#one thing is to be an introvert and have social anxiety and another one is to be an asshole
b0r3dtod3ath · 3 months
Can you write something cute and fluffy with Oscar and he says "i wanted to say the first "I love you" without stuttering but i failed at that."
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a/n: Thank you for the request! This line is so incredibly cute. I decided to make it a high school au because it reminded me of a first love. Oscar is a more introverted, alone but not lonely type of student whereas the reader is liked for her social skills and kindness. I hope you will enjoy it!
Your high school was filled with typical morning chatter. Locker doors slammed, laughter echoed, and friends rushed to each other to catch up on their weekends. You flashed smiles and waved at your friends as you made your way down the hallway. 
As you opened your locker, something unusual caught your eye. A small, neatly folded piece of paper fell to the floor. Although being under the assumption that it’s just a joke or some kind of ad for a school event, it got your interest. You picked it up and as you unfolded the paper your eyes were met with a tidy, sculptures handwriting:
Dear Y/N,
I’ve admired you from afar for some time now. Your smile brightens even my darkest days. I don’t have the courage to tell you this in person, but I hope this note brings a smile to your face. Thank you for being you. You are truly special.
Your Secret Admirer <3
Your heart skipped a beat as you read the note. You looked around, wondering who could have left it. A feeling this could be a joke crossed your mind but the message was so unexpected and sweet that you ignored it. A small smile played on your lips as you folded the note back and slipped it into your bag. Little did you know, a pair of nervous eyes were watching from around the corner, a silent hope burning that you would appreciate the gesture.
The letters became a usual thing. You found them everywhere.
This one was found in your locker. It was black ink on a off-white almost beige color paper:
Dear Y/N,
Yesterday as I walked through the hallway I heard you. I didn't see you but I think I could recognize your laughter from a mile - it always makes my heart skip a beat. Your happiness is contagious, and I find myself smiling just thinking about it. I hope you have more moments like that every day.
Your Secret Admirer. 
You found another hidden in your textbook. You don’t know how it even got there - you didn’t borrow it to anyone, or leave it unattended but your admirer still found a way. The paper was almost baby pink and it contrasted nicely with a dark blue ink. What caught your eye was that the note didn’t look as if it was written with a normal pen. It had tiny splotches - it definitely was a fountain pen:
Dear Y/N,
I noticed you stayed late to help clean up after the school event. That was really nice of you. I wonder what is this new kid that you talked with today like. You definitely made them feel welcome. I think everyone just feels better when you are around. It’s one of the many reasons I admire you. You have such a big heart. 
Your Secret Admirer. 
P.S.: I like that new shirt that you wore yesterday. This color really goes well with you hair.
And many more. Some were short, written on a different paper with a normal pen, almost as if created in a rush. The short ones always contained comments on most recent situations. 
Little did you know, behind all of this stood Oscar. You have seen him here and there and even spoken with him a few times but it had never crossed your mind it could be him. Every other night Oscar sat at his cluttered desk, a small lamp being the only source of light in the dark room. He always wrote at night - the silence and peace helped him pour his emotions. He had a stack of pastel-colored paper in front of him, each one carefully selected. Before starting each letter he took a few deep breaths to calm him down. The words flew with a mix of anxiety and admiration, carefully expressing what he felt. He was reading over the words for what felt like the hundredth time. Were they too cheesy? Too forward? He wanted to convey his feelings without overwhelming and scaring you. After a moment of hesitation, he decided it was perfect and added a small doodle of a flower at the bottom, a final even more personal touch. 
Oscar carefully folded the paper into a small, neat square and placed it in a tiny envelope. He wrote your name on the front and sealed it with a heart-shaped sticker he had found at a craft store. He had visited that place so many times that he became a topic of conversations between the ladies working there. As he slipped the note into his backpack, ready to deliver it to your locker the next morning, his mind raced with anticipation and nervousness.
Almost every night as he laid in bed, his thoughts rushed, wondering if you would ever find out that he was Your Secret Admirer. He hoped that, even if you never found out, his words would bring a bit of happiness to your day. And maybe, just maybe, one day he would find the courage to tell you in person.
By now, you had grown accustomed to these sweet notes from your secret admirer, each one bringing a smile to your face. You carefully unfolded the lavender paper, revealing the familiar handwriting:
Dear Y/N,
I hope this note finds you well. Writing these to you has been the best part of my day. Seeing your smile when you find them brings me more joy than I can put into words. I’ve been gathering the courage to ask you this for a while now, and I hope it’s not too forward.
Would you meet me by the old oak tree in the schoolyard after classes today? I’d love to finally tell you all the things I’ve written in person. If you feel comfortable, I’ll be waiting there. If not, I’ll understand, and I’ll keep cherishing the moments from afar.
Yours always, O.
A mix of emotions washed through you – excitement, curiosity, and a touch of nervousness. You read the note again and again, making sure you hadn’t missed anything. The way he signed himself made your heart beat faster. The idea of finally meeting your secret admirer was thrilling, but also a little daunting. Who could it be? Your mind raced through the possibilities.
The end of the school day approached with an unusual slowness, each minute stretching out as your anticipation grew. When the bell finally rang, you made your way outside, heart pounding in your chest. The old oak tree was a quiet spot, tucked away from the main bustle of the school. It was the perfect place for a private conversation.
As you approached, you saw a figure standing by the tree, nervously shifting from foot to foot and playing with his fingers. Oscar looked up as you approached, a mix of hope and anxiety in his eyes. He gave you a shy smile, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“Hi,” he said softly, his voice trembling slightly. “I’m glad you came.”
“Hi, Oscar,” you replied, feeling a surge of warmth at his genuine nervousness. “I’m glad you asked me to. I enjoyed your notes a lot”.
Oscar took a deep breath, steadying himself. “I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time, but I was always too shy. Writing those notes was my way of sharing how I feel without getting too scared”. 
You nodded, appreciating his honesty. “They were amazing. They really made my day. I have a special box for them under my bed”.
Oscar’s face lit up with relief and happiness. He looked in your eyes and chuckled which made both of you more relaxed. “I’m so glad to hear that. I’ve admired you for so long, and I just wanted you to know how special you are”. 
You took a step closer, feeling a sense of connection and understanding. “Thank you, Oscar. That means a lot to me”, 
Oscar’s eyes got lost in yours. He stayed silent for a moment before taking a deep breath. His words stumbled out in a rush "I... I wanted to say the first 'I love you' without stuttering, but I think I’m failing at that”. 
Your heart melted at his vulnerability. "It's okay, Oscar," you said gently. "It's perfect just the way it is”. You wrapped your arms around his and rested your head against him. Oscar’s eyes widened in surprise, but he didn’t pull away. For a moment, the two of you stood there, the weight of unspoken feelings hanging in the air. 
“I’d like to get to know you better,” you said, your voice soft but confident. Oscar’s smile grew, and he squeezed your hand gently. “I’d like that too. A lot”. You shifted to look at him one more time “You wanna go on a date? Like right now? A little walk could be nice”.
The following afternoon was spent on conversation and laughter. Oscar slowly opened himself and allowed you to get to know him. You walked together hand in hand as the sun set. When it started getting dark Oscar insisted on walking you home. The day ended on your front porch, with your lips on the boy’s cheek causing them to go red. 
June 22, 2024
(if you have any ideas for a part 2 i'm totally down to write it, i have a few ideas for this trope already)
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lixie-phoria · 9 months
↳ ♡₊˚. tag, you're it ꒱
— skz helping 9th member reader w/ her paranoid personality disorder
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requested - yes // 9th fem!member who has paranoid personality disorder (PPD) and she always thinks that she isn’t alone in the dorms when she’s by herself? The boys don’t know anything about is as she hides it from them but one day the boys get a camera for the living room as weird things have been happening when they aren’t there... skz x 9th member fem!reader / warnings - angst w happy ending, mentions of anxiety, paranoia, stalkers, and paranoid personality disorder / 3.2k words / a/n - this is the longest fic i've ever written 😭
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you gasped in shock, stumbling back as hyunjin popped out from behind the couch, a playful smile tugging at his lips.
"did i scare you?" he giggles, standing up properly and making his way towards you, failing to notice how you eyes were still quivering with fright and your tight grip on your phone.
"why would you do that, hyunjin?"
you sound off, your voice an octave higher and trembling with an emotion that confuses him. was he sensing anger?
"it's just a joke ynnie. calm down."
it wasn't just a joke to you, though. it was much more than that. but you couldn't to explain it to him, so you leave him in the living room with an eye roll, staring at your retreating figure in confusion.
hyunjin doesn't bring it up after that. maybe he just happened to catch you on one of your bad days.
but he begins noticing things ever since - things that weren't necessarily normal. things that you have always done, but this time when he really thinks about it, they're a bit strange.
how you're always extra jumpy, flinching at every loud sound, refusing to leave the house without an unnecessary amount of security, being extra cautious when you went to public events, and straight up refusing to socialize with anyone more than necessary.
your members always labelled it on you being an introvert. but to the extent that you barely even spoke about yourself to your own members? as though scared to trust them with information? that wasn't normal, was it?
hyunjin thinks hard. he's a bit worried about you, but he doesn't know what to do.
tell chan? no. chan didn't need more problems on his plate.
confront you? no. you hated confrontation. it would worsen things.
talk to another member about it? maybe. but you might get mad at him. you always hated people meddling with your personal life.
so he stays silent for a while, observing from a distance.
and he begins picking up on signs soon enough.
you were paranoid. extremely paranoid. he caught you looking over your shoulder every few minutes, expertly dodging personal questions, being hypersensitive to criticism, having spells of moodiness that followed no particular pattern, suddenly giving your own members the cold shoulder, over analysing every little interaction you had with people. it was worrisome.
yes maybe hyunjin was looking into it too much and it wasn't that big of a deal. but he couldn't brush off a certain thought nagging him at the back of his mind. something was definitely up, and it was about time he spoke to the others about it.
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"I think yn has a stalker." hyunjin mutters, shifting uncomfortably in his seat under the blank gazes of the other 7.
"what?" chan sounds confused, eyebrows furrowed as he shares an unsure glance with lee know. "did she say anything?"
that was the problem. you didn't. so he had no solid proof other than his theories.
"well, not really" he rubs the back of his neck. "but something is wrong. I know it. she's been acting weird."
"weird as in?"
"it's the usual. she hasn't changed. but when you look into her habits, they're not normal hyung."
it's tense. nobody knows what to say until changbin breaks the silence.
"what do you mean by not normal?"
"I don't mean it in a bad way," hyunjin hastily defends. "it's the way she's so paranoid, always on the edge. it can't be anxiety. anxiety doesn't make you act that way. it's almost like she's scared of something or someone."
he leaves it at that, allowing for the others to ponder over it.
your managers hadn't mentioned anything. maybe it was a sasaeng bothering you? maybe you slipped up and you were scared to share it with the company? scared of their berating?
"we can't jump to conclusions, can we?" felix interjects, fingers anxiously drumming against the table.
hyunjin shakes his head. "we can't. that's why i've been observing her for the past few weeks, and this was the most reasonable explanation i could find."
"what exactly made you start looking into it?"
"i tried jump scaring her two weeks ago, when she thought she was alone at the dorms. and she was so livid she didn't even crack a smile. i thought maybe she was just in a bad mood but for a few days after she kept acting strange around me. she would barely speak to me and even when she did she wouldn't meet my eyes."
chan hums, a frown twisting against his features. if hyunjin's guess was correct, you could be in serious trouble. and if he thought about it, there may just be a chance the boy was right. if you really did have a stalker threatening you, the chances you told them about it were close to zero. you were never one to confide in people easily.
"let's not tell the managers about it, yeah? we'll all observe her too. try seeing if there's anything out of the ordinary?"
and so they all agree, leaving the company in a much worse mood than with which they had entered. you were alone back at the dorms. it was your first day off in a very long time. hence hyunjin had chosen that moment to tell the others.
the drive back is tense. nobody says much. a few of them scroll through social media, trying to see if there's any news about a stalker. but they come up with nothing.
everything seems normal.
that is until they reach their apartment.
the change is immediately obvious. when chan unlocks the door, he stumbles back in surprise when he sees their dinner table blocking the corridor of the entrance, preventing them from entering the living room. the couch had also noticeably shifted, turned such that anyone sitting on it would have a clear view of the windows and the front door. every window is shut, the latches bolted.
"what the fuck happened here?" seungmin mutters in shock, carefully lifting the table from one end and moving it to make space for them to enter. the entire layout had changed.
"where's yn?"
all of them are visibly terrified as they make their way deeper into the dorm, noticing the can of pepper spray lying on the center table.
no answer.
"fuck. I hope she's okay."
there's nothing they can do besides hope as they reach your door. it's locked. there's no sound coming from the other side.
"yn?" Chan's voice wavers as he silently knocks at your door.
no answer.
"yn! it's us!" lee know pounds against the door.
there's a moment of tense silence before they hear the unmistakable click of your lock.
your hair is ruffled and your eyes puffy. you had been asleep.
it takes you by surprise when jeongin pushes his hyungs aside to grab you by the shoulders, chest heaving with the fright you had given them.
"what's wrong innie? why do you guys look like you've seen a ghost?"
"what's wrong? you tell us yn. why is all our furniture completely rearranged?"
for the first time your eyes land on the living room, and you gulp.
shit. you forgot to clean up.
"there was a bee. I was trying to kill it."
it sounds ridiculous even to your own ears, but it's the best excuse you have.
"yeah. that's why the windows are closed. it got in somehow and I lost it. I was just trying to search for it." you shrug.
"what about the pepper spray?"
"I couldn't find the bug repellent."
the excuses come to you naturally.
"yn please-"
"it's not that big of a deal, oppa" you cut chan off, defensively crossing your arms. "you know I hate bugs. that's all there is to this. now will you please let me go back to sleep?"
you don't wait for their reply, shutting the door and locking it, leaving your members half confused and half exasperated. you were lying to them.
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"please tell me none of you believed her." hyunjin whispers into the silence of the afternoon, taking care that you don't overhear them.
"something's definitely wrong," han agrees, his foot bouncing unconsciously against the carpet. "she's hiding something."
"but what?"
the million dollar question. what were you hiding? was it really a stalker?
"should we tell the managers about it now?"
"I think we should," lee know adds, looking at the others for confirmation.
"don't you think she'll be angry? she doesn't like people meddling with her business. you know how defensive she gets."
all of them turn to chan. in the end, it would be his say.
"I think we should try figuring out the reason first ourselves."
"a motion detector and CCTV camera might work. hidden from sight, of course. it would alert us."
changbin hums, agreeing with their leader. "We could give it a try. It's better than nothing."
and so the plan is set. felix makes an excuse of buying parts for his PC and brings home the camera and motion detector. when you go to shower the next morning, the device is expertly concealed and motion detectors set in place.
chan insists you stay back that day too, going on for a long time about something related to your health and dark circles and what not. you agree reluctantly, and they don't fail to notice it. you didn't want to be alone. that was something.
"don't worry ynnie," jeongin reassures you as he ties his shoe lace while the others wait for him at the entrance. "the company is only 5 minutes away, we wont be far."
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"are we just going to wait around here with nothing to do?" lee know asks, leaning back into the couch in their dance room.
"we don't have another option."
and so they do exactly that - wait. but it's not for long.
fifteen minutes into their boredom the first alarm goes off. the motion detectors had been triggered and the bell rings from chan's phone - where the control system had been set up.
"quick, check the camera!"
all eight of them huddle around chan's screen, watching intently at the familiar sight of their living room, eyes scanning for any sign of someone trying to break in.
but it's only you. you're pacing the living room, hands wringing by your side as you keep looking over your shoulder, flinching every time a paper rustles or the curtains move from the wind.
"what's wrong with her?"
felix furrows his brows, looking at the controls on chan's screen to make sure that the motion detector outside their front hasn't been activated. that meant nobody was trying to break in.
"she seems terrified."
"call her."
seungmin wastes no time in dialing your contact, and they watch in unison as you very nearly jump out of your skin when your phone goes off, a hand going to clutch your chest as you collapse into the couch.
your voice sounds normal. they wouldn't have suspected anything if they couldn't see your leg anxiously bouncing.
"is everything okay there?" seungmin asks carefully. he can't giveaway that they're secretly keeping an eye on you.
"uh yeah- yeah sure. everything is fine. why?"
"no reason. I was just taking a break."
"alright stay safe. We'll be back in a while."
Seungmin is just about to hang up when you stop him.
for the first time a hysterical note seeps into your voice.
he's met with silence as they notice you pondering over something through the camera.
"nevermind. it's nothing. don't overwork yourself."
chan sighs deeply as he listens to you over the speaker, his fingers tightly gripping the edges of his phone.
you mutter your bye, and they watch you get up, carefully placing your phone on the table.
and then you do what they had been waiting for.
pushing your weight against the couch, you move it directly towards the wall, leaving no gap in between.
another alarm goes off on chan's phone.
then you angle it a bit, the same way they had found it the day before, such that you have a clear view of all entrances to the dorm.
all this while anxiously looking over your shoulder, once even jumping a bit as your foot got stuck on a fold in the carpet. your movements are tense, screaming with urgency, and it's the breaking point for them.
"that's it. we're going back," changbin huffs as he stands up, the other following behind quickly. chan maintains his concentration on the screen.
"she's turning on the t.v," chan informs, slinging his laptop bag over his shoulder and following them out of the building.
the ride back is silent. if their manager picks up on the strange atmosphere he doesn't mention it, and they're grateful to that. lying to their manager would be worse than hiding this from him.
it's only a five minutes drive, but it feels like eternity. when they finally enter the building, running up the stairs, it's eerie how peaceful their apartment looks from the out.
"do we knock or?"
"no. it might scare her."
seungmin pulls out the key from his pocket, trying to be as soft as possible as he unlocks the door, not wanting to startle you with any sudden noise.
chan quickly turns off his phone, stepping through the threshold.
you're sitting exactly where they saw you, some show mindlessly playing on the t.v. your eyes lock in on them as you scramble up.
"you guys are early. it's barely been half an hour."
should they tell you truth? confront you? try to coax it out of you? be subtle about it?
they snap out of their trance, their voices immediately breaking the silence of the dorm.
"yeah! we didn't want to leave you by yourself for long."
you take your place on the couch, and raise a brow as they all settle themselves around you too. they don't change or wash up or anything. they just silently occupy any empty space they can find.
it's strange.
"are you guys ok?" you voice, turning off the t.v to look at felix who's sitting beside you.
they all exchange glances. someone has to bring it up.
"are you okay?" hyunjin finally asks, turning his body to face yours.
"yn, please. just answer him."
"no no what do you mean hyune?"
you voice is an octave higher, hands digging into the leather cushion of their couch.
"yn," chan tries to pacify. they hadn't expected this to escalate over a simple question.
"what? why are all of you looking at me like that? i'm fine there's nothing wrong with me."
"stop interfering in things that aren't your business!" you finally snap, cutting felix off as you stand up, turning to face them. "this is none of your business so keep out of it!"
you're breathing heavily and a beat passes in silence.
"yn, what's wrong love?"
chan carefully gets up to put an arm over your shoulder, gently pulling you down to sit. you're trembling and barely half a minute passes before you crumble into chan's shoulder - suddenly - sobs punctuating the silence of the afternoon.
"i'm sorry," you manage between gasps. "i'm so sorry."
even chan look alarmed as he hurriedly tries to calm you down.
"there's nothing to be sorry about, ynnie. please talk to us."
but you can barely talk. you're all but wailing as the other seven huddle around you, their reassurances mixing together.
"i lied. i've been a terrible friend, snapping at you all the time. i'm so sorry it's all my fault."
"nothing is okay. everything is a mess and i don't know what to do."
the leader gently coaxes your face out from where it's nestled in his neck, and rubs a thumb below your waterline, collecting the salt streams streaking down your face.
"ynnie. please calm down, yeah? we want to help. tell us what's wrong."
"i'm- i'm messed up, chan. that's what is wrong."
"don't say that! it's not true."
you break down into another torment of sobs, and they hurry to calm you down.
"it's my head. it's messing with me. something is wrong. i just-," you voice breaks as chan leans to plant a soft kiss against your temple. "-i just don't know what."
"what do you mean?" hyunjin asks softly.
you take your time, elaborating through sobs and broken gasps about your suspected condition. if you had thought they would judge you, you were completely wrong. they listen attentively, comforting you through it.
"i don't want to, but i can't help it," you whisper, leaning into chan's touch. "my brain convinces me that there's always someone hiding just beyond my sight. everytime i speak to someone i'm wired into believing they'll use that information against me somehow, or they'll try to harm me. public events are a nightmare. i don't remember the last time i've been to an award show and felt alright."
"oh yn."
han all but pounces on you and chan, ruffling your hair as hiccups wrack through your figure.
they've never seen you like this. they've never seen anyone like this, in fact.
"it's so loud in my head. it started off small, i didn't even notice when i began thinking or feeling this way. but it just got worse and worse to the point where i've been an absolute pain to all of you - snapping at you, lying to you, fighting with you. i just- i don't know what to do anymore."
"hey hey, listen to me, yeah? this is not your fault. and you haven't been a pain. don't ever think that again," chan reminds you, coaxing you to face him, heart breaking a little at the tears streaking your face.
"nope. nuh-uh. no blaming this on yourself."
you chin wobbles as you try to control a fresh onslaught of sobs.
all of them are so understanding you don't even know if you're crying from all the love or the confrontation.
"we'll help you through this, yn. we promise. you don't have to suffer through this alone."
"you don't have to do this. you're all already so busy and-"
"your mental health is a lot more important to us than anything else," felix interjects flatly, rubbing a soothing hand over your back.
"yeah! you've been hiding this for so long and we just want to help you feel better again! no matter what it takes."
you flash a grateful smile to changbin through the tears, earning an encouraging grin from him.
"you're all too nice for your own good. thank you."
"don't worry you can repay us by letting me jump scare you!"
"yah hyunjin do you want to be stuffed into the air fryer?"
it didn't take a genius to figure out who the comment came from as you giggled softly.
it's going to be okay, you think. you know your boys will help you through it, and that itself was the first step of your recovery.
you'll be fine.
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©lixie-phoria, 2024
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saturnsbabyboii · 10 months
𐐪𐑂Astro Observations𐐪𐑂
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(Life is like a butterfly...You go through changes before you become something beautiful)
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𐐪𐑂 Despite people talking negatively about Pluto and Saturn, I find them to be the most important and beautiful planets. If you have ever felt hopeless or stuck, look into the position of these two in your chart. All of us struggle regardless, however, Saturn and Pluto bestow us with insight, lessons and knowledge we gain through that struggle and as a result we get to move on further into our journey.
𐐪𐑂 I have found people with earlier degrees on their ascendent tend to have larger frames while those later tend to have smaller ones. I am not talking specifically about weight and measurements per se but rather the general form.
𐐪𐑂 Although aspects act the same in general, it is very interesting when you look into the signs, elements and modalities involved. For example, Trine tends to bring abundance when in Water and in between inner planet but is an indication of overindulgence when it occurs from an inner planet to an outer one.
𐐪𐑂 Mercury opposite Mars "I am not angry! That is just my tone." Be mindful of how you sound and how you deliver your message. It is important to be honest, but it is also important to have tact.
𐐪𐑂 Even though people still dispute which placements determine our leaning towards extroversion and introversion, I have found that the houses and the planets falling in them suggest what are we more introverted about and what are we more extroverted in. Having multiple planets in a house could indicate a higher leaning to extroversion as the sense to express is very strong and immediate, as opposed to an empty house, one might be less inclined to share. The houses that contain only one planet tend to fall under the general energy of said planet and sign ruling over the house, indicating a higher sense of introversion as the person may desire to reflect on the themes of the house or would rather to practice them alone than with others.
𐐪𐑂 However, in case of overall introversion and extroversion, having more planets in Air houses (3rd, 7th, 11th) indicate high extroversion while in Fire houses (1st, 5th, 9th) indicate higher introversion. This may sound off as Fire signs are given the reputation of boldness, however, as the opposite of Air, Fire tend to itself. Introversion isn't anxiety and awkwardness (although it might include them), but rather it describes a person that isn't reliant on social communication, has a low need for others, desires independence, and excels on their own. Another thing, the themes of the 1st, 5th and 9th, relate to freedom, personal journey, creativity, ideologies, beliefs and the self. Meanwhile, the 3rd, 7th, and the 11th relate to unity, communication, the collective, collaboration, harmony and the "us".
𐐪𐑂 Cancer Risings give off favorite child vibes. Having Leo in the 2nd and Libra in the 4th house defiantly makes for the "golden child" trope.
𐐪𐑂 I believe that the degree of a planet has bigger affect on its core desire while the sign affects the manner that the planet translates or comes across. For example, Aries Mercury is usually is thought of as brash and abrasive or interested in things that have themes of violence and sex. However, when in an air degree this person can be much more interested in matters of communication, science, education and holds social rapport at a higher regard. The difference being that the Aries Mercury with the air degree might come across very detailed and articulate, perhaps even to the point of pretentiousness. Yet in matters of thinking they're much more thought out, factual and meticulous than the general Aries Mercury description.
𐐪𐑂 People with Chiron in the 9th house may need to leave their home country or cut off their family to begin healing.
𐐪𐑂 Every sign deep down is similar to their opposite. Aquarius desires to standout while Leo seeks to fit in and belong, Taurus enjoys today in fear of tomorrow while Scorpio wishes for a better tomorrow so they can finally enjoy their day, Capricorn works hard in hopes of creating a better home while Cancer works hard to ensure the comfort of their home, Aries seeks companionship through conflict while Libra seeks individuality through process of elimination, Virgo does practical things out of superstitious believes while Pisces engages in escapist and spiritual practices to better understand realistic demands, Gemini learns to mentor while Sagittarius mentors to learn. Granted, this is an overly simplistic form of explaining it but I hope it was able to better explain.
𐐪𐑂 Venus Aquarius not only desires but actually thrives off of creating bonds online.
𐐪𐑂 People with Jupiter in the 12th would take very long to learn life lessons. This is partly due to having to under go many cycles of self undoing and changes to finally get the lesson.
𐐪𐑂 People with Saturn in 3rd/9th may be untraditional students or enter university late or take time to graduate.
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eddis-not-eeddis · 5 days
How To Stop Killing Conversations
Talking is hard. People are confusing. Making friends is difficult, and interacting with coworkers is tortuous.
You want to make friends, you want to reach out, but it's hard and every time you start a conversation it dies, or limps along until both you and the person you're talking to are looking for excuses to kill it and put it out of it's misery so you can both escape the increasingly awkward situation.
As an introvert who has suffered a lot of social anxiety in my time, let me share a few tricks I've learned over the years going through hundreds and thousands of excruciatingly painful conversations until I found something that works. I've kind of distilled the process.
The first thing is to always leave your partner an opening. You need to let each other talk for a conversation to get off the ground, but it's more than that, really. You need to actively encourage each other to talk. The best way to do that is to ask questions.
Here are two examples of an introduction: Example A
You: Hello.
Them: Hello.
You: Nice to meet you.
Them: Nice to meet you too.
Example B
Y: Hello, nice to meet you, how are you? T: I’m doing well, yourself?
Y: I've been really well. How are you liking the weather?
T: I'm so happy the weather's finally getting cooler, I'm looking forward to pumpkin spice season. Do you like lattes?
Do you see how in Example A the conversation wasn’t going anywhere? It just kinda died, because there weren’t any openings for new topics, whereas in Example B, there were openings to keep the conversation going.
But what do you do if your conversation partner is as socially inept as you were two minutes ago and doesn't play along? All is not lost.
Example C
Y: Hello, so nice to meet you, how have you been doing?
T: I'm doing well.
Y: That's great, are you enjoying the nice weather, then?
T: Yeah. I'm glad it's finally fall, I'm looking forward to pumpkin spice lattes.
Y: I love pumpkin spice lattes! Pumpkin spice anything, really. I recently got the best pumpkin spice candle at the shop down the road, have you been there?
Even if they don't leave you an opening, you can usually make one. It may be difficult, especially when they don't give you much to work with. This is where having a go-to script is a life-saver--me, I always default to talking about the weather, so when in doubt, you can do that.* The important thing right now is to keep fostering the conversation, so once you bring up the weather, segue into a question. When they answer the question, make a brief comment or observation from your own experience and build off of that comment or observation to ask another question.
"But I don't want to make it about me. Doing that's bad, right?"
This is why that questions are important. If you haven't been asked a question, you kinda have to make it about you, you don't have a choice. But to keep from being an attention hog, follow up your shared experience or anecdote with another question.
Example D
T: I love pumpkin spice lattes
Y: Me too. I had the best pumpkin spice latte the other day at the cafe down the road, have you ever been there?
Now you've circled the conversation back around to them again, and you aren't taking the limelight. Sharing an experience is so important, you're trying to show that you understand, that you sympathize, that you relate.**
This really is the most important element of being a good conversationalist. You have to keep asking questions.
The one other thing I will touch on is introductions. DO NOT get into turn based combat.
Example E
Y: Hello
T: Hello
Y: Nice to meet you
T: Nice to meet you too.
Y: How are you doing?
T: I'm fine. You?
Y: Me too.
This will kill any possibility of continuing a conversation. Instead, get it all out of the way all at once, if at all possible.
Example F
Y: Hi, it's nice to meet you, how are you doing?
This is good, but this is better
Example G
Y: Hi, nice to meet you, how are you liking the weather?
Don't ask how they are doing, or if you do, before they can answer, follow it up with your placeholder (weather etc.) so they have to say some thing like
Example H
T: I'm fine, and I'm really liking the weather.
T: Not so great, the weather sucks.
Either of those options are much easier to work with than your basic "I'm fine."
Usually, if you can get past the introduction, you can get a conversation going. And then, even if you don't end up hitting it off with the person you're talking with, you at least don't leave the conversation feeling like you've died a thousand tiny deaths.
In fact, if you get past that introduction, you may have just made yourself a friend.
Remember folks, basically everyone around you is more afraid of you than you are of them, and in this benighted age no one has been taught conversation skills, so we are all pretty much in the same boat. (Unless you were born an extrovert, in which case we are all deeply envious and would probably kill you if we didn't need you in our sad and lonely lives so much.)
Have grace for one another, and for yourselves because talking with people is difficult.
Go forth, and stop killing conversations.
*If you are one of those awful people who likes to brag about how you hate small talk and only want to talk about important and meaningful things, I have one question: Do you ever have a conversation that lasts long enough to become meaningful? I thought not. Small talk is an important skill. Develop it.
**This is how you deal with sad or difficult situations too. When you want to show you sympathize with someone going through a hard time.
Y: How are you doing?
T: Not very well. My dog died last week.
Y: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. My own dog died last year and I still miss her a lot. How are you handling it?
Now you've circled the conversation back around to them again. You aren't making it about you.
If y'all want, next time I can share how to extricate yourself from a conversation.
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diana-bluewolf · 1 month
It’s this blog's first birthday! 🥳 Wanted to gather some of my fav drawings and thoughts about being in the fandom.
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Being in a fandom is not always easy, but it is definitely worth it. 
1. It’s a perfect soft-skill trainer. It teaches me to focus on what I can control (like my reactions) rather than what I can’t (other people’s opinions). To be myself and not be ashamed of my interests. To stop overthinking and just enjoy the process. To accept imperfection as an inevitable part of any art…and myself. To stop comprehending the terms ‘self-indulgent’ and ‘cringe’ as synonyms. To prioritise my own well-being to avoid burn-out. And most importantly, not to cringe at my art I posted a day ago 🤣
2. It's a powerful therapy tool. I mean, have you tried to write an OC? Poor things, I don't envy them, but it turned out to be a perfect instrument to understand my own head's wiring better. It's like my subconscious is speaking to me through my OC's actions. I started this blog at one of the most challenging times in my life (let's just say that characters with external and internal scars appeal to me on a personal level. Not to be dramatic. Ok, I am, sorry, it's my only flaw), and it affected Chris severely, to the extent that I couldn't even imagine it would. But all the insights I got about myself via him are priceless. 
3. It’s the best source of inspiration. I had been in the art block for years, but seeing your guys cool art reignited my desire to draw. It was difficult (to say the least) to start posting amateur art about my MC on the blog that was followed for the screenshots of the popular characters, but I’m glad I did because, in another case, I would have never met some of my friends here. My art style is inconsistent as I keep experimenting, so some of my drawings are way better than others, but I’m still growing and proud of it. 
4. And most importantly, it's brought me together with some of the coolest people in my life. I'm so grateful to everyone who follows/followed me. Thank you so much for your support now or in the past, even if you just lurk. If you regularly appear on my notifs, I do recognise you and am very grateful. Even if I don't always respond - sorry, it's just because my social battery is often very low. I'm the most introverted introvert irl, even though I don't seem like one here. I'm training to overcome my social anxiety here, can you tell? 🤣 
Here I wanted to write something about my moots, but…Well, I have no idea how to continue whatever I had intended to write because just a thought of you all got me terribly overwhelmed with warm fuzzy feelings �� I blame you, guys 😤 So I will just write that I love you, but know this is an understatement.
Love this fandom, its creativity and all the incredibly talented and supportive people here. You guys are the best 🤗
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brodygold · 11 days
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Trevor had never felt more alone in his life. A self-professed nerd and introvert, he’d always preferred the comfort of video games and late-night chats over social gatherings. His circle was small—really, it was just him and Mike, his best friend. They were inseparable, bonding over games, anime, and cracking jokes about the latest girl to catch their eye. Mike was his one constant in a world that often felt overwhelming.
But now, Mike was gone.
It had been weeks since Mike’s sudden disappearance from his life, and Trevor couldn’t shake the growing pit of anxiety in his stomach. Mike was usually the type to respond within seconds to any message, but after sending a cryptic text saying the captain of the Golden Army, the local soccer team, wanted to meet him, Mike had gone completely silent. No replies, no updates—just radio silence. Trevor worried endlessly, wondering if something terrible had happened to his friend.
One afternoon, on his way home, Trevor decided to take a shortcut through the park. As he approached the soccer field, he saw a group of players practicing. Their golden jerseys gleamed in the sun, and Trevor’s attention was drawn to one particular figure among them. His breath caught in his throat.
It couldn’t be… Mike?
He rubbed his eyes and squinted, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. The guy on the field looked like Mike—same height, same build, even that familiar mop of hair—but there was something off. He looked stronger, more confident, and… was that him kissing another guy? Trevor blinked, stunned. Mike was never into sports, let alone making out with a dude on a soccer field. His heart raced as the player—Mike, or at least someone who looked exactly like him—glanced his way, noticing him. The guy jogged over, a wide grin spreading across his face.
“Hey, man. What’s up?” That voice—it was Mike. But something was different, something in the way he carried himself, the way he spoke with casual ease.
“Mike?” Trevor stammered. “What the hell happened to you? You’re playing soccer now?”
The man chuckled, shaking his head. “It’s Brody now, actually. The captain gave me the name. Says it fits me better as a jock.”
Trevor stared at him, confused. “Brody? What do you mean, you’re a jock? You never cared about sports before. And… kissing guys? That’s never been your thing. What’s going on?”
Brody—Mike—smiled warmly, as if Trevor had asked a simple question. “The team helped me figure some things out, man. There were parts of myself I didn’t know were there until now. The Golden Army isn’t just about soccer. They’ll help you discover your true self too. You don’t have to be alone anymore, Trevor. All you have to do is accept the jersey.”
Trevor’s mind swirled with questions. The Golden Army had done this? Changed Mike into Brody? He felt a knot of hesitation in his chest, but there was also a strange pull. Mike—Brody—looked genuinely happy. Relaxed. More confident than Trevor had ever seen him. Could the same happen for him?
“I don’t know, man,” Trevor muttered, his voice unsure. “I’ve never been into sports. This isn’t me.”
“I get it,” Brody said, stepping closer. “I was the same way. But the thing is, you don’t need to be perfect at it. You just need heart. You’ll have a brotherhood here to back you up, to make sure you’re the best version of yourself. We’ll never let you feel alone again.”
Trevor looked around at the team, the camaraderie on display, the shared laughs, and the energy they radiated. He had felt so isolated these past weeks. Would it be so bad to have that kind of support? A brotherhood?
“Alright,” Trevor said, swallowing his doubt. “I’ll do it.”
Brody’s grin widened. “I knew you’d come around.” He jogged over to the rest of the team, grabbing a jersey from a duffle bag, and returned with it outstretched in his hands. “Here. Your new start.”
Trevor hesitated for a second before taking the golden jersey from his friend. As he slipped it over his head, he felt a subtle but undeniable shift in his body. His muscles tensed, growing firmer, expanding in ways he hadn’t thought possible. His posture straightened, and with each passing second, he felt more… capable. More athletic. The physical changes weren’t drastic—he’d always been in decent shape—but they solidified him as someone who belonged on the field.
But the real transformation was happening in his mind. His passion for video games and geek culture began to fade, replaced by a burning desire to compete, to win. Thoughts of girls were suddenly distant, replaced by memories of intense, celebratory moments with his new teammates, locked in embraces after a game, or sharing kisses as a show of their bond. His name—Trevor—felt foreign now, an echo from another life.
“Ash,” he whispered, as if testing the name. It felt right. It felt like him.
Brody, now standing beside him, clapped him on the back. “How do you feel, Ash?”
Ash turned, eyes locking with Brody’s. A smile crept across his lips as he leaned in and kissed him, feeling the electric rush of camaraderie and something deeper. “Better than ever.”
And in that moment, Ash knew he’d never be alone again.
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fuck-customers · 24 days
I’ve always been envious of the people who could network without coming off as annoying or fake. In the first few years of college, I thought my grades would help me land a good job but later on I learned I needed to have the “right personality” and know the right people, so I tried to work on that. Now I’m an introvert with a bit of social anxiety, so this was really hard for me to do. I tried joining various clubs, participated in some activities at school, and went to career fairs. One of the things my professors taught me was that after meeting with a recruiter, I should send them a thank you email after wards. So when I met one and felt like we had a good time, I did just that. But I think I just came off clingy and fake because the recruiter I had spoken to actually came to my school multiple times, but ignored my emails and eventually ignored me altogether. I think I emailed her too much, but at the same time, how else was I supposed to stand out??? I’m extremely ordinary and no matter how much I try to socialize, I’ll never be on the same level as some extroverts. I feel like this is why I’ve been stuck with only crappy jobs. I’ve had so many people tell me that they think I’m overqualified for my position and that with my grades I could do better, but the reality is it’s not about grades. And it’s not like I’m not unlikeable, I know most people do like me because I’m nice to them and competent. However aside from that, there’s nothing about me that stands out enough for someone to pick me over another qualified candidate. So I’m not sure what else I need to do because I’m really tired of working at jobs where I was clearly only hired because there wasn’t anyone better.
Posted by admin Rodney
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cinnamonest · 5 months
Thinking about terrible terrible boys who use Darling’s social anxiety against themselves
Kaveh who keeps you home because the world is just far too mean, just look at his roommate if you need any reminder. It’s putting himself out there that resulted in his debt, it’s the outside that caused you hurt don’t ever forget. It’s fine, he’ll lavish you enough to fill all you need, you really don’t need any other contact than himself!… and the forced proximity of Alhaitham grrr.
Ayato who keeps bringing you in important social events just to see you cling to him. He doesn’t teach you any etiquette, so you never know what’s socially unacceptable. You stand so close to him, trembling, your voice barely louder than a whisper. It serves as a reminder, see how bad the world is? All of them are vile people. If you run away, who’s to say you won’t end up with someone worse than him? (It’s terrible, how you keep waking these sadistic urges in him. He’s a good man with lots of self restraint but still a man.)
Wriothesley who got you locked up in his office. You complain about boredom, about his behaviour, but he only swat your worries away. He’s not worried about you ever running off, this is an underground prison. Criminals are the only residents, and god knows how many would have enough self control to keep their hands off if he’s not with you. Besides you’ve been here for so long, you have no place on the surface anymore. What would you do, go cry to Neuvillette? Pfff yeah, right. Try saying hello to Clorinde without trembling first.
Yes yes I am FOR this idea, also consider: Kaeya is the top tier candidate for it. He’s already in the top tier of Manipulative Bastardry, but it gets so much worse if he finds a weakness to exploit — and he’s great at sensing those.
He doesn’t mind that you’re introverted. However, he doesn’t just use the situations as opportunities to give you affirmation as a means of comforting you and coaxing you into bonding with him, no, he stoops so much lower than that. Outright taking advantage of it for his own benefit, ensuring he can use every tactic at his disposal to get whatever he wants... except "whatever he wants" actually just tends to be one consistent thing.
In the early stages, where he can pretend he doesn’t know you well enough to be able to feign ignorance to how much it would exhaust you, he makes sure to plan long public outings, watching as your energy quickly drains until you can’t bear another second in the public atmosphere and all but beg him to return home.
This gives him the opportunity to act disappointed (when in reality, he’s overjoyed it’s playing out exactly as planned) — aw, and here he had so many more things he wanted to show you before the night was over, but no worries, it’s fine… no no, it’s fine, really… and now that you’re all nice and feeling guilty, well, that will just make it much easier to coax you into giving him something to compensate for the disappointment you’ve caused once you’re behind closed doors. Maybe you’ll even volunteer it yourself.
But even later on, once he can no longer put on an act of not knowing how easily drained you are, he can still use it against you. Don’t worry, he knows you’re shy and easily tired out, you two can just stay at home tonight… besides, there’s plenty of fun things you can do alone at home, right…? Surely you’ll be able to think of something.
He, however, stoops even lower still, because he’s also willing to exploit your paranoias and insecurities, even if it means hurting you a bit. Part of the reason why you’re so socially withdrawn, he learns, is that you’re afraid of how others perceive you — I’m just annoying them, they all secretly hate me, you say, everyone thinks I’m weird…
And he… doesn’t rush to correct you or anything. Just shrugs.
Ah, who cares what they think? You already have someone who appreciates you as you are, you know.
Not denying it. If anything, it’s a subtle confirmation… he may even throw in a blatant —
Well, sure, they might feel that way, but I don’t. That’s good enough, isn't it? What do you need their attention for...?
— to really drive the point home, and throw in a bit of accusation and guilt for good measure. He likes hearing you immediately panic and stumble over your words as you reassure him that you don't need anyone else... it's adorable, and the ego boost is euphoric.
Honestly, you’re too gullible for your own good, so precious, so cute in how you fall for it so perfectly, effortless on his part. You don’t even hide your reaction in your expression, so transparent and vulnerable, the way your eyes widen with shock and you hang your head and your eyes water, giving him the perfectly opportunity to comfort you and hold you close and assure you it’s okay, they don’t matter, screw them anyway, and so on.
You’re so sweet, so pure. So much so that you almost, almost actually make him feel bad about it. How impressive.
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frvnkcastles · 2 months
heyy i love you writing 💓(reader and frank who are dating) and she is diagnosed with anxiety and starts shaking uncontrollably during a meeting with friends and Frank notices and helps her.
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Summary: Frank helps you through a peak in your anxiety during a night out.
Warnings: Anxiety, mostly fluff, feminine nicknames
Word count: 2.1k
Author’s note: Anxiety is such a bitch, I swear. Like I wrote in the fic, I feel like Frank would/does struggle greatly with anxiety about losing his loved ones but I don’t think he’s really a socially anxious person? Just a very introverted kind of guy. So I feel like he’d totally understand some aspects but others he’d have to learn about a lil more and he’d gladly do it for his partner. Just my two cents on it :) Hope you enjoy, anon, and I’m sending you lots of hugs!! You’re not alone <3
Frank’s first impression had been that you were sweet as hell but extremely, highly shy. His attempts to get to know you had required some effort as you had always steered the conversation away from yourself or given him half-answers, but when he had told you he could leave you alone, you had quickly protested. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy his company — you just weren’t the best when it came to having attention on you.
When you spent more and more time together, it dawned on him that you weren’t shy. It was anxiety driving you to stutter and apologize over and over again, even about things that weren’t your fault, and it made you fidget and overthink and feel nauseous; all things he either noticed with time or you shared with him. It was embarrassing sometimes, the way your anxiety limited you and turned the simplest situations into ordeals, but Frank was understanding. For him, anxiety manifested through his fear of losing people, but he didn’t really struggle with the social aspect, being a bold, direct person who didn’t really care what people thought of him, yet he still knew it wasn’t a choice. You couldn’t help it, and he didn’t make you feel any lesser for that.
Even before you started officially dating, he went out of his way to reassure and encourage you. Whenever you got stuck in a loop of apologies and overexplaining yourself, he shushed you softly and promised you that he knew exactly what you meant and that there was no need to be sorry for what you had said or done. This happened often when you talked about his family and you were afraid of overstepping or upsetting him, only for him to calm your racing mind down and insist that he wouldn’t have brought the topic up if he wasn’t ready to talk about it.
But he wasn’t too careful with you. He also knew when and how to be firm, and it often came out when you had a phone call to make or an appointment to attend. Especially if it was something important like getting your prescription refilled or seeing your doctor about the palpitations in your chest, he wasn’t playing around — he made you do it, convinced that you had it in you, but holding your hand through it, regardless. If you ever felt too anxious to go anywhere alone, all you had to do was call him and he would be right there.
He understood and listened to your worries, and that was probably why you fell so hard for him. No one had ever been so open-minded and judgment-free with you, and it was refreshing and left you thinking about him day and night. In fact, your anxious thoughts had to step aside to make room for Frank. He could tell you were into him, and the feeling was very much mutual, and so, you both took a leap of faith and decided to give it a go.
He met your friends early on, and they all approved of him pretty quickly, as they could see just how head over heels he was for you. It was no surprise that he was invited to multiple outings — while you still had girls’ nights every now and then, they really didn’t mind Frank tagging along, especially if they had brought their own partners with them.
Another night with all of you was in your plans for the evening, and as much as you loved your friends, you couldn’t help but feel uneasy. Your hands trembled just a little as you got dressed and your mouth was running dry, not to mention the sickening twist in the pit of your stomach that made you feel like throwing up.
And Frank noticed immediately. ”Hey, sweetheart, we don’t gotta stay for long, yeah?” he reminded while buttoning up his shirt, and with a glance at him, you nodded. He could tell you weren’t comforted by that thought, so he went on. ”It’ll be okay. Y’know they love seein’ you. No one there is gon’ judge you, baby”, he noted, listing off things he knew that bothered you the most.
You gave him another nod and sighed. ”It’s just a lot of people. I don’t like crowds. Also, what if I can’t make conversation? Or I do, and I say the wrong thing. What if I don’t like any of the food or drinks they serve there?” you pointed out in a nervous ramble, stopping to take a deep breath. It wasn’t unusual to get stuck in a cycle like this, unable to see everything that could go right instead of wrong, but Frank was happy to be the voice of reason.
”You never say the wrong thing, darlin’. You don’t gotta talk if you don’t wanna, lettin’ other people talk is fine, too. And you googled their menu already, and you know for sure they do serve something you like—and no, I don’t think they’ve magically run out of it for good”, he countered, walking over to you with his big hands reaching for your arms and rubbing them soothingly. ”We’ll make an appearance, and if it gets too much, you just gotta squeeze my hand, aight? I’ll take you home the second it gets unbearable”, he swore, knowing that sometimes you needed a little push and that all discomfort wasn’t bad. He wanted you to explore the boundaries of your comfort-zone, but just like he had promised, he wasn’t going to put you in a spot that would paralyze you.
And you knew that. You knew you could trust his word, and you knew it was healthy to challenge the anxious thoughts every now and then. So, you agreed to his terms, choosing to believe in him more than the nagging voice in your head.
”Attagirl”, Frank praised, taking your hand in his own and squeezing it just to emphasize that was all you had to do to give him the signal. You held onto him tightly, always finding comfort in his grip and the warmth he radiated.
You made your way to the bar where you were supposed to meet your friend group, and you tried your best to be calm but it didn’t seem to be working. You got hugs and excited questions about how you were doing, and you wanted to feel appreciated but all you could do was stew in the anxiety that came with being the center of attention. They wanted to know everything, and in the panic of the moment, you blanked entirely and couldn’t think of anything to say. Frank jumped in for you, keeping the conversation going, and your friends didn’t seem to question it.
When the rest of the group decided to order some food, you felt a lump in your throat, but Frank was already whispering into your ear. ”I got this. Don’t worry, sweetheart”, he reassured you before handling your order for you. Every now and then he encouraged you to do it on your own, but he could tell this wasn’t a good night for your anxiety, so he gladly took charge.
He checked in with you periodically, too. ”Feelin’ okay, pretty girl? Wanna go yet?” he queried softly, and as much as you wanted to plead him to take you home, you felt bad about the idea of ditching your friends. You tried to push through, giving Frank a smile and insisting that you were still doing good. He could see right through it, but as long as you weren’t showing any of the usual tell-tale signs of losing control, he was allowing it.
But just like he feared, you did begin to spiral. You lost track of time and space, not really processing anything your friends were saying, but at the same time, the chatter mixed with the loud music was becoming too overwhelming. You began shaking, unable to stop, the nervousness and worry bleeding from your thoughts to your body, and you felt the burning urge to just get out of there.
It didn’t take Frank long to detect your trembling, feeling the tremors against his chest as you were seated in his arms, and a frown deepened on his face. He tilted his head down at you, trying to reach you with soft calls of your name, but you couldn’t say anything.
”Sweetheart? You still with me?” he questioned quietly, knowing you didn’t want any extra attention drawn to yourself. His hand grabbed yours, and at the feeling of his fingers interlocking with your own, you felt a little safer. His large hand swallowed up yours entirely and he gave it a squeeze, trying to bring you back down from the panic you were riding.
”Aight, we’re headin’ home. My girl ain’t feelin’ so well”, he cut into the group’s conversation, digging out some bills from his wallet to pay for your food and drinks. He climbed out of the booth and gently pulled you with him, supporting your shaking body with his arm around you. Your friends were sad to see you go, but Frank wasn’t going to let them guilt you into staying. ”Thanks for invitin’ us, y’all. Have a good night”, he told them before steering you outside.
He walked you across the parking lot and helped you into the car, buckling you in before striding to his side of the truck and hopping in. ”You’re okay, baby. We’re goin’ home, yeah? Just you and me”, he spoke into the quiet car, making sure to turn down the music to avoid overstimulating you any further.
You were still silent, but as he began driving and let one hand hang between you and him, you instantly reached for it. You held onto his fingers tightly, needing the physical comfort, and he made sure to draw patterns against your skin with his thumb in an effort to soothe you. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the silence and the feeling of his hand in yours, letting it ground you.
He didn’t want to make your head spin with his incessant questions, so he didn’t speak for the remainder of the drive, just kept holding your hand. Only when he pulled up at your apartment building, he turned to you with a worried look in his eyes.
”How you feelin’, sweetheart? I know that was real shitty. ’M sorry I didn’t call it a night sooner”, he apologized, and the guilty tone got you to look at him and shake your head.
”It’s not your fault. I tried to push myself, I—I guess I just wanted to make you proud”, you shrugged shyly, dropping your gaze down to your conjoined hands.
Frank chuckled, not because he thought it was funny but because he thought his feelings for you were obvious. ”I’m already proud of ya, girl. I always am. You don’t gotta prove anythin’ to me. You definitely don’t gotta make yourself that uncomfortable just to show me”, he insisted, lifting your hand so he could kiss the back of it once, then twice, then once more.
You smiled weakly and squeezed his hand. ”Thanks for taking me home. I feel better now”, you told him, and with a nod, Frank let his lips twitch up in the most careful of smiles.
”That makes me real happy to hear, darlin’. Scares the shit outta me when you get all shaky like that”, he admitted, and when you opened your mouth, he knew exactly what you were going to say. ”Don’t apologize. It ain’t your fault. I just worry, y’know?” he added, earning a sigh from you.
”Yeah, I know. But for what it’s worth, you always help. It’d be way worse without you”, you mentioned, fully truthful. With Frank by your side, you had gotten much better at fighting back at the anxiety and not letting it control every aspect of your life, and when nights like these occurred and you lost your footing, he was always there to lift you back up.
”Anythin’ you need, baby, you know that. Now, how ’bout we go inside and I’ll make you somethin’ to eat, huh?” he suggested, painfully aware that you hadn’t been able to get a single forkful in at the bar. Touched by his thoughtfulness, you agreed and reluctantly let go of his hand to climb out of the car.
As soon as the doors were locked, though, Frank took ahold of your hand once again, loving the contact but loving the comfort it brought you even more. Whenever things got tough, you reached for him, and he didn’t hesitate to hold on tight — and he never would.
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chemblrish · 13 days
Hey Lena, any tips for how to make friends in uni as a nerdy but introverted/socially anxious girlie? 🥺 thank youu
I need you to know I saw this ask and immediately thought, "Did I just get a message from my past self?" 😅 Nerdy and introverted? Check. Used to have very bad social anxiety? Check. I was in therapy though and it was immensely helpful! I'm still a little shy but doing incomparably better, so I can tell you what I've learnt and hopefully some of it can help you too :)
Excuse the language, but first of all, you need to give yourself a fucking break. Shy people, we tend to fixate on ourselves: our looks, our posture, on whether what we just said was weird, and so, all our flaws (both real and imaginary) appear magnified tenfold - but only to us. Because truth is, nobody else is judging you half as harshly as you're judging yourself. Nobody is analyzing all your jokes or the way you walk. If you trip or say something awkward, it genuinely doesn't matter. It happens to everybody sometimes, it's okay. Remember that there's nothing wrong with you. Maybe you're shy, maybe you're easily overwhelmed, maybe you have very little experience making friends - but none of these make you inherently weird. So give yourself a break. You're sincerely doing a lot better than you think, I promise.
Small talk is actually not a bad thing, no matter what some edgelords may try to tell you. I used to spark up a lot of conversations early on in uni by bringing up things like the last test (because most of the time I'd get a mildly pained sigh in response and then we'd bond over how hard it was and how the professor was crazy lol) or the upcoming lab class ("Any interesting exercises in your schedule?") or how my commute to uni that day wrecked me and hey are you a commuter? Oh, you live in a dorm, how do you like it? And many other things of this sort, because if you think about it, uni is a neverending source of conversation topics when you're a student talking to another student.
You know how shy people are advised to just ask questions because everybody loves talking about themselves? That's not a bad advice. The trick is to be genuinely curious about other people. Don't ask just to say something, ask to hear what that other person has to say. This is helpful for two reasons: it takes the focus away from you (which is exactly where shy people shouldn't keep it) by directing it at the other person, and it actually helps to keep the conversation going, because it allows you to find either another thing that might interest you about that person or something to share about yourself.
Maybe it's obvious, but don't hide yourself. I know it's a lot easier to just curl up in a corner with your phone, but you gotta put yourself out there. Hang out with the rest of your course mates outside the lecture hall as you're all waiting for the professor. Take your time packing up afterwards instead of dashing straight for the exit. Don't look for that secluded spot where you can hide safely with a book (even though your introvert instinct tells you to do just that), be where the other students hang out.
Sometimes you have to keep choosing someone. Storytime with a moral: I took a liking to one of my current friends very early in the first semester. She seemed like exactly the kind of person I wanted to stick with in uni. I'd always come up to her and talk to her first but she hardly ever did the same. For some time I'd think, "Welp, clearly she doesn't dislike me, but she doesn't seem to like me much either." Now I can't even remember when that changed, but in an honest conversation we had maybe last month (so after almost two years of knowing each other!!), she told me she often struggles with figuring out whether someone likes her and wants her around or not, so she usually just stays away. You aren't the only introvert out there. Maybe the person you're trying to befriend is also a little anxious and needs a bit more time and effort from you. Don't give up too easily!
Not all people are your people and that's okay. You'll find that trying to talk to someone continuously feels like a chore no matter your good intentions. That doesn't mean there's something wrong with you or with them. Everybody can't click with everybody and that's fine!
And lastly: "different friends for different things" is a liberating philosophy. Maybe there's this one person in this one class that you always sit with and get along with well, but it doesn't seem like either of you wants to take it any further than that. Cool! That's your buddy X from Y class. Not everyone has to be your bestie who knows all your secrets and shares all your interests. Be open to the concept of casual friends, so that you don't miss out on the more meaningful relationships by chasing someone who's just not feelin' it if you know what I mean.
Good luck my fellow introvert. Remember getting better at making friends is a process but also a skill that can be practiced and polished. You got this, I'm rooting for you!
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afreakingdork · 1 month
You Are My Sunshine, My Only Moonshine - Chapter 9
RotTMNT x Reader
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I am constantly blown away by this chapter art by @yamin-yups
Rated: Teen and Up Audiences
Relationships: Michelangelo (TMNT)/Reader, Michelangelo (TMNT)/You, Donatello (TMNT)/Reader, Donatello (TMNT)/You
Warnings: POV Second Person, Gender Neutral Reader, Anxious Reader, Introverted Reader, Stuttering, Aged-Up Mutant Ninja Turtles, Romance, Love, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Unrequited Love, Rejection, Aromantic Asexual Michelangelo (TMNT), Bisexual Donatello (TMNT), Pansexual Leonardo (TMNT), Lesbian Cassandra Jones | Foot Recruit, Demisexual April O'Neil (TMNT), Implied Cassandra Jones | Foot Recruit/April O'Neil/Sunita, Endgame Donatello (TMNT)/Reader, Romantic Love, Platonic Love, Panic Attacks, Sexuality Crisis, Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety, Happy Ending, Fluff
Synopsis:  You’ve lost most of your life to anxiety and fear. Now, in your late 20s, you are desperate to reclaim it and during one such outing you encounter the sun personified. With his and his similarly celestially inspired family, will you finally reach your goal or will you lose yourself along the way?
This chapter contains reference to body dysmorphia. Remember that what you feel is completely valid, but we can sometimes see ourselves differently than we really are. Please keep yourselves safe.
Also available on Ao3
First 💛 Previous
“Maybe we take a break from going out into the packed public for once?” Mikey was upside-down, but compensated by holding his phone the opposite way. 
It put him right side up in the video chat, but the view was extra blurry. “Is that… okay?”
“I’m the one suggesting it!” Mikey stuck out his tongue, but his reflection seemed to confuse him on which way the appendage should go. “It’s been awhile. I haven’t been able to see you.”
“Yeah… well…” Though for you it would have been predictable, Mikey hadn’t felt the firsthand effects of your setbacks yet. 
Panic attacks always caused you to withdraw into yourself. 
You weren’t supposed to.
There were times when it was easy to keep going.
Others, such as now, left you homebound for as long as society allowed.
The push to normalcy now included your thoughtful friend.
“Do you know after my tremors went away, I spent months avoiding art because I was afraid of how it would look?” Mikey told you casually. 
You weren’t sure what he was talking about.
You tried to recall something about tremors, but came up short.
You wanted to ask more, but there was a more startling aspect than the content itself.
You couldn’t believe there was ever a period where Mikey avoided art as he had been nothing, but a loud proponent of all its merit.
“Because I knew my level and then… I didn’t. I knew I’d have to get back there. It was like riding a skateboard, but needing to take that time? For a second time. Chancing the bad result? It was like my healing was one thing and then by doing that it would show me just how much further I still needed to go. Like that dude with the cat and the box. I didn’t want to open it and find out. I couldn’t do it.”
“Isn’t the saying… something… about riding a bike?”
“We were skateboard tots!” Mikey rolled over and with it so did his camera, inverting the image.
You nodded lightly.
“I switched up crafts. Started new ones that weren’t so finger focused. Pour paints and candle work!” He made grabby hands at the lens as he fixed his phone angle.
“Something low key…” You hummed where you were sitting at the foot of your bed.
“Yeah, something quiet, calm, and… oh! Oh yeah!” There was another flip, but this one was out of excitement.
“D-don’t… bust through a wall…!”
Mikey appeared within a flurry of static. “Did you just make a Kool-Aid Man joke?”
“I make jokes!”
The wattage of his smile turned up to a blinding degree. “Well then I’ve got just the wall to bust through!”
“No.” Donnie glowered over his shoulder.
“Please!” Mikey bounced his plea with his head straight up to the ceiling of the garage you were currently in.
An oddity in the subway, but something you imagined had to exist based on logic, your eyes were openly roving around the tidy depot.
“Absolutely not.” Lifting out from under a hood and minding his head, Donnie craned an elbow to the engine block he was working on. “You know you’ve been banned.”
“One time!” Mikey groaned.
“No!” Donnie felt the need to rip off his leather work gloves to throw an unencumbered finger in Mikey’s face. “You were banned once after crashing eleven separate times!!”
“Eleven?!” You squeaked.
Mikey flipped back and forth between the two of you, obviously caught in who to address first. “My driving is fine!” He chose you and then flipped to Donnie. “I’ve changed!”
From the duffel that was slung around your body, you had already been clinging to the strap as it gave you something comforting to hold on to. With the new knowledge that you had almost been driven somewhere rural by someone with that kind of driving record, you now scooped up the entire sack to soothe yourself. 
“Forget that.” Donnie flicked his gaze to you. “You’d need a full crash suit to survive him.” He then folded his gloves into a pair and went to check his tool box.
You wilted further.
“We’re already packed!” Mikey rounded a new argument. “This is going to be our big, no-stress, relaxing getaway and you’re making it exactly not that!” 
“That’s unfortunate. The bus station isn’t far.” Donnie knelt down to get a wrench.
“And how’s that going to work!? We get dropped at some station and walk to the cabin!? You know it’s in the middle of nowhere!” Mikey stepped up to throw menace over his brother.
Donnie smelled it a mile away and lifted his head, pouring twice the malice. “Oh, you want to play?”
Mikey gulped and nodded his head once. “Let us borrow a car, the tank, a shell cycle, whatever! You’re being unfair!”
“Your planning is poor.” Donnie was slow to get on one knee. “You’re ill equipped.” To the other, he got a foot under him. “You’ve informed no one.” Rising to his towering height above his brother, he loomed. “You walk into my garage, where I am in the midst of my own personal and much needed zen in the form of refurbishing my newest baby and expect me to drop the keys of another into your hands knowing full well that you have destroyed more vehicles on more occasions than I can count on our joined mutant fingers and toes because you just so happened to suddenly decided that you needed to take a weekend trip with your friend of which whom you have a similar slapdash scheme going on with to go to our family’s cabin up north on a whim!?!”
Having watched Donnie not take a single breath, you backed up nearly the same distance that Mikey’s head had shrunk down into his shell.
“Y-yes?” Mikey peeped.
“No.” Donnie said the word firm and quiet, but punctuated it with a tap to Mikey’s plastron which caused the stiff turtle to fall over. “Now leave me to my work.”
Only a shell laying there, you leaned forward to look over Mikey without compromising your spot.
Donnie swung his wrench and moved over to a creeper with the intention to disappear under what looked like a turtle-themed moon buggy.
“You-” Your voice echoed in the garage and you tensed up.
Mikey’s head emerged from his shell to peek at you.
Donnie halted his motion, but didn’t turn.
“You… um… could… come with us?”
You watched Donnie’s lips wobble with disdain.
“N-Not a-as a d-driver! Y-you said…”
In a loud pop, all of Mikey’s limbs emerged. “That’s a great idea!!!”
In a smooth rotation, Donnie both turned and lifted his wrench with a threat.
Mikey crab walked several paces away.
“I’m disappointed.” Donnie sent a glare in your direction. “If your thought is even-” He caught a glimpse of his wrench. “-5/16ths as moronic as his then you are banned from the garage itself. Know that, would you still like to continue speaking?”
Gaze plummeting, your heart tried to escape and you screwed the whole of you shut to keep it inside.
Your entire body shook with the force of your nerves and you had to wait until your BPMs dropped to a manageable limit before you could manage speech. “You… said… m-much needed… so maybe… the trip would… well… be calming… for you too?”
There was a clink of metal hitting the ground.
You were banned from the garage.
That was fine.
In theory, it wasn’t.
In theory, you were mortified.
Despite your best efforts, you had never been banned from anything.
Now you were.
A glaring dark spot on your permanent record.
Was Mikey a bad influence?
“You do say driving gets your mind off things…” Mikey said with a sudden supportive starkness.
You kept your gaze firmly rooted to the floor in shame.
“Also hold up!” In a slap of feet against concrete, Mikey righted himself. “You take a few of those things back, Don! I may have pushed the idea through, but it was not poorly planned or ill equipment or whatever you said! Y/N worked crazy hard on putting together everything in the short time frame I laid out!!”
You twitched.
“There’s maps, multiple trails marked, a calculated amount of water, with extra rations, flares… Like do you think this other bag is mine? Heck no! I’m not bringing anything! Both these bags are Y/N’s! They’re both stuffed with… stuff! Like-like!” You felt Mikey come over to you. “How you contacted the ranger’s station to tell them we’d be in the area? I’ve never even thought of that! We’ve never done that have we, Dee?”
Donnie continued his bout of silence that you didn’t dare look upon.
“What else…?” Mikey slapped his forehead. “I mean, come on! I can’t even remember it all!”
“I… got that satellite phone… you were pretty excited… about it.” You mumbled to the ground.
“With the backup batteries, Donald!” Mikey hummed a self-important sound. “The backup batteries!!”
The garage made it very clear that Donnie was walking over to you.
You bounced ever so slightly to garner the courage to meet his eye.
“Who did itinerary?” Donnie asked. 
“Me.” Mikey remarked casually.
“I assume food too?” Donnie’s voice was heavy with judgment. 
“Nope.” You could see a swoop as Mikey folded smug arms.
“That’s not quite…” You cleared your throat. “Mikey… shared his… favorite dishes that you… all make…when you… go.”
Donnie dipped into your eye line and you startled.
He’d bent at his waist and come down at a perfect angle.
You stared with warped lips.
“How long?” He narrowed his gaze.
“T-the trip?” Your gaze wobbled.
Mikey opened his mouth and Donnie threw out an arm that, by the sound, must have slapped the younger in the face.
“Yes.” Donnie kept his hand in place.
“Tonight… tomorrow… back Sunday?”
“Is that a question?” Donnie’s head tilted.
Mikey grunted, annoyed.
“No…” You got out, quiet.
“You agreed knowing full well you’d be alone with him?”
Slapped with a similar heat from the first time you’d realized that fact, you gave a tight nod.
‘We have separate rooms!’ Mikey mumbled through closed lips with surprising clarity.
“And that’s okay?” Donnie disappeared.
You chased him up to find he’d released Mikey and was waiting on him for an answer.
“It’s a no brainer.” Mikey nearly rolled his eyes. 
Donnie’s brow lowered, unsatisfied.
“Yes, it’s okay because it isn’t a thing.” Mikey huffed around his clarification.
“I suppose… I’ve been persuaded.” Donnie looked down thoughtfully and you watched him trace back to where he’d dropped his wrench.
Mikey jumped into the air with a sudden bout of energy and caught your hands to spin you.
“Y-y-yay!” You stutter, stalling on the rotation.
“Cabin, here we come, baby!” Mikey cheered. 
“I need my things!” Donnie barked. “And you.”
You jolted. “Y-yes?”
“You will send me triplicate copies of your plans.”
“S-sure…” You spastically patted yourself down for your phone.
“I refuse to engage with either of your antics.” Donnie’s own appeared in his hand. “I am no third wheel. I am coming because I will apparently have to deal with your whining otherwise and because I am not in the mood for the lecture from Nardo and Raphael when they return.”
“Have they texted yet?” Mikey peered over Donnie’s shoulder.
“No. Security detail means one must pay-” Donnie suddenly dropped and ducked through Mikey’s legs in one fluid movement. “-attention. This is why you weren’t requested.”
“And why didn’t they request you, hm?” Mikey pushed his lips into one corner of his mouth.
“Because…!” Donnie trailed off with widened eyes. “My talents lie elsewhere! Enough interruptions. I will drive and then you will leave me be! I am to have my zen! Is that understood?”
“Yeah, yeah, crystal.” Mikey finally did roll his eyes.
Donnie took a few steps away as you found your phone and held it unsure of how to send him the details.
“He’s totally going because he heard ‘yakiniku’ when you mentioned we were making my favorite foods.” Mikey walked over to you with a smirk.
You watched Donnie take an irritated pause before continuing on to get his things.  
The ride in the tank had passed with booming music and a tour from Mikey that you only visually participated in because you were terrified to move about the cabin. The younger seemed not to notice as he explained parts with stories more than function. Donnie alternatively, had shades on that further marred his calculated expression and he said nothing as the studious driver.
Leaving the city and entering scenic woodlands, you were soon left to admire the views until you eventually deviated off the road toward the cabin. Tracking it with the little local map you had found, you busied yourself in the comfortable way that most people disliked on road trips: silence in a cozy bubble all your making.
There didn’t have to be talk, that’s what road trip mixes were for.
You only made exceptions for car games. 
You liked that they had simple rules and there were little stakes to be had. 
You only wished cars were safer modes of transport.
There was also something to be said about environmental impact and the culture of automobiles in America, but other than that, you found them nice.
Pulling up to what you imagined was a quiescent place, Mikey could not be restrained a second longer.
Out of the tank in a flurry, you watched through the windshield as his form screamed straight up the cabin’s steps. “He doesn’t do great on car rides, huh?”
“Sitting still for too long? Michael?” Donnie rose from the captain’s chair.
You gave a small smile and gathered up the few things you’d taken inside with you. Your actual bags were stored in an outer compartment and Donnie waited for you as a safety net as you made the harrowing steps down the tank ladder and to the ground. Landing with little fault, you joined him in getting the luggage until Mikey tore back over to grab some of the load. He talked loudly of dust that had accumulated and Donnie griped at him that it was obvious they’d need to clean.
You fondly watched the two bicker and set-up became the next directive. Throwing back plastic sheets that coated furniture, Donnie had a multitude of inventions to clear the space quickly. You had to run to the windows to release the dust tornadoes formed. Making it out mostly unscathed, you then helped Mikey hang bug nets. With the late Spring weather warming the air, soon everything was prepped and Mikey did a little closing dance number, capping off the preparatory part of the trip.
“Swimming hole time!” Mikey cheered and then turned knowingly on Donnie. “Then BBQ and prompt lights out so I can make a lumberjack breakfast first thing!”
“We’re grinding beans… we roasted…” You offered softly. “Uh… Coffee… beans… that is…”
“Oh yeah, I forgot we took that class.” Mikey chuckled. “You almost fell into that sack!”
You squashed a noise of distress at the memory.
Understanding the schedule, Donnie dismissed himself with a turned foot and headed to one of the cabin’s many rooms. You were left to look about the quintessential log cabin where the huge living space and connected kitchen then butted up against a row of doors. They spoke of many rooms that traced the back of the cabin and then up a staircase to a second floor. From what you could see, there were about eight rooms in all. The entire cabin then had a wraparound porch that extended into the wilderness. It was land that both belonged to nature and not, but Mikey had been cagey about revealing property lines. 
“Welp!” Mikey folded his hands on his hips. “Your boy needs to get wet before he explodes.”
You gawked at him.
“Seriously!” He was looking out over the cabin with a vacant stare that held a sort of unhinged quality. “First the car, then stuck inside? This is not an inside trip. if I am not unleashed in the next, oh I don’t know… 2 minutes, I’m going to lose it!”
“You got those trail maps?” He turned, both looking through you and not at.
“I color coded the one to the watering hole. Orange, obviously.” Mikey approached with a waggling brow ridge. “I saw you in the car, keeping perfect pace. It was awesome.”
“Just to s-stay b-busy!”
“Uh huh! Your smile said otherwise! You’ll meet me there then! Same way!” He patted your shoulder once with a whack before bolting out the door.
You stared after him now knowing why he’d chosen to travel in his swimsuit.
Looking down at your road trip ensemble, you still felt sure of your decision to take the few hour drive comfortably.
There was a noise of a door opening and Donatello emerged, changed into a casual outfit punctuated by purple swim trunks.
You stared at him and felt a little like a caught fawn.
Donnie took you in before his gaze dulled with understanding. “He ditched you.”
“I’m… going to meet him.”
“He always does this.” Donnie responded dismissively. “You should have seen him in time out as a tot.”
“One minute in time out for him was comparative to thirty for the rest of us.” Walking around a large kitchen bar, Donnie studied the rations.
You took a few steps toward him for the sake of it.
“He’s so impatient.” Donnie murmured, poking several waters aside to find a carton of juice boxes that Mikey had insisted on. He quickly tossed the set into the fridge. “He’s not even an aquatic turtle.”
You sort of wished you had done more research past looking up pictures of their species.
“You’re losing daylight.” He emerged from the fridge. “Or are you not swimming?”
“I-I am…!” You squeezed a fist to your chest. “Are… you coming too?”
Donnie blinked slowly at you. “No, why?”
“Oh…” You shouldn’t have assumed. He’d already told you otherwise. “Sorry… your bottoms… I thought…”
“Board shorts.” He punctuated the words with an odd accent.
You gave an unsure nod.
“I’m glad their sign was translated.” He glanced down at himself.
“Sorry…” You murmured when he made no further movement and quickly left to avoid any awkwardness.
You weren’t sure what you expected.
It’s not like you wanted to exclude Donnie.
You knew that pain too well.
You also didn’t want to make him feel unwelcomed.
You were painfully aware of that too.
He hadn’t wanted to be a third wheel and you had made it a silent mission to keep that from happening.
Something else you’d experienced in the past, you’d been the unwilling chaperone on more than one occasion just to satisfy parent’s minds. The good one, in their minds, you had always been ditched and the feeling wasn’t one you cared for. Shoving past the bygone era, you were seen now and you tried to relish that.
The sun’s attention was a fickle thing, but you were getting more use to losing Mikey’s. Something you thought should scare you, instead you felt your friendship with Mikey was stronger than ever. You no longer feared losing him in the same intangible way and you weren’t sure if you should crop that up to Mikey’s feelings about you. Instead it felt as though you’d reached a better status quo where Mikey’s running off felt more like the sun moving on its predetermined rotation. It would eventually round back to you and in that way you expected Mikey’s claustrophobia even if you hadn’t known about it.
You picked a room at random and rummaged through the duffel that you placed on your bed. There was a woodsy smell that teetered on musty in a way that spoke of it being well lived in even if its occupants only came every so often. You had your own little stand up mirror, nightstand, dresser, and a closet though you doubted you’d use anything past the first. Pulling out a single slick piece of black fabric, you double checked the door was closed before changing.
The perfect swimsuit was one you hadn’t imagined you’d find. Not one for flashy things, you only wanted a muted cover that also happened to cover you. Water did unimaginable things to fabrics and you hated the way it clinged. You wanted something you could disappear in, that brought no unnecessary attention, and could be forgotten on your end. Finding it in a matter of minutes into shopping as opposed to the years it took when you were younger, the item had even been on sale.
Stepping into it and pulling it up, you shimmied into the fabric and turned for that same show stopping image you’d seen in the changing room.
What stared back was an image of allure.
That was wrong.
That’s not what it had looked like.
It had covered you.
It hadn’t accentuated anything.
It was simple.
You squirmed, changing angles in hopes that it would get better, but each only revealed more.
What had changed?
You’d purchased it this week.
Were you hallucinating?
Was there something in the wooden walls?
Had the tank crashed and this was you playing out some morbid purgatory?
You pinched yourself.
A sting bit your forearm and you threw your gaze back at the mirror for the unwilling shapes it concocted.
This wasn’t right.
You wanted to swim.
There was no way you could.
Miserably turning away from your image, you rooted through your bag for a cover up. Finding one in some oversized t-shirt you’d brought for comfort, you held it and hated that this wasn’t the way you imagined it would be employed. You figured it’d be a back-up pajama top and not something to hide your shame away in. Clinging to the fabric, you hastily pulled it over your head with an imaginary clock ticking away because Mikey was waiting.
You were ruining everything.
Stumbling out into the living room, you found yourself alone.
Momentarily thrown, but shaking off how Donnie wasn’t a priority right now and the guilt that came with that, you went for your pile of maps. Finding the trail one with the orange lines, you gathered some shoes and careened down the porch.
Buzzing insects mocked your sloppy descent as you rotated the map to be on your course. Following it more than your way, you took the necessary inlet and folded its winds to a drawn T. Bushes and trees concealed you, but the splashing of what was beyond reached your ears faster than you’d hoped. A journey not long to its destination, you slowed as you came to the final bend. You could hear Mikey blabbing presumably to himself as he hooted before resounding sloushes followed. In your mind he jumped off some kind of ledge, you took a deep breath before making the final steps leading to the watering hole.
Somewhere quaint if you had the perspective for such a thing, a tree towered comfortably overtop a sizable pool. One mucked up from algae as the little stream feeding into it didn’t stir the water near enough, you watched roiling green as Mikey emerged with a flip of his wet hair.
“Y/N!” Mikey shouted happiness. “You made it! Come on in! The water’s fine!!” He swam backwards as if giving you room.
The guilt was staggering.
No, Mikey.
I won’t be swimming today.
My body looks like shit and I can’t stand it.
I’ll watch you though.
Have all the fun.
You deserve it.
Signing off your name, you slunk forward only to clip a sight of mixed purples.
Donnie craned his neck back to view you from beneath a large sun hat he’d put on. Sitting on a few rocks that made up the closest edge to you, his lids lowered in a way that said he was reading you like a book.
Hating how he did that, you squeezed the bulky hem of your shirt and walked up. “Uh… M-Mikey…?”
“A-yup!” He stopped splashing to hear you better.
“The… um… car ride… sort of took… more out of me than… I thought? Would it be alright if-!”
“You don’t have to swim.”
You blinked wide and over to him.
“If you don’t want to, don’t!” Mikey continued on. “Let’s compare: are you upset I’m swimming when you don’t want to?”
“O-of c-course not!”
“Then why should I care in the reverse?” He fell back and floated, eyes closed, on his shell.
That was right in a way.
Sweet in another.
You wished you’d put together the same reaction.
Inching closer, it felt like pouring water into an overtaxed bucket.
Another guilty drop in your damnation.
You’d seen your friend in a bad light.
Shirking all the more, you toed off your shoes and let your feet lay flat on one of the worn rocks. It put you near Donnie who’d become the moon on a sunny day’s backdrop. He shined upon the same stone and illuminated its age. The rocks were older and wiser than you’d ever be. They never worried about getting wet. They only knew how to exist, something you wished came as easily to you. Sitting down because you needed more of you to drink from the stone’s wisdom, you kept a lowered head to the water’s edge. It sloshed in a beckoning way and you imagined it too would feel good in a different way. 
You really had wanted to swim.
Imaging your tears would do little to fill up the pool while also overflowing it, you heard a tepid sigh beside you.
Eyes wide and shooting up across the pond, you then turned to where you’d sat down next to Donnie.
Someone who you mistakenly forgot about during your pity party.
How was that for a third wheel?
“It’s always something with you.” He spoke softly.
“Sure is.” You gave an awkward laugh.
“That’s…” He made a little concerned noise. “… I didn’t mean it in a cruel way.”
“You didn’t have to. It is.” You threw your legs off the rock and threatened to drown your toes in the water. “It’s a cruel fate. I’m…” You remembered yourself. “Sorry. Nothing. What are you doing here?”
“My species is aquatic.”
You snuck a glance. “You’re pretty dry then.”
“You are too.”
You frowned deeply and watched Mikey pick up a sun drunk grin as he spread his limbs out to float on. “I don’t know why I feel like this. Everything was fine before…”
“With what?”
“This…” You threw a hand over yourself. “Stupid ugly swimsuit.”
You could feel Donnie’s gaze linger.
“Just trust me.” You folded your legs against yourself.
 “I’m not sure I do.”
You squinted at the glistening water before looking at him.
“I barely know you.” He responded simply, waiting there.
“In what?” Your ugly side was leaking far beyond the reach of what your shirt could cover. “I didn’t think you trusted me. You may have been wrong about me being bad, but that wouldn’t make you less suspicious. So it’s not that. What’s left? The swimsuit sucks. It’s not like you wanna drool over it. I don’t want anyone too. I wanted to swim.”
Hearing your wish aloud, you pressed hard on your chest with your legs.
You could flatten out your entire form if only you were malleable.
“The water is opaque. I can alert Mikey and we’ll turn away so you can get in.”
You felt too far gone for solutions.
You weren’t worth the trouble.
Burying your chin into your knees, you stewed.
“You know how many times the others have made fun of my board shorts?”
You told yourself you didn’t care.
If that was the case then Donnie didn’t either. “Hundreds, though it might be my attitude when wearing them. I like the excuse. To have my day off and not worry about pleasantries. To not have to tailor myself to others. I can tell them to shove it. It’s my day off and how I look isn’t anyone’s damn business.”
Sounded like an odd hill to die on.
“Everyone should have those days.” Donnie craned his arms behind him and leaned back to soak up the rays he was in.
The tree overhead was clipping your light.
Donnie was free. 
Mikey was free. 
Head lifting a little, you pondered your friend.
He’d needed to get out and he did.
Now he was a vision, glowing amongst the pool.
In contrast there was you, wadded up and tossed away without even giving yourself the chance.
Another terrible reminder that this was the point.
This was what you were trying to avoid.
This was what you were trying to learn from.
Mikey didn’t even have to do anything to be himself.
He just was.
Instead of his usual bustle of light, he shined by matter of existence.
That was why you chased him. 
You wanted that. 
Staring at him until sun spots mucked up your vision, you turned the mass to Donnie.
Beside you in the same pose, he was more calculated.
He had to put on his wares.
His was an unseen struggle you hadn’t considered.
No one gleamed quite like Mikey.
That didn’t mean they didn’t shine in their own right.
Donnie’s darkened scales only threw prisms in a different way.
The cool moon’s glow.
Letting your legs fall, this time your feet drew to the allure of the water.
Just out of reach, you stared hard, making sure the pair would keep their eyes closed.
The both of them were still as if asleep, but you waited past whatever insect was chirping before you slowly tugged your hem out from under you. Emerging without more than the sound of rustling fabric, you rolled your shirt up around your waist. The next move was one harder to conceal, you threw a desperate glance at your friend.
Water rocked the resting Mikey like a babe and you wanted to feel that too.
You wanted to be nestled by the sun’s glow.
You wanted to feel weightless and have those burdens removed.
You yanked the shirt over your head and dropped it to your side.
Donnie stirred at the sound, but didn’t open his eyes.
“It’s… It’s okay… I’m not… okay… but I think I… I don’t want to care…”
He cracked a lid and stared skyward.
“It looked so different in the store.”
“How so?” He asked a whispy cloud.
“It looked… I don’t know… covering? Like it didn’t… show any bits. Like it… hid them away.”
He blinked slow and comfortable. “I’m a designer, you know.”
“Genius Built Apparel. Where fashion meets function.”
You stared on.
Of course he was. 
He also built a tank and a legion of dusting robots. 
If this were any other family you’d think he was pulling your leg. 
You’d seen more than enough to believe. 
Most of your stare came from the cocky name. 
Though even that made sense. 
Donnie was a carefully constructed sphere. 
Who were you to take away his gloating? 
He tilted his head just enough to glimpse your face. “I’m serious. I’ve dissuaded Mikey from many a faux pas.”
You shook your head.
“May I?”
“What?” You switched to eyeing him.
“I can take a clinical eye. Examine stitching. Find your err.”
You bounced one of your legs.
You did want to know where it had all gone wrong.
You could theoretically fix it then.
Wash this all away in the water you so desperately wanted to get in.
“You won’t make it weird?”
“I don’t drool on the metaphorical clock; you were right about that, but I understand your concern. I have accosted you before.”
“Different kind of weird. That was mean weird. You were a jerk weird.”
Donnie chuffed and it rolled down his plastron.
You watched it fall into his lap before forcing your gaze back to his face in a rush. “Promise… Promise I can pull your hat down if you… do anything.”
“I won’t so a simple enough agreement. Sure.”
“Go… ahead…” You folded your arms to your sides, obviously nervous as you listened to his clothes move.
In a twist, he was examining you and he gave a faint hum.
Not wanting to see exactly how he saw you and growing miserable, you stared into the water.
You could throw yourself in and be done with it.
“Here.” He spoke.
You moved to the sound on instinct and found him pointing to your hip.
His eye was indeed one you imagined a tired scientist gave the samples he was cursed to study.
You immediately relaxed. “What?”
“This ruching here is meant to cover cellulite when the fabric gets wet. When dry it acts a similar concealment, but the way the strips are sewn are for the first purpose.”
“Oh…” You tilted your head to look.
“Thing is, it’s also leading lines.” He didn’t get any closer, but he mimed tracing the seams of the fabric that curled around your hip and beneath where you were sitting. “It’s meant to direct the gaze to certain assets.”
 You blew out an annoyed breath.
“Dressing room mirrors, where I imagine you first saw this, aren’t slapped on walls without thought. They're engineered with angles and lightning to make clothes look as flattering as possible.” He brought his eye to yours. “Where did you see yourself today?”
“There’s a… mirror in my room.”
Donnie’s lip twitched with distaste. “That floor length one?”
You nodded.
“Dad uses that one to feel tall.” He sneered openly. “It tilts up from below, the worst possible perspective.”
You blinked a few rapid times.
“It took the ruching and blew it up.”
“So it’s not… that bad?”
“It’s anything, it's tasteful!” He spoke with an irritation that said that should have been obvious. “It fits your body well. Does it have a certain allure? Yes, I’ve already spoken of assets, but it is not a piece that invites unnecessary solicitation.” 
“Assets, assets. What are you, an ass man?” You retorted automatically. 
“There is nothing quite like sinking your teeth into that soft, inviting flesh.” He took your response and held it between his teeth.
In a blink, you saw an imaginary Donatello around your hips pointing to the fabric and on contact with the thought your face exploded.
“I say generally speaking, of course.” He clicked his tongue as if scolding you and turned away toward the water.
You were too hot.
Throwing yourself forward, you submerged as indelicately as possible into the water.
Sinking like a stone into the silence, your burning flesh was quickly soothed by a cold lap.
A sweet embrace, you kicked to the surface and emerged with a pathetic gasp.
Never graceful, you shook yourself free of clingy drops and spun back around to view the rocks.
Donnie was staring up at the sky again and you sort of hated him for it.
You’d swim with Mikey.
Spinning around, the other turtle was not only longer floating, but you couldn’t locate him at all. Quickly worrying that you had toppled him in your dive, you swam forward. “Mikey?”
Quieting to listen, you didn’t hear anything past the faint roiling of the water against its container.
Thinking he must have dove, you looked down to find Donnie’s earlier comment to be a correct one. With the water murky to a fault and a new fear cropped up. You had no idea what was in the water and you immediately darted for the closest shore. Something several long feet from Donnie, it was a sort of marshy landing that rocks from below steeping up to meet. They were covered in a slime that clung to your feet and had you pausing until you heard an off-toned lap behind you.
You whirled around with wide eyes and found a sea monster waiting for you.
Something matted with algae, it groaned pathetically and you sucked in enough air until the balloon was full enough to scream.
“What!? Who?! Where?!” The creature splashed with Mikey’s voice.
He’d been captured by another mutant.
You turned to get out of the water with some intention of getting to the tank.
It had to have missiles or something.
Anything to help.
You’d take a bowling ball launcher at this point.
Catching grip with one foot, you hoisted up the other. The many rocks acted like a disjointed ladder and your entire torso emerged from the water before one of your feet slid. The moment it happened felt like you were falling out of time. In slow motion, you knew your face was one of surprise. You painted an open expression where the imminent terror that you were falling couldn’t catch up as neurons to save yourself from the action. 
Your mind knew, but your face didn’t know that you were going to crack your head open on the rocks you just slipped on.
Two voices.
Too far.
Something skewered your side as the first injury of many.
Hoping only to black out on that first step, you willed your possessions to your friends.
You didn’t bother hoping they would remember you. 
You only hoped that they could make some use out of your worldly imprint.
No matter how small it was. 
Water rushed to greet you and shoved you away. 
That wasn’t right. 
That was the wrong direction.
Water swayed like waves. 
The equal and opposite reaction wouldn’t come until you fell in. 
Why had it preemptively come for you?
Your arms dangled heavily from gravity and you forced your eyes from wherever they had gone.
The monster was right in front of you. 
Its face was one of Michelangelo.
Green sludge caught in his blackened locks and his worried expression peered out from between a small part. 
He had you by the waist and was holding you up in the air. “Are you okay!?”
You were a loose toy strung up.
Flopping down, lifeless, you were a doll that couldn’t close its eyes until it was laid down.
A second deafening splash came as you hung there.
Mikey’s lips were moving awfully fast.
“Did they hit their head?!” Donnie’s voice broke through.
“No! Above water the whole time! Donnie! They aren’t saying anything, I don’t-”
“Shock?” Donnie wondered, but he never came into frame.
Where was he?
Mikey jostled you as one might bounce a colicky baby.
It was pulling a string on your back and you hacked on contact. 
You wheezed, forcing air in where terror had torn it from you. 
You fought. 
Not Mikey exactly, but the situation. 
It strung your arms back. 
It shoved your torso forward. 
It threw your head skyward. 
You gasped, alive. 
You saw blue.
It was the sky.
You hadn’t died.
Mikey had saved you.
You came down from your arching to translate your joy. 
Mikey’s face slid into your vision and he was the picture of a boiled red tomato dotted with summertime spots.
He was looking at you. 
He had ogled you. 
He was embarrassed. 
Your blood pressure plummeted twice as fast as it had when you thought you were about to die.
This was worse.
This time you heard yourself scream as you lashed out.
Water flew up as if to welcome you, to bring you where you were meant to be. 
Returned you to that place where you weren’t an object to be viewed.
You were a person floating free.
Liquid carried life.
It supported it.
It didn’t have it.
Vertigo struck you as you moved within a blink. 
In a disorientated spiral, your lids fell heavy as your inner ear tried to correct the imbalance. 
There were no longer hands around your waist. 
Something clicked like an engine uselessly turning over. 
Weary, you realized you were standing in a safe spot in the water. 
You drew up the dreary blinds of your curtain and found a muscled arm thrown out protectively in front of you. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!!!” Mikey cried, loud and desperate.
“What the hell was that then!?” Donnie’s voice rang close.
That firm limb tucked you further behind someone. 
You were being shielded.
A squabble happened in front of you, but you only looked down at the jade appendage acting as your guard rail.
You touched the arm and it felt familiar.
“Don-nie?” Your voice came out synthetic.
His was the body you were behind and his face appeared in a whip of his head. “Are you alright? Can you swim? I’ll move.”
“I’m not…?” You weren’t swimming.
You weren’t doing anything.
You were standing in the water. 
You looked past Donnie and glimpsed Mikey with a faint blush still stuck to his cheeks.
“Y-you…!” It felt accusatory on your lips.
“I’m sorry!!!” Mikey screeched.
“Turn around, dummy!” Donnie growled hot and was in motion.
You were soon ushered into a spin with an indelicate hand to your back and all but rushed over to the rock you had jumped off of.
You heard a splash of what you assumed was Mikey growing distant behind you. 
You hoped that would cool him off. 
“You ready?” Donnie’s voice appeared like it was newly there. 
“For what?” You were already used.
What was left?
Was it time to take out the recycling?
“I’m going to lift you up. Your shirt is right there.” Donnie instructed. 
“My shirt…” You were forlorn.
It was your back-up comfort item.
“Ready?” Donnie asked again.
The water rocked you and you barely bumped his firm plastron. 
You nodded dumbly.
Your hips were taken in what you read as a clinical way. 
You were barely bounced once, then twice, in a way that ballet dancers got momentum to lift their partners. 
Sure enough, you were lifted cleanly out of the water.
Only this time you felt well handled.
You weren’t swung around like a toddler holding up their favorite doll.
A child who cared for his toys put you on a shelf.
When your knees touched down, you drank in the life of the rock and scrambled for your shirt.
All the things that had just occurred crashed into you.
Shoving your head through the hole, you yanked the shirt down your body as you were already in motion. Forest floor digging into your bare feet, you didn’t need the map to retrace your steps. You followed the single, winding, prickly path and emerged out by the cabin only to fly inside it. A sanctuary amongst the unrelenting woods, you left a rotting drip trail as you entered your room. Your door clattered from where you had thrown it open and you ripped your duffel bag to shreds to get to its confines.
Pulling on layer after layer, you could see Mikey’s blush with each piece of clothing.
He’d looked at you.
You shoved your feet into a third pair of socks.
His gaze was amorous.
Into a thermal that was very much against the season, you ran out of clothes and stormed the dresser.
There were oversized men’s clothes that struck you as maybe being Raph’s and you thanked their huge size.
You put shirt after shirt on.
Mikey had said, point blank, that he wanted to see how far his feelings went.
Why were you so stupid?
You screamed.
Raw and uncut.
Tearing at your larynx, you ripped a few too many layers off as they impeded your melt down.
You needed space to breathe.
You needed to be swallowed whole.
Stumbling out to that accursed mirror, the shape you found there was a frumpy one.
Smiling a teary look at it, you watched it warp your face into one of dismay and you cried.
Where had you last felt okay?
It wasn’t here.
Moving around the room you searched for it.
That intangible something that would help.
Knocking everything over, you finally got a hold of a much too large pillow and hugged it to your body.
It was large and not at all as firm as you wanted.
You needed a hard wall.
You needed that unrelenting nature.
You weren’t something to be judged with heat.
You needed a cold light the sun couldn’t supply.
The wall knocked.
You spun around with your pillow defense to find the back of a head waiting there.
“I come as an emissary.” Donnie spoke slow and methodical.
“You can-!” It wasn’t Mikey.
Your pillow fell slack into one hand.
It wasn’t Mikey.
You let it drop with a thump to the floor.
It wasn’t Mikey.
“…come in.”
You took a wobbly step to spread out your clothed legs in hopes of keeping yourself upright.
Donnie didn’t move.
“You can… come in…” You repeated, not sure if you had gotten the first phrase out.
“No…?” You took another step and saw how Donnie was clearly beyond the boundary of your open door.
With his back to you. 
Not impeding on you in any way. 
“This is your space.” He spoke it like a finality. 
You stared at the knot of his mask tails and tried to place what you felt.
“Being out here with us…” Donnie let the sentence hang before he lowered his gaze to the floor. “I want to… respect that much.”
“Why’d you say it like that?”
“I prefer the term ‘sanctum,’ but I couldn’t fit it in.”
“A sacred place…?”
The back of his head nodded. “My lab is supposed to be one.”
Sanctums weren’t places to be invaded.
If they were then they were violated.  
He understood.
Is that what you felt?
Even his mania in the beginning had been one you made sense of.
Was that why you hadn’t complained?
No, you were rewriting history from your current perspective.
It was also the only one you knew.
It was one where you envied one man. 
It was where you once feared another. 
Now their roles were reversed. 
You never had to explain your misery to Donnie.
You didn’t have to make him understand.
He was the moon.
You rushed towards him.
Donnie heard the footsteps and made it about half a turn before you reached him. “As… I was saying, I talked to Michael and come in his stead to-”
You collided with that unrelenting wall of plastron. Finding an odd hinge between the front of his shell and the back, you did your best to tuck into that space and weaseled under his arm. You felt it rise above you, out of your way and a rotation brought you more towards his front. There you felt him stop to take your over-clothed form in.
“I’m sorry!” You choked on tears, rooting the sound as deep against Donnie’s wet clothes as possible.
He let your misery hang for exactly one second. 
Then he surrounded you in a soft moon glow.
He pulled you toward his chest and you burrowed closer to him.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I completely overreacted. It was just too much… Too much attention… the way he looked. He said… I thought he wouldn’t… I didn’t want…!”
A hand pet through the layers of your back.
Even and careful.
No further connotation other than to soothe.
Squirming to get your arms out from where you were crushing them, you wiggled them free to embrace him.
You squeezed a sigh right out of him.
“I know.” He spoke into your damp head. “I know…”
You nodded and basked in the tide. Pulled by the moon’s orbit, the waves rolled in and out with a sway. A gentle rocking, you were cast a comfortable drift by it. This was the one you had longed for from the swimming hole. Here, you floated amongst sturdy shores. Held safe, the guiding white light poured around you. One that pushed back against the darkness, it shone on you. Lucky to be in its reach, it wasn’t the type you soaked up. It instead washed over you in a cleanse. Feeling lighter and a little stifled, you extracted yourself from moisture to moisture.
Everything around you from your leaking face to the clingy pond water was soaked and you frowned down Donnie’s body. Standing in a little pool mostly created by him, you wanted to stick your tongue out at it, but you feared the bacteria clearly clinging to your skin.
“The cabin is yours tonight.”
Before you could register the words, you felt him strengthen his resolve with a puff of his chest.
“I don’t want to hear complaints otherwise.”
You wanted to pout.
“I checked the systems when we were doing our preliminary cleaning. The water will be hot. Shower, bathe, do whatever you’d like. We’ll be staying outside.”
You gave a faint nod to the wet floor.
“We’ll grill and I’ll make you a plate. Preference?”
You shook your head. “I don’t… feel like eating…”
“Bland it is.”
Now you were pouting.
“Yeah?” Your head felt heavy.
“I still have a message from Mikey to deliver.”
“I really don’t want to hear it.” Irritation brought you to look at him.
Donnie took you in with a sort of smile. “You’ll want to.”
You dropped your features in a way that said you didn’t believe him.
“He said he’s not ready to talk as he’s having his own crisis, but he’ll let you know when he’s ready to apologize.” Donnie tilted his head, almost amused.
You blinked straight out of your bitterness to stare openly.
Donnie gave a single knowing nod.
“Enjoy your shower.” With one last sweep over you as if to check you were all still there, Donnie turned and headed for the door.
Watching him go, you saw the faint amber hue of sunset.
“It’ll all work out.” Donnie tossed just as he grabbed the knob to exit.
You turned and stormed straight to the bathroom. Drowning in clothes and scum, you locked the door tight and turned the shower knobs to their highest setting. Leaving the water to warm, you started removing your outermost shirt. As soon as it hit the ground you felt possessed. You tore off your clothes with each subsequent layer removed at a faster and faster pace. You needed to be freed. You needed that ridiculous protection off of you as soon as possible. All of it soiled, you stripped down bare and left your feet for last.
The moment they were naked and pressed to tile, you leapt into the old style tub. Instantly boiled by the too hot water, you let it scorch you with clenched teeth at first until the burn seared and you adjusted the dial for something reasonable. Still a lobster in a pot, you scrubbed your skin until you thought it might flake and then doused it in suds until you couldn’t see its color. A sea of white foam, the second scrounge came through, washing the detritus away.
Pickled in the process, you emerged and greedily took up every towel in the room. It meant toeing around the disgusting mound of clothes you’d left, but Donnie had said the cabin was yours. Until tomorrow when you’d clean the place up, you instead mourned how you hadn’t even brought your toothbrush in with you. Scowling at a fog coated mirror, you cracked the door and watched the steam leak out.
Chasing it with your ear, you didn’t hear anything, but there was a distinct lemon scent.
You followed the smell into the hall where you quickly placed it was cleaner. The floor had a sheen to it that spoke of a recent mopping. The clean line ending abruptly at your door said exactly who the culprit was. Donatello had snuck back in to clean and you were thankful for it. He’d left your sanctuary untouched and instead set a stool just outside the door. 
On it was a stack of comfortable looking clothes and a note.
‘Keep your room or upgrade. I recommend the one upstairs, second bedroom on the right.’
You folded the note along its lines and placed it back on the offered clothes. You then gathered the lot and took it with you along with a brave face as you entered your room. You barely looked up as you salvaged what you could from your duffel. Carrying the mostly limp sack, you then moved to follow your recommendation. It led you through the darkened cabin and up the winding wooden stairs where the door in question was closed. Knocking on it out of politeness, you found it empty and slipped inside. It was decorated similarly, but clearly different. Comfortable in its own sense, you went about your nightly routine as best you could and thanked the space for not having a mirror. Growing more weary by the second, you thought vaguely of meat as you instead pulled back the covers.
Sinking in and imagining charcoal lighting the men’s faces, you settled down into the welcoming embrace of bed.
You eventually got up and padded across a tiled floor.
Pulling out a single slick piece of black fabric, you double checked the door was closed before changing.
The perfect swimsuit was one you hadn’t imagined you’d find.
What luck, you thought, as you slipped it on.
Stepping into it, you shimmied into the fabric and turned for that show stopping image in the changing room.
It was perfect.
It covered you in all the right ways.
Finally, the piece you’d been looking for.
Smiling and striking pose after pose, you saw a hand wave above the curtain.
“Come in!” You called to it. 
Sanctum’s were only to be entered with permission. 
“Silly.” You looked over your pleasing image once more. “Is it still a violation if I request it?”
“I guess not.” Instead of drawing the curtain back, Donnie slipped through it.
Tucking himself a strong wall behind you, he looked into the mirror at you.
What looked back held no heat, only appreciation.
“Do you like it?” He checked with you without passing judgment himself.
“I do…” You smiled.
He gave one of his own, though subdued, and flicked his gaze down. “Look here.”
You lowered your gaze to find him kneeling behind you. With his head popped out around your hips, he was looking up at you in a way you liked quite a bit.
You felt powerful.
You were a light bright enough for him to want to project.
“This ruching here has leading lines.” He didn’t touch you, but his hands ghosted over you along the fabric’s pattern.
Your lips parted and your chest filled with heat.
A celestial body was meant to look on.
You were safe. 
“May I?” He asked you once again. 
You were glad and responded with a breathless, “Please.”
His mouth opened a dark orbital maw, a new moon, which then glinted into a teeth-filled waxing crescent headed in its trek to sink into your soft flesh.
You jolted the moment the teeth supposedly hit their mark. 
You stared into the dark abyss and saw drifting images of sharpened grins. 
You were dizzy.
A sheen of sweat to you, you tossed back a cover. 
The black hovel above you took shape as logs in the cabin ceiling. 
They lined up like thick thighs appearing from where board shorts had hiked up. 
Begging for a taste.
Awareness struck with a sharp inhale.
Fully awake and doused with dread from your dream, you voiced your despair with a whisper.
“Oh no…”
💛 NEXT 💛
I swear I handed this to my betas over a year ago... @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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cummin-n-cryin · 2 years
Idia x female reader
Where there eating pomegranates and he wonders if she’s sweater then pomegranates?
Fluff to nsfw
Can the reader be a virgin
Sub reader
Soulmate au
~Thank you for your request!
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The Sweetest Taste
Idia Shroud x fem!reader
Tw: lil angst at the beginning, virgin reader no mentions of hymen stuff, Idia is implied to be a virgin, afab reader, NSFW, idk what else
Wordcount: 2,700
Side Note: Sry this took so long! I wasn't quite sure which soulmate au you were talking about as the only one I rly know of is the red string of fate version so I'll be going with that sry. I hope this was ok! (; ^⁠ω⁠^)
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~Idia Shroud~
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Idia had given up a long time ago on finding his soulmate.
A red string wrapped around his finger. It led off somewhere far into the horizon and on the other end, awaiting him, was supposed to be the love of his life, his soulmate. However, growing up on the Island of Woe, a cold and depressing place where millions of souls are held and where those who to might have once had a red string wrapped around their own finger are now held, it was hard to imagine himself with a lover.
At least until now.
After so many years, he had finally found you or, well, you found him. That red string he's stared at for so long with so much wonder, hope, frustration, and sorrow. Seeing it wrapped around your finger still surprised him whenever he saw it.
It's a little crazy that his soulmate was from a whole other world and ended up getting isekai'd to his. But deep down he was so happy to have you as his. It seems the Fates were kind to him for once...
I mean, who would've thought Idia, the loser, introverted, gamer, otaku, would get a girlfriend? Certainly not Idia! Especially someone so pretty and kind as you were. You were so understanding of him and his social anxiety. You actually listened to what he was saying!
You respected his space and didn't push his boundaries, unlike certain loud extroverts...
Simply put, he was very thankful for you. He was thankful for your kindness, patience, and understanding. He knows he can be difficult to deal with at times and he honestly doesn't think he's that great of a boyfriend with how much time he spends looking at a screen than looking at you.
But you always seem to let him know that it's okay and that your not bothered by it. You love him and his awkward self! It's just one of the many reasons you've fallen in love with him after all. He's you're cute, weirdo, gamer boyfriend and you love everything about him~
He couldn't help the blush that would bloom across his face whenever you said such kind things like that to him. His hair glowing a soft pink to match. Though, in the moment, he could only stutter an awkward thank you in response. Later however, when you weren't in his room with him, he couldn't help but to remember your words, becoming giddy as his heart grew warm thinking about it.
You were so nice to him. He really didn't think he deserved someone so amazing as you.
It was during one of his many gaming sessions that you came inside his room with a surprise for him.
He had put his controller down deciding to take a quick snack break only to turn around and let out a high-pitched scream. He was so distracted by his game that he didn't hear you come in.
After an awkward moment where he apologized for screaming and you lightly laughed at him, you finally presented your gift to him.
A pomegranate...
Idia was quiet for a few moments. Listening to you talk about how you found it and how you wanted to eat some of it with him.
He couldn't help but wonder, did you know about the story surrounding the pomegranate? You probably didn't, considering you were from another world...
You definitely didn't know, right?
I mean, why would you? This was just a simple gift! Yeah, that's all.. heh...
Of course, Idia wouldn't deny your request to eat the pomegranate together. After all, he was a bit hungry.
Not wanting to awkwardly sit in silence while eating, you both struck up a conversation. You asked him about the game he was playing which led him into a very lengthy explanation of the game, it's lore, and the characters. After he realized how long he was talking for he apologized. You simply laughed it off calling him cute as you told him about your day and the shenanigans Grim had put you through.
He only pretended to listen as you spoke. It wasn't because he was disinterested in what you were saying! It was just that he couldn't stop thinking about why you wanted to eat a pomegranate with him..
He couldn't help but think about the story of Persephone and Hades. How with each seed eaten was a month that Persephone had to spend with Hades. In a weird way, he thought this was kinda like that. Only..
You both had almost eaten the entire thing...
It made him think about how many months that would be. How many months you'd have to spend with him. Willingly of course! He'd never force you to do anything.
But, it made him realize that he really would like to spend the rest of his life with you. And as he watched you put another seed into your mouth, it only confirmed his thoughts.
He was so entranced by the way your lips moved as you spoke and ate more and more of the pomegranate. Before he realized what he was doing he was leaning closer to you.
Every time he saw you put another seed into your mouth it felt like a silent promise to stay with him and the thought that you would like to spend the rest of your life with him made his chest grow warm.
As he subtly moved closer to you, the thought of your lips overwhelmed his thoughts and he couldn't help but to think of what your lips tasted like. Would they taste like the pomegranate you both have been eating or perhaps even sweeter?
Well, he didn't wait for the answer. As once you seemed to notice just how close he was to you, he finally leaned in and kissed you.
His lips gently pressed against yours and he got his answer.
You tasted much sweeter.
A new kind of warmth bloomed within him as he pulled away from you. But it was quickly drowned out as he suddenly realized what he had done. He became frightened of your possible reaction. Though you only smiled before trying to pull him back to kiss him again.
The warmth returned as kiss after kiss was shared between you two. It was a bit awkward as you both tried to figure out what you two liked.
Soon Idia became bolder. His hands trailed down your arms. Using his left hand, he lightly grabbed the hem of your shirt playing with the fabric.
He pulled away from your lips. If the warmth in his skin and the heat traveling to his pelvis were anything to go by, he knew he wanted to go further. But, he wasn't going to do anything you weren't okay with.
Growing nervous, he tried to form the words in his mouth, "Do you.. Uh- Do you want to?" He murmured as he continued to play with the hem of your shirt, rubbing the fabric between his fingers as he tried to calm himself down.
Thankfully, it seems you understood what he was trying to ask. You were quiet for a few moments as you thought about it. You then responded, "I would like to but.. I've never done this before."
You're.. Oh...
"That's okay! Um- here you just lay down and I'll do the rest okay?"
You paused for a moment before nodding laying back onto his bed.
Shit... Maybe he should have thought about this more. He'll need to remember every romance manga and hentai he's read! There must be something in there that can help him! He just needs to calm down and think.
Right, he can do this! He can do this!
Taking in a breath to calm himself down, he went back to what he was doing before. Running his hands across your body he leaned down to kiss you again.
He almost moaned at the feeling of your lips against his. He didn't think he'd miss them so quickly. After a few moments, he pulled away from the kiss gripping the hem of your shirt again. This time though, he started to drag your shirt upward. You shuffled around to help get the shirt off and....
Yeah, those mangas aren't gonna help him here. Seeing you topless was something he would only dream about, as shameful as it was to admit. Now that he's actually doing this though, it's much more nerve-wracking than he thought it would be.
He just needs to relax, to keep breathing and not let his anxiety get to him. So he continued. Growing a bit more bold he ran his hands up your torso ending just at the bottom of your bra and running back down to your stomach.
He reached the hem of your pants. Grabbing it before deciding to pull that off of you. With new skin revealed, he touched you as he admired you. He never believed that someone so beautiful could ever love him.
Not wanting to leave you uncomfortable, he took off his own clothes. Pulling off his shirt and pants, he was left in just his boxers.
He looked back down at you and seeing the look of adoration in your eyes he became more confident in his actions. Reaching up, he fumbled with the bra clasp before finally getting it off.
Seeing your tits he went and grabbed them. The sound you made as he lightly squeezed them made his dick throb. Wanting to hear more, he leaned down and put one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking on it as his hand played with your other breast.
He felt like he was slowly losing control. Lust clouding his mind, he couldn't stop himself from lightly rocking into you as he fondled and squeezed your breasts. He was heating up more and more and your mewls and gasps only encouraged him further.
Eventually, he grew impatient. His cock was fighting for its life in his boxers and it was starting to hurt. His mouth made a popping noise as he pulled away from your breast. Reaching down towards his boxers he started to grow nervous again. His hands shook a bit as he grabbed his boxers and pulled them off, freeing his aching cock.
Reluctantly, he looked up to see your reaction. You stared at him with curiosity and his face grew red from nervousness. Taking in a deep breath he tried to forget you were looking at him.
He reached up to your underwear and with your help, pulled the fabric off of you. His breath caught in his throat at the sight of your pussy. He knew that he needed to prepare you properly first before he could stick his dick in you. Luckily with him being a sad little gamer boy, he just so happened to have what he needed.
Getting up he went to a drawer and quickly searched through it. When he saw your confused expression he reassured you, giving you an awkward smile as he continued rummaging through the drawer. After a moment, he found what he was looking for, a bottle of lube and a condom.
Quickly, he made his way back over to you. Sitting on the bed, he settled himself between your legs. He opened the bottle, pouring some of the slick liquid onto his hand before setting the bottle on the floor nearby. He took in another breath as he reached down and touched you.
You let out a soft moan as he touched you. Feeling a bit braver from the positive reaction he continued, stroking your folds and rubbing your clit. He eventually found your entrance, poking and prodding before he stuck a finger in, feeling around your wet walls. He soon added another finger, scissoring your insides. Feeling your warm wet walls squeeze around his fingers made him eager to know what you'd feel like around his aching cock.
After a while of scissoring you and applying lube when needed, he looked up to see your face. Your eyes opened and closed as you softly moaned. Seeing you so blissed out because of him made Idia's dick pulse. He needed to be inside you so badly.
He grabbed the condom, tore it open and put it on his dick. He picked up the lube again pouring some on his hand he then tossed it aside before covering his dick in the liquid. He positioned himself near your entrance. Hearing a gasp from you he quickly looked up at your face.
You wore a worried expression on your face. Idia growing concerned asked, "If you want me stop I will. W- we don't have to go farther if you don't want to..." The last thing he wanted was to make this a bad experience for you.
You took a breath before responding, "Please keep going.. Just be careful, okay?"
"Of course, anything for you." Idia leaned down softly kissing you before he lined up with your entrance again.
Slowly, trying to be as careful as he could, he sunk into you. Inch by inch his hard cock settled into you. Idia gasped and let out a low moan as he felt your warm walls squeeze around his cock. The feeling was overwhelming, much better then anything he could have imagined within his own mind.
All those times he shamefully fantasized about having his dick inside you, hearing your cries and moans as he fucked you, could never compare to this.
Still, being as careful as he could, he continued. Whenever you made a noise of pain he stopped, waiting for your cue to continue moving again. Eventually, with enough time and patience he had fit his entire dick inside you.
He shuddered, knowing that after so long of you two being together he now had his dick inside you, inside his soulmate. He waited till you had adjusted to his size. You moved around a bit and after a few moments you had nodded at him to try moving.
He slowly dragged himself back, his cock rubbed against your walls and you both moaned at the feeling. Slowly he continued, pushing in then pulling out again. Eventually, the pain subsided and in between your moans you cried out, asking him to move faster.
Thrusting his cock in and out of you, listening to your gasps and moans as he fucked you made him feel euphoric. He lost himself in the feeling of your slick walls tightly squeezing around his cock. He felt like he couldn't stop himself.
His pace growing faster and faster, he grabbed your legs lifting them up to his waist, feeling you wrap your legs across his back, he held your hip with one of his hands putting his other hand on the bed to steady himself. With your hips raised more it made it much easier for him to quickly thrust his cock in and out of you.
The feeling of your walls would soon become too much for him. As Idia neared his climax, he moved his hand from your hip to your clit, rubbing you quickly. You're walls squeezed tightly around him and with a cry you came around his cock. With only a few more thrusts he came as well.
Panting as he came down from his high, Idia pulled out of you and after throwing away the condom he flopped next to you on the bed. He was tired. His eyes closed and he could feel you moving around.
His hand suddenly felt warm. Opening his eyes, he saw you were holding his hand, interlocking your fingers with his, you smiled at him. He observed your interlocked hands seeing the red string entangled between them. He then smiled back as he leaned over and kissed you. Even now you still tasted sweet.
"Well.. how was it?" Idia whispered quietly to you, growing anxious.
"It was amazing Idia." You whispered back to him as you hugged him.
You both continued to hold each other as you two soon fell into the depths of sleep. Idia was glad that you seemed satisfied. He was happy to have a soulmate so beautiful and kind as you were.
You really were just as sweet as you tasted.
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honeyedmiller · 1 year
When It Rains | Pedro Pascal
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based on this request here
pairing: pedro pascal x gn!reader
disclaimer: I obviously know Pedro is such a sweetheart and would probably never do this to anyone in “real life.”
warnings: angst, fighting, cursing, mentions of social anxiety, fluff, no use of y/n.
word count: 1.3k
You don't even know how it escalated to this point.
One day, you and your boyfriend come home from an event that went terribly. You barely got to see each other anymore, so that event was your time to spend with one another—until he was pulled in every which way for an interview, to talk to a friend of his, or to talk to current or past co-stars.
You knew he had a busy schedule and he was quite literally dominating the film industry at the moment, but fuck you just missed him. You couldn't blame him for genuinely being a person of and for the people. Everyone loved him.
That's not what upset you, though, no—it was the fact that he'd barely acknowledged you the whole night, not introducing you to the people he was talking to, and had you following him around like a goddamned lost puppy the whole night.
When you got home, you were exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally. You didn't bother trying to explain to him why you were in such a sour mood, which to you, was just you being silent. You were never silent. You loved to converse with Pedro, even when he didn't have the energy to talk. He still loved to listen to you.
When you said you were going to bed flatly, his mood absorbed yours and it just escalated from there. It's been days. Small bickering here and there, until tonight.
Something just snapped in both of you, all the pent-up anger and frustrations being laid down on the table for both of you to finally see.
"I don't understand your deal." Pedro snapped, squinting his eyes at you as he crossed his arms over his chest.
You scoffed at him and threw up your arms in defeat. "How about we start off with the fact that I was looking forward to spending a great night with you the other night. You brushed me off and acted like you didn't fucking care about me, Pedro. What the hell? Are you-" You paused, tears welling in your eyes. "Are you ashamed to introduce me to people a part of your 'world' because I'm not on your guys' level?"
He looked at you in complete disbelief, as if you blamed him for something that wasn't his fault.
"Don't even start with that. You know that's not true. Maybe you should learn to be a little less introverted and actually learn how to speak to people. You're a grown up, for fuck's sake." Pedro's words dripped with venom as he seethed, and the look of hurt was eminent on your face.
Pedro knew you had terrible social anxiety. The fact that he'd throw that in your face was hurtful and belittling. You never brought up his anxieties and used them against him in an argument, so the fact that he did that to you fucking hurt.
"You know what, Pedro, you're right. I am a grown up. But that doesn't mean I don't struggle with things any less. I'm not a part of the acting world, let alone even famous. I got that part. But fuck, if you're going to brush me off like that and treat me like I don't matter when I've been nothing but loving and supportive of you from the moment we've met, then maybe you should go find better." Tears were streaming down your face. You couldn't hide it anymore.
"What are you saying? Are you breaking up with me?" Pedro's angry voice faltered into a broken and confused tone.
"No, Pedro. I'm just saying that if this isn't what you want anymore, then you can go ahead and find better. Find someone who's more understanding of your career. I love you, but I can't deal with this right now." Your fists were balled up at your sides as tears continuously fell down your cheeks. You took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling before turning on your heel to walk to the front door.
"Fuck. Please, baby, wait." Pedro begged, moving closer to you.
That's all you said before you walked out of the front door, shutting it behind you. The chilly, gloomy weather made you wrap your arms around your frame as you briskly walked down the sidewalk, tears blurring your vision. Thunder cracked loudly above your head, making you jump and silently curse at Mother Nature.
Of fucking course the weather would match your sad, brooding mood. As soon as you felt one drop of rain, the downpour followed next. The rain soaked you to the bone, but truthfully, that was the last thing on your mind. You could've sworn you heard your name being called, but the pounding of the rain against the sidewalk made it nearly impossible to hear correctly.
You didn't bother to turn around and just kept walking for what felt like hours, before you reached a small local community park. You stepped on the muddy sand and made your way to the swings, sitting abruptly.
You couldn't help but cry your eyes out.
You knew dating a celebrity would come with some pros and cons, but you never thought Pedro would've been the type to brush you off. He was usually so loving and tender when it came to you. Seems like when it rains, it fucking pours... you guess.
You couldn't help but think that maybe you were being a bit dramatic with this whole thing. Maybe Pedro didn't mean to brush you off, or make you feel inferior. Maybe he didn't even realize what he was doing.
Your mind started running overtime, and you suddenly became overwhelmed with the thought that you might've just ruined what'd happened to be the greatest relationship you've ever been in.
All because you couldn't put your anxieties behind you and be an adult and introduce yourself. Maybe Pedro was right. You sighed as you rested your elbows on your knees, hands covering your tired, puffy eyes. You sat there for god knows how long, before you saw bright headlights flash on you as a car quickly parks on the street.
Your head snaps up and you squint to try and see who it was, because for all you knew, it could've been a fucking axe murderer. You heard your name being called distantly, the rain still making it a bit hard to hear. Your name was called once more as the person got closer, and you instantly recognized the voice. Pedro.
You stand slowly from the swing you were on, legs shaky and weak. All of your energy had been completely depleted from your body. Your wet clothing felt like a thousand pounds on your body, and your eyes hurt from continuously crying.
Pedro approached you slowly, his eyes clearly bloodshot from crying himself.
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. So fucking sorry." His voice cracked as his hands reached for you. You stilled and thought about backing away, but you couldn't even fathom fighting with him or being angry for another second. All you want was him and his comfort.
"I shouldn't have gotten angry at you for something that was my fault. I know you try your best in social gatherings. I should've introduced you. I was a dick. I'm so sorry, baby." Pedro kissed the top of your head as you rested your forehead against his broad chest.
"I love you, P," You confessed, squinting up at him to prevent the rain getting into your eyes. “But I’m sorry, too. I should’ve communicated this to you and talked to you about it instead of being brash and walking out on you. Walking out shouldn’t have been my first move. I’m sorry.”
"I know darling, I know. Next time both of us just need to talk about it head-on. I hate fighting with you. I love you so much," He whispered the last part before kissing your forehead this time. "Let's get you home and comfy and dry." His big brown eyes were glossed over and soft as they looked down at you.
"I hate fighting with you, too. And yes, please, get me out of this fucking rain." You half laugh at the last part, arms tightening around his core.
"Of course, my love." He wraps his arms around you just the same, leaning down to give you a genuine, heart-tugging kiss.
The kind of kiss that happens in those cliché romcom movies that makes you fall for him even harder. The kind that makes it known to the both of you that he's yours and you're his... forever.
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a/n: as someone who has social anxiety, talking to people (especially in new settings) is SO HARD so if any of you can relate, I feel u fr fr. Love u all <3
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plantoyoon · 3 months
Can I have a taste?
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Synopsis: Unexpected romance develops between co-workers, going on dates, drinking some coffee and alcohol.
Genre: co-workers, slow development, fluff, smut
Warnings: 18+, social anxiety, one shot
Wordcount: 9.9k
second warning: might not make perfect sense, not really proofread, I've just started writing recently... soooo thank you for reading, and if you have suggestions, I am here.
You know that moment when life seems to make so much sense, like everything is perfectly aligned, but actually if you look further and deeper you wonder how the pieces came together?
Well, working on international projects was something indeed interesting. From your coworkers perspective, the best part was meeting new people and making new friends. You being introverted, that seem like the worst part of it. Most of the people you met were nice or at least interesting, and finding differences and similarities between cultures was also entertaining.
It wasn't the best always working at your company, but it had it's perks. Like in this moment, being at a full table with laughing people, good food and great atmosphere after the end of a successful project. Everyone was making cute promises of new meetings and new ideas to put into practice. The overall effervescence of some wine and excitement was intoxicating.
You were sitting next to the only other girl from the big team and one of your coworker, being guarded and trying to interact as least as possible. It wasn't that you didn't like them, but it was a giving you a lot of anxiety being in a group, trying to throw in some ideas in the discussion. Being around some many passionate people about their field was a bit overwhelming. You were quite good at what you were doing, and you enjoyed it but it seemed like never enough to get on into this talks. Following all the ideas of all the people at the table was getting exhausting.
At the right moment you get a message from your boss asking you for some documents as urgent as possible. You're getting so caught up into finding what he asks that you don't even hear that someone asked you a question. But you heard silence, some laughter and raised your head from the phone to look around. Of course half of the people are looking at you, your coworker Hoseok comes at your rescue, making a small joke about the fault in being a workaholic and repeating the question for you.
"How it is to work in a project just with men?" You're looking to your left for the other girl and she is nowhere to be seen.
"Where is Sara?" you ask.
"I think she went for a smoke" another guy at the table answers.
"Hmm. Fine, I guess. We delivered what we had to deliver, so great." you answer and want to go back to your business. The idea for a distraction for them appears "You could ask my coworkers how was for them, because they mostly work in teams mostly formed by women, being more old in the company, I'm sure they have better insights on that. Guys?! you inquire and as soon as the conversation gets lively again you get to your phone, sipping on the water with lemon you had on the table.
As it gets noisier you get up to find a place a bit less agitated for you to focus. You know this place quite well so you identify quickly your spot, next to a staircase with a comfy chair and take a sit. But it doesn't take long until you get interrupted again. This time by one of the members from another country.
"Hei! What you doing down there?"
"I just need to solve some things urgently and I can't find this thing." you answer as politely as possible, because this was Yoongi. He was one of the first people you worked with outside your company. He was really nice, always helpful and seemed like a good person. And you wanted to be nice to him.
"How are you?" you ask seeing him still there, not quite ready to leave.
"Good. I really like this city, and the food is great."
"Yeah, it has his qualities." you didn't like your city, but you tried your best not to show that.
As you started getting more pings from your boss, you feel the need to hurry and ask Yoongi if he needs anything.
"I was looking for the toilet actually."
"Aah. I see. Well, it's right ahead, then you do a left next to the bar and then right and then you'll see the doors." you answer looking at Yoongi, seeing him now better, red in the cheeks, glassy eyes and leaning against the wall. He was a bit too drunk, and you chuckle to yourself at this tall, dizzy guy, looking for the bathroom.
You get up and start walking towards the restrooms. "Come after me." you say with your eyes still glued to your phone. He follows and enters the room after saying a shy thank you. With your eyes still looking for the files, you walk slowly towards your comfy hidden chair. But after a few minutes, Yoongi's back and seems a bit more fresh, with some droplets hanging at the ends of his hair, probably splashed some water on his face.
"Thank you, you're really good at giving direction. You could be a great guide." says he and then slowly goes back to the other people.
You wonder what is it with these people and their weird statements, but get over this thought quickly as you found the files you were looking for. You send them and dread the moment because now you have to get back to the table with the others.
As you get closer, you notice Yoongi took the seat next to your now empty one and you think to yourself that this should definitely get into some conversation, you have no escape at this point. Somehow, you don't despise the thought. You appreciated him, even though you have never seen each other until this week. You always talked through the phone, e-mails or online calls. Now you could also appreciate how handsome he looked, but you needed to stay as professional as you could and as you should.
You take your sit, trying to get into some small talk with the girl next to you, starting with complimenting her hair. You don't really know Sara, and try to ask some question to keep the conversation going. How did she start working with her team, what did she study, how the week felt like for her. The conversation runs smooth and you praise yourself for that.
After some time you feel a poke on your shoulder, and turn around not realising until now that you've almost turned with your back towards the people on your right. And you see Yoongi asking for the bottle of sparkling wine next to you.
"You're sure you want this? Maybe this?" pushing some water towards him.
He takes the water, pours some in his glass and some in your glass. Then asking again for the wine. You comply giving him the wine, and he firstly pours in your wine glass that still had some on the bottom, then going for his glass, followed by Hoseok glass. He asks the girl next to you if she wants some and pours the rest of the bottle into her glass.
At this point you expect some kind of toast, it seems like he has something on his mind to say. He raises his glass, demanding the others to follow in his movement and says: "This city is amazing, I like it so much and I am impressed by all the good work you people have put in." then he looks at you briefly "I want to see more of it. Towards more interesting projects and new friends. Cheers!" finishing the short toast with the clinks of the glasses.
You don't know why, but you felt some goosebumps when Yoongi looked at you. But this means nothing, he will go back to his country, his life and you should get your mind out of the scenarios that start forming in your head.
As time passes, you start getting more immersed in the conversation you had with the people at the table, especially with Yoongi, realising you have so many interests in common. You feel more comfortable now and the wine definitely made it a bit easier to get through the night. Hoseok turns his head towards you asking if you're going to stay any longer, because he wants to get home. You shake your head, looking at the time and seeing it was past 11 pm. You turn your head to Yoongi with inquiring eyes. He looks at you a bit lost, but answers after sighing, that he is ready to leave.
The three of you got up, said your see you tomorrows and goodbyes, and headed towards the exit. You feel the dizziness from the alcohol getting stronger, but the cold autumn air makes it a bit easier.
"I think I'll walk for a bit before calling for a taxi."
Hoseok already called his taxi and tries to convince you to call quickly for one because it's late, you have work tomorrow and so on. He is a good friend, but sometimes he is too much of a control freak. So you say "I'll just walk Yoongi to his hotel and then get it from there." knowing it will be a ten minute walk, enough for you the feel better. Hoseok seems pleased with your solution, and Yoongi is looking stoic without saying anything.
"Only if that's alright with you, Yoongi!"
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Of course it is!" says him as fast as possible.
Both of you walk in silence. You enjoy the cold breeze of the night and the rustling of leaves from the nearby trees and it feels quite peaceful. You hear a chuckle and look up towards Yoongi.
"What's funny?"
"How are you walking so fast? I was told I walk fast, but I feel I am putting some effort to keep up with you." Yoongi answers with another chuckle at the end.
"Ah, sorry! I think it's the wine for my speed and probably for you being a little more slow than the usual."
"Haha, maybe." followed by a long hmmm from him. You wonder what that sound was supposed to mean. "What was that?"
"What was what?"
"That hmmmm?!"
"Aaaah. I think I make this sound involuntarily when I'm thinking."
"Hmmm, I see. Hmmmmmm." You slightly mock the sound he made.
"Want to know what I am thinking about?"
You feel a trap, but you answer with "sure" anyways.
"I'm thinking…" he takes a moment before continuing "we definitely need to drink more water."
You agree, and as you see the hotel getting closer you get your phone and type in your address, ready to call for an uber. As you reach the hotel, you panic a little bit as no uber accepts your order. Yoongi stops next to you and asks if everything is alright.
"Yeah, but I think it takes a bit longer to get an uber at this hour."
"Hmm. I'll wait with you then."
"Don't worry, Yoongi. We have a long day tomorrow, I'll be fine. I'm sure someone will accept eventually."
"Don't say nonsense, I can't leave you by yourself. I would actually suggest to get into to lobby, drink something until your ride arrives."
You don't argue with that and feel a bit softer on the inside hearing that from him. You wonder why did you expect him to be less friendly. So you get inside, ask for some water at the still open bar and sit with Yoongi, talking about some of the countries he visited, and checking from time to time your phone.
15 minutes later a driver finally accepts your order, he is 3 minutes away. You let Yoongi know, and stand up, grabbing your bag. He follows you towards the exit and as you sit next to each other, he puts a hand on your shoulder, leaving it there for a bit too long, but you think about all the alcohol that was in his organism and try to not pay it attention. But the next thing surprises you, as the car stops in front of you, Yoongi closes the distance between you two with a small kiss on your cheek. "See you tomorrow! Yeah?"
"Mhm. See you tomorrow!" and you rush to the car. Was that something? It couldn't be. Your heart beats fast as you make comfortable in your sit. Maybe that's how he is with other people, friendly, french people always kiss each other on both cheeks when meeting. You try your best for the next 20 minutes to bring some sense to yourself and stop building expectations. As you get into your apartment, you check your phone one more time, and you have 3 new messages. One from Hoseok, one from your sister and one from Yoongi. All of them asking the same thing: "Have you arrived home?" you quickly send a Yes to all of them, and place your phone down trying to stop thinking about Yoongi.
"Shower and water, now." you say to yourself focusing on the moment.
The next morning brings a new sense of relief as it would have been the last day of work activities. Most important it will be just half of day, the rest being for the other people to visit your city on their own before leaving.
You get ready, read some e-mails on your way towards your first stop of the day, the coffee shop. This day required your favourite beverage, Iced Americano, before meeting with the others. After sipping the cold drink, you feel more ready to tackle this day, more prepared to block any Yoongi related thoughts.
At the office, everyone seemed to have the same need for coffee as you, as you found almost all of them around the coffee machine. Good thinking in getting your drink from another place. You greet everyone and try to wiggle your way to your place in the meeting room through the crowd. Not even placing your stuff on the table, you hear Hoseok asking you:
"It's october, I can't believe you bought an Iced Americano again. How could you drink that even now?"
"Hoseok, I already told you. This Iced Americano is the only coffee that I enjoy, so leave me alone and drink your bitter double espresso." You say in a jokingly manner, not realising Yoongi was behind you.
"Where did you get that?" he asks.
Startled, you give your answer, telling him about the coffee shop 10 minutes away from there. He looks at his watch and groans as you were supposed to start in just a few minutes the meeting. Yoongi takes the sit next to you and turns to face you: "Could you give me just one sip, I really don't like this coffee." whispers he pointing to the small cup in front of him.
You take your place and confused at his request you push your cold cup towards him. As he takes it from your hand, his fingers brush slightly over yours which brings some goosebumps up your arms. As fast as possible you start pulling out your stuff from your bag, looking down on your notebooks, sure that your cheeks were more rosy than the usual.
Yoongi groans a little after tasting the coffee "This is so good! You need to show me this place, Y/N?"
"I know, they have the best coffee. I'll give you the address later if you want to get one in our break."
He answers just with a mumble that you don't understand, getting another sip before giving your drink back.
For the next two hours of the workshop, Yoongi keeps on brushing in unintentional ways his arm against yours. You try to move yourself to give him more space to move when he explains his ideas, but somehow, each time he requires more space. By the end of the meeting you realise that you closed the distance between your chair and the empty one on your left. You sigh and think that these touchy people will drive you nuts one day. You don't enjoy being touched, you could even say you despised it. Not really, you like hugs from your favourite people and even cuddling. But with people close to you, not everyone. And this thing with Yoongi, it just fuels something that shouldn't be fueled.
The coffee break starts, you grab what is left of your iced drink and go to grab a mini croissant looking at the other people talking, forming small groups. You see Hoseok, Yoongi and other two people talking, and notice how Yoongi kind of retreats each time one of the other guys tries to touch him on his arm. You chuckle to yourself and wonder if he realises that he did the same to you. Your thoughts are interrupted by Hoseok who makes a gesture to join them. As you reach them he grabs your hand, telling the others how you don't like being touched by people, only if you know them for some time.
Once again you wonder what is with all these strange conversations these people have. You care a lot about Hoseok, but sometimes you want to punch him because making people aware of your quirks it's not on his employee responsibilities. But you knew him for such a long time, him actually being the one who recommended you for an interview at your actual company, so… you had enough time to get used to him.
"I am the same." answers Yoongi and it surprises you and start thinking if you should deconspire him or not. You decide not, but comment "Well, some people are more used to this and others are not. I think it's related a bit if you are in a relationship or not. If you've been in a relationship for a long time, it's probably more comfortable to be so touchy." You look at Hoseok, him being the first example for your statement. He nods and continues the talk, giving it a new twist. You've been always impressed with his way of making the conversation go into the whatever direction he wanted.
In your mind though, the thing Yoongi said about not liking being touched took a sit. The internal debate starting. He was so touchy, but he doesn't like being touched. Probably just lied, you think to yourself.
The rest of the programme passes smoothly, and at the end of it Hoseok asks how long everyone is going to be in the city. Most of them answer that they'll be leaving in a few hours or tonight.
"What about you, Yoongi?" Hoseok asks seeing he was the only one not answering.
"Actually, I'll be staying for a few more days to visit. If you have recommendation or want to plan anything, let me know."
"Oh, cool. For sure we'll plan something, I promised to show you to that Korean bbq place."
You follow the exchange in silence, until you hear your name called by Hoseok once again. "Y/N, let's organise with our team to see who would want to get together these days."
Nodding, you sigh at another event you need to be in charge of. It might be something informal, but you're so tired of so much socialisation. You just want a cozy night, some music and silence.
Maybe Yoongi felt your resentment that he announces that it could be the smaller team, no need in putting any effort into it. You look at him, smiling, grateful for his suggestion.
After all the other details have been discussed and all being done, almost all the guests left. You gather your notebook and laptop, getting ready to leave to your desk. By the door there is a small group of people still talking, as you pass by them you feel your elbow softly grabbed by someone, expecting to be Hoseok, you put your bored face: "What is it?"
Before you get to turn to look at him, you realise by the sound that is Yoongi, but the feeling stays the same.
"I was wondering if you could show me that coffee shop, maybe eat something there if they have any food?" asks him. You were hungry and the rumble in your stomach definitely approves his idea at the thought of those tasty sandwiches.
Your other coworkers get behind him: "What a great idea, Yoongi! We need to get some food, we're so hungry."
You follow the group who comes with new ideas for where to get lunch, finally deciding on another place.
"Hmmmm. Still, I think I want to get to that coffee shop. What about you Y/N?" "Yeah. I was kind of set on a sandwich from there and another coffee is more than welcome." you answer.
"Alright, then we'll meet back at the office. Yoongi, you're free to come also, if you don't have any other plans yet." says one in the group.
"Thanks, I'll think about it."
Now, with just the two of you, the conversation flows smoothly, with Yoongi asking about what he should visit next, where should he eat and what other activities you recommend until you reach the coffee shop.
He orders first "Two iced americano and two sandwiches!"
"Hei, I can order on my own." you pout.
"Well, I drank at least half of your morning coffee, so at least let me get that for you."
You try to convince him that isn't necessary, but he does not listen. Eventually, you give up, getting your food and drink and placing them on the small table next to the window. Yoongi follows you, sitting next to you.
"Why don't you sit in front of me? It's more space…" you ask, at which he just shrugs not bothering to answer and taking a bite.
"You were right Y/N, this place has great sandwiches and the best iced americano I've drank in this city.
You wonder "Have you been here before, in our city, I mean?" 
"Yeah, a few times."
"Then why ask for places to visit. There not that much to see here."
"Hmmm." again that hmm, which you need to recognise, you were getting quite addicted to it.
"I wanted to hear about the places you like, so… yeah." follows Yoongi looking into your eyes. Your heart skips a beat and your cheeks are definitely red. Not knowing what to answer, you mumble a yeah and sip from your coffee.
Almost done with your meal you ask: "So Yoongi, you're coming to the office after we finish here?"
"You want me to come?" you almost choke at his come at his question, wondering if you're insane or if he is indeed in a flirty mood. You feel the need to step back a bit and tell him that is his choice, not yours.
"Alright, but I'll see you this evening. We are meeting at that restaurant Hoseok was telling us about. Yeah?"
"I'll think about it, I still need to catch up with some work."
"Hmmm. Y/N…. " mumbles he disapproving.
"Alright, alright. Let's get going now and I'll think about it."
He pulls a large smile, and slightly nudges you with his shoulder. "Good."
The day passes fast, still wondering if you should meet with the other for dinner. Noticing your excitement to meet Yoongi, you wonder if that's a good thing or not. He is just a friendly person, and the attention he's giving you makes you overthink this situation. But by the end of the work day, Hoseok and the others just assume you're coming, taking you with them and it's too late to back off now.
Arriving at the restaurant, Yoongi was already waiting for all of you sited at a table of six. Why does he look even more handsome and at the same time cute in this dimmed light. You place yourself strategically on the diagonal side of him so you could focus more on your discussion started with your friends from the office. This dinner not being a project meeting, your favourite coworkers could join. You are feeling more comfortable in this environment, with people you knew for a long time, so you laugh, and you drink, bottling up the small crush that was unfolding in the afternoon. But from time to time you throw a glance at Yoongi, and all you could think is how adorable he looks laughing and enjoying himself.
Around 9 pm you decide it's time to wrap up and go home, this was wholesome and fun, but tomorrow is Friday, another work day. You announce the others and grab your bag to leave, taking a last look at Yoongi, knowing you might not see him in person for a while.
"I'm really glad you came after all, Y/N!" said Yoongi as he gets up to give you a hug.
"Me too, Yoongi! Enjoy your stay here and have a safe trip." he squeezes you once more before letting you leave.
Why do even his hugs feel great, you think to yourself while getting into the uber.
Your phone pings noticing you got a message, it's Hoseok. The text is stupid, just a line of question marks and you think he might had a drink or two too much and ignore him for now. But five pings later you check the chat again to see what does he want.
Hoseokeeee: ????????? It's something going on? You and Yoongi? What is going on? Y/N? ????????
You: ???????????? What are you even saying????
Hoseokeeee: The hug????
You: What about it? He was just saying goodbye?!
Hoseokeeee: Y/N????? I know him for more than 3 years. He never hugs anyone, he barely shakes hands with us
You: ????? whaaaat??? Maybe he just felt friendly tonight, will probably hug you too
Hoseokeeee: We left! NOOO HUUUG he did gave us a handshake, but yet I am really suspicious! (detective emoji)
You: Ok. Maybe if you didn't leave all at the same time, he would have hugged you
Hoseokeeee: I don't want him to hug me
You: Yeah, sure (heart emoji) But honestly, don't overthink it. Nothing it's going on
Now you are the one who overthinks it. Is something really going on?
Barely getting any sleep, the morning arrives and you're tired and groggy and in desperate need of coffee. A large Iced Americano for you today.
At the office you are glad everyone seems to be on occupied with their own business, not even Hoseok tries to open the last night discussion, not even at lunch. At least there's that, and you think to yourself that everything is fine and nothing is going on actually. But the universe has a funny way of blowing up your life conclusion, as a message from Yoongi appears on your screen.
Min Yoongi: Hi! Tonight there's a opening of this gallery, and has some paintings by O'Keeffe exposed. Would you like to go?
First you wonder how did he recall about O'Keeffe, you don't even remember mentioning this artists name ever. Second you panic and your mind runs at full speed. Thirdly you wonder if he invited other people and you glance at Hoseok's desks.
You breath in, get up and go to your friend, your always and forever adviser in this matters. You don't say anything, but show him the message. He looks confused at you, then checks his phone, refreshing the chat app.
He gets up and you take his place. "Hoseok, what is going on?!"
"You tell me Y/N?!"
"Does it seem I know. You two are friends, I am just the new confused girl. Did he ever told you anything? Please, think carefully."
"Well, it was this time… but no, I don't think it's related. Or that time…" he keeps mumbling things like that until it annoys you.
"Hoseok!!!!" It gets him out of the memory digging. "I don't even know what to answer."
"If you ask me, it's just a gallery visit. It's not anything to worry about, maybe he just thought you would be the only interested and that's why you're the only one that he asked."
"Okay, that makes me feel a little bit better." you answer going back to your desk. "I'll think about it then."
Hoseok leans back in his chair, studying you carefully. "You like him, don't you?"
You blink, caught off guard by his directness. "I… I don't know. I mean, he's nice and we get along, but…"
"But?" Hoseok presses gently.
"But he's from another country, and it's complicated," you finish, feeling a bit flustered.
Hoseok chuckles. "Complicated is your middle name, Y/N. Look, if you want my advice, just go. Enjoy the evening. If nothing else, you get to see some great art. And if something more happens, well, you can deal with it then."
You nod, feeling a bit more settled. "Okay, I'll go."
"You do that, Y/N." said Hoseok with a grin, but try to not pry into that. Hoseok was always a step ahead of you, having the overview of every situation. So if he thinks it's not a big deal, then probably isn't.
You: Hi! Sure, sounds nice. Meet you there at 8?
Min Yoongi: Awesome!
Your focus for the day was gone, your mind going at full speed about your outfit, hair and make up, how to get to the gallery and counting the minutes until the end of the work day. You felt excited, the only thing that kept you relatively grounded were Hoseok's words: "Don't overthink it." You opt for a black simple yet elegant outfit, something that strikes the right balance between professional and casual.
Arriving at the gallery, you spot Yoongi waiting near the entrance, looking effortlessly stylish. As you approach, he greets you with a warm smile.
"Hi, Y/N. You look great."
"Thanks, Yoongi. You too," you reply, feeling a slight blush rise to your cheeks.
The gallery is buzzing with people, all eager to see the new exhibit. Yoongi leads you through the crowd, guiding you to the section featuring Marino's paintings.
As you stand side by side, admiring the artwork, you find yourself relaxing and enjoying the moment. Yoongi's presence is comforting, and the conversation flows easily as you discuss the various pieces and their interpretations.
"Thank you for inviting me," you say after a while. "I really enjoyed this and the wine is good."
Yoongi turns to you, his eyes softening. "I'm glad you came. I knew you'd like it."
Baffled by his assured statement you ask: "How could you know?"
He doesn't answer, but comes closer to you, slowly placing his hand on your waist to turn you around to face a blue and green painting. You get a bit closer to read the name, with Yoongi's hand still on your waist.
"It's called Blue and green music, it reminded me of you."
You scrunch your nose, you like the painting, you like everything done by O'Keefe, but this is dark, complicated and being called that felt a bit weird. "How so?"
"Well, it shows passion, strength, vibrant vulnerability, all in harmony. I feel that's you." said Yoongi, looking ahead at the painting.
Feeling the warmth of Yoongi's hand on your waist, you take a deep breath, absorbing his words. The painting indeed captures a depth that resonates with you. "Passion and strength", you murmur, with your gaze fixated on the painting. "I never thought of myself that way."
Yoongi's eyes finally meet yours, a gentle smile playing on his lips. "Well, you are. Y/N. More than you know."
"Thank you" you whisper, your voice barely audible above the hum of the gallery crowd. "That means a lot."
His smile widens, eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's just the truth." He takes a step back, his hand slipping from your waist but leaving behind a trail of warmth. "Come on, there's more I want to show you."
As you walk side by side, the conversation flows naturally, each painting sparking new topics and reflections. His knowledge of art and every other subject that comes up, fascinates you. You even forgot about your thoughts about this not being a date, you really hope it is now.
Yoongi leads you to a quieter corner a small table is set up with some desserts and more wine. Grabs two glasses, giving one to you with a soft smile on his face. "Have you ever been on this building rooftop?"
"Yeah, a long time ago. Have you?" and he shakes his head. He takes your hand, leading you through the crowd and corridors until you reach a staircase that leads up to the roof.
The night air is cool and refreshing as you step out onto the rooftop. The city sprawls out before you, lights looking mesmerizing. You walk to the edge, letting this moment bring a sense of peace to you.
"It's beautiful." he says softly, his hand brushing against yours.
"It is, and the company makes it even better." you turn to look at him and notice a tenderness in his eyes that makes your heart beat fast.
He places a hand on your shoulder, bringing you closer to him. You raise a bit on your heels, but you stumble as someone yells in the distance that you're not allowed on the rooftop. You laugh and place a hand on Yoongi's chest. "You heard him, we need to leave."
As you step back into the gallery, both of you laugh about the interruption. The energy from earlier dissipated. You and Yoongi share a comfortable silence as you make your way through the nearly empty space. "Looks like we're some of the last ones here."
"Hmmm. It's been so nice. Thank you for joining me." mentions Yoongi as both of you step out of the building.
"Thank you for inviting me. I had a great time." You smile, feeling warmth engulfing you once again this night.
Yoongi hesitates for a moment "I don't want this night to end, but it's late and I don't want to ruin your sleep more as it's already 2 pm. But can I see you tomorrow too?"
Your heart skips a beat at his words and a big smile crosses your face. "I'd like that."
He waits with you until your ride home arrives. When he sees the car pulling in front of you, he leans in and gives you a gentle kiss on the cheek. He closes the door of the car behind you, waving as he watches it departing. You watch him until he's out of sight, your heart still racing.
The next morning you wake up with a sense of anticipation and excitement. It doesn't take long as a sense of reality crashes over you, realising what are you actually doing. He is someone you work with, he leaves in a few days. The best you could figure it out is seeing each other a few times a year. Everything feels kind of hopeless. As you go on with your morning, this feeling doesn't disappear whatever spin you try on the matter. You even try to think about what would Hoseok would say. Probably "Don't complicate it and don't overthink it." It was a bit too late for that.
Last night was so amazing, it felt so good, you felt so connected to him, so interesting and appreciated. But now, the practicalities loom large, casting a shadow over the happiness.
Your phones pings and the screen lights up. Min Yoongi: Good morning. Want to grab lunch together later?
You: Yeah
Min Yoongi: Awesome!
You: There's a nice place in the city center. I'm sending you the address.
Min Yoongi: Great! See you there.
You don't text back, still with some remnants of anxiety. You decide to let it happen, not think about the future and to enjoy as much as you can this moment the universe placed in front of you.
Another ping on the phone follows.
Min Yoongi: Can't wait to see you again. (star emoji)
Why is he so cute, you sigh and smile, sending back the same text.
You hide your doubts, and cover them with a cute outfit in light colours. "You can do this, Y/N, you can do it!" you say encouraging yourself before leaving for the restaurant.
Yoongi was already there, waiting inside. His smile brightens as he sees you, welcoming you with a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey" you reply, feeling again that flutter in your chest, now more sure than ever that you are able to enjoy this.
The restaurant is charming, with a warm and inviting atmosphere. As you look over the menu together, Yoongi leans in and says: "You look amazing. Last night a black cat and now a white cat."
You laugh at his statement, you always thought he resembled a cat with his sharp eyes. "You look great too. And I think you're actually the cat here."
He chuckles at your response.
As you order your food, the conversation flows easily. You talk about everything and nothing, just enjoying each other's company. Yoongi shares stories from his travels, and you tell him about your latest project at work. The doubts you had earlier seem to fade away, replaced by the warmth of the moment.
After lunch you suggest, "How about we go for walk in the park, I think there is some immersive art installation in the nearby one." He agrees, seeming excited about the idea. The walk through the park is pleasant and as you reach the art installation you both start to fool around, feeling like children.
The first one you try is this huge piano that you can walk on. You jump first on it trying to play Twinkle Twinkle Little star, being the only song you know the key notes too. Yoongi follows you trying to help you with your song, but ends up crashing into you. You try to gain your balance, but he has other plans wrapping his arms around you before he falls.
"Yoongi, what are you doing?"
"What were you trying to play?"
"Twinkle Twinkle"
"That was definitely not it" he laughs brushing your hair of your face as you try to get up. You extend an arm to help him up too, he grabs it and doesn't let go, having you follow him in his steps trying to play the correct version of the song.
"Is this what were you trying to play, Y/N?" you nod, following his steps carefully.
"Now I know how to properly play this" you laugh as Yoongi pulls you into a side hug, leading you to check the other installations.
You find an installation that is called Dark Matter, and described as dark room, with meticulously composed soundtracks, fusing with gleaming shapes and colours. "This might take a while, but would you like to try it?" you ask Yoongi.
Both of you find seats in the dimly lit first room. It's pitch dark, and you can't see anyone else, but the rustling of clothes and whispers around you assure you that you're not alone. The anticipation builds as the music starts, and the play of lights begins to dance around the room. You're immediately drawn into the immersive experience, completely forgetting everything else around you.
Amidst the sensory overload of sound and light, you suddenly feel a gentle movement on your pinky finger. It's Yoongi's finger, lightly playing with yours in a tender gesture. He then wraps his finger around yours, intertwining them gently. Your heart starts beating fast at the small gesture and you stay like this until the end of the show.
Stepping outside the building you notice that the night was closing in, typical for mid autumn when the sun sets earlier. You take a look at Yoongi and hear his thinking sound "Hmmmm. I think I know how to solve our problem from yesterday."
"What problem?"
"The rooftop problem. There's a bar nearby on a rooftop, great atmosphere. Want to go there?"
"Sure, lead the way. You're quite the local. You know that?"
Yoongi laughs. "Not really, but I know some good places around." He gently takes your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours, making you blush at his newfound assertiveness over the past few hours. As you walk through the busy streets, Yoongi's hand in yours feels warm and reassuring. You contemplate how in his presence, everything seems to slow down and becomes more manageable. You steal glances at him from time to time, admiring his calm demeanor contrasting with the urban chaos around. Finally, you arrive at the bar. The entrance is tucked away in a quieter corner, yet the rooftop promises a good view. Yoongi lets you first climb the stairs, following closely behind. As you reach the top, you take a sit at a table next to the edge, giving you the best view. Mesmerized by the view, you affirm it "The view is amazing."
"I thought you'd enjoy it" Yoongi replies, a soft smile playing on his lips as he pulls out a chair for you. "What would you like to drink?"
"I think I might need something different than wine" you ponder. The waiter comes before you could decide so you let Yoongi order first, he gets some red wine.
"I see you have Hibiki, could I get some with a large ice cube?" this drink always made you feel a more confident in yourself and sweeps away a big part of your insecurities.
Yoongi looks at you with big eyes and a huge grin on his face, which makes you feel self-conscious about your drink choice. You recall how people often comment or poke fun at your preference, and now you feel the need fort that drink more than ever. You look at the city unraveling before your eyes to clear your head, letting some silence sit between you and Yoongi.
As the drinks arrive, you feel a surge of enthusiasm as you take your first sip. The fiery warmth of the liquied plays with the coolness of the ice, creating a unique sensation that you like. For you it's not so much about the taste as it is about that intriguing combination. Feeling satisfied with your drink and the courage it brought, you glance at Yoongi. He still gazes at you with those dark wide eyes, prompting you to say "Go ahead, you can judge me all you want, but I enjoy what I enjoy."
"I'm not judging you, I liked your choice." takes a sip of his wine, licking his lips. "Can I have a taste?"
"Sure" you push your glass towards him. He moves his chair closer to yours and settles down, placing his hand over yours, which is still wrapped around the cold glass. "Can I have a taste" he asks again, now a bit more clear, looking into your eyes and then down to your lips.
You feel flustered, goosebumps rising all over your body. Raising the glass to your lips, you try to mantain eye contact as you take another sip, letting the liquid slide down your throat. Everything seems to move in slow motion.
Setting your glass down, you feel Yoongi closing the distance between you. He hovers with his lips just above yours for a moment before pressing them gently against yours. The kiss is slow and tender, sending a wave of warmth through your body. His hand reaches your neck as he deepens the kiss. Your hand goes up to caress his face as you give access to his tongue to explore the inside of your mouth. It gets more passionate by the second, with the other hand of Yoongi going to your hip, making you slip a moan into his mouth. Getting a low groan out of him. You slowly start to feel out of air and as much as you don't want to, you interrupt the kiss.
Refiling your lungs with air, you look at Yoongi who appears still focused on your lips. Bringing his hand up your neck, you let his thumb gently play with your bottom lip. "Tasty"
You chuckle at his assessment, giving him another taste. This time, the kiss is more eager, both of you, trying to get as much as you can out of each other.
"I've wanted to do that, since I first saw you on Monday, you know?!"
Completely shocked by his words, you pull back slightly. "Don't look at me like that." he continues "I've been flirting with you for months, but you've been so dismissive that I thought it was a lost cause. Until I saw you in person. After talking with Hoseok about you, giving me some insights, I knew I had to keep trying. I am convinced now it was a good decision…"
"Wait, wait. What do you mean months? What about Hoseok? What are you even saying now?" you stop him from his rambling to bring you some clarity.
Yoongi takes a deep breath, rubbing his thumb over your hand gently. "We've been working together online for a while, and I've always admired you from a distance. I tried to drop hints, little comments here and there, but you never seemed to notice."
"What about Hoseok?"
"He and I talked about it, and he encouraged me to be more direct. He mentioned that you tend to not notice when someone likes you. He thought we'd be a good match."
You blink in surprise, processing his words. "Hoseok said that?"
"Yeah," Yoongi nods. "He said you were amazing and worth the effort. So, when this trip came up, I saw it as my chance."
In your mind all the mixed messages that Hoseok gave you regarding Yoongi started to make sense. He wanted to push you to try this thing, but not be too direct because he knew you'd get scared and run from it.
A mix of emotions swirls within you "I had no idea."
Yoongi smiles, and his eyes do too. "Well, now you do." He cups your face with both his hands placing a loud kiss on your lips.
The evening goes on, filled with laughter and tender moments. You both share stories of Yoongi's past attempts at flirting. He recalls a particular video call where he complimented your hairstyle, only for you to brush it off.
"Not going to lie, I was so frustrated," he admits, laughing. " I thought I was so obvious."
"Well, I guess I'm just oblivious," you reply. "I'm glad you didn't give up."
As the night goes on, the atmosphere becomes more intimate. You find yourselves sitting closer, holding hands, and stealing kisses between sips of your drinks. Yoongi leans in to whisper something in your ear, and his breath sends shivers down your spine.
"Do you remember the first project we worked on together?" he asks.
"Yeah, you were so serious and focused." you reply.
"And you were so passionate and creative," he says, his voice soft. "I knew then that I wanted to get to know you better."
After finishing your drinks, Yoongi suggests taking a walk. The night is cool, and the streets are quiet now, creating a nice atmosphere. As you reach his hotel, he says between kisses, "I want to see where this can go."
You look up at him, your heart racing, "Agree."
He smiles, leaning down to kiss you one more time before calling an uber for you. This kiss is slow and sweet. As a driver accepts your ride, being a few minutes away, Yoongi places a soft kiss on your forehead, whispering "Goodnight"
"Goodnight" you answer walking towards the spot where the car should arrive, with your eyes still on Yoongi. He starts walking towards the hotel entrance. In that moment something clicks inside you and press cancel on the ride, striding behind Yoongi.
"Wait", you call out, your voice trembling with nervousness.
He turns around, surprise and hope flickering in his eyes. "Y/N?"
You catch up to him, "I don't want to say goodnight just yet. Can I come up with you?"
Yoongi's smile broadens, and he takes your hand, intertwining your fingers. "I'd like that very much."
Together, you enter the hotel and make your way to his room. The elevator ride is filled with charged silence, both of you stealing glances at each other. When you reach his floor, Yoongi leads you down the hallway to his room. Once inside, you explore his room, passing through straight to the window. His room was situated on the topmost floor of the hotel, you knew it had to be a good view from up there. And you were right, the view was breathtaking presenting the city skyline twinkling under the night sky.
You notice the strategically placed couch in front of the large window, casting a gentle glow from the city lights. "Almost everywhere you took me this week, had a great view of this city that you might not know, I don't quite like. Was this planned?" you ask playfully, turning to Yoongi.
"No plan. I just enjoy a good view and I had a hunch you would do too." he replies casually, moving towards a small bar and pouring some sparkling wine "Feeling festive?"
You laugh, feeling at ease as you take a seat on the couch and wait for Yoongi to join you. The room is dimly lit as he settles next to you, handing you the glass. "From this spot you can see the Orion constellation, it's a bit cloudy, but you can identify the stars and connect them."
You smile, watching Yoongi's eyes fixated on the nightsky, makes you feel warm inside. Leaning in, you place a small kiss on the corner of his lips, catching him by surprise. He gaze shifts from the stars to you. Without hesitation, he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. Both of you place your glasses on the small table in front of you. He gently caresses your chin, raising it just slightly towards his. You feel you could get lost into his dark eyes. Yoongi's lips brush against yours in a gentle, exploratory kiss, sending small electric waves in your body.
Wrapped in each other's embrace, you deepen the kiss. Drunk on his touches, you get more courageous, exploring with your hands as much as you could. And he does the same, caressing your waist, while he peppers small kisses on your jaw, going down your neck. You let out a small moan when he bites into your collarbone. Seems like he enjoyed the sound you made, biting the spot again harder this time. 
"Ah, Yoongi." The sound snaps something in Yoongi, making him grab and move you to sit on top of him. "I love when you moan my name like that." not leaving time for you to answer kissing your lips eagerly. His hands slowly pull your shirt to sneak beneath it, to touch your skin. A shiver runs down your back feeling his big hand holding you so close to him. His hand guides you to sit more comfortably in his lap and too properly feel how hard he is through your clothes. Another moan gets out of you at the sensation. Hearing him chuckle, you pull at his hair, putting some distance between you two. Allowing yourself for a moment to gain control of the situation, to kiss his jaw and lick at his neck, but it doesn't take long. His fingers start unbuttoning your shirt, getting quickly rid of it. His lips tracing lines along your chest and above your lacy bra.
Feeling on clouds with all the sensations Yoongi brings, you roll your hips onto his to get more out of him. You adore how his voice vibrates on your skin at his small moans and groans.
With a swift movement, he turns both of you around so he could be on top of you. You wonder how can he be so gentle and strong at the same time in his touches.
Before he can go back at licking and sucking on your skin, you try to pull his shirt over. He takes it off fast, allowing you to finally see him. His skins looks so pretty in the dimmed lights, and you can't stop to run your fingers on it, mesmerized by the view.
His attention goes back to your lips, kissing you with such fervor, leaving you breathless. His hand travels down, starting to unbutton your pants. Gaining access, his fingers starts rubbing over your clothed pussy. "You're so wet." he whispers against your lips. "I want to taste you, will you allow me?"
Nodding in approval, too afraid your voice will crack, you wonder how this soft person could be so assertive in this moment. But you can't ponder too much as his lips starts licking at your chest, then going lower. He pulls your pants and panties down in one movement, looking lustfully in your eyes. Without any hesitation he bites onto your thigh, licking and kissing the spot immediately after. Choosing several points to do the same thing, transforming you into jelly under his touches. Finally reaching your pussy, it slowly licks at first, but as your moans get more frequent and louder, he becomes more fast in his treatment.
Once again you find yourself moved by him, bringing your ass the edge of the couch, your back against the backrest. He kneels before you, rubbing your entrance with his fingers then bringing them to your lips to suck on them. " I want the have the best view when I look up from this beautiful pussy."
The sudden confession brings heat to your cheeks, bringing your hands to cover them. Yoongi groans in annoyance, as he pushes his first finger inside you, making you throw your head back at the sensation, forgetting everything about shame.
As he pushes another finger, you moan his name "Yoongi, fuck", and in your desperate need to ground yourself you run your fingers through his dark locks, holding onto them. Yoongi seems pleased, moaning into your cont, sending the vibrations through your whole core.
He spends the following minutes sucking your clit, alternating with biting it softly and with his fingers wrecking your hole. Your hips lift higher and higher to give him the best access, your moans getting louder until you finally come in his mouth, closing your thighs around his head. But it seems Yoongi doesn't mind it as he says "You're such a good girl, coming all over my face."
You're such a mess and you can't believe how those words turned you on so bad. Slowly Yoongi gets up, sitting next to you placing soft kisses on your face as you gather your breath. "You feeling good?"
"Fuck, yeah." you answer in between loud breaths.
He laughs at your response, pulling you into a deep kiss. "I'm feeling good too."
After finally recovering your breath, you slowly get up, wanting to return the favor, going for his pants, unzipping them. But Yoongi allows you just to undress him, before grabbing you into his arms and lifting you up. He places you gently over the soft covers of the bed, then disappears for a second, coming back with a condom in his hand.
"But I want to taste you, Yoongi" you pout, getting another laugh from him. "Not now, you don't want to upset me. Don't you?"
His demeanor in this situation makes you feel so hot on the inside, that you can't contradict anything he says. "Of course not."
"Then be a good girl and spread it for me"
You follow his instruction ready to feel his length inside you.
He pulls you closer to him, pressing his fingers hard into the skin of your ass, making your back arch at the sensation. Bringing your chest back into his attention he places soft kisses on them, before getting one of your buds into his mouth, sucking it.
You feel him pressing the tip inside, not realising until now how big he was. You wince a bit at the discomfort. He pushes in slowly. "Fuck, you're so tight"
"You're so big" you barely breath out the words.
He places soft kisses on your neck until you feel him completely inside you. Letting you get accustomed for a minute. You feel yourself pulsating around him, and wrap your arms around his neck. He places a gentle kiss on your forehead, before starting to move. It feels so good, despite the slight discomfort. But the pain dissipates, replaced by the pleasure. As he starts moving a little faster, you find his lips to signal you're feeling good.
That is all he needs before he thrusts deep, shaking you to your core. Your loud moan is followed by another deep thrust into you, and another, and another, and another until it becomes a rhythm of fucking you relentlessly. This feels so much better than everything you have experienced until now. Your mind goes blank, being able to focus just on his movement and his hands on your waist. A stupid smile crosses your face at the overwhelming sensation.
Once again you're being moved by him, turning both of you around so you're sitting on him. You thought he was deep inside you until now, but you were so wrong. The need to get accustomed to his size appears again, placing a hand on his abdomen to stop him from moving. "You're so fucking big, give me a second".
He plays with your ass, pressing his fingers into your skin and running them along your thighs, until you feel ready to move. You go up and down his cock, feeling your boobs bounce at the movement. Yoongi is looking completely hypnotized. "Touch yourself for me, baby."
Following his instruction, your left hand travels down from your boob to your clit, rubbing it slowly. And your right hand goes to his mouth, asking for some saliva from him. He sucks on your fingers, wrapping his tongue around them.
You pull them out just to touch your tits with them, pinching hard one of the nipples. Yoongi's hands guide your hips in your movements, pushing his cock deep inside you, establishing an insane rhythm.
Sounds from both of you fill the air, moans, groans and whispered obscenities.
"Yoongi, I'm so close."
"Yeah? Then be a good girl and come for me."
Yoongi grips your hips even tighter, thrusting hard, feeling him whole. You fall onto him, unable to keep your balance anymore, giving him access to suck on your nipples. Already lost in all the pleasure waves, you shiver hard when his hand finds your clit and plays with it.
"You're doing so good, baby" whispers into your ear and that was all you needed to come.
"Yeah" you cry out at how good all he says to you makes you feel. You start pulsating hard on his cock, feeling him coming inside with loud moans into your ear.
You take a moment to catch your breath before sliding next to him. He takes you into his arms, placing sweet kisses to your cheeks. You laugh softly, "It felt good"
He doesn't answer but catches your lips into a kiss so deep, and possessive, hinting at how good it felt for him also.
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eli0004 · 4 months
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Sea & Sky: An Armin x fem!Reader (Modern AU)
Synopsis: Armin, a shy, introverted Marine Biology major with an anxiety disorder and a bit of a traumatic past meets- and instantly falls in love with- a mysterious, chronically ill, Astrophysics major. Their first impression definitely isn’t romance novel worthy, in fact, Armin would describe the whole thing as disastrous, but even so, she seems to think he hung the moon. Haha, space jokes.
Genre: Fluff, PG- 13 for Drinking, swearing, mental illness, chronic illness, and mentions of fighting, additionally, TW ⚠️ for emetophobia
Part: one
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If you were to ask anyone at your Uni what they thought about Armin, they’d say he was quiet. Not in a negative sense, but he was certainly peculiar. Shy, timid Armin who had been top of his class since practically kindergarten. His two best friends, Eren Yeager and Mikasa Ackerman, seemed much more social- flitting from party to party, drinking and laughing, playing games and dancing In living rooms, while Armin typically stood to the side, ever observant of his surroundings.
When approached, he was friendly nonetheless, he might tell you about his academic studies, or a book he’d read recently. He might ask how you’re doing and empathize with your situation. But if you approach him expecting to pick his brain, get close, or be let in on a secret, you’d quickly find his lips are sealed.
This mix between approachable and yet, closed off, left him surrounded by acquaintances while his inner circle remained quaint. And though the three of them were an unlikely trio, they cared for each other like family.
Anyone who had gone to grade school with them knew that Armin had been picked on for many years. He’d faced physical violence, humiliation, and much more. They’d also know that the price one paid for being a part of that often resulted in being beaten down to a pulp in the school parking lot by Eren, Mikasa, or- if the crime warranted it, both.
He was never too popular with the ladies, as most were put off by his shyness, or became disinterested once they realized he was uninterested in meaningless sex or situationships. For the most part, he was uninterested in relationships at all, preferring to focus on his academics with confidence that when it’s right, he’d find himself gravitating towards his person, pulling each other in seamlessly like the moon pulls the tides.
And when Armin saw you, the only word that came to his mind was gravitational. Your smile, your laugh, your energy. His logical brain waged war with his heart, and suddenly, love at first sight didn’t seem like such a juvenile concept. His gaze was fixed on you, curious, longing and all but entranced, and that could be seen by anyone standing close enough to him. Mikasa was the first to notice.
She’d known Armin since the three of them were children, having been introduced to each other by Eren himself. Naturally, she knew the moment she turned to follow his gaze, and a small, knowing smile ghosted her lips. And though she promised herself she’d remain uninvolved, she found herself standing next to the blonde as his eyes danced around the room to catch another glimpse of you, as if to burn every detail of your face into his mind, like he couldn’t bare to forget it.
“You should talk to her.” Mikasa spoke, leaning over to him to speak discreetly. Armin’s throat felt dry at even the mention of carrying out such a nerve wracking, bold move.
“Are you crazy? Are we looking at the same person right now?” He deadpanned, swallowing thickly. “I’m…not her type.” His eyes lowered, training themselves down as he picked at a loose thread on his jeans. Perhaps it was his own self loathing that pushed people away. Armin had never really felt good enough; even in his own circle.
“How do you know what her type is?” Mikasa rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest in annoyance.
“Do you?” He quipped, lifting his head and raising a brow at her.
“Of course I do. I know her. In fact…I invited her.” She smirked. Armin’s face immediately grew red, and he brought his hands up to cover it dramatically. Of course she’d wait until then to say something.
“I…please say you’re joking!! Why didn’t you say anything, I’m embarrassed?!” He sputtered, heart racing.
“Because, I knew you’d try and pretend you haven't been staring her down for the last two hours, like it isn’t painfully obvious.”
And she was right. If Armin had known Mikasa had connections with you, he’d have denied denied denied. But she knew better, she’d come to find that he was quite predictable, always held back by his own fear of inadequacy.
“No! Is it really that obvious!?” He groaned, muffled by the sleeves of his gray blue sweater. His cheeks and ears felt hot, and he knew it was most likely visible. When Armin blushed, it started from the tip of his perfect button nose and went all the way down to his neck.
“Yeah it is, and I'm sure she’s noticed it too. Which is why you should go over there and talk to her…y’know, so she doesn’t think you’re being a weirdo.” She takes a sip of her drink, winking at him.
“Absolutely not.”
“Absolutely. I’ll come with you, let’s go.”
Mikasa took Armin by the hand, pulling him as he attempted- and failed- to dig his heels into the carpet, heart pounding. He knew she had to be at least a little tipsy by now; sober Mikasa would never force him out of his comfort zone like this, and although it could be a bit enabling at times, he missed sober Mikasa right about now. His head was swimming and he could practically hear his pulse thumping in his ears. She meant well, Armin knew that, but this- this was not the way to help.
And suddenly, he found himself standing feet away from you, watching in horror as Mikasa reached out to get your attention. Pull yourself together, he’d begged himself. He could smell your perfume, your hair looked so much softer, shinier up close. He wasn’t ready, he hadn’t thought of anything to say. His legs felt like jello and his stomach was absolutely churning. You turned around and he felt his heart leap from his chest as your eyes fell first on Mikasa as she spoke words he didn’t care to hear, and then, on him.
“Anyway, this is Armin! He’s one of my best friends, we go way back. I think you guys would get along pretty well.” Mikasa smiled cheerfully, her eyes sparkling and sleepy from the alcohol. You smiled at him, and Armin thought he might fall over and die. You were radiant, and warm.
“Hey Armin, nice to finally meet you. I saw you looking this way earlier, I wondered if you’d come say hi!” You greeted him “I don’t think I’ve seen you around, but I do most of my classes at night, or online, so that’s pretty expected.”
There was a moment of silence as he gaped at you, blue eyes wide and captivated, before he realized it was his turn to speak.
“O-oh! Yeah, it’s nice to meet you too, uhm…sorry for staring.” He looks away, scratching at the back of his neck. The room felt a bit quieter, somehow. You giggle softly, pursing your lips before speaking,
“It’s ok, I just thought I might have been doing something stupid.” And at that he smiled slightly, feeling a bit giddy.
“Yeah…I mean no, no you weren’t. I was.” He stammers. Your expression turned confused, but your smile stayed
“You were? What does that mean?”
Armin realized he didn’t know. He had no idea what he meant by that and now you think he’s a creep. He knew he’d say something stupid, why did he let Mikasa drag him over like that? He wished at that moment that the earth would swallow him whole, and he bit his lip softly, eyes darting back and forth as he racked his brain for an explanation. He felt dizzy, he needed to leave.
Just before he could politely excuse himself and run off to hide from the awkward interaction, the sound of glass shattering and loud yelling pierced through the room from mere feet away. Before he could register what was going on, you grabbed ahold of his wrist and yanked him out of the way, just as Jean Kristein was shoved, aggressively against the wall by none other than Eren Yeager himself. The two shouted at each other in drunken fury, and Eren took a swing, clocking Jean in the Jaw as people began flooding forward to pull them apart. The room was loud. Everything felt hot and muggy. Armin couldn’t breathe.
“Eren, what the fuck!” Mikasa yelled! “What are you doing?!”
“This fucker’s talking shit, and i’m tired of fucking hearing it! Say it to my face like a man, so I can beat your ass like a man!” He growled, landing another punch, and the back of Jean's head smacked the wall. Armin flinched, inching closer to you slightly. Two people attempted to restrain Eren’s arms, and lowering his head, Jean spat in his direction. His nostrils flared, eyes glaring.
“I’ll fucking rip your throat out you little-“
Suddenly Eren had torn away, ripping his arms out of the hands of his peers and lunging at him. The crowd's commotion nearly knocked Armin to the ground as the fighting continued. You turned to look at him, meeting his panicked eyes.
“Ok, ok, come on, let’s go.” You instructed him, extending your hand to him and slipping away from everyone once he’d taken it. Exiting out the back door, you pulled him with you and slammed it shut.
The cold night air whipped at your hair, nipping at the skin of your face as you quickly exited out the back door together. It was quieter out there, the sounds of fighting grew distant and, not your problem. Armin was visibly distressed, naturally leaning into you and breathing rapid, shallow breaths, eyes squeezed tightly shut. Reaching out to him, you rubbed his back slightly.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright.” You soothed, but his stomach felt sick. He was shaken up, embarrassed, anxious and scared. He was nauseous.
“Don’t look at me, I’m gonna be sick.” He pleaded, dodging your touch and scurrying away. You withdrew your hands willingly, albeit confused, but he leaned over the back porches railing and heaved, slapping his hand over his mouth. Understanding, you turned and faced away, covering your ears as he gripped the rail and emptied the contents of his stomach, humiliated.
With shaky hands, he lingered for a moment, making doubly sure it was over before he stepped back and plopped down on the wicker swing . He buried his face in his hands. Seeing movement out of the corner of your eyes, you turn to him. He looked small, vulnerable and absolutely distraught.
You felt sympathetic, seeing him so visibly dejected. You’d seen how he looked at you, and you knew he must have felt embarrassed. A moment of silence passed, cicadas chirping, he let out a soft, shaky sigh. You hesitated for a moment, but, heels clicking against the deck and arm extended, you approached him, holding out your cup.
“Here, drink this.”
Armin peers up at you through his fingers, then dropped his hands and shook his head.
“No, i don’t think it’s a good idea to-“
“It’s just water.” You interrupt. “I don’t drink.”
How peculiar, Armin thought to himself, to meet another twenty-something year old at a party, who doesn’t drink.
Reluctantly, he accepted the cup, softly inhaling its scentlessness. So it was only water. He took a gulp, washing away the taste of stomach acid on his tongue, as you dug around in your clutch for a piece of gum and some gravol.
“Here, this too. It’s just an over the counter nausea remedy, it’ll help settle your stomach.”
Armin nodded, accepting it with shaky hands.
“Thank you.” He trailed off, quietly gazing downward before speaking once again. “I-i’m so sorry…for…that.” He quickly gesture towards the porch railing. You scoff, crossing your arms.
“What? Are you kidding, it happens, Armin, you don’t have to apologize.”
He said nothing, pulling his legs to his chest and resting his chin on his knee. The silence was thick, and you stared out at the moonlit tree line, leaning back against the wall where you stood.
The night had been disastrous. When he’d agreed to come out with Eren and Mikasa earlier that evening, Armin hadn’t even considered such an unfortunate chain of events. He mentally kicked himself, wishing he’d just said no. And furthermore, If Mikasa hadn’t forced him to talk to you, he’d have never humiliated himself in front of you like he had. If Eren hadn’t gotten shitfaced and tried to kill Jean, he definitely wouldn’t have humiliated himself like he had, emptying his stomach in front of you, drinking your water, chewing your gum.
But, how sweet of you, giving up your things for a goofy idiot like him, the thought of it gave him butterflies.
He tilted his head towards you slowly, glancing in your direction, that feeling of magnetic attraction consuming him once again. A crisp breeze rustled the trees quietly and tousled a few blonde wisps of his hair, and his eyes curiously examined your face. The curve of your jaw, the plumpness of your lower lip, the way you blinked softly as your eyes focused in on the view. So entranced, he was, that he never even noticed how you’d turned your head to meet his gaze.
“You’re staring.”
Nothing had ever made him snap back to reality so quickly in his life. He groaned softly, shoulders slumping forward. There was no use in trying to deny it.
“m’ sorry” he whispered quietly. You shook your head, softly clicking your tongue at him.
“Don’t apologize, I think it’s nice.”
Armin glanced at you as if he were looking for confirmation that you’d meant that, but he quickly looked back to the ground. He was silent for a moment, before he cleared his throat and spoke,
“I’m not usually that much of a coward. I mean, I'm a coward, but…”
“You’re not a coward.” You interrupted, pushing yourself off the wall and sliding into place next to him on the other end of the porch swing. You slipped out of your shoes and crossed your legs, holding the decorative pillow that rested there before you, in your lap against your chest. “I could tell you were feeling anxious way before Eren threw Jean across the room. I get it.”
“Well…yeah, I guess you’re right. But I was also just really nervous.” He sighed, voice shaky. His eyes met yours for a moment and you smiled knowingly, a soft giggle passing your lips.
“You don’t have to be nervous, Armin, I don’t bite.”
He smiled, resting his chin against his knee once again. Though the sky was dark and chilly, the porch lighting cast a warm glow over him, his skin looked soft, his blonde hair turned golden like honey. The redness had never left his cheeks.
“Good to know.” He giggled, slapping a mosquito off his arm. “…uh, by the way, you said earlier you’re a student? What’s your major?”
You laughed out loud before you could think to stop yourself, and somewhat nervously too,
“Ah..Astrophysics” you said, with a bashful smile. “dorky, i know.”
“Wow! No that’s..actually really cool, you must be really smart! Jeez, now I feel like I’m standing in your shadow.” He laughed. His laugh was cute, airy and soft. You wondered if he even realized how much more comfortable he seemed, now that the commotion had died down.
“What? Aren’t you studying Marine Biology? That’s definitely just as impressive!” You raised a brow at him, scoffing in disbelief. Armin gaped at you.
“I never told you that…how did you know?” he asked. How did you know?
“I’m pretty sure I remember Mikasa telling me she had a smart friend who studied ocean science, but…i kinda just guessed. You look like the type.”
Armin snorted, smiling to himself.
“I mean it kindly! You remind me of the ocean, what with those blue eyes and all.”
As if he couldn’t possibly fall harder for you, then you go and say something like that. Armin felt his cheeks burn and he smiled brightly, giggling at your words. What a compliment, he’d never felt so flattered.
“Thank you!” He chirped.
“No problem…hey, do you know anything cool about sharks?” You ask, glancing at your nails. Armin giggled, thinking for a moment.
“Sharks? Uh…ok…well, sharks have this unique kind of skin that makes them smooth when you stroke them one way, but rough and abrasive when you go across their skin in the other direction. There's even a word for it in the science world, countershading, where an animal changes color depending on how the sun's rays hit their bodies. So, if a shark was approaching you head-on, it would be very hard for you to see it because it blends in with the water, but if the water was behind it, you could tell much easier.”
“Aw, sharks are such cute lil guys.”
“Cute until they sneak up on you in camouflage.” He laughs. “Now you tell me something about space.”
“Uhh…i don’t know, uhm…There could easily be as many as 10 billion Earth-like planets in the Milky Way alone. Life on other planets is a lot more likely than people realize…it’s kind of silly to think that we’re the only ones.”
“So you believe in aliens?” He asked, tilting his head toward you, fully invested.
“Did you hear anything I said?” You laughed, rolling your eyes at him playfully. He giggled along with you, happily, eyes twinkling. You sighed, leaning back against the swing.
“Look at us, hm? Isn’t it poetic?” You spoke softly, letting your eyes flutter closed. “Sea and sky.”
Armin looked at you then, his heart skipped a beat at your words and his palms felt a bit sweaty as he wiped them off on his jeans. The way you spoke to him, those honeyed words, with such nonchalant expression. Like it came naturally to you to be so flirty. Or perhaps you just…really liked him. But Armin was never one to read into things.
“Yeah…i guess it is, huh?” He sighed.
“Oh, there you are, i was looking everywhere for you. Sasha and I have to take Eren home, he won’t stop trying to pick fights, Armin, did you still need a ride?” Mikasa spoke, swinging the door open and breaking the comfortable silence. She looked up from her phone and your eyes met her smokey, heavily lined ones, before she glanced back to Armin. “Oh” she said, smirking at the boy “Am I interrupting something?”
“Ah-no, it’s fine…we were just talking.” He quickly stands, brushing himself off and turning back to look at you. “I’m sorry, I have to go but-“
“Here.” You stand, handing him your phone. “Put your number in, I’ll text you tonight.”
And you did. You’d texted him as soon as you walked into your apartment, slipping off your shoes and climbing into bed. You hadn’t pushed yourself too hard, but the aches in your joints and the tension in your muscles was ever present. You’d taken a painkiller or two, placed your phone on your pillow next to you, curling up in the sheets, your cat settling in next to you, and you fell asleep.
Armin had anxiously awaited your message, typing and sending a response almost instantly. He worried when you hadn’t responded, but he took a few deep breaths, and then took a few more. Your message came late in the following morning, apologizing for the delay and telling him you’d had a lovely time talking to him.
“When can i see you again?” You’d asked.
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keruimi · 6 months
To Be Worthy of Someone
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Tengen Uzui x reader
Warning: Angst and Comfort
Note: This oneshot gave a slight peek of what I'm experiencing in reality until it finally burst so I decided to let everything out in this. I don't know if I'm overreacting but I can't hide that worry, insecurities, and fear that I really have no one. Advice is greatly appreciated.
Before, I thought I could survive in this life as long as I had them.
The people who I shared my problems with, the people who once comforted me at my lowest.
The friends who I'm now watching from far away.
With my social anxiety, I can't have the strength to approach them.
Because I knew they would see me as an outsider.
They have the same interest, while I just join them to have someone accompany me in this lonely world.
Even the introverted people I knew found where they belong to.
So why do I feel like I don't belong anywhere?
The friends I got close with either become backstabbers or insensitive people.
Like one wrong move and they would never turn their head in my direction anymore.
I notice how distant I am to them.
That's what they made me feel.
One opinion from me, they would get angry or annoyed. Like I don't even have the right to speak.
Even the closest one I have, slowly to show her dislike on me.
I told myself I need to walk away, but I can't.
Because they are the only ones I have.
Even if they are the same people who made my self-hatred deepen more.
The same people who made me question if there is something wrong with me?
"Even the others saw you're just forcing yourself to them"
That's how the people around me saw it and I can't help but agree more.
They are right...
I have no true friends in the first place.
That it led me to the position where I am now. Facing the cliff where I once went before I thought of suicide.
I want to start a new life again.
Even if it means reaching the end of this life.
I thought I feared death or the monsters hiding within the shadows.
But I guess I feel more scared when the entire world makes me feel like I was no one at all.
Living in this kind of world doesn't benefit me.
So let's just end it
Even if I'm still confused if I was the one who ruined the friendship I tried so hard to protect.
But did it even exist in the first place?
I heard myself chuckle on my thoughts.
This is why I wanted reassurance. Words coming from their own mouth that I was accepted. That I was someone to the people who are important to me.
Because the time I'm pushed to the edge, the insecurities and doubt would catch up to me.
But I guess it's time to stop expecting too much.
It was toxic for myself to be with them.
If I leave, I will be free from the monsters on my mind who keep ruining me
So starting a life where no one would see me the same way the world did.
Is the best option I need to take.
I felt the tears leave my own eyes as I took a step towards the edge of the cliff.
It was the best for me.
This is for me.
I don't want to keep living in a world where I never felt like I belonged.
One step...
I want to live in a world where I am loved by the people I chose to love.
Where I don't question myself anymore if someone still loves me not out of obligation or responsibility.
Like the love I felt from my parents.
Another step...
Being the second born daughter who learned to become independent at such a young age, they decided by themselves that I can handle myself.
I have no one but myself.
And another...
I finally felt the feeling that people would only come to you if you have something they need.
I gave everything and it drained me.
No matter how much I practice just to reach their standards, learn the things they love even though I don't want those things.
I kept adjusting but no one decided to adjust just for me.
My efforts to be someone was for nothing.
The main thing I feared the most ever since I was a kid.
I feel like I am gladly accepting it right now with open arms.
I look at the moon shining above me.
May God forgive me...
And I finally braced myself to fall forward until a voice broke the barrier of my intentions.
I slowly glance at the person behind me as my eyes widen when the silhouette of the sound hashira is the one that greeted me.
Both of us were silent as I bow down as a respect for a high ranking warrior like him.
"How unflashy" I heard him murmur that made me step back to test him and I saw how he immediately moved from his position that made me stop from my movement.
Until he is within my reach...
I didn't dare lower my gaze at him and saw how he sighed when he realized my actions.
"Ending your life is not worth it. But I admire how you seem certain with this decision of yours" I felt his hand on my shoulder in a friendly manner that I can't help but look up to him who already has his eyes on me.
"Let's talk about this as a colleague of the Demon Slayer Corps"
That time I felt how I slowly changed my decision on ending it.
Because an unknown person decided to show his concern to a person like me.
And I decided to write another chapter of my own story
When I took the risk of trying again
The situation I am in right now made it clear that It was my fault I was in this kind of situation.
Being warmly embraced by the same man who lightened my world that night.
I don't know what I did to make him love me but I sure did ask him a lot about it.
So I can assure that I would never lose the trait that made me loved by him.
"Tengen, let me go. I still need to finish baking the snacks I'm preparing for you" I told him as I tried to remove his hands away from my waist.
But I stopped from my movement when I felt his lips that was giving small kisses on my shoulder lift into a small smile that made me turn red.
"What?" I have the urge to ask him and it was immediately followed by a chuckle.
"I'm just thinking how you are pushed into that decision when I begin to love everything about you" He stated honestly that made me stop struggling on his arms as I gave him a side glance.
It seems like he is giving me the answer I am badly asking for.
"Please do enumerate those so called 'things'" I challenge him but deep in my heart, I really want to keep holding on to those words he would speak out next.
I let out a squeal when he lifted me up to face him making it look like I was straddling him. I stayed still in that position as our eyes never left each other
"The way you give me everything you have. Whether its your time, love, care, advice, and effort. I love those"
His eyes gaze on mine as I felt how my eyes started to get glossy.
"It was no effort"
"No" he countered my words before chuckling. "Being that kind of person is already your character"
"Y/n, I love everything about you and I'm not kidding"
A small smile lifted from my lips as I thanked the heavens that my tears haven't fallen from my eyes yet.
I took the risk of loving him even though I'm not sure I would have the ending I wanted.
God has finally favored me...
I started to pepper kisses on his face as his arms on my waist started to tighten in an attempt to bring me closer to him.
I am deserving of his love too.
I surrounded myself with negativity that I forgot the loveable traits I have.
Because the time we got together, I made up my mind that I would do everything just to make him stay.
Even if it's exhausting...
As long as it's our love, I'll do my best to keep that one alive.
I felt his lips on mine...
My destiny finally went to my favor.
I am finally embraced by the person I love.
And I finally become someone important to someone's life
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