#one piece chapter 945
dreamingonclds · 9 months
Everything Happens For A Reason | LN4
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Summary: Sometimes the people that love us hurt us the most but, you can't seem to stay away. After an immense break up, you've become the most passionate in your career. Going from casting to casting, concert to concert, audition to audition, you become one of the most famous artists of your generation. You were done picking up the broken pieces of your heart when somebody comes into your life and you place your heart in someone else's hands again.
Word Count: 945
Pairing: Lando Norris x female! reader ft. Carlos Sainz
Warnings: none
Chapter 1
Note: This is my first official fic, I hope all goes well! This isn't fully edited but, I just wanted to put it out there. I hope you enjoy and thanks!!!
Chapter 1
“Hey, hey!”, says your manager strutting into the hotel room you were getting ready in.
“Good morning!”, you say chirpily as you turn to look at the door she came through
Your eyes follow her as she comes to sit on the lounge chair across from the studio chair you're sitting on.
You're currently getting your makeup done as today will be a full day of press for a new Netflix show you just wrapped on. Considering you started acting at 18 and you're currently 23, it’s easy to say you’ve been pretty successful. Many say you’re the best actress of your generation, you got nominated for an Emmy after your first acting job and you're getting job offers left and right. But, you’ve always felt like it wasn’t hard work that got you where you are today; you’ve always believed it was just luck. You never even considered acting in the first place, it just kind of happened. 
You had always lived a normal life, you were born and raised in California to a middle class hard working Mexican family. Up until high school you were just living life as normally as possible. During middle school you developed a love for music which led you to try and pursue it once you started high school. 
You didn’t have to try very hard for people to notice you, you were just that good. But, that didn’t mean you didn’t work hard, after you got your record deal at 17 you tried your best to make hit after hit. You were always afraid the success wouldn't last very long. But after countless number 1s, sold out shows, and very passionate fans; you were sure you made the right choice. 
Soon after graduating highschool you were put into a meeting with your team, they just wanted to know if you wanted to solely focus on music or explore other art forms. You only had eyes for music but they saw your potential and pushed you to try. It wouldn’t hurt to try right, so you gave it your best shot. If you thought you were successful back then you were in for a surprise. Your popularity skyrocketed and multiplied by millions it seemed. You were quickly considered one of the most famous and influential young artists of the generation.
“So, I have gone through and confirmed the schedule for these upcoming weeks. But, there is one last thing that just came up. I wanted to go over it with you before I set everything up” she says as she opens and begins typing on her laptop.
Jen, your manager has been with you since high school and has climbed every step of the journey with you. Although she works for you, she is more like an older sister you never had, that and the fact that she’s only eight years older than you.
“Mhm” you nod at Jen as to not disturb your makeup artist who is putting your lipstick on.
“It’s this car racing thingy, something about giving you a tour and meeting each team. I think it’s called Formula something. Anyways, I’m about to send the email back saying no, it doesn’t look like it’s worth our time.” She says nonchalantly
You sit there eyes wide, “Jen are you kidding me, never say no to Formula One!” you semi yell
“I looked into it, it just looked like funny cars going in circles for what seems like forever. But no worries, I’ll just change that no to a yes.”
“I didn’t even know you were into racing, when did you get into this anyway?” she says typing while looking at you waiting for an answer
“Umm, I don’t really remember the exact year but, I think in elementary school. My dad always woke up at 6:00 am to watch the races each weekend”, you say as the makeup artist fixes your eyebrows one last time
“Wow, you’re more into it than I thought. Why have you never mentioned it before?!”
“I mean I haven’t really been caught up with it at all, you know after everything took off I didn’t have time for it”
“Oh that reminds me, the race is in Monaco in exactly two weeks. So, it’ll be the last thing you’ll have to do right before your break” she says matter of factly
“Yes, I can’t wait for it!” you groan in delight leaning back in your chair as your glam team is packing up to leave.
“Yeah, I think I judged it too early, this seems more like a vacation than anything. And these racers, why didn’t you tell me they were this attractive” she says raising her eyebrows at you
You laugh and sit up, “I mean that isn’t what it’s all about but yeah, they’re easy on the eyes for sure. I had the biggest crush on Lando Norris like a year back.” 
You feel your cheeks and ears heat up as you remember your crush, you’d never supported Mclaren until him. You’d always been a Ferrari fan, a die hard Tifosi. Your dad would kill you if he found out your heart was half orange.
Jen waves her hands in front of you, “Earth to Y/N”
“Umm it doesn’t really seem like this crush has passed. Now I know why you want to go so bad!” she teases and giggles at you
You cover your face and blush even harder
You get up and walk towards the closet, “Just help me get dressed Jen, please” you giggle and plead at her hoping she’ll forget about it
She gets up and follows you, “Whatever you say girlfriend” she laughs
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sometimesibewriting · 29 days
Where Are You Going?
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✨Summary: Uryu leaves you with only the rain to console you.
💙Ello, another angst piece, to no one's surprise. Idk if I said this but I had an idea for a chaptered Uryu x OC fanfic set in the Bleach Cannon world. But I was too lazy to write a 3 series fanfic. So I just have like random scenes in my head that won't leave, so here I am just writing them to get them out of my head. I hope y'all enjoy, I definitely want to write stuff outside of angst. Will get working on that soon. :D
❌No warnings❌
📃Wordcount: 945
Uryu saw it coming. If it was true that the quincy were still alive and planning something they would come to recruit him. So he wasn't surprised when someone appeared to him the day Ichigo left and proposed that he join his people in crushing the soul society. He told the blonde man before him to give him a few days to think, the blonde man responded, by saying there was no time to think. But Uryu knew his people well they wouldn't just rush in, they would take their time. By how hasty the blonde man who told him to call Haschwalt was Uryu could tell the observing part of their grand scheme had finished and they were ready to move. Uryu told him that he knew he had time.  Haschwalt closed his eyes whether that was from annoyance or from thinking he would never know. He sighed then left telling Uryu he'd be back soon.
A light flashed, followed by spiritual pressure waking Uryu up it was familiar to him. He looked down at his chest, the girl lying on it not stirring. Uryu did his best to slip out from under her replacing his chest with a pillow, he pulled a blanket up and over her. Before going outside he placed a piece of paper with a written but vague apology on the coffee table. 
He paused looking down at her, she was going to hate him if he did this, could he live with that? No, he would have to live with that. There was no other way for this plan to work he ran his hand through his hair, this was the only option. He pushed up his glasses leaning over to place a kiss on her forehead. 
Uryu went outside to meet Haschwalt it started raining in the evening, and now that it was night the rain was even harsher, how fitting Uryu thought. "Have you made up your mind?" Haschwalt asked as he stepped in front of him. "I have," Uryu said firmly. "Your answer?" Haschwalt eyed. "I decided to take you up on your offer." He gave Uryu a look that read as shock. "What made you come to this conclusion?"
Uryu assumed Haschwalt was going to ask him that. After all, he did talk to Uryu like he was suspicious of his actions. "While I do have friends here, I am of quincy blood, I should profile my duty as one. After all the Soul Society is the reason why I'm the only quincy left." Haschwalt looked down at him his face unchanging. "Well then you have made your decision follow me."
They took one step before hearing the back door slide open, Uryu’s heart dropped at the familiar sound. "Ishida." A fimilar voice called if Haschwalt wasn't there he definitely would have cussed. He turned towards the voice. "Yes." He answered. "What are you doing-" She stopped mid-sentence when she saw Haschwalt, she looked at the blonde trying to get a read on him. "Who's this?"
"I see you still have some loose ends to tie up." Haschwalt looked irritated.
"She's not a loose end." Uryu shot back, Haschwalt's face stayed stagnant. Uryu then walked up to the door standing in front of her soaking wet. She pulled the quilt he had put on her closer to her body as the wind blew. She looked at Haschwalt and then back at Uryu. "He's a quincy isn't he? The spiritual pressure is similar to yours."
Uryu didn't answer instead he hugged her, quilt falling around onto the wet ground. He rested his chin on her shoulder his arms wrapping around her, pushing them closer together. She stood there confused as he wasn't usually an emotional or physical person. It was weird to say his warmth felt warm.
"You know I would never hurt you?" His voice was cold yet sincere. "Right?"
"Uryu..." She repeated.
He put his head on hers. "I need you… I need you to remember that I would never do anything to hurt you."
"Uryu. What are you about to do?" She asked although she felt like she had an idea. "Something I have to do." He answered back. Uryu hugged her once more then went to join Haschwalt at his side, she screamed for him while running towards him. Uryu closed his eyes wishing this was all a bad dream.
Just as she reached them, Uryu along with Haschwalt was engulfed in what appeared to be a black mass. The last thing she heard was Uryu saying; "I'm sorry." They disappeared and she fell as there was nothing to catch her, the rain falling harder or atleast felt like it was. She clenched the ground dirtying her fingers tears filling her eyes as she tried to figure out what just happened. A quincy came for Uryu.
There were other quinces besides him. Her one fear had come true. She knew if the Quinces were alive during everything that was happening it would not end well for Uryu. She knew if he had to choose between his people and his friends he would choose the people. If in the same position, she would also choose her people. It would be shellfish of her to think he would choose her, Ichigo, Chad, and Orihime over the Quinces. Yet that didn’t stop the hurt she felt as he left with no explanation the only thing he said being a simple sorry. As if the weight of what just happened hit her she plopped to the ground, curling up into a ball, crying. Her tears mixing with the rain on her face.
Will he be back?
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melodiusicons · 2 years
Icon commissions available!
Hello, and good evening! I’m in a bit of a tough spot financially at the moment,
I specialize in making simple 100x100 RP icons. I do not make PSDs or borders, I enjoy making large quantities of RP icons, on some good days of upwards 50+ for a single episode or chapter. I like making enough expressions for threads. Basically, my goal when I make my RP icons is so less on things like borders or their edits as opposed to giving RPers enough expressions so that they can respond to most situations in their RPs.
For example: for my icons of Miku Okazaki from Gal Gohan, I have made over 1220 icons. For Ann Takamaki from Persona 5 I have made 966 icons from the anime (I still need to do the Dark Sun specials) and 137 icons from the manga. For Maggie Lacivi from Ava’s Demon (on request) I made 396 icons. For Cardia Beckford from Code:realize (only iconed episodes 1-6), I made 347 icons. For Milly Ashford from Code Geass I made 377 icons. For Doona Cheon of Sadistic Beauty I have made 945 icons. Basically, when I make icons, I make a lot, and that’s what I’m offering for you if you consider my services!
10 cents per icon, so $10 for 100 for example (I might consider adjusting this number if I make a ton of icons to be slightly lower, but this is unlikely) These icons will be published publicly; if you want this to be private (available only to you) I will up-charge you 5 cents per icon (so $15 for 100)
I am willing to icon virtually any source, including that of most “problematic” media or N/$/F/W things like an h-manga or films showing graphic scenes (I’m not stranger to iconing things most dislike just for a FC, so I understand what you want) and even full out dead dove content. I however have a personal right to icon something that does not make me feel comfortable. If you’re going to be ask me to do something extremely sketchy please understand for my own personal comfort and for the sake of reputation I might reject it entirely. We will discuss this on a case-by-case basis, I will likely accept most commissions but I have my personal right to reject business I feel will make me uncomfortable.
I will give you periodic updates on what’s going on, the quality of your icons, etc.
I care greatly for the quality of my icons and your icons as well. When in the process of iconing JJ from YOI I was dissatisfied with the quality of my torrent and halfway through redid the process with a new torrent to ensure my customer had the best quality icons I could make. Even for my personal iconing projects I care about using the best quality possible so that the icons look good. If you want an anime (my specialty) or tv show quality I will look for the absolute best quality, 1080p or better to ensure you have the best quality icons you can have once I’m done cropping and resizing to 100x100.
In addition to the 100x100 icons I keep the original sized expressions as well. So once I take a screenshot and crop and resize, you will still have the original sized icons as well. This is not an upcharge or anything; I always do this. Good for expressions for personal use, I believe.
If your source is an exceptionally long-runner (like HxH, One Piece, or Yu Yu Hakusho) I will not icon the whole thing most likely; somehow I doubt most people are willing to pay for an icon commission that might be hundreds of dollars if you asked me to icon Gon or something. Most likely I will icon a specific arc of your choosing.
I do not icon fanart. If the character is very obscure and there is little official media, then I likely can’t make much. I am only willing to icon official media (such as anime and tv shows), official art, and perhaps doujins that were already being sold for money.
I can now make icons efficiently from youtube videos, so video games and the like provided there’s an LP of decent quality can now be iconed!
I do not do extensive editing, but with manga icons, I try to do very minor cleaning such as removing kanji from the background and and removing speech from speech bubbles. Basically, whatever I can do with Paint’s erase button, but that’s it.
If your source is a youtube series or the like, something I cannot easily torrent and convenient download in order to take screenshots and icons, there is a chance I might upcharge.
Below are examples of icons made from me from various sources, 100x100 and some full size icons! For the sake of length those (the full-sized ones) will go under the cut. I hope to hear from you soon! Please send me an ask or IM (IM preferred) to discuss business, and I will use the IM feature to keep in contact with you!
I hope you’ll consider me, and consider hiring me!
As a preview: 12 100x100 icons and 6 full sized icons!
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littlekiwi78 · 10 months
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"Woman Clothed with the Sun Escaping from the Dragon"
This piece originates from the Morgan Beatus, an illuminated manuscript, from San Salvador de Tabara in Spain. The manuscript was created from 940-945 ce. Essentially this is an image within a book that is 15 x 11 in. The Morgna Beatus was made by the scribe and artist Maius. The manuscript is a commentary on the Book of the Apocalypse by the eighth century Spanish monk Beatus of Liebana. It is one of the oldest examples of a revived Spanish apocalypse tradition and depicts both the Last Judgement and the end of days. It is in the style of mozarabic art. The left page holds a woman surrounded by the sun standing on the moon and below the stars. The latin text beside the woman reads Mulier Amicate Sole. In Latin this means woman clothed with the sun. The text depicted acts as a storytelling guide. Near the woman, we have a grouping of angels that holds weapons directed at the 7 headed dragon. The red dragon is Satan who disrupts the heavens with his tail. Another scene shows the woman facing one of the dragons heads. The depicted story is mentioned in Revelation chapter 12 verse 6. The woman is thus assumed to be Mary and she is with the Christ child. Mary defends her and her child against Satan, gives birth to her son he mounts the throne of god. Revelations 12:17 "Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring-those who keep God's commands and hold fast to their testimony about Jesus."
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heady-senpai · 5 years
One Piece 945: O-Lin
This chapter starts off with Orochi fleeing the Capital being his usual scumbag self. (I swear everytime Orochi talks now I only hear Tekking101's Orochi voice lmao).
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Zoro is in a struggle with Kyoshiro screaming for Orochi to wait for him so he can take his head lol seems logical that Orochi would just listen to you Zoro.
I love how Kyoshiro is just smirking and why is Zoro already huffing? He must really want Orochi's head (for good reason obviously) or is he being pushed?
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Then the Oniwaban-shu arrive and Fukurokuju realizes that they are all the Straw Hat Pirates. Seems like Hawkins snitched lol. One member fires a shot at Zoro which he dodges even while clashing with Kyoshiro.
Fukurokuju plans that all they need to do is capture one Straw Hat and make them spill the beans. This interrogation probably would be similar to the Kamazou/Killer treatment. Just dont catch Usohachi!! Lmao
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Sanji hands off O-Toko to Usopp as X-Drake consistantly tries to bite him. I love how Sanji's like "Let's get started!!" And you see all the flames by his feet but his observation is Top tier but isn't on God tier yet because Drake swung his tail caught Saanji off guard and knocked him into a building.
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As he does this X-Drake states, "So you're the O-Soba Mask guy...to think that you're a Vinsmoke..." which pisses off Sanji. I would really love to see and extreme diff fight between them Sanji and X-Drake.
Brook tells Komuraski to hurry and leave the Capitol but the Oniwaban-shu has already noticed some relation between her and the Straw Hats, specifically Zoro. Brook then proceeds to pull a Danny Phantom and goes ghost again to scare off the Oniwaban-shu which worked even though last time they realized the spirit could only chase them lol
Now onto my favorite scene this chapter.
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I just love how casually Law pulls up and is just standing there right next to Hawkins, sword not drawn, no mask on his face, just chilling in the middle of the commotion.
Law realizes that Bepo is missing from Shachi and Penguin. (But I swear at first he was in jail with them 🤔🤔)
Anywho, Hawkins states, "Only a fool would keep all of the hostages in one place." As he reveals to Law that he has the lives of his 3 subordinates and the only way Law could defeat him is by first taking the 3 lives of Shachi, Peguin, and Beppo. And dudeeeeeeee the look on Law's face when Hawkins showed off his power......
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Law knows this is going to be a tough one. Hawkins powers are ridiculous.
Komuraski gets captured while fleeing by Fuujin and Raijin of the Oniwaban-shu and let's out a "Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Which is heard by Sanji and you already know when he hears the voice of a woman in danger he is on the move!!
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Mosshead steps in to save the girl lol and Sanji's face is PRICELESS!!!
(So did Kyoshiro just sit back and grin while Zoro left from their clash to save Komuraski? I know he must be an ally on the low. He might even be the last missing Scabbard, Denjuro.)
We get a quick couple of pages where Kin'emon apologizes to Ashura Doji for burning down the My. Atama forest. Ashura Doji is pissed but seems to understand why Kin'emon did it especially after Lord Yasu died for the rebellion.
Kin'emon again asks Ashura Doji to fight with them to which he responds that he has something he needs to show Kin'emon and Inuarashi. I'm very curious as to what it is. I think we should keep a keen eye on what's going on there.
And everyone is confused like there's only one old hag who can take out steel doors, but no way she's here, I thought her ship was sunk, am I dreaming right now?!?! Lol everyone's reaction had me dying!!
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How long have we been waiting for this interaction!?! Hahahah
Big Mom calls for O-Tama to come after her into the Prison Mines because she can smell the O-Shiruko. O-Kiku tells O-Tama and Momonosuke to hide outside because no one can see him.
Big Mom tells Queen to bring the o-shiruko and Queen is pissed off thinking someone was messing with him by telling Big Mom his favorite food, o-shiruko, was available.
In the midst of this Luffy uses some logic and yells that Kid and Killer will die while Queen is arguing but Queen is going Zoan form which means he's probably done arguing lol and is getting business. But how could u not get straight to business in the face of Big Mom.
Babanuki tries to warn Queen he can't keep Big Mom from food but Queen fully transforms revealing his devil fruit:
Dragon Dragon Fruit Ancient Beast - Model: Brachiosaurus.
(Natalardo on Instagram called this one out a year ago...check him out his art is awesome!!!!)
Chopper and O-Kiku are outside discussing that O-Lin is kinder than Big Mom and the enemy might be bullying her🤣
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Queen, not not knowing that Luffy and Hyou ate all of his o-shiruko, states that it's all his and he won't give her a single bite. This obviously pisses off Big Mom, she yells, "Hurry up and give it to me already!!" Then fucking punches the shit outta Queen!!!
I don't see the utilization of armament Haki so the blow may not be as devastating as we think but Big Mom is a force to be reckoned with so never underestimate her. And that was the chapter!
(I'm sad but it was well deserved)
This chapter kept me thoroughly involved, had a very good pacing, and covered mostly everything I wanted to see this week. It was really good.
H I G H L I G H T S:
Zoro vs Kyoshiro
Sanji vs X-Drake
Law vs Hawkins
Brook vs Oniwaban-shu
Sanji's reaction to Zoro running away with Komuraski
Kin'emon talking with Ashura Doji
Big Mom entering Prison Mines
Luffy's & Queen's reactions
Queen is a Brachiosaurus
Big Mom vs Queen
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mindmakesmemes · 5 years
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Now this was a fun one to put together XD
Bonus round: Big Mom ascends and becomes a meme, thanks Oda
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gojos-eyedrops · 5 years
Is Zoro getting his own romance side plot like sanji with Pudding? 🤣
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oshinotodd · 5 years
I just needed to say:Sanji kicking a dinosaur was awesome
That is all
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otakettealley · 5 years
My Boy is Back!!!! 1v1's Szn is Here!! | One Piece Manga Chapter 945 Rea...
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X Drake: what's the deal with Eustass and Mugiwara? They're so weird.
Sanji: They're... Rivafrie... Rifriellies. Yup they're rifriellies.
X Drake: What.
Sanji: Rivals, friends and allies, duh.
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laws-hat-headcanons · 5 years
You're playing a real dangerous game with me here Oda!!!! You better fucking not!!
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sanjiluv · 5 years
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law deserves better. oda give him peace. also lOok at how much he cares for his crew!
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sarcasticmagikarp · 5 years
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loveanime4life · 5 years
Oda isn’t letting up in Wano 😩 these last couple chapters have been amazing
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amxlm · 5 years
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Chapter 945 : O-Lin
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raquellplanningwell · 5 years
One Piece - chapter 945
Drop everything, LAW’S MEN, fucking Hawkins!!! & where’s Bepo?! :(
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Also Sanji’s reaction @ Zoro
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It’s in character & I love Sanji but it felt extra. I’m glad Zoro saved her & is still thriving
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Brook’s power is very cool & convenient, it’s awesome the effect it has in wano
Lastly Big Mom’s memory might not be there but her strength certainly is, Queen is going down. If he knows who she is, why lie about the food, good luck now chief
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