#Marshall tianpeng
relmint · 2 years
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"Your beauty reaches the moon,
And the beat of my heart can be heard in outer space."
I got inspired by this song!
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sketching-shark · 2 years
Hi could you do zhuhou 58 + 96?
AUGH this made for some sadtimes on the journey to the west, but I hope you enjoy what I wrote anon! So here's some version of zhuhou (Zhu Bajie x Sun Wukong) with a combination of "Scars" and "Accidental Eavesdropping" (also warning for monkey torture and the consequences thereof).
It was no secret that every pilgrim received a fair share of scars on their journey to the west, but it was another thing to see them being made.
In his heavenly life, Marshal Tianpeng had scars aplenty. It came with the territory of being one of heaven's most high-ranking marshals, and he had worn them all with pride, pleased at the way each scar spoke of a battle that helped him climb the ranks.
After he was forced into the body of a yaoguai pig, Zhu Bajie had gained each new scar with a sense of disgust, feeling that this earthly, ugly flesh was something that he simply had to endure, even though he was unsure if his punishment was something that would ever end.
In his most secret thoughts, he felt certain he would never be forgiven. He knew all about what punishment had been inflicted on Sun Wukong's entire mountain range for his audacity in ruining one banquet. He had seen the mess of scars all over Sha Wujing's back, each one speaking to a stab he received for breaking a glass. Their punishments, and the scars they received from them, were in many senses far worse than his. Yet they both marched forward tirelessly, leaving Zhu Bajie to be the lazy loser of their group, always sleepy, always complaining, always...always voicing the discomforts of necessity that all earthly life must suffer to sustain itself and which Zhu Bajie was convinced neither one of his fellow tudi ever would, no matter how hungry or exhausted they actually were.
Zhu Bajie might be the idiot of the group, but even he could recognize that Tang Sanzang favored him to the point of often listening only to his words. Zhu Bajie could never understand why, but he suspected that it had to do with whatever had first brought out that look of fear and rage that the monk so frequently wore when dealing with the Monkey King, why he so often flinched away in terror and then confusion whenever Sha Wujing moved near him. It didn't seem to even matter how many times Zhu Bajie was wrong about a situation or gave the monk "advice" out of spite. He could be wrong again and again, Sun Wukong could be proven honest a thousand times over, and still Tang Sanzang treated the monkey with hateful suspicion while regarding the pig almost fondly.
It was a dynamic that Zhu Bajie had at first thoroughly enjoyed, using it to take a few (okay, fine, a lot) more rest beaks than perhaps strictly necessary, and getting back at Sun Wukong whenever the monkey teased him. And how delightful it had been to watch the so-called Great Sage, the same bimawen that had destroyed Zhu Bajie's marriage and forced him into a life of cold and hunger on the road, leap about screeching in agony while Tang Sanzang recited the headband tightening spell! But as time grew on, as the camaraderie between the pilgrims grew, as Zhu Bajie found himself warming up to Sun Wukong and then becoming his genuine friend...as the lively Monkey King grew more quiet and more emaciated, Zhu Bajie's guilt over his role of stoking the fires of Tang Sanzang's hatred began to grow.
It was perhaps for that reason that Zhu Bajie found himself paralyzed with horror when the monk responded to Sun Wukong begging for forgiveness for taking the lives of murderous bandits by reciting the headband-tightening spell so many times that it had sunk deep into the monkey's head.
It had to be Sha Wujing to break Zhu Bajie out of his wide-eyed immobility. The blue giant dropped the luggage he had been toting and crouched almost protectively over the small, prostrate monkey, offering his hands up beseechingly, begging their shifu to be merciful. But Tang Sanzang's anger only grew and he recited the spell all the faster, Sun Wukong frothing at the mouth and convulsing erratically with each spoken word. Zhu Bajie pulled himself together and finally raced over, cursing himself for his slowness, before he dared to grab onto Tang Sanzang's shoulders so that he could gently shake the monk and remind him of his vows not to kill, no matter how much he may want to.
That seemed to get through to Tang Sanzang. He stopped the recital, but still regarded Sun Wukong with fury and contempt as the simian got up, first with Sha Wujing's assistance, and then on his own volition. The monkey stood there swaying, dark blood running down his face from where the headband had cut into his head, his expression so confused that Zhu Bajie feared that the headband had reached the monkey's brain.
But Sun Wukong's powers of healing were just as strong if not stronger than Tang Sanzang's conviction of his righteousness in all things. It wasn't long before that confused expression was replaced not with more tears, but with a terrible resigned stoicism. Sun Wukong stood their silent as Tang Sanzang further berated him as a creature so evil he had upturned the very concept of peace, then left without a word after the monk screamed at him to get out of his holy sight.
It hadn't then seemed surprising to Zhu Bajie than the next encounter with "Sun Wukong" ended with Tang Sanzang being beaten black and blue into unconsciousness, or the Monkey King stealing their possessions so that he could embark on his own journey to the west. As "Sun Wukong" proudly, sneeringly proclaimed, this way only the one true hero of the group would get the love and fame the journey would bring, and he would be able to achieve it all without having to suffer the constant pain and humiliation that came with being Tang Sanzang's senior disciple. It was only later that Zhu Bajie, following two Sun Wukongs through heaven, earth, and hell, realized that the monkey which had done those things hadn't been Sun Wukong at all. He tried not to feel so guilty for assuming the worst about the Monkey King. As it was, the other simian had so thoroughly thrown away his original identity to be "Sun Wukong" that even in his true form there were barely any differences. The only way to tell one monkey from the other was that one had three ears on each side of his head instead of one. Or at least Zhu Bajie assumed so, given that when he finally caught up to the conclusion of the two monkeys' battle to the death, the six-eared simian was clearly dead, one glassy eye staring upward, the other side of his skull smashed into a bloody smear.
Sun Wukong stood over the corpse, once again looking more resigned than triumphant. He didn't give Zhu Bajie a chance to speak.
"It doesn't matter. He wasn't a human. Just a bad monkey."
A short time after, Tang Sanzang, his face still horribly bruised, grudgingly accepted Sun Wukong back as his senior disciple on the order of the goddess of mercy Guanyin. He gave no indication he had missed the monkey. Sun Wukong silently took his usual place at the front of their line, and they set off again.
That night, Zhu Bajie awoke with a start and realized that Sun Wukong was nowhere around the ashes of their campfire. Sha Wujing had first watch that night, and he was happy to point out the Monkey King's trail, the gleam in his fishy eyes speaking of a hope that Zhu Bajie might be able to offer some words of comfort to their fellow tudi. Zhu Bajie gave a careless shrug, but he set off to find Sun Wukong anyway. He hoped beyond hope, given his track record, that he wouldn't make the situation worse.
Yet that night Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie would never talk. For when he spotted the Monkey King, the pig felt himself paralyzed once again, but this time by the sight of Sun Wukong's muscled chest as he bathed in a stream.
Zhu Bajie blushed and cursed himself as a pervert, but before he could announce his presence the simian suddenly pulled back the fur around his head that had been hiding a substantial scar, a good portion of it still hidden underneath the headband.
Sun Wukong spent a few minutes carefully tracing the scar. And then he slowly lowered his head into his hands, and proceeded to sob his eyes out.
Zhu Bajie never told the monkey that he knew of his inner pain. Sun Wukong never gave any indication that he knew his cries had been heard, nor that he had even an inkling of what the pig had come to feel for him. Millennia later they had even less reason to speak. Sun Wukong was now a genuine buddha and protector of children, while a humbled and proactive Zhu Bajie spent his days on Earth doing what he could to protect the ladies of the night, who many another god would not even recognize. He had traveled with, laughed with, and had even come to truly love the monkey. But Zhu Bajie knew that Sun Wukong was even now unable to forgive him completely for his role in goading Tang Sanzang's fury. It was fitting for the pig to never give voice to his affections. As it was, if this was the worst romantic tragedy that Zhu Bajie had to suffer in this life, he considered himself very lucky indeed.
A sudden gust of wind at his side and a familiar, laughing, chattering voice let Zhu Bajie know that even if complete forgiveness and any sort of romance was off the table, Sun Wukong liked him enough to have sought his company again. Zhu Bajie greeted the monkey with his usual exaggerated snort of surprise before he pulled the simian into what would be a crushing hug, but which only prompted another laugh out of Sun Wukong. As was becoming their usual pattern, Sun Wukong hopped up on Zhu Bajie's shoulders and imperiously ordered Zhu Bajie to make due course to their favorite restaurant, as he had much to complain about and wanted to do so in the company of a champion whiner. Zhu Bajie gave his body a few shakes in a playful effort to throw Sun Wukong off before charging off on all fours, causing the monkey to shriek in delight as he held on fast.
Compared to all that Sun Wukong had suffered and given up for the sake of others, it wasn't much for Zhu Bajie to offer the simian some friendship. But low as he now was in heaven's regard, the former Marshal Tianpeng could at least give the monkey that.
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the-monkey-ruler · 6 months
Journey to the West: Canopy Marshal (2017) 西游记之天蓬元帅
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Director: Zheng Hang Starring: Li Li / Yi Yafan Genre: Romance Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Duration: 90 minutes Also known as: Marshal Tianpeng of Journey to the West / 西游之天蓬元帅 / 西遊記之天蓬元帥 Type: Retelling
According to legend, Tianpeng Zhenjun, the commander-in-chief of the Heavenly Court, was demoted to earth by the Jade Emperor for harressing Chang'e. However, by some strange combination of circumstances, he fell into a pig pen where piglets were being given birth and grew into a pig's face. He was helpless. On this occasion, the Star of Venus in the heaven came down to earth to guide Marshal Tianpeng, and also gave him a "wishes bracelet" and told him not to be obsessed with women, let alone fall in love with mortal women, otherwise he will suffer forever. Unable to return to heaven, with all kinds of curiosity and unknowns, Marshal Tianpeng's spiritual life began, with unprecedented twists and turns, stumblings, helplessness in the world, and the tragic ecology of life, until he met a sunny, kind and beautiful girl "Zi Ling." Marshal Tianpeng began to feel a little excited in his heart. The sudden decree of the Jade Emperor summoned Master Tianpeng to immediately return to Heaven to accept the new work order, which made him miserable. The decision deep in his heart had already been finalized. Whether to stay in the mortal world or to fulfill the Jade Emperor's will, the story begins! ! !
Source: https://en.hkcinema.ru/film/27606
Link: https://tv.sohu.com/item/MTIxMDU1NQ==.html?txid=7ada969851fd73090f44b01fee5b798c
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Tianpeng's Spade
This Ming-era weapon is called Tianpeng's Spade (Tianpeng chan, 天蓬鏟). You'll recall that Tianpeng was the name of Zhu Bajie's previous incarnation, a deity who served as the commander of the celestial navy.
It's funny to me that the god associated with Zhu is associated with a weapon similar to that of Sha Wujing.
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A big thank you to the Great Ming Military blog.
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returnofahsoka · 2 years
makes a work related phone call while sitting on the edge of the bed cuddling my plushie. i think im being so brave about this
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Ok pregnant! Wukong in the Journey is officially hilarious, especially with Macaque there. Like... his whole deal is being a jealous mate who thinks these random strangers got his husband pregnant, and once he realizes its asexual, he's immediately like, "I don't care who you are nor do I like you, but this is MY mate and cub and I'm gonna protect them!!"
Yeah in the au where Macaque learns about the "Egg" early on, he first thinks "Oh sweet buddha, who did this to you!?" cus he's panicking and he certainly wasn't there when it was concieved, and he knows Wukong wouldn't be unfaithful even if they had been separated.
He instead attacks Zhu Bajie first, knowing him as the former Marshal Tianpeng who harassed Chang'e, he looks like a scumbag anyway. The pig demon is very confused.
Zhu Bajie, blocking Mac's attack with his rake: "Hey! What's this all about!?" Macaque, furious: "For getting my mate pregnant!" Zhu Bajie: *pauses* "...ok bub, Imma need a clear picture on who your mate is. This pig has raked a number of different married fields before." Macaque: *furious war cry!* *even more furious fighting ensues* Wukong, appearing on the scene: "What's going on- PLUMS!?" Macaque: "Peaches! Is this demon or any other of your diciples responsible for your unborn child?" Wukong, offended huff: "NO, and I'm mad that you'd think that way. In a manner of speaking; no one is responsible... Except you for leaving me alone under that mountain for nearly 500 years!" Macaque: *processing... remembers what Gibbon and Baboon told him about the other way a Stone Monkey can reproduce* Macaque: "OH!" Wukong: "Yeah, oh." Macaque: "I... I done goofed up and got you pregnant by not feeding you peaches when you were under there, right!? Wukong: "yES." Macaque, sheaths weapon and relaxes: "Ok. I'm taking full responsibilty, I'm not letting these monks make you fight for them when you're in this condition." Wukong, touched: "That's... kind of you. But it's technically not your baby, remember?" Macaque, drops to knees while holding Wukong's hand: "It is if you will have me back." Wukong: *fully rizzed up* "Oh..." The rest of the Pilgrims: "..." Zhu Bajie: "Phew! For once I'm glad the ape's pregnant!" Macaque & Wukong: *shoot Zhu Bajie a deadly glare."
And ofc cue the Pilgrims gaining a new party member in the form of the Six Eared Macaque, aka; "No, I'm not the Monke- actually... yes I am. That ought to keep people from gossiping about the Wukong's condition."
Because the Pilgrims (barring the quiet Ao Lie) aren't really given much insight into how the Stone Egg forms, they legit assume Macaque is the baby's father + Wukong's estranged husband/mate who's just learned about it.
Macaque doesn't like these guys that much, but he's only here to protect Wukong and their child. If that Tang Monk tries pulling that headache spell again, Mac will rip his tongue out so he can no longer speak it.
Both monkeys are super cuddly once Macaque stops being in the monkey doghouse for attempting a monk coup.
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fortressofserenity · 2 years
Not so deeply thought out
When it comes to trying to have minority characters, sometimes their cultural ties are badly thought out. In the case with Lady Shiva, arguably until recently, she was a very Orientalist character. A Westerner’s idea of what an Asian woman’s like, she is East Asian but named herself after a Hindu god (not goddess). Not that there’s no Indian influence in East Asia (I’m going to stretch the definition to include Southeast Asia).
Not that there aren’t any Hindu gods worshipped in East Asia, they do show up well through Buddhism (another Indian religion) though Hinduism proper is practised in some parts of Indonesia. If people wanted to go the Hindu route, she should’ve called herself Lady Durga who is the Hindu goddess of wars and destruction. If Buddhist, since it’s more commonly practised in China (assuming she’s Chinese) then she should’ve been Lady Mārīcī.
Another warrior goddess, though one associated with boars. One wonders why nobody bothered making her father rear pigs, since Mārīcī is linked to pigs and let’s not forget that Zhu Bajie, a pig god, is linked to her as much as he’s linked to Marshall Tianpeng (both exorcist deities). Zhu Bajie’s worshipped by pig farmers as well, but it’s not going to be a flattering association by Western standards.
Even if Chinese people would’ve been this familiar with these characters by then, as they had worshipped them centuries before and still do to some extent. Well that’s the problem with the way these characters are portrayed, it’s usually the cool or demonised aspects that get played up. Not so much the deeper connections or thought put into them. 
Then again I could say something similar with Dick Grayson when it comes to his Romani background, if I’m mistaken Romani people are noted to distrust frogs (finding them devilish), find cats dirty, rear chickens for fighting and eat hedgehogs. Well that’s going by a book I found online called The Traveller Gypsies, but it seemed making Dick Grayson Romani without emphasising deeper aspects of his community and culture seem superficial.
Like it’s there to make him more desirably exotic, rather than making a deeper connection to the culture he’s supposed to belong to. Small wonder why it’s so easy to forget he’s Romani, it’s hardly ever played up in the stories he shows up here and there. One could make him a regular White Anglo-Saxon Protestant and it wouldn’t change him that much. In fact, not at all, since it’s never shown in depth or shown up in any way.
It seems like when it comes to creating or outing characters as nonwhite, for some characters like Dick Grayson their nonwhite ethnicity’s such an afterthought that it might as well be forgotten altogether since we never see Dick running away from frogs and eat hedgehogs. Even if not all Romani people do this, these are still part and parcel of their culture and beliefs. To the point where Dick Grayson would be white all along.
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incorrectjttw · 17 days
golden cicada, I have another question
Lowie was reincarnated but remained the same idiot as Marshal Tian Peng.
What if everything you dislike about Tripitaka is who you are? So you are not different, deep down you are the same, only now you have a third-person perspective.
You could get along with Tang if you just tried.
Golden Cicada: I have tried! His whole life, from the day his mother was forced to abandon him, throughout his childhood, young adulthood and the Pilgrimage - I've tried so many times! I've tried reaching out in dreams, tried to speak to him from inside his soul, tried to comfort him, tried to act as his warning bells, I have tried! But he's completely deaf to me!
Golden Cicada: Also, just because someone is my reincarnation, doesn't mean we're the same. Aside from our religion, we actually don't have that much in common. When I was alive, I didn't make half the mistakes he makes! He's like a sheltered child that I can't reach out to, because he's deaf and blind to all my attempts, so all I can do is watch in horror, as he constantly nearly gets us killed! Can't he see, that his gullibleness not only endangers us, but also his disciples and everyone who helps him?!
Golden Cicada: As for that bumbling pervert Tianpeng, pardon, I mean Zhu Bajie ... his reincarnation was incomplete. His and Sha Wujing's memories and personalities are fully intact. Chen Xuanzang doesn't remember me or anyone between me and him - of course enlightenment would change that, but it might not be a change for the better. The boy is already fucked up enough and considering the nine lives before him were eaten and had their skulls turned into a piece of jewellery by a certain sand river demon ... *side-eyes Sha Wujing*
Sha Wujing: *chuckles nervously*
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loyaltykask · 3 years
Words can’t describe how much I love the JTTW 1996 series
Is it a faithful adaptation of the book?
Does it have to be?
Even more no
Because JTTW for 4 books and they only have 30 episodes so it’s understandable they mix demons up a bit
And they do a damnablw job of making every fucking character the literal best written character ever
I’m only on episode 20 and I know this is my favorite
Bajie is trying to teach Wukong how to be a “passionate” man so he can be kidnapped by spider demon ladies to find their kidnap master.
And by god
This is the literal best piece of media I’ve seen
No amount of acting will top this, everyone stop making shows rn
Ep 20: Wukong spouting poetic nonscene to anything that has a pulse. Old men, women, dogs. He immediately moves on when a women says she married like “oops sorry ma’am” and after failing so many times Bajie and Wujing have to literally pick him up and carry him off screen.
Dicky is a phenomenal actor I can’t express to you how much passion he puts into this performance. He moves with so much extra energy I forget that’s a man and not a monkey.
This is my favorite Wujing so far. The man is a literal cannibal and I would die for him because of how sincere he is. He is trying his goddamn best and he may cry at any little thing but he just cares so much.
They even made Bajie like the most fuckboy I’ve seen yet and also like the BEST as well?! Like he got sentenced to 1000 lifetimes of heartbreaks and yeah he is a fuckboy and totally goes overboard but also he is an actual good husband when he was one and actually shows to have character growth and make up for his mistakes and BE A BETTER MAN
Also this Tripitaka is hell good too! Like he is actually a real genuine guy who tries to see the best in people and yeah while a little naive his heart is always in the right place and he is actually so fucking funny. He genuinely wants to see the good in people and demons alike, sparing demons to give them a second chance as well. He cares for his disciples and tries to get them to think about their lessons, not just say them. He’s actually pretty clever in this.
I cannot stress to you enough how much I love this series and I’m not even done After episode 18 when a certain thing happens that I’m pretty sure wasn’t in JTTW but it makes the boys SO MUCH CLOSER AS BROTHERS. Like Bajie use to be insufferable with his shit talk but now he uses that shit talk against the enemy and it’s so fucking funny. It’s like 3 siblings that realize it’s them vs the world and they still mess with one another but you can FEEL the dynamics change the trust being built and how comfortable they are with one another by this point and it honestly feels EARNED. I don’t know if I can describe the dynamic as three Scrooge-est as I’ve never see the three scrooges but they dynamic is wonderful. Wukong as the leader to get them in a situation, Bajie as a septic but more than willing to endugle, Wujing has the hesitant youngest brother who doesn’t want to get in trouble but always tags along. And Triptaka trying to keep them from dying.
I can’t say all the highlight of this series but here’s a few
Wukong is in charge of the Bull Family’s marriage counseling
Wukong and the BDK and IPF were classmates in Immortal School
Wukong has a slide in his castle
Wukong partied too hard in heaven and it pissed off the Empress
Wukong doing a dance while headless because he can
Wukong being so bad not horny and bad at flirting that Bajie and Wujing pretend to be his parents and later about their “passionate” son with Bajie as the mom Mulan style and Sandy as the sad dad
Bajie used time travel to try to get with Chang’e but stilled failed cause he was being a creep
Bajie has committed has been tourtured/killed/and committed suicide in last lives because of his failed loves making him one of the most tragic characters I’ve ever seen in media
Bajie still trying for love 502
Bajie cheering Wukong on during his trails against the Deer Demon
Bajie posing in sync with Wukong after their bonding arc
Wujing posing in sync as well
Just the posing and saying stuff being in sync with one another warms my heart. It’s just so extra
Wujing picking a mountain of fuit because he thought Wukong would need to eat more
Wujing giving Wukong a piggy back ride for like 1000 miles to heal him by the Guan Yin
Wukong once healed immediately returns the favor and gives him a piggyback ride back
Wujing crying over his kidnapped Master and can’t tell Wukong he was kidnapped he was crying to hard
Cried when he thought Tripitaka was going to make him leave
Cried because he thought Tripitaka died
Cried cause he thought Wukong died
Cried cause he thought Bajie died
Cried because he saw a big spider and wanted Wukong to make it go away
When Bajie threaten to leave and tried to divide the luggage he ran back and forth at every piece of cloth telling him not to leave
Does the exact same thing with Wukong. Placing the cloth back in the luggage just to be thrown out again and diligently scrambles to catch each article
Wujing telling a Goat Demon he shouldn’t try to fight Wukong after Wukong killed his brothers. Because Goat should at least be alive to plan their funerals
Himbo energy
Tripitaka giving Wukong and Bajie such a stick eye when they thought he was some guy trying to look better “why do you want to look better? You already look like our master!”
Tripitaka giving Wujing another stick eye when he told Goat he better give up to plan his brothers funerals better
Tripitaka being 100% keeping his shit together despite only being his 20s and it shows
Bailong has made one (1) appearance after his intro and he fucking got decked
I can keep going but I need to finish this show. There was just so many good moments in this every need to watch it
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dorkshadows · 4 years
@earl-of-221b Was thinking about how all the cursed jttw web movies, web novels, theatrical movies, television series, animation, and comics between us have basically made us radioactive
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relmint · 2 years
Watched "Monkey King: The Volcano" and I enjoyed it so much!
Some screenshots I took of my fav scenes below the cut!
The Trigram furnace looked, sick. Wukong is just sitting there....menacingly.
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Also Wukong being a King (as always)
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Zhu Bajie looks so cute and CUDDLY AHAHAHA
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Them smiling <33 Sha Wujing is the only one with a normal smile <333 The rest of them r deranged <3333
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Bajie as Marshal Tianpeng I loved his outfit here he looks so regal GOD POP OFFFFFF ( Bajie appreciation segment time <3)
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That ends the Bajie segment <33
DBK being scary and intimidating
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Wukong with the golden eye shadow
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and that's all folks!
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sketching-shark · 1 year
"zbj complains because he wants everyone else to rest and take care of themselves" is so based bc the gao estate arc literally proves that he's capable and WILLING to do hard work so it's not like the dude's wholeheartedly actually lazy <3 self care king
YEAH I like to think that this pigman is a more complex & caring than he's usually given credit for. Slowing down the journey to the other four remember that they actually have bodies that need rest <3.
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the-monkey-ruler · 3 months
Is there any Lotus Lantern prequels, is Golden Cicada in any of them?
Technically speaking any journey to the west can be considered a Lotus Lantern Prequel if it has the interpretation that Sun Wukong is Liu Chenxiang's mentor.
But there is a Lotus Lantern Prequel (literally that is the name) that does show Erlang and Sanseng's backstory from how their parents fell in love, started a family, Yaoji being put under a mountain, and then Erlang trying to save her from the mountain. It is similar to it's original show Lotus Lantern but rather than following Liu Chenxiang, our main protagonist is Erlang Shen.
I haven't watched the show myself but from reading the episode summaries the best I can say is that is goes as far back as to Nezha's storyline with the dragon, and then Wukong bursting from the stone. Throughout the story, we see other legends in the background either passively or actively affected by the main plot. From the looks of it, we see Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing early on in the story, but it's only halfway in the series (episode 26) we see the Golden Cicada.
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Yang Chan persuaded Tianshui to return to heaven. Fifth brother Hu Mei reported the matter to the Jade Emperor. Tianshui was finally moved by the sincerity of Yang Jian and his sister, and under the guidance of the Lotus Lantern, Tianshui returned to the Heavenly River. But who could have known that the Queen Mother immediately ordered Tianshui to be imprisoned, captured Yang Chan, snatched the Lotus Lantern, and killed all the creatures under Tianshui. Tianshui roared again, but could not rush out of the Heavenly River. Yang Jian was very angry about the Heavenly Court's inconsistency and led Li Jing, Nezha, Meishan brothers, and others to rebel against the Heavenly Court and overthrow the Jade Emperor.
Seeing that Yang Jian and others were about to break into the Heavenly Palace, a passing monk the Golden Cicada rescued the Heavenly Court. The Golden Cicada's magic power was so strong that Yang Jian could not win. The two fought to Flower Fruit Mountain. During the battle, their magic power hit a rock, and a stone monkey collapsed from the rock, injuring the two. The Jade Emperor sent Marshall Tianpeng and General Juanlian to the mortal world to find the Golden Cicada. Seeing that the two had a deep affinity with Buddhism, Golden Cicada persuaded them to take him as their master, but Marshall Tianpeng and General Juanlian refused because they served in the Heavenly Court.
Episode 27
The Buddha sent Guanyin to find the Golden Cicada, but the Golden Cicada did not understand the Buddha's meaning and refused to think about it, so he was punished by the Buddha. Before returning to the West, the Golden Cicada warned the Jade Emperor that the way of Taoism is to overcome the Hard with the Soft. If His Majesty uses the Taoist way to deal with the current situation, the crisis of the Heavenly Court can be resolved. The Jade Emperor finally adopted this suggestion.
In the name of meritorious service in flood control, Yang Jian was named the Manifestation of the Holy Erlang Zhenjun and stationed at Guanjiangkou. His Meishan brothers and Xiaotian Dog were given official positions; Yang Chan was named the Three Holy Mothers and stationed at Huashan; and Li Jing was named the Heavenly King, and Nezha could enjoy the treatment of a prince. Yang Jian was unwilling to accept the reward from the Heavenly Court, but he saw with his heavenly eyes that if he continued to make trouble, it would bring suffering to the Three Realms. In order to save the sentient beings in the Three Realms from suffering, he agreed to the conditions of the Heavenly Court. But he stated that he only listened to orders and not announcements. If Yang Jian was to be invited to heaven, only the Jade Emperor's decree could do it.
From the looks of it, they had it that the Golden Cicada was the one to fight Erlang Shen one on one to save heaven, and thus the force of their fight caused Sun Wukong to pop out of his stone.
From the looks of it, the complete second half of the series follows the journey to the west plot with Erlang fighting Wukong and him bring trapped under the mountain, all the while Erlang is still trying to save his mother and other drama happening.
It even goes on to when Erlang Shen meets Tang Sanzang now that he was reincarnated in episode 36.
"Yang Jian felt very sorry when he met Marshal Tianpeng who had become Zhu Bajie. Then, he met the Golden Cicada, who was reincarnated as Tang Sanzang, but Tang Sanzang no longer knew Erlang Shen at this time. Yang Jian was deeply moved by Tang Sanzang's spirit of wholeheartedly saving all sentient beings. Yang Jian wanted to escort Tang Seng to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures, but he couldn't stand Tang Seng's wordiness and left him halfway. After Erlang Shen left, Tang Monk was in danger one after another. Erlang returned, worried about Tang Monk's safety, he had no choice but to become a hunter and help Tang Sanzang survive the disaster. When Yang Jian saw that Tang Sanzang had accepted Sun Wukong as his disciple, he decided to leave."
I would say this is the only Lotus Lantern Prequel that I have come across so far, and also the only one that has the Golden Cicada play such an important role. Otherwise I can say for certain no other Lotus Lantern media has this much detail to characters.
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Sorry if this is a miss-informed question but I can’t find anything really on it, so sorry if you have already answered this. But what exactly are the rings commonly seen around Nezha and Redboy’s neck? I know it’s not one of the the rings the Buddha gave the monk and it’s never really addressed.
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I’ve been told it restrains power but I can’t find anything on it, even a name. Would you happen to know anything about it?
No need to apologize. It's a valid question.
I want to say in the beginning that there is ZERO textual support in JTTW for such rings restraining a character's power. This is a spinoff concept related to misunderstandings about Sun Wukong's headband.
The novel does mention that one of the three rings given to Guanyin by the Buddha is used to subdue Red Boy. My previous post cites the passage and explains why the ring is split into five pieces to envelope his head, wrists, and ankles. It's based on body adornments worn by his religious counterpart, the Buddhist deity Boy of Goodly Wealth (Shancai tongzi, 善財童子).
However, to my knowledge, the Boy is never depicted with a ring around his head. If present, it's always around his neck, like this tiny 20th or 21st-century idol in my collection.
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Depicting the Boy with this necklace goes back hundreds of years. One of the earliest examples I know of appears in a mural from Yulin Cave no. 3 (Yulin di 3 ku, 榆林第3窟, 13th-century). WHAT A CHONK!
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I've seen a similar necklace worn by a Daoist protector deity as well. Here's a detail of the Marshal of Heavenly Reeds (Tianpeng yuanshuai, 天蓬元帥; a.k.a. Zhu Bajie's former incarnation) from the Ink Treasure of Wu Daozi (Daozi mobao, 道子墨寶, 13th-century).
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Please note that both images come from the 13th-century and feature deities. That's all I can say about these historical examples. Unfortunately, I don't know the original meaning, but it sort of brings to mind Sun Wukong's curlicue-style headband.
I hope this helps.
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Episode 7 thoughts!
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Last episode I wondered who made the map in the first place, it would be funny if the group meets them and Qi Xiaotian shamelessly criticizes them.
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LMAOOOO this was so unnecessary? Y’all literally could have just asked instead of breaking in.
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Is this just a gag or is Sha Dali still going to be small next episode? Will it be a problem or will it be helpful somehow?
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*GROSS SOBBING* His grandmother’s recipe is his livelihood, and he admires her so much that he’d share it with her and her entire audience?! 😭😭😭 (Did he try to steal the cookbook in his past life as Marshal Tianpeng? That would make adding to it now so fucking poetic asdkfljkjk.)
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There was some ominous music during this shot of the rings. I assume getting the three rings together won’t activate them, much to the group’s dismay. Maybe Long Xiaojiao will have to be near them or hold them to properly unleash the true fire of Samadhi? And the group wouldn’t know this, meaning it would happen on accident, meaning LXJ would have no hope of controlling it...
(Like episode 3, there’s not a lot to say about this episode, but I liked it a lot better than episode 3!)
(Screenshots and subtitles courtesy of chrossrank on twitter.)
(Opening) (Ep.1) (Ep. 2) (Ep. 3) (Ep. 4) (Ep. 5)
(Ep. 6) (Ep. 7: You Are Here) (Ep. 8) (Ep. 9) (Ep. 10)
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
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So can we get more context on this situation for the Tang River Water au?
referencing this au.
Literally one of the first things Peng does when they get released from the Scroll is to try and kill who he thinks is Tripitaka [Tang]. Peng presses on Tang so forcefully that the stone around him cracks. Tang doesn't be looking so great afterwards either.
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Only reason Tang isn't passing through Diyu after this scene is Azure mentioning that he's just the monk's reincarnation (which 100% must have tickles Peng pink since they of all people know how embarassing it must have been for Buddha's teacher's pet to fail to break the cycle of rebirth). I have seen aus where Tang does die in this scene and his Golden Cicada powers have to come in clutch to keep his soul there. (link to a really cool animatic)
But in the "Mother Child River Tang" au?
Peng immediately takes one look at this *obviously* pregnant monk and just starts screeching with laughter! You know that sound peacock's make thats like a strangled laugh? That is all Peng is doing for their first five minutes out of the Scroll.
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Yellow Tusk has already given Azure a warm welcoming hug and gotten caught up on the most recent millenium by the time Peng manages to catch their breath.
Peng: "The- [peacock cry]! The monk is- [more peacock cries!] ahhhhh! I can't even be mad at him right now! It's so funny!" Tang, still a little hurt, now offended: "Rude. A pregnant man isn't that funny." Peng: "But a pregnant monk is! Looks like that vow of chasity didn't stick eh?" Azure: "Peng, they are not the monk." Peng, laughter stops: "...then who the Diyu are they??" Tang, emboldened: "I'm Tang! Reincarnation and/or decendant of the Great Monk! And this is my husband Pigsy, our son MK, and our friends." Peng, tears in eyes: "HE MARRIED THE-!" [peacock cry!] Azure & Yellow tusk: *both sigh tiredly*
On a more serious note, since Sandy was forced to push Tang out of the way of Yellow tusk's attack + Peng pinned him to the ground, the Monkey King's part of the Scroll is damaged, MK is having a mental breakdown, and if we combine this with "Slow Boiled Stone Egg" au - the Brotherhood has taken Yuebei Xing hostage? Tang is in a lot of physical and emotional distress rn.
Like... enough to trigger early labor-level of distress.
Bodhisattva Guanyin is summoned immediately to Subodhi's temple before any actual training can occur. She's (and many other buddhist deities) so preoccupied in making sure that the Golden Cicada and his baby survives that they are distracted from the threat sieging Heaven at that moment...
Pigsy has to be held back from trying to tear the Brotherhood apart himself. Zhu Bajie wasn't *just* "some demon". He used to be one of the most powerful Marshals in Heaven - commanding 80 thousand heavenly sailors/soldiers. In one mythology, Marshal Tianpeng was even a son of Doumu - the mother of constellations (making him the Queen Mother of the West's brother oddly enough).
Whos to say that Pigsy doesn't accidentally tap into the powers of that life? The whole naval power of Heaven is suddenly at Subodhi's school, waiting for the orders to turn the Brotherhood into a fine red smear on the wall. It's only Tang's own pleading that Pigsy doesn't act rashly.
The chaos does lead to an odd conciencidence occuring though...
Nezha, post-s4: "I do wonder... has the Jade Emperor broken the cycle of rebirth? If not, then that means the location of his soul could prove dangerous if left unchecked. I must contact the Underworld." *starts mediatating* MK: "What do you mean?" Nezha: "The Emperor was eons old. That amount of acculmilated divine power needs a host that can handle it. Like-" Tang & Pigsy's baby: *snorts/burps loudly* Nezha, realising: "-the child of the Golden Cicada and of the Doumu herself..." Yama, King of Hell, astral projecting: "You guys are not gonna believe where the Emperor ended up! He's in a half-demon piglet somewhere- oh there she is!" Tang & Pigsy: ( 0_0) (0_0 ) "uh oh"
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