#omni antagonism
posi-pan · 29 days
I saw a Facebook page for bisexuals that said bi is regardless of gender. I thought, ok, cool, I agree. It seemed like a regular bisexual page but when someone asked in the comments what the difference between bi and pan was (on a post responding to if pansexuals are allowed to follow the page and stating they can but it’s first and foremost a bi space), the owner of the page posted a link to an article addressing myths about bisexuality instead. I didn’t even bother to read the article. Idk if I’m over thinking this but to me it just felt like a dismissal of other mspec identities like pan, omni, ply, etc. and dare I say it, erasure even. This page thinks there’s no difference between bi and pan, which is fine to have personal opinions, but for a lot of people there is a difference and it’s important and meaningful to them, something the page did not acknowledge. I’m sick of bisexuals invalidating our identities. We exist, and we are valid. I’m sick of seeing panphobia, omniphobia, etc from bisexuals who should be standing in unison with us. We are part of the mspec community and we need to bring each other up, not down. And this includes mspec minorities.
see for me, defining bisexuality broadly as regardless of gender is the first red flag. because while some bisexuals use that definition, it has never been the general, community definition. then add to that saying pan people can follow but it's a bi page first and linking an article about bisexual myths when someone asked the difference......i'd give that page a hard pass if i were you.
i'm sure the people running that page think bi is an umbrella term that pan is included in, so it's interesting that they say the page is first and foremost a bi page. pan people (and omni and ply and all other non-bi mspec folks) are stuck in this in-between place where we're constantly told bi includes us but bi spaces/events/etc. aren't for us.
but yeah, you're right. panphobia, omniphobia, plyphobia, etc. from bi folks is super frustrating and disheartening. especially because of how it's never addressed or called out by anyone but us. it's never taken seriously. and when we address it, we're accused of being the bad guys, of talking over people, of making everything about ourselves. we're the most invisible people in the mspec community, so it's hard to get people to listen to us.
folks need to do better and stop trying to make the queer community about exclusive little groups with their "you can't sit with us" mindset. because who does that help? who is benefiting from that?
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chrysocomae · 4 months
"At the moment, of course, it’s not the “young people” who are avoiding the painful past. It’s governors and legislators and judges. It’s people with presidential ambitions and people who just want to screw up the local school board. It’s the conversion of those parts of our history into the latest batch of conservative conjuring words—“woke,” “Critical Race Theory,” and so on. They’re devoid of actual meaning to the people who have yoked their fears and prejudices to them. They are ritual chants of the tribe, summoning up the ghosts of 1956. They’ll do anything to keep from confronting the truth that the late, great Albert Murray wrote about in The Omni-Americans:
American culture, even in its most rigidly segregated precincts, is patently and irrevocably composite. Indeed, for all their traditional antagonisms and obvious differences, the so-called black and so-called white people of the United States resemble nobody else in the world so much as they resemble each other.
This is so obviously true that people have to work awfully hard to avoid it. One way to do this is to make sure children are not exposed to the fact that an integrated America is a more pleasant and joyful place, and that our history—all of our history—is a struggle of the highest aspirations against the lowest impulses, and that every triumph of the former should be celebrated down through the generations. White supremacy has proven through the decades to be grim and joyless, a society without music or laughter, its streets dark and dim,"
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m-spec-as-heck · 4 years
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When u see someone vagueing about mspec lesbians
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shih-coulda-had-it · 2 years
without compromising the soul (a mass effect au)
@thisauthorisscreaming and i cooked this up approximately... well, we made it in february, and then i let it sit. and percolate. and now it’s d-december, so let’s get into it! some notes before we begin,
this au ignores canonical naming conventions, except in the case of Sorahiko’Torino vas Gran Torino.
turian!nana, quarian!sorahiko, human!toshinori, and though she doesn’t feature in this ~1.5k ficlet, asari!chiyo [holders 1-7 are not human, though]
all for one is the name for the reapers, collectively, but i haven’t solidified a plot.
do not think for a second that we forgot the importance of fleet and flotilla existing in the background of this f!turian/m!quarian romance
Nana pays the other half of her fare after she leaves her fellow turian’s ship without being shaken down for extra credits. She hopes he can feel the strength of her glare, but instead of looking appropriately ashamed for trying to scam a Spectre, he shrugs, as if to say, ‘What can you do?’
The captain’s first mate, another turian, nudges his elbow and indicates that company is coming.
“Damn,” says the captain. “I guess they’ll take what I didn’t.”
“They’ll try,” Nana mutters, and pivots to face a krogan twice her size, plus a couple of vorcha. The former looks her up and down, and cocks his shotgun as though it’s a meaningful threat. Evidently, taking the time to coat her armor with matte black paint has proven useless. She’s still being taken for easy pickings. “Can I help you?”
“You sure can,” the krogan drawls. “Don’t you know about docking fees? A… mercenary like you ought to be familiar with the price of forgetting those.”
“I’m broke.”
“With firepower like that?”
“Oh, this?” Nana activates her omni-blade and lifts her arm so the humming red blade crackles between them. The vorcha reflexively cringe back, but the krogan only narrows his eyes. “They come standard now. I gave the last of my credits to my ride, anyway.”
She wills for some turian solidarity to kick in; Nana closes her eyes and sighs when there is a tell-tale thump of boots hitting metal in a hasty retreat. Great. Now she’s broke and without comrades. That does tend to be the status quo for most Spectres, but Nana’s not here to play lone wolf.
“Some friends,” says the krogan, and he levels the shotgun up to chest-level. His henchmen rally at the preparation of unhinged violence, and quite frankly, Nana is about to drop a grenade and book it for a different district. The Terminus Systems is probably the one place that would take fighting a Spectre as a fun challenge.
“Are you part of some gang? Can I meet your leader?”
He snorts. “You’re small fry. Hardly important enough to see the Blood Pack’s leader—”
“BOSH’TET!” howls a small being with fluffy yellow hair (hair?) that first barrels onto the scene, and then drops a smoke bomb. The sheer audacity has Nana, the krogan, and the vorcha all stunned. This gives the small being enough time to grab Nana’s wrist and tug her away, just as the crack of a sniper rifle leads to the rest of the Blood Pack’s small fries scattering.
Nana lets herself be dragged, although she is bemused. Even if her savior will pickpocket her, which seems a given considering Omega’s population, at least she’ll have dispersed some of the blame for antagonizing the Blood Pack.
Past the tunnel into the first district: there’s no natural sunlight to be had on Omega. It’s a mining station built in and on itself, which means everything stinks of smoke and unmentionable fluids both industrial and organic. The fluffy-haired being leads Nana down one alley, then to a ladder. They nimbly scale the first few rusted steps, then pause and look at where Nana hasn’t moved.
“I don’t think they’re chasing us,” she politely informs them. Actually, this might be a human. Nana’s met her fair share, roaming the galaxy. This one is smaller, and they look softer too. Malnutrition? Youth?
“That’s what I used to think,” they say. “But then they get their dogs, or what I guess counts as their versions of dogs, and they track you.”
Nana considers this, and weighs her options. “Are you talking about their varren? That’s manageable. I’ve dealt with the Blood Pack before, y’know, and I think I’ll take my chances in a totally different district than with a stranger who hasn’t even introduced themselves.”
They hook a leg through the ladder and perch themselves on a rung, crossing their arms and narrowing their bright blue eyes into a scowl. The effect is somewhat ruined by the two long tendrils of hair falling forward, necessitating the human to blow them away.
“Who’s your back-up, anyway? The one with the sniper rifle?”
“He said you’d know.”
Nana blinks. There’s technically only one sentient on Omega that should know she’s here, and that’s—she turns around and scoops her best friend up into a tight hug, ignoring the affronted yelp. “Sorahiko! Thanks for the warm welcome!”
“Quiet down! And put me down, for good measure!” Sorahiko bonks her on top of her helmet using his fist, so Nana regretfully sets him on his feet and dusts off his shoulders. The yellow fabric of his cowl is a little more faded, and the green buttons on his bandolier have lost their shine, but overall? He looks fine. Through the purple tinted faceplate, bright eyes lock onto hers despite the helmet’s mirrored visor.
“It’s good to see you,” she says, containing her relief. It can wait until they’re in Sorahiko’s latest hidey-hole.
He softens; his shoulders slump, just a little, and he reaches forward to rap his knuckles against the high collar of her armor. “It’s good to see you too, Shimura. Made friends with Toshinori yet?”
“Is that their name?”
“Their?” parrots Sorahiko.
“I couldn’t place the gender,” Nana says defensively. “You know how the line blurs with humans!”
Sorahiko heaves a sigh and brushes past her. To Toshinori, he says in a pointed manner, “I told you to go straight back to the apartment, boy, not to grab the turian and take her with you. Do you have any idea how much easier it’d have been if Shimura and I cleaned house right then and there? And don’t think you’re getting away with curse words in quarian!”
“Her?” the boy parrots (sounding eerily like Sorahiko) before obeying the implicit order, scrambling to untangle himself from the ladder. “And it was just one swear! You say bosh’tet all the time!”
“That’s another chore,” Sorahiko warns. He scales the rickety ladder with apparent ease; Nana warily sets one armored foot on a rung and tests whether or not it’ll hold her weight. Turian armor is nothing to scoff at.
“Is there an elevator?”
“Yeah, but it takes years,” says Toshinori. “Mr. Torino says it’s a disincentive to scavengers.”
“I needed a defensible nest.”
Nana tips her head back to stare sightlessly at the ceiling, counting the winking red lights until the two of them are off the ladder. Better not to risk the breakable sentients, she thinks, and rolls her neck before climbing upwards. Fortunately, nothing crumbles to rusted particles.
Inside Sorahiko’s current home (where is the Gran Torino anyway?), Toshinori immediately bolts for the kitchen area and digs out a brightly-colored box. There’s a large label denoting it safe to eat for amino protein-based sentients.
Sorahiko clicks his tongue, calling for Nana’s attention. He gestures at her helmet. “Your weapons too. I’m trying to house-train the kid, Shimura.”
“Who doesn’t carry five different firearms on them at all times?” she jokes, but agreeably lines her weapons (safeties on) along a high shelf. For the sake of Sorahiko’s nerves, Nana removes the thermal clips and tucks them away. Then she finally unlatches her helmet for the first time since she boarded that turian freighter. There’s a hiss of air, and then, ah. She draws in a sharp breath the same time Sorahiko does.
The recycled cool air stings against the barely-healed scars.
“Shimura,” he says, and she’s tempted to butt her forehead against his faceplate and hug him again. “Shimura, what happened to you?”
“En has died,” Nana says first. She pushes past the grief and moves to the important part. “I need to find out why, and I can’t trust the Council or the other Spectres to be with me on this. It… it concerns the geth, and… something bigger.”
Sorahiko twitches at the mention of geth. “Bigger than geth?”
“Scarier, too.”
“What are geth?” Toshinori interjects, and both Nana and Sorahiko jerk their heads. Yikes. They’d forgotten about their little audience. The reminder that he brings, though, has Sorahiko visibly hesitating over agreeing to join Nana on a harebrained quest.
“Aren’t you teaching him your language?”
“We haven’t covered the big history lessons yet,” says Sorahiko. “Shimura, I’d help, I really would, but I promised myself that I’d get Toshinori up on his feet. Pilgrimage-ready. And he’s—not there yet.”
Toshinori puffs up. “I would be if you let me have a ship, Mr. Torino.”
“You’re not getting a ship.”
It sounds like a well-worn argument, so Nana, a tad desperate, says, “Okay, so don’t be mad, but I may have stranded myself on Omega without any solid funds. Did you lose the Gran Torino? Can I win it back for you? This isn’t a mission with a time limit, it’s just an active investigation. Toshinori would be perfectly safe. And trained! I’m a Spectre, you’re an independent quarian nomad, surely between the both of us—”
The kid gasps, but in complete and utter delight. “Ms. Shimura, you’re a Spectre? I knew it!”
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dunmertitty · 3 years
Love how y’all only focus on this idea of “bi antagonism” or bi people being evil gatekeepers or some shit while completely ignoring valid concerns of bi people (esp trans / nonbinary bi people) about the ahistorical defintions of bisexuality spread by those “under the bi umbrella” who don’t ID as bi, the way internalized biphobia and stigma around bisexuality has spurned the creation of other ID’s that mean the same thing (bc bi people are greedy sluts so maybe the Omni label will avoid that), and the hypocrisy in saying that bi people who say Pan and bi are the same are “dividing the community” but splitting the bi label into a bunch of microlabels somehow isn’t ..?
first of all, im literally bi. second of all i’m literally trans and nonbinary. i am quite literally the trans nonbinary bi people you are speaking of.
second of all
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“ahistorical definitions”? that’s from the bisexual manifesto from the spring 1994 issue of anything that moves. probably written before you id’d as bi and maybe even before you were born. it’s both for me.
maybe if y’all shut the fuck up about discourse and took the time to read history, 99% of lgbtq+ discourse would be solved.
here’s the full thing if you want to read it and maybe learn something:
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nelfs · 3 years
ok who's on YOUR dota dream blunt rotation
this merits some heavy thinking........
obviously Faceless Void is one of my favorite heroes if not my absolute fave but I think he’d be hell to smoke with. there’s no way they have weed wherever he comes from and i think he’d get paranoid and clammy and spill the bong everywhere on account of having no eyes.
BLOODSEEKER on the other hand is another one of my favorites and he is on the list for sure. dude’s pretty chill for a bloodthirsty prophet of the gods and he’s got a bangin sense of humor to boot. you just know he has that loud and good passing etiquette. BLUNTSEEKER
I think Omniknight needs a joint too. I mean... have you seen him
and if Omni is there then Necrophos also has to be there to antagonize him. necrophos surpassed normal weed smoking years ago and can now only get high by doing hyper refined dabs off the world’s gooiest-looking rig. I’d say Brewmaster too but he’d be like “no thank you, my friend! I no longer partake!”. and of course Phoenix needs to be there to light the bowl. SKREEREE
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shadoedseptmbr · 3 years
fic post
So I saw this lovely post and I had a thought (fic bunnies everywhere):
Ash had all the holos.
She’d been a fiend with that camera app, as fast to snap during a lull in crossfire as she’d been with her assault rifle.
But time was short and Shepard didn’t mention coming across an osb while she carefully packed Ash’s life on the Normandy into a shipping case for the journey back to her mom, her sisters.
They were all on her omni and her omni was…
It hadn’t occurred to Kaidan when he’d finished the address and slid the case across the desk to the corporal who ran the Alliance mailroom on the Citadel. Or on the way to the bar to meet Shepard and the squad. 
Hadn’t occurred to him as they vaulted across the galaxy in a stolen frigate.
Or when they’d shot the other way in the MAKO.  And now...
He only had vids from the news, and none of them showed her.  Not really.  Not Shepard. 
Not Aedan. 
Lots of splashy vids and holos of Commander Shepard, of her squad, The official picture they’d taken after she’d made SPECTRE in front of her Normandy. Steel-eyed and shoulders square.  
Ash had taken pics of them, of him with his head down in that janky panel, trying to fix the awful turian spec’d orange lighting.  Of Tali, her facemask lit up by the glow of an interface.  One of Liara, her hand tracing reverently down the side of a Prothean pyramid. Of Garrus and Wrex shifting from cruel antagonism to something like comrades, down in the shuttlebay. Of Joker, his hands flying. 
Of herself and Shepard on the bridge, staring up at the Citadel. Shepard -Aedan- with gun oil across the bridge of her nose and that crooked smile that lit up her eyes like stars.
He’d seen them, she’d shown him.  He’d always forgotten to ask her to forward one, any of them.  
Any of them.
And now all he had was the legend. 
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zamboni-princess · 6 years
GRE Word Root Study
A – agnostic
An – Anonymous
Ab -  abdicate
Able – insatiable
Ible – Tangible
Ac – acidic
Acr – acrid
Act – actuate
Ag – antagonize
Acou – acoustics
Ad – advance
Al/Ali/Alter – alternate
Am – amorous
Ambi – ambiguous
Amphi – amphibious
Ambl/Ambul – ambulatory
Anim – animated
Annui – Annual
Enni – perennial
Ant/Ante – anterior
Anthro – anthropology
Andr – androgynous
Anti – antimatter
Apo – apogee
Aqua – aquatic
Arch/Archi/Archy – archetype
Ard – arduous
Auto – autonomous
Be – belittle
Bel/Bell – Belladonna
Bell – antebellum
Ben/Bene – benefit
Bi/Bin – bifocal
Bon/Boun – bountiful
Brev – abbreviate
Brid – abridge
Burs – reimburse
Cad – cadence
Cid – coincidence
Cant/Cent/Chant – cantor
Cap – capture
Cip – participate
Cept – intercept
Cap/Captit/Cipit – captain
Card/Cord/Cour – cardiac
Carn – carnivore
Cast – outcast
Chaste – chastise
Caus/Caut – cauterize
Ced/Ceed – intercede
Cess – abscess
Celer – accelerate
Cent – centennial
Centr – central
Cern/Cert -  discern
Cret/Crit - discriminate
Crim – criminal
Chrom – monochrome
Chron – chronological
Circu/Circum – circumvent
Cis – desist
Cla/Clo/Clu – close
Claim/Clam – clamor
Cli – incline
Co/Col/Com/Con – collective, comradery
Cogn/Conn – cognitive
Contra/Contro – contraceptive
Counter – Counterproductive
Corp/Cors – corporation
Cosm – cosmic
Cour – courier
Cur – recurrent
Cre/Cret/Cresc - crescendo
Cred – credible
Crypt – cryptic
Cub/cumb – succumb
Culp – culpable
Dac – didactic
Doc – doctrine
De – detach
Dele – delete
Dem – democracy
Dext – ambidextrous
Di – diary
Di/Dia – dialogue
Di/Dif/Dis -discontinue
Dic/Dict/Dit – diction
Dign – dignity
Dog/Dox – dogma
Dol – condolences
Don/Dot/Dow – endow
Dorm – dormant
Dors – dorsal
Dub – dubious
Duc/Duct – aqueduct
Dulc – dulce
Dur – durable
Dys -dysfunctional
E/Ex – extramarital
Ego – egotistic
Em/En – engage
Epi – epidural
Equ – equilateral
Err – erroneous
Esce – adolescence
Eu – eulogy
Extra – extraterrestrial
Fab/fam – fabricate
Fac/Fic/Fig/Fait/Feit/Fy – fiction, figure, counterfeit
Fal – fallacy
Fatu – infatuate
Fer – transfer
Ferv – fervent
Fi/Fid – fidelity
Fin – infinite
Flagr/Flam – flammable
Flect/Flex – deflect, reflex
Flu/Flux – Fluctuate, reflux
Fore – forbearance
Fort – unfortunate
Fort – fortitude
Fra/Frac – fracture
Frag/Fring – fragment
Fug – refugee
Fulg – interfulgent
Fum – fumes
Fus – refuse
Gen – genesis
Gni/Gno – agnostic
Grad/Gress – transgress
Gram/Graph – telegram, telegraph
Grat – gratitude
Greg – segregation
Hap – happenstance
Hemi – hemisphere
Her/Hes – Adhere, adhesive
Hetero – heteronormative
Hol – holistic
Hom – Homogenous
Hum – humanity
Hyper – hyperactive
Hypo – hypochondriac
Icon – iconic
Idio – idiosyncrasy
In/Im – impartial
In/Im – Impervious
Inter – interstellar
Intra – intrastate
It/Iter – itinerary
Ject – object
Joc – jockey
Join/Jug/Junct – conjugate, conjunction, conjoin
Jour – journal
Jur – jurisdiction
Juv -juvenile
Lang/Ling – lingual
Laud – applaud
Lav/Lau/Lu – launder
Lax/Lease/Les – loose
Lec – lecture
Leg/Lex – Lexicon
Lect/Leg – selection
Lev – levitate
Li/Lig – ligament
Liber – liberty
Lith – blithe
Loc/Log/Loqu – loquacious
Luc/Lum/Lus – illuminate
Lud/Lus – delude, illusion
Macro – macro-economics
Mag – magnificent
Maj – majestic
Max – maximum
Mal/Male – malevolent
Man/Manu – manipulate
Mand/Mend – commend, demand
Medi – medial
Mega – Megadome
Micro – microorganism
Min – miniscule
Mis – mishap
Mise – compromise
Mob/Mom/Mot/Mov – motor, movement
Moll – emollient
Mon/mono – monorail
Mon/Monit – monitor
Mor/Mort – mortician
Morph – amorphic
Mult – multitude
Mut – mutation
Nat/Nas/Nai/Gna – cognate
Nau/Nav – nautical
Nihil – annihilate
Noc/Nox – noxious
Noct/Nox – nocturnal
Nom – economy
Nom/Nym/Noun/Nown – renown, nominate
Non – nondescript
Nounc/Nunc – annunciate, pronounce
Nov/Neo/Nou – novitiate
Null – annul
Ob – obstain
Omni – omnipotent
Oner – exonerate
Oss/Oste – ossicles
Pac/Peac – peaceful
Palp – palpable
Pan/Pant – expandable
Par – partake
Para – paradigm
Pas/Pat/Path – pathology
Pau/Po/Pov/Pu – impoverish, pauper
Pec – pecuniary
Ped – pediatrics
Ped/Pod – podiatrist
Pel – propel
Pen/Pun – compensate
Pen/Pene – penultimate
Pend/pens – compensate
Per – per chance
Peri – pericardium
Pet/Pit – competition
Phil – philanthropy
Phob – phobia
Phon – phonetics
Photo – photosynthesis
Plac – placate, complacent
Ple/Plen – plentiful
Plex/Plic/Ply – complex
Poly – polyhedron
Pon/Pos/Pound – position
Port – portage
Post – posterior
Pot – potion
Pre – prefrontal
Prehend/Prise – apprehend
Pri/Prim – primordial
Pro – proficient
Prob – probe
Prod/Prox – approximate
Pro/Proto – prototype
Psud/Pseudo – pseudonym
Pug – repugnant
Punc/Pung/Poign – punctuate, poignant
Pyr – pyrotechnics
Quad/Quar/Quat – quarter
Que/Quis – quest
Quie/Quit – quiet
Quin/Quint – quintuplets
Raci/Radi – radiate
Rami – ramification
Re – repeat
Rect – erect
Reg – regal
Retro -retrograde
Rid/Ris – ridicule
Rog – interrogate
Rub/Rud – ruddy
Rud – rude
Sacri/Sanct – sanctify
Sag/Sap/Sav – sage
Sal/Sil/Sault/sult – somersault
Sal – salt
Salu – salutations
Salv – salvage
San – sanitary
Sang – sanguine
Sat – insatiable
Sci – omniscience
Scribe/Script – scripture
Se – separate
Sec/Seq/Sue/Sui – sequential
Sed/Sess/Sid – possess
Sem – seminary
Semi – semicircle
Sen – senior
Sens/Sent – sentient
Sin/Sinu -sinusoidal
Sol – solitude
Sol – solace
Sol – solstice
Somn – insomnia
Soph – sophisticated
Sourc/Surg/Surrect – resurrect
Spec/Spic – speculate
Spir – respiration
Sta/Sti – stationary
Strict/String/Strang – stringent, strangle
Sua – suave
Sub/Sup – subliminal
Summ – summit
Super/Sur – surpass
Sym/syn – sync
Tac/Tic – tactical
Tact/Tag/Tam/Tang – tactile, tangible
Tain/Ten/Tent/Tin – maintain, tenant
Tend/Tens/Tent/Tenu – distend, tense
Test – tesify
Theo – theologian
Therm – thermometer
Tim – intimidate
Tor/Torq/Tort – contort
Torp – torpedo
Tox – toxin
Tract – tractor
Trans – transatlantic
Ult – ultimate
Umbr – umbrion
Un – unavailable
Und – undertow
Uni/Un – universal
Urb – urban
Us/Ut – utilize
Vail/Val – valiant
Ven/Vent – venture
Ver – verity
Verb – verbiage
Verd – verdigris
Vers/Vert – convert
Vi – viable
Vid/Vis – visualize
Vil – anvil
Vira – viral
Voc/Vok – vocation
Vol – volunteer
Vola/Volv – revolve
Vor - carnivorous
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thechildlone · 6 years
10 Tips For Capturing E-Learning Sound
Using audio in your online training course is a very vital consider involving your target market. Researches have actually shown that courses without sound are less compelling and unforgettable dbx 266xs manual  than training courses with audio. Either utilized as a narrative or for instructions, audio - done the proper way - could considerably enhance your e-learning materials.
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Help with Sound for Online Program Developers Audio design and the knowledge it requires to appropriately record, edit, as well as clean up audio to accomplish a high quality output is a job that is usually past the skill set of many online program developers. The ordinary training course designer has little if any type of expertise of sampling prices, regularities, inflection, compression schemes as well as various other audio engineering concepts.
The objective of this short article is to supply you info on ways to get the sound in a style ideal for an e-learning course-authoring tool. The article will certainly concentrate on capturing as well as editing and enhancing sound at the fundamental level and certainly, the 10 suggestions below must help get you relocating the appropriate direction.
1. Microphones
For narration, you'll should use a microphone to capture the voiceover. Certain, your laptop computer or COMPUTER could have a built-in microphone, but you most likely do not want to wind up seeming like the broken drive-through speaker at your regional fast food dining establishment. There are numerous microphones to select from as well as they are made specifically for various purposes. Dynamic Microphones are the ones you typically see being used by rock stars in concerts. They have a ball-like shape as the head. These mics are omni-directional, meaning that they can get noise from a large location. The Shure SM-58 microphone is an instance of a dynamic microphone and has a regular quality and dynamic variety that makes it beneficial for all kinds of applications.
Condenser Microphones, unlike dynamic microphones, have a capacitor inside that needs them to be powered by a source - either battery or AIR CONDITIONING. These microphones are typically discovered in tape-recording workshops, made use of in live performances, and also are generally discovered in lavalier mics (the kind you attach to a t shirt or lapel).
You may additionally locate a Headset Microphone, which connects directly into your computer system's input source and result source, so you could hear exactly what you claim as you are videotaping. The audio quality from these kinds of microphones often tends additionally to appear blown out as the microphone setting is extremely close to the mouth.
The audio quality is usually inadequate and also the microphones do not have advanced attributes like noise canceling or balancing. If at all feasible, you ought to prevent making use of the built-in microphone for your audio input resource.
2. Distance from Microphone
I make sure you have actually all seen the rock video clips or American Idol, where the rock celebrities have the microphone jammed up against their mouths as they are vocal singing. The majority of people feel they require to do the very same when videotaping narration. What the rock celebrities need to their advantage is a sound limiter that removes regularities over a certain variety. The optimal result is policed by this device to avoid any unwanted comments or squelch, since the frequency is immediately restricted. Probably, your easy configuration won't have this ability.
One point you could do to avoid any kind of unwanted audios in your narration, is to position your mouth about 6 to 12 inches away from the microphone and talk straight into the microphone, not away from it, to either side, nor in front of it. The ideal audio signal will be a direct course from your mouth to the microphone. If you begin talking into the microphone as well as then turn your head downwards to read from a script, you'll be able to discover the decline in the audio signal.
3. Use a Windshield
A regular frequency assists to generate the ideal audio. If you are looking at an audio waveform for the first time, you won't be able to understand it, yet the tops as well as valleys of each regularity could aesthetically inform a great deal concerning that audio.
An easy solution to this problem is a windshield. Some engineers will certainly cover a wire clothing hanger with nylon stockings and place them in front of the mics in order to serve as a low budget windscreen, yet you can additionally get them for less than ten bucks at your regional songs shop. These are constructed from a foam material and also fit over your microphone.
4. Interfaces
Much, I've invested a great deal of time chatting concerning microphones however a bulk of the mics suggested here will not even plug in to your computers without adapters. Professional mics have an XLR port, which has 3 pins. Most computers are made with eighth inch adapters. You can use Dynamic Microphones with an adapter connected to your computer without much of a problem. Condenser Mics, considering that they need power, won't work even with an adapter.
There are interfaces specifically developed for this purpose and they are available in 2 tastes: USB as well as Firewire (IEEE 1394). The majority of COMPUTER manufacturers are consisting of either USB 1.0 or 2.0 ports on their hardware. Firewire is a lot more commonly found on Apple computer systems however, you can acquire Firewire cards for PCs. Firewire is quicker than USB in certain applications and also for that reason is better for audio input. There's less latency on a Firewire link compared to on a USB link as a result of the performance rate.
Firewire can be found in two tastes, there's Firewire 400, which can move information at a price of 400 MB each second, as well as Firewire 800, which doubles the speed to 800 MEGABYTES per second. There are a wide variety of music digital user interfaces out on the market today, and also you can utilize either of these modern technologies to interface with a computer system. MAudio has a line of both kinds including the ProFire 610 and also the FastTrack USB.
These tools can run off of their designated connections and also act as an audio input/output resource for your computer to give a professional recording result. At SyberWorks, we utilize an M-Audio Firewire 410 audio interface connected to 2 Shure-SM 58s for all of our narration. The 410 is an effective option because it supplies multiple inputs as well as all of the audio controls required for level/gain and also limiter/compressor. It additionally has XLR inputs and also quarter inch inputs for microphones and also instruments, as well as 2 headphone results. Attached to the 410 are two M-Audio BX8a keeps an eye on, which offer a much higher quality result audio than any built-in computer speaker.
5. Software
There are many choices for audio modifying software application, from the basic shareware/freeware to the specialist level, that the decision of what to make use of may lie someplace within your spending plan restraints. The basic sound recording devices that have any type of Windows-based maker do not create quality audio. Any Apple computer includes GarageBand which is an outstanding mid-level audio recording application. GarageBand is the action youngster of Apple's Reasoning Studio and provides some rather innovative tools for recording, modifying, and also delivering audio recordings on any kind of platform.
Adobe has an audio recording/editing application called SoundBooth, which provides a selection of devices for cleaning up audio files and also conserving them in different styles. SoundBooth has the Creative Suite Manufacturing Premium or Master Collection. I just recently used SoundBooth to tape-record old cassette tape tracks as MP3 documents to ensure that I could shed the data to CD.
Bias, Inc. has been in the sound production area for over a decade currently and also their front runner sound editing and enhancing software program, Peak Pro, is an award winning application. Combined with SoundSoap Pro, an audio cleaning application, Peak Pro could reduce noise, hiss, roar, cracks and stands out, and also other unwanted audios from any kind of audio recording.
Below at SyberWorks, we make use of Peak Pro to tape any kind of narration for podcasts or training courses and GarageBand to stitch together podcasts and also intros. I then utilize iTunes to transform the audio to the MP3 format for distribution.
6. Stabilize
During recording, audio degrees could be mismatched producing unfavorable results during playback. This could be associated to vocal style or audio input levels not being appropriately kept an eye on.
To readjust audio degrees throughout the board so that the volume is fairly regular, most audio editing software program uses some normalization choice in which the audio levels are analyzed as well as an optimum as well as minimal variety are after that established. Softer sounds are enhanced and louder noises are reduced so that the overall sound level is more regular.
If there is a stark contrast between both input sources, then sound normalization could antagonize you. Softer seems could have extra audio introduced in them when the gain is raised. Make sure to check your audio input levels before taping. Aim to get both sources to come as much as the exact same decibel level before recording. Ideally, show the input meter in your sound software program to the speakers and aim to get them to talk at a gain level concerning 5 decibels.
7. Ahh's and Uhm's.
For some people, talking into a microphone could be a little challenging. You might hear a lot of Ahhh's as well as Uhmm's throughout a recording session. Some individuals naturally placed these in their expressions because they are thinking of what they are mosting likely to say following. Others placed them in from uneasiness. Others have lisp's or highlight S's and Z's. Still others smack their lips or breath heavy before chatting.
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nosferdoc · 2 years
“Indeed, for all their traditional antagonisms and obvious differences, the so-called black and so-called white people of the United States resemble nobody else in the world so much as they resemble each other.”
— Albert Murray, The Omni-Americans: Some Alternatives to the Folklore of White Supremacy, 1970.
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posi-pan · 1 year
there’s a character (quentin coldwater from the magicians) that i strongly headcanon as pan, but the fandom pretty much universally refers to him as bi. i’m not caught up fully, so i checked the wiki and it says he’s confirmed bi—but it doesn’t ever say that they use the word bi in canon. it’s just “he’s had both female and male canon love interests”.
this is frustrating because i want to post a fic with him being pan without people yelling at me, but i’m also just annoyed as this “bi as mspec default and anything else is weird and wrong” trend in fandom. let people be pan/omni/poly 2022.
preach!!!! it's really frustrating that those wiki pages declare any mspec character canon bisexual, as if it's just a given and doesn't need to be confirmed with the word, in or out of text, because there aren't any other possibilities for the character. it's erasure, honestly. fandoms suck when it comes to not erasing every mspec identity that isn't bi.
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francesbeau · 2 years
The Society of the Spectacle - Guy Debord
*Parts I loved and my thoughts on them. 
- Obviously Debord was not thinking about TikTok in specific when writing this but these two passages really made me think of the unique way in which media is translated on that app. ‘ The spectacle cannot be understood as a mere visual excess produced by mass-media technologies. It is a worldview that has actually been materialized, that has become an objective reality.’ / ‘ The spectacle is not a collection of images; it is a social relation between people that is mediated by images.’ 
- This makes me think of Romanticism as an Art movement and how industrialization effected the paintings in its later movements. ‘ In societies where modern conditions of production prevail, life is presented as an immense accumulation of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has receded into a representation.’ In Art we end up moving away from the natural because it is an Artist job to portray the culturally relevant. 
- ‘the spectacle is both the result and project of the present mode of production. / the spectacle is the model of the prevailing way of life. it is the omni present affirmation of the choices that have already been made in the sphere of production.’ - I like this idea surrounding consumption and the product versus project actually being more interlinked. Especially in late stage capitalism. 
- This is such a good quote I need to place it in my memory for all the Marxist essays I write in the future, ‘Economic expansion consists primarily of the expansion of this particular sector of industrial production. The "growth" generated by an economy developing for its own sake can be nothing other than a growth of the very alienation that was at its origin.’ - So succient, so beautiful AhhHHH. 
- ‘ The spectacle is capital accumulated to the point that it becomes images.’ 
- Very true, very sad. Interesting to think about in relation to cryptocurrency  ‘ The constant decline of use value that has always characterized the capitalist economy has given rise to a new form of poverty within the realm of augmented survival-alongside the old poverty which still persists, since the vast majority of people are still forced to take part as wage workers in the unending pursuit of the system's ends and each of them knows that they must submit or die.’ 
- Really interesting when applying to the question of will we ever actually get a rebellion? It’s hard to not fetishize past revolutions because it’s impossible to imagine a life in which we are economically free. ‘Once society discovers that it depends on the economy, the economy in fact depends on the society. When the subterranean power of the economy grew to the point of visible domination, it lost its power.’ 
- ‘Although the struggles between different powers for control of the same socio-economic system are officially presented as fundamental antagonisms, they actually reflect that system's fundamental unity, both internationally and within each nation.’
- ‘Marx's theory is closely linked with scientific thought insofar as it seeks a rational understanding of the forces that really operate in society. But it ultimately goes beyond scientific thought, preserving it only by superseding it. It seeks to understand struggles, not laws. "We recognize only one science: the science of history" (The German Ideology).’ 
- I think I might be reaching a little bit but when Debord said; ‘The anarchists, who explicitly distinguish themselves from the rest of the workers movement by their ideological conviction, reproduce this separation of competencies within their own ranks by providing a terrain that facilitates the informal domination of each particular anarchist organization..’ I really liked it as I dislike when people on the left will think less of other leftists because of their ‘official’ name. i.e Anarchists disliking Trad Marxists. So ridiculous and counterintuitive. 
-  ‘ As capitalism's ever-intensifying imposition of alienation at all levels makes it increasingly hard for workers to recognize and name their own impoverishment...’ Love this in terms of the divide between Middle class and Working class seems so silly in terms of being anti-capitalist 
- ‘Proletarian revolution entirely depends on ... It requires that workers become dialecticians and put their thought into practice.’ I think this is so interesting more so as a quote you can use to back up arguments surrounding whether theory is inherently classist. As, whilst its hard to grasp at times it really is the only way for revolution. 
- ‘The bourgeoise thus entered into a compromise with religion.’ 
-  I had a lecture where we spoke about the Romantic period and how industrialization actually brought the concept of time into a lot narrower confines and I think this is interesting in relation to that idea; ‘With the development of capitalism, irreversible time has become globally unified. Universal history becomes a reality because the entire world is brought under the sway of this time's development.’
-  n short, you can really understand this book only by using it. This makes it more of a challenge, but it is also why it remains so pertinent nearly half a century after its original publication while countless other social theories and intellectual fads have come and gone.
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paraclete0407 · 3 years
Feel like CCP have a quantum-entangled-mRNA-modulation-nano-machine and C19 could keep changing forever ~ if America lost so many fighting coronavirus what if the pull a Khan an use bubonic plague or sth ~ according to Gen. Spalding 50% of small businesses closed in America = let’s bankrupt the Treasury, throw the weak on the street, sue for communism, end of the world. 
 I’m not even joking and I’m wondering if CCP doctrine ‘scientific atheism’ is real or total shadowplay... I wish I could just write one more decent YAL attempt to encourage kids; I no longer know whether young people will even aspire or fall in love or want to reproduce sexually b/c they can CRISPR or whatever and look at people and copy them(?); IIRC the amount of stored data / known and recorded facts doubles ev. 12hrs and still Grace Community Church is there - too far from me I guess - and he is saying, ‘They are trying to isolate everyone.’ my best dearest relationship left the Saigon Embassy(?) ‘cause I tried to do the right thing and I feel the sickness unto death
‘Clover’ and ‘Je T’aime’ - the problem with today’s kiddes pace my student’s 2nd novel is caste society coming + w/r/t the children wanting to grow up together and get married a la ‘Whisper of the Heart’ do they even want to do it or do they just want to see themselves doing it and if they can see themselves married ‘MWC’ and growing white-haired like w/ Maurois ‘Art of Living’ would they follow through and actually go there or would they see themselves on TV being white-haired, ‘holding the morning coffee.’ eating hardboiled egg, and decide that since they’d seen everything coming like King Henry IV they would just ‘sit himself down and die’ - ‘People wanna see the end and do nothing!’
;and also is Generation Alpha ‘en bloc’ going to be mentally ll forever due to touch-deprivation; their consumer manipulation of their parents appears even worse than how in the 1980s-1990s Apple Jacks was like ‘adults haha’ and I felt like human trash for not having Lunchables, my classmates ‘flip a s---’ over me wearing New Balance shoes as opposed to Nike or LA Lights or British Knights and ‘Mom got a __ pound turkey!’ ~ are these the poor in spirit or all these pre-programed Maoist fast-zombie sleeper agents b/c the poor-in-spirt would have some kind of ‘exclamation point’ reaction
‘and B- the never-to-be NBA star counted his Korea-nickels for the snack ramyun’ - parents were saying whatever, culture of achievement just meant everyone antagonizing everyone b/c who ‘contends lawfully’ all the time b/c eventually you either want to be the giving up one that lets others win or the bus-under-thrower and cross-tracker and leg-sweeper; moreover like a million people comment on Taengstagram but she should just read my comment b/c it is a heartfelt and useful / edifying yet not paternal or condescending (that I know of) ‘like-letter’ and the other comments are either barbarian yawping, derivative, redundant except for SJH378 who also writes letters but I can’t write in fluent Korean and she still can’t read Eng I bet and I know nothing anymore and all these people are dissecting me and doing evth w/ their knowledge that I tried to avoid doing but then did I?  Or was I exploitation-monkey the whole time 
‘Meanwhile in North Korea, Xinjiang, all over Africa, down the street and in numerous abandoned industrial facilities and warehouses in Milwaukee USA...’ - I swear drones are the future and they’re much smaller than you think and so are the nerve-agent-flechettes; does my ex-girlfriend believe in the soul; and why are so many stylists and hairstylists and fashion personal shopper types getting even more artistically irresponsible and holding ‘moral beauty’ in contempt + I thought Korea was getting smart be consigning BkP to oblivion and incarcerating and damning artists that turned out to be immoral / turpiditudinous but actually the mandatory infantilo-Lolita-zation / lifelong commitment to 360-degree 24-7-365 killzone-abiding women goes on, it’s my fault, I caused Covid, I also caused the Presbyterian daughter to start spewing ‘girls like cars and money’ due to my career love-shyness and turned this whole world in to instrumentalists and ppl dependent on / addicted to ‘intersubjective objects’ (pace OMG ‘Sugar Baby’ / ‘neon naui teddy bear’) b/c I am love-shy
I rem a while back I had sober musings over youngwomen’s desires to become mothers but not wives but didn’t turn the scalpel on myself and really look in to why I believed that I could be ’established man’ before even learning how to infer / deduce parental expectations but these peple don’t expect anytning b/c just have ‘palats’ b/c Boomer AP English Keats-monkey + FUCKING MAO
IDK if it’s worth adding but the 4chan appropriation ‘pozzed’ as a ‘term of art’ meaning ‘corporatistically irrational or cuter-rational or counter-human or morally obscene’ (cf. Charles Murray) actually came from a homosexual ‘nickname’ for being HIV-positive which suggests extreme vulnerability or KPG NEET’s would also like to relate it to the commonly-found ‘fertile’ but it’s being fertile with death, slavery, human trafficking, 3-child policy Syria rape force to incubate and raise child-soldiers ~ CCP Milley-Harris Emergency Powers ‘Republic of Omni-Confusion That Is Not Even Totalitarianism’  
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insanetwocubes · 3 years
Uhm. How did I want to start this. Oh right.
I think I recreating the experience a person feels when they “find God.” 
Flare might ridicule me, but despite her Atheism, I find myself needing something spiritual. Me and the idea of a monotheistic god are not on good terms.
But. What I said in that last post and me equating it to “finding God” makes me think, my antagonism was... undeserved.
Because. If I am the god of my copinglink. And my copinglink is the god of me. That means everything a theistic force would be responsible for, I am. Responsible for it.
Not directly like any of those self-help things will tell you. But sort of through a double-reacharound. Homestuck-style, y’know?
So this god. That is lyke omni-present, -potent, and -cient is me. Just through two fictions over.
So all this antagonism. All this “why does god hate me.” All this “the clouds are forecasting a bad day.” All this. I’m talking to me. The author-me doesn’t hate me lol it just don’t know how to write me yet. The universe already exists and it’s a little late to undo everything. The clouds aren’t forecasting a bad day, I just realize my energy levels are too low to handle any unexpected turbulence. All this antagonism, is unnecessary because I have the power to fix it lol.
Anyway. I hope this helps me. But there is a few dots I can’t quite connect yet.
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a-polite-melody · 6 years
"multispec antagonism" lol get cucked
Oh, what an edgelord we have on our hands here!!!
Exclusionists really not helping their case about just being anti-SJWs, example... too high a number to count at this point.
Also, gotta love when aphobes are also trying to mock the shit bi, pan, ply, omni, and other multispecs go through. Not helping their case about just repackaging bi discourse either.
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voyagerg · 5 years
Tumblr media
Jon and Moreno clowning around on set. - “He’s a great kid! We spent a lot of time together. Our relationship works out so well because it’s affectionate. Like in Voyagers, with a little antagonism too.” - Jon-Erik Hexum. — #voyagers #jonerikhexum #meenopeluce #phineasbogg #jeffreyjones #voyagersguidebook #timetravel #history #universalstudios #timetravelers #omni #eighties #1982 #1983 #scholastic #jamesparriott #television #retro #retrotv #timemachine #friendship https://www.instagram.com/p/By2-bQbAwsw/?igshid=1hvixb1vzeim8
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