#once again SORRY
princesstutuaspecweek · 3 months
The Postponing of Princess Tutu Aspec Week
Due to the global strike for Palestine, we have decided to postpone this event. We are sorry for such late notice, but we hope you all understand and can join in on the strike. We are still trying to figure out when we will all be available behind the scenes to run this event, but we will keep y'all up to date with whatever we decide. Thank you for supporting our endeavors in creating this event.
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stormyoceans · 5 months
Not to be dramatic too but i think day is going to be fully blind after the songkhla ep or maybe still at songkhla and it’s probably why the hospital scene happened and also there is a scene where you can see day’s mom and night at the rooftop. It’s going to be so sad, I’m so sure ㅠㅠ
sorry anon im gonna take this chance to vent a little about my worries ;;;;; there are no spoilers about the ending of the novel but there are SPOILERS about future content since im gonna reference some moments we’ve seen during filming and that have not happened yet. PLEASE DON’T READ THIS IF YOU DON’T WANNA WORRY ABOUT THE ENDING OF THE SHOW. i swear im gonna be back on being positive and manifesting the best possible ending after this, but i’ve been very anxious and i need to talk about it, so yeah, i really apologize for this
the thing is. im like 99.9999999% sure that the last scene of episode 9 is gonna be day going fully blind. jimmysea have talked multiple times about this episode being their favorite and the fact that the scene on the cover of the novel is extremely important, so im pretty sure mork is gonna take day on the top of the mountain and while they’re looking at the sun going down mork is gonna ask ‘have you done everything you want?’ to which day is gonna answer, like in the mock trailer, ‘one last picture left’. he’s gonna look at mork, kiss him, and then, when day opens his eyes again, he will no longer be able to see anything
and i am completely fine with this. is it gonna be sad? yes, because it’s still a huge loss, but we’ve seen day coming to terms with it and learning that he can still live a very fulfilling life, so we know he’s gonna be alright, especially with mork by his side. it’s the afterwards that im TERRIFIED about. and again, im sure mork and day are gonna have a happy ending, all those theories about mork or night dying and donating their corneas to day are (respectfully) completely unrealistic, they're never gonna happen, but it's the way that we're gonna get to that happy ending that scares me
like two things i think will have to happen in the last three episodes:  
a reconciliation between day and night;
mork is gonna have to stop being day’s caretaker.
what we know is gonna happen thanks to the bts during the filming process is also that:
at some point there’s gonna be a hospital scene (it could also be a flashback, but im not sold on this theory);
there’s gonna be a time skip of 4 years and morkday are gonna be attending another wedding (most likely night and phorjai’s).
my main fear is not only that they’re gonna let day regain his sight, but also that they’re gonna separate mork and day for those 4 years just for the sake of drama. and i don’t like separations. i don’t like the episode 11 curse, i don’t like cheap manufactured angst, i don’t even like the ‘these characters have to be separated to find themselves before they can be together’ trope. the only show that did separation right was vice versa and i will die on this hill. when it comes to last twilight, i don’t really believe the theory of day’s mom firing mork and being the one to separate them, because i think that deep down all she wants is to see her child happy and if mork makes him happy then she’s gonna accept him. my nightmare scenario is that someone is gonna offer mork a job, mork is gonna refuse the offer so he can stay with day, day is gonna find out and think that 1) he’s holding mork back, and 2) mork thinks day can’t take care of himself just like everybody else, so he’s gonna break up with mork. timeskip. they reunite at night and phorjai’s wedding and they get back together
and i, unfortunately, would HATE this
and i swear im trying so hard to trust p’aof but i’ve already partaken in unprecedented unparalleled unmatched levels of winnery with vice versa and my brain is refusing to believe it could happen a second time so it’s preparing for the worse
so yeah not to be overdramatic but im on the verge ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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satisfyinglyadhd · 1 year
stim board for captain boomerang x riddler (dc comics)
You would not believe what I just found in my drafts!!
This ask. Completed. (Minus the sources) I’m going to assume I just needed to add the sources so I took a break at night and then literally never came back. It was buried under so many posts. So sorry this took me over a year to complete 😅
I’ll try to add the sources to the post.
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my girlfriend and i broke up and one of the reasons was because i talked abt ur streams too much. So.
Good you don't wanna date someone that's WEAK
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hi, um, Ncuti never said he's gay? please don't be one of the people spreading misinfo. Love a Black Doctor though!
I never said he was. I think the ask included that word, and I'm sorry for misspreading that but I saw the most important part of that being that he's the new Doctor Who, which is why I posted my response to the ask.
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I need to release more stories so I can receive more fun asks again
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Yall i think i just died a bit i never really look at my followers because well i dont have many and tbh i dont care BUT i did and well im very excited and happy because of if my absolute favorite blogs follows me and i feel like its do nice of this wonderful human to even acknowledge i exist. But ANYWAY yall go check out @blooodwords they are amazing
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galaxy-pengu-in · 3 years
Gaius: Do you know the ABCs of first aid?
Merlin: A. Bone. Coming out of the skin is very bad.
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Ahhhhhh you have hurt me. But it was really good though.💖💖💖💖
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hidendumbassvillage · 3 years
Give me the official headband of this village and I will give my life for you
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Saddly it looks like this (graphic design is my passion). (ツ)
Still willing to give your life ?
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thomaslightwood · 3 years
Hi! I'm sorry, but could you tag your character hate posts? As someone who likes wessa it saddens me when I read critical posts about them. you're free to have your opinions, of course, but if you'd be so kind to tag your hate posts, I'd appreciate it. Thanks, you're awesome!
Yes, I'm sorry! I just don't post rants, even less make such post. I tagged them with wessa negativity :)
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mi-ni-me · 4 years
Hey sorry I haven’t uploaded in like a week or two and I promise I’ll get all the things you guys requested in my inbox. It’s just I’ve been kinda busy doing inktober on my insta and I kinda hate my artstyle rn haha. So I promise I’ll be back and I’ll upload things I just needa find out how to draw really quickly 💀
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Sorry for my lack of post. Hoping to post another part to my fall writing (because I want fall to come like now) and have a few other post tomorrow
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haydenbean · 4 years
Ok howdy!
For those who still don't know, I am @ask-epf-cp . Sorry for the long break on the blog but in all honesty, I've lost the cable for my art tablet thingie. Also I have GCSE's coming up next year and it's pretty difficult to study and manage a blog since I am 15. And yes I know the art is pretty crappy but I will take time to improve. I may also be getting a better art tablet later this year.
Hope this finds you well :)
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boba-thot · 4 years
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wizardnuke · 5 years
I know that mbti is just a fun lil personality test that should be taken with a grain of salt but it's pretty set in stone as in you basically only match one type and it's a stupid detail that I've talked about before but steve absolutely violently fucking swung from one side of the scale to the other in his characterization from cacw on you can literally track how he completely changes personality for no discernable reason aside from his obsession over poor bucky I am livid
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