#its like super mario 2 where its all just a dream
7grandmel · 4 months
Todays rip: 17/05/2024
Athletic Doctor
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 1 Also on: SiIvaGunner: Starter Kit & Essentials
Ripped by Psynwav
I haven't slept in so long...I forgot what dreams were like.
Honestly - what better way could there be for me to celebrate the 365th main post on the blog, than to be fashionably late by a whole weekend? It's unfortunate, but...oddly befitting, really. Back when I was first starting out with the blog, I actually forgot about posting daily for a solid two weeks - and so, some old-ass posts like Chillin’ Like A Villain and (YTPMV) Bob​-​Omb Battlesources were made in quite a hurry retroactively. Nevertheless, it was on May 17th 2023, over on my main blog @melblur, that I suddenly decided that I wanted to write about one SiIvaGunner rip a day just for fun. After File Select Fusion Collab, I realized that it made more sense just to put these on their own blog, and with Snowball Park - Super Mario 3D World I moved everything onto here. It's all been a bit of a bumpy ride, is my point. But today, I've reached the big milestone that I was originally aiming for all the way back with Running Through Cookie Country - a year's worth of almost-always-daily posts on the weird and wonderful world of SiIvaGunner. And what better rip to discuss alongside this milestone than the channel's biggest hit, the milestone rip to stand above all others: Season 1's Athletic Doctor.
Now, I've been following SiIvaGunner since some of the earliest moments of Season 1, following along with the initial GiIvaSunner termination, the entire Reboot saga discussed in I Saw a Brainwasher Today, the Mashup Crusaders arc of Mr. Rental [B Side] ~ Out of Options, the channel ending of Epic Flintstones... Basically, I was there for just about the entire initial 9-month run, and have with but one Season's worth of an exception (Season 5) been following the channel damn near obsessively since. The point is that, through this, I have been able to follow the channel's most popular videos chart up and down with each passing month: I recall, for instance, how Nintendo GameCube Startup - Console/BIOS Music soared past all other rips back in the day and stayed on top for five month's time. That was, of course, before finally being surpassed by we are number one but with outdated memes over it and subsequently helping kickstart the entire We Are Number One meme trend (funny enough - you can actually find a youtube comment left by me on the rip in late December 2016/early 2017 expressing mild annoyance over the rip's popularity...). Athletic Doctor in comparison was of course always popular, but it took a while to truly climb its way up there - it was in the top ten, then top five, always rising, bubbling in the background. Eventually, starting with Season 3's premiere, the team decided to just make the rip the trailer for the channel for new viewers - where it still sits today, now as the far-and-away most popular rip on the channel.
I feel like the reason the rip became used as the defacto channel trailer, the reason it keeps being referenced in videos demonstrating what SiIvaGunner is all about, is pretty obvious. I've talked a lot in posts like Live and Ooooooooooooooh about how outright *effective* many of Season 1's rips were, and Athletic Doctor is the most prime example of that imaginable - it is a damn near pitch perfect joke executed shockingly well for the time of its upload in the channel's history. EVERYONE knows the music to Super Mario World, either through its usage in the game itself in the 90s, its appearances in games like Super Smash Bros. Melee in the 2000s and Super Mario Galaxy 2 in the 2010s - or just through sheer overexposure to it in just about any era of gaming YouTube. The game's soundtrack is the perfect blend of being immediately recognizable and incredibly easy to hum along to given the entire game basically only has three or so melodies, relying on its central leitmotif to a degree bordering on parody. Likewise as well, EVERYBODY knows Witch Doctor, either through excessive radio play, being a big hit with Alvin & the Chipmunks...or the 2007 Live Action Alvin & the Chipmunks movie that I myself grew up with, it's the kind of vaguely obnoxious (also arguably quite racist) nonsense novelty music that's incredibly appealing to young kids, the same way something like Crazy Frog or its ilk was in the 2000s as well.
Put simply, Athletic Doctor was a match made in heaven - and the joke is pulled off so expertly that it feels redundant to put into words. The Athletic Theme intro is iconic enough to where you're led into a false sense of security right off the bat, the melody swap is subtle enough as to not immediately be noticeable, making the moment you notice it even more noteworthy - only for the track's second loop to become a full-on mashup with the Witch Doctor track. Absolutely perfect escalation, just the right amount of buildup - but most importantly, it ends up actually sounding really good! The joke's great to be sure, very much like Live and Ooooooooooooooh - but I feel like the core reason why Athletic Doctor has continued to endure for so long on the channel, why it keeps getting remixed and referenced and paid tribute to on so many instances, is because it's just a genuinely good listen once the joke sets in. In other words, it is the purest distillation of SiIvaGunner's appeal - a joke so simple, yet pulled off with a magical appeal that remains even all these years later.
Through running this blog, it's that very specific appeal that I've wanted to try and encapsulate with the rips I cover, with what I write about them, to uncover that elusive magic of this dumb shitpost channel. Joel's big Grand Dad reaction that kicked the channel off is a good bit, to be sure, but its not a bit that could've lasted eight years and counting: In its earliest days, its easy to see how the channel could've just become naught but a novelty and fallen off the face off the earth once interest in it died. Yet through each year of the channel's life, with every Season that passes, it's evolved and adapted. Be it the spontaneous chaos of Season 1, the building storyline of Season 2, the mystery and nostalgia of Season 3, the sheer talent on display in the King for Another Day Tournament in Season 4 Episode 1 and the sheer joy of celebration found in Season 4 Episode 2, the whimsical experimentation of Season 5, the sudden introspection and moodiness of Season 6, the pure adoration and love for everything the channel stands for in Season 7, and the ongoing pure silliness of Season 8 - each period of this channel feels as if it's growing in a new direction, never content sitting in one place for too long - and yet the appeal of a rip like Athletic Doctor remains oh so core to the entire SiIvaGunner experience. The experience of which I've made my best effort to cover across all 365 posts on this blog. To show everyone the layers in which this channel goes in.
That's what I've been wanting to show you... but now, before I end this post, I want to briefly talk about what you've shown *me*. I know its a cliché thing to say, but really - it warms my heart EVERY time I receive messages about the blog. This all began as just a way for me to practice my writing ability, but suddenly I was having the actual rippers - the names that I'd admire from my MP3 player but hardly ever considered able to actually interact with - messaging me in private to express how happy my posts made them...not to mention the people in SiIvaCord discussing rips with me, digging into my writing, sharing anecdotes I'd never heard of, and everyone who requested rips genuinely eager to see what I had to write about them...like, again, its the biggest cliché on the planet, and I know this blog really isn't all *that* big in the grand scheme of things - but I never expected to even get more than five people actually engaging with what I post? To everyone, and ESPECIALLY to the silent majority reading my posts without a Tumblr account, the ones engaging from a distance - thank you SO much for validating all that I've done on here.
Now, there's still plenty of posts I have left in me, plenty of ones already in the drafts and unfulfilled requests well in the dozens. But like...tons has happened since when this all started 12 months ago. I got a summer job! I'm wrapping up what's hopefully my final three school courses! I've started listening to so much new music, expanding my music tastes, in huge part thanks to all the digging this blog has made me do! And, of course, getting to be this open about what's likely my absolute weirdest special interest has honestly made me feel more confident in myself as a person, made me a more outgoing individual in general. And so, to get all of my ducks in a row, to help straighten things out for a bit...I'm going to take a break from regular posting on here. I'm aiming for it to be no longer than a month's time - again, I have much I still wish to write about!! - but you'll of course still see me reblogging fanart and other such things on here just from using Tumblr casually. And hey - if you haven't already, I recommend you take the time to go scavenging through The Archive for daily posts that you might have missed! Having a blog with so much writing on it, so many posts, so much to discover for readers old and new...In a way, I've basically made it so that navigating the blog feels just like navigating the vast seas of the SiIvaGunner channel itself. And isn't that just the most fitting way to leave it all on - an ocean of posts, waiting for you to uncover them?
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Super Mario Bros Labyrinth AU (Pt1)
(With Bowuigi to come!)
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So we're gonna create this AU in the form of bullet-point fanfic, cool? cool.
We start out with the Mario Brothers messing up a plumbing job
Mario forgot an important tool in the truck, and instead of asking Luigi to go get it he tries to use a different tool instead
(Even tho Mario knows its a bad idea)
Big surprise, they fuck up the entire floor's plumbing and have to fix it all for no charge
Luigi tries to cheer up his older brother
"It's-a okay big bro! We all a-mess up! You know how many times I've-a used the wrong tool?"
Mario is just not feeling it today, embarrassed and angry at himself
"Yeah I a-do! Because I have to a-clean up your messes!"
And Mario goes off on Luigi
Yelling and Scolding Luigi for anything he can think of
Desperete to distract himself from his own failures
Luigi doesn't know that tho and is just in tears
What did Luigi do wrong? Was he really this much of a burden?
They finally park the truck and Mario slams the door shut
They start walking upstairs to their apartment
Luigi behind Mario trying to understand what he did wrong
Mario not answering him
They get into their apartment
Mario spins around and screams at Luigi
"Leave me alone!"
"Mario please, just tell me what I did wrong!"
"Why do I always have to have the answer for you?! I wish you would go and be a burden to someone else!"
Out of no where, there's a bright flash of light and thunder lets out a single deafening roar
When Mario opens his eyes, Luigi has vanished
There's not even an indention in the carpet of where his footsteps were
There's no trace
Mario instantly regrets everything
He panics
He calls out for Luigi
But he doesn't get very far before the window behind him shatters
Mario spins around, and sees him
An Anthropomorphic Turtle/Dragon Monster, stands in his window-frame
He's absolutely ginormous, and has broken the window and the wall in the process of entering
He doesn't wear clothes, but he does have a jabot tie around his neck and a vibrant red cape flowing behind him
He looks down at Mario with threatening authority
Mario immedietly puts his fists up, not knowing what who this is
Mario knows it he must have something to do with what happened to Luigi
"What have you done to my brother?! Bring him back!"
"What's said is said, puny plumber!" the monsters says.
"I'm King Boswer, King of the Koupa. I've taken you're brother to my castle, where he will be a--what did you called him? Ah, yes: a burden to myself."
Mario freezes
"I...I didn't mean it!"
"Thats what they all say"
Bowser steps down from the Window and into the house
(well, as well as he can fit)
"Mario. Go back to your truck." he scoffs. "Go live your silly pipe draining-dreams. You can forget about Luigi."
"I won't." Mario clenches his fists. "I can't have my dream without him."
Bowser rolls his eyes
Bowser looks behind Mario and points ahead.
"See that?"
Mario turns around, and suddenly he's no longer in his and Luigi's apartment
He's in a feild of dead flowers, looking out over a massive Labryinth
In the center is a just as massive castle, of lava, spikes, and rock
"Thats my castle, where I'm holding Luigi. In the center of the Koupa Kingdom."
"You mean the Labryinth?"
"Its both, you annoying thing."
Bowser stands in front of Mario, blocking his veiw and glares.
"Turn back Mario, before its too late."
"I can't. I have to get Luigi back."
Bowser rolls his eyes and smirks.
"You have until Sundown Tomorrow to solve the Labryinth Before Luigi becomes my bride"
And with that, Bowser vanishes just like Luigi
I hope you all like this first part of the story! LMK if you liked it and want to see more! I really appreciate comments and reblogs <3
(You are Here)…(2)…
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dappledpaintbrush · 7 months
If it becomes more than a dream, what do you think a Super Paper Mario movie would be like?
Please write down everything you have to say, it doesn't matter if it's a 100 page essay I would like to read it.
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When I finally get not only yapping permission, but also yapping endorsement
I think about the SPM movie a LOT. Not because I think it’s going to happen but because I’m insane. I also think it works better as a show, but I always must migrate to thinking of it as a movie lol. I talk a lot I’m gonna divide my thoughts into sections (Again, I’m turning off reblogs because reblogging an ask gets rid of the read-more, I’m sorry!! It’s for the best LMAO)
I would LOVE if they addressed it like the FNAF movie. I remember people talking about how “oh it’s gonna be for kids because it’s a kid’s franchise and they’re gonna make more money if they made it for kids” but they made it PG-13 and. Everything was fine. They made a shit ton of money and everything was fine. Point is, I think SPM would work best as a PG-13 movie. And yeah it sounds like that one clip of SpongeBob and Patrick screaming in terror on a baby rollercoaster, but SPM does have elements that would be Difficult to put in a movie format and still make it rated PG. With the game, it can be passed off as cartoon mischief and thus be E for everyone, sure, but in a movie? I don’t see it. And let me clarify- I know they could make the hypothetical SPM movie be rated PG and still have its original plot, but I believe that is only if they cut down on a lot of things and make it very goofy and overall remove the heart of the story. But do I think it would be fucking PEAK as a PG-13 movie? Hell yeah. They could have a lot more leg-room to truly pay homage to the game, which is known as one of Mario’s darker stories for a good reason.
But do I believe they would make it PG-13? No. Definitely PG. Again, I know this is a Mario game and it’s not some super evil sick twisted story oh my god cover your eyes little timmy blah blah blah, but STILL. Pulling off some of its core scenes on the big screen where there’s SO much more detail in the animation and the voice acting etc etc etc would be hard to accomplish without making said scenes less impactful or even shallow. And if you still think I’m being dramatic, the mario movie is rated PG. The Mario movie. And all Mario did was get punched and got a bruise on his eye. I’m sure if there was a storyboard scene of him, Luigi, Bowser, and Peach getting set on fire and going to the afterlife, it would have been SCRAPPED. OR, it would have absolutely no emotion other than “erm… THAT just happened!” Take your pick.
All in all, if it were to happen, the SPM movie will lose some things. Nintendo would NEVER allow Mario to be in an PG-13 movie. It’s unfortunate :(
Speaking of the Afterlife:
Nintendo will have to cut out the Underwhere, Overthere, Grambi, and maybe even Luvbi and Bonechill. OR, completely revamp that whole thing to make it as religiously ambiguous as possible. No fucking doubt about it. At ALL. I can already see the change.org petition run by a Christian mother screaming at Nintendo for blaspheming God and making a joke out of heaven and hell “which are very real and you’re teaching kids it’s some silly fake thing in a fake Mario movie BUT NO PEOPLE HAS TO KNOW THEY WILL BURN FOREVER IF THEY DONT OBEY!!!” (Note: just in case it wasn’t obvious, I am mocking the Christian mother in the quotation marks). I’m surprised Nintendo even got away with it in the first place, ESPECIALLY regarding Luvbi and Bonechill. I put “maybe” regarding those two because it’s likely 2 and 2 won’t be put together about who inspired their characters, but at the same time. It probably will. Yeah it definitely will
Bonechill is directly inspired by Satan, and Luvbi makes indirect references to Jesus. Regarding Bonechill, to quote from his Wiki:
“Tippi's tattle says that Bonechill may have once been a Nimbi, which is supported by the fact that he has feathered wings on his back. This fits into the overall motif of The Underwhere and The Overthere, which draw heavily from both Ancient Greek mythology and the Christian religion. In particular, the concept of a fallen angel (Nimbi) is inspired by the Biblical story of Lucifer, who became the devil after betraying God. Furthermore, in Dante's Inferno (of the epic Italian poem, the Divine Comedy), Lucifer (now known as Satan) is depicted as a giant, six-winged beast imprisoned in ice in the deepest circle of Hell. This is all paralleled by how Bonechill has six wings, was imprisoned deep below the Underwhere, and is a self-styled "master of the cold dark" who uses ice breath to attack and is "something of an evil celebrity in certain circles of the Underwhere". Similarly, his being released during an apocalyptic event (the emergence of The Void) may be derived from the Book of Revelation, where Satan escapes from hell and he and his army are battled and defeated in heaven.”
Do you see that shit. Do you think Nintendo would risk doing this in a movie, let alone ever again in any game?The backlash would be INSANE. And they could easily call Luvbi a blasphemous mockery of Jesus because she sacrificed herself to save the world, AND CAME BACK LATER😭😭😭😭😭
Anyways, yeah. In the SPM movie, that whole chapter of the game is what’s going to be changed the most. It likely will be solely based off Greek mythology with no Christian themes involved. Or even LESS than that if they’re too scared. God I wish they weren’t. That chapter is one of my favorites in the whole game (mostly bc it’s crazy to me how Nintendo didn’t chicken out of making it), and it sucks so bad to know it’ll likely be almost nonexistent if the SPM movie were to happen.
This game is. Long.
In my perfect world, I like to think of it as one big grand movie and it’s the longest animated movie ever made and it’s animated by Dreamworks in the style of Puss in Boots: The Last Wish and it has 5/5 stars and critics are crying and screaming of joy and everybody who clowned on this game has personally showed up to my door to apologize for their wrongdoing and beg for my forgiveness. But unfortunately we can’t have everything we want
I don’t think they will cut out any of the dimensions, I just think that most side plots will be rushed through like a montage :/ It’s why I think it will work best as a series. Every episode could be dedicated to a Dimensional Door. But that also means it’ll likely have less of a budget which sucks
Blumiere and Dimentio:
Something will have to change.
First of all, Blumiere. I don’t exactly know HOW, but they will have to change about his story. The game itself has already gotten criticized for “romanticizing a toxic relationship” between Blumiere and Timpani, and that criticism will be MAGNIFIED with a blockbuster film. Again, I don’t know how the will do it, but they’ll have to adjust that plot to please the masses more than likely. It fucking sucks. But this is modern Nintendo. They are going to go the safest route possible.
That’s not the only thing regarding Blumiere that will have change. Yk how the game also gets criticized for giving Blumiere a happy ending but not Dimentio despite the fact that, regardless of their motivations, they both tried to kill everyone? That criticism will also be magnified with the release of a movie. They’ll have to modify the story to make Blumiere’s actions significantly less evil than Dimentio’s, which could be accomplished through making it so that Blumiere is mind-controlled by the Dark Prognosticus. OR, they’ll have to give Dimentio a happy ending too, whether that be he survives and changes his ways (BOOOOO🍅🍅🍅), or he also gets the “he’s alive somewhere” treatment like Blumiere and Timpani did. However, in order to accomplish that successfully with an audience of five years olds, they’ll have to directly talk about Dimentio’s own tragic backstory with as much weight as they do Blumiere’s. And l. Don’t see that happening. It would be absolutely CRAZY if it did and I would probably pass out in the theatre if we got to see the Pixl Creator, but yeah, it’s unlikely.
Mr. L:
Some good news! I see them making Mr. L recognizable
They probably won’t.
In the first movie, Mario and Luigi’s bond was shown in ways they have rarely done before. Their love and care for one another is clearly shown, not just “that’s my brother Luigi wahoo!” or something. I mean come on, think of the hug scene. And you mean to tell me in the 2nd or 3rd or idk movie, Mario can’t recognize him with a blindfold on? Be serious
In a game, yeah haha funny gag, but in a movie, it’ll be met with more annoyance than anything and it’ll be really disingenuous, and it already does get that criticism in the game where it’s arguably “more acceptable.”
There’s a lot more that can be discussed, but this is all I’ve put a significant lot of thought into about what I think the SPM movie would be like if I thought about it realistically. Basically, if it’s gonna truly be an SPM movie, Nintendo’s gonna have to grow a backbone. But even then, I still think it would be a great movie, especially in the eyes of those who haven’t played the game and thus don’t have the same “ARGHH BUT YOU FORGOT FLIP-FOLK NUMBER FORTY TWO” mentality that I have LMAO. And even THEN, I still think it would be a great movie. Nintendo will just have to be reaaaally careful to adapt to the limitations (that they put on themselves 💀) and still make it a movie about Super Paper Mario.
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Hi, do you have any recommendations for someone who wants something silly? Or maybe something inspired by platformers like Mario, Sonic, Banjo-Kazooie, Crash, etc.?
THEME: Silly Games
Two platformers and two silly games, coming right up! These are all pretty rules-light recs, which I wasn't super surprised about, considering "silly little guys" is a theme that pops into most TTRPG designers' heads at one point or another - and then by that point you just want to get the game out there.
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Dream Allies, by Quest Friends!
Wishland is under attack! This sleepy magical world has a BIG problem, and the only person who can save it is shaped like a friend.
Dream Allies is a bite-sized tabletop roleplaying game for 2+ players inspired by the Kirby games. Work together to create a friend and help them save Wishland from one of 16 problems, but be careful! Without your help, these problems might be too big for even your friend to chew.
A two-page game with three stats and some very cute character fluff, Dream Allies will all work together to fix a Very Big Problem. In this game, each player creates a character who acts as an ally to the hero, while the hero is created and shared by everyone at the table. As a result, this game works as a GM-less game. There’s interesting enemies, little dances, and a big villain who was there all along.
Spindash, by MadLobotanist.
Spindash is a One-Page RPG inspired by a Certain Blue Hedgehog. It's designed to tell stories about Saving the Day and Beating the Bad Guys. Its simple character creation that leaves room to make all sorts of different characters.
This game is similar to Dream Allies in that it is quick, one page, and has only three stats to worry about. However, each player embodies an equally heroic character, with the Game Master embodying the rest of the scene. There’s a small table of inspiration to get you started - after a few minutes of set-up, you’re ready to go!
Secret Science Sewer Siblings, by Cloven Pine Games.
You and your siblings are sewer animals mutated into bipedal beings with bodies and minds similar to human adolescents. You've also been trained in ancient martial arts. Go rescue your mentor and learn to share pizza with your siblings!
A simple tabletop RPG in the vein of Lasers & Feelings. Perfect for onboarding interested newcomers into the world of roleplaying games.
Unlike many popular Lasers & Feelings games, this game has four Stats, rather than two: Teenager, Mutant, Ninja and Cryptid. You’ll still assign a number to each one, but in this case, the highest stat is always the best one, and a low roll is always good. This game also has one of the most comprehensive GM page for a Lasers & Feelings kind of game that I’ve seen before - there’s advice on keeping the game in the right genre-space, some good fallbacks when figuring out where to start or what to do next, and a “Team Pie” that works like Forged in the Dark clocks! This game isn’t an ENnie nominee for nothing!
Mouse Cult - by MintRabbit (me!)
You are mice, and you are in a cult.
You may be small, but your dreams are larger than life. Sniff, Squeak, Supplicate and Squeeze your way to increasing your deity's magical power, rolling a number of different polyhedral dice in the process. 
This game is 2 pages, designed for brochure layout. It has information about Mouse stats and powers, as well as a few obstacles for the Game Mouse to present to their players.
This game is meant to be short and silly, and uses 4 different kind of dice. It’s also free!
Other games I’ve recommended in the past
Clown Helsing, by Planarian.
Cephalopod Squad, by The Mirage Company.
Slugblaster, by Wilkie’s Candy Lab.
Jellyfish Felonies, by Penguins King Games.
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burritowitch · 2 years
okay- so- Justice League Twitch streamer au anyone???
So maybe the league itself is just a group of streamers who've been all doing their own thing but they all meet online and do streams together a lot. they'll play a lot of multiplayer together, ya'know? but what about what each of them does individually?
Bruce- man still wears the cowl. its just rubber but that man wears it like his life depends on it, and he makes all of his kids wear masks in front of the camera too. he's just this gruff muscular dude with a low voice but he's just like playing celeste and star dew valley and shit. alfred will pop up on his streams from time to time to bring him food, all the viewers love him. Dream levels of popularity, but he's just a good guy and he donates a lot of the streamer income cause he's already rich. all his kids also have channels, i'll probably expand on those in a later post.
Clark: you know he's being the hero in every game he plays. he chooses the nicest option possible, he can't bare to break the npc's hearts. plays a lot of strange games that no one is quite sure how he finds, but he'll also play minecraft with his sons. lois is also a staple, regularly popping in to say hi to the stream and will occasionally take the controller or whatever and absolutely decimate the game, when he's struggling he calls her and she figures it out almost immediately
Diana: assassins creed, cod, apex, she's playing those games. everytime people see her in person they're shocked to discover that she is 6'8" and absolutely towers over everyone else at cons. she'll occasionally go on rants about history and different greek myths during eight hour streams and no one can quite figure out how old she is. especially when she talks about world war one as if she was there.
barry: racing games, just any racing game. he definitely plays sonic. he talks really fast and half the time no one knows what he's saying, and if the signals bad enough you can't see his fingers, they're moving too fast. lots of rambling rants, he's an adhd icon in the streamer community. everyone loves iris, they just love her. same with wally, half his viewers just migrated to wally's streams when he started.
Oliver: he seems like the kinda guy to enjoy stuff like elden ring, god of war, skyrim, shit like that. he also occasionally brings a real bow on camera and from time to time his streams will be interuppted by him picking up the webcam and going outside to do some archery as a weird form of rage quitting. he and dinah are a streaming couple, she has her own channel tho i'll discuss more later
Hal: a halo dude for sure, that and doom. unlike the others, he's a part of a company. he streams with the other lanterns a lot by contractual obligation so those streams are pretty weird, like hal is playing halo while Kyle is drawing and jessica is playing super mario brothers and guy is playing the sims 2, no ones really sure whats happening.
Arthur: yknow all those raft games where you're lost at sea? those. all of them. hes got a hot tub set up in his gaming room so he'll be streaming from there a lot and theres the occasional beach and surfing streams where he just goes off talking about sharks and dolphins for twelve hours and it seems like he knows more than hes letting on anytime the topic of the lost city of atlantis comes up. (which is weirdly common for him)
Billy: he's a vtuber. everyone is sure he's an adult, but he's actually a kid streaming from his and freddy's shared computer at the vasquez's. he opens all his streams by yelling shazam, something that all of his siblings have taken to doing as well. definitely a zelda guy. actually, anything nintendo. he got a switch for his 12th birthday and he loves that thing so much. animal crossing, splatoon, mario cart, smash bros with his siblings. everyone is certain he's an adult until he shows up to a con panel with the league and he's backstage and people are like 'where'd this kid come from?' and he's like. 'oh yeah im here for the panel lol btw batman says we're on in five.'
Dinah: she's playing gta and cod along with the last of us and silent hill, but sometimes she'll just stream coming up with a new song and half her viewers don't even watch gamers or anything, theyre just fans of her music so they come to support her. she has a lot of simps, like a lot. nothing will get rid of them. like i said in oliver's section, they stream together a lot. but, they never stream in the same room. their gaming rooms are on opposite sides of the house, the only time they run into each other while streaming is during snack runs.
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martinys-world · 1 year
the girl (6)
okay her is 6 I know its longer but I a struggling on remembering how the movie went. if you find any clips from the movie that would be great. I am also struggling on keeping this story simple but complitacted as well.
chapters: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
I went from left to right. up and down. I haven’t felt this free in a long time. I landed on a random roof. I don’t know how but I found reek car. I can spot that vehicle thing from anywhere. My green bag on the grounded. Digging though, it contents I found my walkie talkie. When it gotten in my hands, I put my green bag on my back. I twist though the channels until I heard reek
“There you go. let that breathe fill you up.”
I kind of blur out the conversations. When you are here a door and a groan. I knew he was in. now how do I get it. 
I pull out my binoculars and look that building up and down. I saw that there was a car garage. There were gabs for between each level. I can go through them.  on the 3rd floor there was a person that was staring at me. I would of ignore them. I if I didn’t see a hint of yellow. I twisted so I can zoom in more. It was her again. the lady from the clinic. it may have been dark, but her eyes I would never forget. They were literal stars.  she pointed southeast form where she was standing. Looking at where she was pointing, it was a building that was a row under here. I would like to do a Mario super jump across, but this is real like not Super Mario world. 
“We are in the mix.” said Noah. 
Well looks like I am taking that route. Looking back, she wasn’t there. I jump across and donkey Kong barrel roll on to the small platform know as a roof. I saw exactly where she was. I am going to have to super jump across.  Walking all the way back. I tug at my straps. Just to make sure that they were tight. 
“You can do this sliver.” Said Apeling. 
I closed my eyes. Trying to tune out all the doubts. Once I open my eyes and began to run across, I knew there was no turning back. as soon my foot left the ground. I just jump. I was going up for a moment my panic didn’t start setting in until I started falling. 
“Push your foot down.” said a voice that was 100% not Apeling. 
My body reacted on its own. foot pushing down I was going up again. my hands landed on the concrete. Breathing in and out calming my nerves. Looking at my hands and realized I was hanging on to the right floor.  Pulling myself up was all I had to do. I pulled myself over and lay on my left side because of the backpack. 
Once my whole body felt the cold ground. I want finally calming down. 
“Apeling who was that?”
Apeling stayed silent.  I want to find answers but it’s going to have to wait. I saw Noah on the other side of the room. He was getting in a sliver Porsche. I need to get to him quickly and save him from make a mistake. I speed walk across. Pulling my green bag putting it in front of me.  I put my hand on the door handle. It began to glow green like they did with Apeling, door was open and my bag in my lap.
“Sliver what are you doing here” he whispered still trying to jump start the car. 
“Saving you form going to jail.” 
Before that argument can continue. A spark came from the radio and It began to chant. 
“Calling all autoboots.”
Noah was tapping the radio trying to get the radio to go silent. Once he sat in the silence. Gears are turning in his head.it was my turn.
“Noah you are no thief. I know you are desperate for money, but this is not the way.”
After his breathing calmed down. “What am I doing?”
I heard reek talking in his ear. 
“I can't.”
I heard more mumbling. The only clear word I got from that conversation was stick. 
“I ain’t no thief.”
That right Noah. Don’t do the wrong thing for the right reason. Then the radio came back on. 
“This is an emergency can you hear me mirage?”
He sounds so familiar. Made me go somewhere
I can't tell what was happening it was like my dreaming with Apeling and Scourge. But the land looks different. This place I was at was completely metal. No grass, no trees, not even a flake of dirt. Just solid metal. Then there were these beings that look like scourge but way friendlier. they had different colors and shapes and sizes. It’s a whole race. I saw this bot that was I guessing a 10-year-old with how she was drawing it was good but kid, like. She had a yellow skin (That the best way to explain her outer shell.) she had a splash of black. Her and there.  hear eyes were the color of Periwinkle. Not too blue and not to purple just perfectly in the middle. I see her jolt up looking at something. closing her journal and walking away. when I followed her.  there 3 taller bots were playing monkey in the middle. Keeping something from a smaller kid. 
“Leave him alone.”
the game was stop.
“Well look who we have here. Another thing to play with.”
As the taller bot came closer. Two of them were left in the back. still holding the thing in the air.
“Please give it back to him.” 
“What are you going to do cry to your carrier? Oh, wait you don’t have one.”
“You don’t want to find out.”
This kid was pushing my patience. 
“Like what.” 
He pinches her check like a grandma dose to their grandchild.  She grabs that knock him off his feet then bend the arm behind his back and her foot was on the center of his back. 
“So, you didn’t have to get taking down by girl. that is also smaller here side.”
 “Breakdown and knock out get here.” The other bullies. We’re doing what their leader wanted to do. 
I have a few surprises for them to find out. the blue bucker one came to me. when he was close enough, she kicked a pencil under his foot. Made him fall forward. I was lucky enough to move out of the way. Just enough for the blue one to land on his buddy. red one was standing with his fist up. 
I stared at him. waiting for this noob to do something. knock out was throwing punches but he misses her each time. I twisted my feet under him when he looks like he had enough. He flops on the floor next to his pals. Walking away like a cool chick. She grabs the object started all of this. Bringing it over to the monkey. That stood in middle of room.
 Handing it back, “I think this is yours,” He took it from my hands. 
“T-T-thank you.”
“No problem. Let’s get you out of here.”
“okay.” dude was differently shy. They were walking away. the victim had his box, the  yellow girl held drawing. They both were going their separate way. 
“w-wait.” They began to look at each other but this time in the eyes. Bright blue eyes looking at these violet blue eyes.   
“what’s your name?”
“Shooting Star. yours?”
The scene that was in front of my eyes twisted. Like water landing on a picture. Them having the swirls
“Mirage.” I whisper softly. 
“Sliver lets go.”
Noah went to open the door. but the locks when down.
The security guard spot us. Noah went down and I pulled the lever to lean back a bit. 
Noah was yelling back at the security guard. I look at the radio. Knowing there was more than meet the eye with this car.  
“Mirage please do what you need to do.”
I saw the stick shift move and the car was staring to move. 
“Buckle up Noah.”
Once.  I readjust my seat and the buckle clicked. 
“What you are doing.”  Knowing he was asking the car more than me.
“He is taking us away.”
“how do you know?”
“I’m Sliver, I just know.”
Noah was freaking out and calling for reek.
“Reek can't save you now.” I said and rolled down the window enough to feel the wind on my face. 
“How do I make it stop. This thing is possessed or something.”
then the lights came. Reek was saying something about how, he can't hear Noah.
 I grab the mic. “You’re a coward reek.” I scream in the mic.  I toss the mic in the back. 
Now reek lost most of my respect. Noah was freaking out left and right screaming like a little baby. then trying those breathing techniques. For as much comfort as I can I grab his hand and held. Come on mirage lets go. 
“How you not freaking out woman?”
“I trust this car.”
“Would you believe me, if I said my gut said so.”
When we look away when the car was drive up a tower car ram. And the way Noah is screaming I am differently losing my hearing aid. When mirage step on his breaks. To do a sideways stop. The cop car on its side. a semi-truck mashed into the police car.  Noah kept start to calm down. 
Looking at the car radio. “Nice idea with the ramp but can't say I liked what happen to the cop.”
I look out the window. is that a beam of light? Did E.T. land?
I heard Noah repeat the word drive on repeat when more cops began to come. 
“Please drive Mirage.”
That started the car. Now here we go again another police chase scene. 
“The bridge.” I saw his brain working. 
“Take us to Williamsburg.” We both said together. 
This car thing drove to the bridge.  Only one cop was on use now. He kept bagging his bumper. The car turned and we began Driving backwards. We were staring at the cop.
“Turn on you lights and flash him.” I yell. 
“Now that you are flashing him.  you can do whatever you have to turn around.”
Like on command. He began twisting parts.  And the cars got turn around to the front. He transforms.
Why does this feel so normal and how am I okay with this.  
“Come in. Come in. Can you hear me mirage.” 
“Optimus prime.” I whispered.”
“Who that?” said Noah. 
Looking back at him I thought I said low enough that he couldn’t hear. 
“I will explain later.”
Looking up. I saw the White semi-truck. An idea. Came in my head.
“Go in front of the semi-truck and do what every trick you are thinking.”
It listens to my commands. When he was in his spot. He duplicated himself with me and Noah in the fronts. 
Our Noah and sliver on the left flip off the cops.  The Noah on the right was smileing like crazy while me in the car was freaking out. the opposite of what we been doing this whole time. 
“Mirage.” We both said.
The police officer pasted the taxi and saw 5 mirages. We heard a loud crash and turning around we saw the cop.
“I love this car.” I screamed. 
“Looking up ahead if you go up 5 blocks then turn a right there will be an abandon warehouse.”
“How do you know?”
“When I am not hanging around you guys, I am here.”
“This is the worst place to hang out. “
“I know.”
Before this conversation could go any further. Mirage Releash Noah seat belt and literally toss him out. I unbuckle and jump out, but I had a softer landing. 
The metal car was changing wheels. Turned into arms. While metal man dabbled on about how to follow orders and how he can't do anything fun. The last line about him never able to be a real boy. Made me giggled. 
I quietly made my way to Noah. trying to get him off the ground.  Noah kept his eyes eye on mirage.
“That was fun guys, you guys are fun.”
 I looked back when I felt eyes on me, and they were not Noah’s. I wrap my hand around my purse strap. When I meet his artic blue eyes. Time slowed down. like it was only the two of us. This was an older version of the mirage in my flashback.  Older mirage looks better than the child version. He kneels. Closer to our height.  
“This probably a lot for you.” 
Mirage said without taking his eyes off me. not even one second. I hear metal scraping across the ground. pushing mw behind him. 
“Back up.”
I can't blame the kid for being scared, hell I’m scared, but I know being emotional would get you to think with fear, not rational wise. Being clam and asking questions would be the best route to getting answers. With out any violence. 
“Easy now, I thought after the car chase, we were boys.” He began backing up. 
“Are you going to hit me?”
After that response. Mirage changed his hand into a circle with a with a blue color.  Kanda like a blaster.  When Noah didn’t budge an inch. I back up a bit.
“Tough guy, I like it.”
He took his canon and changing it back to his hand. 
“What are you?”
“The name is mirage.”  
He put his hand in a fist pump.
“Come on little tap.”
after Noah did his awkward fist pump. mirage move his hand towards me. you bet I did a better job than Noah.
“See like that.”
 We all turn around when we heard more vehicles. 
“Oh, great the gang is here.” He said sounded bum. 
When we heard other car engines. A yellow muscle car and a pink motorcycle. They began to change like mirage did a few minutes ago.
 “Noah you might want to put toss that pipe, they might take it as a threat.”
He tosses the metal pipe when blue and red robot came through the garage doors. 
The yellow one was using the radio. I think his name was bumblebee because the black and yellow. 
“Well, well look who we have here.”
The pink motorcycle. Was doing somersaults. Then began to ask mirage what he has done. 
“You brought humans here?”
“Optimus, hey looking good man.”
“You were told to stay hidden.”
Mirage was trying to explain that we were in the car with him when Optimus called.
 for some reason dream land was pulling me in again it was the same metal world place as before. The same yellow robot was walking around like she was looking for something.  Shooting Star was a lot older. She was in a golden building. she was holding a metal box thing. She was differently looking for something or someone.  There was a random dull golden door. bolting it open without a second thought, she ran inside. The room had many racks of square devices on each row. They are the same size as the one in Star hand.
The racks reach the celling. This was a massive room too. The area around use was blurry again so it was hard to tell what was on the shelves. A red and blue bot was nearby. With other colored being. I saw Star face brighten up. she ran up and hug the red guy. 
“Hello little Star.”
It was Optimus the one that mirage was talking with earlier. He looked a lot younger then the moment
“Star I want you to meet two of my work friends. This is Arcee and Bumblebee.”
With them saying their hellos another robot came slowly into view.
“Hello to you all.”
“What makes you come here little Star?” ask the bot that just came in.
Now this one had a purple and red color scheme. I was getting a feeling that his name was Alpha Trion. 
“I got an assignment and need to do some research; thought I can come and say hi before I start.”
“I can help you look for items to help your research. So, Optimus can finish helping these two.”
“Thank Alpha Trion.  bye guys.”
While Star and Alpha left, I didn’t follow I was stuck with the other 3 for some reason. 
“She doesn’t know about the war dose she?” ask Arcee
“No, she doesn’t.”
“She needs to know there is a war going on.” said arcee. 
“Her carrier asked me in her final moments to let her live like a child, not solider.”
“it’s not just that is it?” ask Bee. This bee wasn’t using the radio. He was using his actual voice.
Prime stayed silent. If that didn’t give an answer, then I don’t know what dose.
“You might want to tell her the truth before it’s too late.”
“I will when she is ready.”
The scene was distorted like before and I was forced back to reality. When Prime pick us up, ‘saying not cool.’  he doesn’t look like the one in the flash back. he looks more mature. The other two look like they grown a bit as well.  
“Who are you humans.”
“We are no body. We didn’t see anything I not see anything right now.” 
Prime looked at me. 
“Call me sliver.”
When he was not happy with either answer. 
when the white and pink female came to us and scan Noah face. 
“Private Noah Diaz, multiple accommodations, wizard with Technology. he’s solider.”
“He doesn’t look like a solider.”
“You are looking rough as well.”
We heard a laugh form mirage and after words a quick sorry.  Then he held me up. arcee scan my face. 
“that’s weird. There nothing about you.”
“Nothing?” prime asked arcee.
“Not even a photo.”
“Just call me Sliver like I said.”
“I will deal with your mistake later.”
He put me and noah on top of a rack. 
 “Okay the energy surge was in a 4,000s range. Its undetectable to humans. I reconstructed the energy from there echoes. 
“I cannot believe it existed and its here.”
“What the hell am I looking at?” Said bee.
“The Trans wrap key. it was thought ….”
Noah tapped on my shoulder and nodded his head. he saw a way down. just to humor him. I followed him. ignoring the conversation until they said Ellis Island. Noah was began to climb down the mess up latter. While waiting for him to go completely down. I tune into the conversation again. when they gotten to the part about humans there. I felt a shove on my shoulder. 
“What about me, I can help.”
“How so.” Optimums began to walk towards me. acting all high and mighty  
“I have a way to get all of use in a doubt.”
“Would you help us go home.” the arcee asks. 
“Why help us? we are completely different then you let alone trust you.”
“Because I know what is like trying to get home. you have a chance to go home. if the roles were reverse, I hope someone would help me.”
There was a massive pause. No one said a word. 
“We don’t have a better plan and we are running out of time.”
“what’s your plan human.”
Completing ignoring him I look at mirage. 
“Mirage, do you still have my bag?
“You mean this.”  He opens his chest panel. pulling out a green bag with black strips. 
“My equipment it in there. keep me in the driver seat and just drive behind us. I will take care of the rest.  
Prime knowing, he was out of time had to have faith in me. We heard a clunk. Looks like Noah escape plan failed.   I snorted laugh. 
“Mirage takes these humans. Rest of you transform and roll out.”
I began walking towards Noah escape attempt. I leaned over.  looking at a Noah that was sadly defeated. 
“It was a good try, Noah.” I said with my arms cross. 
“How about I help you down. “Said mirage. 
Held his hand out. 
“Thank you.” he had my bag in his hand. picking it up and he began transforming. I was the driver this time.  I saw Noah on the outside next to the passage window. pressing the window controls. 
“This is the time you make a choice. You can either walk away and go back to your normal or join us and have a story to tell.”
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negpos-comments · 2 months
Dreams I had about Mario
So this post just details a buncha dreams i had regarding Mario Games.
So when i was younger I was an avid enjoyer of Galaxy 2, and I would occasionally watch some content related to Galaxy 1 and 2. Back when it was around I had gotten a copy of 3d All-Stars, which allowed me to play Galaxy 1 for the first time. While playing I was reminded of a few dreams I had when I was way younger.
The first one I can remember was about an addition to Galaxy 2. If you used Cloud Mario in a specific way on Spaceship Mario. you could get to a floating ship. (This would be after completing the rest of the game, i think, green stars and all). This ship would be like a basic pirate ship, but it would be empty except for a launch star at the front of the lower layer that would take you to different levels. Strangely enough the layout of the first world greatly resembles Yoshi's Sinking Island from Odyssey, just more compact, no rising lava, and with different textures like clouds instead of lava. The enemies and such would be different too, of course, but that's really all i remember from it so like. After you beat a galaxy for the first time a specific slot on the ship would open up with a warp star to the galaxy as well as some pictures or collectables or whatever. I remember just messing with Cloud Mario, seeing how far up i can go. Then the Reveille that was the alarm woke me up and i was irritated that it wasn't real. Actually for a time i thought I had stumbled across some modded content that i happened to dream about.
The second one to talk about is a dream about Super Mario Galaxy 3. As of today I can't remember all that much about it, just bits and pieces of the first level and the "final bowser fight level." Something I remember from the first level is that when you start there was a tree stump you'd land on, and next to it was a hollow fallen tree which you'd go inside and traverse, kinda getting newcomers acquainted with the mechanics of the game? I don't really remember anything else from the first level (or i didn't end up dreaming it). I remember that the hub world would be Rosalina's Comet Observatory again, except it would function way more like Spaceship Mario to the point where it was basically just Spaceship Mario again, just reskinned to look like the Comet Observatory. Npcs and Little Awards would show up as you progress, and the way you progress is a lot more linear than Galaxy 1, while still having a lot of options to choose from. The level leading up to the Final Bowser fight (i.e. the last level of world 6) would be kinda like a rehashing of the first galaxy but with the difficulty cranked up to 9, invoking a nostalgia of the first level while giving the player the ability to use their skills and a buncha powerups while having them face off a buncha tougher enemies to really make them feel like this is the end of their journey (of course there'd be bonus levels but we dont talk about that). The part leading up to the final Bowser confrontation would be a buncha colored and Galaxy-reminiscient blocks in a weird arrangement that would make a left onto a platform where bowser stood. Im not sure if i explained it in good detail but its the best I could come up with
The Third One is less of a dream and more of a I thought of the basics in a dream and then started daydreaming about it once. Paper Mario Galaxy, where you utilize the Paperiness to make interesting levels, and then Mario Galaxy 3 would act like M&L Paper Jam, where Paper Mario and Mario team up in a Galaxy style adventure. We can just skip over this one, prob not even gonna put something for it in the tags
i think there was more but these are just the ones i remember
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goatandwatch · 6 months
Hey, its me Again.
I’m back here to deliver another actual post, here not Twitter because here it can be longer.
Thinking more on the GameDev thoughts today, I’ve been thinking of making my dream game for years so most of this stuff has already been planned for a while but I figure I’ll give a brief restatement of the general idea of the game.
The Game Concept & Idea's I've Previously Thought Up:
So I love PokéPark so I want to make a game that's like PokéPark but the protagonist is a cute kind friendly character who communicates with the player, akin to OneShot, you meet the protag and become general friends, but you help out the protagonist so much over the span of the game that by the end the protag character cherishes you so much they’d be willing to take a bullet for you. I dunno maybe like a Yandere trope sorta(??) but that's too far, no "romanticness" to it or not as mentally unstable, just that the sweet adorable angel protag gets so dedicated to you that he’d be willing to do anything for you by the end of the game, mainly just that he’s innocent to the extent that the protagonist and player dynamic go beyond just like best friend as to “I would die for you” from the protags perspective of the player.
Its like PokéPark, so its a 3d segmented open world game that progressively unlocks more areas as you continue through the plot, helping more NPC's and doing good deeds, having fun controlling and cooperating with the protagonist.
I previously thought it’d be cool to add some kinda mouse control in a 3d space, like you can press a button and it’ll remove your control over the protagonist, like he’d go into a sitting animation until you retake control, the camera view wouldn’t change though as you’re still in the third person camera behind him. From there if you’re not controlling him, you can press the button again to retoggle control over him again, or (the reason the feature exists) you can hover your mouse over the screen and click and drag items with special indicators or colors on them.
As an example of this:
If February (yes I’m just calling the protagonist February now after my OC) is under a ledge, but you see a several boxes with a sparkle design on them on-top of the ledge above him, you can position him where you can see the boxes but he’s out of the way, so then you can pause control over February, hover your mouse over the boxes, and move it in four cardinal directions, likely off the ledge, in order to build a staircase for February to walk up after you resume control of him, thus allowing him to get on-top of the ledge. And that's the concept, its a tool used for puzzles, and also possibly to interact with the characters or February. Think like the pointer from Wii games with Super Mario Galaxy for pushing and pulling or shooting Starbits, or the on-screen gyro sensor in captain toad treasure tracker on the switch. I guess a glorified Wii U touch-screen but in-game with a pointer, and if the game gets ported to consoles then a button that does the thing and then your control just gets placed in the center of the screen for you to use the sticks in order to move and press a to interact with the mouse, I hope you get the idea.
That's all past ideas that I’ve already thought up.
But today I thought of maybe 2 more aspects I’d like to throw into this hypothetical PokéPark successor dream game:
First off, I really enjoyed playing through “SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE”, a sequel or DLC to Superhot, it did something really interesting where it kept the level format with different maps every level, but the interesting part is that most if not all levels had no invisible walls. That's the idea here. In PokéPark there are many invisible walls that keep you from falling off the beating path, but the idea is I design a normal playground area/level like in PokéPark, with loading zones so you can go to each area if you interact with the loading zones, but otherwise if you try to run out past the bushes or trees in the distance that you’d think would have invisible walls to keep the player on the path, there are no invisible walls.
The protagonist, February (again it’ll probably not be February but a new protag I’ll design, I’m just using him as a reference) will downright acknowledge either at the beginning of the game or through later text that he and the other NPC’s know that they’re in a game, but try to play it off as if they’re sentient creatures, not that they have predetermined text boxes and stuff, so February knows. Anyway back to the invisible wall idea, there will be a invisible wall on the outskirts of every map but it’ll have no collision, and will purely be a check to show if the player is going outside the map, if the player does, it’ll trigger some flavor text from February, where for the first time you realize you can go out of bounds February will talk a little about something along the lines of “Oh yea. The game developers designed the Park to have boundaries so we couldn’t walk out of bounds, but never actually eventually put thous boundaries in place. So you’re fine to roam outside the level as far as you’d like until you eventually hit the Skybox Floor. I know it might seem odd that there's nothing underneath, but it’s okay when the Park is designed to be a paradise. Also, don’t worry about falling and hitting that Skybox Floor, if you do stray too far it’ll just put you right back up on the ground.”
I figure this first explanation can be more of a “Pause the game and February comes up from the bottom of the screen to give you the dialogue looking directly at you.” thing since its more long-winded, but every subsequent time you pass through the no collision invisible wall check (flavor text check) it’ll be a "Hat in Time"-esque dialogue box that’ll just play as you continue to move, Hat in Time has dialogue boxes that as you continue to platform around display dialogue, with flavor text from February like “Going off the beating path again huh?” and “Nice to always explore outside the intended area, its interesting.” and such, just to recognize that the player is doing so. Though it’ll have a cool-down of every 3 minutes or so, so that going in and out of the check doesn’t just spam the screen.
Other than that, with the idea of no invisible walls, maybe the first area will have invisible walls or something just to give the player the illusion that there usually are invisible walls, but eventually in the next areas they might accidentally walk back into the trees where the visual design is trying to tell them they can’t be, and realize “Oh wow I can actually just run out as far as I’d like.” for the rest of the game. That and I don’t want it to be so they accidentally stumble close to the flavor text check, get the info dump cut-scene about it from February (as explained above), and don’t have the player make the realization that “Oh I just walked outside the boundaries, I can really do that?”, that’d be bad, the point is that they have to consciously be trying to do so. That's the point.
Also this should be obvious by this point, but if I’m going to allow them to go out of bounds then (nearly) every surface should have collision. So:
The far off grass behind the trees in the forest.
Likely the low poly or flat trees off in the distance.
Any hills or landscape in general in the background that the player can see on the main path from a distance, it has to be walk-able.
The player will be able to run onto or into them like they’re floors or walls, not fall through the ground, like no-clipping out of a valve game past the chain fence in TF2 on 2Fort, where the ground has collision despite it's out of bounds. Or! you can go to the PokéPark VRChat maps I found previously and go see if there isn’t invisible walls on that, if I recall correctly. That should be a good demonstration.
So, that's one, the invisible walls thing stated above.
Other than that I thought playing on the idea of the game developers and out of bounds stuff knowing the game is self-aware that its a game, my second thought today was: “What if I put a character in the game who was a real person in the real world but loved the game so much they uploaded their consciousness to it, and its not just like a random person or a fan but a developer of the game that was so passionate and caring that they willingly uploaded themselves into the game before release”. So every NPC in the game is a fictional character who pretend they have sentience and enjoy living inside the game, but one NPC is an actual developer, in his model and text name and all, he uploaded himself into the game. This developer NPC I figure could be just a self-insert for myself or something if I wanted to do that, or I could make it an actual character in the game’s lore, regardless they’d have to show up in the list of names in the credits of the game at the end of the game.
Anyway, this developer NPC would maybe first be found directly on the main linear story path where he interacts with the protagonist, and all the other NPC’s and protagonist include him in the dialogue as well. I could do a route where they don’t acknowledge him as he’s not directly written into the code, but the idea is is that the NPC’s in the game are sentient and have feelings as well, like February, the protagonist. After you first interact with this developer NPC (who I’ll just refer to as myself from now on), he’ll show up exclusively on out of bounds areas of the map.
He’s the only NPC to actually walk out of bounds, and that gives more incentive to explore out of bounds to find secrets or just to see the level slowly fade in less detail as you get further out.
But also, there’ll be a check for how many times each you load into an area, so if you load into the area for the first time, first time ever seeing that area, it’ll track that, as that number goes up to 5 or 10, you’ll see changes that specifically myself as the developer NPC will make, as because he’s uploaded his consciousness into the game, he also likes to tinker around and maybe build himself a little hut out of bounds, as that counter I previously mentioned goes up, you’ll see him slowly build stuff each time the level is reloaded. He’ll take apart pieces of the environment, like twigs or plank board’s lying around and use them to build a little shelter, and it’ll look out of place since it’s out of bounds, the ground it sits on will be a low quality texture meanwhile the individual pieces that make up the shelter will have higher quality textures because hypothetically the storytelling is that he took a tarp or board from the main area and carried it out of bounds to build his little shelter, and that's often where you’ll find him out of bounds, making cool stuff for you and himself to enjoy.
He’ll also offer more in-depth game-play tips besides the tutorial stuff you’ll be taught on the linear path, this is where if, for example, I were to implement a racing mini-game, there’s be a controls screen that’d tell you how to drive forward in the race, but my developer character would give you the tip that you can hold a button to activate a boost, and that button prompt doesn’t show up on the controls in the tutorial for the minigame, you only find it out by reading the text of this NPC, or experimenting and finding it out for yourself. Its like if the combo’s in fighting games at the arcade were exclusive moves people had to figure out themselves and pass by word of mouth, instead of those combo’s being listed out on a menu if you paused the game.
The developer NPC would tell you these as flavor text, tips about the game that you’d only know either from learning it from him, or by experimenting and getting lucky. Almost like the developers left in some cheaty button combinations or whatever to give them a way to easily destroy the competition in harder mini-games later in the game for example, Dev routes in a Mario Maker Level or something. It’d be fun for him to tell the player tips like that, stuff only the developer would know.
To wrap up this long post and end my thoughts.
The previous stuff I said regarding the developer I don’t think I emphasized the best, but hopefully you get the picture.
I like the idea of the player being able to just naturally walk out of the intended design path of the level, going past walls to the out of bounds areas, and then also finding the developer NPC back there just hanging around enjoying his time spent in the paradise he helped create, giving some exclusive tips to you if you talk to him.
That sums it up really with those new thoughts that inspired me to write this all down, so hopefully I might be able to develop a game like this someday, but that's a lot of work and free-time I don’t have.
I don’t want people reading this and stealing and using my idea, I hope that doesn’t happen, but I figured these were fun concepts regardless that if I don’t ever get to develop the game I want that at least I got those ideas out there for people to enjoy some way or another. I hope this hasn’t been completely rambling and you can imagine and visualize my vision in your head and think “wow that does sound interesting and fun to interact with!”
If you managed to read this all, I guess even if you skimmed it, then I genuinely thank you a lot, I know it probably could’ve been shortened, but oh well.
Have a great day regardless, I thank you a lot for reading.
And to the person who just scrolled from the top immediately to the bottom without reading, darn it, come on guy, give a chance to hear me out...
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joyboyish · 2 years
what i think the straw hats favorite nintendo switch game would be
luffy - kirbys dream buffet, he likes kirby bc he eats a lot and (kinda?) stretches to copy abilities, and this is is like mario kart but you eat to get fasterr, if not that then hed like ARMS, ehich is pretty mucha fighting game where everyone can extend their arms(when theyre playing as a group he HAS to be player one, o matter the game bc "hes the captain")
zoro - fitness boxing 2, he wouldnt play games all to often, more focused on training and napping, (although sometimes there are like group sleepover nights where they olay mario party) but if he can train while doing this hes fine
nami - captain toad: treasure tracker, need i explain??? you literally find treasure shes all over this shit. shes def the person to stop and get all the coins and literally tear up if she dies bc then you lose coins. she only spends money on the powerups thatll actually help her and if its a multiplayer game where u need another player to revive u then shed keep them all dead and would charge them for her help
usopp - idk he probably likes minecraft, its simple(ish) and he doesnt need to put himself in that much trouble if wants, he probably beats the game in creative and then shows chopper the end poem and is like "this was no challengs for a mighty warrior of the sea like myself!" and then they both cried to the poem
sanji - cooking mama, he thinks her recipes are pretty bad but he likes mama, probably unironically calls her a milf and got into a genuine depressive episode when he saw papa eat her food, zoro bullied him for getting upset about a fictional woman and he started screaming about how zoro "didn't see their chemistry", and "papa doesnt deserve her"
chopper - he doesnt have a favorite, he isnt very good and prefers watching others or playing with others, if he gets stuck robin helps him like that one picture of the family in the 90s where the mom is helping them beat mario or smthn. hes the type where when they play as a group hes scared to mess up so him and robin are are a team
robin - tetris, she likes trying to beat her high score, but she doesnt think too much about it. she probably only plays once in a blue moon, or when shes helping chopper, but for some reason shes really good despite like.. never playing
franky - dude probably makes his own games and his own gaming platform. he probably has updated everyones switches so they can take switch games, ds games, 3ds games, and the games he makes. most of his games are about cola and just say super over and over so hes the only one who actually plays them
brook - he is an avid rhythm game enthusiast!!! his favorite switch rhythm game is hatsune miku: project diva mega39's his fingers dont work on the touch screen (because theyre bones-) so he never uses it, and since hes old it took him like forever to understand it but he got there
jinbei - similar to brook, since hes old he doesnt rlly understand, however hes different bc he doesnt try to learn LMAO during slumber party nights where they play games as a group, hes the group mediator, hes just there to make sure everyone gets out aliven mvp imo). he probably uses youtube on his switch every now and then for the live videos for news, and it ended with him on part 257 on some kids shopkins story, and deep into the cookie swirl c lore (the next day he gave it back to nami and said "luffy will probably break his, use mine as a spare" but it was just bc he couldnt handle it any more)
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 17/04/2024
Super Wonderful World
Season 2 Featured on: The Voice's Highest Quality Video Game Rips
Ripped by Marrow
(Curious about the abnormal audio embed? Read more here)
It's kind of ridiculous that I've taken this long to actually write something about Marrow that isn't so directly tied to his passing, isn't it? Like, yes, Telling Fish Tales is an absolutely beautiful rip, it is still likely my favorite of all of Marrow's output, don't get me wrong...but there was more to the guy than just his death, you know? The tributes have all been beautiful, to be sure, I love 8​-​bit Fish With Dreams in particular, but I want to discuss Marrow's own rips more as well as those. Because while I might not have known Marrow, and can't claim to know anything about him as a person, I know he was just a genuinely good, sincere, funny ripper, and Super Wonderful World is just a damn fun rip.
I've been wanting to cover something from Super Mario Sunshine on here for a very long time - it has almost as much of a notable presence on the channel as its older brother on the Nintendo 64, particularly in the early days. Super Mario 64's Slider theme is unbeatable, of course, WA-HOO DISCO and its brethren can't be toppled, but there's a case to be made that Super Mario Sunshine's iconic acapella-driven Secret Course theme is a more fun listen in terms of rips. There's just something inherently funny about remixing voice samples, even in an acapella context - there's tons of rips of Secret Course in particular because of this, that all play with those deews and doos to great effect.
Super Wonderful World is no exception to that, and the joke of it is made apparent just a few seconds into your listen, arranging Louis Armstrong's lovely What a Wonderful World with those aforementioned acapella sounds, yet...for some reason, it is still likely the one Secret Course rip that has stuck with me the longest. I'm not even sure if its due to any one reason I can pinpoint other than just "Marrow Magic": maybe its my attachment to What a Wonderful World from hearing it at a young age in the original Madagascar, or maybe its the sheer juxtaposition of such a silly sound being used to play such genuine beautiful jazz...OR maybe its the fucking hilarious visuals on the video that you need to be scrolling up to look at now that I've pointed it out. Spaghet. No matter what it is, it clicks - though I think that second point in particular is where the trick lies. Sort of like A Mambo Moment, a lot like My Dr. Eggman Can't Be This Evil!, the contrast in tone between the two tunes is the kind of thing that you'd only get from SiIvaGunner, or at least the only place where you'd get it done in such a genuine, high-quality way. This isn't just some midiswap, this has every bit and piece from What a Wonderful World, every part of its backing and every additional instrument playing throughout, recreated with such finesse - all to push a bit that, as the rip visuals emphasize, is mostly just meant to be funny.
There's an effort made in Super Wonderful World to make the bit not just funny, but very pleasant and listenable as well, is what I'm getting at. The SiIvaGunner ethos, distilled so perfectly in just one simple rip, distilled into a rip that for me has stayed endlessly replayable since its release, striking that perfect balance of novel and pleasant. And sure, there's a part of me that still wishes to dig further, to know lots more about Marrow than I do, to investigate and snoop about and maybe even find out what the Spaghet image is even about...but its also, in some way, just as pleasant to listen to his tunes in bliss, enjoying his work for what it is, not hung up on wishing I'd known more.
I wasn't Marrow's friend, but what he left behind still means a lot to me. And so, continue to celebrate it I shall - more than a long-gone name to be mentioned in SiIvaGunner event recaps, Marrow was downright fantastic at what he did - and I hope we'll all continue to remember and cherish that about him.
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britesparc · 1 year
Weekend Top Ten #595
Top Ten DreamWorks Animations
The animation landscape is in kind of a funny place right now. The big, exciting films aren’t really coming from the traditional, old-school classic producers; the likes of Spider-Verse, Pinocchio, and Nimona. And the studio that seems most likely to guarantee a big hit isn’t a traditional powerhouse, it’s probably Illumination, the brand behind Minions and (depending on how long Barbie’s legs are) the biggest film of 2023, Super Mario Bros. Disney – of course still the biggest of Big Fish – hasn’t quite climbed back to its pre-pandemic pedestal that gave it record-breaking hit after record-breaking hit; Pixar, even more damaged by a Covid-related switch to its films debuting on Disney+, has lost a lot of its lustre, and even when its films are great (Turning Red is a Pixar top ten) they don’t register in the zeitgeist the way they did ten or so years ago. And then there’s DreamWorks.
Back when Pixar was on the rise, the whole thing was the rivalry between them and DreamWorks Animation. Spinning out, mostly, from the rivalry Jeffrey Katzenberg had with Disney boss Michael Eisner, DreamWorks were the other company making CG animated films, and they pulled stunts like moving the release of Antz earlier than A Bug’s Life. After Shrek, which ignited a firestorm of self-aware animations with smarty-pants comedy, DreamWorks really felt like a player. For a long time it seemed like the two companies had a genuine running rivalry, the twin forces in Western animation. And then things sort of started to fade, to the point where I didn’t even know this summer’s Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken was a DreamWorks film until I saw the ident at the start.
And yet. And yet! Last year’s The Bad Guys was phenomenal, one of DreamWorks’ best in ages. And as for the years-later Puss-in-Boots sequel that nobody asked for? Well, blimey. So perhaps DreamWorks’ seeming lack in prominence is just part of the explosion in animation we’ve been seeing in recent years, the multiple films from multiple studios, the rise in popularity of more independent animations like those from Cartoon Saloon or Laika, as well as the wider Western appreciate of Ghibli. So for no real reason other than I haven’t done this already, here’s a big old celebration of a big old animation studio; one of the pioneers of CG animation, one of the true rivals to Disney in the nineties and noughties, and one that should be applauded not just for its willingness to upend the applecart, but also how it still feels free to make films tonally and visually distinct from one another. Yay for the kid in the moon.
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Puss-in-Boots: The Last Wish (2022): possibly recency bias, but this film slaps. On one hand, it’s a well-told comedy and adventure story. It’s really funny, it’s bouncy and pacey, it has great voice performances. And the changes to the visual and animation style are brilliant, updating the tired and uncanny Shrek designs to great effect. But what’s amazing and surprising is how deftly it deals with its central concept, and how deep that concept is – this is a family film about the main character coming to terms with capital-D Death, who is personified to chilling effect. It winds all these threads up to such a surprisingly stunning effect that it really bodes well for the future of the company.
Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011): the Kung Fu Panda films are great; big, daft, beautiful films that are not only supremely silly but also have – right from the off – really good and exciting fight scenes. The second film improves on the first in every respect – Gary Oldman is tremendous as the villain – but it especially excels in the visual department. The choreography of the fight scenes and the kung fu is incredibly well done, but the dynamic and stylised effects that punctuate these sequences – and how effectively they were rendered in 3D at the time – is just brill, basically.
Shrek 2 (2004): ah, the old stalwarts. Shrek wasn’t the first DreamWorks film, but really the company is the House That Shrek Built. That first film is great, but it was its sequel that solidified and perfected the formula, both with the addition of the fabulously Zorro-aping Puss-in-Boots and also its pop-culture-referencing sight gags (fantasy settings where shops have punning names that riff on real-world places? Yeah, Shrek 2 is responsible for how widespread and irritating that gag became). The Shrek plot of “Shrek has cold feet, cocks up, tries to fix it” wasn’t stale; we had some great music numbers with poppy covers of classic hits, and a frankly outstanding finale that was both action packed and hilarious (“Be goooood!”). yeah, okay; the Shrek films haven’t aged all that well, both with the designs of the characters and the slightly dated gags; but this is the series’ zenith and remains a funny and entertaining film.
The Bad Guys (2022): another recent film that shakes up the standard look and feel of DreamWorks – with some great painterly textures – and is also just tremendous fun. It’s story of, well, bad guys who break good, and the various double-crossings and hijinks that inevitably ensue. It has some really entertaining and ingeniously-staged heist scenes, and the plot keeps you guessing. But above all I think it’s the performances that sing; it feels mature, not in tone or content, but in the sincerity of the acting and the believability of the characterisation. It’s like watching a Steven Soderberg movie. For kids. Starring a wolf, a fox, and a snake.
The Road to El Dorado (2000): an underrated gem, one which succeeds thanks to a kind of double act that’s relatively rare in animation. Kenneth Branagh and Kevin Kline as Miguel and Turio bounce off each other in remarkable and hilarious ways, a couple of conmen with hearts of gold. The 2D animation is bold and beautiful, the city of gold rendered in bright, colourful fashion; and it does a good job of sticking the boot into colonialism too. Funny, tender, and pretty.
How to Train Your Dragon (2010): I imagine a lot of people would have this higher. It does a great job building a universe, and Toothless – the titular dragon – is a delightfully charming creation, dog-like, cat-like, and lizard-like. The weird schtick of the adults being Scottish and the kids being American works well, and the voice cast is great. It doesn’t really do anything particularly new or innovative, but it’s got a brilliant central relationship and some terrific flying scenes, and has a nice little thread of disability positivism running through it too.
The Prince of Egypt (1998): another of their early 2D efforts that isn’t talked about nearly enough nowadays. This was supposed to be their debut, a bold musical epic that was going out-Disney Disney. In truth it doesn’t hit the heights of the best of their nineties output, but it’s probably up there with, I dunno, Hercules or Hunchback. It’s actually quite a dark and sombre tale – as befits the source material – although there are some bouncy songs. It does a great job, in fact, of depicting the scale of the Exodus story, and the performances are top-level. It’s the kind of story Disney excelled at in the nineties, but absolutely a story they would not touch, not even now; a relatively faithful Biblical epic that features rivers of blood and infanticide and the actual for-real Voice of God. Top.
Antz (1998): the first film out of the gate was almost a statement of intent. Packed with Hollywood stars, it’s not a musical but has some real-life pop songs; it’s set in the present day, has a saucy, adult tone; characters die. It harnesses the nascent CG technology to great effect, with an almost woodcut feel to the ants; and there are thousands of them, a feat that seemed impossible at the time. It’s funny, too, in a witty, wordy way that most Disney films weren’t. And whilst it may have lost the Battle of the Bugs in 1998, I’d say on balance it probably is better than A Bug’s Life.  
Trolls (2016): a film that I think is somewhat maligned due to it being a toy adaptation with a cheesy, poppy vibe. But it’s that vibe that contributes to its success. It’s colourful to a fault, but that’s it’s DNA; it’s filled to the brim with pop songs, but where other kids’ animations feel like they’re using them as a crutch this one leans into it. It’s like a kids’ disco in animated form, but it’s also delightfully weird, with all kinds of odd critters and bizarre jokes. And it’s gorgeous, with these fab textures, making everything look like it’s hand crafted out of fuzzy felt and yarn.
The Croods (2013): there were a few things bumping up against the bottom of the pile here. I didn’t want to have two films from the same franchise (apart from my classing Puss-in-Boots as a spin-off). I also totally discounted the Aardman films that DreamWorks put out – Chicken Run and Flushed Away would both otherwise be on this list. And, yeah, look; I’m not wild about the Madagascar trilogy. The Croods, though, I’ve got a lot of time for. It’s hard to do a caveman comedy in the shadow of The Flintstones, but this ploughs its own furrow by making things really basic, essentially neanderthal. Nic Cage is terrific as dad Grug, and even though its story is incredibly predictable (overprotective dad, rebellious daughter, rinse and repeat) it gets by on the strength of its performances and the wild invention of its neolithic flora and fauna (giant animal hybrids for the win!). Also spawned a cartoon series that my daughter used to devour.
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chaoxfix · 2 years
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I posted 3,591 times in 2022
That's 3,591 more posts than 2021!
1,017 posts created (28%)
2,574 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,872 of my posts in 2022
Only 48% of my posts had no tags
#sonic frontiers spoilers - 52 posts
#ml spoilers - 31 posts
#chaoxfix - 31 posts
#sonic the hedgehog - 19 posts
#selfref - 15 posts
#tails the fox - 13 posts
#&lt;3 - 12 posts
#miles tails prower - 12 posts
#self rec - 11 posts
#so cute - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
had a dream that if enough day/night cycles have passed, hermit koco won’t let you power up again until you take a nap, because “all the speed and rings in the world won’t help if you’re too exhausted to use them”
then he watched over sonic as he slept through the night, chatting with any digitized friend who stopped by
…a guy could write a fic about that, you know.
262 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
can’t believe it’s canon that the games are just based off of the characters ‘real life’ adventures
guys this legit explains weird narrative discrepancies in each game, where different POVs don’t line up. they just interviewed different characters who told biased perspectives of events.
386 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
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i’m allergic to digital art (or rather my tablet is allergic to me) but i hope u like it! @tsaikonautz same drawing different style challenge
391 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
i now have a hc that sonic does have an apartment in station square but he basically never sleeps there, maybe once a month
he instead uses it as a storage shed for all of the merch people make of him
bc whats he gonna do, turn down a really cool mural the city made in his honor? no. hes gonna put that shit up in his living room. his friends call him egotistical but jokes on them, he looks cool as hell.
he also has
a freezer full of sonic popsicles. the fucked up ones. u know. (ty @sketchjii for reminding me these exist)
a fridge full of sports drinks with his face on the label. some officially sponsored, some knockoffs with 'socin the hengehog', who is a slightly lighter blue hedgehog. he thinks its hilarious
boxes upon boxes of frozen chili dogs, from every brand deal he's ever done who promised him a lifetime supply and are starting to sweat from making good on it
hoodies for humans that imitate his look (he loves the ones with fake ears and fake gloves. they look fucking hilarious on top of his own ears and gloves)
every variation of sonic plushie ever made. especially the deformed looking ones. the ugly ones are usually from knuckles. ("got you this. its like looking in a mirror right?" "hilarious.")
plushies of all his friends
a super sonic shower curtain from a then-6 year old tails to 'make him feel brave while taking a bath! :D'
giant fuzzy slippers that are meant to look like his shoes
his fridge door has drawings from charmy, cream, and some from tails when he was little(r)
hes got a bookcase with a bunch of books. some haunted. some not. a few scrapbooks mixed in, old textbooks tails read when he was a kid and was gonna toss out but has a lot of funny notes in the margins
he also has a trophy case to hold his many sonic & mario olympic games trophies
last i'll mention is he's even got a little eggman matryoshka doll that sits on his fridge. he just thinks its funny
if he ever dies young itll be a really fun museum exhibit. he gives one (1) apartment tour to some photographer who's way out of his depth but it's honestly kinda funny how nonchalant sonic is about all the merch of himself he collects
428 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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“love is stored in the child i adopted while i was also a child”
441 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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owlixx · 2 years
Kirby Spinoff/Demo Wrap Up
So, I am done with all the mainline pre-switch Kirby games! But after Robobot, I poked my head into some of the later spinoff games and played the demos of the switch games and wanted to share my thoughts on those.
Rainbow Curse
Great art style hampered by playing on gamepad
weird multiplayer that trivializes the core gameplay
I just popped in and bopped Wispy Woods
It's not...bad, but I don't have the itch to play more
Blowout Blast
I tried a level each from the sub-game and the standalone release
Pretty cute and fun, if a bit plain
Standalone game is definitely worth the upgrade with its actual levels and much longer length
The combo system and grading does stress me out a little
I wouldn't mind beating each of these sometime
Battle Royale
Booting this up with no prior knowledge is a baffling experience
I thought this game was 9 different genres before figuring it out
Seems like Blowout Blast with combat at first
Then it seems like top down Smash Bros
Only for it to end up being...a poor man's Mario Party?
Seems like this game should have either leaned into being more of a fighting game with light MOBA elements (like the tutorial also kind of made it seem with highlighted friends/enemies, revives, a mix of small and big enemies)
...or it should have leaned into being a party game and focused on variety and having game boards
I could see myself doing the story mode out of morbid curiosity but I don't think I would immensely enjoy it based on my reaction to the stupid apple collecting minigame
Star Allies
I had played this demo before multiple times, both single player and multi player
This time, what occurred to me was the absurdity of porting Return to Dream Land to Switch FIVE YEARS after releasing a near-identical game on Switch, where the biggest issue is how similar the two games are.
And both games are still 60 dollars! They are literally both games right now as part of Nintendo's special "voucher deal" where you can get two full priced games at a marginally reduced price. FIVE YEARS LATER
For context, 2018 also had such beloved games as Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Spider-Man, and God of War, all of which drop to 10-20 dollars regularly now. Hell, God of War got ported to PC starting at 50 dollars since it was SO OLD and that was over a year ago
30 fps :( Triple Deluxe really spoiled me (I am the first person to ever say that, from what I've seen)
Anyways, its just Return to Dream Land but with the friend system of Super Star (roughly) and ability mixing inspired by Squeak Squad's upgraded sword (rouhgly)
Having 4 helpers makes things too easy, maybe I'd try the story solo if I ever got this
Everyone dunks on Star Allies online so I was expecting to see what they see, and I do, but the game is still a fun Kirby game
After some research however, I am extremely tempted to purchase the game for all the extra modes
Especially Guest Star: the idea of letting you replay an entire Kirby game locked into one power, allowing for 20 something unique playthroughs each with their own best-time is so tempting and I wish every game had it
Plus, it is so cool to see DLC friends from every mainline Kirby now that I get all those references!
This game goes on sale a bit sometimes, so it is now an actual contender to purchase
Super Kirby Clash
I mean, it's not great, but it is cute enough and a decent splitscreen timekiller
I kind of wish that now they'd just patch the game to be a bit less money-grubbing
More free to play games should have flawless splitscreen
Fighters 2
Let me just say: WOW
The gameplay is not super sophisticated, but the polish and sheen are off the charts
Literally Star Allies engine but in 60 fps!
Two player roguelike story mode????
Exclusive copy abilitity?
Unique helper characters???
This game is clearly so much more than a sequel to the sub-game
Hilariously blows Fighters Deluxe out of the water in terms of...everything
Might get this if it ends up being fun splitscreen in the demo
Forgotten Land
Pretty fun demo
Only did the first level on "wild style", waiting to do the whole demo coop
30 fps :(((
Mario Odyssey was 60 fps SIX YEARS AGO
And speaking of, this game I think was expected to be "Kirby Odyssey" or "Kirby Breath of the Wild"
But it doesn't even feel like "Kirby's Mario 64" or "Kirby Ocarina of Time"
It feels more like "Kirby 3D Land"
It seems almost offensive that Kirby is a series with its identity rooted in novelty and unique gimmicks, yet the only 3D games before were a racing game, a minigame (with no copy abliities!), and a minigame collection kind of
Seems like a promising start, but I am not sure I want to drop 60 bucks just for a few more hours of this
Don't get me wrong, its cute and fun and wonderful, but it seems like "A fun Kirby game" and not "the Kirby game to end all Kirby games"
Might be tempted though if the local coop is really good
Dream Buffet
No demo for this one but I've got my eye on it
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obsessedwithkirby · 4 months
Ok, so I just finished watching the YouTube video “how many Super Mario games are there NOW?” by Jan Misali, and although it is nearly 1:30 AM, I feel compelled to construct an at least somewhat cohesive piece of writing inspired by it that analyzes one of my favorite series of all time: Kirby. There is no real “Super Mario” term equivalent for the Kirby series, but there certainly are people who attempt to refer to a series of games that they consider to be part of a mainline series, so I will be discussing this supposed mainline series. I have made no poll or anything of the sort to collect data, since 1. the video I’m referencing came out about 3 hours ago 2. I do not have the reach required to conduct a survey that would be useful for my purposes and 3. I am not mentally equipped for longform tasks that may require several disconnected days where I am motivated to continue a project. Thus, this piece of writing will simply show my thought process as I decide for myself what I consider to be a mainline Kirby game.
Kirby’s Dream Land (Game Boy): The first game in this series is fortunately very unambiguous. I feel like there would be very few, if any, people that would disagree with considering this a mainline Kirby game. However, it does introduce the concept of the Kirby’s Dream Land series, as a distinct entity to the mainline Kirby series, which will become interesting as we continue.
Kirby’s Adventure (NES): Right away we get to a weird case because of what I just mentioned in the last sentence. If someone were to define the mainline Kirby series as Kirby’s Dream Land and all of its sequels, then Kirby’s Adventure could feasibly not be considered a part of this series. Kirby’s Adventure is, for all intents and purposes, a direct sequel to Kirby’s Dream Land, but there is also a game called Kirby’s Dream Land 2 which could also be considered a direct sequel to Kirby’s Dream Land (considering its title and potential place in the Kirby’s Dream Land series which I’ll get into more later). This could imply that Kirby’s Adventure is in fact not a sequel to the game Kirby’s Dream Land, therefore excluding it from the mainline Kirby series. However, I do not hold this opinion and I don’t truly believe that anyone else would either.
Personally, I will choose to consider Kirby’s Adventure to be the second game in the mainline Kirby series while Kirby’s Dream Land 2 is the second game in the Kirby’s Dream Land series (which Kirby’s Adventure is not a part of) but I expect that this decision may actually garner some disagreement from others. For example, some may not have any interest in making a distinction for the Kirby’s Dream Land series. I personally find this distinction really interesting and would like to continue discussing it because it is very funny to me how the title of Kirby’s Adventure accidentally implies the existence of a separate sub-series. But actually, there are other reasons that someone might want to consider the Kirby’s Dream Land series as distinct from the mainline Kirby series that may include Kirby’s Adventure in both, so let’s briefly talk about the reasons for and against including Kirby’s Adventure in the Dream Land series as well.
Points in its favor: Kirby’s Adventure was released between Dream Land and Dream Land 2 and is the first Kirby game to introduce copy abilities, which are carried over into Dream Land 2 (as well as most other Kirby games after this point), so it is reasonable to say that Dream Land 2, and the rest of the games in the Kirby’s Dream Land series depend heavily on the existence of Kirby’s Adventure.
Points against it: Kirby’s Adventure is named differently from Dream Land and Dream Land 2 and implies that it is separate somehow. Dream Land and Dream Land 2 were also both released for the Game Boy, while Adventure was released for the NES. Note that using this point as a reason to exclude Adventure from the Kirby’s Dream Land series would imply exclusion for Kirby’s Dream Land 3, since that game was released for the SNES. Kirby’s Adventure does not relate to the same story arc involved in the rest of the Kirby’s Dream Land series. This point is going to be very interesting and I’ll talk more about it as it develops, but for now, the important thing to keep in mind is that Kirby’s Adventure focuses on an unrelated antagonist to the ongoing conflict in Dream Lands 2 and 3 (and potentially later games you could consider as part of the Kirby’s Dream Land series as well). However, this point is weakened by the fact that Kirby and King Dedede, two very important characters to these games, are developed linearly from Dream Land to Adventure to Dream Land 2, assuming you take the release order of these games to be a linear canon timeline (I do, and I will not be discussing other potential timelines any further), as well as the fact that Kirby’s Dream Land (the original) also had a conflict arguably separate from Dream Lands 2 and 3, which would mean that excluding Adventure based on this point might imply that Dream Land (the original) is not a part of the Kirby’s Dream Land series. That last bit does depend however on whether or not you consider Kirby’s Dream Land and Kirby’s Adventure to be equally unrelated to the other Dream Land games. Arguably, the conflict in Kirby’s Dream Land introduces a major character (King Dedede) involved in future Dream Land titles, while Adventure introduces an antagonist (Nightmare) that is largely irrelevant to the other Dream Land titles. You could feasibly argue that Adventure is actually a spinoff of the Kirby’s Dream Land series with this logic, even though this would make little sense from a gameplay perspective.
Personally, I find that my criteria for the mainline Kirby series is more dependent on gameplay than my criteria for the Kirby’s Dream Land series, which I consider to be a narrative-defined subseries, so I include Adventure in the former and exclude it from the latter.
Kirby’s Pinball Land (Game Boy): This would probably never be considered a mainline Kirby game. However, it does allow me to mention another subdivide in the Kirby franchise among fans, which is major versus minor spinoffs. That said, I think this game is unanimously considered a minor spinoff.
Kirby’s Dream Course (SNES): This is another game I think would be universally considered to be a spinoff. However, I could see some divide on whether or not it is a major or minor spinoff. This game is certainly more popular than some other minor spinoff candidates like Kirby’s Pinball Land, and it is arguably more complex and unique compared to other candidates. It also introduces Keeby, which must count for something. That being said, I would personally still consider it to be a minor spinoff. The arguments for this case are that it deviates rather heavily from the gameplay in mainline Kirby games (this is a vague point that entirely depends on what your line is for what does and does not contain substantial gameplay similarities [likely relating to action platformer elements] to the mainline games, and I will discuss this more later) and that it does not have any sort of substantial narrative, which are what I have discerned to be core parts of what creates a distinction between minor and major spinoffs.
It is now 3 am so I am going to stop writing this
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randomclam24 · 1 year
I don't know what to do with myself anymore.
For now, I'm writing out everything diligently, be it homework so I can focus properly or other texts.
I don't know what it is. Finding out the average amount of alcohol by volume people keep even as a long-term storage amount and the level of spiciness people in general will actually put up with
So the matters they consider important are also very important, yes?
In general, the sheer difference in spiciness in whether or not you leave in the seeds with jalapeno peppers or not already serves as a deterrent to newcomers. If you're just a kid, and you eat something with the jalapeno seeds cooked into it, it's like you're dying.
I don't know that it would help my case, but in a lot of cases I want to vent just like anybody else, except that doesn't match up with the sheer intensity of what I'm saying
Just take this with a grain of salt? No, that's not going to get me out of trouble
I spoke my mind because, as ghost says it, I'm a Republican and don't care if anybody thinks I'm racist, which is what's hurting the party Virtually zombified boomer take
I got a 4TB external hard drive in hopes that I would no longer have to deal with the transfer speeds of USB sticks, and given that the last storage USB is making its transfer now, that dream is being realized
Update I shortcutted the download of the vod where, by my influence downstream, someone saying "shit yourself" to his usual boomer sayings, that being their name in a donation, ironically managed to get drunken ghostler first from a downer or demoralized state all the way into a rant that was actually inspiring against the globalist cabal (in terms of something like "the light" versus "the darkness"), which is actually very off-key to what he's normally like. I basically wish for that more often
I don't know what to actually feel when we ultimately seem to agree in theory and then soberly diverge in about everything else, minus the basics
Update Speed-runs as a concept Even if you went through the trouble of charting out where, for example, every health drink etc. is in Silent Hill 2, there is still a range of choice for you to make like I did recently in Minecraft where I decided to keep the armor down to the 15 iron pieces necessary to craft the iron leggings and chestplate only so as to conserve iron if you lose lives and have to keep going without losing your materials.
Honestly, the top priority with speedruns in any case ought to really be kudos. Not unlike high scores back in their time.
Like it's an honest question, what kinds of runs do you want to make?
I think the Majora's Mask trading labyrinth was a prime example of what it means to use an external reference and built-up knowledge of the thing to trim down overall time spent on clearing the thing - *as opposed to* - using strategies that sound like they came out of an online forum that sound like they break the game whether they're technically cheating or not, like Quake wall-running. Technically, knowing where to execute the technique still definitely involves knowing specifically where to do things in advance. I don't know exactly how to define it, then.
And really, the Quake speedruns didn't rely on tool assistance like the Super Mario 64 speedruns involving backwards-long-jump techniques over a void.
Still, I'm trying to shoehorn the idea of meaningful speedruns sans godlike reaction times.
Update Trying to find the explanation of why Doom 3 with its mission packs as a whole seemed like the ultimate example of a non-tool-assisted speed-run game is difficult.
In concept, ideally, Doom 3 with some kind of spawning randomizer would be the ultimate speed-running game, because it would constantly challenge the player even who knew where everything was going to pop out in advance. There would be no guarantee, and that's where spawning randomizers for the original Doom shine as well.
Update I don't think people apreciate what Silent Hill 3 and 4 are enough. And then no wonder the Siren series doesn't get the love it deserves - it's all in sequence
Gamer confessions: I like Silent Hill 1 better than Silent Hill 2 That's just a stylistic choice
In a sense, I actually like Siren by all means the best, because of the complexity of what is involved in order to survive But I feel like, as gamers, we're entitled to certain answers as to the games' design like - I don't even know how to articulate that
#1: Trying to play Siren with a controller that isn't like the original PS2 controllers in having a good sensitivity about them - I don't know how better to describe that - it's borderline unplayable. But I love it.
Okay, definitely my biggest and most legitimate gripe - if Siren was supposed to be targeted towards the veterans of Team Silent's games, then why in all hell did they retcon the Silent Hill function of strafing while using the sprint button? (If you strafe in Siren, it's slow as all hell. I don't care what narrative appeal you're appealing to)
Update It feels like a deliberate throwback to the days of Wolfenstein 3D or such where people in general still weren't using the strafe function at all. It's ridiculous.
Update I'm internally conflicted, because I think the people's favorite, Silent Hill 2, is patently not scary enough, as opposed to the tension I always get with Siren. And I hear people recommending Siren in my local area too, so there's a real pressure toward that.
This pressure literally supercedes the urge to repeat "penis" over and over despite the audience - that's how much pressure is involved in Siren, and I kid thee not.
Siren is one of the few things that enters the realm of profundity in my mind as something like LSD Dream Emulator, which was never released in the West. But there are enough broken-feeling mechanics about it, I don't know if I feel like defending it.
*Literally*, comments I've read hold that Siren is like Silent Hill but doesn't give you breaks, meaning you have to do everything continually while zombies can potentially respawn, but that doesn't account for the broken-feeling mechanics. And yet I still love it.
So much so that I'm conflicted between considering playing *it* and just toughing it out over doing a speedrun of any kind on the most well-received of the games of Team Silent [(because I don't feel like that's intense enough)].
Update At any given time, I can hold it to my own name that I can retain my good judgment even when under the influence of what could make, as my parents called it, *five* grown men drunk - which is in relation to the fact that I have a very high ability to resist hypnotic suggestion. But at the same time, if people want to know me as a "pimp", that's not okay. Take what Common Filth said about the way society classifies people they hold in high esteem as "pimps" - they all have mommy issues, and they're not really alpha males.
Update So at times like these, it seems very clear what I want to do, but it's still the same with, do you really want to deal with these bad controls? I've had dreams about Siren by now. I think that already makes it larger than the thing itself.
Update Basically, the idea was, people with certain IQs, they could be put under the military practice of spraying them repeatedly with a fire hose to condition them to be normal unlike what they've discovered, and it still would not work. Ideally, that's the principle that sets me apart. I hope.
Update So ideally I'm a boon of my own ideology, be it good or bad.
And I don't see people making respectful argumentation one way or the other. I wish.
Update *But* - minus rep. - you're not really from tha hood - minus rep. - something completely autistic
I don't know what to think, if everything that I say ultimately gets applied all the way down to the lowest common denominator to make the judgment. Then what are we really talking about? I never thought about that. Honestly.
Update I got to the point, where, spoilers, with "Maria", she says, she's "not your Mary" - did no one ever make the connection with the whole social scheme of, "not your grandparents' xyz", like not your grandparents' Saturday morning cartoon, etc., meaning they've got it filled to the brim with cringey corporate attempts at coolness, like skateboards, etc.
And then for all that they give you game over if Maria takes enough damage What even is life What are they not telling us
Update Underrated despite everything: Silent Hill 2, still being the uncontested best survival horror game of all time, has the music exclusively in the bowling alley - technically you can have it play for a long time again when returning before making the great descent
Why are Siren's controls borderline broken - "Abba" - yeah, yeah
8/27 There's nothing to do. It's all over now. The r*ght lost the culture war with flying colors.
8/28 Honestly, the only reason that thing happened with ghost is because something very out-of-the-ordinary happened with his mental state as a reaction, *while* drunk. I don't even want to disrespect him that much because he gets trolled enough already, but normally he's a boomer faggot.
Update Continued on Saturday night's quip - things like actually considering the sheer levels of spiciness and the level of alcohol by volume in any case makes me reconsider, when we're talking people in general, what are the *units* we're really talking about?
I don't know how important it is, but there was recently a story about somebody who was saying all smiles despite my depression and whatever other disorders, and he was a well-renowned part of his community or something, and he just up and offed himself, just like that. That could happen to me, with alcohol, and thank God, by so many people, but I thankfully never bothered with all that "all smiles" crap - because I feel like it really just denies yourself the ability to work through your real feelings as they're coming, and they come in tidal waves.
Update soon after At some point, I guess the illusion breaks, and I have no choice but to be honest: the life I'm living right now is essentially perpetually on the cusp of falling apart into chaos, because it was never a permanent solution. What I'm doing is the closest I can get to being a NEET in secret in *spite* of what minimal effort my parents expect of me - like, I got really lucky and didn't get even my dad curious as to how much actual time was predicted for the courses I completed to actually take despite the months I took for them. Ha ha ha.
Incidentally, I'm starting to actually have a reaction to the sheer poverty I'm living in when I want something apart from what my parents already buy, which is just standard food plus the electric / air conditioner bills. And water. They don't make me pay rent. They *could* have, but - technically they know then that would mean having an entire confrontation, literally ongoing wherein they have to keep reinforcing that I'm obligated to have a job to pay for a rent that's right in their boomer standards, which would be significantly lower than the rent people pay on average to-day. Right, that would already be good for me, but they're essentially, secretly, pushovers. Of course the difference in base requirement in going from not having a formal job even part-time to *having* one is that you have to go and have a car in advance, which they would have to pay the rent and insurance for in the first few weeks or something to make the ends meet on that - honestly I think if it wasn't for the incident of me having a kind of mental connundrum at the last job with the way I was basically being flat-out overloaded, having multiple jobs to do where it was all in the back room where there was absolutely no one to ever notice - if that hadn't happened, mom and dad probably would have still thought that I still get the greenlight for holding down an occupation. Honestly though I do have issues with being in one place for several hours at a time. It gets to me very harshly. Then that starts to stack up over the sheer weeks. It doesn't just subside. It builds up. That's why I just went and held down a part-time job at a pizza joint after that. That's where I still had that - set of mental "lock-ups" I just described above where I just couldn't take the overload anymore for some psychological reason - meaning, I *could* physically keep going because I wasn't exhausted, but something about the acceptance of just being bogged down beyond any kind of reason just got to me. It was like no one really cared, and I was then going to be going out of my way to be rationalizing the overworking?
Everything I do, I got OCD or whatever to that effect where I'm completionist about getting it done, and it was even more intensified considering I was doing the dishes for the entirety of the restaurant at any given time at the pizza place. Then they give me this massive machine to clean off with non-distinct instructions as to how to get all the worst of it off and next to no experience to go on. Normally that doesn't sound that bad. How do I vouch for me? Well, at any given time, there was the additional job of collecting the dishes from any table out there that was done eating already, and I think they had me waiting tables on top of that. I think waiting tables was actively split up amongst the employees. Even among the guy in the back. Also, this was a team with an active system of cutting down the number of employees involved at any given hours to what they could milk them for all they're worth, basically. Essentially. I don't know if I could have toughed it out over the difficulty spike or not, but in such a moment that they gave me a large machine to wash by hand over a long period of time where I was already drowning in the requirements of trying to keep up with every other task, my mind told me that I had had enough, and I had a kind of breakdown where I got very nervous.
They didn't have more than one dishwasher at any given time, and I was working the most active shift of the day, so I don't think they were paying any mind to how balanced that shift would be compared to the other positions.
Honestly, I *did* open up socially during the event that, once a year, they all had a collective meeting at the place and then went to a bowling alley, and I talked with the employers, and they actually told me during that time they thought from the impressions I made that I was just antisocial and distant. But even though that happened, it was my first time dealing with these things, and I didn't realize I could have just asked them about the possible imbalance of the shift I was working, since, all things considered, I was working during the busiest hours of the day every day. It was part-time, but set up so all the hours I was working were as intense as you could get.
I can't apologize for being evil, but I can complain to find just a sliver of justification. I know how to do that.
Ikuso - shabba-dabba doo
This is the only result I managed to find for it
"* In Episode 20 Sakamoto shouts "Shabba-Dabba-Doo!" in the same way "[[WesternAnimation/TheFlintstones Yabba-dabba-doo!]]" is said, all while doing the classic Hanna-Barbara run startup."
History for ShoutOut/Nichijou - TV Tropes
I don't *have* anything worth saying
Update Even the New Testament says to be as crafty as serpents, for the sake of keeping yourself alive amongst adversaries. But a lot of the time, doesn't that mean doing nothing? And if I'm a Nietzsche fan, then that tends to go directly against that. I will read the Portable Nietzsche before continuing further in the book of Acts - not to abandon one for the other.
If we were in a world where no one knew about Christian theology, would that be the same? No
And second take: if Nietzsche is more a contrarian than he is productive ultimately, and doesn't really intend to help anyone - but at the same time, I legitimately haven't read enough to make the true judgment, being completely honest - even though you could probably tell by his followers whether or not they actually benefit anything - well actually they're spread out enough I don't actually know that
The obvious contrarianism to the idea that the value of kings on this earth is to be patient is something I identify with, so naturally I want to know more
Update And a legitimate concern I'm having is, after the books of the gospels, which reinforce each other as historical accounts by different people, the book of Acts has people being visited in visions with just the one account, and I don't think people in the modern day see things like the way they would back in these times with these things happening as they went along. Do modern people believe in miracles? It seems to rely very heavily on that.
Update I guess it's just very weird that there's this contradiction that goes unspoken within people's theoretical beliefs, that the historical record strength of the gospels gives validity to the idea of miracles *as something that could happen in those times*, but when it comes to the idea of miracles as something to justify the lifestyle of the actual original Christians, that's just defunct and no one listens, because clearly no one lives like that, and there are no miracles to even suggest the necessity of living like that.
Update I just don't think my illegitimacy as a source should even factor into that - the original Christian lifestyle described, that they shared in every bit of their finances and material wealth, is so far-fetched from anything we know today. I don't think it's unreasonable to say that it was reliant on the miracles still happening even after the passing of Jesus that people actively lived like that.
I asked my little sister who is already occupied as a teacher now whether she ever had Biblical groups, and she said she had classes back in high school - I tried asking her if it was in church or in the actual school, but that wasn't clear anyway. I asked her about it, and she doesn't know if she even read past the gospels in the New Testament or not.
Update I have a shirt of the Grinch with a Christmas tree behind him that was gifted to me by my cousin who took it up the ass once and said it wasn't that great to me that I'm wearing right now that says "You're a mean one"
My favorite rapper is the Grinch from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
"Mr. Grinch you're a bad banana"
That was my cousin's in-joke, not mine
Update So, no matter how you approach that reality with the post-gospels New Testament, it still leaves some loose ends untied, like, what exactly *is* the Holy Ghost that there are no longer any miracles? Are they not needed?
Update So what is left? I read the Portable Nietzsche by borrowing it from my local library which was apparently leaning liberal, because after they had me on camera looking at the cameras like an idiot, knowing that those books were right next to some kind of documentary on them titled "Hitler's Philosopher", which meant they were on to us or something, meaning it was dangerous to pick them up at all even, before ever purchasing the text from a bookstore elsewhere. After that, they removed all Nietzsche texts from that local library, so I figure they might have been reviewing that camera footage.
Nietzsche says certain things against the Nazis and other things in defense of international jews that I think are unnatural to whatever extent. So if that in particular is not what it's about, I'll have you know I *am* contrarian like that. I'll just not show up at that liberal library anymore. I have it right here.
Update So, while there is starting to be a definitive split between the Christian right and the political right - I guess over the fact that Christianity is now accepting gays? Functionally it has no reason to be being like that - for the short-term I'll be reviewing Toward a Genealogy of Morals by Friedrich Nietzsche, because it's the one I've seen recommended the most, next to Beyond Good and Evil, Thus Spake Zarathustra being too long for these purposes. The purpose of this search was to determine what his core philosophy was above all else.
Update Out of those two, we're going to review both of them before going in depth with either, because either way, we're typing out both in their entirety as they're sampled in The Portable Nietzsche, which is a hard task. We'll bounce back between then until a satisfactory conclusion is reached as to which one to pursue as serious over the other.
Update Essentially, I could reject him based on his core philosophy, but the job is to get to that point faster.
Update In addition to the one dream I described in short detail, there was one the day after that where there was first a very intimidating elaborate version of the special sky stages of Super Mario Sunshine where you find a secret warp pipe or such and arrive there as a special course, and then three segmented additional episodes of The Mandela Catalogue that will never be, where there was the same thematic involving fractured wrists where the alternate zombies made out of friends in the starting bedroom end up slicing the main character vertically with some kind of paper cutter that's larger than the real thing.
"Fuck all that let's get to it" - "What lil' shawty say?" Yes, as in, we disregard everything for whores, as being whoremongers, in the most strict interpretation
But I still have some part of me having belief in anything that glitters like gold
I found out from another 4chan post that the average age of marriage in classical America whom every appeal to the Constitution and the founding fathers derives from knowing it or not was ten years old, some reaching down to seven years old, and the original progenitors of the movement to raise the age of consent to more toward eighteen years of age were definitively feminist movements. So what's your conclusion
In any case if it went on that long, I feel like people have a right to know
Update So yeah, if you stop bullshitting in order to consider the actual units involved with the matters themselves, it's less like "what is the meaning of life" and more like, it's already, "you will live in the pod, you will own nothing, and you will be happy - World Economic Forum" in real life with the modern institution of marriage, given how she can divorce you and put you on eternal mortal alimony and throw it around like it ain't shit. So that's not good.
And one of the few stories from the Gospels that I *hadn't* heard and retained explicitly beforehand was that Christ negated the Pharisees' notion of marriage as an institution as well, in that he said that it was because of Jews' disobedience that it was granted to them the ability to put away one's wife in divorce in the first place. In theory it was never supposed to be divinely granted at all.
Update Definitely that bit about the average age of marriage in classical America was what set me off the most in relation to all these people of the modern day - contrarians are like in their satire videos, this girl's twelve years old? that's okay, I don't have any morals. All I have to say left is this annoying, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch bitch bitch bitch
So then it would make sense to "put two and two together" with the ages of girls from anime in the modern day. What age is Shiro from No Game No Life? Eleven
Realistically, that sounds like a fantasy world, but if it truly went on that long, who am I to judge, even despite the entire multitude fearing the same poster who posted that's saying, this is something all Americans have to be embarrassed over?
Nobody was bold enough to go forward and try to verify that history one way or the other.
Update In summation from my present thoughts, I don't know what else to say, but, let's try to summarize what we have to "appreciate" about our feminists
The modern casual sex scene totally trumps young fertile pussy from the daughters in any generation or age (sarcasm)
Okay I had a clarity just now: what I want is definitely what they call "shed talk", where you only do it normally in privacy, which is what Trump happens to have been attributed with in 2016 in his first election cycle - that's absolutely a good thing for this day and age. But getting drunk as a necessity for such a thing is something that can be co-opted for evil. Right.
I feel like it's showing my ass to say there's porn and hentai out there without having to actually commit real-life fornication. That's not a moral proclamation. I'm just saying from experience.
I don't know what to say. People don't do their research, first and foremost
Update *I don't know.*
In any case, it's like there's this reality out there that has these clearly wider outer limits, that constitutes physical reality, and then even so, there's the lower "mild sauce for white people" limits that, when broken, even so, after that point people will still definitely go crazy and lose their minds in any case, so it's like there's no point in going into that range because people consider it like there's sharks in the water. It's like I just have to listen when I'm told of an upload, this is probably too pleasurable for most people.
Update Is it accurate to say, when you make the insult "white people", it's patently not classical Americana?
Update As someone who wanted to cause an uprising among the common people, I'm actually kind of insulted by proxy that something like "extra mild [sauce] for white people" ever came into prominence, as a meme. But what can you do
Update Okay, so I went by something said in an authentic classical American location that was made into a touring place, and I found out smoking was only made illegal ranging from ages 14 to 24 by the 1920s, whereas back in the founding days it wouldn't have been banned locally, but even so you can't make an appeal to that later than the 1920's.
And we have enough historical accounts even taught to grade schoolers about how historically, women impregnated in young ages like fourteen would die in childbirth, so that doesn't require self-explanation.
And yet that was approximately the age of both Romeo and Juliet in that play, which I guess would make people shit their pants.
Update "Extra mild for white people" - I guess if nothing else, let's just blow that out of the water
But then again, if people of other races wanted to justify their presences in repopulating all our neighborhoods in the coming years with, oh, if you wanted to be seen as so tough, why would we be such an issue despite the fact of you having natural instincts and all of that? Because, technically, it's still a meme running rampant as we speak that "white flight is a human right".
Update Honestly, I don't have any other means of violating the principles I would appear to have as a wh*te person without it being so edgy that it violates my principles as an actual person. Just, nothing comes to mind.
Update "I got a hundred problems, but a bitch ain't one"
Actually if a women died giving childbirth that would obviously be very bad
8/29 definitely already night One time when we were kids, and we had a night over across states - so not something that happens very often - I started making sounds from the sides of my lips with my tongue stuck up on the roof of my mouth like what I remembered from the weird tongue of the voice from Harry Potter 2's movie from the bunk above my older female cousin's bed, and I did this until she copped out and went to her father for moral support in the middle of the night, and then after she came back with his assurance it wasn't a real thing, eventually I just kept doing it
Update Once, I had a nightmare where the spinners from Cuphead's "Floral Fury" became incorporated in an interactive segment of Silent Hill 4's opening sequence where they came through your front door, where both them and you were stuck in a painful slow motion.
Definitely the meme "I give no fucks", as in, "they can't give me *nothin'*" isn't entirely true, as there are a lot of things that could go wrong that would be very bad - still, that doesn't mean I'm going to give the sources of these kinds of complaints any credence.
In retrospect, that doesn't sound very good at all
I had a few nightmares in recent months where a water slide where everybody was in an eight-person-or-so water-tube was constantly at risk of sliding off the edge at such a height that everyone would die at any given time
If I'm awake, I don't particularly like anything, and if I'm asleep, I get ridiculous things like that more often than not
"Fair dinkum" non-racism - I'm playing Cuphead and Mugman, of which the designers said, this actually *is* your grandparents' videogame - see n*ggers beat me in sheer skill level at this, clearing it beyond world 2 which I'm more or less limited to with my own skill level - then say you are worthy of my inheritance - no cucking, no bullshit
Then everybody's like, "I will beat you to an inch of your life" - epic
Update But millenials and zoomers don't *get* any inheritance generally, so that's that
Update At the limit of posting here, but - the genre of music ragtime was, that was primarily composed by blacks post-civil-war - I remember in some museum, it was claimed it was considered a radical genre of music at the time
The most complicated pieces of music I know are all composed by Scott Joplin
Update You would get the kudos; that's for sure. My younger cousin already did the whole game on the extra hard mode, whatever that is once it unlocks. I don't know how that's humanly possible, but so it is that it's been done.
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Libby Spotlight: Gaming eMagazines
The Story of Pokemon
Welcome to the world of Pokémon! For over 25 years, this series has entertained leagues of aspiring Trainers. Inside this special celebratory bookazine, we’re going to take you on a journey from the very first generation of Pokémon, all the way to the eighth. On our quest, we’ll learn about how each era brought something new to the series, explore each and every Pokédex expansion and delve deep into the stories behind the videogames, television series and more. Whether you’re a Pokémon Professor or an aspiring Pokémon Master taking their first steps towards the Indigo Plateau, we’re confident that you’ll enjoy the ride. Your very own Pokémon legend is about to unfold. A world of dreams and adventures with Pokémon awaits. Let’s go!
The Ultimate Guide to Roblox
This ultimate guide will include inside tips and tricks for any level of Roblox payer, in addition to a guide no player should be without! There is so much to explore, it’s daunting to find the best experiences. That’s where this updated issue comes in! We break down the most popular games available and give tons of details to help you decide which to play. Inside you’ll learn about Welcome to Bloxburg, Work at a Pizza Place, Adopt Me, Jail Break, Piggy, Royale High, Meep City, and Nuke Town. We also look at 15 games gaining popularity right now. For players new to Roblox, we have a guide explaining the platform, and more advanced users will find tips on how to make money inside the gaming world. This is the ultimate guide to discovering everything you need to know about the gaming sensation.
Nintendo Archives
Nintendo is one of the most exciting publishers in gaming today, with a legacy that stretches back 127 years. Nowadays it’s best known for consoles such as the NES, N64 and GameCube, and classic franchises that include Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong and Metroid. This fantastic book looks at every one of its main systems, as well as its greatest games. No Nintendo fan should be without it.
Inside the NES - Masayuki Uemura reveals how he helped create Nintendo’s 8-bit masterpiece
30 Greatest Super Mario Moments - The amazing moments that defined Mario. How many do you remember?
Playing With Power - Everything you need to know about Nintendo’s 16-bit super console
Nintendo’s greatest games - The hits that defined the NES, Game Boy, SNES, N64 and Game Boy Advance
The Ultimate Guide to Fortnite
A new Season of Fortnite is always a cause for excitement, but Chapter 4, Season 2 is on a whole new level. The southern end of the Island has been completely transformed, with a brand-new Biome inspired by incredible real-life locations in Japan. Wander the dark streets of MEGA City, a futuristic cyberpunk metropolis, or admire the traditional architecture and stunning scenery in the surrounding regions—this is Fortnite like we’ve never seen it before! There are also some new game mechanics coming to spice up the fight, like Rail Grinding: You can explore the Island at lightning speed while keeping your hands free for combat. Take to the skies, ride the rails and get a bird’s-eye view of the landscape . The new Battle Pass is as exciting as ever, jam-packed with amazing items for you to collect. Along with seven new characters, alternate styles, accessories and more, there are extra quests to complete for bonus gifts—just start playing and rake in the rewards!
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