#one direction bsm
ask-dced · 2 months
For LttM: What are some things you like or found fascinating about the slugcats and scavengers you've met so far?
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BSM: It's one thing to watch their daily lives... it's another to be a part of them. BSM: Let's see... for instance, Crack of Lightning. She has gone through her elite training and rites, yet she has found her passion to be in tailoring. BSM: I've been trying to learn from her, though the process has had some unforeseen complications. I... don't have a lot of memory storage at the moment. And though I have intermittent access to my memory arrays, writing to them is far more resource intensive than reading from them. Pearls are even worse for this... BSM: So, I have to pick and choose what information to retain, and what I will need to overwrite. BSM: But that isn't what you asked about, is it? Sorry, yes... Lightning. She's rough around the edges, but doesn't mind me watching her work. She's been teaching me how to sew, and suggesting I practice by repairing my cloak a bit. Which... I agree, though I am worried I might just make it worse. BSM: I'd... rather keep my cloak in one piece... or two pieces, considering a part has already been torn off to cover my broken eye. BSM: Then there's Artificer, or Firemaker, as the scavengers call them. I am... familiar with their story. A toll passing gone wrong, two pups lost, and the toll ultimately deciding to save Artificer's life. Whether it was an act of mercy or a punishment to prevent them from cycling back, I cannot say. The scavengers who made that decision are long dead by their hands. BSM: I cannot condone the acts of violence they enacted on the scavenger population. But I can somewhat relate to the irrationality and confusion that would come with losing someone close to you, even if I never had a relationship as close as that of a mother and their children. BSM: Regardless, they have been helping me greatly with mobility in the outside world. They've been carrying me to the arrays every few cycles so I can communicate with the others, like I am doing here. I think they prefer it to the scavenger den. I can feel the tension in their body when they're there, even as they sleep. Maybe they're concerned about my safety, or about the scavengers turning on them, or them turning on the scavengers... but... BSM: ... BSM: Moon Upon Lone Shore is not my child, but she is probably the closest I can get, given what I am. I'm her... aunt, to put it in their terms. A figure who has a significant involvement in her life. Which... I can't help but be proud of. BSM: It means a lot to me that I can have a positive, tangible impact on their lives, rather than one that is abstracted by Spines. No offense to it, of course, but I have found that I like the direct interactions I've had with... everyone, really. BSM: I especially appreciate how open most of them are. They don't hide their true feelings behind flowery language and pleasantries... not that they aren't kind. They're just more... blunt. Direct. Something which I have grown to appreciate, especially as I don't have as much energy to dedicate to decoding and interpreting their words. BSM: It's... strange, isn't it? How I have grown attached to these creatures that I have known for less than a percent of my lifetime, while... BSM: Never mind that. I shouldn't speak ill of those who have transcended. They were our parents, after all.
BSM: ... BSM: Maybe I should take a cue from the scavengers in this regard.
Author's note: This blog is still alive. I've just been Art Fighting, drawing, writing, etc. This has been a bit lower on my priorities, in the end.
Things will likely remain slow on here, but I do intend to continue maintaining it. I have, what, 15ish questions in my ask box? Probably won't get to everything in the end, but asks are still open.
I hope you enjoy today's answer, I quite like it!
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alovelyburn · 1 year
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So, I did write about this in some depth five thousand years ago in Rambles About the Golden Age Part 11 (I cant even deal). But the long story short is, he’s not pulling the King apart to delight in his pain or destroy him as a person. He’s recognizing parallels between the King’s emotional place and experience of life and his own. 
I mean look, if you think about the King’s character, he’s a genuinely great leader who is emotionally isolated and internally fragile in ways that no one appears to understand or recognize. He feels pressured to preserve the lives of his citizens and is tormented by his inability to do so. He is frustrated by how little lives mean and his powerlessness in the face of war and destruction. He is portrayed, in short, as someone who is trapped by his own position - a position that people are envious of but which he, himself, perceives as a burden. And the thing is until this moment no one realizes that’s how he feels - it’s when he feels that he’s lost Charlotte, who is his sole source of happiness and, as he puts it, warmth, that the cracks are revealed and he falls apart. Ultimately, this loss leads to his physical deterioration (and even the commission of a sexual assault that seems wholly out of character with the person he’s been up to that point).
...sound familiar? 
Many of their lines are direct parallels going all the way back to Griffith’s observation during the BSM flashback that people’s lives are snuffed out as though they’re meaningless, which the King echoes in his rant. And when the King accuses him of having no way to understand the feeling of being responsible for lives, Grififth gives him a withering look that is replicated almost to the line in the Eclipse when he finally caves under the weight of the Godhand reminding him of all the deaths he’s caused and that if he stops he will have wasted those lives. 
Even the smile in the post is not a smile of pleasure, it’s an expression Miura uses when Griffith is smiling through the pain, so to speak, e.g. when Guts blows off his insecurities about being a terrible person (by accident, obviously). 
The parallel is even emphasized through Griffith’s comparison of the throne to a sword.
"You’ve done nothing more than not fail, how worthless.” 
This section interesting because he’s saying that the King is seen as a great man and as having accomplished something great, but in reality all he’s done is keep succeeding - it’s easy to come off as a great man when you never have to deal with a loss, but the first time he takes a real (emotional in this case) hit he breaks like a crystal cup. Again, same thing as Griffith. And it’s really driven home later when he’s alone in the cell and refers to his own situation and self as worthless - the same thing he called the King.
The only difference Griffith appears to see between them IN THIS WAY is that he, Griffith, attempted to harness the beast instead of letting it run him over as the King has done, yet in the end they both ended up in the same place.
This is something that can make people uncomfortable mostly because the King is a horrible person who wants to sleep with his daughter whereas Griffith’s a pretty good guy, he’s just in love with a man. But it does make sense if you think of it from an EMOTIONAL AND PRACTICAL rather than a MORAL standpoint - it is a yearning that controls their respective lives and provides the fuel they need to keep doing what they’re doing, but which cannot be fulfilled due to Factors. 
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Disconnected - Chapter 1: Moondown
Come on, come on…
[[ERROR]] UNABLE TO SEND - Destination Not Found
Looks To The Moon put her hands to her face, crying out in frustration. She had to have been going at this for… actually, how long had it been?
She tried to access her memory conflux, get something, anything out of it… but she couldn't. Her systems seized with the effort, and her puppet fell to the floor of her chamber, helplessly laying on the ground in the near-normal gravity.
She could feel her can shake around her, the full weight of the structure pushing against the struts. It was painful, oh so painful, and she was swiftly losing awareness of her puppet.
Not again, she thought. Please, I need to stay awake…
As if on cue, her puppet responded to her again. The gravity hadn't turned back on yet, but for now she could continue trying to contact-
Warnings flashed around her. The can shook violently, throwing her puppet across the chamber. She tried to get up, but she couldn't. Not in this gravity.
What was going on? She managed to catch one of the many warnings swirling around her chamber, and her heart dropped;
Acute structural failure on Leg H. Collapse likely unpreventable.
"No… no!"
Moon opened up a message box, writing as fast as her failing systems allowed her to. Not that she thought it would be able to go through, but…
More warnings. More shaking. She couldn't write any longer. All she could do was send the message and hope.
She felt the can list to one side. Her puppet dragged across the chamber floor, away from the wall she was attached to. Then… she was airborne. Were her gravity disruptors working again?
No… she was… falli-
Her puppet smashed into the floor. Warnings flashed in her mind. And then… nothing. ---
[DIRECT BROADCAST] - PRIVATE, FORCED Big Sister Moon, Five Pebbles BSM: if if youu hear ... BSM: this is goodb FP: ...
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okay, are you ready? here’s my be mine superstar melt:
1. I am unbearably obsessed with the personality “swop” that happened between these two actors. going from fiat our little sunshine brat in dsn to Ashi our regal serious actor in bms and Leo our serious big boy protector in dsn to actual puppy sunshine baby punn in bsm -> getting a swop like that shows me their range as actors but also just different sides to their acting personalities and how well they know each other which is pure magic in romance
2. I’m OBSESSED with the way they met. like yes punn is madly in love with ashi as a fan boy (the little poster kiss really ruined my life), but to have an accidental bump in meet-cute and then (as far as it looks like the plot is heading) to end up working together is a delightful start to their story (cause it alludes to plot directions like “oh fuck I’m in love with you what am I supposed to do with these feelings??” , and “secret relationship eras (my beloved)” and “how can you date him you’re just a student intern and he’s a superstar” and “but I love him. I love him.”. can you tell I’m ready for this?)
3. the sets for this show seem to be out of this world. not just in relation to the period drama ashi (and co) are acting in but also the cafe where punn met his friends, the bar where doctor and superstar met (HAH!), punn’s mom’s cafe, dad’s art studio. all of it is so good. and from what I can see they really seem to be using the lighting and set structure to show personalities which is incredible in and of itself. (e.g. if you notice the lighting and set is pretty light/airy/flowing when punn is the central focus (that shower scene speaks for itself); but quite dark/wood/sort of solid when ashi is the focus)
4. the costumes, oh good god, the costumes! firstly just how beautiful the period drama stuff is ! ashi’s white cloak? and title’s full princely (guard?) suit? IMMACULATE. but also their casual clothes. ashi being so neat, tidy, and elegant always. versus punn who is soft and comfy (that lil grey cardigan did so much for my heart). as far as I can see (and probably because there’s been so many costume changes as a result of ashi’s job), there hasn’t been any colour coding between him and punn (yet?). so not much to say on the blue boy/red boy (/other colour variations) connotations. they may just play this out in style more than colour which is always less obvious but satisfying all the same, but I guess that’s just a waiting game.
5. so so happy with all the touching we’ve had. and I don’t just mean punn and his delusional body pillow cuddling (although that’s so relatable). but also between doctor and superstar (I really need to get to their names lmao) -> their entire scene was iron melting! the thumb swipe across the bottom lip, the finger brushing against the hand, the dancing (holy fuck), and then naturally the sex. SO GOOD. but also yes punn and his little prayer to his ashi poster, punn and his brother pai fighting (ah sibling love), even the touching between the three superstar friends. I like that the intimacy of touching is already being shown in a full range of ways. parents to children, sibling to sibling, friend to friend, love interests, lust. EATING SO GOOD!
anyway, now that I’ve talked y’all’s ears off, I am so happy to have a Monday night (more like Tuesday morning) watch for the next few weeks and I’m beyond excited for wherever this one will take us !!
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maremote · 2 years
Black Sails Monologuolympics BR2.1: Secondary Characters
14/14: Miranda vs. Gates
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Miranda, to Eleanor, in 203: "Every man has his torments. Demons born of past wrongs that hound and harass him. You perceive the effects of Captain Flint's demons. Echoes of their voices. But I know their names. I was there when they were born. I know the things they whisper to him at night. So you can believe me when I tell you that within his chorus of torments… none of them look or sound like me."
Gates, to Flint, in 108: "Lying sack of shit was Mr. Cregg. So I bought the boys a round with the pesos, traded the pocket watch for a bit of tail, and spent two weeks that winter in New York trying to deliver that fucking letter to his sister. Looked high and low. Never found her. So on the way home, I waited till we were in open water and I could see no land in any direction, and I dropped it over the side. Returned to the sea. There are no legacies in this life, are there? No monuments. No history. Just the water. It pays us and then it claims us. Swallows us whole. As if we'd never been here at all.”
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blubushie · 1 year
Part 3!
Reaching Sky Islands, Spearmaster finds the Communications Array and places the pearl on top, sending out a broadcast. Direct transcript below:
[LIVE BROADCAST] - [ANNOUNCEMENT] Big Sis Moon to Local Group
BSM: This will be my final broadcast to the local group.
BSM: Within several cycles my structure's legs will fail. Even if Five Pebbles were to calm, the damage has already been done.
BSM: I can only hope that someday you will all find the answer to our great question.
BSM: I do not think I will see that day. I want to thank everyone for trying so hard. It means a lot to me that you would all go to such lengths.
BSM: ...
BSM: I can't excuse his actions, but I understand his frustration. We all share that. I only wish we had the chance to speak one last time.
BSM: Thank you, everyone. I am happy to not be alone.
(End transcript.)
With this, Spearmaster's campaign ends and he returns to Seven Red Suns, to live the rest of his little slugcat life!
Spearmaster arc: over! What are your thoughts so far?
You cannot convince me that those are wires and not hair. That's 100% hair. If it's wire it's fibreoptic cables.
Also I feel bad for BSM and Spearmaster. BSM because of no happy ending for her, and Spearmaster because it seems he's failed his quest.
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Do you want to know more about a commercial pressure washing Manassas, VA company? What about the popularity of All Clean Power Wash? Basically, you can research about the company online. After all, they educate their customers about roof cleaning and house washing. All Clean Powerwash is a top choice for homeowners in Northern, VA looking to have their property professionally cleaned. In addition, their team of experienced and trained technicians uses high-quality equipment and eco-friendly cleaning solutions to provide the best possible results. With All Clean Powerwash, their clients can expect their property to be protected and look like new again. Isn’t it amazing?
Manassas, VA
Are you planning for a vacation? If you’re looking for pre-scheduled activities in Manassas, VA, it is essential to check out online posts. Here are some examples. First, there will be a free event named BSM Wingfest this coming Thursday, September 19, 2024, at around 10:30 AM at Building Supply of Manassas. Second, the Beer Mile Run is scheduled on Saturday, September 21, 2024, at around 2:00 PM at Heritage Brewing Co. Lastly, you can also opt to attend the Belt Graduation September 27th & 28th (Manassas) on Friday, September 27, 2024, at around 5:00 PM at 9231 Sudley Road.
Manassas National Battlefield Park in Manassas, VA
For many years, the Manassas National Battlefield Park in Manassas, VA is well-known. If you enjoy exploration, it is also one of the best places you can visit at the present time. Basically, the Manassas National Battlefield Park encompasses nearly 5,100 acres of land and includes more than 40 miles of hiking trails. Apart from that, the park has developed a series of loop trails that traverse key areas of the First and Second Manassas Battlefields. Moreover, many of these recommended routes include trailside interpretive markers describing the battle action that occurred in that area and highlight the experiences of soldiers and civilians alike.
2024 General Election Candidate Profile: Allie Forkell for Manassas School Board
There are many interesting news reports in Manassas, VA area these days. One of the stories has something to do with Allie Forkell. Based on the news, as Manassas residents cast their ballots for president and Congress, the November 5, 2024 general election in the City of Manassas features local races as well. In the Manassas City School Board election, eight candidates are running for four seats, including Allie Forkell. Aside from that, it was mentioned in the news that four at-large Manassas City School Board seats are up for election on November 4, 2024. Lastly, the candidates include Christina Brooks, Diana Brown, Allie Forkell, Javanese Hailey, Zella Jones, Dayna-Marie Miles, Suzanne Seaberg and Maidy Whitesell.
Link to Map Driving Direction
Manassas National Battlefield Park 6511 Sudley Rd, Manassas, VA 20109, United States
Get on VA-234 S/Prince William Pkwy from Groveton Rd and Balls Ford Rd 5 min (2.4 mi)
Continue on Prince William Pkwy to Purcell Rd 12 min (9.6 mi)
Continue on Purcell Rd. Take Kahns Rd to Forest Oak Ct 6 min (2.7 mi)
All Clean Power Wash 12794 Forest Oak Ct, Manassas, VA 20112, United States
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starsails-and-slugcats · 10 months
Hello hi Im so happy to finally meet you!!
LttM: Hello! It is nice to meet you as well! LttM: This is your first time using a citizen ID drone’s direct line, I take it? Allow me to give you an introduction, if you haven’t seen one already. LttM: If you ever have any questions for your iterator— that is, for myself, Looks to the Moon— you can use the direct line to ask me, well, directly! Some common subjects I receive questions about include internal weather forecasts, status updates on certain sectors and procedures, or directories for historical data. Of course, you can also get much of this information from the public network. LttM: Others send me prayers or offerings, ask for my opinion on city matters or those of other iterators, or just tell me about their day. There are few restrictions, and those messages that violate them get filtered out. LttM: I hope that was helpful. Thank you for using the direct line!
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE  Seven Red Suns, Big Sis Moon
BSM: I see... well, it’s not the first time Sig’s gotten bored and wanted to push his systems a bit! It’s a good thing his acceleration dampeners are some of the best. BSM: I’ll just need to make sure he’s not getting ahead of himself. The last thing we need is a repeat of last time... SRS: Hah, really, Sig is very lucky that Chasing Wind’s startle response didn’t pierce a hole through his superstructure! I would hate to be on the receiving end of one of their harpoons... BSM: Same here, I would be nowhere near nimble enough to dodge as well as Sig did. BSM: But! BSM: Now that I have some warning, let’s see if I can’t put a little more caution into our friend~ SRS: Oh? That sounds ominous. BSM: Nothing for you to worry about~ BSM: Many thanks again for keeping an eye on things for me, Suns.  SRS: Of course, Moon. Good luck!
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boundlss · 1 year
8, 37, 81 for Rui, Cahir, and Looks to the Moon !
What is the one thing people assume about you that you wish wasn’t true? [ANSWERED BY: Kamishiro Rui]
"Fufufu... What an interesting question! Unfortunately, I have a very plain answer. I like myself, so there's no assumptions about me that are correct that I wish weren't." Even despite having said that, it feels like a little bit of a copout, so rui places a hand on his chin, deep in thought. "Well, if it has to be something... It stings the most when I hear things like 'that guy must have a hard time making friends' because there's truth in it. Of course, it's everyone else's fault if they're not up to the task of being my friend...!"
What does someone say is your biggest problem when communicating? [ANSWERED BY: Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach]
"Avoidance." It's a blunt and to the point answer, but that's not out of the ordinary for someone like Cahir. If he's not dodging a question, he's generally incredibly straightforward in his responses. "If I fear someone's reaction to something I need to tell them, I... Er, it's not easy to approach someone in that situation."
What is the weirdest thing that gets you angry? [ANSWERED BY: Looks to the Moon]
BSM: I would generally like to consider myself slow to anger, so I am not sure exactly what you would consider angry.
The iterator pauses in her responses as though she's searching for the correct thing to say.
BSM: For example, I am sometimes mildly annoyed with the creatures that seek refuge in my structure. BSM: While most of them are harmless, some of them cause more trouble than they are worth! BSM: I do not think I would call that angry though. BSM: I suppose if there is anything that makes me angry as I am now it would be the mention of Sliver of Straw. BSM: She is a controversial figure as it is, but I have some unfortunate history that is a direct result of her triple affirmative. BSM: As such, I feel a lot of complicated emotions when I think about that triple affirmative. Anger is sometimes among them, though not directed towards the person you might think.
interview the muse(s)! / accepting.
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gazetteweekly · 2 years
Telangana: Asifabad, Medak, Vikarabad dropped out of NEET-UG exam centre list
A notification from the National Testing Agency (NTA) with reference to the conductance of NEET 2023 dropped Asifabad, Medak and Vikarabad, from holding the entrance exam this year.
The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) UG 2023 is scheduled for May 7 for admissions into MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BSMS, BUMS, and BHMS courses in all medical institutions.
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The test will be held in 21 cities across Telangana as against 24 last year.
This year, the NTA has reduced test cities from 543 last year to 485 now across the country. However, 14 cities outside India remained the same.
Candidates have been directed to select two convenient cities from the list in order of their priority for the exam centre while filling out their application form online.
The exam centers would be allotted as per the choice of cities of the candidates made in their online application form, the NTA said.
Though every effort would be made to allot a centre in one of the cities selected by the candidate, the NTA reserves the right to allot a centre in a city other than the candidate’s choice, the notification said.
Unlike previous tests where the age and application number in ascending order were among the criteria to decide the rank in case two candidates score the same mark.
However, the other criteria for tie-breaking remain the same.
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Understanding The Stock Market Basics
Stock market trading is the process by which individual investors buy and sell stocks. It's a complex and risky business, but with the help of proper training from any of the no 1 stock market training institutes in Maharashtra or elsewhere, anybody can learn some of the most popular stock market trading techniques and see how they can help you make money in the stock market.
In order to trade stocks, you will need to understand the basics of the stock market. The stock market is a collection of stocks, bonds, and other securities bought and sold between investors. The stock market is a global system where millions of people from all over the world trade securities.
When you buy a security on the stock market, you are buying a piece of ownership in that company. This ownership gives you the right to receive dividends (money paid out by the company to its shareholders) and voting rights. When you sell a security on the stock market, you are selling your ownership in that company to someone else.
Several high-income people are making huge profits out of the stock market with the help of wealth management services in India. 
What are the different types of stocks?
The stock market is a decentralized network of exchanges where investors can buy and sell stocks. There are three main categories of stocks: common, preferred, and hybrid.
Common stocks are the most common type of stock and comprise many individual shares. 
When a company sells a common stock, it usually means that the share is available to the 
Preferred stocks are also made up of many shares but have special privileges, such as preference in receiving dividends and voting rights. Hybrid stocks combine features of both common and preferred stocks. For example, a company might issue 10 million shares of a hybrid stock with both preference in dividend payments and voting rights.
There are also two other types of stocks: convertible and debenture. Convertible stocks allow shareholders to convert their stock into cash or another type of security at any time. Debenture stocks are like bonds: they offer investors a return on investment, but the investor cannot sell or trade the stock until the debt is repaid.
Tips for trading stocks-
Beginners often tend to make huge blunders as they start trading. Therefore, certain courses like train the trainer in stock market can help you grasp the concepts easily. However, it is important to keep some important information in mind like-
Don't over-trade – If you trade more than three times per week, your chances of success are significantly reduced. Instead, hold on to your stocks for at least six months or one year. 
Do your research – Before you buy or sell a stock, do your research and understand the company's financial situation and forecasted future performance. 
Be patient – It may take some time to find good investments, so be patient and stay focused on your goal. 
Use indicators – Indicators help you identify price patterns that may signal an upcoming trend or change in direction for trading.
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bleghs-blog · 6 years
Being his sister
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And dating him
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alovelyburn · 2 years
Rambles about the Conviction Arc Part 3
Well, I wasn’t going to get back to this until next week but its probably my favorite thing to do right now, so nevermind that.
Rambles about the Conviction Arc Part 3
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The Lost Children Arc is interesting becase it revisits and reiterates so many of the ideas from the Black Swordsman and Golden Age arc - in that sense its very much a continuation of those arcs. And I know that sounds obvious but what I mean is that this arc was kind of written to be Of A Vibe with the previous two whereas from this point forward you start seeing Miura branch into different directions and incorporate more high fantasy elements, etc. Its a slow roll and doesn’t really fully get going for a while, but I do feel like there’s a noticeable switch, and in fairness Miura did say he specifically wrote Lost Children to be similar to the BSM arc in order to reorient readers with the “present” day.
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Anyway, he also liked to make people question things, right? Like the idea that the elves kill and eat humans and maybe that’s fine since they aren’t human anymore kind of echoes back to the Eclipse, and Jill’s reaction - how easily she accepts that maybe she should just become a cannibal elf too because it’ll keep her away from the things that hurt her - is an immediate insight into what creates Apostles and Godhand in the end, really.
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Even moreso because the playfulness of the pseudo-apostle “elves” is juxtaposed with images of Jill’s sexual abuse and her fear of becoming a monster, herself. In comparison to the cruelty of her home life, the playfulness of the elves seems idyllic, but of course....
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Miura undercuts the suggestion that the pseudo-elves are any better than humans by revealing their destructiveness and cruelty... but then...
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Immediately undercuts that by noting that only humans are that cruel. Humans and monsters, even adding a sequence of a pseudo-elf raping another one - a parallel with both Jill’s experience and the events of the Eclipse. It just reminds the reader, or at least me, that the cruelty that manifests in Apostles and Pseudo-Apostles is really a manifestation of their humanity as well - the darkness that flows through humanity that gave rise to the Idea of Evil, and that surges through a person post-Sacrifice. Is it exaggerated? ...maybe? Or maybe it’s just unleashed, because some of the worst things done in Berserk are done by humans.
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This also applies to Guts, whose darkest moments make him more of a monster than the monsters he kills.
All this is putting aside that Apostles are human, too.
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It’s been a while but I seem to remember last time around I was scratching my head about whether or not all Apostles can create pseudo apostles and, for those who can, whether the forms they create are chosen by them. It does seem they are to some degree since Rosine suggests that she’ll make Jill especially beautiful and strong. But at the same time, all oif her transformations are insectoid in some way so I assume the transformation has to reflect the creator in some way.
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I wish we knew a bit more about the specifics of the Hawk of Light/Hawk of Darkness prophecy. I think the general assumption is that it’s not dissimilar to the Christ/Antichrist concept within the text of the Holy See, but of course in realty they’re both the same person.
Anyway, the way the Rosine and Guts fight plays out reminds me a great deal of Akira and Sirene’s fight - not just because they both have headwings, either. The way she commands the space at first, the conflict between humans and demons and then of course...
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Ultimately the way she takes on a larger and more formidable form - albeit in her case sans the merging with another demon.
I guess there was a discussion some time ago on Reddit (I just heard about it, I don’t read the Berserk Reddit lmao) where people were insisting that Berserk is “based on” Susano Oh rather than Devilman -- which as far as far as I can tell is because they prefer the idea that it was inspired by a story where the main character is driven to violence because of an assault committed on his love interest and where the villains are a shadowy cabal seeking to rule the world. If it were “based on” Devilman then it would imply that Apostles are more complicated than being pure evil and that Griffith is more complicated than being a sociopath trying to take over the world.
 ...uh anyway that was a sidenote but Miura did specifically name Devilman as the Go Nagai work that influenced him.
I bring this up just because rereading after a while - and just after rereading Devilman itself - just makes the influences pop out even more than they already did. the beats behind Sirene and Rosine’s battles are quite similar, right down to her having lesser demon flunkies. Even the names use the same sounds for the most part.
Anyway it’s interesting watching Guts’ strength develop over time, too, as he turns from the guy who couldnt defeat Zodd even with Griffith’s help, to the guy who takes down Wyald but almost dies in the process, allt hew ay to the guy who could match swords with Zodd without taking any blows on the Hill of Swords and beyond. there’s a certain human fragility to him in these early days because he keeps walking right up to the edge of being violently killed, whereas nowadays the biggest issue he has is the armor not eating him alive.
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It’s also interesting to see his personality develop. I mean, even in the Black Swordsman arc there were hints that he wasn’t nearly as edgy as he liked to pretend but after the Golden Age it’s impossible to deny... and having him sort of subconsciously hold back even if it’s just for Jill’s sake makes sense.
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Miura once said that he liked the idea that monsters are monsters because they’re sad. It’s relevant because that’s just built right into the worldbuilding. It’s hard to hate Rosine, really - she did a lot of awful stuff, no lie, but this desire to create a community around herself, the obsessive want to bring her only friend into that community, really just speaks to her bone-deep loneliness and despair. The loss of her humanity affects its expression, but honestly its more of an exaggeration of human tendencies than something wholly divorced from humanity’ nature.
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I wish every apostle and every godhand had an origin sequence like this. Just all of them. I know that aside from Rosine, Ganishka and the Slug Count have them, but man. There’s nothing that drives that ‘it could have been anyone’ feeling like an Apostle origin story.
Still, in the end, they’re all the same story in a way. Even the Godhand, ultimately, made the choice because they wanted everything to go away. I have seen some people say that Apostles are inherently evil because of their demon-esque status and because of the Sacrifice but I think that really misses the point. Apostles are as human as humans are - and their destructive actions are routinely paralleled with human acts. “Only humans can enjoy killing this much. humans or monsters,” right?
I think Apostles are kind of unbound - a lot of their “id” comes out, and I imagine some of them fall farther than others away from their original personality and goals, but their basic nature remains intact. The Slug Count became more extreme, but he was ALREADY an extremist prone to hunting people for having differently beliefs than he did. Rosine is still searching for someplace to belong. Locus is still a knight. So it’s more like tweaks than complete changes.
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There’s another similarity with Sirene, in fact - they both die from violence but in a state of peace, believing that they’re okay.
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And there’s the Casca moment.
Miura really went out of his way to draw a lot of parallels between Guts and Griffith - their personalities, their priorities, their charisma. The point of what people call the RPG party, for example, is to showcase the parts of him that are like Griffith - kind of drawing people into his footsteps effortlessly. It’s something that’s been hinted about since the Golden Age.
That being the case, even though there are similarities to the Griffith and Casca situation here, and honestly Griffith would probably have just told her to come if she wants and stay if she wants, I think its not wholly accurate to say they’re in the same situation. Griffith didn’t have demons and spirits stalking him all night after all.
That’s not to say that I think Guts would have wanted to carry her around, because I don’t. At this point in his life, he hasn’t come to a place where he’s willing to carry kids around with him. But I do think he’s also aware that someone like Jill can’t survive following him around.
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But, you know, he also recognizes the difficult situation she’s in. As he would. After all, he had an abusive father who took his bitterness over a battle wound out on him, too.
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It’s not really an ideal ending for her, is it? It’s more bittersweet. Her problems werent solved, and she wasn’t able to leave them behind, though she did gain some tools that she may need to endure them, or even improve them to some degree. The way the panels on the latter image merge the sun into her head, and her hair into the clouds is really interesting, especially in the context of what she’s saying - the acknowledgment of the world’s cruelty and the trauma she’s endured mixed with the ability to see things more clearly now that she’s been tempered by the fire.
Even though she can’t go with Guts, which was probably the better decision for her will-being, I like that he acknowledges her difficulties, her shitty homelife, as a form of battle too and, despite the fact that he didn’t take her on as a follower the way Griffith did with Casca...
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...he is ultimately able to give her the strength to fight her own battles, too.
It’s one of the things I really love about Berserk. You don’t always get happy endings... but that doesn’t mean that you have to curl up and die. Life, like people and apostles and everything really is a mixture of things, and all you can really do is navigate it as best you can, even when it’s a struggle, and try to claw your way to a better place than you were in the day before.
I feel like I’m less interesting than usual here, but in fairness to me I don’t feel very well. In closing, though, adapt Lost Children Anime Industry you cowards! Put shorts on the elves it’ll be fine.
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bugsy-maria · 3 years
Shoto x SISTER! Reader
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Warnings: mention of an abusive father, Injury to the reader, fighting, BSM
Quirk: Icy fire
Description: Fire as cold as ice can cause massive burns, Ice as hot as blue fire.
"May the best hero win!" I cheerfully said, sticking my hand out for Sho to shake. instead of the friendly competitive shake, I was hoping for from my dear old brother, I got a cold stare.
"We aren't siblings in this match, so don't you go easy on me." And with that being said in a voice just as cold and his stare he walks out of the waiting room. the door slamming shut behind him. even though what he said wasn't as nice as I was hoping, I still wore a smile on my face.
"that was a little rude, don't you think?" I looked over at Momo who was sitting on one of the chairs, phone in hand.
"He's just in a competitive mood right now is all," I said brightly. out of all of the Todorokis, I was by far the happiest. I walked out, making my way to the entrance of the arena. once I heard the two of us get announced, I walked up to the battleground.
"Todoroki VS. Todoroki! Who will win!?" Present Mic practically screamed. I saw Sho ahead of me, a flat unemotional look on his face. A look I only now saw during hero training.
"Good luck Sho!" I shouted across the dirt field. and with that, the battle begins.
ten minutes pass and not a single one of us has a scratch on ourselves. I didn't want to burn him or hurt him in any way so I planned to get him out of the white lines. his plan wasn't really defined to me though. he tried to immobilize me but I would just use my ice to create a shield around me. he's also tried to push me out of bounds but that never seemed to work either.
I created a bubble-like shield around me as Sho once again tried to immobilize me. I shot my shield apart into ice darts, shooting out in every direction. like a scene in a movie, everything was going in slow motion when I saw Endeavor standing, arms crossed, with a look of almost disappointment. why did it never occur to me that our dad would watch our fight in person? I knew I was going to beat Sho, I may be the younger twin but I had to train for a full year more than Sho with our dad. I knew that if I won then Sho would get the bad end of the stick, Sho could get hurt. he'd get into an argument and take his pissy mood out on everyone for a week at least. I had to lose this fight.
"We aren't siblings in this match, so don't you go easy on me."
so when he had tried to immobilize me, I let him. I didn't fight back, and the fight was declared Shoto's.
"You did amazing!" I beamed as he melted the ice that trapped my legs.
"You were terrible," he said, and once he melted every last bit of ice he walked away. I walked to the entrance of the stadium where I was met with Deku.
"Hi, Izuku!" I shouted at him, a smile still plastered on my face and my arm waving at home.
"(Y/N)! How did you do that ice dart-like move? it was so cool!" Deku held his notebook and a pencil, just waiting for me to answer. I open my mouth ready to answer but see Endeavor at the end of the hall waiting for me.
"Sorry Deku, maybe later." I smile at him and continue walking to the man I'm ashamed to call dad. Izuku saw him and gave a slight nod of understanding before I turned back in front.
"You lost."
"Really? I didn't know that" I say looking him in the eyes, something I rarely did.
"What did you say?" he sounded angry, maybe that was a bad idea.
"Nothing." I looked down at my fingers, fiddling them.
"You had him where you wanted him yet you still lost. you're weak, you can't even fight for 30 minutes."
"and you can't even be a good father for 15 years."
Shoto's POV
I knew that fight was too easy, suspicion grew in me as I make my way to the waiting room once more. As I walk farther into the halls I pass the argument that (Y/N) and our dad were having. I don't bother listening because I already know what they are talking about. I knew that she lost on purpose, she was going easy on me.
she doesn't think I'm worth all of her effort so she just halfassed the fight.
(Y/N)'s POV
After an argument with Endeavor, I started to make my way to the waiting room. a smile still spread across my face. I opened it to see Sho on a chair, staring at his hands. I walked behind him, sending a small hello to which he didn't respond. I grabbed a water bottle, unscrewed the top, and took a drink.
"Why did you go easy on me?" he stood up, I gulped my water before responding.
"It didn't take you too long to figure it out huh?" I laughed.
"You didn't think I was good enough did you?" he looked at me, walking toward where I stood.
"I never said that."
"You didn't have to." he was now in front of me.
"I didn't even give you my reasoning and you are already blaming me for your assumptions?"
"If that's not the reason then what is?"
"I didn't want you to get in a fight with dad, you would have gotten hurt."
"That's my choice, I was tortured by him for 14 years! I'm sure I could have handled one fight." he toned his voice down toward the end.
"I'm not going to argue with you," I tried to walk around him, but his hand latched onto my arm. the arm I got a burn on from Endeavor. it was a new burn on my body so I would normally not notice it, but the combination of Sho's death grip on my arm makes it hard not to wince.
"What did he do to you?" he quickly let go of my arm.
"What he normally does," I spoke to the ground, trying my best to hide the tears that threatened to escape my eyes. I felt him grab the top of the UA jacket I wore and gently peeled it off.
"You can't be this reckless for other people you know." he leads me to a chair where he iced the burn that took up a good portion of my left arm. "I can't stand to see you hurt."
"Likewise." my voice shook, the tears getting a little bit harder to hold in.
"I love you too much to see you hurt." I felt him hug me, he didn't comment on how weak I was at this moment. he didn't mention the tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
"I love you too." I choked out. tears of joy and pain falling from my eyes as I hid my face in the crook of his neck.
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Do you know of any other blogs that write sickfics like you do? I love yours!!
FYI to the people who ask why i like sicfics, its because i love comfort when i'm sick but never get that in real life so i read about it in fanfiction.
I don't know writers specifically who have written exactly like i write mine (mainly because i try and write sicfics that i haven't came across before and wanted to read myself) but here are a few of my favorite sicfics:
How Long Will I Love You: Pregnancy Poorly -One Shot #321
(great dad!harry morning sickness one shot)
in which Harry’s feeling sick and Y/N can’t help but take care of him
(its angsty with a sick scene that contains fluff)
you have morning sickness
(its a one direction image that has all the boys & their girlfriends but Harry's segment is great)
Harry (both sick) {on wattpad}
(Harry gets sick and acts very needy but a sweet type of needy. then you end up catching what he had and Harry takes care of you like you did for him. very fluffy)
unwell (f/a) {on wattpad}
(y/n gets drunk and Harry is really sweet to her and takes care of her. bunch of fluff)
"you're shaking" (a/f) {on wattpad}
(its where Harry has a panic attack and its y/n first time witnessing him having one because he's never told her about him getting them. y/n is so soft with him and helps him through it.)
Cuddles and Sneezes
(a little angsty with a stubborn Harry that won't admit he's sick)
You Get Sick In Harry's Car
(very short but very sweet blurb of you getting car sick from bad restaurant food and Harry tells you it's alright.)
Dad to the rescue {on wattpad}
(dad!harry wakes to find his teenage daughter sick in the night and comforts her)
X-Factor Days (Harry) {on wattpad}
(it's a 1D sicfic. okay so the people who wrote this may have meant it as a larry fic but i'm NOT a larry/larrie and still found this really cute.)
~Your Daughter's Sick In Rehearsal~ {on wattpad}
(HSH1 Harry era with dad!harry)
~Your Daughter's Sick In Rehearsal 2~ {on wattpad}
(continues the one above)
02 ~ You Are Sick {on wattpad}
(Harry is really sweet to you when you're sick)
morning sickness
(just a really fluffy fic about you waking up with morning sickness)
Let Me Take Care of You
(no vomit, just a cold and a really caring Harry)
#2 You're Sick
(all 1D boys but in Harry's segment, you pass out at a friends gathering.)
BSM #68: You're Sick and Another Boy Comforts/Babysits You (Age 5-10)
(its a 1D fic and a bsm but i still enjoyed it)
Preference {27} Next-Day Hangovers
(its once again 1D but Harry's part is you being sick in his room but not knowing how you ended up in his hotel because you're just a fan)
(fluffy dad!harry with sick daughter)
Under The Weather
(your flat mate takes care of you. its part of the Flatemate series)
Sick and Self
(you take care of a sick Harry. fluffy.)
The doubtful truth ~ Chapter 59
(you and Harry are sick but have a daughter to take care of but she ends up locking herself by accident in her room, and gets hurt)
There is a few more but I can't find them right now!
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marisa-writes · 7 years
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Niall is not the first boy she's had in this bed—that was Tony Morelli when she was seventeen, and if her Papi found out even now that she was sneaking boys into her bed back then, she can imagine with perfect clarity what his reaction would be. She’s grown now, though, so there’s no need for sneaking and Niall is a welcomed guest in her bed in her childhood home when he comes with her to visit, but he is certainly not the first. 
Niall is, however, the one who's meant the most to her. Tony Morelli was a sloppy, sad, teenage mistake, the kind you make when you're seventeen and think it's what you want because in your naïve mind, you've got the world all figured out, only to realize not even a year later that you were wrong. But Niall Horan? Niall is the one with whom you figure out the world together. Niall is the chance you take at nineteen that works out with such surprising certainty by twenty that you never question the choice at twenty-one, or twenty-two, and by twenty-three, you just know. 
Niall is worth unpacking boxes for. He’s warm hands and soft glances and sweet kisses and kind gestures. He makes her heart race. He challenges her, rattles her past skin deep; she can feel him in her bones. He pulls laughter from the deepest parts of her soul. She is invested.
He is a permanent fixture.
brooklyn saw me // a companion to sangria on your lips // in the works
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