#one piece chapter 980
beaulesbian · 8 months
loved this part of the onigashima raid - where zoro was carrying luffy so they could escape after luffy got attacked, and when an enemy dog tried to attack them, luffy snapped out of it and bit the dog himself
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fallensnowfan · 11 months
Do you know what time it is?
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Jinbei appreciation o'clock!
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algumaideia · 3 months
Kkkkkkkkk Luffy and Zoro kkkkkkkk
They can't be left without supervision
They do understand each other wow if Sanji was there too
Hi Marco
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whump-card · 6 months
Forged Divinity Unnamed Sequel: Chapter 5
980 words
CW: past TBI, emotional whump, dissociation, derogatory language
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Don’t make a big deal.
Don’t ignore him, but don’t make a big deal.
Don’t overwhelm him.
Carefully warned, lightly briefed, the Iowans of Goat Island watched Leannan move through the dining room, his sister’s hand on his elbow. Some managed gentle smiles, or a soft ‘hello’ as he passed. Others looked away.
That could have been me.
Leannan looked shrunken, half-starved, dead-eyed and silent. Shannon led him through the buffet, quietly asking if he’d like some of each thing. He started off nodding and shaking his head, but around halfway through he… left. The decisions became too much, perhaps. He stopped responding, his eyes stopped following to where she pointed, and his shuffling steps came to a halt. Shannon stepped in front of him, trying to catch his gaze, a smile plastered over her obvious fear.
“Leannan? Leannan? Leannan?”
Enjolras took over, picking up Leannan’s tray. She had a firmer hand than Shannon, and steered Leannan over to a table and sat him down. Patted Shannon’s shoulder, told her to go take a breather. Shannon fled to her husband and child, burying her face in the bright-eyed three-year-old’s hair.
Enjolras sat down with Leannan, taking up his hand and rubbing it between her own.
“Leannan, can you come back? Come back, Leannan, it’s okay.”
Finally Leannan blinked at her, and at the food in front of him: soft little rolls of bread, an apple, a bowl of berries from the greenhouse.
“Is this for me?” he whispered in awe.
“Yeah,” Enjolras guided his hand to one of the rolls, “Eat slowly, okay?”
He picked it up, his eyes darting anxiously around the empty seats.
“You left Phineas behind,” he whispered, his voice soft but still accusatory.
“I know,” Enjolras quietly replied, “But we had to. They couldn’t come with.”
Leannan’s face soured.
“Go away,” he hissed.
“Go away!” he shouted, the words ripping out of his throat and bringing the dining room to a frightened silence. Leannan remained hunched in his chair, one hand fisted, white-knuckled, around the crushed breadroll.
“Okay,” whispered Enjolras, slowly standing, “Okay.”
She picked up her own meal tray and moved a couple tables away, sitting where she could still see Leannan. She watched as his hands began to shake and he dropped the mangled roll back onto his plate, lifting his hand to touch the scar on his temple.
Enjolras looked down at her own food, not really feeling hungry anymore.
Leannan needed to stop getting angry. No one liked it when he was angry. Getting angry got him in trouble.
Looking around furtively, Leannan ripped a piece off of the breadroll and stuck it in his mouth. No one was close enough to hit him.
The mouthful of bread ignited his hunger, and he started eating quickly, nervously, ever-watching for anyone coming to… to do something. But no one approached; they only stared, or watched, or glanced.
So many eyes. Leanna shifted in his seat, uncomfortable under the scrutiny.
They don’t want you back. I bet they’re glad you left.
But he was back now, and Phineas wasn’t here to protect him.
They don’t want you there. They think you’re a whore.
Leannan heart pounded. There were so many people, and so many that he used to know. Used to know? He used to look after them. He was the oldest, after all. Teresa used to need help tying her shoes. Callum used to need someone to hold his hand during tornado watches -
Leannan’s eyes found Callum’s – cool brown eyes, watching, watching, watching. He didn’t look like he wanted anything to do with Leannan anymore.
Leannan lurched to his feet, drawing more stares. His clean clothes felt stiff and itchy on him; he fisted a hand in the fabric of his shirt. At least it was blue. Oh, that made him feel so much better.
You weren’t allowed any personal possessions in Iowa City, but you were allowed a favorite color.
He fumbled with his chair, pushing it back but still tripping over it, catching himself with a hand on the table.
I shouldn’t have – you’re fucking clumsy now, it’s embarrassing.
Shame. Sorrow. Fear. Leannan’s guts twisted, sick with unmanageable emotion.
“I don’t feel good,” Leannan said out loud, his vision blurring with tears, “I don’t want to be here.”
“I got you,” someone took his hand, “Let’s go outside.”
“Callum?” whimpered Leannan, “Callum, you don’t want…”
“It’s okay, let’s go.”
“Your voice is different,” Leannan sobbed, “Why did your voice change? Couldn’t you have stayed small?”
Callum put an arm around his shoulders. It felt backwards, to Leannan. Thirteen years made everything backwards. Everyone grew up without him.
He’d been left behind.
But they were walking, and leaving the weight of the oppressive stares, and that was all Leannan wanted right now.
Cool air. Morning sun. A wooden bench. The green hill that reached down to the observation point spread in front of them, crisscrossed with walking paths.
“I really missed you. All those years.” Callum was still holding his hand. Leannan looked at him. He had a scruff of a beard, and faint crow’s feet. He was – what, 28? Thirty? Married. A father.
“Do you remember when you used to sing at service?” Leannan asked, his voice still thick with tears, “Your voice was so perfect.”
Callum didn’t reply. His eyes stared out towards the waterfall, and the breeze ruffled his soft brown hair. Leannan used to brush his hair, and make sure his shirt collar was straight. He almost wanted to reach out and straighten it now, as if that would take them back.
“I was so proud of you,” Leannan said.
“I try not to think about back then,” Callum murmured.
“If you don’t think about it,” Leannan sniffled, “How did you miss me?”
Callum didn’t reply. Leannan looked away.
“I wish you would’ve stayed small.”
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Taglist: @angst-after-dark, @sunshiline-writes, @flowersarefreetherapy, @thecyrulik
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curlyjohnlock · 1 year
Tango Between Broken Hearts
Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial
#FFF211: An Old Friend
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Rosie Watson
Rating: G
Word count: 980
This is only a tiny glimpse of the whole story, and I will post this chapter and the next ones on my account on Ao3.
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So much time had passed since John's forced farewell and, since then, they had never had a chance to untie their conflicts. And now Sherlock was finding himself grappling with feelings he’d never been able to disclose. As he walked through the street, he wondered if John sometimes felt seized by regret.
The evening fell on London, enveloping everything in such a melancholic atmosphere. He’d made a mistake trusting Mycroft, who said that returning to London would be good for his soul.
However, no matter how well Mycroft knew his brother, he wasn’t aware that John's absence had become an open wound in Sherlock's heart, making him incapable of moving on. Since that day in the hospital, Sherlock had never been the same.
As he walked through the familiar streets, Sherlock couldn't help but think that it had only taken a minute to shatter everything they had been. The drunk laughter, the daring escapes from the police, the cases, and all the challenges they had faced together now seemed like distant memories, buried in the depths of the ocean.
There had been four days now. No matter how much he looked for him, there was no sign of John. He had even phoned Mycroft, begging him to tell him where John was. But his devilish brother, with his inevitable slightly mischievous tone, said that all his favors had been repaid and he couldn't tell him anything. 
Sherlock hung up the call, growling with anger at his phone. A woman who was passing by turned around, frightened.
Sherlock had just put the phone in his pocket when he noticed his hands were shaking. Walking with uncertain steps, Sherlock approached the entrance of the park. The laughter and cheerful conversations of the children filled the air, creating a pleasant and joyful atmosphere around him.
Sherlock hesitated for a moment outside the metal gate, stopping to watch the children playing on the swings. Their laughter was rather contagious, but Sherlock wasn’t exactly in the right mood for such an atmosphere.
Sherlock’s gaze was drawn to a group of teenagers playing football in a corner. Among them, he couldn't help but notice a young boy with tousled blond hair. The boy's appearance bore a striking resemblance to a young John, bringing back a rush of memories. There were nights in which, between tears, he wished he could go back in time, to when he and John were younger, when they spent the days chasing criminals, and when Mrs Hudson scolded them for being late for dinner. 
As he continued walking on the pavement, Sherlock had to stop. There was this young girl with long blonde hair, who was now staring at him with her mouth wide open. It was quite clear that his presence astonished her. He stood in place, not fully understanding why she was staring at him like that. There was something in her… and he couldn’t believe his eyes. That was simply not possible. He carefully looked at her with his ice-colored eyes, trying to be one hundred percent sure it was her.  
“Do we know each other?” asked Sherlock, trying to hide the slight confusion that was pervading him.
The little girl seemed to be uncertain about how to respond. “You are… you are Sherlock!” she exclaimed in a high-pitched tone, not be able to hold back a smile.
Sherlock took a step back, surprised by the fact the girl seemed to know him. “Sherlock who?”
“Sherlock Holmes! The pirate that all pirates fear! My daddy always talks about you!”
Sherlock's heart shattered in his chest into a thousand pieces but, in his mind, the pieces of the puzzle came together. That was a pretty curious coincidence, since fate had brought them together ‌in that place.
That being said, he had returned to London with a specific goal, but he didn't expect that he would run into Rosie instead of John.
“My name is Rosie.” said the little girl, offering her right hand.
Sherlock crouched down to be at the same height level as her and shook it. “Last time I saw you, you still were a toddler. You've grown a lot.”
As they sat down on a bench, Rosie, who was still shivering with joy, said: “My daddy always says you're a great pirate and you've conquered all the oceans of the world!”
Sherlock tried to hold back a laugh, but he couldn’t help it. “Oh, is that it? Did your dad tell you that?”
The little girl enthusiastically nodded.
Sherlock smiled smugly. “Well, Rosie, I have to admit it. Your dad has a wild imagination. And, for the record, I'm a detective, not a pirate." 
The little girl frowned slightly. The idea of ​​John telling her daughter bed night stories about pirates was rather amusing. And he was even the main character of those adventures. 
As Sherlock and Rosie continued the conversation, a shadow fell over Sherlock. The man looked up and saw John before him. His face was pale, and it almost looked like he was about to have a stroke.
Sherlock stopped talking to Rosie and stood to his feet. 
“John…” Sherlock whispered, his heart pounding in his chest. 
Their eyes met, and a myriad of emotions passed between them. The Starbucks coffee that John was clutching flew and reached the ground with a thud. 
John's gaze was full of surprise, disbelief and a lot of anger, the same blind anger that had taken possession of him years before. A loud silence spread all over them, the past and the present collided in that very instant.
But before Sherlock could say any more, John took Rosie by the hand and pulled her away from Sherlock. 
Sherlock stood stunned in the middle of the park. “John, I’m back.” he said, his voice trembling. "I'm back!" he said again, with a more convincing tone.
“You shouldn't have come back!” thundered John, not even turning back to face him.
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masterdetectivexx · 2 years
What's your opinion about latest files 1100 and Wakanori true face revealed?
File 1100 Review
I thought it was an amazing chapter fitting to be File 1100.
It's about time we had a design made for when Gosho wants to draw Rum in "prosthetic-eye" mode. The whole "blank eye" style was throwing fans off too much (even though it was obvious that the eye is clearly meant to look normal to the outside world).
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As for when Wakita approached Conan and co., Conan's semi-serious side-glance towards him had me very excited. However, what had my mind racing and raising my expectations greatly for this case was when Wakita mentioned that he delivered sushi to Teitan Elementary, which was pretty much a confession to that he was there to be able to trigger Haibara in File 1072.
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Conan might speculate on Wakita possibly being the one who triggered Haibara's BO-sense, and then start to get reminded of Heiji's clue about "Doito Katsuki" through the current Kid case and start to suspect that "Wakita Kanenori" is an anagram (this could for example happen in part 2).
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Afterwards, we could get a scene between Bourbon and Conan (in Part 3/resolution), where Conan asks about Rum again (for example: "Does Rum have any kind of petphrase or words they use often?") and finds out about the "Time is money" petphrase and finally connects it to Wakita's name and realizes by the end of this Kid case that Wakita is Rum.
So File 1100 case could mark the start of Conan's proper Rum investigation. Perhaps we might even see Conan finally deciding to involve Heiji, after finally finding out Rum's current identity (as he seemed to wanna do in File 909).
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What's also interesting is how Conan has denied him helpful clues twice now. This time however, unlike previous time in File 1057 (where Conan legitimately didn't know about any missing shogi piece), Conan is actively protecting Wakasa… which is interesting. It's as if he felt compelled to rather trust Wakasa (who secretly protected the kids with her fist in File 1099) than Wakita, who has been suspiciously asking Conan things (as if he thinks he can get away with asking an innocent kid questions).
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The incident with Wakasa protecting the kids could serve as a fitting transition for Conan to start to view Wakasa differently and pin Wakita as his potential enemy.
As for why Wakita is asking Conan about Wakasa, my opinion on it ties into my theory on Wakasa's identity and her connection with "the monster"/Rum that I wrote about here:
My ongoing theory is that Wakasa (Vermouth in disguise) worked together with Rum to entrap Akai Tsutomu, leading to his disappearance 17 years ago and Rum losing his left eye. According to my theory, Rum knows that Wakasa is Vermouth, which explains his complimenting comment towards her in File 980 after she was exposed in the news.
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However, what Rum doesn't know is Vermouth's motives for disguising as "fake Asaka" (Wakasa) once again (17 years later),... and so, him witnessing Wakasa's demonic stare towards him made him suspicious of her motives. I think he therefore decided to once again use Conan to get clues on what her motives could be and if her motive is truly in favor of him/the organization (which I of course think is not the case).
Otherwise, it looks like a fun case with Kaito Kid disguising as Azusa. Off the bat, it looks like the Azusa on right could be Kaito Kid, since the real Azusa had a stain on her shirt that isn't visible on the right Azusa's shirt, however in the previous page, it's not visible on the left Azusa's shirt either, so I guess it's intentionally made hard to tell.
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Kid was however most likely disguised as one of the 3 new characters in the beginning. For the sake of foreshadowing Rum's potential true disguise, I could see Gosho having Kid disguise as yet another shorter character (after previous times when he disguised as Agasa & Kazuha), like the old woman Chuujou Chikayo, where he bends his knee to appear shorter than what he actually is, to parallel Rum's bent knee for his potential true disguise (which was showcased in this chapter).
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philosopherbouquet · 9 months
2023 summary part 1/2
Another year, another summary. This year was interesting, to say the least. I attempted to write for some new fandom weeks with varying levels of success. And I also wrote for some familiar fandom weeks with, once again, varying level of success. But in the end it worked out as I tried and for the most part, I am happy with the end results.
My total word count was 115,141 which is pretty solid.
Everything that i wrote, and the fandom weeks they are connected to, will be below the read more.
One Piece
"Picture Perfect" - 2 chapter gift fic for @pingo138, word count: 4,295
PART 2 - Fandom News:
Elder Scrolls + Elder Scrolls: Oblivion TES Summer Fest 2023 – posted 7/7 chapters of “A Changing of Opinions”, total word count: 10,420
One Piece Admiral Week 2022 – posted chapters 2-7 of “A Uncle’s Duty”, added word count: 8,847
Admiral Week 2023 – one-shot titled “A Simpler Time”, total word count: 3,405 FRobin Month 2023 – posted 4/4 chapters of “Wrenches to Flowers”, total word count: 3,840 Marine Week 2023 – one-shot titled “The Way to Hell is Paved”, total word count: 2,539 Roger Pirates Week 2023 – posted 7/7 chapters of “A Jolly Roger’s Crew”, total word count: 6,706 LawLu Week 2023 – posted chapter 1 for “Siren Song”, current word count: 1,593
Sly Cooper (Video Games) SlyFox Week 2022 – posted 5-8 chapters of “Burning Love”, added word count: 9,985 SlyFox Week 2023 – posted 9/9 chapters of “See you Around Ringtails”, total word count: 10,825
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends + The Railway Series - W. Awdry Traintober 2023 – posted 31/31 chapters of “Railway Ties”, total word count: 27,467
Transformers (All media) + Transformers (of other media) Blaster Week 2022 – posted 6/6 chapters of “2022 Mini-Mixtape”, total word count: 4,877 Hearts and Sparks Ship Week 2023 (Feb-Mar) – one-shot titled “Movie Night”, word count: 986
MegOP Week 2023, total word count: 12,870
In the End, it Just Shatters
This Love, This Hate
Baking in a Bunker
SkyStar Week 2023 – posted 3 chapters of “A Warehouse Study”, current word count: 3,402
Shock OP Week 2023 - posted 2 chapters of "To Flirt, Input 1", current word count: 2,104
Wizard 101 (Video Game) Wiztober 2022 – posted chapter 1 of “Fragments of the Spiral”, current word count: 980
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Killer: Hoe don't do it!
Kid: *punches Apoo*
Killer: Oh my god
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yukishirostar · 4 years
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onepiecefanz · 4 years
One piece chapter 980
A summary:
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That is the whole chapter.
What a facking idiots I love them so much.
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beaulesbian · 8 months
killer in these few wano/ onigashima raid chapters is very funny to watch - dealing with luffy and kid's competitiveness, as well as witnessing luffy and zoro's insane shenanigans
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and laughing about the chaos around askjds
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"This crew'a a joke!" ashfjf he's right, to some extent
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((love that luffy only had to say what the kaido pirates did - wasting the oshiruko soup, and zoro was on the same side immediately - this could be a great parallel to whiskey peak actually - when at that time luffy was angry for thinking zoro would hurt the people that helped them and gave them food, instead of getting his side of the story (that they were bounty hunters after them). and in this case it was zoro being angry (more like annoyed) for their cover being blown - which he made more difficult to keep with slicing a building in half). but once zoro realized it was about the food and luffy's anger was more important, they went into the fight together.))
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(subtletly could never be luffy and zoro's thing, especially when those pirates spilled and wasted food. i like both of these version - in anime with zoro asking luffy if he's happy now after they caused more havoc and needed to run, as well as in the manga, if luffy's satisfied with the chaos.)
back to my previous point about killer:
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yeah, tel them killer, at least your captain knows how to operate under cover during an important mission and doesn't make a scen- OH
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and for the luffy & kid immediate competitiveness - it's always funny to see him so worked up with kid and law to be the best out of them
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yep, idiots, all of them (affectionate) <3
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"whuzzat?" "!!!" thank god killer has that mask so it can't be shown how much he's done with them, right?
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physicalturian · 4 years
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Chaotic pair
One Piece C980
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masterdetectivexx · 2 years
Hello! What is your analysis of the last manga chapter? and what do you think happened 17 years ago in the Haneda Kohji case?
File 1103-1104 Review
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This case has proven to be the most exciting and extremely anticipated case that I have especially been waiting for. Kohji case was always the backbone of what made Rum arc so thrilling to read.
This chess tournament case opened up with Wakita finding out about Conan and Wakasa being together in a chess tournament and recalling standing in front of Kohji's corpse with a grin (File 1103).
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Two major details immediately stook out to me in this scene when I saw it. The first was that Kohji's right palm was shown to not be carrying his shogi piece charm (as indicated through the imprint), which we learned is currently in Wakasa's possession (File 1008/1052).
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The evidence of the crime scenes implicated that Amanda was killed successfully according to BO's M.O, where they left the crime scene as if nothing had happened, while Kohji's was a failure, due to potentially being an accidental witness that had to be taken care of in a rush (File 948).
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This flashback scene is therefore indicating that Rum was the first person to see Kohji's corpse not holding the piece after killing him, meaning that he just took it (and it was latter passed on to Wakasa), or that Wakasa was with Rum after he killed Kohji and took it just before this flashback scene takes place. This is further highlighting my theory that Rum views Wakasa as an ally rather than an enemy (for him to have let Wakasa get ahold of the piece). This is consistent with him admiring her stunt in File 980 and not acting against her after seemingly having met her 17 years ago when she was together with his enemy, Akai Tsutomu (File 1099).
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The second major detail is that Rum hardly changed appearance-wise after 17 years. This is further supporting my theory that Rum's old man face is a disguise altogether, which makes sense with how he was willing to expose himself to a potential spy (Rye) 2 years ago when he was testing his loyalty (despite being someone who is extremely careful with revealing his identity to the point of disguising his voice during calls and spreading inconsistent rumors of his appearance).
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This was then followed by us getting the reveal that Kuroda was present the day of Kohji's and Amanda's murder 17 years ago, where he met Wakasa (who was following Amanda) (File 1103).
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This memory recall scene is heavily implicating that Wakasa is the person that was seen following Amanda and being called "Asaka" by her. This could essentially be considered confirmation to that Amanda's bodyguard "Asaka" was indeed Wakasa. However, there is a very significant inconsistency that Gosho introduced with this reveal. Wakasa's overall appearance doesn't match with the photo of the person who was said to be "Asaka". This is not the first time Gosho has shown this inconsistency with Wakasa's past appearance, as he has shown what she looked like 17 years ago when she interacted with Tsutomu after the Kohji case (File 1099) which also didn't match with the photo.
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The "Asaka" on the photo does not have the same hairstyle as Wakasa, nor does she wear the same suit. This opens up the possibility that while Wakasa could be the person Amanda was seen calling "Asaka" there was someone else that day who was captured in the photo and who resembled Wakasa slightly and was mistaken as her. This person could also have been the one that was seen carrying the hand-mirror that ended up with Kohji according to Hotta's investigation (File 953), especially if Hotta relied on that photo to get the testimony on "Asaka".
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If that is the case, then that would mean there are two "Asaka", one that is the real one (Wakasa) and one that is a mistaken one (the person in the Asaka photo).
It's however also possible that in the upcoming flashback case, we will see Wakasa change her appearance and look like the person in the "Asaka" photo. Therefore, I'm withholding my conclusions on my current theory regarding the Asaka mystery.
Afterwards, we learn through the magazine cover of File 1104 that Rum had the same cat-like eye 17 years ago during the Kohji case. This basically indicated that the eye that was revealed in File 1100 was actually his real eye that he lost (likely after the Kohji case by Tsutomu's hands), rather than his prosthetic eye, meaning that Rum was born with Iris Coloboma (cat eye syndrome).
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We then learn through Kuroda's memories that was triggered (File 1104) that he had entered Amanda's room and found her corpse sitting next to a chessboard that had a knight piece with a wristwatch around it.
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The page essentially reveals that Amanda left a dying message to implicate her killer to be someone with a left eye resembling a cat eye, in a rush as she was suffering. This was done using her right index to smear the lipstick from her lips on the left eye of a white knight piece, while also putting her lips on the frame of her wristwatch to leave a mark resembling the pupil of a cat eye. This dying message trick was foreshadowed in the dressing room case (File 969-971), where the victim smeared lipstick on her nails for a dying message.
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This page also confirmed that the current Kuroda we know was indeed physically there during the Kohji case 17 years ago, unlike Akai Tsutomu (who got involved after Kohji's death). This officially debunks the popular theory that Kuroda is Tsutomu. This was a pleasant surprise, since the conclusion of Kuroda being Tsutomu wasn't an interesting twist in my opinion. This case is however marking the beginning of Kuroda's true character introduction/development, since we have been teased through his constant recalls that Kuroda's flashback of the Kohji case is gonna get revealed in File 1106-1109 (the confirmed case chapters after this chess case). I can't wait to start properly enjoying his story journey and love him more as a character.
The last important detail that needs to be addressed is the official confirmation of the relevance of a knight piece, which I have been speculating for a long time to be the second object in Wakasa's pocket (File 989).
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However, the intriguing aspect to this is the fact that it was revealed to be a part of Amanda's dying message, rather than a suspiciously important piece in Kohji's room. This is a very interesting narrative direction by Gosho, as it basically gives a default explanation to why Wakasa would be carrying a knight piece in her pocket (once it gets revealed) that doesn't make the potential existence of a continued-Kohji-dying-message obvious, just like with the shogi piece that was suspiciously clenched in Kohji's palm that was explained off as simply being a good luck charm he foolishly clinged to. I think however that this is Gosho's attempt to mislead the reader from suspecting that Kohji used his shogi bishop piece, with the help of shogi-shaping the letter "U" in the hand-mirror (Which Gosho added as an easter egg in File 996) to hint to its abbreviation "UMA", and a chess knight piece (its starting position "G") to expose his killer's (Rum's) true identity of being "CARASUMA MUGA" (who has been disguising as an old man for 17 years to hide his true identity).
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As for the current murder case in the chess tournament, I think the culprit is Oogawara. He lost for the first time on purpose against Kurumi to end the match faster in order to get an opportunity to kill Kishitani. He probably already shot an arrow in the wall beforehand and made the "thwack" sound to create an alibi for himself for the attempt at Kisaki's life and sneakily slashed Kisaki's jacket horizontally later. He then killed Kishitani with the crossbow, left the restroom and put the cleaning sign in front of it so no one discovers the corpse immediately. Afterwards, he used a glass that was specially prepared so he can break it with his grip strength. He then probably stabbed an arrow against his bag and broke the glass with his hand to get everyone's attention before the bag with the arrow fell to the ground to create the illusion of an arrow getting shot. The shards that was found crushed inside a glasses case might have been a part of the glass break trick or the object used to cut Kisaki's jacket.
The dying message Kishitani left probably exposes Oogawara as the culprit, and it is also a huge easter egg/foreshadowing to my ongoing theory that the Knight piece starting position G1 is a part of Kohji's dying message, just like Kogoro's race reference during Rum's intro case (File 975).
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xruffyx · 4 years
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Alright, more One Piece sketches. I could say that I feel sorry for everyone who followed me for my original artworks, Overw*tch or normal OP fanarts... but I don’t. :)
I love Zoro x Luffy ship and it is literally the only ship that I wouldn’t mind become canon.  (If you remember I used to draw some McG*nji and I still like this ship buuuuut... it wouldn’t feel right if they actually become official). 
There some works, which I wished I could post here but they have nudity which is “harmful” for “children”. I suggest you to check out my Twitter page but I tend to spam a lot. So lol.
Also I am hoping that our regions are going to open up on June 3rd so that I can finally go home and get my drawing tablet in my hands. I really want to draw digitally...
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notboo · 4 years
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Chapter 980
@strawhars @ii-luffy-ii
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