#one for bakugou
justatalkingface · 2 years
You seem to have a really good grasp of Bakugo's character, and his character flaws in the story. Although it's more of a theory than a criticism, I was wondering if I could run something by you, a thought I had that would make Bakugo's character make a little more sense.
What if all of the inconsistency in bakugo is intentional? Like what if the truth of Bakugo's goals and arc, and his decisions was all to get one thing? One For All
Because Bakugo knows OFA can be given, he partially knew because izuku told him, then (for some reason!) All might told him everything else confirming that. Though the second bnha movie is only kind of canonical, I always found it weird how bakugo didn't remember anything about getting OFA, and judging by the dialogue had no intention of even attempting to give it back to izuku.
Bakugo seems to learn these valuable lessons and then goes back to doing the exact same thing, like you said in your post, which makes it not feel genuine. So like, what if it isn't genuine? And he was only acting like he needed to so he could get things the way he wanted them to be?
Bakugo isn't stupid, he's actually very perspective, not overly intelligent but it seems like he's always been pretty good at strategy. So at least to me it doesn't seem like it'd be that big of a stretch to think that bakugo would be smart enough to tell people what they want to hear when it matters, with the kid at the gang orca test, then to all might and midoriya.
And while it might seem his 'sacrifice' for izuku might debunk this theory, it's also true that bakugo has always been willing to sacrifice his body to win, like he himself said in the fight with izuku against all might. What if that sacrifice wasn't for izuku in the first place, but One For All?
I can't account for how all the other characters constantly cover for/praise him but the hero's side has never been good at not doing that, when it's someone that the heroes need, endeavor is proof of that. Maybe that's intentional too?
I'd really like to know what you think about this theory, if you think it's just too crazy or if it might have some merit. Thanks!
...You know, I kind of hate that I can't dismiss this instantly. Like, part of me started nodding before I even finished reading.
Let's separate 'What Hori Is Showing Us' Bakugou from 'what the hell a realistic person could be like' Bakugou for the purposes of this, because barring some truly unexpected, mind screwing levels of a turns table move, I honestly doubt that Hori is going to make the fan favorite, *gasp*, look bad, but that actually... makes a lot of sense?
...If we ignore how literally everyone else falls over themselves to praise him, like you said.
So, on the face of it, the obvious problem is that Bakugou's sin is Pride as much as Wraith, and he's canonly so damn stubborn he's willing to accept an obvious loss just so he doesn't look bad... ignoring that losing because you're too proud makes you look bad, but whatever, Bakugou logic. So not only would he be too proud to 'demean' himself to even get the Quirk, he's also too proud to even want that outside assistance of someone else's Quirk, because, Ra Ra, Bakugou is the best, he'll do everything himself, what the fuck ever.
The thing is, with that very incident, and with others, Bakugou did learn things, he did get it forced through his thick skull that he's not the top dog (granted, he now thinks he's second, and deep down part of him might even admit he's third or fourth, depending on the status of AFO and/or Shigaraki, but, again, Bakugou Logic(TM)). Moreover, it's been pounded into his head that Deku, the helpless, worthless nerd who could never be his equal, never even hope to reach the bottom of his shoes, has gone zero to hero just with the power of this Quirk, and through that alone he's close to equalling him, if not surpassing him, something he'd only admit in the darkest corner of his heart (again, we're ignoring: all the work Izuku has done on and off screen to improve himself, his actual fucking name, and that later on Izuku's power levels just... go fucking nuts, because this is from Bakugou's limited, prejudiced perspective, and this would have to happened before the power ups started, back when Izuku with a Quirk for less than a year was just rivaling Bakugou, who had his most his life).
Beyond that, there's also the fact that he's been an enormous All Might fanboy right until he started talking to him about OFA (and presumably learning he's a Mere Mortal, not worth Bakugou's precious time/respect, and also I'm still convinced Hori hates All Might's guts and so loves to make him seem pathetic at every possible opportunity), and as one fic put it, getting All Might's Quirk, even more than its absurd raw power, is in fact the ultimate piece of All Might merch. Even if it wasn't something he could tell the public (and we all know he'd tell the public at some point), the sheer status of having One For All, All Might's Quirk, has to be heady for someone in MHA's society, where All Might is the closest thing to a living god.
So, even in the face of his overwhelming pride, this, for the power and/or the prestige of it, is something I could see him lower himself to act humbled for, for a time. And that's the only major objection, from a character perspective, I could see to this kind of theory.
In the actual execution of it there are, of course, problems, as you've pointed out, but let's put that aside for the moment to think about how it'd go:
Bakugou, at this point in time, would have been getting more and more uneasy that a stupid 'Deku' is actually being real competition, and fast growing one at that. He also probably noticed that All Might was spending extra time with Izuku, which would piss him off... and then Kamino happened.
In the midst of all that emotional turmoil he realizes that Izuku was chosen over him, and, through that, the implication that that Quirk can be given. And it bugs him, that someone this unworthy can have something so great, so beyond him, when there are others more deserving.
And maybe that's not the exact time he comes up with this plan, but the seed of it is born from his discontent and that knowledge, and at some point between then and the exam, the first major time since then he has a big heroic moment, or even as he takes the make up, he comes up with an idea, as audacious as it is 'brilliant': what if he makes Izuku give him the Quirk?
Because Bakugou is smart (high Int, anyways, even if Wis is clearly his dump stat), and he's got to be aware that Izuku is only a few steps above suicidal, between his non-existent self worth and how he treats his body. As is, one day he'll get himself killed, or crippled to a point where heroic work is no longer feasible. And if that happens?
One For All would have to go to someone else, or else it would die with him, and Izuku would never let that happen, never let that heroic legacy die with him, let down his beloved mentor, as long as there was another option. And who better than his childhood friend?
Of course, even if he's truly refusing to admit fault, he's aware that All Might chose Izuku over him (indirectly, since All Might barely knew he existed before UA, and there's no reason for him to be considered as a candidate, but Bakugou Logic(TM)), for some reason. He also knows that driving Izuku away means he's less likely to be there when Izuku inevitably falls in battle, and that probably he's going to have be around Izuku more, and that he'll probably be a better candidate, when that time comes, if he behaves like Izuku, the kid who got All Might's Quirk.... for some reason.
Because, yeah, even if, intellectually, he gets that Izuku has traits All Might sees as desirable, as heroic, if he actually got it, understood it on a deeper, more emotional level that this is what it means to be a hero, he'd change his behavior in real ways, not performative ones. This theory revolves around, among other things, Bakugou understanding heroism at a similar level to AFO, who can predict it, generally, understands that 'this is what a hero would do in that situation', but doesn't understand why they would do that, and instead thinks they're all morons who refuse to work for their own best interests.
It says a lot that I don't think it's a big reach that Bakugou's moral understanding of heroism isn't that far from AFO's.
And so he starts to act.... and that's the point where the plan falls apart.
Because Bakugou maybe be smart (or 'smart'), but for all his many, many flaws, he's generally brutally honest about what he's feeling, and so I don't think he'd be good at deception. Sure, he gets the dramatic moments where he's like, 'Yeah, I'm being so heroic saving Deku!' or something, but he can't contain his constant, festering disdain for everyone around him, Izuku especially.
And that leads to the flaws of this theory: first, like you're aware of, that people should notice this, how he's acting, his utterly transparent contempt, even though they never, ever do, and thus ruin everything for him. The second is I honestly don't think he's patient enough to not blow it, to not just angrily shout, 'Damn it, Deku, give me All Might's Quirk already!' at some point when he inevitably loses his shit over someone breathing in his general vicinity or something.
So, do I think this is going to be canon? Never. Like I said, this would make Bakugou look absolutely awful, and we all know Hori will never allow that.
At the same time, though, I think this theory (which I'm calling 'One For Bakugou' in my mind, because it sounds entirely selfish and thus fits this perfectly) is the best, and only, explanation I've ever heard (beyond being tsundere), to explain how he acts in the later half of the story.
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piedpip3rrr · 2 months
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Hot ticket items (1/4)
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000bun · 1 month
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 5 months
ring pop proposal ♡
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fem reader, pure fluff, childhood friends to lovers lemme alone do not perceive me yk the drill by now, lil self indulgent fic cus i love childhood friends to lovers and puppy crushes, polar opposite’s trope, this reeks of my oc x canon katsu ship sooooo shh shh do not perceive.
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the first person who realizes katsuki has a crush on you is his mom because when she comes to pick him up one day from kindergarten he suddenly mentions you. it’s an innocent little interaction he had with you that mitsuki doesn’t think much about at first, simply surprised her son managed to befriend someone outside of his little group of friends until he starts mentioning you more and more.
soon you’re the only thing he talks about and katsuki even starts begging her to have you come over to play. mitsuki is extremely curious to know what kind of person you are to have been able to enchant her son the way you have, she says it’s fine as long as your parents agree.
you’re a sweet little thing, almost the complete opposite of her little devil’s spawn. you’re polite and a little shy when you ask “ is it okay if i come to play at katsu’s house, please miss katsuki’s mom ?” and how could she say no to you ? she pulls at your cheek lovingly and her son almost snarls at her.
“no touchin’ !” he snarks, pulling you against him like you were his teddy bear.
mitsuki was the first to realize her son had a crush on you when you were always around. when he found something cool during a class trip you were there and whenever he was upset it was always because you had argued about something irrelevant that seemed so much bigger in the eyes of a child.
she realized because katsuki had, and in some ways, will always be rowdy. he’s rough and temperamental and moody—basically, he can be quite the brat. (she wonders where he gets that from a lot) but he’s different with you.
he’ll always be a little rough around the edges but it’s the thought that counts. he drags you around a little too hard but it's to show you something he knows you'd like and you repay him by being patient with him and letting him drag you around to his hearts content. he let’s you use the crayons he’d just denied another classmate seconds ago and when it’s really early in the morning and you’re still sleepy unlike your more energetic friend, he waits for you. sitting with you in the reading corner quietly commenting on a little bit of everything in the book you’re sharing until you’re awake enough to start the day because katsuki wanted you to be together through anything no matter what, starting the day without you was simply unimaginable.
you offer him your kindness and he repays you with his loyalty. acting like your guard dog, protecting you from everything and everyone he considers a threat to you. he goes a bit overboard but it’s the thought that counts and he’s definitely got the right intentions.
“ i’m g’nna marry yn when i grow up !” katsuki proclaims from the backseat of the car after mitsuki had come to pick him up. she looks at him through the rear view mirror only to see he’s not even looking at her, looking out the window somewhat longingly, watching as his school fades away from his sight, further and further and further away from you. she smiles to herself.
“yeah ?” she asks “yeah !” he responds proudly, crossing his arms “ i asked yn if she wanted to be my wife an’ she said yeah, so we’re gettin’ married !”
“huh. how’d you propose ? you don’t have a ring.” she jests.
katsuki responds immediately and exclaims he does have one, shuffling around to reach for something in his pocket. he pulls out a plastic ring pop holder, the candy on top is missing and mitsuki can imagine what happened to it.
“gave her one of these !”
“so that’s why you had me buy those from the store last time,” she hums. “ you ate it, though.”
katsuki tries to roll his eyes but just ends up looking up and to the side, mitsuki recognizes it as him trying to mimic what she does a lot and she snorts.
“well duh, we both did ! ‘f i kept it in my pocket it woulda gotten gross !” he defends. mitsuki simply responds with a hum, smile on her face growing larger as she hears her son happily chatting about the rest of his day with you.
she knows her katsuki is hard to handle. extremely so. but when she sees the way you both interact she can tell something is there. you don’t ‘handle’ him. you like being around him. you like playing and talking with him, she sees how happy you make him whenever you come over for playdates. he holds your hand when you get scared and you hug him tight and beam when you see him again after he’s gotten over a nasty cold.
she can tell you make her son happy and he does the same for you in the way children do with pinky promises and shy cheek kisses, kisses over tiny wounds and refusing to be separated whenever the rowdier one of you both gets his recess time taken away for being naughty.
mitsuki hopes this crush, this love you have for her son can grow along with you. she hopes you’ll stick around as katsuki grows up more and potentially more rowdy and rougher around the edges but even more enamored with you. and with the way her son is squirming around in his seat and tugging at his seatbelt, giddy about you accepting his ring pop proposal, she has a funny feeling you’ll be sticking around for a long time.
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collisiondiscourse · 3 months
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reincarnation au
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deathc-re · 6 months
your older!bf who has really opened your eyes to the world of mature men. who truly listens when have a complaint and works to fix it. who shows you that he adores you, even in his own strange way. who goes out of his way to spoil you and pamper you; who always makes sure you have the best of the best.
older!bf who literally is the best sexual experience you've had in your whole life. who does things you didn't even think were possible. who makes you feel levels of pleasure you'd only read about until this point. who pays such close attention to ever twitch and flinch and gasp and abuses ever spot that brings you pleasure. who reaches places so deep inside that you're surprised feels good instead of painful. who goes above and beyond with aftercare, making you feel so safe and secure. who makes sure you're well feed and clean, your favorite show or song playing as he cuddles you close.
older!bf who wastes no time to show you off and shower you in praise. who compliments every aspect of you, some you didn't even notice about yourself. who respects and knows you as a person. who is secure enough in himself and the relationship to know that even tho you're together, you're your own separate people and is fine with it.
older!bf who is protective of you and takes the extra measures to make sure you're safe in every situation he can, no matter what.
older!bf who loves you :(
LAW, corazon, sir crocodile, bakugo, aizawa, FAT GUM, sung-jin woo, andy, GETO, and my man <3
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catsvkis · 4 months
katsuki's bad boy era is so over he asked someone to tie a tie for him probably since he can't use both handsss. despite everything he still wanted to wear it for his class i'm throwing up everywhere he's such a sentimental loser.
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itgetzweird08 · 4 months
Part one
“..go out with me”
Your breathing hitched, indicating that you hadn’t been asleep all this time. You turned to face him then, flipping on your side in his bed to get a better look at his face. Even in the dark you could see the strong outline of his jaw and his messy blonde hair. He stared up at the ceiling, his hands behind his head, and shrugged. “I mean, why not? We’re practically dating anyways” he followed up, vermillion eyes glancing down at you. “Any reason you’re asking me this now?” You whispered, moving slowly as you shifted closer to place your head on his chest.
This time, his breath stuttered.
Moving slowly, as if you were a flighty deer ready to run at any moment, he moved his hand from behind his head to on top of yours. His fingers gently played in your hair. He breathed a shaky breath, completely stripped of his usual hard shell. He was completely vulnerable to you in this moment. “When I was lying there on the battlefield..all I could think about was your stupid face.” He grimaced, stiffening a bit at the memory. You placed a hand on his chest, tracing circles with your thumb. He exhaled with a shaky breath. “I was bleeding out, all these fucking holes in me, and one of the only things I could think of was how angry I was at myself for not being able to man up and ask you out properly. I waited too long and everything’s a mess now. The city is a fucking wreck, we’re on lockdown..and I had a whole plan too. I was gonna take you to that noodle shop you like with the stupid name. And now I can’t, because it’s too late and now I might fucking die before I ever got the chance-“
You pressed a soft kiss to the new scar that peaked out from his black tank top, causing his words to get stuck in his throat.
“Take a breath..” you told him softly. He obeyed, breathing in air and blowing out his tension.
“It’s okay, B. You’re okay. I was mad too. I was so mad at myself for not being able to protect you when you got hurt, not being able to move a little bit faster and push you out of the way. I was mad that you might die before I got the chance to tell you how much I like you..” he smirked at your words, smug covering up his giddiness. “You like me?” You scoffed, rolling your eyes and moving to shift away from him out of feigned annoyance. But he wrapped an arm around you waist and pulled you closer.
“I like you too nerd…a fuckton”
You couldn’t help but smile, sinking deeper into his hold as you breathed him in. And for a moment, you felt untouchable in here. Despite the looming threat of war, the scorching flames of the world outside, you were safe in his arms. You wished you could stay like this forever. A yawn left you as your eyes began to droop, and time seemed to come to a slow stop.
It was silent for a moment, as you both began to drift off before a question came into your mind. Despite your drowsy state, you couldn’t help but smile as you asked
“…so if you like me, does that mean you’ll admit that Oodles of Noodles is a fantastic name for a noodle shop-“
“Go to sleep, shithead.”
Ps: im starting to do requests! So if you have an idea for me, go ahead and put it in my asks <3
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simpee9000 · 17 days
Katsuki Bakugo who has a FAT crush on reader. Who he hardly sees around.
You're a healer mainly, so you're in general courses and train with Recovery Girl on the side. He only sees you when you're with Shoto Todoroki, your half sibling. (Endeavour had an affair and failed to get custody after some things were exposed.)
You met at a family dinner, Shoto dragging him and Izuku along. Bakugo took a liking to you, liking how sharp you were. Cutting into any detail while everyone waiting for your next word. Bakugo tried to respect Shoto, not wanting to cross any boundaries. But god, did he want you. You were everything he wanted in a person and more-
So after graduation he spent more time injured than not. Making you joke about him doing it on purpose. Eventually you realized that actually was the case. So with a little pushing, he finally caved and forgot about his friendship for Shoto entirely. Focusing on the way you felt against him instead.
Lmk if this is interesting! I'll write a story for it or something!
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antiwhores · 6 months
Bakugou cums so fast and hard the first time he has sex.
Yall be like: “He lasts long!” “He lets you finish first.”
He would love to! But I imagine he actually didn’t last for shit.
Bakugou had forgotten to use the tricks that everyone had told him.
“Think about something gross so you don’t cum fast!” Not possible, you felt too good for him to think about anything but you.
“Beat off before it happens, the sex’ll last longer.” It happened spontaneously, he had no time.
“Just hold it in through your bladder!” HOW?! Thats the only one he remembered to try and yet it still failed.
He felt so embarrassed when his afterglow wore off. He thought that you wouldn’t wanna have sex with him anymore. He knew better, but he decided that you would go tell all your friends about how easily the great Bakugou Katsuki cums.
He apologizes to you with a scowl on his face (not directed towards you, it was for himself).
“I didn’t mean for it to be that fast. M’sorry.”
He finally meets your eyes when you grab his face, kissing him.
“Katsuki, it’s okay. It’s our first time. I didn’t expect you to last forever. If anything, it’s a compliment. Just means I’m that good.”
Bakugou internally sighs, the panic swaying away from him.
“…Wanna go again?”
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clawz-loopz · 7 months
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Don't wake the beast who slumbers (cat coded)
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skymar13 · 2 months
Big beefy blondes who don’t understand that you’re not like their hand that can take several loads and poundings.
Rough blondes who try to go soft on you but can’t not bustle their tip greedily into your sopping cunt
Sexually frustrated blondes who don’t let you go until you’re a crying mess, well maybe one more after that.
Sweet hearted blondes who give you the best after care after they just split your tiny pussy down the middle.
Bakugo katsuki, mirio togata, keigo takami, denki kaminari, Allmight
Aged up!
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 10 months
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you’ve been katsuki’s for as long as you can remember.
sure, he had never outwardly called you his girlfriend, but when you were both seven years old, he came up to you. chest heaving slightly from running up and down the hill where he had gotten you a freshly plucked out bouquet of flowers. the roots were still clinging to them and he got dirt all over your hands from forcibly grabbing them and shoving the bouquet in them before you could even form a sentence.
“since you accepted the flowers, you’re mine now.” he mumbled, his little hands tightened into fists at his sides and chubby cheeks a cute shade of pink, staring at you as confidently as he could.
a grin grows on his face when you respond with a simple “okay !” and a bright smile. the grin on his face never disappears even as his mom scolds him for getting you both all dirty.
you were katsuki’s in middle school too, when the boys in class decided to play kiss, marry, kill and he had somehow gotten dragged into it. the girls in your class tried their best to seem uninterested, claiming the boys were being childish, but you noticed how hard some of them were straining their ears trying to hear what the guys were talking about in their own little corner of the room. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little curious as well.
katsuki was as ruthless as you’d known him to be, choosing to kill any girl that wasn’t to his liking, which ended up being all of them. much to the other boys’ chagrin, claiming he had no taste.
then your name was brought up.
at that, his eyes widened and he turned in his seat to see if you were watching. you had never turned your head away so fast in your life and you were pretty sure you heard something go “crack”.
he clicked his tongue. mumbling something about how stupid the game was before muttering out a “kiss yn, marry yn and kill that other bitch.” before getting up and stomping away, claiming he had to go to the bathroom followed closely by the whoops and hollers of his two friends behind him.
you both made eye contact when he walked out and you think you’ll never forget how red his cheeks were.
you were katsuki’s when he was the one to walk you to and from school everyday, claiming you would somehow get lost without him. you were katsuki’s when he had begrudgingly shoved homemade valentines day chocolates into your arms, mumbling something about how you had been upset nobody had gotten you anything last year, conveniently leaving out the fact he had scared off all the other guys trying to offer you anything.
you were katsuki’s when he grabbed your hand during the winter because he said you’d “end up dying of hypothermia with the way you’re chittering over there.” and you were his when you were the only person he laughed around. loud, genuine laughter that you and only you could squeeze out of him. you were katsuki’s when he randomly kissed you goodnight at your door one night and he’s been doing it ever since, and gets all pouty when you turn away from his kisses to tease him.
“are we dating ?” you had asked him. you’re both in high school now and you’re in his dorm room. your legs are on his lap and he’s got a comfortable grip on your leg, which tightens after he registers your questions “hah?” he looks utterly confused and a little insulted as he looks back at you, his entire face scrunched up in confusion. you pinch his nose and he swats at your hand.
“are we dating ? like—am i your girlfriend.” you say again and katsuki’s face scrunches up even harder. he huffs and looks back at his phone, landing a little smack on your leg still placed in his lap. “ ‘course yer my fuckin’ girlfriend.” he spits out, obviously irritated. then he looks back at you “I haven’t made it obvious ?” he says sarcastically. one of his eyebrows lifted as he pokes at your leg still very much in his lap.
you simply shrug “s’not that. it’s just because you’ve never actually asked me out before, so i was a little confused on where we stood.” you mumble. he stares at you while you speak and he stares a little longer before sighing. then he leans towards you and flicks your forehead.
“ow !”
“dumbass.” he murmurs. there’s a slight pout on his face and his cheeks are light shade of pink when he looks you in the eyes again. he grabs both your cheeks with one hand and smushes them together to push your lips out and presses multiple wet kisses onto them that have you squealing and squirming. his wet lips are pulled into a smirk when he pulls back and you try your best to at least look a little angry, you really do. but it’s useless when he looks at you like that.
“of course you’re my girlfriend” he reiterates. his smirk’s been replaced for something softer, something more sincere as he gazes at you with so much unadulterated affection it makes your head spin a little. “you’ve always been mine.” he says it in a teasing tone and his hand is still smushing your cheeks out and it hurts a little but his eyes are still the same. they’re warm and soft and so, so enamored with you and only you.
when he finally let’s go of your face and pulls you fully into his lap, you realize katsuki’s been yours for as long as you’ve been his.
you smile brightly at him but turn your nose up when he leans in to kiss you again. “i still haven’t heard what i wanna hear though, mr. bakugou.”
he rolls his eyes and pinches at your thigh as he mumbles out a “don’t call me that.” sighing, he looks at you intensely and you suddenly feel very shy.
“will you be my girlfriend, ya shitty girl ?” and he says it as a joke, you both know it is cus his lips are already forming into a smirk the second he finishes his sentence. and you’re pulling at his nose the moment you register it, but you’re both smiling hard. he laughs and you’re sure you’ll never get tired of the sound. “what’s your answer, pretty ?” he asks playfully and you pretend to really think it over just to mess with him, and giggling out a “yes!” when he suddenly pounces on you. flipping you both over and tickling you mercilessly, calling it revenge for you “taking too damn long to answer.”
you’d been katsuki’s for as long as you can remember, and you hope you can be forever.
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peachsukii · 17 days
Thinking about reader getting a spontaneous tattoo for Bakugo after he survives a bad villain encounter later in life. Nothing in comparison to the war from UA years, but scary enough that you thought he wasn’t going to be coming home in one piece, let alone at all. It’s not extravagant or over the top, a simple bottle of hot sauce with an explosion behind it on your ankle, no bigger than the size of a quarter. You don’t tell him about it, but keeping a secret from him is an impossible task - Bakugo always finds out.
“The hell is that on your ankle?” He asks one day during your typical lunch dates between patrols. It was too hot to wear jeans, so naturally you opted for shorts and forgot he hadn’t seen the tattoo yet.
“Did you get a tattoo and not tell me?!”
“It’s embarrassing,” you say while tucking your ankle behind the other to hide it. “Don’t worry about it.”
Bakugo gets up and bends under the table to grab at your foot to get a closer look. “Nuh-uh, lemme see it, brat.”
To avoid causing more of a scene, you let him study it for a few moments before pulling it away. And he starts to laugh, hearty and full.
“Stop laughing!”
“Is that a fuckin’ bottle of hot sauce?!” He exclaims, palm slamming on the table to contain his laughter. “That’s stupid as hell. Why hot sauce? You don’t even—”
The realization hits him like a ton of bricks. His demeanor changes, shifting from joy to concern.
“…when did you get that?”
You sigh. “A month ago. The night the broadcast of your fight aired on the news. Ei called me to let me know you were still breathing.”
“Did you think I fuckin’ died or some shit?” His brows scrunch into a confused stare.
“It’s just something to keep you close with me when you’re away,” you whisper as your face begins to flush. “That night scared the shit out of me.”
Bakugo gets out of his seat and scoots into the booth beside you. He lays a heavy hand on your shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know.” Your head hands low, staring at your empty plate on the table to avoid his gaze. “Just forget about it.”
Suddenly, his fingers grab your chin and tilt your face in his direction. The world blurs around him, your eyes focused on his.
“Stop bein’ a nerd,” Bakugo says with a grin. “S’cute and not stupid. Y’know this means I’m getting one too, right?” He leans in to leave a soft kiss on your forehead. “Only fair. Wanna keep you close, too.”
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rueclfer · 2 months
(bakugou smau) head empty nothing in mind let your heart run free like the wind
let me just ... spin this wheel... aaannddd
sharing a wall with him in the dorms
when you two are allergic to whispering and can't stfu
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