#on the other jttw is such a huge cultural thing man
otaku553 · 2 years
Monkie kid thoughts
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the-monkey-ruler · 11 months
what other stuff has become popular new fixtures in jttw adaptions?
Oh goodness that is going to be hard to pin down but from what I have seen the most popular Xiyouji adaptations have been at least
1960 Alakazam the Great - only saying this one because it is one of the first cartoon of Sun Wukong that was exposed to the West and while not hugely influential there made such an impact in Japan, leading to this version inspiring cartoon shows and even a remark movie years later. I hope that this verse keeps getting talked about and maybe a tv series about him can come around.
1961 Havoc in Heaven - this version will not die and will never die, this is the OG Wukong for so many people then and now, the defining master among Wukong's. Out of all the media, this is the most marketed and the most well-known. While not having new movies or tv shows this one is seen in commercials, shorts, toys, and designs. This Wukong's influence on things from children's clothing to even watches for thousands of dollars is mind staggering. If I would think anyone could last another 400 years with their impact of influence, it would be this Wukong, he is almost 100 since his first debut and he is still going strong. I have no doubt he will still be there in the next 40 years to celebrate his 100th birthday.
1978 Monkey (Saiyūki) - the popularity of this one wasn't in China but rather in Japan and even the dub in Europe. This is what really brought a generation of Western audiences into Xiyouji media. Went on to inspire more Japanese Saiyuki media as this was that standard with a female cast of Sanzang and a more outrageous Wukong. This one has most recently influenced the Netflix tv series Legends of the Monkey King.
1986 Dragon Ball - I feel I am kinda cheating by including Dragon Ball because it's only really the first dragon ball series that followed a similar 'journey' plot structure but it did get the franchise going and led to its future success in Dragon Ball Z. While current Dragon Ball has undoubtedly becomes its own thing with only it's main character having the same name as Sun Wukong it cannot be doubted the mass influence this media has on current culture and while no longer quite Xiyouji media, it was still started with it and should be noted.
1986 Journey to the West - this one set the standard for Wukong's live-action actors. Like sure there was plenty of life-action Wukong movies before this, so many in movies and even other tv specials but this is the most defining cast and most loyal plot following series that defined what people think when they think of Wukong, Saznag, Bajie, Wujing, and even Bailong. This was the series that didn't give Bailong a name but they were the ones that gave him the unforgettable plot of having a finance, something that has spun into SERVAL movies and even a tv series. The Wukong actor set how other Wukong actors were to play the character for years to come. So many movies use these designs in their own movies as it was so recognizable and notable. While other live-action series have come out that have tried to capture that same magic I have not seen anything nearly as nearly all-encompassing to audiences as 1986
1995 A Chinese Odyssey: Pandora's Box and A Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella - this piece in particular was revolutionary, I cannot express that enough. While it wasn't huge in Hong Kong on its debut it was near worshiped by mainland audiences about 5 years later, just through being watched through pirated VHS that grew its popularity on the early 2000s internet. It was so popular that it was given theater releases again, and even college classes over these media with how effective it was in changing Wukong's image in modern culture. He went from being an upright, stoppable hero to a man with heartache, identity issues, and being forced to being a product of the system, many things early 2000s youth related to on another level. You couldn't go anywhere not knowing "It was only when I lost her, that I felt regretful. It's the most painful ordeal in this world. If I'm given another chance I will say three words to her "I love you" If there's a need to put a time limit to this love, I hope it's ten thousand years." People who never watched the movie knew this quote. Went on to inspire the Bio of Wukong webnoval which was turned into Immortal Demon Slayer. Even argued it inspired Conquering the Demon and Demon Strikes Back.
1996 Journey to the West- one of the most controversial but beloved series with how it changes plot lines but the increased character development and character-driven narratives within the story. Dicky Cheung brought a talent that was unmatched and honesty their risks with changes in plot lines paid off greatly with how much care they put into their characters. This version was not afraid to take risks when it came to changes and performed greatly by giving the characters such deep meaningful moments and amazing humor, drama, and action. This has influenced when it comes to being a lot of people's first Xiyouji love action experience and that fun-loving hero in Wukong can be seen in other Wukong designs.
1999 Legends of the Monkey King - another generation-defining Wukong media, I find it so hard to find people that don't know him or watched him as this was and arguably still is the best animated Wukong retelling to date. The characters were lively and the actions was fierce but it gave each episode such life. At the moment there hasn't been another animated retelling that has had the same influence that this one has. At least no other tv series that I am aware of.
1999 Lotus Lantern - While not really Xiyouji retelling, this version completely rewrote Lotus Lantern media and its connection to Sun Wukong. This was the first time we see Wukong giving solo attention as a shifu to Chenxiang and before this version, you would see Chenxiang having some other teacher in live action movies or even mention of his brother and his accidental killing of a noble son. But after this movie that version has been GREATLY overshadowed with Sun Wukong being Chenxiang, leading to about three more movies and at least three tv series. with the same concept. The idea of Erlang Shen's greatest rival teaching his nephew to defeat him was so captive to audiences that it has had a stronghold of the version since.
2009 Monkey King - This one's media influence was large but more so in how it was in both merchandising and promotional material. This piece of media leads to a particular focus on Wukong in his younger years, leading to more media in the future following a concept similar. However, the largest connection this series has had is with it's spin-off series for children's education called Little Monkey King.
2015 Monkey King: Hero Is Back - another defining Sun Wukong in the animated department, not seen since 1999 with how well received and beloved this Wukong is. This was a lot of people's first movie Wukong and brought in another wave of Xiyouji fans into the series and adored. This series led to a game being created and even promises of a sequel and prequel in the works. There is a large agreement this Wukong was to inspire the Monkey King Reborn movie that came out a few years later.
And at the moment I believe that I'm going to have to stop there as these are series that I have seen prevails and while there have been great movies and shows since Imma have to wait to see which really make an impact on further media. But until then I would think that these are some of the most defining media to date that have affected other media as well!
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loyaltykask · 2 years
Okay but I can't stop thinking about these 5 non-canon kids in JTTW "sequel" I just might an AU where he keeps them himself after the JTTW, don't know how the timeline would work but just don't think about it too hard
Like he LITERALLY ACCIDENTALLY KNOCKS UP IRON FAN is like 5 levels of funny to me when it shouldn't be.
Can you imagine that conversation:
Iron Fan at Wukong’s door: Pay your fucking child support Wukong just getting back from promoting to Buddha status: Woah, first all we never did the horizontal tango, and two, I don't even have the equipment  for that to happen Iron Fan: You jumped my stomach so hard that I have quintuplets now Wukong who was born from stone: .... THAT IS NOT HOW THAT WORKS ..... (is it?) ((IS IT?))
I like to think Iron Fan treated it as more of a surrogate mom thing rather than Wukong and her having anything romantic (She's my sister! I would never!) Iron Fan and Bull Demon King get monthly visits to Red Son as long as they stay "good" while he's under GuanYin's teaching and he gets to hear about his new half-siblings... that's a conversation GuanYin had to intervene "Skinning a monkey alive is not 'merciful'"
 And just like.... the quintuplets themselves..... just the havoc I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the only named son is the firstborn (cause it always is) and keep that this Wukong is like JTTW 1996 Wukong so super into Buddhism so, of course, he names the first son Pāramitā after the six transcendent perfections that are generosity, discipline, patience, diligence, meditation, and wisdom
The second born is Upāya for skillful means
Third is Praṇidhāna for determination, this related to the Bodhisattva vows
Fourth is Bala for spiritual power
And youngest is Jñāna for knowledge
And now he's a single father of five children
Bajie gets his revenge for the Birthing-River Situation and harps on Wukong for being "loose." After several well placed hits with a staff Bajie admits the kids are cute and proceeds to spoil his new nephews/nieces
Wujing is a crier in this one and insists on staying around to help protect them. Despite Wukong living in a literal fortress in a Mountain, inhabited by immortal fighting monkeys and escorted by his generals and marshals.
But it's Wujing so of course he's always holding one of the Quintuplets at all times
Wujing crying holding monkeys like the drunk girls from youtube: I can't protect them all
Tripitaka also ascended to Buddha-hood but you cannot convince me that man isn't going to try to hold all five of them but they keep trying to slap his bald head cause that's what babies do
Wukong: Don't hit your grandmaster! Tripitaka: It's fine Wukong, it doesn't hurt Wukong: ...(I wanted to slap the head)... Tripitaka: What was that? Wukong: Nothing, Sifu!
Bai Long Ma insists that they have to have a royal celebration because they are now Royal Monkey Heirs. Wukong takes this as just a huge party but what Bai Long really meant was to have other people come "pay their respects" to the new royalty.
Wukong ain't about that life but he does like free stuff so it becomes a mix of both where he invites everyone in Heaven to come to pay his kids respect (except the Queen Mother as revenge for not being invited to HER peach festival cause he petty like that)
 It turns out to be a full blown rager in the Mountain considering he invented all of Heaven and the local 72 Demon Kings so considering it the first cultural exchange... with lots of drinking
Our five heroes are of course good monks and don't drink and while the party rages the rest of the night Wukong slips away early on (leaving a clone) to put his babies to sleep where it's nice and quiet.
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