#one of the cooliest in fact
ghoulbats · 1 year
What if I proposed to u before you got remarried
if she plans on remarrying me then i think a duel between you and jess would be in order to see who gets my hand in marriage, a fight to the first blood with your weapon of choice, perhaps?
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broken-clover · 2 years
alright then, how about 1, 8, 13, 16, 23, 28 aaaand 32 for the oc asks??
Woah. Thank you kindly, Rex!
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
RP'ing is another one of those things that sound super neat, but I have no idea how people go around doing that. Do people actually RP as their OC's? I'm only familiar with canon stuff, that's interesting. I'm learning something new.
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
'Troublemaker' is basically Toradon's whole job. It's kinda funny since looking back he's basically Robo-Ky before I knew anything about GG, he's a self-important shitbag who thinks he's better than everyone for being a robot despite the fact that he falls apart without any provocation. He constantly attempts moneymaking schemes to avoid having to get an actual job.
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
I am realizing that none of my OC's are especially intelligent people. I think Oskar wouldn't start out knowing much since he's a little kid but as soon as he realized that he'd take it as a challenge and spend a week just flipping through science books and prattling on about biology to anyone regardless of if they're even paying attention.
"'Tea, 'Tea! This one says I got ver-ta-bray all down my back! I got 33 of them, and you and all the other adults have 26! I've got more ver-ta-bray than you, 'Tea! Isn't that just the cooliest?"
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Both of the characters that ended up becoming Souji were very different from what he ended up as. The Vocaloid OC was more or less a shitty albino Kaito knockoff that was a dramatic prettyboy with a snow motif, and the other was timid, mute, and easily distracted, which had a lot to do with how he ended up getting into accidents so often. Souji has scattered traits of both, being an albino musician with spacey tendencies, but he's a lot more curious and gentle, and becomes more outgoing as he recovers more memories
28. Your most dangerous OC?
The Handyman, but 'dangerous' is an iffy term for it. I made him ludicrously OP intentionally, he's got a bunch of magic powers and giant knife hands, but the thing is that he'd never use it unless someone really, really deserved it or he needed to keep his children protected. He's basically the 'beware the nice ones' character dialed up to goofy levels
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gonemechaniic · 2 years
"Happy Valentine's Day, sis!!!"
Itsuki would start off with giving a big ol' hug to her big sis. Pulling back ever so slightly then, as she grinned that ever gleeful grin of hers up at her.
"Ah betcha already gotta a whole buncha gifts from a whooole buncha admah-rers, didn' ya?"
After all, she was one-a the cooliest, smartiest, purdiest gals off this side-a Goddess' green's earth. And only a dum-dum wouldn't be head over heels at the very sight of her big sis!
It was then, however, that she would finally pull back. Backing away in a few steps-- before turning right around to run off somewhere.
"Still, ah bet their gifts can't beat miiine!"
It wouldn't take long before she returned. With what appeared to be a ginormous bouquet-- comprised mostly of the biggest sunflowers that Itsuki herself was able to dig up. In fact, most of them were even taller than her-- that it was a humorous sight to behold as she struggled just a tad to carefully carry it in.
"We can plant a whole FOREST-A SUNFLOWERS now wit' these!" Somewhere outside of her garage, perhaps. So that she can always go on out and admire them, whenever she needed a lil' break from all of her hardwork.
𝐂𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐲𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲
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⚙ *:・゚✧ // Usually if she hasn't taken the few days around the fourteenth off, Cindy could be found holed up in her office, hiding away from any would-be suitors, save for a particular favorite. It wasn't until she got an all clear whistle from Paw-Paw that she finally ventured out… only to be adorably attacked by a polar bear sized hug.
❝ Happy Valentine's Day, Snowdrop! ❞ Exclaimed in a sea of giggles. ❝ Welp you're gonna have to ask Paw-Paw 'bout that! He's usually the one t'run interference on days like these. ❞ She gives a wink then points to a grumper old mechanic carrying an armful of gifts to the house. Another bit of light laughter before turning a more intrigued gaze to the younger girl.
❝Oh? Wh– ❞ Cut off before she could question, Cindy shakes her head in amusement, hands moving to rest upon her hips but soon after, an astonished gasp leaves her.
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❝ Oh my word, 'suki where did find such lovelies?! ❞ Mossy hues light up with excited wonder and without another word Cindy scoops up Itsuki in a spinning hug. Her smile rivaled the sun in its brightness, laughter carrying as the warmest summer breeze. ❝ Aw Sweetpea, they're gorgeous, I absolutely love 'em! ❞ Truly she couldn't have asked for a more precious gift, as treasured as the one bestowing it.
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tyrian-stuck · 3 years
Drabble for Fuchsia tavros please?
The seige upon the Earth had gone on for seven months. The actual war with humanity lasted only seven days. If Jade's estimates were correct, the complete annihilation of the human race would take only seven more weeks.
The invaders, trolls as they were called, were like an invasive species. A problem far outside of Earth's context, that nothing in mankind's history could have prepared it for. Grandpa always told her it was a hunter's duty to wipe out any such species, there would be no game to hunt if the ecosystem was destroyed.
While Jade certainly couldn't do that in this case, she could preserve what little was left. Trolls may have been an outside context problem to humanity, but the invaders were just as unprepared to contend with her best friend.
Jade appeared back in the garden in a flash of green light, Becquerel by her side. Her trusty rifle and a back pack hung from her shoulder straps. "Okay, everyone, I'm back!" She said cheerfully as people gathered around, casually putting out a small fire in her hair without even looking. "That's going to be the last trip I can make to America for, uh, awhile... Long story. Okay! We've got food, medicine, clothing..."
She continued through the list as she handed out supplies to pass around, having mostly memorized by now who needs what. Judging by the feeling of Bec's tail suddenly beating against her leg, Jade assumed Dave flash stepped over and started petting him.
"Hey." He said once Jade was finished, acting like he was just there by coincidence. Jade did a pretend huff like she knew what he was gonna ask.
"No, Dave, I didn't find any sick shades for you." Dave gave a faux scoff like he was offended by the implication. His eyebrows crept over the square glasses he'd painted black to look like shades. His cracked on a supply run yesterday and so Dave had pestered John for one of his spares.
"Well, damn Harley, someone has to worry about their style around here. The people need a certifiable cool dude to look up to in hours of crisis. And how am I supposed to oblige them without some sick shades? I can't work under these conditions I swear." Jade rolled her eyes and playfully punched him in the arm.
"Yeah, yeah, you're the cooliest dude I know, dork." Dave gasped like he was horrifed, barely hiding the slight smirk under his "shades". He shouted over to Rose and John, who were leaning against a pillar not far away. "Guys, Jade went bananas and punched me."
"Jade, stop bullying Dave. He's very sensitive around women. He probably has a complex about it." Rose shouted back, not even looking up from her book. John snickered beside her as Dave led Jade over. Jade parented to be exasperated by it all, rolling her eyes before breaking down into giggling.
*Alright, alright guys. What's up?" Dave's stance changed a bit. In fact, the whole air got a bit more rigid. Not serious, just concerned.
"So, where did you find the supplies?" Dave asked. Jade scartched her chin.
"Oh, uh... from that old breadstick place by Dave's apartment. There was a clinic nearby."
John nodded as he and Rose shared a concerned look. "Yeah, and the week before that, I did a supply run on that local Walmart." John said. "And Rose picked up some medicine from that old hospital in Wisconsin."
Jade bit her lip as her eyes flicked between the two. "Um, right. Why the recap?"
Rose looked over her shoulder, before leaning into whisper. She hated having to have discussions out in the open like this, but Jade's island was starting to get so crowded that few rooms were ever private for long. Aside from a few personal bedrooms, but those were a long ways away, and this was urgent. "We fear that their Emperor may be tracking us."
Jade's eyes widened. "Wait, the Emperor? Like, their leader, their ruler? That one? Aren't we kinda small potatoes for someone like him?"
Rose closed her book, an old coding book from her mother's lab. "We, or rather, my mother and I, have managed to hack into some surveillance drones and we've recovered the past month's worth of footage." She began laying out pictures on the ground between the four of them. "Every location we've raided was seen being investigated by imperial drones a few days before we were told their were suppiles there."
Jade gulped, a cold sweat breaking out acrossed her forehead. The gold trim, the pink plating. Those were the Emperor's personal drones. "Well, maybe our contact hacked into them? Maybe that's how he knew there were supplies in there."
The air grew colder, outright fridged now. The commotion of the people milling around them seemed miles away suddenly. Dave took off his shades to look Jade in the eye. "Jade... are you sure we can trust him?"
That one caught her off guard, her voice stalled in her throat before she could respond. "I...Yes! Yes, I'm sure we can."
Rose closed her book to make eye contact with Jade. "Hacking into drones used by the Emperor himself would be nigh impossible. Mother and I have tried. If he was truly on our side, don't you think he would've done more with that kind of influence?"
"He's been helping us for months! I..." Jade pulled on her hair, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. It was a good point, one she couldn't really argue with... but still... AT was her friend.
"I'll... I'll talk to him about it."
John leaned over and out an arm around her shoulder. "I'm sorry about this..."
"Don't be... you're just being worried..."
"...Please, just be careful with him, alright."
Jade forced on a smile as she stood up. "I will, John. I always am."
Jade slammed the door to her bedroom shut, locking it tight. She let out a deep breath she didn't know she'd been holding. Finally. Her one safe space.
Ahe collapsed onto her bed and pulled out her phone, taking another deeo breath to figure out how she'd even approach this situation. What should she even say? How could you ask, "hey, my friends think you're a spy" without being suspicious? She didn't have long to muse on it before her Pesterchum lit up.
--adiosToreadore [AT] began trolling gardenGnostic [GG]--
Taking one last deep, steadying breath, Jade responded.
GG: hey, tav! yeah, i got them, don't worry.
GG: no worries! bec made sure I got back safely.
AT: oR, uH, pET I GUESS,
GG: yeah i'm fine. it's just, well...
GG: do you think someone's tracking us?
AT: uH, wHY?
GG: well.... hmmmm....
GG: it's just...
GG: there was an imperial drone staking out our last supply drop. It looked... high ranking...
AT: ,,,,oH,
GG: ring any bells?
AT: ,,,
GG: i was hoping you could help me on that front.
GG: what?
--aquaticToreador [AT] began trolling gardenGnostic [GG]--
Jade heard the sharp crackle of electricity outside her window. Pulling her rifle to her side, she rushed over to investigate.
Hordes of people were disappearing into thin air below her, crackling out of existence as the green thunder flooded the entire island. It was like they were all being vaporized. Or teleported.
"Bec...?" She whispered out in horror. Immediately, she ran for the door, but her dog was already there. The empty white expanse on Becquerel's face had been replaced with two pink lines, pseudo eyes that weren't his own. The First Guardian moved stiffly, almost tiredly, as he walked towards her, the green glow now illuminating the entire room.
"Bec, wait, don't!"
But her friend wasn't there to listen. Jade's word disappeared in a flash of green light. Then, darkness and silence.
When Jade came to, she almost thought she was back in her island, waking up from a bad dream. The bright blue sky, the sun beating down on her face, the nice shadow of a tree blocking most the heat. Any minute now, she expected Bec to trod over and lick her until she woke up completely, but he never did. She sat up with a yawn and a stretch, adjusting her glasses that she'd foolishly fallen asleep in again. She really needed to get that sleeping problem fixed eventually. As her vision cleared, she quickly realized this was not her home.
There were people here. Confused people milling around in confusion in varying degrees of panic. It wasn't until her memory came back that Jade had the slightest clue as to why.
She stood up with a jolt, glancing around rapidly. Where was that guy? "Bec? Bec!" She shouted, pushing through the branches and running through the trees. Even in her state of panic and confusion, she knew this place wasn't natural. Wildly different kinds of trees were planted together, with seemingly no thought out into where they grew naturally.
"Bec! Bec! Beeeeeeec!"
Jade ran through a bush and suddenly skid to a hault. She was met with a wall of clear glass, barely visible to her. She was lucky she didn't run right into it. Outside of it appeared to be a museum of some kind... or more accurately a zoo.
Held back behind more glass windows were massive biomes, rich and teaming with exotic combinations of life. Combinations that would be impossible on her or any world. Behind some, she saw other Earth animals, even other humans, trudging through winter snow or relaxing on beautiful beaches. Behind others, she saw lifeforms she could never even dream of before now.
It wasn't until her shocked expression trailed down that she matched gazes with a small, shy boy in a wheel chair. He looked to be about her age, even he was likely far older if she understood how trolls age correctly. His hair was styled in a small mop of a mohawk that only served to make his giant horns stand out all the more. Everything he wore, the pink symbol on his shirt, the tyrian linings on his jack, the tiara on his head, screamed royalty, but his demeanor was completely antithetical to that.
The boy looked almost embarrassed to be noticed like this, quietly whispering to the large guards at his side to leave. He stares back at her as they left, nervous and conflicted, before leaning forward from his wheelchair and pressing a button beneath the window.
A speaker somewhere crackled to life. "Uh... hello Jade."
Jade raised an eyebrow as she crouched down to his eye level. "Um, hi? ...Where am I? How do you know me?"
The boy smiled, sharp teeth contrasting his timid demeanor. "I'm Tavros! It's good to meet you!"
Jade's eyes furrowed, the diplomatic smile she'd put up suddenly gone. "What. Did you do."
Sensing the sudden shift in tone, Tav put his hands up diplomatically. "Nothing! Well, uh, nothing that would hurt you anyways..."
"Where's Bec! Where are my friends!!"
Jade slammed her fist against the glass. Predictably, it didn't break, instead just panging loudly as she shook her fist in pain. "Please don't do that. It was designed to electrocute you if you risk actually cracking it."
"Well, what am I supposed to do, you locked me up! You took my dog and probably my friends too!"
Tavros sushed her as he made patting motions in her direction, almost looking like he about to start papping her through the glass. "I know this is scary and, uh, weird. But I have a good reason for this-"
"You'd better!"
"If! If, uh, you'd just let me explain. This all has a good reason behind it, I promise." He took a deep breath as he tugged on his jacket zipper, face fins reluctantly puffing back up again. "See, I'm not... imprisoning you... per say... I'm protecting you."
Tavros leaned forward again, as if about to deliver somber news. The break that made him need the wheelchair must not have happened in the spine if he had such good lumbar support. Or, at least, not in the upper areas of the spine? Jade didn't know, she wasn't an anatomy expert. "Let's... start from the top. I'm, uh, troll royalty I guess you could say?"
"You're the Emperor?"
"Oh, heh, no. I could never by the Emperor. I tried for the throne once and, uh...." He looked down at his legs and winced. "It didn't go well. No, see, any heir who fails to topple the Emperor gets turned into one of the grand admirals of his navy. He, uh, can't conquer the universe by himself I guess, heh."
Jade scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Oh, excuse me. You're just vice galactic conquerer, not main galactic conquerer."
Again, Tavros winced. "Uh, no. No no no. See, uh, let's just get this straight real quick, because this is something that a lot of people don't grasp. You're not supposed to be here."
"Excuse me?"
Tavros scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "That.. sounds really bad, doesn't it? No, see, trolls were meant to be here. We were planned to exist. Be it by fate or Gl'bgolb or the Mirthful Messiahs..." He trailed off, spinning his hand. "It's like a whole thing. But our existence was planned while yours wasn't. You're, well, an invasive species."
Sensing Jade was clearly getting fed up with this story, Tavros again gestured to calm her down. "And that's not your fault! I realize... you didn't ask to exist. You're just, well, in the way." As he learned forward, he wiggled around in his seat, clearly excited. Jade was reminded vaguely of John when he was allowed to talk about Sassacre for any amount of time. Whatever he was about to say, he wasn't just passionate about it, he loved it.
"It's amazing what the world... does automatically. The ways life can grow anywhere if left alone, even on Alternia, uh... is special to me. The world just... creates beauty, with or without trolls. The universe creates special things, it makes wonderful people... it makes people like you."
Tavros Nitram wasn't malicious. That was the most disturbing thing about it. He wasn't malicious. He wasn't smug. He wasn't cruel or condescending, not in his own mind. This was a favor. This was him being nice. He wasn't betraying their friendship because this was there friendship to him. He was keeping her and her species alive the only way he knew how and saw nothing wrong with keeping the Earth's remnants in a box for him to gawk at as he did so.
Tavros Nitram conquered the Earth in seven months because he was being nice. If he wasn't, Jade and all her friends would be dead right now.
Taking her silent dawning horror to be approval, Tavros nodded cheerfully, grinning widely. "Uh, anyways, I'd better get going. Conquering a gakaxy is always a whole ordeal with paperwork and what not and I still have to figure out what to do with your lusus. We'll catch up next time!"
Jade sprung to her feet. "Tavros wait! Don't!" But it was too late. Tav had already turned off the speakers and turned away. "Where's Bec! Where are my friends!! Tavros!"
She could just barely hear him whistling happily to himself as he wheeled away.
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ofmccnlight · 3 years
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𝙷𝙰𝙿𝙿𝚈 𝚈𝙴𝙰𝚁 𝙾𝙵 𝚃𝙷𝙴 (𝙽)𝙾𝚇   /   five seven dynamics !
&&.  𝙻𝚄𝙽𝙰  𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝙶𝙾𝙾𝙳  𝙰𝙽𝙳  𝚂𝚄𝚂𝙰𝙽  𝙱𝙾𝙽𝙴𝚂  /  (  @cursedbcnes  )
listen . this one , i did not anticipate . i am very much in love with this soft / fond dynamic that these two have sort of fallen into with no planning from either of us , i think ? we were just on the same page with this one . your susan is probably my favorite iteration iʻve ever seen of her in that itʻs never really acknowledged how sad of a character she is . you highlight all of her tragedy incredibly well and everything you write her never fails to showcase how she shoulders all of it . i think thatʻs where we find this pretty little space we have for luna and susan , where everything about their interactions are tinged with that sadness they both carry but are altogether very kind . it just feels kind , and i donʻt really know how else to explain it . iʻm very fond of it and i would like you to know that youʻre the fucking cooliest .
&&.  𝙼𝙸𝙺𝙰𝙴𝙻𝙰  𝙺𝙰𝚁𝙺𝙰𝚁𝙾𝙵𝙵  𝙰𝙽𝙳  𝙴𝚄𝙻𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙰  𝙺𝙰𝚁𝙺𝙰𝚁𝙾𝙵𝙵  /  (  @taciiturns​  )
i am obsessed with the kcu and all that it entails , but particularly eulalia and her step-children . the careful way that mikaela and eulalia talk to each other is fascinating to see . theyʻre both silver-tongued and quick-witted and very much still testing boundaries with each other and i am in love with this sort of . . . begrudging respect for each other that they share . itʻs a complicated relationship between the two and it is so entertaining to see play out . i think , as very strong , very sharp women , the two of them are so similar and yet they have this one glaring difference in opinion that hangs over their heads . it colors all of their opinions of each other and i find myself enamoured with the idea of the what-could-have-been if they did not have that one defining aspect ( anton , you shithead ) that divides them the way that he does . iʻm really vibing with them so far and i am super stoked to see what happens next with them .
&&.  𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙸𝚂𝙴  𝚉𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙽𝙸  𝙰𝙽𝙳  𝙰𝚅𝙰𝙻𝙾𝙽  𝙱𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙾𝚁  /  (  @avalcn​  )
alyssa , darling , i would like to start this off by saying that i missed you very much and that i think about this reply all the time because it still sends me . miss avalon is an absolute gift for taking the piss out of blaise in exactly the way he deserves at any available possibility . we literally only have this interaction but i love it very much and would like to see avalon destroy blaise once again because the world needs that . please keep him humble . avalon has always been really cool to me , i think , because you have carved her a little place in nox canon that fits very well . her easy antagonism of blaise kinda shows that , while she didnʻt fall in with the slytherin crowd , she also wasnʻt estranged from them . itʻs a really interesting duality to her character that i like a whole bunch . please , iʻm so glad youʻre back , this is so much fun . 
&&.  𝚁𝙾𝙽  𝚆𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙻𝙴𝚈  𝙰𝙽𝙳  𝙻𝚄𝙽𝙰  𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝙶𝙾𝙾𝙳   /  (  @spelltorn​  )
the way that i would absolutely die for this ron weasley , amanda . itʻs the only right reaction to your absolutely stunning rendition of one of the best boys . i will never not get overly emotional about luna and the weasley family and the way that ron , in particular , has never hesitated in stepping in to protect his girlies ( or anyone , really . heʻs a good egg like that ) . the weasleys give luna that large family dynamic that she never knew she wanted and ron plays a major part in that and in being a steady presence and safe space for her . thereʻs this implicit trust and fondness and tender appreciation of all the best parts of one another that your phenomenal prose encompasses so well . there is a soft spot in my heart for the solace they can find in each other and the steady presence that they are to one another in different ways . this duo means a lot to mean and i will never stop squealing about it . 
&&.  𝙴𝚄𝙻𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙰  𝙺𝙰𝚁𝙺𝙰𝚁𝙾𝙵𝙵  𝙰𝙽𝙳  𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙾𝙽  𝙺𝙰𝚁𝙺𝙰𝚁𝙾𝙵𝙵   /  (  @dolors​  )​
these two are so sexy , i donʻt even know what else to tell you . absolutely ecstatic that this wc caught my attention and i decided to fill it . iʻve never really played a character that was married before and this being my first foray into a spousal dynamic is hilarious to me . these two are as equally weird as they are incredibly sexy to me and i have so much fun with them . it is endlessly both funny and compelling to think of the two of them and the idea of them being as besotted as they are with each other , because how else is a narcissist meant to fall in love if not with a mirror image of themselves ? this is just such a nuanced dynamic to see and i think it was very sexy of us to develop them like this . i love these goddamn murder spouses and i love you so much , cherry , this is so fun i canʻt wait to see what else they do .
&&.  𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙾𝙳𝙾𝚁𝙴  𝙽𝙾𝚃𝚃  𝙰𝙽𝙳  𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙸𝚂𝙴  𝚉𝙰𝙱𝙸𝙽𝙸   /   (  @tiimetvrners​  )
my favorite little cowards . i love the idea of these two being the ones to run and ,  yet , having differing thoughts on that all these years later . thereʻs a juxtaposition between the two , with theo trying to be better and blaise not changing all that much but still being so similar at their core . i donʻt know , i just really like theoʻs growth and his job and the fact that he definitely got his shit rocked at work only a few months ago but still tried to come to peopleʻs rescue this month . heʻs neat like that . these two are such testaments to how paths diverge for people and similar choices donʻt always have similar outcomes . them still being friends that give each other shit at all times is very endearing to me . youʻve got such cool characters , wizards of maverly place , i adore you and them <3
&&.  𝙻𝚄𝙽𝙰  𝙻𝙾𝚅𝙴𝙶𝙾𝙾𝙳  𝙰𝙽𝙳  𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙽𝚈  𝚆𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙻𝙴𝚈  /   (  @petriichvrs  )
rachel , my love , you have my whole ass heart . i donʻt know if you know this but you really do . all of our dynamics are so fucking cool and easy to find our grounding in . every single one of them , i think , never fails to hit it out of the park with how entertaining they are . i go back to this one because i think itʻs the obvious dynamic to look for as someone playing luna lovegood , but you really just hit the nail on the head when it comes to these two . this one is a classic and this is everything i could ask for and more when it comes to the two of them . theyʻre a very nostalgic sort of duo and both of them are so affected by the war , both products of being in the dead center of it all . but all the time they spend with each other --- not even the stuff we see on the dash , but also the sneaking out of their childhood homes and thinking of each other during drinking games --- it all reads as very youthful , which i think is nice for products of war like them . luna lovegood loves the weasleys something fierce  but she always loved ginny weasley first and for all that they lost , they still clung tightly to each other . i donʻt think that would be as clear as it was if i didnʻt have your ginny to play off of , rachel , youʻre brain is so SEXY -
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scorpiosanssexy · 4 years
hey!! its haru can i get roommate matchup? i'm a gemini, ISTP-A, type 6 and a slytherin (the fact i have that at the top of my head). my favourite studio ghibli film is from up on poppy hill. i always wake up before noon, i can cook, i keep everything clean except for my own room. i play basketball, i play the guitar a lot. i'm allergic to oat milk and my all time anime crush is the man shoto todoroki (pretty flippin basic) if you get to this thank you so much :')
Dear User, 
congratualtions, we have found you a potential roommate. We have throughly looked through your application and we hope you are happy with your result. Below this post are all the details about them 
Yours Sincerely 
The Accomodation Team 
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Name: Semi Eita 
Birthday: 11th November (Scorpio) 
ngl you probably have one of the cooliest roommates, like he radiates tokyo street fashion aesthetic
You guys are probably one of the most chilliest pair of roommates to ever exist, like you both just co-exist together and have this almost telepathic way of communicating
He finds your sense of humour hilarious and thinks it’s a breath of fresh air from his idiotic teammates
Now this man ,I headcanon, favourite ghibli film is also up on the poppy hill because it isn’t the most well known of all the ghibli and doesn’t have “cringy children” in it and has real life influences in it
He also sees himself as Shun because when he was little he was a paper boy
Semi is a man who rises with the sun so it is more than likely he is always up before you, he likes the fact that you are not a complete lazy bones otherwise this boy will 100% tell you to get your shit together
He may or may not make breakfast for you on the occasional morning
I believe Semi isn’t extememly tidy but not a slob either, like he cleans up after himself so I believe he really likes the fact you have a similar mind set
Tbh you are never really allowed in his room ( he is a shy boi ok) so he doesn’t judge your slightly messy room, we are only human right.
Now, whilst other haikyuu characters may only just play in Volleyball I definetely believe that Semi at one point in his life has played basketball
My name’s eita i have a basketball game tomorrow...
Anyway, you guys go to the park and play 1 on 1 with each other just for fun
Like you guys go in the evenings in the summer when it is cooler and play while the sun goes down, itssss a vibe
you guys even recruit others to join you aomine and kagami and play full matches
if you are into the NBA, semi will watch it with you, like no one is allowed to interupt you when the game is on, that have a death wish
He supports LA Lakers sorry 
Now he totally digs girls who can play the guitar, like he loves rock and likes to go to concerts quite regularly , where he wears his iconic black leather jacket, carla is simping
yeah he totally introduces you to new bands and stuff and takes you too said concert
sometimes whne the pair of you can’t sleep you play the guitar and he is literally in his happy place
Semi doesn’t strike me as the dairy lover (we leave that to Ushijima) so there is not sight of oak milk in the house
Overall, you have a trendy, mysterious and passionate roommate
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Other Potential Matches: Iwaizumi Hajime and Kenma Kozume
hi haru! hope you enjoyed this xxx i gave your very own pretty boi 
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hamsolo · 5 years
I truly resonate with your blog title, if for no other reason than the fact that I only just saw this and I feel like trash for it. I’m really sorry. Here’s a long list of why your the cooliest to make up for it. (I hope.)
I can always count on some grade A memes and that’s what I look for in a hockey blog, one of the things anyway. :) You’ve got a nice variety of teams and players represented. This allows me to forgive the appearance of Auston Matthews XD. Overall, your blog is nice and clean and I enjoy seeing you on my dash. Now if only I could work up the nerve to actually chit the chat and become friends....
send me a number and i’ll make a post about ya (or not because I apparently can’t keep up with one request in my ask...)
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harts-on-friar · 2 years
#also stop being mean to my spouse or i’ll beat you up [real] 😤
is that threat or a promise? 😏
But also HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MY LOVE!!! 🎉💕💝🎂 Literally I adore you so freaking much. And the fact that you really saw me out here being a whole dumbass and was like?? "yeah, I want that one"?? Literally I am the luckiest person ever and I will never forget it. you're the cooliest and the bestest and you better have the best day or me and the universe are gonna fight 😤😘💘🥰💞💓💗💖
it’s both 😤
thank you! and you’re only Half a dumbass, we’re only a Whole dumbass together 🤟🏼😌
but i’m the lucky one, you’re literally so nice and pretty and talented, like.,,seriously, you’re amazing ❤️
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amorenjun · 6 years
20 Q’s Tag!
20 Q’s Tag
i was tagged by @marks-cheek-freckle and @ohjanni when i was still @sannycai-latte
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better do i even know 20 people
name: Sandra 
nicknames: oh i have lots! san (parents, sometimes brothers, close friends, older cousins), sanny (friends!!), sandararara (my older brother used to call me this when i was younger), banandra (don’t ask.), chandra, churro fcking @cafemara  , ada, sandra san (bro again but he got my bby cousin to call me that too >>), uhh and the cooliest girl ever according to my older brother oof
height: 5′4! (164 cm??)
orientation: straight?
nationality: American?? my ethnicity is Chinese/Cambodian though or is it the other way around-
favorite season: winter! cuz cali can be a bitch with weather-
favorite flower: oh uhh jasmines? camellias, magnolias, roses, sunflowers, tiger lilies, lotuses
favorite scent: jasmines!! oolong tea, the scent of coffee, green tea, my ‘SOFT’ candle from bath and body works, peaches, my camellia shampoo, fresh laundry, lemons, chocolate, uhh i think thats it..
favorite color(s): i don’t think i have any?? but lately ive been into pairing certain colors together like brown and blue, yellows and pink, matcha and creme/white
favorite animal: rabbits, giraffes, and dogs!
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: i like coffee, but i think imma have to go with tea overall
average sleep hours: not enough LOL seven hours?? its decent but i still fall asleep in class ;-;
dog or cat person: UHHHH DOGS??? i have three so-
favorite fictional character: i have lots :’) but i think the ones i obsess over most are Okita Souji from Gintama, Kurama from YYH, and Kurapika from HXH- i put those three because i have figures of the first two i’d have a figure of the last one if there were some actual NICE ones
number of blankets you sleep with: three! a biiiig green and white one, a flowery purple and white, and one smiley stars one!!
dream trip: oH I WANNA GO TO JAPAN TO SEE THE POKEMON TRAIN/ AIRPLANE, THE YUGIOH CAFES, AND THE LIFE SIZED UNICORN GUNDAM WITH MY OLDER BROTHERS!!! china is for when im with my parents :))) thailand, taiwan, korea, hawaii, and vancouver with amara! maaaaybe even Cambodia.. maybe. i just wanna tour all of asia with my best friend really heehee
blog created: uhhhh according to kakao, it was February 17th!! 2018
number of followers: 11 on this one! @sannycai-latte it’s 53!
random fact: i have a pencil scar on my right leg from when my younger brother stabbed me with my mechanical in third(??) grade :DD..
20 people to tag??? uhhhhh so, this looks kinda awkward since im not sure if i told anyone personally that i moved blogs, im sorry if you’re just now getting the memo, but imma tag: @cafemara @jenology @rxnjuns @lalajisung @chenleplanet @honeytaeyong @stormae @sweetalking @whatsoodo @jaeminsluv @reunjun @chittafont  that’s not even close to 20
ofc you don’t have to do it; if you want to be removed from this list, just dm me and i will! im sorry to be a bother and im also sorry for not really announcing it earlier/ obvious enough ;;
have a lovely day/night!! <3
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tandembicycles · 7 years
hey do u want to hear a cool fact, hear me out here, it's that i think youre really cool and i love you a lot (absolutely not gator)
hey did you know that I love Gator a lot and think they’re one of the cooliest and strongest kids ever and that they’re one of my most cherished people did you know that did you
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wickedchrissy · 7 years
Voltron Asks! Shiro, Lance, ) (unk, Pidge, Coran, Zarkon, Kaltenecker, Rover, Lotor.
sorry these are so late!!
Shiro: Are you a good leader and can you handle responsibility? I’m a leader in a work setting. I HATE to be a leader in a social setting. Responsibility of a task I can handle, the responsibility of people’s happiness gives me anxietyLance: What’s your type of humor and do you have a favorite meme? Puns are my humor. And Dabbing *dabs*Pidge: Are you good with technology, computers, etc? I’d like to think so!Hunk: How kind and loyal do you consider yourself? some of my best qualities :)Coran: What is your favorite show other than Voltron? ATLA and Doctor WhoZarkon: Would you consider universe domination for your lost cat/pet? LMAO THIS QUESTION HAHAHAHAHAKaltenecker: Do you look good in sunglasses? I’m the cooliest in sunglassesRover: What’s one fact about a pet you have/had? My kittens were raised by one of my dogs and one cat never grew out of it so he thinks he’s a dogLotor: How concerned are you about your looks? The better I look the better I feel about myself. I’m not fishing for compliments, I just want to look good for me
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maxxmorningstar · 8 years
get to know me, pick some numbers: 15, 20, 31
15) personality description? soft edgelord asshole
20) favorite song at the moment? fuck buddy, so many. Honestly if I just had to pick something I’ve been listening to the most, No one Survives by Nekrogoblikon but like there’s a million. songs are hard okay.
31) 3 random facts? fuck buddy this one is hard too why are you this.  Ummm number one, I’ve broken almost every bone at least once (shocking I know). Number two, I have like 16 different blogs total. Number 3, I think you’re super neat and the cooliest *finger guns*
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okami · 8 years
windflower! hyacinth! baby's breath!
you are the sweetiest uwu thank you
windflower: list 5 of your favorite blogs and explain why i like them 
this is tough i dunno my friends have the cooliest blogs ever?? so much better than the big blogs so like obviously your blog!! Do I check any other blog as much?? probably not?? because draws + aesthetic + good friend + the best url/avatar combo of ALL TIMEand obviously @whamon i mean she’s my gf so thats a instant good point. Fun fact we met on tumblr and I p much only mesaged her cuz I liked her blog so much. She thought I was annoying and ignored me and pretended she didnt get my messages. fast forward 4 years and we are in love. How romantic!also like im not gonna tag because we’re not mutuals or friends but like every dogblr blog, i particularly like noodle-dragon and atomicbombastic because they have beautiful dogs and good posts and I usually learn interesting things about dogs n stuff! (Im probably never gonna have a borzoi but I know so much about borzois now)I cant pick a single 5th one so all of my other friends can have that spot. Theyre all lovely and have good content aaa
hyacinth: do you name your plants?NO but I really should?? Why have I not names my plants?? I have so many...... I’m gonna have to think about this now
baby’s breath:5 things you associate yourself with: 
Dogs and dragon age and life is strange and food and uuum maybe flowers? im not sure im 99% my internet personality because irl im a small swamp demon who doesnt do much interesting yet.   
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movedyourchair505 · 6 years
PFFFFFFFF. I'm crying real tears. Like actual things are coming out of my eyes and it’s because of your extraordinary talents. That’s the goal. That’s all I strive for as a writer. I knew what was coming and I'm still like a mess??? Every line was fucking mind-blowingly gorgeous, and even if it was one of mine, you made it so much more wonderful. I have so many favourite lines and moments from this one, your vocabulary for this angsty goodness was so sublime and original. Every one of their
thoughts and inner monologues was meticulous and smart, so many bits had me speechless at your incredible talents. You carried off all the insecurity and questions and need they have for each other perfectly. Our poor baby boy is so tired, overwhelmed, wounded and scared, just needing to know the truth. I loved him snapping, the rage and unpredictability of Mafia!Al prevailing always. I love him talking back to Serena and being so fiercely protective, choosing to trust her even when he knows he knows he shouldn’t, struggling so hard to process her bruises and the cuts and what they did to his girl. You honestly wrote him so perfectly, that I’m envious of your skill, all his little movements and thoughts and you can tell he’s really struggling to think straight but can’t resist caring for the woman he adores because she makes him better. I particularly loved the bit about wanting Jade to be the only person not scared of him. I love him. You make me love him more. Also Jade was just as wonderful as ever. Her characterisation is so authentic and impressive, how she was paranoid about how she looked because she’s so used to looking incredible, hated the way he was treating her with pity, wants to be herself again but also just wanted to curl into him and let herself be taken care of. Her realisation that of course she loves him had me sobbing - the softness of that moment, her hands, lips, his warmth, her whisper on his collarbones - that’s the stuff of dreams. So hubby and wife are back together again and are very much in love and weak for each other. What a journey. I’m so excited for all the chapters to come, the ones we’ve planned and the ones we will inevitably have to put together at last minute too, the big storylines and the small ones. NN is a dream to work with you on, a wonder to read and the author is pretty fab too. You know I’ve been waiting for this chapter forever, it’s been one of my faves we planned and I’m just so proud of you for doing it justice. It’s just as I envisioned it. I'm overwhelmed by your flair for aesthetic and softness, it's truly unparalleled. Think I need a nap now out of emotional exhaustion. I love you my good friend ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Thank you soooo much for being the most supportive, babe! It means sooo much to me that you liked it because I was so so worried because I was also so excited for this chapter and have been since we planned it, so the fact that you are proud of me for writing it and think that I did the idea justice is a huge relief and I am now sooo excited for what’s to come, cannot wait to write all the good stuff we’ve planned, all the married™ stuff of them as a couple, all the angst and drama that is to come, I can’t wait to plan more with you and I love you so much for picking up on these details and being as emotional over them as me, and for crying even though you’re a scorpio bish. I have so much love and admiration for you and I look up to you so much. You’re the cooliest 💓💕
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