#one of these days I'll actually write a fic that focuses on the main ship proper but rn
broomsticks · 1 year
What was the HP fandom on AO3 writing in 2022?
some stats diving, ship- and femslash-focused.
default filters used for everything unless indicated otherwise: language: english, no crossovers. only on AO3 (obviously)
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hmm someday i'll do a yearly breakdown maybe.
for reference, there were ~324,676 total works in the HP tag updated in 2022 and before, so the top ship Drarry makes up 16% of HP works.
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ships in this list but not the former: jegulus, dorlene, and regulus & sirius.
ships in the former list but not this one: snarry, sevmione, tomarry.
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harry the character is tagged in 42.7% of all HP works.
the list of "fastest-growing HP character tags in 2022" was almost identical to this. sirius, remus, james, and lily went up one place, severus and ginny down by one, and ron dropped by two. no change in the top 3.
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i'm thinking of doing one for HP ships but am unsure which ships to do. you can get a rough estimation from graph #2 though!
A closer look at just the 2022 ships:
filters used: english, no crossovers, works updated between 2022-01-01 and 2022-12-31.
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color = ship type by canonical gender. outlined = canon ship
Background vs main pairing ships:
most commonly tagged ships, with the otp:true filter:
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very pretty spread of (canon gender, not AO3 category) F/M & M/M ships here.
notable: there is not a single snape ship in the first list, and two snape ships in the second (sevmione at #4 !! and snarry at #8). grindeldore is the other new entry, and
romione, dorlene and regulus & sirius fell out of the top 10
this is probably a better view though:
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a mix of all ships in either of the top two graphs (excluding the platonic ship regulus & sirius by definition of the otp:true filter), plus remadora.
open to more ship suggestions, but at some point i need to think about a size cutoff
anyway: some interesting strata here:
snarry+sevmione at the >60-70% mark. (do all snape ships show this trend? just crossgen snape ships? what about other crossgen ships? to be investigated)
grindeldore is an expected outlier due to the different canonical time period
marauders era tends to have more fics-with-multiple-tagged-ships. unexpected - there are so many more named lightning gen characters! lightning gen fandom more splintered/fragmented?
clustering of canon couples at the 15-20% mark, surprisingly consistent across marauders vs lightning gen
oooooo i could soapbox about this dorlene outlier for days. (tldr: if you want to write OFCxOFC that's all well and good, but writing OFCxOFC as what's quite clearly a background ship and a background ship alone? i think we can do better.)
Multi-shipping & ship overlap
marauders era is dominated by one main fanon pairing. no other “/” pairing with either of these two characters makes the top 10 list. in contrast, wrt lightning gen, Draco, Harry, and Hermione are all shipped with each other, with all three combinations making the top 10 list.
there is one pair of marauders era ships with ship overlap, though. which means stats! also included remadora as an additional comparison point since that's another big overlapping ship
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jegulus AND jily are tagged in 675 works, out of 3944 works (17%) where all three of james, lily, and regulus are tagged.
meanwhile drarry + dramione: 80 works tagging both ships, out of 8128 works tagging all 3 characters, with an overlap of <1% fics tagging both ships. these two do not mix.
actually ykw this all was very funny
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filters used: english, no crossovers, works updated between 2022-01-01 and 2022-12-31, and category:F/F.
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ok so that's a complete nonstarter 😂
tried two ways of filtering down to just femslash ships without losing too much else in the process:
1) excluding works tagged M/M, F/M, and Gen (leaving 2765 fics)
dashed outline = cross-gen ship. solid = marauders gen. everything else = lightning gen.
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oh, interesting, people are writing genderbend wolfstar? *checks fics* -- no they're not. 'nuff said.
2) instead, tried adding the otp:true filter (2402 fics)
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very similar results -- both lists had the same 9 femslash ships. Bellamione (#1 on both), Fleurmione (#2), Pansmione (#3/#4), Dorlene (#3/#5), Linny (#4/#6), Cissamione (#5/#6), Ginmione (#7/#9), Marylily (#7/#9), Ginsy (#8/#10).
i don't see any obvious trends re. which ships are ranked higher on one list vs the other.
a real quick rating comparison between categories, using the otp:true filter:
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"angst" and "fluff" were the top two tags used for most categories so i decided to try a bit of:
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<1 = more angst works than fluff, >1 = more fluff works than angst.
the other top tags for each category:
F/F and F/M: both romance (#3)
M/M: established relationship (#3)
Multi: polyamory (#3)
Other: au canon divergence (#3). "other" was used to refer to a mix of NB/trans character, thingfic, and x reader.
Gen: au canon divergence (#1). i was worried about using the otp:true filter for gen fic but the top two tags were indeed & tags (harry & severus, regulus & sirius).
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daddiel-ish · 5 months
One piece made me write fanfictions again 🫠 I'll leave here this Shanks/Buggy fic for your enjoyment. (English is not my first language so excuse me for mistakes ans such, I tried my best I wrote this the night before a uni exam)
“May I join you?” the voice was calm, it was hiding a smile, he was sure of that, but he was too lost in his thoughts to actually think why this stranger was so happy to join him in a drink “sure, why not?” replied Buggy without looking in their direction. He just wanted to finish his drink and go to sleep, he didn’t have the time and the will to interact with other living beings. For what it concerns him that could’ve be the voice of a marine coming for his bounty, he obviously would’ve fought for his life, but for once he wouldn't had start it.
“I see there’s things that never changes…” said the voice “You still drink dry whiskey when something is bothering your mind…” now a tiny laugh escaped the lips of said stranger, but it wasn’t a mockery, it was like a laugh you make when you remember something from a distant past “your brows still frown the same way they used to” the tone now was gentle “I missed you, Buggy.” Buggy…the way the sound of his name escaped from that lips was so familiar to the clown he almost choked on his drink. That cannot be. It C A N N O T be. How? How it was possible? How he finds him every time he is at his worst? Buggy’s sure he had spies.
The silence was pregnant, like it was something unsaid that the voice was dying to say but it didn’t.
Buggy slowly released the glass, almost empty, on the table, he took a really deep breath, trying to gather all his energy, and then he turned in the direction of the voice.
“Shanks.” The name was said with a sharp tone. How he dared to came to him and say I missed you, Buggy like they were friends, how he dared to waltz again in his life like this? May I join you? Buggy repeated in a mockery way in his mind blahblahblah he continued in his mind trying to make fun of Shanks. Buggy proceed for a few seconds with this weird conversation and when his gaze focused again on Shanks he seemed to know what was going on.
“Don’t mind at me, finish your conversation.” Shanks tiny laugh made Buggy so angry. Why he was there? How he had found him?
“What do you want, Red-Hair?”
“What? I can’t fancy a drink with an old mate of mine?” Shanks, finally took a seat next Buggy and ordered a glass of rum to the bartender “It seems like the ocean keeps bringing us in each other’s way, it’s funny, don’t you think?”
“No.” replied Buggy annoyed. The Ocean….funny bleh! He again mocked Shanks in his mind.
Don’t get him wrong in his own way Buggy was almost happy to see Shanks, every time he sees him something inside him wakes and he is again on Roger’s ship laughing and fighting for the king of pirates, if he concentrated enough, he could’ve almost feel the sea breeze and the voice of his old crew mates in the distance.
Sometimes Buggy misses that time or better…sometimes Buggy misses Shanks.
But Buggy can’t admit that to himself…not yet at least.
“So…” said Shanks after taking a sip from his glass “How’s things?”
Buggy ordered another glass of whiskey he cannot proceed with this conversation without alcohol “You don’t really want to know”
Shanks took a big sip from his glass and for a brief of a second he stared at the almost empty cup “I just wanted to talk with you, like the old times” he took a deep breath and started to focus on Buggy again. He really don’t know what he was missing about the clown, it was a strange mixture of emotions, emotions that never left him since Roger’s days. Buggy was his…partner in crime, his friend and maybe something else? Every time he sees him he sees the same reckless child who just wanted to live an adventurous life and get rich, he sees the same kid who used to climb on the main deck to see the stars. He missed the way they used to bickering all day while at night they laughed till the break of dawn. He just missed passing the days with him, but he thought that maybe it wasn’t the same for Buggy.
Shanks never was the romantic kind of guy, but in some ways he was afraid to tell this to the old friend, was he afraid of a rejection? And so the words kept dying on the tip of his tongue leaving behind a silence that was gradually becoming heavy and heavier.
Sometimes Shanks thinks he could have fell in love with Buggy…but Shank can’t admit that yet.
“I don’t know if I want to talk with you, Shanks” he was tired, really tired and he was doing nothing to hide it “I have nothing to say you.” He started to feel his cheeks heating up, maybe he had enough whiskey for the night, but the presence of Shanks made him feel uneasy, he was afraid that he might lose control if he dared to low his guard.
“Still angry at me?”
“Angry at you? I’m furious at you!” now Buggy’s voice was full of anger and resentment, his eyes were starting to get wet cause of anger…maybe he really had too many whiskeys “You stole from me the occasion to be someone important! You know how hard it was to re-start from zero once “Roger’s Adventure” was over?” he drunk a big sip “You have no idea…how could you?” Buggy laughed “You were Roger’s pupil, the next “King of the Pirates”, he chose you that day!” he increased the voice “And now you choose that guy…what’s his name? Rufus?”
“Ruffy…” Shanks corrected. Not a single emotion, besides a weird kind of guilt, was his face showing.
“It’s. Not. Important.” Buggy replied drinking another sip making his glass empty once again. “I'm tired of this weird thing we have…” Buggy tighten his grip on the glass and ordered another. Was he jealous of that Straw Hat kid? “Why can you just leave me go?” Was he angry cause Shanks once again didn’t choose him? Buggy’s voice was just a whisper, almost lost in the chaos of the rickety tavern. He doesn’t want to cry because it was the effect of the alcohol, he didn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of other pirates and he didn’t want to show Shanks that deep down he cared.
He knew damn well that that day he was the one who refused to join Shanks’s crew, but how he could’ve accepted that proposal? How could’ve did that knowing that things were never going to be the same between them?
Was he now thinking at that choice as a mistake?
Buggy never in his life looked back at his choices, he was a very impulsive man, but now…Shanks was there and he was staying there with him, he was starting to think that maybe that day he should’ve accepted that proposal, maybe he should’ve became his vice-captain…maybe he could’ve stayed there a little longer just to remember how it was like having Shanks by his side during a lonely night.
He internally shook his head, maybe his thoughts weren’t so right anymore, maybe he should’ve stopped drinking and just came back to his ship where Alvida was probably waiting to mock him in some ways.
He emptied his glass in one big sip and left some berries for the bartender and he got up from his stool, but when was about to make the first step he felt a tight grip on his wrist pulling him back
“Please, stay” said Shanks. It was so strange seeing a man like him so vulnerable, but that was the only word Buggy would’ve use to describe his voice in that moment.
“Stay with me…just tonight…” it was a whisper only Buggy could’ve heard, it was such an intimate request “Don’t go” for moment it was like they were the only two inside that tavern, all the world disappeared around them. Don’t go was echoing in Buggy’s mind Stay, was the mighty Shanks asking him something?
“I can’t” saying that word hurt Buggy in so many ways he couldn’t understood “I can’t” repeat more for himself than for Shanks
“Cause were not kids anymore”
Sometimes Buggy misses being kids on a pirate ship with Shanks, but he can’t say that out loud
Sometimes Shanks misses sneaking in the galley with Buggy just to stay alone with him, but they couldn’t do that anymore
Buggy thought that would be so easy for him to free himself from that grip by using his power, but something was making him stay, he was sure it wasn’t Shanks pulling him with more force, so why he was still there in this awkward silence while all the patrons were gradually leaving the tavern drunken as a lord? He really wanted to leave Shanks there, he begged every part of his body to get away…but he couldn’t…it seemed like couldn’t leave Shanks’s again, at least not there.
Why every time Shanks came back in his life his brain had to stop working like that? Usually it’s so easy mocking him and be mad at him for something happened so many year ago, while Shanks laughed at him, but tonight? He tried, he really tried, but he was so tired and his body just gave up and decided to surrender to all that emotions that Buggy thought he had left in that distant past when he hopped in a future with Shanks by his side.
“Let’s be it again…just for tonight” Shanks replied “Gimme something to came back to when all of this will be over”
“What are you talking about?”
“Buggy, please, came to see the stars with me”
That request left Buggy astonished. He never really stopped to look at the stars in years, since he was a thing he used to do with Shanks he preferred leaving that in the past with everything else, too much pain, too much memories of a past he wasn’t sure he wanted to miss.
But tonight…maybe it was still the alcohol talking, but tonight he would’ve loved to look at the stars with him again, how bad could’ve be for him?
“…sure, why not?”
For a brief of a moment they were both again on the Oro Jackson, sneaking on the main deck, trying to not be found by Rayleigh, in the middle of the night, giggling like two little kids, just to see the most bright star in the sky making promises about a future together. Once again on the Oro Jacksons where everything was really made of gold, even the memories. How could’ve Buggy put all of that aside for so many years? Just thinking about that times filled him with such joy, he was so careless, they both were, he would’ve love to came back to that time just for a moment to made them forever still.
Buggy didn’t know how they got out of that tavern, too busy getting lost in that memories he thought he had forever forget. “It’s like when we were kids” said Shanks before sitting on the grass. Shanks was acting weird for Buggy, more weird than usual, but maybe he was just feeling nostalgic? And to be honest Buggy was starting to be too drunk to care about other stuff beside what was happening in that moment.
Buggy took place near Shanks, and he took off his hat letting his hair fell free on in his shoulders. A pleasant sea breeze hit his face and he closed his eyes to enjoy it, he missed being drunk with Shanks even though he was the only one drunk and Shanks was just being weird. He let himself fell on the ground, just for tonight he would’ve let his guard low, he didn’t want to leave the Oro Jackson anytime soon.
“Old age started to creeping on you?” asked Shanks letting himself go to a childish laugh.
“Shut up, my head started to ache”
“You’re getting old, Buggy” Shanks laid on the ground
“So are you, Red-Hair”
“But I’m not the one lying half drunk on wet grass” he was still laughing, but it was a tender one. Shanks was enjoying every moment of that, he really missed all of this and having it again, even for just a night, was like healing old wounds he didn’t remember to have “You’ll be so waist tomorrow, how many did you have before I came?”
“Don’t remember. I was there drinking all night, couldn’t stand Alvida any longer” groaned Buggy.
“If I knew it took you some glasses of Whiskey to talk to me like this, I would’ve made you drink silly sooner” Shanks was happy, so happy he might have wanted to do something, something stupid they used to do now and then when they were kids…but Buggy was right, they weren’t kids anymore and things now had other meanings. But how it was possible for Buggy to forget all their time together so easily? He could never forget what they had and what they could’ve had if they only stayed together…Shanks still conservers all that precious memories in his heart.
There was a few minutes of silence, Shanks stared a Buggy for most of it, he kept thinking how he missed all of this and how he never wants to miss it again, but he knew that soon he would’ve been on his ship again, before his crew mates started to get worried. The silence wasn’t like the one in the tavern, it was a comfy one. Both friends just lying on the ground watching the stars just like when they were kids. Shanks started to point few of them and started to tell stories, legends he heard during his travels, Buggy, to be honest, didn’t understand much, but enjoyed Shanks voice in silence.
“It’s really almost like then” said Buggy interrupting Shanks blathering about stars
“Almost?” Shanks perfectly understood what his friend was saying, he knew was missing. For a moment he thought that maybe there was still hope, maybe his friend didn’t forget everything. He started to get closer to Buggy, their bodies almost touching each other, Shank could’ve fell the other one’s breath on his skin, everything was taking them back where all started. Drunk Buggy wasn’t a genius, but sober Buggy wasn’t either, so he let all of this happened, he had been with some women in all these years, but none of them ever made him felt that was. He tried to get even more close to Shanks, oh sober Buggy will regret all this tomorrow morning, but drunk Buggy wants to be happy again…just for tonight. He deserves this.
They stayed like that, rediscovering each other bodies for what he felt like centuries. The time marked both of them, but the changes didn’t seem to bother the two pirates.
“I missed you, Buggy”
If moments before that phrase made Buggy go mad, now he smiled at that word fuck, I must be very drunk he thought. He missed Shanks, he really did, he just can let the world know. What his crew’s going to think of him if they knew what he felt and what was feeling right now for the infamous Red-Hair Shanks…he could not let other people knows, but they were alone on that field, just the stars and the moon as witnesses of their sin.
Buggy’s body moved before his brain had the chance to think, before he realized his lips were touching Shank’s. This is a mistake he thought This is a HUGE mistake his brain was screaming I can’t, I can’t, fall for him again he was panicking maybe you never stopped falling for him a tiny voice said in his mind. This can’t be true, Shanks was his enemy, this can’t be right, there weren’t kids anymore, this was a mistake…He continued to repeat these words in his brain while his lips kept moving on Shank’s, they tasted like rum mixed to whiskey, it was a strong taste, but it was enjoyable, and Buggy loved to enjoy it. He was getting drunk of that taste.
The kiss was timid, like he was a little boy kissing his crush for the first time, but that wasn’t their first…he remembered very well when they sneaked in the galley to have some sort of privacy, it wasn’t so easy thing on a pirate boat. He still remembered their first kiss, it was messy, chaotic, nothing like this one.
Shanks kissed Buggy with the same kindness, he wanted to fix this in his brain so he had something to think of during lonely nights on his ship, but it lasted just for a moment cause the Red-hair started to kiss the clown with passion, searching for the same thing they had when they were teens sneaking around Roger’s ship, smearing all the lipstick Buggy had on his lips, cause he had no time to waste, he wanted Buggy and wanted him now. He didn’t want to force anything, but he wanted to let the other know that he was ready, he was ready to pick up from where they left, he was waiting for that moment for more than twenty years and he didn’t want to waste this moment. For the first time in years, he was exactly where he wanted to be.
When he got away to take breath Buggy started to laugh It was a long time since I heard him laughing thought Shanks hinting a smile
“What’s funny?”
“My make-up is all over your face” he was still half-drunk
Shanks tried to smear off the lipstick, but he just did worse “Why you started this? Now it’s gonna be a problem every time were gonna do stuff” He laughed “making things harder was always your specialty”
“I always thought you liked challenges” Buggy’s laugh became higher, but Shanks shushed him quickly with another kiss and a mere of seconds the Red-hair was on top of him, his hand on both his cheeks. Buggy detached one of his hands and started to unbuttoned Shanks shirt.
This was a mistake, both knew, but that night was made for mistakes so why not? That night was for them and them only, it’s gonna be their secret, nobody needs to know…
Sometimes Buggy and Shanks missed kissing on a pirate ship, but maybe the next time is not so far away
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @stevethehairington and @hotluncheddie. Thank you! 🖤 🖤
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
35, spread over two accounts.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
345 730
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A bunch. Currently it's Stranger Things and the Spiderverse films, although I'm starting to have Arcane thoughts too.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
November Paramedic (Stranger Things)
Unraveled (Spiderverse)
your eyes on me (i think i'll cause a scene) (Stranger Things)
Lesson/Plan (Stranger Things)
this might mean something (Stranger Things)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, eventually. It might take a few years but I do it! I promise I enjoy replying – I'm just slow and forgetful.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do angsty endings, or angst at all. On my second (secret!) AO3 account one of my fics ends with the main character "dying" and getting mutilated, but in a kinda hopeful and poetic way?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them end on an equally happy note.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. When I still posted on ff.net I sometimes got harsh comments, but they tried to be constructive and helpful, plus I asked for critical feedback, so I don't count it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, and the good kind? I hope? 😆 I think I'm pretty flexible when it comes to kink and such, though usually in a light way. So far I've only posted gay smut (but I have lesbian and straight stored away on my laptop. Maybe I'll finish it and show you one day).
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't even read crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
See above answer.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but it seems like it'd be fun!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Impossible to answer as my favorite ship is the one I'm currently obsessed with. I'm not more attached to any of them. When I was in the midst of the ST obsession it was Steddie and Lumax, and later Buckingham. Nowadays I'm more focused on Punkflower and Timebomb. Who knows what'll come next.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My big Mortal Kombat fic 😔 It's almost 7 years since I last updated and my standards have gotten so much higher; I'd have to rewrite the entire thing before I could continue.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think my strength is that I don't have one big strength or weakness? I'm rather good at everything. Not the best at characterization, dialogue, prose, etc. but competent enough at everything to create some good, balanced stories. A jack of all trades, as they say.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Adding meaning to my writing. Writing just for fun is, well, fun, but sometimes I'd like to actually say something with my writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Only after rigorous research.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
First written was Naruto; first published was Romeo and Juliet. That's right, I'm versatile!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'll list a few, because I cannot choose just one:
November Paramedic, because of how fun it was to write and the wonderful reception it received. This fic convinced me I can be funny.
Uniquely Mine (Stranger Things), because I think I did say something with it. It's very pretty and heartfelt. Also, Stobin 4ever.
synchronicity (cut me open, cut you down) (MCR), because my beta (ily Andréa, wherever you are) and I did such a good job putting it together. Most coherent fic I've ever written. It just works so well, and I really feel my vision came through.
Unraveled, because of basically the same reasons I gave for synchronicity. This one isn't finished yet but I just know I'm going to love the end result.
There! That was fun. Now I'll try to tag people I think haven't already done this (but no pressure): @throughthevale, @madaboutmunson, @riality-check, @hilarychuff, @its-just-a-glitch
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rockybloo · 8 months
Thinking of writing a fanfic crossover where Jack and Nana end up in Decking city after a magical accident (Still fleshing out the details of how said accident worked).
If comfortable answering:
I'm curious about how you think Nana and Jack would react to such a such a big change in a new place like that, in a general sense. Especially if there's a bigger issue bringing them here and they realize they have to solve it to go home.
Thank you, and lovely day either way ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡
A fanfic of Jack and Nana would make me screech because they are the most ship ever for me and I'd be overjoyed. 😭💚❤️ The concept of anyone considering taking time out of their day and writing a fic about my OCs in general makes me happy.
and WOW my brain waves are powerful because I was literally thinking of an old Beanstalked plot point that basically dealt with the idea of how the main team get yeeted from Lore to Earth and have to figure out how to get back and how to tie it to Glitter and Guilt for a funny little crossover arc.
I won't go into detail about the ACTUAL events that cause it to potentially happen (bc I dunno if I'll do it...I mean I probably will but as a separate oneshot from the main storylines of both stories) BUT I can def answer how Jack and Nana would respond to a similar situation.
This will be a long one so buckle in
First thing to know is that Lore and Earth are two separate planets in the same solar system. Both are waaay closer than either think.
Lore occupants know about Earth, specifically they know it as "The World without Magic/Happy Endings/Fairy Tales/etc." It's kinda of mythicized.
Earth has no idea Lore is a thing because Lore has magic rings (kinda like Saturn's but cooler I dare say) that spin around it and make it invisible.
Bloopers are a glitch in reality in Lore where things from Earth often pop up there. Often old or lost objects.
Jack works part time for Baba, who tends to have a whole bunch of bloopers in his shop, which means he has very mild knowledge of Earth. Not a whole lot but if he winded up there-he would know "Oh! This is Earth!" and he'd be able to point out some stuff and name it. So he would know a car when he sees one-it's just a matter of actually being aware of how one works.
Hazel and Kettle have a TON of bloopers they hoard in their bedroom which serves as the attic for the inn Miss Castor is the keeper of. Specifically, they have the super fun bloopers like retro game consoles and comic books. Chances are, they even have some Sweetheart merch but are under the belief that she is merely fictional character.
So Jack is vaguely aware of Sweetheart. SPECIFICALLY as "The pink hero my little siblings thinks is cool".
Merch of villains is a whole lot more locked down with most being illegal save for what is made for the Decking City Park of Heroes AKA the Disney World/Universal Studios of Decking City entirely focusing on it's homegrown hero culture.
So Bitterbat is def not someone Jack is aware of.
When it comes to Nana, she doesn't really dabble much in bloopers or even learning about Earth. Unless it's from Jack's ramblings or mini adventures, she tends to limit herself to Lore and its shenanigans. She spent most her life living in a forest and is just now branching out to learn more about Briar Patch and Lore as a whole thanks to Jack making her realize "Oh hey the outside world is kinda fun".
She's taking baby steps and Earth is a very big jump she ain't trynna make yet.
So when it comes to them getting yeeted to Earth, SPECIFICALLY Decking City, Nana is def more reliant on Jack when it comes to knowledge. Where ever he is going, she is gonna be right there, hugging onto one of his arms for dear life because neither wants to lose the other.
Decking City is very interesting with how it's the least mundane setting for Jack and Nana to wind up in, which works perfectly because they come from a fantasy world. They will ironically feel a lot more comfortable when they see a giant monster attacking or some hero versus villain battle going on than dealing with crossing the street with a buncha traffic or even walking through a grocery store aka over stimulant central.
The biggest problem would be adapting to their temporary stay. Decking City is loud and busy and both would be overwhelmed quite easily from just the sights and sounds alone. A city is vastly more imposing than a kingdom when it comes to its buildings and even then, Jack and Nana spend most their time in Briar Patch which is a small humble town.
Nana would have the worse time because her keen Lupine hearing means every car honk, screech of tires, Kaiju alert siren, civilian yelling at another civilian, would lead to the biggest headache.
Protecting the other and making sure they're safe is their main priority. They care deeply about each other and seeing the constant look of discomfort on Nana's face and how nervous she is is enough to break Jack's heart. And the second anyone so much as breathes in the slightest bit of irritation at Jack seeming to not know where or what he's doing, under the belief he's a tourist, would lead to Nana snarling with her full set of chompers on display.
That's enough to cause anyone in the proximity to steer clear of them...or at least treat Jack very nicely because it's very obvious the two are traveling together.
ULTIMATELY, both would want some safe place so they can gather their thoughts, which are currently being scrambled by the city sights and sounds, calm down and figure out what they need to do to get back home.
Whatever they need to do, they are def willing to accomplish because they are used to being in some slice of hell situations. They've always figured their way out of them. Back on Lore, the gang adventures a bunch and have encountered a lot. Some of which I cannot share for spoilers but just know they are no strangers to dealing with the unknown.
It's just a big matter of figuring out exactly what unknown they are dealing with this time.
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rapha-reads · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Tagged by @nooowestayandgetcaught an entire eon ago!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently, 5! I'm hoping to get at least one more in the next few months.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
21,282. Eh. Slow work.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Of the 5 published ones: 1 original work, 1 Romeo and Juliet work (for Tybalt x Mercutio), 1 BBC Merlin work and 2 works for the Bollywood movie Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (I swear I will finish it).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
N°5, The Creature (Original Work, 12)
N°4, Small Matters in Big Cities (DDLJ, part 2 of a series, 26)
N°3, Build Me An Empire (Merlin, 34)
N°2, Golden Lights On The Roofs (DDLJ, part 1 of a series, 51)
N°1, Ignorance Is Bliss (R&J, 104)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Of course! As I am more of a reader than a writer, I try to comment as much as I can, and I love it when an author answers, so when I do put on the writer hat, I try to interact with the people kind enough to read my stuff. It's basic courtesy.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Ignorance Is Bliss. It's focused on the relationship between Tybalt and Mercutio and it's canon compliant, so you know how that ends. The next Tycutio I write is either a Modern AU or a Canon Divergence/Everybody Lives fix-it, because my boys deserve some love and happiness.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That will be Golden Light On The Roofs! It's a post-canon fic, taking things up from where the movie ends, and it's maybe the fluffiest thing I've written.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nah. I barely get love, where would I get the hate? XD
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope! I don't mind reading it, but I am way too ace to actually write it. I'm not part of the Aces Who Write Filthy Smut Club.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Oh, oooh, okay, so, I have not published any crossover, but it's something that I truly want to do! I have an entire idea for this. I am writing a Torchwood/Doctor Who fic that fixes Ianto's death (as one does), and the central crux of it is that Jack's corral is actually a Tardis that ends up imprinting on Ianto and becomes a huge spaceport that's connected to all of time and space and the multiverse, and in that spaceport, every type of encounter is possible. It's an endless playground that allows me to make various characters meet, and I have a lot of ideas. I just need to finish the main fic before getting on with the crossovers. Some day.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
...To my knowledge, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I translate my own work! The next fic I'd like to post soon is a Merlin fic that I wrote first in French. I'm currently rewriting it first in French and then I'll translate it to English, and I'll post both versions. So that people who read French can also see my style in my own native language. That beng said, I wouldn't mind having my fics translated in other languages.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A fic, no, but my siblings and I are co-writing an original novel together.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Hard to say. My oldest ship, that I'm aware of, is Tycutio (Tybalt and Mercutio, R&J). My main one these days is Merthur (Merlin x Arthur). Honestly I'm not too attached to either ships or fandoms, they come and go, and it all depends on my mood or what hyperfixation I'm stuck on at the time.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't think I have something that could be considered a WIP that I wouldn't finish. I have fragments of text that could be added to a bigger work, or not, but all the actual WIPs I have, meaning, works with a clear beginning and a general direction, I will finish them. Maybe not now, maybe not next year, but at some point, I will. I don't like rushing.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have been told that I have a strong style, as in, syntax and use of language, and then descriptions and general atmosphere. The kind of works of mine that people have read and commented most are actually not my fictions, but my essays and thesis, mostly in French and English and also a few in Spanish, and professors and teachers have always praised me for my prose. Well, one teacher a long time ago said that was too much purple prose, but that's one out of dozens of teachers and profs, so who cares.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I get too much into depicting the atmosphere, the descriptions, the characters' emotions and thoughts, and I get stuck on progressing the plot or making them interact. That's the thing that makes me write so slowly, actually, the fact that I get stuck on how to advance the plot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
See above. I already write in several languages, but whatever the language, dialogues don't come easy to me. Even in French! When I know the character very well, it's easier, like Tybalt, Mercutio or Merlin, but when it's a new character or one I'm not too attached to, its harder. One dialogue that was surprisingly easy to write outside of my favs listed above, was the banter between Simran and Raj (the DDLJ fics), because I have watched DDLJ countless times and it's one of my most favourite movies ever, so even though I don't speak Hindi, I was inspired.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
That'll be Romeo and Juliet! Back when I was a teen (around 12-13yo), I wanted to write a rewriting of the play in prose, starting during the main 6' childhoods (Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, Tybalt, Rosaline, Benvolio), because I always thought "They're the main heirs or children of the major families of the city, they're nobles and the same age. They definitely knew each other before the play started. The play states that the grudge between the families has started anew in recent years, meaning that before, there was relative peace, so it wouldn't be too outlandish to think that these kids actually grew up and were educated together, so from that point, it changes the events of the play, right?". And so I started writing an entire plan, chapter by chapter, different parts, "1 - Childhood in Verona", "2 - Exile in Rome/Mantua/Florence", "3 - Back to Verona", etc, and I started researching, reading biographies of Shakespeare, the origins of the story, life in Verona in the 12th century... I never finished it, and it stayed as a plan, but it's one of the projects that I definitely want to finish.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Well, in light of above, and if we're only talking about the fics I have posted... Ignorance Is Bliss. I love that one, I'm really proud of it. And it makes me really happy whenever I get a kudo or a comment!
Thank you for the tag and sorry for how long it took me! Life has been messy this past year.
Tagging if they want: @marloviandevil @hopelesshawks @regulusrules and anyone else who'd like to do it, just tag me!
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skyllion-uwu · 1 year
Giving you a wild card for the ship bingo :3 Rant about whatever ship you want!
Oh boy okay so a ship that makes me super autistic is Batstrange (Batman and Hugo Strange) from. Batman. Focusing on comics here
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This bingo board doesn't capture the nuances of how I ship it so. Rant it is! (he doesn't know what it unleashed)
To set the stage, Hugo Strange is a really old villain (in fact one of the oldest reoccurring villains), and while he started as scientist using science to do crimes, his main thing nowadays alternates between turning people into monsters and wanting to be Batman (why are you as a man wanting to be another man? Because you admire him? 🤨). I'll be focusing on the latter since that's my preferred version of him and more relevant.
Hugo's actually one of the first villains to discover that Batman is Bruce Wayne (appeal number one: the intimacy of a villain knowing who you are under the mask) and after discovering that he's like "Okay, I'm going to take Bruce Wayne's place and become Batman myself" and he becomes obsessed with replacing him and being Batman (appeal two: being a twisted reflection of the other; this is what I mean by aesthetically since they're the same but different).
He's also had a lot of queer coding over the years. I have no idea how much was intentional but: he whips Batman in his first appearance, sometimes dresses flamboyantly and colorfully, holds extreme admiration for Batman despite hating him, has an overall obsession with Bruce/Batman, wants to be Batman, put his finger in Bruce's mouth while fighting once, and just the entirety of Prey and Terror. He's obsessed with him to the point of dressing a sex mannequin up like him (yes, that's real. I wish she still existed in the present day)
This adds up to a really compelling picture where Hugo's motives are rooted in his internalized homophobia (appeal three: wow this guy has layers) and that along with him being a screwed up reflection of Batman makes me go fucking insane. I thought about marking "the impact/their story is more interesting than the ship itself" but the story and ship feel intertwined as opposed to separate but then again all ships feel like that to me
I don't want it canon in the sense of "these two should date because it's cute" but in the sense of "Yes this guy is canonically attracted to Batman and it's an influential part of his character"; sure I wouldn't complain if they did date (it wouldn't be cute but it'd be interesting) but its primary appeal to me is it can be used as a character exploration for Hugo and his repressed sexuality
To explain the superhell one, I'd send them there because I hate both of them (affectionately). Everything else is self explanatory, but I do wish there were more fics of them because there's only FOUR THINGS TOTAL ON AO3 and one is mistagged and has nothing to do with Batstrange, one has stuff I'm not interested in, and then I only liked one of the last two. I'm being forced to write the content I want to see 😔
Also I don't think it'd fix anything with them but it sure as hell would be funny if they did get together lol
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nocherryblood · 1 year
I'm doing a small experiment! Send me an ask with an idea for a small fic/drabble, and I'll try to write it. If you need help with how to write down your idea, here's a template:
Character: (e.g. Mammon, Asmodeus, Simeon, Solomon, etc.)
Fic type: (e.g. fluff, angst, crack, shipping etc.)
Subject: (e.g. MC has a hard day, one of the brothers accidentally hurt MC, MC is revealed to be an actual sheep, etc.)
Relationship: (e.g. platonic, character × character, friends w/benefits, etc.)
Time period: (e.g. during first exchange year, when first coming to RAD, back in the human world, etc.)
(Note: the 'main' character/pov doesn't have to be MC! For example, you could have a fic focused on two entirely different characters instead, e.g. Solomon and Asmodeus.)
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kinaesthetiqueer · 1 year
About Me
My AO3
I'm Kina (kinaesthetic/kinaesthetique)! I write about girls falling in love and kissing and examining what it means to be human or otherwise. I also like to break my toys sometimes, but I know how to fix them.
I do not take requests, or commissions, but most importantly, I do not take creative direction for my fics.
I'm notorious for writing characters in ways that make me happy. :) This tends to manifest with explorations on gender and neurodivergence or odd/alternate takes on canon. That's okay if it's not for you.
I would personally prefer to NOT have my fics placed in public ranked bookmark collections, even if the list is 5/5 stars or whatever. Thank you!
Now that's out of the way, I love in-universe plots with changes to canon, supernatural additions, supernatural/non-human AUs, and wingsssss! Sometimes I draw for my fics and other times I seek commissions. I'll occasionally post art here as well.
This blog is mostly for posting in-progress snippets, working through fic logistics, answering questions, and crying/yelling about headcanons. I reblog art and other fandom stuff to my main unless it was gifted to me. I do not post what my main is publically for Reasons™, but if you keep an eye on your notifs, you'll probably find me.
I write slowly but I don't give up or abandon. Longest wait for an update was 4 years on the dot. ┐⁠(⁠´⁠д⁠`⁠)⁠┌ I have a full time job, a full time academic career, a house, and three cats. I write whenever I get the energy and the time. :') I'm always grateful for the patience of my readers, so thank you whether you've been here since 2013, 2017, 2020, or yesterday. 💛
Currently Active Fandoms
Permanent Rotating-In-Mind Characters
Nora Valkyrie
Weiss Schnee
Satya "Symmetra" Vaswani
Penny Polendina
Pyrrha Nikos
Ruby Rose
Blake Belladonna
Fox Alistair
I only really have one "signature" ship and that is sympharmercy. I'll write whatever looks cute, usually sapphic rarepairs. At the moment, I flip between fixating on Nordic Winter and Valkos.
Acronyms and Tags Below
Incomplete List of Acronyms I Use
Take to the Skies - TTTS/TttS
Sent from Valhalla - SFV
All the Downy Days - AtDD
Toward Hidden Horizons - THH
her demons, their witch - HDTW
lightning always strikes twice - LAST
six ways from sunday - 6ways
all the good girls go to hell - good girls
Set Upon Her Mountain - SUHM
sympharmercy - SPM
her pulse in my throat/SnowStorm Vampire AU - ssvau
Pillar of Ashes (defunct title)/ 'on the run from tomorrow' - poa! jnpr
Current Blog Tags
#kina rambles - anything that doesn't include a literal snippet of fic. may eventually diverge into multiple tags
#kina writes + #snippets - includes an actual snippet of a WIP
#kina draws - art and art wips; scarce due to a fraught relationship with publically posting art
#krwbyverse - (kina's rwby universe) headcanons, technical details, things i refuse to accept as canon/not canon, and more!
#kina updates - fic update has been posted to ao3/ delay due to Horrors
#kina found dead in a glue trap [this post] - writing memes that come for my entire life
#mermaid valkos au - 'between the sunshine and the sea' series tag; semi in-universe au in which pyrrha is a surfer and nora is a mermaid. sequels in progress.
#snowstorm vampire au - an in-universe nora/weiss series in which weiss get unwittingly turned into a vampire; tentatively leaning toward pyrrha/nora/weiss
#poa! jnpr - post v3 finale, missing time fic that heavily focuses on jnr grieving in the most reckless way they can manage without glynda kicking their asses
#(n)ever after au - v8 finale au in which nora, emerald, ren, oscar and ruby (nero+r aka the n in (n)ever after) fall instead of rwby+j. a fun speculative au that hurts everyone so so bad including myself. mostly a thought experiment.
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shadowsong26fic · 9 months
Coming Attractions!
First Monday of the month, so here we go!
As per usual, this is also an Open Question Night--anything I've posted about here or on AO3 is fair game; my askbox is always open but tonight I'll be keeping an eye on it and responding. I do take prompts, but no guarantees on how quickly I fill them.
Not a whole lot to report this month--mostly because moving took up A Lot of time/energy/etc., so I didn't get as much writing done as I would have hoped, so just a quick blitz through:
OTP Meme fills-- I'm still super behind, haha. I caught up on June, but I need to do July, August, and September for all five ships this month, so that'll be fun.
PodTogether-- It got posted! It ended up being not quite all I'd hoped it would be (our plans were a lot more ambitious than our execution, haha), but the three bits that did get finished/posted I think turned out pretty well. I do enjoy doing this event a lot; next summer should be less busy for me, too, so hopefully it'll go a little smoother/I'll get a little closer to whatever my partner(s) and I end up planning (although I think I might take Leverage off my fandoms list next time; we'll see.)
Other SW-- No real updates here, other than we at SWBB got an ask about next year's event already (signups don't open til like December!!!), so I'm going to dig up what I started last year and hopefully actually finish it so I can participate. I've been involved with that event for so long that it felt weird to only do modding/betaing/podfic and not Write for it this time. (Precipice!verse has the same update it has for the past several months. It will not die until I leave this fandom, but it hasn't been getting much/any active focus lately.)
BSG-- Signups are still open for GBB! We could use a few more artists and betas. Story detail submissions are coming in, and I'm excited for what I'm seeing. I also want to get a little more into actively working on TOB over the next few weeks/by the end of the year. It's been floating around in the back of my head for so long and I thiiiiiink I've named all of the people and patched enough of the plotholes to get started...of course, now I need to figure out exactly when/where I need to start (especially since...you know, need to introduce a bunch of OCs plus explain why Baltar ends up in a different position...so yeah XD) I do still have various crossover snippets that might get worked on (like the one I reblogged the other day; there's also the Zeb and Helo one that I thought turned out pretty well); plus The Blood of Angry Men which I do genuinely plan to write at some point, but structuring it is a complicated question XD (Zarek character study/backstory piece; mostly focused on everything that initially sent him to prison, told through the lens of him looking back on it as he faces down his execution in S4; some stuff about charisma and followers he's lost/led to their deaths; the balance between him believing in his rhetoric and wanting power/using that rhetoric to gain it...a lot of really interesting things to think about here, lol)
Les Mis-- P&J will update soon; I'm also working on Acheron which I'm super excited for. I've written snippets of dialogue for Provenance (companion to P&J) but that won't get posted until the main fic is complete (because it's probably more fun to watch Ari solve as much of the puzzle as is possible given modern-day available records/evidence before filling in some of the gaps with a somewhat more traditional-style fic, lol)
Castlevania-- Not really much to say here other than at some point I will pick up Incinctus; also when Nocturne starts airing I will probably be Very Tempted to do a more active/actual crossover with Vampire Chronicles (bookverse) because. Like. The Theatre is right there lol (I know the vampire rules are very different in the two canons; which is part of why Marius existing in Incinctus is only a quick Easter Egg cameo; also Alucard and Armand would hate each other so much lol and I love them both so I'm not...suuuuuper interested in writing about that XD) Anyway, we'll see how much Nocturne actually draws me in, but at the moment I'm looking forward to it.
...I think that about covers it! Moving is exhausting and expensive but while unpacking/setup is still going on we are Fully Moved at this point, so...yay! Hopefully next month will pick up some.
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xoteajays · 10 months
That's fine. Everyone has their preferences.. But I thought I'd let you know if that might have been a story you could have been interested in. Since everyone has different types of stories, plots, themes, ships and character they would prefer reading. Everyone's different.
So I wasn't sure if that would've been something you may have read.
But most - if not all - of the High&Low fans who posted about it, even had accounts for the franchise.. Those accounts are inactive now.
Seems like only, like, what.. Three? Three people are in the fandom at the moment. If there are others, then I don't who those people are. So that might not be that helpful. But I tried. Maybe not a good attempt.
Maybe problem is.. Yes. Sometimes my dreams and fantasies distract me from actually doing any creative hobbies. But my other problem is that I'm most creative about art, reading and writing when I'm actively in that fandom. If I listen to a song, that song in that moment inspires me to want to write a story associated with that song. If I'm watching a show or movie, then I'm most inspired to write a story for that show or movie. Because I rewatched High&Low and Alice In Borderland, so I was inspired because of that. Which is why I'm really obsessively involved in my hobbies like music, shows, movies, and everything else. This is why I'm always fickle about my fandoms.
For me.. That depends on the fandom for me. Sometimes I might a story with one original character with multiple canon characters but not every character though, and other times I would have multiple original characters paired with a canon character - one on one type of relationships. And not every relationship is always romantic either.
And if we're only talking about my High&Low characters specific.. Besides the main original character. Don't include her. I have three, maybe four, other original characters for High&Low mostly because the face claims I have for them are color cordinated. Which was really unintentional on my part. But, because the SWORD gangs are color cordinated, those characters would be connected to those gangs.
The blue character would somehow be associated with Oya, orange character associated with Sannoh, red character with Daruma - just for those three. If I did have the fourth character, she could either be white for Rascals or green for Rude Boys. But part of me thinks that might be too many characters? I don't know. I'll figure out. Maybe.
Did I not message you? In instant message? Because I felt like I did a couple days ago. Maybe I should try messaging again.
it’s a shame there’s not a lot of activity, i thought it would have been a show from the ~back in the day~ when there were people that hung around and made content even years later. like the leverage fandom still went hard for years before the new show started up. sucks that fandoms die out so quickly now since h&l really isn’t that old.
if i had any sway here on tumblr, maybe i could bring it back to some popularity but alas. not a whole lot of followers here at xo.
GOD SAME!! i can think about plots and characters for months but not be able to put any of it down into writing and it sucks! even now, i’m too burnt out to actually do stuff, but my head is rolling with ideas.
i don’t think 3-5 overall characters is too many considering the fact that h&l has such a huge cast of characters. i think it’d be fine all in one fic or as separated oc-focused fics. my oc is mainly connected with oya and daruma (and technically kuryu), but does still interact with the other sword groups.
i think you did message me, im just very bad at looking at/replying to my messages agshdkgl
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goldenworldsabound · 11 months
I'd love to hear about your ships and SIs as well! Could you tell me about them? (also to see if they an be friends!)
Okay so Rufus is my primary ff7 f/o so I'll talk about Aura Golden first!!! Under the cut
Aura Golden is a scientist at Shinra. They aren't exactly happy but they aren't miserable either. Working under Scarlet, they have a massive breakthrough in the production of All-Materia! Naturally, Scarlet scoops up all the credit and Aura gets just about nothing, not even a promotion. It sucks.
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They eventually very meekly confront Scarlet about it and she yells at them. Shock. Surprise.
Importantly, this is taking place during Before Crisis, while Rufus is under house arrest in the Turks HQ. He happens to find about them and is somewhat smitten at first sight and after hearing about all their achievements. He's using that VP access to dig and learn EVERYTHING about them even if he refuses to admit he's got feelings. He has a monitor with a security camera focused on them up literally all the time. He harasses people who upset them (this can range from preventing doors from opening for them to fucking with their paycheck). And when Scarlet tries to take revenge for Aura confronting her, Rufus gets them transferred to a safer and less noteworthy department, vowing to himself to get them the recognition they deserve.
So when he becomes President, he promptly calls them to his office to personally promote them, and then asks them on a date KJFLEWJHFEW abuse of power who-
He continues at this point to be like, "they're just really trustworthy and smart and would make a good ally for me when I start rebuilding the Directors, I'm just dating them because that's the role I chose for them, I don't have feelings"
no he has feelings bro. And then well you know the plot of ff7 shit starts to hit the fan. Hojo goes missing. He promotes Aura to Director of R&D instead. We grow closer and go on dates and fall head over heels.
And then...Meteorfall. The geostigma. And through it all, Aura stays with him. He worries briefly they'll abandon him now that his status is gone. He's nothing but himself now. But they don't. Of course they don't. In fact since he gets fucking KIDNAPPED between ff7 and AC, they actually go extremely feral and are willing to kill for him. They definitely were not willing to kill before.
That's the cliff notes fkjdshafs I have fic up through the kidnapping and plans to write...through AC I guess? But like the thing that isn't in the summary is like. Rufus finally being able to be vulnerable and open up to someone and just 🥺♥️I am there for him.
Then we get to Reno and Crystalline!
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Crystalline works for Reeve. Technically a software developer, they kind of end up wearing several hats working with him on getting projects to actually benefit Midgar's populace approved. They have taken the approach of like...improving Shinra from the inside. It's not going super great but they're making small improvements! At least what they do has a positive impact.
Crystalline and Reno grew up as childhood friends, until Crystalline's parents were able to move to the plate. They never saw each other again...until one fateful day they passed each other in Shinra's halls.
Oh- bad handwriting, but that calls out, "necklace under shirt line". Crystalline wears a necklace Reno gave them as a kid...it's a materia, but they didn't know that at the time.
So they start hanging out! And Reno finds he's weirdly choked up around them. it doesn't help that they know he flirts with everyone, so they don't take his flirting seriously, and he just can't seem to make himself say it outright. So it takes a bit for them to get together!!!
But then they're adorable.
This takes place mostly before Before Crisis. As such, Reno is so excited to introduce Crystalline to everyone, Verdot included! Like getting approval from dad a little bit.
After main plot and AC they end up involved with the WRO while Reno's still under Rufus - but I guess they end up mostly moving in to Healen and commuting or something idk- fkjdahfkjdsa it's not like they're on the front lines anyway, that definitely isn't them.
So there you have it fkjdsahkjfdsa I HAVE FEELINGS
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magioftheseas · 4 years
Artistic Vision
Summary: In which Nene models for Mei despite her insecurities.
Rating: G
Warning: There’s references to Nene’s body image issues and some body-shaming.
Notes: So, like MeiNene is also pretty underrated and I just thought the idea of Nene modeling was too good to resist. Hence, this fic. It’s pretty simplistic but it’s not very often that I get to tackle mundane issues and I hope I still did alright. I also hope we see more interactions from these two in the future.
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
Commission? Donate?
The sun is setting, and she’s keeping a little anxious. Orange light filters through, casting the entire art room in an almost eerie, ethereal glow. Nene supposed it could make for quite the romantic scene—but rather than a boy confessing to her, she sits on a pedestal with her feet propped up.
Well, when you put it that way, it does still sound dreamy. I can imagine Aoi in this situation—except Aoi would be getting her face drawn.
Instead, Shijima is fixated on her feet. Her ankles, specifically, with such intensity that Nene almost wishes she could suck them into the depths of her skirt, never to be seen again. Except Shijima had begged her to be allowed to draw them.
“They’d make such a unique subject, Yashiro-san! So distinct! An absolute must to recreate!” she exclaimed. And Nene, desperate to please and easy when it came to flattery, couldn’t turn her down, even if the idea of someone staring at her swollen ankles for hours on end was—perhaps not the scenario she most dreamed about.
Shijima was still scribbling away. Her gaze intense behind her glasses, and it would’ve been flustering if Nene hadn’t gotten used to it after the first hour.
Being a model isn’t nearly as cool as I thought it’d be. I feel all stiff.
“Oh,” Shijima says suddenly, looking up at her. “Do you need a break, Yashiro-san?”
“M-Maybe a little.”
“Sorry, sorry.” Shijima waved her hand, ever friendly. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a human model. And I get too caught up. You know.”
“I know,” Nene echoed quietly. “But, I don’t mind sitting here. I would just...like some water and a minute to stretch out, maybe.”
“No problem. I’ll get you some.”
“I’d appreciate it!”
Shijima sets her sketchbook and pencils aside. She had used multiple ones, which all looked pretty fancy. Nene can only imagine what it would be like if she were having her portrait painted. Even now knowing how tedious modeling was, the idea was an exciting one.
“Such a beautiful, elegant, and perfect young lady you are, Nene-san!” The painter exclaimed. He was, of course, represented by a vaguely but incredibly attractive man. “I couldn’t possibly hope to capture your radiance!”
Nene only laughs, noble and ever so proper.
“As long as just a fraction of my beauty can be shared, it’s all I can wish for!”
“So generous! So humble! I love you so much, Nene-sama!”
Something like that, maybe?
“Ehehehehe.” Nene couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh no, I can’t possibly model for all of you...”
“It’s just me here, Yashiro-san,” Shijima reminded her. Nene yelped, but rather than comment further, Shijima just offers her a cup. “Here’s some water. Sorry that it’s room temperature.”
“T-That’s fine! It’s fine! I’m fine!” Nene took it and nearly downed all of it, nearly choking in the process. Shijima’s face twitched, but when Nene glanced her way, she was perfectly composed. Somehow, she didn’t feel at ease. “Shijima-san, um, you didn’t get any for yourself?”
“I’m fine,” Shijima chirped, much more convincingly than Nene could hope to be. She sits back down, once again taking her sketchbook. “You’re the one unused to all of this.”
“Aha,” Nene laughs dryly, sipping a bit more modestly. “I admit, I’ve only ever dreamed of being in this position before.”
“Was it everything you ever hoped it’d be?” Shijima asked.
“I... Not really.” Nene shook her head. “No offense to Shijima-san, but I was imagining something a little more romantic.”
“Romantic, huh,” Shijima droned, now tapping her pencil to the paper. “Right. There are people out there who think modeling can be more intimate than it actually is. Well. I could always ask to draw you naked—if you’re comfortable with that.”
Flustered, Nene shook her head much more furiously than before.
“J-Just my ankles are fine!”
“I was joking.” It hadn’t really sounded like a joke, but Nene was happy to brush it off regardless. “You know—it’s kind of weird. Talking with you like this.”
“Eh, why?” Nene asked. “We’re friends, aren’t we, Shijima-san?”
Shijima hummed.
��A model and their artist—have a bit of a different relationship than that of friends. But yeah, we’re friends. I was really happy when you agreed to model for me. I did really want to draw your ankles. They really do have such a unique shape.”
I don’t think I can take that positively even if Shijima-san means it that way.
“You’re so self-conscious about them,” Shijima did observe. “Covering them with your hand isn’t going to hide them, Yashiro-san.”
Nene retracted her hand, straightening out her legs even as it was embarrassing to do so. When her eyes inevitably lingered on those swollen ankles of hers, she found herself deflating.
“They’re unique,” she admitted. “But they’re not very attractive, are they?”
Shijima blinks at her. Nene quickly shrugged.
“I-I mean, as happy as I am to help you—I do wish I didn’t have these. These ankles, I mean. I mean...” Her shoulders trembled as she forced a laugh. “The make me look like a daikon. Daikons aren’t exactly known for being pretty.”
“You don’t think you’re pretty?”
I mean—there’s a reason why you’d rather draw my weird ankles instead of my face, right?
The question lingers on the tip of her tongue. Her face feels hot. She wonders what expression she must be making because it feels awfully twisted. She can’t even tell Shijima’s gaze right now, with those thick glasses as a barrier. All the same, she must surely be acting like an annoyance right now.
“Sorry. Just forget I said anything, Shijima-san.”
Shijima hums but she’s poised to resume drawing all the same.
“Straighten your back please, Yashiro-san. Your posture needs to be the same as before.”
Nene does so. After a few more adjustments, she returned to how she should be, and Shijima resumed.
“I should be done in a bit. You can still keep drinking water, Yashiro-san. Just don’t move your feet.”
Nene nodded, taking another sip.
“I just said not to move, Yashiro-san.”
“A-Ack, sorry! Sorry, sorry!”
“I’m joking, you’re fine.”
“Eh.” That didn’t sound like much of a joke... “Okay, then.”
She fixes her posture all the same, ever self-conscious. Shijima doesn’t make a second remark and her face is still stoic. Unreadable. If Nene hadn’t seen her excitable before, she’d wonder if Shijima could emote at all.
That’s such a judgy thought. She reprimanded herself. Aoi would be ashamed of you, Nene.
Still—since she was thinking of Aoi again, she wondered something else.
Shijima-san is comfortable with me because we’re friends. But there might be other people she’d rather draw.
“Even without looking at your face, I can tell you’re deep in thought,” Shijima remarked then, making her flinch. “Careful, Yashiro-san. Seriously. Don’t move that much.”
“S-Sorry, I was just taken aback!” she exclaimed. “I-I mean, you’re so stern sometimes but—you’re pretty perceptive too, Shijima-san. I guess that’s the eye of an artist for you.”
Shijima makes a non-committal hum.
“I know you said to forget before,” Shijima began. “But—sorry, Yashiro-san. I’m still bothered by it. You’re so harsh on yourself just for—what? Your uniquely swollen ankles?”
“Slender legs are prettier,” Nene said, just a tad more frustrated than she wanted to be. “Guys don’t like thick legs. They don’t care for thick ankles, either.”
“I think they’re artistically inspiring,” Shijima replied. “In fact, when you enroll in college, you should maybe see if you can model for figure drawing classes.”
“While does sound nice,” Nene murmurs, definitely thinking of admiring college boys before shattering that fantasy with her own metaphorical fists. “I’d rather not get leered at like a shrunken head in an oddities museum.”
Shijima adjusts her glasses. She pauses in erasing.
“Is that how you see it? What a shame. But—I guess that’s just what it is, being concerned about stuff like that. I wouldn’t know—with how unremarkable I look, I don’t get much attention. And I don’t really care to, either.” She resumes, sighing as she does. “But—I do love drawing your ankles. And I think—they’re beautiful in their distinction. You shouldn’t judge yourself by narrow beauty standards. Those aren’t just limiting, they’re destructive. And the people who prefer them are often impossible to please anyway.”
Ah, huh. Shijima-san sounds—pretty mature, just then. Still. Still.
“Who’d want an ugly chick with fat daikon legs?”
Nene’s hands fist into her dress for a while before she forces herself to relax.
“Done,” Shijima droned and with an actual smile, she turns her sketchbook around to show off her work. “What do you think, Yashiro-san?”
“Yeah,” Nene said distantly, nodding and swallowing. “Those are—definitely my ankles.”
It was eerie how perfect a recreation they were. Nene could see in horrifying detail how rounded they were, how even her feet looked big, toes too curled and the arches too defined. When was the last time she did her nails? They desperately needed a clipping, and oh god, had she missed hair on her legs the last time she shaved—?!
But, somehow, in the midst of her spiral, Nene did notice Shijima’s fingers. Stained with graphite. She noticed how the paper had been crinkled from having to redraw parts several times over. The recreation was perfect—only because Shijima had been so insistent. And Shijima looked so proud of it, too, even though Nene hated the look of them so much.
Blinking, Nene could ultimately only smile in return.
“You did a great job, Shijima-san.”
Whatever she sees—she’s passionate about. That must count for something.
“You weren’t too bad of a model,” Shijima said. “Can we do this again sometime, Yashiro-san?”
She hesitated but she ended up nodding, smile tightening.
I want to see what she sees one of these days.
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sapphicscholar · 2 years
Read your Ava/Deb post and wanted to know what does make you decide to go from shipping something to writing fic for them?
Oh, huh, that's a good question that I've never really thought about outside of disagreeing vehemently with that post about how a show has to suck to have a fandom haha! I'm trying to put a finger on what it is exactly, so these are just kind of disjointed thoughts that may not add up into anything like a formula for how I end up writing but:
-Investment in the story and characters, not just as a ship but as individuals - if I can't imagine dwelling in the headspace of both (or more) characters in the ship, I know I'm not going to do justice to them, so I'll leave it to people better equipped for that
-Care about the show - I don't have to love a show; I can, but it's not a requirement. But I do need to at least have things about it that I've latched onto. I'm totally happy to write fic for a show I have mixed feelings about or even for a show where I think the writing is sometimes bad or the plots are contrived or whatever, but I'm not going to waste my time on a show that I genuinely dislike start to finish
-Questions and ideas - I need to want to know more about them beyond what the show gives me! Something like The L Word Gen Q, I'm actually pretty content with what I have (I don't like all the storylines or agree with some of their writing choices, but it's a show that's totally focused on queer relationships and interpersonal dynamics, so a lot of what I'd normally explore in my fic is already being explored on screen, and I'm chill to sit back and watch them do their thing).
-A grasp on who the characters are - this one is more come and go because there's something to be said for grabbing a background character for a rarepair ship and just fucking running with them. And I actually love taking a character who isn't particularly fleshed out in canon and bringing them into being on the page with a robust life and interiority that exceed the boundaries of what we see on screen. BUT if they're meant to be a main character in the show and they still feel really ungraspable, whether from bad/inconsistent writing or because their personality or life experiences or desires or whatever just take them really far from the realm of what I can imagine, I often find myself shying away from writing them - it's part of the not being able to get into their head. I can maybe write through things that feel like moments of inconsistent internal logic, but if that's all we're ever getting, it leaves me little to work with other than, like, a physical appearance to base a whole character on
So yeah, thoughts! I don't know how those all get added up and mashed around in my head, but eventually one day a fic idea pops up and won't leave me alone until I start putting words on a page, and either it's a quick little foray into a fandom (CAOS) or boom, suddenly I'm in so far deep I may never get out again haha
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springsteenicious · 2 years
🌱- What inspired you to write it? What are going to be the main pairings? And what's your favorite thing about the story?
PS: I LOVED the career you chose for Jackie!
What inspired you to write it?
I wanted to write a post season 8 fic, but I didn't want to go the usual route. I didn't want it to be super focused on Hyde and Jackie getting back together. I wanted to explore Jackie and Hyde's characters outside of each other.
The entire story stemmed from the creation of Kurtis Day, my OC. I wanted to make a character who loved reggae music and was laid-back and fun and artistic. He actually does not have a ton of significance in the story, but everything did start with him.
What are going to be the main pairings?
The main pairings are eventual Hyde/Jackie, an OC ship, and some show character/OC pairings. I am unsure if Eric and Donna will end up together. I'll have to see how it pans out in the story. On the side, there will be some Red/Kitty moments, a bit of Kelso/Brooke and some Fez/Rhonda.
what's your favorite thing about the story?
I really like exploring Hyde's character as he searches himself. It's going to be a different self-discovery journey than the one in WTOE. It's less of a "finding myself again" and more of a "figuring out the new version of myself and how that person can fit into the life I have."
I also really enjoy developing the new OCs I made. Especially Keegan and Eddie. They are really interesting people, unlike characters I've written before.
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graaythekwami · 3 years
20 Questions: Writer's Addition
Thank you @steelblaidd for the tag! This was fun to do. :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Ao3 says nine, but six of them are variations of Pokemon. xD I've written for Pokemon, Miraculous Ladybug, Fablehaven, Harry Potter, Calvin and Hobbes, and a few others on various platforms.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. The Investigation with 3876 kudos. 2. A Good Actor with 3070 kudos. 3. Chat Got Your Back with 2142 kudos. (I did not realize this one was this far up on the list.) 4. Shipping with 2099 kudos. 5. Cheaters with 1902 kudos.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do, but not as often as I would like to though.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Probably my most recent one-shot, Blanc Lie, which is a darker fic focusing on if Chat Blanc had won.
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Of my completed stories, I'll go with Are You Kidding Me?.
8. Do you write crossovers? If yes, what’s the craziest thing you’ve written?
I haven't for Miraculous, but I do have ideas for a Miraculous and Pokemon crossover one day. :)
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I've gotten a handful of negative comments before, but I honestly don't pay them much attention, if someone doesn't like my story that's fine, because everyone has their own taste in stories.
One comment that always has annoyed me though was on a non-Miraculous fic, where the commenter said they didn't finish the whole fic, didn't like it, and then proceeded to explain why the story was wrong because canon had said otherwise.
Why this frustrated me was because if they had actually finished reading the story, they would have seen that the "missing" element of canon was actually included, and was one of the main aspects of the entire fic!
It was several years ago, but it's funny to look back on. xD
10. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Several times, actually, both were Pokemon stories and took place several years ago. My Amourshipping story "Memories" has been stolen twice, both times just a reposting on Wattpad. Fortunately the website took them down as soon as I reported it.
The other story that was stolen was one me and my friend had written together, a PMD fic called "Team Rival". Not only was it stolen, but the person who stole it continued writing it and even brought in another author who didn't know it was stolen. It was a longer and frustrating process to get them to take it down because they kept acting like they were in the right even though they had stolen my work.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had a handful translated. :)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes, but not with Miraculous. However I do have plans to collab on a Miraculous fic in the future. :)
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
The Love Square! LadyNoir being the best corner, of course.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
All currently published ML WIPs of mine I plan on finishing. As for WIPs I've started but I haven't posted there are two that stand out:
Soulmate Seer: This was an AU where only certain people can see red strings of fate, Alya being one of them. This fic would have been from her POV, and I had the world fully developed and a basic plot line planned out, but I don't know if I'll ever finish or post it.
Aladdin AU: An AU based loosely off of Disney's Aladdin, with Marinette taking on Aladdin's role and Adrien's with Jasmine's role. I had a lot of the world planned out, including how the kwamis were tied in to everything, but I haven't had motivation to work on it for a long time.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
World building and character building. Backstory, lore, all the small details... it's just so much fun! I always find myself going way in depth when planning these kinds of things out, even if it's not central to the plot, and it's a lot of fun, and I'm usually very happy with what I come up with.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Pacing, and by extension, flow. I have a lot of ideas but sometimes I find myself lingering too long on one scene, or trying to put a transition where it doesn't work, or having fics turn out way longer than I thought they would be (looking at you, Withered Wings), or having parts of the plot that are rushed when I look back at them.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I like including other languages, especially when it makes the most sense for the character. Like in "Crimson and Noire" I have Master Fu's use Chinese for his transformation phrases and to activate his powers, because I imagine that's what he's been saying his entire life, and I don't think it would make sense for him to switch to French after 100+ years just to transform, especially when it isn't necessary for those around him to know what he's saying.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Pokemon! :D
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
How am I suppose to only chose one???????
Overall, probably Crimson and Noire, as I put a lot of time and effort into planning it, it's going to be my longest fic ever, and it includes a lot of elements I've always wanted to use in an ML fic.
Honorable mentions would be my Waiting series, United, and Withered Wings.
I'm going to tag: @celestialtitania, @agrestebug, and @knitting-fairy-marinette. :D FayBugMomoJJ!
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thedetectiveofinaba · 3 years
🤔 One of these days I'll voice my opinions on how they wrote Yosuke in one of the few P4 fangames I've played and if there's any difference in the general scenes in the group and clearly focused SL bits what are meant for shipping. Probably the biggest thing preventing me from doing that is that I'd get negative opinions from "not getting it" or disliking souyo - aka the bad side of fandom being the usual, caring too much on ships and taking disagreeing as a personal insult.
My biggest gripes is that I'd want more writers like Angevon who write that ship excellently, not only content just for the token ship existence. Both can and should coexist in harmony for people who want IC souyo and gay content to read gay stuff. I vibe for souyo and I want that it'll get represented well in fan content in fanart and fics and fan games. I actually was a hardcore souyo shipper years ago and still am into well-written pieces of souyo especially if they're slow build.
P4 New Days has done a decent job so far with one exception where the goal was presumably to portray one detail and not care too much on the rest: I get its focus and intention but the execution was flawed and not what I liked personally. I would've preferred a different approach to it: It would've been less OOC if he asked Yu during the lunchtime about the Okina trip and that it had to take place after school + Yu had skipped a club to go to Okina instead of both cutting class with Yosuke. The goal of he wanted to spend time with Yu before he leaves and do some dumb teenager stuff a'la rebelling would have still been there, but it'd been less obnoxious. I didn't 100% get the writers' vision and it shows.
Also sue me but the only student who I see skipping lessons to try to SL proceed is Ai Ebihara, I can't envision Yosuke pulling that stunt. That was probably the most uncanny part to me.
TLDR; It has its good and bad parts and the "7 weeks to build a ship" logic isn't what I like the most but at least it's trying more than an average project, I give it credit for that. Most fangames I've seen don't even do that and then assume it's a smash success. Also you can pick cats as the main route, it's 10/10 + IC for Yu as an idea and the route I'm going with atm. I've already played Yosuke's route with Forgotten and want to see what Cat Route with Alone has in store for me.
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