#one more “haha I’m just lying” and I’ll throw him from a window
heavensbabygirl · 5 months
I might get a lot of hate for saying this since everyone seems to like Harrison a lot
Ok I get it he’s like pretty? And… well I can’t really think of other things I like about him, maybe a bit funny?
But the whole persona of “wanna know my birthday? April 24th. Nah I’m bullshitting you, it’s a lie.” Istg it gets on my nerves like can we have 2 seconds of you being fr
Anyways, I haven’t read his route, might not do it but I’d love if you gave one good reason to, and saying “he’s the actually only normal one” ain’t a good reason cause for me the crazier the better 🤩
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kookygranger · 5 months
what is my boyfriend towtruck!Eddie doing on this fine 4/20 weekend?
Haha, I’m the worst person to ask this, @storiesbyrhi can vouch, but I’m so glad you did. If we don’t include our own experiences in our stories then who are we? 
For you and our tow truckin' boy @bettyfrommars ✨
Warnings: 18+ thank you, swearing, mentions of masturbation, drug use
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On this rare Saturday with nothing on your to-do list that couldn’t be put off, you’d decided to take advantage of the miserable weather and curl up with a book. 
That’s where you were when your phone rang. Tangled in blankets, a warm mug of tea on your bedside table, your apartment lit in warm lighting from the strategically placed lamps around the place.
Your head was still in the story that had captured you for hours when you answered.
“Hey, baby.”
“Eddie.” Your voice lifts in soft recognition, but the boy is hardly anymore grounded than you in this moment. “Did you just get off?” You place your book pages down in your little nest and glance at the rain still pelting your windows, hoping Hawkins was a little more dry today.
“Well, uh…that’s kinda what I’m calling about.” 
His tone helps you drift back to reality, back straightening at the hazy slur of his words. 
“…are you high?”
You can practically hear the goofy grin over the line, “Wellll, it is four twenty.”
You glance at the red numbers on your alarm clock, “It’s 6:48.” Shit, you should really get something together for dinner. The breathy laugh that escapes him makes you smile.
“No, baby. I mean like, it’s the 20th of April. Four twenty, get it? I guess I forgot how much you hate holidays.”
“That’s not a thing,” you laugh. 
“It is! Very important holiday to us wasters I’ll have you know.”
There’s a pause as you search through your memories of the boy you’d only known briefly albeit intensely. “Eddie, I don’t know…I’ve never seen you smoke, I had no idea.”
You hear a shuffle on the other end of the line, and you imagine him straightening up in his bed as his voice becomes serious. 
“Oh, well yeah–it’s kinda like what I’m known for. I used to…” he clears his throat, “Well actually I dealt in high school. I guess Robin never told you that. I mean I don’t now! And I barely smoke anymore–well compared to what I used to–I’d never while I was working obviously–“
Your giggles cut off his rambling, “Eddie relax, I don’t care.” His exhale of relief shoots through your ear.
“Shit, sorry I panicked for a second there.” You laugh again. “Guess I’ll just have to bring some stuff up next time I see you sweetheart.”
“Oh, well…”
“Robin I don’t feel good.” Oh god there it is. How is this supposed to be a good feeling? “Oh my god you’re so pale.” “This feels really weird.” Are you sitting up or lying down? Why can’t you feel your shoulders? Have you ever been able to feel your shoulders? Are you sitting up or laying down? “Oh shit, I think you’re greening out.” “I’m gonna throw up.” “I don’t know what to do!”
“I tried it once and I don’t think it’s for me.”
“Bummer,” Eddie mumbles, “I thought it’d be good for your…”
“High functioning anxiety and chronic pain? Yeah me too.”
“Shit, sweetheart.”
You shrug, “It’s okay. I’m content with a cocktail at the end of the day.” 
The playfulness in Eddie’s voice returns and you can just picture the dimples that punctuate his next words, “Well you can have one now and we could uh, talk.” You’re about to ask him what he thinks you’re doing now. “You know I’ve been thinking about two things all day.” His voice drops an octave, sending a tingle down your spine.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Ever since I got in that truck this morning all I could think about was clocking off when I could roll one and talk to you.”
It’s almost cute. Your initial reaction is lovesick, but there’s something in his tone that’s throwing you off. 
“Wait…Eddie are you trying to have phone sex?”
You cackle, “You are! That’s why you called me high off your ass.”
“It’s one joint baby, calm down.” He’s defensive. Bummed that his plan didn’t work.
“All of this ‘cause of a made up stoners holiday?”
“No! I just miss you alright?! Is that such a crime? Wanted to hear your voice instead of just imagining it like always.” You almost don’t catch the last sentence over your laughing.
“Aw, you think about me when you jerk off?”
He scoffs, “Of course I do. Don’t–don’t you?”
You hum, “Yeah like 95 percent of the time.”
“You know how I feel about Christian Slater.”
“Whatever, I’m just gonna hang up and enjoy my time in peace alright.”
“Aw no! Wait, I love you, jerk off to me talking about my day.”
“Fuck you.” 
Your laughter turns into hysterics when the phone rings eight seconds after he hung up. 
“I didn’t mean that.” 
“I know you didn’t. Shall we start again?”
“Yes, please.” 
“Hey Eds. Did you just get off?”
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More towtruck!Eddie and city girl here ✨
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chaosduckies · 3 months
Friends in Small Places (Chapter 3)
So sorry for the wait haha- The stress is real. Anyways this is NOT my best chapter, but it does include something that I always love to see in g/t. But otherwise, I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 3.4k
CW: Anxiety
When I woke up, it was quiet as usual. My head was throbbing, and my muscles ached every time I moved them, but I forced myself to sit up, finding that I was lying on the hard ground. Right. New medicine, made my body go haywire, Liam- Liam. My eyes darted all round, landing on a small figure that was copying some things down in his notebook from his laptop. He wasn’t as small anymore, which meant I was back to normal. Well, sort of. I felt drowsy. And hungry, but I usually I just go out to go eat something. 
I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand, stretching out my arms as far as I could temporarily manage. Liam picked up his head, closing his notebook and laptop. What time was it? I looked through the window curtains to see that the sun was still out, but it didn’t look like it was noon at all. How long was I out for? 
“Morning.” Liam greeted, walking a little closer to me. I pressed my back up further against the wall. Did I sleep through the entire I night? Where was my phone anyways? 
“M-morning.” I whispered, simultaneously searching for my phone. I knew that I didn’t have to go into the lab today, but still, sometimes they liked to schedule surprise meetings or something. Last time I didn’t show up they punished me for it. I shuddered at the thought, but kept my attention on Liam, who looked like he was forcing himself to come closer to me. 
I raised the hand that he seemed to be walking towards close to my chest. It’s not like I didn’t want him to touch or come near me, it’s just that I was scared I’d accidentally do something that he might not like. What if I hold him wrong or-or he gets too uncomfortable, or what if I accidentally drop him? The anxiety ate away at me until I felt myself grow a few feet. I winced, calming myself down before it could get worse. Again. 
Liam took a few seconds to get out of his sudden shock, giving a shaky smile. Was that supposed to mean “I’m okay but I’m terrified of you?” I couldn’t help but look away, saddened by the thought. I wish I didn’t have to keep so in control of my emotions all the time. Anytime I want to cry I just can’t otherwise I might hurt people. More especially the regular-sized human that was currently struggling to stand on two feet. I would offer help but… I don’t think he’d be all that excited about it. Neither was I. 
“How are you f-feeling?” He tired to hide how shaky his voice was, but I could tell. Most people talk like that when they’re around me anyways. They get one glimpse at the stupid band around my wrist and they automatically think I’m a threat. I mean, yeah, I have depression, but as long as I remember to refill my anti-depressants and SSRI’s I should be okay to go out in public for a couple hours. Most of the time I try to control my emotions though. Since that’s what triggers me to grow in the first place. It’s also mostly why the SSU doesn’t let me see my family for a long time. They think that if I’m around it’ll spark too much emotions all at once. It could be true, and the last thing I want is to hurt my own family. 
“Um, a little better.” I sighed, seeing my phone thrown halfway across the room. Right. I completely freaked out when Liam said to open the door and ended up throwing it somewhere. I’ll just go grab it in a little bit, I wasn’t in a rush. If anything, I should probably get dressed to get something to eat. I didn’t know how to cook besides some microwaveable things I had in the fridge. Of course I had some groceries, just not many. 
“Hey, um, are you hungry? I can go out to get something.” I asked, keeping my voice to a whisper while also getting ready to stand up. While I didn’t have a job, the company was giving me monthly checks to help for necessities. Clothes, food, basically anything I needed to survive. With another person here I might as well make them comfortable and help out with anything they need. It’s only the right thing to do. Especially if I’m the one giving them a hard time… 
“Hm? I-I can cook something.” Liam looked towards where the kitchen was. I nervously smiled, finding it kind of funny that he didn’t realize that this entire house was accommodated for my size. Of course I can be smaller, but I wouldn’t be able to do anything but walk around on the floor. Plus, it’s hard to stay that height without the medicine. I did feel bad that Liam couldn’t do the things that he wanted to do. I didn’t know if he liked cooking or not, but maybe I could at least try to help? I’m not exactly a culinary expert. 
“I can maybe help? I-if you’re okay with it of course.” I stared at my hand, slowly lowering it to the ground what seemed a few inches away from Liam to me, but must have been a couple feet to him. He eyed it warily, and the longer he stared the more shaky my hand became. How could I trust myself to carry an entire life in my hands? I don’t even trust myself anywhere around someone smaller than me. 
Liam sucked in a deep breath, “I-I, um, I d-don’t-“ He paused for a minute, recomposing himself, “S-sure. If you want to.” He hesitantly walked closer to my hand, looking at my palm as if asking himself how to get on. I didn’t particularly care. It’s my first time actually holding someone. A living person in my hands. What if I drop him? What if I’m holding him wrong? I don’t want to hurt him! I would never forgive myself, and then they’d assign me a new therapist. I bit the bottom of my lip, trying my best to tilt my hand as much as I could to make it easier to climb on. Of course I could just grab Liam, but I don’t think he’d like that very much. 
“You can just climb on. I don’t really mind.” I gave the best fake smile I could manage as he returned one back. He took another look at my hand, starting with hurtling on of his legs on and then falling over when I tilted my hand flat to make the rest easier for him. Apparently it just made him roll over onto his stomach. I was so sure Liam could feel how shaky I was. Of course I was nervous, but I guess I’d just have to trust myself. Something I wasn’t prone to do on a daily basis. 
I stood up slowly, using both hands to cup the passenger I was currently holding to make sure they didn’t fall, and walked slower than usual to the kitchen, slightly tilting my hand to let Liam back down before I did something I was going to regret for the rest of my life. 
“I don’t know how to cook, so I guess you just tell me what to do?” I kept my hands by my sides. Liam took a while to get himself back together, but eventually he just nodded his head, “D-do you have anything in the fridge?” He fidgeted with his hands while I checked, finding it kind of sad that it looked kind of bare except for a few containers filled with some leftovers, eggs, drinks, and a couple of the microwaveable plates I buy at the store. 
“Just some eggs, a few plates I can microwave too.” I closed the fridge, noticing that Liam cringed. Did I do something wrong? 
“It’s not healthy just eating those y’know.” He muttered, probably thinking that I wouldn’t be able to hear him. I sadly nodded my head, “My mom wasn’t able to teach me before they moved me away soooo-“ I looked away for a second, grabbing two eggs and smiling nervously down at Liam, who was thinking hard about what I had just said. Did i give away too much? He’s going to have to meet my parents sometime soon anyways. They’ll tell him all the embarrassing stories of me when I was a kid and all of the other things I did. The good and the bad. Because that’s just how they were. 
“I can just make these, right?” I held them up, watching him nod and tell me what to grab and do. Liam had tried moving some objects around that I needed to use. He tired his best to use them himself, but of course he was too small, or he at least couldn’t do it by himself. I was scared that if I grabbed it at the wrong time then he’d jump and run away, so I usually just waited for him to take a break before taking the issue off of his hands. 
It was kind of awkward since I should be the one already knowing I how to cook, but I guess this was fine. Liam was honestly a really great teacher. He kept me calm when I thought the heat would just make the mixture explode in my face. Again, I don’t know the slightest thing about cooking. Not at all. Can’t blame me for not knowing… but maybe Liam could teach me? No, that’d be ridiculous. There was no way that he’d do that. Plus, what if I don’t watch what I’m doing carefully enough? I could really hurt him without even meaning to. 
“Liam?” I set down my plate for a second. 
“Yeah?” He did the same with his, all of his attention on me. Was it weird that I was a bit nervous now? I feel like it should be the opposite. But here I was, worrying about an answer to a question I pretty much already knew the answer to. 
“Would you mind teaching me how to cook? You seem pretty good at it, and I’d like you to feel more welcome here.” I tried to explain thoroughly, so he doesn’t think I’m tricking him. I wouldn’t ever dream of it, but just in case. We’ve only really been around each other for two days anyways. He has no reason to trust me. Especially when yesterday I messed it all up. I had it all planned out in my mind. I’d try to stay calm for as long as I could, let us both get comfortable with the situation (More for Liam than me) and then I wouldn’t have to be so careful around him. Turns out I couldn’t even last a day. Or maybe that was just because of the medicine. It was extremely painful. It felt like my insides were being ripped out. Do you know how hard it is to stay calm when you’re in that much pain? Hard. Very, very hard. 
“Sure! U-Um, we might need to go to the store later though. If that’s okay with you of course!” He laughed nervously, trying to rid himself of the shakiness of his voice. At least he was trying. But… I couldn’t help but shake the feeling that he though I would actually hurt him over something as trivial as taking him somewhere. If anything, I’m just happy that he wants to be near me at this point. 
“I don’t mind. You’re the cook here anyways.” I tried to lighten the mood. It seemed to work. 
When Cas woke up this morning I wasn’t expecting him to be in such a light-hearted mood. If anything I thought he’d be the exact opposite. He seemed tired still, but at the same time he seemed to be trying his hardest to keep calm. Actually, that’s kind of what he looks like all of the time. No offense. 
This morning was surprisingly fun. I wasn’t expecting to try and help a full on giant cook something. It’s extremely difficult to maneuver all of the utensils when they’re almost ten times your own size. I wasn’t built for moving heavy things around if you couldn’t tell. But either way, it was still a lot of fun trying to help Cas cook. It was saddening to learn that he was never taught because the company moved him away from his family. Why would they do that in the first place anyways? I don’t see a reason why they would just rip him apart from his family. I would think they’d help him out more than I could actually. 
“S-sorry to ask,” I sighed, making the mistake of peering over the edge of the counter, shuddering at the devastating height I was currently at, “But could you l-let me down? P-Please?” I took a couple steps back. Cas nodded his head, extending his hand out just like before and waited for me to let myself on. I couldn’t really tell all that much, but I think he’s just as nervous as I am when he’s holding me. I can feel him slightly trembling, and even the way he moves slower than usual. I think it’s kind of funny how he cares so much about one meaningless life. Or sweet really. 
I climbed onto his hand, being taken back to the living room where I had left my stuff. Right. I had a test to take on Monday… Luckily I still had the entire weekend to study. I think it’d be nice to spend at least one day with Cas. We haven’t really had the chance to get to know each other better. Maybe I can ask to make my lessons online? Just until they find my replacement. If they ever find one of course. It’s not actually that bad being with Cas. He’s really nice and gentle, doesn’t overdo anything. I have no idea why I thought it’d be so terrifying in the first place. Then again, it’s only been a couple of days. 
“Thank you.” I mumbled, just barely loud enough for Cas to hear. He look a little shocked before smiling. Like a genuine smile. Not one of those fake ones he puts on to hide that he’s actually sad. I must say, I’m not doing a very good job as a therapist, but then again everything seems to be fine. 
I put away most of my things inside of my backpack, heading to my little corner on the floor where my other suitcase was, filled with my clothes. I still had a lot back at my dorm, but I’m technically not living here. Just staying for a while until the SSU can make sure that the person I’m with is comfortable without me here almost all of the time. 
I grabbed a few clothes, waiting for Cas to leave and change so we could head out. It was already midday anyways. I think it’ll be fun teaching him how to cook anyways. I feel bad about the whole situation he’s in. Does he even get to see his parents? I guess I’d have to ask him that. 
After a while of waiting, Cas came out wearing a t-shirt and a regular pair of jeans. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the bright-red band on his wrist though. He’s not… that bad actually. I’ve only ever heard stories that shifters with a red band were a danger to society. Were they wrong? Did the company lie to us? That can’t be true… But so far everything that’s happened to Cas hasn’t been exactly great. The forced medicine, taking him away from his parents, what else have they done? So many questions I wanted to ask Cas, but we weren’t at the level yet. I feel like he’d completely shut me out if I asked him right now anyways. 
“So are you fine with just climbing on again?” He crouched down on the ground, his palm down for me. I struggled to climb on, but managed on my own. He was definitely more nervous than I was. 
“You good?” I chuckled lightly, getting used to it already. For someone who was so afraid of being mishandled, I was actually doing pretty good. Or maybe that was because Cas was watching everything he did so closely. Ryan was definitely right. Shifters really weren’t as bad as the stories made them out to be. Or I had made them out to be. 
“Hm? O-Oh yeah! Just nervous.” He brought up his other hand our of fear of himself dropping me I was guessing. Yeah, I would not enjoy falling from a hundred foot drop right now. I was thankful for the extra protection, but this only proves that he doesn’t trust himself all that much. Another thing I can work on with him? I think it’d be a good thing to work on his self-confidence. Maybe that’s why he’s not used to being around people smaller than him? That being said… how did he live when he was younger? If he couldn’t stay comfortable at a normal height? And yet another question to ask Cas. 
I admit it’s pretty scary when You’re a hundred feet up in the air, your life literally in someone else’s hands, and heading to a place you’ve never been to before. Really anything could happen, but I have to place all of my trust in I just met two days ago. I guess you can’t gain trust if you don’t give any in the first place. Still, I couldn’t get rid of the slight fear that was slowly crawling up through my entire body. Okay, maybe I was just jumping to conclusions about getting used to being carried around. This was the most terrifying thing ever. 
The walk wasn’t that far. (Well at least for Cas-) Maybe about ten minutes before we reached the small store that was packed with people. I guess this is what it was like on this side of the city? This was just crazy. Maybe that’s why Cas doesn’t go out much? It would make sense. It would also explain why he tried his best to avoid so many people everytime he walked down an isle. Or maybe it was for my sake? I couldn’t tell. 
“What exactly do I need?” He laughed nervously, grabbing a carry basket in his free hand, the one holding me cupping even more to make sure I wouldn’t fall off. I think I’ll just stay clear of any kind of view from the ground. Yup. 
“Oh, well, um, fruit? Some meat I guess? I-I can help you with that.” Cas nodded his head, walking over to the produce section and picking out a mixed bowl and some things to make a salad. Good to know that he wasn’t just microwaving everything. It didn’t take long for me to help him pick out some chicken to make for dinner tonight and something for tomorrow too. There would probably be leftovers for a good day or so afterwards anyways. I’m just glad I could help him out with something. At least somewhat. 
When we arrived back home, I told Cas where to place everything, and that was basically it. I’d just have to teach him how to cook dinner for tonight. But otherwise, we would just be hanging out in the living room. I could go without studying for a while anyways. It was beyond tiring to memorize all of those formulas anyways. 
“Thank you so much.” Cas laughed. 
“For what? Getting groceries?” I laughed with him. Just because I’m slightly older than him doesn’t mean anything. 
“Yeah. I guess so.” His hand laid up against the couch, letting me down and onto the comfy cushion. I made myself comfortable, watching Cas sit on the other couch, grabbing his phone that he completely forgot about after last night and checked on whatever was waiting for him. He sighed, placing it on the table in the middle. 
“Wanna play a game?” He asked, looking a little wary. Well, it’s not like I can say no. 
Ahhh I love when the giant doesn’t know how to cook but the tiny does. Just when the giant tries to help out as much as they can AGHH- I hope you guys enjoyed this extremely overdue chapter, again, so sorry for the long wait.
But thank you guys so much for reading! I appreciate every single one of you who read and like my work you have no idea how much it means to me that you all like it 🫶
If there is an ask in my inbox, I promise I will eventually get to it. So sorry for those of you who have been waiting (I have a little writing piece that I want to do for them)
Taglist: @da3dm
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eloves-writes · 3 years
a pause in reality
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary : you and spencer finish work late, admit your feelings & spend the night lying on your apartment floor talking
a/n : this is an extension of this fic that people seemed to like! enjoy, it’s 12:11am + i’m tired, mwah <3
couple : spencer reid x reader
content warnings : none
it had been a couple weeks since spencer came over to your apartment in the middle of the night, and you hadn’t spoken to him much since. he had taken a week off work for ‘personal reasons’ and then you’d been completely overloaded with work after that so there hadn’t been much room for conversation. the lack of conversation had provided much opportunity for simply observing the doctor’s existence; you liked watching him work. it wasn’t in a weird way, and not in a sexual way; there was just something about how he quickly flipped pages of case files and twirled his pen around his fingers as he thought what to write that was quite encapsulating. you thought he was quite beautiful in the most winsome way, like he wasn’t outwardly trying to impress you but everything he did still made you bite your lip and smile. 
despite your admiration, you missed the usual tidbits of conversation that came with sitting on the desk opposite spencer and being his best friend; the random ‘fun fact!’s and ‘did you know?’s that hadn’t been so common since you’d spent the night together. well. not spent the night together spent the night together, but you fell asleep cuddled up on your couch and didn’t move until the morning. it wasn’t exactly awkward, but you’d both felt a heavying shift in the usual romantic tension that circled you. the intimacy that came with falling asleep on each other didn’t help the feelings you were both trying to keep bottled up for the sake of your jobs, but at the end of the day that job was behavioural profiling so it was pretty clear you felt the same way, and you had for a long time.
“hey y/n,” prentiss said, perching on the edge of your desk. it had been yet another late night at the office, the hour hand of the clock was just shy of 10pm.
“hey you,” you replied. “i’ve still got another case report to finish, i won’t be long.”
“you are the wooorst,” she moaned dramatically. “i can’t wait to be out of here, we spent far too much time in this office.”
you smiled at her and rolled your eyes. “i’ll ask garcia if she can drive me home, em. i don’t want to hold you up any longer.”
“ok, sure, thanks. have a good weekend y/n, reid.” she gave you a quick hug and waved as she left the office. emily usually drove you to and from work, partly because you didn’t like driving for an hour at 8am in the morning, but mostly because you always brought her coffee and she loved you for it. spencer looked over the divider between your desks and cleared his throat.
“you, um, need a lift home?”
“yeah, why?” you replied without thinking as you tried to speed-write the last few lines of your report.
“i thought maybe i could drive you, it’s late and i, um, wouldn’t want garcia to go out of the way when we live on the same road. it’s not a problem, i’d actually like to- i mean-”
you chuckled under your breath. your eyes met and he let out a nervous giggle.
“you can drive me home, spencer. thank you.”
his voice raised a couple octaves. “ok.”
you chuckled again and closed the tab you were looking at on your computer before grabbing your bag and coat. he followed suit, throwing his satchel on his shoulder and fiddling with the strap as he waited for you to gather the last of your things.
“ready?” he asked, biting back an excited-nervous smile.
“yeah, i just need to give this to hotch,” you motioned to the case file you were holding, “i’ll meet you in the elevator.”
spencer mumbled an understanding and you went your separate ways before meeting up again in the elevator. it was only a few minutes, but the tension was ever-thickening and you were glad to get out on the ground floor. you figured it would be a miracle if you made it all the way home without jumping on him. you didn’t.
“you know what hotch said to me when i left,” you began as you walked to his car. the silence had become unbearably uncomfortable. “he asked if we were going on a date.”
spencer looked up, wide-eyed and blushing. he fumbled with his keys and unlocked his car. “that’s, haha, that’s funny.”
you were much used to the reality-based teasing from the team.
“yeah, you know hotch. always a joker,” you replied light-heartedly. you both climbed into the car, spencer in the driver’s seat for once. he turned towards you, and in a fraction of a moment, he moved in to kiss you. it wasn’t a conscious decision, it wasn't a choice- it was a reflex. in that fraction of a moment, spencer reid felt an all-compelling yet natural urge to lean over and kiss you.
“woah,” you pulled away before he could reach you. “were you about to kiss me?”
he sat back in his seat and scratched his neck awkwardly. you suddenly regretted saying anything at all. “sorry, i shouldn’t have … let’s just go-”
“no, it’s ok,” you laughed. “continue.”
“oh, ok.”
your lips finally met, and it felt like the stars aligning. all the months of tension, the sneaking glances, the late night spying, they’d all added up to this kiss in the front seat of spencer’s car in the quantico parking lot. and this was what you’d been chasing, this was the pause of reality you could only match to the quietest and earliest hours of the morning. you placed your hands on his face as you broke the kiss, his own hands still firmly holding your head and pushing your hair out of your face. the two of you froze like that, simply absorbing the moment and framing it in your minds in case you didn’t get this luxury again.
a distant car horn disturbed your focus, and spencer finally started to drive you home. he was a good driver, if one could drive gently he certainly did. it wasn’t like being in a car with morgan, when you had to hold on for dear life and prey he wouldn’t crash- he never did, but derek’s disregard for road safety was a little concerning. in a total contrast, spencer obeyed absolutely any and every traffic law.
“you know you drive like a grandma, spence?” you joked, letting your inner thoughts out of your head.
“hmm, what did you say?”
“nothing,” you chuckled to yourself. “do you think we could grab some takeout on the way home?”
he smiled. “sure. by home do you, um, mean your apartment? you want me to come to your apartment?”
you nodded and leaned over to kiss him again. you were so done pretending you didn’t like him; you’d wasted enough time dancing around your feelings for him, you didn’t want to waste anymore. he felt the exact same- he’d never really experienced love before but he was pretty sure this was as close as he could get to a soulmate. a twin flame. there was an unspoken understanding between you, you just got each other in a way no one else did. which was also an advantage when you asked to get takeout on the way home and spencer automatically pulled up to your shared favourite chinese restaurant without having to ask.
within an hour, you were both sat on the floor of your apartment eating noodles and discussing whatever topics came to mind. first it was work, then literature, then music, and now you’d settled on a much more mature topic of office gossip. the time had slipped away as you spent the evening together, the clock ticking far past midnight as you talked. your biggest living room window was wide open to let in the night breeze and city ambience, much like it had been the last time spencer had been in your apartment, except this time there wasn’t the pestering weight of feelings on your shoulder. everything felt shiny and new, that familiar late-night vibe recast with fresher feelings of domesticity. you fixed your gaze onto the young doctor as he tucked a pillow under his head to lay on the floor, studying every line of his frame as he stretched his arms. you had always thought him quite spindly, but you could see his lower stomach where his shirt had ridden up and it was quite defined.
“are you checking me out, y/l/n?”
“maybe,” you replied breezily, shuffling across to lay your head on top of him. he brought an arm down from behind his head and wrapped it around you. it felt like there was the world outside, and then you and spencer. it didn’t feel like everything else had stopped, it just felt like right there in your apartment you were detached from it all. it was you and spencer, and that was completely ok. he cleared his throat and began to talk; he was reading from memory a book you’d told him months ago was one of your favourites. you smiled to yourself like an idiot, glad he couldn’t see your face. all your life, you had craved the exact feeling you felt in that moment- an escape from reality the way a gas station was a break from a long road trip. you felt loved, and most of all you felt ready to fall asleep and wake up well-rested for knowing your heart was at peace with your mind for the first time.
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nadisabug · 3 years
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Pairing: Tanaka Ryuunosuke x fem! reader (pet name baby is used)
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings: slight implied panic attack (more of just a crying fit but I want to cover my bases)
Word Count: 1.4 k
Summary: You may have doubts and insecurities, but Ryu is always there to chase them away.
A/N: I hope you love it elek (and other tanaka stans) bc I love you mwah
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Haikyuu Masterlist // Love Song Event Masterlist
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You were laying in your bed, snuggled in the covers, waiting. Your phone was on your chest, screen black. You stared up at the ceiling, having nothing else better to do. 
Then your phone buzzed. 
You shot straight up, throwing your phone onto your legs. It hit one of your kneecaps, but you ignored the pain. You scrambled to pick it up and turned it on quickly.
You had one new message. 
You clicked on it eagerly and read it with warm eyes. 
Hey, baby! Just got out of practice and got my phone back! How r u????
You smiled. The coach had a no-phone rule during practice, so he made all of the students place their phones in a bucket before practice to collect after. It was probably a good idea because you had no doubt your amazing boyfriend would text you the whole time. 
You shot off a quick reply and waited. After a minute or two you laid back down in bed, but kept a hold of your phone. When it buzzed, a few moments later, you couldn’t help the smile on your face. A voice message.
You clicked play and let Ryu’s comforting voice fill your room. 
Ah, baby, couldn’t wait to hear my voice? Can’t blame ya, I’m- 
His voice cut off and a cacophony of male voices rose up.
You are revolting.
Yeah, why do you have to do this in the club room, Tanaka-senpai?!
We all know you have a girlfriend and we don’t quit rubbing it in!
You couldn’t help but giggle at their complaints. Tanaka’s voice cut back in then, much closer and softer.
Sorry baby, I’ll have to send one when I get out of the room, one sec.
The voice message ended. You quickly texted him that it was okay and that you could wait. So you did. About three minutes later, a world record for Ryu changing, your phone buzzed again. Another voice message. You pressed play.
Hey baby, I’m out now. Practice was rough, coach had us doing flying laps everytime we missed a receive. Of course, I didn’t have to do that many but the first years were dying haha. And then- Oh hey Kiyoko, one sec baby-
The message cut off. You frowned. Then you waited. As you did, thoughts began to swirl around in your head. Doubts and insecurities that you knew damn well weren’t founded but arose nonetheless. Then you got a text. 
Walking Kiyoko home, I’ll call you on my way home <3
You frowned but let it go, texting him your acknowledgement. 
Nothing's wrong / But when you're not in my arms  / I send voice notes, you send hearts / And get quiet / And I know that means you miss me
Your friend was droning on and on about some class but all you could see was her. 
She was standing in the courtyard outside your classroom window. She wasn’t even talking to him, just some peers from her classroom, but those evil thoughts bubbled to the surface. 
What if Ryu likes her more than me? What if he doesn’t love me? What if he doesn’t want me-
“Hello?” Your friend called and waved their hand in front of you. You snapped out of your thoughts and turned to them. “You alright, Y/n?”
“Yeah,” you looked back at Kiyoko. She was gone. “I’m fine.”
You're jealous, you shouldn't be / I want you obsessively / But I know how complicated it can get
“I can bring it to him.”
Kiyoko was smiling softly, beautifully at you. 
You had made a bento for Ryu because he had texted you that this practice was going to be long. He had complained that he forgot to pack a dinner and was going to starve to death (always the drama queen) so you had taken it upon yourself to remedy your boyfriend’s problem. 
But now here Kiyoko was. 
“Are you sure, I mean-”
“There’s a lot of balls flying around in there, L/n. I wouldn’t want you getting hurt.”
She said it so genuinely. There was no trace of deceit in her words, and the fact that you were looking for it made your stomach churn. 
“Yeah of course. Thanks.”
And you handed her the bento.
When you're not in front of me / I know insecurities / Get in your head
You were walking home when you heard a familiar voice call your name. You turned around to see your boyfriend. 
“Ryu!” You smiled, then frowned. “Don’t you have practice?”
“I do,” he grinned and pulled you into a hug. You fell into his embrace with a sigh. “But I’m skipping it for you.”
You pulled away immediately and swatted him on the arm. “Ryu! Don’t skip practice! You better get your ass to that gym before I-”
“Sorry, sorry, I’m not actually skipping, I just thought it would sound cool,” Ryu pouted adorably. Your anger faded away and you sighed. 
“So what happened?”
“The first years are having special practice to give us a small break. I gotta be back in thirty minutes.”
“Then let’s get going.”
You walked in silence with him for a bit before he spoke up. 
“I actually asked for thirty minutes,” he confessed, rubbing the back of his neck. You turned to look at him. 
“I felt like something was off with you so I wanted to talk.”
The thoughtfulness in that statement took you back. He was so worried about you that he asked for time off to talk right away? You shook your head. Nothing less from Ryu. 
“Nothing’s wrong,” you lied. 
“Baby,” Ryu said softly, reaching out to touch you. You let him grab your hand.
I sighed. “I guess I’m just worried.”
“Worried about what?”
“That you won’t love me anymore.”
“Why would you think that? Wanna talk about it?”
You thought for a moment then nodded. “Yeah. And because, there are so many other girls so much prettier than I am and better and I don’t know I am just insecure.”
“Okay,” Ryu nodded. “But I want you to know I think that’s all bullshit. There is no one in this world better than you, baby.”
You smiled at him. “Thank you.”
But I'm not gonna interrupt / If you need to talk about it / Roll my eyes or get offended by / The way you doubt it
You were losing it. 
Crying, sobbing, hiccuping, you name it. 
Your insecurities had just gotten the better of you. All you could think about was how unworthy of love you were, and how Ryu was going to leave you for the obviously better Kiyoko. 
You weren’t sure how long you were crying, but it was a while. After you had calmed down a bit, your phone rang. You picked it up, thinking you were probably good enough to talk. 
“Hey baby, just got out of practice and I am walking home. How was your day?” Ryu’s warm voice poured out of the speaker, tipping you over the edge once more. 
“G-good,” you sniffled. You cursed yourself. Could you make it anymore obvious you had been crying?
“Are you crying?! Baby I’m on my way right now.” You heard his footsteps pick up.
“No, no, it’s okay I am fine now-”
“Is it about what we talked about earlier?” Ryu almost never cut you off, but this time he did. You knew he was serious and lying was going to get you nowhere. 
“Yes.” Your voice was soft. 
“Okay. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
Then he hung up.
You know you're mine / You just forget sometimes / So promise me you won't
Ryu burst into your room. You knew that your parents would have no problem letting him in. ALl you did was look up at him from the ball you were curled into under the blankets. You lifted one arm in invitation and he rushed to you. 
He dove under the covers and pulled you into his chest. 
And you know I'll remind you / When you think I don't
He pulled you closer into his embrace and whispered into your ear.
Hey stupid, I love you / Hey stupid, I love you
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Taglist: {OPEN}
@snoozless, @levylovegood, @tanakas-hugs-and-kisses, @dv0412, @milktyama, @kokogxddess​, @keshastourbus​, @elektrosonix​
Omg i love you ALL and everyone who reads ily mwah mwah mwah
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Stormy Weather - JJ Maybank
Request: could you possibly do something similar to the story where jj is afraid of the storm but switch it so jj comforts the girl instead?
A/N: I threw in a CHUD reference because my favorite thing about JJ is that we have the same taste in movies. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
☂︎ ☂︎ ☂︎ ☂︎
“What was that?” You asked, jumping at the sudden screeching noise that rang through from JJ’s phone. He grabbed it from the coffee table, nearly yanking the charger out of the wall in his haste, and slammed his thumb against the side to quiet the device.  
“It’s just my phone,” He promised as the noise abruptly stopped. The ringing continued in your ears as he unlocked the phone to read the notification, “storm warning I think?”
“Storm warning?” Realistically, you knew that it was a matter of hours, maybe minutes, until Agatha touched ground but you were still hoping that something would verve her off-course. Send her down to Georgia or Florida. You’d settle for South Carolina at this point.  
“Yeah. It says-”
“No. Don’t tell me what it says.”
JJ reached for your bare thigh, his warm hand coming down on the skin and rubbing as soothingly as possible. “It’s okay, it’s not for Kildare County yet.”  
“Yet?” You nearly shrieked at the word. JJ knew you hated storms, you had explained on multiple occasions how bad your anxiety got during storms and he tried, he really, really, tried, to be considerate and thoughtful but sometimes he just ended up sticking his foot in his mouth.  
“Hey, you’re fine.” JJ tried to point out as you got up off the couch and crossed the living room to the large bay window. The sky was already starting to get dark outside and you couldn’t tell if it was from the hour or the storm. Clouds blocked any view of the sun and the wind was starting to pick up. Soon it would rain and then the storm would start.
“I’m not fine JJ. There’s a hurricane coming. I know that. What if it hits here? What if it rips a tree out of the ground and throws it on top of the house? Then what?” You questioned, listing one of a dozen scenerios that were playing out in your head.  
“Babe, you need to-”
“Do not tell me to relax.”
JJ got up and crossed the room, hands fitting their place on your shoulders as he tried to steer you back toward the couch. “I was gonna say that you need to move away from the window. That isn’t gonna help you feel better.”
“I hate storms.”  
“I know.”
“And I hate weather alerts. Why do they have to alarm like that?” You took a deep breath, “what did it say?”
“It wasn’t for our county.” JJ replied.
“JJ, what did it say?”
“Flood watch. And severe storm moving inward.” He admitted.  
“Oh my god.”
“Hey, come on, come with me. Away from the window.” He pulled on your shoulders just enough to get your feet moving again as he finally walked you to the couch.
“You don’t need to see the storm, that’s not helping you. Just sit on the couch and let me do everything else.” JJ replied, sitting you down on the couch. He grabbed his phone and started to push the coffee table out of the way.  
“What are you doing?”  
“You’ll see. And you’ll feel better, I promise.”
“I hate storms.” You paled, leaning back against the cushions and looking up at him.
“I know.”  
“I hate hurricane season.”  
“I know that too.” JJ said. He stopped rearranging the furniture and leaned over to kiss you, soft lips pressed against yours before he pulled away, “it’ll be okay.”
“You shouldn’t have to babysit me either. I know John B asked you to surf the surge with him. You should be out having fun not sitting in the house with me.” You had been feeling guilty about calling JJ to come over ever since you had heard John B in the background of the call bitch that they were supposed to surf when Agatha hit. JJ had chosen you over his friend though, coming over and condemning himself to a night of calming you down as you freaked over an uncontrollable storm.  
“There is no where I would rather be than right here with you in the house okay?” JJ promised, “who gives a shit about surfing the surge.”  
“You’re a very good liar.” You teased, watching him continue to haul the kitchen chairs and table into the living room. When he got close you reached your arms out for him and he let you hug him, leaning down to kiss the top of your head.  
“It’s cause I’m not lying. Now let me go so I can get stuff together.”  
“You’ll be okay, I’m right here.” He reiterated as he left the living room for your bedroom down the hall.  
“Can you talk to me while you’re getting stuff?” You called, knowing the house was too quiet to distract you from the storm without constant chatter.  
“What do you want me to talk to you about?” He called down the hall. He was currently stripping the blankets and pillows off your bed, trying to hold them all in both arms so that he didn’t have to make more than one trip.  
“I don’t know...anything.”  
“I went to queen village this morning to get bait with Pope and I was getting ice and the guy that works there, you know the one who hates me?” He questioned, pausing as the comforter slipped from his arms.  
“He hates you because you stole from him like four times.” You reminded him, leaning back against the arm of the couch and stretching to lay down.  
“He can’t prove it.”
“I don’t understand why he still lets you in the store.”
“Because he can’t prove it.” JJ repeated. “Anyway, I’m getting ice right and he tells me that the ice cup costs money!”  
“Yeah, it always does. That’s why I bring my own water bottle when we go there.” You replied as he came in and deposited the blankets and pillows on a chair.  
“Whose side are you on?”  
“Yours, obviously. So what happened?” You asked as he left down the hall again.  
“So I’m getting ice and he tells me the cup costs money so I said ‘but the ice is free?’ and he says ‘ice is free’. So I made a little pocket with my shirt, like so,” JJ lifts the hem of his shirt up to fold over so he can demonstrate the pocket for you. “and I emptied the cup into my pocket and he told me that the ice costs money!”  
You laughed, easily imagining your boyfriend trying to hold a cupful of ice in his shirt to avoid paying, “then what?”  
“Then I said that he was being a bitch because it doesn’t cost shit and he just said so!” JJ grabbed your arm, “come over here.”
“What are you doing?” you asked as you let him guide you over to one of the wing chairs your mom had inherited.  
“Constructing a fort. Sit.” JJ instructed, sitting you down and going back to his story, “so I tell him he’s a bitch and he said he would call the cops if I didn’t leave the store! You imagine him ringing Peterkin or Shoupe just cause I wanted some ice! It should be free!”  
“It should be but it isn’t. You know that guy is a stickler, why argue?”
“Because I’m right and he’s a douche!” JJ replied, obviously still heated over the whole ordeal.  
“I know I asked you to tell me a story but I’m thinking that maybe this wasn’t the story I wanted you to tell me.” You laughed, getting up to hold the sheet in place as he clipped it to the chair. He had pushed the table against the couch and thrown the comforter over it like a roof. Now he had the chairs lined up with their backs to each other, forming the tunnel.  
You moved onto the next part of the fort, grabbing for the sheet as thunder clapped outside and you jumped, suddenly aware again that the fort and the story were all just fancy distractions meant to draw your attention away from the outside. Before you could abandon the task to flock to the window JJ was there beside you, pressed against your back as his arms wrapped around you and he kissed your shoulder.  
“We’re okay.”  
“It sounds really bad out there.” You mentioned, looking to the closed up windows.  
“We’re okay.” He repeated, “we’re safe.” He moved his hands to cover yours, stepping away enough that he was no longer embracing you. “I’ll do this, you make popcorn.”  
“I thought I was supposed to be relaxing?”  
“And you will after you make popcorn. You make it better than me!” He insisted, pushing you toward the kitchen.  
“Okay but then relaxing. This storm is-“  
“We’ll be fine, I’m here. There’s nothing to worry about.” JJ called after you as you walked into the kitchen and grabbed the sauce pan to start popcorn. You were certain you were in for a creature feature and you thought maybe seeing Shockma or CHUD or some other monster flick would help ease the worries you had about the outdoors. Maybe JJ was on to something after all.  
“I didn’t tell you the end of the story!” He exclaimed suddenly, appearing in the doorway. “So-“
Taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @lavenderxraindrops@gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @hvitost @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie@mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @99sxuxii @oh-annaa @katiaw2 @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @justkeepdreamingswift @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee@crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @jolomez @timotaychalabae
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 2: Hello
Words: 2049
The next morning you woke up with a massive headache and should have listened to your mom who said always drink eight ounces of water after every drink to prevent a hangover. Still, It was Saturday, and you were finally able to relax, well relax as much as a college doctor student could. You got up and hopped in the shovel you should've washed your makeup off the night before but conserving you almost got assaulted in an alleyway you allowed yourself to just head to bed. Still now what would you do, should you bring this up with the administrator, or your friends, maybe tell Fumi.
You got dressed for the day before heading out to grab something to eat, only to run into Fumiko who looked a bit dazed.
“Hey Fumiko, I'm glad I ran into you, it's about last night,” you said
“OH that's funny, I was about to say the same thing.” She said looking shocked “ Akio hasn't come back according to his friends, they think he might have tried to help you home, did you see him after you left.”
“Funny I was about to bring him up to, he came after me after I left and wouldn't leave me alone, we got into a scuffle in the alleyway on my way back, but he ran away when someone threw a can at his head,” you said
“He did what?” Fumiko said, “That doesn't sound like him at all.”
“Well it's the truth, so if he shows his head near me again, tell him I'm going to do a lot worse than swipe him with my quirk okay,” you said
“You...hurt him?” She asked
“He grabbed my wrist, what else was I supposed to do.” you said crossing your arms ``I'm leaving, I'll see you in class Monday.``
“(name) that's not what I meant,” Fumiko said then sighed that if it came out wrong, she would have to confront his friends about this, right now in fact.
“What are you sure that was Akio?” His other guy friend who was with them last night said
“Genji I'm worried, (Name) said she cut him with her quirk, and he ran off.” She said
“Well if that is true he had it coming, still Akio is a big pushover.” He said, “Look he is probably hiding in his room, the others are just worried for nothing.”
“I see you are useful as ever,” Fumiko said walking off and banging on Akio door, nothing she knocked again
“Akio, (name) told me what you did, come out.” She said stomping her foot, nothing, he must be gone.
The rest of the day passed when she finally got a call from Genji that was weird he almost never called.
“Hey, what's up?”
“Well I Ummm, the good news is we found Akio.” He said
“Oh good, where is he?”
“In the hospital, you know that one Villian that has been hanging around here lately, well they found one of his red feathers at the crime scene, he was pretty beat up.”
“Akio got attacked by the Nighthawk!?” Fumiko said
“That's what it says.” Genji said, “Doctor said he should be fine in a few days and the police are telling him how lucky he was to get away with those injuries.”
“Genji, I think we need to talk face to face about something.” She said, “where are you, I'm coming over.”
YOu were fiddling with a pencil watching a lecture on your own free time, not like you had anything better to do, maybe planning out your revenge for Akio, once you learned where he was, he was going to go through hell when you got your hands on him. You were deep in thought when you heard a knock on your door, now who could that be. You got up and walked over to see Fumiko and the other guy who was with you, both looked concerned and upset at the same time.
“Why are you here?” you asked
“Well, we found Akio,” Fumiko said fiddling with her bag strap
“Oh really where is he, I have a bone to pick with him.” You said crossing your arms
“Hey calm down, He is in the hospital,” Genji said
“Oh really, well I guess karma is real.”
“Hey don't say that about him, what's wrong with you, he is hurt badly,” Genji said
“Funny he hurt me really badly, and he would have done worse if someone didn't intervene.” You said, “Your friend is a real creep, I don't care if he is in the hospital or morgue the second he laid his hands on me is the second I don't care.”
“Wow and here I thought you were cool, how can you be so heartless!” Genji said
“How can you be so empty-headed!” you said
“Guys stop!” Fumiko said, “This isn't why we are here, look Akio was attacked by a villain that is why he is in the hospital.”
“Really now,” you said
“The night hawk attacked him in an alleyway last night,” Genji said
“Oh that's funny Akio attacked me in an alleyway last night as well,” you said
“Look, you said someone interfered right.” Fumiko said, “Did anything else happen.”
“All he did was throw a can at Akio's head, told me how to leave the alleyway to avoid him, also if it was the nighthawk I think I would have noticed the wings,” you said
“I can’t believe this.” Genji said, “ugh if you weren't so drunk Akio wouldn't have tried to help you home and he wouldn't be in the hospital!”
“Genji!” Fumiko said, as you grabbed Genji by the shirt and looked him dead in the eyes
“You are lucky Genji is in the hospital or I would have ripped him a new Orifice.” you said “Because whatever the Nighthawk did to him, I would have done something worse ten times over!”
“You are crazy,” Genji said trying to remove your hand but you flexed your hand and caught his shirt with your talons.
“And you are an asshole.” you said letting him go with a shove “Fumiko I think you should either find a new group of guys or a new seat in class.”
And with that you slammed the door in both their faces, both looking shocked but what more could they do.
Later that night you set off to find your clues on what happens, walking past Cherry stem and looking around for any sign, you saw the police tape, yup there was blood splatters still on the wall, you went around it and down the alleyway where Akio attacked you and looked up at the fire escape the man was on, you walked up the steps and kept looking around, no clues on where he could have been, you kept going up the steps till you reached the roof, you kept looking around only to see a single red feather laying on the floor.
“So it really was the nighthawk,” you said to yourself picking it up, he was noticed for not leaving a single trace so why would he leave this, you heard a jiggle of the doorknob and decided it was time for you to leave, you put the feather in your purse and headed back to school, grabbing a rice ball for dinner unknowing to you a certain villain was on the roof looking down at you.
“Well, well she sure is a curious one.” Hawks said to himself, unknowing to you his feathers were really easy for him to track down and control the public only knows him as a flying villain, unknowing just how special his feathers could be.
You sat in your dorm and looked down at the bright red feather, still, it didn't make sense to you, how could you have not noticed those giant red wings, maybe you were in such a panic you missed them, and still why would one of japan's top villains help you, still this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. You got out your microscope and plucked one of the feather fibers out and looked under it, everything seemed normal enough, quirks are always so interesting. Maybe if you cut down the feather shaft and extracted some DNA you could find out more answers. You flexed your pointer finger and cut down the middle, and to your surprise, everything seemed to be intact like it was still attached to the animal.
Your curiosity was cut short when the father shot up and slammed into your window, you jumped back and that's how he was able to conceal his feathers from you, he could remove them from his body and control them at will, so the Hpsc was lying to the public about how dangerous he could be, you grabbed it and it was squirming in your hand before shooting up taking you with it and you got slammed against the roof, you held on.
“OH no you don't.” you said, tugging it back down and slamming in on your desk “I wonder how much you can feel.”
So interesting ti was like its own living organism, no wonder he could be so dangerous, but still, if he could control it this far and feel it, was he coming to get his feather back, and if so he must be coming over, this was going to be interesting. You twiddled the feather between your fingers and hummed to yourself, what exactly was he planning.
You were still up watching the feather, it seemed to calm down, it must be able to feel pain and that's why it freaked out on you earlier, still, it was getting late maybe he wasn't coming, what a letdown, and here you thought something interesting was going to happen. You looked down at the feather and noticed it started moving slowly, your head picked it up as it started moving towards your window and tapping at it, you got up and walked over grabbing the feather and opening the window.
“You know, usually you ask a man before cutting open his feathers.” you heard the familiar voice, and you looked up to see him sitting down on the flag pole above your window,
“I knew it,” you said
“KNew what?” He asked
“YOu can feel your feathers even when they are detached from your body and control them.” you said “That's how you are able to hide out, and why I didn't recognize you yesterday.”
“Yesterday, what happen yesterday?” he asked
“I was that woman you helped in the alleyway,” you said
“Haha I'm just yanking your chain of course I remember you miss talons.” He said, “I see you got my gift, I wasn't expecting you to slice it open, that hurt you know.”
“Gift?” you said
“Well more like a clue, I was happy to see you pick it up,” he said hooking his needs around the pole and swinging down
“Why would you want me to find this?” you asked
“You seem smart, and seem like you would ask questions,” he said
“Well you put that creep in the hospital.” you said holding out his feather “I'm assuming you want this back huh.”
“Yes ma’am.” he said taking it from your hands “You look confused?”
“Well, I am wondering why one of Japanese most dangerous evil and is hanging outside my window.”
“Had nothing better to do today, and most dangerous villain huh, is that what they are labeling me as?” he asked “I’m not here to threaten you to keep your mouth shut, you are smart enough to know if you talk you will get taken by the Hpsc and try to extract any information they think you might have on me, still I expect you to be more terrified.”
“Hmm well I was expecting you to be a lot more evil,” you said
“Well I did just put your “friend” in the hospital so take that as you will,” he said
“Well thank you for that.” you said “I hate guys like him.”
“You should see the guys I deal with.” Hawks said, “Still you are the first person to find my hint.”
“Why did you leave the hint, really tell me,” you said
“Hmmm...that's a secret.” he said putting a finger over his lips, before swinging back up “Well I got to go and remember to keep this meeting hush hush okay.”
“I will,” you said as a large gust of wind hit your face and he was gone in a flash, yes this was getting interesting.
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five-rivers · 4 years
Long Night in the Valley chapter 7
Oof, this chapter kept getting longer.
It was times like this that really drove home the fact that Eri had been raised by yakuza.  
Normally, it was easy to forget.  Eri was an angel, almost too well behaved at times, and Mirio loved spending time with her.  Being asked to look after her while her foster parents were away was a privilege, not a chore.
Right now, though?
Now, Eri was in the middle of total meltdown and screaming threats at the news anchor who had just… reported something totally unbelievable and, if he was being honest, incredibly aggravating, even for him.  
Mirio hoped Eri didn’t know the meanings of half the words she was shouting but, Chisaki Kai being the utter horror that he was, she’d probably seen at least some of them done to people in front of her.  
Once again, Mirio was filled with the totally reasonable, if unheroic, desire to punch Chisaki until his legs came off like his arms did. As this was not, in the moment, a helpful impulse, he pushed it aside.  
“I’m gonna kill you!” screamed Eri, throwing another marker at the TV screen, tears streaming down her face and horn sparking dangerously.
On one hand, it was great that Eri felt safe enough here at UA and around Mirio to have this outburst.  On the other, Mirio really, really did not want to get de-aged out of existence.  
It would be really great to have his quirk right now. Or Tamaki.  If only he and Hado hadn’t been at their internships today, maybe they could have solved this together.
He was currently alternating between trying to verbally calm Eri down and serially dialing every teacher involved in Eri’s care.  
Aizawa-sensei’s phone just rang and rang.  
Yamada-sensei’s went straight to a completely unhelpful voicemail.  
Kayama-sensei’s went to an even less helpful voicemail that also had the side-effect of making Mirio feel incredibly embarrassed.  
All Might-sensei was supposedly “kidnapped.”
Recovery Girl had her ‘medical emergency’ message on.  
This left a single, terrifying recourse.  
With shaking hands, he pressed the call button and prepared to pray to the Rat God.
“Hi, Principal Nezu!” he said, loudly and brightly as soon as he heard the phone pick up.
“Hello, Togata-kun!  I take it that Eri-chan has seen the news?”
“I’m going to tear out your eyes and sew them to your a—”
Hoooo, boy.  
“Yeah,” said Mirio, “and she’s not taking it well.  I’m really sorry, but I need help.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for!” chirped Nezu.  “Knowing when to call for backup is something we try to instill in all our students.  I’ll be over right away.”
There was a beep as the line went dead.  Mirio put his phone back in his pocket and winced as Eri took a deep breath and let out another round of invective.  
“Eri,” he said, deciding to make one more attempt to calm her down before Nezu came, “don’t you think that’s a bit much?  She’s probably only saying what she’s been told.”
Eri whirled, incensed.  “But that’sa lie!  Deku isn’t a villain!”
“I know, but—”
“It’s the news!” she said, stomping her foot.  “They’re not supposed to say things that aren’t true! That’s what Yagi-san says!”
“She might not know it isn’t true,” said Mirio, smiling consolingly (he knew this particular smile was consoling, because he’d practiced extensively).  “Sometimes, people believe lies.  Even good people.”
This was something Eri knew well, so Mirio hoped this reasoning got through to her.  
It did not.  
“But,” said Eri, incredulously, “it’s Deku.”
Mirio agreed with that sentiment, he really did.  But the sheer level of fury currently concentrated into Eri’s tiny body was too much for him to handle.  
Still, she seemed to be thinking instead of yelling or crying, so that was good.  
“I’m going to bite them,” she said, dreadfully calm.  
“Who?” asked Mirio, dreading the answer and knowing the storm had only stopped momentarily.  
“The people who come to interrogate me,” said Eri, as if it were a given that she’d be interrogated.  He was impressed she knew the word, right up until how she must have known it hit him.
“Why are you going to bite them?”
“Deku said that if a stranger tried to make me go with them or do something I didn’t want I should bite them and scream.  And also…”  She proceeded to describe a series of actions that would probably have the average assailant lying on the ground in a fetal position, defeated.  “And you, and Amajiki-san, and Hado-san said I should…”  Mirio vaguely recalled being consulted for and contributing certain portions of this but combined with Midoriya’s contributions and Eri’s anger it became significantly more sinister.  “And ‘Zawa agreed and he told me I should…”  Ah.  That was worse.  Much worse. And knowing Aizawa, he’d probably taught her how to do at least some of it.
Mirio abruptly realized that, out of all the people Eri knew, he was most likely the second sanest.  He, as a person who saw no issue with appearing nude on national television multiple times, was not used to having such a position.  
If the commission were wise, they wouldn’t send any of their people anywhere near Eri.  They’d die.  
The door burst open.  “Am I a dog, a mouse, or a bear?  One thing’s for sure, I’m the principal!”
Mirio now understood why Tamaki spent so much time hiding in corners.
His students screamed alongside him as he fell.  He twisted, surprised and uncontrolled, in the air, flashes of skyscraper windows passing in and out of his vision.  Above him, the woman, Nana, stood on the air, looking down.  
Uraraka had reflexively stopped herself fairly quickly with her quirk, but she was now too far away to reach himself, Iida, or Todoroki. Todoroki was trying to copy one of his father’s moves and fly with the flames produced by his left side, but obviously trying to do something like that with no practice wasn’t going to work well.
Suzuki was there, too, but Aizawa’s first responsibility was to his kids, not the idiot that got them into this mess.  
He swung his capture weapon upwards, trying to reach Uraraka, but the tumbling threw his aim off.  
Green lightning flashed in the corner of his eye, and he found himself wrapped in black tentacles and moving sideways at great speed.  They crashed through one of the windows into an oddly blurry and muted office space.  
Midoriya released Aizawa and set down his classmates carefully. “Can you get Ochako down?  Blackwhip is still… difficult.”
Aizawa looked Midoriya over quickly.  He was wearing his hero costume.  It had the same tears in it as it did after the aerial battle with Chisaki Kai.  
There was a pattern here.  
He nodded and walked to the window.  Now that they were no longer falling, his aim was true, and Uraraka, who had been inching closer by deactivating then reactivating her quirk, caught the end of the capture weapon easily.  He reeled her in.  
“Izuku!” she said bouncing over to him and hugging him.  “You’re okay!”
“Haha,” said Midoriya, “yep.”
“You let Suzuki fall,” said Aizawa, who had been contemplating much the same thing.  
“I would have done something different,” said Midoriya, “but it wasn’t entirely up to me.  Nana would just drop him again.  It’s a dream, besides.  Worst that will happen is that he’ll wake up and then we can use that to wake you guys up.” He turned away.  “Come on, Six is this way.”
“Six, not seven?”
“Nana’s taking care of,” he waved his hand in the direction of the broken window, “that.”
Uraraka glanced that way.  “I wasn’t sure before, but that’s Skyrunner, isn’t it?  I didn’t think she was still alive.”
“She isn’t,” said Midoriya, shortly, before beginning to stride across the room.  “We really don’t have time to stand around.  Six will explain things better than me.”
“Who’s Skyrunner?” asked Todoroki.
Aizawa kept his eyes on Midoriya.  He seemed distracted, his movements were lower energy than usual, as if his mind was miles away.
“She was a hero ages ago.  She’d be in her eighties, I think, but that was her.  I found her when I was doing research on quirks similar to mine.”
“They aren’t really the same,” said Midoriya.  “Float is an at-will telekinetic type quirk with a personal range.  Yours is a five-point touch physical property alteration quirk.”
“Application-wise,” said Uraraka.  “But how can we be in her head if she’s dead?  You said before, we were in All Might’s head, so…”
“Wait, what?”  How the heck were they supposed to have gotten into Yagi’s head?  Was this something Midoriya’s dreaming subconscious came up with?  Or was there a massive problem about to smack him in the face as soon as he woke up?
More massive than the Hero Commission feeling justified in running a quirk-assisted interrogation on a minor.   A minor who was unconscious and may have been moved to another facility, away from any adults who might be on their side.  
Midoriya had stopped to lean against a doorway, pinching the bridge of his nose.  “I’m sorry,” he said, “I’m not completely here.  I can’t—I’m busy, it’s hard to process.”
“Busy doing what?” asked Todoroki.  
“Being awake,” said Midoriya.
“You’re awake?” repeated Aizawa.
“Halfway.  It’s just—Unexpected quirk interaction.  When I was shot—” He broke off and shuddered.  “Six will be able to explain it better.  I’m on the run, sensei, I’m sorry.”
“You’re awake and on the run from the Hero Commission.”
“Mhm,” said Midoriya.  “Six will explain.  Probably. I haven’t directly met Six yet.”
There were so many concerning things about that statement that Aizawa didn’t know where to start.  Midoriya pushed off the doorway and kept walking.  
“We need a contact point,” he said, “so we can cross over to Six.  I don’t know where they’d be for Nana and Six, though.”
As they walked, the building slowly changed from a generic office space to something that, at least to Aizawa, resembled a hero agency.  An old, dated hero agency.  
“Does this have something to do with ‘first contact?’”
“It doesn’t need to be first contact,” said Midoriya, waving over his shoulder.  “Just contact.  The rules are weird, apparently?  I think they’re different, normally.  I’m not sure where to go…”
“I’ll show you.”
Aizawa was incredibly tired of people showing up out of nowhere. And Nana really had shown up out of nowhere, suddenly materializing in the hallway, not even having the courtesy to step out of a doorway or from around a corner and pretend this world operated on anything approaching hard and fast rules.
“Hey, hey,” said Nana, “you guys are all really tense, aren’t you?”
“You did drop us from fifty stories up.”
“Haha, yeah, I did,” said Nana, grinning and ruffling Midoriya’s hair.  “I’m still dropping that jerkface back there.  Hopefully, he’ll decide to nope out before too long and we can get the rest of you out of here without the whole Journey to the West reenactment.”
Midoriya squinted up at her, listing slightly to one side. “Every time you use slang it’s so weird.”  
“Come on, kid, I’m not that old.”  She sighed.  “I’d give you Float now, but given present circumstances, you’ll probably want Six’s or Two’s.”
Midoriya straightened—And was it just Aizawa or did his outline become clearer?
“You can do that?” he asked.  He brought his hand up to his chin, index finger resting beneath his lower lip.  “It could be possible, depending on the mechanism,” he mumbled.  “But then would getting out be…?  No, it can’t be something like that, or it wouldn’t even be mentioned, and it didn’t work with Suzuki…  But it’s worth testing—Aizawa-sensei, can you use your quirk on Todoroki? Todoroki, think really hard about waking up while you do it.”
They tried this.  Nothing happened, other than Todoroki not being able to use his quirk. Aizawa had the sinking suspicion that this conversation was about Midoriya’s quirk gaining yet another, bizarre manifestation.  Did his quirk have something to do with split personalities?  Loading other peoples’ personalities and quirks into his head?
“It isn’t that, then,” said Midoriya.  “Saito’s quirk could still have a mechanism like that.”
“Or it could be the interaction between your quirk and hers,” said Nana.
Midoriya was silent for a moment.  “I guess,” he said finally.  “But we have to test—”
“We don’t want to overload you.  Like I said, I think you’ll want Six’s or Two’s more than mine.  Or even Four’s.”
Midoriya shook his head.  “No, considering what we’re up against, Float would be very useful.  Can we try?”
Nana nodded, put her hands on his shoulders, and bent at the waist to whisper something in Midoriya’s ear.  The room briefly flickered into sky, a sunset or sunrise throwing brilliant color from horizon to horizon.  The sound of wings presaged a flock of birds.  Aizawa braced for a fall.  Nana stood back up.  The room returned.  “Did you get it?”
Aizawa checked to make sure all of his (shaken) students were still there.
“I think so,” said Midoriya.   He took a deep breath.  “Yes.  I have it.” He looked back at Aizawa.  “I’m sorry, I really have to go, now.”
Aizawa was also getting really tired of people disappearing, he decided.
Nana sighed.  “Anyway, come on, we have to get going.”
They all looked to Aizawa before following.  Aizawa sighed.  They didn’t have any other leads on what to do, and if they didn’t, they might get dragged along anyway.  “Might as well,” he said.  “This had better be a great explanation.  And I’d like it before we get to this ‘Six.’”
“Yes,” said Todoroki.  “Does Midoriya have multiple personality disorder?”
“It’s Dissociative Identity Disorder, and no,” said Nana.  “Not as such.  For now…  We’re part of Nine’s—Izuku’s—quirk.”
“Funnily enough, I had put that together.  Why you?”
“I used to ask myself that, you know.  Six is the one who can answer.  In the meantime… consider this a quirk history field trip.  Here we are.”  They stepped into a conference room, a projector springing to life along with the faint murmur of phantom voices.  “I was just a sidekick back then,” she said.  “Not his, though.  It’s funny. Toshinori was mine, you know. Before his debut.  He didn’t even go by All Might back then.”  The room glitched.  
Aizawa managed to get the impression of a surreal, almost Lovecraftian, landscape, rubble, and the words ‘You’re next.’
Aizawa could have gone his entire life without knowing that All Might had cribbed his last words as a hero from his teacher.  
Nana laughed.  “To be fair,” she said, patting his arm (patting his arm), “he’s not the only one. Come on, I want you four worlds away from Suzuki.  Let’s get this show on the road.”
The lighting in the room shifted, and it filled with ghosts much like in Izuku’s school.  Another, younger, version of Nana sat among them, looking up at the projector.  
The underground hero Fidelity is here today to discuss a possible smuggling ring based out of Musutafu…
As the young man walked in, the whispers arrived… But there seemed to be fewer whisperers.
First contact.  
Izuku managed to levitate a centimeter off the ground before settling himself again.  Enough not to be noticed by anyone but Toshinori.  
Toshinori who was close to tears.  Izuku blinked back a few of his own.  
This was good.  With Float and the right planning, they could possibly break their trail even without the more complicated maze-path he and Toshinori had planned out. Some of the words in Trace’s file seemed to indicate her quirk only worked over solid objects, and she didn’t work with the Coast Guard, even though her quirk would, otherwise, be quite useful there.  The conclusion couldn’t be trusted, of course, but if he could manage to stay floating, and get Toshinori to float as well, it would be well worth it.  
He almost laughed at himself.  Mastering a quirk in so little time, worth it.
“If anyone could do it,” said Toshinori, “it would be you, my boy.”
Izuku’s heart filled with warmth as the others agreed. He could almost feel Nana ruffle his hair again.  
In theory, the plan to acquire the keys to the testing center’s off-limits areas was very simple.  
In practice…  It was also very simple, shockingly enough.  Maybe it was because the human explosive and the deceptively destructive sunshine child weren’t involved.  No, that couldn’t be it.  
Hitoshi walked up to a security guard, said excuse me, used his quirk, and asked for the keys.  Then he handed them to Yaoyorozu so she could make copies.  She gave the guard back the keys, and Hitoshi told the guard to forget him.  That order didn’t always work, but they weren’t having the guard move, and the whole operation had taken under five minutes.  There wasn’t much to remember in the first place.
“What now?” asked Hitoshi.  
“Now,” said Yaoyorozu, making more copies of keys.  “We get lost.”
The benefit to having a blunt and straightforward demeanor was that people rarely thought Tsuyu was lying.  
Well.  The UA uniform helped, too.  Even among heroes, UA was known to take only the best of the best.  The most trustworthy.
“Excuse me, kero,” Tsuyu said, sidling up to a young hero in civilian clothing.  “I was told to tell everyone to go into the back—They want us to spread out, for when the police arrive to question us?  The doors are already unlocked.”  She pointed.  “But our teachers have come to pick us up, and we’re going with them, so can you help?”
“Oh, of course.  That’s what heroes do, right?”  Bubble Girl shot her a pair of finger guns.  “Hey, you’re one of Deku-kun’s friends, right?  This is so weird.  Have you seen the news?”
“Yes, kero.”  
“Sorry, sorry, I know that’s probably not something you want to talk about.  I hope everything works out for him.”
So did Tsuyu.
The plan to flood the relatively empty back hallways with people and unleash a dance of chaos the Hero Commission, false warriors of light, could not hope to contain, went… Interestingly, in Fumikage’s opinion.  
There were several different entrances to the back that people were directed to, and, predictably, some of them were turned back, even though they had unlocked the doors.  There were commission people back there, albeit relatively few of them.  
The class slipped in among the others.  He led the way, as the sneakiest person after Hagakure.  Well.  Sort of.
It was hard to figure out who was in the lead with all these people everywhere.  
Plus, he got… Ahem.  
He was swept away on the tide of darkness, with no beacon to guide his way.  
Dark Shadow cackled in his ear.  “Just admit you’re lost, Fumi,” she said.  
“I am not!” he hissed back.
“Besides there are fire escape maps over there.”
Oh, that was helpful.
When Chiyo woke up this morning, she had not expected to face the fact that Toshinori had finally lost his mind, and the entirely baseless accusation that Midoriya of all people had kidnapped him (the reverse was much more likely, in her opinion).  And yet.
When Chiyo had been asked to organize and accompany the fleet of ambulances to pick up their unconscious students and staff members (something she had done many times) she had not expected to be point blank refused by the Hero Commission.  And yet.
When Hizashi and Nemuri had asked the fleet to pull around to the back of the testing center, near a loading dock ‘to make room for other traffic,’ she had not expected her coworkers and eleven students to slam up the rolling overhead door of the loading dock and run out at full tilt while carrying ten unconscious bodies.  
And yet.
Maybe, after everything, she should have.  
She grabbed the radio from the dash and started rolling down the window.  “Open the doors!”
The students knew what they were doing, at least with regards to casualty transport.  They should.  They’d passed the licensing test.  Hizashi and Nemuri had better hope this nonsense didn’t get any of those licenses stripped, or, oh, she’d have words with them.
“Hey!” shouted a hero with a prominent commission badge pinned to his costume.  He extended his arm and delicate rays of light shot forth.  He was aiming mostly at Hizashi and Nemuri.  Typical.  One of the rays of light hit Hizashi’s heel, and his shoe turned to stone, causing him to stumble.  
Chiyo calmly stuck the end of her syringe-shaped cane out the window and depressed the well-hidden trigger.  A small sedative filled dart his the hero in the neck, where he was not protected by his costume.  He dropped.
One or two of the students did a double take.  Chiyo rolled her eyes.  
Really.  She was a licensed Pro Hero.  Pros had to be able to act, regardless of how many of their expectations were being subverted.  
The students could stand to learn that.  
Large public TV screen at the intersection caught Izuku’s attention, despite how he was keeping his gaze on his feet, the better to monitor his use of Float.  
But, then, Izuku had practically trained himself to notice any screen with All Might on it.  That this one also had his picture on it was just frosting on the cake.  
They’re moving fast.  
Of course they are.  We’re a threat.  
We weren’t!
We’ve always been.  Do you remember—?
They aren’t putting quirk users into concentration camps.
No, just training camps.
Not the time.  We’ll have to deal with the Hawks problem later.
… We were hoping for more time.
“The Hawks problem?” asked Toshinori.
“I have no idea,” said Izuku.  “Come on, we have to keep going.”
Trace was very good at what she did, and Hawks was genuinely hoping that she would be the one to find Midoriya and All Might, not him.  He didn’t want to be responsible for what was going to happen to the kid, spy or no. He didn’t want to get on All Might’s bad side, either, retired or not.  
Really.  The commission should have taken the hint when All Might left of his own accord. Hawks didn’t know how he’d found out about the commission’s plan to psychically interrogate Midoriya, but obviously he did.  And he objected.  Strenuously.
It might have been better for him to go public, though, rather than spirit the kid away.  
On the other hand…  It had only been a couple hours at this point.  Maybe he hadn’t had the chance.  Getting the kid out of commission hands might have been his priority, depending on how much he heard.  
What Hawks had heard…  Yeah.  Not great. One guy in particular had seemed overly enthusiastic about Midoriya’s possible rehabilitation.  
He sighed and took off his goggles, so he had a better view of the city below him.  Hawks had lucked out in the color receptor department.  Like most birds, he had four, as opposed to the baseline human three. If anyone could pick out Midoriya’s green mop and All Might’s eye-watering blonde in these crowds, it would be him.  
And if they had changed their appearances?
Well.  Their heights were distinctive enough on their own, especially when paired.  
Hawks genuinely hoped Trace would find them first.  But he wasn’t counting on it.  
Well.  This was far from the worst thing the commission had asked him to do.  
Samson and Delilah were a relatively new duo. Samson had a gorilla mutation. Delilah had a ‘conditional status ailment’ quirk that doubled as a boost to herself.  Kind of annoying to activate, though, honestly.  Who else had a quirk that made them eat hair?
Anyway, this was their first assignment from the commission. All they had to do was pick up a potential witness.  
“Or colluder,” said Samson.  
“Come on, have you seen her face?”  Delilah gestured with the photo in her hand.  
“She’s his mother.  Mothers know everything.”
“Your mom, maybe,” said Delilah.  “I think this is it.”  She checked the door number.  Yep.  “You knock.”
Samson’s knock was loud and intimidating.  It got no response.  
“Again?” suggested Delilah.
But no matter how many times Samson knocked, he would get no answer.  Midoriya Inko was not home.  
Inko checked the piece of paper with Dr. Tsubasa’s current address on it again.  Hisashi had always told her that if anything happened, and he couldn’t be there, she should go to Dr. Tsubasa.  She never had.  The wound he had given her son when he was five had never completely faded, and she couldn’t help but hate him for that.  
But Hisashi wasn’t picking up his phone, and this, this was bigger than she could hope to deal with.  
Dr. Tsubasa had better be able to.  Or else.  
(Inko did not know if the ‘or else’ was for herself, Izuku, Hisashi, or Dr. Tsubasa himself, but it was most certainly there.)
(Incidentally, Hisashi was going to get a lot of ‘else’ from her regardless, for not picking up his phone.)
Once, when he was young and stupid, Tomura had thought of life as a single-player game.  First person. A shooter, maybe.  First person RPG.  
Before he’d turned twenty, though, he’d realized that to get anywhere, he’d need a party.  Obviously, he was still the only player, other than Sensei, and Sensei didn’t count.  Sensei was different.  Everyone else was NPCs.  Interesting ones, maybe.  But just look at Twice!  He could turn everyone into infinitely respawning mobs.  As things were meant to be.  
But the USJ, Hosu, and everything that happened that summer had taught him better.  This was a co-op, and when someone got a permanent game over, when they were logged off forever… It made something burn inside him because those were his party members.  
He’d found Magne annoying.  But when she declared herself everyone’s big sis…
Even so, he’d hung on to the notion that they were fighting the CPU.  No intelligence on the other side.  Just violence, power, and an assortment of unfair, programmed-in cheat codes.  
This, too, was a false impression of the world.  This revelation hadn’t come as quickly as the last. In fact, if he were to be honest with himself (a despicable practice) he’d have to admit the realization had been building, percolating, since the USJ.  It was something he’d acknowledged, even, although he hadn’t realized it at the time.  
This game had a Player 2.  And the noob had just finished the tutorial.  
He smiled wide enough to make his lips crack and sting in the dusty air of the current hideout.  The pinging news alerts on his phone faded into the background as he made his plans.  
Tomura was supposed to be following the main questline, gathering party members, and powering up, but what was multiplayer without griefing?  What was an open sandbox without distractions?
“Hey, guys,” said Tomura, lazily, not even looking over his shoulder.  “You up for a side quest?”
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anxiousbean33 · 3 years
The Black Sails - Chapter 1 - Oh Shit a Fire
Word count - 1673
@sitting-around-and-fantasizing thank you for helping me out with alot of this <3
Slight derealization warning - Just at the end though
Summary -
The Minecraft family has to move due to the recent attacks from the dark kingdom, 7 years after the conclusion of the first war. Unfortunately, the day they had planned to move, there is a raid on their town from the Dark Kingdom, causing chaos throughout not only the town, but also Smp.
ao3 link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/30826130/chapters/76099421#workskin
“Wait Mumza, what's going on?” Wilbur questions pulling his old guitar out of a box, “Mum! You can't get rid of this! This was my first guitar!”
“Wilbur,” Kristin says, grabbing the guitar back, “That's the box of stuff we are keeping. We're moving to Smp in a few days, and we need to pack up.”
“What.” He stares in disbelief, “Mum, does Tommy know? You know he won't want to move. I don't want to move!”
“Ayyy seems the Big Man hates the news! HaHA! Take that Wilbur, you are gonna be stuck with me and Tubbo,” Tommy says, throwing his stuff on the couch and dragging him to the other room. “Wilbur, a bunch of other magic users will be at Smp if we go there, then we will be able to fight better! We could be like Dream! Or GeorgeNotFound!”
“Let go of me,” he responds, shoving Tommy off of him, “I don't care about becoming a hero Toms, I want to stay here and play for the town, not move to a crowded kingdom where we only know the Sparklez family.” Walking back into the living room, while Tommy walks back to his room, “Mum, what's the real reason we are moving to Smp? I know it's not to improve our magic, as you taught us really well for people without gems, So What is the real reason?”
“Wilbur…” She sighs, replying solemnly, “I know your 23 and you can move out, so I’m warning you of what's going on, but if you truly want to stay here, you can. I don't want to leave, but if you are happier here, neither me nor Phil can stop you,”
“Wait? What's going on? Something bad has happened right?” he says shocked, as Phil walks in.
“Hey Wil- Oh Kris, did you decide to tell him? Has he decided if he's coming with?”
“No! She hasn't! What's going on Mum? Dad?”
“Will…” His father says, while fidgeting like someone would attack everyone if he said the wrong things, “You know the attacks on Smp and the Towns nearby - the ones that have been happening since the dark war? They recently found out that the Dark Kingdom has risen again, and are going now by Black Sails, they are the ones behind the raids and attacks. We are headed to Smp not only to help them if they need more fighters, but also to protect Tommy.”
“No... this can't… No- There is no way that- but... I thought Blade killed their leader? How are they back?”
“I don't know Wilbs, all that's been released to the public is that they finally found out who was behind the attack's nobody knows who's leading them though.”
“Ok dad, thanks for telling me, if you need me, I’ll be packing.”
Wilbur walks back to his room and starts packing his clothes. Looking out the window, he thinks back to the story his mom told him 7 years ago about the dark war. He continues packing until he hears them. The sirens. Wilbur has never heard them so loud before, it's almost as if… Suddenly there is a loud crash that shoves Wilbur back. He stands up and sees that his door frame has exploded into flames.
“TOMMY! OH, GOD TOMMY FIRE!” He rushes to his brother's room hoping to get him out, but unfortunately the door is stuck and catches fire, “TOMMY STAND BACK I'LL GET YOU OUT!” He shouts while bashing his shoulder against the burning door, once he opens the door, he finds an empty room, Tommy was already in the house. Recognizing that he is out, the adrenaline runs out, and he starts realizing the pain in his shoulder and falls to the floor coughing, a figure rushes over to him, “Dad…?”
“Hey it's okay, c'mon, just stay awake,” a soothing voice talks to him, “My name is BBH, we need to get you out of here. You'll be okay.” He slowly looks up at the hybrid that is saving him, and his necklace that is glowing like the color of fire. “My power is fire, c'mon quickly we need to get you out of here.”
“Bad! Was there anyone in that house?” another voice shouts as Wilbur's eyes start shutting.
“Yeah! Shoot, c'mon kid stay awake! Sap he needs help immediately, his shoulder is badly burned, and he was in the hou-” Bad starts to say as Wilbur out of strength falls unconscious.
“Oh boy... Everyone listen here! My name is H. If you don't know where your family is, head to the left. If you need to find a place to stay, head to the right. Someone should direct you to a place where you can stay for tonight, if you live here or already have a place to stay, just head straight and don't be afraid to ask for help,” says to the crowd of townsfolk flooding into the kingdom. “Oh right! If you need medical attention, head to the left and then take a right, we are trying to help as many people as possible!”
Tommy looks around trying to find any familiar face. He looks up and sees Dream talking to the announcer guy, H. Dream turns around and spots Tommy staring up at him, hops offstage and walks over to him. “Hey Tommy, sorry you were moving on a day like today, we weren't expecting there to be an attack today. Just head over to our house, it's the multi colored one you can't miss it I'll send the rest-”
“Dream, who attacked our town?”
“Wait that was you-”
“Yes Big D! It was our town!”
“Shit. Uhm okay... Fuck... that complicates things. Are you hurt? I'm still going to send you to Puffy but I’ll keep my eye out for Wilbur, Phil, and Kristin. Fuck… oh and to answer your question it was the Dark Kingdom, I’ll explain more to you and Tubbo later.” Dream starts running back to the gates to fight off the mobs that have started coming out due to the sun setting and the mass amounts of people flooding into the kingdom. H then starts to repeat his speech to the newcomers and Tommy starts walking towards the house Dream said was the Sparklez house afraid of what happened to his family.
When Phil finally arrives in the kingdom he is also greeted by H giving his speech for what seems to be the last time, “Is this all of you? Ok that's good… if ya have a place go straight, need a place go left, right if you were separated from your family the dream team should help you with that and right if you need medical” H then yawns, “Shit- sorry I meant right for if you need a place, and left for medical and finding your family… Man I’m really tired Imma go take a nap, g’night everyone”
Phil does a quick scan around and then walks straight with his luggage to the Sparklez household, anticipating that everyone would be there already, as he stayed behind to fight some of the dark soldiers, just like in the past. He slowly opens the door and is greeted by Puffy, who is watching some cooking show with Jordan and Tommy and Tubbo asleep on the couch. “Where is Will and Kristin? I was one of the last people to arrive at Smp, they should be here by now…” he whispers to the two awake.
“Dream told me Wilbur got caught in your house when it went aflame. Bad was able to get him out, but he was severely injured and is getting medical attention now. We haven't gotten any word on where Kristin is, but Dream will let us know if they find her.” Jordan replies, pausing the show. “We just have to wait for them to find her now, hopefully they find her before the raiders. You guys have had a long day, we can talk to Eret about it tomorrow”
“I’ll probably go check on Will tomorrow then. Uh thank you again for letting us stay here…” Phil sighs, terrified of what happened to his family. “I am going to head to bed now, wake me up when you two plan to head out.” Walking up to the guest bedroom
TW - Slight Derealization
“We need to do something… Her army is approaching, we know how to wield magic and fight without it, we can try to fight against them.” Wilbur hears when he starts waking up.
“Dad?” He says confused, he starts to open his eyes and looks around, noticing that his necklace was glowing a gold color, “My magic! Holy shit!” He stands up and starts to look around the house when he hears his parents start talking again.
“What about the kids though? If we do this, my angel, they could be put in danger.” his mothers states.
“We haven't shown anyone our magic, plus you can shift and I have my wings. We could keep our identities secret and leave to fight at night. If we don't do anything, they could get hurt more.” This shocks wilbur, didn't his parents say they never had magic? They weren't hybrids and weren't shifters and were never gifted a piece of magic jewelry, unless they were lying to both him and Tommy.
“What is going on!” Wilbur screams, trying to understand why his parents are talking like he isn't in the room, like he is invisible, like there wasn't just a fire. Irritated, he slams his hand against the table, shocking him awake.
Wilbur looks around again, and instead of being in his house perfectly fine he wakes up in a hospital. Looking down he realizes that his necklace isn't growing any more, and he has lots of bandages on him. “Will! You're awake! The doctors said you probably wouldn't wake up until tomorrow, you got badly burned Wil do you remember what happened?” a voice said, he couldn't tell who it was though before he passed out once again from the pain.
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blueluneacy · 4 years
Commuted Sentence
So I created an Emperor Diavolo Au. Haha happy turkey day heres some dinner
Warnings: not sfw, deep throating, serious dub con, implications of an older person teachin someone younger than them, inexperienced reader, imprisonment, slavery. This one is a doozy
You whimpered as you sat in your small cell, looking up at the tiny window that you would never be able to reach, trying to take in warmth from the little sunlight that came through the bleak little thing. 
It all happened so fast. You woke up to the smell of smoke, finding your home to be in flames. You had to jump out the window to get out, and you were the only one. You mourned the loss of everything, your possessions and loved ones alike. And then you were swept up by royal guards, claiming that you were being arrested for arson and the death of your family caused by said arson. You thought that the justice system would clearly be on your side, since you obviously hadn’t done it, but your trial absolutely blinded you, and you were sentenced. To death.
Your face went pale when the judge gave the verdict, carrying you off to a holding cell where you would wait for your sentence to be carried out. You waited for days in that little holding cell, trying to think of a way that would be able to survive, to avoid what felt so inevitable. So you sat, trying to look out at the sunlight, what felt like the only freedom you had left.
You barely noticed when someone came to visit your cell, too occupied with your own despair to really look over to see who had entered the room, looking at you beyond the bars that held you in your cage.
“Are you this disrespectful to everyone? I should have you hanged just for your refusal to acknowledge my presence.” He spoke out. You turned quickly, your eyes wide as you saw the emperor standing right in front of you. You quickly bowed your head, but your eyes still looked up to try and see what you could of the illusive man. 
The emperor himself was not one many had ever actually seen. He would often send one of his strange assistants out for public events, and he refused to be on any official coinage like past emperors, so it made it practically impossible for the public to know who he was. Perhaps it was to deviate from the old lineage. Emperor Diavolo had taken the throne after the last emperor died with no heirs, causing a great power struggle. The people thought that perhaps a civil war would appear among the nobles, until Diavolo swooped in with some papers claiming he was the great nephew of the former emperor. Without anyone else having any claim, he was able to take the throne for himself, though rumors still persist that perhaps he isn’t even of noble blood.
Well, noble blood or not, he was still beautiful. His hair was long, a vibrant pink that was pulled back and put into a low ponytail, his body lean and muscular, hidden by the extravagant clothing he wore, his eyes bright green, piercing into you. But even his good looks couldn’t hide how his face was set into a scowl, as if dealing with a petulant child rather than a prisoner accused of murder. 
“Apologies, your Majesty. I… I didn’t notice that you were there.” You replied, looking down at the ground in your attempt to seem polite. But more than anything, you were confused. What the hell did the emperor want with some lowlife prisoner on death row? Diavolo just hummed as looked at you, reaching through the bars to grab you by the chin, forcing you to look up at him. You gulped as he stared right into your eyes, examining you so closely it made you want to roll over and die right there.
“I can’t tell if you’re stupid, or stubborn.” Diavolo spat in return, practically throwing you as he let you go. You fell back and whimpered, easily pushing yourself onto your knees.
“I-I’m sorry, your grace, please! This is all one big misunderstanding, really!” You cried out, bowing your head, then quickly changing your mind and pushing your entire body to the floor. Diavolo just scoffed at you, watching as you prostrated yourself in front of him, easily hiding his amusement at your fear.
“What is? Your disrespect, or the fact that you’re here in the first place?” Diavolo asked. The question caused you to raise your head up curiously. Perhaps the emperor was just the man for you to plead your case to.
“Um, both of them, actually, your highness. See, I believe there was a grave misjudgement in my case. All of the witnesses were people no where close to where I lived, and I have reason to believe that there may have even been people lying on the stand-”
“Enough. I already know everything about that, you don’t need to continue to babble on.” Diavolo’s booming voice cut you off, leaving you to instantly go silent, looking at the ground. He chuckled, pulling out a key from his pocket and unlocking your cell, opening up the door instantly.
“I’m going to leave this open as I come in here. If you try anything to escape, the guards will kill you before you can get down the hallway.” Diavolo warned, before stepping inside the small cell. He audibly scoffed as he looked around at the poor conditions.
“I’m here to make you an offer that I don’t think you’ll have trouble refusing. Just a little bit of labor in exchange for your life.” Diavolo explained. You immediately perked up, staring up at Diavolo with huge eyes. While just moments ago, you felt fear in the presence of the Emperor, already were you ready to sing his good graces, to thank him endlessly for his mercy.
“Of course, your majesty, anything! I’ll do anything, oh my god, you don’t know how much this means to me-” You started to babble, the Emperor’s eyes just narrowing as his fist tightened.
“You will speak when I give you permission to do so. You will do well to learn not to speak in the presence of your betters. I will not warn you again.” He growled. You whimpered, curling in on yourself before nodding. Diavolo visibly relaxed a bit, before continuing.
“I doubt you’ll have any qualms about the arrangement. Your sentence will be commuted, and it shouldn’t be very difficult for you.” He told you. You sighed a bit. You supposed searching in the palace wouldn’t be too difficult, all things considered. Anything to get out of this cell. You just nodded in response, looking up at Diavolo but kept your mouth shut. “I knew you would. It’s the deal of a lifetime, after all.” A small smile came over Diavolo’s face as he reached over, patting your head a few times before tangling his fingers through your hair and forcefully pulling you closer to him, pulling your face close to his pants. “Now then, I believe I’ll start your work right now. You may begin.” You gasped, started to squirm as you tried to break free of Diavolo’s painful grip.
“What’s going on?! What do you mean, I thought I was going to work-!” You were cut off by Diavolo’s hand slapping your face.
“That’s the third time that you spoke out of turn, dear. You really need to learn to mind your manners.” He seemed actually amused, delighted even, that you did break his rule, however, letting you wince and hold your tender cheek. “I’m surprised you can be this dull about these things. But since you don’t understand, I will spell it out plainly to you.” He let go of your hair in favor of taking your chin in his hand and forcing you to look up to him.
“You will take care of my physical needs without complaint. If I find any bit of noncompliance, I will have no problem sending you back here.” He told you. You swallowed, feeling your eyes start to tear up as you nodded, looking away. You felt so humiliated, stuck on your knees in front of this man as he held your life in his hands, able to throw it away on merely a whim. Diavolo hummed, letting go of you and moving instead to unzip his pants. He easily pulled out his cock, leaving you to swallow as you saw it. He was big, a lot bigger than you had imagined, thick with a gentle curve. You felt your face flush with embarrassment as you put your hands on your knees, trying to figure out what exactly you were supposed to do with that.
“You’ve never done a thing like this before, have you?” Diavolo asked, assumed by how embarrassed you were about the whole thing. You just gulped, trying to figure out some way to save this situation.
“I haven’t, b-but, I can help you in other ways if you want! I could cook, or um, clean, I’m really good at ironing clothes-” 
“No need. I’m more than happy to teach you what you need to know, pet.” Diavolo pulled you closer, letting his cock nudge against your lips in a way that made you squeeze.
“Go on. Try using your tongue.” Diavolo’s voice was laid back, but you could tell that he meant that as an order. You gulped and nodded, trying to keep yourself from falling apart as you stuck out your tongue, just letting it run over the tip. It was what was closest to you, after all, it had to be the right call, right? Well, it made Diavolo shudder, hand on your head gently rubbing your scalp in a way you guessed was meant to be soothing. 
“You may be worth something yet. But try running your tongue over the whole thing rather than just focusing on there.” He instructed. Every time he spoke you just nodded, not wanting to be hit again for responding. You started to make broad licks across the whole of his cock, looking up at Diavolo to continually gauge his reaction. 
“That’s it, good. Now take it in your mouth, nice and slow.” He hummed, continuing to pet your head as he guided your lips to the tip of his cock, nudging you to open your mouth. You gulped, but did as he asked, opening up your mouth if only to save yourself from what might happen if you refused. You started to take him into your mouth, slowly as far as you could without choking. When you realized you had only taken in half of him, you looked back up at Diavolo, not wanting to do anything before he had told you explicitly what he expected. He sighed and rolled his eyes at your hestitance, gripping your head harder.
“Is that really all you can take? I don’t think you’re trying hard enough.” He growled, pushing himself down your throat and leaving you to choke. New tears sprung for your eyes as he started to guide your head back and forth. You whined in return, but kept your hands on your knees, trying to take deep breaths through your nose. God, you couldn’t imagine what would happen if you threw up on the Emperor.
“There you go, that’s much better. You’re not very good at this, but you make up for it by how tight your throat is.” He chuckled. “Now take this, and I promise that you’ll be out of this cell.” You looked up in confusion, as if to ask what he meant, but Diavolo just let his sharp nails dig into your scalp, beginning to fuck your throat with reckless abandon. You groaned as you began to sob, your nose clogging with your own snot as you tried to keep back your own bile. 
It didn’t last long, if you were completely honest. The Emperor was obviously pent up in a way that you found rather shocking. Sure he had concubines or something that he could take his frustrations out on, right? Why did it have to be you? But still, you could tell that he was probably getting close as his thrusted were getting jerky, his growling becoming more like a low groan.
“That’s it, you’re going to swallow everything. You’re going to take everything that I’m going to give you, and afterwards, you’re going to fucking thank me for it.” Diavolo’s voice was low practically in a hiss as he thrust into your throat one, two, three more times before forcing himself as deep as he could, your nose forced to take him the musky smell of his pubic hair. He let out a small sound when he finally came, your entire senses becoming overwhelmed by the taste of salt from his cum. He didn’t pull out until he felt you swallow, forced to take him in. When he finally let you go and pulled out, you took large, deep breaths, gasping as you swallowed what was left in your mouth with a shudder.
Diavolo just looked down at you expectantly, his already thin patience wearing as you collected yourself. You caught his harsh look at you, and gulped, looking at the ground.
“T… Thank you, your Majesty.” You mumbled. It was pathetic, sure, but it was enough to satisfy, giving you a small pat on the head that you supposed was meant to be affectionate.
“Good, you did well for your first time. Now clean me up and tuck me back away.” He hummed. You just whimpered and nodded, moving to try and clean Diavolo off with your hands, but before you could even touch him, he grabbed your wrist, shaking his head.
“With your tongue, pet.” He warned you. You swallowed, nodding a bit and immediately darted your tongue out, cleaning up Diavolo the best you could before tucking him away.
“That’s it. I think this arrangement will be extremely… Agreeable. The guards will show you to your new living quarters as soon as I sign the paperwork to commute your sentence.” The Emperor spoke, already walking out of the cell and closing it behind him. 
“I do hope that we’ll keep up this good behavior. I really have no qualms about making sure you end up right back here.” He told you, leaving you alone once again. As soon as he left, you couldn’t help but start to sob, slowly crying yourself to sleep.
You woke up to the sound of your cell opening again, guards coming over to you and easily picking you up. You were dazed, trying to make sense of the whole thing, before handcuffs hit your wrist.
“W-Wait, what’s going on? I thought I was being made into a servant!” You asked, but the guards just pulled you along, taking you out of your cell and up a long staircase to the palace.
“It’s customary to transport a slave like this. You should get used to it, the Emperor had the good enough graces to change your sentence from death to slavery. I wouldn’t complain if I were you.” The guard grunted, your face falling flat as you realized your circumstances.
Maybe dying would’ve been easier.
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itsnsfwalways · 4 years
Tumblr media
Canyon Moon
warnings for ch 3: mentions of drug use (weed), swearing, oral sex (m! and f! receiving), a hint of degradation if you squint
chapter 3: you’re so golden
The sun hitting your eyes was the first thing that woke you up, the warmth inviting, but also very bright. Scrunching you’re face up, you tug the blanket over your head, turning to the side and taking a deep breath in. You find giving your body a few minutes to wake up before you force yourself out of bed makes you feel so much more awake and in a good mood.
Stretching your back, you rub the sleep out of your eyes and roll out of bed, trudging to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.
Yawning as you walk into the kitchen, you make yourself an iced coffee before starting on breakfast. Putting on Rumours, you sing quietly to yourself while making a scramble with a bunch of veggies to get your greens in early.
Heading back to your room with hot sauce in hand, you light some incense and take a few bong rips before eating your breakfast quietly on the window sill. That was something you absolutely LOVED about your room, the edge of the window was just wide enough for you to sit (or lay down) and admire the view of palm trees and beautiful blue skies.
Opening up Misery, you finish a few chapters and mindlessly eat for a bit, listening to the birds chirp and the buzz of the city waking up. Once you finish your food, you go sit cross legged on your meditation pillow, facing the floor length mirror as you make sure your posture is straight. Putting on your favorite meditation music, which, at the moment, is 432hz Healing Tones, you take a deep breath in, clearing your mind and allowing the sun and healing vibrations to roll over you. You imagine yourself breathing in healing energy and nothing but love, and exhaling all of the stuck, negative energy, trying to ‘push’ it out with your breath. Sometimes it felt a bit silly, but if it made you feel loads better, why not do it?
About twenty minutes pass before you slowly blink open your eyes, yawning quietly before going into child’s pose, stretching your back and hips after sitting for so long.
Lying down on your back on the mat, you stare up at the ceiling, feeling an overall sense of being okay. Your body feels good, your mind feels good, your stomach’s full of butterflies that make you smile and blush at the thought of seeing Harry in a bit.
Pulling yourself up with a grunt, you throw on a swim suit and a random pair of shorts, not caring to bring a real top. After applying a bit of sunscreen on your face and shoulders, you slide into your flip flops and fill up a water bottle before heading out the door.
Unlocking Sunflower, you sit on the edge of the side door while sliding on your scuffed white rollerskates with obnoxiously bright blue wheels. They were your pride and joys, and made you feel as if you were in a different time, enjoying the breeze on your cheeks as you skate towards your spot. The journey only took about 15 minutes, with minimal stumbles, so it was already turning out to be a great day.
Finally pulling up to the small lot, you squat down to pull of your skates, putting them behind a rock along with your socks and shorts. You shook your head as you sprinted towards the ocean, leaping into the freezing water. It was the only way you were able to get in, you were never one to wade slowly in. Swimming about half a mile out, the waves crash over you coolly, soothing your quickly warming body. It was going to be a hot day today, good to know. Treading water, you look at the coast, everything looking so small. You made sure to breathe in, capturing this exact moment in memory. The feeling of salty water on your skin, wet hair stuck to your neck and the slight burn in your arms, but this was it. This was pure bliss.
But, you’re also not insane, so after a bit you swim back to shore, spending about ten minutes doing handstands and flips before getting out, wringing out your hair on your way up the beach. Climbing up the pile of large rocks next to cliff, you lay on top of a relatively flat one, allowing your body to dry off for a little bit and give you a few extra moments of sun.
You always hated dusting off your feet for forever before getting back in your socks and skates, but rather that than get sand in them.
“Fuck, I really am killing it today,” you pant to yourself, definitely feeling a burning in your thighs as you start heading home, desperately wanting a shower and some chocolate.
Throwing your skates in Sunflower, you slam the door closed and trudge up the steps to the apartment, practically falling over as you enter the door.
Laura looks up from her phone, perched on the countertop eating a bowl of cereal.
“Look at you, sexy girl, how was the water?” She teases, handing you a banana from the counter immediately because she knows you need it.
“Good,” you sigh, taking a bite and moaning, leaning against the wall for a minute in silence.
“When’s your date with Harry again?” She asks, glancing at the clock.
Oh fuck.
The clock read 10:30.
“Okay, that’s not bad, I just need to get my ass in gear,” you convince yourself, throwing the banana away and grabbing a spoonful of peanut butter. You didn’t have time to make yourself anything else, plus you were eating with Harry soon anyways.
“You got this. Do I get to meet him?” Laura encourages, raising her thumbs at you.
You laugh and nod. “Absolutely, just don’t ask about his exes or I’m going to look crazy.”
“Got it, no exes. Get in the shower, you’re dripping everywhere!”
You run upstairs, yelling back, “I’ll clean it up,” as you head into your room, turning on Currents by Tame Impala to pump you up as you shower, quickly washing your hair and body, shaving the itty bitty stubble just in case.
Running some curl cream through your hair, you try and scrunch and dry your hair as fast as possible, which doesn’t really work, but at least you tried.
A bathrobe envelopes you as you sit down at your small vanity, starting on a little bit of makeup. Dabbing a bit of concealer on your undereyes and small blemishes, you keep it semi-natural with just bronzer, blush, and highlighter, admittedly a ton, but who’s to say. Brushing your brows out and filling in the ends a little darker, all that goes on your eyes is a brown eyeshadow and a beautiful gold pigment, then comes drenching your eyelashes in mascara.
You turn your attention back to your hair, thank god you were having extremely good luck today, because it fell perfectly, the layers framing your face so elegantly that you had to smile at your reflection. Self-love is a journey, and you were glad to be in a good space.
Checking your phone finally, you find a text from Harry, sent 2 hours ago. Whoops.
Good morning, Y/N, just wanted to make sure we’re still on for 12. Hope you slept well.
Well, it’s confirmed, you’re a completely asshole. It’s 11:15 and you still haven’t responded to a text about a date happening at NOON.
AHH IM SO SORRY hi harry ! i don’t check my phone for a while in the mornings, i’m the worst, i know. we definitely are still on, haha, noon still work for you ?
You throw your phone on your bed while you stare at your closet, trying to find a good outfit for today.
Eventually coming to a pair of high waisted white shorts that you got from your mom, thankfully having the same waistline as her in high school, and a light blue silk tank top with gold straps. Planning on wearing your black boots with the gold detailing, because, hey, it seems you’ve got to up your fashion game dealing with Harry, you place them next to your bedroom door before checking your phone.
You scared me for a minute, I was about to go eat a very sad lunch by myself. I’m going to start heading over, that alright by you?
You giggle quietly at his response, typing out,
sounds great :) i’m planning on wearing a pair of boots, should i bring sandals or anything ?
Woah, trying to outdress me?
He sends the next one moments later.
Just teasing, boots will be fine. We’re going to this cafe I really like.
of course i’m going to out dress you, who do you think i am ? and awesome !! see you in a bit !!
You grab a small black bag, putting your sunglasses case, gum, keys, wallet, chapstick, lighter, your dab pen (you never know), and a small rollerball perfume inside. Sliding in some gold hoops and placing your rings back on your fingers, you wiggle them a bit. They always look a bit naked without them on.
Putting on your boots, you head into the bathroom to brush your teeth once more before Harry arrives. But nope, the doorbell, rings as soon as you start brushing your molars.
“Shit,” you gasp, heading over to the door, toothbrush in hand.
You swing open the door and rush out, “Hey, Harry, I’ll be out in two seconds, come on in.”
Taking in his appearance, you grin at the white sunglasses pushed in his hair. Wearing a white t shirt, it’s tucked into a pair of blue pants that matches your shirt to a goddamn T, which you can’t help but laugh at as you walk away. Passing Laura in the hallway, you give her a look as she walks over to him.
Their conversation travels through your open door as you finish brushing your teeth.
“You must be Laura,” Harry starts, and you can just see him reaching his hand out.
“I am, it’s great to meet you,” she says, her smile bleeding into her voice.
“You have a beautiful home, so close to the beach too,” Harry compliments.
“Thank you, yeah, Y/N found this place forever ago and we’ve been living here since we moved out. My dad knew the landlord and they gave us a ridiculously low price for it, but I am not complaining.”
“Oh that’s sick, I’ve been in Malibu for just a bit, always kind of changing my location around LA and England.”
“That was what we thought we were going to do, but I definitely am glad we stayed here. Living in the city is fun and all, but it’s a lot, you know? We need our peace and quiet at home.”
You walk back out, purse and phone in hand, taking in their positioning. Laura’s sitting on a stool, cup of coffee in hand as Harry stands across from her, eyes on you as soon as you walked out.
“I’ll see you later,” you grin at Laura, sneaking another glance at Harry as you give her a quick hug.
“Okay, bye! Nice meeting you, Harry!” she smiles, and of course he replies with the same.
You close the door behind the two of you and he looks you up and down again, meeting your eyes and smiling.
“Hi,” you breathe out, his eyes capturing you immediately.
“Hi,” he whispers back, squeezing your exposed side. “You look really good, Y/N.”
You bite your lip to hide your smile, placing your hands on his shoulders, feeling the fabric (but really just his muscles). His hands immediately go to cup your waist, not pulling you in, just holding you.
“So do you. Like the blue,” you grin, moving your hands down to his waistband.
“Proper matching, I’d say,” he cheekily smiles, thumbs feeling the edge of your shirt’s material along your ribs, your breath hitching slightly at his movement.
You’re the first to pull away, moving your hand to lace your fingers together, tugging him gently down the stairs. He follows after you, squeezing your hand with his and shaking his head, trying to mask his smile by twitching his nose.
That gorgeous being of a car is parked in front of your house, the color alone bringing a smile to your lips, but now the top was down, which was about to make this a lot more fun.
“God, Harry, I might have to steal this from you,” you sigh, arms crossed as you look up at him seriously.
He laughs loudly, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Maybe one day I’ll let you drive it,” He whispers, kissing the top of your head before pulling away and opening your door like nothing happened.
You stand there still for a moment before blinking and getting in, holding his hands on the door when he closes it. Turning your body, you lean out the door, placing your hands next to his as you whisper in his ear,
“I’m going to hold you to that.”
Sliding your lips along his cheek as you pull away, you plop back into the chair, putting on your sunglasses and messing with your hair a bit.
Harry clears his throat before walking around the car, sliding into the driver’s side and starting the car.
“Do you want to play music?” He slowly asks, his tone sending shivers down your legs.
You perk up at this, nodding quickly and taking the aux cord from him.
“I’d love to. Have you heard of Tash Sultana? They released an EP a few years ago, their voice is incredible. They make all their own loops and play every instrument by themselves.”
Harry gives you a side eye, grinning as he says,
“That’s some pretty new music for you, princess.”
Your lips part slightly and Harry watches closely as your cheeks flush, licking the side of his mouth with a grin.
“Have I found a nickname you like, Y/N?” His voice has raised slightly, obvious excitement in his expression.
“Only sometimes,” you shrug, trying to play that off as cool as possible. “And yeah, my ex actually introduced me to their music.”
Harry raises his eyes at this, bringing a finger to his lips to hold his laugh in.
“Why the fuck did I say that?” Your hands go up to your face as Harry finally laughs at you, turning the volume down just a little to listen to you.
Sighing for a second, you pull your hands away before blurting out,
“I don’t want you to think that I’m lying to you about not knowing your music or you, because I do listen to stuff released now, obviously. I’m not a music snob or one of those too cool for school people because I absolutely blast SZA when I’m drunk and I’m starting to overthink and-“
Harry cuts you off by taking your jaw in his hand, turning your face towards him. Perfect timing, as always, pulling up to a red light right when he needs it.
“Hey,” he whispers with a smile, stroking your cheek. “I don’t think that you’re lying to me, and I understand. I was kind of a dick for saying all that right away to be honest, but I get it. I listen to mostly oldies too, if I really think about it.”
You exhale, looking up at him.
“Okay. I’m still going to freak out about it and make sure you know.”
He squeezes your jaw slightly, scrunching his nose.
“No,” he cutely protests, and you can’t help but giggle.
He smiles in return and lets your jaw go, hands going back to grip the wheel a little bit tighter
The two of you drive for a little bit, not really saying anything. You can’t help but dance in your seat to the beat, silently mouthing the lyrics to yourself. Harry keeps glancing over at you, too, grinning at the way you blush when he notices you doing it.
“How was your morning so far?” You start, just wanting to hear him talk.
He has to talk a little bit louder over the wind, but he’s happy to get the conversation started.
“Quite good actually. I’m going to Cabo in a couple weeks and was just getting some early packing in. Don’t you hate when you go somewhere and realize you forgot something like a toothbrush at home?”
“It’s the worst, I always end up having to go to a corner store and get something. What’s in Cabo?” You ask, already so amazed at his lifestyle.
“Friend of mine is having a birthday, so we’re there for a bit celebrating, going to be an amazing trip. Happy to be here, though,” he adds, eyes flicking to yours as he says it.
“I’d be worried if you weren’t.”
“What about you? How was your morning?”
“Really good. Sorry about not texting you back for so long, by the way. I just have this thing about using technology right after I wake up, it gives me pretty bad headaches so I go as long as I can without it unless I hear it ring. But it was super productive, I got a good breakfast and read in, meditated a bit, skated to the beach and went for a swim, then got ready for this.”
“You put me to shame, Y/N, you really do.” Harry laughs, running a hand through his hair.
“I just woke up in a really good mood. I can definitely be grumpy in the morning, I’ll tell you that,” you try to explain, scared of feeling too pretentious.
“Yeah? I can see you throwing a fit if someone wakes you up before you’re ready,” Harry nonchalantly says, looking at the rings on his fingers before checking your reaction.
Cheeks hot, you feel almost scolded by him, thankful for the large sunglasses on your face.
“You’re not wrong,” you finally agree, crossing your legs smoothly.
That doesn’t go unnoticed by Harry, reaching a hand down to rest on your thigh almost immediately. His large hand wraps around your skin, thumb immediately starting to go in small circles.
“I started meditating a few years ago but I absolutely love it, I feel like it allows you to start the morning off right.”
Taking a deep breath before answering, you nod and say,
“Completely agree. It still can feel a bit weird doing it when I’m in a mood or anything, but whether you believe in it or not, having all that negative energy in you without doing anything about it isn’t good for you.”
“You’re quite cute when you talk about things you like. Light up like a little sun,” Harry smirks, pulling his sunglasses up to look at you, the piece of gum in his teeth allowing his jawline to be even more prominent. You do the same, placing them in your lap as you uncross your legs, his hand staying on your left thigh as it goes back towards the seat.
“Yeah?” You don’t stop looking at him, watching his eyes flit between you and the road.
Harry hums before adding, “I think you know that though.”
“That I’m quite arguably the epitome of all things golden? Of course, but it’s always nice to hear.”
You make a noise of protest as Harry removes his thigh to make a left, while simultaneously laughing at you.
“You are absolutely golden, love, don’t you forget it.”
He pauses for a moment before starting again.
“I’m going to warn you right now that there might be some photos taken of you when we go in or leave, or fans coming to take pictures. If that bothers you-“
Cutting him off quickly, you sit up, shaking your head.
“I dressed cute for a reason, if it happens it happens. I’m going to be pissed if someone comes for my outfit though.” You giggle at yourself and grab Harry’s hand, squeezing it gently. “I know what I’m signing up for. You’re good.”
Squeezing back, he looks down at his lap for a moment before glancing back at you, eyes so sincere your heart clenches a little.
“Thank you. Just... need a little reminder sometimes too.”
Unlacing your fingers, you stick your pinkie out, swearing, “I promise that I will always remind you that you’re not going to cause me any problems, and I’m not going to do the same. You promise to always remind me I’m golden?”
“‘Course, love. Was gonna do that anyways,” Harry chuckles, intertwining your fingers, heartbeat going just a little bit faster.
He couldn’t explain it, didn’t want to admit it to himself even, but your presence made his world just a little bit brighter. He couldn’t get you out of his mind, your smile, giggle, and sweet-smelling perfume was all he could think about since last night. His brain was trying to come up with reasons why this was a bad idea, how you could be using him, you were going to break his heart and leave without a second glance. But one look at your face, those eyes looking at him with so much wonder, made him hate the part of himself looking for excuses. These feelings felt way too much, too fast, but all he knew was he wanted to call you his girl. His sweet Y/N.
Parking his car next to some trees, he runs over to open your door, helping you step out and shutting the door behind you, placing the cover on the car quickly. The two of you walk into the cafe in silence, arms swaying next to each other. You figured he wasn’t comfortable holding hands in public on the first date.
The atmosphere of the Beachwood Cafe was everything you could want in a coffee shop. Absolutely stunning artwork covering the walls, a checkerboard floor, fun colors splattered all over. Your face must show how excited you were because you feel Harry bump you, grinning down at you. You hum, smile on your cheeks as he holds your face in his hands for a second.
“Like it?” You nod happily at his question, following the waitress to your table, one in the furthest corner from the door.
“Can I start you off with some drinks?” She asks, setting menus in front of the two of you. Harry gestures for you to go first and you quirk an eyebrow before turning.
“Can I please get a large iced coffee with some honey? Thank you so much,” you add, looking Angie, her nametag reads, in the eye.
“And for you?”
“A large iced americano would be wonderful, thank you, love.” Flashing that award-winning smile at her, she writes down his order and heads back to the front.
“This place is really cute, Harry,” you gush. “Thanks for bringing me here.”
His chest tightens at your cute face looking at him from across the table, the amount of gratitude coming from you at all times filling him with light.
“‘Course, honey. You don’t have to thank me,” He earnestly tells you, placing his chin in his hand.
“I know, but I feel like I need to,” you trail off, looking at one of the names of the scrambles on the menu. Snapping your eyes back up to him, Harry can tell where you’re going with this.
“Please don’t,” he half-laughs, half begs.
“But it’s so easy,” you pout, grinning when he sighs and waves his hand for you to continue.
“Should I ask how strong the Weid scramble is going to hit?”
Groaning into his palm, Harry tries his hardest not to laugh, but can’t help one escaping when you kick him under the table.
“Very,” you nod, looking over the menu once more. “Have you had the Thai noodle salad? That looks hella good.”
“It is ‘hella’ good,” Harry teases, using quotation marks in the air.
“Right then, love, what’re you getting?” You respond in a British accent, folding up your menu.
“Probably the Brussels sprouts salad, it’s my usual here.”
You open your mouth to say something before your drinks are placed in front of you, Angie asking if the two of you are ready to order. Harry goes ahead and orders for the two of you, delicately grabbing the menu from your hands to hand it back to her with a charming smile on his face. Watching her walk away, you grab your drink, lifting it for a cheers.
“To living,” you simply state, Harry repeating it with a look in his eyes you can’t quite name.
“So,” you start, adjusting your position in your seat for a second. “You said you’re writing for your second album, right?”
Harry nods, licking his lips as he pulls away from his glass, catching the way your eyes wander to his mouth.
“Sort of. I want to, you know, take a break, try and just have some fun, rather than jump straight into writing and recording again. At the same time, I really fucking miss it. Writing and being in the studio and getting all that out just feels so good.”
The way his accent wraps around his words makes it hard for you to focus on what he’s saying all the way, realizing he’s waiting on you to respond.
“I definitely think you could use some down time. But that also doesn’t mean you have to stop making music. Write out your ideas when they come to you, and when you feel like you’re ready, start pumping them all out. I’m willing to bet $100 that you already have at least a few songs under your belt, though, am I wrong?” You grin at the headshake Harry gives you, catching the blush on his cheeks. “I knew it! We all do, it’s impossible to just not write, but don’t worry about timelines or due dates. You can’t rush art.”
“God, it’s just so good to hear out loud, I feel like you already know me,” Harry shakes his head, pushing his hair away from his face with one hand.
“I’m pretty good at reading people, I’d like to say,” your arm raising above you as you stretch a little, tilting your head from side to side.
Seeing your neck arch and the way your veins move slightly under your skin causes Harry to have to clear his throat a little, taking a sip of his drink as he feels his forehead start to sweat.
“What kind of artists do you normally write for?” He blurts out, trying to figure out how to get to know more about you in a roundabout way.
“If you’re offering me a job, I’m walking out right now,” you warm, raising your eyebrows. “Kidding. I don’t know, really, I write for a lot of my friends, like I said, when they need help on some of their own projects, or if I’m hanging out in the studio I get pulled around the rooms for a different set of ears. Working with Khalid was one of my favorite experiences, though, he was so fucking cool.”
Harry’s eyes sparkle at this, perking up.
“Love Khalid. He is so talented, and hilarious. I swear, my stomach was aching after being with him for a little while. I only asked because I think I’m trying to figure you out a bit. I just wanna get to know ya,” He shrugs, fingertips tapping on his glass.
“I wish you good luck on that task, Harry, I really do. The first step in recovering is admitting you need help,” you solemnly nod, bursting out laughing when he rolls his eyes and ATTEMPTS to hide his smile.
Your food is placed in front of you suddenly, and you jump, glaring at Harry for smirking at your reaction. He couldn’t help it, you were like a little puppy, overexcited and always jumping from place to place. Harry starts eating right away, sending you a quizzical look when you sit with your hands in your lap, almost like you’re waiting for something.
“You going to start eating, honey?” He gently presses, snapping you out of wherever you went.
“Sorry,” you blush, grabbing your fork and shaking your head a little. “I don’t know what the fuck that was about.”
Fuck, yes you did, and Harry knew that. You were waiting for his permission, and that thought alone sent you into a daze. Closing your eyes around the fork, you fought off the urge to moan and tried to push the fact that he already holds so much control over you out of your head. Snapping them open, you find Harry’s eyes on you, the look in them dangerous. Clearing your throat, you whisper, “It’s really good,” which Harry responds with a simple hum, leaning forward on his elbows towards you.
“You tell me if this is too forward or too much, yeah?”
Your lips part as you nod your head, not really ready for what’s about to cross his lips.
“I’ve been noticing certain... things that you do and, well, are you a sub, darling?”
Your throat dries, unable to break eye contact or even speak, only nodding when he squints his eyes a little at you. Fuck, this was not happening, you thought, reaching to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Like to hear that pretty voice of yours, yeah?” Harry urges you, hands fighting off the urge to hold your jaw in his fingertips.
“Yeah,” you sigh, taking a swig of coffee to think of something to say. “I’m going to assume you’re a dominant,” pausing to let Harry nod, jaw moving as he chews. You throw your hands up, leaning back in your seat.
“You are the complete package, Harry, shit.”
He laughs at this, covering his mouth quickly. “‘S’all you. A dream, really.”
Your heart flutters at this, shit, no, this is a FIRST date, you cannot be feeling like this. Taking a bite of your food, you are able to just sit back and look at him. Watch how he sticks his tongue out while he puts a bite in his mouth, something you’ve done since you were a kid for no reason. How his hands look almost sinful holding the white napkin to his lips.
“Staring at me, love,” he comments after a few minutes, his eyes looking at you sweetly, like he didn’t mind, but just needed to call you out.
“Merde, je veux te sucer,” you breathe out in French, banking on him not understanding you.
“Viliane,” Harry tuts, clicking his tongue at you. Before you’re able to answer, Harry is handing his card to the waitress who passed your table, asking for two boxes for your meals.
Your eyes snap to his, all the oxygen leaving your body as he brings your plate his side, getting ready to pack it up for you.
“W-Where?” Is all you manage, drinking the rest of your coffee, before setting it down on the table, a drop of honey falling down your lip. Harry can’t help but swipe it off with his thumb, slowly placing it in his mouth afterwards, not breaking eye contact, with you.
“I live nearby. That alright with you?”
Nodding slowly, you sit quietly in the booth as Angie comes back with the check and two boxes, legs bouncing excitedly as Harry packages the food up.
“Come on, lovely, let’s get out of here,” he tells you, holding you by your elbow as you walk outside, heading straight for the car. He doesn’t bother taking the top off, opening your door for you without a word and shutting it, almost sprinting to the driver’s side.
His hand finds your thigh immediately, rings shocking the delicate skin and making your muscles tense, his fingers quickly moving to massage out these aches.
“You wanna give me a safeword, pretty girl?” His voice drips with confidence, his hands moving closer to where you needed him most. His eyes keep flickering back to you while trying to focus on the road. His curls are a mess around his sunglasses, the brown hair swallowing up most of the eye ware. A pinch on your thigh reminds you that he expects an answer, shaking your body out slightly before answering.
“The stoplight system’s good. Green, I’m good, yellow, slow down or take a break, red, stop everything. What kind of dom are you, Harry?” You push, wanting to know what you’re getting yourself into. You had done a lot of kinky stuff in the past, and there were some things you weren’t a fan of.
“Mm, I’m relatively easy going. Not going to give you any rules, unless we’re playing and have a scene set up. But,” he pauses to exhale harshly, “I’m quite mean, love. I like to take control, pick you apart bit by bit until you’re just trembling under me, can’t say anything but my name. How does that sound, puppy? Tell me now how you like it.”
His voice sends shivers throughout your body and you moan quietly, biting your lip to try and stifle it. Harry’s words circle around your brain, your stomach tightening with need. All the air seems to escape you, but you know he wants an answer.
“G-good. I like it rough, dirty, just wanna please you,” you stutter out, chest rising and falling rapidly. You absent-mindedly rub your fingers against your neck, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe while thinking about what he’s saying.
“Good fuckin’ girl,” he moans, removing his hand from your thigh to place it behind your neck, squeezing it in his grasp. He knows what you want, even if he’s driving, he’s able to pick up on any little signals your body makes. Your back arches as you let out a breathy moan, eyes slipping closed.
“Tell me, princess,” he starts, squeezing the side of your throat to make you open your eyes and pay attention to him. “What do you want to happen when we get back to my house? Don’t want to go too far too soon.”
“Fuck, Harry, I just really want to suck you off, please, please, please,” you beg, a tear actually falling from your eye as you look at him. His pupils dilate at your words, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows harshly, mouth suddenly dry,
“Y/N,” he growls, reaching a hand to squeeze his growing bulge in his pants. His tanned hands and dark rings contrast the bright color, adding to your ever growing list of things that Harry does that turns you on.
The car pulls up to a gate and you sit there for a few seconds before Harry is buzzed in, probably driving way too fast back to his house. Parking in his driveway, he finally releases his hand from your neck and exits the car, making his way around to open your door. Holding your hand as you exit, he places his hand on your low back to guide you into the gorgeous home, the size of it taking your breath away. Harry gives you no time to admire it, shutting the door behind him with a slam before bringing his hand up your chest to rest on your throat, slamming you into the wall. He slips a leg in between yours and takes your hip in his free hand, guiding you to start grinding on his thigh. Your face flushes with heat as he tightens his grip.
“Know you wanna suck me off, but will you cum for me first? Don’t want this pretty cunt to go to waste.”
Your head rolls back and hits the wall, hips stuttering at his words, eliciting a chuckle from Harry as he leans in, breath hitting your lips before he envelopes them, encouraging you to start grinding faster. His tongue runs along your bottom lip, prying them open to lick into your mouth, your moans being instantly swallowed by him. Pulling away slowly, he maintains eye contact with you as he removes his hand from your throat to slip two fingers into your mouth. Feeling your wet mouth on him, sucking his fingers with such need, Harry groans lowly, removing his fingers to kiss you even harder, hands making quick work of removing your shorts.
“Such a naughty girl, can’t even wait to get to the bedroom, just has to have me feel you right here, hmm?” Harry scolds, removing his lips from yours to suck a mark into your neck, fingers moving to feel your wetness through the cloth underwear. Your hands wrap around his curls as you shakily inhale, resting your forehead on his to moan out lowly.
“Fuck, Harry,” you sigh, feeling him rub along your folds through the fabric, pushing it ever-so-slightly inside of you. His mouth pulls away from you with a pop, only to bite down on the red skin harshly, working his way up to your mouth once more. He bumps his nose against yours and opens his mouth to move his tongue past your lips. Your head is spinning, breath ragged as you suck his tongue with yours, feeling the vibrations in your mouth when he moans lowly, pulling a whimper from you.
Suddenly, he drops to his knees, pulling the thong down with him. You swallow at the change in pace and allow him to help you step out of them.
“Wanna take your boots off, sweet girl?” He checks, kissing your inner thigh softly as you lean fully against the wall. You think for a second, these were pretty comfortable, pretty solid grip, why not stay in them?
“‘S okay. Perfect height for you,” you breathe, bucking your hips up. He doesn’t even wait a second to smack your pussy, grabbing your thighs to spread you even wider.
“Filthy, you are,” he growls, licking a long stripe from your hole to your clit, a gasp immediately falling from your lips. He looks up at you and grins, licking long stripes through your folds, almost like he’s trying to remember how you feel. He takes his time catching your wetness slowly, despite the little gasps and moans coming from you. Flicking his tongue over your clit for a second, he pulls back to blow cool air on it, the motion causing your legs to falter for a second.
“Gotta stay still, okay? Can’t have you falling over,” he spits directly on your core as he says this, looking up at you with his jaw hanging slightly open, loving the way your hands go to your hair to find something to grab on. He smirks to himself, licking into you while his hands find your hips, pinching the delicate skin between his fingertips. He collects as much of you and his spit on his tongue as he can, swallowing around your clit after he sucks it into his mouth. The suction makes your hips fight to buck up into him, but you use all of your strength to stay still, causing your thighs to start quivering in his palms. Harry grins and scrapes his teeth along your clit, your loud moan going directly to his quickly hardening cock.
“Taste so fucking good, angel,” he groans, nose rubbing against your clit as he fucks his tongue into you, the soft muscle dragging along your walls and guiding your wetness into his mouth. The sounds coming from him are obscene, loud slurping, sucking, and spitting onto your trembling pussy.
“Fuck, Harry, I’m not going to last,” you cry out, feeling yourself start to clench around him. He grins around you, pulling away to thumb at your clit and look directly into your eyes.
“Mm, that’s not how good girls ask,” is all Harry gives you, slipping a finger inside and immediately curling it towards himself, finding your g-spot with ease. His lips wrap around your clit, sucking harshly while his tongue draws designs on the sensitive button.
“Please, Sir, can I come?”
This has Harry moaning against you, pinching your clit between his teeth as he slides another finger in, fucking into you faster. Your eyes roll back, one hand splayed against the wall, another in his hair to give you some sort of balance. He relentless massages and thrusts into your g-spot with his fingers, feeling you clench around them so tightly that his head starts to spin. “That’s it, puppy, ask me again,” he demands, the title you gave him sending shivers throughout his body. He sucks harder on your clit, somehow speeding up his fingers inside you. A moan vibrates against your center when you pull on his curls, your hips bucking up against his waiting hand.
“Sir, please please please can I come? I’ve been so good, haven’t moved,” you beg, gasping loudly when your legs start to shake noticeably. Harry pulls away, looking up at you and grunting out,
“You have been such a good girl, haven’t you? Go. Cum, now, right fucking now on my tongue.” A loud slapping noise is heard when Harry smacks your ass, the pain sending you over the edge. Your head hits the wall with a thud, but your moan drowns everything out, the guttural sound coming from your soul. Tilting your head back, you cum into his mouth, one leg slipping out from under you and Harry places it on his shoulder without a second thought, holding you up as you ride out your orgasm. The tightness in your stomach releases and your pussy trembles around his fingers, only encouraging him to continue the constant pressure on your g-spot.The strength of it knocks the wind out of you and sends electricity throughout your finger tips, your hips slowing down their rocking motion as Harry eases his fingers out of you. He continues to lick you clean before placing your shaky legs back on the ground together, trailing his hands up your body as he stands up.
“Thank you,” you breathe into his chest, holding on to his hips for balance. His chuckle vibrates against your cheek, and you feel him move your hair out of the way to kiss your shoulder.
“Of course, lovely. How you feeling?” He is all smiles, his voice gentle and caring as he breathes in your smell, leaving small kisses along your neck.
“G-good,” you stutter out, nudging his head to make eye contact with you. He pulls away after a second, one arm going around your waist when he notices how you’re practically falling over with how shaky your legs are. Smirking, he places his other hand on your cheek, pulling you in for a kiss. Tasting yourself on his tongue was too much for you, whining into his mouth before pulling away.
“Can I suck you off now?” You ask shyly, using your best puppy dog eyes. And, wow, do they work. Harry groans, biting your bottom lip harshly before pulling away, not wasting a second before pushing down on your shoulders. You topple to the ground easily, landing surprisingly softly (thanks to Harry’s expert hands), on the hardwood floor. After helping him remove your shirt, you place your hands behind your back immediately and tuck your chin down, grinning to yourself when you hear the moan Harry let’s out at your position.
“Spoiled little girl. Gets everything and more that she asks for, hmm, yes?” Harry demands, tugging your chin up by his hands. His eyes are pointed, staring directly into yours, pupils blown out and hair a mess behind him. You can see the pieces stuck to his forehead from sweat, but his chin glistens with something that has to be you.
“Yes, sir, so good to me. Wanna make you feel good, please,” you beg, leaning closer into him, the difference in clothing setting you into a daze, seeing him fully dressed while you’re waiting on your knees in front of him, naked, panting, and pleading to have his cock down your throat.
“Greedy,” he sighs, taking his hand away from your face to slide off his shirt, tossing it to the growing pile of clothes on the floor. He keeps his eyes trained on yours, daring you to avert them as he unzips his pants, stepping out of them. He looks away for a second to pull of his boots, and you take your time admiring his thighs, because, fuck. They were thick, muscled, tanned, and the little tattoos on them were asking to be bitten, you made a mental note to do that later.
“Got a bit of a staring problem, love.”
Harry’s voice snaps you out of your daydream, eyes flickering back up to him, mouth dropping open when he’s bare in front of you, slowly stroking himself. You involuntarily make a little noise in the back of your throat, sticking your tongue out for good measure. Seeing Harry’s hips thrust up into his hand and his neck vein pop was confirmation enough for you, but you waited for him to put himself in your mouth, absolute torture you must say.
Harry finally takes mercy on you, moaning out, “God, you’re such a little cockslut, just want something in that fucking mouth of yours. Bet I could leave my fingers in there all day and you wouldn’t complain once,” when he eases himself into your open mouth.
You flatten your tongue on the underside of him, not breaking eye contact as you slide off his cock to lick at his tip with feather light touches, drawing figure eights along the top. Suckling lightly on just the head, you feel a spurt of precum land on your tongue, licking it up happily. Tearing your eyes away from his, you open up your throat to begin taking him deeper, feeling his hand immediately come to your hair as you do this.
“Yes,” Harry draws out, allowing you to take control for a moment. You wanted to suck him off, so who is he to tell you how to do it? The view is what is killing him the most, though. Your tits bouncing as you slurp him down, spit falling onto your thighs, your little bit of stomach pudge falling over as you completely lose yourself in making him feel good. That is what gets him to buck into your mouth, closing his eyes and biting his bottom lip, breathing heavily as he begins to thrust into you. You pull away after a moment, jerking him off steadily as you swallow and look up at him.
“You can fuck my throat. Don’t have much of a gag reflex, anyways. Wanna see how you like it, Sir,” you pant, not giving him any time to think before you take him back into your mouth, placing your hand on the wrist that’s in your hair, giving him another okay.
“God, Y/N, you’re heavenly,” Harry breathes, testing out the waters by doing some shallow thrusts, only then beginning to actually throat-fuck you. He places his other hand around your neck, essentially pulling you into his throat and choking you from both ways. Your eyes roll into the back of your throat and you place your nose against his belly, breathing in deeply. Harry pulls himself out of you, rubbing his cock against your cheeks.
“Feel so good,” he draws out, easing himself back into your waiting mouth, rubbing the head on the ridges on the roof of your mouth. He moans through closed lips and tilts his head back, giving you the chance to admire his strong jawline from this angle, body sculpted by Michaelangelo himself. He had no room to call you all these beautiful names while he looked this fucking good getting his cock sucked.
You start speeding up your bobs, keeping him deep in your throat and only picking up a little, the change in pressure earning you a tug on your roots when Harry pulls you to look up at him.
“Mm, you want me to cum, don’t you, dirty girl,” he grunts, a lazy grin on his now flushed face. His thumbs make their way to press on either side of your cheek, moaning lowly when he feels himself through the tissue.
You hum around him, using your tongue along the vein you can feel, looking up at Harry with such need in your eyes. You pull off for a quick second, gasping loudly while saying,
“Want you to come in my mouth so bad, want to taste you and make you feel as good as you made me,” Taking him back in your mouth and sucking him off with a vice-like grip.
“Fuck,” Harry half-laughs, half-moans. “You’re incredible. Gonna make me come so fast, you’re taking me so fucking deep.”
Not even a minute later, you feel him begin to pulse in your mouth, pulling back to just suck on the head, using your tongue to dip into the hole, and Harry cums with a loud shout, burying his cock down your throat as he shoots ribbon after ribbon of come into you. You keep your eyes at his face, remembering how his mouth looks wide open, his eyes pinched closed, hair making a perfect halo around him. His throat makes you want to cry, the veins popping out and slightly red. He stays in your mouth for a while, allowing you to suck him dry and soften slightly, before pulling out of you with a pop.
“Thank you,” you croak out, swallowing what’s left in your mouth and leaning into his touch, quite spent if you were being honest.
Harry had to look away for a second, moving his hand to hold your head while he caught his breath. You were right about being golden, your skin shone, and you just radiated everything good in this world, right after he had his cock balls deep down your throat nonetheless.
“You’re too much, beauty. Thank you, did such a good job,” he gushes, kneeling down. He takes your chin inbetween his fingers and kisses you softly, just barely moving his lips. He leans his forehead against yours and wipes your lip with his thumb, allowing you to suck the bit of cum still on your face off with a blush tinting your cheeks.
“Reminds me of this morning, a bit,” he giggles, laughing louder as you hit him in the chest, grumbling ‘dumb’. He pushes your hair out of the way and holds your face in his two hands, effectively shutting you up as you breathe in deeply, feeling strangely comfortable being this vulnerable with him this fast.
“Do you wanna take a bath with me right now? Know you were on shaky legs and this hard floor for a while,” he pouts, kissing your forehead softly. You nod slowly and he smiles, nodding against you before pulling away to unzip your shoes, placing them next to the wall before he’s picking you up with way too much ease, pulling a shriek from you.
“‘Sorry, love, your poor legs okay?” he asks, holding you to his chest with one arm, using the other to hold your thigh. He receives another nod to the shoulder and he nuzzles you, trying to see what’s happening.
“I’m okay, just tired,” you sigh, and he murmurs an ‘okay’ kissing your temple before allowing you to sink back onto him, making a mental note to ask you about it once you’ve got your breath back.
“Why don’t you go turn on that shower and wash yourself real quick with some warm water and I’ll have the bath ready when I join you, that okay?” Harry whispers, sliding you down slowly. He pushes you toward the large glass door and you smile back at him, your heart bursting with appreciation.
This one is going to change you.
A/N: and that’s a wrap !! lemme know if you guys prefer this kind of phrasing (‘you said’), or if you like ‘she said’, or ‘i said’ better. this is my first time working with a full story using y/n and second/third person kind of view, so pls bear with me. also !! i know some people aren’t really cool with weed. im a ~stoner~ (such a weird thing to type out lmao) so i smoke a lot, but if y’all aren’t comfortabke with me mentioning it p much every other chapter, let me know !! (it can even be anonymously sent in) hope you liked it, and let me know if you have any other requests for future chapters or just one shots💗💗
- lana💔
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Blogwarts // D.M
TW: Eating disorder? and Bullying.
word count: 6254
They were everywhere; Muggle mobile devices. 
Every witch or wizard Draco walked passed held a phone close to their face, so enthralled by the object that they were unaware of the platinum-haired boy’s presence. Usually, as soon as he’d step onto the train, the entire carriage would hush out of fear of being Draco’s next victim. But now mobile phones had become prevalent in Hogwarts, students had started to become less frightened and more engrossed in the stupid device. 
It’s safe to say that this bothered Draco more than it should. Out of all the astonishing magical things the wizarding world has to offer, the students of Hogwarts chose to populate a muggle invention. In the words of Draco Malfoy: it’s ridiculous. 
As Draco neared his designated seating area, he scowled at the sight before him. Every single one of his housemates was glued to a phone, whether it be their own or the person’s sitting next to them. Either way, they had a phone under their nose, angering Draco even further.
After placing a carry-on on the rack above his head, Draco took a seat in silence. He rested both hands on the tabletop, waiting for an acquaintance to acknowledge his appearance.
A while passed, leaving Draco still unseen by many. All except one; Emery Aspen. 
Emery, like Draco, didn’t have a phone. Don't get her wrong, she’d absolutely love to have one but she didn’t have the funds for one. As much as her parents love her, they were only just able to pay for her school supplies – with help from other family members also – so there was no way she’d be presented with one any time soon. But she didn’t mind. She understood.
Emery was sat further back in the carriage beside Aella James. She sat next to the window as Emery sat by the walkway. Despite being beside her best friend, she hated the seating arrangement. Whenever someone walked by her they were always sure to knock into her accidentally. That’s what everyone claimed. Although Emery was sure that each time was purposeful, she chose to ignore it. Of course, she could just simply move seats but that would mean she would be without her best friend and she couldn’t do that. The two are practically joint at the hip and go everywhere together. Two peas in a pod, if you will.
The thought of making conversation with Draco crossed Emery’s mind a few times but decided it was best to stay quiet. Emery has an unspoken rule where she has to wait for someone to talk to her in order for her to talk to them. It’s weird but it worked for her. That way, she knew she wasn’t bothering said person by talking to them first.
‘Enjoying the view?’ Aella chuckled, nudging Emery with her elbow. 
Emery rolled her eye’s with a scoff and sank back in her seat.
‘What – with your ugly mush beside me? Definitely not.’
It was considered brave of Aella to be sitting where she was. This was the compartment that the Slytherin’s had claimed as their own and everyone knows that Slytherins aren’t the nicest of people. Lucky for her, no one had noticed. Which was surprising considering that Aella loved being the centre of attention.
‘Haha. Very funny.’ Mumbled Aella, sarcastically. ‘I’m talking about Draco.’
‘What about him?’ said Emery.
‘Don’t play dumb with me, Em. I saw you staring at him.’
‘Dunno what you’re talking about.’ Emery shrugged, beginning to flick through the pages of her ‘advanced potions making’ book. Although this was the first year Emery needed the text-book, it wasn’t new to her. Of course, she shouldn’t have really had it just yet but when her father found out about Emery’s interest in potions, he searched the entire house for his old one from school. It was packed full of helpful notes and Emery was extremely grateful, to say the least.
‘Just talk to him. What’s the worst that could happen?’ 
Emery looked at Aella as if she had just said the most idiotic thing in the world.
‘Um – I dunno El … maybe tell me to fu –’’ 
‘Malfoy!’ Aella called out of nowhere then proceeded to duck down behind the seat in front of her.
Emery should’ve seen this coming.
Not only did Draco look over. The whole compartment did too. Emery found this rather funny considering that seconds ago, nobody could tear their eyes away from their phones. Now all they could do was stare in her direction.
She scowls at the surrounding people before shooting Draco an apologetic smile. 
‘Sorry,’ Emery apologised, closing her potions book. ‘Just wanted to see if people were aware that there is a world outside of their phones.’
The smirk that spread across Draco’s face was uncontainable. At last! Someone who thought the same way about phones as he did. He was relieved to find out that not everyone had gone brain-dead. 
However, his smirk faded when a familiar voice sounded from beside him. 
‘Didn’t I hear you say the last time we were here that you were hoping to get one? Did Mummy and Daddy not have enough money?’ Pansy Parkinson pouted in a tormenting manner.
For a split second, panic began to surge through Emery’s body, making her cheeks flush pink in embarrassment. But that was before Aella nudged her again, mouthing ‘lie’. There was only one thing wrong with that, and Aella knew it too … Emery was awful at lying.
‘No!’ Emery snapped. ‘That’s not true. Why would I want a phone when you look that gormless with one? Think I’ll pass, thank you very much.’
The look on Pansy’s face said it all. She was offended.
Another smirk was plastered onto Draco’s face as he chuckled, looking down towards the table he was sitting at. He wasn’t the only one laughing, either. A few people were and Emery would be lying if she said that it didn’t boost her confidence. Because it did, tremendously.
‘Good one, Em.’ Aella whispered with a smirk. 
Soon enough, everyone went back to their own businesses, talking amongst themselves. 
Emery glanced over to Aella to see that she was back to staring at her phone screen. 
‘I can’t believe you,’ Emery scoffed in disbelief. ‘Did you not hear what I just said?’ 
‘What? Don’t give me that bullshit, Emery. You were saying that you wanted one, not even an hour ago.’ Aella pointed out with a look of confusion. 
‘Yeah, well – I think I’ve changed my mind. You look ridiculous.’
‘Wow – okay, Malfoy.’ 
Emery rolled her eyes at Aella’s comment but laughed, nonetheless. 
Shortly after, Emery opened her book up to where her bookmark was placed.
‘Felix Felicis. Effect: Increases the luck of the drinker …’ 
A firm hand was placed on Emery’s shoulder, interrupting her reading. She glanced up to be met with a pair of glistening silver eyes, looking down on her. Malfoy’s eyes.
It was the first time that Emery had seen the colour of his eyes and she was mesmerised – breathless, even. They glistened so brightly yet appeared so … vacant.
Emery gulped nervously.
‘Hi,’ was all she could muster. Even that came out almost inaudible. 
Draco’s eyes flickered down to the book Emery was holding in her hands before turning it around to look at the front cover.
‘Advanced potion-making –’ he reads, amused. ‘Didn’t know you were into potions, Aspen.’ 
She nodded her head, glancing back up to meet his eyes once again. 
‘I am –’ 
Emery mentally facepalmed as Aella kicked her foot, prompting her to stop being so bashful. Of course, Emery couldn’t help it. It was in her blood. Her father was quite possibly the shyest person to ever walk the face of the earth. Unfortunately, her mother wasn’t the most out-going person either.
‘Are you into p-potions too?’ stuttered Emery, embarrassing herself further.
Draco went silent, triggering her anxiety. She watched as his facial expression transitioned into a cold stare.
‘Wouldn’t you like to know.’ was all he said before walking off, leaving Emery with furrowed brows.
‘What was that all about?’ Questioned Aella, finally looking up from her phone. 
‘No idea.’
The start-of-term banquet was as lonely as anything for Emery. She didn’t have friends to sit with at the Slytherin table because all of her friends were sorted into various houses. Her best friend, Aella James, was sorted into Gryffindor along with Neville Longbottom. The guy she had met on her very first train ride to Hogwarts, Xavier Griswold, was sorted into Hufflepuff whilst Violet De Vil, a girl who miraculously turned up late to professor Snape’s class the exact same time as Emery, was placed into Ravenclaw. 
The full set as everyone liked to call them.
It didn’t really bother Emery that none of her friends were in her house. She admits that it wasn't extremely fun on her first day here, once she found out that she was placed in Slytherin alone, but she adapted to it rather quickly.
Emery was sat playing with the ends of her brown hair as she watched all the new first years getting sorted into their houses. Some had massive gleaming smiles plastered on their faces, overly keen to get their results, whilst others couldn’t care less, just wanting to sit down already and get on this the school year. 
Soon enough, the last student was called up to the front of the Great Hall. Eira Delarosa her name was. She had boisterous white hair that framed her face neatly, cut into a long pixie hairstyle that suited her wonderfully. She was a fairly petite girl and her timid body language practically screamed that she was a Hufflepuff.
Eira perched herself on the stool gingerly as the hall quietens, intimidating her more than she already was.
‘Hufflepuff. How much are you betting?’ a boy mumbled a few feet away from where Emery was sat.
‘One Galleon,’ another boy replied, confidently. 
Slytherins. Always throwing money around like it’s nothing.
Professor McGonagall hovered the sorting hat above Eira’s snow-white hair before lowering it gradually until it roared out ’SLYTHERIN!’
The handful of students that we're still paying attention stared in shock with their mouths agape. Soon enough, gasps turned into cheers as they welcomed their new housemate. 
Emery grows fairly fond of the girl before she had even taken a seat, watching her from a distance. Numerous students began to bombard the poor newcomer with stupid questions and eager greetings, all jumping down her throat at once.
‘Is your hair natural?’
‘You should totally hang out with us –’
‘Do you have siblings in this school?’
‘You’re so pretty –’
‘Are you related to Draco Malfoy?’ 
Emery rolled her eyes in disbelief at the latter inquiry from her fellow housemate. Seriously? A girl, or anyone for that matter, can’t even have white hair without being associated with the Malfoys. It was the same with redheads and the Weasley’s. 
‘Careful Izzie, they’ll interrogate you next,’ Cackled a black-haired girl, sitting opposite Emery. ‘Draco ain’t a part of your family, is he?’
‘I’ve told you before V – no, he isn’t.’ The girl beside her scowled. She, too, had sleek white hair. 
‘Alright! Merlin’s beard! You’re grumpier than Gus the day he was placed in Ravenclaw.’ V pointed out.
‘Because it’s obvious he’s a Slytherin. If I was in his shoes, I’d be grumpy too.’ 
‘Yeah, but you're always grumpy. Nothing new there, Elizabeth.’ 
Izzie warningly shot a glare at V, challenging her to repeat her words.
‘See! You just proved my point, you grumpy goblin–’ 
Professor McGonagall tapped her cutlery on her glass goblet, chiming for the hall to quieten down. Everyone obeyed her command. 
Hogwarts’ headteacher, professor Dumbledore, rose from his seat to stand at the golden owl lectern with a deadpan expression. Ever since his return, after Umbridge took over Hogwarts, he hadn’t appeared the same, in Emery’s opinion. Physically, he looked like himself. But his enthusiastic side just wasn’t there anymore. It was heartbreaking to witness. 
‘Welcome, students!’ Bellowed Dumbledore, just like he did at the beginning of every year. ‘Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Codswallop! Spiffy! Lollygag! Piffle!.’
‘Thank you!’ and with that, he sat back down and began tucking into the start-of-term feast. 
Maybe there was a little bit of enthusiasm still left in him Emery thought to herself.
Once the cheering had calmed down, just like everyone else, Emery began grabbing bits and pieces of food from various platters laid out in the centre of the table. There was everything to fulfil your heart's desire and more. From fudge fly ice-cream to pumpkin pasties, all the way to pork chops and plain boiled potatoes – many kinds of potatoes actually. Boiled, roasted, mashed – you name it. It’s there. 
This place truly was magnificent.
‘Got any more friend requests, Goyle?’ 
Emery looked up from her plate to see Blaise Zabini looking at his lap beneath the table, face illuminated slightly more than usual. Gregory Goyle was mirroring his actions. 
‘No,’ he sighed in disappointment. ‘Not since we were on the train.’
‘Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a sign for you to put your phones down?’ queried Emery, looking around the great hall to see everyone digging into their meals. ‘If no one else is online then neither should you two be. You should put them away before a teacher see’s.’
Blaise glanced up to show a disgusted expression slapped onto his face. 
‘What – are you my mother now?’ 
The students of the Slytherin table snickered quietly, causing Emery’s face to turn crimson in embarrassment. 
‘N-no, I'm just looking out for you is all.’ explained Emery, absentmindedly pushing food around her plate with a fork. 
‘Well, I don’t need your –’ 
‘I’d listen to her if I were you. If Snape catches you with that thing, Merlin knows what’ll happen to you.’ Draco intervened, agreeing.
Emery felt a fluttering sensation erupt in her stomach as her cheeks deepened a shade even more (if that were possible) at the realisation that Malfoy was backing her up somewhat. 
‘You’re defending her?’ Blaise raised a brow in surprise. 
‘Who said I was defending her? All I’m saying is, don’t come crying to us when your phone gets confiscated.’ Draco shrugged, shoveling a fork full of food into his mouth. 
Blaise contemplated for a moment before groaning in annoyance and shoving his phone into one of the inside pockets of his robe.
‘Put your phone away. Now!’ he demanded bitterly, elbowing Goyle in the side to grab his attention. 
‘Alright! Watch it!’ Goyle rolled his eyes before slipping his phone into his trouser pocket. 
Just when Emery was about to put more food into her mouth, the girls opposite her began talking again. 
‘You’re a real ugly eater you know.’ V stated out of nowhere, looking at Emery in revulsion.
‘Um – excuse me?’ 
‘You’re an ugly eater –’ she repeated.
‘Are you aware that you eat like a pig?’ sneered Izzie.
Emery cowered in silence, looking down towards the plate of food positioned on the table in front of her. 
Emery had only eaten 3 forks full of food, the first and only thing she had eaten all day due to her busy schedule. She was excited for the majority of the day, eager to chow down on the delightful food that Hogwarts had to offer. But now she wasn't too sure if she could eat it. 
It's not that she didn't want it. Emery would absolutely love to devour the food that was sat on her plate. But now that she had learnt that people were watching her every move, conveniently enough, she didn't have much of an appetite anymore. 
For the rest of the meal, Emery stared and prodded at the mocking food with her fork, using all of the will power she could muster to not take another bite. 
Finally, much to Emery’s relief, the start-of-term banquet ends resulting in the Prefects leading the first year's to their common rooms to settle in. Considering it was the first night back, and Dumbledore was the greatest headteacher in all of wizarding history, he authorized an extra hour until curfew. 
This was enough time for Emery to greet all of her friends and have a quick catch up before she had to head to the Slytherin common rooms to be lonely, once again. 
Emery didn't hate being alone. Yes, it could get extremely lonely at times but it also has its perks. For instance, if she was to ever fall out with any of her friends and she needed a getaway, the Slytherin common room was her escape. 
‘Oi – Aspen! Over here!’ Aella called out from the other side of the great hall. 
Turning her head, her eyes landed on the blown-haired girl waving a hand frantically in the air with a beaming smile, just like a little kid. 
Smiling, Emery rose to her feet and shook her head at the nincompoop she calls her best friend. 
There’s not a single day gone by where Aella has failed to make Emery smile. According to Emery, it was impossible to not smile around her. Not only was she the class clown but she also had a very contagious laugh. Once Aella starts laughing, the whole of their friend group is done for. 
‘Ugh – she’s giving me the evils, again.’ Violet De Vil scowled as Emery took a seat beside her.
And it was true. Pansy Parkinson was, in fact, watching her – all of them – before Blaise nudged her, causing her to avert her attention back on her fellow Slytherins. 
‘Maybe she fancies you?’ implied Ron, cocking his brow.
‘Ew – I certainly hope not!’ Violet frowned in disgust.
‘That can’t be,’ Harry debunked Ron’s implication. ‘She’s going out with Malfoy.’
‘She is?’ Emery arched her brows in surprise. 
Emery wouldn't ever admit it aloud but she was extremely envious.
‘Of course. It doesn’t take a genius to work that one out. The two are constantly all over one another.’ Hermione chuckled, sipping from her goblet.
Aella sat with her arms folded across her chest, scowling in pansy’s direction. 
‘I don’t like her.’ she voiced, bitterly.
If looks could kill.
‘Nor do i.’ Emery joined her best friend in shooting invisible daggers at the dark-haired Slytherin girl. 
‘Has anyone else noticed that she has the same facial characteristics as a pug?’ queried Neville, looking at Pansy in deep thought.
Emery tried her best to stifle a laugh by placing a hand over her mouth. But Aella, on the other hand, didn’t care at all about attracting attention to herself. Many curious heads turned to face her as she began howling at Neville’s claim. 
‘Neville!’ Hermione began to scold but she too starts sniggering at the realisation that Neville’s claim was true. ‘Though I see what you mean.’
‘Pansy pug-face – HA! That’s comical.’ 
Everyone chuckled lowly at Xavier Griswold’s joke. Well – everyone except for Aella. 
‘What are you looking at?!’ She spat abruptly across the hall, startling Emery. 
‘Keep on staring and I will not hesitate to hex the fuck out of you!’ Aella warned.
‘Yeah! What she said!’ Xavier joined, backing his friend up.
He loves drama.
With a huff, Pansy twisted herself back around, once again. 
‘Bloody mutt.’ Emery grumbled under her breath.
Finding her best friend's attitude out of character, Aella hooked an arm around her shoulder before pulling her into her side.
‘You good, Em?’ she cooed.
‘Not really.’ admitted Emery, beginning to play with her fingers anxiously.
Concern washed over Aellas features.
‘What’s wrong? You were fine on the train.’
‘I’m hungry.’ 
‘What do you mean you’re hungry? We literally just ate –’ Aella snorted.
‘No – you just ate. I got the mick taken out of me.’ 
And just like that, a switch flicked.
‘Who the fuck was it?!’ Aella snapped, slamming her palms down onto the table in rage before rising to her feet. ‘Was it pug-face?!’ 
By this time, Aella had caught the attention of many students. They were all gawking; catching flies with their mouths.
‘Miss James, please sit –’ demanded Professor McGonagall.
Aella cut Mcgonagall off by raising her hand up, signalling for her to stop. 
‘No can do ma’am! I have some business to take care of.’ she informed as she squinted her eyes, searching for the person responsible from Emery’s upsetting.
Her eyes landed on Blaise Zabini.
‘It was you – wasn’t it?!’ she pointed, accusingly.
‘James –’ McGonagall warned.
Blaise scoffs.
‘And why do you think that?’ he questioned, smugly. 
‘Because you’re an arse, Zabini!’ 
‘And you’re a bitch!’ he retorted bitterly.
‘Oh please!’ Aella scoffed. ‘I’ve been called worse!’
‘Oh yeah? Like what? A dirty mud-blood?!’
Everyone surrounding Blaise erupted into laughter as other students gasped at his insulting words, including Emery.
‘Zabini!’ McGonagal warned again, more sternly this time. ‘This is your final warning – the both of you!’ 
And then, without contemplation, Aella tugged Emery up by her bicep harshly and smirked darkly at Blaise.
‘Your girlfriend.’ She spat, her words laced with venom and hatred.
‘Detention!’ Professor McGonagall snaps.
And with that, both Emery and Aella saunter out of the Great hall with satisfied smiles, leaving everyone sitting in astonishment.
‘You never told me that you and Zabini were going out!’ Emery pouted, playfully holding a hand over her heart. ‘I’m your best friend! You’re supposed to tell me everything!’  
‘Yeah – were ... during the summer holidays. Not anymore. I didn’t tell you because i knew it was just a silly summer fling and –’
Emery interrupted Aella with a dramatic gasp.
‘A fling? You mean – you had sex with him? El, you’re only sixteen!’
‘So?’ Aella shrugged. ‘I’m of age so why does it matter?’
‘At least tell me you were safe –’
Aella felt a pang in her chest, prompting her to halt in place. 
After a few steps, Emery noticed that Aella was no longer walking beside her. She spun around to see hurt etched onto her best friends face.
‘You really think I’m that stupid – don’t you!’ she angrily scoffed.
‘W-what – no! No no no!’ Emery protested, stepping closer to the bitter girl. ‘I didn’t mean –’
‘Just because I haven't got my head shoved so far up a teachers arse, doesn’t mean I’m not smart!’ Aella snarled, shoving Emery into the wall behind her. 
The collision caused the back of her head to pulsate as she let out a wheezy breath. Instantly, she rose a hand up to where the pain was and rubbed it soothingly in an attempt to ease the sting. But it didn’t help. 
‘You're just jealous because the guy I like actually liked me back.’
Emery's vision blurred with white spots making her feel faint. She dropped to the floor cautiously before leaning herself back against the stone wall with her head in her hands. 
‘Look at you! You’re pathetic! Sitting there in hopes that prince charming will march through those double doors and scoop you up into his big strong arms and carry you away into the sunset. Well, I’m sorry to tell you this, Emery but news flash: fairytales aren’t real and Malfoy doesn’t give a fuck about you!’ Aella seethed, thrashing her arms out in frustration.
The ache in her head, alone, was enough to make her cry. But Aella’s heart-wrenching words was the icing on the cake. Emery lost it.
‘Just get away from me!’ she cried, pointing down the corridor. ‘Go!’ 
‘Why? So you can get sympathy from everyone when they come out of the hall? You’d love that, wouldn’t you Emery. You’ve always been a bit of an attention whore.’ 
She knelt down in front of Emery with a tormenting smirk. She knew full well that she was getting under her skin and seeing Emery so vulnerable prompted her to continue.
‘Go fuck yourself.’ snarled Emery.
‘I don't have to. I can get someone to do that for me because I’m not frigid, unlike you.’ 
‘Well, at least I didn’t have to open my legs to pass my O.W.L’s.’ 
Aella gasped in shock at Emery's immediate comeback. 
It was completely out of character for Emery to spit irrational accusations. She had always been exceptionally well behaved throughout the entirety of school. But after a while of being ordered around by people who knew Emery was a blatant pushover, she grew tired and it was only a matter of time before she took matters into her own hands. She wasn’t the only one to blame. 
Aella chose the wrong day to fuck with Emery. 
‘Are you saying that I fucked a teacher?!’ 
‘Finally, caught on, did we?’ smirked Emery. 
‘You fucking –’ Aella irately rummaged through the inside pockets of her robe before whipping her wand out, aiming it at her best friend, threateningly. 
Emery didn’t flinch. Instead, she rose to her feet and edged closer confidently, trying her best to intimidate. 
‘What are you gonna do, El? Hex me?’ suggested Emery, cocking her head to the side as she gradually backed Aella up against the opposite side of the corridor.
Aella pressed the tip of her wand under Emery’s chin in defence. Of course, she wouldn't dream of hurting her. She was only hoping it would intimidate her enough to make her back away. But she didn’t. She stood sternly with a satisfied smirk. No doubt, she was proud of herself.
‘That’ll impress Zabini. He’ll definitely want you back after doing that.’ 
Fury flooded Aella’s thoughts, wanting nothing more than to hex the Slytherin aggravating her. But she decided against it.
Instead, a mischievous grin emerged across her bronzed face. 
Emery stood perplexed, worry taking over her. 
As if on cue, the great hall’s hefty double doors swung open as many young wizards and witches began flooding the corridors, all hurrying to get to their common rooms to settle down for the night.
Aella shoved Emery back one last time to create distance between them before shoving her wand into her robes inside pocket. 
‘Aella!’ Hermione beamed. ‘We’re now heading back to the tower. Would you care to join us?’ Harry, Ron and Ginny stood behind her, all chatting amongst themselves in a triangle.
Harry flashed a small smile in Emery's direction but she was too infuriated with Aella to respond.
‘Of course,’ Aella responded, smirking towards Emery. ‘I’d love to.’
Emery narrowed her eyes spitefully as her eyes watched the five Gryffindors ramble off down the corridor, leaving her alone to drown in her own thoughts. 
It wasn’t like Aella to walk away from an argument. The two would usually resolve the problem before they had to part ways at the end of the day. But Emery had a gut feeling that Aella was plotting something. Something that would more than likely ruin her entirely and she was beyond terrified. She knew what Aella was capable of and she could, in no way, match her in the slightest.
The next few days were gonna be hell, Emery knew it.
Emery shoved the door to her assigned dorm-room open with an exhausted huff. Unfortunately for her, her drowsy eyes came into contact with three people she hated most throughout the entire school: 
Izzie, V and Pansy ‘pug-face’ Parkinson.
She can see clearly what Neville was talking about, now. It was humorous.
Emery didn’t have a problem with her fourth roommate, at all. She was unphased by Emery’s entry so that was listed as a positive in her books and one less thing for her to worry about. Maybe she would befriend her at some point.
However, the other three girls were as vile as they come.
Pansy Parkinson for obvious reasons. No one really liked her. It was as simple as that. The only thing keeping her so-called friends close to her was the fact that she was a pure-blood and her family was rather wealthy. Her atrocious attitude most definitely didn’t do her any wonders and was the prime reason why Emery couldn’t stand her. 
Well … that and the fact that Pansy snapped her wand in their second year at Hogwarts because Emery asked if her hair was inspired by a toadstool. 
Emery’s parent’s (mother rather) struggled enough as it was to put food on the table every night, so a busted wand was a greater dilemma than you’d imagine.
Not to mention that Pansy was Draco’s love interest and watching the pair together pained Emery more than she’d ever let on.
Now – V and Izzie are both members of the infamous UAC’s. The group of teens consisted of 2 witches and 2 wizards and when together, gave off an ominous vibe that no one dared stick their nose into. It would be such a preposterous thing to do unless you enjoy playing with black magic. 
The UAC’s claimed to be the next big thing in wizarding history. Gustav Nadir – the outcast of Hogwarts and self-proclaimed leader of the four – had a blueprint of a flawless masterplan engraved into his brain. As though his appearance didn't intimidate people enough, his proficient brain was sure to do the trick. All with help from his trustworthy buddy, Jacques Wickliff, of course. 
Altogether, the UAC’s weren't the most welcoming bunch. They like to keep their group closed off but their reputation sky-high and anyone who dares try to change that has one hell of an issue on their hands. 
‘Oh look, Izzie! It's our friend from dinner!’ V nudged into her best friend, interrupting her reading, before pointing to where Emery stood with a blank expression.
‘You look like shit.’ Pansy sniggered from where she was laying on her bed.
‘Fuck off –’ Emery murmured with a scowl as she dragged her feet over to her bed and flopped down onto it. 
‘That's no way to greet your roomies, Aspen.’ said V. She held a hint of amusement in her eyes. ‘I hope those bitter words weren’t aimed at me.’
‘Yeah – she’d have to teach you a lesson, if so,’ Izzie grumbled sarcastically, trying to get back into the book she was reading.
Emery attempted to ignore the confrontation by shrugging her robe off her shoulders and grabbing her wash bag out from her trunk before retracing her steps back to the oak door she had just come through, seconds ago. 
Spending another millisecond in there was going to nudge her over the edge – Emery just knew it. 
The plan was to head to the girls’ bathroom to get ready for bed but just as Emery tugged on the handle to leave, a hand rudely slammed it shut again.
Emery groans in annoyance, throwing her head back. 
‘It’s rude to walk away from people who are talking to you. I’m only trying to be your friend.’ V snapped bitterly, standing in the way of the exit with her arms folded against her chest.
‘Well, you're doing a terrible job of showing it.’ Emery declared, staring down at the furious girl in front of her. 
The perks of being 5’10. 
V narrowed her eyes before stepping to the side. 
‘What are you doing?’ queried Emery, raising a brow in suspicion.
’Nothing,’  V reassured, all too cheerful.
The grin on her face was distrustful. It was no secret that she had a trick wedged up her sleeve.
Emery pushed the thought to the side and went to leave the room again. This time, she managed to successfully open the door fully. But just as she stepped a foot over the door frame, a pair of hands aggressively shoved Emery forward, causing her to tumble down the stairs that were carelessly built only a few foot away from the door.
The person who’s responsible for the layout of this castle clearly didn’t have their head screwed on properly.
With a thud, Emery collided into a railing, fortunately preventing her from falling any further. She sat up with a groan as a giggle sounded from the door-way she was pushed through. 
‘Careful where you’re going, Aspen! Could’ve hurt yourself.’ V winked tormentingly, followed by retreating back into the dorm and slamming the door shut. 
Everything that was in Emery’s wash bag somehow managed to fall out and was now scattered down the stairwell. Emery could feel the rage build up further inside as she rubbed both hands over her face in frustration.
One more unfortunate event and that’ll be it for her. She’ll be kneeling down in front of Dumbledore’s office desk with tears streaming down her face, begging to go home.
Emery was terrible at dealing with her emotions by herself. She always had Aella to help her through it. But now that she’s turned her back on her, she has nobody else trustworthy enough to talk to.
With a huff, Emery rose to her feet and brushed the dirt off her uniform aggressively before swiping her toiletries up off the stone steps. 
After she had completed her bathroom routine, Emery Decided to go and have a word with Professor Slughorn: The head of Slytherin house.
Slughorn seemed to have been in a foul mood though because, despite Emery’s tears and pleads, he denied her request to go home.
‘Sir, p-please! You don’t understand I –’ Emery sobbed, attempting to rid of her tears by wiping the sleeve of her cardigan under her puffy eyes.
‘I’m sorry my girl but the Hogwarts Express has already departed back to London. It will not be returning until Christmas I’m afraid.’ He apologised, sipping on a glass of Mead. 
The alcoholic beverage could be smelt from where Emery was stood and to say that she was craving a glass would be an understatement. She needed one. 
Emery knew exactly where she was travelling to on Saturday.
‘Why would you want to leave anyway?’ Slughorn queried with a cocked brow. ‘Not being bullied, are we?’
Emery looked to the ground ashamed as more tears began to well up in her eyes. 
‘Yes,’ she mumbled, wiping underneath her eyes, once again. ‘My dorm-mates – they’re horrible.’
‘Is that why you growing that horn on your forehead? If so, I’ll have to take safety precautions and have a word with Albu – Dumbledore, I mean. Bullying will not be tolerated –’
Panic began to surge through Emery, making her eyes widen in fear.
‘No!’ she abruptly exclaimed, startling the Professor and making him spill his beverage down is attire. 
‘Merlin’s beard!’ 
‘I’m so sorry –’ Emery began frantically apologizing. ‘I didn’t mean to shout. I mean – it just isn’t necessary.’
Slughorn looked a little sceptical so Emery carried on trying to make her lie believable.
‘This is my fault,’ she explains, pointing to the bump on her head. ‘I’m really clumsy, you see. I fell down the stairs.’
Of course, Emery didn’t need to lie. She should’ve said that she was actually pushed down the stairs. But the thought of V finding out that she had told a teacher would add onto her worries. Merlin knows what she would do to her. It just wasn't worth it. 
 Still, Slughorn didn’t seem convinced but he shrugged it off nonetheless as he absorbed the liquid up with a flick of his wand.
He places his Empty glass down on a table and lets out a content sigh.
‘Right. Well – just be more careful in future. Don’t need a trip up to the hospital wing now, do we? Though I dont think Madam Pomfrey would mind a visitor. The poor woman must be lonely.’ chuckled Slughorn. ‘Anyway – you better get going, my dear girl. Don’t want someone to catch you walking around the school at this time. You’ll get into trouble. Off you go now – bye!’
In Slughorns attempts to push Emery out of his office, he’s stopped by her halting in place, reminding him of the conversation they had just shared.
‘But what about my situation?’ 
‘Ah, yes! Uh … Just deal with it for tonight and I’ll do my best to sort something out for you. Good night, Emery!’ 
Emery faced slughorns office in disbelief.
Did he just fob me off? Emery asked herself.
Eventually, she made it back to the Slytherin common room without being caught. Nothing but the crackling of the fire could be heard meaning that everyone was now sleeping. 
Of course, this was good news for Emery. it meant that she could go back into her dorm without any trouble.
Oh, how she was wrong. 
As Emery plonked herself down onto her bed, in fresh pyjamas, she lets out an involuntary gasp. Her entire bed was completely soaked through with water. Her pillow, blanket – everything. 
Examining the damage, she lifted her pillow into the air to see it begin to drip onto the floor beneath it. 
There was no way Emery could sleep in her bed tonight. 
She utters profanities to herself and throws a hateful glare in the direction of where V was sleeping peacefully.
Emery knew it was her. It didn’t take a genius to work that one out. She was known for pranking people. Emery’s just thankful it wasn’t one of her bad ones.
Emery's going to be needing that absorbing spell from Slughorn.
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flutterji · 3 years
anything| renjun ff
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hi! this is my first ff on tumblr so hopefully it all works out well. hope u enjoy!
desc: y/n and renjun have only been friends for about a month, but renjun was in too deep. whipped renjun, gender not specified reader!! semi drabble, high school au (like all my stories hhh), very fluffy ! barely edited, its a bit long too but whatever
word count:  2103
y/n and jisung briskly walked the halls of their oh-so-dreadful high school, talking about, of course, absolute nonsense. ‘i mean, like, salamanders are so cute, right?’ y/n questions the tall boy, and jisung nods enthusiastically. “right! so then why would they eat each other?” jisung added. “as babies, too! it doesn make se-” cut off from their sentence, renjun snaked his arms around the both of them before yelling, “hey guys!” “renjunie!” y/n exclaims, and a wide smile paints renjun’s lips. “whats up shawty?” jisung says before making The Fuckboy Face™. “eh, not much, just absolutely dreading and stressing beyond human compacity about the calc exam tomorrow.” renjun says, pulling his arms away and shoving himself in between the two. “maybe we can study? i- honestly i wont be any help, but i have some pretty cool notes i could share?” y/n proposes. “sure, when?” renjun says, without skipping a beat. jisung looks at the two and then looks away in disgust. “you oldies.” he says, before sticking out his tongue in a teasing manner. “whatever, loser!” y/n says, emphasizing the ‘loser’. jisung pretends to cry and is all but payed attention to when renjun bothers y/n for an answer. ‘we cant study if you dont tell me when!” “well if the exam’s tomorrow then obviously we study today! what are you, an idiot?” y/n says, lightly teasing the poor boy. “right, but like, when today?” “you annoy me.” y/n responds without really responding, traveling away to meet their other friend group. “haha, y/n hates you!” jisung says. renjun then nudges jisung not-so-gently before sighing. “i dont get it. i would do anything for them and they just brush me off like im... i dont know, what am i?” he asks, confused. “an idiot. a complete idiot.”
as soon as school ends, renjun sends y/n a text. ‘library?’ is all he says, and y/n answers quickly. ‘get here quickly pls,,, i dont wanna waste time” y/n sends back shortly after. renjun walks to their schools library, and sees his study mate. “hey jun, hurry up before i start growing grey hairs.” y/n whisper yells from one of the tables. he had taken longer than he wanted to, so he rushed to the table and scurried to get out his notebook and a pencil. ‘right, so, show me your notes.” y/n says, half distracted by the drawing they were creating in the corner of a scrap piece of paper. renjun opens his note book, revealing his subpar notes. “dude, what-- how much time do you spend actually taking notes?” y/n asks before revealing their organized notes that definitely weren’t the best, but better than renjun’s. “i look out the window more than i pay attention, ha...” renjun admits with a sheepish smile. “sure, just read my notes and copy whatever you need.” y/n says nonchalantly. “thank you so much, you’re a life saver, y/n!” renjun exclaims. “of course i am, i’m me.” y/n says unexpectedly, before ‘posing’ and rolling their eyes.
after some time had passed, renjun had gotten distracted. “junie, can i tell you something?” y/n asked, looking at renjun’s renovated notes. “sure, whats up?” renjun responds while flipping his pencil between his fingers. “there’s this girl that likes me, but i don’t like her back. it’s kinda so awkward, but i don’t want it to be. ugh, its so frustrating!” y/n whines as they drum their fingers against the table. “oh? who is it? can i know?” renjun immediately asks. “she told me tot to tell anyone. so i’m kinda already not listening, but as long as i don’t tell you her name that should be fine, right?” renjun whines and begins asking more questions. “is she nice? do i know her? when-” “shut up.” y/n cuts him off and runs their temples. “she’s... its not like she’s not nice, and you don’t know her, okay? ugh, i shouldn’t have even tried telling you about my love life.” y/n grumbles. “love life?” renjun asks. “maybe you could repay me by telling me something.” y/n offers, a smirk growing on their face. renjun tries hard not to blush and looks away quickly. “there’s, uh, nothing to talk about, ha.” he explains half heartedly. “sure there is! maybe not recent, but tell me something at least a little interesting.” y/n persuades. “uh, well, last year i made friends with this... person, and i liked them. they, uh, they moved away. yea.” renjun cant help but blush as he struggles to find literally anything else to do. “yea, sure.” y/n takes note of his blush and can’t help but wonder if he’s lying. 
y/n begins packing up and renjun looks at them in confusion. “you have to go?” he asks, trying to hide his disappointment. “yea, im sorry. you got everything you needed, right?” y/n responds. y/n has a knack for ignoring renjun, the way he blushes, the way he often looks at them with wide eyes, the way he looks around aimlessly when he thinks, the way he throws his head back when he laughs, the way he bends his knees when he screams into the air when he’s frustrated or flustered, and... maybe they didn’t ignore renjun. maybe they didnt ignore him at all. “yea, thank you so much!” and he smiles the cutest smile and starts packing up his things as well. “you have a ride home? i’m taking the bus.” y/n asks. “i’m taking the bus too! maybe we should get a snack for the ride?” “YES.” y/n answers right away. renjun laughs and throws back his head, just like how y/n was just thinking about. a small smile creeps up y/n’s face and a boldness takes over. “you’re adorable, you know that?” y/n asks, swinging their backpack over their shoulder. renjun blushes, and hard. his heart races and he struggles to come up with a reply as his hand thoughtlessly covers his smile. “adorable, ha.” he says quietly. y/n internally yells and waits for him. “yea. so what type of snack do you want?”
on the bus with chip bags on their laps, the silence is almost comforting, right before it’s not. the bus stops to let in more people, and renjun looks at y/n. y/n pops more chips in their mouth before looking back, and renjun swiftly looks away. they’re sitting next to each other, and renjun has never been that close to y/n. he starts noticing their more delicate features up close and feels his chest tightening. after y/n swallows the chips, they look at renjun’s hand, a single ring on his pointer finger. mindlessly, they pick it up to examine the ring. renjun’s heart starts beating louder at the contact, and he looks out the window without knowing what else to do. “pretty ring.” y/n says. “thank you, chenle gave it to me.” he says, smiling shyly. “so you’re married?” y/n says, a single brow raised. renjun takes back his hand and and looks at his ring. “its not like that! besides, i dont like him.” he says. “do you like someone else then?” “maybe.” renjun mutters so quietly that he can barely hear himself. “HA! I KNEW IT!”  y/n celebrates their small victory and renjun looks back towards the window with a stupid smile on his face and a blush on his cheeks.
once renjun reaches his stop, he stands up. “this you?” y/n asks. “yea, bye!” he says, almost sadly walking in front of y/n to get out of the aisle. “no, not bye, lemme walk with you the rest of the way.” y/n says and gets up, walking out and away from the bus shortly after. renjun smiles to himself and walks towards his street, leading the way. “so... who is it?” y/n asks. renjun blushes and covers his face. “i can’t tell you that!” he says. “why not? huh? i’ll tell you mine.” y/n says. “yoU HAVE A CRUSH?” renjun practically screams. “yea, it’s not a big deal.” y/n says, right before pulling two lollipops out of their pocket and handing one to renjun. “fine, but, please don’t hate me.” renjun pleads, putting the wrapper into his pocket. “i promise i wont hate you. who is it?” “well, we only started being friends recently, but they’re just so.. i don’t know. and i’ve told jisung this, but i would do anything for them.” he says, trying hard not to stutter and even harder to not get a heart attack. y/n puts the lollipop in their mouth, and renjun follows. “anything?” y/n asks playfully. “yea, pretty much. i don’t even know why i like them so much, they act like... i don’t know, they kind of ignore me.” y/n secretly wondered what type of human would be able to ignore someone as nice and as attractive as renjun. “ignore you? it’s hard to do that with how whiny you are.” y/n laughs and renjun whines. “see, i told you!” y/n says and smiles around their lollipop. “anyways, do i know them?” y/n asks shortly after. “yea, kinda... hah, all of a sudden i dont really wanna talk about it anymore, so, bye?” renjun forces his hands into his pockets. was he really ready to confess? “fine, i’ll tell you about mine then. he’s really charming in his own way, and i just realized that i liked him recently. we also haven’t been friends for long, ha. i don’t know why, there’s just something about him, his cute little habits are so endearing to me. ew, i sound gross.” y/n pretends to vomit, and renjun sighs lowly. “you really do like him, huh?” he asks, defeated. “yea, i guess i really do.”  y/n smiles to themselves and nudges renjun.
renjun kicks at a rock before stopping in front of a house. “well, this is my house, so...” “right.” y/n nods and presses their lips together. “hey, could you do me a favor?” y/n asks, right before renjun goes to walk up to the door. “sure, anything you want?” “anything?” y/n asks with a smile on their face. renjun lightly blushes, before saying quietly, “yea, anything.” he sends a small smile and y/n can’t help but walk closer to the boy. renjun’s heart starts pounding inside his chest. did he just confess?   y/n reaches out to him and gives him a hug. renjun frantically tries placing his hands on y/n’s back multiple times before finally resting them in one spot, placing his head in the crook of their neck. to him, it felt like they fit together perfectly. a giant smile paints his lips and y/n starts retracting their arms. ‘it’s you, renjun.” y/n faulters with their words. renjun’s eyes go wide and his lips part to let in air. he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “me. i am? it’s… what? he says, absolutely speechless. “you’re the guy i was talking about earlier. not that it matters.” y/n shrugs, trying to hide the fact that their heart was absolutely racing. “it does, uh, to me, because, you’re the person i was talking about earlier too, so…” he hides his face with his hand and looks away. ‘you think i ignore you?’ y/n says, surprised. ‘uh, a little bit…” he admits, shyly. he felt like he was going to explode, he was so flustered. “sorry, i’ll try to pay more attention to you?” y/n offers, paired with a crooked smile. renjun bends his knees and screams into the air, making y/n smile and laugh shortly after. “sorry, and, yea, that would be nice.” y/n hesitates before stepping forward and planting a quick kiss on renjun’s cheek, sending the poor love-struck boy’s heart to heaven and hell at the same time. a wide goofy smile is shared between the both of them. “ill text you?” y/n offers, hands trying to find a place to stop before finally landing in their pockets. “yes, great! i mean, uh, cool. very cool.” renjuns fails to hide his excitement as he practically floats on air and lets out a sigh, shooting y/n a thumbs up. “very cool, yes.” y/n laughs and finally leaves the boy to go inside, and he automatically starts jumping in a circle and clapping out of happiness.
the end! 
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everyone on the carte blanche for the ask meme
everyone? oh boy this is gonna get long ajfhdsf
First impression: i, like a lot of people who get into the podcast without knowing a great deal about it, was expecting at most an ambiguously bisexual angst machine with a closely-guarded heart of gold. juno being an explicitly bisexual genderqueer angst machine is perhaps the most pleasant surprise of my life. the angst machine heart of gold characters were kind of my type at the time, so i loved him right away
Impression now: every time i think about juno’s arc from depressed mess held together by bad coping mechanisms, safety pins, and a few good strong puns into someone who can talk about his feelings, feel comfortable about being happy, and recognise when he needs to change, i want to cry about it a little bit. the depth of my love for juno steel has only grown along with him
Favourite moment: juno has a lot of great one-liners and i’m still a big fan of the “on the other hand i wasn’t wearing a watch” bit and who can forget such classics as juno finally deciding to stop moping over nureyev and move on only for him to open the door to his apartment and find nureyev sitting in the dark dramatically, but honestly nothing will ever hit me harder than his sudden, pissed-off declaration of “i can’t die yet, i still have shit to do!” in promised land. god.
Idea for a story: oh i have so many and i want to write most of them so no spoilers, but juno accidentally kidnaps a baby during a carte blanche heist and shenanigans ensue
Unpopular opinion: obviously we all know he’s dummy thicc but i feel like a lot of people forget he’s an actual genius, like the stuff he notices and how he strings it together is sometimes so obscure and he’s almost always right. oh, also juno is not skinny and i will not be taking criticism on that
Favourite relationship: this is so tough because every dynamic is so good, but i think it has to be juno and rita. those two are so good! the best best friends in the world!! i’m really a sucker for any dynamic that’s ridiculously in-sync so i loved these two as soon as juno saw rita’s notes in prince of mars and went “makes perfect sense to me” (which it probably didn’t, because rita, but he trusted that she knew what she was doing which is the important part)
Favourite headcanon: this isn’t really a headcanon but i still think about how juno is (was?) deathly afraid of heights but when he heard rex glass coming he still attempted to climb out of the window. either his aversion to working with dark matters/other people in general was so strong is overrided his fear, or his office was actually on the ground floor. not sure which of these is funnier.
First impression: we’ve all seen the memes about nureyev knowing juno steel for one (1) day and deciding to Risk It All by leaving him with his name, look at this Hopeless Romantic, this utter DISASTER of a homosexual. the fact the very next time we hear from nureyev (at least directly) he’s patiently waiting in juno’s dark apartment to surprise him with a heist definitely supports this image.
Impression now: even after literally being inside peter’s head, i feel like we didn’t get a real sense of who he is until man in glass, where we find out he aggressively compartmentalises everything that causes him stress. he’s also distinctly someone who’s had his heart broken before, i think, which makes those first appearances of his very strange. but it does remind me of what juno says about diamond, and how he decided to provide the trust first and wait for the trustworthiness to grow in (only to get severely hurt), and i think that’s exactly what nureyev did. i am also... very uneasy with how suspicious he’s behaving this season because obviously i want to believe he’ll sort it all out and not betray the crew but... oof
Favourite moment: the beginning of what lies beyond pt1 where he’s affectionately bullying juno into taking care of himself? cleared my crops watered my skin etc etc etc
Idea for a story: i’d love to hear more about his past as a young thief idolising buddy and vespa (i can’t actually remember if that’s canon or fanon but anyway i wanna read it!)
Unpopular opinion: i think people often cling to an image of him that more resembles his first impressions in season 1 instead of seeing the depth that we’ve been given about his character in season 3
Favourite relationship: him and juno but honestly it’s a close call between them and his budding friendship with rita. even though she learned it by accident, his name is still a point of intimacy and it’s one less secret to keep around her which has to be a weight off his shoulders, at least a little? they seem like they could be really good friends once ultrabots is out of the way. juno steel love (and also bullying) zone activates whenever they’re together
Favourite headcanon: i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again - nureyev has never done a household chore in his goddamn life. he doesn’t know the water needs to be hot when you wash dishes.
First impression: honestly i’m not sure? i don’t remember having a big awareness of her in murderous mask but i remember loving her “note-taking” in prince of mars, i thought she sounded really fun and cute
Impression now: rita is really fun and cute, she’s also an extremely hardworking and dedicated woman who had the guts to throw in with a detective fired from the force and then invest all of her time and money into helping him help people.
Favourite moment: Rita Gets A Knife. enough said
Idea for a story: i don’t know honestly! i really struggle to write rita because her thought processes are so wild and i don’t think any story i could come up with would match mega ultrabots of cyberjustice.
Unpopular opinion: this shouldn’t be unpopular because juno steel himself shares this opinion but all future-jupeter headcanons are incomplete without rita also being a huge part of their lives
Favourite relationship: rita + franny 4ever obviously.. jk it’s juno & rita have you heard rita minute 3 they’re too adorable for this world. im still Soft over their conversation at the end of soul of the people when he said he couldn’t stay in hyperion anymore but he wouldn’t leave with the carte blanche if rita wasn’t coming because he was done leaving her behind, and she threw out all her hesitations on the spot and said call the big guy. speaking of, rita & jet are a close second. instant best friends i love them.
Favourite headcanon: i think this is basically canon now but rita being literally half the height of jet is so good
First impression: “haha lorge funny man puts juno in the trash”
Impression now: jet sikuliaq is one of the dearest characters to me out of anything ever. he is a huge, menacing, polite, kind, sincere man who i would very much like to give me a hug. he’s the best aro ace in outer space and while being generally very levelheaded and straightforward, also takes every opportunity to fuck with juno because it’s very easy and very hilarious to him personally. he is everything my autistic acearo ass needed and i’m so glad to have him
Favourite moment: all of them every single one. him putting juno in the trash is of course a classic and every moment jet chooses to be funny makes my heart happy, but also every piece of genuine advice he gives. i’m a particular fan though of buddy recounting her years in the lighthouse and him saying he became concerned when she didn’t come downstairs at the usual time. “you took the door off its hinges.” “i was deeply concerned.” king of understatement
Idea for a story: again no spoilers for you but..... tools of rust time loop au
Unpopular opinion: this isn’t “unpopular” as much as it is unknown but jet is buddy’s queerplatonic partner and i will keep saying it until everyone believes it
Favourite relationship: jet and buddy,,, just everything about them. the way he suspects when she’s lying, the way she makes tea for him when she expects him to drop by. the fact he comes to check on her when she is 41 seconds late to the family meeting because it’s unlike her to be late and the last time she was late for something her brain was turning to radiation soup. but most especially the way she snaps at him to stay out of her business and he said he could not because he made her promise eight years ago to never stay out of the business of her health, no matter how many times she asked. they r literally in a qpr
Favourite headcanon: i don’t think this is true but i still think it would be funny if the ruby-7 used to be painted red but when jet got it he had it painted green because he Just Really Likes Green (as evidenced by his hovercycle). it’s very funny to me.
First impression: it’s been a minute since i relistened to time gone by but i’m pretty sure the first thing she ever says in the podcast is sliding up to depressed accidental whiskey thief juno and say “that’ll be ten million creds,” scaring the shit out of him, so needless to say i was in love instantly.
Impression now: my love for buddy aurinko has only grown and if it sounds like i already said that in this post it’s because i did about juno and it’s appropriate because the parallels are astounding. the heart of it all gave us such depth to buddy’s internal monologue and why she always sounds like she knows exactly what to say and what that’s like and honestly will i ever be over the heart of it all as an episode? unlikely. i think i’m gonna have a little piece of it in MY heart forever.
Favourite moment: everything she’s ever said is iconic as hell i especially like “in an impressive fit of hubris i’ve decided not to prepare my words for this vow” which made me laugh out loud but once again i must give it up for her iconic “I WANT TO LIVE” moment. honourable mentions to her taking rita out for ice cream and giving juno shooting lessons while she’s in her actual wedding gown. i love her
Idea for a story: buddy and vespa as sun/moon dieties.... that’s all
Unpopular opinion: stop drawing her with a fancy high-tech eye like the theia!! it canonically looks like garbage and it’s described in detail, please, i’m dying, also don’t minimise her scars you bastards
Favourite relationship: buddy and vespa invented romantic love and the entire carte blanche crew’s relationship to her is great but you know by now i’m a slut for buddy & jet out-of-this-world queerplatonic partners. the way she checks in on him during tools of rust to make sure he’s not relapsing and he comes to find her when she is 41 seconds late in the heart of it all to make sure she’s not having a heart problem!! it’s the trust,, the devotion,, the mortifying ordeal of being known
Favourite headcanon: she can sing. absolutely tears it up at karaoke. i’m right
First impression: knife lesbian goes STAB. she will heal your wounds but she will be threatening to give you more the whole time
Impression now: she is extremely strong, heart-rendingly tender, and despite being in the older half of the carte blanche crew somehow has unmistakable little sister energy which makes her downright hilarious. i’m so glad she got to marry buddy and they’re official space wives now they’re so good for each other
Favourite moment: both from shadows in the ship, either “GUN!!” “KNIFE?!” (iconic) or when she clocks the dark matters drone pretending to be juno because it called her crazy and juno wouldn’t call her crazy. i’m always a sucker for “shapeshifter fails to fool mark because they Know Each Other Too Well” and it was just *chefs kiss* so good
Idea for a story: i really want to write something about when she was first staying at the lighthouse with buddy post-reunion, and getting to know jet and stuff. i think it would be cute
Unpopular opinion: i know vespa doesn’t canonically have lots of scarring but people who don’t draw her with scarring? cowards.
Favourite relationship: once again, although buddy and vespa invented romantic love, i just love the dynamic between vespa and juno so much. they’ve come so far with each other and their weird sibling dynamic gives me life. at the end of what lies beyond when juno says “we’re not gonna kill her, vespa” and instead of sounding full of Rage and Suspicion she’s like “whyyy notttt?” and he’s like “because i said so!” and that’s just good enough for her even if she’s a bit grumpy about it. i love it.
this took.. a hot minute to do! jshkfjsdgsa thank you dyl ily <3
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magioftheseas · 3 years
Rain, Rain
Summary: Hanako is joined by Tsukasa on one rainy day.
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really aside from off-handed mentions of murder.
Notes: This was part of a pitch for the Twin Stars Zine (which is for sale rn and you should totes buy it) but went with something else. I thought it’d be fun to finish this fic anyway! Please enjoy!
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
Commission? Donate?
It’s quite the shower today, so Yashiro has elected to skip. According to that boy, she’s very apologetic and swears to make up for the lost time. Given that the storm is going to continue until tomorrow and Tsuchigomori says that class will likely be canceled as a result... Well, he can’t say he’s happy, but he also has no real choice but to accept it.
Still, it’s lonely. Even with the mokke huddled in corners, clinging to leaves.
“Rain, rain,” they chant. “Go away!”
“Come again another day,” Hanako mutters tiredly and irritably. In a moment of spite, he opens the windows to welcome the downpour. The mokke squeal and scatter and even if he’s scolded, what’s going to happen? Hanako harrumphed as the thunder crudely boomed back. “Isn’t the earth hard enough?!”
The rain blows in, piercing straight through him and pitter-patter smattering against the floor. There’s no sensation, but he still ends up startling himself.
Ah, right, he thinks as he recoils. Back then, Tsukasa and I—
He’s lying prone on the ground, only barely managing to not sink straight through. There are little splashes, and then Tsukasa looms over him.
“Amane!” he exclaims, wide-eyed before grinning. “Did you summon me?”
“Not intentionally,” was all Hanako had to mutter. His eyes rolled back with a groan, wishing the bathroom would melt away into his boundary. It’d be easier that way, even with Tsukasa there. Alas. He still lets out a heavy sigh, looking up at his counterpart warily. “So, what are you doing?”
“Standing,” Tsukasa replied cheekily. He nudges Hanako’s cheek playfully with his foot. “Unlike you, lazy Amane. Lazy, lazy.”
The tip of his shoe digs into the seal, and Hanako swipes at him for that. Swinging his arm and knocking into Tsukasa’s knees. Tsukasa retreats, but he still floats overhead with that wide-eyed stare.
“Amane’s in a bad mood.”
“I’m not in the mood to be jerked around,” Hanako hissed. “If you don’t have any business, then leave.”
He doesn’t speak like Amane at all—because he’s not Amane. He’s Hanako. Seventh of the seven wonders. The leader, in fact. He’s not...
“Amane. Amane.” Tsukasa kneels before him, blinking those wide, moon-bright eyes. “What a bad mood. It’s bad. Bad to take your bad mood out on other people.”
That’s something Amane used to say all the time. The fact that Tsukasa remembers is enough to get Hanako pathetically deflating.
“I know...” He hangs his head. “I know. Sorry, Tsukasa.” It’s annoying how easily Tsukasa makes him meek. It’s aggravating how difficult it is to discard Amane when his brother’s around. Hanako sighed, more disappointed with himself than anything. “You’re right. Feeling bad doesn’t excuse acting badly.”
“I forgive you!” Tsukasa chirped cheerfully. “I’ll always forgive you, Amane! After all, you’re not a bad person!”
Somehow, he had a hard time believing that from the kid that Amane murdered.
“Even if you killed me!” Tsukasa exclaimed next as if reading his mind. Well. He likely just read his face. They had the same face so reading it came to Tsukasa so easily.
How annoying.
“It’s so sad that Amane’s so sad,” Tsukasa went on, all wide-eyed innocence and pure curiosity. “Why are you sad, Amane? Oh!” Just like that, a mischievous grin flashed across that innocent face. “It’s because Nene-chan isn’t here! Yeah, she’s definitely not here! I asked Mitsuba and—he said she skipped! Skipped because she didn’t want to be a fish!”
Hanako sighed, louder and harder and more aggrieved than before.
Tsukasa...hasn’t really changed at all. In some respects.
That was really annoying. Hanako would give anything to throw Amane off his back. To tear Amane into shreds until not a single clingy remnant could remain. Tsukasa acted as if he was perfectly fine with himself. Tsukasa didn’t even want to be called Hanako.
“Hanako-san, Hanako-san,” he said slowly. “Would you grant me my wish?”
Tsukasa stared at him.
“Stop the rain,” he said. “Hanako-san.”
Tsukasa’s head tilted.
And, then—
“I can’t control the weather, Amane. Quit being silly.” Tsukasa smacked him for being silly. “Also! I’m Tsukasa! Tsukasa!”
Hanako sighed again.
“Yeah, that was silly,” he agreed, supposing he should be grateful nothing came from it. “I just thought to see if it would work with you.”
“You didn’t have to ask,” Tsukasa pointed out. “We’re brothers, right?”
Despite their mirroring selves, Hanako still sometimes wondered about that. But no matter how much he pondered it, in his heart of hearts, he would only ever think of Tsukasa as his younger twin brother.
That he murdered.
Yashiro helps me feel like a person. Tsukasa helps me feel like the person I used to be.
“Amane, Amane. The window.” Tsukasa drifts past him. Their shoulders bump, causing Hanako to flinch but Tsukasa just goes to the window without a care. The rain passes through him, and Hanako is seized with a memory of two brothers watching the stormy skies from under the portico.
Tsukasa used to run out into the rain if he didn’t physically hold him back. Tsukasa would twirl around and laugh even as Amane yelled that he’d get a cold the next day, which he always did. Tsukasa never really learned.
But the Tsukasa of now just shuts the window without missing a beat.
“It’s bad to let the rain in!” Tsukasa exclaimed cheerfully. “It’ll get the wood all moldy! That’s not good for Nene-chan, right?”
“No,” Hanako whispered. “Yashiro would—hate that.”
Aha. Haha. Why...?
“Why do you have that expression, Amane?” Tsukasa asks him, innocent and curious once more.
I was just thinking that he hadn’t changed so...
For some reason, he was upset.
“Ah! Amane’s all shaken up!” Tsukasa drifts towards him. His hand reached out, but before Hanako can recoil, his head is already being patted. “There, there! There, there! Or? Is Amane sick?”
“I can’t get sick like this,” Hanako grumbled. “When it comes to supernaturals...”
“Oh, so Amane is sad!” Tsukasa patted him again. “There, there! There, there!”
It’s rough and clumsy. It’s just like before.
Hanako ended up sniffling. He didn’t feel the heat in his cheeks as he would had he been Amane, but he’s sure his voice is disgustingly bloated all the same as tears brim in his eyes.
“There, there. There, there,” Tsukasa repeats, patting him more and more. Clumsy, dutiful Tsukasa. He had always been so bad at reassuring people, but Amane never held that against him. If anything, he was just grateful that Tsukasa tried anyway.
Tsukasa’s wiping the tears from his face now. Using his fingers and the ends of his sleeves.
“Rain, rain,” Tsukasa says and waves his hands. “Go away!”
“It’s pain, pain, fly away,” Hanako mutters lowly, but he takes Tsukasa’s hands, holds them close to himself, and squeezes tight. “Pain, pain, fly away.”
“Pain, pain, fly away,” Tsukasa repeated. Clumsily. Dutifully. Grinning as Hanako stared him down. Without another word, Hanako tugged at his hands.
The request was silent, and yet. Tsukasa understood.
Tsukasa perked up, bright and radiant as he pressed up against him, happily nuzzling into his shoulder.
“Pain, pain, fly away,” Tsukasa mumbled giddily into Hanako’s neck. “Rain, rain, go away.”
“Come again another day,” Hanako droned.
The rain didn’t let up at all.
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Clean-up - JJ Maybank
Request: Hi i love your work so much!! You’re such a talented writer 💕 and since i can’t get enough of that scene where JJ mows the lawn, would you be able to write smth where he and the reader are both working at some kook’s house together? :>>
Outer Banks Masterlist
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Hey,” JJ’s voice cut over the music that was playing in your ear, causing you to pause your playlist and turn around to see him leaning against the sliding door to the porch, arms crossed over his bare chest, “I think you missed a spot.”
“Don’t you have a lawn to mow?” You asked, walking over to him. You kissed his cheek, hand resting on his arm as you leaned against him. JJ smiled, turning his head just enough to kiss you.  
“I finished, cause I’m that productive.” He replied. “Not a slow-poke like you.”
“Unbelievable.” You stepped away from him and back over the vacuum that you had abandoned when he came in.  
Your mom owned a cleaning company that serviced most of the houses on the Eight and, while you didn’t necessarily enjoy cleaning kook houses five days a week scheduling your days to match up with JJ’s lawn mowing made it much more enjoyable. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t spend a little extra time on the kitchens and the living rooms so that you could stare at him out the window.  
“Hey, Kie texted about meeting up at the Wreck later,” JJ mentioned, picking random knick-knacks off the bookcases in the living room while you vacuumed the sofa and chairs.  
“Okay.” You glanced over and rolled your eyes as you saw him pocket a tiny figurine. “Put that back JJ, you’re gonna get my mom fired if you keep stealing things.”  
“No one is gonna miss this guy...but the lady at the pawn shop will like it.” He replied, holding it up and inspecting it.
“The lady at the pawn shop would like a plastic bag if you brought it in. She’s probably get a countdown calendar in her back room marked off ‘days until JJ is eighteen’.” You joked, grabbing the figurine and putting it back on the shelf.  
“Don’t be jealous baby,” he mocked, trying to wrap his arms around you but you pushed him away just as he got close.  
“Stop it, Mrs. Miles will be home soon and she’ll kill me if she catches me fucking around again.” You said. She had caught you last week chatting with Pope when he delivered groceries to her house, shouting at both of you that she would call your parents and have your pay docked if you didn’t get back to work, “and for god’s sake put a shirt on.”  
“Mrs. Miles doesn’t care, she loves me.” JJ replied, taking a seat on the arm of the couch as you moved on to dusting the living room.  
“I love you too and yet, I’d love you even more if you put a shirt on.”
“Why, am I distracting you?” He asked, flexing his arms for you.  
You rolled your eyes, “yeah the smell of your pits is distracting me...have you ever heard of deodorant before?”
“I have deodorant on!”
“You do not.”  
Without warning JJ jumped off the couch, grabbing you by throwing an arm around you shouders and trying to force you into the crook of his arm. You pressed against his stomach and chest, trying to push him off of you while he wrestled you onto the couch.  
“JJ, get off, you’re so gross!” You screamed, laughing as he finally let you shove him away from you. “Oh my god, disgusting.”
“You weren’t complaining this morning.”
“My face wasn’t in your arm pit this morning you psycho.” You said as you tried to fix your hair. “Please go outside or something and just let me finish in here.”
“I’ll go, since you can’t resist me.” He said, heading for the door. He grabbed the figurine again, slipping it into his pocket.
“Put it back!” You called over your shoulder as you got your cleaning stuff together again. “She has all of those categorized and she’ll know that I was here when it was taken!”  
“She won’t know.” He insisted.
“Jesus Christ JJ, put it back.”
“You’re not fun babe, you know that?” He put the figurine back on the bookshelf just as the front door opened.  
You made a face at JJ, waving him out of the room as Mrs. Miles heels clicked against her tiled floor. You grabbed the windex and rag as quickly as you could and started spraying the windows so that you looked like you had been busy doing work. Just outside the window JJ was heading back to where he’d parked the lawn mower and he turned at the last moment, sticking his tongue out at you.  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @jjsthumbring @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @louisolos @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @finecelle @vitaminekabc @tiredfeels @g4bster @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @pensysto @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @lavenderxraindrops @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @hvitost @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @kwjune @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @siwiecola @regev1408 @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @averagxfangirl @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @99sxuxii @oh-annaa @katiaw2 @aiifandomsunite @marteenuhh08 @x-lulu @kitkat0609 @ceruleanjj @yoxsh06 @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @justkeepdreamingswift @allie-mcginn @jjmaybankswife @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @poguesnobx @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @jolomez @timotaychalabae @babycakes00 @copper-boom
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