
The Gaunts had a house elf! Her name was Cinder, and she was more like a mother than Mrs. Gaunt. He always treated her with utmost respect and the way his parents treated her made him sick to his stomach.
His whole Hogwarts career he has tried to be very polite to the elves, letting them know someone cares.
And when you show him your army of elf friends, he is delighted!!
Asks them all their names and some more general questions.
One of them learned a new song or something of the like? He is listening with a patient smile on his face even though it is the worst thing he has ever heard.
They don't really understand his blindness actually. They're supporting but ask him tons of questions. I think Ominis would really like educating them about how he experiences the world as long as they aren't being patronizing.
He adores listening to you interact with the elves!!
He asks them so much advice and input on how to show Cinder he appreciates her. Like...does he give her a gift? Will this upset her? Is this too much?
Also, he remembers like everything. Tries too at least. You come into the common room late, telling him about how you were helping an Elf read a muggle book? He asks you if you've gotten to his favorite part. That particular elf tends to like the romance novels, and chapter nine is when the hero gets the girl.
In short, he loves the elves almost as much as you do!
He's so dumb. I love him.
Coming from a poorer family, Garreth had never seen a house elf until Hogwarts. They were strange creatures.
And then you have a whole crew?? Okay, but he wasn't expecting it.
He...he has trouble seeing them as sentient beings. I hate to say it, but he does! Of course, he respects all they do for the castle, but at first, he doesn't understand why you like them so much. He treats them not unlike a pet.
You tell them to be polite and introduce themselves, and he is so weirded out by each one introducing themselves and shaking his hand.
They pick up on his hesitation and come to you with their worries and after a lecture from you, Garreth is ready to try again. Reluctantly, but he is.
Is it possible to embarrass yourself in front of a house elf? If it is, Garreth does it. He's so scared of saying or doing something wrong that he ends up embarrassing the hell out of himself.
He grows to see them as they are: intelligent and sentient creatures that have a lot to offer. After a while he is comfortable enough to give them high fives in the hallway, or gift them things (mostly prank items, and then he has to teach them it is meant to be funny and not an attack-)
He honestly has learned not to think twice about anything when it comes to you.
So, when you ask him to meet you in the room of requirement and you're surrounded by elves? A little strange, but it doesn't deter him from asking if you got all the notes down for DADA.
The elves scatter when he speaks, running to look like they are working. It surprises him, and even more so when you hush him as you coax them all out.
They do NOT like him at first because he comes at inconvenient times and how are they supposed to prepare you hot chocolate before bed when you're off looking at star charts??
And meanwhile poor Amit is working hard to get their seal of approval because anything you like he does too. It's very important to him!
Well one day they mention that they like the Gramaphone and the pretty music but the Gramaphone isn't working as of late. It gives you an idea, and now Amit is standing in front of a mini crowd playing his little violin heart out.
The elves kinda overwhelm him with how many there are and how needy they are to you, but it amazes him how you are so patient with them.
If there is a house elf language, he is learning it. Both to impress you and try to win over your little army.
Basically, he is slightly intimidated by the elves, but he loves you so he tries his best to get along with them. He definitely is no longer taking the food at dinner for granted, that's for sure.
She's so sweet.
At first, worries that the elves might have malicious intent because of how often they were pulling you away. But quickly she realized it wasn't the case.
The elves already adore her as she has always been incredibly sweet to them. Plus, in third year she saved a baby house elf which sparked her interest in them as more than servants.
She's more like their friend than parent, though, she thinks it's incredibly sweet how loving you are towards them.
Gets them ALL christmas presents. every single one. Doesn't tell you about it and holds you when you're overwhelmed by the kindness!
They will all follow her around, and she responds to every one of their jokes and makes sure she never leaves them out of conversation.
Makes funny faces at them from across the hall just like she would any other friend and it makes them feel welcomed.
After late nights in the vivarium, Poppy is dragging you to the kitchens. Even though you don't have to be dragged there. You two sit on the counter and recount your adventures to the elves while they busy themselves making you a snack. If there are dishes to be done she offers to help even if they decline.
Always up for some adventure! Finds the elves fascinating honestly.
"Theoretically, if a master gives you a sock to wash, are you free? Can you choose your own clothes? Wait, if you can, are you allowed to shop for them? That would be so-" "Natty..." "Right, sorry."
She treats them like she would treat anybody else tbh. In her home country, she never had house elves and the concept of having someone thanklessly serving you makes her sick. So, she does her best to show her appreciation.
However, the elves will NOT take time she wants to spend with you away. They want to talk to you? Fine, but Natty is there too.
Tells you later how cute you are when you're interacting with something you love.
She gets the elves to help make you a GIANT Christmas present.
She and the elves see each other as equals and are friends!
Another jealous one. Omg.
Sure, elves are mistreated. It's wrong. But maybe they deserve to be kicked around a little when they KEEP YOU FROM QUIDDITCH PRACTICE!
Would never harm the elves or speak harm about them, but they have come to recognize her glare meaning "Hey, it's MY turn with my partner."
One elf in particular is pretty snippy and Imelda gets into fights with him almost every time they see each other.
Oh, the elves know to keep your broom in pristine condition. It seems to make you happy that it never needs work, and they have an agreement with Imelda. A polished, clean, and ready broom for your nightly rides means another hour where she doesn't come in and bother them.
She is NOT above coming into the kitchens just to annoy the house elves. They unfortunately know this.
Imelda would never ever see the house elves as anything less than what they are, but she doesn't hesitate to use her advantages.
She taught a group of the younger elves to swear. You still haven't quite forgiven her for it.
I love Anne sm :)
Your relationship with the elves...doesn't surprise her in the slightest.
She doesn't understand, as Elves aren't anything special in her eyes. They're sentient creatures that have feelings and thoughts, just like humans do. Why would she treat them differently than anyone else?
The elves are very sweet, but c'mon. She was going to teach you to garden Hemlock without poisoning yourself!
Honestly, she doesn't mind that you baby them, but she definitely has sat you down and explained they don't need babied.
Admires you and how you treat them! Just doesn't understand it, that's all.
Admires you and how you treat them! Just doesn't understand it, that's all.
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