#on the flip side the longer I take to catch up the more I'll have to watch all at once vs the original weekly Hulu streams
brain fog is depriving me of my ability to draft for the time being so you best believe I will be working on beta reader exclusive content in the meanwhile 🥲
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callofdudes · 1 year
I would love to see a prompt of a Childhood friend Reader reuniting with Alejandro, Soap, Ghost, and König. The Reader recognized them before the boys recognized the Reader. So, the Reader, nervous as all heck, tries to start conversation a little bit before they hit them with “You know…you remind me of a friend I had” and would drop details only they would know, until the boys recognize the reader. That’s when the reader smiles and says “it’s been a while, huh?” And they all hug and have a good time properly catching up.
(I’m a sucker for happy endings you see)
Aww 🥰 this is cute. Thank you for stopping by! These might be kind of long. (Also I'm sorry for this taking so long I go so stuck on König and Alejandro 🥲)
Reconnecting with the boys.
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You and Ghost had signed up together. That's always how it was. You'd met Ghost in elementary and decided you were going to befriend the quiet kid. When the two of you got older Simon would talk about joining the military to get away from his family, and you wholeheartedly jumped in with him. You unfortunately retired due to personal reasons before you could be enlisted as a Captain. You had settled down in Britain running a small coffee shop with your friend.
The quiet life was nothing like the battlefield and you honestly missed the adrenaline you used to get from the adventures. You would smile fondly when you remembered the days. Captain Price, Ghost, all of them. You'd met Captain Price but were never recruited into 141.
And after a couple years Simon was no longer able to send messages to you with his recruit to 141 and his busy schedule as a Lieutenant. You had always assumed he either died or was busy considering Simon Riley was considered dead. But it wasn't the most obscure thing for people in the military to bury their names under secrets and cold dirt. Simon had always been known as a ghost. Ironically. Someone who was in an out and if you saw him, you'd be dead. You chuckled. What a thought. You missed him and your little adventures.
It was a quiet day in the shop when your world was flipped again and yet another twist was added to your life. You were wiping down the counters during the settled time when the door chimed and three voices cut through the quiet.
"I still can't believe such a brute likes tea."
"Shut it Johnny." A deep Manchester accent scolded the much more youthful sounding voice. You looked up and frowned when you saw the assorted lot. They were all muscular under their clothing. One with short hair and a leather jacket, the other with a frow-hawk of sorts and a military vest. And between them.
You didn't know why you were nervous but you felt yourself gulp. He was tall. Tall and big. He wore a hoodie and a balaclava with the jaw of a skull painted on it over his face. Accompanied by black paint smeared across his tired eyes.
Now. Ghost wasn't someone you accidentally mistook for someone else. It was either Ghost or it wasn't, but you weren't sure that this was Ghost. You hadn't seen him in years and if this was him he'd gotten taller. Wider. Stronger. He looked a lot more tired than before but the fact he was accompanied by two other men must have meant something. Especially to be getting tea with them.
You stilled your racing heart and tried not to jump to conclusions. This very well could not be Ghost.
You smiled kindly and tossed the wet cloth in your hand somewhere out of sight. "Hello. What can I get you boys today?"
The one with the military vest chimed in first with a big smirk. "Got an bourbon?" The man in the middle immediately jabbed him in the side with his elbow. The man frowned and huffed. "Fine. Got any whiskey?" He asked with a keen Scottish accent.
You looked up at the menu above you and nodded. "I'm sure I can work that out."
"And you two?"
The opposite man shrugged. "I'll get whatever you do, Ghost."
Your eyes widened. You looked back up at the man who held his jaw high and looked down at you almost judging. If the dead stare didn't tell you enough already. The Brit didn't respond for a minute and then finally said. "Two Earl grey's." You nodded quickly and could feel your heart race. "Take a seat anywhere you'd like."
Once you'd sorted their drinks you came back to find them sitting at a table near the back of the shop. Play it cool. You reminded yourself. You approached them with a smile and placed the tray down and handed out drinks. And then you paused. "You lot wouldn't happen to be part of the military?" That's a really odd sounding question there Y/N you scolded yourself. "I just noticed your jacket. It's military, I was curious."
He man wearing said jacket lit up. "Oh yeah. We all work down there. Lt. Here didn't want to come back to Scotland with me so I came with him." You chuckled. You looked over at Ghost who was contemplating over the tea. He'd have to take his mask off to drink if most likely. You noticed how his eyes briefly wandered over to you. "Im- I'm sorry. This might come off as a weird question but- do I know you?"
Ghost looked up. "Pardon? I'm certain you don't know me."
Well. Now or never.
"Simon Riley? You applied to the military four years out of high school?" Your voice raised an octave in uncertainty. He just stared at you. He looked over at his group as if this was some sick joke so you tried again. "I'm sorry. There was just a guy I signed up with who looked a lot like you do. We were friends for the longest time. He's was the quiet kid who had this weird obsession with guns and scared all our teachers. Although, he was always keen on taking himself off government records so I guess he just doesn't like to be noticed. Apologies-"
Ghost grabbed your wrist. He looked up into your eyes and squinted for a hard second before seeming to form a story in his head and his eyes softened. "Y/N?" You smiled so wide. "Been a while huh sergeant."
"That's lieutenant now soldier."
You smiled. "I'm not serving anymore. No need for formalities. Co-workers?" You motioned to the two other men.
He nodded. "Y/N. This is Kyle "Gaz" Garrick and John "Soap" MacTavish."
"Soap?" You chuckled and shook their hands. "Long story." Soap blushed.
You looked back at Simon and nodded. "I've missed you. We should talk." Ghost scooted over before you could continue and opened the seat for you. So you sat down and got comfy. "Lieutenant huh?" Soap barged in and nodded. "Oh you should have seen him! Tell them about Las Almas! Or that bomb explosion-"
"that'll do!" Ghost barked.
"Sounds like you're loaded with stories." Ghost nodded. He turned back to his colleagues and motioned to you. "Now, this is the sergeant who disarmed two bombs in thirty seconds, made a lieutenant shit his pants in simulated interrogation training and and called a Captain a "dim witted slug" all before being promoted."
"Slug? Is that even an insult?" Kyle chuckled. "It is now. I coined it." You replied proudly.
"So, I hope you two haven't been giving him much trouble?" The two sergeant's looked at each other, then to Ghost who sighed. "This one is energetic and leaves me alone. And that one is even more energetic and refuses to leave me alone."
You chuckled. It didn't feel misplaced. It didn't feel awkward. It was just like always. As if Simon was jumping off a HALO with his scuffed up uniform and a grouchy look. His much younger face covered in a simple balaclava. The way his eyes would soften with relief when he saw you. He'd pull you into his arms and hug you in relief. It was as if time hadn't changed.
His eyes were dimmer with war but they still reminded you of the sleep deprived zombie you'd enjoyed.
"So, I see you've gotten into mask making." You commented when Soap showed you a photo of the boys after a retrieval mission in the rocky mountains. Ghost wore a balaclava with a skull sown to the front. It did look menacing, you had to admit. Ghost rolled his eyes and rolled up his mask to sip his tea.
After a couple minutes of talking the bell to the shop jingled and called you back to work. You stood and nodded to Ghost. "We should catch up some time while you're in town." Ghost opened his mouth to speak when you smacked him softly on the shoulder with your tray. "Mr. Military machinery." And you walked away.
"I hate you Y/N!"
"I hate you too Simon!"
Ghost looked back at his tea and smiled.
On the way out Ghost motioned the two men away to the car. Once the door to the shop closed Simon came to the desk you were sitting at and looked down at you. "Y/N." You looked up and smiled. "Hey! Need something?" He opened his arms hesitantly and once you caught on you didn't hesitate to jump into his arms.
"I missed you Simon."
He nuzzled into your neck and felt his insides relax. Memories and triggers all coming back to him. He tightened his arms and pulled you off your feet. "I'm glad to see you again." You felt tears in your eyes when he placed you back down and you laughed. "Go on. You're friends need you. If you still have the same number I'll call you tomorrow?" He nodded and hesitantly turned to the door. "Y/N?" You hummed when he called you. "You know. Before you left. I never did tell you... I was recruited to the 141."
You smiled. "I know you were. There was no doubt they would want you."
He scoffed. "Sure disappointing you weren't there with me."
"You don't need me taking up your spotlight."
He chuckled. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
You nodded. And as he left the shop you couldn't help but wave dramatically as he passed.
"bye Lieutenant!"
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"Drink! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!" You're entire team screamed in excitement as you chugged down your seventh shot of bourbon.
The fire buzzed in the back of your throat and your head was barely hanging on before shutting down. You placed the cup on the counter and tried to hold in a burp unsuccessfully.
Your team cheered as you placed down your name on their made-up tally cards. You'd beaten your firearms pyrotechnic by two drinks.
The second you looked up your brain was all over the place. Across the table another group of men watched your bumbling mess oddly. The one in the middle, shrouded on darkness and black clothing looked pissed from what you could tell. But the smaller one sitting next to him was hyped to watch the show.
You ran your fingers through your hair and went to order another drink. "Can I get a-aaah..? Uuuh." You fell sideways off your chair and the rest of your drunken group laughed loudly. You looked up dizzily. The floor was now the ceiling and everything was moving.
"Oh gosh. Simon come help." A figure rushed over to you and blocked the light that flooded your irises. "Hey, you ok?"
"Fuckin' hell." Another figure came over and they grabbed your arms. "I think I smell colors..." You whispered. "Yeah, I do that sometimes too. Let's get you into a comfier chair." You groaned as they dragged you toward the lower level of the bar and sat you down in one of the lounge chairs. The shorter man crouched in front of you and rubbed your thigh comfortingly. "Are you ok? Nauseous? Can I get you some water?"
Your spinning head managed to slow down for a moment and you gazed into his eyes. Eyes doused in a comforting familiarity. You smiled and leaned your head sideways. " You remind- mmmme of s'mone." You slurred. The man smiled. "Oh?"
"Yeah. He had a weird hairdo like yours all through- all through middle school." You chuckled drunkenly and flicked your fingers through his hair before he could stop you.
"Ghost. Can you get some water?" The other man huffed but retreated quickly. "You'll feel much better in the morning. I promise."
You kept your eyes on him and suddenly you felt upset. When you saw his face your mind muddled distinct features with changes to form an old friend. You sniffled. "I miss John." You whispered.
The man frowned but tried to reassure you, his hand still rubbing your thigh. "It'll be ok. Do you have a place to stay with your friends?" He looked back over at your group who where still messing around with each other.
He attempted to stand to take the water Ghost returned with but you managed to grab his wrist. "Don't leave John. Not again. I can't lose you again." This John your mind had come up with looked back at you and something seemed to start clicking away in his brain. He held your sweaty hand and handed you the glass off water that you stupidly mistook for another shot of bourbon. Once you'd downed it you sighed. "Still have that stupid little binder? The red one?"
John's eyes shot open wide. "How. How do you know that?" You shrugged and leaned your head back. "Is jusss- I dunno..." And you were out.
When you woke up in the morning your head was throbbing. You sighed angrily. Why had you done that? You rolled over and grabbed the blankets up in your arms.
"You awake?" A man's voice asked.
You shot up in bed so fast and looked across the room as a man came out with a toothbrush in hand. You screamed and rolled, falling out of bed and onto the floor with a thud.
"Oh, sorry about that. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm the guy from the bar. I don't know if you remember me." You rubbed your head and looked up. When you looked around you realized you were in a hotel. "You're friends were staying late and I didn't think a bar was the best place to be passed out." You saw a small formation of blankets on the floor by the bathroom and realized he'd probably slept there that night.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to inconvenience you. Ah- Thank you." He smiled and chuckled. "ain't mah foremaist runaround."
Your head perked up at the suddenly thick Scottish. You stood on your feet and relaxed back against the bed. You looked up at him and the previous nights hazy connection mingled it's way into your brain. "I-I'm sorry." You said once you realized you were staring. You rubbed your head and scrunched your eyes to try and clear the headache. "You just remind me of someone I used to know."
"It's alright. John MacTavish." He replied and held out his hand.
You felt the air leave your lungs. John must have seen your reaction and your jaw dropped. "You are him." You whispered. "You probably wouldn't remember me. I was the whiny kid in middle school? I always looked over your shoulder and would weirdly compliment your doodles-"
John seemed to catch on and his eyes examined you with a new bout of familiarity. "No way- you're not-" You nodded.
"Y/N?" You covered your mouth to hide your excited scream but you nodded happily.
"You put whiskey in Mrs. V's oatmeal!"
"Yeah!" You jumped up and started to laugh. "Oh my gosh! Hi!" He smiled so wide. "It's been so long!" He opened his arms and then hesitated. "Oh, sorry. I don't know if you're comfortable with that." You rushed him and wrapped your arms tightly around him. He smelled of smoke and dirt. Something so unfamiliar and yet so close to home.
"You ugly cried when I left for training."
"Yeah." You smiled into his shoulder. "I told you not to go because you'd get punted on your arse in minutes."
When you pulled away you looked over his face. "Stupid haircut, eyes like a puppy, your cheeks are still kinda plump." You chuckled. "Sorry. This is new though." You touched the scar on his chin but he brushed it off. "It's been a while huh?" He nodded. "You're all grown up."
"Oh shut it."
"Oh! Here. I'll let you get changed. I bought some clothes from the store downstairs so you could get out of those for the day. I'm not sure where you live so uhh. I'll buy you breakfast and we can catch up?" He handed you a bag and backed away to give you space. "Oh absolutely." He smiled brightly.
"Johnny?" He perked up at the nickname and turned. "Thank you."
"Get changed. I'll meet you outside and I can introduce you to my team. And then you can tell me about what you e been up to all this time."
"I'd like that. Thank you."
When you got out of the shower and changed you met Johnny outside and the two of you talked all the way to the cafeteria. It was as if no time had passed at all. Of course that wasn't true. You told him about your new job and what a mess you were for the first two years he was enlisted because you couldn't contact him. He told you about his position as a sergeant and his amazing team.
When you got down there Johnny waved over to a group of men. A casually clothed darker skinned man, a beefer man with a hat and a very tall guy in a balaclava and bulky sweater. "Everyone. This is Y/N. My old friend. Y/N. This is Kyle, John Price and Si-" The last man gave him an look. "Lieutenant Ghost Riley." You smiled sheepishly. "Hi. I'm the drunkard you had to rescue from the bar."
Kyle moved over and patted his seat. "Sit you two." Johnny pulled you down and like a chatterbox he didn't miss a beat in filling you in on everything he'd been up to the past few years. And the two of you never looked back after you were reunited. And his new friends are pretty cool. You fit right in.
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You rolled onto your back and huffed loudly. Blood dripped from your lips and gushed from your arm where you'd been shot. Your hands quivered when you were thrown by into the ground in shock. You stared wide eyes up at the sky as blood rushed to your ears.
"Cobra this is Price! Confirm your location! Five enemy targets converging on your route. Can you confirm your location?"
You breathed in, choking on air and forcing up more blood. Your head was pounding. Everything seemed to fade into the background as you stared at the sky.
"Cobra, ally troops are headed to your last known location."
You were barely brought back by the sound of Price's voice. You grabbed your radio and breathed out heavily. "Compromi-" You coughed and your hand fell away weakly.
There was sudden gunfire around you. Four unidentified shadows mingled around you in a haze. One behind your head, the other three from beyond your feet. Blood splattered and two enemies fell to the ground as the larger shadow barrelled through them. A fifth enemy approached and went down as easily.
You heaved again. The figure moved back to your side and kneeled by your torso. "You're ok. I'm here. I'm going to get you out ok?" You groaned. It was König right?? You had a mission briefing with him. Although he wasn't from 141, it was for recruitment.
"Yes. I'm König. Good, just stay awake for me alright?" You looked back up at the sky as he searched for bandages, cursing when he had none. He had one option left.
He pulled off his helmet and tore the cloak from off his face. He pulled the fabric out and wrapped it tightly around you'd arm. Blood soaked through it but he barely cared and lured your gaze back to him.
"I'm going to lift you now alright? You'll be perfectly alright." You looked into his soft brown eyes and his messy brown locks. Stubble messily shaped his scarred chin and his lips were curved down with worry.
You smiled when he pulled you up. A face you recognized instantly. You muttered his name softly and leaned into him. "Can we go home??"
"You're losing blood. I'll get you back to the helicopter and then we can go to base."
"König I want to go home.." You muttered. You felt so tired. Utterly tired and defeated. Your body was caked in dirt and his face was all you could focus on. "You're mama still make..." You groaned. "Cookies. I want cookies."
He gulped and his brow shifted worriedly. "I'll bring you to Ghost. He'll know what to do!"
"Don't go..." You whispered. You managed to curl your shaky fingers around his chest strap and looked up at him with tears.
"I'm scared König..."
His heart broke when you looked at him like that. He clung to you tighter and tried to run faster. Any way he could clear the field of debris quicker he would try.
You closed your eyes and settled your head on his chest...
You woke up with a start. Your body jolted into fight mode as soon as memories were surging through your brain. A large hand grabbed your wrist and gently brought it back to your bedside. "You were shot. Please take it easy."
That voice. Him. His face.
You whipped your head sideways to see König sitting in the chair by the bed. "You asked me not to leave. So I didn't."
His eyes were kinder than they were before in the briefing. You closed your hand around his and laid back against the bed. König continued to watch you. Not creepily, but moreso basking in the fact that you were alive and well. It took more than a shot to the arm to take you down.
König breathed in softly after a moment and suddenly spoke. "You mentioned something to me on the field. Do you remember what it was?"
You looked up at him, then back on the events. "No. I don't really remember anything. I remember your face, and how you used your face covering to secure my wound. It must have been adrenaline."
König seemed to accept the answer and turned to his phone to take his attention. And then the memory suddenly hit you like a train. His face. His soft eyes. The way his voice softened in your weakened state.
"Cookies... yeah."
König looked up. "That's what I'd thought you'd said. But I wasn't sure. Odd thing to say on the field though."
You hummed. "I just... When I saw your face, you reminded me of someone I used to know. Although he was only little. We were fifteen when he moved away. When I last talked to his parents they said he'd gone off to train in the military and they hadn't heard from him..." You looked back up and scoffed. "They always thought he'd died... When I joined and I never saw him again, I believed it too..."
König slumped. "I'm so sorry."
You hummed. "It's ok. I remember he used to have this tree house in his backyard. His mom would get mad because we'd go crawling through her garden playing army men together." You chuckled. "But he moved away and I never saw him again..."
König stared at you. And then he straightened up. "If I told you something, do you think you'd believe me?"
"I had a tree house in my backyard- i'm- I'm him." He lit up as if he couldn't believe he'd said it. "Y/N! The name, it felt so close and yet-" You smiled softly and squeezed his hand. "You're definitely him. Always muttering like a nervous wreck."
"Can ... Can I look under the mask or is that a no deal?"
König looked around briefly before nodded hesitantly. He pulled it up over his helmet and you grinned. His messy locks of hair and soft eyes.
"And here I thought you were dead." You whispered, fresh tears in your eyes. You leaned over in your bed and despite the pain you pressed your head into his neck and wrapped your arms around him.
He shuddered and hugged you back. "I'm sorry." He curled his fingers into fists and sniffled. "I should have tried to contact you but the last couple years I've just..."
He breathed in deeply and relaxed in your arms.
"It's been a while huh?" You sighed. "I'm glad you're ok."
König pulled away and nodded. "Likewise. I'm glad you're alive." He checked your arm again to be sure and nodded. "So... When you're out of here, you want to grab some food??"
"I mean- only if you want it! I wasn't implying that-"
You nodded. "Yes, König, I'd like that very much."
"Alright... Good. That's good. You get all the rest you need ok? I'll be right here when you wake up."
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Alejandro Vargas:
Undercover missions. You just loved them. Getting go play around and slip under the noses of evil corporations. It was exhilarating and fun.
There had been word going around your camp that drug dealers in Mexico were going to attend an up coming party to try and make a pretty big exchange under everybody's noses. This party was big and anyone was invited if you were above a certain stature.
Naturally your field team had been flown to Mexico and you were to meet Rodolfo Parra and Alejandro Vargas. It was a thrill and you couldn't sit still the whole time.
When you got there the place was a lot quieter than you'd expected. Two men stood outside a military truck and waved to you all when your team of four approached. "Welcome friends." The shorter one smiled. The taller and slightly beefier man smiled at you, it was charming. "Welcome to Mexico my friends. I hope you enjoy your stay."
"I'm Alejandro Vargas and this my Sergeant Major Rodolfo Parra." You climbed into the backseat and smiled back at Alejandro as you drove.
When you reached a small safehouse Alejandro allowed you all out and ushered you inside. You all gathered around a table and started to talk.
"While we'd like to talk to you longer, introductions can wait. We've advised Captain Price of our needs which is why you are here, no doubt you know that."
"The party is tonight. We've read your reports and we've decided I will be stationed outside the party's central square with two men while Alejandro and Y/N go undercover inside the party. Can you do that?" Rodolfo asked. It seemed simple enough. Why wouldn't you be able to do it?
Everyone was pretty used to being rushed so while they talked over intricate details Alejandro insisted on sweeping you away to pick outfits for the evening. It was a bit embarrassing, the way he was so easy around you. He smiled widely after a joke or would say something in Spanish that made him laugh.
"How about this? You like green?"
You chuckled. "Will it make me stand out?"
"we all stand out amigo. It's what we're supposed to do."
You nodded. "Yeah. I just... I like being in the background. You know, I went to a school dance in seventh grade?" He nodded and started shifting back through the clothes. "And I didn't have the nicest outfit, but the person I was going with was one of the more popular kids and decided last minute I wasn't worth it."
"Oh." Alejandro paused. "Amigo I'm sorry. That is awful pressure for such a small child. No doubt having other pressures as well."
"It's ok. It happened a while back. And I remember I was sitting over by the punch when a kid- hadn't really talked to him before. But he came over, smiled really wide," you chuckled. "And he asked me why I was alone. When I told him he grabbed me by the arm and we just hung out. From then on he was my best friend- and his other buddy. I forget his name but there was a shorter kid with messy hair. He was an awkward one though. It was cute to watch." You chuckled.
Alejandro had completely paused in finding clothes and was just watching you. "Hmm. I had a similar experience in my childhood. Although the one I rescued was pouting like a wet dog and I couldn't allow that."
He pulled an outfit off the rack and held it up to you. "Not to flashy?" You took it and nodded. "You'd look good in black." You tossed the suit you'd found his way and headed for a change room. The memory had sparked something in you. His constant smile gave you a loving reassurance that a similar one also did. But if couldn't be Alejandro Alejandro. That was near impossible. You'd moved away when you were nineteen and despite efforts, after three years Alejandro was no longer constantly replying to your texts so you assumed he no longer hand an interest. You couldn't remember what his friends name was though...
"Coming amigo?"
"Huh- oh yes! Sorry!" You unlocked the stall door and came out with the outfit on. Alejandro smiled again. "You look good. Subtle fits you."
When you returned to the group they were all ready with their plan and quickly filled the two of you in on profiles and what you were needed to do.
"Sounds easy." Alejandro smiled again.
When the event arrived the two of you were whisked away in an undercover vehicle to the event. You could feel nerves tightening in your body and the excitement quickly turn to fear. Alejandro took your hand and squeezed it. "Don't worry. It's just a bit of dancing. Don't get caught and you'll be fine."
You walked inside the place and we're overwhelmed with music, lights, and people. Alejandro pulled you close and made his way through the crowd. "Don't get lost." He advised.
You secured your earpiece and successfully got back to Rodolfo who gave you two the go ahead. A server approached you and offered out a platter of seafood on it. "No thank you amigo." Alejandro nodded back to you. "I'm allergic. Don't tell." He chuckled and walked over to the drinks to act casual. He was surprisingly good at it. But that made you wonder.
"Or are you just scared of them? Ever seen a shrimp up close. Nasty looking buggers." Alejandro shivered. He pushed away the thought quickly. "Yeah. After that day we had to look at all those animals up close he was never the same. Never touched a piece of seafood again."
Alejandro pondered your statement carefully before replying. "And then You dressed up as one on Halloween just for the sake of fucking with me?" You chuckled.
"Y/N." He rolled your name happily. Giddy to get to say it again. "Alejandro Vargas. I always thought you'd dropped off the face of the earth."
"I tried to reply, but work is stressful, I did not want to worry you by telling you."
"Been a long time huh. And you still got that damn smile." He placed down his drink as voices came over your comm. Lines.
"Rodolfo missed you." He continued.
"Rodolfo- Rodolfo! Of course that's Rodolfo! He's still got that walk and the little lip pout! How did I miss that?"
"I don't know. He's always been like that. Worried about where you were all the time, sweet thing. Always wanted me to check on you to make sure you were ok. And then we signed up and now he's a shining star. Still anxious, but no longer a cat in water."
You chuckled.
"So. When did you join?" He asked, eager to catch up.
"Five or so years ago. I decided it's what I wanted to do. College wasn't for me and my normal job just didn't feel right. This is right."
"Only real thrill out there. You just be careful when you go home alright?"
"Of course. I've always been careful-"
"Not true. Eighth grade you backflipped off the monkey bars."
"I was only in a neck brace for four months."
"Five months."
"I had to do your homework because you couldn't look down at the paper. And no matter what we were doing Rodolfo made sure you took your pills on the hour every day."
Two men walked toward you, interested in getting food. Alejandro pulled you in and hugged you tight. He was still wearing that cologne he had when he was seventeen and everybody thought he was cool. You smiled at the memory and hugged him back, grateful to see the bastard again.
A commotion started up across the room and Alejandro smirked. "Well, shall we catch up later?" He offered you his hand and grabbed his gun from his pocket. "You're weird. It's reassuring."
And you went on your merry way. (And then you caught up with Rodolfo after too!)
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amyispxnk · 8 months
Back home
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Summary: Javi returns home and you guys have some fun 😜 (I'm bad at summaries haha)
A/N: I wrote this before Halloween ended so forgive the Halloween activities. I can't be bothered to change it. Also I don't really know what perspective this is written in..?
I have not proofread this so I'm sorry if there's any confusing bits or mistakes. Lmk if there's anything major!
Javier Peña x f!reader
Word count: 1858
Warnings- pet names, smut (oral f receiving, PiV) fluff
He turned off his car and walked outside, unlocking the door to his apartment and stepping inside, admittedly a little excited to finally see his girlfriend after a long mission abroad.
As he opened the door, she jumped up and ran over to him, crushing him with a hug as she practically jumped on him.
"Javi! I missed you so much!" She squealed.
He laughed heartily, catching her in his arms as she leaped towards him. He spun her around once before setting her back down on the ground, kissing her passionately. "I missed you too, mi amor. It feels good to be home."
Pulling away, he took a step back to look at her, taking in every detail of her appearance. Her hair was longer than he remembered, and there was a new sparkle in her eyes that made his heart skip a beat.
"You look more beautiful than ever." He said sincerely, reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "How have you been holding up while I was away?"
"Been good.. kinda bored though, without you. I did some decorating as you can see..." She said, nodding her head in the direction of the Halloween decorations strung up thoughout the apartment.
His eyes lit up as he took in the festive decorations adorning their home. Skeletons hung from the ceiling, cobwebs were draped across corners, and pumpkins sat on every available surface.
"Wow, you really went all out." He remarked with a grin. "Looks like we're ready for Halloween."
He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer as they surveyed the scene together.
"So what do you say we make the most of my first night back? We could watch a scary movie, eat some popcorn...maybe even carve a pumpkin or two."
"Oh, scary movie marathon was already on my list of stuff to force you into. Sit, I'll go bring some popcorn. Put a movie on too, you get first pick as a courtesy of mine." She winked before kissing him again then going to get the popcorn ready.
He chuckled, watching her walk away before turning his attention to the television. Flipping through the channels, he settled on a classic horror film - one that had given him nightmares as a kid but seemed strangely comforting now.
By the time she returned with a steaming bowl of popcorn, the opening credits were rolling. She handed him a large handful before settling in next to him on the couch, resting her head against his shoulder.
"This better not give me nightmares," she teased, reaching for another handful of popcorn. "But if it does, at least I know who to blame."
Halfway through the movie, she moved to sit between his legs on the couch and pulled the blanket on top of them, muttering something about being cold and Javier's body being a 'fucking heater'.
He laughed softly, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer. As the tension mounted on screen, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him - there was no place he'd rather be than right here, with her.
She moved to tug the blanket tighter around them as she complained how cold it was when it was barely November.
"You're cold?" He asked playfully. "Let me help you with that."
With a mischievous grin, he began to tickle her sides, eliciting a fit of giggles from her. When she tried to retaliate, he captured her wrists in his hands, holding her still as they both dissolved into laughter.
"Okay, okay," she gasped, breathless. "I surrender!" But he didn't let up.
"Javi, stop!" She shrieked as her face went red from laughing so hard. "I'm gonna piss myself, stop!"
His eyes twinkled with amusement as he relented, releasing her wrists and leaning back against the couch. But even as the movie continued, his gaze remained fixed on her - taking in every curve of her body, every freckle on her skin.
"You know," he said softly, running a finger down her arm. "There's only one way to make sure you don't have nightmares tonight."
Leaning in, he brushed his lips against hers in a gentle kiss. She responded eagerly, her hands tangling in his hair as they lost themselves in the moment.
"We need to make sure you stay awake," he whispered, making her breath hitch slightly as she turned to face him fully.
"How do you plan on doing that?" She pressed, any attention she was paying to the movie before long gone.
A smile played at the corner of his mouth as he traced a finger along her collarbone, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. His voice was low and husky when he spoke, sending shivers down her spine.
"I have a few ideas," he murmured, leaning in to capture her lips once again. This time, there was nothing gentle about their kiss - it was fierce and hungry, fueled by weeks apart.
Breaking away, he looked into her eyes, his own dark with desire. "Are you game?"
"Am I game?" She laughed before moving to sit completely on his lap.
"Yeah, I'm game."
His heart raced as she straddled him, her warmth enveloping him like a second skin. He cupped her face in his hands, kissing her deeply before trailing kisses down her neck.
"Good," he growled against her skin. "Because I've missed you too much to wait any longer."
With that, he stood up effortlessly, carrying her bridal style towards the stairs. She buzzed with excitement as he climbed each step, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
"It's really hot how you can just carry me like this." She said with a little giggle as she looked up at him.
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to her forehead before answering.
"Years of working in the DEA have paid off, I guess." He flashed her a grin as they reached the bedroom door. Setting her down gently on the bed, he took a moment to admire the sight before him - her flushed cheeks, her tousled hair, the heat in her eyes.
"Now," he said softly, crawling towards her on the bed. "Where were we?"
"I think we were here." She said as she straddled him once more and leaned back slightly to pull her top off.
His eyes widened in appreciation as she revealed her perfect breasts, her nipples already hard from their earlier encounter. Leaning in, he took one into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue before switching to the other.
"Fuck, you're beautiful," he groaned, his hands wandering over her body. Reaching behind her, he unclasped her bra completely and let it fall to the floor, revealing even more of her smooth skin.
She gasped as the cold night air hit her breasts before her hands came to grab for his shirt, fumbling to get it off.
Laughing softly, he helped her remove his shirt before moving on top of her. His lips trailed down her stomach, leaving a path of kisses in their wake. Reaching her jeans, he undid them quickly, sliding them down her legs along with her panties.
"So wet for me," he murmured appreciatively. "Just like I knew you would be."
Dipping his head, he ran his tongue over her clit, causing her to cry out in pleasure. Her taste was intoxicating - sweet and tangy at the same time. He lapped at her folds greedily, drinking in her essence.
"Oh my god" she moaned, head tipping back as she fisted his curls tightly, begging him for more.
Encouraged by her reaction, he redoubled his efforts, using his fingers to massage her clit while his tongue delved deeper inside her. She was so close - he could feel it in the way her body trembled beneath him.
"That's it, baby," he growled, adding another finger to increase the pressure. "Come for me."
And with a loud cry, she did just that, her orgasm crashing over her like a wave. He held her through it, his arms wrapped around her waist as she rode out the aftershocks.
"Wow," she breathed finally, looking up at him through heavy-lidded eyes.
"You're really good at eating pussy." She said with an airy chuckle as she leaned forward on her forearms.
He grinned at the compliment, leaning in to steal a kiss. "I aim to please," he said cheekily.
Rolling onto his back, he pulled her on top of him, enjoying the feeling of her naked body pressed against his. Her breasts were soft against his chest, her thighs slick with sweat where they rested on either side of his hips.
"Your turn," he said, reaching down to cup her ass. "I'm not done with you yet."
"You better not be." She murmured against his lips before pushing herself up and steadying herself with her palms against his chest, starting to rock slowly against his erect length.
His breath caught in his throat at the sensation of her moving against him. It felt amazing - the friction of her wetness against his cock driving him wild. He could feel himself getting closer to the edge, but he didn't want it to end yet.
Reaching up, he grabbed her hips, guiding her movements until she was riding him just right. Her moans spurred him on, and soon they were both lost in the rhythm, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony.
"Querida," he groaned, unable to form coherent words anymore. All he knew was that he needed more of her - needed to be inside her.
"What?" She teased as she slowed her movements slightly, head resting sideways on her shoulder.
Gritting his teeth, he tried to hold back, but it was no use. He lifted her up and pulled her back down on him in one swift movement, barely giving her a chance to breath before he was thrusting rapidly inside of her.
Her head fell back and he bent down, attaching his lips to her nipple once more and swirling his tongue around it, his pace inside of her still relentless.
Her hands tugged on his disheveled hair when he angled his hips a little differently, making his cock hit that perfect spot inside of her.
"Fuck, don't stop! I'm gonna come, Javi!" She moaned.
"Come on baby, come on. Soak my cock. Come on." He urged, moving faster and faster until she finally came undone, clenching around him and making her pussy impossibly tight around his dick.
With a final thrust, he came inside her, his release so powerful it left him weak and breathless. As the last of his orgasm subsided, he pulled her down onto him, wrapping his arms around her tightly.
"Fuck," he breathed against her neck. "That was...amazing."
She smiled, pressing a kiss to his jawline. "It certainly was," she agree before resting her head in the crook of his neck until her breathing slowed and they both came down from their highs.
He lay down in a more comfortable position after a moment and she shuffled to the side slightly so her head was resting on his chest, slowly drifting to sleep.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated and requests are open! 💞
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prod-ddeonu · 11 months
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I may just be extremely Heeseung and Jake biased but Heeseung is the only person that came to mind for this. This is absolutely not proofread and it is 3:30am so it will probably never be proofread, ENJOY MUAH MUAH (if it's not to your liking I'll rewrite it)
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it was a lovely day outside, so you had decided to take a stroll around the city with your dog, Miyu! You felt a pair of eyes staring at you, but you chose to ignore it and continued walking.
without warning, you felt a pair of arms wrap around you in a tight embrace. Your survival instincts kicked in as you bent forward and flipped the person onto the ground. "JUNGWON?!" You shouted. Maeum ran up to Miyu and began to sniff her.
you heard snickering from behind you, Jungwon groaning in pain with a smile on his face. "Hey, long time no see," he forced out. You helped him up, apologizing profusely. He introduced all of his friends to you, going from left to right.
your eyes landed on the last person, his hair a dark purple shade as he smiled. "And that's Heeseung," Jungwon finished.
"holy shit" is all you could manage to get out with your jaw hanging. The group burst into laughter, Jungwon offering to catch up at the dog park up the road with his groupmates.
at the park, maeum and miyu were left to play around in the grass. You and Jungwon had adopted them both together when you were younger, but after he had become a trainee, Maeum no longer attended puppy playdates.
"Ah, shoot- MAEUM NO! THAT IS NOT YOUR TOY!" Jungwon shouted, jogging over to his dog who was ripping an unsuspecting stuffed animal to shreds.
An arm slid out behind your back as Lee Heeseung sat next to you. "So, how do you know Wonie?"
"We grew up as neighbors," you smiled with tight lips. "It sucked to see him move away, but I'm happy to watch him achieve his dreams now."
Heeseung smiled at the boy as he lay in the grass with both of the white dogs running over him. "So, you come here often?"
"I live a block away," you shrugged. "I'm here pretty much whenever Miyu wants to go, I'm just lucky that today I ran into Jungwon and his handsome friends."
"So you think I'm handsome?" He smirked.
You rolled your eyes and scoffed. "You're an idol. It's your job, duh," you sarcastically dragged out your words, earning a laugh from the other.
Jungwon made his way back to the two of you with both of your dogs, all three of them panting. "Y/N, I think Miyu and Maeum have successfully tired themselves out for the day. Maybe we can bring them here together more often?"
You took Miyu's leash, giving Jungwon the same side hug you always did. "I think that would be nice."
When Jungwon left, you expected to call your mom that night and tell her who you'd ran into. You expected to have to teach Miyu how to play at night in order to accommodate Jungwon's schedules. You expected dating rumors to fly around from a crazed fan, even.
You never expected to get a text from an unknown number that evening reading, "Hey, what's cookin' good lookin' ;)" with an attached photo of Lee Heeseung in an apron with obviously microwaved instant noodles in front of him.
You laughed to yourself, typing a witty response in return. "cute apron, instant noodle chef."
He sent another selfie of him blowing a kiss with the apron on and a poorly drawn mustache. "For the record, I think you're cuter than the apron."
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happyk44 · 28 days
Thinking abt Hazel who usually gets Macaria to do her hair since they have similiar hair types (I perceive Macaria to appear black in her day-to-day, like Thanatos). Or sometimes Zagreus, who loved to play with his sisters' hair as a kid and is still willing to sit down for a few hours to do painstakingly complex braids.
But they're both gone, doing their own thing, when Hazel comes down and she sighs because this is the only free moment she has and sure she could get it done at Camp Jupiter or New Rome but she liked the family aspect.
Also it's free when her siblings do her hair. And free is always convenient.
She considers Nico, who's not that bad at it, he just takes way longer than everyone else and his plaits aren't as tight as they could be, when Pluto walks by. He prompts her and she tells him and blinks confused when a second pips by and she's suddenly seated on a plush cushion, products and brushes and combs around her. Her father is seated behind her, his long long legs stretched out.
It's sort of annoying how tall he is. He's behind her and yet his feet pass hers.
Why the hell is she and Nico so short? Even Macaria, born by Hades' sole hand from the dirt of the underworld and dessicated souls, defaults to just below average.
His fingers are cool against her nap as he separates her evenly. "What were you looking for?"
"Uh-" A book appears on her lap. She flips it open. Dozens of hair styles on every page, every hair type accommodated, every style listed. Even the ones far out of date. The models differ - in age, in race, in gender, in time period.
They feel familiar, familial. She wonders what it would take for her to join this family photo album. If she'll be present by mere existence, or if she needs to display a style never seen before for it to count.
"Uh, I usually just get..." She pauses on a photo. The girl is smiling wide with jewels adorning each plait. Even in the turnarounds, when her face is no longer visible, she seems happy. "This one is nice."
Pluto's chin scoots across the top of her head as he looks down. "Fulani with ornamental accents," he muses. He waves his hand as a bowl of beads appears between their legs. Different colours, different gems. "Pick. I'll let you know when I get there."
Hazel picks up the bowl. The jewels glitter. "Did you do all of these?"
"Most of them," he says.
She pulls out a thick golden bead. "Do you like doing hair?"
It seems a stupid question when it hits the hair and she curses her brain for not catching her tongue. But he answers, amused, "Sometimes. When you're patient. Nico never was, but fortunately Hades is a little more relaxed than I am."
She thinks of Nico, young, and tucked into their father's lap, wet locks being combed and brushed back gently as they dry. She thinks of him squirming, as kids do, bored of sitting still while his hair is trimmed. Or curled. Or whatever he had going on. For all she knows, he was being braided too, with slick smooth plaits. Over and under, over and under. Thin fingers and a idle smile listening to the chatter of a toddler.
"I didn't have much help when she was born," he continues. "And Macaria liked to play rough with the dogs and chickens and Furies." He clips part of her hair to the side and hums softly. "And their claws are not quite suited to crafting ponytails or braids from thick curly hair."
Hazel sets a beautiful onyx bead with her slowly forming pile. There's a thin golden imprint of a skull on it. The skin of it is smooth. Even the grooves are so subtle she can't feel them with her fingertip, only sensing it from the catch of her nail.
"And you just... carried on with it?" She pauses, shifting her head with gentle guide of his hands. "Even when they had other people without claws to help?"
"Of course." The comb is gentle as he passes it through. Slow and steady. Like Macaria and Zagreus, but softer somehow. "I'm your father. Why wouldn't I keep doing your hair?"
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eezeybreezy · 11 months
I saw requests were open and was wondering if you could write something for Hobie Brown with a chubby girlfriend?
If not it's totally okay^^
Thank you and have a great day!
I'll be overseas for a couple weeks, but hopefully I'll have time to pimp some more drabbles out, so keep em' coming!
Content Warnings: Suggestive, body issues, fem!reader, perverted Hobie, not beta read
"You alright babe?" Hobie asks casually, peeking into your shared room in search of you.
"Yeah Hobes, I'm fine."
Your previous conversation about the day had died down, the small talk fading as you critiqued your figure in the mirror. You grab and squeeze at pudge, and pinch at the squish making up your thighs. He catches on to your actions quickly, eyebrows furrowing in disapproval.
"Oi come on baby. You look good, jus need some more confidence." Hobie says, a smirk creeping into his face. He sits down on the foot of the bed, next to you. "Here, come on, turn around for me."
You turn your body towards him reluctantly, eyes lingering on the mirror a while longer, still picking at every flaw and insecurity. You look down at the comforter first, bunching it in your fists before looking up at the man in front of you. You can feel my nose burn before your eyes, a sure sign that things were getting to you.
"There you go, baby. Don't be afraid to let me look at you." Hobie's smile grows wider. "Don't be so hard on yourself." He says, before reaching out to grab and kneed your thighs, trailing to your hips. "Now let me see these curves of yours."
Hobie pauses for a second and then reaches up, gently taking the hands bunched and placing them at your sides. He grabs your waist and places you on his lap with ease. "Don't 'ave anything to worry 'bout with me doll."
You feel yourself rise on your shins subconsciously, not wanting to make him support your full body weight. He takes notice, however, and roughly grinds you back down onto his lap. Hobie's warm hands begin to caress your body, tender and earnest.
"You feel good to me," he whispers to you, “and you look even better.” Hobie slides his hands under your shirt and feels up your waist. Grinning wickedly at you before kissing you passionately, he pulls you close, flipping your positions as he pushes your back against the headboard.
"I like 'em curvy baby. And I want us to explore this a little more." Hobie says as he bites your neck. You whine at the contact and his words, something you know Hobie will take advantage of, from experience. Whenever you’re feeling insecure, he always takes his time making you feel extra special.
Hobie smiles mischievously and begins kissing up your neck towards your face. He presses up against you and leans in, whispering in your ear. "Don't you worry about it love. I'll get to every inch of you." He smiles, leaning down to cage you in. "I love it when you're all needy." He whispers in your ear, breath sending a tingle up your spine. "You know I can't help myself from spoiling you."
You huff out a breathy laugh. "Well don't stop on my account"
"Oh don't worry doll." Hobie smiles, looking at you intensely. He touches your face and runs his fingers through your hair. He caresses your cheeks, gently kissing your forehead and pushing the hair away from your face. "I absolutely adore you."
As he continues nibbling on your ear, he uses his hands to unbutton your shirt and gently pushes you onto your back. He then gets above you and smiles. "Know I want more baby. Don't you?"
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valentinehorrors · 5 months
(TW: Gore)
Every night the same dream. The same dinner, the same conversations, the same two act structure.
But every once in a while, right before he could end the dream, he was able to speak to the one responsible.
She appeared wearing his face, sitting at the opposite side of the table. Her eyes were blood red, and darkness seemed to overflow from every crevice it could, her eyes, her mouth, the cracks in her mirrored shell.
"You do realize, that this stopped working a long time ago." Mikey said as he stared at his bloody plate, three hearts. Once he eats all three, the dream ends.
"I'll take your annoyance over your disturbance." Her voice sounded like two overlapping each other, one of them was his voice, the other was what he had assumed was her true voice, a feminine but deeper voice, almost as cold as him.
He didn't even bat an eye as he took the first heart and took a bite. Despite it being a dream, he never forgot the first time he had to sit through act 2. The taste is burned into his mind, not just from having the same dream every night. It was cold, presumably from having been laying on the table for a while, and very salty. The texture was... almost indescribable, chewy and tough, without his sharpened canines, it would've taken him a lot longer to chew through it.
She frowned and leaned forward "You're not special you know."
"So you've said."
"I'm just weakened."
"I would've taken you over right now if I wanted."
"Killed your whole family and make you watch-"
"While you make me eat them?" Mikey held up the half eaten heart before continuing to eat. He theorized this was Raph's, tougher and chewier than the other two and took just a bit more effort.
He could hear her huff in frustration. She's always like this.
Mikey sighed as he swallowed his last bite of the first heart, he could vaguely hear cracking somewhere far off, the beginning of the end of the dream.
He could hear the tapping of her fingers from across the table, the next one was saltier, he ties it to being Donnie's. His eyes drifting over to said brother's corpse, blood painting his front plastron. A hole was ripped into him, organs and other bones pushed to the side, some bits of broken shell having caved in and stuck inside muscle. The imagery that appears in his mind is also nothing new, a fight between him and Donnie, ending with him plunging his hand into his brother's chest, a desperation suddenly overcoming him to eat.
He must admit, if some type of confrontation were to break out between him and Donnie, he knew it wouldn't be all that physical, at least not at first. His persona is solid and unshakeable, he had contingencies on top of contingencies in the case of even the smallest crack being spotted by his brothers. Raph would take any explanation easily, waving off and dismissing whatever he would see. Leo would probably hold some doubt for about a few days, but then convince himself that any explanation offered make sense, after all, it's Mikey, his little brother.
Donnie is a coin flip.
Mikey knows his family, he's analyzed all of them for their whole lives, he can script out most of their interactions, knowing how things will play out. Which is why he considers Donnie the biggest threat. He's scripted out in his head how it would happen.
Donnie would catch on that something is off, he'd keep poking and poking and no matter what Mikey tried, he'd start to see behind his mask. If there was anyone who would be the first to pry the mask off of Mikey's face against his will, it would be Donnie. Convincing the other two would be a different story but it would only be a matter of time.
He's always careful when it comes to tugging at Donnie's strings.
He didn't realize he had already finished the heart by the time his thought train concluded.
She looked even more annoyed at how nonchalant and bored Mikey seemed, good.
The last heart was the definition of average, he could describe it as bland and boring, this was Leo's.
"You're welcome by the way. Usually mortals need to offer me some great sacrifice to use any of my abilities and here you are, using them for free, and to spy on some random mortal, ugh."
"Mhm." He wasn't ashamed, she was right. Ever since Mikey learned how to keep tabs on Casey every chance he got, that's exactly what he did.
He quickly learned Casey's schedule, saw his household life, his school life and his outings with... April.
He heard her chuckle and glanced over to see her too wide smile, "I felt that. I must say, I utterly adore how some redhead gets your blood boiling so quickly~"
"Shut up." Mikey snapped, he just didn't like her, that was all.
I fantasize of her bones breaking, blood pouring, muscles tearing, fear in her eyes, a shuddering final breath.
She laughed, a sound Mikey firmly disliked, "oh what I would give to have her be the first to discover me... perhaps I'll do just that when I take over."
Just empty threats, he's heard a million of them all along the lines of things she'll do when she 'takes over.' At first he took it seriously, but five years later, and her threats have yet to hold any water.
It still gets to him, though he wishes it didn't, just so she would stop smiling.
"You know... she does seem to be very close with your favorite human..."
Shut up...
"They spend a lot of time together..."
She doesn't even know why he's actually missing teeth.
"He seems to quite enjoy her company..."
She doesn't even know he's trans.
"And he might like it too~"
Mikey's eyes boil with rage as he stares at her, his true anger being silent. But they were in a dream, in Mikey's mind, so his thoughts were on full display, their surroundings cracked like a broken mirror, each shard showing a different fantasy.
Smashing her head against the concrete, grabbing her by her stupid ponytail and making sure her skull is mush.
A kusarigama blade sliding across her throat and reveling in the cascade of blood.
Breaking the bones in her limbs and making her watch as I bend every joint the wrong way.
"That's enough." He simply stated as he took the last bite, the last echo in his mind being her cackling laugh.
He woke up in his bed, still feeling the fuming anger. He had to take more than a few minutes to calm the storm in his mind, pushing his palms into his eyes as he sighed, he truly hated her.
"Which her?"
He groaned as he sat up in his bed, taking another moment to calm himself, she can't get to him if he stays calm, apathetic. He glances over at his phone, pausing to listen carefully outside his door...
Everyone is asleep, he checks the time in his phone to make sure it's late enough that they won't be waking up for a while.
Then, without a second thought, he opened up his text messages and sent a simple message.
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xxnashiraxx · 7 months
Nalu Oneshot - Spectrum
Hi! I'm new here to Fairy Tail fics! If you like Nalu, please enjoy this fic I just wrote! There's a little slight lemony action, but overall it's more tame than some other things I've written! If you like this, I'll be writing a big multi-chapter Nalu fic that I'll release close to March 2024 on AO3 as well, so stick around and enjoy the one-shots I post till then! See a little sample below!!
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“Okay, I found a good one! It’s a bit simple, but I don’t think you’ll get too bored!” He focuses his eyes on her, catching on her long blonde hair. She doesn’t have it twisted up in a ponytail today- rather, it’s half down, with one side pulled into a bow like the day he’d first met her. His gaze lingers on it, imaging brushing his fingers against the soft blue satin and silken locks.
“Hello? Natsu?” She huffs, waving her hand in front of his face. “Geez, did you even hear what I said?” She rolls her eyes, her coral lips turning down in a pout. The shimmer on them pulls him closer, vision tunneling into a point.
“Sorry Luce,” Natsu grumbles, sinking back onto the bench where he’d risen off it a few inches.
“Seriously, what’s with you? You’ve been off in your own little world for the past few days… are you okay?” Her tone changes from irritation to concern like the flip of a coin. “We… we’ve barely talked since everything… happened. Do you want to take a few more days before starting up? I know you said that you were ready, but if you want a longer break-”
“No, it’s fine.” He plasters a grin to his face, trying to dissuade her from poking around in his head again. After the battle, when he’d come home with her and she had let him sleep in her apartment, his emotions were running high and she’d almost pressed his deepest secret out with no more than the back of her hand on his scarred cheek.
“If you say so,” She smiles soothingly, the smallest of dimples forming on her right cheek. “What do you think about this one, then? Want to take it?” She pushes the flier across the table so he can read it. It’s simple enough, and with a curt nod he stands.
“Let's get going, we’ll want to get there before the day’s over.”
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hermesserpent-stuff · 2 years
For the one shot fic idea:
I pick song number 5 for The Enforcers (TSSM). You can go wil with your imagination.
When it Rains It Pours: Luke Combs (sorry for formatting, I'm on mobile)
Pre- spider nephew au. Could be set in actual canon if you like.
Dan shakes off the water from his hat as he enters Montana’s bar. A rough night. Being dumped is never easy. He supposes it could be worse, with a lot more crying. The long scratch mark across his cheek is a bit of a down side. But he had treated it and now is moving on. The pain of loss would probably hit soon. After the numbness fades. Or when the sting of his cheek is no longer there. This is the last time. They had cut it off more than once before but Dan is tired. And he is never going to change his ways or what he does for a living. Not for his siblings and not for a date.
He smiles as he catches sight of Montana and Ox relaxing and makes his way over to them. If there's one positive thing to take from tonight, it is that he gets to spend more time with his friends today. Ox greets him with a small head nod and Montana touches his shoulder, hand firm but friendly.
"Are you alright? I thought you had plans?"
Montana asks and Dan appreciates the concern. But he is alright.
"The plans undid themself. Which means I now have time to beat your butt in pool."
Montana rolls his eyes while patting his shoulder.
"Sure. Sure. You manage to do that and I'll believe that pigs fly."
"Maybe my lucks turned around."
"Id hope your skill has too if I were you."
Montana teases. They were both half joking. Montana always won unless Ox and Dan worked together. But Dan feels lighter than he had in months. Their games had been close before. He could beat Montana.
"How's about you and Ox play me?"
"How's about a one on one, bossman?"
Dan imitates Montana's accent a little, letting a smirk take over his face.
"Look whose confident! Fine. I win, you tell me about your busted face."
"And if I win, you have to teach me your family secrets on knife throwing."
Montana takes a second, considering.
"Aw heck, I'da taught you that for free. Fine. Deal."
They shake on it and then start to play. Dan lines up his shots and is careful in his maneuvers. He is playing the best pool of his life. This is better than faking a smile at a date that could flip to misery at any second. Or trudging through another breakup with the hopes that he could fix it. Giving up all together seems to be the best choice he has ever made. He knows that his fellow Enforcers would tell him what he did wrong. Would speak to him in moments of confusion. Would not walk out on him over trivial things. And so Dan plays, letting himself have fun. Ultimately he wins the game and grins up at a impressed Montana.
"I told you."
"Yeah, yeah. I hear you. Sorry for doubting my right hand man."
Montana says while giving him a shoulder pat. Dan grins. Not only did he beat Montana for once, he also got to learn a new skill.
"Come on, you got to show me knife throwing now!"
Dan is legitimately excited, having always loved picking up new fighting methods. Montana slowly nods and resets the pool table before they go. Montana leads him and Ox to another room and then starts showing Dan how to stand and hold his arms. A knife is handed over and after a few more instructions, Dan throws it, immediately getting a bullseye. Montana pats his back supportively and Dan grins a bit like a loon. Being dumped is perhaps the best thing that could have happened to Dan today.
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Damn Kids
Also posted to Ao3 A year ago, but never posted here! Robinwest Smut WC: 2,951 "And if we survive today and I catch you and your underage friends trying to break in and party, I'll whoop your ass."
I was just like, but what if one of them did break in and throw a party at the dam? So this is that.
He jerked awake, panicked, the sharp trill of an alarm pulling him out of sleep. It was the alarm for the dam synched to his comm, someone had accessed it without inputting the all clear code. Disoriented, he swiped at the device from his side table turning it off, trying not to disturb the still sleeping chicken in the crate next to his bed. He rubbed at his sleep bleared eyes before checking the clock, it was midnight.
That wasn’t right. That meant it wasn’t a worker, it wasn’t repairs, that was someone (or something) who should not be there. And while he was above board now, no longer doing the smuggling thing, he still had reserves that could be handy needing protection (and because he had supposedly disclosed all his remaining stash to the panel deciding whether or not he could stay on Alpha Centauri). He would have to go see who, or what, it was. Unfortunately, he would have to do it alone…couldn’t really wake up Maureen and John for this. Plus, he’d been kind of distancing himself from the family lately and a late night call for backup was the opposite of what he was trying for. But that was another problem for another day.
He scrubbed his face one more time, rough hands rolling stubbled skin up and down, the warm friction stimulating blood flow and pushing him ever more mentally awake. He swung his legs free from the sheets thinking out a plan. He would need to wear something commanding if he wanted to scare off whoever was over there, he needed to look like he had the authority to do something nasty should they not immediately comply or scurry at being caught, but basic enough to sneak in and move the load should need be. Of course, first, he’d scope it out, Don West wasn’t stupid, he wasn’t going to jump into a situation where he could be outnumbered or overpowered.
Flipping through his small closet of things he found a nice pair of pants and a sturdy leather jacket, a gift from John and Maureen this past Christmas. He always thought it looked too expensive for everyday, so he only wore it for special occasions… there hadn’t really been many of those lately. He loved the jacket, he love the people, but it felt a bit like playing dress up.
What did he need? What did he need?
Boots were on, Debbie’s lucky feather was tucked in his pocket, he had a wrench, he looked tough and authoritative... night-vision binoculars. That would be helpful. Convenient that mechanic’s kits for space had things for working in the pitch dark. Nice, Maureen. Don made sure the binoculars were in his bag before simply taking the whole duffle with him. You never know what might be of use when you don’t really know what you’re walking into.
He mumbled to himself as he drove, I hope to god this is just some malfunction. Or some stupid kids. Better than the alternative…rogue robots. He shudders at the thought. He didn’t worry too much about it being another criminal, someone who could make trouble and be dangerous. There weren’t any of those really on Alpha Centauri, not with the vetting process to get here.
Don decided on using the paved road to the dam rather than the park-and-walk-miles rout he’d used with the girls and Vijay the day they’d gone to war with the robots, but made sure to park in a space off road. There were chariots lining the drive, out in the open and obvious, at least 15 of them. This told him there were lots of people here, and lots of stupid people at that. Who was smart enough to break into a secure dam, but dumb enough to leave such obvious signs of being present?
People who thought they wouldn’t get caught all the way out here...This was weird. This. He knew what this was. And he was pretty sure he knew who this was. He left the kit, he wouldn’t be needing anything from it. He could hear the quiet melody of music thumping as he got closer, could see light pouring out as he crept through the underbrush approaching stealthily.
Penny, you are in so much shit.
As he came closer, the sound of music growing louder, he could hear the chatter of people. He snuck in through the side access and down a short hall, observing from behind a large stack of wooden crates left over from rebuilding the turbine. A group of about 30 youngish colonists were gathered. He watched the crowd of people dancing, drinking, and carrying on in the murky darkness. Makeshift lights from groups of lanterns were stacked on every available surface casting strange shadows all around. They were without a doubt students, young, but not high school young. He hadn’t been around the Robinson’s home in a while, personal feelings needing sorted, emotions becoming too difficult to keep in check, just avoiding like he used to do, but he was sure Maureen would have said something at work if Penny or Will were hanging out with an older crowd...He looked around for anyone he recognized, glowing copper hair, Vijay,…Will? No robots...
And then, there she was. The back of a head he’d know anywhere. He stayed crouched down, waiting for her to turn around, hoping, praying he was wrong. That he wouldn’t have to do this with her, disrupt this, ruin a night she without a doubt deserved. He fought internally over wether or not he should break it up, but no, he couldn’t risk it, he had to. And he found himself asking why. Why would she do this? Why would she abuse his trust, go against what he’d asked? If it was Penny he’d understand, it would make sense, and there would be plenty more in the future he was sure.
But the problem was that wasn’t Penny. That was Judy. Responsible, dependable, older-than-she-was Judy Robinson. In a glittering red dress wrapped so tight around her he could see every precious curve. And some guy. Some tall, strong-jawed, handsome moron with his hands all over her. And Judy who didn’t dance moving like that against him...
He ducked his head looking away, heat flaring from neck to face. She was like a little sister to him- no, that wasn’t right. If that’s what she was he was going to hell or jail for…anyway. She was someone he wanted to protect at any rate, didn’t want to see her get hurt, or taken advantage of, which this guy was clearly set on doing judging by the way he…Don knew guys, knew himself, and knew what that one was working very quickly towards.
He watched as the younger man’s face came to her ear, Judy laughing, and then moved to her neck and down across her collar, all the while hands drifting lower on her body squeezing. His hands gripped hard into the wood box he was behind, splinters biting into flesh. Judy’s head tipping back, eyes closed, his hand slipping her skirt up in the middle of all these people and god he wanted to kill this kid. You’re really letting him do that?
He thought back to when he’d been in that place. Back when they were all stranded a lifetime ago, before she took on charge of all the 24th colony children, before they’d almost lost John, before they’d lost and miraculously regained Will…before they really knew what the hell was going on and before it was all resolved. When they'd felt a little like The Swiss Family Robinsons, stranded in an unfamiliar land with only their ingenuity and ship parts to survive. Back when he knew they’d get out of anything, but felt a little like they never would…and so he might have taken advantage of someone who felt the same, was having the same resignations.
It wasn’t like that
Someone younger, less experienced…someone who wouldn’t stop running past his bunk at night. Things changed though. They all grew closer, in a different way and he had to let go of the guilt or let it eat him. And so when they’d gotten settled here, everyone finding their place, he decided the best thing to do would be to slowly break away…just. Drift off. It hurt seeing her, being reminded of what he wanted but couldn't have, now that they were settled. He needed to move on.
Her here with that guy, that was natural, that was right. That was what he was creating the space for, wasn’t it? For her to be with someone like that, someone more appropriate for her. So why did he want to march over there and punch this guys lights out for dancing with Judy when he'd never been the brawling kind to begin with?
You know why.
It didn’t matter. He needed to get all these people out of here and make sure they’d never come back. Wouldn’t see this as a good place to party. He needed his stash protected and he needed a quiet place for it. If the council found out people were partying on their property they’d definitely be looking into how and why and he wanted no part of being connected with that. And he definitely couldn’t have Judy getting caught.
Time to break up the fun.
Don walked back out through the access tunnel and side entrance, heading for the main doors, still open. Stupid fucking kids. He was never this dumb. They were lucky it was just him that caught them. He drew himself up, standing as straight and tall as he could, put on his meanest face, then finding the light panel, switched on all the lights. His booming voice called out over the startled crowed “THIS IS COUNCIL PROPERTY, UNLESS YOU ALL WOULD LIKE TO BE ARRESTED AND HAVE THIS MARK YOUR RECORD, I SUGGEST YOU PACK UP AND LEAVE!” The shocked group stared on blinking in the bright light, not sure what to do, freeze taking the reins in their fight or flight sequence. Through the crowd, Judy’s eye caught his holding her gaze firm and he was sure that he'd seen her smirk.
“NOW! MOVE IT!” He clapped loudly walking into the group, the clap and additional directives seemed to trigger their flight mode, music shutting off, students quickly filing out, hands grabbing lanterns as they did. All but one who stayed where she was, arms to her side watching him. Waiting for him.
Everyone else fleeing, he dropped the persona taking off the stiff jacket, shoulders relaxing, and approached her, hands stuffed in pockets. Standing in front of her, he took in the glassy eyes of someone a few drinks in. “Princess.” he tipped his head forward, “There a reason you let your date leave you?”
Her hand came up to his face, fingers brushing behind his ear, ignoring the question, “Mmm, no aftershave tonight…Just.You. I like it.”
He gently grasped her wrist, “Stop. Judy, just go." pulling her hand away he turned to walk out.
She didn’t move with him though, arm tugging slightly as he walked on anticipating her following him. "Are you mad? Why?! We didn’t break into your stash, I didn’t even tell them about it."
Don turned back to face her, but kept moving backward, they really did need to leave incase someone else came to investigate. "Why choose the dam? Judy, this was so irresponsible."
She advanced on him, anger rising at what she took as a dig. He knew how she felt about being “the responsible one” the pressure it put on her. "Says the man who still has contraband squirreled away around the planet! They asked if anyone knew of a place out of the way where we could have privacy, I did!"
"Half the planet is undeveloped, you could have gone anywhere!” Both yelling now into the echoing room.
It was at that point a voice broke in from behind them “Uh, Jude? Do you need help?” the man pointedly stared to where the two were still connected, wrist in hand. ”We should probably go-"
They rounded on the intrusion, Don shoving his hands back in his pocket as he barked out a laugh. Judy glared at him before turning back to the man who had come back for her.
“I’m fine, you can go.”
He took a step toward her, uncertainty on his face “I really-“
“Kenneth, this is between me and him. Leave.” She pointed between herself and Don before pointing to the exit. The man frowned, but exited without further protest.
Don leaned back, bitter smile and amusement in his voice "Oh! He calls you Jude!”
“Shut up.” she scoffed.
"And so obedient!” he mused backing away.
"Shut up!” she chased after him.
He continued on his path, pied piper leading her out. “So, what? None of the dozen fields you passed to get here would work?"
"You don’t get it.” she was following, not done with this, not done with him.
“Princess, I don’t really care. You broke my trust.” With both of them outside, he turned out the lights and punched in the lock code.
“That’s laughable, YOU are using a public dam as a WINE CELLAR! You have no right treating me this way!” The anger bubbled up, hands sweeping widely, exploding.
"What way?"
"Like a child!"
"Act like a child, get treated like a child. Partying in a dam? Child.”
“So is this where you whoop my ass then, Don?” Her arms were crossed defiantly, standing near the last vehicle around.
“Judy, just get in the chariot.”
“No." She knew she was being petulant, that she should be able to have this conversation with the words she meant, but alcohol coursing through her veins and emotions running high and a plan working had her all mixed up. She needed him. She'd thought he needed her, instead he'd abandoned them like John...trying to slowly pull away. She wasn't having it. She wouldn't let him.
Don came closer, voice firm, "Judy Robinson get in the damn chariot.” He couldn’t believe she was being such a brat. After all this. After waking him up and making him drag his ass down here. But he couldn’t leave her alone all the way out here.
"Or what?" face coming closer, heat filling her eyes. “You gonna bend me over, Don? Spank me?”
He let the image rush through his mind, shutting his eyes and breathing in. He opened them, tight smile pursing his lips. “Why here?”
“One thing guarantied to make you come running. And look at that, I was right.” Her voice was soft, sad, tone matching his own.
Her hands came up again to touch him, Don catching them and pinning them at her shoulders against the cool metal of the vehicle. "Don't-" There was a beat, and then she surged forward, lips colliding with his, grip tightening on wrists, Judy relaxing against the vehicle once she was sure he’d follow, Don tumbling after her.
He moved, body weighing her own, the pleasant crush of him against her and this time it was his hands traveling the curves of her body, her waist, her hips, mouth covering neck and collar, nipping away earlier explorers, smothering the feel and leaving only him behind. Hating himself for thinking of her as his, touching her, claiming her, and not wanting another person's hands on her ever. Fire burned in him needing her, thinking of brilliant Judy Robinson setting a trap to see him and all that implied.
Don moved lower, mouthing at her chest, her breasts, teeth grazing over nipples under fabric, Judy moaning, head rolling back and fingers threading through hair. Don dropping to his knees, kissing frantic trails down her stomach, hands gliding up legs and under skirt, fingers hooking around lace before glancing up in question. She looked down, gaze meeting his, and gave the smallest of nods, Don stripping her of her underwear and tucking them in a pocket.
He guided a smooth leg over his shoulder, skirt hitching up exposing her to the night, hand pressing firmly against stomach holding her in place as he ate her out against the chariot. Judy writhing above him, small gasps and thunks against metal and glass, fingers tightening through curls and an airy “Don” providing further motivation. Justification. Hand moving and seizing bucking hips, fingers stroking harshly as his tongue lashed, mouth sucking against her. Judy building, clenching, hands gripping harder, holding him closer, almost there- almost- abs flexing and walls spasming, air rushing out of her in a yell and Don continuing. Fingers slipping in, thrusting, crooking and spreading her newly tightened entrance, Judy panting and begging mindlessly above him trying to sinking lower into him. He stood, hand never ceasing, bringing his body to pin her, pushing against her and in her, mouth meeting hers swallowing the sound as she came again quaking against him. Slowly he stopped, arms propping him against the window on either side of her, letting the scarlet dress fall between them. His breath fogging the window behind her as they roughly regained control.
“…So, Kenneth…” he asked once breathing had steadied, voice low. She turned her head to the side placing a soft kiss to his jaw. “Doesn’t mean anything this does.” She brought adrenaline shaken arms to wrap around his waist, holding him loosely, head falling to his shoulder. “I don’t want anyone but you... Don't leave." He nodded, kissing the top of her head. "Let's get you home."
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geniequestria · 2 years
"RETREEEEEA- AAAHHHMMMPHHH" A royal guard sergeant exclaims as he is quickly bottled. 
Just moments ago, The forces in Cloudsdale thought they were safe. Princess Luna was to take them back to Canterlot, and aside from a strange set of attire on the Princess of the Night. It all seemed like everything was going to be just fine, that is until the Princess herself bottled a guard right in front of the whole army followed by Tempest and Gleaming Shield popping out from behind two clouds and bottling a fair amount of troops themselves. The three of them manage to perform an ambush in plain sight. Tempest quickly throws any of her spheres at guards trying to escape. 
No longer does Tempest's spheres petrify. Now they quickly bottle up anypony who gets hit. Even though it was only 3 against hundreds, the guards felt like they were surrounded at all sides. And the genie number only grew as transformed guards now got on on the action if they were released. Quickly turning the numbers gradually over to the genie side.
It hardly resembled a battle, this was a rout. The panicked screams of the troops as they try in vain to avoid being bottled. Anyone who dared try to assault the genies only ended up in a bottle faster. So the guards could only rely on the latter of their fight or flight instincts. And even those running away are starting to realize that wasn't going to work either... 
Tempest smirked as she continued to flip and kick her genifying orbs towards the mostly fleeing ponies. When she was under the command of the Storm King, these kinds of  'battles' always felt so tedious, now that she's got more control over her life, she's genuinely having fun with it! 
"This is all they have to offer? I'd be disappointed if it weren't so fun!" She laughed and launched another ball into a group.  While she had been focused on the 'ground', Princess Luna and Gleaming Shield had taken to the air, circling around any stragglers attempting to fly away.
While the sight of the princess had initially brought hope, it had been quickly replaced by fear. Some go so far to think that she'd become Nightmare Moon once again. "THE PRINCESS HAS GONE ROGUE! WE CANNOT DEFEAT HER! NIGHTMARE MOON HAS RETURNED!" 
Luna didn't take too kindly to that, but they would understand soon enough. Using the royal canterlot voice, she boomed over the screams. "YOU ARE MISTAKEN, I HAVE NOT BEEN SWAYED BACK INTO THE DARKNESS! I HAVE BEEN REBORN, AS THE GENIE OF THE NIGHT!! YOU SHOULD ALL REJOICE IN YOUR OWN COMING REBIRTH!" The screams from the air were soon met with silence as she bottled them up.
On Gleaming's end, she seemed to be the most disappointed in the guards ``Didn't I train you better than this?! You should have been ready to face any threat head on! Seems I'll have to make sure you're all put through some more intensive training!" Using a variation of her shield spell, Gleaming was able to encompass multiple guards in pink bubbles, but these were not normal shields. They stunned the guards within them before shrinking down enough to fit into new bottles. 
Off in the distance, Gleaming can just see a particularly familiar guard running in the cloud city's alleyways trying to avoid detection from any of the genies causing chaos. It was a buff brown stallion with his blue mane shaped by his helmet. It had to be none other than Spearhead, one of Gleaming's best friends while she was still Shining Armor and in the Royal Guard. Gleaming asks Luna and Tempest if they can hold off the rest while she... catches a friend.
“Mind if I go see an old friend? We’ll need to catch up, or rather… I catch him”  She winks
The two nod at Gleaming's request, they're not having any trouble with these guards whatsoever, so missing a genie isn't a big deal. They snicker at the thought of Gleaming having some fun with her old friend before getting back to their genifications.
Gleaming follows Spearhead until she's sure he's alone. Slipping into the shadows behind him, she makes sure she can't be seen.
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Using her magic, she masks her voice to sound like it used to before she'd transformed. "Spear, it's me! I'm so glad you were able to get away! T-those genies, they're relentless! But don't worry, I'm here to help!" 
Spearhead is initially spooked when he hears a voice from behind aiming his spear at where he hears the voice from "AHHHH STAY BACK! I'M WARNING YOU!.." But then he realizes it's a voice that's most familiar to him, and drops his guard. As it was none other the voice of his friend and former Captain. "Oh it's just you, Captain Shining... thank goodness. But as for your help... I know you prefer us to go on the offensive... but  I'm not sure anything we do will work on these... genies. Any stallions that remembered your words just ended up being bottled right away! And now they're genies, too! The stallions were even transformed into mares!" 
"Don't beat yourself up over it, save that energy for the fight ahead!" She says, trying to assure him. "There's no way they could have known what the genies were capable of...I was unfortunately too late to warn any of them...." She feigns sadness, but it should be enough to convince Spearhead. 
His voice then mutters a bit quietly "Granted, I do have to admit they were turned into very attractive ones..." 
A small smirk comes across her face when she hears how attractive Spear thinks they are. “(You'll be with them soon enough Spear... soon enough)”
Spearhead shakes his head and gets back on Topic "Listen, Shining. We have to get out of here... warn your wife, warn Princess Celestia, warn your sister, warn everypony! While we still can!"
Gleaming’s Shining voice lowers to a somber tone at the mention of Cadance and Celestia. "No... it's too late for that... Those genies, they got to Celestia... and Cadance too… it's because of them I was able to get away. I failed them, Spear!" She yells, hitting a nearby wall. Gleaming was acting her heart out, trying her hardest to not break character. "I just wish we had a way to stop them!" 
Spearhead is disheartened by the fact that Celestia and Cadence have already been compromised, but he is quick to point out there's still a tiny bit of hope. "There is still your sister and no doubtedly all her friends. In tight spots, the Elements of Harmony has always bailed us out when things looked bleak"
"Yeah… that's true. Twilight always did figure out how to get out of a jam..." Gleaming snickered to herself, Spear's comment about being in a tight spot had her thinking on what she'll hear when he's shoved into his own tight spot. "If there's anypony who can help, it's them. We should try to get out of Cloudsdale with any pony we can, see if we can regroup with Twilight and the others!" She said in a hopeful tone.
"Once this is all over, you'll be able to focus more on your art! I know you'd been talking about wanting to do that more right?"
Spearhead wondered briefly why he heard a light laugh from Shining as he replied about Twilight. But he brushes it off and chuckles "Yeah, seriously... once this crisis is over. I'm retiring for certain, and becoming a full fledged artist from then on! Before military service gives me any more gray hairs at my young age..." 
"Retire...?" This made Gleaming feel some genuine emotion rather than the act she was putting on. It nearly made her break character and reveal her voice. She may be aiming to genify him but he was still one of her best friends. They'd been in the guard together for years. So the thought of him leaving the guard stung, but it's understandable. This did give her an idea for his vessel though. She conjures up something in her hoof, but it's not a bottle. “(I think he's going to need something to better represent that dream… if I can just get him to say it as a wish…)” 
Spearhead salutes before asking one more question "Say Captain, when did you even get here. I admit I never saw you arrive, did you get here while I was sleeping awaiting Luna's arrival?"
The question about how she'd gotten there did make her hesitate for a moment but she smiled "I had no choice but to sneak in. The genies were on my tail since the Crystal Empire fell to them. Practically going from cave to cave, any dark spot I could find to stay out of sight. Kind of like what we're doing now." This was something Gleaming shouldn't have said, this whole time she'd been a silhouette with a voice, Spearhead hasn't actually seen her during the whole conversation.
Spearhead does realize that this whole time Shining hadn't even shown himself, if he was hiding in the shadows because of the genies. "Wait, if you're hiding from the genies, why haven't you shown yourself before me...?  If I didn't know any better, you could actually be a changeling-in-disguise!"
(“Oh I know he didn't just compare me to the....ok...ok...no it's a fair point. Breathe, I've got this...He doesn't think I'm a genie.”) Gleaming clearly didn't appreciate the changeling comparison, but considering her actions thus far, it makes sense it would be Spearhead's thought process. Gleaming takes a deep breath, changing her body to look like what it used to, no veils or genie attire. She even made sure to add some scrapes and make herself look a bit disheveled, to be more convincing that she'd been on the run with no rest. 
While she thought it might be nice to be back in her old form, it no longer felt familiar. It was strange to say the least. Gleaming steps out into the light, allowing Spearhead to see her. "Don't compare me to the changelings! I just...I've been on the run since the empire, it was hard to know who to trust...for all I know, you could have been a genie in disguise! I'm sorry, Spear, I'm just a bit on edge..." She pauses "Is there a place we can fall back to? A bunker? maybe there's some remaining resistance left? We can all escape together, at the very least warn whoever's there that it won't be safe from the newly made genies!"
Spearhead is considerably calmed now that he can actually see his friend in full-form though he's downtrodden as to options as to where they can go. "To be honest, it might only be us two against the world at this point... but if there's anypony of the entire force former or otherwise that I'd choose from to at least try to beat the odds... you're the one I'd want most by my side"
"Heh, you always did know what to say to get me fired up. Thank you, Spearhead, I needed to hear that. You know I'll always have your back too." She smiled. "Alright let me think of something..." She looks out of the alleyway, 'checking' where they could go. Though given that she had flown herself there, she knew the layout of the city just fine and she already knew that both Tempest and Luna wouldn't be bothering them. She turns back to Spearhead "Ok I know this is going to sound crazy, but I think we can make a run for it. We'll cut through the Cloudsdale museum of art and then take the back exit.  All we have to do is cut through this street to get there. Are you with me, Spear?"
Spearhead grimaces, knowing that if he and/or Shining are caught for even a second. The tall purple one could bottle them in mere moments with those near unavoidable spheres as he saw befall on many of his own comrades. But he's known Shining all his career, and most times the Captain ordered a risky maneuver. It all worked out in the end. "Alright, Captain. I trust you. Let's go!" 
"Keep your head down and MOVE! I'm right behind you!" Darting out from the alleyway, she and Spearhead rush to the museum. Gleaming looking around at the skies for any  'incoming spheres'. The two of them could hear some of Tempest's orbs crashing into the clouds a few streets over. The screams and then moans of ponies being transformed echoed through the streets. "GO GO GO! WE'RE ALMOST THERE!" 
Tempest had flown up, catching a glimpse of the duo and snickered. (“Well well well, someone's having fun. Didn't take her as the acting type, hmm I should give her friend a scare and play along!”) She kicks an orb in their direction, but intentionally misses. From their perspective, Spear wouldn't know who she's aiming for but Gleaming can see that they're not going to hit them. But for the sake of her plan, she keeps up the act.
"Spear, on your right! Dodge it! That dark purple one might have spotted us!" 
"AHHHH, CAPTAIN! WE'RE AS GOOD AS APPLE CIDER NOW!" Though miraculously he thinks he managed to dodge some of Tempest's spheres. Not knowing that she was missing on purpose. He could hardly believe his luck, but he has no time to celebrate too soon. He runs quickly, and manages to ‘dodge’ more of Tempest's spheres. Before he and "Shining" both dive towards the art museum's entrance. A sphere exploding just behind them.
Spearhead gets a moment to catch his breath, he breathes heavy as he looks at his friend. "She's going to come in after us... isn't she...? I hope there's a hall of mirrors in this place or something, anything that can buy us some time"
The explosion behind them seals off the front entrance right after they dove in. In Spear's mind, it just bought them some time. "I don't know... hah... but I think she assumes that she either got us, or that we got crushed. Listen, the blasts are getting further away! Still, let's not stick around too long, I don't want to waste this opportunity! (Nice going, Tempest. Now Spear's sure to get right where I want him. I wasn't expecting her to use actual explosions though…)” In the jumble, Gleaming didn't notice that some of her disguise fell, the manestyle  and tail she had as a mare was now showing rather than the one she had as a stallion. While the mane could be marked off as something caused by the explosion, the longer tail was not so easy to explain.
"But hey we did it!" She holds out her hoof for a hoof bump, not realizing this change.
"Yeeaaaa-" Soearhead's eyes widen and he frowned, as he notices the sudden longer tail on Shining. "Captain... what happened to your tail? OH GOSH, were you hit?! Some of those who were genified were bottled beginning with their tail slowly stretching first! It may be too late for you!"
"What...?" She looked behind her to see her tail and gasped. (Oh great, I lost focus and undid some of the disguise! ....wait, he thinks this is a slow burn kind of deal? Ok I can roll with this.)  Gleaming acts surprised. "No! I.. .didn't feel myself getting hit! B-but I'm not going to give up now! Come on, Spear, I may not know how much time I have, but I can still get you to safety! Besides I know that there needs to be some kind of bottle for the transformed to go into! M-maybe I got lucky! Because I don't see any bottles nearby!" She puts on a brave face, holding her hoof towards him. "We knew full well this could happen. Don't give up now! You've got a wish to fulfill right?! To be an artist!?" 
"Are you sure?! Because I'm sure this place must have some ceramic vases waiting to gobble you up!" He looked from side to side just waiting for a vase to come flying in and start stretching Shining towards it. "And yes... My greatest wish is to be an artist, but that won't happen if I'm literally inside the art!"
Gleaming could barely hold in a laugh, poor Spearhead had no clue how that worked... but it did provide her with ideas for later genifications. "(You know, having some bottles fly in from all sides to transform others could be a really fun idea~!)" 
When Spearhead confirmed what his greatest wish was, Gleaming knew it was time. A wide smile came across her face, one that could easily be described as sinister. The object she conjured up earlier appeared in her hooves. It was not a bottle, but a paintbrush. The handle was silver, much like the spears the guard would wield. "Don't you worry, Spear... I'll make sure that you're not trapped in the art...I'm going to ensure you can make the art of your dreams...make that wish come true." Her voice was shifting from the stallion one to her normal mare one. Perhaps it was another sign of the 'transformation'? "But while I'm still me... I want you to have something..." She holds the brush out to him. "I... made it specifically for you, Spear. I just wish I could give it to you under better circumstances. Whenever you hold it, I want you to remember that wish, can you do that for me?" 
Spearhead gasped "Captain! Your voice!" He's about tearing up  thinking his dear friend's transforming into another one of them. He quickly grabs the brush with a wing, and looks for an exit. Though not before turning back to his captain "I'm so sorry this happened to you... I promise I'll go see your sister and together we'll free you, Princess Cadence, Princess Celestia. And everypony else!"
Gleaming grasped at her neck, acting as if she were stunned by the voice change. "It's... It'll all be fine, I got to save you after all. You just focus on your dreams, hehe I'm sure we'll be looking at your art in a museum just like this one someday. No matter what happens, I want you to remember, I'm still your friend."
Unfortunately for Spearhead, even if he were to reach an exit, it would already be too late. From the moment he touched that brush with his wing, the transformation was taking place. It was slow at first but Gleaming could see that the tip of the brush was sticking to Spearhead's wing, sucking him into it as if it were becoming paint. 
Gleaming started to laugh "Hehehe, you think I could.... pull off one of those veils? I mean despite what we may think about the genies themselves, we did agree that those outfits are pretty cute." 
Spearhead's touched by "Shining's"  response, though as of yet he still doesn't quite see an actual exit. He feels an odd tickle of his wings but assumes that's just the brush's bristles against his wings. Though he frowns when his captain mentions the veil "Oh gosh, you're starting to think like them too... I gotta get out of he- hey... wha...? Uhhhh.. uhhhhhhh... UHHHHHH..."
He finally notices that the odd tickle from his wings was not that of the brush touching. The wing was beginning to rescind into the brush. "Oh no... OH NO... NOOOOOOOOO! Captain, tell me you didn't... YOU MADE THE BRUSH A VESSEL?!"
There was no need to put on an act anymore. Gleaming gives a wide smile, laughing again as she fully transforms back into her genie form and attire. "I did! I thought it would be far more fitting than a bottle for you, especially given your WISH. The thing is, technically anything can be made into a vessel! And what better place to do it to you than in an art museum? In some regards, a brush could be like a spear. Think like the pen being mightier than the sword and all that, heh." She steps closer to him "I did mean what I said though, you and I will always be friends, and now it will be forever as genies~!" 
Spearhead gasped, his old friend, his captain. Had deceived him the whole time,  it seemed he was in fact one of them the entire time. Or maybe... this genie was never Shining Armor at all. Though more likely, that's what Spearhead wanted to believe. He looked sternly at Gleaming "How... how could you... you.... you can't possibly be Shining Armor... ! He'd never betray me or Equestria like this! You rotten genie, you and your kind won't get away with this!"
Spearhead grunts as he falls over as now his hindlegs started to move strangely, his back hooves curved and folded back towards the direction of where both of his wings were being sucked in. Being his wings were part of his body, he could get a hint of the pleasure of the transformation but it's not quite strong enough yet for him to be considerably comforted by the transformation yet.
Gleaming had expected this kind of reaction, but it still stung a bit to be accused like this. 
"Let me set something straight with you. Despite what you may think, my allegiance has been and always will be to this nation, Spearhead. Though we are remaking this into a more unified world under the Geniequestria banner now. We will be stronger than we've ever been. Safe from all evils that threaten this world. Threats like the Storm King, Tirek, and especially the likes of Queen Chrysalis, won't be able to stand up against us genies. 
With this kind of power we can protect everything and everyone we love! Never again will ponies need to live in fear, never again will they have to struggle! Everypony will be able to follow their dreams, that includes you! 
Granted, you're correct on one thing, I don't go by the name, Shining Armor anymore. I'm Gleaming Shield now, but that does not change the history we've had either! If I was a fake this whole time, would I have known about your past? Would I have known about your desire to be an artist? I'm sorry I had to trick you like that, but would you really have believed me otherwise?"
She could see the transformation picking up in pace, there was no chance of escape from it now. "Look, I know it's scary at first. It was for me too, but there's a certain point where it becomes enjoyable. I'm sure you can already feel it, can't you?"
Spearhead thinks back to their conversation they had, and he remembers that Shining, or who he thought was Shining, indeed brought up his dream of being an artist first. And he had only told a select number of ponies about it, which other than Shining only included Princess Cadence, Princess Celestia, and some of his most trusted fellow guards. Of course, maybe there's room to doubt if say the genified Celestia or Cadence could have blabbed all about that to every one of the other genies. Though he shakes his head from that thought because it's not like the genies would care about one single guard's dream enough to conspire together like that. 
He had to admit it, it's more likely than not this genie was in fact once Shining Armor. It'd be harder to believe if he hadn't seen some other guards transformed into mares, plus this Gleaming Shield had pretty much the same color scheme as his friend. "I... just don't know... the fact you're going by a different name... and even accepting of being in a different form of your own doesn't seem like you're you anymore... am I about to lose myself too...? This is scary no matter how you put it Shini- I mean... Gleaming... it almost felt like Nightmare Moon was back when Luna started bottling some of my friends..."
"Why do you think I wanted to do this to you specifically? The others, they would've just hit you with one of those orbs or just stuffed you into a bottle. I wanted to make it personal. You deserved something more befitting what you desired in your heart. You're not going to lose yourself..." She sees her reflection in one of the art pieces held in a glass container. 
"I may look different, sound different, even go by a different name. But at my core, I'm still me. I know this comes off as an invasion, like we've become corrupted, but I feel more complete than I ever have. And I want to share that feeling with everypony else. I can be with Cadence for the rest of time. I won't have to eventually leave her alone when my life would have come to its end. Once you change, things will be different obviously, being a mare does take some getting used to as well.  But most importantly, you'll be free to do what you want. The feeling it gives may make you want to genify others, like what I, Princess Luna and Tempest are doing. But I will leave that decision to you. Take this as your retirement effective immediately, Spear." 
His hooves have not touched the end of the vessel yet, but they were gradually waving and stretching there, though as more of his wings were sucked in. A blush finally starts fading in on his cheeks as he was beginning to feel just a little more pulsing pleasure flow through him. Almost putting him at ease before he shakes his head to attempt to struggle against the brush's power.
"There it is~" She gave a softer smile as the sensations were now getting to Spearhead "Just let go, let the feelings of the transformation flow through you. Trust me, I'm still on your side" 
"No... no.... no no no no no!" Spearhead slammed his hooves on the museum grounds in one last act of defiance. "This isn't what I... no, this isn't what WE signed up for... to simply surrender and give in... Equestria can't fall like this…! 
"Equestria in name may fall but we will rise back as something greater. Geniequestria will stand firm, everyone will have a rightful place within it! It's not a surrender, it's just the next step in our history!" 
"I must... I must... I mussssst.... I MUST RESIIIIIS- AHHHHH!" Spearhead's merged legs have finally reached the bristles. He was feeling a little bit of it before with his wings, but it was now far more intense. Cheeks blush even pinker, his eyes go lidded, and he begins to relax. "Ooooh... oh my... what...  Captain... what... is this...?"
Gleaming floats around Spearhead as he finally lets the feeling of the change take over. "This is exactly what I was talking about, the feeling you're experiencing now, that's what I now fight for! I want everypony to feel it, to become free and feel safer than ever. In a sense, it's a new kind of shield for me to protect what I hold dear. Like our friendship. Now be at ease, let yourself go deeper and deeper. Embrace the wishes in your heart and that vessel will make it happen.
"You... or perhaps I should say... we... are going to make Equestria... into Geniequestria? Huh, if all that mostly changes besides us becoming genies… is an additional syllable... maybe... I overreacted... Unnnh~" A big pulse of pleasure makes him moan briefly. "After all... all that magic... and power.... might be a boon for my paintings actually..." He starts thinking of the potential he could do with the magic of a genie, far beyond his limits as a pegasus. It slowly dawns on him more and more that this may in fact be the greatest thing for him, just as the brush has now whittled him down to just above his hips. Managing a smile his eyes drift upward in a mixture of daydreaming of the possibilities along with everything flooding through his entire body...
"See I knew you'd come around!" She smiled and gave him a hug while there was still enough of him to do so. "You get it now! I wasn't doing this to inflict any harm or to make you or my previous guardmates suffer. This is meant to be a gift, and you can harness it in any way you see fit. Use it to inspire yourself, inspire your artistic endeavors! Nothing will be able to hold you or your creativity back! I want to see you succeed in that, Spear. As a genie of course… but more importantly, as your friend." 
The brush's tip continues to pull him in, his body essentially becoming the paint. "And I know you're going to be just as beautiful as the art you'll make. Doesn't that sound better than what you originally thought? We're not destroying anything. This is all for the best"
Spearhead puts his hooves to the side and slightly behind his back. Causing the suction to now pinch him in so now it's only his upper torso, shoulders, and his head to go. Being pinched by the brush seems like it would hurt, but it actually pumps up more of the pleasurable feelings the royal guard was feeling. His moans get longer and more intense, he shakes himself but not out of resisting. But just shivering from everything flowing through his mind and body right now. 
"Ooooh... captain~... I thought this was going to be a horrible experience... like something that's not me completely taking me over inside... but that couldn't be further from the truth... I... want this... No... I NEED this...  Nothing's ever felt quite like this before!" His shoulders are absorbed as all that is left now is his neck and head, the process almost reaching the best part for any mortal's transformation into a genie.
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"That's it, Spear just a little more! This is what it feels like to become part of Geniequestria! You think it feels good now, just wait! The best is yet to come! Embrace the magic, embrace these feelings and let it all come out!" Gleaming had genified plenty of ponies already but doing this to a dear friend, it was different. Far more satisfying to her. It filled her with joy to be able to share this feeling with a close friend like Spearhead.
"Aaah... aaaAAAAaaaAAAH AAAAAAAAHHHHH~. Y-y-y-YES! YES! YEEEES! The world... the world shall be our canvas… Magical art EVERYWHERE…. Ooooooh captaaaaaiiin.... MY CAPTAAAAAAAAIiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnmmmmmppppph" Spearhead honoring his friend's former rank and title echo throughout the halls and is silenced as his mouth, followed by the rest of his head follows suit into the brush's thistles. Gleaming carefully picks up the vessel containing his dear friend with great satisfaction.
A blush came across Gleaming's face as Spearhead had called out to her one last time. Holding the brush in her hooves, she couldn't help but smile. "Now you're right where you belong. We are going to paint this world anew. But I can't do it without you, partner! So let's see how you take to being a genie! You will be the first 'creation' this brush makes!" Unlike the other vessels, Spearhead's didn't have a cap or lid to unseal. With his body becoming the paint for the brush, the method of bringing him...or rather her back out now needed a different approach. Gleaming conjured up a blank canvas and with a flick of the wrist, tossed the paint out of the brush and onto it! "Come back to me, Spear! Show me what you look like now!"
The paint splattered on the canvas begins to glow and ripple for a short while until an orangish brown tendril of magic with blue sparks swirls from outside. The tip rises some height above the canvas before it begins shaping into a new form. That not of the stallion that Spearhead was, but now a silhouette of a mare. As the new genie fully fades her eyes are closed as she's hugging herself, the mane was of a similar style to Spearhead's as it was before, but much longer,, the mane was covering one of her eyes entirely. The veil and legging color is similar to that of a scarf that Gleaming knew Spearhead liked to wear when not in combat. She then opens her eyes, and a long satisfied sigh before eyeing Gleaming down on the museum's floor
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Gleaming marveled at the spectacle before her. Spearhead's return was nothing short of artistic. "Already starting off your artistic career strong! I think you pull off the look nicely! And your veils, I had a feeling you'd want them to be just like your favorite scarf!"
"Requesting permission to speak my mind, captain" Although she knew Shining, or well, Gleaming didn't mind having his squad speak freely. She thought that for at least this first entrance as a new pony, she'd ask formally for she's not just her captain anymore... But her mistress.
She did chuckle at Spearhead still using the old dynamic to address her. "You don't have to be so formal, we're no longer captain and subordinate, we are equals. I mean in my eyes, we've always been… but you know what I mean. You'll always be free to speak your mind. So please, ask away!"
"Hehe, I know... but I do feel like a whole new me. Maybe I felt sort of like a rookie all over again" She giggles. "On that subject though... I'm starting to understand why you changed your name. As Shining Armor nor Spearhead seems fitting for what we are now anymore. I don't suppose you have any ideas? I like being creative, but I admit names aren't my strong suit"
"I suppose in that case, I do get it, hehe. Don't worry, it took me some getting used to the new name too. But once I got more used to it, it really matches the new me.  And I'll be happy to show you the ropes, it'll be like old times!" She laughed "But I know the perfect name for you… Bayonet." Gleaming gives her a warm smile. "It's similar to your old name but I think it fits who you are now. Speaking of which, why don't you take a look at your cutie mark? You'll be pleasantly surprised to see what it's become."
"Bayonet... Bayonet..." The mare that was once Spearhead smiles just saying it, satisfied that it's similar to her old name but also fresh enough to represent her new self. "I like it! Thank you so much, Gleaming" She floats down to hug her fellow genderbended genie friend.
As Gleaming asks her to see her cutie mark  "Oh hold on, I can't exactly see my cutie mark with my lower half like this..." Bayonet flies on down to where her brush vessel lays on the ground, picking it up with her mouth. She places the brush on the canvas and sucks in all the "paint" until she can now disconnect herself from the canvas, now she is connected to the brush itself. She then floats down on the ground, and begins to paint her lower body back into existence with the brush. fully disconnected from her brush now. Bayonet smiles as she spins the brush on her hoof, already prideful of her creative magic.
She finally gets a look at her flank, and gasps as she sees her silver spears were replaced with three paintbrushes in the same arrangement. A big grin on her face as she puts a hoof on her cheek "Oh Celestia! It's perfect!"
Gleaming happily returns the hug, she's fascinated watching Bayonet work with her vessel. In the back of her mind, she didn't know if this would work properly compared to something like the standard genie bottle, but she's glad that it did! "See? What did I tell you? Your wish is now fully realized! This is a new beginning for you! This right here, it's why we're genifying everyone else! That is your genie mark!" 
She rushes in to give Bayonet another hug. "So, would you like to meet the others? Maybe show some of our guardmates why we're doing this? It would be a good first 'training session' for you!"
She smirks, maybe even a little deviously and salutes. "Sure thing, Captain Gleaming! Let's go~"
Gleaming and Bayonet were once again together as fellow genies, and soon went back out of the museum to join in on bottling some of the remaining stragglers in the forces. 
Elsewhere though, Tempest and Luna were having some trouble with some particularly stubborn fliers. Judging by the speed and maneuvers they were capable of. The Princess knew these were three of the elite Wonderbolts. Even with their genie power, they have trouble  with the tricky fliers who either easily dodge vessels thrown at them or they create tornados that redirect the vessels elsewhere. Although that maneuver did end up accidentally genifying some of the guards attempting to flee. The three of them are constantly flying around the area, not letting the genies have even a sliver of time to trap them. Not even teleporting straight to them or cloning themselves attempting to surround the quick pegasi work for either Commander Tempest or the Princess. Frustrating the two of them immensely.
"Didn't think there'd be anypony with this kind of fight within them!" Tempest yelled as she continuously kicked orbs towards the main trio of wonderbolts. But their movements allowed them to dodge swiftly. “(It doesn't help that aerial combat isn't my specialty, I'm still too new to flying! If I could get them on the ground, it'd be over already!) Stay still! This is for your own good! Open up your eyes to the possibilities!" 
Princess Luna wasn't faring much better, she was trying to use her magic to combat their flight capabilities. They wouldn't stay still long enough to get a hold of them, nor would creating obstacles in front of their paths deter them in any way. To the wonderbolts it was just like another training regiment. "BE STILL! Your princess commands that you cease this at once! This is for the benefit of all ponies!"
"You are no princess of ours! You're nothing more than a traitor! I would rather die than listen to what you've become!" Spitfire roared "Wonderbolts! Scramble maneuver alpha! Don't let them corrupt any more of our allies!" Spitfire broke off from Soarin and Fleetfoot, taking charge and flying faster than she ever had before. “(Never thought I'd be up against one of the princesses, but I am not about to give up!)”
Soarin' and Fleetfoot nod. Though Soarin' sheepishly kinda grimaced given he was the one who started the tornado earlier that kind of backfired when it came to saving the troops on the ground "Sorry about getting a few of them bottled up accidentally, Spitfire..."
Fleetfoot just shrugs "Heh, that just means we'll have a new nickname for you when we're back at HQ~"
"Oh please no..." Soarin is already not looking forward to whatever name they'll be calling him now. 
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"You can feel sorry for yourself after we've taken victory!" She smirked "But yeaaaah you're gonna have a brand new nickname when we get back. I'm thinking... Fumble? Then again if I'm Spitfire, maybe you can be Backfire!" She laughed, having a moment of levity amongst this flight. 
Tempest and Luna looked insulted "Are they joking around while still flying away from us!? Luna you come in from one side, I'll come in from the other! Take out their captain and the rest will fall!" She zoomed off.
Luna nodded and did the same, flying in the opposite direction.  Both aiming right for Spitfire, a howl could be heard as they came flying. But Spitfire was expecting something like this. Right as the two got in close, she dropped down immediately which made Luna and Tempest crash into each other with a loud 'THUD' "Gah! This is infuriating!"
"Ha! That was foals play! Some all powerful beings you are!" She taunted before rejoining with the other two wonderbolts "We can keep them at bay but I doubt we'll have the stamina to last forever… if only we had some backup here!"
Getting cocky, Fleetfoot flies around them and turns upside down while looking at them. Crosses her eyes and raspberries at the two genies. Before mucking them some more "What's the matter? Did you leave your brains in those bottles of yours?~" though still flying off before either of them could swipe a vessel right on her face..
"Arrogant little foals!" Luna scowled at the trio, it was clear their antics were getting under her skin. "We are trying to bestow a gift upon you and this is how you react?!" 
She tried to charge up another spell to launch at them but Tempest put a hoof on her shoulder, stopping her. "Wait, Princess. They're the ones trying to get into our heads. Make us sloppy. We'll never get them like that. Besides, I'm sure Gleaming will be coming back soon with a new ally in tow as well. So why don't we try a different approach? Let them get more arrogant, then we'll be the ones with the last laugh!"
Meanwhile, just behind a cloud not too far from the action. A green pony with shades of gold hair is watching the Wonderbolts bout with the genies. She hmmphs, not even cowering from what's been going on. Instead she seems... unimpressed. ("Just what are these Dunderheads think they're doing... flying around them like this is just going to make themselves tired! They should be striking HARD at them! Feel the full brunt of a pegasi's might! Hmph, no wonder I was rejected by them. Clearly, I was too radical for these bozos... No matter... Who other than LIGHTNING DUST to show them their mistake… and once I've saved the world by myself... I'll start my OWN flying club that'll make the Wonderbolts look like a retirement home!)
Lightning then does a flip above the cloud, takes in a deep breath, and yells with ALL her might... "HEEEEEEY YOU! GENIE TERRORS! LOOK OVER HERE, AND WITNESS THE FASTEST PONY OF ALL-TIME!!"
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Startling not just Tempest and Luna, but also the Wonderbolts. The 3 high-flying pegasi unfortunately can never unhear such a boisterous voice. "Oh no..." Soaring bluntly stated, while Fleetfoot is more annoyed. "Ugggggh... why now of all times?!" 
Everyone's attention is now drawn to the newcomer. "What the?! A civilian!? No! Get away from here! They're too dangerous!" When Spitfire got a better look at who just foolishly charged in, she grimaced. "No... not her… ANYTHING but HER! That reckless idiot!!" If she let Lighting Dust go in alone, she was sure to be genified. "Wonderbolts, move in to assist, we need to get her off the field immediately! (I wanted backup, but not like this! Lightning Dust is too headstrong!)” 
Luna and Tempest barely dodge this oncoming tackle, but they're both quite confused by this new arrival. Her speed made their heads spin. If the wonderbolt trio was giving them trouble, Lightning was going to be a whole new level of annoying. They could have sworn that nearly all of Cloudsdale had been overtaken by them. How did they miss someone so loud and obnoxious? "Unbelievable, another nuisance! She's nearly as fast as Rainbow Dash!" Luna whined.
As the wonderbolts attempt to grab Lightning Dust, she just spins and flips around the three of them. Even for as experienced as the Wonderbolts are, Lightning was on another level, if she hadn't been such a reckless jerk. She would have been top of the class, in some ways even above Rainbow Dash despite the Element of Loyalty's slightly superior speed. As the Rainbow-maned Pegasus was still prone to a fair bit of mistakes, while Lightning rarely did. Or at least too prideful to admit she made one.
Soarin panicked “Lightning! This is no time for your bold foolishness! Get out of here! Leave! Before any of the genies get you!” 
Lightning scoffs "Ha? ME leave? I think you're mistaken. YOU should all run along! I'll take on these bottled behemoths myself. But before you go... allow me to show you all what you rejected!"
The green and gold Pegasus then flies high up in the air soon she’s so high up the genies look as small as ants. Above where Luna was standing, she compacted a fair amount of clouds until the start fading into darker colors of gray, prepared to do a death-defying stunt using a small thundercloud as a launch pad. "Behold the debut of my ultimate technique... THE THUUUUUUUUUUNDER STRIKE!"
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Luna looks up at the pony far above her that looks like a dot from how far up she is. While she sort of expects the fast pony to dodge it. Luna proceeds to chance things by poofing up a new bottle, with a lightbulb shaped topper.
Spitfire zips about, doing her best to catch up to Lightning Dust. She's flabbergasted that Lightning is still so bitter about being rejected. "You're still mad about that!? This goes beyond any personal problems! THEY WILL STUFF YOU INTO ONE OF THOSE BOTTLES AND CORRUPT YOU IF YOU STAY HERE!! Do you not see that!?" She doesn't notice that the two genies are already plotting to make Lightning theirs with the freshly conjured bottle.
"Seems they've got bad blood between them." Tempest smirks at the sudden chaos "This is the moment we've been waiting for, that nuisance is about to be our ace in the hole! Get ready Luna!" 
"Excellent thinking!" She nods. "That 'thunder strike' won't do anything to the likes of us! (But it will make a glorious show all the same.)” Luna practically holds a target to her chest, also holding the bottle right in Lightning's line of trajectory. She taunts "Come on then, hit us if you can! We’re right here~!"
Spitfire finally notices that Luna's holding up a bottle to seal Lightning Dust away into. "NO!!" She tries to rush into Lightning to stop her but the reckless pegasus was too fast for her, blowing her back with the sheer force she had created upon her descent. "Gaaaah! Lightning Dust, you fool!"
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"Now prepare.... FOR THE WRATH OF LIGHTNIN- MMMMMPPPPPPPhhhhhh!" Within just a moment, it was already over. Lightning crackled all around Lightning Dust, creating a trail that looked almost similar to a sonic rainboom. The force did push Luna back a bit, but most of it was taken by the bottle itself. Lightning was cut off by the speed and momentum of her body warping to shape into the bottle within barely a second.
Where Luna raises an eyebrow and smirks in amusement while raising the sealed bottle to her face as it was still fading into Lightning's color scheme. The Princess then snarks as she finishes Lightning's sentence for her "Lightning in a bottle?~"
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The Princess sealed the bottle with the light bulb topper, laughing as the bulb turned bright. "You were the fastest at becoming a genie, I'll give you that! We could really use your speed~" She looked up at the three wonderbolts who were now sweating bullets. "Why don't you show us how much faster you are than that trio there!" She says before unsealing the bottle.
Soarin is nervously biting his hooves, as he eyes over to Spitfire "Spitfire! What do we do now?!"
Spitfire recovers thanks to her friends, just in time to look on in horror to see Luna opening up Lightning's bottle. "I... I don't know, but we're about to have more trouble on our hooves." Her eyes twitched as the bottle shook and crackled like thunder and lightning. "Get ready to move, everypony!" She braces herself for the oncoming genie Lightning Dust.
Tempest and Luna relished in the fear on the wonderbolts' faces. "Not so confident now, are we? Don't fret my dear wonderbolts, you'll be able to be as confident as you like once you become genie bolts~!" Luna cackled. "Come forth, show these pegasi what true genie speed is!" 
"Heh, really going heavy with the theatrics aren't you, Princess? First Gleaming does her little act and now you?" Tempest chuckles, but the sentiment is shared by her.
The bottle containing the reckless flier shakes and quivers violently, almost seeming like it can barely handle the power as it spins like crazy. Before smoke pops out not in the typical swirl, but almost like a firework shooting straight in the air. A smoke trail rockets up above the vessel, golden sparks and even some electricity surrounds the swirling mass continuing to circle around the tail as perhaps an aftereffect of Lightning's move or perhaps she had become something of an elemental genie in using such a move during her transformation, the smoke soon forms into the silhouette of Lightning Dust. As she fades in, a confident smirk can be seen on the mare's face behind a golden veil.
Having been very quickly bottled, Lightning didn't even get much time to contemplate what being a genie might be like before she was transformed. The bottle's power quickly took advantage of her ego while she was inside, however, and soothed her into a quite willing genie.
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She looks at her hooves and down below where her hindlegs would be. But she wasn't feeling any shame despite her reckless act. "Well well well... this is a surprise to be sure.... but it's a welcome one~. I feel more powerful than ever! Who needs to be JUST a wonderbolt? Being a high-flying genie is where it's at!" 
A deepening dread overwhelms the three Wonderbolts, knowing full well they’re in trouble now.
11 notes · View notes
noa-ciharu · 2 years
FuuKam with ahem, no.33--- i'm testing you how you will make this hot---(?)😎😎 (i know i asked too much but i'm sinful--)
I sinned so much with this one it's unbelievable. TRC setting, nothing much of plot is going on. The plot however...
Also thank you @gabbylyons for helping me chose an outfit for Kamui, it was a tough one because he'd look good in anything. I never called outfit by it's notorious name but if you've been on internet for a while I bet you'll know right off the bat.
Extremely NSFW and kinky so under cut. Look, I planned this to be around 4-5k, somehow it turned 10.5k. It's PWP so all sin and kinks. Maybe I'll put it on ao3 someday, who knows.
33 - "you're not going out dressed like that"
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With a yawn Fuuma flipped book pages; hazily skimmed over lines and lines of text. Mind refused to follow. It was what? Only nine in the evening? Absurdity he was already so exhausted but not to say he wasn’t overworking himself during past fortnight. Searching for treasure Yuuko employed him for proved to be no easy feat this time around; candle had to be burnt at both ends.
Leastwise Kamui was by his side, has been for a year or so now; perhaps because of his presence Fuuma felt motivated to work extra hard for few weeks, finish all treasure hunts in least time possible and snatch extra week or two to spend together. Quality time however; they saw each other every day yes, but rarely got chance in last fortnight to actually be together.
Another yawn. Putting finger between current pages he flipped dozen more around; ten more pages till end of chapter, maybe he should push himself a bit more. What was the last thing? Protagonist fainting because someone brought up murder he committed? Way to be subtle. Or maybe he imagined that fatuity? Fuuma leaned back into backrest and groaned; grasped for coffee cup on side-table. He should put book down, call it a day and go to bed; coffee wasn’t doing it for him. Pity however, he wished to spend time with Kamui, even if cuddling and dozing off on couch. He should be done with shower by now? Fuuma didn’t hear water running any longer.
As fate would have it, door creaked the exact moment. Fuuma grabbed book again and tried to concentrate for ten more pages; after that he’d either spend some time with Kamui now that he’s available or go straight to bed. Maybe coax him into joining and have both. Fuuma doubted he had energy for anything more than cuddling or sloppy make-out season.
“I’m going to ground floor to check the mailbox”, Kamui said in passing.
Right, he was expecting a letter from his twin. However, if it hasn’t arrived by late morning chances of letter arriving now were slim. Whatever floats his boat, maybe Kamui wanted to catch a breath of fresh air instead? Fuuma turned page around and mechanically glanced up.
“Alri -”
Words died in throat. Distantly Fuuma discerned bang of book hitting the floor. I have to be dreaming, there’s no other.
Blinking once, then once more Fuuma tried to wash away the jaw-dropping image. Alas, it persisted. Kamui’s back was still turned towards him – naked back. Ends of bow tied around nape slid down bare skin all the way down to small of his back, where dress explicit cut ended. If it was an inch lower, Fuuma had no doubt he’d see crack of his ass. Striking ruby red brought contrast to pale skin and black hair. It looked sinful on Kamui’s slender body. Sight straight out of wet dreams, it made Fuuma’s groin stir considerably.
Fuuma sobered up immediately. Mere seconds ago he was considering dozing off but now couldn’t feel more awake. Sleep would certainly be last thing on mind for next couple hours. Fleetingly Fuuma recalled purchasing sexy wool sweater like that many moons ago; a prank, more of a dare. Of course Kamui hissed at him like some offended cat and refused to wear ‘such perversity for him to take pictures to later wank off to’, as he profanely put it. Since then sweeter was collecting dust somewhere in back of drawer; not even within wildest flights of imagination did Fuuma see Kamui wearing it. Voluntary to the boot, no coaxing or dubious consent whatsoever. But now…
Smirk crept up lips, both predatory and triumphant. Gears within mind set into motion. Oh Kamui, you’re not going anywhere like that. Don’t think for a moment I’ll let you.
“You’re not going out dressed like that”, Fuuma commanded in low rough tone as he abruptly stood up. That caught Kamui’s attention; he stopped inches away from door and slowly turned around.
Ah, that image, no words could describe how drop-dead gorgeous Kamui looked. Sleeveless turtleneck sweater clung to him like second skin, only accented curves of his slender body; dress barely covered groin, left Kamui’s bare legs open to unrestrained ogling, something Fuuma planed to do himself. Hell would freeze over before he lets someone else see his lover in outfit that revealing and attention-grabbing.
Still, understatement to say situation felt off. Kamui could be kinky and wanton in bed but never this provocative outside sexual situations. Not to mention libertine, never flaunted himself for others. All Fuuma could see was red, both taunting ruby in front of him and scorching fury within mind’s eye.
Kamui’s voice grounded imaginary rage back to reality.
“I’m not going out”, Kamui responded sharply. Put hands on hips and tried to look self-assured; there was no mistaking slight blush on cheeks.
Sweater rode up thighs; Kamui reached down and readjusted it. Blush intensified, indicator Kamui was, indeed, conscious of how indecent outfit was; as well as implication it carried. Fuuma licked lower lip and took a step forward. Kamui shivered, but then rubbed bare arms and tried to play it of as coldness; adorable but unnecessary, Fuuma knew intimately well what it was all about.
“Just to ground floor”, Kamui murmured under breath and glanced down to carpet, cheeks tiled pink.
I don’t think you will. Fuuma fixated him with predatory look, one that left on place for ambiguity of where his thoughts were. Feast for eyes indeed, especially exposed like that; but not for a second did Fuuma let his stare leave Kamui’s face. Message had to be passed, Kamui had to feel full intensity of that hunter’s fixation, of raw desire in eyes. Pants already felt too tight; deciding to put halt to all coyness and dancing around topic, Fuuma addressed the matter.
“Kamui”, he whispered velvety but didn’t bother masking irritation.
Kamui’s gaze bolted up; their eyes met. His pupils dilated instantly, breath fell short.
“You’re not passing front door in that”, Fuuma repeated roughly, each syllable spelled out accented and slow enough for words to sink in.
Barely audible gasp left Kamui’s lips; few second ticked by before expression shifted from flushed to vexed one; resembled pout more. Almost like he recalled he should act feisty, rather than really feeling that way.
Fuuma felt aroused further at this alleged play-act; they’ll do anything but sleep tonight it seemed. Anger was pushed aside for a second, but not forgotten. Kamui would pay for trying to ruffle him up, one way or another.
“Don’t tell me what to do Fuuma. You don’t control me”, Kamui hissed and tried his best to glare.
Fiery indeed, just the way Fuuma liked. There wasn’t side of Kamui he wasn’t allured to; from coy flirt to rare instance of being docile to wantonly submissive; or boldly aggressive and feisty like now. That side of Kamui evoke a hunter within him; primal instinct to dominate and seduce Kamui into yielding. Is this game we’re going to play? Don’t be surprised if you awaken animal inside of me.
Despite seeing through Kamui’s scheme (more bratty antics fueled by frustration), ire did emerge. Kamui’s rebellious side was one thing, quite another flaunting himself at other. No way Kamui seriously considered going out in outfit that’s basically asking for sex; his kinkier side was reserved for bedroom only, for Fuuma’s eyes only. Bait was laid and he fell right for it; under any other circumstances Fuuma would feel miffed at own predictability, but right now when he’d benefit from it? No way he’d let such salacious opportunity slide.
However that wasn’t to say traces of irritation weren’t present; Kamui chose to play a rather dangerous game.
Fuuma straightened back and aimed to appear as dominating as possible; not to intimidate Kamui, quite the contrary.
“Watch your mouth”, he scolded in guttural tone.
Kamui continued fake-glaring but didn’t protest at all. Surge of triumph swept by at implicit submission. Kamui was leagues ahead of him strength-vise, if he were to seriously retort there would be nothing Fuuma could do but accept. In that manner it was beyond empowering, intoxicating even, to beat someone as strong as Kamui into submission; precisely because it wasn’t fight to begin with, he yielded out of own volition.
Fuuma took a chance to let eyes wander over Kamui’s body once more. Long slim legs, slight curves and hollow of waist – he traced them all before and will so again; very soon. Fuuma felt his erection twitch at sight, only urging on. Pity most of front was covered with red wool; of no account, Kamui’s back was as exposed as one might wish. Fuuma smirked, intelligible desires finally gained shape; gaze bolted up to Kamui’s pretentiously miffed expression.
“Be a good boy and move from that door, I’m not touching you there”, Fuuma commanded.
Not for a second did penetrating stare leave Kamui’s eyes. He visibly shuddered. Oh yes my dear, do submit.
Cheeky smirk crept up lips. In octave lower Fuuma added - “Neighbors won’t hear sounds you make when I’m fucking you. Those are for my ears only”
Flush spread over cheeks, pupils dilated for a heartbeat; yet despite obvious affectedness Kamui tried to remain unaffected; feisty like untamed animal, like he did crave to be tamed. Perhaps that’s precisely why he’s being wayward and purposely instigating sparks of tension. Ah right, it’s been a while since their last time; perhaps even a week, now that he bethought it. Fuuma tended to be one to initiate sexual activities on regular basis; hence thought of Kamui being sexually frustrated never crossed his mind.
Interesting indeed.
In addition, whenever desperate or overall horny, Kamui had inclinations towards aggressiveness and boldness. Fuuma glanced down to Kamui’s groin; slight outline of erection was discernible, if one were to observe with keen eye. Kamui either got aroused by his firmness and dominant side or was hard even before leaving bathroom. Fuuma’s own erection twitched as imagination began to run wild; with ease he silenced those libidinous cravings, or more precisely just postponed them. Flame ignited within veins, in lust and leftovers of rage.
Really, out of all ways to indicate he wanted to be fucked, Kamui chose to evoke protectiveness and possessiveness within him. What was he thinking? Did he really plan to go outside in such revealing outfit and panties in case Fuuma didn’t notice him on time? If he gave a green light (no way of course, but in hypothetical scenario), would Kamui really let other people see him almost naked?
Flame flared up into fire, scorched through very being. Anger partially directed towards Kamui’s boldness to purposely provoke him with something he disliked; all while making him unable to resist. Scarcely ever was he truly irritated but this impudence called for it. Fuuma narrowed eyes and pierced Kamui with a half glare half leer. Don’t think you’ll manage to seduce your way out of this one. Alluring you may be, but I can resist you if situation called it.
And trust me, I will.
Kamui pretended to sigh wearily; murmured something under breath and began pacing towards him. Halted within arm reach and tsked.
“Here, are you hap -”
In a flash Fuuma seized Kamui’s wrists. Startled yelp went over head. Second more and Fuuma managed to hold Kamui’s wrists with one hand; wrapped other around waist and pulled Kamui against himself. I want you, but on my terms only.
“What would you do if neighbor caught you of guard like this?”, Fuuma narrowed eyes and asked firmly.
Pupils dilated, yet no hints of perturbation; raw desire in them. Kamui’s body felt hot against his. Fuuma purposely rubbed thigh over Kamui’s groin; he squeezed eyes shut and grinded teeth, tried to remain unaffected. Yes, he was already hard, no negating that. Grip over wrists tautened, another gasp left lips. Kamui opened eyes and glared, but didn’t try to break free.
“I’d fight back”, Kamui lied through his teeth.
Glare intensified, in response Fuuma smirk broadened; sadistic appetite whetted, he’d make Kamui have a taste of own medicine.
“Like you’re doing now?”, Fuuma offered back in a heartbeat; tone guttural enough to send shivers down Kamui’s spine.
Yearning yes, but perplexed at same time; in all fairness Fuuma was too. Ardency from within burned low, flame of bubbling irritation only fueled by carnal desires. Both primal, both seized too deep, embedded within very soul. Simply fulfilling one of lustful nature wouldn’t do it, not for inner satisfaction, not for serving as lesson to Kamui what buttons shouldn’t be pushed. On other hand denying himself what, in all aspects, belongs to him would be inane; not something he had on agenda, especially not when prurience was residual within blood.
In between and betwixt, perhaps those two desires weren’t that exclusive, intersection in manner of domination did exist. One of forcing not only Kamui’s body into submission, but very soul too. Fuuma wet lower lips. He knew exactly what he wanted to do.
Predatory smirk reached lips, gaze turned into leer; Fuuma added rough grope over waist into mix. Kamui shivered immediately, tried to squeeze legs shut; presumably to calm erection down. Fuuma had no such inhibitions; purposely rubbed their crotches together. Kamui grunted, flush spread over cheeks; Fuuma gazed down to quivering lips, had to control the impulse to lean in and scoop a kiss. It wouldn’t be a peck, it’d be a full blown make-out season; desirable yes, but no space left for romance now; none for slow pace and whispers of devotion.
Kamui closed eyes and tilted head up; stood on tiptoes and clearly expected to be kissed. Fool. Smirk broadened even further, pure triumph coiled within chest.
Right where I want you, unsuspecting and craving.
He abruptly grabbed Kamui by waist. Palms pushed at chest yet all meekly, lacked the bite; Kamui could do better if he truly wanted to break free.
“Fuuma wait! What’s wi - “
In a flash he swirled Kamui around and shoved face into desk. Paper magazine fell down, there was a loud crash of ceramic cup shattering but Fuuma couldn’t care less about that mess at the moment; due to startlement Kamui impulsively stretched arms in front, shoved decorative fake plants down floor as well; oh well, leastwise nothing remained on surface.
Fuuma let eyes roam over Kamui’s body. Unlike front, back was mostly exposed to hungry stares; luckily only his as Kamui was going nowhere in open-back sweater that barley covered ass. Both carnal cravings and leftovers of ire ignited, yet somehow flames fused into desire for domination; for putting Kamui into place yet satisfying his wanton wishes and enormous sexual appetite. Fuuma leaned over Kamui, recaptured wrists and pinned them above head. Free hand toyed with red bow on nape, tracing fingertip over knot like he was going to untie it. Kamui hissed, yet didn’t try to free himself. So fiery yet submissive; perhaps most tempting part of this all was the fact Kamui allowed himself to be dominated.
Cheeky little liar, you want to be hunted like an animal. But are too bashful to admit it either of us, so you’ve opted for provocation in desperate attempt to get ‘punished’. I’ll give you what you want, but first and foremost satisfy my own cravings.
However, Fuuma had qualms whether Kamui was aware of what laid behind his, presumably, impulsive action. Whichever way, he won’t get of the hook so easily, Fuuma would make sure of it.
Lowering over Kamui, Fuuma hushed into his ear -“What if they pushed you down like this, what would you do?”
All hypothetic scenarios, yet he couldn’t stop them from playing out within psyche. Some faceless stranger grabbing Kamui by elbow and dragging into apartment; pushing Kamui down the table and even worse: being horny as he was, Kamui allowing himself to be touched and pleasured. Overwhelming surge of possessiveness and anger emerged at mere imagination. Perhaps said implicit fury kept libidinousness in check for if Kamui was in outfit that kinky under any other circumstances they’d have been on round two by now.
Turning face to side, Kamui rested cheek over desk. Gazed up and regarded him with coy smile. Playful indeed, Fuuma couldn’t wait to put him in place for acting like a brat. Then Kamui spread legs apart, arched back and rubbed ass over his clothed erection. Wordless reply, yet spoke volumes.
Fuuma had to bite back a groan; won’t allow Kamui satisfaction of seeing him affected. Under regular circumstances he’d lavishly praise Kamui for his sexiness and loosen inhibitions; also express urgency to have a taste. But now? No way, all cards will be in his hand.
Sadistic chuckle left Fuuma’s lips. “Figures”, he mocked into Kamui’s nape, then began sliding kisses down spine.
Kamui moaned and writhed at feathery touch; if something so insignificant made him react then he must have been pent-up all along to be this sensitive. And to think Kamui potentially wanted to go out aroused. Hands slid down Kamui’s arms, traveled over sides to waist; palms slid past wool, rested over bare skin. There Fuuma squeezed; simultaneously flickered tongue down Kamui’s spine. High-pitched moan, he arched back and put erotic body of his on display; tried to allure him into temptation. Grip taunted, pained moan left Kamui’s lips. Fuuma squeezed him tighter, at same time grinded against him. Palms shifted a bit higher, red marks could be discerned from where hands were. A pity they’d be gone in mere minutes, bruises left on Kamui’s body could never last. Nonetheless knowledge of them does. Memories of allowing to be tamed and marked will stay with you, of that I have no doubt.
“What a little slut you are, walking around like someone’s wet dream”, Fuuma hushed while tracing pecks and brief sucks down Kamui’s spine; all the way to small of waist where he reached sweater’s hem.
Hmm, should he speed game up? Own arousal urged so, but Fuuma wanted to see how long he could deny Kamui’s desires while keeping own in check. He toyed with hem for a second, let finger slide underneath, just barely to tease; sharp inhale, all in anticipation. Cheeky grin crept up Fuuma’s lips; oh yes, he could and would control Kamui’s libidinous cravings.
Finger retraced from sweater; frustrated groan could be heard instantly; cute, Fuuma though, but won’t grant Kamui what he wants. Fuuma placed fingertip inch above end of tailbone, then oh so slowly glided it up Kamui’s spine; just to let tension build up. Kamui shivered and sweated, whimpered and implicitly urged for more.
Once more Fuuma gripped Kamui’s waist; this time with intention of controlling freedom of movement. Resting knee on desk’s edge, he half knelt over Kamui; lowered over completely and nibbled on earlobe.
“All those men, they love to look. But they can’t touch”
Oh how Kamui whimpered at his voice, it only made Fuuma harden more. Impulsively he rubbed clothed erection against Kamui’s ass; per expected, he wanted to grind back but was unable to. High-pitched moan broke out, one of utter desperation. Fuuma nibbled on earlobe, flickered tongue over it just to hear Kamui whimper again. Nails scraped over heated skin, only enticed Kamui further; he tried to writhe and obtain friction, but couldn’t.
“Do you know why?”, Fuuma let breath hover over Kamui’s cheek.
Waited a second, then growled into ear - “Because you’re mine”
Desperate groan left Kamui’s lips; he tried to rub erection against desk but all in vain, Fuuma stilled him on first thrust; swiftly slid palm down spine and pushed dress down thighs. Ah, he had sneaking suspicion before, but now Fuuma was certain Kamui had no underwear on, not even panties; fire scorched through veins, Fuuma had to inhale to dampen it down. Beyond alluring sight went down to groin, made his cock twitch repetitively. Far from the first time they had sex, yet eagerness and level of desire never wavered; were just as intense as the first time.
Kamui shivered and moaned, arched back and tried to tempt further. Instead of groaning as he’d usual show appreciation, Fuuma let out a devilish chuckle; slid fingertip inside ass crack, all the way down to testicles. Lustful groan combined with rapid thrust mid air, yes they were a delight but Fuuma didn’t plan on satisfying Kamui’s craving so easily or early; he had to earn them.
“Not even panties?”, Fuuma teased and traced finger up to tailbone; skimmed over entrance in process, only to have Kamui writhe and gasp underneath.
Still, mere thought of someone’s shamelessly ogling his lover made Fuuma see red for a moment; let alone if they, for even a second, assume they could touch. Kamui would have their head before Fuuma could even react however; deeply down knew with absolute certainty Kamui wouldn’t allow to be groped by random perverts; never was anything but faithful. Nonetheless, in hypothetical scenario playing out, there… no, merely thinking about it caused additional irritation fueled by protectiveness and possessiveness to surge. For this odd half-roleplay they’ve settled in, more than suitable.
Fuuma removed knee from desk and stood above Kamui; gripped ass cheeks and kneaded them gently at first. Kamui moaned how good touch felt. Yes my dear, be unsuspecting. Grip tautened, fingernails scraped over skin. Moan broke out, gradually altered into scream as pressure intensified.
“Were you hoping someone would grope you like this?”, Fuuma asked firmly, weakened the grip only to squeeze brutally again.
Instead of answering Kamui groaned and stretched arms above head; tried to ground himself on sense of touch.. Whole back was exposed for Fuuma’s hungry stare; heat got to him, he had to unbutton collar; unzip pants too for they felt excruciatingly tight. Boxers had to stay on however, Fuuma doubted he’d be able to prevent himself from slamming into Kamui otherwise. Miffed he may be, but hurting Kamui for real would be uncalled for; something he neither of them wanted. That much he had to keep himself in rein.
Resting palm above groin, Fuuma propped Kamui’s hips up; wool seemed slightly damp over where erection should be, irrefutably Kamui was far more aroused than this amount of foreplay ought to make him. Perhaps being dominated and degraded had more prominent effect than he could anticipate? No matter, Fuuma was grateful for Kamui’s endless sexual appetite. Without sparing second more, Fuuma shoved two finger inside to second knuckle; immediately found out why Kamui was so impatient.
Cheeky grin crept up lips, all self-pleased. Fuuma pushed digits inside to third knuckle; leaned over Kamui and whispered - “Did you finger yourself in the shower?”
No coherent reply, just series of broken mewls and groans. Kamui curved back and began fucking himself on fingers; for time being Fuuma kept digits still, allowed Kamui to pleasure himself. If he were to claim he wasn’t affected by Kamui’s wanton side, he’d be lying. Fuuma felt pulse go rapid, precome dampening boxers and – enough.
This had to stop. With deep exhale he tried to calm alarming level of arousal down; managing to some degree, Fuuma gave Kamui few strokes through sweater then gripped hips and stilled thrusts. As alluring as it is to watch you, I’d rather take control back.
Fuuma eased fingers out, only to slam them back inside. Scream ripped from Kamui’s throat; he tried to grind back but couldn’t. Insides felt loose, with ease he could spread and twist fingers them around. Kamui did a great job of preparing himself, must have taken a while. Within mind Fuuma could picture Kamui, frustrated and horny, trying to find best position to finger himself in; groaning and thrashing around as satisfaction was never reached; could picture water droplets sliding down heated skin, traveling down chest and waist, then teasing even lower; Kamui’s lustful expression and whimper of his name on lips as he – I said enough.
Fuuma hissed sharply and tried to regulate breathing. Arousal scorched inside veins, skin too hot for comfort; beast got unleashed.
Fingers withdrew; Fuuma spread Kamui’s cheek and kissed hole. Flickered tongue over rim but instead of pushing tip in he glided tongue over ass crack to small of back; then sensually licked up spine all the way to nape. Underneath him Kamui was broken mess of pleads and moans; just the way Fuuma loved. He placed lips over Kamui’s neck; nibbled on it before sucking intensely. Simultaneously shoved three fingers inside. Kamui’s body convulsed underneath his, unsystematic mewls and moans falling from lips one after another.
“Were you fantasizing you’re getting fucked?”, Fuuma teased in between the licks and shallow bites.
Prolonged groan from Kamui, followed by high-pitched whine; insides clenched around fingers, Fuuma had to bite back groan of his own. Damn, how much he wished to fuck Kamui relentlessly, it was inhuman; just a little bit more, he’ll endure.
Pace sped up, Fuuma started thrusting fingers in and out repetitively; on each push Kamui grinded back, tried to maximize friction achieved. Sweat rolled down temple, Fuuma was grateful Kamui was moaning and losing himself so much for no way he’d be able to hear how ragged Fuuma’s own breath became. His cock was throbbing at this point, self-control wearing thinner by each moan.
Experimenting with thrusts, Fuuma slowed pace down and curled two fingers. Kamui finally snapped.
“Yes, yes I did!”, Kamui yelled from top of his lungs.
Ah, that delightful voice, he’s been longing to hear it; always so raspy and wretched when they made love. Pity Kamui’s face was concealed from view, but this position was most suitable one for brisk pace and deep swift thrusts; no way he’d go easy on Kamui after that distasteful teasing, point had to be proven. But it won’t be punishment for you, will it? You crave the attention, the roughness and submission. By the time dawn arrives, you’d get your wishes fulfilled, one way or another.
“You’ve been- ahhh b-busy lately”, Kamui managed to murmur in between the gasps and grunts. “We haven’t do-done it… for a w-while”
Cocky smirk reached lips, some of previous anger subdued. Finally Kamui admitted what was evident from start. Really, has it been a week since they last had sex? Fuuma couldn’t believe he lasted that long, especially without noticing (excusable however, seeing as he’s been dead on feet each day in row for close to fortnight now); neglected own lover in a way. No wonder Kamui has been pent up to point of disregarding dignity and seducing him with bratty behavior and provocative clothing.
Explainable, but not excusable. Kamui could have straddled his lap or simply gazed at him with half-lidded eyes and lustful expression – in a heartbeat Fuuma would provide him what both of them itched for. But no, Kamui decided to be bratty and provoke on purpose.
Thumb skimmed over rim, pads massaged inner walls; Fuuma slid free hand inside sweater, encircled fist over Kamui’s erection and rubbed at tip. Kamui moaned loudly, broken yesyesyes and pleasee falling from lips. Reactions stimulating, moans ballad to ears, but Fuuma won’t be stroking him into orgasm; Kamui should consider himself lucky if he gets to cum tonight. One teasing rub, followed by swift stroke; shivers bolted down Kamui’s spine, insides clenched again. Not to risk it and possibly push Kamui over edge, Fuuma released his erection and got up.
Kamui whimpered immediately; turned head around and hushed coarsely - “I got horny and didn’t know what to do…”
Half lidded golden eyes, flushed cheeks, lips parted, saliva dripping from them – he’d never get over erotic expressions Kamui made during sex. Sight went straight to groin, Fuuma felt himself swell even more. Some of anger reemerged too, mostly directed at the fact Kamui could arouse him so deliberately, so effortlessly. Regularly that wouldn’t be an issue, exact opposite, a delight; but it proved to be an hindrance when wanting to establish dominance and control over situation. In far gone state that he was no way Kamui was aware of effect he left, perhaps simply acted on instinct. Whichever way, foreplay had to reach epilogue, otherwise Fuuma feared he might accidentally cum in underwear from sight alone.
“Meaning you became such slut that fingers can no longer satisfy you?”, he demanded, voice velvety.
Kamui gazed back at him with expression so yearning and tantalizing, Fuuma felt resolve shatter bit by bit. Fuck, he should pull erection out, enter Kamui and take him animalistically all until dawn. Reached for elastic band on boxers and – no, not yet.
Emotional satisfaction was as desirable here as sexual, he craved for Kamui’s soul to yield along with body (especially as he presented latter for Fuuma’s touch and gaze long ago); for those reasons Fuuma forced himself to endure a minute or two more. Cupped himself and pressed erection back in desperate attempt to clam it down. It did little help.
“Answer me”, Fuuma insisted rougher this time around; twisted fist around and spread fingers inside of Kamui.
Eyes squeezed shut, eyelashes fluttered over flushed cheeks; so erotic, no way Kamui wasn’t aware of how sexy he looked during sex. Lips quivered, whimper after whimper falling from them. Fuuma eased digits out, only to slam them back in.
He rubbed against that spot. Golden eyes flew open immediately.
“Yes! Fingers can no longer satisfy me!”, Kamui yelled and frantically nodded.
Fuuma smirked. Oh yes, just like that Kamui. Admit only I can satisfy you. Fingers withdrew; slight grunt, otherwise Kamui didn’t react. Easing boxers down hips Fuuma pulled himself out and – ah the chilly room air against heated skin, only made him throb further. Not to mention how Kamui’s pupils fixated on his erection, then abruptly dilated. He groaned and licked lips – damn it, Kamui’s loosen inhibitions and wantonness only hardened him more.
Enough with it.
Fuuma stepped behind Kamui and brought his ass directly against himself; shoved Kamui’s head back into desk. Sensing how rapid pulse down on himself was, Fuuma didn’t want to risk entering Kamui and climaxing in same moment; little bit of additional teasing for sake of buying himself time to dampen down critical levels of arousal within blood wouldn’t hurt. No need to prepare himself, tip was already drenched with precome. Fuuma positioned himself but instead of entering rubbed head over rim. Kamui groaned and tried to thrust back onto him; predictable. Palm rested over small of back and held Kamui in place.
“And what would you say if someone were to do this?”, Fuuma insisted in firmly. Rubbed head over entrance once more to prove the point; electricity bolted down spine, Fuuma inhaled deeply as to ground himself.
Per expected, Kamui tried to turn head around and tempt into giving in with wanton expression. Fuuma raked fingers through his hair and tautened the grip. Even if most of previous ire evaporated from system, desire to tease persisted.
“Fuuma, fuck me pleaseee”, Kamui begged shamelessly, tried to provoke him.
Enticing yes, but not the appropriate answer. Of course noone beside him would ever be doing this to Kamui, that wasn’t up to dispute. But point here was to frustrate Kamui into complete obedience; as well as get him to admit who he belonged to.
“Wrong answer. Try again”, Fuuma commanded, combed through Kamui’s hair as to confuse him with polar opposite approaches. Shifted hips and grinded shaft over ass crack; both of them grunted at electrifying sensation.
“And this time think with your head instead of ass”, Fuuma added mockingly.
Moan or two, but otherwise Kamui kept silent. State of arousal urged Fuuma on, he’d go insane if he had to wait a second more; with the way he was whimpering and writhing, Kamui wasn’t in any better shape. Just unlike him, Fuuma was the one who called the shots. He rubbed tip over rim and insisted.
“Again my little slut, what would you say?”
Kamui let out a mewl, sounded closer to wail. Adorable how far gone he was, but Fuuma won’t give in; he stroked Kamui’s hair as to encourage him to discard little bit of dignity he had left.
“Only Fuuma can do that”, Kamui murmured barely audibly, voice ragged.
“Good boy”, Fuuma rushed out and stroked Kamui’s hair for a split second. Not wasting a moment more, grabbed Kamui by hips and swiftly entered to the hilt.
“Ahhhh – yes yes, ohmygoshyesss!”
Remotely Fuuma discerned Kamui screamed; yet heard none of it.
World narrowed. Nothing existed other than utter pleasure shooting through veins. Complete victory, he couldn’t focus on anything other than how to get more. Fuuma growled, eased erection out until only head was in; then slammed inside. Pulled out again; pushed at full speed. Again. And again.
On each thrust Kamui groaned and grinded back; Fuuma could feel how insides clenched around his cock on every push, how close actually both of them were. Of no matter, he’d be damned if he stopped now. Fuuma briefly pulled out; taunted grip over Kamui’s hips, levitated ass up air; no need to instruct Kamui, he arched back on his own; tried to make himself as erotic and desirable as possible.
Then Kamui glanced coyly backwards and moaned his name. Last fraction of self-control shattered.
Fuuma thrust back into him; brutally, without care for anything. Thankfully for both, Kamui had fair share of masochistic tendencies, hence relished in rough treatment. At one particular rough thrust Kamui shuddered and screamed; insides clamped down on him rather hard, Fuuma had to pause for few seconds as to delay orgasm.
“Harder pleasee!”, Kamui begged breathlessly and shifted hips repetitively; tried to mimic thrusts as he was held still and obtain pleasure.
“Did I allow you to thrash around?”, Fuuma asked firmly and pulled out.
Of course, need for domination and discipline served as ulterior motive, simply a way to buy himself some time. Kamui mewled and turned head around to glare at him; with flushed face, disheveled hair and bruised lips, he appeared more debauched than intimidating.
“Damn it Fuuma, stop being a tease!”, Kamui hissed at him. Wrong move.
Cute but Fuuma didn’t have disobedience in plan. Fuuma lowered hands from hipbones to ass cheeks; massaged them for a second, all with ulterior motive of deceiving Kamui into false sense of security. Spank echoed through room; only afterwards did Kamui scream.
“Still didn’t learn how to behave?”, Fuuma scolded while gripping cheeks; scraped nails over skin firm enough for stings to emerge. Kamui relished in that ache, Fuuma was intimately acquainted with his masochistic side.
“Do I have to bend you over knee and spank?”
“No…”, soft moan, it set fire within veins.
Fuuma was partially expecting Kamui to ask to be spanked. Won’t some as a surprise, they both knew intimately well how enticing Kamui responded to controlled pain during sex. Oh well, some other time for sure, but now he had other priorities at hand. Fuuma hastily unbuttoned shirt and pushed it down shoulders; leaned over Kamui until no space was left between their bodies; Kamui’s skin was as equally heated and sweaty.
“If so then behave”, Fuuma hushed and kissed Kamui’s shoulder; skin tasted salty under lips. Without a warning slammed inside.
Before Kamui could scream Fuuma shoved two fingers inside his mouth; pushed them in and out in tandem with thrusts. Other hand went under sweater; immediately latched onto nipples. Already erected, Fuuma realized pleasingly; rolled left one in one direction, then another; grasped between thumb and index finger and pulled. Muffled moan passed lips, insides clenched down on him; Fuuma squeezed eyes shut and grunted, forced himself to slower the pace. Fuuma positioned fingers over tongue and thrust them deeper down throat; simultaneously glided thumb over nipple and pressed down. Wheeze followed by desperate gasp, Kamui sank fangs into fingers.
Pain surged; unlike ache when Kamui bites his neck, this one didn’t arouse, simply hurt. Good, otherwise he’d be pushed over edge, no doubt about that. Fuuma kept himself as deep as possible, barely eased out on backward thrusts; on each push made sure head brushed against prostate. Kamui whimpered and writhed, tried to catch up with the pace. Fangs caught over wound again, Fuuma winced; stilled thrusts for a second and pulled fingers out Kamui’s throat.
“Lick them clean”, he commanded coarsely.
Kamui obeyed immediately; flickered tongue up fingertips, licked trails of blood. Fuuma pinched his nipple rather hard, just to hear him moan. Tongue traced up digit, lapped over sensitive skin between middle and index finger; then poked into bite-mark.
Ah, sweet ache shot through body, only served as further stimulation; strange how touch on such mundane places could arouse so. If possible he swelled even more, pulse down on erection going rapid. Fuuma squeezed eyes shut an hissed as – ah to hell with holding back. Without a warning he shoved fingers past Kamui’s lips; bit Kamui’s nape and began fucking him for real.
Thrusts gained speed and ferocity; by no means did Fuuma hold back. On each push insides squeezed around him; so tight, so hot. More. On each pull head rubbed over rim; sensitive spot, Kamui writhed each time. He overpowered Kamui entirely, trapped between desk and his far larger body; the heat between them, it was unbearable, so alluring. More. Fuuma shifted hips, changed angle of thrusts; aimed to rub against that one spot that set Kamui aflame. Must have found it as Kamui’s whole body suddenly shook; thighs trembled, lips squeezed and sucked over fingers. More. Just a bit more. With free hand Fuuma aggressively rubbed and pinched nipples, tried to drive Kamui insane with pleasure; positioned thumb over left one and mercilessly pushed. Kamui mewled, would have screamed if weren’t for fingers inside mouth.
Fuuma let out a growl. Triumph surged; pleasure both sexual and of emotional kind. Primal craving fulfilled, Kamui was completely dominated, physically and mentally. Kamui let out a wail, followed by series of muffled whimpers; his whole body sweated and trembled; felt so so good. Shifting head from nape to ear, Fuuma hushed praises into Kamui’s ear; not like those words were processed, Kamui was in far to gone state to focus on anything but carnal pleasure imposed on him. Leaned forwards even more, let breath ghost over Kamui’s cheek; licked tear and placed kiss below eye. Pulled erection entirely, waited few seconds; then entered to the hilt.
“You’ve been a bad boy, you know that?”, Fuuma whispered next to Kamui’s cheek; broken moan in response, it was all Kamui could mutter in the moment. Pity his face was concealed from view, it must be out of wet dreams.
Nails scraped over nipples; Fuuma tries to systematically push and pull them, but lost focus. Arousal was eating him alive as well, lust scorching within blood. Minor miracle he hasn’t climaxed so far, given he didn’t have any release for over a week; still, with how heated and swollen to point of aching his cock was, Fuuma knew he wouldn’t last for too long.
Kamui tried to rub himself over desk but couldn’t; it’ll be beyond arousing to see him cum over himself like an animal, completely untouched. Saliva coaxed fingers, tongue chaotically swirled one direction then another; clearly Kamui had troubles catching up with pace; evidently overwhelmed. I would have granted any depraved wish of yours, all you had to do was ask. However not in bratty way you did.
Heat rushed to groin, pulse down on himself going mile per hour; grunt and groans were impossible to be contained, Fuuma was no longer in control of himself. Yet still, he craved the domination, the utter power over this one special person who tried to turn tables on him; tried to wake up a beast inside of him. A bit deeper, he itched for more.
Strangely enough, he was denying Kamui that depraved desire but somehow ended up fulfilling it. He should pull away and reestablish the power dynamic and – electricity bolted down spine, sweet ache spread through veins.
To hell with teasing. Dominance allured, but sexual gratification and urgency of his desire did just as equally. Just a few more thrusts and he’ll finally obtain the sweetest release. Kamui was close too, Fuuma could feel how he trembled and whimpered; how saliva dripped down lips as he thrust fingers in and out. How insides clenched around him, how amazing it all felt; threatened to bring him over edge at any second. Just a little bit more and -
Not like this.
I want this sense of domination and triumph to last.
At last moment Fuuma gathered enough willpower to control his desire; all because he’d be controlling Kamui’s in process too. Heartbeat later withdrew in all senses; stood up and pressed palm over himself as to calm erection down. Seconds away from orgasm, he could see the pulse down on his cock; great timing indeed. Fuuma rubbed fingers down trousers, tried to clean saliva and remains of blood; leastwise focus himself on anything but how alluring Kamui’s body looked.
Few more seconds passed before Kamui grasped onto lack of sensations. The moment he did -
“Nooo!”, scream echoed around them. Kamui raised on elbows and turned around.
Ah that sight, if it didn’t make him cum immediately then nothing would. From flushed cheeks to debauched appearance, there wasn’t a thing Fuuma didn’t like. Half-lidded golden eyes gazed up at him, prurience and desperation clear as day in them. Saliva slid down chin, lips bruised and parted as he desperately tried to regain breath; wasn’t the only one, Fuuma could barely regulate his panting and pulse. Red sweater still covered most of front but was hoisted up to stomach, revealed exactly how hard and yearning Kamui was.
Damn it, don’t look so tempting.
“Ah, don’t stop… Fuuma p-please”, Kamui managed to whisper in between the panting; levitated arms towards him, irrefutable invitation.
Beg went down to his groin, Fuuma had to clench muscles on stomach to prevent himself from cumming on spot. No, this had to stop. The sooner, the better. Control had to be establish, point to be proven; game was still on after all. And don’t think for a second I’ll let you win.
Wrapping one arm around waist and other under thighs, Fuuma scooped Kamui up. How his body was so light yet held so much power and strength, Fuuma had no clue. Startled yelp passed lips but Kamui didn’t protest for real; even rested palms on his chest and gazed up coyly. So tantalizing, Fuuma could barely resist.
Kamui swallowed and cleaned his throat, clearly wanted to say something. Fuuma placed finger over his lips and whispered huskily - “Shh, let me take you to bed”
In couple of second they made it to the bedroom. Fuuma gently lowered Kamui down sheets; tried to raise himself up but Kamui wrapped arms around shoulders and pulled him in; moaned his name and tried to urge on. Ah, beyond obvious what Kamui wants. Fuuma desperately wished to take him relentlessly again too and he will – but on his and his terms only.
Brief kiss on lips distracted Kamui, lured into false sense of safety with predictability. With ease Fuuma pulled away.
“Be a good boy and wait for me”
With that Fuuma turned away from bed and strolled towards closet. Involuntary shivered for sweat already dried on naked chest; cold night indeed. Still, same couldn’t be said for his lower body; uncomfortable to pace around with unzipped pants and erection out on open, but hell would freeze over before he’d tuck himself back into pants when this hard. Fuuma took a chance to glance down on himself. Damn, he could hardly recall seeing his cock this swollen or angry shade of red; no wonder he was throbbing so much. Of no matter, he’ll obtain release very soon, could endure until then; willpower flared up by primal desire for domination, otherwise he doubted this much resolve would be found. Brutality of orgasm and sexual delight will be salacious, but they alone would provide no inner relish, just one of body.
We can do better than that, don’t we Kamui?
Kneeling down he pushed aside few boxes and – ah there it is. Fuuma hooked finger into bag and drew it closer; hastily rummaged until fingertips glided over something fluffy. Ah yes, exactly what he needed. Fuuma eased on pair of plush red handcuffs; wasting no time searched for other pair and matching set of keys. With divided attention payed attention to lewd sounds filling the room; one of strokes over skin and badly muffled groans. Needn’t turn around and check visually, Fuuma knew for the fact Kamui was touching himself.
Sadistic grin crept up lips, almost predatory. Fuuma was no fool, he knew Kamui’s libidinous nature and poor resistance to temptation rather well. Bait was purposely laid and he fell for it; like a moth to the flame. Every break or rules craved punishment and leftovers of rage he felt before were more than enough to provide necessary ruthlessness and dominance for that.
Gathering all items needed Fuuma raised up; turned around and confirmed his suspicions. With dress shoved up chest, Kamui was pinching nipple with one hand and stroking himself with other; barely audible grunts and moans falling from lips, yet still detectable. Quite a sight, Fuuma felt his own cock twitch in response; it had to reach epilogue soon (such buzzkill if Kamui got to orgasm now, it’ll spoil vast majority of what Fuuma had in store for him). Seeing as Kamui’s eyes were squeezed shut as pleasure washed over features, Fuuma took a chance to sneak up to him.
One step. Then another. In a heartbeat he seized Kamui’s wrist. Golden eyes flew open, startlement and lust equally palpable in them.
“Did I say you can touch yourself?”, Fuuma scolded; even went as far to narrow eyes and frown, all to establish dominance over someone who very much was epitome of headstrongness.
In a flash Fuuma handcuffed wrist to bed frame; pushed key in and sealed the cuffs. Kamui thrashed around instantly. Could break free anytime with that vampire strength of his if he wanted to; pair of toy cuffs meant for bedroom were no match for him. They both knew protest was just for show, nothing more; only ignited fire from within.
“I need to cum so so much!”, Kamui yelled and glared at him. Miffed yes, but retorts lacked the bite.
Kamui bolted free hand down to his cock; grabbed tip and stroked with such ferocity and swiftness Fuuma thought he’d orgasm from first jerk alone. With ease Fuuma captured that wrist too. Needless to say, if Kamui were really putting up a fight he’d be one handcuffed to bed; telltale little minx yearned to be beaten into submission, craved this roughness and discipline; to be punished like an animal. You’ll evoke a hunter within me disobedient like that. I guess that’s what you’ve wanted from the very start, just didn’t have enough dignity to ask directly.
Lowering tone even more, Fuuma scolded once more - “Such a brat, you never listen”
Both wrist ended up cuffed to bed; Kamui tested restrains but quickly concluded they won’t budge; was forced to lay down and accept his fate. Fuuma rested palm on his stomach, skimmed it up and hoisted sweater up chest as far as material allowed. Before Fuuma had chance to intake erotic sight, Kamui rested foot over chest and kicked; all meek for he knew exactly how brutally Kamui could shove him backwards if full strength was used; nothing but kitten play, however teasing had flame on its own.
“Fuck, I was so close! Let me go!”, Kamui protested and thrashed around.
Ah, they were back at square one, weren’t they? Apparently Kamui could be docile only when he had fingers or cock down his ass for otherwise even when aroused there was hardly taming him.
Fuuma gripped his chin and brought them face to face.
“Behave”, he threatened; made sure tone was deep enough to send shivers down Kamui’s spine.
Nonetheless that didn’t put him in place. Kamui glared and hissed back - “Fucking sadist”
Disobedience both irritated and enticed. Temptation to slam inside Kamui and fuck him like an animal was too damn high; being bratty and horny as he was, Kamui would relish in that brutality and briskness. They’ve had fast rough sex countless times before, one more repeat would be desirable but satisfactory only from hormonal perspective. Sight allured too much, Fuuma had to get up from bed.
He paced towards bag; knelt down and searched for toy that could serve as further punishment. Flogger? Nah, they weren’t in doggy style anymore. Butt plug? Kamui would cum in a second if anything entered him now. Vibrator and anal beads were also a no. That elegant red collar with bow would look breathtaking but he’d have to untie Kamui to take turtleneck off him right now. Something leather under fingers, Fuuma fetched it and -
Ah, this one could do. Kamui hated (but loved the resulting sensations; cheeky little liar) anything that served as orgasm denial, especially cock-rings; this time he’ll absolutely lose it. If I monopolize all your desires, I wonder how much would pass before my name is only thing on your mind. I wonder how far up high can you go. Cheeky grin reached lips, anticipation surged. Fuuma got up and returned to bed; sat beside Kamui’s waist and caressed him; fooled.
“You’re basically begging to be punished”, Fuuma whispered velvety and combed through Kamui’s hair; drenched in sweat, even a bit knotty, only logical given what they’ve been doing until now.
Kamui closed eyes and moaned; rapidly thrust hips up air and tried to reach orgasm. Level of his desperation was adorable, only begged to be teased more. Fuuma kept on petting and caressing Kamui, all over non-erogenous zoned; gave Kamui no means of reaching orgasm. The moment Fuuma concluded Kamui relaxed even a tiny bit, he changed the tactic.
Hand bolted down to Kamui’s erection; immediately prolonged moan passed lips. Kamui’s eyes flew open, pupils dilated; silent begs on lips yet no need to express desires verbally, expression and yearning in eyes spoke volumes. Instead of stroking into orgasm, Fuuma wrapped leather over base; only when snap fell in place did Kamui realize what has happened.
“Damn you to hell”, Kamui hissed; glared and squirmed around, all meek effort to break free.
Kamui’s feisty attitude only served as further incitement. There were no more reasons to postpone his urgency anymore; Fuuma got up and swiftly eased trousers and boxers down legs; socks followed shortly afterwards. The way Kamui was sizing him up, shamelessly letting eyes roam over his body – only added more fuel to fire; they’ve had fair share of kinky prolonged foreplay and pauses during sex, this wasn’t anything novel; yet Fuuma could scarcely recall ever being this aroused, this hard and aching.
Kamui fixated gaze down on his cock, blushed and licked lips. Bold indeed; Fuuma leered at him and chuckled. He’d be damned if he waits a second more. Fuuma walked around bed and sat between Kamui’s spreed legs.
Damn the sight, no amount of fantasizing could prepare him for erotic Kamui could look when sexually frustrated and constantly having his desires denied; desperation suited him well, especially when Kamui’s insatiable appetite was added into mix.
He knelt and raised up; purposely loomed over Kamui, served difference in their positions as reminder who called the shots here. Fuuma let eyes roam over Kamui’s body in similar starved fashion Kamui checked him out minute prior; didn’t bother hiding inhibitions, let Kamui feel intensity of predatoriness and carnality in it.
“Watch your mouth. I’m not letting you go until you learn how to behave”
Kamui shuddered at lowness of tone. Yes, show me how affected you really are. Fuuma gripped Kamui’s thighs and lifted legs up; hooked them over shoulders. Kamui gasped, his pupils dilated; surely expected to be penetrated at any moment given position they were in. Cock-ring wouldn’t be enough to prevent Kamui from cumming, Fuuma knew that for the fact; as desirable as fucking Kamui senseless for hours and hours would be, it’ll be equally addicting to be in full control of Kamui’s wants and body. For that reason he’d delay second round of penetrative sex for hour or so.
Fuuma pushed Kamui’s legs together; instead of entering him pushed cock between his thighs. Leaned over Kamui, bent his legs at knees and started thrusting erection in between thighs.
Ah the utter bliss, the ecstasy spreading through veins; victorious smile reached lips, Fuuma closed eyes and smirked. Clearly didn’t feel as amazing as thrusting inside Kamui’s ass or mouth was, but definitely beat jacking off. Still, the novelty and kinkiness act spiced things up, Fuuma knew immediately he’d last for minute top. Especially with the way Kamui was gazing up at him, pleading look drenched in raw desperation; Fuuma couldn’t recall Kamui ever gazing at him with that much prurience.
“Ahh,-ha, you h-have no… clue h-how sexy you lo-look”, Fuuma praised, voice broken in tandem with thrusts; even to his own ears voice sounded way too wretched, way too coarse.
Tip caught between thighs on each pull; he was so sensitive underneath head, each time sparks ignited. On each push Fuuma groaned; squeezed eyes and watched white dots play behind eyelids. Precome formed at slit, some even slid down thighs to Kamui’s erection; temptation to rub their cocks together was high, but Fuuma forced himself to recall original goal.
One particular thrust sent electricity down spine; Fuuma closed eyes and growled. In surge of utter pleasure didn’t notice how rough he was gripping Kamui’s thighs until he started moaning and writhing underneath. Such enticing reaction, Fuuma craved a repeat. He dug fingernails into skin and sped up trusts.
Kamui’s back arched from mattress; eyes flew wide open and saliva slid down lips; gasp after moan falling from them, all ballad to ears; only aroused Fuuma more. Sweat and shivers covered body, all heat rushed to groin; it was all dead game now, only matter of time when he’ll be pushed over edge. Fuuma brought Kamui’s legs as close to himself as possible; picked up pace and stated thrusting towards climax. Kamui’s body shook due to intensity of his thrusts; things squeezed tighter around him, sensation so overwleming it was a wonder how he has’t climaxed from it. Growl ripped from throat; in response Kamui whimpered and mewled.
So enchanting. So breathtaking. So mine.
“You b-belong – ah, to me Kamui, don’t e-ever… forget that”, Fuuma reminded hoarsely.
Kamui didn’t vocalize approval but squeezed eyes shut and nodded frantically. He could do better, but when lust at what little of coherent thoughts were left, Fuuma decided it was good enough.
Room around lost its color, nothing existed except two of them and raw lust within veins. Muscles on lower stomach clenched, telltale he’s alarmingly close to orgasm. Fuuma let eyes wader over Kamui’s body. More. Mostly naked chest, glistering due to sweat; oscillating up and down in rhythm with his thrusts, nipples stood up erected, pleading to be played with; he will very soon. Now he needed more. Just a few more pushes. More. Sweater hoisted up to chest and neck, color matching one of fur on handcuffs; arms restrained above head, only made Kamui appear more submissive and docile. Pulse on himself went rapid, Fuuma could feel cock twitch uncontrollably. Harder, just a bit more. Gaze lowered to Kamui’s lewd expression and -
Wave of pleasure toppled over edge. Fuuma knew once he halted all movements he’d start cumming. He closed eyes and welcomed the sensation. One thrust, then couple of swift and ferocious few more before he stilled. World shattered around him. All Fuuma could see was black.
No amount of fantasizing could prepare him for brutality of that orgasm. In one wave he started releasing long and hard down on Kamui; some of cum caught on thighs and stomach, but most ended over Kamui’s face and chest. Speed must have caught him of guard for he didn’t even close his eyes and mouth. Fuuma held Kamui’s thighs in place while he was pumping even more seed; he couldn’t recall ever climaxing this long, perhaps holding back for a week had some benefits to it. Orgasm so self-shattering whole body went numb; vision blurred at edges, distantly Fuuma heard someone groan but couldn’t tell who. Even if he no more semen was released, Fuuma still felt his cock pulse, was still going through orgasm.
Little death indeed.
World stopped. Nothing existed for couple of seconds beside rapid hammering of his heart. Nothing but sweetest post-coital bliss within veins. Nothing but panting and sweat cooling down on heated skin. Vision returned gradually. Fuuma wiped sweat from forehead and showed bangs backwards; shower will be dire need later on. He felt so satisfied, yet so so numb and detached. Remotely Fuuma concluded he was grinning all along. Maybe he should let post-orgasmic euphoria sedate entirely and -
“Please”, desperation in Kamui’s voice grounded him back to reality.
Fuuma finally properly looked at Kamui. Debauched was first thing that came to mind. Understatement to say Kamui was covered with semen; so thick and sticky, given how mind-blowing and long orgasm felt, no wonder he came bucket. Dress was officially ruined, no amount of washing would save it at this point. Kamui’s release was yet to be granted however; with how swollen and red his erection seemed, Fuuma couldn’t help wondering if leather ring would serve any purpose. Sniffle caught attention, momentarily made him bold gaze from groin to face.
Tears slid down flushed cheeks. Lips quivered and eyes glistered; all due to denied sexual gratification, all frustration.
“Fuuma please”, Kamui pleaded, voice beyond wretched. If it weren’t for refractory period, Fuuma knew without a doubt he’d get hard in a second.
Instead of fulfilling Kamui’s urgent desires, Fuuma got up, paced around bed and leaned over Kamui. Hope flashed over features instantly; fool. Do you really thinking one I got drunk on utter sense of power I’ll hand it over so freely?
Fuuma chuckled; let fingers trace over cuffs. Sinister grin crept up lips; without a warning got up.
He ignored lewd calls of his name; strolled straight to the bathroom. Better do this quick if he didn’t want Kamui’s patience to wear thin and snap; it’d bring such anticlimactic epilogue to their bed play but it’ll be fair, he’d have no rights to protest if his lover called for the halt. Fuuma drenched one corner of towel, then hastily cleaned himself. Washed face for a second and returned to the bedroom.
Thankfully Kamui remained cuffed to the bed; everything was in place. Fuuma sat beside Kamui and rubbed semen from his face; one on chest, waist and thighs could stay however, not like they won’t be taking shower later on.
Whimper after whimper passed lips; needn’t say anything, Fuuma could read him like open book. Especially now, when Kamui was aroused to point of crying and begging. He bent legs backwards and tried to rub erection over own tight; such desperate move it was more amusing; but just as enticing. Fuuma pushed his legs down and regarded Kamui with cheeky grin. Instead of hissing and glaring he teared up. So adorable, how much Fuuma wished to tease him more, it was inhuman.
“You know Kamui”, Fuuma began nonchalantly as he got up from bed.
Strolled towards bag with sex toys; crouched down and rummaged through it once again. Behind him Kamui moaned and pleaded further; he knew intimately well what depravities laid in this beg, of course Kamui put two and two together. Yes my dear, game is just getting started.
“You should have through about consequences of your actions a bit more”
Something silken skimmed over hand. Fuuma caught one end and pulled cloth out. Ah the blindfold; yes this one could do. Even if he preferred observing Kamui’s lewd reactions, sensory deprivation would only heighten the stakes by arbitrariness of touch.
Their bedroom wasn’t too big, meaning Kamui saw what he held in hand. High-pitched whimper confirmed that suspicion. Fuuma grinned sadistically. Post-orgasmic bliss was slowly evaporating from system, very soon he’d be up for round two.
“You should have thought a bit more what game you were starting before provoking me”, Fuuma kept on his monologue while searching for more items. All impact play toys were out of question in this position; yes he could spank Kamui’s thighs but relish laid in playing with his ass too. No matter, some other time.
“You craved to be stripped of all dignity and principles, fucked roughly like a slut that you pretend not to be but at very core are”
Still, sadism from within evoke; he might have decided to not whip Kamui with anything, but Kamui didn’t know that. For those reasons Fuuma eased out nastiest looking tail whip. Far more skill on his side would be needed for properly handling this one with care (as well as aftercare that was needed); maybe one day, but certainly not now. Fuuma purposely lifted toy up; from room’s other corner heard Kamui gasp.
“And we both know it”, Fuuma accented words by experimentally flogging whip mid air; snap echoed through the room.
He partly expected Kamui to seriously retort or beg for him to not use toy as brutal as that one; but that didn’t happen. Fuuma shoved hand into bag and tried to find something he’d really use. Hand brushed against something raw cold, instantly made him hiss. Ah, temperature and sensation play in one, that one would work amazingly with blindfold. Fuuma retrieved metal pinwheel from bag but pushed it on night table behind lamp; concealed from view. Now, they could start once again.
This time completely on Fuuma’s terms. No longer was he aching and aroused of his mind, seduced by Kamui’s coy yet provocative invitations. This time he was in full control over himself whereas Kamui was one whose blood was boiling with lust.Tables have switched in my favor, I’m afraid.
“So don’t pretend otherwise, my dear”, Fuuma whispered in honeyed tone. Gathered tail whip and black blindfold and paced back to bed.
Fuuma sat beside Kamui’s head; whipped tear sliding down cheek with thumb and combed through bangs. Kamui’s eyes fixated nowhere in particular, perhaps he was far to gone to concentrate on anything. Pushing bangs aside, Fuuma leaned in and kissed his forehead; then placed blindfold over face and fastened behind head. Sight straight out of wet dreams, Fuuma felt first stings of arousal emerge. Kamui whimpered and squirmed around a bit, but otherwise remained obedient; nothing else was optional, perhaps Kamui finally grasped he should behave, lay back and look as alluring as possible. Good, Fuuma intook with delight.
Allow me to give you and deny you what you want.
“Now lay back and enjoy your punishment”
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naivesilver · 2 years
Hmmmmmmmg how about something for Leroy and Lampwick from the found family asks? You can choose the prompt :^)
Found Family Prompts
I care about you and I will always care about you.
"I'm gonna kill him," Leroy snarls, with a fury he hasn't felt in what he thinks might be decades.
To her credit, Nova, his kind, shy Nova, doesn't seem particularly miffed by his outburst, and holds her ground with admirable steadiness, her arms crossed tightly against her chest. "You will do no such thing. I won't see you landing yourself a jail cell because you can't keep a cool head."
"A cool head?" The man's arm swings open, pointing somewhat accusingly at the teenager sitting on their couch. "You take a look at him and tell me how you're keeping cool right now, go ahead."
Lampwick doesn't even lifts his head at being made a topic of discussion, which is bad on many fronts, because the kid doesn't do meek and quiet, usually. He's a menace, that boy, loud and bothersome and sticky-fingered, and Leroy loves him to bits, sappy and shameful as it might sound, and his blood boils at the thought of what was happening right under their nose.
See, there's the flip side of it. All in all it's a good thing that Lampwick isn't looking up, because it means Leroy doesn't have to see more of the bruises mottling his face, which would send him into a rage with near certainty.
Not that he really needs the push, though, to be honest. "You know what? Fine," he concludes, already striding over to get his jacket. "If Emma wants to throw me in jail, I'll let her. Or maybe she'll wanna join me, who knows-"
"Don't. Please."
The voice is so soft and muted that it's a wonder Leroy even hears it over his own ranting, but it makes him freeze up all the same, hand raised halfway through the air. He finds himself frowning, puzzled, and turning to the couch again. "What?"
Finally, Lampwick glances up at him, eyes red rimmed and pleading despite the blue-black ring circling one of them. "Please, don't- just don't go. There's no point."
He sounds small, when he talks like this, small and terribly young, and it melts all the anger out of Leroy in a second, leaving space only for thick and uncharacteristic regret. "Alright," he says after a moment - he's not sure who he's even talking to, to be honest, if it's himself or the boy. "Alright."
He moves to sit down beside the kid, with deliberate slowness, and in the corner of his eye he catches Nova breathing a sigh of relief and doing the same thing, perched on the opposite armrest. He manages to conjure up a faint grin and holds a hand out to cup Lampwick's head, albeit not as roughly as he usually would. "Why, you wouldn't want to see me in a cell? Thought you might find it funny."
The boy doesn't meet his eyes, and only shrugs distractedly instead, as though it didn't really matter one way or the other. "'S not funny if it's because of me. Not worth it."
"Course it's worth it." The dwarf gestures vaguely at Lampwick's sorry state, at his split lip and swollen eye and dejected state. "Look at this. This is some bullshit. I just wanna make sure he's not doing it again."
"He's not, alright? The sheriff said I don't ever need to see John anymore if I don't want to. It's not gonna change anything, what he does next. Why do you care so much?"
"I care about you, you little idiot." Leroy takes him by the chin, gently and yet unrelentingly leading Lampwick to meet his gaze.
"Got it? I'll always care about you. We both will. So if you say you don't want me to go, then I'm not going anywhere. But if that guy ever so much as thinks about touching you again, I'm breaking all of his fingers. Understood?"
The boy doesn't reply, nor does he nod or shake his head, the barest hint of an acknowledgement. Rather, he seems almost taken aback by Leroy's passionate reaction, bewildered, really, as though he'd never witnessed anything close to it, and he didn't want to believe it in full, either.
Leroy, for his part, can't bear to look at that ruin any longer, so after a moment he relents his hold and instead pulls the kid in for a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around Lampwick. He expects some sort of resistance, from past experience, and he does get the tiniest bit of stiffening, but soon enough the boy is returning the hug, hesitantly, slowly, but still there, burying his face in Leroy's shoulder and going limp and shaking like the child he sometimes still looks like.
Better that than refusing to speak, Leroy reasons, after the rough night Lampwick's gone through. Better he lets it all out here, with someone holding him and Nova soothingly stroking his head, than going off at the man who's caused him so much grief and getting himself into trouble. That's for grown-ups to handle. That's for Leroy to handle, once he's gotten the kid settled and he's worked out a way to make John get a taste of his own medicine.
He used to be an habitual customer of Storybrooke few cells, after all, back during the curse. Not the most pleasant of places, but if he ends up there once more...well. Not that high a price to pay, if it keeps the boy from shattering into pieces again.
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elleaftermidnight · 3 years
fwb!tsukishima who struggles with figuring out exactly how he feels about you so he tries to play your relationship off as a casual thing, but he does know that every time you mention that you’re interested in someone else, he feels weird and angry and uncomfortable. to get all of the emotions off of his chest because he’s too stubborn to tell you to your face, he fucks you so good that you forget all about the other person and are screaming his name. he won’t admit it out loud, but he desperately hopes that at some point, you’ll be able to tell that he’s fucking you differently than before and that eventually you’ll realize it’s because he wants more than your current arrangement.
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elle’s feeling thirsty. mdni. or else i'll bite you (unaffectionate). 
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“bet he can’t fuck you like i can.” tsukishima mumbles from beside you, trying his best too ignore the ache that’s slowly begun to creep in his chest, “wonder how he’d feel when he finds out you’re texting him naked on another guy’s bed.”
you roll your eyes, placing your phone on his bedside table, “jeez what’s got you so pissy today? jealous that i can get a date and you can’t?”
“he actually asked you out?” tsukishima scoffs. a few minutes ago, you were practically screaming out his name. 
“yeah” you grin before poking your tongue out at him, “guess i won’t be seeing you tomorrow then.”
something in tsukishima just snaps, caging you in between his arms before you could even begin to blink, “what if i fuck you hard enough that you won’t be able to walk tomorrow?”
“wh- mmph-” he cuts you off with a kiss, the suddenness of his actions eliciting a gasp from you. tsukishima takes the opportunity to slip his tongue past your lips.
his kisses are much rougher than you’re used to, a hand moving towards your waist in order to hold you down. you’re unsure what exactly has gotten into him. all you know is that you’re left breathless and gasping as his lips begin to trail down your jaw to your neck, gently biting on the skin every now and then.
“kei-” you mumble, “what the hell? where’s this coming from?”
you’re squirming beneath his touch, though you aren’t exactly opposed to his ministrations as his tongue leaves a trail of saliva as he kisses down your torso. tsukishima doesn’t answer your question, god forbid he actually say it out loud when he could show you instead.
without a single word, he flips you on your stomach, your face now buried in the pillows. gripping your hips hard enough to leave bruises, tsukishima slams into you. he doesn’t give you any time to get used to the sensation of his cock inside you, pounding into you at a relentless pace.
sweat is dripping down the side of his forehead, mouth parting ever so slightly as each thrust perfectly punctuates the point he’s trying to make in his head: fuck. choose me. he could never make you feel like this. he could never love you like i can.
tsukishima pulls you to his chest, never slowing his pace in the slightest. his mouth is right by your ear, his words hot and breathy as he could no longer keep his emotions at bay, “thought you were fucking smarter than this, yn. what does he have that i don’t?”
his hand finds your jaw, turning your head so he could capture your lips in another kiss, “bet i can make you forget his name by the time i'm through with you.”
and you’re left at a loss for words, only able to respond in a strange mixture of gasps and breathy moans, your eyes seconds away from rolling to the back of your head as you come closer and closer to release.
tsukishima’s hands travel everywhere, from your neck to your waist to your hair, until your legs are left trembling and you’re barely able to hold yourself up anymore. 
he feels his cock twitch inside you, your walls squeezing him just a little too well. tsukishima doesn’t give you a warning when he cums, filling you up with one final groan. when he feels your hands gripping his arm, he knows you had just come undone as well.
he gives you a few seconds to catch your breath, brushing away the hair that’s begun to stick to your forehead, your features sweaty and plastered with a fucked-out bliss.
“usually i'm not opposed to a second round.” you turn to look at him, a small smile on your face as you finally realize what’s gotten him so worked up, “but any particular reason for this one?”
“don’t make me say it.” he groans, brows furrowed in frustration.
“guess i'll just text my date then.”
“can you even still walk?”
“i think i can.” you smirk, reaching out a hand to the bedside table, where your phone was still resting.
tsukishima grabs your wrist, stopping you with a sigh, “don’t...let me be the one to take you on a date instead.”
“see? was that so hard?”
he rolls his eyes, but a smile slowly spread across his face, “fuck you.”
“you already did.”
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so when am i gonna get my fwb to lovers arc with tsukki huh?!?!?! i want him bad your honour >_< also idk if you can tell but not proofread bc wrote this on the ride home asdfghjkl will be back to edit this someday hahahaha   
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Can you do Breg and facesitting please? (it can go both ways)
I'm sorry I'll go now
[No no no, you come back here buddy, we have to talk. Also, I hope you don't mind headcanons as opposed to something longer.]
(Minors dni)
Face-sitting with Breg, giving and receiving
You sit
You'd think, with a neck as long and mildly thin as Breg's, that it might be a hazard to take a seat. That and the fact that you can't really see his nostrils will make you a little apprehensive about the whole thing. Although suffocating Breg this way would probably be one of the easiest ways to get rid of your stalker, you know luck is not on your side. Because it never really is with Breg;
This guy is ready. Having you sit on his face is something Breg thought about before he even started talking to you, he's more than likely going to be the first one to bring it up, making lame jokes and insinuations that he desperately hopes you pick up. He's just… Breg just really likes how you smell, okay? It's not gross, shut up. His kind doesn't have that unique intimate scent and being exposed to it flips some switch in his brain that demands he stuff his entire face in there as hard as possible. How thick you are hardly matters, if Breg can pick you up, he most certainly can handle your luscious thighs bracketing his head while you sink on him;
Brace yourself, because messy doesn't begin to describe how ravenously this monster eats your pussy. In Breg's defense, he literally has no uhh… Education on the matter. Not even pornography. After all, he doesn’t exactly have a phone of his own (yet) or any other device to look such a thing up on (all for the best really), and like Hell Fasma is going to sit there and let Breg watch porn on his phone like a pervert just so he can learn pussy-eating etiquette. Not happening. So really, all Breg has going for him is endless enthusiasm to make you scream and a ridiculously fat tongue. Which mostly gets the job done. The breeder gets insanely into it, he'll encourage you to grind as hard as you want just to get his face soaked in your pussyjuice, all the while moaning and chuckling hungrily. You only get off his face when he tells you to and that's final;
His favorite thing to do has got to be pushing your limits by figuring out how much of his tongue he can stuff in you before it becomes painful. And believe me, Breg will touch every inch of sensitive flesh he can just to force you to clench around him. He likes the feeling.
He sits
Wait hold on, you want Breg to sit on your face? Oh. Oh wow. His brain will short-circuit the moment you bring that up. And he’s instantly going to agree. You can see the gears turn in his head as he ponders on the idea, I assure you his enthusiasm is not the only thing that’s rising. Now here’s the catch, Breg looks light. But he’s dense. It’s not a good idea to let him rest his entire weight on your face and Breg is well aware of this, which is why he shakes a lot during the act, scared of crushing your head amidst his pleasure. You’ll have to help ground him a little and probably get something he can hold onto for your own safety;
Breg never sat on anyone’s face before, so the sensation is entirely new, and even if your tongue is much smaller than his, it will not stop him from mewling and carefully grinding down. It’s insanely arousing to see you in such a position, Breg just leers down the entire time, furiously fisting his own cocks and probably making a mess within mere minutes because holy shit he never knew his mate could be this filthy;
When he’s not repeatedly asking you if you can still breathe, or if he’s too heavy,  the breeder is probably throwing his head back and begging incoherently. Really, there’s just no shutting him up;
If you ever wish to hear Breg literally chirp, I would recommend playing with the root of his tail while you do it. Be it by squeezing or rubbing the underside, it absolutely triggers a feral side of Breg that makes him forget words- He just groans.
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years
"Do you want to talk about it?"
+word count: 1580
+warning/s: cursing
+genre: kinda fluff, kinda comedic
"He's in his room and he haven't left that damn room since he arrived"
"He didn't even spare a glance around like he'd usually do, he just went straight to his room. He'd usually help around first before disappearing in there"
You nodded in understanding, looking around the brothel which just opened a few minutes ago.
The people at the brothel called you out of concern for Draken, saying he's been moody and not his usual self. They asked you if you know as to why he's acting the way he is but you haven't got a clue yourself. Quite frankly, you haven't seen Draken yourself for a few days since you've been taking care of family matters.
They asked you to come by since you haven't been in the brothel for quite a while, also to talk to Draken since none of them wanted to deal with him.
"I honestly don't have a clue, but I'll try talking to him. I tried asking Mikey about it but that kid isn’t any help either" You replied, giving them a soft smile for reassurance.
You asked Mikey about Draken before you went to the brothel but that kid just gave you a petty answer, so you're convinced that they're not the bestest of friends right now.
"Honestly, what would we do without you? Anyway, go and talk to his moody ass cause he's getting a little annoying for our liking. Then when you guys are done come out here and let's catch up and eat the snacks you bought!"
You nodded and made your way to his room. Thankfully he didn't lock his door so you were able to just enter. You were expecting to see him splayed on his bed or be working out but he's nowhere to be seen.
"Ken" You called out softly. No reply.
You set your school bag on the ground and walked further into his room. Just when you're about to walk past the bathroom you hear water gently splashing a bit inside.
You slowly opened the door and there he was in the tub, head resting back on the tub facing the ceiling, with his eyes closed. You can tell he's not relaxed at all because of the tensed muscles on his arm and his furrowed brows.
"That tub looks relaxing yet there you are still looking like you're about to fight someone" You said to get his attention. You leaned on the door frame as his eyes shot open.
"Y-Y/n" He said, looking a bit surprised, sitting up straight from the tub.
"Ken" You gave him a small smile.
"What are you doing here?"
"Am I not allowed here anymore?" You asked not too seriously.
"You are. You always are. It's just that you seem busy these days" He looked down at the water.
"I'm sorry for not being around, Ken" You gave him an apologetic look.
He shook his head lightly, still looking down at the water. "No need, I understand"
You stayed silent and just observed him. How he's looking intensely at the water, that you swear he could probably boil that water right now just by staring at it. How he's muscles are still nowhere near relaxed. How his breathing isn't steady. How his brows are still furrowed. And how his lips pout a little bit.
You pushed yourself from the door frame, walked up to him and crouched down beside the tub so that you're eye level with him.
"Ken, what's troubling you?" You asked, putting your hand on his nape and caressing it.
He slowly looked at you, looking vulnerable. A sight no one often gets to see, even you. It honestly pains you a little to see such a look from such a strong, stern man who's always got his composure.
He sighs, leaned over the tub and drops his head on your shoulder. "I-I... I'm just not that okay nowadays. I don’t even know anymore.” He admitted.
You hummed in understanding, caressing his nape all the way to his hair, pulling his hair tie to let his hair loose. You ran your hand through his hair, untangling some knots, and for the first time since you saw him he relaxed. You saw his shoulders drop slowly as he let out a breath.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"There's just so many things bugging my mind. Life here in the brothel, the gang, and other things. It's just one of those phases wherein everything dawns upon you" He sighs, lifting his head just to hide it on the crook of your neck.
"I texted Mikey before going here and he just gave me a petty reply. That also bothering you?" You asked, massaging water on his head to hopefully help him cool down.
"Yeah, we ended up arguing cause he’s not in a good mood and so am I. It's all just chaos in my head right now really" He groans, lifting his arms from the tub and wrapping them around you. You're a little soaked now but you didn't mind, all that matters is him.
He hugged you tighter and tighter until you guys were literally flushed against each other, soaking you more.
"I'm sorry, it's just that I badly wanted to just go to you, to seek refuge in you and just to lay and hold you like this, to calm my mind. But I knew you were dealing with family stuff and that it means a lot to you, so I just bottled it all in."
"It's okay" You pulled away just enough to see his face. You held his face in your hand and caressed his cheeks. "I'm sorry I wasn't around. But now I'm here, you don't have to go through such tough times on your own. It’s okay to feel sad sometimes, just take your time, I’ll wait for you'' You smiled, making him smile. You kissed the corner of his mouth making him roll his eyes. He pulled you on a proper kiss, sighing against your lips.
"Thank you" He said when you pulled away. "Thank you for always being by my side and showing me affection even though I tend to suck at it and sharing my feelings. Just how would I repay you"
"Repay me by relaxing properly, dropping the attitude towards other people, and reconciling with Mikey" He groaned at the last part which made you chuckle.
"What? You'd be doing the gang a favor if you take the initiative, Ken. We all know Mikey wouldn't dare do it, and the longer you guys aren't besties the more agonizing it'll be for the rest of the gang. Imagine the captain and the vice captain being petty, ugh, I already feel bad for all of them" You said humorously, making him pull away completely and sit back on the tub as he pouts.
"I'm always doing it." He pouted even more.
You chuckled, ruffling his hair. "You know Mikey can be an extreme kid when he's not beating up someone."
"Why do I always have to be the bigger person?" He said under his breath.
"I mean you are 6'1 and Mikey's only 5'3"
"You're lame" He immediately countered before laughing lightly, making you laugh too. If being lame means you'll get to hear this giant laugh, well maybe being lame isn’t too bad.
"IS THAT THE GIANT'S LAUGH THAT I HEAR?!" You heard someone say from the outside. Suddenly the door burst open revealing Remi.
Draken rolled his eyes, flipping her off and she flipped him off too.
"Now that the giant doesn't seem like an asshole anymore Y/n let's go and catch up!" She grinned, pulling you up and out of the bathroom, not giving you time to reply.
"Hey! You can't just take her away!" Draken protested, standing up from the tub quickly wrapping his towel around his waist.
He grabbed your wrist and pulled you, restricting Remi from pulling you away. He and Remi immediately looked at each other with daggers as they kept on pulling you. At this point they could definitely cut your body in half.
"Well I already am, what are you gonna do about it?" Remi spat.
"Umm….Pull her away from you? You midget" Draken spat back but more calmly, which is honestly annoying. It's always the most annoying when people talk back in a calm manner...or is that just me?
"At least I'm not as moody as you. You act way worse than a woman on her period or a pregnant lady!"
They went back and forth with you still in between them. For every comeback they kept on pulling you.
"OKAY! Kindly shut the fuck up you two?" You smiled sarcastically at both of them, pulling your arms from them. They both pouted and huffed like little kids, turning away from each other.
"I'll go with Remi now since it has been a while since I saw them." You said, making Remi light up and Draken give you an offended look.
"WHAT--" Draken was about to protest but Remi burst into laughter pulling you to the door. You shrugged at Draken as he gave you a narrowed look and mouthed "traitor"
"Oh-- and when you're done, change the bulb in the lounge room, jerk!" She stuck her tongue out.
"Seriously, when will I ever catch a break-- you know what? Just get out you two!" He groaned, making you and Remi laugh.
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