#one day i will finish this
hlxtn · 1 year
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Piraté Atsu WIP
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coffeestarsbooks · 2 years
Another little glimpse of my ongoing attempt to terraform Green Gardens. This is the community kitchen, and there's outdoor seats here so the islanders can spend time together in the beautiful outdoors :)
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lookyarn · 1 year
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apparently i've entered my neutral era: it's beige or gray or christmas red/green this autumn and winter. spring must be ushered in with a riot of color...
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Rough sketch of a very friendly, not at all threatening, efficient therapy session by Dr Delicate Touch.
uuuug I want season 3 so suffer with me whilst i try and write more fanfiction
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sorrygotthesesacks · 8 months
Ah, today is WiP Wednesday and I actually remembered I wanted to post a bit of the lost prince AU. I could post this over on that Other Social Media app, but I’m-a post these excerpts here instead.
Of course, the last four chapters of Book 7 have already contradicted most of what I’ve written. 😅
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saffirez · 10 months
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Space Sickness
I am struggling with this. I used to be able to write 19k one shots- where did that skill go?
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romchat · 5 months
WIP Title Game: What's in your draft folder?
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Time to clean up the draft folder. Thanks for the tag, @kingsandbastardz!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
All of my WIPs are meta/analysis because corporate life has drained what little creative energy I had remaining after my soul-crushing grad school experience and I'm still relearning how to create things for fun again.
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Below, you'll mostly see 2023 obsessions (hi, My Journey to You 👋🏼 I love and resent that you actually got me on Tumblr for the first time in my life) and a smattering of other personal faves.
WIPs that will eventually be finished
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Filming the Slowburn: Visual Parallelism in My Journey to You and Story of Kunning Palace
Dreamy tragedy aka why Ep. 17 of The Red Sleeve is a fucking masterpiece
The Color of Irony: The Brilliance of Director Xin Shuang's The Bad Kids (and The Long Season?)
The Cinematography of Yearning: Camera Language in Old Fashion Cupcake
Shizen: The Use of Nature and Scale in Blue Eye Samurai
How not to exploit kink and desire / An appreciation post for the cinematography of Love and Leashes
The gothic horror of A League of Nobleman
WIPs that will probably never see the light of day
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My Journey to You
Shangjue's pool
Ep 24: Submission to desire
Story of Kunning Palace
wtf is up with all that dripping?
When a qin is not just a qin
Ep. 22: You reap what you sow
Ep. 34: Forged by fire
Ep. 38: As the moon waxes and wanes
A Journey to Love
Visualizing Romance: How to coordinate a fight scene
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As a Tumblr newbie, still unsure of the politics of tagging but if anyone sees this please share your WIPs 🤓
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ex0rin · 1 year
Me: I wanna make a new gifset for CA:TWS's anniversary today!
Also me: motherfucking shaky cam I remember why I hate gifing scenes from this movie now 🙃
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rbelle310 · 2 years
Sakuatsu AU Warning: Supernatural elements
Grandmother Miya passes away. She was a renowned Izuna-tsukai and now her kuda-gitsune, Omi, must select a new host.
Everyone thinks it will be one of the twins, but neither of them appear to exhibit the signs of a Kitsune-tsuki.
At least at first, but one day while out on a run, Osamu crosses paths with a stray dog and freaks out. He screams ferally and hissing and spitting in such a way that onlookers think he's gone absolutely mad.
The main family is thrilled, they were worried that the Izuna had moved on to a distant branch family member. Atsumu is relieved, he didn't want anything to do with all this superstitious fox-possession crap. But...
He's been having dreams from when they were children, of another little boy who used to play with them. A small pale boy in a kimono with dark and curly hair. He puts it down to grief, since obaa-chan hasn't been dead that long and he's been reminiscing too much.
The dreams go on for weeks and things start to take a skin crawling turn. His brother, now ensconced in the shrine occasionally goes into fits. He stares through the walls and screams at the main house, yowling like an animal fighting over territory.
Atsumu feels like he's being watched, all the time and not because of the Kitsune now latched on to Osamu. The sensation follows him when he's outside sweeping the yard, when he goes to school, when he's on a date.
It's worse on the date, and it ends so badly he knows she'll never call him again. He goes home dejected and frustrated. Just as he steps through the front gate, a tall shadow looms over him and shoves him against a pillar.
"What are you doing at a time like this?" growls a low voice in his ear.
"What the f-" Atsumu starts to curse, but it dies on his tongue as he sees an imposing man with curly black hair standing over him. "Who are you?"
The man frowns even deeper, his brows knitting together in a way that makes the two moles on his forehead wriggle.
"The question you should be asking is who is that?" he spits, pointing at the shrine.
"What... What do you mean?" asks Atsumu.
"I mean, who is sitting in my seat! Idiot!"
"It's Samu! Samu's the Izuna-tsukai now!"
There appears to be some sort of miscommunication because the two moles do another wiggling sort of dance before the man grabs Atsumu with surprising strength and drags him towards the shrine.
He yanks the *locked* door off its hinges and points at Osamu who's hunched up and keening between bared teeth. It's the first time Atsumu has seen his twin in weeks and he... looks wrong. Obaa-chan was never like this, she never seemed any different from a normal human.
Osamu looks positively wild, there are food stains on his hands and whatever clothes they tried to put on him have been torn off. The stranger growls, clicking his tongue as he approaches Atsumu's twin.
"Get out." he warns, but then flings out a hand pre-emptively to stop Atsumu from leaving. "Not you."
But Atsumu wasn't going anywhere, he's equal parts terrified and worried for his brother.
Osamu pants heavily, still staring defiantly up at the stranger as he approaches.
Inky black eyes meet feral grey.
Osamu is sweating profusely, but he bares his teeth in a lazy smile that doesn't match the wildness of his dilated pupils. When he finally speaks, to Atsumu's horror, it's with the voice of another stranger.
"I'm not going anywhere, Ki-yo-omi."
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honey-oak · 24 days
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Selfship art I am still working on. But happy Mother’s Day to the most iconic mother of them all
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chryseis · 7 months
FYI every purchase of any of The Adventure Zone music on Griffin McElroy's Bandcamp will be entirely donated to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund for the rest of 2023. His music is set at 'name your price', and the McElroys are also going to match the donations.
If you've listened to even a bit of any TAZ campaign, you surely know what a fantastic musician Griffin is, and there is no better time to purchase his music than now.
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newttxt · 6 months
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leashes for zosan
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reineydraws · 23 days
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mihawk training with his step-kids! ft. smitten husband shanks
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yomeiu · 5 months
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i haven't fulfilled my promise yet to use you as my dog!
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tench-art · 2 months
Do you know whom I did draw fem versions of though?
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jakkenpoy · 2 months
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