#one of the only muses i've ever done where i get to do it!
librarycards · 2 days
pls ignore this is its too weird or too much labor, but i was wondering if you maybe had any tips or resources for ppl who have creative desires like writing but brain fog and fatigue tends to get in the way?
i do! it may not work for you bc people have very random/unexpected ways of dealing with this, but it's *very* common and there is hope :) [i think a lot of this is applicable across form, but i'm using "writing" here because it's what i'm familiar with]
one way is to be strategic about timing: this includes thinking about when you're least foggy/have the most energy, and/or the most "downtime" where there isn't anything in particular you need to do. many people wake up early so that they have alone time before their responsibilities. some people stay up late to write. i tend to do my daily writing (which I elucidate on below) in the evenings, around 7-10pm. whatever works, works!
relatedly: scheduling/routine is, for me, critical. i think it is for a lot of creative ppl. I write every day, in multiple ways: i keep a journal - i've done this since i was like 12, so it's as ingrained as brushing my teeth and i don't really think about it - and also work on some aspect of my current longest project [so, for the last 4 years, it's been the aforementioned second novel; for the 4ish years before that, it was Failure to Comply. i write other stuff during the daytime, of course, because writing is also my job(s). but if you're looking to establish a consistent creative practice, you don't need to be aiming for a certain hour or word count.
Instead: Aim for consistency and progress. Not perfection, not a "muse," not magic. There is no shame in making something that doesn't seem good, or that you end up deleting. in this particular instance, "perfect is the enemy of good" is 10000% true, and i think especially applicable to people who already experience external + internalized ableist ideologies on a daily basis. your art, regardless of what it is, should be a space where you get to make mistakes, change your mind, and learn new things. it should be something you can come to when you're tired, unsure, confused, scared, etc, even if it means just keysmashing and then closing your notes app for the day.
for me, having a daily practice, regardless of anything, means embracing the days where i write only one word and then despair, as well as the days i write pages. when i feel most depressed, in a very clinicized sense, i try to move from "everything i make now is going to be shitty :(" to "everything i make now is going to be shitty :)", not because i'm happy about it, but because....that's simply part of creating. everything is a bodily function. if you're not feeling good, maybe your poop will look weird. so too with writing. but you still do it. it can be mechanical. but it'll happen, and by doing it consistently, you give yourself the *opportunity* to locate insight hitherto buried, to have an idea creep up on your tiredself.
i guess in sum I'd say that the healthiest thing i ever did for my writing is something tantamount to body neutrality, which has also been an immensely positive addition to my set of frameworks for physical embodimindment. creative neutrality, i guess. this doesn't mean i don't tie my ego and personhood to work/productivity/quality. i mean, i totally do, and it sucks, but there we are. but it also means that i place that in a corner that does not touch my desire to chip away at something big, regularly. i make time every day to summon the urgency of whatever i'm working on, not because i'm proud of it at that moment, but because i want to give it another opportunity to give me something cool.
tl:dr: give yourself the gift of consistency and time, and don't be scared of making stuff that isn't good, or gets deleted, or doesn't make sense. write from wherever you want, physically, mentally, spiritually. give it the opportunity & even the expectation to happen and then work from there.
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crownmemes · 4 months
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Manipulative & Controlling Sentences
(Sentences for manipulative muses, and for those that have had enough of it. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"I don't appreciate you trying to guilt-trip me."
"You do know that it's not a crime to say no to you?"
"Why don't you trust me anymore?"
"Stop being so manipulative!"
"I'm not going to allow you to walk all over me anymore."
"I don't have to explain myself to you!"
"Don't tell anybody else; they won't believe you."
"I'm only doing this because I care about you."
"Why are you always so controlling?"
"You're overreacting; it's not that big of a deal."
"You're so sensitive. Do you realise how silly you look to everyone else?"
"No one else will ever care about you like I do."
"It's not selfish to say no to things that I don't enjoy!"
"Stop making a scene. You're embarrassing me."
"After all I've done for you, you owe me."
"I'm the only one who has ever been there for you. I'm the only one who will ever be there for you."
"Don't talk to me like that. I deserve respect too."
"You can't do anything right, can you?"
"I can't believe it's taken me this long to realise how little you respect me."
"You don't get to decide how I feel."
"Are you even listening to me? Because it doesn't seem like you are!"
"You'd be nothing without me."
"I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions!"
"Why are you being so paranoid about this?"
"I guess I was wrong about you. I thought you were capable of more than this."
"I'm not overreacting! This is important to me!"
"I can see what you're doing, and I'm not going to fall for it."
"I'm not going to feel guilty when I know I've done nothing wrong."
"Just because you say it doesn't make it true."
"That never happened. You're imagining things."
"I'm not going to argue with you anymore. You're not listening to me."
"We talked about this already, remember?"
"Trust me, this is for your own good."
"If you really cared about me, you would do this - but maybe you don't actually care at all?"
"I'm the only one who truly understands you. You know that, right?"
"You'd do anything for me, wouldn't you?"
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silentmoths · 1 year
Some HSR Thirsts
Because I've been fucking star-railed this last week and also I promised @dustofthedailylife that I would write a svarog thirst if she finally pulled welt. so since this exists, you can guess what happened!
Svarog/Yaoshi/Kafka x Reader
NSFW, nothing explicit perse but all very heavily implied, Robot/monsterfucking, does fucking a god cound as monsterfucking?, Svarog is a giant vibrator, Yaoshi and their many hands, also Yaoshi having an aphrodesiac venom in their scorpion tail, maybe a little implied dubcon in kafkas case? I dont...think it is but its there as a warning in case.
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Ok but Svarog, who definitely knows what sex is, of course he does, he has an entire database to access, and lets face it, this man has probably already accessed it when looking up ‘how to parent’ information because at one point or another he’s going to have to give clara ‘the talk’
(no, we wont talk about how his version of the talk is going to be the most embarrassingly clinical talk ever to exist. rest in peace clara.)
But he does not, for the love of anything, understand why you want to have sex…with him.
Nonetheless, he does not stop your hands roaming his chest plates, he doesn’t really stop you from doing… anything really, because… whatever this is  makes you happy, and that’s all he wants. 
He’s confused when you ask him to touch you, but he does it anyway, all while sifting through his databanks to figure out both why and where. 
This is also the day you discover that Svarog has an… interesting vibration function in his hands that he claims was once for easing stiff muscles of his old human commanders before he was abandoned.
Yeah it’ll sure ease you alright.
Admittedly…he does like watching you squirm…it does… something to his servos.
Though, he thinks he may have created a monster, because now every day, without fail…you’re asking him for a hand. 
Perhaps one day, when he has done enough research…he might just reveal that one…extra modification that had been made to him before everything went to shit.
One day he will allow you to delve below his trousers and maybe one day he will use that…modification, to finally give you what you want, since it seems you’re unwilling to find another mortal to fornicate with.
perhaps …clara could do with a mother figure around.
Some say the Aeon Yaoshi, of the Abundance, is a cruel and evil creature.
This does not stop you from seeking Their favour.
However when they finally do appear before you, you get so much more.
Six hands, long and delicate, trailing your skin as they pull you close, unearthly voice whispering in your ear, telling you they’ve heard every prayer, every plead and call for them; how they’ve been watching you all this time, and now they have come to bestow the blessing you’ve been seeking.
But only if you can endure one last trial.
In some depictions you had found, Yaoshi is endowed with a scorpion's tail, so it isn’t a shock when the appendage curls around your body, the tip pricking into your thigh. You feel the warmth of the poison spread through your body and you moan for it. Yaoshi only hums their praise 
Their venom makes you feel warm and fuzzy, it makes their touch intense and vivid, most of all…
it makes you want to give yourself over entirely
You feel hands touch places that have never been touched by another, you feel their teeth and their tongue. You hear their praises.
And then you wake, in your bed. 
At first, you think it was a dream, but then you sit up.
You were naked, your muscles ached, but it was a sweet ache, soft around the edges, and there on your thigh, where they had stung you with their venom…
the symbol of abundance
Soft hands, and an even softer voice, leave you weak in the knees.
“Ready to talk yet?” Kafka muses quietly as she presses a single finger to your collarbone, and you immediately fall back against the table, your arms still bound behind your back. 
You should be struggling. You should be fighting back.
But you’d be lying if you said you weren’t incredibly turned on by the stellaron hunter who had kidnapped you, and was now apparently intent on interrogating you.
“You’ll….have to try harder than that.” you rasp, trying to sound intimidating. 
By the way Kafka’s smile widens ever so slightly, it’s failed completely, and you’re once again left reeling as she approaches, leaning over you like a cat who’s just caught their mouse.
“Will I?” her voice is so soft, and yet so very dangerous as her ruby eyes narrow in on your face “My…are we a little smitten? Your face is all red.” 
Goddamn it.
“I’d never-”
“Oh don’t be so dramatic.” She interjects as she perches on the edge of the table beside where you lay, she shoots you a look…an expression you can’t quite discern for a moment, until you realise her own eyes are raking down your body.
You watch her bring her hand to her mouth, teeth closing around the finger of her glove before pulling the offending article off; your heart is jackrabbiting in your chest.
“I think…” she hums as she leans back over you, magenta hair falling between you both like a waterfall. This was dangerous, so very dangerous.
But the moment her hand presses against your belly, and slowly begins its slow gaze downward, pressing shamelessly beneath the waistband of your bottoms? You’re a goner.
“I think I have other ways to make you sing that we’ll both enjoy…don't you think?”
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @angel-of-requiem @asoulsreverie @zomzomb1e Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
I will be starting a Starrail specific taglist shortly so if you want in on that let me know!
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yandere--stuck · 9 months
"Rarity, can I please go home now?" You asked, voice strained.
Even if the pain in your voice wasn't obvious, it should have been just from looking at you - which Rarity had been for the past several hours! Your hearing was slightly muffled from how flat your ears were pressed against your skull. Occasionally, you'd weakly lift one hoof off the ground for momentary relief, praying that the other three wouldn't give out. If you weren't held up by obligation to your friend, you were sure you'd have slumped to the floor of the platform in exhaustion.
"Oh, but where would I be without my muse?" The mare whirled around from her sewing machine.
Biting back a sneer, you held back your frustration. Something about Rarity simply getting a new muse was held in your jaws like a steel trap. But, you couldn't do that. A heavy sigh heaved out through your snout.
Rarity was your friend. Someone who was always generous and loving toward you, as a good friend should be. It's only fair for you to give her just as much in return. Not only that, but she was an Element of Harmony and owner of two different boutiques. To say she had quite a bit of social standing now was an understatement. Not that you think she'd ever use that against you… No. Never. Not Rarity.
"I'm almost done, dearest, I assure you," the mare promised before turning to look outside. Complete darkness. Her eyes widened, a gasp escaping her. "Oh my, I completely lost track of time. My sincerest apologies, darling!"
A sigh escaped you, your irritation leaving with it. Of course, it wasn't intentional. Rarity would never do this on purpose. Accidents happen. And hay, it'd be over soon, right? With a smile and nod, you waved her off with a shaky foreleg.
"Don't worry about it," you assured. "I just need to get home soon."
"Oh… I don't think that'd be a good idea. It's far too dark out now, I'd feel awful having you leave on your own. How about you stay the night?"
"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose…"
"Of course!" Rarity whinnied, trotting over to look up at you. "It's been some time since I've had a sleepover, and there's nopony I'd rather spend time with than my muse."
You watched as Rarity reached up for you, feeling the soft underside of her hoof cup the side of your face, gently stroking your fur. You couldn't help the smile and slight flush that rushed to your cheeks. Rarity always made you feel like a star, the most important pony in the room. And she was so comforting... You leaned into her touch and, just for a moment, allowed yourself to close your eyes...
You felt the world go off balance, wobbly legs giving out from under you as you went careening toward the floor. A cry of surprise escaped Rarity. The floor rushed up to you, nothing underneath you and legs too weak to catch your fall- oh, this was gonna smart!
But, suddenly, everything stilled, as if time itself stopped. Your vision was filtered through a blue hue. Darting your eyes around to get your bearings, you spotted the mare. Her face was twisted in concentration and her horn covered in a blue aura. Rarity… Rarity had saved you!
With great effort, she slowly lowered you to the ground by her side. Immediately, she pressed herself up against you for you to lean on. The feeling of her fur was so warm against your own. The moment you were released from her aura, you fell against her.
"Rarity," you mumbled, pressing the side of your face against hers. You were so tired…
"Let's get you to bed, dearest," you heard her say. "You can take my bed. You've more than earned it."
You could barely walk, let alone reply or keep your eyes open. You let her guide you through the boutique, helping you gently up the stairs before eventually you found it. Salvation. The feeling of a soft mattress and satin sheets and even better, nothing under your hooves for you to keep yourself held up.
Rarity held herself back from squealing or jumping for joy in her excitement. It worked! Her plan worked! Ah, but, how could it not have? Finally, Her beloved muse would never leave her again. Oh, how she adored you.
And how glad she was that you were far too exhausted to even notice the shackles that clasped around your hooves, secured by a bedpost.
Pressing a kiss to the top of your head, she whispered a wish for sweet dreams. And in the morning, you'd start the rest of your lives together. 
A happily ever after. Just like she'd always dreamed of.
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potol0ver · 5 months
Hello! I've really enjoyed your hcs and requests for Erik and I was wondering, could you write one for Erik with a partner who is an artist that views him as a muse? Drawing his masked face and doodling his hands and figure silently all the time even if they don't tell him they find him beautiful outright, it's obvious in their secret artwork
Yessss this is adorable i love this
Tags; GN reader, artist reader, Drabble (I still don’t know if I’m using that word right-)
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Even before you and Erik got together, Erik knew about YOURE artistic skills. Always watching you from the shadows as you worked on your next masterpiece. No matter how “bad” or unfinished the project was, he adored it like it belonged in the museum. The older works that you forgot about he stole and put up in his home deep under the Opera house, he couldn’t help it, he needed to be surrounded by your brilliants.
After you two starting talking and interacting with each other he noticed how your works became a little more moody, or take more inspiration from the Opera house itself more. Erik entertained the idea that you’re doing that because it reminds you of him, but he snaps himself out of it thinking that he’s just showing you more of the Opera, of course you’re inspired. It’s not because of him.
Overtime the two of you became an inseparable pair, you can continue to work on your art in his home as well as he can work with you in there to, if anything it’s boosting both of your work ethics. Erik sitting at his piano and you sitting nearby with your sketch book in hand, how can it get any better than this? Perfectly domestic and calm as you two worked on your art. If only he knew, just like he’s writing songs about you, that you’re drawing him as your muse.
Sitting in your lounge chair off to the side of his piano room, you sat sketching him with a charcoal pencil. Slowly but surely capturing his appearance with small strokes and the occasional intentional smudge of the charcoal on the page for definition. You couldn’t help but have a small smile as you take a look at the page, you capture him perfectly in your eyes. His mask, his hair, even the disgruntled look of him as he focuses on his music, leaning over his piano.
Truth be told this isn’t the first time you’ve done this. You’ve say many times in this chair sketching him, let it be just his face, or maybe some anatomy practice where you focused on how he held his body. Like all artists hands were the bane of your existence, but you couldn’t help but try and tackle that subject to immortalize his, whether they’re in his leather gloves or bare, they were always intriguing.
Erik was always a muse to you, even before you ever saw him and only heard his voice. Those drawings of the opera house you did were made to try and capture him. They were always the places and moods that you felt like captured his unique aura and voice. The day you finally saw him even in the shadows you couldn’t help but try your best to get it on paper. Truth is you’re as infatuated with him as he is with you, but he’d never guess that.
Now that you’re spending most days with him, it’s hard to hide the fact you’re drawing him. As odd as it sounds you just didn’t want to be seen as a creep for it. Your sketch book quickly filling up with all the sketches you’ve done of him, and you still don’t feel confident enough to show him one. Maybe, in time when you create a masterpiece as him as your muse will you finally show him, but until then, he’ll continue to be your secret muse.
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The times I've thought about you have been plenty. It's a never-ending cycle, for you see, I am falure of a Prime.
Megatron, as you stand before me, blade stabbing through my spark, through the pain and sorrow, I can't help but feel relief. Relief that between the two of us, you are the one to remain alive. With the war over, you having won, I would like to make one final request of you old friend.
Don't kill my comrades.
No matter how much you hate them, what threat they may pose, I beg of you. Leave them alive. It pains me to say, but without me, they won't interfere much with your plans anymore. I can only hope you remember your roots. The kindness and hope for something better your spark held when I was but your archivist, and you, my warrior. It might be selfish to think this in my final moments. But I've always loved you, Megatron.
Perhaps in death, will these feelings finally meet their end.
I love you. I loved you. I never stopped loving you, even in my final moments. I hope to Primus we meet in our next lives and I hope again that it's a much kinder life. One without war or inequality or corruption. One where I can hold your servo in mine without shame. One where you are not Lord Megatron and I Optimus Prime. Leaders of the Decepticons and Autobots respectfully.
Until we meet again in the well of all sparks...
Megatron glared at the body of the deceased Prime. A dark pit in his spark. A black hole threatening to swallow all its light. He had thought it a good idea to have Shockwave and Soundwave make a machine that would make the last moments and thoughts of anybot visible and audible. He thought maybe he'd see the Prime's thoughts pleading him to not kill his comrades, as well as fear. Something to explain why Optimus in his final moments commed him ".: Spare them:."
Megatron didn't spare them, of course. He was frankly going to enjoy killing them one by one. But they had all escaped.
How bothersome.
He'd find them someday. He's sure of it. And just to spit in Optimus's last wish, he will torture them, too.
The Prime's face in his last moments echoed in his mind. He growled at the useless longing in his spark, squeezing a random object and breaking it.
He still couldn't believe it. Optimus Prime in love with his arch nemesis. How foolish. How stupid. Ridiculous!
Megatron clawed at the chesplates just over his spark. He could not cry, for his tears had run dry long ago. Foolish indeed. This is not what he thought he wanted. Ruling over Cybertron, having cyberformed earth into a second world for his species.. He had thought he wanted it. Now that he had it, Megatron found it empty. His ambitions were gone, no longer did he have a true equal in this whole galaxy.
None would ever be Optimus Prime.
No, he had to set things right. A world without Optimus is not a world Megatron can live with. Where's the fun in getting everything he wants without a little bit of a constant challenge?
. .
. . . .
Megatron, a true Decepticon, able to deceive even himself. Primus mused at this. Silly child, went on to kill his other half. This just won't do.
Their short story won't end like this. Primus will not allow it. He Who is Forever Tainted by Unicron, you will live life anew. You shall only know when the time is right, and your debt to Primus has been paid off of what they have done. Do not make the same choices that lead you to make your biggest regret. Make no mistake, this wish is not for you, but for he who is favored by me.
Make the child of Primus, he who was once Orion Pax and later one of Primus's true Primes enjoy a life worth living.
This is your one and only chance. Make it count.
. . . .
. .
Megatron woke up with a jolt. He tried to online his battle protocols, and they hummed loudly, ready to come out. But something stopped him. A servo, two, actually. Each cupped his cheeks and wiped away his tears. He turned to look at the bot whose servos they belonged to and found none other than Optimus Prime. "You're alive?"
Optimus looked bewildered for a moment, he could feel it through their bond. Bond? He felt affection, worry, and love from the Prime.
"I am very much alive, Megatron." Optimus leaned in to press their forehelms together. Megatron's servos easily reached to hold the Prime's waist as if they'd done so thousands of times. Maybe even more than that. "You must have had a nightmate."
"A nightmare.." It seemed so vivid. A world without Optimus, one where he had..
Megatron doesn't even want to think about it. His spark was still beating wildly in its chamber, and he recognized he still felt fear. A few well placed kisses from his bondmate further eased his worries and sorrow that still felt fresh in his processor and spark. Right. He and Optimus were Conjuxed now. Megatron greedily leaned into the kiss, but one small playful bap from his beloved made him huff and smile. Softening the kiss that would have become more desperate had it continued.
Megatron held Optimus for a long moment. His helm burrowed on the Prime's neck, the action mirrored by his other half. Small comforting kisses are being pressed on Megatron's neck along with quiet words of love. Primus, Optimus was a soft fool. But he was Megatron's soft fool.
They had layed back down at one point, still as close to one another as they could be. And they remained like that. Optimus having fallen asleep again at one point.
Megatron knew Optimus was a blessing, he just hadn't realized how much of one he was until he had that dream. No. The fragmented memories of his past life. Megatron had never seen them before, and even now they were hazy. But the feelings had persisted and carried over. He realized this now. It was thanks to them he reacted rather irrationally at many points in this life, but his longing for Optimus to be by his side remained the same. It had just taken a much, much more romantic turn than his other self would have thought.
Megatron had no regrets though. None at all. As he pressed a soft kiss on Optimus's audial, he smiled soft. "I love you." He wispered. He had said it so many times already, yet somehow this felt like the first.
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susililys · 9 months
Continuation of my ShikaTema Fanfic Masterlist, click here for Part 1 or Part 2 :
New Parents / Post Chapter 700 / BORUTO / Nara Family CONT.
Leave The World Behind by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Temari runs into Shikamaru while at the marketplace with baby Shikadai.
Home At Last by: orphan_account M | ONESHOT Married smut, Temari comes back home from Suna.
Newborn by: SpookyMoth ONESHOT Domestic, pregnancy fluff.
He's Only Ten But She Was Only Three by: drowninglinguists ONESHOT Shikamaru is on a mission and Shikadai helps Temari deal with PTSD.
Love and Pride by: silverkunai ONESHOT Father and son sweetness, Shikamaru talks with Shikadai after the Chuunin exam loss.
Father's Brains and Mother's Attitude by: Kimiz ONESHOT Give me Temari and Shikadai, mother son bonding fics anytime!
Raindrops by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Temari goes on her first mission now that Shikadai is old enough, but the Nara boys are taking it hard.
48 hours to live by: Majsasaurus COMPLETE Includes Temari's reaction to the Shikadai bomb situation.
History Lesson by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Mostly Shikadai and Temari talking about the past, Rasa and the Konoha Invasion.
Snapshots by: lisa29 ONESHOT Snapshots of Temari's pregnancy.
How Did We Get Here by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Temari muses on how she came to have a life that includes a loving husband and son.
Shikadai by: SuperAwesomePandaKitty ONESHOT Temari gets abducted while 8 months pregnant, sweet fic.
Tell Me It'll All Be Alright by: SpicedGold COMPLETE Shikamaru spirals as he deals with Temari getting severely injured on a mission.
Favourite Things by: Dunesya ONESHOT Temari gets asked what her favorite thing about Shikamaru is.
Wave of Affection by: Dunesya ONESHOT Temari reflects on life with her family.
The Night Off by: SpicedGold ONESHOT ShikaTema need a break, cue in babysitting uncles.
Waking Up To You by: SpicedGold ONESHOT
A New Perspective by: SpicedGold ONESHOT Shikadai gets to see Temari in action.
Rest, Relax, and Revolt by: SpicedGold COMPLETE One of the best fics I've ever read, where the Sand/Nara family go through a revolt in Suna.
Hachidaime by: ShrimpArmy M | ONESHOT Yessss, was waiting for ShikaTema fics with Hokage Shikamaru
New routines by: clumsydragon28 ONESHOT Mostly Temari and Shikadai mother son bonding, loved it!
First Steps by: KiaraShell ONESHOT Ok, but how cute is this?
Family Life by: Aspire2B ONESHOTS Cute family moments!
Life of the Naras by: shikamarubase ONESHOTS Awww I’ve gone through these so many times.
Obvious Reasons by: LettieB ONESHOT Shikadai asking the real questions.
A Warning by: Awnyaa ONESHOT Fluff, Temari equals deforestation.
Nothing by: thegizka ONESHOT Temari wants to do something for Shikamaru’s birthday, domestic fluff.
Nightfall by: SeaTempest M | ONESHOT Fluffy married smut.
Falling Through the Clouds by: spiritedarray
Moments by: tiashew14
4,572 days later by: therewithasmile
Antics by: eternallove5225 Second chapter in this collection is definitely my favorite. .
Lazy Love by: existence555 Favorite chapters, 5, 7, 13, 24, 25, 28, 57, 68, 76
On… by: ArmchairAnthropologist
Days Gone By by: Adulson
A Troublesome Love by: spiritedarray
Not So Troublesome After All by: BrokenDreamz95
Everyone's Eyes by: TaintedMoonlight
Approximation by: lollipop-mania
They Are Good at Many Things by: lollipop-mania M
Troublesome Crybabies by: ichilover3
Shadows of a Nightmare Future by: Mr Gr33d COMPLETE This was such an interesting and good read. Time Travel AU where Shikamaru goes back in time to save Temari and Shikadai.
unattainable, irreplaceable, you by: teatin COMPLETE This is so insanely good, ShikaTema on opposite sides of a war, unresolved feelings.
The Day Bleeds by: pieceofmind22 COMPLETE I usually don't read fics with character death, but this one was really well done.
Salt by: Comatosejoy INCOMPLETE Temari has to go in hiding due to Rasa giving her hand away in marriage, just one chapter shy of being completed.
The Rules by: lafolleconnasse M l COMPLETE This one gives me some intense feels, so well written!
The Desert and the Deer by: nahra M l COMPLETE Death God Shikamaru, someone commented that this could be an award winning movie and honestly…facts!
Trial of the Heart by: Majsasaurus M l COMPLETE Really intense, dark, and well written. Took me some time to finish reading it cause our beloved family goes through some extremely rough times. Jinchuuriki Shikadai. Happy Ending.
Grandmaster by: notquitejiraiya (lethargicshadowlover) INCOMPLETE I usually don't like to read alternate universe fics for ShikaTema, but I’ve been enjoying this one.
Warriors Heart (A Prequel to Fated) by: CeeCeeK COMPLETE ShikaTema as samurais.
What it Takes to Make her Smile by: TaintedMoonlight COMPLETE This used to be one of my favorite fics growing up. Fairy AU.
Of Sand and Shadow by: CinderRoses M | COMPLETE Shikamaru and Temari meet in completely different circumstances when he's abducted by Suna Anbu. Really enjoyed this!
Book One- The Enemy by: SillySnowden11 M | COMPLETE This is such a good read! The villages are at war with one another and commanders ST end up having a tentative alliance. Slow burn romance.
New Blood by: JFalcon COMPLETE Very long multi-chapter fic that includes many other characters, but it has ShikaTema as the main relationship throughout and is very well written.
This took me so long to make, but honestly I've always wanted to have a list of all my favorite ShikaTema fics all in one place. Hope this makes it easier to enjoy all of these amazing works! Thank you to all the writers who have made my days better throughout the years!
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ancunincurator · 5 months
Some Astarion musings...
These are some headcanons I felt like jotting down. Feel free to discuss your own interpretations.
The second time he propositions you, I truly believe he is already into you. Not love, or anything close to it. But the way he lets you in on the game just feels like it's because you're not really part of it any more. I know some people view this as Astarion toying with you, being cruel and potentially mocking. And I definitely think he's playing with you, but to me it's because he enjoys your company and isn't really using these tricks on you any more, and trusts you enough to let you in on it. The way he reacts if you turn him down, admitting your time together was special to him. The way he says it's hard not to have fun with you when you play along with him. I don't think he realises how deeply he's started to fall into his own trap.
I think, if romanced, Astarion always intended to turn you once he ascended. Maybe not into his spawn, but he intended to grant you immortality. What drives him to desire ascension? Fear. What drives most of his actions and reactions? Yup, you guessed it. And while it was immensely brave to open himself up and enter a relationship, can you imagine the new layer of terror that comes with loving someone? To have something to lose when you've only ever had yourself to worry about? When you speak to him after his siblings attack the camp, he can say "I'm doing this for you too, you know. To make sure we're both safe. Forever. For good". He says it with such intention. Forever. For good. But you don't have forever together, not unless he can do something about it. Which also makes sense why AA sees you as a possession, because he ran away from that fear of losing you by making sure he gets to keep you forever. (Also, I don't think Astarion is manipulating you when he says he wants to ascend for you both. Though he does it plenty in act 3)
A silly one, but I've seen people say that the graveyard sex was a spontaneous moment of passion. However, when you ask him before you both leave for the graveyard if he's giving up on walking in the sun, he replies that he's "Re-accessing what I want. What I really want." And my goodness... the tone is dripping with desire my friends. It's like The leg thing™ but in words. So I think, for maybe the first time in his life, Astarion had a plan from beginning to end.
I think Astarion was wild back in his magistrate days, a real hedonist. I'm talking regular orgies, hungover rulings, a true nepo-baby making the most of his beauty and youth. And I think 200 years later he feels nostalgic for it, but it's really only the feeling of privilege, freedom and the lightness of someone without trauma that he misses. I've never done the brothel scene with him, but I've seen it. When you go post Cazador he says he wants to "Try enjoying things like this again". He only says this after a night of passionate sex with the one he loves where he was totally willing and present and he felt good the whole time. So I think, at that moment in the brothel, he's riding that high. It takes him back to the old days for a moment. But then during, he's harshly reminded he's not that young elf anymore, he feels fingers bump over the scars on his back and is suddenly a million miles away.
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
Happy Grace/Pan Vibes For The Soul
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"How can I, with you in the way?"/"(Laughs) The floor is yours!"
First of all I'm honestly just so charmed by how genuinely delighted Pan seems to be at watching Grace finding her voice and learning to enjoy using her power, I think that's where I started to take a shine to him. (also seems quite central to his character/romance in general because it's a thing that recurs through their relationship -- he tells her "I'm enjoying it if you're enjoying it" straight out at one point and that's definitely always there in the subtext). He buys a music studio for her just in case she ever wants to return to making music again even when she's not the muse anymore just because he loves her singing and has seen it make her happy before, how is that not the sweetest goddamn thing in the world??? Pan and Oracle in shared first place as stans for Grace musically
For real though, 'I Can Teach You' is sooo... even when you don't join forces with him Pan teaches Grace so many things in that song, it's a thematic tutorial as well as a gameplay one in many ways. For me I think the most impactful subtexts are 'This is a tricky situation, change is here and it's difficult, but you have more control and agency here than you think' ("You're in control!" "It's your song!"), and this sense that, y'know... there can be joy and playfulness and discovery in setting out into the unknown, not just fear and uncertainty.
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dude... I wanna be in cahoots with & sing playful duets with you for the rest of my life bro (amorous intent)
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Pros: Hell yeah look at her go! 🥰
Cons: Uh-oh look at her go! 😬
I love that Grace can bring Pan's motif into 'Challenging A Queen' and be called the fuck out by Persephone btw. why u keepin' your guard up girl uwu
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'you gave up the only thing worth having -- for your little mortal friend' he says, giving up everything for his little once-again-mortal friend literally the next day fhsdkjfhsad who are you fooling buddy? not even yourself at this point surely??? (dialogue for if you save Freddie by giving up the eidolon)
my observations on the grace/pan dynamic across the different personality traits (yes I've done a run of each romancing him I am normal about it):
Clever!Grace: Pan seems to set out to be a trickster mentor of sorts, and Clever!Grace flips the uno reverse card on him and goes ‘Not if I trickster mentor you first bitch be honest about your feelings or perish challenge engage’. Probably the most birds of a feather combination (and indeed it’s the Blue version of the soundtrack that shows off his romance — also his tie and glasses are on the cover for that one :) ). 
Charming!Grace: Performative puppy dog eyes-off whenever either of them wants to get their way. 🥺4🥺. Pan is provably a soft touch from the Charming option to find Persephone before Challenging A Queen so I feel he probably tends to buckle faster but it’s a close thing. Local trickster god completely disarmed by someone being nice to him.
Kickass!Grace: “Be real with me or Imma kick your ass”/”Promise? ;)”/"...>:)"
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I am always thinking about the way he steps up in The Trial when romanced (and the way it's the only one where Athena is genuinely shocked and appalled fhskadj). there is something about him that's like... he keeps protesting against 'innocent' and he's probably right haha, but there is certainly an almost fundamental lack of any active malice there that he doesn't fully admit to himself or to grace until this moment. he is doing this for grace, but it is also a confession about something really deep in himself that seems to be very vulnerable for him in its sincerity -- that he really doesn't mean to or more importantly want to cause harm (I don't wanna dance/with blood on my hands). admitting to his own basically good heart finally seems to be the bigger, scarier thing for him, more than facing the prospect of dying. he's experiencing the mortifying ordeal of being known and I for one am so proud of him
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"I'm just here for the dance"
the way he sings that just to her and completely changes the meaning of it from what he said with it before, from using it to keep her out to inviting her in...
also can you imagine how badly the kill bill sirens must be going off in Grace's head in all variations of this scene no matter who steps up, considering what happened to Freddie just days before....... oof!
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*incensed whisper* are you fucking kidding me with this what am I supposed to do with myself here
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love these too
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I really like the visual repeats of crossing the pond to the tree and back as a metaphor for them getting closer (or rather, him letting her closer, it is very much His Space). he retreats back there towards the end of 'Share This Dance', and that's the point where Grace puts her foot down and essentially says 'no. you come meet me honestly in the middle this time or this isn't happening'. and in 'The Trial' he does and then some!
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I meant what I sang. I'm not a good man. If Athena had taken me up on my offer, the Idols would have been better off But I can try to be better. You make me want to try.
fun fact: if you break up with him after The Trial (YEAH you can still break off the romances at that point! it's wild honestly fsjadk), Grace tells him he should try to be better ‘for himself’ not for her... and he calls that (i.e. himself) ‘not much of an incentive’. My guy don’t make me break out the ‘Have you tried therapy’ prompt again. He takes it very calmly and gracefully under the circumstances but he's also like. quietly resigned and subdued. I tried it once for Science and never will again but there you go I bring my knowledge to this altar of sadness lol
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you see the thing is I would forgive him for just about anything too I understand why so many of the characters in-game can't stay mad at him for any length of time
he starts the game by asking her to take his hand and he ends it on asking her to take his hand (and she does)...
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:') let's share this dance
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crownmemes · 4 months
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Criminal Sentences, Vol. 12
(Sentences from various sources for criminals and/or dangerous muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"If you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough."
"Why are you doing this? It's not going to keep you out of jail."
"I've never killed anybody someone would miss."
"I can't decide if this plan is more despicable or illogical!"
"Every instinct I have says to grind you into a pulp."
"You have some natural talent as a liar, but not enough brains to see it through."
"Here’s how life works: you either get to ask for an apology, or you get to shoot people. Not both."
"I have issues with authority. You?"
"If you can fake sincerity, you can fake pretty much anything."
"I had to kill him."
"How much is it worth to have a clear conscience?"
"There are ways of getting to know people without committing felonies!"
"I teach you to lie, cheat, and steal, and as soon as my back is turned you wait in line?"
"You would murder me?"
"We know too much about each other."
"What's it take to get you to fight like a man?"
"I always thought my life would end like this. I just never thought I'd care."
"You'd be surprised what you can live with."
"You think this is who I wanted to be?"
"I put my guns away. I'm done with that."
"God kills indiscriminately, and so shall we."
"Murder is a crime for most men, but a privilege for the few."
"Being weak is a mistake."
"Are there no depths you won't sink to?"
"I'm not so different from anybody else. Everyone I've ever known, they're all out for themselves. The difference is, I can admit it to myself."
"I don't work cheap."
"You're going to die pretty soon if you don't stop picking fights."
"You don't think that's a little paranoid?"
"Is that what they say about me now? Paranoid?"
"We're all puppets. I'm just the puppet who can see the strings."
"Does that make me evil?"
"If you're going to be afraid, be afraid of something that could actually happen."
"A man who gets caught doesn't deserve respect."
"This would be a very good time to offer me a bribe."
"Only psychopaths can kill other people without having some sort of breakdown."
"Why do you try so hard to get my attention?"
"I'm not the one who talked to the cop!"
"You killed them all, didn't you?"
"Forgive me if I have a lingering respect for life."
"Don't ask me questions you don't want to know the answer to."
"I'm not going to get caught because of you or anyone else!"
"Too bad you have to die."
"You led me into temptation, and I followed."
"The question is not 'Is it a game?'. The question is 'Who sets the rules?'."
"You'll get used to killing. Just forget about that mortal coil."
"Does your conscience let you sleep?"
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I know I've sent you so many asks already (and feel free to tell me to stop if I'm annoying you. I'll understand) but I was thinking maybe a Melissa's reaction to reader bringing home a puppy without letting her know first. Maybe one of the Italian breeds like a Cane Corso.
i literally just wrote this quickly because i love dogs and couldn't resist so i hope you don't hate it - but also i love your requests sosososososo much!!
melissa schemmenti x reader
this is just pure fluff | wc: 799 | masterlist
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Melissa had been waiting for you to come home after your trip to the store; she’d sent you out to pick up a couple of ingredients for dinner. An hour ago. She was almost done with her second glass of wine and you’d still not come back. 
She was beginning to get worried, only hoping that her wandering thoughts of something terrible having happened were way off the mark. 
She breathed a sigh of relief when she finally heard the front door open and close, soon followed by you, bag in hand and a smile on your face. 
“What took you so long?” she asked you, taking the bag from you to begin unpacking. “I was beginning to think you’d started another street brawl.”
“That was one time. And an accident. And hardly a ‘brawl’,” you argued with a huff whilst she just laughed. “My friend called me whilst I was out, she was nearby and I got distracted, I’m sorry.”
“Mm, and I see you bought my favourite coffee to get in my good books,” she muttered as she put it away.
“Has it worked?” 
“Definitely, honey,” she answered, pressing a kiss to your lips. When she pulled away she eyed you inquisitively, eyebrow raised. She knows you too well not to notice something was up.
“What?” you laughed, shuffling where you stood. 
“Which friend was it?”
“The one with all those dogs?” she countered whilst you nodded and she began chopping vegetables. 
“Don’t you think having a little puppy would be so perfect?”
“No,” she returned. “I love them but I don’t think I could handle two of you with the zoomies every night,” she added with a chuckle. 
“I get that,” you agreed. “Want me to help?”
“Sure.” Her voice questioned your intentions and she was convinced there was some kind of ulterior motive. “You tryna butter me up or somethin’?”
“Can’t I help my girlfriend, just because?”
“I guess,” she shrugged. “But don’t actually touch anything.”
“Y’know, her Cane Corso just had a couple puppies,” you muttered as you took a seat on the kitchen counter, mindlessly stroking her hair to try your hardest to appease her. 
“Proper Italian dogs,” she mused. 
“Here, I’ve got some photos,” you responded, shoving your phone in front of her face excitedly. “They’re a few months old and one of them nibbles on your fingers with his toothless mouth which was a little gross but I love him so it’s fine.” You were getting antsy, glancing towards the front door, and luckily Melissa was distracted enough to not notice. 
“He sounds like you - is he gassy as well?” she teased, only receiving a little shove from you in return. 
“Rude,” you pouted as you hopped down from your seat, heading back towards the front door. “I just remembered I forgot something in the car, don't miss me too much - also don’t forget how much you absolutely adore me, and how you can never be mad at me about anything ever.” 
“God, what’d you do?” she sighed, turning off the stovetop, but you were already gone, muttering to yourself words she couldn’t clearly hear. 
You were glad to see her facing away from you when you walked back inside and you were able to walk up behind her before she could chastise you right away. The dog in your arms sat comfortably with his head against your shoulder, soft fur against your cheek and his tail wagging slightly. 
You cleared your throat to get her attention and her eyes widened, though she wasn’t overly surprised considering you're always causing a mischief she only pretends to find annoying. 
“No. No, we cannot have a dog,” she spoke, keeping her eyes on your face to avoid his.
“Aw, but look at him,” you pouted, using his paw to wave at her. “Hi, mom, I woof you.”
“That was terrible,” she groaned, unable to hide her smile at your silly grin. You both looked so adorable, both of you sporting puppy dog eyes. “We can’t keep him. He hasn’t got a name so it’s not too late fo-”
“He has got a name,” you interrupted. “I named him Hoagie and I love him.”
She hated how she couldn’t resist the pair of you and how her own body betrayed her when she cupped his face between her hands, letting him chew on her thumb excitedly. 
“You’re both gonna cause me a lotta trouble.”
“Yep,” you grinned largely, instantly grimacing at the sudden appearance of a certain smell you don’t care to sniff ever again. 
“I knew he was gonna be gassy,” Melissa groaned, pinching her nose between her fingers as she grabbed the air freshener. It would soon be clear that the cotton fresh spray would have to make a regular appearance.
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calliesmemes · 4 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Your father would be proud of you. ”
“   I've loved you always. I always will. ”
“   I said, "On your knees." ”
“   You have a spark of tenacity. I’ll give you that. ”
“   I'm going to get you out of this. Believe me. ”
“   Nothing will ever change. ”
“   This was your great trial. ”
“   Well done; you are a worthy adversary. ”
“   Every time I think about this, I feel conflicted. ”
“   I guess I’ve fooled you like I’ve fooled everyone else. ”
“   Why didn’t you reveal this before? ”
“   I will not deal with those who break their word. ”
“   Lives are in danger. We can't just turn our backs on them. ”
“   If I'm getting in trouble for this, you're gonna share some of the blame, too. ”
“   I hope you know what you're doing. ”
“   Where do you think you're going? ”
“   Everything I know I learned from you. ”
“   Subtlety has never been one of your strong points. ”
“   You haven't exactly impressed me today. ”
“   We don’t deserve this honor. ”
“   What is the matter with you? Are you trying to get us killed? ”
“   There's always a choice! To live in fear is no life at all! ”
“   Our most important allies are not always the most powerful. ”
“   The rules have changed. ”
“   The task is only impossible because you have deemed it so. ”
“   You’re just a pawn! ”
“   I'm enjoying this far too much. ”
“   How come I'm the one getting caught all the time? It doesn't look good. ”
“   They are devious, deceitful, and most importantly, stupid. ”
“   You underestimate them at your own peril. ”
“   I would kill you both right now if I did not have to drag your bodies. ”
“   We have no quarrel with you, and we seek no revenge. ”
“   Control your insolence. ”
“   Violence breeds violence. ”
“   What difference does it make who started the war and who only wants to end it? No side is free of fault. It takes two to fight. ”
“   It is nothing to be ashamed of. ”
“   He was like a father to me. ”
“   Don't lose a thousand lives just to save one. ”
“   A strong belief can be more powerful than any army. ”
“   Sometimes it takes courage to stick to one's beliefs. ”
“   At least I’ve gotten something out of all this suffering! ”
“   You couldn’t be a greater disappointment. ”
“   You seem a bit on edge. ”
“   I hope that their sacrifice brings us closer to peace. ”
“   A great leap forward often requires taking two steps back. ”
“   You did a fantastic job today. ”
“   He expects you to make a full recovery. ”
“   Did you train her not to follow orders? ”
“   I’m gonna do whatever I can to help those people. ”
“   I’ll leave the politics to you. ”
“   Thank you for trusting me. ”
“   I just need you to listen to me, please! ”
“   I was framed, because I know the truth! ”
“   I have proof of it, I can prove that everything I know is true beyond the shadow of a doubt! ”
“   I didn't want this to happen. ”
“   Either you are with us, or against us. ”
“   All this time, your idealism, just lies! ”
“   You know the price of failure. ”
“   Sometimes, things are just that important. ”
“   You should've joined me. ”
“   Hope is something we cannot allow our enemy to possess. ”
“   Today, you learned the hardest lesson a commander can learn: how to live to fight another day. ”
“   You don't have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders' strength is inspiring greatness in others. ”
“   I'm not sure I like this plan after all. ”
“   This turn of events is unfortunate. ”
“   He kinda reminds me of you. ”
“   If we fail, everyone fails! Do you understand this?! ”
“   It may be difficult, but these are difficult times. ”
“   I honor my code. That's what I believe. ”
“   It's refreshing to have good news. ”
“   This can't be happening, what have we done? ”
“   He’s been against us from the beginning. ”
“   It's treason, then. ”
“   A new power is rising. I've foreseen it. ”
“   I serve no one's side, only my own. ”
“   How could you do this? You had my trust! My loyalty! ”
“   You're in a position of power now. How does it feel? ”
“   I can sense your fear. ”
“   You have to learn to make your own decisions. ”
“   What's the point of all this? I mean, why? ”
“   I do know that someday this war is gonna end. ”
“   Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him. ”
“   I tried it once. I wasn't any good at it. ”
“   You need not worry about your friends, they will be quite safe. ”
“   Looks like I have to rescue you again, old man. ”
“   You can't make everyone happy. ”
“   This is a fight you cannot win alone. ”
“   I know I did some questionable things, but I did what I had to do. ”
“   You are the one I was sent here for. ”
“   I have always been greater than you. ”
“   You think you can defeat me? You're nothing. ”
“   Something is rising, something sinister. ”
“   You can't be trusted. You're a slithering liar! ”
“   Do you remember who you are? Where you came from? ”
“   I was destined to become... so much more. ”
“   I'm not sure I've made your acquaintance. ”
“   You may have forgotten me, but I will never forget you. ”
“   I've waited so many years for my revenge, I can wait a little longer ”
“   It looks like I'm here to rescue you. ”
“   When did you become the good guy? ”
“   Don't flatter yourself. You’ve never been much to look at, especially now. ”
“   Always put purpose ahead of your feelings. ”
“   He represents hope and is critical to their success. ”
“   I feel responsible for them. ”
“   We cannot control their fate. ”
“   What a surprise. Have a seat. What may I ask is the honor? ”
“   You are going to pay the price for your treachery. ”
“   You are our secret weapon. ”
“   Only the strongest shall rule ”
“   If you will not join me, you will all die. ”
“   Unfortunately for you, history will not see it that way. ”
“   Let your anger deepen your hatred! ”
“   You can kill me, but you will never destroy me. ”
“   It is more powerful than you know. ”
“   I never planned on killing you, but I will make you share my pain. ”
“   I am most impressed to see that you have survived your injuries. ”
“   How unfortunate that you are attempting to deceive me ”
“   You’re dealing with things you don’t understand. ”
“   I am not going to take the fall for something that I didn't do! ”
“   I do trust you, but you know as well as I do that no one else will believe me. ”
“   I don't know who to trust. ”
“   I would never let anyone hurt you ”
“   You've already made your decision, haven't you? ”
“   We are the ones that should be put on trial, all of us! ”
“   You have shown great strength and resilience. ”
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I know some of us, me included, have some-what struggled heavily with all the Matty talk/speculation.
While I love just listening to Taylor and appreciating the songs for what they are and how I can relate to them. I also love the idea of trying to guess who each song is about and as I'm open-minded I've done my fair share of digging into Gaylor/Kaylor/Swiftgron as well as now, Maylor. And honestly up until Maylor, I thought it was always pretty easy to see how many holes were in the Gaylor theories and while there are holes still in Maylor, there are also - unfortunately, a lot of things that do add up to Matty being the "big muse" over Harry.
And yet, while I do see those things and sometimes have a hard time being 100% that Harry is still the big muse - I'm still here trying to convince myself. Lol
So if you also need it - buckle up & follow along, this will be long
Just to get it out of the way, it is impossible for anything from Red or 1989 to be about Matty. I know I've seen a lot of people trying to connect him into it and it's just not possible as both came out before the two ever met.
The first public interaction of either of this was on Nov 8th 2014 when Taylor liked this tumblr post of Matty wearing a 1989 shirt.
For reference 1989 originally came out Oct 27 2018 and Red Oct 22 2012. Both of those are before Nov 2018. And while Matty did say they met some time in October of 2018 (British Matt, 25, who wore a Taylor Swift 1989 shirt on stage earlier this month, told how he and the Grammy award winner had met in October - This was in this article by DailyMail posted on Nov 2018), she did not meet him and write songs about him for 1989 the same month it was being released. So according to Matty's own word, they met Oct 2018 and exchanged numbers.
Then their first official meeting in public was Nov 19 2018 when Taylor, Selena and co went to a 1975 concert. This is the concert where Harry was rumored to also be at according to US Weekly & earlier that day US Weekly posted another article claiming Taylor & Harry were talking again/friends. And I'd also like to note that I'd wager a guess that Harry introduced Taylor to The 1975 because back in 2013, Harry tweeted quite a few times about The 1975. Then back in March 2014 Harry was prank called by Matty so Matty had Harry's number.
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Taylor was apparently super excited about her & Harry talking again, they apparently went to the concert together. So it'd be super unlikely after just having exchanged numbers with Matty & meeting him two or three times she'd already be obsessed with him to write songs about.
On Dec 2nd 2014 Taylor & Harry were both in London during the VS Fashion Show. So they were still friendly at that point & DailyMail posted an article saying they had drinks at a bar after.
Our third official meeting between the two was another The 1975 concert Dec. 4th 2014 in NY - yes this the same concert Kissgate happened. From there articles were being posted about them rumored to be dating. But during that same time on Dec 8th 2014, there was a blind item that Ali Lohan and Matty were hooking up. Then officially started circulating Dec 24th 2014. And both of them were supposedly at that Dec 4th show in the VIP Section.
Now if we're going to add into the fact because of Taylor stupidly mouthing the whole "This song is for you, you know who you are. I love you." last year before Cardigan and Matty having done that same thing a few days earlier at one of his concerts. People believe Cardigan and therefor August and Betty are all about Matty & Taylor and I'm assuming Ali but, I don't know for sure. If we're going based on the lyrics and idea of it being Matty & Taylor, this was the only time they would've been "dating" back then and Ali was the only one he was accused of cheating with so August would have to be Ali. And based on the lyrics, if they're to be believed. August did NOT know about Betty, Ali would've known about Taylor because not only was there rumors circulating then about T&M dating, Ali was supposedly at the same show as T, in the same section as her. August also implies the affair happened in summer but, once again T&M didn't even meet until late fall and A&M rumors and T&M rumors didn't start til Dec which is winter. Also want to add there was a blind item that said Ali & Matty sent Taylor a photo of them in bed together which is wild, obviously doesn't mean it's true but, if it were true it would indicate that Ali most def. did know about Taylor.
So based on what we know they knew each other from an unknown date in Oct and exchanged numbers then Taylor appeared at 2 of his shows between Nov and Dec. Dec. 4th is when rumors started they were dating and by Dec. 8th Matty was hooking up with Ali Lohan and him and Taylor were apparently already over. Then around Feb 24th 2015 Ellie Goulding introduced Tay & Calvin and they started dating very quickly after.
Now Maylors are trying to say that this night below which is from Feb 25th 2015 is probably the night that Taylor wrote "Exile" about saying that Matty seeing Taylor with Calvin was the whole "I can see you standing honey with his arms around your body". And Matty being jealous over Calvin. Firstly, T&C weren't even fully dating yet, they had just met and were flirting. And if they (M&T) were truly dating in Dec. 2014 and then Matty cheated on her with Ali and Taylor was "head over heels" for Matty enough to write all these songs about him - why would they be within the same area as the other? Taylor is generally not nice to her exes, especially if they screw her over and Matty would've screwed her over heavily if everything was true.
However, funnily enough there were also blind items around Dec that came out before the rumors did that suggested Taylor was going to be in a PR Relationship with Matty as a way of "roughing" up her image a bit. Normally, I do not take too much stock in blind items as anyone can submit one but, sometimes there are real ones and this one seems to be legit as they called out what would happen (T&M wouldn't ever be seen holding hands, kissing etc. but they'd be spotted supporting each other at shows and event photos of them near each other would be taken just to get people talking and as long as Matty didn't screw it up, they'd write a contract for 2015 then a week later articles were being published of them "dating" & Taylor was shown at his 2nd concert, then Matty did end up screwing things up by sleeping with Ali & that ended their possible contract).
Blind 1 & Blind 2
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On her birthday in 2014 she tweeted about how she'd like the media to stop claiming she was dating her friends which was obviously a hint at both Matty and Karlie since rumors were going on about both.
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By late Feb Taylor was with Calvin which lasted a year (until June 2016) and we can conclude from Taylor's own lyrics (Getaway Car and High Infidelity) she probably cheated on him. There was also a blind item that suggested she was cheating on him and when she wrote This is What We Came For with him it was about the man she was cheating on him with and he had no idea at the time. After they broke up, he wrote Ole and the entire MV was taking jabs at Harry which why would he do unless Harry was the one she cheated with.
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I couldn't find an exact date but, sometime in 2015 Matty started dating an 18 year old model named Gabriella Brooks and they dated until 2019. Obviously, cheating could happen so them both having partners doesn't mean they weren't together in secret but, yeah it's leaves very little room for Cardigan, August & Betty considering the "chase two girls, lose the one" if Matty was in a relationship after Taylor started dating another man and then she got with Joe before Matty & Gabriella even broke up.
Also on Jan 20th Matty did a radio interview with Australia's 2DayFM and said
"It's all bloody fake. It's a farce." "We met each other, we exchanged numbers in the same way that a lot of people in this kind of world do, and we spoke occasionally," he said. "She's the biggest pop star in the world and I'm in Australia. There's no relationship or anything happening. It's just funny how people really, really buy into that."
In an interview with Q magazine in March 2016 Matty said he never dated Taylor. He called it a flirtation, said she wasn't a big impact on his life, and this was also the interview where he said it would have been emasculating to only be known as Taylor Swift's boyfriend.
He also said this later on when he was correcting the narrative about that interview and how people said he was being misogynistic.
 I had fears of being 'somebody's boyfriend' (remember this is all speculation as we never dated!)
Feb 20 2020 they saw each other at the NME Awards and Matty said
"She was just stood behind me. I mean, I haven't seen Taylor in years so it was actually a really nice room."
So in 2020 he said they hadn't seen each other in years and he wanted to collab with her. And going off the other interviews he did, they never dated and only talked occasionally - so I'd bet money those blind items were correct and Matty fucked up any possibility of an official PR contract back in 2015 by sleeping with Ali and that they never actually hung out outside of her going to those few concert shows and then backstage at certain events. Even if they were wanting to keep their relationship secret, he did not talk about her in a light that even remotely hints at anything. And if she was writing all these songs about having a secret relationship with him why would he lie and say they hadn't even seen each other in years? He didn't need to mention that and why would he publicly talk about being nervous to talk to her again and ask her to collab if they had been having a secret affair?
Now another thing Maylors claim is that Taylor/Matty wrote songs about each other over the years and that there were songs from Midnights and Being Funny in a Foreign Language about one another but, Matty said in an interview in Nov 2022 that Taylor had only heard "bits and pieces" of their album thanks to Jack. So it does not sound like they wrote songs about each other.
Then Jan 2023 is when Taylor surprise performed for The 1975 in London which again, remember, originally Harry was who Matty wanted.
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Also want to add that by Dec 2022 it seems like Taylor might've already had an idea in her mind for The Tortured Poet's Department because Matty posted this photo kissing Pheobe where he said "Gay Poets Society" referencing the 1989 classic film "Dead Poets Society." which Taylor also referenced in the Fortnight video. And they were on speaking terms at this point because Matty claims they worked together for Midnights but it was scrapped. She told us herself she started working on TTPD directly after Midnights and if Matty/Pheobe were possibly already hinting the name of it in Dec of 2022 then it's safe to say she probably already had the title track written at that point as well as Fortnight and already had the idea for the Fortnight video in her head and therefore it makes no sense for those to be about Matty when both are talking about a relationship that's already ended and this would've been before they "dated" last year.
Also, I don't think Matty and Pheobe would jokingly kiss if he was secretly with Taylor, especially since when Matty was "dating" Taylor last year he stopped kissing random fans/bandmates on stage as a show of respect to her.
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Then we have Matty taking shots at Harry over the years.
In Jan 2019 he tweeted he wanted to produce Harry's new album but, that he needed Harry's new number because was "definitely blocked".
In Jan 2023 Matty said he asked Harry to be an opener for The 1975 and got told no. Apparently this was the concert that Taylor ended up doing instead. Which again, if they were having a secret affair all this time and pining for each other why the hell would invite her ex to perform as an opening instead of her?
Then in Feb 2023 he accused Harry of queerbaiting..by doing the same shit he himself does.
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Hi!!! I've really been enjoying your writing, especially Albedo's spicy reading one I blushed and giggled so hard 🥰 it was very sweet and cute!!!
Which leads me into my request if that's okay! Can I please request something sweet and spicy with Albedo? I adore him so much and I don't really have much of an idea so really anything with him would be great!!
I'll probably be an anon for a while cause I'm shy so you can call me 🦊 fox anon if you want!
I hope you're having a great day!!!
Can i get a muthha fuckin uhhhhhhhhh.... Albedo deluxe with extra sweet and sour sauce. 🍔🍟🥤
Lmao fr tho, thank you 🦊 anon for both your praises and your request! I hope this fills your saucy Albedo needs! 💝
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Hold Still, My Muse.
Albedo had a vision of you that must be made into reality.
Tags: GN!Reader x Albedo, Technically SFW, PG-13, Suggestive, Pining, Confessions, Everyone always writes Albedo as a dick but he is a polite boy FIGHT ME
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The first time Albedo drew you was in passing. A candid sketch that a quiet man gifted to you without reason. When your paths crossed once more, the alchemist asked so politely for a moment of your time and you found it impossible to say no. He asked to draw you again, just as you were, sitting there in the sunlight. It felt awkward having someone stare so intently at your every detail. Albedo worked silently without mentioning how stiff your stance became under his gaze. That just won’t do…
You received a letter from the blond knight only a few days later. He’d like to see you again, but to share a meal this time. It was odd to receive such an invitation from the recluse Kreideprinz, but you were no less delighted to accept.
Albedo was quite charming when he put in the effort. Over dinner he asked to learn about you and your interests. He listened patiently, like he was committing it all to memory. In turn, you learned about Albedo's endlessly fascinating experiments and even about his artwork. You became so engrossed in the man's mind that time nearly got away from you. When Albedo asked you to pose for him once again, your anxieties were easier to push away in his familiar company.
You grew fond of both the alchemist's attention and presence. It became common for Albedo to take you to view scenery around Mondstadt, sit and chat, and eventually take his sketchpad out to draw you. Your heart would skip a beat whenever he held your chin to position your face toward him. Sometimes, you would even do it on purpose. After Albedo finished his sketch, you would both carry on and enjoy the rest of your date evening together.
Curiosity got the better of you regarding how often the blond went out of his way to draw others.
"Hm.." Albedo took a moment to ponder, as if he never considered this. "Besides you, I can't say I've ever went to this extent to draw someone."
You were hid a blush when he invited you to his home for a more private session. Albedo explained how he wanted to test some paints that took longer to dry, thus the process would be quite long. For your comfort he suggested his abode as a solution. Your mind hardly processed the boy’s reasoning, still stuck on being alone together in his home.
You regretted your choice of attire as soon as you arrived. The anticipation of the evening had you feeling bold. The revealing blouse and skin tight pants under your coat felt far too forward now that Albedo was right in front of you. If it didn’t mean trekking down the snowy mountain again, you would’ve already made an excuse to leave and reschedule.
“Make yourself comfortable, I’m almost done setting up.” Albedo gestured past his lab and toward a room further back. You entered and held your breath when you saw it was a small neat bedroom. There was very little in the room, just a fireplace, a bed, a couple of chests, and an easel set up towards the room's center. You sputtered out a question, asking where you should sit.
"The bed. We may take a while and it's the most comfortable seat I can offer. Plus, the lighting would be optimal." Albedo stated simply, entering in the room with the last of his supplies. You could only nod at his oblivious logic and take a tentative seat on the edge of his bed. There was no way you could take your coat off now, you were sure you'd burst into flames. The blond didn't question your choice and proceeded to place his paints while letting you get settled.
Maybe you would burst into flames anyway. The healthy fire kept the small room toasty enough that you felt suffocated under your thick coat. It took less than five minutes for you to feel the sweat forming on your brow. You willed yourself to stand strong and hold your pose, maybe he would finish quickly if you were perfectly still.
"Do you mind if I sit beside you?" Albedo's voice cut though your thoughts like a searing knife through butter. You blinked in confusion and shock, unable to find your voice you shook your head and scooted over. Your eyes followed the man's movements as he put down his tools and drew closer. The mattress dipped beside you when he sat and you could feel his gaze on you. You could bare to look just yet.
"Did you know when I began my drawings, they were simply to illustrate my notes? I felt I could study things in far more depth when I sketched their every last detail." The alchemists spoke casually, as if the two of you were sharing over a meal. You turned to look at him, made curious by the man's words.
"I found that the process was something I also enjoyed. It became calming to just observe and create. My mind could stay clear and calm." Albedo continued, "But I have never experienced having a subject enthrall me as much as you."
Your eyes widened and your mouth hung slightly open by the sudden confession.
"My mind isn't quite clear when I draw you. I feel inspired and challenged. I have yet to capture it truly on paper or canvas. I try again and again, and although beautiful, it doesn't truly capture what you evoke." You processed each word over and over in your mind. Finally, you worked up the courage to ask why he was telling you this.
"When you get nervous, you close off from me. I wanted to make my intentions clear so that you may have no reservations about me. You're someone I cherish as an inspiration and as a companion. So please, tell me how I can make you feel as such." Albedo told you earnestly.
You recognized there was vulnerability in his expression and that he was asking for the same. There really wasn't really anything standing in your way but your own fear. For this man, you were willing to be brave and show him what he wanted, what he all but pleaded for. Your expression softened and you told him you were alright to continue now.
Albedo returned to his easel and allowed you to get comfortable again. His eyes followed intrigued while you stood and started to undo your coat. You watched the man's every move while the garment fell to the floor. He didn't bother to hide the way his gaze followed every curvature of your body, as if committing it to memory again. Albedo's features held a mild expression but his body language showed he was restless. You sat farther up the bed, posing modestly yet arching your body ever so slightly for show.
"That position, while... appealing, doesn't lend itself to the lighting. Your leg, perhaps, bend it a little." Albedo, attempting keeping his composure, guided your pose.
"Like this?" You moved slowly, bending your leg up. The position now seemed far more provocative.
"Ah, No." Albedo tried to correct himself, not wanting to insinuate he was trying to put you in a questionable position. "I meant the other way. I apologize."
"Can you show me?" You ask feeling particularly bold now that you've received a reaction. "It would help me a lot." You added when you noticed a small hesitation.
"Of course." Albedo nodded. The blond stepped away from his painting and towards you perched on the bed. His hand hovered over your leg for a moment before looking you in the eye, "May I?" he asked ever so politely. You nodded in response and felt his warm hands begin to guide you.
You asked him how else you could improve your posture and watched as Albedo became eager to teach. Each touch becoming less and less cautious than the last, until the man had you pinned under him. You held each others charged gaze while he gripping each of your wrists against the mattress.
"This isn't very chivalrous of me as a knight." He breathed, looking you over again and again as if expecting you to ask him to stop. You let him observe you and even offered a open view of your neck and chest.
"Isn't it the job of a researcher to uncover what is before you." You remarked, not moving an inch. Albedo unclasped your wrists and you feared he may have had second thoughts. Before you could say anything, arms wrapped around your waist and his face was buried into your neck. A low rumble was spoken across your heated skin.
"Then I'm going to need you in a few positions for research purposes. I'll have to sketch down a few observations for reference as well."
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<A/N: Ngl this got away from me a little. I expected this to be far shorter but it I think too hard. I hope you enjoy!
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parisoonic · 17 days
Your stuff is so cool! I've been looking through your older post and all the tutorials you've made and they're really helpful. I've always been kind of self conscious about getting into art so late, but seeing your stuff has really inspired me! I know I still have a long ways to go, but it's still nice to see how far others have gotten. I guess it's kind of a "Other people have done it so I can do it too if I keep going" kind of situation I guess! I don't know I'm not too great with words heh I adore all the tf2 and heavymedic art you do! I only got into tf2 a couple weeks ago, but the fandom has some amazing artist! I love seeing what everyone's done with the mercs. Sorry for the super long ask! Just wanted to say your stuffs pretty cool ^^
thank you so much!!! ;;; im working on a few more tutorials atm...yapping on line weight and quality, got one on the go about background reccession/atmosphere and some musings on 'suggested musculature' when it comes to faces but who knows when they'll be done ;; it's never too late to get into art! I only really started drawing at 16-18, then I took a massive break all the way until i was 23-24 where i started drawing again because I wanted to change careers from vfx/3D to 2d. Flash forward another 6 years and I decide I should probably learn how to draw people so I started this blog! I see so many folks on this website (and insta etc) with AWESOME art at silly young ages (well relative to my almost 30 haha) and it freaks me out sometimes i feel so old and untalented by comparison but i think that's an eternal artist anxiety lol.
Keep at it! - drawing is one of those things i'm not sure if anyone ever 'finishes' learning but there's definitely no timecap on starting! there's SO much to discover and learn across multiple different subject matters, styles and mediums :') lots of fun, indulgence and experimentation to be had!
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mamidankee · 1 month
I've been thinking a lot about The Alchemy lately. One of the many, many things I love about Tay is how many different angles we can view songs from.
I have been toying with the idea that this song is about her preparing for her last beard with the ogre. miss ma'am loves to break records and she can do so with the heteronormative society and a big ol' distraction. there are a lot of meathead references in here too but just like So High School, i don't think it's positive or endearing.
this happens every few lifetimes
with so much death and rebirth in her work, I interpreted this as every bearding situation being a lifetime and now we're starting a new lifetime
these chemicals hit me like white wine
which chemicals? likely, the Forget Him medication from Fortnight MV. this can be the promise of success, this can be entering back into the closet; but essentially there had to have been an BIG incentive or push. and even moreso, it was something Tay really had to swallow but was not her choice--it was prescribed by the ward. and this "Forget Him drug" could bring forth Taylor Swift The Brand. Taylor Swift The Brand comes with a manic high, a hunger for success, a desire to push through whatever she needs to overcome. there's probably lots of spite in there too.
in addition, wine drunk is super different! wine brings a warm carelessness. personally, wine makes me feel like i'm a bad bitch and life isn't that serious.
what if i told you i'm back?
the hospital was a drag
worst sleep that i ever had
they let her out of the hospital, but only when she was medicated. she's "fixed"!
i circled you on the map
a TK reference because so many dummies said he put HER on the map (fucking as if). this is one of her little jabs at him saying, "nah, bro. i put YOU in the spotlight"
(note that these 4 lines feel like a conversation with someone that you're trying to prove something to)
i haven't come around in so long
but i'm coming back so strong
she hasn't had an in-your-face PR relationship for years. so this is her giving herself a little boost. i haven't done this in a while, but i can do this and i can do it even better than before. i feel this especially because it's right before the chorus where she goes:
so when i touch down
call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team
ditch the clowns, get the crown
another jab at her beards and at TK's sad attempts to get others to put him on the map. MH is an amateur, he did not lead Taylor to the success she was looking for. TK had no luck liking baddies instagram pictures to weasel his way into the industry. but who did that? Taylor Alison Swift: The Mastermind. note how she's focused on the crown, not the actual "muse"
Baby, I'm the one to beat
'Cause the sign on your heart
Said it's still reserved for me
i took this as a line to her fans. so many people tune in to the big headlines because we, as a society, have a weakness to be fascinated by/addicted to the drama. especially taylor swift drama! our hearts are still reserved for any juicy tea she might have
honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
this feels like an act of acceptance and a little defeat. don't forget, taylor is still on those chemicals that hit her like white wine. so she succumbs to the fact that the world's biggest pop star and an award-winning NFL player would definitely make for lots of success. this is why she came back, to come out on top. i've seen others comment on the fact that she uses alchemy instead of chemistry. (they have the same end rhyme and the same syllables so alchemy was very intentional.) they're making gold out of robust situations, they're not sharing energy with one another.
hey, you, what if i told you we're cool?
that child's play back in school
is forgiven under my rule
i haven't come around in so long
but i'm making a comeback to where i belong
this next verse reminds me of the structure of the first verse. the first 3 lines feel like a sense of defending actions to someone else while the last two feel like another act of self-perseverance and having to hype herself up.
he jokes that, "it's heroin, but this time with an 'e'"
i really can't see this as anything other than a jab at the meathead. those illiterate tweets of his surfaced and we all found out he really is an idiot.
this line does confuse the hell out of me otherwise. if anyone has any thoughts i would love to hear!
where's the trophy? he just comes runnin' over to me
i know a lot of people find this endearing saying he chose her over the trophy. but i think it's Taylor asking "where's the trophy?" with her eyes on the prize still. and the dummy loses sight of what they are actually after
she's "high" on those Forget Him drugs throughout this whole song because she finishes the song with the same two lines she opened with.
but, yet, here we are again: swiffers thinking she's being cutesy with some dude but in reality this is about her and her success.
this song all feels like work. i don't know if anyone else played the alchemist game where you start with the most basic materials and have to make all kinds of substances, eventually getting to gold. and, man, was it challenging. just like i can imagine it's challenging to make this dirtbag into a "glamorous gentleman."
anyway! this was way more in depth than i thought it was going to be but i hope this leads to more confidence to post more OC! thanks for the read <3
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