#one piece bathing suits canada
Current Trends in One-Piece Bathing Suits: A Global Dive with a Canadian Touch
The world of swimwear is ever-evolving, with designs that cater to a myriad of tastes, body types, and cultural influences. Among the vast array of options, one-piece bathing suits have made a significant comeback in recent years, merging both vintage vibes with modern aesthetics. As we dive into the current trends in one-piece bathing suits, we'll also touch upon the unique flair added by "one piece bathing suits Canada" to the global fashion scene.
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1. Cut-Out Designs
One of the most prominent trends in one-piece bathing suits is the cut-out design. These suits offer the best of both worlds: the coverage of a one-piece and the allure of a bikini. Strategically placed cut-outs, whether on the sides, back, or front, add a playful and edgy touch to the traditional one-piece.
2. Deep V-Necks
Deep V-neck designs are making waves in the one-piece category. This design elongates the torso and offers a touch of sophistication. Paired with high-cut legs, it's a style that's both flattering and bold.
3. Sporty Styles
Athleisure has influenced more than just gym wear. One-piece bathing suits with sporty designs, including racerbacks, zip fronts, and bold stripes, are gaining popularity. They're not only stylish but also functional for those who love water sports.
4. Textured Fabrics
Ribbed and smocked fabrics are adding texture to the world of one-piece bathing suits. These materials offer a tactile appeal and often provide a more snug and flattering fit, contouring the body beautifully.
5. Vintage Revival
High-cut legs and belted waists are reminiscent of the 80s and 90s swimwear. These vintage-inspired designs are making a comeback, offering a nostalgic touch to modern swimwear collections.
6. Sustainable Materials
With growing environmental consciousness, many brands worldwide, including those in Canada, are opting for sustainable materials. Recycled ocean plastics, eco-friendly dyes, and sustainable manufacturing practices are becoming the norm in swimwear production.
7. Bold Prints and Patterns
From tropical motifs to geometric patterns, one-piece bathing suits are embracing bold prints. These designs stand out and are perfect for those looking to make a statement at the beach or pool.
The world of one-piece bathing suits is rich and diverse, with designs that cater to every individual's style and comfort preferences. Canada, with its unique blend of cultures and landscapes, adds its distinctive touch to this global trend, offering designs that resonate with both its natural beauty and urban sophistication. Whether you're lounging by the shores of Lake Ontario or basking in the sun on a Mediterranean beach, a one-piece bathing suit is a timeless choice that combines elegance, comfort, and style.
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serendertothesquad · 7 months
"Wordsville" and the Problem with Cash-Cow Copies
[note original day of creation was February 15, 2024. just...just for reference. trust me bro.]
Tonight I am in a silly mood fueled by sleep deprivation.
That means you all get an introspective blog that I will complete within a week and then ask "why'd I write that?"
So here's what's on Seren's lovely table of discussion tonight...
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Put...put away the glasses. You don't need your glasses. This is the highest-quality thing I can get.
But et voila. A little project in the works called Wordsville.
Now, at this point you might be asking why I'm referencing "cash-cow copies" in the title. And whoo-hoo...oooooh...well, I don't want to make this some kind of clickbait blog, so I might as well perfect the atomic bomb in five minutes and land it on you folks.
What if I were to tell you that this is a blatant, shameless, slap-a-digital-coat-on-it-and-call-it-a-day copy of Odd Squad?
Ahhh, see, now I have you intrigued. Hopefully. If you are, then peep down below and let me discuss things a little more in-depth for you non-believing hacks asking me if I'm borderline insane.
So to put things in perspective, allow me to explain what Wordsville is, starting with my own personal summary.
Wordsville is an up-and-coming episodic (not to be confused with serialized, that's a whole 'nother ballgame) TV series that is produced (and will later be distributed) by Sinking Ship Entertainment and is made with assistance from WNET, a PBS station located in New Jersey, and TVO Kids, PBS Kids's girlfriend from Canada that's definitely real.
It was announced back in October of last year with a press release from Kidscreen, which didn't give much info aside from the following blurb:
Wordsville stars two child detectives on the hunt for missing words that are causing chaos in their town.
Sounds a little familiar, don'tcha think? Two kid detectives, finding something missing...and that "something missing" is causing chaos where they live?
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Oh, but if you think the similarities end there, then no. No the absolute fuck they do not. I've got my bathing suit on and God damn it if I'm not gonna jump all the way in the pool instead of dippin' my little toes in there.
Doing a little bit of digging reveals more tidbits from a casting call for the series. It's rather wordy (ayyyyyy I did a funy), so let's take it piece by piece and discuss accordingly.
Wordsville is a town populated entirely by kids
A town that is populated entirely by children? Now c'mon, surely that doesn't ring a be-
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...Ah. Whaddya know. Yes it does.
And with the adults as useless and idiotic as they are, it might as well be a town full of solely children. Next question.
and it’s a place where words matter. A lot. Every kid citizen has a special connection to words. And that means that if something happens to a word, there are far-reaching consequences.
A special connection to words? Like how there are children who have a special connection to normalcy? Stopping, oh, I dunno, hypothetically speaking...
Okay okay, I'm reaching just a wee bit here, but you can't read this and not tell me it echoes the funny kids math show to some degree or another. If an odd thing happens to a person, the whole town suffers. You've seen it. I've seen it. It's been the basis for many an A and B-plot. Must I elaborate? Good, because I don't plan on it. Continuing.
If the Main Street Baker bakes delicious donuts and they all mysteriously disappear, nothing else in Wordsville can taste good until they are returned.
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Town Baker walked so Main Street Baker can sprint while blowing their lungs out.
If the Town Doctor’s soothing medication gets swiped, the whole town gets uncontrollably itchy until the medicine-napper is uncovered.
Ignoring the incredibly dark implications of this as well as the implications of this shoddy knockoff town having only one single doctor...
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Dr. O walked so the Town Doctor can sprint while blowing their lungs out...over their massive paycheck.
(I technically could have also put New Dr. O too, but I'd like to spring for iconic OG's here. New Dr. O is neither iconic nor an OG.)
And let me remind you that "Torontonians get uncontrollably itchy due to something odd" would, by technicality, classify as an odd problem. Because...I mean, y'know...the cause is something odd happening. Doing shit with words is odd. This needs absolutely no explaining.
If the Local Scientist does an experiment with electricity and all the lights in town go out, they won’t come back on until the experiment wrecker is revealed.
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Yep, I've taken shots of every IPA I can. We nearly hit the main character quadfecta, if you discount Dr. "bro thinks she's part of the team" O. All they needed was a bit about a high governing body and we'd round out the quad squad in proper with Oprah!
There's also a sneaky lil' crumb in the form of that blurb relating to Oona, who did, indeed, experiment with electricity in one episode and wound up proving why she can never take up Crossfit.
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In each crime, the episodic word disappears and can’t return until the mystery is solved. The impact of the missing word is felt all over town.
This is another one of those things that I gotta wrench a hammy for in terms of comparisons, because about the only thing I can reasonably compare Odd Squad to is the second sentence.
See, here's the thing. You get oddness that happens to a person. Oftentimes, that oddness spreads to other people, whether directly (in the form of diseases and disorders) or indirectly (like the Town Baker's cakes being split in half, which wouldn't please Torontonians poppin' in for a whole cake and eyeing the display to get a feel for one). In a sense, normalcy disappears and, well, it can't return until [insert partner pair here] solve the case. It's kinda the entire schtick of Odd Squad as a franchise. It's formulaic, just like how Wordsville's "words disappear and nothing can be normal until the word returns" schtick is formulaic.
Is it a stretch? Perhaps. Mileage may vary. I think it's a bit of a stretch, personally. But hey, I'm a grown adult critiquing a ripoff of a kids STEM show. I shouldn't be talking. But I didn't start this fandom nearly 10 years ago just to let Sinking Ship's piss-poor attempt at really capitalizing on one of their biggest franchises sliiiiiide right by me on a floor smooth enough where I'm falling on my ass every 10 seconds.
Luckily, best friends and partners Sage and Chase are on the case and run the only detective agency in town. These tech-savvy sleuths solve mysteries entirely virtually because their reading, listening and digital literacy skills are their greatest strengths. Sage and Chase always catch their culprit and make sure everything is right with the word.
Now where in the McFuck do I start with this one? The PAW Patrol catchphrase thrown in complete with shared name? The fact that there is only one detective agency in the entire town? The fact that Sage and Chase are best friends as well as work partners? Or the pun that made me actively cringe in a way I haven't felt since Whitney told James she wanted to go on the lake?
I mean...this is about Odd Squad, so...I guess the second one sounds most plausible.
But that doesn't need explaining either. There is only one detective agency in town. There is one Odd Squad precinct per city or per state.
No, neither does the third bit. I already referenced Olive and Otto above. You should know what's up.
(I've also read that blurb five times now and...well...we'll get to the digital stuff in a bit. That just needs a whole side-set of word vomit.)
In my digging of this series -- which, well, wasn't all that much -- I managed to find a few blurbs on our two main characters. The casting call for them, funny enough, called for, and I will quote this exactly, "talent to look 9."
As in, they want the actors to physically look 9 years old.
Which puts that qualifier in the same ballpark as Odd Squad UK's "talent must be Canadian but live in the UK". But at least that prerequisite actually had a legitimate earnest reason behind it, which is that the production needed to be Canadian in a lot more than just the "Canadian prodco works on a British series" sense. Hiring kids who have to physically look 9 years old and will probably be yoted onto the street the second puberty hits them like a truck is a practice not even the most egregious bosses of family-owned-and-operated businesses could pull off.
But enough about the qualifiers. Let's get started on our character comparisons and civil cidiscussion! (Oh the irony...)
And remember this: the casting call was handled by Larissa Mair Casting, who previously did casting for Odd Squad. So that means there will be tinny lil' crumbs of bonus material for me to dissect and discuss! Huzzah! Aw God why can't this happen for Odd Squad UK...man, I'm gonna have to go into my sobbing corner...
First up, we have Sly Sleuth, originally referred to as "Sage" here. I'll also be referring to him as "Sage" in this blog.
Sage is a great detective; thoughtful, extremely logical, and talented at getting information out of people.
Thoughtful of others. Logical. And can wrench information out of suspects like a badass.
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Yep, we got an Olive that got hit with an Olando-fied beam. (And because half of you don't know who Olando is: Sage is meant to be a male Olive. I hope that clears things up for you.)
What else?
Nothing related to vocabulary or literacy gets by this investigator. Suspects can underestimate Sage but that is always a mistake. Sage doesn’t scare easily and won’t take no for an answer, traits that make an excellent detective.
You could tell me this was how Olive was meant to be written in "My Better Half", word for word, and I would honestly believe you. Right down to asking, "Her name was Sage in pre-production?"
About the only place I can draw the line here is at Olive not scaring easily. We don't know Sage's backstory -- and once again, this is an episodic series, so don't expect much in the way of plot, backstory included -- but Olive, at least, has a legitimate reason for all the times she covers her ears at loud noises or sharply reacts to something startling.
The former is because of The Censor-Friendly Bullet Massacre of '15.
The latter is because Dalila Bela marched straight out of a viewing of Who Framed Roger Rabbit and never looked back.
I...can't really say either applies to Sage. At least not yet. We'll have to see if Sinking Ship decides to bring Wordsville into its lil' multiverse that Odd Squad and Dino Dana and Endlings and Playdate already share.
Sage is also wise, which is why the name “Sage” is completely appropriate.
Sooooo does that mean his name is Sly because he's cunning like a fox?
Well then in other news, Olive is named such because she was inspired by the famous Law and Order character Olivia Benson. I have fifteen folders that back me right the hell up. Also I contacted Sinking Ship the other day, they explicitly told me.
No, no, but in all seriousness. Olive, too, is very wise. Historian buff, knows her shit about Odd Squad, doo-dah, doo-dah.
Anyway, next up we have Chase, who was renamed to "Gabby Gumshoe". (I'll be referring to her as Chase in this blog, as well.) Let's see what's on the chopping block for her in terms of our favorite food-loving, hella tall, crazy silly blorbo.
Chase is a fantastic detective, but is also goofy[,] funny, visually oriented, and, like the name suggests, loves the “chase”.
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Now there's a man who got hit with a yassified beam, right there.
I'll leave it up to you folks whether you consider Otto to be "visually oriented". But in terms of "loving the chase"...yeah, I'd say that fits.
To lay it down: Otto is a rookie agent. Common sense would lead anyone to assume that he has an absolute blast solving odd cases and absorbing every bit of knowledge about Odd Squad that he possibly can. He finds out a villain's on the loose? He's right there, by Olive's side, workin' to catch 'em. He finds out oddness has run rampant throughout the town? He's right on that shit.
Chase, on the other hand, is someone I wouldn't call a rookie. It's made quite evident that she is, for all intents and purposes, seasoned. Seasoned enough that she manages to keep the detective agency she works for afloat and get approval from the others in Wordsville, Sage included. This, perhaps, is because she's not really meant to be an audience surrogate in the same way Otto is. Otto, at least for the first few episodes, serves as a way to ease the audience into Odd Squad and show them what the organization is and what they do without yoting them into it and leaving them asking "Where am I?" more times than a drunkard. Chase doesn't fill that role, because it could be argued that such a show like Wordsville doesn't really need an audience surrogate. Whether that's true, though, remains to be seen.
People tend to underestimate this investigator, but Chase often notices things like a chocolate stain when someone said they didn’t like chocolate or a squiggle of icing that turns out to be the antonym of the word they’re tracking.
Y' take Otto's...Otto's love of food...and y' put it in a gorl...and BAM you got a character.
That isn't a joke. It's dead-on serious. Even the casting call script pins Chase as a kid with a sweet tooth! It's just Otto but with a less diverse palate! Otto eats everything! This kid eats sweets! God sakes, give her some juice, make her Oprah, I don't give a shit, fucking hell I'm driving 50 minutes to Burger Ki-
Chase is also great with computers and incredibly artistic. A graphic note taker[,] Chase loves to draw, has a great eye for details, is a big fan of the “zoom in” function, and really enjoys creating animated re-enactments of Word Mysteries.
All right, we finally have somewhere we can draw the line.
No, not at being tech-literate. With being artistic.
Otto's artistic talent kind of varies throughout the franchise. In drawing on paper, he's pretty solid for an I-just-recently-turned-10-please-praise-me-year-old. In making paper airplanes, he's solid enough to take down a grown-ass man and rock his sunglasses when he's done for.
In computer drawing...well...if you can believe it, concepts like Ibispaint and Photoshop don't exist in the world of Odd Squad. (Okay, maaaaybe Photoshop does. I don't think it does. But it could be a good in-universe justification for it.)
We don't know Otto's digital artist merit because we never see him make any digital art. All of his art is solely non-digital. On Chase's side of things, she lives in an era where digital drawing is, like in real life, the norm. It's a contrast that might be one of the more glaring ones when it comes to comparing these two shows.
Now, as for the "creating animated re-enactments" schtick...if that isn't an excuse for Sinking Ship to work their animation magic after the Sandy Cheeks movie, then I honestly don't know what is. If you wanted to make the show animated, you could have made it animated. Would've been cheaper, too!
(And "Word Mysteries"...it's not as grating as Wild Kratts's "Wow Fact", but it's edging pretty close. I blame WNET. That's solely a PBS thing right there. TVO Kids would never.)
So we've gotten the discussion about the two main characters out of the way. Now we can dive into the heartier meat. The kind where's it's purple on the inside but you still digest it anyway.
I'm talking, of course, about the sample scripts- script. Singular. There is one script. Uno.
Now, lemme give you a bit of a rundown: casting calls for Odd Squad -- really, most shows, but this is a blog about Odd Squad -- often come with sample scripts. This is so talents can read their parts aloud for the camera and have the tape submitted to the casting agency for consideration. Odd Squad in particular has had quite an interesting ride with sample scripts, from entire episode plots being adapted into final products (with a bit of tweaking) to characters having names different than what they're named in the final product (which is the case with both Sly and Gabby). They're nothing on the scale of ABC Me dropping episodes earlier than PBS or shorts getting dropped as an alleged April Fools prank, but they're pretty damn good crumbs to chew on.
The sample script starts out with Sage and Chase on, of course, a video call. (Sinking Ship made a Zoom reference once. Pray they do not make another by the name of a friendly drug called "Speed" or that term for peeing known as a "Whiz".) Chase explains that she just gave her office chair's wheels a tune-up, which, of course, makes her hungry. Hungry enough that she declares a "cookie break" and immediately takes out a ginormous cookie from hammerspace that just made the European bakery down the street from me start sobbing. (Look, they make good cookies. Giant cookies. Cookies I need two hands just to hold properly. Trust me, it's- it's massive.)
However, when she bites into the cookie, she finds that it tastes absolutely gross -- "not sweet, not even sour". While she ponders if her body has forcefully rejected one of the best sweet treats known to humankind, Sage begins to grow suspicious and asks if it's a Word Mystery they need to solve.
Which is, coincidentally enough, when the Main Street Baker calls in a fit of hysteria, explaining that their "delicious donuts" are gone. And because we can't take enough from Odd Squad, we get a bit of "literal humor" in the form of the donuts both being delicious (probably) and them spelling the word "delicious" prior to their disappearance. After Sage explains what "delicious" means as well as what synonyms are, it's shown that the culprit also struck other pastries, up to and including gingerbread people, which Sage absolutely takes personally because he's a kid of pure culture who gives a big "fuck you" to holiday-specific treats being enjoyed only during said holidays.
Chase, in true Otto fashion, decides to take more bites of her cookie and instantly regrets it. Sage, in true...well...Clint Eastwood fashion (I shit you not, that's literally what it says in the script), declares that they need to find the word "delicious" and fix the pastries.
And...yeah, that's about it. Like I said, there's really not much to go on with casting call sample scripts. Especially not ones from Larissa Mair.
My conclusive thoughts on it, you ask? Well...they can try to hide it, but all it's doing is enforcing my point. From the Main Street Baker having donuts missing similar to how the Town Baker had bagels missing in "Soundcheck", to Chase being an idiot who is obsessed with food the same way Otto is (right down to his willingness to drink Odd Todd's pickle juice when it tasted gross in "Bad Lemonade"!), even down to the "literal metaphor" kind of humor as it applies to singular words. Am I stretching? Perhaps. But these supposedly insignificant pieces are just part of the bigger picture, the larger issue at hand in this long-winded piece.
The digital aspect of Wordsville is one of the ways they decided to put a twist on the precedent that Odd Squad set. And it's so blatant and in-your-face that it's on par with shoving a red flag in someone's eyes to blind them.
But here's the thing. The digital aspect been done. Amusingly enough, by the same company.
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Lockdown is a show that fits right in with the others at the Shows-Made-During-the-COVID-Pandemic-About-the-COVID-Pandemic club. It was a way to capitalize on something in society that probably will never be relevant again until around 2050. Maybe even earlier than that, at the rate we're going.
I haven't seen it, so I can't speak much about it, but from my side of things it looks a lot like Unfriended if it took place during the pandemic and wasn't a horror movie and involved teens and not young adults/adults/I haven't seen the movie in many years bite me.
But the main difference between Lockdown and Wordsville, relevant to this editorial, is that Lockdown has a legitimate reason to be shot entirely on electronic devices. It's part of the plot. It works, I'm sure. For Wordsville, it makes no sense for the outline and isn't just limiting, but is downright insulting for something "rooted in the 21st century". It's good to be unique when making a show, but there's such a thing as trying too hard to be unique to the point where it's detrimental to your show's quality. Making the show be a digital-only angle isn't a smart move, especially for a detective procedural.
And if it's trying to differentiate itself from Odd Squad...well, do I got some bad news for you.
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The show already did an entire Zoom parody in the span of an 11-minute episode.
And I still hate it with all the vitriol of an old woman who hates kids playing with beach balls in the yard pool. It sucks ass. It's entirely unneeded when you have three children sitting around the same table. I could vomit on you all day about it. But at least it's far more justified than Wordsville having its entire formula based on it. You can rip off a show without being limiting.
(don't. seriously. don't.)
Before we get to the conclusion, I need to dive deep into Odd Squad's own popularity and explain it a little more beyond just little "trust me bro" tidbits.
If you've been following it for as long as I have, then it's no secret that Odd Squad is one of Sinking Ship's cash-cow franchises. You've got the main series, six different spinoffs, a live show, a book...and I didn't even provide a whole damn list! Point being, it's huge. It doesn't have many roots in pop culture, but from a certain angle, it is an absolutely massive franchise that continues to grow, even in spite of its controversies.
Unlike works such as SpongeBob or Bluey, Odd Squad isn't popular enough to get bonafide ripoffs. The formula is relatively easy to copy, and if anything there are shows that have a similar premise but aren't even close to ripoff territory (K.C. Undercover, for example). It's just that, for all the ripoffs people have done of shows and movies over the years, the motivation for industry bigwigs in taking Odd Squad and running with it just...isn't there. I can connect it to Disney or Dreamworks or Viacom all I want, but at best they have a vague awareness of it that only goes as far as "oh, that's a thing, I guess". At worst, they see it as a pile of shit that would never turn a decent profit.
It could be argued that Sinking Ship wasn't all too well-known in the entertainment sphere up until Odd Squad came around. Looking at their resume doesn't show all too much in the way of what's popular. This is Daniel Cook, Roll Play, Playdate...they don't stick in your head, right? Yeah, none of them stick in my head either. Odd Squad was their first big hit for them, something that really helped them gain ground as a company. It's the one that's pretty much linked with Sinking Ship in news articles. Like husband and wife, but for the TV industry.
But to Hollywood bigwigs, that means about as much as finding a stick on the ground. I guaran-goddamn-tee Bob Iger is not going to put his grubby little hands on the funny kids math franchise and twist the hell out of it. The only way that's happening is if you run "Odd Squad, but make it Disney" through an AI generator. (Which, for the record, I have not done. You can't really replicate Odd Squad characters in animation without making them look like they walked out of yet another Law and Order spinoff that's far more kid-friendly.)
However, even with Odd Squad's varying popularity, there are shows that go just a little beyond having a similar premise to it but don't dive into ripoff territory. Sort of like a next step up.
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A long time ago, a few friends and I in an Odd Squad Discord server were discussing the show Numberjacks. You know, that show that Jacknjellify may or may not have used as inspiration for Four's design? Yeah, that's the bitch.
The show has a few similarities to Odd Squad. You've got the focus on math, a system for exiting the couch headquarters that's similar to the tube system, and even the existence of kid agents and incredibly odd villains, one of which, need I remind you, Twitter tried to make into a sexyman for all of two days to varying degrees of success.
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I will admit, I haven't seen Numberjacks in several years. In fact, the last time I saw it was when it was brought up as an Odd Squad ripoff. If I recall correctly, the episode that I picked to watch on a whim was "Seaside Adventure", wherein a few numbers take a vacation and trouble occurs. Or something like that. I really can't remember many details.
One thing I do remember, though, is distinctly thinking that I could see the Odd Squad similarities, but...it's not a ripoff. The series premiered in 2006. By that point, Tim McKeon and Adam Peltzman were off on their own ventures as they wrote for cartoons and other things. Thus, Odd Squad hadn't been birthed yet. If anything, Odd Squad took cues from Numberjacks, not the other way around -- but even with the existence of Odd Squad UK, we don't know that for sure. I don't even know how popular Numberjacks was in the UK. I'm a dumb lil' American, not a Daphne-Moon-esque English woman.
Since then, I haven't found anything that has come close to what Wordsville aims to accomplish. Granted, though, I have not looked very hard. I'm moreso keeping an eye on PBS to see if they're going to try and rip off Odd Squad rather than keeping an eye on any random B-lister studio. (And no, I'm not talking about WNET. They are a PBS station, but I'm referring to PBS as a whole entire network, not a sole affiliate.)
So the question remains: is Wordsville an Odd Squad ripoff?
Yes. On multiple counts. Right down to the name inspo. Guilty as charged. Right to jail.
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From it being for the 4-7 demo not unlike Odd Squad's own 4-8 demo, to Sage and Chase being referred to as "Word Detectives" in lieu of "agents", to it being a detective procedural not unlike Odd Squad and its spinoffs, to the synopsis of the show being described as having "a case rooted in a vocabulary lesson" similar to Odd Squad having episodes rooted in STEM lessons, to it actively encouraging the audience to solve mysteries along with Sage and Chase...to Sage and Chase having alliterative theme naming...
Yeah, safe to say, we've got ourselves a ripoff.
There's no denying that Odd Squad is a fantastic franchise. Even through all of its issues, including financial controversies, heavy criticism, and mistreatment from PBS, it has remained strong for nearly 10 years, and will stay strong for many more. Maybe one of these days, it will plant roots deeper into pop culture and become one hell of a phenomenon. We'll have to see.
But the fact that Sinking Ship Entertainment has to resort to borrowing a concept that is unique in its nature, a concept that has already been done, a concept that has been given life and creativity by the people who birthed it, and then try to pass it off as its own original IP is not a good look on them. It's been done similarly before with their other big franchise, Dino Dan -- key word being "similarly" because it's one show and three spinoffs focusing on different characters. That isn't the case with Wordsville, though.
Put it this way: it's a company ripping off not someone else's IP, like many other companies have done and continue to do. It's a company ripping off their own IP.
And really, it doesn't matter how it's done. Stealing is stealing. At the end of the day, all it shows is a complete lack of creativity and a complete craving for the almighty dollar. More so if it's a company stealing from themselves and passing it along as okay.
In spite of this, however, I am perfectly willing to give Wordsville a shot when it comes out. Not so much to see if it's good (though my curiosity is piqued), and definitely not to hate-watch (which has the opposite intended effect on a show or movie), but to see just how far Sinking Ship is willing to push the envelope in affirming viewers and industry buddies alike that this is not, by any and all accounts, a copy of Odd Squad. I want to spot similarities. I want to take whiskey shots until I can do a zoom-zoom to a hospital and then ask if they've got a bottle on board the rig. I want to give a full, I-watched-this-show-now-here-are-my-overall-final-thoughts addendum on the entire issue.
As of now, Wordsville has no narrow timeframe. All I know is that it's releasing this year, likely on TVO Kids in Canada. Whether PBS as a whole will adopt it into its roster -- and if anything, it'll be WNET-exclusive, otherwise we would've heard something about it at the TCA Winter Press Tour a few days back -- for American audiences remains yet to be seen. Rest assured, though, that I'll be keeping an eye on it and rushing to it as soon as the first episode drops. After that, I'll give a proper addendum so I can finally put this issue to bed. Along with myself. Revenge bedtime procrastination is a bitch.
Thanks for reading. This honestly started out as something silly, but then I became analytical. So you got a mix of both in this one. This may or may not be the norm. Day-by-day, y'know?
Seren out.
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sleekervae · 10 months
Yoü & I [2.6]
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A/N: The finals season is wrapping up and I'm almost finished all my projects, but I still got lots of content I'll be banging out over the holiday break. Thanks as always for sticking around!
Warnings: none
Charlotte could draw many parallels between Toronto and New York: tall-ass skyscrapers, streets shrouded with people all with more important places to be, homeless who begged for money on every block and a niche of street food and culture to indulge in. 
After the two hour flight into Canada, the bands took the day to decompress before their show the next day. The hotel they were staying at was beautiful, and a perk to staying in a gorgeous hotel in the dead of summer was the rooftop pool -- which Maria practically begged the girls to come with her for a 'pool day'. 
A pool day sounded like just the thing Charlotte was due for. Her hands were cramped from clutching pens and her fingers were blistered from working on the guitar so much -- a break was overdo. 
She stood in the illustriously well-lit bathroom, admiring her slim physique in the little black bikini she'd slipped on. It was a newer piece that Maria had picked out for her on a recent shopping trip, and while Charlotte wasn't so keen on how little it covered at first, the more she looked at it on her the more she liked it. 
Tying her hair into a half-assed bun, Charlotte exited the bathroom to find Chloe still lying on the bed, texting and smiling like a mad man. She didn't pay much attention to her bandmate, but Charlotte didn't mind. She watched the galaxy-haired drummer with a coy smile as she slipped on a yellow sundress.
The last time Chloe looked this giddy was just before the band had taken off -- about three years ago, now. She hadn't had much luck in the way of romance since her career had skyrocketed, much like the other girls, she was always busy traveling, tracking, writing. And when she did meet a potential interest, it didn't forego more than a week when Chloe would either loose interest or she would be ghosted for no apparent reason. 
"Who ya' talking to, Smiley?" Charlotte asked.
"Jeff the Killer," Chloe replied.
Charlotte nodded, "Well, maybe you can take two minutes away from Eva and go get your swim suit on? Before we get assaulted with Amber alerts?"
At the mention, Chloe set down her phone and glanced at the singer, "Do you think it's too early to be sending bathing suit pics?" she asked. 
Charlotte simpered, "Um -- it's been about a week, so I'd say so. Does she follow your insta?"
"Then just post it there," 
Chloe smiled, "Ah ha! The subtle thirst trap! You're a genius!"
I'm not so sure 'subtle' is affiliated with any social media, Charlotte thought to herself.
"Thank you," she replied. 
Chloe changed into her own electric red one-piece and shorts, and the girls quickly went to meet their friends at the pool. They caught a glimpse of the elevator just as it was beginning to close, growing cause for the girls to sprint. 
"Hold the door!" Chloe called. 
A hand extended out of the gap and held the doors open for the girls to rush in. And lo and behold, Luke and Michael were in the elevator as well. 
"Hey, fancy meeting you guys here," Luke grinned.
"Funny how we just keep running into each other," Charlotte smirked, "As it by fate,"
Chloe meanwhile glared down at Michael's swim trunks, "Nice shorts, Mikey," 
Michael glanced down at his blue swimmers, printed with little silhouettes of fish and turtles -- sure, at first glance they may have been more suited for a child rather than a twenty-year-old man. But Michael liked them, so what?
He, as well as Luke and Charlotte, waited anxiously for another snarky remark from Chloe, but she just looked straight ahead. She said nothing. 
"And?" he asked. 
"And what?" Chloe turned to him.
"No follow up?" 
Chloe smiled, "Oh, I have a follow up. I'm just in a good mood right now," 
"... If I wasn't in a good mood, I'd ask why you were skimming through the children's section at Walmart for swim trunks," Chloe went on.
Luke snapped his fingers, "There it is," 
The pool wasn't the only highlight of the hotel's rooftop. Aside from umbrella seats, a canopy bar and a hot tub, the kids had a stunning view of downtown Toronto. Not as infinite as Tokyo and not as imperialistic as Vienna, the skyline of glass buildings reflected off of one another, creating a beautiful ripple of blues and teals that crashed against the cloudless sky above. 
Maria and Kimberly were already laid out on deck chairs, soaked in sunscreen, rays and bikini clad. Across from them were Ashton and Calum, partaking in a game of ping pong. There were no other guests on the deck, meaning they had the pool to themselves for a while.
 Kimberly pried her eyes open when she felt a shadow fall over her, scrunching her eyes and blocking the sun with her hand to find Charlotte and Chloe standing over her. The material of her own navy blue two-piece glinted in the rays.
"Yes?" she raised an eyebrow at them, prompting Maria to look over.
"You guys are no fun," Chloe chided.
"No fun? We were waiting for you," Maria said, her voice a little gravelly. 
"Our bad, but somebody just couldn't stop texting another particular somebody," Charlotte winked at the girls. Kimberly awed up at Chloe.
"Aw, how's Eva?" she asked.
"Wishing she was here instead of Syracuse, I imagine," Chloe replied, taking the deck chair next to her. Charlotte took the one on the other side of Maria, both of them stripping back down to their bikinis. 
"You guys have been talking for how long, now?" Maria asked.
"Just under a week," Chloe replied.
"And it's constant," Charlotte remarked, "I think we have reasons to be optimistic," 
"We can start getting optimistic after the three week mark. If you don't scare her away, I'll be so proud of you," Kimberly told her.
Chloe simpered back, "Your confidence in me is astounding," 
At the other end of the pool, Luke was just pulling off his t-shirt and unpacking his backpack. He had his iPhone with an audiobook he thought he would try out. He could hear his mom's voice in his head, reminding him to be sure he put on lots of sunscreen. It was ironic how he came from one of the hottest continents in the world, and yet he was as pasty as a soy bean. 
When he turned back around, reaching as best he could to slather sunscreen on his back, his line of sight fell on Charlotte. Her yellow sundress had disappeared and she was clad in a black triangle bikini, contrasting against her natural olive skin that seemed to glow under the sun. Her shapely legs crossed one in front of the other as she hunched over to shake out her hair. He had to swallow the lump in his throat when she suddenly swung around in his direction, not realizing that he'd been caught staring when his eyes locked with hers. If he had a clear view of Charlotte than she had a clear view of him. 
He smiled sheepishly and waved, a tint of blush covering his face. Charlotte shook her head at him with a little smirk and put up her middle finger. Though she wasn't exactly innocent in the staring department either, and how could she not be?
"Eyes to yourself!" Chloe suddenly shouted, having caught Luke staring, too. Her outburst drew the attention of everyone else. 
Ashton giggled to himself, therefore missing Calum's backhand. The ping pong ball whizzed right by his face.
"I win!" Calum declared.
"You do not!" Ashton countered, "That went out of bounds,"
"We didn't set an out of bounds!" Calum argued. 
Ashton pointed to one of the potted plants behind him, "Yes we did. We agreed if it landed after the tree on my side, or the towel rack on your side, then it's out. Besides, Chloe distracted me,"
"Oh, boo hoo," Calum chided back, "Sore loser," 
With the others distracted, Michael took the opportunity to take a running start and do a cannon ball into the pool -- effectively splashing everybody within a metre of him. Maria and Kimberly were violently ripped from their sun bath with icy cold water droplets, while Chloe hid behind her deck chair and Charlotte covered her head. 
"Michael!" Kimberly scolded, sitting up in a huff. The guitarist remerged from the water, rubbing chlorine from his eyes and shaking out his drenched hair.
"The water's fine, guys! Come on in!" he replied.
Luke shook his head at his hyperactive friend, mouthing a 'sorry' at Charlotte before jumping in himself. Charlotte made good to stand back this time -- the other girls weren't so lucky.
"Oh, come on guys!" Maria whined, wiping cold water off her legs, "A little warning would suffice!"
Charlotte couldn't help but laugh at her friends. Sure, they were trying to have a relaxing afternoon in the sun, but hey, a pool was a pool. And since no one else was around...
Kimberly saw it coming this time, and she moved off the deck chair just in time as Charlotte jumped in after the boys. Maria grimaced when more water splattered across her face.
"Where's my --" Chloe then cannon-balled in, sending water everywhere once again, "... towel?"
There was an assortment of balls and blow up floats for the bands to fool around with -- though given the colours of the toys they were very well meant for little kids. Never the less, a game of volleyball ensued in the pool, with Charlotte and Chloe on one team and Luke and Michael on the other. Calum and Ashton's ping pong game was still in full swing, considering that Ashton demanded a rematch. Kimberly kept the score this time around and they set the boundary lines. 
Luke pitched the rubber ball to Chloe, who bunted it over to Charlotte, who spiked it back at Michael. However, Michael miscalculated where the ball would land and ended up getting knocked in the face. He fell back into the water.
"Oh, shit!" but he emerged quickly, rubbing at his nose and eyes. All attention around the pool was directed at the sudden injury. 
"You okay, mate?" Luke swam over to him. 
"Mike, I'm so sorry!" Charlotte exclaimed, thinking the worst she'd done was bruise his eye or cheek. And God knows they'd have fun explaining a heinous mark to their managers.
Michael pushed the water off his face with his hands and pushed back his sopping hair, looking dazed as he glanced around the pool, "Where am I?" he then glanced at Luke, "My God, are you gorgeous," he then broke out into a smile. Luke rolled his eyes.
"He's fine," he assured the girls, grabbing the ball and handing it to him, "Your serve,"
Meanwhile, the ping pong game was getting heated. Kimberly's head was practically moving in sync with the little white ball as it bounced between Ashton and Calum. Ashton was determined to knocked the ball past Calum but he was a swift opponent. At the next pass, Calum batted the ball just a little too hard however.
The little white ball whizzed past Ashton's head this time, only instead of hitting the ground it flew over the deck and over the railing... over downtown. The boys were stunned, Kimberly was at a loss for how to call the game. 
"So... who wins?"
They both stared down a stunned Kimberly, who only shrugged as she racked her logic, "Okay... the ball is technically... definitely out. Ashton wins by default," she decided. 
"Yes!" Ashton rejoiced, throwing his hands up. 
Calum just shook his head and threw his paddle down, going instead for the neon green floatie, "It's too hot for ping pong anyway," he slipped the floatie around his waist and took off in a little run.
"Go Calum!" Michael chanted. Calum reached the edge of the pool, but instead of a grandiose jump he simply chose to hop in. He didn't even get his head past the water thanks to the floatie. The boys broke into fits of giggles.
Maria just shook her head, "What? You afraid to get your hair wet?" she called.
Calum smirked at her, "Are you, Little Miss Sunshine?"
Maria rolled her eyes, opting to stand up and proudly show off her purple bikini set. Calum subconsciously licked his lips, which didn't go unnoticed by Luke. Maria stood at the deep end of the pool, did a little bow, and dived in gracefully. She emerged a few seconds later, shaking out her raven black hair. 
"Beat that, Marty Mc-Floatie!" she smirked at Calum. 
Ashton did some flexes and bending before he took his running start, ready to make another big splash. However, he didn't count on Michael. hucking the rubber ball at him as he jumped in. The ball nailed him square in the chest and instead of a pencil dive he just flailed in. 
"Michael!" the girls scolded. Ashton made a quick recovery, glaring over at his bandmate.
"Fuck you!" he pretended to cry, clinging to Luke in pity. Luke held him tightly.
"It's okay, honey, he didn't mean it," 
Kimberly pushed some of her dreadlocks over her shoulder, nervous to get them wet. It wasn't so much getting them wet that was the problem, but the drying process could be pretty tedious depending on the day.  
"Come on, Kim!" Chloe urged.
"Do you know how much of a bitch it is to do my hair when it gets wet?" she replied. 
In his peripherals Luke spotted another large floatie: a raft, to be specific. He had a brilliant idea, then. He swam to the other edge of the pool and retrieved it, pushing it towards Kimberly.
"Here!" he called, "Use this!" 
Kimberly smiled at him, "Thanks Luke," she quickly tied back her dreads and sat on the edge. Luke and Calum held the inflatable raft steady so she could wiggle on top, laying on her stomach and paddling over to meet her friends. Her hair was safe. 
Much of the afternoon was spent splashing about. They played a couple round of volleyball and then tried to play a game of Marco Polo. Emphasis on tried to. Poor Calum was picked to 'Marco', but the others devised to slip out of the water quietly all while shouting 'Polo'. 
"Marco!" he called tirelessly, his eyes squeezed shut as he hopped from spot to spot.
"Polo!" Chloe called back, helping Kimberly off of the raft. 
"Marco!" Calum called again.
"Polo!" Ashton quietly sat back on a deck chair and threw his hands behind his head. Calum's patience was wearing thin. He should've at least tapped someone out by now. Calum waded through the pool for a good five minutes before he realized everyone was cheating. 
"You wankers," he muttered, understandably miffed when his friends started laughing. 
At some point, Charlotte took to clambering back to the edge of the deck for a dry spell. She sat on the ledge and let her feet dangle in the water. Just as soon as she slathered on some more sunscreen, Luke had come to sit beside her. He had with him a cold bottle of water that he offered to her.
"Thanks," she smiled at him, "You want some SPF 50?" 
"I'll pass," he shook his head politely. Charlotte raised an eyebrow at him, having heard those words many a times before Luke would be complaining of sunburn hours later.
"Famous last words," she teased. Luke stuck out his tongue. 
Chloe and Ashton were still in the pool, facing off against Maria and Calum in a fierce game of chicken. Kimberly just watched from her raft, sipping a bottle of orange juice while Michael played referee. 
Luke kept his glance on Charlotte, she couldn't help but shiver as water droplets slid down her spine. She was a sight to behold under the sun, her golden skin ablaze against the sharp black fabric of her bikini, and she had some makeup that stained beneath her eyes but Luke didn't point it out. She looked really cool, actually.
"How're you doing?" he asked, not having much of a chance to talk to since they took off again. Really talk, the way they used to. 
"I'm wet," Charlotte replied, unable to keep the smug smile off her face. Luke rolled his eyes.
"No shit," he grinned, "I mean really, though. What's going on with you?" 
Charlotte shrugged, "Nothing. I'm stuck on the road with a bunch of crackheads for three whole months. Other than that... I guess I'm just -- existing,"
"Yeah. I'm here, but lately I feel that I haven't been here," she pointed to her head. 
Luke's smile fell a little, "Has Ben been bothering you again?" 
"No," she shook her head, "No, I think he finally got the hint,"
Luke sighed and looked down at his hands, his face tinting red but not from the sun, "You know..." he spoke after a small moment of silence. Charlotte glanced at him and sipped from her water. He laughed nervously, "You're gonna think I'm a cheese puff or something but -- I'm really fucking grateful for you, Char," 
Charlotte broke into a flattered smile, "I'm really grateful for you, too,"
"But seriously," Luke said, "I feel like I don't thank you enough for everything you do for me. No one else would do the things you do for me, no one else tries me happy like you do and you have no idea how much you mean to me. And I know I dicked around on ya a couple weeks ago --"
"-- Water under the bridge," Charlotte said, her heart burning in her chest. She had no idea where this was coming from. 
"But the fact is I don't know what I did to deserve you and I need you to know how fucking grateful I am for you... even when I don't deserve to have you in my life. And if you feel like you can't talk to me about shit 'cause I'll judge you, I won't. I'll always take care of you. You're my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without you," 
Charlotte bit the inside of her lip, willing away the stinging sensation in the back of her eyes, "Jesus Christ," she wrapped her arms around him. She never expected him to say anything like that to her, especially because it was the exact way she felt about him. 
"Am I corny?" he chuckled, hugging her tightly. None of them cared that they were just skin-to-skin in midday. She smelled so sweetly of grapefruit intermingled with bitter chlorine.
"No, you're perfect," Charlotte laughed, "If anything, I'm the one that's grateful for you. No one puts up with my stupidity and shit like you do. I don't know how you do it, honestly,"
Luke snickered and shook his head, pushing some of her wet hair behind her ear, "You're not stupid. You're far from it, Shorty," 
Charlotte smiled and punched his arm, "If the others heard us they'd take the piss out of us so hard right now," 
Luke rolled his eyes, "Like I told you before, they're just jealous of us, "
"Always gotta' be a fucking optimist, don't ya?" Charlotte huffed.
"Always gotta throw in a fucking curse, don't ya?" Luke shrugged. 
Charlotte glared back, and before Luke knew it he had been shoved into the pool. When he resurfaced Charlotte was in a fit of giggles while he sputtered and coughed up chlorine. 
"And here we were having a moment!" 
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macaroni-rascal · 11 months
Where were we with the women, at Amber? So, her bodysuit has the same issue as the one last year, where the waist on it is positioned a little too high on her body, shortening it. The strap across the back also contributes to this, I definitely wouldn't have embellished it and would've put either just a thin black strap or a skin-tone mesh one to secure the costume. The most infuriating part is the embellishments along the thighs that end randomly at the knees. These should've run along the front of her legs, from the little lines on the front of the bodice down to the laces, instead of visually narrowing her hips. The belt is also a bit clunky and the bedazzled belt loops are a big no-no, especially in the back. This outfit is so close yet so far from a serve, which is why I'm so annoyed by it. I like the black and gold, I love the spikes, it suits her energy, but it wasn't executed well enough. The sleeves should've also run to a point at her middle finger for extra sass, or she could've done bedazzled gloves.
Niina got love from the judges but not from the fashion gods. This is an outfit that should've been a bodysuit. She's a petite girl and the dress is too wide and short and the neckline too high. The mesh on the sides is a good idea but it isn't different in color enough to give shape to the dress. The gloves also cut off her lines. The messy ponytail doesn't match the clean lines of the dress. I like the warrior princess concept of it all, which is why I wish she was in more skilled hands - she's so strong and deserves world-class packaging. I also would've done a deeper open back on this.
Young had the best dress, but it wasn't without its problems. There was too much skirt that had also been put through a shredder and that random sash was draped a bit awkwardly across the back. That said, the colors are stunning and the front is really nice. We don't need ribbons in the hair in senior. Such an unlucky girl, I hate that this is happening to her, she can't catch a break. The split jump needs to be a spiral instead.
And here we go again with Katya. Her packaging may not be as juvenile as last year, but why is this a dress with black opaque tights over the boot? If it'd been a simple, streamlined black bodysuit with just the yellow lines down the sides, it would've been so much better. Since she's already in Canada, they could've just asked Joannie to borrow hers and be done with it. This is just sooo much fabric. But hey, at least it has a waist, unlike other outfits.
And while Seoyeong's beige dress was likely inspired by Lizzie's hem that was six inches deep in mud, we're now in the desert, praying for the sweet release of death. This poor kid is so Eteri girl coded, down to the raggedy long skirt, that I can't even enjoy her smile. This program is such Russian coached culturally insensitive bullshit, I'm pretty sure it violates the ban. The arm being a snake is so hammy and so Lysacek core. Her technique is so bad, her shoulder blades are actively trying to leave her body. And to use a piece that's already been done much more successfully and to unnecessarily slow down the music in the middle when we've heard it a thousand times... Her coaches deserve to be burned at the stake.
Okay, for the record, I love Loena. I'm always in awe of her level of fitness, and whatever they're doing off the ice, they need to be bottling and selling. She moved so much more effortlessly across the ice than anyone else. The dress is very well-made and a nice color, but it's too naked. And we already saw her wear something similar last year, only this time the dress is at Carnaval, and the music is on Ibiza in 2008. Adam Solya is slowly becoming my choreo nemesis because the armography is not on to the music like, at all. This would all work in a show context but it's a bit much for a competitive program. So much of the music at this event simply doesn't skate. I like the dress but it's essentially a bathing suit. I appreciated the effort that went into everything, from the hair, makeup, nails, accessories, to the tan, but we're not at the Blackpool Open and we're not competing a samba. Also, calm down, Jorik, you're the flop sibling. She was very well turned out but it looks like they're trying to rely on her sex appeal too much when she doesn't need it. As hot as she looked, she also looked out of place.
All in all the ladies did pretty well here, not a lot of falls, but at the same time none of them skated with heart and abandon. I hate that there's so much emphasis on the jumps and it was all that this girls could think about throughout. It's all very college application mentality. Where is the art?
Tbf now that I've seen the plastic coasters they're giving out as medals, I feel bad for dragging anyone about their costume, those puppies made the French fed look good by comparison. Anyway, I fully expect the dance event tomorrow to be my supervillain origin story, based on what transpired in the RD, so I guess we'll talk again then if I survive.
I think the Amber bodysuit, like you said, could have been much better. Just looking at it while she's holding her opening pose, I didn't like, but it looked very very cool in spins. I think it can be reworked, but I doubt it will be. Nina is a fav of mine, and I'm sad about the packaging in her short program, it could have been better, hated the gloves. I also liked Young's dress! I don't get the hair ribbon, I feel the same about it as I do about Rika Kihira's insistence of skating in a ponytail and giant hairbow piece no matter the program. It's time to get rid of the hair ribbons. What is Katya wearing? I hated her outfit the most I think, it just made me mad for reasons I can't really explain. I can't even get into the Isabeau of it all, I really can't. There's too much going on that I actively dislike for me to even form an opinion, like just say you want to make C/B's snake dance part two: electric boogaloo but a billion times worse, and go. I love Loena for being Loena, but I agree it's a little Too Much for a short program, I wish there was either more fabric, or less tassel.
Those medals are a travesty? They look like they someone made them from plastic wrap in their basement 10 minutes before the skaters got onto the podium. Pure trash.
Godspeed for the free dance, I won't be watching live.
0 notes
savysing · 2 years
Buy sarong and wholesale shawls Under one roof for Netherlands
Sarongs pareos are a priority design staple while venturing out to heat and humidities. This bright, rectangular piece of colored texture can be worn in various ways, making it staggeringly flexible and a showy and complimenting choice for any look or event. sarongs pareos very well may be worn as a dress, a skirt, a bridle top, and then some. Ready to change itself into a frill or talking piece for any outfit, a sarong is an ideal expansion to a popular voyager's bag.
The following are only ten of the ways it's feasible to wear women’s sarongs and guidelines for how to tie them.
Step-by-step instructions to Wear women sarongs
Strapless Dress
This dress is one of the more normal approaches to wearing a womens sarong. Holding the texture length-wise, wrap the sarong from one side of your body to the next. Arrange the top corners firmly and tie or get them into the top edge of the dress
Triangle Skirt
A simple, coquettish skirt that shows off your legs. Crease inverse corners of the womens sarong together; don't stress over the edges matching up impeccably, this skirt is intended to be lopsided! Then, point down, fold the more extended edge of your triangle over your midriff and tie at the hip.
Off-the-Shoulder Dress
A cool and energetic choice for the ocean side or roof bar. Beginning with the long side of the texture held lined up with your arm length, place one top corner at the center of your back and fold the cotton sarongs over until your body is completely covered. Carry the leftover cotton sarongs texture to the front and pull the top corner over your far shoulder to attach with the corner in the focal point of your back. English creations craze exports to the USA, UK, Australia, Japan, Italy, France, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, UAE, Morocco, Sweden, Finland, Greece, Egypt, Austria, England, Canada, Chile, Ireland, Iceland, Kuwait, Norway, Nigeria, Peru, Poland, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, and South Africa.
Bare-backed Strap Top
Flaunt some skin with this attractive shirt. To begin with, buy sarong in half length-wise. Holding the texture before you by the normal corners of the sarong, take both top corners and tie them together behind your neck. Take the sides of the crease and fold them over your midsection, tying them despite your good faith.
Surge Shorts
buy sarong that is comfortable and simple to wear. Take two corners of the sarong so the texture is held out before you with the more extended side lined up with your arm range. Then, at that point, wrap the top corners behind you to meet at the little of your back. Take the excess texture and pull it front to back between your legs, and fold or tie it into the midsection.
Smaller than expected Skirt
This charming and coy scaled-down skirt is wonderful as concealment over a bathing suit or matched with a tank top for a day on the promenade. Accumulate the edges of each short side together and enclose the texture by one hand completely around your body until you are covered on all sides. Then, integrate the two packs in a tangle or curve.
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Nonetheless, assuming it smells like consumed leaves or white vinegar and you see large blazes, and abandon a little knock, you should rest assured that it is either thick or polyester.
0 notes
otptings · 3 years
Beach Day
Tumblr media
☇Idol: Haechan
☇Requested: Yessss Omgeee heyyy it your fave acc 😆😆 here with another request 😩🙌so what I had in mind was taht it’s a hot day and the reader is hanging out with all of 127 and because their in shorts and a tight shirt haechan is extra bratty and possessive and is constantly touching the reader so to put him in his place the reader takes him to his room and gives him a handjob 🥸and overstimulates him so taht the other boys hear him so that after they leave the room he’s all embarrassed and shy 🤓🤓
☇Genre: Smut, slightest amounts of fluff
☇Word Count: 4.3k+ and most of it is actually the plot 🤨
☇Warnings: jealous Haechan, brat!Haechan, sub!Haechan, semi-public sex, exhibitionism, safe word, crying, overstimulation, oral (m receiving),
☇Synopsis: there is no better way to beat Seoul's heat wave than a nice beach day with the 127 boys. it could be better however if the maknae wasn't so jealous all the time
☇A/n: I just got a rush of energy to actually finish a lot of my requests that I had started but were just letting sit. I'm not too proud of this ending, but I do still really like it. If you liked this please reblog, like, or donate to my Ko-Fi in my bio. Requests are open for NCT, Treasure, and Seventeen.
“Couldn’t you have worn a one piece? Why’d you have to wear that bathing suit? ” Haechan’s whining only went in one ear and out the other. He’s been on the same rant since morning, since he looked in your overnight bag and saw the bathing suit that you’d planned to wear to the beach. You ignored his loud groan that he let out after you dropped your towel, sighing instead at the feeling of the sun hitting your skin.
“It’s not even that bad, you’re just being dramatic. What was I supposed to wear, one of your hoodies so you can keep your little claim on me?”
“Would that have been so bad? Are you ashamed to be dating me or something? Is that why you’re so eager to wear those small ass bottoms?” You scoffed at his statement - more so at his melodramatic acting - continuing to rub sunscreen on your legs. The bathing suit in question wasn’t bad, not even close to some of your more promiscuous options you had at home. It was a long sleeve top, with a zipper in the middle - with no cleavage showing - with the matching black shorts. You weren’t going to risk getting heat stroke just to make Haechan feel better. He was just going to have to control his possessive tendencies, because you weren’t going to put on another layer in 98 degree heat.
“Haechannie,” Standing up straight you wrapped your arms around his neck, giving him your best puppy dog eyes as his hands loosely held your waist, “You know I only have eyes for you. Besides, as long as you’re beside me no one will approach me. You look so strong and intimidating, they wouldn't dare.”
Internally you were cringing at your act, but knowing Haechan you needed to stroke his ego a little before he’ll properly calm down. By the smirk on his face as he pulled you closer to him, it was successful. You fought the urge to roll your eyes at him, before standing on your tiptoes and placing a kiss on his cheek. Ever the one for pda Haechan decided that wasn’t good enough, letting one of his hands drop down to your ass as his other cupped your chin, pulling you into a deeper kiss, ignoring the fact that the rest of 127 was witnessing it, and practically gagging at their maknae’s actions.
“Aight, we got it. You’re a cute couple, can the two of you stop. And by the two of you, I mean Haechan.” Haechan pulled away from the kiss in favor of turning around and flicking off Johnny, the latter who only laughed at how easy it was to rile him up.
While Haechan was distracted, you slipped out of his hold and ran into the water beside Jungwoo and Mark - poor Canada, he got tossed in as soon as he took his shirt off. The cold water was just what you needed to beat this heat wave. You pathetically trying to float on your back, being accompanied by Jungwoo splashing you with water anytime you thought that you were free from him, actually made for a pretty fun 30 minutes before he got tired of picking on you and chose to join Johnny attempting to dunk - drown - Mark and Taeyong, finally leaving you alone to just enjoy the feeling of the waves hitting your skin.
“Why are you all by yourself?” You easily recognized the voice as Jaehyun, turning around to see him making his way over to you, doing that awkward half swim, half walk thing.
“Jungwoo left me. But it’s pretty relaxing. I love the water.”
“Why don’t we go deeper?”
“I can’t swim so I’d rather not die a watery death, thanks.”  You turned around quickly trying to swim closer to Haechan, knowing Jaehyun’s plans, but your escape was quickly foiled by Jaehyun picking you up and tossing you over his shoulder.
“Come on they need to fucking close the gym. Put me down Yoon Oh.” Jaehyun only laughed as you hit at his back, not stopping or slowing him down in the slightest. Jaehyun surprisingly could move fast against the waves, stopping only when the water was almost to his shoulders.
“Stop Jaehyun.” You whined pathetically, your last defense in hoping he wouldn’t drop you.
Jaehyun dropped you right when you had the thought to call for someone else’s help. He wasn’t completely evil, holding onto your waist and easily pulling you back above water, leaving you sputtering and trying to wipe the water out of your eyes as he laughed hysterically. You couldn’t even muster the energy to attempt to hit him, only trying to make sure that you didn’t go below the waves again. “You fucking asshole.” Jaehyun only picked you up above the waves again,
“Apologize or I'll drop you again.” You shook your head, trying to look tough but realistically only looking like a wet kitten. Before Jaehyun could drop you again he was interrupted thankfully by the friendly giant.
“Jaehyun, leave her alone, you know she can’t swim. Plus Haechan would kill you if she actually got hurt.” Johnny made his way over to the two of you, you couldn’t help but feel grateful that you’re finally getting rescued from near death. Haechan may be rubbing off on you because that was dramatic, but in your defense your feet couldn’t properly touch the bottom and that’s terrifying. “Come on, hope on my back.”
You gladly obliged, quickly wrapping your arms around his neck, happy that you would finally be back in shallow waters. Johnny was abnormally warm causing you to cling to him a little closer, fighting the shiver due to the slightly chilly wind on your wet skin. Once you were back where your feet could touch the ground you swam over to Doyoung and Haechan, who were having some meaningless argument. Once you got beside Haechan he only glanced at you before swimming away, leaving you slightly confused at his actions. You thought that he wasn’t mad over your bathing suit anymore? You shrugged it off, opting to try and enjoy your beach day while giving him time to work through his irritation at you.
Taeyong helped you make a gigantic sandcastle encircled by a moat filled with various shells that you had found along the beach. That was until Taeil and Jaehyun decided to destroy it like little kids, leading up to the chicken fight that left you and Mark to choke on the obscene amounts of water that you swallowed. The whole time Haechan pouted whenever you got near another member and ignored you, opting to hang on to anyone that was far from you.
By the time y’all got tired the sun was high in the sky, still beating down brutally but now more welcomed, drying your skin and warming you despite the slight breeze that was blowing from the ocean. The ten of you crawled out of the ocean and laid out your towels, enjoying the stillness and quiet thanks to the private beach.
“Is anyone else hungry?” Johnny asked.
“I’m hungry.” Mark was the first to chime in, sitting straight up as he looked at the rest of us.
“Me too.” You chimed in, stomach starting to growl.
“What do you guys want to eat?” The ten of you started to talk at the same time, suggesting your favorite foods. Arguments over food typically get intense in the dorm, always over who’s cooking or what dorm they’re going to eat at etc etc. Today’s argument was worse, due to the heat that seemed to be rising the more you stayed out of the water, starting to feel exhaustion due to all of the swimming and playing. None of you could agree on what food you wanted to get, and as hungry as you all were, you were just hoping that no one would come to blows over it. How Doyoung and Haechan were arguing over it however, that might be the cast in a little while.
Jaehyun broke the arguing with an important question that silenced everyone.
“Who’s gonna pay? Whoever pays gets to choose.” Glancing around at everyone you saw everyone sharing looks, the prospect of being able to choose enticing, but the thought of paying for 10 people to eat, 9 of them being grown men turned you off from the idea. Whatever food they bought would suffice, and the others seemed to share the same sentiment.
“I’ll pay. We’re getting fried chicken.” Mark raised his hand happily, a wide smile on his face as the others groaned, but none argued with him.
“Fine. I’ll go with Mark to get the food.” You and Mark rose to your feet, wiping some of the sand off before tossing on your cover t-shirt and grabbing your flip flops.
“Why are you going with Mark?” Sighing, you turned around, looking at Haechan who was once again pouting.
“To make sure that he gets enough food for everyone, and chicken that isn’t inedible.”
“That was only one time, how was I supposed to know the chicken would be that spicy.”
“It fucking said nuclear. How would that not be bad?” You sent a pointed glare at Mark, who turned on his heels spinning the keys on his fingers and quickly made his way over to the car.
“Why are you going though? Someone else can go.” You shook your head, rolling your eyes at Haechan’s childishness as you turned around.
“We’re not arguing over this. Fix your attitude or I’ll just go home.” Haechan didn’t say anything, just watching you retreating back as you followed behind Mark. Haechan didn’t turn around until the two of you had pulled out of the parking lot, only then did he roll his eyes and head back to the beach with the rest of the boys.
“Damn, what’s got you pissed?” Haechan only flicked Johnny off before laying down on his towel, placing his arms over his eyes before ignoring the rest of the boys.
The beach day was successful. After Mark and you arrived back at the beach with three buckets of chicken, and enough beers for everyone to get wonderfully tipsy Haechan chose to ignore you the rest of the trip. Opting to hangout with Taeil, Taeyong and Doyoung, ignoring you every time you got closer to him. You only shrugged it off, enjoying feeling as if you're slightly floating, and the incredible heat only intensified the feeling to the point where you believed that you might be drunk. After you all finished eating - Doyoung and Taeyong got put on trash duty - you all went back to playing around in the ocean. That’s when it all came to a head, the water had left you completely exhausted so Jungwoo offered to carry you, which you gladly accepted. Jungwoo picked you up bridal style, carrying you back over to your towel, and right as you started to thank him you were interrupted.
“What the fuck!” Turning around you made direct eye contact with the devil, a 5 ‘8 Gemini named Haechan who was practically blowing smoke out of his nose as he stormed over to you. Jungwoo took that as his sign to leave, quickly going back into the water to mess with Yuta and Taeil.
“What Haechan?” In your sitting position you were forced to crane your head back to look at Haechan, squinting due to the sun being directly behind him.
“You’re really just hanging on to all of my members like a slut, huh?” Shock wasn’t the correct feeling as you recoiled from his words, feeling as if you’d been physically slapped.
“Like a slut? The only reason I’m even ‘hanging on’ to them is because you’re been ignoring me the whole day. I thought that this was going to be a fun day for the both of us.”
“So now you’re saying it’s my fault.” Rolling your eyes you threw your hands up in the air, of course he’d make himself the victim.
“That’s not what I said.”
“You not being able to keep your hands to yourself is suddenly my fault? Maybe I shouldn’t have invited you.”
Haechan is the worst person to argue with due to his dramatics and tendency to act like a complete child. Standing up you grabbed Haechan’s wrist, ignoring his complaints as you dragged him towards the car, gritting your teeth against the hot asphalt because you couldn’t be bothered to grab your shoes. Thankfully the doors were unlocked - Mark’s tendency to forget to lock the car - and you pulled Haechan inside, your anger making you forget that it was almost 100 degrees outside and the car was practically a sauna.
“What the fuck is your problem?  You’ve been acting like a spoiled brat all day and I’m sick of it.” You hadn’t realized just how irritated you’d become throughout the day until it was flooding out of you, every word directed towards Haechan, whose eyes were wide open and looking as if you’d physically hit him.
“You’re the one who wore a tiny bathing suit when you knew that we’d be with the boys all day. It’s like you wanted their attention.” You wouldn’t have been surprised if you would’ve seen the back of your head by how harshly you rolled your eyes. This was still over the bathing suit?
“Why are you so damn jealous? You are the only person that I want, why can’t you understand that.”
“You don’t see the way that they look at you.” Haechan’s voice finally lost the edge to it, softening into something that makes you remember he is the youngest out of the other 8 men. “They all stare at you, and are so touching with you whenever you’re around it’s fucking annoying.”
“You’re jealous?” Haechan nodded his head, still looking down at his swimming trunks. You couldn’t control the laugh that bubbled out of you, causing Haechan’s head to snap up to look at you. “Baby, don’t worry. I only want you, I promise.” Grabbing Haechan’s hand you placed a kiss on the back of it, before someone knocked on the car door making you both jump. Haechan opened the door to be greeted with the sight of a nervous Taeyong.
“Go grab your stuff, we’re ready to go back.”
It took a total of 20 minutes for all of you to grab your belongings, and pack them safely inside the two vans. Everybody else decided to ride with Johnny, except for Jungwoo, and Yuta who lost the game of rock paper scissors and had to endure Mark’s driving, so you and Haechan luckily got the backseat of the vans to yourself.
A song played through the speakers - which you quickly realized was Candy by Baekhyun - that was just quiet enough that Mark and Yuta could hold a conversation but loud enough that their conversation didn’t disturb Jungwoo, who was sleeping happily in the second row. So step one of your plan was in order.
It was still maybe a 25 minute drive back to Seoul, just enough time to tease Haechan for his bratty behavior. Couldn’t have him believing that he was allowed to behave like that without any punishments?
You started off innocent enough, placing a hand on his thigh while you rested your head on his shoulder. You were thankfully seated in the middle, so Haechan was obstructed by the seat in front of him, the same one occupied by a sleeping Jungwoo. Haechan placed his arm around you, pulling you closer to him under the pretense that just wanted to get some rest before the movie marathon at the dorms. Maybe that’s why it took him so long to realize that your thumb was rubbing circles into the skin of his inner thigh while your hand continued to sneak it’s way up.
“What are you doing?” Haechan’s harsh whisper forced you to bite your lip to hide the giggle that wanted to escape, trying to keep the impression that you were asleep.
“Just teasing. You didn’t think I wouldn’t punish you right?” To punctuate your sentence you let your hand sneak under Haechan's swimming trunks, applying gentle pressure to Haechan’s soft cock, causing him to jump slightly at your sudden movement. You paused, waiting for a break in Yuta and Mark’s conversation that never came so you wrapped your hand around his cock, ignoring Haechan’s slight shudders as you started to jerk him. By the time Haechan was fully erect his nails were digging into his thigh, trying to control the urge that he had to thrust up into your hand or let out the moans that he desperately wanted to release. A whimper escaped Haechan’s lip, quiet enough to not wake Jungwoo, but Mark and Yuta’s conversation stopped, as if they were waiting for any sign that the other three passengers were awake. Only when they started talking again did you pull your hands from Haechan’s shorts and scooted away from Haechan, placing your head against the headrest and taking a well needed nap. Your plan had only begun.
You hadn’t realized the exact effect that you had on Haechan in the car until you exited, only then did you realize that his cheeks were a bright pink, his lips were red from his constant biting of them, and he had 5 crescent shaped marks on his right thigh from where he fought the urge to misbehave. You smirked a little at this, making sure to add an extra sway in your hips as you walked into the dorm.
All of you quickly separated to take showers on your respective floors before making your way to the tenth floor. Haechan was the last one to enter the tenth floor dorm, cheeks still flushed but looking way more relaxed, and a little more like his usual safe. After a brief argument of what movie all of you wanted to watched - settled on the Conjuring trilogy after you broke the tie breaker - and had made enough popcorn for a classroom of 35 students you were settled on the floor comfortably, head resting on Haechan’s shoulder and a blanket wrapped around the two of you. During the first movie you continuously trailed your fingers over his thigh, purposely brushing against his crotch every jump scare, before your face into his neck whenever the demon appeared and biting down gently. The boys just mistook his whimpers for him being scared of the movie. By the time they started the second movie Haechan was hard again, leaking an incredible amount of precum that was causing his boxers to stick to the tip of his cock.
Shortly after the second movie started though you stood up, stealthily - or so you’d like to think - pulling him up, and dragging him into the first room you could find, pushing him against the back of the door.
“What are you doing?” Haechan tried to keep his voice steady but you could hear the slight waver in it as you pressed up against him, you felt his erection pressing against your stomach and had to fight back the wave of arousal that washed over you. This was his punishment.
“You wanted attention from me earlier right?” Cupping the back of his neck you pulled him down a little bit so that you pressed your lips together in a chaste kiss. Haechan whined when you pulled away from it, attempting to chase your lips before you pinched him on his side. “Then you’ll get it. Pants down.” You pulled away from Haechan, giving him only enough space to pull his pants down until they were at his thighs, pretty cock bobbing in the air, tip shiny with pre cum. “So pretty.” Dropping down to your knees you wrapped your hand around his cock, reveling in the pretty whimper that he let out at normal volume. With how loud the movie was the boy wouldn’t have heard it, but you were positive you could make him louder. Placing your lips around the head you suckled on the head, allowing your tongue to swipe over the slit tasting the salty pre cum. Haechan has been hard for a good two hours, so the little attention that you were giving his cock was enough to make his knees buckle as one of his hands shot down to the back of your head. You licked a broad stripe up his cock, before taking him as far as you could.
One thing about Haechan is that he’s well endowed. His beautiful plump thighs that you’d spent more than one afternoon riding, and that you’d marked until they were more purple and red than tan, his soft stomach that you’d also marked on more than one occasion - a place stylists won’t get mad about it - and his pretty cock. Thick enough to make you feel properly stretched when he was buried deep inside of you, and long enough to hit every spot inside of you that your exes couldn’t. This was one of Haechan’s favorite things though, watching you attempt to take all of him down your throat, the feeling of your warm mouth surrounding him as your tongue worked over him as much as you could. Haechan already felt like he was going to cum.
“Noona. N-need to cum.” Haechan had accepted you to pull off of him, ignoring his whining before pulling him over to the closest bed - Taeil hyung would be so mad, but Haechan couldn’t care less - and ride him until he came inside of you. So you only sucking your cheeks in, creating more suction and gently fondling Haechan’s balls was very new. Such a new feeling that he instantly came, a loud moan leaving his mouth as he accidentally thrusted his hips, causing you to gag around his cock but still not removing your mouth, only swallowing his warm cum that was steadily shooting into your mouth.
You only pulled off after he had finished cumming, giving him a few minutes to catch his breath. Of course you weren’t done yet though, what punishment would that be? Him allowed to cum without permission and then just going back to the movie? Wrapping your hand around his spent cock this time you did ignore his whining, quiet pleads of  ‘noona’ and ‘can’t take it’ didn’t stop you. If he really wanted it to stop he’d use his safeword. Standing up you covered his mouth with yours, eating up all of his whines and moans as your hand continued to work over him quickly, and with another flick of your wrist Haechan was coming again. Pulling away from the kiss you let his moans fill the room, louder this time since he was dealing with oversensitivity and his second orgasm within 10 minutes.
This time you had planned to make it 5. Looking down at Haechan’s spent cock you knew just what’d you do for his last orgasm. You pulled Haechan over to the bed - sorry Taeil hyung - before sitting down on it.
“Are you sorry about being a brat?” Haechan nodded his head, eyes red rimmed as if he’d been crying, and cheeks bright red from two orgasms. “I need to hear you say it, Hyuckie? How will I know if you really mean it otherwise?”
“I’m sorry for acting like a brat noona. I’m sorry.” Haechan hiccuped slightly, only causing you to smile brightly.
“You’re my good boy right?” Haechan nodded again, eyes going wide at the prospect of his punishment being over. “Ride my thigh then. Cum one last time, and your punishment is over, okay baby?” Haechan looked hesitant, one look at his spent cock and you’d understand why.
“If you don’t want to use your safeword baby. We can always go back to your dorm and cuddle.” Shaking his head Haechan walked closer to you, slowly straddling your thigh. Cupping his cheek you pulled him into a kiss, rubbing the back of his cheek with your thumb while you slowly helped him sit down. Pulling away you looked into his eyes, “Are you sure? You don’t have to Donghyuck?”
“I’m okay.” With his words of consent you sat back on your elbows, watching as he slowly started to grind on your thigh, wincing every now and again from his oversensitive cock rubbing against the fabric of your pants. Haechan tried to last as long as possible, but it was hard. He was too sensitive from all of the teasing, and after too many orgasms he wasn’t able to find any pleasure from his punishment. Haechan didn’t get the chance to his safeword, as soon as you saw tears running down his cheek you stopped him.
“Stand up Haechan.” Haechan stood up on shaky legs, slightly confused. Were you changing his punishment? From your sitting position you helped him pull up his pants, placing a kiss on his lips.
“You need to use a safeword when you feel uncomfortable, Haechan.” More tears rolled down his cheek as you pulled him into a hug. “I won’t be mad at you for it. And I’m not made over you getting jealous earlier. You were being punished for being a brat, you understand that right?” A muffled hum was all the answer that you needed. “Come on, we're going back to your room.”
After checking to make sure that the room was in the same condition that you’d entered it you both left the room, not bothering to be subtle about what you’d been doing. When you walked back to the living room Mark refused to meet your eyes, while Jaehyun only smirked at the two of you, a bright blush covering everyone's face.
“Please tell me it wasn’t my bed.” Yuta piped up from his seat on the sofa, glancing over his shoulder at the two of you.
“It wasn’t your bed.” Yuta sighed in relief, throwing up a thumbs up before turning his attention back to the movie. “It was Taeil’s bed.”
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mythos-writes · 3 years
Trainee Love
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Jethro x Reader
Plot: You were Hoppo's daughter and also worked with the boys in blue on Bondi’s beaches. When Jethro joined the ranks, they were the new trainees for the season. While being ripped into everyone during the summer and trying to prove their spots, something else forms.  
(For those who might not know, Roots is a Canadian brand that sells sweaters, sweatpants, etc. with the word roots on it, but in Australia, Roots mean something else than just the tree system in the ground)
Miscellaneous Masterlist
Warning: mentions of abuse, lifeguards saving people, words meaning different things (like thongs are flip flops), sappy 
Word Count:2.6k
​I do not give permission for anyone to repost/ post my stories, with or without credit. Reblogs, comments, etc. are more than welcomed, but please DO NOT copy and paste my stories that you may like onto another platform.
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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Being the boss’s daughter was always hard, and for (Y/N)’s case, she had about 9 uncles watching her everywhere she goes on the beach. But this summer was going to be different. (Y/F/N) Hopkins was going to be a trainee lifeguard this season. For her it was exciting, but for Hoppo, he was nervous as he knows what the job entails. 
With that, it has all lead to this morning. (Y/N) was sleeping when she felt someone shaking her shoulder. She whines at someone waking her up so early before shaking them off.
“I am guessing that you want to miss your first day then?” her dad questions.
Her eyes shoot open and she quickly got up, causing her to fall out of bed. As she lets out a grown and stumbles to get up, Hoppo was quietly laughing at her antics. She looks over at him and glares at him, before getting up and stretching.
“Ok, I will let get ready and I will meet you in the kitchen,” he says before leaving her room.
She sighs before going over to the (one-piece/ two-piece) bathing suit before pulling on some gym shorts and the lifeguard blue top. She then grabbed a sweater to put on, as it is 5 am and it is still chilly out and made her way to the kitchen. As soon as she entered, her father handed her a breakfast sandwich. 
“Are you excited for today?” he questions while leaning against the island and taking a bite of the egg sandwich.
“Yeah, but not looking forward to them ripping into me cause I am the trainee,” she says. 
“Well, you won’t be the only one that they get to pick on this season. There will be a kid named Jethro joining us this season as well.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that there was going to be another trainee this season?” she questions him.
Hoppo chuckles at his daughters’ reaction before turning to her.
“Thought I would make it a surprise. Now, come on, we are going to be late opening the beach.”
(Y/N) finishes her breakfast before putting on her sweater. Hoppo turned to her and sees what sweater she had decided to grab.
“I hate that you got that sweater in a gift box from (Y/BF/N) when he/she went to Canada,” he complains.
She looks down to see she had pulled the salt n pepper-coloured sweater with almost velvet letters that spell out Roots and a small beaver on top. (Y/N) looks back up and just giggles while getting her thongs (FLIP FLOPS/SLIDES) on. 
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When they arrived at the beach, there were already a few other lifeguards there. Some of them noticed that Hoppo wasn’t alone this morning and they knew who exactly it was.
“Good morning Hoppo and (Y/N)!” Harries yells from the tower, causing the ones who were close to the tower to look.
(Y/N) Looks out to see that Chappo, Beardy, Maxi, Matty Dee, and a new face. Harries brings her into a side hug while the others start to make their way up to the tower.
“Are you excited for your first day on the beach as a trainee?” he asks. She gives a small nod.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Awe if it isn’t (Y/N/N), now you get to run with the big boys this year,” Chappo teases. (Y/N) just rolls her eyes before lightly pushing Chappo.    
“Alright, you will have all day to push her around,” Beardy says with a small chuckle.
Before she could respond to his words, Harries jumps in quickly.
“Ok, before this can go on any further, how about we introduce our trainees for the season? (Y/N) Hopkins this is Jethro James, the fellow trainee this season,”
Her eyes fell upon a kid who looked to be 5’9 or 5’10, long blonde hair, with the same blue lifeguard shirt on.
“Hey, it is good to meet you,” she says with a smile while shaking his hand.
“It’s good to meet you too, these guys wouldn’t stop talking about you all set up,” Jethro confesses. She turns to the boys with a fack, over sweet looking smile.
“Awe guys, are you excited to work with me,” (Y/N) teases them.
“Of course we are, we get to be your babysitter, and get paid for it,” Chappo says, causing her to drop the smile and roll her eyes.
“Alright you bloke, let’s get our teams together before the film crew is on us, Hoppi and Chappo will be in the North end, Jethro and Maxi will be at the South end and Beardy, Matty Dee and myself will be in the tower and leaving Hoppo in the office,” Harries tells the group.
As they all agree with how the morning set up was, (Y/N) just looks at Harries with a disappointed look.
“What?” he questions.
“Hoppi?? Really?” (Y/N) questions.
“Yeah, your dad is Hoppo and you are Hoppi,” Harries says with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
The rest of the guys were stifling their laughs as she just glares at him. She grabbed her water bottle and started to spray him with it. This caused Harries and (Y/N) to run around the front of the tower and the rest of the group just laughing at their antics. Hoppo just shakes his head watching his daughter and his friends antics and thinking ‘It is to early for this.’ 
“Anthony Carroll you will regret that!” you scream, causing him to stop and laugh.
He turns and throws her over his shoulder and started to walk back towards the tower. As they were walking back, the sounds of the guy’s laughter relaxed (Y/N) just a little.
“All right you two, let’s get the buggy’s ready to go, so we can have a good first day for our trainees today,” Hoppo says. 
(Y/N) helped with putting boards on the buggies and making sure they all are stocked with first-aid. Chappo grabbed the keys and radios before he made his way to the blue rhino and met her down there. She puts her hair up and places her sunglasses on as the hot Australian sun starts to peek over the buildings looking over the beach.
“Are you ready?” Chappo questions while starting the buggy. (Y/N) smiles before answering.
“I was born ready.”
“That a girl,” he says before driving the buggy down to North Bondi.
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After about 3 or 4 hours of watching the calm waters of North Bondi, Yatzey had shown up to take over. As they started to make their way back to the tower, her stomach growled. Chappo laughed at her but kept his eyes on where they were going.
“Lunchtime?” (Y/N) question.
Before he could respond, his stomach growled as well. Now they both laugh at their body noises.
“Definitely lunchtime.”
As they arrived back at the tower and walked up the stairs, Jethro and Maxi were back there.
“Hey guys, how was the south end?” Chappo questions.
“Had to make a few saves, told some people off when they wouldn’t listen, but nothing too serious,” Maxi answers.
“Well that’s good, I am going to go for my lunch now, does anyone want to come?” she asks.
Jethro looked like he was about to say something, but Chappo quickly jumped in.
“It’s all good (Y/N), we are going to eat in the tower,” Chappo replies.
“Alright, I will be right back,” she grabbed her things from the tower and walked to one of the restaurants on Campbell Parade.
Jethro POV
Once (Y/N) left, Chappo and Harries turned and gave me a look.
“What?” I question.
“You better be careful who you give googly eyes to, or you will have a whole fleet of lifeguards on you,” Harries explains.
“I know she is Hoppo’s daughter, but come on,” I defend myself.
“You are just lucky that you didn’t see what the last boyfriend did,” Maxi chimes in while looking out over the water.
I quickly shoot him a confused look. Now, this really caught my attention. “W-why what happened to the last one?”
The three didn’t say anything. I watched as they gave each other looks before one of them decided to speak.  
“She had introduced us to this kid named (Random boy name here) and he was nice, but had an off feeling about him. We tried to warn her about it, but she wouldn’t have any of it,” Chappo explains.
“One day she walked into the tower with bruises all over her body. Without even asking her what happened, we knew that he did this to her,” Maxi said.
“Luckily for us, she didn’t hide who did this to her, they had broken up the night before and he decided that he wanted to show his true colours,” Harries says, leaning on the rail.
“So, what happened to him?”
“That night, we decided to go to the Iceberg and have some drinks after our shift was done. Just to relax. When we saw (Random boy name here) walk in, we took this matter into our own hands,” Chappo says, making my eyes widen a bit. Before anyone could say another word, the door opened and (Y/N) walked back in.
Back to Normal POV
“I thought you were on lunch?” Harries question.
“Yeah, but I would be too lonely, so I grabbed a sandwich and came back,” she says while opening it.  
She then looks around to see the guys looking at her.   
“What?” she questions. They quickly averted their gaze away from her and back to the beach.
“Harries and Maxi, can you help me with some stuff that is in the storage area?” Chappo questions.
“Yeah, you two keep eyes on things, we will be right back,” Harries says, while Maxi and Chappo follow him out of the tower. This leaves the two trainees in the lifeguard tower. As (Y/N) ate her sandwich and watched the beachgoers have their fun. Jethro’s mind was racing.
“Hey (Y/N)?” Jethro’s voice breaks the silence in the tower.
“Yes, Jeff,” taking her eyes off of the water and turning to the blonde.
“I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after work tomorrow?” This question shocks her, but she smiles at him.
“ I would love to Jethro,” she replies. Jethro looked shocked at her answer.  His shocked expression quickly turned happy.
“We can get some food and hang out at Bronti,” Jethro suggests.  
That sounds perfect,” she says before they both turn back to watching the water.
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~A couple of weeks later~
After (Y/N) and Jethro had spent their afternoon together, they were spending more time together, both during work and after work. The crew started to notice how often they were together and started to poke fun at them. This wasn’t new for trainees to be picked on and pranks being played on them, look back to Harrison counting people on the beach and getting sunburned, but they would do it to the two of them at the same time. But today seemed like a calm day from what they had been dealing with. 
As (Y/N) was returning to the tower, she saw a bunch of them and a member of the public looking out the back of the water. 
“What’s going on?” she questions. 
“They had sent your little boyfriend out to retrieve a big Texas dude,” Deno responds. This caused (Y/N) to pick up a pair of binoculars to look out and sees Jethro toe paddling him back to shore. She then joined in on the laughter that was forming in the tower. 
“I’ll go meet them at the shoreline,” she says quickly leaving the tower. When (Y/N) gets down there, the two were just getting out of the water and the camera crew was setting up a quick interview with the both of them. After that, Jethro was drying off. 
“That was quite the rescue,” she says, making him jump a little. 
“Awe thanks, that was the most intense rescue I have done all summer so far,”
“You were his hero,” He then starts to laugh before bringing her into his wet chest. 
“NO JEFF!! I DIDN’T WANT TO GET WET YET!” she yells, but he laughs more and just holds her tighter. 
“So I was thinking of having a little surfing competition between the two of us,” he says, still holding her. 
“Oh yeah, so you are prepared to have your ass kicked,” (Y/N) says with a shit-eating grin. He then releases her and puts back on his shirt. 
“If anything, I will beat you,” he corrects her, causing her to roll her eyes. 
“How about after work I can prove you wrong.” 
“Deal now let’s get back up to the tower before the others think we are doing something other than lifeguarding.”
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When (Y/N) and Jethro’s shifts had ended, they quickly put on their wetsuits and grabbed a surfboard and headed out to the surf. As the waves started to roll, they would take turns riding the waves. When she would fall off of her board, Jethro would laugh at her, but she would do the same to him. 
When they came in from the surf, they sat on the sand and watched the sunset. (Y/N) leans against him and Jethro put his arm around her shoulder. She looks up at him, her feeling for the blonde had grown over the last couple of weeks. She feels her cheeks blush at her thoughts before leaning her head into his chest. He smiles and kisses the crown of her head. 
She looks back up at him, and he looks down at her. She then leans up and places her soft lips onto his. He was shocked at first, then he leaned into the kiss. Sparks were felt between both of them and it felt magical. Before it could get too heavy of a kiss, cheers and laughter were heard behind them. They released each other and saw the rest of the lifeguards were standing by the tower and buggies. 
“Well they seem happy,” Jethro comments, causing both the chuckle. She turns back to him with a smile. 
“So what does this make us?” she questions. He smiles before getting up and putting his hand out for her to get up. 
“I think this makes up for than friends. How about I make you my girlfriend?” he questions. This caused (Y/N) to smile before hugging him.
 “I like that… but…” 
“I won’t be like (Randon Boy's name). You will never have to worry about that again,” he says while looking deep into her (Y/E/C) eyes. She was shocked at his words. 
“How did you…”
“Thank Chappo, Maxi and Harries for being the protective people that they are,” he says with a small smile. (Y/N) looks back up to the tower before turning back to Jethro. She brings him into another kiss. Jethro smiles into the kiss and brings her into a heated kiss. 
“All right you two, come back to the tower,” Hoppo says through the megaphone. 
They break apart before looking back to the tower once again. (Y/N) could feel the nervousness coming from him. 
“It will be ok, my dad will be fine,” she says while starting to walk. 
“That’s not what I am worried about…” 
“So what are you are worried about?” 
“The team being the protective family that they are to you and Hoppo letting me go.” (Y/N) holds his hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. 
“If they do anything, they will have to go through me first,” she says, causing both to laugh. 
“Oh my hero,” he says while smiling, now ready to face the protective squad of lifeguards.     
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humbughana · 3 years
Rafe and Lola visit each others hometowns. 
enjoy this short lil thing... or don’t bestie.
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“Rafe, honey,” Lola stepped off the plane, a hand shielding her eyes from the blistering sun. Rafe looked back at her with a grin and she continued, “What in the living hell is this?” 
Rafe laughed wholeheartedly at her expression and grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders from behind, “Welcome to the Outerbanks, baby.”
It was amusing watching Lola deal with the summer heat, a piece of paper in hand to fan herself. Lola scowled at her sweatshirt she was wearing with her shorts, not at all anticipating it would be this hot, “Why did you let me wear this?” She asked in despair as they walked from the landing strip to the car. Rafe looked her over with a small smile and shrugged, “I thought you had a shirt on underneath.” She rolled her eyes and took off the sweatshirt, leaving her in a blue sports bra, “I don’t want to be all sweaty when I meet them for the first time!” She exclaimed when Rafe looked at her in surprise, trailed down her exposed torso.
“Oh I don’t mind, baby.” Rafe smirked slightly, before getting into the car. Lola jumped in and turned on the air conditioning immediately, slumping back in the seat. Rafe purposefully took a more scenic route to let her see the ocean and the small back roads through town. It was hard to keep his eyes on the road when she was hanging half out the window trying to get a good look at the blue water with wide eyes.
“It’s so pretty!” Lola laughed blissfully, letting her fingers twirl in the rushing wind outside the window, her hair blowing around her face. Rafe wished he had a camera to capture the perfect moment but his memory would have to do for now, “And you got to see this everyday?”
Rafe chuckled, looking sideways at her and grabbing her thigh when she started to hang halfway out of the car “You lived next to the beach too!” Lola only scoffed, shaking her head, “Not like this.” Thinking back at her Connecticut beaches and it really couldn't compare to this. 
When the car slowed down in front of a beautiful white house she threw on one of her college t-shirts from her bag and followed her boyfriend to the front door, “What if they don’t like me?” she whispered as they stood shoulder to shoulder at the door. Rafe rolled his eyes but stared straight ahead, “shut up, they’ll love you-
The door swung open to reveal Rafe’s stepmother Rose and Ward standing behind her, both with wide smiles on their faces.
“You must be Lola!” 
It was safe to say meeting the parents went amazing and Lola was already ‘part of the family’ as Ward said. Wheezie and Sarah were sweet and teased Rafe until his cheeks turned red and Lola snickered at him. Now Rafe was showing her around, and they ended up at the club.
Lola snorted, “You look like you golf,” Rafe turned towards her with an unamused look, “What does that even mean, Lo?”
She shrugged with a grin, “You just look like the type.” 
“You look like you couldn’t even hit the ball,”
It was her turn to look offended, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Rafe smirked and shrugged as she did, “You just look like that type of girl.”
So that's how the couple found themselves on the course as Lola watched Rafe hit his first ball, it veered much too far to the right and didn’t go nearly far enough. Lola whistled lowly, “ I take it back baby, you must not be the type.”
“You’ve got a big mouth, Lo. Hit your ball.” He pecked her lips as he passed and she stood up with her club and set her ball up. I guess golfing never came up in conversation with the two of them but Lola was from New England, where there was literally nothing better to do in her overly suburban town but go to the country club. Her father taught her how to golf when she was just a little girl and made her go out with him every now and then. She never knew it could  be quite the party trick until now.
Lola set her feet in position before sending a wink over to her boyfriend watching her with narrowed eyes. She drew her arms back in the position that had been drilled into her mind her whole life and hit the ball perfectly. 
When she turned back to Rafe with a little grin, “I think I hit it, didn’t I?” 
It was safe to say Rafe was not amused with her.
Nine holes later, Lola was absolutely crushing Rafe as he just gaped every time she hit the ball.
“Pay up baby,” Lola purred with her hand out, wiggling her fingers as Rafe shook his head in disbelief, “Where the fuck did you learn that?” 
Lola shrugged, “My dad plays.” Rafe just shook his head and dug out a twenty dollar bill out of his pocket and put it in her hand, “Thank you.” she leaned up and planted a kiss on his mouth, “Now c’mon, let’s go get some ice cream. On me.” she winked at him as they walked out of the clubhouse. 
Lola obnoxiously paid for both of their ice creams and now they were walking down the street mindlessly teasing and chatting with each other as Rafe pointed out his favorite places.
“Let’s go home and change. I’ll take you to the beach.” Rafe bumped her shoulder and wrapped an arm around her waist when her face brightened and she nodded enthusiastically, “Can we swim?” Rafe nodded with a grin, “We can do whatever you want. Tomorrow my dad’s taking us all out on the boat.”
“You have a boat?” Lola asked incredulously to which Rafe just nodded but rolled his eyes at her, “and so do you, lo.”
“But it’s not the same!” Lola groaned all the more excited to be here, “The vibe is just different. You wouldn’t understand.” She shrugged with a grin thinking of her hometown. When they got back to his house they rushed to put on bathing suits before going back out to the ocean. Lola promptly wasted no time sunbathing and ran straight out into the cool water, laughing as she went. 
Rafe caught her around the waist and they both fell backwards going under the water. Lola re-emerged first, “I don’t ever want to leave.” she groaned, wrapping her limbs around her boyfriend, “I love it here.” Rafe let out a laugh as her love for his hometown. His hands squeezed her thighs lovingly, “I had no idea.”
“Just wait until I take you to my hometown.” Lola rolled her eyes at him, “Then you’ll understand.” 
“Looking forward to it baby.”
“Jesus christ it’s cold.” Rafe whining as he crossed his arms when they stepped out of the airport together. Lola looked over at him and his sad winter coat while she was promptly bundled up in her favorite Canada Goose jacket with gloves and a hat, “I told you,”
Rafe just shot her a look before looking for the Uber they ordered to her house, Lola leaned into his side as they leached off of each other for warmth, the later of the two welcomed it greatly. She spotted the car right as Rafe’s teeth started to chatter and pulled him along, shoving him in the car when their luggage was taken care of. 
“Welcome to Connecticut, baby.” She said sarcastically and kissed his cold cheek. 
Rafe’s eyes widened when they pulled up to her family home. It was normal to her but it was much different than the houses down in North Carolina. The house sat on almost eighty-seven acres with a long driveway up to the front of the house that sat proudly on perfectly mowed grass that her father was always obsessing over. She glanced over at Rafe who only watched in amazement at the car stopped in front of the house finally, “Well?” She asked with a grin, “You ready?” 
Rafe could only nod, and climbed out of the car and grabbed their luggage before Lola ran up the steps to the front door and pounded on the oak french doors. They swung open to reveal a woman that was a spitting image of her daughter standing with a faux scowl but it broke out into a warm smile as they hugged each other. Rafe cautiously walked up behind them before her mom saw him and grinned at her daughter, “He’s very handsome sweety,”
“Don’t encourage him, mom.” Lola grinned at Rafe who was then engulfed in a hug by her mother, “Where’s dad?”
Her mom pushed them both inside and Lola snorted at her boyfriend looking up the tall ceilings in awe, “He should be out in the stables I think.” 
Rafe cut his eyes to hers incredulously as Lola was beaming with excitement and took his hand, “Stables? You have stables?” Lola nodded enthusiastically as she opened a back door that overlooked the massive backyard that seemed to just go on and on.
“Let’s go,” Lola pushed him towards a set of steps to the ground impatiently and led the way towards the main barn, “Dad!” She yelled when they stepped inside. 
“Lo?” An older looking man rounded the corner and Lola ran to hug him as he laughed, Rafe watched feeling a little awkward but waited to meet her father who shook his hand firmly and squeezed his shoulder, “Nice to meet you, son.” 
“Daisy?” Lola bounced with excitement to which her father rolled his eyes playfully and pointed outside. Lola snatched Rafe’s hand and pulled him along back into the cold air to see Lola making her way to a massive white horse. She stood on the black fencing and pet the horse with a soft smile.
“You have a horse?” 
“Technically we have seven.” Rafe’s mouth dropped open, “But yes, this one is mine.” 
“It’s like I don’t even know who you are anymore.” Rafe stood next to her, hand shoved into his pockets. Lola elbowed him in the side, “You just never asked.”
“I never asked if you were a horse girl?”
“Shut up,” she grumbled but smiled anyways.
The next day Lola woke Rafe up at the crack of literal dawn with a shit eating grin on her face that only could mean trouble as she climbed to sit on his waist. Rafe groaned, covering his eyes as she slapped then away from his face, “Lo, we are not having sex with your parents room right down the hall. It’s too early.” Lola smacked his chest as he gasped, “Get up, dumbass.” 
Lola ended up having to drag him out of the bed and shoved proper clothes into his hands, “These aren't mine-
“Put them on.” Lola pointed to the bathroom and he only sighed, still rubbing his eyes tiredly. Rafe walked out and Lola nodded, satisfied with herself and gestured for him to follow. She opened the door the one of the garages and led him to the opposite side-
Lola laughed, “Yes, It’ll be so fun!” She started rummaging through her snowboarding stuff. Her family basically collected the stuff so she was fairly certain there was a board Rafe could use along with the boots. 
“I’ve never skied before!”
Lola held up a finger, “Snowboarded.” She pushed a board in his direction, “And it’s good to try new things.” 
And that's how Rafe found himself at the top of a snowy mountain as Lola laughed as he fell for the fifth time, “You almost got it!”
“Shut up, Lo.” He climbed back to his feet as she just grinned in adoration, “You were right, you know.”
“About?” She watched him and he shook his head, “It’s a very different vibe,” Lola let out a warm laugh as she remembered what she told him. To be fair it was winter here and they went to his home during the summer but still.
“Now bend your knees.” She ordered and pushed him away from her. 
Hours later they were back at her parents house, curled up on the couch closest to the big fireplace. Her parents had dinner reservations leaving the couple to themselves as Lola rested her cheek on his chest, a blanket over the both of them, “”m glad you’re here.” she yawned as he ran his fingers through her hair mindlessly.
“Hey, Lo?” 
She mumbled incoherently, almost asleep. Rafe smiled down at her, “I like it here,”
“Really?” She cracked open one eye to look at him and he nodded, “I could get used to this,” 
“Oh really?” She sat up straighter with a soft smile, “Even the cold?” 
“Don’t push it horse girl,”
Lola punched his arm and he winced with a booming laugh, “You’re lucky I love you.”
“I love you too, Lo.”
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pink-peony-princess · 4 years
From Unpredictability Comes Strength
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Are you sure you're okay babe?" Shawn, my boyfriend asked as he walked over to the bed where I was currently laying curled up.
"I'm sure, still exhausted from the jet lag, and my period is giving me grief," I told him causing him to pout. Most girls my age would probably cringe at the thought of telling their boyfriend details about their period, but not me. See Shawn my boyfriend, my older brother Connor, and their friends Dave and Brian were all well respected doctors at the local hospital here in Toronto. That was part of reason for my moving from LA to Canada, I didn't want Shawn to loose such a good job, it was an added bonus that Bri and the other two guys also lived with us so I would get to see all of them.
"Okay," he agreed, though I could tell from the tone that he wasn't completely convinced.
"Call me if you need me, I get off at 6." he added before kissing my head and leaving the now empty house, the other having already left for the hospital.
Several hours later, and the pain just wasn't getting any better. I had always had bad periods. They were made especially bad though by a cyst that I had on my left ovary, something which when I asked my old doctor about she had told me that there was nothing that could be done short of some pain relief. I had tried everything though, hot packs, cold packs, a bath, even drinking green tea, (which I hated) to no avail. Finally I decided that I would try going for a short walk, as I heard that exercise could alleviate pain.
While on the walk I got a call from Shawn, "Babe come home, we all got off early so we're having a family dinner. " he spoke.
"Be there soon, I love you." I told him, before turning around and jogging home. As I went to cross the road, a dog came out of nowhere, and me being deathly afraid of them as I was tried to avoid it, by running the other way only to mis-step and fall directly into gravel. Unfortunately for me, I ended up skinning my knees and as I stood, groaning from the painful sting tht was now emanating from my limbs I realised there was dirt caught in them. Great, just great, I thought as I made my way home slowly, tears falling as I tried to ignore (and failed) how much pain I was in.
"Ana!" Brian called coming over to greet me with a hug. "How was your run?" He asked stepping back to look at me. "Wait, " He paused looking at me more closely. "Ana, you're crying, and bleeding, " he spoke as he looked me up and down before spotting my bloody knees.
" Shawn, " he called, looking over his shoulder to the kitchen where I could hear the other guys all laughing.
"Hi babe, " he started before noticing my knees as Brian had moments earlier and pouted.
"Let me see Princess," he spoke as he helped me into the kitchen and lifted me onto the bench.
"Aw, Poppet, what happend?" My brother asked when he saw me crying as Shawn gently examined my wounds.
"There was a dog." I shivered. I hated dogs except for Tarzan. "So I ran but I tripped." I hiccuped as I tried to slow my breathing.
"One Dr.Brian at your service," Bring sang as he reappeared holding the household first aid box, pulling out tweezers, antiseptic spray, gauze, tape, bandages, cream and pills. "I'm just going to remove the dirt, clean them and then I'll bandage them up. " He explained as he positioned my leg so the kitchen lights were directly above him. "Hold Shawn and Connor's hands for me okay, this will probably hurt."
He wasn't lying it feel like fire was being rubbed into my wounds, and I found myself biting my lip to try and stop myself from crying out loud.
"Nearly done hon," Brian soothed patting my leg as he washed out the last little bits of dirt. A minute later, he stepped back with a smile.
"The worst part is over now Princess," Shawn whispered in my ear, causing me to loosen my grip on their hands just a little. I still clung to them as Brian bandaged them up though, needing the physical contact.
"And you, my fair lady, are all finished," he smiled as he tucked the last bit of bandage in. "You'll need to get me or one of the guys to change it daily for three or so days, but other than that you'll be fine. "
"Thanks Brian," I whispered reaching to give him a hug.
"Ready to get down babe?" Shawn asked, going to grab my hands again.
"Can you just hold me for a minute?" I asked feeling slightly embarrassed.
"Of course. " He smiled before wrapping me in a warm embrace, and allowing me to rest my head in the crook of his neck. "Are you okay? " He asked when I sniffed.
"Mmm," My response was muffled, but they must have heard it because Connor was the next one to speak.
"Why are you so upset Bug?" he asked, using my childhood nickname.
"I don't know!" I cried. "I'm not sleeping because of the jet lag. I'm in pain and now this." I threw my hands up.
"Tell you what, " Connor started. "you have a shower then we'll have dinner and you and your other half-" he gestured to Shawn "can go have sappy cuddles on the couch. How does that sound?" He ruffled my hair softly as he spoke before returning to the cooking.
Fifteen minutes later, I came back down the stairs wearing one of Shawn's old Zeppelin shirts, it reaching my knees and drowning me, but I didn't care. It was comfortable, and it smelt like his aftershave.
"Feeling any better Princess?" he asked coming over and kissing my forehead
"A little," I spoke. Sighing as I leant into his hold. Truth was I was feeling less of the period pain and more of a sharp ache now. But I wasn't going to tell them that, all four of them would be swarming around me like sea gulls if I did.
"I'm hungry," I spoke stealing a piece of tomato that Connor had placed on the counter to add to the salad.
He merely glared at me playfully, but didn't say anymore.
Half an hour later and we were all sat at dinner, the boys all chatting amongst themselves about their work days, discussing patients and funding. While I just pushed my food around my plate, trying to ignore the now increasingly sharp pain radiating from my stomach.
"Ana are you okay?" Dave asked worriedly, watching as I pushed my plate away.
" I don't feel good." I spoke, before grimicing in pain as a particularly bad cramp took hold.
"Dont feel good how?" Shawn asked as he came over to where I was sitting, two seats down from him, bending down.
"Just make it stop." I groaned, reaching for my stomach.
"Make what stop Princess?" he asked, searching my face, and rubbing my leg trying to comfort me.
"The pain, it's like there's a knife there!" I cried, leaning into him and breathing heavily.
"Do you think you can stand up?" Brian asked, coming over to help Shawn support me as I slumped in my chair.
I stood slowly feeling extremely shaky before nearly collapsing as dizziness took over.
"Ana you went for a run right?" Dave asked, coming to stand by my side, taking my wrist so he could take my pulse.
I nodded my head, trying to slow my breathing as the room kept spinning.
"Shit, her pulse is racing, bring her over to the couch." He told Shawn before leaving the room.
Shawn and Dave both held me tightly as we moved slowly. I could barely lift my legs as every time I did pain took hold. "Okay, lay back babe," Shawn spoke as he helped me sit down, and situated me between his legs as he sat behind me.
"Right, Ana where is the pain?" Dave questioned coming to kneel down beside the couch.
"Right here, " I spoke pointing to my left side.
"I'm just going to feel," he spoke as he hiked my shirt up to just under my chest.
Everyone was quiet as Dave concentrated, moving around to press on different sections of my stomach. Finally he said "It is a bit swollen. Do you have any pain in your back or thighs? "
I looked back at Shawn,confused. "If the cyst on your ovary has ruptured or is close to, it can cause pain in the back and thighs," he explained, helping me to pull my shirt back down.
I nodded causing him sigh.
"We'll try some heat, maybe have a bath okay, the water may help to soothe it," Dave added before standing up and taking my wrist again. "Your heart rate is a little high, but we'll just keep an eye on you." He smiled,as Shawn scooped me up into his arms, and carried me up the stairs to our en suite.
"Arms up Princess, do you want bubbles?" he asked as he deposited me onto the closed toilet seat and helped me remove my clothing.
"Please?" I asked, watching as he grabbed my favourite bath lotion, and poured a generous amount in.
"Here we go. In you get," he spoke as he helped me into the tub The difference was almost immediate.
"I think it's time my little invalid gets out," Shawn whispered after about twenty minutes of me just laying back in the water, and letting him massage my scalp from where he sat next to the tub.
"Okay," I agreed, taking his hand as he helped me out of the bath slowly.
It was a slow process getting dressed, as I couldn't make any sudden movements, but Shawn was patient. "There," he said finally. "Snug as a bug, " He had not only redressed me into the shirt I had stolen from him, but had gone and gotten a sweater that he had left lying about and pulled it on me. "Can't have you getting cold little one," he laughed, before pecking my lips.
"It is freezing!" I agreed, as we made our way down the stairs.
"How's my patient?" Dave asked as Shawn placed me gently onto the sofa, covering me with a quilt.
"Sore," I replied, pouting, causing him to laugh.
"Here,this might help," Connor called walking in from the kitchen and placing a heating pad on my stomach.
"Thanks Con," I yawned, readjusting myself so that I could lay against Shawn's side as he squished onto the sofa beside me.
"Get some sleep babe," he whispered, "You need it." He didn't need to tell me twice, it was about three seconds and I was out like a light.
When I woke I wasn't sure what time it was, but I was no longer in the couch, instead Shawn had taken me up stairs and tucked me into the bed, and judging by the lack of light and the soft snores coming from Shawn as he slept soundly beside me, it was much later.
Unfortunately for me, there was no way that I was getting back to sleep any time soon, as the pain that had been uncomfortable, but bearable earlier was now causing me agony. So much so that I was literally feeling nauseous.
"Ana, are okay?" Shawn asked, talking into my neck, sleep thick in his muffled voice.
I didn't answer, trying to focus on not passing out.
"Ana," he sighed, as I just sat there crying grabbing fist fulls of sheet as each wave of pain came over me. Sitting up and switching on the lamp beside the bed, he rubbed my arm softly.
"Hold on I'll get the guys." He got up, before quickly exiting the room. A minute or so later I heard the sound of him knocking on the other's doors, and tired voices.
"It's worse? " Dave confirmed, walking into the room closely followed by Shawn,Brian and Connor.
"It never hurts this much, it's so bad!" I cried, pressing on my stomach, wanting the pain gone. I could feel a stronger wave of nausea just as Shawn bent down so that he was at my level, Connor coming to sit with me on the bed as he saw me gag, holding my hair back just in case.
" I'm gonna be sick!" I gasped holding my hand on my mouth, feeling the bile rise.
"Okay, just a second, Bri's gone to get a bucket bub," Shawn soothed coming to rub small circles in my back.
Finally just as I nearly let myself be sick on the bed, Connor spoke, "Here let it all out, " he soothed rubbing my back as Brian held a bucket beneath me that he must have bolted to get from somewhere. I was thankful though, as I could no longer hold it.
After a few minutes, I was able to catch my breath, though I still lay there sweaty and dazed.
"Here,come here Princess." Shawn motioned for me to shuffle over, so he could wipe my face down with a wet washer he had gone and gotten from out bathroom.
"I bleed on the bed," I cried, embarrassed as I shifted and felt the leak, before seeing the masive red stain on the once white sheet
" It's okay, it's normal to have heavy bleeding when a cyst is inflamed. Honestly, we see blood every day babe," Shawn soothed, as he pushed my messy hair out of my face "Besides, they're just sheets, worst case, we'll chuck them out."
"I feel horrible," I groaned letting my head fall onto Shawn's arms half an hour later, when even after a dose of strong pain killers I could barely move.
"Do you want to try sitting in the shower?" Brian suggested as he came back into the room after going to put the dirty sheets in the washer.
"Will it help?" I asked unsure.
"It might," Dave nodded, "The constant stream of warm water may help to loosen some of the muscles in your back and help with the pain and nausea. It's worth a try. "
"Okay," I agreed, watching as Dave stood up and came to stand at the side of the bed.
He held out a hand, helping to support me as Shawn pulled me into an upright position. The room spun a little, and I could feel myself swaying slightly but I managed to stay standing. "Just move very slowly, Ana, no sudden movements honey." Dave grimaced in sympathy as my face tensed with pain as I stepped forward. "
It's okay. We've got you. Breathe Ana. Just breathe," Shawn encouraged as we finally made it to the bathroom.
... Two hours later...
I had sat on the tiled floor of the shower cubicle for almost two hours now, yet nothing was changing and I was miserable. All I wanted to do was sleep. Shawn had sat with me the whole time, holding me gently under the water, not caring that his clothes were now soaked.
"Shawnie I feel dizzy," I told him trying to stay awake. "And my stomach is burning," I groaned, trying to ignore the hot feeling that was now taking over my tummy.
He took my wrist in his hand, before gently taking my pulse.
"Ana we need to go to the hospital honey," he spoke before leaning me against the glass door of the shower and standing up.
"No please can't you just do what you need to do here," I begged crying. I hated hospitals, and he knew it, it had been that way my entire 22 years of life.
"Shhh, calm down," he consoled before calling out to the others. "Dave, Brian, Connor!"
The looks of pity on all of their faces as they stepped into the room and took in my bedraggled state was too much for me to handle.
"Oh Ana, buddy. " Brian sighed, before bending down and helping Shawn to stand me up.
"We need to go to the hospital,she's dizzy her pulse is at 130 beats a minute, she's in more pain than before, she told me a minute ago that her stomach was burning, and she's bleeding more than she should be. I think it may have burst," he told the others as he wrapped a towel around my wet-clothed body.
"Burns," I whimpered as we made our way downstairs, me in my brother's arms, allowing Shawn to run and change into dry clothes.
I heard them muttering amongst themselves, not making out much more than medical word: inflammation and gastritis,and then I was tuning them out.
I couldn't help the tears as we made the short drive to the hospital, me laying across Connor and Shawn's laps.
"I know bub,we'll sort it out okay. But just focus in staying calm. The more upset you are, the worse you'll feel." Connor explained rubbing my stomach softly.
I felt horrible as I watched my little sister in pain, desperately clinging to Shawn as we pulled into the staff carpark. Luckily for us Shawn and I worked as critical care doctors in the ICU while Brian and Dave ran the ER, meaning we could just go straight in, not having to worry about admissions, and insurance just yet.
"I thought you were off tonight? It's been one hell of a night!" Nancy one of the nurses spoke as we walked in.
"We were, but Ana has a burst cyst," I spoke pointing to Shawn who held her in his arms as we walked towards the only available exam room.
Nancy frowned sympathetically, before walking back to the nurses station "You'll need to run it, no doctors available," she called.
Normally we won't treat relatives but she was high priority as as Nancy had said there was no one else there.
"Right Ana I need to run some tests honey, I'm going to get Shawn to change you into this," Dave spoke holding out a gown, as Shawn placed my sister onto the exam table gently.
Once that was done Dave came back over, setting up the portable ultra sound machine next to the bed.
"So I'm just going to put some gel on your stomach, and have a look okay. It might be a little uncomfortable so I apologise in advance."
She whimpered slightly, grabbing Shawn's hand as Dave pressed the wand down."
"I know I'm sorry, " he apologised as he continued to move it around, finally he stopped, zooming in.
"Here it is, you've got a burst cyst on your left ovary, that's why it's hurting so much. When you were running the exertion must have caused it to burst. It also looks as though you have evidence of gastritis too."
"What's that?" she asked looking to me for help.
"Its inflammation of the stomach lining, that's the burning you were feeling.We'll run some more tests though, just to be sure-"
He was interrupted as he spoke by one of the nurses poking her head around the curtin.
"Dr. Craigen would you be able to consult in triage?"
"No," He answered politely. "I'm currently busy looking after a personal patient."
Ana laughed once she had left. "Can you do that? Just ignore?"
"For you, yes, you're our most important patient." He winked. " Good news," he added, " There's no twist, so no surgery but it did burst, and you have lost some blood. So I would like to admit you so we can give you fluids and pain relief," he explained causing her nose to crinkle in distaste.
"Can Shawn stay?" I asked worried that I'd be stuck here by myself.
"I'm not going anywhere Princess," he reassured, me, coming to sit on the side of the bed with me.
Half an hour later and I'd been officially admitted and hooked up to a blood pressure machine, oximeter, and an I.V. with pain meds which was working wonders.
"How you feeling now princess?" Shawn asked, looking at the machines briefly before focusing his attention back to me. We were now the only two in the room, Brian and Connor having gone to the Cafeteria for much needed coffee, and Dave to check my previous file notes, not that I knew how he'd get a hold of them.
"I'm cold." I shivered, trying to burrow myself further into the too think blankets.
"Here, this should help," Shawn smiled, pulling one of his jumpers out of his bag and helping me into it.
There was a knock on the door, before Dave stepped into the room,a clipboard in hand. "Sorry to interupt guys." he apologised. "Ana, I need to ask you some routine questions," he spoke coming to sit next to the bed.
"Is there any chance you could be pregnant?" he asked seriously.
I blushed, "Ummm no," I laughed hiding my face in Shawn's shoulder.
"Sorry,this is just as awkward for you as it is for me. Trust me I don't want to know the details of one of my best mates private this. But this important," he explained smiling sympathetically.
"Well, No, trust me," I laughed, just wanting to move on.
"Okay. Well I'm going to do a blood draw just to rule a couple things out. Make sure nothing additional is going on."
"The doctor basically told me there was nothing she could do," I told him, watching as he grabbed all the necessary supplies.
"Well now that you're over here Dave will take care of you princess," Shawn spoke kissing my head.
"You don't have to worry about a thing." Dave smiled before snapping on a pair of gloves and coming to sit next to me.
"Shawn move your fat bum so I can get this blood work done," he spoke, shoving Shawn off the bed with his hip where he had been sitting next to me.
"Sharp scratch Ana," he warned causing me to squeeze my eyes shut in anticipation. "Just stay nice and relaxed."
Several hours later,and nothing abnormal had shown up in my blood work, meaning that once my pain was under control I was free to go, however Dave did explain to me that he had seen evidence of gastritis as Connor had mentioned earlier a symptom of the strong medications I had been taking to manage my pain. I was prescribed an ant-acid, toldstay away from spicy food, and change medications to something a little less harsh.
"You also need to be on bed rest for a few days to give your stomach time to heal," Shawn had added, laughing when I whined in protest. He knew I hated being stuck immobile.
Days later I had been released on strict orders to rest, something which I reluctantly agreed to.
" I'm so glad your feeling better," Shawn said sitting next to me on the sofa, that had become my temporary home due to not being able to walk easily on my own.
"Well it wasn't exactly the way I wanted to spend my first few days here, but thank you guys," I spoke, looking to the other three who sat across from us. They all smiled. "Seriously. Hopefully this will be the start of a great new chapter! I can't wait to see what living in Canada brings," I shouted causing them all to laugh.
"What would I do without you babe?" Shawn chuckled, kissing me.
"I don't know, your life would certainly be more predictable though," I laughed, snuggling into his shoulder.
"But then life would be boring, besides from unpredictabiliy comes strength, and you Ana, are the strongest person I know," he smiled, kissing my temple and resting his head atop mine.
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softboywriting · 5 years
Christmas Together | Shawn Mendes
Summary: When you and Shawn head home for Christmas, you end up stuck in a snowstorm in a small town in the middle of the united states. With all flights grounded until further notice, the two of you will have to spend Christmas together at a bed and breakfast. This blizzard may just be the push that brings the two of you together with the help of a little Christmas magic. [fluff] [Christmas themed] [personal assistant to lovers au] [non au shawn]
Word Count: 6k
|Masterlist In Bio|
Traveling with Shawn for the holidays is never easy. He is possibly the busiest man you've ever worked for but you don’t mind because being with Shawn is just like being with someone you love, because, well, you do love him. Thanksgiving came and went, yours in the states not his, you don't go home for that holiday anyways. It's not a big deal for your family back home. Christmas is though and traveling three days before Christmas is a nightmare.
Things were going smoothly, you had a plan to get home before christmas. Things were going perfectly until the last minute. You had somehow gotten two tickets on a fully booked flight from Brazil to Canada. The plan is for you to fly straight to the Toronto airport, no layovers and from there you'll catch a cab home to New York. You're about an hour into the flight and you can feel some turbulence coming on. No big deal. Until the pilot announced an emergency landing somewhere in Iowa.
"Oh no...no no shit." You look out the window and see nothing but clouds. No doubt about it, you’ve flown directly into a storm system.
"What? It's fine, we're just going to be a little delayed." Shawn rubs your shoulder. "It's no big deal."
"No, it is." You lean your head back against the headrest. "My sister is having a baby today and I promised I'd be there. My whole family is going to be there for Christmas. She's the first of us to have a kid."
"Oh. You didn't tell me that."
You look over and Shawn looks concerned. He always has such a big heart for everyone, it’s one of the many reasons why you love him so much. "I didn't think you needed to know. It's not work related."
"Well yeah but I still care about you. I know I'm your job but like, I'm still a person who cares about you."
"I know...I know I usually tell you everything it's just been...I've been-"
Shawn lays his hand on yours and you look down at it, heart racing. "I've been difficult lately. I know and I'm sorry. Traveling and shows have been hectic the last few weeks. It's totally my fault you’re overwhelmed."
"No, Shawn it's fine. My job is to take care of all that stuff. I'm not- I shouldn't complain about it."
"So what's stressing you out if it's not me?"
"Everything about the christmas season. My sister having a kid, obviously but...mostly it’s that christmas sucks when you're single okay?"
Shawn's eyebrows shoot up. "Why?"
"Because every year I go home and my siblings all have their girlfriends and boyfriends or fiance's and shit and I'm the odd one out. Every year I become the center of attention at dinner, the butt of the joke during gift opening. It's just a pain in the ass being branded as the forever alone child in the family."
"Why is your family so mean?"
"They aren't. They don't mean their comments venmously, it's just little things that bug me. Little indirect jabs that remind everyone I'm single and I have been for a long time."
"Why are you single?"
You give him a blank stare. He couldn't be serious. He doesn't understand that he's the reason you can't be in a relationship? That your job of tailing him everywhere and managing his schedule and life is just as stressful on a relationship with someone for you as it is for him. "Shawn, I'm constantly traveling. When am I supposed to date? When am I supposed to meet someone?"
"Fuck." He groans and scrubs a hand over his face. "You're in the same boat as me. I didn’t even think of it like that."
"Yeah except I can't fly somewhere every time I have a few days off to see someone and make an attempt at one."
He shakes his head. "I've doomed you to be single. I'm putting you through the same stress I put myself through and it's not fair."
"It's not. But it's my job, and you have yours."
Shawn grabs your arm as the plan drops and shakes. "I'll make it up to you, I swear." His voice falters as the plane jerks violently.
You squeeze your eyes shut and he threads his fingers between yours, palm a little sweaty. "I don't see how but okay."
"If we make it through this I will do everything I can to get you a date."
"You're crazy Mendes."
"Yeah but you already knew that."
The plane lands in one piece despite feeling like it was going to tear in half at any moment. As soon as you get to the airline club lounge you find out the flight is not just delayed but all flights are grounded for the next forty eight hours at least. Two days. You are definitely going to miss your sister's baby and you're possibly going to miss Christmas. As much as you don't want to deal with your family for the holiday, you're still going to miss them and you’re upset you might not be there.
"What're we going to do?" You ask as you slump into a chair beside Shawn. He looks over from his phone and you raise your eyebrows. "What are you doing?"
"I got a place to stay until we can get another flight."
"What? How? That's my job."
He chuckles and pockets his phone. "I can book a place. I know how to use the internet."
"Well yeah but- how? There was a hotel with rooms free this close to Christmas and during a storm?"
"Kind of. Every hotel I looked at was full but there is a bed and breakfast about half an hour from the airport that had a room."
You stand up and grab your bag and suitcase. "I'll call a car or taxi or something for us and-"
Shawn lays his hand on your shoulder. "I did that too. I got an Uber."
"You do absolutely everything for me. I figured I could return the favor since right now is really stressful for you."
"But it's my job...it's not a favor."
Shawn shakes his head and grabs his bags. "Come on, you need to relax. I read that this b'nb is super nice and the rooms have huge tubs. I know you like baths."
"What? How do you know that?"
"You travel with mini bath bombs in your shower bag and you always seek out the hot tub when we book a really nice hotel on tour." Shawn looks back and you jog to catch up to him. "I guess I’m a little observant?"
"What else have you observed?" You ask nervously, hoping he hasn’t caught on to the fact you have very real feelings for him. You’ve done your best to hide them for a long time.
Shawn holds open the door to the pick up lanes for you as you step out into the icy wind blowing snow everywhere. "Your favorite color is red."
"Why's that?"
"You rarely wear it but when you do, you are always more confident and you seem more comfortable. You always pick red when given a choice of things and your eyes always light up whenever I wear my red button down, so I know you must like the color at least."
"Maybe that's because it looks so good on you."
He smirks. "Oh yeah?"
"Good to know." Shawn steps out into the snow and approaches a black car. "Come on, this is our ride."
The bed and breakfast looks like a winter wonderland. It's decked out in decorated trees, wreaths, lights, the whole nine yards when the Uber driver pulls up. It has a little sign in the front that says Dover Inn. How Shawn found this place you have no idea. A short walk up to the front and you and Shawn are pushing your way through a heavy door into a small foyer that's been converted into a check in area.
"Hello!" An older woman with long dark hair says as she comes out of a back area. Her name tag says Judy. "Do you have reservations?"
"Yes, Mendes. We booked online." Shawn shakes snow off his hat by the door. "The first name is Peter."
"Ah, yes, here you are." Judy says, squinting at her laptop on the old wood countertop. "Let me go see that the room is ready. I'll be right back."
"Peter?" You ask, dusting your coat off. "Why'd you use your middle name?"
"I didn't want to draw attention to myself. You know how fans are, they always somehow find out where I'm staying."
"True. Smart, actually. But we're in the middle of nowhere Iowa in a town of probably a few thousand people during a snowstorm. I'm pretty sure that no fans are going to bum rush you out here."
"I wasn't taking the risk." Shawn pulls his hat back on and you shake your head at him.
"Mr. Mendes?" Judy says from the stairs behind the check in desk.
"You booked a double room correct?"
The woman walks forward to the desk and types something into her laptop, chewing on her lower lip. "There is an error with room numbers on the site, the room you booked is a single room suite with a queen bed. We can refund you if you like. I'm so sorry."
"No," you lay your hand on Shawn's arm before he can say anything. "It's fine. We will take it."
Shawn gives you a look, silently asking if you're sure.
"You're sure?" The host asks, looking between you and Shawn. "I can at least give you a discount for the mistake."
"That will be fine, thank you." Shawn says softly and the host grabs your room keys.
On the way up the stairs you notice how beautiful this place really is. It's old, a historic building if you were to guess. A large manor like house of sorts at some time, but now converted to a bed and breakfast. Everything is decked out in Christmas, literally everything. Judy leads you to your room at the end of the hall and opens the door.
"We have pillows and blankets in the closet. There are heated blankets available on request. Breakfast is served at eight until nine every morning. If you need anything you can call the front desk by dialing star five five. Feel free to explore the inn, we have a large living room and the kitchen open to guests after ten in the morning. Can I get you anything right now?"
"No, thank you." You smile as you look around the gorgeous room. It's huge and spacious. There is a fireplace in the center of the far wall, lounge chairs flanking it with a small tree decorated in the corner. A large queen-size bed with a huge bed frame and two dark wood dressers sit against the opposite wall. There is a door on the left of the entrance for the bathroom and the right for the closet. It's incredible.
Shawn drops his bag on the floor by the closet and pushes his suitcase and guitar case up against it. "You're fine with sharing a bed?"
"Yeah? Should I not be?"
"Well I mean isn’t it a little...intimate?"
You laugh. "Shawn, I've been your assistant for almost two years now. I'm pretty sure that I can survive sharing a bed for two nights with you. It's just like sharing your bed with your best friend when they sleep over." You drop your own bag by the closet. "Don't worry about it." You say this, but honestly you’re not sure how you’re going to fare. Being close to Shawn is one thing, but sharing a bed is a special kind of intimate, whether sexual or not, you worry about how you’ll be able to keep your cool.
Shawn takes off his coat and flops down on the bed. "I'm sorry you're missing your sister's baby."
You hang your own coat and flop down beside him. "There's nothing that can be done now."
"What if we can't get home for Christmas?"
You look over and he turns his head to look at you. "We have each other?"
"Yeah, we do." Shawn smiles softly. "I'm glad I'm stuck here with you."
"I'm glad it's you too."
Sleeping with Shawn is better than you expected. To start, you thought he would be a bed hog like he is on the tour bus, sprawled out all over his bed at the back of the bus, but he isn't. The two of you put on pajamas and crawled in on your respective sides. It was a little awkward at first, both of you unsure if it was okay to move or curl up or anything really. You decided to break that barrier though, push the button and make a move because the tension was absolutely eating you alive.
You scoot over from the very edge of the bed where you are laying uncomfortably still. You turn on your side and face Shawn who looks uncomfortable as hell too. "Hey, you look like you're petrified."
"I don't know what to do."
"How do you usually sleep with other people in your bed?"
Shawn rolls onto his side and props his head up on his hand. "Well, usually I spoon them because it's someone I'm very interested in and have usually just been intimate with. Other than that I usually sleep alone."
"Uh huh. So is it the lack of intimacy before hand that's stopping you?"
His cheeks turn dark pink in the soft glow of the white lights on the tree in the corner. "I-I don't know. Maybe?"
"If you need to spoon me so you can sleep, you can. I don't mind." You lay on your back and roll so your back is to him. You pat your side, inviting him to cuddle up. It’s the worst idea you’ve ever had and your heart is threatening to burst out of your chest at the sheer thought of Shawn being pressed against you. But how else will you ever get to experience a Shawn cuddle? You would rather know and live with that knowledge for the rest of your life while you pine in silence until you find someone to settle down with, than never know and always wonder just what you may have missed. "I trust you Shawn."
The bed shifts and you can feel the heat from his body as he scoots closer, but not quite touching. "You don't think it's weird?"
"We've been in much more intimate situations I’m sure. I've seen you naked a few dozen times. This isn't a big deal. I sleep better with someone close and you do too it seems. Just cuddle me and stop being so nervous about it."
Shawn's hand rests tentatively on your hip. "You're sure you don’t mind?"
"Shawn. I swear, it's fine." You chew on your lip, voice surprisingly convincing despite your nerves.
Finally Shawn takes the plunge, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you back against his warm body. Instantly you melt, body completely turning to mush. It’s everything you imagined it would be and more. He’s just right, bigger than you, warmer, soft but not too soft. You let out a sigh and he presses his nose to your hair.
"You smell really good,” Shawn says quietly.
"You're welcome, and thank you for letting me cuddle you. I hope you don't think I'm weird."
You put your hand over his against your chest. "I always think you're weird, but not because of this."
"I miss it."
"Hmm? Miss what?"
"Being affectionate like this." He adjusts himself so he is fully pressed against the length of your body, feet covering yours between the blankets.. "It's been a long time."
You close your eyes, nervous to say what you really want to. Worried he will know you're falling for him. Well...that you’ve already fallen for him. You did that a long time ago. "I don't mind if you want to do this. I mean...like, again?"
Shawn presses his hand against your chest gently, holding you back against him as if giving you a hug. "I just might have to take you up on that offer sometime."
Morning finds you warm and cozy. There is a fire in the fireplace when you sit up and look around the otherwise empty room. Shawn isn't there, but the smell of his body wash wafts in from the bathroom that's open but dark. You look to the clock over the fireplace and it's just after eight thirty. You check your phone and you have no signal, of course.  
You stretch as you get up and go to the big windows on the far wall. It's snowing still. You doubt it has ever stopped. You grab the complimentary robe from the dresser on your side of the room and wrap up in it before heading downstairs.
In the dining area that's set up like a small restaurant would be with it's tables and chairs scattered around with families and couples sat in eating, you find Shawn alone by the fireplace sipping coffee and reading something on his phone.
"Morning," you say softly as you take a seat with your back to the fireplace. "How'd you sleep?"
"Like a baby. You?"
Shawn puts his phone down and offers you his cup. "Coffee?"
"That's yours though?"
"Yeah but you can have some while we wait for the hostess to come by again." Shawn scoots the mug toward you. "I know you aren't sick or something."
You wrap your hands around the mug and lift it up to take a sip. Straight black coffee with a hint of sweetener. It's strong as hell and you swear you can feel it wake your senses up immediately. "This is horrible. How do you enjoy this?"
He laughs. "It's good?"
"No cream or something? It's like engine oil."
"Nuh uh." Shawn plucks his mug from your hands and takes a drink. "It's great. Oh, here comes the hostess."
You order some eggs, bacon and orange juice. Shawn asks for just some bacon and toast. You look out the window to see the snow reaching the bottom of it, drifted up from the wind no doubt. It has snowed so much you're seriously worried you may not get home for a while.
"What's wrong?"
"The snow. It keeps falling."
"Yep." Shawn turns and looks outside. "I told my parents I would be spending Christmas here. If I'm wrong, it'll be a surprise when I get home. If I'm right, they're not worried about me."
"You have signal?"
"Yeah. You don't?"
"No. Can I call my parents?"
Shawn hands you his phone and you excuse yourself to the living room where it's a little quieter. You dial your dad's cell number and lean against the wall near a tree.
"Dad? Hey it's me."
"Kiddo! Where are you? We thought you were coming home last night?"
"We had to land in Iowa. We're grounded for at least two days, but it might be longer. It's hasn't stopped snowing since last night. Did Penny have her baby?"
"Not yet. They said it could be any day now, I guess she wasn't ready."
"That's great! Well, not for Penny but I didn't miss it. Is she worried about me? Did she think I forgot?"
"No no, we figured you might have been delayed. Whose number are you calling from by the way? I didn't recognize it."
"It's Sh- the hotel's number. I'm using a landline."
"It's an out of country number? I thought you were in Iowa?"
You scrub a hand over your face and mentally kick yourself. You don't want to tell your dad it's Shawn's cell number but your lie doesn't make sense. "It's Shawn's phone. Promise me you won't give this number out."
"Shawn? You're traveling home with him?"
"Yeah, well, no."
"Honey!" You dad calls for your mom and you hear her respond in the background. "Our daughter is bringing home a guest for Christmas!"
"Dad! No! We aren't going to make it!"
"What's that dear? You're breaking up, I can barely make out your voice."
"Dad, we probably aren't going to make it for Christmas and I'm not bringing Shawn home. Dad, can you hear me?"
"You're bringing Shawn? That's okay! We'll see you soon!"
"Dad no! We aren't-" The line goes dead and you pull the phone away from your ear. The signal bars drop from three to none and you groan. Perfect...just perfect.
After breakfast you find Shawn in the living room with his guitar sitting with a little girl who has a cat piano that meows instead of playing regular piano notes. The girl is maybe five or six and you're pretty sure her grandma is the woman sitting a few feet away on her iPad. You lean against the archway that leads to the dining area and smile as Shawn let's the girl pluck a few strings on the guitar.
"You like music huh? What's your favorite?"
"I like the music from Frozen and Moana." The girl says and presses a key on her piano that makes a deep cat meowing sound. "I like Moana the best."
"Me too." Shawn smiles, playing a few chords. "I know the song How Far I’ll Go pretty well."
You shake your head as he smiles to himself. Of course he knows the song, it's one of Alessia's. Shawn looks up and sees you. He says something to the girl really quick and gets up, leaving his guitar on the floor.
"Hey, did you get to call your parents back after it dropped?"
"No, the signal keeps fading. I sent a few texts, hopefully they'll get them."
"Ah. Well...did you know you're standing under the mistletoe?"
"Huh?" You look up and sure enough there is a little sprig of green with holly berries attached to the archway. "No, I think you're under the mistletoe."
"No, it's definitely you and you know what that means."
"You're gonna kiss me?"
"Yep." Shawn leans in and kisses your cheek gently as you back up. "You're free to go now."
You roll your eyes and giggle as he steps forward and leans against the archway. "Oh no, looks like you're definitely under it now."
"Ah crap."
You stand on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek. "Looks like I was right all along."
Shawn laughs and turns away to go back into the living room. "I'll get you back for that, you lured me in."
"Uh huh. Sure you will." You head upstairs to find a movie on tv to kill time. May as well get used to it. You're going to be here a while longer.
A little after noon Shawn finds you in the room curled up on the bed watching TV. You just got a text back from your dad saying that Penny had her baby. A boy named Lucas, eight pounds. You couldn't help but cry, disappointed you weren't there but happy that Penny had her baby okay. It sucks.
"What's wrong?" Shawn asks, sitting beside you on the bed. "Your eyes are red like you were upset."
"Penny had her baby."
"Oh! That's great, is she okay? Is the baby okay?"
You nod. "I'm just sad I couldn't be there for her. She's the first of my siblings and I to have a kid and I guess...I guess I sort of live vicariously through her."
"It's fine." You wipe your eyes. "Everyone is healthy. I'll get to meet the baby a little later. It's alright."
Shawn opens his arms and motions for you to come to him. You do, leaning forward until you're crawling into his arms. He holds you tight, rubbing up and down your back with his big soft hands. "Its okay to be upset. I understand if you're emotional about missing something clearly important to you."
You rub your nose on his shoulder. "Thank you. I'm sorry I'm crying so much."
"No, shh, you don't have to be sorry."
Shawn squeezes you. "No buts, let it all out. You're always there for me on my bad days, I'm gonna be here for you."
"Can I take you to dinner?"
You look up from your laptop. The inn has WiFi but it's not the best. You've just been updating schedules and trying to get any flight out of Iowa. So far everything is still grounded until the storms blow over. "Dinner?"
"Yeah. I was talking with some people in the living room earlier and they said that there is a place not too far from here that serves dinner through Christmas Eve. I thought maybe it'd get your mind off of everything."
"Sure." You close your laptop and get up to put on your coat. "Are we walking?"
"Yes. Wear your boots."
"Mmm and what are you going to wear?" You glance at his well loved chelsea boots in the corner. They're the only shoes he has with him aside from some tennis shoes made of breathable mesh.
Shawn grabs his boots and looks down at his feet, wiggling his toes in his socks. "I'll wear extra socks?"
"Mmhmm." You sit down and pull on your black leather boots that are possibly the best shoes you own. "Y'know you're a millionaire right? You can afford new boots just like those that aren't worn thin."
"I know. But these are comfortable, they're my boots."
He groans as he sinks into the bed beside you to put on an extra pair of socks. "I promise I'll get new boots okay? But I won't get rid of these."
"Shawn, they're old."
"They're my favorite." He zips the side and stomps his foot down to adjust to the extra socks bulk. "Don't judge me."
"Alright, alright," you giggle. "I'll stop bullying you into getting new shoes. If they make you happy, that's what matters."
"They do." Shawn gets up and grabs his coat, tossing you his sweater he wore yesterday. "You might want that."
"I have a sweater?"
"The thin one that you wore yesterday? That's hardly a sweater."
"I didn't plan on being trapped in a snowglobe after leaving Brazil, a very non sweater climate. So sorry I didn't pack for a blizzard."
Shawn narrows his eyes and you narrow yours back. "I'm not going to take a human popsicle to dinner."
"Oh whatever." You snatch his sweater off the bed laughing as you pull it on. It's a little big and it smells like cinnamon and his cologne. So basically, Shawn. You used to wonder why he smelled like cinnamon, then you found out one of his primary vitamin supplements has cinnamon in it. It's supposed to help with metabolism or something. All you know is it makes him smell slightly spicy when he gets warm.
The walk to the restaurant is fairly short. It's just two blocks up from the inn. The snow is a pain to walk through and it's easier to walk in the street than it is to try and use the sidewalk. There are absolutely no cars out and about so you're pretty safe. There are a few other people in the restaurant when you step in, grateful to get out of the cold wind. You're glad you wore Shawn's sweater.
"So, if we are stuck here for Christmas, what do you want to do?" Shawn asks as soon as you're seated by the waitress.
"We're going to find a way home."
"I know you're trying but-"
You shake your head. "No, I'm going to find a way home. I missed Penny's baby. I'm not missing Christmas."
Shawn sighs softly. "Alright. We're going to find a way home. I'll get you home one way or another."
"We'll get us both home."
"Right. Enough about that though, we're supposed to be enjoying dinner and not thinking about all that." Shawn says, lifting his menu. "Look, they have a Christmas dinner option. Ham, potatoes and all the fixings. Sounds good."
You nod and try to focus on the menu. It's hard. You can't help but feel nervous as the day comes to a close. One day until Christmas. At least you're not alone.
Just after two in the morning you wake up to a severe weather alert on your phone. The signal must have connected enough for you to get one. Shawn's phone goes off too, loudly buzzing on his dresser.
"What's going on?" Shawn asks sleepily, arm falling to your waist as you sit up.
"It's a severe weather alert." You read the message on your phone. "Blizzard warning. High winds may cause power outages across the state. Below freezing temperatures are in effect, be advised if going outdoors."
"Shit." Shawn mumbles.
"Shit is right. We're not leaving this place."
He pushes you back down and you curl up facing the windows away from him. "We'll be alright."
"This sucks."
"Mmm. I promise I'll make it up to you. It's my fault we're out here because I didn't want to leave Brazil until the last minute. I ruined Christmas." He sighs.
"Shawn, stop. You didn't ruin anything."
He cuddles you against him and presses his nose into your hair. "I'm sorry."
"You didn't do anything."
"I still feel guilty."
You grab his hand and he threads his fingers between yours. "Can I ask you something?"
"Anything, but I'm not very awake."
"Do you think we were meant to be here, together for Christmas?"
"Like...never mind."
Shawn yawns and doesn't press the subject. He relaxes into you, his weight comfortable against your back. You close your eyes, really enjoying this moment despite the impending knowledge of being stuck here for the holiday. You and Shawn fit together perfectly, maybe a little too perfectly.
Shawn is gone again when you wake up in the morning. It's after eight and you know you should get up and go get breakfast, but you aren't hungry. It's Christmas Eve. You don't want to get up.
The bedroom door opens and Shawn walks in, bundled up and carrying a bag full of wrapped gifts. "Good morning."
"Morning. What's that?" You point to the gifts and Shawn grins sheepishly.
You raise your eyebrows. "Why do you have presents for me?"
Shawn sets the bag down by the tree and unwraps his scarf from around his face. "Everyone deserves gifts on Christmas day. And since we're going to be stuck here, I figured we should make our own Christmas."
"You're not sad you can't get home?"
"I was, but I talked to my dad this morning. He said that Christmas is what you make it, whether that be with family, friends or your pets. He said that they will miss me, but he doesn't want me to fret over it. We can do Christmas whenever I get home." Shawn hangs his coat and kicks off his boots. "I'm lucky, because I have you and I'm not alone."
"I guess you're right. We are together in the same boat."
"Yep. So let's make the best of it."
"I suppose I should get up and go shop for you now huh?"
"You could. But let's have some breakfast first." Shawn holds his hand out for you. "Come on, there is cinnamon roll pancakes with your name on them."
"There is?"
"Mmm. I talked to the kitchen staff this morning. They said they would make them special since we're some of the few guests left at the inn." Shawn bites his lip. "I know they're your favorite."
"You're sweet." You curl your fingers around his hand and he lifts you up out of bed. "Too sweet."
Shawn hugs you tight. "You deserve it."
Breakfast is amazing. The kitchen crew out did themselves with the cinnamon pancakes with sweet icing for you. Shawn ordered just eggs and bacon but they're also super good. Even the coffee is better than before.
Shawn reaches out and swipes some icing off your lip with his thumb. "Do you like me?"
"What? Of course." Your heart sinks, stomach churning. You know he doesn’t mean in a general way. "Why?"
"I mean, as more than your friend or job...whatever. I've just been thinking. The last few days have been some of the best I've had and-" He looks away, flushed. "And you and I have been kind of flirting a lot? Unless I've been reading this completely wrong."
"You like me?"
"Of course I like you." He looks back and fidgets with his fork. "You and I have had a vibe since you joined the team. I think I've been too nervous to admit it before now. I was too scared to shoot my shot."
You grab Shawn's hand and make him stop tapping his fork on the table. "Calm down. I like you a lot. A whole lot."
"Yeah?" He grins, chewing on his lip.
"Good, because I don't want to stop sharing a bed with you any time soon. You’ve spoiled me the last few days. I don't think I've slept this well since before the tour started." He chuckles to himself. "Remember when I promised you on the plane that as soon as we landed I'd find you a date?"
You giggle and he lines his hand up with yours on the table, palms together, his fingers curling over the top of yours slightly. "Yes?"
"Do you want to go out with me tonight?"
"But there is a blizzard warning."
Shawn looks around the dining room. "We can stay here, I can get hot cocoa and cookies from the kitchen. We can watch a movie or something." His fingers slot between yours and you squeeze his hand. "We can stay up until midnight like kids on Christmas."
"Alright." You smile softly and he looks back just as soft. "Let's do it."
At midnight you and Shawn exchange gifts, not all of them, just one each. You had gone out and shopped at a small store in town that had all sorts of things for the holidays. You picked out a few things for Shawn, just little memorable trinkets. One is a keychain so you never forget this holiday and it says first Christmas, Iowa. It's cheesy but you don't care. The next gift you grabbed was a paracord bracelet the store had by the registers. It's black with a red stripe down the middle. You couldn't pass it up. Shawn loves his accessories and especially if they mean something or are a gift.
Shawn hands you a small box wrapped in brown paper first. "Merry Christmas."
You turn it over and give him a look. "What is this?"
"Open it and see."
You tear off the brown paper and open up the box. Inside is a little sparkly rose charm on a gold chain. "This is so cute." You lift it out and it is so ornate and delicate. "Where did you get this?"
"It's a secret." He smirks.
"Mmhmm. You did not buy this here.”
“You can’t prove that.”
“Oh yeah? I have access to your bank account remember? I swore I wouldn’t use it for ill intent but...and you told me you’d never lie to me when we first met.”
“Fine, I did promise you that. I got it before we left Brazil. I was going to give it to you at the airport.”
“Thank you.” You curl your hand around it and smile. “Your turn." You hand him a tiny bag with the bracelet in it.
Shawn opens it and slips it on. "I love it."
"I thought you might. I didn’t get you something cool in Brazil....and I know it's not much but-"
Shawn leans forward and kisses you, hand resting against your neck. Your eyes go wide and he pulls back.
"W-what was that about?"
"Look up."
You tilt your head back and see there is mistletoe hanging over the area in front of the fireplace where you're sat with Shawn. It was definitely not there earlier. "When did that happen?"
"I told you I'd get you back." He smirks and it dawns on you. The other day in the living room, the mistletoe.  
"You put that there." You laugh and he cups your cheek. "You...you put that there?"
"I did." He leans in and you take a deep breath. "And I did it because I needed some Christmas magic to give me the courage to do this." He presses his lips to yours once more and you slide your hand into his hair.
"Merry Christmas Shawn."
"Merry Christmas."
Thank you for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed this and reblog to support and encourage myself and fellow writers. - A
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics.*****
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fardell24b · 3 years
Changes in Time and Space - Chapter 3 - Part 2 - P6Y-362
Part II – P6Y-362
Three hours after the Doctor had talked to General Landry, SG1 and the Doctor’s companions were ready to go on their mission.
“Remember, you have to follow my orders,” Mitchell said to the companions.
“I remember,” Tamsin snarked.
The other two nodded.
“Chevron Six encoded.”
“Watch this,” Mitchell directed.
Tamsin, Kiara and Felicia watched as the seventh chevron locked
“Chevron Seven, Locked!”
The wormhole formed within the Stargate with a kawoosh.
“Wow!” Felicia gasped.
“That’s putting it mildly!” Tamsin said.
“That’s nothing compared to the experience of going through the ‘gate,” Mitchell said. “Let’s go,”
SG1 and their assistants walked up to the gate. Mitchell walked through first, followed by Teal’c.
“After you,” Carter suggested to Tamsin.
“OK,” Tamsin said. She stepped forwards, through the event horizon...
Tamsin emerged on the planet designated by the SGC as P6Y-362. “That was incredible,” she enthused.
“I told you,” Mitchell said as the remainder of SG1 and their accompanying ‘specialists’ emerged from the ‘Gate.
“Wow, it looks just like a Canadian forest,” Felicia said.
“Research suggests that the Ancients and the Goa’uld both preferred this type of biome,” Carter said.
“You mean that the Stargate is usually placed in a forest like this?” Felicia asked. ‘It is definitely a beautiful view,’ she thought.
“Statistically speaking, both here and in the Pegasus Galaxy, yes,” Jackson said.
“That’s interesting,” Tamsin said.
“You have been in Canada?” Mitchell asked.
“A few times with the Doctor,” Tamsin said.
“We had to stop Ice Warriors from taking over the Yukon Territory,” Kiara said.
“Tell us more,” Carter said.
Tamsin began to tell of the adventure in the Yukon...
They started walking away from the Stargate towards the nearby settlement.
“So, we’re here to see if the Priors have been espousing Origin here?” Tamsin asked.
“Indeed,” Teal’c said.
“You read the mission brief, that’s right,” Mitchell said.
Tamsin muttered.
“She’d like more background information,” Kiara said.
Carter looked at Dr. Jackson.
“The people on this planet were brought here by the Goa’uld thousands of years ago,” Daniel said.
“Yes, but what about the ‘Gate in Antarctica? Couldn’t the Goa’uld have brought them through there?” Tamsin asked.
“How did you find out about that?” Colonel Mitchell asked, surprised. That was ‘need to know’ information.
“She pestered the records officer,” Kiara said.
“After the Doctor’s psychic paper didn’t help,” Felicia said.
“Psychic paper?” Carter asked.
“I don’t want to know,” Daniel said, referring to Tamsin’s pestering of the records officer.
“I wasn’t that bad,” Tamsin said to Daniel.
“The Doctor has a piece of paper that he uses to get past problems with officials in various places,” Kiara said.
“How does it work?” Carter asked.
“I don’t know. It probably has something to do with the Doctor’s telepathic abilities,” Kiara said.
“Anyhow, Dr. Jackson, continue,” Tamsin said.
“A System Lord ruled from here for some time prior to abandoning the planet a thousand years ago. The Goa’uld continued to raid the planet for another five hundred years before leaving it alone. After that the locals advanced to a level similar to that of medieval Europe.”
“Cool,” Tamsin said.
“They have recently developed intricate clockwork,” Daniel began.
Tamsin hung on his every word.
While Tamsin was listening to Daniel, Sam asked Felicia; “Why did the Doctor stay behind again?”
“He wanted to do further investigation of the SGC...”
Harriman called Landry to the control room. “What is this issue, Airman?” he asked.
“There is a slight power drain in the ‘Gate,” Harriman said, he called up a computer graphic showing it.
“Do you have any idea what is causing it?” he asked.
“Yes, sir.”
SG1 and companions entered the town closest to the Stargate.
“Looks deserted,” Cameron said as they started walking up the street from the main entrance.
“Impossible. This is a major trading town for this region of the continent,” Daniel said.
“So, SG1 has been here before?” Felicia asked.
“Yes, a few years ago,” Daniel said.
“We opened relations between this nation and the US,” Carter said.
“That’s good,” Felicia said.
“The contact has inspired cultural change similar to that in the Renaissance,” Daniel said.
“So the culture resembled that of medieval Europe?” Tamsin asked.
“It was similar, but only in the broad strokes, their pantheon was and is still inspired by the influence of the Goa’uld,” Daniel said.
“Swell,” Cameron said.
“It is similar all over the galaxy, CameronMitchell,” Teal’c said.
“Don’t have to like it,” Cameron said.
“Indeed,” Teal’c said.
“Of course,” Tamsin said, annoyed at the influence of the System Lords on the Milky Way.
“We’re almost at the central square, sir. We should be walking through crowds,” Carter said.
“I haven’t noticed anyone looking out of the windows,” Kiara said.
“You sure?” Tamsin asked.
Kiara nodded.
“Neither have I,” Cameron said.
“What would cause this?” Felicia asked.
“No idea,” Carter said.
“Not a plague, we would be seeing the corpses,” Daniel said.
Tamsin nodded.
“So where did they go?” Felicia asked.
“The nearest settlements are less than a day’s journey away, but they are just villages,” Daniel said.
“Do they use the Stargate?” Kiara asked.
“Not often. It hadn’t been used for centuries when we arrived the first time,” Carter said.
“We may have to go to one of those villages. Do you know where they are?” Colonel Mitchell asked.
“Not exactly,” Daniel said.
“There’s a library on the other side of the square,” Sam said.
“A good place to start,” Kiara said.
“There may be clues as to why this happened,” Tamsin said.
Fifteen minutes later, later the team entered the town’s library. The place showed much evidence of a hasty departure, with loads of papers strewn around the many reading tables.
“This is going to take some time,” Daniel said.
“I’ll help you. I’ve had some field experience,” Tamsin said.
“Thanks,” Daniel said.
“You’re welcome.”
Five hours later the sun set and the planet’s two moons bathed the town in coloured light.
“Quite strange. A red moon,” Kiara said.
“It has a similar composition to Mars,” Sam said.
“The fourth planet in Earth’s solar system. I have been there with the Doctor. Needed a suit outside the TARDIS and the colonial habitats,” Kiara said.
“That’s the same as our Mars, except for that last part,” Mitchell said.
“Colonial habitats?” Carter asked.
“We visited in the late 23rd century,” Tamsin said.
“Quite beautiful, but barren,” Kiara said.
“I agree,” Sam said.
Daniel soon returned with Tamsin in tow.
“Have you found anything?” Felicia asked.
“Yes, there are multiple references to a Prior being here saying their usual Origin espousing spiel,” Daniel said.
“Then the Prior left, travelling back through the ‘gate,” Tamsin said.
“So what happened here?” Carter asked.
“They had heard about the Ori from their contacts through the gate. Apparently the nation had been sporadically exploring through the gate. It’s possible that the Goa’uld had left behind a co-ordinate archive like the one that was on Abydos,” Daniel said.
“The first planet you discovered, go on,” Felicia said.
“Right. After the Prior had left; they set up guards near the gate in case the Prior came back,” Daniel said.
“So the Prior came back?” Cameron asked.
“Yes. The guards saw the Prior emerge from the gate in the distance and immediately ran to the town. That’s when they evacuated the town,” Daniel said.
“But wouldn’t the Prior be here?” Carter asked.
“We think that he may have gone to one of the other villages,” Tamsin said.
“Where some of the towns’ people may have gone?” Vala asked.
“Yes,” Daniel said.
“We stay here tonight, and then set out for the closest of those villages. I assume that the library has a map of the region?” Cameron asked.
“It does. However, I must say that that village is the most likely destination for the Prior after this town,” Daniel said.
“Noted, We’ll set out at first light,” Cameron said.
“Right, sir,” Carter said.
“The sun seems to be setting faster than on Earth,” Tamsin said.
“This planet has a rotational period of just less than 19 hours,” Carter explained.
SG1 then prepared for the short night ahead.
Second day on P6Y-362
They left the deserted town, early in the morning, whilst it was still shrouded in fog.
“How are we supposed to find our way to that village?” Felicia asked. She could barely see 100 metres ahead of her.
“I’ve brought a map from the library. It clearly shows all the landmarks we need to follow,” Daniel said.
“It’s not that thick,” Tamsin pointed out.
“Not compared to fogs in the Silverpeak Mountains on Tyria,” Kiara said.
“Sounds dangerous,” Felicia said.
“No more dangerous than what we usually run into with the Doctor,” Kiara contributed.
“I suppose so,” Felicia said, as they left the town out of the gate that they had entered through the previous day.
Three hours later they neared the next nearest settlement to the Stargate and the abandoned town. As they approached they could see that this settlement was not abandoned.
“Does that map show any public meeting places, Daniel?” Cameron asked as they approached.
“There are a few meeting places around the central square.”
“Lead the way,” Cameron said.
As they walked down the main road into the village, SG1 could see that many of the people were looking at them.
In the central square SG1 approached the nearest of the meeting places. Cameron, Daniel and Teal’c walked inside. “Does anyone have any news regarding the abandonment of the Trading town near here?” Daniel asked.
There was silence in the room.
“We would like to have an answer,” Teal’c said.
There was murmuring amongst the patrons of the establishment before a young lady slipped away from a group and approached the trio. “We don’t like talking about the situation,” she said.
“Indeed?” Teal’c asked.
“I’ll say more elsewhere,” she said.
“Let’s go,” Cameron said, as he noticed most of the other people in the room getting restless.
“Follow me.”
Sam and the companions saw the rest of SG1 come out of the tavern. “Any information, sir?”
“There was none. Apparently this lady is willing to divulge the information in the face of tremendous social pressure,” Daniel said.
“It’s not that bad,” the lady said.
“We haven’t been introduced,” Cameron said.
“I’m Aa’lsvaiii’ Ye, local leader of the Record Keeping Guild. Come to the Records Hall and I will fill you in on the situation,” she said.
They soon approached the Records Hall, a building which resembled the library that they had seen in the other town.
Aa’lsvaiii’ lead SG1 to a side entrance and opened the door. “We’re going into the restricted area of the Records Hall. Don’t touch the records without permission,” she said.
‘Of course, the Records Hall is a library,’ Kiara thought. ‘But that would mean that Aa’lsvaiii’ is a librarian.’
They passed through the non-public area, which on Earth would be called the ‘Stacks,’ to a large room on the other side of the structure. “This is the Recordkeeper Guild’s meeting room, but the other members are busy at the moment,” Aa’lsvaiii’ said.
They sat on various chairs as Aa’lsvaiii’ laid out some glasses of water.
“We heard from our contacts on various worlds of the Priors and this ‘Origin’ that they are espousing. We knew that it wouldn’t take long before they would get here,” Aa’lsvaiii’ began.
“And so a Prior came,” Cameron said.
“Yes, the people of Re’iav Lleag were frightened, but they sent messengers with the message that a Prior had come. So plans were put in place in case a Prior should come back. I have also heard that teams have gone through the gate in search of uninhabited worlds,” Aa’lsvaiii’ said.
“Impressive,” Sam said.
“Indeed,” Teal’c said.
“So the town was abandoned. But when we arrived there, there wasn’t any Prior,” Cameron said.
“If he found the town deserted he may have gone back to the gate,” Aa’lsvaiii’ said.
“No doubt that is what you’re counting on, but he may just journey to another settlement,” Daniel said.
“Then that settlement would be abandoned, too. We will not let them dictate to us, or enslave us as our ancestors were enslaved!” Aa’lsvaiii’ said. She grabbed a tome off a bookshelf. “I’m sure you are familiar with the subject matter,” she opened the tome and placed it in front of Daniel.
He read a paragraph from the tome before realising that it depicted the planet’s revolution against the Goa’uld. “But the Ori are worse than the Goa’uld! They will not give up as easily as the System Lords did,” Daniel said.
“We shall see,” Aa’lsvaiii’ said as she took a sip of her water.
Tamsin was about to interject when there was a knock on the door and another young woman, dressed similarly to Aa’lsvaiii’, came in.
“Sorry to interrupt, ma’am, but there is an urgent message,” she said.
“Let her in,” Aa’lsvaiii’ said.
“Yes, ma’am.”
The messenger paused upon seeing the team in the room with Aa’lsvaiii’. “Who are they?”
“They are Tau’ri. They can hear the message,” Aa’lsvaiii’ said.
“You sure?”The messenger asked. Aa’lsvaiii’ nodded. The messenger began delivering the message to her and the others.
“...And so the Prior is on his way here,” the messenger concluded.
“That’s not good news. Go and find the rest of the Guild,” Aa’lsvaiii’ said.
“Yes, Ma’am,” the messenger said, she hurried out.
Cameron then appeared to be in thought.
“What are your plans?” Aa’lsvaiii’ asked.
“We are going to intercept the Prior,” he said.
“We are?” Daniel asked.
“We are not going to let another village full of people leave their homes behind because of some idealistic plan,” Cameron said.
“We are leaving this village as soon as we can organise,” Aa’lsvaiii’ said. “In the meantime, you are welcome to look in the Records Hall,” she continued.
“Right,” Daniel said.
“Thanks,” Tamsin said.
Daniel and Tamsin were looking at various books in the Records Hall as Cameron and Aa’lsvaiii’ began to argue.
“I’m certain that this village will be abandoned,” Tamsin said.
“I agree,” Daniel said.
“But they are just going to leave all their stuff here?” Tamsin asked.
“Somehow I think they have that planned too. Send periodic expeditions to retrieve the artefacts that they had left behind,” Daniel said.
“Makes sense,” Tamsin said.
“Another question. How are you understanding the writings here?” Daniel asked.
“The TARDIS,” Tamsin said.
“The TARDIS, what?” Daniel asked.
“It’s translating the writing for me; same with speech in most places we go,” Tamsin said.
“Interesting, but how could that work over interstellar distances?” Daniel asked.
“I don’t know. It could be using the Stargate Network as a relay for all I know,” Tamsin said.
“I think the SGC would notice that,” Daniel said.
“Probably,” Tamsin said.
General Landry entered the control room.
“Sir, I have determined the source of the power drain in the Stargate,” Harriman said.
“And?” the General asked.
“It’s that TARDIS. It’s somehow tapped into the ‘Gate’s control circuitry.”
Landry decided to deal with the situation right away. “Call the Doctor to the control room, now!”
“Yes, sir.”
N’b, Ao Plaaileala, Tiloana (P6Y-362)
“I’ve also noticed that everyone is understanding the villagers, not just you,” Tamsin said.
“Yes, on most worlds, there is a translation matrix hidden in the platforms beneath the gate. It works in a radius of 100 kilometres,” Daniel said.
“Interesting,” Tamsin said.
Then Aa’lsvaiii’ entered the Records Hall from outside. “Preparations to leave the village are well underway. Colonel Mitchell is also asking for you,” she said.
“Right, let’s go,” Daniel said. Tamsin followed him out into a scene of frenzy. Villagers were running about trying to organise their departure. They quickly found the rest of SG1 close to the Records Hall.
“This is Lana Halaia. She will accompany you on your interception of the Prior,” Aa’lsvaiii’ said, indicating a nearby Record Keeper.
“That isn’t really necessary,” Cameron said.
“I insist, besides, she can hold her own in a fight,” Aa’lniii said.
“Right,” Cameron said, doubtfully.
Lana whirled her staff in the air and stopped a few centimetres short of driving it into Cameron’s face.
Seeing the tough expression on Lana’s face, Cameron pushed the staff down. “I see your point. Are all Record Keepers like this?”
“Not all, Tau’ri. Only after training in the Guild for more than three years,” Lana said.
“Good to know,” Cameron said.
Fifteen minutes later, SG1 left the rapidly emptying village in the direction of the Prior’s advance.
“We should intercept the Ori forces in less than an hour, Colonel,” Lana said.
“Remember, follow my directions, and don’t just charge into the formation,” Cameron said.
“I’m not stupid, Colonel!” Lana retorted.
Cameron sighed.
The Doctor couldn’t been found anywhere in the SGC and hadn’t been noticed leaving. So there was only one place he could be; in the TARDIS. General Landry knocked on the TARDIS door. The Doctor opened it.
“Hi, I know what this is about. And answer is no,” he said.
“How did you know?” Landry asked.
“There is no other reason I can think of,” the Doctor said.
“What is the purpose of the power tap into the gate?” Landry said.
“Come inside and I’ll explain it to you,” the Doctor said.
“Fine,” Landry said. He stepped into the TARDIS. ‘The descriptions don’t do it justice,’ he thought.
The Doctor sat near the console. “I’m not drawing power from the gate, the TARDIS is sending and receiving signals via the gate to and from the planet.”
“For what purpose?”
“It translates the foreign languages into a language that my travelling companions can understand,” the Doctor said.
“Really?” Landry asked.
“Yes,” the Doctor said.
“But it doesn’t need to use the gate for that,” Landry said. He was about to explain that the gate already had a translation method, but the Doctor interrupted.
“No, it doesn’t. But it’s easier than projecting the signal at interstellar distances. Do you even know where the planet is?”
“P6Y-362 is over six thousand light years away,” Landry said.
“The signal will continue to use the gate. It won’t interfere with its normal operations,” the Doctor said. He pressed a control on the console. “There, the TARDIS is providing the power, rather than your facility.”
“Doctor, the gate already provides a translation method,” Landry explained.
“I’m sure it does, but whatever method that is probably doesn’t do text. It will continue until SG1 gets back.”
“Fine,” Landry said. He turned and then left the TARDIS.
Ao Plaailealan countryside, Tiloana
SG1 and their companions were moving wearily through a forest. “Are you certain this is the direction they are approaching from?” Cameron asked.
“Yes,” Lana said.
“She seems quite insistent,” Vala said.
“Right...” Daniel said, warily. They continued moving forwards.
They soon came to a clearing. Teal’c raised his staff weapon. “They are very close,” he said.
Lana gripped her staff with two hands. “I agree, Jaffa,” she said. She stood defensively by his side.
Kiara came up and stood at the ready to the other side of Teal’c, who activated his staff weapon.
The group was not prepared for who they would see next...
Two Priors emerged from the trees. “Hallowed are the Ori,” one of them said.
“Hallowed, my butt!” Lana called out.
“That is not necessary, Ms. Halaia,” Teal’c said.
Lana glanced at the Jaffa. “I will not be letting my energy be sucked out in worship!”
“How do you know that?” Daniel asked behind her.
“Alteran Lies!” the other Prior said.
“The Tau’ri are not the only ones whom have come into contact with the Ancients, Dr. Jackson!” Lana said.
“I guess not,” Daniel murmered.
A large group of Ori troops emerged from the forest and surrounded SG1 and their companions. Leading them was Adria!
“So, we meet again,” she said.
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battle-of-alberta · 4 years
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this page was Really difficult because I kept thinking fondly of my last time in Banff and all the things I did... life seemed so simple then ToT
@ americans i better not see any of you toodling around the national parks ‘on your way to alaska’ this year i swear to god, stop it!!!
the historic bathing suit and the hot springs INSTANTLY cured the situational depression i was having at the time and if i could bottle that feeling... (also the elk chilling around the parking lot helped too)
Transcription below the cut.
It is incredibly difficult to obtain permission to live in Banff, which has fixed borders and a small population of permanent residents. Living in Banff undoubtedly means having a job lined up and sharing accommodation with others. Keeping pets is highly discouraged.
Residents of Banff have a special responsibility to the environment and particularly bears, which means removing fruit trees from properties, disposing of waste in secure metal bins, and scheduling large, deliciously human scented furniture for pick up rather than leaving it out.
Banff is the highest elevated town in Canada at 1383 metres (4537 feet) above sea level. It is second only to the hamlet of Lake Louise, just north of Banff.
Banff is the southernmost location of Alberta's endangered woodland caribou. Recently, bison were reintroduced to the national park after being hunted to extinction in the area.
Ordering an ice water in Banff isn't just a taste of some of the highest quality glacier water in the world, it's actually a cocktail of gin and vodka. Of course, local breweries do use glacier water in most things on tap anyway!
Banff's famous Tunnel Mountain campground is kind of a misnomer. Canadian Pacific Rail did initially plan a route right through the mountain, but the tunnel was never built.
Forget your swimsuit? Rent a unisex, one piece historic bathing suit at the Banff hot springs for a dollar and enjoy the same natural remedy and breathtaking views as visitors in the late 19th century.
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kchuarts · 4 years
Flowers in Blood
A/N: This ones a sad one I ain’t gonna hold you on that. Also the ending isn’t very cliffhangery? It will be though. It will be. 
Summary: Sometimes Jonathan Pine needs to be held in return. 
Taglist: @lucywrites02​, @shiningloki​
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Chapter 8: Black Rose 
The crime lord took a drag from his cigarette, puffing out smoke before answering. “I have my ways, you should already know that.” his lips pulled up into a smirk. Roper waved two fingers at one of his guards to bring him a glass of wine. “So I heard you and good ol’ Danny boy have met. Nasty bloke he is.” Roper takes another drag from the stick. 
“I am not here to have idle chat, Roper.” Pine looked behind him, making sure the door was still shut and Katie was hopefully out of ear shot. “Just tell me first how in the hell you managed to crawl out of the hole you hid away in and what you want from me.” His blue eyes kept glancing over to the door, debating if he should let the young woman in his flat that he had to step outside. 
Richard chuckled into the phone, taking a hold of his wine and sipping it. “I’m not going to repeat myself, Pine. You should have heard me the first time.” He took another sip of his expensive beverage before setting it down. “I’ve come to give you a ring and tell you that you’re off the hook. I’ve taken care of what Natalie wants from you within a few hours after your departure. She’s got the biggest of smiles on her face right now because of it too.” A knowing smirk touched his lips again, sinister intentions gleaming in his eyes. 
Pine huffed and opened the door for a moment, holding his phone away from his mouth. “Katie? I’m gonna step out for a smoke for a bit. I shouldn’t be more than ten minutes.” Dragging her into the mess known as Richard Roper was one of many things that Jonathan didn’t want to meddle her into. He put the phone back up to his ear, fast walking out of the flat as fast as he could. 
“Katie?” The older man mused, chuckling and pursing his lips as he inhaled from the white stick. “You’ve moved on fast if I’m assuming correctly. I thought you and Jed would have eloped after the stunt you pulled with me, shaming me for a few years.” He flicked the ashes into a tray and frowned at the memory of just a few years back. It was certainly interesting to know that Pine potentially had a new love interest. Roper noted this in the back of his mind and would ask Daniel about this new woman later on. 
Jonathan lit a cigarette of his own, taking a drag before lowering his voice as he was outside. Anger and hot smoke ignited inside the agent's chest at the mention of his past lover. “You should know that the life I lead isn’t meant for time to play romance or settle down. Now tell me what the fuck do you want. I can’t say I’m overly thankful you took care of something I had started planning ideas for.” He took another drag, eyes scanning the crowd for any onlookers that could be eavesdropping. 
“Bollocks! Come off it, Pine I know you better than that. You certainly didn’t have your finalized plan of shutting Poppy down within a fortnight, so I went ahead and took care of it for you!” Richard leaned back in his seat, staring out of his villa balcony. Like he had said, Roper had his ways of working his way back into the land of crime and managed to get his private island home back. “I’m not trying to kiss ass and earn points with you, I’m playing devil’s advocate at the moment. I did it because you have bigger problems ahead of you and Daniel was tired of waiting around for Natalie and her drug addicted squabble to actually do something. You can certainly cross Poppy off your list now because Bloodroot is now taking over.” He clicked his tongue and reached over to grab a file, “Sometimes I wonder about these Americans and their tenacity to get the job done. Feisty ones they are, I’m sure you understand just as much as I do.” He hinted at Jed once again, still sour over that whole debacle. “Oh and you needn’t worry about Natalie’s boys watching you anymore, in fact you should be more worried if Belladonna could be creeping nearby. Luckily for you, I haven’t called any of my men to keep tabs on you… Yet.” 
The Crime Lord’s slight cryptic speak was beginning to drive Jonathan crazy and he just wanted to hang up right then and there. However, if what Roper said was true then this meant he could return the call to Angela and find out what she dug up on that thumbdrive and note. “I can only wonder when that will be.” He hissed, exhaling smoke and flicking the ashes. “So you only called me just to tell me that you handled my situation but that you’re also in cahoots with Belladonna’s leader? Brilliant. What a waste of my time. Next time you even think about calling me, be sure that I don’t have your number being tracked resulting in putting you away for good.” He pulled the phone away from his ear and hung up, jaw clenched tightly. Pine knew DAMN well that Roper was up to something more nefarious than he led on. It wasn’t out of the kindness of his own cold heart that he’d do Pine a favor after what he did to him. He wanted something and whatever that something was wouldn’t be good. 
“Well?” Daniel narrowed his gaze at Roper sitting across from him. 
Richard gave a knowing smirk and nodded, “He’s suspicious but I think he took the bait.” He reached for his wine and leaned back again, sipping it. “Now we just wait for when that stupid woman sends him off to South Korea or Japan. Bloodroot is currently enroute to Tokyo?” 
The Greek man nodded, his arms folded across his chest. “They are to meet up with Wisteria and possibly Daphne if The Tigress decides to get off her lazy ass and make the trip. From there, they will be discussing new trade routes and deals now that Poppy has been taken care of.” Daniel sneered at his former English branch. 
“What of your sister? The Wolfsbane branch?” Roper raised a brow, curious as Abbadon’s area was not brought up. For as long as Richard had known the siblings, he rather liked the younger sister as she was quick and took no shit. He thought that she was better suited to be leader of Belladonna instead of her aggressive older brother. Daniel was too brash and never thought of how his decisions would impact his business after he leapt. It worked out eventually but with too many mistakes and messes. 
Amber eyes gleamed with dark fury, “What about my traitorous sister? Of course Wolfsbane is out of the question.” Daniel scoffed and gave a slight snarl. “Because of her little performance in Moscow and now with Poppy gone, we have to work even harder with just four instead of six branches.” His eye twitched from irritation. The night of the gala still infuriated Daniel as he had blindly put his trust into his sister and was played right into her trap. She knew Pine would be there and had been hiding her desire to break free of the family business until then. That is the reason why her son, Nikolai, was locked away in a cage in an unknown location in order to keep tabs on her. However, this did not appear to be enough and so Daniel decided that having two big branches was useless. “So do you have anything else to tell me, Richard?” He exhaled hotly and raised his brows. “Anything that may perhaps calm my rage? News of successful weapon sales? New whores shipped from Seoul? Pine’s new partner?” A sick smirk cracked across his tanned lips. 
“Oh.” Roper inwardly rolled his eyes at Daniel’s insatiable thirst for a perfect harem. Sure, Richard enjoyed a woman’s company from time to time but, Daniel was rather disgustingly obsessed with it. He even saw first hand that his respect of women was zero to none, hence why his wives were covered in bruises. “Well yes, I believe he mentioned her name was Katie? Don’t you have… Twelve wives already?” He raised a brow but would rather not hear the details. 
Daniel got up and clapped his hands, beaming pervertedly. “I much prefer that over Natasha. That was her little nickname back in Moscow. Mmm “Katie” yes I do enjoy that.” He frowned slightly at Roper as he heard the hint of disgust in his ally’s voice. “Thirteen is just another number, no? I have collected wives from all over! Egypt, Germany, Canada, Thailand, Japan, Korea, China, Russia, Spain, Africa, France, Australia… I need an all American girl to carry on with my little theme I have going on.” His smirk returned and a very obvious erection stood out. “Now, when you hear news of their fated arrival to the land of the rising sun, let me know and I will discuss plans to lure them to the den of The Tigress. She may be a lazy bitch, but she knows what she does and performs it well. Oh and Roper-” He turned around, smirk gone again. “Do not let me regret bailing you out or it is your head I will take as payment.” 
Police sirens blared as several cars pulled up to the abandoned warehouse out in the woods. Angela stepped out of one of the cars as she had been informed that this crime was another piece to her case. “Jesus H. Christ-” She muttered, covering her mouth with her sweater sleeve upon seeing the blood bath. 
The entirety of Poppy were currently being dressed in body bags as just hours ago, they had been slaughtered brutally. Natalie Baylor’s appearance was by the far the worst with her eyes gouged out and her mouth split from ear to ear. On each member of the drug organization there had been a Belladonna flower carved into their forearms complete with a small bouquet of the said plant. What was more gruesome was that many of the members, Natalie included, had the equally toxic berries stuffed into their mouths by the handful. 
“So I’m gonna assume this is the higher ups. God save the Queen, they’re going after their own crew.” Angela pondered, walking carefully around the corpses. Natalie’s clenched fist particularly caught the Director’s attention and she asked for a pair of gloves to inspect the late woman’s body. “Thank you dear” She took the gloves from a paramedic and slipped them on, carefully opening the stiffened hand. It had been around four hours since the discovery of the murders, so rigor mortis had already settled in. Much to Angela’s lack of surprise, there was indeed something held. The older woman removed the paper and frowned in concentration, waving a police officer away as they tried to escort her off. “I’m part of this investigation, Angela Burr? Haven’t you heard of me?” She shook her head as the officer gave her a bit of an attitude. “Bugger off.” She cursed under her breath before returning to the strange piece of parchment. What she read made her blood run cold. 
Considering that you’ll be the first here, my dear Angela, I dedicate this work of art to you. The higher ups of Belladonna have so graciously allowed me to walk a “free man” once more. All I had to do was take care of these spineless oafs for them so that your dogs could continue to sniff their way along the investigation. Take this as a warning that I am watching and should you reveal anything that this note contains, the same could happen to you. I’d like to think of this as a little game and see how long it takes before someone slips. Have a lovely evening, my dear. 
-An old friend  
It was wrong of her to do, but Angela quickly shoved the piece of evidence in her pocket and growled. She knew exactly who this was and was not happy in the slightest, “Roper.” 
The moment Jonathan stepped back inside, Katie was already in bed and sound asleep, snuggled into the sheets. Pine couldn’t help but think of how adorable the brunette looked all tucked in and cozy. He sighed deeply, figuring that now with Roper’s odd involvement it would be safe to give his boss a ring. It still puzzled Pine though with Richard suddenly appearing out of the blue and giving them some leeway. There had to be more than just this, Jonathan was certain that Roper wanted something, he would just have to find out as soon as he could. Shaking his head, Jonathan makes his way to the bathroom and tends to his nightly needs before making his way to bed. He would think more on the case tomorrow morning with a more clear and concise mind. Carefully, he peels back his sheets and slips into them without waking Katie up. Thankfully, the young woman seems to be a rather heavy sleeper as Jonathan’s arms wrapping around her body does not seem to disturb her. Pine was more than happy to have Katie in his arms and would never turn something like this down as her body molded perfectly to his. Leaning over, he turned the lamp off and adjusted his position. With the soft patter of rain hitting the window, soothing darkness, Katie’s warm body, and lovely scent; Jonathan found himself asleep within minutes. 
“GO! GO! GO!!” The sergeant of Pine’s squad screamed as the Taliban were firing at them. 
A younger Jonathan frantically looked around, the sound of gunfire ringing in his ears for a moment. “CAM!? CAM WHERE ARE YOU!?” He screamed for his friend, hiding behind a bullet ridden wall for cover as a pipe bomb blew. Cries of pain from his companions had suddenly become louder than the explosions and rain of fire. He was not about to leave his best friend behind to die. “CAMERON!?” Pine threw himself from out of his hiding place, only to be forced to army crawl as bullets from each side whizzed above him. He had to hold back a scream as a child soldier fell dead right in his eyesight. Anything that he had eaten that day made its way up and covered Jonathan’s front as a reaction to seeing this innocent child fall victim to war. There was no time to stop as Pine continued to army crawl, using the dust from the area as coverage. 
“Pine-” A voice moaned out hoarsely. 
What Jonathan saw next made his stomach drop. Cameron was tied to a post with a large handmade timer bomb stabbed into his hands. “N-No, Cam.” He felt breathless as he quickly made his way to his dying friend. Almost immediately, he tried to undo the ropes securing Cameron, struggling as his vision was blurred from dust and smoke. 
The brunette man gave a bloody smile to his best friend and laughed weakly. “Hey i-it’s ok. I’m gonna be ok, Jonathan.” He coughed, shutting his eyes and continued to smile through the pain. 
Jonathan began to cry hard, tears trailing down his dirt ridden face. “No! I won’t let you die!! I’m gonna get you out of here and, and patched up. Your sister is waiting for you, Cam!! I won’t allow you to die!!” His bruised fingers ripped away at the bindings as fast as they could. “I know that your parents give two shits less about you, but your sister needs you!! Katie needs you!!” He sobbed, seeing he only had less than two minutes left. If only he hadn’t gotten into a stupid argument with Cameron over a week ago, none of this would have happened. Cameron wouldn’t have stormed out for a smoke, wouldn’t have gotten kidnapped, wouldn’t have gotten beaten, and wouldn’t have to die. Deep down, Jonathan knew it was too late to save his best friend but his frantic state wouldn’t allow him to see the truth before him. 
Cameron shook his head slightly, “It’s too late. M-My legs.” He coughed, nodding down to them. He saw Jonathan’s blue gaze look at his gored limbs in horror. The terrorist group had practically severed them off down to the bone and even a bit through it. To make matters even more painful, his achilles tendons had been ripped out. 
“NO!! I CAN’T!!” Jonathan breathed harder and growled as he fought a losing battle in order to save his friend. 
“JONATHAN PINE!!” Cameron shouted, getting his attention. His bright green eyes shimmered in the ray of sunshine that tore through the clouds of war. “Go. I’m dying for m-my country. I need you to run. Run as fast as you can and don’t look back. Please. Live on for me and if you ever meet little fox, make sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble.” A tear slid down his bruised face as the bomb was down to thirty seconds. “GO!!” He wailed at Jonathan, watching his friend get up with remorse and look at him one last time before taking off. Cameron shut his eyes, smiling and waiting for death to take him. “Thank you, for everything.” 
A young girl with brilliant green eyes stands before him. “My name is extremely Irish, it’s corny I know. I’m Katie O’Connor” 
His heart stopped as soon as she spoke her name. So he wasn’t dreaming after all when Angela said that a “Katelyn O’Connor” would be accompanying him. This was her; Cameron’s little sister. Little Fox. 
“JONATHAN!! JONATHAN HELP ME!! I DON’T WANNA DIE!!” Now it was Katie strapped to a pole instead of Cameron. 
Jonathan shot up, gasping for air. His hands shook as he looked at them in the moonlight. The clock read 3AM once he glanced over to see how much sleep he had gotten. 
“Pine?” Katie spoke softly, adjusting her position so that she was facing him. Around 2:30AM, Katie had been woken up by sounds of whimpering and slight thrashing from the man next to her. She had tried to wake him up, but with no success. Her brother’s name kept slipping from Pine’s lips in a panic and he even broke out into a full on sob. What had he truly seen that day? 
The dark blonde haired man froze up at the sound of her voice and turned to face her, swallowing to soothe his dry throat. “Did I wake you? I-I apologize for whatever you may have heard.” He took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair. It had been a while since he last dreamt of that day. How horrific war truly was and how unnecessary that mankind craved it as a means of justification. His brows knit together as he felt Katie pull him down slowly. He felt her arms wrap around him as she pulled him close to her, laying his head upon her chest. The sound of her heartbeat made Jonathan wrap his arms around her in return and start to sob into her chest. His body shook as he cried softly, not holding back his emotions. 
“I forgive you… About Cameron. It wasn’t your fault.” She whispered into his short blonde locks, her fingers gently massaging his scalp. “We still have a long way to go before I completely forgive you, but I understand now that you tried to save my brother.” She shut her eyes, feeling tears of her own burn them. One witness to Pine’s nightmares of past war was enough for Katie to forgive and let go of her false grudge against Jonathan. A sort of peace had come over her upon her words and a soft smile graced her lips to know that Cameron wasn’t in pain and that he died heroically. Katie held Jonathan a bit closer that night, with both of them succumbing to sleep shortly once more. They had a big future ahead of them in taking down Belladonna, but they would do it together as she needed him and he needed her.
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In Canada, photographer John Vachon’s editor, Stanley Gordon, suggested it would make an interesting photograph to have Marilyn in a two-piece bathing suit sitting poolside. John and Marilyn tried to make the most of his lame concept. At one point, John and Marilyn decided to pose together laughing. (1953)
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kayteewritessteve · 5 years
If Only You Knew - 11/19
Description: You arrive home one day to find a wedding invite for two of your best friends from high school. You knew this day was going to come eventually, but even with that said, you weren’t prepared to return home. At least not after 7 years of avoiding Buckhannon, West Virginia. Or rather, avoiding him; your ex-best friend and the secret love of your life. But maybe it was finally time to face your past, to face him, and everything else that happened on that horrible night. Who would have knew that your prom would end up being a total disaster, and the very last night you’d spend in Buckhannon for the next 7 years? you certainly didn’t. That’s for sure.
Catch up HERE.
Word Count: 6,060 ish. She’s a big one.
Pairing: Modern!Steve Rogers x Reader.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Violence. Drinking. Bad and offensive jokes. Possible triggering thoughts, feelings and emotions. Moments of bullying and harsh name calling. Lots of curse words. And a very sloooow burn.
A/N: I sadly don’t own any of these characters. And no beta reader, so I do proudly own all the errors and this story, so there’s that.
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July 2018 - Present.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Nat seethed as she paced an actual line into the soft, tan coloured sand. Her mood matching the bright red two piece she currently had on, “how dare she!”
“I’m going to knock her out,” Hilde said, much too calmly for your liking. She was currently laying on her back, on a giant blanket on the ground, wearing massive dark shades, and a white bikini that accented her skin tone almost too well. Girl was a babe for sure, but right now she looked far too peaceful to be threatening anyone. And yet she was, and that made you inwardly cringe, just a little.
“I think she needs actually mental help,” Wanda said without looking up from the novel open in her hands, as she sat in a fold up chair. “And I’d know. I am a therapist, after all.”
“Ladies,” you sighed, “she isn’t worth it. And she never actually said Steve’s name. I was the idiot who jumped to conclusions,” you said as you shook your head. You had clearly blown that whole interaction way out of proportion. Like always. Fuck.
“That’s no excuse,” Nat abruptly stopped her pacing, to point at you. “She did it on purpose to hurt you. Just like in fucking high school,” her fists balled up at her sides then she huffed and started to pace again.
“Seriously. The next time I see her, it’s game on,” Hilde said, again, far too calmly for your liking.
“I say we just have her committed for a check,” Wanda shrugged nonchalantly.
“Okay, no one is beating anyone up. We aren’t in high school anymore. And no psych evals,” you stated then stomped over to Nat and placed yourself in front of her, on part of the line she was quickly forming. And once she came to a grinding halt you grabbed both her shoulders to force her to look you in the eyes. “Nat, you are literally marrying a cop in 3 days. And gaining another cop as basically a damn brother in law. You can’t go around attacking people, you’ll end up in jail, and Bucky will be pissed at me for that!”
Then you released her shoulders and turned to point at Hilde, “and the same goes for you, your best friends are the same two cops, and you’re a trained MMA fighter for crying out loud. If you attack her you’ll be charged with ‘assault with a deadly weapon’. Because Hilde, you are the deadly weapon,” you stressed the last part.
Then you looked over at Wanda, who had finally looked up from her book, “I don’t actually know anything around the rules for being a therapist, but I am willing to bet that committing someone because they enjoy bullying your friend is against at least one of them. If not all of them,” you sighed and shook your head. “So the three of you just need to drop this. I fell for her bullshit, again, but that’s on me. I’ll own that. But I can’t have any of you taking the fall for it. You got that?” You shook your head again, this time crossing your arms as well, “I won’t allow that,” you said firmly.
“Fine,” Nat and Wanda mumbled, as the latter focused back on her book.
“Yeah. Got it,” Hilde nodded and waved you off.
“Good,” you smiled and dropped your arms, “now let’s enjoy this beautiful day at the lake, and just forget about Madeleine and her bullshit, okay?” You looked between the three. “We all need a nice relaxing day before the craziness of this wedding picks up again.”
“Valid point,” Nat said as she wandered over to the blanket and laid down beside Hilde. “Get your butt over here punk,” she commanded.
“Punk, really?” You laughed. “You spend way to much time with Bucky,” you shook your head then went and joined them on the blanket.
“No such thing as too much time together when you’re marrying the guy,” Nat laughed.
“Oh, no, there is totally a thing as too much time together,” Wanda laughed, “but oddly enough, I think you two are the exception to the norm.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Hilde said with a chuckle and you laughed as well. Then the four of you lounged in the sun, working on your tans and waiting on the boys to show up.
It was about 20 minutes later when a flirty voice came from somewhere near you all. “Ladies,” they cooed and you recognized the voice instantly. Sam. You peeked through your eyelids and turned your head towards the voice, seeing the four guys making their way towards you. “You’re all looking stunning, as always,” he said as they reached the three of you.
“Calm down, Casanova,” Nat said with a smirk as she sat up, and Wanda giggled at the name.
While Hilde just chuckled from her spot, “you’re such a suck up.”
“Hey!” he laughed, “I am not a suck up! I just say it like it is,” he winked, causing you to snort and shake your head, deciding to stay out of this one. Bucky plopped down on the blanket near his fiancee, while the other three popped open their folded up chairs and got all set up.
“You better not be hitting on my soon to be wife, Sammy,” Bucky said flatly then kissed Nat on the cheek.
“Why? Worried she’ll dump your ass and get with a real man?” He shot back.
Without missing a beat, Bucky relied, “Hey Sam, can I talk to you in the water for a second?” He paused as a half smirk appeared on his lips, “I just wanna show you something real quick.”
Clint leaned towards Sam to whisper—though it wasn’t really that quiet, as the whole group clearly heard him, “he means that he’s going to try to drowned you. Just so you know.”
“I know that,” Sam said quickly while he playfully swatted Clint away, “but I’d like to see him try.”
“Oh, I’d do more then try,” Bucky mumbled loudly.
Steve just laughed and shook his head at his friends, then everyone exchanged there hello’s and hi’s before they all started to settle in and chat amongst themselves.
You turned to look just as Steve reached behind himself so he could yank his extremely tight t-shirt off—Yes, in that super sexy way, where the guy grabs the back neck collar of their shirt and pulls it over their head. He was like a damn GQ model, and that frustrated the hell out of you.
You tried with everything in your power to not gawk at him, but the sight of him shirtless still made you extremely dazed and confused, even after all this time. You snuck a quick glance as the shirt covered his face, realizing that he was even more jacked than he was in high school. Which was fucking ridiculous. How he could possibly get any more toned was beyond you. It just wasn’t fair for one man to be this fucking attractive.
Just as he finished pulling his shirt off—the too small article of clothing surprisingly not getting stuck on him—you quickly shook your head then turned to stare off at the water. Hoping your heated cheeks wouldn’t give you away, or rather, that no one would notice them. But just to be safe you stood up, mumbling a ‘be right back’ than walked over to the edge of the water, sitting down to dip your feet in.
As you sat there, looking out at the lake, the calm water and beautiful bright green trees lining the waters edge made your mind start to wander. Remembering the first time you had ever been brought to this very spot. It was the second summer you’d spent in Buckhannon—if we’re counting the summer you’d moved to town as the first—it was also the first day of summer break, and the last day before Steve left for his annual, summer long, family vacation…
July 2010 - 8 years ago.
You stopped dead in your tracks once your eyes caught the view laid out in front of you. Your friends all continuing to walk to their spot, unfazed by the beauty that surrounded you all. Clearly they had been here so many times that they barely noticed anymore. But for you, this was a first.
Now you’d been to a few lakes before, back in Cleveland, or rather, one lake, one very giant lake; Lake Erie. Which was not only huge, but was also encircled by a few major cities and settled smack dab on the border between America and Canada.
So needless to say, the lake in front of you right now was entirely different from what you were used to. And there was just something about a small town watering hole that was both awe inspiring and breathtaking.
“You okay?” You heard Steve’s voice coming from beside you and it snapped you back to reality.
“Huh?” You looked over at him, “Yeah. Yes. Just admiring the view,” you smiled up at him then you looked back towards to lake, both of you standing in silence for a moment.
“You know,” he started, breaking the comfortable silence. “I’d completely forgotten just how beautiful this place is. Guess I just needed a new set of eyes to remind me,” he nodded, thoughtfully.
“I’m nothing if not super helpful,” you said with a quick nod. “You should know that by now, Stevie,” you smirked.
Which caused him to laugh and roll his eyes playfully as he said, “oh, don’t worry, I do.”
“Good,” you laughed then you both headed towards where your friends were setting up their stuff.
Once you had your little spot set up, you pulled off the dress you’d been wearing over your bathing suit, which was just simple, black, and fit you perfectly. You discarded the dress on top of your bag then laid down and chatted with your friends for a little while. It was a gorgeous day out, hot and humid, so you’d go dunk yourself in the beautiful water from time to time. Mostly alone but sometimes a friend or two would tag along for a dip in the water as well.
Now as you laid on your beach towel, working on your tan, your stomach decided it was a good time to speak up. Reminding you that it did, in fact, exist. The loud grumble made you and the others laugh, and you figured now was a good time for some french fries.
As you all had made your way in from the parking lot, you’d noticed a concession stand near the main beach. You’d also taken note of the giant menu on the side of the building—or rather, you’d noticed fries were very much on that menu. You stood up and slipped on your flip flops as you looked around at your lounging friends. “I’m gonna go get some fries from the concession, anyone want anything?”
Everyone responded with the one or two things they wanted or a head shake saying they were good. You made mental notes for the few items that had been requested.
But then your eyes landed on Bucky, noticing his were widened with excitement. “Food sounds like a fantastic plan,” he said as he stood up and walked over to his pile of things. “I can always eat,” he added as he pulled his wallet out and went to grab money to give you but you waved him off.
“It’s okay, Buck, I got it. Just tell me what you want.”
“You may want to give him a limit,” Steve laughed from his fold up chair.
“Yeah, don’t give him free reign or he’ll drain your bank account with that bottomless pit of his,” Sam shook his head and chuckled as he patted Bucky on the stomach. They’d always had a weird love/hate dynamic. They were downright rude to each other sometimes, but yet they both never got truly offended by any of it. And if anyone else messed with either of them, the other was always the first in line to defend them. You were all used to the banter now.
Bucky swatted Sam’s hand away, and playfully said, “get your grubby hands off me, bird boy.”
The nickname causing a few of you to laugh quietly or snort. Sam was in love with planes—or anything aerospace related, for that matter—and would always say, that if he could have any super power, it would be flight. No questions about it.
Most kids at this age have no clue what they want to be when they ‘grow up’. But Sam, oh he knew. He had wanted to be a pilot since he was a kid, and already had his private pilots license. And had flown a handfull of times on his own already. So as soon as high school was done, his plan was to go for his commercial license, then start applying at all the major airlines. He had it all worked out, and you were so happy for him, but also slightly jealous, as you had no clue what you wanted to be when you ‘grew up’. But knew you’d figure it out one day. Hopefully soon. But as for the nickname, Bucky had jokingly called Sam ‘bird boy’ once in passing, and it had just stuck.
A smile broke out on your face just as Bucky began to list off all the things he wanted. Which then caused your smile to drop, as you damn near fell over at just how long that list actually was. Luckily for you, Steve offered to help you carry everything back. And you ended up accepting Bucky’s offer to cover the cost, as Sam was right, he would have drained your whole back account. And then some. Guy was clearly a black hole, where food was concerned. You’d even go so far as to label him ‘The Human Garburator’.
But that’s neither here nor there, as now you and Steve were standing alone by the concession stand, waiting for the massive order, as you looked around at all the happy lake goers. Kids splashing in the water, teens sunbathing and laughing amongst themselves, adults trying to wrangle their little ones and bath them in sunscreen. The whole thing made you extremely aware that it was, in fact, summer. And that you’d have to say goodbye to your best friend for 2 whole months.
You’d been dreading this day for weeks, in these last few months he’d become such a huge part of your life. The biggest part if you were being honest, and the thought of not seeing him, talking to him or just having him hang out and watch a movie with you, was devastating, to say the least.
He was your rock, your therapist, your bodyguard, your best friend and the one person you truly felt you could just be you around. No walls. No effort. No faking—Well minus hiding your insanely huge crush, but that was a different matter entirely—You’d never had anyone like him in your life before, and you vowed months ago that you’d never let him go and you’d always have him. No matter what. He was that one constant that would always be there. And that thought is what would give you the strength to make it through these next two months without him.
You turned to look up at him, you’d both been standing there in silence, clearly he’d been lost in thought as well. The look on his face instantly confirmed your suspicions that he was, in fact, lost in his mind as he stared off blankly at the water, just like you’d been doing.
“I’m going to miss you,” you said softly.
That caught his attention and he turned his head to look down at you, “I’m going to miss you, too,” he nodded.
You could feel the tears stinging the back of your eyes from both your omissions. You hadn’t really allowed yourself to think too much about him leaving, as you knew you’d break down instantly. He must have noticed your internal struggle to hold back your tears as he turned his body towards you and his large arms encircled you, pulling you in close to his chest.
As your cheek met the bare skin of his pectoral muscle, your mind was instantly reminded that he was still very much shirtless, and you were now very much pressed into his skin. You felt the heat begin to raise, starting in your chest and working it’s way up. You chided yourself for having this reaction, but this was also the first time you’d ever hugged him shirtless and the softness of his skin, mixed with the firmness and heat caused the butterflies to take off in your stomach. No matter how hard you tried to not focus on all of that, your mind had other ideas.
Then he sweetly kissed the top of your head and it just made your mind run even more. He left his face pressed into your hair as he spoke quietly, “I’ve been dreading this day for weeks.”
You nodded as you weren’t sure if your voice would work or not. The lump in your throat and the stinging in your eyes both told you it probably wouldn’t. But when a soft sniffle sounded from your nose, Steve stiffened and pulled away from you just enough to look down at your face. You didn’t want him to see you like this, but he gently grabbed your cheek to force you to look up at him, locking your eyes with his beautiful blues.
“Hey, it’s okay, Y/N,” he said and then the eye contact was broken as his drifted over your features slowly while his thumb wiped away the stray tear you hadn’t been able to stop. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” he added quietly, guilt clear in his voice.
You shook your head, and went to speak, you weren’t sure how your voice was going to sound, but you couldn’t allow him to feel bad for something he didn’t do. “You didn’t upset me at all. I’ve been dreading this day as well. I just don’t know what I’m going to do without you around all the time,” you replied just as an idea came to mind, and you decided things were just getting far too heavy for your liking and at this rate you’d be a sobbing mess in no time. You placed a pondering finger to your chin, tapping it lightly, “now that I think about it, this may actually be a wonderful break.”
He playfully glared at you then scoffed, “oh, I see how it is.” He crossed his arms and pouted, “and here I thought we were actually friends,” he turned his head to look away from you.
You forced your features to stay neutral and serious, “well, clearly you thought wrong. I only keep you around for your directional skills.”
His head snapped back to stare at you. And you did everything in your power to hold it together. The look on his face was making that exceptionally difficult though, and you burst out laughing.
The mock hurt look on his face made you put your hands up in surrender, “okay, okay. That’s a total lie. That’s not the only reason.” You stifled your laugh, attempting to be serious again, “you’re also a fucking giant, so you’re super helpful when it comes to reaching things that are too high up for me. But I think those may be the only two reasons,” you pondered that for a moment then shrugged, “yup. Can’t think of any others.”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “Oh, you’ll pay for that one, Y/L/N,” he said as he reached out and you attempted to get away but he was far too fast, he grabbed you then started to tickle you mercilessly. “Take it back,” he scolded as he continued. You squirmed and laughed as you tried desperately to get away but just as he was faster than you, he was also a lot stronger than you. “Had enough yet?”
You managed to get out a stern, “nope,” as you continued to try to get away. Everyone around you both was probably staring at you now, but you didn’t care one bit. You and Steve were always in your own little world and probably always had people giving you odd looks or watching as you both made fools of yourselves. But this was just how it was for the two of you.
“I’m not gonna stop until you take it back!” He threatened.
You couldn’t take it anymore, you squealed and wiggled around as the tickle attack continued. “Okay! Okay. I give. I give! I take it back!” You screamed between laughs, but before he could stop you went to pull away, one last time, with all your might.
However he clued in and pulled you right back towards him with force, causing your world to shift instantly. You screamed as you landed with a thud and it took you a second to realize you’d both fallen over, and you were now laying on top of him, on the ground.
Your eyes locked with his and you both just stayed frozen in place, no longer laughing but your heaving chests remained, as a reminder that you had been meer seconds ago. His arms were enclosed around you tightly as your hands laid firmly pressed to his chest. Neither speaking, both your hearts pounding and breathing heavily from the tickle war.
You felt his arms tighten even more around you, and something in his eyes started to pull you towards him, aggressively. You leaned down slowly, not breaking the eye contact once. Therefore not missing as his eyes widened more and more, with each inch closer that you got to him.
But just as you could feel his breath on your face, finding yourself maybe an inch away from him now, at most, you heard the concession stand worker call out your order number. You froze as the daze of the moment promptly lifted and you pulled away from Steve like he’d been a roaring fire.
“Oh god,” you whispered as you scrambled to climb off him and stand up. “I’m so sorry! I ah, I didn’t mean to,” you trailed off and shook your head as you took a shaky step back, trying to give him room so he could stand up. “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
He just looked up at you for a moment then sighed deeply and stood up as well, dusting off his swim trunks once he was up. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “and no, you didn’t hurt me. I don’t think you could, even if you tried.” He attempted to laugh jokingly at that, but it fell short and ended up sounding way more awkward than anything. He shook his head and than his face went instantly serious as he moved towards you, “are you okay though?”
You took another step back, needing to distance yourself from him just a little. You’d almost kissed him in that moment and that would not have been good. At all. You had to get this stupid crush under control, and fucking stat! “Yep,” you said quickly, “I’m good. Let’s go get our food.” You abruptly turned around and headed for the concession to pick up your order. You heard him deeply sigh again from behind you, then he joined you at the counter. You both picked up all the food and started to head back towards your friends.
Neither one of you spoke the whole walk back, and for the first time ever, the silence between you was not comfortable, it was the opposite of that actually. You kicked yourself internally for allowing your stupid crush to cloud your judgement. It had clearly made him uncomfortable, his current silence making that pretty fucking obvious.
You couldn’t let your silly feelings in that moment ruin the last day you had with him. You had to say something. Anything. You had to make this better, “I’m sorry again, I ah, I don’t know what came over me just now.” You stopped walking and looked up at him, causing him to stop as well. “Can we just pretend that never happened?” You asked, hopeful that he’d accept your request and forget that it ever happened. Hopeful that it wouldn’t ruin your friendship. Or his final day.
His brows furrowed together for a moment then he sighed and corrected his face into its normal relaxed look, “yup. Whatever you want, Y/N,” he nodded and smiled, but you could tell it was forced. Though you didn’t push him about it, you just wanted to change the subject and leave this whole awkward moment in the past.
“So,” you started, trying to think of a topic to change the conversation to, as you both began to walk again. “You excited for your trip?”
“Yup,” he replied. And even though he’d agreed to just forget this whole thing, you could tell it was clearly still bothering him. Good job smart one, way to make your best friend fucking uncomfortable. Damnit!
“Ah, that’s good,” you nodded, “I bet Sokovia is lovely this time of year.”
“Yeah, it is,” he nodded as you both reached your friends. Both of you handed out the food and went back to your respective spots. Which luckily weren’t right next to each other, like usual. You sat on your towel, kicking your flip flops off then quietly munched on your fries, and stared off at the water. You had to fix this whole mess. You had to.
But the rest of the day dragged on, and it felt like Steve was actively avoiding you, which was exactly what you didn’t want happening. All because you almost kissed him, clearly he was not okay with that. Not even in the slightest.
It was now night time and you all had gone to the annual year end bonfire. Wanda had told you a few weeks back that it was a tradition at Shield High, all the students would get together for a giant bonfire on the beach. Everyone’s way of ending the school year and starting the summer break off right, as she put it. It was your first time ever going to one, and you knew this was going to be your last chance to fix things with Steve, before he left in the morning.
But then every time you’d try to talk to him, you’d get interrupted by some drunk student calling for him, or walking up and inserting themselves into your conversation. And it was getting fucking frustrating, to say the least. So near the end of the night, when you noticed him wandering off alone into a forested area, you followed him. Yes, this was a creepy thing to do, but you were desperate at this point. And this may be your last chance to talk to him, and there was no way in hell you’d let it slip away.
You figured he was going to find a place to pee so you waited at the tree line for him to be done. The sound of small branches cracking and crunching told you he was coming back towards you now. As he came into view you made yourself known, not wanting to startle him.
“Hey,” you waved awkwardly.
But even though you tried not to startle him, you clearly had. He tensed and jumped slightly then relaxed once he realized it was you, “ah, hey.”
“Can we talk?” You asked quietly.
“Yeah, sure,” he nodded then you took his hand and pulled him away from the fire to find a quiet place to chat. The feeling of his large warm hand in yours brought back the same butterflies it had at his birthday, when you’d taken his hand to lead him outside.
You shook your head slightly, trying to not allow yourself to think about just how amazing his hand always felt in yours. That was the last thing you needed to be thinking about right now. Your stupid crush being the exact reason you were now in this whole fucking situation. You reached a small deserted picnic area and released his hand as you sat at one of the picnic tables, Steve sitting down on the opposite side of it.
You were now just staring down at your hands on the table, not entirely sure what to say or how to even start this conversation. But luckily for you, Steve spoke up first, “so, what did you want to talk about?”
You looked up at him, “you leave tomorrow.”
He smirked and nodded his head, clearly finding the humour in you stating the obvious, “that I do.”
“For 2 months,” you stated the obvious, yet again. But you kind of just needed to build up to this conversation. Needed to state the facts. Maybe so you could come to terms with them a little more.
He sighed deeply, “yup.”
“Are you mad at me?” You blurted out—and so much for building up to it. Shit.
His eyes widened momentarily then his brows furrowed, “what? Why would I be mad at you?”
You sighed, “you’ve been avoiding me all night, Steve.”
“No I haven’t.”
“Yes, you have. So spill it, how do I fix this? You leave tomorrow and I refuse to let you leave with any hostility between us,” you gestured between you both.
“I haven’t,” he shook his head, “and there isn’t any hostility between us.” He paused before firmly adding, “at all.”
“Then why does it feel like there is?”
He shrugged, “I duno, I don’t feel it. But I do know that I’m going to miss you like crazy, and the closer we get to having to say our final goodbyes for the summer is really getting to me. So maybe you’re taking that as hostility?”
“Maybe,” you said more to yourself as you nodded. He did have a valid point, one that would make sense. “So, were good then?” You asked hopefully.
He just chuckled and said, “we were never not good.”
“Oh thank god,” you breathed out then laughed. “I think you’re right though. The closer we get to the end of the night, the more upset I get as well.” You paused to just stare at him for a moment, as a bunch of emotions started to run wild again, but you forced them down. “What am I going to do without you all summer?” You widened your eyes, feigning a realization than you leaned forward to whisper as your eyes darted around anxiously, “and who’s going to break into my room at night, like some creepy stalker?”
He threw his head back and burst out laughing for a few minutes. “You’re so weird,” he joked as he composed himself and focused back on you, wiping the joyful tears from his eyes as he did. You always took it as an accomplishment if you could cause him to laugh so hard that he’d tear up. It being one of your favourite of his tics. “And it’s not breaking in if you leave the window open for me,” he pointed out as he shook his head then turned a little more serious. “But I promise we will talk every day. The time differences may make it difficult, but I’ll always respond whenever I can.”
You nodded and looked back down at your hands, feeling the weight of this moment all over again. “Okay,” you sighed, “that makes me feel a little better.” And that was true, it did. But texting him wouldn’t be the same as having him around. And once again you felt the sting of tears in your eyes, blinking quickly to try to eradicate them.
So when you felt the picnic table wiggle and shift, you quickly looked up to see Steve stand and walk around to you, offering you his hand which you willingly took. He then pulled you up to your feet and into one of those amazing hugs of his. Which was exactly what you’d needed in this moment. And clearly he’d known that.
You both just stood there silently for a while, enjoying each other's embrace. Then you felt him sigh deeply before he finally spoke up, “we should probably get back,” he squeezed you a little tighter. “But please try to not let this upset you to much, okay?” He asked and you just nodded into his chest. “I’m sure these next two months will fly by for both of us. And before we know it, we’ll be back in class,” he joking groaned and it caused you both to laugh. And with that you both reluctantly released from the hug and made your way back to the fire.
The talk had helped you relax, and the rest of the night ended up being a fucking blast. You didn’t feel anymore hostility at all, and at the end of the night he dropped you off at home and you said your final goodbyes. You’d managed to get through them without shedding a single tear, at least not until you watched his jeep drive away down the road. That sight though killed you, and you burst into tears instantly.
You spent the next few days cooped up in your bed, moping and being miserable. Your friends contacted you multiple times but you’d just tell them you were sick, not wanting to leave your cocoon of comfort. However, after a few more days they weren’t buying your shit anymore. They all showed up and dragged your ass outta bed, forcing you to make the most of your summer. Which you did so reluctantly at first, but then you just sort of fell into a rhythm.
Each passing day bringing you one step closer to having him back. But he had lied to you that night, your summer didn’t fly by, like at all. It was actually the longest two months of your whole fucking life. Or at least you swore it was. And that was even with talking to him daily, via both text messages and phone calls. But it still didn’t feel like enough.
It was that 2 months without him that you finally realized it wasn’t just a silly stupid crush anymore. No, you were in love with him, 100 percent. And that was not a good realization to have about your best friend. At least not one who saw you as basically a little sister. Fuck, you were doomed.
July 2018 - Present.
“You’ve been awfully quiet.”
You turned your head to see a still, very much, shirtless Steve plop down at the water's edge beside you. Finding yourself, once again, trying to avoid looking at his ridiculously muscular physique and far too exposed torso. So you forced yourself to hold eye contact with him. Which was a lot more difficult than you’d have liked.
“Yeah, I was just enjoying the view,” you nodded then turned to look back at the water. Using that as your new distraction from the fucking GQ model to your right. “For a while there, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see this place again.”
A silence fell over you both and it was in this exact moment that you realized it was far too quiet, you turned your head around and noticed everyone was missing now. It was just Steve and you. But before you could even ask he piped up, “they all went to get food, Clint is bringing back fries for you.”
You laughed, “that’s really sweet of him.”
Another silence fell over you, this one lasting a few minutes, at most. “Are you happy to be back?”
You kept your eyes on the water but smiled and nodded, “honestly, I am.”
“Can I tell you a secret?” He asked and that got your attention, you turned and made eye contact again and he looked almost vulnerable in this moment, which made your heart start to race.
You nodded, “yeah, of course.”
He sighed then looked out at the water himself, “this place just hasn’t been the same since you left.” Then his hand went up to rub the back of his neck, “I’m ah, I’m really glad you’re back,” he said so quietly that you almost didn’t hear him.
“I am too,” you whispered, a giant smile gracing your lips as you took his hand and intertwined your fingers with his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I just wish it hadn’t taken me so long to come home.”
He nodded but didn’t speak, and at that you leaned your head on his shoulder as you both just enjoyed the quiet, peaceful moment together, staring out at the water.
You’d missed him more than you’d ever thought, and in this exact moment it hit you like a dang freight train. How you’d made it through 7 years without this man by your side was beyond you. And you vowed, for real this time, to always fight like hell to make sure he stayed right there. By your side. You’d never again allow your life to go on without him.
You finally had your best friend back, and that was not going to change ever again.
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@hopefulmoonobject @harlequinash @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @tessvillegas @boxofteenageideas @wangdeasang @giggleberts @casuallydarktiger @theonelittleone @agentbadbitch @ratwrites @starrystellars @bandsandanimefreak @rockyroadthepastryarchy @lovvliies @cuffski @icesoccerer @alwaysright4 @lilsthethrills @imdiegohargreeves @zombiepotterfour @mu-mu-rs @ledandan1244 @straightforwardly @badassbeckettswan @denzmallows @xremember-me-notx @gwynethjodie @lollipopdomination @capstopavenger @jemimah-b99
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I Got Away With You - Chapter 4 *Morgan Rielly*
Hey everyone! I hope you’re enjoying this story as much as I love writing it! And I hope you all had wonderful holidays or I hope you’re having no matter what you celebrate! <3
Chapter 4
“Mother, Lucy and I are leaving for the spa.” Arabella days as the pair walk into the Queen’s office both dressed in a pair of comfy sweats.
“When are you girls gonna be back?”
“By the end of the day. We’re going to be doing the ultimate relaxation treatments.” Lucy giggles.
“Lord knows I need it. Henry gives me the run around.”
“Oh, I 100% do not doubt that.” The Queen chuckles. “I know mine did. Contrary to popular belief but I raised them without help from Nannies. Nannies would’ve helped but it is difficult to maintain a good one and keep up a good relationship with your children. Anyways, enough about that. You girls go and have a nice day. We will be here when you get back, enjoy. Arabella you have your card right?”
“Yes mam, it’s all in my handbag here.” Arabella gestures to her small handbag in her hand. She smiles as her mother dismissed them.
“So where are we going?” Lucy asks as the pair sit in the car with the driver and security guard in the front.
“We are going to Amazing Space at the D’Angleterre Copenhagen.”
"Sounds amazing. Have you decided what we’re getting done?”
“I was thinking oxygen infusion and the ultimate face package. The cream and honey wrap with a deep tissue massage, then shellac mani and pedi. You can choose what you want though if you don’t like that. We have access to the baths and saunas after and lunch.”
“That sounds amazing. Is this what being a royal is.”
“Honestly the nails and facial parts are. I’m kind of excited to get away and be normal in Canada.”
“Well, I will make sure you are treated as normal as possible. The boys are idiots so don’t mind them but the girls will love you.”
“I’m so excited for that. I just want to live a normal life. I have a lot of pressure on me and it’s gonna be nice to get away.”
~ The day of the ball ~
“Princess, it is time for you to get into your dress.” The royal stylist Camila says holding out the Princess’ dress for her to get into.”
“How does Lucy and Jake like their outfits Camila?” Arabella asks as she finishes applying her burgundy lipstick.
“Lucy squealed with excitement when I showed it to her.”
“Fantastic. I hope she likes her entire outfit, can you please make sure she takes that home with her?” Camila nods as Arabella de robes to step into her dress.
“Of course princess. I will make sure she does not leave without it.” Arabella holds her breath as she gets zipped into her dress. Camila helps her slip on her pink pumps and clasping her diamond choker around her neck. Arabella slips her bracelets and earrings in place before grabbing her clutch.
“Princess, the Queen has requested you meet with her and the King in the grand living room.” Adrienne smiles entering the room with a curtsy.
“Thank dear, would you excuse me ladies.” The two curtsy as Arabella walks down the hallways of the castle to the grand living room where no doubt her entire family would be waiting for her. She knocks and then hears a faint ‘come in’.
“Mother, father you requested me?” Arabella asks closing the door behind her as she enters the room.
“Yes dear, we have something to give you.” The King says standing in his military suit. In Denmark it is mandatory for all royals to be a part of the armed forces for at least 6 months. Arabella did her service as soon as she turned 18 til she was placed on reserve a few weeks ago to do her royal duties.
“You’ve already gotten me so many things, what else could you possibly have gotten me?” They had already gotten her a pair of heels, all her bedroom and office stuff for Toronto and a new purse.
“It’s not from us, its from your grandmother.”
“Grandma?” The Queen nods.
“Before she passed away she left us with a gift for you to give on your twentieth birthday. Since today is the ball, your father and I figured now was the best time to give you this. You never said you found a crown to wear, so here baby. Open this,” the Queen passes Arabella a beautiful silver crown with a collection of silver diamond encrusted pieces on either side of a fleur de lis like diamond.
“Mother, this is beautiful. I cannot believe how beautiful this is.” The princess gasps in amazed beauty. “Mother, can you help me put it on please.” The Queen nods and helps the young princess situate the beautiful crown a top her head.
“Perfect crown for the next ruler.” Her father, the king says with a sweet smile.
“Thank you papa, I love you.” Arabella gives her father a smile and a tight hug.
“Princess, I hate to excuse and ruin this moment but the photographer is requesting your presence for photos.” Adrienne says with a curtsy.
“Thank you Adrienne. I must be going with you. Mother, Father are we meeting the rest of the family down for photos?” Arabella asks as they head to the main dining room.
“Everyone is already down there waiting for you. We asked they be waiting to go while we gave you you birthday gift,” The princess nods.
~ at the party ~
Arabella stands behind the closed door as she was directed. Her face stoic and totally poised as she had been trained to be all of her life.
“Now introducing the heir to the Danish throne, Crown Princess Arabella Feodora Alexandria Sonderberg of Denmark.” The royal announcer says and Arabella descends into the room looking at the subject and other member near and dear to her heart. All members in the room, minus her family and other royals bow down to her as she takes her place at the front of the stage.
“Thank you all for coming tonight to celebrate my 20th birthday at this lovely ball. As some of you may know I will be moving out of the spotlight and to school within the next month. I will still be taking on my duties but I’m a lighter sense so I am able to continue to learn and grow for the people of this amazing country.” Arabella pauses looking out at the sea of people. She smiles and continues with her speech. “But, during this time I will not forget the people of Denmark and those who mean the most to me. So, thank you for blessing me with amazing opportunities, including being able to speak to you all tonight. Enjoy the night and don’t be a stranger when you see me about tonight. Thank you all.” Arabella smiles and descends off the stage towards her family.
“We are so proud of you Arabella.” Her brother Michael says giving her a hug.
“Thank you brother, I miss you a lot. Especially now that I am the next Queen.” She whispers in his ear.
“But I didn’t want the royal life. It was not for me.” He shrugs and she gives him a glare.
“It was not for me either.”
“You have got this, I have faith in you so so much.”
“Thank you, I wish I had that much in myself.”
“Go enjoy Toronto, do everything you can and enjoy your freedom. Because once your done it’ll come quicker than you think.” Arabella nods and pushes a smile past her lips.
“Thank you, I should go and see other people now.”
“Go get them tiger.” Arabella smiles and bows gracefully before leaving to find Lucy and Jake.
“Princess.” Jake bows and Arabella curtsies back.
“Hello Mr. Gardiner. Thank you for coming to my ball, how has the palace been treating you both?” She asks keeping it formal and the couple understands that she has to as there are a lot of people around that she has to uphold formalities.
“Very well your highness. Thank you once again for everything, your hospitality has been outstanding.” Arabella waves her hand at them.
“Nonsense, it is my pleasure. It’s the least we can do for you as you both are housing me during my time in Toronto.” Lucy smiles adorning a wonderful long satin red dress.
“We’re so blessed to have you princess.” She smiles and Arabella finds herself smiling back at her. From the far end of the ballroom a tall Ginger hockey player sees his teammate and wife chatting up the Princess of his homeland.
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