#on the other hand i don't want to spam his tag because 50% of it doesn't even feature him already
saja-star · 2 years
do you think scientifically-minded villains ever give the robins shit over the fact that a robin's scientific name is turdus
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mminhos · 6 years
🍒Soft Bias Tag🍒
I was tagged by the lovely @pikachulein to do this tag! so thank youu hunnn 💕💕
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🍒Who is your bias? 🍒
My bias is a hardworking man who I have nicknamed as 'Mango'. He's an amazing vocalist, dancer, rapper, and has probably the cutest laugh I have ever heard. He always makes me laugh and its of course, Lee Minho 😘
🍒What made you notice them?🍒
I mean, its always been Hyunjin that I've considered my main bias in Stray Kids. At first, Hyunjin was my bias but I'd always liked Minho for his dancing and singing, then i watched 'Hellevator' and his visuals hit me right in the face. I started considering him as my intense bias wrecker and it took lots of gifs from my gc to make me bias him. even though I still didn't. I don't know what happened, but one day I just said, "fuck it, he's my main bias" and here we are today.
🍒What's your favourite thing about them?🍒
e v e r y t h i n g. I do have a real soft spot for his laugh though. Like its so cute and funny and its one of those laughs that make you laugh because of it and I just find that really lovely. Its no secret that he was born to dance, and I think the passion he has for it is another thing I love about him. Minnie is so hardworking and determined and that's another thing i love about him. One thing that made me start to bias him even more is his sarcasm and sassiness. Like its really funny seeing him sass the members and, TBH, I'm kinda like that too, so that drew me into him as well. And Minsung. I cannot leave out Minsung because I think my friend would kill me lmao.
🍒Who would initiate skinship more?🍒
I mean, most probably him. Have you seen the way he is with Jisung?😂 All seriousness though, I do love hugs and if I got the chance, I think I'd non stop hug Minho. Like follow him round in a backhug, actually, I would probably just want to backhug him 24/7 because he seems really cuddly to me. Minho's also always trying to kiss the members, so if I'm behind him, he wouldn't be able to do that :).
🍒Who would hog the blankets more?🍒
I tend to roll around a lot and the blankets get caught up in my legs because they're so d a m n long and annoying, but sometime during the night, I'm going to end up basically on Minho's side, so he can take the blankets back if he wishes. Mind you, I'm a hot, temperature wise, person, so i get warm really easily, so he can have them all. Apart from in the Winter, because they're all mine then.
🍒Who would be more clingy?🍒
Hmm.... that depends. I feel like him? I'm not a naturally clingy person when it comes to anything, apart from hugs, so I feel like he'd always be trying to give kisses, like he does to Jisung. But ngl, I'll accept them anytime of day. Even if its past midnight.
🍒Who would be more flustered?🍒
Me 100000x. The boy doesn't even blush s l i g h t l y when he's trying to kiss or hug a member. I also think he likes to do secret aeygo and his American dancing. B o i , if he does his American dancing anywhere near me, I'm going red as a tomato and running out of there. Plus, I'm five years younger than him which is the age gap between my parents just saying I feel like he'd like getting me to blush because he's that type of person.
🍒What cuddling position would you two have?🍒
Well, we're the same size as each other, so I believe I'm going to permanently back hug this bean. I also really want to like play with his hair because he seems like he'd fall asleep to that and I want my boy to get rest. But then, i also like my hair getting played with, so the classic lying head on chest thing, because I fall asleep like that a lot. So basically, any cuddling position, I will not care, because its my baby mango.
🍒What colour reminds you of them and why?🍒
Pink. Not because of that video where had changed all his bedding to pink, but because he just seems so soft and and his sassiness reminds me of pink. So lets say like a light pink, because that's a good colour, and I think it matches Minho well in my opinion.
🍒Which season would you like to spend with them?🍒
Well my favourite season is Autumn and his is as well, so why not Autumn? You can go for walks in the parks and I would really like to do that with Minho tbh, and I always see cute dogs running after leaves so I'm going over to stroke them all. And then we can go to a café and order a takeaway hot chocolate and walk back through the woods and just have fun.
🍒Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?🍒
I mean, I'm clumsy af, and I think Minho is as well. So, uhh, how about TRY to make the cookies. I mean, I can cook, I just burn myself a lot, so I feel like Minhi would be in the kitchen to make sure I don't burn myself and in the mean time, start eating the cookie batter, to which I throw flour at him for. Then I'd probably start eating the batter, so we ain't gonna be having cookies.
🍒Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?🍒
I mean, we all saw how he reacted to "Lee Know, You Know?" and bad puns make me cringe so we'd both probably avoid them. Although, i will say one from time to time, just to annoy him. He'd probably just stare at me like he did with Chan, so I'll just walk off and do something, sniggering to myself because I'm lowkey evil.
🍒Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?🍒
Minho already has two cats, and I have a cat and a dog, so probably both of us. He'd probably want the cats so I'll take the dogs and just cuddle them instead of him because I adore dogs ask anyone in my gc @uselessflower-pan
🍒Which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a poptart and who would come to the rescue?🍒
Lowkey probably anyone of us. I tried putting a plastic cup in the microwave when I was half asleep, so I'd probably try a poptart and then he comes in and is like "I don't think we do that babe" and I'm like "sure whatever , I'm going back to sleep"
🍒Who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back?🍒
Well this is obviously going to be me. Minho, the poor baby, doesn't like heights while I don't actually mind them. I do have a habit of leaning over railings but I feel like he'd just pull me away because he's more scared for me than I am for myself😂
🍒What would watching a horror film with them be like?🍒
I l o v e horror movies. I can watch them all day. I feel like Minho isn't the biggest horror movie fan, but because I'm such a loving person, I'm gonna make him watch them with me. However, I am a very jumpy person, so he has to be prepared for me nearly knocking him in the face with my arms and nearly making his hand lose all blood circulation.
🍒Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?🍒
Him for both. I can't flirt to save my life, so he's gonna be doing all the flirting. Sorry Mango
🍒Who is more competitive?🍒
I mean, both of us? I feel like we'd be competitive with each other. Also, I'm going to be doing Just Dance with him. Just saying.
🍒Who would have to be given reminders(remember to eat, don't forget your keys, etc.)?🍒
Both of us? I feel like it might just be a thing we do, like I'd remind him not to forget to eat and take breaks, he'd remind me what books I would need and that i do need to drink more than one drink a day. I guess it would just be a couple thing.
🍒Who sends memes and who sends cute things like "I miss you" texts at 3am?🍒
You see, this is where I said that me and Minho are similar, comes into play. I feel like we'd both spam each other with memes and then he'd say something like 'I miss you' and then I'd say 'I miss you too' and then its 'nah i don't actually' and then me calling him about fifty swear words and then spamming with a bunch of love hearts because I'm soft for one man, and that is Lee Minho.
So that is it, damn this was long, but i ain't lying when it comes to my special mango.💞💖💓💘💕💗💝
And Chan or Seungmin or any of you, if you're reading this, tell Minho I love him very much and am proud of him. Thank you 💗
I'm tagging: @ultrasoftstraykids @uselessflower-pan @brini144 @strawberry-jaehyun @magicaldreamfox1 @stray-kz @taetaejagiyaaa95 @bloomingfantasy @renjuncoven @junguwuz @miatsubaki23 @bndnsclf8 @dreamsaboutnct @uwu-seungminnie @yeehawnana and anyone else who wants to do this!
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lordzuuko · 8 years
(2/2) Also, can shiro proposing to keith be a yearly thing( building on the "I'll say yez to you if you asked me 50 times they don't have to get married every year just think it'd be cute(though they'd definitely get married on the 50th year)) And, I think one of my favorite tropes in the family au so far is keith calling shiro nicknames (such as bro, dude ,man, etc.)and keith going monotone (I live for it)(I'm scrolling through your voltron family tag and it's amazing, so sorry for spam) xoxo ♡
OKAY. I absolutely ADORE the fact that Keith and Shiro calls each other “BRO” “DUDE” “MAN” too despite being married ‘cause I just find it utterly hilarious that’s why it makes its appearance from time to time. ;) They did call each other “BRO” and “DUDE” when they got together even when Shiro proposed. Keith going monotone LMAO I’m so happy you live for that because SAME. 
The 50 times thing Keith said is not joke. SHIRO DOES PROPOSE YEARLY. Let’s have a breakdown on how it went through the years.
[The Voltron Family] The times Takashi Shirogane proposed to Keith. They didn’t always have a wedding because that’s just absurd. They, however, do something special, like a dinner date.
[1st]  We know this was during their 8th year of dating. Had a wedding in Japan with the parents and all—traditional Japanese style.
[2nd] He proposed while they watched CSI before sleeping. Had their second wedding in Japan—modern style. The kids were there.
[3rd] Keith was eating his cereal because he was stayed up late editing so he didn’t have the energy to cook anything for his breakfast. Also he woke up late, it was already noon. Shiro went down to the kitchen and saw his husband, still in his Adventure Time pyjamas, messy bed hair everywhere, eyes closing every 5 seconds, spoon hanging in the air. 
Shiro: Good Morning, sleepy head. *gives Keith a kiss on the cheek*Keith: Who are you? *blinks sleepily* *spoon still hanging in the air*Shiro: *bends down to take Keith’s spoon and eat his cereal*Keith: What the hell? *tries to look angry but is still sleepy*Shiro: *gulps* *chuckles* Marry me?Keith: *eyes widens* *blinks repeatedly* Looking like this?Shiro: *examines Keith* Looking like a college student who had 10 minutes of sleep because of thesis paper and is definitely not ready to face the day to take not only one, but five of his final exams? *smiles* DEFINITELY.Keith: *rolls his eyes while smiling fondly* Fine. Gimme a second to wash my face and we can let the kids wed us.Shiro: Perfect. *leans in the give Keith a peck on the lips* KIDS!!!! DADDIES ARE GETTING MARRIED!!!! Pidge: AGAIN? *shouts back*Shiro: WHAT IS WITH THAT TONE, YOUNG LADY? YES. AGAIN.
[4th] Keith was washing the cars with the help of Shiro. He stepped on the stepping ladder to reach the top when he was met with Shiro on the other side.
Shiro: *beams* Marry me, oh sweet sexy car washer guy!Keith: This sweet sexy car washer guy will only marry the other sexy car washer guy if they actually finish washing the cars. *throws foams of bubbles at Shiro’s face*Shiro: *still beaming* *foam lands on his nose* I’ll take that as a yes!
[5th] They were doing groceries at the PRODUCE section with the kids when suddenly Keith turned around to call for Shiro and he saw him down on one knee, holding out a beansprout tied at its ends in a poor attempt of a ring.
Keith: I’m not that cheap! *places hand on chest* *scandalized*Shiro: *holds out another beansprout ring* *smiles*Keith: Now that’s what I’m talking about. I like my men rich. *holds out one hand for Shiro to put his rings on*
[6th] Keith was in the bathroom when Shiro knocked. 
Shiro: *opens the door to enter* *slides the shower curtain aside* *frantic* Keith, will you marry me?!!Keith: *eyes widens* *tries to cover his body with more bubbles* SHIRO WHAT THE HELL? *slips in the bathtub*Shiro: *catches Keith in time* Why hello there, handsome. Did it hurt? When you fell for me? *wiggles eyebrows*Keith: Shiro, I love you but I swear to god I’m going to kill you.Shiro: Great! That’s settled then! I’ll pick you up at 8pm for our dinner date, fiance~ *winks* *leans down to kiss Keith on the lips* *blinks repeatedly as he tastes his own lips* Huh, soapy.
[7th] Keith received an urgent call from Shiro telling him to come immediately to the hospital, he wouldn’t tell him what the emergency was, just that Keith needed to be there ASAP. So Keith drove as fast as he could, leaving early from work. He looked for Shiro frantically until he found him, looking devastated in his own office.
Keith: Shiro, what’s wrong? *approaches him* *places hand on his shoulders*Shiro: Keith, I want you to be calm, alright? Keith: Okay. *nods*Shiro: I got my recent heart scan and I found out that…Keith: *gulps* *sweats nervously* Yes?Shiro: *sighs* I guess it’s better you see it yourself. *takes out a big brown folder from his drawer and hands it to Keith*Keith: *takes it and opens it* *the scan reveals Shiro’s heart but in there were white veins that spelled out “WILL YOU MARRY ME?”* Shiro: *smirks*Keith: *looks up* *slaps Shiro* *smiling* I FUCKING HATE YOU! Shiro: *laughs* *grabs Keith’s hand to stop him from slapping him further*Keith: Though I gotta hand it to you, this is really creative.Shiro: Yeah? You think so too? *looks at the X-Ray.Keith: Yeah… *looks up at Shiro and slaps him again* DON’T YOU EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!Shiro: *chuckles* Sorry, sorry! But I just couldn’t resist. So? What’s your answer? *smiles fondly at Keith while interlacing their hands*Keith: Of course, it’s a yes. You still have 44 proposals to go.Shiro: *smirks* Wow. Someone’s counting.Keith: Someone has to. I wonder what you’ll do next year. Gonna get creative every year, aren’t we?Shiro: *sways them* I dunno. I could propose while I’m pooping—Keith: And I’d still say yes. *leans in to give Shiro a peck on the lips*Shiro: *chuckles* Wow, okay. I know you liked me, but I didn’t know you liked me THAT much, Keith!
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